The Arrainment of Christendom, Containing A Revelation of the Rys, Growth & fulnes of the Great whôr, Man of sin or Mistery of Iniquity, with the Consumtion, Ruin & Vtter, Destruction of the Dragon's, Beast's, & fals Profet's Power, with the Waters on which the Whor sits, & the Seae out of which the Beast arôs in Christendom.

The Templ, Altar, & Worshippers of God mesured with the mesuring Reed lyk unto a Rod the finishing of the Mistery of God & the everlasting Gospel declared & published again, to Nations Kindreds, Tongu's, & Languages.

A sâf refug' or sûr hyding plâs from the dredful storm of the most just & wrath, indignation & vengeans of Gods Templ (which is in mesur brôk forth, & shal dayly môr & mor be un avoydably showred down, without mixtur, upon al the Workers of Iniquity) held forth.

With Awarning & Advys, Concerning fals Christs, & Deceyvers to arys.

Being the Trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & Certain sound to Leopold the Present Roman Emperor, & to the Present Pôp of Rôm, & to al Kings, Prinses, Rulers & Governors, with al in Authority under them, of what Degree, Rank, or Order soever whether, Military, Civil, or Spiritual & Ecclesiastical (so caled) & to al Peepl Hy & Low, Rich & Poor, Bond & Free, Mâl & Femâl, throuhout Christendom, & the Dominions, & Territorys ther unto belonging who âr under the Command Govern­ment & Teachings of Man, which, al who witnes trû Redemtion from, âr the Servants of the Lord & hâv the seal of the living God writen in their fôrheds.

I JOHN, the Servant of the most Hy God, the Former & Vpholder of al things (who weyeth the Mountains as in Scâls, & the Hils as in a Ballans, & taketh up the Yls as a very lyt thing) Being a Prisoner, (with my Companion in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomorrae, on a Certain Yland in Hungaria, the East of Christendom) For the Word of God, which liveth, & abydeth for ever, & for the Testimony of JESUS, which I held — on the 19 Day of the fift Month in the Year according to Christendoms account 1662. The Living, Eternal, & pûr Power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, & spred it among the Nations, which by the sâm Eternal, pûr Power, & Wisdom, was afterwards given forth in, & throuh me, after the manner, & form heerafter exprest, to the end that al may be warned & left without excûs, & com out of Spiritual Babylon, least partaking with her, in her sins, they also Receiv of her Plagu's.

Printed in Europ, in the Year 1664.

The Corrector to the Reader, concerning the Orthografy or Spel-ing heerin us'd.


WOnder not to see me Spel, as thy self dayly speakest, & hearest others sound words. I hav [...] heet indevored to spel as we sp [...]ak, for the advantag' sâk which I know wil therby ens [...] if practised, I. To Children in learning to read, whos tender capacitys âr over charged, memorys bu [...] thene I & dul'd with harsh spel-ing, by which they ât kept longer in learning.

II. To Men & Women in wryting; who thô they hav learnd to read wel enuf, when they com­to wryt, âr at a los how to spel aryt, as its cal-ed.

III. To strangers in learning English, who âr discoraged & almost put out of hôps of ever learning to speak, read & wryt good English; And al this only throuh the present harsh manner of spel-ing, s [...]ars to be comprysd in Rûls, which is the only means strangers ab [...]oad, hav for learn­ing to speak, & for al, thô in England, to read & wryt trû English. Besyds the multitûds of superfluos Letters; in the present Speli-ng, al which is amended & avoyded by spel-ing & wryting simply as we speak: As no les than 5. in the word Righteousnesse (as thus commonly spelt) âr avoyded by spel-ing it thus. Ryteosnes, & no les then 3. 0 [...] 6. letters in the word Though, spelt thus Thô. Which do as perfectly sound the words as the other tho ny twys so many letters. Wherfor I hav thus don, 1. Ch [...]efly f [...]r the benefit of strangers, in al words in which the letter (i) is sounded as (y) which no other Nation, but ours doth; I hav ûs'd (y). The old English way, throuh chang' of which, into (i), such confusion is happend in sounding that letter, somtyms ôn way, as in King, Thing, &c. & somtyms another way as in Kind, Mind, Child, &c. that a stranger can­not by Rûls be tauht when to sound it as in the former words softly, or as in the latter words fully as (y). Which being spelt with (y). K [...]nd, Chyld, &c. is remedied,

2. The letter (e) wher it is mût & maketh not a syllabl, but only the former syllabl [...]long, I [...]ay left out; strangers commonly in that câs pronouncing môr syllabls, th [...]n ther âr, as ti-me for time, lo-ve for love, ti-mes for times, &c. Which being writ-en tym, lov, tyms, &c. ther is but ôn syllabl for them to sound. And how is it possibl, otherwys to giv certain Rûls when to sound the (e) & when not; seing in the word plases; it must; & in times, it must not be sounded? And for compensing the ûs of the (e) viz. of distinguish a short from a long syllabl, I hav oft us'd the Accents ( [...]) or ( [...]). Which doth again distinguish (as e did) betwixt words of dyvers significa­tions, thô of the sâm letters. As mad from made, thus, mâd. hat from hate, thus, [...]ât. on from one thus, ôn us from use, thus, ûs. Which yet âr sufficiently distinguish'd by the se [...]s.

3. Wher any other letters may be spared in the midst or end of words, I hav left them out. Viz. al doubel letters in the end as bless, cali, will, blessing, willing, &c. (a) in bread, dead, dread, &c. (p) in contempt, temptation, redemption; &c. (u) in labour, favour; &c. (g) in plough, through, thought; &. (gh) in high, light, might [...] &c. Thus m [...]t, lyt, thouht, throuh, favor, labor, redemtion, temtation, ded, bred, dred, wil, cal, bles, bles-ing, wil-ing. And b [...]caus stranger [...] read Pe-o-ple, in 3 syllabls, I put Peepl in which they cannot wel [...]er. And thus I could wish al other difficultys myt in tym be removed, & their way mâd as easy as it can, for I beleev the desyr of many Nations & Peepls shalbe unto the Peepl & languag' of England Fo [...] the understanding of the wondros things which the Lord hath don, & is yet doing in & for them, to the admirat on of al that shal bear therof. Be not offended at me for this (why should we not help them?) but bear with me &c beleev me to be, Who ever thou art,

Thy trû Friend, N. Y.

The Arrainment of Christendom, &c.

KNOW yee that the Lord God Omnipoten [...], who is the God of the Spirits of al flesh, even the Former of al things, hath manifested himself in al Ages, not only to be a God mercyful, patient, long suffering, & of long forbearans to­wards provoking & Rebellios Mankynd, but hath also ap­peared to be a God, of most Ryteos, dredful, & impartial wrath & ven­geans, pouring forth his justly deserved Judgments, upon alsorts, & generations of Peepl, Hy & Low, Rich & Poor, Mál & Femàl, of what degree, rank or quality soever from the Prins on the Thrón, to the Beg­ger on the Dunghil.

And the Iniquitys which hav preceeded, Gods general Judgments in the ages past, wer generally thes, to wit, Covetosnes, Pryd, Op­pression, Cruelty, Idolatry, Persecution, & shedding of Innocent Bloud, the Scripturs of truth, as wel as other records do abundantly giv testi­mony to the trurh therof, & dyvers Instanses I myt prodús to evi­dens the sâm but I shal only mention somthing briefly concerning two.

And first concerning Israël of old, who wer Gods chosen Peepl abov al the familys of the earth in their tym, & age, for whos sak the Lord did terribl & wonderful things in ryteosnes upon Pharo & Egipt, & at the Red Sea, & in the VVildernes, & in the Land of Canaan, & notwithstanding, their Rebellions, provocations, & backslydings wer many, & great, yet great was his patiens, long suffering & forbearans extended towards them very long, befor wrath to the uttermost seised on them, he carried them as on Eagls wings & led them safly as a tender Father by the hand of Mo­ses & Aron, corrected them in lov, & mercy, giving them many gentel warnings, and wholsom Counsels & Advys, by his Servants the Pro­fets, whom he raised up, & sent amongst them, & fulfil-ed his promis to the uttermost to them which he màd to faithful Abraham, ther failed nothing on his part, as their own records testify.

But as it is writen, they for a lit-el tym beleeved his word & sang his prays but soon forgot what God, the rok of th [...]ir salvation had don for them, Jesurun waxed fat & kik-ed against the God of their mercys, & notwithstanding the many & great provocations of him to cut them of, he yet wrouht & strov with them for his own great Nâm sak, that it myt [Page 4]not be blasfemed among the Heathen, laying his correcting hand in mesur on them, if possibl tô turn them to himself from the evil of their doings, sending Blasting, Mildews, Locusts & Caterpil-ers, which de­voured the fruits of the earth, but yet they returned not to him, he sent also many of his Servants the Profets, ôn after another to reprov, and warn them, denouncing the most dredful Iudgments of God a­gainst them, yet they stil persisted in their wickednes, & as it is writen, they evilly, intreated his messengers, stoned & murdered his Pro­fets, which he in lov, & pitty sent amongst them, which caused the Lord to lay his hand mor and mor heavy on them, & suffered the heathen dyvers tyms to com, & exercys Cruelty & Dominion over them even in their own land & several tyms to lead them captyv into other cuntrys. But yet stil such was his lov, pitty & faithfulnes towards them, that when any mesur of tru repentans appeared in them, & that they cryed unto him in their distres, he heard, and delivered them, raising up dyvers Saviors, & deliverers for them, returning their captivity dyvers tyms, but no sooner wer they restored & setled but a whyl in the injoy­ment of the blessing and goodness of God, but they corrupted them­selvs stil, mor and mor backslyding revolting and rebeling against the Lord, so that he said unto them by the Profet, wherfor should yee be smit­en any mor, from the greatest to the least they wer becom unsound, & corrupt in their doings, their pryd testifyed against them, even to their faces, in their vain and lyt attyr adorned with costly and needles ornaments, their hauhty looks and carriages.

Vyolens, Oppres­sion. Spoil and Oppression was found in a hy degree among their Governors, & Rulers, they judged not the caus of the fatherles, nether would suffer the caus of the widdow, & oppressed to com befor them, or hav Iustis from them, Injustis. they oppressed the poor and crushed the needy, so that the Lord told them by the Profet, that the Lord God had sworn by his holynes that he would tak them away as with hooks, & their posterity as with fish hooks.

And they wer no les abominabl in their Idolatry and fals ways of worship, Idolatry. filing the land with Ydols, erecting Ydol Templs, wherin they exercysed most abominabl Idolatry to their Ydol Gods, after the manner of the heathen round about them, so that the Lord complaind of them by the Profet, that they wer becom mor sottish, & Brutish then the very Beast, saying the Ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass his Masters Crib, but Israël doth not know, my Peepl do not consider, The Land was ful of Ydols, they worshipped the works of their own hands, [Page 5]the mean man bowed down, and the great men debased themselvs, therfor spàr them not, said the Lord God, yea so brutish, sotish, and mad wer they upon their Ydols, that notwithstanding they roasted, and boyled their food with the sâm kynd of wood of which they mâd their Ydols, yet had they not so much understanding as to see that it was so.

Bloud guiltynesAnd as for Bloud guiltynes, the Lord complained of them by the Profet, that their hands wer ful of bloud, so that they wer becom abominabl, even a stink in the nostrils of God, even in their worship, and prayers to him, so that he said to them by the Profet thus; To what purpos is the multitud of your sacrifyses, and that their New-moons, Sabbaths, calling of assemblys & offering Incens, was as if they blest an Ydol, and murdred a Man, and that he was weary to bear them, and could not away with their worship, and prayers, saying thô yee mâk many prayers, yet wil I not hear you, for your hands âr ful of bloud, and yet, notwithstanding al this, did not the Lord ceas stryving with them, saying by the Pro­fet, whywil yee dy ô house of Israël? wash you, mak you clean, ceas to do evil learn to do wel; thô your sins be as crimson I wil mâk them as wool, red as skarlet, yet wil I mak them, becom whyr as snow, if yee yet be wil-ing & obedient, yee shal eat the good of the Land. But notwitstandig al the Patiens, kyndnes, & long suffering of the Lord, they persisted stil in their pryd, oppression, cruelty, Idolatry and murder­ing the Innocent, til the wrath of the Lord brâk forth upon them so that ther was no remedy, Their mesur fild up. proceeding on in their wickednes til they had fil-ed up their mesur to the ful, in denying, betraying, crucifying, and murdering, even the Son of God himself, the Lord of lyf, and glory, who himself wept over Ierusalem, bewailing them, becaus of the dredful wrath of God, which he saw neer at hand to com upon them, saying O Ierusalem, Ierusalem, thou that kilest the Pro­fets, & stonest them that ar sent unto thee, how often would I hav gathered thee, as a hen gathereth her chik-ens under her wings, but thou wouldest not, ô that thou hadst known, at least in this thy day, the things which be­long to thy Peas, but now they ar hid from thy eys, Dauhters of Ierusalem weep not for me but for your selvs, & sor your children, for behold the day cometh, that thy enemys shal cast a trench about thee, & keep thee in on every syd, and lay thee even with the ground, becaus thou knewest not the tym of thy visitation.

At the tym of whos suffering, & soon after, as also by the Entrans and prevailing of the Apostacy in the Gentils or Romans, the Word of the [Page 6]Lord by the Profet Ioël was fulfil-ed, to wit that the Sun should be tur­ned into darknes & the Moon into bloud, befor the great & not abl day of the Lord should com, which was fulfil-ed on the Sun Both of the visibl, & invisibl heven, a vail of darknes being drawn over the Lyt, Lyf, & Glory of God in them both, which began to com over him in the garden, causing that great agony, & bloudy sweat, desyring the Father, that if it were possibl that cup myt pas, which vail of darknes over him vvas then at the heighth, vvhen on the cros he cryed, my God, my God why hast thou forsaken me? And the Moon in him also, vvas turned into bloud by their Piercing his Innocent hands, feet & syd, out of vvhich cam forth both Bloud & VVater, vvhich he that savv bâr record of, & his record is trû, vvherby (as in a figur) vvas signifyed, that notvvithstanding, according to their own saying, the guilt of his dear, & pretios lyf, & bloud myt hav stood unremovably charged on them & their children, yet in & throuh him, should that pûr clensing fountain of living wa­ter, the vertu wherof should wash & clens them, & their posterity, coming into it, from the guilt, & filth of al their abominations, & reconcyl them to God & to òn another: vvhich Bowels of the lov, pitty, and mercy of God in him tovvards them, vvas mâd manifest throuh him on the cros, Christs suffer­ings, and desertion not for his but others sins the just for the unjust. in the heighth & extremity of his sufferings saying, Father forgiv them they knovv not vvhat they do. Whos sufferings, vvith that great vail of darknes dravvn over the Lyt, Lyf and Glory of God. in him, vvas not throuh or becaus of any sin transgression, or disobe­diens found in him against his God and Father, but it vvas by, thrōuh, & becaus of the sins, transgressions, disobediens, cruelty & unryteosnes of the Poepl, it being then the hour, & power of the Kingdom of darknes, in vvhich the transgres-ing povver, (from its first entrans into the World) vvas com to its hyest pitch as to the vvhol body, the povver & strength of the seed of the old Serpent being unyted & combyned in both Iew and Gentil, against that Innocent pur, Lyf, Seed, VVisdom, Power, Lyt, & Glory of God, vvhich in, and throuh him appeared and vvas manifest, vvherby the shepherdvvas smit-en, even the man vvhich vvas his fellow, & the sheep scattered, and he bearing the sins and trans­gressions of many in his body on the tree, vvas numbred vvith transgres­sors, mâd and reputed as accursed, the end of Christs su­fferings. suffering under their unjust, and cruel wils, and laws, the Iust, for the unjust. That so thos vvho by their disobediens, & transgressions, vver justly lyabl to the Cros, & condemnation of the most just, and ryteos Law of God, aliens, & enemys in their mynds against God, & him, by vvik-ed vvorks, myt receiv forgivnes of sin, & an [Page 8]inheritans vvith them vvho are sanctifyed, and be reconcyled to him and ôn to another, and mâd partakers of the Ryteosnes of God in him.

And soon after his deth, was the Moon (to wit the whol body of the Iews) turned into bloud also, The Judg­ment ex­alted. which appeared in tho [...] great destroying wars, enmitys, destructions and desolations, vvhich wer amongst them ôn against another, vvhich just, and ryteos wrath and vengeans of God on them, declared against them throuh Christ, and the Profets, vvas fulfil-ed by the Romans, vvhom God suffered to com on them, and ut­terly to destroy and overturn their glorios City, Templ, Priest-hood & Go­vernment, & disposses them of the good land, leading them captyvs into dyvers other Cuntrys, in which they stil remain scattered up and dovvn & ár mâd a scorn, a derision, & a by-word among the nations, under the ours unto this day, and as for any outvvard visibl or Erthly power, & dominion, they shal never mor be restored to the exercys of it, but ac­cording to the prayer of Christ & the promis of God, throuh the holy Pro­fets, recorded in the Scripturs of truth, if they abyd not stil in unbe­leef, they shal be re-in-grafted into the good oliv tree, & mâd again par­takers of the bles-ed Root, and Fatnes therof, and God vvil povvr on them the Spirit of grâs, and supplication, and they shal see him, in them, vvhom they hav pierced, not only in, that Innocent ôn, vvhom they vvith cruel hands murdred and crucifyed on a cros vvithout the Gâts of Ierusalem, but also in themselvs, by their Rebellions, and disobediens against the motions, & dictats of the sâm living vvord of Faith, Lyt, lyf and power of God in themselvs and shal mourn for him, as ôn mourneth for the los of his first born Son and God vvil vvryt his púr law of Spirit & lyf in their hearts, and invvard parts, and be their God, and they shal be his Peepl and becom Citizens of the new Ierusalem, vvith the chosen generation, the Royal and everlasting Priesthood, fellow theyrs vvith the truly nôbl seed in that. Kingdom, Glory & Dominion vvhich is pûr & Eternal, and be re­deemed from that Scorn Reproach, Contemt, Captivity, and curs under vvhich they novv âr.

At the sâm tym also was a vail of Darkness drawn over, the sâm lyt, lyf & glory of God, which is in the Son of the visibl heven, so that Darknes was over al the Land from the sixth to the nynth hour, wherby as in a figur was sórshewn, the fa [...]ing away, & Apostacy of the Gentils or the Romans, which Apostacy had its Entrans, Growth & Fulnes in the Opening Sounding, & Powring forth of the second, third, & fourth Seals, Trumpets, & Vyals, wherby a vayl of gros Darknes cam over that Pùr lyt, Lyf & Glory of Christ, which was in mesur manifest­ed, [Page 8]& shyning forth in & throuh them, therby crucifying, to & in themselvs the Son of God afresh put-ing him to pen shâm, & having murdered, & slayn the Lyf of Christ, that just ôn in them­selvs, they stretched forth their hands in ways of Persecution, Cruelty, & Murder, against the appearans of the sâm Pûr Lyt, Innocent Lyf, & Glory of God in others, til they becam Drunk with the Bloud of the dear Innocent Saints, Martyrs, & faithful VVitnes-es of JESUS, so that the Sun (in them) becâm black as Sackloth of hair, and their Moon hath bin turned into Bloud, which hath manifestly appeared in thôs great Confusions, Bloudy wars, Destructions, & Desolations which hâv been amongst themselvs in every Kingdom, & Dominion throuhout Christendom, and now they having filled up the Mesur of their Abomi­nations, the great & notabl Day of the Lord is com, in which the Lord wil, throuh, & by the Turkish power, carry on the finishing his Just & Ryteos decree of VVrath & Vengeans, on them (to wit Christen­dom) & they also shal becom not a peepl of any visibl, or outward, earthly Power or Government upon the fâs of the earth, as of themselvs, any môr for ever.

But according to the Word of the Lord throuh his Servants the Pro­fets, he wil Rays up in them, a pûr seed which shal ferv him, even a numberles number, which shal with al the Ransomed ôns, stand befor the Thrôn clothed in whyt Rôbs, ascrybing salvation unto God which fireth on the Thrôn, & unto the Lamb, saying, Bles-ing Glory, VVisdom, Thanksgiving, Honor, Power, & Myt be unto our God for ever & ever Amen. The slain of the Word, by the Lord of the Mouth (amongst them) shalbe many. And so both Jew, & Gentil shalbe unyted, & becom ôn stik in the hand of the Lord, ôn Holy Nation upon the Mountains of Israël, & ôn King shalbe King over them al, even David my Servant, saith the Lord God, they shal hâv ôn shepherd, & walk in the Iudgments of the Lord, & observ his Statuts to do them, & shal dwel in the Land, even they, & their Children, & their Childrens Children for ever, in the partipation of the new & Everlasting Covenant of God, & his Sanctuary, & Tabernacl shal be in the midst of them, & he be their God, & they his Peepl for ever môr.

And when the Lord hath don his work in Zyon he wil also punish the stout heartednes of the King of Assyria, & bring down the Glory of his hy looks, & the loftynes of man (in them also) shalbe a based, & brouht down, & that hautynes laid low, even with the ground, & [Page 9]the Lord wil aveng the Bloud of the hous of Ahab upon the hous of Jehu, & caus that Kingdom to ceas for ever, even al that Rûl Authority, & Power, risen & standing in the Spirit, & Power of the Dragon that old Serpent) shal be thrust down under the feet of the pûr seed, Christ, the wisdom & power of God in his Peepl, even throuhout al the habitabel parts of his Erth, so that Nation shal not lift up sword against Nation, nor learn war any môr, but the Kingdoms of this World shal becom the Lords, and the Lord God Omnipotent shal rein, in, throuh, & over al for ever môr.

The other exampl which I shal mention is Nebuchadnezzar & Bel­shazzar his Son, who, together in their power, wer the Golden hed of that Imag, which Nebuchadnezzar saw, of which your predeces­sors, together with you, even you, the present Roman Empyr, with al other the Kings, Prinses, Heds, & Rulers throuhout Christendom, & the Dominions, and Territorys, therunto belonging in your & their Power, Military, Civil, & Ecclesiastical (so caled) ar the feet, & Toes, which the Stôn cutout of the mountain without hands, is now smyting.

Nebu­chadnez­zar's ar­rogans.Now it is vvriten concerning this Nebuchadnezzar, that he was a King of Kings, and that the God of heven had given him a Kingdom, Power, Strength, & Glory, but he being ignorant of that God that mâd him, & gâv him that great strength, & larg Dominion, did in the Pryd of his heart attribut that Glory, myt, Majesty, Strength, Dominion & honor unto himself, which was dû to the Lord God of heven alôn, & at his Dispôs; exercysing cruelty, & oppression on whom he pleased, making a law in his own vviked wil, to caus al to bovv to that Imâg, His work. which he in his own Idolatros heart, had invented, & sit up, or els to Murder, and Destroy the Refusers by fyr, thô Othervvys Innocent, & guiltles of any evil don against him, His visi­tation & reward, thô a King but even vvhylst he vvas (in the pryd and arrogancy of his heart) assuming that Glory, & Honor to himself vvhich vvas du only to the God of heven, ther fel a voys from heven, saying. O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee be it spoken, thy Kingdom is departed from thee, they shal dryv thee from Men, thy dweling shal be with ye Beasts of the field, they shal mâk thee to eat gras as oxen, & seven tyms shal pas over thee until thou knowest that the most hy ruleth in the Kingdom of Men, & giveth them to whom soever the wil. His resto­ration when he giv God his glory again. Which the sam hour vvas fulfiled upon him, vvhich vvas a just Judgment, & yet a gentel vvarning from the the God of heven, who after wards restored him to his Kingdom, & caused him ther by to acknowledg the God of heven, & that he ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men, & siteth up, & Puteth down whom, & when he pleaseth.

[Page 10]But Belshazzar his Son, not taking warning, & being found guilty of his Fathers Iniquitys, the God of heven did Justly visit the iniquitys of the Father upon the Son, sending a hand wryting upon the wal (even whylst he was (in the Pryd of his heart) drinking Wyn in the vessels of the Tempel of God, That Son which succeeds in his fathers Vys shal inherit his fathers re­ward as wel as Crown. praysing the Gods of Gold, silver, bras, Yron VVood, & ston. But the God in whos hands his Breth was, he glorifyed not) at the syt wherof his Countenans changed, his Thouhts troubled him, the Ioynts of his loyns loosed, & his knees smot ôn against another; Which hand wryt­ing was quickly fulfiled upon him, by the most just, & impartial hand of God; Himself being slain, his Kingdom finished & given to Darius the Me­dian, by al which it Evidently appears, that the Lord God of heven, is a God of most Ryteos, & Impartial justis on whomsoever they be that ar found persisting in ways of wikednes & Rebellion against him, & non are abel to deliver, ether themselvs, or others out of his hand.

Now that which I hav Further to say, is concerning your selvs, & your predecessors but most Nearly it concerneth your selvs of this present ag, and Generation, according as it was fôr seen & fôr told by the Spirit of Prophesy, and recorded in the scripturs of truth as wel as other Records, so it is tru, that they (to wit your predecessors) together with you, wer, & ar that fourth Beast or Kingdom, which was to arys out of the Erth, dyvers from al Kingdoms, which devoured the whol Erth, (or powers of the Erth) treading them down, & breaking them to Pieces, being dredful, and terribel, & strong execedingly, as Yron, baving great Yron Teeth, devouring breaking to Pieces, and stamping the Residu under his feet, dyvers from al the beasts that wer befor him, having ten horns, even yee ar the feet and Toes of that Imag, seen by Nebucadnezzar in his dream, spoken of in the Book of Daniel the servant of the most Hy God, in a mesur of whos spirit & Power, I am now standing up, in my Lot, in the ending of the days.

Even yee vvith your predecessors ar that Beast vvhich John (the faithful witnes and servant of Jesus) savv to arys out of the sea, having seven Heds and ten Horns, lijk unto A leopard, vvhos feet vver as the feet of a Bear, The dra­gon with­out what. & his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon, vvhos Power, seat, & great Authority, was given to him by the Dragon, or Military Power, which Beast the world wondred after, spoken of in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gav unto him, to shew unto his servant things that must shortly com to Pas which he sent, & sig­nifyed by his Angel, in his servant Iohn (in Amesur of whos spirit & Power, I am Novv brouht forth to declar & Prophesy of thes things [Page 11]unto many Peepl, Nations, Tongu's, & Kings,) And as I hav already said God mâd ûs, of your predecessors (towit) the Roman Power, to Execut his most just, & Ryteos Decree upon the Iews, vvhich Povver in their Rys, Growth & Continans in you their Succescors to this present day, hath ansvvered vvhat vvas forseen, Declared, and vvriten by the spirit of Prophesy, in, & by the Mouth of his servants con­cerning them, & you, so that it vvas of the Lords Permsssion that Povver Brak forth in your predecessors in A military from which in its first Appearans, VVorking, Growth, & Counsels, Becam, Strong, Dredful, Valiant, VVys, Vnanimos and succesful, Among the Romans both befor & after they profes­sed Christ, wer many wys & good men & laws. which way soever they turned spreding the wings of their power far, and vvyd, Comprehending in it many contrys, and Nations of Dyvers Tongu's, and languages, In vvhos counsels, and Senats wer found many Grav, VVys prudent, truly vertuos, and holy Men, amongst whom Dyvers Good, and wholsom Laws, & Decrees for the preservation, and good Goverment of the Peepl wer mâd, and against Images as being contrary to the scripturs; And freedom, and liberty of Consciens in Matters of Religion, and Worship, to such as lived peasably under their goverment, ther being Atym when the churches had Rest, throuhout al Judea, Galilcâ, and Samaria, and wer Edifyed, walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost, so that (in Mesur) they Becam Agoverment answering its proper ends, under whom such as feared the Lord lived A peasabel lyf in Godlynes, and honesty, which Rendred them Nobl, and honorabl at hom, and famos, Renovvned, and Dredful broad, so that it vvas counted no smal priviledg to be Afree Born Rôman, Aliens Judging It vvorth their whyl to Part vvith great sums of mony to be naturalyzed under the ROMAN Go­verment.

And as in their Military, and Civil Povver, and Goverment (so caled) they becam thus Dredful, Valjant, VVys, Nobl, Succefful, and spreding, so also in their Religion, and faith, they wer truly famos, The Leed us d som of the Ro­mans as his Ax, O­thers he brouht in to nearer communion with him­self. Renowned, and glorios, so that as God had màd ús' of them as An Ax in his hand to cut of the Jews, vvho vver the Natural Branches, Becaus of their vvikednes, and unbeleef, in Denying, Betraying and Crucifying that Just ón; The Lord Extended his Kyndnes, Mercy, and Goodnes to them (to wit your predecessors) being Gentils, Or heathens, and Aliens from the Commonwelth of Israel, making vvay throuh their fal, to Ingraft your predecessors, into the good Oliv Tree, causing them to Partak of the Root, and fatnes therof, and the Blesed, and [Page 12]glorios fruits of the good Olyv tree, was in mesur brouht forth in, and throuh them, so that the glorios, holy workings, & operations of their faith was spoken of throuhout the World, as holy Paul in his Epistel to them declared.

So that notwithstanding they wer Gentils by Natur, & had not the outward law of God, which was writen on tabels of ston, nor the ûs' of the outward Templ nor circumcision, nor the exercys of any outward Worship, Ordinanses, Cerimonys, & Observations, contained in the Levitical Priesthood which was amongst the Jews; Yet they turning the ey of their mynds inward, to the lyt of Christ in them, & walk­iug answerabel to that perfect Law of liberty, & lyf, which God had ingraven by his Holy Spirit, in their hearts, & inwards parts, the Apostel declared them to be the trû seed of Abraham, The tru Circum [...]i­sion & [...]ew. & Children of the promis, & of the trû circumcision, for non els âr counted by God for the trû seed, but the Children of the lyt, for notwithstanding they wer un circumcysed in the flesh, yet keeping the Ryteosnes of the Law of God writen in their hearts, they wer counted of the trû circumcision, the trû Jews, & seed of Abraham, For (said he) he is not a Jew who is on outwardly, nether is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew, that is on inwardly, & the trû circumci­sion is that of the heart in the Spirit, not in the flesh or letter, whos prays is not of men but of God.

