‘Mene Tekel’

BEING An ASTROLOGICAL JUDGMENT On the Great and Wonderful Year 1688.

Deduced from the true and Genuine Principles of that Art: Shewing the Approaching Catastrophe of Popery in ENGLAND, &c.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven Image.

Thou shalt not bow down thy self to them, Exod. xx. v. 4, 5.

They Lavish Gold out of the bag, and weigh Silver in the bal­lance, and hire a Goldsmith, and he maketh it a God: they fall down, yea they worship.

They bear him upon the Shoulder; they carry him, and set him in his place, Isai. 46. v. 6, 7.

And Jehosaphat said, is there not here a Prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire of him.

And the King said, there is yet one man, by whom we may in­quire, but I hate him; for he doth not prophecy good concerning me, but evil, 1 Kings 22. v. 7, 8.

London Printed by H. H. for the use of J. Gadbury.

[...] Haters of Popery, by what Names or Titles soever dignified or distinguished.

THus 'twas of old, then Israel felt the rod,
When they obey'd their Kings, and not their God;
When they went Whoreing after other Loves,
To worship Idols in new planted Groves,
They made their Gods of Silver, Wood and Stone,
And how'd and Worship them when they had done.
And to compleat their sins in every way,
They made 'em things call'd Priest, Priest did I say,
A Crew Villians more than they.
Hence sprung that Romish Crew, first spawn'd in Hell,
Who now in vice their Pedagogues excel;
Their Church Consists of vicious Popes, the Rest
Are Whoreing Nuns, and bawdy Bugg'ring Priests.
A Noble Church! dawh'd with religious Paint,
Each Priest's a Stallion, every Rogue's a Saint.
Come you that Loath this Brood, this mudring Crew
Your Predecessors well their mercys knew.
Take courage now, and be both bold and wise;
Stand for your Laws, Religion, Liberties,
You have the odds, the Law is still your own,
They're but your Traytors, therefore pull 'em down.
They struck with fear, seek to destroy your Laws
They're raving mad, you see they fix their paws,
Because from them they fear their satal fall,
And by them Laws, they know you'l hang 'em all.
Then keep your Laws, the Penal, and the Rest,
And give your Lives up, ere you give tee Test.
And thou great Church of England hold thy own,
Force you they may, otherwise give up non̄e,
Robbers and Thieves must count for what they 've done▪
Let all thy mighty pilliars now appear,
Zealous and brave, void both of hate and fear.
That Popish Fops may grin, lye, cheat and whine;
And curse their Faith; while all admire thine.
And thou Brave Oxford, Cambridg, and the Rest,
Great Hough and Fairfax, that durst heard the Beast,
Let all the Just with thanks record their name
On standing Pillas of immortal fame.
Let God arise, and his Enemies peri [...].
J U.


THE first three Months of the Year are always considered from the positions of the Suns entrance into the Tropical sign Capricorn, which was [from the Caroline Tables] in 1687. on the eleventh of December, at 2 hours 24 minutes P. M. at which time three degrees of Aquary was on the M. C. and 7 degrees of Gemini on the Ascendent: Saturn is in 23 degree of Libra, in the sixth House: Mars in 26 degree of Pisces, in the eleventh, and Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun, in the eighth, in Capricorn his fall; Cumbust and Occidental, and Venus in the sixth in Scorpio her detriment. So that the two Fortunes are in a poor week condi­tion, and none of the seven Angular but the Moon. At the Pre­ventional full Moon all the Plannets were under the Earth, except Mars and the Moon, and they in a double Square from the tenth and seventh Houses; and the Sun likewise in Square to Mars. At the Postventional New Moon, the Sun is in the tenth, and Mars in Aries in the Ascendent, in Square to Jupiter and Mercury. And now let us examin what will be the effects of these posi­tions.

