THE Civill VVarres OF ENGLAND BRIEFLY Related from His Majesties first setting up His Standard 1641.

To this present Personall hopefull Treaty.

WITH The lively Effigies and Eulogies of the chief Commanders, who like Starres in their courses have fought against the Romish Sicera, or the great Scarlet Whore, with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Forni­cation. Rev. 17. 2.

Together with the distinct appellations, pro­per motions, and propitious influences of these memorable Starres, Chronologically related from Anno. 1641. to Anno. 1648.

Collected by JOHN LEYCESTER.

Ecce triumphales Anni! Quo (que) Sydera fausta.

LONDON, Printed for John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, next to Corn-hill. 1649.

Of all the Guifts of Gods most sacred Spiret.
The Guift of Tongues being of much precious merit.
By which, Man, mainly, differs from a Beast.
And all rare Knowledge richly is increast.
How much, to our Industrious Ricraft, then.
Is due, for his great Paines and vsefull Pen▪
Who, thus, hath made so Copious a Collection
Of th' Orient Characters for fair Direction
So learn those Songues. A Work most Excellent.
And, of more Worth than Pearles most Orient.
For which, with gratefull heart, giue God the Praise.
And Crown Graue Ricrafts Browes w th fragrant Bayes.
I: Vickers Scrip [...]st.
W. [...]

A SURVEY OF ENGLANDS CHAMPIONS AND Truths faithfull Patriots OR A Chronologicall Recitement of the principall proceedings of the most worthy Commanders of the prosperous Armies raised for the preservation of Religion, the Kings Majesties Person, the Priviledges of Parliament, and the Liberty of the Subject, &c.

With a most exact narration of the seve­rall Victories, as also the number of Commanders and Souldiers that have been slain on both sides since these uncivill civill wars began.

With the lively pourtraitures of the severall Commanders.


Published by Authority.

Psal. 44. 5. Through thee wee have thrust back our adversa­ries, by thy name have we trodden down them that rose up against us.

London: Printed by R. Austin, and are to be sold by F. H. in Popes head Alley, and in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange 1647.

TO THE Honour and Glory of the In­finite, Immense, and Incom­prehensible Majesty of JEHOVAH THE Fountaine of all Excellencies, the Lord of Hosts, the Giver of all Victories, and the God of PEACE.

IF that one Star in vast circumference,
so much exceeds the globe of earth and seas,
and if the soule more vast by intelligence,
exceeds the magnitude of Pleiades.
What admiration then to him belongs,
what trembling joy, what duty, love and feare
What exaltation in all psalmes and songs?
that tongue or pen objects to eye, or eare,
[Page] Who hath so many millions of soules,
and stars created, stretching forth
The heav'ns on th' Axis turning into Poles,
terminated in the South and North?
Who without quantity is only great,
and without quality is only good,
More perfect than perfection, more compleat,
then can by Seraphims be understood,
To this Jehovah-jireth, who unfolds,
all close contrivings 'gainst his little flocke,
To this Jehovah-Nissi, who upholds,
his Church on's powers everlasting Rocke
To this Jehovah-Shallom God of Peace
that twice hath made our civill wars to cease
(Maugre open force, and secret fraud.) To this
Ocean without bottome, or banke of blisse,
First let the Rivers of our praises runne,
and first ascribe all glory to this sunne
Of righteousnes, which makes these stars to shine
but with his frowne great Potentates decline.
By J. O. LEY. A small crumme of mortality

To the Impartiall Reader.

I Present to thy view no Astrologicall predic­tions, limiting divine providence to the neces­sity of secondary causes, a worke savouring more of Luciferian pride than piety, nor yet the Apples of Sodom, specious lyes, such as Mercu­rius, Aulicus, Pragmaticus and divers others of that gang, have baited their hookes withall to catch silly simple soules; but an historicall relation, and naked narration of our late warlike exploits, the persons by whom, the times when, and the places where, being satisfactorily ex­pressed and explained. All which have not a coulour, but a reality of true notions, but in the [...]eightiest motive to reading as will make the [...]ost clamorous Malignant as silent as a Seri­phian Frog. But howsoever all humane know­ledge is imperfect, and therefore no writing can be so exact in every point and circumstance, as to be accounted infallible (for that Epithite is peculiar onely to the sacred Scriptures, and to no other booke in the world) yet I am sure this booke is much more truer than that Aulicus by whose helpe Prince Rupert routed the Parlia­ments [Page] Army at Long-Marston, for joy whereof Bonefires were made at Oxford in an. 1644.

As for these Metaphorical, or Mystical resplen­dent stars whose aspect hath been as sadly omi­nous to the foes, as benevolous to the friends of Gods Truth, and true Religion, I hope that I have so kept within the circle of modesty and reason, in the expression of their merits and the accommodation of their due praises, that none but such to whom goodnesse in others seemes mi­raculous, and to whom no blood or condition of estate is acceptable, but those who are stamped with Caesars Image (who if there were such a peace concluded as they could wish, were as fit to receive the marke of the Beast as before) can justly repine at it. But to my own judgement I seem rather to have transgressed by diminish­ing, than enlarging their high deserts by my weake industry. But if it be lawfull and equall to calumniate, slander and disgrace an enemy (which is Cavaliers practise, not my tenet) then by the rule of contraries it is lawfull and equall to praise and commend a friend, especially such friends, who have preferred the life of Religion, Lawes and Liberty before their owne lives, and faire estates. But it is very comicall to consider how prettily the Malignants tearmes of contempt doe jumpe with their contemptible for­tunes, for they called that gallant souldier Ge­nerall Brown a Woodmonger, a tearme very suitable to their sufferings, for they know very well, that this Woodmonger hath oftentimes cudgelled their Militia from the Generalissimo to the Corporall, and made them run almost to [Page] every point of the Compasse.

I could recount many others of our worthies here inserted grossely abused, and traduced by the obstreperous goosse-quill of Phaetons Sy­cophants and his followers, but Crimine ab uno discite nunc omnes.

As for the Historicall part of this booke, which I have drawne in this method, first the chiefe heroicke actions of our Noble Ge­neralls and Renowned Commanders are par­ticularly described, then followeth in Order a List of all the severall Victories and En­counters, the names of the Cities, Towns and Castles taken by storme or surrender, with the names of the Earles, Lords, Knights, Generalls, Collonels, Lieut. Col. Majors, Capt. and Gentlemen of quality slain in this unnatural war on both sides, with the num­ber of common Souldiers; to which is added the Commissioners names imployed in this present Treaty with His Majesty, which the Lord grant may be effectuall that righ­teousnes may take place, and peace and truth may meet together, so shall our King­dom flourish and we become a happy people by continuing in the Bond of Unity.

(Courteous Reader) if you meet with er­rata (for I am conscientious to my selfe of my owne insufficiency (I intreate you to im­pute [Page] them to the Diurnalls my best Intelli­gencers, And as for other slips not suiting with thine affection (yet, per [...]it judicium cum res transit in affectum) I must con­clude with Lypsius his deprication, Mihi quidem mens ubi (que) bona; & si alibi hu­mana haec lingua, aut calamus hic titu­bavit, ne asperè quaeso minus luam; To close all as I prefixed to this short Epistle a Doxalogie, so I shut it up with the Psal­mists thankful acknowledgment, which that renowned Conqueror Hen. 5 commanded to be sung in his Campe after the famous Vi­ctory at Agin-Court, Not unto us, Lord, not unto us (not to our Parliament, not to our Armies, not to our Navy, nor to London) but to thy name give the praise, Ps. 115. 5.

By John Leycester.
Robert Earle of Essex his Exellence Lord Generall of the Parli nts: Army etc: lately deceased


Upon the illustrious and right honourable, ROBERT Earle of Essex, sometimes Generall of England, lately deceased. *
Brightest Starre of the whole constellation
Of warlike Worthies, sending influence
Of vigour to an old collapsed Nation,
Divided, not by Romish negligence:
Had not thy courage cop'd with bloudy men,
Thy Conquests had not been so got with bloud:
But, destruction needs must follow, when
Their cruelty threatning (like a swelling floud)
Life and Lawes, with an imperiall rage;
Providence by thy prowesse did asswage
That furious torrent, leaving the crimson ground,
Edg-hill and Newb'ry Marsh thy fame to sound.
For in those fields thou didst triumphantly
Conquer the enemy, and got'st the victory:
Therefore thou had'st instead of passing Bells
The Drums and Cannons thunder forth thy knels.

THis our never sufficiently honoured En­glish The due desert of Englands de­ceased Generall the Earle of Essex. Generall, his Excellency the Earle of Essex deserves a record written [Page 2] in letters of gold, and a tomb carved out in precious stones, with this inscription upon it, for after Ages to read;

Here's intomb'd Robert Devereux,
Brave renouned Earle of Essex,
[Page 3] Who was in English mens account,
The Phoenix Peer, Lord Paramount:
A friend to Truth and Peace he was,
God lov'd him well, that was the cause
That he away from hence was sent
Into the highest Firmament.

Where I leave him amongst the Angels and glorious host, and descend from his celesti­all, to this terrestriall actions, in some mea­sure to speak of what he did most gallantly perform in the time he was late Lord Ge­nerall of England, which was in the yeare 1641. and upon the third of July in the said year his Excellency rode through London The Earle of Es­sex made Gene­rall of England in the yeere 1641. to take a view of his voluntarie Citizens and Apprentices of London that had listed them­selves under him, and were met to be mus­tered in the new Artillery, whither their renouned Generall no sooner came, but was entertained with shouts of joy, flinging up their hats into the ayre, and crying with a loud voice, (We will live and die with you my Lord;) and he answered, And I by the help of God, am ready to do the like with you. Never was Generall better beloved by his Souldiers then he was, many of them to this day with heavy hearts shake their heads and cry, Adieu brave Devereux adieu; This renouned Generall had no sooner received his instruction from the Parliament, but he marched into the field, and hearing of the Kings Forces near Worcester plundering and spoiling the Countrey, he marched up to them fell suddenly upon them, and ut­terly [Page 4] routed them, the 12. of September, The Kings forces routed, and Worcester taken 1642. and afterwards tooke the City of Worcester, and hearing the Kings scatter­ed Forces got a head neare unto Shrewes­bury in Shropshire, he marched after them and drove them before him untill they saw their own advantage of time and place, pitched there maine body upon a place call­ed Edge-hill, neere Keynton, where our no­ble Edge hill sight. Generall drew up to them, and most gallantly charged them in his own person, and after a fierce battell, the Enemy were wholly routed, and most confusedly retreat­ed with great losse, where was taken the Kings Standard, the L. Willoughby, Sir Prisoners taken Edward Stanley, Col. Vavasour, Col. Luns­ford, with many hundreds more; in which sight was slain the Earl of Lindsey, the Kings Generall, the L. Aubeny, Sir Ed­mond Verney the Kings Standard-bearer, with divers other Officers of quality, and many hundred common souldiers, Octob. the 22. 1642. in this battell the Earl of Es­sex fought so gallantly, shewing so much courage and fidelity, that his very enemies did acknowledge it. The winter was no sooner over past, that Artillery might bee drawne, but his Excellency againe tooke field and marched up to Reading and straightly besieged it, and after a small time tooke it, Aprill the 18. 1643. and after­wards Reading taken, Aprill 18. 1643 Glocester relie­ved. Cirencester ta­ken. Newbery sight. marched to Glocester, and relieved it, then to Cirencester, and took it, and drew up the whole Army, and gave the [Page 5] Kings Army battell at Newbery, and utter­ly routed them, kill'd five Lords and many hundreds more; in this fight our noble Ge­nerall did in his owne person charge the enemy, to the great encouragement of his Souldiers, and after he had performed this service, he marched for the relief of the op­pressed West Countrey, and beat up the enemies quarters before him, tooke the town of Barnstaple in Devonshire, and the Castle of Taunton-Deane with all the am­munition, the 22. of June 1644. and after­wards marched up to Mount Stamford and tooke it with all the ammunition, as also the town of Plympton, with the Garrison of Saltash and Launceston, with four or five more small Garrisons. And againe he marches forward and takes Greenvill-house, and Newbridge with all the ammunition, the 14, of July 1644. and afterward took Tadcaster in Cornwall, and Foy, with many Ships in the Harbour: These with many more, did this renouned Generall his Ex­cellency the Earle of Essex performe, al­waies bearing a tender respect to his soul­diers to see them well provided for: And this was and is noble Essex's honor, that he was mercifull to man and beast, him­selfe free from cowardice, or covetousnesse, pride, or contention.

His Exellence Alexander Lasley Generall of the Scotch Army


Upon the right Honourable, Alexander Lesley, Earle of Leven, Generall of the Scots Army. *
The great Commander of our warlike Friends,
And Brethren, is this noble valiant Scot,
Whose sincere heart's free from selfe-seeking ends,
His love and labour must not be forgot.
York, Newcastle, and her Marquesse knowes,
Their conquer'd State, and his sad over­throwes;
Digby, and Langdale too, may waile their losse,
And that rebellious Army of Montrosse.

IF art could invent, or wisdom delineate The due praise of Alexander Lesley Earl of Leven. the height of perfection that is to be found in the most noble parts of military Disci­pline, then renouned Lesley would be the admiration of all the world, who now hath [Page 8] the commendation of the greatest part of Europe, the Low-Countreyes, and divers parts beyond Seas, at this day eccho forth his praise, and with a sorrowfull looke and pale face bid him Adieu brave Lesley adieu; but the love he bare to Religion, his King, and Countrey, ingaged him to steere his course towards these Kingdoms, and com­ing to the Court of England, was courted Lesleyes salu­tation and cour­ting at the Court of England. and consulted withall, and being found neither knave nor foole, was presently dis­countenanced and so departed into his owne Countrey of Scotland, and was there re­ceived with much triumph and joy; they knowing he was free from cowardice, or co­vetousnesse, (which is often the losse of [Page 9] Armies, and Garrisons, if I be not mistaken, Oxford, Banbury, and Bristoll will wit­nesse) yet neither profit or penury could incline him or decline him from doing or suffering to his uttermost in the cause of Religion: Lord-Bishops, and all that de­pend upon their Episcopall Hierarchy, will remember renouned Lesley, who was under God the two-edged Sword that cut them, and their wild branches off at the root; wit­nesse the yeare 1640. in which time he en­tred England with an Army of twenty thousand men, and upon the first entrance routed the Queens Regiment of Horse and Foot, and all the rest fled, finding a paire of heels to be of more use for security, then a paire of hands: but notwithstanding this advantage, our Brethren were desirous to treat with His Majesty, who condescended thereunto, and hearing the reasonablenesse of their Propositions, condescended there­unto, and so in peace they did depart not long after; but in the yeare 1642. a civill Warre arising amongst our selves, and the Parliaments Army not able to suppresse the enemy, were necessitated to desire the assistance of our Brethren of Scotland, who were as ready to help us as we were readie to desire their help; their sensiblenesse of our misery was exprest in tears, as may ap­peare by the relation of our Messengers, the Lord Wharton, Sir Henry Vane, M. See their Spee­ches in print. Solicitor S. John, M. Marshall, and M. Burroughs, and that which puts a seale of [Page 10] confirmation to these, and other relations of their love, and willingnesse to help us, is their coming into England so suddenly after, and at such an unseasonable time as they did, it being mid winter that they marched in snow and water to the mid leg for a hundred miles together; and their noble Generall his Excellency the Earl of Leven most resolutely fell to the work, al­though in an enemies Countrey, having be­fore him the Earl of Newcastle, with an Army of 20 thousand strong, yet he drove them before him, killing and taking pri­soners many of them daily, and upon a sud­den he wheeled about with his Army, and tooke Cockit Island, with the town, Jan. Cocket Island taken, Ian. 20. 1643. 20. 1643. and afterwards marches up to the enemies quarters, and beats them up, tak­ing in also the strong Garrison of Alnwick, Febr. 14. 1643. and afterward hastned his march further into the enemies Countrey, and takes in the Town of Morepeth, Febr. 22. 1643. and marches againe up to the enemy, and beats up his quarters, and takes the strong Garrison of Tinby, March 19. Tinby taken, March 19. 1643. 1643. and afterwards marches forward and takes Sunderland, with great store of Am­munition; Newcastles rage being risen, drawes up his whole Army, as intending to give battell to the Earle of Leven, but no sooner did he draw up, but Newcastles popish ragged Regiments ran away, and our Brethren of Scotland marched forward, and tooke the strong Garrisons of Durham, [Page 11] and Lomby, Aprill 14. & 15. 1644. they Durham and Lomby taken, April 14 & 15 1646. marched yet forwarder, and beat severall parties of the enemies, and tooke Morepeth Castle, with all the Ammunition, the 2. of June, 1644. and having notice of the re­nouned Earl of Manchester's marching up towards them, they with much rejoycing hastned to meet him, whom they longed to see the face of, and having met him, with much joy saluted him, and so joyned both their Armies together, and drove the Popish Earle of Newcastle and all his Army into York, and there besieged him, Prince Ru­pert York besieged. being at that time in Lancashire, hast­ens to raise their siege, making his boasts how he would beat the Scots, and would know of what mettle those fresh-water soul­diers were made, which (e're he departed) he very well knew to the deare price of 4500. mens lives upon the place, called Marston-Moore never to be forgotten by The battell at Marston-moore. Prince Rupert, nor the Earl of Newcastle, and after the spoile of the battell was taken, they marched up to Yorke and tooke it, York taken. with all the Ammunition, and when this was performed, the Earle of Manchester marched Westward, and the Earle of Leven Northward, and tooke Gateshead 12. of August 1644. and straightly besieged New­castle Newcastle be­sieged. upon Tine, prepared mines, and all accommodation for storme, offered faire terms but were not accepted, then stormed the towne and tooke it the 20. of October, Newcastle ta­ken Octob. 20. 1644. 1644. with much Arms and Ammunition, [Page 12] and afterwards tooke Tinmouth Castle, marched up to Carlisle and took it also, and Carlisle taken. afterwards besieged the strong Castle of Scarborough, and took it, with the Castle of Rabi, and the Castle of Canon-Froome; and since have been assistant in the taking of Newarke: And for the gallant service Newark taken by the assistance of our brethren of Scotland. of this noble Generall the Earle of Leven. let true-English-men give him true honour and praise, let that tongue cleave to the roof of that mouth, that is so ungratefull, and uncivill, as to foment divisions betwixt us and these our Covenanted-Brethren.

The Right Hon ble. Robert Earle of Warwick Lord Rich of Leeze & Lord High Admirall of the Seas


Upon the right honourable and noble Patriot, Robert Earle of Warwicke. *
A third bright star within our Hemi-Spheare
Of Reformation, is this noblest Rich;
Richer indeed, then can to men appeare,
Because his aymes on noble ends do pitch.
This trusty Pilot waits upon the Ocean,
Watching both forraigne and domestick Foes:
Then to the land; thus in their restlesse motion
Are pious souls, whom God doth here dispose
To honour him and do his will on earth,
And them he honours with a second birth,
VVhich begets in Warwick prudence and love,
A lions heart, yet harmlesse as the dove.

