Some Helps for the INDIANS; Shewing them how to Improve their Natural Reason, to know the true God, and the Christian Religion.

  • 1. By leading them to see the Divine Authority of the Scriptures.
  • 2. By the Scriptures, the Divine truths necessary to Eternal sal­vation.

BY ABRAHAM PEIRSON Pastor of the Church at Branford.

Examined and approved by that Experienced Gentleman (in the In­dian Language) Captain JOHN SCOT.

CAMBRIDGE: Printed for Samuel Green, 1658.

To the Reader

WHO have occasion to make use of this Book, may please to observe, that the accute; or, long accent thus noted (á) signifies that the sillable over which it is placed is to be pronounced long; the rest of the words be short, till the like, or a circumflex do regulate the sillables following. Words of two sillables most frequently be not accented at all, being commonly of equal measure, and hardly, mispronou [...]ced. Also, s [...]dry times the prepositions in, with, for, from, [...]c: be set after the Substantives in the Indian [...]ed before them in the English, that so no harshness (this caution remembred) may sound in either.

[...]ewise sometime a phrase is used in the Indian, which word for word can hardly be rendred in the English; but then, and ever, care is had that in every sentence, and within the limits of every stop, the Indian doth truely answer the English, The Lord pardon, accept, and give [...], that this may be an help towards the sp [...]tual good of Indian soules.

So prayes A. P.

POshshe Aírenamáwetouwúngash wutche Eànsketámbawg, Okkekôodemúnganâuwaus ten auwárchan nêjek arumbáwe penauwuawunk wauhéan webe waugh wauwérhummat Man­do Iehovah, quah wérramâuwe Christianâu­we routàsowank. Negónne spe pummóoa­warránau nejek kenâwmen Mandowe tóuh­kretássowunk wutche God wuskwhégansh. Néeseetetâuwe spe God wuskwhêgansh màn­dowâious wêrramauwúngansh queraûhikka­muks re michéme kejâhiitawunk.

Some helps for the Indians, shewing them how to improve their natural Reason to know the only true God, and the true Christian religion. First by lead­ing them to see the divine Autho­rity of the Scriptures. Secondly by the Scriptures the divine Truths necessary to eternal Salvation.


TOohgôdje kor âmen neh átta Mandouh

Anasquet âuweten.

Wutche wéwinnakommuk quah yeiache wêrrawâuwunk wutche wame arkèes, quah skeetambâwg mittâuhkuk terre, owwànnak matta sâuwaiooguk wutche sompâio pe­nauwauwuk quah renôowunk.

Wutche ai akquíiks chawgwunsh weka­kontamooawk skeje nanse eawk rènwawk róy­tammoúngansh quah wàrramaw oytammo­ungansh matta wèrramattauoomuks wutche wame rènawawk, quah wegonje àssowunnama­nôosh: webe (youh côytàmmoounk) neh [Page 6]Mandoo nànnarwee re wâme rènawawk matta àssowúnun ôoanas [...]spe assowunnàmoúngansh quompaìous; nègouche youh paughke môuche songème wutche chawgun nowèta weqúa-ai, teou nannarwe re wame rènnawawk. quah youh wequa-ai pahke mouche nukqúddee wutche as-híewunk wutche pommochawàshshâu­was wutche negonîek oushwâwog rèñawawk re wame nejek wúttansewúngannôoawk wutche àntfeunganak, re àntsunganak, ouwànnak matta pèperruwâgup re múkkrassoowúnganòas rame ischâuwúnganak terre wutchio rio shaiô shàramauwúnganak; ux wutche ramiôuk we­quàai ramekèzekekózzo ramee útteoitúmmoo­únganoo wutche wame rènnawawk spe Iehovah­nagum. Quah neh nenar wequàai útteamo­pètànguanau wàme rènnawawk renàmpaûwe; mous kème spe wèz-sassawungansh teous ût­team [Page 7]wame rénnawawk pókkat­che rehit chawgun waughtassoowawk mat­cherèwunk, mukko renna matta waughtam­móan, quah skeje chechége móncharawa­núnguotush ahárrêmuks', arra Páddaquáh­hum, Quequansh, mazzenúnguottush késesuk terre, squárrug arráksak &c: youh kakkoo­dumchàmo neh nejek wauhtânnau mouche mi [...] ­kissoowunk ausin keizhittishànnuk, mukko matta naûwah, ouwun bitch arroutaûtak matcherêwunk, quah òm uttrên hanrukke­que roytaks. Quah youh mutche God Jehovah Nézetataùwe, waske noujàiitch wame aiakquiiks, teous uttahhênau rambatsen púmmaiawunk. Wutche aiakquiiks téous nou­jáiiggishhansh, matta hom wâje pummaiawún­ganoo, wutche ne matta pummaynook matta hom rémanoo chaugun, matta hom chaugun [Page 8]pummaâio, askam pummaây nóshan, newutche paughke [môuchh] outàhhèamo noujaiewunk wutche chaugun nowêta perrewawhjaioohittit teou matta outchinoh, [meh chu noujaiewunk] quah nè-wutche negonne pummayawunk quah kezhúwan waje wutche wame unkatagganak­pum mayawúngansh.

Moh negônne ren, quah negônne kèrequa­bus, quah negónn rame wame achabwehitta­wunk wutche púmpamantajek kezhittshaunak, webe youh negônne ren quah kerequâbus, quah [...]ôujek negonnijek wutche wame attchabre­hittewúngansh pûmpamántejek kezhittishañák matta hom kezhúwáwk hoggaûwâwwo: negáuche moh negonne pummâyhuad, youh sunkaio [sambió] quah webe negamo tse wutcha [...]ô, quah matta chetamssennômanah chaugun, nôh moh a kam wâme nejek, quah [Page 9]kezhuwushan wanne wame, quah skeje youb wame kattággansh pummáyawúgansh korché­támsenak. Quah youh atta God Jebovah.

Ob: Ten hôm kuttawáuhtaun ne atta Mando maetax kekenâuwah, matta hôm nauwo?

An: Nouwáuhtâun no wadjânaman pe­naunâuwe mittachonkq, mukko matta ne nauw. w mátta hôm nauwo. Mittachonk matta hom rashawrándowe pummâyawunk hôm naûwit spe hoggâuwe skesuks, quáh riò matta oútachon. Rio God matta rashauwan­doo, om naûwit spe hoggâuwe skesuks; quah rio matta Mando.

Ob: Webe matta howan nowêta hom tabâ [...]e wauhtawn Jehovah rièwunk [arándoit] nègouche matta Mando?

An: Youh matta nôskommôenah, wut­che [Page 10]wómarremúggeree árrumâuit hommatta tabáíe wâuhtawn aiakquiiks wutche sháram­úggesee quah arwenúngesee arrumbaúit, aúse nagamo hoggunk. Oppish shamok hommatta wauhtàuóùnau chawgun ren atta, share okkóssisse ten reokkechan, quah soudamotâu­ôân kortasoôdo moúngansh; ux koodamanchan wnskwhaganakre, ux seboghómman akkóm­muk kathans &c: Wutchè yous aiakquiiks [remuks] ârrooka wáuwáunk nejek waúhtam­mawunganoó rio ren nauwun ewo hogga kezhean wutche arwenúguot arrumbâuwunk aûfinre oppishimmok, quah youh matta wut­che nagum hogga, pauhke moushe pakadoo­wan ne hôwan kezhuwus uwâio arrôokawah oppishim, ewo ausinre arrôokawah renôok àrra ren arrôokawant oppishshim; quah [...]ègouche ne tabâio wauhtawunk wutche uwio [Page 11]arrándoit [árrumàuwunk] âusin errôokawah renna kitchshantàmmoowunk.

Q. Shâraog Mandòuk? ux webe átta pa­pâsaguun wah wèrramat Jehovah?

An. Matta sharáou Mandoak, atta webe pâ­suk wah wérremat Mando Jehovah.

Q. To gouje korámen ne webe pâsuk wah werremat J [...]hovah?

An. Wutche waiâiewunk tohódje nansâie­wok aiakquíiks wútche anséjekmuche nenar kokkôodishahéawk matta misskommauwaû­oân râme àrumbâuwunk [arándoit] wutche God; wuche wajâiewunk tohodje arsôauk aiakquiiks kokkôodishhéauk atta wutche hokkissègowunk wutche wajaiwunganooas: webe God matta outãhe wajâiewunk wutche uwâio pummaîewunk, webe wutche nagum hogga negôuche papasaqun.

2. Newutche nansâioaks aiàkquiiks wutche nenar ârak nantséjek kokkoodrishshahettit, àchabissohèawawk yarâuwe nàgamáuwo hog­gâuwo weêche nejek nanseas artumbauhittaw úngansh webe muche hom matta skôwah un­katak Mando achabizhêan wutche yôuh spe chawgunsh arrâious àchabissewúngansh [ar­rambâmuks.

3. Nèwutche webe mohtantammin re Jehovah uttèein hanharroytaks; hom sharehit Mandoak hom ópperrewórrantammock, quah nejek hom wówotamhittawawk rêan chawgun rio matta hom re kaddauwerèatteou hom matta toukranah weeche wame-keiztauwunganuk quah arrandoit Jehovah.

Ob. Webe hom matta shároog Màndoak: nar­raio ne pasuk negónquassik quah oussewe kerlk­wutche wame?

An. Matta, wutshe negónne pummáy­huad pauhke mutche nágamo utse oúsewe quo­núnguoso [sqónguoso wutche matta rambátsên­no chawgun, muche matta howáne káchetam­senno webe wame tabbaio re nagamo hogga quah wame re aiakquiiks; quah wame aiakqui­iks rambats'nnétankq' chawgun nowéta matta nagámo utse negónquasik, quah árroukásso wame matta hom Jehovah.

2. Wutche Mándowâious pummáyaûwo­us árwenunquesoûngansh Jehovah nearrious ar matta hom meríttonoush unkatágganak re ause pasuk.

Qu. Chaugunsh yous arwenunguesoungansli­teous moutantamminoush Jehovah webe ise?

An. Pharítchch' nen swanch mishom teous míunamok únkatággansh.

1. Neh wame arwénunquesoúngansh utta­mous [Page 14]rame ewo negónne, quah wuña shíauwe arh' rame negónne wajáiewunk, ten wutch ké­sukq' quah ôhke quah wáme aiakquliks rame nejek uttúmmonúmmok nauweta châwgun warréguk uttáhéhit neh wame àrwejanúague­foúngansh uttámous rame Jehovah wame árrou­kawâwe wajaiewunk to hodie pummáyawunk quah wurrégowunk wutche wame keíhigwus­hánnak sachwhúngankâuwo, atta wutche wai­áiewund spe teou poummàiomúauk maugamous youche re neiek quah matta wunk, quah keísheous neiek tabe àttumminúmmin youche quah matta wunk, webe Jehovah matta attũmin­úmmo chawgun wutche únkatak, webe Rash­shâuunk pómpemantammin nagamo ewo terre, ux nagamo utse negauche Jehovah matta sach­whúngankâuwo ewo milkissewunk wame arrôn kassómo hanharróytaks útteréen kesukuk quah [Page 15]okkêak-terre ewo wéwaughtâuwunk wame arrôukassomo waughtâun wame aiakquiiks; padak wame ruwâuwungansh, quah wonaumen wame reúngansh wutche wame renouh wame mittâukuk tere, ouraiéwunk wame arrôkassómo oussewe werrego, ar [...]ôukan wame wahwôr­regewúnganak terre wauhwérrerêat rak'que wame keishcaus-hánnak, taûterêit Jehovah wame arrôukassómo wampsin wame mittauk remássen wame ahapúmmuks, quah matta ahàntse aû, arra rehit keizhíttishánnak up­pomantammewunk wame arroûkassomo, ewo muche Micheme, matta nenóujaaíous, qual matta éakquíno.

