Critica Juris Ingeniosa: OR CHOICE CASES IN THE COMMON-LAW, Never published by any other Author.

Digested under Alphabeticall Heads By H. B. Esq;

Optimum est quod quaeritur.

LONDON, Printed for C. Adams at the Talbot near S. Dunstans Church, J. Starkey at the Mitre near Temple-Bar, & T. Basset in S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet. 1661.

To the Reader.

THIS Piece which now entertains your Eie, was originally (if I may so term it) a Rhapsody of Cases, wherein the Author did not so much consult his Method, as the choice of his Matter: for as they proceeded from his hand they had no Coherence amongst themselves, except such as were voucht to warrant the Reasons of others: and most of them too more naturally referring to their own proper Heads and [Page] Divisions, under which it was necessary to reduce them, accor­ding to that form I had pro­pounded to my self. So that it was not difficult to presage how great a Trouble must be en­countred in the Attempt to con­trive so great a Confusion into any considerable Order. But imagining the effects of my la­bour might reward my pains, I was easily prompted to under­take it for my own private ac­comodation, and not out of any vain glorious design to obtrude it upon the world; for it is ve­ry well known I opposed a three years importunity to render it publick; yet in fine considering that my own Reputation stood responsible no further, than for [Page] giving it this shape into which you now see it form'd, I thought I might with the greater free­dom comply with the desires of those who so long, and so ear­nestly, had invited it to the Press.

For the work it self, it hath gained a very fair reputation; For I know no book that de­pends meerly upon the strength of its own reason as this doth, that ever was entertained with so great an esteem as this hath been by all persons that pretend to the knowledge of the Law. But the most signal mark of its worth was set upon it by that person who in the Fabrick of those everlasting Monuments of his Fame, his Reports and [Page] Institutes hath vouchsafed to honour this Treatise so far as to make himself indebted to it for many of his Materials, as will be obvious and visible to any mans observation that hath the least acquaintance with them.

You will find upon a serious perusall, that few of the Cases herein contained are any where else to be found, unlesse they were borrowed from hence. That the Author was a person of a most refined Theory: And that the work it self is a Sy­steme of the sublimest specula­tions in the Law; wherein there is nothing Vulgar, Trite, or usuall, and yet every thing usefull. You will perceive that [Page] in the Cases that are controver­ted, as some of them be, the Arguments on both sides are derived from such apt and na­tural Topicks, and the Contest managed with so even and e­quall a strength of Reason, that it is often left a measuring cast.

Besides the Generall Bene­fit, this Piece will oblige the Students of the Law with a more particular Advantage; for out of it they may furnish themselves, not onely with Quaeres and Moot Points for their Exercises in their re­spective Societies, the want whoreof is so generally lamen­ted; but they will also find many of these Problemes de­bated [Page] upon either side. So that they are not onely accommo­dated with Subjects for their quarrels; but are also arm'd with weapons both offensive and defensive.

It would too much resemble flattery for any man to assert the infallibility of his Treatise in every particular. It is a prerogative to which few books in the Law, I had almost said none, ever arrived; For Lit­tleton who no doubt, as he writ in the quality of a Father, was most accurate in his Composi­tion, lest the Judgement of his Son might derive a blot from his own pen. And notwith­standing the work is considered [Page] as the most accomplished piece of that nature that was ever yet extant, and his honoura­ble Interpreter makes his name and the Law Equivo­call; Yet he himself shuts up that Discourse with so modest an Epiphonema, that it plainly implies his own e­steem of it was very different from that which the World hath since bestowed upon it: And the same Learned Com­mentator, although he was sufficiently positive and pe­remptory in vindicating the Authority of his Author: yet when he comes to reflect upon his own Labours, he is found to make use of the same Epi­logue for those Truths which [Page] depend meerly upon Fancie and Opinion, without the assistance of any known Principle to sup­port them, as many Cases in the Law do; have a certain fatal period beyond which they sel­dom survive: and from hence it is, that what was reason an Age since ceaseth to be so now: And some Decisions have a shorter Date; for the Judge­ments that are given in one Court, and that too upon the most solemn Debates, are of­ten times Reverst in another before the breath is cold that pronounced them: For when the Determination of a case must be fetcht out of its self, there is nothing so uncertain and mutable as the Conclusions [Page] that are made thereupon. And thus it fares with ma­ny of these cases, being go­vern'd by some particular cir­cumstance which leads them out of the common Road, and distinguisheth them from o­thers. So that when I consider the Niceties that are contained in it, and how critically they are decided, I cannot but ad­mire so many of them are re­puted for Law. I confesse you will meet with some passages that are not agreeable to the re­ceived opinions of this Age, but most that are, which puts me in mind of a Character that was given it by an ingenuous and intelligent person in the Law, That there are in it multa [Page] falsa, plura vera, plurima in­geniosa.

To conclude, although my particular Interest in this piece be so inconsiderable, that I can­not rationally affect any repu­tation by it: Yet if there be a­ny thing that relates to my own endeavours that may acciden­tally purchase a generous re­ception from any ingenuous spirit, it shall be an ample compensation for the labour and pains that have been be­stowed upon it. Farewell.


Pag. 2. l 23. after life add the remainder for life. p. 25. l. 12. r. parol. l. 32. add for. p. 70. l. 14. dele not. p. 75. l. 10. r. pur auter vye. l 16. r. pur. p. 77. l. 26. for confirmation r. freehold. p. 85. l. 12. r. did. p. 99. l. 5. r. his. p. 122. l. 21. r. esto­vers. 141. l. 6. r. acre. p. 160. l. 12. r. by. p. 171. l. 9. r. some think. p. 185. 23. dele If. l. 24. for heard r. hard. p. 23. l. 7. for deluge r. delayd. p 230. l. 18. for suing r. saving. p. 232. l. 7. r. vested. p. 89. for Disablement r. Disability.

An Alphabeticall Table of all the Principal Heads contained in this Book.


  • ABsence. pag. 1
  • Acceptance ib.
  • Administrator. 4
  • Advantage. 5
  • Agreement. 6
  • Aid. 7
  • Alien. ibid.
  • Annuity. 9
  • Appendant. 10
  • Apporcionment. 11
  • Arrerages. 16
  • Assent. ibid.
  • Assetts. 17
  • Assignee. 18
  • Attainder. 19
  • Atturnment. 24
  • Avoid. 29
  • Avowry. 31
  • Authority. 33


  • BArr. 34
  • Bargain and Sale. ibid.
  • Baron & Fem. 35
  • Bastard. 44
  • Bona Felonum, &c. 51
  • Borough English. ibid.


  • CHarge. 52
  • Claim. 57
  • Capacity. 59
  • Cessavit. ibid.
  • [Page] Cessante causa, &c. 60
  • Common, vide Ap­porcionment.
  • Condition 61
  • Confirmation 72
  • Continuall Claim. 78
  • Covenant, vide Ʋse.


  • DAmages 80
  • Daughter ib.
  • Deed 82
  • Debt. 84
  • Devastavit, vide Executor.
  • Devise 86
  • Disablement. 89
  • Disagreement 90
  • Discharge 91
  • Dissent 94
  • Discontinuance 97
  • Disceisor 100
  • Divorce 102
  • Dower. 104


  • ELection 112
  • Emblements. 116
  • Entry 117
  • Escheat 119
  • Estate 120
  • Estoppple 121
  • Estovers 122
  • Exchange 123
  • Execution 124
  • Executors. 126
  • Extinguishment 131


  • FEoffment 132
  • Fem Covert 134
  • Fem Sole 135
  • Fine ibid.
  • Forfeiture 136
  • Frankmarriage. 138


  • GRant 139
  • Gavel kind. 141


  • HAbendum 142
  • Harriot ibid.
  • Heir 144


  • INcertainty 148
  • Infant 149
  • Joinder in Action 152
  • Jointenants 156
  • Judgement 161


  • LEease 161
  • Limitation 166
  • Liveryy & Seisin 169


  • Market overt 171


  • Nusance 172


  • OBligation 172
  • Occupant 173
  • Outlawry 174


  • PArceners & Partition 175
  • Particeps Criminis 182
  • Payment 184
  • Place ibid.
  • Pleas ibid.
  • Possession 185
  • [Page] Possessio Fratris. 186


  • Quare Impedit 188


  • REcognizance, vide Statute.
  • Record 189
  • Relation ibid.
  • Release 190
  • Remainder 217
  • Remitter 220
  • Rent 227
  • Reservation 25
  • Reversion 253
  • Reviver 257


  • SEisin 260
  • Severance of the Jointure ibid.
  • Statutes ibid.
  • Surrender 263


  • TAil 264
  • Tenants in Common 269
  • Tenant by the Cur­tesie 272
  • Tenures 274
  • Testament 281


  • VIllain 281
  • Voucher 285


  • WAst. 292
  • Warranty. 295


IF one in the absence of I. S. disseiseth another to his use, or in his absence surrenders to his Steward, or gives goods to him in his absence; his subse­quent agreement will make all good. But a disagreement cannot be in his absence.


TEnant in tail grants a Rent-charge in Fee, and then makes a Lease for forty years rendring a Rent, and dies. The Issue, after his death, accepts the Rent; the Grantee shall have the Rent during the Lease, and also during the life of the Issue; though the Lessee surrenders Q. for the Reversion is discharged.

A. makes a Lease for life, rendring a Rent, with a clause of re-entry; after he has title of entry he accepts the Rent: now he cannot enter for the condition [Page 2] broken; for, when he accepted the Rent, he did not receive it as a debt; (for an Action of Debt would not lie in that case) but as a Rent. And it cannot be a Rent unless the Lease continues. So if a Wo­man, Issue in tail, or an Infant accept a Rent reserved by the Husbund, &c. But in the principal case, if the Lease had been for years, there the Rent is said to be a Debt during the Lease as well as after.

A Fem sole, being Lessee for life, takes Husband, then they make a Lease to I. for his life, rendring a Rent; the Husband dies, the Wife accepts the Rent in Pais; the Lessor may enter, and she is barr'd of her Cui in vita; for, by her acceptance she hath agreed to the forfeiture.

If the Issue in tail accepts the Rent, with a Proviso, that it shall not be prejudicial to his entry to avoid the Lease, yet he shall never defeat the Lease.

The Husband and Wife make a Lease for life, reserving a Rent; the Husband dies, the Wife accepts the Rent from the Lessee: she shall not avoid the Remainder; for they are both but one Estate, and an Agreement cannot be to parcel of an e­state. So if a Lease be made to two by Husband and Wife for their lives, render­ing a Rent during the life of one of them: [Page 3] If the Wife, after the death of her Hus­band accepts the rent, she shall not oust the Survivor.

The Husband and Wife, being tenants in tail, the Husband makes a Lease for years, reserving a Rent, and dies, the Wife dies also. Quaere, if the acceptance of the Rent by the Issue will make the Lease good?

A man makes a Feofment upon condi­tion; the Feoffee makes a Lease for life, and grants the reversion to the Feoffor. If he hath cause to have a Writ of Right, or other real action, he cannot have it a­gainst the Lessee for life; for the Re­version is in him by his own accep­tance.

A gift in tail is made to the Donee, and the Heirs males of his Body: and for want of such Issue, the remainder to him and the Heirs females of his body; the Donee makes a Lease for years, reserving a rent, and dies without Issue male. If the Heir female accepts the rent, she shall be bound; for the Lease issued out of both the estates. But if the Heir male had made the Lease, the Heir female cannot make it good by acceptance.

If Tenant in tail dies, his Heir within age, and the Guardian avoids it during [Page 4] the minority; yet the Heir at his full age, by his acceptance, may affirm it. So if the Wife of Tenant in tail avoids a Lease by a Recovery in Dower; yet, after her death, if the Issue accepts the Rent, he hath made good the Lease.


After the death of the Intestate, A: gets the goods, and gives them to B: and after Letters of Administration are granted to A: he shall not take the Goods out of the possession of B: for the Law saies, by the first taking the Goods, he had them to the use of the Intestate; for he shall be charged as Executor de son tort. And he is to have the Goods in the same capacity. But it is otherwise if A: takes the goods of B: tortiously and gives them to C: and then B: makes A: his Executor. But in the principal case, if A: releaseth to a Debtor of the Intestate after admini­stration committed to him, he may have an Action; for of a chose in action a man cannot gain a possession. If a Lease is made to begin at Easter, and before Easter A: grants it over, and before Easter the Lessee dies, and A: takes administration to the Lessee, and grants it over to another, [Page 5] the second Grantee shall enjoy it. If a Rent charge is granted for years, and A: compels the Tenant to pay it to him, and then he grants it over, and takes Letters of Administration to the first Grantee, he shall avoid his own Grant: for the posses­sion which he had usurped shall not be esteemed the possession of the same term; but it shall be said a voluntary payment of the Tenant: for none can be said to have the Rent but he that had right to it.


THree joint-tenants, one gives his part to his Daughter in Frank-marriage to one of his Companions, and makes Livery. This is a good Frank-marriage; for, though one Joynt-tenant cannot enfeoffe another, yet his Companion, and a stran­ger he may; because 'tis for the Advan­tage of a third person; and the Livery being made to the third person shall vest the estate in both, 7 H. 6. 3. 21 H. 7. 41. But others think the contrary: for, the Husband cannot take it immediately from his Companion: therefore, for him it is void, and good for the Wife. As if a Feof­ment be made to a stranger, and the Wife of the Feoffor.

[Page 6]The Husband is bound in a Statute, and after he and his Wife levy a Fine of the Wife's Land to A: the Husband dies. The Statute shall not be extended during the Wife's life; for nothing passed from the Husband, but the estate which he had in right of his Wife: And A: shall have the same Advantage which the Heir of the Wife should have had.

Tenant in tail enfeoffs one Daughter within age, and dies: she is remitted; but the other Daughter shall not take Advan­tage of it.


IF I disseise one to the use of my self and A: who after Agrees to the disseisin, we are joint-tenants, 21 Ass. 49. If one sister in tail enters upon the Discontinuee of her Father, claiming to her and her sister; and the Discontinuee ousts her, and she reco­vers in an Assise, the other sister shall have the moyty by her Agreement. But if I disseise one to the use of A. after twenty pounds received by me of the profits; or to the use of my self for life, and after to his use in fee; there he shall have nothing by his Agreement: for I cannot appor­tion the wrong. If I disseise my Tenant [Page 7] for life to the use of A: he shall have but a Free-hold by his Agreement. If the Issue in tail within age, by covin commands A: to disseise the Discontinuee of his Fa­ther. A: disseises him to the use of B: for life; and after to the use of his own right Heirs. B: agrees, A: dies, B: dies, the Heir of A: enters, and enfeoffs the Issue, he is remitted because of his mino­rity.

An Agreement cannot be to parcel of an Estate.


IF Coparceners make partition, and one has the Seignority, and a Tenancy es­cheats, and she is impleaded of that; she shall not have Aid of the other Coparce­ner; for Aid cannot be granted but of Land descended.

If one Acre is given to the eldest Daugh­ter in Frank-marriage, and another in fee descends to the youngest; if she shall have Aid is the question?


IF a Reversion be granted to an Alien, and after he is made a Denizen, and then [Page 8] the Tenant atturns, he shall not take to his own use.

A Lease for years is made to an Alien upon condition to have Fee; he is inde­nized, and hath License to purchase, and then performs the Condition. The King shall not have the Fee, for it hath not a Relation as to the devesting of the Fee, further than the performance; although that for Charges and Incumbrances it hath a larger Relation.

If an Alien Disseisor be made a Denizen, the King shall not have the Land, if the Disseisee doth after release unto him; but if an Alien had been the Feoffee of a Dis­seisor, it had altered the case, for it is a new purchase in one case, and but an ex­tinguishment of a right in the other: and it seems that the Issue of such an Alien born within the Realm shall be in ward for Land descended to him on the part of the Mother, during the life of the Alien, if he be not Heir apparent. And a man born in England cannot make himself heir in special tail to a Baron & Fem, whereof one is an Alien, neither shall he have an Appeal for the death of such a Father or Mother Alien.

If Land be devised to an Alien, and he is made a Denizen, and after the Devisor [Page 9] dies, there he shall take by the Will; for all takes effect by the death of the Divisor. But in the case above, if when the Office is found the Lease should be adjudged in the King from the beginning, then it takes away the Condition, and then he could not acquire a fee by his perfor­mance.

If a man seised in fee marries an Alien, and makes a Feofment, and she is made a Denizen, and the Husband dies, she shall not recover her Dower.


IF an Annuity be granted for the life of I: and the Grantee releaseth all Actions of Annuity to the Grantor; it seems he shall not have an Action of Debt for the arrerages after the release, and after the death of I. for when they were due he had no remedy.

If a Rent charge is granted out of Land in Fee, the Heir of the Grantee shall have his election to bring his Writ of Annuity, and so shall the Executor of the Grantee, if the Grant were for years. And if the Wife brings Dower, the Heir shall not say, that he will take it as an Annuity; for it must be determined by the bringing of his [Page 10] Action: and if she be once endowed, the Heir shall not have an Annuity of the other two parts; for his Writ ought to be grounded upon the Deed, and that for all, or for none: for there can be no ap­porcionment of an Annuity, or personal thing.


IF an Advowson be Appendant to a Man­nor, and the Advowson is granted to one for life, and then the Grantee is enfeoffed of the Mannor cum pertinentiis; yet the Free-hold of the Advowson is not Appendant. But if the Grantee had re­granted it to the Grantor, it had been Ap­pendant. But if A. makes a Lease of his Mannor for life, saving the Advowson, and after grants the reversion of the Man­nor una cum Advocatione, the Advowson shall never be Appendant to the Mannor again.

Husband and Wife make a Feoffment of the Mannor of the Wife, to which an Advowson is Appendant; the Feoffee makes a Feofment of one Acre with the Advowson; the Husband dies, the Wife recontinues the Mannor; she shall present without any recontinuance of the Acre: [Page 11] for it was not appendant to the Acre; for if a man makes a Feofment of an Acre, par­cel of a Mannor, cum pentinentiis, nothing of the Advowson, which is appendant to the Mannor, passes.

If one hath a Mannor, and makes a Lease for life of all the Mannor, except one Acre; now the Fee of the Acre is di­vided from the Mannor during the Lease for life, but after the determination of the Lease it shall be appendant again.


TWo Joint-tenants by Twelve-pence, the one grants what belongs to him upon condition; the Lord grants the ser­vices of one, and Atturnment is had: the Condition is broken, the Grantor enters; he shall hold by Twelve-pence also, for by the Grant no Apporcionment is made, and then by the Grant Twelve-pence pas­sed, and Twelve-pence remain.

If tenant for years enfeoffs the Lord of one Acre, the Seignory shall be Appor­cioned.

A Rent is granted in Fee out of Land in Borough-English, and at Com­mon Law; the Grantee dies, leaving two Sons, the eldest shall have all, for the [Page 12] rent being entire cannot be Apporcioned, and the eldest, being Heir, shall have all.

If a Rent charge be granted in Fee, and the Grantee dies, and his Wife recovers her Dower of the third part of the Rent, the Heir cannot have an Annuity of the two parts; for it must be for all, or none, for it cannot be apporcioned.

If the Obligor for twenty pound makes the Obligee his Executor, and leaves but ten pound, he may retain that ten pound, and sue the Heir for the rest. So that a Duty may be apporcioned by act in Law.

If a Lease be made of two Acres for years rendring a Rent, and the Reversion of one of them is granted over, the Rent shall be apporcioned: for as the Contract is made in respect of the Reversion, so it shall be severed in respect of the Reversion. If a Lease be made of two acres, rendring a Rent, with a Clause of re-entry into one for not payment of the Rent, it seems reason that the Rent shall be apporcioned: And so if the Condition had been that he should have fee in one Acre. And if a man makes a Lease of a flock of sheep, and land, rendring a Rent, if either of them be e­victed, the Rent shall be apporcioned. But if I have a term of twenty years, and [Page 13] I grant it over with a stock of Cattle, ren­dring a Rent by Indenture, and if the rent be arrear that I shall distrein; there, if the stock be recovered, the Rent shall be apporcioned; for before my Recovery my remedy was by distress, and not by Action of Debt, and so no apporcionment for a Chattle devested.

If one enters lawfully upon Tenant for life, by title Paramount, into one Acre, for a condition broken, though he has the same title to all the Land; or en­ters into one Acre by a title upon an alie­nation in Mortmain, or consent to a Ra­visher, &c. or if the Lessor himself enters into one Acre, by reason of a Condition broken, or because he was within Age at the time of the making the Lease, and peradventure part is good by Custome which enables an Infant to make a Lease; or if the Lessor takes a Surrender of parcel, or recovers parcel in Wast. 21 H. 6.48. or if one Joint-tenant enters, for a Condi­tion broken, into his moity: in all these cases the Rent shall be apporcioned. But if the Land at the time of the Lease was discharged of a Rent, which after revi­ved, so that the value of the Land is im­paired to the Lessee, there the Rent shall not be apporcioned; for the Land out of [Page 14] which the Rent issues, remains intire to the Lessee. But if one hath title to enter upon his Tenant for life into twenty A­cres in two several Counties, and he en­ters but into one Acre only, Quaere if the Rent shall be apporcioned?

There is no apporcionment upon the Grant of a Seignory, but only by the Fe­ofment of the Tenancy.

If I disseise one to the use of A. after twenty pounds advanced by me out of the profits, or to the use of my selfe for life, and after to his use in fee; he shall have nothing by his agreement, for the wrong cannot be apporcioned.

If a man has Common Sans Number gran­ted to him in tail out of two Acres, and he purchaseth one Acre and dies, which descends to his Issue in tail, there can be no apporcionment; for either it is gone in all, or revived in the residue for all; for Common Sans Number is a thing intire which cannot be severed. But if it were Common certain it were otherwise. But be­ing the Common was intailed, the Act of the Tenant in tail shall not prejudice the Issue, where a rent is suspended in part there can be no apporcionment during the suspention, but afterwards there may.

[Page 15]If the Tenant holds of the Lord by Fe­alty, and twenty shillings of the Mannor of Dale, and the Lord makes a Lease of the Mannor, reserving forty shillings with Atturnment, and after releaseth to his Tenant all his Right. If the Rent of forty shillings shall be apportioned? First it seems by the Release the Tenant is dis­charged of twenty shillings, as well against the Lessee as against the Lessor, because now the Tenant holds it of the Lord Pa­ramount, and so not of the Lessee. Also the Rent of forty shillings was as well payable for the services as for the Demesns, although a Distress cannot be taken in the Demesns. But yet being the twenty shil­lings is lost, not by a Title Paramount, but by the Lessor, if now it shall be appor­tioned or not? 21 H. 7.6.

There be three Daughters, two by one venter, and the third by another. The youngest being seised of three Acres of e­qual value, grants a Rent of three shil­lings to the Father in fee, and makes a Feofment to the second Daughter of one Acre, who dies without Issue, so that it descends to the eldest, the Father dies: by this descent the Rent shal be apporcioned. If a man hath a Rent of twenty shillings out of twenty Acres of equal value, and [Page 16] one Acre descends to his Wife, the whole Rent is suspended; for it cannot be ap­porcioned when he is seised of part of the Land in auter droit. But if she dies, and he is tenant by the Curtesie, it shall be ap­porcioned; for the Land continues in him by act in Law, which is equal to a descent: and if the Rent be in tail, and part of the Land descend in fee; or if the Rent be in fee, and part of the Land des­cend in tail, there shall be no apporcion­ment.


IF a Seignory be granted for years, upon Condition to have Fee, and after the Fee is vested by the performance of the Condition; the Arrerages due before are extinguished, for the term is extinct.


IF the Patron and Ordinary give leave to the Parson to grant a Rent in Fee, it will bind the Successor, 7 H. 4. 18. for an Assent may be before the Act is done.

If the Patron assent to the charge of the Parson upon condition, it is good: but if he had the Patronage but for life, &c. [Page 17] after his estate ended, the Assent will not bind the second Patron.

If a Parson be Patron of a Church, and the Parson, with the Assent of the Ordinary, grants a Rent Charge, or makes a Lease for yeares; the Assent will not make it to endure, no more than the Assent of a Bishop who is Patron, without the Assent of his Chapter. Nor the Assent of Tenant in tail, or for life, who is Patron cannot make it endure for ever.

If the Bishop grants in Fee to the King by Deed, confirm'd by the Dean and Chapter, and the Deed of the Bishop is inrolled, and the other not, it seemes it shall bind the Suc­cessor; for the Assent is to the Deed of the Bishop, not as a Confirmation. As the Abbot may make livery where it is the Deed of him and his Covent, so in this case the Bishop may deliver the Deed of him, and of the Dean and Chapter.


LAnd is given to two Women Quam diu simul vixerint, the remainder to the Heirs of her that first dies: One hath Issue, and dies; it seems this re­mainder shall not be Assets in the Heir [Page 18] in a Formedon, or Debt; for the remain­der was never in the Mother; for it commenced after her death. But if a Rent Charge be granted to I. to com­mence after his death, 'tis otherwise, for the Heir takes it by descent.

If Executors have a Villaine in right of their Testator, and enter into Land purchased by him, it shall be Assetts although they have a Fee, as Land descended to the Heir shall be Assetts to a Chattle, viz. to a Debt of a Stran­ger.

The Grantor of a Rent Charge in taile einfeoffes the Grantee of the Land, who makes a gift in tail of the Land, rendring so much of the Ser­vices as he pays over to the Lord Para­mount: it seems that these Services shall be Assetts in the Heir; for they are particularly reserved for the Land.


IF a Feoffment be made with War­ranty to the Feoffee, his Heirs and Assigns, if he makes a Feoffment over, and the second Feoffee re-enfeoffes the first Feoffee, he shall vouch; for he may be Assignee of his Father, being he does not claim as Heir. And the [Page 19] Lord by Escheat, or Mortmain, or of a Villaine, or who enters for a Con­sent to a Ravisher, shall not be said Assignees, and yet they shall Rebutt.

If Tenant in tail be with Warranty to him, his Heirs and Assignes, his Feoffee in Fee shall not be said Assig­nee; for he hath no part of the Estate tail.

If Land be given to One and his Assignes for ever, and it is ganted to him and his Assignes, that they shall have twenty Load of Wood yearly for ever, Tenant for life grants over his Estate, and dies; the Assignee shall not have the Wood, because his Estate is now determined.


A. Dyes, leaving two Daughters, the one is attainted of Fellony, a Lease is made the remainder to the right Heirs of A. the other shall not take the Daughter (that was attain­ted) being living, for one is not Heir alone; but if the Father dies seised of Land, a moity shall escheat.

If the Mesne grants the Mesnalty upon condition, that if the Grantee pays a certain sum of Money to the Grantor, that he shall have Fee; and [Page 20] before the Day the Grantor is attain­ted of Felony and executed; yet the Grantee shall have Fee, for the Con­dition is become impossible to be per­formed by the act of the Grantor. But if a Jointenant makes a Lease for five yeares, upon Condition, that if the Lessee does such an Act, he shall have it for twenty years; and before the day the Lessor dies: now the Con­dition is void by the Surviver.

If a man grants a Rent Charge to begin at a day to come, and before the day the Grantor is attainted of Fe­lony, yet the charge is good.

If a Remainder be limited to the right Heirs of A. who hath a Daughter, and dies, who enters, and after a Son is born, and attainted; yet the Re­mainder shall not be devested out of the Daughter.

The Son endowes his Wife Ex As­sensu Patris, the Son is attainted of Felony, it seems that the Wife should not retain her Dower, for 'tis the Dower of the Son, for she claimes it from the Son, and if she brings a writ of Dower of it, Ne unques accouple in loyall Matrimony is a good Plea, and if there had been a disseisin of it, a Collateral Warranty shall be no bar to the Wife, for she pretends no Title to [Page 21] it but by the death of her Husband, and then the Warranty descends before her Title, for if it descends after her Title it shall be a good bar. And if she, after her Dower so assigned, be attain­ted of Felony, and after hath her Charter of pardon for her life, and af­ter the Husband dies, she shall retain her Dower; for her Interest in it com­menced after her Pardon. And yet by her Attainder she forfeited all her Inhe­ritance, Free hold and Chattles Real.

If an Attainted person be enfeoffed to the use of another, the possession can­not vest in the other, but must escheat; but he which is Attainted may be an Atturny.

Grandfather, Father, and Son, the Father is Attainted of Treason and dies, and after the Grandfather dies seised of Land, the Lord of whom the Land is holden shall have it by Es­cheat, and not the King: For the Father had it not at the time of At­tainder; And being that the Grand­father dyed without Heir the Land shall Escheat. So it is if the Father be Attainted of Treason, and the Grand­father dies leaving the Father.

The Issue in tail is Attainted of Fe­lony, and is pardoned, and his Fa­ther dies, and a Stranger having cause [Page 22] of Action; against whom he shall bring his Action, is the Question? Some say that the Donor hath the Free-hold in Law; as if Tenant in tail dies leaving his Wife Enseint. Others say there is none against whom the Action may be brought; as if Tenant for Life grants over his Estate to B. who dies, now before Entry there is none a­gainst whom the Action may be brought.

Tenant in tail makes a Feoffment within Age, and is Attainted of Fe­lony, his Issue shall not enter, for he is disabled in blood to take advantage of the Infancy, because the Infant had no Heir.

A. Covenants upon a Marriage to stand seised to the Ʋse of another, and before the Marriage the Covenantee is Attainted of Felony, yet upon the Marriage the Ʋse will rise; as a Lease for life with a Condition of Accruer, if the Lessor be Attainted, yet the E­state shall enlarge.

Tenant is tail is disseised, and relea­seth to the Disseisor with Warranty, and then is Attainted of Felony, and hath a Pardon and dies: this is a Dis­continuance; for if he had purchased Land after his Pardon, it should des­cend to his Heir; then the Warranty [Page 23] being in Esse at the time of his death, there is no Impediment but that it should descend. But if Tenant in tail, who hath a Warranty annexed to his Estate, be Attainted of Felony and Executed, his Issue shall not Inherit the Voucher by reason of the Warranty, although he hath the Land; for the Warranty is out of the Statute de Donis, &c. which speaks of Lands and Tene­ments. But some think that by the E­quity of the Statute it is preserved as well as Charters, 21 H. 6. 2. p. Mark­ham & 9 H. 6. 60. Cott. p. Charters.

Tenant in tail makes a Lease not warranted by the Statute, and dies: the Issue accepts the Rent, and is At­tainted of Treason; if the King shall avoid it, Quaere?

If the Grandfather be Tenant in tail, and the Father is Attainted of Treason, and Executed, yet the Son shall Inherit as Heir to the Grandfa­ther.

If A. commits Felony, and the Lord grants his Seignory, and after A. makes a Feoffment upon Condition, and is Attainted, and hath a Charter of Pardon, and after re-enters for breach of the Condition, and dies. If an Occu­pant shall have the Land, the Issue, or the Lord, is the Question?


TEnant in tail holds by Rent, the Donor grants the services, the Donee atturns; nothing passes, for the Rent cannot passe, but as a Rent Service; and the Atturnment shall not prejudice him, for the Law will not have Land to be holden of two several persons.

Tenant for life grants a Rent in Fee, and then he and the Reversioner join in a Feoffment; by the delivery of the Deed the Tenant did Atturn.

If the Lord grants his Seignory by Fine, and before Atturnment the Te­nant makes a Feoffment of the Te­nancy; if the Feoffee Atturnes it is well enough, and yet he is not com­pellable: So if Tenant in tail Atturns 'tis good, and yet he was not compel­lable.

If a Lease be made for years, and the Lessor makes a Lease to another for life to commence after the Term: Atturn­ment will not make the second Lease good; for the Freehold cannot passe out of any one who hath a greater Estate, reserving to himself a Mesne Estate.

If a man makes a Lease of a Mannor which is ten pound in Demesnes, and [Page 25] ten pounds in Service, rendring twenty pound Rent, if the Tenants do not Atturn he shall pay but ten pounds in Rent, being he hath no remedy to compell them to Atturn.

Tenant for life of three Acres, and the Reversion of them is granted, and Tenant for life surrenders one Acre to the Grantee that countervails an Atturnment for that Acre only; for it is but an Atturnment in Law, but an Atturnment for one Acre by Parcell is good for all; So if he had Atturned to one Grantee it had been good to both. If one brings a Quid Juris clamat, and pending his Writ he enters into one Acre, he hath not abated his Writ for the Remnant.

If a Fem sole makes a Lease for life, and then grants the Reversion to two, one dies, and she marries the other. Tenant for life pays a penny to the Bayliffe, of the Grantee in the name of Atturnment, and dies, the Husband enters and makes a Feoffment and dies, she brings her Cui in Vita.

If a Seignory be assigned in Dower Ex assensu Patris, there needs no At­turnment.

A Reversion is granted by Deed to a man and a Fem sole, they marry, the Tenant atturns, the particular Estate [Page 26] life determines: the Husband and Wife shall take it by moities; for the At­turnment is grounded upon the Deed, and reduces the Inheritance according to the course of Deed. If a Reversion be granted to on Infant, and Atturn­ment is had at his full age, yet when he is in possession he may disagree to the Estate, being the grant was du­ring his Infancy, which is the Princi­pal.

A Reversion is granted to one for life, and before Atturnment it is gran­ted to him in Fee; the Tenant Atturns, the Grantee may choose which Estate he will take. But if a Reversion be granted to one, and after to another, and the Tenant comes to both, and says I atturn unto you, neither of them shall take for the incertainty. If a Reversion be granted to one and his Heirs, and after it is granted to him and his Successors, and the Te­nant Atturnes, Quaere in what capacity he shall take? If the Reversion of black Acre or white Acre be granted, Quaere if Atturnment will make it good? some think it is void for the incertainty.

A. makes a Lease for life and grants a Rent out of the Reversion, if the Grantee Grants it over, the Grantor ought to Atturn, and not the Tenant [Page 27] for life; for it hath no Relation to him: for a Release made to him by the Grantee will not extinguish the Rent.

The Reversion of Tenant for life with the Rent is granted; Tenant for life grants his Estate to another, to hold of the Grantee: this is an Atturn­ment; for when he granted it to hold it of him, the Tenant for life took no­tice of the Grant.

If an Atturnment be upon Condition, which is broken, yet the Reversion is not devested, for he doth not claim the Reversion from him that atturned, and an Atturnment cannot be upon Condition.

If the Reversion be granted to Te­nant for life and another, or a Signory be granted to the Tenant and another, this Acceptance shall be a sufficient Atturnment. But if there be two Te­nants for years, and the Reversion is granted to one of them, Quaere if he takes but a moity without Atturnment of his Companion, for the Jointure is severed by the Grant.

If a Fem Tenant for life takes Hus­band, who atturns to the Grantee of the Reversion, and after is devorced, yet the Atturnment shall bind the wife, and if a Feoffee upon condition atturns to the grant of a Seignory, and the [Page 28] Feoffor enters for the condition bro­ken, yet the Atturnment stands good. If a Mulier Atturn to the grant of a Signory, though the Bastard dies sei­sed, so that the Mulier can never be Heir, yet the Atturnment remaines good. If the Reversion of Tenant in tail, or for life, the remainder for life is granted, and the Issue in tail, or he in Remainder Atturn, (having nothing but the possession in Law) it is void. But he that hath but a posses­sion in Law may Atturn to the grant of a Seignory, for none can Atturne but he that was Tenant at the time of the Grant.

The Lord grants the Seignory, the Tenant is disseised, and after Atturns, that is good; But if the Lord grants the Rent saving the Seignory, and she is after disseised and Atturns, that is void; for it is now a Rent Seck, in which there is no Attendency, but a Charge of the Land. If a man grants a Rent reserved upon a Lease for Life, saving the Reversion, that is a good Rent Seck, if the Tenant Atturns.

Grandfather, Father and Son Join­tenants, the Grandfather grants a Rent Charge in Fee to the Father, upon condition, who grants it to his Son and his Wife; the Grandfather [Page 29] releases to the Father and Son, the Son dies, the Condition is broke, the Grandfather claims the Rent; the wife shal hold it discharg'd of the Con­dition, if the possession of her Husband shall be an Atturnment in Law; but it seems it is not, for his Atturnment alone without the Atturnment of the Father (who was a Jointenant) is not suffi­cient, for both ought to Atturn. But if the Grandfather should have the Rent by the Condition, then he shall be in of his own Grant, and be both Grantor, and Grantee. But if the Father had died in the Life of the Son, then that had been a good Atturnment in Law.


TEnant in tail makes a Lease for forty years, and dies; the Issue in tail marries and dies, if she shall avoid the Lease by her Recovery in Dower Quaere?

If Tenant in tail makes a Lease for years to commence at Easter, rendring a Rent, and dies; the Issue in tail enters and makes a Feoffment before Easter, the Feoffee shall not Avoid the Lease, for the Lease was not avoided by the Entry of the Issue. So if Baron & Fem make a Lease to begin, &c. [Page 30] and before the time the Baron dies, and the Fem makes a Feoffment, the Feoffee shall not avoid it. So if an In­fant makes a Lease ut supra, and be­fore the time (he being within age, or at full age) makes a Feoffment, the Feoffee shall never avoid the Lease, &c. But many are of a contrary opinion; for they say that an Infant, or Is­sue in tail, by their own, or the Acts of their Ancestors, shall never be pre­judiced by any thing that is Execu­tory; for if he shall not avoid it by his possession before the commencement of the Term, he hath no means to A­void it, &c. before, &c. But it is cleer enough, that if Tenant in tail dies af­ter he hath discontinued, and the Discontinue makes a Lease for yeares to begin ut supra, and dies; the Heir in tail, being his Heir who enters, and he enters and makes a Feoffment, there the Lease is avoided, because the Issue is remitted, and hath another Estate than the Discontinuee had, and not any privity of that Estate which is a­voided.

If an Infant delivers a Writing, as an Escrowle, to be delivered as his Deed when he arrives at his full age, and receives the Money of the Party to whose use the Deed was to be de­livered, [Page 31] yet he shall avoid the Deed.

If Husband and Wife make a Lease, or grant a Rent Charge in Fee out of the Wives Land, and then they joyn in a Fine to A. he shall not avoid the Lease or Charge, because they are executed, but otherwise of things exe­cutory as a Statute, &c. before Execu­tion.