At the Ingress and the full Moon, the Planets are generally under the Earth, and in obscure Houses, which shews close Con­sults, Councils and Cabals in divers places and parts of Europe, and that the principal part of this Quarter will be spent in debates, and affairs of that nature. The things in debate are two, and those are Religion and Dominion, or rather a power to impose the former upon mankind, the better to introduce some other projects. And this is shewed by the position of the Sun in conjun­ction with Jupiter, and he in Reception with Mars, Jupiter (you must observe) alwaies personates the Clergy of Nations, and they you know generally love to be concerned in Government, and ac­cordingly he is here got under the Suns protection, who is the real Patron of Government and Rule: and Mars is to be his Hector to manage the affair by force, if no other way will do. But if Bona­tus says true, They will be cruelly disappointed; for he says, the Sun in the eighth House significat depressionem divitum & magna [...]um seu Mobilium, &c. and in another place speaking of Mars in Pisces, [Page 4] he says, Mortem Magnatum & Divitum signficat. So that between depression and death they are like to lose their long lookt for, and wished for desire, to the great grief of Mother Church and her Babes. But yet to make it more clear that the thing is Religion, pray ob­serve, that Saturn, who is Lord of the ninth and tenth Houses, hath been lately in Sextile with the Sun; and Mercury the little foot-post among the Stars, is in the ninth House Retrograde, and his first application is to the bodies of Jupiter and the Sun: from whence it is more than probable, that the design is so.

If we consider, that immediately after the Ingress, the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury meet in the beginning of Capricorn, and this in the eighth House, about which time we may conclude, that there was some considerable thing taken into conside­ration, that is fit and serviceable for the present Juncture of affairs: but while it is under consideration, the advantage propounded is spoiled. For Mars comes up presently after to the Square of Mercury and Jupiter, and the Sun shortly after to the Square of saturn, which divides their Councils, and destroys the design; so that when Mars comes to the Opposi­tion of saturn in the end of January, or thereabouts, you may hear of Favourites turned out, and new ones entertained. Fresh Dragooning in France, or something like it, new at­tempts in England, to wheedle the people to chuse a Parlia­ment, to destroytheir Laws and Religion. But under the af­fects of that Opposition of Saturn and Mars, will be laid the project or design of some cursed attempt, to be performed a­bout June following, for that opposition is celebrated upon a New Moon, from active parts of Heaven, attended by bad Aspects, and the Sun and Moon at the same time in Opposition to the places of the last great triple Conjunction in Leo. And Bona­tus tells us, that Mars joined to Saturn by opposition, is of a pernicious consequence. Insurgent enim in eos ex guerris, & ni­tentur contra eos; and again he says, Mars in Ariete significat victorium in bello civibus civitatum illarum: & habit atoribus illarum tregionum super inimicos eorum, qui venerint de aliis partibus ad illas ceusa nocendi eis. That Mars in Aries signifies victory to the Citiziens and Inhabitants of those Cities and Countries under that sign (I suppose he means if they have occasion to fight) and that they shall put to flight all those that come to offer them either Violence or injury. And to say the truth I do believe that Opposition with some other Positions and Configurations, will [Page] be the occasion of such differences, that will come both to blows and blood, in what part of the world I shall leave to time to shew: only this I will say, those Cities and Countreys under Aries and Libr [...] will feel the smart of it.