IT were great ingratitude to let passe, or The due praise of Robert Earl of Warwick. bury in oblivion the many glorious things [Page 14] that this our high Admirall of England Ro­bert Earl of Warwicke hath performed both [Page 15] by Sea and Land, since the year 1642. which both his and our adversaries at home and abroad know to their griefe; he was unto our Kingdome (under God) as a bul­warke of defence, a rock of refuge, a castle and tower to flie unto; a strong and mighty wall to defend us from the malicious pride and cruelty of France, Spain, Denmarke, and all the world beside; and had not brave renouned Warwicke stood to us and guarded our coasts, we and our Kingdome had long e're this been a prey to our enemies at home and abroad; But God be praised, The E. of War­wick made high Admirall of En­gland in the yeer 1642. who put it into the hearts of our Parlia­ment-Worthies, to make so good a choice, and they had no sooner made choice of him in the moneth of June, in the said year 1642. but he went forth with a godly zeale into the mighty deeps, and there secured The Navy at Sea secured. the ships and tooke them into his own pos­session, for the preservation of our Reli­gion, and defence of the King, Parliament, and Kingdom; and he was no sooner set­led, the ships rigged and tacklings mended, but he had notice of a ship neer Falmouth under the command of Sir John Penning­ton, to whom he sent one of the twelve Whelps, to fetch her in, which was per­formed accordingly, and the men brought prisoners; another party of Ships contain­ing a Squadron, he sent to guard the Chan­nell near Hull, where were divers Vessels taken and secured, and many Harbours possessed by the said Ships, as also a Pin­nace [Page 16] of the Kings shot through and through, and sunk by this Squadron of Ships, the 28. of June: and afterwards they took divers barques laden with Cavaleers near Hull, the Earle with a party of Ships surprized a ship coming from France, with divers Commanders, July the 3. The Nep­tune and two Whelps more tooke divers ships that were coming from Holland to as­sist the King, July 26. 1642. and in August his Excellency the Earl of Warwicke sent a Squadron of ships, which secured Ports­mouth and divers other Harbours, with many ships in the Harbours, August 24. An Irish ship with many Irish souldiers was taken, and the men secured, as also a Frigot taken about the same time that was laden with Ammunition going to the King, Septemb. 26. 1642. Captain Ke­telby and divers other Commanders were taken in two ships by the Earle of War­wicke near Tinmouth, Octob. 15. 1642. Portsmouth by the assistance of this noble Portsmouth ta­ken. Earl at Sea was taken, Novemb. 8. 1642. Three ships pretended to be laden with Pip­pins coming from France, upon search, were found to be laden with Armes, but covered with Pippins, which were taken 24. of De­cem. 1642. A Dunkirk ship taken in the Harbour of Arundell, Jan. 5. 1642. A Bristoll ship laden with Armes was taken in the Harbour of Liverpoole, Jan. 8. A ship also taken that was sometimes under the command of Sir John Pennington, Febr. [Page 17] 7. 1642. valiant Captaine Swanley, with a Squadron of the Earles ships being in North-Wales, suddenly secured Milford Haven, and beat off 12. ships of Irish Re­bells that had intended to land there; the noble Lord of Warwicke took a Welch ship laden with Armes and Ammunition intended for the Lord Hopton, March 26. 1643. one of the Kings best Men of War was taken by the Earle of Warwicke, Aprill 28. 1643. And in the moneth of May, this faithfull and religious E. took Holy Iland with the Castle and Works. Two Lin ships taken by the Antelop that were laden with Ammunition for Newcastle, June 26. 1643. Three ships more taken by our noble Admirall that were going to the King with Arms and Ammunition, 18. of July. The Fellowship one of the Kings great Men of Warre was taken with much Arms and Ammunition, August 9. 1643. The Lion with a small Pinnace laden with powder, was taken by this faithfull Earle of Warwicke, August 22. 1643. Foure Flemish vessels taken, with some Letters of dangerous consequence, Septemb. 12. 1643. A great ship taken in Dartmouth, laden with ammunition, the 14. of October: and five small vessells taken at Wareham in Dorsetshire the 24. of November. Also a great ship laden with Ammunition going to the King, taken by the Earle of War­wicke, Decemb. 25. 1643. Foure great Bristoll ships likewise taken by our noble [Page 18] Admirall, Jan. 12. 1643. and five ships of the Kings beaten at Milford Haven, and two small vessels taken, Feb. 1643. Also two great French ships taken neere Way­mouth laden with ammunition for the King, March 8. 1643. The Endeavour a great ship taken going to the King with three more neere Sunderland, and a great ship laden with Ammunition going for the reliefe of Carlisle, March 1644. Melcomb-Regis re-taken, Aprill 16. 1644. and Carmar­then Carmarthen Ca­surprized by the Earle of Warvvick. Castle surprized by the Earles ships, May 19. 1644. Lime and Pembrokeshire relieved, and three ships surprised in the moneth of June 1644. Also five ships taken in the West and his Excellency the Earle of Essexe's Army relieved by a Squadron of the Earle of Warwicks ships July 1644. Also a ship taken laden with Arms from Holland going to the King, August 1644. Also three ships taken in Liverpoole by the Earl of Warwicke, Septem. 1644. In South Wales eight ships taken with much Ammunition, October 1644. Likewise a ship taken near Portsmouth going to the King in Novemb. 1644. Three ships also taken near Newcastle, Decem. 1644. Also foure small Barques with ammunition taken by the Earle of Warwicke in Jan. 1644. And a great ship with three other small vessells taken neere Padstow in the moneth of Febr. 1644. Five small vessells taken neare Scarborough, and three others neere Weymouth, by the noble Earle of War­wicke, [Page 19] in March 1645. Divers ships beaten that came with reliefe to Sir John Winter, and some sunk, in the moneth of April 1645. Likewise a ship coming from France, laden with arms, intended for the King, taken in May 1645. Also a great ship taken by the noble Earle of Warwick upon the Irish Coast, laden with Dunkirkers, and Irish Rebells, in June 1645. Like­wise foure ships taken neere Carlisle by the assistance of our loving and faithfull Covenant-keeping Brethren of Scotland, in the moneth of July 1645. In the West at severall times there hath been taken nine ships, August 1645. Also two ships taken neer Scarborough, with three small vessells in Wales, laden with ammunition, and Pembroke relieved, in the moneth of Septem. 1645. Haverford West by the as­sistance of the Earle of Warwick was taken, Octob. 12. 1645. A great Barque laden with Kerseyes going towards the King to cloth his souldiers, was taken near Ply­mouth, the 20. of Novem. 1645. Likewise a great ship laden with Ammunition taken in the North Coasts by this noble Earles ships, in Decemb. 1645. Also he took a ship laden with Deale and other timber, that came from Normandy, and two Irish Frigots laden with Irish Rebels in the moneth of Jan. 1645. Likewise six ships beat, and one sunk, that came to relieve Pouldram Castle, also Plymouth relieved, [Page 20] and three small vessells taken neere Dart­mouth, with two neare West Chester, in the moneth of February, 1645. A French Ship also that was laden with armes and ammunition taken, and a Dunkirk ship also taken, laden with armes near Felford Haven, by the noble and renouned Earle of Warwicke, in the moneth of March, 1646. There were likewise many small ships, pinnaces, shallops, hoyes, boats, and other vessells taken in severall Harbours, Havens, and Roads in the West, in Aprill 1646. Likewise a small ship taken neere Axmouth, the 23. of May, 1646, and two ships taken neare Dorsetshire the 15. of June, 1646. As also three small Pinkes taken in Cornewall with the shallop that relieved Pendennis Castle, and some great Commanders prisoners, in the month of July, 1646. Likewise a gallant ship taken that came from Burdeaux, laden with wine and meale, intended for the relief of Pen­dennis Castle, August 25, 1646. Also a ship of the Dunkirkers manned by Irish Rebells, set upon two of our English Mer­chants, and surprised them: and by the vigilancy of this our noble, active faithfull Admirall, were both re-taken, and the Dunkirk ship also with thirty Irish Rebels in it that were throwne over board, as a just recompence or Reward, for their for­mer villany, in the moneth of September, 1646. These with many more gallant [Page 21] pieces of service, hath this renouned Wor­thy performed, for which England is in­gaged thankfully to remember, and highly to honour him, who God hath thus wonder­fully honoured, Robert Lord Rich, Earle of Warwicke, Lord high Admirall of Eng­land.

The right Hon ble: Edward Earle of Manchester &c: major Generall of the Association


Upon the right Honourable and religious Earle of Manchester. *
The bright propitious star to Church and State
Is this approved Peere, in peace and warre;
In hostile actions alwaies fortunate,
But th' influence of this excelling starre
Was wormwood alwaies to his Countries Foes,
Witnesse their frequent routs, defeats, and blowes:
Horn Castle, Winsby, Marston-Moor know well,
How thrice th' imperiall forces fled and fell
Before this brave Generall, conquering
The Idolizers of a mortall King:
Therefore the rose of Sharon doth thee greet,
And makes thy name & same on earth smel sweet.

THis bright star of Englands Horison The due praise of the Earle of Manchester. had no sooner girt his sword about [Page 24] him, but whole Troups, Regiments and Armies out of the associated Counties of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, and Huntington were ready to attend him with their lives in their hands, and at his first sight they gave him such a shout as made [Page 25] the aire to eccho, to the admiration of standers by: and no sooner had he saluted his gallant Army, but presently falls to action, and marches to Lin Regis in Nor­folk, where he straightly besieged them, and with much hardship and valour gained the towne in the moneth of June, and after­wards marched towards a potent Army, as any was in England, commanded by the Earle of Newcastle, but no sooner had he entred the enemies Countrey of Yorkshire, but a Brigade of the enemy ingaged with him, whom he totally routed and triumph­antly marched forward towards the maine body of the enemy, who were neer Horn Castle, whom this noble and renouned Earle and his Army had no sooner espied, but with a resolute concurrence fell to charge them in the Van, Flanke, and Reare of their Body, who were presently brought into a confused rout, in which fight there was taken of them 55. Colours, 200. Horse, Colours and pri­soners taken. and 1500. Prisoners, all this was performed in the moneth of August, 1643. and in the moneth of September, this noble Generall pursued his victory in taking of the enemies strong Garrisons, as Horn Horncastle, Gainesborough and Lincolne taken. Castle, the City of Lincolne, the strong town of Gainesborough; by this time the enemy begins to get a head, which this religious and renouned Earl no sooner heard of, but with speed he hastened to­wards them, and in his march took Croy­land and Burleigh-House, and after a hard [Page 26] march, yet couragiously encountred the Popish Army neare Winsby, and utterly routed them, and took 22. Colours, 1100. Foot, and 500. Horse, and much Ammu­nition: and after all this hard service, yet was this noble Earle so desirous to put a period to our miseries, that notwithstand­ing the coldnesse and unseasonablenesse of the weather, it being in January, the worst of the winter season, even at that time he doth march the major part of 100. miles to relieve the oppressed Countrey of Lincolnshire, and finding Lincoln to be the nest or cage of those unclean birds, it being re-possest by them, he there besieges them and by a fierce storme re-takes the City, and not long after the Castle, and in it seven piece of Ordnance, 200. Knights, Colonells, and Commanders, 800. prisoners, 3000. Armes, and presently hereupon hav­ing intimation of another Northern Popish Imperiall Army, marches backward and drives many scattering parties before him: but no sooner had our most loving Brethren of Scotland heard of this our Star of the East, come out of his own Horison of the Associated Counties, to give light to a Northern dark beclouded Country, and by his bright beams to dispell a black and darke cloud, but they had a desire, accord­ing to which they conjoyned, with a triumph of joy, the two most noble and religious Generall, saluting each other, fall presently to the worke, and besieged Newcastle, and [Page 27] all his ragged Regiments in Yorke, of which York besieged. Prince Rupert having notice, inforceth all the Countries before him to march for the reliefe of Yorke, the which our Army un­derstanding did admit of his entrance for other advantages, the Prince being with pride puft up, said he would try what met­tle the Scots were made of, which e're he departed, he did very well know, and his 4000. slaine upon the place might testifie; in which fight our noble Brethren, and this renouned Patriot, the Earle of Man­chester did take 1500. prisoners, and within three or foure daies, got the famous City of Yorke, and after Yorke was surrendred, the Armies parted, and our prosperous and religious Earl of Manchester towards the West retreated, and by the way he tooke Tickell, Shelford and VVelbeck taken. the Garrisons of Tickell, Shelford, and Welbeck-house, and in the moneth of Oc­tober gave the Kings Army a meeting at Newbery Marsh, where in the height of the pride of their Western victory, this noble Generall utterly routed them, tooke 9. peece of Ordnance, 3000. Prisoners, and 500. Armes, and in the next moneth of No­vember tooke Farrington, for his farewell; and however some unseasoned words came from some black mouthes concerning this most honourable, pious, and prudent Peer, let such be assuredly satisfied, that his fame and honour will live, when they and all the generation now living, are dead.

The right Honourable the Earle of Calender etc:


Upon the right Honourable Earl of Calender, Generall.
Ranked among these Heroes of renoune,
Is th' honour'd chieftaine Earl of Calender,
A strong opposer of the triple Crowne,
Who calls that holy, which is civill Warre;
But this brave Scot with an impartiall eye
Looks on the Faiths Professors misery,
Carlisle, Gateshead, and Coquet Island, still
As Trophies stand of his unfain'd good will.

THis renouned, religious Earle, famous The due praise of the Earle of Calendar. in Church and State, as were most of his Ancestors, himselfe being of the same 5 [Page 30] blood and bone, and inferiour to none that went before him, as he hath made it evident in Scotland, and also in England, since our uncivill warres began, first in his willing­nesse to assist us, notwithstanding the lownesse of our condition, the height of our enemy, and the unseasonablenesse of the weather; Secondly, in his activenesse, having the command but of a small Brigade, most of them raw, untried, and unexpe­rienced men in Martiall affaires; (yet did he performe valiantly with them.) Third­ly, his perseverance, notwithstanding the large proffers the enemy made to the Army, if they would with-draw, or with-hold. And besides, the many reproaches, sleight­ings, and calumnies (that Army did pa­tiently undergo) by a factious party amongst The hand of God carrying on our brethren of Scotland. our selves, had not the hand of God guided [Page 31] and carried on noble Lesley, and renouned Calender, with the rest of those worthy, pious Patriots, our condition had been miserable before this day, and we weltering in our owne blood: our wives defloured, our children massacred, our houses rifled, our lands confiscated, our goods divided amongst a generation whose Religion teach­eth them Rebellion, whose Faith is Faction and Division, whose meere Mercy is Cruel­ty. Having past through the grounded evidences of this noble, religious and faith­full Peers willingnesse, activenesse, and perseverance in assisting us, I shall also particularize some of the most materiall passages he hath performed since his first entrance into England, which was with much courage, his Army being put to great straights, with hunger, cold, and often skir­mishing with the enemy, whom he drive before him, and fell upon Carlisle, and Carlisle taken. tooke it with all the Ammunition, marched againe, and beat up Newcastles Army, and by the assistance of the Earle of Leven, and the Earle of Manchester, with the Lord Fairfax, and his valourous son, the truly honourable Sir Thomas Fairfax, be­sieged Newcastle in Yorke, with-drew and York taken. gave battell to him, with Prince Ruperts Army, and routed them both, after tooke Yorke; and afterwards this noble Earle of Calender marched Northward, and tooke the strong Garrison of Gateshhead neare Newcastle, with much Armes and Ammu­nition, [Page 32] and returned and assisted in the taking Newcastle by storme, with all the Armes and Ammunition therein, much more hath this faithfull Generall performed which is here omitted, his owne worth speaking for him to all that know him more than I can here expresse.

Henry Gray Earle of Standford Lord Gray of Groby Bonvile &c:


Upon the right Honourable Earl of Stamford.
This noble slip not of the last edition,
Of ancient stocke, and formidable name
To Englands foes of old, when Spains am­bition
'Gainst Queen Elizabeth, did mischiefs frame;
Heroicke Stamford (not degenerate)
Is true and loyall unto Church and State,
Exeters defence, and Lord Hoptons flight
At Modbury field, declare his heart is right.

A Renouned worthy amongst the rest, The due praise of the noble E. of Stamford. is this gallant Peer the noble Earle of Stamford, whose former generations have been a terrour to Englands enemies, as he himselfe hath been, since the time he was 6 [Page 34] made Generall of South-Wales, with the foure Counties of Glocester, Worcester, Hereford, and Cheshire, upon the 10. of Decemb. 1642. he marching from hence towards them was received with much joy, and a considerable party ready to march along with him; he delayed no time to be in action with them, but forthwith marched towards Cornwall, and coming to New­bridge, and finding the bridge pulled downe, and a strong Garrison in the towne, forced his passage through the river, with a hot dispute on both sides: at last beat the enemy, took much Ammunition, and marched forward, and beat the Lord Hopton from Bristoll towards Exeter, joyned with the Devonshire men, and still pursued him from holes to holes, like a fox; brought those malignant Counties into a good con­dition, securing and taking many Garri­sons; and had he had money and ammuni­tion, those parts in all appearance had been sooner gained; but where the fault lay, my Lord himselfe best knowes, and it may be in time, will manifest it to others (if I be not mistaken:) I could wish great men, prosessing Religion, would lay aside Religion a cloke for covetousnesse [Page 35] covetousnesse, and under-hand dealing, and be no longer like Water-men, rowing one way, and looking another: I presume this noble Earle of Stamford is sensible of some particulars, which I here omit, it is and hath been the noblenesse of his dis­position to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, being free from the spi­rit of faction, and division, which breeds con­fusion; from which good Lord deliver us.

Basil Feilding Earle of Denbigh &c:


Upon the right Honourable Earle of Denbigh.
Lo, here a gemme of honour casting forth
Resplendent beams of magnanimity,
But words too weake are to describe his worth,
VVho's more enobled, then by Progeny;
His pious soule shews that a righteous cause
Is dearer to him, then a Monarchs I awes:
Ches. Shrop. and Staffordshire may well ex­presse
Their love and valour, and their thankful­nesse.

I Eealousies arise amongst some sort of The due praise of the noble E. of Denbigh. men without cause, as sometimes there did of this noble Earle of Denbigh: I must confesse, had his fathers blood and his been 7 [Page 38] of one and the same putrified temper, we might all have had just cause to fear a piece of treachery, but I hope, God hath moulded his heart in his owne hand, and framed it according to his will, as hath evidently ap­peared hitherto by his proceedings; First, in standing to the Parliament, and taking the most solemne League and Covenant for Reformation, and rooting out of Bishops, [Page 39] and all other erroneous and factious per­sons, which if brave Denbigh once decline, I shall recall what I have and hope to af­firme of him. Secondly, his taking up Russell Hall and Oswestree taken. armes and adventuring his life in the high places of the field, as was evident at his taking of Russell-Hall the 29. of May, 1646. as also routing the Kings Forces neer Dudley, the 10. of June 1646. And taking by storme the strong Garrison of Oswestree the 22. of June, 1646. with Chomley-House: and many more I omit for brevity sake, intending to speak more at large hereafter, and as time shall make evident.

The most Noble Ferdinand Lord Fairfax Generall of the Northern Countyes


Upon the right Honourable Fer­dinando Lord Fairfax.
This happie heart, heated with heav'nly fire,
Stands up against the Rampant Lions pawes,
Frustrates the haughty hope and vast desire
Of Popish regulating Lives and Lawes;
Discovers Protean Hothams treacheries,
Preserves ingaged Hull from foes surprize,
Routed and rooted out Lycaons brood,
Of wolvish natures, loving native blood.
Shine on resplendent Fairfax, or Faire-Torch,
To friends a light, to foes a fire to scorch;
Thou and thy fellow-Stars, in Englands night,
When neither Sun nor Moon do shine, give light.

