SOME POPISH ERRORS, unadvisedly embraced, and pursued by our ANTICOMMVNION MINISTERS.

Wherein is Discovered The dangerous effects of their discontinuing the Frequent publick Administra­tion of the Lords Supper; the Popish Errors whereon it is bottomed; perswading the fre­quent Celebration of it, to all Visible Church­members, with their Free-admission there­unto; and prescribing some legal Regal Reme­dies to redress New Sacrilegious detain­ing of it from the people, where their Ministers are obstinate. With a New discovery of some Romish Emmissaries, QUAKERS.

By William Prynne of Swainswicke Esquire, a Bencher of Lincolns Inne.

John 10.10.

The Thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

Chrysost. in Mat. Hom. 49.

Ex ipsis veris Ecclestis frequentèr exeunt Seductores. Proptereà nec ipsis omnino credendum est, nisi ea dicant, vel faciant, quae convenientia a sint Scripturis.

August. contra Faustum Manich. l. 19. c. 10.

In nullum nomen Religionis, seu verum, seu falsum, coagulari homines possunt, nisi a­liquo Sacramentorum visibilium consortio colligentur.

LONDON, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas at his Shop at the signe of the Adam and Eve in Little-Britain, 1658.

A New Discovery of some Romish Emissaries, Quakers and others; as like­wise of Popish Errors, Practices late­ly embraced, pursued, avowed by some Zealots, and Grand Deformers, in secluding their Parishioners sundry years from the Holy Communion of the Lords Supper, &c.

THe sad Complaint of old, to and of Constantius the Arrian Emperour, ( who Athanasi­us epist. ad so­litariam vitam agentes. See Dr. Bilson his True Difference between Chri­stian subjecti­on, and un­christian rebel­lion. part 2. p. 182, 183. made his exorbitant Will, the only Law, and used this Papal Speech to Paulinus, and other Orthodox Bi­shops convented before him, for refu­sing to communicate with the Arrians upon his command, as being against the Ecclesiastical Canons: At quod ego [...]olo pro Canone sit: Ita me lequentem [...] Syriae Episcopi sust [...]n ut; aut ergo obtemperate, Aut vos quoque exu­les estote) made by St. Hilarie concerning the fre­quent changes of the Christian Faith, and multitudes of Religions under his arbitrary Tyrannical Government, viz. Hilarius ad Constanti­um. l. 3. Faith is come now, rather to depend upon the Time, than on the Gospel. Our State is dangerous and mi­serable, that we have now as many faiths as wils, and as many Doctrines as manners, whiles Faiths [Page 2] [...] so writte [...] as we list, or so understood as we will. We make every year, and every month, a new faith, and still we seek a faith, as if there were yet no faith. Hilarius, l. 1. Contra Constantium. This O Constantius woul [...] I [...] know [...], what faith at length thou b [...]lievest? Thou hast changed so of­ten, that now I know not thy faith. That is [...]amed to th [...] whi [...]h us th [...] fellow [...] if all builders, ever disliking their own doings, that thou still pullest down that thou art still setting up. Thou subvertest the old with new; and the new thou rentest in sunder with a newer cor­rection; and that which was once corrected. thou con­demnest with a second correction. O thou wicked one, W [...] a mockery dost thou m [...]ke of the Church, &c? May now be the dolorous just complaint of every sin­cere English Christian, touching the manifold changes of Faiths, the multiplicities of Religions in our Verti­ginous, unstable, arbitrary and Tyrannical Age; where­in too many of all Degrees, make their own exorbi­tant lawless wills, the only Laws, Canons by which they act; making Faith to depend rather upon their pleasures (yea worldly designs) than on the Gospel; setting up of late years amongst us as many Faiths as Wills, as many Doctrins, opinions, as we have Man­ners, Sects, coyning, venting, professing, what New Faiths they list, and understanding our antient Creeds as they please to interpret them; new-making, or at least imbracing a new Faith every year, if not almost every month; running from one New Sect, Faith, O­pinion to another, still seeking after the newest Faith, as if they had quite lost the old; changing so often, that none know of what Faith or Sect they are; being one month Presbyterians, the next Independents, the 3d. Anabaptists, the 4th. Quakers, the 5th. Ranters, the 6th. Seekers, the 7th. Arrians, Anti-Trinitarians; the 8th. Socinians, the 9th. Arminians, the 10th. Antinomians, the 11th. Antiscripturists, & the 12. professed Atheists. Subverting their old Church, Religion, Faith, Sect, [Page 3] wi [...]h a New one, that New, with a Newer, that Newer, with the Newest and last broached, (as our Fashion-mongers change the shape of their garments) till they have utterly lost all Faith, Piety, Religion, Conscience; and made the Church of Christ a meer Mockery; yea Christ himself, a Fable.

Neither are they lesse giddy or unstable in their State-Mutations than in their Ecclesiastical or Religi­ous, still changing from one mishapen New-Model to a­nother; so as what Variae Historiae l. 5. c. 13. Aelianus records of the fickle­pated seditious Athenians (the first inventors of New State Governments) is as really verified of these English Innovators. Athenienses omnino ad commutan­dos Re [...]publicae status erant versatiles, & omnium pro­pensissimi ad vicissitudines, &c. In which respect Iam. 1.8. [...] Iames his character of a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways, is now become their proper [...]t Mo [...]o, unlesse they like Iude 12, 13▪ 16, 19. St. Iudes better; These be spots in your Feasts of Charity, feeding themselves without [...]: Clouds they are without water, carried about with winds: Trees, whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twi [...]e dead, plucked up by the roots: Raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their own shame: wandring stars, to whom is reserved the blacknesse of darkenesse for ever: Murmu­rers, complai [...]ers, walking after their own lusts, &c. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit; though they proclaim themselves, the only Saints having the Spirit▪ which I grant most true, if meant of 1 Iohn. 4.6. the Spirit of Error ▪ or that Isay 19.13, 14. Spirit of perversities (or giddinesses) the Lord mingled in the midst of Aegypt, and the Princes of Zoan, which caused Aegypt, ( and now England) to erre in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.

That subtile Romish Non Docto­res, sed sedlict­ores; non Pa­stores, sed Im­po [...]ores. Ber­nard. seducing Emissaries, Iesuites, Franciscans, Popish Priests, Friers of all sorts, disguised under the Vizors of Independents, Anabaptists, Dippers, Quakers, Ranters, Seekers, Soldiers, Factors, M [...]rchants [Page 4] Artificers, and mechanick Professions of all sorts, have been the principal Instruments to infuse this Spirit of Giddinesse into our intoxicated besotted English brains; the original Plotters, Broachers, Fomentors, Propagators of all the deplorable Warrs, Divisions, Errors, Sects, Heresies, Bl [...]sphemies, New Faiths, Changes of Government, which have of late years miserably rent both our Nations, Churches, Kingdoms, (heretofore 1 Iacobi c. 1, 2.3. Iac. c. 1. happily united in Christian Amity, Unity, under one Hereditary Soveraign) into diverse incoherent pieces, Schisms, Factions, Chur­ches, irreconcilably divided from and against each o­ther (threatning Mat. 12.25.26. Gal. 5.15. our inevitable speedy ruine, with­out Gods infinite, reconciling, reuniting Mercy, be­yond all human probabilities) I have at large demon­strated by irrefragable Evidences formerly published in In my Co­zens his Coze­ning Devoti­ons, Quench­cole, The Po­pish Royal Fa­vorite, Romes Master-piece. Hidden works of Darkness brought to pub­like Light. Can­terburies Doom. Speech in Par­liament. Me­mento: A Gos­pel plea. Ius Patronatus, Epistle to a Seasonable Le­gal Vindicati­on, &c. A New Discovery of Free-State Ty­ranny: The Quakers un­masked. sundry printed Pieces: to which I shall adde some other Fresh Evidences, to open the closed eyes, awa­ken the Drowsie spirits of our infatuated, stupid English Nation, and reclaim them (if possible) from those ways of desolation, in which they run on headlong, without deliberation, discretion, fear or wit.

1. It is worth our special observation, that in See D [...]. Iohn White his way to the True Church, and Preface before it: & My Quakers un­masked. Lancashire and those other Northern parts, where Popish Priests, Friers, Recusants formerly most abounded, there our last, newest, up-start Sect of Quakers first sprung up, and now most of all abound; sending out their Popish Ro­mish Emissaries thence into all other parts of the Realm, to seduce the people, and openly to revile, traduce, affront, disturb our Ministers in their Chur­ches, Pulpits, Houses; in going to, returning from their Churches, and in the open streets, in a more insolent manner, and with greater impunity, than ever the Popish Priests, Friers, or Papists in those parts, affronted, reviled, disturbed them heretofore, when they were most countenanced or connived at by our late Kings, or their Officers; being encouraged thereunto by many in grea­test Authority in those parts, of which I have seen late [Page 5] sad complaints in Letters of Ministers thus insufferably abused, disturbed daily by them, to their great vexa­tion▪ not only against See Lam­berts f. 19 [...] 333.416. Da [...]on, p. 124, 115. Com­pleat Iustice, p. 223. the [...]uo St [...]tute of 1 Mariae, c. 3. but the antient Fundamental Laws of England be­fore the Conquest, Hoveden Annalium pars posterior, p. 601, 602. Lambardi Archaion. Spel­manni Concil. p. 619, 620. See 8 H. 6. c. 1. Ra­stall [...] Parl. 12. presented to William the Co [...]queror himself upon Oath, by the famous Grand Erquest of 12 of the principal men chosen out of every County, and ra­tified by him in Parliament in the 4th. year of his reign; providing for the peace and quiet of the Ministers and peo­ple too, against all affronts and disturbances, both in their going to, continuance in, and returning from their Churches, or Synods (as well as to our Parliaments, and other Courts of Justice) still in full Legal vigour; by which, all such disturbers may, and ought to be fined, impriso­ned upon conviction, according to the quality of their offen­ces, as well as See Daltons Iustice of Peace, c. 38. other disturbes, infringers of the pub­like Peace, and bound both to the Peace and good behaviour for the future, ere released, with sufficient sureties.

2ly. It is remarkable, that these New Quakers were sent from those Northern Counties, into other quarters of the Kingdom, two by two, at first; no doubt by the direction of their Popish Provincial, just as the Franciscan Friers are sent out by their Provincial. In the See My Royal Popish Favorite. Romes Master­piece. Hidden works of Dark­ness brought to publike Light. Canterburies Doom. years 1638, 1639, and 1640. there were sundry Franciscans, with whole swarms of I [...]suits, Benedictins, and other Friers sent from forein parts, into England, Scotland, Ireland, Virginia, St. Christophers, and other English Plantations, to reduce the people back to Rome, towards which we were then running post. The Original Instruments of some of their Missions, with sundry of their Letters, Papers under their own hands and scals, relating their intentions, proceedings, (seised in the Ca­pucins Cell, adjoyning to the late Queens Chappel at So­merset-house, and in Mary-land, (by a Sea-Captain my Client) where the Iesuites erected a New Colledge and Society, the whole History whereof, and of their procee­dings in those parts, was comprised in their Letters) [Page 6] Gods providence brought into my hands, when they, and their seduced instruments were most busie in re­forming, new-modelling our Church, Religion, Parlia­ments, Realms, Government, after the prescribed patterns of Robert Parsons the Jesuit, Thomas Campanella the Frier, and Richelieu the French Cardinal; as I have My Speech in Parl. Me­mento; Epistle to my [...]us Pa­ronatus; and Historical Lae­ [...]al Vindication. elsewhere demonstrated beyond contradiction. The chiefest of these Instruments, Letters, Papers (of great concernment to our Church, State, Religion) I inten­ded long since to have published. But See a New Discovery of Free-State Ty­ranny. Io. Bradshaw and his Whitchall Associats (out of their transcendent zeal to our Religion and Republike) in the end of Iune, 1650, by special warrants directed to Soldiers, plundred me of those, & all my other Papers, Letters, Writings, Records in my Study at Lincolns Inne, and at Swains­wicke, which they could seise on; and then shut me up close Prisoner under strictest armed Guards, in 3. remote Castles, near 3. whole years, without any particular cause then or since expressed, or the least hearing or examination of me, only to hinder my Discoveries and publications of this Nature; whiles these Romish Emissaries, in the mean time, wandred freely up and down throughout our Domini­ons without restraint, See the Beacons fired. published many thousands of Po­pish, heretical, blasphemous New Books; and some of them were Souldiers in pay in their very Guards; no doubt to help extirpate Popery, Superstition, Heresie, Schism, and for the Preservation, Defence, and Reformation of the Protestant Religion, the preservation of the Rights and Pri­viledges of Parliament, the Liberties of the Kingdom, the Honour, Happinesse, Defence and Preservation of the Kings Majesty and his Posterity, according to the A Collecti­on of all Pub­like Ordinances p. 424, 425. Tenor of the Solemn League and Covenant, the quite con­trary way; and promoting their New Engagement, dia­metrically repugnant thereunto. Yet, notwithstan­ding all their diligent Searches, by Gods providence, they left one of those Original Popish Missions in Parchment, under Seal, undiscovered, (which I lately [Page 7] found in my Study at Lincolns Inn [...]) whereby two Franciscans were sent by their Provincial of Britain, in the year 1639. to St. Christophers, and other Western I­lands where we had plantations; who ended their pro­gresse at Somerset-house, (where this Instrument was seiled;) which because it may give some light towards the Discovery of our Quakers Missions in like man­ner two by two, I shall here print verbatim out of the Original in my custody; seen by many of my Friends.

Admodum Venerabili Patti Fratr [...]. F: Hugoni Ancenisiensi, Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, Sancti Francisci Capuci­norum, Sacerdoti, Frater. F: Ra [...]hael Nannetensis ejusdem Ordinis, et In Provincia Britannia Provincia­lis, licet immeritus, Salutem, In eo qui est vera Sa [...]us.

