The CATCH CLUB or Me …

The CATCH CLUB or Merry Companions being a Choice Collection of the most Diverting CATCHES for Three and Four Voices Compos'd by the late Mr. Henry Purcell Dr. Blow &c.

1st. part. price 2s. 6d.

London Printed for I:Walsh Servant to his Majesty at the Harp and Hoboy in Catherine street in the Strand, and s [...] J [...]s [...]ph Is [...]are at the G [...]lden [...] near [...]h [...] R [...]yal Exchange.

No. 297

An Alphabetical TABLE of the CATCHES containd in this BOOK

  • A Health a Health to ye 5
  • Aron thus propos'd to 25
  • At the close of the 26
  • As Roger last night 27
  • A Fidler and Fudler 27
  • Altho Jolly Tom 48
  • Come heres a good 1
  • Come boy boy 7
  • Come here's ye good health 14
  • Call for the Reck'ning 17
  • Crown the Glass 23
  • Count Ossory 29
  • Come all ye high 35
  • Come hear me 38
  • Come Jack drink about 44
  • Dragoons have a care 39
  • Dost thou not 42
  • Full bags a brisk bottle 23
  • From twenty to thirty 28
  • Go feeble Tyrant 33
  • Here's a Health to our 15
  • He that drinks is 17
  • Here's a Health pray let it 32
  • I'll tell my mother 2
  • I gave her Cakes 20
  • Is Charleroys seige 25
  • I lay with an old Man 27
  • Iohn ask'd his Landlady 33
  • In this Mill you may 36
  • I Thomas of Bedford 37
  • If all true friends 41
  • Joan for your part 45
  • Let us drink to ye blades 9
  • Let Chrystal white Wine 32
  • Let the grave folks 40
  • Let us Love & drink 41
  • My Man Iohn 10
  • My Lady's Coachman. 16
  • My Wife has a Tongue 43
  • Oyl and Vinigar 9
  • Of all ye Instruments 13
  • One Industrious Insect 21
  • Our friend at the 44
  • Prithee ben't so sad 4
  • Poor Owen 46
  • Peter White thats 34
  • Ring ring ye Bells 3
  • Sing merrily now my 6
  • Strange news from the 8
  • Sing One Two Three 13
  • Since times so kind to us 16
  • Tis women makes us 4
  • To all Lovers of Musick 12
  • To our Musical Club 14
  • The sham Monarch 18
  • To thee and to a Maid 22
  • The Macedon youth 24
  • The Mate to a Cock 29
  • Tom Tory told Titus 34
  • Taking his beer 42
  • To see on fire a boyling 43
  • Tom Jolly's Nose 45
  • There's an odd sort of 48
  • Uds nigs here ligs 8
  • Under a green Elm 24
  • Wine in a Morning 2
  • When V & I together meet 8
  • Well rung Tom 20
  • We travel ev'ry street 28
  • When a woman that's 30
  • When Iudith had laid 30
  • War begets Poverty 36
  • Where they drank 47
  • Young Iohn ye Gardner 22
  • Ye Cats yt at midnight 31
  • You Scrapers that want 47

A. 3. Voc.

Catch on the Battle at Hailbron

[...] Come here's a good Health to Prince Lewis the Brave,
[...] the Prince that has Bury'd ye Turks in the Save,
[...] for drinkers of Wa╌ter a suitable Grave,
[...] both the old and new Turk, are here overthrown,
[...] now my Jolly Jolly Comrades have at the fair Town,
[...] with our Bombs of old Hock will we batter it down,
[...] the Danube, the Danube's our Slave once a╌gain
[...] a greater than Xerxes has thrown in his Chain,
[...] and the Heydelburg Tun shall close the Campain.


Thorow Bass

A 3 Voc

Kind Jenny

[...] I'll tell my Mother my Jenny crys
[...] and then a poor languishing Lover dyes
[...] but ye faith I believe the Gipsey lyes
[...] for all she is so grave and wise
[...] She longs to be tickl'd to be tickl'd to be tickl'd
[...] she longs to be tickl'd Oh she longs to be tickl'd

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] Wine wine in a morning makes us frol╌lick and gay
[...] that like Eagles we soar in the Pride of the Day
[...] Gouty Sots in the Night only find a de╌cay
[...] Tis the Sun ripes the Grape and to drinking gives light
[...] we i╌mi╌tate him when by Noon we're at height
[...] they steal wine who take it when he's out of Sight
[...] Boy fill all the Glasses fill 'em up now he shines
[...] the higher he rises the more he refines
[...] but wine and wit pulls as their maker declines

A. 3. Voc.

On the King's coming home

[...] Ring, ring the Bells, and the Glasses pull away,
[...] ring ring the Bells and the Glasses pull away, pull away,
[...] he that leads we will set all all the Vessels in the House,
[...] all, all, all the Vessels in the House on their heads,
[...] tis a grand Pitcher, pull away, pull away,
[...] tis a grand, grand Pitcher Day,
[...] drink, let us drink, drink, drink, let us drink to our power,
[...] we'll have full sixty rou╌nds, and outdo outdo the Tower,
[...] our King we have again, ring ╌ the Bells,
[...] our King me have again,
[...] now all your Pitchers clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter,
[...] [...]l [...] may he, and may he like Gideon all, all, all, all, all his Enemies scatter.

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] Prithee ben't so sad and Ser'ous
[...] nothing's got by Grief or Cares
[...] Melanchol╌ly's too im ╌perious
[...] where it comes still do╌mi╌neers
[...] But if Bus'ness Love or Sorrow
[...] that pos╌ ╌sesses thus thy mind
[...] bid 'em come a╌gain to morrow
[...] we are now to Mirth inclin'd
[...] let the Glass run ╌ it's round
[...] and each good fellow keep his ground
[...] and if there be any flinchers found
[...] we'll have we'll have his Soul new coin'd
Thorough Bass

A 4 Voc

A Catch

[...] Tis women makes us love
[...] 'tis Love that makes us sad
[...] tis Sadness makes us dr [...]
[...] a [...]d drinking makes us mad

A 4 Voc

The Nut Brown Lass

[...] A Health a Health to the Nut brown Lass
[...] with the Hazle Eyes
[...] she that has good Eyes
[...] has al╌so good Thighs
[...] let it pass let it pass
[...] as much to the live╌lier Gray
[...] they're as good by night as day
[...] she that has good Eyes
[...] has al╌so good Thighs
[...] drink away drink away
[...] I'll pledge Sir I'll pledge
[...] what ho some Wine here some Wine
[...] to mine and to thine
[...] to thine and to mine
[...] the Colours are Divine
[...] But Oh the black Eyes the black
[...] give me as much again and let it be Sack
[...] she that has good Eyes
[...] has al╌so good Thighs
[...] and a better knack

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch upon NOTHING

[...] Sing merrily now my Lads
[...] here's a Catch that was never meant you;
[...] but come by the Wheel of Fortune,
[...] without a╌ny design or intent you:
[...] It happen'd that once the Author
[...] his Head was exceeding hot,
[...] a Catch he resolv'd he wou'd make, he wou'd make,
[...] and he cou'dn't tell of what.
[...] He thought of the Smoak the Weed affords,
[...] and it vanish'd all a╌way:
[...] He thought of fine Ladies and their fine Lords,
[...] and yet he found nothing to say.
[...] He thought of a thousand Pound,
[...] but it wou'dn't turn to account.
[...] He thought of the Pot, & he thought of the Plot,
[...] but nothing wou'd come on't.
[...] At last he resolv'd, tho nothing wou'd do,
[...] that nothing shou [...] put him by Sir,
[...] but nothing to purpose of nothing he'd write,
[...] and no body shou'd be the [Page 7] wiser:
[...] Tis nothing to you if he wou'd do so,
[...] and if Nothing's in't you find;
[...] then thank him for Nothing, & that will be more
[...] than e╌ver he d [...]sign'd.

A. 3. Voc.

The Drawers Catch

[...] Come Boy, Boy, come Boy,
[...] Boy, light a Faggot, the Ev'nings are cold,
[...] bring a Flask that's well clad,
[...] bring a Flask that's well clad in a Coat of blew Mold.
[...] you shall have it,
[...] you shall have it, dear Sir, in a moment,
[...] in a moment of time,
[...] do you light the Fire Iack,
[...] do you light the Fire,
[...] I'll run down for the Wine;
[...] Let's oblige our kind Masters,
[...] kind Masters, we'll bleed 'em
[...] we'll bleed 'em a╌non,
[...] their Palates now are nice Boy,
[...] their Palates now are nice Boy,
[...] but then they'll drink Shim.

A 3 Voc

On Mun Saint

[...] Strange news from the Rose boys
[...] never heard before boys
[...] Saint upon a Sunday he play'd away his Cloaths Boys
[...] never such a Saint was there ever hear'd before Boys

A 3 Voc

A Yorkshire Epitaph on two Abby Lubbers

[...] Uds nigs here ligs John Degs and Richard Digger
[...] and to say the truth
[...] to say the truth
[...] none knows which was the bigger
[...] they fared well and lived easie
[...] & now they're dead
[...] and now they're dead
[...] and now they're dead and shall please ye

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] When V and I together meet
[...] we make up 6 in House or Street
[...] yet I and V may meet once more
[...] and then we 2 can make but 4
[...] but when that V from I am gone
[...] alas poor I can make but one

A 3 Voc.

A Catch

[...] Let us drink,let us drink to the Blades Intrench'd on the Shannon,
[...] discharge our full Glasses as they their whole Cannon,
[...] Ev'ry Health shall be Flou╌rish'd with Trumpets & Drums,
[...] & our Bumpers go off in Pledge to their Bombs,
[...] see the Town in a Blaze, now our Faces, our Fa╌ces resembles,
[...] & at both the pale Monsieur, poor Mac & Teague trembles.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Oyl and Vinegar,
[...] Oyl and Vinegar,
[...] are two pretty things I swear,
[...] are two pretty things I swear,
[...] can they e╌ver unite,
[...] can they ever unite,
[...] can Alks in Acids take delight,
[...] can Alks in Acids take delight,
[...] yes sure with muckle, muckle care,
[...] but then they'll soon be as they were,
[...] and so fight Dog, fight Dog, fight Bear.

(The Riddle explain'd) Maid Mary having broke the handle of her Ha [...] Broom & [...]earing that Man Iohn had a long Stick that wou'd fitt it desir'd him to put it in for her.