3. Neh wauh wérramat Mandouh muche sonks waûwerrehea nâgamo utse, Wame ta­baio nâgamo utse, matta querâubikquo áirana­namàmauetounk paíuwutche, Wutche,

1. Waughtunk wame aiakquiiks, passukùtte quah nàppe wawa mittâukuk terre, matta ke­ketokaûanàk terre, spe wame arroukawaûwunk wutche ewo Pummàyawuk.

2. Wórrantámmo oussewe narraúwe chawgun nowêta warréguk, quah asonkkasoùwe neh chawgun wèrrantámmo muche warreguk, rikqueque arróytak, quah wutche wárran­támmen, Wutche Jehovah saíoo quah wame-ar­rôukovvauwe werrégo.

Q. Ten hom wutche korámen neh kesuk' quah ohke, quah wame aiakquiiks rame nejck out âhhe­nan noujiewunk wutche nejek pummayawunga­no wutche Jehovah?

A. Yowh nôskonfòmo wutche chawgun àrwamacup negónne, wutche nôrramananas neh Jehovah uttahe ewo pumma yawunk na­gamo utse, quah webe pasuk: negaûche wam [...] [Page 17]únkatágganoush aîakquiiks uttâh-héauk nukqút­te rame nejek hoggauwaûwo, ux rame nejek wâujaiwúngano púmmayawûngano ewóunk wutche.

2. Nannârwe wewâuhtâuwunk renouh mouche mouskinnaman youh, hom nattâuan­támmokq poshshe keizhittishannak tsáie, wékontammówunk ren hogga rame quah paquodjok, ten wame áchabehittewúngansh ren hok, nux akkôssissous àchachaberê­kataunâuous, quah oústaunauauus yous aiaiewun­ganakre, matta spe pépenauwantammewunk ux assagasowunk wutche oùshshawawog, narra weeche rio wawàntammewunk neh aûse kòkkekôudamaûetishannak quah arwe wawan­tammok renou ausinre môzsantaminau youh. Matta nawun wawantam hom roitammôan neh m'sansh quah p'tuks terréginsh wejammuk re, [Page 18]héanje, ux wutche nàgámàuwo, webe neh auwun nowéta nartâuewéwhékachad [arwebé­ne] wustaúwus, wezshatáuwus, quah wonappe­númnash-hansh; rio, naumókq' kesukq' quah okke rio wêkekekòzzous quah rawwe wame keizhittishannak, pasuk wertáuwe unkataggan quah wame aiákquiiks wajekeiztámmakus ou­warchanish, newaûwun hom matta webe pak­kaddawâmen neh oússewe wawántam nártau­intàntak wutche mittâukuk, quah wame aiakqui­iks mittâukuk terre, qnah youh hom mutche matta únkatak webe wah wérramat Mando Je­hovah.

Ob: Wepe oùssawadj mátcherewungansh pa­kodje ahrèmuks mutáukuk terrè quah utteamope tànguan âu rènawauk mittàhhâuk terre moh mut­che Jehovah nègonquàshshâuanush ux waje yous matcherewungansh wuthio?

An: Matta wutche Jehovah nàgamo utse sônke werrégo, mukko milkissowunk wutche rémuk mutche Jehovah wutchío, narra niànch­tauwunk wutche youh milkègowunk rêan màtcherénag attàmo wutche nagamauwhog­gauwâuwo. Iehovah keizhèauwus Angelok quah rènauwok wêeche mótantammewunk wutche ahrèmuk; youh matta mnmatcherè­muk, narra youh hom spe nagamo milkisse­wunk pâdah chawgun nowèta matche rèmuk moh wutche aianchtaúwunk wutche nagamaù­wo mótantammoùngano neh têaksèjek angelok eo mamatchhuadjiek quah Adam quah Eve, quah rame nejek wame renawauk matchere­wunhasnak.

Ob: Mukko Jehovah mattà waje macherewunk narra weep matta nesuog negonquashadjek, pasuk werrego quah wajaiunk wame werregunsh: [Page 20]katak matchere quah negonquashal quah waje [wutchiámuk] mátcherewunk?

An: Matta erána, wutche hom nèsuog rísoak pómparrerèjek negòuquagidjek yèiache hom aióutoak nèoutche aiskomhit­tawunk 'om nôskossômo.

2. Matta chawgun rio matchittoo [mat­chère] arra God nagamo utse werrègit wutche matcherewunk mutche tupacha chawgun que­rauhikkowunk, [noushamòwunk] youh hom matta mutche webe rame chawgun nowêta pummay amuk, quah pummayne mutche chawgun warrêguk.

3. Wah wèrremat God uttâhhe wame milk [...]ssewunk quah shajosshawùgansh; mandoak èansketàmbough hókkissenègoak quah matchègoak, Ewo weremâttawn kesukq quah okke, quah warrpsk wame mittauk.

[Page 21]Hom kattagganak mandoak chaukik appòak?

Q. Mukko Jehovah keistâunas kesukq' quah okke, quah wame aiakquiiks rame neish, eo wun­nagottámmin nêjek, quah matta nôuse anambat­támmóan nairrène arra nartauôukachad nokódtuk wejo keistánkqc?

An: Matta, wutche nattauôukachad matta nousse ámbatammôan wejo keiztankq', matta nagum wutche, perrére, keistáshan nagum wut­che yeiáche nousse aûwambattámmen. Rio God keiztaû was wame aiákquiiks matta wutche kat­tak, webe nágamo wutche, quah negaùche kon­kedjhêants, quah uttoûkretâwah nañe wajé keztangushansh, quah waje pakkàdows nañe, quah nousse perrerambanúngansh merâuwus nanne; Poshshe spe penaûauwunk, arra réna­wauk; unkattàgganak nouse nagamaûwo ar­run [Page 22]arra wâuwayómuks keízheoushan­nak; ùnkatàgganak spe nejek arrumbaûwous áchachabehittawúngansh arra ront' ematshá­mo, quah nip'p' wámtchawàsha.

Q. To gôuje koràmen neh Jehovah wo­kòmhuwùunk tôukretauwah wame mitt âuk?

An. 1. Spe pómpemomòwunk wutche [...]í [...]kquiiks taûtapókkacha uejek nàgamâuwo arrnmbaûit wutche werrégowunk wame weè­winnakómu wutchío; nenar naûménan yout ditch wômpshámo, quah nip' wamitchche­washsha perrewerampaũómous assànum faûa­aioówunk wutche werrégowunk wame wee­wínnakommuk wutebio.

2. Spe arrumbaũwe nèmarrewúngan teou matta webe renauwank wawantàjek, qùut na­nak [...]ppi & im quah oppishshauk teoùiek que­rauhikkóa [...]k penauwau wunk utta èauk wutche [Page 23]neiek wunnaiànawauk: youh muche chaippaio werrégowunk muche pahke mishnommiñau­wo [wérremuttamaûwo] Jehovah wutchio; òussewaié rakque wame ewo keizhittishan­nak mittaûkuk terre: quah ause wutche wam­psin wame mittaukuk quah wâutawn wame aiakquiiks, quah how nukkomme pakkadaway nanne waje kezhêants.

3. Jehovah toukrêtauwah kezous, nêne­pómsha quah arraxsuk quah wiguilquats kesakuk wutcheòùtambazsowúngan keizhittishannak sketohke, móucheke wutche ren.

4. Newutche Soûdamowúngansh wadcha­nazzous, konkeóitazzous, panquatazzous quah azxa wunua manoush spe warrantammowunk wutche Mando Iehovah.

5 Wutche wâme renou shaíous únquo­nunquatõuganak terre terranauunganak quah [Page 24]siagutush ùtterumbauwe mauóuwok Iehovah re wutche airenamaûwetoowunk youh kokkooda­mung quêakq' neh wauhtaùwunk Iehovah wokomhuwâwunk rakque wame sketambóugh quah aíkquíiks sket-ókke rame ókkekekózzo [pòkkoddekekozzo] rame rambauwous mittash wutche wame ránawauk.

Qu. To gôojt korámen neh wame nansaìous aiàkquiiks toukretauâuk spe Jehovah wó­kamhuwáwunk?

An. Wutche nansaióus aíakquíiks pakkad­wandámmenush quah kóodemantamménush waje yous keiztángus Jehovah.

2. Wutche Jehovah wampsin wame wee­winnakómmuk, quah ewo wawantámmoówunk quah milkégowunk wame-arroukamóôak.

3. Waje, wame schish útteamopétángua­nau rame nansaiamuks: quah newutche hom [Page 25]nansáiamuks matta wadchànàzzous spe Ie­hovah wókomhúwâwunk wame schish hom­saviouwe aiakquíyous weeche nanne.

Ob: Hom rakq; ten wutche artak neh mat­cherèwunk rio oussewàrrat mittaukuk terre?

An: Nux matcherèwungansh yous oussewar retush mittaukuk terré mous kinnamaúok neh Iehovah wókomhuwáwunk toukrêtauwah wa­me aiakquíiks skejeókkeak. Newutche, neh wee che úttereúngansh mácherewúnganóas wom­kâuoúwok, sachwhungaukaũauk kopehomme­nush quah úttamkekáiroush chaugo hom kok­koodreshahûwauk rio ríkkaque, arra kaddawe werrantámmok pauquatauúnganak re wutche soûda mauwúngash quah aia matta pasuk hom pompemantàmmôan weeche unkataggan.

2. Wutche Iehovah wunna toukrêtaũwah úttereúnga [...]sh renou matcher [...]èwúnganóa [Page 26](teous tapatchch' mattaoússambamáuôan) au­werréganak re, nukqúudde tatággaman pasukq mámattambauit weeche kattággan, ux ta­tàggaman ewo nagamo wusketambamh wâu­wannawàhittit wutche wussunkkówbâuous pak­kadtawàuwúngansh. ux kutchtâuwun wer­ramattámmewúnk tokâuasounk quah yéia­chewunk warremattajek massambàujek werrit­tepantámmewúnganak terre.

3. Newutche mukko God túpacha matta óus­sambamauóan mámattambâureatch kókkood­rewéaweghittit youh mittâukuk terre wutche quompàio; narra uttajiauche nannúppohittit, Jehovah tàtachâuwe wérrantàmmowũk bitch keiztàzzo skeje nejek, auwannak matt werran­tàmmóanau rêan Iehovah pókkotchim-mâu róvtammewunk quut mattawéwezàmmóguk ewówunk re.