CUm divino incensus a more, et animarum Salut is sollicitudine pulsus, ex hac nostra Britanniae Provincia ad Insulas Occidentales per longa maris pericula [...]is vela facturus, ut illius regionis populos in umbra mortis sedentes, in lucem veritatis Christianae omni cum studio adducere valeas; Nobisque ex regu­lae Seraphyci Patris Francisci praescripto incumbat, de mittendorum idonietate judicare, et à sancta Sede sit Nobis concessum, quos ad tale Apostolicum munus obe undum dignos censuerimus, illuc dirigere. Te, cujus Pietas et fervor animi animarumque Zelus No­bis innot [...]it, ad id munus, cum salutatis obedientiae merito et RR. PP. Definitorum applausu, ad Insulam Sancti Christopheri, Martiniam, aut aliam Insulam Oc­cidentalem; Ibique commorandi, si opus fuerit, Con­fessiones excipiendi, caeteraque tui muneris Apostolici Officia exercendi, donec per Nos vel Successorem nostrum tibi aliter innotuerit; Una cum V.P.F. Epiphanio Alenconiensi, in nomine Domini mittimus et [Page 8] deputamus. Ut amem dignè quantum fieri poterit in tam celebri Missione peragenda te geras, omnibus fa­cultatibus per nostra Privilegia concessis, ga [...]dere at (que) uti, in quantum se extendit nostra authoritas, libenter tibi concedimus. Monentes te, ut cum omni studio, vigilan [...]ia, zelo, alacritate ac fidei fiducia, nec minus P [...]etate, ac cum proximis Evangelica conversatione, quam doctrina, instanter ad hoc eximium, Deoque, [...]c Seraphyco Patrinostro Franciso acceptum opus te accin­gas. Rogamus autem omnes Christi fideles, ad quos in Itinere te divertere contigerit, aut quorum auxilio, consilio et favore indigueris, ut te tanquam unum obe­dientiae [...]ilium cum omni Charitate recipiant; fidem facientes omnibus praesentes Li [...]eras inspecturis, de tua in fide constantia, doctrinae puritate, necnon Reli­giosae vitae immaculata observantia. Vade igitur in pace, De [...]mque pro Nobis deprecare.

F. Raphael Provincialis. Ims.

The Seal affixed to these Letters Missives is Oval, near 3. Inches in compasse, having St. Francis and a­nother Friers Portraitures cut in it, standing over a­gainst each other, with a Book held up between them in their hands, and the holy Ghost, in form of a Dove, standing upon it, with his wings spread abroad over it and them, and a Coat of Arms at their Feet, with this Inscription in Capital Letters round about the Seal, Sigillum Pro. FF. in Capuc Provinc. Britan. ✚.

Those who will diligently compare these Letters Missives with our Quakers Missions and Practices, may doubtlesse discern A Franciscan Provincial, and Fran­ciscan Friers, to be the principal original Contrivers, Directors of, and activest instruments in their late Missions two by two into all our Dominions, to distract, [Page 9] seduce the people with their Franciscan Tenents or E­vangelical Perfection, &c. their Franciscans coarse ha­bi [...]s, Haircloth, Fasts, Mortifications, Revelations Pra­ctices, railings against our Ministers Persons, Callings, Doctrines, Tithes, &c. which I have My Qua­kersunm [...]s ked. Edit. 2. elsewhere more largely detected, and The New­castle Mini­sters, Mr. Far­mer, Mr. Bax­ter, and others. others insi [...]ed on in print, to whom I remit the Reader for fuller information. And to this relation of a Gentleman lately arrived at Bristol from Marcelles in France, whose name is Mr. Charls Chester: who informed some persons of credit in Bristol, (from whose months I had it) ‘That at his being at Marcelles, there came thither two Francis­can Capuchin Friers in their habits, who begged some relief from him and other English there, pre­tending they were Englishmen, newly come forth of Eugland, and travelling towards Rome upon some occasions: whom he entertaining with good English beer (a rarity in those parts) when they were a lit­tle warmed with it, they began to discourse more freely with him upon his demands, how long, and in what parts they had been in England, and what persons they knew there? They answered, that they had been in England some years space, and par­ticularly in London, and Bristol; that they were very well acquainted with sundry particular persons in both places, whom they named to him (some whereof are the principal Male and Female Quakers in Bristol, whose names I forbear) that they went there under the name of North-Country men (as the Ringleaders of the Quakers all doe) but in truth they were Irish-men born; and when they had dis­patched their businesse at Rome, intended to return shortly into England again. And upon his first rela­tion he added; That himself saw and heard them speak to the Quakers at the Red lodge in Bristol, at one of their meetings there.’

If we add to this relation, that passage in Thomas [Page 10] Campanelia De Monarchia Hispanica, cap. 25. ( De Anglia, Sectia, & Hiber [...]a, how to reduce them under the Spaniard and Pope, by reducing them from Kingdoms [...] an Elective Kingdom, or into the form of A Commonwealth, &c.) Where he thus writes of Ire [...]d p. 207. Quod in Regno illo, seu Insula, Catho­lici maxime monachi ordinis S. Francisci summope­re deamentur, &c. Comparing it with the late monstrous increase of Iesuites, but especially of these Friers and Monks in Ireland, before the wars there brake forth, in which they were most active, as I have Hidden works of dark­nesse brought to publike light, p. 93.102, 101, to 214.218, to 252. elsewhere discovered in folio by undeniable evidences, to which I refer the Reader: And then compare them with the late extraordinary growth of Anabaptists and Quakers throughout Ireland, who have overspred that kingdom since the wars there ended, by means of those Jesuits, & Franciscan Capucin Friers, who turn disguised Anabaptists and Quakers to undermine our Church, Religion, Ministers, and se­duce the people under these disguises, with more free­dom, safety, countenance, successe, than ever they did formerly by any other Policies, or the open profession of Popery; we may doublesse conclude, that they are the original erectors, the principal Ring leaders, Fomentors of these encreasing New Sects throughout our Domi­nions; as Ramsy the Scotish Iesuite (under the mask of a Converted Iew) confe [...]sed in his considerable Ex­amination taken at New-castle, printed 1653. p. 4, 5, 11, 12, 13. and Mr. Edwards in the third part of his Gangrena p. 99. Yea, O. Cromwell himself (a witnesse beyond all exception) in his printed Speech in the Painted Chamber (before the last Assembly there) Sept. 4.1654. p. 16, 27. have published to the whole world.

To put this out of further question; I shall here unto subjoyn one late discovery of an Irish Franciscan Frier, and Missionary of the Pope, now in Prison at Bristol, which I shall more at large insist on, and desire all cor­dial [Page 11] well wi [...]rs to the Protestant Religion, and their Native Country, to take special notice of.

On the 20 of November last 1655. the Mayor of Bristol examining a Malefactor there brought before him, was informed by a by-stander, that there was one walking over against them, whom he saw in this Malefactors company, and seemed to him a suspicious person. Whereupon an Officer was sent to bring him to the Mayor; Giving no goo [...] account what he was, or whence he came, he was there upon ordered to be further examined and searched. Upon which he feign­ed a present necessity to ease Nature, and withdrawing himself for that end to an House of Office, the Of­ficers attending him, imagining it was but an excuse, to convey away some things he had about him, per­ceived him to thrust his hand up under his doublet in­to his bosom, and in [...]o the linings of his hose, to take some things thence to convey into the Jakes. Where­upon laying hands on him, and narrowly searching him, they found sundry Papers and Letters in his Hose and Bosom; and these large Faculties granted to him by the Provincial of the F [...]iers Minorites, Under Hand and Seal, which I lately transcribed with my own hand before some persons of Quality, out of the Ori­ginal Instrument it se [...]f, remaining in the custody of the Town-Clark of the City of Bristol, discovering the quality of the party, and the large Popish Faculties conferred on him, suited to the present times, most of them worthy our special observation.

Facultates venerando admodum Patri Fratri. F. Mauxi­cio Conrio, Sacrae Theologiae Lec [...]ori, &c. Communi­catae.

I. See Decla­ration de Pere Basil. A Sedane 1639. p. 116▪ REconciliandi Haereticos, & Absolvendi in omnibus Casibus ac Censuris, & in Bulla Coe­nae Domini; omnes etiam Ecclesiasticos & Regulares.

[Page 12]II. Dispensandi cum Clericis super Irregularitate quacunque occasione contracta, praeterquam Homicidii volunrarii.

III. Tenendi & Legendi Libros Haereticos, & quos­cunque Prohibitos, ad effectum illos oppugnandi; Ita ta­men ut praedicti Libri non extrahantur extra Regio­nem. Quod si opus fuerit Laicis eandem facultatem fa­ciendi, non fiat absolute, sed ad certum terminum majo­rem vel minorem, pro ratione personae.

IV. Administrandi Sacramenta omnia Parochialia, omissis pro necessitate solennitatibus & Ceremoniis solitis, non tamen necessariis.

V. Ubi Breviarium ferri non possit, vel recitari offici­um abs (que) periculo, recitandi Rosa [...]ium Beatae Mariae Virginis, vel alias Orationes, ac Psalmos, quos memoria te [...]et.

VI. Consecrandi Calices, Patenas & Altaria Portati­li [...], oleo tamen ab Episcopo benedicto▪ benedicendi Paramenta ad Missae sacrificium necessaria: nec tene­antur inquirere, an Altaria portatilia contineant Re­liquias necne.

VII. Celebrandi Missas, quocunque loco decenti, & sub dio, subtus terram, tribus horis ante lucem Hyeme, u­na hora post Meridiem, bis in die, ubi necessitas postula­verit; & coram Haereticis, aliis (que) personis excommunica­tis, dummodo Minister non sit Haereticus.

VIII. Hostiam Consecratam servandi in loco de­centi, sine lumine, aliis (que) Ceremoniis quibus utitur Ec­clesia.

IX. Commutandi quaecunque vota, etiam jurata, exceptis Castitatis, & Religionis: & relaxan [...] ju­ramenta, modo non fiat ad prejudicium [...]ertii.

X. Dispensandi ob magnam Necessitatem in tertio gradu; modo etiam ante contractum Matrimoni­um.

XI. Concedendi Indulgentiam plenariam in prima Confessione, et quotannis in Festis celebrioribus, et in [Page 13] mor [...]is articulo, et quotiescunque Generalem Confessio­nem peccatorum fecerint, etiam Indulgentiam 40. aut 50 di [...]rum ad libitum.

XII. Imprimendi et edendi Libros Catholicorum, tacito Nomine Authoris, loci, Typographi, ac reliquorum, Non obstante Concilio Tridentino, modò fuerint ap­probati à Nobis, vel ab aliis per Nos delegandis.

XIII. Dispensandi cum Conversis ad fidem Catholi­cam, super fructibus Bonorum Ecclesiarum malè per­ceptis.

XIV. Absolvendi Haereticos cujuscunque Nationis morantes in Anglia: non tamen ex partibus in quibus exercetur sanctae Inquisitionis officium in foro con­scientiae.

XV. Applicandi piis usibus bona restituenda incertis Dominis.

Poterit ad tertium Ordinem administrare, modo in­structiones similes et ubique conformes adhibeantur. Et habeant Registrum nominum receptorum, annum et diem tam receptionis, quam Professionis qu [...] ad capitulum Provinciale deferet.

De Uniformitate Fratrum.

Pro majore Devotione populi ordinatur, [...] Sacer­dotes in Celebratione Missae gravitèr et religiosè obser­ventur omnia quae ad hoc instituuntur in Ceremoniis, Missalis.

In audiendo vero Missam observent Ceremonias nostrae sacrae Religionis, uniformitèr, in quantum ra­tio temporis permittit; praesertim in singulis Eleva­tionibus oscu [...]entur terram.

In recitatione Officii divini, pro more fiat ante Alta­re. In Psalmis et Lectionibus, sedeant; Let those who use these Ceremonies still observe it. surgendo et inclinando Ad Gloria Patri, &c. surgant etiam ad Evangelium, Capitulum et Hymnos in cornu Altaris. Ad Magnificat vero, Nunc Dimittis, Benedicti, Te [Page 14] Deum, cum Collectis, ad medium Altaris.

Post Commemorationes Ordinis in Completa [...]io, semper dicant, Tota pulchra es, &c. in honorem imma­culati Conceptionis: adjungendo versum; Memento Congregationis tu [...]. Resp: quam possedisti ab initio; cum Collecta.

Omnipotens aeternè Deus Custos Hierusalem Civitatis supernae, aedifica & custodi nos et Ordinem nostrum, Re [...]em, Fegnum, et domum istam, cum omnibus Fra­tribus [...]abitatoribus suis, ut perpetuum sit in illis do­micilium salutis, Charitatis et Pacis [...] per euudem Chri­stum Dominum nostrum: Amen.

Ante Missam Principalem.

Pro Conversione Patriae semper recitentur Litaniae Laur [...]aneae.

Singulis Feriis sextis in honore Passionis Domini­cae Curent in quantum commoditas loci fert omnes Domesticos convocari, et quas Letanias majores quae quotidie pro [...]ore recitantur, actum Con [...]ritiori so­lennem sicut in instructionibus habetur Choratim re­peti.

An Act of Contrition.

O My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and Man, my Creator and Redeemer, thou being whom thou art, and for that I love thee above all things, it grieveth, it greiveth me, it grieveth me from the bottom of my heart, that I have offended thy divine Majesty, and I firmly purpose Never to sin any more, and to slie all occasions of offending thee, to confe [...]e my sins, and perform the Penance injoyned me for the same. And for the love of thee, I do freely par­don all mine Enemies; and do offer my life, words, & works in satisfaction for the same. Wherefore I most [Page 15] humbly beseech thee, trusting in thy infinite Goodnesse and Mercies, that by the Merits of thy precious Bloud and Passion thou wouldest pardon my Offences, and grant me Grace to amend my life, and to persevere therein till death. Amen, Jesus.