The effects of this Querter will consist more of Consults, than Action, and the Contrivances thereof will be the work of the following Summer. And so I come to consider the Vernal Ingress of the Sun, which is March the ninth at 4. hours P. M. 1688. At the time mentioned of the Suns entrance into Aries, there is 2. degrees of Gemini on the M. C. and 9. degrees of Virgo Ascending; Saturn than in 23. degrees of Libra; Jupiter in 22. degrees of Capricorn; Mars in 24. degrees of Taurus, among the Pleiades; Venus in 18. degrees of Aquary; the Moon in 11. de­grees of Scorpio; and Mercury in 12 degrees of Aries. The first and the principal think remarkable in this figure, is the Square of Jupi­ter and Saturn from Cardinals signs: and this of it self will bear the general sway in the effects of the three following Months, and ought to be considered two several ways. First from the Aspect, and secondly their Position. As to the Aspect: it ne­ver gives any thing, that is either sudden or very violent; but it stirs up differences and Societies, gives Treacheries and Vil­lanies, with the discovery thereof; gives Nations and Kingdoms suspitions of their Governors. And this sometimes not without a cause; but it always begets Troubles, Animosities, Differences, and the like, from whence proceeds greater mischiefs, which certain­ly shew themselves by some great Irruption in the State, or alte­ration in the Government by the death of the then King, Prince, &c. And this the more certain if there be three Squares of Saturn and Iupiter, as there are now, and be sure there effects fall always in those Countries subject to the Signs they are in, or their Quadrangles; but when they happen to be in Cardinal Signs (as they are now) then is their Effects the more fa­mous and remarkable. And for the truth of this be pleased to consider the preceding Presidents of this kind, before the cursed Popish plot in 1678. there was a single Square of the two Su­periors from Gemini and Pisces, here London and England also suffered sufficiently by that damned design of the Papists, and those Villains their Accomplices. In 1668. there was a single Square from Aquary and Taurus, this did not at all concern Eng­land, neither was that then disturbed. In the years 1657. and 1658. there was a triple Square of Saturn and Iupiter, from Libra and Capricorn, and satura then opposite to the Horoscope of England [Page 6] At that time there was murmurings and plottings against the then Oppressors, which at last was concluded with Olivers Death, and a general mutation in the Government, with divers others Chan­ges and Alterations, as those that then lived, can well remember. Likewise when Oliver turned out the long Parliament, and took the Government on him, it was just after an Opposition of those two Su­periours. In the year 1647. and 1648. there was then also a triple Spuare of Saturn and Jupiter from Geminy and Virgo; What plot­ting contrivances there was then against the Government, let the affairs of Wales, Lancashire and Colchester inform you, which cost many thousand men their lives, and last of all the King lost his head. In the year 1637. and 1638. there was a triple Square of the two Superiours from Libra and Capriocorn, and Scorpio and Aqua­ry. What murmurings there then was among the People of all sorts, for their Oppressions they then laboured under, let History, inform you, which was at last followed with a War, &c. I could go further in these Historical passages; but I think these five Exam­ples are sufficient to prove, that a triple Square of Saturn and Jupiter from Cardinal Signs doth certainly make an Irruption in the Go­vernment of England, and generally turn up the heels of it, especi­ally when it stands tottering as at this time; and the first of them happens in March 1688, the second in July, in the same year, and the third the January following, which by the Grace of God will in time have their Effects also.

Secondly, as to their position, we find the one in the third House, and the other in the fifth, and nearly in paralld, without any Configuration or Aspect to any of the other Stars, and both under the Earth, which shews as if there were some designs in hand, that the Managers are either affraid or ashamed to have known; that they are few in number is plain from their position sine Configurationibus, and that they are very private from their being under the Earth in succedent Houses. In short, the position and the Aspect considered with other things, doth certainly presage some villanous contrivance by the Papists, which will be the ground of their Ruine, and when their turn is come, I hope the Protestants will not forget to hang them for all their kindness and good nature to us. And now if we consider Mars, who is the other Malefick, we shall find him in Taurus in the 24. degree thereof, and in Trine to Jupiter in the fifth, rhe House of Children, Venus in Aquary in the sixth, [Page] and the Moon in the third house cadent in Scorpio, that Villanous Treacherous, Cheating, Perfidious, Truce-breaking, wHoreing-sign. And the first Aspect the Moon makes in the Zodiack, is the Square of Venus, then to the Trine of Jupiter, and lastly to the Opposi­tion of Mars, and all these from that Pious sign Scorpio. Hence I judg that there is some bawdy project on foot, that must be ma­naged by such people as are described by the Moon in Scorpio. And this is either about buying, selling, or procuring a Child or Children for some pious use. Perhaps it may be nothing else but the taking care of Father Peters his Child that he got on Mrs. Betty at the Bath last Summer; and that I may do you all the service I can, I will here describe what manner of made persons they are that are to be concerned in this bawdy project. And they are a sort of scandalous, impudent, mercenary people, that will sell or ruin their own Souls, to serve the cause they are dipt in, of a fat corpulent Body, not very tall, perhaps but short; for they are like the Moon in Scorpio, which may give both, but always fat or inclined to it. For a Man Gadbury the Popes Astrologer is exactly described both for body and mind, and for a Woman Mrs. Cellier Midwife to the Popish plot, who doth not come an Inch behind him, both for reputation and ho­nesty.

