SOME FRUITS OF A Tender Branch, Sprung from the Living Vine: Being A COLLECTION Of Several Sound and Godly LETTERS, Written by that Faithful Servant of God, Benjamin Padley.

WITH Diverse Living Testimonies to that Innocent Life, in which he walked, and continued to the End of his Day.

London, Printed for Tho. Northcott in [...]


This is my Testimony concerning my Dea [...] Husband, Benjamin Padley, wh [...] departed this Life the 25th. of th [...] 6th. Month, 1687. being in th [...] 29th. Year of his Age.

WHo the Lord hath been pleased to separate from me, whom my Soul ha [...] true Union with, and many swee [...] Opportunities we had together and we have often rejoyced together, when we did behold the Wonderful Kindness of our God; and now the Lord hath been pleased to separate him from me, and take him unto him­self, I can say of a Truth, he was a dear and loving Husband unto me, and a true Lover o [...] all that feared the LORD; and it was that which his Soul delighted in the Prosperity o [...] the Truth, and would say many times, he could even spend his Time continually in waiting upon the Lord, and freely leave all outward things to go abroad to Answer the Will and Requirings of the Lord; and he was one that was not idle in that Work and Service, which the Lord called him to, but his great Care was, That he might be faithful in what the Lord required at his hand, and that he might neither be too forward nor too backward, but [Page 2] [...]o fulfil the Work of the Lord faithfully, and [...]is great desire was, that Friends would be [...]ery diligent in meeting together, and not [...]nly so, but that they would be diligent [...]nd watchful when they were met together, [...]o wait upon the LORD, and not be [...]othful, but to consider for what end they [...]et together, that the Lord might be honour­ [...]d by them, and that they might receive the [...]enefit and Comfort which they all do receive [...]hat is watchful and obedient; and his Mind [...]as, as I may truly say, clearly weaned from [...]ff all Worldly Things, and set upon things which is above, for he was freely given up [...]o the Will of the Lord, to his disposing, to [...]ispose of him, as he see good; for as he [...]id declare to me on his dying Bed, If the [...]ord have any further Work or Service for [...]e to do, I desire to be faithful, and if not, [...]am very well satisfied; and so the Lord hath [...]een pleased to take him unto himself, and [...]ow he hath received a Crown of Joy, and [...]hough I find it a great Exercise and Tryal to [...]art with such a dear Husband, and one whom▪ [...]ny Soul with his and many dear Friends more [...]ere often refreshed together in the presence of the Lord, but since it is his Will to call [...]im from me, I desire to be satisfied with the Will of the Lord, and that I may not mur­mur against the hand of the Lord, but be willing to give him up, being well satisfied that my Loss is his great Gain, and even re­turn [Page 3]Praises unto the Lord, who orders and disposes of all things as he sees good; and as Job said, The Lord gives, and the Lord take away, blessed be the Name of the Lord; for he alone it is that knows what is best for us and so I desire to be satisfied with his Will for he alone doth work wonderfully, beyond the Expectation of either Man or Woman [...] for when I consider how wonderfully he was pleased to carry my dear Husband thro' his great Exercise, and what Patience he bore i [...] with, it caused me to bless the Lord for it for he bore it with great Patience, and the Lord was pleased to raise up his Spirits won­derfully, to the refreshing and satisfaction o [...] my Soul, and many more. The day befor [...] he was taken out of the Body, several Neighbours and Friends came in, and he desired hi [...] Neighbours to stay, and sitting a pretty whil [...] to wait upon the Lord, he opened his Mout [...] in Exhortation to them to fear God and depart from Iniquity; and he spake many precious Words to them in declaration, and a [...] so went to Prayer, which, to see his Weakness, made us to admire, and it was to th [...] admiration of them that were there present for it was the wonderful Work of our God for to all outward Appearance his Strengt [...] was almost spent, but the Lord was please [...] to raise up his Spirits very wonderfully, b [...] many of his Expressions cannot be remembred; but this he spoke, which is remembred [Page 4] [...]am glad, said he, to see so many of your faces, [...]hought I should not have seen so many of you [...] I have done, being the Lord hath been pleased [...] visit me with sickness, so that I am brought so [...]ak, that I am not likely to continue many [...]ys here, but I feel nothing but all is well; [...]d when we were looking for help for him from [...]an, he said, I have a Physitian the World knows [...] of; and while he lay sick, when I had [...]en weeping besides him, he would say, O [...]oy d [...]st thou so, thou must not do so, keep but to [...] Truth, and fear not but all will be well; and [...]ould say at nights, Go to bed and take thy [...]t, and be not troubled about me; And when [...]iends came to see him, he would say, My [...]ar Love is with you, and remains with you all: [...]nd I know his dear Love was to all that [...]ved the Truth, and it was that which his [...]ul travelled for the prosperity of, and Sions [...]lory; and the Lord was pleased to call him [...]th, into his work and service abroad, to [...]sit Friends, and to bare his Testimony for [...]e Lord; and his desire was, That he might [...]ar it faithfully, and that he might be en­ [...]ed with Power from on high, and so speak [...] the Spirit gave him Utterance; and the [...]rd was pleased to endue him with a good [...]derstanding and much knowledge, and of a [...]nd delivery, so that the hearts of many [...]re drawn near unto him, and he was drawn [...]ar unto many, and many sweet Refresh­ [...]nts we had together, and many sweer Meet­ings [Page 5]and Opportunities we had to the Refresh­ment of our Souls, and many hearts were made glad, and my soul with his hath many a time been truly comforted together in the Lord; so that to part with such a dear Husband, and one who I had much comfort in, I find it a hard thing to undergo, for he was a Man of great Service, and might have been if the Lord had seen good to have spared him; my Loss is great, and many I do believe will find a Loss of him besides, but this is comfort to me, that the Lord was with him, and the Lord had drawn him off all worldly things, and surely had fitted him for himself, and now hath taken him out of this troublesome World, and so he hath finished his Course with Joy, and hath received the Crown which is laid up in store for all the faithful ones; for as Paul said, The Crown of Righ­teousness he alone shall wear, that faithful to the end do persevere; and I know it was his great desire that he might walk so as to ob­tain that Crown, and I am satisfied the Lord hath answered his desire; many of his sweet words and expressions which he spake, can­not be remembred, which is a trouble to me that they were not taken notice of, but my Exercise being very great, That I could not remember many of them, and being the Lord hath been pleased to strip me of him, which was the greatest outward Comfort and Sup­port that I had, I desire that I may be willing [Page 6]to submit to the Will of the Lord, and that my Will may submit to his Will, and that I may not offend him; for as it is said, If ye love any thing more than me, ye are not worthy of me; so he is able to make up all our Losses, as we stand faithful to him, and though my Loss be great, in parting with such a dear Husband, yet I firmly believe his Gain is great, and he is at rest from all the Troubles and Incumbrances of this World, for many are the Tryals and Exercises that we meet with here in this troublesome World, and therefore it is my great desire that I may be preserved thro' them all, and that the Lord alone may stay and anchor my Soul, that in all Tryals and Exercises, I may look unto him for help and wisdom, to walk as becomes his Truth, and to order all things to his Glory, and that I may wait for Council from him, to be ordered and guided by him alone, and so return him the Praises and the Honour, who alone is worthy of all Honour and Glo­ry, for ever and evermore.