U [...] haec omnia prout [...]acent observentur [...]raecipio, et pro ma [...]ore firmita [...] ▪ Provinciae majori sigillo, et proprio Chirographo communio haec. 23. Feb. An Dom. 1654.

That is, Fra­ter Daniel à Sancto Iohanne (St. Iohn) Mi­norum Pro­vincialis. Fr: Dan: a S. Ioanne M [...]r. Prlis:

Over against the Provincials name there is the Pro­vincial Seal in red wax with a white paper over it, in an Oval form (like the former) about 3. inches in com­passe; with the Picture of St. Francis (as I conceive) carved in the midst of the seal, and an inscription in Capital Le [...]ters round about the Seal, most of which are so bruised, that they are not legible; but sigillum Prov: seems to be ingraven on that side of it which is least defaced; as in the formentioned Letters Mis­sives to Frier Hugo.

1. By these Faculties under Seal (written in Pa­per, not Parchment) it is most apparent, that this Maurice Conry, to whom they are Granted, is: First a person of very great note and esteem; as the mani­fold and large Faculties, powers granted to him; and the 4. first words, Facultates, Venerando admodum Pa­tri, &c. import. 2ly, That he is by his Order, A Frier Minorite, or Capucin, or Saint Francis Or­der▪ 3ly, That he is a Professor of Divinity; as his Title Sacrae Theologiae Lector, &c. his 3d. Faculty, to refute Heretical Books which he reads, and 12. To print and publish Books, &c. manifest him to be. 4ly. That he is a great Scholar in the repute of the Pro­vincial and others who granted him these Faculties; and himself confesseth in his Examination, that he was a Student for two years in the Vniversity of Paris, and af­ter that went to Prague from thence. 5ly, That he is most [Page 16] certanly a Seminary Priest in Orders, as is evident. 1. By his first Faculty; To reconcile, and absolve Hereticks in all cases. 2. By his 4th; To administer all parochial Sacraments. 3ly, By his 7. To celebrate Masses in all convenient places; yea, in the open fields, and in any Vault or Cellar under the earth; and that twice a day, if there be necessity; and that before Hereticks and Excommu­nicate persons, at cer [...]ain hours there prefixed. 4ly, By his 8. To keep the consecrated Hostia in a decent place. 5ly, By his 9. To commute any Vows, and release Oathes. 6ly, By his 11. To hear Confessions, and grant Indulgences in such form as is there expressed. 7ly, By his 14. Faculty of absolving Hereticks of what Nation soever residing in ENGLAND: where (as this Clause imports) he was principally to exercise his Priesthood, and all these his Faculties. 8ly, By all the subsequent instructions and ceremonies he was prescribed to observe in the saying of Masses and Letanies. All ard every of which, by the See Grati­an, de Conse­crat. distinct. 1, 2. Summa An­gelica & Rosel­l [...]. Tit. Absolu­tio, Confessio, Missa, &c. Bo­chellus, Decreta Eccles. Gall. l. 1. Tit. 6, 7. l. 2. Ti [...]. 7. Canons, Missals Pontifical, Ceremonial and Penitenti­aries of the Church of Rome, are proper and peculiar only to their Priests in sacred Orders, and none others. 6ly, That he ha [...]h more than Priestly, and no lesse than Episcopal power granted him in the and 15 Faculties: To reconcile and absolve He [...]eticks, and all Ecclesiastical and Regular persons: To dispense with the irregularities of Priests in all cases but of wilfull mur­ther: To consecrate Chalices, Patens, Altars, and all things necessary for the sacrifice of the Masse: To com­mute vows; release oaths; Dispence with mariages in the 3d degree; For the perception of the profits of Ecclesiasti­cal goods: To apply goods restored to pious uses; and to admit to the 3d. Order (the Papists See Summa Angelica & Rosella, Tit. Or­do. Bochellus Decret. Eccles. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 2. D [...] Ordine. Pe­ter Lumbard. Sent. l. 4. dist. 24. qu. 1. School-men have 7. and their Canonists 9. distinct Orders.) All which the Laur. [...]o­chellus, Dec [...]e­ta Eccl [...]s. Gall. l. 5. Tit. 8. l. 4. Tit. 1. Gratian de Consecratione, Distinct. 1. Panormitan, Hostien­sis, Angelus de Clavas [...]o, Thomas Zerula, Antonius Corsetus, and others, Tit. Epis­copus, Consecratio Altaris, &c. Popish Canons, Canonists, School-men, appropri­ate [Page 17] only to Archbishops and Bishops, and not to any meer Priests alone, but by a special delegated Power fr [...]m the Pope; as doth the Roman Pontifical and Cere­monial. All which considered, no doubt this Frier is a very considerable Person, and Arch-agent for the Pope and See of Rome ▪ to reconcile, reduce us back un­to it; therfore fit to be throughly examined and inqui­red after. And so much the rather, because he confes­eth in his Examination, he was employed and sent over into England from Germany about 3. years since, under the name and garb of A Captain and souldier, (under which no doubt many hundreds of Friers, Priests, Je­suits now lurk and march freely amongst us) to raise men in England and Ireland, and transport them into Flan­ders for the service of the King of Spain; That he was oft [...]t the Spanish Embassadors [...]n London, where he served [...]rd; and that he received these Facul­ties from a Gentleman at the Spanish Embassadors, to carry to another of his Name. Besides, h [...] ha [...]h 3. or 4. Passes writen in French and Spanish, from the Go­vernour of Flanders ▪ and other Officers and Commanders of the King of Spain, under their Hands and Seals, for his Free passage without danger or molestation, and assist­ance in his affairs, to all under their commands, and for his passage into England: Therefore, no doubt, a special dangerous Agent, if not Spy and Intelligencer for the Spaniard, as well as a seducing Priest and Frier, under the vizor o [...] a Captain and Souldier, as even his own Provincial stiles him in a Latin Letter found a­bout and writ to him, when he sent him some Books and these large Faculties, congratulating his good successes, and great Harvest here, and incouraging him to proceed therein. True i [...] is, in his Examinations, he confesseth his Name to be Maurice Conry, born at Ardkillin in the County of Roscomon in Ireland; and that he was a Student in the University of Paris, &c. but denveth him­self to be the same party mentioned in the Faculties, [Page 18] which w [...]re delivered to him by a Gentleman (whose name he knows not) at the Spanish Embassadors in Lon­don, to carry to another of his Name, without acquain­ting him, where he lived, or how to find him, or any Letters to him; he promising to send him further In­structions afterwards (which yet he hath not done) where to deliver them to him. But this very improba­ble figment, that any Gentleman he knew not, should de­liver a stranger such Faculties of importance to carry to another of his name; without acquainting him where to find him, or without any Letters to him, or present Instructions where to deliver them; his sewing them up between the linings of his hose; his endeavours to convey them into the house of Office when seised; the Latin Letter directing them to himself under the Name of a Captain and Souldier; his 5. Pa [...]se-ports all under the same Name to himself alone (not any other) found all together with it about him; with the Latin Popish Treatise found about him, Against Priests de­serting their flocks and pastoral charge in times of persecu­tion, unlesse in some special cases; &c. besides other cir­cumstances; infallibly prove him to be the self-same person to whom they were directed, and such a one as they describe him: he being between 30 and 40 years of age, as is conceived, professing himself a Roman Ca­tholic [...] ▪ and refusing the Oath of Abjuration. He pre­tendeth his stay in England of late, and his intended pas­sage to Ireland (for which end he came to Bristol) was to compound for his Estate in Ireland: Which doubtlesse is a fiction; he confessing he was not there in many years before, and went from Paris, where he studied, &c. into Germany to seek his fortune; where he turned Souldier ▪ which fortune he would not have sought in Germany, had he a fortune in Ireland. Yea, his last re­fuge to dispro [...]e himself a Priest, seems to me a strong evidence against him. After many Letters and solli­citations by Friends to procure his enlargement with­out [Page 19] trial, there is a lewd woman sent down from Lon­don to Bristol with a great Belly, and there newly deli­vered of a child, who avers he is her lawfull Husband; and therefore can be no Priest, or Frier, having a wife. But there being already some proofs against her, no proof at all when, where, or how long they have been maried, or lived together, she is more likely to be his harlot (which Cornelius [...]grippa, De Vanitate Scien­tia [...]um. c. 63. Espencaeus de Continentia, l. 3. c. 4. & in Tit. 1. Grava­minia Germa­niae. Popish Priests have, or may have all Licenses to keep) than wife. And if any mariage be­tween them can be proved; it will be See Bishop Iewels Defence of the Apology, part. 2. c. 8. Di­vis. 3. p. 188. to 195. no strange nor new thing for Popes to dispence with Priests and Friers ma­riages in t [...]is age, only to secure them from Justice, and palliate them from the knowledge or discovery of the common people, and ignorant Officers unacquainted with their disguises: and that if they consider the ma­nifold dispensations granted to this Maurice Conry in these Faculties; the second thing considerable in them worthy special observation.

1. Faculty 3. He is dispensed with the keeping and rea­ding of Haeretical Books: and hath power to grant the same. Faculty where there is need to Lay-men, for a larger or lesser time, as he shall think meet, Against the See Laur. Bochellus De­creta Eccles. Gal. l. 1. Tit. 10. De Libris Vetitis. Gasper Quiroga; Dr. Iames and o­thers. ex­presse Decr [...]es of many Popish Councils, Canons, Popes Bulls, & Indices librorum Prohibitorum et Purgandorum. And by such dispensations most Jesuites, Priests, Fri­ers, and Roman Catholikes in England, keep English Bibles, and some Protestant Books in their Houses, and resort to publike and private Meetings, to preserve them from detection, apprehension, and Sequestra­tion as such.

2ly, Faculty 4. He may Bochellus Decret. Eccles. Gall. l. 1. Tit. 6. l. 2. Tit. 1. De Sacramentis: & other Cano­nists of that Title. omit all Solemnities and usual Ceremonies in administring all Parochial Sacra­ments in cases of N [...]cessity, Prohibited by Bochellus Ib. l. 1. Tit. 9. & p. 1339. sundry Canons, and Councils, the Roman Missal and Ceremo­nial.

3. Faculty 5. Where he cannot [...]rry his Breviary, or recite his Office without danger; There he may rehearse [Page 20] the Rosary of our Lady, and other Prayers and Psalms without [...]ook: And omit his Breviary and Mass. Against sundry Canons, and the Rules of his very Order.

IV. He may consecrate portable Altars, without in­quiring whether there be any Sts. Reliques in them. Facul­ty 6. Contrary to Gratian de Consecrat. dist. Bochellus, De­cret. Eccles. Gal. l. 4. Tit. 1. and 5. Summa Angel. Consecrat. Eccl. & Alta­ris. Popish Councils, and the Pontifical.

V. He may celebrate Masses in any place; in a Hall, Chamber, Barn, Wood, Field, Lane, Celler, Vault, Under ground (as well as in a Consecrated Church or Chapel, where Masses by Gratian De Consecrat. Dist 1. & 2. Bochellus De­cret. l. 1. Tit. 6. lib. 9. Tit. 1. Sum. Angel. Tit. Missa. & Cons [...]crat Ec­cles. Popes and Popish Councils Decrees are only to be celebrated, and by the Romish Missal, Ponti­fical, & Ceremonial) Facultie 7.

VI. He may reserve the consecrated Host in any decent place, without a Taper burning before it, or other Ce­remonies used, though prescribed by the Church of Rome, by Boch [...]llus Decret. l. 3. Tit. 1. p. 363, 364, 372. & 554. many Councils, Canons, Decrees, Missale Pontificale & Ceremoniale Romanum. Facultie 8.

VII. He may say Masse before Hereticks and other ex­communicated pers [...]ns, Bochellus Decr. Eccl. Gal. l. 2. Tit. 14. and others hereafter ci­ted. con [...]rary to sundry Canons of Popes and Popish Councils.

8. He may print and publish the Books of Catholicks, concealing the name of the Author, place of the Printer, and ot [...]er circumstances, non obstante the Council of Trents Decrée to the contrary. Faculty 12. And those who will now give such a professed Non obstante in po­sitive terms to the Council of Trent it self, and grant dispensations in all these 8 particulars to their Priests, against this and sundry other Councils, Popes Decretals, the very Canon of the Masse it self, their own Pontifical, Ceremonial, Breviaries, and Rules of their Religious Or­ders, to disguise their Priests; Friers, keep them from being detected, convicted, & circumvent, seduce over-credulous Protestants of chiefest ranks, as well as the ignorant vulga; will they not dispense with a Priests, Jesuits, Friers, pretended marriage by collusion, with one of their own Religion, or a loose common strump [...]t, for the self-same ends? or connive [Page 21] at it, if done without a precedent dispensation, as they did at the marriage of Father Mena, a fa­mous Iesuite in Valladolid in Spain, Anno Dom. 1607. who married a Spanish Lady there, alleging See Bishop Iewels De­fence of the A­pology, part. 2. c. 8. divis. 3. Bishop Halls honour of the injured Clergy. many Proofs out of Scriptures and Fathers, that Priests and Iesuits might have wives as well as other men: The story whereof is recorded at large by Lewes Owen; in his Speculum Iesuit cum, London 1629. p. 5, 6, 7, 8. who adds; that if diligent inquisition were made, and the t [...]uth known, there would be some English Ladies and Gentlewomen found to be married unto Iesu­ites and See Bishop Iewel. ib. Io. Ba [...]e his Acts of English Vo­taries. Cl. Es­pencaeus de Continentia. Nic. de Cleman­gis onus Eccl. Alvarez, Pelagius, Aven­tinus, and o­thers. a very many that have had Bastards by them, especially such as have any good estates or portions, whereof they convey many into Flanders, Brabant, and o­ther Countries to be Iesuitesses. There being (then) in Liege, a sumptuous College built by the English Ie­suites; and hard by that two houses of English Iesu­itesses, &c.