A. 3. Voc.


[...] My man Iohn had a thing that was Long,
[...] my maid Mary had a thing that was Hairy,
[...] my man Iohn put his thing that was long
[...] into my maid Ma╌ry's thing that was Hairy, her thing that was Hairy, her thing that was Hairy.
[...] my man Iohn put his thing that was Long into my maid Ma╌ry's thing that was H [...]iry,
[...] my maid Mary then stirr'd it about,
[...] 'till with stirring, and stirring, at length it come out,
[...] but then my man Iohn thrust it in once again,
[...] and knock'd it most stoutly to make it remain, to make it remain,
[...] he knock'd it most stoutly, [Page 11] [...] he knock'd it to make it remain, to make it remain,
[...] he knock'd it most stoutly: to make it remain,
[...] but Iohn with much knocking so, widen'd the H [...]le,
[...] that his long thing slip'd out, still in spight of his Soul,
[...] 'till weary'd and vex'd & with knocking grown sore,
[...] cry'd a Pox take the Hole, for I'll knock it no more,
[...] a Pox take the Ho╌le, Pox take the Hole,
[...] till w [...]ary'd and vex'd and with knocking grown sore,
[...] cry'd a Pox take the Hole for I'll knock it no more.

A Catch by way of Epistle

[...] To all Lovers of Musick, Performers & Scrapers,
[...] to those yt love Catches, play Tunes & cut Capers.
[...] With a New Catch I greet you, & tho I say it that shou'dn't,
[...] like a Fiddle, 'tis Musick, tho the words are but wood'n:
[...] But my Brother Iohn Playford & I shall present you,
[...] e'er long with a Book, I pre­sume will content you,
[...] tis true we know well the Sale of good Musick,
[...] but to hear us per­form woud make him sick or you sick,
[...] my maggot man Sam, at the first Temple-Gate,
[...] will further in╌form you, if not, my Wife Kate,
[...] from between the two Devils near Temple Bar,
[...] I rest your Friend and Servant Iohn Carr.

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] OF all all the Instruments all all all the Instruments that are
[...] none none none none none none none none none none none with the Vi╌ol can compare
[...] mark mark mark mark how the Strings how the Strings their order keep
[...] with a whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet whet and a sweep sweep sweep
[...] but above all all all all all all all this still a╌bounds
[...] with a zingle zingle zingle zingle zingle zingle zingle zingle zing and a zit zan zounds

A 4 Voc

A Catch

[...] Sing One Two Three come follow me and so shall we good fellows be

A. 3. Voc.

Prosperity to a Musical Society

[...] To our Musical Clubb here's long Life and Prospe╌rity,
[...] may it Flou╌╌rish with us, and so on to Poste╌ri╌ty,
[...] may Concord and Harmo╌ny always a╌bound,
[...] and Divi╌sions here only in our Mu╌sick be found:
[...] may the Catch and the Glass go a╌bout and a­bout,
[...] and a╌no╌ther, and a╌no╌ther, and [...]╌no╌ther succeed to the Bottle th [...]t's out.

A 3 Voc

A Health to our absent Members

[...] Come here's the good Hea [...]th Master Steward proposes
[...] to o [...]r M [...]ber [...], that elsewhere are fud╌ling, are fudling, are fudling their Noses,
[...] Tho now the [...] desert us we shall catch 'em one day,
[...] we'll drink and be merry with what [Page 15] [...] with what, with what, with what they must Pay.
[...] But tho' they are absent, let's do 'em no wrong,
[...] for their Liquor we'll pay 'em, we'll pay em, we'll pay 'em we'll pay 'em with a Song.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Here's a Health to our Fleet, to our great King and Queen,
[...] whilst the Cannon do╌ roar, and the Steeples do Ring,
[...] with Fires Triumphant the City shall shine,
[...] as Tourville's burnt Squadrons enlight╌en the main,
[...] may the Tyrant of France, thus be humbled [...]ach day,
[...] may his Arms fall by Land, as his Na╌vy at Sea,
[...] whilst William and Mary with Trophies are Crown'd,
[...] may this be our wish as the Bumper [...] go round.

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] Since time so kind to us does prove so kind to us does prove
[...] do not my dear refuse my Love
[...] what do you mean Oh fye nay what do you do
[...] you're the strangest man that e'er I knew
[...] I must I must I can't forbear I can't I can't forbear
[...] lye still lye still my dear

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] My Lady's Coachman John be'ng maried to her maid
[...] her Ladyship did hear on't and to him thus she said
[...] and to him thus she said
[...] I never had a wench so handsom in my life
[...] I prithee therefore tell me I prithee therefore tell me how got you such a wife
[...] John star'd her in the face and answer'd very blunt
[...] e'en as my Lord got you how's that why by the [...]

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] Call for the Reck'ning and let us and let us be gone
[...] such careless attendance sure never sure never sure never was known
[...] pray ri ng the Bell till the Drawers come up
[...] nay, prithee pull on pull on pull on tho you break the Rope
[...] why sure they're a╌sleep a pox a pox take em all
[...] oh now they come sneaking with Gentlemen d'ye call Gentlemen d'ye call

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] He that drinks is im╌mortal
[...] he that drinks is im╌mor╌tal and can ne'er de╌cay
[...] for wine still supplys
[...] for wine still supplys what age wea╌rs a╌way,
[...] how can he be Dust
[...] how can he be Dust that moytens his Clay

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on Prince Eugene

[...] The sham Monarch of Spain with his bravoe Vendosme, with his bravoe Vendosme,
[...] made a brag and a bounce, made a brag and a bounce they'd pursue Eugene home
[...] Eugene desir'd but one thing might be done, desir'd but one thing, one thing might be done,
[...] be╌­╌fore they pursu'd him, before they pursu'd him, before they pursu'd him, before they pursu'd him, they'd force him to run,
[...] for else shou'd I suffer, shou'd I suffer so great, so great, so great a disaster
[...] what account can I give? what account can I give to the [...]perour my Master;
[...] as for that said the Monsieurs we'll give you our words,
[...] we'll [Page 19] do't, we'll do't, we'll do't, we'll do't, we'll do't by this light;
[...] we'll do't, we'll do't, we'll do't, we'll do't by this light;
[...] so, so, so drew their Swords, and so drew their Swords,
[...] Two to one is odds, is odds said the Prince is odds, is odds said the Prince,
[...] but how╌­╌ever to shew you, to shew you I'm no Coward, I'll do my endeavour
[...] you shan't, you shan't, you shan't break your Words,
[...] you shan't, you shan't, you shan't, you shan't, you shan't break your Words,
[...] and so order'd the matter, they both ran a╌way, they both ran a╌way, so forc'd him, so forc'd him to run after.

A. 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] I gave her Cakes and I gave her ale and I gave her S [...]ck and Sher╌ry
[...] I kist her once and I kist her twice and we were wondrous mer╌ry.
[...] I gave her Beads & Bracelets fine and I gave her Gold down der╌ry
[...] I thought she was a feard till she stroak'd my Beard and we were wond'rous mer╌ry
[...] merry my Hearts merry my Cocks merry my sprights merry merry merry merry merry my hey down der╌ry
[...] I kist her once and I kist her twice and we were wond'rous mer╌ry

A 4 Voc

A Catch.

[...] Well rung Tom boy well rung Tom
[...] ding dong Cuckoo well rung Tom
[...] the Owl & the [...] Fool and the Song
[...] well sung Cuckoo well rung Tom

A REBUS upon Mr Anthony Hall, who keeps the Maremaid Tavern in Oxford, & play his Part very well on the Violin.

[...] One industrious Insect, and the sweetness of th' other,
[...] is the Christian Name of our well belov'd Brother,
[...] his Sir Na [...]e [...]he Room where the Fire' [...] in the middle,
[...] and some say he plays very well on the Fiddle,
[...] the Sign he hangs out is half Fish, and half Flesh
[...] and he sells as true Wine a [...] good Fellow can wish.
Insecta proecauta, alterius merda
Dant fratri proenomen (dum verba absurda)
Cognomen triticinium quo medio fit Ignis
Multi{que} ferunt est Tibicen insignis
Vexilla sunt, magna Bicarnea mundi;
Vinum, quod vendit, optarent potabundi.

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] To thee to thee and to a Maid
[...] that kindly will up╌on her Back be laid
[...] & laugh and sing and kiss and play
[...] and wanton wanton out a Summer's day
[...] such such a Lass kind friend & Drinking
[...] give me great Jove and damn and damn the Thinking

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] Young John the Gard'ner having lately got
[...] a ve╌ry rich and fertile Garden Plot
[...] bragging to Joan Quoth he so rich a Ground
[...] for Melons cannot in the World be found
[...] That's a damn'd lye quoth Joan for I can tell
[...] a place that does your Garden far excell
[...] where's that says John in mine arse quoth Joan for there
[...] is store of Dung and water all the Year

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Full Bags, a brisk Bottle, and a Beautifull Face,
[...] are the three greatest Blessings poor Mortals embrace,
[...] but a╌lass we grow Muchworms if Bags do but fill,
[...] & a bonny gay Dame of╌ten ends in a Pill:
[...] then hey for brisk Claret, whose Plea╌sures ne'er waste,
[...] by a Bumper we're rich, and by two we are chast.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Crown the Glass, crown the glass
[...] fill, fill it a little higher, a little higher, a little higher, a╌round let it pass,
[...] he that slips, slips, slips is precise and prays,
[...] so, so, so enough, so enough, so enough throw his snuff in his Face,
[...] whither now▪ whither now▪ keep yr. place,
[...] drink it off, drink it off, drink it off, I'll not bate you an ace.

A 4 Voc

A Catch

[...] The Macedon Youth left behind him this truth
[...] that nothing was done with much thinking
[...] He drank and he fought and he got what he sought
[...] and the world was his own by fair drinking
[...] He wash'd his great Soul in a plentiful Bowl
[...] he cast away Trou╌ble and Sorrow
[...] his mind did not run of what was to be done
[...] for he thought of to day not to morrow

A 4 Voc

A Catch

[...] Under a green Elm
[...] lies Luke Shepherds Helm
[...] that steer'd, him ev╌ry way
[...] wherefore now he's gone
[...] mourn╌ing there is none
[...] he follow'd her Corps in gray
[...] He smil'd at the Grave like a fleer╌ing Knave
[...] she'll tell him on't at the last day
[...] for if we must rise with the same Bo╌dy and Eyes
[...] she'll have the same Tongue folks say.

A 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Is Charleroy's Seige come, come, come too who wou'd a thought it
[...] then the Rumours was false, was false, false, false that Lewis had bought it;
[...] Then charge, all your Guns Boys, as high as they can be,
[...] wth╌ye briskest Champain ramm'd down, ramm'd down, down, down, down, down, down, down with Nantz Brandy:
[...] Let Enginier Vauban shoot the Devil, the Devil & all,
[...] yet his Marshal shan't Dance, no, no, no, no shan't dance at old Maintenons Ball.

