ENGLISHED By the same Hand.

LONDON, Printed for Richard Royston, 1658.

THE REPRESENTATION Of the Reverend, THE CVREZ OF PARIS, To the Reverend The CUREZ of the other Dioceses of FRANCE, Vpon occasion of certain corrupt Maximes of some late CASVISTS.


IF all true Christians, making truly but one Body, are to be guided by the conduct of the same spirit and same heart, and are, out of considerations of charity towards God, [...]blig'd to be tender of the spirituall concernments one of another, in those emergencies which Heaven is pleas'd to present them with; it must needs be, that all the Pastors of the Catholick Church stand in a far greater obligation to that duty. For it being expected that their charity should be much more shining then that of private men, as being the pattern and modell thereof, it is accordingly but just it should more closely cement them together, and engage them beyond others, to mutuall helps and assistances, for the better improvement & edification a [...]d those souls which God hath committed to their charge.

Out of this consideration was it that we were induc'd to entertain with a favourable reception, what hath been represented to us by our Reverend Brethren the Curez of Rouen in our late Assemblies. Which was this, That, the Reverend Curè of S. Ma [...]lou, one of [Page 2] the most considerable among them, having thought himself obliged to say something (in a Synodal Ser­mon, preach'd before his Grace the Arch-Bishop of Rouen, above eight hundred Curez, and abundance of other persons of quality) against the perni [...]ious Ma­ximes of certain Casuists, as such as disturb the order of the Hierarchy, and corrupt Christian Morality; And that, having since declar'd in a Sermon preach'd in his own parish, though he preach'd against those corrupt Maximes, yet he did not attribute [...]hem to any Order, or to any Community or Body of men, but opposed them considered onely in themselves, The Je [...]uits of the City of Rouen have neverthelesse thought themselves so m [...]ch disobliged and injured by the pu [...]lick disparagement done the doctrine contained therein, that they presented to his Grace the Arch-Bi­shop of Rouen, in the name of Brother Iohn Brisacier Rector of their Colledge in the said City, a Petition [...]illed with injuries and calumn [...]es against the Person of the said Cu [...]e of Saint Maclou; to the end, that, ha­ving blasted his credit and reputation, all others might be deterred from engaging in an attempt so hazard­ous as that of the publick discrediting of what those scandalous Authors dare publickly write and openly maintain: That this unworthy treatment of their Brother had obliged them to assemble together to ex­amine those points in Morality which had given the fi [...]st occasions of the difference: That to effect that, they h [...]d perused the Books out of which they had been taken, and that having made faithfull Extracts thereof, they had found therein some propositions so extravagant, and so likely to pervert soules, that it f [...]rther ingaged them to side with their Brother, to demand all together the condemnation thereof: That, to that purpose; they had presented a Petition to his Grace the Arch-Bishop of Rouen, who, ha­ving return'd them answer, that that Affair was of gene­rall concernment, and ref [...]ected on the whole Church, [Page 3] expressed to them his inclinations to have the bus [...] ­nesse returned up to the right Reverend Lords of the Generall Assembly of the Clergy of France, then sit­ting at Paris. And this was it that gave them occasi­on to addresse themselves also to Us, to the end that by mutuall and joynt assistances, our endeavours might prove the more effectuall to obtain a Censure of these Maximes, as such as are absolutely opposite to the rules and sp [...]rit of the Gospel, whereof they have sent us extracts, and to check the violence of those, who [...] by their power, would muzzle the P [...]stors of the Church, who being appointed by God to be watch­men and Sent [...]nels to the House of Israel, according to the words of the Scripture, are obliged to cry o [...] and give notice of whatever may prejudice those soul [...], whereof God will one day demand so severe an account at their hands.

This advice of theirs, full of prudence [...]nd zeal, having had a great influence upon us, hath put us up­on a resolution in our late assemblies, not onely to joyn our endeavours with those of the reverend Curez of Rouen, but also to imitate them, by communica [...]ing to you this Affair which indeed is common to all, since it equally concerns us all that the Church, the chaste and undefiled Spouse of IESUS CHRIST, whereof we are entrus [...]ed wi [...]h the conduct, under the authority of our Lords the Bishops, should not receive any spot or pollution in her Morality, by Maximes that are corrupt, and absolutely contrary to her holy administrations; and that she should not any longerly subject [...] to the scandalous reproaches which her pro­fessed Enemies, the Hereticks, burthen her with up­on this occasion, in that they would have her to be accountable for those pernicious opinions of certain priva [...]e Casuists, though she hath ever opposed and con­demned them by her Canons and Decrees.

Tis with this design, and purely out of a conside­ration of doing the Church some service, and to the [Page 4] end you might be fully acquainted with all that passed upon this emergency, we send you a copy of the Pe­tition, which the reverend the Curez of Rouen pre­sented to their Arch-Bishop, with a faithfull extract of some of the Propositions, taken out of a far grea­ter number of others suitable thereto, which contain such a doctrine, as no man that hath ever so little tendernesse of his own Salvation b [...] must conceive a horrour at; and among which we have onely put in those that concern Morality, and not those that concern the Hierarchy. Whereof we hope this ef­fect, that being bound up in the same spirit of peace, concord and charity, and embarqued in the same desires of cultivating those souls which are commit­ted to us all, you might joyn with us, as diverse of the reverend the Curez of other Dioceses have al­ready offered to do, and accordingly send your Let­ters of procuration or Atturney to the Syndics of our Company, authenticated by the testimonies of two publick Notaries, and set at the bottome of the Ex­tract which we send you of the propositions to be condemned; and to demand and prosecute joyntly with us, as well before the Lords of the Generall Assembly of the Clergie of France, as elsewhere, as it shall be thought requisite, the Censure and con­demnation of these pernicious maximes, which cor­rupt and Poison Christian Morality, and disturb ci­vill Society, such as are those whereof we send you the extracts, and others of the same thread.

That so, the people, whom God hath commit­ted to our charge, under our Lords the Prelates, may henceforth be preserved from that mortall ve­nome which inclines them to licentiousnesse and Li­bertinisme: and that we may have occasion all to­gether to praise and blesse the Father of Mercies, for that he hath given us the power and confidence to do that which our duties obliged us to, without be­ing deterred by any feare or humane considerations; [Page 5] as also for that he shall have done us the favour to make our endeavours upon this account instrumen­tall and contributary to the salvation of those ma­ny Soules which have been redeemed by the preci­ous blood of our Lord and Saviour IESUS CHRIST.

Concluded, and signed by order of the Assembly of the reverend, the Curez of Paris.
  • ROUSSE, Curé of S. Roch [...] Syndic.
  • DUPUIS, Curé of the Saints In [...] Innocents, Syndic.
Sept. 1 [...], 1656.

A COPY OF THE PETITION Presented by the Reverend the Curez of Rouen to their Arch-Bishop.

To the Right Reverend Father in God, the most Illustrious and most Religious, the Arch-bishop of Rouen, Primate of Nor­mandy.

THe Dean and Curez of Rouen, whose names are under written humbly shew, That [...]or some years past, many great Prelates, and others of the Clergy, men venerable for their piety and abilities have obse [...]ved, and accordingly complained as well in their writings as their discourses, that divers late Au­thors who have treated of Morall Theology and the Ca­ses of Conscience, have taught in their writings and the books they have set forth upon these subjects, certain pernicious doctrines, such as corrupt good manners, and are absolutely opposite to the maximes of the Go­spell. That the late Archbishop, your Uncle and pre­decessor was one of those, who made the greatest dis­coveries of the consequences of this inconvenience, which he bew [...]yles very much in that excellent Trea­tise of his, in [...]ituled De Rebus Ecclesiae, where, with a zeal [...] and earnestnesse worthy so great a Prelate, he [Page 7] bemoans the corruption of Morality, and the dissolu­tion of Discipline which hath been occasioned by the destructive principles of the accommodating and comply­ing Th [...]logie of the late Casuists, whose books he compares to those little penitentiall Treatises which were heretofore used as instructions to Confessors [...]n the administration of the Sacrament of Penance, into which there crept so many errours and abuses, that the second Councell of Ch [...]alons under Charlemaigne, and the sixth Councell of Paris under Lewis the De­bonaire, thought themselves oblig'd to condemn them.

But besides these matters of grievance for which we have the complaints of divers eminent persons of these times against the C [...]suists, it hath many times been thought necessary to prevent the further progresse of the corrupt doctrine of some by Censures and other juridicall wayes, which course was taken with a Book writ by Peter Milhard, a Benedictine Monk, entituled, The grand Guid of the Curez; as also with that of M. Ber [...]in Berthauld, a Priest of the Diocesse of Coutance [...] intituled, The Director of Con [...]essors, both which received their censure from the Theologal Faculty of Paris. And since th [...]t time hath the same course been taken with the Book of the Summary of Sinnes, written by Father Ba [...]ny, a Iesuit, which hath been censur'd at Rome by the Congregation appointed for the prohibition and condemnation of Books, and in France by the Assembly generall of the Clergy, April 12. 1642. as contain­ing such propositions as might incline Souls to liberti­nisme and the corruption of good manners, and vio­late naturall right and the Law of Nations, excuse blas­phemies Usuries, Simonies and many other the most horrid transgressions.

And your Grace may take it further into considera­tion, how that it is expressed in the Act of Ce [...]s [...]re, that our Lords the Prelates had resolved to have a System of Morall Divini [...]y composed by ten or twelve Doctors of the most eminent of the faculty of Paris, [Page 8] which should be approved by the Prelates of this Kingdome, and received in [...]ll their Diocesses, so in some me [...]sure to prevent the inconveniences occ [...]sioned by the multiplicity of bookes of that nature. And about two years after this censure was passed, that is to say in the yeare 1644. Father Hereau, a Je­suit, Re [...]der of the Case [...] of Conscience [...] in the Col­ledge of Clermont in Paris, haveing entertained his Scholars with certaine propositions prejudiciall to the Lives of men, the Vniversity put in an Information against him for it, and presented to the Parleme [...]t three Petitions one after another. In the first where­of, dated March. 5. in the same yeare, the Vniversi­ty prayes [...] That the Jesuits might not be permitted thence forth to read Divinity in the Colledge of Clermont or any where else. In the second, the Vni­vers [...]ty represents to the Court, and shewes that the Doctrine conta [...]ned in the writings of Father Hereau, is not to be considered as the opinion [...] of one par­ticular man, but as the doctrine of severall Authors of that Society. And the dri [...]t of the third petition, is, to perswade the Court to suppresse that book of Father C [...]ussinus, which is called, An Apologie for the Religiou [...] men of the Society of Iesus, wherein that Iesuit endeavours to vindicate his Society from the charge put in against them by the Vniversity, and un­dertake [...], [...]n that Libell, to jus [...]ify the pernicious doctrines which had occasioned the presenting of the two former petitions.

While [...]hese things were in agitation, the King having (advice had with his Councell) received notice of the pernicious doctrines taught at the Col­ledge of Clermont, sent for the Provinciall and superi­ours of the three houses which the Jesuits have about Pari [...], and discovered to them, in the presence of the Queene Regent his Mother, how much he was dis­ [...]ti [...]fied with the Propositions taught by F. Hereau; telling them that the Superiours were very much to [Page 9] b [...]ame for suffering such maxime [...] to be brought upon the stage, as whereof the very knowledge were very dangerous, as being so far from obliging men to a regulation of their passions, that they encourage men r [...]ther to comply therewith. His Majesty further ex­pressed his desires to the Superiour [...] of that Order, that they would for the future be more carefull to take notice of the doctrine that should be either published or taught in their Houses; that he would not take it for any excuse, they should alledge their ignorance of the corrupt maxime [...] that might be treated of by their Fathers; and that he would call them to accompt for what ever should be done amiss for the time to come.

Whereupon, as it may be seen in the Order of the Councell published af [...]erward [...], bearing date the 28th. of Aprill 1644. th [...] sa [...]d Jesuits were, as they preten­ded, extreamly troubled, his Maje [...]ty should have any occasion to take any thing ill as to the carriage of any Father of theirs; they acknowledged, that the said Father Hereau had not done well in treating publickly of such Questions, as were complained of; that they disclaimed them, thinking it very dangerous they should be either taught or treated of; and that for the fu [...]ure they wo [...]ld take such a course, as that in their Colledges there should not be advanced any thing that might prove prejudiciall to the Publick. The effect of these declarations of theirs, was, that the King, with the advice of his Councell sent ou [...] severe prohibitions to the Jesuits and all others, that they should not for the future either in their publick Lectures, or otherwise, treat of any such propositions, with an injunction to the Superiours to be very watch­full that there should not, in any of their houses, things of that nature be advanced; and in the meane, that F. Hereau should remaine secured in their Colledge, till some fur [...]her order should be taken about him by his Majesty [...]

[Page 10]The noise and stir, which tho [...]e pernicious propositi­ons of Father Hereau's did at that time rai [...]e about Paris, and particularly those that concerned the killing of evil speakers, revived the curiosity of a m [...]ny very le [...]rned and judicious persons to look more narrowly into the doctrine of the Casuis [...]s. The Authors of the bookes written at that time in defence of the Vniver [...]i­ty against the designes and attempts of the Jesuits, drew up a Catalogue of a many dangerous propositions, which may be found princ [...]pally in two Bookes; where­of one is instituted, Academicall Truths; and the other, The Answer of the Vniversity of Paris, to the Apologi [...] for the Jesuits, written by Father Causinus. But much about this very time, as also since, there have been published severall larger collections, where­in are rallyed together abundance of abhominable propos [...]tions, which are, in the said Collections attribu­ted to the Casuists, and those the most eminent of that qu [...]lity.

This was it also, may it please your Grace, that gave us occasion, to examine with the greatest care we could, whether there were to be found in the bookes of those Authors, Doctrines so pernicious, [...]s those that were cited in the Collections.

The charge of Pastors which we exercise in the Church under your Authority, and the obligation that lyes upon us, to prevent the Soules committed to our charge from being infected by this contagion, and the Priests who administer the Sacrament of Penance in our severall p [...]rishes, from taking for a r [...]le these d [...]ngerous maximes:, and put them in practise in our Confession Seats, have eng [...]ged us to joine together in this designe, and we have with the same spirit and s [...]me heart consulted the bookes we could meet with, wherein we have [...]ound a great number of erroneous, dangerous and detestable propositions, and have dr [...]wn up true co [...]ies of the same, which we pre­sent [Page 11] to your Greatnesse, accordingly to obtaine the censure thereof.

And whereas this evill hath spread it self so far, that it cannot any longer be either concealed or dissembled, it may be thought high time to hinder its further pro­gresse by some effectuall remedy. For, things are come to that passe, that unlesse Episcopall Authority interpose it selfe and [...]ise up, to condemn these lewd propositions, such of the people as are acquainted therewith might be erroneously perswaded that these opinions, being taught by Catholick Doctors, and tolerated i [...] the Church, are not corrupt, and that they may be followed with safety of conscience; which, if some sudden provision be not made against it, may produce very deplorable effects. For those that have but any thing more then ordinary inclinati­ons to piety, will still be scandalized at it, the more dissolute will thence take occasion to some with more insolence and encouragement, and hereticks will be sure to make their advantages of it, that is, think it a just ground publickly to discredit the Catholick Church, by laying at her doore these pernicious maximes, as hath been done heretofore by the Minister Du Moulin in his book O [...] Traditions, where he reproaches the Church of Rome with the pestilent opinions of some of our Casuists.

It is on the other side to be considered, that there never was so much necessity to abate the confidence of these newly-illuminated Divines, whereof we find the latter still adding something to the extravagances of their predecessors; which it were no hard matter to make appeare by diverse notorious examples that will deserve notice should be taken thereof. So that if some course be not taken to suppresse a temerity so prejudiciall to the Church [...] it's to be feared, that Time may hereaf [...]er so [...] bring things about, that men may take for sound doct [...]in [...]s and undeniable Truth, abundance of dangerous propositions, which the [Page 12] more [...]eare-conscienced Casuists have not presumed yet to advance otherwise then as questionable and hardly probable.

Your Grace having taken all these things into your serious consideration. We are further most humble Suitors to your Grandeur, that you would be pleased to employ that Authority, and that truly-Episcopall zeale which you have, to weed these cu [...]sed [...]ares out of the Field of the Church, and to make way for the purity of Christian Morality to thrive therein, by rooting out these unhappy doctrines, by a Censur [...] worthy your selfe, that is, such as, no doubt, will en­courage and engage other prelates to do the same thing in their Diocesses; whereof what can be the con­sequence, but that the spouse of JESUS CHRIST, being found incorruptible and without spot as well in her Manners as in her doctrine, must put her ene­mies to silence, and inviolably preserve her selfe and persever in that purity which her divine spouse hath merited for her by his Blood. And whereas M. Iohn Brisacier, calling himsel [...]e Rector of your Episcopal Colledge, hath some dayes since presen­ted to your Grandeur a Petition full of injurious ex­pressions and calumnies against the person of M. Charles du Four, Abbot of Aulney, Treasurer of your Cathedral Church, and Cure of the parish of S [...]. Maclou; in which petition he treats the said du Four in no other termes then those of Temerarious, Sediti­ous, refractory, abettor of heresy, and Detractor, and charges him with a many other scandalous and reviling characters, meerly for having preached, with zeale and earnestness, against these dangerous doctrines, once in your presence, and before all your Clergy, and another time in his owne parish, explaining to the people the commandements of God, and the wholsome Maximes of the Gospell, yet without the least derogation or injury to the Ie­suits: And where [...]s the maine designe of the [Page 13] said Brisacier in the Petition he hath presented to you, by way of complaint, is, to stop the mouths of the Pastors, and to hinder us from instructing the People committed to our charge in the purity of Christian Morality, and opposing those errours wherewith some do so much endeavour to corrupt it, it is the humble [...]uit of your Petitioners [...] That it may please your Grace to enjoyn and order him to make the said du Four reparation for the horrid calumnies and af [...]ronts con­tained in his said Petition, and oblige the said Bris [...] ­cier sincerely to disclaime and retract, [...]s well by wri­ting as by word, those detestable opinions. And in case you shall think fit to admit him the said Brisacier to plead for himself, that so there may be a legall pro­ceeding in the businesse, that you would be pleased to order, that, before any priviledge be allowed him, he be engaged to clear himself canonically of the cha­racter and Censure pa [...]sed and published against him by the late Archbishop of Paris, and withall to cause him to be acknowledged by his Superiours in all his complaints and pleas, and to submit, in all this [...] pro­secution to your Tribunall and I [...]risdiction, and fur­ther to declare from article to article whether he ap­proves or disapproves the Propositions which the Curé of S. Maclou hath publickly cry'd down in his [...] Ser­mons, whereof there is a catalogue hereunto annexed, and so, that once done, joyn issue, and after all things have been fairly debated, to stand to your judgement upon the whole matter.

And for our parts who are your Petitioners, and call upon you as our judge and Father, we hum­bly desire your grace will be pleased to continue us in your protection, together with the said Curé of St. Maclou, whose case we all make our own, and, by condemning these pernicious doctrines, keep those qu [...]et and silent who would divert us from opposing the same, and discovering to the people the dangerous consequences thereof. And we beseech you further [Page 14] to consider, how insupportable it must be to the Pa­stors and Curez of your Metropolis, to see, that some particular persons among the Jesuits, should make it their business to stop their mouth [...], and to divert them from preaching the truth of sound doctrine, and to op­pose the extravagances of an erroneous Morality, while it is suffered that those very particular person [...] should publickly countenance and maintain them, as is done dayly by the said Father Brisacier, as well by writing as discourse, as we shall finde it no hard mat­ter to prove, if he dares deny it [...]

Nor does he do this himself, but, as if his example were contagious, the same thing h [...]th been done, and that with more scandal and danger, by Father de Bois, Regent in Divinity in your Archi-episcopal Colledge, who, not thinking it enough, that he had beaten down and endeavoured to destroy, as he hath done this last year, that point of Ecclesiastical and Hierar­chical discipline that is the best established in your Di­ocess, as having made several set discourses to his Scho­lers (who are in a manner all Priests well known and respected in our parishes) against the obligation of hearing parochial Masses, and against the Authority which the Prelates have to oblige the people thereto, hath, within this moneth, forborn his ordinary Le­ctures, out of a design to excuse, nay, indeed to maintain, the pernicious doctrin of the most disallow­ed Casuists of his Order, as having, among others, un­dertaken to justifie that book of Father Bauny's, entitu­led, The Summary of Sins, and to make his doctrin pass [...]or sound and innocent, though that very book had been censured at Rome, as also by our Lords the Bi­shops in a general Assembly.

It was also with the same excess of confidence that the said Father de Bois hath presumed to vindicate Fa­ther Amicus, a divine of his Socie [...]y, upon the subject of Murther to be committed on those who either calumniate or threaten to calumniate Priests or Religious men, ev [...]n [Page 15] to that height, as that in the last Lectures he read to his Schollers within these few dayes, he hath clearly maintained, that it was lawful for Priests and Religious men, to defend, etlam cum morte inva [...]oris, the repu­tation they have acquired by their vertue and prudence, when there is no other course to be taken to divert the de­tractor.

All which when your grace hath taken into serious consideration, we humbly desire, you will be plea­sed to order the said Regent publickly to retract and disclaim the propositions he hath advanced, as well against good manners, as against the order and dis­cipline of your Diocess, and that of the whole Church, and that a prohibition be issued out, that he may not for the future spread abroad any such scandalous doctrines, upon pain of those cano­nical chastisements incurrible by the contrary.

And in the mean time, we shall pray unto God who is the great Master of all good and wholsome doctrine, that he would preserve your grace, to [...]he end that pu­ri [...]ie may be reestablished in his Church, and prosper y [...]u in all your undertakings.

And at the bo [...]tome were their Seals with the names en­suing, [...]iz.

  • Turgis, Dean of Chris [...]endome, and Curé of St. Vivian.
  • Du Tour, Cu [...]é of St. Maclou.
  • Du Perroy, Curé of St. Stephen, Les Tonneliers.
  • Sancier, Cu [...]é of St. Deny's.
  • Voisin, Curé of St [...] Michael's.
  • Thierry, Curé of St. John's.
  • Chretien, Cu [...]é of St. Patrick's.
  • Le Clerc, Curé of St. Andrew's.
  • Picquais, Curé of St. Saviour's.
  • Lorrain, Curé of St. Martin le pont.
  • Avice, Cu [...]é of St. Lo.
  • De Sahurs, Curé of St. Peter's du chastel.
  • [Page 16]Le Febure, Curé of St. Vincent's.
  • De La Vigne, Curé of St. Peter's le Portier:
  • Nicolas Tallebot, Curé of St. Andrew's pres Canchoise.
  • De La Fosse, Dean and Curé of our Lady' [...] Church, dela Ronde.
  • De La Haye, Curé of St. Amand.
  • Mar [...], Curé of St. Martin sur Renelle.
  • Tirel, Curé of the Holy Cross, des Pelletiers.
  • Le Prevost, Curé of St Herbeland's.
  • Artus, Curé of St. Vigor.
  • Gueroult, Curé of St. Nicalse.
  • Des Marets, Curé of the Holy Cross, St. Owen's.
  • Cotteret, Curé of St. Candus the younger.
  • De Fieux, Curé of St. Laurence's.
  • Teveneau, Curé of St. Stephen's the great Church.
  • Le Cuiller, Curé of St. Mary's the Lesser.
  • Faucillon, Curé of St. Nicholu [...]

The said Petition was communicated to the Proc [...]or ac­cording to the order, of his [...]race the Arch-Bishop of Ro­ven, made at his Archi-episcopal Palace of G [...]lllon, August, 28, 1656.

A CATALOGUE of the PROPOSITIONS, Contained in an Extract made of some of the most dangerous Propositions of diverse late Casuists, in point of MORALITY, faithfully taken out of their Works.


SAint Thomas, (Aquinas) having [...] clearly taught [...] Quodlib. 8. a. 13. and Quodlib. 3. [...]. 10. that the opinion [...] of Do [...]ors hinder not but that a man may be guilty of Sin, when he acts against the law of God; these Casuists, on the contrary, teach, that an Opini­on is probable when it is maintained only by one grave Doctor, and that a man may be confident he does not sin, though he quit an opinion which he knows to be true, and is the more safe, to follow that which is con­trary thereto, and consequently less probable and less safe. This is affirmed by FILLIUCIUS, a Jesuit, Mor. Qu. tr. 21. c. 4. n. 128. TANNERUS a Jes. The­ol. Schol. Tom. 2. disp. 2. q. 6. dub. 2. SANCHEZ, Jes. in Sum. l. 1. c. 9. n. 7. LAYMAN, Jes. Theol. Mor. l. 1. tr. 1. c. 5. Sect. 2. n: 6.


Of a strange imagination which these Casuists have, that their opinions, being supposed probable do make that, which was sin before, not to be such any longer. CARAMUEL, in Epist. ad Ant. Dianam.


That the Casuists are at liberty to answer according to the opinions of other [...], though they think [...] them er­roneous, when they are likely to prove more accep­table to those that consul [...] them, that is to say, they may answer one while according to one man's judge­ment, and another according to another's, though con­trary thereto [...] LAYMAN, [...]es. Theol. M [...]r [...] l. 1. tr. 1. c. 5. Sect. 2. n. 7. ESCOBAR, Princ. ex. 3. n. 24.


That the conditions which these Casuists require as necessary to make an action imputable as sin, may ex­cuse an infinite number of crimes. BAUNY, Jes. Som. des pechez, c. 39, p. 906. of the 6. Edition.


How they elude and annihilate the lawes of the Church in the punishment o [...] the most horrid crimes. Escobar, Jes. Th. Mor. tr. 1. Exam. 8. c. 3. Praxis ex Societ. Iesu Dec [...]oribus.


That one may kill another to pr [...]vent [...] box [...] o'th' [...]r or a blow w [...]th [...] stick. Azor [...] Jes. Insti [...]. Mor. Par [...]. 3. l. 2. p. 105. Filliucius Ies. To. 2. tr. 29. c. 3. n. 50 [...] L [...]s­sius Jes. de Iust. & Iure, l. 2. c. 9. dub. 12. n. 77. Esco­bar [...]es. Mor. Theol. tr. 1. Exam. 7. c. 3. Praxis Soc. Ie­su. Becan. Jes. Sum. part. 3. tr. 2. c. 64. de Homicid. qu. 8.


That it is lawful even for an Ecclesiastick and a Re­ligious man to maintain the honour he hath acquired by his learning and vertue, by killing him who dero­gates from his reputation by opprobrious speeches and calumnies. Amicus, Jes. Tom. 5. disp. 36. n. 118.


The doctrin of Father Amicus that permits a Reli­gious man to kill him tha [...] threatens to calumniate, maintained by Caramuel, as being the only true judg­ment upon that case, the contrary being not so much [Page 19] as probable. Theol. Fundam, Fund. 55. Sect. 6. p. 544.


That it is doubtful whether a Religious man having made use of a woman, may not kill her if she offer to discover what passed between them [...] Caramuel ibid. Sect. 7. p. 551.


That as it is lawful for a man to defend his honour against him that would rob him of it, by charging him with a crime he is not guilty of, so may he do it also, by killing him. Caramuel. Theol. Fundam. Fund. 55. Sect. 6. p. 550.


That it is lawful, according to some, in the specu­lative, and according to others in the Practick also, for a man to wound or kill one that hath given him a box o'th'ear, even though the other run away for it. Lessius, Ies. de Iust. et Iur. l. 2. c. 9. dub. 12 [...] n. 79. Reginaldus Jes. in Praxi. l. 21. n. 62. Filliucius Jes. tr. 29. c. 3. n. 51 [...] Layman Jes. l. 3. tr. 3. par. 3. c. 3. n. 3. Es­cobar Ies. Mor. Theol. tr. 1. Exam. 7. c. 3. Praxis. Caramuel, Theol. Fundam. Fund. 55. Sect. 8. pag. 551.