The 3. thing observable in these Faculties, is, That they make present great necessity and danger ( Num. 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.) the ground of all the precedent, and other dispensations and powers granted to this P [...]iest, (and by consequence to all others lurking amongst us) against their own Councils, Popes Decretals, Canons, Missals, Pontificals, Ceremonials, Orders, Oaths; and not only a lawfull warrant to violate them all, but to commute, release, d [...]spense with any Vowes, Covenants though sworn, and absolve Oaths themselves. And let See my Epistle to my [...] Speech in Par­liament. those, who of late, and present times have imitated, equallized, out-acted them herein, and justified these their practices, in publike printed Papers, Pamphlets, upon the self-same grounds, or present great necessity and danger, now sadly consider whose Disciples they are, and who have been their Tutors herein.

The 4. remarkable thing from num. 14, 15. is this, ‘That these Friers Minorites have a power now in England, to receive others into their order, society, [Page 22] and Profession: A Register wherein to record their names, with the dates of the day and year of their reception and profession, and their Provincial Chap­ters and Assemblies, whereunto they are to be sent. And that of all sorts of Nations residing in England, (except Spaniards, and such who live under the In­quisition, where it is exercised) be they Irish, Scots, French, Dutch, It [...]lians, &c.’ And by the Latine Pray­er therein it is most apparent, They have their private houses in England, and other our Dominions, where­unto all the Friers of this Order within certain pre­cincts, resort at certain times, especially on Fridays (or Sa [...]urdays) every week, and use the special prayers and Letanies herein prescribed, privately amongst themselves, For the preservation and advancement of their Order, House, all their Friers, &c.

The 5. thing of Note therein is, That before the principal Masse they are always enjoyned to recite the Lau­ritan Letany (some late one of that name) for the con­version of the Country unto Rome, and Popery, here precisely required in positive terms, to which all these other faculties and their endeavours tend.

The 6. extraordinary in it, is; The inserting of most of the Ceremonies these Friers are uniformly to observe in their Masses, into this instrument, taken out of the Roman Missal, Pontifical, Ceremonial: & Missal [...] par­vum pro Sacerdotibus in Anglia itinerantibus, printed in Quarto, Anno 1623: specially inserted after [...]hese Faculties in this instrument (as I conjecture) because they cannot now conveniently carry any Missals, Brevtaries about them, for fear of being detected by them, as the 5. Facultie resolves in direct terms. A­mongst these Ceremonies 3 are observable, which our See my Canterburies Doom. p. 64, 65. Popish Prelates much practised, pressed of late, and some yet observe, and begin to revive amongst us. And that is standing up at Gloria Patri: Bowing (to wit) at the naming of Iesus, couched in the, &c. rela­ting [Page 23] to it, and clearly prescribed in Missale & Cere­moniale Romana, &c. And standing up at the Gospel read.

The 7. observable is this, that however these dis­guised Friers seem outwardly to comply with the late and present Government and Governours to effect their own pernicious designs; yet they do not pray for them, nor their New Republike, though See my Speech in Par­l [...]ament, and Epist. to my Historical and Legal Vin­dication of the Fundamental Rights and Laws of England. instru­mental in the New modelling of it: being here directly prescribed this ordinary form of prayer, wherein they prefer themselves and their Order before the King and Realm (another remarkable) Aedifica & custodi nos & Ordinem nostrum, Regem, Regnum, &c.

The 8. that in the prayers here specified, there is not one syllable of Prayers to Sts. expressed, and all merits of their own, and Iustification by works disclaimed, and relying upon the infinite Goodnesse, Mercies and Me­rits of Iesus Christ, and his precious blood and passion for the pardon of all sins, insisted on in the English pray [...]r; Yet in the self-same prayer, there is an offer of their lives, words and works, in satisfaction for their sins, (as if Christs merits, blood, passion, were not sufficient) and a particular Manuscript Treaty in Latine, found with these faculties about him, pleads for Merits and Iustification by works, against justification by Faith a­lone: yea prayer to Saints is tacitly prescribed, Facul­ty 5. In the use of the Rosary of blessed Mary the Virgin, and other Prayers, and in the use of his Beades found with him.

The 9. That these Faculties and Instrument, pre­scribe Confession, Absolution, An Act of contrition and penance, as well as Masses, Altars, and Popish Cere­monies, where they may be conveniently used, without dan­ger of discovery.

The 10. observable is, That these Faculties proclaim all Protestants to be Hereticks sundry times, and ex­communicate them as such. Yet they dispence with this [Page 24] Priest, num. 7. To say Masse before Hereticks, and o­ther excommunicate persons; so as no Minister which is an Heretick be there (for fear perchance he should de­tect him for a Priest, notwithstanding the omission of most of his Masse Ceremonies here dispensed with) which I desire Dr. Drake to take special notice of; who pleads for the admission not only of scandalous, but actually excommunicate persons to be Auditors, and Spectators of the celebration of the Lords Supper, when ad­ministred, but in no case to be actual receivers of it; as these Hereticks and excommunicated persons are meer Auditors and Spectators, but not receivers of the Sa­crament in these their Popish Masses. And thus much for this Instrument and those faculties, and the person to whom they were granted; worthy special conside­ration, which I shall close up with this Observation. That the Pope about the year 1637 made choice of 20 Capucins to send abroad with entraordinary Authority to preach and hear Confessions in places he should deem most necessary, and thereupon gives charge to their Provincial, with mature advice, with the chief of the Fathers of the Province to elect fit persons for this special service, which was then done. Amongst these one Clovet a French­man, (usually stiled Pere Bastle) was elected, and sent forth as the Popes Missionary (the eminentest of all the rest for piety and learning) who had 13 ex­traordinary Privileges and Faculties conferred on him by the Pope, confirmed by his Bull; which he soon af­ter turning Protestant, printed at large in French in his Declaration, shewing the reasons he had to separate him­self from the Church of Rome, and to joyn himself to the Reformed, A Sedane 1639. (whiles I was prisoner in Iersey, where I met with this excellent acute Decla­ration) chap. 17. p. 116, 117. The 7 first of his facul­ties there, are the very same in substance, if not in ter­minis, with the 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, and 10. Faculties in this Instrument, as I find by comparing them together. [Page 25] Whereupon I conclude, that this Conry is such an extraordinary Missionary of the Pope, and hath these unusual Faculties granted to him originally by the Popes special Bull, as Pere Basile had then, being one of the self-same Order.

I shall only give you a brief account of what other Papers were found about this Maurice Conry, with his Faculties, and conclude this discovery.

1. There were several Latin small Treatises found with him, concerning Original sin, Iustification, &c. con­curring exactly with the Quakers new Franciscan Te­nets: And it would be worth inquiry, whether he hath not been a Speaker amongst them, in some place or other, during his near 3 years aboad in England; as well as others of his Order have been?

2. There were sundry Physical receits, and Chirurgical Medicines found about him, most worn and used, with receits to drive away, catch and kill Rats, Lice, and other Vermin; which makes me conjecture he professed himself a Physician in some places, a Chirurgion in others, a Rat-catcher in a third; since his pretended im­ployment as a Captain, and Souldier, to raise men for the King of Spain, were out of date, by a breach with Spain; as one Iervis a Priest, haunting our Quarters, hath a long time passed under the disguise of a Watch­mender, and Physician.

There were three or 3 are plain and legible, the 4 th. unlegible in regard of the character and language. 4 Passe-ports and safe con­ducts granted to him under hand and Seal by the King of Spains Officers.

4. There was this Passe-port in English amongst the rest, under hand and Seal, dated two moneths space before these extraordinary Faculties granted to him, which probably might be a great motive of the Popes and his Provincials granting him, and his solliciting for, and receiving such ample Faculties, with so many new-coyned dispensations to conceal him from detection.

THese are to require you to permit and suffer this bea­rer Mauriee Conry, quietly to passe from London into Ireland about his lawfull occasions, and to return without any trouble or molestation.

To all Officers and Soldiers under my command; and to all Captains and Comman­ders of Ships.
O. Cromwell.

Conry being examined how he obtained this Passe? answered, that An Irish Footmaen of the Lord Protectors obtained it for him, from his Master.

5. There was a Letter of a late date from one of his Irish Footmen (belike he who procured this Passe­port) directed to another Irish Foot-man of his Sons, Henry Cromwel, in Dublin in Ireland; specially recom­mending this Conry to him, as his indeared Friend, to do him all the Favors in his power, which he should inter­pret as done to himself; with other Letters of like recom­mendation in his Favour to some Military Officers in Ireland from some others in England. It is very obser­vable, that the Irish Capucins, and Franciscans, are some of the best and nimblest Footmen in the world, trot­ting on foot day and night from Ireland and England to Rome, Spain, France, and other forein parts, and back again and from one part of Ireland and England to ano­ther, with greatest celerity, under the disguised habits of Soldiers, Merchants; Footmen, with My Hid­den works of Darkness, &c. p. 218. to 252. private Mes­sages, Missives, Letters, upon all occasions, especially immediatly before, during, and since the late Irish wars. And therefore it may be justly suspected, that some of them are become principal Footmen to the greatest per­sons at Whitehall and Dublin; the procuring of this Pas­port by such Irish Footmen, and these their Letters, [Page 27] giving great suspition, that this Conry and they are of the same Fraternity; which it concerns others whom they serve now strictly to examine upon this Discovery, for their own discharge and safety, as well as our Re­ligious, and Nations.

It is to be justly feared, that many such Passeports and Protections (so much Exact Coll. p. 115, 116, 117. condemned in the late King) have beene surreptitiously procured by such disguised Irish Footmen and Souldiers, for other Fri­ers, Priests, Iesuits; And so much the rather, because when I was a Prisoner at the Kings head in January 1648. under the Army-Officers, (who forcibly seized me, and above 40 other Members of the Commons house, as we went to discharge our duties in it to God, our Soveraign, Country, and those for whom we served) some Friends of mine in London, being then Convented be­fore the General Council of Officers of the Army at White­hall (as they then stiled themselves) for saying there were divers Priests and Iesuites in the Army, the chief contrivers of the designs and changes then acted; and there justifying the same; thereupon procured a Warrant from Sir Thomas Fairfax then General, to seise such Ie­suites and Priests as they found in the Armies Quarters, as well Souldiers as others; whereby they presently ap­prehend two Iesuites, and put them in ward that night; who (as they then and since informed me upon their credits, being honest, godly, conscientious persons) produced two Protections under the self-same hand that granted this Passe; which they then saw, and com­plained of; And were thereupon answered, that they were granted by misinformation and surprise: however those Iesuits got themselves released the next day; whereupon they thought it bootlesse and dangerous for them to seise any more of them (having discovered many they knew to be such) and so their good in [...]enti­ons were frustrated, and the others sad designes carry­ed on, under which we yet shake and languish in [Page 28] a most unsetled and divided condition.

Upon which considerations and presidents, I can give no better advice to all our swaying Grandees of all sorts now, than I did then in print in my Memento up­on that occasion; to tender the Oath of Abjuration to all Officers, Commanders, Souldiers, Mariners, and persons desiring Passeports or Protections, that are not of known Integrity in our Religion, and frequent not the publike Or­dinances of God in our Parochial Congregations; which will detect for the present, and prevent for the future, the creeping in, the wandring abroad of such dange­rous Romish vermin, and Spanish Factors, as this Conry and his Confederates; in whose Detection I have been more large; because of the Novelty of some of his Dis­pensations and Faculties, (which I never met with be­fore in any printed Books, or Popish Instruments I have perused) and because it may give light to others, to make the like or greater discoveries of their persons, practices, in this and future ages.

It is very strange and grievous to all true Zealous Protestants, that this extraordinary disguised Missionary of the Pope, should procure such Letters of recommendation, Passe-ports, Prote­ctions under hand and seal; and that the Anti­christian Infidel Iews themselves should Menasseth Ben-Israel, his Humble Ad­dresses and Declaration. be specially invited to come in and reside amongst us, and finde many Grand Court-Patrons publikely to plead for their free re-admission, See My Short Demurrer against the Iews Remitter part 1. p. 43. to 66. part 2. p. 111. to 125, 135. against for­mer Parliamentary and Regal Edicts for their perpetu­al Exile, in these times of Reformation: and yet that all Protestant Ministers of our own Nation, adhering to the late King, (though never so ortho­dox, learned, pious, painfull, peaceable) should at My short Demurrer, p. 103, 104, 105, &c. the self-same time, by a publike printed Decla­ration, [Page 29] Nov. 24. 1655. and special Instructions in writing to our New Bashaes, without any hea­ring, impeachment, conviction of any new Crimes, after sundry years Liberty to preach, and that some call an Act of Oblivion (onely for this their old pardoned Delinquency) be all at one in­stant specially prohibited, from and after the 1. day of December last, TO PREACH in any publike place, or private Meeting of any other persons, than those of their own Family: or to ADMINISTER BAPTISM, or THE LORDS SUPPER, or TO MARY, or KEEP ANY SCHOOL pub­like or private: or so much as to be kept as CHAP­LAINS or SCHOOLMASTERS in any for­merly sequestred persons Houses (when utterly eje­cted out of their own Houses, Benefices, Schools, Colleges by this New Edict:) and to be puni­shed as Rogues or Vagrants (if they wander abroad, when thus enforced to begg their bread;) And that every such person offending in any of the premises (their very preaching, teaching, administring Baptism, the Lords Supper, or marying, being now become capital unpardonable Offences) shall be proceeded against and imprisoned 3. moneths for his first, 6. moneths for his 2 d. and banished his Native Country for his 3 d. Offence: VVhich un­charitable, unchristian, unevangelical restraints are still continued upon many of them (and more particularly on Dr. Reeves our eminent learned Lecturer of Lincolns Inne) notwithstan­ding the earnest frequent sollicitations of de­vout and learned Archbishop Vsher, (to the [Page 30] shortning of his dayes through grief, as some conceive) the frequent, joynt, and several Pe­titions, Addresses of these Ministers themselves and their Friends, the timely Petition of the whole Society of Lincolns Inne, and Mediati­ons of all the Grand Officers of Iustice, State, of the Society, for their Lecturers liberty to preach; to the great rejoycing of our Popish Adversaries; to the great grief, prejudice, discontentment of their Auditors; the undermining of our Prote­stant Religion, dishonor of our Church, Nati­on; the ruine of some hundreds of those Protestant Ministers and their Families for­merly breaking unto us the bread of life, who now want daily bread to feed them: when as disguised Popish Emissaries, Iesuites, Preists, Friers, Quakers, Dippers, Hereticks and Blasphemers of all sorts, have Free liberty, and Protection to preach, teach, dip, re-baptize, administer the Sacrament, meet together and do what they list in publike and pri­vate Conventicles, without the least restraint. And is this to defend, propagate, (or not rather avow­edly to supplant, tread down) the Protestant Religion, A Colle­ction of Ordi­nances, p. 424, 425, 426, &c. we covenanted and took up armes formerly to maintain; thus to Mat. 26.31. smite, si­lence, starve, ruine so many orthodox Prote­stant Shepherds, Pastors at one blow; and to threaten inexorable Imprisonments, yea banishments to them, if they but once presume to teach, preach, or administer Sacraments ( according to their Mat. 28.19, 20. 1 Cor. 9.5, to 20. 2 Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. obliged duty, and Christs own Injunction) in publike or private, for the peoples edificati­on, [Page 31] or their own or families supportation? VVhen thousands of Romish VVolves, Here­ticks, Sectaries of all sorts are so busie in all parts, to seduce, devour their flocks, now left Ma [...]. 6.34. like Sheep without a Shepherd in many places? The Lord give those whom it most concerns, and the whole Nation, eyes time­ly to discern, and hearts to bewail, reform this Soul-devouring barbarous cruelty. And let those who have been instrumental Contri­vers of, or Actors in it, consider and remem­ber, Mat. 7.2. With what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again: and James 2.13. For he shall have judgement without Mer­cy, that hath shewed no mercy; but this extre­mity of cruelty even to the Minsters of Christ himself, and all those they deem their Ene­mies, is contrary to the express precepts of Christ himself, Mat. 5.44, 45. Rom. 12, 20, 21.