HEre is a right Noble in blood and ac­tions, The due praise of the right honou­rable L. Fairfax. deserving to be ranked amongst the most noble of our Peers and Patriots, for his good and faithfull service for Church 8 [Page 42] and State, as may evidently appeare by his former gallant actions in the North of Eng­land, which it were great ingratitude to omit; I shall only point at the chiefe, which (by the Arme of God assisting) the noble Lord Fairfax performed, and deserve to be written in capitall letters for after Ages to read, &c. At his first being made Generall of the North, there was a great Army in the field, a malevolent Countrey the greatest part being Papists and Athi­ests; the Parliament sending down the Co­venant to be taken in those parts, himselfe first began, and some of the godly party fol­lowed, The Covenant taken in york­shire. and no sooner had he set the Cove­nant a foot, and got together a small Bri­gade [Page 43] of 3. or 4000. men, but he marched into the field, drew up to the Earle of New­castle, gave him battell (being four to one) Newcastle rou­ted neer Tadca­ster. near Tadcaster, and routed him, took much armes and ammunition, Decemb. 8. 1642. and after having eased those parts of that enemy, he drew more up into the heart of the Countrey, in which space the Earle of Newcastle againe recruited his Army, and besieged Leeds; my Lord Fairfax raised his siege and beat him; and not long after met again with him neer Bradford, and there fell upon him, utterly routed him, and Newcastle a­gain routed neer Bradford. tooke much ammunition, Jan. 3. 1642. afterwards besieged and tooke Wakfield, May 27. 1643. and the Popish Earle having againe recruited, besieged Hull, the which the Lord Fairfax no sooner heard of, but with speed hastened, and did rout the Po­pish Army, raised the siege, and after­wards marched to Whitby, and took it, VVhitby, Ca­wood, and Ax­holm Island ta­ken. with Cawood Castle, and Oxholm Island; Again, he marched to cleare the field. and finding a strong party neare Selby, fell in upon them, charging fiercely in the Flanke and Rear, suddenly routed them, and tooke much ammunition; and after this sight this noble Lord joyned with our loving Bre­thren of Scotland, and by joynt assistance they beseiged the Marquesse of Newcastle in York, and finding it to be advantageous to draw off, and let Prince Rupert relieve it, they got ground, and ingaged with the Prince and Newcastle at Marston Moore, [Page 44] and routed them; tooke many prisoners, and killed multitudes upon the place, and within three or four daies gained Yorke; in all which service this noble Lord Fair­sax did most gallantly, for which unto God be the glory, and brave Generall Ferdinan­do Lord Fairfax the praise.

The right Honourable the Lord Roberts


Upon the right honourable Lord Roberts.
Behold a true Nathanael without guile,
Such are the Nobles of an heav'nly race,
For bold sincerity regards no smile,
Nor frownes of fortune, nor a Princes face.
Let Cornish choughes be caught with gins of praise
And promises; this Cornish Eagle waies
To basenesse shuns, therefore that Skellum base
Greenvill, and's Army he did rout and chase.

I Shall not need to speake much in the The due praise the right honou­rable L. Ro­berts. commendations of this most noble, reli­gious, and pious Lords behalfe, whose ver­tues speak forth his praise, whose valour 9 [Page 46] renowned Plymouth and malignant Corn­wall will acknowledge to this day; his con­stancy and perseverance in the Cause of God, and maintenance of his and the Na­tionall League and Covenant, is too high above my expression in way of commenda­tion; yet to let passe in silent so worthy so deserving and so renowned a Patriot of his Countrey, were great ingratitude; there­fore I shall in part particularize some of his most noble exploits by him performed since these unnaturall warres began, and that which in the first place crownes all his actions, was the fierce and famous fought [Page 47] battell at Newbery, where this noble Lord lead on the battell in his owne person, charging the maine Body of the Kings Army The King rou­ted at Newbery sight. with such resolution, as did inliven the London Brigade, to second and relieve them suddenly: yet notwithstanding this noble Champion stood to the fight, and lead up other souldiers, and incouraged them, and so continued untill the enemy retreated with great losse of men and armes; after­wards he (with his Brigade) marched with his Excellency the Earle of Essex into Corn­wall, where in his march he assisted in the taking of fifteen Garrisons mentioned in the Lord Generalls List of Victories, he en­countered treacherous Skellum Greenvill, 15 Garrisons taken in Corn­wall. and beat him with his Cornish choughes from place to place; and had timely relief been sent, this noble Lord (with the Lord Generall) long before this (by the help of God) had subdued that malignant Coun­trey: but being prevented, and inforced by necessity to give way to the spoilers, they retreated, and this noble Lord with part of his Brigade made good Plymouth against all the power of the enemy, and several times beat them off, to their great losse: having thus gallantly performed, and his trust discharged, and by an Ordinance be­ing home called, out of obedience there­unto, his Commission he surrendered, and into his place he returned, to act by his Councell what before he did by the sword.

The right Hon ble: Robert Lord Brooke etc: was shot at Lichfeild


Upon the right honourable Lord Brooke, slain at Lich­field, 1642.
This branch of honour, and of Martial sprite,
In whom the hopes of many thousands lay,
And whom the love to truth did first invite
To take up Arms, too soon was snatch't away
B' untimely death; yet conqu'ring liv'd, and di'd
O're sin, and death and many sons of pride,
And left behind a gallant Souldiers name,
But his piety doth augment his fame.

IN warlike posture this noble Brook was The due praise of the right hono­rable L. Brook. first who by grim death had his daies shortned, and the expectations of many frustrated, who expect more from him then 10 [Page 50] God would suffer him to perform: in the time God afforded him he was not idle, as may appeare by his gallant service near Southam, where he killed and took many of the Kings souldiers prisoners, as also his keeping of Warwick Castle against all the Kings forces, and likewise his valour at Lichfield, where in the moneth of March 1642. this noble Lord was killed by a mus­ket bullet, &c. his death was much lamented by his souldiers, and many thousands more than knew him.

The right Honourable the Lord Willoughby of Parham etc.


Upon the right honourable Lord Willoughby of Parham.
Nor is this Patriot of the last impression
Of aulick Nobles, which adore the beast,
But with his sword hath made a good pro­fession,
And 'gainst unjust dominion doth contest.
It is no circling pomp, nor spells of praise,
That faithfull Willoughbies affections swaies,
It is the truth, for which this Baron bold
Did take up Arms, and will to death uphold.

TO ecclipse the worth of brave Wil­loughby, The due praise of the honorable L. Willough­by of Parham. or to be silent in setting forth his due desert, were great partiality: great men good, are like apples of gold in pic­tures 11 [Page 52] of silver, so rare, so hard to be found, that they are almost Phoenix-like, hard to be heard of; but since our faithfull Wil­loughby is one of those Worthies, that to manifest his unfained affection, love to Re­ligion and resolution to keep his Covenant, adventured himselfe in person in many des­perate pieces of service by him performed, as first in taking by storme at midnight the impregnable Garrison of Gainesborough, Gainesborough taken. and in it the Earl of Kingston, and 30. Knights more, at least 300. common Soul­diers, [Page 53] July 16. 1643. and from thence marched into the enemies quarters, beats them up, and takes many prisoners and afterwards besieges and takes Bolingbroke Castle, with all the armes and ammunition. These with many more gallant exploits, hath this noble Lord performed, which are here omitted for brevities sake.

The most Exellent S r Thomas Fairfax Captin Generall of the Armyes etc:


Upon the illustrious and most valiant Knight Sir THO­MAS FAIRFAX, now Gene­ralissimo of the Parlia­ments Forces. *
Thy Victories for number and short time
Unparallell'd, do make so loud a noise,
That not t'extoll thee were no lesse a crime,
Then to deny thee to be th' Arrow choice
Of Gods King deliverance, not shot, untill
Tyranny was ripe, fit for Astroeas stroaks,
And by thy puissant hand, and Martiall skill
Given oft unto the sturdiest Oaks
Of hostile enmity, is tumbled down,
Maugre the Vassals of the Triple-Crown:
Thus by the aspect of this Northern star,
Darting his lustre both at home, and far,
The fascinations, magick spells are marr'd,
And the enchantment's done, that did retard
Our hopes. But his victorious success,
And vertues, Volumes are more fit t' express.

TO illustrate this gallant Generalls fame, The due praise of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax. were but to light a candle against the sun; therefore I shall onely point at some particulars of his gallant proceedings be­fore, [Page 56] as well as since he was made Gene­rall of the Parliaments Army; Yorkshire [Page 57] may remember Sir Thomas Fairfax, who with a handfull of men (in comparison of the Popish Army) did withstand and many times foyle Newcastle and his Army, with this small party tooke Leeds, Jan. 26. 1642. and in May 1643. he took Wakefield, and afterwards marched into Cheshire, and re­lieved oppressed Nantwich, and totally routed the Lord Byron, and tooke Biddle-House, Byron routed at Namptwich. and afterward he marched into the North againe, and tooke Cawood Castle, Axholm Island, and routed the Kings Army neare Selby, Aprill 13. 1644. and in July most gallantly acted his part in the routing of the Popish Earl of Newcastle; and for this his valiant and faithfull service in the North was by the Parliament made Gene­rall of their new modelled Army, which the enemy promised themselves victory over; but at that never to be forgotten and gallant fought battell of Naesby they found Naesby fight. the contrary, in that field did this gallant General charge bare-headed, and after that he had there tooke their Foot, and most of their Ammunition, he marched to Leicester and re-gained it, and afterward marched to Hieworth and tooke it, relieved Taunton-Deane, and regained Ilchester, routed Gor­ings Gorings Army routed at Lang­port. Army at Langport, and tooke the said Towne with the Town of Burrough, Bridge­water, [Page 58] and the City of Bath; having per­formed all these gallant pieces of service in the moneths of June and July 1645. he marched into Somersetshire, and suppressed the unruly clownish Club-men, who with­out feare or wit stood in opposition to his proceedings, and after he had secured the Ring-leaders of that rabble rout, he march­ed to Sherborn Castle, and tooke it with Sherborn Castle & Bristol taken. Nunney Castle, Porshot-Point and the strong City and Castle of Bristoll; and in the moneth of September, he tooke the towne and castle of Devizes, with Farleigh castle, and Cardiffe castle, Lacock-house, Barkley castle and Chedwick, in the moneth of October, 1645. Thus our noble Gene­rall went on prosperously, in the taking of the City of Winchester, Holt Church Gar­rison, and Langford House, with the Gar­rison of Tiverton; and in the moneth of November, 1645. he tooke the towne of Fulford neare Exeter, and marched from thence in the moneth of December 1645. and tooke by storme Chibington-house, re­lieved Plymouth, tooke Pouldram-house, and in the moneth of January he tooke by storme Canterbury Fort, and Budex Church, with Sir Francis Drake's house; as also the town and castle of Dartmouth, the castle of Belvoir, and the towne of Tor­rington, and afterwards in the moneth of Febr. 1645. he tooke Launceston, Listoll, and Saltash, with Wardbridge, Temple-Guard, and in the month of March 1645. [Page 59] he routed the Lord Hopton, took Dennis Hopton routed. castle, Felford Haven, and the Fort of Ax­mouth, with Inch-house Hilford Fort, in the moneth of Aprill 1646. this gallant Ge­nerall took Exeter, Barnstaple, and Ilford­comb-Fort, Exeter, Barnsta­ple, Oxford, Far­ringdon and Wallingford ta­ken. with Michaels Mount, in May, 1646. he also took Woodstock Manner, and Radcot-house, with Bostoll-house, Sherborn, and the City of Oxford; and in the moneth of June he tooke Farringtone and Wallingford.

These, with many more victories and successes hath God been pleased to honour this noble Champion with, for which let God have the glory, and noble Sir Thomas Fairfax due praise and respect from al that wish wel to the peace of these Kingdoms.

S r. William Brereton Major Gen: of Cheshire Staffordshire and Lankashire


Upon the religious and magnani­mous Knight Sir William Brereton. *
Thus restlesse souls tend to eternall rest,
And active spirits in a righteous way
Find peace within, though much with war opprest,
This bravest Brereton of his name could say,
And now triumphs, maugre those Nimrods fled,
Aston, Capell, Byron, and Northampton dead.
The slaughter'd Irish, and his native soile
Now quiet, shew his courage love and toile.

COnstancy and stability with much per­severance The due praise of Sir William Brereton. is brave Breretons badge of honour, and since the time of his taking up of Armes for the defence of King, Parlia­ment [Page 62] and Kingdome, he was never found to betray his trust, or decline his proceed­ings, as Cheshire, Sallopshire, Lancashire and Staffordshire can well witnesse, and for his prosperous proceedings, I shall insert the particulars; at his first coming into Cheshire, many well-affected to the Par­liament appeared, some had armes, some he armed, to the number of 2000. and hear­ing of the Kings Brigade under the com­mand of Sir Thomas Aston drawing up, he did prepare to give him battell near the Nantwich; the which the enemy hearing of, prepared all the power possibly they could, and ingaged their Army with Sir William Brereton, who in an houres fight routed the enemy, took 100. foot, and 100. horse prisoners, Jan. 28. 1643. and afterward marched into the Countrey, and relieved ma­ny oppressed people, by taking off the heavy taxations that lay upon them, and hearing of the Earle of Northampton marching that way, gave him the meeting neare Stafford, and by the assistance of noble Sir John Gell, gave him battell and routed him, kill­ing upon the place the said Earle of North­ampton E. of Northamp­ton slain. [Page 63] March 26. 1644. and presently afterwards tooke the strong towne of Staf­ford by a stratagem, and from thence went to Wolverhampton, and tooke it with all the Ammunition, and then retreated to­wards his owne Countrey of Cheshire, and by the way tooke Whichurch, and after­wards marched up to Eckelsall castle, and tooke it with all the ammunition, June 26. 1644. and coming into Cheshire was there received with much joy, and many Volun­tiers listed themselves under him, with whom he marched to Houghton Castle, and tooke it with much ammunition, July 22. 1644. and afterward marched toward the Lord Capell near the Nantwich, and gave L. Capel rou­ted. him battell, routed his whole Army, tooke many hundreds prisoners, and presently marched up to Holt Castle and besieged it, and by Composition tooke it, with much Ammunition, Novemb. 21. 1644. and march­ed after to Harden Castle, and tooke it, with the ammunition, with the Towne of Rippon, Decem. 3. 1644. The Lord By­ron having a strong and potent Army, marched up to the Nantwich, and besiged it, the which the noble Sir William Brere­ton understanding the greatnesse of his strength sent to Sir Thomas Fairfax for help to raise the siege, which noble Sir Thomas did no sooner heare of, but did hasten up to Sir William Brereton, who The gallant ser­vice of Sir W. Brereton. when they were joyned, marched up to the Lord Byron, and suddenly fell upon him, [Page 64] and after a hot fight raised his siege, and routed him, tooke 152. Knights and Gentle­men, 126. Commanders, 160. common Soul­diers, 120. Irish women with long skeanes, Feb. 14. 1644. and having relieved the Wich Sir William parted with Sir Thomas, and marched up towards Chester, and beat up the enemies quarters, and straightned the towne, the which Prince Rupert hear­ing drew all his Forces upon Sir William and gave him battell near Tarum, who quickly made the Prince retreat with the losse of 450. men, August 18. 1645, and presently having notice of a great party were going to relieve the Prince, he sent out a Brigade that fell upon them, and dis­perst them, took 175. common Souldiers, 15. Commanders, August 27. 1645. and after he had performed this gallant piece of service, he marched towards Chester, and meeting with a great party of horse fell suddenly upon them, routed and disperst them all, tooke 35. Commanders, 420. Pri­soners, 450. Armes, Septemb. 24. 1645. and presently after closely besieged Beeston Beeston Castle taken. castle, and tooke it with all the ammuni­tion, Octob. 15. 1645. The Kings Forces under the command of Sir William Vaughan joyned with all the Welch Forces, being 6000. strong drew up towards Sir William Brereton, and gave him battell, and after a long and fierce battell were routed, and 400. foot taken prisoners, with 600. horse, and killed 250. upon the place Novemb. [Page 65] 28. 1645. and having cleared the field, he Chester, Lich­field, and Dud­ley Castle taken. went againe before Chester, and closely besieged it, and tooke it with much Armes and Ammunition, Jan. 29. 1645. and after­wards marched with his Army to Lichfield, and took it with all the Ammunition, March 5. 1645. and from thence to Dudley castle, and tooke it, May 12. 1646. These with many more victories hath this valiant Knight performed, which will to after ages stand as monuments of his due praise.

S r William Waller Major Gen: of Surry Sussex & Hampshire


Upon the valiant and religious Sir William Waller. *
Exactly view our English Hanniball,
Or rather view with an admiring eye
Victorious Waller, whom we well may call
Th' unwaller of Foes strength, and policie;
As dreadfull to insulting Cavaleers,
As Hannibal was once for sixteen yeers
To Rome; foure Armies routed in the field,
Moe Towns and Forts surpriz'd adorn his shield.

IF praise be due to any, much more to The due praise of Sir William Waller. this gallant spirit, whose activity, valour, and constancy speake him to be one of our English Patriots, who (according to his [Page 68] solemn League and Covenant) hath en­deavoured (by his sword) to maintain the Kings Honour, the Parliaments Privi­ledges, and the Subjects Liberty, with the Union of the Kingdomes, as may appear by his gallant activity in the time of his pub­like imployment, which in part I shall in­sert: At his first going forth Westward with a small Brigade in the Counties of Hampshire and Wiltshire, by the interest hee had in the good affections of the peo­ple, and by his stratagems upon the enemy raised his Army to 5000. and then marched [Page 69] up to Portsmouth, tooke it with the Castle Portsmouth ta­ken. and all the Ammunition, the 5. of Septemb. 1642. and from thence marched to Farn­ham, tooke it with all the Ammunition, Octob. 15. 1642. afterwards marched into the field, and on a sudden wheeled about, and by a sudden assault took the Towne of Madbury, Octob. 26. 1642. and hearing of the great oppression of Hampshire by the Kings Forces he to them in hast marched, and suddenly fell upon the Kings Forces, utterly routed them, and tooke much booty, Novemb. 12. 1642. and no sooner had he per­formed this, but presently he marched to Farnham-castle, and took it, with all the am­munition, Novemb. 24. 1642. and afterwards tooke the strong City of Winchester, with the castle, Decemb. 13. 1642. with the castle of Arundell, Decem. 19. 1642. and the city of Chichester, with all the Ammu­nition, Decemb. 29. 1642. having gained so many Garrisons, and the Kings Forces not daring to relieve any, was yet a further incouragement, whereupon this noble and renowned Sir William Waller marched into the field, beat up their quarters, took many prisoners, and by storm gained the strong Garrison of Malmesbury, with all the Armes and Ammunition, March 17. 1642. and presently afterwards gave the Kings Forces battell neere the Forrest of Deane, utterly routed them, taking many prisoners, Aprill 3. 1643. and afterwards surprized three Troups of Horse, and took the Towne [Page 70] of Monmouth, April 9. 1643. with the Towne of Higman, April 17. 1643. and the Town of Rose-bridge, April 22. 1643. as also the Towne of Chipstow and Hereford, April 25. 1643. with the Town and Castle of Sherborn, April 29. 1643. and having thus prosperously conquered and carried all before him, he yet further proceeds and marcheth up to Lemster, beseegeth and taketh it, with all the ammunition, May 13. 1643. and from thence marcheth up to the Kings Forces near Wells, most resolutely chargeth them in the Van and Reare, on a sudden utterly routeth them and takes much ammunition, June 14. 1643. and by many skirmishes, hard seeges, and fierce battells have much need of recruit, this valiant Commander came to London, which ere long he was recruited, and againe into the field he marched, and gave the Lord Cra­ford battell neer Alton in Surry and totally routed him, Decem. 14. 1643. and after­wards took the Towne of Alton, with all the ammunition, Decem. 18. 1643. and A­rundell Arundel Castle taken. Castle Jan. 28. 1644. and after­wards marched into the field, and hearing of the Lord Hopton near Alsford, drew up to him, and gave him battell, and in a little time utterly routed him, took much Ammu­nition, and many Prisoners, killed the Lord John upon the place, March 26. 1644. and having thus gallantly performed, and the Countrey cleared of the enemy, he march­eth up to the strong castle of Shudly, and [Page 71] beseegeth it, and in a small time gaines it, with all the Armes and Ammunition, June 8. 1644. and having thus gallantly per­formed is by Order of the Parliament re­called, to whose commandement this valiant Commander obeyed, and as a Member of that House sits to act and finish that which his sword began, viz. the preservation of Religion, defence of the Kings Person and Honour, the Parliaments due Priviledges, and the Subjects due Liberties, with the Contents of the Nationall League and Co­venant, from which those that either love peace or truth will never revolt.