Susanna Padley.

Elizabeth Leaper, Her Testimony concern­ing Benjamin Padley, who dyed the 25th of the 6th Month, 1687.

MY Testimony Concerning this my dear Friend B. P. is as followeth, that he was a Man whom the Lord had endued with true Wisdom, as also a spirit of true discern­ing, and therein did he in his day act for the Lord, and for his Truth and People, and freely gave himself up with his whole sub­stance to spend, and be spent. Oh the re­membrance of this my Friend, is very preci­ous unto me, and I am made many times to bless the Lord, and to praise the name of Ja­cobs God, in that he hath made me very sen­sible, he had fitted and prepared him, and made him a fit vessel for his Masters use, who called him into his vineyard; and I am made to say, surely he was a faithful Labourer [Page 10]therein, therefore doth my Soul believe, he hath received his reward even a Crown of Glory, which can never be taken from him, yet I cannot but many times even mourn be­cause of the want I with many more, feels of him, whom the Lord raised up, to be as an instrument in his hand many a time to speak a word in due season unto me, when under great exercises, and besetments many ways; and not only so, but he could read my con­dition, and was made willing to bare a part of my burthen; yet my sorrow is not as those who sorrow without hope, being fully satisfied, he had kept the saith, finished his course, and laid down his head in peace with the Lord, where all sighing, and tears of sor­row comes to be wiped away; so that although our loss, and the want of him be great, yet surely its his gain, and in this shall my soul, and spirit be comforted. I well remember when the Lord was pleased to raise a Travel in my soul for Sions prosperity, and laid a con­straint on me, to cast in my mite into his Treasury amongst my Brethren and Sisters, at that very time was he made instrumental, to the helping me forward, and after some­time, it was laid on me; with my dear Sister and Companion Mary Frost, to visit Friends in Cumberland, and laying it before him, being under a True Sence of our own weakness, youth and tenderness, Oh! How he encou­raged us, saying, Travel on in your innocen­cy, [Page 11]and in a sence of your own weakness without the Lord, and I do believe he will be with you, and make your journey prospe­rous; which time was the last time we see his face, his delight was to take the weaklings by the hand, and to encourage the good in all wherever it appeared, for his care over the Flock of Christ was great; and I have heard him often say, where he saw a backwardness or slackness in meeting together to wait upon the Lord; Oh how it wounded, and grieved his spirit within him! often stirring Friends up to diligence, and faithfulness in serving God. Oh the Remembrance of his innocen­cy! together with the Lamb-like Nature, which mine eyes beheld to appear in him is very pleasant unto me; and the many sweet and comfortable expressions which dropped like Honey from his Lips unto my Soul, when under great distress, the Consideration of it breaks my Heart, and Melts my Spirit into Tenderness before the Lord! Oh the sweet Councel my Soul received from him, when in a mournful state, it was even as marrow to my bones, and as strength unto my sinews; so that I have been made to bless the Lord, that ever it was my Lot to see his Face, and although it was not ordered so to be for me, to see him in the time of his weakness, being many Miles distant, as also under weakness of body, yet at the first hearing of his sick­ness, I was made sensible he might be taken [Page 12]away, which at the first came very nigh me, but after sometime I was made to say, Lord thou has now fitted him for thy Kingdom, therefore, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they do Rest from their Labour, and their works do follow them; and surely thou art taking the Righteous away from the evil to come, so being fully satisfied of his well be­ing, as also hearing the report of some good friends, who were with him near the time he finished of his comfortable end: I dare not repine, as believing his life, was hid with Christ in God, and I do feel this time, as at many other times servent breathings in my heart, and a cry run through my Soul, unto the Lord, that he will still raise up many more to bare a faithful Testimony to his Name and Truth, even as I do believe this my friend did in his young and tender years, and it's my full belief he's now rejoycing amongst the valiants of Is­rael who hath not only proved Conquerors, but more than Conquerors; so what shall I say more, but even leave all to the disposing of him, whose mercys are over all the works of his hands, with True breathings unto the Lord, not only for my own Soul, but for all his whole flock, and Family, that's left behind every where, that we may so spend the resi­due of our time, even as I do believe this my Friend of whom I am speaking did, that so the reward of the Righteous we may all receive, when time on this side the grave [Page 13]shall be no more. So unto him who hath been our preservation unto this day, and is able to make up all our wants, and raise up un­to himself many faithful, and living witnes­ses, doth my Soul return Glory and Ho­nour with humble, and holy thanksgivings, having cleared my self, and eased my spirit, and so remains a Traveller for Sions pros­perity, and a well wisher to all.

Elizabeth Leaper.