For al who truly turn their mynds to the lyt of Jesus, the Mesur of the Spirit of the Grâs of God placed in them, and com truly to know, & ansvver the leading, The law not for the Ryteos, but for the un­ryteos. and dictats of the Law of the spirit of lyf, vvrit­en in their hearts by God, such com truly to know Redemtion and Salvation by Christ Jesus the trulyt, and lyf of God in them, seting them free from the Law of sin and deth, and against such the out ward law of God was not given forth, nether ouht any outward Law to be mád by Man against such, for they com to inherit the tru substans, even Christ the wisdom, and Power of God in them, which is the nevv and Everlasting Covenant of Salvation, eternal lyf, and pur Peas with God, and real fellowship, and communion in the Father, and in the Son the lyt and lyf in them, which maks the comers ther into perfet as pertaining to the consciens, by the Resurrection of Christ from the ded in them, even tru Redemtion, deliverans, Salvation, out of spiri­tual [Page 13]Egipt, from under the bondag of cruel Pharo, and his task-mast­ers in them, and to be safly led as throuh the red sea of dredful fears, clear of al drowning and over-whelming difficultys, and thretning dangers, both without and with in them: As Pharo and his host pur­suing them to over whelm, and destroy them; and to see al their oppressing enemys as ded on the sea banks in them, and feel the pur power of God in them descending as on the Mount that myt not be touched giving forth his most just, and Ryteos law of Spirit, and lyf, the coming and first appearans wher of in the inward parts, giv­eth the tru knovvledg of sin, causing it dredfully to revyv, The first appearans of God to faln man is in con­viction. and self to dy in them, and their bodys to be the holy tabernakels of the most hy God of Jacob, and he to dvvel, and vvalk in them, and the Pûr pillar of fyr and cloud ordering them, vvhen to mov, and vvher to stay and pitch their tents, leading them safly throuh the wildernes of temtations, fears and difficultys, as by the hand of Moses, and Aron, giving them lyt, dyrection, and saf protection in their way, even in the way everlasting, and eternal in them, and the hiden Manna, and pur living water out of Christ the eternal Rok of ages, Issuing forth and dayly faling down in them, to sustain, norish and refresh the lyf, which is pur, Christ, the hiden Manna, living Wa­ter Eternal rok &c. in his Peepl. and im­mortal of God in them, and the Holy armor▪ of ryteosnes, vvith the Holy operations of the pur lyf, povver, and vvisdom of God in them teaching their hands to vvar, and their singers to fyt, giving them mor understanding then the ancients, making them vvyser then ether their teachers or their enemys yea to be strong in the Lord, and in the povver of his myt to fyt the good fyt of faith, and giv them tru victo­ry over al their spiritual enemys, & real & quyet possession of the good Land of eternal rest and pur peas, vvhich flovveth vvith milk, & hony, even with al the unspeakabel blessings of God the eternal Rok & Foun­tain, out of whom both the upper, & nether springs of pur living vvater of lyf do flow & issu forth in, & throuh them, and the glorios Rul, Government and Kingdom of God to be ther set up, & their bo­dys to be the tru Templs of the living & tru God, even the Ark of the new (yet most old, Holy & everlasting Covenant, in which is the tabel, on which the pur law of Spirit, & lyf is writen with the finger, the Spirit of the living God, & the golden pot of hiden Manna, which dayly norisheth the lyf which is pur, and the Rod buding & springing forth of the stem of Jesse the root, & of spring of David in them, bringing forth the pur & peasabl fruits of ryteosnes, & holynes dayly in, and throuh them; And the Holy Altar of God, which sanctifyeth the gift, [Page 14]& the eternal fyr, and the Holy Incens, with which every man is salted, & in which every acceptabel gift & sacrifys is offered up a sweet Savor unto the Lord; And the Holy hy Priest in them, which is after the order of Melchisedek, without begining of days, or end of lyf, who ever liveth to mâk intercession in, & for the Saints acording to the wil of God, this is he vvhom the Father heareth always, even when no out­ward audibel voys is heard or vvord spâk; And the pur living Orakel of God in them at which never failing Advys, & Counsel is to be had in al things, which is that Word of God that liveth & abydeth for ever, even Christ the faithful & tru vvitnes of God, the Word of lyf, quik & povverful, the fôr runner within the vail (towit the flesh.) The lyt which maketh al things manifest in the inward parts, which giveth the most tru discerning of the most secret purposes, thouhts, & intents of the heart, divyding betvvixt the lyt & the darknes, & the vvays, & vvorks of them both, as betwixt the soul & Spirit, the joynts, & the mar­rovv; Even the Eternal fountain of pur living Water of lyf, in vvhich the clensing, preserving, & healing vertu vvas, is, & for ever shalbe found, to, & in al such, as in the faith & patiens of God, vvait for the descending of the Angel of the Covenant, vvhich moveth therin; And to know the Holy Profet raised in them vvhom al ouht to hear, vvhich al vvho refus to hear cut themselvs of from being of the tru Israël of God; And to fynd the pur incorruptibel tresur as hid in the field in them, vvhich nether moth nor rust can corrupt, nor theevs break throuh to steal; The grain of Mus­tard-seed even the pur seed of the Kingdom of God, sovvn, & grovving up in them, bringing forth the Peasabel, Holy, & plesant fruits of Ryteos­nes, lov, joy, & pur peas in them & throuh them, in som thirty, in som sixty, & in som an hundred fold; And the vertu of the pur leven in them, levening the vvhol lump, causing the whol man Body, soul & Spirit, in al manner of holy conversation, svveetly to smel & Savor, & of the pur vvisdom, Ryteosnes, Innocency, & holynes of Christ in & throuh them, & therby to becom as the Lyt of the World, & Salt of the Erth, even a sweet Savor unto God; both in them that âr saved, & in them that perish; & to fynd the lost groat in them, vvhich sileth the heart, & invvard parts, vvith living, & pur joy & rejoysing; And to vvitnes the birth of the lyf vvhich is pur immortal & eternal in them, even the chyld born in them, the Son given unto them, the Immanuel (tovvit) God in them, & the govern­m [...]rt over al laid on his shoulders in them, as King Lawgiver, Priest, Pro­fe, & Savior, causing the ded to rys, the blynd to see, the lâm to walk, even leap as h [...] yong hart, & the dumb to speak, & sing forth aloud, the living [Page 15]pryases of the pur God in them, & in the midst of the Church of the first born in God, throuh them; And to becom crucifyed, & ded with Christ, to the World, the carnal mynd, vvith the affections, & lusts therof; & to be risen & ascended vvith Christ, out of the sepulker, out of the Erth, & al visibl things, out of days, tyms & Sabbaths, up to God the Eternal Rest, Sab­bath, & fountain of pur lyt, rest, & peas vvher mortality is svvallowed up of lyf, & al rùl, Authority & Power, risen & standing in the faln Spirit, Wisdom & Power, put down, & utterly destroyed; And to par­tak of, posses & injoy the most excelent Glory in their inward parts, and speak the pur Languag; And be Baptyzed with the ôn Baptism, which saveth from a vain conversation, the pur living VVater of lyf, which sprinkleth from an evil Consciens; And the glorios coming of the Father & Son in them, to sup with them, and they with them, feeding dayly on the pur living bred of lyf, & drinking the new VVyn of the Kingdom of God, which refresheth, & norisheth the lyf which is holy harmles undefyled, pur & immortal of God in them; And to feel the presens of the great Sepherd the Bishop of the Soul in them, dayly taking tender câr of them, leading them in, and out in al their ways, causing them to feed and ly down in the green, fresh, pleasant & soul refreshing Pastur in them, & the holy Anoynting, even the eternal Spirit of truth dayly teaching, and leading them into al truth, which sercheth al things, even the deep things of God, so that they need not that any man should teach them, but as the sâm anoynting in them teacheth them: And to feel the operation of the ôn pur faith, which purifyeth and clenseth the heart, and keepeth it clean: The sound Doctrin, pur fellowship, breaking of bred & Prayer, which is not outward meat & drink, neither stands in outward Observations, Carnal Or­dinanses, Declarations, & Dispensations, but in the pur Power of the lyf which is endles & immortal, filing the heart & inward parts with tru Pur, Spiritual, & everlasting Lov, Ioy, Rest & Peas in them, manifest­ing it self dayly throuh them, in the exercys of the pur wisdom Ry­teosnes and Holynes of God, in al manner of Holy Conversation, even the pur fellowship which is in the Father and in the Son in them: And to knovv the Father & the Son to be ôn in them, and to eat of the hiden Manna, the tree of lyf in the midst of the Paradys of God, & hav Povver over the Nations (to wit that Spirit & Povver in which the nations stand & by vvhich they ar acted) in them, & to be cloath [...]d vvith the pur whyt Rayment, & becom as Pillars in the Tempel of God, & to sitdovvn vvith the Father & Christ, in the Thrôn of pur lyf, Povver, and Dominion [Page 16]over al that which is at enmity against God in them, entring in by the gât or door (to wit Christ the lyt in them) the way into the Holy City the new Ierusalem, which is in mesur com, & coming down from God out of heven in them, in which, the Lord God Almyty, & the Lamb is the lyt, lyf & glory for ever môr, even he who is the sam as in the begining the first and the last, the begining & the end of al the works of God, who was, is, & for ever môr abyds neer at hand, even in the heart & in the mouth, whom truly, to know, obey, and constantly to follow, is eternal lyf, pur lov, rest, and peas for ever mor, The ma­nifestation of Christ in his Peepl the end of al outward institutions in vvhom al Carnal, & outward Typs, Figurs, Shadows, Ordinanses, VVars, Kingdoms, Citys, Tempels, Priesthoods, al Divisions of the Earth, Erth­ly Injoyments, & Possessions, Gatherings, Fellowships, Intercessions, Teach­ings, Declarations, Dispensations & Baptisms, both of the Profets & Iohn. With Christ his Mirakels, Preaching, Parabels & last supper ar fulfiled, & ended (of vvhich the brith lyf, appearans, & sufferings of Jesus Christ that Lamb of God, vvho vvitnesed a good confession befor Pontius Pylat, and vvas betrayed denyed, and rejected by the Ievvs, vvhom they vvith cruel hands murdred & slevv on a cros vvithout the gâts of Ierusalem, vvith his Resurrection, & Ascension, & Appea­rans, on & in the Apostels vvaiting at Ierusalem, vvas a Syn,) In whom I say, al things hav their end; Even al that vvhich vvas not in the be­gining vvith God, vvhich hath risen in, and throuh man, in the faln Spirit, povver, & vvisdom, even vvith the ordinanses & appoint­ments of God ad ed becaus of sin & transgression, until the appearans, & coming of the tru pur seed, Christ, the Lord that Spirit, the tru heyr of al, vvho is God over al blesed for ever, must novv Depart, Vanish, & flee away, & end for ever mor, as into the everlasting Covenant Man Kynd is brought.

But som may say he speaketh against Government, Obj. I & the Ordinanses & ap­pointments of God in the Church.

I ansvver Nay. Answer. And as concerning the exercys of povver & Domi­nion throuh men over others; this I say, That al the Powers, and Domi­nions, that ar, or hav been sins the entrans of transgression to this day, hav been raised & suffered to arys by God, ether in mercy or judgment to them over whom it hath bin exercysed, & that every soul ouht to be sub­ject to the hyer power, The power to be obey­ed what ever the instru­ments [...] but let such tâk heed how they abus the Power. which al who resist, resist the ordinans of God, what ever the Instruments or Persons be, throuh whom the power is administred, be they Gentel or froward, wiked or godly, and in câs they do abus the power commited unto them, turning the sword bakward, [Page 17]siting up such as work wikednes, making a prey of such as depart from Iniquity, yet ouht non to seek by outward fors in rebellions, & insurrections to oppos or resist them, but wherin for consciens sâk towards God any cannot obey their unjust, & unryteos laws and com­mands they ouht to be subject by Patient suffering, in the fear, & wisdom of God, bearing their Testimony against the evil, so commiting their souls into the hand of God, as unto A faithful Creator, Thus the trù Chri­stians did & stil do. & in so doing the spirit of glory resteth On such, & in du tym the Lord God of faithfulnes wil clear their Innocency & caus it to shyn forth as the lyt, & his Iust wrath, & vengeans to tàk hold on that spirit, & Power, by vvhich they hav bin màd unjustly to suffer.

It is the sâm spirit & not the sâm Nam, mâks the sâm Minister or ordi­nans of Christ.And as concerning the ordinanses & Appoyntments of God in the church, this I say, that as God hath, so he stil doth sit & appoynt in the church, Profets, Apostels, Evangelists, Pastors, and teachers, with other helps in Government, & altho they hav not now the sâm Nâms, yet appea­ring in the sam spirit, and Power, ar in truth & substans the sam, which shal continu in the church until that end be accomplished in Mankynd for which they ar Appoynted by God, to wit for the work of the Ministry, in gathering and Perfecting the saints, the Edi­fication of the Body of Christ, until al com into the unity of the faith, & Knowledg of the Son of God, unto A perfect man, unto the mesur of the statur of the fulnes of Christ.

But som may say shal man Kynd be brouht Or Redeemed into such A stat? Obj. II

I answer Yea; And the ground or reason of my faith, Answ. & hôp heerin is, first becaus the Lord God of Lyf, Wisdom, Power, and faithfulnes, hath promised, and màd a Covenant with his own seed in man kynd, and throuh his Servants the Holy Profets, declared that it shalbe so, The pro­mis & Co­venant of God in man kynd the ground of al tr [...] faith & hóp to which the scripturav a witnes. That the seed of the woman shal bruis the hed of the Serpent, & that al the familys of the Erth shalbe blesed in, & throuh it, & that into it, the gathering of the Peepl shalbe, & that it shal hav the heathen for its inheritans & the utmost parts of the Erth for its possession, & rul them with a rod of iron, & al its ene­mys becom its footstool. & that as a ston cut out of the mountain without hands, it should smyt the Imag' (to wit the Powers of sin & darknes) in the feet therof, so that the Yron, Clay, Silver & Gold therof (to wit al the strength & Glory of the Power & Kingdom of Darknes from the foundation to the Top ston in that cursed building) [Page 18]shal be broken to pieces together, & becom as chaf, which the wynd carrieth away, & that the ston should becom a great mountain, & fil the whol Erth; And the Dominion of sin & transgression shal be finished & an end put therunto, & everlasting Ryteosnes be raised up & established in Man Kynd, & they in it, & that as in Adam al dyed so in Christ (the seed) al shalbe mâd alyv, & as sin hath reined unto Deth so Grâs shal Rein throuh Ryteosnes, (the seed) unto everlasting lyf, & John in the Spirit of Profesy heard him that sat on the Thrôn say, Behold I mak al things new. & saw the new Hevens, & the new Erth, wherin ryteosnes dweleth, & the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, into which nothing that defyleth or worketh abomination can enter, or that maketh a ly, but they who ar writ­en in the Lambs Book of Lyf, wherby was for shewn. The restora­tion of the seed, Christ in mâl, and femâl, & of them in it, to that pur Dominion, & Glory which he had with the Father, in Man-kynd, & Man-kynd in him, befôr the foundation of the World, (which lyeth in wikednes) began.

The pro­mis fulfild in the hed & many members, a strong ground of Hôp.II. Secondly he hath alredy in mesûr mád thos promises, & Co­venant good, & performed it, to, & in som, to wit in Christ Jesus that Lamb of God, who was the first begoten from the Ded, the Hed of the Body the Church, in whom the Eternal Word of Lyf, the Seed of God (slain from the foandation of the World (which lyeth in wikednes) was brouht forth in its Holy, Pur, & perfect Estat of innocency, in whom the old Serpent, the Divel, the Tempter found no Plas, who pased the tym of his sojourning heer on Erth in that mortal body, in the pur fear, lyt, lyf, Wisdom, & Power of God his Father, faithfully finishing the work, given him by the Father to do, & in the sam Eternal pur Spirit offered up himself again unto God, & without spot returned into the Bosom of the Eternal Father & foun­tain of lyf from whens he câm, & proceeded; As also dyvers of the Saints, and Holy Men of God, by and throuh a participation of the Sam Eternal, pur fulnes of God, which dwelt in him, wer turned from the darknes to the lyt, from the Power of Sathan to the Power of God, and witnesed Salvation from sin, and had learned to deny [Page 19]al ungodlynes, & worldly lusts, and to liv soberly, Ryteosly & holyly in this present World, & wer clensed from al filthines of flesh, and Spirit, and had overcom the wiked ón, & wer mâd free from sin, & becom the Servants of Ryteosnes risen with Christ siting together in hevenly plases in Christ Jesus, and wer com to the new Jerusalem, to Mount Syon, the city of the living God, to the innumerabel Company of Angels, the general Assembly, & Church of the first born, to God the Judg of al, and to the Spirits of just men mâd perfect (in them)

III. Thirdly, Becaus the sâm Eternal Power which hath acom­plished it in the hed & Som of the members, The Power of God sufficient to perfect the rest. is abel to acomplish the sâm in every member, according to it's plâs, throuhout the whol body being abel to sav to the uttermost al that com to God in him, who is abel to work, so as non shal hinder, for Heven, and Erth shal pas, and now is pasing away, but not ôn Jot or tittel of al that he hath spoken or promised, shal fal to the ground unfulfiled.

IIII. Fourthly, The Day is now com, in which an end to the World which lyeth in wikednes shal be put, & the Kingdom of dark­nes, sin, and transgression finished, and the pur, and everlasting Ryteosnes of God (to wit Christ in mâl, and femâl, be mád mani­fest in and throuh mankynd, and mankynd in it, reconcyled to God and to ón another, in the ever lasting Covenant of lyf, never mor to be forgoten, in which the whol creation shal hav deliverans from the bondag of corruption in to the glorios liberty of the Sons of God.

The grou [...]d of al outward Rul & or­dinanses in Church & stat, de­clared.And as concerning al Rûl, Dominion, Authority & Power what­soever that hath bin, or shal be exercysed in, & throuh man, over others, wirh al the Ordinanses, Appointments of God in the Church, The ground of the Rys, Manifestation, Administration, & Continuans of them al, was, & is mans transgression in sining & departing from the Lord, the lyt, Spirit, & power of God in the inward parts.

And mans Restoration, & redemtion from sin, & transgression & re­turning again unto the Lord, in obediens to the lyt, Spirit, The most universal gathering, & greatest glory to be after the Apostacy. and power of God in the inward parts, puteth an end unto them al.

But according as it was fôrseen, & fôrtold by the Spirit of Christ in the Holy Apostels a faling away, & Apostacy from the tru Christian faith & lyf should com, & that the most spreding manifestation of the most Excelent glory, & day of the Lord, & the most universal gathering into him was not to com except [Page 20]ther cam' first a faling away & the Man of sin revealed, and Holy Paul in his Advys to the over seers of the flok told them, that after his depart­ur greevos wolvs would enter in amongst them, not sparing the flok, & that from among themselvs should men arys speaking pervers things to draw Discypels after them, & further said that the Mistery of Ini­quity did then already begin to work, & John in his Epistel advyseth them to whom he wrot, to try the Spirits, & not to beleev every Spi­rit, becaus many fals Profets wer then gon out into the World, The [...]ôp confesseth that the Christ cam in that on body of flesh. say­ing that every Spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is com into the flesh is not of God, & that was the Spirit of Antichrist of which they had heard that it should com, & said then, that it was already com into the VVorld, & that they went out from Among themselvs.

And so it was, that the seed of the Serpent having found Plâs in som, beguyling them, as of old he did Eva, drawing their mynds from the simplicity of the Spirit of Christ in them, leading them out into the World, Inclyning their hearts after outward & visibel things, it ceased not working even in a mystery of iniquity, covered over with outward shews, & pretenses of Christianity, & Holynes, even in the Elders teachers & leaders of the flok, til at length, from, & throuh them, that cursed seed spred it self, as evil leven throuhout the whôl lump, & becâm a Man of sin opposing, and exalting himself abov the pûr seed of God in Man-kynd siting ther as God in the Tempel of God. And from this cursed root of biternes hath sprang an evil tree, whos Branches hav over spred al Christendom bringing forth the evil fruits of Covetosnes, Pryd, Oppression, Cruelty, Idolatry, VVars, Divisions, Persecution, & sheding the Bloud of the Innocent, Murdering the harmles Saints of Iesus, by many, Cruel, Antichristian, Vnmercyful, & Inhu­man, Torturings, Rackings, & D [...]ths by Hanging & Burning, with dy­vers other, open, & secret ways of Cruelty & Murder, under a cursed, & fals pretens of their being Heritics, and lykwys the Apos­tel Peter (whos Successor the Pôp of Rôm falsly pretends to be) saw this also taking root in the Elders, Lording & preach­ing for fil­thy Luker of as great antiquity as any o­ther part of Popish faith, or a practis. & teachers, that even a Spirit of Covetosnes, Pryd, & Lordlynes was taking root in them, & therfor exhort­ed & warned them in his Epistel, saying thus, the Elders which âr a­mongst you I exhort, who am also an Elder, & a vvitnes of the suffer­ings of Christ, & a partaker of the Glory that shalbe revealed, feed the flok of God which is amongst you taking the oversyt therof, not by con­straint but wilingly, not for filthy Luker but of a redy mynd, not as Lords over Gods heritag' but as good exampels to the flok.

[Page 21]In this Spirit sprang up al thôs invented Nams, Orders, Garbs & Manners of habits of the Póps, Cardinals, Fryars, Monks, Capuchins, Nuns &c. And the voluntary humility, & pretended vows of pover­ty, & chastity, and seperation from the World & imitated devotion, Worshiping of Angels, intruding into things which they hav not seen, & the Doctrin of Devils, spekinglys in H [...]pocrisy of a Purgatory to purg' Peepl from sin after they ar Ded, forbiding Meats and Marria­ges, which God had ordained in his own fear, & Wisdom to be en­joyed without respect ether to Tym or Persons, injoyning the Obser­vation of Days, Tyms, Months, & Years, imposing their own corrupt Inventions & Traditions upon the Peepl for Doctrin, The faith of Devils, and from this Root sprang the faith of Devils, in an Imaginary God without them, and at a distans from them, abov the skys, comprehended in three Persons, and of a Resurrection of their Carkases with the Carkases of al others that hav bin sins man was created, & an Imaginary expecta­tion of Christ to com in the sâm body os flesh in which he suffered Deth without the gàts of Jerusalem, out of the visibel hevens, upon the ma­terial Clouds to Judgments, & of a heven to the injoyed after they ar Ded above the skys, and an Imaginary hel or plâs of torment for the wiked after they are Ded, with material fyr & brimston, of al which they cannot giv ether themselvs or others a Rational Account, & from this Root sprang the tabel of Devils, (to wit) eating, the tabe [...] of Divls. & drinking to ex­ces & Ryot, to the raising, & norishing of that Spirit in man which is enmity against God, & leads in to al the ways of Deceit, Covetosnes, Pryd, lust, Cruelty, & unryteosnes, which ar the Spirits of Devils in al man­ner of the cursed fruits of the works of sin, & darknes throuhout Christendom, among al sorts Hy & Low, Rich & Poor, Rulers, the Fel­lowship of Devils what. VVariors, Teachers, & Peepl, which cursed seed, & evil leven took plàs, & Rooting in many in the Apostels days, and they seeing, & feeling the working therof, did according to the wisdom of the Spi­rit of Christ in them wryt concerning the sàm, to the end that such as wer wavering myt be established in truth, that such as wer gon astray myt be brouht bak, and that such as did wilfuly persist in ways of A­postacy myt be left without excus; & that a testimony myt be left upon record unto succeeding ages, to stay, & comfort such as should suffer for truths sàk at the hands of thos that were faln under the Spirit of A­postacy, and that at the appearans of Christ in his Peepl (now màd ma­nifest) in the brytnes of his coming, to Reveal, Consum & Destroy the Man of sin.

[Page 22]The recorded Testimony of the Profets, Christ, & the Apostels, migt be prodused as A trù Witnes, or Testimony against the spirit of Apostacy, warning thos to whom they wrot, Not to be beguyled of their Reward, or Spoyled by vain Philososij, voluntary, humility, Or worship­ing of Angels; for al performanses what soever which are don Only in the wil of Man, or Imitation of others, ar nether acceptabel to God, nor truly profitabel to man; The wors­shiping of Angels what. Which worship of Angels, is, the Creaturs being exalted in its self, becaus of the Operation of the Power Or gift of God in & throuh it, or to lift up, Or exalt Others becaus of the Emi­nent operation of the Power, Or gift of God in, & throuh them; The Operation of which Power, Or gift of God, is an Angel of God in Mál, & femál; which things wer taking Root Amongst them, the strong despysing the weak, & the weak judging the strong, Others making partys, lifting up of Instruments, ón abov, & against ano­ther, som saying they wer for Paul, Others for Apollo, Others for Cephas, Others boasting in others lyns, of things mád up to their hands, intruding into things which they had not seen, wher as the Apostels said. That which they declared was that which they had seen, tasted, & handled of the word of lyf. And the grás' of God had tauht them, (not in shew, or desaitful, & hypocritical profession) but in truth of Practis to deny al ungodlynes and vvorldly lusts and to liv soberly, & Ryteosly in this present vvorld, vvhich vvas and is the tru Purgatory vvhich they held, The tru Purgatory is the clensing vertu of the bloud or lyf of Christ. even the Bloud, the Pur spirit of Christ in them, vvhich purged & clensed them from al filthynes of flesh, and spirit whyl they wer living in the Body, wherby they vver presented in Body soul, & spirit blamles, & with out spot befor God, & befor his thron: Affirming that ther is nether vvork, Knowledg, Or vvisdom in the grav, & that as every tree fals so it lys, & as Deth leavs so Judgment fynds al, and as concerning meats, and drinks, obser­vation of Days, tyms & Marriages the Apostels advysed, not to Judg ón-another in thos things, and that the strong should bear with the weak & not to pleas them selvs, but when he wrot to such as had seen beyond thos things & wer Apostatysing and faling bak again into thos begerly Rudiments, he reproved them sharply, saying that the Kingdom of God was not meats, and drinks, and that both the Belly, and meats, was for destruction; demanding of them, who had bewitched them, and whether (having run wel, and begun in the Spirit) they thouht to be mâd Perfet in the flesh, teling them that he was fraid of them, least he had bestowed his labor in vain on them, becaus they obser­ved [Page 23]days, tyms, and sabbaths and ther wer such amongst them as wer Eried from the faith, and had mád ship wrak of a good consciens, deceived, and deceiving others in doctrin, and practis, and for dis­honest gain gon in the way of Balaam for gifts, and rewards.

And they affirmed, that the Body, Spirit, Hôp, Lord, Faith, Baptism, God, and father of al, is but ôn, vvho is in, throuh and over al; Whos e­ternal pur fulnes dvvelt bodyly in Christ, of vvhos fulnes of pur lyt and lyf al vvho receiv and vvalk in, becom Children, and heyrs of God in, and vvith him vvhich is the faith of the son of God, by vvhich the Iust livs, in Mâl, and femál, the ón Baptism vvhich saveth, vvhich is not the washing away the out ward filth os the flesh, but the answer of a good consciens, by the Resurrection of Christ, the Lord that spirit from the ded in mâl, and femâl, vvhich al vvho hav the Son; hav the Father also, dvveling and Walking in them, as saith the scripturs of truth, and Christ said that he vvas the Resurrection & the lyf, & al vvho did, do, or shal liv & beleev in him, do, and shal liv, thô they vver Ded: Such becom Children of the resurrection, throuh the participation of the sâm Pur, Divyn Natur, Lyt, Lyf, & fulnes of God, vvhich dvvelt in, & vvas mâd manifest throuh Christ Jesus, vvherby the Saints then, & novv, vvitnesed themselvs to be, not only crucifyed and ded vvith Christ unto the World, vvith the inordinat affections, & lusts therof, but also to be quikened and risen vvith him, siting together in hevenly plases in Christ.

The Resurrection, Redemtion & Salvation is of Christ the Seed of God in Man-kynd, vvhich in Man, as unto Man, becâm as captivated, slain, & in bondag throuh the entrans, & prevailing of sin, & trans­gression, vvherby the becâm the Lamb slayn from the foundation of the World (vvhich lyeth in vvikednes) in Man-kynd. The lay­ing down, the out­ward body no Curs. The bâr laying down of the body (vvhich is called Deth) is not the effect or re­vvard of sin, the laying dovvn of the body had bin, thô Man had never faln in to sin, and transgression, vvhich vvould not hav bin, nether shal be to such as àr truly Redeemed, ether cursed or any ground of fear or terror, but in the vvil of the Lord Rather desyrabel, as a Bed of Rest in its plàs, & season, is as truly vvelcom, and desyrabel, as ether food, or the morning, or any part of the day; to him that is in the vvork of God. That Deth which is the reward of sin what.

That Deth, and Curs vvhich vvas, and is the Reward of sin & trans­gression, entred into Mankynd, in the sâm day, & instant of tym, that sin entred, acording to the Word of the Lord to, and in them, after vvhich Adam lived several hundreds of Years in the body, yet this I [Page 24]say; That the shortnes, and uncomfortabel being of the lyf in the Body is the Effect of Sin. Christ Said to the father of al that thou hast given me I have lost Nón, & that it was the wil of the Father, that he should raiss it up again at the last day, he spak not of Carkases Or Persons, But of the Pur glory, & Dominion of his own lyf, which in man (as unto man) throuh the Entrans of trangression, becam as slain, captivated, and in bondag; yet in it self lost nothing, but retaind, & stil retains its Purity, & Dominion in and over Man­kynd, throuh al Ages, & for ever abyds the sam, for Christ, the sàm Eternal lyt, The lyt always the sam in its self, but as to man the dispensa­tion chan­geth as he changeth. lyf, wisdom, & Povver of God, which in Man­kynd befor transgression, rendred him to be the Imag of God, and sat him in tru Pur honor & Dominion over the works of his hands, becam in Man-kynd after the Entrans of sin A Reprover, & judg in them, so that the lyf, & Power of God in them, was the sâm in its Purity & undefyled, not consenting to the evil, only differing in the wor­king, & manifestation of its self in Man-kynd, and the last day is novv com in vvhich Christ the Lyt, Lyf, VVisdom, Power, & seed of God, shal be Raised up again in Man-kynd, & man-kynd in it, to the Sám Pur Dominion, and glory, which he had with the Father, and Man-kynd in him, befor the vvorld (vvhich lyeth in wikednes) began, And as concerning Eternal Judgment, it is commited by the father to the Son, to wit Christ, the Lyt, VVisdom, and Power of God, the faithful & tru witnes of God, in Màl, and femal, vvhich vvas vvith the father befor his works of Old, which Eternal judgment, hath bin faithfuly Executed, in, On, & throuh al ages, & generations, in, & on the general, and in, and on every Particular soul of Man-kynd that hath don evil, vvhich shal continu to be Executed by him, til al his Enemys becom his footstool; and that Sàm Eternal Judgment, vvhich is in Christ, the Lyt, the faithful & tru witnes of God in Mâl & Femàl, shal stand for ever in Pur Dominion over the hed, & seed of the serpent, vvhich is the transgresing Power in Man-kynd.

And as concerning heven, it is that pur stât of eternal Lyf, Lov, Do­minion, & glory; which is the Imag of God in which Man-kynd was plased befor trans gresion, Heven what. & into which Man kynd, (by & throuh a participa­tion of that pur Divyn Natur, & fulnes of God, wich dwelt bodyly in Christ Jesus) coms to be again Redeemed, & Restored, which al who truly enjoy, & partak of, do enter in by Christ the lyt, lyf, way & eternal door, & ar saved, redeemed, risen & standing up from the ded receiving Eternal lyf in him, siting in hevenly plases in Christ.

[Page 25]And hel is no other but that Deth, Curs, wo, Misery and Tribula­tion, which entreth, and tàks hold on body, soul, and Spirit, throuh transgression, but that Deth, and hel which John in the Spirit of Prophesy wrot of, and saw as cast in to the lâk of fyr, is no other then that cursed Spirit, Power & Dominion of the darknes of this World, which throuh the faling away & Apostacy of the Gentils or Romans arôs, and hath bin for ages, and generations excercysed over the several Nations, Kindreds, Tongu's, and Languages throuhout Christendom, in the Dragon's, Beast's, and fals Profets Spirit and Povver, vvho under fals pretenses of protecting, governing, and teaching the peepel, in safty, Peas, Ryteosnes, & Holynes, hav bin a Hel of cruelty, Oppression, unryteosnes, and deceit unto, and over them, as so many sorts of incarnat Devils in their Military, Civil, & Ec­clesiastical Powers (so caled) ryding on the Nations, Robing, Spoyl­ing and plundering the peepel of their Estats, tresurs, and fruits of their Labors, at their own cursed wils, and plesurs to uphold, and maintain them in pryd, deceit, eas, fulnes, and oppression over the peepel, causing also their Bloud as a continued Issu to run sorth to ful­fil their cursed vvils and plesurs, as also the Dear Innocent Saints. Martyrs, & faithful witneses of Iesus, vvho throuh ages, and genera­tions past unto this day hav born their Testimony against their vviked vvays and practises; Which Spirit, and povver must novv be cast into the Lák of Eternal Perdition, & Destruction, and suffer the vengeans of Eternal fyr, and be limited and chained dovvn in the Bottomles, Pit in every particular out of vvhich it aros, and the smok of the tor­ments herof to ascend up for ever mor, vvhich is the second Deth, even the Hel of Hel.

Furthermâr the Apostel told them to whom he wrot, that they could not be partakers of the Tabel of the Lord, & the Tabel of Devils, reproving that disorder & exces with was amongst them in eating and drinking, for which caus many becam weak, and sik, The Tabel of the Lord what & how it be­c [...]s a curs and fala asleep, for the Tabel of the Lord (to wit the varios Kynds▪ & stors of provisions which the Eternal Power, the Father of the houshold doth dayly produs, & giv freely forth, to feed and sustain Man-kynd, and every Cretur) becoms a trap, a snar a gin, & a Curs, even a Tabel of Devils unto, & in such as eat, & drink therof in exces, to the satisfaction of the carnal mynd, & the [Page 26]inordinat desyrs of the flesh. And as concerning the fellowship, & conversation of Devils, it was springing up amongst them, and therfor the Apostel exhorted them to whom he wrot to hav no fellow­ship with the unfruitfal works, and workers of darknes, saying that it was even a sham to speak of thos things which wer don of them in secret, but al things reprovabel (said he) âr mâd manifest by the Lij [...].

Which cursed Spirit of Apostacy having thus taken plàs, & Rooting in, & amongst them in the Apostels days, hath grown, and spred it self in, and over al Christendom, which hath rendred Christendom (in their Military, Civil, & Ecclesiastical Powers) to be the Thron, & Seat of Iniquity, of Belzebub, the Man of sin, a habitation of Devils, the hold of every Foul & No [...] ysom Spirit, a Cag of every unclean & hatful Bird, which must now Receiv the Reward of Devils, even Destruction, and perdition from the presens of the Lord & from the glory of h s pur power who is now risen in his holy Tempel to shak terribly the Hevens & the Erth, not only in Christendom, but in al nations, that so what is shaken may be removed, and that which cannot be shaken may remain, and shyn forth in its pur, natural, and proper glory, and Beauty, & al the works of God becom as a wel formed harp with every string wound up to its du, & proper pitch, on which the Lord God may forever Delyt to màk sweet Melody unto himself, & they in him forevermôr.