Edward Massey Esq. Major Generall of the west


Upon the right valiant and faith­full Commander, Major-Gene­rall Massey. *
What Masse of honor on the name attends
Of valiant Massey that Commander brave?
O! what a stay was he to fainting friends,
When Glocester was design'd to be a slave!
Nor from the walls alone, but from the field,
There Massey made three Armies fly, or yeeld,
Once P. Rupert knowes; and the groaning West
Partly by Massey's manly deeds find rest.

IF the outside of a portraicture could de­cipher the inside of a most valiant and The due praise of Major Gene­rall Massey. heroick Commander, then vertue, honour, and valour, would be brave Massey's Effi­gies: [Page 74] but because such graces cannot be so explained by the Art of the rarest Artist, it shall therefore satisfie me that some would, but could not sufficiently set forth, [Page 75] as in a mirrour, so much, so rare, and so transcendent deserts as are due to this true­borne English Patriot; yet to bury in ob­livion his gallant actions and unparellelled proceedings were the master-piece of ingra­titude, the which that I may convince both friend and foe that I am not guilty of, I shall as formerly, in part set forth the most material actions (by the hand and assist­ance of God by him) performed since his first taking up of Armes, which was in the month of June 1642. at which time hee marched forth with our renowned Generall the Earle of Essex, and at Worcester gave the Kings forces battell, and beat them to a disorderly retreat, Septemb. 12. 1642. and from thence followed them to Edg-hill, where they and the Kings Army had a most fierce fight, but at the latter end of the day, the Enemy with great loss retreated, Octob. 22. 1642. presently after this fight this faithfull, reli­ligious, and valiant Major-Generall Mas­sey was made Governour of Glocester, who had no sooner set the Garrison in a posture of defence, but falls to action and marcheth into the field, and by the assistance of Sir [Page 76] William Waller routed the Kings forces under the command of the Lord Herbert, and took many prisoners, March 30. 1643. at which good service, the Kings Forces being very much inraged, and the Councell of Oxford by Gods good providence infatu­ated, determined to besiege Glocester with their whole Army, the Parliament at that time having none in the field, were necessi­tated to recruit the Lord Generall who had long wanted recruits, in the interim of time Glocester was strongly besieged, despe­rately assaulted, and gallantly defended; many large proffers were made unto the faithfull and truly religious Major-Gene­rall Massey, but by him rejected, and find­ing him to be no Subject to bee wrought upon by large and plausible promises, they fell to proud and daring threat­nings, and upon an arrow shot into the Town these words,

These are to let you understand that your God Waller hath forsaken you, and hath re­tired himselfe to the Tower of London; Essex is beaten like a dog, yeeld to the King's mer­cy in time, otherwaies if we enter perforce, no quarter for such obstinate trayterly rogues.

From a Well-wisher.

To which presently upon another arrow was shot this ensuing Answer.

Waller's no God of ours, base rogues ye lie,
Our God survives from all eternitie;
Though Essex beaten be, (as you do say)
Romes yoke we purpose never to obey:
[Page 77] But for our Cabages which ye have eaten,
Be sure e're long ye shall be soundly beaten.
Quarter wee'l aske ye none, if we fall down
K. Charls wil lose true Subjects with the town.
So saies your best Friend if you make timely use of him, Nicolas Cudgel
you wel.

My purpose is only to make a very suc­cinct mention of these particulars, and to proceed, the towne being by the noble Lord Generall the Earle of Essex relieved, Sep­temb. 5. 1643. Major-Generall Massey marched againe forth into the field, fell upon a party of the Kings Army near Tueksbery, routed them, and took many prisoners, Octob. 16. 1643. and not long afterwards beat Colonel Vavasor from Teuksbery, Decemb. 6. 1643. as also Sir John Winter from Newnham, and did after­wards dissolve and dismantle the Garrison of Wotton, Decem. 14. 1643. and hearing of some scattered forces neer Glocester, drew forth upon them and tooke most of them prisoners, March 20. 1643. and after­wards hearing of Sir Iohn Winter at Newn­ham, drew up to him, and by a traine of powder did him much harme, and tooke very many prisoners and much provision, as also the same day defeated the Kings Forces at Little Deane, tooke the Town with all the armes and ammunition, May 7. 1644. having cleared that part of the Coun­trey, [Page 78] he marches up to Beverstone-Castle, and takes it by storme, with all the ammu­nition, May 27: 1644. and with the like suc­cesse tooke the Town of Malmesbury, May 30. 1644. as also the Garrison of Chippen­ham, having cleared the Countrey, he took the Garrison, and secured what before he had got; a party of the Kings Horse and Foot under the command of Colonell Mynne entred those parts not long after, and this renowned Major-Generall Massey hearing of him, went againe forth into the field with a small party, and near Kidmarly entred fight with them, kild their Generall Mynn, took many prisoners and much ammunition, Aug. 12. 1644. afterwards marched up to the Castle of Monmouth, and took it, Sep­temb. 26. 1644. as also defeated the Enemy at Betsly Sconce in the Forrest of Dean, and tooke much Ammunition, Sept. 30. 1644. and presently afterwards marched to­wards a strong party of the Kings Forces commanded by Sir Iohn Winter, encoun­tered them neare Beechly, and routed them, taking many prisoners, Aug. 12. 1644. hav­ing thus gallantly dispersed the enemy, he did endeavour to secure the Frontier Gar­risons under his Command, which he did accordingly, in which interim of time, Sir Iohn Winter again recruited, and came up towards the Forrest of Deane, (where he had been before beaten) the which re­nowned Massey no sooner heard of, but drew forth his strength, and did with much [Page 79] courage and gallantrey march towards the said Forrest, and gave them battell, and in a small space had utterly routed them, taken and kild many, Febr. 26. 1644. and not long afterwards having intelligence of a party of the King's horse coming out of Bristoll for the assistance of Prince Mau­rice, were met by this noble Generall, and upon a sudden routed, and many taken pri­soners, March 24. 1644. presently after­wards he marched towards the strong Gar­rison of Evesham, and besieged it, upon a fierce storme tooke it, with all the ammu­nition therein, May 27. 1645. having thus gallantly performed, not to be parallelled, considering his strength, yet some who were no well-wishers to Honour, nor Re­ligion, did murmur and complaine of this noble Generall, whose honour will stand to perpetuity upon Glocester walls, and in all true-borne English mens hearts; and although some thought his sudden taking off from that service would have dis-ingaged him from all service, it is well knowne by the West that after he was made there Ge­nerall, he did most gallantly, and was in­deed (as I may so say) the very wall to de­fend Sir Thomas Fairfax's Army from the incursions of the enemy, brave Massey led brave Fairfax the way into the West, wit­nesse the daily skirmishes he was in for five or six weeks together, beating the ene­my to retreats at least 120. miles, taking and killing many, notwithstanding the ene­my [Page 80] was four to one, yet some said (whom I will not here name) that the enemy was but a small strength, but when Sir Thomas Fairfax was to fight with them within two daies of the same time, the same party said they were a great Army, and it was danger­ous in fighting, I name this passage not to dishonor any who deserve praise, but to shew how and by what waies some use sleights to under-value those better then themselves, to set up themselves; much more may be spoken in time convenient, when brave Massey's honour will burst forth like the Sun from under a cloud, and stand for after Ages so long as the Sun and Moon endure.

Phillip Skippon Esq. Major Generall of the Army etc:


Upon the most renowned Soul­dier, Major Generall Shippon. *
More things to make a souldier compleat,
Are required then a valiant heart;
Time, travaile, art, experience great,
And scarrs, make up the whole of every part
Of warlike worth; these requisites, and more
Stout Skippon had, and piety good store;
Which made him to sleight death at Nasby feild,
Which he deserted not till foes did yeeld:
Edg hill, Newbery marsh, and Cornish ground,
This Champions fame for evermore will sound.

OF all the gallant Commanders England The due praise of Major Gene­rall Skippon. ever bred, renowned Major-Generall Skippon may have his name inrolled in that golden Beadrow, both for his faithfulnesse, [Page 82] valour, and constant perseverance, he never yet was knowne to turne his backe upon the proudest enemy, he never was cried up and Idolized for things he never performed, hee alwaies was ready to act the part of a valiant Champion, and to let the praise redound to those that expected applause; he amongst all the rest, is the man (if I may so say) that hath gone through good [Page 83] report, and bad report, through threats, promises, and earnest solicitations, and yet by all these is not (as too many are) shaken in his stedfastnesse, and to give gallant Skippon his due praise, he is one of the prime military men (at this day in com­mand) in England, as may appeare by the many gallant exploits by him performed since his first taking up of Armes, he first encountering the enemy neare Worcester, Septemb. 12. 1642. and putting them to flight, and from thence marched to Edge­hill, and drew the Army there into Battalia, charged the enemy resolutely, and after a fierce and bloody fight, the enemy retreated with great losse, both of men and horse, Octob. 22. 1643. Reading also taken by the assistance of valiant Skippon, April 18. 1643. as also Cirencester taken, and the Kings forces totally routed at Newbery fight; having performed this gallant service according to command, he retreated with his Infantry to Winter-Quarters, but hear­ing of a house fortified, leaving open the rode, which did much mischiefe to the City of London, he undertooke with a small Brigade to bring it in obedience to the Parliament, which hee did most gallantly performe, taking the Garrison, called by Grafton-house taken. the name of Grafton-house, with all the Armes and Ammunition, and great store of plunder, which was the souldiers booty, Decemb. 20. 1643. and having performed this gallant piece of service, he came back [Page 84] to London for further instruction, and so soon as the valiant Generall the Earle of Essex was provided, he marched forth with him Westward, & took Barnstaple, with Barnstaple and Taunton taken. Taun-Deane, 22. of June, 1644. and from thence marched more Westward, and tooke Mount-Stamford, Plimpton, Saltash, Laun­ceston, Greenvill-house and Newbridge, and from thence marched further into Cornewall and tooke Tadcaster, and Foy, the Kings Forces drawing upon them, and taking them in that narrow creek, put them to great streights, both for provision for men, and much more horse, so that his Ex­cellency by a Councell of Warre was ad­vised to force a passage with his horse through the Kings Army, which he accord­ingly did, but this heroick Skippon was al­lotted to stay behind, and make his termes as good as possible he could in this case with the King, and finding no faire termes from them, he encouraged his souldiers to stand to it, which accordingly they did, and fought with the Kings whole Army for some seven or eight daies together, not giving any ground at all, but rather gaining upon them, so that then the King thought good to grant them terms more reasonable then before they would heare of, least they might have wasted their Forces, or relief might have com, which drew neer them, and in this piece of hot service, Generall Skippon did so gallant service, as made both friends and foes much admire him: [Page 85] and because there were many in London who murmured and complained, indeavour­ing with much earnestnesse to foment jea­lousies and bring in disgrace men of worth and eminencie, as the Lord Roberts, Sir Philip Stapleton, and some others, who were not of their opinion in Religion, viz. men of confusion in Church and State, even these men cry out of plots and designes, of carry­ing the Army into the West, but had the Army prospered, Oh then how London would have sounded of—————who had done the worke, though there had not been 20. in the whole Army: And these, and such like, are and have beene the practises of some against them that are not lovers of their abhominable doings, these their designes are like the fine designes of the—but God in due time will deale with this Generation of selfe-exhorters, truth-destroyers, and Co­venant-revolters, I shall give them no other epitome at present, and as for those wor­thies of England, viz. the Earle of Essex, the Earle of Manchester, the Lord Ro­berts, the Lord Willoughby, Sir William Waller, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Samuel Luke, M. Gen. Poyntz, Major-Generall Massey, and Lievtenant-Generall Skippon, with the rest that are Covenant-keepers, as our Brethren of Scotland, who have borne with patience what the height of malice could invent against them; this will one [Page 86] day be their comfort, that they have beene reviled, and have not reviled againe, and that they have suffered all manner of wrong and reproach for Gods sake, his causes sake, and their Covenants sake: I shall say no more at present for them, but descend to the rest of the valiant actions of this re­ligious Commander, who was upon the new Modell of the Army listed in the like office hee formerly executed under brave renowned Essex, Englands faithfull Lord Generall; valiant Sir Thomas Fairfax being created Generall in his stead, did upon re­cruit march forth with valiant Skippon, and gave the Kings Forces a dismall battell at Naesby-field, where the Kings Forces were utterly routed, June 14. 1645. and after­wards marched up to Leicester, and re­gained it, and this may stand to perpetuity, as a crown of honour upon religious Skip­pons head, that he encountred the enemy in field and Garrisons 125. times, and never turned his back in the height of an assault, storme, or battle, upon the adverse Party; to describe all the particulars, I shall re­ferre the Reader to the Table of this booke, and the actions of the two Generalls, viz. the Earle of Essex, and Sir Thomas Fair­fax, and conclude exhorting to give God the glory of this Champions actions, for he alone was the supporter of his heart in the day of battel, and this great God was unto him a buckler, a helmet, a tower, a fort, [Page 87] and a rock of defence to him in the time of danger, and so he was, is, and will be to the end of the world, to all them that put their trust in him, rest on him, and keep Covenant with him.

S r Iohn Meldrum


Upon Sir JOHN MELDRUM Knight, deceased. *
Nere was there in a man more self-neglect,
Nor more contempt of lawfull rest and ease,
Then in courugious Meldrum, whose defect
(If any) was excesse of zeale to please
His God, and to redresse his countries wrongs;
For which heroick acts, both pens and longues
Shall Meldrum mellifie; and for th' expence
Of all his labours, heaven hath ta'ne him hence.

SInce debts of honor are due to such The due praise of Sir Iohn Meldrum. valiant Champions (as renowned Mel­drum deceased,) thus neither words nor pens can sufficiently expresse honor enough [Page 90] for future Ages to read, but since it is (by Gods providence) my lot, I shall endeavour to revive to posterity the dying memory of our English, and Brother-Scottish Peers and Patriots due valour, and faithfulnesse to maintaine Religion, the Kings Honor, the Parliaments Priviledges, the Subjects Liberties, and the firm union betwixt both Nations according to the sacred Covenant: one of the first that with valour and courage stood up for the Parliament, was this thrice­honorable Scottish Patriot, who was as sensible of Englands distemper, as if it had been his owne, and therefore out of a godly zeale he begirt his sword about him, and with a couragious and gracious spirit went forth, and by a heavenly hand conquered his enemies as I shall make it appeare; At his first going forth, he joyned with Sir William Waller, and was assistant in the valiant service of the West, and in particu­lar, he was very couragious and prosperous in the taking of Portsmouth in Hampshire, as also the raising of the siege at Hull, July 22. 1642. and not long after, the [Page 91] Earle of Newcastle againe besieged Hull, and this noble and renowned Sir John Mel­drum issued out, beat the Earle with his whole Army out of their Workes, took nine piece of Ordnance, and much more Ammu­nition, Octob. 13. 1643. and having beaten the enemy and raised their siege, hee marched into the field, and by the assist­ance of noble Sir Thomas Fairfax, tooke the strong town of Gainsborough by storme, with all the men, armes, and ammunition therein, Decem. 20. 1643. and afterwards he tooke the Isle of Axholm with all the Ammunition, Febr. 4. 1643. and from thence marched to his owne County, of which he was (by the Parliament) made Generall, viz. the County of Lancashire, where he was no sooner come, but he had notice of a great Brigade under the Command of the Lord Byron, and Lord Mollenaux near Ormskirk plundering, to whom he hastned, and coming within sight of them, they pre­sently prepared to battell, and charged once, and then ran quite away, being utterly routed, and having lost at least 1000. horse, and the Lord Byron himselfe hid in a Corne­field, or else had beene taken prisoner, Aug. 20. 1644. having cleared the field, he againe marched towards the Isle and fort of Jarmouth, and in a short time took it, with many ships in the Harbor, closely be­girt the Castle, and by a most bold and re­solute assault, received his deaths wound, the which his souldiers took much to heart, [Page 92] making most sad lamentation for him, and they alone did not lament his losse, but the Parliament also, and many thousands more in the Kingdome; and although his person be taken from us, yet his name will stand to perpetuity, and our after-Ages will speake to brave Meldrums praise.

S r. William Balfore etc:


Upon the valiant and faithfull Knight, Sir William Balfour *
That providence that made thee first a cause
Of preservation of the innocent,
Call'd thee to preservation of his Lawes,
And the destruction of the violent
Opposers of just rights and Liberties;
Therefore the List of Worthies doth comprize
Valiant Balfour, whom fames relation
Soundeth an honour to the Scottish Nation.

IF there were not in the Common-wealth The due praise of Sir William Balfour. some men of publike spirits Balfour-like, to lay a side places of honour and profit, to promote the publike, as he did, our Com­mon-weal would become a common woe, to all that have habitation therein, or relation thereunto, but as we and our children after [Page 94] us have cause to blesse God for accomplish­ing our war, so we and our children also, will have just cause to honour the persons in the memoriall of the gallant actions of our English and Scottish noble Command­ers and Souldiers, one whereof here speakes as much honour to the Kingdome of Scot­land, as any one this day in Europe of his rank and quality; brave Sir William Bal­four by name, some of whose brave actions I shall insert, as so many everlasting monu­ments of his praise, and for his gallant ser­vice he performed under his Excellency, [Page 95] Englands faithfull Lord Generall, the de­ceased renowned Earle of Essex, I shall omit for brevities sake, and only speake breefly of those his gallant exploits per­formed in the taking of Newbery, with all the arms and ammunition therein, and afterwards cleared those parts of an op­pressing Adversary, and not many moneths afterwards marched further Westward, ac­cording to order, and took Weymouth, and in it 27. peeces of Ordnance, with all the rest of their Ammunition; and having set­tled that Garrison and cleared those parts, he marched with all speed towards Taun­ton-Deane, and tooke it with all the Am­munition therein; many more exploits and valiant actions he performed, still eyeing the publike safety more than his owne or private interest, persevering in all his ac­tions, standing to his Covenant principles, viz. the advantage of Reformation in Church and State, and the rooting out of Popery, Prelacy, Schism, and Heresie, that as there is but one God so there might be one faith, one truth, and one way of worshipping this one God in newnesse of heart and affec­tions.

