SOME PRINCIPLES Of the ELECT People of God In scorn called QUAKERS.

O send forth thy Light and thy Truth, let them lead me, let them bring me to thy holy Hill, and to thy Tabernacles,

Psal. 43.3.

For the Commandement is a Lamp, and the Law is Light, and the Reproofs of Instruction are the Way of Life.

Printed in the Year, 1671.


  • FIrst, A Breif Account of what we are, and what our Work is in the World: By I. Pennington. Page 1
  • Secondly, Grounds and Reasons Why we deny the Worlds Teachers, Pag. 5
  • Some Principles of the Elect People of God Called Quakers, P. 16
  • Worship. P.20
  • The Church. Ibid.
  • The Way. Ibid.
  • The Cross. P. 21
  • True Communion. P. 22
  • The Gospel. Ibid.
  • Faith. Ibid.
  • Baptisme. P. 23
  • Persecution. Ibid.
  • Scriptures. P. 26
  • Tyths. P. 27
  • The Higher Power. P. 28
  • The Kingdom of Christ, how held up, and how not. P. 29
  • Teachers, Prophets, Pastors, Bishops, Presbiters. Ibid.
  • An Exhortation to all Christendom, to mind the Grace of God, to wit, the Light. P. 30
  • Perfection. P. 33
  • Resurrection. P. 34
  • Election and Reprobation. Ibid.
  • Fear and Trembling. P. 36
  • The Body of Death. P. 37
  • The Word Thou to a single Person. P. 39
  • Putting off the Hat, Bowing the Knee, Cringings and Complements. Ibid.
  • Good Manniers. P. 40
  • Objections of the World against the Preaching of Christ, P. 41
  • Bread, Water and Wine. P. 42
  • The Sabbath Day. P. 43
  • God-Fathers God-Mothers and sprinkling of Infants, Ibid.
  • The Word Trinity, Ibid.
  • [Page]The Ministry. P. 44
  • Dayes, Times, Meats and Drinks. Ibid.
  • Marriages. Ibid.
  • False Prophets and Antichrists. P. 45
  • A Generall Objection of People. P. 48
  • The Jew Inward and Outward. P. 49
  • Christ the Covenant of God. Ibid.
  • Plots and Conspiracies. P. 50
  • Original sin. P. 51
  • Oaths. P. 52
  • The Word of God and Original Sin, What it is. P. 54
  • Heathen Idolaters naming Dayes and Moneth. P. 63
  • Singing Psalms. P. 65
  • A Warning to all to keep out of the Fashons of the World. P. 66
  • Some Queries given forth to Priests ahd People to Answer if they can. By G. F. P. 68
  • The Scriptures. P. 72
  • Baptism. P. 75
  • The Lords Supper. P. 76
  • Prayer. P. 77
  • Ministry. P. 79
  • Magistracy and Government. P. 80
  • Superiority, Honour, Breeding, Manners, and the Word Thee and Thou to a single Person. P. 84
  • The Word Thou and Thee. P. 89
  • Putting off the Hat. P. 90
  • Perfection. By J. Parnel. P. 92
  • Womens speaking in the Church. By W. D. P. 94
  • The Sum or Substance of our Religion P. 97
  • Christ. Coming to the Father by him, &c. P. 103
  • The Gospel Ministration. P. 107
  • Christ manifested without, and within, and how both are owned by them that know the Truth, P. 108
  • The Principle of Truth, what it is, and how in may be discerned, and how it may be purchased, and possessed. P. 111
  • An Invitation to Professors seriously to Consider, &c. P. 114
  • A Brief Testimony for Truth: By T. Taylor, &c. P. 119
  • The Conclusion; By I. Penington.

A brief account of what we are, and what our work is in the world.

WE are a People whom God hath converted to him­self; a People in whom God hath raised up the Seed of his own Life, and caused it to reign over the eartly part in our selves; a People whom God hath divorced from the spirit of whordom, and joyned to his own Spirit. We, many of us, sought truly and onely after God from our childhood (our consciences bearing us witness in the sight of God) but the honesty of our hearts was still betrayed, and we led aside by the Whorish spirit, and knew not how to turn to that of God in us, which inclined us toward God. By this means we came to great distress and misery beyond all men, not but that all men were in as great a want of God (his Life, Power and Presence) as we; but the sence therof was not so quickened in others, as in us. Now it pleased the Lord at length to pitty us, and to inform our minds towards himself, to shew us where Life lay, and where Death lay, and how to turn from the one, and to the other; and he gave us his helping hand to turn us. And by being turned to h [...]m, we have tasted of the Truth, of the true Wisdom, of the true Power, of the true Life, of the true Righteousness, of the true Redemption: and by receiving of this from God, and tasting and handling of it; we come to know that that which the world hath set up in the stead of it, is not the thing it selfe. Now mark, we are not per­sons that have shot up out of the old root into another appear­ance, as one sect hath done out of another till many are come up one after another, the ground still remaining the same out of which they all grew: but that ground hath been shaken & shak­ing, destroyed & destroying, removed and removing in us, and the old root of Jesse hath been made manifest in us, and we have been transplanted by the everlasting power of Life, and a real change brought forth in us out of that spirit, wherin the world lives and worships, into another spirit, into which no [Page 2] thing which is of the World can enter. And hear we have met with the call of God, the Conversion to God, the Regeneration in God, the Justification, the Sanctification, the Wisdom, the Redemption, the true Life and Power of God, which the World cannot so much as bear the name of. And what we are made of God in Christ, we know to be truth and no lye: and when we testifie of this to the World, in the measure of the life of God in us, we speak truth and no lye; though the World which knoweth not the Truth, cannot hear our voice.

Now our work in the World is, to hold forth the virtues of him that hath called us to live like God; not to own any thing in the World which God doth not own: to forget our Country, our Kindred, our Fathers house; and to live like persons of another Country, of another kindred, of another family: not to do any thing of our selves, and which is pleasing to the old nature, but all our words, all our conversation, yea every thought in us to become new. Whatever comes from us, is to come from the new Principle of Life in us, and to answer that in others, but we must not please the old nature at all in our selves, nor in any else. And walking faithfully thus with God, we have a reward at present, and a crown in the end, which doth and will countervaile all the reproches and hard­ships, we do or can meet with in the World.

We are also to be witnesses for God, and to propagate his Life in the World; to be instruments in his hand, to bring others out of Death and Captivity unto true Life and Liberty: we are to fight against the powers of darkness every where, as the Lord calleth us forth. And this we are to do in his wis­dom, according to his will, in his power, and in his love, sweet­ness, and meakness. We are not to take wayes according to our own wisdom (but there must be a strict watch, set in the Life, least that get up again:) nor must we speak such words, as mans wisdom would call wise: nor may we go in our own will to seek any, but the Lord must go before: nor may we make use of our own strength, but feel his arm in our weakness: nor may we go forth in that love, sweetness, or meakness which is pleasing to the fleshly mind: but we must be true to God handling the sword skilfully and faithfully, judging and cutting [Page 3] down the transgressor in the power and authority of God▪ and when the meek, the lowly, the humble thing is reached and raised, then the true love, the sweetness, the tenderness, the meekness must go forth to that. The Lord God is rough with the transgressor, and all along the Scripture heweth and judgeth him: and if we come forth in the same spirit, we shall find the same leadings, where we meet with the same thing: for the Lord God will never be tender there; nor can that which comes from him, lives in him, is lead by him, be tender there whe [...]e he is not.

Now the very root of this severity is good, and of God, and hath love and sweetness at the bottom of it: yea in pitty, love, and bowels do we use the sword. It is in pitty to the poor cap­tived creature, that that might be cut down, which keeps it in bonds and captivity. And though we seem enemies to all sorts of men, for the Lords sake: yet we are not enemies, nor could do the least hurt to them any way, but are true freinds to their soules and bodies also: and our only controversie is with that which captives and maks them miserable: for we fight not at all with flesh and bloud, but with the principallity and power which led from God, and rules in it against God, to the poor creatures ruine and distruction. Yea if we had all the powers of the earth in our hands, we could not set up our own way, (if, after the manner, of men I may so call it) or so much as disturb others in their way thereby, but should wait in patience, till God gave us an entrance by his power.

Now let not men run on in heats against us, but let them seriously consider, whether we be of God or no: and let them consider; not with the reason and understanding which is alie­nated from God, but with the witness which lies hid in the heart. There is one great palpable argument that we are of God, which, is this, all the World is against us, the Worldly part every where lights with us, the Worldly part in every sort and Sect of men opposeth us, the rage of man every where riseth up against us; But those that are so hot against us, if at any time they become but meek and calm, patiently considering our cause, and consulting there upon with the testimony that they, find in their own hearts concerning us, they soon become pa­cified, [Page 4] and see that we are no mans enemies, against no righ­teous Law, not against Relations, not against Governments, not against any thing in the world that is good, but only against that which is evil and corrupt. And of a truth, the corruption of things God hath shewed unto us, and daily cals us forth after an immediate manner to witness against.

Therfore let men be sober, and take heed what they do, least they be found fighters against God: for the reproaches the scoffs, with other persecutions, which seem to be cast at us, light on him. It is not as we are men, but as we are obedient to him, as we stand witnesses for him, that we meet with these things. Now, as it is not we our selves that do these things, but the life and power of God in us; so it is not we that are struck at, but the Life and Power: if it were not for that, we might be as acceptable as other men. It is because we are not of the World, but God hath called us out of the World, that we are so hated of the world. This is the true cause, though the world will no more now acknowledge it, then it would in former ages. Yet I do not speak this for my own sake, to avoid my share in the Cross: for the reproach of Christ is our riches, yea far great­er treasure then is to be found in the pallace of Egypt: Yea the Presence of God, the sweet power of Life makes up all our losses, so that we have no cause to complain. It is very sweet, pleasant, and profitable for us to be found Sufferers for God; but we know it will not be profitable for you to be found Persecutors: and this is told you in true love and good will, by one who wishes no evil to you, for all the evil that ye have exercised towards the dear and pretious People of God for these many years. O that God would open your eyes, that ye might see whom ye have opposed, and against whom ye have hardened and strengthened your selves, that ye might bow to him, and receive life from him, and not perish in your gainsay­ing and opposition.

Isaack Penington.

Grounds and Reasons why we deny the worlds Teachers

FIrst, they are such shepheards that seek for their gain from their Quart [...]rs, and can never have enough, which the Lord sent Isaiah to cry out against, who bid all come freely, without money and without price, and, was not hired, but spake freely; and these make marchandise and a trade of his words; and therfore we cry out against them, and deny them, Isa. 56.11. and 54.1.

They are such Shepherds that seek after the Fleece, and cloath with the wooll, and feed on the fat, which the Lord sent Eze­kiel to cry wo against; who made a prey upon us; and the Lord said, he would gather his Sheep from their mouths, and that we should be a prey to them no longer; and we do witness the promise of the Lord fulfilled; and therfore we deny them, Ezek 54.34.