4. Wutche rio Jehovah úttantanah réno­wauk útteambáttámmen tsaió wássimidde­wunk wutche askam poãmo nau uttákgutche youh pòmpemantàmmewunk youh terre God bitch meràh wame rennawauk nousse naga­máuwo wuttarkássoungãsh youh mittaukuk terre

Qu. To gôoje koràmen neh [...]mittachónkawawk rènnawauk pomphmmantàmmok hoggauwo pok­kothche nuppeat', quah neh uittaehonkp' quah nihok bitch náppinnâuauk mouskeane arquabit God yow wàssimidde wunganrk terre?

An. Spemilkegówunk rambáuwe mittachoak wutchio wame rénnawauk mámmachewàhuwã nejek wérreéhittit, quah mônskisshàssowan was­sèmóan, quah kéiappenassowan nejek matche­réhittit, chówonche kishke núppoungano, teau kokkôadumchàmo neh áskwhontammok wás­semiddewunk yow bitch peámo.

2. Spe rambaûwe chówoutàmmewunk wutche michéme pómpemantammewunk teou útteamopetánguanau wame rènnawauk.

3. Spe rambâuwe róytammeũngansh quah askwhóntámmewúngansh, yow Eansketàm­boûgh uttâhhénau wutche pómpamantàmme­wunk perôukon saúanaiôuk pòkkache pómantammowúshànnak yowh terre: nâume­nan p'tuks pabôuks antâumous werrégowunk quah se quoks kejámous rambe.

Qu. Ten God tôukretâsso ren?

An. Spe mâugun quah negonne wûskwhon­tammen pakkàdtawâuwank re nagum, quah pakkaddawan neh arra réunawauk àttum­minúmmok youh pakkadtawâ [...]wunk micheme bitch pompemantammok Iehovah wóm [...]rre­ [...]oúnganak terre; ux [...]arra apôkeitàmhit youh nakkadtawâunk bitch miche're kôákejà [Page 29]penáuwauk tabe ne pénauáuwe keizhittis restau­wun nouse wuttézzowunk wutche God mutche rio toúkretázzo mao uk terre michéme kejan­wung anak re.

Qu. Chawgun pákkadtawáuwunk [...]ch God negónne wuskwhómmenas renouk? quah tokè ne­gónne wuskwhómmenas ewounk re?

An. Pákkadtawáuwunk negoñe wuskwhom­muk moh ne rénawauk mouche pómpem an­tamminau mousse Jehovah noûskíñamuk wérran támmowunk: God mouskinnamáuwus renon youh wérrantámmewunk nah rôwat, chánche­paièwe, ramaie, spe wuskwhontammen ewo pakkadtaúwunk rame ren uttâhhok' terre; chànche pàiewe pokôtchkaíe spe ránjemokân­tammen chawgun ewo werràntammen [pók­kotchaimóa] ne ren pauhke uttein, quah wúnnagattúmmen, milketâwun youh pakkadta­way [Page 30]renouk spe nóremittassoungansh quah wezzamwauwúugansh, quah mouchewoprêan ren wauweztàmmawúnganak re spe quosetam­min wérrawâwunk.

Qu. To hodje God ránjemokassis ewo ùtteoitám­measunk, quah òurantàmmewunk renouk re spe arrizzons pòkotchekaìous áhrewatchchàmuks, narraga toükr étâuwah unkatágganok keizhittishà­nak nouse perrere.

An. Wutche ren youh pómpemantammewún­ganak terre waughtawn spe wauwaiowungansh arra spe naumuk quah petámmuk, negowaje God útteranjemen ewo útteoitammewunk re­douk re pékotchiequiouk, chanchepalewe spe kéketokantammin ewo taúakok re spe ru­wàwunk hompetammauwo, ne ren hom petam­min quah waughtaun chanchepaiewe spe wuskwkoshitten ewo werrantammowunk wusk­whegannak-terre, [Page 31]ne ren hom naumen, òk­kekkenâumen quah [...]aughtaun chawgun God wèrrantammo ne ewo wâutawn quah uttèin ne hom wâuwerrehèa [chadchemo].

Q. Moh wérrantammowunk wutche God mouskeuázzo renunk re aiache nah quompaious spe wuskwhazzen wuskwhêganak terre?

An. Yeiàche moh queràuhikkomuk ne wér­rantammowank God muche wauhtauhcwànaz renunk re spe kéketokàuwunk, wutche God mutche matta wússerawâuh-héan [wérzshahè­an] chawgun nowéta nokómmounk ux roútas­sewunk renouk wutche, webe chawgun moh nouse ewo kèketokaúwunk, teou keketokaú­wunk mutche webe Kekrássowunk wutche wauweztammewunk wutche rennauwauk rakque Jehovah. Webe youh kèketokaú­wunk matta wuskwhommòmuk yeiache, waje, [Page 32]wutche Adam re Moses, God móuskinnassoas ewo wérrantammewnnk spe kemenâumhewa­wúngansh, úttenoquomoúngansh, quah man— dówaiousàttabbawâuúngansh re akkôssissoak, quah sòenùmmis youh wutche nejek rim­sharoauk re, oushi koodumauwun uttaíum, quah pasuk waughtâuhùwan quah koo— damchâawâuhhuwan kattaggan wèrrantam— mewunk wutche God tabanah màuwewhéko— muk moh bóphammine rame akkossissoak Wauweketajek.

Qu. To hodje uttuwàuwunk God wutche ut­taj [...] [...]iche wuskwhòmmuk wuswhèganak terre?

An. Tàbanah maúwewhékomunk moh ko­kôodreshanchh' quah noujèwus mèrramme­moûjereause unkôuwea, quah nanak pèrrewoy­tammeúngansh wèrrerôutasseewúnganak terre kokoodreshamewúdih' quah Jehovah ouske­tambamh [Page 33]wejíoumekonasnannak weeche pèrre­aiarrôtaussejek nejek ause núkkommehèawus­hánnak pérreràuweehittewúnganak re nène moh queràuhikkomuk ne Jehovah uttuwâwunk pauh­ke wusk whazzen wusk whègannak terre.

1. Assannaman wúnnoytàmmewunk.

2 Nókottúmmen pèrrewoitámmewúngansh quah pòquaúttawne werremâuwunk wutche God wutche matcherèahittawunk [àiantekóm­boûjek] wame antlewunganak terre, webe pasuk errano quah sònkkumbâmuk kèkrasso­wunk youh spe wàssetummen werremâuwunk.

3 Milketawn wame rénnawauk youh is­chauunganak terre ne Jesus Christ (rame auwan­he nôrremattàmmokq') youh artak kekejábùad, auwunlie terre wame króudamâuwetoûngansh quah negonnióus ahruwâmuks wutche nekonne nôkottammâueten moh immartâuauk youh [Page 34]wauhtàzzik fpe tophâtonquàwunk weeche yous chawgúnne wuskwhâzzit wutche ewo, skaio nòkothommâuwetoúnganak terre, quah nègowaje ne matta wunk wèzzawunk merrít­tenaz ramuk kesukq', teôuspe neàuwun hom kedjhitchamen.

Qu. Chawgun youh wuskwheâk teounkterre yous aiakquiiks wuskwhazzous?

A. Youh mutche wuskwheak asswedámon the Bible, Jehovah wuskwheak, Jehovah attu­wauwunk, Jehovah werramauwunk, youh wèr­ramashshatawn [miáshshatawn] pákkadtawaû­wunk, wuskwázzit spe Moses, quah negnníjek ahrûajek. Quah ske nókothommâuwetounk teo­unk terre neauwun noutahhénan rematta quah sonke móuskinnamawúnk wutche peaio kemè­wunk wutche Jesus Christ.

Qu. Togooje koramen ne youh wuskwheak werre­mashshatawn [Page 35]uttuwâuwunk wutche God?

A. Newutche, máiáshshatawn wawantám­mowunk werréna ause wame youh hom mìssen­namâuwo spe Sáchemâuauk, [kót ta soodamau­ok] ux oússewe kókkoodamâuiek quah wawán­tejek wutche youh mittauk.

2. Wawántamhuwámo Jehovah mamúkkin­namásseiek michè ne keiauúnkanak re.

3. Waje negónne ruwámuks copehammâu­ous Jehovah wuskwhèakgannak terre sonke, quah kitche kèztaunaûauushansh.

4. God pompio wutche quompiewunganak­re, kónkejappennachàwus poqâuwe màttekàrre­kuts nágamo wuskwhèakgansh wutche, quah máttekárrekuts wutche youhjek auwúñum wér­ramatahéwushánnak quah utténauwushánnak peántammewunk quah roûtássawunk wutche God, ókkekôodamàmuk youh terre.

5 Nèwutche, wame rénnawauk wame mit­taúkuk terre pókodjemóauk routassen God nouse youh uttuwâwunk. Kóttasoodamaûwauk wut­che youh mittauke úttaheauk nejek sachwhún­gansh. God matta outahe chawgansh.

Ob: Jehovah ùttuwâwunk moh mérritten rôu­wat, Tógôoje pókkodjemoàmo [wajái] youjek eo pómpemantámmok keseque?

Ans. Jehovah ùttuwâwunk môuskeshàddawn nágamo micheme quah matta ássawúnnamòmuk wérrantámmowunk, wutche wame aiákquíiks querauhíkkomuks wérramattaûwun quah útte­nâuwun spe wame auwúnnum kíttechowonta— mok kejáhéan wame ántseúnganak terre; quah newutche moh wúskhommanaûwo neaûwun wutche nenar wutche youhjek pómpomantam­mowushánnak rouwat eo poôpe. Rom: 15.4: 1 Cor. 10.11. wame wunnéjannak wutche [Page 37]nenar negonníjek oûshewáwok Adam quah Eve. God keiztaunkq' wutche pàsakun nepuk wa­me arkêiz rènawauk wutche, Adam wutche okkéik quah Eve wutche ewo pechaûgun quah rio pàssogun ren rikhèaus katággun, quah ne ren katak, quah ne ren katak; quah ahàntse rikheoûshannak, rio wame rénnauwauk arra pápechewékeiek wutche Adam wutcháppuk, wame rénnauwauk arrámbaúauk: wame ahárso­ak hogkâuwunk kêounúnguanak, wuttaûauks, skesuks, wuttoân, quah méran terre.

Ob: Jehovah wuskwheâk moh mérrittonaz ùn­kátággchauk re tennéne pakkódje-moámo èanske­tàmbough.

An: Jehovah uttawâwunk moh negonne máugamuk Jewsak re webe. Psal. 147.19.20: Rom: 3: 2. askam paíaant Jesus Christ God moh kònkokâñaio wame arkeis pummêan [matchêan] (nejek paaijawùnga­nak [Page]terre Acts 14:16. kíttaman Iesus Christ pai­ant' rénambauúnganak terre ewo moh negòntua uttuwãwunk re wame arkeîs wutche mittauk. Mat. 28.19. Acts. 17 30. nouse negònne ruwa­muks wutche Iesus Christ. Esa. 49:6. quah wutch Gentilloãg Esa. 65.1. Ne uttuwãwunk ne ek missènnamanau poshe negonne poshe utta a [...]che

Ob Hom éa [...]ske. â nbough missinnamanau Iehovah wuskwh [...]âk [ittuwãwunk] matta youh bitch mam­mo ân hokkréztawâuwunk quah pâu [...]ssoùngansh wutche Sachemãu [...]uk, quah motántámmewunk èan­sketambough?

