SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Bermudas Berries: Imported from The INDIES: SHEWING Their Admirable VIRTUES In CURING The Green-Sickness.

Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Countrey To the Honourable Esq; BOYLE.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1694

SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Bermudas Berries, IMPORTED FROM The INDIES: In a LETTER, &c.


I Received yours with Intimations of your kind Acceptance of the last Specifick that I communicated to you, and with an Invita­tion to proceed in so usefull an undertaking: And I do assure you, that seeing your self and some great Physicians in London, are so [Page 4]well pleased with what I have done in this Kind, I am resolved to go on, and tell you what Experiments I have made in the use of Simple Medicines. I remember Sir William Temple tells us, that the Legislators amongst the Indians made a severe Law against the use of Compound Medicines. I my self have known such great Cures wrought by Simple Medicines, that I am under a great tempta­tion to despise Compositions, except in com­plicated Distempers.

For my part I firmly believe, that (uni­versal Evacuations being premised) the greatest Cures wrought in the World, are by the use of Specifical Medicines, and yet I have this fifty years been an exact Observer of the Methodus Medendi.

I never yet found a better Medicine against the Green Sickness than the Bermudas Berries, taken familiarly in any Liquor; but I find the Tincture of it made with White-wine, and also the Spirits and Extract of the same, more efficacious than any other Form.

They wonderfully open the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, mend an ill habit of Body, cures the Green Sickness, by refining the Mass of Blood, and restoring the Ferments to the Parts; it helps digestion, and removes a depraved Appetite, desiring hurtfull things: it clears the Cloudiness of the Skin, and mends the Complexion, and unloads an oppressed Stomack of those indigested humours which corrupt good Nourishment, and cause short­ness of Breath and Stoppages.

A Gentlewoman ahout Twenty Eight years of Age, who was troubled with Ob­structions, and her Complexion extreamly al­ter'd, her Lips and Cheeks turned as white as a Cloth, her Eyes and Face bloated, her Legs swelled, and the Regular Course of Na­ture stopped; after she had taken great quan­tities of Powder of Steel to no purpose, she took the Tincture, Spirit and Extract drawn out of these Berryes, Morning, Noon and Night, and her Stomack mended, her Colour return'd like a Rose in June, and she could [Page 6]with pleasure run up four pair of Stairs at a time: She took the Tincture in Beer, the Spirit in White-wine, and the Extract in Pen­nyroyal Water.

We have in our Countrey a large Board­ing-School of young Gentlewomen, and I have known half a score of them at a time afflicted with this uncomfortable Distemper, which made them uneasie to themselves, and unpleasant to their Relations; and in one Course of the Moon, by the use of the Me­dicines drawn out of these Berries, they were recover'd to a Miracle, and grew chearfull and healthfull: But all Remedies in this Di­stemper are most efficacious when used with Exercise.

I knew one Gentlewoman, whole case was by most Physicians thought to be past Re­covery, being brought by this Distemper to the brink of the Grave; her Flesh was wast­ed, her Legs swelled, her Stomack lost, and her Legs so weak, not able to support her body; yet in the use of these Berries she re­vived, [Page 7]and lived to be a hale woman, and had many Children.

And now because I know your Philoso­phical Inclination, I'll tell you a remarkable Observation lately made by me upon a young Virgin, who dyed of this Disease, she was extreamly far gone into the Green Sickness, lost her Strength and Spirits, had taken great quantities of Powder of Steel, been blooded in the Foot twice, and at length dying; upon Dissection we found a Mortification in her Stomack and Bowels, caused by a sharp corroding Humour, which caused very acute Pains in her Body: Had I been called to her, I should certainly have applyed these Remedies, and I have great reason to believe they might have proved serviceable: if you think fit to recommend the use of them un­to any of your Acquaintance, I don't doubt but they may be procured at London.


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