They are such Priests as bear rule by their means, which was a horrible and filthy thing commited in the land, which the Lord sent Jeremiah to cry out against; while we had eyes and did not see, we held up such Priests, but the Lord hath opened our eyes, and we see them now in the same estate that they were in, which Jeremiah cryed out against, who did not bear rule by his means; and therfore we deny them, Jer. 5.31.

They are such Prophets & Priests that divine for money, and preach for hire, which the Lord sent Micah to cry against; and whilst we put into their mouths, they preached peace to us, but now w [...] do not put into their mouths, they prepare war against us; and therfore we deny them, Micah 3.11.

They are such as are called of men Masters, & call men Masters, and have the chiefest place in the Assemblies, and stand praying in the Synagogues, and lay heavy burdens upon the people which Jesus Christ cryed wo against, and bid his Disciples not to be so; Be ye not called of men Mast [...]rs, for one is your Master, even Christ, and ye are all Brethren; so we do witness Je [...]us [Page 6] Christ our Master, and see them to be in the steps of the Phari­sees; and therfore we deny them, Mat. 3.10. Mat. 20.3.

They are such teachers, that with fained words and th [...]ough covetousness, made merchandize of us, and do upon the People; who by Oppression maintain themselves and Wives in pride and idleness, in hoods, veils, and changable suits of apparrel; who go in the way of Cain, to envy, murder, and persecute, and after the e [...]ror of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, following after gifts and rewards, which the Apostles cryed against; and therfo [...]e we deny them, 2 Pet. 2. Jude. 11.

They are such Teachers as have told us, the Steeple-house hath been the Church, when as the Scripture saith, the Church is in God; and the [...]fore we deny them. 1 Thes. 1.1.

They are such Teachers that have told us, the Letter was the Word, when as the Letter saith, God is the Word; therfore we deny th [...]m, Joh. 1.1.

They are such Teachers as have told us, the Letter was the Light, when as the Letter saith, Christ is the Light; therfore we deny them, Joh. 1.1.19. and 8.1 [...].

They are such Teachers as sp [...]inkle Infants, calling it an Ordi­nance of Christ, and baptizing into the Faith, into the Church, when as the Scripture saith no such thing; and therfore we deny them: but the Baptism by one Spirit, into one Body we own, 1 Cor. 12.13.

They are such Teachers as tell people of a Sacrament, for which there is not one Scripture, and so feed the people with their own inventions; and therfore we deny them; but the Table and Supper of the Lord we own, 1 Cor. 10.

They are such Teachers as tell people, that Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, is the Gospel, which are but the Letter. The Lamb of God which takes away the Sins of the world, is glad tydings to poor Captives: glad tidings we [...]e promised before the Letter was written, The seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serp [...]nts head, and H [...] shall be a Light unto the Gentiles: the Let­ter is a Declaration of the Gospel, and many have the Letter, but not Christ; but we having received the Gospel, know them to be no Ministers of it; and therfore we deny them, Gen. 3.15. Luke. 1.1.

[Page 7]They are such Ministers as go to Oxford and Cambridge, and call them the well-heads of Divinity, and so deny the fountain of living mercies, and there they study, and read books, and old Authors, and furnish themselves with Philosophy, and fine words, and other mens matter; and when they come again, they sell it to poor people; when as the Apostle saith, He was not made a Minister by the will of man, and that the Gospel which he preached was not of man, nor had he received it from man, nei­ther was he taught it; and denyed all his learning which he had got by the will of man at the feet of Gamaliel; and so finding them in the will of man, preaching by the will of man; we can­not but deny them, Gal. 1.

They are such Teachers, that tell people that Hebrew and Greek is the O [...]iginal, when as the Apostle spake in the Hebrew tongue to the Hebrews, who heard him in their own Language, and yet persecuted him; and the Greeks, who had the Gospel in their own Tongues, said, The Cross of Christ was foolishn [...]ss; these who had the Scripture, in their own Language, were as ignorant of the Life of them, as our naturall Priests, who spend so much time in learning a natural Language, to find out what those meant that spake forth the Scripture; who make poor people beleive that to know a natural Tongue is the means to understand the Original; the VVord which is the Original was before all Languages were, the VVord was in the begining which VVord was made manifest in all the Children of God, who spake forth the Scriptures; holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost. Now all ye learned ones, where is your Original? he [...]e you and your Original is razed out f [...]om the word, which is the Original which the Apostles preached amongst the Hebrews and Greeks, which was before Tongues were and your Original, which will break all your Tongues and Original to peices. Pilate had your Original of Hebrew Greek, and Latine, who crucified Christ; he that draws back into many Languages, as into Hebrew, and Greek, draws back into the naturals, and so draws into confusion; but the Ministers of God, who preach the Everlasting Gospel which endures for ever draw up into one Language, and so the Priests, and all that trade in natural Languages we utterly deny; Act. 22. 1 Cor. 1.13. John. [...]9.2 [...].

[Page 8]They are such Teachers as have told us, that the Steeple-house is the Temple, when as the Apostle said, Your Bodies are the Tem­ples of the holy Ghost; and Stephen was stoned to death for wit­nessing against the Temple, who said, God that made the World dwells not in Temples made with hands; and here finding them in the Generation that hold up the Figu [...]es, and deny the Sub­stance, and to be ignorant of that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures; we cannot but deny them, 1 Cor. 6.19. Acts. 7.

They are such Priests that take Tythes, the Tenth of mens Labours and Estates; and those that will not give them, they sue at Law and hale before Cou [...]ts and Sessions, yea even those they call their own People, their own Parishon [...]rs. Levy accord­ing to the Law receiv [...]d Tythes, and he had a command to set open his gates that the St [...]angers and the Fatherless should come within his Gat [...]s, and be satisfied and filled; but we find none more pittiless of the Fatherless and Widdows then they; and the Strangers they complain against to Justices, and perse­cute, (though they neither seek to them nor others for any outward thing) as wanderers; and he [...]e they walk contrary to the old Law: and the Apostle in his Epistle to the Hebrews said, The Preisthood being changed, there must of necessity also be a change of the Law, and we witness both the Priesthood and the Law changed; but they that take Tythes, and they that pay Tythes, according to the old Covenant, deny Jesus Christ the everlasting Preist to be come in the Flesh; and he [...]e these Priests sh [...]w themselves to be Antichrist, that are entered into the World, and opp [...]ess the Creation, when as Jesus Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give; and the Apostle said, was there a wise man amongst them that went to Law one with ano­ther? here they are evil examples to the people, to sue, w [...]an­gle and cont [...]d, and walk out of the steps of Christ, and all the holy men of God; yea they exceed all the false Prophets in wickedn [...]s, for we do not read that ever any of them sued men at the Law; and therfore we cannot but utterly deny them, Deut. 14.29. Heb. 7.12.

They ar [...] such Priests as beside their Tythe of Corn, Hay, Beast, Sheep, Hens, Pigs, Geese, Eggs, Cherries, Plumbs; take ten shillings for preaching a Funeral Sermon, more or less, as [Page 9] they can get it, and ten shillings for the death of a man; and Money out of Servants Wages, and Money for Smoke passing up the Chimneys, and Easter reckonings, and Midsummer dues, and Money for Churching of Women, and thus by every device get Money, (and burthen poor people that labour very hard and can scarse get Food and Raiment,) to maintain them in idleness and pride: these are they that have hearts exercised with covetousness, burthening the Truth, and making the free Gospel chargable: if the Apostle was here, he would be ashamed of them, and so are we, and therefore turn from them, and deny them, 2 Pet. 2.3.

They are such Priests as not only take Tyths and Money for many other things of their own Hearers, and sue them at Law for it; but they take money of them they do no work for; but only raile against them, and say, They that wayt at the Alter, are pertakers with the Alter, but live of them who are not of the Alter, and say, The Labourer is worthy of his hire; but take Wages of them that have not hired them, and if they will not give it them, cast them into Prison, or take their Goods by Justices Warrants; these are they that Christ cryed wo against, who lay heavy burthens upon the people, who oppress tender Consciences, that own the Everlasting High Priest; where do they find any of the Ministers of Christ bargaining for so much a year? here they abide not in the Doctrine of Christ, but are Hirelings, and therefore we deny them. Mat. 23.2.

They are such Preachers as have told us, They have been gifted men, and we find in the Scriptures, that the gift of God is free, and not to be bought and sold for money; and Job said Wisdom is not to be purchased for money nor Gold; but they will not sell their gift under 200 l. 100 l. 80 l. or 50 l. a year, more or less, as they can get it, here we find they have not recei­ved the Gift of God, but are like Simon Magus, and therefore we deny them. Acts 8.20. Job 28.

They are Babylons Merchants that make a trade of Scriptures, and the Saints conditions, which the Prophets and Apo­stles spoke forth freely, without money, and without price, and bad all come freely. How many hundred thousand pounds in England is gained by the Scripture, and humane Authors joyned to it? Where is there a more profitable trade? Here they make [Page 10] Scriptures their Cloak and colour to get Mnoey by, and so make an Idol of it; and if any come to witness it fulfiled, as it was in them that gave it forth, they cry out to the Magistrates against them as Blasphemers and Deceivers: And if they answer, He that administers spiritual things ought to reap carnal, let him consider, the Apostle wrote not that to the the World, but to those that they had gathered out of the World, to whom the ends of the World were come; and let them gather people out of the World, and then they shall not need to bargain with them for things of the World; but their trading is with the World, and therefore we deny them, Isa. 55.1.

They are such Teachers as take a Text out of the Saints con­ditions, and take a Weeks time to study what they can raise out of it, adding to it their own wisdom, Inventions, Imaginations, and heathenish Authors, and then on the first day of the week go amongst the people, having an hour glass to limit themselves by, and say, Hear the Word of the Lord, and for Money tell people what they have scraped together.

These are they that speak a divination of their own heart, and not from the mouth of the Lord, which the Lord sent Jere­miah to cry out against, Jer. 23.

These are they that use their tongues, and say, The Lord saith, when as the Scriptures say so, and the Lord never spake to them, Jer, 23.30.

These are they of whom the Lord speaks, I am against all such as steal my word every one from his Neighbour: and so we are against all such as Jeremiah was sent to cry wo against, the Pastors that now steal the words of the Prophets, of Christ, and the Apostles; the Lord hath shaken his hand at their dishonest gain, and to them belong the Plagues that are written in the Book they make a trade on, for adding to it their own inventi­ons, therefore do we come out from amongst them, and deny them. Jer. 23.31.

These are they of whom the Apostle speaks: That creep into Houses leading silly women captive, which are led away with di­vers lusts, which be ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledg of the truth, though some have learned 50, 60, or 70 years, covetous, proud, high-minded, self-willed, lovers of plea­sures more then lovers of God, who have gotten a form of [Page 11] godliness, but deny the power thereof, from which the Apostle bad turn away, and so do we, 2 Tim. 3.6.