LAnd is given to one Habendum, a Moity to him and his Heirs, and the other Moity to him and the Heirs of his body, the Remainder to his Right Heirs; the Land is holden by two pence, the Donee dies without Issue, and his brother enters, severall Avowries must be made upon him, one for one penny, and another for the other. But if Land be given the one Moity in tail, the other in Fee, there shall be but one Avowry, for that in­ures as a joint Gift, but in the first case it did inure severally at the Begin­ning. If there be three Jointenants, and one Releases to one of his Compa­nions, and he to whom the Release was made hath the part of the other by Survivor, yet for a third part one Avowry shall be made upon him; In [Page 32] the principal case the Fee simple was never severed, if it had, the Donee should hold each Moity by two pence a peice, and the Avowry shall be made upon the collateral Heir for two pence in one Moity.

A. makes a Gift in tail of one Acre which he holds in Socage, and of ano­ther which he holds in Chivalry, say­ing nothing, the Donor shall make severall Avowries, although he hath but one Reversion; for the Law makes the Avowry in respect of the tenure o­ver, and the severall Acres must seve­rally escheat.

If a Disseisor makes a Lease for life and dies, it seems the Lord is com­pellable to Avow upon the Heir of the Disseisor. But if he had made a Gift in tail, and the Donee dies and his Issue enters, there he shall not Avow upon the Donor.

If one Parcener makes a Lease for life, yet the Lord shall Avow upon them both, but if one Jointenant makes a Lease for life, the Lord must make se­verall Avowries upon them, for the Jointure is severed. If there be two Fem Parceners Mesnes, and one marries the Tenant, yet the Avowry of the Lord is not severed. But if there had been two Jointenants, it had been [Page 33] otherwise, for by the Marriage the Moity of the Mesnalty is suspended, and cannot be in Jointure with the o­ther Moity which is not in Esse. And if one holds a Mannor of another, and makes a Feoffment of all, except one Acre, now the Fee of the Acre is disappendant from the Mannor, and the Lord ought to make two severall Avowries.


IF I devise that my Executors shall sel my Land, and one sells one Moity, and another the other; this is not warranted by the Authority, for it was to be jointly executed; As a Letter of Atturny to two to make Livery, it ought to be performed jointly. But if the Land had been devised to them, then such a Sale had been good, for they had an Interest, and the intent was performed. If one makes two At­turnies Conjunctim, or the King makes two Commissioners of Oyer & Terminer, if one dies; the Authority of the other is determined, 35 Ass. p. 1.

Two Jointenants make a Feoffment with a Letter of Atturny to deliver Seisin, and the one delivers Seisin in person, this is a Countermand of the [Page 34] whole Livery, for the Authority was not severall for either of them, but joint for both, and therefore being countermanded for one it shall be void against the other.


IF the Plaintiffe be Barr'd in an En­try sur Disseisin, yet he shall have a Cessavit, if he had cause to have it at that time, for it is another Title. If the Heir brings a Formedon in Descen­der and is nonsuite, Quaere if he shall enter, because he had Title of Entry for a Condition broke. If a Woman hath cause of Dower of one and the same Acre, as Wife to A. and B. If she be barred of it, as Wife to A. yet she shall have it as Wife to B. If Baron & Fem make a Feoffment upon Con­dition, if the Wife be barr'd in her Cui in vita, yet she may enter for the Condition broken. 27 E. 3. 55, 56. p. 72.

Bargaine & Saile.

A. Bargains and Sells Land to B. and after they both grant a Rent Charge to C. and then the Deed is in­rolled, the Rent is gone; for it is the [Page 35] grant of A. and the Inrolment hath relation to the Delivery, which avoids the grant, though it was the Confir­mation of B. for he had nothing at that time.

The Issue in tail within age takes from the Discontinuee a Bargaine and Sale. He shall not be remitted; for he is in, by reason of the Possession conveyed to the Ʋse, and so he must have it in the same Degree as he had the Ʋse. And so if he were within age at the time of the Bargain & Sale, and the other dies, and after the Deed is In­rolled, he shall not be Remitted. If the Bishop makes a grant to the K. in fee, confirm'd by the Dean and Chap­ter, and the Deed of the Bishop is In­rolled, and the other not, it shall bind the Successor; for it is but as an Assent, and not a Confirmation.

Baron & Fem.

IF a Fem Lessee for life marries, and she and her Husband make a Lease for life, rendring a Rent, and the Fem avowes, for the Rent after the death of her Husband, the Lessor may enter; for by her Avowry she hath a­greed by matter of Record, and so it had been if she had entred for a Con­dition [Page 36] made by her and her Hus­band.

If A. infeoffes his Wife and a Stran­ger, it is void as to the Wife, and good to the Stranger, though the Li­very were made to the Stranger in the name of both. Three Jointenants, and one gives his part with his Daugh­ter to his Companion in Franckmar­riage, and by the same Deed re­leases to them in Frankmarriage, and makes Livery, this is a good gift in Franckmarriage by some, for notwithstanding one Jointenant can­not enfeoffe his Companion, yet he may enfeoffe his Companion and a­nother, and the Livery made to the other shall vest the Land in both, and that is for the advantage of a third person. As in Gascoignes case, 7 H. 6. 3. It was not a surrender for the advan­tage of the third; Neither in 21 H. 7. 41. for the advantage of the Husband; So it shall not be void here for the ad­vantage of the third person. But o­thers are of a contrary opinion, and they say the Husband cannot take it immediately from his Companion, and therefore it is void as to him, and good as to the Wife, & the other part of the Deed, viz. the Release, will inure to the Husband. And here both the things [Page 37] make the Frankmarriage good, for the Livery and the Deed may be delivered both at one time.

If the Husband be Tenant for life, and the Reversion be granted to him and his Wife, the Fee remaines in them in Jointure; for there be no Moities between them. Land is let to Baron & Fem Habendum, the one Moi­ty to the Husband, the other to the Wife, the Land is confirmed to them in speciall tail, rendring a Hawk, the Lessor shall have two; for the Baron shall have one Moity of the Inheri­tance; for his possession was severed from the possession of the Wife, viz. in the one Moity; So that of that Moity the Husband is seised in speciall tail, and the Wife hath nothing. Of the other, whereof the Wife was Te­nant in Common with the Husband, the Baron was thereof seised, in Right of his Wife, then he had a sufficient Estate, whereupon a Confirmation might inure jointly to them. If Land be given to the Baron for life, the re­mainder to the Wife for life; and their Estates are confirmed in tail. The Baron shall have one Moity in tail only, he and his Wife the other Moity, and yet the Tail is not executed for any part. Quaere, for this is a good case.

[Page 38]If Husband and Wife make a Lease of the Wives Land, rendring a Rent, the Husband distreins, and Avowes, and dies, the Cattle are discharged; for they do not belong to the Execu­tor, being they are but a Pledge, and the Wife is to have the Duty, and therefore the Executor cannot detain the Pledge, and it is not like the case where the Husband recovers upon an Obligation made to him and his Wife, 33 H. 6. 48.

Although the Husband can give no­thing to his Wife immediately, yet if a Disseisoress makes a Lease for life, the Remainder to her self in tail, the Remainder to A. in Fee, and after marries the Disseisee, who Releases to the Tenant for life, this shall inure to the Wife.

A Reversion is granted to Baron & Fem, and to a single man and woman in Fee, the single persons marry, and the Tenant atturns, then the single Man and Woman are divorced, the Baron & Fem shall have but a third part. If a man makes a Feoffment to A. and a Fem sole, with a Letter of At­turny to deliver Seisin, and before Livery they entermarry, they shall take by moities. Land is given to A. and B. his Wife, and to another Baron [Page 39] & Fem in Fee, they are disseised, and A. releases to the Disseisor, and then A. and B. are divorced for cause which hath Relation. B. and the Baron & Fem bring an Assise, leaving out A. and some think it is maintainable; for when A. and B. are divorced, yet the other Baron & Fem shall hold the Moity to them; for being the pur­chase took effect, and vested by the Livery, and at that time the Baron & Fem not being divorced, took a Moi­ty, that remaines still; for to all Strangers A. and B. shall be said to continue Husband and Wife; for if a Stranger had bought the Goods of the Wife, and then they had been divor­ced, yet he shall retain the Goods, as it is held in 26 H. 8. And if the Hus­band had made a Feoffment, the Wife could not have an Assise against the Feoffee, but must bring her Cui ante Divortium.

A Reversion is granted to a man and a Fem sole, and they marry, and the Tenant atturns, they take by Moi­ties, for the Atturnment does ope­rate upon the Deed; so if they marry before Livery is made.

If Baron & Fem make a Lease for life, and pray to be received, and the Husband makes Default, and upon his [Page 40] Default the Wife is received, now she admits the Discontinuance, yet if she be barred she shall have her Cui in vita, for she had not Title then to have a Cui in vita; for that accrues by the death of her Husband. If a Feoffment with Warranty be made to a man and a Fem sole, and they marry, and are impleaded, and Recover in Value, the Husband dies, they did not take by Moities. If Land be Bargained and Sold to a man and a Fem sole, and they marry, and the Deed is inrolled, there they take by Moities, for it hath Re­lation. But if Baron & Fem, Tenants for life, before the Coverture, recover in value, by reason of the Reversion with the Rent, they shall take the va­lue by Moities. But if a Lease be made to a Man and a Woman for life, upon Condition to have Fee, they marry, and after performe the Condition, they shall not have Moities in the Fee. If a man be seised of Land in right of his Wife, and Warranty is made to them, and the Heirs of the Husband, and they recover in value, there shall be no Moities; for the Recovery in value must be according to the nature of the Estate.

If a Fem, being Tenant for life mar­ries, and the Husband atturns to the [Page 41] grant of the Reversion, and then he is Divorced, yet it will binde the Wife.

If a Woman hath a Lease for twenty years, and the Lessor confirmes to the Husband for forty yeares, who dies, she shall have the Residue of the twenty years.

The Husband hath a Term in right of his Wife, and grants so many years as shall be behind at the death of him and his Wife, Quaere if this be a good Grant?

The Husband is bound in a Statute, and after he and his Wife levy a Fine of the Land of the Wife to A. the Hus­band dies, the Land shall not be ex­tended in the hands of A. for nothing passed from the Husband, but the E­state which he had during the Cover­ture, and A. shall have the same Be­nefit the Heir of the Wife should have had. But if the Husband had made a Lease for yeares, or granted a Rent Charge, before the fine levied, there the Conisee should never have avoided it, because they had been executed at the time of the levying the Fine. If Hus­band and Wife accept of a Fine sur co­nusans de droit come ceo, &c. from B. of the Wives Land, and they render it to him in tail, yet the Reversion is [Page 42] in the Wife onely, and the Husband hath nothing but by reason of the Co­verture, 40 Ass. p. 4.

A Fem covert is infeoffed, the Hus­band being beyond Sea, who, upon his return, disagrees; yet the Free­hold shall not be devested without an Entry; and if the Husband dies be­fore his Entry, the Wife is Remitted, and the Title of Entry which the Fe­offor had is taken away.

If a Fem tenant for life marries, the Husband makes a Feoffment, the Lessor enters, the Husband dies, she cannot avoid the Forfeiture. If a Fem covert be infeoffed, and disseised by a Stranger, the Husband disagrees to the first Estate, and dies, the Wife may enter, and retain against the first Feoffor, for the Disagreement was frivolous, the Wife having only a Right Quod nota.

If a Fem Jointenant for years mar­ries, the survivor shall have all the Term. So if an Obligation be made to a Fem sole and another, and she takes Husband and dies, the survivor shall have all; for 'tis a Chose in action. If a Fem hath a Term, and marries, and dies, the Ordinary may commit Administration of it to a Stranger. But the Law seems to contradict this; [Page 43] for the marriage is a Gift in Law, the Wife dying first.

If a Fem hath a Lease for years, and marries the Villaine of the Lessor, he may enter into the Land as a Per­quisite.

The Husband is Tenant for life, the Remainder to the Wife for life, the Remainder to the Husband in tail, how the Husband might discon­tinue the Estate in tail, without barring of it, was the Question? The inten­tion was this, that the Husband and Wife should make a Lease to A. for the life of the Husband and Wife, and the Survivor of them, and that A. should grant his Estate to the Husband, and then he should make a Feoffment, and that would prove a Disconti­nuance.

Land is given to A. and a Fem sole, and to the Heirs of the Body of the Woman begotten by A. They marry, and have Issue, the Husband aliens a Moity, and dies, the Issue dies with­out Issue. If the Woman may enter into the Moity for the forfeiture? be­ing she could not enter at the time of the Alienation. And also she is Tenant in tail after possibility, &c. in which case she hath but a Freehold in Re­mainder, as she had before; But o­therwise, [Page 44] if it had been an Estate in tail, in remainder after the Estate. vide 45 Ass. 6.

The Husband makes his Will, and devises out of his Mannor of Dale a certain Rent to his Wife, for her life, in consideration, that she should not have her Dower, and dies. The Wife recovers by Default in Dower the third part of the Land, she shall have the whole Rent out of the two parts; for the Recovery is upon a good Title. And a Devise cannot be averr'd to be a Jointure within the Statute; for at that time, neither Land, nor Rent were Devisable, and therefore she was discovert when the Devise took ef­fect: and so both out of the words of the Act, and also out of the Equity; and then from that time the Title of the Land relates Paramount, the Ti­tle to the whole Rent shall remain.

Vide Leases. Atturnment Remitter.


IF the Bastard enters into the Man­nor, and recovers in a Cessavit, be­ing the Mulier dis-approves the Estate of the Bastard, he shall not take be­nefit of the Recovery. If the Bastard dies seis'd, the Mulier within age, some [Page 45] think the Right is gone, no more than if the Mulier had been born after the Descent. So if the Bastard enters, and the Mulier dies, his Wife enseint, and before the birth the Bastard dies, and his Issue enters, the Mulier is not bound by that, and others think the contrary.

If a Bastard dies, seised of Land, his Wife enseint, and before the birth the Mulier enters, the Issue of the Ba­stard; when he is born shall be bound; for by a dying seised onely without a discent to the Issue, his right of Entry was not taken away: For if a Dissei­sor dies without Heir, the Disseisee may enter upon the Lord by Escheat, because there was no Heir to make it a Descent: So in this case.

If a Bastard Puisne enters into Land in Borough English, and dies seised, and his Issue enters, the Mulier is bound. But such a Bastard Puisne, is intended, where the first Wife, by whom he had the Mulier, dies, and then he hath a Bastard, and marries the same Woman; For if a man mar­ries the woman by whom he hath a Bastard, and she dies, and after he hath a Mulier by another Wife, though they be not by the same Mother, yet such a Bastard gaines the Inheritance [Page 46] to his Issue, if he dies without Inter­ruption: By the same reason the Ba­stard Puisne. If the Mulier outs the Ba­stard, who recovers against him in an Assise, where the Mulier pleads Ne un­ques seise, &c. and after dies, that des­cent shall take away the Right of the Mulier; for the possession which he had is defeated by the Recovery: For he shall have an Assise of Mortdancester, or Scire facias, where such a Possession is removed. But otherwise it had been if he had entered.

If a Bastard dies, living the Father, and leaves Issue, his Issue shall be in the same case against the Mulier, as the Father should have been, if he dies seised without Interruption. If the Heir of the Bastard be in by descent, he shall gain the Land from the col­laterall Heir, or against the Lord by Escheat, as well as against the Mulier Puisne. If the Issue of the Bastard be the first that enters, and dies seised, his Issue shall retain against the Mulier. If the Bastard dies, and his Issue en­dowes the Wife of the Bastard, Quaere if the Right of the Mulier be bound? But if the Wife of a common Ancestor be endow'd, the dissent of the Rever­sion shall be to the Mulier. Quaere.

[Page 47]If a Remainder be directed to the Right Heirs of A. and he dies, and the Remainder vests, and after the right Heir is proved a Bastard, or is made so by Act of Parliament, yet he shall hold the Land for ever, because he takes by purchase.

If there be Bastard eigne & mulier puisne, the Father makes a Lease for yeares, and dies, the yeares expire, the Bastard enters, and dies seised, his Issue enters, the Right of the Mu­lier is not bound; for the possession of the Lessee for years, was the possession of the Mulier; and being that he was once seised, so that he may have an Assise, or Mortdancester, his Right shall not be taken away. If there be Ba­stard Eigne & Mulier Puisne, and the Father dies seised of a Mannor, the Bastard enters, and gets the Services of all the Tenants, and after one of the Tenants makes a Lease for life to the Bastard, who dies seised, and the Issue enters into the Mannor; the Mulier may distrain the Tenant who made the Lease for life, for all the Services due after the death of the Fa­ther, for his Entry was not taken a­way, as to the Services of that tenancy, the Seignory of that tenancy being suspended in the estate for life, and [Page 48] so no Descent; but if there had been a Lease for yeares it had been other­wise.

Grandfather, Father, and Son, the Father a Bastard, the Grandfather seised in tail. Quaere if the Son shall Inherit?

If there be Bastard Eigne & Mulier Puisne, and the Father is disseised and dies, the Bastard enters upon the Dis­seisor, and dies seised: being there was no possession in Law descended from the Father, but onely a naked right which vests in the Mulier, there­fore the Descent of the Bastard shall not take away the right of the Mulier. But if the Father had died seised, and a Stranger had abated, upon whom the Bastard had entred, and died sei­sed, there the Mulier shall be barr'd, because the possession in Law descends: Tamen Quaere, for the entry of the A­bater vests a right of Action in the Mu­lier, which cannot be devested by the Entry of the Bastard.

If there be a Son Bastard Eigne, and Daughter mulier Puisne, the Father dies seised of a Rent, the Daughter having a Husband the Bastard gets the Rent, and thereof dies seised, and that descends unto his Issue, yet the Husband shall be Tenant by the Curtesy, [Page 49] and the Mulier shall not be bound by it, for the Rent was vested in the Daughter at the time of the Descent, and being the Daughter may choose whether she wil admit her self out of possession, or no; therefore it is at her Election whether she will suffer any wrong to be done to her self, or no. If a man dies seised, having a Son a Bastard eigne, and a Daughter a mulier puisne being married at that time, the Bastard enters and dies seised, his Issue enters, and the Husband dies, per­haps the Wife shall not be bound no more than an Infant in that case. But if the Bastard had entered, and after she had taken Husband, &c. it had been otherwise. If a man hath a Daugh­ter a Bastard eign, and a Son a Mulier Puisne, perhaps the Maxime does not hold, for she had no colour by the Law.

If there be two Daughters, Mulier and Bastard, and they make Partition, and the Bastard dies seised without Issue, the Land shall not Escheat, for if the Lord will say she was a Bastard, and so it ought to Escheat, the Mulier shall say that she her self is a Mulier, and therefore it belongs intirely to her, and if the Lord will say, they made partition, by which the Mulier [Page 50] had admitted her inheritable, then the Mulier shall say, by that I did admit her to be my Sister, and so I am her Heir, thus the Lord is estopped every way.

Lord Mesne and Tenant by equall Services, the Tenant fore-judges the Mesne, the Lord dies, having a Ba­stard eigne & Mulier puisne, the Bastard hath Issue and dies seised, after he had married with the Tenant, the Wife dies, the Mesne reverses the Fore-judger by error; the question is, if the Mulier shall have the Rent of the Seignory? It seems the Maxime holds place as well of a Rent, as of Land, as it is holden in 14 E. 2. Bastard 26. And though the Rent was suspended by the Marriage, yet the Maxime holds place, as to the dying seised of a Rent without interruption; for if a man hath a Rent in Fee, and becomes Tenant by the curtesie of the Land, and dies, his Heir shall have a Mortdan­cester of the Rent, which he could not have, if his Ancestor did not die seised.

Vide Release.

Bona Felonum, &c.

THe Goods of those who are attain­ted by Verdict, or Outlawry, or Confession, are said Cattalla Felonum, and if a man flies for Felony, the Goods which he hath at that time are Bona waiviata, and though he be At­tainted after, yet they are so still. But if a man flies for Felony, and after he is taken, and acquitted, there his Goods are forfeited, as Catalla Fugiti­vorum: but in all the cases the property must be in him that flees. But by some Bona Waiviata are those which are stollen by a Felon, and left. v. 29. E. 3. 12 E. 4. 6.

Borough English.

A Man dies without Issue, seised of an Acre in Borough English, ha­ving two Uncles, the youngest who en­ters into the Acre, by reason of the possession is voucht with the Eldest, by reason of a Warranty entred into by the Nephew, they lose, the Tenant who voucht them having recovered, dies, leaving two Sons, the eldest sues Execution, and the youngest outs him, vide 11 H. 7. 12. A.


GRandfather, Father, and Son, the Father disseises the Grandfa­ther and dies, the Son grants a Rent Charge, the Grandfather dies, the Son shall not avoid his own Charge by the accession of this new Right. If the Son disseises the Father, and grants a Rent Charge, and the Father grants a Rent Charge, the Land shall be charged in Perpetuum; but if the Son had been dead first it had been other­wise, and his Son should have holden it discharged.

If a Stranger disseises the Father, and grants a Rent Charge, and infe­offs the Son, and the Father dies, the Son shall hold it discharged. If the Father disseises the Grandfather, and dies, the Son enters, and grants a Rent Charge, the Grandfather dies, he shall hold it discharged, although he was of full age at the time of the Charge; [vide Sect. preced. cont.] As if Tenant in tail infeoffs the Issue within age, who grants a Rent Charge at full age, after the death of Tenant in tail the Son shall hold it discharged, for in both cases he is in of another estate. [Page 53] If a Disseisor grants a Rent Charge, and is disseised, a Release is made to the second Disseisor, the Charge re­mains.

If two Jointenants grant a Rent Charge, Provided that it shall not charge the person of one of them, some think he shall not charge the other.

Tenant in tail grants a Rent Charge in fee, and makes a Lease for forty yeares, rendring a Rent, and dies, the Issue accepts the Rent: some think the Grantee shall have the Rent du­ring the Lease, and the life of the Is­sue, though the Lessee surrenders; Quaere, for the Reversion is dischar­ged. The Father disseises the Son, and grants a Rent Charge, the Son en­dowes his Wife, ex assensu patris in the same Land, the Father and Son die, the Wife enters as Tenant in Dower, she shall hold it charged; for she doth not claim from the possession in Law, but from the possession charged. If Tenant in tail grants a Rent Charge, and dies, the Abator shall not hold it charged. But by many the Rent in the first case is avoided, for the free­hold was discharged. The Father dis­seises the Son, and grantes a Rent Charge in fee, and then makes a Lease for years, the Son confirms the Lease, [Page 54] the Father dies, the Rent is extinct. So if a man grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and makes a Lease for years, and grants a Reversion to the King, or to the Grantee, the Rent is gone.

If there be two Disseisors, and the one grants a Rent Charge, the Dissei­see releaseth to the other and his heirs, he shall hold it discharged, for he claims meerly from the Disseisee. But if one hath two Sons by divers venters, and dies, and before entry the Eldest grants a Rent Charge, and dies with­out Issue, the youngest hath the Land from his Father, yet he shall hold it charged, for the eldest hath such an estate as he might charge; for if the eldest had died without Issue, and the Land had gone to the Unkle, and from the Unkle to the Father, though the Father cannot be Heir to the Son, yet being the Land was charged he shall hold it charged; so in the other case, Quaere, for there is a Mesne descent.

Tenant for life, the Remainder in Fee makes a gift in tail with a Remain­der in Fee, he in the first Remainder releases all his Right to the Donee in tail, not saying to his Heirs, and af­ter he grants a Rent Charge to a Stran­ger out of the Remainder in Fee, and dies, the Donee dies without Issue, [Page 55] the Heir of him in Remainder enters, if he shall hold it charged? For if he be remitted to his ancient Right, then the Land is discharged against him. And some think the Release could not give the Right in Fee, which the Re­leasor had to the Releasee himself, for then in a manner he might Release to himself, and if the Release inures but as a Confirmation, then without question the Heir shall be remitted, and shall hold it discharged; but if the Remainder had been appointed in tail to him who had it before in fee, the Remainder over in fee, then the Release ought to inure to the first E­state in tail, and also to the Fee, and then if the last fee be fortified, the mesne Remainder is established, and so the Release inures to himself.

The Son makes a Lease to the Father for life, who makes a Lease for life to A. the Remainder in fee simple to the Son, the Son grants a Rent Charge out of the Remainder, and after Re­leases to A. and his Heirs all his Right in the Land, the Father and A. die, if his Issue shall hold it charged? first, it is cleer, that the Right Fee is dive­sted, and a tortious Fee setled in the Son all at one Instant, as if Tenant in tail makes a Lease for life, the Inhe­ritance [Page 56] of the estate in tail is devested, and a fee simple vested all at one mo­ment. So if the Husband makes a Lease for life of the Wives Land, the fee which the Husband had in right of his Wife is devested, and a new fee in him­self in his own right vested at the same time. So in the first case; then when it is granted out of the Reversion, it is all one as if it had been granted out of the Remainder, because a Reversion and Remainder agree in substance, viz. Terra revertens; then when the Son released unto A. and his Heirs all his Right, that shall not inure as an En­try and Feoffment, for A. was in by Title without Disseisin; then it does not give to him the Remainder; as if he had Released to him all his estate in the Land, or as if he had released all his Right, Habendum the Land in fee; for there the fee passes, but here he hath both the Right and the E­state, and then a Release of the Right does not reach the Estate. Others are of opinion that the Right in fee can­not drown in the Estate for life, and in the Remainder it cannot merge; for then in truth he releases to himself. But if a Fem Disseisoress make a Lease for life, and after marries with the Disseisee, who Releases to the Tenant [Page 57] for life in Fee, the Fee will Merge in auter droit for the benefit of the Estate in Fee in Reversion, then if the Re­lease do not perfect the Remainder, if the Grant of the Rent which is an Assent to the Remainder does so inse­perably unite the Remainder, the Rent and the Right, so that the Right shall be drowned in the Estate for the preservation of the Rent? and some think it shall not; for if a Disseisee takes an Estate in Fee from him who hath the Land by descent, he agrees unto it; and yet if he dies seised, his Heir shall be remitted, and so the Rent charge avoided. But others think, that in as much as by the grant of the Rent charge he hath agreed to the Re­mainder, and so to the Livery, he can­not now enter upon the Tenant for life, and then the Release gives the Remainder, and so the Land continues charged.


IF a Reversion be granted upon Con­dition which is broke, the Reversion shall be adjudged in the Lessor without Claim, for the Grantee was privy to the Condition: as if a Condition be annext to the Feofment, that if the Feoffee doth not perform such an act, [Page 58] that then he shall have it but for life; if he does not perform it, the Estate in Fee is presently vested in the Feoffor without Claim, for he was privy to the Condition. But the Lord shall not have a Reversion granted to his Villein, or aliened in Mortmain, or to his Mother, who consents to a Ravisher without claim, for there is no Privity. But, in these cases, if the particulartenant hath an Action of Wast brought against him by the Lord, or his Son, perhaps the using of the Action will countervail a Claim: And note that he ought to come upon the Land and make a Claim, and he shall not be punish'd for it, no more than the Lessor, who comes upon the Land to see if Waste be committed; for it is a Condition in Law annex'd to all the Cases. The Heir makes a Feofment upon Condition, the Mother recovers Dower, the Condition is broke, Quaere what course he must take to re­cover the Reversion? for, if the Mo­ther recovers her Dower against an Abator, the Heir shall not gain the Re­version by Claim. And if Tenant for years be outed, and the Disseisor dies seised, and the Termor enters; many are of opinion, that the Disseisee shall not have the Fee by Claim.

[Page 59]If there be a Disseisor of twenty A­cres, and the Disseisee enters into one, saying nothing, he may have an Assise for the rest; for the Possession shall not be devested by the construction of the Law without a particular Claim of the party.


LAnd is given by Deed to A. and a Dean & his Successors, and Livery is made to A. in the name of both, the Dean takes nothing, for they take in several Capacities, and in common, and not jointly. But if the Discontinuee enfeoffs the Issue in tail within age, and another, and makes Livery to the In­fant in the name of both; though the Infant be remitted for a moity, yet the other moity vests in the other, and they are Tenants in common, for their Capacities are not several, but they take severally by the operation of the Law.


IF the Tenant ceases for twenty years, a Cessavit cannot be maintained but for the two last years before the Writ. And therefore if the Tenant ceases for two years, and marries, and the Lord recovers in a Cessavit, and the Tenant [Page 60] dies, the Wife shall be endowed against the Lord; for the Cessavit cannot be maintained for the Cesser before the coverture, and so the Title of Action shall not have Relation, &c. but is grounded upon the Cesser two yeares before the Writ purchased, and part of it was during the Coverture, and then the Cesser of the Husband, during the Coverture shall not prejudice the Wife of her Dower. But Quaere if the case be not falsly put? for it should rather have been, that the Baron ceases one year before the Coverture, and another year after, and then the Cessa­vit is brought.

Cessante Causa, &c.

THe Seignoress seises the Body and Land of the Tenant, and after marries the Villain ingross of the heir, and they commit wast, the Heir brings an Action of Wast, 'tis cleer that his body is out of Ward, and being that the Land is in Ward, because an In­fant cannot perform Knight Service, and so the cause is executory, and in consideration that the Signory remains and now the Signory during the Co­verture by the intermarriage with the Villain is determined in the Tenancy, [Page 61] and so the Freehold and Inheritance of the Seignory is merged in the Te­nancy by Act in Law, notwithstanding, that the possession of the Seignory is suspended by reason of the chattle in the Tenancy, viz. the Wardship of the Land, because that the Husband shall be Tenant by the Curtesy, and may be granted over notwithstanding the sus­pension, by reason of the Chattle in the Tenancy, & by the same reason it shall be a Release in Law to the Lord of the Villein by Act in Law, and therefore the land shal be out of Ward for Cessante, &c.

If the Lord of a Villain gives Land in ancient Demesne to the Villain, and af­terward the Lord reverses the Fine by disceit, the Manumission is gone, for the conveyance by the Fine, which was the cause of the Manumission being vacated, the Effect falls to the ground.

Common, v. Apporcionment. Condition.

A. Having two Sons, makes a Gift in tail to the Eldest, the Remainder in fee to the Youngest, on condition, that the Eldest shall not make a Feoffment with warranty, to the intent to bar him in Remainder; and if he does, that then [Page 62] the yongest and his Heirs shall enter, the Eldest makes a Feoffment with Warranty the Father dies, and the El­dest dies without Issue, the yongest may enter, for the entry given to the youn­gest is void, and then the Heirs of the Feoffor are to enter; then the Father having cause to enter, and he being dead, the Condition is in suspence in the Eldest, and revived by his death ( v. 41. E. 3. 21.) and given to the youngest; for the Condition was not extinguished by the Feoffment; and the Warranty does not bind Titles of Entry. But if the Feofment had been after the death of the Father, then the Condition had been extinct.

If I am Lessee for the life of C. and grant my estate to D. upon Condition that if D. dies living C. that it shall be lawful for me to re-enter, Quaere if this Condition be sufficient for me to enter upon an Occupant?

The Mesne grants the Mesnalty upon Condition, that if the Grantee pays, &c, by such a day, that then he shall have Fee, before the day the Grantor to whom the money was to be paid is attainted, yet the Grantee may per­form the Condition, and enjoy the Fee.

A Lease for life is made upon Con­dition, [Page 63] that if the Lessor grants the Reversion, the Lessee shall have it in Fee. The Lessor grants the Reversion by Fine to one for life, the Grantee shall have it for life, and the Lessee shall have it after the death of the Grantee, and not before; But if the Condition had been, that if the Lessee pays twenty pounds, &c. there he shall devest the possession out of the Grantee. Note the diversity.

If the Husband having a Lease for twenty yeares in right of his Wife, grants two years upon Condition, that the Grantee shall not grant over his term, and if he does, that he, his Executors and Assigns may re-enter; the Husband dies, the Lessee grants over his term; the Executors of the Husband cannot enter, for it is a Con­dition annext to the Reversion, and if they do enter they defeat the Wives Reversion. The Eldest Son cannot en­ter where the Reversion descends to the youngest Son by Borough English, or speciall tail. Nor the Heir on the part of the Father, where the Land goes to the Heir on the part of the Mo­ther, nor the Executor of one Join­tenant where the Testator made a Lease upon such a Condition, and died, for then he should devest the [Page 64] Reversion out of the other, which cannot be. And in the principall case the Wife cannot enter; for she is not privy to the Condition, neither doth she claim under the Estate of the Husband. As if one Jointenant grants his part for yeares upon such a Con­dition, the Survivor cannot take ad­vantage of it. But if the Husband had granted over all the years upon such a Condition, or the Father had made Feofment of the Land in Borough English, he should enter, for he claims by the Father. Some think the Con­dition is extinct, as if a man makes a Lease for years, upon Condition, ut supra, and dies, having a Son and a Daughter by one Venter, and a Son by another, the Eldest takes the Rent and dies; now the Sister shall have the Reversion, and the Condition is gone; for she is not Heir. And a Rent is in­cident to a Reversion, and passes by the Grant of it, but so doth not a Condition.

A Feoffment is made upon Condi­tion, to re-infeoffe, the Feoffee char­ges the Land, the Grantee brings a Writ of Annuity, and Recovers, the Feoffor enters. 44 E. 3. 9.

If A. be bound to pay ten pound to B. and he releases ten pound which [Page 65] he ought him; yet this is no perfor­mance, for there ought to be a pay­ment in Fact. And therefore if one be bound to Release a Rent Charge which he hath out of the Mannor of D. and he purchases an Acre, now the Rent is extinct, and yet the Condition is not performed; But If I am bound to enfranchise my Villaine, and I bring an Action against him, the Condition is performed. So if I am bound to dis­charge an Obligation in which I am bound to A. if I purchase the Mannor to which A. is a Villein regardant, the Condition is discharged; for the word Discharge refers to all manner of Dis­charges. If I am Infeoffed, upon Con­dition that I shall not Alien to A. and I suffer him to recover it Feintly, or if I cease, so that he being my Lord re­covers in a Cessavit, or if I acknowledge my self to be his Villein, or if I make a Feoffment with Warranty, so that that Acre is recovered by him in Value, yet the Condition is not broke; for it extends only to Alienations in Fact. If I make a Gift in tail, upon Condi­tion that the Donee shall not suffer a Feint Recovery, if it be not to the be­nefit of his Issue, and after in a Feint Writ he vouches, and a Recovery is had against him, and he recovers in [Page 66] Value, and hath Execution, and that is to the just value onely, the Condi­tion is not broke. But if the Donor had been voucht, it is cleer be should not have entred, for he shall not say that the Recovery was Feint when he was voucht, and made a party to the breach of the Condition: and he can­not enter into Warranty, saving the Condition which is not broke, for it is but a possibility.

Land is given in tail to the Heires Males of the body of the Donee, upon condition, if he dies without Heirs Females of his body, that the Donor shall re-enter, the Condition is void, for he cannot have Heirs Females so long as he hath Issue Male.

A Lease for years is made upon con­dition, that the Lessee shall not Alien without the consent of the Lessor, he gives him leave to grant over his E­state upon Condition, and so he does, and enters for the Condition broke, he may after grant it over without his consent; for the Condition is per­formed 32 H. 6. 10. a.

A Rent charge is granted upon Con­dition, the Grantor makes a Feof­ment of the Land, the Condition is broke, the Rent is arrear, if the con­dition be extinguisht by the Feofment, [Page 67] being the Feoffor cannot have it in the same manner as he might when the Grant was made? But if the Grant had been upon Condition, which if not performed to cease, the Feoffee shall have Benefit of it.

If a Feoffment be made upon Con­dition, that the Feoffee shall make a gift in Frankmarriage with the Cosen of the Feoffor, this seems to be a void Condition, Quaere if he must not make an estate for life? So if it had been to make such a Gift to a Religious per­son.

If a Feoffment be made upon Con­dition, the Feoffee makes a Lease for life, and dies, and the Reversion des­sends to the Feoffor. Quaere if the Con­dition be extinct?

The Mortgagee enfeoffs the Heir of the Mortgagor in Mortgage also to be first paid, after the first day the first Mortgager dies, the Heir tenders the money to the first Mortgagee at the day, and he refuses, and he tenders the money to the Heir, &c. and he refuses. Some think the Son may per­form the Condition, for it is not sus­pended, being a Collateral Condition ( Vide 21 E. 4. the case of a Corody) and the payment ought to be made to the Mortgagee (though he hath made [Page 68] a Feoffment of the Land (as it shall be to the Executors, and not to the Heir, and 17 E. 3. 2. is not Law. And upon the first refusall the heir is not remit­ted, for he shall not be remitted upon a Title.

If the Tenant atturns upon Condi­tion, which is broke by the Grantee, yet the Reversion is not devested; for the Assent cannot be conditional, for he doth not claim the Reversion from him that atturns, neither can it be made conditionall by the Act of a Stranger to the grant: for if Tenant in tail makes a Lease for years, ren­dring a Rent, and dies, and the Issue accepts the Rent upon Condition that it shall not prejudice his Entry to a­void the Lease, yet he shall avoid the Lease; for the Assent is a thing execu­ted, which wil not suffer any Condition performable. But if the Condition be precedent to the Assent, the Condition is good. But a Release of Right may be upon Condition, as a Release of the Seignory to the Tenant upon condition. So of a Release upon condition from one Jointenant to his Companion, for there the thing vested in his person is devested, unto which a Condition may be annext. But otherwise of an Assent. And if the Patron assent to the charge [Page 69] of the person upon Condition, that is good, because the Assent is an Interest in Law.

If a Gift in tail be made upon Con­dition, the Donee shall make a Feof­ment, which is done accordingly, yet the Issue shall have a Formedon; for if the Condition be not performed the Donor could not have entered, and when it is not performed, yet the Estate of the Issue shall not be defea­ted. If a Lease for life be made with such a Condition, yet the Lessor may enter for the forfeiture, if the Feof­ment be made. So if the Lease had been made upon Condition that he make a Feoffment, all is one. If an Infant be infeoffed, upon Condition to enfeoffe another, which is done ac­cordingly, yet the Infant may enter, for he hath performed the Condition.

If two are infeoffed, upon Condi­tion to infeoffe A. if one does infeoffe him of the one Moity, and the other of the other Moity, the Condition is performed, for the Intent is fulfilled.

If a Lease for life be made, with a Condition of Accruer, if before the day the Lessor be attainted, yet upon the performance of the Condition the estate enlargeth.