A 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Aron thus propos'd to Moses,
[...] come let us fuddle, fuddle our Noses
[...] Moses reply'd agin to Aron,
[...] 'twill do us more harm than you are aware on
[...] Wine has a Coelestial charm in't
[...] therefore there can be no harm in't,
[...] if you wou'd be A╌rons Brother
[...] then wipe off thi Bottle & call for ano [...]

A 3. Voc.

A Catch in the Play of th [...] Knight of Malt [...]

[...] At the close of the Evening the W [...]ches were set [...] G [...]ard w [...] [...]he [...] [...]und,
[...] and the Ta-ta-ta-too, Ta-ta-ta-too, ta-ta-ta-to [...], t [...]-ta-ta- [...], ta-ta-t [...]-t [...], ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-too, was beat, the ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-too was beat,
[...] But now yonder Stars appear in the Sky,
[...] and Ta-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra--ra-ra-ra, is sounded on high,
[...] and Ta-ra-ra-ra, Ta-ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra, is sounded on high,
[...] we shall soon be reliev'd, then drink, drink away,
[...] th [...]n drin╌k away, then dri╌nk, drink, drink a╌way,
[...] here, here's to you, and to you, and to you,
[...] let us [...]rink let us drink, till 'tis day, let, let us drink till 'tis day.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] As Roger last night to Lenny lay close
[...] he pull'd out his Budget & gave her a dose
[...] ye tickling no sooner kind Ienny did find
[...] but with laughing she Purg'd both before and behind
[...] Pox take it quoth Roger he must himself be be╌side
[...] that gives Pills Pills against Wind & 'gainst Tide

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] A Fidler & Fudler, are always together,
[...] like Fidle & Case there was both, or else neither,
[...] u­nited Companions the like never known,
[...] & may be compared to two parts in one,
[...] the Fidler did Fuddle, & the Fuddler did Fiddle,
[...] a U╌nison sure doth unriddle the Riddle.

A. 4. Voc.

A Catch

[...] I lay with an old Man all the Night I turn'd to him, & he to me,
[...] he cou'd not do so well as he shou'd, but he would fain, but it would not be.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the London Coopers

[...] We travel ev'ry street,
[...] on the Sole [...] of our Feet,
[...] without Hoops upon our Shoulders,
[...] w [...] jolly Traders meet, we jolly Traders meet.
[...] Our adds sticks in our Girdle,
[...] our Drivers in our hand,
[...] and thus we ask the Fair Maids
[...] how tite their Vessell [...], how tite their Vessels, stand,
[...] and if a Lass proves Leaky
[...] tis known we soon can Hoop her,
[...] whi [...]h done yet still we loudly cry,
[...] work for the Cooper, a [...] work for the Cooper.

A. 3. Voc.

Counsel for Married Folks

[...] From Twenty to Thirty good Night and good M [...]rrow;
[...] from Thir╌ty to Forty good Night or good Morrow;
[...] from Forty to Fifty as oft as ye shift ye;
[...] from [...]hence to Threescrore, once a Month, and no more.

A REBUS on the late Mr H [...]nry Purcell s Name

[...] The mate to a Cock, & Corn tall as Wheat
[...] is his Christian Name, who in Mu [...]sick's compleat,
[...] his Sir name begins with the Grace of a Cat,
[...] & concludes with the House of a Her [...]i [...] [...]ote tha [...],
[...] his Skill & performance each auditor wins,
[...] but the Poet deserves a good kick or the Shins.
Galli marita par tritico seges,
Proenomen est ejus, dat chromati leges
Intrat cognomen, blanditiis Cati,
Exit Eremi in aedibus stali,
Expertum effectum omnes admirentur
Quid merent Poetoe? ut bene calcentur.

A 8. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Count Os╌so╌ry why what of he!
[...] he beat out the French out of their own Trench,
[...] then [...]ke off y [...]P [...] [...]d [...] ber Mynheer,
[...] and sing Hey Hoe to the poor Monsieur.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] When a Woman that's Buxom, a Dotard does wed,
[...] tis a madness to think she'll be true to his Bed:
[...] For who can resist a Gallant that is young,
[...] and a Man A╌la╌ ­ ╌mode in his Garb, and his Tongue,
[...] his Looks have such Charms, and his Language s [...]ch Force,
[...] that the drowsy Mechanick's a Cuckold of course.

A 3. Voc.

A Catch on Iudith and Holifernes

[...] When Iudith had laid Holifernes in Bed,
[...] she pull'd out his Falchion, & [...]ut off his Head,
[...] the reason is plain, he'd have made her his Whore,
[...] so she cut off his Head as I told you before, as I told you before.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the Midnight Cats

[...] Ye Ca [...]s [...]hat at Midnight spi [...] Love at each other,
[...] who best f [...]el the Pangs of a passionate Lover,
[...] I appea [...] t [...] yo [...]r Scratche [...] and t [...]t╌tered Fur,
[...] if the buseness of Love be no more than to P [...]r,
[...] Old Lady Grimalkin. with Goosbery Eyes,
[...] when a Kitten knew something f [...]r why she was wise,
[...] you find by expe [...]i [...]nce the L [...] fit soon o'er,
[...] Puss, Puss lasts not long but turns to Cat╌whore,
[...] men ride many miles,
[...] Cats tread many Tiles,
[...] both hazard, both hazard their Necks in the fray,
[...] only Cats if they fall
[...] from a House or a Wall,
[...] keep their Feet mount their Tails, mount their Tails and a╌way.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Here's a health, a health, pray let it pass a╌bout,
[...] a health that ne'er shall cease till all our Wine is out;
[...] therefore drink away and never let it stand,
[...] but ply it closely roun╌d, from hand to hand,
[...] and eagerly, and bravely with courage thus per╌­╌sue it,
[...] for tis a health, a health, to honest Ruddy Roger Hewett.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch in Praise of White Wine

[...] Let Chrystal White Wine cheer the drowsy Mind,
[...] 'tis Claret only leaves a stain be╌hind,
[...] [...]n the use of which, we do Bacchus disgrace,
[...] we make the God mortal by painting his Face,
[...] He's [...]t like a God, whose Image is red,
[...] ore night his Cheeks blush in the morning they're dead

A. 4. Voc.

John the Miller

[...] John ask'd his Landla╌dy, thinking no ill,
[...] where he might best set up a Water mill,
[...] the wanton Lady seeing John all alone,
[...] return'd this answer to her Te nant John,
[...] wou'dst thou all o╌ther thy Mill should disgrace,
[...] then 'twixt my Legs will be the fittest place,
[...] for I at time of need can from be hind,
[...] when Wa╌ter fails before supply't with wind.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch by Mr Gillier

[...] Go fee╌ble Tyrant and in vain
[...] thy fruitless conquest boast,
[...] the slave who once has felt thy Chain,
[...] en╌joys his freedom most,
[...] exert alass thy harmless hate,
[...] thy frowns and cold dis╌dain,
[...] since double pleasure they create,
[...] to think e'm spent in vain,
[...] the Sai╌lor thus of danger free,
[...] from the secu╌rer shore,
[...] looks back and hugs himself to see,
[...] to see the storms he felt be sore.

A. 3. Voc.

Tom Tory and Titus

[...] Tom To╌ry told Ti╌tus, the Whigs did design,
[...] to murder the King, and sub­vert the Right Line:
[...] quoth the Doctor, in a Fury, you're a Rascally Sot, Sir,
[...] did e╌ver you hear of a Protestant Plot, Sir!
[...] Marry have I, quoth Tom, and I mightily fear it;
[...] you're a Ie╌su╌it, quoth the Doctor, if you vex me I'll swear it.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on a Man wit a Wry Nose

[...] Peter White that never goes right,
[...] wou'd you know the reason why, wou'd you know the reason why.
[...] He follows his Nose where e╌ver he goes,
[...] and that stands all a╌wry, a╌wry, and that stands all a╌wry.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch by Mr H Hall

[...] Come all ye high Churchmen, come all and re╌joyce,
[...] your Darling is now in no danger brave Boys,
[...] no danger, no danger, no dan╌ger, no danger, no dan╌ger brave Boys,
[...] ev'ry Whig is turn'd Loy╌al and trims with the Court,
[...] and what they once ruin'd now swear they'll support,
[...] now swear, now swear, now swear, now swear, now swear they'll support,
[...] Thus between John and Mar╌tin,
[...] her time she well passes and if you han't faith to beleive it you're Asses,
[...] believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it, you're Asses.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch upon a Coffee Mill

[...] In this Mill you may grind, may grind,
[...] you may grind without water or wind,
[...] withou [...] water or wind you may grind,
[...] you may grind without water or wind.
[...] But the best, best way to grind,
[...] to grind is 'twixt water and wind,
[...] 'twixt wa╌ter and wind,
[...] 'twixt wa╌ter and wind;
[...] where tho never so often the Hopper,
[...] the Hop╌per you fill,
[...] you'll still find there's wanting more grist,
[...] more grist, [...]ore grist to the Mill.

A. 4. Voc.

The Almanack Catch

[...] War begets P [...]verty, Poverty Peace,
[...] Peace maketh Riches flow, Fate ne'er doth cense.
[...] Riches produce Pride, Pride is War's ground,
[...] War begetteth Poverty, the World goes round.

The Bedford Catch for 3 Voices.

Being an Epitaph upon two good Wives, the One Dead and the other Living.

[...] I Tho╌mas of Bedford this Mon╌ument made,
[...] for a╌pair of good Wives, tho but one of 'em's dead:
[...] Alice P— l did of Clarkenwell Parish descend:
[...] and Ann my sur╌╌viving from the Saints of Wood-end.
[...] This work I attempted with sorrow and woe;
[...] cause one Wife was dead, and the other not so:
[...] How e╌ver the Vertues of her I now have,
[...] make my Burden more easie till both are in Grave.
[...] This has got all the Graces of her that is gone,
[...] and o're and above 'em some few of her own,
[...] But a╌lass! oh a╌­╌lass.
[...] that such Goods shou'd decay,
[...] that e'er they shou'd dye, or be taken a way.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Come hear me, hear me, hear me, come hear me, hear me my Boy;
[...] hast a mind to live long, to live long, to live long,
[...] take a dose of brisk Claret, and part, part of a Song;
[...] a Generous Heart good Wine does impart,
[...] come hear me, [...]ear me, hear me,
[...] a Gen [...]rous heart good Wine does impart,
[...] and a Time to good Musick is beat by the Heart;
[...] let each be content,
[...] come hear me, hear me,
[...] let each be content, with his own proper store,
[...] and keep our selves honest,
[...] keep our sel [...] honest, tho the world keeps us poor.