They are such Teachers as gave us, and give people, Davids conditions in Meeter, and when we had no understanding we sung after them, as ignorant people do now, his tremblings, his quakings, his weepings, fastings, prayers, prophesies; and when we sung we put of our hats, and when they read them, we kept them on, and so they caused us to worship the works of their own hands; here they shew the spirit of Error, making wicked people to sing, O Lord I am not puft in mind, I have no scornful eye, I do not exercise my self in things that are to high, when they are puft in mind, and have scornful eyes, and do exercise themselves in things that are to high, and are full of Filth, Pride and Loftiness, and can scarce look at one another: here they make poor people to offer a Sacrifice of Lyes, and make them Hypocrites, deceiving themselves, saying what they are not: But the Singing with the Spirit and with understanding we own, and therefore the Priests that Sing without understanding we deny, 1 Cor. 14.15.

They are such Teachers as deny the conditions that the Saints witnessed, viz. trembling and quaking: when as we find the Holy men of God that gave forth the Scriptures witnessed such things. Moses who was Judge over all Israel, feared, quaked, and trembled exceedingly: and the Son of man was to eat his bread with quaking; and Daniel the man of God trembled, and was sore astonished: and Jeremiah the Prophet of the Lord reeled to and fro like a drunken man, and all his bones did shake; and David who was a King trembled and quaked; and Ephraim when he trembled was exalted in Israel; and Habakkuk who was a Prophet trembled, and his belly shook, his lips quivered: and Isaac in whom the seed was called, trembled exceedingly; and Paul a Minister of Christ trembled; but they make a scorn of trembling and quaking, and shew themselves ignorant and strangers to the Life and Power of God, as their Generation ever was, who still made a scorn and reproach of the holy men of God that trembled and quaked; but the Seed of God, and the Prophets, and the Servants of the Lord we own, and their conditions we witness; and therefore all the Priests, and them that deny the holy men of God, we utterly deny, Heb. 12.21. [Page 12] Ezek. 12.18. Dan. 10.10. Jer. 23.9. Psalm. 119.120. Hos. 13. [...] Habbak. 3.16. Acts 9.6. Gen. 27.23.

They are such Teachers as tell the people that Christ hath not enlightened every one that comes into the world, when as Christ saith; He doth enlighten every one that comes into the World: and hear they go about to make Christ a lyer, and John Baptist a false Prophet, and deny the Scriptures; and they say, God hath not given every one a measure according to his ability when at Christ saith, He hath done it, Christ is the light of the World, and by him the World was made, and he came into the World, and the World received him not; it is so now, Light shines in darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not; and this is the condemnation, That Light is come into the world, the one he loves the Light, and brings his deeds to it, that they may be made manifest, and walk in it, there is no occasion of stumbling in him; the other, he hates the Light because his deeds are evil, and this is his condemnation; and we witness the Light where­with Christ hath enlightened every one that comes into the world, and by obedience to the Light, he is become our Master, our Teacher: and all who stumble at the Light, and deny it are ignorant of the Foundation Stone, and know not the first Prin­ciple, but are shut out from knowing any thing of God; and therefore the Priests and all their followers we deny, Joh. 1.9. and 3.19, 20. Mat. 25.15.

They are such Teachers as walk out of the Doctrine of the Apostles, and practise of all the Churches▪ Paul saith, If any thing be revealed to him that sits by, let the first hold his peace, for all may prophesie one by one, that God in all things may be glorified, and you edified: and the spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets: and God is the Author of Peace, and not of confusion: and this was in all the Churches of the Saints: But now if any man come among them, while they are speaking, or when they haue done, and be moved to speak any thing, them of their Church, the rude multitude, fall upon him with Staves, Fists, and Punch­es and Knocks him down with Stones, shewing themselves to be of that generation that stoned Stephen to death, and the Priests call to the Officers to take him to the Stocks, and to carry him before the Magistrate, and from thence he is sent to Prison, and called a disturber of the Peace: here they shew themselves to be [Page 13] no Ministers of Christ, and their Assembly to be no Church, but in confusion, for that which was order among the Saints, is disorder amongst them; the Church of Christ was never Fighters, nor Quarrellers, nor Scorners; such Churches are the fruits of the Ministry of ENGLAND, who were made by the will of man, and never sent of Christ, and therefore they do not profit the people at all, but are Persecutors of the Messengers of Christ, and therefore we deny them, 1 Cor. 14, 32.33. Acts 7. Ver. 23.32.

They are such Teachers as have told us, we should never be made free from Sin while we are upon earth; when as the Apostle saith, They were made free from Sin, he thanks God, and had put of th [...] body of Sin; so we find they had told us lyes con­trary to the Scripture, and the Apostle saith, While we were ser­vants of sin we were free from righteousness; so in that state we find them; and therefore we deny them, And they have told us, none shall ever be Sanctified, nor the body of Sin destroyed, nor cleansed from Sin while they are upon earth, when as the Apostle said, They were sanctified, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all Sin; and the Ministers of God said, they reign­ed as Kings; and here they deny the Scriptures, and therefore we deny them. And they deny the begotten Son of God, which Sin­neth not, and calleth it blasphemy for any to witness that born which Sins not, when the Scripture saith, He that is born of God Sinneth not, neither can he Sin, because he is born of God, and the seed of God remaines in him; and he that commits Sin is of the Devil, and hereby are the Children of God made manifest, and the Children of the Devil; and as he is, so are we in this present world, and a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; if the root be holy so are the branches, and one Fountain cannot send forth sweet water, and bitter: he that can receive it, let him; but the cheif Priests, and Elders, and Pharisees, and Sadduces, and Rulers, at this stumbled then, and so they stumble now at the Light, from whence these words were given forth, which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world, and therefore we deny them, Rom. 6.18. and 6.6. Rom. 8.10. 1 Cor. 6.11. 1 Joh. 1.7. 1 Joh. 3.6, 9; 10. 1 Joh. 4.17.

And they a [...]e such Teachers that have told us, none shall ever be perfect while they are upon the earth, when as Christ saith, [Page 14] be ye perfect as your Father which is in heaven is perfect; and the Apostle saith, By one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. And the Ministry of Christ is for the perfecting of the Saints, till they all come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, to a perfect man. Here we find them to deny the Scriptures, and the everlasting offering, and all such we cannot but deny; and we witness the everlasting offering, which perfects for ever them that are sanctified. Praises to the Lord for ever, who hath sent forth his Son in the likeness of Sinful flesh, to condemn Sin in the flesh, that in him we might be made the righteousness of God; and all that deny perfection and sanctifi­cation, deny this offering, and the gift of God, which is perfect, and the Ministry of God, which is for perfecting the Body; and such Ministers are not Members of the Body, nor can present any man perfect in Christ Jesus, and therefore we deny them, Mar. 5.10. Heb. 10.14. Eph. 4.12, 13. 2 Cor. 5.21. James 1.17.

They are such Teachers as deny the everlasting Covenant, and the anointing, for if any come to witness that they are taught of God, and that he hath written his Law in their hearts, and put his Spirit within them, and that none need say to them, know the Lord; then they cry out to the Magistrates, and igno­rant people, these are the Deceivers and false Prophets that shall come in the last times, they deny the means; and when any witness they have received an unction from the holy one, and need not that any man teach them, but as the anoynting teacheth them of all things; then they cry out, these are Seducers and Seduced: and so here they deny the Covenant of God, and the Promise of God, and shew themselves to be the great Seducers, that draw from the Anointing, and finding their spirits contra­ry to the Scriptures, we cannot but deny them, Jer. 31.33. Heb 11.8. 1 Joh. 2, 20, 27.

They are such Teachers, that say, Revelations are ceased, and deny Revelations and so deny the Son, for, no man knows the Father, but he to whom the Son reveals him, and no man knows the things of God, but the Spirit of God, and he to whom the Spirit reveals them: and the Apostle said, It pleased the Father to re­veale his Son in him: and so he that denies Revelations, denies both the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit; these are the Priests who talk of Religion, and have gotten a form to trade [Page 15] with, and have received things by traditon, but are ignorant of God, and of the Spirit, by which all Saints were ever guided; and therefore we deny them, Mat. 11.27. 1 Cor. 2.11. Gal. 1.16. Phil. 3.15.

Therefore all people, consider what you do, and hold up, and worship, for the Worship is but one, and the Word is but one, and the Baptism is but one, and the Church is but one, and the Way is but one, and the Light is but one, and the Power is but one; but they that are without have many Teachers, many Ways, many Opinions and Judgments, and many Sects; but we have but one Priest, which is over the houshold of God, and therefore are all of one heart and soul.

Moved of the Lord, written from the Spirit of the Lord for the cleansing of the Land of all false Teachers, Seducers and Deceivers, and Witches, who beguile the people, and Inchant­ers, and Diviners, and Sorcerers, and Hirelings, and which is for the good of all people, that fear the Lord, and own Jesus Christ to be their Teacher.

From them whom the world scornfully calls Quakers; but quaking and trembling we own, else we should deny the Scrip­tures, and the holy men of God; but the Scriptures we own, and the holy men of God; Therefore we deny all them who deny quaking.

If you say these things are frivolous things, which you have taught us, then we have been taught frivolous things all this while; but we find all these things frivolous things, wind and air, and therefore we deny them.

All people that read these things, never come ye more at the Steeple-house nor pay your Priests more Tythes, till they have answered them, for if ye do ye uphold them in their Sins, and must partake of their plagues,

Some PRINCIPLES of the Elect People of God, scornfully called, QUAKERS.

A Salutation of Salvation to all People throughout the Christian World, that they may Enter in by the Door which is Christ the Light, by which Every man is enlightened that cometh into the World, by Christ the Light, which is the Way to God, and the Door by which they must enter into the Father, from the World, from Darkness and Death, and its Power, into Covenant with God, by Christ the Door. And this is the Light, by which ye see all the evil Actions which ye have evilly acted, and all the ungodly works which ye have un­godlyly commited, and all the ungodly thoughts which ye un­godlyly have thought, and all the hard speaches and ungodly words which ye have spoken. The Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened you; is that which maketh manifest all that is contrary to it. The same Light maketh manifest the Saviour, from whence it comes: and it maketh manifest that Christ is the Covenant of Light and Life, by which you come to have peace with God. The same Light maketh manifest to you (if you love it) that Christ is the Mediator between you and God. The same Light maketh manifest that Christ is the Offering for your Sins, and the Sins of the whole World. The same Light doth manifest that Christ is the way, the truth and the Life, and the word of God by which all things were made and Created. And the same Light manifests that Christ is the Wisdom of God, and Power of God, and Sanctification, and Justification, and Re­demption. To Sanctifie, Justifie and Redeem from that which the Light manifests to be Evil; and that which lets, and keeps in the seperation from God.

And this Light is within, by which all these things are seen; and you that love this Light you will se all these things Love mentioned: Christ the Mediator, Christ the Way, the [Page 17] Life, the Wisdom, the Sanctifier, the Redeemer, the Offering for your Sins, and the Sins of the whole World. In this Light ye will have his Testimony; and so he that believes shall have the Testimony and Witness in himself, and so ye all being en­lightened with this Light, receiving it, you receive Christ, then you do not receive Darkness, nor the Prince of Darkness. And as many of you as receive Christ, he will give you power to become Sons of God (mark) ye shall have power by which you shall know Son-ship to stand against sin and evil, and become the Sons of God.