If a man hath Land, by descent on [Page 70] the part of his mother, and makes a Feoffment upon Condition, to be performed on his part, or the Heirs, on the part of his Father, and the Father dies, so that the Land descends to him, the Condition is extinct, al­though he dies without Issue; for not­withstanding he had the Land from his Mother, yet the Condition goes to the Heirs on the part of his Father, being a new thing. As if a Feoffment be made upon Condition of Land in Borough English, the eldest Son shall not enter for the Condition broken, as the Heir male must do where a Con­dition is descended upon the Heir Fe­male. But on the other side, if the Son makes a Feoffment to his Mother, of Land descended to him from his Father, and after the Mother dies, and the Son dies without Issue, the Heir on the part of his Father must perform the Condition, and the Heir on the part of his Mother shall have the Land in the mean time, and if the Condition had been broke in the life of the Mother it had been all one, and the Heir on the part of the Father should have entred; for the Son is not remitted by the Descent. The case was; after the entry the Son granted a Rent Charge, and died without Is­sue, [Page 71] if the Heir on the part of the Father shall hold it discharged? and some think he shall.

If A. makes a Lease for years upon a collaterall Condition, and the Lessee makes a Lease for 20 years, and then surrenders to the Lessor, it seemes to some that the Condition for the rest is extinct; for he hath part of the estate by his own Act, so that if he should re-enter, he could not be in, in the same manner as he was before; for he cannot avoid all the estate.

If a Feoffee upon Condition make a Lease for life, and after the Feoffor releaseth the Condition to him in Re­version, the estate for life is dischar­ged of the Condition, and it seems to them all one, viz. a Release in Deed, and in Law. And Note if Feoffee upon Condition makes a Lease for life, a Release of the Condition to Tenant for life shall extend to all the Condi­tion against the Feoffee. And it is cleer if there be Feoffee upon Condition of two Acres, and the Feoffor releases the Condition in one, it remains in the other, as it shall be of a Warranty an­nexed to two Acres, for the Condition is several as the Right is, and shall re­main in part of the Land, as the Right shall do. But if the condition [Page 72] had been by two, or to two, there a Release by one, or to one, dischargeth all the Condition, as it shall do a War­ranty: but if a man hath two Acres, one to him and his Heirs Males, and the other to him and his Heirs females; and makes a Lease for years of both of them, rendring a Rent upon Con­dition, and dies, having a Son and a Daughter; the Condition remains for the Son in one Acre, and is extingui­shed for the other. And if Lessee upon Condition surrenders one Acre, it re­mains for the other.

Tenant for life makes a Lease for years, upon Condition to have it for the life of Tenant for life, the Lessee dies, and his Executors perform the Condition, yet the Freehold shall not accrue to them. For when the Lessee for years died, the Condition was gone; for the Executors are not capable to perform the Condition to increase a Freehold, although they may to encrease a term; for the one is testamentary, and the other not.

Vide Infant, Fem covert, Entry, Rent.


LEssee for life makes a Lease for years, rendring a Rent, the Lessor confirms the Estate of the second Lessee, [Page 73] Tenant for life dies within the term, and the Lessor distrains and avowes for the Rent, some think he cannot.

Tenant for life grants a Rent charge in Fee, the Lessor joins in a Feofment of the Land, the Rent shall indure for ever; for it is the Feoffment of the Tenant for life, and the confirma­tion of the Lessor.

If a Disseisor takes a Confirmation of the Lord to hold by lesser Services, and the Disseisee releases to him, yet he shall take advantage of the Confir­mation.

If there be two Tenants in Common for life, and a Confirmation is made to them and their Heirs, they are Te­nants in Common of the Fee, as they were of the Freehold; for a Confirma­tion inures according to the nature of the estate upon which it inures, and a Confirmation does not alter the e­state. If Land be given to two men, and the Heirs of their two bodies, and the Donor confirms the Land to them in Fee, they are not Jointenants of the Fee.

If a Disseisor grants a Rent Charge to the Disseisee, and he grants it over, and after re-enters, he shall hold it discharged, for it cannot inure as a Grant, and as a Confirmation.

[Page 74]If there be Lord, Mesne, and Te­nant, each by Fealty and twelve pence, the Lord confirms the estate of the Tenant to hold by one penny, that Confirmation is void, for want of pri­vity; for there ought to be an imme­diate tenure where it is to be abrid­ged. As if Tenant for life makes a Lease for years, and the first Lessor confirms the estate of the Lessee for years, that is void for want of Privity. So if Te­nant in tail makes a Lease for his own life, and the Donor confirms, that will not enlarge his estate.

Lord, Mesne and Tenant, each of them holds by twelve pence, the Mesne is outlawed in Felony, the Lord con­firms the Estate of the Tenant to hold by one penny, the Heir of the Mesne reverses the Outlawry by Error, and distrains and avows for twelve pence.

There is Diversity, viz. if the Te­nant dies without Heir, the Law cast the possession of the Tenancy upon the Lord, so that he hath the possession in Law before Entry. But if the Te­nant be attainted of Felony, there the Lord hath not the possession either in Fact or in Law before Entry; for if the Tenant continue twenty years in possession after the Attainder, he shall be said to be Tenant, then here [Page 75] the Law doth not cast the possession of Mesnalty upon the Lord, and so there wants that privity between the Lord and the Tenant which is requisite to the deminishing of the Services. Then here the Confirmation inures to prove his Agreement to the Escheat, or o­therwise, it shall be void, which the Law will not suffer. If the Mesne grants the Mesnalty to the Lord Par auter uge, and after the Lord had confirmed, ut supra, and after cesty que vye dies, there the Mesne shall hold according to the Confirmation; for the Fee of the Seignory was not in suspence, be­cause he had it but par auter vye.

If a Fem hath a Lease for twenty years, and the Lessor confirms to the Baron for forty years, who dies, the Fem shall have the residue of the twen­ty years, Quod nota.

If a Disseisor makes a Gift in tail, or Lease for life to A. to whom the Disseisee confirms, yet after the estate determined he shall enter upon him in Reversion; for the estate is only for­tified, but if the Confirmation had been to the Disseisor, he cannot enter upon the particular Tenant. But if the Disseisor had given, &c. to A. and B. and to the Heirs of A. and the Dis­seisee confirms the estate of B. Quaere. [Page 76] But it is cleer, if he had confirmed the Estate of A. he should never enter upon his Heirs; for if a Disseisor gives Land to C. in tail, the Remainder to the right Heirs of C. and the Donor con­firms the estate, that shall go to the Fee. And if a Disseisor gives land to A. for life, the remainder to B. for life, and the estate for life to A. is only confirmed, Quaere.

If a Disseisee, where his entry is ta­ken away, and a Stranger enters upon the Heir in by descent, confirms the Estate of the Stranger, though his con­firmation gives no possession of the Freehold, yet his ancient Right is gone for ever. But if the Heir who is in by descent were disseised by A. who makes a lease for life to B. and the first Disseisee confirms his Estate, and the Heir enters, the Disseisee hath no remedy during the life of B. for the Confirmation continues so long, and no longer. And the Heir hath the Right of B and so the Dis­seisee cannot have an Action against B. and by the same reason he cannot have an Action against him that hath his Estate, in respect of the first Dis­seisee. So if the Heir in by descent, had made a Lease for life to the Dis­seisee [Page 77] and a Stranger, and the Dissei­see confirms the Estate of the Stranger, there the Disseisee hath no Remedy, during his own life, though the Heir re-enters, Causa qua supra, but his Heir shall have Remedy; for it was but a conclusion. And some say that the confirmation in the first case shall not extend to the Right that was sus­pended, as a Release will do, no more than if a man hath a Rent Charge, and he and another disseise the Tenant of the Land, and he which hath the Land confirms the Estate of his compa­nion, the Disseisee re-enters, the Rent is revived; for as the Rent was not grantable, being suspended in the In­heritance, no more may the Confir­mation extend to it, or touch it.

Two Jointenants for life of two A­cres, the Land is confirmed to them in Fee of one Acre to the use of one, and of the other Acre to the use of the other in fee, they are severall Tenants of the Freehold of the severall Acres, for the Confirmation is drownd by the Confirmation in Fee to the Ʋse, and the Freehold made according to the Ʋse, as if it had been before the Statute of 27 H. 8.

[Page 78]The Parson makes a Lease for twenty years, the Ordinary confirms for ten, being it is an intire thing, it cannot be confirmed in part, as a Confirma­tion to the Disseisor, Tamen Quere; for the Assent of the Patron cannot be like to that.

The Husband is Tenant for life, the Remainder to the Wife for life, a con­firmation is made to them in tail, how it shall inure? Some think that they shall take the Estate by Intireties, and not by Moities. It may be said that the estate for life to the Husband, the remainder to the Wife continues, but if not, then to the Wife for one Moi­ty, and a Moity in the Freehold shall be extinct, &c.

Vide Baron & Fem, & Wast.

Continuall Claim.

LAnd is given to Baron & Fem and a third person, and to the Heirs of the Bodies of the Baron & Fem, they have Issue, the Baron dies; Te­nant for life aliens a Moity in Fee, the Wife makes Continuall Claim, the Is­sue dies without Issue, the Wife may enter upon the Heir of the Feoffee, who dies within the year after the Continuall Claime. Quere. It seemes [Page 79] though at the time of the Continuall Claim she had a Right of Entry, yet now the Estate is changed, and she shall not enter. Quaere how Continuall Claim may be made by Tenant in com­mon for the possession pro Indiviso. If the Disseisee dies after he hath made Continuall Claim, and within the year a Descent is cast, the Heir of the Dis­seisee cannot enter, for it gives only a Title for the advantage of the per­son who durst not enter. But if the Descent had been in the Life of the Disseisee, then the Heir of the Disseisee may take Advantage of it. For a Title of Entry descended. If Tenant for life, with a Remainder over, be dissei­sed, and makes Continual Claim, & dies, he in Remainder shall avoid a Descent happening within a year after the Claim, for his Interest was reduced. Otherwise of a Son, in the life of his Father he hath no Interest. If two Jointenants are Disseised, and one makes Continual Claim, and then dies, and after a Descent is cast, Quere.

If the Grandfather be a Disseisor, and dies seised within a year after Con­tinual Claim made, and after the year, and before Entry, the Father dies, and the Son enters, the Disseisee may enter upon him, Quaere, for some think the contrary.

Covenant, vide Ʋse. Damages.

LAnd is given to Baron & Fem in Fee, the Husband dies, the Wife waives the possession, and recovers Dower against the Heir, she shall have Damages; for when she refused, the Husband shall be said to die seised, and so within the Compass of the Sta­tute. If the Husband makes a Feof­ment, and takes an Estate to himself and another in Fee, the Husband dies, the Wife shall not recover Damages; for she recovers her Dower of the E­state which he had before, and not of the Estate whereof he died seised: So if he had retaken in Fee upon Condi­tion, &c. For the Law says she is en­dowable of the First Estate, and not under the Condition.


A Man makes a Lease for years, and dies, having a Daughter, his Wife Euseint with a Son, the Daugh­ter confirms the Estate of the Lessee to hold to him for life with Warranty. The [Page 81] Son is born, and dies without Issue, the Daughter enters upon the Lessee, and upon a Re-entry she brings an As­size, some think it maintainable. But if the Son had Entred upon him an E­jectione Firmae lies.

A. hath two Daughters, the Eldest disseises the Father, the Father dies, she hath Issue and dies; the other En­ters, claiming her part of the Moity, and she brings her Assize, that was a Moot case.

If Tenant in tail discontinues, and dies, having a Daughter, his Wife En­seint with a Son. The Daughter Re­covers in a Formedon, and dies before Execution without Issue, the Son born after shall not enter, nor sue Execu­tion.

If the Daughter recovers in value, by reason of a Warranty of the Ance­stor before the Birth of the Son, the Son when he is born shall enter upon Her, for he recovers as Heir, and it comes in Lieu, and so shall be in the same Degree as the first Land was.

A man makes a Lease for years, ren­dring a Rent upon Condition, and dies, leaving a Son and a Daugh­ter by one Venter, and a Son by a­nother, the Eldest Son gets the Rent, and dies, the Daughter shall [Page 82] have the Reversion, but the Condi­tion is gone, for she is not Heir.

If a Daughter enters by purchase, or for Alienation in Mortmain, she shall retaine against a Son born af­ter.

A man hath a Park by Prescription in Land in Borough English, and dies, having two Daughters, the Question is, which of them shall have it? Some think the youngest; for a Park is no­thing but Land inclosed, and a Li­berty in Land shall ensue the nature of the Land, also a Park may be by Prescription, 18 H. 6. 21. a. 1. H. 4. 4. One may have the Liberty of a Park without Allowance. Then if Prescription can make a Park, there is no doubt but that it may be of the nature of Borough English; for the Comencement of it is not known, 10 H. 7. 6. per Keble.

Vide Parceners.


A. makes a Feoffment of the Man­nor of D. to which an Advowson is appendant, by Deed, and makes a Letter of Atturny to make Livery, the Advowson shall not passe by the deli­very of the Deed before Livery be made. [Page 83] If the Mannor of D. be given by Deed, with all the Woods, and within the Deed there is a Letter of Atturny, to make Livery, if Livery be not made, yet his Executors shall have the Wood. But if Livery be made, then the Wood shall go along with the Land.

If A. requires another, or gives him authority without Deed, to write, seal, and deliver a Grant of a Rent Charge out of the Land of the Gran­tor, in the name of the Grantor, which is done, the Grant is good; for if I make a Grant, and command one to deliver it, it will be good with­out Deed. So if I by Paroll deliver it him as an Escrowle, to be delivered as my Deed, upon Condition to be per­formed, that is good, But an Autho­rity to make Livery must be by Deed. Neither shall a Woman aver the Assent of the Father for Dower, Ex Assensu patris, without Deed. Neither can the Lessor Authorize the Lessee to commit Wast without Deed.

If an Infant delivers a Deed which bares date two years after, and at the end of the two years he is of full age, he shall not be Estopped to shew the delivery before the date, no more than a Fem covert, otherwise every Infant may be deluded.


LEssee for forty years makes a Lease for ten years, rendring a Rent, the first Lessee surrenders, the Lessor brings Debt against the second Lessee, Quaere.

A man shall not have Debt for Re­leif or Escuage granted unto him; for it is mixt in the Realty, but his Ex­ecutors shall, but he must distrein. So the Lord shall not have an Action of Debt for Ayd pur file marier, or pur fair fits Chivalier. But if he dies before it be levied, the Tenant shall be dis­charged of it.

An Action of Debt shall not be brought against the Heir, and his Brother in Borough English, where the Eldest hath nothing by descent, as it shall be a­gainst the Heirs in Gavel kind; for there he may have a joint judgement against all, and not against the Eldest in the other case, for he hath nothing upon which it may be levied. Quod nota.

An Action of Debt brought by Exe­cutors shall be in the Detinet only, al­though it be for Arrears of Rent incur­red after the death of the Testator. So it shall be against a man acccomptable to the Testator.

[Page 85]A Seignory is granted for years, the Rent is Arrear, and the Tenant dies, the years expire, if the Grantee shall have an an Action of Debt against the Heir, because it was due in the time of his Father, and also some was due in his own time, or if he shall have an Action of Debt against the Executors, for that which was due in the Testators life time, or is without Remedy? Some say that the Heir shall not be charged in Debt, if the Father die, not oblige himself and his Heirs ex­pressely, and the Executors shall not be charged, for they were not charge­able by the death of the Testator, for at that time the Grantee could not have an Action of Debt, but his remedy was by distresse; for then the years were not expired, and so no remedy. 9 H. 7. 17. a. Co. 4. 49.

An Annuity is granted for the life of A. the Grantee releases all Actions of Annuity, he shall not have an A­ction of Debt for the Arrerages, al­though that A. dies afterwards.

Devastavit, vide Executor. Devise.

A Woman hath Issue a Son, and by another Husband hath Issue ano­ther Son, the second Husband devises Land to the Wife for life, the Remain­der to the next of the blood of the Wife. The youngest Son shall take in Remainder, although it be true that one is not nearer of blood to the Mo­ther than the other, and the Eldest is of the most worthy blood, yet he is not neerest, and so it is uncertain who should take, according to the letter of the Wlll, yet the Intent (which is al­ways to be considered in Wills) shall be construed in Favour of the youn­gest, because he was Issue of the Devi­sor, Pasc. 5. Eliz. A great Case was argued in the Exchequer. There were three Brothers, the second brother purchased Land, and devised it to his Son in tail, and if he died without Issue, that then it should remain to the next of the Kindred of the Lineage of the Father, the Eldest Son was then dead, having a Son, it was adjudged that the Son of the Eldest should have the Land, for he is next of the Lineage. [Page 87] For Lineage shall be taken in a Lineall descent, which is the most worthy Line, Dy. 333. pl. 29. A Devise to the next of Blood, the Son of the Eldest Brother shall have it before the youn­ger Brother.

If Land be devised upon Condition, or rendring a Rent, that is void; for it cannot be good in either case, except the Reservor might take advantage of it, and the Heir cannot have that which his Ancestor could not. And if a man devise Land with Warranty, that is void, because the Father was not bound. But to some there seems a Diversity; for in the last case there is a Charge to the Heir, and in the first it is for his advantage.

If the Lord devises Land to his Vil­lein, this is an Infranchisment against the Heir, and yet he was the Villein of the Heir when the Devise took Ef­fect.

A man having three Daughters, de­vises to them a hundred pound a piece for their marriage Portions, and if any of them die before their Marriage, then the other should have her Por­tion by Survivor, one dies in the life of the Father, the other shall have three hundred pound after the death of the Father, and yet nothing sur­vived, [Page 88] for she had nothing in posses­sion, yet they shall take it by the in­tent of the Devisor; for when he says, that if any of them die before their Marriage, that the other shall have her Portion, this makes it in nature of a Remainder, and then though the first Devisee does die in the life of the Testator, yet he in Remainder shall take the Estate per Manwood, Dy. 127. p. 59. As a Devise to a Monk, the Remainder to another, the Remain­der is good.

A. Devises Land upon Condition, and if the Condition be broke, that his Executors shall sell the Land, the Devise as to the Executors is void; for the Heir must enter for the Condition broken, and then he shall hold it dis­charged of all Conditions.

A. Devises twenty pound to B. when he arrives at the age of six and twenty years, and if he dies before, he Devises it to C. B. releases to the Executors of A. before he attains his age of six and twenty years, if it shall be a Bar? Quaere.

If A. Devises twenty pound yearly for twenty years, the Devisee hath no Remedy for his not Issuing out of any Land; for he cannot take it as a Legacy, and an Annuity does not lie [Page 89] against Executors, for the Testator was never charged.

A Jointure cannot be made by De­vise, for Land was not then Devisable, and the Wife was discovert when the Devise took effect.

If Land be Devised to an Alien, and he is made a Denizen before the De­visor dies, he shall take by the Devise; for all takes effect after the death of the Devisor.


IF I grant an Annuity upon Condi­tion that the Grantee shall promote me to a Benefice within seven years, within which time I marry, and my Wife dies within the Term, yet the Grantee is discharged; for I had once Disabled my self to accept of the Be­nefice, and he had the Liberty to have tendered it at that time, and I being then Disabled to receive it, it coun­tervails a Tender and Refusall. So if I am bound to marry a woman by such a day, and she marries another, and the Husband dies before the day, yet I am discharged of my Obligation. But if he who was to be promoted, or married had been a Stranger to the Obligations, it had been otherwise. [Page 90] If I am bound to enfeoffe the Obligee before a day, and before the day he takes a Lease for yeares of the same Land, which expire before the day, yet I am discharged; but it had bin other­wise if there had been no day limited; for there it is not to be done before re­quest.

A Feoffment is made to Re-infeoffe, the Feoffee grants a Rent Charge, the Grantee brings a Writ of Annuity, and recovers, if this be a Disablement to Re-infeoffe, Quaere?


A Lease is made to Baron & Fem for the life of the Baron, the Remain­der to the Right Heirs of the Husband, the Husband dies, the Wife cannot Disagree, for the Estate is determined. But if the Estate had been made to them by a Disseisor, she might disagree to save herself from Damages. If Land be given to Baron & Fem in Fee, and the Baron makes a Feoffment, and an Ancestor collaterall of the Wife Re­leases with Warranty, and dies, the Husband dies, the Wife cannot disa­gree and claim her Dower, for her E­state was bound, and her Right deter­mined by the Warranty.

[Page 91]If the Husband be remitted to an Estate, the Wife may disagree, and claim her Dower.

An Atturnment is good, although he that Atturned doth after disa­gree.

Vide Dower, & Baron & Fem.


IF the Disseisee enters upon the Heir of the Disseisor, end grants a Rent Charge and dies, the Issue shall hold it discharged, for he is remitted to his ancient Right. So if the Heir of the Disseisee enters upon the Disseisor, and grants a Rent Charge, and the Disseisee dies. But if the Son disseises the Father, and A. and the Father dies, he shall hold it charged, for he is not remitted. If the Father disseiseth the Grandfather, and grants a Rent Charge, and dies, the Son shall hold it discharged, for he claims from the Grandfather. Lord, Mesne, and Te­nant, the Tenant aliens in Mortmain, the Lord enters, and grants a Rent Charge; and after his Title is come, viz. the year is past, and the Mesne hath not entred, the Lord shall hold it discharged, and his Issue also; for he shall not be remitted for a Title, [Page 92] as he shall be for a Right accrued.

If the Father disseises the Grandfa­ther, and dies, and the Son enters, and grants a Rent Charge, and the Grandfather dies, he shall hold it dis­charged, although he was of full age at the time of the Grant. As if Tenant in tail infeoffes his Issue within Age, who grants a Rent Charge at full age, and then the Tenant in tail dies, the Issue shall hold it discharged.

If the Disseisor grants a Rent Charge to the Disseisee, who grants it over, and after enters, he shall hold it dis­charged. So if Tenant Pur auter vye grants a Rent Charge, and the Re­version descends upon him, and cesty que vye dies, he shall hold it dischar­ged. If a Stranger disseises the Father, and grants a Rent Charge, and infe­offes the Son, and the Father dies, he shall hold it discharged.

Land is given to A. and B. for their lives, the Remainder to the Right Heirs of him who survives. B. grants a Rent Charge in Fee, A. dies, if the Heir of B. shall hold it discharged, Quaere. If it had been given to them, Quam diu simul vixerint, and to the Heirs of him who first dies, the Heir shall not take the Land by descent, but by purchase.

[Page 93] A. having a Wife, makes a Feoff­ment upon Condition, and dies, the Wife is endowed by the Feoffee, and then grants her Estate to the Feoffee, reserving a Rent by Indenture, the Heir enters for the Condition broken, he shall hold it discharged of the Rent, Note her Title to the Land was Para­mount to the Condition, but Puisne to the Rent.

If a Dean hath a Rent Charge in Fee, and the Tenant aliens the Land to the Dean in Fee, the Lord enters for the Alienation in Mortmaine, he shall hold it discharged of the Rent, for when he entred for the Alienation in Mortmain, he did not avoid the Li­very, but affirm'd it by his Entry. So if the Dean before the Entry had en­tred into a Statute, the Lord should have holden it discharged of the Exe­cution. But if Tenant for life aliens in Fee to him that hath a Rent Charge issuing out of the Land, and the Les­sor enters, for the forfeiture, he shall not hold it discharged: for the Lessor hath the same Feesimple he had before the making the Lease, and has his own Estate, and not the Estate which the Lessee gave to the Feoffee. Many think the contrary in the first case; for his Estate in the Land was always defeas­able.

[Page 94] Vide Charge, Rent Execution.


A Disseisor infeoffes his Wives Fa­ther who dies, so that the Land descends upon the Wife, if the Dissei­see may enter, Quaere?

The Husband surrenders the Free­hold of his Wife to him in Reversion, who dies seised, if the Wife may en­ter after the death of her Husband? for there seems to be a discent.

If a Gift in tail, or Lease for life be made, rendring a Rent with a Re-en­try, for default of payment; the Les­sor hath cause of Entry, and the Estate in tail expire, or Lessee for life dies, after a Disseisin, or Descent, yet the Lessor, &c. may enter, for the Land was recontinuable at all times. And if Tenant for years, with a Condition be outed: after the term and a Dis­cent cast, the Lessor shall enter for the Condition broken.

Lessee for years, the Remainder in tail, he in Remainder grants in Fee, the Lessee atturns, the years expire, the Grantee enters, and dies seised, Tenant in tail dies, the Issue may en­ter, for the Grant was but for the life of Tenant in tail, and then he died not [Page 75] seised in Fee, and if the dying seised had been after the death of Tenant in tail. If it will take away the Entry, Quaere: But if the Issue of the Issue of the Grantee had entred and died sei­sed, the Entry had been taken away. If Tenant in tail infeoffs his Donor, who dies seised, the discent will take away the Entry of the Issue, Quaere?

If there be two Sons, and the youn­gest hath two Daughters, the Grand­father seised of two Acres at Common Law, and twenty in Borough English, gives the two Acres with the youn­gest in Frankmarriage, the youngest Son dies, the Grandfather dies sei­sed, the twenty Acres shall descend equally to the two Daughters, and the two Acres shall not be put in Hotch potch; for the Custom as well as the descent makes the Title.

The Disseisor dies without Heir, his Wife enseint, the Lord enters, a Son is born, the Disseisee enters upon the Lord. If the Entry had been before the Birth it had been Lawfull, and he Remitted. If a Stranger abates, the Disseisor having Issue, or if after a­batement a Son had been born, the Disseisee could not have entred; for the Abator may say that the Land des­cended to the Issue whose Estate he has.

[Page 96]If the Tenant makes a Feoffment, Pending the Praecipe against him, the Plaintiffe Recovers, then the Feoffee dies seised, the Plaintiffe cannot en­ter upon the Heir; for the dying sei­sed was after the Judgement, & Tanta mount, as if the Feofment and Discent had been both after Judgement, and then it had been cleer that the Entry had been taken away; for the Discent is the Title, and not the Feoffment. But if the Discent had been hanging the Writ, that would not have taken away the Entry. But if a Recovery be had against Tenant for life, and he dies, and he in Remainder Enters, and dies seised, that shall not take a­way the entry of the Recoveror; for all the Estate is recovered, and he in Re­mainder is as privy as if the Action had been brought against him immedi­ately, so of him in Reversion. Br. Ent. Cong. 116.

The King being seised, A. intrudes, the King Grants it away, A. conti­nues in possession, and dies seised, this Discent will not take away the Entry of the Grantee, for then he were without remedy, as if Land be devised, and a Stranger Abates, and dies, that shall not toll the Entry of the Devisee.


JF Land be given to two, and to the Heirs of the body of one, and he which hath the Estate in tail makes a Feoffment, and both die, this is no Discontinuance, for any part; for he was not seised of the Estate in tail at the time of the Feoffment.

If Tenant in tail makes a Lease for life, the Remainder for life, and af­ter Releases to him in the Remainder, and his Heirs, this is a Discontinuance. If the first Tenant for life dies in the life of Tenant in tail. If Tenant in tail makes a Gift in tail to A. and af­ter Releaseth to him in Fee, and dies, and A. dies without Issue, the Issue in tail may enter upon the collaterall Heir of A. for the Fee was not Exe­cuted in the life of Tenant in tail, though it passed out of him. Quaere of all these cases.

If the Grandfather be Tenant in tail, and makes a Gift to Baron & Fem in tail, the Husband dies without Is­sue, the Grandfather dies, the Fa­ther Releases to the Wife, being Te­nant after possibility, and to her Heirs, and dies, the Wife dies, the Issue cannot enter upon the Heir of the [Page 98] Wife; for though it be no Disconti­nuance, yet when the Wife came to the Fee simple, the Fee was Executed, and then she died seised in Fee, and the Discent takes away the Entry. But if the Wife had been Tenant in tail, and then she had died without Issue, it had been otherwise; for then she had not died seised, but of an Estate tail in possession, and a Fee in Rever­sion, and that will not take away an Entry.

If Tenant in tail infeoffes the Wife of the Donor, that is a Discontinu­ance.

If Tenant in tail infeoffes the Donor and a Stranger, that is a Discontinu­ance of all for the benefit of the Stran­ger. If Tenant in tail of a Rent grant that in Fee, that is no Discontinuance, for the Grant endures no longer than for his own life.

If Tenant in tail makes a Lease for the life of the Lessee, and then dissei­ses him, and makes a Feofment in Fee, the Lessee dies, and Tenant in tail dies, that is no Discontinuance; for the Fee was not Executed by lawfull means.

So if Tenant in tail makes a Lease for life, and grants the Reversion, the Grantee disseises Tenant for life, [Page 99] Tenant for life, and Tenant in tail die, this is no Discontinuance, for the Fee was not executed according to the Grant. But if Tenant in tail makes a Lease for her own life, and disseises Tenant for life, and makes a Feofment, that is no Discontinuance; for by the Disseisin he was seised in Fee, and the Fee was devested out of the Donor, and then he was not Te­nant in tail. The first case seems clee­rer, if Tenant in tail dies, living Te­nant for life. If Tenant in tail makes a Lease for the life of the Lessee, who is disseised, and Tenant in tail Releases to the Disseisor without Warranty, Te­nant for life, and Tenant in tail die, this is a Discontinuance in Fee; for the Disseisor had the same Fee execu­ted in the life of Tenant in tail which was first made, as if he had after Re­leased to Tenant for life, which would have countervailed an Entry and Fe­ofment.

A. makes a Gift in tail to B. who makes a Gift in tail to C. who makes a Feoffment, and dies without Issue. Nothing made a Discontinuance to the Issue of B. but the Livery of B. for by that the Reversion of the Do­nor was discontinued. But when C. died without Issue, that Livery is de­termined, [Page 100] and the Discontinuance purged; and the Feofment of C. be­ing a Stranger to the first in tail, can­not be a Discontinuance, especially when there was but a Right of the Intail discontinued by the Feofment of B. and a Right cannot be discon­tinued.

If Tenant in tail be disseised, and Re­leases to the Disseisor with Warranty, and is attainted of Felony, and hath his pardon, and dies, that is a Dis­continuance; for if he had purchased the Land after his pardon, it should have gone to his Issue, which proves that the blood between him and his Issue is not corrupt, as it is between him and his Ancestor; then seeing the Warranty was in being at the time of his death, there is no Impediment but that it should descend.


LOrd and Tenant of twelve Acres by twelve pence, the Tenant makes a Lease of one Acre for years, the Les­see enfeoffs the Lord, he may avow for eleven pence; for though he is a Disseisor by the Statute, yet to ano­ther intent he is in by Feoffment; for if Lessee for years infeoffs two, a [Page 101] Release to one will inure to both.

If there be two Disseisors of a house, to which Estovers are appendant, and a Release is made to one, the Estovers Remain for part, for the Release doth not countervail an Entry and Feof­ment.

If the Lord procures one to disseise the Tenant, and then the Dissei­sor Ceaseth, and the Lord Recovers, he shall retain against the Disseisee; for the procurement does not make him a Disseisor, 50 E. 3. 2. v. Lit. in Remit. cont. If the Issue in tail procure one to Disseise the Disseisor of his Fa­ther, whose Heir is in by descent, a­gainst whom the Heir recovers, the Is­sue shall retain it.

If the Disseisor makes a Feoffment, and marries with the Disseisee, he may enter in his Wives Right.

After a Dissent, if the possession comes to the Disseisor, the Disseisee may enter, for the Action remains to him after the descent.

If one Disseises Tenant for life to the use of him in Reversion, and he agrees, if he shall have the new Fee, or the ancient; for now he is a Dissei­sor ab initio. If he had been a Disseisor immediately he had gained but a Free­hold by Tort, but now he Agrees [Page 102] to that which another hath, and that is a Fee.

If one Jointenant makes a Lease for years of his part, a Stranger en­ters, claiming the Moity of the other, who waives the possession, that is a Disseisin to him, though the Termer continues in possession; for they were Tenants in Common. Otherwise, if the Termor had waived the possession, and the other had continued in; for the Reversioner cannot be out of pos­session when his joint companion held in.


A Reversion is granted to Baron & Fem, and to a single man and Woman in Fee, the single persons marry and the Tenant Atturns, then the single man and woman are divor­ced, the Baron & Fem shall have but a third part.

Land is given to I. and A. his Wife, and to another Baron & Fem in Fee, they are disseised, and I. releases to the Disseisor, and then I. and A. are divorced, for cause which hath rela­tion. A. and the Baron & Fem bring an Assise, leaving out I. Some think it is maintainable; for when I. and A. [Page 103] are divorced, yet the other Baron & Fem shall hold the Moity to them; for being the purchase took effect, and vested by the Livery, and at that time the Baron & Fem not being divorced took a Moity, which remains still.

A Lease for life is made to a Fem sole, she marries, the Lessor grants the Reversion, the Husband atturns, and after they are divorced, yet the Wife cannot avoid the Atturnment.

A woman is divorced, upon a sur­mise made by the Husband, of a Pre­contract upon her part: the Wife be­ing seised of Land makes her Will, and devises it away, an Appeal then de­pending by the Husband to defeat the Divorce. Quaere, if the Appeal be not void, being sued by the Baron; for he is not the party grieved; for he was the first Agent in the Divorce, and therefore it ought to have ben sued by the Wife, and so the Devise stands good. 2 R. 2. Quare Impedit. 143. Dy. 140. p. 46. 4 H. 7. Peckams case, 10 H. 7. 12. 24 H. 8. Ravishment. 11. 39. E. 3. 33.

A man marries an Infidel, the Wife commits Adultery, and then becomes a Proselite to the Christian Religion. Quaere, if this Adultery, committed before her Conversion, be a sufficient [Page 104] cause whereupon the Husband may sue a Divorce?


LAnd is given to Husband and Wife in speciall tail, reserving a Rent, the Wife of the Donor brings Dower a­gainst the Heir of the Husband, for the third part of the Rent.

A. having a Daughter dies, his Wife enseint, with a Son, the Daugh­ter disclaims, the Lord Recovers, in right of the Disclaimer, a Son is born, the Lord dies, and the Land descends to his Son, the Wife of the Lord brings Dower against him.

A. grants a Rent Charge in Fee, to commence after the death of the Grantee, who dies, the Wife of the Grantee shall not be endowed, and yet the Son takes as Heir. But it was not in the Father, and it shall not be Assetts in the Heir. But if the Rent had been granted upon Condition, that if the Grantee, or his Heirs die, their Issue within age, that the Rent should cease until the Issue comes of full age, if the Grantee dies, his Issue within age, his Wife shall be endowed, but the Execution shall cease until the heir be of full age. As if the Tenant [Page 105] be in Ward to the Lord, and the Lord marries, and dies possest of the Ward, his Wife shall be endowed of the Seignory, which was in suspence; for the Freehold was in the Husband, so in the last case before, 24 E. 3. the Wife of the Father brought a Writ of Dower against the Heir within age, and Recovered, but cessat Executio until, &c.

If the Heir doth Improve the Land, the Wife shall recover her Dower of it as it is. But if it be by building, or other collaterall Improvement, 'tis o­therwise. Quaere, if the Heir suffers the Houses to decay upon the Land, if the Wife shall be endowed according to the value it was in the possession of her Husband, or as it is now, and shall be allow'd in Damages?

The Son of the Disseisor endows his Wife Ex assensu patris, the Disseisee releaseth to the Disseisor, if the Dower shall be avoided?

The Tenant Ceases for two years, and after marries, the Lord Recovers in a Cessavit, the Tenant dies, his wife shall be endowed against the Lord.

If a Rent be reserved upon a Lease for life, the Wife shall not have dower; for he hath not a Fee, neither shall the Heir have an Assize of Mortdan­cestor.

[Page 106]If a Disseisor grants a Rent Charge, and is disseised, and a Release is made to the second Disseisor, the Wife shall not be endowed, for her Dower is Ex­ecutory.

If a Woman hath cause to have Dower of one and the same Acre, as Wife to A. and B. If she be barr'd as Wife to A. yet she shall have it as Wife to B.

If a Lease be made to Baron & Fem for the life of the Husband the Re­mainder to the Heirs of the Husband, who dies, the wife shall not have Dower; for she cannot disagree to an Estate determined. If Land be given to Baron & Fem in Fee, the Husband makes a Feoffment, an Ancestor col­lateral of the Wife, releases with War­ranty, and dies, the Husband dies, the Wife cannot disagree, and claim her Dower where the Estate was bound, and her Right determined by the War­ranty.

If a Villaine purchase an Estate in tail, the Lord enters, and dies, his Wife shall not have Dower; for being the Law gave unto him his Entry, the Law will not give more to him than the Villein might lawfully give, which was an Estate for his own life. If Te­nant in tail, the Reversion in the King [Page 107] be disseised, the Disseisor dies, his Wife shall not recover her Dower, no more than if a Discontinuance takes away an Entry.

If there be two Tenants in Common, and one hath a Wife, and the Rever­sion is granted to both of them, and he which hath the Wife dies, the Wife shall be endowed of a third part of a fourth part, if the Reversion passed severally; for then the Reversion and the Fee are Executed for the fourth part.

A Gift in tail is made rendring, du­ring the life of the Donor, Socage te­nure, and after his death Knight ser­vice, the Wife shall be endowed of the Knights service.

If a Rent be granted for life, and after by another Deed the Grantor re­leases all his Right in the Rent, and if it be behind, that the Grantee and his Heirs shall distrain, the Wife shall not be endowed; for it is still but a Rent Seck, and the distress a Penalty, 8 H. 4. 18.

A Disseisor having a Wife makes a Lease for life, the Lessee makes a Lease to the Wife for her life, the Husband accepts the Deed, and agrees to it, the Husband dies, the Wife disagrees to the Lease, the Lessor Enters against [Page 108] whom she brings Dower. It is cleer, if a Disseisor, having a Wife, makes a Lease to A. for life, who makes a Lease to B. for life, and the Disseisee relea­seth to B. the Wife of the Disseisor shall be endowed; for the Release does not countervail an Entry and Feof­ment. If a Disseisor be Disseised, and the Disseisee releaseth to the second Disseisor, that takes away the Dower of the first Disseisors Wife. But in the first case the Husband is remitted, and no possession in the Wife whereupon a Release may operate, and so she may disagree and claim her Dower.

If an Estate be confirmed in a Rent Seck, and if it be behind, that it shall be lawfull for him and his Heirs to di­strain, the Wife shall not have Dower; for it is stil but a Rent Seck, and the Distresse but a penalty.

Tenant in tail of a Rent disconti­nues it with Warranty, the Issue ha­ving a Wife, is barr'd in a Formedon by the Warranty and Assetts, yet his Wife shall be endowed; for the Grant was void by the death of Tenant in tail, and the Issue had possession in Law, and might have distrained, and though he determined his Election, yet it shall not prejudice his Wife.

If the Husband disagrees to a Re­mainder, [Page 109] the Wife shall not be en­dowed, otherwise to a Dissent. If a Rent Charge is granted, the Grantee dies, the Heir cannot prevent the Wife of her Dower by bringing his Writ of Annuity

The Son endows his Wife Ex Assensu Patris, the Son is attainted. If she shall retain her Dower? Some think she shall not; for she claims from the Son, and Ne unques accouple in loyall Matrimony is a good plea.

