[...]r. POWELS Ansvver To A Late [...]CTITIOUS PAMPHLET PUT FORTH BY [...]o Leading Quakers, viz. John Vaughton AND John Feild.

In Which [...] ACCOUNT of a Discourse between Them and Him is here [...]tified, every Thing that is Material in Their said Book, An­swered, and several Notorious Lies therein detected, to the Just Shame of the Publishers.

ALSO Counsel in the Conclusion of the Whole, to such that are the Principal Leaders of the Quakers, or any that are Promoters of Fundamental Errors.

WITH [...] [...]stolary Discourse Touching the Imputation of Sin to CHRIST, and the [...]onsonant Testimonies of Divines both Ancient and Modern about it.

Ignatius Martyr in his Epistle ad Trallianos. [...]dam vaniloqui, & mentis Seductores, non Christiani, sed Christum Mer­ [...], & Ca [...]ponantes Verbum Evangelii, qui venenum Erroris commiscentes [...]blandimento, sicut anomeli, ut qui biberit illius potus gustabilem sensum, [...]ine captu [...], in observanter Morti addicatur.

[...]re certain vain Talkers and Seducers, not Christians, but such as make [...]andize of Christ and his Gospel, who mingle the Poison of their Er­ [...] with sweet and pleasing words, as Vintners that mingle Honey with Wine, so that he which drinketh of that pleasant Cup, being delighted [...] [...]he Taste, is unawares mortally poisoned.

[...] first in his own cause seemeth just, but his Neighbour cometh and search­eth, him, Prov. 18.17.

London, Printed in the Year 1676.

To the Impartial and Judicious READER.

THOƲ canst not be unsensible of those Volumnes (written by able Men) which have discover'd the Errours, Heresies and Blasphemies of these times, and many excellent Trea­tises in Print there are particularly, against that turbulent and incorrigible Sect, viz. Crakers; especially such, that have been imposed by Mr. Hicks, Mr. Faldo, and Mr. Haworth, who have [...]ought such things to light, that will for ever render the Quakers the est disingenious People, that hath been in any Age whatsoever. The consideration of which discouraged me (knowing my inabilities) from [...]tempting any thing of this Nature, and so thought to have slighted [...]y Adversaries Book by Silence, being also well satisfied, that neither Christians, nor my Acquaintance, would give credit to any thing the Quakers should say of me; but after mature deliberation, [...] Proverb is, Oculus & Eama non pa­tiuntur joces, A Mans Eye, and his good Name can bear no Jests. togethe [...] with advice, I found there was a necessity to clear my self from those [...]oss things, that they would have fain suggested to the World concern­ [...]g me. Hereupon I betook my self to Pen and Paper, and at length time brought forth this little Script, which I submit to the Judge­ment of all indifferent Persons, that will be at the pains to understand [...] Occasion of the late Clamours, that divers of this vexatious sort, viz. Cuakers, have made about my self.

Some time ago, walking by the house of John Vaughton, I was [...]esired by him to go into his House, who upon his Request immediately [...]sented, (he being Related to me by Marriage.) and a little while [...]ntinued thus friendly together, as afore-time we used to do; but at [...]at time above all the rest we could not agree, arguing Pro & Con, till to much Fierceness breaks forth, 'tis probable, upon both sides; and [...]e thing occasioning at other, I came to say, that Jesus Christ was a sinner, and yet no sinner; and further added, that he was the greatesh Sinner in the world, as I could make out; This he desir'd under my Hand, which I readily yielded unto (being unacquainted with the Qua­ters subtilty) for I gave it under my Hand only as a Thesis, to be made out by me at that time, and so no more of it, but whe [...] he had got­ten it into his hands, he would not let me have it again, unless I would fully recant it; unto which I Replied, I should not, because I could [Page]make it out, saying, that it was to be under stood by Imputation, re [...] ing the word several times over. A little while after he maketh [...] pies of what I had given under my hand, and cometh to those Meet [...] houses where I used to Preach, opposing me in a malicious reproac [...] manner, scattering those Papers amongst the People, up and down streets, as Doctors Bills, wherein was writteis these words,

Jesus Christ was the greatest Sinner in the World, I Thomas Po [...] of the Gospel, Minister, affirms.

Yea, such was their exceeding great envy, that there was no stone unturn'd, or means unattempted, to take away my good name; Fo [...] great was the pretended impulse of the spirit in them, that they co [...] not be satisfied with disturbing me in London, but they came ab [...] twenty Miles into the Countrey in Hartfordshire, a Place where [...] Preach every other Lords Day, (out of pure love to souls, and not [...] of love to lucre, as the Quaker falsely insinuates, and that these th [...] years almost, only Charges defray'd, and that not till very lately▪ There these Quakers came three times together, scattering their Pap [...] up and down in the Countrey, as before in the City, standing upon [...] ▪ For n [...], upbraiding against me, telling the People, that if they follow their Priest, they would go to hell; And all this in the Aftornoon b [...] fore I came. I having information of it, I repaired to my place soon [...] then I intended, and made shift to get through the Crowd to the Pulp [...] beholding the Assembly in a great Confusion, which fill'd me with inexpressible grief, considering also my self to be but one, and they many and of such a sort of People, whose humors and subtilties I was not we [...] acquainted with. I endeavored to silence them, telling them, that [...] had somthing to say to them, but still they prated to the people, venti [...] their heretical Notions, and drowning me with their Stentorian voi [...] that I could not have the liberty to Apologize for my self, though in my own place, People there being not so docible and ready to defend their Minister, as in London: these things coming together, provok'd Pas­sion, (and not without cause,) as that I said to one of them, Sirrah, come down; And withal said to the People, Sirs, We must be forc'd to depart, (if we would not lose this Afternoon) for what shall we do with them, unless they are whip'd, scourg'd or put into the Stocks: And I avouch still, they deserv'd to be serv'd so, because we who would have serv'd God in the Ways of his Appointments, were scandaliz'd, upon the Account of that Confusion and Ʋproar which [Page]they made, and we no wayes could help our selves. Nay, it is uncre­able, unless you had been present. So rude, and so uncivil, were the [...]rriage and actions of these Men, that one would have thought they some from a Bear-Garden, people telling them ever and anon, that the Lords day was not a day for such things to be debated, and they took as the course whereby to win upon people. Yet notwithstanding all his, they would have their own ways, binding us to their Lawes, Nay, one of them had such a brazen Fore-head, as to tell [...] they would not go out of the place unless I would dispute the Point, [...]n when I should Preach, or suffer them to declare their Testimony gainst me to the people. And then they would depart.