A. 3. Voc.

The Czars Health. by Mr. H. Hall.

[...] Dragoons have a care,
[...] here's a health to the Czar,
[...] we'll all, all, we'll all do the migh╌ty Russ reason:
[...] Ex╌amine your Cup,
[...] that you drink it all up,
[...] if you leave, but one drop, if you leave but one drop, 'tis high Treason,
[...] wou'd you drink drink drink wou'd you drink like a Russ,
[...] while you take it off thus,
[...] still with Pepper improve your weak Brandy,
[...] And then to be just,
[...] to give it a gust,
[...] still still let Nitre supply supply Sugar candy,
[...] Thus arm'd let it Blow,
[...] let it Hail, let it Snow, let it Hail, let it Snow,
[...] it will ne'er make our Hero look thin Sir,
[...] warm without with the Hair,
[...] of his dear Brother Bear,
[...] and the Cordial the Cor╌dial I wot, on I wot on within Sir.

A. 3. Voc.

The good Fellow

[...] Let the grave folks go Preach, that our lives are but short,
[...] and tell us much Wine speedy Death does invite;
[...] but we'll be reveng'd before hand with them for't,
[...] and crowd a Life's mirth in the space of a Night,
[...] Then stand all a╌bout with your Glasses full crown'd,
[...] till ev'ry thing else to our Posture do grow;
[...] till our Cups and our Heads, and the whole House go round,
[...] & the Cellar becomes where the Chamber is now.
[...] The Sun in the Rays of his rich Morning Gown,
[...] shall be rivall'd by Faces as bright as his own,
[...] and wonder that Mortals can fuddle a­way,
[...] more Wine in a Night then he Water i'th' Day.

A 3 Voc

A Catch upon Small Beer

[...] IF all true friends of good Liquor now were here were here
[...] to club strongly in behalf of Small Beer Small Beer
[...] in behalf of hey did-dle ho did-dle hey Small Beer
[...] it wou'd all be too little the Tiff to exalt
[...] and to make out in Metre what it wants in Malt
[...] The French call it Little Beer
[...] and we call it Small
[...] and we call we call it Small
[...] and some sort of People never call for't at all
[...] But I wish all those once
[...] at least for a warning
[...] Strong over night much Strong over night
[...] and no no Small the next morning

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] LET us love and drink our Liquor
[...] we shall spend our Means the quicker
[...] here's to thee kind friend a Nicker

A. 4. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Dost thou not remember Ned how of╌ten we have heard,
[...] a Natural Chorus of Brutes in Father Dodwell's Yard;
[...] Cock-a-doodle-do, cry'd the Cock, and the Duck quack, quack,
[...] Cobble, {repeat} {repeat} {repeat} {repeat} cry'd the Turkey-Cock,
[...] Wehee, {repeat} {repeat} the Hack,
[...] and the little Chick peep, peep, peep,
[...] what ails the poor Creatures such a coil to keep
[...] [...]v' [...] that that once made the Thirteen Cows to bellow,
[...] and to keep to our Author, here's to thee my good fellow.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Taking his Beer with old Anacharsis,
[...] quoth su [...]ly Swash buckler yr Wife Sir mine A [...] is,
[...] Vous avez quoth Sage, she's a homely brown Lass,
[...] but after a bumper or two she may pass:
[...] Th' advice was so right, it converted Sir Knight,
[...] who all his life after drank Saturday Night.

A 3 Voc

A Catch

[...] TO see on fire a boyling Pot
[...] that is the News we do not need
[...] a Sloven's Nose that's full of Snot
[...] that's no News tis so agree'd
[...] But to see a man knita T—d in to a true lover's knot
[...] Oh that's News to laugh at indeed

A 3 Voc

On a Scolding Wife

[...] MY wife has a Tongue as good as e'er twang'd
[...] at ev'ry word she bids me be hang'd
[...] She's ugly she's old and a cursed scold
[...] with a dam╌nable Nunquam satis
[...] for her Tongu [...] [...]d he [...] Tail if e╌ver they fail
[...] the Dee'l shall have her Gratis

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Our friend at the Maremaid's down, down,
[...] at Punts there is evil Sack,
[...] tis Poison all at the Crown;
[...] at Eiges let us take
[...] thy motion, Will is good,
[...] as to what concerns ye Cyder,
[...] but then there's a thing in a Hood
[...] no flesh alive can abide her,
[...] the Liquor's wholesome, right,
[...] 'tis a Purge & a Vomit too,
[...] for the Liquor will make a Man S—, make him S—,
[...] and the Landlady make him Spue.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Come Iack drink, drink, drink, drink a╌bout, take it off with a grace,
[...] no Rubie compares wth. Carbuncle Face,
[...] no Sipping nor Spitting, no Sipping nor Spitting like a squeamish young Bride
[...] take a Pint that's a brimmer and away the next Tide,
[...] then ring, ring, ring, ring, ring ring for ye Drawer, rouse the Rogue from his sleep,
[...] 'tis a folly to stir now whilst day light doth peep.

A 3. Voc.

A Catch upon Tom Jolly's Nose

[...] Tom Jolly's Nose I mean to a╌buse,
[...] thy jolly Nose Tom provokes my Muse:
[...] thy Nose jolly Tom that shines so bright,
[...] I'll ea╌si╌ly follow it by its own light:
[...] thy Nose Tom Jolly no jest it will bear,
[...] altho' it yeilds Matter enough, and to spare;
[...] but jolly Tom's Nose, for all he can do
[...] breeds Worms in it self, and in our Heads too,
[...] Tom's Nose, jolly Tom's Nose,
[...] the more it is banter'd, the more it glows:
[...] then drink to Tom Jolly a cooling Glass,
[...] or jolly Tom's Nose will fire his Face.

A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Joan, Joan, for your part,
[...] you love kissing with all your Heart,
[...] I marry do I says jumping Ioan,
[...] and therefore to thee I make my moan.

A. 3. Voc.

Mr Ow [...]n Swan's words upon himself when he kept the Swan Tavern in Bartholomew Lane commonly call'd Cobwebb Hall.

[...] Poor Ow [...]n, poor Owen,
[...] for a while, poor Owen for a while did lye,
[...] did lye despis'd by all, by all that walk'd by,
[...] did lye despis'd by all, despis'd by all, all, all, all, by all that walk'd by,
[...] often, often, they were heard to cry,
[...] Swan's Wine's dry, Swan's Wine's dry,
[...] often they were heard to cry, were heard, were heard to cry, were heard to cry,
[...] Swan's Wine's dry Swan's Wine's dry, Swan's Wine's dry.
[...] One standing by, said let's try, let's try, let's try,
[...] said let's try, let's try, let's try, lets try, let's try,
[...] one standing by,
[...] one standing by, sail let's try, let's try,
[...] then one and all, all
[...] one and all went to Cobwebb Hall.

A. 3. Voc.

This follows poor Owen.

[...] Where they drank their Wine in Bowls,
[...] to gratifie, to gratifie their thirsty, thirsty, thirsty sou [...]
Thorough Bass to poor Owen

A. 4. Voc.

A Catch upon Mr Young & his Son

[...] You Scrapers that want a good Fiddle well strung,
[...] you must go to ye Man that is old while he's YOUNG.
[...] But if this same Fiddle you fain wou'd play bold,
[...] you must go to his Son who'll be YOUNG when he's old.
[...] There's old YOUNG, and young YO [...]NG, both Men of Re╌­╌nown,
[...] old sells, & young plays the best FIDDLE in Town.
[...] Young & old live toge╌ther, [...]y they live lo [...]
[...] Young to play an Old Fiddl [...], O [...]d to sell a New SONG

A. 3. Voc.

An Answer to Tom. Jollys Nose

[...] Although Jolly Tom, great Fame thou hast won,
[...] thy bloody red Nose shall look paler e're long:
[...] For the rate that we drink at each Night, still procures,
[...] such Noses as wou'd quite discountenance your's
[...] , and when the large B [...]per floats round in the close,
[...] we'll despise thee, and swear 'tis mine Ar— of a Nose.

A 3. Voc.

A Catch in Praise of MUM.

[...] There's an odd sort of Liquor new come from Hamborough,
[...] 'twill stich a whole Wapentake thorough and thorough,
[...] 'tis yellow, and likewise as bitter as Gall,
[...] as strong as six Horses, Coach and all,
[...] As I told you, 'twill make you as drunk as a D [...]um,
[...] you'd fain kn [...] the Name on't, but for that my Fri [...]d [...].
The Second Book of t …

The Second Book of the CATCH CLUB or Merry Companions being a Choice Collection of the most Diverting CATCHES for Three and Four Voices Compos'd by the late Mr. Henry Purcell Dr. Blow &c.

2d. part. price 2s. 6d. No. 298

London. Printed for and Sold by I. Walsh Musick Printer and Instru­ment maker to his Majesty at the Harp & Hoboy in Catherine Street in the Strand.

