SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Malabar Nutt, IMPORTED FROM The INDIES: SHEWING Its Admirable VIRTUES In Curing the Kings-Evil, Beyond any thing yet found out.

Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Countrey to his Friend in London, Troubled with that Distemper.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1694.

SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Malabar NUTT, IMPORTED FROM The INDIES: In a LETTER, shewing Its Admirable Vertues, in Curing the KINGS EVIL, &c.


WHen I call to mind the Saying of the Excellent Mr Boyle, viz. ‘That if we were Masters of Specifick Remedies, we might render the ways of Curing Diseases less painfull, and [Page 4] thereby Gratifie sick Persons, and not af­fright them by the use of tormenting Me­thods, by Blisters, Cupping glasses, Purges, Vomits, Issues, and Scarifications:’ I could not choose but set Pen to paper, and com­municate this wonderfull Remedy, which I have had so much Experience of. In the use of the above-named smarting Remedies, ma­ny that recover endure much more for Health, than many that are justly reckoned amongst Martyrs, did for Religion. ‘Upon which account (saith Mr. Boyle) I look upon the discovering of specifick Remedies as the Greatest acts of Charity, and such as by which a man may really more Oblige Mankind, and relieve more distressed per­sons, than if he built an Hospital.’

The strange and almost miraculous Cures, that I have known wrought by the Malabar Nutt, in the Kings-Evil, would fill a man with wonder and Amazement: And indeed, to see so many Tumors under the Throat, and in other parts, to fall and disappear; to see running Soars dry'd up, and weak Limbs restored to their Strength, upon the use of such a plain simple Medicine, is exceeding [Page 5] remarkable, and the Author of Nature ought to be highly magnified, for giving such Ver­tue unto Plants and Trees, for the Good of his Creatures.

I am told by a good Author, that a Di­vine who was sent to Preach the Gospel to the Indians, being a man skilfull in Physick, wrought such wonderfull Cures amongst them, by the use of their own Remedies, that they thought he confirmed his Doctrine by Mi­racles.

The Nature of this admirable Nut, is to rectifie the Blood, alter the Humours, mend the Liver and Spleen, restore the Digestive Ferments of the Stomack and Bowels, and changes the whole Habit of the Body, cast­ing Salt as it were into the Springs of Nature, whereby they become pure and wholsome, and thereby conveighs kindly Nutriment to the parts.

I knew a young Lad in our Town, who was grievously afflicted with Scrophulous Tu­mours under his Throat, had been touched by the Royal Hand, and worn Gold, and that [Page 6] a long time, yet the Distemper returned Spring and Fall, untill he was directed unto the use of this soveraign Nutt, and then his Sores dryed up like a Brook in Summer.

I could tell you of another Young man, who had consulted with divers Chyrurgeons, and had been stroaked by seven Seventh sons, and all to no purpose, untill he applyed him­self to the use of this Remedy: And then he wonderfully recovered.

A pretty young Gentlewoman, who had her Face extreamly disfigured by the Evil, and her spirits broken with Grief upon that account, was speedily restored to a great mea­sure of her former Beauty, by Drops chymi­cally drawn out of this Nutt.

A Woman whose Limbs were Distorted, like the Womans in the Gospel, whom Satan had Bound Eighteen Years, and when she walk­ed was an Object of great pity, gained won­derfull Strength in her Limbs by the use of this Remedy; but she could not have a per­fect Cure without a Miracle.

[Page 7] Many young Children have received com­pleat Cures by the Use of this Remedy, whose Bodies were wonderfully annoyed with loathsome Humours proceeding from this Dis­ease, therefore I think the World ought to take notice of it.


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