I told them I dared not enter into a Disputation on the Lords day, and at that time when I should Preach. If you will defend your self, [...]y they, we will tarry till you have done Preaching, I still alledg'd an conveniency of so doing, in respect of the day, and then of my inabili­ty, which without doubt would have been, if I after I had Preach'd [...]ice, had then engaged with all them that were fresh. The Assembly [...]ing great for a Countrey Assembly, I was mov'd with compassion of [...]l, and being loth to lose the opportunity of Preaching to them, I was [...]illing to condescend to any probable way to please my Adversaries, and [...]erefore told them that I would discourse the Point on the Monday allowing, assoon in the Morning as they would, at which all the People [...]uted, saying, It was fair, It was fair; yet unto this would not [...]se Men yield, unless Articles were subserib'd unto, after what man­ [...] the Disputation should be managed, and all this on the Lords Day, which would have taken up our present opportunity, whereas I would not we made any such Proposal to them about disputing with them my [...]f, had it not been pure Necessity, viz. to please the Adversaries, [...]ut so we might not lose our present opportunity of waiting upon [...]d in his way, as we esteem'd; but such Roysters were they, that [...]y would have their own way in spight of our Teeth, insomuch that [...]y made us who were a great Assembly, to desert our Place, for could not get them out, unless (as aforesaid) we would have [...]ip'd them, and Scourg'd them, which were the occasion of my taking those words; And after we were gone, two of those Qua­ [...]s got into my Pulpit, and there Preach'd, only (I think) they throw'd [...]n the Cushion.

[Page]After this I was forc'd by reason of their defaming me, to put fort [...] Paper in defence of my self, Entituled, A Word to the Wise is [...] ough; which I have here Inserted for the Information of such, that might not see the Paper alone. Since this, the Quakers put forth Book against me, which is, That that I have Answer'd in the ensuing Sheets; And thus, Reader, I'le assure thee, thou hast a true Narrative of the Quakers Proceedings against me, which have been so irr [...] gular, boistrous and uncivil, that I never knew the like all my days, an [...] could not have believ'd it, unless I my self had experienced it, and [...] withal think, that never any one was more troubled with them as m [...] self, during the time, and considering all other circumstances.

I do further declare, that the malice of these Men is so much again [...] me, (for I know not what,) that I fear to go any where by my self, th [...] have so dogg'd me, and follow [...]d me into all Places, and I am but [...] young Man, newly Arriv'd to the one and twentieth year of my Age and what should be the reason of their so assaulting me as they do, tru [...] I know not; I never medled with their opinions, i.e. so as others hav [...] done, never uttered any invective speeches against them, always till no [...] had very charitable thoughts, especially of him that is now become [...] enemy, because I Preach the Truth as it is in Jesus, and will not co [...] form to his ways.

I come now to the Doctrine of Imputation, being the thing in deba [...] between the Quakers and my self; Mr. Pen cal [...]s it, A Doctrine of Devils. Bellarmine himself after many Dispu­tations about Justification, doth yet con­clude, Tutissimum est, fi­duciam totam in sola Dei misericordia & benignitate reponere. It is most safe to put all our confidence in the sole mercy and power of God. De Ju­stificat. l. 5. c. 7. and that which by them as be [...] bran [...]ed with all the ignominious Epithites and Appellations that th [...] could give unto it, yet a doctrine so fundamental (that I would [...] for a world but that I did confide in, and upon it lay the whole stress [...] my salvation; and would to God that Papist, Socinians and Quake [...] would come to this before it be too late, for how many have strenuou [...] argued against the aforesaid doctrine, that in the approach of de [...] have chang'd their opinion about it. Now denying or gain-saying [...] this being an errour of pernicious consequence, I shall here consider [...] according to my poor abilities.

This Doctrine of Imputation, (as I humbly conceive) includes a [...] signifies two things, 1. Our sins reckoned Christs. 2. Christs Rig [...] teousness reckoned ours. That which I shall principally manage is the former, viz. Our sins reckoned Christs; And that I may briefly and clearly speak to this, (because 'tis for the unknowing in this Point, th [...] I design this Disoourse,) take me as followeth, and I hope 'tis a [...] cording to Scripture, and the Sentiments of the Pious in all Ages.