An Alphabetical Table of the Catches contain'd in this Book

  • All we here whose Names 6
  • A Hogshead was offer'd 14
  • Ah sorry poor French-men 51
  • An Ape, a Lyon, a Fox 74
  • A Womans Rule 54
  • Bring the Bowl and cool Nantz 15
  • Come drink about Tom 7
  • Come good Sober Jacob 2
  • Come let us drink 39
  • Come hither Tom 48
  • Come take off your Liquor 32
  • Confusion to the pow'r of Cupid 45
  • Drink on till night be spent 9
  • Frank what shall we do 62
  • Fy, nay, prethee Iohn 42
  • From Audenard fam'd Battle 28
  • Good, good indeed 36
  • Great Bacchus is mighty 49
  • Good Symon how comes it 77
  • God preserve his Majesty 12
  • Hark Harry, hark 71
  • Hark the bonny Christ Church Bells 57
  • Here are the Raraties 61
  • Here Tom, here's a Health 59
  • Here's that will challenge 3
  • Here dwells a pretty Maid 79
  • Here's a health to the King 55
  • Had she not Care enough 69
  • Here, where is my Landlord 27
  • How shall we speak thy praise 25
  • Here lies a Woman 26
  • Have you observ'd the Wench 40
  • If any so wise is 50
  • In drinking full Bumpers 73
  • Jack thou'rt a Toper 10
  • I know Brother Tar 33
  • If all be true that I do think 30
  • Intomb'd here lies good Sr. Harry 42
  • Joan has been galloping 53
  • Let's drink to all our Wives 20
  • Let's live good honest lives 72
  • Let's fuddle our Noses 60
  • Now we are met 17
  • Of honest Malt Liquor 58
  • Once in our lives 76
  • Once, twice, thrice, I Julia try'd 23
  • O're Neptune's Dominions 46
  • Pale faces stand by 16
  • Pox on you for a Fop 34
  • Quoth Jack on a Time 63
  • Room for the Express 13
  • Sir Walter enjoying his Damsel 22
  • Said Sir John to his Lady 37
  • Sum up all the Delights 52
  • Soldier take off thy Wine 8
  • Say good Master Bacchus 67
  • She that will eat her Breakfast 68
  • True English men drink 21
  • Tom making a Mantua 18
  • 'Tis pity poor Barnet 64
  • Tinking Tom was an honest Man 56
  • The Silver Swan 5
  • The Miller's Daughter 4
  • 'Tis too late for a Coach 47
  • The Duke sounds to Horse 11
  • There was an old Man 43
  • The Prophet's old Dog 44
  • There was 5 Cooks in Colebrook 70
  • Under this Stone lies Gabriel Iohn 65
  • We Cats when assembl'd 78
  • Who comes there, stand 19
  • Would you know how we meet 1
  • Was ever mortal Man so fitted 38
  • Will you go by water Sir 31
  • Whose three Hoggs are these 75
  • When Celia was Learning 29
  • You may talk of brisk Claret 66
  • Young Collin cleaving of a Beam 36
  • Your merry Poets old Boys 24

1 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch

[...] Would you know how we meet, o'er our Jolly full Bowls,
[...] as we mingle our Liquors, we mingle our Souls,
[...] the sweet melts the snarp, the kind sooths the Strong,
[...] and nothing but Friendship grows all the night long,
[...] we drink, laugh, and gra╌tifie ev╌ry desire,
[...] Love, on╌ly remains our unquenchable Fire.

2 A. 3. Voc.

Advice to Friend Jacob in Cornhill,

[...] Come good sober Jacob, t'other quart, t'other quart, and no more,
[...] we know, thou af­fects neither drunkard, nor whore,
[...] yet methinks a good Fellow, for once, for once may be free.
[...] with a Cup of this Creature, to our Friends, thee, and me,
[...] to en╌li╌ven the Spirit, is to moisten, to moisten thy clay,
[...] of which give 'em proof, at Bull and Mouth [...]ea [...] f [...]r [...].

(3) A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Here's that will challenge all the Fair,
[...] come buy my Nuts and Damsons, my Burgamy Pear;
[...] here's the Whore of Babylon, the Devil and the Pope,
[...] the Girl is just a going on the Rope:
[...] Here's Dives and Lazarus, and the World's Creation,
[...] here's the Dutch Woman, the like's not in ye Nation▪
[...] here is the Booth where the tall Dutch Maid is,
[...] here are Bears that dance like a╌ny Ladies:
[...] To-ta, to-ta tot, goes, the little penny Trumpet,
[...] here's your Jacob Hall that can jump it, jump it;
[...] sound Trumpet sound, a silver Spoon and Fork;
[...] come here's your dainty Pig and Pork.

(4) A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] The Miller's Daughter Riding to the Fair,
[...] without a Saddle upon a scurvey Mare;
[...] cry'd Oh Mother, I'm quite undone, I'm quite undone,
[...] I'm all, all [...]rgr [...]wn with Hair!
[...] A­way [Page 3] you silly Daughter, 'tis ev'╌ry She's concern,
[...] and if you won't believe me, look here, look here, here, look here, here, look here, look here, here and you may learn;
[...] then taking her a­side, she made the matter plain,
[...] O╌h Mother, you're ten times worse! Oh you're ten times worse! you're ten times worse! you're ten times worse!
[...] why sure you rid up╌on the Main!

5 A. 4. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] The silver Swan, who living had no Note,
[...] till Death approach'd unlock'd her silent throat,
[...] leaning her breast against the Reedy Shore,
[...] thus sung her first and last, and sung no more,
[...] farewell all joys: Oh Death come close my eyes,
[...] more Geese than Swans now live, more Fools than Wise.

6 A. 3. Voc.

The Agreement.

[...] All we here, whose names Sir, you find underwritten,
[...] do promise to pay unto Benjamin Sissen,
[...] the sum of four Pounds for a part of a Room,
[...] he takes for con­venience when marriage comes on,
[...] so witness our hands all, to what here is said man,
[...] Sam Day, Harry Wils╌n, and honest John Dedman.

7 A. 3 Voc.

Catch on good Claret.

[...] Come drink a╌bout Tom, let it pass about quicker,
[...] why the P╌x dost thou Preach thus over thy Liquor,
[...] one hour or two boys let us follow our drinking,
[...] away with such Sots as will always be thinking,
[...] our brains will endure it, our pockets will bear it,
[...] come drink about Tom, it is very good Claret.

8 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Soldier, Soldier, take off thy Wine,
[...] and shake thy locks, and shake thy locks as I shake mine;
[...] how can I my poor locks shake, that have but Ten,
[...] I have but Ten Haires on my Pate, and one of them must go for Tythes,
[...] so there remains, so there remains but Four and Five,
[...] Four and Five, and that makes Nine,
[...] then take off your drink, then take off your drink as I take mine.

9 A. 3. Voc.

A Ca [...]ch.

[...] Drink on, drink on, drink on, till Night be spent, and Sun do shine,
[...] did not the Gods give anxio [...] Mortals Wine,
[...] to wash all Care, to wash all Care and Trouble from the heart?
[...] why then so soon, why then so soon shou'd Jo╌vial Fellows part?
[...] come let this Bumper, let this Bumper for the next make way,
[...] who's sure to live, who's sure to live, and drink another day.

10 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Jack thou'rt a Toper, Jack thou'rt a thou'rt a Toper, let's have t'other Quart,
[...] Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, we're so so╌ber, so sober, so sober, 'twere a shame to part,
[...] None but a Cuckold, a Cuckold, a Cuckold, a Cuckold Bully'd by his Wife
[...] for coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, late, fears a Dome╌­╌sti [...]k strife,
[...] I'm free, I'm free and so are you, so are you, so are you too, call and knock,
[...] knock, boldly, k [...] [...]ly, knock boldly, knock boldly, tho' Watchmen cry past two a Clock

11 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the Duke of Marlborough's Victory over the French

[...] The Duke sounds to Horse Boys, The Duke sounds to Horse Boys, let's mount and a╌way,
[...] Rouze up English [...]age, rou [...]e up we can't lose the Day,
[...] remem [...]er the Feat [...] b [...] our Anc [...]stor's done,
wh [...]re [Page 7] Englishmen fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight to be sure the French run;
[...] Rash Tallard's sur╌­priz'd, surpriz'd to behold us so near,
[...] Bavaria's old Courage is sunk, is sunk in despair,
[...] Lead on the Attack then our Friends shall come after,
[...] we'll en╌li╌ven their Spirits, we'll en╌li╌ven their Spirits, their Spirits by our Enemies slaughter,
[...] 'tis for you brave Allies, 'tis for you brave Allies this great March we took on us,
[...] fall back noble Germans and only on╌ly look on us
[...] we'll shew you how easy the Conquest is made,
[...] three English Huzzahs, Huzzahs, Huzzahs, strike the Frenchmen all Dead.

12 A. 4. Voc.

The Kings Health.

[...] God preserve his Ma╌jes╌ty and for e╌ver send him Vic╌to╌ry,
[...] and confound all his E╌nemies take off your Hock Sir.
[...] Amen.
Repeat Amen all the while this Catch is Singing, resting four Crotchets.

13 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Room, room, room, room, room for th'express, at length here it comes;
[...] Limrick's our own, Limrick's our own, be it known, be it known to all Grums.
[...] Hark! hark! hark! the Guns of the Tower ring ring it in peals,
[...] we'll drink round the Bonfires, we'll drink round the Bonfires, Huz╌za, Huz╌za to the Bells,
[...] to our conquering Army loud Praises, lou╌d Praises let's Sing,
[...] and now Monsieur French man, and now Monsieur French man have at you, have at you next Spring.

14 A. 3. Voc.

In Praise of Claret.

[...] A Hogshead was offer'd to Bacchus his Shrine,
[...] the God was offended because twas White-wine;
[...] th [...] curs'd in a passion, Damn't, rot it, and mar it,
[...] did'st ever know Bacchus drink other than Claret▪
[...] so ye jolly red God having empty'd the white-wine,
[...] return'd the poor Vot'ry the Hogshe [...]d to s [...]ite in.

15 A 3 Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Bring the Bowl and cool Nantz, bring the Bowl and cool Nantz, and let us be mixing,
[...] we've a great deal of bus'ness, we've a great deal of bus'ness, 'tis time to be fixing
[...] dip dip your dish fair, a round to all Jol╌ly Jol╌ly Punch drinkers,
[...] we loose not a minute, we loose not a minute while we are our own, Shinkers,
[...] we need no damn'd drawers our mo╌tions our motions are quicker,
[...] we sit at the well boys, we sit at the well boys, and drink, richer Liquor.

16 A 3 Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Pale Faces stand by and our bright ones adore,
[...] we look like our Wine, you worse than our Score,
[...] come light up our Pimples all art we outshine,
[...] when the plump God does paint each streak is di╌­╌vine,
[...] Clear Glasses are Pencils old Claret is Oyl,
[...] he that sits for his Picture must sit a good while.

17 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Now now we are met, and humours agree,
[...] call call for Wine,
[...] and lose no time,
[...] but let's merry be,
[...] fill fill it about to me let it come,
[...] fill the Glass to the top
[...] I'll drink ev'ry drop,
[...] Super╌na╌cu╌lum,
[...] A Health to the King round round let it pass,
[...] fill it up and then
[...] drink it off like Men,
[...] never balk your Glass.

18. A. 3. Voc

Tom the Taylor.