So that this Spirit of Apostacy, & faling away from the tru christian faith, & lyf took plàs, & rooting, first in the Elders, & teachers of the flok, which cursed seed grew, & spred it felf in, and throuh them, over al Christendom, the whol being ons comprehended in the Church of Rôm, & subjected under that fals hed, universal, Bishop or Pôp (so caled) and took hold and brouht forth its cursed fruits a­mong al Nations, Kindreds, Tongu's, & Peepel, of every Ranks, degree & order from the Hyest to the Lowest, & hath had its Rooting, Growth, & Fulnes, even in a most abominabel mistery of Iniquity Corrupting the vvhol Body of Christendom so that in sted of being a pur chast virgin, fit to be marryed to the Lamb, and becom his faithful Spous, she be­cam a defyled strumpet, & even in her beginning bruised the Brests of her virginity, by harkening to, and obeying the voys of the old Serpent, that adulteros Spirit in her, & so becam a harlot, and grevv to be the Mother of harlots and abominations of the Erth, vvith vvhom the Em­derors, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers, & Peepel of al Ranks, and Degrees, [Page 27] Mal, & Femal hav comited Spiritual fornication, and bin mâd drunk vvith the cup of her Abominations, and she hath sit as A queen upon ma­ny waters, vvhich ar Peepels, Kindreds, Tongu's, & Nations, being màd drunk vvith the Bloud of the Profets, Saints, & Martyrs of Iesus, even in her skirts is found the Bloud of al that hav bin slayn upon the fàs of the Erth.

Thus this cursed Seed of the Serpent having taken plàs and Rooting did gradualy grow, and spred its self dayly: and as it grew, spred, and prevayled, so the tru pur Seed of God, towit, the Seed Christ in Màl & Femâl, was oppresed, kept under & brouht into Bondag, & as the cursed fruits of the Seed of the Serpent appeared, & wer brouht forth, so the blessed fruits of the tru pur Seed of God, the truly Nobel plant of Gods Renown in mâl & Femâl withered, & decayed, and that pur fresh appea­rans of the truly excelent Glory which was (in mesur) as a dew from the Lord God of heven upon the Church of the Romans, did by degrees, depart, and utterly wither away, throuhout Christendom.

The Apo­stacy first entring the fals teachers (thó ons trû hav­ing freely received) from them over spued the body. So that wher as in her virginity, the Elders & teachers wer tender, & cârfulover the flok of God, to whom the câr therof was comited, not by constraint but wilingly, not for filthy Luker but of a redy mynd not as Lords over Gods heritag, but as Holy & good exampels to the flok, freely communicating their Spiritual things, & partaking in lov of the Peepels carnal things, who having food, & rayment had learned therwith to be content, yea Holy Paul wrouht with his hands, that so the Gospel myt not be Burdensom or chargabel to the Peepel.

But that covetos Spirit (vvhich is the root of al evil) being thus crept in, and having taken plàs in som, ther soon appeared such a­mongst them who wer not wiling to communicat freely of what they had freely received of God, but throuh covetos practises, souht to màk a gain of the flok, going in the vvay of Balaam for gifts, and revvards, having Mens Persons in admiration becaus of Advantag imbrasing this pre­sent World, loving to hav the preheminens, and so being faln under the Spirit of deceit in themselvs, grevv dayly vvors, and becam de­ceivers of others, & by good vvords, and fair speeches deceived the hearts of the simpel, causing many others to bovv, and submit to their covetos ends, and to follovv their vviked, and pernitios vvays, by reason of vvhom the vvay of truth vvas evil spoken of, vvhich cursed Spirit taking hold of the flok also, many appeared vvho vvould not [Page 28]endur soünd Doctrin, but after their own lusts gat to them selvs heap [...] of sals Teachers, turning away their ears from truth unto fabels; And so it cam to pas by degrees, that such as refused to answer their covetos desyrs, and to put into their months, they prepared war against them counting them enemys to the ministry of Christ, & to be against the propagation of the gospel, & such as bòr Testimony against, & refused to follow their Pernicios ways & Practises, wer counted Er­ronious, & Enemys to the church, & good order, & so truth, & the followers therof, got the Nams of Error, & heresy, Non conformists, & disorderly Persons; And Deecit & Error, & the Practisers therof assumed to themselvs the nams of holy church, tru Christians, & ministers of Christ, & in their own faln wisdoms set up On amongst them, as chief Father Overseer or universal Bishop, vvhos successors wer, & stil ar caled, Christs Vicars, Peters successors, hed of the church, and Póps, whos Personal seat is ROM, but his spiritual seat the Peepels, Kindreds, Tongu's, & Nations, who in the whol Body of them caled the Clergy throuhout Christendom, ar the woman, that great City, that hath & yet Doth rul over the Kings of the Erth, & so proceeded to erect Coun­sels, and Synods, & in them to mak many unryteos and Antichristian Laws, & Decrees, which they cal Spiritual, Holy, & Canonical Orders of Holy Church, imposing their own commands, & inventions upon the Peepel as the Commands of God, & Holy Church, assuming to themselvs (in their faln Wisdom) Power to bynd & loos, to set up, & put down Powers & things, both in heven & in Erth, & to retain, & remit the sins of the Peepel in their own wils for Mony, & Dishonest gain, & such as refused conformity to their wiked Orders, Carnal laws, Com­mands, Canons, & Devilish injunctions, they cast forth as Heritics suffer­ing non to buy or sel, but such as would bow under their Spiritual wik­edneses, & receiv their Idolatros mark in their hands, or on their forheds, & thes their proud, Antichristian, Iezabelish, Luciferian practises hav reached al Christendom, mâl, & femâl, from the low­est to the hyest of you, & your predecessors in government, cau­sing Emperors, Kings, Prinses & Potentats, to bovv dovvn to the sôls of her feet, deposing, & disposing of Powers, Potentats, Crowns, & Kingdoms, at their ovvn vvils, and plesurs therby falsly and blasphe­mosy pretending, to trampel upon the Powers, Pomp, & Glory of this World, whylst themselvs ar delyting, affecting, & living at eas in, the sensual lusts, Pryd & Plesurs therof to the hyest degree.

[Page 29]And so they proceeded to set Bounds, & limits to Congregations, caling them Parishes, erecting houses with steepels, & Croses on them, & Bels, Baptysed in them, falsly & ignorantly caling them Churches, appoint­ing, Arch & inferior Bishops, Priests, Curats, with several other Kynds of Hyrlings over them appointing them great Revenus, Stypends, & yearly Incoms, by Church lands, gleab lands, tyths, taxes, easter reckonings, offerings, sprinkling of Infants Churching of women, Marriages, Burials, & Prayers for the Ded, Dirges & Masses for Redemption of souls out of Pur­gatory, Confession of sins, Smoak-pennys, Indulgenses, Buls, & Par­dons &c. With many other Antichristian ways & inventions to mak, Marchandys of the Bodys, & souls of the Peepel throuhout Christendom.

The eler­gys spiri­tual we [...] ­pons of wi­kednes fayling, they fly to the carnal weapons of the Ma­gistrats.But when they found that their own spirtual laws Canons, & helish church orders wer not of fors enuf to keep al in subjection to their carnal or­ders and Inventions in Matters of Religion, & worship, and to answer their covetos; and greedy desyrs after Mony, tyths, and larg yearly Incoms they Addresed themselvs to the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, and Rulers of the Erth requyring their help, and Assistans, pretending that they therby would be servisabel to God, & holy church, furtherers of the propagation of the Gospel, good Countenansers, Patrons, & Incoragers, of the Ministers of Christ &c.

Whom they met with in the twylyt of the evening of the Blak, & Dark nyt of Apostacy, as so many young men voyd of understan­ding, who by their good words, fayr speeches, & pretenses wer easily drawn to go after her, as Oxen to the slauhter, & fools to the corection of the stoks, making dyvers unreasonabel, Penal, Wiked, Antichristian & bloudy cruel laws, and statuts, with cursed Inquisition courts, to fors al to a conformity, to their Antichristian, Idolatros Canons, Institutions, Inventions, Injunctions, & Cursed Practises, in matters of Religion & church worship, which are Extant, and upon Record unto this day, for vvhich they Rewarded the Potentats, Kings, and Rulers of the Erth with the Nams of Defenders of the faith, &c. who also received dyvers of them into their counsels to sit, & negotiat vvith them, about the spiritual Affairs of holy church (falsly and blasphe­mosly so caled, pretending therby to bring al into unity, & uniformity to the tru Christian Church, Faith, & Practis, with which cam in the treading the holy city under foot, and the Prophecying of the witneses in Sak-cloth, and the flyt of the vvoman into the vvildernes, and so it cam to pas that if any did bear Testimony against their Apostat, [Page 30]Antichristian vvays, and Practises, or Refused to be conformabel to their Invented Laws, Commands, and Canons in Matter of Religion, and vvorship they vver summoned to appear at their spiritual courts (so called) and if after three tyms summonings or appearans, they would not deny the truth, & conform to their church orders, and satisfy their covetos desyros, they proceeded gradualy to censur, Fyn, cast out or Excommunicat them as heritics, ordering that non should buy or sel, eat or drink with them, turning them over to the vvorldly, or secular Povvers of the Erth to deal vvith them acording to the cruel, Anti­christian, unmanly, Inhuman & Bloudy Laws & statuts, vvhich in such cases they had (lyk bruit beasts, not Men) mâd, & provyded to wit the Emperors, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers throuhout Christendom, who hav bin as cruel, Unnatural, beastly, & bloudy in the execution of them, on thousands of Gods Dear Innocent ôns, as they wer blyndly zealos, & Beastly in making of them, spoyling many familys of their goods, cruely dealing with others in their persons, by bonds, impri­sonments, cruel rackings, torturings, & banishings, secretly, & o­penly Murdering, & kiling the innocent Saints, Martyrs, & faithfull witneses of Iesus by hanging, & burning, with dyvers other ways of open, & secret cruelty & murder, the cry of al which cruelty, bloud & Murder of the Innocent, hath piersed the hevens, & entred into the ears of the Lord God Omnipotent, who is now risen in his holy plas, & causing the vengeans of his Tempel to tak hold of al his, & his dear, oppresed, cruely tortured & murdered Innocent peepels, Unnatural, bloudy and cruel adversarys, and to aveng al the oppressions, crueltys, and Innocent bloud, of his harmles lambs and Saints, on them that dwel u­pon the Erth fro the least to the greatest of them, even upon this pre­sent age and generation.

And heer it may be noted how this old Serpent, vvhich goeth upon its belly, hath (throuh ages, & generations in thos cald Priests, Levits, spiritual men, and the Clergy) conformed, and transformed it self, unto any thing, and into any form and lyknes (except the lyf, and Povver of godlynes, in to which it can never com) provyded they myt hav the nations, and Rulers of the Erth, as beasts, and asses for them to ryd on and their tresurs, and fruits of their labors to be at their command, to feed, & pamper their bellys.

The World is the Who, the Spirit of truth in & throuh the Holy Men of God, Pro­fets, Christ & Apostels, said wer grievos Wolvs, such as mâd their [Page 31]their God, making again of the flok, would stil & so ar its Mini­sters the sam they ever wer, & so many receiv the sam nams now from the sam Spirit. exercysed in covetos practises, going in long Robs, loving to be cald of men Master, and to hav the greetings in the market plas, & the uppermost Rooms at Feasts, such as did say, & not do, teaching for Doctrin the tradi­ditions of Men, Hipocryts, whyted wals, painted sepulkers, such as teach for hyr, and Devyn for mony, greedy dumb dogs, that cannot bark, loving every on his gain from his quarter, preparing war against such as put not into their mouths, filthy Dreamers, that defyl the flesh, runnng greedily in the error of Balaam for gifts, & rewards, spots in their Feasts of charity feeding themselvs without fear, clouds without Water, carried about with Wynds, trees whos fruit withereth, twys Ded, and plucked up by the Roots, Raging wavs of the Sea foaming out their own sham, wandering stars to whom the blaknes of darknes is reserved for ever.

When Israel of old in the wildernes turned their Baks upon the God of their saluation, this spirit in Aaron, and thos confederat with him, complys with them, and maks A Calfs, and they said thes be thy Gods o Israel vvhich brouht thee out of the land of Egipt, and built an Altar to it, and yet proclaiming, and pretending to mak A feast to the Lord siting dovvn to feed, and pamper their bellys together, and rysing up to play, and vvhen Israel in the laind of Canaan, revolted from the Lord to serv the Idol Gods of the heathen, this old Serpent in the Priests, & Levits, conforms ther unto, Exercysing the several forms, & Manners of Idolatros worship, to the several sorts of Ydols, and Images provyded they may nat sail of provision for their bellys when Micah gat à Reliv a Teraphim, an Ephod, A graven, & Molten Imag to erect an Idolatros way of worship in his own family, he wants not à Levit to excercys à worship ther unto, provyded he may hav ten shekels by the year, Asuit of Apparel, & provision for his Belly, and when Ieroboam mad Calvs, & sit them up in Dan, & Bethel, he wanted not enuf to be Priests to exercijs a form of vvorship to them, provyded they may not fail of provision for their bellys, and vvhen ydol Tempels, & Images wer Erected, for the worship of Baal, if Achab, and Iesabel wil hav eight hundred & fisty Priests to exercys à vvorship therun to, they redyly Conform, provyded they may dayly eat, & Drink at Iesabels tabel, & when Israel took up an Imagination of A Queen of heven, they want not enuf of thos cald Priests, spiritual men, & devyners to Exercys a worship [Page 32] to her, provyded they may hav the Cáks, Meat, & Drink offerings which ar baked & offered to her, to feed, & pamper their bellys.)

And when the spirit of Apostacy took hold on the gentils Or Romans, turn­ing their ears away from truth unto fabels; this old Serpentyn spirit pro­vyded them heaps of fals teachers, provyded they may màk a gain of them, & get filthy luker by them, & exercys Lord ship, & Dominion over their Persons estats, faith, & conscienses, whos Practis hath bin for ages, and generations Past, throuh the Apostacy to this day, to prepar war against such as put not into their mouths, & to spoyl the goods, whip, Banish, Tortur, Burn, and hang the Persons, of the Inno­cent, who in the spirit & Power of the Lord hav born testimony against their ways of Idolatry, deceit, covetos Practises, Proud, and Bloud­thusty spirits.

And when Henry the Eigth of that nam, so caled, King of England, mád a breach upon that cursed Idolatros sea of the Roman ecclesi­astical Power, & threw of the Pops supremacy, they (in words and outward profession) cast it of also, & lyk unnatural children cal'd their Mother the Whor of Róm, swearing Allegians, & Supremacy to the King, & receiving their inductions into their Spiritualy wiked Plases, Orders, & Proffits from him, & his Substituts, teling their God in their Prayers, that in al Cases, & over al Persons, as wel Ecclesiastical as temporal the King is supream hed, & Governor, he confirming them in their Church, & gleab lands, tyths, & yearly Stypends. & Revenus to feed, & pamper their Bellys.

And when Mary his next Successor cam into the Thrón, & turned al as it wer bak again, then they fased quyt about, with the Dog to their own vomit submiting, & conforming to that which they had in word, profession & outward Practis denyed, & cast of, viz. the Póps supremacy, persecuting, & burning such as Heritics, who for Consciens sak towards God could not conform therunto, She securing to them their yearly Incoms to feed serv & pamper their God, which was their Bellys.

And when Elizabeth her next Successor aros, then they turned quyt about again, disgorging the vomit which befor they had re-eaten, swearing allegians & Supremacy unto her, teling their God in their Prayers, that shee, the Queen, was in al cases, [Page 33]and over al persons as wel Ecclesiastical as Civil, supream hed & Governor, He securing, & confirming to them their provision for their Bellys. And when the Parliament which was in the Reyn of Charls the first of that Nam so caled King of England, mád a defensyv War against the said King.

The said Parliament making provision for their Bellys erecting a Commitee to provyd augmentations, & yearly Stypends som of 50 som of 100 pound, or mor, and laying 2 or 3 Parishes somtyms to­gether, that they myt hav wher with to maintain them in pryd & eas, & pamper their Bellys, they in words, & outward Profession, and Practis, cast of not only the Tóp, & his Supremacy, but also sub­mit to lay asyd the ûs of their Servis-book of Common Prayers, Organ Pyps, and other Music, Singing Men and Boys, Gowns, Flat-Caps, Surplises, & Tippets, and ras even their King also out of their Prayers, stiring up the Peepel to go forth to war against him, as to the help of the Lord against the myty.

And when Oliver Cromwel their Servant had grasped the mili­tary power in to his hands, & ther with wrested; the Power of the three Nations out of the Parliaments hands, (who was as the littel Horn spoken of by Daniel the Profet) he provyding for their bellys, they in outward shew & practis, cast of not only Pop, & King but Parliament also, and own and addres themselvs to him, and his son, as their Lord Protector, Sereen Hy-nes, with dyvers other flattering, & Blasphemos Nâms, and Tytels; And when thos caled the long Parliament cam into their seats again, they fel in again with them, casting of their for­mer Master, & Sereen Lord Protector.

And when Charls the II. Son of Charls the I was by another Par­liament cald in & restored to the Thrón, & Dominion of his Father, he provyding for their Bellys, they Readyly swear Allegians, & Supremacy to him, & get their on Surplises again & fal to reading their Book of Common Prayer, and bow, and cring to their Idolatros Altars, & sing & Pyp, & play on their Music in their worship, & if he wil hav them go bakagain, and be reconcysed to their Mother, whom themselvs cal the whor of Rôm, they wil submit rather then to indanger their [Page 34]Persons, or loos their prouision for their Bellys.

Yet further this old Serpent if it fynd or see away to have as, & pro­vision for the Belly, by a free Contribution, hath and can appear as a Pastor of a seperat or gathered Congregation, & in words, and pro­fession declar against conformity to the World its ways, and worships, and impur communions.

Yet further seeing a way to go from plàs to plâs and have bak, and Belly freely provided for, it hath, & doth transform it self as an Angel of lyt, or Minister of Ryteosnes, appearing in the Assemblys of the Saints, and Children of the lyt, intruding into the Declaration of things which they hav not seen, felt, tasted, nor experiensed in themselvs, talking of the Salvation of God, of Christ, of the lyt, Spirit, and Power of God in the inward parts, but by such as truly dwel and walk in the lyt, lyf, wisdom, and Power of God, ar al the ways and workings of that old Ser­pent in such, seen, felt, discerned, and judged, who are the littel foxes that hurt the vyns with the tender grâps and their mouths (by the Power and Wisdom of God) must, and shal be stoped.

But in al ages (sins the entrans of transgression) such as hav bin cal­ed, & sent forth by the Lord, appearing in the evident demonstration of the pur Power, and spirit of God to declar his mynd, & wil unto Peepels, the spirit, and power of darknes in Rulers, Teachers, and peepel could never bear with such, but hav màd a prey of them, counting them as not worthy to hav a being, turners of the world upsyd down, Pestilent fellows, blasphemers such as the land could not bear their words, suffering at their hands mok-ing, Scorn, Contemt, Derision, Bonds, Imprisonment, Banishment, Spoyling of goods, whiping, ston­ing, racking, Torturing, Crucifying, Hanging & burning.

And now the switneses prophefying in sak-cloth being neer hand ended, & the spirit of lyf in mesur entred into the witneses of God, & they standing on their own feet appearing in the lyt, lyf, spirit, & povver of God to vvarn, and turn Peepel from the evil of their ways, from the darknes to the lyt, from the Power of Sathan to know, and obey the lyt, Christ that spirit, and power of God in them, the whol body of sin & Deth in the general, and in ech particuler is moved heerat, & this causeth siknes to seiz on the hed, and pain, & hevynes to fil heart, and is as Mortal, and Incurabel darts in the liver, [Page 35]causing the old Serpent, the spirit, and power of darknes in the whol body to plung as Leviathan in the sea, who in mesur alredy hath, and dayly mor & morshal, mak it to boyl as a pot of oyntment, this is as a flying rowl with the curs entering into the hous of the thief the adul­terer, and the whor, causing the keepers therof to trembel, and the strong men to bovv themselvs, hed, & Tayl, Branch, & Root, in the houshold of wikednes even al sorts, hav a mouth open against such as ar truly sent of God about this work.

The Potentats, King, Prinses, & Rulers of the darknes of this present world may say, if peep [...]l be brouht to Christ the lyt, lyf, spirit & Power of God in them, the gift of God, of whom the Scriptur saith, that he is given of God to be King, Ruler & Lawgiver to, & in his Peepel, Then they wil com to Knovv the lavv of the spirit, & lyf in their in vvard parts, vvhich sets free from the law of sin, and deth & to be fellow heyrs with Christ of that Kingdom vvhich is pur, Eternal, & Immortal vvhich fadeth not away, and to Rein as Kings upon the Erth, siting vvith Christ on his thron, svvaying the scepter of Ryteosnes over al his enemys in them, in that Dominton vvhich is living, & Eternal, clothed vvith that Rob vvhich is pur, & undefyled, crovvned vvith a Royal Dyadem, of pur, & perfect glory & beauty, unto such our Crowns, Scepters, dignitys, Lavvs, and Rul vvil be rendred burthensom, and usles, unles it be as a scourg amongst such vvho ar mor bruitish then beasts, so that our best, and safest vvay vvil be, to tak that vvholsom counsel, long sins given by honest David, that man after gods own heart, to kis the Son, to bow, & be subject to Christ the lyt, VVisdom, & Power of God in our own hearts, & Inward Parts, that so in this the day of the Kindling of his vvrath vve may not perish, with al the vvorkers of Iniquity, and to lay asyd our fading crowns, Robs, Scepters, & emty tytels of vanishing honor, & to sit even with his littel despysed flok, to whom the Ever­lasting Kingdom is bequethed by Christ the eternal Father, & fountain of lyf, wisdom & Eternal Power, and vvayt to feel his pur povver in us vvho is King of Kings, & Lord of Lords, that so vve may com to hav an Inheri­tans vvith them that ar sanctifyed in that Kingdom which is never fading, and to vvear that Crown, and Rôb, vvhich is living, and pur, in that Do­minion, honour, and glory vvhich Man can nether giv nortak away.

Thos cald the Clergy, the vvhol body of them, even al sorts of teachers, in al forms to the hyest in nam, vvithout the povver, may say, if peepel be brouht to Christ, the lyt & lyf in them, which hath In­lytened every ôn that cometh into the world, the gift of God, of vvhom the [Page 36]scripturs say, that he is given of God to be a witnes in Peepel, even his everlasting covenant, in the heart, & inward parts, of which al who partak com to know the Lord from the least to the greatest, such need not to teach ón another, for the Lord, that spirit of truth in them, teacheth them, & leadeth them into al truth, the holy Anoynting which giveth the tru knovvledg of al things, as the Apostel said, so that al who abyd in it, & it in them, need not any man to teach them but as the sam Anoynting teacheth them, vvhich is the living fountain set open in the heart & in­ward parts, for al to com freely unto, vvithout mony, & vvithout prys.

Such vvil not, com to us and giv us of the fruits of their labor, tyths, or larg sums of mony by the year, to hear us say our invented pra­yers, & to talk to them of that vvith vve our selvs rytly understand not, & ar out of the lyf, & Practis of, having that most suer word of Prophesy in themselvs, vvhich is the most suer, and infallibel teacher, and so we may shut up our mashouses, or shop doors, and ceas ringing our Bels, for our trads of dishonest gain vvil vvither àvvay, and com to nouht.

The great Generals, Commanders, & Officers in hostil, & mili­tary Affairs may say, If Peepel be brouht to Christ, the Lyf, Lyt, and everlasting Covenant of God in them, of whom the Scripturs of truth say, he is given of God the Leader and Commander in Peepel, the Captain and Anthor of Eternal Salvation, whos Commands are not grievos, who leads, and Establishes his Peepel in plesant ways of Lyt, Lyf, Lov, Peas, & Ryteosnes, whos banner and standard, is lov, meeknes, truth, and Ryteosnes. Then the enmity in Peepel ôn against another wil com to be destroyed, and they reconcyled to God, & ôn unto an­other, such wil not com to list themselvs under our standards, or fyt under other banners, & be at our Commands, to murder & destroy ôn another, to serv the lusts, pryd, & cursed, ambitios wils of our Cruel oppressing Masters, the Emperors, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers of the Erth, under fals pretenses, of serving God & their Country, whos practis hath bin, & stil is, to mak great & fayr Promises to get peepel in to their servis, and then mak it Deth, ether to quit their servis, or de­mand the performans of what they promis.

So that we may throw our Commissions of Array into the fyr, & beat our swords, & other instruments of Bloud, Murder, & Cruelty, into plouh shars, & pruning hooks, & learn to mak ûs of them as such, for our cursed tràds wil dy & wither away also.

Thos cald Judges, Sherifs, Majors, Baylifs, Justises of the peas, Doctors in the law, Counselers, Advocats, Sollicitors, Atturnys, Clerks, [Page 37]& Scrybs, with al their dependencys may say, If Peepel com to be turn­ed from the Darknes to the lyt, & obey Christ the wisdom, & Power of God in them, of whom the Scriptur saith, that al Judgment is com­mited unto him by the Father, who is the wonderful counseler, the Advocat, that pleadeth the caus of his Peepel, & wryteth their nams in his Book of lyf, who is no Respecter of Persons, the habitation of whos Thron is Ryteosnes, rewarding every ôn according to their works, who leads al, who ar counseled by him in the pur paths of truth, peas, lov, & ryteosnes: Then Peepel wil com to do to ôn another as themselvs would be dôn unto, & to be a law unto themselvs, to bear ón with an­other, chusing rather to suffer, then to do wrong or seek advantages by outward laws, ôn against another, & that cursed, covetos, greedy Spirit of enmity in peepel, ôn against another, & after the injoyments of ôn an­other, wil ceas. Such wil not wear out their bodys, vex, & torment, their Spirits, wast & consum their estats, to attend on our Throns, & seats of brybery, injustis, extortion, & oppression, & giv us larg, & un­reasonabel fees to pervert justis, whos practis hath bin, & stil is, insted of ending peepels differenses in truth, & ryteosnes & reconcyling them together in peas, & lov, to màk them by far the mor at enmity, and ir­reconcylabel ôn to another, inventing ways to lengthen out their con­tentios law suits, by removing them from Court to Court, from City to Country in deceit, & unryteos pretenses, and inventions, caled VVrits of Error, Appeals, Habeas Corpuses &c. Especially if the plaintifs, and defen­dants besuch as hav Estats to answer, and supply their greedy and cove­tos desyrs vvith Brybs, and larg and unreasonabel fees.

And so vve may lay asyd our flat caps, Robs, & ruf garments of deceit, and cast our Books, and Librarys of lavv cases into the fyr.

And Peepl being brouht into the pur bond of the everlasting Cove­nant, com to be so Knit, and unyted together in lov & faithfulnes ôn to another, that ther vvil be no need of any outvvard bils, bonds, or Obliga­tions to mak thē honest, & faithful to do the thing that is just, & equal òn to another & so our wiked trads wil wither avvay also, & com to nouht.

Those cald Doctors, tutors, fellovvs, and Masters of arts in schools, colledges, and universitys, (in that learning vvhich stands in that Spirit; Povver, & vvisdom vvhich is foolishnes vvith, and enmity against God) may say, If Peepel be hrouht to Christ the lyt power, & wisdom of God in them & to be tauht, & tutored therby, then they vvil com to learn the blesed art of denying al ungodlynes, & vvordly lusts, & to liv soberly & ryteosly in this present world, & to speak the pur languag', & to know, & hold the mysterys of [Page 38]faith in a pur Consciens, and Read the book sealed vvith seven seals, vvhich nether the learned or unlearned, vvithal their tongu's and arts amongst us never could or shal be abel to understand or read, and their seed, and ofspring by, their holy Exampels, vvalking in the pur fear, lyf, and vvisdom of God befor them, vvil com to be trained up in the sâm.

Such wil not need to com Or send their children to our Schools Col­ledges, or universitys to be tauht to Read in books, of feined storys, lyng Fabels, filthy, unsavory corrupt & corrupting words, & to act their parts on stages in Comedys, & Tragedys, or to acquyr degrees in learning of thos tongu's and arts, standing in that wisdom wich is En­mity against God.

So that we may shut up our Schools, Colledges, and university doors, and cast our filthy books of liberal arts into the fyr, for our vviked tràds of corrupting Man-kynd vvil dy, and vvither avvay also.

Thos cald doctors of Physic, Chirurgions, & Apothecarys who ar members of that corrupt body of wikednes acting their parts in the Devils craft vvryting their receits in Latin and puting Latin nams, upon the simpels of which they mak their compounds, & salvs &c. keeeping the peepel therby ignorant of the natur & vertu of what they administer un­to them, having and using ways to lengthen the continuans of peepels distempers, somtyms abating, somtyms increasing then; puting larg & unreasonabel Rât's upon things with cost littel or nothing sav gathering, especially if their patients hav wherwith to supply their greedy & Co­vetos desyrs of mony.

The rys & continuans of whos, crafts was & is the intemperans incha­stity & inordinacy of Peepel. So al thes may say, If Peepel be brouht to Christ the lyt, & lyf of God in them, the good physician which purg­eth, & clenseth from al filthines of fle [...]h, & spirit, & leads al, vvho ar led by him, in ways of temperans sobryety, chastity, & in the fear of the Lord then they wil com to be Inhabitants of that city, which shal say they ar not sik, & the Lord to be com the helth of their Countenanses, & their God; and abyding therin, the ground of al Diseases, & distempers, in Body, soul & Spirit is kept down in peepel. Such wil not hav need to com to us with their Urins, & giv us larg sums of mony for our Ad­vys, & Counsel, to maintain us in pryd & eas, or to mak ûs of our salvs, & deceitful Compounds: & so our deceitful trads wil dy, and wither away also.

And al sorts of Marchants, & traders in Ships, Shops, wâ [...]houses, [Page 39]Ins, Victualinghouses, Fayrs, & Markets may say, If peepel be brouht to Christ, the lyt & everlasting covenant of lyf in them, & be tauht & led by him in them, then they wil com to tak càr for nothing, to tak no thouht what they shal eat, drink or put on, but cast al their câr upon the Lord, vvhos eternal power, & wisdom dayly produseth, sufficient to feed & sustain every cretur, & so to becom as ôn houshold or family, children of ôn Father heirs together in & with Christ of the ôn In­heritans, caling nothing their own, injoying al things in the pur fear, lyf, lov, & wisdom of God, as in ôn common ryt, or intrest.

Such wil not hav need to mak ûs' of our deceitful Inventions of mony, to buy, sel & mak Marchandyz of the gists, & several stors of the hous of God, wich al flow from the ôn gist, which he freely gav to the children of men, without respect to Persons, neither wil such fre­quent or mak ûs of our Ships, Shops, Ins, victualing-houses, fa­yers or markets.

And so we may lay asyd our ships, & shut up our shops, wâr-hou­ses, Taverns, and victualing-houses, and ceas frequenting our fayrs, and Markets, for no Man wil buy our wârs any Mor, and so our trads of deceit, & oppression wil dy and wither away also.

Thos cald Land-Lords, who in the spirit of the world hav raked great quantitys of the Erth into their hands may say. If peepel be bourht to Christ the lyt & way of peas, & saluation in them, then having food and rayment, they wil learn ther with to be content, & not Covet or desyr to grasp farms into their hands to serv their own particular intrests, & to spend their tym in sweating toyl, càr, and labor, as under the curs, to giv us larg, and yearly rents by sums of mony, to manitain us in pryd, lusts, eas & fulnes, so that our Lands must [...]therly unstok-ed, & until-ed, or vve must let such us' it, vvho vvil only let us hav a part of the produs therof vvith them, for our necessary supplys of food, and rayment, and so our Lordly, Covetos, and oppressing vvay of farming Lands, for great, and unre sonabel sums of mony by the year, vvil dy, and vvither avvay also.

Thos cald by-way thievs, & Robers may say, if Peepel be brouht to Christ the lyt, the strong Tower of sasty & eternal salvation in them, then the us' of mony wil com to be laid Asyd by them, and as for food & rayment, if we be Really in want therof, the lov of Christ in them wil mak them wiling to supplys, our real necessitys, so that if we com to them on the by ways, filver, and gold they wil hav non, [Page 40]and if we should tak their cattel they ryd up on, or cloths from their baks, it would be an unkyndnes offered to such as ar really wiling to feed & cloth such as ar really in want, and necessity, nether can we lykly pas long with such things without being discovered, and so becom lyabel to sham, and suffer the strok of Justis from the hand of the Magistrat for the sam, And therfor it wil be mor manly, & honorabel for us to fal into som way-of honest and moderat labor, that so we may eat our own bred, and wear our own cloths in Peas, and quyetnes without condemnation in our own conscienses or fear of sham by the strok of Iustis.

Thos cald way going Peepel, ydel and sturdy begers, may say, if peepel be brouht to Christ, the lyt, and wisdom of God in them, then alth ô the bowels of the lov of Christ in them constrain them to do good unto al as need and necessity requyreth, yet if we com to beg of them having bodys abel to work, they may justly say unto us that such as wil not labor ouht not to eat, and may offer us labor, and food, which if we refus the ôn, they may justly with hold from us the other.

