SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Molucco Nutts, Imported from The INDIES: SHEWING Their Admirable VIRTUES in Curing the Collick, Rupture, AND All DISTEMPERS proceeding from the WIND.

Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Countrey, to Dr. Castle, one of the Royal Society in London:

Anno 1672.



I Understand that the French King hath ap­pointed a Society of Ingenious Men, whose main Business it is to keep Corre­spondence in several Parts of the World, and receive Informations of the Novelties that oc­cur [Page 4] in the Cures of Diseases, by specifick Re­medies: Divers of which have been found upon tryal very useful in England and other Parts of the World: And we are greatly Be­holding to the Virtuoso's at Gresham-Colledge, for their Kind Communications, in the Philoso­phical Transactions which come forth every Month.

I now recommend to you from my own Experience and Success the Bezoar Nutt or Bon­duck, as an Excellent Specifick against all sorts of Distempers that proceed from Wind in any part of the Bodies of Men, Women or Chil­dren. It prevents and removes flatulent Belch­ings which arise from the Stomack and Bow­els, and by its Specifick Quality dispels those windy Blasts which raise Storms and Tem­pests in the Body, sometimes producing Col­lick, and other times windy Ruptures, which prove very painfull and Dangerous.

Parkinson in his Herbal tells us, that the Egyptians in Alexandria, call it their Childrens Guardian; and not only give it Inwardly, but [Page 5] hang it about their Necks, to preserve them from all Evils.

I have known many Children most mise­rably afflicted with Griping in the Guts with Wind, who have found great Relief by this simple Medicine given for one Month.

An old Gentleman extreamly Tormented with Chollick pains in his Bowels, and also with a Hermia Ventosa or Windy Rupture: He had used many Clysters, and taken ma­ny Internal Medicines to expell Wind, and all to no purpose: Yet upon the use of the Tincture, Spirit and Extract drawn out of these Nuts, was wonderfully eased.

A Man about Forty years of Age, who was seldom free from Collick Pains and Ruptures, although he tryed many sorts of Trusses and Plasters to keep the Wind from falling down, yet all failed, untill he used these Medicines, and then he found great ad­vantage. And I don't doubt but others may find the same advantage with God Almighty's blessing.

[Page 6]I knew a young Gentlewoman who was at some certain times so threatned with acute Pains from Wind, that there was great Reason for Physicians to suspect a Gangrene or Mor­tification of her Stomack and Bowels: She had taken many Physicians advice, and at last I advised her to the use of this Remedy, and she found present Ease.

A Countrey Farmer far remote from all Physicians, who is very subject to the above­named Distempers, yet speedily helps him­self by the use of this Remedy, without Oyntments, Plasters or Fomentations: He finds it sensibly expells the Wind, and keeps his Rupture from falling down, and there­fore I think I ought to tell the World this Excellent Medicine, and not keep it to my self for Private Advantage, as is now become the common Custom of the World.

The great miseries that some People en­dure by Wind in their Bodies, makes their Lives bitter, and they are afraid of everything [Page 7] they eat and drink, lest it should cre­ate Disturbance to them. In such cases there's nothing better for such Persons, than to in­corporate these Drops with all their Meat and Drink: And by this Means they prevent that miserable Distemper the Twisting of the Guts, which sends so many to their long Homes.

I have greatly admired to see what won­derful Ease many have received by these Nuts, when the Tincture, Spirit and Extract have been given in plentiful Draughts of Chicken Broath.

The reason why I conceal my Name, is, left the Country People knowing what I use, should despise it, or left Physicians should think I recommend it for private advantage.

The Reason why I direct this Letter to you, is, beeause in your Chymical Galenist, you wisely make Experience a surer Tryal of the Goodness of a Medicine, than either Taste or Smell.


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