DEar Benjamin Padley was one of the Sons of William and Elizabeth Padley of Northcave, in the Eastriding of Yorkshire, who in former days (with many others, in whom true desires towards God were begot­ten) was travelling and seeking the Kingdom in Forms and Observations, zealously follow­ing them that cryed, Lo here, and lo there, in whom the true Birth being not satisfied with any empty husk, when it pleased the Lord in his great Mercy to cause his day to dawn, and to visit a Remnant that sate mourn­ing in darkness with the Manifestation of his everlasting Light, and to send forth faith­ful Witnesses and Messengers of the Gospel of Peace and Reconciliation in Christ Jesus, the Light of the World, and the only way to the Father. Then I say the said William and Elizabeth his Wife, were the first (in these parts, that received the said Messengers [Page 14]and their Testimony, and became faithful Fol­lowers of him, whom the Father hath sent to gather in his scattered flock, to wait for his teaching, and to worship him in Spirit and Truth, and through much Tribulation, in Patience they endured to the end, and did not deny him before Men for any Suffering, as, Imprisonment, spoyling of Goods, &c. with the latter whereof, more especially the Widow, and Samuel their eldest Son, were tryed by Means of Thomas Forge a prophane Priest, who was much retained in Williams days, but after his death break forth in great Rage, and Cruelty against the Widow and Fatherless, but most especially after Eliza­beths death, against the said Samuel, who, by means of the said Priest, and his adherents, suffered twice 20 l. fine for Friends meeting in his house to worship God, which (with o­ther sufferings) when he had endured by wicked men for his love to God and his Truth, and People, he was taken away in peace out of the World, and his next bro­ther William stood up in his place in the same Testimony, who met with the like usage from the same wicked priest, who shut him up in Prison, where he remained till the death of his said Adversary, and not long after he being taken out of the World also, this dear Benjamin came in to the place, where his Parents had finished their course. And in deep Humility, and Zeal towards God, and [Page 15]servent love to him, and to all that walked in the Truth, he did continue a considerable time before his mouth was opened to bare a Testimony of the everlasting Truth of God, in the Assemblies of his People, and after he was raised in the Power of Truth to bare a Testimony of it. I do verily believe he did not go before the motion of Life, nor stretch beyond it, nor speak of what he lived not in, [...]either did he aspire into high Notions, nor seek to illustrate his Testimony with high words and expressions, but sound, plain, and weighty his declaration was, in the demonstra­tion of the spirit & power of God, which reach­ed the seed; and when he received the abound­ings of the heavenly gift, that in the over­flowings thereof he could Minister, and of­fer the living Sacrifice on the Spiritual Altar, and sind acceptance; yet he grew not rich and full, nor wise in his own conceit, but was kept low and humble, in a deep sence of the dayly need, still to wait on God, for the re­newings of his mercys, and the fresh open­ings of the springs of life, and love from him to help forward in the Spiritual Travel, and to persevere to the end: and hereunto he did much exhort, and stir up friends where he came, and to constancy in meetings, and to watchful diligence therein, that all might come dayly to receive, and truly to enjoy that, wherein the True blessedness is. He sought not worldly riches (tho he was a man [Page 16]not slothful in business, but in dustrious); yet above all, seeking the Kingdom of GOD, and the Righteousness thereof, and the Lord gave him his hearts desire, and withheld not from him, what his Soul Travelled for, for he helped him on his way to the end, and Mi­nistred living Consolation to his Soul, when all visible things ceased to be any more to him. And now his course is finished, and his work is done, and his reward is everlasting, where none can add thereto, nor take there­from; and being sensible of this, I can True­ly Testify that I do not write these things in any vain Ostentation, to set up the N [...] of a Creature, but for the sakes of those that yet remain; That all may be stirred up (whom the Lord hath visited with the like mercy) in the day of their visitation, to give all dili­gence to make their Calling and Election sure, seeing none of us knows at what time our end may be; but that which is most weigh­ty upon my Spirit, whereby I have been drawn to bring in this Testimony, is to pro­voke, and stir up all the Children of the Lords People, every where to be True followers of their parents in the Lords way in every thing that is good. O the joy, and comfort to the Souls of all that Love the Lord, to behold the Children of Faithful parents that Truely loved, and feared the Lord, now walking in the same way, and striving for the same im­mortal Crown! and Oh the grief, and sor­row [Page 17]of heart to be Children of Good parents loose and prophane! Or to turn aside from the way of the Lord, wherein they have been instructed! Oh great will be the Condemna­tion of all such, if they do not speedily re­turn: and therefore my earnest desire, and Travel is, that my (Children) and all the Children of the Lords faithful servants, and people great and small may be hereby Ad­monished, and put in Remembrance, by the good Example of this young Man, and his Brethren, whose Memorial is blessed, who Truely followed their good parents, in faith­fulness to God; in doing and suffering what the Lord required of them; and the Eternal God of power, who helped their parents through all he call'd them to, did not fail these young Men their Children, but was their helper to the end, and I believe is, and ever will be a sure Rock to all that chuse, and abide in his way from Generation to Generation: And I dearly beseech all young people, Children of the Lords servants, not to count it enough to get, and Comprehend into Notion, what ye have heard from your parents or others, and so to follow them only in the outward form, and profession of Truth. Oh but wait in the Light to feel the Spirit and power of God, to work in you to judge, work out, and Crucify the worlds Nature in you, and to renew you in your hearts and spirits, accor­ding to his Holy and Heavenly will, that so [Page 18]of him who certainly knows the hearts of all, ye may be owned and approved; which that all the called of the Lord, both Old and Young, may truly attain unto, is the earnest desire and spiritual travel of your Brother and Companion, in that which abides for ever,

Sebastian Ellythorpe.

THis Testimony remaineth in my heart, and hath been as a Concern upon my Spirit, many days concerning the Life and Death of my dear Friend Benjamin Padley; for he was one that the Lord did bless and preserve in great weakness, when he was in his tenderness, and in his young years, and seeking after the Knowledge of the blessed Truth, as it is in Jesus, and when he was weeping on his way, and seeking the Lord, inquiring the way to Sion, having his face thitherward, who travelled in pain, as a Wo­man to be delivered, and had a longing de­sire after the Lord God, who could not be sa­tisfied until he had met with him whom his soul loved, and nothing would comfort him short of the Enjoyment of the presence of the Lord; neither did he regard the Reproaches, but patiently endured the Cross, and despised the Shame. And all for that Joy that was set before him, which the Lord had given him a sence and a seeling of in his young days, and in the Lords due and appointed time he did [Page 19]deliver him, from under all that which was as a Burthen unto him, as that Philistian Na­ture that was an Enemy unto Israel, that would be casting stones into their Wells, and would be damming up the precious springs of divine Life; these things he knew and met with in his way, but still his dependency was upon Christ the Beloved of his Soul, who brought him out of the Wilderness, and over the Red Sea, and over Jordan, and through the Mini­stration of Death and Condemnation, which all must pass through before they come into Life and Peace with God, and to be possessed of that Inheritance of Life and Salvation, Peace and Rest in Christ, that Canaan was a Figure of promised to Abraham and his Seed for ever, of whose Off-spring and Race in those days are all the Faithful, who is wil­ling to leave their Fathers House, and all their Kindred, and all that is near and dear unto them, among whom was this faithful Man, who loved not his Life unto Death, that he might save his Life unto Eternity; this was before him, and this was in Moses's eye a­bove Aegypts Glory; this was in Abrahams eye above his Native Country, and above his Fathers House, because they all had an eye un­to the Recompence of Reward, among whom was this faithful Man, after that he had turn­ed his back upon all the World and Aegypts Glory, he grew valiant for the Truth, and bore a living Testimony against the Abomi­nations [Page 20]and all the Pride and Superstition and Idolatry thereof, the sence whereof still remaineth, and doth live with me, though he be removed from us, still the remembrance of him is Chronocled and Engraven in our hearts, that it cannot easily be forgotten, nor razed out of our Remembrance; the many sweet and living Testimonies that were gi­ven forth, and that ran through him in the precious Extendings of Life, and sweet Vi­sitations, wherewithal the Lord was pleased to visit him, and to make him a Partaker of amongst the People of God, of which I was an Eye and Ear-Witness, and a parta­ker with him, both in the time of the Mi­nistration of Death, and in the time of the Ministration of Life and Salvation, and in his Exercises both spiritual and temporal; but in all he was preserved in the meek and quiet spirit of the Lamb, holding fast his In­tegrity in the ancient power of God, and in the word of his patience, who never failed him nor none of his faithful Children, in the day of Tryal, nor hour of Temptation, though they be great, and the troubles of the Righteous many, yet the Lord is able to deliver out of them all, as he hath done this my dear Friend, where all sighing and sor­row doth fly away; and where all tears is wiped away, and all sorrows and pains com­eth to an end, and the troubler ceases trou­bling, and the scorner ceases from scorning, [Page 21]and the troubler of Israel doth not appear any more; and this is our Joy and our Com­fort, that which maketh up our Loss in part­ing with so dear a Friend as he was in his day, which was but short, yet glorious; for he was taken away in the flower of his age, and in the strength of his youth, I mean every way, both bodily and spiritually; for he had overcome the wicked one, and the Word of God did abide in him, and his presence did fill him, until his Cup did over­flow many times, to the watering of the He­ritage of God; and now this is my desire, That all to whom this may come, may be Followers of Christ in his footsteps, and ac­cording to his and many others that was ho­ly Examples in their days of humility and self-denying, and patience, and long suffe­ring, and meekness, and Brotherly kindness and charity, suffering all things, and bearing all things, for the Name of Jesus, and for the Word of God, as he was given up to do, and now is entred into Glory, where he rests from his Labours, and his Works do fol­low him, and his Reward is with him; for thus saith the Spirit, Blessed is the dead which dye in the Lord, for they rest from their Labours, and their Works do follow them; and the Name of the Righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance, and shall be blessed among the Righteous, but the Name of the Wicked shall rot.