If Tenant for life surrrenders upon Condition, and the Lessor marries and dies, the Wife is endowed against the Heir, the Lessee enters for the Con­dition broken, the Wife shall not have the Reversion; for the Freehold which was the Wives Title is taken away by the Entry. If the Grandmother reco­vers Dower against the Mother, she hath taken away all the estate of the Mother; for she comes in upon an Eigne Title. But otherwise if the Father had been infeoffed. So if the Lessor disseiseth his Tenant for life, and marries, and dies, and the Wife is endowed by the Heir, the Lessee enters, &c. And if Lessee for life had died before the Wife had been endowed, she shall not be en­dowed; for the Heir was Remitted, or if she had been endowed, and the [Page 110] Lessee had died, the Heir shall out her. If the Mother recovers Dower against the Son, & the Grandmother recovers Dower against the Mother, and dies, the Son shal enter and not the Mother. But if the Dower of the Mother had been by Assignment of the Heir, it had been otherwise. For he shal be concluded by his own Assignment, Quaere? For some think the Reversion is not taken away from the Mother in Casu penultimo.

If a Feoffment be made to A. to the use of B. the Wife of A. shall be en­dowed.

A. marries and sells his Land, his Wife arrives at her age of nine years, the Husband dies, she shall be endowed; though the Husband had no possession when she was nine years old: For if the Husband aliens his Land, and af­ter the Wife is attainted and pardo­ned, the Husband dies, she shall re­cover her Dower. If a woman Elopes, the Husband aliens his Land, and af­ter they are Reconciled, she shall have her Dower; for in these cases the Ti­tle of Dower is not consummate until the death of the Husband. But if a man marries an Alien, and then sells his Land, and she is Endenized, and the Husband dies, she shall not have her Dower.

[Page 111]If a Tenancy Escheats, the wife of the Lord shall not be endowed of the Seignory.

A woman Intitled to have Dower, disseiseth the Tenant, and she is dissei­sed by another, to whom the Disseisee releaseth, she shall not have her Dow­er; for her Dower was suspended in the possession of the Disseisor as well as if it had been in her own possession; for the Disseisor is in as the woman was, and though her Dower should have been Revived if the Disseisee had entred; yet this Release doth not a­mount to an Entry and Feoffment.

If Land be given to A. and his Heirs Males as long as he hath Issue Female of his body, A. dyes having a Daugh­ter, the Wife is endowed, and the Daughter dies without Issue, the wife loseth her Dower; for there is a dif­ference between a Condition in Deed, and in Law; for if the Issue of Tenant in tail dies without Issue; yet his wife shall keep her Dower; for it is a Con­dition in Law. And yet if an Estate tail be made upon Condition, that if the Donee dies without Issue, that it shall be lawful for the Donor to re-en­ter, the Wife of the Donee shall not lose her Dower; for the Condition does not take effect untill the estate be [Page 112] determined by the Condition in Law, upon which determination she is en­dowable.

A. seised in Fee grants a Rent Charge, and aliens, and takes an Estate in Fee-simple, or in tail, and dies seised, the Wife Recovers in Dower, and then she surmises that her Husband died sei­sed, and prays a Writ of Enquiry of Damages, 14 H. 8. 6. She shall hold it charged; for she hath admitted her self dowable of the second Estate.

A. has a Wife, and is seised of four Acres, and makes a Feofment of three of the Acres with Warranty, and dies, the Wife brings her writ of Dower a­gainst the Feoffee, and he vouches the Heir. Now if the Wife may stop the Judgement, viz. That she shall not re­cover immediately against the Heir is the question; for then she hath lost her Dower of the fourth Acre, as some think she hath, because it was her own folly that she did first recover her Dower of that.


IF a Rent be granted in Fee, and the Grantee grants it over for yeares, the Grantee for years hath no Re­medy, if it be denied him; for he shall [Page 113] not have a writ of Annuity; for the Election is given only to the first Gran­tee and his Heirs, and the Election runs only in privity. If two Acres are given to A. Habendum, the one in Fee, and the other for life, and A. grants both over, viz. the one in Fee, and the other for his own life. If the se­cond Feoffee shall have Election? If A. had committed wast in both, or had made a Feoffment of both, the Lessor might have entred into which he had pleased. If I give two Acres, the one in Fee, the other for life, and the Do­nee dies without Heir, Quaere, if the Lord shall have Election? If a Lease be made of two Acres, the Remainder of one to A. and of the other to B. and makes no certain description of either. He who first enters after the death of Tenant for life, shall have the Election.

If a Lease be made of two Acres, Habendum the one in Fee, and the o­ther for life, reserving a Rent, Quaere how the Lord shall avow? But his Ex­ecutor hath no Remedy by the statute of 31 H. 8.

If A. grants to another one of his horses, the Grantee dies before his E­lection, his Executor shall choose; but yet there was no property in the [Page 114] Grantee before Election. If two Acres are granted, the one in tail, and the other in Fee, the Heir of the Donee shall make his Election.

If twenty shillings, or a Robe is year­ly granted at the Feast of Easter, at the day, or before the day, the Grantee hath Election. If it had been by Obli­gation, the Obligor shall have the E­lection after the day. But if one grants to another twenty loads of wood, or twenty Oaks yearly at the day or af­ter, the Election is in the Grantee, for it lies in Prender, so that there is a a Difference betwixt a thing in Pay­ment and in Prender. 13 E. 4.4.

If a Lease for life be made, reser­ving a Rent, or a Robe at the day, it is in Election of the Lessee, but after in the Lessors.

A Reversion is granted to one for life, and before Atturnment it is granted to him in Fee, the Grantee may choose his Estate.

If an Acre is given Habendum in Fee, or in tail, the Donee shall choose. If one be bound, or Covenants to infe­offe B. of the Mannor of D. or S. the Obligor, &c. hath the Election; for he is the first Agent. But if I give my black horse, or white Horse, there the Donee hath the Election; for there [Page 115] he is the first Agent. But otherwise if the words had been that I should de­liver also. If I infeoffe A. and B. and warrant the Land to the one or the o­ther, there is no Election given to ei­ther, and therefore void. But if one be bound to me to pay to A. or B. there the Obligor hath the Election; for he is the first Agent, but in the other case it ought first to be demanded. A. gives two Acres, Habend. the one for life, the other in Fee, reserving a Rent or a Robe, and does not distinguish which he shall have for life, and which in Fee. B. makes a Feoffment of both, the Rent is behind. A. distrains in one only, and makes an Avowry for the Robe in that Acre. Quere bien.

If a Rent be issuing out of two Acres, the Tenant grants one to another, the Grantee may choose in which he will distrain for all.

A. disseises B. of twenty Acres in. C. B. brings a writ of Entry sur Disseisin in ten Acres, and recovers, and comes upon the Land, and enters into one Acre in the name of all he recovered, and thereof presently infeoffs D. who enters into the other nine Acres, A. brings an Assize for those nine Acres, and it is maintainable; for by the en­try of B. into one Acre in the name [Page 116] of all he recovered, nothing vested in him but that Acre; for it was a deter­mination of his Election which nine Acres he would have, for it was in­certain, and then nothing passed by the Feoffment but that one Acre, for the Feoffee being a stranger shall not make Election, which runs in Pri­vity.


A Woman hath Title to have dower of three Acres, and after the Heir sows one of the Acres, and she hath that Acre assigned to her in dower. Quaere if she shal have the Emblements; for, no folly can be imputed to the Heir; for the possession was cast upon him by the Law, and when he did sow the Land it was uncertain to him whe­ther ever the wife would recover her dower, neither could he guesse which Acre would be assigned her in dower. and the Heir shall take advantage of this incertainty. As if the Condition be performed by the Mortgagor, yet the Mortgagee shall have the Emble­ments. If a man devise that his Exe­cutors shall sell his Land, and before the sale the Heir sows the Land, and then the Executors sell it, yet the [Page 117] Heir shall have the Emblements, 36 H. 6. 36. If the Heir sows the Land, and is disseised before severance, and the Disseisor endows the wife of the Fa­ther. Some think the Heir shall not have the Emblements; for she is sup­posed to be in, in the Post by the Dis­seisor, Quaere.


GRandfather, Father, and Son. The Father disseiseth the Grand­father and dies, the Son endows the Mother, the Grandfather dies, the Son may enter upon the Mother; for he hath a new Right descended to him from the Grandfather, for the Grand­father might have entred upon the Mother, so shall his Heir. But if there be Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Father, and Son, and the Grandfa­ther disseises the Great Grandfather, and the Father dies, and the Son en­dows the wife of the Father, and the Great Grandfather dies, the Son shall not out the Tenant in Dower; for the Great Grandfather could not enter by reason of the descent, no more can his Heir.

[Page 118]If a disseisor makes a Lease for life, the Remainder in Fee, and the dissei­see purchaseth the Remainder, and grants it over, he cannot enter upon the Lessee for life, for then he should defeat his own Grant.

A Feoffment is made, upon Condi­tion to re-infeoffe, the Feoffee makes a Feoffment to his use. If the Feoffor may enter without Request? If A. makes a Feoffment, reserving a Rent, and if it be behind a Re-entry, after he releaseth the Rent when he hath Title or Entry, he cannot enter af­ter, or if he granted the Rent over after his Title of Entry.

The Eldest Son cannot enter where the Reversion is descended to the youngest by the Custom.

A Seignory is granted in tail, the Tenant aliens in mortmain, the Gran­tee dies within the year without Issue, the donor shall enter, as well as he in Remainder; for there is a Privity of Estate.

If two Acres descend to A. and a stranger abates into one, and A. en­ters into the other in the name of both, that shall not gain the possession of the other. But otherwise if he had entred into that Acre wherein the Abatement was in the name of both.

[Page 119]Tenant for life of a Seignory, a Te­nancy Escheats, a stranger intrudes, Tenant for life dies before Entry, he in Reversion may enter, as upon the Disseisor of his Tenant, but if he dye and his Heir in by Descent, he cannot enter.

After a Discent the Disseisee abates, the wife of the Disseisor recovers dower by confession, if the disseisee may en­ter?

A Lease for life is made, rendring a Rent, with a Re-entry, for default of payment, the Lessor hath cause of Entry, the Lessee is disseised, and a discent cast, the Lessee dies, the Les­sor may enter; for the Land was al­wayes recontinuable by Entry. If Les­see for years upon Condition be outed after the term, and a dissent cast, the Lessor shall enter for breach of the Condition.


IF Lessee for yeares makes a Feoff­ment, and the Lessor dies without Heir, the Lord shall not enter for the Escheat; for it is a good Feoffment against him.

A. infeoffs B. so long as Paul's Stee­ple shall stand. B. dies without Heir, [Page 120] if the Land shall Escheat?

Vide Attainder & Bastard.


IF a Lease be made so long as A. and B. shall be Justices, if one of them be removed, the Estate is determined; for the time was in the Copulative, and a Collaterall determination. But if it had been during their lives, and one of them had died, the Estate had continued.

A. hath Issue a Son and a daughter, Land is given to the daughter, and to her Heirs Females of the body of the Father begotten, she hath not Estate tail but for life only. Inst.

If a lease be made to a Dean and Chapter for their lives, they shall have a Fee; for they never die.

If a Rent of twenty shillings a year be granted until the Grantee shall re­ceive twenty pound, the Grantee hath an Estate but for twenty years; for it is certain. So if it had been granted untill A. shall arive at his full age, he takes but for years. If Land of twenty shillings a year value be granted until he shall receive twenty pounds out of the Issue and profits, and Livery be made, he takes an E­state [Page 121] for life, by reason of the uncer­tainty of the profits. If A. makes a Lease for life, reserving a Rent, and if it be behind, that he shall enter and retain, til he hath received the Rent out of the profits of the Land, all the Estate of the Lessee is defeated. 30 E. 3. 7.

If A. hath two Daughters, and the Eldest gives Land to the youngest, and to the Heirs of the body of the Father begotten, there passeth but an Estate for life; for the donor is one of the Heirs, and it cannot be an estate tail in her self of her own making, and it cannot inure to the other; for she is not Heir. But if it had been given to the youngest, the eldest being born out of the Realm, it shall go to him.


IF a Praecipe be brought against the Father of the Sons Land, and he loseth, and the Son after the decease of the Father brings a Writ of error to reverse the Recovery, and Judge­ment is affirmed, the Recoveror may enter upon the Son; for by bringing his writ of Error, he is Estopped to say, that his Father was not seised.

[Page 122]If an Infant delivers a deed which bears date two years after, and at the end of the two years he is of full age, he shall not be Estopped to shew the delivery before the date, neither shall a Fem Covert.

Husband and Wife seised, and to the Heirs of the Husband, the Hus­band makes a gift in tail, the Wife re­covers against the donee in a Cui in vita, supposing that she hath a Fee, and dies, and the donee dies, and the Issue of the Husband and Wife brings a Formedon in Reverter, and though he was Heir to the Wife, he shall be Estopped to say, that he had a lesser estate than in Fee, yet the Issue, who claims by the Husband shall not be Estopped.

Vide Dower.


A. seised of an house on the part of his Mother, and Estovers are granted to him in Fee, and he dies without Issue, the Estovers are extinct. If there be two disseisors of a house, and they have Estovers granted to them to be imploied in the same house, and the disseisee releaseth to one, the Estovers remain for part.

[Page 123]If one hath Estovers in certain in ten Acres of wood, and five of them des­cend to him, he shall not take the whole out of the residue.


IF A. exchanges twenty Acres with B. for ten of equall value. B. is im­pleaded, and loseth ten Acres, vouch­ing A. and recovering in value, he shall have all the ten Acres again which he gave to A. and retain the ten Acres Residue without Warranty for the folly of A.

If A. exchangeth Land with B. in Fee, who infeoffs a stranger, one en­ters into the Land of A. by Title Pa­ramount, he cannot enter upon the Feoffee of B; for the privity of the Exchange is determined by the Feof­ment. If A. and B. exchange Land, and A. makes a Lease for life, B. is impleaded, and recovers in a War­rantia Chartae, and hath execution of other Land, the Tenant for life dies, A. enters, upon whom a stran­ger enters by Title Paramount, he hath no remedy for the Land rendred in Value; for that doth not go in pri­vity as the Exchange doth. If A. and B. exchange Land, and A. dies in a Praecipe against B. he vouches the Heir [Page 124] of A. who enters into Warranty, and cannot bar the Demandant, by which he recovers; and B. over in value, the Demandant enters, if B. may enter upon the Heir, or is chased to his Ha­bere facias ad valentiam? Some think he may enter; for a descent is not material against a Condition, as this is; for if there had been an express Con­dition, he might have entred, and so he may now. But if part of the Land exchanged had been recovered against B. he could not have entred, for he shall not be his own Judge of the por­tion. But where all is recovered, the whole Exchange is avoided, and there­fore he may enter. If one Exchangee makes a Feofment of his part, the o­ther shall not enter upon the Feoffee, for the Condition is determined and dissolved. But Quaere, if after the Feof­ment the other may vouch? If two A­cres are exchanged for a Mannor, and a stranger enters by title Paramount in­to one Acre, he shall enter into all the Mannor, for it is an entire thing. And Quaere if he shall retain the other A­cre?


IF Tenant in tail with a Remainder over with VVarranty recovers in va­lue, [Page 125] and dies before Execution, he in Remainder shall sue Execution; be­cause he is privy. If Tenant in tail dies without Issue. If a man Recovers in value Land in Burrough English. Quaere, if the youngest Son shall sue Execution? But if the Issue in tail recovers in a Formedon, and dies with­out issue before Execution, the Donor cannot enter, or have Execution. If te­nant in tail discontinues, and dies lea­ving a daughter, his Wife Privement Enseint with a Son, the daughter re­covers in a Formedon and dies, the son born cannot enter, or have Execution. But if the Issue in tail recovers against the Discontinuee, and after is attainted of Felony, his Issue shall enter, or sue Execution, for he is privy in Estate. Tenant in tail recovers in value by Voucher of the donor, and is attainted of Felony, his Issue shall not have Exe­cution.

If the Son hath the Land of the Fa­ther, and of another in Execution upon a Statute, and the Land descend from the Father to the Son, the whole Execution is discharged.

In Judgement for debt the party shall not have Execution, but of that Land only which he had at the time of the Judgement, and not at the time [Page 126] of the purchase of the Writ. But in debt against the Heir, if he aliens hanging the Writ, it shall be liable to the Execution, although the alienation was before the Judgement; for the Action was conceived against him in consideration of the land; but in the first case it was in respect of the per­son.

The Conisor of a Statute is in Exe­cution, and his Land also, the Conisee releases to him all debts, the Execu­tion is discharged by this Release; for the debt was in being, until it was le­vied of the profits, but though the Exe­cution be discharged by the party, yet until it be discharged in fact, if the Goaler had suffered him to go at large, he could not have said but that he was in Execution.


IF a Lease for years be made, reser­ving a Rent upon Condition of Re-entry for not payment. If the Exe­cutor breaks the Condition, so that the Lessor re-enters, it is a Devastavit in them, otherwise if the Condition were performable on the part of the Lessor. Br. Extinguishment 54. for e­very voluntary act of the Executor, [Page 127] by which the Goods of the Testator are consumed without any benefit to the Testator, is a Devastavit. But if an Executor having such a term as Exe­cutor purchaseth the Reversion, that is not a Devastavit; for the Term, as to Assetts is in being still. If a man Mortgages his Term and dies, and his Executors do not redeem it; some think it is a Devastavit. If they have Assetts in their hands wherewith to redeem it, and the Term be better than the price of the Redemption, so if an Executor sells a term under the value, by which the Creditors lose their Debts, this, some think, is a Devastavit. But if a man be possest of a term, and devises it to his Execu­tors to be sold Meliori modo quo possunt for payment of his Debts, they sell it under the value, that is no Devastavit; for it may be it was the best price they could get.

If Husband and Wife make a Lease of the Wives Land, reserving a Rent, the Husband distreins and avows, and has a Return and dies, the Cattle are discharged; for the Executors cannot have them; for they are but as a Pledge, and being the Executors can­not pretend any Right to the duty, they cannot detain the Pledge; for [Page 128] the Wife is to have the Duty. Vide 33 H. 6. 48.

If a Rent Charge be granted in Fee, the Grantee dies without Heir, the Executors shall not have an Action of Debt for the Arrerages. But if the Grantee had brought a writ of Annu­ity, and Recovered, then the Execu­tors should have an Action of Debt for the arrerages; for if the Inheri­tance of a Rent determins, the Arre­rages are extinct, otherwise of an An­nuity.

If a Grant be made of a Robe, or twenty shillings, and the Grantee dies before Election, his Executors cannot demand the Arrears.

The Executors of a Grantee for years of a Rent Charge shall have Ele­ction, either to have an Action of Debt, or Annuity.

If a man be bound in twenty pound, and his Executors have but ten pound, an Action of Debt lies against the Heir for all; for if he chooseth the Executor he cannot sue the Heir for the Remnant. If an Obligor in twenty pound hath Goods to the value of ten pounds only, and makes the Obligee his Executor, he shall retain that as parcell of the Duty, and for the rest bring his Action against the Heir; for [Page 129] it is by the act of the Law that the duty is apporcioned.

If A. by Deed gives the Mannor of D. with all the Woods to B. if Livery be not made, the Executors shall have the Woods.

If there be two Wills, and the Ex­ecutor of the last refuseth before the Ordinary, yet the first is revoked by the intent of the Testator. If the Ex­ecutor Releases a duty of the Testa­tor, this is so much an Administration, so that he cannot after refuse, but yet if he doth after avoid the Release, he may refuse.

A Lease for life is made, rendring a Rent at Mich: and the Annunc: the Land is sowen at Mich: and the Lessee dies, if the Executors shall have the Land untill the Corn be ripe, if they ought to pay the Rent? Some think the Lessor may have an Action upon the case; for the Executors have the profits of the Land, &c. and no fault in the Lessor: As if a gift in tail be made, Reserving thirty Shillings, and the Donee dies without Issue and the Wife is endowed, she shall pay ten shil­shillings, and yet the Estate is deter­mined, but she claims under the Estate of the Husband.

[Page 130]A man makes a Lease for life reserving a Rent, upon Condition that if the Rent be behind, that the Lessor shall enter, and retain untill he be satisfied of the Arrears, he enters and dies, his Executors shall not retain; for the Arrears were not Chattles at the be­ginning, and therefore they shall not retain the Land as a Gage, as they shall do for the double value; for that was a Chattle at the beginning. But in the first case the Arrears are given to the Executors by the Statute of 32 H. 8. Yet being the Arrears were no Chattles at the first, and so not due to them by their own nature, there­fore they shall not retain. As in 15 E. 4. 10. In Rescous there it is said, if the Defendant in a Replevin avows for a Rent due to him and his Wife, and upon that he hath a Return and dies, the Tenant shall have his Cattle back again without any Agreement, because the Executors could not have the distresse, being they could not have the Rent, but the Wife was to have it.

If an Executor delivers a Legacy upon Condition, it is no good deli­very.

The Debtee and another are Execu­tors to the Debtor: the Debtee recovers [Page 131] against the other, and after Admini­sters with the other, and then sues Ex­ecution by Scire facias: If the other shall have an Audita Querela? and in whose name it shall be sued, or if the property shall be altered in the Reco­veror? or if Execution be discharged? but some think that Execution cannot be stopt, but the Recoveror shall have it to the use of the Testator.

Vide Condition & Debt.


THe Tenant holds ten Acres by ten pence, and makes a Feofment of one, the Lord grants the Rent, re­serving the Fealty, the Tenant At­turns, the Grantee releaseth all his Right in the Land to the Tenant, yet he shall have one penny.

If the Tenant deviseth, that the Lord shall make a Feoffment of the Tenancy, which is done, yet the Seig­nory is not extinct, no more than the Rent Charge shall be where the Gran­tee makes Livery as Atturny to the Tenant of the Land, because he doth it in auter droit.

A Rent Charge is granted upon Condition, the Grantor makes a Fe­ofment, the Condition is broke, the [Page 132] Rent is arrear, if the Condition be extinct by the Feoffment; for the Grantor cannot have it in the same manner, &c. But if the Condition had been that the Rent shall cease upon the Non performance, there the Feof­fee shall take advantage of it; for the Rent doth ipso facto extinguish, as a Lease for years upon Condition to be void.

The Lord having the Ward of the Mesne enters into the Tenancy for Mortmain, the Seignory and Mesnalty are extinct.

If the Tenant infeoffes the Lord to the use of A. or if the Lord infeoffs the Tenant of the Mannor to the use of A. if the Seignory be extinct? Note the case.

Vide Condition, Release, Estovers, Arrerages.


TEnant for life, and he in the Re­version join in a Feoffment of all their Land and Tenements lying in the Town where the Land lies that is in Lease, and make a Letter of At­turny to make Livery, this is a Grant of the Estate for life, and also of the [Page 133] Reversion. But if they had made a Fe­offment of the Land of the Lessee only, then it will be the Feofment of Tenant for life, and the Confirmation of him in Remainder.

If a man makes a Feoffment to a Stranger and to his own Wife, and makes Livery to the Stranger in the name of both, it will be good to the Stranger, and void as to the Wife.

Tenant for life infeoffs the Wife of him in Reversion, with a Letter of Atturny to the Lessor to deliver seisin, who does it. Quaere if he be seised in his own or his Wives Right? For he is remitted by the Forfeiture. If Te­nant in tail infeoffs the Wife of the Donor, that is a Discontinuance.

A Feoffment is made by one Deed in Fee, and by another in tail to the same person, and Livery made accor­ding to both Deeds, it shall inure by Moities; For otherwise the Livery cannot inure upon each deed: For if he should have all the Land in tail, the Remainder in Fee, then the Li­very shall have only operation upon the Estate tail, and the other shall be but a Confirmation, and then it shall not inure upon both the Deeds, but upon one. And if Livery had been made only upon the Deed in tail after [Page 124] the delivery of both deeds there should be Tenant in tail, the remainder in fee.

If one Jointenant enfeoffs his Com­panion and a stranger, the stranger takes all. If Tenant in tail enfeoffs the donor, he doth not give him the Fee.

Vide Extinguishment.

Fem Covert.

A Man conveyes Land to a Fem sole upon Condition, that she payes a sum of money by a day, she marries, and the money is not paid, whereby her Estate is defeated, this will binde her after her Husbands death. But if the Fem be Tenant for life, and the Husband makes a Feofment, and the Lessor enters, yet the Wife shall have the land after the death of her Hus­band; for it is but a Condition in Law: but if the Condition be by Sta­tute, as in a Cessavit, or Wast, where there is a Recovery, there it will bind her after the death of her Husband. But if the Condition be given by Sta­tute and no Recovery, as in Mortmain, then the Wife shall not be bound. Some Conditions in Law shall bind the Wife if the Husband breaks them, as [Page 135] a Condition annext to the Grant of a Parke, an Office, or a Liberty.

If a Fem Covert delivers an Obliga­tion bearing date two years after, and at the end of the two years her Hus­band is dead, she shall not be Estopt to shew that the Delivery was before the Date.

Fem Sole.

IF a Fem sole Tenant in a Praecipe marries, pending the Writ, all the rest of the pleadings and process shall be against the Wife only.

If a Fem sole at Mich: makes a Wri­ting dated at Christmas, and before Christmas she marries and the Husband dies, she may say that at the time of the date she was a Fem Covert, and he shall not aver the delivery before.


TEnant in tail levies a fine, and takes back an Estate in Fee upon Condition, and dies, the Heir enters, and is remitted, the Proclamations passe; if that shall take away the Re­mitter, and if the Condition remain?

If the Wife levy a fine as a Fem sole, and the Husband enters, all the Inhe­ritance is revoked.


LEssee for years is received by the Statute of Glocester, a Stranger re­covers against him in a Praecipe, and confirms the Estate of the Lessee for life, the Lessor avoids the Recovery by Error, and Enters upon the Lessee, some think he cannot.

A. makes a Lease for life and dies, leaving his Wife enseint with a Son, the Tenant makes a Feoffment, the Son is born, if he shall enter for the Forfeiture. Quaere?

A Lease is made upon Condition, that if the Lessee commits Wast, that his Estate shall cease, if a Stranger commits wast it is no Forfeiture of his Lease.

If Tenant for life infeoffs the Wife of the Lessor with a Letter of Atturney to the Lessor to deliver seisin, which is done accordingly. Quaere, if this be a Forfeiture? some think it is.

A Lease is made to E. and F. for their lives, F. grants to a stranger for the life of E. that is a Forfeiture of his Estate; for he had not an Estate for the life of E. but in respect of the Jointure, and an Estate for the life of E. doth not passe from the Lessor in the Moity, but upon Condition in [Page 137] Law, that the Jointure remains, and now he hath given it for the Life of E. absolutely: But if both of them had made a Lease for the life of E. that had not been a Forfeiture, Causa pa­tet.

If a Lease for life be made upon Condition, that the Lessee shall infe­offe A. which is done, the Lessor may enter for breach of the Condition in Law, scilicet the Forfeiture.

Tenant for life grants over his E­state upon Condition after Title of Entry, the Grantee makes a Feoff­ment, the Lessor enters for the For­feiture, some think the Lessor may enter upon him for the Title of Entry; for the Forfeiture is by the Common Law, which shall not destroy another Title comming in respect of the E­state.

Land is given to a man and a Fem sole, and to the Woman in speciall tail, they marry and have Issue, the Husband aliens a moity and dies, the Issue dies without Issue, if the Wife may enter into the Moity for the For­feiture? For now she is Tenant in tayl after possibility, in which case she hath but a Freehold in the remain­der, otherwise if her Estate had been in tail.

[Page 138]Land is devised to A. for life, the Remainder to him that shall be his first Son, the Remainder in Fee, A. a­liens in Fee, if he in the Remain­der may Enter for the Forfeiture. Quaere?


THree Jointenants, one of them gives his part with his Daughter in Frankmarriage to one of his Com­panions, and by the same Deed relea­seth to them in Frankmarriage, and makes Livery, some think that is a good gift in Frankmarriage for this reason, that although one Jointenant cannot infeoffe his Companion, yet his Companion and another he may, and the Livery made to the other shall vest the Land in both, and that is for the advantage of the third, as in Gas­coignes case, 7 H. 6. 3. It was not a sur­render for the advantage of the third. Nor in 27 H. 7. 41. for the advantage of the Husband, so it shall not be void here for the advantage of the third person. But others think the contrary, because the Husband cannot take it immediately from his Companion, and for him it is void, and good for his Wife. As if a man makes a Feoffment [Page 139] to a stranger & his own wife, if livery be made to the stranger it will operate but to the benefit of the stranger, and will be void for the Wife. So here it is good for the wife, & the Release is good for the Husband. Further, if one Jointe­nant cannot infeoffe his Companion, as it is holden in 10 E. 4. then it will inure severally, viz. to his Compa­nion as a Release, and to his wife for life; for if it be no good Frankmar­riage, then 'tis the Estate for life, and so it was resolved between Webb & Porter in 24 Eliz. And then they take in Common, and severally and no Frankmarriage.


TEnant in tail holds by a Rent, the Donor grants the services, no­thing passeth; for the Rent cannot passe but as a Rent service. Lord and Tenant by Rent and Fealty, the Lord grants the services of the Tenant sa­ving the fealty. Nothing passes by that Grant; for the Rent cannot pass but as a Rent service; for a Rent Charge, or Rent Seck will not pass by those words.

The same words cannot be a Grant and a Confirmation too. If a Disseisor [Page 140] grants a Rent Charge to the Disseisee and he grants it over, and after re-enters, he shall hold it discharged, Causa qua supra.

If the Lord marries the Tenant, or by any means hath as high an Estate in the Tenancy as he hath in the Seig­nory, he cannot grant the Seignory over. If the Tenant be in Ward, or disclaims, the Lord may grant over the Seignory. But if the Tenant be Tenant for life of the Seignory, and the Seignory is granted to him in Fee, he cannot grant it over; for he never had possession of it. But if he had possession, and it is suspended by ta­king an Estate for life, yet he may grant it over.

If the Parson and Ordinary grant a Rent Charge to the Patron, the Suc­cessor shall avoid it; for the Assent of the Patron ought to be expresse, where the Successor shall be bound. But if they had all granted it to A. who had granted it to the Patron, that had been good.

If a Rent be granted for life, and by another Deed it is granted, that it shall be lawfull for the Grantee and his Heirs to distrain for the same Rent, it must be a Rent of the same value; for the Rent determins by his death. [Page 141] So if the King grants to the Mayor and Commonalty of D. the same Li­berties which the Mayor, &c. of L. hath. It shall be intended such Liber­ties.

A. makes a Lease for life, reserving the first four years a Rose, and after a yearly Rent of twenty shillings, the Lessor grants the twenty shillings to commence after the end of the four years, the Grant is void; for it is all but one Rent, and then if the Grant should be good the Grantor should have a term in the Rose for four years, whereas before it was a Freehold; and then it is no more but that a man hath a Rent in Fee, and grants it after four years, that Grant is void, o­therwise of a Rent created de Novo. 8 H. 7. 3.

A. seised of a Rent in Fee grants it to one for twenty years from the time of the Atturnment of the Tenant, and dies, the Tenant Atturns, if this be a good Grant. Quaere?

Gavel kind.

A Lord in Gavel kind hath two Sons, the Tenant aliens in Mort­main, the Lord dies, the eldest Son en­ters into both parts, the Seignory [Page 142] shall descend as the Tenancy. But now the Land (admitting a Licence had been obtained) being aliened in Mort­main, the Custom is extinct.

A. seised of Gavel kind Land is im­pleaded, and vouches, the Vouchee enters into Warranty, the Tenant dies, having two Sons, if the Eldest alone shall sue Execution. Quaere?


A Rent is granted to two Habendum, to the one until he be married, and to the other until he is advanced to ten pounds per annum. Quaere, if they be Tenants in Common or Jointenants, and when one performs the Condition, if the other shall have all? So if a Rent is granted to two Habendum, to the one for his life, and to the other for his life, if they be Tenants in Common?

Vide Baron & Fem.


A Fem Lessee for life by the Custome of a Mannor marries by license; the Husband dies, the Lord shall not have a Harriot, for there is no change of his Tenant. So if Land be let to [Page 143] Husband and Wife for their lives, and the Husband dies, the Lord shall not have Harriot for the same reason. If a Fem lessee for life marries, and she dies, the Lord shall not have a Har­riot, for she had no Chattles: And the Custome may be reasonable, if in such case the Husband dies where the Wife is seised, that he shall pay a Harriot, for if the Wife dies, there is none due. If the Tenant devises all his Goods, yet the Lord shall have his Harriot, for the devise takes effect after the death. If a man hath two Horses at the time of his death, one is a young one, and the other worth forty shillings, and the Lord doth not seise until two years after the death of the Tenant, and the youngest becomes worth five pounds, the Lord shall not have him; for he had a property presently by the death of the Tenant in the other. A Cow hath three Calves before the seisure of the Lord, the Lord may seise them with the Cow. Quaere.

Husband and Wife and the Son pur­chase to them and to the Heirs of the body of the Son begotten, the Husband dies, the Lord shall not have a Har­riot. 24 E. 3. Husband and Wife pur­chase land, to them and to the Heirs of the Husband, who dies, the Lord shall not have a Harriot.


A Rent is granted to commence af­ter the death of the Grantee the Heir shall take it by Descent.

A. makes a Feoffment upon Condi­tion, and if it be broke, that it shall be lawfull for him to reenter during his life, he shall enter by expresse Re­servation, and after his death his Heir shall enter by the provision of the Law.

If an Encroachment of Services be made upon the Husband, if the Wife be endowed she shall not be contribu­tory, but the Heir cannot avoid it.

A Seignory is granted for years, the Rent being behind, the Tenant dies, the years expire, if the Grantee shall have Debt against the Heir of the Te­nant for the Rent due before and after the death of the Tenant? Some say the Heir shall not be charged, un­less the Tenant had bound himself and his Heirs by express words, and it shall not be esteemed the proper debt of the Heir.

If A. hath a Daughter, who hath a Son, a Remainder is limited to the right Heirs females of the body of A. the Son shall take the Remainder, for he is a purchaser; but he shall not [Page 145] have the land by descent which was given to A. and the Heirs females of his body, 20 H. 6. 43. p. Newton.

Lessee for life the remainder to the right Heirs of A. who hath a Son, who dies without issue, the land shall descend to the Heirs on the part of the Father, for the Son takes by purchase, and as Heir to A. so that the Heir of A. must take it. If land be given to a man and to his Heirs on the part of his Mother begotten, and his Mother is dead, and he dies without issue, the Heir on the part of his Father shall take. Quaere?

If a man makes a Gift in tail of Land on the part of his Mother, reserving a Rent, and dies without Issue, the Heir on the part of the Mother shall have the Rent as incident to the Re­version.

If a man binds himself and his Heirs in twenty pounds and dies, and his Executors have ten pounds onely, an Action of Debt lies against the Heir for all; for if the Creditor makes choice of the Executor he cannot have any remedy against the Heir for the rest. If the Obligor makes the Ob­ligee his Executor, and leaves ten pound and the Debt was twenty, he may detain that and bring an Action [Page 146] of Debt against the Heir for the rest; for it is a apporcioned by the Act in Law.

If Land be given to one and the Heirs males of his body, the Remain­der to the Heirs Females of his body, the Daughter of the Son shall not have the Land. If Land be given to one, and the Heirs males of his body, and to the Heirs females of his body, if he hath Issue male and female, they shall take by Moities by descent seve­rally. If a Woman hath three Sons by severall Husbands, and Land is given to her and to the Heirs of her body by the first and second Husband be­gotten, the two Sons shall take seve­rally by Moities, and yet the Mother had an Estate.

A. having two Daughters, one is attainted of Felony, a Remainder is limited to the Heirs of A. the other shall take nothing. If a Remainder be limited to the Heirs of B. who hath a Son who is attainted, the Remainder is void, and the Fee rests in Lessor.

Land is given to A. for life, the Remainder to B. for life, the Re­mainder to the Heirs of A. who dies, B. enters and dies, a Stranger abates, the Heir of A. shall have a Writ of Right upon the possession of A. and if Land be given to C. and D. and to [Page 147] the Heirs of C. who dies, and a Reco­very is had against D. and he dies, the Heir of C. shall have a Writ of Right of all the Land.

A. binds himself and his Heirs in twenty pounds, and dies, the Execu­tors have Assetts, the Obligee relea­seth to the Heir all Actions of Debt, the Executors pay the Assetts to other Creditors, The Obligee may have an Action of Debt against the Heir; for at the time of the Release he was not intitled to have an Action against him. but if the Executors or the Heir had no Assetts at the time of the Release, and after the Heir recovers Assetts, the Release will bar him.

If A. makes a Feoffment of Land which he hath on the part of his Mo­ther, to the use of himself and his Heirs, it shall be to the use of the Heirs on the part of his Father, if he dies without Issue.

A Fem sole hath a Rent Seck, and marries, the Tenant of the Land grants to the Husband and his Heirs to distrain for the Rent, the Husband and Wife die without Issue, the distress is extinct; for the Heirs of the Hus­band are onely privy to distrain.

A Condition does descend upon the Heir at Common Law.


IF one infeoffs another of twenty A­cres, viz. of one to the use of A. and does not shew of which Acre, A. takes nothing by the Feoffment; for the possession cannot be executed; for it was not certain which are passed to A. and A. cannot have Election, for he is not privy.

If a Reversion be granted to one, and after to another, and the Tenant atturns to both, neither of them shall take for the incertainty.

If Land be given to a Man and a Woman upon Condition, that which of them first marries shall have in Fee, and they intermarry, neither of them shall have Fee. If the Reversion be granted of black Acre, or of white A­cre, if Atturnment be good. Quaere for the incertainty.

A. gives two Acres to B. Habend. the one for life, the other in Fee with­out Deed, rendring a Robe or a Rent, and doth not shew which he shall have for life.

A. lets two Acres, rendring a Rent on Condition, to be performed by the Lessee, that he shall have Fee in one [Page 149] Acre, not shewing which, and makes Livery of both. Quaere.


IF an Infant infeoffs two, and at his full age releaseth to one, it inures to both.