That a man may kill a false accuser, nay, the wit­nesses produced by him, and the Iudge himself, when they cannot be otherwise diverted from oppressing the innocent. Tannerus Jes. To. 3. disp 4. q 8 [...] d. 4. n. 83. Sanchez Ies. Oper. Mor. in Decal [...] l. 2. c. 39. n. 7.


That it is lawful to procure abortion before the childe be quick in the womb, to save a Maid's life or reputation. Egidius Trullench in Decal. Tom. 5. l. 5. c. 1. dub. 4. n. 1. Et. quidam Theologus Socie [...]a [...]is Iesu ap [...]d. Dianam, Part. 6. Tr. 8. Res [...]l. 37.


That it is lawful to kill him that gives [...]s the Lye, or any way reviles us. Escobar Theol. Mor. tr. 1. Ex­am. 7. c. 3. Praxis Reginaldus Jes. l. 2.1. c. 5. n. 60.


That it is lawful for us to kill him that takes away our goods from us, even though he run away to avoid it, provided the thing be of value. Lessius Jes. de Iust. et Iure, l. 2. c. 9. dub. 11. n. 66. & 72. Escobar, Jes [...] Theor. Mor. tr. 1. Exam. 7. c. 3. Praxis.


That it is lawful upon certain occasions to accept [...] challenge and to fight a duel. Escobar Jes: Theol. Mor. tr. 1. Exam. 7. c. 3. Praxis Layman Jes. l. 3. T. 3. part. 3. c. 3. n. 2. & 3. Hurtad [...] de Mendoza Jes. in 2.2. disp. 170 Sec [...]. 9. §. 82. Apud Dianam, Part. 5. tr. 13. Resol. J. 21. Idem Hurtado de Mendoza Jes. referente Di­ana, Part. 5. tr. 14. Miscellan. 2. Resol. 99.


That it is not Simony either to give or receive a tem­poral good for a spiritual, when it is given only as the motive, and not as the price. Grego [...]ius à Valentia, Jes. 3. to. 3. disp. 6. qu. 16. P [...]n. 3. p. 2039. et sequent. Es­cobar, Jes. Mor. Theol. tract. 6. ex. 2. c. 6. n. 40. Praxis Mil­ [...]ard, Guide des [...]urez. ch. 63. Inst. 1. n. 2.


That it is not simony to obtain a Benefice upon the promise of a summe of money, when a man hath no in­tention to pay it. Escobar [...]es. Moral. Theol. tr 6. exam. 2. c. 2 n. 14.


That a Fortune-teller is obliged to restore what he hath received for telling ones fortune, [...]f he hath not advised with the stars, but that he is not obliged to restitution if he hath consulted the Devil. Sanchez Ies. Sum. ( as. l. 2. c. 38. n. 96.


That a man is not obliged either according to the [Page 21] right of Nature, on according to the Lawes of his Countrey to restore what he hath received for giving an unjust sentence, or committing an Assassinate, or an act of Adultery, but may lawfully retain it. L [...]ssius Ies. de Iust. l. 2. c. 14. d. 8. n. 52.


The encouragement, and the gap which these Ca­suists lay open for domestick frauds. Bauny Ies. Som. des Pech. p. 213, & 214. Edit. 6.


That a man is not obliged to make restitution for the Losses which a third person hath done upon our sollicitation and procurement. Bauny Ies. Som des Pech. p. 307, 308. Edit. 6.


That a man is not obliged upon pain of mortall sin to restore the totall summe which he hath gotten toge­ther by a many little thefts. Bauny Ies. Som. des Pech. p. 220. Edit. 6.


Usury palliated by these Casuists under the name of Major, upon whom they impose. Bauny Ies. Som. des Pechez, p. 331. & sequent. Edit. 6.


That Envy is no mortall sinne when it is conceived onely at the temporall good of our Neighbour. Bauny Ies. Somm. des Pech. p. 123. Edit. 6.


That a Priest who hath received mony of one man to say a Masse, may afterwards receive of another, as much as that part of the Sacrifice which belongs to him­self amounts to. Escobar, Ies. Theol. Mor. Tr. 1. Axam. 11. c. 4. Praxi [...].


That it is a sufficient hearing of the Masse to hear the four parts of it at the same time. Escobar Ies. Theol. Mo­ral. Tr. 1. Exam. 11. c. 4. Praxi [...] p. 146. Edit. Lug­dun. Anno 1644. Bauny Ies. Moral. Theol. par. 1. [Page 22] Tr. 6. de praecepto audiendae Missae: qu. 9. pag. 312.


Relaxations absolutely destroying the obligation of Fasting. Escobar, Jes. Theol. Mor. Tr. 1. Exam. 13. c. 3. Praxis.


The Casuists have brought the care which Confes­sors ought to have to judge of the disposition of their Penitents, to a simple demand whether they are so [...] ­ [...]y for their sinnes, and have an intention not to fall into the like again; and pretend, that if they say, Yes, the Confessors are obliged to believe them. Filliucius Jes. Mor. Quaest. Tom. 1. Tract. 7. n. 354. Suarez Jes. in 3. Part. Tom. 4. disp. 32. Sect. 2. n. 2.


That the Penitent, though interrogated by his Confessor, is not obliged to acknowledge that the sin wherewith he charges himself is an habituall sinne, into which he is wont to fall often. Bauny Jes. Theol. Mor. part. 1. Tract. 4. de Poenit. q. 15. p. 137.


That a next occasion of sinning being supposed to be that which of it self induces a man to commit mortall sinne, and in which a man is seldome or ne­ver conceived to be, but he falls into that mortall sinne, yet it is lawfull for a man to continue there­in, nay, to engage himself in such an occasion, out of a consideration of the spirituall or temporall good of himself or his Neighbour. Bauny Jes. Theol. Mor. Part. 1. Tr. 4. de Poenit. qu. 14. p. 93, & 94.


That a man that keeps a Concubine is not oblig'd to dismisse her, but onely to promise that he will no [...] sinne with her any more, it being supposed he can­not enjoy himself, and must lead a melancholy life [Page 23] without her. Sanctius, in Selectis Disp. disp. 10. n. 20. apud Dianam part. 5. Tract. 14. Resol. 108.


That the consideration of a temporall concernment may oblige the Confessor to absolve a Penitent that is in the next occasion of sinning, though he quit it not. Bauny Ies. Theol. Mor. Par. 1. Tr. 4. de Poenit. qu. 14. pag. 94.


That it is lawfull for a Confessor to absolve those that are in the next occasions even of Incest, without obliging them to separate, when their relapses are not frequent and in a manner diurnall, but onely once or twice a moneth. Nay further, that a Con­fessor is engaged, toties quo [...]ies, to absolve the young Gentleman, that cannot forsake his Father's house nor dismisse thence the Servant-maid he ordinarily makes use of, though there be no likelyhood he should forbear sinning with her, though he promise to do it. Bauny Ies. Somm. des Pech. ch. 46. p. 1089. Edit. 6.


That a Confessor is obliged, toties quoties, to ab­solve those young people who grow worse and worse, and are guilty of frequent relapses into the s [...]me mor­tall sinnes, though they make it not in the least mea­sure their businesse to reforme their faults. Bauny Ies. Theol. Mor. Part. 1. Tr. 4 de Poenit. qu. 15. p. 96.


That a Confessor is obliged not to deferre or de­ny absolution to those who are fallen into an habi­tuall custome of committing mortall sinnes, against the lawes of God, Nature and the Church, though they discover not the least hope of amendment. Bau­ny Ies. Theol. Mor. Part. 1. Tract. 4. de Poenit. qu. 22. pag. 100.


That remorse for sinne conceived out of a consi­deration of the temporall inconveniences ensuing thereupon, as the losse of a man's health or his mo­ney, is a sufficient qualification for his receiving the grace of absolution; if a man does but imagine that that inconvenience proceeds from the will of God. Escobar. Ies. Tr. 7. ex 4. n. 91. Amicus Ies. Tract. 8. disp. 3. n. 13.


That we are not obliged by any commandment of charity, to do any act of Love towards God, nor to observe any precept of his out of any motive pro­ceeding from that Love, and that we are not so much commanded to love God as not to hate him. Ant. Sirmond Ies. Deffense de la Vertu, Tr. 2.

A LETTER From a Curé of ROVEN To a Curé in the Countrey, Giving an account of the procedure of his Brethren the Curez of the said City, a­gainst the doctrine of certain Casuists; and may also serve for a Refutation to a Libel intituled, The Answer of a Di­vine, &c.


A particular account of the difference between the Curez of Rouen and the Jesuits there, and the proceedings of the former therein. Monsieur du Four Curé of S. Maclou prea­ches against the corrupt Maximes of the Ca­suists, not cha [...]ging any particular Order therewith. The Jesuits only take alarm, and put up a detractive Petition to the Arch­bishop against him. Whereupon the Curez of Rouen unite, consults the Casuists, find they maintain the doctrines charged upon them, and put up a Pe [...]ition to their Archbishop [Page 26] with a catalogue of the doctrines thereunto an­nexed; desiring the censure thereof. He sends up all to the Assembly of the Clergy at Paris who take cognizance of the businesse. The Author of The Answer of a Divine, &c. found an Impostor, and consequently a Jesuit.


I Have received your Letter of the 13. current, where­in you tell me that your health being not in such a posture as would permit you to come hither to the Sy­nod, where you were in hopes to understand what had passed between the Curez of Rouen and the Fa­thers of the Society of Iesus, a Friend of yours here had sent you a printed sheet, with this title, T [...]e Answer of a Divine to the Propositions extracted out of the LETTERS of the IANSENISTS, by some of the Curez of Rouen; which answer hath been presented to the Right Reverend the Bishops met together in the Ge­nerall Assembly of the Clergy.

I cannot but imagine how much you were surprized at the first reading of that Answer, and how that at the same time your judgement of it was, that it could be no other then an infamous Libell, and a scandalous Pamphlett purposely scattered abroad to blast the ho­nour and holinesse of the Church, derogating from the authority of the right Reverend the Arch-bishop of this place, and destructive to the innocence of the Pa­stors who endeavour to serve and maintain that divine Spouse of IESUS CHRIST.

That you have also understood, how that the Iesuits seem loudly enough to declare themselves the Authors of that piece, when they cause it to be sold publickly by the Book-sellers belonging to their Colledge, when they distribute it themselves in the houses where they [Page 27] make any visits, and do so exactly play the Mercu­ries to scatter it up and down, that we are oblig'd to them for its coming among those that are of our Arch-bishop's Councell.

And lastly, that you expected with some impati­ence a generous reply from the Reverend the Curez of Rouen to that injurious and ill-instructed Divine, and how necessary you conceiv'd it that such a course should be taken, to the end that all the world might be satisfied of the purity of their intentions in the cause they are now engag'd in, their prudence in point of proceeding, as well in the enterprise as the prosecu­tion, and the integrity of their Faith, which it was the main design of that Libell to cast a blemish upon.

To satisfie therefore your desires as to these parti­culars, and to give you some account of an affair where­in we are all equally engag'd by the common concern­ments of their Ministery; I am to tell you, Sir, that the Curez of Rouen, having taken notice of a sheet that was scatter'd up and down full of impostures and calumnies against them, and being in a manner perswaded, as well by the hints you give in your Letter, as by other too too pregnant circumstances, that it was a production of the Jesuits, thought fit to make their complaint a­gainst it to the other Arch-bishop, by a Letter which they immediately writ thereupon, and to demand ju­stice for the same of his Officiall, by a Petition which they presented to him, whereof I thought it not a misse to send you a copy, that you may see the justifiable mo­tives of their complaints.

That once done, they had resolved to sit down and be silent, so in some measure to expresse their moderation in suffering injuries suitable to the ma­ximes of the Gospel wherein they instruct their peo­ple. They were, I say, content to be quiet, expe­cting the publick satisfaction and reparation, which might prove the effect of those juridicall courses they had taken.

[Page 28]But having observ'd on the one side, that the procee­dings were likely to take up much time, and that the Iesuit [...] in the interim made their advantage of their modesty, persisting still in the distribution of that Libel, giving out where ever they came that it could not be answered, nay, treating the Curez of Rouen as such as were to be derided for their weaknesse and igno­rance; and on the other side, having taken it into consideration that they are oblig'd to maintain the di­gnity of their Ministery, and that it is their duty to hin­der that from falling into contempt, or their persons into disparagement before their people, through the hor [...]id calumnies which the pretended Divine loads them with, representing them as seditious persons, a­bettors and fautors of he [...]es [...]e; They thought it con­cerned the honour of the Church and their own repu­tation, that the world should be acquainted with the sincerity of their Faith, as also that the Simple, who might haply be surpriz'd by truth-lesse suppositions, should be undeceiv'd, and that, by answering that scur­rilous libell with the greatest moderation they possibly could, they might satisfie and convince all those that are Lovers of Truth and Justice that their interprise is holy, their proceeding canonicall, and that they can­not be blam'd by any for what they have done, but by such as are prepos [...]essed by passion, or too violently engag'd in the interests of a party they makes some ad­vantages of.

It was upon these reflections, and the wholesome ad­vice in your Letter (which I have communicated to them) that they enjoyn'd me to write to you what you now receive, and to entreat you to communicate it to your Brethren, and all other good people, as we shall do here and elsewhere, to the end that all the world may be satisfied of the equity of our Cause, and that those persons of quality, who shall come to the knowledge thereof, may conceive an opinion of us quite contrary to that which some would have perswaded them to, by atif [...]ces es and detraction.

[Page 29]There needs no more then the simple, that is to say, the most sincere and most faithfull relation of what hath passed in this emergency on the part of the Cu­rez of Rouen, to justifie their proceedings, and to prove the Author and dispersers of that Libell guilty of ma­lice and imposture. I shall not say any thing which cannot be confirm'd by the testimonies of persons on whom no reproach can be fastened, nay, by that of the Arch-bishop himself; who being our head, our Judge, and our Father, hath also ever been our witnesse and our Oracle; and we should justly deserve his indigna­tion, did we any thing without a relyance on his Ap­probation and conduct.

The businesse, as to matter of fact, stands thus. Mon­sieur De Four, Curé of S. Maclou (whose abilities and worth are generally known) having preach'd two seve­rall times (as you have already understood) against those pernicious doctrines which tend to the corruption of good manners, the Iesuits were immediately troubled thereat, and made great complaints of it to our Arch-bishop, in a Petition which they presented to him in the name of Father Brisacier, fraught with injurious ex­pressions and calumnies against the said Monsieur du Four. These things coming to the knowledge of the Curez of Rouen, they thought themselves oblig'd to en­gage in the quarrell of their reverend Brother, violent­ly set upon in a difference wherein they were all equal­ly concern'd, since it is their duty to be watchfull over sound doctrine and the purity of Manners, as that on which depends the safety of those souls that are com­mitted to their charge.

But that their proceeding might appear to be such as was the effect of a serious consideration of the Affair they were to engage in, they had a debate in one of their Assemblies, about consulting the Bookes, whence it was alledged, that the propositions and pernici­ous Maximes, preached against by the Curé of Saint Maclou, had been taken, to the end that true copies [Page 30] and extracts should be made of the same, and accor­dingly that the condemnation thereof should be re­quired by Canonicall wayes, if the [...] were found in the Casuists, what quality or condition soever they were of [...] But, on the contrary, if they were not to be found in those books, that the prosecution might determine as to the Casuists, and be reviv'd to procure a Censure of the LETTERS TO THE PROVINCIAL, wherein those doctrines, with the Authors that main­tained them, were cited.

Six of the Assembly were pitched upon and ap­pointed to undertake that employment. They spent therein a whole moneth, doing all things with all pos­sible [...]ideli [...]y and exactnesse; they sought out the pla­ces cited, they found them, word for word, as they were cited, in the Originals. They drew copies there­of, and reported the whole to their Brethren in a se­cond Assembly, wherein for further certainty, it was ordered; That if any among them were desirous of fur­ther satisfaction as to those matters, they would be permitted to come to the persons deputed, into the places where the books were, to consult them and compare them as they pleased. This order was put in execution, insomuch, that for five or six d [...]yes af­ter, there were seldome lesse the [...] ten or twelve Cu­rez at a time, searching after the passages, and com­paring them with the Authors, as being satisfied of the truth and faith [...]ulnesse of the Ci [...]ations.

What greater circumspection could be us'd in a proceeding of this nature? And certainly there needs no more to give an absolute defeat to the imposture of those, who, purposely to disparage the said Cu­rez, and to rais [...] some clouds of division and Jealou­sie among them, affirme, that diverse of them were surpriz'd, and inconsiderately drawn in to engage in that party.

Nor was their prudence lesse remarkeable in the Petition presented to the Arch-bishop, in the name [Page 31] name and on the behalf of the said Curez. For, ha­ving been drawn up, and digested into the particu­lars to be invested on, by some of their Company appointed to that purpose, it was read severall times in two or three severall Assemblies, wherein were present ordinar [...]ly twenty or two and twenty Curez, in so much that at the last it was sign'd by twenty & eight.

This certainly should be look'd on as an argument of the union and good intelligence which is among the Curez of Rouen, and that it is the same spirit they are guided by; not as proceeding from any combination, as it is maliciously objected by the Author of the Libell, but from the Love of Justice, and a tendernesse for truth, which thus joyntly en­gages them in this cause.

Five were chosen out to go as Deputies from the Assembly to the Arch-bishop, to present to him the Petition and the Extract of pernicious proposition [...] gathered out of the Casuists, and that worthy Pre­late honoured them with so kind an entertainment, and so favourable a reception; he express'd so much satisfaction at their piety and zeale; he told them with so much earnestnesse and reality that he abhorr'd those corrupt doctrines, that they could not, from all, but conceive immediate hopes of happy succe [...]e of their enterprise.

In a word, that prudent Arch-bishop, having first ta­ken the conclusions of his Pr [...]ctor-General, and the advice of his Councell, it was ordered by him, that the said petition, with the said [...]xtracts, thereunto annexed, should be sent up to our Lords of the Gene­rall assembly of the Clergy, to the end, that those pe­stilent doctrines should receive a more notorious and solemn Censure, by the decisions of so illustrious and and venerable an Assembly as that which is the repre­sentative of the Church of France, and whence we de­rive the Oracles of our Religion.

But ere things were risen to this height, the reve­rend, [Page 32] the Curez of Paris having had notice of what was in agitation in our City about these matters, were s [...]ir­red up by the same spirit, and animated by the same zeale with those of Roven, they honour them so far as th [...]t they write to them, and to give them thanks for the affection and tendernesse they had expressed for the purity of Christian Morality, they intreat them to send up their collections and memorials, and appoint eight of themselves, all Doctors of Divinity of the fa­culty of Paris to examine them, and accordingly to give the said Curez of Rouen all the advice and assi­stance requisite in such a business. Since which time, be­ing more fully informed and satisfied as to the matter of fact, they resolv'd to joyn with us in this cause, and to exhort the Curez of the other Diocesses of France, to demand joyntly with them, of our Lords the Prelates (in a spirit of peace and charity, which ought ever to be attended by a true zeale) the censurt of the dange­rous, propositions specified in the Ca [...]alogue and Ex­tracts which they sent them.

And our Arch-bishop himself, for his own part, to shew how much he thought himself concern'd in an affair of this importance, and the justice he was de­sirous to do the Curez of his chief City, sent up Monsieur Gaulde his Grand Vicar (whose vertue and abilities all have sufficient experience of) to present, on his behalf, the Petition, and Extracts made by the Curez of Rouen to our Lords of the Assembly Generall with Letters of recommendation worthy his zeal and earnestnesse.

Accordingly hath that honourable Assembly given eare to these just demands, it hath afforded them a favourable reception, it hath even publickly com­mended [...]e procedure of the Curez of Rouen, it hath judged [...]t jus [...]ifiable and canonicall, and taking co­gn [...]s [...]nce of the businesse as such as Religion it self and the salvation of mens souls are very much con­cerned in, it hath appointed Delegates, very de­vout [Page 33] and very able men, to take it into examina­tion. From all which cirrcumstances, we cannot but raise a certaine hope, that God will strengthen them with his spirit, and fill them w [...]th his light, that their endeavours, to expell this mortall con­tagion, which tends to the poisoning of her children, out of the Church, may prove the more effectuall, that she may be maintained in her most holy rules, and may flourish and fructifie though the spirit of the Gospell, whence she derives that incomparable beauty which is so amiable to the sight, and winnes her the heart of her divine Beloved.

Thus, Sir, have I given you a true and sincere ac­count of what passed in this Affaire on the part of the Curez of Roven. I dare call God to witnesse, that it is nothing but the naked truth, and thence you may be pleased to consider, whether they have had any ground to traduce us; consider, what foundation they may have to blast our reputation with calumnies as they do in that Libell; consider, I say, whether it does not even in the title broach three signall im­postures.

For in the first place, the Propositions, which we desire should be censured, are not extracted out of the LETTERS of the JANSENISTS, as the A [...]thour sales in that Pamphlet. But they were taken out of the bookes of the Casuists; nay, if what he saies wer [...] true, the extracts would be ten times larger and of greater bulk then the whole p [...]eces, out of which they are taken, as it were easy for us to demonstrate.

Secondly, this catalogue and the extracts which the Jesuits have so great an aversion for, and are the ground of all their fury and exasperation, are not the worke of the Curez of Rouën, who only drew up the Extracts which they presented to their Arch-Bishop, and which the Arch-Bishop hath sent up to the Assembly [...]

[Page 34]L [...]stly, it is far from truth, that this Answer of a Divine was ever presented to the said Assembly. Our Lords the Prelates, whereof it con [...]ists; would ne­ver have suffered such an affront should be done to the dignity thereof, nay, it is an act of the greatest contempt that can be committed against such an Assem­bly to direct to it a scandalous pamphlet without a name [...] such as is that Answer. No, those who are thought to be the Authors of it, are more prudent and better advised then ever to have attempted any such thing, though they are not to be numbred among those that have the most respct of Bish­ops.

I should be over troublesome to you, and haply exceed the Limits of a Letter, should I make it my businesse to refute all the calumnies and impostures which are scattered up and down the body of that pamphlet, and therefore shall fasten only on some.

This implacable Pamphleteer sayes, that we have put in an information against the Iesuits at the tribunall of our Lords the Bishops, and we may say, on the con­trary, that it is they themselves that have brought the information against themselves. For neither in our Petition nor our Extracts presented to the Arch-Bishop do we any where taxe the Iesuits by name; if we say any thing of them, it is occasionally, and by way of instance; all that we desire being only the condemnation of the pernicious doctrines taught by some late Casuists, whoever they may be. But they have betrayed themselves by their own complaints and expostulation, they are wounded by their own wea­pons, Sagittae [...]orum factae sunt plagae corum. Psal. 63. And they were the only men, who, Satanically zealous to maintaine these doctrines, and to shew th [...]mselves in a manner the Patronizers of Homicides, Simonies, and other the like crimes, have made all the noise, and raised that tempest which is likely to [...]ll so heavy upon them. Besides, we cannot be said [Page 35] to have presented to our Lords of the Assembly any petition or other piece to bring them into trouble there, it being certaine that it is only the Arch-Bishop him selfe that hath, by his Grand Vicar, presented them, and consequently this Jesuiticall Secretary does Notoriously derogate from his Authority, and is not afraid in his Libell to be a little too peremptory with him and to traduce him under the name of the Curez of Roven.

The next thing he quarrells at is that we are guilty of a frivolous busying of our selves to weed out the corrupti­ons that may be found in bookes, while they grow and thrive in mens soules, whence we should endeavour to root them up. This is an indeterminate charge of our idleness and want of courage in our Functions, but without the least consideration, that these Lesbian Maximes purposely sorewed up to a complyance with sinners (whereof we find the bookes of the Casu [...]sts but too full,) are the fatall seeds of so many cor­ruptions and [...]candalls as are predominant in this un­happy age; and that our time cannot haply be better employed, then in endeavouring to smother them, and to prevent them from growing out of those Books into mens consciences which are of themselves in­clinable enough to entertaine any thing that cherishes the passions, and complyes with the vergency of cor­rupt nature.

Then he tells us, that it were a far better employment for our Assemblies to review the Houres of Port Royal, and addes, that the Faithfull committed to our charge, do to this day repeat, at the feet of our Altars those very prayers that are contained in that book, to the reproach of Faith and scandall of the Church. We never had yet the least acquaintance with the Authors of those Houres, and therefore cannot be said to countenance them, and it is a prerogative of God only to judge of the in­tentions of their hearts. But it's to be hoped, this censorious Libeller will not think it much we should [Page 36] give them a charitable interpr [...]tation, and should avoid, upon this occasion, that reproachable waxinesse of na [...]ure (as he observes himself) that is so easily wrought upon at to hearken to and countenance calumny, though he himself hath not much endeavoured to a­void it heere. Some more knowing and better Di­vines then he differ very much from his opinion of those Houres, because they are not prepossessed a­gainst them as he is, who supposes that the son of God is therein degraded from the title of the Redeemer of all men, because it is not there expressed in the Version of certaine Hymnes, though the same thing be found in severall other places, and particularly in the 7th. ver. of the Te Dum. And we would gladly referre him to the Hymnes of the Romane Breviary corrected by Vrban VIII. of blessed memory. That methinks were enough to give a check to his sinistrous judgement of the persons that composed them, as to what concernes that article. And for the other, where he alledge [...], that they have therein followed the version of Mar [...]t in the 17. ver. of the 138th. Psalme, to take away the Invocation of Saints; he betrayes his want of con­sicience in imposing that drift upon them, since he is not ignorant, that though that Version be not the more ordinary, yet is it approved by above ten mo­derne Jnterpreters, Jesuits, and others, men very learned and of unsuspected faith, who stick close to the Hebrew text. Besides that in the Hymnes, Li­tanies and Prayers of these Hours, the intercession of the Saints is therein very often insisted upon. What probability is there then, that, if some of our Pa­rishoners make use of them, it must needs he to the great reproach of Faith and scandall of the Church?

He would [...]urther put us into an alarme against the memory of the late Abbot of S [...]. Cyran, whom he charges with the reviving of certaine propositions of Wiclef which blast the dignity of our character. But let [Page 37] him take good heed that this accusation, which he advances to put a flurre upon him, proceed not, ei­ther from want of diligence in the reading of his works, or an excesse of passion against that great man, incli­ning him [...]o disparage them. As there is not hardly any one that is unaquainted with his excellent and glorious endeavours for the defence of the Priesthood of Iesus Christ, so methinks should it be heard for any one to imagine that he had any designe to blast it in his Lettters, which are all most Christian, and full of piety. For, in a word, not to medle with the two last propositions, since our Divine hath no [...] thought to cite the places, out of a prudent feare that in case we should examine them we might dis­cover his foule play in falsifying and distorting of them, he hath suppressed out of the first a word that is essentiall and of importance purposely to give it a wrong sence, and to make it odious. 'Tis not our busi­nesse to write a panegyrick for Monsieur de S. Cyrian, but only to beare witnesse to the truth, and the Author of the Pamphlet must give me leave to tell him, that his way of proceeding is not justifiable. In the 93. Letter, which he cites, we find, that the Church hath a power to take a course with Priests of ill lives, and to cut them off from any relation to her, if she think it fit, and that if she do it, they are no longer to be reputed Priests, but to be looked on as secular persons. This faithfull Secretary hath left out the word re­puted, which is to be seen in all the latter editions of those Letters, and was omitted onely in the first printed at Paris, through the Printers negligence, and is accordingly put upon his score among the other Errata at the beginning of the Book. Let him then but restore that word to the passage fore­recited, and he will find the Doctrine of that Let­ter to be the same with what is taught us by the Church in her Canons, that is to say, that Priests degraded, and such as, for their lewd lives and [Page 38] noto [...]ious crimes, have been deprived of Tonsure and the long robe, which are the honourable badges of the Sacerdotall Function, are not to be looked upon or reputed as Priests, [...]t such as are reduced to a secul [...]r qualification; though, all this supposed, they do not lose the divine Character of their Ordination. The case being thus [...]airely cleared up, we are content the Author himselfe should be judge in the difference, appealing from himselfe mis-informed to himselfe bet­ter informed, or lesse prepossessed, to dec [...]de, whether such pr [...]positions as these, are those of the infamous Arc [...] Heretick Wiclif, and whe [...]her in our Assemblies, we should make it our businesse to conspire their Cen­sure.

