SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Blatta Bizantina, SHEWING Its Admirable Virtues in Curing Ast­mahs, and Shortness of Breath.

Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Coun­trey to Dr. Meverell at London.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1694.

SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Blatta Bizantina; SHEWING Its Admirable Virtues in Curing Ast­mahs, and Shortness of Breath. In a LETTER, &c.


I Recieved the Letter you sent me concern­ing the Case of your Astmahtical Patient, who tells you that he is troubled with a Stop­page in his Stomach, or the Rising of the Lights, as he calls it; both you and I know very well [Page 4] what he means; and the best Advice I can give you in that Case is to bleed him plentifully, and give him inwardly the Blatta Bizantina, which I know to be an incomparable Speci­fick to give him Breath, to remove the spas­modical Affections of the Lungs and Stomach, to promote the Circulation of the Blood, and to prevent a Pollipus from growing in the Heart, which oftner causeth sudden Death than the World imagins; for when the whole Mass of Blood in a Mans Body, which should run through the Heart and Lungs ten or twelve time in an hour, is stopt in its Circu­lation, and creeps through as it were by Drops, and for want of Motion stagnates and putri­fies, it may well cause Pains and Stoppages in the Breast, and Shortness of Breath.

This Shell-fish is the same which in Exodus is called by Moses Onicha, one of the Ingre­dients of the Holy Perfume prescribed by Al­mighty God himself. I am sure it hath done great Service, in relieving many who have had great stoppages in their Stomachs, and difficult Breathing, which hath made them very appre­hensive of some sudden Change.

[Page 5] I confess I have known many dye of this Distemper with short warning, and especially Ministers, and some Lawyers, after they have spent their Spirits with much speaking; and particularly I know a very Grave and Learn­ed Divine, who after his Preaching used him­self to drink two Glasses of Sack, which per­nicious Custom heated his Lungs after they had been too much warmed before by Earn­est and loud speaking, this Person had gotten an ill Habit of Body, and a violent Astmah, but was very much relieved by Drinking only warm Ale, with a few Drops drawn out of this Medicine, with a little Nutmeg and Sugar, which he made his constant Practice, and found much. Advantage by it, less Pain in his Breast, a more free Respiration, and a clear Voice in Preaching. I only once in a Month advised him to take a little Manna in Water-Gruel, to carry down the Phlegm, and keep his Body laxative.

Mr. Grant in his Observations upon the Bills of Mortality takes Notice that this Disease is much encreased of late Years; in 1629. there [Page 6] was but forty four, but in 1660. there was two hundred and forty nine. And he tells us, that the Cause proceeds from the Lungs, which are the Bellows of the Body, not blow­ing, that is, neither recieving in nor venting out Breath.

But a Greater Man than Mr. Grant saith, it proceeds from an abundance of Morbifick Mat­ter in the Blood, and Nervous Liquor, which causeth a Convulsion in the Lungs; and some­times it may proceed from a Decay of the vo­latile Salts of the Blood, which makes it apt to fix and stagnate in the Breast.

But I shall not meddle with the Speculative Part of Physick, but only the Practical, which is Grounded upon Experience; for as Dr. Castle well observes, that Experienced Medicines are like Dials and Almanacks, which agree as well with the Hypothesis of Copernicus as of Ptolemy. The Husbandman may till his Land, and sow his Seed, and yet not fully understand whether the Earth or Sun moves.

[Page 7] Hypocrates, the Father of Physitians, adviseth his Sons not to be backward in making Ob­servations upon the Cures wrought by Far­riers or ignorant Women, though they were not able to give an Account how or in what manner they Cured.

I lately had an Astmahtical Patient, whose Breath seemed to be gone every moment, and all his Blood would appear in his Face, as if he were strangled, and yet upon taking this Medicine he was wonderfully relieved, and walked abroad. I also advised him to Bleed, and play at Bowls often.

A Gentlewoman about fifty Years of Age complained to me of a great Oppression and stoppage at her Stomach, had taken many Purges and Vomits, but all in vain; I gave her the Tincture drawn out of these Shells, mixed with the Extract and Spirit of the same; she took it every morning in a glass of Spring-Water, mixed with Virgins Honey. I permit­ted her to eat no Suppers but stewed Prunes or Roasted Pippins, and she wonderfully recovered.

[Page 8] A middle aged Man of a sedentary Life told me, he could not lye down in his Bed for fear of being choaked, his Stoppage and Wheasing in his Throat were so troublesome. I used only this Remedy, it gave him Help and Ease. I could mention many others, but I'le Desist.


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