If an Infant be forejudged he is bound for ever, but if he makes a Fe­offment of a Mannor, and the Feoffee is forejudged, yet the Infant may en­ter into the Mannor, and distrain for the Mesnalty, the reason is, because in the first case he was party to the Re­cord, and in the last case the Fore­judger was against the Feoffee, who had a defeasible Title. A Recovery in Wast against an Infant will bind him, but so it will not against his Grantee; for he had a Title to defeat his Estate, so in a Cessavit.

Conditions and Forfeitures that will bind a Fem Covert will bind an Infant.

If an Infant makes Livery within view he shall not have an Assize if the Feoffee enters; for it is more than a Livery in Law.

If an Infant Disseisor makes a Fe­offment, and a Dissent is cast, and the Disseisee releaseth to the Heir, yet [Page 150] the Infant shall have a Dum fuit infra aetatem; for he demands the possession to which he had more right than the Disseisee had. As if the Heir, who is in by Descent brings an Assize against his Disseisor, it is no plea for him to plead the Release of the Disseisee, Causa qua supra.

If a Reversion be granted to an In­fant, and the Tenant atturns at his full age, yet he may disagree; for the Grant which was the principal was in his minority.

If an Infant makes a Lease to com­mence in futuro, and after makes a Feoffment, being either at full age, or under age, the Feoffee shall not a­void the Lease.

If an Infant delivers a Deed bearing date two years after, and at the end of the two years he is of full age, he shall not be Estopped to shew the de­livery before the date.

If a Fem Tenant in tail marries an Infant, who aliens and dies, the wife cannot enter upon the Feoffee; for she is not privy in blood to the Infant, and privy in Estate onely will not do. As if there be two Jointenants, and one is a Minor, and they are disseised, and a Dissent cast, the Infant dies, the Survivor cannot enter as the Infant [Page 151] might. Neither shall a Lord by Escheat or Donor take advantage of Infancy. If Land be given to an Infant and his Heirs Females, and he hath a Son and a Daughter, and aliens and dies, his Daughter cannot enter; for she is but a speciall Heir, Quoad hoc. In the prin­cipall case if the Wife had been Te­nant in Fee simple, the Heir of the In­fant shall not enter upon his aliena­tion, as Litt. says; for the Wife had the Right, and a Title of Entry which was in Right cannot descend to the Heir of the Husband: but in this case, being the Husband hath given a Fee simple, and had but an Estate in tail, in Right of his Wife, so that more is given than he had in Right of his wife, makes this case more doubtfull than Litts. but yet it seems the Heir may not enter; for he cannot have the same Estate which his Ancestor had, and the Right of the Estate tail sur­vives to the Wife; for if Land be gi­ven to an Infant in tail, who aliens and dies without Issue, his collateral Heir cannot enter; for the Estate is determined which the Infant had at the time of the Gift; for if an Infant be Tenant Par auter vye, and aliens, and Cesty que vye dies, the Infant him­self cannot enter, 5 E. 4. 5. But in [Page 152] the principal case, if the Infant had made a Gift in tail his Issue might have entred by reason of the Reversion, but otherwise where no Estate descends to the Heir. If Tenant in tail to him and his Heirs Females aliens and dies, lea­ving Issue a Son and a Daughter, the Son shall not enter, no more shall the Daughter, so of the youngest Son in Borough English. If Tenant in tail in­feoffs within age, and after is attain­ted of Felony, his Issue shall not en­ter, for he is Disabled in blood.

If an Infant be disseised, and a de­scent cast during non-age, and after he comes of full age, the Heir of the Disseisor dies before his Entry; the Infant may enter, for the Heir was never possest; for he had but a posses­sion in Law.

Joinder in Action.

IF two Parceners dye before Partiti­on, and a stranger abates, the Issues shall not join in a Mortdancester, for the Stat. of Gloucester ca. 17. is on­ly when one Right descends to divers, but every issue claims her right from and by her Mother, so that severall Rights descended to them, and so out of the Stat. and is as it was at the [Page 153] common Law, and therefore if Parce­ners are disseised, their issues shall not join in a Writ of Entry, but shall have severall Writs in respect of their seve­rall Rights, as they shall have severall Formedons. If one hath cause to have a Writ of Ayel, another of Besayel, they shall not join; for they have cause to have severall Writts; But where one is intitled to have a Writ of Mortdan­cester, and another Ayel, or Besayel, there they shall join. But if none of them may have an Assize, then there is no Remedy by the Statute, 2 E. 3. 34. 48 E. 3. 14. 24 E. 3. 13.

If I recover in an Assize, and after I am disseised by the same person and another, I shall not have a Redisseisin; for it must be against the same person. If two Parceners make partition upon Record of an Advowson, the Eldest presents first, and after the youngest, and the Eldest and a Stranger present in the turn of the youngest, the youn­gest shall not have a Scire facias against them; for the Stat. of Westm. 2. does give it against those that were parties to the Record, but she may have it a­gainst her Sister: But in the first case a Redisseisin doth not lie against the Redisseisor; for he may plead Join­tenancy, but in the last case it is no [Page 154] plea that another presented with her; for she may have a Quare Impedit a­gainst both, or several Actions, as a man may in Trespasse made by two. So if the Lord distrain his Tenant, and he sues a Replevin, and after the Lord distrains the beast of a stranger and a­nother beast of his Tenant, the Te­nant shall have a Recaption. But if the Lord had distrained again the beasts which his Tenant and the stranger had in common, there he could not, be­cause for the last distress they ought to joyn, and the stranger cannot join in the Recaption.

If a stranger makes a Rescous to the Lord, the Lord shall not have an As­size against him alone without the Te­nant, because he cannot be said Te­nant of the Rent, but against the Per­nor he may have an Assize only. And if there be Lord, Mesne, and Tenant, and the Tenant makes Rescous to the Lord, an Assize is not maintainable only against the Tenant. And if there be Lord, two jointenants, Mesnes, and Tenant, and one of the Mesnes, and the Tenant makes Rescous, the Lord shall not have an Assize against one only, but he ought to name both the Mesnes.

[Page 155]Two Fems Jointenants in Fee have Husbands, who make severall Feof­ments of their Moities, and die, the Wives shall not join in one Writ of Right; for their Right was disconti­nued at several times. So if one Join­tenant disseiseth the other and makes a Feofment within Age, and dies; or if two Infants Jointenants make seve­ral Feofments, and one dies, the other hath no Remedy for the Moity; but otherwise if wrong had been made to them at one time, though severall wayes.

If there be issue of two Parceners, one dies, and the other endows the Wife, one Action shall be maintained against both, v. 9 E. 4. 14. against Te­nant by the Curtesie, and the other Parcener, 21 E. 3. A Scire facias brought against Tenant by the Curte­sie, and the other Parcener, and good.

Land is given to four, Habendum, one Moity to the first two, the other Moity to the other two, the first two are Jointenants with themselves, and Tenants in common with the last two, and so è converso, they are Jointenants of a Moity, and Tenants in common of the whole, and two Praecipes shall be sued against the four, and by the four, [Page 156] but for the two joint Praecipes, for and against them.


TWo Jointenants in Fee, one a Mi­nor makes a Lease for life, he of full age dies, the other recovers a Moity in a Dum fuit infra, &c. Te­nant for life dies, the Heir of the o­ther Jointenant enters, the Infant outs him, he brings an Assize, some think it is maintainable. For when he brought a Dum fuit infra, &c. and recovered a Moity, now he defeats the Lease for his moity, and makes it, as if the other had made the Lease for life only, which makes a severance of the Jointure.

Two Jointenants by twelve pence, one grants all that belongs to him upon Condition, the Lord grants the Seignory of one with Atturn­ment, the Feoffor Enters for breach of the Condition, he shall hold by twelve pence, and the other by twelve pence also; for there is no Apporci­onment.

Though one Jointenant cannot in­feoffe his Companion, yet his Compa­nion and another he may, and the [Page 157] Livery made to the other shall vest the Estate in both.

If a Reversion be granted to Tenant for life, and a stranger, the Join­ture of the Fee is severed; for Te­nant for life hath a Fee in the moity Executed. If the Reversion be gran­ted to Tenant in tail and a Stran­ger, the Fee remaines in Jointure. And if the Husband be Tenant for life, and the Reversion is granted to him and his Wife, the Jointure remains; for there is no Moities be­tween them. If a Lease be made to two, Habendum, one Moity to one, the other to the other for life, and after a Confirmation is made to them and their Heirs, the Joyn­ture of the Fee is severed; for the Confirmation inures according to the Nature of the Estate. But if the Reversion had been granted to them in Fee they had been Joyn­tenants; for the particular Estate had been drowned. If there be two Tenants in Common for life, and the Reversion is granted to two Jointly, and one Purchaseth the Estate of one Tenant for life, and the other, of the other: The Joynture is severed; For the Purchase being at severall times, [Page 158] presently upon each purchase the fee was executed. If a Seignory be granted in fee to two, one takes an Estate of the Tenancy pur auter vye, cesty que vye dies. The Jointure re­mains, because they were Jointenants at the beginning.

Two Jointenants for life, and one is bound in a Statute, and then grants his Estate, yet it is liable to execution, during his life, but 'tis otherwise of an Estate for years, for in the one the Land is bound by the Statute, in the other not.

If a Recovery be had against one Jointenant, his Companion shall not avoid it, for the Right was bound, but it is otherwise of Charges, for the possession is only chargeable. If one Jointenant in Fee takes a Lease by In­denture of his Moity from a stranger, the Survivor shall avoid it.

Land is given to two and the Heirs of their bodies, the remainder to their right Heirs, they are not Jointenants of the Fee.

If one Jointenant makes a Lease for five years, on Condition that the Les­see doth such an Act by a day, he shall have for twenty years, and he dies before the day, the Condition is void as to the Survivor.

[Page 159]If there be two Jointenants for life, one makes a Lease for years and dies, the Survivor shall not avoid it; for the same Estate which he had conti­nues now, and there is no difference if they had a Feesimple, some think the contrary; for the Survivor hath not the Freehold of his Companion, as he hath the Fee where they are Jointenants in Feesimple; for his E­state determins by his death. But all agree that if A. and B. be Jointenants for the life of C. and A. makes a Lease for life and dies, B. shall not avoid it; for the Estate which he had conti­nues.

Two Jointenants in Fee are disseised by the Father of one, who dies, and the son enters, he is remitted to all the land, & his Companion shall enter with him. And it is not like the case where two are disseised, and a Dissent cast during the Nonage of one, and he enters, and is remitted for a Moity, his Com­panion shall not enter, because that this priviledge is given him in respect of his person more than in respect of the Land. Neither is it like the case where Tenant in tail enfeoffs one Daughter, and she dies, she being with­in age, she is remitted, and yet her Companion shall not have Advantage [Page 160] of it, because the Right was not in them before.

If a Fem Jointenant for years takes Husband, and she dies, the Survivor shall have all.

Two Jointenants of two Acres, the Land is confirmed to them in Fee, of one Acre to the use of one, and of the other to the use of the other, they are severall Tenants of the Freehold of the Acres; for the Freehold is drownd to the Confirmation to the use.

Tenant for life makes a Lease for life, the remainder to his Lessor and a Stranger, they are not Jointenants, but the Stranger shall take all; for he could not give a Fee to him that had it before. As if Tenant in tail in­feoffs the Donor, or if one Jointenant his Companion and a Stranger, the Stranger takes all.

If two Jointenants makes a Lease for life, and one grants his part of the Reversion during the life of the Lessee, some think this is a severance of the Jointure.

If one Jointenant makes a Lease for years, the Remainder to the right Heirs of A. if the Lessor dies in the life of A. the Survivor shall have the Reversion; for the Lease for yeares [Page 161] was no severance of the Jointure, nei­ther could it support the contingent remainder.


IN Debt upon a Recovery in trespass, the plaintiff recovers there where the action was brought, a Writ of Er­ror depending in B. R. upon trespass, and after the Judgement given in debt the Judgement in trespass is reversed. Quaere what remedy he shall have for the debt recovered? for it is a Recovery in the C. B. which he can­not reverse in another Court, and though he might, yet the Execution of the debt being past, he cannot be restored to that by the Reversall in the first Writ of Error in the tres­pass.


IF a Lease be made for years, and after the Lessor makes another Lease for life to commence after the end of the term, the second Lease is void al­though there be Atturnment; for a Freehold cannot passe out of any per­son that hath a greater Estate, reser­ving [Page 162] an Estate until the Freehold com­mences: but if the Lease had been but for years it had been otherwise, and in the mean time the Lessee shall have the Rent reserved upon the first Lease, for a Lease for years is nothing but a Contract. If a Lease be made for ten years to commence at Michaelmas, and after he makes a Lease for twenty years to commence at Easter, the se­cond Lease is good for ten yeares, though the first Lessee surrenders be­fore; for it was void for ten years at the first: by the same reason if one makes a Lease for life, and after makes a Lease for years to commence pre­sently, the second Lease is void al­though the first Lessee dies within a year after.

If Lessee pur auter vye makes a Lease for twenty years by Indenture, and after purchaseth the Reversion in Fee, and Cesty que vye dies, the Lessor may enter upon the Lessee although the years continue; for he hath a new E­state and may confesse the Conclusion, and avoid it. But if A. lets Lands in which he hath nothing, and after pur­chaseth the Land, the Lessee may E­stop him although he had not any E­state at the time of the Lease, so he cannot confesse the Lease and avoid [Page 163] it, as he may in the other case; for in this case the Lease took effect by way of Estopple, but in the other case there was an Interest conveyed at first.

If the Patron grants the next avoi­dance, and after he, the Ordinary and Incumbent make a Lease of the Rectory for twenty years, the Incum­bent of the first Grantee shall avoid the Lease, but if he dies during the Lease, the Lessee shall enjoy it during the rest of the years against the Suc­cessor. And if Land be given to Hus­band and Wife, and to the Heirs of the Husband, he makes a Lease for years and dies, after the death of the Wife the Lessee shall enjoy the Resi­due of the years against the Heir of the Husband; for the Lease did once take effect. But where a Lease for life is made, and a Lease for years to begin presently, that was void at the begin­ning against all persons, and there­fore can never take effect. If the Do­nor disseiseth the Tenant in tail and makes a Lease for years, and the Te­nant in tail dies without Issue, the Lessee shall have the Residue of the term against the Donor; but if Te­nant in tail makes a Lease for years, and the Donor confirms, and the Issue [Page 164] outs the Termor and dies without Is­sue, the Lessee shall not enjoy his term; for in the one case he claims from the Donor, and in the other from the Donee.

If a Lease be made to A. for life, and twenty years over, he shall have the years although livery be not made of the Land.

If a lease be made for the lives of A. and B. and A. dies, the lease shall continue for the life of B. But if two make a lease for sixty years, if they two shall so long live, if either of them die the Estate is determined; for that was not a limitation but a Condition. But if a lease be made during the time that A. and B. shall inhabit within London, and one of them dwells in a­nother place, the lease is determined, for it is a collaterall determination.

If I licence one to occupy my land until the Corn that is growing upon him is ripe, that is a good lease.

Lessee for twenty years makes a lease for ten years, and then makes a lease to the same lessee for ten years to commence after the determi­nation of the first ten years, the last ten years are not out of the first lessee, and therefore the second lessee shall have the Rent which was reserved by [Page 165] the first lessor during the first ten years. Quaere.

A. makes a lease for twenty years, and then makes another lease for forty years to C. to commence after the expiration of the first lease, and then he makes a lease to the first lessee for thirty years, the lease of C. shall not begin presently; for nothing ex­tinguishes and avoids the lease but the taking the second lease. And then the lease to C. is an impediment that the second lease cannot commence, and therefore the first lease is not determi­ned.

Tenant in tail marries, and makes a lease for years, the Wife endowed shall avoid the lease for her time, but after her decease the lease will stand good against the Heir if the Heir accepts the Rent. If Tenant in tail makes a lease for years, and marries, and dies with­out issue, the Donor avoids the lease, and the Wife recovers her Dower, the Lessee shall enjoy it against her.

A. makes a lease for forty years, Provided, that if B. dies within the term, that it shall be but for twenty; A. dies at the end of four and twenty years, the lessor brings an Action of Waste, for waste done between the three and twenty and four and twenty [Page 166] years: some think it is maintainable in the tenuit, for the term continues untill the death of B. If a Rent had been granted for forty years with such a Proviso, and he dies, ut supra, the Tenant of the Land may have an A­ction of Accompt for the Rent recei­ved after the twenty years; for now upon the matter the Grant ended at twenty years.

If a Lease be made of Land to me during my life, and the life of B. that is but an Estate for my own life; for the greater drowns the lesser. If a Lease be made to two for forty years, if they shall so long live, and one dies, the Lease determins; for it is a Con­dition and not a Limitation. So if the Lease had been so long as A. and B. shall be Justices, &c. A. lets during the life of Baron & Fem, the Lessee grants during the Coverture.


IF Land be given to one and the Heirs males of his body, the Remainder to the Heirs Females of his body, the Daughter of the Son shall not take by this Limitation. If Land be given, Ha­bendum to him and the Heirs males of his body, and to him and the Heirs [Page 167] Females of his body, if he shall take it as a Remainder? Quaere. But Litt. saith in the last case but one, that the Warranty of the Father shal be lineal to the Daughter. If Land be given to one and the Heirs Males of his body, and the Heirs Females of his body, if he hath Issue Male and Female, they shall take by Moities severally by descent. So if a Woman hath three Sons by se­verall Husbands, and Land is given to the Woman and to the Heirs of her first and second Husband, some think the two Sons shall take severally by Moities, and yet it was but one Estate in the Woman.

A Feoffment is made to the use of I. and after to the use of the Feoffor and his Heirs, the Feoffor doth not take it by Remainder; for the Limitation to himself is void; for the Law saith as much, but it is in him as a Reversion. But if the Feoffment had been to the use of the Feoffor for life, there the Feoffee shall have the Fee to his own use.

If a man makes a Lease for life to the use of A. and his Heirs, there A. hath a Fee determinable.

Land is given to a man and to two women Cousins of the Donor in Frank-marriage, or to a man, and to two [Page 168] women, and to the Heirs of their bo­dies begotten, or to two men & to two women, and to the Heirs of their bo­dies begotten, in every of these cases each hath an Estate tail in one part, and shall be Jointenants of the Free­hold, and in none of these cases there shall be a speciall tail. So Land given to three, one Moity to Baron & Fem in Frankmarriage, or in speciall tail, and another Moity to the same man, and another woman in speciall tail, or when it is given to a man, and to two women, or two men and two women, and the Heirs of their bo­dies, this is as much as to say, to the Heirs of all their bodies, so that by the words, the Heir that must inherit must be Heir of all their bodies, which is impossible: and being the words can­not be performed litterally, the Law will make the best Construction, and make them severall Estates tail in e­very of them, and joint Freeholds, Quod nota.

If Land be given to two, to the one for life, and to the other for years, they are Tenants in Common. But if a Gift be made to Baron & Fem, and to a third person, that is, to the third person for life, to the Husband in tail, and to the Wife for years, if the third [Page 169] shall take the moity? Quaere how the Husband and Wife shall take jointly, or severally, or how much severally?

If Tenant for life makes a Lease for life, the Remainder to the Lessor and a Stranger, some think the Stranger shall take all; for he cannot give a Fee to him that had a Fee before; as if one Jointenant infeoffs his Compa­nion and a Stranger, and if he had made a Lease Pur auter vye, the Re­mainder ut supra, there perhaps it would inure jointly, but the limitation of the Fee here works by wrong, and it is better for the Lessor that the Stranger takes all; for then he may have his Action for all.

Livery & Seisin.

IF a man makes livery of one Acre in the name of that and another, which he hath for life in tail in right of his Wife, or of his Parsonage, or Bishop­rick, all pass. But if it be in the name of an Acre, which he hath for years, or as Guardian, or by reason of an Execution, it is otherwise.

If a man makes a Feofment to A. and the Mayor and Commonalty of London, and makes livery to one in the name of both, none takes, but him that took the livery.

[Page 170]If Tenant for life enfeoffs the Wife of the lessor, and the lessor makes the livery, yet it is a Forfeiture.

If a Feofment be made of a Mannor with an Advowson appendant, if li­very be not made the Advowson will not passe in grosse by the delivery of the Deed.

A Disseisee cannot make a Letter of Atturney to deliver seisin, for he hath not possession: but if he delivers the letter of Atturney as an Escrowl, to deliver seisin after his Entry, it may be good. If a man makes a lease for life, and after makes a Feofment with a letter of Atturney, &c. and after Tenant for life dies, if he may now make livery?

If a Feofment be made to A. and a Fem sole, with a letter of Atturney to deliver seisin, and before seisin they intermarry, and then seisin is delive­red, they shall take by moities.

A. makes a Feofment of three A­cres, and after purchaseth another Acre, and delivers seisin in that Acre in the name of the rest, if the other shall passe, Quaere?

If two Jointenants make a Feofment with a Letter of Atturny to deliver sei­sin, and one makes a Feoffment and Livery in person, it is a Countermand [Page 171] of the whole Livery; for he that took the Livery hath no privity with the o­ther as to that.

Livery made to the particular Te­nant within view is not good to him in Remainder; for it can benefit none but him that took it; And if there be two particular Tenants with a Re­mainder over some, that Livery made to one will not transfer the Re­mainder. And if a Lease be made to A. and B. upon Condition, that if A. doth such an Act, that he shall have Fee, and Livery is made to B. onely, that will not enlarge the Estate of A. for he that took the Livery hath no privity with the other as to that.

Livery cannot enlarge an Estate if the determination of it be certain.

Market overt.

IF my Goods are stollen, and I sell them in Market overt for a certain sum, the Vendor hath no Remedy for his money; for the Contract was void; for if one buyes goods in Market overt knowing them to be stollen, the pro­perty is not changed, no more is it here; for the Vendor knew they were stollen from himself.

[Page 172]If he which knows the Goods were stollen, and another buys them in Market overt, and the Stranger dies, he shall have all the Goods, and the property was not altered at the first, but for a Moity.

If Goods be stolen and are sold in a Market overt, and after he that sold them buys them again, yet the first Owner cannot take them; for the property was altered by the first sale.


IF one hath a Mill or House which falls down, and in the mean time a Nusance is levied, and then it is re­built, he shall not have an Assize of Nusance, nor abate it; for it was not made to the Nusance of his Frank Te­nement; for it was not then in being, but the Nusance is elder than the Freehold. Some think all is one, if the Nusance had been levied in the time of the old house.


IF A. hath two Daughters, and binds himself and his Heirs in an Obliga­tion [Page 173] to the Eldest, and dies seised of Lands, and leaves Assetts to his Ex­ecutors, the Obligation is discharged; for it cannot be apporcioned.

If two are bound jointly, and one delivers the Deed at one time, and the other at another, yet it is a good joint Obligation.

If an Obligation be made to a Fem sole and another, and the Fem marries and dies, the other shall have the whole duty; for a Chose in action does survive.


A Lease is made to one for the lives of A. and B. the Lessee makes a Lease for the life of A. only, if the second Lessee dies, living A. the Occu­pant shall have it.

If Land be given to two, to one for the life of A. and to the other for the life of B. if one dies, the other shall make himself a Title against an Occu­pant.

If a Lease be made upon Condition, that if the Rent be behind, the Lessor shall enter and retain, and the Lessor enters and dies, his Heir shall have it against an Occupant.

[Page 174]If I am Lessee for the life of C. and I grant my Estate to D. upon Condi­tion, that if D. dies, living C. that it shall be lawfull for me to re-enter. Quaere, if this Condition be suffici­ent for me to enter upon an Occu­pant?

If a man commits Felony, and the Lord grants his Seignory, and after the man makes a Feofment upon Con­dition, and is Attainted, and obtains his pardon, and after Re-enters for breach of the Condition and dies, if the Occupant shall have the Land, or the Lord, or the Issue, is the Que­stion?

A. makes a Feoffment to B. Haben­dum to him so long as Pauls Steeple shall stand, B. dies without Heir. Quaere if the Lord may enter by Escheat, or an Occupant shall have it?


IF a man grants to another one of his Horses, until the Grantee hath made Election there is no property ve­sted in him, neither shall he forfeit it by Outlawry.

Parceners & Partition.

A. seised of two Acres hath a Son and a Daughter by one venter, and a Son by another, grants a Rent out of one Acre to the Son, who dies, the Father dies, the Daughters make Partition, the Land charged is allot­ted to the youngest, she shall hold it charged with all to the Eldest, 34 Ass. p. 15.

A. hath Issue two Daughters, and holds Land of the Eldest by Suite and an Hawke, and dies, the Daughters assign a third part to the Mother in Dower, and then makes Partition, Tenant in Dower shall not be contri­butory for any part of the Services; for the Reversion remains in Parce­nary between them two: for they can­not make Partition thereof, and then the whole Seignory is in suspence, and also the youngest Daughter shall be discharged of the Tenure; and yet if Land holden by an Hauke discend upon the Seignoresse and her Sister, and they make Partition, the Seig­noresse shall have the Hauk, but there no suite; for by the Stat. of Marlbridge ca. 9. the Eldest ought to do it, and [Page 176] the youngest is to be contributory, but she being Seignoresse cannot do it to her self, ergo, &c. But the Reason in the principall case why the youn­gest shall be discharged, is, because the Seignory is in suspence for parcel, and it cannot be in esse for the rest: But if a Tenant hath two Daughters, and the Lord seises the youngest within age, he shall distrain the other for the Moity of the Seignory and the Act of Law shall not prejudice him. Quaere, for the Seisure is his own Act.

If one Sister be Seignoress, to whom the Tenancy is descended, she shall not have the Rent nor other Charge before Partition, but if she had the tythes she should have had them after severance from the nine years before Partition; for they lye in Prendre, and she takes them as Parson.

Before Partition one Parcener makes a Lease of an Acre to I. S. for twenty years, and they after make Partition, so that that Acre is allotted to her, it seems she shall out the Lessee; for the Partition hath relation from the death of the Ancestor, and yet at this time she had full power to make a Lease of the Moity of it. So it seems she shall avoid a Rent Charge granted by her Sister. If the Husband makes a Lease of an [Page 177] Acre which is after assigned to his Wife by a Recovery in Dower upon a Title which she had at that time, she shall avoid the Lease, &c. for all. Quaere in both cases. If one Parcener recovers pro rata against her Companion, she shall avoid the Charge made by her in the Land recovered as an Exchan­ger shall do.

Land recovered in value after Par­tition by one Parcener shall be rate­able.

A. seised of two Acres hath two Daughters, and grants a Rent Charge out of one Acre to the Eldest and dies, they make Partition, the Eldest hath the Land Charged, and the other be­ing impleaded Recovers against the Eldest pro rata, she shall hold the Land Recovered in value pro rata with the portion of the Rent.

If Parceners make Partition, and one aliens in Fee, a Stranger by a Ti­tle Paramount enters upon the other, she shall not occupy the Land with the Feoffee; for the privity is dissol­ved; for she cannot recover pro rata; If A. be seised of one Acre in tail, and of another in Fee, hath two Daugh­ters, they make Partition, the youn­ger hath the Acre in tail, the Lord of whom the Acre in Fee is holden shall [Page 178] take notice of this Partition, it seems otherwise for a Donor of an Acre in tail; for he shall not be bound by that Partition unduly made, no more than the Issue in tail shall be, but the par­ties that made the Partition, being of full age are concluded; but if one A­cre in tail be allotted to one, and the other Acre in tail to the other, the Donor is concluded.

If Partition be of Land in tail, and a Rent is granted for equality of Par­tition, that Rent shall be in tail, 2 H. 7. 5. But if there be Parceners of two Acres, one in tail, and the other in Fee, and she which hath the Acre in Fee grants the Rent to the other for Equality, that Rent shall be but in tail, but if that Rent had been gran­ted to her which had the Fee, it shall be in Fee; for if she dies without Issue her Heir shall have it so long as the o­ther hath Issue of her body; for til that ceases the Partition stands: but if there be four Acres, three in Fee, and one in tail, and she which hath the third Acre grants a Rent for equality, that shall be a Fee Quia sequitur magis principale.

Three Parceners in tail make a Fe­offment with Warranty, the Eldest first, and the youngest after dies without Issue, the second hath Issue [Page 179] and dies, the Issue brings a Formedon, she shall recover a Moity of the part of the eldest, and a moity of the part of the youngest, and no more; for the Warranty of the Eldest was colla­teral to the second for the part of the second; for the other part she could not make her self Heir to her that made the Warranty, but yet for the part of the Eldest, the Warranty is Lineall to the second and youngest Daughter; for they might Inherit as Heir to her, and for the part of the youngest as to her self and her Heirs, for their third part the Warranty of the Eldest is collateral; for the youn­gest or her Heirs could not make them­selves Heirs of that third part to the Eldest who made the Warranty, so that the Warranty of the Eldest shall enure, as aforesaid. Then as to the youngest, who died last, her War­ranty as to the second Sisters part is collaterall, and to her Issue; for they cannot make themselves Heirs to her who made the Warranty, &c. But as to a Moity of the Eldest, 'tis Lineall, and as to the other Moity collateral; for by possibility the youngest and the second might have had the part of the Eldest by Descent, if the Eldest had died first, as she did, then if the [Page 180] youngest dies without Issue, the Moity of the third part which descends to her from the Eldest, descends to the second as Heir to the youngest. Then as to the other third part of the El­dest, the Warranty of the youngest is collaterall to the second; for the se­cond as to the Moity of that third part could not have been Heir to the youngest, who made the Warranty, but ought to have been as immediate Heir to the Eldest, and as to her own part her Warranty as the second is Lineall; for by possibility she might have had that part as Heir to the youn­gest, then being the youngest is dead without Issue, the Warranty of the Eldest as to a Moity of the part of the youngest is Lineal, and as to the other part of that part 'tis collaterall to the second; for by possibility the youn­gest might first have died, and then her part descends to the Eldest and the second, and so a Moity of that might descend from the Eldest to the second, and therefore the Warranty of the Fldest shall be Lineall for one Moity of the part of the youngest, and for the other Moity of the part of the youngest 'tis Collaterall, and so the Warranty of the Eldest which upon the descent was Collaterall to the [Page 181] youngest; for the part of the youngest is now changed for the Moity, and made Lineal for the Moity. v. 9. H. 5. 12. 4 H. 7. 18. Three Parceners make Partition, the Eldest hath one Acre in Fee, the second another Acre in Fee, the third one in tail, all be­ing of full age, the Eldest dies, her Issue enters upon the youngest (as she may) the second may enter also, and the Partition is defeated; for when the youngest is outed, the second shall have part of that to which the Issue of the Eldest is remitted, as she would if she had recovered in a Formedon, if the second may not enter it will be a mischief; for she cannot have Aid, being the other holds pro indiviso.

A. hath two Daughters by one Ven­ter, and a third by another, the youn­gest is seised of three Acres of equall value, and grants a Rent of three shil­lings to the Father in Fee, and then infeoffs the second of one Acre, who dies without Issue, so that it descends to the Eldest, the Father dies, the Eldest shall have the Rent, but if the second had infeoffed the Eldest of the Acre, then she should have nothing; for in the first case she hath the Land by descent, and the Rent also, and therefore the Rent shall be appor­cioned, [Page 182] but in the other case she hath the Land by purchase, in which case the Rent shall be extinct, though she hath the Rent by descent, or not, and though the purchase was before the descent or after. And if a man hath a Rent of twenty shillings out of twenty Acres of equall value, and one Acre descends to his Wife, all the Rent is suspended; for it cannot be apporcioned when he is seised of part of the Land in auter droit; but if she dies, and he is Tenant by the Curtesie it shall be apporcioned; for the Land continues in him by the Act of the Law, which is equall to a descent; And if a Rent be in tail, and parcel of the Land descends to him in Fee, or the Rent be in Fee, and parcell of the Land descends to him in tail, there must be no apportionment.

I. dies having two Daughters, one is attainted of Felony, a lease is made for life, the remainder to the right Heirs of I. the other shall take nothing in remainder, because she which is at­tainted is living.

Particeps Criminis.

IF the Lord procures one to disseise the Tenant, and the Disseisor cesses, [Page 183] and the Lord recovers against him, he shall retain it against the Disseisee; for by the procurement he is no Disseisor, as it appears, 50 E. 3. 2. But see Lit­tleton contra in his Chapter of Remitter; for he had cause to recover de puisne temps: but otherwise if he had title of Cessavit at the time of the procure­ment and disseisin, Quaere, if he had ceased one year before the disseisin and another year after? as if the Issue in tail procures one to disseise the Dis­seisor of his Father, whose Heir is in by descent, against whom the Father recovers and dies, the Issue shall re­tain: but if he himself had recovered against the Disseisor upon a title then in being to him at that time, he shall not be remitted. If one hath Title of Formedon, and he procures one to out the Tenant, to the intent that he may recover against him, and a stran­ger outs him, and after I S. recovers upon a Title puisne to the procurer, and the other recovers against him by a Formedon, he is there remitted. And if two Jointenants have a Title of A­ction, where their entry is taken a­way, and one procures a stranger (ut supra) against whom they two recover, and he which was party dies, the o­ther is remitted to all, but if he [Page 184] which did not procure had died first, the other should not be remitted but to a moity, Quaere?


A Rent charge is issuing out of two Acres, the Tenant of the land makes a Feofment of one, the Grantee may distrain in one, or the other for all; but if one Tenant payes to him the Rent, if the other be di­streined he shall plead the payment by his Companion, for it discharges the whole Tenancy.


IF A. leases land in two Counties, rendring a Rent, it is one entire Rent, and he may distrain in one County for all, but he must have se­verall Assizes, and in every County make his plaint for all the Rent: but it seems that upon a Rescous in one County he shall have an Assize in the other, Quaere.


IF a man hath a Wife, and makes severall Feofments with warranty, [Page 185] and dies, the Wife brings Dower a­gainst one of the Feoffees, he may plead that the Heir hath endowed her having regard unto all the land; for there is a great privity betwixt the Tenant and the Heir, for the Tenant may vouch the Heir, and it seems that he might plead that one Feoffee had endowed the Wife, for it goes in discharge of the Tenancy.

Some think that Guardian in fact in Dower shall not plead detinue of the body of the Heire, for none can plead that but he whose title commen­ced when the Title of Dower com­menc'd: but the Guardian in droit may plead it, and if the Heir make a Feofment, the Feoffee shall not plead detinue of Charters in dower.

If an Obligation be delivered in owell maine to I. who breaks the seal, In detinue If he should not plead a release to the Obligor if it would be heard, and yet Paston in 9 H. 6. 19. b. sayes, that the Goaler cannot plead a Release made to him that escapes.


IF the Tenant dies without Heir, the Law casts the possession of the Te­nancy upon the Lord before Entry, [Page 186] but if the Tenant is attainted of Felo­ny, he shall not have the possession in fact or in Law before Entry.

If one Jointenant leases his part for years, a stranger enters, claiming the moity of the other, who waives the possession; it seems it is a Disseisin to him, though the Termor continues in, for they are Tenants in common, and though the possession of the Lessee be the possession of him in Reversion, so. his Companion: but è contra if the Termor had waived the possession and the other continues in, it seems that he in Reversion cannot be out of pos­session, for his Joint Companion held it.

Two Jointenants in Fee of a Rent Charge, a Stranger takes it to the use of I. one releaseth to the Pernor, the other to the Tenant, if by the last re­lease he shall be said in possession ab initio, then the first release to the Pernor is void; for the possession of one is the possession of both.

Possessio fratris.

A. Makes a Lease for life, and dies, having a Son and a Daughter by one venter, and a Son by another, the Eldest Son grants the Reversion [Page 187] in tail, the Tenant atturns, and he dies, the Grantee in tail dies without Issue, Tenant for life dies, it seems the Daughter shall have the Land, not the youngest Son.

The Disseisee dies having a Son and a Daughter by one venter, and a Son by another, the Son after the descent enters upon the Heir of the Disseisor, and dies without Issue, the Daughter shall not have the Land; for his pos­session was tortious, if the Father dies seised, and the Eldest Son makes a Lease for life, the mother recovers Dower against the Lessee, the Son dies, the Daughter shall have the Reversion, and not the Son. But if Tenant for life dies after the death of the Son, and during the life of the Tenant in Dower. Quaere, who shall have the Reversion, the Son or Daughter? If A. makes a Lease for life, and dies, his Eldest Son disseises Tenant for life and dies, Tenant for life dies, the Son shall have the Land from the Daugh­ter, which is put in the book of Ass. and the principall case is, the Eldest Son endows his Mother and dies, if the youngest Son, or the collaterall Heir of the Eldest shall have the Land.

The Father dies seised of two Acres, the Son enters into one saying nothing, [Page 188] if that shall be a sufficient possession of the other Acre, to make the Sister to be Heir. Quaere. Some think it shall not. If a Disseisor or Feoffor on Con­dition enter into one Acre saying no­thing, there no more shall be gained by that Entry; but in the principall case, if the Acres had descended one from the Father, and another from the Mother, then the Entry into one is an Entry but into that only. So if it had been on a Title for several Con­ditions, 9 H. 7. 25. So the Entry of the Bastard into one Acre shall devest no more than that; for the Mulier had a possession in Law. Quaere.

If a man makes a Lease for years and dies, this possession in Law of the Reversion is sufficient to make the sister Heir.

Quare Impedit.

IN a Quare Impedit against the Pa­tron and Incumbent it is no plea for the Incumbent to say, that he hath been in six months upon the presenta­tion of the Patron; for none can plead Plenalty, but he who by such plea may gain the Patronage, and a­gainst whom a Writ of Right of Ad­vowson is maintainable, Quod vide in [Page 189] 16 E. 4. 11. But in a Quare Impedit a­gainst the Ordinary and Incumbent, the Incumbent shall say, that he hath been in six months upon the Colla­tion of the Bishop by reason of Laps, because no Patronage is gained by that, so note the Diversity, 2 R. 2. En­cumbent 4. 18 E. 3. Quare Imp. 4 8. 13 H. 8. 14. 14 H. 8. 31. 39 E. 3. 30.

Recognizance, vide Statute. Record.

IF a Record in the C. B. be pleaded in any other Court of the King, where it is requisite to be produced, it must be exemplified under the Great Seal of England, and the Seal of the Court is not sufficient, but if he pleads it in C. B. there if he shews the Exem­plification under the Seal of the Court it sufficeth; for in the one case it is Teste meipso, and in the other, Teste the Chief Justice.


IF a Feoffment be made of a Mannor when Atturnment is had the services passe ab initio. If a Lease be made for life the Remainder to the King, and [Page 190] Livery is made, and after the Deed is inrolled, now the Remainder passes to the King, as a Remainder, ab ini­tio.