He further playes the Admonisher, when he tells us, that our endeavours would be more serviceable to the publick should we prosecute the suppression of the Scanda­lous LETTERS; published, (as he saies) with so much [...] defyance of punishment ever since so long a time against the honour of Sorbonne and all Divines. But he sayes too much to be credited. For were it true, that those Letters were published to the dishonour of Sor­bonne and all Divines, whence comes it to passe that the Colledge of Sorbonne and all the Divines of the whole Church do no [...] combine against them to have them condemned, prohibited, suppressed; Whence comes it that the Iesuits (for whom this Secre [...]ary apologises all the way) make it their complaint wher­ever they come that those Letters are Levelled only against their Society? Whence comes it th [...]t only they of all others took the alarme [...]hereat? And if they are so much employed in fighting against the Enemies of the Church, and in courageously standing up for the conc [...]rnements of Iesus Christ, as this pamphlet would make us beleeve they are, whence comes it, that, when they pretend to refute the Letters, which are so insupportable to them, they [Page 39] direct their Answers only to those which oppose their corrupt doctrine, and that pernicious [...] Libertinisme which they introduce into Morality? How comes it that they are so silent as to the four first Letters? How can it be that they have hardly a word to say of them, tho [...]gh they hold them to be injurious to the Grace of the son o [...] God, and the sacred decisions of his C [...]urch? Needs there any more to demonstrate that they, out of a set design, forsake the cause of Iesus Christ, and flight the advan [...]ages of his divine spouse, when it lies upon them to make good their own interests, and the transient lustre of their Society seems to be falling into some eclipse? Is this the glorious employme [...]t they make such brags off? But how ere it be, we declare, that we do not th [...]nk our selves concerned in those Let­ters, otherwise then it may be lawful for all others to be, that is, that we look on them as such as may somewhat [...]urther the discovery of errours, that so they may b [...] the better avoided; leaving the judgement thereof to our Lords the Bishops.

This writer hath a further accusation against us, which is, tha [...] we blow the coals of that heresie which is now breaking forth in [...]o flames in the house of God, and cruelly persecute those who make it their endeavour to quench it. For which he adds this reproach, that the unjustice of our prosecu [...]ion tends to the prejudice of Fai [...]h, and the re-establishment of Jansenisme [...] yet further blaming us, for that we are engaged in a combination, and endeavour to sacrifice the Masters o [...] both ancient and modern Divinity to the passion of the Iansenists, so to be of­fered up a [...] the publick victims of Heresie. And so goes even to the end with discourses much of the same na­ture, very unworthy the name of a Christian, and most injurious to the Pa [...]tors of the Church.

—Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?

Who could ever have expected that a Divine should [Page 40] have treated us in these terms? Or imagine, that a spirit perpetually covered with the robe of Charity should persecute us with expressions so full of gall and so maliciously satyri [...]al? However, we think it no hard matter to forgive him. But when we truly consider his language (which is far different from that of Hea­ven to the annointed ones of the Lord) w [...] presently find, that he is but too close an imitator of those whom he vindicates, and that we may well take occasion to tell him, V [...]rè et tu unus ex illis es, nam et loquela tua ma­nif [...]stum te facit. For when they finde themselves cal­led to account, either for attempting any thing against the Hierarchy of the Church, and the priviledges of the Pastors thereof; or for maintaining the most dis­lut [...] and most extravagant opinions of the late Casu­ists, such as are absolutely destructive to the purity of Manners, they are in a manner reduced (out of an ingenious, but withal a diabolical p [...]ece of Reynar­disme) to this one evasion, or rather injury of Ianse­nists, which they make their bulwark and last refuge [...] where being once gotten into, they think thems [...]lves out of all danger, and whence they believe they may, without any fear, shoot the prisoned arrows of the most cankered de [...]raction against those who only quar­rel at their errours and irregularities.

And of this I have a clear and pertinent example to give you. For I bese [...]ch you, sir, do but consider what relation there is between the Propositions con­demned by the Constitution of Innocent X. which ar [...] the subject of Iansenisme, and the doctrines now in question, and wher [...]of we demand the censure? The former are of Grace and Free will; and the latter re­late only to Morality. The former treat of the most sublime, and most mysterious points of all Scholastical Divinity, such as only Doctors, and the most know­ing are able to look into; and the latter are only de­cisions relating to the conduct of Christian life, where­in it is requisite that every one be instructed. What [Page 41] ground then have the Iesuits to charge us with this in­jury? Upon what account do they make it their main business to perswade the people, that their Pastors, who are their spiritual guides, and on whom depends the salvation of their souls, according to the Scripture, ex quibus anima populi pende [...], countenance Hereticks, and make use of their arms? Or rather why would they have the world believe that there [...]s a new Sect of Hereticks, and a sort of enemies now rising that set the Church on fire? We declare that we know not any, that we do not so much as see this fire, and that if we could perceive it, we would be among the first that should endeavour to quench it. Whence comes it then, that they make such an ignominious parallel as that of comparing Priests and Pastors of the Church to Huss [...]es, Lu [...]herans, and Calvinists, which is the greatest affront and de [...]ogation they could have been guilty of in relation to the character and employment they have in the house of God? Is it that they would make them unserviceable in their Functions, and their Ministery, by this injurious bringing of their faith in­to suspition, and by those false impressions which they so much endeavour to make in those whom God hath co [...]mitted to the [...]r charge?

But what! Can it be objected to the Curez of Ro­ven, that they are not in an absolute and perfect sub­mission to all the orthodox truths of the Church? Do they not instruct their parishoners in the inviolable maximes of the Gospel, and the adorable Mysteries of Religion? And do they not endeavour as much as lies in their power to reduce the enemies that oppose them? Is not their doctrine sound, and their word irreprehensible, as the Apostle would have i [...], in his Epistle to Titus? Is not their Arch-Bishop, to whom they are accountable, satisfied with their conduct, and the integrity of their Faith? Is not the whole cit­ty a sufficient testimony of their good and whol [...]ome [Page 42] instructions? And do not the Iesuits know well e­nough, that we have all published the Popes Bull, and the Mandate of our Arch-Bishop concerning the five propositions justly condemned at Rome? Is there any one among us that hath maintained, taught, or preached any of them? Or hath otherwise dissented from the sacred Constitution of the Vicar of JESUS CHRIST?

Wherein then do the said Curez countenance He­reticks? Wherein do they afford them their name and interest? As in imposed upon them by the Libel­ler. What is it that makes them the cruel persecutors of the children of the Church? It is because they pre­ [...]er the most undefiled, and most sacred rules of the Gospel, before the dangerous instructions of the late Casuists? It is becau [...]e they are in love with the holi­ness of the Church their Mother, and conceive a cer­tain horrour to see her defiled by her own children, through the doctrines of those, who, incapable of be­ing their Fathers, will needs be their dangerous Tu­tors and instructors? Is it because they demand of their Arch Bishop, (the Judge of sound and corrupt doctrine) the censure of those pernicious propositi­ons that are the destructive Vipers of all Morality? But are they not obliged to this watchfulness, to pre­vent the tears from growing up in their Masters field, and that the souls for which they are accountable at the Tribunal of God should not be infected by that mortal poison? I can assure you, Sir, that they were not stirred up by any other motives in all this affair; that by the grace of God, they will not be guided by any other, and that if their enemies will not give o­ver persecuting them and charging them with Calum­nies [...] they will nevertheless endeavour the discharge of their duty, and as much as they can reassume more and more courage, to bring things so about, that In­nocence and Truth may triumph over violence and Imposture.

[Page 43]In the mean time, Sir, let us continue nnited in the spirit of peace and charity, in the midst of these disorders, which God will, in his good time, put a Period to. And let us withall generously maintain the concernments of our common Mother, whose breast, as it ought, so it ever shall even to the end of all ages, be ever full, as well of the most pure milk, and most power [...]ul wine, of the celestial and divine truths of JESUS CHRIST, the Master, Doctor, and perpetual dictator of his Church, as of the pre­cious treasure and inestimable riches of his Graces, which he sheds into all souls, but especially the souls of the Faithful, in the quality of Saviour, deliverer, and universal Redeemer. Sir, be pleased to af [...]ord me your prayers to him, that I may not be so unhappy as to resist his Grace, or deprive my self of it by my unthankfulness towards him, and the abuse of my Li­berty.

I am. &c.

A Petition of the Curez of Rouen to Monsieur the Official, presented the 26. of October, 1656. To Monsieur, the Official of Rouen, or to Monsieur his Vice-gerent. The humble Pe [...]ition of Master Peter Chrestien Curé of St. Patrick's, Mr. William le Cler [...], Curé of St. Andrew's; Mr. John de Sahurs, Curé of St Peter's du Chastel; and Mr. Stephen de Fieux, Curé of St. Lau­rence; on the behalf of themselves and their Brethren the Curez of Rouen.


THat within some few dayes past the Jesuits of the Colledge that is within the said City, and par­ticularly Father Brisacier, F. Berard, and F. de la Bri­ [...]re, have dispersed up and down to diverse persons, a scandalous Libel to the great disparagem [...]nt of the Petitioners, intituled, The answer of a divine to the Propositions [...]xtrac [...]ed out of the LETTERS of the IAN­SENISTS, by a certain Curez of Rouen; which answer hath been presented to the right Reverend the Bishops of the Assembly General of the Clergy.

That the said Libel is fraught with lies, [...]alse reports, impostures, and bitter calumnies very much to the [Page 45] disparagement of your Petitioners. For the Author does therein lay it to their charge that they are the first kindlers of that fire which now begins to break forth in the house of God, and that they are the cruel per­secutors of those who endeavour to quench it. That he further reproaches them, that though it is their du­ty to be tender and watchful over the Church, yet they shut their eyes so as not to see the danger that shee is in a manner fallen into, and that they are so far from making any opposition against her enemies, that they quarrel with her children. He sayes that they insist upon the advantages which Hereticks pretend to have against her, and though he seems unwilling to lay an imputation of Heresie equally on all, yet would he have them discover strange symptomes thereof in that action of theirs. He charges them with a reproachful easiness of nature, such as inclines them to give credit to and countenance calumny. He sayes that the un­justice of their prosecution tends in effect to the preju­dice of Faith, and the reestablishment of IANSE­NISME. He blames them for traducing Monsieur du Val, as a criminel, not knowing what they do. He sayes that these Curez, (meaning the Petitioners) combine together in a design to sacrifice the Masters of both ancient and modern Divinity, to the passion of the Iansenists, and to offer them up as publick vi­ctims to Heresie. He sayes that they prosecute a charge against all Catholick Universities, and all or­thodox Doctors on the behalf of Iansenisme. He says that the voice of the Pastors of Rouen is no more then the Eccho of those mali [...]ious Letters that are written at Port-Royal, and sold at charen [...]on; that the enterprize which the Curez of Rouen are engaged in, is frivo­lous, as to the design, and unworthy the prosecution of a prudent man. To be short, his writing is filled up with diverse other expressions of the same nature, which are all most untrue, and tend very much to the discredit of the Petitioners; and he grounds all his in­juries [Page 46] and all his reproaches on a matter of fact abso­lutely supposed; that is to say, that the Petitioners have put in an information against those whom this wri­ter makes it so much his business to vindicate (whom he sufficiently discovers to be no other then the Iesuits) and have impeached them at the tribunal of our Lords of the Assembly of the Clergy, of having corrupted the whole doctrin of Morality; supposing withal, but untruly, that the petitioners had presented to that ho­nourable Assembly, an injurious catalogue of the pro­positions that concern Moral doctrin. Which is a fal­sity and palpable imposture, since it is evident, that the petitioners neither were sent, nor did send to the Assembly, that they have not impeached any one, that they never presented any catalogue or any propo­sitions.

But the truth, as to the matter of fact, is this, that the Petitioners desirous to be fully satisfied whether the doctrines that were contrary to the holiness and purity of Christian Morality, which so many learned and able persons have so long since quarrelled with these Casuis [...]s for, were really to be found in the books of those Authors, some of them, appointed by con­sent of their Assembly, had accordingly undertaken the examination thereof: and having found in diverse books of those writers, the greatest part of the propo­sitions laid to their charge, they drew a faithful extract thereof, and having reported the whole business in a [...]nother assembly, they unanimously resolved to have a petition presented to the Arch bishop, to demand of him the condemnation thereof. That this being ac­cordingly put in execution, the Arch-bishop had sent up the said petition, with the extracts thereunto an­nexed, to the Lords of the assembly held at Paris, as being an affair of general concernment, and such as the whole church was interes [...]ed in. And having to that purpose sent up Monsieur Gaulde, his Grand Vi­car to make a report of the whole, with a Letter from [Page 47] himself, powerful and worthy his zeal, the said assem­bly took cognizance thereof, and immediately ap­pointed certain Commissioners to examine the busi­ness, to the end, that upon the return of their report, they might proceed to judgement.

That the business came to this head as to matter of fact, is a thing so well known that the Author of the said Libel could not be ignorant thereof. Whence it may be easily inferred that when he attributes to the petitioners, what hath been done only by the means of the Arch-Bishop, his main design was, to fasten all the injuries and invectives of his defamatory pamphle [...] upon the said Praelate. For it being a thing out of all dispute, that neither the Curez of Rouen, nor yet those of Paris presented to the [...]ssembly any proposi­tions concerning Morality, and that there was not any thing of that kinde brought thither, but by the means of our Arch-Bishop, yet does not this detractor think it much openly to direct his calumnies against him un­der the name of the Curez of Rouen; affirming that the Hereticks, whom he makes the Authors of the propositions, daring not to appear themselves for fear of being dismissed with reproach, yet there hath not wanted some that durst present in so honourable an as­sembly, what should rather have been cast into the fire.

And it is this bitter re [...]lection of the Libeller which the Petitioners are most troubled at, as conceiving themselves less wounded in the disparagement they re­ceive in their own reputation, then in the injury done their Head, whom the respect due to his eminent dig­nity should have secured from all the assaults of calum­ny, and that especially in an occurrence, wherein he hath been honoured with the elogies of our Lords the Prelates and the most cons [...]derable persons in the State, who have highly celebrated his prudence in the ma­nagement of this whole affair.

Now though the said Libel be levelled against the [Page 48] [...]aid Arch-bishop after so audacio [...]s a manner, yet hath not that consideration [...]ny way hindred the Iesuit [...] (who in all probability are the Authors thereof) from being the dispersers of it, and bringing it into diverse houses of Quality in this City; nay so far, that F. de­la Briere hath distributed of them even in the palace of the Arch-bishop, to diverse Eccle [...]asticks of his Councell.

These things being t [...]ken into considera [...]ion, as al­so that the said Pamphlet is derogatory to the honour of our said Lord the Arch-bishop, that it is fraught with malicious calumnies against the Petitioners, and falsely supposes that there are in this Dioce [...]e, and within this Citty such perni [...]ious hereticks as have sold their Soules to impiety, and heighten the flames of a new heresie, whereof the Author charges the Petitioners with a design of promoting and countenan­cing the re [...]stablishment, as it is alledged in the said Libell hereunto annexed; It is humbly prayed, That you would b [...] pleased to order the said Fathers Bri­ [...]acier, Berard, and dela Briere to appear [...] before you in person, that they may discover and declare from whom they had that defamatory Libell which they have distri­buted to diverse persons, as the Petitioners are able to prove and make appear, in case it be denyed. And that if it fall out, that the said Iesuits will no [...] appear and discover the Author of the said Libell, that it be taken for granted that they caused it to be writ and Printed; and as such, and distributers of th [...] same, that they be condemned to make reparation in point of honour to the Petitioners, as notorious detractors, impos [...]ors, and di­sturbers of the publick peace, and other penalties, which the Petitioners referre to the zeale and prudence of [...]he Proctor generall of the Arch-bishoprick to demand a­gainst them according to the evidence that be brought him; and to that end it is desired that he may be ap­pointed [Page 49] to carry on the bu [...]ness joyntly with us. And it is further prayed that a prohibition may be issued out that they may not for the future publish or distribute a­ny such Libel [...] upon p [...]in of excommunication [...]pso facto, and other canonicall punishments specifyed in the holy decrees, against [...] the Author [...] of s [...]ndalous Libels, and that th [...] Sentence which shall be passed hereupon be read and publist [...]d in the severall Churches, [...]nd other places where it shall be thought fit, that the people may be un­dece [...]v [...]d, as to the calumnies, injuries, and defamatory impostures whereby the said Iesuits would blast the re­putation of the Petitioners in the said Libell, And you will do Iustice.’ And signed by the said Chr [...]sti [...]n, le Cler [...], de Iaehurs, de Fi [...]ux; & le Vigner Proctor, with their severall Subscriptions.

A REMONSTRANCE Of the Reverend The Curez of PARIS to their Lords of the Assem­bly Generall of the CLERGY, When they presented to them a continuation of the Extract of diverse pernicious Propositions advanc'd by the late Casuists.


THe favourable reception we have found in your honourable Assembly seems not to us a lesse re­markable discovery of your Goodnesse towards us, then of your zeal for the undefilednesse of Ch [...]istian Morality. We have inferred [...]rom it, to our more then ordinary comfort, that all the artifices which some have made use of to bring an odium upon us, have not prov'd so effectuall as to surprise you, and to make you in the least measure unsatisfied of our invi­olable submission to Episcopall Authority. And cer­tainly it must needs be a strange thing, that those who make it their main businesse to render it as despicable as they can, and have so often given you occasion to [Page 51] oppose their Attempts against the Hierarchie, should be guilty of an imagination that they could raise jea­lous [...]es in you of those, who think it a glory to them, that they have not any priviledges whereby they might be exempted from the dependance they have on their Prelates.

For your Honours may be pleas'd to consider, that they could not upon any occasion betray a more groundlesse pretence of their detraction, since that, e­ver since the first breaking forth of this business to the present, we have not done any thing but what dis­covers the respect we have for your sacred dignity. The Reverend Clergy of Rouen who first set this bu­sinesse on foot, and made the first complaints about it, brought it before their Arch-bishop; all the end that we had in countenancing and furthering what they did, was onely to make a joynt addresse to your Assembly; and when we sollicited the Curez of the other Diocesses to joyn also with us,, we were very far from thinking it should be done wi [...]h any deroga­tion from their Bishops. Your honours will, we hope, have that opinion of us, that we are not to learn the obligations that ly upon us, or the limits of our du­ty. We thought it a breach thereof to continue any longer silent, when we see the Church over-grown with a poysonous Morality, more corrupt then that of Pagans themselves; nor are we ignorant on the o­ther side, that we are excusable in the sight of God, by discovering the horrour we conceive thereat in our endeavours to raise an impression of it in all the souls committed to our charge, and in addressing our selves to the Princes of the Church, to represent unto them the pernicious consequences thereof.

It lyes upon your honours to prevent the [...]urther progresse thereof by a legall and authentick condem­nation, since it is to your Authority that God hath particularly committed the discernment of sound and corrupt doctrine, and the care of being guides to the [Page 52] people of God, by rules that are wholly divine, ac­cording to the word of the grea [...] Pope, Innocent I. to a certain Arch-bishop of France; Disciplin [...] deific [...] po­pulum [...]rudi [...] deb [...]mus. And that which is added by the same Pope, in the place before mentioned [...] viz [...] that it is to be feared, that the silence of the Bishop [...] be not taken for their consent to the dissolution of Morality, Ne [...]ilentio nostro exist [...]mur his pr [...]b [...]e con­s [...]nsum, dicente Domino, Videbas [...]urem, u [...] cu [...]re [...] cum [...]o, is, at this time, more considerable then even. For the extravagance of these writers is come to tha [...] height, that making their advantages of the lenity of the Church in poin [...] of toleration, they presu [...]e to affirm it openly, that she co [...]ntenance [...] their irr [...] ­g [...]l [...]rities, because she suffers them. This is no more then what hath already been made appear t [...] your honours out of F. Baun [...] a Jesuite, and what may be seen yet further in another of the same Society, whose name is Mascarennas, who being equally d [...]ou [...] in F. Ba [...]ny to establish this extravag [...]nt p [...]opositio [...], Th [...]t it is sufficient, so as to fulfill the precep [...] of hearing Masse, if a man heare [...] [...]wo halves at the same [...] from severall Priests, imagines it excellently well maintain'd by this erroneous and dangerous principle, That the Church, without any opposition, suffering that opinion should be published, is an argument that she [...] approues i [...].

Thi [...] Maxime which carries within it, wi [...]hout exce­ption, all the E [...]rour [...] which th [...]se C [...]suis [...] have pub­lish'd, must need [...] oblige your honour [...] to find out some speedy remedy against evils that grow daily mor [...] and more predominant [...] and which those that introduce them end [...]avour to establish by principes that make them incapable of any remedy. For their temerity i [...] come to that p [...]t [...], [...]s to pretend that th [...] Author [...]ty of the Bishops cannot give them [...]ny check. They have made no difficulty to maintain, ( [...] you may per­ceive by the Extract [...] which we now present you with of a new d [...]e [...]) That th [...] Bishop [...] cannot prohibit th [...] [Page 53] Books of the Casuists, such as are those of Diana; (one of the most extravagant that ever were) otherwise then as Marchandises, or, at the worst, but as prejudiciall by accident, and not condemn them as evill in themselves: and that, when four or five of these Authours agree in the same opinion, it is so far probable and safe in point of conscience, that unlesse the Church mukes the contrary thereto an Article of Faith, it can no more cease so b [...] such, then foure can cease to be foure.

Thus is it, may it please your honours, that these writers do at the same time invest simple private men with a pernicious power to overturn at their pleasure all Chris [...]ian Morality, and would devest the Successors of the Apostles of the right which IESUS CHRIST hath endu'd them with, to prevent the extravagances of man's wit from corrupting the truth of his Gospel. But this also considered must needs engage you the more to make them feel the weight of that Authori­ty, which they would deprive you of and receive, to the advantage of the whole Church, the examples of your Predecessors and your own.

It is not unknown to your honours, how that in the beginning of the Ninth age, the Church of France did by the severity of her Canons, put a stop to a licenti­ousnesse much less considerable then that which is now so prevalent. There started up of a sudden a many tri­viall writers, who put out a sort of books called Peni­tentials, to regulate, as they thought fit, the penance to be inflicted on Penitents, according to the diversity of sins. But having by that erroneous indulgence de­viated very much from the regulations specified in the Canons, the Bishops of France assembled in the II. Councell of Cha [...]lons upon S [...]one, and in the VI. of Parls, ordered, That all Priests should forbear making [...]ny account of those Penitentiall Book [...], as also that they should be absolutely abolished, nay burnt, to the end they might not prove an occasion to deceive the Pri [...]sts that read them, and consequently the people. Whereas [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 54] there are many Priests, sayes the Councell of Paris, Can. 32. who either out of negligence or ignorance in­flict penances on those that confesse their sinnes, otherwise then it is provided by the Canonicall Constitutions, making use, to that purpose, of certain writings which they call Penitentialls, contrary to the holy Canons, and by that means cure not the wounds made by sinne, but cherish and continue sinners therein by an over-indulgent dressing there­of, drawing upon themselves that malediction of the Pro­phet; Woe unto those that sowe pillowes to all El­bowes, and make cushions for the heads of men to seduce them; we have ordered, by a generall consent, that every Bishop shall within his Diocesse cause strict search to be made after those erroneous writings, and ha­ving found them, shall cause them to be burnt, to the end, that such priests as are ignorant may not any longer make use thereof to the de [...]uction of souls.

Now we humbly intrea [...] your honours to consider what comparison there is between the excesses against which these holy Bishops your Predecessors have a­cted with so much zeale, and those whereof we now humbly begge the suppression? It was not layd to the charge of those composers of Penitentiall Directi­ons, that they had excus'd or authoris'd crimes, but only, that they had taught the Priests to inflict pe­n [...]nces lesse severe then those that were prescribed by the Canons. Nay even as to that point, how much more reserv'd were they then those of this age? For the greatest licentiousnesse they are tax'd with is that which is condemned by the same Councell in the 34. Canon, viz. that they had impos'd on a detestable crime a penance of lesse continuance then 25. years, which was the time prescribed by the Councell of Ancyra, whereas these now reigning think it not enough to take away all the punishments impos'd by the late Popes on the same crime, but are so presumptuous as to maintain, th [...]t those Confessors that are carefull to promote the spirituall good of mens souls ought to send the Laicks [Page 55] to the holy Communion, and the Priests of the Alta [...] the very day, that they had committed those abomina­tions, worthy of all the fires of Heaven, Earth, and Hel.

Thus have we discover'd to your Honours the pro­ceedings of those exemplary men that have preceded you in the government of the Gallicane Church. They have not given way, as they say themselves, that the faithfull should be abus'd by vain hopes, and the deceitfull promises, which they might flatter themselves with out of corrupt Books. And it must needs be by following so wholesome an example, that you have already bro­ken the ice and put a stop to this torrent of licenti­ousnesse and errours, by condemning the books of the s [...]id Father Bauny, who published them in France, as containing Propositions inclining men to Liber [...]inisme and the corruption of good manners, and doing violence to the Naturall right, and the Law of Nations, excusing Blasphemies, Vsuries, Simonies, and diverse other the most [...]normous sinnes, as if they were light pecca­dillo' [...].

But the inju [...]ious contempt wherewith your censure hath been received by some, who maintain that Au­thour, even since your condemnation of him, as being not guilty of any irregularity in point of Mo­rality, and cause his books to be reprinted without the least correction or alteration, is enough to convince you, that since the mischief still continues, and growes more and more predominant by time, there is a neces­sity the same remedies should be continued, and that others should be apply'd that are more effectuall.

The eyes of the whole Church are upo [...] your honors in this affair; her honour is but too much concern'd in it, she cannot any longer bea [...] either with the reproa­ches of hereticks her enemies, who endeavour her dis­paragement by attributing to her these pernicious ma­ximes, or the temerity of some of her own children, who conspire with the others to fasten the same scandall on her. For it is not the greatest scandall that even [Page 56] happened to the Church of IESUS CHRIST, that, while Hereticks are so presumptuous as to im­pu [...]e to the whole body of Ca [...]holicks the licentious­nesses of some particul [...]r persons, there should be, at the same time, whole So [...]ietie [...] that acknowledge them, that justifie their accusation, that would have the stran­ges [...] extravagances accounted Romane Tradit [...]on [...], and are grown to that height of [...] presumption as to pretend that [...]n cannot quarr [...]l at these irreg [...]larities, without being of the number of the Calvenists, or at least coun­tenancing them?

Will not the Church disclaim these temeratio [...]s wretches? will she not make a publick discovery of the horrour she conceive [...] thereat? Shall it ever be said, that for a man to be a Catholick, he must ap­prove domes [...]i [...]k infidelities and usuries with Father Ba [...]y, Simony, with V [...]lentia, the lawfulnesse of Murther to avoid on box o'th' [...]are, with Lessius, As­sas [...]inations for calumnies with Father Amicus, im­postures and false accusations, with Caramuell? Shall it [...]e said, that a man must entertain all the pernici­ous or extravagant decis [...]ons of Escobar for myste­ries revealed by [...] IESUS CHRIST, and that he cannot make any complaint against them, but he must be immediately treated as an Heretick? This is the affront that some would have put upon the reverend, th [...] Curez of Ro [...]en, by a virulent Pam­phlett, under the form of a Petition presented to your Assembly, and yet hath not any name to it (which is a kind of proceeding never heard of before) because, as it should seem [...] the Authors of that scandalous piece would gladly have play'd the wolves with those that hit them in the teeth with their Morality, and tear them in pieces, but d [...]rst not discover themselves, so to avoid the punishment they might deserve for their in [...]olence.