Now if you hate this Light, and go on in sin, and in evil thoughts, and evil words, works and actions, and do not come to the Light which reproves you, but love Darkness rather then Light, it will be Your condemnation. And this is the Light which maketh manifest to every one of you what you have done, spoke, thought and acted amiss, and reproves you for it: and if you love the Light, you love Christ, and you love your Saviour, Redeemer, Sanctifier and Offering for Sin. And you see him who puts an end to sin, and destroyes the Devil who brought it in, and his Works; he that destroyeth; and brings in everlasting Righteousness in you. But (as above mention­ed) if you hate this Light, and go on in sin and evil, it will be your condemnation.

This Light is with you in your Labours, and in your Beds, and when you are about your Business, Trades and Occupati­ons; shewing to you all your words, and all your thoughts, works and actions. Which Light (if you love it) will lead you from the Old into the New Life, and from the Alienation and Degeneration from God, his Life and Image.

And with this Light you will see Christ a King to Govern you, who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth given to him; And with the Light you will see him a Prophet to open to you, and a Priest to offer for you to the Father; and in this Light you will see more Light, the same shining in your hearts, it will give you The knowledge of the Glory of God, in the face of Christ Jesus your Saviour: And with the Light you will see the Kingdom of Heaven within, which never gave consent to Sin and Evil, like to a grain of Mustard-seed, and to a Leaven which leaveneth into a New Lump.

[Page 18]And with the Light you will see the Field, which is the World, placed in your hearts, where the Pearl is hid, and with what you must dig to find the Pearl, the Power of God; and what you must sell for its sake, to purchase the Field, And waiting in this Light, you will receive the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, to to lead you into all Truth, and to bring the Words which Christ hath spoken to your remembrance; and it will shew you things to come; and it shall receive of those which are Christs, and give it unto you. So loving the Light you love Christ, and receiving it you receive Christ, the first and the last; For in the Light Christ is seen and handled, his Voyce is heard and he is follow­ed. So in the Light you will see Christ to be your Teacher, who saith, Learn of me, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; by whom Life Eternal is given. And you are brought again to Christ the Shepherd, who draws you out of the Fall to God, in­to his Image, where the Green Pastures of Life are known and fed upon. And no man commeth to the Father (saith Christ) but by me: who enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, that by the Light all may believe. And, saith Christ, Be­lieve in the Light whilst ye have the Light, that you may be Chil­dren of the Light. So you being enlightned with the Light, which if you believe in it, you come to be Children of the Light, and Heirs of Promise, and Mercy, and of the Power of a Life that hath no End. And believing in the Light, you pass from Death to Life, from Darkness to Light; and you come to know a Translation from Darkness to Light, and from Satans Power to the Power of God; and to know the begotten of God, into his own Image, by his Power, as you have been degenerated from God, and have lost his Image, by the Prince of Darkness, and so translated from the Image of God, into the Image of Satan, from the Power of Christ, into the Power of Darkness; so you must come to the Light, that ye may have another Conversion, from Satans Power to God, from Darkness to Light, to be re­newed into the Image of God; and this is felt within, and as you feel this within, you will know the Word of God within in your hearts, which is the Word of Faith, which the Apostles preached to the Romans; which they were to hear, obey, and do: And that is the Word which seperates the pretious from the vile; your pretious thoughts, affections, motions and words [Page 19] from your vile: So the Word is in your Hearts, and Mouthes, to obey it, and to do it; And it is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged Sword: And you shall not need to say, Who shall bring it from Heaven, or who shall fetch it from beneath? But it is in the Heart and Mouth; and this is the Word of Faith which the Apostles preached.

And the same Word is called a Hammer, a Sword, and a Fire to beat down, to cut down, and to burn up whatsoever is contra­ry to it. So it is the same Word which sanctifieth, and purifieth, and reconcileth to God, as beats down, and cuts down, that which is contrary to God and which seperates betwixt you and God. So you may hear, obey and do the Word, for it is with you in all places, and in all your occasions, dividing good thoughts from bad, good words and motions from bad: For if all Chri­stendom would hear and obey the Word in their Hearts, which is pure, and lives, and remaines, and endures for ever, by which they would come to be born again of the Immortal Seed, this Word would keep them from evil Actions and Words which are spoken and acted by them: And so by the Word every one should be taught, and should know the engrafted Word, which is able to save the Soul, which beats down, and cuts down, and burns up that which wars against it, and keeps the Soul from the en­joyment of God. And so in this Word they should know the annointing in themselves to teach them, so that they should not need any man to teach them, but as the same annointing teach­eth them, which teacheth Truth in all things.

And in this Light and Word, which is in the heart, they should know the New Covenant of God, the Law written in the heart, and put in their mindes, by which they should not have need to say one to another, Know the Lord; for all should know him from the least even to the greatest.

And those are true Christians who come to witness this, as thousands in England do witness it in this his Day; among whom the pretious Pearl is found, and the Field is bought, among whom the Law of the Spirit of Life, sets free from the Law of Sin and Death: Who witness the Ages to come, of which the Apostle spoke, In which the kindness and exceeding riches of the Grace of God should be manifested again, which the Lord in the Primitive Times made manifest amongst the Apostles, who [Page 20] sat together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. In which places▪ thousands are now come to sit; Glory be to him for ever.

I. Concerning WORSHIP.

The Promise of Redemption is from that State in which Adam and Eve, their Sons and Daughters are in the Fall driven from God, into a State in which they were before they were driven from God, to the Church in God. Now they that sit down in a State driven from God, are People far off from the Church in God. Our Worship is in Spirit and in Truth, in which the Devil abode not, but is out of it, who is the Author of strife and unrighteousness amongst People, which Truth maketh the Devil to bow, and cringe, yea, and destroys him; and it is the Spirit that mortifies sin, which makes the Separation from God. Now we say, that if all Christendom had worshipped God in Spirit and in Truth, they had all been in Him, out of which the Devil is, and had been in the holy Mountain, and had felt the Spirit ruling them in their own particulars, and had felt the Spirit of Truth guiding and teaching them in them, in their own hearts.

II. Concerning the CHURCH.

Our Church is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he Redeems with his own blood, without spot, or wrinkle, or deformity, or any such thing, which blood we feel in our Hearts, purging us from all sin; with which blood we feel our Consciences cleansed from dead works to serve the Living God. So this blood is witnessed in us, and the excellency thereof, by which we come to know the price of Redemption.

III. Concerning the WAY.

We say that Christ is Our Way, which is Light, which en­lighteneth you and every man that cometh into the World, that [Page 21] with this Light you may see him, the Way, and may come to walk in the Way of Peace and Life, which is the Way to God, and which is the New and Living-Way, in which the Apostles were, out of which Christendom is gone, erring from the Light in their own particulars, into their own Inventions and Imagi­nations, which is the cause that there are set up so many Wayes among them, changable Wayes, and changable Worships, a­mong them (I say) who have erred from the New and Living Way. So whosoever comes to the Light in themselves, they come to Christ, they come to the New and Living Way, out of the Old and Dead Wayes which are in the Fall from God, out of his Image and Power; So whosoever comes to his Image and Power, they must come to the Light, wherewith Christ the Way hath enlightened them all in their own particulars, and hear his Voyce and Doctrine. So there is not another Way to the Father but Christ the Light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, which is the Way, yea, the New and Living Way. So, who love the Light, they love the Way, and they love Christ; but they who hate the Light, they hate Christ the Way.

IV. Of the CROSSE.

The Cross of Christ is the Power of God, which is contrary to the World; which Cross of Christ, the Power of God, was a­mong the Apostles, which Crucified them from all outward Fi­gures, Types, Shadows and Inventions of Men. So they who are gone from the Power of God, since the dayes of the Apo­stles, have set up many Crosses, who have lost the true Cross, which is the Power of God. The Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God, Crucifies that state in which Adam and Eve, and all their Posterity were in, in the degeneration, in which Cross is the Power of God; by which Cross they come to a state in which they were in before their Fall. And in this Power of God, the Cross is the Fellowship, which is a Mystery, which brings to the Beginning, in which is Endless Life; and this Mystery is in it.

V. Of the True COMMUNION.

The True Communion is in the Gospel, which is among us, as it was among the Apostles, in the Spirit and Light, by which we have Fellowship with the Father and with the Son.

VI. Of the GOSPEL.

The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation; for he that be­lieveth receiveth Power, receiveth the Gospel, by which Life and Immortality is brought to Light; and the Power of God ex­pels that which keeps Life and Immortality from people, and captivates their soules spirits and mindes, and keeps them in Bondage; which Power of God expells it all and sets them Free, and gives them dominion over that, which burdens them and gives them to feel and to see before that was which hides Life and Immortality from them. And by this Power of God, Life and Immortality comes to Reign, in which is the Saints Fellow­ship, and Church-Fellowship, in which they come to be Heires of the Power of God, Heirs of the Gospel, Heirs of the Fellow­ship, Membrs of the Church, and Membrs of one another; in the Power of God, the Gospel wich was before the Power of Darkness was.

And now the Gospel must be preached again to all Nations, Kindreds, Tongues and People, who dwell upon the Earth; that by this Gospel, Life and Immortallity may be brought to Light among them, and expel away that which hides it from them, by which Power, the Gospel, which is Salvation, which frees the Soules, Spirits, and Consciences from that which bur­dens them, and to them this is Glad Tydings.


The Faith is one which purifieth the heart, which giveth victory, and which brings to have access to God, and which [Page 23] giveth victory over that which seperates from God; in which Faith was the Unity of the Saints in the Primitive Times, in which also stands our Unity; which Faith is the Gift of God.


There is one Baptism, by one Spirit, into one Body, which plungeth under all the corruption which got up since Trans­gression, which hath made the Separation between Man and God; which Spirit leads into one Body from the many Bodies, and into one Head from the many Heads of those many Bodies, which are in the Fall from God. So Baptized with one Spirit, into one Body, which plungeth under all that which makes a separation from God. We are made to drink into one Spirit, and this Spirit is within, plunging under all the corruptions which are within; And the Cross of Christ, which is the Pow­er of God, is within, crucifying the mind which did walk in those things which hides from God, and which keeps in the World, in the lust of the Eyes, the pride of Life, and the lust of the Flesh which are not of the Father. Now they that mind Earth­ly things, they go from the Power of God within, and are Enemies to his Cross, which is the Power of God (as Paul saith) and so, many Heads, many Bodies, many Baptisms, are among them, who are out of the Power of God, the Cross of Christ, and out of the One Baptisme with the Spirit, into one Body, into one Head, Christ Jesus, the first and the last, the be­ginning and the end, and the Head of his Church, which is his Body, and he is the Saviour of it; of which Church we are.


Now concerning the divers Faiths, and divers Worships, which are in the World, and the Persecution about them, such Belie­vers and Worshipers are out of the one Faith which giveth victo­ry, and have lost the spiritual weapons and are run into the car­nal, and so are out of the true Worship which is in Spirit and [Page 24] Truth; out of which (as I said before) the Devil is. And here are all the carnall weaponed men, fighting for their Worship, and for Trifles.