It is very remarkable, that See my An­tipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy, part. 2. ch. 6. p. 305, 306. Dr. Willi­am Peirce late Bishop of Bath and Wells, who in the ruff of his Episcopal Power and Pride, presuming on his great Court-friends, suppres­sed all Lectures and Lecturers, both in Market towns and elsewhere, glorying in this his impi­ous Tyranny; and thanking God, that he had not a Lecture left in his Diocesse. And when he absolved Mr. Devenish Minister of Bridgewa­ter, (whom he suspended ab officio & benefi­cio, [Page 32] onely for preaching a Lecture in his own Parish Church on the Market day, which had continued above 50 years with­out interruption) used this speech unto him, intimating, that preaching a Lecture was as hainous a crime as committing a­dultery: Iohn 5.14. Goe thy way, sinne no more, (in preaching a Lecture) lest a worse thing happen to thee: was by Gods just retaliating judge­ment soon after, quite stripped of his Episco­pal Power and Revenues upon his Impeachment in Parliament, committed Prisoner to the Tower, se­questred, and now reduced to such extremitie, that in November last, he came to an honou­rable Knight of mine acquaintance in West­minster, complaining to him, he had not bread for him and his to put in their mouthes; intrea­ting his favour to procure any Lecturers or Cu­rates place for him, though never so mean (which he by all the Friends he had could no where obtain) to keep him from starving. VVho thereupon minded him of these his former Speeches, and cruelty towards other Lectu­rers and Ministers, whom he reduced to extreme povertie; wishing him, to take special notice how God had justly requited him in his own kinde, so as himself would now turn Lecturer, or the meanest Curate under others, in his old age, to get but a meer subsistence, and yet none would intertain him, as himself confessed, in any place. So as the judgement threatned a­gainst [Page 33] Ely his posterity, 1 Sam. 2.36. (And it shall come to passe, that every one that is left in thine House, shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver, and a morsel of bread, and shall say; Put me I pray thee into somwhat about the Priesthood, that I may eat a piece of bread) was now actual­ly fallen on this great Prelate. And let o­thers now greater than he in his highest condition, consider it, though never so well fenced with Guards and armed Forces by Land or Sea, lest God reduce them and theirs to the like extremities, as they have reduced these Ministers of Christ, with sundry others: and that upon the serious consideration of this memorable History, re­corded in Variae Hist. lib. 6. c. 12, 13. Aelian concerning Dionysius the younger, in these very words. Dionysius juni­or, imperium habebat optime constitutum, muni­tumque hoc modo. Naves possidebat non paucio­res quadringentis; hexeres et quinqueremes. Pedestres copias ad centum millia hominum, equi­tum novem millia. Civitas vero Syracusano­rum maximis portubus erat instructa et moenibus altissimis circundata, atque in promptu habe­bat omnem apparatum bellicum ad alias Naves quingentas. Reconditum etiam habebat frumen­tum ad centum medimnorum myriades; et arma­mentarium scutis, gladiis, hastis, tibialibus in­numeris, thoracibus & catapultis plenum refer­tum (que) catapulta autem inventum fuit ipsius Diony­sii. Praeterea sociis infinitis vigebat. His rebus con­fidens [Page 34] Dionysius, ADAMANTE FIR­MATUM IMPERIUM OBTINE­RE SE PUTABAT. Sed ipse primum fratres suos morte affecit. Vidit etiam filios suos cru­delissime mactari, et virgineum pudorem filiabus eripi, atque deinde nudas trucidari. Breviter, ne­mo ex ejus propagine sepulturam justam adeptus est. Nam alii vim combusti sunt, alii dissecti, & in mare projecti sunt. Id adeo evenit ei, cum Di­on, filius Hippa [...]ini, imperium invasisset. Ip­se vero IN EXTREMA PAUPER­TATE senex mortuus est. Theopompus dicit eum nimiae meri potationis vitio ejus oculos la­borasse, ita ut caecutiret, et sedisse in tonstrinis, ri­sumque scurriliter hominibus commovisse, atque in media Graecia turpiter & praeter decorum versatum miserrimam vitam traduxisse. Ita non leve docu­mentum extitit mortalibus, ad amplectendam tem­perantiam et morum honestatem, Dionysii ex tan­tis opibus in tam miserum statum, rerum vicissitu­do. Pulcherrime a Diis immortalibus comparatum est, ut nullam Tyrannidem usque ad tertiam genera­tionem propagent, sed aut confestim Tyrannos tan­quam proceras piceas perdant et extirpent; aut libe­ros eorum viribus denudent ac spolient. If God deal thus with Heathen, will he not deal more severely with Christian Tyrants, and under­miners of his Gospel, who condemn others for that wherein they now exceed them. Rom. 2.1, 2, 3?

[Page 35]And here (having done with my Discoveries) I cannot but seriously lament, to consider, that as ma­ny of the late over-zealous New Modellers of our State, to accomplish their own self-ends, have (contrary See my Speech in Par­liament, Me­mento, New Discovery of Free-State Ty­ranny, Epistle to an histori­cal and Legal Vindication of the Fun­damental Liberties and Laws of Eng­land, and the History of In­depency. to all their former Protestant Principles, Oathes▪ Protestations, Covenants, Remonstrances, Commissions, Trusts, Obligations) ignorantly, or wittingly imbraced, pursued, justified, imitated, practised, if not out-acted the very worst and most dangerous, seditious, treacherous, Antimonarchical positions, practices, politicks of Antichri­stian Popes, and Machiavilian Iesuites. So divers over­rigid Presbyterian, independent Ministers, and Reformers of our Church, out of a preposterous zeal and scrupulo­sity, have blindly, rashly, or unadvisedly taken up, maintained, practised the erroneous Tenets, and exorbi­tant Practices of Popes, Romish Priests, Prelates, Iesu­ites, against the very Doctrine, Institution, usage, precepts of Christ himself, the Primitive Fathers, Church, Christians, in discontinuing the frequent ad­ministration of the holy Communion to their people, and se­cluding all or most of their Parishioners from it sundry months, nay years together, by their own new Papal Authority, without any lawfull cause, hearing, trial, or excommunication, judicially denounced against them [...]or any scandalous sins, whereof they are duly con­victed, when as they freely admit them to all other publike Ordinances, without the least suspension from them; instead of inviting, exhorting, compelling them ( Mat. 22.1. to 11. Luke 14 12. to 25. [...]ar­mony of Confes­sions, c. 10. to 16. Articles of England, c. 22. to 31. And ex­hortation in the Common Pray­er Books. Tho­mas Beacons Catechism. Con­cordia Luthera­na, p. 542. to 550. Practice, of Piety. Mr. Humfrey of Free-Admission and Rejoynder to D [...]. Drake. according to their duties) to the frequent par­ticipation of this Soul-converting, heart-refreshing, Grace-communicating heavenly Supper, wherin the remembrance, fruits, benefits of our Saviours passion are most lively re­presented to their senses, and applied to their Souls: which Anti-christian, Sacrilegious, new kind of Reformati­on (to advance their own interests, Power, no [...] Christs Kingdom, Glory,) is principally founded on these en­suing erronious Popish Principles, all bottomed on and [Page 36] flowing from that monstrous absurdity of Transubstan­tiation, and Christs corporal presence in this Sacrament, which all Harmony of Confessions, c. 14. Bishop Iewels Apol. & Reply to Harding: Bish. Morton, Peter Moulins, and others. Protesta [...]ts abominate, refute, re­nounce.

1. That Christ, and God himself, are more really, im­mediately present, and conversed with by Christans in the Lords Supper, than in any other publike holy Ordinance whatsover; asser [...]ed generally by all See Bochel­lus Decr. Ecc. Gal. l. 3. Tit. 1. Summa Angel. Tit. Euchari­stia: Gratian De Consecratio­ne, Distinct. 2. Popish Councils, Schoolmen, Iesuits, Canonists, Casuists in their Decrees, Masse-books, Offices, Manuals, Treatises, Controversies touching the Eucharist, Sacraments, Masse, and Tran­substantiation: and more particularly by See Bishop Iewels Defence of the Apology, c. 14. Divis. 1. p. 260, 261, 264. Mr. Har­ding against Bishop Iewel; who refutes it in the Name of the Church of England: Yet now professedly avow­ed of late in A Brotherly and Friendly Censure of my 4. Quaeres, p. 8. in Dr. Drake his Anti-Quaeries, and B [...]undary to the Holy Mount, and sundry others, as their chief ground of keeping, suspending, all those they deem unworthy from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper alone, but from no other part of Gods worship. This opinion first sprung from Popish Transubstantiation; which as it introduced Bish. Iew­els Reply to Harding, p. 282 to 301. See my Canterburies Doom, p. 63, 64. Q [...]enchcole; Pleasant Purge for a Roman Catholike, p. 140. to 180. Bochellus Deer. Eccl. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 1. Adoration of, prostration, knee­ling, bowing to, towards, before the consecrated Elements, Altars, and railing in Altars in the Church of Rome: so it See My Q [...]enchcole. Canterburies Doom, p. 62, 63, 79, 80, 81, 101. to 125▪ 474, 475, 486, 487. lately brought into our Cathedrals and Parish Churches, prostration, kneeling, bowing to, and before the Sacramental Elements, and rayling in of Altars, Lords Tables at the East end of our Quires, in imitation of the Romanists, by our Popish Prelates and Priests; Witnesse Archbishop Lauds own words, in his Speech in Star-chamber, An. 1637. p. 47. The Altar is the greatest place of Gods residence upon earth; I say, the greatest; yea, greater than the Pulpit. For there tis, Hoc est Corpus meum, This is my Body; But in the Pulpit, it is at most, but Hoc est Verbum meum, this is my Word. And a greater Reve­rence [Page 37] ( Yet Hierom in Psal. 147. and Bishop Iewel in his Treatise of the Sacra­ments, p. 276. write, Quando audimus sermo­nem Domini, Caro Christi, & Sanguis ejus in mentes nostras infunditur. no doubt) is due to the Body, than [...]o the Word of the Lord. And so in relation answerably to the Throne where his Body is usually present, than to the Seat, where his Word useth to be proclaimed. [...]hich Popish dotage of his, seconded by Dr. Pocklington, Dr. Heylin, Dr. Laurence, Edmund Reeve, Shelford, and o­ther Popish Innovators, I have In My Quen [...]hcole. Canterburies Doom, p. 198, 199, 200, 201, 474, 475. A pleasant Purge for a Roman Catholick, p. 159, &c. elsewhere at large refuted.

2. That the Lords Supper is more holy, dreadfull, ex­cellent, venerable, and more dangerous, damnable to such who unworthily approach unto it, than any other Sacrament or divine Ordinance whatsoever: And therefore necessa­rily requires a greater measure, degree, and another man­ner of worthinesse, fitnesse, preparation, qualification, self-examination, confession of sins, faith, repentance, Grace, Holinesse in those who are to be admitted to receive it, than Baptism, Prayer, hearing, reading of the Word, thanks­giving, fasting, or any other part of Gods publike worship; to which they (and our rigidest Presbyterians) freely admit all thei [...] Parishioners, without any trial, or tran­scendent worthinesse, fitnesse, or preparation. Hence Bochellus Decreta Eccles. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 1. c. 2, 3, 4,, 70, 71, 72, 7 [...], 82, 84, 85, 88.90, 93, 96, 98.101, 105, 106, 107, 124.140.150. Petrus Aureo­lus: and other Schoolmen, in l. 4. dist. 9. qu▪ 2. Summa A [...] ­gelica Eu­charistia 13. Popish Councils, Writers, stile the Lords Supper, Ex­cellentissimum Sacramentum: quia continet in se, actorem totius Gratiae et Sanctificationis Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum: et verum Christi Corpus, et sanguinem. And thence inferre. Excellentia hujus Sa­cramenti requirit dignum mysterium; et ideo volens recipere vel conficere tantum Sacramentum, debet se praeparare, per Contritionem, et veram Confessionem peccatorum suorum, ac puram devotionem. Statui­mus quod nullus deinceps ad Eucharistiae Sacramen­tum teneatur aliquem admittere, nisi prius illum au­dierit in Confessione, aut prius sibi fide facta, quod mo­re fidelium poenitentiae reciperit Sacramentum. Ne­mo sine speciali Contritione, Confessione, et Satisfa­ctoriis operibus dignè praemunitus, ad Eucharistiam sumendam accedat. Moneantur conjugari non ni [...] [Page 38] praeparata aliquot dierum continentia ad Eucharist [...] sumpsionem accedere, &c. Which very Popish Doctrine and Consequence of an extraordinary tran­scendent degree of worthiness, preparation, &c. are professedly asserted by the Authors of the Antidote to, and Brotherly friendly censure of my four Questions; Dr. Drake in his Anti-quaeries, boundary; Mr. Collins in his Juridical Suspension, and others.