In that piece your honours may discover some tr [...]cks of that confidence [...] whereby they vindicate their most dangerous maximes, They think it not enough to [Page 57] maintain them as tolerable, no, they would have them receiv'd as articles of Faith, which a man cannot de­ny without falling into Lutheranism. This is the ac­count they get in that Pamphlett, of what is taught by Father Bau [...]y, That to make an action impu [...]able as Sinne, it is necessary it should proceed from a man that s [...]es, that knowes, that considers what there is of good or evil therein, and that before this sight and reflection of the mind, it is neither good nor bad. Thir proposition, which palpably excuses an infinite number of Sinnes, and which, as such, was condemn'd by the Colledge of Sorbonne in its Censure of the first of Iuly 1641. in th [...]se words, falsa, viamque aperit ad excusandas excusationes in peccatis, is grown up of a sudden, if we believe the partisans of that [...]asuist, a point of the doctrine of the Church, taught by S. Thomas with all Catholicks, and oppos'd onely by Lutherans and [...]alvinists. These are their own expressions but full of falsity and impo­sture. For where hath S. Thomas ever taught that do­ctrine, he, who maintains every where, that a man's ignorance of those things which he ought to have known excuses him not from sinne; 1.2. q. 77. a. 2. and 3. and qu. 78. a. 1. and that men commit an infinite number of crimes without having any other sight thereof then that, of complying with their pas­sions, and without making any reflection whether what they do be good or evil in the sight of God. 1.2. q. 77. a. 2. And how dare they affirm, that all Catho­lick [...] are of the same opinion, when their own Casu­ists, who are the most guilty of dissolution of all Ca­tholicks, and the most inclin'd to embrace those o­pinions that flatter the humours o [...] men, are not all of that judgement? For Escobar makes it a point of his problematicall Theologie, Lib. 1. probl. 17. and cites those Divines even of his own Society who hold the contrary [...] to that opinion of F [...] Bauny, condemn'd by the Colledge of Sorbonne, which yet they now dare impose upon the whole Church.

[Page 58]This your honours may be pleas'd to look on as a remarkable example of the originall and progresse of their PROBABILITIES. They are lit­ter'd at first imperfectly with some doubt; then are they lick'd into the degree of probable and safe in point of con­science; and thence, by the advantage of confidence, that loses nothing by continuance, they are reduc'd to the predicament of certain Truths, and they that oppose them chargeable [...]ith Heresie, even after they [...]ad been censur'd by whole Vniversities.

Nor indeed do they much dissemble the Novelty of their opinions, or their first productions. They very sincerely acknowledge that they are ordina­rily ha [...]ch'd by the temerity o [...] some particular person, who, under pre [...]ence of some probable reason that comes into his mind, presumes to oppose the common senti­ment of all other Divines, and formes out of his own a probable opinion, which Time afterwards ripens and confirms. This is the acknowledgement of Escobar, in these words, T [...]m. 1. in Prael. cap. 4. Though many persons have treat [...]d of a matter with great care, and hap­pen to b [...] all of the same opinion after they had well con­sidered the reasons thereof, yet is it my judgement that a learned man may neverthelesse, with some probability, be of a contrary opinion, if [...]e sees there is any reason that is very pr [...]gnant for his sentiment, and finds that the others have not sufficiently clear'd up the businesse. For thus were probable opinions first introduc'd into the Schooles [...] HOC ENIM MODO PROBABILES OPINIONES FU­ERE IN SCHOLAS INTRODUCTAE [...] And to be short (adds he a little lower) all these opinions, when th [...]y come first into the world, owe their production to ONE SINGLE AUTHOR. Whereupon, another Doctor a­grees with him, because that opinion, though newly ad­uanc'd seems probable to him. CERTE quaelibe [...] opinio DUM SUSCITATUR, AB UNO Q [...]TUM HABET AUTHORE. Postea alius. alii consentiens ideo assensum praes [...]i [...]it, quia [Page 59] RECENS ADINVENTA opinio sibi visa est probabilis.

Nay, this is not alwayes necessary. There are some probable opinions that proceed from no other dam then blind chance. Be it supposed that a Doctor, without so much as minding what he did hath broach­ed some new and strange imag [...]nation, which he him­self thought not probable; There needs no more to give another doctor occasion to make a new discovery in the Country of Probability. And this is no more then is ingenuously confessed by the same Escobar, in these terms: I do only conclude an opinion to be probable when he that first found it ou [...], judges it to be probable, and confirms it with a probable reason. But even when a do­ctrine, advanced by a doctor, is approved neither by him­self, nor any other as true (ETSI DOCTRINA ADDU­CTA A DOCTORE, NEC A SE, NECAB [...]LIO VE­RA ESSE AFFIRMETUR) but is only proposed as an ar­gument to which an answer is required, or casually brought in to explicate some other, or haply by way of instance, I never [...]he­less bring it into the qualification of probable opinion [...], when I find it maintainable by a rational reason, SI RATIO­NABILI RATIONE INNITI VIDEO.

And yet your Honours may be pleased to take no­tice, that these fantastick conceits, which they themselves acknowledge to be new, and newly introduced into the Schools, which they confess to be the aerial issue of their own spirits, the most cor­rupt of all Masters, according to that remarkable expression of Saint Hierome; non quod à me ipso oidi­ci, hoc est à presumptione, p [...]ssimo praec [...]ptore; these imaginations, unknown, according to their own ac­knowledgement, to all antiquity, are nevertheless to be thought certain and infallible paths to lead men to hea­ven. For it being their main design only to flatter men, and to bring them to their lure, they saw well enough, that it would amount to nothing to invent probable re­missions of duty, if those that followed them drew no o­ther advantage thence, then that they were probably fa­ved [Page 60] and probably damned. They have therefore thought themselves obliged to get higher, and by a Mystery unknowne to all Divinity and Reason make an allyance between probable sinning, and the certainty of not sinning [...]

Be pleased then to consider the strange ratiocination of all these late writers. If I kill anothe [...] for a bo [...] on the care, it is probable that I shall not sinne, accor­ding to Lessius, Filliucius, Bald [...]llus: it is also probable that I shall sinne, according to all the Ancients; it is therefore certaine that I shall not sinne, by the princi­ple of Probability. Whence it may be further inferred, that when ever they affirme it to be doubtfull whether an action be a sinne, and contrary to the Law of God, they with the same breath maintaine, that it is not doubtfull, but undeniable, that if a man does it, he commies not any [...]inne in the sight of God.

'Tis upon this new kind of Logick, of concluding a certainty from an uncertainty, that they have laid the foundation of all Christian Morality, taking this alwayes as an undenyable principle, That all the con­trary opinions of the Casuists are equally saf [...]. OM­NES OPINIONES PROBABILES SUNT AEQUE TUTAE. Not but that they are very sen­sible, that, of two contrary opinions upon the same point of Morality, it is necessary that one be true, and the other false; that one be consonant to the law of God [...] and the other contrary thereto; but they never­thelesse stand upon it, that being both probable; be­cause there are Cas [...]ists that hold as well one as the other, the conscience d [...]ives equall sec [...]rity from both; that the judgement [...] of men, even when they are deceaved and pervert the divine Law, puts us out of all danger as to what we might expect [...]rom the Law of God; and lastly, that we may make as great ad­vantages, in our journey towards heaven, of a pro­bable falsity, as of the most certaine Truth; UT QUAMCUNQUE, as Escobar affirmes, VIA­RU [...] [Page 61] PRIMO DIVERSARUM INIE­RINT HOMINES, RECTA TENDANT AD SUPEROS.

What then must we think will become of that ter­rible saying of the wise man, which he hath repeated in two severall places, a [...] it were to make a greater im­pression thereof in our mind [...], There is a way, that seemeth straight unto man, and yet is that which leadeth unto hell; I [...] there needs no more then that a way seeme str [...]ight to some Casuist to lead us in a direct line to heaven, even when it is not streight in the [...]ight of God? And what account will there be had of these words of JESUS CHRIST, If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch, if two C [...]suists, whereof the one is blind the other illuminated, because the one maintaines that which is true, the other that which is false, are as infallible guides one as another?

We might have produced to your honours a whole bloud of Fathers, whose judgements are absolutely op­posite to this so dangrous imagination of these Casuists; but we have thought it enough to weigh them by the doctrine onely of S. Thomas [...] who establishes a quite contrary maxime, which he makes use of as a certaine principle whereby to resolve other questions. For whereas there were in his time different opinions con­cerning this point [...] viz [...] whether it were lawfull for a man to have a plurality of prehendaries, as he himself acknowledges quod l. [...] [...]niuotur Theologi Theologis, & I [...]rist [...] I [...]risti [...] contraria sen [...]ire. He there­fore puts [...] to the question in his Quod. l. 8. ar [...]. 13. Whether this contrariety of opinions were a sufficient ground for a man to forbeare the having of more then one, be [...]ause he could not do it without running him­selfe into some danger of sinning. Now according to this new mystery of Probability, there was not the least occasion to make any such question it being evident, that a man might with safety of conscience follow whe­ther he thought good of the two opinions so authori­sed, [Page 62] and that there were not the least danger of shining in either the one or the other. But the Divinity of that Saint is far different from this latter, and men were haply in his time ignorant of this so commodi­ou [...] [...]n invention of complying with all the world [...] A m [...]n, saith he, becomes guilty of [...]inne, tw [...] manner of waies [...] one by acting ag [...]nst the Law of God, the other by acting against hi [...] own Conscienc [...] [...] NOW THAT WHICH is DONE AGAINST THE LAW OF GOD is ALWAIES EUILL, and is not to be [...]xcused though it be according to a man's Conscience. When there [...]re ther­fore two con [...]rary opinions of the same thing, is mu [...]t ne­cessarily b [...], that one is true and the other false [...] and con­sequently, either the opinion of those Doctors tha [...] main­tain [...] i [...] to be [...]lawfull to have severall prebends, it true, and if it be so, he WHO ACTS CONTRARY TO THAT TRUE OPINION, AND CONSEQUENTLY CONTRARY TO THE LAW OF GOD [...] IS NOT TO BE EXEMPTED FROM SINNE, THOUGH HE DO NOT THEREIN ACT AGAINST HIS CONSCI­ENCE [...] But if that opinion be false, and tha [...] it were law­full according to the [...] of God to have a plurality of Pr [...] ­bends, he that should be perswaded of it, should not sinne &c.

Now we are to represent to your honours that this erroneous confidenc [...] in th [...] opinions of men, though contrary to t [...]uth, which i [...] so formally condemned by S [...]. Thoma [...], after the Fathers, and according to the Scripture, is now become the maine hindge upon which they pretend that all cases of Conscience ought to be turned about. These late writers treat as igno­rant all those that are not of their opinions; [...]GNO­RANTIAE INVIDENTI CONDOLEAS, sayes Cara­m [...]l, upon that occasion; [...]ay they are so far from any feare of the dreadfull consequences of this irre­cla [...]meable liberty they take to reduce all things to the predicament of Probabilities [...] that they [...]onceive it to be an extraordinary service done the Church, to mul­tiply [Page 63] them as much as they can. They out-vy one the other who shall invent most, and the greate [...]t panegy­ricks they make one the other, is grounded upon their introduction into the world of the greatest number of new probabilities. I have a reverence (s [...]ies Cara­muel) for the ingenu [...]y of the learned Diana: He must needs be an envious person who does not acknowledge, that by his i [...]dustry many opinions are grown probable, which were not such before him, and consequently that those who follow them sinne not, though they had sinned before. 'Tis by the meanes of this infinite multitude o [...] different probable opinions, whereof some are true [...] others false, that they so presumpt [...]o [...]sly give out themselves, that they have found severall wayes to go to heaven, such as extreamly facilitate the salvation of mankind; for that if there were no other then the path of Truth, which is upon every point, the same and indivisible, men would find it too great a difficul [...]y to travell in it, and one would be forced to jostle the other out of his way.

We cannot without horrour & shame entertaine your honours with these extravagan [...]es; but they are such only in their own principle, since they are but too too formally inferred from it. For if it be true that the Authority of these Casuists can make opinions pro­bable, and that it must be supposed that all probable opinions may safely be followed, as to matter of con­science, though they permit a man to do that which is evill in it selfe, and con [...]rary to the eternall tr [...]th, they have very much reason to conclude thence that the whole Church is extremely obliged to them, for that they have made Salvation a thing so easy for her children to attaine to, by the multitude of probable opinions, which they make it so much their boast that they have lately found out. But do they not with all give us just ground to complaine with the learned and pious Guigues, Generall of the Carthusians; O Apostol [...] ­rum tempora infelicissima! O viros illos ignorantiae tenebris [Page 64] involutos, A omni miser [...]tione dignissimos [...] qui [...]ut a [...] vitam pertingeren [...], propter verba labioru [...] Dei, [...]am d [...]r [...] vi [...] custodieban [...], & hac nostra compendia nesciebant, ‘O how unhappy were the Apostles in their times! O how did those that lived then grope in deplorable darknesse! How were they to be [...]emoan [...]d that they were not acquainted with any other way to go to heaven then those rough and austere ones which were chalked th [...]m by the word of God [...] and were ignorant of all these shifts and compendious methods of Pro­bable opinions, never found out till this age of ours.’

We doubt not but your honours are sufficiently sa­tisfyed of the strangenesse o [...] this doctrine in it selfe, and to what dre [...]dfull extravaga [...]ces it may open a gap and give encouragement. All errour [...] in matter of Morality are very dangerous, because they cor­rupt the Judgement, which discernes between good and evill [...] and is the originall of all actions. But this principle of Probability is much more dangerous, in so much that it may be called the generall poison of those en [...]e [...]med sources, which communicates to them a particular infection far gr [...]ater then that which they have of thems [...]lves. For instance, it must certainly be a d [...]mnable extravagance of opinion, to main­taine, [...]s F. Amicus and Caramuel [...] do, that men that hav [...] devoted their selve [...] to a Religious kind of life (and there [...]ore with much mo [...] reason those that are of the world) may kill those that intend to ca­lumni [...]te them: But the feare of damnation for follow­ing these [...]asuists, might haply stop their hands who were inclin'd thereto, if at the same time it were not demonstrated according to the genera [...]l doctrine of probability, that, of two probable opin [...]ons, it is as s [...]se to follow one as the other, a [...]d consequ [...]ntly [...] that there is as litle danger of offending God by k [...]lling [...] as there is in no [...] killing.

[Page 65]It were therefore but to little purpose for the Church to condemne the pa [...]ticular [...]allyes of Licentiousnesse which these late C [...]suis [...] are guilty of, if your honours do not also take away th [...] roo [...] whence they all de [...]iv [...] life and growth. All the [...]cknowledgement they will make of your Censure, shall be to confesse that your sentiment [...] are probable, but that they hinder no [...] but th [...]t their [...] are so too [...] Of thi [...] evasion of their [...] your honours h [...]v [...] dayly experi [...]nce in their attempts a­gainst the Hierarchy. [...]or whe [...] t [...]ey would maintain [...], for ins [...]ce, that the Regulars of any Religiou [...] Orde [...], [...]ay wit [...] [...] sa [...]e conscience m [...]ke use of those pr [...]iledges wh [...] [...] expressely [...]evo [...]ed by the Councell of Tr [...]n [...]; [...]ha [...] having presented themselves before you, though you had refused to approve them, they have neverthe­l [...], [...] defiance o [...] your Authority, a power to heare Confess [...]on [...]; and lastly [...] that having been once [...]p­prov'd, they cannot be a [...]ter [...]ds revoked, upon what do they ground all these so illegall pretentions [...] [...] Sanch [...], one Rodrig [...] [...] one Villalobos, one Portellus, one Diana, and others of the same mo [...]t [...]ll, which are much more then needs to make an opinion probable. And if you should oppose your Decrees to the t [...] ­merity of these Casuis [...], all the advantage you shall make of it will be, that you shall also make your opini­on probable [...] your honours shall be cited a [...] Main­tainers of the negative, and Escobar shall discourse thus upon the whole: Regulares POSSUNT, ET NON POSSUNT, in foro cons [...]ientia, sui [...] vti privilegis [...] quost sun [...] expresse p [...]r Triden [...]inum revocata [...] Lib. 6 [...] Probl. 16 [...] p. 192. SUFFICIT ET NON SUFFICIT pe [...]ere [...]pprobationem, u [...] Regularis, si injust [...] ei deneg [...]tur [...], [...]ens [...]a [...]ur jure approbatus, Lib. 7. Probl. 30. p [...] 269. That is to say, in a word, some hold the affirmative, others the Negative, you may believe [...] and you may do what you thinke good your selfe.

[Page 66]Nor is it any more difficulty for your honours to imagine what confusion, and what dist [...]rbance [...] this principle of Probability may oc [...]asion in the s [...]ate [...] and what a bane it may prove to civill Society [...] whe [...] it shall be joined with their other maxi [...]e [...] P [...] the [...]ases that Judges have any inclination [...] to [...]a­vour their Friends, or to be revenged of their ene­mies, what encouragement will they not find to per­vert all justice, with safety of conscience, in this maxime of Escobar and foure other Casui [...]ts; namely, That they are not obliged to follow the more probable opini­on [...] but that they may give sentence for him, who seeme to have lesse right of his side [...] and whose [...] is made good by lesse probable reasone? In like man [...]e [...] if the people fall into an humour of Rebellion, what pretences may they not find to colour their defection, in that other maxime of the same Au­thor, viz; That they may without any cause sh [...]wne, choose whether they will submit or no, [...] to [...]he ordinan­ces of their [...]rinces, though after a legall publication thereof; If they have no mind to pay [...] Taxes shall they ever be to seek for a lawfull excuse to be exem­pted; since that to effect it, there needs no more, according to these Casuists, then a litle probabili­ty, even though they cannot deny but that their Prince hath as much if not more reason to impose a Contribution upon them, then they have to deny the payment thereof? But we shall no [...] trouble your honours with any more as to that point. Wha [...] we have, and might say of it, we think two hor­rid to expresse. We have only said a word or too at the beginning of our Extract of Probability, which is enough to satis [...]y all those who have any affection for their Prince [...] a [...] God oblige [...] them to have, o [...] what consequence this doctrine is, and how likely it is to receive, [...]n such emergencies [...] as cannot be fores [...]ene, but ought alwayes to be feared, the de­testable maximes of a great number of these Ca [...]uists, [Page 67] contrary to the sa [...]ety of their persons, and the sove­raigne power which they derive onely from God him­selfe? They may seeme to be supp [...]essed, bu [...] they will never be absolutely extinguished, while they flatter men with an assurance that they do not sinne when they follow these l [...]te Authors, and that even when what they teach, is, in effect, contrary [...] to the Law of God.

These things well considered, who cannot [...] admire the strange confidence of some persons, who would have the complaints we have put up to your honours against these seditious maximes, to be looked on no otherwise then as an attempt prejudici­all to [...]he well fare of the state. But our comfort is, that those who make it their businesse with so much zeale to promote the security and agg [...]andization there­of, are but too well assured of our per [...]ect and in­violable fidelity thereto, ever to give any enter­tainment to those bad impressions which some would have raised in them of us. It is well knowne that in the Assembl [...]es where we are wont to meet, and which are authorised, not only by the custome and approbation of our Arch-Bishops but also by the Let­ters which it hath pleased his Majesty to send us to that purpose, there is not the least discourse had concerning the publick affaires; no, our employ­ment is about other things; Our thoughts are taken up only with the concernments of our Parishes, and the spirituall good of the Soules committed to our charge, because that is the maine designe of our Functions.

Nor is it any other interest then that of those Soules, so precious in the account of [...]ESUS CHRIST, that obliges us to addresse our selves to your honours, to beseech you, by the exercise of your Authority, to prevent the further establishment of these strange corruptions, now so much in vogue, to the dis­honour of C [...]tholicks, and the scandall of hereticks. [Page 68] The Censure you shall passe upon them must need [...] be of extraordinay advantage to the Church, [...]y even to those that are the m [...]intainers and publishers of them; for if they acknowledge and submit to your Decrees, they will ret [...]rne into the way of T [...]th, out of which they had so strangely wandred [...] and if they oppose them, as it is their ordinary course to do, it will be with this disadvantage to them, that they shall lose that erroneous beliefe whence they derive a power to deceive Sou [...]es, and which is, as well in regard of themselves as of others, of all misfortunes the most deplorable. How ere it happen, you will deliver your own soule [...] accor­ding to the [...]ang [...]ge of the Scrip [...]re, and the sen­tence of publick condemnation which you shall passe upon these pernicious opinions, shall prove your vindication before the tribunall of JESUS CHRIST, who will require a strict account of the Pastors of his Church, for all the abuses, and all the disorders, which they shall not have endeavoured to suppresse.

But for our parts, who are only called to the par­ticipation of a small glimpse of that power, whereof your honours shine in the meridi [...]n lustre, all that it lyes in our power to do, is, to let you know, how earnestly we disire and pray for the reestablishment of Christian Mortality in its purenesse and perfection, and by crying down these unhappy maximes among the people committed to our charge, preserve ne­verthelesse union and peace even with those that main­taine them, according to these excellent words of St. Augustine. Quisquis vel quod potest, arguendo cor­rigit, vel quod corrige [...]e non potest, salvo paci [...] v [...]nculo, excludit, vel quod, salvo pacis vinculo excludere, non potest, equitate improbat, [...]mitate supportat, hic [...]st pacificus, et ab isto maledicto quod Scriptura dicit, V [...] his qui dicunt quod nequa [...] bonum est, & quod bonum est nequam, omninò liber, pro [...]s [...]s s [...]cur [...]s, penit [...]s ali [...]nus.

[Page 69]Thus concluded and ordered in the Assembly of the Reverend the Curez of Paris, and presented to the hono [...]rable the A [...]sembly Generall of the Cler­gie.

November, 24. 1656. and signed,
  • ROUSS, Cure of St. Roch, Syndic.
  • DU PUYS, Cure of the Sts Inno­cents Syndic.

THE PRINCIPLES And CONSEQUENCES Of PROBABILITY, Explic [...]ted by CARAMUEL, one of the most eminent among the late Casuists, in a book of his printed in the year, 1652. inti­tuled. THEOLOGIA FUNDAMENTALIS.

THis extract comprehends the general principle of the new Morality, which is, the doctrin of Probability. The whole doctrin hath been taken out of one single Author, to the end, it might be the better perceived, that they are not loose and stragling Maximes that are not maintained but separately, and accordingly are not to be thought to have any cor­respondence. To that effect, have we made choice of one of the most eminent and most learned of these Casuist [...], named CARAMVEL, a man yet living, and a person looked upon by the rest, as the [...]orch of all the great Wits of this Age, ingeniorum facem, and one that is of such account among them, that they cannot be perswaded, that what the great Caramuel, as they call him, hath approved, should be condemned by any one. Nor is it on the other side to be doubted [Page 71] but that he is excellently well read in the doctrin of these late Authors, since he openly professes that he reads in a manner no books but theirs, and that he should think his time lost in reading the antient Fa­thers. This is no more then what he declares him­self in these words p. 22. whence may be given a great guess of the genius of the man. Non ego multum tem­poris impendo, aut PERDO, in veterum (Patrum) li­bris legendis; non quod contemnam illos, sed quòd omnia quae pulchrè cogitârunt, jam sint à junioribus summo stu­dio et ingenio elimata.

For the bett [...]r understanding therefore of the doctrin of Probability which is the Troja [...] horse wherein is contained all the learning of these Cas [...]ists, it is to be observed, that the question is not whether there are probable opinions in Morality? That there are such, it is generally granted by all, though the number of them be infinitely less then what is imagined by those who make it their business to reduce the most infal­lible rules of manners into problematical questions, and can, without blushing, put out whole volums full of such decisions as these, never heard of before among divines; Est, et non est; licet, et non licet; peccat, et non peccat; tenetur, et non tenetur; sufficit [...] et non sufficit, as if the School of Iesus Ch [...]ist were of a sudden degenerated into a School of Sceptick [...] and Pyrrhonians.

But the deadly poison of this doctrin consists in the fatal conjunctions of these four Maximes, which de­rive their unhappy influences on all the rest.

The first is, that, when there are different probable opinions upon any point, and that there are some who maintain a thing to be forbidden, others on the contrary hold it to be lawful, both these opinions are equally false in point of conscience. And though there is a necessity that one of the two should be false, and contrary to the law of God, yet may a man never­theless finde the way to Heaven in either of the two, [Page 72] and may walk as securely in that which is [...]lse, or in that which is true; ut quamcunque du [...]rum [...] diuers [...]r [...]m homines [...] [...]e [...]dant ad sup [...]ros [...] as Escobar sayes, Theol. Mor. Tom. 1. in [...]r [...]l. cap. 3.

The second is, that a man is at liberty to make ch [...]ise of the less proba [...]le and less safe opinion, by quitting the more probable and more safe. That it is to say, that when a man is in some doubt, whether it be a sin or not, to commit such an action, and that the opini­on whi [...]h maintains that it is a sin to commit it seems the more probable to him, insomuch, that all things considered, he is convinced that it is so, yet it is ne­vertheless lawful for him, with safety of consolence, to do that action, which he is satisfied is more pro­bably a sin.

The third is, that an opinion is then probable when it is confirmed either by a reason, or a considerable authority; and that to make it such, there is no ne­cessity these two conditio [...]s should me [...]t together, either of them being sufficient to do the business. The former kind of probability, they call probabilita­tem [...] intrinsecam, the latter, probabili [...]atem extrinsecam.

The fourth and last is, that, according to the gene­ [...]al consent of all Casuists, an opinion is then pro­bable [...] and may [...]e commonly followed without any fear, when it is maint [...]ined by four grave Authors, and that there are diverse who affirm, that the autho­rity of one single Author is sufficient.

'Tis in the rivetring and twisting together of these four Maximes that the doctrin of Probability consists. From the present Extract as well as from those which we brought in before, may easily be inferred the pernicious consequences thereof. But to put a gag in their mouths who are so ready to maintain it, we need only tell them, that as well the state, as Reli­gion, is obliged to crush the Serpent, for that while there shall be any thing of life in it, it can never be prevented, but that the detestable maximes, such as [Page 73] reflect on the safety of soveraign Prince [...] and Authority, whi [...]h have be [...]n so o [...]en condemned by the Parlia­ments, the Universities, and Clergy of France, will still con [...]inue probable and safe in point of conscience, and will be looked on [...]y those that are instructed in that doctrine, as infallible w [...]yes to le [...]d men to Hea­ven; especially since they have been taught and maintained [...] not only by one, nor by four, but by above twenty of the most eminent of these Casuists.

To be short, that we may in few words give a pre­servative against this poison, which no man can con­ceive the least suspit [...]on of, wee shall lay down in this place, a remarkable passage out of St. Thomas, which clear [...] up the whole cont [...]oversie.


Quodl. 8. Art. 13.

Utrum, quando sunt diversae opiniones de aliquo facto, ille quisequitur mi­nùus tutam, peccet? Ut de plurali­tate Praebendarum.