But besides this, there may be other designs in hand sui­table to this position▪ and that is some Embassy, or forreign Message, to be negotiated a few weeks after the Ingress, about a weighty affair now in hand, and since we find Jupiter, Venus and Mars to be concerned in it, the business may be about mo­ney, Councils and Souldiers. And the reason that induceth me to believe it to be beyond the Seas, is because the Moon is in the third, the House of Journeys, Jupiter in the fifth, the House of Embassies and Ambassadors, and Mars in the ninth, the House of Long-Journeys and Voyages by Sea: and that it is about Souldiers and armed men, because of the Moon and Mars in violent and per­nicious parts of Heaven. But if you consider Mercury swift in motion, in his Oriental Occidentakity, and separated from the Sun (who is in exact Sextile to the tenth) and next applys to the opposition of Saturn and Square of Jupiter in the Zodiack, and to the Sextile of Jupiter in Mundo, all from Aries, the Ascendent of England. So you will see a fine Issue of these things a few days after the Ingress, whether it will be Discoveries of Treachery with loss of Honour and Court­favour, or Impeachments, or both, I will not take upon me to [Page] determin; but the time you may expect it, will be in April and Iune. Perhaps when Thieves differ there may be some work for the Hangman.

But one thing more I shall observe from this Ingress, and that is, when Saturn and Iupiter make their second Square, which is in Iuly. Then the Sun and Mars are in Leo, near the place of the last great Conjunction, and they both keep within ways, during their passage through that sign; why may not the Turk again feel the force of his Enemies Army, or Italy receive some disturbance from a neighbouring Invader?

In short, the figure of the Ingress doth not promise any great Action in publick, that is generous and brave; but abundance of deceipt, wheedle, Tricking, and such kind of base underhand­dealing, wrought in the dark, as the Popish Faction usually do. And now if the Popish Juggler in Brick-Court pleaseth to call this in question, that I do this year, I would advise him to leave off his Cant, and tell his Friends the truth if he is able, before it is too late, that they may provide for themselves. And so I come to consider the Autumnal Ingress, and that is, when the Sun enters the first scruple of Libra, which is this year, September the twelfth at 30 minutes; past six of the clock in the morning.

In this figure we find Cardinal signs possess the four Angles, which, according to some learned Coxcombs in our profession, is a mighty thing; but for my part I know no reason for it, nor they neither; but onely some Bouncing Huffs will impose, and find easy People to believe them. Any signs on the Angles with Planets in them, are great positions, but cardinal signs there without Planets, signify little; but si populus vult decipi, &c. but in this Figure we have three Planets Angular, and yet they signi­fie very little to the advantage of the position in general. For Jupiter is in his fall in opposition to the Angle of dignity and gran­deur, and in Square to Saturn, and Saturn is in Lihra his Exalta­tion, applying to the Mundane parallel of the Sun, and in the Ascendent also▪ of which thus speaks Bonatus, Saturnus in Ascendente, significat mærorem multorum hominum, that it shews much grief and sorrow to many men. And if other positions and Aspects say true, it is more than probable too. And he says the same also of the position of Mars in the twelfth, which must be aggravated and increased by his being Combust, Sig­nificat mæorem & tristitiam venturam: and I judg, he might also have said, Causa Criminum & Carceris. for Mars in the twelfth house afflicting the Sun, gives sorrow, loss, imprisonment, and [Page] divers other Calamities of that kind, and this to such persons as are signified by the sun and Mars.

But what means the sun in the twelfth, within six degrees of the Body of Mars, and not far from the body of Saturn, and this in Libra his fall? this is a position of pernicious consequence, of which hear what Bonatus says: Significat diminutionem atque depressionem divitum & Magnatum. Nobilium quoque & eorum mor­tem: corunque dignitatum ablationem: & injurias eis illaturas ab ignobilibus. It signifys, says he, the fall and depression of great and noble men, and their death also: Loss of their dignity, and af­fronts to them from the common people: and indeed whether Bonatus says so or not, Common reason will tell any man, that such effects must be the consequence of such a position, if he un­derstands Astrology: and as the Sun goes from the Body of Mars, so he apply's to the Body of Saturn, who is Lord of the Eighth from the tenth; and for that reason also seems to threaten death to great men in this Quarter, and perhaps a King or Prince too. For the sun signifies Kings, &c. Besides, the Moon, who is Lady of the tenth, the house of Kings, is hastening to the Body of Mars and Zodiacal parallel of saturn, which exceedingly strengthens the fore­mentioned Aphorism and Judgment. I have seen a Nativity of a certain great Man in Europe, whose fate seems to agree with this position, and I care not much if I give you the particulars of his present impending directions and other adjuncts that the common Astrologers know nothing of. He hath Leo Ascending, and the part of fortune giver of Life, which is directed to the points and Aspects following, with the Arks of directions, and the time there­to agreeing.