That our Lord Jesus did undergo punishment, we have a full rel [...] [...] [Page] [...] thereof in the History of his Life and Death; all that I shall [...] in the Defence of this great Truth is this, Either Christ died [...]ly or unjustly; I mean, God the Father in punishing his Son, Act­ [...] therein either justly or unjustly; unjustly who dares to assert, justly [...]o dares to deny; and if God inflicted punishment on his Son just­ [...] then of necessity his Sonmust be a peccant Person one way or other, i.e. sinner; If he was a sinner, it must be either inherently or impu­tively; inherently he was not, imputatively he was, or else he could it have undergone punishment. Christ was accounted a sinner by ticked men, but this is not all, he was accounted also a sinner by his Fa­ [...]er, or else his Father would not have dealt so severely with him as he [...]id; why did such a Father deal with such a Son? what was the cause [...]at a Person so innocent should suffer as he did? Secondly, 'twas [...] (not his, but ours) had it not been for this, God had never sent his [...]n in Flesh, and then have punished him in that Flesh; as he did. Christ might thank Sin for all his sufferings, and lay all the evils which [...]sustained in soul and body at its doors: Sin set his Father against him, Sin laid the Foundation of all his sorrows, Sin brew'd that bitter [...]up which he was to drink, Sin was the meritorious cause of all the siseries that befel him, 1 Pet. 3.18. For Christ also hath once effered for sins; so that Christ died, not only for an example, but for [...]ns, and that either for his own or for others; not for his own, I say gain and again, which maintains the Purity of our Saviour, but for [...]hers, which doth not impeach his Purity; Christ was a Sinner by [...]uputation and reputation, the latter of which the Quakers will grant, [...]ut the former they deny, both of which Divines do assert, viz. Christ the greatest Sinner in the World by Imputation and Reputation, and yet still not a Sinner at all inherently or actually; so that if it [...]ere not malice and envy in men, what need they misrepresent any one [...] the World for holding Christ to be a Sinner, whenas they have what they seem to desire to have, viz. That Christ was not a Sinner in he [...]ently or actually; Can any more be spoken in the defence of Holy Je­us then this; If I, or I dare say any of my Reverend Fathers and [...]rethren do affirm holy Christ to be a Sinner, it is then according [...]he import of those Phrases in Seripture, Isa. 53.6. And the Lord [...]ath laid on him the Iniquity of us all. Now in sin there is ma­ [...]a and the reatus, the stain (or the filth) and the guilt of it; Or iniquity. or [...]ns: There is in sin the fact, the fault and the guilt: the two for­ [...]ur are solely ours, but the third and last Christ was pleased to take upon himself: What is guilt but obligation unto punishment? if the [Page]Holy Jesus will freely put himself under that Obligation, Sufcipiende [...]enam, & non suscipiende culpam, & cul­pam delevit & paenam. Aug. de Serm. Dom. in Luc. Serm. 37. what can [...] said against it? certainly that he might do, and yet (in himself) be as holy and innocent as ever he was, and neither he the Committer of sin, nor in the least defiled by it, (for the macula and the reatus are two different things) Christs sufferings we all grant are Penall; but how could they have been so without guilt; Guilt therefore he had not contracted but assumed; Punishment necessary presupposeth guilt, he first took the guilt upon him, and then the punishment.

2 Cor. 5.21. He hath made himself to be sin for us.

'Tis well known, those words, He hath made him to be fin, sounds more harsh, then if it had been said, He hath made him to be a finner; There may be good in a sinner, for good and bad are sinners; but there can be no good in sin, sin is evil it self in the abstract, and therefore can admit of no good at all; Sin is the quality, Sinner the subject, both are bad enough, but of the two, the quality inherent is the worse; so that there is more in these words, He hath made him to be sin, then we are aware of. By sin here (I know) many understand a Sacrifice for sin, as the word Sin somtimes is taken, which I acknowledge to be a godly sense, yet that's not all; it notes also his voluntary susception of the sinners guilt. Thus Doctor Jacomb on the Place. I shall further adde,

Methinks the Holy Ghost, choosing to term Christ rather Sin then Sinner, seems hereby to respect the magnitude and multitude of sins that were upon our Saviour, which the word Sinner could not so well comprehend as the word Sin.

1 Pet. 2.29. Who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the Tree.

The punishment of them did he bear, He hath made him to be sin, i.e. He hath made him to be a sinner, saya Down­ham upon the place. He hath made him to be sin, i.e. (saith Trap upon the place. a Sin-offer­ing, or an ex­ceecing sin. ner. surely the guilt also, or else I un­derstand not how he should bear the punishment of them. Again, I know not any Medium more apt whereby to evince this truth, then consider­ing two things in this grand Sacrifice our Lord Jesus, 1. The meri­torious cause of his being a Sacrifice, viz. Sin, not his own, but his Peoples, This we have already touch'd upon. The other is the Sur­rogation and Vicegerency of Christ, our grand Sacrifice, i.e. He was a Sacrifice on our behalf; Christ substituttd himself in the Sinners room, took our guilt upon him, and put himself in our place, died not only for our good, but in our stead, did undergo what we should have under­gone, vouch safed to die that we might not die.

Now the Socinians and Quakers cannot endure to hear this. Oh how do they rally all their force, unite all their strength, set themselves [Page]with their might, to oppose and beat down this great truth. To deny is suffering in our stead, is to loose the Corner-stone of our Ju­ntion, saith Mr. Flavel Serm. Gal. 3.13. Yea, they which do [...]y it, saith Dr. Jacomb, are pernicious Gospel-destroyers. As suffering, dying, satisfying in our stead, room or place, is e­ [...]d by all as the sum of Gospel-Revelation, the great Article of the [...]stian faith, the main prop and foundation of a believers hope. And [...]ll observed by our Divines, who assert the Vicegerency and Sub­ [...]tion of Christ in his sufferings; that all those Greek Particles [...]h we translate [for] when applied to the sufferings of Christ, do the meritorious, deserving, procuring cause of his suffering. Thus [...].10.12. He offered one sacrifice [...], for sins, [...].3.18. Christ once suffered [...], for sins, Rom. 4.25. He delivered [...], for offences, Matth. 20.28. He gave his life a some [...], for many. Christ suffered for us, i.e. in the stead, [...] and place of us. So that it is evident, as Christ suffered in our [...], took the guilt of our sins upon him, he was the greatest of sinners, [...]articular sinner having only his own sins to answer for: but Jesus [...]st, (though he had no sin of his own) yet he had all the sins of the [...]t laid upon him, and so he has more to answer for then any parti­er sinner; and therefore in that sense is the greatest of sinners, be­ [...]s Scripture alloweth, viz. those three, Isa. 53.6. 2 Cor. 5.21. 1 Pet. [...]4.

