The afflicted Souls Pre­paration for death.


By Tho. Rbins B. of D.


The afflicted SOULS PREPARATION FOR DEATH. The preparation of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. Prov. the 16. and the 1. verse.

WITH Loving Exhortations to every true Christian to prepare their Souls for the Hour of Death. Also many good Instructions to every good Christian to beware of false Prophets.

Jeremiah 20. and 8, 9.

For thus saith the Lord of Host, the God of Is­rael, let not your Prophets and your Divines that be in the midst of you, deceive you; neither hearken to your Dreams, which you cause to have dreamed, for they prophesie falsely unto you in my Name. I have not sent them saith the Lord.

Written by Tho. Robins, B. of D. And Li­censed according to Order.

London, Printed for W. W. and are to be sold by W. Thackeray at the Dolphin in Smith-field. 1668.

The afflicted SOULS Preparation for Death.

Lamentations the 1. and 20. verse. ‘Behold, O Lord, for I am in distress, my bowels are troubled, my heart is turned within me, for I have grievously rebelled.’

MY beloved brethren, I would desire you all to take notice of these words here mentioned in this place of Scripture: for in­deed you may assure your selves that they were written for no other purpose, but for the better instruction of us poor miserable sinners: and I pray God give us all grace to be of such an humble spirit, as to con­fess our faults, as those people did in this place of Scripture, crying & calling night and day to the Lord, to behold the misera­ble estate and condition that we poor mi­serable sinners live in: For certainly brethren we stand in as much néed to cry [Page] upon the Lord to behold our miseries as those people could doe: For certainly our sins are as great as theirs could be, and I pray God they prove not greater: For indéed you cannot name any sin in the World, but it is daily used either by one or other, and especially these sins that I shall name here unto you that is to say, Pride, Whoredome, and Drunkenness, Swearing and Lying, and worst of all that terrible sin of dissimulation, which I am afraid is too much used with a great many now adaies, Indéed my brethren, I would desire every one of you that is ad­dicted to any sin, I would desire you to strive by all possible means to forsake them: For alas my brethren there is a day to come that every poor Soul must give an account for every Wicked Sin that we follow : and as the Pro­phet Jeremiah cryed out to the people in Lamentations 2. and 19. ver. Even so my brethren I call and cry upon every one of you that are here present, and these be the words▪ Arise, cry out in the night, in the beginning of the watches, pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord; lift up thine hand towards [Page] him: And as Simon prayed unto the Lord, as you may find in Lamentations 5. and the 20. and 21 verses in these words; Wherefore dost thou forgive us forever, and forsake us not so long time; turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned.

Nay, I would desire you to look into the 4. of Hosea, and there you shall sée how the Lord threatned the people be­cause there was no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of GOD in the Land but Swearing, and Lying, and Killing, and Stealing, and committing Adultery: and indéed I am afraid that those crying Sins here named, are too much used in this Land: Therefore I would desire every one of you to refraine these sins here named, for fear the LORD should threaten us with the same words as he threatned the Israelites in the fourth of Hosea and the third Verse. In these words. Therefore shall the Land mourn; and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish with the beasts of the field, and with the Fowles of Heaven: Yea the Fishes of the Sea also shall be taken a­way.

[Page] Indéed good people, you may sée here how the Lord threatned those people all with most heavy judgements: Nay he did not only threaten the people, but he threatned the very beasts in the Field, nay, the Fouls in the Ayre, and the very Fishes in the Sea too: Therefore in the Name of God let us all have a care of provoking the Lord too much to wrath, for we do not know how soon he may come upon us with the same judgements: for certainly good people the Lord had not threatned y e Israelites with such sore and heavy judgements as he did, but for their grievous sins. And indéed I do believe that our sinners are as great as theirs could be, if not greater: For certainly there is not any sin in the World, but it remaineth here in this land. Then how do we think that we can escape the same punishments due for our transgressions: as swearing is accounted by a great many for a Pastime, a Pleasure, and a good Company-kéeper; for he which can swear and curse, Lye and dissemble, he is count­ed the best Companion with a great many in these times. But indéed I could desire all those that do know themselves to be [Page] addicted to those evil conditions, to have a care what they do, and strive by all pos­sible means to refrain themselves from this wicked and ungodly custome of sin­ning; For be assured, there is a day to come when we must all give an account: Therefore in the Name of God I would desire every one of you, young and old to do your best indeavours to resrain your wicked sins, and cry and call unto the Lord night and day, and with an humble spirit, say as David saith in the 39 Psalm and the fourth verse, Lord make me to know my end, and the measure of my daies what it is, that I may know how frail I am.