REspondeo, dicendum, quod duobus modis aliquis ad peccatum obligatur: uno modo, faciendo contra legem, ut cum aliquis fornica­tur; alio modo, faciendo contra conscien [...]iam, etiamsi non sit contra legem: ut si conscientia [Page 74] dictat alicui, quod levare festucam de terra sit peccatu [...] mortale. Ex [...]onscientia autem obli­gatur aliquis ad peccatum, sive habeat certam fidem de contrario e [...]us quod agit; sive e [...]iam habeat opinionem cum aliquâ dubitatione. Illud autem quod agitur contra legem, semper est ma­lum, nec excusatur per hoc quòd est secundum co [...]scientiam [...] et simili [...]er, quod est contr [...] con­scientiam, est malum, quamvis non sit contra le­gem. Quod autem nec contra conscientiam, nec contra legem est, non potest esse pecca [...]um. Dicendum est ergo, quod, quando du [...] sunt o­piniones contrariae de [...]odem, oportet esse alteram v [...]ram, et alteram falsam. Aut ergo ille, qui facit contra opinionem Magistrorum, utpote ha­ [...]endo plures praebendas, facit contra veram opi­nionem, et sic cum faciat contra legem Dei, non excusatur a peccato, quamvis non faciat contra conscientiam; sic enim contra legem dei facit. Aut illa opinio non est vera, sed magis contraria quàm iste sequitur, ita quod verè licet habero plures praebendas, et tunc distinguendum est: quia aut talis habet conscientiam de contrari [...], et sic iterum peccat, contra conscientiam faciens, quamvis non contra legem; aut non habet con­scientiam de contrario sed certitudinem; sed ta­men in quandam dubitationem inducitur con­trarietate opinionum: et sic, si manente dubita­tione plures praebendas habet, periculo se commit­ [...]i [...]; et sic procul dubio peccat, utpote magis a­mans [Page 75] benefic [...]um temporale, quàm propriam sa­lutem: aut ex contrari [...]s opinionibus, in nul­lam dubitationem adducitur; et sic non commit­tit se discrimini, nec peccat.


Quodl. 8. Art. 13.

Whether, when there are several opinions concerning the same matter of fact, he who follows the less safe, sin or not? As for instance, concerning the plurality of Praebendries.

I Answer, and say, that a man may be liable to sin [...] two manner of wayes; one, when he does any thing against the law, as, for instance, when one commits fornication. The o [...]her, when he does a thing aga [...]nst his conscience; as [...] if his conscience should tell him, that to take up a straw of the ground, were a morta [...] sin, and he should nevertheless do it. Now a man is subject to sin against his conscience, whether he be per­swaded, that the opinion contrary to what he practiseth is the more safe, or do but make some doubt thereof. But whatsoever is done against the law is alwayes evil, nor is it any way alleviated or excused, by pretending that it is according to a mans conscience. And in like manner, what a man does against his conscience is evil, though it be not against the Law. But what is neither [Page 76] against conscience, nor the law, cannot be sin. It is therefo [...]e to be inferred, that, when there are two contrary opinions of the same matter of fact, it must necessarily [...]e that one is true, and the other [...]alse. He therefore that acts contrary to the opinions of the more learned, as for instance, hath a plurality of preben­dries, does either act against the true opinion, and [...]onsequently doing that which is against the law of God, is not free [...]rom sin, though he do not any thing contra [...]y to his conscience; for [...]o he becomes [...] trans­gressor of the law of God. O [...] th [...]t opinion is not true, but rather the contrary thereto, so as that it is [...]ruly lawful [...]or a man to [...]ave a plurality of prebendries, and then we mu [...]t dis [...]ingu [...]sh. For, [...]ither such a man is convinced in conscience of the contrary, and so falls into sin on the othe [...] side, as doi [...]g what is con­trary to the dicta [...]es of his conscience [...] though not a­gains [...] the law; or [...]e is a [...]ured in his own cons [...]i [...]nce that the contrary cannot be [...]igh [...], and yet is no [...] abso­lutely sa [...]isfied but inclines to some doubtfulness by reason of the contrariety of opinions; and that being supposed, if, continuing in his dou [...]t [...]ulness, he hath a plurality of prebendries he puts himself into danger, and consequently does certainly sin, as one that rather mindes the prosecution of temporal advantages then his own sal [...]ation. Or [...] the contrarie [...]y of opinions raises nothing of doubtfulness in him; and i [...] so, he neither runs himself into any da [...]ger, nor sin.

A CATALOGUE OF THE PROPOSITIONS Contained in the continuation of the Extract of diverse corrupt propositions of the late Casuists; collected by the Reverend the Curez of PARIS. And presented to the honourable the Assem­bly Generall of the Clergy of France, the 24. of November 1656. BEING The Summe of the PRINCIPLES and CONSEQVENCES of PROBA­BILITY explicated by Caramouel, one of the most eminent among the late Casuists, in a Book of his printed in the year 1652. Intit [...]led, THEOLOGIA FUNDAMENTALIS.


THere are two kinds of Probability, one proceeding [...] from Reason, the other from Authority. That one [Page 78] without the other is sufficient to make an opinion pro­bable. That all probable opinions are equally safe in themselves. That it may so happen that the most gen­tle may be the most safe; And that it is lawfull for a man to follow the lesse probable. Caramuel Theol. Fun­dam. p. 132.


That according to the generall consent of all Casu­ists, the authority of four Authors is sufficient to make an opinion probable; and by a necessary consequence, one single Author is also sufficient. Caramuel Theol. Fundam. p. 137.


There are three conditions necessary to be suppo­sed ere a man can affirm an action to be unlawfull, and if there be but one of the three wanting, he may affirm it to be lawfull. Idem. ibid. p. 138.


That Bishops cannot prohibit the books of the Ca­suists [...] otherwise then as marchandises, or as being ac­cidentally prejudiciall, and that they cannot condemn them as pernicious. Idem, ibid. p. 89.


That it is impossible a probable opinion should be condemn'd in it self, and that it is impossible also, that an opinion maintain'd by severall Doctours should not be probable. Ibid. p. 393.


That a probable opinion, that is to say, such as is maintained by the most eminent Casuists can never cease being probable and safe, if the contrary be not made an Article of faith by a new definition of the Church. And that a condemnation of a lower degree then that, cannot deprive it of its probability. Ibid. pag. 89.


That things being weigh'd and consider'd according to the doctrine of Probability, whatever some Casuists [Page 79] write to condemn certain unjustifiable opinions of the others, amounts to nothing; for that does not any way hinder but that the opinions of those others remain as probable as ever [...] Ibid. p [...] 652.


That, when there is as yet but one grave Author that hath purposely and out of design, treated of a case, his opinion is morally certain, and more then probable. An instance thereof taken from the doctrine of F. Amicus [...] who gives Religious men a permission to kill those that should calumniate them. Caramuel Th [...]l. F [...]n­dam. p. 545.


That men ought not to confront the civill and Ec­clesiasticall Lawes against the new opinions of the Ca­suists, for that these being of a much later date then the Lawes, it cannot be thought that their opinion [...] should be expresly condemned thereby. Ibid. pag. 549.


That the inconveniences and dangerous consequen­ces attendant on probable opinions [...] do not any way hinder but that they are still probable as ever. Ibid.


That Logick must be brought to a reformation, be­ [...]use that which hath been hitherto taught is not suf­ficiently consistent with the doctrine of probability. Ibid. p. 550.


The use of the Doctrine of Probability in order to the authorization of the most mischievous decisions that may be. Ibid. p. 552. & p. 550.


That the civill Magistrate, as, for instance, a Judge, cannot condemn those that have followed a probable opinion, such a one for example as hath killed another in the defence of his honour; and that as concerning Excommunication the case is the same. Caramuel. Theol. [Page 80] Fundam. p. 202. Et in Commentario in Reg [...]l. S. Ben [...] ­dic [...]. l. 1. [...]. 65.


That those that follow the most gentle, th [...]t is to say, the most licentious o [...] all the probable opinions, such as are those that are approved by Diana, o [...]ght to be called, not onely generous Souldiers, but also Vir­gins; because those opinions do enable men to behave themselves, in all the precepts of the Church with such purity, that they do not commit hereby so much as [...] ven [...]all sinne. Car [...]muel in epistola ad Ant. Dia [...]. pag. 24.


That with the assistance of probable opinions, a man do his duty as to what concerns the divine office, without so much as a veniall sinne, what distraction so­ever he may be guilty of in the performance thereof, nay and that voluntary too; because a man hath no more to do in such a case, but to have a probable con­fidence that the Church obliges him not any further then to an externall recitation of it, and expects no [...] any internall attention thereto. Caramuel, the more to recommend [...]he advantages of this invention, declares openly, speaking of himself, that he never so much as once in the year confes [...]'d himself guilty o [...] the least veniall sinne in saying over his Bre [...]la [...]y, nay, on the contrary, that he might safely swear, that he h [...]d not committed any, though he knew himself charge [...]ble with many distractions, and those voluntary. Cara­muel. Theol. Fundam. p. 134.


That of two probable opinions that are contrarie [...], the same person may, as his humour leads him, one while make use of the one, and immedi [...]tely a [...]ter put the other in practise; what inconvenience soever may h [...]ppen thereby to his neighbour, it matters not. Th [...]t this doctrine is true, what mischief soever may he the consequence thereof, nay though that by this change [Page 81] of opinion a man exempts himself from the observati­on of the commandments of the Church. The reason whereof [...] is, that those commandments are very anci­ent, and these compendious subtilties of a very late date; and consequently, that the Church, having no [...] foreseen them, cannot be thought to have [...]orbidd [...]n them. Ibid. p. 143.


One example of th [...] precedent doctrin [...] produc'd by him, is, that a person having heard the clock strik [...] twelve, between Saturday night and Sunday morning [...] and thereupon eaten a good meals meat of Flesh, if, after he hath so eaten, it strike twelve again by some other clock [...] he may communicate the next day, as havin [...] [...]ot broken his fast at all. The reason whereof is, that these two clocks are to be look'd upon as two probable opinions, and consequently, that, according to the former, it was lawfull for a man to eat flesh, as being already Sunday morning, and that accordin [...] to the latter he might imagine himself not to have eaten on the Sunday, but onely on the Saterday. Ibid. p. 139.


A second example is this [...] that an Ecclesiastick ta­king ship, and having brought with him onely his Di­urnal, (according to the opinion of Sanchez, who af­firms that a man performs his duty, as to the saying of the divine office, by saying onely what is in the Diur­nall) may, when he is upon the Se [...], choose whether he will say any thing of his Office at all [...] by chan [...]in [...] his opinion, and following that of Sa [...]cius who saye [...] that a man does not perform his duty, if he say no­thing but what is in the Diurnall, and consequently, he who hath only a Diurnall about him, is not oblig'd to any thing. Ibid. p. 138 [...] & 13 [...].


That it may be infer [...]'d from the doctrine of Proba­bility, by a sound [...]nd logicall consequence, that the [Page 82] Church can neither command nor prohibit any action that is done in secret, and consequently, that a man should not commit any sinne in eating flesh on Fri­dayes, so it be done secretly, or in not saying over his Breviary, provided no body knew not any thing of it, &c. That these consequences are improbable, and that neverthelesse they are dialectically drawn from the from the doctrine of Probable Opinions. So that this doctrine may produce in the Schooles a heresie not un­like that of the Independents in England. Caramuel, pag. 205.


Certain ridiculous consequences, though necessary, drawn by Caramuel from an opinion maintain'd by a­bove eight Casuists, and consequently probable accor­ding to their Maximes.

  • 1. Consequence, which Caramuel approves in the place hereafter mentioned as most probable, is this, that a man confessing his sinnes and thereupon recei­ving the communion at Easter satisfies the precept of the Church for two years, the precedent, and the sub­sequent.
  • 2. Consequence, is, that if a man say Mattins and Lands but once, towards the evening, he may satis­fie the precept of saying them for that day and the next. ibid.
  • 3. Consequence, which he does not approve, but engages himself is rightly drawn from the same opini­on, is, That 24. Monkes who should say at the same time every one a Lesson and an answer of Matins, would all acquit themselves of the obligation that lyes upon them concerning the Lessons and the Answers. ibid. p 225.
  • 4. Consequence, is, that, when two persons say o­ver their Breviaries at the same time, they may repeat each of them his verse at the same time, not troubling themselves about any thing of attention to what they do, because it is not any way necessary.
  • [Page 83]5. Consequence is, that it is sufficient to say onely once, whatever is to be repeated in seve­rall parts of the Office, as the Pater noster, De­us in adjutorium; &c. This opinion seems probable to him.
  • 6. Consequence, is, that a man satisfies the ob­ligation that lyes upon him to say the Rosary, by saying onely one Pater, and one Ave.


An impious objection, grounded on the Doctrine of Probability, tending to prove, that a man may be saved in any sect or heresie, proposed by Caramuel, under the name of a Lutheran, without any answer brought by him thereto. pag. 472.

THE CENSURE Of the books of CARAMOVEL, BY The late Archbishop of MAECHLIN [...] WHEREIN The toleration of the new Probable Opinions is particularly condemned.

JAMES, by the prov [...]dence of God, and the Holy Apostolick See, Archbishop of Maechlin, to all those to whom these presents shall come, greeting in our Lord Jesus Christ. Upon information made unto us, that the Booksellers of our Diocesse sold and ut­tered certain Books of Divinity set forth by Iohn C [...]a [...]ouel Lobkowits, Doctour in Divinity, contain­ [...]ng abundance of Propositions whereat the more knowing and devout sort of people are very much scandaliz'd; we have caus'd the doctrine contained in those books, to be very diligently examin'd by se­verall Divines; to the end that if there were any thing of venome therein, such as might prove de­structive to the souls committed to our charge, we might accordingly apply such convenien [...] remedies, as should preve [...]t their dest [...]uction. Having therefor [...] had a faithfull report made us by those Divines of the [Page 85] strict examination they had made, and finding there­by that the said Author does advance severall strang [...] and impious propositions, which open a broad way to c [...]s [...] souls into eternall damnation [...] and that he propos [...]s with an insupportabl [...] im [...]rudence, many doubts con [...]ary to the most certain princi [...]le [...] of Di­vinity, by opposing weak and triviall reasons there [...]o, to which he doth not bring any sol [...]tions; and con­sequently that the said Author doth countenance exe­crable opin [...]ons, such as a man cannot [...]eflect on without ho [...]ou [...] as if he had mad [...] i [...] his design to under­mine the [...]unndations of sound doctrine, that so h [...] might afterwards with more ease over-turne the whole superstructure [...] and lastly that in many places he confidently declares, that it is his designe to make ma [...]y opinion [...] probable, so to make abu [...]dance of thing [...] be thought lawfull, which have hither [...]o bee [...] accounted [...]nne [...]; by th [...] means making more broad and more eas [...]e, every day then other, the way that leads to heaven, as if he could by his new subtil­ties put the imposture upon Iesus Christ who sayes in his Gospel; Enter in a [...] the straight gate; for the gate which leadeth unto death is large, and the way that leadeth thereto broad and spacious, and many there are that enter in at that Gate. But that the gate which leadeth unto life, is narrow, and that the way that leadeth thereto is straight, and that there are few that find it. Conceiving our selves therefore oblig'd out of a consideration of our pastorall charge, to set as [...]ar as we can from this broad gate and this spacious way, the sheep whereof we are to be ac­countable, we have thought it absolutely necessary, to forbid the r [...]ading of all the books, which that Authour hath set out, or shall set out for the future, unless [...] it be that they are approved by us, or such other persons as sh [...]ll be commissionated by us to that purpose. We therefore very strictly charge all the faithfull of our Diocesse to forbear the Printing, [Page 86] selling, buying reading or retaining any of all the s [...]id books, enjoyning all those that now have or hereafter may have any of them, to bring them unto [...]s, w [...]thin fifteen daye [...] [...]fter the publication of these presents, to the end that we may dispo [...]e thereof, as we [...]hall see con [...]enient.

Signed thus;
JAMES, Arch-bishop of Machlin.
Brussels, Printed by Martin de Bossuyt, Printer to the City, in the Stone-Pereet, at the sign of S. Feigr. M.DC.LV.

AN EXTRACT Of certain PROPOSITIONS, out of a very late Author, a Iesuit, named MASCARENNAS, printed by Cramoisy, in the year, 1656. and not publickly sold but since October in the said year.

The Book is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and th [...] Auth [...]r de [...]lares in his Epistle, that he teaches and maintains no more then what he had learn't from her, as his Mistress, and that it was by a certain inspiration from her that he writ it. Now it may be judged by some of these decisions; whe [...]her it be a work consistent with those pretended inspirations, and the purity of that Virgin to whom it is addressed.


THat whatsoever the Church suffers to be ta [...]ght and published by the Casui [...]ts, ought [...]o be accounted lawful; and consequently, that a man satisfies the precept of hearing Masse, when he hea [...]s two halfs thereof [...]rom two several pries [...]s, whether it be at seve­ral times or at the same time. Tract. 5. n. 491.


That either a secular person, or a Priest being fallen into any kinde of impurity whatso [...]ver, n [...]y, though such as are against nature, may, without so much [...]s the least venial sin, (nay, are to be commended for it if they do) communicate the very same day, after they ha [...]e made thei [...] con [...]ess [...]o [...] th [...]reof. That wh [...]re­as ther [...] were heretofore laws in the Church contrary to thi [...] tenent, they are now abrogated by the general c [...]stome o [...] the whole earth. That the confessour ought to advise his penitent to receive the Eucharist the [...]e [...]y day tha [...] he is fallen into such crime [...]; and that the vow or resolution any one might have made, not to come to the Lord [...] Table i [...] [...]hat condition, were nul. tr. 4. de Sacros. Euch. Sa [...]ram [...]nto, disp. 5. c. 7. p. 239.

F. Bauny Jes. Theol. Mor. tr. 10. p: 457. tre [...]ting of the s [...]me question, upon a case proposed of a Priest tha [...] [...]hould have the co [...]fidence to say Ma [...]se the same day th [...]t he h [...]d committed some horrid crime, fol­lows the same sentiment of Sancius, and is approved by Mascaren [...]as, who very roundly declares, that it is no more then what may be followed in the pr [...] ­ctick.


That sacrilegio [...]s communio [...] produce Grace as soon as a man hath cleansed himself by confession, and consequently he that had received an infinite number of such communions, or a Prie [...]t that had said Masse ten times every day, contrary to the precept of the Church, and that in a polluted condi­tion, would become mo [...]t sanctified in [...] moment, a [...]soon as he had made an act of contrition, or of at­trition with con [...]ession. Tr. 1. de sacram. in gen [...]re dis [...]. 4. c. 5. p. 47.


That a Priest, who without a [...]y necessity, bu [...] [Page 89] meerly out of pure malice says Masse in a condition of mortal sin, without making [...]ny confession before hand, is not obliged to sati [...]fi [...] th [...] obligation that lies on him according to the Councel of T [...]ent, of confessing him­self assoon as may be: because the Councel speaks only of such as have omitted confession in a case of necessity, [...]nd not of those who have omitted it out of a malicious de [...]ign. Tr. 4. de s [...]cros [...] E [...]ch [...]r. sacram. disp. 5. c. 6. p. 236.


That, absolutely speaking, it is not so much as a ve­nial sin to omit the Sacrament of Con [...]irmat [...]on; a tenent that hath been condemned by th [...] Bishops of France, and by the Colledge of Sorbo [...]e in the cen [...]ur [...] passed on certain books of the Iesuits of England. Tr [...]. 3. d [...] sacram. Con [...]irm [...]. disp. 4. [...]. 3. p. 152.


That when a man who hath committed an action, would, to know wh [...]ther it b [...] a si [...] or no, bring it to the test of several probabl [...] opinions, he is not obliged to confess himself of th [...]t doubt [...]ul sin, even though he inclines more to the opinion that makes it a sin, then the other. Tra. 4. de sacram. Euchar. disp. 5. c. 4. p. 227.


That he that goes to Masse [...] to take his opportunity to look on a woman with unch [...]t [...] desires, and who, were it not for th [...]t [...]nd, would not go thither at all, fulfils the precept of hearing Masse, even though he had an express intention not to [...]ul [...]il it. Tract. 5. n. 518.

A LIST, Of many dangerous Propositions taken out of the Late Casuists, and particularly, out of the first Tome, in folio, of the new Morall Theologie of ESCOBAR, a IESUIT, Printed not long since at Lyons, and dedicated to the Generall of the Jesuits.

There is one thing will haply be much wondred at in this List, [...]nd that is the odde stile and man­ [...]r of expression familiar with Escobar, as, Licet, & non licet; peccat, et non peccat. &c. It is therefore but necessary there should be some account given of his meaning thereby; which is only this, that a thing is allowable according to some Casuists, and is not according to others. Thence he concludes th [...]t the thing in question is infallibly lawfull according to the principle of Probability, which he layes down as the corner-stone, at the very beginning of his work, as may be seen by the first proposition. It is not to be doubted but this manner of treating of Christian Morality will seeme ridiculous to persons of understanding and sound judgement, but it must needs draw groanes from the breasts of those that have any tendernesse for piety, and will justify before all the world, what a right character is given by the late Bishop of Bellay in one of his Bookes, of these Refi­ners of the rules whereby mens Consciences are to be directed. 'Tis principally, saith he, in that part of [Page 91] Theologi [...] which is called Morall, that they discover the utmost of their extravagances, playing the Sophisters so peremptorily in things that concern [...] the L [...]w of God and humane actions, that, as they dayly find out new sinnes, and make new discoveries in the unknowne world of Vice, so have they a way to subdue what they discover, ravelling and unravelling sinnes as their humour inclines or diverts them, framing mens consciences, or rather making sport with them as they please themselves. It is and is not, is the motto and devise of this kind of science. Would you have such an action to be guilty of any sinne? They will turne that side of the picture towards you which shall represent it as such. Is it expedient there should not be any sinne in it? They will turne the other side towards you. This is the true Lesbian rule which bends it self to the thing it is to measure. Every yeare, what do I say, [...]very yeare? No, every month, nay, every quarter of the moone, the Society of the Indies furnishes us with some new Casuist or other. There it is that they twist and un [...]wist sinnes, in so much that what was sinne last yeare, is no such thing this yeare, and what is not such this yeare, shall haply be the next, if there be any ne­cessi [...]y for it.


That all probable opinions are equally safe in point of conscience. Whence it must needs follow, that, when some Casuists affirme a thing to be lawfull, and others hold that it is not, it is not to be doubted but that it is lawfull, and that all the world may, without any sinne, follow such an opinion. Escobar, Theol. M [...]r. Tom. 1. l. 2. Sect. 1. c. 2. p. 34.


That it is Carfull to consult severall Doctors, till such time as that we meet with some one that answers us according to a probable opinion that speaks favoura­bly on our [...]ide. Escobar, Theol. Mor. Tom. 1. l. 2. Sect. 2. c. 6. Probl. 7. p. 39.


That Kings may impose a tribute as just, according to a probable opinion, and that the people may refuse to pay it, as being unjust, according to another pro­bable opinion. Escobar, Theol. Mor. Tom. 1. l. 2. Sect. 2. c. 6. Probl. 18. p. 43.


That Subjects do not sinne, when they refuse, with­out any reason alledged, to submit to a Law whereof there hath been a legall proclamation made by their Prince. Escobar, Theol. Mor. Tom. 1. l. 5. Sect. 2. c. 14. probl. 13. p. 160.


That Clergy-men are not subject to Secular Princes, and that they are not obliged to any obedience to their Lawes, even though those Lawes are not any way con­trary to the state Ecclesiasticall, Escobar, Tr. 1. Exam. 1. c. 5. Num. 34. et Sequent.


That a man proscribed and out-lawed by a Tem­porall Prince may not be killed out of his territories, but that he who is proscrib [...]d by the Pope may be killed in any part of the world, because his juris­diction extends over all. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 1. Exam. 7. c. 3. Praxis ex Doctoribus Socie [...]a­tis.


That the Lawes which inflict penalties on those that shall do certaine Actions, are not obligatory in point of conscience, even though the matter be of great im­portance. Escobar, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 5. Sect. 2. c. 17. Probl. 26. p. 164.


That a Iudge, as well superiour, as in [...]eriour, may give sentence according to one probable opinion, quitting another opinion that is more probable. In like manner, that a Physician may prescribe a thing that is lesse likely to cure his patient, instead of that which [Page 93] he conceives he may with more probability and safe­ty administer. Escobar, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 2. Sec [...]. 2. c. 6. probl. 14. p. 42.


That, considering Justice simply in it selfe, a Judge may lawfully take a Summe of mony to give sentence for which of the parties he pleases, when both have equall right. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 3. Exam. 2. c. 6. Praxis ex Societ, Iesu Doctoribus.


That, in civill Contracts, he who had externally obliged himselfe either by word or writing, and who had not at the same time any intention to be internally obliged, is not in conscience engaged to performance, and may secretly take back againe that which he had sold, restoring the price he had received. Escobar, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 10. Sect. 2. c. 16. Probl. 20. p. 462.


That according to a probable opinion, deciding that a taxe imposed upon Merch [...]ndises is not just, it is lawfull for a man to use false weights to gaine the more; and that, if he be charged with so doing, he may deny it by oath, making use of equivocall expressi­ons, when he is brought upon Interogatories before a Judge. Escobar Moral. Theol. [...]r. 1. Exam. 3. c. 7. Praxi [...] ex Societ. Doctor.


That a Sonne, who lives in the house with his Fa­ther, may exact a certaine recompence for the services he does him, and in case he do not give him any, h [...] may with a safe conscience steale from his Father. Esco­bar Moral. Theol. tr. 3. Exam. 9. c. 4. P [...]axis ex Societ. Iesu. Doctoribus.


That a man does not become irregular, that is to say, incapable of Ecclesiasticall administrations, for having procured and been the occasion of an abortion, if he [Page 94] be in any doubt whether the fruit of the wombe were quick. Escobar [...] Moral. Theol. [...]r. 4. Exam. 6. c. 5. Praxis ex Societ. Ies. Doctor.


That an Ecclesiastick surprised in Adultery, if he kill the womanes husband whom he hath abused in his owne defence, is not for that irregular. Escobar Theol. Moral. [...]r. 4. Exam. 6. c. 5. Praxis ex Societ. Ies. Doctor.


That a man condemned to the Galleyes is not irre­gular. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 4. Exam. 6. c. 5. Praxis ex Societ Iesu Doctor.


That when the Church, doth, upon paine of Ex­communication, forbid the reading of Bookes written by hereticks, she does not in that prohibition com­prehend those who cause them to be read by others; the reason is, that, to cause a thing to be read is not the same as to read it. Escobar, Theol. Moral. l. 7. Sect. 2. c. 33. Probl. 59. p. 289.


That it is not Simony for a man to give mony to another, to the end he might employ his interest with the Patrone of a Living, to procure the said Living for him. Escobar, Theol. Moral. tr. 6. Exam. 2. c. 6. Praxis ex Societ. Iesu Doctor.


That a dispensation is in force, though the c [...]use, upon allegation whereof it was obtained, be absolute­ly ceased. For instance, when a man hath obtained a dispensation, not to say over his Breviary, by reason of some inconvenience it may be to his sight, he shall not be obliged to do it, when that incon­venience is removed. Escobar, Moral, Theol. tr. 1. exam. 16. c. 4. Praxis ex Doctoribus Societ. Iesu.


That it is not so much as a veniall sinne to make [Page 95] use of a Dispensation procured without any legall ca [...]se alledged [...] Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 1. exam. 16. c. 4. Praxis ex doctor. Societ. Iesu.


That where the Pope simply enjoines men to give almes, to gaine Jndulgences, it is sufficient if a man give but a halfe-peny. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 7. ex. 5. c. 8. Praxis ex Societ. Ies. Doctor.


That workes, that are good in themselve [...], but are sinnes, and those mortall, by reason of the evill end whereto they are referred, are sufficient, in order to the gaining of Indulgences. Escobar Moral. Theol. tr. 7. exam. 5. Praxis ex Societ. Ies [...]. Doctor.


That a priviledge is good and authentick, though it be obtained by discovering but some part of the truth, and in such manner that i [...] had not been ob­tained, if there had been an absolute discovery made of the Truth. Escobar, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 6. Sect. 2. c. 10. Probl. 6. p. 187.


That it is lawfull upon occasion of some great feare [...] to make use of dissimulation in the administration of the Sacraments, as for a man to make as if he consecra­ted, by pronouncing the words without attention. Escobar Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 1. Sect. 2. c. 7. P [...]obl. 26. p. 27.