Samething of this truth may be shadowed forth by this Plain Simile. sohn Vaughton should engage himself for the greatest part of the [...]tors in the World, and is accepted for their Surety, may not he the justly reputed the greatest Debtor, because he assumeth their [...]ts unto him, though he never contracted them. I shall leave my [...]der to apply it, because I will not be tedious, Testimonies of the Fathers, that Christ was made a sinner for us. I shall only hereunto [...]e what Divines ancient and moaern have said about this same [...]g. [...] Chrysostom, Him that knew no sin, saith the Apostle; Him was Righteou sness it self, he made sin, that is, he suffered him to indemn'd as a sinner, and to die as one accursed. The like have Oecumenius, His Son being Righteousness and Holiness; He made that is, he suffered him to be crucified as a sinner, and as a guilty son: so likewise on Heb. 9. ult. He further saith.

Christ was very much a sinner, as having taken upon him the sins of the whole world, and made them his own.

[Page]Bishop Downham quotes Thophilact and Theodoret for the [...] purpose. Augustin Interpreting those words of Psa. 22. v. 1. [...] cording to the Translation of the Septuagint and the Vulgar L [...] Verba Delictorum meorum: quia nostra peccata sua reputat.

He saith the words of my sins, because our sins he reputed [...] his own; and again on those words Psa. 38.7. Because of min [...] [...] iquity, for as he w [...]s made subject to the worse, that he m [...] deliver us from the curse of the Law; so he professed him [...] sinner, who bore our sins, and on these words, (Cogitabo pro pe [...] meo) Christs sins are the sins of Mankind. Peccata Christi, hu [...] delicta sunt generis.

Thus you see how many favours these words, (Jesus Christ a si [...] or the greatest of sinners) in that sence that I mean. Some say ac [...] ing to Scripture that he was made sin, that our iniquities were laid [...] him, that he was an exceeding great sinner, that his sins were the [...] all Mankind. That there was a voluntary susception of our [...] ▪ That holy Jesus suffered in our room, which is the sence [...] import of my Position. See it further confirm'd by Later [...] vines.

These words, Luther on Gal. pag. 136. Christ took upon him the Person of a Transgressor, and therefore must be hang'd. Trea­tise of Justif. [...] 5. c. 1. sect. 7. (Jesus Christ was the greatest sinner in the World) well known I came from Luther, that famous Reformer of the Ch [...] and since him others have made use of it, as I will instance in [...] few.

That famous Gospel-Preacher Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs, [...] Book. Entituled, (Christs Invitation of Sinners to Rest,) say [...] same, quoting Luther for it. That Orthodox Bishop Downham [...] the same, quoting many for it also.

Doctor Roberts on his elaborate Treatise about the Covenan [...] [...] God, hath the same expression page 1609. Mr. Flavel in his Entituled Fountain of Life, 74. Hath these words.

He could not have suffered or dyed by the Fathers Hands, [...] not been a sinner by imputation, and in that respect as ( L [...] speaks) he was the greatest of sinners.

Doctor Jacomb upon the Romans tels us also, The Church­es Riches by Christs Po­verty. pag. 12. that Christ too [...] [...] guilt of our sins upon him, and then bore the punishment, p. [...] Doctor Sibs also hath words to the same essect. He (Christ) too [...] [...] on him guilt as far as guilt is an Obligation to punishment.

[Page] Anthony Burgess has also these words, Treat. of Justis For he (Christ) could [...]a Sacrifice for sin, or be a Surety to expiate it, if it were not [...]on him, and he reputed of us so in his sufferings, though in of holy and unspotted: so that as it is with us, though we the imputation of Christs Righteousness, yet inherently we silth, and the remainders of corruption; so though our sins imputed unto Christ, yet inwardly and inherently he was ab­ [...]tly holy and innocent. Diodate upon 2 Cor. 5.21. His Annot. hath the [...].

[...]ere are many more that I might here insert, were I furnished with [...], but these I suppose may suffice.

[...]at other Point touching the Imputation of Christs Righteousness to [...]hath also been ever owned in the Church, and he that denies it must [...]quently overturn the Law, the Gospel, and the Satisfaction of [...]st; but this I am not call'd as yet to vindicate, and therefore do [...] my Reader to those men that have treated largely of it in their suises of Justification.

Thine to serve thee, THO. POWELL.

[...]r. POWELS Paper, put forth in defence of himself, upon the Quakers first Aspersing of him with Blasphe­my, is here Inserted, that every Judi­cious Reader may judge whether it needed any Answer, but only that the Quakers had a Mind to have the last word: though it was a Lie.
A Word to the Wise is enough. OR, Whether this Position, Jesus Christ was the greatest Sin­ner in the World, as is in this Paper held forth, be Blas­phemy.

JESUS CHRIST was no Sinner actually, i. e. He committed no Sin; He was neither guilty of Original Sin, Blemish, nor actual Blot, but was Holy, Harmless and Ʋndefiled, separate from sinners, Heb. 7.26. 1 Pet. 1.19. Yet as he suffered in [...] Room, took the guilt of our sins upon him; He was the greatest [...] sinners; One particular sinner having only his own sins to Answer [Page 2]for: but Jesus Christ, (though he had no sins of his own,) yet he h [...] all the sins of all the Elect laid upon him, and so he had more to Answ [...] for then any particular sinner; And therefore in that sense is [...] greatest of sinners, being as Scripture alloweth, Isa. 53.6. 2 Cor. 5.2 [...] 1 Pet. 2.24.