Major Generall Poyntz


Upon the couragious Comman­der, Major-Gen. Poyntz, Knight. *
Here valour and fidelity contend
Which shall exceed in an officious way,
And both doe to posterity commend
Brave Pointz triumphing on a routing day
On Rowton-Heath neer Chester, where the flower
Of Cavaleerian force fell in the power
Of this Commander, whose couragious brest
Hath purchas'd honour, and his Countries rest.

THis valiant and faithfull Commander, The due praise of Major Gene­rall Poyntz. Major Generall Poyntz, if it were onely for his constancy in the cause he un­dertooke, and stability, deserveth of all [Page 98] true-born English-men, to be honoured, and as a Souldier he hath done gallantly, even when the Parliament and Kingdome was in a low condition, and the enemy strong, yet he in many parts North, and North-West gave the Kings forces many defeats and overthrowes, as at Rounton Heath, neer West-Chester, and cleared [Page 99] those parts, and afterwards drew more Northward, and cleared those parts, was alwaies active in promoting the publike, and when the warre was compleated, and our Brethren of Scotland retreated towards their owne Kingdome, this renowned Sir Sydenham Poyntz had a command to secure and keep in quietnesse those Northerne parts, in case of any insurrection of the Malignant or any other party, which he did most faithfully performe, and in all his proceedings he did endeavour to keep bro­therly unity with our Brethren of Scotland, which may adde one badge of honour to him more then to some of the rest of our gallant Commanders, and this may be the crowne of his honour, that in all the troubles of England, and sad division, he hath kept himselfe unspotted from covetousnesse, am­bition, or faction, which if all men in emi­nency and trust hath done the like, we should have had lesse contests for honour, and more self-deniall, lesse reviling of and exclaiming at our faithfull Brethren of Scotland, and more Covenant-ingaged af­fection to them, lesse fomenting and fost­ring of division, and more advancing of the truth in a reall Reformation, according to our most sacred Oath, and I could wish some men of eminency had not been so guilty of blowing and kindling the coles of jealousie betwixt England and Scotland, and finding God blasted them in that Ma­chiavell designe, they act a second tragedy [Page 100] not inferiour to the former, viz. foment and countenance a division at home in the same Kingdome, amongst one and the same Subjects of one flesh and blood, and al­though God (it may be) hath used some such men to doe his owne worke, whom as men I honour, yet I am confident their honour is not of so a long a life as their person, but for faithfull men, such as valiant Poyntz, when their persons decay and decrease, their ho­nours will increase to posterity.

The Religious succesfull and truly Valliant Lieutenant Generall Cromwell


Upon the valiant Commander, Lievtenant-Generall Cromwell. *
Here's noble blood, if that a noble mind
Makes man noble by denomination;
And he that reads this Souldiers acts, shall find
Matter of wonderment, and admiration:
That in such well-fought fields and fortresses
Assaulted, alwaies conquering happinesse
Attended him; thus (with grace beautified)
Despised men pull down great Princes pride.

AS a valiant, faithfull Commander, brave The due praise of Lievtenant-Generall Crom­well. Cromwell deserves perpetuall honour, who for his gallant actions, the Cavaliers have (Anabaptist-like) rebaptized him (if I [Page 102] may properly so say) and given him a new name, called Old Iron sides, and very well they might call him so, for oftentimes hee did prove to them as an iron rod to brake them in pieces: God hath used him as one [Page 103] of the great instruments to rescue our Re­ligion, Lawes and Liberties out of the hands of those that would have destroyed them all, and therefore he deserveth high honour: I here present to the view of the world, his valiant exploits (in shorter terms then M. Sprig in his large Folio History of large relations and of the largest size) since hee was made Commander of a Bri­gade; one of the first and gallant pieces of service he performed, was in the taking of Stamford, and clearing the parts adjacent, often skirmishing with the enemy, alwaies prosperous, especially at that never to be forgotten fight at Marston-More, where in person he did performe most gallant ser­vice, and afterwards was active in all his undertakings, and being eminently taken notice of upon the Modell of the New Ar­my, was chosen Lievtenant-Generall, and at that great battell of Naseby did bravely performe the day, to the downfal of the Cavalierian faction, and encouraged the souldiers to prosecute the day, and with zealous courage marched towards their Garrisons, and first tooke in Leicester, and afterwards Heighworth, relieved Taunton-Deane, re-gained Ilchester, routed Gorings Western Army, took also Langport, Bur­rough, Bridgewater and the Citie of Bath, and afterwards did march with the Army against Sherborne-Castle, and took it with the Castle of Nunney, Porshut Point, and [Page 104] the strong Towne and Castle of Bristoll, and having re-gained that marched to the Devizes, and tooke it, with the Castle of Farleigh, Chedwick and the strong Garri­son of Basing the very receptacle of rogue­ing Rob-Carriers, and having performed this gallant service, hee marched more West­ward towards the reliefe of those poore op­pressed parts, and in his march tooke Lang­ford-house, Tiverton, Fulford and Chilling­ton-house, and presently marched to Poul­dram-house and tooke it, relieved Plymouth, regained Budex Church and Sir Francis Drakes house, and having thus weakned the Kings strength in Garrison, he did march towards the Lord Hopton and routed him, took Launceston, Listithiell, Saltash, Wardbridge, and Temple-guard, the Lord Hopton recruited to the number of 5000. Horse, whom within few daies was by this valiant Commander and the rest, inforced to disband and deliver with all their ammu­nition, and having cleared the field in the West, marched up to Dennis-Castle and tooke it also, with Felford Haven, Ax­mouth, Inch-house, and Hilford, Exeter hearing hereof did also suddenly deliver, and Barnstaple stood not upon so great termes as formerly, but was surrendred, and having finished the work in those parts, marched more Eastward, and tooke Radcot-house, Sherborn, and Oxford, and having been thus active, and compleated [Page 105] the worke, except some petty Garrisons, this valiant Cromwell came backe to take his place, as a Member of the House of Commons, where I leave him to act by his counsell, according to that patterne he hath acted with his hands.

Richard Browne Esq. major Generall of Oxon Berkshire & Buckingham


Upon the valiant and worthy Gentleman, Major-General Brown. *
And brave Brown bringeth up the Reare,
Last in the List, but not the least in field,
And he that reads this Souldiers acts, shall find
Matter of wonderment and admiration,
That in such well-fought fields and fortresses
Assaulted, alwaies conquering happinesse
Attended him; thus (with grace beautifide)
Despised men pull down great Princes pride.

BRave Brown, although last in List of The due praise of Major-Gene­rall Brown. the beadrow of Englands Worthies, yet inferiour to few in his actions and fidelity, as the Cavaliers know and acknowledge at [Page 108] this day with griefe of heart, and that it may bee manifest to all, I shall here insert part of those gallant passages and exploits by him performed since these unnaturall uncivill civill warres began: and first when Eng­lands never to bee forgotten, generally be­loved Generall, the bewailed, deceased Earle of Essex, first marched forth, this gallant Commander attended him in his marches from London towards the enemies Quarters, and falling in upon them neere Worcester, they utterly defeated them and put them to flight, in this battell this successefull Major-Generall Browne did most excellent service, and afterwards marched after the [Page 109] Kings Forces, who did recruit with much vigorousnesse, but being againe over-taken at Edgehill, were inforced to fight, which both sides did most gallantly, but after a hot dispute the Kings forces gave ground, retreated, and our souldiers kept the field, having won the day, and having thus pros­perously proceeded, and the winter draw­ing on apace, they came to London the chiefe Garrison of England, and so soon as Forces were able to march, this renowned Browne did march forth with a Brigade against Arundell Castle, and by a fierce storme tooke it, with all the Ammunition, and not long after this service marched into Kent, and quel'd the mutineers that had made a great uproare there, afterwards cleared those parts and marched up to Waltham-house, and tooke it with much Ammunition, and from thence marched to Greenland-house and tooke it also, and afterwards took Abbington, and fortified it just under the enemies noses, and defended it most valiantly against all the power the King then had in his chiefe Garrison of Oxford, tooke also an opportunity and marched forth and took the strong Garrison, Ballasith-house, with all the provision, and retreated back to Abbington, and preserved it from all the furious attempts of the ene­my: These with many more gallant pieces of service, did this gallant Commander per­forme, and though many proffers of honour, riches, and preferment were made him, yet [Page 110] this may be valiant Brownes honour, that he did refuse all, and stood for that cause his Covenant had ingaged him unto, and doth persevere to this day, which if he al­so doe to the end, it will be a crowne of honour to religious renowned Browne for ever.

[Page 111] ANd now having briefly recited many of the gallant actions of some of our valiant Commanders, I shal also add here­unto the names of many more, who have been seconders of the former, in gallant performances: and because most of their actions are included with the former, I shall at present only speak to part of the particulars, but for the future (God willing) I do intend to speak more at large: for the first, the truly worshipfull Colonell Hollis, his birth and blood speak him to be a man that is free from basenesse, his actions in the field have been valiant, and his ends faithfull, and I dare bouldly say, it was not profit, honor, or preferment did allure that thrice noble hearted Hollis; neither was it the Tower of London, in which he was most unjustly imprisoned, did any wayes daunt this valiant-hearted publike-spirited noble descended and religious affected Denzill Hollis from prosecuting the designe of God, and his Country: and for many of his valiant actions in the field, I might speak much to his praise, as also of his valiant Regiment (not inferiour to any in England, or that ever was in England since these last trou­bles in England) but at present I forbeare for brevities sake, and for his learned speeches, profound motions, and religious orthodox advice and Councell, in the Ho­norable House of Commons, I could insert somthing to his honour (which is well [Page 112] knowne) if it were proper for time and place.

And next in order to religious Hollis, I shall speak of faithfull Covenant-keeping Sir Philip Stapleton, somtimes Commisary-Generall to Englands generally beloved Generall the Earle of Essex, and as it hath been said of that religious Earle deceased, that when he was alive, there was none like him in a publike Covenant engaged heart, so when he died, he left not his fellow; so I may truly say of the truly worshipfull Sir Philip Stapleton, if without prejudice I may speak it; there is not his fellow-Knight, nor will hee leave his fellow behind him, I wish England were worthy of such men as hee is; I might add to this renowned Sta­pleton many gallant things he hath both performed by his sword and his Councell, which are more for his honour then all his enemies I hope can invent for his dishonour, but for me to pretend (as some of the new light-mongers do) to light a candle to the sun, were a master-peece of folly, therefore I shall say no more, but leave brave Staple­ton beclad with wisdome honour and glory as a robe.

And so I shall descend to speak of valiant Sir David Lesley, whose actions do deserve to be written in letters of gold: for to re­hearse them, were to mention almost all the victories of that faithfull Army of our true-harted brethren of Scotland; but I shall at present only give religious Sir David Lesley [Page 113] this character, a man noble by birth, noble in mind, and noble in actions; true to his Country, true to his Covenant, and true to his God, as also loyall to his King in all just wayes and proceedings which renders not him only honour, but also that Army which had such, and many such like reli­gious Commanders and Souldiers.

And the next to this religious and faith­full Lesly is Sir George Booth the elder of Cheshire, who when the troubles first be­gan, stood up for his Countrey, exciting his tenants so to do, promising them that had leases of their lands from him, that if any such did suffer in person or goods, he would make them recompence, and if any had Lease by life, and should be slaine, the life of his wife, child or friend, should be put in his stead (a brave religious resolution) if all the Gentry that had adhered to the Parliament had done the like, the warres could never have lasted so long: But this religious brave Booth thought it not enough so to doe, but tooke a place of command himselfe, and was verie active and couragi­ous for the preservation of his Countrey, did many gallant exploits, which I hope hereafter to mention at large, and at pre­sent give him this Character, faithfull, free, grave, godly, brave Booth, the flower of Cheshire.

Another neighbour and associated, vigi­lant and valiant Commander, is Sir John Seaton, a Lancashire Gentleman, for activ­ity, [Page 114] piety, and constancy, inferiour to few in England, he is the man under God, did pull down the pride, rage, and cruelty of the proud, potent, Papisticall Lord Strange, who with his great Army thought to carry all before him; but as we have just cause, so let us blesse God and honour true-heart­ed Sir John Seaton, for those great gallant things that have been done in reformed Lancashire, and consequently in all Eng­land.

And as great honour is due to valiant Season, for all his victories performed, which are mentioned in the List of the Lord Ge­nerall, so to valiant, vigilant and religious true-hearted and right honourable Colonell Harvey, who when things were at a low condition was willing to doe his Kingdome service, marched forth with a Brigade of the City of London, and with a small party did most valiant things, which I omit for brevities sake. And because I have som­what more knowledge of him then many, of whom I have and am to speak of, I can without flattery say of true-hearted Harvey, thus much, that I ever found him a man of a noble spirit, free from by, private, and base ends, aiming at the good and prospe­rity of the Common-wealth; active for the ends contained in the most sacred Nationall League and Covenant: a man most free from the scab of errour, adhering to no fac­tion nor party, further then the Covenant, union of the Kingdomes, and truth of God [Page 115] will admit of; and as hee is a Member of that visible Body the Parliament, so also I verily believe him to bee a Member of that invisible Body of Jesus Christ; I wish so much good to England, that all their Par­liament Members were such as pious true-hearted Harvey.

And with him also valiant victorious Sir Samuel Luke, a man who never was knowne to turne his backe upon the Enemy, in most fights of the Army of his Excellency the Earl of Essex, brave Sir Samuel Luke de­serves to be honoured for his undaunted resolution, and this (I hope) I may truly say, that hee is no turne-coat Knight, nor disobedient Commander, but was at first beginning what (I hope and verily believe) he will be to the end, viz. a true-hearted publike ingaged Covenant keeping and vertuous true-hearted English Knight, to whom England may be indebted, and he not indebted to England.

The next in order, which is little used, which if any shall judge me out, I shall de­sire to be excused, because it is the Nation­all Malady at this day, and therefore if any shall conclude it is too high or too low for the right worshipfull Sir Tho. Middleton, or any other, I shall leave it unto their wis­doms to please themselves, and to doe as it seems just in their owne eyes, as it was when there was no King in Israel, yet I shall (I hope) give satisfaction to this wor­thy Commander, as to the rest, in declaring [Page 116] to the world that he hath been and still is, faithfull in performing most gallant actions in and upon the Borders of Wales, sub­duing many parties of Welch forces, taking many Garrisons both by storm, siege, and stratagem, he hath in most places where he came, gained the love as well of his ene­mies as others, he conquered not onely by the sword, but also by his good and faith­full carriage, he behaved himselfe like a man of wisdome, a man of honour and ver­tue, which is much to be found in one man, I shall for brevities sake descend to speake of religious Sir John Gell, whose worth is such as speake him to bee a man beloved of his Countrey, and feared by his enemies, valiant in his actions, and faithfull in his ends to promote truth and peace, it is ho­nour enough for gallant Gell to be Patron of these vertuous parts, of which also de­ceased Hambden was a man deserves to be put into the same beadrow, for a gallant, va­liant, vertuous Saint, and the taking of that wise States-man away was the great weak­ening of the Martiall affaires, Parliament­ary affaires, and Church-affaires, the taking away from the evil to come the zealous, re­ligious, Earle of Essex, the faithfull valiant Meldrum, the wise vertuous Pym, the un­daunted Covenanted Hambden, speakes little prosperity either for Church or State, I feare, I pray it may prove otherwise.

And so I shall proceed to speake a few words concerning the worshipfull Colonell [Page 117] West, Lievtenant of the Tower of London, whose faithfulnesse deserves much of this City, who hath not been biassed by parties and factions, which if he had, London might long ere this have been lain levell with the ground, which is by his faithfull prudence, at this day preserved, and I am confident, all Covenant-engaged Englishmen, more especially Citizens, and such as in some measure know him, will conclude with me, concerning this thrice noble and truly wor­shipfull Colonell West, Lievtenant of the Tower: That he is a holy Saint, a valiant Souldier, and a loyall Subject, which I hope wil be as a badge of honour to him for after ages to read.

And for the honour of London, I shall adde to him Collonell Manwaring, Com­mander of the Horse raised by the City for the defence of it selfe and Parliament, this noble Commander bears about with him the badges of his honour, viz. wounds received in battell; I shall conclude what I have to say of him, in that I doe believe concerning him, that he is a man of a vertuous heart, of gallant desert, and a souldier expert.

And for the honour of Wales, I shall make mention first of Col. Laugherne, whose prudence, valour and fidelity, hath preserved those parts, and kept them in good obedience, and by a handfull of men, hee hath encountered great Armies, routed and disperst them, and hath done like an [Page 118] honourable man, a loyall-hearted man, and a faithfull man.

A seconder of himselfe, and for the ho­nour likewise of Wales is the valiant Colo­nell Morgan, Governor of Glocester, who hath the command over that Garrison, that was under God, the preservation of Eng­land, he hath ever (since he was put in the trust therewith) improved himselfe to be faithfull, hath done much service for the Parliament, and that which is the badge of his and also Colonell Laughorne's honour, is that they have stood faithfull to God, their King and Parliament from the begin­ning, and are still the same, according to the Covenant, which (I hope) will be unto them and all the rest of the Covenant-en­gaged Commandérs, an eternall honour.

Amongst whom faithfull and resolute Colonell Birch deserveth to be had in re­membrance, for all his gallant actions per­formed, especially since the new Modell, he hath not been absent in any materiall piece of service, but done his part, and I could say truly, more then his part, were it not I should procure the emulation of some men: but if I had been silent of him, his actions speake him honour enough, and much more then my pen can expresse, therefore I shall at present, be silent con­cerning him.

And call to minde the noble Colonell Milton, whose actions have been many and [Page 119] prosperous, and although his service hath been hard, his Brigade small, and his pay poor, yet hath he hitherto kept himselfe from disobedience, and his souldiers from mutiny, they never yet dared the Parlia­ment, nor pillaged the Countrey, but al­waies carried themselves like faithfull ser­vants to their Masters, the King and Par­liament.

Another of the like faithfull Commanders is loyall-hearted, valiant-minded Col. But­ler, an honourable Member of the command­ing and conquering Army, who hath left no Garrison unconquered, nor no power un­subdued in England; This resolute spirit hath beene in most of these the gallant performances of the Army, and hath in what he undertooke, done little inferiour to any of the most prosperous Commanders in England, as in some kind scars of honour make it to appeare.

I intend brevity, but must not forget ano­ther of the valiant Commanders, Colonell Whaley, a man of honour and of trust, who deserves as much from the King and Par­liament as the best of the Commanders in his Excellency Thomas Fairfax's Army (now resident) onely one excepted, which I shall say more of in my second addition, which at present time will not admit of, and there­fore I shall conclude in two or three words apiece to two or three Commanders more.

As Colonell D'Albere who hath beene faithfull alwayes to the Parliament, and [Page 120] done them good service, and although he bee not an English-man, yet (I hope) none will be so ungratefull, but acknowledge, he hath done England good service.

Likewise Vice-Admirall Batten hath per­formed most gallant service at Seas, and with the Navy hath been as a Bulwarke to preserve our distracted Kingdome from for­raigne power, which had (in all appear­ance) long ere this made us miserable.