Indéed good people you may see in this place of holy Scripture, I, and many more, that the Prophet had a great desire to serve the Lord▪ but indéed we are more ready to serve our selves then to serve him. Alas my brethren, can we think that the Lord should do any thing for us, when we will do nothing for him: As if we should say, we had God at command: No, no my brethren let us all have a care what we doe: For certainly the Lord will call us all to an account, as he did the Servants [Page] in the Gospel, that he had formerly given the Talents to, when the Lord called unto them to sée what use they had put them to: and indéed my Brethren those Talents may very well be termed to the life of a Christian here on Earth; for certainly the Lord will have an account given him how we have spent our life here upon Earth; Then who is he that can say, He hath fed the hungry, cloathed the naked, or visited the sick, or a help to the fatherless: No, I am afraid there is but a few now adaies that is given unto Charity; No my Brethren, where there is one now adaies that dealeth with a Liberal hand to the Poor, there is thrée that dealeth with a slack hand, I, but look into Proverbs the tenth and the fourth verse, and there you shall find, He that would enjoy Riches, should deal libe­rally to the poor: He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich: wealth maketh many friends, but the poor is separated from his neighbour, Proverbs the nineteenth and the 14 verse. And in­déed my brethren it is a common thing with a great many now adaies to separate [Page] the poor, and if any féel hunger, let the poor féel it. But O my Brethren, there is a day to come, that we must all give an account: I would desire you to look into the 25. of Matthew and the begin­ning at the 34. verse, and so to the latter end, and there you shall see the blessed joys that belongs to them that féeds the hun­gry, or cloaths the naked; I, and the tor­ments that belong to them that doe not. Indéed I would desire you to read over that Chapter at your leisure; for it is too large upon this matter to set down in this small Volume: and when you have read it, I pray God give you all grace to make good use of it; for certainly he that loveth not the poor cannot with a safe conscience say he loves God; for look into Proverbs 12. and the 13 verse, and there it is plain­ly laid open in these words, He that op­presseth the poor, reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him, hath mercy on the poor.

Indéed my Brethren, there is many more places of Scripture concerning the same matter, but I hope here is enough to satisfie at this time, and the Lord give us all grace to understand it, and [Page] make good use of it: Heare ye Children the instruction of a Father, and attend to know understanding, Proverbs 4. and the 1. verse. Hear O my son, and receive my saying, and the years of thy life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom, I have led thee in right paths; when thou goest thy steps shall not be straitned; and when thou runnest thou shalt not stumble: take fast hold of in­struction, let her not go, for she is thy life, Proverbs 4. and the 10, 11, 12, 13, verses.

And indéed good people, happy are those who will take good Counsell in these times: for certainly these are the peril­lous times which our Saviour Christ did speak of that should come in the latter daies: For certainly there is but a little to come to pass of that which our Saviour Christ said should come, but is come: but only the calling of the Jews, the which indéed we do not know how soon it may come: Nay it is hard for us to say whe­ther that time be come or no, For cer­tainly so many sundry sorts of Opinions was never known as is abroad now in our daies: No, nor never so many Ju­das's [Page] condition one towards another as there is now: And indéed my brethren, we do not know but be may term us to be these Iews: Therefore in the Name of GOD I would desire every good Christian to have a care how they lead their lives here upon Earth, and let us all cry and call upon the Lord night and day to send us all of his Spiritual grace into our hearts, and to say as David said in the 28 Psalm, beginning at the first verse, Unto thee will I cry, O Lord▪ my rest: Be not silent to me, lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit: Hear the voice of my sup­plications when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands towards the holy Ora­cle. Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mis­chief is in their hearts: As you may find it written in the 28 Psalm, the 1, 2, 3. verses.

And indeed, I am sore afraid that there be too many of such people abroad now adaies, that will give you fair spée­ches to your face, but their hearts are full of deceit: But indeed any brethren, as [Page] the Prophet Jeremiah said by the Jews, so may we say by such people. Jeremiah 5. and the 4 verse. Therefore I said, surely these are poor, they are foolish; for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgements of God.

And indéed I would desire every good Christian to have a care what they doe in these times; For certainly the times are very dangerous, as our Saviour said in Mark the 15. and the 22. False Christs, and false prophets shall arise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible even the Elect, but behold I have foretold you all things.