Whereas John Vaughton and some other Quakers have cast such k [...] of Papers up and down in City and Countrey, with a design to aspe [...] Thomas Powell Preacher of the Gospel; the said Thomas Power thought it convenient to give the World this sasisfaction, that thou [...] these words above-mentioned, Jesus Christ was the greatest Sinner [...] the World, were given under his hand to John Vaughton Quaker; [...] that was his sense, and is his sense still, scil. by Imputation, and was [...] peated by him several times, even before and after he had written th [...] words, is Witnessed by Thomas Bye an Apprentice seven years to [...] said John Vaughton, and who was then present when this Discourse w [...] agitated between John Vaughton and Thomas Powell, which takes [...] the calumny thrown upon Thomas Powell by the Quakers, and they [...] Christians still made good.

What Mr. Thomas Powell Preacher of the Gospel h [...] said in his own Defence, I Attest to be Verity.


Thus, Reader, I have given thee my sense upon my own word which priviledge every man hath, and my words in their explained sense considered, are I am sure so found and Orthodox that none but the bold Socinias and the silly Quaker would gainsay it.

But seeing that my Adversary has cavill'd with this same Pap [...] of mine, in his pretended Answer thereunto, I shall consider in the first place that, and then his whole Book, which he stiles, A Vindi­cation of Jesus Christ.

First, I begin with his pretended Answer which you will find [...] page 7. stuff'd with notorious Lies. He tells the World that I have abused my Witness. Wherein I pray?

New Thomas Bye hath since this Paper was Published, John Vaugh­ons Lies no­torious. declared [...] the Presence of several Persons, that T.P. did not speak nor mention the word Imputation, before he writ those words, so that the VVorld m [...] see that he hath abusd his VVitness.

Lye 1. Note Reader, If John Vaughton had been a Christian, [...] would have done like a Christian, i.e. done me right, by acquainting [Page 3] [...] world, that though Tho. Bye denied the word Imputation, as taken by me before, yet he denied not but that it was spoken by me jus­ [...]r it was written, nay, he believes a hundred times before ever we [...]ed from one another. Again, I can produce the Original that I [...]ve under Thomas Bye his hand, which is as I have inserted in my [...]er, scil. That the word Imputation was repeated even before and [...]; but since my VVitness has called to minde, that he cannot remem­ber that I had the word Imputation before, yet he doth not say Positive­ [...] that I had not; whereas John Vaughton relates thus,

Now Tho. Bye hath since this Paper was Published, declar'd in the [...]esence of several Persons, That T. P. did not speak nor mention the [...]d Imputation before. So that you may see what a flagitious Re­ [...]or this Quaker is; but see further of his Impiety.

Lastly, Thomas Bye my Witness to clear me from this cruel As­ [...]sion, viz. A Lie, (which I would not be guilty of for a world) [...]th here set his hand, that though (since he has considered) he can­not remember I had the word Imputation before, yet I had his hand [...]ely and voluntarily from him, to what I have said in my own de­ [...]ce.

The Refult of all touching the abusing of my Witness, you see, friendly Reader, i, a Lie of John Vaughtons own hatching, and yet [...]ow fain would this confident Quaker have fastned it upon me; but shall forbear my corrosives for his lying, till I have particulariz'd [...]m all.

Lye 2. John Vaughtons other Lie is in p. 9. wherein he maketh use [...] Mr. Faringtons name, telling hie Reader, that he said I was a Liar, [...] deny'd also. Mr. Farington acknowledgeth that I was mi­ [...] taken, in that I said the word Imputation was in, and was not, for so [...] understood me, and so he told my Adversary: but that he said I was [...] Liar, and had told many Lies about it, he denieth, and further saith, that if he knew me to be a Liar, he would not have told such as the Quakers, who think no pains too much to scrape in the Kennels and Dunghills of mine and his Brethrens infirmities, to have dirt to cast [...]on us.

Lye 3. John Vaughtons next Lie, is his charging Mr. Farington with a Lie, for so it is in effect, in that he chargeth Mr. Farington with beach of Promise, whose Fidelity in Point of Promisc, I shall make ma­ [...]fest, by transcribing my Adversaries own words. And that he should at Preach in his Meeting-House till he had Publickly condemn'd it.

[Page 4]But Now John Vaughton, thou knowest, and besides thee, an [...] sembly of people, that I condemn'd them in a Sermon, and no [...] this time These Words (Jesus was the greatest Sinner in [...] World) as thou in thy ignorance took it, viz. That he was a S i [...] Actually. I pleaded as much for the Innocency of my dear [...] viour, as thou pretendest to do. My Text was at that time, 2 [...] 5.21. Which fitted the sence and scope of my Position. [...] knew no sin. i.e. Experimentally, he felt no sin in his own he [...] he acted no sin in his Life. Chamiecus, Bcza, By field & Grotius in looc. But otherwise he knew fully wha [...] was, he knew well the effects of it, Say all Expositors upon [...] place. He was made sin for us, as he was made a Sacrifice for [...] for the Sin-Offerings in the Old Testament were called sin. [...] was made sin. i▪ e. By Imputation, &c. Sins were charged u [...] him. This, and such like was the whole matter of my Ser [...] Preached at Mr. Faringtons Meeting-house, and elsewhere, [...] satisfied both him and others, but if I had meant no otherwise by [...] Position then what thou wouldst fain suggest to the poor people [...] do assure thee thou wouldst have found Mr. Farington as good as word that way as well as this.

Lye 4. When I say, the Quakers are no Chri­stians, I mean their principal Leaders, not all their fol­lowers, for I believe there are many poor souls, who if they knew the Qua­kers principle, would abo­minate them. Another Lie, that I charge John Vaughton with is, in [...] he denieth the Quakers to be no Christians, thing that has been pro [...] and shall still be prov'd when they please. To Illustrate this, is bu [...] lighting a Candle at noon day, &c. For has not the late Ingen [...] Mr. Hicks, undertaking to prove them hererodox, both in princi [...] and practice, and they are dumb, being consious to themselves that [...] are no Christians.