[Page 22]These few Lines opened in my heart, con­cerning my dear Friend, whose Life was bles­sed, and latter End Peace. Now it is time to conclude, and recommend this with the rest of Friends Testimonies to the serious Readers, to whom this may come, to the help and encouragement of them that are in Afflictions, that they they may hold out to the end and be saved.

Iohn Richardson.

A Copy of a Letter sent to his Wife.

Dear Love,

THE Salutation of my endeared Love reacheth unto thee with my Children, and I cannot but desire of the Lord, That he would preserve you, and keep you in his fear from day to day, and give thee Wis­dom and Understanding to order thy Fami­ly in his fear and dread, and to be cheerful, and trust in the Lord, and he will not fail thee, I am satisfied; for blessed be the Name of the God of Heaven, his Presence and Po­wer is still with us, and his Arm doth still surround us, that we are carryed on with cheerfulness, and freely given up to follow the Lord whithersoever he is pleased to lead us. So, my Dear, I dearly desire thee, be not troubled, nor any way cast down in thy mind because of my Absence; though things [Page 23]may go contrary to thy desire and expecta­tion, yet, my Dear, be incouraged, and give up to the Lord, and fear him, and doubt not but all things will work together for thy good. So unto the Lord do I commit thee, with my Children and Family, with my own Soul, who I desire to preserve and keep us to his own Praise and Glory, who alone is worthy over all for ever. So my Dear, I desire thee to remember my dear Love to all our Friends in general, who is very dear unto me, when I remember them, especially those that are faithful. So my dear Love, with my dear Companion John Richardson, salutes you all, and bid you all farewel. We are now at Rousby, and doth intend for Whitby, and so toward Burlington, if the Lord permit. So with my dear Love to thee, I remain thy dear and faithful affectionate Friend and Husband,

Benjamin Padley,

Another Copy of a Letter sent to his Wife.

My Dear,

THe Salutation of my endeared Love at this time, with many other times, doth reach unto thee, as also to my Dear Children; and you are often in my Remembrance; and my Soul is many times bowed down, and my [Page 24]Spirit poured forth in Supplication before, and in the presence of my God and yours; that you may be preserved in holy fear and dread, and that he may give thee Wisdom, and understanding, and strength, and ability, to order thy Children, and to nurture them in the Fear of the Lord, and keep them in Subjection as much as in thee Lyes; and stand in the Dominion of Truth, over them and thy servants; and wait for Wisdom, and Councel from the Lord to guide, and order thee in all things, that thee art concerned in. And my dear, be not too careful in driving on thy business too eagerly, and keep thy hands off as much as thou possibly canst, thou know­ing thy own unfitness, and the weakness of thy Constitution; and although things may sometimes, not go so well on as thou wouldst have them, yet I would have thee be care­ful, that thou lettest not thy mind out to fret, and grieve at them, but stand in the Counsel of God, that he may give thee directions to order all things aright, and to keep out of ex­treams on every hand: But let thy Modera­tion appear in all things; and let a mode­rate care be had in all things, that nothing be willfully lost or wasted. And so unto the Lord, who is only able to preserve, and prosper thee in all things, do I commit thee with the rest of my family; and my hope, and confidence, and whole belief is stedfast in him, as ever that as we do keep faithful [Page 25]to the Lord, and his Truth, and desires to be found in that, and to abide in that, which will bring Honour to his Name: The Lord will multiply his blessings upon us, and we shall be as Monuments of his Mercy, and his presence will be with us, and his provident hand will be seen and felt, in the ordering of us in all things to his glory, and to our mutu­al Joy and Comfort: And blessed be his great and Mighty NAME, that hath not been wanting to me since I was called from thee; but his presence I have, and do enjoy from day to day, unto this very day; and his coun­sel he hath not hidden from me, in those things which he hath concerned me in, but his pro­vident hand hath greatly appeared to me, in ordering of me in my Journey, and answer­ing my desire greatly beyond my Expecta­tion; for I have met with a Companion four or five days ago, and I hope we are like to continue together a pretty while longer, our minds being both inclined one way, before we did know any thing one of another; and I hope, and am satisfied, that it will be good for me, for the Lord is felt, and witnessed to be with us in our Spiritual Exercise, to the ordering of us in his fear and wisdom; and many sweet and precious Opportunities has be given us, to the uniting us to him­self, and one unto another, and hath drawn us into a Spiritual Acquaintance and Socie­ty one with another, unto whom my Soul [Page 26]gives Glory and Honour, who is alone worthy for ever and ever. I desire thee remember my dear Love to all our Friends in general, and let me have two or three Lines from thee, by some of our Friends that goes to the year­ly Meeting at York, to know how it is with thee; for I hope I may get thither, and shall be glad to hear that it is well with thee; so desiring this may find thee with thy Chil­dren in good health, as through the Lords Mercy I am at present; and in the Sense of the Lords Goodness toward us, and his Care over us, I do still remain, and in that dear and unfeigned Love, which length of Miles, or distance of place cannot separate, do I dearly salute thee, and bid thee farewel, and doth remain in the unchangeable Truth, thy truly loving Husband,

Benjamin Padley.

A Copy of a Letter sent to a Brother of his in America.