[...] Tom making a Mantua for a Lass of Pleasure,
[...] pull'd out pull'd out pull'd out his long his long and lawful measure,
[...] but quickly found tho' woundi╌ly streight lac'd Sir,
[...] nine Inches, nine Inches, nine Inches, nine Inches wou'd not half furround her waist Sir,
[...] three In╌ches more at length brisk Tom advances,
[...] yet all, yet all, too short, yet all, all, all too short, all too short, yet all too short, all too short, to reach her swinging Hances,

19 A 3 Voc.

The London Constable

[...] Who come's there, stand, who comes there, stand,
[...] and come before the Constable,
[...] we'll know wht▪ you are,
[...] what makes you out so late,
[...] says the Midnight Magistrate,
[...] with a noddle full of Ale, in a wooden chair of State,
[...] whence come you Sir, and whither do you go,
[...] you may be Sir a Jesuit for ought I know,
[...] you may as well Sir take me for a Mahometan,
[...] he speaks Latin secure him he's a dangerous Man,
[...] to tell you the truth Sir I am an honest Tory,
[...] but here's a Crown to drink & there's an end of the story,
[...] Good morrow Sir a civil Man is al╌ways welcome,
[...] go Barnaby Bounce light the Gentleman home.

20 A 4 Voc.

A Saturday Night's Club

[...] Let's drink to all our Wives,
[...] good health and merry lives,
[...] but who to please them cares
[...] must live old Nestor's years.

21 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] True English men drink a good health to the Miter,
[...] let our Church ever Flourish tho her Enemies spight her,
[...] may their cunning and For╌ces no longer prevail,
[...] but their malice as well as their Arguments fail,
[...] Then remember the Seven who suported our Caust,
[...] as stout as our Martyrs and as Just as our Laws.

22 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Sir Walter enjoying his Damsel one night,
[...] He tickl'd and pleas'd her to so great a height,
[...] that she cou'd not contain t'wards the end of the matter,
[...] but in Rapture cry'd out, O sweet Sir Walter, O sweet Sir Walter, O sweet Sir Walter, O sweet Sir sweet Sir Walter, O switter swatter, switter swatter, switter swatter, switter swatter, switter swatter
[...] Sir.

23 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Once, Twice, Thrice, I Ju╌lia try'd,
[...] the scorn╌full Puss as oft de╌­╌ny'd,
[...] and since, and since I can╌ no better, better thrive,
[...] I'll crin╌ge to ne'er a Bitch alive,
[...] so kiss my Ar—, so kiss my Ar—, so kiss my Ar—, so kiss my Ar— disdain╌ful Sow,
[...] good Claret, good Claret is my Mistress now.

24 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Your merry Poets, Old Boys,
[...] of Aganip╌pes Well,
[...] full many tales have told Boys,
[...] whose Liquor doth excell,
[...] and how that place was haunted,
[...] by those that lov'd good Wine,
[...] who tippl'd there and chaunted,
[...] and chaunted among the Muses nine,
[...] where still they cry'd, Drink cleer Boys,
[...] and you shall quickly quickly know it,
[...] that 'tis not lowsie Beer Boys,
[...] but Wine yt makes a Poet.

25 A. 3. Voc.

In Praise of the Punch Bowl.

[...] How shall we speak thy praise delicious Bowl,
[...] thou chear'st the Heart, and thou inspir'st the Soul,
[...] not Jove of Necter so Divine can boast,
[...] Ambro╌sia is in╌sipid to thy Toast,
[...] Drink here you Sons of wit and you will own,
[...] the Punch Bowl is the only Heli╌con

26 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Here lies a Woman who can de╌ny it,
[...] She dy'd in peace, though liv'd un╌quiet,
[...] Her Husband pray's if o're her grave you walk,
[...] you would tread soft, you would tread soft, for if she wake, for if she wake she'l talk,
[...] tread soft, for if she wake she'l talk.

27 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Here where is my Landlord, a pot of good Drink,
[...] but faith you must trust for we have no Chink,
[...] indeed Sir you look like a very good fellow,
[...] but I cannot trust without white or yellow,
[...] the yellow I have none, and as for the white,
[...] make use of your Clalk, and so a good Night.

23 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the French at Audenard and Lille

[...] From Aud'nard fam'd Battle to Lille we'll now march,
[...] we've swing'd 'em i'th' Field; we've swing'd 'em i'th' Field, now their Towns let us search,
[...] flee Boys, to the Trenches, re╌­╌double your fire,
[...] Jack's heart soon will ake, Jack's heart soon will ake, as he sees you come nigher
[...] Tou, sou, cry your Cannon fix't right as they can be,
[...] we'll first singe their doublets, we'll first singe their doublets, then drown 'em in Brandy.

29 A. 3. Voc.

Caelia Learning on the Spinnet.

[...] When Caelia was Learning on the Spinnet to play,
[...] her Tutor stood by her to show her, to show her, to show her, to show her, the way,
[...] she shook not the Note, which angred him much,
[...] and made him, and made him cry Zounds 'tis a long prick, a long prick, a long prick'd Note you toucuh,
[...] Surpriz'd was the Lady to hear him complain,
[...] and said, and said, and said I will shake it, I will shake it when I come to't again.

30 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] If all be true that I do think,
[...] there are Five Reasons, there are Five Reasons we shou'd Drink,
[...] good Wine, a Friend or being Dry,
[...] or least we should be by and by,
[...] or any other Reason, or any other Reason, or any other Reason why, any Reason why.

31 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the London Watermen.

[...] Will you go by water Sir? I'm the next Sculler;
[...] go with my Fair up westward, Sir, my Boat shall be no fuller:
[...] next oars, Sir, next oars; whither is't you go?
[...] to Fox-Hall or Westminster, or through-Bridge hoa?
[...] pray master trim the Boat, and sit a little higher,
[...] you have a handsome woman by you, methinks you might sit nigher!
[...] come boy lay the stretcher, and sit down to yr oar,
[...] you sir: will you change a Rogue for a whore?
[...] you Sculler! look before you, with a-pox t'ye hold water;
[...] look! look! the Rogue runs foul of us, remember this hereafter:
[...] come land us here at Kings Bridge, aye Sir, if you're willing:
[...] here waterman there's six pence; good faith, 'tis worth a shilling.

32 A. 3. Voc.

The King of Spains Health.

[...] Come take of your Liquor, fill, fill it about,
[...] that Flask of true Florence is hardly half out,
[...] the Falcon it self of no better can boast,
[...] tis in a good hand Sir, tis in a good hand Sir, and your turn to Toast,
[...] The Queen and the Prince are al╌rea╌dy gone round,
[...] the Churches well willers and noble Or╌mond,
[...] with each worthy Member which was for the Bill,
[...] then what shall I drink, then what shall I drink or to whom shall I fill,
[...] Drink a Health to the Hero which measures the Main,
[...] drink a Health to the new King, and true King of Spain,
[...] and while Fortune smiles on us and Eurus is kind,
[...] with resounding Huz╌╌zahs╌ we'll add to the Wind.

33 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch upon our Victory at Sea

[...] I know Brother Tar, I know Brother Tar, those French durst not stand us,
[...] nor the Dastard╌ly Irish once venture to land us,
[...] if we Bang not such scoundrels may a stor╌m ri╌se and strand us,
[...] But the Boson's shrill whistle cryes all, all, all, all hands aloft Boys,
[...] and a Boat full of Punch is a rich mornings draught Boys,
[...] now top we catt Harpin, now top we catt Harpin and then fore and aft Boys,
[...] Brother Bluff, Brother Bluff 'tis a Gallon, tis a Gallon that now, now, now, now is a sinking
[...] to our Landmen who never yet knew what was shrinking,
[...] we'll cover our Des╌╌cent with Huzzas, Huzzas and dow╌n drinking.

34 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

Belch. Belch. Belch.
[...] Pox on you, Pox on you, Pox on you for a Fop, your Stomach too queazy,
[...] cannot I Belch, cannot I Belch and Fart, you Coxcomb, to ease me:
[...] what if I let fly in you Face and shall please ye▪
[...] Fogh, fogh, fogh, fogh, how sow'r he smells; now he's at it, now he's at it a╌gain;
[...] out ye Beast, out ye Beast, I never met so nasty a Man,
[...] I'm not able to bear it, what the Devil dy'e mean?
[...] no less than a Caesar, no less than a Caesar, no, no, no, less than a Caesar, decree'd with great reason;
[...] no restraint, no restraint shou'd be laid on the Bum or the Weason,
[...] for Belching and Farting were always in season.

35 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Young Collin cleaving of a Beam, at ev'ry thumping, thumping blow╌
[...] cry'd Hem! and told his Wife, and told his Wife, and told his Wife who the cause wou'd know,
[...] that Hem! made the wedge much farther go,
[...] Plump Joan when at night to Bed they came,
[...] and both were play╌ing at the same,
[...] cry'd Hem! Hem! Hem! prethee, prethee, prethee Collin do if ever thou Love'dst me, Dear Hem now,
[...] he laugh╌ing answer'd no, no, no,
[...] some work will split will split with half a blow,
[...] beside now I bore, now I bore, now I bore, now, now, now, I bore,
[...] I Hem when I cleave but now I bore.

36 A. 4. Voc.

A Catch on Tobacco

Sung by 4 Men while smoaking their Pipes.
[...] Good good indeed,
[...] the Herb's good weed,
[...] fill thy Pipe Will,
[...] and I prithee Sam fill,
[...] for sure we may smoak, and yet sing still, and yet sing still,
[...] what say the Learned, what say the Learned, Vita fumus, Vita fumus,
[...] 'tis what you, and I, and he, and I, you, and he and I, and all of us, Sumus,
[...] But then to the Learned say we again,
[...] if life's a smoak as they maintain,
[...] if life's a Vapour, without doubt,
[...] when a Man does dye,
[...] they shou'd not cry,
[...] that his Glass is run, but his Pipe is out,
[...] But whether we smoak, or whether we sing,
[...] let's be Loyal, and remember the King,
[...] let him live, and let his Foes vanish,
[...] thus, thus, thus, like, like a Pipe, like a Pipe of Spanish, thus, thus, like a Pipe of Spanish.

37 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on Sr. John and his Lady

[...] Said Sr. John to his Lady, as kissing, as kissing they sate,
[...] shall we now go to dinner, or to you know, to you know what.
[...] with a Languishing look, reply'd, reply'd the good Lady,
[...] Sr. John what you please for your dinner, your dinner's not ready,
[...] but sweet good Sr. John Sr. John, be'nt thus given to wallow,
[...] if you stir but up stairs, I protest, I protest I must follow.

38 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Was ever Mortal Man so fitted, so fitted,
[...] the Master Drunk, the Master Drunk, the Master Drunk, and horse, and horse Committed,
[...] the Master Drunk, and horse, and horse Committed,
[...] but horse for thy self take thou no care,
[...] thou will be a horse, will be a horse when he, when he's no Mayor.