Lye 5. The fifth Lye he is his denying that to be their principle wh [...] they have so often Declar'd, viz Christ dying only as an Example, ind [...] they dotalk of Redemption, but this Redemption is of the Seed, wh [...] Seed is Christ, so that Christ came to Redeem himself, of which you m [...] read with satisfaction in Mr. Hicks Dialogues.

Thus thou feest, my Friendly Reader, what a Brow of Brass [...] Adversary has in laying his Brat at in Door, and yet it seems [...] Adversary, (as I have of late understood) is accounted a great Pro­phet amengst the Quakers, but I am sure he is a lying one, as m [...] be prov'd by the Catalogue of his Lies here inserted, and by an [...] [Page 5] [...]stance, which I shall here acquaint [...] ader with, and I [...] it will make him smile.

The same Quaker, John Vaughton by name pretendeth (upon [...] having those words above-mentioned und [...] my Hand) to be [...]'d of God to reprove, or (as he phraseth [...]) bear Testimony a­ [...]st me in the Countrey as well as in the [...]cy; it happened that [...]n he came into the Countrey, which [...]s above twenty miles [...], I was then at London, and he came t [...]e place where I Preach, [...] then there was neither Preacher nor people, I being there but [...] a Fortnight. Surely, this man [...] no more to Reve­ [...]s, if he doth who will believe him, [...] that he hath been the [...]wils fool hitherto, and by the Father of Lies was sent upon a shev­ [...] Errand.

Now thou false Prophet who hast censured me, what shall I say [...] have prov'd thee guilty of such wilful studied Lies; Thou [...] call'd me a Liar, but I have prov'd thee one; And therefore in [...] Name of my great Lord and Master, I do Pronounee thee Ac­ [...]sed; and that if thou repentest not, Thou shalt be damned.

I come now to my Adversaries Book, John Vaugh­tons Pam­phlet fictitions. as it declares his ability [...]hing the Defence of several Tenets among the Quakers. I have [...] in general to say of it, abstracting what is there written from [...]tologies, vain Repetitions and other Impertinencies; the mat­ [...] of it may be contain'd in a Nut-shell; but seeing that I have [...] Pen to Paper, I'le answer it more particularly. I shall first con­ [...]er the Title of his Book, which is this, A Vindication of Jesus [...]rist the Immaculate Lamb of God.

I admire the confidence of this Man, how he dares to stile his [...]ok A Vindication of Jesus Christ. If he had not been a Quaker [...] were somthing, but forasmuch as thou art a Quaker, and talkest of [...]dicating Holy Jesus, Lay thy Mouth in the dust for how darest [...] to Vindicate that which thou dost not hold. A Vindication of [...]rist, I cant't believe it; thy title is only a colour, a pretence, a [...]t, whereby thou mayst allure souls to swallow down thy poi [...]on­ [...] errours; but notwithstanding this, my Adversary perhaps [...]y reply, He and all his Friends own Christ; I answer, Friends, i.e. Quakers. so thou [...] thy Friends will say of every Principle in the Christian Religion; [...] own this, and you own that; and by this Engine it is, that the [...]vil makes use of you to prevail upon poor souls, whenas Persons [...] at are able do by a diligent scrutiny finde out your lies, absurd [...]nings, fallacies and specious pretences.

[Page 6]Reader, Give me leave to tell thee this, The Quakers owning [...] Christ, or any other principle of the Christian Religion, is no ot [...] th [...]n a meer mystical Romance. They acknowledge such a Ch [...] as un-Christs Christ. They deny him to be God and Man in [...] Person. They deny Christ to be a distinct Person from the Person of the Father, and they deny him also to be a distinct Person f [...] any of his Members; For proof whereof see what I have [...] Quoted out of their own Books.

Gods Christ is not distinct from the Saints; Gee. Fox great Mystery. p. 2.6. spoken in the presence of Mr. Hicks and se­veral others. G. Whitehead Diph. p. 13. G. Fox. great Myst. 206. I know the beginning and date of thy Christ Jesus Christ, a Person without us, is not Scri­pture-language, but the Anthropomorphites and Mugletonians. [...] there be any other Christ but he that was crucified within, he is the [...] Christ. And he that hath not this Christ that was risen and cruci­fied within, is a Reprobate; Though Devils and Reprobates [...] make a talk of him without. It would have better become t [...] John, to have Entituled thy Book thus, No Christ but Conscien [...] and in this thou wouldst have been true to thy principle, for w [...] know, that that Christ which thou in thy Book vindicatest, is C [...] science, Light within, not Jesus Christ God man without us. [...] no marvel why the Quakers can't understand how Jesus Ch [...] should be a sinner by Imputation, how Jesus Christ should be b [...] of a Virgin, be made a curse for us, when they still by Christ un­derstand Conscience.

The next thing which I would take notice of in my Adversa [...] Book, Reader, if thou believest that this Dis­course, passed between John Vaughton and I. th [...] must value his me­mory then at a high rate, but I am apt to think, his memory is as fallible as yours and mine, though he had the considence to tell me that he was perfect. is a Discourse that he saith past between him and I, whi [...] avouch to be seigned, save a passage or two.

He relates this as our Greeting one another, viz. You Quakers hold damnable and erroneous doctrines.

This is true we all know: but that I saluted him thus, or [...] such kind of words by way of greeting, is another of his Lies. [...] he knows we friendly saluted one another: Reader, most of [...] Discourse is fictitious, both in its dependence and in its matter, a [...] might instance diversly, but I shall only in this. He brings me [...] speak as followeth.

T.P. There are none perfect who are not free from temptations.

J.V. Christ Jesus was tempted, was not he perfect?

T.P. He was the greatest sinner in the world.

J.V. Who was the greatest sinner in the world?

T.P. Christ Jesus was the greatest sinner in the world.