Dear Brother,

I Dearly salute thee in the Fear of the Lord, in which I desire we may both be preserv­ed all the days of our appointed time. After my dear love presented unto thee, hoping these will find thee in good health, as I am at present, blessed be the Lord; and therefore [Page 27]I desire thee to sink down into Gods pure fear, and let his pure dread, and Holy Awe be con­tinually upon thy heart, and that will guide thee in the path of Righteousness, and order thee aright in all things; it will be as a Cloud by day as and of a Pillar fire by night to lead thee: Thou knows in the days of our Child­hood, when we were left without Father and Mother, the Lord took care of us, and provided well for us, that we have not suf­fered want nor hardships, as many Children have done; and when thou went first over into that Country, in which thou now art, thou wast then in a Sence of thy own weak­ness and littleness, and wast as it were re­conciled unto the Will of God; and when thou wast in this State, then thou wast safe, and the Lord prospered thee in all thy un­dertakings, and many People became thy Friends, and thou didst get the love of ma­ny; but now I fear thou hast lost the feel­ing of that which was then thy preservation, and now thou art lifted up in thy prospe­rity, and so forgets the Lord that made thee, and hath given thee Breath and Be­ing; and so in Bowels of love to thy Soul, do I write this to thee, and not for any ill will I bear to thee; the Lord knows my Heart; but that thou might come to the Consideration of these things, and for time to come, let them be amended, or else assu­redly the hand of the Just GOD will be [Page 28]for ever: so I dare not but warn thee in the Fear of the Lord; and whether thou wilt hear, or forbear, I shall be clear concerning thee; for I will assure thee I have besought the Lord with Tears many times concerning thee, and this I am perswaded through Gods mercy, that his love is still towards thee, and he still waits to be gracious unto thee, and to shew mercy unto thee, if thou wilt return unto him: therefore I desire thee in bowels of love to thy Soul, do thou hearken to his voice, and return to him with thy whole Heart and Soul, and in Gods Fear sit down under his righte­ous judgments, and wait in patience until he is pleased to appear, and reveal himself unto thee; and he will throw down the mountains of iniquity, and cause the Hills of Trans­gression to fall before him; he will make the Crooked ways straight, and the rough places plane; he will throw down the partition, which the enemy hath built betwixt him and thy soul; and he will make room for himself to dwell, and make his abode with thee: and so I desire that thou and I, and all that makes mention of the Name of the Lord, may de­part from evil: for thus saith the Lord, Let all that makes mention of my Name depart from evil. And therefore it is a weighty thing, and we have great need to eye the Lord in all things, and stand continually in his Councel, that he may be our leader, and our guide to the end of our days; and therefore let us [Page 29]with one accord Humble our Souls before the GOD of HEAVEN, and sit in the dust, and with rended hearts cause our Crys to pierce through the Heavens, and as­cend up to him that sits upon the Throne of Glory, and he will hear our Crys, and an­swer the desires of our Souls, if in the fer­vency of our hearts we pray unto him: and so I desire that we may be preserved in the fear of the Lord; and therefore in resigna­tion to the Will of God, do I commit my Soul with thine, and the Souls of all our Brethren and Sisters, and all our dear and near Relations every where; and the Lord preserve us, and the Lord keep us and pro­tect us, and guide us continually in his pure Fear and holy Awe, that that may be the stay of all our minds unto the end of our appointed time, that the God of Heaven, may be our Portion, and the Lot of our In­heritance, that in the end of our days we may lay down our heads in peace, where none can make us afraid, and where our Bread for ever may be sure, and our Wa­ter never failing, that we may Exalt the Name of the Lord in the Land of the Liv­ing, and return living Praises, and everlasting Thanksgiving unto his Glorious Name: for worthy is he over all to be praised and ho­noured, everlastingly above all, for ever and for evermore. So no more, but my dear Love to thee, and Good Will toward all Men; I rest [Page 30]and remain thy dear Loving Brother, and eternal Lover of thy Souls Welfare,

Benjamin Padley.

Another Copy of a Letter sent to a Bro­ther of his in America.

Endeared Brother,

OH feel the Bowels of Enlarged Love, which the Lord God Almighty, hath opened in me towards thee; and hath laid it weightily upon me to visit thee with a tender visitation of love; and also to lay o­pen some of the snares and stratagems of the Enemy, whereby he kept me in bondage many Months, and some Years: But the Lord in his tender mercy, and infinite compassion, hath redeemed me out of them all; and hath set me free, to worship him in spirit, and in Truth; unto whom my soul doth at this time, and for ever desire to return everlasting glory, and endless praises and thanksgiving, who a­lone over all is worthy, for ever and ever: For after he was pleased in his endless mercy to bring me into the Wilderness, into a place of want, into a bewildred state, into a want­full state, and into a sense of the Necessity I had of seeking after a Saviour; the Enemy, [Page 31]through hearkening to his deceitful voice; kept me long wandring here before I could get thorow, or arrive within the River-banks of Canaan; yet can I truly say, the Lord brought me not hither to starve me, but to try me, for he never left me nor forsook me; but he dayly pursued me with mercy, and followed me with his loving kindness, he fed me with the Manna from Heaven, and caused me to drink of the Rock that followed me, which Rock was a shelter unto me, and that Rock was Christ, which dayly begot a longing de­sire in me of being redeemed out of that be­wildred state, and of coming to the full en­joyment of that living refreshment, which my Soul at times and seasons was made partaker of; for truly I have many times felt such liv­ing refreshments from the hand of the Lord, both when I have been amongst the Assem­blies of Gods People, and also when alone in secret Places, when my heart hath been kept low in his fear, and when in the sincerity of my Soul I have waited upon him, in a true Resignation to his Will, that my Soul as it were, hath been overjoyed; and then whilst I have been thus pleasing my self with those Joys, and take a Rejoycing in those Refresh­ments, then hath the Enemy com'd in, with those Perswasions, and said, Thou art now come to the full Enjoyment of thy desire; thou art now come to arrive within the Bles­sed Land, for which thou so earnestly tra­velled [Page 32]for; and thou may now take up a rest here, for thou need never fear of being de­prived of these Enjoyments, or of being dri­ven back out of the Land wherein thou art arrived; yea, these and many more stum­bling Blocks, hath the Enemy cast before me, whilst I was in this Blessed Exercise, and through lending an Ear and hearkening to his deceitful Voice, in taking up a false Rest, which the Lord hath never ordained for me; I have been led backward into the Wilder­ness, and the Veil hath again been brought over me, and the thick Clouds of Darkness hath covered me, and the Mercies of the Lord hath been withdrawn from me, and he hath as it were for a Season, hid his Face from me; so that I have sometimes been rea­dy to say, Surely this is Aegypts Darkness, and to take up a Lamentation, for want of the enjoyment of his presence, which I did enjoy whilst I was obedient to him, and in the deep sence of these my Wants, and of the necessity of the saving Power, and Sal­vation of the Lord God Almighty, hath my Soul been bowed down, under great Weights and Burthens, beseeching him, that he would again appear, and rend away the Veils, and take off all Coverings, and let me feel of his wonted Goodness, and of the fresh In­comes of his Love and Mercy, which former­ly I had been partaker of; for in the sence of these Wants, hath my Soul, with David, [Page 33]been ready to say, Lord hast thou forgotten to be gracious, wilt thou be favourable no more? O then did he Answer me, and say, My hand is not shortned at all that I cannot save, nei­ther is my ear heavy that it cannot hear, bu [...] thy Sins hath separated betwixt thee and me; through hearkening and lending an ear to the Enemy, in taking up a polluted Rest; there­fore turn from the evil of thy ways, and I will still have Compassion on thee, and ap­pear to save in all Troubles, and carry thee thorow all thy Exercises and Tryals, which I will suffer to come upon thee, and set thee as a Pillar in my House that shall never be removed; O then his Words were strength to my soul, and more desired by me than my necessary Food; and now can I truly say the Lord is become my chiefest delight, and the object of mine eye; he is the God of my Salvation, therefore will I trust in him, and not be afraid; though he was angry with me, his anger is turned away; though in a little wrath he did his face from me, yet with everlasting loving kindness he will have Mercy on me: And now the Lord having brought me out of the Wilderness, out of a Place of Want, into a Land of Plenty, and given me to drink of the River of his pleasure, which is set open and freely ten­dred to all that will come; he hath taught me not to sit at ease, and take up a Rest as the Enemy would have perswaded me; [Page 34]for though the Enemies be subdued that were within the Borders, and that hindred me from arriving within the Blessed Land; yet GOD hath shewed me there are yet many Enemies within the Land, which if there be not a con­tinual Watch kept, will come suddenly up­on me, and drive me out: This is the Phi­listine Nature, which will dam up the Wells of Jacob, which will stop the Passage of the Fountain of Life from running into my Soul; there are the Pleasures of the World, and the Cares of this Life, and all vain Tradi­tions, and Customs of Men, which must be forsaken; and Sufferings both of Body, and spoyling of Goods, Scoffings, and Scornings, Revilings, and evil Entreatings, which they that will live godly in Christ Jesus, must en­dure: And now the Lord having set before me Life and Death, I will rather chuse to suffer affliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season; for when I lay wallowing in my Blood, and nothing but Wounds and putrifying Sores, and when the Priest and the Levite passed by, and regarded me not, nor none could speak a word of Peace to my Soul, O he was the good Samaritan! Who took me up, and had Compassion on me; he was the skilful Physitian, who knew my Infirmity, and pour­ed forth Balm from Gilead upon all my Wounds, and healed me of mine Infirmities; O therefore hath he engaged me to love [Page 35]him! and to give up all for him, and to follow him thorow the Loss of all things; yea, to give up my Life for his sake, if he should require it at my hand, and it is but all what I owe unto him, it is but the sacrifice of a reasonable Service, and all nothing in com­parison of what he hath done for my soul, and I desire with all my Heart and Soul, that I may for ever be kept and preserved in this holy Resolution, that I may count nothing too dear to part with for the Lords sake, who is worthy over all to be wor­shipped, served and obeyed, praised, glori­fied, honoured and exalted, of me, and of all that have tasted of his Mercy, and knows how good he is, both now, for ever, and for evermore.

