M r. MATTHEW POOL, Author of that Elaborate Work, Sinopsis Critticorum. His Late Sayings a little before his Death: Concerning the most Material Points of the Popish Party; Charged against the Protestants; Wherein the Desperate Tenets of Popish Jesuitical Principles are Detected and Sollidly Censured. For the Settlement of all Real Professors, and Practical Opposers of those Damnable Delusions, in few words to the Wise.
He Dyed the 12th. of this Instant Stilo Nova, at Amsterdam:

1. THe Felicity of Protestant Professors, is, that they are not only Permitted, but ex­horted by their Ministers, not to take Matters of Salvation upon trust; but to search the Scriptures concerning Truths delivered.

2. Whilst Unhappy Papists are oblieged to their Implicit Faith to follow their blind Guides, and must believe all they say; it's a plain sign that their Gold is Adulterate because they dare not suffer it to come to the Touch-Stone.

3. The Romish Churches Infallibility is, that one Neck is their strongest hold; all the rest are but the Payring of their Nails, and cutting the Hair, which will quickly grow again; but if this fails all falls; Wound them here and it goes to their heart.

4. Christ's Prayer for the Perseverance of Faith, makes him Infallible for whom Christs Prays, then all Elect and Persevering Believers are Infallible; The Consequence thus appears from Iohn 17. I Pray not for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.

5. And there is not one Persevering Christian in the World, but owes his Perseverance to the Pray­er, Care, and Intercession of Christ: Hence they are said to be preserved in Christ Jesus, Iude 1. 7.

6. The Infallibility of Popes and Counsels hath no Foundation in the Sacred Writ.

7. Every Champion of God's Truth is a Pillar of the Truth, but not Infallible.

8. Let me see that Papist that will give it under his Hand, that every one with whom the Spirit a­bides as a Comforter, is Infallible.

9. The Church of Rome stands upon four Pillars:

  • 1. Authority of Scriptures.
  • 2. Tradition of Fathers.
  • 3. Infallibility of Councils.
  • 4. And the POPE.

Which Absurdity the Iesuits thus Heal: That it is no more Absurd that Scripture should lean upon the Churches Authority, and the Church on Autho­rity of Scripture, than that Saint Iohn the Baptist should give Testimony to Christ, and Christ to him again: or that the Old Testament should be Con­firmed by the New, and the New Testament by the Old.

10. But the Four before mentioned, are Reduct to Two.

  • 1. To Scripture.
  • 2. To the POPE.

Which must prove one another.

  • 1. There is no solid and sufficient ground for me to believe the Scriptures, but the Testimony of the Pope, say the Papists.
  • 2. There is no solid and sufficient ground for me to believe the Authority and Infallibility of the Pope, but the Testimony of the Scriptures.

11. By all which it is clear there is no Solid foun­dation for a Papist's Faith, nor Proof of the Popes Infallibility, which they so pretend to.

12. Hence Note, That those that Contemn and forsake Faithful Pastors, are easily Betrayed into the Hands of Romish Priests; Hence it concerns all Protestants, with Fear and Reverence, to behold the just Judgement of God upon Unsettled and Unstable Christians, and such as are given to Change.

13. And as we have many Woful Instances of poor deluded Souls, that having wandred from Party to Party, from Opinion to Opinion, have at last been Swallowed up, some in the Gulph of Down­right Atheism; and others whom the Wantonness of Opinion hath betrayed to Popish Impostures.

14. The Supream and truly Infallible Judge of all Controversies, Is God and Christ, who Appropri­ates it to himself to be the only Law-Giver, Iames 4. 12. This Judge is Lord over all, both in the Church and in the Conscience, which are all Subor­dinate to him.

15. Supream and Infallible Judge upon Earth we know none, at least the Pope and Council, and Church of Rome is none.

16. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are the Infallible Rule, and Ground, and Touch-stone of Faith, from which all Controversies of Faith are to be Decided and Judged.

17. In a Word, Tradition was not appointed by Christ as a part of that Ground upon which we were to build our Rule, by which we were to try particu­lar Doctrines and Articles of Faith.

18. The Scripture is the Object, the only Rule and Standard of Faith, by which all Controversies are to be Decided and judged: Tradition is the Ve­hicle to convey this Rule to us and our Times; Rea­son is the Instrument by which I Apprehend or Dis­cern this Rule: The Spirit of God is the Eye-salve that Anoints mine Eye, and enables it to see this Rule. The Church is the Interpreter (though not Infalli­ble) the Witness, the Guardian of this Rule, and the Applyer of the general Rules of Scripture to particu­lar Cases, and times, and Circumstances.