39 A. 3. Voc.

A. Catch.

[...] Come come let us Drink, let us Drink, let us Drink, let us Drink,
[...] 'tis in vain to think,
[...] like Fools on Grief or sadness,
[...] let our Money fly,
[...] and our Sorrows die,
[...] all worldly Care is Madness,
[...] but Wine, Wine, Wine, Wine, Wine and good cheer,
[...] will in spight of our fear,
[...] in spire╌ our Hearts with Mirth Boys,
[...] the time we live,
[...] to Wine, to Wine let us give,
[...] since all, since all must turn to Earth Boys,
[...] hand, hand about, hand, hand about, hand hand about, the Bowl,
[...] the delight of my Soul,
[...] and to my Hand, to my Hand commend it,
[...] a Fig, a Fig for Chink,
[...] 'twas made to buy Drink
[...] and before╌ we go hence we'll spend it.

40 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Have you observ'd the Wench in the street,
[...] she's scarce any Hose or Shooes to her Feet,
[...] yet she is very merry, and when she cries, she Sings
[...] I ha Hot Codlins, Hot Codlins,
[...] or have you e╌ver seen, or heard
[...] the Mortal with a Lion taw╌ny Beard,
[...] he lives as merrily as any heart can wish
[...] and still he cries Buy a Brish, Buy a Brish,
[...] Since these are merry why should we take care,
[...] Mu╌sicians like Ca╌melians must live by the Air,
[...] Then let's be blith and bonny, and no good Meeting balk,
[...] for when we have no money, we shall find Chalk.

41 An Epitaph on Sr Harry [...] and his Mistress: His Statue lying on the Tomb, and Her's kneeling at his Feet.

[...] Intombed here lyes good Sir Harry,
[...] belov'd full well but wou'd not marry:
[...] when he did live, and had his feeling,
[...] She did lye and he was kneeling,
[...] but now he's Dead, and lost his feeling,
[...] he doth lye and she is kneeling,

42 A. 3. Voic. A Chiding Catch.

[...] Fy! nay! prithee John!
[...] do not quarrel Man!
[...] let's be merry, and drink about:
[...] You're a Rogue you've cheated me,
[...] I'll prove before this Compa╌ny,
[...] I carent'a Farthing, Sir, for all you are so stout.
[...] Sir, you lye, I scorn your word,
[...] or a╌ny Man that wears a Sword,
[...] for all you huff, who cares a T— or who cares for you.

43 A. 3. Voices A Catch

[...] There was an old man at Walton-Cross,
[...] who merrily sung when he liv'd by the loss
[...] hey tro╌ly, loly, loly lo; hey troly, lo╌ly, loly, lo:
[...] He never was heard to sigh a hey ho,
[...] but sent it out with a hey troly, loly, loly, lo, hey troly, lo╌ly, lo╌ly, lo.
[...] He chear'd up his heart when his goods went to wrack▪
[...] with a hem, boys, hem, and a Cup of old Sack
[...] hey troly, loly, loly, lo, hey troly, loly, loly, lo.

44 A. 3. Voices A Catch on Mr Jery Clarke's old Dog Spott.

[...] The Prophet's Old Dog was a mannerly Curr,
[...] his Master went first, and he follow'd his Sir;
[...] But Jery's old Turnspitt, such manners not knowing,
[...] to the Boat, or the Coach first of all will be going:
[...] At which Jery smiles, 'cause his humour he ni [...]ks,
[...] and swears 'tis too late to teach old Dogs new Tricks.

45 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Confusion, confusion to the pow'r╌ of Cupid,
[...] brisk Wine, brisk Wine ne'er made a Mortal stupid,
[...] Drink, drink, drink, drink while sober sots look pale,
[...] condemn'd to Claps, condemn'd to Claps and foggy Ale,
[...] a pox of Love, a pox of Love there's nothing in it,
[...] a Bumper gives the happy happy Minute.

46 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch on the famous Expedition at Vigo by Mr. R. Brown.

[...] O're Neptune's Dominions brave Ormond sail'd home,
[...] from frightning Jack Spaniard with Cales heavy Doom,
[...] But Jack he has trick'd thee, bestir thy old Bones,
[...] and hasten to Vi╌go to save thy Golloons,
[...] Marbleu cry's the Monsieur, Jack curses his Fate,
[...] and swears he'll trust Frenchmen no more with his Plate.

47 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] 'Tis too late for a Coach and too soon to reel home,
[...] we have freedom to stagger when the Town is our own,
[...] let's whirle it away and whip Six╌pences round,
[...] till the Drawers are founder'd and the Hogshead does sound,
[...] The Glass stays with you Tom save your Tide pull a╌­╌way,
[...] one Minute of Midnight is worth a whole Day.

48 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Come hither Tom and make up three,
[...] and sing this Catch with me,
[...] though the Tune be old,
[...] I dare be bold,
[...] 'tis good if we all agree,
[...] So now comes in my noble Jack,
[...] keep Time upon his back,
[...] If he miss I do swear,
[...] I'll pull him by the ear,
[...] un╌til I do hear it crack.
[...] Now listen to the Bass,
[...] for he will us disgrace,
[...] I fear the Lout
[...] will first be out,
[...] he makes such an ugly face.

(49) A. 3. Voc.

A Catch Upon Port Wine.

[...] Great BACCHUS is mighty, in giving us WINE,
[...] from ITALY, SPAIN, and from FRANCE, to the RHINE,
[...] but of all the great Blessings he to us conveys,
[...] his WINE, of O╌POR╌TO, must carry the Praise,
[...] who's Beauty's transcendent, and vigour so stout,
[...] yt as other WINE gives, this, still eases the Gout.
[...] that the Scurvy it cures of the Body and Mind,
[...] both the Aged, and Young by experience do find,
[...] Of Foes it makes Friends, the dull it makes witty,
[...] and pleases each Pallate, of Country and Citty,
[...] then if any wou'd know which of WINE'S the best sort,
[...] let him take for his an╌swer, A Bottle of PORT.

(50) A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] If any so wise is,
[...] that Sack he despises,
[...] let him drink his Small Beer and be Sober,
[...] whilst we drink Sack and sing,
[...] as if it were Spring,
[...] he shall droop like the Trees in Oc╌to╌b [...]r,
[...] But b [...] sure over night,
[...] if this Dog do you bite
[...] you tak [...] it henc [...] forth for a w [...]rning,
[...] soon as out of your Bed,
[...] to set╌tle your Head,
[...] take a hair of his tail in the morning:
[...] And be not so sil╌ly,
[...] to fol╌low old [...]ILLY,
[...] for there's nothing but Sack yt can tune us;
[...] let his NE╌AS╌SUESCAS▪
[...] be put in his Cap-case,
[...] and sing BI╌BI╌TO VI╌NUM JEJU╌NUS.

51 A Catch on the Modern Courage and Conduct of the French.

[...] Ah sorry poor Frenchmen I grieve at your Fates,
[...] your Ar╌mies are beaten your cun╌ning abates,
[...] In Field nor in Town dare you stand your own Ground,
[...] what dis╌mall effects after this will be found,
[...] At Au╌denards Battle that may'nt be forgot,
[...] you Ran from your Comrade half dead on the spot,
[...] Lile's Fortress no less must with shame be remem╌ber'd,
[...] the Siege was push'd close and you tamely surren╌der'd,
[...] the Sons of the Blood by Ex╌am╌ple Mr. Prouis,
[...] can't a╌nimate wretches more dull than a Cow is,
[...] for shame then go home to your Sallads and Pottage,
[...] resign your fine Towns, suck your paws, in a Cottage.

52 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Sum up all the delights sum up all, all, sum up all the delights the world does produce,
[...] the darling allurements now chiefly in use
[...] you'll find when com╌par'd there's none can con╌­╌tend,
[...] with the solid en╌joyments of Bottle and Friend,
[...] for Honour, or wealth, or Beauty may waste
[...] those Joys often fade, but rarely do last
[...] they're so hard to at╌tain and so easi╌ly lost,
[...] that the Pleasure ne'er answers the trouble and cost,
[...] none like wine, none like wine and true friendship are lasting, and sure,
[...] from Jealousie free and from envy secure,
[...] then fill up the Glasses untill they run o'er
[...] a Friend and good Wine are the charms we a dore.

53 A. 3 Voc.

Galloping Joan.

[...] Joan has been Galloping, galloping, galloping, Joan has been galloping all the Town o're;
[...] till her Bumfiddle, Bumfiddle, Bumfiddle, untill her Bumfiddle was wonderous sore;
[...] without e're a Saddle upon her old Jade,
[...] to fetch her good Man from the Ale-house trade.

54 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] A Womans rule should be in such a fashion,
[...] on╌ly to guide her houshold and her Passion;
[...] and her obedience never out of season,
[...] so long, so long▪ as either Husband lasts, or Reason.
[...] Ill-fares the hap'less Family that shows
[...] a Cock that's silent, a Cock that's silent, and a Hen that crows.
[...] I know not which live more unnatural lives,
[...] o­bedient Husbands, or commanding, or commanding Wives.

55 A. 3. Voc.

The King's Health.

[...] Here's a Health to the King, who has said from the Throne,
[...] that His Heart is true English as well as our own;
[...] that His Heart is true English, His Heart is true English, as well as our own;
[...] And the Church fix't by Law is resolv'd to maintain;
[...] thro' the course of His Life and the course of His Reign;
[...] thro' the course of His Life, thro the course of His Life, and the course of His Reign;
[...] Thus we need not to fear any danger to come,
[...] while our Arms Rule abroad, and our King Reigns at home;
[...] while our Arms Rule abroad, while our Arms Rule abroad, and our King Reigns at home.

56 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Tinking Tom was an honest Man,
[...] tink a tink, tink a tink, tink a tink,
[...] and a Lad of bonny Mettle,
[...] he dext'rously cou'd clink the Pan,
[...] clink a clink, clink a clink,
[...] and stop, and stop, and stop, a hole i'th'Ket╌tle,
[...] to him did my Ladies Maid ad╌vance, ad╌­╌vance,
[...] come, come in thou Man of Mettle,
[...] a sad mischance, a sad mis╌­╌chance,
[...] here's a hole, a hole, a hole in my Ladies Kittle,
[...] Tom went to ham'ring on the place,
[...] and wrought like a Man, like a Man,
[...] and wrought like a Man, like a Man of Mettle,
[...] but when he had done 'twas all a case,
[...] all a case, all a case, all a case
[...] there's a hol [...], there's a hole, in my Ladies Kettle.

(57) A. 3. Voc

e. Upon Christ Church Bells in Oxford.