So that we shal be forsed to lay asyd our ydel, dronish trád of beging and ether to work or starv, which if we do our blouds wil be upon our own heds.

The whol body of the world which lys in wikednes, may say if peepel be brouht to Christ the lyt, wisdom Power, & eternal salvation of God in them, then the end of the world even of al things wil be com upon them as it was on the Apostels, & Saints in their days, and al the many vvays & vviked inventions, and Practises which hav had their Rys & Con­tinuans to this day, throuh the entrans of sin & trangression by the first Adam, wil be ended & finished, and Eternal ryteosnes brouht in, and established in Man-kynd, and Man-kynd in it, & al Rúl, Authority & Power, it standing in the spirit, & Power of the old Serpent put down; and destroyed, & the vvhol creation delyvered from the bondag of corrup­tion into the glorios liberty of the Sons of God, and al things in heven, & Erth, visibel, & invisibel reconcyled to God in him, & every Knee màd to bovv, and tongu' to confes to him, to the glory, & Prays of God the eternal Father, & Pur fountain of lyt, lov, wisdom, glory, and Dominion, vvho is in, throuh, and over al (God blesed for ever, [Page 41]this is the God whom many hav waited for, and this is the salvation expected by him, and for ever blesed be his Nàm, as non ever did, so nether hav they wayted on him in vain, nor bin ashamed of their hòp in him, for according to his promis declared, and recorded by, & throuh the holy Profets, he hath now set to his hand again the second tym, for the redemtion and salvation of himself, his own oppresed seed in the ends, or inhabitants of the Erth, not only in Man-kynd, but even in the whol creation, who vvorketh so as non can hinder, and shal not be discoraged til he hath set Ryteosnes in the Erth, surly his salvation is ny unto them that fear him, vvhich shal caus the Pur Lyt, knowledg, and glory of the Lord to overspred, fil, and dwel in the whol creation, and mercy and truth to meet together and Ryte­osnes, and Peas to kis and imbrás ech other, and truth to spring out of the Erth, and Ryteosnes to look down from heven, and everlasting joy to rest upon the heds of al the Sons, and dauhters of Syon, and al caus of syghing and sorrow to flee away forever mor.

But to proceed, this cursed seed of the Serpent took Root, & the mis­tery of Iniquity hath abounded, & over spred al Christendom, the abomination which maketh desolat, was & stil is standing wher it ouht not, abominabel covetosnes, Pryd, Cruelty, Oppression, Idolatry, & sheding the bloud of the innocent saints of God, hath bin, & stil is Practised in thee O Christendom even with a bold & impudent fàs, which hath long cryed aloud, how long Lord holy & tru, dost thou not judg, & aveng' our bloud on them that dwel on the Erth, & notwithstanding al the Abomi­nations, Oppressions, Idolatry, murders, & great provocations against the Lord, vvhich yee, & your predecessors hav bin, & stil ar so openly, & impudently found guilty of, yet exceeding long and larg hath bin, the Patiens, & forbearans of God towards them & you, & many hav bin the Fatherly warnings, chastysments, & vvholsom counsels of the Lord towards them & you, but yee, & your predecessors ar found mor abominably guilty of thos abominations crueltys, oppressi­ons, Idolatrys, & sheding the bloud of the Innocent, then the Jews of old wer, for which the Lord màd ûs of your predecessors of the Roman Power, as instruments in his hand, to execut his just, & dredful wrath, & vengeans on them & yee hav not only moked Gods messengers, despysed his word, misused his Profets, & Saints as they (towit the Jews,) did befor you, but yee hav màd & cruelly executed dyvers Antichristian, Cruel, bloudy laws & statuts to keep them from coming amongst you, & to Murder, Kil, Burn, & destroy them if they open their mouths on the behalf of [Page 42]God, his truth, & ryteosnes, or bear their faithful testimony against the cruelty, oppressions, Idolatrys, & sheding the bloud of the Innocent, ex­horting them to repent, & turn from your, & their evil, cruel, and abominabel ways, and Practis, which yee, & your predecessors wer, and stil ar found guilty of.

And so both they & you hav returned unto God, & his dear saints, & servants (which he hath raysed up, & many tyms sent amongst you in Lov, & mercy,) hatred for their lov, yea cruel torturings, & murde­ings, even the worst of evil for their good wil towards you, al which provokations, crueltys, murders & rebellious practised against the Lord in his dear precios innocent ôns, are Exceedingly heihtened & aggravated in you even to the hyest pitch in regard that the hav hard and hav upon record befor you in the Scripturs of truth, the many precepts, & com­mands of God, against such abomniabel ways, & practises, the many woes, Judgments, & dredful Curses denounsed by God against al who ar found guilty of them and the many Just and Ryteos plagu's, wrath and dredful Judgments of God Executed on the ages, & genera­tions past befor you, who wer found guilty of the lyk abommations; but mor especially in regard that the Lord mâd your predecessors instru­ments, as an Yron rod in his hand to execut his Just wrath, & dredful Indignation upon the Jews for the sam sins and abominations, which your predecessors, & yee hav bin and stil ar found guilty of, and verely the day is now com, in which yee wil fynd, that he is a God that chang­eth not but abyds stil the sam as wel in Power ryteosnes, wrath and justis, as in long forberans, patiens, goodnes, & Mercy.

The Apostels, & tru Ministers of Christ, wer not mâd so by men, nor sent forth in the wil or by the approbation of Man, nether did they Minister forth from the Letter, vvhat others had received, by their own acquyred parts, learned at Schools, & universitys for mony, nether did they complain or addres themselvs to the Potentats, and powers of the Erth to mák laws to fors, & compel peepel to giv them tyths, great sums of Mony or yearly Incoms for their prea [...]hing, or to defend them in their Doct [...]ins, faith, Church Order, Holy, and Christian practises, which they held forth, and walked in, or to fors Peepel to conform therunto upon pain of being fyned, imprisoned, racked, tortured, banished, hanged, burned, or cruelly put to Deth, No, No.

But they wer caled, & sent forth by the wil, Power, and ap­pointment [Page 43]of God the Father, & the Lord Jesus Christ, ministring forth freely, and with a redy mynd, what they had freely received of God, throuh the Revelation of Jesus Christ the tru Lyt, and gift of God in them; What they had seen, felt, handled, and tasted, of the grás, Eternal Word, & living pur Power of God in themselvs, they preached forth, and declared to others, to the end that they also to whom they preached, myt hav fellowship with them in the sam, whos fellswship was in the Father, & in the Son Jesus Christ, they ministred forth according to the mesur of the gift, of the Spirit of the free grâs of Christ in them, they wer tauht of God, and had learn­ed of the Father, and ther by mâd abel Ministers of the New Testa­ment, the eve [...]lasting Covenant of God, & needed not outward laws of Man to fors Peepel, to maintain them or giv them Mony for their preaching, but such as becam obedient to the faith, and Chri­stian practises, which they preached & walked in, the constraining Power therof wrouht such a lov of God in them to whom they preached, which drew them forth in lov freely to communicat of their carnal sub­stans to them, as their Needs, & necessitys required, who having food, and raiment had learned therwith to be content: And the way and weapons which they took & used to defend their Holy Faith, Chri­stian Doctrins and practises by, & to convins gainsayers, and He­rities, wer not outward or carnal, not spoiling of goods, prisons, ba­nishments, racks, hanging, burning, & other cruel ways of open, and secret Murder, but Holy & Spiritual, The saints weapons even by the armor of ry­teosnes on the ryt hand; and on the left, by arguments of sound truth, pur, and wholsom doctrins & Holy, harmles, innocent, and godly conversations; Nether was the end of their preaching, that Peepel should be ever learning & never abel to com to the knowledg of the truth, nor that Peepel should be only talking of God, The end of the tru Mi­nisters Preaching. Christ and Ho­lynes, and abyd strangers, & enemys to, & ignorant of the lyt, lyf, Power, and Spirit of God, Christ, and godlynes in themselvs, but the end of their preaching was to bring Peepel to the know­ledg, feeling, and obediens of the Spirit, pur power, and presens of God in themselfs, and to be tauht therby of God, which mesur of [Page 44]the Spirit of grâs in mâl & femàl, is the Spirit of truth which leadeth into al truth even the Holy anoynting which teacheth al things, even the deep things of God, teling them to whom they preached, and wrot, that a mesur of the Spirit of grâs was given to every ón to profit with al, and that the Lord is that Spirit, they labored to turn Peepel from the darknes to the lyt, from the power of Sathan to the power, and Spirit of God in them, given to them by Christ the tru Lyt, whom Holy Johon said, was the tru Lyt, which inlyteneth every Man that cometh into the World and to turn Peepel from dumb Ydols, and Ignorant, Id latros, and Superstitios ways & forms, to know, serv and obey the living and tru God in them, even to present al perfect in Christ, whom truly to know, obey, & constantly to follow, is eternal lyf, sal­vation, happynes, pur rest, and peas forever mòr.

But thy Clergy or Spiritual men (so caled) even the whol body of them from hed to foot, ar found out of the Cal, Power, Doctrin, faith, or­der, Practis, Maintenans, & holy Conversation of the tru Ministers of Christ, even in a spirit of Dyrect Opposition, & contrary ty to them, so that they being Ignorant of the cal of God, hav caled, and sent forth ôn another in their Own wils, & appoyntments, and hav run greedyly for gain & advantag, without being sent of God, and being gon from the Power of God to uphold and provyd for them in their Minissty, and defend them in their Doctrins, faith, & practises, they hav gon to the Powers of the Erth, who hav mâd, Antichristian, & cruel laws to fors Manitenans from the Peepel for them, even from such as nether own nor hear hem, and heer in thes Babylonian Marchants hav bin mor cruel, and unreasonabel then al the other sorts of Babylonish Marchants, who can­not compel others to buy their wàrs, much les fors, others to pay for it, who have nethe [...] bouht or received it, who together al sorts of them ar but a Den of thievs, & Robers in my Fathers hous, they cam not in by t [...]e e [...]rnal door, to wit Christ, the lyt, wisdom & Power of God, & they must al be whiped out of the Tempel and overturned even root, and branch, their coming and vvork hath bin, and stil is, but to steal, murder, and destroy.

That Spirit which hath and doth buy and sel the gifts of God, wich do al flow from the òn gift, must perish with its mony, out of the Bottom­les pit it cam, and thither it must return, the things of Cesar must pe­rish with Cesar, but the things of God the former of al things must be or­dered [Page 45]in his own pur wisdom, lyt & counsel: And as ther must not be a Beger so ouht ther not to be a drôn in Israel, and as that Spirit which would lay on dayly tasks, and tâl of brik on others, is to be denyed so also that spi­rit which would liv at eas in the flesh, upon the fruits of others labors, is to be rejected, al Mountains must now, be leveled, and al valys raysed, and the pur, Playn, & plesant path of wisdom, ryteosnes, & holynes, is that in which al the truly ransomed of the Lord must for ever dwel, and walk. This the Plain, & pur 'path in which the fool cannot err. This is the Iewel, the pearl of Invaluabel Prys, the truly wel becoming Orna­ment, which becometh the hous of God for ever, to wit holynes, and as every clensed tabernakel of the most by coms to savor, and shyn forth in this, so every ôn in in his Tempel wil com truly to set forth his living pur, and eternal prayses, and & appear to be really the lyts of the world, & the salt of the Erth, which al who loos the savor of com to be the very worst & most unprofitabel of Mankynd, not withstanding they may profes or talk of hy things, wher the tru savor ons receved coms to be lost, the most stinking dunghil is to be prefered befor such; MARK THAT.

And further mor they being ignorant of the doctrin & faith of Gods e­lect which purifyeth the heart, & worketh by lov, & keepeth the heart clean, they hav ignorantly framed up a faith in their own faln wisdoms, which they cal their Creed, but cannot them selvs giv a Rational ac­count therof to the bottom using therin Scriptur Expresions, being igno­rant of the mynd of the Spirit of Christ in them that gay them forth.

And having thrown asyd the tru church-order wich the A postels, & holy ministers of Christ walked in, & practised, they hav mâd & inven­ted to themselvs, many Nâms, ranks, & orders in their own wils in their church, to wit, Pôps, Cardinals, Jesuits, Fryers, Monks, Abbots, Nuns &c. with many mor, Puting the nams of J [...]sus, & of Saints up on them, whylst they themselvs ar found strangers and e­menys to the lyf of Christ, & the holy conversation of the saints, in themselvs & in, others, and wanting the pur Power, & Demon­stration of the Spirit of God in their Ministry, and practises to draw Peepels h [...]arts to Imb [...]ás, & conform therunto they hav caused the potentats, & Powers of the Erth to mâk penal, & cruel laws & statuts to fors a conformity th [...] unto, or els to spoyl their goods, Imprison, banish, rack, hang, Burn, murder, & destroy their persons, under a fals pretens of their being Heritics, which yee O Potentats, Kings, Prinses, and Rulers throuh out Christendom, and your predecessors, [Page 46]hav Unnaturally, & cruelly lyk Bruit beasts put in execution in an abun­dant mesur.

Furthermor they being found naked of the tru Christian clothing, which is the ryteosnes of Christ by faith in the lyt, Spirit, & Power of God, hav in their wils Invented to them selvs many strang; & fool­ish forms, & fashions of outward habit ther by to caus the Spirits of Pee­pel to fal down under them, & giv worldly Honor, Respect, & Reverens unto them, which, ar not of God. And being voyd of the Demon­stration of the Power, & Spirit of God in the exercys of their worship, they hav Dyvers invented garbs, vain, & foolish syts, Idolatros i­mages, & picturs, several sorts of Music, with singing men, & boys, which tend only to pleas, & gratify, that Spirit in Peepel which is Enmity against God, & insted of teaching Peepel from the motion & Dictats of the Spirit of Christ in them, they pleas their vain ears with fabels & orations, which they in their faln wisdoms hav raked, & formed to gether out of old historys, the wrytings of heathen Poets, Philosophers, antient Fathers, & Commentators with their own Ima­ginations from the Scripturs, with dyvers other feyned storys, lying syns, & wonders, al which Renders their worship ro be mor lyk unto Astag' play rather then the tru worship of God.

And as for al other sorts of worshipers to the byest in Nâm Form and profession, even such as profes to dwel, & walk in the pur Eternal lyt, and lyf of God in them, thus saith the Lord God, al Assemblings which ar not in my pur Nâm which is lyt, & al Declarations, Invo­cations, or Intercessions which ar not from the tru, pur movings, and dictats of my put Fower, & Spirit ar but a stink in my Nostrils, thô words of truth, yea tru words may be uttered forth; Such ar they who run without being sent by me saith the Lord, Thes ar the offerers with strangfyr, this is the going up by steps unto the Altar of God, which discovereth the Nakednes, & the noys of the hammer in the building of the Tempel, which was forbiden, and the stretching forth of the hand to stay the Ark which was rewarded with Deth, and althuôh such strangfyr Kindlers may for a tym, walk in the sparks of their own Kindling, yet in the end this must be their portion from me saith the Lord, even to ly down in sorrow. Thes ar they who in Nam, Profes­sion, & words, would seem to giv forth out of their earthen vessels the tru tresur, which floweth from the streaming forth of the pur river [Page 47]of the water of lyf Eternal; Butar found only to be sailing in Gallys with Oars, and in gallant Ships driven with fiers Wynds, artificial sayls, and other cunning Artifices, & eloquent Oratory, framed in their own strength & wisdom, which as a plesant Pictur they hold forth for others to behold, her & be affected with, in whom the mistery of iniquity is wound up to the hyest pitch, who ar even the most beau­tiful painted ha [...]lot, even Sathan trans ormed as an Angelo lyt, ap­pearing through them as Ministers of ryteosnes and lyf, who ar really but the Ministers of sin, & Deth, whos reward wil be according to their works, but the least tru birth of pur lyt & lyf can feel discern, tast, and savor the differens, thô not abel to utter forth the sam in words, and the day of the Lord which is now com wil be upon al such cunning Artificers, & eloquent Orators, & on the Gallys, and gallant Ships in which they sayl with al their painted plesant Pic­turs, Their mouths must, & wil be stoped, for al flesh must now be put to sylens be [...]or the Lord, and the Lord alon exalted in this his glo­rios (yet most dred [...]ul and terribel) day, in throuh, and over al.

The vayl of the Tempel must now be rent from the top to the bot­tom, even the vayl of covering which is overal flesh must now be re­moved, no covering shal now be abel to hyd any from the Ey which is pur, but only what is of his own pur Povver, & Spirit, the most bâs, weak, lovv & foolish things of God, must novv be set a top of the hyest Mountains, even upon the hed of the most glorios, strong, & vvyse est of Men, Eternal Glory, & living pur prayses be to his Nam alon vvho is vvorthy, overal forever mor.

Further mor [...]they, to wit thy Clergy, or spiritual men (so caled) ó Chri­stendom, being ignorant of, & alienated from the spirit of Christ in them which alo can màk a tru seperation from the world, and crucify the fpirit therof, with the Affections, and lusts in màl, & femàl, they hav erected to them felvs fayer, and sumptuos buildings, caled Abbys, Cloysters, Fryerys & Nunnerys, compasing them about with hy wals, in habiting many tog [...]ther in them under a fals shew, and pretens of seperation from the world, its lusts wiked ways, and practises, and to be wholy devoted to the ervi of God al their days, whylst many of themselvs liv ther at eas [...]n the flesh, lyk filthy drous, pa [...]pering their bellys dayly, with delitios [...]ar living in plesurs, and in the lu [...], and carnal desyrs of the [Page 48]flesh, & inordinat affections therof, oftentyms secretly murdering the fruits of thôs carnal lusts, & plesurs which they exercys ôn with another.

And being voyd of the tru learning of the Father, which maketh men tru Ministers of Christ, & ered from the Spirit of truth, which is the tru Original of the Scripturs of truth, which only can open the mynd of the Spirit, & Mystery of godlynes therin declared; They hav gôn to Schools, & Vniversitys, and ther for Mony hav learned, & acquyred, Parts, Tongu's, & Arts in their own faln VVisdom: And so hav limited, fitnes to be Ministers of Christ, & ability to teach others, only to such as by Bodyly Payns, Study, & Industry hav learned of men to speak or read, Hebrew, Greck, & Latin, &c. caling thos the Original, & the letter of the Scripturs the Word of God, wheras the Word of God is that which livs, & abyds for ever, neer in the Mouth and in the heart that al may hear it, & obey it; And so having slayn that just ôn in them, & crucifyed the Son of God a fresh unto themselvs, & put him to open sham, by their Antichristian filthy, & abominabel Spritual whordoms, & Abominations. They, (Pylat lyk) set their Tongus, To wit, Hebrew, Greek, & Latin, abov the only tru hed Christ Iesus the Lyt, VVisdom, & Power of God in màl & femâl; Who being crucifyed & slain & lying as Ded in a Sepulker in thee O Christendom, they (to wit the Clergy so caled) ca us the Potentats, Prinses, & Rulers, to mâk bloudy, & cruel laws the execution wherof becam as a great ston upon the mouth of the sepulker, to keep him (if possibel) for ever from rys­ing any mor in thee, & thy inhabitants, O Christendom, seting the Sol­diers, your Military Power to watch, keep down, & destroy the least appea­rans of him in any.

Further môr themselvs & yee the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, & Ru­lers, & their and your Predecessors, being ignorant of the tru Cros of Christ▪ which every tru Christian ouht dayly to tak up, & follow Christ in, which cros crucifyeth the flesh with the affections & lusts therof in màl & femâl, & destroyeth that unnatural, & Bloud thirsty Spirit of enmity which is in Man-kynd against God, & ôn another, yee hav caus­ed to be mád many flowish Croses of Gold, Silver, Bras, Yron, VVaod, & Ston, which yee in your Idolatros Spirits, carry about you, hang, & sit up in your houses, & a rop of your Mal-houses or Idol Tempels, & in your Courts', Markets, Streets, & Hy ways, to which Peelel both Hy, & Low, Rich & Poor, smal & great, Màl & Femâl, hav & yet do bow, & do Reverens unto them, And not knowing what the tru Imag [Page 49]of God & Christ is, nor the vertu, & fellowship of his sufferings, by a Holy Conformity unto his Deth, & participation of his pur Divyn Na­tur & lyf in the inward Man, living the lyf of God in this vvorld in the dayly exercys of tru vvisdom Ryteosnes, and holynes, which renders al vvho truly know, and enjoy it, to be the tru imag of God, and Christ Jesus, vvho vvas the expres imag of the father, yee with your predecessors hav màd, & caused to be màd a multitud of abominabel Ido­latros images, and ydols in their, and your spiritual adulteros, abomi­nabel, blasphemos, and idolatros hearts, and mynds, to represent God, Christ, the spirit, angels, and saints, màd of gold, silver, bras, yron, wood, and ston after the manner of the ignorant, and idolatros heathen of old, which they, and you hav caused to be set up in your hyh ways, Markets, Streets, Courts of judicatur, and plases of your idolatros vvorship, and set up, and hang in your houses, and carry about you, throuhout Christendom, filing the land with ydols, and picturs, and abomi­nabel images of jelosy ther by grievosly provoking the just, and ryteos Lord God omnipotent, to caus his fiers vvrath, indignation, and jelosy to smoak, & burn against you, having worshiped the works of your own hands, even that which your fingers hav mâd, & the mean Man hath bowed down, even Mâl & Femâl, Rich & Poor, Bond & Free, Smal & Great, and yee the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers & great ôns hav Debased your selvs beforthem. THERFOR WIL I NOT FOR GIV OR SPAR YOU, saith THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT.

And yee (the Potentats Kings, Prinses & Rulers, throuhout Christ­endom and your predecessors, having forgoten, & turned your baks upon, and becom Ignorant of the God that formed you, and raised you up, in whos hand & at whos dispos, your breth, lyvs, & dominons ar, it hath rendred both them and you voyd of that nobel Spirit of tru wisdom, counsel, gravity, Prudens, vertu. & holynes which ap­peared ons in som of your predecessors, rendring them famos, terribel, & dredful to their enemys abroad, & their Goverment lovly, & desyr­abel at hom, among the several Nations, tongu's and languages, under their subjection. They & you becam & stil remain, lyk Cruel Uunatural bruit-beasts or evening wolvs. turning that sword which ons rendred them dredful, & terribel to their enemys, unto their own bowels, therwith by wars, division, stryf, & contentions, murdering, kil­ing, and destroying on Another, in the wikednes, pryd, & stoutnes of their, & your ambitios hearts, & mynds, quarreling ôn with another [Page 50]about Erthly dominions, greatnes, and preheminens, emty blasphemos Antichristian Nâms, & tytels of worldly Antichristian, and Spiritu­ally wiked Honor & Dominion (to wit) Master, worshipful, Hy & My­ty Lords Stâts General, most Illustrios, Nobel, Vertuos, Honorabel, Ex­celent, Sereen, Earls, Duks, Lord Protectors, Prinses, Kings, & most invin­cibel Emperors, Cardinals Eminency, Archbishops & Bishops Grâs, & Ryht Reverend Fathers in God, common Priests Reverend Divyns, &c. with the Pôps Holynes, & al the other Nâms, & Tytels assumed in the Military, Civil & Ecelestastical Powers, (so caled) which ar not of Christ, but cam out of the bottomles pit, & ar Erthly sensual, & Devilish, & into the Lâk of Gods most Just, Ryteos, & Dredful wrath & vengeans, Plagu's, & Indignation must that Power, & Spirit be cast, in which yee now stand, & by which ye ar acted; Yee hav not learned of Christ to lov ôn an­other, who said to Peter put up thy sword into its plas, for al that ták the sword must perish by the sword, and heer by both yee, and your goverment, ar rendred odios, yea even most intolerably burden­som, cruel and opresing in the syt of God, and in the hearts of the Peepel over whom yee rul, lading them with Burdens, taxes, op­presions, labor, & Sôr travels in bloud, & wars on against another, And althô yee cal your goverment The Holy Roman Empyr, & the Pop blasphemosly his holynes, and the Rest of that spiritual, Babylonian Antichristian crew, holy Bishops, patrons, & Fathers of holy Church (so caled) and profes your selvs to be Christian Emperos, Kings, Prinses Rulers, and Peepel yet ar yee found voyd of the tru Christian Spirit, & lyf, & bav not learned of Christ nether ar found in his nor the tru Chri­stians ways, & practises, who said lov your enemys, bles them that Curs you, do good to them that hât you, pray for them that persecut you, & de­spytfully ûs you, & be not overcom of evil, but over com evil by doing good: But yee hav bin môr barbaros, & stil ar mor cruel to your E­nemys, then any that ever I hav heard, seen, or red of causing them to be with Yrons ôn their legs lyk horses, nyt & day and their hands in Yrons, chaining them by the neks lyk dogs to a post or wal, with their feet in the stoks lying on the ground, with litel under them, cruelly torturing their bodys to fors them to confes and tel what ther outward estats ar, or what rich, abel friends they hav, ther by to procur great sums of mony for their ransoms, causing them to work dayly with thos Yrons upon their legs, provyding no cloths for them, allowing them only water to drink, and hardly bred enuf of the cours­er sort to fustain their outward man yea causing som of them to work [Page 51]without allovving them ether bred or mony, hardly permiting them to fetch good water, or go to such as pased by them, wher they wer at work to beg; buying & seling them ôn to another as slavs, lyk beasts for mo­ny, according to what was of old forseen, & fortold, by the Spi­rit of prophesy in John, the faithful witnes of Jesus recorded in the Scripturs of truth, of al which Inhuman, antichristian cursed, and cruel dealings, my self, and companion in travel, hav bin not only Ey and ear witneses, but also in mesur, hav gon throuh, suffered, and sustained.

So that this seed of the serpent, even that cursed Spirit of apostacy and faling away from the tru Christian Spirit, purfaith, & lyf having taken root in your predecessors it hath continued in its cursed operations fruits, & working in you to this very day, and hens it hath com to pas that tru wisdom is Perished from thy anients, good & wholsom counsel is not to be found among the honorabel ôns and insted of governing the Peepel in truth, peas, and ryteosnes, behold on al hands a grievos cry of vyolens, spoyl & oppression, insted of unity and concord, behold, stryf, debat, rumors of cruel and dredful wars, on al hands.

And not having Christ to be your hed, Bishop, King, Priest, Coun­seler, Lawgiver, and horn of your salvation, yee ar becom broken to Pieces, and divyded, under dyvers heds, Bishops, Kings, Blasphemos nams, heaps and horns, pushing, stryving, contending and waring, ôn against another in bloud, and cruelty, wherby whol Christendom hath bin mâd an Akeldama or field of bloud, even a plâs, not of kynd­nes and good entertainment, but of cruelty, and Murder, and to bury strangers in even Christ the tru and Ryt heryr, and Lord of al who hath bin long as a stranger in the Erth as driven out of his possession; but now com to demand, recover, & posses his inheritans which is the purchas of your denying, betraying, and Spiritually Murdering, and Crucifying the Lord of lyf, and glory.

And thy Peepel O Christendom being Ignorant of Christ vvho vvas given of the Father to be Gods salvation in the ends of the Erth, even the way, the truth, and the lyf in Mâl, and femâl, to lead, out of stryf, and discord up to God, in vvays of lov; truth, peas, and ry­teosnes, whol Christendom is becom lyk the Raging sea, tos ed to and fro vvith every vvynd of Doctrin, runing al on heaps, contending, and quarreling ôn vvith another, about emty nâms, ways, forms & professions in Religion, ôn sort or sect, crying lo heer, another lo [Page 52]ther, a third, this is the way, being al of them strangers, aliens & enemys to the Power & Spirit of God in themselvs, & in his Peepel, & Ignorant of him who is the former of al things, and is without form, was befor al forms or visibel appearances, and abyds the sâm vvhen they hav their end, vvrangling, and contending about outvvard bred and wyn, and water Baptisms and Carnal ordinanses, which wer figurs in their tym, but the living bred of God vvhich cometh dovvn from heven in his saints, and the Pur Wyn of the Kingdom of God, vvhich refresheth, and norisheth the lyf vvhich is pur, eternal and Immor­tal of God in the Imvard parts, is not truly fed on, or drank of by them, And the ón Baptism vvhich saveth, even the pur living water of lyf which clenseth, & washeth the Inward man, and sprinkleth from an evil consciens, is not known, felt, or truly Experiensed in them.

Betwixt thos two, to wit the Beast, & fals Profet, the Civil & Ec­clesiastical Power (so caled, hath the lamb, slayn from the foundation of the world which lyeth in wikednes, bin crucifyed afresh, as betwixt two theevs, the ón being accuser, (the old accuser of the Brethren) & the other Iudg: & the third (to wit the Military Power) the executioner which is the Barrabas vvhich they hav chosen in rejecting, & crucifying of Je­sus, by vvhom al the Insurrections, Murders, divydings of his garment (to wit, the creation) into particular Intrests, & casting lots on his vestur, hath bin don, & commited, sins the entrans of transgression to this day, vvhos practis hath bin & stil is to Rob, spoyl, & plunder the nations, of their tresurs, & fruits of their labors, to uphold themselvs in pryd, lusts, eas, Fulnes, cruelty, & oppression over the Nations, under fals pertenses of protecting, & teaching them, in vvays of Peas, ryteos­nes and salvation. Thes ar the Phisicians of no valu, & the Nations hav bin the woman vvith the bloudy Issu, that hath gon to them for help, & cur, but notvvithstanding vvel ny al hath bin spent on them the bloudy Issu hath not bin healed, but rendred by far the mor Incu­rabel; but blesed be the Lord, the vvoman hath now met vvith Jesus, the good Phisician, & goten a touch of the hem of his garment & feels in her self the healing vertu, & the Bloudy Issu is in mesur stayed, vvhich blesed healing vertu shal not ceas vvorking til it pas throuh the vvhol body of the Creation, and the cûr, and redemtion therof be com­pleated. the thre that beare Record in bel.

Thes, tovvit, the Dragon, Beast, & fals profet, àr the three that bear record in Erth and hel, vvhich ar ôn, and Agree in ôn, to vvit, the [Page 53]Spirit of the old serpent in man, its corrupting of Man-kynd, & its cur­sed fruits and operations throuh Man kynd.

And heer may be noted that which I may cal the living or essential differens, betwixt the living, & tru Lord God, & the Devil, the old Serpent, the God of the World, about which the learned Dispu­ters, eloquent Orators, & Comentators in the Spirit of the World, hav bin so long Disputing, contending and wryting larg Commenta­rys, Contradictory ôn to the other; But having nether the Key of David, nor the Heffer of Sampson to Plow with, could never truly open or unfold the Matter, and al thô they hav mâd ûs' of the Words of the Holy Men of God recorded in the Scripturs, yet ar they ther­in found fals witneses, being strangers, & aliens from that Holy & Pur Spirit, Lyt, & Wisdom of God in the Holy Profets, by which they spâk and wrot.

The living, & tru God is that Eternal, Pur Spirit of Lyt, Lyf, Wisdom & Power, which hath its being in, & of its self, and was befor al Creaturs, visibel and in visibel wer, & is the lyf, former, fulnes, & end of them al, & abydeth the sâm when they hav their end: But the old Serpent, the Devil, the God of the World, was not befor things visibel, and invisibel wer, but was màd manifest in tym throuh matter & form, and is not, but by, and throuh matter, and form, and ceaseth to be when they hav their end in every particu­lar, towit the Spirit of that old Serpent, the carnal covetos mynd with the law therof, which hath its Seat in the members, the Erthly, or sensual part of Man-kynd, which is the Woman that was deceived & first in the transgression, both, of mâl & femâl which is Deth, Hel, & a Devil in al in whom it dwels, & reins, even the Kingdom and Power offin, & darknes, the seat, and Thrôn of al Iniquity, and al who in that Spirit, and Power Exercys Rul, and Dominion ever others, ar a hel of Devils, and tormentors to them, which is the Spirit of the Beast in Man-kynd that goeth downward, and renders al, in whom it Dwels, & ruls to be the Seed, and Children of the Devil that old Serpent, which is mor subtil then any beast of the field which the Lord God hath mâd, whos curs, and portion was, is, & for ever shalbe, on their Bellys to go, & to eat dust al the [Page 54]Days of their lyf, but the lyf which is pur of God in Man-kynd, is not up held by bred alon, but by the pur Word of the Lord of lyf and Power in the inward parts, doth man liv, whom God is now resto­ring, and redeeming again up into himself, to Partak o [...] his own pur Divyn Natur, and fulnes and to bear his Imag, to the injoyment of the gift which he freely gav to the Children of Men, whom the Lord wil again Crown with his own pur lyf, & Plas in Eternal Dominion over the works of his hands. The Son is in mesur risen, and the day com, in which al the devouring Beasts of Prey shal ly down in their dens & sleep a perpetual sleep, & man goforth unto his labor until the evening, from under the curs, & Power of transgression, sin, Deth & hel, in the blesing of Eternal lyf, pur lov, Peas, & Ryteosnes for ever mor.