That it is no sinne to contract a marriadge by per­son [...]tion, as if it were in a play upon the stage, by using equivocall expressions to elude the Church, when one is forced thereto by a great [...]eare. Escobar [...] Theol. Tom. 1. l. 1. Sect. 11. c. 7. Probl. 24. p. 26.


That, by vertue of the Bull called Crucia [...]a, a man may be dispensed of the vow he had made, or o [...]h he [Page 96] had taken, not to commit Fornication or any other [...]me; though a man can not be dispensed of an o [...]th he had taken about any concernement of his neighbour. Escobar. tr. 1. Exam. 17. n. 144. Idem, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 7. Sect. 1. n. 245.


That, coming to the Preface, a man is not obliged to heare the rest of the Masse, at a place where there is but one Masse said. Escobar Moral. Theol. tr. 1. Exam. 8. c. 3. Praxis ex Soc Iesu Doctor.


That a man, who hath the reputation to be extrea [...] ­ly given to Women, does not commit any mortall sinne in solliciting a Woman to condescend to hi [...] desires, when he does not intend to put his designe in execution. Escobar Moral. Theol. tr. 1. Exam. 8. c. 3. [...]raxis ex Societ. Iesu doctor.


That a person, having played the Fortune-teller through an expresse invocation of the Devill, is not ob­bliged in hi [...] Confession to discover any fur [...]her then that he hath answered a question proposed to him, or told ones fo [...]tune. Escobar Theol. Moral. tom. 1. l. 3. Sect. 2. c. 10. Probl. 52. p. 102.

There may be further seene very strange elusions, as to the Si [...]cerity of confession, which out of very shame are not brought upon the st [...]ge; in the same Escobar, Theol. Moral. Tom. 1. l. 3. Num. 256.294.300.30 [...].323.


That it is no mortall sinne to preach, principally out of a consideration of v [...]in glory, or for mony. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 6. exam. 7. c. 7 Praxi [...], p. 954.


That it is lawfull for Catholicks to appeare at the Font, and answer for the children which the Minister [...] bap [...]ise. Escobar, Moral. Theol. tr. 7. ex. 2. c. 4. Praxi [...] p. 980.


That it is lawfull for a man to let his house to com­mon strumpets, who, he knowes before hand, will make it a place of publick prost [...]tution, not requiring so much is any reason why he should be excused for so doing, etiam null [...] just [...] c [...]usâ [...]x [...]us [...]nte. Sanchez in Sum. l. 1. c. 7. Num. 10. The same thing is also maintained by others, Jesuits, as Vasquez, in opusc. de Scandalo. p. 43. [...]. 8. du. 5. n. 48. Reb [...]lliu [...], l. 14. q. 17. n. 8. Castrus Palaus. [...]. 1. tr. 6. dis. 9. pun. 12. n. 1. Azor, and V [...] ­lentia cited by Sanchez.


The severall wayes that Servants may conscientiously contribute to the debauches of their Masters, according to the doctrine of these C [...]suists. Gaspar Hur [...]ado, a Je­suit, apud Dianam 5. part. p. 435. Escobar. Moral. Theol. [...]r. 7. Exam. 4. c. 8. n. 223.


After what a strange manner these late Casuists do elude and bring into contempt the most wholsome re­gul [...]tions of the Church, and the most necessary pro­visions she hath made to stop the course of the most presumptuous crimes, such as are Blasphemies, by false­ly affirming that they are abrogated by a contrary custome. Thomas Sanchez, in Sum. l. 2. c. 32. n. 44.


That a Cu [...]e or Pastor of the Church is discharged from the obligation he stands in to endeavour the in­struction of his people, when he cannot do it of him­selfe by reason of his ignorance, and that he hath not the means to have it done by another, by reason of the small profits of his Cure. Bauny Jes. Tract. 10. De Pres­byteris et Parochis. q. 32. p. 448.


That a man does not commit any sinne, or is guilty of any [...]rreverence towards God, when he presumes to addresse himselfe to him in his Devotions, having an [Page 98] actuall inclination mortally to offend him. Sanchez, Opuscul. Mor. l. 7. c. 2. du. 9.


That a Priest who should every day say the Office proper to Easter, without any reason for so doing, should be guilty only of a veniall sinne, and that if he had any reason to do so, he should not sinne at all. Caramuel, Theol. Fundam. p. 520.


That he who hath a will to commit all the veniall sinnes that are, doth not sinne mortally. Granados, Diana, Mucha, cited by Escobar, Theol. Moral. l. 3. p. 83.


That it is a scruple very much to be blamed for a man to say in his Confession, that he hath committed a fault, being satisfied in himselfe that he did ill. Bauny. tr. 4. de Poenit. q. 15. p. 138.


That it is no injury done to the paternall power a man hath over his children, for another to perswade his daughter to run away with him, in order to a clan­destine marriage, against her Fathers consent. Bauny, Theol. Moral. tr. 12. de impedimento rapiûs, p. 721.


That it is probable by Authority, and certaine in reason, that a husband may without any sinne kill his wife surprised in Adultery, and a Father his daughter; And that the Lawes of the Church, which condemne that action, oblige only Ecclesiasticks [ who cannot have wives or daughters] and not secular persons. Caramuel, Theol. Fundam. p. 737.


That it is lawfull for a man, in order to the preser­vation of his voice, to make himselfe an Eunuch, con­trary to all civill and canonicall Lawes, which expresse­ly forbid it. What good opinions these Casuists have one of another. Caramuel. Theol. Fundam. p. 555. and 556.


That if an Jnfidell find any thing of probability in his own false Religion, he is not obliged to embrace the Christi [...]n Faith proposed to him, though he find himselfe more inclined to believe the latter, unlesse it be at the point of death, according to some, nay, he [...]s not obliged even at the point of death according to others. Thomas Sanchez, Sancius, and Diana, cited by Escobar. Theol. Moral. p. [...]9.


That there is no necessity, that, a man ready to dy, should, in order to the receiving of the remission of his [...]i [...]nes of God, have a true desire to reforme his li [...]e, if God should spare it him a while; and that he may obtaine it by the absolution of the Priest, though he be in such a disposition as to matter of repentance, that if he were but confident he should live any longer, he would neither confesse no [...] quit his sinne [...] at all. P [...]rus M [...]ch [...]el de San Roman, Jesu [...]t, Expedi [...], & spir [...] ­ [...]ualium Soci [...]. Iesu. l. 3. c [...] 7. p. 78.

A LETTER, Written by the Reverend Father in God, IAMES BOONEN. Arch-Bishop of Maechlin. To their Eminences the Cardi [...]als of the Inquisition at Rome, to whom the Iesuits had appeal­ed from his Ordinances. Faithfully translated out of the Latine into French, and out of French into English.


Complaint being made to the Arch-Bishop of Maechlin, of the remisness of certain Confes­sors, he causeth an Extract to be mad [...] of cer­tain Ar [...]icles or Propositions maintained and [Page 101] practised by some, which who would not re­nounce the practise of were not to be admitted to hear Confessions. The Jesuits not o [...]ly dis­pute, but m [...]intain them, whereupon they are denied approbation: they appeal to the Car­dinals of the Inquisition at Rome, who write to the said Arch-Bishop to approve them, which gave occasion of the ensuing LET­TER.


ON the 21. of May, came to my hands the Letter which your sacred Congregation was pleased to write to me of the 18. of April, whereby you give me to understand, th [...]t, desirous to sati [...]fie in some mea­sure the Rector of the Iesui [...]s Colledge at Louuaine, which is within this Diocess, you have thought fit to enjoyn me, not to deny such Priests of that Colledge as shall have been examined and approved, a permis­sion to hear the confessions of secular persons; unless it were, that, meeting with any thing I should be trou­bled at in so doing, I did, within three moneths, re­present unto your sacred Congregation, the just causes that hindred me from granting that permission; in which case if I neglect to give you satisfaction, some other Bishop should be empowered to examine and approve them.

This your Eminences may well imagine must needs be no small affliction to me, nay, that I cannot but be much more troubled at it then I am well able to ex­press; since that, being come to the extremities of old age, and upon the point of my departure hence, to go and give an account to the supream Judge, of my administration, I finde, that, not only, the world is already full of malice; but also that it degenerates [Page 102] dayly more and more into wickedness, because cha­rity waxeth cold. Desirous to finde out some reason thereof, I have often both observed, it my self, and have it from the information and judgement of several persons, whose integrity, zeal, experience, and learning I am well satisfied of, that the principal cause of this deplorable degeneration and disorder, proceeds from the over indulgence of many confessours who are ready enough to open trap-doors to let men into dissolution and Libertinisme, taking for security [...]or their so doing some new opinions of certain divines, who, instead of measuring their proceedings by the practise of Evangelical Truths and the rules of good life, which have been left us by the holy Fathers, make it their main business to finde out new excuses to con­firm those, which sinners themselves are wont to al­ledge, to palliate their sins, and to cover with the cloak of Probability, the ignominy and shamefulness of their crimes. It is of such persons as these that the Prophet Ezechiel hath said in the Scripture. Wo unto thos [...] that sow cushions under the elbows of men, and lay pil­lows under their heads that they might deceive them.

These perni [...]ious extravagances are now come to that heigh [...], that [...]here were requisite not a Letter, but whole volumes, if a man should make but a simple extract, out of some of their books and practises, of all those unheard [...] of paradoxes, whereby they at this day elude the precepts of the Church, concerning the observation of Fasting, Fes [...]ival dayes, and the recita­tion of the Canonical Hours; whereby they palliate Simonies, private Revenges, Lyes and Perjuries; where­by they e [...]e [...]vate, and bring in a manner to nothing the obligation which lies upon men to avoid the occasions of falling into sin; and in fine those paradoxes whereby they expose to an evident danger of nullity, the effica­ciousness and power of the Sacraments. Now as it is in a manner natural to men to approve those dissolute max­imes which any way flatter their irregular apprehensi­ons, [Page 103] so must it needs happen, that those, who are the Authors thereof, taking it for granted by the easie en­tertainment they meet with in the world, that they had done a very considerable service therein, cannot but presumptuou [...]ly imagine in themselves, that they dayly more and more enlarge the way to Heaven, by the means of their Probability, that is to say, take away the bounds and meers of that straight way which leads to life, planted by the hands of Iesus Christ himself, who is eternal and unchangeable truth, and remove them out of their places as far as they can by such inven­tions, as proceed from no other principle then them­selves.

Having received several complaints against this er­roneous and dangerous kinde of Theologie, from those who have a certain zeal and tenderness for a more so­lid doctrin, and a more christian discipline; and find­ing on the other side, that the Hereticks who are our Neighbours, continuall loading us with reproaches, that some Doctors of our Catholick Church do maintain things so extravagant in the business of Morality, as that Pagans themselves ne [...]er betrayed any thing that may come into comparison therewith; I made it my earnest business to make a collection of some of the most disso­lute and most dangerous Articles, whereof I have here­unto annexed a copy, taken partly out of their prin­ted Books, and partly out of what hath been observed in the practice of some of them, whose demeanours I have had a very faithful account of. Having so done, I thought it not amiss to require the opinions and judg­ments thereof of the most knowing men of my Diocess, as well secular as regular. Whereupon having seen and examined the whole, I resolved to prevent the further progress of this evil, by the application of the most gentle remedies I should have thought of; tha [...] is to say, by giving notice as well by my self as those who had managed the examination of the business, that those, who were admitted to hear Confessions, [Page 104] should beware how they fell into that dissolution of doctrin; a [...]d giving order withal that there should be a learned refutation set forth of some part of those Ar­ticles. B [...]t having found afterwards, that this kind [...] of prevention, was not sufficient, and that reco [...]rse must be had to more effectual remedies, I resolved not to grant to any, either Secular, or Regular Priest, the power of receiving Confessions, if he did not pro­mise and swear before hand not to put in practise any of all the said Articles.

Much about that time, it happened, that on the 23. day of April 16 [...]2. several Religio [...]s men of the So­ciety of IESVS, presenting themselves to be exami­ned, I thought it no easie matter to meet with ano­ther so favourable an opportunity to execute the resolution I had taken. And thereupon I began with those, as well out of an imagination, that if they should willingly comply with, and observe that oath, the Religious men of other orders would certainly make no difficulty thereat; as that I had certain proo [...]s, that the Fathers of that society, were of all o­thers, the most addicted to invent and to practise those licentious doctrines. And this among many other ex­amples cle [...]rly apeared to the Examiners whom I had appointed to make the examen, on the day before men­tioned. For the Iesuits, having been, of set purpose, ex­amined that day, concerning the dangerous Articles, they very obstinately maintained the best part of them, and particularly this, which, I have from very good hands, as a certain Truth, hath been practised by the Religious of their society, that is to say, that it is lawful to dismiss those with the sacramental Absolution tha [...] have not haply gone over half their confessions, when there happens to be a great concourse of Penitents, as it may very well happen upon great Festivals, or at a time of indulgence: which being tollerated, it would very of­ [...]e [...] come to pass, that people would make but half & im­perfect confessions, those Fathers drawing to their [Page 105] Churches a great multitude of Penitents. Another effect of this toleration would be, that the greatest sinners, out of the fea [...]e they might be in to declare the en­ormity of their crimes, would with no small satisfa­ction embrace this convenience of obtaining absoluti­on, when they have haply confessed but one or two of their most p [...]donable defaults.

Upon these considerations was it, that I deferr'd the granting of [...] permission to hear the Confessions of se­cular persons to seven o [...] the Religious me [...] of that So­cie [...]y, who in other things had discovered sufficient Learning and abilities, untill such time as they should promise and swear that they would not proceed accor­ding to those Articles in the mannagement of mens Consciences. And wher [...]s I well foresaw tha [...] they would not be perswaded to take any such oath without the consent of their Superiour [...], I gave them a copy of those Articles to be shewen them; which they pro­mis'd me to do. But from that time to this, I never could have [...]y account or answer, either from them or their Superiours, Unlesse it be, that one of them, whom I think to be a Professor of Lovaine, told me that their Society had caus'd to be Printed, in France, some of those very Articles; but that it did not any way concern the Inhabitants of Flande [...]. Whereup­on I made him answer, that, it being not the custome to permit the impressions of books made by those of their Society, without being before-hand [...]pprov'd by three of their Divines nam'd by their Provinciall, it was no longer to be doubted that their whole Society maintain'd, as probable, what so many Divines be­sides the Author of the Book, had thought fit to be communicated to the publick.

All these things considered, I must confesse I could never comprehend upon what these Fathers ground the imagination they are of, that I have done [...]hem any injury, by pressing them to the oath before menti­oned. Had they been but pleas'd to discover the pre­tended [Page 106] grievances which they thought so indigestible. I should have ordered the businesse to be diligently examin'd, and if there had been any thing of reason in their complaints, I should have thought it no difficul­ty to quit my former resolution. For it was far from my design to do ought that might prove prejudiciall to them, all may aime being to prevent the destructi­on of that flock which was committed to my charge, and to rescue it [...]rom [...]he inconveniences consequent to the licentiousness of some Confessors, which I saw grow­i [...]g daily more and more predominant, and, was justly afraid, proceeded for the most part from that Society.

And whereas I could not imagine they should fly to those shi [...]ts and evasion [...] out of any other pretence, then for that there might be, among the censured Articles, some which they conceiv'd might be repre­sented as le [...]se odious by a favourable construction thereof, or might haply be so farre maintain'd by plausible arguments, as that they should seem not [...]o deserve so severe a Censure, I thought fit (purposely to avoid being engag'd into a multiplicity of dispute without any hope of conviction) to put those Arti­cles into the hands of the Theologall Faculty of Lo­vaine, to the end they might there be maturely exami­ned, that those onely might be censur'd which should be found undeniably corrupt and condemnable, and that, if the said Faculty had met with either in the books, or observed in the practise of Confessors any o­ther opinions, containing a doctrine pernicious as was that of the Articles, they might be added thereto, as was accordingly done by the same, both on the 30 of March, and the 26. of April 1653. when they judg'd that the XVII. Propo [...]itions ensuing were not to be tolerated in the practick, and that it was the duty of Superiours, to make provision of their Authority tha [...] they should not be taught, as may be seen by the copy of the Decree of the said Faculty hereunto annexed.

To the end therefore that I might in all things o­bey [Page 107] the order of your Eminences directed to me, as far as lyes in my power, and at the same time not o­mit any thing that my Episcopall Function may oblige me to, as to what concerns the weeding out of these pernicious Doctrines, I shall be ready to admit the Religious men of the Society aforesaid, to receive Confessions, when there shall not be wanting any of the qualifications requisite, provided alwayes that, be­ing legally authorized, they promise and swear, that they will never, in the practick, adhere to those XVII. Propositions at least, which I shall to morrow propose to the Ecclesiasticks and Regulars of my Diocesse, to the end they may be abhorr'd by all, a proceeding I hope your Eminences will allow as justi [...]iable.

There are yet two things, whereof I think it not amiss, upon this occasion, to give your Eminences some ac­count of. The former, is, that the Regulars do not observe the Decree of the Congregation, made concerning the affairs and requisitions of the Bishops and Regulars, da­ted the 15. of Iune, 1647. hereafter mentioned; wherein it is declared, That it is not lawfull for Regulars to give absolution in cases reserved to the Ordinaries of the pla­ces, or that might be reserved to them for the future. And consequently, that they cannot exercise that power, if they have not obtained leave to that purpose of the Ordinary. Now, though I took great care to have the said Decree communicated to all Superiours of the Regular orders the 3. of Octob. 1647. yet hath there been with me but one single Religious man of the Order of S. August. to desire that power, which I accordingly granted him, because he was a prudent and pious man. Others there are that pretend they have I know not what priviledges, or communications of priviledge [...]; nay they disclaim the Decree, as nul, because it was granted without their be­ing heard thereto. Others there are, that affirm it only to be declarative, and consequently that it is of no force a­gainst their priviledges, which, they say, cannot be made invalid, but by a Decree formally levell'd against them. Nay, there are some so teme [...]arious, as presumptuously [Page 108] to affirm, that it is not in the power even of our holy Father the Pope himself, to revoke or abridge their Priviledges, as being such as have been granted them by way of reward for their merits.

The second thing I have to represent unto your Emi­nences, is, that there are severall Regulars who receive Confessions within my Diocesse, though they have not been approved either by my Predecessors or my self. Upon which account it was, that, not long since, I caus'd notice to be given to all the Regulars (as it appears by the copy of the Mandate hereunto annex­ed) that they should come and present the Deed or Writing wherein are to be seen the names, and the time of Approbation, which they had received either from me or my Predecessors. This hath been done by many; and so that it soon discovered the great num­ber of those that have intruded into the Office of Con­fessors within my Diocesse, without the said Approba­tion. But one thing happened which I cannot suffici­ently admire, that is, that when the Mandate came to the knowledge of the Abbot of Saint Angelo, Inter­nuncius of his Holinesse in the Low-Countries, he sent to me that I should revoke the said Mandate, though it did not comprehend any thing which had not been observed from all Antiquity, and that it had been esta­blished for a Rule in the Provinciall Councell of Mae­chlin, and confirmed by Pope Paul V. in the title [...]. c. 1. of the Sacrament of Penance, in the termes recited in the Article hereunto annexed. And all this, notwith­standing the express command of our most holy Fa­ther the Pope that it should be observed, as may be seen in his Brief of the 16. of May 1648. concerning the cause of the Bishops of Angelopolis. By which Brief, it is enjoyned, that the Regulars, even of the Society of Iesus, approved in a Diocesse by the Bishop thereof, to hear the Confessions of secular persons, shall not have power to receive the like Confessions in ano­ther Diocesse without the approbation of the Bishop [Page 109] of the said Diocesse, as I doubt not but is well known to your Eminences.

And thus much I conceiv'd it my duty to discover to your Sacred Congregation, in order to the good of Ecclesiasticall discipline, having so great a confidence of your Piety [...] zeal, and vigilance, as that you will vouchsafe to afford me some more effectuall means and remedies, whereby I may be enabled to oppose those abuses which ought not to be neglected. In the mean time, having with all submission acknowledg'd the re­verence I have for your purple, I remain

Your Eminences most humble Servant, IAMES, Arch-bishop of MAECHLIN.

PROPOSITIONS That ought not to be tolerated in the practick, and should be condemned by the Authority of Superiours.


A Confessor ought not to deferre or deny absoluti­on to a Penitent, that goes on in an habituall course of sinning against the Lawes of God, Nature and the Church, though he discover not the least hope of fu [...]ure amendment, provided he only say that he is sorry for what is past and promise to reform himself.


That it is sometimes lawfull to absolve a person that is in a next occasion of sinning, such as, if he please, he may, but will not avoid, nay, though he seek it, and en­gage himself therein directly and of set purpose.


To abuse a marry'd Woman is not Adultery if the hu [...]band consent thereto; and the rest, too too horrid to be translated.


It is lawfull to dismisse those with the Sacramentall Absolution, who had not said over half their Confessi­ons, by reason of the great concourse of Penitents, as i [...] may frequently happen, for instance, on great Fe­stivals and dayes of Indulgence.


That it is law [...]ul as well in Judgement, as out of Judge­ment, [Page 111] to swear with a mentall Reservation, without any regard had to the intention of him who obliges a man to swear.


It is sometimes allowable, and that so as a man shal not be guilty of any mortall sinne, to kill an adverse party, or to defame him, even by charging him with crimes he is no way guilty of.


It is lawfull for an Ecclesiastick or a Religious man of any Order to kill a Detractor, who threatens to dis­cover notorious crimes of him or his Religion, when there is no other way to prevent it, as it should seem there is not, if the Detractor be ready, publickly to charge therewith, and that before most grave men, either that Religious man or his Religion, if he be not kill'd.


The commandment of the Church to observe Festi­vall dayes, is not obligatory upon pain of mortall sin; (the case of scandall only excepted) if there be no­thing of contempt.


There are some who probably maintain, that if the child be not yet quick in the mothers womb, it is law­full to procure an abortion, to avoid either scandall or death. Whence it appears that we must not too easily condemn a wench that compasseth the death of the child within her, when the child is not yet quickned, out of a fear that being found big, she might be put to death, or come to discredit.


It is lawfull for a man to entreat a Conjurer to dis­solve a charme laid before by another of the same pro­fession, if he be willing and ready to do it.


Those who communicate at the Monasteries of the Men­dicant Friers about Easter, satisfie the commandment of [Page 112] Chuch concerning annuall Communion, and are not oblig'd to communicate to their parishes.


When a man hath in his Confession conceal'd some sins, out of a fear of brin [...]ing his life into any hazard, or out of some other consideration, he is not oblig'd to discover them in any Confession afterward [...].


It is not onely lawfull to preserve, by a mur [...]hering de­fence, the things we are actually in possession of, but also those whereto we may make a certain claim, or have some interest in, and are in hopes to be possessors of hereafter. Which doctrine allow'd, it is lawfull [...]s well for an heir as a Legatee to defend himself in that manner, against him who unjustly raises encombrances to hinder his succession, to retard the exec [...]ion of a Will. The same course is also allowable in him that hath a right to a Lecturer's place or a Prebendry, against another who unjustly disturbs his possession.


To call God to witnesse to a light inconsiderable Ly, is not so great an irreverence, as that a man should or might be damn'd for it.


Tis no mortall sin for a man to accept a challenge to maintain his honour, and to kill the challenger.


A man is not oblig'd, upon pain of mortall sin to re­store what he hath stollen by triviall and inconsiderable thefts, what ever the total summ thereof may amount to.


A person is capable of receiving absolution how pal­pable soever his ignorance may be of the Mysteries of Fa [...]th, nay, though out of pure negligence, he knowes nothing of the mystery of the most Blessed Trinity, or of the Incarnation of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.


COnfessors are hereby to take notice, that they ar [...] not invested with any such power as that of di­sp [...]ncing with the obligation which lyes upon men to pay th [...]ir debts, or to countenance the delay o [...] th [...] payment thereof; or exempti [...]g m [...]n from th [...] obli­gation of restoring the honour th [...]y have taken away from their Neighbour, or making satisfaction for th [...] injuries they have done him. They are accordingly to deferre absolution, if the Penitents expresse not a [...]ne [...]s [...] to sati [...]f [...], whe [...]her it be for their debts or the i [...]juries they have done, those c [...]ses on [...]ly exce­pted wherein the Lawes permit it, whereo [...] the Con­ [...]e [...]sors onely ar [...] the Int [...]rpreter [...].

They are further to be advertis'd, that, according to the prescription of the Councell of Trent, they are not to meddle with reserv'd Cases, and consequently, that they are not to a [...]ume to themselves any po [...]er of absolution therein, [...]ave onely in extreme nec [...]s [...]ity.

The Judgement O [...] THE THOLOGAL-FACVLTY OF LOVAINE Consulted by the Arch-bishop of Macchlin, to know, whether he ought not to enjoyn the Confessors to forbear the practise of the precedent propositions, in the direction of mens Consciences.

THe s [...]cred Theologall Faculty of Lovaine assem­bled [...]n the Hall of the University, the 30. of March, and 26. of April 1653. hath judged and conclu­ded, that the doctrine of these XVII. Proposi [...]ions is not to be suffered in the Practick, and that the Superiours ought to employ their authority for the prevention thereof.

It is also the judgement of the same Faculty, that the two advertisements subsequent thereto are to be serious­ly recommended to the Confessors.

Signed below, by THEODORUS LYLVOLTIUS, Dean, in his own name and that o [...] all the other Doctors.

The STATIONER to the Reader.

I had once resolv'd to close up the ADDI­TIONALS to the MYSTERY of IESVITISME with the solemn Censur [...] passed by the Theologal Faculty of Lovaine, upon severall Propositions, as confining my self to what I found in the Cologne-Edition of the PROVINCIALL LETTERS. But the two following pieces coming so oppor­tunely to hand, and being of so much concern­ment to all the transactions between the IAN-Senists and the MOLINISTS; it would have argued a neglect, if not an envy, of thy satisfaction to haue slipped the present occasion I had to file them up. Besides, the IESVITS, for their vindication, intending to put ou [...] THE APOLOGY FOR THE CASVISTS, &c. in English, (to which these are written by way of Answer) they may prove an Antidote against the poyson, intended the unwary world in that Master-piece of the SOCIETY.

R. R.

FACTVM, OR A REMONSTRANCE OF the Curez of Paris. Against a Book intituled, An Apology for the Casuists, against the calumnies of the Jansenists. Printed at Paris 1657. As also against those that have been the Authors, Printers, and disper­sers of it.

THe cause we are engag'd in is that of Christian Morality. Our adversaries are the Casuists, who corrupt it. The concernment we have therein is de­riv'd from the tendernesse we ought to have for their consciences who are committed to our charge. And the reason of our so earnest appearance against this [Page 116] late Libell, is, that the con [...]idence of these Casuists growing every day more and more insupportable, [...]nso­much that it seems arriv'd to such a height as makes it incapable of addition, we conceive our selves oblig'd to have recourse to the utmost remedies, and to put up our complaints to all the Tribunals where we ima­gi [...]e we ought to do it, so [...]o prose [...]ute without any in­termission the censure and condemnation of those per­nicious Ma [...]imes.

The better to satisfie the world of the justice of our prete [...]ions, we need onely give [...] naked representati­on of the whole di [...]ference as it lyes between [...]s, and an account of the carriage of th [...]se Casuists from the beginning of their enterprises to the publishing of this last [...]ook of th [...]s, which is indeed the consummati­on of all. To the end, that men, having consider'd with what an exc [...]sse of pat [...]ente they have hitherto been tol [...]rated in [...]heir pernicious d [...]signs against the Church, may th [...]nce per [...]eive the necessity there is henceforward to proceed with the greatest rigour a­gainst them. But we think our selves concern'd in the first pla [...]e to make [...]ppear w [...]e [...]ein the venome of their mischievou [...] doctrines doth principally consist, as a thing which the greatest p [...]rt of the world does not sufficiently reflect upon.