If Land be given to Baron & Fem in Fee, he dies, and the Wife waives the possession, and recovers her Dower against the Heir, she shall recover Da­mages; for by her refusall the Hus­band shall be said to die seised. Keyl­way 104. p. 14.

If a man who hath a Villein delivers an Escrowl of Enfranchisement, to be delivered to his Villein seven years after, and before the end of the seven years he dies, and the Deed is after delivered, that will be a good Enfran­chisement by relation.

Vide Barg. & Sale.


LOrd, Mesne, and Tenant, the Tenant holds in Socage, and the Mesne in Chivalry, the Tenant makes a Gift in Frankmarriage, the Mesne releaseth to the Donor, the four de­grees passe, the Donor seiseth the Ward of the Issue, and enters into the Land, and he brings an Action of trespass, some think it is maintain­able.

[Page 191]If Lessee for years makes a Feoff­ment to two, a Release to one shall inure to both.

If Tenant in tail makes a Lease for life, the Remainder for life, and re­leaseth to him in Remainder, and his Heirs, if the first Tenant for life dies in the life of Tenant in tail, it is a Discontinuance.

The Tenant holds ten Acres by ten pence, and makes a Feoffment of one, the Lord grants the Rent, reserving the Fealty, the Tenant Atturns, the Grantee releaseth all his Right in the Land to the Tenant, yet he shall have one penny; for the Feoffment severed the Seignory, and by the Grant two Rents passed, and but one is extinct by the Release, viz. the Rent of Nine pence.

Two Disseisors make a Gift in tail to hold in Chivalry, the Disseisee relea­seth to one, the Donee dies; some think this Release will inure to both.

Two Women disseise another, and make a Feofment to their Father, who dies, so that the Land discends to them, the Disseisee Releaseth to one, it shall inure to both; for betwixt themselves they are in by Title. If a Disseisor dies seised having two Daugh­ters Bastards, and the Disseisee relea­seth [Page 192] to one of them, that shall inure to both.

A. makes a Feoffment to two upon Condition, which is broken, the Fe­offor releaseth to one, it shall operate to both; for they are not in by wrong, and a Release where it countervails an Entry and Feoffment doth not ex­tend to Titles. If a Disseisee enters up­on two Disseisors, and they recover falsly in an Assize, and he Releaseth to one, that shall inure to both; for between themselves and the Disseisee also they are in by Title. If an Infant infeoffs two, and at his full age relea­seth to one, it goes to both. If two Disseisors make a Feoffment, and take back an Estate, a Release to one inures to both; for though in Respect of the Disseisee they be Disseisors, yet in Re­lation to themselves they are in by Title. So if a Disseisor makes a Feoff­ment, and takes back an Estate to himself for life, a Release to him will go to him in Remainder.

If a Disseisor makes a Lease for life, and the Lessee makes a Feofment, and the Disseisee releaseth to the Feoffee, the right of Entry which the Disseisee had is taken away; for a Release of the Disseisee will avoid all rights of en­try, but not Titles.

[Page 193]If a Disseisor grants a Rent-charge, and is disseised, and a Release is made to the second Disseisor, the Charge remains, but the Dower of the Wife not; for the one is executed, and the other executory only. If two Disseisors make a lease for life, with a Remainder in fee, the Disseisee re­leaseth to the Tenant for life, the Wife of the first Disseisor shall be en­dowed. If my Tenant for life is dis­seised by A. who is disseised by B. to whom I release, the Wife of A. shall be endowed; and if Tenant for life dies, A. may enter upon B. and retain for ever.

After the Vouchee hath entred into Warranty, an Ancestor collaterall of the Demandant releaseth to the Vou­chee with warranty and dies; now the Vouchee cannot plead this Warranty against the Demandant, for the release was void; for though the Vouchee shall be Tenant to the Demandant, yet he shall not be so to a Stranger, for if a stranger will release to him af­ter he hath entred into Warranty, the Release is void. But if an Ancestor collateral had released to the Tenant after the Entry of the Vouchee into Warranty, the Vouchee may plead it. Quaere in the first case, though the Re­lease [Page 194] be void, yet if the Warranty shall not be good?

A Feofment is made rendring a Rent, and upon default of payment a re-entry, the Rent is behind, and then the Lessor releaseth the Rent.

There is a difference between a Re­lease in Fact and in Law. If the Te­nant makes a Lease for life, and the Lord releaseth to the Tenant for life, all his right in the Seignory is utterly extinct. But if the Lord distrein the Tenant, and makes a Lease for life, he hath not extinguished his Seignory for ever, for a Release in Law is taken most favourable.

If a Rent be granted for life, and by another Deed the Grantor releaseth to the Grantee all his right in the Rent; and if it be behinde, that he shall distrain for it, yet it is but a Rent Seck.

If two are disseised, and one relea­seth to the Disseisor all his right in the one moity, his right is gone in all, and yet his right was per my & per tout; but being he hath released all his right in one moity, which extends per my & per tout, that is the reason why, &c. So if there be two Disseisors, and one Disseisee releaseth to one, for he was seised per my & per tout. But if he had [Page 195] released all all his right to one, viz. in the moity of that one, and not in a moity generally, the Law had been otherwise, viz. that his moity remains in the moity of the other moity.

A Disseisor having a Wife makes a Lease for life, the Lessee makes a lease to the Wife, for the life of the Wife, the Husband accepts the Deed, and agrees to it, the Disseisee releaseth to the Wife, the Husband dies, the Re­lease is void; for, by the Lease to the Wife the Husband had title of Entry for the Forfeiture, and then he is re­mitted, and though he agrees that the Wife shall take the Estate, yet it is no Estopple, then the Husband being remitted there is no possession in the Wife upon which the Release may o­perate. If a Disseisor having a Wife makes a lease for life to A. who makes a lease to B. for life, the Disseisee re­leaseth to B. the Wife of the Disseisor shall be endowed, for the release doth not countervail an Entry and Feof­ment. If a Disseisor makes a Lease for life, the Lessee makes a Feofment, and the Disseisee Releaseth to the Feoffee, that takes away the Entry of the Disseisor; For such a Release takes away all rights, but not Titles, as Conditions or Dower. But if a Dis­seisor [Page 196] be disseised, & the Disseisee releases to the second Disseisor, that takes away the Dower of the first Disseisors Wife.

Tenant pur auter vy, the Remainder to I. for his life, I. releaseth to the Lessee, that Release is good, and in­ures by way of Fezance de Estate, for if a Remainder had been limited to the Tenant for the life of I. that had been good, therefore here he hath a suffi­cient Tenant for life, and a possession whereupon a Release may operate, but if the first Lessee had had an Estate for his own life, then the Release had inured by way of Extinguishment; for the first Estate was greater having re­gard to the Lessee. If a Lease be made for forty years, the Remainder for ten years, and he in Remainder re­leaseth to the Tenant for forty years, he shall have it for fifty years; for the forty years cannot be drown'd: If the Remainder had been a lease for an hundred years; for one Chattle cannot consume another, for it is all one as if Lessee for forty years should make a lease for ten years, and after will release to the Lessee, he shall have it for forty, and not for thirty years. If a lease be made for years, the re­mainder to A. for life, the remain­der to B. for life: if B. will re­lease [Page 197] to the Lessee, that is cleerly Good; for there is sufficient privity between them although he hath not the next immediate Estate.

But if the Lessee will release to his Lessor, that is void; for the Lessee was in possession. So if the Guardian Re­leaseth to the Heir, that is void. If two Disseisors make a Lease for life, and the Disseisee releaseth to one, that will inure to both; for of necessity it will inure to Lessee for life: and so by consequence to them in Reversion, and that is to two. If Tenant for life is disseised by two, who are disseised by another, the Lessor releaseth to the last Disseisor, the first Disseisors may enter notwithstanding the Release; for the Releasor had no Title of Entry. But if his Entry had been lawful, as if his Tenant for life had infeoffed a Stranger, who had been disseised, and the Lessor had released to the Disseisor the Lessee could not have entred; for the Entry of the Lessor (who had a Title Paramount) was congeable. As if a Disseisor makes a Lease for life, and the Lessee makes a Feofment, and the Disseisee releaseth to the Feoffee, the Disseisor cannot Enter. But if the Heir of the Disseisor, who is in by des­cent makes a Lease for life, the Lessee [Page 198] makes a Feoffment, and the Disseisee releaseth to the Feoffee, the Lessor may enter? for the Disseisee could not, 9 H. 7. 25. pet Fineux. If an In­fant makes a Lease for life, and the Lessee grants his Estate with Warranty, the Infant brings a Dum fuit infra E­tatem, and the Tenant vouches the Grantor, who enters into Warranty, and loseth, the Demandant Releaseth to him and his Heirs, some think the Release is void; for he is Tenant only to answer the Action, but a Release which is to enlarge an Estate must in­ure upon a privity of Estate. And therefore a Release made to Tenant by the Curtesie in Fee after he hath granted over his Estate is void, and yet an Action of Wast shall be main­tainable against him by the Heir, and he shall Atturn. If a Lease be made for life, the Remainder for life, the Te­nant for life dies, and before the En­try of him in Remainder the Lessor Releaseth to him in Fee, that shall inure according to the words. But in a Writ of Entry in the Per, if the Te­nant vouch him, by whom, &c. who enters into Warranty, and the De­mandant Releaseth to him, that inures by way of Extinguishment. If a woman who hath cause of Dower Releaseth to [Page 199] the Guardian, that takes away her Title and Estate, though the Gardian had but a Chattle, and the Heir shall Advantage of it. It was said in the case of the Dum fuit infra aetatem, if he had Released in tail a greater Estate should not have passed; for though it doth not appear by the Dum fuit infra aetatem what Estate he claims (for the Writ is generall) yet when he enters generally into the Warranty, he shall not be said to have a Fee against the Demandant, but the Demandant shall make an Averment, that he did not make the Devise but only for life. A Release made to the Patron when the Church is full doth not extinguish an Annuity, otherwise if it had been in the time of vacation, 21 H. 7. 41. but a Release to the Ordinary peradven­ture will not avail; Tenant for life grants a Rent Charge, a Release to him in Reversion will not extinguish it, no more than if he in Reversion grants a Rent Charge, a Release to Tenant for life will extinguish it.

If there be two Disseisors, and one makes a Lease of a Moity for years, re­serving a Rent with a Re-entry for not payment, the Disseisee releaseth to the other who did not make a Lease, he shall have the whole Freehold of all [Page 200] the Land, and the Lessee shall not pay the Rent to him; for he comes to the Reversion by Title Paramount, and not by any Privity.

A. outs his Termor for years, and then makes a Lease for years, the first Termor releaseth to the second, the first Lessor may enter and have the Land against them both; for by the Release the Right of the first Termor was extinct. As if a Rent Charge be granted to the Disseisor, &c. and it doth not fortifie the Estate of the se­cond Lessee during the first Term; for if the first Lease had bin for twenty years, and the second but for a year, yet by the Release of the first Lessee to the second, all the first Estate shall be extinguished. But if he had been Te­nant for life, and the Disseisee Relea­seth to the Disseisor, now during his life the Lessor cannot enter, otherwise if he had been Tenant for years; for in one case the Disseisor had a Free­hold in him which might be fortified, and in the other case but a Chattle.

Although the Husband cannot give any thing to the Wife immediately, yet if a Disseisoresse makes a Lease for life, the Remainder to her self in tail, the Remainder to A. in Fee, and mar­ries the Disseisee, who releaseth to [Page 201] Tenant for life, that will inure to his Wife.

If an Infant Disseisor makes a Feoff­ment, and the Feoffee dies seised, and his Heir enters, to whom the Disseisee releaseth, yet the Infant shall have a Dum fuit infra aetatem, and shall reco­ver; for he demands the possession to which he had more Right than the Disseisee, and the Tenant ought to answer to the Demise, and not to the Right: As if the Heir of the Disseisor, who is in by Descent, brings an Assize against his Disseisor, it is no plea for him to plead the Release of the Dissei­see; for he demands the possession to which he had more Right than the Disseisee. So if the Disseisor recovers in an Assize by erroneous Judgement against his Disseisor, and the Disseisee releaseth to him that hath recovered, and the other brings a Writ of Error, it is no plea for him to plead the Re­lease; for the intent of the Suit was to correct the Error upon the Record. If a Disseisor makes a Lease for life, and the Lessee makes a Feoffment to A. who obtains a Release from the Disseisee, the Disseisor brings a Consi­mili Casu, some think he shall recover; but if the Heir of the Feoffee, who is in by Descent, &c. gets a Release, it [Page 202] is cleer the Disseisor may have an A­ction, and the Tenant ought to an­swer to the Demise, and not to the Right of the Land in both cases. If a Disseisor enters upon his Feoffee for breach of a Condition, the Feoffee shall not have a Writ of Right, though the Right of the Disseisee be released to him before the breach of the Con­dition. So if the Disseisee enters upon the Heir, who is in by Descent, and makes a Feoffment, or releaseth of such an Heir, and the Heir re-enters, or if one who hath a Title brings a Formedon in Remainder against an A­bator, and recovers by default. See the rest of the case in 9 H. 7. 25. In all these cases he to whom the Release was made, or the Right was given, shall not have a Writ of Right, but it shall goe in advantage of him that Removes the possession; for being one hath a right in possession, and recontinues it, that draws the very right to it, and the Right by it self shall not be left in the other. Note that in all these ca­ses, the Right comes after the posses­sion; but if the Right were before the possession, and then the possession is removed, the Right remains in the person to whom it was given. As if the Heir of the Disseisor, who is in by [Page 203] descent, enfeoffs A. and several other Feoffments are made, and after the Land comes to the Heir again, and the Disseisor enters upon him, and he outs him. Now if the Disseisee brings a Writ of Right upon his first posses­sion, he shall be deluge by vouching of the Feoffees; but he may have a Writ of Right upon the last possession which he had by Disseisin, and that is beyond all the Vouchers, and though the possession was removed, yet that is not materiall; for Littleton saith, the effect of the Writ is the meer Right. the Husband discontinues in Fee, and takes back an Estate to himself and his Wife for their lives, the Husband makes a Feoffment and dies, the Wife Releaseth to the second Feoffee, yet the first Feoffee may enter for the For­feiture, and she hath no Remedy, and this case is supposed before the statute of 32 H. 8. But if the wife had not re­leased, but the first Feoffee had en­tered upon the second for the Forfei­ture, the Wife (the Husband being dead) might enter upon him; for she may claim by the Lease, and then the Entry for the forfeiture had avoi­ded the Discontinuance, and so she may enter by vertue of the Lease made by the first Discontinuee. If Tenant for [Page 204] life be disseised, and the Disseisor is disseised, and the Lessor releaseth to the second Disseisor, and the first Dis­seisor outs him, he hath no Remedy by Writ of Right, or otherwise, Quod nota.

A Gift in tail is made with War­ranty, the Donee releaseth the War­ranty to the Donor, the Reversion is granted, the Donee atturns, if the Issue in tail be impleaded, he shall not vouch; for the Release hath extin­guisht the Warranty for ever; for the Statute is of Tenements, &c. and this is no Tenement, but a Covenant re­all, which is Extinguished by the Re­lease. As if an Annuity be granted in tail, a Release from the Grantee dis­chargeth it. If a false Verdict passeth against Tenant in tail, a Release made by Tenant in tail of all his Right shall not bar the Issue of his atttaint, but if he releaseth all false Oaths to one of the Petit Jury. Quaere, if the Issue shall have an Attaint? And a Partitione fa­cienda is maintainable by the Issue in tail, by the equity of the Statute de donis, &c. & contra form. Feoffam. & Contributione faciend: and a Release of them will not bar the Issue; for it is of the Land, and an Ʋse in tail is taken by Equity, and Tenant by [Page 205] Copy, &c. shall be taken by Equity to have an Estate tail, and shall have a plaint in nature of a Formedon. So by some the Release in the principall case is no bar; but Tenant in tail by his Release may extinguish an Accquittall granted by the Donor. And Execution of a Recovery in value by reason of a Warranty, and not a Recovery pro rata against his Coparcener.

If a man binds himself and his Heirs in twenty pound and dies, his Exe­cutors having Assetts, the Obligee Re­leaseth all Actions of Debt to the Heir, the Executors pay the Assetts to other Creditors, some think the Obligee shall have an Action of Debt against the Heir; for at the time of the Release the Obligee was not intitled to have an Action of debt against the Heir, but if neither the Heir nor Executors had Assetts, and then the Debt is released to the Heir, and after Assetts come to the hands of the Heir, it seems the re­lease will bar him. If Tenant for life commits Wast, and grants over his Estate, the Lessor releaseth all Actions to the Grantee, yet he shall have an Action against the Grantor; for he was not intitled to have an Action a­gainst the Grantee. So if Tenant in Dower, or by the Curtesie, who have [Page 206] granted over their Estates, otherwise of a Release of Land.

A. makes a Lease for life, and grants a Rent out of the Reversion, a Re­lease made by the Grantee to Tenant for life will not extinguish the Rent: so if a Rent be granted by Tenant for life, a Release to him in Reversion will not extinguish the Rent.

A Lease is made for life, the Re­mainder for years, he in Remainder Releaseth to Tenant for life all his Right in the Land, the yeares are drownd; but if the Release had been, Habendum the Land during the years, then the term for years had continued. As if a Lease is made for life, and af­ter a Release is made to Tenant for life, Habendum to him for forty years after the Lease for life ended, there he shall take it as the words direct: And some say, that a Release made by Tenant for years to the Lessor ex­tinguisheth the Term, otherwise of a Release by Tenant for life. And if a Lease for years be made to commence at Easter, and before Easter he relea­seth all his Right to the Lessor, the years are Extinguished. If Lessee for years be ejected, and Releaseth to the Disseisor, the Lessor may enter, but o­therwise of a Release made by Tenant for life.

[Page 207]If one makes and delivers an Obli­gation at Michaelmas, which bears date at Christmas following, and at the Feast of All Saints he releaseth to the Obli­gor all Actions, and after Christmas he brings an Action of Debt, he shall plead the Release, and say the Obli­gation was delivered at Michaelmas, and that the Release was delivered at All Saints, according to the date.

If the Disseisee releaseth to the Dis­seisor all Actions, and dies, and the Disseisor dies, and his Heir Enters, and the Land discends to the Heir of the Disseisee, it seems by the Release of all Actions, which he hath, or may have afterward by the same Right, are discharged. So of Actions which his Heir might have for the same Dis­seisin. So that a Writ of Entry in the Quibus is Released, although his Heir had no cause of Action at that time, then it is in a manner as if he had re­leased after the descent as to the Ex­tinguishment of the Action, then being he had a Right notwithstanding the Release, so that he might enter, that Right is not taken away by the descent after. Some think a Release of Actions is but a Conclusion, which goes in privity of blood, and not of Estate: and therefore after such a Release to [Page 208] the Disseisor, if he aliens over, the release is not pleadable by the Alienee; for he is not privy, and it doth not go with the Estate. So if a Disseisor makes a Lease for life, with a Remainder over, and the Dis­seisee releaseth all Actions reall to the Tenant for life, who dies, he in Re­mainder cannot plead it, as if it had been a Release of Right, and there­fore if a Release of all Actions had bin made to him in Remainder, that had been void to all other purposes, so such a Release of Actions shall not ex­tinguish a Right, if the Entry be ta­ken away, otherwise than by an Estop­ple, which being removed by the des­cent in Law, the Release ceaseth to be a Conclusion after. Some think if the Heir of the Disseisor infeoffs two, and the Disseisee releaseth all Actions to one of them, and he dies, the other shall not plead it, and so if two are Disseised, and one releaseth all Actions to him that is in by descent, and dies, the other, as Survivor shall have an Action for all the Land.

If Tenant for life commits Wast, and grants over his Estate, in Wast brought against him he may plead a Release in the Land, and yet he hath nothing in the Land.

[Page 209]A Conusor of a Statute Merchant is in Execution, and his Land also, the Conusee releaseth to him all his debts, afterwards the Goaler lets him have his Liberty, it seems that the Execu­tion is discharged by the Release; for the Debt is in Esse until the profits sa­tisfie it, or else the Execution could not remain, as the Heir is in Ward un­til he be capable to perform his Servi­ces, but if the Seignory be released to the Tenant he is out of Ward for bo­dy and Land.

If he in Reversion of a Seignory re­leaseth to his Grantee for years, and to the Tenant of the Land, and to his Heirs. Quaere how it shall inure? but if it had been to them two generally, then the Estate for years and all the Seignory had been extinct; for though it inlarges his Estate for life, and no more, yet without those words, His Heirs, all the Reversion is extinct, and consequently the Estate for yeares, Quod non negatur. 8 H. 6. 24. But if it had been of a Rent Charge, and the Release had been to them, the Gran­tee shall have it all for life, and the o­ther the Fee, and so it shall inure to both.

[Page 210]Tenant for life and he in Reversion grant a Rent Charge, the Grantee releaseth all his Right to the Rever­sion, if the Rent be extinct? Some think not; for their Estates being se­verall so are their grants, and then a Release to the Reversioner will not ex­tinguish a Rent issuing out of the pos­session. And if it shall be taken to be the Grant of Tenant for life, and the Confirmation of him in reversion, yet such a Release will not extinguish it; for though he purchaseth the reversion yet he shall have the Rent during the life of Tenant for life, and if it were severall grants, a Release to Tenant for life will not extinguish a Rent is­suing out of the reversion; for to this Charge the Tenant need not at­turn.

The surviving Parcener may release to the Husband of the other being Te­nant by the Curtesie. And if one Par­cener hath twenty Daughters and dies, the other may release her whole part to either of them. But if Jointenants be of twenty Acres, and one makes a Feoffment of all his part in eighteen, perhaps the other can release his right but in two Acres. But if Husband and Wife, and a stranger are Jointenants, the stranger may release all his right to the wife only.

[Page 211]Tenant for life, the remainder in Fee, makes a gift in tail, the remain­der in Fee, he in the first remainder releaseth all his right to the Donee, not saying, and to his Heirs, and then grants a Rent Charge to a stranger out of the Remainder in Fee, and dies, the Donee dies without Issue, the Heir of him in remainder enters, if he shall hold it charged? Some think the re­lease doth not give the right in Fee, which the Releasor had, to the Relea­see; for then in a manner he doth re­lease to himself, but if the remainder had been in tail to him that had the remainder in Fee, then the release had inured to the first Estate in tail, and to the Fee, and then if the last Fee be fortified, the Mesne remainder is estab­lished, and so the release inures to himself. But as to the other point which may be moved. If the remainder be good to him that had the remainder before? being it is out of him and in him at one and the same instant, it is good enough.

If one be disseised to the use of A. the Disseisee releaseth to the Disseisor, yet A. may agree to the Disseisin; for a release doth not take away a Title any more than it doth a Condition, or a Rent Charge granted by him; or if [Page 212] he covenants to stand seised to an Ʋse Executory upon marriage, such an use cannot be taken away by such a release. But if there had been two Disseisors to the use of A. and the Disseisee had re­leased to one of them, that will take away all the Title, Causa patet. So if Tenant for life releaseth to his Dissei­sor, that doth not restore the Rever­sion; but if he had released to one of the Disseisors, it had been other­wise.

Land is holden of the Mannor of Dale by Fealty and twenty shillings, the Lord makes a Lease of the Mannor for years, rendring forty shillings with Atturnment, after the Lessor relea­seth to the Tenant all his Right, if the Rent of forty shillings shall be appor­cioned? by the Release the Tenant is discharged of twenty shillings as well against the Lessee as the Lessor; for the Tenant holds it of the Lord Para­mount, so he does not hold it of the Lessee; for he cannot hold the same Land of two severall Lords, and the Rent of forty shillings is as well pay­able for the services, as for the de­mesnes, although he cannot di­strain, &c. as in the case of Sheep, 21 H. 7. 6.

[Page 213]If Feoffee upon Condition makes a Lease for life, a Release of the Condi­tion to the Tenant for life will extend to the Feoffee, as it will do of a Right or Rent. If there be Feoffee upon Condition of two Acres, and the Fe­offor releaseth the Condition in one Acre, if it be collaterall, it remains in the other; as of a Warranty annext to two Acres, a Release in one, yet it remains in the other; for the Condi­tion is severall as the Right is; But if the Condition had been made to two, or by two, a Release to one, or by one extinguisheth all, as it shall do a Warranty.

Tenant for life of a Seignory pur­chaseth the Tenancy pur auter vye, if the Lord releaseth to him and his Heirs all his Right in the Tenancy, some think it shall inure by way of Extin­guishment. But if he releases to him and his Heirs all his Right in the Seig­nory, that inures as an Enlargement of the Seignory. So the Mesne being a Fem marries the Tenant, the Lord relea­seth to the Fem and her Heirs all his Right in the Seignory, that inures to extinguish the Seignory only, and not the Mesnalty. But if he had released to the Husband all his Right in the [Page 214] Seignory, or Tenancy, the Seignory, and Mesnalty are extinct. But a Re­lease to the wife of all his right in the Tenancy had been void. But if the Lord had released all his Right in the Seignory to Husband and Wife. Quaere, but some think it inures to extinguish the Seignory, and not the Tenancy.

Two Jointenants in Fee of a Rent Charge, a Stranger receives it to the use of A. one releaseth to the Pernor, and the other to the Tenant: If by the last release he shall be said in possession ab initio, the first Re­lease to the Pernor was void; for the possession of one is the possession of both. If two Disseisors grant a Rent Charge, and the disseisee releaseth to one, he shall hold it discharged; for the Grant of the other by the Release is discharged, and the Grant being but by one is discharged as to all. And the Pernor shall hold it subject to the Agreement of A. for some think there shall be an Election after, as if he had granted his part to a Stranger.

A Release to one Tenant in Com­mon will not inure to his Companion for want of privity.

[Page 215] A. seised of an House on the part of his Mother, is disseised by two, and they have Estovers granted to them in the same House, the dissei­see releaseth to one, the Estovers re­main for part; for as to a Stranger the Release doth not countervail an Entry and Feoffment. As if a dis­seisor takes a Confirmation to hold by lesser Services, and after the dis­seisee releaseth, yet he shall take ad­vantage of the Confirmation. If the Son endows his Wife, Ex assensu pa­tris, and the disseisee releaseth to the disseisor, if the dower shall be avoided or not? A Warranty made to the disseisor is not gone, by a re­lease made by the disseisee.

If a disseisor having a Wife makes a Lease to A. for life, who makes a Lease to B. for life, the disseisee re­leaseth to B. the Wife of the disseisor shall be endowed; for the Release doth not amount to an Entry and Fe­offment.

Two Fems disseise one, one mar­ries, the disseisee releaseth to the Husband in Fee, that goes by way of Extinguishment to both the wo­men; for it cannot inure as an [Page 216] Entry and Feofment to one Woman, for she is not privy to the Deed, and as an Entry and Feofment to the Husband it cannot inure; for he was in by title: and if the Release had been to the other Woman, that should not have devested the possession of the Husband.

The Lord disseiseth the Tenent and is disseised, the disseisee releaseth to the disseisor of the Lord, the Seig­nory is extinct; for it doth not countervail an Entry and Feofment in respect of the Lord, but extin­guisheth the right of the Lord to the land, in which right to the land, the right which he had to the Seig­nory was suspended. But if the Lord and a Stranger disseise the Tenant, and the Tenant releaseth to the Stranger, the Seignory is re­vived, for there it inures as an En­try and Feofment against the Lord, and the Lord had not the right to the land: So if the Lord dies, and the other hath that by survivorship.


LAnd is given to Husband and Wife, and to the Heir of the Husband begotten on the body of the Wife; and if the Husband dies without Issue by the Wife, then the land to remain to A. in Fee; the Husband and Wife die without Issue, A. enters, upon whom the Feoffor enters, and A. brings an Assize; some think it is maintainable, 14 H. 6. 25. such a limitation good.

Tenant in tail makes a Feofment and dies, the discontinuee makes a Gift in tail, the remainder in fee to the first Issue in tail, the second Te­nant in tail dies without Issue, his Wife Enseint with a Son, the Issue of the first entail enters, and after the other Issue is born, and enters up­on him, and he brings an Assize; some think it is not maintainable.

A Fem Lessee for life marries, a Confirmation is made to them two for their lives, that is a Remainder in the Husband, by reason of the joint-Estate of the Wife. So if land be given to A. & [Page 228] B. for the life of B. and after a Con­firmation is made to them two for their lives, that is a Remainder in A. and the Jointure remains.

Land is given to Husband and Wife, and to the Heirs of the body of the Husband, the Remainder to Husband and Wife in speciall tail; the Remainder is void. If a lease be made for the life of the Lessee, the Remainder to the Lessee for the life of A. that Remainder is void.

If land be given to one, Haben­dum to him and the Heirs males of his body, and the Heirs females of his body, he shall have it as a Re­mainder.

Land is given to two Women, Quam diu simul vixerint, the remain­der to the right Heirs of her who first dies; one marries, and hath issue and dies; it seems the remain­der is good notwithstanding the in­certainty. But if the Land shall be Assets in a Formedon or Debt against the Heir, Quaere? some think it is not, for it was never in the Mo­ther.

The Donor disseises Tenant in tail, and dies, and the Heir who is [Page 229] in by descent makes a Lease to the Issue within age, the Remainder in Fee, Tenant in tail dies, though the Issue be remitted yet the Remainder is good, because it was a Livery once, and the Remitter was subsequent, as if the Lessor disseiseth his Tenant for life, and lets for the life of the dissei­see, the remainder in Fee, the dis­seisee enters, yet him remainder shall hold it: but in both cases it is a re­version, and not a remainder. Quaere of the first case.

If a Lease be made for life upon Condition, that if the Lessee shall not have Issue during his life, that then it shall remain in Fee to A. and he dies without Issue, the remainder is void; for although a remainder may be limited upon Condition, yet the Condition ought to be performed du­ring the life of Tenant for life. But if the Condition had been that if he had Issue during his life, that then it should remain, the remainder had been good, if he had Issue, 7 H. 4. 6. A rent gran­ted to one for the life of A. the remain­der to the right Heirs of A. that can­not be during the life of A. and yet thought to be a good remainder; for it vests in the same instant that the first Estate determines.

[Page 220]A remainder may be good to him that had the Remainder before.

Tenant for life makes a Lease for life, the remainder to his Lessor, and a Stranger in Fee, some think the Stranger shall take all; for he cannot give a Fee in any part to him that had a Fee before.


TEnant in tail makes a Feoffment and dies, the Discontinuee makes a gift in tail, the Remainder to the Issue in Fee, the second Tenant in tail dies without issue, his Wife enseint with a Son, the Issue in the first intail enters, the Son is born, and enters upon him, and he brings an Assize, it is maintainable; for the remainder is limited to the Issue in the first intail, and he by vertue of his remainder en­ters, then he is remitted, but Dy. 129. makes it a Quaere, but Bendlows 195. he is remitted, and so is the Inst. 357. 11 H. 4. 1.

If the Disseisee enters upon the Heir of the Disseisor, and grants a Rent Charge and dies, the Issue shall hold it discharged; for though he hath the Right from the same Ancestor that granted the Rent Charge, yet he is [Page 221] remitted to another possession than descended to him. And if the Heir of the Disseisee enters upon the Disseisor, and grants a Rent Charge, and the Disseisee dies, because a new Right is come to him, he is remitted, and the Grantor shall hold it discharged. But if the Son disseises the Father, and grants a Rent Charge, and the Land descend to him, the Son shall hold it charged; for he is not remitted; for the Right descended to him from the same person to whom he did the wrong, and he shall be disabled to claim a right from him whom he dissei­sed. But in the other case he claims the Right from another. If the Father dis­seiseth the Grandfather and dies, af­ter he hath granted a Rent Charge, and the Grandfather dies, the Son shall hold it discharged; for he claims from the Grandfather. Quaere; for the Entry of the Grandfather was taken away, and then when the Right of one, who cannot enter, descends, the Tenant is remitted. Quaere, but if there be Lord, Mesne, and Tenant, and the Tenant aliens in Mortmain, the Lord Paramount enters, and grants a Rent Charge, and after his Title is come, viz. the year past, and the Mesne hath not [Page 222] entered, the Lord shall hold it dis­charged, and his Issue too, as it seems, for he shall not be remitted for a Ti­tle, as he shall for a Right accrued; but it seems he may bar him upon whom he enters, if he brings an As­size, and that by his Title.

Grandfather, Father, and Son; the Father disseises the Grandfather and dies, the Son endows the Wife of the Father, the Grandfather dies, the Son may enter upon the Tenant in Dower, for he hath a new right descended from the Grandfather, and the Entry of the Grandfather was Congeable upon the Tenant in Dower, so shall the entry of his Heir. But if the Son had granted a Rent charge, and the Granfather had died, he should hold it charged, and should not be remitted; for the entry was not lawfull upon him, and when a right descends from the Grandfather, he shall not be remitted.

If the Issue in tail procure one to disseise the Heir in by descent, against whom the Heir recovers, and dies, the Issue shall retain; but if he him­self had recovered against the Disseisor, upon a Title in Being to him, he shall not be remitted. Quaere, If his Fa­ther disseisee dies, and he recovers a­gainst [Page 223] the Heir, or the Disseisor, by a Formedon, If he shall be remitted; for the wrong was made to the Estate tail at that time: And if one hath title to a Formedon, and he procures one to out the Tenant, to the intent that he may recover against him, and the Stranger outs him, and a Stranger recovers by a puisne title to the procu­rer, and the other recovers against him by a Formedon, he is remitted.

If two Jointenants have title of A­ction, where their Entry is taken a­way, and the one procures a Stran­ger, ut supra, against whom they two recover, and he who was party dies, the other is remitted to all; but if he which did not procure had first died, the other had not been remitted, but to a moity, Quaere?

If the issue in tail within age by Co­vin commands A. to disseise the Dis­continuee of his Father, A. disseises him to the use of B. for life, and after to the use of his own right Heirs, B. agrees, A. dies, B. dies, the Heir of A. enters, and enfeoffs the Issue; he is remitted, because he is now within age.

Tenant in tail levies a Fine, and takes back an Estate in see upon con­dition, and dies, the Heir enters, and [Page 224] is remitted, and after the Proclama­tions pass, if that takes away the Re­mitter, and if the Condition remains? Quaere.

If two Jointenants are disseised by the Father of one of them, who dies seised, and his Son enters, he is re­mitted to all the land, and his Com­panion may enter with him: And it is not like where two are disseised, and a descent cast during the non-age of of one, and he enters, and is remitted to a moity, his Companion shall not enter; for the advantage is given him more in respect of his person than of the land. Neither is it like where Tenant in Tail enfeoffs one daughter, and dies, she being within age, she is remitted, and her Companion shall not have advantage of it; for the right was not in them before. Nor where they have a joint Title of Formedon by descent, and the land descends to one only, his Companion peradventure shall not take advantage of it, for the Estate tale was taken away, but here it was not. But if the Grandfather had disseised, &c. and the land had descen­ded to the Father, and from the Fa­ther to him, it will be otherwise, for his Companion shall not have advan­tage, for the Entry was taken away be­fore.

[Page 225]If the Discontinuee makes a Lease to the Issue in tail and another, with Livery to the other, and after grants the Reversion to the Issue, and the other dies, so that the Freehold is cast upon the Issue without his folly, yet he shall not be remitted; for he as­sented to the Reversion upon the Lease for life.

A Disseisor dies without Heir, his Wife enseint, the Lord enters, a Son is born, the Disseisee enters upon the Lord: If the Entry had been before the birth, it had been lawfull, and he had been remitted, and the birth af­ter would not have avoided the Re­mitter: As if the Discontinuee makes a gift in tail to one, the Remainder to the Issue in tail, if the first Donee dies without Issue, his Wife Priviment enseint, now the Issue in the first intail is remitted, and though the issue of the second Donee be after born, the Remitter continues; but here the Entry is not till after the birth of the Son, for if a Stranger had abated, the Disseisor having Issue, or if after a­batement a Son had been born, the Disseisee could not enter.

A Disseisee releaseth all Actions to the Disseisor, and dies, and after the Disseisor dies, and his Heir enters and [Page 226] dies, and the Land discends to the Heir of the Disseisee, if he be remit­ted? Some say there can be no Re­mitter where there is a cause of Action, so that without his folly he hath not any body against whom he may bring his Action, but though he hath no A­ction here, yet he hath not lost it by the Law, but by his own Act, and the Right remains, which is the cause of his remitter, and in many cases a Right shall remain without an Action, as if there be Tenant for life of a Seig­nory, and a Tenancy Escheats, and a Stranger intrudes, Tenant for life dies before Entry, he in Reversion cannot have any Action, but may enter, as upon the Disseisor, of his Tenant; but if he dies, and his Heir be in by descent, there he cannot enter, and yet he hath a Right, and shall be re­mitted upon a Discent.

If a Fem Tenant in generall tail marries an Infant who aliens and dies, and his Heir enters upon the Feoffee, the Wife re-enters, she is not remit­ted.

Tenant for life, the remainder in Fee makes a gift in tail, the remainder in Fee, he which had the first remain­der releaseth all his Right to the Do­nee, without saying to his Heirs, and [Page 227] dies, the Donee dies without Issue, the Heir of him in Remainder enters, if he be remitted?

If the Disseisee takes an Estate in Fee from him who had the Land by descent, he agrees unto it, and yet if he dies seised, his Heir shall be re­mitted.

The Issue in tail within age having a Title to bring a Formedon, accepts from the Discontinuee a Bargain and sale inrolled, he shall not be remitted; for he is in by the Statute.

Tenant in tail, the Remainder to his right Heirs, makes a Lease to the Issue within age, upon Condition to have Fee at full age, during the Term he performs the Condition, he shall be remitted; for the Contract was during his Minority. As if an Infant delivers a Deed as an Escrowl, to be delivered as his Deed when he comes of full Age, and receives the money, yet he shall avoid the Deed.

Vide Release & Condition.


LEssee for life makes a Lease for forty years, rendring a Rent, the Lessor confirms the Estate of the se­cond Lessee, and then Tenant for life [Page 228] dies within the term, the Lessor di­strains and avows for the Rent, some think it is not maintainable.

Lord and Tenant by Homage, Fe­alty, and Rent, the Lord grants his Homage upon Condition, reserving the Rent, the Condition is broken, he hath no Remedy for the Arrerages due before.

Tenant in tail discontinues in Fee, and takes back an Estate in Fee, and grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and dies, the Lord seiseth the Ward, the Grantee distrains for the Rent, and the Lord makes Rescous, and the Gran­tee brings an Assize, some think it is maintainable.