Many valiant things have by him been per­formed, as also the valiant Reare-Admirall Swanley, whom I designed to bring up the Reare, his actions in Wales, Cornewall, Devonshire, and the Northerne parts of England, can witnesse to bee such, as de­serve a History of themselves to be extant to succeeding Generations. And thus much I can say, as most conclude with mee, that there is not his fellow at Sea this day, for valour, and judgement, in the commanding and mannaging a Navy at Sea; I crave par­don in my rude conclusion, and desire to be excused by many, whom I shall hereafter mention, as Sir Robert Pye, Colonell Sir Hardresse Waller, Colonell Sir Arthur Hasterig, Colonell Sir James Harrington, Colonell Sir William Constable, Colonell Sir Matthew Boynton, a man whom Eng­land owes much honour to, as also those deceased valiant hearted Worthies, who adhered to the Parliament, I have here nominated, as also all others that have beene slaine on the Kings party, with the [Page 121] common souldiers on both sides, as also those that fled out of the Kingdome, all which I hope will bee excepted of without prejudice from him who hath hitherto been and resolveth (by the help of God) for the future to bee the Kingdomes most faithfull servant, in reality, constancy, and sencerity, to serve them,

Josiah Ricraft.

A perfect List of the many Victories obtained (through the blessing of God) by the Par­liaments Forces under the Command of his Excellency, Robert Earl of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier and Lovaine, Lord Generall of England: His Excellency Al­exander Lesly Earl of Leven, Lord Ge­nerall of the Army of our Brethren of Scotland: And the right honourable Ed­ward Lord Mountague Earl of Manches­ter Viscount Mandevile, Lord Kimbol­ton, Chancellour of the University of Cambridge, Major-Generall of the Asso­ciated Counties, &c. With the names of the Cities, Towns, Castles, and Forts, ta­ken from the Enemie since the beginning of these unnaturall Warres in the Yeares 1642, 43, 44 to the 14 of June, 1645.

1 THe first City in England assaulted by the Cavaliers since these unnatu­rall warres began, (after the King was de­nied admittance into Hull) was renowned Coventry; the King came in person against it, and the inhabitants thereof most coura­giously issued forth, and routed their Forces, took two peeces of Ordnance, and many Prisoners, July 26. 1642.

2 The Cavaliers had no sooner recruited, but ingaged with the Forces under the com­mand of the Lord Brook near Southam, where they were again routed, and many taken Prisoners.

[Page 124] 3. Portsay Island (the 15. of August) taken, with all the Armes and Ammunition therein.

4 The Town and Castle of Portsmouth in Hamshire taken, with all the armes and ammunition therin, by the renowned Pat­riots Sir William Waller, and Sir Iohn Mel­drum, of happy memory.

5 Southsay castle taken by surprisall, with all the armes and ammunition.

6 His Majesties Forces routed neare Worcester about the 12, of September 1642. by his Excellency Englands faithfull Lord Generall the Earl of Essex, in which fight the religious and faithfull Colonell Brown did gallant service.

7 The ever to be honoured town of Man­chester in Lancashire, the Garrison thereof being but few in number, and brought to great penury, yet most gallantly issued forth, beat the Lord Strange, raised the siege, and took many Prisoners.

8 Cawood Castle in Yorkshire taken by storme, with all the arms and ammunition the 23. of October 1642.

9 His Majesties Forces routed at the never to be forgotten and famous fought battell of Edg-hill, Octob. 22. 1643. where was taken the Kings standerd, L. Willoughy, Sir Ed­ward Stanley, Col. Vavasour, Col. Luns­ford, and many hundreds more; in which fight was slaine the Earl of Lindsey, L. Ge­nerall of His Majesties Forces, the Lord Aubeny, Sir Edmond Verny, the Kings [Page 125] Standerd-bearer, with divers other Officers of quality, and many hundred common souldiers; in which battell his Excellency the Earl of Essex fought so gallantly, shew­ing much courage and fidelity, that his very enemies did acknowledge it.

10 The Castle of Farnham taken by storm, with all the armes and ammunition, by the renowned Sir William Waller.

11 Madbury neare Plymouth taken by storme with all the ammunition.

12 The City and Castle of Winchester taken by Sir William Waller, and in it the L. Grandison, and 65. other Gentlemen and Commanders; 1000. Foot, 600. Horse, 200. Dragoones, and 600. armes, with all the rest of the arms and ammunition, December 7. 1642.

13 The Earl of Newcastles Army in the North neer Tadcaster routed by the noble Lord Fairfax, about the 8. of December, 1642.

14 Arundell castle in Sussex taken by storme Decemb. 16. 1642. with all the armes and ammunition, by Sir William Waller, and Col. Brown.

15 Chichester taken by Sir VVilliam Wal­ler the 26. of December 1642. with all the armes and ammunition therein.

16 The Earl of Newcastles Popish Army again routed neer Bradford, by the noble and religious Lord Fairfax, January 3. 1642.

17 The said Army of the Earl of New­castle [Page 126] had no sooner rallied and recruited, but they were again routed by the noble and successefull Lord Fairfax, neer Leeds, the 9. of January, 1642.

18 His Majesties Forces routed neer Henly upon Thames the 11. of January, 1642. and many hundreds taken prisoners.

19 Leeds taken by noble Sir Thomas Fairfax, January 26. 1642. with all the armes and ammunition therein.

20 His Majesties Forces (under the com­mand of Sir Thomas Aston) routed neer Namptwich, by the noble and truly reli­gious Sir VVilliam Brereton, Jan. 28. 1642. taken prisoners 110. Foot, and 100. Horse.

21 The town of Preston in Lancashire taken (by Sir Iohn Seaton) by storme, Feb. 10. 1642. with all the armes and ammuni­tion therein.

22 Lancaster town and Castle taken Febr. 13. 1642. with all the Ammunition.

23 The Cornish Cavaliers routed the 26. of February, 1642. neere Madbury, five pieces of Ordnance, 200. Arms, 120. Pri­soners taken.

24 Lichfield Close taken, March 3. 1642. with all the ammunition.

25 Lastoll surprised with all the armes and ammunition.

26 The Army under the command of the Earle of Northampton, routed neer Staf­ford, and the Earle himselfe slaine by faith­full Sir VVilliam Brereton, and Sir John Gell, about the 25. of March, 1643.

[Page 127] 27 Malmesbury taken by storme, March 28. 1643. by Sir VVilliam VValler, with all the armes and ammunition.

28 The Welch Army under the command of the Lord Herbert were routed in the For­rest of Deane, by Sir VVilliam VValler, and Col. Massey.

29 Tewksbury taken by faithfull Colonell Massey, with all the armes and ammunition, about the third of Aprill 1643.

30 The town of Wigon in Lancashire taken by Sir John Seaton, with all the armes and ammunition therein.

31 Monmouth in Wales taken by Sir VVilliam VValler, about which time that vigilant Commander did also surprize three Troopes of Horse that were under the com­mand of Prince Maurice.

32 The town of Higman taken by Sir VVilliam VValler, and in it 1444 common Souldiers, and 150 Commanders and Gentle­men, about the 16. of Aprill, 1643.

33 Newman taken by Sir VVilliam VVal­ler, with all the ammunition.

34 Rosbridge taken with all the Ammu­nition, by Sir VVilliam VValler.

35 Chepstow taken by Sir VVilliam VValler, with all the Ammunition.

36 Hereford taken by Sir VVilliam VValler, by storm, and in 42 Knights and Commanders and 600 common Souldiers.

37 Sherborn town and castle taken by Sir VVilliam VValler, with all the Ammu­nition.

[Page 128] 38 Redding taken by his Excellency the Earl of Essex, Aprill 18, 1643.

39 Lemster taken by Sir VVilliam VVal­ler with all the Ammunition.

40 The towne of Whaley in Lancashire, taken by the noble Manchesterians.

41 Croyland taken the 29. of Aprill, 1643. with all the ammunition.

42 Stafford taken by the ever honoured, and true lover of Religion and his Countrey, Sir VVilliam Brereton.

43 Wolverhampton taken by Sir VV. Brereton with all the ammunition.

44 Wakefield taken by the Lord Fairfax the 27 of May 1643. with all the Ammuni­tion.

45 Warrington in Lancashire taken by the valorous and faithful Manchesterians, with all the Armes and Ammunition, the 29 of May 1643.

46 Whitchurch taken by Sir VVilliam Brereton, with all the Ammunition.

47 The Kings forces routed neer Wells the last of May, by Sir VVilliam VValler.

48 Hagerston castle taken by storme, the second of June 1643.

49 Holy Iland (with the castle) taken by the noble Earl of Warwick.

50 Tamworth castle taken, June 4. 1643. with all the ammunition therein.

51 Ecklesall castle taken by the most re­ligious Sir VVill. Brereton, June 26. 1643. with all the Ammunition.

[Page 129] 52 Lin Regis in Norfolk taken by the right honorable Earl of Manchester.

53 Cirencester taken by the renowned Lord Generall Earl of Essex.

54 His Majesties great and potent Army routed by his Excellencie the L. Generall at Newbery fight, where was killed of his Majesties party five Lords and many hun­dreds of others, in which fight, his Excel­lencie did in his own person most gallantly charge the adverse party, and shewed such valour as did much incourage the whole Army.

55 Gainesborough in Lincolnshire taken, with all their Ammunition.

56 The town of Stanford taken by Col. Cromwell.

57 The mutinous kentish Forces routed by Colonell Brown, and that great insur­rection stopped.

58 Houghton castle in Cheshire taken by Sir VVilliam Brereton July 22. 1643, with all the ammunition.

59 A party of the Earl of Newcastles Po­pish Army routed, Aug. 14. 1643.

60 The Earl of Newcastles whole Army routed neare Horn-castle, by the Earl of Manchester, 1500 foot taken, 200 horse ta­ken, 55 colours, many Gentlemen and Com­manders.

61 Horn-castle taken by the truly noble and religious Earl of Manchester, with all the ammunition, Septemb. 2. 1643.

62 The City of Lincoln taken by the [Page 130] noble Earl of Manchester, with all the armes and ammunition.

63 Gainesborough taken by the Earl of Manchester, with all the ammunition, Oc­tob. 12. 1643.

64 The Lord Capell routed near the Nantwich, by Sir VVilliam Brereton, No­vem. 8. 1643.

65 Bullingbrook-castle taken by the Lord VVilloby, with all the armes and ammuni­tion, Novemb. 14. 1643.

66 The town of Wareham taken with all the armes and ammunition, Novemb, 16. 1645.

67 Holt-castle taken by Sir VVilliam Brereton with all the armes and ammuni­tion, Novemb. 21. 1643.

68 Harden-castle taken by Sir William Brereton, one of the Patriots of his Coun­trey.

69 The town of Rippon taken by Sir Wil­liam Brereton, Decemb. 3. 1643. with all the ammunition.

70 Flint town and castle taken by Sir Thomas Middleton, with all the ammuni­tion, Decemb. 5. 1643.

71 The Town and Fort of Moston taken, with all the Ammunition, 9 December, 1643.

72 The town of Wotton taken by Colo. Massey, with all the ammunition, Decemb. 11. 1643.

73 The L. Digby routed by the Garrison [Page 131] souldiers of Plimouth, who tooke 200 horse and 200 foot.

74 The L. Craford routed by Sir William VValler neare Alton, in which fight faith­full and religious Lievten. Col. Tailor did most gallant service.

75 Alton taken by Sir W. VValler, with all the armes and ammunition.

76 Grafton-house taken by Major Gene­rall Skippon, with all the ammunition, De­cemb. 20. 1643.

77 Holt-house taken by storme with all the armes and ammunition.

78 Bewly house taken by composition, with all the armes and ammunition.

79 Arundell castle taken by faithfull Sir William VValler, with 2000. prisoners and a ship in the Harbour, the fourth of Jan. 1643.

80 Sir Iohn Biron routed by noble Col. Mitton neere Elsmere, the 20 of January, and many prisoners and much ammunition taken.

81 Burton upon Trent surprized by Sir John Gell, with all the ammunition, the 23 of Jan. 1643.

82 Hilsden-house taken, and Lacock­house quitted, Jan. 25. 1643.

83 Croyland taken by the Earl of Man­chester, Jan. 26. 1643. with all the ammu­nition.

84 Burleigh-house taken Jan. 28. 1643 by the noble Earl of Manchester with all the ammunition.

[Page 132] 85 The Kings Forces routed by the faith­full and valiant Earl of Manchester neere Winsby, tooke 1100 prisoners, 32 Colours, 500 Horse.

86 Cockquet Iland and town taken by our faithfull and covenant-keeping Brethren of Scotland.

87 The Lord Byron routed neer Nampt­wich by Sir William Brereton and Sir Tho­mas Fairfax, taken 152 Knights and Gen­tlemen, 126 Commanders, 1600 common Souldiers, 120 Irish women with long Skeanes.

88 The Isle of Axholm taken by Sir John Meldrum Febr. 4. with all the ammunition.

89 Burlington in Yorkshire taken Febr. 10. 1643.

90 Alnwick taken by our Brethren of Scotland, with all the armes and ammuni­tion, Feb. 14. 1643.

91 The town of Morpeth taken by the Scots, with all the ammunition, Feb. 22. 1643.

92 King Mylus house taken by storm, with all the ammunition and provision.

93 Whitby in Yorkshire taken by the Lord Fairfax, with all the ammunition.

94 Milford haven taken by Captain Swan­ley, with all the armes and ammunition.

95 Biddle-house taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax, and in it the Lord Brereton, 26 Commanders, 300 common Souldiers, and all the ammunition.

[Page 133] 96 Hisley-house in Buckingham-shire taken, and all the ammunition.

97 Newbury taken by Sir William Bal­four, with all the ammunition.

98 Tadcaster taken with all the armes and ammunition, the third of March, 1643.

99 Bredport taken with all the armes and ammunition, the twelfth of March, 1643.

100 Haverford West taken and in it 10 Peeces of Ordnance, and all the ammuni­tion, March 15. 1643.

101 Tinby taken by storme March 19, and in it seven Peeces of Ordnance, 400 prisoners, 450 arms by our Brethren in Scotland.

102 Carew castle taken with all the am­munition, March 21, 1643.

103 The Earl of Carbery routed, and foure Garrisons quitted, and possessed by the Parliament Forces, upon March 24. 1643.

104 Sunderland taken by our Brethren of Scotland, with all the ammunition, March 24. 1643.

105 Sir Ralph Hopton routed neere Als­ford by Sir William VValler and Col. Browne, where was slaine the Lord John, and taken prisoners 120 Commanders and Gentlemen, 560 common Souldiers, and much Ammunition, March 26. 1644.

106 Whitchurch in Dorset-shire taken with all the Ammunition therein.

107 Waltham house taken by Major Ge­nerall- Brown, [Page 134] with all the Ammunition, April 9. 1644.

108 Cawood castle and Axholm Island taken by the Lord Fairfax and Sir T. Fair­fax with all the ammunition.

109 Croyland town taken with all the Ammunition therein.

110 The Kings Forces routed neere Selby in Yorkshire by the faithfull Lord Fairfax, and Sir Thomas his sonne, upon the 11 of April, 1644.

111 Durham taken by our brethren of Scotland, with all the armes and ammuni­tion, April 13. 1644.

112 Lumley castle taken by our Brethren of Scotland, with all the Ammunition.

113 Bewdley in Worcester-shire taken with all the Ammunition, the third of May, 1644.

114 The City of Lincoln and the castle retaken by the faithfull Earl of Manchester, and 200 Commanders and Gentlemen, 800 common Souldiers, 300 Horse, and seven Peeces of Ordnance.

115 Caernarvon towne and castle taken by Captaine Swanley.

116 The Kings Forces routed neere Newnham by Major Generall Massey, ta­ken 200 Officers, 500 common Souldiers, and nine Peeces of Ordnance.

117 The Ile and Fort of Iermonth taken by Sir Iohn Meldrum, with all the armes and ammunition.

[Page 135] 118 Abbington taken by faithfull and re­ligious L. Roberts, with all the ammuni­tion, May 24. 1644.

119 Beverton castle in Glocestershire taken by Colonell Massey.

120 Malmesbury taken by faithfull Major-Generall Massey, and in it 300 common Souldiers, seven Peeces of Ordnance, May 29. 1644.

122 Chippenham in Wiltshire taken by Major Generall Massey, with all the Am­munition, the second of June, 1644.

123 Russell-hall in Stafford-shire taken the 30 of May, 1644. with all the Ammu­nition.

124 Morpeth castle in Northumberland taken, with all the Ammunition, by our Brethren of Scotland, the second of June, 1644.

125 Tewksbury taken by Colonell Mas­sey, with all the ammunition.

126 Shudely castle taken by Sir William Waller by storme, with all the Armes and Ammunition, (June 8. 1644.) 70 Gentlemen and Commanders, 80 Horse, 250 common Souldiers, two Peeces of Ordnance.

127 Compton-house taken by storme, and in it 50 Gentlemen and Commanders, 120 common Souldiers, 60 Horse, and all the Ammunition.

128 Weymouth taken by Sir William Balfour, and in it 27 Peeces of Ordnance, with all the rest of the Ammunition.

[Page 136] 129 Taunton-Dean taken by Sir William Balfour, with all the Ammunition.

130 The town and castle of Oswestree taken by the Earl of Denbigh, with all the Armes and Ammunition, June 15. 1644.

131 Barnstaple taken by the ever to be honoured Lord Generall the Earl of Essex, with all the Ammunition therein.

132 The Kings Forces under the com­mand of Prince Rupert, and the Popish Earl of New-castle, were routed by our Brethren of Scotland under the command of the Earl of Leven; and our English Armies under the command of that faith­full and never to be forgotten E. of Man­chester, & the noble Lord Fairfax, at Mar­ston-moore, where they killed of the Cava­liers upon the place 4500, and took 1500, besides much Armes and Ammunition.

133 Greenland-house taken by Major-Generall Browne with all the Armes and Ammunition, the 18 of June, 1644.

134 The castle of Taunton taken by the noble Lord Generall, with all the Armes and Ammunition, the 22 of June, 1644.

135 Cholmley-house in Cheshire taken by the Earl of Denbigh, with all the Armes and Ammunition.

136 Wilne Fort and Ferrie taken by storme, with all the Armes and Ammuni­tion, the 23 of June, 1644.

137 The citie of York surrendered to the three Generals, the Earl of Leven, the Earl of Manchester, and the Lord Fairfax, with all the Ammunition therein.

[Page 137] 138 Tickhill taken by the religious and renowned Earl of Manchester, with all the Armes and Ammunition, the 25 of June, 1644.

139 Mount Stamford taken by the Lord Generall the Earl of Essex, with all the Ammunition.

140 Plimpton taken by his Excellency the Lord Generall and in it eight Peeces of Ordnance, and all the rest of the Ammu­nition.

141 Salt-ash with the Fort belonging thereunto, taken by the Lord Generall, and all the armes and ammunition therein.

142 Launceston, with three or foure more small Garrisons, taken by the Lord Generall, and all the Ammunition therein.

143 Greenvill-house neer Tavestock, ta­ken by the Lord Generall, with all the Armes and Ammunition therein.

144 Newbridge taken with all the armes and ammunition therein, the 14 of July, 1644.

145 The Kings Forces under the com­mand of Greenvill, were routed by the Lord Roberts in Cornwall, neere Lestithiell, 150 Gentlemen and Commanders, with many hundreds of common Souldiers, and much armes and ammunition taken, the 16 of July, 1644.

146 Tadcaster in Cornwall taken by the Lord Generall, with all the armes and am­munition therein:

147 Foy in Cornwall taken by the Lord [Page 138] Generall, with all the ammunition, and two Ships in the Harbour.

148 Shelford castle taken August 1. 1646. with all the ammunition therein.

149 Welbeck-house taken Aug. 8. 1644. with all the armes and ammunition.

150 Wareham surrendered August 9. 1644. with all the ammunition therein.

151 Gateshead neere New-Castle upon Tine taken by the faithfull and religious Earl of Calendar, with all the arms and am­munition therein.