None, he maketh my saving these words, viz. Jesus Christ [...] [Page 7] [...] greatest sinner in the World; to follow upon his saying, Christ [...] was tempted, was he not perfect? whereas he knoweth, (if he [...]ld but appeal to Conscience, The light within) that he wrong­ [...] me much, because the occasion of these words dropping from me [...] a discourse between him and I, touching the Imputation of [...]rists Righteousness to us and our sins to Christ. To do that which hath bin sufficiently don already, I forbear, therefore shall not dis­course here largly about Scripture and Revelation which offers it self so [...]a [...]ely to me, being that which was between my Adversary and I. The Quakers do­ctrines have been discover'd and confuted by those who know them better then I. viz. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Faldo, Mr. Raworth. I only answer, him as to some of his own lies, that he fathers upon me.

Another thing that I shall take notice of in his fictitious Discours, [...] is bringing me to speak again as followeth.

T.P. What do you own Revelations in these days?

J.V. Yes, we do own Revelations in these days.

T.P. Then burn the Bible, &c.

This, Reader, is also another of his Lies, and Mr. Bye my witness [...]th also Attest, That as far as he remembers I said no such word, [...] Away with the Bible, which was the words I spoke I very well [...]member, implying thus much, if Revelation, were so ordinary and [...]non as he talk'd of; there was no need then of the written [...]rd. Cast thy eye, my Reader, upon the Margin and then about [...]ipture light and Revelation-light, take my Advice as followeth. [...] that most famous Book of that Worthy Divine Mr. William [...]dge of Yarmouth, entituled, Scripture-light the most sure Light, [...]pared with 1. Revelations and Visions. 2. Natural and superna­ [...]al dreams: 3. Impressions with and without Word. 4. Light and [...] within. 5. Divine Providence. 6. Christian experience. 7. Hu­ [...] Reason. 8. Judicial Astrology.

Its a Book worth its weight in Gold. I would not [...] any Christian to be without it, for I know it will [...] their esteem of the Scripture, and so long as People do but [...] the Scripture that veneration it deserves, they shall never turn [...]akers, or be overturn'd with any errour. The last thing that I [...] take notice of in my Adversaries Pamphlet is as followeth.

Then a young Man of T.P. his Hearers ask'd this Question, [...] Seeing you are but a People of about twenty five years standing, and [...] say that your way is the right way, what became of the People that [...] before you were a People?

Thomas Powel takes upon him to answer it in the name of the [...]akers thus, They (said he) believe they are all damn'd.

[Page 10]This he imputes to my mallice and envy, if he had imputed to my Judgment, he would not have been mistaken. I do here gain avouch that one of the Quakers principles is, that all exc. themselves should be confounded and damn'd, which principle theirs I learn from an undeniable consequence that resulteth fr [...] several Phrases scattered up and down in their own Books, as [...] their way is the onely way, which if it be, then this Consequential follows, all that approve not what they do are damn'd. Other hereti­cal Books are bad enough, but the Quak­ers are the ve­ry fink and Common-shore of all, The quin­tessence of all He esie. At [...] time I have but one Quakers book in my Study, Entitul'd a Catech [...] for little children, put forth by G.F. A great Leader among [...] Quakers, and in it I find this to my purpose, p. 13.


Father, are Jews, and Gentiles, and Christians, that do not beli [...] in the light which doth Enlighten every man that cometh into World, all out of him who is the Light, the Life of men?


Yea, Child, saith the Father to it.

Many more passages (were it not for wasting of good Pap [...] might I transcribe out of that hellish Book, I beseech you, who [...] Parents, to get other kind of Catechism's for your children, for [...] principles contain'd in G. F's Catechism, are principles that the De­vil of hell hath hatch'd, ergo, They are Soul-damning.

For a further confirmation of my assertion, I would desire [...] Reader to see Mr. Faldo's Key, which will interpret many of [...] Quakers Words and Phrases, as followeth.

Publicans and sinners, i. e. All that are not Quakers.

The Royal Seed, i. e. Christ and every Quaker.

Sons of God, i. e. The Quakers only.

The Synagogues of Satan, i. e. The Assemblies of any sort of pe­ople for divine worship who are not Quakers. Cummultis aliis

For a perfect confirmation of my assertion, viz. That the Quaker do hold that all who dye not in belief of their principles shall damn'd. See in this ensuing Relation, which I shall stand by.

Once a Maiden Acquaintance of mine, was courted by a zealot [Page 9] Quaker, who during the time he was Suitor, had prevailed with her to go with him to hear his Friends. S i. Quakers, and that once or twice, at last he demandeth of her how she lik'd them, she answered worse and worse, which occasion'd him to break off from her, and withal to say that if she heard any other, she would certainly be damn'd.

I know not any thing else in his fictitious discourse, that requires answer. I have consider'd every thing that I judgd Material, as to his opprobrious term [...]s scatter'd in his Book, viz. Minister of the Power of Darkness, Enemy to God, &c. I look upon as below my self to take notice of, and if so be I am accounted a Blasphemer by such who are the greatest Blasphemers in the World, I shall rejoice, knowing that it is one Note and Character of false Prophets, to cast dirt, filth and Reproach upon the true.

In the Postscript of my Adversaries book, I find him to be offend­ed at such expressions in my prayer, as (I believe) will record his heterodoxy to pesterity, and spoile him I am sure for a Gospel Mi­nister, notwithstanding his crowing Divinity of late, our best duties are Fly blown with sin, and best performances are Bed ridden. These words (It seems) do stumble the Quakers much its no marvel, because they hold perfection to be attainable, but let these imagina­ry Perfectonists, boast as they please, we know that such who are Christians understand these Phrases well, unto whom they are so ac­ceptable that I need not enlarge any further. As to the other Expres­sion, ‘We must have no dependency upon Christ within.’

I say so still, i. e. As the Quakers understand it, and do say that our hopes of Salvation must hang and depend upon what Christ God-man without hath done without us.