Par. of Fortune ad opposit. Saturn. dd Ark 57. 30 Which gives years 54 And Months 10
Sol ad par. Satur. in mundo dd Ar. 58. 1 55 01
Par. Fortu. ad sesq. quad. Mercu mdo. dc Ar. 58. 10 55 03
Jupit. ad par. rap. Saturn. mundo Ar. 59. 0 56 02
Par. fortu. ad par. mund. Jupit. dd Ar. 60. 44 57 08
Par. fortu. ad Quard. Venus. mundo. dd Ar. 61. 46 58 07
Par. fortu. ad Biquin. Solis dd Ar. 61. 48 58 08
Par. fortu. ad par. Jupit. mundo. dc Ar. 62. 20 59 02
Par. fortu. ad par. Rap. Martis mundo. Ar. 62. 54 59 08
Par. fortu. ad quadr. Satur. mundo. dc Ar. 63. 30 60 04
Par. fortu. ad sexti. Martis mundo. dd Ar. 64. 33 61 05
Par. fortu. ad Trinu. Mercur. mnndo. dd Ar. 65. 46 62 08
Luna ad quad. Saturn. mundo dd Ar. 67. 1 63 05

Thus you see here are 13 directions, and the Major part of them, [Page] begin to operate in and about the Month of October this present year, and the Question is, whether they have power to Kill or not? I answer, yes, they may kill, and there is but one objection to hinder an Artist from being positive, and that is the pars fortunæ ad par. Jupiter mdo. dd. according to Ptolemey, Lib. 3. Cap. 14 and indeed it might be Judged, that the dire­ction would have defeated all the rest, with the assistance of the Square of Venus, had not Jupiter at the same time been directed to the Parallel of Saturn in mundo motu Rapto, and Venus by the same motion to the Square of Saturn in mundo: but perhaps some may object, and say, that I mention some directions that are far distant in degrees, and therefore they cannot signify much: to those I answer, let them read and study well that Chapter in Ptolomey, de numero annorum Nati, and perhaps they may understand it so far as to be satisfied. If they do not, it is not my fault: But I will here speak something in particular as an Artist, but it will be wholly different from the Common Astro­logical cant now in use.

The Part of fortune is Giver of Life, out of the Ecliptick, and in a violent parallel in Square to the Moon, and in opposition to Mercury: and therefore violently placed, Saturn the principal Planet directed in this figure is in Sagitary, a sign of a Contra­ry nature to him, and there in Conjunction with the Scorpions bears according to Longitude. In a mundane Square with Mars, and under this qualification is the part of fortune directed to him as you have it before, and this assisted by the Sun to the Mundane parallel of Saturn, pars fortunæ to the Sesquiquadrate of Mercury, and to the Mundane parallel of Mars motu Rapto. With these Consider that at the Moment of the Revolution the Sun is Eclipsed; in Conjunction with Saturn in the twelfth house, as in this Ingress of the Sun into Libra he is with Mars, and all this in a Climacterical year. But that which is most Remarkable, Saturn at the same time by direction afflicts two of the prime Hylegiacals, and the only two assistants. And in the Revolution he afflicts the Sun and Moon by his presence, he being within 4 degrees of them, the Radical part of for­tune by parallel, the Midheaven by opposition: and the Horo­soope by Square. Now suppose the question was Asked, Whe­ther a man of 55 years of age, under such a Crowd of directions, could live or not? why really I must needs say, if it was my own Brothers Case, I should not think it was possible for him to Escape with his Life.

[Page]But to Conclude the Judgment of the whole year, and [...] quarter in particular, I shall only add this, that there [...] various and many mutations at hand, and I believe the Effusion of some Blood also.

Observations on the twelve Months.

JAnuary: at the beginning of this Month the Sun meets the Square of Saturn, from which you may Expect some dam­nable intrigue of the Papists, newly Contrived of which you will hear more toward the End of the Month. But besides this, it shews the death of some old infirm states-man, or else he is turned out and discarded. It Likewise gives ground for new differen­ces between great and eminent men, and that there shall arise quarrels between those that least expected it, according to that of Bonatus, Erum vixa atque discordiæ inter divites & Mag­natus.