When as the Spiritual weaponed men, who have the Word of God, and the Sword of the Spirit, they strive not with flesh and blood, destroy not Creatures by calling to the Powers of the Earth to help them. When as carnal minded men, who are out of the Church, which was in the begining, and its weapon and Spirit: who deform, kill and slay Creatures about their invented Worships, Faiths, Baptisms, Churches, Croses, and such like; which were not the Fruits, neither the Works of the Apostles, nor of the spiritual weaponed men. So all ye that per­secute and kill about Religion, Church and Worship, are not Worshipers of God in Spirit and Truth: They are not in the fellowship of the Gospel, the Power of God, Which was before the Power of Sathan was, and they are not in the true faith which giveth victory over that which seperates from God, nei­ther are they in the Cross of Christ, the Power of God, which was before Sathan was, which crucifies the flesh, and the world, and their carnal weapons. So all ye who Persecute and kill about Religion, you are out of the New and Living way, Christ Je­sus, which saith, Love Enemies; and commands to give the check [...], back and hairs to the Smiters: ye are in Cains way who Persecute and Kill your Brother Christians, as Cain did, and so in this you do not well, neither doth God respect your Sacrifice for if you and Cain had done well, neither you nor Cain had killd your Brothers about Worship, Church, Sacrifice and Reli­gion, and then God would have had respect unto you, but you do­ing not well, sin lyeth at your door, as it did at Cains, and its gotten in your House; so that now, neither his nor your Sa­crifice God accepts or regards, neither stand you in an acceptable state, where now you are, but in a way, in which together with Cain you walk, which is not the New, nor the Living Way. For Adam neglected to hear the Voice of God, and Cain neg­lected to hear the Voice of God, and the Jews they neglected to hear the Voice of God, and you neglect to hear his Voice, and the Devil who went from the Truth, lyeth at the door of such who neglect the Voyce of God, and so sin entreth into the House and defiles them, and so their hearts are hardned, for which [Page 25] cause they turned against their Brethren. So they neither do well, neither doth God accept their Sacrifice, for they go from the path and the way where God respects and accepts People, and so becomes Fugitives and Vagabonds in the Earth, and hath not an habitation in God, and in this Fugitive State, those Ba­ptised Nations are worse than the Nations not Baptized; and many of them are much more Children of the Devil than before, like the Jews Proselites, killing and persecuting, doing the De­vils work, who is out of the Truth. For both Christ, his Mi­nisters and Apostles came to save mens Lives; but the Devils policy was to cloath his Ministers, Apostles and Messengers with the Sheeps cloathing, and keeps People always under them, that they may alwayes pay them, but destroys and persecutes such as refuse. And this is not according to Christ the Way, who destroyes the Devil and his works, who led Man from God, and maketh Man unclean; and Christ, who destroyes the Devil, maketh Man clean again, and brings Man to God, who is the Justifier, Sanctifier, Redeemer, and the Captain of their Salvation; and Persecution is alwayes blind. So every Reli­gion, Church, Worship, Ministry, Maintenance, which is set up by Carnal Weapons, Clubs and Swords is from Cain and Judas, and from the Jews, and from Anti-christ, and is Anti-christi­anism, and not from Christ, neither in the Way which is the Way to Life. For he is the Life which saveth Mens Lives, but he is of the Prince of Death that destroyeth Mens Lives, and of the Prince of Darkness, out of the Light, and out of Christ the Way, who was before he was, and his workes, and who lives and re­maines when he is gone (to wit, the Devil) and all his Instru­ments and Works: Let the Glory be to God alone for ever.

And all the vain Jangles and Contentions, and Disputes con­cerning the Scriptures of Truth, with the divers Meanings and Interpretations thereof, from whence they arise, because they are not in the Power and Spirit in which they were that gave them forth; So they are not in Fellowship with God, from whence they came, neither with the Spirits of Just Men, who gave them forth, neither are in Ʋnity one with another, for they are out of the Spirit, in which Spirit we are, by which Spirit we know God, we know the Spirits of Just Men, we know the Scrip­tures, with which we have Ʋnity one with another, and the Spirit [Page 26] of the Prophets is subject to the Prophets; and this is witnessed amongst us which God said, viz. That he would pour out of his Spirit upon all flesh, and Sons and Daughters should Prophesie. And now both Sons and Daughters do Prophesie in our Age, as formerly among the Apostles.

And now there are Women-helpers and Labourers in the Go­spel, and such who for its sake can lay down their Lives.


Now concerning the Scriptures we say, That they were not given for this end that Men should make a Trade of them for a Maintenance, neither to keep People alwayes learning, and al­wayes teaching of them to get their Money, this proceeds from the Earthly Wisdom, Knowledge and Ʋnderstanding, which shall perish, and be confounded, and brought to nothing; and not in that Wisdom which cometh down from above, which is pure and peaceable; but in that Wisdom which is from beneath, which is Earthly, sensual and Devilish, which will destroy them who are not of their Opinions and Judgments; such are not in the Spiri­tual understanding, which giveth Dominion over sin, and which giveth a discerning by which they can discern one thing from another, and are out of that Knowledge by which God is known, which is Life Eternal.

So they who make a Trade of the Scriptures, and serve them­selves by them, they are such as are out of the Life, neither can they bring People to it, and so they keep people learning all their Life time; and this is the State of the Merchants of Babylon, who are building up and plucking down.

Now this is the end and right use of Scripture, viz. for all to read them, and believe them, and to wait in the Light, to feel the Power and Spirit which was in them, who gave them forth, by which they may know them, and have the Revelation of them in themselves, and so feel Christ who is the Voyce and the Corner-stone, by which they are fulfilled, and so to receive him, and live in him, who fulfills them, who is the end of the Prophets, and of all Types, Figures and Shadows.

So (I say) the Scriptures of Truth were given forth to be [Page 27] believed, read, fulfilled, performed, and that People might en­joy that of which they spoke, to wit, Christ Jesus the Sub­stance.

The Scriptures of Truth are the Words of God, which comes from God the Father of Truth, and cannot be broken, but must be fulfilled, and he who fulfills them is Christ, by whom all things were made and created; who is called, the Word of God.

XI. Concerning TYTHES.

Tythes have been held up among Christians (so called) by Force and Violence since the dayes of the Apostles, and Christs Incarnation, by whom not any Example was given about Tythes, for among them all things were done freely in Charity and Love.

Tythes before the Law, by Abraham, and Tythes, &c. Offer­ings, &c. under the Law, were for the Priests, Widows, Father­less, and the Poor; which Law of God commanded Tythes by reason of the encrease to be offered for his Service, but Christ in Gospel-Times, redeems from the Ninths, and puts an end to the Law that gave the Tenths, and to the Priesthood that took them, and to the Commandment that gave them, and puts an end to the Offerings.

And although Abraham paid Tythes to Melchisedeck in time of War, those were only Tythes of the Spoil, and not by a Command; And Christ was according to the Order of Melchi­sedeck, who puts an end to War, and destroyes the Devil its Author, and redeems out of the Earth. And although we are many thousands, yet there is not a Beggar among us, neither do we read there were any Beggars in the Primitive-Times, which Church denyed Tythes, and said, The Priesthood was changed that took them, together with the Law by which they were set up, and also the Commandment which gave them. So they who take Tythes, and they who pay them, are both Anti-christs, and de­ny Christ to be come in the Flesh.


Moses, who had the Law, saw over all Transgression, and before it was; he saw the state which Adam had in the Garden before he Fell, he saw his state in the Fall, and how Death reigned from Adam to Moses, who received the Law, which Law passed over all Transgression; which Law did answer to the Witness of God in all, which was a Command to people that they might not sin, and that they might be kept from sin, and so from Death, which raigns from Adam to Moses, which Law passeth over both sin and Death. And this was the High­er Power (higher than the Transgression) which answereth to the Witness of God against the Rebellions, which Witness is true, holy, righteous, and equal, which Law is just, holy, and good; a true Measure, and just Weight; this is called the Higher Power; this was added untill the Seed came, which is Christ; and this Law they were to hear, even Moses: To whom Wisdom was given to make the Pattern, and to set forth Figures and Shad­dows under the Law till Christ should come. Of which Moses said, The Lord will raise up a Prophet like unto me, him shall ye hear in all things.

And when Christ himself came, he put an end to all those Types, Figures, and Shaddows, and changable things; for in him there is no Shaddow, who is called Gods Righteousness. So the Law was in use untill the Seed came; and Moses who had it said, God shall raise up a Prophet like unto him, and now he is come, which we hear, (to wit, the Seed) who is the end of all the Prophets, who Prophesied of him; and so He is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believe. So Believers are Members of the true Church, of which Christ is the Head. So Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth. Which Christ purgeth his Floor, and burneth up the Chaffe, commeth with his Fan, Baptizeth with his holy Spirit and Fire, and bringeth his Wheat into his Garner. And Christ is the end of all Oaths which were under the Law, and which was before the Law, viz. of Oaths which put an end to strife among Men.

XIII. Of the KINGDOM of CHRIST, how it is held up, and how not.

The Kingdom of Christ is not held up by Carnal Weapons, for saith Christ, My Kingdom is not of this World, therefore his Servants fight not. Now all you that profess your selves to be Christians, and bringers of glad Tydings, yet ye are Fighthers with Clubs and Swords about Religion, you are not the Servants of Christ, who are fighting for an Earthly Kingdom; for in Christs Kingdom we must fight with Spiritual Weapons in Pa­tience and Long-suffering; And Christ said to his Disciples, (who would have had fire to come down from Heaven to con­sume those that were contrary to them, as it was in the dayes of the Prophet Elias) That they knew not what spirit they were of. So they who destroy Mens Lives, and doth not save them, they are not according to the mind of Christ, nor the way of Christ, but are under the Condemnation of it, neither do they know what Spirit they are of. And so they who are Spiritually wise cannot commit their Souls, Bodies nor Spirits into the hands of such.

XIV. Concerning Teachers, Prophets, Pastors, Bishops, Presbyters, &c.

Teachers, Prophets, Pastors, Presbyters and Bishops, ought not to be such as are given to filthy lucre, nor covetous, nor given to wine, nor strikers, nor brawlers, nor covetous of earthly things, nor to teach for filthy lucre, nor to contend about words and fa­bles, and vain Phylosophy, and beggarly Rudiments, and Tradi­tions and Doctrines of men, nor their Commandements, neither ought they to compel People to observe Dayes, Meats, and Drinks, nor such like things, nor to bear Rule by their Means, nor they ought not to be such who seek their gain from their quarter, such were forbidden; and such as teach for money and hand­fulls of Barly, and pieces of Bread, and such as teach for lucre, [Page 30] were forbidden and opposed by the true Prophets, Teachers and Apostles, and such as wore long Robes, and were called of Men Master, and followed and loved Salutations in Mark [...]ts, and the uppermost Roomes at Feasts, and such like, all such are out of Christ, and against such Christ himself cryed, Woe, woe, who said, Ye have one Master, even Christ, and ye are all Brethren: And that it should not be so among them, as it was among the Gentiles.