3. Upon these precedent false Principles, and the extraordinary danger of unworthy receiving, the Popish Priests and Prelates inferr Bochellus Decret. Eccles. Gal. l. 3. Tit. 1. c. 71, 72, 73.105, 107. Summa Ange­lica Euchari­stia, 3 Richard. in 4 sentent. Distinct. 9. That they are bound to ad­mit none to the Lords Supper, but such whom they upon a precedent private examination and Confession of their sins to themselves, or such as they appoint, shall absolve and deem worthy, and prepared to receive it. And their Councils Decree. ‘Nullus Parochus ad hujus Sacramenti sumptionem quempiam admittat, cujus conscienti­am non noverit, aut ipse, aut ab eo ei negotio prae­fectus. Nec quemquam Parochi seu Curati ad Com­munionem admittant, nisi quem privs sciverint con­fessum fuisse peccata, aut ipsis, aut eorum Vica­riis, seu Sacerdotibus deputatis.’ And upon the self-same grounds as the Church of Harmony of Confessions, sect. 14. p. 336.337.327. Saxony in the be­ginning of Reformation, admitted none to the Communi­on, unlesse they were first examined, heard, tried, and ab­solved of the Pastor and his fellow-Ministers: Comply­ing herein over-much with the Papists; So now Divine Right of Church Go­vernment, p. 252, 353, &c. Mr. Rutherford, Boundary to the holy Mount. Dr. Drake, Iuridical suspension. Mr. Collins, and other over-rig [...]d Presbyterians assert; ‘They are bound in duty, conscience, prudence, first, to try, examine the knowledge, faith, graces, repentance, lives and visible worthinesse of all their Parishio­ners, before they come to the Lords Supper; to ad­mit none thereto, but such whom they and their Presbyteries upon trial shal deem worthy and prepa­red to receive it, and to seclude all others from it: concurring herein with these Popish Priests and Pre­lates.’

[Page 39]4. ‘That there is See Gratian Caus. 11. Q [...]. 3. and the Glossers on it. Bochellus De­cret. Eccles. Gal. l. 2. Tit. 14. Summa Angelica, & Ros [...]lla. Hosti­ensis, Th. Ze­rula, Antonius Corsetus, and others. Tit. Excommuni­catio. a letter Excommunication, whereby the Prelates and other Officers of the Church, are authorized, impowred judicially, by way of Church Censure, to suspend and keep back scandalous, ignorant, unconfessed, obstinate Church-members, who refuse to submit to the examination and orders of the Church, from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper only, without any actual sequestring of them from any other publike Ordinances, in which they may freely communicate with other Christians; distinct form that Excommunicatio major, which to­tally secludes Christians from entring into the Church, and all Christian fellowship and Communion in any publike Ordinance, and all private society with Chri­stians.’ Which lesser Excommunication, was first intro­duced by Popish Councils, Canonists, Casuists, only for lesser mortal sins, and conversing with pe [...]sons lying under the censure of the greater Excommunication; And is now most eagerly asserted by Divine Right of Church Go­vernment. Mr. Rutherford, Aarons Rod blosso­ming. Mr. Gillespy, Antiquaeries and Boundary. Dr. Drake, Iuridical suspension. Mr. Collins, Conside­rations and Cautions, Iuly 9. 1646. p. 5 &c. The Mi­nisters of Syon College, and others as committed to Chu [...]ch-Officers and Presbyteries by the will and testament of Iesus Christ; though no ways warranted, but contradicted by all the Scripture test [...]monies they produce to warrant it, and by the practices of the Primitive Church, as I have proved at large in A Vindi­cation of a se­rious Questi­ons. Suspen­sion suspended. former publications. The only memorable particular example recorded in antient Ecclesiastical Histories, of a publick excom­munication denounced by a Bishop for a scandalous crime (especially against his Soveraign) is that of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Millain, against the Emperour The­odosius the first, thus recorded by Eccles. Hist. l. 5. c. 17, 18. Sozomen lib. 7. c. 24. Utro­pius, Zonaras, Oxmeerus, Pedro Mexia, Grimston in his life, Baronius, the Cen­turies of Magdeburg, Dr. Bilson, The true difference, &c. part. 3. p. 369, 37 [...]. &c. Theodoret, and o­thers. The Inhabitants of Thessalonica (a rich, populous [Page 40] City in Macedonia) in a popular tumult slow their Iud­ges and all who took part with Theodosius in the Govern­ment: Wherewith he being highly incensed, so far ex­ceeded the bounds of justice and reason in the punish­ment thereof, that he caused his Souldiers, without sea [...]ching out the Malefactors, to slay prom [...]scuously in a rage no lesse than 7000 of the Citizens; putting no difference betwixt the guilty and innocent. After this bloody execution, at the Emperours next coming to the Church of Millain to pray, and do his devotions, as of custom he used, St. Ambrose stepping to the Church-door, as he was about to enter into the Church, with much boldnesse prohibiting him to enter, used this speech unto him. ‘Thou seemest, O Prince, not to understand what a monstrous slaughter of people is committed by thee, neither doth rage suffer thee to weigh with thy self what thou hast done; yet must thou know, that from dust we came, and to dust we shall. Let not therefore the brightnesse of thy Robes hide from thee the weaknesse of flesh that is under them. Thy Subjects are of the same metal that thou art, and serve the same Lord that thou dost.’ With what Eyes therefore wilt thou be­hold the house of this Common Lord, and with what feet wilt thou tread on his holy pavements? Wilt thou reach those hands, dropping yet with the blood of Innocents to receive the most sacred body of the Lord? Wilt thou put that precious blood of his to thy mouth, which in a rage hast spilt so much Christian blood? ‘Depart ra [...]her, and heap not one sin upon another. Neither refuse this Bond (of Excommunica­tion) which the Lord of all doth ra [...]ifie in heaven. It is not much, and it will restore thee the health of thy Soul.’ All which the Emperour hearing with great patience, returned presently to his Palace, with­out entring the Church, obeying the excommunicati­on, and there continued above 8 moneths space, [Page 41] without coming any more into the Church, or putting on his Emperial Robes. After which, upon his earnest request and publike repentance for this crime, and his enacting this Law by St. Ambrose his advise, by way of penance (as some write) ‘That from thenceforth no man whom he or his Successors should condemn to dye should be executed within thirty dayes after the Sen [...]ence of death denounced against him:’ he being absolved from his excommunication, ‘came again in­to the Church, and there making his prayers, and performing his devotions, received the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.’ From which History it is ap­parent,

1. That Excommunicate persons in that age, were not suspended only from the Lords Supper, but secluded from entring into the Church it self, and from all publike See Capit. Carol. Mag. 5. c. 42. Trr­tullian de pae­nitentia. Dr. Hammond of the power of the keys. ch. 4. Sect. 43.44. &c. My Vin­dication of 4. serious Questi­ons, and Sus­pension suspen­ded. divine Ordinances used in it, as well as from the Lords Table, and from [...] Christian Communion. Hence Bochellus Decret. Eccles. Gall. l. 2. Tit. 14. c 1, 2, 3.36, 37, 38.45.48, 58, 64, 65, 71, 85, 92.121, 126, sundry Councils since, with Caus. 11. Q [...]. 3. Gratian, and all Panormi­tan, Hostiensis, Angelus de Clavasio, Ant. Corsetu [...], Lyndewood, Summa Rosel­la, Tho: Z [...]rula and others, Tit. Excom­municatio. Popish Canonists resolve and decree, Major Excommu­nicatio Separat ab ingressu Ecclesiae, à Sacramentis, et à Communione fidelium. Excommunicatus non potest interesse Divi [...]is Officiis, aut cum aliis orare in Ecclesia; Nec debet extra ita prope stare quod audiat. And if any such excommunicate person come into the Church, he is presently to be thrust out of it, and the Priest must give over his begun Masse, Prayers, Preaching, and not proceed therein, till [...]e depart the Church: Neither may any Chri­stian wittingly eat, drink, conferre, or trade with such a one, under pain of Excommunication: Yea our own Sta­tute of 5 E. 6. ch. 4. against such as fight and strike in the Church, Enacts That such an Offender shall be excom­municate, an [...] be excluded from the fellowship and company of Christs Congregation: This Excommunication our Laws, See Fitzh. Brook, [...]sh, Ti­tle Excom­mengment, Cooks 1 Instit. f. 133, 134, 3 Instit. c. 81. p. 177. Bracton. l. 5. f. 425, 426, 427. F [...]t [...] l. 6. c. 44. Capit. Caroli et Ludovici, l. 5. c. 23.28.42. l. 7. c. 216.361.373. Lawbooks take notice of, which [Page 42] likewise disables men to sue in any Civil Court of Iustice, if pleaded in barr against them under Seal.

In brief: the 33 Article of the Church of England, ratified by the Statute of 13 Eliz. c. 13. and Subscrip­tions of all our Ministers, Defines Excommunication to be a cutting off from the Unity of the Church, and whole multitude of the faithfull, who ought to avoid an excom­municate person as an Heathen and a Publican, untill he be openly reconciled by Penance, and received into the Church, by a Judge that hath Authority thereunto. And the Confessions of Bohemia, c. 8.14. Of Helvetia, c. 16. Of the French Churches, c. 32, 33. Describe Excommunication to be, a removal of wicked, scandalous, obstinate Sinners from the Holy Fellowship of Believers, a throwing them out from the Church, and delivering them to Satan by Ecclesiastical punishment. And absolution of such upon repentance, to be, A taking them again into the Church, to the Communion of Saints and Sacraments. Therefore the New-found Suspension and Excommunication of scandalous persons only from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, without seclusion from the Church and other Ordinances, now so much contested for, is but a meer Popish Innovation, not warranted by Scripture, Antiquity, our own Statutes, Articles, or other Protestant Churches Confessi­ons.

2. That in that age all Church-members freely ad­mitted to the publike prayers of the Church, and not thus actually excommunicated from all Ordinances and the Church it self, were freely admitted to the Lords Supper, and all excommunicated persons too, up­on their absolution.

3. That the Lords Supper in that age was usually received by all Church-members, when ever they publiquely assembled to pray or hear Gods word: and no other, no greater worthinesse, holinesse, qualifica­tion, preparation, or self-examination required for [Page 43] Christians free admission to the Communion, than to o­ther publike duties, which it did then daily ac­company.

This president of St. Ambrose his excommunicating this godly Emperour Theodosius, and keeping him above 8 Moneths space from the Church and all publike Or­dinances; only for his over-rash execution of Justice upon his rebellious mutinous subjects, upon so great a provocation, notwithstanding his present humilia­tion and sorrow for it upon the first reprehension, and that without any precedent, private or publique ad­monition; as is no ways waranted by any precept or president in Gods word, nor parallel example in the Primitive Church, and censured by sober See the Centuries of Magd. Cent. 3. & 4. D [...]. Bil­sons True Dif­ference, part 3. p. 376, &c. Prote­stants, as over-harsh, indiscreet, rash, and too Pon [...]sical; yea such, as might have then produced See Aug. contr. Petil. l. 3. c. 2. a dange­rous Schism in the Church, to the great prejudice of Re­ligion, had not this godly Emperour been more humbly patient, prudent than St. Ambrose; So it hath in later ages been a Defence of English Ca­tholikes, c. 5. I. E. his Treatise of the Right & Iurisdiction of the Prelate and Prince. Ba­ [...]omus Annal. Tom 3.4. See Bi [...]sons True Difference be­tween Christian Subjection and Unchristian Re­bellion pa [...] 3. p. 369. to 379. much abused, and insisted on by Anti­christian Trayterous Popes, Popish Prelates, Iesuits, Priest to justify their many illegal, unchristian, unrighteous Ex­communications of Christian Emperors, Kings, Princes; their deposing them from their Empires, Crowns, Kingdoms▪ their absolving their subjects from their allegiance to them, and taking up arms against them, to the great disturbance of most Christian Empires, Realms, States, Churches. Therefore it can be no justification or proof at all for any of our Protestant Ministers wilfully to ab [...]ain from the celebration of the Lords Supper, and seclude excommunicate all their Parishioners from it, not on­ly 8. whole Moneths, but almost so many years toge­ther upon the forementioned Popish principles ▪ or any other ground; especially not being all actually excom­municated or secluded from the Church and all other publike ordinances as he was, but freely admitted by them to the Church, and all other publike Ordinan­ces [Page 44] but the holy Communion, which he was not. The s [...]d effects whereof, instead of making their people more worthy, more prepared to receive this Sacra­ment, and more regardfull of it, I have Suspension suspended, p. 25 26.36. elsewhere touched and shall more largely insist on in its due place. Only here I shall desire our Ministers to observe, what Concilium apud Langes, & Synodus [...]a­digavensis, An. 1281. apud R [...]bellum De­ [...] et. Eccl. Gall. l. 2 Tit. 14. de Excommunica­tione, cap. 90, 91. p. 294, 295. two Popish French Councils heretofore have noted, [...]ouching the debarring particular persons only from the Lords Sapper for a years space or two, by vertue of actual Excommunications judicially denounced against them, and the dangerous effects it hath produced, in­stead of working any reformation in them or others. Quia nonnulli Excommunicationum Sententias, et quod detestabilius est, Dominici corporis Sacramen­tum contemnentes [...] temporibus in Sen [...]en­tus morantur De participatione Dominici corporis non curantes, &c. Quonian multos reperimus in [...]urato animo claves sanctae matris Ecclesiae vilipendentes excom­municationis se [...]temi [...]im diutius sustinere, Corpus Chri­sti in Ecclesia in Biennio vel Triennio non suscipere, vel etiam non conf [...]eri. Praecipimus omnibus et singulus Re­ctoribus, &c. ut in tal [...]bus salubre Consilium apponatur. If these their judicial excommunications of particular persons, instead of reforming their lives, made many of them only to contemn the censures of the Church, and the very Sacrament of the Lords body, which is more dete­stable; and not to care to receive it in two or three years space; which they reputed a horrid mischief fit to be redressed by wholesome Counsel: Then certainly our Ministers Antichristian, undiscreet, Cum timerent ne Principatum ammitterent, cum Legum La­tores, ut majo­res esse vide­rentur, multa innovabant; quae [...]es ad tan­tam pervenit nequitiam, ut precepta sua cu­stodirent mag [...]s quam mandata Dei, Chrysost. in Mat. Hom. 52. wilfull keeping back, excommunicating of whole Churches, Parishes, Cities, from the Sacrament two or three years space together, or more, without any actual excommunica­tion legally denounced against them for any scandalous sins, must ne [...]ds b [...] a more detestable Crime, and make the generality of the people not only to neglect, con­temn their Authority, Ministry, Church-censures; but [Page 45] even the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in self, yea to­tally to withdraw themselves from it, and all other publick Ordinances, yea from our Churches too, as many thousands of them have done of late years, since debarred from this Sacrament, under pretext of making them more fit and worthy to receive i [...] ere admitted to it. It is an antient proverbial experimental truth in most other things and Christian duties, and so in this;