But at the New Moon in January we find [...]n opposition of Saturn and Mars from the first and seventh Houses, and Mercury in the fourth, in Sqaare to them both, the Effects of which particularly concern England. And it hath two sorts of Effects attend it: the first is, great differences among those of the Government [as they call themselves] by which means their present affairs are either neglected or put to a stand, and perhaps some Contrivance about a foreign Army next May or June. The second is, turning out di [...]s of their Creatures, either because they are not able or not willing [...] serve them any further, so that in February you may Expect that the Eastwind will rise and send in a new cast of Catterpillars.

Feburary: at the beginning of this Month we find the Sun in Trine to Saturn which promiseth preferment to some old Cunning Hypocrite, that was formerly Kickt out, is now received to Court again upon promise of obedience, you know to what. This month is spent in prefer­ments to those that are quallified with vertues fit for it, and divers new players are brought in about this time.

March: The first thing Considerable here is, the Sextile of the Sun and Jupiter, and the Square of Saturn and Jupiter: now if you make your Compute right between these two Aspects, it will make a very pleasant mixture fit for the time it falls in, Sextile is great gene­rous, and brave, but the Square is all trick, Cheat, Hypocrisy, &c. So that I Conclude there will be about this time some Clergymen pre­fered, men of Excellent parts and great proficients in Atheism, Socinia­nism [Page 12] and Popery: For Example, suppose Sam. Parker of Oxford, or Cartwright of Chester: but whether it is from their preferring these Scandalous villains, or any other intricate cause I cannot say, but about this time the Popish Councils in England go on but Heavily, some designs takes air to soon, others are frustrate, and some of their own Creatures disappoint them in their service, tho many of them are Rogues Enough. The Last Monch seem'd to the Countenance a Approaching war with some neighbouring Nation, and much talk there was something to be done by Sea and Land, but now all that noise is Laid aside, and perhaps those preparations then vissi­bly may be imployed to some other Cursed design, which is not yet publickly known.

April. From the opposition of the Sun and Saturn at the End of the Last Month you may Expect more changes and Turnings among those called Ministers of State, and if I mistake not, there is [...]w some new regulation among the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and the Square of the Sun and Jupiter tells you for what, that is, there are now new Orders and Commands sent down to Oxford, and those new Game­sters are to Execute them; but this is Certain, there is now some new villany to be acted by the Papists at Oxford, by what Persons or what Authority I will not be positive. Besides, this Square of the Sun and Jupiter doth also pretend some difference among the Clergy and Courtiers, or else some Considerable Clergymen turned out of favour, perhaps both. Mars now in Gemini puts the City of London in fear, and there is good ground for it too. The Sextile of Jupiter and Venus speaks great things about Liberty, Religion, and Privledges but be­lieve it who pleaseth; but the double square of Jupiter and Mercury gives some contentious Books and pamphlets about Religion, and the Suns Eclipse threatnens Ireland.

May will not afford much action nor cause for it, but the affairs of this Month depend on the Influence of the last, only the Trine of the Sun and Jupiter gives some Loyal Fellow preferment in the Law, and it is to serve a particular end too: there is also at this time great En­deavours used to prepare the way for some precious Villanies to be acted in the next Month. The Trine of the Sun and Saturn gives some old renegado preferment in the City of London: alas poor old Fop: thou hast lived to a fair age, turn—at last.

June. This is a Month of Action with a Witness: the square of Sa­turn and Mars will (you need not question) give villany enough, now they use Violence to prepare for Wheedling; for it is best Fishing in troubled Waters: new Inventions trumpt up, Priviledges and Laws in­vaded more than formerly; Popery appears more bare-faced than it used to do. Some Child topt upon a Lawful Heir to cheat them out of [Page 13] their Right and Estate, God preserve the Kingdom of England from In­vasion. For about this time, I fear it in earnest, and keep the Pro­testants there from being Dragroon'd. A Great Glergy-man or Lawyer dyes, and perhaps it may be judged by Poison. About the End of this Month or the beginning of the next, a great Man in England will be indisposed and sick, which will make many ready to Besh—them­selves, but I will comfort them, the time is not yet come.