152 Wingfield Manor taken, with all the armes and ammunition therein, the 12 of August 1644.

153 Latham-house surrendered, with all the armes and ammunition.

154 Red-Castle taken by storme by Sir Thomas Middleton, with all the ammunition, the 28 of August 1644.

155 The Kings Forces under the com­mand of Prince Rupert, routed by Colonell Massey, that valiant and successefull Cham­pion, who took 200 Souldiers, 200 Horse, and 12 Peeces of Ordnance, Sept. 3. 1644.

156 New-Castle taken by our faithfull Brethren of Scotland, after a very hard Siege, and by a most resolute storme, and in it 20 Lords and Knights, 2500 Souldiers, 48 Peeces of Ordnance, and much armes and ammunition, the 20 of October 1644.

157 The Kings Forces were no sooner come out of the West, in the height of their pride and cruelty, but they were met with­all [Page 139] by the noble Earl of Manchester, who totally routed and disperst that great Army, and took nine Peeces of Ordnance, 300 prisoners, and much more of provision and ammunition, the 29 of October 1644.

158 Tinmouth castle taken by our loving and faithfull Brethren of Scotland, with all the ammunition.

159 Leverpoole re-taken the third of No­vember, and in it 1500 prisoners, 2000 armes, and much more ammunition.

160 Helmsley castle surrendered, with all the armes and ammunition therein, the 22 of November 1644.

161 Newbery, Farringdon, and Marlbo­rough quitted.

162 The town and castle of Laughorn in Wales, taken the fourth of December, with all the armes and ammunition.

163 Carlile taken by our Brethren of Scotland, with all the ammunition.

164 Croyland taken with all the armes and ammunition, the 14 of December 1644.

165 Munmouth in Wales taken by Colo­nell Massey with all the ammunition, De­cember the 19. 1644.

166 Knaresborough taken with all the ammunition, December the 20. 1644.

167 Bellasith-house neare Abbingdon taken by Major Generall Browne, with all the ammunition.

168 Russell-house in Worcestershire re­taken the 27 of January with all the armes and ammunition.

[Page 140] 169 The Kings Forces in Wales routed by Collonell Laughorne, and took 300 com­mon Souldiers, 400 Arms, and foure pieces of Ordnance, the second of February, 1644.

170 Scarborough town taken by Sir John Meldrum, that faithfull Commander, and in it 30 pieces of Ordnance, and 120 Ships in the Harbour, upon the 17. of February 1644.

171 Shrewesbury taken by stratagem by Colonell Mitton, and in it 100 Command­ers, and Gentlemen, 36 piece of Ordnance, 3000 Armes, 2000 Souldiers, with all the provision, February 19. 1644.

172 Scarborough castle taken by Sir John Meldrums forces, with all the ammunition, March 25. 1645.

173 Weymouth re-taken the 27. of April, 1645. with all the ammunition.

174 Bletchington-house taken, Aprill 28. with all the ammunition.

175 Evesham taken by Major-Generall Massey, and in it 30 Commanders, and Gentlemen, 500 prisoners, 500 armes, 120 Horse, May 27. 1645.

These Mercies (with many more, which are exprest in the List of Sir Thomas Fair­fax his victories) hath God bestowed upon Englands Lovers, and Covenant-keeping Friends; for which let God have the glory, the Enemies to Truth and Reformation the shame, and Schismaticall Incendiaries, divi­sion and jealousie-contrivers betwixt the two Nations, their due punishment, accord­ing [Page 141] to our Covenant; that so God may be one, and his Name one in the three King­domes: to which let Englands, Scotlands, and Irelands Friends say, AMEN. So be it.

A perfect List of the many Victories obtained through the blessings of God by the Par­liaments Forces under the command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, since the losse of Leicester, being last May, 1645. to this present moneth of June, Anno Dom. 1646. with the names of the Garrisons, Towns, and Castles taken from the Enemy.

1. THat never to be forgotten Naseby field; where, after a fierce battel, were routed all the Kings Horse, kild and took all his Foot, with all the Ordnance bag and baggage: Also the Kings Cabinet of Letters took, and since published, and the designe discovered. All this was per­formed the 14 of June, and after a long march.

2. Leicester regained, June 17. with all the armes and ammunition therein, with 400. men prisoners, 200. horse, which was performed after a very hard march within three dayes afterward.

3. Highworth Garrison taken with all the ammunition.

4. The reliefe of poore oppressed, but faithfull, Town of Taunton July 4. 1645.

5. The retaking of Ilchester in Sommer­setshire, the 7 of July, with all the ammu­nition.

6. The routing of Gorings Western army neere Langport; taken 10 Colonells, 2000 prisoners, 2000 horse, 4000 armes, 35 Co­lours [Page 144] of horse, 21 of foot, foure peeces of Ordnance. This was most gallantly per­formed the tenth of July 1645.

7. The Garrison of Langport taken with all the ammunition therein.

8. The Garrison of Burrough also taken, with all the armes and ammunition upon the 14 of July 1645.

9. Bridgewater, a strong Garrison taken by storm with all the armes and ammuni­tion, July 22. 1645.

10 The city of Bath surrendred with six peeces of Ordnance, and all the ammu­nition, July 22. 1645.

11. The Club-men in Somersetshire beat­en, 2000 armes taken from them, and 300 of the ringleaders, upon the third of Au­gust 1645.

12. The strong castle of Sherborne taken by storme, with all the armes and ammuni­tion, Aug. 15. 1645.

13. The castle of Nunney in Somerset­shire taken the 8. of September, with all the ammunition.

14. Portshut point commanding Kings Road, taken upon the 11. of September 1645. and afterwards.

15. The strong Citie of Bristoll most gal­lantly retaken by storme with all the armes and ammunition.

16. The Town and castle of Devizes ta­ken the 22 of September, with all the armes and ammunition.

[Page 145] 17. The castle of Farleigh in Somerset­shire taken.

18. The castle of Cardif with 16 peeces Ordnance and 400 armes taken the 15 of September, 1645.

19. Lacok House in Wiltshire taken with all the armes and ammunition therein.

20. Barkley castle in Glocestershire ta­ken Septemb. 26.

21. Chedwick castle neere Lime taken, with all the armes and ammunition therein.

22. The strong castle of Pontefract in Yorkshire, with all the armes and ammu­nition.

Taken by our Brethren of Scotland.

23. The strong Citie and castle of Carlile with all the armes and ammunition. And likewise,

24. The impregnable castle of Scarbo­rough taken.

25. The castle of Rabi in the countie of Duresme taken: as likewise our brethren since took.

26. The castle of Canon in Herefordshire.

The Forces under the command of the Com­mittee of Shrewsbury, have been prosperous in the takeing of

27. Dauly castle, by composition, with all the armes.

28. Shraden castle, by composition, with all the armes.

29. Caos castle, by composition, with all the armes.

[Page 146] 30. Stockley castle, by composition, with the armes.

31. Morton-Corbet House, by storme, with the armes.

32. Rowton castle, by composition, with the armes.

33. Linsell Mannor. And

34. Aply House with the losse of very few mens lives, blessed be God for it.

35. The rebellious Army of Montrosse subdued and dispersed Septemb. 16. 1645.

36. In the raiseing of the siege of Pem­broke our English Army was likewise pros­perous.

37. Likewise a glorious victory over the Welsh three miles from Hereford, where they were totally routed, 150 of them kill­ed, 700 taken prisoners, foure peeces of Ordnance, five barrels of powder, and 800 armes, with all their carriages and provi­sion, the first of October, 1645.

38. The town and castle of Haverford West taken by storme October 3. 1645. and in it two peeces of Ordnance, 140 armes.

39. The castle of Carew taken with all the Ammunition therein.

40. The castle of Picton in Pembrokeshire taken by storme, with all the armes and am­munition.

41. Cardif castle in Glamorganshire ta­ken with the armes and ammunition therein.

42. The Kings forces totally routed at Rownton Heath neer Chester, September 24, by Gods blessing upon the Armies un­der [Page 147] the command of the most victorious Major Generall Poynts, where was killed the Earl of Litchfield, 1600 common Soul­diers taken prisoners, and 2000 horse, and ten Knights with some 90 commanders.

43. The castle of Sandall taken the se­cond of October 1645. with all the ammu­nition.

44. The citie and castle of Winchester taken the sixt of October, with all the am­munition therein.

45. The town and castle of Chipstow in Monmouthshire taken Octob. 11. with all the ammunition.

46. Holt-Church Garrison taken by storm, the 13 of October, with all the ammunition.

47. The plundring Garrison of Basing taken by storme with all the armes and am­munition, by the wonderfull blessing of God upon our Forces under the command of that religious, succesfull, and truly vali­ant, Lieutenant Gen. Cromwell, with Col. Dolbier Octob. 14. 1645.

48. The town and castle of Carmarthen taken the 14 of Octob. with all the ammu­nition.

49. Langford House took the 17 of Octob. 1645. with all the armes and ammunition therein.

50. The 17. of Octob. was Digby and Langdale routed in the North, going for Scotland, their bag and baggage taken, and their journey stayed.

51. The castle of Tiverton neer Exeter [Page 148] taken the 19 of October, with all the ammu­nition therein.

52. The town and castle of Monmouth taken by storm Octob. 19. with all the am­munition.

53. Digby and Langdale having again recruited, march again towards Scotland and are again routed by the Scotish Army, bag and baggage taken, and Langdale hard­ly escaped.

54. The Kings Welsh forces under the command of Sir VVilliam Vaughan were totally routed by the Forces under the com­mand of Sir VVilliam Brereton upon the twenty ninth of October: Taken of the ene­my prisoners foure hundred Foot, six hun­dred Horse, and kild two hundred upon the place, with small losse, blessed be God for it.

55. The castle of Boulton, taken by com­position, with all the arms and ammunition.

56. Shelford House taken by storme, with all the ammunition and armes, October 1645.

57. Wharton House neere Newark taken by composition, with all the armes and am­munition.

58. The strong castle of Beeston in Che­shire taken by composition, with the ammu­nition therein.

59. The Fort of Latham taken by com­position with all the armes and ammunition.

60. The citie of Hereford taken by strata­gem [Page 149] Decemb. 18. with all the armes and ammunition.

61. The castle of Embleden in Carmar­thenshire taken by composition, December 29. 1645.

62. The castle of Skipton taken the 22 of December, with all the armes and ammu­nition.

63. The town of Tidbury taken by Sir Iohn Gell, with all the armes and ammu­nition.

64. The Garrison of Fulford neere Exe­ter taken, with all the ammunition.

65 Chillington House neer Exeter taken by a sudden storm, with all the ammunition, Decem. 28. 1645.

66 Pouldram house neer Exeter taken by storme, Decemb. 29.

67 Plymouth relieved, and the Kings Forces beaten, Jan. 2. 1645.

68 The fort of Canterbury taken by a sud­den storm, Jan. 4.

69 Budex Church neer Plymouth taken by storm, and in it 100 prisoners, 100. horse, 200. armes, Jan. 9. 1645.

70 Sir Francis Drakes house taken Jan. 12. by storm, and in it 100. prisoners, be­sides other ammunition.

71 The town and castle of Dartmouth taken, Jan. 18. and in it one Earl, two Co­lonels, 5. Lievtenant-Colonels, 3. Majors, 15. Captains, 22 Lievtenants, 12 Ensignes, 900 common Souldiers, 120 peeces of ord­nance, two ships, and all the ammunition.

[Page 150] 72 The castle of Belvoir taken by com­position, Jan. 20. 1645.

73 The city of Chester taken, with great store of armes and ammunition, by Sir Wil­liam Brereton, Jan. 29.

74 The town of Torrington taken by storme.

75 The Prince and L. Hopton routed in the West, 400 taken, with 200 horse, the rest fled.

76 Cardiffe relieved by Ma. Gen. Laug­herne.

77 The Kings Forces in Wales totally routed by the said Major Generall Laug­herne, 800 common Souldiers taken, 75 commanders, 250 slain, bag and baggage taken.

78 Corf castle in Dorsetshire taken by storm and stratagem, with all the armes and ammunition.

79 The Kings Forces having surprized Abbington, were by the Garrison souldiers beaten out with great losse, in which ser­vice Col. Pane the Governour behaved him­selfe gallantly.

80 The Forces under the command of Major-Generall Web were routed Ian. 5. and many prisoners taken.

81 Ashby-de-la-Zouch surrendred upon composition, with all the ammunition, March 2. 1645.

82 Chirk castle surrendred to Sir Tho­mas Middleton.

[Page 151] 83 Launceston taken, and Bodman quit­ted by the enemy in the West.

84. Listell taken, and foure load of am­munition of the Lord Hoptons.

85. Saltash taken, and in it five peeces of Ordnance.

86. Ward-bridge and Temple-Guard ta­ken, and the enemy totally routed and fled.

87. The town of Litchfield taken by Sir William Brereton, March 5. with the losse of three men.

88. Sir R. Hoptons forces consisting of 5000 horse, disbanded, and delivered up to Sir Tho. Fairfax.

89 Sir Iacob Ashley totally routed, and himselfe with 1500 men and horse taken, with all their bag and baggage, March 21. 1645.

90. Dennis castle and Felford haven ta­ken, with 26 pieces of Ordnance in a Dun­kirk ship that was comming for reliefe of Pedennis.

91 The Fort of Axmouth is surrendred: they were to march forth with their swords only.

92. Inch House neer Plimouth taken with foure peeces of Ordnance, and 90 Muskets in it.

93. High Ark hall in Shropshire taken the 27 of March. 1646. with all the ammu­nition.

94. Hilford Fort in the West surren­dred, and in it 26 peeces of Ordnance.

95. The strong castle of Dennington sur­rendred, [Page 152] with all the ammunition, to Col. Dolbier.

96. Bridgenorth Town taken by storme, the second of April. 1646. with all the am­munition.

97. The castle with the Isle of Portland surrendred: with the armes and ammuni­tion.

98. The Kings body of horse routed neer Faringdon, by Major Blunden, where was taken 300 Horse, 200. men, and many arms.

99. Exeter taken by composition, April 13. 1646. with all the arms and ammunition therein.

100. Ruthen castle surrendred to Liev­tenant Generall Mitton: with all the ammu­nition, bag and baggage, April 13.

101. Barnstaple surrendred by composi­tion with all the armes to Sir Tho. Fairfax, April 14.

102. The Fort of Ilford-comb, taken by storm.

103. S. Michaels Mount neer Pendennis castle, surrendred, a very considerable place.

104. Aberistwith castle in Wales surren­dred to Col. Powel, with all the ammuni­tion, April 16.

105. Dunster castle in the West surren­dred to Col. Black, Ap. 19. with all the ammunition.

106 The castle of Tidbury surrendred to Sir VVilliam Brereton April 20. with all the arms.

[Page 153] 107. Woodstock Mannor surrendred to Col. Ireton, and Col. Rainsborough, April 27.

108. The castle of Bridgenorth surren­dred.

109. The strong castle of Banbury sur­rendred to Colonell Whaley.

110. The Garrison of Newark surren­dred to the Commissioners of both King­domes. And his Majesties coming to our brethren of Scotland.

111. Penrin in Wales the Bishop of Yorks house, surrendred to Colonell Mit­ton.

112. Dudley castle in Staffordshire sur­rendred to Sir William Brereton May 12.

113. Hartlebury castle surrendred to Co­lonell Morgan May 16. with all the ammu­nition.

114. Ludlow castle and towne surrendred to Colonell Birch, June 1. 1646.

115. Radcot-house surrendred to Sir Tho­mas Fairfax.

116. The town and castle of Caernarvan surrendred.

117. The strong Garrison of Bostol-house surrendred.

118. Sherburn-house surrendred to Sir Thomas Fairfax.

119. The strong citie of Oxford, his Ma­jesties chief Garrison, surrendred, with all the ammunition.

120. The Garrison of Faringdon surren­dred

July 1646.
  • [Page 154]The City of Worcester with all the am­munition.
  • Lichfield Close taken with all the am­munition.
  • Wallingford-Castle taken.
In August 1646.
  • The castle of Gothridge taken.
  • The castle of Rothian taken.
  • Ragland castle surrendred.
  • Pendennis castle surrendred.
  • Flint castle surrendred.
  • The Isle of Cily surrendred.
  • Denbigh castle surrendred.
  • Conway Castle taken.
  • Harleigh castle taken.
  • Holt castle taken.
  • The Isle of man taken.
  • The Isle of Garnsey taken.
  • The Isle of Iersey taken.

A Catalogue of the Earles, Lords, Knights, Generalls, Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, Captaines, and Gentlemen of worth and quality slain on the Parliament and Kings side, since the beginning of our un­civil civil Warrs; With the number of Com­mon Souldiers slain on both sides: As also a List of those that have fled out of the Kingdome.