And so all they who have the Scriptures of Christ, of the Apostles and Prophets, and not in the Power and Spirit that gave them forth, and do not obey it, which reproves them that they may come into it, but stop their Ears, and shut their Eyes against it, such are like the Pharisees, these cannot worship God in the Spirit, neither can they pray in the Spirit, nor sing in the Spirit, but quench it, and burthen it, and vex it. These are out of the Fellowship of the Spirit, and out of the Fellowship of God the Father of Spirits. Those erre, not knowing the Scri­ptures nor the Power of God. And such go hither and thither to change their Way, and go from the Spirit of God in their hearts, which would lead them to Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So all such who have the Form of Godliness, and are not in the Power and Spirit in which they were in who gave forth the words; such are to be denyed. And the true Pray­ing is in the Spirit, and the true Worship, true Praysing, and true Singing must be in the Spirit: So they who grieve and vex the Spirit, and quench it, they cannot Worship God in the Spirit.

XV. An Exhortation to all Christendom, to mind the Grace of God, to wit, the Light.

All ye People in that part of the World which is called Chri­stendom, come to the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightned you, that with it you may see your Salvation, and may know Christ you Teacher, the Captain of your Salvation, and the Grace which comes by him, which brings your Salvation; which Grace teacheth us, which Grace is sufficient in weakness and temptations, which brings the Salvation, and by it we are [Page 31] saved. And this Grace teacheth us to deny ungodliness and worldly Lusts, and to live soberly and righteously; and this is our Teacher that brings Salvation. So you may have all the loynes of your mind girded up, to wait for the Grace which is to be brought to you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ, accord­ing to Peters Exhortation.

Now they who turn from the Grace, and walkes despight­fully against the Spirit of God, they set up Teachers according to their own hearts lusts, and such makes Merchandize of them, alwayes learning of them, but never able to come to the know­ledge of the Truth, but still remains in earthly mindedness, covetousness, and temptations, and weaknesses, where is mourn­ings and complaints, and where there are very many mourn­ers and complainers, among such as turn from the Grace of God into wantonness, and set up Teachers (as aforemen­tioned) according to their own hearts lusts, &c.

Therefore come ye to the Grace of God, and it will give you to see your ungodliness, your unrighteousness, and your world­ly lusts and intemperance. This Grace is your Teacher con­tinually, who brings Salvation; if you take heed, and have re­gard to it, and love it, but if you turn it into wantonness, the sudden judgement of God will come upon you.

So take heed to the Grace of God, your constant Teacher, which brings Salvation, by which Grace you will see your Sal­vation brought in; For, The mighty Day of the Lord is coming upon all unrighteousness of men. The Son of the Lord God will appear against you, he who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth given to him, who is King of kings, and Lord of lords. So take heed to the Light and receive it, wherewith he hath enlightned, so you receive the Lord himself. Open ye your Gates, that the King of Glory may enter in, who stands at the door and knocketh, turn ye to the Light, and then you open the door where the coming in of the King of Glory is discerned. And come from all the bar­ren Mountains, who are in the Fall, alienated from the Image of God, Life and Power. Come from all those Wells without Water, and Clouds without Rain, who are as Ʋagabonds tossed up and down like a Tempest.

Come to the Light, and receive the Light, that in the Light ye may receive Christ, and be his Children, that by the same [Page 32] you may see the Day-Star appearing, where the Sons of God sing together. For, Woe is to the World that lyeth in iniquity, for the Lord is coming to judge it, and to render to every one according to their works, whether they be good or evil. And with the Light every one of you knows whether your works are good or evil, for what is to be known of God is manifest in you, (for God hath manifested it to you) when you do any thing that is naught, or unjust, or worthy of Death, by that which is of God in you, you know it.

And when you go from this, which is of God in you, you do not glorify God as God, but are alienated from his Life, and Strangers from the Covenant of Life and Peace which is in Christ, and so your foolish hearts are darkned, and filled with un­righteousness, and upon such comes the judgments and displeasure of God.

Now they who are delivered from the wrath to come, they come to that which is of God in themselves ( viz.) to the Light, and so they see Christ the Covenant of God; so Man is brought into peace with God, and saved from the wrath to come, and from all false Wayes, false Doctrines, false Worships, and false Churches, Commandments, Traditions, Rudimenus, Will-worships, Inventions, and from Hand-Worship, and Lip-Service. So come to the Light and Spirit of God in your selves that by it you may be converted to God, and may Worship him in Spirit, and walk in the Spirit, in Christ Jesus, who was before sin was.

For since Man fell from God, from his Power and Image, all the false Wayes, false Worships, false Churches, have been set up; and by that Spirit, and Power, and Wisdom which is out of Truth, from below, which leads men to kill one another about them.

So the Light is the Way by which Life is to be found, and this is the Light which enlighteneth you. So come to the Light and you come to the Way, which was before the power of Death was. And Christ is called the Way, and he is called the Light, and who are out of the Light they are out of Him, the Way, in the wayes of Death, and Darkness, and Bondage. For as the Jews outward were in Bondage and Captivity under Pharaoh in Egypt, so the Jews inward in the Spirit, are capti­vated [Page 33] in Spiritual Sodom and Egypt. They who do not take to the directions of the Spirit, and heareth what it saith, for every man ought to hearken and hear what the Spirit saith to the Chur­ches, and not to mind nor hear any visible thing. And in it, (viz. the Spirit) they Edifie, build, and gather together, and meet together in Ʋnity and Fellowship.


He who leads man into Imperfection is the Devil, and his work who leads from God, for Man was Perfect before he fell, for all his works were perfect; So Christ who d [...]stroyeth the Devil and his works, makes Man perfect again (destroying him who made him imperfect) which the Law could not do; so by his blood he cleanseth from all sin, and by the One Offering he per­fecteth for ever them that are sanctified. And they who do not believe in the Light which cometh from Christ (by which they see the Offering, and receive the Blood) they are in unbeliefs concernig it.

And the Apostles who were in the Light, Christ Jesus, who destroyes the Devil and his works, they spoke wisdom among them that were perfect, although they could not do it among them that were carnal. And their work was to perfect the Saints (and for this end they had their Ministry given them) until they all came to the knowledge of the Son of God, who destroy­eth the Devil and all his works, and who put an end to the Pro­phets, and to the first Covenant, Types, Figures and Saddows. And the Apostles work was to bring people to the Ʋnity of the Faith, which purified their hearts, which gave them Victory over that which seperates them from God, in which they have access to God, by which Faith they please him, by which they are justified, and so at last they come to a PERFECT MAN, to the measure of the Statrue of the fulness of CHRIST. And so the Apostle saith, We preach Christ in you, the hope of Glory; Warning every man, that we may present Every Man Perfect in CHRIST JESUS.


We say that Christ is the Resurrection and the Life, to raise up that which Adam lost, (who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth given to him) and to destroy him who deceived him ( viz. Adam) So Christ is the Resurrestion unto Life, of Body, Soul, and Spirit, and so renews Man into the Image of God, and brings Man into an higher condition than that in which Adam stood before the Fall, even to himself, who never changed, and never fell, nor never will fall. And so they who forget God and do wickedly, they are to be turned into Hell; For they who forget God and do wickedly, they go from the Life and Power of God, into the Seperation from him, and out of his acceptance; for in the Life is the acceptance; and so the Power, Light and Life, goeth over them, who go into sin and iniquity, which leades from God, who was before Trans­gression was.


Reprobation is an Alienation from the Life, and from that which is of God within, and from his Voice and Command, as Adam and the Jews did; and such who despise that which is of God within, they despise their Birth-right; Such are con­cluded to be out of true Ʋnderstanding, and true Knowledge, and the Witness of God within is grieved, and such are dead in their sences from the Life and Covenant of Peace with God, and from the Seed which is called the Elect, in which the Elect, and the Election is known, in the Seed Christ, before the Foun­dation of the World, which World slew him, and they who slew him, and now slayes him, they were and are Reprobated from the Life, who go from the Command of God, and they have lost his Image, they have lost his Power, which keeps o­ver, and above, and out of the Reprobation. And so they who [Page 35] come into the Election, the Seed, they come out of the State in which Adam was, in the Fall, into the state in which he was in before he Fell, and into an higher state than that, into Christ, the Seed, the Elect. And so they in the Seed, in the Elect, in Christ, the Wisdom of God, they comprehend and see the state of Election before the World was laid, and the State of Adam before the Fall, and the State of Adam in the Fall, in the Repro­bation, and the state of Adam restored again out of the Fall, and a State which is higher than that in which Adam was in before he Fell, into the Election (which is a thing beyond that) and the state of the beloved of God is seen in the Seed, the Wisdom of God.

Cain was the first Birth, Esau was the first Birth, Ishmael was the first Birth; Cain killed his Brother about Religion, Ishmael was a Scoffer, Esau bore the Sword, he despised his Birth-right, he fought against his Brother Jacob. So Christen­dom, read your Reprobation, the first Birth, which is born of the Elesh, for the first Birth will persecute him who is born of the Spirit; So the most part of Christians are seen to be of the first Birth, and to remain in the Reprobation from God. Cain departed from the Voyce of God, and Esau from his Birth-right, and Ishmael in his scoffing nature, they went from the Good, and so from faithful Abraham, who was in the Election. And so they who are in Cains, Ishmaels and Esaus nature, are in the first Birth, which is not Elected.

Now as to the Love of God towards one, and his Hatred to another, before either had done good or evil, all this consists in the first Birth, who despised his Birth-right, which God fore­saw, which was not the Seed, unto which the Love of God is to for ever. Therefore know thy self ( O Christendom) and thy Birth, that that which hates the Principle of God and his Voice, is reprobated, he that rebells against Gods command and his Voyce, God turneth against such, neither doth he hear such who hates the Election, and are in the Reprobation from the Seed, yea, even from the Law it self, for the Law keeps a man from sin; But the Law it self doth not say that it destroys the Devil, but the Seed, viz. Christ, who is higher than the Law, who is the Election, and destroys the Devil.

So who knows the Election, they must know the Seed, they must know the Birth born of the Spirit. Now if all Christen­dom, [Page 36] know the Election, they must know the Birth born of the Spirit, which will not Persecute. For the nature of Cain, Ish­mael, and Esau, is one (of which the Apostle spoke in the Pri­mitive times) which we now also say is one, and the Election is one which standeth in the Seed, which was before the Foun­dation of the wicked world was. And the Reprobation is one, which standeth in the unjust world, out of the Truth and the Life in disobedience to the Command of God. Therefore know the one Reprobation, and the one Election, then ye shall know the Seed, in which is the Wisdom of God, and ye shall know that which goes from his Voyce, Power and Command, out of the Wisdom of God; so whom God loves, he loves for ever: Know Jacob, and know Esau. Esau, Cain and Ishmael were the first-born; and is not Christendom of the first-birth, who Persecutes, who departs from the good, and despises the pure, and persecutes the Birth born of the Spirit, which God hates. And such act out of his Life in the Reprobation, out of his Pow­er and Wisdom, and out of the Election, Christ, the Seed, the second Birth, who was before the Carnal Birth was, and re­mains when he will be gone, unto which the Love of God is for ever, and unto whom is the Promise, which goeth over the out­ward Birth, and destroyes the Devil and his works, who went from Truth, and led man from God, by which the Curse, Wrath and Woe came upon Man, which Christ the Seed, brings the Blessing, and gives man to see the blessed state of all things, how they were in the beginning, and how they were blessed in the beginning; and through Christ, Man comes up into the power, which is his Throne, where there's Blessing and no Curse at all.