And so having slayn the Innocent, murdered and crucifyed the just, to, and in themselvs, the tru Lord, and heyr of al, cast him out of his inheritans, and possesed themselvs therof, they contryved hovv to mâk sur the possession therof to themselvs, theyr heyrs, and Successors in that Serpentyn, Murderos, & oppresing Spirit, & Power, if possibel to al ages & generations. And the woman the Ecclesiastical Power, being deceived, & first in the transgression, act their parts, carrying al under a fals, & feined pretens of Ryteosnes, Holynes, and good orders, laying the foundation as sur and as deep as possibly myt be, according to that Serpentyn Wisdom by with they wer acted, Erecting Schools, Col­ledges, and Vniversitys, under a pretens of up-holding of learning, and to fit Instruments for the Servis of God in their Generation, but to the end that such as ar taught, and tutored in them, myt be sur to partak and be filed, vvith the sam Dyabolical Spirit, and Povver, by vvhich she is acted, she orders that non shal be permited to teach, Tutor, or instruct in them, But such as must pas her approbation or such as shee appoints, causing them to com into her cursed leagu', and Covenant, of obe­diens, and subjection, to her and her Husband, by the Oaths, of Allegians & Supremacy, vvhich being don accordingly they proceed in their vvork, teaching Children in their beginning to Read, & learn in Books of fein­ed lying storys, vvith many filthy, and unsavory expressions in them, vvhich tend to the corrupting and infecting them in their chyldhood, and rays that Spirit in them vvhich is enmity against God, and this under a pretens that learning may not be a burden to them, and that Children may tâk delyt in their Books, and having mâd som progres in this Kynd of learning [Page 55]they proceed further to teach them to act their parts on stages in Comedys, & Tragedys, therby to gain skil, and boldnes in the Rhetoric, and Oratory of hel, that so they may be the mor capabel to ascend further in acquyring of degrees in thos tongu's, parts, and arts, standing in that Wisdom vvhich is enmity against God, puting on them the Nâms of Masters, and Bachelors of Arts, Bachelors, and Doctors in Divinity, Lecturers and Fellows of Colledges, &c.

The effects, & fruits of which cursed tutorag', hav bin evidently mád manifest among the inhabitants of thos parts, and plases wher such Schools, Colledges, & Universitys ar, in the Exercys of Drun­kenes, pryd, swearing, deceit, reveling, gaming, whoring, theft, & murder, & such Kynd of tutored ôns, throuh ages, & generations past, hav bin counted, & mâd ûs, of as the only fit, & learned instruments to supply Vacancys and carry on a succession in commanding, governing, & teaching the Peepel of the several Nations, & languages throuhout Christendom.

But if they hav bin the children of thos cald nobel men or Lords, or such as hav great estats, & revenus to maintain them, without seeking any military or ecclesiastical preferment or to be Doctors of Phisic (so caled) then must they be counted in the plases wher they dwel, learned men, wel bred Gentel men, fit to mák Justises of the peas, or Sherryfs of the county, or to be Esquyrs, Knyts, Baronets, Lords, Earls, Duks, or Peers of the Land; whos lyvs, & conver­sations, ar generally spent in devouring dayly delitios food, wyn, & strong drink, wearing every vain, & foolish invented garb & fashion of costly Attyr, deked with need-les, & vain ornaments, in lusts, eas and Carnal plesurs, gaming, bowling, hors-rasing, hawking, huuting breaking down fenses, spoyling the gras, and corn of the laborios husbandman, as masters of wiked misrul, & dis­order, that must not be reproved or controuled and it may be assuming to them selvs a priviledg, to the exercys of their wyld and wiked Practises, by vertu of som Royalty, or being Lord of the Mannor (so cald.) Of such Kynd of vermin as thes, hath the succession, of Emperors, Kings, Prinses, Rulers, Teachers Comanders, Iudges, Sherrifs, Counselers, Phisitians, Rectors, Fellows, and Teachers, in Schools, Colledges, Vniversitys, Court and Kingdoms, with al [Page 56]plases af trust or profit in them, bincarryedon, for ages and genera­tions past unto this day.

Next she tàks away the ûs of the scripturs of truth, the record of the holy men of God, to wit the Profets, Christ, and the Apostels, from the peepel, & this under a pretens, least they being holy, & mysterios should be corrupted, wrested, and perverted, but a Re­ligion she wil uphold, which must bear the Nàm of Christaninty, & holy church, a form of Doctrin, Fellowship, breaking of bred, prayer, Preaching, Singing, Baptism, Fasting, &c. shee invents, and cals it holy, & Apostolical, tho quyt voyd of that Pur Power, & spirit, of holynes which was in Christ & in the holy Apostels, The ded bodys of the witneses must not be buryed, but kept up to màk merry with al, [...]ver the slain, pur witneses of God which ons appeared in & throuh them.

But to the end that they may appear with the shew of alovly ac­ceptabel & attractyv countenans, to the peepel; shee adorns, Paints, perfums, Spyces, and Imbalms them, after the best skil & wisdom which she hath in the art of her Dyabolical Apothecaryship, adorning herself in Purpel, Scarlee, & fyn linnen deked with gold, and other ornaments, adorning her hous with several sorts of picturs, images, and ydols to re­present God Christ, the Spirit, Angels & Saints, under a pretens of their being insted of books to the ignorant, & Illiterat peepel, covering her tabel with costly carpets, & fynlinen, seting ther on a goldencup, & platter, vvher in she ministreth forth her wârs of whordom, witcheraft, & abo­mination to the peepel, with sweet perfums several sorts of music, singing men, & Boys; wherby provision vvas màd to pleas, and gratify the sensual part of Man kynd on every hand, and thus having deked herself in her harlots attyr, furnished her hous, spred her tabel, and màd al things Redy, shee hath her Baptysed bels to giv loud notis, vvhen the Doors of her hous or shop ar open, and her wàrs to be put to sâl, with a Clerk to lay the Cushion, & turn the glas (by which they mesur out their wârs to the Peepel,) & to say Amen to what soever the orakel of the devil in them uttereth forth, in which Ydol Tempels, or shops, vvhich they Ignorantly cal churches, ther ar several sials, at which they Administer, and lay Open their several sorts of Abominabel wârs of sorcery, wherdom, and with craft, to wit thos cald, Fonts, Altars or communion tabels, desks, and Pulpits, confession­stools & in Scotland stools of Repentans so caled.

Their Font is a plâs wher they Administer an invention of their own Brains, cald the Sacrament of Baptism, about which they us a heap of ceremonys with Blasphemos lys, and charms of witchcraft and sor­cery, [Page 57]using water, which after they hav sprinkeled the Person with whether young or old, they affirm them to be Regenerat, Born again, mâd members of Christ, Children of God & inheritors of the Kingdom of he­ven, having Persons to stand by, which they cal, God Fathers, and God Mothers, to under tak, or promis that the Person sprinkeled, shal for sak the Devil, & al his works, the Pomp, & vanitys of the VVorld, and al the sinful lusts of the flesh: Making the syn of a cros (the whors mark) on their forheds saying, Intoken that afterwards they shal not be ashamed to confes the faith of Christ crucifyed, & manfully to fyt under his Banner, against sin, the VVorld, & the Devil, & to continu Christs faithful soldiers, & servants unto their lyvs ends, &c. which as any hav com truly to do & be, they hav bin mâd a prey on by them, & their Nâms cast forth as evil, counted Heritics & not fit to liv, whos practis towards such, for ages, & gene­rations past, to this day hath bin, spoyling their goods imprisonment ba­nishment, whiping, torturing, racking, hanging, & burning their persons.

Others ther ar who thô they ûs not, such a heap of lys, & ceremoys about it yet ar they acted by the sam spirit, & Power in the ground, in the administration therof, som sprinkling infants, others diping persons of ryper years, affirming it to be the baptilm of Christ uring a necessity ther of, as unto salvation, wher in they agree with the whor of Rom: wher as John who was the minister of water baptism said thus I baptys you with water, but ther cometh òn after me, mytyer then I, (to wit Christ) he shal baptys you with the holy ghost or spirit: and Christ himself in his charg to his discypels said, go yee, and teach al na­tions baptysing them (he said not in water but) in to the nam of the Father, & of the Son, & of the holy spirit, which baptism of Christ by the holy spirit, was administred throuh preaching in thè demonstra­tion of the spirit, & Power of God, wherby Peepel wer brouht in to a participation of the lyt, lov, wisdom, Power and spirit of holy­nes, which is the Nàm of the father, who is the God of lyt, and lov, & the nam of the Son who is the wisdom, and Power of God, & the Nàm of the holy ghost, who is caled the spirit of holynes, this is the òn baptism which saveth, which the Apostel said is not the washing away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good consciens towards God, by the refurrection of Christ from the ded (in them) the baptism which is by the òn spirit into the òn body of Christ, vvhich body of Christ, is the whol creation, visibel, & invisibel of which every living cretur of God is a member the tempel, the hous of Prayer unto al nations: the visibel, and sensityv part wherof, is the womam that was deceived, [Page 58]and first in the transgression, the evil effects of which transgresing Power, hath (throuh thos angels that kept not their own habitations,) spred it self over the whol body, wherby a dark vail of covering hath bin drawn over the Pur lyt, & glory of God in every cretur visibel, & invisibel, otherwys ther had not bin need of making a covenant, for the redemtion, Salvation, Deliverans, and restoration of the whol body, had not the effects of the curs & bondag of corruption bin over al, & that it hath bin so, hath evidently appeared in the several ecclipses & darkning of the Sun, the turning of the moon in to bloud, the faling of the stars of the hevens, the Extreams of heat & cold, natural, & spiritual, tempestuos, and blasting Wynds, outward & Inward, Infectios clouds, vapors, & mildews, on the outward, & Inward man, over­whelming, & destroying showers of snovv, rayn & hayl, the enmity that is (not only) in Man-kynd but in every cretur òn against another, not only of ôn sort against thos of another sort, but against ech other of the sam kynd, & sort, which ar al the effects of the curs that entred by transgression, & it cannot be other wys: For if God cast out God, then wer his Kingdom divyded against it self, & so should hav an end, but the eternal Power the former of al things, being the spirit of Pur lyf, lov, peas wisdom, ryteosnes & holynes, thos effects formentioned could not proceed from him; for every effect proceeds from its natural, & proper caus, & had the creation stood under the goverment of that Pur Power & spirit by which it was created, & brouht forth, the trans­gresing Power, & curs could not hav entred, & al thos evil effects ther of had never bin brouht forth, for deth, folly, unryteosnes desyl­ment, destruction, & enmity, could never Possibly hav bin the effects or prodùs, of that spirit of Pur lyf, wisdom, Ryteosnes, Salvation, Preservation, & lov.

From this cursed Root (the transgressing Power that old ser­pentyn spirit which took plàs in Eva and Adam, and throuh them hath spred it self over the whol body) hath sprung, al the wars mur­ders, Persecutions, Enmity, Deceit, Plagu's, Pestilenses sikneses Famins, Destructions, wo's, Calamitys, & Miserys, which hav bin, & stil ar, not only upon, & in Man-kynd, but in & upon the vvhol body of the creation, and as the everlasting covenant of God to his ovvn Pur Seed (vvhich is Christ) not only in Man-kynd, but in the vvhol body of the creation, & every cretur therin contained) coms to be màd good, the corrupt bondag of the transgresing Povver chal be broken, & al the miserabel, & cursed effects, therof shal ceas. Ac­cording [Page 59]to the promis of God by, & throuh his holy Profets which body of Christ is his spous, his church, to & for which he giveth him­self, that he may redeem, wash & clens it, that it may becom holy blâmles, & without spot, in the midst of which, even in, & throuh every creturth declareth the Fathers Nàm unto his brethren, & sings Prayses unto him. This is the sweet singer of Israel, Christ is al in al, be­txixt God and man whether in dis [...]ensing mercy or execur­ing Iudgment visibel or in visibel, in & upon Man­kind. as first to & upon Adam & Eva. who throuh al ages, & generations, hath in Ryteosnes, & faithfulnes, sung the sweet song of mercy, & judgment, as a Son over his own hous, to wit, Christ the eternal word of lyf, the vvisdom, and Povver of God, vvhich was in the begining vvith God befor his vvorks of old, by vvhom al things wer mâd, and ar upheld.

It was he that mâd Man-kynd in his own pur Imag & plased him in Dominion over the works of his hands, who in lov and Kyndnes gav them freedom to eat of every tree of the garden, prohibiting them on­ly from eating of the tree of knowledg of good, and evil, warning them in mercy of the evileffects of transgresing against his Just com­mand therin, yea even when the lust was conceiving, and the Tempter working in Eva, & it was Christ, the sâam eternal Wisdom, and Power of God, (which in Just, & Ryteos Judgment, after sin, and transgression had taken plâs, and got entrans in them) that pro­nounsed, and executed on, & in them the Just, and Ryteos Judg­ments of God becaus of their sin & transgression.

It was he (to wit Christ) that in mercy to, & in the old World, exercysed patiens, To and upon the old wrold. & long forbearans by his spirit in stryving with them, til al flesh had corrupted their ways befor him, so that it re­pented him that he had màd man. And it was he, that in just, and ry­teos Judgment, brouht in the floud upon the World of the ungodly.

It was he, that in lov, and mercy to Sodom, and Gomorrah, and thos other citys, gav them rain, & fruitful seasons wherby they had fulnes of bred and plenty, therby leaving them inexcusabel, To and upon So­dom and Gomorra. exercys­ing long forbearans, patiens and mercy towards them, til his soul (in just Lot) was vexed, and grieved with their wiked deeds, who hav­ing filed up the mesur of their abominations;

It was he, that in, and by fyr executed the just, and ryteos Judg­ment of God on them, turning them into as hes, leaving them an ex­ampel to succeeding ages.

[Page 60] It was he that, To & upon Pharo & Egypt. in lov, and mercy to Tharo and the Egyptians, and to sav much Peepel alyv, in & throuh Joseph dyrected Pharo to lay up several slôrs of corn in the seven Years of plenty against the seven Years of famin; And it was he that in, & throuh Moses, and Aaron, executed just & ryteos Judgments on Pharo, and the E­gyptians, becaus of their unryteos cruelty and bondag exercysed over Israël, refusing to let them go, & that in, and by the Sea, over­whelmed, Tharô, and his host in their Murderos, and wiked pur­suit after Israël.

It was he that (in lov, To & upon Israel in the wilder­nes. & mercy to Israël) in & throuh Mo­ses, Aaron, the cloud, Pillar of fyr, Brasen Serpent, Man­na, & Water out of the Rok (Christ,) brouht them out of Egyp­tian bondag, & led them saf throuh the Sea, & mâd known to them his law, Statuts & Judgments, guyding, feeding, healing, and preserving them, and it was he that in just and ryteos Judgment be­caus of their unbelief, rebellions, & hardnes of heart, caused their Carkases to fal in the wildernes.

It was he, To & upon the Cana­anyes. That in mercy, to & in the inhabitants of Canaan, which wer befor Israël, exercysed patiens, and long forbearâns, giving them the long injoyment of that good Land, and his blesing in it; and it was he that in, & throuh Israël executed his just, and ryteos Judgment on them, they having filed up the misur of their sins to theful.

It was he that in lov, To & upon Israel in the land of Canaan. & mercy to the of springs of rebellios Israël (of whom themselvs said they should becom a prey) who for his own Nâm, and Covenant sâk, mâd with faithful Abraham gav them the Possession of the Land of Canaan, performing his word of promis to the ful as is recorded in the Scripturs of truth, and it was he that in just, and ryteos Judgment, suffered the hethen round about them to com upon them & exercys Dominion over them in the Land, and somtyms to carry them captyvs in to other Cuntrys they having by their often Provocations, Rebellions, & Idolatry departed from the Lord, and broken the Covenant And when any mesur of tru re­pentans appeared in them.

[Page 61] It was he that in lov and mercy, raised up saviors for them, and in and throuh them. Delivered them, returning their captivity dy­vers tyms, who having fild up the mesur of their provocations, op­pressions, and Idolatry, moking, stoning, imprisoning, cruelly using, and slaying his Holy Profets sent unto them, yea even betray­ing, rejecting, & crucifying the Son of God himself, Christ Jesus

It was the sâm Eternal Power of God which dwelt bodyly in him, who in just, and ryteos Judgment in, & throuh the Romans destroyed, their glorios city, & Tempel, & over turned their ons famos Go­vernment, & led them captyvs in shâm, scorn, and contemt amongst the Nations, who so remain unto this day.

It was he that in lov & mercy to the gentils or Romans, ingrafted them into the good oliv tree, causing them to partak of the blesed root, To the Romans. & fatnes therof, and who throuh al ages, & generations, sins the World which lyeth in wikednes began, & in & throuh the Apostacy of the Gentils or Romans, hath born the strôk of the Murderers hand, and his soul bin mad an offering for sin, giving his bak to the smyter, and his cheeks to them that hav pluked of the hair, who in, and throuh the Holy Men of God, Profets, Christ Jesus, the Holy Apo­stels, Saints Martyrs, & faithful witneses of Jesus to this day, hath bin siling up the mesur of his sufferings, for his bodys sak which is the Church, enduring & bearing the Reproaches, Blasphemys, & contradictions of sinners, the mesur of whos sufferings is neer hand fild up, the witneses Prophesying in sakloth neer hand ended, the Spirit of lyf from God being entred into them, & they (in mesur) standing on their own feet, the end of the World which lys in wiked­nes being in mesur com, which shal put an end to the Power of sin, & finish transgression, & bring in everlasting ryteosnes, and establish it in Man kynd, and Mankynd in it, who is now appearing, & by the brytnes of his coming in ten thousands of his Saints, (in mesur) alredy hath & dayly mor, & mor shal, reveal, consum, and ut­terly destroy the man of sin.

The sâm [...] that hath executed And now the Gentils or Romans having siled up the measar of their Apostacy & bloudy abominations, in degenerating, & faling away [Page 62]from that pur lyf of saith & holy conversation in Christ Jesus, which was ons appearing in their predecessors, racking, stoning Imprisoning, banishing, torturing, Burning and hanging thos in whom the Innocent & holy lyf of Jesus hath appeared, whom God hath raised up, & sent often amongst them, to warn them, & turn them from the evil of their doings, whos warnings, & counsels being rejected and despysed, Now therefor, is Christ the sam Eternal wisdom, lyt & Power of God in Just & ryteos Judgment raysing up the Turkish Power, & in, & throuh them wil he Execut, on the Dragon's, beast's, & fals profet's power, in the Romans or gentils, the Judgments writen. Who also, when he hath don his work in Syon wil punish the stout heart of the King of Assyria, & the glory of his hy looks, and the hauhtynes of man shal be abased and the loftynes of man laid low, even with the ground, every mountain leveled, & the Lord alon Exalted, & al his enemys becom his footstool & swords beat into plovv shârs, and spears into pruning hooks, so that nation shal not lift up sword against nation, nor learn war any mor, & the whol creation be delivered from the bondag of corruption into the glorios liberty of the Sons of God, and the Kingdom, and Domi­nion in, throuh, and over al surrendred up unto the Fáther, and thus Christ the lyt, vvisdom and Power of God, the Root, and of spring of David, the sweet singer of Israel, having glorifyed the Father on Erth, & finished the vvork given him to do, in the faithful admini­stration, & execution of mercy & judgment, shal be glorifyed with the Father, and the whol creation, in and with him, with the sam glory which he had in & with the Father befor the foundation of the world which lyeth in wikednes began.

And as the natural Body of Christ is but òn, so the lyf, spirit or soul (which is the Spiritual Body) is but ón also, throuhout the whol Body, The whol creation is the body of Christ. & every living member therof, which is God manifest in the flesh; The sâm Eternal lyf, & pur Power which giveth being, and form to ôn Cretur, giveth form, & being unto al, not only to, & in Man-kynd, but to, and in every Cretur, so that the whol, is but ôn Body, filed & acted, by ôn soul guyded, governed & quiken­ed by ôn Eternal Spirit, which ar ôn, and agree in ôn, in him who is the incomprehensibel Lord God Omnipotent, the Eternal Fountain and fulnes of al, and heer in is seen that imaginary faith of a God-hed comprehended in three Persons, for according to their own ap­prehensions, [Page 63]a person, being a body in conjunction with a soul, then it may be affirmed, that ther ar as many Persons comprehended in the God hed, as ther ar Kynds of living Creturs, and distinct Creturs of every Kynd, which ón Body with the ón soul, acted and governed by the on Eternal quikening Spirit, is the ón only Son of God, which cam out of the bosom of the Father in whom he was, is & ever shal be wel pleased and as the Father hath lyf in himself, so hath he given the Son to hav lyf in himself & to every living cretur or member in him to hav lyf in it self, both in the natural, & spiritual body & the lyf of al in the seed preserved, & as Christ (who is the eternal quikening Power, to & in the seed both of the natural, & spiritual body, appears, so do they al appear with him in tru Pur glory, & the communication of the vertu of the eternal quikening Power, to & in the seed both of the Natural & Spiritual Body is throuh the cros of Christ, which to & in the seed of the natural body is communicated throuh natural, sensi­bel & visibel things, to wit, Winter & Summer, heat & cold, seed tym & harvest, hunger & food, thirst & drink, Nyt & Dây, motion & rest; But to & in the seed of the Spiritul Body after a Spiritual, and invisibel manner, either secretly in the Reyns, heart, and inward parts, or throuh erthen vessels, which he hath filed with that tresur, & a dispensation therof comittent to them, which is the Spirit of Prophesy a ded becaus of transgression, which shal ceas, & fayl, as into the ever­lasting Covenant, Man-kynd is brouht: which Communication of the vertu of the Eternal Power, throuh the cros, to and in the seed of the Spiritual Body, answereth Spiritually to al the dimensions therof, to, and in the seed of the natural body, which ar al of them as truly necessary to the being, and welbeing of the seed, and lyf of God the ôn as the other, both in the natural and spiritual body, and as desyr fayls in the on, the natural body returns to the Erth and the spirit to God that gav it, and as desyr fayls in the other such becom ded whyl they liv: which cros, is the everlasting covenant o God, to and with the seed, his own lyf, both in the natural, and spiritual body, which in ôn, in and throuh the whol creation, and every living cretur [Page 64]therin contained, only differing in degrees, and manner of working and operation.

And for an assurans of his faithfulner in making good the cove­nant on his part to the seed in the natural, & visibel body, he hath given an outward or visibel syn or token, plasing his Bow in the clouds of the visibel hevens; And to the seed of the invisibel or spiritual body, he hath given an invisibel or spiritual witnes, or token, to wit, the lyt which shyneth in the dark plàs, in the inward parts, the faithful, & tru witnes of God, the word which liveth and A­bydeth for ever, neer in the mouth, and in the heart, concerning which the covenant, & Promis of God is, that it shal not depart out of the mouth of the seed nor of its seeds seed for ever, even so long as the Sun, and moon endureth.

And heer I Judg it expedient further to declar, that I do not herin ether deny or under vallu ether the person, work or Son-ship of Iesus Christ, that just, and innocent ón, who witnesed a good confession befor Pontius Pylat. But what the holy Profets, & Apostels decla­red, & recorded in the spirit of truth concerning him, I do own, & acknowledg to be tru & do heerby affirm, that the sam eternal Pur holy, & Innocent lyf, & fulnes of God, which dwelt bodyly in him, was the lamb which was slayn from the foundation of the world which lyeth in wikednes, the holy seed of the woman to which the covenant of God is màd in which al the Promises of God ar yea, and Amen, in which al the familys of the Erth shal be blesed, the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, the Shylo into whom the gathe­ring of the Peepel shal be, the Alpha and Omega, the begining & the end of al the works of God, without begining of days or end of lyf, who was, is, & is to com, & abydeth the Sam for ever, world without end, and that he cam out of the bosom of the Father in whos mouth was found no guyl, in whom the temter nether had nor found any Plàs, & was the first begoten from the ded, the first born amongst many brethren, the Author, and Captain of eternal salvation, who pased the tym of his so journing on Erth in that mortal body, in the Pur fear & lov of God, faithfully finisingh the work given him by [Page 65]the Father to do, & in the sàm eternal Pur spirit offered up himself unto God without spot, & returned into the bosom of the Father, innocent holy, harmles, & undefyled, as he proceeded, & càm forth from the Father.

And as concerning that body of flesh in which he appeared, this I say, as himself also testifyed, that the flesh profiteth nothing, but it is that eternal word of spirit, and lyf, which was màd manifest in & throuh that body of flesh, was, and is the wisdom, and Power of God to salvation, in al them that beleeved and that he had power to lay it down, and tak it again, and did lay it down upon the cros, and took it again out of the sepulker, and in it was received by a cloud out of the syt of his discypels, and according to the scripturs this I say, that the things which ar seen with the outward or visibel ey ar but temporal, and fading, but the things which ar not seen they ar eternal.

Nòn hav advantag by the deth of Christ, but such as partak of his Lyf. And as concerning what was don, said & suffered, by the lyf, wisdom, and Power of God, in, by and throuh that Erthen vessel, non hav any profit or benifit therby, but only such who com into a par­ticipation of the sam eternal lyf, and purfulnes of God in them selvs, which was in him.

The next stal is their Altars, or communion tabels vvher they administer an invenrion of their own brains, vvhich they cal the Sacrament of the Altar, or communion, or the Lords supper, in vvhich they mak ûs of bred, & wyn, vvhich after the Priest hath said his Charm of Sorcery, and witchcraft over, cald consecration, they affirm that the substans of the bred & wyn is departed, & that their remaineth nouht, but Accidents, and that under thos Accidents is the Sàm body, & bloud of Christ vvhich vvas shed & crucifyed on à cros vvithout the gats of Jerusalem, being ig­norant, that the substans, not only of bred & vvyn but of every cretur is no other then the only living & tru Lord God, so that by their own confession that vvhich they receiv in their Sacrament, is only Accidents without substans, and verily as to them so it is, for they feed on ashes, a deceived heart hath turned them asyd.

Others ther ar, who thô they hav not, such a heap of lys, and ceremonys about the administration of it, yet ar they in it acted by the Sâm spirit in the ground & althô they affirm not that it is the sàm body, [Page 66]in which the Son of God suffered deth without the gats of Ierusalem, yet after they hav said their charm, cald blesing the bred, they look on it as somwhat mor then it was, but what, they cannot wel say, caling it a supper, when many of them receiv it befor they hav eaten their own dinners, affirming it to be the communion of the body & bloud of Christ, when as to them its only a Tabel of such as eat, & drink unworthily, they not discerning the Lords body, & so becom guilty of the body, & bloud of the Lord.

Wheras Christ Iesus, in the s [...]m nyt in which he was betrayed took bred & blesed it, & brak it & gav it to his discypels, saying tak, & eat, this is my body which is given for you, do this in remembrans of me, and lykwys the Cup saying, this is the new Testament in my bloud, which is shed for many, and this was befor he had suffered deth in that body throuh which he spak unto them (mark that) and the Apostel said that the bred which they brak was the communion of the body of Christ, and the cup of blesing which they blesed was the communion of the bloud of Christ, and that so often as they did eat of that bread (he said not ons a week, month, or year, but so often as they did eat, & drink therof) they did shew forth the Lords deth til he cam, to wit, his deth in the creturs received; & in the tru hunger & thirst, of the tru discerning, and worthy receiver, til he appear in the vertu of his own lyf, blesing, and lov, in and throuh the creturs received, to norish, and refresh the sam in every tru discern­ing, and worthy receiver, for it is no other then the lyf of God which tasteth deth in ôn Cretur, to refresh, norish, & uphold the sá;m in an­other, & herin he tasteth deth for every man, & is the savior of man & beast, which is the word of his eternal wisdom, & Power by which he upholdeth al things. That which norisheth, and refresheth, and that which is Norished, and refreshed is ôn, in every tru discern­ing, and worthy receiver, as he that sanctifyeth, and they who ar sanctifyed ar of ôn.

The other stals ar their Desks, & pulpits, wher in sted of speaking as the orakel of God, & preaching the everlasting gospel, according as they hav seen, felt, tasted, & experiensed in them selvs, and praying as the Pur spirit of the Lord giveth utterans, they utter forth the ima­ginations [Page 67]of their own brains, filing the ears of the Peepel with [...]abels, & storys of lying syns, and wonders, gathered out of the wrytings & books of such whom they cal, antient Fathers, Poets, hathen Philoso­phers & Commentators, with their own imaginations from the scripturs, perverting them to their own, & others destruction, intruding into things which they hav not seen, using som words of Hebrew, Greek, & Latin somtyms in their preaching, in imitation of thos tongu's which wer ons appearing as a gift, in & amongst the Apostels; for a syn unto them which beleeved not, that so as the speaking in dyvers tongu's, & languages, becam ons a divyding, and confounding curs amongst the builders of Babel in the fal, so to, and in the Apostels, it becam a gift of God, or syn to such as beleeved not, that they myt be brouht again out of the curs, out of the many tongu's and languages, to learn, and speak the ôn pur languag'.

And in sted of praying by the motion, and help of the pur Power, and Spirit of the Lord in them, which is the only Advocat vvith the Father, who eyer livs to mak intercession, in and for the Saints, according to the wil of God they read; & utter forth many vain repetitions, which they cal Masses, Ave Marys, Pater nosters, Creeds, Common Prayers, out of their divyn Servis books & Directorys, &c. With the blynd & dark conceptions of their own he­arts & brayns, caled Extemporary Prayers, thinking as their predecessors, & fór fathers, the Scrybs, Pharisees & Hypocryts of old, to be heard for their much babbeling, & in sted of singing in the Spirit, & making sweet melody to the Lord in their hearts, they hav several sorts of Music, with singing men & boys, to mak a noys after the manner of the hethen of old, when they sacrifysed their children throuh the fyr unto devils. Others ther ar who sing, and caus others to sing the saints words and conditions in rym or meeter, many of them being ignorant that therin they do evil, offering the sacrifys of fools: For, for any ôn, or mor together to sing as prayses unto God, in the vvords of the saints or Profets left upon record, and say that God is their Ryteosnes, and that he hath pluked their [...]eet out of the myer, & set them on the Rok & established their goings; or that ther is no rest in their bôns by reason of their sins, & that they water their couch with their tears, & their skin is as a bottel in the smoak, or that the law of Gods mouth is dearer to them then thousands of Gold, and Silver, & Sweeter then the hony or the hony comb, as a Lanthorn to their feet & lyt unto their Paths, & their ey not lofty, nor their heart hauhty, but that their souls ar as weaned children &c. VVhen they ar such as liv in vanity, & Pryd, and mâk a scorn, and a derision of such as vvalk in the lyt, & mak [Page 68]the eternal word or spirit of the Lord in them their guyd leader, and teach­er, and mak it their delyt to spend their tym in covetos vvays, and practises to heap up to them selvs the Riches, and tresur of the vvorld by dishonest gain, having ther feet stiking fast in the myr of filth and un­ryteosnes, the singing and praysing of such is not only a sacrifys of fools but a sacrifys of abominabel lys, & blasphemys.

And thus al the in­ward invi­sibelthings of God, being changed into out­ward visi­bel syns & shaddows of thē (viz for the tru cloth­ing of the ryteosnes of Christ, the tru I­mag of God and aros of Christ, Holy-day of the Spi­rit, Holy Water of byf, & in­wardlyt, &c. they hav set up their paint ed Priestly rôbs, out­ward Imag­es, Crosses, Holy days, Holy wa­ter, out­wardlyts of Candels And being strangers and enemys to thelyt, and spirit of truth, in man which sercheth the deep things of God vvhich is the eternal day, the holy day of God, vvhich al vvho truly keep, ar children of the day, they hav in their ovvn vvils mâd, and set a part many days which they cal holy Days, giving them the nâms of Christ-mas, Candel mas, Lammas, Michael-mas days, & of saints, as Iames, Peters, Thomas, & Iohn's day with many other Nams, on which days after, they hav bin at their charms of babbeling sorcery, and Idolatros witch craft, caled, Mas, divyn servis, commy prayers, sermons &c. many tyms the priest taketh their consecrated breden-Y dol God, which they cal the hallowed host, the bedy of their Lord God, having a canopy born over him, & others bearing dyvers standadrs or ban­ners, with Y dol picturs in them but the standard & Banner of Christ, which is Peas, Lov, Ryteosnes & Meeknes they ar strangers, & Enemys unto, going up and down the streets, & fields, causing hy & low, rich & poor, smal & great, mâl & femâl to follow them in their Idolatros, & pernitios ways & to bow, & kneel down to their invented Y dol, & be subject to their I­dolatros practises, after which both priest, & peepel spend the residu of thos days, som in Y delnes & vanity, others in the exercys of Ryot, cham­bering, wantonnes, masking, Dansing, bowling, delitios fâr & feasting, excesyv drinking VVyn & strong drink to drunkennes with several other ways of vanity and wickednes. And being strangers, and enemys to the spirit of the Lord, that pur living fountain of living holy water in the in ward parts, which washeth & clenseth the in ward man, in which the saints draw ny to God, & God draweth ny to them by wich they resist the devil, & mak him flee, they tak outward water which after the priest hath said his charm over, cald consecration, they cal holy water they sprinkel both them selvs, and the Peepel, causing also the Peepel to sprinkel them selvs, crosing themselvs with their hands, affirming that it wil keep away evil spirits, & dryv away the devil &c. Whylst the bodys of both priests, & peepel ar becom the habitations of devils, the cages, & holds of every fowl spirit, the seed, & children of hel, & the devil, for they being found in the ways of deceit, enmity, unry­teosnes, covetosnes, oppresion, hypocrisy, Idolatry, persecution [Page 69]and murdering of the saints, & thes being works of the devil, torches, &c.) the Peepel âr deceived of the tru­substans, & fed only with inventions in which ther is no vertu. they ar therby rendred the seed and children of that Father whos works they do, as Christ said to the Jews of Old who said they wer the children of Abraham.