Of the Parliament side these following slain.
  • THe Lord S. John slain at Edg-hil fight.
  • The Lord Brook slain at Lichfield.
  • Sir William Fairfax brother to the Lord Fairfax slain at the raising of the siege be­fore Mountgomery castle.
  • Sir John Meldrum mortally wounded in the admirable service performed by him at Scarborough Castle.
  • Major Generall Charls Fairfax, brother to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, slain at Marston-Moor fight.
  • Colonell Charls Essex slain at Edg-hil fight.
  • Lieutenant Colonell Ramsey slain also at Edg-hil fight.
  • Colonell Tucker slain at Newbury fight.
  • Serjeant Major Quarles slain at Branford.
  • Serjeant Major Stawhan slain at the fear­full fight betwixt Friznol-hil and Tough-hil.
  • Capt. George Massey slain at Newbery fight.
  • Captain Hunt slain at Newbery fight.
  • Captain Lazy slain at Branford fight.
  • [Page 156] Captain Lister slain at Tadcaster fight.
  • Captain Nutty slain at the siege of Read­ing.
  • Captain Williams slain neer Oswestry.
  • Cap. Lieut. Fletcher slain neer Oswestry.
  • Lieutenant Richard Macock slain at the siege of Ragland Castle.
  • Captain Pue slain at Marston-Moor fight.
  • Mr. Hugh Popham slain.
  • Major Burton slain.
  • Major Haynes slain at St. Beaudeux.
  • Captain Dove slain at Sherborn Castle.
  • Two other Captains, whose names are not perfectly known, slain there also.
  • Lieut. Col. Ingoldsby slain at Hilford castle.
  • Captain Allen slain neer Burleigh Gar­rison.
  • Major Sidenham slain at Melcomb.
  • Captain Oglesby.
  • Major Jackson.
  • Major Bradbury.
  • Major Fitz Simons.
  • Colonell John Gunter.
  • The full number 33.
Slain on the Kings side these following.
  • The Earl of Lindsey Lord General of his Majesties Forces slain at Edg-hil.
  • The L. George Stuart slain also at Edg­hil.
  • The Lord John Stuart slain at Cheriton.
  • The Lord Bernard Stuart slain at Rou­ton [Page 157] Heath: All these three Lords being of blood royal, brothers to the Duke of Lenox.
  • The Earl of Northamton slain neer Staf­ford.
  • The Earl of Denbigh slain neer Brimidg­ham.
  • The Marquesse of Viville slain at New­bery fight.
  • E. of Caernarvan slain at Newberie fight.
  • The Earl of Sunderland.
  • The Earl of Kingston after he was taken prisoner, going in a Pinace towards Hull, by the Earl of Newcastles Cavaliers that thought to have rescued him was shot to death and none hurt besides him.
  • The Lord Grandison.
  • The Lord Faulkland.
  • The Lord Darcy, eldest son to the Earl of Munmouth slain at Marston-Moor fight.
  • Lord Ashton slain neer Dudley Castle.
  • Generall Cavendish slain at Gainsbou­rough.
  • Generall Mynne slain at Ridmarly.
  • Sir Edward Verny the Kings Standard­bearer slain at Edg-hil fight.
  • Sir Joh. Harper slain at Bradford in York-sh.
  • Sir Bevil Greenvil son to the Marquesse of Hartford slain neer Marsh-field.
  • Sir George Bowles slain neer Horn-castle.
  • Sir William Wentworth brother to the Earl of Strafford.
  • Sir Francis Dacres neer kinsman to the Lord Dacres.
  • [Page 158] Sir William Lambton.
  • Sir Marmaduke Ludson.
  • Sir Thomas Metton.
  • Monsieur S. Paul a French Gentleman.
  • Sir Richard Goodhil.
  • Sir William Crofts slain near Stoaksey Castle.
  • Sir Thomas Nott slain at Highworth in Wiltshire.
  • Colonell Owen slaine at Holt bridge.
  • Sir Bryan Stapleton.
  • Sir Francis Carnabie.
  • Sir Richard Hutton.
  • Colonell Monroe slain at Edg-hil fight.
  • Colonell Wane slain neer Nantwich.
  • Colonell Ewers.
  • Colonell Roper. slaine.
    Colonell Slingsby
    Colonell Fenwick
    Colonell Prideaux
    Colonell Atkins
  • Col. Marrow slain neer Crowton House.
  • Col. Baynes slain at Malpass.
  • Col. Connyers slain also at Malpass.
  • Generall Gorings brother slain at New­bery fight.
  • Colonell Hauton slain neer Namptwich.
  • Generall Gorings Quarter-Master Gene­rall of Horse.
  • Generall Gorings Quarter-Master of Foot.
  • Colonell Philips slain neer Winchester.
  • Lievtenant Colonell Howard slain also neer Marsh-field.
  • [Page 159] Lievtenant Colonell Bowles slain at Al­ton in Surrey.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Lister slain neer Namptwich.
  • Lieutenant Colonell Stonywood slain.
  • Serjeant Major Beaumont drowned neer Leeds.
  • Serjeant Major Purvey slain at Preston.
  • Serjeant Major Smith slain at Gains­brough.
  • Serjeant Major Lower slain neer Marsh­field.
  • Mayor Wells slain at Glocester.
  • The Major of Preston slaine.
  • Major Heskith slain at Malpass.
  • Major Trevillian slain.
  • Major Hatton Farmer slaine neer Abing­ton.
  • Major Pilkinton slaine in Worcestershire.
  • Major Duet slain neer Radcot-bridge.
  • Major Heynes slaine.
  • Major Pollard slaine at Dartmouth.
  • Captaine Wray slaine
    Captaine Bins
    Captaine Houghton
    Captaine Baggot
  • Captaine James slain neer Marshfield.
  • Captaine Cornisham slaine.
  • Captain Plunket slain about Strozby Heath.
  • Sir Joh. Smith, brother to the L. Cot­tington.
  • Major Threave slaine.
    Captain Fry
  • [Page 160] Colonell Billingsly slaine.
  • Capt. Cottington slain neer Ruthen­castle.
  • Major Casts slaine at Basing-house.
  • Six Priests slain at Basing-house.
  • Lievtenant-Colonell Gardner slaine neare Winchester.
  • The full number 82.

With divers more of quality which were found dead after severall fights, but to the Parliaments forces unknown.

Common Souldiers slaine on the Parliaments side.

AT Babell hill 6
At Portsmouth 1
At Manchester 4
At Keinton 380
At Brainford about 160
At Winchester 14
At Tadcaster 8
At Bradford 15
At Henley 8
At Leeds 12
At Namptwich 33
At Seybridge 16
At Preston 4
Neare Stafford 40
At Middlewich 6
At Lichfield close 98
At Dorchester I Captain 1
At Causam-bridg 5
At High Arcall 40
At Hereford 1
At Stafford 1
Neare Newark 2
At the Trench 11
Neare Nottingham 10
At Friznot hill 18
At Glocester siege 8
At Newbery fight 170.
at Burleigh-house 7.
In Kent 8.
At Weem 5
At Alton 5
At Plimouth siege raising 16
At raising the siege of Namptich 2
At Lincoln storm 115.
At Milbrook 6.
At an assault at Lime 18.
Of the Garrison at Lime 16.
At Dudley castle 17.
At Marston Moor near York 340.
At Newbridg 40.
In Cornwall 28.
At Mountgomery castle 40.
At Beezly 10.
At Peel 1.
At Helmsley Castle 4.
At Heightley 9.
At Weymouth 10.
At Holt bridg 6.
Near Tedbury 7.
At Taunton 100.
At Evesham 5.
At Naseby 300.
At Barkley castle 3.
At Sherburn castle taking 210.
At Basing 40.
At Sherburn 8.
At Carlile sands 30.
At Beaudeaux 30.
At Bristol 160.
At Torrington 20
At Cardif many hurt.
The totall number of common Souldiers on the Parlia­ments side in all 2533.

Slain on the Enemies side of the Inferiour sort.

At the Leaguer before Hull 23.
At Coventry 70.
At Southam by L. Brooks forces 40.
At Sherburn castle or Babel hil 20.
At Caldrot by Mr. Purfreys houshold 18.
At Portsmouth of Col. Gorings 3.
At Worcester fight divers, the number unknown, its supposed 100.
At Manchester of the E. of Darby's 200.
At Keinton fight 2000.
At Branford severall Cart-loads, sup­posed that were slain 100.
At Winchester 20.
At Tadcaster of Newcastles men 200.
At Chichester 1.
At Bradford by Sir Thomas Fairfax a­gainst Newcastle 100.
At Burford of Birons men 7.
At Newbridg 2.
At Henly of the L. Grandisons 30.
At Leeds of Newcastles men 28.
At Namptwich about 40.
And many mortally wounded.  
At Preston of quality 8.
At Madbury 100.
Neer Stafford of the E. of Northamp­tons men 140.
At Middlewich of Sir Tho. Ashtons 30.
Neer Malmsbury 10.
In the Forrest of Dean by Sir W. Wal­ler 600.
At Lichfield close 30
At Sherborn town 10
At Dorchester 60
At Causam bridge 100
At Hereford 20
At the taking of Stafford by Sir William Brereton 3
Neer Newark by Col. Cromwell 100
At Whit-Church 150
Neer Nottingham divers, but of note 4
At Friznol hill 200
At Glocester siege at least 220
In skirmish at Auborn hills 80
At Newbery fight of dead and wounded, 140 cart-load.  
Slain about 200
In the pursuit neer Reading 100
At Gainsborough siege raising 300
At Stamford 200
Neer Burleigh of club-men 50
In Kent at Tunbridge 20
In fight by the E. of Manchester neer Horn-castle 1000
At Weem 6 cart-load of dead, about 60
At Plimouth 25
At Alton 40
At Plimouth siege raising 100
At Winsby fight 100
At Namptwich siege 500
Slain in raising the siege 800
By the L. Fairfax neer Hull 30
Neer Nottingham 100
By Col. Lambert at Bradford 100
At Alrezford 400
At the storming of Lincoln 400
At Lime 140
At an assault against Lime by strata­gem 400
At Dudley castle by the E. of Den­bigh 100
In all against Lime in that siege 2000
At Marston Moor 41 [...]0
In Penbroke-shire by Colon. Laughorn and Cap. Mitton 500
At New bridg 200
At Ridmarly 100
Neer Crowton house by S. W. Brere­ton 400
At Mountgomery castle 500
At Pool 16
At Newbery 200
At Taunton siege 1000
At Nazeby 800
Besides Irish Queans 300
At Langport 220
At Routon Heath 400
At Bazing house 300
The full number 21560

A List of those that have sled out of the Kingdom.

  • THe Lord Goring senior.
  • Sir Iohn Finch, &c.
  • Sir Francis Windebank
  • The Lord George Digby.
  • The Earle of Yarmouth.
  • The Lord Percy.
  • The Marquis of Newcastle.
  • The L. Widrington.
  • Sir Hugh Cholmley.
  • [Page 166] The L. Goring junior.
  • General Hinderson.
  • The L. Newport.
  • Mr. Walt. Mountague.
  • L. Culpepper.
  • The E. of Huntington.
  • The L. of Loughborough.
  • The E. of Northampton.
  • Sir Rich. Greenvill.
  • Sir Nich. Crispe.
  • L. Hopton
  • The L. Wentworth.
  • The L. Capel.
  • Sir Endi: Porter.
  • Major General Taplane.
  • Sir VVil. Neave.
  • M. Ashburnham, with many others.

COurteous Reader, take notice that many more were slain at other places, but in regard I could not have certain intelligence of them, I thought it fit rather to break off then to proceed super­fluously, here being all that were slain in chiefe Battels and Skirmishes at the most remarkable Towns and Castles that were besieged and taken by storm from the Enemy.


An Addition of the late proceedings of the Army to this present.

IN April 1648 a great tumult, insurrec­tion, and mutiny first began on the Lords day in the afternoon in the County of Mid­dlesex, where they seized on the colours of one of the Trained Bands, of the said County, & being dispersed by some of the Lord G. forces did gather together within the City of London, and liberties thereof, and in a riotous manner did breake open divers houses, and Magazens, and took away plate and mony and seized upon the drums of the trained Bands, seized upon the Gates, Chaines, and Watches, marched to the Lord Mayors, and shot into his house, beate back his Guards, and killed one of them, came to the Magazeen at Leaden­hall, but by the speedy and seasonable aide of the Lo. G. Horse, their Drak & coulors were taken, for which the Militia in the name of the City, by unanimous con­sent of the Common-Councel, was to return to his Excellency the Lord Generall hearty thankes.

A rising in Norwich, where they seised upon the Magazin, and those that fired the same were destroyed, but those that were [Page 168] cordiall friends to the Parliam. being un­derneath, the house fell part of it upon them, that part below them were all saved, one having his head seen, was digged out, after he was out, he told of others, until all were digged out without losse of life or limbe.

The old Lord Goring was on the 5 of June 1648. proclaimed Generall of the Kentish forces upon the hill neer Alisford, where their body was drawn up, consisting of 8000 men, and 3000 more in Maidston and Alisford coming as a fresh supply, there were 300 slaine and about 1300 pri­soners, among which were Gentlemen of good quality, Sir Gamaliell Dudley, Sir William Brookman, Esq Scot, Maj. Price and others, there were about 500 Horse, 3000 Armes, nine foot colours, and eight peeces of Cannon, with store of Ammuni­tion taken: their word was KING and KENT, ours TRUTH, the rest marched over Rochester bridge with about 3000 Horse and Foot, most of them were Cava­liers Prentices, and water-men, these fled over the water into Essex by Woolidge and Greenwich.

June 30 1648. 600 horse met for the King about Kingstone, and the Duke of Bucking­ham with them, Lord Francis, Earle of Holland, Lo. Andrew, Lo. Camden, and others.

Proclamation was made, that they ex­pected the Parliament would have settled [Page 169] the Kingdome, but because they would not, they would fetch the King, and live and dye with him to settle it, also Col. Leg and others of the Kings Officers.

Captain Pritty with a party of Horse from Windsor fell into Kingston and took 20 prisoners, and beate all the Royalists out of the town.

6 July Lord Gray of Groby sent a party of Horse under Colonell Hacket, took 200 of them and routed the whole body of them near Wiloby.

5 July Col. Rossiler had a victory against the Pontefret forces, 4 Cornets. 2 Ensignes, 42 Gentlemen of quality, 500 Prisoners were all Horse except 100 Dragoones, 8 Carriages taken with Armes and Ammu­nition, Col. Pocklington, Col. Cholmley slaine; all their Coulours bag and baggage taken.

10 July was defeated totally the Royall party, with the Earl of Holland at St. Needs by a party of Horse commanded by Col. Scroop sent from the Leagure before Col­chester, the Parliaments Forlorne charged, and routed them before the body came up, but when the body came up, they in an in­stant fled severall waies yet many fell, the Duke of Buckingham fled with about 60 Hors towards Lincolnshire, the E. of Hol­land was taken in his chamber, Sir Gil. Gerrard, Col. Skemisher, M. Hol­land, M. Sleping, Lieu. Col. Goodwin, C. Dolbeire slain, C. Leg. wounded, 10 [Page 170] prisoners taken, Kenelm Digbyes son slain. 100 gallant Horse taken, good store of gold and silver, good cloaths, weapons good store.

10 July. 1648. was surrendered Pem­brooke Towne and Castle to Lieut. Gen. Crumwell for the use of the Parliament, upon honourable termes, The Commanders were to depart the Kingdom & not to re­turn within two years, other gentlemen and private souldiers had free liberty to goe to their habitations.

1 July 1648, Were prisoners taken in Northumberland by Col. Lilburn, of which Col. Grey commander in chiefe, [...]00 Soul­diers, between 4 and 500 Horse and many Arms, they were 1200 and Coll. Lilburne 900, 600 from Barwicke should have joyned with Col. Grey that day.

A great defeate given to the enemies forces in Wales under Laughorne, he was eight thousand, and we were three thousand and took them prisoners. And Chepstow, and other Garrisons were there reduced: As also Appleby Castle, Brugham & other places of strength in the North, And Way­mor Castle in Kent. A good successe in North Wales against Sir John Owin.

The defeat of Sir Henry Lingen and his party, on the 17th of the same month in Montgomeryshire, by the Forces under the Command of Colonell Horton, and Major Robert Harley, and Col. Dingley.

Newcastle 10 Aug. 1648. Lieu. Col. Lilburn Deputy Governour of Tinmouth, sends most [Page 171] of his owne souldiers in parties abroad, and declares for the King and Himselfe, armed such prisoners that were in the Castle, The Officer that kept the Armes being but a Corporal he ran through for refusing to de­liver them; a sadde and ominous action, some leap over the wall to give Sir Arthur Hazleridge our Governour notice.

In the interim, Lilburne summons all the saylors and others to come in and assist him for the King: Sir Arthur in the meane time sends a party under Lieut. Col. Ashfield, also with a 100 Dragoones, who with such ladders as could be got, got thither before morning, yet not so private but some shot was made, they fall to storming, Major Cobbit leading on the Forlorn, and after a hot dispute the Castle was recovered, all in armes put to the sword, the Lieut. Col. found dead, whom a Souldier espied, cuts off his head, and sets it upon a pole on the wall where it now stands, crying, God blesse the Parliament. The Souldiers got at least 2000 li. in money and plate, which was laid up by Lieu. Col. Lilburnes Royall friends.

Aug. 14. 1648. 800 land souldiers and say­lors came to land, with a resolution to fall upon Col. Riches & Col. Hewsons men, as they lay intrenched, but being discovered 300 Musketeers were drawn out of Col. Hewsons, Col. Maj. Husbands mounted 100 Horse, The Princes forces marched up with a great resolution, the Major wheeles about [Page 172] in way of retreate which occasioned them to advance in conceit of a victory, the horse flanked them, the 300 Muketiers at the same time discharged, and presently the Princes party is in disorder; the Parliaments fell to execution, neere 200 slaine on the place, many of quality taken, 100 prisoners, 300 Armes, the rest wounded and fled.

Sandoune delivered up.

It is observable, that Aug. 17 the Cove­nant was taken in Scotl. and their Army on Aug. 17 was routed for the violation thereof in England.

A List of the Particulars of the Victory against the Scots from the first to the last.

Taken Prisoners.

Duke Hamilton Lord Gen. the E. of Callendor L. G. and two Earles besides, Maj. Gen. Vanrusk. Lieu. Col. Bayley, five Lords, five Knights, 16 Colonels, 20 Lieutenant Colonels, 25 Serjeant Majors, 70 Captaines, 100 Lieutenants, 90 Ensignes, 30 Cornets. 8 Trumpeters, 350 inferiour Officers, 300 Servants.

Taken in all

9000 Souldiers by L. Gen. Crum. 2000 souldiers in severall places, 3000 Souldiers in Vloxter, 4000 Horse, 3500 Horse Armes, 15000 foot armes, 160 Colours, 2500 slain.

Ours under the command of Lieut. Gen. Crumwell was but 8600.

[Page 173] Letters were read in the House of Commons from Col. Rich that he, Col. Hewson, &c. have taken Deale Castle for the Parliament, Officers, and Souldiers to march away, and leave all be­hinde them, giving their faith never to engage against the Parliament. There marched out Captaine Wynn the Governour, and 200 more, besides 16 that were sicke.

Aug. 19 Taken Prisoners in Colch. The E. of Norwich, L. Capel, L. Louborough, Sir Charl. Lucas, was shot to death Sir Geor. Lyle, was likewise shot to death, Sir William Compton, Sir Barn. Gascoign, Sir Abra. Skipman, Sir Hugh Oreley, Sir Hen. Appleton, Sir Rich: Mauleverer. Sir Lodo. Dyer: Sir Char. Hastings, &c. Collo­nels, Wil: Maxey, Farre, Ayloff, Bard: Hamond, Till, Heath, Tewk, Chester, Gilburt, Culpepper, Saver, Slingsby, Lancaster, &c. 183 Knights, Col. and Esquires. 300 other Officers, 3067 Soul­diers, 5000 Armes, 26 Ordnance.

Scarborough taken by Col. Bethel by storme, with the losse of six men, and some wounded, and 35 of the Enemy slain, and neer 200 prisoners, Septemb. 16. 1648.

The Names of those that are appointed to attend his Majesty during the Treaty.

Duke of Richmond, Marquesse of Hert­ford, E. of Southampton, Earle of Lindsey, George Kirke, James Leviston, Henry Mur­ray, Thomas Davis, Hugh Henne, Hum­phery Rogers, William Levet, John Rivers, Sir Ed. Sidenham, Rob. Tirwhit, John Howsdon, Mrs. Wheeler with such maides as she shall make choice of. Sir Fowlke Gre­vile, Capt. Titus, Cap. Burrowes, M. Cres­set, [Page 174] M. Ansley, M. Firebrace. Dr. Juxon, Dr. Dupper, Dr. Sanderson, Dr. Turner, and Doctor Honywood, Sir Thomas Gard­ner, Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Mr. Jeffery Palmer, Mr. Thomas Cooke, Mr. Jo. Vaug­han, Edward Walker Esquire, Mr. Philip Warwicke, Mr. Nicholas Owdart, Mr. Charles Whitacre, Mr. Philip Newton, Mr. Clement Kinnersley, Dr. Ducke, Dr. Reves two civill Lawyers.

The names of the Commissioners sent from the Parliament.

Of the Lords House.

The Earle of Northumberland, Earle of Pembrooke, Earle of Salisbury, Earle of Middlesex, Viscount Sea.

And of the House of Commons.

The Lord Wayneman, Sir Henry Vaine, Sir John Pots, Mr. Crew, Mr. William Perepoint, Mr. Denzill Hollis: Sir Har­bottle Grimstone, Mr. Glin, Mr. Bulkeley, and Mr Samuell Browne.

Chaplaines for the Commissioners, Mr. Caroll, Mr. Seymer, Mr. Hearle, Mr. Vines, Mr. Marshall.


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