Now indéed good people, it is good for us all to take héed; for such people as these are abroad, you may know them by their Works, for they be people that pro­fesseth to have a good Faith; But as the Apostle said in the second of James, and the 14. verse; What doth it profit my bre­thren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works, can his faith save him? No, no, faith without works is but a dead faith. As you may find it written in the 26. verse of this Chapter: For as the Body without the Spirit is [Page] dead, so faith without works is dead also. Indeed there are very many now adaies that will say, they have no sin, which I pray God they do not find one day that they be not overladen with a heavy bur­then of sin; Indéed I cannot perceive that any can live without sin. I would de­sire you to look into Romans the 5. and the 8, 9, 10. verses, and there you may perceive that in those daies there was none that lived without sin: and indéed I am afraid that this Nation is as sinfull as they were; Yet they confessed all sin­ned, not rather as we be slanderously re­ported, and as some affirm, that we say, Let us do evil that good may come on it whose damnation is just: what then, are we better then they? No, in no wise; for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin, as it is written, there is none righteous, no not one.

Indéed good people, if you but please to read that Chapter at your leisure, you will find it all along to that purpose. There­fore in the Name of God have you a care, for this sin belongs to the sin of presum­ption, which I do earnestly desire every [Page] good Christians to have a care of it, and strive by all possible means to forsake it, and learn to be of an humble Spirit with the Lowly, then to divide the spoil with the proud, Proverbs the 16. and the 19. verse. Indeed my brethren I would ra­ther exhort you to true Obedience of heart, confessing your faults one to ano­ther, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectuall servent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, James 5. 16.

For certainly good people the Lord does take notice of a Rebellious people: Look but into the 65. of Isaiah, and the 3 verse. And there you may see that the Lord took notice of the Rebellious people in these words: I have spread my hands all the day to a rebellious people, which walked in a way that was not good af­ter their own thoughts: A people, that provoked me to anger continually to my face.

And these be some part of their spee­ches, which said, Stand by thy self, come not neer me for I am holier then thou: I, but the Lord gives them a sharp sen­tence in the latter part of this verse: for [Page] there he saies; There is a smoak in my nose, and a fire that burneth all the day; as you may find it in the fourth Verse of this Chapter.

Indéed me thinks this would be a fair warning for every Christian which hath any fear of God in them, to take heed how we provoke the Lord God too much unto wrath; for as he is a God of Mercy, and slow to anger, Yet let not us think, but when he doth come, he will give every Man according unto his Works: and in­déed good people I cannot understand no surer way for to prevent the anger of the Lord, but by Prayer, and acknowledge­ing our sins to the Lord, as the Prophet David in the 32. Psalm and the 5. verse, in these words, I acknowledge my sins unto thee: and mine iniquities have I not hid. I said I would confess my transgressions un­to the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Have mercy upon me, O God, ac­cording to thy loving kindness; according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, Psalm 51. 1.

O that people had but grace in their hearts, and the fear of God before their eyes for to take example by the holy Pro­phet, [Page] and to pray unto the Lord for to send down his spiritual Grace into the hearts of every one of us, that we may serve him, love him, and obey him, and keep his Com­mandments: And then to be sure the Lord will love us.

Alas how can we say we love him, when we daily break his Command­ments: Ten there is to be observed, but alas how should we kéep ten, when we cannot keep two of them. First, the Lord commands us to love him. Secondly, he commands us to love our neighbours as our selves, as you may find it in Matthew 22. chap. 38, 39. verses.

Thus now have you heard the Com­mandements of the Lord, and the Lord of his Mercy give us all grace to strive to kéep them: and as Moses said unto the people in Deuteronomy 4. chap. and be­ginning at verse 5. so I say unto you all. Behold I have taught you statutes and judgements, even as the Lord my God com­manded me, that you should do so in the land whither ye go to possess. Keep there­fore and do them; for this is your wisdom, and your understanding in the sight of the Nations, which shall hear all the Statutes, [Page] and say, Surely this great Nation is a wise and understanding people, Deut. 4. chap. 5. and 6. verses.

And the Lord grant every good Chri­stian grace to serve the Lord, and wis­dom to understand the good from the evil, and confess the Lord to be a Loving and Gracious God! and confess our sins to the Lord, and not séek to hide them in our bosomes, with saying we have no sin, as a great many do now adaies.

No, good people, rather let us cry and call unto the Lord for mercy for them, as the Prophet Jeremiah did, in the first of Lamentations and the 18. verse. In these words, The Lord is righteous, for I have rebelled against his Commandments: hear, I pray you, all people, behold my sorrow. And verse 20. Behold, O Lord, for I am in distress, my bowels are troubled, my heart is turned within me, for I have grie­vously rebelled.