[...] Hark, the bonny Christ Church Bells, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, they sound
[...] so woundy great, so wond'rous sweet,
[...] & they troul so merri╌ly merri╌ly.
[...] Hark, the first and second Bell, that every day at Four and Ten,
[...] cries come, come, come, come, come to Pray'rs, & the Verger troops before the Dean.
[...] Tingle, tingle, ting, goes the small Bell at Nine, to call the Bearers home,
[...] but the De'il a Man will leave his Can, 'till he hears the migh╌ty Tom.

(58) A. 3. Voc

e. A Catch on Malt Liquor Sung by three Porters.

[...] Of honest Malt Liquor let English Boys sing,
[...] A pox take French Claret we'll Drink no such thing
[...] But London brew'd staple, stout Burton, and Lincoln,
[...] they'll find us good matter to talk or to think on,
[...] To King, L [...]rds, & Commons, toast a Health e'er we rise,
[...] tho' we lower our Pockets, [...]et [...]r [...] is Exc [...]e.

59 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Here Tom, here's a Health, Here Tom, here's a Health,
[...] here's a Health, which re­fu╌se if you dare;
[...] Fill up his Glass, fill it up, fill it up, fill up his Glass, fill, fill it up,
[...] and let him drink, let him drin╌nk, drink, drink fair:
[...] to the best of our Friends, to the best, to the best,
[...] to the best of our Friends,and the least of our Care, and the least of our Care.
Through Bass to the Catch.

60 (A Catch to a Mimret. Mr. Tho. Ridd.)

[...] Let's fuddle our Noses Tom and be merry,
[...] with a Glass of good strength'ning Sherry;
[...] and never plot, plot more,
[...] but of Wine to get store;
[...] since we see that we always miscarry;
[...] Rich Bumpers on us no mischeif will bring,
[...] but Plotting will send's to Hell in a String.

61 A. 4. Voc.

Second Part of Bartholomew Fair.

[...] Here are the Rarities of the whole Fair,
[...] Pimperle-Pimp, and the wise Dancing Mare;
[...] here's valiant St. George and the Dragon, a Farce,
[...] a Girl of Fifteen with strange Moles on her Ar—
[...] Here is Vi╌en╌na besieg'd, a rare thing,
[...] and here's Punchinel╌lo, shown thrice to the King.
[...] Ladies mask'd to the Cloysters re╌pair;
[...] but there will be no Raffling, a Pox take the Mayor.

62 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Frank, what shall we do, for an Hour or two,
[...] this Sr. Sol in a Morning moves damnable slow,
[...] y [...]t at night with a Pox, he's always in haste,
[...] you may swear his Road's down hill by his driving so f [...]s [...],
[...] ne'er mind the old Fool, hes still going a╌stray,
[...] once Drunken Dick Phaeton hit of the way.
Through Bass to the Catch.

(63) A. 3. Voc

e. A Catch.

[...] Quoth Jack on a time to Tom I'll declare it,
[...] I've a mind we shou'd Fuddle our Noses with Claret,
[...] Says Tom it will do you more harm than you think,
[...] fye on you says Jack who can live without Drink,
[...] I'll neer balk my Wine, here's to thy dispose,
[...] Tom pretends not to Drink, Pray look on his Nose.

(64) A. 3. Voc

e. Catch on a Parson's decriped old Dog call'd Barnet.

[...] 'Tis Pity Poor Barnet a vigilant, vigilant Curr,
[...] that us'd for to bark, if a mouse, if a mouse, a mouse did but stir,
[...] Should being grown Old and un╌a╌ble un╌a╌ble to bark,
[...] be doom'd by a Priest, be doom'd by a Priest to be hang'd by his Clark,
[...] I pray good Sir therefore, weigh right well, right well his Case,
[...] and save us Poor Barnet, hang Cleric, hang Cleric, hang Cleric in's place.

65 A. 3. Voc.

An Old Epitaph.

[...] Under this Stone lies Gabriel John,
[...] in the year of our Lord one thousand and one,
[...] cover his Head with Turf, or Stone,
[...] 'tis all one, 'tis all one, with Turf, or Stone, 'tis all one:
[...] Pray for the Soul of gentle John,
[...] if you please you may, or let it alone, 'tis all one.

66 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch upon a Liquor call'd Punch.

[...] You may talk of brisk Claret,
[...] Sing Praises of Sherry,
[...] speak well of old Hock,
[...] Mum, Sider, and Perry,
[...] but you must drink Punch,
[...] if you mean to be merry:
[...] A Bowl of this Liquor,
[...] the Gods being all at,
[...] thought good we shoul'd know it
[...] by way of new Ballad,
[...] as fit for both ours,
[...] and their Highnes­ses Palate,
[...] then thanks to the Gods,
[...] those tiplers above us,
[...] they've taught us to drink,
[...] and therefore they love us,
[...] and to drink very hard,
[...] is all they crave of us.

67 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Say good Master Bacchus a╌stride on your Butt.
[...] since our Champagn's all gone, and our Claret's run out,
[...] which of all the brisk Wines in your Empire that grow,
[...] will serve t [...] de╌­light your poor Drunkards be╌low,
[...] Resolve us Grave Sir, and soon send it over,
[...] lest we dye, l [...]st we dye of the Sin of be'ng Sober.

63 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] She that will eat her Breakfast in her Bed,
[...] and spend the Morn in dressing of her head,
[...] and sit at dinner like a Maiden Bride,
[...] and nothing do all day but talk of Pride,
[...] Jove of his mer╌cy may do much to save her,
[...] but what a case is he in that shall have her.

69 A. 3. Voc.

On a Widow who Married an Old Widower

[...] Had she not Care enough, Care enough
[...] had she not Care enough, Care enough of the old Man,
[...] She wed him, She fed him, and to the Bed she led him,
[...] for sev'n long Winters she lifted him on,
[...] But Oh how she nigl'd him, nigl'd him, nigl'd him,
[...] Oh how she nigl'd him all the Night long.

70 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] There was three Cooks in Colebrook,
[...] and they fell out with our Cook,
[...] and all was for a Pudding he took,
[...] and from the Cook of Colebrook,
[...] Ther was swash Cook,
[...] and slash, Cook,
[...] and thy Nose in my Narse Cook,
[...] and all was for a Pud╌ding he took,
[...] and from the Cook of Colebrook,
[...] they all fell upon our Cook,
[...] and mumbled him so that he did look,
[...] as black as the Pudding which that he took,
[...] and from the Cook of Colebrook.

71 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Hark! Harry, Harry, Hark! Harry, 'tis late, come let us be gone,
[...] for Westminster Tom, by my faith strikes One;
[...] say'st a so, say'st a so, say'st thou so honest Lad, what makes him so sawcy,
[...] to strike one, and yet not tell us the cause why:
[...] pish, pish, pish, pish,
[...] 'twas done in good part, to get us a╌way,
[...] and will certainly double his blow if we stay.

72 A. 3. Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Let's live good honest lives,
[...] and make much of our wives,
[...] and since all flesh is Grass;
[...] let's merrily, merrily, merrily drink our Glass,
[...] God bless our noble King,
[...] what need we fear the Pope, the Pope, the Pope, the Pope, the Pope, the Pope, the Jesuits, Jews, or Turks,
[...] for we de­fye the Devil, the Devil, the Devil, the Devil, the Devil, the Devil, and all hi [...] work [...].

(73) A. 3. Voc

e. A Catch.

[...] In Drinking full Bumpers there is no deceit
[...] then let's not repine at our sitting up late;
[...] Come light all your Pipes up, no Sun we do need,
[...] we can see what we Drink by the light of the Weed,
[...] may our Jolly Club ne'er by Intruders be broke,
[...] then our Sorrow in clouds shall as╌cend like our Smoak.

(74) A 3 Voc

e A Catch

[...] An Ape, a Lyon, a Fox, and an Ass,
[...] do shew forth Man's Life as it were in a Glass;
[...] For Apish we are till Twenty and one,
[...] and af╌ter that Ly╌ons till Forty be gone:
[...] then witty as Foxes till Threescore & Ten,
[...] but after that Asses, and so no more Men.
A Dove, a Sparrow, a Parrot, a Crow,
As plainly sets forth how you Women may know;
Harmless they are till Thirteen be gone,
Then Wanton as Sparrows till Forty draw on;
Then prating as Parrots till Threescore be o'er,
Then Birds of ill Omen, and Women no more.

(75) A 3 Voc.

A Catch

[...] Whose three Hoggs are these, are these, and whose three Hoggs are these?
[...] They are John Cook's, I know by their looks, for I found them in my Pease.
Oh! Pound them, oh! Pound them, but I dare not for my life,
For if I shou'd Pound John Cook's Hoggs, I shou'd never kiss John Cook's Wife;
But as for John Cooks Wife, I'll say no more than mum,
Then here's to thee, thou first Hogg, untill the Second come.

Note: These two lines are to be Sung thrice, with these words at last, (I prithee man take him home)

(76) A 3 Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Once in our lives,
[...] let us drink to our Wives,
[...] tho' their Numbers be but small;
[...] Heav'n take the best,
[...] and the Devil take the rest,
[...] and so we shall get rid of them all:
[...] To this hearty wish,
[...] let each Man take his Dish,
[...] and drink, drink, till he fall.

(77) A 3 Voc.

A Catch.

[...] Good Symon, how comes it your Nose looks so red,
[...] and your Cheeks and Lips look so pale?
[...] Sure the heat of your Toast,
[...] your Nose did so roast,
[...] when they were both sous'd in Ale:
[...] It shows like the spire
[...] of Paul's-Steeple on fire,
[...] each Ruby darts forth such lightning flashes,
[...] while your face looks as dead,
[...] as if it were Lead,
[...] and cover'd all o'er with Ashes.
[...] Now to heighten his colour, yet fill his pot, fill his pot fuller,
[...] and nick it not so with froth:
[...] Cra╌mercy mine Host,
[...] it shall save thee a Toast:
[...] Sup Symon, for here is good Broth.

(78) A. 3. Voce.

A Cat Catch.

[...] We Cats when assembl'd at Midnight to╌gether,
[...] for innocent Puring, Puring, for in╌nocent Puring, Puring, in Moon-shiney weather:
[...] If Dogs be in Kennel, all fast in their straw,
[...] we march, and we meaw, meaw, meaw without scratch or a Claw,
[...] but if they surprize us, and put us to flight,
[...] we fret, fret, and we spit, fret, spit, spit, give a squall, squa╌ll and good Night.

(79) A. 3. Voce.

A Catch

[...] Here dwells a pretty Maid whose Name is Sis,
[...] you may come in and Kiss:
[...] her hole, her hole, her hole, her whole Estate is sev'nteen Pence a Year;
[...] Yet you may Kiss, you may Kiss, you may Kiss, you may Kiss her, if you come but near.

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