An. Moh mutche matta erano. Nux youh mutche chàraque arrôusha hokkrèztawauwunk quah paûasowunk Sachemauauk. Pro. 8 15 to 20: Cap 22.4. Spe womarromóu k [...] quah wez [...]rrakounk wutche God paûasounk h [...]k­krézta [Page 39]wâuwunk, quah ke [...]âuunk, quah youh bitch arrôusha mòtantámmewúngansh éanske­támbough, Spe motántáhùwan nejek wutche misneghittewunk mátcherêwunk quah mamat­chhúâdjek wutchío.

NEzzeshítta chippío ókkekôodemúnganau­ans spe wuskwhegansh wutche God màndo­waíous wérramauwúngansh querâuhíkkomuks re michéme kejàhíttewunk.

Q. Chaûket attàmo sketámbough wóweríewunk?

An. Matta pómpawoytàmmowûnganak terre, matta shajosshewúngànak terre wutche youh mittâuk.

Qu. To hódje?

An. Wajé kókkejauúngan taíoquíah, neaû­wun hom webe n'tahénan yous nàmach. Jam. 4:14: Luk: 12:19: Psal. 49.11: 12. 2 Yous aiakquíiks matta hom kàttabrawâhíkko­nànansh [Page]eo sakkepómpomàntammokq', matta kowéjauúngan nuppôan. [ahqueskétamb miten]

Qu. Ten artah néne missin wówerriewunk?

An. Renna wówer [...]íewunk artah wadchañam­âuúnganak terre wutche Iehovah narrâuwe wó­marretewunk spe Iesus Christ, árchewontàmmuk warréguk, têou howan nowêta hom natchkok ux umskómmen.

Qu. Iohóje?

An. waje youh wómarretounk attab wutche michême quah michemewúnganak re, matta eak­quíno. Jer. 31.3. 2 Wuña narraûwe Hos. 14.4. 3 Wame wómar­retoúngansh arche mêsi. Joh. 3: 16. 4 A [...]chetà­brawahíkkomuk. Psal. 63.3.

Qu. Ten terre Jehovah arche wâughhew âwun Sketàmboughre?

A. Uttúwawúnganak terre teou moûske­shaddawn [Page]rénnâwauk; chawgun pâhke petâh­ [...]nah, wârramattâmmanah, quah útteeínah ne ne ek hom wôssera wahénah God pómantâm­minah ewounkre nux pómpamantâminah miche­me weêche ewo. Rom. 10.8, 9, 11.

Qu. Howan God?

An. God Rashshâuwunk micheme wame­waughhèan, wame naûmen arwe-kíttamanchâsko arwe sunkkúmbaugh wutchío nagum hogga, quah wutche nagum hogga. Ex. 34.6, 7. Ex. 3.14.

Q. Chóssoak mándoak?

An. Webe pasuk waugh wèrramat God rame swe personôag swenâpssha pâsuk, oush, wôamón, quah peaió Rashaûonk. Mat. 28.19. nenar rame ren wòrrantámmewunk waughtaû­wunk quah mèmequantammewunk yows swe, narra webe pasuk ren: Rio mandoôwúnganak terre, swe personôag, narra webe pasuk God. [Page 42]Youth arwejanúnquat peaiò keonèwunk, teou Jehovah bitch kôodremóuskenàsso re oúsketám­bamh takque youh, quah rame aûsseqnámuk etántèrre.

Q. Chawgun waugh wèrramat Mandoh kekez­tàngus wutche ke?

A. God nekezhuíggus, ewo nènowadchàn­nakq' quah ewo hóm nénokedi huikq'. Psa. 119.73. Psal. 121.4, to 9. Esay 63.1.

Qu. Ten God kéteoushíkquenas?

An. Rame negónne neghíkqueoúshânnak pè­rambaûhuiggus, quah sonkkómboûhuiggus quah rizzo nagum hogga waûhtauwúnganak terre, Gen. 1.26.27 Ecl. 7.29.

Q. Kinspe nègamus pêrámbaugh quah Sônk­kómbough.

An. Matta negónne nousha matcheréoùshan quah nentéramopetángun. Es. 43.27. Ro. 5.19. [Page]God wushéawus Adam negónne ren tupacha wuttchòppuk wutche wame rénnauwáuk quah meáwus Adam, quah ewóunk terre wame rēnou wame waugh worrég [...]x a [...]akquíiks. chawgun Adam missínnamanis waske keiz héant God, mattax nagum webe wntche missinnamónis, we­che nagum sketambough mutche wame missin­namanauwushannak: quah chawgun tantâuanush antâuanush matta nagum wutche webe, wame tàntauanâuwush rènnauwauk ewounk terre chawgun Adam arretch netátuppe wame rèn­nawauk wúttenâuaus; ewo màtcheréwus newut­che wame màtcherèoushànnak.

Quest. Keko nêgamus mámatcherêt?

Answ. Spe wámpaquàanas màmattàmbauwún­ganak terre, quah spe négamus màtcherewùn­ganak terre, Psal. 51.5. quah rio spe nêen te­rámbâuwunk netátup matchenúnquoso matche­múnguoso [Page 44]múnguoso keizhêak quah nehoggok wutche no­matcherèwunk chishánttammuk re Jehovah.

Q. Chawgun kinspe neg-mátcherewunk?

An Matcheréwunk wutche Adam nummía­namâuhíkquemuk, quah mâtcherambauwunk uttéamopetángun. Ro. 5.12, 12.14. Eph. 2.12

Q. Chawgun Adam matcherèwunk kummia­nam âuhik quemuk?

An. Meêtsin quótetemúggus p'tuk wutchío.

Q. Chawgun komátcherambâuwunk?

An. Nomátcherambâuwunk sauaióo wutche werritta pantám mo wunk, upssquâuwemo mât­cherénag re webe mâtcherewunganak re, quah ne yeíache. Ro. 7.7, & 18, verse. Gen. 6.5. matta keizhêak sketôkkêak outahhe rio mâhmè huwamuk rambaûwunk arra wame rennawauk uttahèauk.

Q. Chawgun matcherewunk?

A. Matcherèwunk pôakquínnamounk wut­che Jehovah pakkadtawâuauwúngash 1 Ioh. 3.4.

Q. Chosshinch Attak pakkadtawâuauwüngansh?

A. Paíaguotush. Deut: 4.13.

Q. Chawgun negónshik Pakkadtawanwunk?

A. Matta bitch komandómo únkatagganok mandoak webe Ne. Exod. 20.3.

Q. Tah ruámo youh Pakkadtawâuwunk?

An. Ne neâuwun pâhke ketérrôutauwaûmen webe wérramat God. Mat. 4.10. Jehovah webe-waugh wérramat God, matta únk­atá ganok mándóaog, mándóaog, wutche ókke­ajwauhtammejek mamatchhuwadjek quah re­nou-nanschadjek.

An. Chawgun neztâushik pàkkadtawâuwunk;

A. Matta bitch koushèa mis-seânwuskwhôs­sen tuppacha mandôuh keunk re, ux neárrak wutche chawgun nowèta, teou kèsukkuk skeje [Page 46]terre, ux okke ramùk terre: ux nippe ramuk okke terre. Matta kekûpsquâwush wamaíouk kehok re nejek, matta ke bitch tàrroukàssomah nejek: wutche ne Jehovah ke God moussit-chamo [à­harrachàmitch] God, aharroûtant matcheréwunk koushwàwok wutchio skeje wónnajánnawauk [múkkràauk] re-swot quah youwot antsèwunk wutche nejek chìshsharamoquéanak ne: quah kittemanchèrachan re màmattinúnguesóak wut­che nejek wômarrequeanak ne quah wadchân­jek ne Pàkkadtawauàuúngansh. Exod. 20.4, 5. Joh. 4.24. Lev. 25.1. Ezek. [...]6.17.

Q. Tah ruwàmo youh Pakkadtawauauwunk?

An. Ne neauwun pahke nókkommoukaûwun wauhwerrámat God weeche wérramamuk nòk­kommowunk, nenar God pàkkadasówamoas [pakkaddawanas] matta nenar renou arroytamhit. John. 4.24. Deut. 12.32. Mat. 15.9.

Qu. Chawgun nashwe Pakkadtawâuwunk?

An. Matta ke bitch mishómmôan tah-noôche wézzawunk Jehovah ko mandouh: wutche Je­hovah matta bitch wussomóôan parrewauhhuwa ouwannouwéta mammo nagamo wézzewunk tah-noôche.

Q. Tah ruwamo youh wèzzewũk wutche ke God?

An. God nagum, quah waughwauwerrégix aíakquíiks wutche God, teouspe God wauhhéa nétatup ren waughéa spe nagomo wézzewunk nenar úttarwejanúnguesoúngansh nokkómmo— wunk, uttuwâuwunk quah wúttarkassowungansl 1 King. 9.3. Psal. 138.2. Job. 1.21

Q. Chawgun ruwãmo youh matta bitch kom— ammeân ewo wezzewunk tahnoôche?

An. Ne wame rénnauwauk pahke ruwaûauk wutche God nagum, quah waúwerrégix aiak­quíiks wutche God, wutche úttarwesanúnguesó­unk [Page 48]unk quah wutche nejek wórregaúngano, matta tahnoôche; matta uksschauwe, matta uttam­basioúngane, 2 King: 1: 3: Levit: 10: 3▪ Job: 36. Deut. 8.18: Jer. 2.30. Levit. 26.2: Heb: 4: 2:

Q. Chawgun youhwe pákkadtawàwunk?

An. kómmeqúantush nókkommowunk, [ke­weenâuwunk] wauwertaúun, [perrtâuun] nũk­kuddaskshe késequaûwe katarkas, quah keîzta­us wame kàtarkàssoungansh: webe nezense shúgane mutche nokkommounk wutche Iehovah ke God youh shùganeterre akquerishq' chaw­gun noweta arkassowunk, ke matta-kenâumô­an, matta kattane kowadjan-ren, matta nanno­ôtenuksqua, matta kekopompetùnganak matta ke pecouchauk rame ke squonta wutche rame nuk­kuddàskshe késequauwe Iehovah keiztâunas kesukq', quah okke, kathannabâug quah wame arakquíiks rame nejek appôop, quah akquarkaz­sons [Page 49][wûwusínnawus] nezzense shugane: ne­wutche Iehovah uttchadchimmóas nokkommo­wunk, quah peirtãwanas ewo. Ex. 20.8, 9, 10 11. Esa. 58.13. Ne. 13.16, 17.

Qu. Tah ruwámo youh pákkattawâuwunk?

An. Ne wame pahke wúusíunamanah wut­che arkassounk quah ause wutche mòmarrawas­sowank rame Iehovah késekut, ne neaûwun hom notânchemen re God rame wauwerrègix arkas­soúngansh. Esa. 58.12, 13. Jam. 4.8.

Q. Chawgun nàppachôssit pàkkadtawâuwunk?

An. Hokkreztâus [konkreztaus] koush quah kenoûnunk ne kokonkeseketush hom quonaious skeje okkeik teou Iehovah ke God kummèquun. Exod. 20.12.