Lessee for life makes a Lease for ten years, rendring a Rent, the Lessee for years makes a Feofment, he shall hold the Land discharged of the Rent, though it binds the Lessee for life; for the rent cannot indure longer than the reversion; and though he had granted it to a Stranger, yet had it been gone, and so it differs from the other, which is not in respect of the reversion. And if a man makes a Lease for life, reserving a rent to the use of A. and Tenant for life surrenders, the rent is gone, 1 Ass. 10. If the Mesne grants the rent of the Tenant, and [Page 229] the Tenancy Escheats, the Rent is gone.

A. makes a Lease for life, and grants a Rent Charge, out of the reversion; the Grantee purchaseth the Estate of Tenant for life, who dies, and the Lessor enters, if the Grantee may di­strain for all the Arrerages from the time of the Grant?

A Rent is granted to commence af­ter the Death of the Grantee, who dies, if his Wife shall be endowed?

The Father dies seised of a remain­der, having two Sons by two venters, the Eldest Son being Tenant in tail of the particular Estate grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and dies without Issue; the second Son enters, and an Avow­ry is made upon him for the whole Charge. If a man hath two Daughters by two venters, or by one, he dies, and the Eldest grants a Rent Charge, and dies, before Entry into the Land, some think the youngest shall hold all the Moity charged; as if one Jointenant grants a Rent charge and dies, the Survivor shall hold all dis­charged.

If Land be devised, reserving a Rent, that is a void reservation; for the reservation of the Rent cannot be good; but in respect the Reservor [Page 230] might take advantage of it by possi­bility; and the Heir cannot have that which the Ancestor could not; for if a Re-entry be reserved to the Heir it is void.

If Tenant in tail holds by Rent, and the Donor grants the Services of the Donee, nothing passeth, though there be Atturnment; for the Rent cannot passe but as a Rent Service; For if there be Lord and Tenant by Rent and Fealty, and the Lord grants the Services saving the Fealty, no­thing passeth; for it must passe as a Rent Service; for it is granted by the name of Services; for a Rent seck, or Rent Charge cannot passe by that word. Quaere, if the sueing be not void for the Repugnancies, and as a Rent Service it cannot passe; for then the Donee should pay one Fealty to the Grantee, and another to the Do­nor for the reversion, and so the Do­nor should charge him with two Feal­ties, which cannot be, no more than the Lord can grant the Moity.

Tenant for life grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and after he and the Lessor make a Feoffment of all their Land in such a Town where the Land lieth, and make a Letter of Atturny to make Livery, yet the Rent indures but for [Page 231] the life of Tenant for life; for it is but a Grant of the Estate of Tenant for life, and also of him in Reversion. But if they had made a Feoffment of that Land only, then the Rent should endure for ever; for it is the Fe­offment of Tenant for life, and the Confirmation of him in Reversion. Quaere, for the Deed is first delivered; and after the Livery is made, and the reversion passeth by the delivery of the Deed; for it is an Atturnment of the Tenant for life by the delivery of the Deed.

If a man reserve a Rent upon a Lease for life, he hath not a Fee in it; for his Wife shall not be endowed, but if Lessee for life grants a Rent in Fee, a Fee passeth: for by possibility it may endure for ever; that is, if the Lessor confirms it. But if Tenant for life grants a Rent in Fee to the Lessor, who grants it over, yet he shall avoid it after the death of Tenant for life; for it cannot be a Confirmation though it were granted by Dedimus & Conces­simus; for the Grantee had not pos­session of it before, and one and the same word at the same time cannot a­mount to a Grant and a Confirma­tion also. And therefore if a Disseisor grants a Rent Charge to the Disseisee, [Page 223] and he grants it over, and after re-enters, he shall hold it discharged. If Tenant pur auter vye grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and after he hath the Reversion by descent, or release, & Cesty que vye dies, he shall hold it dis­charged; but if after the Fee was ve­he had made a Feoffment, the Feoffee should not have avoided it after the death of Cesty que vye.

A Seignory is granted for years, the Rent being arrear, the Tenant dies, the years expire, the Heir shall not be charged as Heir in Debt, if the Father did not bind himself and his Heirs by expresse words, and the Executors shall not be charged; for they were not chargeable with it at the death of the Testator; for at that time the Grantee could not have had an Action of Debt for it; but he must have Distrained, and so the Lessee is without remedy.

If a Rent be granted to one and his Heirs, and if it be behind, that he shall distrain for the life of A. during the life of A. it is a Rent Charge, and after a Rent seck, and some think that Seisin of a Rent Charge is sufficient to have an Assize for a Rent seck. If a Reversion be granted rendring a Rent. Quaere, what Rent it is during the [Page 233] particular Estate, but after the parti­cular Estate be determined, it is a Rent Service. If a Rent be granted out of two Acres, and if it be behind, that he may distrain in one, that is but a Rent seck; for it is but one Rent which cannot be wholly a Rent Charge; for the other Acre is not charged, and the Distress is but a penalty. And if a Rent in Fee be granted, and if it be behind two years, that the Grantee may di­strain, now it is not a Rent seck during the two years, but a Rent Charge di­strainable after the two years. And if a Rent be granted to one, and if it be behind, his Heirs shall distrain, the di­stress is void; for there is not any such person in Rerum natura, and it shall never be a Rent Charge because it was not one at the beginning, but if the distresse had been limitted to a person in Esse, then it should have been a Rent Charge, as 46 E. 3. 18.

If the Lord grants his Seignory, re­serving a Rent, the Seisin before will not be a sufficient Seisin of it. If a Rent be granted to two, and if it be behind, that one may distrain, that is a Rent Seck for one Moity, and a Rent Charge for the other Moi­ty, because one hath another benefit than the other. If a Rent be granted [Page 234] for life, and by another Deed the Grantor releaseth all his right in the Rent to the Grantee, and if it be be­hind, that he and his Heirs shall di­strain, although the Heir shall have it by distresse, as it is adjudged in 8 H. 4. 18. yet the Wife shall not be en­dowed; for it is yet but a Rent seck, and the distress but a penalty, and it is no new Rent which commences after the death. For if a Rent be granted for life, and by another Deed the Grantor grants, if the rent be behind he shall distrain the remainder in Fee, the remainder is void; for he doth not take such an Estate which will sup­port a remainder. If a rent be granted out of the Mannor of D. and if it be behind he shall distrain in the Mannor of S. the Grantee purchaseth the Man­nor of S. yet the rent remains, and if he doth not purchase all the Mannor the distress shall remain in the rest, and yet the penalty was a thing against common right.

Tenant in tail makes a Lease for forty years, reserving a rent, and after dies, the Heir suffers the Lessee to continue in two or three years, and then outs him, he hath no remedy for the rent arrear after the death of Tenant in tail, no more than the Lessee hath for [Page 235] the arrears incured after the breach of a Condition, where he hath entred for the breach of the Condition, and it seems he shall not have an Action of accompt against him as Bailiff of the Land.

A rent seck is granted for life, and after the Grantor confirms his Estate, and if it be behind, that he and his Heirs shall distrain, it is a rent seck stil for life, and the Grantee hath the rent charge in Fee in remainder; for he hath not two rents. As if the Lord of a Mannor grants the Homage and Fealty of his Tenants, saving the rent, it is a rent seck, and shall be parcell of the Mannor, now if the Tenant will grant to the Lord, that he and his Heirs shall distrain for that rent, yet the rent is parcel of the Mannor, and the distresse but a penalty, but if it were a rent charge, it shall not be said parcell of the Mannor, because it shall commence but now. If the Lord grants the rent of his Tenant to one for life, saving the Seignory, and then grants the Seignory and reversion of the rent to the Grantee, yet it must be a rent seck during the life of the Grantee, and after a rent service; for the re­version of the rent, which was a rent service cannot drown the Freehold [Page 236] of the Rent, which was of another na­ture, no more can the Reversion of the Rent Charge drown the Freehold of the Rent Seck in the principal case. But in the last case, if the Grantee had re-granted the Rent Seck to the Grantor, who had the Reversion, that will operate as a Surrender. Quaere, what diversity where the Re­version comes to the Freehold, or the Freehold to the Reversion? If a Rent be granted out of two Acres, and if it be behind, that he shall di­strain in one, that is not a Rent Charge in any part; for the distresse is not limitted out of all the Land. If twen­ty shillings be granted out of the Mannor of D. and if it be behind, that he shall distrain for that twenty Shillings, and another twenty Shil­lings out of the Mannor of S. the first twenty shillings is but a Rent Seck, and the distresse a penalty, and the last a Rent Charge in the Mannor of S. But if one grants a Rent out of the Mannor of D. and if it be be­hind, that he shall distrain in D. and S. that is a Rent Charge in the Man­nor of D. and a penalty in the Man­nor of S. If a Rent be granted to one for the life of A. and after the Gran­tor grants by another Deed, that he [Page 237] shall distrain for his life, with a Re­mainder in Fee, that is a good Re­mainder, if the first Rent be deter­mined, but if the distresse be appoin­ted for the life of A. or B. it is o­therwise; for it is but a penalty, but in the other case the Estate is given also, though it be a penalty during the time of the appointment of the Determination of the first Rent. If twenty Shillings is granted out of D. and that the Grantee and his Heirs shall distrain for that twenty Shillings, and other out of the Mannor of D. and S. For the first twenty Shillings it is a Rent Charge in D. and a penalty in S. and for the other it is a Rent Charge in both. If a Rent be granted out of two Acres, with a distresse in one, and after the other is recovered by an Eigne Title, it shall be a Rent Seck, as it was be­fore; for it cannot be now a Rent Charge, if it were a Rent Seck be­fore. If a Rent reserved upon a Lease for life be granted over, and after a recovery is had in Wast, yet the rent remains, as if the Lord grants the rent, reserving the Homage, the Rent remaines after the Es­cheat.

[Page 238]A rent is granted in Fee out of Land in Borough English, and at common Law the Grantee dies, having two Sons, the Eldest shall have all; for the rent is intire, and so not appor­cionable, then the Eldest, being he is Heir at Common Law shall have all, as an Assize at Common Law is main­tainable for a rent granted out of An­cient Demesne, and other Lands, 35 H. 6. 4. p. Ashton.

If a rent be granted in Fee, and the Grantee grants it for years, the Grantee hath no remedy if it be de­nied; for the Election to have an an­nuity is only given to the first Grantee and his Heirs, and the Election runs in privity, which fails in the second Grantee.

If a rent, incident to a reversion, be granted for years, saving the rever­sion, the Grantee hath no remedy; for he shall not have an Action of debt, though the Lease out of which the rent issued was for years; for there wants privity. If a Lease be made to two, Habendum the one Acre in Fee, and the other for life, reserving a rent. Quaere, how the Lessor shall a­vow, but his Executors are not aided by the Statute of 31 H. 8.

[Page 239]If a Lease be made of two Acres, reserving a rent for years, and then the reversion of one Acre is granted, the rent shall be apporcioned; for as the contract is made in respect of the reversion, so it shall be severed in re­spect of the reversion.

A rent charge is granted in tail to the Ʋse of A. and his Heirs, the rent is behind, the Donee dies without Issue, A. brings an Action of Debt for the Arrerages.

If the Parson and Ordinary grant a rent charge out of the Glebe to the Patron, the Successor shall avoid it; for the assent of the Patron ought to be expresse, and of the Ordinary also where the Successor must be bound, and it is but implied here, but the best way had been to have granted it to A. and he to have granted it to the Pa­tron; and in the first case if the Pa­tron grants it over, that is no full as­sent, but the Successor shall avoid it.

If Tenant in tail grants a Rent Charge in Fee, and makes a Lease for forty years, and dies, and the Issue accepts the Rent, the Grantee shall have the Rent during the Lease and the life of the Issue, although the Lessee Surrenders. Quaere, for the [Page 240] Reversion is discharged. If Tenant in tail grants a Rent in Fee, and dies, and the Issue having a Wife dies before Entry, his Wife is endowed, she shall hold it discharged. If the Father dis­seises the Son, and grants a rent Charge, and the Son endows his Wife Ex Assensu Patris in the same Land, the Father dies, the Son dies, the Wife enters, she shall hold it charged, for she claims from the possession char­ged. And if Tenant in tail grants a rent charge, the Abator shall hold it charged. If the Father disseises the Son, and grants a rent charge in Fee, and makes a Lease for years, and the Son confirms the Lease, and the Fa­ther dies, the rent is gone. So if a man grants a rent in Fee, and makes a Lease for years, and grants the re­version to the King, or to the Gran­tee, the rent is gone.

If a Lease be made of two Acres in one County, rendring a rent, and Livery is made in both severally, yet it is but one rent, though one Acre passed by the Livery before the o­ther.

Lessee for twenty years makes a Lease over, and makes a Lease of other Land, in which he hath an Estate in Fee simple for twenty years, reserving [Page 241] a Rent, without Deed, the whole Rent doth issue out of the Lands in which he hath an Estate in Fee; for being he hath granted all his Right over in the other Land, it cannot be a reservation out of that.

If a man grants a Rent for life, and after by another Deed grants, that it shall be lawfull for the Grantee and his Heirs to distrain for the same Rent, that shall be intended a Rent of the same value; for that Rent is deter­mined by the death of the Grantee. As if the King grants to the Mayor and Commonalty of D. the same Li­berties which the Mayor and Com­monalty of London have, that shall be construed Liberties of the same nature, If a man grants to me, that whereas he hath made a Lease for forty years to A. that I shall present to the Ad­vowson which the Lessor hath during the same term. If A. surrenders the Mannor, yet I shall present; for when my Grant was during the same term, that is to be understood during the like time.

If the Patron and Ordinary give license to the Parson to grant a Rent in Fee, if he does it, that will bind the Successor according to the opinion of 7 H. 4. 18. But if a Confirmation had [Page 242] been made to the Grantee before the Grant, that had been void; and the Diversity is this; for in the first case there was nothing requisite but an As­sent, which may be before the Act is done, and therefore it is said, that if a Bishop makes a Gift in tail by Deed, and the Dean and Chapter confirm the Deed, Et omnia quae in eo sunt, accor­ding to the usuall Confirmation in those cases, and after Livery is made, that was holden by all the Justices to be a void Confirmation; for the As­sent was not but to the Deed, but the Confirmation ought to be after the E­state made, and so a Diversity.

If a Rent Seck be granted to A. for life, and after it is granted, that he and his Heirs shall distrain for it du­ring the life of the Grantee, it is still a Rent Seck, though he may distrain for it, but the Heir shall distrain for it and take it by descent.

A. makes a Lease for life, reserving a Rent in Fee, and then grants the Reversion with Atturnment, and re­serves the Rent in Fee, and dies, the Rent is gone; for it is reserved out of an Estate for life only. So if Tenant in tail of a Rent grants it in Fee, that is no discontinuance; for it is granted but during the life of the Grantor.

[Page 243]If A. makes a Lease for life, reser­ving a Rent, the remainder for life, the Lessor grants the reversion to him in Remainder, the first Tenant for life atturns, he shall not have the Rent; for the Fee simple drowns the remain­der to some purposes, but as to this it is in Esse.

A. grants a Rent Charge in tail, and enfeoffs the Grantee of the Land, who gives in tail, reserving to him so many services as he pays over to the Lord Paramount, and dies, the Issue shall not have a Formedon of the Rent, being he hath the Reversion; for the Land is discharged at the time of the Gift in tail, 31 E. 3. Scire fac.

Lessee for twenty years makes a Lease for ten years, who purchaseth the Re­version with Atturnment of the Lessee, the Executor of the Lessee for ten years, shall not have the residue of the term, but the Heir; but he shall pay the first rent reserved to the Lessee for twenty years in nature of a Rent Charge gran­ted by him; for the Term is in Esse as to that purpose, but it seems the first Lessee may distrain.

If two Parceners are seised in tail, and one grants a Rent to the other for Equalty of Partition, she shall have an Estate tail in the Rent, 2 H. 7. 5. [Page 244] and note that the Estate in the Rent shall be of the same nature of the Estate received, and not of the nature of the Estate out of which it issues. As if there be two Parceners of one Acre in Fee, and of the other in tail, and upon Par­tition she which hath the Acre in Fee grants a Rent to the other, that Rent shall be in tail, and not in Fee, but if she which hath the Acre in tail grants a Rent to the other, that shall be in Fee; for if she dies without issue, her Heir shall have it as long as the other hath issue of ber body. But if there be four Acres in Fee, and one in tail, and she which hath the four Acres in Fee grants a Rent to the other, that shall be in Fee, Quia sequitur magis principale.

If the Lord grants the Rent, saving the Seignory, and the Tenant is after disseised, and atturns, this is void, for it is now a Rent Seck, in which there is no Attendancy, but a Charge to the Land. If a man grants a Rent, reserved upon a Lease for life, saving the Reversion, it is a good Rent Seck, if the Tenant atturns. But if there be Lessee for years, rendring a Rent, and the Rent is granted over, saving the Reversion, that is void; for debt cannot lie by the Grantee, and he cannot have any other action.

[Page 245]If the Feoffee upon Condition pays twenty shillings to the Lord, whenas the Tenure was by Fine, the Feoffor after his Entry for breach of the Con­dition is bound in a Replevin. So if Lessee for life with Condition to have Fee, and the Lessor pays more Rent to the Lord than he ought, and after the Condition is performed, the Lessee is bound in a Replevin. So if a Seignory of twenty shillings is granted over by Fine, and the Tenant aliens over, and after pays forty shillings to the Lord, the Feoffee is bound.

If a Lease be made for life, rendring the first four years a Rose, and after a yearly Rent of twenty shillings, and the Lessor grants the Rent of twenty shillings to commence after the four years, this Grant is void; for the Rose and twenty shillings are all one Rent, and if the Grant should be good, the Grantor should have the Rose for four years, whereas before he had the Freehold, and then it is as if one had a Rent in Fee, and grants it over af­ter four years, that Grant is void, o­therwise of a Rent created de novo.

If a man hath a Rent in Fee, and becomes Tenant by the Curtesie of the Land, and dies, his Heir shall have a Mortdancester of the Rent, which he [Page 246] could not have had if his Ancestor had not died seised. So if an Assize be brought against the Pernor of a Rent, and after the Plaintiffe is nonsuited, the Disseisee of the Rent is chased to his Action for the Rent; for the dy­ing seised takes away his Entry, viz. where the Pernor had an Estate for life in the Tenancy.

Lessee for twenty yeares makes a Lease for ten years, reserving a rent, and after makes a Lease to the same Lessee for ten years, to begin after his first Estate ended. It seems that the first Lessee shall have the rent during the first ten years, as a rent service, and distrain for it; for the last ten years are not out of the first Lessee, nor ve­sted in the other, neither shall they, untill the beginning of the Term, and in the mean time he hath but a right or Title to the Term.

If Tenant for life, and he in rever­sion grant a rent charge, and the Grantee releaseth all his right to him in reversion, if the rent be extinct. Quaere.

If a Lease be made of two Acres, rendring a rent upon Condition to be performed by the Lessee, that he shall have Fee in one Acre, not saying in which, and Livery is made of both, [Page 247] the Lessee performs the Condition, what rent the Lessor ought to have? Quaere, or if it shall be apporcioned, being part of the reversion to which the rent is appendant is in the Lessee, and by an Act that had relation: So that it may now be said, that the rent was never reserved out of that Acre, which seems to be of the same effect as if there had been a gift made of two Acres, the one in Fee, and the other for years, rendring a rent, in this case it shall be of one only Acre; for he may distrain of common right, and out of the other Acre no remedy until after Seisin. Also in the said case if the Lessor will distrain in one Acre, the Lessee shall take his Election, viz. he shall say that he hath Fee in that Acre, and so exclude the Lessor.

The Son makes a Lease to the Fa­ther for life, who makes a Lease to A. for life, the remainder in Fee to the Son, the Son grants a rent charge out of the remainder, and releaseth to A. in Fee, the Father and A. die, if his Issue shall hold it charged? First, it seems that the right Fee is devested, and a tortious vested all in the same Instant. As if Tenant in tail makes a Lease for life, &c. or the Husband makes a Lease for life of the Wives [Page 248] Land, &c. then in the first case, the Rent being granted out of the Rever­sion, it is the same as if it had been granted out of the Remainder; for they differ not in substance. And when the Son releaseth to A. and his Heirs all his Right; that doth not inure as an Entry and Feoffment, because A. was in by Title, without Disseisin, then that doth not give unto him the remainder, as if he had released all his Estate in the Land, or all his right, Habendum the Land in Fee, but here he had the right and the Estate, and then a Release of right doth not inure to the Estate, then if the release doth not perfect the remainder, if the Grant of the rent, which is an assent to the remainder, doth so inseperably unite the remainder and the Rent, that the right shall be drownd in the Estate for the preservation of the Rent? and some think not; for if the Disseisee takes an Estate in Fee from him who hath the Land by Descent, he agrees to it, and yet if he dies his Heir shall be remitted, and so the rent charge a­voided. But others think that being by the Grant of the rent charge he hath agreed to the remainder, and so to the Livery, he cannot after enter upon the Tenant for life, and then [Page 249] the release gives the remainder, and so the Land is charged.

Where a Woman shall be endowed of a rent, vide Dower.

If a rent seck be granted, and after it is granted that he may distrain in the same Land, and after the Grantee brings a writ of Annuity, if he may distrain after. Quaere, viz. if there be one or two rents?

A rent charge is granted out of two Acres, the Tenant of the Land con­veys away one, the Grantee of the rent may distrain in one or the other: But if one Tenant pay the rent, if the other be distrained he may plead pay­ment by his Companion.

A Fem hath a rent seck and marries, the Tenant grants to the Husband, that he and his Heirs may distrain for the rent, the Husband & wife die with­out Issue, the distress is extinct; for the Heirs of the Husband are only privy to distrain, and they cannot distrain, for a rent due to another. But if a man hath a rent on the part of his mother, and the Tenant grants that he & his Heirs may distrain for the rent, and he dies with­out Issue, there the distresse shall go to the Heirs on the part of his Mother, and if they grant the rent to a stranger he may distrain. But if the Tenant grants [Page 250] to the Lord of the Mannor that he shall distrain, ut supra, and he aliens the mannor, the Alienee shall not distrain out of the Mannor, and in that case the penalty of the distresse is gone, but in the other case, the Grant being of a distresse in the same place out of which the rent issues, this is now a rent charge, and by consequence the di­stresse shall passe to the Grantee: but if the Grant of the distresse had been in another place, then it had been but a penalty, and could not have gone to the Heir on the part of the Mother, nor to the Assignee of the same rent, and therefore the penalty being severed from the principall by Act in Law, or in Deed, the penalty shall cease.

Vide Parceners, Lease, Atturnment.


IF a rent be reserved to the Lessor, he shall have it but during his life; for it was not reserved longer. And if it had been reserved during forty years he should have had it no longer. But if the rent had been reserved generally, and not expressed to whom, that shall be to the Lessor and his Heirs; for the Law will direct it. If Lessee for twenty years makes a Lease for ten [Page 251] years, reserving a rent to him, his Executors shall have it; for they re­present the person of the Testator.

If a Gift in tail be made reserving, during the life of the Donor a Socage Tenure, and after Knights Service, that is a good reservation, and it shall be according to the words, and his Wife shall be endowed of the Knight Service.

If a Lease for life be made, rendring a rent for the first seven years, he shall have an Assize for it; for it is adjud­ged in 7 E. 3. 10. That an Action of Debt will not lie for the rent. Dy. 23. a. Spilman cont.

Although Littleton saith a man can­not reserve a rent but to the Lessor or his Heirs, yet if a man makes a Lease, rendring a rent to his Heir, that is a void reservation; for his Heir shall take as a purchase, and is as a Stran­ger. But Littleton is to be understood so, that the Disjunctive must be taken for a Copulative.

If a Feoffment be made of a Man­nor, reserving to the Feoffor an Acre for twenty years, the Feoffor hath a Fee in it, and nothing passeth of it; for it cannot passe by the Livery, and he cannot passe it to himself, or re­serve it for a certain time; for then he [Page 252] should have a lease for years without a Lessor, which cannot be.

If a Dean and Chapter make a lease, reserving a rent to them, their Suc­cessor shall have it because they never die.

If a man upon a Gift in tail reserve Socage tenure the first ten years, and after Knights service, within the ten years the Donee dies, his heir within age, if he shall be in Ward during the first ten years, or after, if they expire during his Nonage?

If a Feoffment be made of a Man­nor, reserving one Acre, that is a good reservation; but if a Feoffment be made of twenty Acres, reserving one Acre, that is void. If a lease be made of land and wood for life, rendring twenty shillings rent, viz. ten shillings for the land, and ten shillings for the wood, the rents are made seve­rall.

If there be Lord and Tenant by Fe­alty and twenty shillings rent, and the Tenant makes a Gift in Franck-marriage to hold of him by Fealty on­ly, untill the fourth degree be past, and after that by twenty shillings, and Knight Service, in that case, after the four degrees he shall nei­ther have the twenty shillings, nor [Page 253] the Knight Service; for though he re­served but Fealty until the four de­grees were past, yet it is an intire re­servation presently, and the Services be in him although they be not to be performed untill the four degrees be past, and seisin of Fealty shall be a Seisin of the remnant, wherefore be­ing the Reversion is intire, that is the reason that it is void. For all can­not be reserved upon the gift in Frank-marriage.

If a man makes a Lease to two, Ha­bendum the one Moity to one, the o­ther to the other, reserving one Hauk, or a Lease pur auter vye to A. and a Dean and Chapter, reserving one Hauk, or if the Land the beginning goeth two severall ways, and but one Hauk is reserved, he shall have no more.


IF one Acre be given in tail, which is holden in Socage, and another Acre which is holden in Chivalry, saying nothing, the Donor shall have severall services, and make severall Avowries, though he hath an intire Reversion; for the Law makes the Avowries in respect of the Tenure [Page 254] over; and he holds the reversion of one Acre of one, and of the other A­cre of another, and they shall Escheat severally.

If a Reversion be granted to Tenant for life and a stranger in Fee, the Join­ture of the Fee is severed; for the Tenant for life hath a Fee simple in the moity vested presently, but if the Reversion had been granted to Tenant in tail and a stranger, there the Join­ture remains. But if the Husband be Tenant for life, and the reversion be granted to him and his wife, the Fee remains in Jointure; for there is no moities between them.

A Lease is made for the lives of A. and B. the Lessee makes a Lease for the life of A. only, he hath the rever­sion notwithstanding the Lease; for he hath given a lesser Estate than he had, if the second Lessee dies, living A. an Occupant shall have it, but o­thers think the contrary; for he had not before but one Freehold, and by the Lease to the second Lessee he hath departed with the Freehold, and the reversion of the same Freehold cannot be in him. But if a Lease is made to me for the life of A. the remainder to me for the life of B. and I make a Lease for the life of A. only, I have a Re­version [Page 255] for the life of B. for they were two Estates, but here was but one E­state, and all that Grant was irrecove­rable if A. survived, then the possibi­lity of the surviving of A. doth not make a reversion in the first Lessee. But it is as if I am Lessee for the life of C. and I grant my Estate upon Condition, that if D. dies, living C. that I shall re-enter. I have no Reversion not­withstanding this Condition; for if the Condition be sufficient for me to enter upon an Occupant. Quaere.

If the Bastard endows the wife of the common Ancestor. Quaere, in whom the reversion shall be?

If Tenant for life surrenders upon Condition, and the Lessor marries, and dies, and the Wife is endowed a­gainst the Heir, and after Tenant for life enters for breach of the Condi­tion, and not by the Wife, and no default in the Heir, yet the Wife shall not have the reversion of the Land af­ter the death of Tenant for life: for the Freehold which was the cause of her Dower was taken away by an Eign Title.

If a Lease be made for life, reser­ving a Rent, and the reversion is granted to the Lessee for his own life, the Grant is void, and he shall pay the [Page 256] rent; but if the grant of the Reversion to another for the life of the Lessee, that had been good; for he shall have the rent and take a Surrender without Livery.

A lease is made to A. and B. for their lives, and after the Reversion is gran­ted to C. during the lives of A. and B. they make partition and A. dies; the Question is, if the first Lessor shall have his part after his death, or C? some think the Grant of the reversion was good; for if the Tenant for life had entred into Religion C. should have the Land, Quaere, of this forreign In­tendment; but if the Reversion doth passe, the Rent shall passe as a Rent Service. And if the first Estate had been upon Condition, to cease, C. should have had it during their lives, then it seems the Partition severs the Rever­sion; for though by the first Grant he was intitled to have the Reversion so long as either of them lived, that was in respect of the Jointure, and when that is severed, so is the reversion, so that the first Lessor shall have it after the death of Tenant for life, and not C. Quaere? If a Lease be made for twenty years, rendring a Rent, and the reversion is granted for ten years, that is a good Grant, and he shall [Page 257] distrain for the Rent, Quod nota.

If Husband and Wife accept a Fine, Sur conusans de Droit come ceo, &c. of the Wives Land from B. and they render it to him in tail, yet the Re­version is in the wife only; for the Husband had nothing but by reason of the Coverture.

If the Donor confirm the Estate of the Donee in tail, that is a Grant of the Reversion in Law.

A Recovery is had against Tenant for life upon a false Oath, he in Re­version dies without Heir, Tenant for life brings an Attaint, and reverseth the Judgement: To whom the Re­version is recovered, is the Que­stion?

Vide Remainder.


IF the Tenant makes a Lease for years to the Lord, and he makes a Lease for life, and the Tenant enters, the Seignory is revived after the death of the Tenant for life, notwithstanding there was a Disseisin, and the Lord was the Disseisor by the Statute.

If the Tenant enfeoffs the Lord up­on Condition, and enters for the Condition broken, the Seignory is [Page 258] revived. But if the Lord grants his Seignory in Fee to one who hath the Tenancy with a Condition, and after the Feoffor enters for the Condition broken before or after, the Seignory is gone in both cases.

If the Lessor recovers in Wast against the Lessee for life, who comes to the Seignory after the Wast committed, the Seignory shall be revived: but o­therwise if Wast had been made after the Seignory accrued.

If after a Dissent the Disseisor comes to the possession again, the Entry of the Disseisee is revived. If a Bastard dies seised, leaving Issue, who endows his mother, the Mulier may enter; for the Wife is endowed by an Eign Title, and so the right is revived. If a Dissei­see enters upon a Dissent, and dies seised, and the Heir endows his Mo­ther, the Entry of him who was in by Descent is revived.

If the Tenant enfeoffs the Heir of the Lord upon Condition, the Lord dies, the Condition is broken, the Seignory is revived.

If the Grantee of a Rent Charge in Fee grants to one, that if he pays to him or his Executors twenty Shillings by such a day, that he shall have Rent in Fee, the Grantee dies without [Page 259] Heir, the second Grantee pays the money to the Executors according to the appointment, the Rent is revi­ved.

A. having Common Sans number in tail in two Acres, purchaseth one A­cre, and then hath Issue, and dies; so that the Common in one Acre des­descends to the same Issue, if the Com­mon shall be revived in the other? If the Issue had recovered one Acre a­gainst the Grantor by a Title before the Grant, there it shall remain in the other Acre; for then it is as if but one Acre had been charged at the first; but upon a Dissent there can be no apporcionment; for it is gone and suspended for all, or revived in the re­sidue for all; for Common without Number is intire, and cannot be se­vered, but Common certain may be apporcioned upon a Dissent.

If the Lord disseises his Tenant, and is disseised, and the Tenant en­ters, the Seignory is revived.

If Tenant for life aliens in Fee to the Grantee of a Rent in Fee by his Lessor, and the Lessor enters for a for­feiture, the Rent is revived.


LOrd and Tenant, the Lord ha­ving a Son dies, the Tenant makes a Feoffment, the Son hath Seisin of the Rent by the hands of the Feoffee; if this Seisin be sufficient for the Son to maintain an Assize against his Dis­seisor after?

Severance of the Jointure.

IF Two Jointenants make a Lease for life, and after one grants his part to a stranger for the life of the Lessee, some think it is a severance of the Jointure.

If two Women Jointenants be Mes­nes, and one of them marries the Te­nant, the Moity of the Mesnalty is suspended, and the Jointure severed.

Vide Jointenants.


THe Husband is bound in a Statute Merchant, & after he and the Wife levy a Fine of the land of the wife to A. the Husband dies, the Statute shall not be extended in the hands of A. for no­thing [Page 261] passed from the Husband but the Estate which he had during the Co­verture, which is determined by his death; and A. shall have the same be­nefit which the Heir of A. should have had, or as he should have if the Wife had been discovert, and had granted it; for it is lawfull for a Fem covert to grant her Estate by Fine, and then it would be against reason, that the Grantee of the Wife should not have it with the same advantages which the Wife should bave. But if the Land had been in Execution, then it had been unavoidable, because it had been ex­ecuted. If Tenant for life and he in reversion levy a Fine, it shall be lyable to the statute of Tenant for life during his life only, and never shall be lyable to the Statute of him in reversion; for though the words of the Fine be joint, yet he may avoid it by shewing the truth of the matter. So in the princi­pall case he may shew that the Estate of the Husband was during the Cover­ture only.

If the Grantee of a Rent Charge dies without Heir, the Land shall be bound with a Statute Merchant entred into by him; for though it be deter­mined, yet the determination shall not have relation; for if the tenant be bound [Page 262] in a statute, and dies without Heir, it shall be extended against the Lord by Escheat. And if one manumits a Vil­lain, a Statute in which he was bound shall be executed upon him, if the Writ of Execution did issue out against him before.

Land whereof a man hath onely Seisin in Law shall be lyable to a Sta­tute.

The Conisor of a Statute is in Exe­cution and his Land also, the Conisee releaseth to him all his Debts, the Ex­ecution it discharged; for the Debt remains untill it be levied of the pro­fits.

If the Son be Tenant in tail, the remainder to the Father in Fee, the Father is bound in a Statute, and dies, and the remainder descends up­on the Son, he aliens in Fee, or suf­fers a Common recovery, the Land is lyable to the Execution presently. As if the Lord had recovered in a Cessavit against Tenant in tail with a remain­der over, being charged, the Land in the Lords hand shall be lyable to the Statute of him in Remainder pre­sently, as it shall be to the Grant of a Rent by him, though as a remainder it was not lyable.


LEssee for forty years makes a Lease for ten years, rendring a Rent, the first Lessee surrenders, and the Lessor brings Debt against the second Lessee. Quaere.

If Lessee for years makes livery, as Atturny to the lessor, it was ruled in 34 Eliz. in C B. to be no surren­der.

Tenant for life cannot surrender to him in Remainder for years; for he hath a Freehold in possession, which cannot drown in a Chattle.

If a lease be made to commence at Easter, and before Easter the lessee takes another lease to begin presently, If that be a Surrender? Some think it is.

A lease is made for ten years, and after another lease is made to begin after the first lease determined, the first lessee Surrenders, the second lessee may enter, otherwise if the Re­version had been granted for ten years.

A lessee cannot make an Actual sur­render before Entry.

If a lease be made for years, the re­mainder for years, the remainder to [Page 264] the first Lessee in Fee, he in remainder may surrender to him, and yet he hath nothing in possession. So if there be lessee for years, the remainder for years and the Fee descends to the first Ter­mor, he in remainder may surrender

If A. makes a Lease for years to B. to begin at Michaelmas, and before the day he enfeoffs B. B. dies before the day, and his Son enters, if the Executor may enter upon the Heir is the question?


A. dies leaving Issue, two Daugh­ters, Land is given by Deed in tail to the youngest, and to the Heirs of the body of the Father begotten, and she hath Issue and dies, and the Issue brings a Formedon against the Eldest Daughter: the question is what Estate the Daughter took?

Tenant in tail in Ʋse, the remain­der unto his right Heirs, enters upon the Feoffees, and makes a Feoffment, and takes back an Estate in tail, the remainder to his right Heirs, and af­ter the Stat. of 27 H. 8. is made, and he dies, how the Issue may avoid the second Estate tail, and take the first is [Page 265] the question? It seems he cannot take the first Estate in Tail by no means; for when he entered upon the Fe­offees, and made a Feoffment, then the remainder in Fee was not in him, yet by his Feoffment a Fee simple passed not determinable by his death, but defeasible by the Entry of the Feof­fees, then the Fee simple must needs pass being he had the Ʋse to his right Heirs, then when the Stat. of 27 H. 8. was made, the Ʋse not being in Esse, but the right of an Ʋse, the pos­session is executed according to the right of the Ʋse, and then when he dies there is no Remitter to the Estate; for that was not in Esse.

A Gift in tail is made with War­ranty accordingly, the Donee relea­seth the Warranty to the Donor, and after the reversion is granted, and the Donee atturns. If the Issue in tail be impleaded he shall not vouch; for the release hath extinguished the War­ranty for ever; for the Statute speaks of Tenements, and a Warranty is no Tenement, but a Covenant reall which is extinguished by the Release, As if an Annuity be granted in tail, a Release of the Donor extinguisheth it.

If Tenant in tail makes a Lease to begin at Easter, reserving a Rent, [Page 266] and dies, and the Issue in tail enters, and makes a Feoffment before Easter, the Feoffee cannot avoid the lease; for the lease was not avoided by the Entry of the Issue.

A lease is made for years, the re­mainder in tail, he in Remainder grants it over in Fee, the Lessee at­turns, the years expire, the Grantee enters, and dies seised, Tenant in tail dies, his Issue may enter; for the Grant was not but for the life of Te­nant in tail, and then he did not die seised in Fee, & if the dying seised had been after the death of Tenant in tail, it should not have taken away his En­try. Tamen Quaere. But if the Issue of the Issue of the Grantee had entered, and died seised, there his Entry had been taken away, and if Tenant in tail enfeoffs the Donor, who dies seised; by most, that Dissent will take away the Entry of the Issue.

Tenant in tail makes a Feoffment, and dies, the Feoffee makes a lease for life, and grants the Reversion to the Issue, he shall not have a Formedon a­gainst Tenant for life; for he hath as­sented to the reversion. But if Tenant in tail makes a lease, Pur auter vye, and dies notwithstanding the Dissent in Fee of the reversion, the Issue shall [Page 267] have a Formedon; for the Reversion is waived by using the Action.

If Donee in tail to him and his Heirs males, the Remainder to him and the Heirs Females of his body, makes a Lease for years, reserving a Rent, and dies without Issue Males, if the Heir Female accepts the Rent she shall be bound; for the Lease was derived out of both their Estates, and she comes in by descent, but if the Heir male had made a Lease and died without Issue, the Heir Female cannot make that good by acceptance.

If Tenant in tail of a Seignory, to which a Villain is regardant, makes a Lease to the Villain for one and twenty years, according to the Statute, and dies within the Term: If the Issue be­ing Remitted to the Freehold of his Villain may enter into the Mannor, and out the Villain?

