Dr. PETER's Judgment, OF Dullidge or Lewisham Water.

THIS Water was taken notice of about the Year 1648 and a certain Person would have Monopolized it, by Bui [...]ding and Inclosing it; and thereupon it was ob­served that it lost it's Taste, it's Odour, and Effe [...]ts, and People left off Drinking it: Sometime [...]er it was observed to return to it's Primitive Good­ness, and bestowed upon the Poor, and it hath held it's Virtue ever since, this is the Traditional Account.

I judge this Water principally to consist of Nitrous Salt, Allom, and some Sulphur.

It Purges strongly, sometimes causes to Vomit, some­times▪ but seldom by Sweat; sometimes by all three ways of Evacuation, the Property of it's being to vary [...] it's Operation, according to the matter it meets [...]ith in Peoples Bodies.

It's Vertues.

IT opens all Obstructions within, what ever latter, e­specially those of the Liver, Spleen, Mese [...]ick, Veins, Pancreas, the Billiary, Ʋterine and Ʋrmary Passages, by which means such long lingring and almost Incurable Disterupers are bred as the Sch [...]rrhuo, Tepa­tick, Lienis, the hard Tumours of the Liver and Spleen, the Flatus Hypocondriacks, the black and yellow Jaun­dice, the Cholick, the Stone, the Gravel in the Kidneys and Bladder, all Obstructions, Difficulties and Sharp­ness of Urine, the Haemorrhoi [...]es, Cholick Passion, Tena­s [...] Cachexia, Scurvy, Dropsie, Green-sickness, Stop­ness of Terms, Fits of the Mother, and many such [...]ad Distempers, whereof my Author says he hath seen the Effects; and the reason he says why it should be so excellent for the Curing the above named Distempers, [...] from the cleansing and attenuating Quality of the Nitrous Salt, from the Astringent and Cooling Facul­ty of the Allom, and from the healing Property of the Sulphur. It Fecundates the Womb beyond any other, and seems an Universal Remedy against Barranness, it Extinguishes Inflammations, it sweetens sharp Humours, is good for Salt Distillations, helps admirably scal [...]ing [...]rines, and is approved by most very Beneficial for t [...]e [...]unning of the Reins, and for other Diseases that are like to these, it's an absolute Remedy for the Gout, if little assisted by Art, Excellent against all sorts of Worms in the Body. This Water strengthens the Brain and Nerves, prevents or cures the Apoplexy, Falling Sickness, P [...]lsie, Dizziness, Head-ach, and such like Symptoms, it strengthens the Stomach, causeth good Digestion, consumes Crudities, it makes gros [...] and fat Bodies lean, and the lean fleshy; in a word, this Water will Effect whatsoever by any Intention in a Medicinal way is to he perform'd by opening Obstructions, evacuating superfluous Humours, allaying Vapours, cleansing the Blood, and strengthen all the parts of the Body.

This Water outwardly used, is good for most cuta­neous Distempers, as Leprosie, Itch, Scabs, Pimples, Ring-worms, Scurvy, &c. It dissolves Tumours, and cureth old Ulcers, if the Part afflicted be well or bathed therewith; and I am perswaded, it being used by way of a warm Bath, it would be of great Efficacy to consume Hyduropical Tumours, to Ease or Cure the Gout, and Rheumatick Dolours, and far more Effec­ [...]al also in the abovesaid Cutaneous Distempers.

The Time of Drinking it.

[...]S either Winter or Summer as Occasions requires; [...] but in general when th [...] Weather is clean dry it's best, as well in Winter as Summer, and in Frosty Wea­ther the Water is strongest.

In Summer drink it betwixt Sun rising and 'till It's an hour high, or thereabouts; then you will have it in it's full Strength, and take it but once a Day, and in my Opinion, it's much better drank warm than cold; to drink Water cold Hypocrates says is hurtful to the Bones, Teeth, Sinews, Brain, and Marrow of the Back, &c. but warm is good and profitable. In short, I take it in all Cases satest to take it warm, tho' Strong Con­stitutions may questionless receive it cold with great Benefit, but weak Constitutions do better to take it warm, so it be done with as little loss of the Spirits as may be. In some Cases you may make Posset Drink of it with Milk; in Cases where it's not safe to drink it cold, you may put a quarter of a Pint of scalding or boiling hot Milk into three Pints of Water, whereby it will become of a convenient warmth to be drank, and so you may proportion the Milk to what quantity of Water you please; but I instance in the quantity, because for a Body of middle Age and compleat Strength, I hold it a fit proportion to begin with, and so increasing every day gradually, 'till he rises to 8 or 9 Pints, more or less, as he shall be able to bear it; and so again decrease by degrees, as suppose you design to allot 20 Days to drink the Water, and the first day you begin with 3 Pints, then I would have you add half a Pint a day more for the next six days, three quarters of a Pint for the eighth day, and almost a Pint for the ninth day, and a whole Pint for the tenth day; which being your greatest Rise, will amount to eight Pints and a half, and so for the rem [...]ing ten days daily drink the Pro­portions backw [...]rd: As what quantity you drank the tenth day, you are to drink the eleventh, and what proportion you drank the ninth, you are to take the twelfth, &c which brings you to the same proportion for the twentieth and last day, with which you began the first day; but the just quantity to be taken at one time cannot possibly be ascertain'd, in regard of Age, Sex, Strength, and other Circumstances, yet general they have the most Benefit by it that can drink the most, and thorowly concoct it.

Drink not the Water too fast, but allot a short time, which will prevent Griping, cold Sweats, Giddiness in the Head, and the like; take at first about a third part of what quantity you design, and then walk half and hour, then take another third part, and Ezercise half an hour more; and then the last or remaining part, and walk 'till all be past out of the Body, or 'till Din­ner time; walk moderately, but not so as to Sweat; but let not your Exercise be violent, and Sleep not 'till your Water is wrought off; stand not still in the Sun, nor sit on the cold Ground, which are hurtful; you may eat a few Caraway-Comfits, Coriander Seeds, E­licanpane, or Angelica preserved, &c. to help the Di­gestion of the Water; above all be temperate in your Diet; eat Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Chickens, Pullets, Turkys, Partridge, Pheasant, Conies, &c. forbear all Salt Meats, Ducks, Geese▪ Bacon, Tripe, all Salt-fish, Eels, old Cheese, Leeks, Onions Cabbage, Muskmelons, Cu­cumbers, &c. are to be avoided; also Apples, Pears, Plumbs, Cherries ripe Goose-berries Rasberries, &c. are all agreeable, if sparingly eat, and that a little before Night, and then they help to temper the Blood. At Supper, for Drink, Beer, Ale, or Wine may be mode­rately drank; let Supper be larger than Dinner, and 6 or 7 Hours after it.

After the end of the Waters, use a spare Diet for a Month or two, which will prevent and keep out all Crudities.

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