Q. Auwánnak àsswerauk koush quah kenóununk?

An. Wame tòukrètassejek ten chíppakòm­mûkutchaug, tahatterre kôodammochâwunk ra­me maûwewhèkomunk nux asoûdummauwúng­anak [Page 50]terre 2 Chro. 29.18. Pro: 23.22. 1 Kin. 5.13

Q. Chawgun kokkrezt âuotounkre toukret assejek?

An. Wawhúngachamuk waûweztàmmewũk quah [ne tabasean] rambe maugawunk newutche Gen. 4.20, 21. Mal. 1.6. Heb. 12.9 Eph: 6.1.

Q. Chawgun akkòmmedj chossit pakkadtawau­auwunk?

Q. Tah ruwamo youh pakkadt awâuwunk?

An. Ne neaûwun pahke matta taíuquetauóu­nan pòmpemantàmmewunk ux assummassowunk wutche neaûwun hogganànak ux unkatagganak webe konkedjtâunan nese. Mat. 5.22. 2 Cor. 7.10. Mark. 3.4. 1 Sam. 26.20.

Q. Chawgun nesausuk pakkadtawauauwunk?

A. Matta komammôso. Ex. 20.14. Gon. 9 10. Levit. 18.24.

Qu. Chawgun matcherewunk youh quoteten?

A: Matchtawn hógganának, ux únkatág­ganak weeche wápasquâwe chísshegewúngansh

Q. Chawgun youh pákkadchimmeden?

A. Míanumbâuunk, konksanttawn neauwun hogganának peaiówunganak quah hókkrez­tauetoúuganak terre. Titus. 2.5. 1 Pet. 3.2. 1 Thes. 4.4, 4.

Q. Chawgun swankshit pákkadtawauàuwunk?

A. Matta kommôotakon [matta kekommôo­to] Exod. 20.15

Q. Chawguukommôotewunk youh quotéten?

A: Mamman únkatak ren mámachise, ma­ta waughtauôukq', matta maugaûkq', ux ókke­tawn kòmammachìnansh matta wutche kótam­básiooianansh, ux únkatãgganak ótambásioná­nâuush. Luk. 19, 8. 1 Thes. 4, 6. Pro. 21, 20. Netátup mámttambáujek éansketambaugh ók­ketáwnau mamatteînch nôotch-squahahíttit [Page 52]quah ókkezhíttit:

Q. C [...]twgun youh pákkadchimmeden?

A. Waûwerre mesínnaman nómamachínãsh wauwérre wádchanaman quah wauwérre aínas yoush: Pro, 13.11. John, 6.12. Luke, 19.16.

Q. Chawgun pásakogunshe pákkadtawauau­wunk?

A. Matta ketaíantekí aw aúghua kechánche­támmuk re. Exod: 20 16:

Q. Chawgun mátcheréwunk youh quotéten?

A. Okkejâuskin aîantekámpâuwe, roytám­min nux ruwan chawgun matta wérramamó­muk wutche neaûwun ux únkatágganok. Eph. 4.25. Jer: 9.4, 5. Joshu: 9.22. Pro. 13.7.

Q. Chawgun youh pakkádchímmeden?

A. Werramáwunk quah mutchisúnkombane [sónkkombauunk] Eph: 4.25. Mat: 23.23.

Q. Chawgun paíak she pákkadtawauâuwunk?

A. Ahque kíttechowontámmis tahnôoche week wutche kechánchetámmuk, ahque kette­chowontámmis werógen wutche kechánchetam­muk, matta ewo wajan-ren matta waian-squah, matta wutóximoh, matta wutássimoh, matta chawgun noweta wutche kítchâme Ex. 20 17

Q. Chawgun káttauachóssowáwunk youh qu [...] ­téten?

A. Káttauachówáwunk wutche únkatak ren mámachise: quah queraûhíkkowunk wutche tatábrawahíttewunk weeche néaûwun nómama­chínansh. Heb. 13.4. Ro. 7.7

Q. Nammuk pahkojé kattabrerèanas wame neish pákkadtawa âuwungansh?

A. Matta, ne quah wame rénnawauk má­matcherêjek. Ro. 7.14. Ro. 3.23.

Q. Chawgunhe ùnquat âuwetounk wutche mat­cher éwunk?

Ans: Nuppóunk quah michéme konkejáp­penaûwunk. Rom. 6.23. & 2.8, 9.

Q. Tennène kosámbattámen kejahean?

Ans. Webe spe Jesus Christ.

Q. Auwùnnah ássowe Jesus Christ?

A. Michéme wonnéjon wutche God auwun wutche neaûwun hogganának moh reuôowus, ne ewo hom mánnôhikquenan quah kéjahíkquenan.

Q. Tunre Jesus Christ manuôhikquenan quah kejâhikquenan?

Ans. Spe nágamo sonkkómbough kejâwunk quah wesekun nuppówunk quah àrwenunguat rambe ompkêwunk wunk kejaûwûnganak re. gal: 4.4. Mat: 5 20, 28. Psal: 2.7, 8. Rom. 4.25.

Q: Tun gooje ko [...]âhean chánchepauwuuk, quah chanchìawunk weeche Jesus Christ rame ewo nup­póunk quah ewo rambe ómpkewùnganak terre?

Ans. Spe milkégowunk wu [...]che ewo kéka­tokaûwunk [Page 55]quah Rashâuwunk, youh passoûhik­quenan re Jesus Christ, quah quowâdchanhikque­nan rame ewunk terre. Joh: 17.20. 1 Cor. 6.17.

Q. Chawgun nágamo kékatochâuwunk?

A. Peaíous wuskwhégansh Iehovah wusk­whâzzous spe negónnoíjek âbruwâjek wutche ewo uttuwauwunk asswérauk Prophetts & apostles, nâhnekónne quah wuskí Nókothommâuèten, pakkadtawauaûwunk quah wérranjemokauwe­ten. 2 Tim. 3.15, 16.

Quest. Tenre attabawâuwunk wutche pakkad­tawauâuwunk kepazôuhikqun rakque Jesus Christ?

Ans. Arra nopazôuhikqun waughhean no­matcheréwunk quah wezkésowunk wutche God ne rakque ne wutche. Rom. 7.9.10.

Qu. Tenre waught âuwunk wutche komàtcheré­wunk kopazôuhikqun rakque Jesus Christ?

Ans. Youh spe ne nopé mequìnneman ne [Page]nânnapúmmuk arrachossewâwunk, quah que­râubíkkowunk wutche kékejahuad. Gal 3.10.24.

Quest. Ten re attabbow âwunk wutche werran­jemok âuweten ketàtnamungqun rame youh tattaai­nuppooiret âmmuk arrachóssewâwunk?

Ans. Womârrun híkqun nar ause, quah néne tomkêhíkqun wutche youh kónkejappenamuk arrachossewâwunk. Luk. 3.4, 5, 6.

Qu. Ten re kokkôudumchâuwunk wutche wér­ranjemok âuweten kowómarrumhikqun wunk?

A. Spe môuskínnamowunk wutche nar­rauwe wòmarretoúnk wutche Jesus Christ 2 Tim: 11.10. Waje nuppóus kejahèan mamat­cheréjek: Ioh. 16.7, 8.6.44. Quah narra nowau­taúhikqun wutche nomatcheréwunk, waje matta nenôstammôan skejé ewo, quah michéme nó­monúnquesówunk peaûwun ewounk re; Luke. 19.10. Quah [...]ió nenon equínnaman ne hok mi­chéme [Page 57]tanhich.

Q. Ten néne kokkôuáum [...]âuwunk wutche werr anjemokâuwunk kótantamtamhikqun wutche youh anhémuk árrechossewawunk pean re Jesus Christ?

Ans. Nenar nekokkoôdummohikqun raû­weto quah milkesewunk wutche nuppówunk wutche Jesus Christ, quah pâuasoúngansh wutche ewo narrauwe wómârretowúnkre anhéjek ma­macheréjek Joh. 12.32. 2 Cor: 5:19, 20. môu­skeshaddawn kroûdemâuwetowúnk wutche werríttepantammewunk re youjek, quah merâh peaio ras [...]âuwunk wutche wérrettepantamme­wunk missínnamaw âuhuwan Iesus Christ, quah nagamo kroûdan auwetounk wutche werrette­pantammewunk re nêan hok, quah nowad­janhikqun rame nagum. 2 Pet: 3.18. Luke 19. 10, Mat: 9, 13. Gal. 3.5. Ro. 10.17. with 1.16.

Qu. Ten re peaéo Rashâuwunk wutche wérrit­tepantámmewunk kùtamauhikqun quah pazôu­bikqun re Jesus Christ, quah missinnamahikqun nâgamo krôudamauwétounk, quah kowadchanhik­qun ewounk terre?

Ans. Sperikhéan [tikhéan] rame ne wár­emattámméwunk àttummanah ewo: Ro: 10. 17.10.14. Zec: 12.10. Attabbowawunk wewhékum skeje ewo: amban­toetammewunk môuwun rakque ewo, quah w'skio weztammewunk kretammin ewo. Ro. 16.25.26 2. Cor. 10.4, 5.

Q. Chawgun atta Warremattammewunk?

Ans. Warremattammewunk arta wenrrittepã­tammewunk wutche peaîo Rashâuwunk; Phil: 1.29. 2 Cor. 2 4.12. Nahwutche hôkkeje­waûghtam ne hok quah warremattam skeje Iesus Christ wutche sunkkómbaûwunk quah micheme kejâuwunk;

Quest. Chawgun attâbawawunk?

Ans. Attâbowawunk wewhékechaúmewa­wunk wuskéje God rame wézewunk wutche Ie­sus Christ spe aínamaûetowunk wutche peaío Rashaûunk nousse útteoitammewunk wutche God. Mat. 6 9. Ioh. 16.23. Ro. 8.26, 27. Joh I

Qu. Ten Jesus Christ kokoodumchauwas ewe nannawunnakuts attaboan?

Answ. Rio.

Noûshin aûsequamuk terre wérrettepan­tàmmunatch [wòweztâuonatch] kowésewunk Pèamoutch' kúkkussootúmmowunk, kòrantàm­mowunk neratch sket'ôkke nenar âuse quamuk terre, Mèsonah éa kèsuk kónkesekatush no­méetsounk, [petúkkenêag] Akquantamínah nomàtchereúnganansh nenar tàkquantaminan ewojek nomàtchereh éaqueàguk, Asquonsàkkon­gonan [Page 60]rame-re mítchchemôuretounk, webe kûppoquohwhèriggamínah wutche madjk' wut­che kèkatah kètassootómoonk, quah milkèsso­wunk quah àíttarwejanúnguesówunk michème quah michème: Ne râtch.

Qu. Chawgun Ambantoietammewunk!

A. Ambantoiètàmmewunk wèrrittepantam­mewunk wutche peaió Rashâuunk nah wutche ne nezkòntum nomàtcherewúngansh quah nez­kàrraman m'hok yous wutche, quah nòrremâ­hitch nèish árquabit Jehovah, quah nomâu­wetepaz nouse Jesus Christ wutche akquante­màueten wutche nêish, quah wutche wèrrittepan­tàmmewunk wùttusomôàn rame skìawunk wutche kejâuwunk. Acts 5.31. John 24.20. Levit. 26.40, 41. Pro. 28.13.