And now dear Brother, the Lord laid this weightily upon me, to lay open before thee (if happily thou not being fallen into these snares, might be preserved out of them, or if fallen into them, that thou might see how to be redeemed out of them again); and therefore I entreat thee, as one having Charge of thy soul, that thou slight not the day of thy Visitation until it be overpast, but while it is called to day, hearken, and turn not away thine Ear from the Counsel of the Lord, nor harden not thine heart against Instructi­ons, nor cast not his Reproofs behind thy back, lest thou provoke the Just God to an­ger, and cause him to withdraw his good [...] from th [...] for of a Truth God will [Page 36]not be mocked, but he said I will be glori­fied in all that draw near me; And they that make a profession of him in Words, but in Works deny him, he will glorifie himself in destroying of them, as he did Nadab and A­bihu, who offered a strange Fire unto him; for he hath said, His Spirit shall not always strive with Man, but the Candle of the wick­ed shall be put out: O who can express the Misery of that Man! O sad and deplora­ble is his Condition! Oh! It even causes my heart to relent, and my Spirit to bleed within me, to consider the miserable, sad, and lamentable Estate of that Man, or Wo­man, whom God hath ceased striving with, and whose Candle is put out; Oh surely ut­ter Darkness will be their Portion, for ever Woe and Misery; bitter and anguishing Pangs shall take hold of them, as of a Woman in Travail, when they shall be cast into utter Darkness, never more to behold the Bright­ness of the Glory and Excellency of our God; And therefore, dear Brother, in the sence of these Miseries, which shall assured­ly come upon all that will not Obey the Counsel of the Lord, do I entreat thee, for the Lords sake, and for thy poor Souls sake, be obedient to his Counsel, and give Atten­tion to his Call, for the Bowels of his Love yearns towards thee; and he still waits to be gracious, Oh therefore embrace his Love! and wait for his Appearance, though he may [Page 37]appear as an Enemy, yet it is but to destroy sin; and therefore fly not at his appearance, to hide thy self as Adam did, when he had transgressed his Commandment, but wait for his coming, to destroy sin in thee; for there­fore must he first appear before thou can be a sit Vessel for him to dwell in, and then thou wilt come to witness the saying of the Prophet fulfilled, which he prophesied of in the days of old, saying, The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Law-giver, the Lord is our King, and he will save us; so (Mark) he is first to be known as a Judge, and a Condem­ner of Sin in the Members, and to take away that which makes a separation betwixt him and thy soul, and then must he be known a Law-giver to give Laws, and establish Laws, and Commandments in the hearts of his Peo­ple; and here also comes another Scripture to be fulfilled, which God promised in the days of old, saying, I will write my Law in their hearts, and put it in their inward parts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my Peo­ple; and then, as there is an obeying of these Laws, and a keeping of these Commandments which the Lord hath given unto us, and written in our inward parts, then do we wit­ness him, to be our King who will save us, and bring salvation with him: And blessed be his Name for ever, who is not awanting this day, unto them that really fears and obey him; for the Fountain of his Mercy [Page 38]is open, and the Sluces of the River of his pleasure is drawn, and the Flood-gates is set wide open, and the Call is gone forth to all the World, and the Sound thereof to the ends of the Earth, Come you that will come, come he that is a thirst, and he that hath no Money, come, buy Wine, and Milk, with­out Money, and without Price; Oh this is the Love of our God! Oh what manner of Love is this, wherewith he hath loved us, that he should thus freely tender his Mer­cy unto us who hath not deserved it at his hands! Oh surely it may well engage all who have felt of these his Mercies, and drank of this blessed Fountain, for ever to love him, and never to let him pass out of our Remem­brance; O that it might for ever be as a Seal upon all our Souls, and as a double en­gagement upon our Spirits, for ever to wait upon him, in the true Poverty of our Spi­rits, and in the true Nothingness of our selves before him, to bow at the Foot-stool of the Throne of his Grace, and there pour forth our Supplications day and night before him; beseeching him, that he may never withdraw himself from us, but for ever let us feel of these his Mercies, and be Partakers of these his Blessings, that in the Eenjoyment of the same, our Souls may be daily obliged, and daily feel fresh occasion of returning Glory, and everlasting high Praises and Thanksgiv­ing unto him, who over all is worthy, is wor­thy for ever.

[Page 39]And now my Brother, there is still some­thing livingly ariseth in my heart, to lay be­fore thee; that I may be clear as to the dis­charging my Conscience, in Obeying the will of the Lord; in faithfully doing that, which he commanded me, and that I may not do the work of the Lord deceitfully; he also having many times brought into my remembrance the charge, which he gave unto his Prophet; when he sent him to forewarn the Children of Israel, in the days of old, saying, If thou forewarn them of their evil, in speaking the things which I command thee, and they turn not from the evil of their ways, then shall they dye in their iniquities, and their blood shall be upon their own heads; but if not, they shall dye in their wickedness, but their blood I require at thy hands. Now these are the things, which I have to lay before thee.

1st. That thou let not thy mind out into the earth, in striving to gather great riches; for ma­ny times pride doth attend that spirit; that as soon as people are grown rich and full as to the outward, then do they come to be ex­alted, and puffed up, and look for Honour, and Esteem in the world, saying in their hearts, I am full, and entire, lacking no­thing, when they are naked, blind, and mise­rable, wanting all things. And therefore it is so; he that strives to heap up Treasures of this World, runs himself into a snare, and shall fall into a pit. Also said Christ, how hard­ly [Page 40]shall they that are rich, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: Verily, I say unto you, it is easier for a Camel, to go thorow the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into the KINGDOM of GOD; and also he saith in another place, Seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven first, and then all things needful shall be added unto you: And take no thought for to morrow, for to morrow shall take thought for the things of it self; and therefore I de­sire thee, let not thy mind out after these things, but labour, to lay up Treasures in Heaven, where the Thief cannot Steal, nor the Moth cannot Eat, nor the Rust cause to decay; and let the fear of the Lord possess thy heart, and then thou wilt indeed know that the Lord careth for his Children, and will not suffer any who puts their trust in him, ever to be ashamed, or to want any good things; for he fills the Hungry with good, when the rich and the full he sends empty away.