Qui non est bodie, Cras minus aptus erit.

Those Parishioners whom our Ministers deemed unfit, unworthy to receive this Sacrament the first year they withheld it from them; they find more prophane, unfit, neglectfull to receive it the next year, yea much more the third and fourth year, than the se­cond; Upon which account they have wholly cast this Sacrament aside for sundry years; and must do so till Doomsday, against Christs own command, their Mi­nisterial office, and the Primitive Churches, Fathers practice in frequent administring the Communion to all their people. Let them therefore henceforth learn this politick, safe Lesson, even from their Popish Tutors; who debating these Questions, Rich. de Media Villa, in 4. Sent. Dist. 9. Aquinas, 4. pars qu. 80. Ange­lus de Clavas [...]o Sum. Angel: Eu­charistia, 3. sect. 20, 21, 22. Utrum Presbyter peccet mortaliter dando Eucharistiam ei quem scit in pecca­to mortali constitutum? And, Nunquid esset minus ma­lum dare tali Hostiam non consecratam, vel non conse­crare, quam Eucharistiam tali dare? Resolve negative­ly, with some distinctions, as to the first; and to the last without any distinction, thus. Summa An­gel, Eucharisti [...], 3. sect. 21. C. de Homine de C [...] ­le: Misse [...] Iewels Des [...] of the Apology, p. 3 [...]. Resp: Quod Non: Ideo dicitur, prorsus quidem falsa remedia sunt absicienda, quae veris et manifestis periculis sunt graviora: as this debarring the people from the Sacrament for so long a space hath experimentally proved; occasioning many more grievous sins, mischiefs, than it hath prevented: being a remedy far worse, and more dangerous than the diseases it should cure. Wherefore since D [...] [...]nitate Ecclesiae, [...].10. St. Aug. [Page 46] r [...]olve [...]; Ne Catholicis quidem Episcopis consentiendum est sicubi fo te f [...]lluntuc, et contra canonicas Scripturas al [...]q id setiant: And Ad Rector. & [...] C [...]lon. [...]sp [...]sis P [...]al. [...]: p. 435. Pope Pius the 2d. concludes, Re [...]stendum est quibuscunque in faciem, sive Paulus, sive [...]us si, qui ad Veritatem non ambulat Evangelii: with whom Defence of the Apology part. 5. c. 12. divis. 2. p. 502. Bishop Iewel concurr. I hope none of our Ministers guilty of this Crime, can or will be offended with me for his my plain dealing with them. And I shall intreat all such indiscreet over-rigid Ministers seriously to consider, the Popish Principles foremen­tioned wheron thi [...] their false remedy is founded▪ with the bi [...]ter fruits it hath produced: And seeing it is an unquestionable sin in themselves not to administer or [...]ke; an [...] in their people, not to receive the Sacraments many moneths, nay years together, (as well as not to pray, preach, read, hear, sing Psalms, and praise God for his mercies, nor neglect baptism:) let them now at last repent, reform without delay, and no lon­ger excuse, much As Mr. D [...]ke, M. Col­lings, & others do in printed Books. lesse defend this Sacrilegious unchristian sin, since ad Roma­nas, c. 2. Primasius, and Defence of the Apology, p. 347. Bishop Iewel resolve; Nemo periculosius peccat, quam qui pec­cata defend [...]t ▪ And St. Rom. 3.8. Paul himself determines, tha [...] there damnation is just, who do evil (yea so great an evil as this▪ to rob whole parishes of the Lords own Supper, Table, Cup, Body, Bloud for divers years) that good may come of it: much more if they persevere imp [...]nitently therein, after all admonitions to the con­trary. The See Sex­tus Aurelius & Dion in his Life: Bishop Iewels Ser­mons, p. 183. Emperor Domitian intending a Refor­mation of the Empire, which afore his time, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, and other wicked Emperors had spoi­led and defaced, asked Apollonius Tyanaeus, a Philoso­pher, What order were best to be taken therein? Who made him answer; Sir, You must do as the Musician bad his Scholars do. How is that? said Domitian: Sir, quoth Apollonius, There was a cunning Musician, that set his Scholars to an ignorant and homely Minstrel to learn Musick of him; but before he sent them out, he [Page 47] gave them this Lesson; Whatsoever ye see your Master do, see that ye avoid it; he is unlearned, and his Lessons and manner of singing naught; therefore see ye do the con­trary. Even so may I say; Whatsoever we see that they have done, who were our late Masters before us, that have almost destroyed our Churches and Realms too, by their unskilfulnesse, erronious Doctrines, Il­legal Practices, Innovations, Oppressions, Schisms, to­lerations of all Religions: &c. Let us now do the quite contrary, to repair, restore them to unity, tranquillity, prosperity, safety. More particularly, set all our Mi­nisters combine together henceforth duly and fre­quently to administer the holy Communion to their people (being the chief means, bond of Christian love and unity: yea Signum demonstrativum unitatis Ecclessae cui homines aggregantur per ipsam; as the Summa Angelica Tit. Eucharistia, 1. Articles of England, Ar. 28. Harmony of Confessions, sect. 14. School-men, Canonists, our own A [...]ticles, with foreign Protestant Churches resolve; See my Suspension sus­pended: and Vindication of 4. Serious que­stions. a chief means of beget­ting, continuing, encreasing, confirming grace and holiness of life:) and likewise diligently to exhort, excite, per­swade, compell their people to repair frequently, constantly, with due preparation, and self-examination to this heaven­ly banquet; yea in no wise to neglect it when admi­nistred; and that in obedience to Luke 14.23. &c. Matt. 22.1. to 12. 1 Cor. 11.23, &c. Christs command, and upon this consideration of the Apud Lau. Bochellum, De­cret. Eccles. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 1. c. 101. p. 376. Council of Bu [...] ­deaux, Ann. 1582. Quemadmodum corporibus, Sic & animis, sua sunt alimenta tribuenda; ne si multo tempore jejum, languidique permanserint, in laboriosa vitae humanae peregrinatione et vi [...] deficiant. Ideoque pane vitae quae de coelo descendit, nimirum sa [...] sancto Christi corpore, quod in Eucharistia continetur, Parochi populos sibi commissos pascere satagunt, et assiduis cohoriationibus ad hunc coele­stem cibum invitent, &c. And if this will not prevail, let at least the consideration of this notable Canon of the Popish Council of Rhemes it self, Anno 1583. in­duce them thereunto. Bochellus Decreta Eccles. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 1. c. 105. Cum nihil habeat Christi­ana religio Sacramento Eucharistia prastantius & augu­stius, [Page 48] nihilque ad sanctè et inculpatè vivendum effica­tiu: Nota. ejusdem frequentissima participatione, dolemus tantam esse Christianorum hujus temporis incuri­am, ut semel tantum in anno sumant tam salutaris Sacramenti substdia. Quare Paroe [...]i et qui ad divini [...] pr [...]trationem asciscuntur deinceps. de frequentis Communionis antiquo usu, ejusdem (que) miris fructibus et utilitate disserant, Nota. [...]t fidelibus persuadere [...]itantu [...] [...]ra [...] mark [...] nullum esse modum aptiorem et com­pendiosiorem, quo sopitis et extinctis Haeresibus, Ec­clesiae Apostolicae facies nostro seculo redeat. Nos quo­que fi [...]eles omnes hortamur, et per [...]scera m [...]sericordiae D [...]i nostri obsecramus ut quam saepissime, saltem vero Diebus solennibus communicent, et quotiescunque postulaverit ingruens necessitas, quae vitam humanam [...]n discrimen et periculum adducat.