Qu. Chawgun youh wuskio kejâuwunk, ux wâweztàmmewunk?

A. Wuskèawunk wutche kejâuwunk arta wèrrettepantàmmewunk pęaiò Rashâuwunk nah wutche nenogottúmmonush ne negònne chachishseúngansh, quah akôuwa chanchi­awunk, quah pummèan arquabe Jehovah rame wequàai wutche ewo uttuwâwunk, quah wâu­wèrrechànchìawúnganak terre wutche paperrís­sejek. Psal. 51.1, 2.30. Rom: 7.6. 1 Pet: 4.2, 3, 4 Psal. Psal. 119.105.1, 15. Psal. 16.3.

Q. Chawgun waùwerrechanchi [...]wunk wutche paperríssejek?

A. W [...]uwerrechànchiawunk wutche mâu­wewhèkomúnk Rashâuwàndowe wàuwerèga­nak terre, wutche wèrrawâuunk wutche wèr­rittapantammowunk, quah wôhpretàmmowún­gansh youh wutchio. 1 Cor: 1.2. Phil: 1.5. Act 2.47. Rom: 9.4 1 Cor: 12.13.

Q. Chawgun mâuwewhékomuk?

A. Màuwêwunk wutche paperísseiek waû­weiossemuk [Page 62]nappe rame wôhpretewunk wutche wetampaddawunk, routassen Iehovah quah kókkekóodamàuwetúmmen rame wame ewo werréganak pakkadtawauwúnganak terre. Psal. 89 5. Ps. 50.5.16. Ezek. 20.37. Act. 2.42. 1 Cor

Q, Chawgun wôprétounk wutche wetampad­dewunk rame youh Mauwéwhékonunk wâu­wejassemuk nappe?

A. Wárremahittewunk wutche youh wètam­pàddewunk teou God keiztâunas wêeche ewo sunkòmbâueritch sketàmbâmh ne ewo bitch omando Jehovah re nej k quah re nejek antsè­jek. ez Cor: 8: 5 & 9: 13 Gen: 17: 7

Q: Re chawgun Jehovah wôpréant wüketam­bàmh rame youh wétampaddawùnganak terre?

Answ: Mâuganau hoggaûoush quah neiek antsèiek, negonne re Jehovah ne hom neiek ewo wòsketambamanak, Iosh: 24.15, 21, 24, 25 [Page 63]quah nène tôukretàsseiek re quah memattid­dewôak wutche mâuwewhèkomunk negonshid­dawn roútauaúwunk wutche God quah neiek kòkkokôudemàuetúmmechâwunk: Nehe. 9.38

Q. Ten mauganau neiek hóggauwauwo quah neiek antseiek re Jehovah?

An. Spe àttummemìmmewunk spe wàrre­mattàmmewunk Jehovah Iohn 1.12. quah e­wo watàmpàddewunk, re hoggaûauk quah neiek tànseúnganak re Gen: 17.9, 10. quah nè­nar wótterainaínauh hoggâuwo, Isay 56.6, 7 quah koûdamâuòak omúkkràmuk màiawún­ganak terre wutche ewo wetámpàdewunk. Gen: 18.19.

Q. Ten mâuganan hóggauâuwo quah nejek mukkraauk re tôukretassejek quah wémattiddewò­ak wutche mâwewhèkomunk?

A. Spe súnkowauwunk wutche neiek mat­ch [Page 64]cherewúgansh, Mat: 3.6. quah wâuwerrema­híttewunk wutche youhiek wárremattamewunk 2 Cor: 9.13: quah wutche neiék noûsserewahu­wâwunk re mòrraniemokaû wunk wutche Iesus Christ quah rìo neiek quah neiek mukkrâauk attúmmonummóauk rame re chanchì awunk wutche maûwewhèkomunk quah wôpretoúng­ansh youh wutchio.

Qu: Chawgunsh wôpretoüngansh wutche wè­tampàddewunk èo. rame àkquinnagàtte wutche wèrraniemokàüwunk wutche Jesus Christ?

A. Kítchessumòunk quah peaiò nênepòm­pomuk wutche Jesus Christ Ro: 14.11. with Col

Q. Chhàwgun kekeistansh kitchessumounganak terre?

A. Rame Kitchessumòunk kitzsùmmodean wêeche nippe arta wâuwanûnquot quah wôh­ [...]ètounk wutche nukkitzsommachaûwunk wee­che [Page 65]népuk quah rashâuwunk wutche Iesus Christ, Rom. 6.2. Act. 22.16. Quah youhspe wutche ne ankwhótewunk [állequataûwuuk] ramêre Ie­sus Christ: wutche akquántemaûetounk quah kitzsímmoden wutche nomátchereûngansh: Luk. 3.3. wutche ne tompkéwunk wutche seway­támmoûngansh: 1 Pet. 3.20, 21. Quah nànak wutche ne rambe-ompkínnawunk wutche nàb­bajek attâjauche késekutt. 1 Cor. 15.29.

Q. Chaugun kekeîstaush rame nenepómpomuk wutche Jesus Christ? asswèdam the Lords Supper.

Ans. Rame peaío nenépómpomuk wutche Ie­sus Christ tínnamounk wutche petúkqunneg quoquasqûenaman, quah wine sôkenúmmen, 1 Cor: 10.16. Mat: 26.26.28 Joh. 6.55. muche waúwenúnquat quah wôhprètounk wutche ne tínnamounk wâuwerrechànchine wutche hok wutche Iesus Christ sukquúnnaman [quoquàs­énaman] [Page 66]wutche ne, 1 Cor: 12.13. Quah [...]tche nagnm népuk pôke-shínnaman wutche [...]; quah youh spe wutche né anchégowunk ra­ [...] Iesus Christ wutche akquantemaûeten quah [...] dihittewũk wutche nomatchereúnganóas; wut­ [...] waû werrechanchìawunk wutche ewo peaío ashaúunk wueche ne mílkechâuwunk [mílke­ [...]uaûwunk quah tauchégowunk wérrittepan­ [...]mmewúnganak terre: quah wutche ne nap­ [...]wétappomowâuwunk wêeche Iesus Christ ske­ [...]ewo àrwenúnquat ahapáppomuk wutche at­ [...]rwejanúnquesówunk uttâjauche wassúmmo­ [...] [...]aùwúnganak terre.

Quest. Chawgun rambe ompkèwunk wutche uppoùnganak, têou moh wôhpretowâuwus [mìlke­ [...]uwáuwus] keunk re kitchessumowunganak terre?

Answ. Iesus Christ péant' nagum uttátauche [...]ássimiddewúnganak re, Joh. 5.28, 29 Wame [Page 67]warrekássejek bitch rambe ompkèwunk, takq [...] sonkkúmbaûjek quah mámattambaûjek. Act. 2 [...]

Q. Chawgun uttájauche wassùmmowàwunk té [...] milketàuwo [wohpretauwo] ke rakque rame [...] nepómpomuk wutche Jesus Christ asswèdam Lo [...] Supper?

A. Uttàjauche késuk keaûwen wâme bi [...] mouskemen arquàbe wassemíddemuk abappó [...] muk, wutche Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 5.10. me [...] okkêehtâssowunk wutche neaûwun aírkasso [...] ganansh quah missínnaman neaûwun únquet [...] ­tounk yous nousse. [nenar râuato àrriit wuto Mat. 12.36. 1 Cor. 4.5. Eccl. 12.14.

Q. Chawgun unquetauet óunk teou bitch mèrriten?

A. Sunkómbaûjek bitch aug micheme [...]k [...] ùnganak re, quah mámattambaûjek bitch po [...] naûauk rame re michéme rowtag wêeche [...] quah ewo Angellôag. Mat. 25.34.46.


How prove you that there is a God?


From the universal and constant agreement of all nations. and persons in the world who are rot void of right reason and humanity.

For the things which are grounded upon particular mens fancies and opinions are not acknowledged of all men, and are often ch [...]nged but this rotion that [Page 6]there is a God is common to all men, nor is it changed by the changes of times; therefore it must arise from some light which is common to all men, and that light must be either from tradition which hath fl [...]wed from the first p [...]repts or mankind to all their posterity from age to age who would not lye to their ch ld [...]n in a m tter of so great importance; or from an inward light implanted in the minds of all men by himself. And that such a light is in every m [...]n naturally appe [...]eth by the f [...]ares that [Page 7]are in all men when they have done y t which they know to be evill, though no man knoweth and upon extraordinary accidents, as Thun [...]er [...] liarthquakes▪ sights in the Aire, blasing Starre &c: which shewes that they know thereis a power, above the creatures, though they see him not. who will punish sinn, and can do it when he will. And this is Secondly from the begining of all▪ things that have a dependent being For the things which had a begining could not be cause of their own being for [...] that which is not cannot act, nor could any thing [Page 8]bee before it was therefore it must have its begining from some other cause which is without begining, and therefore the first being and efficient cause of all other beings.

There was a first man, and a first woman and a first in every kind of living creatures but that first man and woman, those first of all kinds living creatures could not make themselves therefore there was a first being which ab [...]o [...]ute and in dependent and rests upon nothing that was before them ad, and [Page 9]made them all, and upon whom all other beings depen [...]. And this is

How can you know that there is a God, seeing you never saw him, nor can see him?

I know I have a reasonable soul, though I never saw it. nor can see it. The soul were not a spirituall substance if it could be seen with bodily eyes, and so no soul in like manner were not a Spirit if he could be seen with bodily eyes and so no God.

But no man can fully know Gods nature therefore no God?

It followeth not, for [Page 10]an infer our nature cannot fully; understand the things of; an higher and more excellent nature, then, it self. Be [...] cannot understand what man is, much less how to plant and govern Common-wea [...]es, or to become earned o [...] sayl over the Seas &c: For these things exceed their capaci­ties in l ke manner man seeing himself to be made of a more noble nature [...]en beasts, and that not of him self: must needs inferr that he who made him superiour to beasts he modes above man. then man is above beasts and therefore that y e full, knowledg of his [Page 11]nature excceeds mans capacity.

Are there many Gods? or is there but one true God?

There are not many Gods, there is only one true God.

How do you prove that that there is but one true God?

Because the reason why singular things of the same kind [...]re multiplied is not to be found in the nature of for the reason why such ke things are multiplied is from the fruitfulness of their causes: but hath no cause of his being but [...]is of hi [...]se f therefore he is one.

Because singular things of the same kind when they are multiplyed, are differenced among them selves by their singular propertyes; but there cannot be found another God differenced from this by any such like propertyes.

Because its proper to God to do whatsoever he willeth; if there were many Gods they might will contrary things, and one might be hindred by another, [...]o y he could not do what he would▪ which can not stand with the Omnipotency and nature of God.

But may there not be many Gods: yet s [...] that one as the cheifest and greatest of all?

No, because the first being must be absolutely Su­pream because he depeudeth upon nothing, he rests not upon any person but is alsufficient to him self and to all things; and [...]ll things depend upon him that which is not absolutely cheifest and above all cannot be God.