That which is most highly pernicious in [...]h [...]se new doctrines, it, that their main design is not onely to cor­rupt good manners, but to introduce corruption into the very rule of Morality, which is [...] businesse of [...]arre greater consider [...]ion and consequence. For it is much a lesse dangerous and generall inconvenience to intro­duce [...]rregularity and dissolution, yet with a supposall of the vigour and existence of the Laws whereby they are forbidden them to pervert those Laws and to justi­fie those irregularities. The reason thereof is, that, as the nature of man is even from its first being perpetual­ly inclin'd to evil, and that the onely thing which pre­vents him from falling thereinto is ordinarily the feare [Page 118] he may be in of the Law, so it happens, that, when he hath once shaken off that bridle, he runs at random in­to all excesses of concupiscence; so that there is no difference between making all vices lawfull, and all men vicious.

And thence it comes, that the Church hath never en­de [...]voured any thing so much as an inviolable conser­vation of the rules of Morality, even in the midst of their disorders whom shee could not prevent from a violation thereof. So that when time hath produced Christians of evill lives, it is to be observed at the same time that there were holy Lawes that condemned them and were purposely made for their reduction. Nor in­deed was it ever known before the starting of these Casuists, that any one, acknowledging himselfe to be of the Church, did publickly endeavour to destroy the purity of her rules.

This, it seems, was an attempt reserved for these last times, which the clergy of France calls the dregs and dotage of the last dayes, wherein these new Divines, instead of making the lives of men consonant to the precepts of Jesus Christ, make it their businesse to levell the precepts and rules of Jesus Christ to the con­cernments, passion [...] and pleasures of men. It is by this horrid overturning of things, that some, who go by the names of Doctors and Divines, have introduced, in­stead of true Morality, which ought to have no other principle then divine Authority, nor other end the [...] that of charity, a Morality that's purely humane, such as proceeds [...]rom no other principle then that of rea­son, nor hath other end then concupiscence and the passions most irregul [...]r in n [...]ture. And this is no more then what they declare themselves with an incredible presumption, as may be seen by these few maximes, which are most ordinary among them. An action, say they, is probable, and may be done with a safe consci [...]nce, if it be grounded on a ra [...]ionall reason, ratione rationabili, or upon the authority of some grave Authors, nay, of one alone, [Page 119] or if it be directed to an allowable object. Now what they mean by an allowable object may be seen by the exam­ples they give of it. It is lawful, say they, for us to kill him that hath done us any inju [...]y [...] provided it proceed from a motive of gaining esteem among men, ad captandam hominum aestimationem. A man may go to the place ap­pointed with a design [...]o [...]ight a duel, provided he do it to a­void the aspersion of a hen-hearted fellow, and to gain the reputation of a man of me [...]al, vir [...]t no [...] gallina. A man may give money for a Bene [...]ice, provided it be [...]one out of no other reflection then that of the temporal advantages ac­crewing thereby, and not out of any thoughts of making a comparison between a temporal and spiritual thing. A wo­man may dress her self gorgeously, what inconvenience soe­ver may happen thereby, provided she do it meerly out o [...] the na [...]ural inclination she hath to be vain, o [...] naturalem fa­s [...]us inclinationem. A man may eat and drink a [...] much as he please, so it be done purely out of vanity, and without pre­judice to his health, because the natural appe [...]ite may endea­vour its enjoyments in those actions which are proper thereto [...] Licite po [...]est appetitus naturalis suis actibus frui.

From these few words may a man give a great guess a [...] the designs of these Casuists, and how that, while they destroy the rules of pie [...]y, they in [...]roduce, instead of the precepts of the Scrip [...]ure, which oblige us to do all things with an humble complyance to the will of God, a brutal permission to make all our actions absolutely referrible to our selves. That is to say, whereas Jesus Christ came to mortifie in us the concupiscences of the old man, and to settle the empire of charity in the new man; these, on the contrary, are come to revive the concupiscences, and to smother the love of God, from which they give men a liberal dispensation, and declare it to be sufficient if they hate him not.

This, this is that carnal kinde of Morality which they have furnished the world with, such as hath its dependance only on the arm of flesh, as the Scripture speaks, and whereof they assign no other ground then [Page 120] the authority of Sanchez, Molina, Escobar, Azor, So­ [...]us, &c. who it seems think it rational; whence they conclude, that it may be followed with the greatest safety of conscience, and without running the least hazard of damnation.

It is er [...]ainly a thing deserves our greatest astonish­ment to see the presumption of some men come to this height. But this is done insensibly, and by degrees that to most are imperceptible; in this manner.

These accommodating or complying opinions were not at their first start guilty of the excess they are at the present, but seeming not so horrid, and being ad­vanced only as things doubtful and problematical, [...]hey immediately gained some strength by the number of their main [...]ainers, whose maximes are of this quality, that they dayly tend more and more to dissolution and libertinisme. So that there being a considerable body of Casuists tha [...] s [...]ifly maintained them, the Ministers of the Church somewhat backward to engage against that great number, and hoping withall that mildness and reason might reduce those wandring persons into their right way again, have suffered these disorders with a patience, which the event hath discovered to be not only ineffectual, as to what was expected might be the issue of it, but also prejudicial. For they, assuming thence a liberty to write, have in a short time spent their venome into so many volumes, that the Church does at this day groan under the monstrous burthen thereof. The licentiousness of their opinions, which must be proportionable to the multitude of thei [...] Books, is such as does not only hurry them into per­nicious tenents, but gives them withall a confidence to propose them to the world. Thus the maximes which they had at first only scattered abroad as simple sen [...] [...]ents, were, not long after, advanced into the predica­ment of probability; thence into the number of such as might be followed with all safety and serenity of consci­ [...]ce; nay, at last, declared to be as safe as the con­trary [Page 121] opinions, and this with such a palpable discovery of extravagance, that the Ec [...]lesiastical powers con­ceiving a just indignation thereat have passed several censures on those doctrins. The general assembly of the Church of France censured them in the year 1642. in the book of F. Ba [...]ny which is in a manner a perfect collection thereof: for books of that nature are but per­petually re [...]terated copies of the same things, that were extant before. The colledge of Sorbonne passed the same cond [...]mnation on them: The Theologal faculty of Lovain did the like; and the late Arch-Bishop of Paris passed several censures upon them. Insomuch that there was some ground to hope, that so many au­thorities joyned together might retard the further pro­gress of so growing an in [...]onvenience; but the Casu­ists it seems thought not all these checks worthy their notice. F. Hereau read, in the Colledge of Clermon [...], such strange Lectures in oder to the permission of Homi­cide; and the Fathers Flahaut, and Le Court did at Ca [...]n broach [...]ch horrid tenents to authorise duels, that the University of Paris conceived it sel [...] there [...]pon obliged to make a representation thereof to the Parlia­ment to have some course taken therein, which occ [...]s [...] ­oned those tedious proceedings that are known to all the world. F. Hereau being upon that charge by or­der of the Councel, confined to the Iesuits Colledge as a Prisoner, it abated somewhat of the ea [...]nestness of the Casuists; but in the mean time were they preparing new matters, to be spawn'd into the world in a more favourable conjuncture of time. Accordingly, it w [...]s not long ere came abroad the works of Escobar, F. A­micus, Mascaregnas, Caramuel, and diverse others, so [...]raught with the opinions th [...]t had been already con­demned, nay, with some new ones more horrid then any before; that we, who, by reason of the over sight and familiarity which we have with mens conscience [...], must needs take notice of the mischiefs occasioned by those irregularities, thought our selves obliged to op­pose [Page 122] the same all that lay in our power. Upon these grounds was it, that we addressed our selves these last yeares to the Assembly of the Clergy then sitting, to demand the condemnation of the principall propositi­on [...] of these late Authors, whereof we gave them a faith­ [...]ull extract.

Then was it, that the earnestnesse of those who would undertake the maintaining of them, apparently broke out. They left no course unat [...]empted, omitted no­thing of sollicitation to prevent the Censure, or at least to del [...]y it for some time, out of a fond hope, that if they could but shift it off to the rising of the Assembly, there would not be time to take it into consideration. Their designe, in some part, proved effectuall; but notwith­standing all their artifices, and the great af [...]aires the Assembly had to dispatch neere its closure, nay, though we had not of our side but the bare truth (a thing not very powerfull at this day) yet by the providence of God things were so ordered, that, contrary to all their endeavours, the Assembly resolved not to separate till it had given sufficient discoveries of its indigna [...]ion against those dissolutions, and its earnest desires to passe a sol [...]mne condemnation upon them, i [...] they had had time to do it.

To make this the more evident to all the world, a Circular Letter was written to all the Bishops of the Kingdome, and the Book of St. Charles Borrhom [...]us, printed the last yeare by their order, sent with the said Letter, wherein, the more to oppose those mischievo [...]s maximes, they begin with that of Probability, which is the foundation of all. Their words are these. I [...] is a long time, that it hath been the griefe of our spirits, to see our Diocesses, as [...]o these matters, no [...] only in the same condi [...]ion with the Province of S. Charles, but in a much more deplorable. For if our Confessors have a greater talent [...]f learning and abilities then th [...]se of his time, the dang [...]r is so much the greater of th [...]ir embracing and foll [...]wing certaine moderne opinions, which have made [Page 123] such a strange alteration in Christian Morality, and the ma­ximes of the Gospell, that the most implicite ignorance is to be preferred far before such a knowledge; as such as te [...]ches m [...]n to be sceptiques in all [...]hings, and [...] find out wa [...]e [...], not to exterminate the corrupt maximes of men, but to justify them therein, and to instruct them how they may with safe [...]y of conscience put them in practise.

Then they come to those conveniences and accom­modations that are established upon the principle of Probability. For, say they, whereas Iesus Christ hath left us his precepts and example, to the end that those who believe in him, might obey him, and regulate [...]heir lives according thereto, the designe of these Authors, on the con [...]r [...]ry, seems to endeavour a complyance between the precepts of I [...]sus Christ, and [...]he interests, pleasures, and p [...]ssions of men; so ingenious are they in soo [...]hing their ava [...]ice and ambition, by [...]he encouragements they give them [...]o be re­venged of [...]heir enemies, to lend out mony upon excessiv [...] interest, to get into Ecclesiasticall dignities by waies ev [...]r so indirect, and to pr [...]s [...]rv [...] the imaginary honour which is der [...]ved from [...]h [...] world by bas [...] and bloody [...]ourses [...] And a [...]ter they had made some scornfull reflections on the Casuists meththod of the right direction of the in [...]enti­on, they earnestly condemne their abuse of the Sacra­ments.

And l [...]stly, that the Church might know, that what they had done was but little in comparison of what they would have done, had it been in their power, they con [...]clude thus. Severall Curez of the Ci [...]y of Paris, and of other the chiefest Cit [...]ies of the Kingdome, have, by the complaint they have made to us of these disorders wi [...]h [...]he permission of the Reverend th [...]ir P [...]elates, and thei [...] earnest intreaties that some remedy might be though [...] on, heightened our zeale, and much added [...]o our attristation and regret. Had their addresses come sooner to our Assembly then they did, we should, with all possible exactnesse and diligence, have examined all the new prop [...]sitions of the Casuist [...] whereof they gave us the [...]xtracts, and p [...]ssed a solemme sen­tence [Page 124] upon them such as might have hindred the further progresse of that con [...]agion of mens consciences. But having not the leasure to take the b [...]sinesse into examination, wi [...]h the diligence and exactness [...] which the impo [...]tance thereof might justly require, we find, that, for the present, we could not be [...]hink u [...] of a be [...]t [...]r remedy for so deplorable a disorder [...] then to give order for the printin [...] of the Instructions laid down by St. Charles Borromaeus, Cardinall and Arch­bishop of Milan, at the charge of the Clergy, as being s [...]ch as wh [...]nce these Conf [...]ss [...]rs may learn [...] how they ought [...]o behave themselves in the administration of the Sacram [...]nt of penance, and to send [...]hem to all the R [...]verend the Bishops of the Kingdom [...].

There being nothing so remarkeable [...]rom this pro­cedure of our Lords the Bishops, as that what thy said proceeded absolute [...]y [...]rom the force and conviction of truth which they conceived obliged them to expresse themselves in that manner, we pr [...]sumed, that the Au­thors of those novelties would have been more r [...]s [...]rved for the future, and that, having considered that all the Cu [...]ez of the prin [...]pall Citties of France, and the [...]re­lates, were unanimously resolved upon the condemnati­on of their doctrine, they would at length have sate still, and thought it no small happinesse that they had avoided the censure they had so much deserved, that is, such as must needs have made a noise in the world proportionable to the extravagances they had commit­ted against the Church.

This posture were things in; and, for our parts, our thoughts were wholly taken up with a peaceable in­struction of our people according to pious and Christian maximes, without any feare of dis [...]bance, when there comes upon the stage this new book, we have now to de [...]le with, which being an APOLOGY for all the CASUISTS, does alone containe full as much as the rest do put together, and revives all the condemned p [...]opositions, and that with an imprudence and scandall so much the more deserving a seve [...]e censure, that it [Page 125] dares appear aft [...]r so many contemned censure [...], and so much the more to be punish'd for that it is apparent, by the misca [...]riage of the remedies already used, what [...]ec [...]ssity th [...]re i [...] to find out such as may prove more effectu [...]ll, to put [...]t last a [...]nall period to so dangerou [...] and so insupport [...]ble a mischief.

We come now to the particular reasons we have to prosecute the condemnation of this Libell. They are indeed many and those very considerable, whereof the first is the extraordinary confidence wherewith the Au­tho [...] of that book maintain the most abominable pro­positio [...]s of th [...] Casuist [...]. Things are now carryed on simply without any pall [...]ation. The old way of vind [...] ­c [...]tion, which was, that such and such propositions were impos'd upon them, i [...] now thought shifting and [...]asive. No, they deal plainly as may be, they ac­knowledge and m [...]intain them at the same time as such a [...] may be followed with a safe conscience, nay such as are [...]safe, say they, as the contrary [...]pinions. Tis ve [...]y true, sayes the Apology in a hundred severall places, tha [...] [...]he, Casuist [...] hold these maxi [...]es, but it is as t [...]ue with­all that they have much reason to hold them. Nay, some­times the Author is so free hearted as to acknowledge somewhat more then they are reproached with. Tis granted, sayes he, that we do maintain the proposition so muc [...] found fault with, and yet the Casuist [...] stick not to go beyond that too. So that now all the dif [...]erence as to matter of fact is taken away; he grants all, he ac­knowledges, that, according to their doctrine, there i [...] no usury in Contracts though the most guilty of ex­tortion, through the wayes he layes down whereby to avoid it, pag. 101, 107, 108, &c. That such as trade in Benefices are not chargeable with Simony, what bargain soever they may drive, if there be a right direction of the intention; if a man will trust to what he saye [...], pag. 62. Blasphemies, perjuries, impurities, in a word, all brea­ches of the Decalogue are no sinnes at all when they are committed by any man out of ignorance, surprise, or passi­on; [Page 126] pag. 26.28. It is lawfull for servants to rob their Masters to make their wages proportionabl [...] to their servi­ces, according to Father Bauny, maintain'd by the Au­thor of the Apology pag. 81. Women may take thei [...] husbands mony unknown to them to game withall, pag. 1 [...]2. Iudges shall not be oblig [...]d to make restitution of what they may receive [...]or giving an unjust judgement, pag. 1 [...]3. A man shall not be obliged to quit those occasions and propo­sitions wherein he runs the hazard of damnation, if he cannot do it with ease and convenience, pag. 49. A man does deservedly receive absolution, and may be [...] worthy communicant, though he be not otherwise troubled for his sinnes then out of a reflection on the temporall inconvenien­ces occasioned thereby, pag. 162, 163. A man may with­out any blame calumniate those who speak ill of him, by im­posing such crimes upon them as he knowes th [...]y are inno­cent of; pag. 127, 128, 129. In a word, any thing shall be lawfull, the Law of God shall signifie nothing, and only naturall reason shall be our light and guide [...]n all our actions, nay, shall enable u [...] to disc [...]rn wh [...]n i [...] i [...] law [...]ull, for a private man to kill his neighbour; which cer [...]ainly is a thing so pernicious as defies all parallel; and whereof the consequences must be dreadfull. Let it be made apparent to me, sayes he pag. 87. &c. that we ought not to be guided by the dictates of naturall Rea­son, to discern when it is lawfull for a man to kill his Neighbour.

And to confirm this proposition; Since that Monarchs consult ONELY NATURALL REASON to punish Malefactors, in like m [...]nner we need no other director then THE SAME NATURALL REASON to judge whether [...] private person may kill another that injures him, not onely in things that con­c [...]rn his life, but also his reputation or estate. And to an­swer what may be press [...]d on the contrary, viz. that it is forbidden by the Law of God, he sayes in the name and behalf of all the Casuists, We believe that we have ground enough to exempt from [...]he penalty of that [Page 127] commandment of God, thos [...] who kill others for the preser­vation of their honour, reputation, and estates.

If this maxime be well consider'd, namely, That it is the proper faculty of Naturall Reason to discern when it i [...] lawfull or unlawfull for a man to kill his neighbour, and a man adde thereto the execrable maximes of some most grave Doctors, who, by their naturall reason, have concluded it lawfull, upon certain occasions, to commit strange parricides against even the most sacred p [...]rsons, it might well be judg'd, that, all this done, if we should be silent, we were unworthy the Ministe­ry we professe; that we were the destroyers, and not the Pastors of the flocks committed to our charge, and that God might justly punish us for so criminall a si­lence. We therefore discharge our duty, by acquain­ting both the people and Judges of these abominati­on [...]; and we hope that both people and Judges will do theirs, the former in avoyding them, the latter in punishing them according to the quality and impor­tance of what shall be done.

But what is yet a further motive of our earnest ap­pe [...]rance in this manner, is, that we are not to consi­der these propositions as taken out of [...] Book that is anonymous and without authority, but as extracted out of one maintain'd and countenanced by a very considerable Body. We speak it not without regrett. For though we have from the beginning known well e­nough who the first Authors of these disorders were, yet have we thought fit to forbear the discovery of them, nor indeed should we yet do it, did they not betray themselves, as it were out of a set purpose to be known to all the world. But since they are so desirous it should be known, it were to no purpose for us to conceale it any longer; since it is among them that this Libell hath been expos'd to sale, that no other place then the Colledge of Clermont would serve as a ship to put off that scandalous piece; that such as have brought in their money have carryed away as [Page 128] many APOLOGIES FOR THE [...]ASUISTS as the summes amounted to; that the Fathers of that Col­ledge have dispersed them among their friends in Paris and the Provinces; that F. Brisacier, Rector of their Colledge at Rouen, hath with his own hands presented of them to some persons o [...] quality in that Ci [...]ty; that he caused it to be read in the Refectory, while all were at table, as a piece of edification and piety; that he desired the permission to reprint it of one of the princi­pal Magistrates; that the Jesuits of Paris have been very earnest with two Doctors of Sorbonne for their ap­probation of it; to be short, since they are resolved to pluck off the visard, and are willing so many wayes to discover themselves, it is high time we should bestir our selves; and that since the Iesuits publickly declare themselves the Patrones of the APOLOGY FOR THE CASUISTS, the Curez declare that they do publickly charge them therewith. 'Tis fit all the world knew, that, as the Colledge of Clermont is the exchange where these pernicious maximes are to be bought and sold, so is it in our parishes that the christian maximes oppo­site thereto are publickly taught, that so it may not happen, that the simple and unwary, hearing these er­rours so s [...]i [...]ly maintained by so celeb [...]ious a society, and not finding any opposing them, might take them for truth [...], and be insensibly ensnared thereby, and that the judgement of God should fall upon both people and Pastors according to the doctrin of the Prophets, who declare, against these new opinions, that they shall both come to ruine, the former, for want of ha­ving received necessary instructions, and the latter, for their neglect in giving them.

There is therefore an inevitable necessitie lies upon us to speak in this conjuncture, but what makes the obligation yet more pressing, i [...], the injurious manner whereby the Authors of the Apology fall so bitterly on our Ministery. For that book, to speak properly, is no more then a scandalous libel against the Curez of [Page 129] Paris and the provinces who have opposed their disor­ders. It is a [...]trange thing to see how they speak of the Extracts, which we presented to the Clergy, of their most da [...]gerous propositions, and to consider withal the miracle of their confidence to treat us, upon no other account, as they do pag. [...]. and 176. with the terms of ignorant, factious, heretical, wolves and false Teachers. It is a thing which the society of the Iesuits can­not but r [...]sent (say they p. 176.) to see that informatio [...]s are put up against [...]hem by a sort of Ignorants, who deserve not to be numbred among the dogs that wait on the flock of the Church, whom yet some take for true pastors, nay, they are followed by the sheep that submit to the conduct of those wolves.

Now this is the consummation of insolence whereto the Iesuits have raised the Casuists. They thought it not enough to abuse the patience and moderation of the Ministers of the Church, to introduce their impi­ous opinions, but are now come to that height, that they will needs force out of the Ministery of the Church those who refuse their consent thereto.

This seditious and schismatical attempt, which aims at the raising of a spirit of division between the people and their lawful Pastors, by inciting them to shun their Teachers as false Prophets and wolves, for no o­ther reason then that they stand in the gap against a car­nal and impure morality, is of such importance in the Church [...] that we could not be any longer serviceable in our Functions if this insolence were not repressed. For it were as much as to expect we should renounce our character, and forsake our Churches, if, there be­ing so many christian [...] Tribunals established for the maintenance of evangelical rules, it were not lawful for us, without fear of being defamed as wolves and false proph [...]ts, to tell those whom we are obliged to in­struct, that it is out of all question a crime for a man to traduce hi [...] neighbour; that it is much more safe in conscience for a man tha [...] hath received a blow on the [Page 130] one cheek, to turn the other to the smiter, then to ki [...]l him, though he endeavour to run away for it; that to fight a duel is an inevitable crime; and that it is a [...]orrid falshood to say, that it is the part of humane rea­son to discern when it is lawful or unlawful for a man to kill his neighbour. If we have not the freedome to speak af­ter this man [...]er; but there must immediately come a­bro [...]d Books publickly maintained by the whole body of the Iesuits, representing us as factious spirits, Igno­rants and false-Prophets, it is impossible we should be f [...]ithful in the administration of our functions, and the government of the flockes committed to our charge.

There is no place, though not civilized out of its o­riginal infidelity and barbarisme, where it may not be lawful to affirm calumny to be a crime, and that it is not lawful for a man to kill his neighbour purely to vindicate his honour. No, there are no places but those where Jesuits are, in which a man dares not say so much. We must either permit Homi [...]ides, Calum­nies, and the profanation of the Sacraments, or stand exposed to the [...]ad effects of their vengeance. We are appointed by God to be the messengers of his com­mandemen [...]s to his people, and we must not presume [...]o obey him without falling under the fury of these car­nal Casuist [...]. What a strange posture are we at this day reduced to? Wo unto us, sayes the s [...]ripture, if we do not preach the gospel [...] and wo unto us, say these men, if we do preach it. We are on the one [...]ide to fear the indignation of God, on the other we are threatned by the insolences of men, and so we are reduced to a nece [...]ity o [...] either degenerating into false Prophets and wolves, or being torn to pieces as such by thirty thousand tongues that can afford us no other character.

This is the ground of our complaints. This was it that obliged us to demand justice for our selves and christian Morality in whose cause we must needs be con­ [...]rned. Th [...]s also hath reinflamed our zeal to maintain [Page 131] the purity of manners proportionably to the attempts of those that would defile it. Morality, the more po­werfully it is opposed, becomes the more endeared to us, to which it addes some thing that we are alone to defend it. And therefore out of the satisfaction it is to us, that God is pleased to make our weakness con­tributory thereto, we presume to say with the man af­ter his own heart, Lord it is time for thee to arise, they have destroyed thy law; but it raiseth in us a greater af­fection to thy precepts, and an aversion for all the wayes of iniquity.

It is in the mean time a very deplorable case that we should be thus worryed and persecuted by those from whom we ought rather to have expected relief; so that we are to engage with the passions of men, not only at­tended with all the impetuosity that is naturall thereto, but also puffed up and main [...]ained by the approbation and interest of so vast a body of Religious men; and that instead of any advantage we might make of their instructions in order to the reformation of popular ex­travagances, we are forced to make the best we can of that small remainder of pious sentiments there may be in the people, to work in them a horrour for the irregu­l [...]rities of those Religious men.

And this posture are our affairs in at the present; but we hope God will incline the hearts of those, in whose power it is to do us justice, to take our cause in­to their consideration, and that they will be the more earnest to endeavour our vindication, by how much they are otherwise likely to be made complices of these corruptions In this number are comprehended the Pope, the Bishops, and the Parliament, by that extravagant insinuation wherein the Authors of the Li­bel would have it believed as a thing most certain, that the Bulls of the Popes against the five Propositions are a general approbation of the doctrine of the Casuists; then which there cannot be any thing more injurious to those Bulls, nor more impertinent in it self, since [Page 132] there is not the least analogy between those two things. All that is common between those five Propositions and those of the Casuists, is that they are all equally here­tical. For, as there are Heresies in matters of Faith, so are there also Heresies in matter of Mo [...]ality, accord­ing to the Fathers and Councels, and those such as are so much the more dangerous, in that they are made complyant with the passions of men and that unhappy leaven of concupiscence, which the greatest saints are not exempted from. We are therefore to be in some measure confident that those, who have expressed so much zeal against the condemned Proposition [...], will discover no less upon this occasion, since that the wel­fare of the Church, which it may have been then their principal design to promote, is now so much the more conce [...]ned, in so much that whereas the Heresie of the five Propositions is understood only by Divines, and that no body presumes to maintain them, it happens here, on the contrary, that the heresies of the Casuists fall within the understanding of all the world, and are publickly maintained by the IESVITS.

THE ANSWER OF the Curez of PARIS, Maintaining the FACTUM Presented by them to the Reverend Vicars Generall, to demand the Censure of THE APOLOGY FOR THE CASVISTS; Against a piece intituled, A REFVTATION of the Calumnies lately publish'd by the Authors of the FACTVM, under the name of the Reverend the Curez of PARIS, &c.

AFter the solemn Indictment we have brought in with so much justice and reason before the Ecclesi­asticall Tribunall, against the Apology for the Casuists, whereof we have discovered the most pernicious ma­ximes and the strange extravagances which had fil'd with horror those whom God had inspired with any thing of love for his Truths, there was some ground to hope, that those, who, out of an immoderate desire to maintain [Page 134] even the most dissolute of the Authors (whereof that Book gives the world a faithful Catalogue) were engag'd in the defence of it, would by their humility and silence, have repaired the injury which they had done all just and indifferent persons by their temerity and blindnesse.

And we find to our regret that nothing is able to a­bate their presumption. Instead of sitting still, or not opening their mouths, unlesse it were to disclaim er­rours so unmaintainable, and so palpably opposite to the purity of the Gospel, they have newly put forth a piece, wherein they maintain all those errours, and fall into the greatest virulence that may be against the FACTUM we had made, to lay open the corru­ption of their doctrines.

This is it that obliges us to reassume new courage, and to rise up against that excessive confidence of theirs, so to take away the reproach which must otherwise be put on our age, that the enemies of Christian morality had been more earnest in their attempts against it, then the Pastors of the Church in the maintenance of it; and that it happen not, that, while the people rely upon our vigilance, we our selves should fall into that sloath­full indifference, which the Scripture does so severely condemn in the Pastors.

The writing newly publish'd against our Factum is a meer stratagem of the Iesuits, who are nam'd there­in, and who, that they might with the greater liberty exercise their detraction upon the piece, without any apparent injury to our persons, say, that they do not look on it as a thing whereof we [...]re really the Authors, but as a piece imposed upon us.