Tenant in tail of a Seignory pur­chaseth the Tenancy, and before the Stat. of Quia empto makes a Feoffment thereof, reserving a new Rent and dies, having Issue, the Issue of neces­sity ought to have the last Seignory; for that suspends the first. As if the Lord being Tenant in tail purchaseth the Mesnalty in Fee, the Issue of him in whom both are suspended) cannot [Page 268] distrain for the Rent of the Seignory, and choose to have that by descent; for the Mesnalty by descent cast upon him is not waivable; for notwithstan­ding any act that he can do to wave it, yet the Freehold & Fee remains in him before which another hath that by Per­nancy, but it seems if any takes it be­fore the Issue makes an Act to shew that he will discent to it, then he may di­strain for the Seignory. As if Tenant in tail of a Seignory purchaseth the Tenancy and dies, the Issue may di­strain if another enters into the Land before him, but if he enters, and after another enters upon him, he cannot distrain after.

Tenant in tail, the remainder to his own right Heirs, makes a Lease to the Issue within age, upon Condition to have Fee, and at full age, during the Term he performs the Condition, and after grants a Rent Charge, and the Grantee is seised, and disseised, and brings an Assize, and pending that Tenant in tail dies, the Assize is now abated by the Remitter, though the performance of the Condition was at full age; for the contract was during the Minority, which is the ground, and the Issue shall avoid the charge.

[Page 269]The Donor disseiseth Tenant in tail and dies, Tenant in tail and the Heir, who is in by descent make a Lease to the Issue within age for life, the re­mainder in Fee: Tenant in tail dies, although the Issue be remitted, yet the Remainder is good; for it was once executed, and the remitter comes after.

Tenants in Common.

IF the Reversion be granted to Te­nant for life and a Stranger in Fee, the Jointure is severed; for the Te­nant for life hath the Feesimple in the Moity executed presently. But if the reversion be granted to Tenant in tail and another in Fee, the Jointure in the Eee remains, but if the Husband be Tenant for life, and the reversion is granted to him and his wife, the Fee remains in them in Jointure; for there are no Moities between them. If a Lease be made to two, Habendum the one Moi­ty to one, and the other moity to the other for life, and after a Confirmation is made to them and their Heirs, the Jointure of the Fee is severed, and they are Tenants in common thereof as they were of the Frehold; for a confirmation inures according to the nature of the [...] [Page 270] which it inures, and doth not alter the Estate, 9 H. 6. 9. But if the Re­version had been granted to them in Fee they had been Jointenants of the Fee presently; for their Fee in Join­ture drowns their severall Estates of Freehold. But if there be Tenants in Common for life, and two Jointe­nants of the Reversion, and one of them purchaseth of one Tenant for life his Estate, and the other of the other, the Jointure is severed; for when one of them purchased the E­state of one Tenant for life, he had the Moity of the Fee executed to the Moity of the Freehold, and by that the Jointure was presently severed, but in the other case they come to the Reversion at one instant, and that is the diversity. Land is given to Baron & Fem, Habendum the one moity to the Husband, the other moity to the Wife, and after the Land is confirm'd to them in speciall tail, reserving a Hauk, the Donor shall have two Hauks, for the Husband had the one moity of the Inheritance, because his possession was severed from the possession of his Wife, so that of that Moity the Hus­band is seised in his own right in spe­ciall tail, and the Wife hath nothing in it. Then of the other moity whereof [Page 271] the Wife was Tenant in Common with her Husband, the Husband is seised in right of his Wife, which is a sufficient Estate, whereupon a Confirmation may inure. If Land be given to the Husband for life, the remainder to the Wife for life, and their Estates are confirmed in tail, the Husband shall have one moity in tail only, and he and his Wife the other moity: and yet the Estate tail is not executed for any part. Quaere, for it is a good moot case. If Land be given to two, and the Heirs of their bodies begotten, and the Donor confirms the Land to them in Fee, they are not Jointenants of the Fee: for the Estate tail was exe­cuted to such purpose, and so the con­firmation inures severally. If Tenant pur auter vye be of a Tenancy, and the Seignory is granted to him and a­nother in Fee, the Jointure is severed presently, and if Cesty que vye dies, yet the Seignory is not in Join­ture; for it was so at the first. But if a Seignory is granted to two in Fee, and after one accepts the Tenancy, pur auter vye, and Cesty que vye dies, now the Jointure remains, because it was Joint at the beginning.

If Land be given to A. and a Dean and Chapter, and his Successors, and [Page 272] Livery is made to A. in the name of both, nothing vests in the Dean be­cause they take it severally, and in common, by reason of their severall capacities, and so no privity between them; for a Release to one Tenant in common will not inure to his Com­panion, but if the Discontinuee in tail enfeoffs the Issue in tail within age and another, and makes Livery to the Infant in both their names, though the Infant shall be remitted for a moi­ty, yet the other takes a moity, and they shall be Tenants in common; for their capacities are not severall, but they take severally by operation of the Law; for first it vests, and then he is remitted.

Tenant by the Curtesie.

IF there be Tenant by the Curtesie of an Advowson, and he in rever­sion is presented by a Stranger, his Heir shall not avoid it; for it was du­ring the life of Tenant by the Cur­tesie, and he shall not be said to be Tenant for life, and the stranger has gained the Patronage, and he was not but an Atturny to convey it to him.

[Page 273]If the Tenant marries the Seigno­resse, or the Seignoresse takes an E­state for life of the Tenancy, and af­ter marries, the Husband shall not be Tenant by the Curtesie; for the Free­hold of the Tenancy was in suspence, and then he could not be Tenant by the Curtesie of such a Reversion. But if she had taken an Estate for years, or the Tenant had been her Ward, and after she had married, and died, during that Estate he shall be Tenant by the Curtesie; for the Freehold was not in suspence, but the possession for years only.

Land is given to two Women Quam diu simul vixerint, the remainder to the right Heirs of her who first dies, one of them takes Husband, hath Is­sue, and dies, the Husband shall not be Tenant by the Curtesie; for she had not the sole possession.

Tenant by the Curtesie of a Seig­nory, and a Tenancy Escheats, and he makes a Feoffment with Warranty of it. If that shall be a bar to the Issue without Assetts? is the Question.

If one hath a Son which is a Bastard Eign, and a Daughter Mulier Puisne, and dies seised of a Rent, the Daugh­ter having a Husband, and after the Bastard gets the Rent, and thereof [Page 274] dies seised, and that descends unto his Issue, yet the Husband shall be Tenant by the Curtesie; for the Rent was in Esse (at the time of the Discent) in the Daughter, and she may choose whether or no she will admit her self out of possession.


IF there be Lord, Mesne, and Te­nant, the Tenant holds by four pence, and the Mesne by twelve pence, and the Tenant makes a Gift in tail, saying nothing, and the Reversion Escheats after that, some think the Donee shall hold by twelve pence, so if the Mesnalty descends to the Donor, the Donee shall hold by twelve pence, and if the Mesne had released to the Donor, the Donee shall hold by twelve pence. As if the Tenant had made a gift in tail, the remainder in fee, and the remainder had escheated, the Donee shall hold by twelve pence; for the first Services which he paid, and the first Tenure is extinct by the unity of the remainder to the Seignory, so it is cleer the Mesnalty is extinct, viz. the four pence, then the Donee shall hold by twelve pence, and it is all one as if the Mesne had released to him in remainder, and the [Page 275] reason in the principall case why the Tenure of the Donee shall be charged, is, because the Law makes the Tenure of the Donor in respect of the Mes­nalty, and when the Mesnalty is ex­tinct, the Tenure between the Donor and the Donee is extinct also, and then by the same reason that the Donee shall take advantage, if the Donor by re­lease or Dissent had held by lesser Ser­vices, he shall be prejudiced when he holds by greater Services. And some think if the Wife of the Donee in tail, of which the Law makes the Tenure be endowed, and after the Estate is extinct, she shall hold by Fealty only, otherwise if the Tenure had been re­served by expresse words, and if the Wife of the Tenant be endowed, and after the reversion Escheats, the Wife shall hold by Fealty only. If the Te­nant who holds by four pence, makes a Gift in Frankmarriage, and after the Donor dies without Heirs, so that the reversion is held by twelve pence, Quaere, how the Donees shall hold? whether by such services as the Donor held when the Gift was made? or by such as the reversion is now held by? If a Gift in Frankmarriage be made, the Donees (after the fourth degree) shall hold as the Donor holds over. If [Page 276] a Gift in tail be made, rendring two pence during the life of the Father of the Donee, during his life the Issue shall hold by the Reservation of the party, and after his death by reser­vation of the Law. If an Encroachment of Services be made upon the Husband, the wife endow'd shall not be contribu­tory, and yet the Heir shall not avoid it.

A man hath issue two Daughters, and holds Land of the Eldest by Suit and a Hawk, and dies, the Daughters assign a third part to the mother in Dower, and after make Partition. Te­nant in Dower shall not be contribu­tory for any part of the Services; for the reversion remains in Parcenary between them; for they cannot make partition thereof, and then the whole Seignory is in suspence. And yet if Land holden by a Hawk descend upon the Seignoresse and her sister, and they make Partition, the Seignoresse shall have the Hawk, but there is no Suit; for by the Statute of Marlebr. cap. 9. the Eldest shall perform it, and the other shall be contributory, then if she be Seignoress she cannot do it her self. But the reason in the principal case why the youngest shall not be charged, is, because the Seignory is in suspence, & it cannot be in Esse for another parcel.

[Page 277]The Tenancy, being a Mannor, is holden by twelve pence of another Mannor, which is the Mesnalty, and holden by six pence, and the Mesne enfeoffs the Tenant of the Mannor, which is the Mesnalty, now he shall hold both the Mannors of the Lord by one Joint tenure of six pence, and the Lord shall avow upon the Tenant, be­cause the two Mannors are holden of him by six pence; so had it been if the Tenancy had escheated to the Mesnal­ty, and the one Mannor is parcel of the other, there the Tenancy hath not lost the name of a Mannor; for the Land which was held of the Tenancy is not held of another Mannor which was the Mesnalty, but as it was before, 39 H. 6. 9. b. where one Mannor may be parcel of another.

If the Tenant who holds by one Hauk makes a Feofment of a Moity to a stran­ger, or of the whole to a Mayor and Commonalty and A. now the Lord Paramount shall have two Hawks; for they are severall Feofments; for if livery had bin made to one in the name of both, nothing passeth but to him who took the Livery, and the Lord shall be compell'd to make several Avouries, which proves that he shall have seve­rall Hawks. If the Tenant who holds [Page 278] by two severall Hawks makes a Gift in tail to two several persons, reserving a Rent, Habendum the one Moity to one, and the other Moity to the other, so that they have severall Estates in tail, the Donor shall have two Hawks; for the Law makes the Tenure, and reservation, but if the party had reserved it by special words, As if a man makes a Lease, Habendum one Moity to one, the other Moity to the other, reserving one Hawk, or makes a Lease, Pur auter vye, to A. and to a Dean and Chapter, reserving one Hawk, and the Land goes two se­verall ways, and he does reserve but one Hawk, he shall not have more than he reserved.

If a Reversion at the beginning goes severall ways, yet they shall not have more than is reserved, if it were special reservation by the party.

Land is given to two, and to the Heirs of their two bodies begotten, the remainder to their right Heirs, and the Land before was holden by one Hawk, the Lord shall now have but one Hawk, and yet they are not Join­tenants of the Fee simple, but there is no apporcionment by Moities, but if a Lease be made for life of two A­cres, the remainder in Fee of one to [Page 279] A. and of the other to B. there he shall have two Hawks.

Lord, Mesne, and Tenant, the Tenant makes a Gift in tail, the re­mainder in Fee, the remainder Es­cheats, upon whom the Lord shall avow, and of whom the Donee shall hold is the question? So if the Tenant makes a Gift in tail to the Mesne, the re­mainder in Fee, or makes a Gift in tail to a stranger, the remainder in Fee to the Mesne, how the Tenure shall be now is the Question? But in the first case, if the Mesne had relea­sed to him in remainder, or to the Donee in tail, it seems the Donee ought to avow upon the Donee in tail, and that the Donee shall hold immediately of the Lord Paramount af­ter the release. Quaere, if there be a­ny difference?

The Tenant who holds by Homage and ten shillings Rent, makes a Lease for life, the remainder in tail, not speaking of any reservation, the Te­nant for life (although he doth not hold by Homage) yet he shall hold by Fealty and ten shillings Rent, being both the Estates, now are but one: But a Gift had been made in tail, the remainder for life, after the Estate tail determined, the Tenant for life [Page 280] shall not hold by the same services as the Donee held, Causa patet. If there be two Jointenants, and to the Heirs of one of them (who hold, ut supra) make a Gift in tail, the Donee shall hold of them both by the like Services, and yet the Freehold is no cause of the te­nure. Quaere, for some say that he that hath the Fee shall have the whole Tenure; for the Inheritance passeth on­ly from him. If Tenant for life, and he in reversion make a Gift in tail, Quaere how he shall hold? If a Lease be made for life, the remainder in Frankmar­riage, some think the Tenant for life shall hold by Fealty only, untill the fourth degree be past.

If there be Lord and Tenant by Fealty and twenty shillings, and the Tenant gives in Frankmarriage, to hold of him and his Heirs by Fealty only until the fourth degree be past, and after by twenty shillings and Chi­valry, in that case after the fourth degree be past, he shall not have the twenty shillings, nor the Chivalry; for though he reserved but Fealty un­til the fourth degree be past, yet it is an intire reservation presently, and the services are in him although they be not to be performed untill the fourth degree be past, and Seisin of [Page 281] the Fealty shall be a Seisin of the rest, and therefore the reservation being entire, that is the reason that it is void for all, because all cannot be reserved upon the Gift in Frankmarriage.


IF a man makes severall Wills, of severall dates, and dies, and the Executor of the last Will refuseth be­fore the Ordinary, yet the first Will is clearly defeated, and yet the refusal is peremptory: but it is not so if there be two Executors, and one refuseth before the Ordinary. If a Femsole makes her Will, and then marries, and he dies. Quaere, if the Will be revoked.


IF the Lord deviseth Land to his Vil­lain, he shall be enfranchised against the Heir, and yet he was a Villain to the Heir at the same time the devise took effect; but being the Lord had a power to enfranchise him, he shall be enfran­chised. As if one delivers an Escrowl of Enfranchisement to be delivered se­ven years after, the Lord dies, and then the Deed is delivered to the Villain, it is a good enfranchisement. If a man makes a Lease for life, the remainder [Page 282] to the right Heirs of A. who hath Is­sue, a Son who is a Villain by Con­fession to the Feoffor, and the Feoffor dies, and A. dies, and the Tenant for life dies, the Son of A. enters, he shall be enfranchized, and yet he was not enfranchized in the life of the Feoffor, but now he shall be said in by him. So if a man devise that his Executors shall sell his Land, and they sell it to the Villain of the Te­stator, he shall be enfranchised against the Heir; for he comes in in the Per by the Testator.

If a Fem be endowed of a Villain in grosse, and the Tenant in Dower and the Heir enter together into Land pur­chased by the Villain. Quaere in whom the Freehold shall be. So if he had been a Villain to an Abbe and a Se­cular man; for his body is intire to every of them. And if the Grantee for life of a Villain, and he in rever­sion of a Villain enter together into Land of the Villain, it seems that Te­nant for life shall gain all, but some think that he in reversion shall disable him in an Action.

If Executors have a Villain that the Testator had, and enter into Land purchased by the Villain, it shall be Assetts notwithstanding they have a [Page 283] Fee, as Land in Fee descended to the Heir shall be assetts to a Chattle, viz. a Debt to a Stranger. And the reason why they shall have it to the use of the Testator is, because they had it in au­ter droit, and so it shall be a Perquisite unto the same right. So if a Guardian in Socage of a Mannor to which a Villain is regardant, enters into Land purchased by the Villain, it shall be to the use of the Infant. So if a Bishop enters into Land purchased by a Vil­lain, which he hath in right of his Church, the Land shall be to the same use, so is 42 E. 3. 24. But if one hath a Villain for years in his own right, he shall have a Fee in the Land purchased by the Villain. It was said if a man be intitled to be Tenant by the Curtesie of a Villain, and enters into Land purchased by him, he shall be seised of the Land to his own use, and not in right of his Wife, because he hath the Villain in his own right; but, Quaere, if he were not intitled to be Tenant by Curtesie?

If the Lord of a Villain gives Land by Fine to the Villain, which is Land of Ancient Demesne, the Lord re­verseth the Fine by Disceit, some think the Manumission is destroyed; for it doth not appear upon Record; [Page 284] otherwise if he enfeoffs his Villain upon Condition, and enters for the breach. And if a Villain acknow­ledges an Action brought by Baron & Fem, that is no Enfranchisement a­gainst the Fem; for it is but an En­franchisement in Law upon which she is not examined.

The Tenant enfeoffs the Villain of the Lord and a Stranger, upon Col­lusion, the matter is how the Lord may obtain the Ward without Dam­mages? For if he brings a Writ of Ward, the Villain shall be manumit­ted, and if he enters upon the Villain he avoids the Collusion for ever, and shall retain the Land, but then he shall be Tenant in Common with the other, and so he can have no Writ of Ward for the other Moity.

If Tenant in tail of a Mannor to which a Villain is regardant makes a Lease for one and twenty years to the Villain, rendring a Rent according to the statute, and dies within the term, if the Issue being remitted to the Freehold of the Villain may enter into the Mannor and out the Vil­lain?

Upon a plea in Bar of an Assize the parties are adjourned, and after the Tenant pleads a Release made after [Page 285] the Darrein Continuance, bearing date in a forreign County, and after at the Venire fac. return'd, the Tenant pleads that after the Darrein Continuance he hath purchased the Mannor to which the Plaintiffe is a Villain, he shall not have this plea; for he shall not delay the Plaintiff by his plea, but once, where the matter of fact happens de puisne temps; for he is at no mischeif if his plea be true: But in shewing a Re­cord after he shall plead it if it be in the same Court. And here the Villain shall not be enfranchized; for the Plea was pleaded before, which now he ought to maintain: but if he an­swers his Villain de Novo, that is an Enfranchisement.


THe youngest son of an Abator hath Land by descent by the custom of Borough English, or by reason of an Estate tail made to his Father and a second Wife, in a Mortdancester brought against him he shall vouch, notwithstanding the Counterplea gi­ven by the Statute; for the Statute extends but to Heirs at common Law; and therefore if an Abator hath Issue, [Page 286] two Daughters, and makes a Feoff­ment and dies, and one of them takes a Feofment, and an Assize is brought against her, she shall vouch; for she is not sole Heir: but if she had been sole Heir, then cleerly she shall not vouch, though she doth not come to it as Heir. And if an Abator and a stran­ger being Tenants in a Mortdancester, vouch, they shall have the Voucher.

If Feoffee with Waranty to him, his Heirs and Assigns makes a Lease for life, the Tenant for life in a plea vouches the first Feoffor, and recovers in value Land held of the Feoffee, if the Feoffee shall have his Seignory? For if the Reversion of the Land re­covered be in the Feoffee, then he shall not avow, and if he shall not. Quaere, if Lessee for life shall vouch as Assignee, being that he hath not all the Estate; And it is cleer if the Fe­offee had made a Lease for life, the remainder in Fee, the Lessee shall vouch as Assignee, and if he recovers in value, the remainder shall be in him in whom it was before. 28 Ass. p. 18. 11 Ass. p. 3.

If the younger brother and a Stran­ger abate, and the Stranger dies, now a Mortdancester doth not lie; or if an Abator makes a Feoffment, and [Page 287] retakes an Estate to himself and ano­ther, and the other dies, the Voucher does not lie for him; and yet before, an Assize of Mortdancester and Voucher did lie.

If a Feoffment be made with War­ranty to one, his Heirs and Assigns, the Feoffee makes a Feoffment over, the second Feoffee enfeoffs the Son of the first Feoffee, he shall vouch; for he may be Assignee of his Father, being he does not come in as Heir. Lord by Escheat, Mortmain, or of a Villain, &c. shall not be said Assig­nees.

Land is given to Husband and Wife, and to the Heirs of the Husband, he makes a Feoffment with Warranty and dies, the Wife brings her Cui in vita, the Feoffee vouches and reco­vers in value by reason of the War­ranty, after the death of the Wife he shall vouch again by reason of the Warranty aforesaid. So if a Woman brings a Writ of Dower, and the Feoffee vouches by reason of the Warranty, he shall vouch again after the death of the Wife, be­cause the Voucher and Recovery in value was onely in respect of the Free­hold; but if he had once recovered in value of the Fee, he should never [Page 288] vouch again by reason of the first War­ranty; for he hath the effect of it, and also the Warranty is gone with the E­state. But if Tenant in Frankmarriage recovers in value, he shall vouch a­gain; but it is otherwise of Tenant for life. If Tenant in tail, to him and his Heirs Females, the remain­der to him in Fee, makes a Feoffment with Warranty and dies, the Heir Female recovers, and the Feoffee recovers over in value, he shall vouch again after the Estate tail is spent by reason of the first War­ranty.

If the Tenant vouches, and at the Sequat. sub suo periculo the Tenant and the Vouchee make Default, where­upon the Demandant hath Judgement to recover against the Tenant, and af­ter he brings a Seire fac. against the Tenant to execute the Judgement, if the Tenant shall have a Warrantia Chartae against the Vouchee? But if a stranger brings a Praecipe quod reddat against the Tenant, some think that he shall vouch; for by the first Vou­cher and the Judgement given against the Tenant the Warranty was not de­feated, nor the possession of the Te­nant; but if the Tenant had judge­ment to recover in value against the [Page 289] Vouchee, he shall never vouch again by reason of this warranty: for the warran­ty hath lost its force, being he had Judg­ment to recover in value by reason of it; for if he should recover again, he should have 2 Recoveries upon one warranty. It was holden cleerly, that if the tenant hath Judgment against the Vouchee, he shall recover no land in value, but that the Vouchee had at the time of the Judgment. And note upon a Summoneas ad Warrantizand. if the Sheriff returns the Vouchee warned, and he makes de­fault, the Tenant shall have a Cap. ad val. and recover in value, but if he re­turns, that he hath nothing, then af­ter the Sicut alias, & pluries, a Sequa­tur sub suo periculo shall issue, and there if the Vouchee makes default he shall not have Judgement to recover in va­lue; for the Warranty is not confes­sed, and it is uncertain whether he had any thing, but in the Cap. ad val. it appears that he has Assetts.

A. seised of two Acres at Common Law, and one in Borough English, and makes a Gift in tail to a Stranger of one of the two Acres, and dies, the Donee is impleaded, and vouches the eldest Son, and recovers in value the other Acre out of his possession (as he shall do in this case, being he vouches [Page 290] him alone, and not the youngest, where the eldest hath assetts) the que­stion is if he be impleaded for that A­cre he hath recovered, if he shall vouch the eldest and the youngest? If that Acre in Borough English shall be lya­ble by reason of the said Warranty in Law, being it is not the Warranty which descends, but the Warranty in Law commenceth first in the Eldest Son; for the Recovery in value shall be said in lieu of the first Land given, yet it is always to be intended (having regard to the estate of the Reversion descended from the Father) the Re­version left in the Eldest Son, and then the Acre of the youngest is not lyable to that Warranty. So if the Father had given a Seignory to the Eldest Son in tail, and died seised of Land in Borough English, which descended to the youngest Son, and after the Te­nancy escheats, the Eldest being im­pleaded vouches himself to save the Intail; but if the Land of the youn­gest shall be lyable, is the question?

Lessee for life, the remainder to the right Heirs of A. who is dead, having a Daughter, his Wife enseint with a Son, the Lessor warrants the Land in forma praedicta, the Son is born, the Daughter cannot vouch by reason of [Page 291] the Warranty; for the Warranty is a thing executory which cannot be de­raigned, but by the right Heirs of A. For if a Feoffment be made to the Son with Warranty, and he dies without Issue, and the Land comes from the Unkle to the Father, he cannot take advantage of this Warranty as Heir to his Son; so if Possessio Fratris makes the Sister Heir, she shall not vouch, 35 H. 6. 34. Danby; but he shall be voucht as Heir for the possession, so shall the Father, so shall the youngest Son in Borough English, but shall not vouch, Vide Fitzh. Voucher 94. 35 H. 6. 33. If Land be given to two brothers in Fee with Warranty to the eldest, the eldest dies having Issue, and the youngest dies without Issue, the Issue of the Eldest being his Heir, and he enters, he shall not take advantage of this Warranty by Voucher or Rebutter; for the Warranty was void, having regard to the Survivor, because his Title hath relation before the War­ranty.

If the Eldest Son is voucht as Heir to the Warranty, and the youngest as Heir in Borough English, and the Eldest voucheth over, if the Eldest or the youngest shall have the Recom­pence in value? It would be unrea­sonable [Page 292] that the eldest should have it, for he lost nothing, for by the law the tenant cannot sue Execution against the Vouchee, untill the demandant hath sued execution against him, and in this case execution was ne­ver sued against the Eldest, for he hath no land, and the youngest hath not the warranty by descent, (though he hath the land) and so he cannot vouch, and therefore it is hard he should be bard by it.


LAnd is given to Baron & Fem, and to a third person, the third person releaseth the Fem all his right, and the Baron & Fem makes a Lease of the whole for yeares, and brings a writ of Wast against the Lessee.

The Lessee is not punishable in Wast if a house falls that was ruinous at the time of the demise, and he may cut Trees to repair it, so he may do if the Lessor covenants to repair it, vid. 12. H. 8. 1. If a house with land is let, upon which is a Wood without im­peachment of wast for the house, yet if the house becomes ruinous, he may cut timber for the reparation, and a Lessee may take timber for fier-boot, if there be no other wood. quod vid. 21. [Page 293] H. 6. 47. If a man makes a lease up­on condition, or that the Lessee is bound in an obligation not to do wast, and that his estate shall cease: If a Stran­ger commits Wast, that is no forfei­ture of the Lease, for the condition ex­tends only to the person of the Lessee. vid. 3. H. 6. 17. But if a stranger commits Wast upon the Lessee for years, or Guardian in Chivalry, they shal render treble and shall lose the ward, but Guardian in Socage shall not be pu­nisht for wast of a stranger, for the heir himself shall have an action.

If a Lease is made for life, the Lessor dies having two Sons by divers ven­ters, the eldest grants to the Lessee that he shall be dispunisht of wast, yet that shall not bind the youngest, for he does not claim as heir to his brother, but as an heir to his father, who was last actually seised.

Fem tenant for life, the remainder for years to I. S. who marries with the Fem, and Commits wast. quaere, if the land be lost? If tenant for life makes a lease for years, and after enters upon the termor, and commits wast, and the Lessor recovers, the Lessee shall lose his term. A man shall not be punished for comming on the land to see if wast be committed.

[Page 294]The heir makes a Lease for years, wast is committed, the wife recovers in Dower, the heir shall have an acti­on of wast in the tenuit.

A man makes a lease for twenty yeares without impeachment of Wast, and the Lessor confirmes for forty years, the Lessee shall be dispunisht for twenty years

A man makes a lease rendring rent on condition, that if the rent be be­hind, that the Lessor shall reenter and retain until he be satisfied the rent out of the profits, the Lessor doth enter and a stranger commits wast, and then the Lessor is satisfied of the rent, if the wast be punishable.

If one doth devise his lands which he hath for years and dies, the Exe­cutors commits wast, and then agree to the devise, an action of wast lies a­gainst them, notwithstanding the rela­tion; So if Lessee for years grants his term upon condition, and the gran­tee commits wast, and the Lessee for years enter for the condition broken, yet wast lies against the grantee.

Where a man hath election to take two estates, his committing of wast will be a determination of his election.

If there be Lessee for life, the re­mainder for life, and the Lessor grants [Page 295] the reversion to him in remainder▪ quaere, if he shall have an action of wast? If Tenant for life makes a lease for years, and enters and commits wast, the tenant for yeares leases his term, wast by the assignee of an in­fant or fem Covert shall take away the special right of Infancy Cover­ture or condition, but otherwise if it had it been made by themselves.


GRandfather Father and Son, the Grandfather makes a lease of an Acre for life, and dies, the Father be­ing tenant in taile, discontinues it in Fee with warranty, and dies, the te­nant for life dies, the Son enters into the Acre after his death, and brings a Formedon, the warranty of the Fa­ther with this Assets seemes no barr.

The discontinuee of a tenant in tail makes a Feofment on condition, and a warranty collateral is made to the Feoffee of the discontinuee, the dis­continuee enters for the condition broken, the issue hath no remedy against him.

If a Collaterall Warranty descends within a year upon him that hath Ti­tle to enter for Mortmain, he cannot enter after; for if he himself had re­leased [Page 396] he could not have entred, and the Warranty will bind him as well as his Release: but Quaere, if a colla­terall Warranty extends to a Title of Entry?

If a man devises Land with War­ranty, that is void; because the Father himself was not bound.

A Warranty made to a Disseisor is not destroyed by the Release of the Disseisee.

A Collateral Warranty shall not bar Execution of a Recovery in value; for it is but a Title, to which a Warranty does not extend no more than to bar a Title of Entry; for consent to a Ra­visher or Mortmain, also Conditions and Titles are always said to be in pos­session as a Rent is, and then a War­ranty to the Tenant of the Land will not extinguish them.

Lord by Escheat shall not vouch by reason of a Warranty, if a Seignory be granted with Warranty, and a Te­nancy Escheat, the Warranty shall not extend to it. Vide Fitzh. 18. Voucher.

Father and Son and a third person are Jointenants, the Father makes a Feofment of all with Warranty, and dies, the Son dies, the third shall have an Assize of but one part by some, and yet the warranty commences by Dissei­sin, [Page 297] as to the Son, but yet the Survivor cannot deny but that this Warranty is collaterall; for he comes not under the estate of the other. If a Lease be made for years to the Grandfather, re­mainder to the Father for life, remain­der to the Son in Fee, the Grandfather enfeoffs with Warranty, it comences by disseisin to the Father, and collateral to the Son; for the Feofment was not a dis­seisin to the son. If the Father be Lessee for years, remainder for life to the son, remainder over for life, remainder in Fee to the Son, the Father enfeofs with Warranty, it comences by disseisin as to the son for the Freehold, but for the Fee tis collateral. Quaere by some; in all cases every man shal avoid a Warranty which comences by disseisin. vid. Fitz. War. 28.

If a Lease for life be made, remainder for years with Warranty. Quaere, if this Warranty will benefit him in remain­der, being the precedent estate is of another nature.

If a man makes a Lease for life on Condition that if the Lessee doth such an act, that the Lessee shall have Fee, and warrants the Land in forma praedicta, that Warranty extends to the Fee, but if the Feoffor dies, and then the Con­dition is performed, then if it be avai­lable is the Question? being the Lessor [Page 298] was not bound to Warranty during his life, and then the Warranty which was annext to the Freehold is gone; for the greater estate drowns the lesser. And to prove that the greater drowns the War­ranty, it was said if Tenant in tail be with Warranty to him, his Heirs and Assigns, his Feofee in Fee shall not be said assignee, nor vouch, because he hath not any part of the Estate tail. It was also said, that if the condition had been per­formed in the life of the Lessor, that the Warranty would not extend to it; for it must be annext to something in possession. But some take a difference, that if in the first case the first Lease had been for years, that the Warranty could not extend to the remainder, because the first estate was but for years, and of another nature, but it would be other­wise in a Lease for life. And it was said if a Lease for years be made, remainder in Fee with Warranty, he in remainder can't take advantage of the Warranty, because he was not privy to the first deed, and then he cannot take as an im­mediate Warranty, because the first E­state was of another nature, a reversion descends to Baron & Fem Lessees for life as to the Issues of two parceners, the Husband dies, the wife shall have the whole Freehold as Survivor, and the Fee [Page 299] shall be executed for a moity, because the other moity goes another way, sc. to the Heirs of the Husband, and he shall dereign the Warranty annexed in Fait to the first estate for the moity, and not for the other moity, because the Fee is executed. If Land be bargained & sold by Indenture in Fee with warranty, & the Indenture is delivered, and after inrolled within six months, if he shall vouch, Quaere, because the nature of a Covenant is, that it ought to take effect presently by the delivery of the deed, and then the Warranty was void, be­cause the Land did not pass at that in­stant, and though the Inrollment makes it to pass ab initio, yet the relation shall not make a void Warranty good. To which it was said, if one makes a Feof­ment with a Letter of Atturny, and warranty is in the deed, by the delivery the Warranty shall be good, and yet the deed was delivered before.

If a gift in tail be made with warranty to a man, his Heirs and Assigns, and he makes a Feofment and dies, with Issue in a Formedon in Reverter, the warranty shall not be a bar, notwithstanding the book of the 39 & 45 E. 3. 4. If the Lord confirms the estate of the Tenant with warranty, and after the Tenant ceases, the warranty shall not be a bar in a Ces­savit, [Page 300] notwithstanding the Seignory which was in Esse before the warranty made was the conveyance to his action, because the action arises upon an after cause. Tenant by the curtesie of a Seig­nory whereof a Tenancy escheat make a Feofment with warranty, if it shall be a bar to the Issue without Assets? Quaere.

A Fem which hath a Rent Charge in Fee marries with the Tenant of the Land, a stranger release to the Tenant with warranty, the warranty can't ex­tend to the Rent, because the Rent was suspended by act in Law, and the wife if the Husband dies, nor the Heir of the wife, living the Husband, cannot have any action for the rent upon a Title be­fore the warranty made; for if the Heir of the wife brings a Mortdancester, that is de puisne temps, and after the warran­ty; so if the Grantee of a rent grant it on condition to the Tenant, who makes a Feofment of the Land with warranty, that warranty can't extend to the rent and yet the Land was discharg'd of the rent; but all the actions shall be took as the cause of action arises afterward; for if the condition be broken, and after an action be given, that shall arise after the warranty made: but if a Fem which hath a rent marries with the Tenant, who makes a Feoffment of the Land with [Page 301] warranty and dies, and the wife brings a Cui in vita of the rent, there the Feof­fee shall vouch as of Land discharged. So if Tenant in tail of a rent purchases the Land, and makes a Feofment, and the Feoffee aliens with warranty, or if Tenant in tail of a rent releases to the ter Tenant who aliens over with War­ranty, if the Issue brings a Formedon he shall vouch as of Land discharged. So if an Infant hath a rent, and disseises the Tenant, and is disseised by another, who aliens with warranty, that war­ranty shall extend to the rent, because in all these cases the Land is discharg'd of the rent at the time of the Feofment in Fee; and the action is conceived up­on a Title Paramount to the warranty. But if a man grants a Rent Charge out of Land to commence at Mich. and the Tenant makes a Feoffment with war­ranty, or if a rescous be made, and after the Tenant makes a Feofment of the Land with warranty, as it is in 31 E. 3. in a Warrantia chartae, there the war­ranty, shall not extend to the rent, be­cause the rent was not in esse at the time, but if upon a rescous she brings an Assize, and after is nonsuited, and after the Tenant makes a Feofment of the Land with warranty, that warranty will extend to the Rent, Quod nota.

[Page 302]A man dies seised of an Acre in Borough English in tail, having three Sons, the youngest enters, and makes a lease to the second for years, who makes a Feofment with warranty, and dies without Issue, the yongest dies without Issue, the eldest brings a Formedon, if he shall be barred by the warranty? It seems though the warranty descends upon the eldest where it was a disseisin to the youngest, yet when the right of the Land comes unto him he shall say that the warranty comences by dissei­sin, because he is now privy to the war­ranty, and to the estate; for if the Father seis'd in fee makes a lease to the Grand­father for years, who makes a Feofment in Fee with warranty and dies, and the Father dies, that warranty shall not be a bar to the son, because it comenc'd by disseisin to him whose Heir he is. And if a man hath Issue two Sons, the youn­gest makes a Lease for years to the Fa­ther, who makes a Feofment with war­ranty and dies, and after the Eldest dies without Issue, and the warranty des­cends upon the youngest, that shall be no bar, because it comences by disseisin; and though the Land doth come im­mediately to him upon whom the war­ranty descends, as it was in the prin­cipall case, or although the warranty [Page 303] doth not descend upon the Tenant of the land immediately as heir to him that made the warranty, yet all is one Warranty which ommences by disseisin, and wrong is made to him in the interim, upon whom the warranty descends after, although that wrong was not a dissesin to him, yet it is a warranty which commences by disseisin; As if an Ancestor Collate­ral to the Donor, desseise the Donee, to the intent to make a feofment, with warranty, which is done according­ly, and the warranty descends up­on the donor, and after tenant in tail dies without issue, in a formedon in re­verter, the warranty shal be no bar, be­cause it commences by disseisin to the tenant in tail, at which time wrong was made to him in reversion, and therefore he shal say that the warranty commences by desseisin, tamen vid. 30. E. 3. 12. But if a man makes a feof­ment with warranty and dies, which is a disseisin to a stranger, the heir of the Feoffor (if he hath not the right of the land descended to him after) shall be vouched for the warranty, then in the principal case, if the eldest cannot say that the warranty commences by disseisin, yet it shall be lineal against him, for by possibility he might have [Page 304] made himself heir to him that made the warranty, for the land doth de­scend to the youngest heir, as well as to the youngest Son, and so to the youn­gest unkle, for the reason is all one, for the young'st brother shal be in as youn­gest Son to the common Ancester: but some say there is not any reason in these two cases.

If tenant in tail is desseised, and release to the disseisor with warranty, and after is attained of felony, and hath a Charter of pardon and dies; it seems it is a discontinuance, for if he had purcha­sed land after his Charter, it would descend to his heir, which proves that the blood betwixt him and his heir is not corrupt, as it is between him and his Ancesters, then the warranty be­ing in esse at the time of his death, there is no impediment, but that it may descend: But if tenant in tail, who hath a warranty annexed to his estate, be attainted of felony, and executed, many think his issue shall not inherit the vou­cher for the warranty though he hath the land; for the warranty is out of the statute de Donis Condit, which speaks of lands and tenements which are given upon condition: But Plowd. thinks the contrary, for by the equity of the sta­tute, it is preserved as well as Charters. 21. H. 6. 20. per Markeham. 9. H. 6. 60. b. Cott. for Charters.

Feoffee with warranty is disseised by the Feoffor who dies seised, the Feoffee outs the issues who brings a writ of right, the Mise is joyned upon the meere right, and the demandant is barred, for if the Feoffee, being impleaded by a stranger, shal arraine the warranty against the issue, is the question.


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