XIX. Concerning FEAR and TREM­BLING.

The strong Man hath kept the House long, and his Goods have been at Peace, but now He is come who is stronger than he, Christ Jesus the Stronger, who doth dis-inherit and cast him out, and spoil his Goods, and makes Man the Temple of God; that [...]e himself may dwell in him, an holy Temple, and an Habi­tation for himself to dwell in; who maketh the Keepers of the [Page 37] House to Tremble; by which power of Christ the Salvation is wrought out with fear and Trembling. And so we can say, That it is God that worke [...]h in us both to will and to do, according to his will and good pleasure. In the dayes of the Prophets, the Pro­phet he trembled and staggered like a Drunkard, for the Iniquity of the Times, and because of the holiness of the Word of the Lord; He trembled when he heard his Voyce, and when the Lord spake to him he feared grea [...]ly. This is the Man whom God regards (saith the Prophet Isayas) who is of a broken and contr [...]ie spirit, and trembleth at his word: Who have been cast out by their Bre­thren, who said, let the Lord be glorified: Who will appear for those that tremble at his Word, and for those that are of a con­trite heart; who were for Signes and Wonders to both the Hou­ses of Israel, when they shall be confounded, ashamed and astonished. And before you know sin rooted out, and wasted out of your flesh, and the Earth shaken and removed out of its place, and ye brought into that state which Man was in before he Fell, you must know the trembling and shaking of that which is to be shaken, and the removing of that which is to be removed, be­fore Christ the Seed will appear, who is the foundation of ma­ny Generations, and the Rock of Ages, who is the First and the Last; Who cannot be shaken, neither can be changed. So that the whole unjust wicked World hath much to suffer before they come to this, they must know the Devils to tremble, the Heavens to be shaken, and the Earth also, before he who cannot be shaken will appear; by whom the World was made.

XX. Concerning the BODY of DEATH.

Its evident that they who plead for a body of Death and Sin, about which the world so earnestly jangle, and which they plead for as long as they live upon the earth, that they also plead for its Author, viz: the Divel, and this is not to plead for Christ who destroyes him who is the Author of sin, and the Body of it.

[Page 38]

Now if you Object, that John hath said, If we say that we have no sin we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us▪


John saith, If we say we have not sinned, we make him a lyar: (mark) but if we confess and forsake our sins, the blood of Je­sus Christ, the son of God, cleanseth us from all sin.

Further he saith, He that is born of God sinneth not, neither can he: because the Seed of God remains in him. Because of which Seed he cannot sin, for that Seed keeps the Holy; so that the Evill one cannot touch him: In this the children of God and the children of the Divel are manifest: Whose children of both kinds contends and pleads for his own; so there is a time in which men may say that they have sinned, and have sin, and a time to confess and to forsake sin; and then a time to know the blood which cleanseth from all sin; and then the Birth born, which doth not commit sin; and the Seed which remaines in him; so that he cannot sin, for, (as I said before) it keeps the Holy that the Evil cannot touch him.

And though Paul cryed out of a Body of Death, and of a Warfare, yet afterwards he gave thanks to God, that he had gotten Victory, through Jesus Christ, over the Body of Death, and that the Law of the Spirit of Life, had freed him from the Law of Sin and Death. And afterwards the Apostle never complained of a Body of Death, but he thanked God, that he had obtained Victory through Christ, who destroyes the Devil the Author of it, who destroys Death and its Body, and said that he was freed, and that there was no condemnation to them who were in Christ Jesus: and that the Life that he now lived, was by the Faith of the Son of God; which Faith gives Victory over Sin, Death and the Devil; which sin separates from God, by which man hath displeased him, by which Faith man is pu­rified, and hath victory, and pleaseth God, and hath access to him, and is justified and saved, Amen.

XXI. Concerning the word THOU to a Single Person.

It is the manner among us to use the word [ Thou] to a single person, and [ You] to more than one, as in the Primitive times among the Saints, according to Scripture and the Principle of God placed in every man, which distinguisheth many from one, and hath the proper word both to singular and plural; to wit, the singular word to a single person, and the plural word to more than one, according to the true understanding and Spirit of God in every man, and the Testimony of all the Prophets. But they are degenerated from the Spirit of God, they are degenerated from the Scriptures, and from their own Transla­tions, calling this manner of speaking ( Thou, to one, and You, to many) nonsence, and improper; when they themselves are gone from the true understanding, which whosoever are in it, comprehends them who are degenerated from it.

XXII. Concerning putting of the HAT, and Bowing the KNEE, and Cring­ings, and Complements.

To put off Hatts, bowing Knees, Cringing and Complements, are from below, and Customes and Manners of the World, which shall pass away, and never came from God, neither is that honour wherewith men ought to honour one another; for if all men had honoured and esteemed one another, they had been of an higher Spirit than the Spirit of the World, and of a more noble and generous Spirit: Then neither Man nor Wo­man throughout all Christendom had received wrong or injury if they had esteemed and honoured one another; for he that honours men, will in no wise hurt them, in this consists Breed­ing and Civillity. And every Knee shall bow to me (saith the Lord.) For this is the cry, Worship God, and Fear him, and Re­verence him.

[Page 40]And if you Object, That some in times past bowed them­themselves to an Angel, but in the time of the Gospel, which is the Power of God, which was before the Fall, in the state of Reformation and Restauration, John was forbidden to bow to the Angel, and the Apostels reproved them that bowed to them. And although Jacob bowed for a time to his Brother Esau; yet it is not said, that he bowed to him all his Life time. For it is written, The Elder shall serve the Younger; So the El­der shall bow among the Cringers and Knee-bowers, one to ano­ther, who will kill and envy one another; and to them this is a Mystery.


Evil Words, and Evil Communications corrupts Good Man­ners; And if Christendom would learn good Manners, they must all come to the Light of Christ Jesus, to the Spirit of God in themselves, and to the Word of God in their hearts and months which will teach them to leave off Evil Words, and will lead them from them, and to deny them, and this is the way to come to Good Manners; But they who live in high Expressions and Complements, and full of Evil Words, and Flatteries, and Dissimulations, and call such Good Manners; their Words and Works testify and manifest that they are Evil and Corrupt, and such whose Manners are evil and corrupt, they quench, grieve and vex the Spirit of God in themselves, and hate the Light, and will not come to it, because it reproves them of their evil words. Such do love envy, wrath, vanity, pride, rashness, hastiness, and yet they are found in flattering Expressions, and bowings one to another; and they call it Good Manners, and Honour, when all such things are altogether out of that Ho­nour that comes from above; and are those things which the Witness of God in themselves testifieth against, and testified in the Name of the Lord, that he will bring such honour in the dust, and that which he will condemn as unjust.

The Apostle saith, That Women ought not to adorne them­selves, with gould, silver, pearls, costly attire, platting of the hair, [Page 41] but to be adorned with a meek and a quiet Spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price; and the hidden man of the heart, &c. And if Christendom had minded this, it had been more virtuous, and more sober, and less envious towards one about their Manners.

XXIV. Concerning Objections of the World against the Preaching of CHRIST.


The World Objests, and saith, That some Preach Christ of Envy, and some of Good-will, and some of Strife and Contention; And that Christ commanded to hear the Pharisees: So we may hear (say they) our Teachers although they be wicked.


He that hath the Form of Godliness and denyes the Power, from such turn away. The Apostle bid turn away from Envi­ous men, and Contentious men, and men of Strife: Although there was a time when the Name of Christ was first spread a­broad, in which time he permitted Envious men to spread his Name abroad. But when his Name was spread abroad, then he forbad such Envious and Contentious men to Preach, and exhorted Timothy to withdraw from, and avoid such, for they could not bring People into the Power. For Envious and Con­tentious men may Preach the Form, and have it, but they can­not bring People into the Power. And so there came a time (before the decease of the Apostles) to turn away from such. Now as to the hearing of the Pharisees, this was before Christ was Offered up, and before the fulfilling of the Law; for they were Ministers of the Law; and so people ought to do as they said, but not as they did, but when Christ was offered up, he commanded them to Preach the Gospel, and not to hear the Pharisees, and it was the work of the Apostles to bring Peo­ple to the end of the Law, to the Seed, into Gospel-fellowship, [Page 42] into the Power of God, which was before the Power of dark­ness was.

XXV. Concerning BREAD, WATER and WINE.

Bread, Water, and Wine are earthly and perishing things; for the Bread and Wine which Christ gave at Supper in the Evening, which the World takes at Noon, those things Christ and the Apostle gave for a shewing forth and a remembrance of his death until he should come. And after some of the Dis­ciples had receiv'd it, they doubted, Whether he was the Christ or not. And after the Apostle had given the Supper to the Co­rinthians, in his first Epistle, he bad then Examine themselves, and so to eat in the remembrance of Christ. But in the second E­pistle he bad them examine themselves, and try themselves, whe­ther Christ [except they were Reprobates] were in them or not. Now they may be Reprobates, who have taken the Bread and Wine, and have had the Water; They were Reprobates if Christ was not in them; For Bread and Wine is not the Flesh and Blood of Christ, which came down from Heaven, which flesh, whosoever eates, lives for ever. For People may eat of Bread made of Grain, and may drink Wine make of Grapes, and yet may dye Reprobates.

Now they were to take it in remembrance of his Death, this was one State, and than they were to come to dye with him and this was a nearer state than the taking of Bread and Wine in remembrance of his Death, and then they were to arise with him, and then to seek those things which were above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God, but Bread Water and Wine are all earthly things, and they are not Christ, and they who have him, they are not Reprobates, neither do they need outward things to put them in mind of his Death; whenas they are dead with him, and risen with him, to live with him. But they who will not dye, and suffer with him, such live in the Old Nature, and desire to have outward things, continually to put them in mind of his Death, and such live in Strife and Conten­tion [Page 43] about outward things and shaddows and do not come to Christ the Substance, who was before the world was made in whom there is no strife at all, but only Life and Peace.


The Jews they kept the Sabbath-Day, a Type and Sign of Rest, that both the Man-servant, and Maid-servant, and Stran­gers, and all Cattel should rest within their Gates; a sign of Christ, who destroys the Devil the Author of Oppression, and gives rest to Man and Beast, and to the whole Creation, and brings it again into that blessed condition which it was in in the beginning before the Fall. Now as to the Saints Meeting toge­ther on the first Day of the Week, this practice is not denyed, but owned by us, for who are come to the First Day, as they Jews on the Last Day. But there is more in the Word.