And seeing there is in Psal. 109 7. P [...]ov. 28.9. Isa. 1.13, 14, 15. c. 66.3, 4. 1 Cor. 2.15, 16. Prayer, hearing, and all o­ther sacred Duties as well as this, a like double dan­ger; the one in neglecting, contemning them, which is the Mat. 10.14, 15. Luke 10.13, 14, 15, 16. 1. Thessal. 4.8. Heb. 10.28, 29. greater; the other in the unworthy performing of them, which is the lesser sin; let our Ministers in this case presse both of them together on their people, and not the lesser danger only of unworthy receiving, with­out the greater peril of contemning or neglecting to re­ceive the Sacrament, when publikely administred; ac­cording to the Decree of the Bochellus ib. c. 20. p. 360. Council of Cavailon under Charles the Great, An. 800. In perceptione Cor­poris & Sanguinis Domini magna discretio adhibenda est. Cavendum est enim ne si nimium in longum differatur, ad perniciem Animae pertineat; dicente Domino; Ni­si manducaveritis carnem filii hominis et biberitis ejus Sanguinem, non habebit is vitam in vobis. Si verò in­discretè accipiatur, timendum est illud, quod ait Aposto­lus: Qui manducat et [...]bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit. Iuxta ejusdem ergo Apostoli docu­mentum, probare se debet homo; et sic d [...] pane illo manducare, et de calice bibere. And according to [Page 49] that Epistle of Bochellus, Decret. Eccles. Gall. l. 3. Tit. 1. c. 23, 24 p. 360. Theodulphus Aurelianensis Episcopus, Anno 835. ad Fatres et Compresbyteros suos Au [...]e [...]ianen­sis Parochiae Sacerdotes: who thus advised them. Ad­monendus est populus ut ad Sacrosanctum Sacramentum Corporis et Sanguinis Domini nequaquam indifferenter ac­cedat, Nec ab hoc nimium abstineat: sed cum om [...]i diligentia eligat tempus, quando aliquandiu ab opere con­jugali abstineat, et vitiis se purget, virtutibus exornet, elec­mosynis et orationibus insistat; et sic adtantum Sacramen­tum accedat. Quia sicut periculosum est, impurum quem­que ad tantum Sacramentum accedere. Ita etiam peri­culosum est ab hoc prolixo tempore abstinere: Salva ratione illorum, qui Excommunicati, non quando eis libet, sed certis temporibus communicant, et religiosis quibuseun­que Sanctè viventibus, Qui pene omni die id faciunt. Singulis diebus Dominicis in Quadragesima, praeter hos qui Excomm [...]nicati sunt, Sacramenta Corporis et Sangui­nis Christi sumenda sunt, et in Coena Domini, et in Para­sc [...]e, in vigilia Paschae, & in die Resurrectionis Domini pe­nitus ab omnibus communicandum, [...]t ipsi dies Pascha­lis hebdomadae omnes aequali religione colendi sunt. The like advise of pressing the people to the frequent re­ceiving of the Lords Supper, yet with due preparati­on, and admonishing them withall of the danger of neglecting the Sacrament, as well as of the unworthy receiving it, is given by the Synod of Lingen, Anno 1404, and the Council of Bochellus ibid. c. 72, 75. Burdeaux, Anno 1582. (As also by the Church of England in her Liturgie con­firmed by Parliament:) And this Synod of Lingen withall resolves, That if any person for any great Of­fence or enormous sin be adjudged but not declared and pub­lished Excommunicate, if he come publikely to receive the Sacrament, his Parish Priest may then thus admonish him in secret: Amice, tu s [...]is quod fecistitale quid, pro­pter quod tu es excommunicatus; caveas quid tu vis face­re. Tu enim si accepis corpus Christi, sumes in tuam damnationem: Persuadeat sibi quod desistat à perceptione [Page 50] [...] O [...]od si ille non vult desistere, tunc Sacer­dos sibi ministret; quia in publicis negotiis sacerdos non debet illum excludere; sed in privatis non debet se­cum par [...] [...]. Which I wish our Non-communi­cating Ministers to consider. The reason is, because he is still a Church-member, till actually denounced excommunicate [...]; and so not to be actually secluded from any publick Ordinance, to which he hath a just right, as a Church-member; even as every Member of a Kingdom or State, though guilty of any Capital crimes deserving death, out-lawry, disfranchisement, or banishment, enjoys the benefit of all the Laws, Li­berties, Privileges of the Kingdom, State, whereof he is a Member, and cannot be justly debarred of them, [...]ill actually and judicially o [...]t-lawed, disfranchised, exiled, or condemned to death for his Offences, by the lawfull Magistrate. I have lately A Legal Resolution of two Important Quaeres. published in print, what Legal Writs, Remedies, all injured Parishio­ners illegally debarred whole years together from this Sa­crament, by a worse [...]han Papal Sacrilege and usurpation over them, may have, to compell their refractory Mini­sters to administer the Lords Supper to them at accustomed seasons, according to our Laws, and the Articles, Rubricks of our Liturgie, confirmed by Parliaments; To which I shall only adde, That I am clear of Opinion, that Pa­rishioners in such cases, may sue out a special Writ up­on the Statutes of 1 E. 6. c. 1. & 1 Eliz. c. 2. De Sa­cramento Eucharistiae Parochianis deliberando; Or, De Parochianis ad Eucharistiae Sacramentum admittendis; By the self-same Justice, Law, Reason, Equity, as the Register Pars 2. f. 58. 4 E. 4.37. Pro­hibition 8. Fitz. Nat. Brev. f. 43. E. Register, and our printed Law-books resolve; they may sue forth a Writ De Copia Libelli deliberanda, to the Bishop, Official, or Dean of the Arches, upon the Statute of 2 H. 5. c. 3. Commanding them to deliver to the parties prosecuted a Copy of the Libel without difficulty, where grantable by Law, when they refuse to do it, contrary to this Statute; Or, a Writ, See Regi­ster pars 2. f. 30, 31, 32, 33, 66. Fitzh. Nat. Brevium, f. 163 164.228, 229. &c. De admittendo idone­am [Page 51] personam ad Ecclesiam; Or, De Cautione admitten­da: Or, Quare Impedit praesentare: Or, Quare non ad­misit, to Bishops and other Ecclesiastical persons, where and when they refuse to adm [...]t their Clerks to those Benefi­ces to which they present them; or to absolve them upon caution tendered to them, contrary to Law and their duties. Or Writs Register pars 2. f. Fitz. Nat. Brev. f. 156, 157. Cooks 2 Instit. f. 99.100. De Clamea admittenda in Itine­re; Or, De At ornato admittendo et recipiendo; to Justi­ces in Eyre, Sheriffs, and other Courts, when they re­fuse to admit their Claims, or Attornies, contrary to Iu­stice, Law, and the Statute of Merton, c. 10. The very Common Law of England gives every Landlord these several Writs, Register pars 1. f. 159.153, 173, 174. Fitz. and old Natura Brevi­um. De Consuetudi [...]bus et Serviciis; De Secta ad Curiam; De Secta ad Molendinum, to compell their Tenants, to perform the accustomed Services, Sutes, and Duties which they owe unto them by their Tenures, though they concern only their Temporal Estates: And will it not by like Writs, Justice, Reason then, constrain our refractory Parsons, Qui tardè de dit, et diem de die extra­hens prosuit, non ex animo fecit. Seneca de Beneficiis, p. 10. Vicars, Ministers to perform the accustomed Spiritual Duties, Services, and administer the Holy Communion to their Parishioners, at usual seasons, (as themselves and their Predeces­sors have constantly done heretofore time out of mind, and they are still obliged to do) which concern the ve­ry spiritual comfort and salvation of their Souls, and ought not to be denied or deferred to them any longer? Our Common Laws, Lawbooks, Statutes have provided these several special Writs, for the inviolable preserva­tions of the Liberties, Privileges, Rights, preventing, redressing the injuries, and recovering the Tithes, Dues of Clergy-men, that they may the more freely, chearfully discharge their Ministerial Duties, and di­ligently administer the Sacraments to their people. Register, pars 1. f. 146, 147, 148, 151, 175.179, 180▪ 184, 187 260, 281. Fitzb. old Natura Erevium. De Clerico infra Sacros Ordines constituto non eligendo in Officium Ballivi, Bedelli, &c. De Viris religiosis, quod non veniant ad visum Franciplegii. Quod Clerici non po­nantur in Assisis. De Clerico per Statutum Mercato­rium [Page 52] non capiendo. De Clerico capto per Statu [...]um Mer­catorium deliberando. De Clerico convicto deliberando Ordinario. Quod personae Ecclesiasticae quieti sint de Theo­lonio. Quod Ecclesiasticae personae non amercien ur se­cundum Beneficium. De Decimis solvendis Parsonis et Vicariis Ecclesiarum pro possessionibus alienigenarum: All which we find in the Register, and our Printed Law-Books; Besides sundry Writs in Par. 10. H. 3. dors. 9. Claus. 12. H. 3. pars 1. dors. 7.3. Pat. 20. H. 3. m. 24. Claus. 20. H. 3. m. 3. and 19.10.15. Claus. 32. H. 3. dors. 15. and Pat. 4 H. 3. pars 1. m. 1. Claus. 4 H. 3. m. 4, & dors. 16▪ Claus. 5 H. 3. m. 14. & 6. Cart 6 Iohan. Reg. m. 12. other Records, for the due payment of Tithes out of the Kings own Demeasn Lands, Mills, Parks, Forests, to those Ministers, Bishops, Abbots to whom they were due, or formerly granted. Claus. 18 H. 3. m. 5. A Writ to exempt Clergy-men from paying Toll and Customes for goods bought of, sold by them for the sustentation of themselves and their Families. And Claus. 39. E. 3. m. 8. A special Writ, Quod viri Ecclesiastici non contribuant pro clausura Villae de Coventry, there be­ing a Commission issued to assess the Inhabitants to wall this City, towards which they would Tax the Clery. Therefore by the self-same Justice, Reason, Equitie, our Common Laws will provide special Writs, and Remedies for the people, to enforce their Parochial Ministers, Vicars, by power of our Tempo­ral Courts of Justice, to administer the Sacraments duly to them, according to their bounden duties, and render them this their Spiritual food at the Lords Ta­ble; especially seeing they have now no legal remedy to enforce them to it, and punish them for neglect thereof in our exploded Ecclesiastical Courts, as they might do heretofore.

Trin. 17 Iacobi B. R. The Parishioners of Sutton Valence in the County of Sussex, according to their Custome chose two Churchwardens; the Bishops Official at the visitation refused one of them, and swore another Churchwarden in his place, which had [Page 53] been Churchwarden before 5 years together, and was very contentious, and a maintainer of Sutes before the Official. After much debate a Writ was awarded out of the Kings Bench by the judgement of the Court to the Official, to admit and swear the Churchwarden the Pa­rishioners had elected, according to the President of 26 E. 3. where the Bish. of Exeter was commanded to con­firm the Children, and send Crism to the Parishio­ners of St. Burian in Cornwall, which he denied them: And Fitzh: Nat. Brev. f. 200. where a Mandatory Writ issued to the Mayor of Oxford to enroll a demise; and to the Ordinary to prove a Will, and to the Lord to hold a Court: as they are obliged to do by Law and Right. Mich. 22. Iacobi B. R. Mr. Noy moved the Court for a Mandatory Writ to the Ordinary, for the Parishioners of St. Thomas in London, to admit two Churchwardens which they had elected according to their antient custom; against which the Parson objected the Canon, that he was to elect one of them: which upon consideration of the precedent cases, was granted. The like Writ to admit Churchwardens chosen according to cu­stom, was granted to the Parishioners of St. Magnes in London, Tr. 7 Caroli B. R. And to the Parishioners of St. Ethelboroughs London, Tr. 15 Caroli B. R. wherein the custom of electing Churchwardens by the Parishioners was adjudged a Good Custom in Law, which the Canons made in Convocation, Anno Dom. 1603. Canon 89. could not impeach or deprive them of being a temporal right and inheritance setled in them. The like President was in Pasc. 4 Caroli, B. R. rot. 420. & Tr. 7 Caroli, rot. 1391. Mr. Noy in the case of St. Thomas Parish, cited such a Writ to the Convocation House 21 E. 3. reciting, that they affirmed our Lawyers held a damnable opinion, because they would by Writs. De Cautione admittenda, compell Bishops and Ordinaries to grant absolutions to Excommu­nicate persons without amends, upon sufficient Caution tender [...]d, which sufficiency was issuable, and to be tried at [Page 54] the Common Law. Judge Whitlocke M. 22. Iacobi B. R. and Pasc. 2. Car. B. Regis, cited one Midlecotes case adjudged in the Kings Bench to this effect. A Consta­ble was elected and sworn in a Court Leet; the Iu­stices of Peace at the Sessions refused him, and elected and swore another. Wher [...]upon the Lord of the Leet sued out a Writ of Restitution to the Justices of Peace, to allow of and restore the Constable chosen in the Leet, being the Lords inheritance: So if a Town-Clerk, Alderman, Burgesse, Recorder, or Mayor of a Town, be unjustly kept out, or removed from his place, or disfran­chised; A Writ of Restitution will be, and ought by law to be granted out of the Kings Bench, to restore them to the possession of their places, as tis resolved in Sir Iames Baggs case, Trin. 13 Iacobi. Cooks 11 Report. f. 93. &c. in Audlyes Case, Pas. 2. Caroli, B. R. in Bostons case; the case of an Alderman of Coventry; Mr. Manniptons case, Recorder of Launceston in Corr­well, and sundry others in King Charles his reign. Therefore by like Law, Justice, Reason, a like writ of Restitution will lye for all those Parishioners, to restore them to the frequent use and actual enjoyment of the Lords Supper, who have been injuriously, unchri­stianly, and sacrilegiously (without any Legal sentence of Excommunication for any Legal cause) kept from it, by their imperious Ministers, against the Lawes of God and the Realm: It being resolved in Cooks 11 Rep. f. 98. a. Bagges case, That the Court of Kings Bench hath authoritie, not only to correct judicial Errors in proceedings, but other Errors and Misdemeanors extrajudicial, tending to the breach of the Peace, or Oppression of the Subjects, or to the raising of Faction, Controversie, Debate, or to any manner of Misgovernment; so that No wrong or injury whether publike or private, may be done; but that it shall be there Reformed, or punished by due course of Law.

I find in the Pars 2. f. 50. b. Register of Writs, a recital in a [Page 55] Consultation; that the Archdeacon of Norwich antient­ly in his Spiritual Court, sued a Parishioner, ex Offi­cio, for substracting his accustomed Oblations at Easter, Christs Nativity, and All Saints, &c. Et viaticum quod a singulis Catholicis semel in Anno recipi debet, ces­sante legitimo impedimento, per multos annos recipe [...]e recusavit, in perniciosum exemplum al [...]orum. Who procuring a Prohibitien to stay this sute, and prevent the corporal punishment to be inflicted on him for these Of­fences, pro salute animae: Thereupon the King granted a special consultation to the Archdeacon, to proceed in this cause, notwithstanding the Prohibition; to punish this Notorious delinquent, who refused to pay his oblati­ [...]ns, and to receive the Lords Supper for many years, (which See The Ca­nons, Anno 1603. Can. 21.112. ought to be received by all Christians once a year at least) to the pernicious example of others: Therefore by like Justice (now these Ecclesiastical Courts are suppres­ed) ought special Writs to be issued out of our Tempo­ral Courts, to correct, punish all such Ministers, who ( to the pernicious example of others, the scandal of our Church, Religion, and prejudice of their peoples souls) for sundry Months and years together, have peremptorily refused to administer the Lords Supper to their Parishio­ners, though importuned by them to do it; and like­wise to punish all such Parishioners, who have obsti­nately, Schismatically or prophanely refused, or neg­lected to receive it, in such places where it hath been duly administred; And that See Lam­berts Iustice of Peace, f: 616: The Compleat Iustice, p. 286. by the very Sta­tutes of 1 Ed. 6. c. 1. 1 Eliz. c. 2.13 Eliz. c. 12.3 Jac. ch. 3, 4, 5. Which I trust will henceforth be put in vigorous execution against all such obsti­nate offenders, who shall persevere in the Sacrile­gious Non-administration, or impious Non-reception of the holy Communion, after these my weak, and other pious Mens endeavours to convince them of, and reclame them from these their Unchristian [Page 56] Practices: I shall conclude with that of Gratian, de Consecratio­ne Distinct. 2. S. Hilary; Si non sunt tanta peccata ut Excommunicetur quis, non se debet à medicina corporis et sanguinis Domini seperare ▪ and with Fredericus Lindebrogus, Codex Legum Antiq. Capitularia Caroli et Ludovici Impera­t [...]r: lib. 7. c. 371. Placuit, ut omnes [...]ui Ecclesiam Intrant (nisi a suo fuerint Excommunicati Sacerdo­te) communicent. Si qui autem hoc facere no [...]ue­rint, tamdiu à Communione et Christianorum consor­tio habeantur alieni, quamdiu per satisfactionem Ec­clesiae à proprio mereantur per manus impositionem re­conciliari Episcopo, & sanctae restitui Communioni: And that of the whole Surius Con­ci [...]. Com. 1. p. 712. Gratian de Consecrat. Distinct. 2. Iuo Carnotensis, Decret. pars 2. c. 33. Council of Agathen, about 441. years after Christ: Seculares qui in Na­tali Domini, Pasca, Pentecoste non communicave­rint (and by consequence, Clerici qui tunc Eucha­ristiam Secularibus non administraverint Catholici non credantur, nec inter Catholicos habeantur; but ought to be reputed as meer Heathens, Publi­cans, Excommunicate persons, unworthy the name of Christs Ministers or Christians.



IN the Title page line 16. regal, read real. p. 1. l. 5. r. Re­formers. p. 21. l. 33. or, r. of. p. 23. l. 3. Romanum. p. 25. l. 31. two. r. ten. p. 39. l. 11. form, r. from▪ p. 42. l. 4 [...] r. 12. p. 47. l. 3. singing, r. fingering. l. 32. satagant.

Margin. p. 21. l. 8. injured, r. maried. p. 35. l. 17, Inde­pendency. p. 39. l. 39. Opmerus.

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