Because the Essentiall propertyes of God are such as cannot be given to any more then one.

What are these Properties which are peculiar to God alone

There are many I shall instance in three which include the rest.

That all perfections are [Page 14]in him originally, and eminently as in the first cause, from which heaven and earth and all things in them receive whatsoever good they haue that all perrecti­on are in in­fin [...] the reason why the be ng and goodness of all creatures is limitted, is because the cause whereby they exist hath cō [...]ic [...]ted so much to them an [...] no more, and hath made them capable of so much and no more but receiveth not any thing from [...]nother but is a Spirit living in him self, or of himself therefore God is not limmitted his strength is Infinite whatsoever he willeth he doeth in heaven & [Page 15]earth his Knowledg is Infinite he knoweth all things; he heareth all the words, and he seeth all the works of all men in all the world his Goodness is Infinite he is [...]ce [...]i [...]y good, he go [...]s beyond all in goodness he doeth good towards all creatures, the presence of God is infinite, he is every where in all the world f [...]lling all places and goes not from p [...]e to place, as doth the creatures his life is Infinite, he is Eternal, without begining and without end.

That the true God is perfectly blessed in himself, A [...]sufficient of himself, he needs not supply from an other For,

He knows all things at once and together in all the world, without discourse by the Infiniteness of his Essence.

He willeth most freely whatsoever is good and so perfectly that whatsoever he willeth is good so f [...]tr as he willeth it, and because he wil­leth it, For is simply and Infi­nitely good.

How do you prove that heaven and earth, and all things in them have the original of their being from

This followeth from what was said before, for we have proved that God hath his being of himself, and is but one therefore all [Page 17]other things have either in them selves, or in their causes their being from him.

The common understanding of men doth evince this, if we con­sider any of the creatures particu [...]y the framing of mans body within and without how all the parts of mans body, yea the least have their several uses, and are fitted to those uses, by no study or industry of their parents, yet with such wisdom that the more learned and the more wise men are the more they admire it. No wise man can imagine that stones and tîmber grew into an house, [Page 18]by chance, or of themselves, but that some skilfull artificer fitted, placed, and joyned them together; so, when we see heaven and earth so framed and among all creatures, one thing fitted to another and all things to their proper uses, we cannot but con­clude that there is a most wise maker of the world. and all things in the worlds and this can be no other but the true God.

But many evills are done in the world, and are in mens hearts is the author or the cause of these evills?

No for is of himself perfectly good, though the power of acting be of yet this abuse of that power to ct sinfully is of themselves. God made the Angels and men with a liberty of acting which was not vi [...]ious yet it might by its own power produce something that is vicious, it was from the [...]buse of their free will that fallen angels now devills and and and in them all mankind sin­ned.

Though be not the cause of sinn, yet are there not two active beginnings, the one good; and the author of all good; [Page 20]the ether evill the author and cause of evill.

That cannot be, for if there were two such contrary acting beginning they would alwayes be fightings one against another whence destruction would follow.

Neither is any thing so evill as is of himself good for evill is a kind of de­fect which can not be, but in a thing exîtlent, and to exist is some good.

The true hath all streg [...]th and the sures; the gods of the heathen are weak and poor He fills heaven and earth, and is every where in all the world.

[Page 21]If, there be other gods where are they

Seing made heaven and earth, and all things in them, does He now leave them and no more look after them as a carpenter doth leave an house he hath built?

No, for a carpenter looks nor after the house he hath built, not for him self, otherwise, if he made it for himself, continually he doth look after it. So made all things not for an other but for himself, and therefore doth preserve them and govern them for the ends wherefore he made them and to which he appointed them and according to y e several natures he hath given them; Some by Reason as men others by [...]h i [...] natural [...] [Page 22]as Sensitive cratures: others by their natural pro pertyes, as the fire asscends and water descends.

How do you prove that Gods pro­evid [...]ce doth▪ govern all the world▪

By the motion of things against their proper nature for the good of the uni­verse as we see fire will de [...]cend and water ascend 01 contr ry to their natures to prevent emp­tiness for the good of the uni­verse.

By the na [...]ural care which not o ly men indued w t understanding, but al o be [...]sts and fowles th [...] wa [...]lon ha e o [...] [Page 23]their young: which being a part of goodness must he acknowledged to be of God em [...]nently towards all his creatures in the world: and the rather because he is present every where and knowes all things, and can easily order them to the ends wherefore he made them.

ordereth the Sun, moon and starrs and clouds of heaven for the benefit of the creatures on earth, principally of man.

Because Common-weales are kept, saved, destroyed and changed by the will of God

Because all men in great diffi­culties, distresses and [Page 24]exigents naturally do cry to God for help which teacheth us that the knowledg of Gods providence towards all persons, and things upon the earth is implanted in the natural hearts of all men.

How do you prove that all singular things are governed by Gods Povidence?

Because singular things are or­dered and directed to those ends whereto God made them.

Because God is present in the whole world, and his Wisdom and Strength are Infinite.

Because gener [...]l [...]s [...]o subsist in lingu [...]s: and there [...]e if [Page 25]singulars were not preserved by Gods providence the generalls would perish with them.

If it be so; how then comes it to pass that Sin doth so abound in in the world?

Even the sinns that abound in the world do manifest that Gods providence doth govern all things on earth. Because thereby the effects of finne are kept under limmited restrained and hindered least they should proceed so farr as otherwise they would to the overthrow of Common-weales and that one man should not live by another.

Because, over-rulein the effects of mans sinns [Page 26]which he permitteth to good ends either to Punish one wicked-man by another, or to correct his own people when they wander from his righteous Rules, or to try the faith patience and con­stanoy of believers eminent in grace.

Because though per­mitts wicked men to prosper in this world for a time; yet at last when they dy Gods punishing will shall [...]e done upon them who would not Gods Commanding wi [...]l but were disobedient thereunto

Because thus God drawes men to look for the great Judgment before it come after this life wherein will render to all men after their workes in this world▪

How do you prove that the soules of men live when their bodyes be dead, and that soul and body shall be ioyned together to appear before in that Iudgment?

By the power of the natural conscience of all men comforting them when they do well. and accusing Judg­ing and tormenting them when they do evill, especially near their death, which sh [...]wes that they expect a Judg­ment to come.

By the natural desire of immortalitie which is in all men.

By the natural motions and expectations, that Indians have of living in an other country to the southward after they have lived in this: we see treas in winter loose thir beauty and in the spring live again.

How doth govern man?

By giving and prescribing a law to him, and by ordering that as men do receive that law they that live for ever in Gods love; or as they reject that [...]w they that [...]raal [...]y [...] [Page 29]misery its meet that a reaaonable creature made after the Image of should be so governed in way to euerlast­ing life.

What Law did prescribe to men? and how did he prescri [...]e it to him?

The law prescribed was that men should live after Gods revealed will revealed to men that his will of old part­ly inwardly, by writing his law in mans heart; partly outwardly by declaring what he wuleth that man should do, and avoyd, confirming that law [Page 30]to man by promises and threatnings and binding man to obedience by a solemn covenant.

Why did reveale his mind and will to men by such like outward meanes seeing he governs other creatures after another manner.

Because man in his life understands by his senses; as by seeing and hearing, therefore revealeth his will to men outwardly, partly by spe [...]king to his eares by an audible voyce, that men may hear and understand partly by caesing his will to be writt [...]n in [Page 31]a book, that man may see, read and understand what willeth that he know and do that he may be blessed.

Was the will of made known to man at all times by being written in a book?

It was alwayes necessary that the will of should be made known to man by a word, for would never ac [...]ept any worship or service from man, but what was according to his word, which word is the only Rule of the Obedience of men towards God but this word was not written at a [...] times for [Page 32]from to revealed his will by visions dreames, and Oracles to few and spread it from them to many the father teaching his sonn, and one making known to and teaching another the will o [...] when the Church was shut up in few families.

Why was the word of afterwards written in a book?

When the Church was enlarged and began to spread it self into a greater compass, and also errours in Religion increased, and Gods [Page 33]people conversed with Ido [...] l [...]ter [...] they were more subject to be misled then it was necessary that Gods word should be written in a book.

1. To prevent forgetfullness.

2 To avoid errours and preserve the Trueth of from corruption in all ages there being but one true and righteous Rule whereby to judg the trueth.

3 To settle all men in this point that in whom we believe is that Saviour. in whom all the promises and Prophesies of the ol [...]l Testament were fulfilled which is [Page 34]known by comparing with them what is written of him, in the new Testament and therefore that there is not another [...]me else given under heaven wher by w [...] may be saved.

What is that book wherin these things are written?

It is that book called Gods Book Gods word, Gods Trueth, which con­teineth the Law, written by and the Prophets. And the new Testament in which wee have a full and manifest discovery of the mystery of

How do you prove that this Book conteineth [Page 35]the word of

Because it conteineth a wisedom f [...]rr above [...]ll that can bee had by P [...]inces, or th [...] most ar [...]d and wise men [...]f this world.

I [...] makes wise Gods Elect to [...] salv [...]tion.

Because [...] Prophesies conteined in th [...] Scriptures [...] have been exactly and [...]lly fulfi [...]ed.

hath from time to time t [...]rmented the manifest enemies of his Book, and [...]ies of those who have prof [...] and p [...]ctised th [...] Religion and wor [...]p of taugh [...] there in.

Because all men in all the world are required to worship accord­ing to this his word. The greatest princes of this world have their lipits hath none.

Gods word was given long agee, How then doth it concern [...] th [...]se who now live in these dayes?

Gods word doth hold forth his eternal and unchangeable. Will, concerning all things necessary to be believed, and done by all who would [...]ee sayed in all Ages; and therefore was written forius as well as for those who Lived long agoe all being children of he [Page 37]same first parents and made of one blood all nations of men of the earth and of this rib, and so one man [...]e [...]rt another, and that ma [...] [...]n [...]ther, and that man anothers; and one generation begat another, so all men are as branches of the Root all men are of the same nature: all are like in theire bodies theire heads, eares, eyes, mouth, and tongue.

Gods word was given to other nations, how then doth it concern the In­dians.

Gods word was first given to the Jews onely. till the comeing of suffered all Nations to walk in their own [Page]wayes but when came in mans n [...]ture hee s [...]nt his word to all Nations of the [...] wor [...] according to the prophesies of and of the Gentii s which his word they receive some sooner so [...] ter then [...]er

If the [...]n [...] [...]s receive Gods Word will it not take away the [...]ur and Riches of [...] the sac [...]ms, and Li [...]erty of the Indians?

No, in noe wise. yea this would quickly incre se th [...] honour and Riches [...] th [...] S chems By humilitie and the feare of are Riches [Page 39]honour, and life. and this will inlarge the liberty of the indians by freeing them from the bon [...]ge of sin and Sa­than.

The second part shewing them by the Scriptures of the divine truths necess rie to eternal Salvation.

Wherein stands mans Happiness?

Not in the pleasures, nor in the treasures of this world.

Why so?

Because our life is short, wee can but possess them a little whi [...] These things cannot satisfie [Page]now while wee live, nor will they accompany us when [...]e [...]dy.

Wherin then [...]anas mans happiness?