And the Lord give every good Christi­an grace to prepare their hearts to serbe the Lord, that we may be all in readiness when the Lord shall please for to call our sinful souls to an account: against that day the Lord prepare the hearts of every good Christian.

[Page] And so to draw towards a conclusion, I desire to give you one word of Exhor­tation concerning this: Let every good Christian have a care, and take heed, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of un­belief in departing from the living God. I mean, take héed you be not led away by a Seducing people, such as will say, they have no sin. Nay, there be some will not stick to say they be Christ. But look in Mark 25. verse 6. There our blessed Lord and Saviour tells us, such people shall come to you in my Name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. And in 2 Pet. 3. 1. and 2. verses. There you shall understand, that such people are a­broad now adaies. But there were false Prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers amongst you, who privily shall bring in damnable He­resies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious waies, by reason of whom the way of truth shall he evil spoken of.

And indéed my Brethren, we may sée a great many such people abroad now a­daies, [Page] that will deny the Lord that bought them, for there be some so pernicious in their waies, and so wickedly bent, who will not stick to say, That there is no God, nor Devil, no Heaven, nor Hell.

But I desire every good Christian to have a care, that they be not deluded by such people: For certainly there is a day to come, when they shall find that there is a God which doth know the secrets of all mens hearts. And I will assure you he will one day call all people to a strict ac­count: Then happy is those wise Virgins, which is found with their Lamps filled with the oyl of faith: Which the Lord of his heavenly mercy grant every good Chri­stian grace to endeavour themselves to séek after this Oyl of Faith, and never leave seeking till you have found it; and when you have once found it, pray the Lord to give us all understanding to make good use of it, and be all found in the same mind as the Prophet Isaiah was found in, as you may find it in Isaiah 25. and about the ninth verse, where he said, Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoyce in his sal­vation.

[Page] O that every Christian would wait on the coming of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, and say as David in the 40. Psalm and the first verse, I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclin'd unto me and heard my cry; but I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh on me, Psalm 40. 17. verse.

And indéed, my Brethren, I would desire every true Christian to wait upon the Lord, confess your faults as the Pro­phet did, and not deny your sins, as a great many do now adaies: For to be sure, The Lord knoweth the hearts of all men; and although a great many do think for to dissemble both with God and the world, with saying we have no sin. Yet let such as they have a care what they do; for though they séek to delude the people which are ignorant, yet let them be assu­red that the Lord will not be mocked with such: oh no: He is a God of Know­ledge, a God of Justice, a God of Truth, and a God of Mercy to all those that put their trust in him. Which the God of his mer­cy give us all grace so to do, and to have a special care that you wait upon the [Page] Lord, and prepare you souls for the hour of death.

And now in the Name of God I do ex­hort you once more to have a care that you be not seduced by them, but fly to the Lord your God by true repentance, and then to be sure he will never leave you, nor forsake you, if you leave not him; and the Lord of his heavenly mercy give us all of his spiri­tual Grace, that we may all serve him here so on earth, that we may deserve to have a resting place in that blessed Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, which is prepared for all such as will prepare themselves for that blessed day of the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which the Lord of his mercy grant us all grace so to do, and that for Christ Jesus sake; To whom be given; as is most due to him, all Honour, Power, Praise, Thanksgiving, both now and for evermore. Amen.

A short Prayer for afflicted Souls preparation for Death.

O Most gracious Lord God, thou only knowest the secrets of all hearts, I am not worthy to be called thy Son; for mine iniquities are grown over my head, a burthen too heavy for me to bear. O wretch that I am, how dare I come in thy pre­sence? but now holy and merciful Father, as it hath pleased thee to open the eyes of my sinful soul, grant me a lively faith, that I may apply thy pre­vailing mercies, so shall my afflicted soul wait up­on thee till the hour of death: which the Lord of his mercy give us grace so to do, for Christ Jesus sake. Amen.


THere are 4. more small books full of heavenly Consolation, of a small price, and worth the perusual of all true Christians.

1. The ready way to everlasting life.

2. Good counsel to be had at a cheap rate; a very heavenly discourse of the beginning and end of man, describing the happy estate of a faithful ser­vant of Jesus Christ.

3. Englands Summons, or Londons Alarm; being the directions of all sorts of people, both how to live and die in these perilous times.

4. Good News from Heaven, Joyful News for all Sincere Christians; an excellent piece for all Good Christians, and worth the perusal.

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