19. To me this is a Rule; That to which God Promiseth or Annexeth Salvation, is surely sufficient for Salvation.

20. I care not one Straw for all the Roman Thun­der-Claps of Damnation, where I have one promise from God for my Salvation.

21. In a Word, The Fundamentals or Substantials of Religion do Apparently lye in Two Things, the Law and the Gospel.

22. The Scripture tells me that Love is the ful­filling of the Law, Rom. 13. 10.

23. It tells me also, That Faith in Christ is the fulfilling of the Gospel, Iohn 14. 1. and 20. 31.

24. The Scripture sufficiently Informs us of Fun­damentals.

25. But the Church of Rome you must Note, hath another Rare Notion of Fundamentals; the like is not to be found in Scripture or any Antient Author.

26. That is a Fundamental Truth which the Church Decrees, though never so Inconsiderable.

27. But we must have most Sollid Proofs, That the Pope or Council have such Dominion over our Faith; That Fundamentals are all at their mercy.

28. And there is nothing which more Essentially overthrows the Popish Conceit of Fundamentals, than the Consideration of the Pillar upon which they Build it, which is the Churches Infallible Authority.

29. The Infallibility of Councils being but a Chi­merical Imagination, I must needs Conclude, That the foundation being fallen, the Superstructure needs no Strength of Argument to pull it Down.

30. Concerning the Coppies and Translations of Scripture, they are a sure and certain Rule, because they do sufficiently Evidence themselves to be the Word of God, and the same for Substance with the Original.

31. The Divinity of Scripture in these, as well as the Originals, for the Majesty of Style, the Sublimi­ty of their Doctrines, the Purity of the Matter, and the Excellency of the Design.

32. To these God hath given Signal Testimonies by the Conversion of Thousands, by Frequent and Illustrious Miracles, by the Co-operation of his Spi­rit with them in the Hearts of his People.

33. Value precious time while time doth last, and not when it is utterly lost.

34. Woe to those Souls! whose Eyes nothing but Death, and Judgement will open.

35. If the Reward of Religion would be presently in hand, who would not be Religious?

36. God will have no Peace with that Soul that is at Peace with Sin.

37. Let Mens Opinions be what they will, VVith­out Holiness no man shall see God.

38. The way of Carnal Liberty, is not the way that leads to Eternity.

39. Every Morning remember that thy Walking with God, is the Business of that Day.

40. Consider a Dram of Grace, is better then a Talent of Wealth.

41. He that hath but little in the World, must keep the shorter Table.

42. None ever lost by Jesus Christ, though they lose for him, they shall never lose by him.

43. Rejoyce you whose Riches are reproaches for Christ, his Cross your Crown, the Shame of him your Glory.

44. You must Enter in at the Door of Heaven, by the Key of Saving Knowledge.

45. Lay up continually in Heaven, further your Account, add to the heap of Increasing abundantly.

46. Whatever thou doest for God, God keeps a true Account, believe it, and Plow and Sow in hope.

47. A good Soul is like the Compass in the Nee­dle, restless till it be turned towards the Pole.

48. My Soul! thou hast made thine Everlasting Choice, though the World answer not thy Expecta­tion, the Lord is thy Portion, and Heaven thine In­heritance, is it not enough?

49. Hold on yet a little while in Faith and Pati­ence, and Self-denyal, and you are sure of the Crown.

50. If to be Religious will make you Vile, resolve that you will yet be more Vile.

51. He that can use aright the Prospective of Faith, to see approaching Judgement, will easily a­void the Worlds Vanity, and imbrace the Crown of Everlasting Glory.

52. Have you made Heaven sure? if that be done, you are prepared for the worst that can come.

53. Have you past the Straits of the New Birth, do you bear upon you the Marks of the Lord Jesus?

54. Can you prove from the Book of God, that you are past a meer Perswasion?

55. Is not this your rest? Where is your Treasure, and your Heart?

56. Do you long for the Purchase of your Saviour, the Fruit of your Prayers, the Harvest of your La­bours, and the End of your Faith?

57. Catch at Opportunity, away with Lazy Pray­ers, Cold and Heartless Professions, and a Lifeless Religion.

58. Consider, now is your time, what you do you must do quickly.

59. God's Patience waits, Christ knocks, the Spi­rit of God strives, and Death waits.

60. Take heed of a Mistake in the Two great Gos­pel Graces.

  • First, Of Faith.
  • Secondly, Of Repentance.

And know, Where one goes to Hell by Despair, hundreds go by Presumption.

61. Let your first Morning Thoughts, and your last Evening Thoughts, be, what shall become of you to all Eternity.


Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-ball, near the Hospital-gate in VVest-Smithfield.

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