I do find also that my Adversary has lin'd his book with many ex­cellent Texts of Scripture, unto which I shall only say this. A poi­fonous Pill is never a whit the less poisonous, because 'tis guilded o­ver with Gold; nor a Wolf is never a whit the less a Wolf, because he hath put on a Sheep-skin; nor the Devil is never a whit the less a Devil, because he somtimes appears like an Angel of Light. So neither is John Vaughtons Book, any whit the less an Erroneous book, because of Scriptural Phrases and Sentences.

I come now to the Conclusion of my Adversarys Book, which you have in these words, [Page 10]Let Thomas Powel (and all others to whom these Lines may come) know, that our Owning and Preaching Christ within, a the holy A­postles did, doth not at all gainsay or oppos Christ as he was Manifest without in the dayes of his Flesh; for we have a Dear and Honourable Esteem unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in all his manifestati­ons, both within and without; and he who professeth and talks of him only or wholly without, denying him any place within Man, is a De­ceiver and an Anti-Christ.’

Unto which I answer briefly.

I confess the words as they lye in themselves are good, but not­withstanding this fairness, I smell a Quakers Rat in it and do avouch that what they say concerning Christ without, is a meer Equivoca­tion in short, by Christ without they mean only this Christ in you without me. This my ingenious Reader is all they mean by Christ without, and should they deny this, they must be fain then to deny what they have said in other of their books. So by this you may see by what means the Quakers do entangle poor silly souls, viz. By a seeming approbation of every principle pertaining to the Christian Religion

The Conclusion wherein is contained in brief, Seasonable, Soul-Affectionate, and good advice unto the principal Leaders of the Quakers or any that are promoters of Fundamental errours.


You are the most injurious of that because by owning of errours you prejudice your selves, and by propagating of errours you prejudice o­thers. Oh the precious time, strength and spirits that you spend in ad­vancing that which you shall be no gainers, but losers by, you are the greatest Engineers that the Devil hath, for persecution and heresie has been the main Engins, whereby that Prince of Darkness hath endea­vor'd to undermine Religion. Persecuters touch the body, but such that are Fementem of heresie touch the soul. Persecution with Saul kills its thousands, but heresie with David its ten thousands. Persecu­tion is the arrow that flies by day, but Heresie is the Pestilence that rageth in the night. Persecution is the Pruning-knife that loppeth off the Branches of Religion, but Heresie is as the Axe which is laid to the Root of the Tree, Persecution is the Dragon that drives the Woman into the Wilderness, but Heresie is the B [...]ast that speaks Blasphemy. Persecu­tion began in Nero a Tyrant, but Heresie began in Simon a Witch, Per­secution began about 66 years after Christs Ascention, but Heresie immediately [Page 11] after Christs departure about the Sixth year of Caligulas Reign. Persecution is the wild Boar of the Forest, Heresie is the lit­tle Fox that eateth the tender Grapes.

Oh ye fals teachers, speak nor write any more that which is erroneous, can't you be content with deceiving your own souls, but you must deceive others too. O profligate flagitious Wretches, that must embrue your hands in the blood of souls, that you can't go to hell alone, but you must have company with you, that you must put a Cheat not only upon your selves, but upon others. If ever you are saved it must be by fire. Spair your pains, cost, and charges, make much of time, ere long it will be no more, spend no more of it in erroneous Excogitation. Ac­knowledge your selves lying Prophets, confess your faults and errors, God is Faithful and Just, to forgive and cleanse from all unrighteous­ness. Call home your Devilish Pamphlets and Books, Rec [...] what you have written and said, Now you may and you shall do well, ere long you must, but then it shall go ill: Besides,

Not only dammage of soul accrues by such kind of service, but also the thing aim'd at shall never come to pass. Veritas vincit, Truth at last will Triumph, it shall never be wholly Eclipsed, and therefore all your attempts, (O ye Promulgators of Errour) will be but vain. I trust in God that truth will never go out of this Land, notwithstanding the specious pretence, of truths Enemyes, though their books are publish'd abroad, having fair Titles in their Frontispieces, promising fair, I say in their Title pages, yet some piercing eyes there are that (with facility) perceiveth the Croaking Toads, and crawling vipers that swarms therein, and causeth them immediately to die the death. Oh that the consideration of the vileness of the service, hurt of the soul, and im­possibility of effecting what in error is designed, might prevail upon these poor men to proceed no further, for though they are the Leaders of a great many to hell: Yet they will be as unable to bear the heat of hell as others.

Men and Brethren according to the Flesh, weigh these things seri­ously, and then tell me whether hitherto ye have not been the servants of the Devil and your own humours. That all our infamous hererodox teachers, may become famous orthodox teachers hath been, Is, and shall be the earnest Prayers of him who is an earnest well-wisher to all your souls,



IF so be any of my Adversaries shall return an Answer hereunto, though I know not unto what; I have been so faithful in what I have written; yet if they do, I expect, and also every Judicious Reader, that in the first place they clear themselves of those notorious Lies and Forgeries that I have charg'd them with, or else manifest repentance for the same, in making confession thereof unto the world, and then I presume we shall be satisfied. If they say any thing in the defence of their Principles, I expect that it be perti­nent, and then I shall do according as God may direct; If impertinent, as they use to do, any competent Judge will then discern what a ridiculous Sect the Quakers are, and the badness of such a cause, that is fain to be supported, either by nothing at all said in the defence thereof, or if any thing is said, it is in pertinent, irrational and absurd. In the mean time I leave this to their consideration, advising them to take heed what they do. For Mr. Hicks in my Presence, and the Presence of several others, at my Meeting in the Countrey, offered to prove their Religion a Cheat, and moreover hath promised me to do it at any time, with any one Person that they shall Assign.

Tho. Powell.
What Occasion there has been for my Name in this Book, I Approve Thomas Bye.

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