Mans happiness consists in the fruition of his free Love by the chief desireable good, that any can seek for or find.

Why so?

Because this Love is from everlasting and to everlasting it [...]ea [...]th not. Most free of all Loves its the greatest most [...]tis­fying.

Wherin is chiefly made known to men?

In his word which shewes [Page]men, what they ought to avoyd believe, and [...]oe that they may please live to him yea live for ever with him. (Tit. 2.12 Deut. 29.29

Who is?

Is a Spirit eternal all knowing, al-seeing, most mercifull most righteous of himselfe, ann himselves. (Joh. 4.24. Psa. 90.2. 2 Chrō. 6.30

How many Gods see there?

Thereis but one very true in three persons three in one, the Father, the Son, and the hol [...]-Ghost. as in man there be his will understanding, and memorie those three, yet but one man: So in the God-head, there are three persons, yet but one. [Page 42]this is a glorious mystery which will reveal more fully to his people both her [...] and [...]n heaven hereafter.

What hath the true God done for thee?

hath ma [...]e me, he doth keep me. and he can save mee.

How did make you?

In my first patents he made mee holy, and righteous and like himself in knowledge.

Are you then born holy and righteous.

No. my first father sinned and I in h [...]m. [Page]made the first man as th [...] r [...] of all m [...]kind, and gave and in him all men all ood things what rec [...]ived in the b [...]g [...]n [...]ing when God made him, hee received it not for [...]e [...]f alo [...] with him all men receîved i [...] and what heé lost hee lost not for himself alone all men lost it in him what did as if all men did it; he sinned therefore all sinned.

Were you born a sinner?

I was conceived in sin, and born in iniquity, and so by my nature am as a [...]thy loath­some [Page 44]some creature and in my self by reason of my sin obdious to

What is your birth sinn?

They sinn of imputed to mee and a currupt, nature dwelling in mee.

What is Adams sinn imputed to you?

The eating of the forbidden tree. Gen. 3.11.

What is your corrupt nature?

My corrupt nature is empty of grace, bent unto sinn, onely unto sinn, and that continually. not a creature upon earth hath So an infect­ed nature as all men have.

What is Sin?

Sin is a breach of Gods Commandements.

How m [...]ny Commandements are there?


What is the first Commandement?

Thou shalt have no other gods but Mee.

What is the meaning of this Comm [...]ndement?

That wee should worship the onely true. Is the onely true there are no other gods the gods of the insi [...]ells are Devills and man-Slayers.

What is the second Commandement?

Thou shalt not make any graven image unto thee or the likeness of any thing, which is in heaven above [Page 46]or in earth beneaah, or in y e water under the earth. Thou shalt not bo [...] down, thy s [...]f to them, thou shalt not serve them: for I thy am a [...]ous visiting the iniquity of the [...]ath [...]s upon their children to the third and fourth generation, of them that hate me and shewing mercy unto thousands of them who love me and keep my Commandements.

What is the meaning of into Commandement?

That wee should worship The True with True worship, such as hath ordained not such as men do invent

What is the 3d Commandement?

Thou shalt not take in vaine the Name of thy God. for will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vaine.

What meanes here the Name of thy?

Himself, and the good things of whereby is known as a man is known by his name as his At [...]utes worship Word and Works. Deua. 28.58. Ex. 30 19. with. 34.6

What meanes that shalt not take his name in vaine?

That all men should speak of himself, and of the good things of for his glory [Page 48]and for their good not vainly, not unreveren [...]ly, not unprofitablely, 24. 1 Cor 10.31. Job: 5: 27:

What is the fourth Commandement?

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, Six dayes, shalt thou [...]abour, and doe all thy workes. but the [...]ev [...]th day is the Sabbath of thy on that day thou shalt not do any work, thou nor thy Son nor thy daughter man-servant, nor m id-servant, nor thy cattel nor thy stranger within thy gates for in S x dayes made heaven, and earth the sea and all things that in them bee and rested [Page 49]the seventh day wherefore bless [...]d the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

What is the meaning of this Commandement?

That all should Rest from work and much more from play on the Lords day▪ that wee may draw near to in good works.

What is the f [...]fth Comm [...]ndement?

Honour thy father and thy mother that thy [...]es may bee long in the l [...]nd which thy giveth thee

Who are called thy father and mother

All Rulers whither in families the school in Church or in the common-wealth. [Page 50](2.12. 1 Cor. 4.15

What is the honour to Superiours?

Reverence Obedience and whan I am able recompence. 1 Tim. 5.1. 1 Sam. 25.8.

What is the fixt commande­ment?

Thou shalt doe no murther. (1 Tim. 5.4.

What means this commandement?

That wee should not shorten the life or health of our selves or others but preserve both.

What is the seventh commandement?

Thou shalt not Committ Adultery.

What is the sinn here forbidden?

To defile our selves, or others with unclean lusts.

What is here Commanded?

Chastity to preserve our bodies in holynes and hon­our.

What is the eight Commandement?

Thou shalt not steal.

What is the stealth here forbidden?

To take away another mans goods with­out his knowledg without his gift, or to spend our own goods without pro­fit to our selves or others gaine As Bad Indians do spend their estates when they hant wheres [Page 52]and play at strawes.

What is Where Commanded?

Well to g [...]tt our goods well to [...]e [...] and well [...] them.

Whai [...]s the ninth Commandement?

Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbour.

What is the sinn here forbidden?

To [...]y falsly to think or speak that which is not truth of our selves or others.

What is here Commanded?

Truth and faithfullness

What is the tenth Commandement?

Thou shalt not covet the house of thy neighbour, Thou shalt not cover the wife of thy neigh­bour, nor his man-servant nor his maid-servant nor his ox, nor his asse, nor any thing that is thy neighbours.

What is the coveting here for­bidden?

I [...]st after other mens goods▪ and want of contentment with our own e­st

Whether have you kept all these Commandements?

No, I and all men are sinners

What is the wages of sinn?

Death and eternal torment.

How then look you to bee saved?

Onely by

Who is [...]alled

The eternal Sonn of who for our sakes became man, that he might redeem and save us.

How doth he redeem and save us?

By his righteous life, and bitter death and glorious resurrection againe to life.

How came you to have part and fellowship with in his Death and his resurrection?

By the power of his [Page 55]word and Spirit which b [...]i [...]gs us to and keeps us in him.

What is his word?

The holy Scriptures pen­ned by the [...]n [...]ient ministers of his word [...]lled the old and N [...]w Testament, the L [...]w and Gospel.

How doth the ministry of the Law bring you towards

As it brings me to know my sinn and the wrath of to wards mee for it. Rom. 3.20. Gal. 3.10.24.

How doth the knowledge of thy sinn bring you to wards?

Thereby I come to feele my [Page]eurie [...] estate, and need of Saviour.

How doth the [...]r [...]e of the Gospel help you in this cursed estate?

It humbles [...]ee yet more, and then rayses mee out of this miserable estate.

How doth the [...]rie of the Gospell humble you more?

By [...]vealing the free love of Because he dyed to save sin­ners: and yet con­vincing mee of my sinn, because I be­lieve not on him, and of my [...]trer insuffi [...]i [...]ncy to come to him And [...]o I fe [...]e my self [Page 57]utterly lost.

How men doth the ministry of the Gospel rayse you up out of that lost estate to come [...]

As it teacheth mee the value and the virtue of the death of and the riches of his free love to lost sin­ners: v [...]a [...]s the promise of grace to such and ministers the holy Spirit of grace to aply and has promise of grace unto my self, and keeps me in him.

How doth the holy Spirit of Grace help you and bring you to and cause you improve his promise and keép you in him?

By begetting in me faith to receive him. prayer to call upon him. Repentance to mourn after him, and new obedience to serve him.

What is Faith?

Faith is a grace of the holy Spirit; Whereby I deny my self and believe on for righteousness and everlasting [Page]life.

What is Prayer?

Prayer in a calling upon in the name of by the help of the holy Chost acc [...]ng to the will of (5.14?

How did teach his disciples to pray?


Our father in heaven Hallowed be thy Name, Let come thy Kingdome, thy Will be done on earth as in Heaven Give us this day our dayly food, Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us, Lead us not [Page 60]into temptation, but deliver us from evill, for thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the Glory for [...]er and f [...] ever: Amen

What is Rep [...]nta [...]ce?

Repent [...]nce [...]s a grace of the holy Spirit, whereby I loath my sinnes an [...] abhorr myself for them, and confess them before and mourn after for the par [...]on of them, and for grace to serve him in newness of life.

What is this new life, or O [...]edience?

Newness of life is a grace of y e holy Spirit whereby I forsake my former lust and [...]in com [...]y and walk before in the light of his word, and in the C [...]mmu [...]n of the Saints.

What is the Communion [...]f the Saints?

It is the fellowship of the Church in the spiritual good things of the Covenant of Grace, and the Seales therof.

What is the Church?

A Congregation of Saints joyn­ed [Page 62]together in the Bond of the covenant, to worship and edefie one another in all his good ordinances 14.23.26.

What is the Bond of the co­venant in which the Church is ioyned together?

It is the profession of that Cove­nant which hath made with his faithfull people that he will bee a God to them and to their seed.

Vnto what doth bind his people in this Covenant?

To give up themselves and their seed first to that they may become h s people. (2 Cor: 8.5 [Page 63]and then to the Elders and brethren of the Church, to set forward the worship of and their mutual edification. (w t 10.28, 29 to 24

How do they give up themselves and their seed to

By receiving through faith and his Covenant to themselves and their seed, and ac­cordingly walking thems [...]lves and trayning up their children in the wayes of his Covenant,

How doth they give up themselves and their children to the Elders and brethren of the Church?

Sy confession of their [Page 64]and profession of their [...] f [...]ith, and of their subjecti­on to the Gospel of and so they and their children are received into the fellowship of the Church, and the seales thereof.

What are the Seales of the Coven [...]nt now in the dayes of the Gospel? of

[...]a [...]ism▪ and the holy Supper of (2.11.1. to 11.25

What is done for you in Baptism?

In Baptism the washing with water is a sign and s [...]l of n v w [...]ng with [Page 65]the blood and Spirit of and, thereby of my ingrassing into of the pardon and cleansing of my sinnes: of my rising up out of af­fliction. and also of my resurrection from the dead at the last day

What is done for you in the supper of called

In the holy Supper of the receiving of bread broken, and poured out is a signe and seale of my receiving communion of the body of broken [Page 66]for mee, And [...] of his blood shed for and thereby of my growth [...] of the pardon and [...] of my sinnes; the fellowship of his holy Spirit [...] of my strengthning and quickning in grace and of my sitting together with up his throne of glory at the last Judge­ [...]ent.

What is the resurrection from the dead, which was s [...]aled up to you i [...] Baptisme?

When shall come to his last Judgement: all that [Page 67]are in the grave shall rise againe, both the just and the unjust.

What is the last Iudgment which is sealed up to you in the Supper of called [...]

At the last day wee all sha [...] appeare before the Judgement se [...] of to an account ef our w [...] and to receive our [...] ward according to them.

What is the reward that shall be given?

The righteous shall goe into lasting life, and the wicked shall cast into eternal fire with the D [...] and his Angells.


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