And lastly they caus a Law to be mâd prohibiting any from assem­beling themselvs together to the Exercys of any worship, but only in their Mas-houses or Y dol-tempels, under the penalty of being Reputed, and delt with, as Conventikelers holding unlawful assemblys, Heritics, Non con­formists, & disorderly Persons, which hath bin Executed on thousands of Innocent persons, in ways of cruelty, bloud and murder, in ages & generations past unto this day.

Thus having eaten of the forbiden tree, which appeared beautiful to the ey, shee (the Ecclesiastical Power) gav also to her husband (to wit the Civil Power (so caled) even the whol body of them, e­ven al the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers, throuhout Chri­stendom, who haveat also with her: And that al myt be mad sûr, on their Parts also, they invented an oath caled the oath of Allegians, to be taken by such as ar within the Consyns of ech of their severaldomi­nions, causing their Laws, with Bils, Bonds, and wrytings obli­gatory to be put in Latin, under a precens to uphold, and incorag learning, wherby provision was mad to uphold, that Proud, Covetos, Vnresonabel, Extorting, and Deceitful generation of men cald Doctors in the law, Counselers, Advocats, Solicitors, Atturnys, Clarks, and Scrybs; and to the end that al myt be mád saf, and secur on every hand, they hav the red Dragon, or Military Power, which they Plâs, and quarter up and down, in, and throuh the na­tions, in thos fexes hòls, to wit, the fensed citys, strong holds and garrisons, standing ther, as the angels of ech devil, redy to obey and fulfil their cursed wils, and plesurs; So that they becam as a three fold cord or bond of wicked [...]es not easily to be broken, wherby the nations becam subjected under the cruel bondag of corruption; not wilingly but by fors, and cruelty, and becam as an As or the foal of an As on which never man sat, but cruel devouring beasts of prey, whos journy hath not bin to Ierusalem but to there building of Iericho, which is cursed with the founder, and the finisher, who laid the foun­dation [Page 70]therof in his first born, by whom sin & transgresion had its entrans into the world, which is now finishing in his yongest son, the foundation of whos wals, is bloud, and murder, & the gats therof deceit and lys, into which nothing can enter but that which defyl­eth, and worketh abomination, in the darknes wherof the nations of them that sit under the region of the shadow of deth, do dwel and walk.

And thus the old serpent the God of the world, having finished his work sat himself down in them to tak his Rest, as a strong man armed, concluding to keep his hous, wyf, children, & goods in sâfty, and peas, in their dyabolical order, & fraternity, if poslibel to al ages, & generations, making them selvs Merry together over the slayn Inno­cent witnes of God the tru heyr of al, which they hav crucifyed to & in themselvs afresh, & hav mád themselvs drunk with the bloud of the Innocent, lying down together, in their beds of Eas, to tak their fil of Dyabolical lov together in the Exercys of al manner of A bomina­tions, & filthynes both of flesh & spirit, until the morning, the good man of the hous being gon from hôm, & not to return til the tym ap­poynted, issuing forth the filthy seed of their corrupt bodys of adultery & whordom, in a continued succession, throuh and over the nations, to comand, govern, feed, and teach the flok of slauhter, every ôn vvith the number of their blasphemos Nâm, according to their plâs, and degree in the Government & Heraldry of hel, of vvhich their fôr-heds are ful to vvit, Master, worshipful, Rytreverend, gratios, most honorabel, Excelent, nobel, welborn, renowned, vertuos, Illustrios, sereen, by & myty Stâts & most myty Invinsibel Emperors, Kings, Prinses, Duks, Earls, Lords, Barons Knyts, Esquyrs, Gentelmen, Captain-Lieutenant & Major-Generals, vvith al other the nams and tytels in the Civil and military goverment (so caled) the seed of the adulterer.

Others called Curats, Chaplens, Priests, Rectors, Deans, Arch-Decons, Bishops, Ryt reverend gratios Lords, Arch-Bishops, Monks, Fryers, Nuns, Iesuits, Cardinals, Prins-Cardinals, with the [...]ops holynes, and al other the blas­phemos nâms and tytels, in the Eeclesiastical body (so caled) the seed of the vvhôr, al of them under the cursed leagu', bond, covenant, and Agreement of bel and deth, to ech of their heds, by the oaths of allegians, and supremacy, scattered up and dovvn the nations as the Egyptian task masters, & midvvyvs to see that nôn but femal children be kept a­lyv and that the appearans of the mal, the Ryt heyr, be murdered, and destroyed in the Birth.

[Page 71] Others therar caled reformed churches, whos first rys & appear­ans was throuh the motion of the Pur Power of God as on the waters, the fas wherof darknes had covered, which was the cry of the souls under the Altar, the cry at midnyt giving warning of the Brydgroms coming, throuh whom Christ the Angel of the covenant opened, sounded, and Powred forth the fifth, & sixth seal, trumpet, & vyal, (the effects wherof ar not yet fully accomplished) wherby the waters of the great river ar dryed up and the way of the Kings of the East prepared, among whom wer many that wer as the Egyptian mid­wyvs that feared God, and he mad them houses, and they did eat, and drink in his presens, and he tauht in their streets, and they did prophesy in his nam, & cast out devils: which manifestation of the Power of God in and throuh them, was the day known to the Lord, nether clear nor dark, in the evening wherof, the lyt hath appeared, who did not only spar, but norished, and incoraged the appearans of truth, and ryteosnes in such in whom it appeared, wherby way was màd for the making redy a peepel prepared for the Lord, and for the birth, & raysing up of the Man-chyld that is to Rûl the nations with a Rod of Yron, but now being gon from that of God in them, which ons moved in their predecessors, ar becom ôn spirit in the ground, with great Babylon the mother of harlots, and abominations, and being found partakers with her in her sins must receiv of her Plagu's.

In them (to vvit) the Beast's and fals proset's spirit, and povver, ar the Angels which kept not their ovvn habitations and the spirits in prison ons rebelios in the days of Noah, vvhich by the vvisdom, and Povver of God hav bin reserved and kept, as in chayns of darknes, unto the Judgment of this great day, throuh Ages, and generations, in the natural body, as in the Ark, of vvhich that mâd by Noah at the (om­and, and dyrection of God, vvas a figur in vvhich ark, vvas not only the seed of God which is pur, in Mankynd, and in every creatur, but the seed of the serpent also, (as the beloved, and the hated, had concep­tion, and birth in, and throuh ôn vvomb,) the ôn perserved to the day of salvation, Redemtion, and deliverans, of the vvhol creation from the bondag of corruption into the glorios liberty of the Son o God, & the other reserved to the great day, of Judgment, destruction, & perdi­tion [Page 72]of al ungodly men which day is now com, & the evening and cool of their day approached, & the eys of them al must now be opened & they shal see that they ar naked; the voys of the Lord God they must now hear, & his Ryteos decree, & sentens concerning them, they must unavoydably bear, and al [...]hô they go from rok to Mountain, & from Mountain to hil, yea even amongst the trees of the garden to hyd them selvs, yet shal they not be abel to escâp, for a stronger then the strong man is com (who in mesur alredy hath) & dayly môr&môr shal lay hold on him & shal bynd him, & cast him out, & spoyl al his goods, his chil­dren shal be fatherles, & his wyf a widdow, even vagabonds continually, which shal seek their bred out of desolat plases, yea his habitation shal be desolat for ever, & another tak his plas, the cursed city must now fal flat befor the tru Israel of God at the sounding of the Rams-horns not a stôn shal be left upon a ston in that cursed building, unthrown down, the three fold cord, that cursed bond of corruption, so subtilly, tvvyned must now be unwound, & untwisted & utterly broken to pieces, never mor to be set together again, and the covenant, and agreement with hel, utterly disannuled, the Lord hath need of the As, & hath sent of his discypels for him, & the As is in mesur loosed, and he in mesur sits theron, and is in mesur entred into the Tempel, with his whip of smal cords, and in mesur hath, and dayly mor & mor shal, dryv out al the buyers & selers, and over turn the Tabels of the mony changers, to wit, thos who at the entrans of every heyr & successor, in to the thrón do alter, & chang the imag & superscriptions of their mony, and the seats of them that sel dovs, to wit, thos whos counsels, and contry vments hav bin, & stilar, how to oppres, Spoyl, and mak a prey of the innocent, his arm is mâd bâr & his hand stretched forth which shal not be drawn bak til he hath don, & finished his vvork, his strang work, and brouht to Pas, & accomplished his act, his strang act he wil not ceas to over turn, Overturn, Overturn, til he com whos Ryt it is, and he wil giv it him.

And now of what hath bin heer declared, concerning thee O Leopold, and thoe O Pòp of Ròm, with al Kings, Prinses, Rulers, & Governors, & al in Authority under you, of what Degree, Rank, Or order soever, whether, Military, Civil, Spiritual, Or Ecclesiastical (so caled) and al Peepel, Hy & Low, Rich and Poor, Smal, & great, Bond & free, Màl, & Femal, of what Nams, Orders, Forms, & profesion in Religion soever known, even whol Christendom, with al the Dominions & territorys therunto belonging, of what Nation, tongu' or languag soever, & every [Page 73]particular person in them contained, who ar under the comand, Goverment, and teaching of Man, This is the sum.

That a cursed spirit of Apostacy, & faling away, from the tru Christian faith, lyf and Practis, even the mystery of inquity, which was fôr seen, & fôr told by the holy Profets, and servants of God, recorded in tho scrip­turs of truth, took plàs in thee O Christendom, even in thy Elders, and teachers, which throuh them hath grown, & spred it self, as evil leven throuhout the whol lomp, that cursed seed of the Serpent hath grown up in thee, not only in thy Elders & teachers, but also throuh them, in thy Rulers, war [...]rs, & Peepel, & is becom a Man of sin, & mystery of iniqui­ty even the Son of perdition, yea a strong man armed with the dragons Power keeping possession of the hous, to wit of thee O Christendom, siting as God in thee, who ouhtst of ryt to be a living Tempel, for the tru, & living Lod God omnipotent to dwol, and walk in.

Which hath rendred thy Military Power even the whol body of them to be the great Reed Dragon that gav to the beast his power, seat, and great Authority, with seven heds, ten horns, & seven crowns, upon his hed, which hath, & stil doth stand befor the woman, which did, & now doth bring forth the man-chyld, who in mesur doth and dayly môr shal Rûl the nations with a Rod of Yron, who failing in his first en­terprys against the bâb of glory, & being cast out of heven into the erth, hath, & stil doth persecut the woman, which did, and now doth bring forth the Man-chyld, & hath & doth cast out water as a floud out of his mouth to cary her away therwith, making war with the Rem­nant of her seed which keeps the commandements of God, & hav the testimony of Jesus, even the arm of the ungodly which must now be broken, a standing engyn to oppres, spoyl & consum the tresur, & bloud of the nations.

Whos Rys & continuans to this day, is in the spirit of the old serpent which was in Cain & in Simeon & Levy thos brethren in Iniquity, in whos habitations ar the cursed Instruments of Murder, Bloud & cruelty, whos practis was, and stil is, whylst pretending overturs & treatys of peas, & agreement, to seek & tak advantages, to Kil, Murder, & Destroy But the day is now com, in which they must receiv their Iust Reward from the Lord God & they shal be divyded in Iacob, & scattered in Israel, & a Fugityv, & vagabond on the erth, from the Lord God for ever must that Power and spirit be, in which they stand, and by which they ar acted.

Thy Civil Power (so caled) even the whol body of them, Emperors, [Page 74]Kings, Prinses, & Rulers, & their predecesors in the fal, hav bin, & stil remain that scarlet colored beast ful of the nams of Blasphemy having seven heds, & ten horns, which ascended out of the bottomles pit, upon vvhom the scarlet whôr that adulteros Woman, [...]esabel, to vvit, the whôl body of thy spiritual men or Clergy, (so caled) hath, & stil doth sit, which hath màd war with the two vvitneses of God, and overcom them, vvhos Power, seat & great authority was given and is stil upheld by the dragon, or military Power, whos mouth hath uttered great things, & blasphemys, vvhich vvas to continu trampeling the holy city, fourty & two months, opening his mouth in blasphemys even against God, blaspheming his Nàm, tabernakel, and them that dwel in heven, who hath màd vvar vvith the saints & over com them, & hath had, & stil hath Power over Kingdoms, tongu's, and nations, and vvas, and stil is vvors hiped, by al vvhos Nàms ar not writen in the Lambs book of lyf.

Their several throns, and Seats of residens, exampels of villany, & al manner of vvickednes to the several, Kingdoms, Dominions, and territorys over vvhich they rul, sending forth the stinking smels of vanity, Pryd, Lust, VVantones, VVhordom, Exces, Drunkenes, vayn Plesurs, Oppression, Cruelty, Injustis, Deceit, Envy, Murder, & making aprey of the Innocent, such as de part from Iniquity.

Whos rys & continnans to this day, is in the Spirit of the old Serpent, which vvas in Cain that city builder, & in Ismael, Nimrod, & Esau, and in thos Kingly Governers of Sodom and Gomorrha, and the citys therabouts, vvhos practis vvas and stil is by stryf, contention, and vvars to destroy, and murder the Peepel, under their government therby to vvrest Do­minion out of the hands of ech other, amongst vvhom just Lot is mâd a prisoner, and captyv.

But the day is now com, in vvhich Abraham the Brother of Lot is arming his houshold; & Gideon the Lords Thresher, vvith his sharp threshing instrument having teeth, hath taken the field vvith his three hundred Men, and the Lord vvil smyt them as in the day of Midian, & mâk their Prinses as Oreb & Zeeb, as Zeba & Zalmunna, vvhich perished at Endor, the habitation of the Spirit of vvitch craft, and becam as dung upon the Erth.

The Captyr Exyl hasteth to be delivered, and shalbe lifted up out of the pit, and redeemed and brouht bâk, vvithout money, & vvith­out prys, but th [...] prey shal not be taken from the myty, nether shal the lavvful capty [...] be delivered out of his hand, vvho had descended [Page 75]into the lovver most parts of the Erth, even into the Belly of hel, but is novv ascended, and ascending up far abov al hevens, leading cap­tivity captyv, giving gifts unto Men, spoyling Principalitys & Powers, even the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers of the Darknes of this World, making an open shevv of them triumphing over them, and trampeling on them in his cros, vvho is the lyt & lyf, of Men, & the VVisdom, and Power of God.

Thy Ecclesiastical Power even the whol body of them, caled the Clergy or Spiritual Men with their predecessors in the fal, & apostacy, wer, and stil ar, that great skarlet whor wich seteth upon many waters, even the mother of harlots, & abominations of the erth with whom thy Potentats, Kings, Prinses, Rulers, & Peepel, even the whol body of thee O Christ­endom, hav commited spiritual fornication, arrayed in purpel, skarlet and fyn linnen, deked with gold &c. having a golden cup in her hand ful of abomnations, & filthynes of her whordoms, on whos forhed is writen, Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, and abomi­nations of the whol Erth, who hath bin, and stil remains drunk with the bloud of the Saints, and of the Martyrs of Iesus.

Thy several plases of worship, Tempels of Ydols, plases of the forms of godlynes with out the lyf and power therof, which ar to be turned from, the vvhol body of thy vvorship, as an Altar vvith an inscription to the unknown God: The several exercyses of prayer, preaching, sacraments singing, with the observation of days, tyms, & sabbaths, performed and observed, at loathsom, stinking, & most abominnabel in the nostrils of the put God of lyf; no other but as the offering of swyns flesh, bles­ing of Ydols, or murdering of men, being performed in that spirit & Povver vvhich is enmity against God.

Whos Rys, and continans to this day is in the spirit of the old ser­pent, vvhich vvas in Cain vvho could offer a sacrifys, & then murder his brother & in Balaam, Athaliah & Iezabel, vvho hav riden the several na­tions of Christendom as an As for dishonest gain, the wages of unryteosnes, and vvhen the As hath bin mâd som tyms to speak vvith Mans voys, and treprov their madnes, folly and vvikedness, he hath bin revvarded by them, not only vvith grievos stryps, but vvith spoyling of goods, syns, Imprisonments, banishment, hanging & burning.

But the Day is now com, in which she must receiv her just, & ry­teos reward at the hand of the Lord God, & the Lamb, & in the Cup that she hath filed, must now be filed to her doubel & althô she paint [Page 76]her sâs, & look out at the window and Cry treason, treason, at the appearans of the Ryt heyr, whylst the Crown is seting on his hed by the Royal Triesthood, in the Holy Tempel of the Lord in the secret of which (towit, honest, Contryt, Humbel, & broken hearts) he hath bin hid from her Murderos conspyracy in destroying the seed Royal, & during the tym of the cruel & usurped Reyn of her, and her Husband, (which was the plâs of the beloveds retyrment, until the breaking of the day, and fleeing away of the shadows) yet now must shee be thrown out at the window by her own Servants, and be troden under foot as unsavory salt, & thos dogs, towit, the horns shal hât her, eat her flesh, & burn her with fyr, so that nouht shal be left of her; but the skul, feet, & palms of her hands, the ôn to mâk known their desolat condition, the other to bear them as mourners ab­out the streets, & the palms of their hands to receiv what others shal freely bestow upon them.

The Profet of the Lord is returned from thecâv, & descending the Mount of God, & tryal must now be mâd, which is the living, & tru Lord God, and the God which answereth by fyr, he was, is, and for ever shal appear to be the only, living, & tru God: Wherfor al yee worshipers of al sorts, of what nâms, & in what forms, & pro­fessions soever, without the lyf and pur Power of God, gather your selvs together, every ôn to the worship of your God, with the Mas­ses, Ave-Marys, Pater-nosters, Dyrectorys, Servis-books, Common Prayers, & Extemporary Devotions, & cry aloud for your God is now faling into asleep out of which he shal never mor awak, he is on a journy from which he shal never mor return, & if audiens, & help now fayl you, ther is no way of escaping for you, but by the two edged sword of the Lord yee must be slauhtered, in to the Lâk of perdition must yee be cast, and the vengeans of Eternal fyr seiz upon you.

Thy Schools, Colledges & Vniversitys ar as so many standing, stinking ponds of corrupt, Infectios, & poysoning vvaters, corruptin, & infect­ing Man kynd even from their chyld-hood raising, quickening, & norishing that spirit, & Power in them, vvhich is foolishnes, & enmity against God, fiting them only to be habitations of Devils to ferv, and vvorship [Page 77]the devil, the God of the vvorld in their generation, trayning them up in the learning, and knowledg of tongu's, parts, and arts standing in that vvisdom, and Povver, vvhich is foolishnes, and enmity against the pur Lord God.

Whos rys, and continuans to this day is in the spirit of the old serpent which was in Cain & his posterity, that Liberal-art-inventing-spirit, & in the astrologers of Egipt and Babylon, and thos curios liberal Artists, vvho at the appearans of truth in, and throuh the holy apostels brouht their books together, and burnt them openly, thô valued at an hy rât, and happy vvould it be for them, if, at the appearans of truth now, throuh the despysed and contemned children of the lyt, they myt be brouht to follovv their exampel, for the day is novv com, in vvhich they must receiv their just, and ryteos revvard at the hand of the Lord God omnipotent, even in the lâk of perdition, and destruction vvith their lybrarys, and suffer the vengeans of eternal fyr, vvith that body of vvhordoms, and abominations, of vvhich they ar, as it vver the vvomb or generating part.

Thy Towns, & Citys, ar as so many svvarms of filthy vermin, send­ing forth the stinking smels of Covetosnes, pryd, deceit, oppression, vanity Idelnes, lust, whordom, drunkenes, gluttony, and al Manner of unryteos and abominabel practises. But the day is novv com, in vvhich they must receiv the just revvard of their doings, and be dayly mor, and mor depopulated, and the great, and fayr houses stand vvithout Inhabitants, and shal vvast, and consum away until they becom as un-waled vil­lages.

Thy courts of Iudicatur vvith their dependanses, to vvit, thos cald Iudges, Doctors & Sergeants at Law, Counselers, Advocats, Aturnys, Solicitors, clarks, & scrybs so many, seats and instruments of cruel oppresion injustis, brybery, and extortion, even a most intolerabel burden to the peepel of the several nations, tongu's, & languages, Amongst whom they Exercys dominion, vvho in sted of doing them justis, end­ing their differenses & reconcyling them to ôn another, mâk aprey of them, laying burdens on them grievos and hevy to be born, but not touching them to help or eas them vvith ôn of their fingers, causing them to spend their tym, vvear out their bodys, vex, and torment their Spirits, vvast, and consum their Estats in vvaiting, and attending on them, and yet to fayl of their expected issu from them. But the day is novv com, in which they also shal receiv the just revvard of their do­ngs, even vvrath, vvo, misery, and destruction from the presens [Page 78]of the Lord God, and the glory of his pur povver, in the lâk vvith that Beastly Body of which they ar members, whos cursed and oppresing Power they represent & Exercys.

Thy several sorts of Marchants, buyers, selers & traders, in ships, shops, Wâr-houses, Ins, victualing-houses, fayrs, and markets, with their weihts, and mesurs: so many plases, instruments, and in­ventions in ways of commers in that spirit which is enmity against God, whos practises hav bin, & stil ar to hord up the several stôrs, & provi­sions of the hous of God, til they somtyms corrupt, rot, and spoyl whylst many poor cretursly up and down streets, & villages hungry, cold, & in want of cloathing pyning away, and perishing for want of the creturs (which spoyl, and oppresion must now be charged on them) making marchandys of the gifts of God, wich al flow from the ôn gift vvhich he freely gav to the children of men, vvithout respect to per­sons, somtyms deceitfully mingling the Creturs, the corrupt vvith the sound, puting on them deceitful colors and garnishings, to increas their dishonest gain by them, the seler using many deceitful words about the goodnes of them, & the Buyer the lyk to undervalu them, the seler often tyms taking advantag on the vvant necessity, and ignorans of the buyer; & the buyer oftentyms doing the sam to the seler, using also ways of dec [...]it to mak the creturs to weih the hevier, & fil the mesur sooner then otherwys it would, and thus the spirit of covetosnes, deceit, theft, & oppression acteth both buyer, & seler.

But the day is now com, in which they also must receiv the just, & ry­teos reward of their doings from the ryteos Lord God omnipotent, the hand of the Lord is smyting at al your dishonest gain: VVo, misery, wee­ping, & bitter howling, & lamentation must now be (dayly mor, & mor) your portions, deth and withering is now seizing on you, which shal continu, until your ships, shops, Ins, victualing-houses, fayrs & marktes weihts and mesurs, ceas to be frequented or mad ùs of, The Lord wil recover his corn, wyn, wool, and flax even al the stors of his hous out of your hands and wil feed, & cloath his houshold himself, and giv them food, & rayment in du season, and in du proportion, & al who shal put [...]r ôr ether on their baks, or into their bellys, shal re­ceiv in themselvs the just reward of their own shâm, and folly from the Lord God.

Thy several Nations, Kindreds, Tengu's, and Languages ar as the dispers­ed, divyded, and confounded builders of babel, as so many several fields over grovvn vvith brambels, bushes, bryars, and thorns, a­bounding [Page 79]bounding in al manner of the cursed fruits of the seed of the old serpent redy ryp to be cut down, & consumed, by the vengeans of the eter­nal fyr of Gods just, & Ryteos wrath, & vengeans, which is now broken forth on them and shal dayly môr, and môr be revealed from heven against them.

Thy whol body even hed and tayl, branch and Root, rulers, wariors, priests & pe [...]pel, by & low, rich & poor, bond and free, great and smal, mâl & femal, even al under the dragon's beast's, & fals profets, spirit, & Power, ar a corrupted loathsom, & defyled body of sin & deth, even the body of that beast which Daniel in the spirit of prophesy saw; which is now to be slayn, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flâms: by al which it hath, & doth appear, that great hath bin, & is the myste­ry of Iniquity, to wit, the old serrpent, the God of the world, the devil, mâd manifest in flesh, & novv Judged and condemned in the put Povver of the eternal spirit, seen, and comprehended by Angels, beleeved on, & vvorshiped in the vvorld, by al whos nâms ar not writen in the lambs book of lyf, and novv thrusting dovvn to everlasting sham, & contemt, & suffer the vengeans of eternal fyr) vvher by the habitabel parts of the erth hav bin the cros, on which the lamb, slayn from the foundation of the world vvhich lyeth in wicdednes, hath bin crucifyed, and man­kynd ground, throuh vvo, misery, grief and pyan, as betwixt the nether and upper milstons (to vvit) that cursed, cruel, oppresing & helish power, & dominion which hath bin, & stil is exercysed over man kynd, by such as hav, & stil do rûl over them in the spirit, and Power of the old serpent the devil, as the Nether mil-ston. And thos just & ry­teos Judgments, tribulation, & wrath, of God which hav seized on body soul, & spirit of every particular that hath don evil, as the upper milston. So that the Eden of God hath bin mâd as a desolat wildernes, the hous of liberty, & freedom, a hous of misery, thraldom & cruel bondag; the Tempel, and seat of God, the synagogu' of sathan; even the thron, and seat of the Man of sin siting in it as God; the hous of prayer, A den of murdering thievs & Robers, and the garden of the Lord a field of bloud, and murder.

But the voys is go [...] forth from the Lord God, whos vvords ar spirit, lyf, and Power for Mans return, and as Man-kynd coms to inclyn the ear, and heart, to hear, and obey the reproofs of instruction in the inward parts, which is the way of lyf, and door of Eternal salvation, the vois of this cursed mil shal ceas, and the nether ston ther of be cast into the bottom of the Sea never to arys mor, and the upper ston, in mercy and lov, by the Lord, be removed, and so the field of bloud, & cruelty [Page 80]shal be com the garden of the Lord, in which Man-kynd shal dwel, & walk, reconcyled unto God, & ôn to another unyted together in the everlasting bond, & Covenant of pur lyf, lov, Peas & Ryteosues, never mor to be forgoten, & the den of thievs, a Hous of Prayer to al Nations, & Generations: the Thrôn, & seat of the Man of sin, the Tempel, seat & Thrôn of the living, and pur God: the Hous of misery, thraldom, & bondag', the plâs of the glorios Manifestation, & injoyment of the glorios freedom, & liberty of the Son of God, & the desolat VVildernes, shal be­com the Eden of God.

Throuh al which Man-kynd hath, & yet mor perfectly shal, ex­periens the differens betwixt the cursed fruits of the ways of his own choys, and the sweet, plesant, & blesed fruits of abyding in that stât of pur Lyf, Lov, Peas, Ryteosnes, & Dominion over the works of Gods hands, in which he was plased befor the entrans of sin, & trans­gression, & to which Christ the Lyt, Wisdom, & Power of God in mâl & femâl is now redeeming & restoring Man-kynd again into.

VVherfor, o thou Leopold & thou o Póp of Róm, & al yee Kings, The Body arrained. Prinses, Rulers, & Governors, with al in Power under you of what degree rank, or order soever, whether Mi­litary, Civil, Spiritual, or Ecclesiastical (so caled) & al yee Peepel, hy & low rich, & poor, bond & free, smal & great, mál & femâl, even the whol body of thee O Christendom with al the Domi­nions, & Territorys to thee belonging, & every particular Person comprehended in them, who ar under the Command, Government & teachings of Man.

& sum­moned to Answer she charg. Stand up, & see what thou canst say forthy self, as to this charg of by cryms, great provocations, & bloudy abominations, which on the behalf of God, his crucifyed Son, his grieved Spirit, his mur­dered Saints, his burdened & cruelly oppresed Peepel, is now produ­sed against thee; For to the Bar, & great Tribunal, of the Living, Eternal, Ryteos, Just, Pur, & Powerful Lord God omnipotent; Who is a consuming fyr, & everlasting burnings to [Page 81]al the workers of iniquity, art thou now brouht; And strong is the Lord God who judgeth thee, his most Ryteos wrath plagu's, & ven­genas thou canst not escap, out of his hand non is abel to deliver ther.

If thou seekest to justify thy self, & plead not Guilty. Thou canst not ansvver ôn of a thousand: Thy abominable Exces, Pryd, Exces, Pryd, &c. Drun­kenens, Gluttony, & Ambition, testifyeth against thee to thy very sâs; In thes thou art seen, & known a far of, in the many varios, & vain fashi­ons of attyr, deked vvith costly, vain, Lyr, & needles, ornaments, vvith thy stout▪ & lofty looks, countenanses, speeches, deportments, & carriages.

Cruelty & Oppres­sion.If of cruelty & oppresion thou vvouldst clear thy self, even a numberles number of vvitneses bear testimony against thee, tovvit the Groans, ge­neral complaints, & crys of al sorts of Peepel, Nations, Tongu's, & Languages under t [...]y government, of the intolerabel burdens, and oppresions, through the Dragons', Beast's, & fals Profet's Povver in thee; By Taxes, Tyths, robing, spoyling, plundring, bereaving them of their outvvard, injoyments, fruits of their labors, & industry: The noys, & dayly ratteling of the Yron fetters of the Slavs, besyds the many dark hôls, & Cels, vvith the many Raks, & other cursed Instruments, of secret, & o­pen cruelty, torturings, & murder, as also the great, & grievos payns, wounds & torturings which thousands of innocent Persons, hav secret­ly, and openly sustained by them, at thy hands, in ages past unto this very day; As also the many Innocent, and harmles persons, who in this age hav and stil do ly insnared in Hôls, Prison houses, nasty & stinking plases, & dongeons, being mâd a spoyl, & a prey of, and non saith deliver.

If from Ydolatry, & fals VVorship thou wouldst offer any thing to clear thy self: Then sûrly the numberles number, of graven, & Molten-I­mages, Crucifixes and Picturs, in thy hy ways, markets, streets, courts of ju­dicatur, Ydol Tempels, dweling houses, Idolatry. and carryed about the bodys of thy inhabitants, myt mâk thee blush for shâm, and stop thy mouth, & for ever render thee speechles: Besyds the dayly bowing, cringing, kneeling and babling of thy Priests, & Peepel in an unknown tongu' befor them, & much môr myt be prodused.

Persecu­tion & bloud-shed of the In­nocent.If from the guilt of Innocent Bloud thou wouldst go about to wyp thy mouth or wash thy hands, then surly the records of the many dear Inno­cent & holy Servants of the Lord, Saints, Martyrs, & faithful witneses of Iesus, both mâl & femâl, who hav bin secretly & openly, murdered, by hanging, burning, and dyvers other Anti-christian, and cruel vvays put to deth in thee O Christendom, giv loud, and sufficient evidens against thee to stop thy mouth, & render thee speechles, against whom thou hadst nothing [Page 82]but as concerning the law of their God, som wherof being put to Doth not many Months sins by hanging, even in New England, which ar stil fresh in memory, even at the hands of such as not long sins, left their own natyy Cuntry, under a pretens to avoyd persecution from others, and injoy liberty of Consciens in matters of Religion & worship themselvs, which hath rendred their cruelty, and Murder, dôn upon my Brethren & Sister; thos innocent Servants of the Lord, much mòr grievos, impios, and abominabel, besvds their cruel, and Antichristian dealings with many Others, by fyns, cruel imprisonments, spoyling of goods, banishment, & cuting of ears.

Further mor if thy Heds & Rulers in the Military, civil, and Ecclesiastical Power (so caled) shal plead a Ryt in & over the nations, by Heyr ship, Succesion & antient prescription, and so go about to justify al their oppresions, wars, murder & wickednes, as being lawful to do what they wil with their own.