And though it had been made by us, examin'd and corrected by eight persons of our Body appointed to that purpose, approved in the generall Assembly of our Compary, printed in our names, presented by us juridically to the Reverend the Vicars generall, di­spers'd by us through our parishes, and own'd and ac­knowledged [Page 135] by all the wayes that could be, as it ap­pear [...] by the orders of our Assembly of Ian. 7. February 4. and April 1. 1658. yet it is nothing with them to af­firm, that we never had any hand in it, and upon that ridiculous supposition they treat the Authors of the Factum wi [...]h the most injurious terms that tru [...]h could be af [...]ronted by, and at the same time give us the most insinuating commendations that simplicity could be sur­prised by.

So that all that is new, is that their language, as to us, is different from what it was. In the Apologie for the Casuis [...]s we were false Prophets; here we are true and worthy Pastors. In the Apology, they hated us a [...] rave­nous wolves; here they love us as person [...] venerable for their ver [...]ue and pie [...]y. In the Apology they treated us as Ignorant [...]; here we are a sort of pe [...]sons illuminated and full of light. In the Apology, they [...]re [...]ted u [...] as Here­tick [...] and Schismatick [...]; here they have a reverence not only fo [...] our character, but also for our persons. But in both the one and the other there is this one thing com­mon, that they maintain that corrupt Morality as the true Morality of the Church. Which kind of proce­dure discovering nothing so much as tha [...] it is their principal designe to introduce their own pernicious doctrine, they accordingly, to effect it, indifferent­ly fasten on those courses which they imagine might contribute most thereto; so that it matters not much whether they say of us that we are wolves or lawful Pastors, since they do it as [...]hey think it more or less advantagious for the authorization and maintenance of their Errours. So that the change of their stile is no effect of the conversion of their hearts, but a piece of Le [...]erdemaine common in their politicks, whereby they put on so many different shapes, yet still continue the same persons, that is to say, constant enemies to the truth and those that maintain it.

For there is nothing so certain, as that they are not really changed in respect of us, and that [Page 136] we are not the persons they commend, but that on the contrary we are those whom they wreak their ma­lice upon, since that they commend onely those Curez who had not any ha [...]d in the Factum, which ca [...] h [...]ve no relatio [...] to us who were all as deeply a [...] may he concern'd in it, and that they openly betray their indi­gnation against the Authors and Approvers of i [...], whic [...] we canno [...] be insen [...]ible of. And thus all the evill they seem [...] loath to speak of us as Curez, they say of us as Authors of the FACTUM, and they do no [...] speak advant [...]g [...]ously of us in any sense, but to have the grea­ter oppo [...]tunity to load us with injuries and repro [...]ches in another.

This is a pittifull kind of [...]rtifice, and a way to be injurious that is more base and more picquant then if it were free and open. And yet so irreclaimable is their presumption, that they make their advantages of it not onely ag [...]inst us, but also against those whom God hath r [...]i [...]'d into the [...]os [...] eminent dignitie [...] of the Church; for they have no better [...]re [...]tmen [...] [...]or the Circular Letter, directed by our Lords the Prela [...] of the Assembly of the Clergy, to all the Bishop [...] of France, to preserve their Dioceses from the corruption of these Casuists. They say of that Letter pag. 7. that it is a surreptitious piec [...] without their approba [...]ion, with­out order and wi [...]hout Authori [...]y, though it were really publish'd by the order of the Prelates of the Assembly, dressed up by themselve [...], approved by them, printed at their command, by Vi [...] Printe [...] to the clergy of France, with the Instructions of Saint Charles, and an extract of the verb [...]l Processe of the first of F [...]bru [...] ­ry 1657. wherein those Prelate [...] condemned the dis­solutions of the Casuists, and make it a mat [...]er of very earnest complaint, that these times are so fertile in the production of m [...]ximes so pernicio [...]s, and so contrary to those of the Gospel, and such as are like­ly to prove the bane and destruction of Christian Mo­raliti [...].

[Page 137]But what? the Letter mentioned approves not the doctrine of the Casuists; tis enough to give the I [...]su­its occasion to treat it as a thing [...]org'd and suppositi­tious, how authentick soever it may be, and how venerable soever their dignity may be by whom it was sent. Who so blind as not to see in this carriage of theirs [...] that, whatever it may cost them, they would be exempted from the corrections and superinten­dency of the Ecclesiasticall Ministery, and that they do not acknowledge it but in what makes for their advantage, as if the Ministers were in the place of God when they are favourable to them, and are put out of that place when they oppose their extravagan­ces? This is an ordinary degree of presumption in them. Because they find themselves grown so power­full in the world, as to de [...]y those just chastisements, which would inevitably fall on any other beside [...] them, should he be guilty of far le [...]er faults [...] thence do they take the liberty of not receiving any thing from the Church but what they please themselves. For what else can be their meaning when they say; ‘We have a respect for our Lords the Prel [...]te [...], and what­soever comes from them, but for the Circular Let­ter sent by their order and under thei [...] names to all the Prelates of France against our Casuists, we ho­nour it not, but on the contrary reject it as a piece that is forged, and hath neither their consent nor authority. And in like manner, we have a vene­ra [...]on for the Reverend the Curez of Paris, but for the Factum printed under their name, which they have presented to the Reverend the Vica [...]s General, we declare it to be a scandalous writing, and that the Authors of them are men of seditious principles, Hereticks and Schismaticks.’ What should all this signifie, but that the world should take notice that they honour the Ministers of the Church when they di­sturb them not in their disorders; but that when they offer to do any such thing, they make them know by [Page 138] their contempt, by their calumnies, and by their out­rages, what is it to meddle with them?

Thus it shall be lawfull for them to say any thing, and the Prelates and Pastors must not presume to con­tradict them, but they must withall be immediately treated as Hereticks and factious spirits, either in their persons or their works. They shall have the privi­ledge to sell in their Colledge, and to scatter into all our parishes the execrable Apologie for the Casuists; and we must not presume to put ou [...] a writing that might in some measure be an Antidote against so mor­tall a poison.

They shall have put daggers and poyson into the hands of furious and vindicative men, by declaring expresly That it is in the power of private Persons as well as So­veraigns, to discern, onely by the assistance of the light of reason, when it shall be lawfull or unlawfull for a man to kill his neighbour; and it shall be an excesse of presum­ption in us to put up our complaints to the Ec [...]lesia­sticall Judges against these murthering maxime [...], and to represent by a Factum the monstrous effects of that bloody doctrine.

It shall be in their hands to invest all men indiffe­rently with all that power of life and death, which is the most illustrious prerogat [...]ve of Soveraigns; and we must not be permitted to give our people notice, that it is a horrid and diabolical falshood to say, that it is lawful for them to be their own carvers in matter of justice, especially when the lives of their adversa­ries comes to be concerned, and that it is so far from truth, that one man may, by his own private Autho­rity, and the discernment of natural reason, kill ano­ther, that, on the contrary, it can never be done but by a divine Authority and light.

[Page 139]They shall have infamously exposed to sale all the dignities of the Church, and open a gap for all Simonists to thrust into the house of God, by an imaginary di­stinction of motive and price; and we dare not publish, that a man cannot without crime enter into the Ministery of the Church, but by the right doore which is Iesus Christ; and that those who maintaine that mony given as a motive is another [...] do not make a true doore whereat the lawfull Pastors may enter, but a reall breach fit only to let in wolves, not to feed, but to devoure the flock he is so tender of.

They shall have freed Detractors [...]rom all crime, and declared it to be lawfull (by the authority of Dicastillus one of their fraternity, and above twenty eminent Ie­suits) for a man to impose false crimes contrary to his owne conscience, to bring those into disparagement who would ruine him.

They shall have permitted Judges to detaine what they had receaved for doing an act of injustice; Women, to rob their husbands; Servants, to purloine from their Masters; Mothers, to wish their daughters death when they are not in a condition to dispose of them in mar [...]iage; the Rich, not to give any thing out of their Superflui [...]y; the voluptuous, to eat and drink as much as they please, upon no other account then that of volup [...]uousnesse, and to pursue the enjoyments of the senses as things indifferent; Those who are insnared in the next occasions of falling into the most damnable sinnes, to continue therein when it may be any inconvenience to them to quit them; those who are growne old in an habituall course of vicious living, to approach the Sacraments, though they come with so weak a resolution of amendment of life, that they are confident it will not be long ere they fall into the same crimes againe, and without other remorse for what was passed, then what the temporall in­conveniences occasioned thereby might have raised in them.

[Page 140]Lastly, they shall have permitted Christi [...]ns to do what Pagans, Jewes, Mahometans and Barbarians would have had in execration, and shall have filled the Church with the most palpable darknesse that ever came out of the bottomelesse pit; and we shall not, to dispell it, [...]hed forth the least ray of evangelicall light but the whole Society take [...] alarme, and decl [...]res that they can be no other then men of seditious principles and H [...]reti [...]ks, who speak in that manner against their Mo­rality; that their doctrine, being the true doctrine of Faith, they are obliged in conscience, how willing so ever they may be to suffer and comply with the Crosse, to speake against those factious spirits and Schismaticks that quarrelled thereat; that so saying they speak not against [...]s, for we are persons of more piety then to be Au­thors of a Piece that should any way oppose them, and that i [...] it be otherwise we only are chargeable with the dist [...]rbance of the peace and tranquillity of the Church by troubling them in the free publication of their doctrines. Thus do they endeavour cra [...]tily to inveigh against us as the enemies o [...] publick tranquillity. Who could have believed, say they, that the Reverend the Cu­rez, who upon the account of their min [...]steriall functions are the mediators of peace between the Seculars, should be the Authors of a writing [...]hat might raise a spirit of schisme and division be [...]ween them and Religious men? And immediate­ly after, Is the spirit of God and Christian piety now so degenerated, as to engage the disciples of the Lambe to be ravenous among themselves as if they were so many wolves? And thus do they make a great deale of noise in dis­courses, to shew, that they are desirous of peace, and that we are the only disturbers thereof.

What an uncontroleable thing is insolence when backed by impunity! And what a strange progresse will [...]emerity make in a small time, when it meets with nothing that can give its violence any check! These Casuists, after they had disturbed the peace of the Church by their horrid doctrines which tend to the [Page 141] d [...]struc [...]ion of the precep [...]s of Iesus Christ, as our Lords the Bishops [...]ay to their charge, have no other shi [...]t now then to accuse those who endeavour to reestablish the doctrine of Jesus Christ, as disturb [...]rs of the Church's pea [...]e. After they had put things into dis­order of [...]ll sides by the publication of th [...]ir de [...]stable Morality, th [...]y treat a [...] breakers of the publick pea [...]e, those whose consci [...]nces will not suffer them to comply with their designes, and who cannot endure that these Pharises of the new Law, as they have called themselves, should establish their humane Traditions upon the ruines of the divine.

But they shall make no advantage of this artifice [...] We have made a sufficient d [...]scovery of our love to peace by our so long silence. We spoke not till [...]uch time [...]s that it would have been a crime in us to be any longer silent. They have abused that peace, to in­troduce their damnable opinions, and they would now endeavour the continuance of it, to give them further foot [...]ng. But the true children of the Church know well enough how to distinguish between that true peace which our Saviour only can give, and which the world is unacquainted with, and the deceitfull peace which the world may give, but which withall is hatefull to the Saviour of the world. They know the true peace to be that which endeavours the settlement of [...]ruth in the beliefe of men, and that the deceitfull peace is that which aimes at the propagation of errour in the cr [...]dulity of men. They know there is such a consonancy be­tween truth and the true peace, that they are insepara­ble; that there is no interposition raised between it and the eyes of God by the dispu [...]es which sometimes eclipse it from the eyes of men, when the Providence of God thinks fit to engage men into a vindication of his truths from unjust attempts; and that what were then a peace in the apprehensions of men, would be no other then a warre in [...]he sight of God. They know fu [...]ther that these corrections are so far from being [Page 142] guilty of any breach of Charity, that it were no les [...] to forbeare them, for that it is the Character of a counter­feit Charity to suf [...]er the wicked to pursue the enjoy­ments of their vices, whereas it is the property of true charity to disturbe that wofull tranquillity, and conse­quently, that, instead of establishing the Charity that is derived from God by that apparent mildnesse, it were, on the contrary, to destroy it by a criminall indulgence, as the holy Fathers teach us in those words, H [...]c ch [...]ritas d [...]struit charitatem.

This is also the meaning of what the Scripture teaches us, that Christ came into the world not only to bring peace, but also a sword and division, because all these things are necessary, every one in its proper time, for the advantage of Truth, which is the ultimate end of the faithfull, whereas peace and warr [...] are only the means, and allowable proportionably to what they contribute to the advantages and establishment of Truth. They know that it is upon this account the Scripture saies, that there is a time of peace and a time of warre, whereas it cannot be said that there is a time for truth, and a time for falsehood; and that it is better that scandalls should happen then that truth should be forsaken, as the holy Fathers of the Church main­taine.

It is therefore apparent, that those persons, who are forced to make use of this pretence of charity and peace, to prevent men from speaking against such as destroy the truth, discover themselves to be friends only to the deceit [...]ull peace, and that they are professed [...]nemies to [...]ruth and the true peace. Accordingly hath it been the constant practise of the Persecutors of the Church to make this pretence of peace the stalking­horse of their most insupportable violences; th [...]s have the false friends of peace consented to the oppression of the truths of Religion, and the Saints by whom they were maintained.

[Page 143]Upo [...] these grounds was it, that St. A [...]hanasius, St [...] Hilary, and other holy Bishops in their times, were treated as rebellious, factiou [...], obstinate men, and e­nemies to peace and union; that they were deposed, banished and fo [...]saken in a manner by all the faithful, who misinterpreted for a breach of peace the zeal they had for the truth. Hence came it that the holy and fa­mous Monk Stephen was charged as a dis [...]urber of the Church's tranquility by the 330. Bishops who would needs have the Images removed out of the Churches, which certainly was a point not of the greatest conse­quence to salvation. And yet because men ought not to shrink from the least truths under pretence of peace, that holy Religio [...]s man publickly opposed them, and it was upon that ground that he was at last condem­ned, as may be seen in the Annals of Baronius, Ann. 754.

Thus also were the holy Patriarchs and Prophets charged, as Eliah was, to be troublers of the tranquillity of Israel, and that the Apostles, nay, J. Christ himself, were condemned as the Authors of disturbance and dissention, because they declared a saving hostility a­gainst the corrupt passions and the fatal extravagances of the Hypocritical Pharisees and insolent Priests of the synagogue. And lastly, all this is no more then the Scripture gives [...]s a general representation of, when en­tertaining u [...] with a character of these false Teachers, who call by the name of divine those things that are di­abolical, as these Casui [...]ts do at this day in their Mora­lity, it sayes, Wisdome chap. 14. that they also give the name of peace to the most deplorable desolation. The extravagance of men, saith the wise man, is come to [...]t height, that they give the incommunicable name of the Divinity to that which hath not the essence thereof, to flat­ [...]er the inclinations of m [...]n, and to shew their complyance with the humours of Kings and Princes. And being not content to be so mistaken in things divine, and to live in that errour which is a true war, they give the name of peace to [Page 144] a condition full of trouble and disorder. In magno viven­tes inscientiae bello, tot & tanta mala pacem appellant.

It is therefore a principal truth of our Religion th [...]t there are certain time [...] wherein it is necessary to trouble the possession of errour, which the wicked call peace, and this is a thing no way to be doubted of after the confirmation of so many Authorities. Now if ever there was [...]n indispensable occasion and necessity to do it, let us examine whether there could be a greater or more pressing then there is at this day.

We finde the most numerous and most powerful b [...] ­dy of men [...]n the whole Church, that which hath the disposal of the consciences of all the greatest, bandy­ing together and conspiring in the maintenance of the most horrid maximes that ever the Church groaned un­der. We find them, notwithstanding all the chari­table admonitions that have been given them, both privately and publickly, obstinately countenancing Revenge, Avarice, gluttony, vain glory, s [...]lf-love, and all the exorbitancies of co [...]upt nature, the profanati­o [...] of the Sacraments, contempt of the ministeries of the Church, and the dispar [...]gement of the Antient Fa­thers, that they might introduce into their stead such Authors of their own as are most remarkable for their ignorance and temerity. And yet though we cannot but see the Church ready to be o [...]ewhelmed with this deluge of corruption, we must not presume, for fear of disturbing the pea [...]e, to call out to those that [...]re en [...]rusted with the conduct thereof, save us, we pe­rish

The most inconsiderable truths of Religion have been maintained even to the death, and yet 'tis expected we should quietly let go the most essential points of our Religion and the maximes that are most important and o [...] greatest necessity in order to the salvation of men, because it is the pleasure, not of 300. Bishops, nor indeed of so much as one, nor of the Pope [...] but only of the society of the Iesuits, to overturn them as th [...]y please.

[Page 145] We desire, say they, to be at peace even with those wh [...] are unwilling to have any. Strange preserve [...]s of peace who never yet suffered the least writing to come out against their Morality, which they have not worried with their bloody Answers, and yet still writing the last they will needs have us to sit quiet while they re­main in possession of their unjust pretentions!

We thought it not amiss to be the more large in the re [...]utation of this reproach, because there is not any they seem so much to insist upon against us. For though there may be few persons whom they can p [...]r­swade, that the Casuists are holy Authors, yet is it not impossible, but they may meet with some whom they may cajol into a belief, that we are nev [...]rtheless ve [...]y much to blame for disturbing the peace o [...] the Church by our opposition. For the satisfaction therefore of such, have we thought fit to dr [...]ss up this discourse, to give them to understand that there are not two questi­ons to be made upon this occasion, but only one, and that it is impossible it should at the same time be true, both, that the Morality of the Casuists is abhominable [...] and th [...]t we are blame-wor [...]hy to disturb their deceitf [...]l peace in opposing it.

Let it not therefore be expected that we should ever forsake the cause of Christian Morality; no, we have a greater tenderness for the truth then to be guilty of that baseness. But to let them know wi [...]hal how far we are also lovers of peace, we open them the gate of it as w [...]de as we can, and declare, that we are ready to e [...] ­tertain them into our very hearts, assoon as they shall have abjured the pern [...]cious maximes of their Morality, cited by us in our Factum and in our Extracts, read in, and taken out of their Authors in their own words, and assoon as they shall sincerely renounce the pernic [...]o [...]s APOLOGY FOR THE CASUISTS, and the mischie­vou [...] treatises of Divinity of Escobar, Molin [...], Sanchez, Lessius, Hurtad [...], Bauny, Amicus, Mascaren [...]as, and all books of that nature, which out Lords the Bishops [Page 146] call the Plague of consciences. And thus stands the case between us. For here is not any thing to do, as they would maliciously make the world believe, concerning the differences which the Curez may have with the Re­ligious. The ques [...]ion now is not about any contesta­tion concerning the priviledges of the Iesuit [...], or of op­posing their continual usurpations upon the authority of the Curez. Though their books are [...]ull of mischie­vous maximes as to that particular, yet did we pur­posely forbear all notice thereof in the Extracts we pre­ [...]ented to the Assembly of the Clergy, because we would not bring in any thing into the general cause of the Church that should concern us in particular. The matter therefore in agitation here is of the purity of christian Morality, which we are resolved not to suffer to be corrupted; and we are not the only men eng [...] ­ged in this de [...]ign. The Curez of Rouen, by the a [...] ­thority of their Prelate are ready to second us with a zeal truly Christian and Pastoral. And besides, we have now in our hands no small number of Deputations from the Curez of other citties of Fra [...]ce, who with the like permission of our Lords their Prelates, will earnes [...]ly oppose these new corruptions, until such time as those who are the maintainers thereo [...] shall renounce them.

Till then we shall continue to be their Prosecutors, whether they speak well or ill of us it matters not, and we shall not disclaim the tru [...]hs which we have advan­ced [...]n our Fac [...]um [...] to purchase at that price, the com­mendations they would then take occasion to give us [...] We shall not be diverted by either their curses or blessings, as the Scripture saith. They have not been able to frighten us, as enemies, nor shall they corr [...]pt us, as flatterers. The have found us unmoved at their me­nices, they shall finde us inflexible at their care [...]es, and we shall express our selves equally insensible o [...] their injuries, and their ins [...]nuations. We shall return the sa [...]e const [...]nt countenance to all their different [Page 147] lookes, and we shall oppose, to the duplici [...]y of the children of this world, the Simplicity of the Children of the Gospell.

Done by the order of the Company, r [...]ported in the gene­rall Assembly, of Munday the first of Ap [...]ill 1658. and reviewed by the Depu [...]ies whose names are here under-men­tioned.

  • MAZURE, Doctor of Sorbonne and Curè of S. Paules [...] ROUSSE, Doctor of the Socie [...]y of Sorbonne, Curè of S [...]. Roch, and Syndic of the Curez of Paris.
  • DEBREDA, Doctor of the Society of Sorbonne and Curè of St. Andrewes des Arcs.
  • MARLIN, Doctor of the Colledge of Navarre, and Curè of St. Eustac [...]e.
  • DU PUIS, Batchelor of Divinity, Curè of the Sts. In­nocents, and Syndic of the Curez of Paris.
  • FORTIN, Doctor of the Faculty of Paris, and Curè of St. Christopher [...]s.
  • GARGAN, C [...]non Regular of S. Augustine, and Curè of S. Medardes.
  • DAVOLE, Doctor of the Colledge o [...] Navarre and Curè of St. Pe [...]ers aux Bo [...]ufs,

It was resolved also by the Company the very same day, that [...]n Answer should be mad [...] to another pi [...]ce newly come abroad against the same FACTVM of ours, divided into two parts [...] and enti [...]uled [...] A Factum; by way of Answer to the pretended Factum of the Curez of Paris, &c.


The names of some of the most eminent Casuists; and others with the places where they are ci­ted. The Letter A denotes the citation to be in the Additionals.

  • AEgidius Trullench [...] A. 19.
  • Alby, I [...]suit [...] 254, 255.
  • Amicus, Ies. 97, 98.150.221. A. 18.24.
  • Angelus, Ies. p. 60.
  • Annat, Ies. 38.153.
  • Anthony Sirmond Iesuit, 152, 153.309. A. 24.
  • Azorius, Ies. 92.96.134. A. 18.
  • Baldellus, Ies. 93.
  • BASILIUS PONTIUS, Ies. 58.61.147.
  • Barry, Ies. 120, 121, 122, 123.
  • BAUNY, Ies.,, 144, 145, 146, 147.258.260. A. 18.21, 22,, 98.
  • Becanus, Ies. 93.97. A. 18.
  • Bellarmine, Ies. 307.310.
  • Brisacier. Ies 170.253.26 [...].262. A. 29.44.
  • [...]ramuel, 73.98. A. 17, 18,, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 84.98.
  • Castrus Pala [...]s Ies. 78, 103, 109.151. A. 97.
  • Caussinus, Ies. 145.258.
  • Cello [...]. Ies.
  • Comitolus, Ies. 148.
  • Coninch. Ies. 134.151.
  • Crasset, Ies. 254.
  • Deza, 355.
  • Dian [...], 61, 62, 63, 64, 65.69, 70, 71, 72.88.149. A. 52.98, 99.
  • Dica [...]tillus, Ies. 251, 252.
  • Emanuel Sa. Ies. 6 [...].61.
  • E [...]adus Billus, Ies. 186.
  • ESCOBAR, Ies. 56, 57.58,, 92, 93.97.103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,, 189, 130.132, 133, 134.139,, 188.216, 217.220.236. A. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.58, 59.60.65 [...] 66.91.92. [Page]
  • Fagundez, Ies. 107.141.149.
  • F [...]liutius, Ies. A.
  • Flahaur, Ies. 93.
  • Gaspar Hurtado, Ies. 88.134. A. 97.
  • Garas [...]us, Ies. 127.170.
  • Granados, Ies. 140.149. A. 98.
  • Henriquez, Ies. 151.
  • Heraeu, Ies. 93.221.
  • Hurtado de Mendoz [...], Ies. A. 20.
  • Laym [...]n, Ies. A.
  • Le Court, Ies. 93.
  • Le Moine, Ies. p.
  • Lessius, Ies. A.
  • Mascarenhas, Ies. 277. A. 87.88.89.
  • Maphaeus, 355.259.
  • Molina, Ies.
  • Meynier, Ies. 282 [...]
  • Milhard. A. 2 [...].
  • Navarrus, Ies. 60.90.
  • Petavius, Ies. 144.336.
  • Petrus Michael, Ies. A. 99.
  • Petrus Hur [...]ado, Ies. 89.
  • Pintereau, Ies.
  • Rebelli [...]s, A. 97.
  • Rebullos [...], Ies. 357.
  • Reginaldu [...], Ies. 77.86 A. 19.20.
  • Ribadeneira, Ies. 357.
  • SANCHEZ, Ies. A.
  • Sanctius. Ies A. 23.
  • Sot [...], Ies. 91.152.
  • Suarez, Ies. 63.143.14 [...].
  • Tannerus, Ies. A. 17.19.
  • Thoma [...] Sanchez, Ies. A. 97.99.
  • Turrianus, Ies. 134.
  • Valderama, 354.356.358.359.
  • Valentia, Ies. A. 20 [...]
  • Vasquez. Ies., [...]202 227. A [...] 97.



PAg. 10. l. 8. r. make use. p. 46. l. 30. r. to make an act. p. 50. l. 15. r. lesse safe p. 56. l. 10. exhorted. p. 63. l. 20. Casuists. page 64. line penult. read Fathers page 81. line 25. read Chastelet. page 99. line 17. r. form [...]. page 107. line 16. dele it. p. 115. l. 16. r. your. p. 116. l. ult. dele that. p. 140. l. 27. for warrant, r. grant. p. 143. l. 23. r. whensoever. p. 144. l. 22. for the midle and r. not. p. 149. l. 21. r. was, p. 16 [...]. l. 3. r. Sallies [...] p. 196. l. 29 [...] r. whole. p. 201. l. 1. r. any other. p. 202. l. 20. for will r. wit. p. 206. l. 19. r. it is not p. 234. l. 36. r. strike. p. 237. l. 32. r. this. p. 240. l. 6. r. dispense. p. 250. l. 9. r. possible. p. 254. l. 4. for is. r. as. p. 261. l. 11. r. there were. p. 274. l. 32. r. there, by. p. 275. l. 3. r. is of. p. 300 [...] l [...] 10. r. loud­ly. p. 316. l. 7. dele i [...]. p. 328. l. 6. r [...] From the Author. p. 331. l. 1. r. XVII. p. 336. l. 35. r. giving it. p. 339. l. ult. r. so much. p. 352. l. 28. r. expose. p. 357. l. 31. for closed. r. cloy'd. l. 35 r. revive.


P. 1. l. 14. for and, r. of. p. 10. l. 11. r. intituled. p. 11. l. 1 [...]. for some, r. sinne. p. 27. l. 18. r. our. ibid. l. 25. for the other, r. their. p. 31. l. 3. r. insisted. p 34. l. 12. r. for. p. 40. l. 14. r. di [...]solute. p. 52. l. 9. r. ut ib. l. 19. for in. r. with. l. ult. r. draught. p. 53. l. 19. r. revive. p. 55. l. 1. [...]or of. r. to. l. ult. r. is it. p. 56. l. 18. r. a box. p. 57. l. 4. r. give. p. 59. l. 11. r. do not only. p. 64. l. 1. for A. r. o [...]. p. 65. l. 31. r. quae. p. 66. l. 35. r. revive. p. 72 l. 1. for or. r. as. p. 80. l. 13. r. may do p. 82. l. 23. r. Laude [...]. p. 91. l. 31. r. Lawfull. p. 103. l. 18. dele that. p. 106. l. 35. for of. r. by. p. 112. l. 2. for to. r. in. p. 116. l. 34. for them, r. then. p. 127. l. penult. r. shop. p. 134. l. 1 [...] [...]or the, r. their.

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