July, Is not less active than the preceeding Month: the Square of the Sun and Saturn will again put things into a strange and unusual Ferment, differences between great men grows still higher and more violent and publick: the Popish shams will not do, neither will they pass upon the people as they expected; and indeed they are too ful­som to be indured. With this the Opposition of Jupiter and the sun takes place, and perhaps you will think it strange, that a great man should quarrel with his Priests, or they with him. But some such things will be, and also some Rogues lately taken in turn'd out again. These positions considered with the Square of Saturn and Jupiter the second time, and Mars on the place of the last great Conjunction, will put things into a very violent posture and strange disorder. Those that are dipt in Treason, now begin to be desperate, believing the Gallows to be their due if the design perish, as it undoubtedly will let them try all the Tricks they can, and make use of all the treasonable practices that Gadbury and the rest of the Villians can put them upon: for they are almost come to thier ne plus ultra.

August, The square of Saturn and Jupiter puts the whole faction upon Council, and the Question is, what shall be done next. The Sun and Mars in Leo on the place of the Conjunction seems to shew their Councils incline to violence, and blood, and rather because in Leo the Ascendent of Rome. But their Councils are divided, and they cannot yet throughly agree; but on the 15th. day there is a violent Lunation in Virgo, and a Conjunction of the Sun and Mars a few days after in the same sign, in square to Gemini the Ascendent of London, if ever the Papists put it upon a bloody desperate issue, it is now at this time. But I think they will not, because I believe they have not courage and impudence enough to do it, but I am sure they are willing. Sol & Mars conjuncti in Virgine, significat Effusionem sanguinis, and the rea­son is because it is a humane sign. Yet I am of the opinion that there will be divers sorts of Violence attend it, and blood may be as well shed by the Law, out of a Malicious design, as if it were done publickly by the hand of Mars.

But I would now advise the People of England to provide them­selves with Nets of all sorts, for they will shortly have great occa­sion to use them. Your Priests Nets ought to be made firm and good, and as strong as if you were to Catch foxes and wild Boars in them, [Page 14] for they are a Crew of plaguy strong Rogues, Especially those that C [...] ­ry saints about with them, and for this sort of Game let your Nets be spread at Charing-Cross, London-Bridg, Gravesend, Dover, and Ports­mouth.

But the Judg-Nets need not be altogether so strong, such as you used to Catch Owles and Buzards which will do well enough: and your best places to spread them in are the Temple-stairs, Serjeants Inn-Gates, and Chancery-Lane; You may also try your Nets to Catch three or four Bishops, but in my opinion you had better Angle for them, and your best Bait, is a Cardinals Cap, with which you will be sure to Catch them: you must be also provided for some Mushroom Lords, it was the way formerly to Catch them by their Honor, but now you must not trust to that, for these never had either honor or honesty, and therefore your Nets and Tackling must be good. And for the rest of the Crowd, whether they are Knights, worthless Gentlemen, or any of the new Converted Tender conscienced Catholicks in gross, you may Catch them as they do Larks in Winter with a Low bell supposing it calls them to Mass. And when you have taken your game, pray be careful and kind to to George Jefferys and Sam. Parker, for they de­serve abundance of Respect.

September, The trine of the Sun and Jupiter at the End of the last month seems to indicate preferment to some Lawyer or Clergy-men or both: and the Trine of Jupiter and Mars at the beginning of this Month gives advancement to a Souldier, for some Eminent service by him done either by Sea or Land. And also there seems to be a noise and report of some great body of men to meet about matters of State, either in Parliament or some other great Councils, &c. Mars keeping Company with the Sun so Long will give an unwholsome and an unhealthy season. Perphaps some new kind of Feavers, or a Di­stemper of the Bowels may ensue. The Conjunction of Mars and Mercury in Libra will Lay some knavish design either for Cheating or Thieving. But their being so near the Sun Beams, it may be dis­covered before they are aware, and they rewarded before they are willing.

October, Here are no less than five of the seven Planets in Libra, and suddenly after four of them in Scorpio. And all of them out of their dignities [terms excepted] this can be no other than great and frequent meetings to Consult upon some affairs that seem to re­quire both Speed and Secrecy. The Planets are Saturn, the Sun Ve­nus and Mercury; here are People of all sorts concerned in it: old Young, Noble, Ignoble, Men, Women, Lawyers, Statesmen, &c. well let them go on with their design, and manage it as well and as wise­ly as they and their Councellors can Contrive. But in the next place we find the Sun in Conjunction with Saturn in about 27 degrees of Libra, [Page] this is an untoward position, and I doubt will make some peoples hearts ake Saturn, according to the Common notion in Astrology is strong in Libra, it being his Exaltation, and the Sun is weak there, it being his fall. So that the Sun is afflicted by the presence of Saturn, and I Expect the death of some great Man for that reason, &c. the Eclipse of the Sun doth also shew the same, it being in the beginning of Scor­pio among violent stars, and his death will be of the nature of Sa­turn, Mars, and Mercury, the Square of Jupiter and Mars from Ca­pricorn and Libra▪ shews some great Lawyer or Clergy-man, or both, to be in an ill Condition; when the heavens frown, then it goes hard. In short, I can tell you that this will be a Month of more talk than trade, Farewel.