To it I answer, that al pleas of Ryt by Heyr ship, succesion, and antient prescription, which hav not their foundation in the Pur law of lyt & lyf, & sound reason which is of God, ar nul and voyd; That heirship, and succession vvhich is unsound, and rotten in the ground, and foun­dation, can never be màd sound & good by antient prescription; But on the contrary, it renders the heyrs and successors in such claims, by so much the môr deeply guilty, and lyabel to the greater and môr hevy Judgment, and condemnation. Novv it may, & Doth appear by re­cords of truth; That the ground & foundation of that Povver in vvhich yee stand as to Christendom vvas laid in deceit, The foun­dation of the present Civil and Ecclesiastical gover­ment, so ca [...]ed. unfaithfulnes, trechery, Murder and Apostacy (thô as to the antiquity of prescription it is of a larger extent then perhaps your selvs, may plead, or think Its original, root & spring being from that old Serpentyn Spirit, vvhich vvas a lyar, & a Murderer from the beginning of the World vvhich lyeth in vvicked­nes.) But your original Predecessor in that Povver & Spirit in vvhich yee stand as to Christendom (viz. Iulius Caesar) being intrusted as Captain General, or Commander in Chief of the Military forses, under the Roman Counsel, in vvhom the Povver vvas then resyding, did, vvith thos confederat vvith him, grasp the Military Power into his ovvn hand, & therwith wrested the Power of Government out of their hands & set up himself as Chief hed.

The guilt of Christs bloud lyeth Sins wich usurpation, Christ Iesus that innocent lamb of God was cruelly murdered, and crucifyed, without the gâts of Jerusalem, whos [Page 83]innocency was by Pylat three tymes acknowledged, upon the Gover­ment. openly befor the peepel who althô he washed his hands yet was not therby clear of the guilt of the Innocent bloud, of that just man being, by him sentensed & delivered to the Jews to be crucifyed who was a Roman Iudg, a member of that sâm body of Power in which yee stand, & what he did therin, he did it not as a particular person, but as a representer, & executioner of the Roman Power, so that the guilt of the Innocent bloud of that just man, stands not only chargabel on him, but on that Power of which he was a mem­ber, and vvhich he represented, and executed, of which spirit, and Power yee ar the Heyrs & successors; & Pylat in the inscription which he caused to be set over his hed, acknowledged him to be Iesus of nazareth King of the Iews, which inscription yee also caus to be put on the croses which yee s [...]t up as in Remembrans of him, and in words acknowledg him to be the son, & heyr of God, & of al things that ar of God, King of Kings, & Lord of Lords, entyteling your selvs to the Kingdoms, Domi­nions, and teritorys over which yee rûl, by the Grâs of God; They that ar, Kings by the grâs of God, must be children of God, born of him; & do his, not the Devils works. the fulnes wherof dwelt bodyly in Christ, caling your selvs Christian Emperors Kings, Prinses, & Rulers; and with joynt consent, acknowledg your several Kingdoms, Dominions and territorys to be altogether, Christendom, which Importeth no les, then that they ar Christs Kingdom, so that unles yee be in truth, what yee profes your selvs to be, to wit, children of God, Christian Emperors, Kings, Prinses, & Rulers, mad so by the grâs of God, which renders al who truly partak ther of, to be the children of God, and fellow heyrs with Christ, of al things; then by your own confes­sions yee ar but a company of usurpers, & oppressors, and hav no tru Ryt to exercys dominion over the nations in that spirit, & Power in which yee stand, and by which yee ar acted.

Now the scripturs of truth say, that he that is born of God doth not commit sin, and that herin ar the children of God, and of the Devil mâd manifest, & he that saith he abydeth in Christ ouht to walk even as he vvalked; the Iews of old said they vver the children of Abraham, but they being found in vvays of deceit, hypocrisy, Oppression, Idolatry, per­secution, and murdering the Innocent saints, and holy profets of the Lord, Christ told them they vver children of their father the Devil, being found doing his vvorks, so that if yee be found commiting of sin, and not vvalking as Christ vvalked, and guilty of thôs evil practises vvhich the Jevvs vver, then ar yee, not such as ar born of God, nor tru Christian Emperors, Kings, Prinses, and Rulers, by the grâs of God, but the chil­dren of that Father vvhos works yee do: and a company of usurpers such [Page 84]as hav no tru Ryt, to exercys Dominion over the nations: But that yee ar such, is playn, and evident in the precedent charg, evidensed by a cloud of witneses and therfor your claym of Ryt, by heir-ship, & pre­scription is rotten, nul, & voyd.

What it is to be Christs vicar.And for the Pôp to affirm himself to be Christs Vicar; it Implyeth no les then to represent his person, & in his spirit, and Power to do his work, now its recorded of Christ, that he was meek and lowly in heart, holy, harm­les, undesyled & seperat from sin, & siners in lyf, going up & down doing good reproving sin, teaching, and exhorting peepel to ways of mercy, truth ryteosnes, purity, meeknes, humility, and holynes; But that the Pop is found acted by a spirit and in a practis of dyrect antipathy against the Spirit of Christ and so is rendred to be the Antichrist, is playn, and evident in the precedent charg, evidensed by a cloud of witneses, and ther­for his pretens of being Christs vicar is fals, & voyd.

The Pop succedeth Peter, as Sin succceded innocency in order of tym; or as a thorn doth a vyn when it grows in the sam plas wher [...]ns a vyn did grow.And for the Pôp to say he is Peters Successor, Importeth no les then to re­present his person, & in his spirit & Power to do his work: Now Peter in his epistel, upon record saith thus, the elders which ar amongst you l exhort, who am also an elder, and a vvitnes of the suffering of Christ, a partaker of the glory that shal be revealed; feed the flok of God which is among you, taking the oversyt therof, not by con­straint but wilingly, nor for filthy luker but of a redy mynd, nether as being Lords over Gods heritag, but as being (good exampels to the flok, that when the great shepherd shal appear, yee may receiv a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

But that the Póp is found nether in that spirit or work in which Peter was, is playn, and evident in the precedent charg, evidensed by a cloud of witneses; and therfor his claym of being Peters successor is fals & voyd also.

And for the whol body of thy Ecclesiastical Power (so caled) with al the worshipers to them belonging, to affirm themselvs to be the tru church, and faithful spous of Christ; the holy church vvhich ons appeared, and vvas mâd manifest in, and throuh the saints vvhich dvvelt at Rôm, It importeth no les, then that they must be found holding the sâm pur my­stery of faith in a pur consciens, & be the caled, and sanctifyed of God according to his purpos, vvalking in the sâm holy fellovvship in the Spirit of truth, vvhich the saints of the church of Christ, vvhich in the Apostels days appeared in Rôm, held, & walked in.

But that thy Ecclesiastical body or clergy (so caled) with al the worshipers to them belonging ar corrupt in Doctrin, fellowship & conversation, and [Page 85]faln away, and apostatysed from that Pur Doctrin worship, fellowship, & holy conversation, with vvas held, & vvalked in by them, is Playn, & evident in the precedent charg, evidensedby a cloud of vvitneses, & therfor their claym of being the holy Church of Róm is fals, & voyd also.

So that upon the whol O Christendom, thou art found to be the hous­hold of an old thief, a cruel oppresing murderer, and a most filthy abominabel whor, standing naked in the syt of God, Angels, and Men, & found guilty of al thos great provocations, and bloudy abominations which in the precedent charg is prodused against thee.

Now therfor O thou Leopold, & thou O Póp of Rom, with al yee Kings, Prinses, Rulers, & Governors, & al in au­thority under you, of what degree, rank, or order soever whether Mi­litary, Civil, Spiritual or Ecclesiastical (so caled) & al Peepel both hy and low, rich and poor, bond and free, smal and great, mâl and femâl, even the whol body of thee O Christendom, with al the Do­minions, & Territorys to thee belonging, who ar under the Com­mand, Government, & teaching of Man

Givear, and hear, the most just, & ryteos, decree, & irrevocabel Sentens of the Lord God Omnipotent of Heven, & Erth, even the living God, & former of al things, against, and con­cerning thee.

The dredful, and most terribel Battel Ax, of the most just, Ryteos, Powerful Lord God of vengeans is now laid to thy Root, and that Power, and spirit by which thou art now acted and in vvhich thou now standest, vvil the Lord God, novv hew down, root up and utterly destroy, yea his most just, and Ryteos vvrath, plagu's, and vengeans, is even alredy bròk forth upon thee, and shal dayly mòr, and mòr ap­pear, & be revealed from heven against thee, even as pangs upon a tra­veling vvoman, from which thou canst, by no means escap.

Thô thy Potentats, Prinses, Rulers, & Peepel, hav, do, & shal set them selvs, and tak counsel against the Lord, and his anoynted, yet he that sits in heven now lafs them to scorn, yea the Lord hath them in derision, and he is now speaking to them (throuh his sanctifyed ôn's) in his wrath, & hath, & yet mor, & mor, wil, vex them in his sor displesur, his Yron rod is novv taking into his hand, vvith vvhich he hath begun & dayly mor, & mor [Page 86]dash the Nations to pieces as a poters vessel, in thee O Christendom, and they shal dayly môr and môr fal & be subdued under him, til al his e­nemys becom his foot-stool; The Rod of his strength is sent out of Syon, & he in mesur ruls, & dayly môr, & môr shal rul in the midst of his enemys in thee; At his ryt Hand he is now stryking throuh Kings, yea he is judging among the heathen in thee, & wounding the heds over dy­vers Cuntrys, & his hed is now lifting up, in, throuh, & over al his enemys in thee: The evening of that day, known to the Lord is now com, in which the lyt hath appeared, & the morning of that day is approach­ed, in which the just in mesur hath, & dayly môr, & môr shal, hav pur Dominion over al their enemys in thee: Deth is now feeding on thee, & thy beauty fading & withering away as the gras upon the hous top; And for as much as God hath caled, & thou hast not regarded, but set at nouht his Counsels & wouldst nôn of his reproof, he now lafs at thy de­struction, & moks at the fears which ar coming upon thee, on every hand, even as desolation, & thy destruction as a whirl-wind, and althô thou cryest yet wil he not hear, even to the Lord, yet vvil he not answer thee, becaust thou hast hated instruction & rejected his warning, and Counsels, throuh his Servants, & Messengers; Therfor shalt thou now eat the fruits of thy own doings, & be filed vvith the just revvard of thy own ways of vvickednes, the tokens of thy south sayers vvil he frustrat, & mâk thy Divyners or Spiritual Men mad.

Thy Sun, thy Moon & thy Stars, ar becom dark, the Keepers of thy hous begin to trembel, & thy strong Men to bow themselvs dredful fears ar coming on thee on every hand, becaus Man is now going to his long hôm, & the mourners begin to go about the streets, he is coming forth out of the wildernes with his beloved leaning on him, lyk Pillars of smoak, who looketh forth as the morning, and is terribel as an army with ban­ners, yea he is making hast as a Roe or yong hart upon the moun­tains of Bether, and wil now most assuredly eas himself of his adver­sarys, and aveng himself upon al his, and his dear, oppresed, des­pysed, and cruelly murdered Saints, and Peepels enemys, from the least to the greatest: Thy youths shal faint, and thy strong men shal utterly fal, yea even becom as Tow, and the maker of al as a spark in them, and they shal burn together, and non shalbe abel to quench them.

The Lyt of Israel is becom a fyr, & the holy on A flâm in thee, which [Page 87]shal not ceas burning til al the bryars and thorns in thee be utterly consumed, & burnt up; the loftynes of Man is now bowing down & the hauhtynes of man is the Lord now laying low: the day of the Lords just wrath and vengeans is now com, & shal be upon al the proud that ar lifted up, they shal be abased, and laid low even in the dust, and the Lord alôn (in his sanctifyed ôns) shal be exalted in, throuh, and over al in thee.

His and his dear despysed, & afflicted peepels enemys, in mesur hav, & dayly mor, and mor shal, run into hôls, and Cavs of the Erth for fear of the Lord, and becaus of the greatnes of his glory, pur Po­wer, & presens in his Peepel, who is how risen in them, & throuh them (in mesur hath) and dayly mor, and mor shal, shâk terribely the erth. The Rod is sprung forth out of the stem of Iesse, & with the sword of his mouth, is he smyting the erth, and with the breth of his lips slaying the wicked: the Lord hath raysed up ôn from the North, who from the rysing of the sun, hath cald upon his nâm, and he is com, & coming upon thy Prinses as upon mortar, and vvil tread them as the poter doth the clay in thee O Christendom.

And althô the Potentats, Kings, Prinses, Rulers, and Peepel, do associat themselvs together, yet they shal be kroken to pieces, thô they tâk crafty counsel, & speak the word, yet it shal not stand, but be utterly frustrat, & com to nauht, for the Lord God ommipent is in, & with his heritag, who âr now becom a holy Tempel, and dweling plâs for the Lord God of Jacob, even apur tabernakel for the sun of ryteosnes, vvho is novv risen in them, rejoycing as a strong man to run his râs, his glorios beams of pur, and eternal lyt, break forth over the tops of the mountains, vvhich novv begin to smoak, he is looking from the top of Amana, and from the top of shynar, & Hermon, even from the lyons dens, and mountains of the leopards, he hath caled his myty: ôns for his anger, even them that rejoys in his hynes.

The bauner of the Lord is now lifted up against spiritual Babylon in thee O Christendom: the noys of a multitud is now breaking forth even a tumultuos noys of Kingdoms & nations gathering together! The Lord of hosts is mustering his hosts for the battel, they com from the end of heven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation to destroy the whol land, to wit, that Power, and spirit in vvhich thy Potentats, Kings, Prinses, Rulers, VVariors, Teachers, and Peepel now stand, and by which they ar now acted, He that is Red in his apparel is now com forth, & shal dayly mor, and mòr appear in dyed garments, traveling in the [Page 88]greatnes of his myt, who speaks in Ryteosnes, myty to sav, and to destroy, the day of vengeans is in his heart, and he wil tread the VVynpres of his fiers wrath in thee, even tread down thy Peepel in his fury, & trampel upon them in his anger, and stain al his rayment, yea mâk them drunk in his fury & bring down thy strength to the ground, O Christendom.

His sword is in mesur drawn, & furbished for the slauhter he wil even bath his two edged sword in heven, in thee, & thou that hast spoyled must now be spoyled, the Lord with his great & long sword (in mesur hath) & dayly mòr, & mòr shal piers Levyathan that piersing crooked Serpent & slay the dragon in thy sea he is novv declaring, & publishing among the nations: the standard is up, and spiritual Babylon in thee, shal be confounded, & utter­ly destroyed, and her Images, & ydols broken to pieces; for out of the North ther cometh a nation against her, vvho (in mesur alredy hath) and dayly mòr & mòr shal, màk her land desolat, he is causing to com up an assembly from the North cuntrry, vvho (in mesur alredy hath) & dayly mòr, and mor shal, set themselvs in battel array against her, and from thens shal shee be utterly destroyed, not by myt or power of the arm of flesh, but by my spirit, even the sword of my mouth saith the Lord God; their arrows ar as of a myty expert man, nòn shal return in vain, a sound of battel is in thy land, and of great destructions: the hammer of the whol Erth in thee, shal be cut, and broken to pieces, & spiritual Ba­bylon in thee, shal be an utter desolation among the nations, thy yong men shal fal by the sword in battel; and thy myty men of war be cut of, the most proud shal utterly fal, & non shal be abel to rays him up, yea a fyr is (in mesur) Kindled in thy citys, which shal devour round about, the sword of the Lord is drawing upon thy inhabitants, upon thy Po­tentats, upon thy wys men, thy lying Profets, & fals teachers & they shal doat: upon thy horses, & upon thy chariots, & they shal fal & be broken to pieces; upon al thy mingled peepel, & they shal becom as VVomen; upon thy tresurs, & they shal be Robed: even a drouth upon thy waters, and they shal be dryed up; for thy land is a Land of graven images, & they ar mad upon their Ydols.

A peepel ar and shal dayly mor, and mor appear coming up from the North agreat nation, & many Kings shal be raysed up from the East, and coasts of the earth, cruelly their voys shal roar as the sea, and shal set themselvs in array against thee, Round about, and the hands of thy Po­tentats, Kings, Prinses, Rulers, & Peepel, shal wax feebel, sorrovv shal dayly mor, and mortak hold, on them, as Pangs upon a traveling woman, This is the decree, & irrevocabel sentens of the Lord against spiritual Babylon in thee O Christendom.

[Page 89]The Lords faners ar com, and coming upon thee, who shal fan, and emty thy land, & shal not spâr thy Yong nien, but utterly destroy al thy host, the slayn shal fal in thy land & they that ar thrust throuh in thy streets: his Arrows ar making bryt, the Lord is raising up the Spirit of the Kings of the East, for his decree is against spiritual babylon in thee, utterly to destroy it: now is the day of the Lords most ryteos vengeans, even the vengeans of his Tempel, O thou that dwelest upon many vvaters abundant in tresur thy end is com; and shal dayly mor and mor appear, I wil fil thee with men as vvith caterpilars, and they shal lift up A shout against thee, saith the Lord of hosts; who hath mâd the erth by his Power, and established the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heven by his understanding, who is the Portion of Jacob, & former of al things the Lord of hosts is his nâm, and his own pur seed Immortal is the tru Israel, even his Battel Ax and weapons of war, with which he (in mesur alredy) hath) and Dayly mor, and mor shal break in sunder the Nations, and destroy Kingdoms, and render to spiritual Babylon al the evil which they hav don in Syon: even in your syt saith the Lord God: I am against thee o destroying mountain, & wil stretch forth my hand upon thee, and rowl thee down from the roks, and màk thee a burnt mountain, the trumpet is blown, and blowing amongst the nations, and they ar pre­paring against thee, the Kings of the east, the Captains, and Rulers of the land of his Dominion, and thy land O Christendom shal greatly trembel, for every purpos against spiritual Babylon in thee shal be per­formed, to màk her an utter desolation; Thy myty men shal fal, & becom as women, they shal burn thy dweling plases, and break al thy bars; ôn post shal run to meet another, to shew to the King of spiritual Babylon, that his city is taken ar ôn end therof, which is wel ny alredy accomplished (mark that) for the Passages begin to be stoped, & the Reeds ar in mesur, burnt, & the Men of War ar affryted; and yet a very littel whyl, and the tym of her harvest, & threshing shal com, saith the Lord of hosts, who alredy (in mesur) hath & dayly mor and mor shal, Plead the caus of his Peepel with thee, & dry up thy sea yea even màk dry thy springs, thy inhabitants shal roar lyk bears, & yel, lyk lyons whelps, and becom drunk, and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not awàk any mor saith the Lord; who vvil execut judgment upon thy graven images, and the slain shal fal in the midst of thee, for spoylers ar com, & coming upon her from the north, saith the Lord, and as spiri­tual [Page 90]Babylon hath caused the slayn of Gods seed to fal, so at Babylon shal fal the slayn of al the Erth: Thy Broad wals shal be utterly broken, and thy hy gats burnt, & thy wariors shal contend in vain & labor in the fyr, and I wil màk drunk thy Potentats, Prinses, wys men, Cap­tains, Rulers, and myty men, and they shal sleep a perpetual sleep, and not awàk any mor saith the Lord God. The ston is cut out of the mountain without hands, and (in mesur) hath and dayly mor, and mor shal smyt thee, and break thee to Pieces, even thy military, Civil, & Ecclesiastical Power (so caled,) which ar the feet, and toes of that imag, with Nebuchadnezar savv, and the Yron, the Clay, the Bras, the Silver, and the Gold in thee, shal be broken to pieces, and becom as the chaf of the summer threshing floor, and the fiers wynd of the Ryteos vvrath of God shal carry them avvay, and their plas shal no mor be found; and the ston is novv (in mesur) becom A mountain, even the mountain of the hous of the Lord, vvhich shal be exalted on the top of al mountains, and shal dayly, and gradually, mor, and mor grovv til it fil the vvhol Erth: novv is the God of heven seting up a Kingdom, that shal never be destroyed nether shal it be left uuto another peepel, but it shal break in Pieces, and consum al Kingdoms in thee: Thrôns ar novv casting dovvn, and the Antient of days is novv siting, vvhos thrôn is lyk a fyery flâm, and his vvheels as burning fyr, a fyery stream Issueth forth befor him & ten thousand tyms ten thousand Minister unto him, the Judgment is set, the books ar in mesur opened, and dayly open­ing: the beast is now slaying, and his body giving to the burning flam; The littel horn that subdued three Kingdoms, whos look was mor stout then his fellows his Power is taken from him, and the tym is now com, and shal dayly mor, & mor appear, that the Kingdom, Dominion and greatnes of the Kingdom under the whol hevens, shal dayly mor, and mor be given unto the Peepel of the Saints of the most hy, whos Kingdom, is an everlasting Kingdom, and al Dominions shal serv & obey him; Troubelsom tydings Out of the From the Fast out­ward ar­mys with outward Weapons of cruelty, & from the North the spiritu­al Battel Ax from wheas Ba­bylon shal be utterly destroyd, not by myt but by the sword of the spirit or word of his mouto North & East ar now seizing on thee, the Lord wil gather thy nations together, and bring them down to the vally, and vvil plead with them ther, for his Peepel and for his heritag, whom they hav scattered and cruelly delt with, spoyled and murdered in thee o Christendom: he is preparing war, and wakening up the myty, drawing them near to com up, & beat their plow shars into swords, and their pruning hooks into spears, and they shal awak & com up to the vally, for ther wil the Lord sit to Judg al the Heth­en in thee round about. The harvest is even ryp, the si [...]kel is puting in [Page 91]the pres is filing, and the fats shal over flow, for wickednes is Exceed­ing great in thee; multituds, multituds is the Lord gathering into the val­ly of decision: The great and notabel day of the Lord is now appearing he is now roaring out of Syon, and uttering forth his voys, his terribel voys from his Holy habitation and the erth in thee shal terribely shàk, & trembel, for the Lord is becom the hôp of his Peepel who hav a strong city to which God hath appoynted salvation for wals, and bulwarks.

But as for thee, the pryd of thy heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwelest in the clefts of the roks, and sayest in thy heart who shal bring me down; Thô thou hast exalted thy self as the eagel, & set thy nest among the stars, yet from thens wil I bring thee down saith the Lord God ommipotent.

Wherfor hear O yee mountains, & giv ear yee strong founda­tions of the Erth in thee O Christendom; for the Lord hath a contro­versy with you, he is drawing neer to plead the caus of his crucifyed [...]on, his cruelly tortured, and murdered saints, his greatly burdened spoyled, and oppresed Peepel in thee. VVo, VVo, VVo, to the bloudy city that is ful of lys, & robbery, the noys of the whip, & the noys of the rateling of the wheels & the cransing of the horser is coming on thee, the hors man draweth near to lift up the bryt sword & the glittering spear, and a multitud of carkases shal fal, and they shal stumbel upon the corps becaus of the multitud of the whordoms of the great skarlet whor, the mother of harlots, and mistris of witch­crafts that hath sold the nations throuh her crafts; behold I am against thee saith the Lord of hosts, and wil discover thy skirts upon thy fâs, & shew the nations thy nakednes, and Kingdoms thy shàm, & cast a­bominabel filth upon thee, & màk thee vyl, yea even set thee for a gaz­ing stok; al thy strong holds shal be as figtrees with the first Ryp figs, which when they ar shaken, shal fal into the mouth of the eater: thô thou provyd for the sieg, and fortify thy strong holds, and garrisons, yet a fyr shal devour thee, the sword shal cut thee of, and eat up thy flesh lyk fyr, thou hast multiplyd thy marchants abov the stars of he­ven, thy shepherds stumber, thy Potentats, Kings, Prinses, Ru­lers, & Counselers dwel in the dust, & thy Peepel ar as a flok [Page 92]scattered upon the barren mountains, ther is no healing of thy breach, thy wound is incurabel, such as hear the report of thee, shal clap their hands, for upon whom hast thou not caused thy filth, & abominabel wickednes to pas continually.

The vision that was for an appointed tym is now speaking, thô it hath tarryed long, yet it is now surly com: they shal suddenly awak that shal byt thee, & arys that shal vex thee, & thou shalt be for a booty unto them, becaus of innocent bloud, & for the spoyl, & vyo­lens found in thee, thou shalt be filed with shâm for glory, the cup of the Lords Ryteos indignation is now handing forth unto thee, sham­ful spewing shalbe on al thy glory, thy graven Images shal not profit thee, for the Lord is in his Holy Tempel, & al the Erth shalbe put to sylens befor him, [...]he is now drawing near to dryv in sunder the Na­tions & to scatter the hy & lofty mountains, yea al the hils shal bow befor him whos way is everlasting. Affliction, & dredful trembling is now seizing on thee, for the Lord is near to march throuh thy Land in great, & dredful indignation, yea he is going forth for the salvation of his peepel, even for the salvation of his anoynted, & wil wound the heads of the hous of wickednes in thee O Christendom, & discover & overturn the foundations of them, & scatter the wicked as with a Whirlwynd, whos rejoysing hath bin to oppres spoyl, & murder the Poor, Needy, & Innocent, yea he wil march throuh thy Sea, and trampel upon the heaps of thy great Waters. The Day is now com, that he is risen to the prey, for his determination is to gather together the Nations, & to assembel the Kingdoms in thee, to pour on them his most ryteos vengeans & indignation, even al his fiers wrath & Anger, & the Erth shalbe devoured with the fyr of his Jelofy.

But the Peepel of pur Languag shal cal upon his Nâm, & get them a prays, & a goodsavor & fâm in every Land, & my Peepel shal never he ashamed, saith the Lord God, who is now shaking the Hevens & the Erth, & overtu [...]ning the Thrôns of Kingdoms, & th [...]y shalbe brouht down by the sword, & utterly broken to pieces; The great Mountain in thee shalbe com a plain befor him: The flying rowl is seen which contains the terribel curs, which is now going forth [Page 93]over the fâs of the whol Erth, & every ón that stealeth, & sweareth shalbe cut of according to it; The Lord hath brouth it forth, & it is entering into the hous of the thief, & of him that sweareth falsly by my Nâm, saith the Lord, which fals swearing hath bin the practis of thy Potentats, Kings, Prinses Rulers, & Magistrats at their Coronati­ons, or Instalments (so caled) into their Governments, as also other in­ferior Officers, Jurors, & Evidenses in thy Courts, which ouht to hav bin Courts of trû Judgment & Justis, becaus of which oaths thy Land shal mourn.

The Holy City which is free (& the Mother of al the Children of tru freedom) is in mesur descended from God out of Heven, & shal dayly mor, & mor appear, whos wals, & Bulwarks ar salvation, & the gats therof Prays, & is now in mesur, becom a Burdensom stôn to al Nations, & al vvho burden themselvs vvith her, shalbe broken to pieces, yea she is becom as an herth of fyr among dry vvood & as a Flaming Torch in the midst of a sheaf of dryed stravv, or stubbel, vvhich shal devour the vvicked in thee round about: The lofty City he is bringing dovvn, & lay­ing it lovv, even vvith the ground, the foot is treading it dovvn, even the feet of the poor, & the steps of the needy: The wynd, is goten into the two womens wings, bearing up the Epha, vvherin the vvo­man vvhich is vvickednes (even the man of sin) siteth, vvhich must novv be born into the land of shynar, and be sit, and established upon her own Basis, (in which land was the building of Bâbel, & the begining of Nimrods Kingdom that myty hunter befor the Lord) to wit, the lâk or bottomles pit in every Particular, mal & femal & eternal Judgment ther plased on the hed of the transgresing Power in the in ward parts, which is the ground out of which it sprang, even the Topht prepared for the King, and every subject, in the Kingdom, Spirit and Power of darknes; Dives the Rich man, that hath bin cloathed in purpel & skarlet, & fared delitiosly every day, born after the flesh, that hath bin cruel, and mercy­les, Persecuting him that is born after the Spirit, most now go to his Plâs, of torment, & not hav ón drop of water to cool his tongu' and Lazarus the man of sorrovvs, must novv be carryed into Abrahams Bo­som: an eternal seperation must novv be mad, betvvixt the tvvo seeds, & an irremovabel, & Impassabel Gulf fixed betwixt them both, the man of sin & the Man of sorrows, & he seed of ech of them, must now be put ech in to their proper plâs, and in the injoyment of that which is the [Page 94]proper dû, & Ryt of ech of them, by the just and Ryteos Lord God omnipotent, and therin abyd forever, who to, and in the on, and the seed therof wil be a lâk of utter darknes, wher shal be weeping, & gnath­ing of teeth for ever, The deth of deth, what. a Never dying worm, and fyr that shal never be quenched, and the breth of the Lord vvhich hath (in mesur) Kind­led it, shal, as an inexhaustibel River of brimston, keep it burning in the inward parts, in every Particular, which is the deth of deth, the hel of hel, & the grav of the grav, but to, and in the other, and the seed therof, the Eternal pur Power wil be a pur, endles, and never fading Kingdom of lyf, lov, peas, comfort, Ryteosnes and joy, unspeakabel, and ful of glory, vvhich is the heven of hevens, vvhich conteins not him vvho is the eternal, Incompehensibel father and fountain of pur lyf and fulnes, vvho is in, throuh, and over al.

The Lord is now com into his Tempel, even the messenger of the co­venant, in whom his sanctifyed ôns delyt; behold he is even now com, & shal dayly mor, and mor appear, but who may abyd the day of his coming, or be abel to stand in his now appearing, surly only such as can dwel with the devouring fyr, & with the everlasting burnings, he is even com near to thee to judgment, & is becom (in his sanctifyed on's) a swift, & faithful vvitnes, against the sorcerer the adulterer, & fals swearer, and the oppreser of the Fatherles, & widdow, that turns asyd the stranger from his Ryt, even the tru heyr of al vvho hath bin long as a stranger in the Erth, vvho is the sâm as in the begining, & changeth not, and therfor yee sons of Jacob ar not consumed, yea the day that burneth as an oven is novv com, & the Proud yea al that do vvickedly in thee, ar becom as dryed stubbel fited for the fyr, & the day that is now com (in mesur al­redy) hath and dayly mor, & mor shal burn them up, & consum them, even Root & Branch, saith the Lord God of truth; his fan is in his hand, & he is Purging his own floor & gathering the wheat into his garner, but wil burn up the chaf, straw, and stubbel with unquenchabel fyr, & with such Judgment as the dragon, beast, & fals Profet in thee, hav judged, they must now be judged, & such mesur as they hav met, must now be mesured to them again, the King of glory is now com to cal al his stew­ards and servants to account both great & smal in thee, and such as hav bin without compassion to their fellow servants, taking them by the throat, suing them, & casting them into prison, about dets, & Carnal things, wil he novv deliver to the tormenter, til themselvs hav payd the uttermost farthing, and such as in the absens of the Lord & tru mast­er of al, hav bin found beating & abusing thir fellow servants, even [Page 95]cruely oppresing, & murdering the innocent, vvil he novv cut in sunder, and giv them their Portion with Hypocryts in the làk, even in utter dark­nes, wher is weeping, vvayling and gnashing of teeth for ever; and al the Ydel, & slothful servants, vvho hav hid the Lords mony in them, as in the Erth, and not improved it, vvil he novv bynd, hand and foot, and cast into utter darknes, vvher their worm dyeth not, and their fyr is not quenched, and al the foolish virgins which ar found fluin bering, and runing to the buyers, & selers to get oyl, shal be shut out from the brydgrooms presens, and althô both buyers, & selers may Plead, that they hav Prophesyed in his nam, cast out devils, ear bred, and drank Wyn in his presens, & that he hath tauht in their streets, saying Lord, Lord, yet must they novv receiv this ansvver from him that is with in them, depart yee Workers of iniquity, I know you not: And such as hav bin at work in the vynyard from the first hour of the day, as shalbe found with an evil ey, murmuring against the good man of the hous becaus of his goodnes to others who com in as it wer at the last hour of the day, shalbe reptoved & sent away with their own, and the last shal be first, and the first last, for thô many be caled, yet but fevv ar chosen.