Secondly, That thou let not out an evil spi­rit, to watch over any, with an evil eye to look out at the weakness of others, or when thou can spy a fault in another, to take an advantage against them, or to give thy self any encouragement to give self any liberty; but watch over that spirit, to keep it down, lest while thou art thus watching over o­thers, the Enemy get in, and so deprive thee of the blessing, which the true waiters do receive, and are made partakers of.

[Page 41] 3dly, Take heed of Murmuring at the prospe­rity of any, or because, as thou may think, another may be accepted of above thee; but watch over that, to keep it down, for that is Cain's Nature, by which the world is guided, and whereby every one are striving to be greatest; and if that get power in thee, it will eat out thy life, and peace with God, and Union with his People: For God is no respecter of per­sons, but every one as they come truely to walk uprightly before him, are accepted of him; neither doth he require more of any, then he gives them power to do; for where much is given, much is required: so as there is but an improvement of the Talent, which God hath given to profit withal, all shall be well at the latter end; and therefore they that do well shall be accepted, but they that do evil, sin lyeth at their doors. And

Lastly, I desire thee, take heed of letting in an evil spirit of prejudice, against me, as to say in thy heart, as the Rebellious Israel did of old, Who made thee a Judge, and a ruler, o­ver me; for that is that spirit, which would Fly the Cross, and escape the Judgments, which must come upon it, before thou can be ac­cepted of the Lord, or be a fit Tabernacle for him to dwell in: for the Lord God Almighty, who knows the secrets of all hearts, knows and is my witness, this day, that I have no such design, as either to judge thee, or rule over thee; but to the contrary, I desire that [Page 42]I may be as a servant to thee, and help to bear thy burthens in any thing, that may tend to the welfare of thine immortal Soul; and therefore I desire thee sink down into Gods fear, and let his dread possess thy heart, and read it in the coolness of thy spirit, and in singleness of heart without partiality; then thou wilt come to see that I do not write to thee these things, by the invention of my own brain, or in my own will, but the Lord is pleased to make me an instrument in his hand, to stir thee up to remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, and to seek after a Saviour, while he is to be found; and therefore do I once more beseech thee, slight not the day of thy visitation, nor put the day of the Lord afar off, nor trust not in lying vanities, to say in thine heart, thou shalt have long life, and thou may take a little pleasure in thy young years, and then thou will serve the Lord, in thy old age; and after such, and such a thing is accomplished, thou will leave off thy life of vanity, and then thou wilt serve the Lord; Oh! take heed of giving way to it, the more it overcomes thee, and the further thou goes on in that way, the harder will be thy return, and the danger is great, whether ever thou may return or not; therefore bend the twigg while it is young, and turn to the Lord before sin be too much rooted in thee; for as an old Crooked Tree cannot be made straight, and fit for the building, without much hew­ing; [Page 43]even so, they that sin is much rooted in, and have long persisted in wickedness, will hardly be redeemed from under the bondage of it; but however, not without many stripes; there­fore, whilst the Lord in his mercy is thus call­ing, and inviting with so many tender invi­tations of love, hearken unto him, for the day hastens upon all, wherein it shall be said, He that is holy, let him be holy still; and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: yea, the day of the Lord will come, that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble be­fore the fire, and shall be utterly consumed; so that there shall be no place found for them: and so I desire thee, deal justly, and truly with thy own soul, and learn a bridle to thy Tongue, that in all thy Spiritual, and Tem­poral Exercises, thy Conversation may be or­dered aright, both before God and Man: For saith, James, chap. 1. v. 26. If any Man seem to be Religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but de­ceiveth his own heart, this Mans Religion is vain; so it is not a profession, that will serve any, though he may have the form of Godliness, yet if he want the power, God will not ac­cept him, but will cut him off as an untimely Grape, from the Vine; for it is not leaves, but fruit that God looks for; therefore let us labour to bring forth fruit to the glory of the Lord, lest when he comes to look for fruit, he find nothing but leaves, and so curse [Page 44]us as he did the fig tree, and like dead bran­ches hew us down, and cast us into the fire. So dear brother! I desire thee, deal faithfully, and uprightly with all Men, with whom thou hast to deal, and the Lord will bless, and prosper thee in all thy out-goings, and in­comings; but if thou deal otherwise, thou need expect nothing but a Curse from his Hand; Remember Joseph of Old, who be­ing a Just Man, and faithful to God, though he was a bondslave, brought a blessing up­on the whole Nation of the Heathens, that when all the Nations about him, was ready to perish with famine, they did abound with plenty; and how much more may thou, be­ing a Just man, and faithful to God, bring a blessing upon thy self, and upon thy own house; and now here is the sum of all these lines contained, To love thy Neighbour, as thy self aend to do unto all men, as thou would they should unto thee, to love mercy and to do justly, and walk HƲMBLY with thy GOD: Which if thou truly observe, and do, the Lord will plant thee as a Tree by the River side, and as a Lilly by the Wa­ter courses, which neither toyl nor spin, yet feed and grow, and is beautifully Array­ed; for Solomon in all his Glory, was never Arrayed like one of these. And now I have clea­red my Conscience, in doing the message of the Lord faithfully, according to the Abili­ty which he hath given me; and if the Lord should call me to visit in general▪ as he did [Page 45]to thee in particular, I desire that I may ne­ver be slack, but ever ready to answer his re­quirings, and do his will in all things; and I pray God set it home upon thee, that it may answer the end, for which it is sent, that I may cast my bread upon the waters, and after many days find it; and so unto that power, which is only able to save to the uttermost, all that will come unto it, do I commit thy Soul, with my own, and all that have any desires of righ­teousness in them; and I desire with all my Heart and Soul that we may for ever, be kept upright before the Lord, unto the end of our appointed time: That when he is pleased to put a period to our days, & when time unto us on this side the grave shall be no more, that we may give up our accounts with joy, and lay down our heads with peace, where none can make us afraid, and where our bread for ever may be sure, and our water never fail­ing; and that with Paul we may conclude, and say, We have fought a good fight, we have kept the faith, and funished our course; and hence­forth, there is laid up for us a Crown of Righteousness; and not for us only, but for all the Righteous; for the Crown of Glory he a­lone shall wear, that faithful to the end per­severe. So this, with dear love to thee, is all at present, from thy ever loving brother,

Benjamin Padley.

The Copies of part of two Letters to his Brother John Padley at London.

The First Letter.

Dear Brother,

AFter our dear Love to thee, these may let thee know, That I received thine, which I suppose came by the hand of John Yates; but it was but two weeks since, yesterday, and it did rejoyce me greatly, to hear from thee; but more especially, to hear how it was with thee: for I can truly say, it is that which my Soul has and doth travel for, that we may be preserved in Uprightness be­fore the Lord unto the end of our days; for blessed be his Name, his Tender Care has been over us, and his Compassion has been toward us in the days of our Minority, and in the time of our Youth; that though he was pleased to strip us of our Faithful Pa­rents, and to leave us destitute of a Habi­tation, yet he never forsook us, but his pro­vident hand has gone along with us, and taken care for us beyond what we could e­ver have expected; that with Jacob we may say, The Lord hath fed us all our Life long; and now it is the desire of my very Soul and Spirit, that we may walk worthy of [Page 47]those Mercies and Blessings that the Lord hath bestowed upon us, and that we may truly answer the end for which he hath thus visited our Souls, in faithfully performing that Duty and Service, which the LORD hath called us unto, and requires of us, and herein will the Lord be glorified by us, and our Souls will receive the everlasting Reward that will countervail all our Labour and Exercise; so into his hand do I com­mit our Souls, together with the Souls of all his Faithful Children every where, who is only able to preserve and keep us unto the end of our days,

Benjamin Padley.