November, This Month begins with two remarkable Aspects, the first is the sextile of the Sun and Jupiter; this shews that there is a [...]ery great Lady in Europe, that shall now Ascend to a very great degree and Honour and Grandeur, and long may she injoy it with peace and plen [...]y, it is the Essects of her Mid-heaven to the body of the moon and sextile of Venus, the trine of Jupiter not being far of: the second is the Con­junction of Saturn and Mars on the place of the last Eclips; This shews the ruin and destruction of many men that a few months ago did little think thereof, and these men of no small quality; it falls in Scor­pio the dignity of Mars and a fixt sign, and will be therefore both vi­olent and durable: Let them look to the Consequence thereof. These two Aspects would take up a whole treatise to Explain them, but I am Confin'd to a small space of Paper, and I need not tell you any more Effects of this Month, for these very actions will drownd all other affairt. God keep all quiet at home.

December Concludes this wonderful year, and indeed of the whole, the latter part is most to be admired, because of the variety it pro­duceth; for we find Venus on that Great Lady's Mid-heaven in sextile to Mars, and Jupiter on the place of her Radical Moon in Conjunction with Venus, and about three Months preceding, Jupiter Stationary of the degree [almost] of her Mid-heaven; greater positions cannot be to concur so Exactly, and I doubt not but their Effects will be as considerable, and glorious. Nay I might add yet another, and that is on Jupiter on the place of her Radical Moon in sextile of Mars, who is in the beginning of Sagitary, in Exact sextile to her Radical Mid-hea­ven, and this near an Eminent fixed star of the Nature of Mars and Jupiter: and so I will Conclude with that passage of the Prophet Isaiah, chap. 66. v. 10. Rejoyce ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that Love her: Rejoyce for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her.

[...] Synopsis of the whole [...] by way of CONCLUSION.

COme Painter: Take a prospect from this Hill,
And on a well-spread Canvas shew thy skill.
Draw all in Coulours as they shall appear,
And as they stand in merit place them there.
Draw, as the Heraulds do, a spacious Field,
And as directed do, so let that be fill'd.
First, draw a Popish Army Brisk and Gay,
Fighting and beat, destroy'd and run away.
Then draw a Hearse, and let it stand in view
The Mourners more, far more than they're in shew,
Cursing their fate, their Stars, and in this fear
Shew if thou canst how these damn'd Sots prepare
To Run, or stay, and Sculk in holes alone,
By them this Motto, Gallows claim thy own.
Now to the Life, let thy brisk Pencil shew,
Distinctly, who they are, and what's their due.
Now draw a Croud of Priests prepar'd to run,
Like broken Merchants when their stocks are gone.
Some Howling out their Prayers, forget and say
Save us Saint Ketch, are all our Saints away?
Draw 'em in hurry, running to and fro,
Posting to Dover, Porismouth, Tyburn too.
Next draw a Crowd of Lord [...], this Label by
The gre [...] a [...]desing is lost. Alas, they Cry
Who'd serve a Cause of such curst destiny!
Now draw four Priests, shew how they Rome adore,
And each mans Scarf, hang to be seen before.
Two brace of Bishops, fallen to despair,
Arm'd Cap a pe, but going God knows where.
Now shew the Judges, and with them thy skill
That all who see it done, may say, 'tis well.
In Caps and Gowns, as they in order sate
Twixt Heaven and Earth, do thou 'em Elevate,
Their Learned Noddles can Dispence with that.
Now draw the Little Rogues, the Scoundril Crew,
Knights, Knaves, and Beggers, they must have their due
Gadbury, Butler, Ay and Roger too▪
Amidst this Crowd, on a fit Spot of Land
To Crown the work, let a large Gallows stand.
All trembling by, Arm'd with their Guilt and fears
Kneel to t [...] Image, and pour out their prayers.

And then dye by suffocation.

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