Written by a Doctor of Physick in the Coun­trey to Dr. Goddard, one of the Royal So­ciety at London, Anno 1660.

London Printed, &c. 1682.

SOME OBSERVATIONS Made upon the Angola Seed: SHEWING Its Admirable Virtue in Curing all Distempers of the EYES. In a LETTER, &c.


I Received your Letter, wherein you give me an Account of a strange sort of Di­stemper in the Eyes of the Inhabitants about London: And I find you desire that I would communicate what usefull Observati­ons I have made in that Distemper.

[Page 4] I must tell you, that our Countrey Folk are infested with the same Distemper, and I attribute it unto some unusual Qualities in the Air and Winds at this time; and I find that the use of an American Specifick doth great Service with us: I learned it of an Indian Doctor; it is a sort of a Scarlet Seed with a small black Speck in it: They are not easie to be met with, I once had some from a Druggist in Walbrook, but have forgot his Name. They singularly dry up Rhumes in the Head, strengthen the Optick Nerves, cool Inflamations in the Eyes, and comfort the Animal Spirits; they cleanse and heal: By their Balsamick vertue disperse the cloudi­ness of the Brain, and clear the Sight. I am credibly informed that Dr. Stepkins that Emi­nent Oculist, performed many Admirable Cures with them, amongst Men, Women and Children.

One of your Citizens of London, who hath consulted with Dr. Turbervil of Salisbu­ry, came into our Countrey, having a grievous [Page 5] Opthalmy, desired my Assistance, finding no Relief by his Advice. I directed him to the use of these American Seeds: I gave him the Tincture, Spirit and Extract in Waters, and also in Milk, and in all the liquid Aliments he took, and I caus'd him to wear a Neck­lace of the same. It dryed up all his Rhumes in Forty days time.

An old Gentlewoman whose Eyes were almost put out by the Evil, and had not only an Inflammation, but a Cataract was much feared, because some of her Relations had been blind by that Distemper. I apply­ed the same Remedies to her, and it suc­ceeded to Admiration.

A young Woman whose Eyes were won­derfully inflamed after the Small Pox, and so weak she could not endure to look against the Light, and in great Pain; she had been blooded, and Purged, and Bannio'd and Bli­ster'd, and Cupt, had made two Issues, and a Seton in her Neck; and the Lady Ivy had applyed many Eye-waters, and Powders and [Page 6] Oyntments for seven Months▪ and all to no purpose; and at length the use of this Speci­fick perfectly recover'd her Eyes, to the great Joy of her Relations and her self.

A Child about four years old, whose Eyes were extream bad, and lay under the hands of a Woman who pretended great skill, she pickt Five pounds out of the Parents pocket, upon a Promise of Cure, but never perform'd it. But at length one who had received Be­nefit by this Specifick, recommended it, and received thanks for so doing from the Childs Friends, and it hath been well ever since.

A Minister whose Eyes by Reading and late Studying had a violent Defluxion of Rhume upon them, that they always look­ed Blood-shotten; after the use of other Me­thods for two Months together, to no pur­pose; and then hearing of this Medicine, applyed himself to it, and only washt his Eyes with pure Spring-water, and this Specifick perfectly recover'd him.

[Page 7] A young Child born blind, was helpt by the Nurses taking these Drops, the Child only sucking her Milk, but its Distemper was an Opthalmy, but not a true Ca­taract.

There was a whole Family very much Distemper'd with Hot Rhumes in their Eyes; three of the Persons were in danger of Cataracts growing in them: They had used all sorts of Applications, and had suffer'd three pretending Women to tamper with them se­veral Months, and at last hearing of these Scarlet Seeds, wore Necklaces of them, and took the Tincture made of them in all their Drink, and in a Months time were perfectly Cured, only taking twenty Drops at a time.


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