The Second Letter.

Dear Brother,

MY Dear Love is unto thee, desiring thee may enjoy thy Health, as thro' the Lords Mercy we do at present, and not only so, but inward Peace, Comfort, and Satisfaction; I do daily witness and feel in my own particular, and Truth doth grow and prosper amongst us, which is Matter of great Joy and Comfort unto my Soul, and [Page 48]it is the breathing Desire of my Spirit, that the Lord may preserve thee, with my own Soul, and the Souls of our Dear Friends and Brethren in the Truth, in Uprightness before him, unto the end of our days, &c.

Benjamin Padley.

A Copy of a Letter to his Brother, John Padley, at London.

Beloved Brother,

THe Salutation of my Endeared Love doth reach unto thee in that insepa­rable unity and fellowship, which length of miles or distance of place cannot separate; as we dwell and abide in that blessed Truth which the Lord hath convinced us of; and not so only, but through his great mercy, and loving kindness hath brought us into obedi­ence in a pretty large measure, to the requi­rings of it, and it is the very desire, and Tra­vel of my Soul and Spirit, that we may be e­ver kept and preserved in the same obedience, to the end of our days, that as the Lord hath been pleased to give unto each particular of us a Tallent, to profit with all, that we now [Page 49]may be truely and faithfully exercised, for the improvement of it to the glory of God, and to the benefit and advantage of our im­mortal Souls; that when the Lord is pleased to call us to an account, that we may appear before him with joy, and receive the answer of Well done into our bosomes; and this will be more cause of joy, and gladness unto us, than though we could gain the whole world and want this.

And now my Dear Brother, by this thee may understand, that I have received thine baring date the 26th. of this month, as also two, that my Wife received before I came home; the reading of which hath greatly glad­ed my heart, as also the account that I had of thee by our dear Friends, John Whitehead, John Bouram, and Robert Lodge, which all did give me a very good account of thee; and I can truely say, it did abundantly rejoyce me to hear of thy welfare, and prosperity every way, but more especially of thy growth in the Truth, in which I pray God preserve, and continue thee with my own Soul, and every one whom he hath called, that his work may prosper in us, and that we may stand as living witnesses for him in our age and generation, amongst those whom he hath placed us; for blessed be the name of the Lord our God for ever, that hath not left us to our selves, nor suffered the enemy of our Souls to destroy us, neither hath he cut us off in [Page 50]our Transgression, but hath spared us to be as Monuments of his Mercy; and not only so, but his blessings is largely extended to­wards us to this very day, that my Soul can say that he is become an open fountain, and a place of broad Rivers, unto them that true­ly fears him, and is given up to serve him; he is making them to drink of the waters of a full cup, to the glading of their Souls, for which my Soul is ingaged to return Glory, Honour, and Thanksgiving unto him, who is God over all blessed, for ever and ever, A­men.

Friends, here about, are generally well, one­ly Christopher Hutton lyeth a dying, if he be not dead; his Son Emanuel was taken away last winter, he dyed a very honest young Man. So desiring these may find thee in good health, as through the Lords Mercy we are at present, we remain with our dear Loves to thee, desiring to hear from thee, which is most at present, from,

Thy truly Loving Brother, Benjamin Padley.

A Letter sent unto his Brother, John Padley.

Dearly Beloved Brother,

THe Salutation of my endeared Love is unto thee desiring of the Lord, that he may preserve thee, with my own Soul, in Faithfulness before him, in answering his Requiring, and doing those things which he makes manifest to be our Duty, though it may be never so great a Cross to our own Wills; for they that will be Christs Disci­ples, they must come truly to Witness a dayly taking up of his Cross, and a dayly dying unto those things in which we have formerly delighted, and give up truly to fol­low the Lord in the true self-denyal to be truly acted, ordered, and guided according to his Good Will and Pleasure: And now, dear Brother, that which is upon me at this time, to lay before thee by way of caution, is, to desire thee to be careful, lest the E­nemy beguile thee, by drawing thy Mind into some visible thing or other; for it was my Loss when I began to set up an Imploy­ment for my self, my Mind being hasty and desirous to gain Wealth, and to accomplish great things; I was altogether frustrated, for I did not only lose in outward things, but I partly lost my inward Condition, that [Page 52]I did not enjoy the Presence of the Lord in so large a Measure as I had formerly done, but blessed be the God of my Life forever, who has not left me to this day, but he has preserved with his Righteous Judgments, that has been greatly mixt with Mercy; and now blessed be his Name for ever, whose Blessings and Mercies I do enjoy this day in my mea­sure; and therefore unto him be the Praise and Glory, who alone is worthy over all; and so it is the desire of my Soul, that we may both be preserved faithful before the LORD, however it may go with us as to outward things, that we may first seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Righteousness thereof: And I do believe the Lord will not suffer us to want those things that is needful for us, but they that makes hast to be rich, do run themselves into a Snare, and is in danger to fall into a Pit; but it is my Hope and Considence in the Lord, that as we stand in his Councel, and dwells in Humility, desiring to be preserved faithful in all our Undertakings, the Blessings of the Lord will be with us, and he will still de­light to shew Mercy unto our Souls, that we shall have fresh occasion to bless and magni­fie his great and powerful Name, who a­lone is worthy over all, for ever, Amen.

Benjamin Padley.

A Catalogue of some Books Printed for and Sold by Tho. Northcott in George-Yard in Lumbard-street.

  • JOhn Burnyeat's Works, Price 2 s. 6 d.
  • G. Keith's Presbyterian and Independant, Visible Churches, in New-England, and else­where, brought to the Test, and examined, ac­cording to the Holy Scripture, Price 1 s. 6 d.
  • — His Way to the City of God, 1 s.
  • — His Fundamental Truths of Christi­anity, Price 8 d.
  • Stephen Crisps Alarum sounded in the Bor­ders of Spiritual Aegypt, which shall be heard in Babylon, Price 3 d.
  • — His Epistle concerning the Present and Succeeding Times, Price 2 d.
  • G. Fox the Younger's Works, Price 1 s. 8. d.
  • Eliz. Bathursts Truths Vindication, Price 8 d.
  • Sam. Fisher's Works, Price 12 s.
  • William Tomlinson's Innovations of Popery, Price, 6 d.
  • Buds and Blossoms of Piety, Price 1 s.
  • G. F's several Treatises, worthy of every true Christian's serious Consideration, Pr. 6 d.
  • R. Barclay's Apology for the True Christian Divinity, Price 4 s.
  • Robert Barclay's Works, Price 12 s.
  • Francis Howgil's Works, Price 10 s.
  • Isaac Penington's Works, Price 12 s.

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