The sun of ryteosnes is now com and coming in his glory with his Holy Angels, and shal dayly mor and mor appear, and is now upon his thron, and befor him is he gathering al nations, yea as a shepherd is he now divyding, and making a seperation, betwixt the sheep and the goats, and al who hav not fed, clothed, risited, pityed, and refreshed him in his despysed, oppresed, spoyled, robed, Imprisoned, Cruely Murdered, & massacred Innocent, harmles, littel on's; must now, and dayly mor & mor shal receiv this sentens depart from me yee cursed into everlasting fyr prepared for the Devil, and his angels; And if such who hav not sed him in them (to wit, his peepel) when hungry, nor gav them drink when thirsty, nor clothed them when naked, and as strangers, nor visited them when sik, and in prison, must receiv such a dredful sen­tens, o then vvhat must be the portion, and sentens of such (in thee o Christendom) vvho hav spoyled them of their outvvard injoyments, oppresed their familys, cast their bodys into prisons, nasty filthy, and dirty hôls, & dungeons, cruelly using, and torturing them, by wraks & other cruel torturing instruments, secretly & openly murdering and shed­ing their dear, and pretios blood; For al vvhich vvith a numberles number of other hy cryms and abomnations which hav bin & stil ar commited in thee o Christendom, their most tender father even the the Lord God omnipotent is now com and entering into Judgment [Page 96]with thee, and caling thee to an account, & vvrath & vengeans to the uttermost, even the bottom, and dregs of the cup of his most just vvrath, dredful indignation, Plagu's, & vengeans is novv seizing upon al the workers of iniquity both great, and smal in thee; the Reapers ar now gathering the târs, and bynding them in bundels for the fyr. The sain Iesus vvho vvas received by a cloud up into heven out of the syt of his discipels is now com, and coming in the clouds of heven, in his holy ôns, vvhom every ey (in mesur) doth, and dayly mor, and mor shal see, yea even they vvho hav, and stil do piers him in themselvs, and in his dear tender innocent saints & holy ôn's, and al the tongu's, and Kindreds of the Erth shal dayly môr, and môr mourn becaus of him, & he vvil novv render to every ón, great & smal, hy and lovv, rich & poor, bond and free, màl & femal, according to their vvorks vvithout respect of persons, to them vvho ar contentios, and obey not the mo­tions of the lyt and spirit of gràs in them, but obey unryteosnes, indig­nation, wrath and tribulation on every soul of Man-kynd that doth evil, the wrath of God is novv revealed and revealing from heven (in and throuh his Peepel) against al unryteosnes of men: the Lord even the Lord himself is novv descended from heven vvith a shout, the voys of the-arch angel is heard, the trumpet of God is sounded, and sounding, and the ded in Christ ar in mesur risen, & shal dayly mor, and mor arys, in, throuh, and over al, yea he is even com & coming as a thief in the nyt, and althô Peas, Settelmen, and sàfty hath bin looked for, and ex­pected, yet even novv, sudden and unvoydabel destruction is com and coming over al the workers of Iniquity, as travel upon a woman with chyld and they cannot escap. The Lord Jesus Christ the great shepherd, & Bishop of the soul is com, and coming, & into him must the gathering of the Peepel be: The Man of sin is now revealed, & revealing even the Son of perdition, & he that hath, doth, and yet for avery littel season wil let, is (in mesur alredy) & dayly mor, and mor shal be taken out of the way, even that cursed spirit, and Power, the seed of the old Serpent, which in thee O Christendom hath taken rooting, and grown up into a mystery of iniquity, even a strong man of sin armed with the dragons, or military Power, in thy wariors, Rulers, teachers & Peepel, which hath rendred thee to be the Dragon, Beast, fals Profet, great whor and mother of harlots, and abominations of the Erth, and thy Peepel to be the waters on which the whor sits, and the sea out of which the beast aros, according as it was revealed, & declared in & by Iohn the servant of the Lord, recorded in the book of his Prophesy, vvhich spirit, Power, my­stery [Page 97]of iniquity, and Man of Sin, the Lord (in mesur alredy) hath & dayly now, mor and mor shal, consum with the spirit of his mouth, & by the brytnes of his coming in his peepel utterly destroy: The Pro­phesy of Enoch the seventh from Adam is now (in mesur) fulfiled, and dayyl mor, and mor fulfiling, for behold the Lord, is now (in mesur) com, & shal dayly mor, and mor appear in ten thousands of his saints, & (in mesur) alredy hath, and dayly mor, and mor shal execut Judg­ment upon al, and convins al, of al their ungodly deeds which they hav commited, & of al the hard speeches, cruel dealings, & unmerciful, & bloudy, Kilings, & murderings, which ungodly siners hav spoken, and don against, and upon him, spiritually in his holy, innocent, and harmles Peepel, who ar the spiritual body, vvherof he in them is the hed even the tru imag, glory, and fulnes of him, who created, fileth, and upholdeth al things, visibel, & invisibel, by the eternal word of his Pûr Power, vvho vvas befor al things, and is, and is to com the Alpha & O Mega, the beginining & the end of al the works of God, the first, & the last, even the lyon of the tryb of Iuda, the root & offpring of David, that hath the seven spirits of God, the key of David, and of the bottomles Pit also, that openeth so as non can shut, and shuteth so as non can open, the lamb standing in the midst of the Thrôn & of the four beasts, & elders, as slain, who hath prevailed to open the book, sealéd with seven seals, & hath taken the book out of the Ryt hand of him that siteth on the thron, & hath opene wel ny al the seals in their order, which neither the learned or unlearned in thy hevens, nor in thy Erth, nor under thy Erth o Christendom, wer abel, or found worthy to open, loos, or look ther on, four of which seals comprehend the appearans of that lamb of God manifest in the flesh, conceived, & born of the virgin Mary, throuh the oversha [...]owing of the Pur Power & spirit from on hy, who in his holy, harmles, undefyled, innocent, & Pur conversation, as on a whyt hors, went forth conquering, and to conquer, and the taking plas of the seed of the Serpent, that cursed spirit of apostacy, and faling away, with its growth and fulnes, in the Dragon's, Beast's, & fals Prophets Power & spirit in thee O Christendom, til he becam the lamb spiritualy slain in thee, vvho art novv becom spiritual Sodom, and Egypt, signifyed, by the Red, Blak, & Pâl horses: And the three last Seals, Trumpets, & Vyals, comprehend his second appearans in his Peepel vvithout sin unto salvation, & in & throuh the britnes of his coming in them, revealing, consuming, & utterly destroying the Man of sin, & bringing in, & establish­ing his ovvn Eternal pur, lyf, & everlasting ryteosnes in Man kynd, [Page 98]& them in it, which is the spiritual body, which with the whol creation is God manifest in the flesh, the visibel or sensibel part wherof, to wit, of the whol creation, is the natural body of the Lord, the Body of Christ, the flesh wherof is given for the lyf of the world, which al who truly discern, eat, & drink therof in remembrans of him, abyding in that which giveth, & pre­serveth in, the tru discerning, but such as go from that, eat & drink therof in their own time & wils to the satisfaction of the Carnal & Inordinat de­syrs of the flesh, & the mynd, & heerby weaknes, siknes, & deth taketh hold on many, to the grieving wounding, & som tyms to the destruction of their beings both in the natural & Spiritual body, so that to & in such, the tabel of the Lord becoms, a snár, a gin, & a trap, not eating & drinking in remembrans of Christ, not the Communion of the body & bloud of the Lord; not the bred & cup of blesing; but a curs, even the tabel of divels, not the chearing, & refreshing of God, & man, but the norishing of the Brambel natur, whos natur & work is to consum devour▪ & destroy: its the poor & needy, the hungry & thirsty soul, which the Lord fils, & satisfyeth with good things, even with his blesing, both to the outward, & Inward man, but the Rich & the ful, he sendeth emty away, even with a curs.

And althô the Kingdom, the Power of God, hath, and stil doth suffer vyolens, both in the natural, and spiritual body, yet so it ouht not to be, but al both in the natural, and Spiritual body, ouht to be subject to the motions of the eternal quickening Power, to rest, and may in it, in al things, without offering fors or vyolens therunto; which is Christ, the Lord that quikening Spirit in mâl, and femal, not only in man­kynd but to & in every cretur, & therfor the charg was, & stil is unto the dauhters of Jerusalem, that they stir not up or awak the beloved til he pleas, which is the dayly Cros of Christ to the carnal mynd, but the lyt, sweet, Plesant, and easy yaok and burden of Christ to the spiritual mynd, in which tru pur rest, & peas to the soul, is eternaly to be found, & as in the free pur motion of his eternal pur Power, al coms to dwel, and abyd, so the Pur peasabel, & Plesant fruits of ryteosnes, & holynes coms to be brouht forth in their proper tym, & season, & in their pur luster glory, & Beauty, & the wonderful, & mysterios ways of the serpent on the rok, the eagel in the ayr, & the ship in the midst of the sea and the way of the man with the maid, (to wit the mysterys both of iniquity & godlynes) coms to be truly known and comprehended, and the creation con forted, as concerning that misery, toyl, and curs, under with it groans in the general, & in the particular, by reason of the ground which the Lord hath cursed: And the woman saved in chyld-bearning, both má;l, & femal; The spous [Page 99]the bryd, the tambs wyf, the Kings dauhter, who is al glorios within, with whos Pur beauty, and comlynes, the Kings heart is ravished, & he held in the gallery who is greater then Solomon, yea her feet ar beautiful with shoe, which he is now casting over Edom the strong city, which is Efau, in which the VVolf shal dwel with the lamb, & the Leopard ly down with the kid (among the goats) they shal not hurt or destroy in al my holy mountain saith the Lord, wherfor arys my lov, my fayr ôn, and com away, the winter as to thee is neerhand past, the stormy Rayn, and showers neer hand over, and gon, the sweet smeling, tender flowers appear in, throuh, & abov the Erth, the tym of the singing of the birds is in mesur com, the voys of the turtel is heard in our Land, the figtree put­eth forth her green figs, and the vyns with the dear tender grâps, giy a goodly smel wherfor arys my lov, my fayr ô, and com away.

In that Spirit which offereth fors or vyolens to the Power of God, is the Barren womb that never saith it is enuf, the adulterer, and the Adulteres, which hunts for the pretios lyf, even the Spirit of sorcery and witch­craft, Balaams Spirit, the witch of Endor which Israel ouht not to suffer to liv: I speak not of destroying the lyf of the eretur, but that astop & deth may be brouht over that Spirit in Mál [...] and femâl, which offereth fors, and vyclens to the Power of God, in this is the Spirit of Saul, that is not wiling to wait the Lords leisur, which at both ôn in the ground; as wel that which is not wiling to wayt, as that which offereth fors and vyolens to get an answer, for rebelion is as the sin of witch­craft in this also is the ground of the fals, and lying Spirit of Pro­phesy, who fayling in their work of offering fors and vyolens to the Power of God, run in ther own wils, uttering forth the devinations and Imaginations, of their own brains, as also that Spirit, which runeth forth hastily, & rashly to Iudg, & censur others, vvhos vvords or vvorks may possibly be brouht forth in the motion of the Power of God, thô throuh much weaknes, such do not only offer fors, & vyolens to the Power of God in themselvs, but griev, oppres, & quench it in others, & hens it coms to pa [...] somtyms, that the bruised Reed is broken, and the smoking Flax quenched, and the Appel of Gods Ey touched, and the littel ôn offended: And from this root springeth the fearful, & unbeleeving Spirk also, which is fearful & unwiling to mov or go, when the tru Powertroly movs, and draws, which ar al to be shut out of the Holy City among the Dogs: Which offering fors or vyolens to the Power of God in mâl or fen âl, is the reaching forth the hand to lay hold on and eat of the forbiden tree, and fruit therof, by which fin, and transgres­sion [Page 100]entered, and entereth. The door or way by which al the wo's, mi­serys, plagu's, madnes, folly, & curses, not only on Man-kynd, but on the whol body of the creation, past, present and to com, entered, and entereth.

And he hath in mesur opened, sounded, and poured forth the sixth seal, trumpet, and vyal, & the effects therof hav, do, and shal dayly mor, and mor appear; the great Erthquak is in mesur com, & day­ly mor, & mor coming ôn thee O Christandom: Thy sun is becom blak & dark and thy Moon alredy hath, and dayly mor and mor shal be com bloud: Thy stars in the sur do and dayly mor and mor shal fal to the erth: Thy hevens ar in mesur departed, and shal dayly mor and mor depart as ascroul: The Mountains, and yls in thee, ar in Mesur removed, and shal dayly mor, and mor be removed out of their plases til al becom a dlayn: Thy Kings, great on's, Rich men, chief captains & myty men, & every bond man, and every free man, shal say to the Roks, and mountains fal on us and hid us from the presens of him that siteth on the thrôn, & from the wrath of the lamb, for the great day of his vvrath is com, & non shal be abel to stand, the first wo is past, the waters of the great River Euphrates ar dryed up, and the way of the Kings of the east, perpared: The dov, (in mesur) hath found rest for the soal of her foot, and is re­turned with an Oliv branch in her mouth: The four Angels bound in the great River Euphrates, ar neer hand loosing which ar prepared for an hour a day, a month and a year, to slay the third part of men. The Spirit of lyf from God is entered into the slayn witneses, and they ar in me­sur standing on their own feet in England, Scotland, and Yrland, & the dominions, and territorys therunto belonging, and great fear hath seized, & is seizing on them that see them, and they ar as­cending up to heven in a Cloud, in the syt of their enemys which witneses ar ôn in Christ, who, not only in his own holy, pur, undefyled & spotles conversation, good works, mirakels and preaching bôr testimony to the truth, and against the wickednes of that generation, witnesing a good confesion befor Pontius Pylat, sealing, and finishing the sam, with laying down his own Pretios lyf & bloud upon a cros without the gats of Ierusalem, in that body in which he then appeared; but hath don & suffe­red the sam, bearing the sam witnes, in & throuh his holy, harmles, Inno­cent, and faithful Peepel, even al this tym of the trampeling the holy city under foot, unto this very day▪ which is neer hand fully ended, and accomplished, in vvhom ar comprehended the three that bear vvitnes in heren, and on Erth, vvhich àr òn: & agree inòn, tovvit the [Page 101] gift of God the Father unto man, its purging, clensing, and sanctifying vertu in man; and the blesed, holy, & Pur operations and fruits therof in & throuh man, in an upryt, holy, harmles, Innocent, and godly conversa­tion; & in the Patient, constant, faithful, & lamb lyk sufferings, vvhich ar the spirit water, & bloud of the lamb, vvith vvhich they over com, and stand in Pur Dominion over al their enemys, both in them, and vvith­out them: the great Erth quak ther, (to wit in England, Scotland, & Yrland) is wel ny over, & the tenth Part of the city neer hand fallen, & the seven thousand men of Nàm, Rul, & authority in the Dragons Beasts, & fals profets spirit & Power neer hand slayn in the Erth quak, and that which Remains to be don, and fulfiled, on the Dragon's Beast's & fals Proset's Power & spirit, and on the great sea out of which the Beast aros, & the many waters on which the skarlet whor sits, is now in hand, and shal dayly mor and mor be carryed on til it be finished, fully don and accomplished.

The Battel of the great day of God almyty is in mesur com, & shal dayly mor, and mor appear, he is even com, and coming as a thief in the Nyht, & blesed is he that watcheth, he is gathering them together for the Battel, the Kingdom of the great skarlet coulored beast in thee o Chri­stendom, whos present chief hed art thou O Leopold, is now weihed, numbered, & found to lyt, & 666. is determined by the Lord God for the finishing, & puting an end therunto.

The lamb is now standing on mount Syon, & the hundred forty & four thousand, ar in mesur gathered & dayly gathering into him, having his Fathers Nam in their for heds. The new hevens ar in mesur opened, & the whyt hors, & him that siteth ther on, in mesur appeareth in his sanc­tifyed ôn, vvho is caled the word of God, and in ryteosnes doth he judg; and mak war, & is cloathed in a gartment diped & diping in bloud, whos nam is caled faithful, & tru & the armys which ar in heven ar following of him; out of his mouth goeth as harp sword, with vvhich he (in mesur alredy) hath & dayly mor & mor shal smyt the nations, & rul them with a Rod of Iron, having on his vestur & on his thyh a nam written, King of Kings & Lord of Lords, the fouls which fly in the midst of heven at caled & caling to the super of the great God, & they (in mesur al­redy) hav, & dayly mor, and mor shal eat the flesh of Kings, & the flesh of Captains, the flesh of myty Men, & the flesh of Horses, & them that sit on [Page 102]them, & of al men both free & bond, smal & great: And the Beast & fals Profet, already in mesur hath been, & dayly mor, & mor shalbe taken a lyv, & cast into the Lâk of fyr burning with brimston & al the fouls filed with their flesh in thee o Christendom.

Great Babylon is novv com into Remembrans befor God; the gre at City is novv divyded into three parts, viz Catholiks, Lutherans, & Calvinists in the Roman Imperial Dominions vvith this Heds & Hornt; But in England, Scotland, & Yrland, under the nâms of Papists, Episcopacy, & Presbytery, And as for her suburbs, thôs other Nâms & Sects to the hyest of them, under the Comand, Government & teachings of Man, thô they be got A step in form & profession beyond the other, yet being gon from the mesur of the Spirit of grâs in them which drew them, forth (in mesur) to seperat in form, lyf, & practis from the other, they ar novv becom ôn in natur, ground, & practis, with the great whor of Rôm; And being found Partakers with her in her sins, thy must also, unavoydably receiv of her Pla­gu's: which great City is in mesur falen & faling, & as shee hath don must novv be dôn unto her, yea doubel according to her vvorks, In the cup vvhich shee hath filed, must novv be filed to her doubel; And accor­ding to that heiht in vvhich she hath glorifyed her self, living deli­tiosly, so much torment, and sorrovv must novv be given unto her. The ten Horns on the Beast's Hed (in mesur) do and dayly mor, and mor shal, hât the vvhor, mak her desolat, and naked, eat her flesh, and burn her vvith fyr. The was betvvixt Michael, & his Angels, & the Dragon, & his Angels is begun, and shal dayly mor, and mor appear, and be carryed on til it be fully finished; The Lamb & the Saints (in me­sur) hav, and dayly mor and mor shal hav pur Victory and Dominion over al his, & their enemys, from the greatest to the least, he that hath led into Captivity must now go into Captivity; And that Spirit in Man which hath kiled with the sword, must now be kiled by the sword, even the sword of the mouth; And the Hevens, even the Spirit of the Holy Pro­fets, & Aposlels, in his Peepel of this present Ag [...], & generation shal rejoys over her, & thus with vyolens shal that great City Spiritual Babylon, Sodom & Egypt be thrown down as agreat Milston into the Sea, & be found no mor at al for ever, for in her is found the Bloud, not only of the Profets, & Saints, but of al that hav bin slain upon the Erth: This Generation shal not pas away until it be fulfiled; thes ar the tru sayings of God, he that hath an ear to hear let him hear.

But for the sak of the burdened oppressed, & slain Seed of God in thee [Page 103]O Leopold, & thee O Póp of Rôm, & al the Kings, Prinses, Rulers, & Governors, with al in Authority under you of what degree, rank or order soever, Whether Civil, Military, or Spi­ritual and Ecclesiastical (so caled) with al Peepel, by and low, rich, and poor, bond and free, smal and great, mâl and femâl, of what Nation, Kindred, Tougu or Peepel soever, under the Com­mand, government, and teachings of Man, in the bowels of dear & tender lov, for the sâk of the slain Seed of God in thee O Chri­stendom, to the end that he who is (in mesur) already risen, may dayly mor, and mor arys to Judgment in thee, to sav â al the meek of the Erth, & that the Sea & Deth, & hel in thee, may mor, and mor deliver up the Ded incorrup [...]ibel in them, and be judged e­very ôn according to their works, and that the oppresed, groaning creation in thee, may mor, & mor be delivered from the bondag, of corruption into the glorios▪ liberty of the Sons of God, which is the first Resurrection (in which the Jews shalbe visited) in which al ar blesed who hav their parts, for on such the second Deth, shal hav no Power, but the shalbe Priests of God, & of Christ, and Rein with him a thousand Yeers, which with the Lord is but as ôn day, in the end of which the seven thunders shal utter their voys, the effects wherof, ar of a larger Extent then Christendom containing in them, the se [...]ch­ing out to the bottom, the hiden things of Esau, and the laying of his mountain also, utterly wast, and desolat, the compleat deliverans of the whol creation from the bondag of corruption the destroying of Deth, and the ful subjection of al Christs enemys under his feet, the surrender­ing the Kingdom to the Father, the subjection of the Son also to him that puteth al things under him, and God the Eternal Fountain, and fulnes to becom al, in, throuh, and over al, to the ends aforsaid.

This I say to thee O Christendom in general, & to every ôn in thee in particular, from the greatest to the least, of what Nation, Tongu, or Peepel soever, dred & fear yee, the living God, stand in aw of him, giv glory, honor, & worship to him alôn, for the day and hour of his most dredful and ryteos Judgments is now, (in mesur) com, & shal dayly mor, and mor appear: let al Bow fear and trembel befor him, that mâd [Page 104]heven, and erth, the sea and fountains of vvater, and knovv this, that the great faling avvay and apostacy from the tru Christian Spirit, faith and lyf had its first entrans in thy teachers, throuh their going out from the mesur of the pur Spirit of grâs, the free gift of God, given to them, and plased in them, of the pur fulnes of Christ, the lamb of God, to lead and establish them in al truth, and giving ear to the voys motions, and dictats of the Carnal mynd, that cursed spirit the seed of the serpent, vvherby sin, and deth entered, and the lavv of it took plâs in them, and throuh them hath spred it self, throuh, and over the whol body of thee O Christendom, which hath rendred thee a body of sin, and deth, in the general, and in every particular.

From this cursed root of bitternes hath sprang up that abominabel Spirit of Covetosnes, pryd, wickednes, oppresion, Idolatry, cruelty, wars, stryf contentions, debats, & sheding the bloud of the Innocent, with al other the hy cryms provokations, and bloudy abominations, which hav bin, & stil ar found in thee, which hath rendred thee to be the dragon, beast, great whor, and fals profet, in thy military, civil, & Ecclesiastical Power (so caled) and thy peepel unstabel as water, even the great raging sea, which cannot rest foaming out its own shâm, casting up Myr and dirt, out of which the skarlet colored beast aros, who Power, seat & great authority, was given him, (& is stil up held) by the great red dragon, to wit the military power which hath rendred thee to be an Akeldama, even a field of bloud, oppresion & cruelty, ful of hye cryms, & abominations, even Spiritual Sodom & Egypt, in which the Lord lyeth crucifyed.

And now ther is no way of restoration from this faling away, & cursed apostacy from the tru Christian Spirit, faith and lyf, & to know redem­tion from sin deth, and from under the law, sting, curs, & power ther of either to the general or any particular, but by returning the Ey, and ear of the mynd, to that which is pur eternal, and Immortal of God in the inward parts, even the mesur of the tru lyt, and Spirit of the free grâs of God, in the general, and in every Particular, from which euery on in the general, & in the particular, in thee hath erred, & gon astray, and as every ôn ether in the general or particular, coms to giv ear to the motions crys, & groans of the oppresed pur seed of God in them they wil com to see him, whom they hav pierced and as that which doth burden, oppres, & keep the pur seed of God in bondag, coms to be removed, mortifyed, & subdued, Ether in the general or in the particular, so his pur Power, Spirit, lyf, and presens wil be felt working salvation, & redemtion in the Erth, and be known by the Judgments which he executeth in the erth, in the [Page 105]general, & in the particular, throuh which ryteos Judgments in the In­ward parts, salvation & tru redemtion coms to be knovvn, & vvitnesed.

So that eternal Judgment in the invvard parts being brouht forth into victory, at last he coms to arys and rein, in pur Povver, lyf & Dominion overal, vvhos ryt it is, both in the general, & in every par­ticular, even he vvho leads al vvho ar led by him, in the pur plesant & everlasting path of pur lyt, lov, lyf, ryteosnes, everlasting joy, & happynes, even forevermor.

A door of hôp is left open for you in the vally of Achor, & as the just and ryteos Judgments of the Lord [...]om ther to be executed on the troubler of Israel, (in the invvard parts) vvith his vvedg of gold, ba­bylonish Garment and Silver, vvith his seed, and al that he hath; so an entrans vvil be administred, in & throuh Christ the lyt, way, & eter­nal door, by vvhich al vvho enter in, hav salvation, and com to be reconcyled unto God, and saved from vvrath vvhich is to com.

This is the Zoar into which al who flee, ar saf from the devouring fyr, vvhich from the Lord is novv com, and coming upon Spiritual Sodom in thee: This is the Ark of the nevv (yet most old) and everlasting co­venant, into vvhich al vvho mak speed, & get entrans, shal escap the great delug, & overflovving floud vvhich God is novv bringing in up­on the vvorld of the ungodly: this is the cloud, and Pillar of fyr in man, vvhich al vvho faithfully, and constantly follovv, ar sâfly led throuh the wildernes, of temtations, fears & snars, vvhich God is novv rayn­ing dovvn upon the vvorkers of Iniquity: This is the strong towr, in vvhich al vvho ar found, ar sâf from the horribel tempest, which is now com, & coming upon the Proud and al that do wickedly in thee: O Christendom. This is the litel sanctuary in which al that hyd, them­selvs, the blast of the teribel ôns against them, shal be but a a storm against a wal: This is the holy Mountain, whos Inhabitants the oppreser or de­stroyer, cannot touch or hurt: This is the city of most sur refug, whos wals, and bulwarks ar salvation, and the gâts therof prays, into which nothing can enter that defyleth, or worketh abomination, thô the gâts therof stand open continually, whos inhabitants can & do truly say, thô the erth be removed yet we wil not fear, thô the mountains be hurled into the midst of the sea, yet wil we not be dismayed, thô the waters therof roar, & be troubled, & the mountains shàk & fal with the sweling therof; for ther is a River the streams wherof mak glad the city of God; the holy plas of the tabernakel of the most by: the living God is in the midst of her, shee cannot be moved: God shal help her, & that Ryt early.

[Page 106]Wherfor I say unto al, and it is the counsel of the Lord God to them in the bowels of pur, and tender lov, to his own oppresed, burdened, & slayn seed in thee o [...] Christendom, & in every particular; mak hast mâk hast do not stay nor linger, but speedyly turn in hither, least the storm, the dredful storm of the most Iust, & ryteos vengeans, & Jndignation of God, which remains at hand to be poured forth, overtak you, & yee perish in the sam, for al who ar found ering from, and walking contrary to the mesur of the Spirit of the grâs of God in them wil be found partaking with Babylon in her sins & must receiv of her plagu's: Your strength is to stand stil, your work is to do nothing, your wisdom is to becom fools, & patiently to wait to feel him to arys in you, and bring salvation, and work al your works in you, & for you for ever mor; which al who com truly to experiens, do enter into his rest, which is pùr, and eternal, & com to ceas from their own works as God did from his.

On thing mor I may not omit, that so the Lord, and his servant may be clear of the bloud of al man-kynd, which was forseen and declared by the Lord of lyf, & Prins of pur peas in the days of his flesh, to wit, that ther should com many in his nam, & say, that they ar Christ, and deceiv many, shewing great syns, and wonders in so much, that if it wer possibel, they should deceiv the very elect.

The day is now com, & coming in which it shal be fulfiled; The ground of the coming & appearans of such, hath bin for som tym laid & working in thousands, who go under the nâm of fift-Monarchy Peepel, with many other; who from an imagnation of their own brayns, gather­ed from the letter of the scripturs, expect, and look for the ap­pearans, and coming of Christ, in that sam body of flesh, in which he appeared, lived and suffered deth upon a cros without the gats of Je­rusalem, out of the material clouds, & visibel hevens, and gather peopel unto him, as an outward glorios king, or great monarch & by carnal weapons, with an arm of flesh, to overturn, kil, & destroy out wardly, the persons of such as oppos him and them, and rein a thou­sand years.

Wherfor, when any such do appear, go not after them, nether be yee deceived by them for destruction and misery ar in their path, and the way of tru pur, and everlasting peas they know not, & both them & al others may know, that the appearans, and coming of Christ, & seting up of his Kingdom, which is pureternal, and everlasting, is in the lyt, or as lytning, which cometh out of the east, & shyneth into the west, as himself testifyed, and that his Kingdom is within & coms not by observation.

[Page 107]But as for the treading of the Wyn pres of the fiers wrath of God al myty, it is to be troden without the holy city, and the appearans, The seting up of Christs Kingdom in the ge­neraelis ef­fected in the sam manner as in evch particular soul. coming & seting up of the Kingdom of Christ, is the sam in the ge­neral as in every particular, to wit, not by outward myt, and carnal fors, & Power, destroying mens lyvs, but by the sword of his mouth which is quik and Powerful in the Inward parts, to discovet, consum & root out the ground of al unryteosnes in men: and throuh their holy conversations, & faithful testimony to, & their innocent, & lamb­lyk sufferings for that mesur, or Power of truth into which themselvs ar brouht they do [...]overcom, bring down, and in pur lyf, and domi­nion trampel upon the contrary Spirit in them selvs, & in others, both in the particular, and in the general.

And concerning England, Scotland and Yrland, with the dominions, and territorys therunto belonging, this I further say, that the seventh seal, trum­pet, & vyal is in mesur opened, sounded and poured forth intot he ayr which shal quyt stop the breth of the dragon's beasts & fals Profet's Power, & Spirit in them, & as to them, tym shal be no mor as such.

Now is the expeling of al typs, figurs, clouds & shadows, Carnal or­dinanses, dispensations, declarations & administrations, which hav bin over, yet poynting at, the most tru, eternal and excelent lyt, lyf, glory and substans, & the opening of al dark sayings, speeches, and parabels up­on the sweet Melodios harp of David, and the tangue which is as the Pen of a Redy wryter & the finishing of the mystery of God.

Wherfor rejoys, O thou afflicted, & drunken, but not with wyn, for great is the holy òn in the midst of thee; the enemys Rok is not lyk unto thy Rok, even themselvs being judges; ther is no God lyk unto thy God, who rydeth upon the hevens for thy help, & in his excelency on the skys, the eternal God is thy refug, & underneath ar the everlasting arms, & he shal thrust out the enemy from befor thee, and shal say destroy them; and thou, the tru Israel of God, the Nobel Plant, the Royal seed, the holy nation, shalt dwel safly as in unwaled villages, upon a land of corn and Wyn; thy heavens do, & dayly mor and mor shal, drop down the sweet, living, & eternally refreshing dew; happy art thou O seed of the God of Iacob, ther is non among al the familys of the Erth, lyk unto thee O Peepel saved by the Lord, who is the shield of thy help, & the sword of thy excelency, thy enemys ar, & dayly mor & mor shal be found lyars unto thee, and thou (in mesur) dost & dayly mor and mor shalt, tread upon their hy plases.

For thus saith the Lord, even the Lord thy God, which pleadeth the [Page 108]caus of his Peepel, behold I wil now tak out of thy hand the cup of trem­bling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury, thou shalt no mor drink it again, but I wil now put it into the hands of them that afflict thee, who hav faid unto thy soul bow down that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground and as the street to them that went over.

The day is com which shal shak open al thy prison doors, for the first born of the Egyptians is neer hand slayn, & the great sea divyding; and upon the sea of glas mingled with fyr must thou yet stand, but al who witnes tru victory over al in their own particular shal stand theron in pur Power lyf & Dominion, with the harps of God in their hands, singing the sweet, Melodios, glorios, triumphant & victorios song of Moses the servant of the Lord, & the song of the lamb; for the Lord now taketh plesur in his Peepel, & wil mor, & mor beautify the meek with his salvations, & his saints shal be joyful in glory, singing aloud upon their beds, having the hy Prayses of God in their mouths, & a two edged sword in their hands, with which they (in mesur) alredy hav [...], & dayly mor & mor shal e [...]ecut vengeans upon the heathen, & Pu­nishments upon the Peepel, bynding Kings in chayns & nobels in fetters of Yron, & execut upon them the judgments writen, this honor hav al the saints Prays, Prays, Prays yee the Lord God of lyf, lov, Pur Power, Dominion, and faithfulnes, in throuh, and overal for ever mor. Amen.

I am your Brother & companion in tribulation, and in the Kingdom, & Patiens of Iesus. JOHN.

Thes Errors being escaped in the Pres, thou art desyred for thy own advantag in Reading, first to amend them with thy pen, becaus som of them do alter the Sens: several other literal faults ther ar of which ther is no need to mak mention.

IN the Tytel Pag. l. 10. ad, ryte [...]os. p. 2 l. 20. for distinguish, read, distinguishing, in the margent p. 7. for exalted, read, executed. pa. 8. l. 25. for Word, read, Lord, & for Lord, read, Word. pag. 9. l. 32. for, yee, read, the, l. 36. for the, r. he. pa. 11. l. 8. for from, r. form. pa. 14. l. 38. for Profer, r. Profet. p. 29. in the margent, for over­spewed, r. overspred. p. 30. l. 6. for desyros, r. desyrs. p. 31. in the margent, for would, r. world. l. 26. for resir. r. Relic. pa. 36. l. 27. for other. r. our, pa. 37. l. 31. for the. r. them. pa. 40. l. 40. blot out, is. l. 42. p. 12. for the hav hard, r. yee hav heard. p. 45. l. 8. ad. is. l. 12. blot out, in. pag. 47. l. 5. for her, read, hear. l. 35. for filthy drous, r. filthy dròns. p. 48. l. 34. for stowish, read, foolish l. 36. for a rop of your mal houses, r. atop of your mas-houses. p. 57. l. for uring, r. urging. p. 73. l. 16. for Reed, r. red.

Thes being amended tak notis that in sted of, ce. at the end of words, & in al words deryved from them, I hav, in speling, us'd, S. as, for peace, peas, for grace, grâs, for place, plâs, for placed, placing &c. plâsed, & plasing &c. becaus that, e, at the end of word doth so much stumbel strangers, & mislead them to sound two sylabels, wher ther is but òn.


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