XXVII. Concerning God-Fathers, and God-Mothers and SPRINKLING of INFANTS.

Concerning God-Fathers, and God-Mothers, and Sprinkling of Infants, and such like things, the Scriptures make no menti­on, yet the Scripture saith, Repent, Teach and Baptize.

XXVIII. Concerning the Word TRINITY.

Of this word [ Trinitas] there is no mention made in Scri­pture; yet the Scripture speaks of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and of Water, Blood and Spirit, and all these are, one among us, as in the Primitive time among the Apostles, who gave no such outward Names to them as Trinity, as the World now doth.

XXIX. Concerning the MINISTRY.

They that receive from Christ, they receive freely, and they give freely, they pray freely, and preach freely; and the Mi­nistry is the gift of God, and is to be exercised freely; and of a free People of their earthly things it is to be Administred free­ly. Heavenly men and bringers of glad Tydings of a Kingdom of which they are Heirs, must Minister to the Eternal condition of People. And this is the highest Love in the Life.

XXX. Concerning Dayes, and Times, and Meats and Drinks.

The Kingdom of God consists not in Dayes, Times, Meats and Drinks, and such like things, but in Power, Righteousness Faith and Joy in the holy Ghost; and People ought not con­tend and Persecute one another about such things, for the Apo­stles gave not any Commandment or Example that any should do so, but on the contrary reproved them who did so, and keep People in such things.


Whom God hath joyned together let no man put asunder; and those which he joynes he joynes with his Power, even by his Immortal Power, with a Band over and above the State which is in the Fall, where Men joyn and put asunder, about outward and earthly things, and jangle and fight about them, but this is all in the defiled Bed, out of the honourable state which was in the beginning, where there was no hardness of heart. And Marriage in it self is not condemned but owned, and among all them who are in the Power, I say it is honourable.

So forsake and come out of all vain Words, and all vain Customs, and all unprofitable and idle Communications and [Page 27] Talkings, for which you are judged and condemned with the Light, viz. the Light in your Consciences which reproves you, and come into the the new Life, in which God is served, that your words may be seasoned with grace, that by it your hearts may be established, that no corrupt communication may pro­ceed out of your mouthes, for whatsoever is corrupt is contra­ry to the Witness of God in your Consciences, to Christ the Light which reproves you.

Therefore away with all the Customes and Fashions of the World which grieve and quench the Spirit of God, and repent while ye have time, and spend not your time like a Tale; come to the Light, and sleep not in sin, in darkness, in seperation from God; but prize the time while you have it, lest in the end ye come to say, we have had time but now it is past; but so mind the Power of God, the Light of Christ Jesus, by which you may redeem it.

XXXII. Concerning False Prophets and Antichrists.

False Prophets and Antichrists are much condemned in this part of the World called Christendom, and they bring the 7th, Chapter, and the 24th Chapter of Matthew, and say, that they are but now come.

To which I Answer, that Christ said, They should come, viz. Antichrists, and False Apostles; he said to his Disciples, that they shall come, i. e. to his Disciples, and he gave them markes how they should know them; A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit: nor a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. —And if it were possible they should deceive the very Elect, for they have the Sheeps-cloathing. And he commanded his Disciples that they should not follow them, for they were inwardly ravening Wolves, having the Sheeps cloathing. And those were Antichrists and False Prophets, false Christs and Deceivers who were inwardly ravend from the Light, and so from the Seed, viz. the true Christ. And Christ told his Disciples those should come, and before the decease of his Disciples they came; as we may read [Page 46] in the first Epistle of John, the second Chapter, and fourth Chap­ters, he saith, Little Children, ye have heard that Antichrist should come, and even now there are many Antichrists, and false Prophets come into the World. So Christ had spoken before that they should come, and his Disciples said that they were already come; who went out from them, inwardly ravend from the Spirit; and this was above sixteen hundred years since. And John who saw them already come, he directed the Saints to this annointing in themselves, and said to them, that they had not need that any one should teach them, but as this annointing taught them, they should abide in the Father and in the Son. And so those Anti-christs, false Prophets, Wolves, false Christs, inwardly ravend, they bear Pryars, Thornes and Thistles, which Christ said, shall come, and his Disciples said they were come, and who went out from them into the World. And in the Revelations it is said, The whole World went after them. So they went out from the Church, Fellowship, Gospel; they went out from the Fellowship of the Spirit within, being ra­vend from it; they went from the annointing within, which should teach them; they went from the Law in the heart, to wit, from the New Covenant; and they went from the King­dom within, and they went from the Word which is in the the heart to obey it, and to do it; they went out from the Light in the heart, which gives the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ, and so they lost the Pearl hid in the Field, viz. the World in their hearts. And so the false Prophets went out from the Disciples, and, as was said before in the Revela­tions, its said, the whole World went after them. So John wrote to the seven Churches which erred, by permitting Jezabel to teach, and to set up Idols, and such who said they were Jews, and were not, but were the Synagogues of Satan. So he goes on in the Revelation till he comes to the eleventh Chapter, where the Witnesses are slain; the two Olives which carried the oyl to the annointing of the Nations, the two Candlesticks which holds the Light. And in the 12th Chapter, the Woman, viz. the true Church, fled into the Wilderness, prepared for her of God, that there she should be nourished, for a time, times, and half a time. And in the 13th Chapter, The Dragon gives his Power to the Beast, and the Beast with the Dragons power makes [Page 47] war against the Saints▪ and killed them who were l [...]ft of that Seed who kept the Testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of Prophesie; who were in him, from whom the ravening Wolves had departed. Then all that dwelt upon the Earth worshipped the Beast, and worshipped the Dragon, and both caused and compelled all, both small and great to fall down and worship. And from hence arose this compelling power to Worship: Then the false Prophet and the Whore, through the Dragons Power, got upon the Beast, and caused all Nations to drink of her Cup. So thus the whore arose, which went from the Apostles, and from their Life, Power and Spirit, and committed Fornication; before the Na­tions were married to Christ, they took the Cup of Fornicati­on of this Whore. And she drank the blood of the Saints and Martyrs, who were not inwardly ravend, and who could not drink of her Cup. Yea, she drank the blood of the Saints and Prophets who kept the Testimony of Jesus, who were not inwardly ravend. And so such doings and works they have set up for the space of fifteen hundred years, viz. Killing and murder­ing; and they have dispersed themselves into all Nations, as the Apostles they were to go into all Nations. And such works the Wolves have wrought in the Sheeps cloathing, yea those who are inwardly ravend from the Spirit of God, whose fruits are Brambles, Bryars and Thorns, and such like works those Raveners have done since the dayes of the Apostles, being ravend from their Life and Power; having the Words of the Sheep, the Scriptures, but not in the Power and Life which gave them forth; therefore Bryars and Thorns appear: who devour and kill the Lambs, and compels them to wor­ship and use violence upon them and their outward things about Religion, which was not the work of the Apo­stles.

And so John saith, Again the Beast and the Dragon, and the False Prophets (which hath deceived the Nations which Christ said should come, and John said was come; who went out from them; from which time the World hath gone after them, for the space of fifteen hundred years) is to be taken: Which Beast and false Prophet shall be taken and cast into the Lake of fire, and the Nations shall be deceived no more, and the Whore the great Whore, which hath compelled the Nations to drink the [Page 48] Blood of the Saints, is to be taken, and her flesh burnt with fire, and Babylon shall be confounded, and all Merchants which have Mer­chandized with her, shall howle, and lament, and cry, Alas, alas, How is this great City fallen! For there hath been a mer­chandizing in this great City, which must be thrown down; and all the Merchants of this great City, have been those that inwardly ravend from the Spirit of God, who have built up and plucked down.

So unto this from which they have Apostatized, you must all come before the Sheeps Life be known, and so the Witnesses are raised, and shall be raised, who hold the Light, and carries the Oyl to enlighten the Nations, and to annoint them; yea, the Spirit, and Power, and Fellowship, and Worship in which the Apostles were formerly in. And the Cry is begun, Fear God and give glory to him. —Come out of her, my People, lest you be pertaker of her Plagues. —And the Mourners shall go forth, and the Prophets prophesie. Who witness the Spirit of God fal­len upon them, as formerly among the Apostles. And the Ever­lasting Gospel shall be preached to all Nations, Kindreds and People.



But many people speak after this manner. Have not we had the Gospel all this time till now?


We say, No, You have had the Sheeps-cloathing, while you are alienated from the Spirit, and so not living in the Power, which is the Gospel; And the Bride, the Lambs Wife, is coming out of the Wilderness, which hath been nourished of God for a time, and times, and dividing of times, preparing for her Husband; and the Man-Child is risen to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron. And the Lamb and the Saints shall have the Vi­ctory, [Page 49] (Glory to the Highest) and people shall come into Go­spel-Fellowship, and to the Church of God, and Church-Fellowship in the Gospel, the Power of God, which was before the Power of Satan was; which Gospel was among the Apostles, in which their Fellowship was, and this is Gospel-Fellowship; and in the Power of God they are over all false Prophets, false Worship­pers, over the Dragon, over the false Church and his Worship, (which are begotten betwixt us and the Apostles) and are got­ten beyond them, and see their rise, who are inwardly ravend from the Spirit, and are gone from the Truth, as the Devil and the Whore heretofore, who set themselves against them who are in the Truth, But here is the Faith and Patience of the Saints, who seeth the destruction of the Whore, the Beast, the Dragon, and the false Prophet, by the hand and power of God, who know the Seed of God to raign over all, viz. he who is the First and the Last.

XXXIV. Of the JEW Inward and Outward, and of a CHRISTIAN in the Power and out of the Power.

The Uncircumcised Gentiles, which have not the Law, and yet do those things contained in the Law, are better than the Circumcised Jews which have the Law, and are more Sober and Moderate; and so the Jew within in the Spirit, is more Ex­cellent than the Jew without in the Flesh. And so a Christan in the Light, and Power, and Seed of God, is more excellent than a Christan in the Form of Godliness, and yet out of the Power; and more Moderate and Patient.

XXXV. Concerning CHRIST the COVE­NANT of GOD.

Christ, the Covenant of God, was foretold by the Prophet, who said, I will give him for a Light and for a Covenant to the Gentiles, and he shall be my Salvation to the ends of the Earth: [Page 50] yea, the New Covenant to the House of Israel, and to the house of Judah. So this Covenant is made to all People, to them who were called the People of God, and to the Gentiles also. And this is that Covenant of Light unto which John came to bear Witnesse, which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World; which giveth Power to all, who receive it, to become the Sons of God, from him who hath all power in Heaven and Earth given to him, And this is the Light in which people must believe, by which they become Children of God, and this is the Light which shineth in Darkness, and out of the Darkness, which is in the heart which giveth the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus, from whence it comes; and this is that Light, which they who love darkness hate, and will not come to it, because it reproves them. And by this Cove­nant of Light to the Gentiles, which is Salvation to the ends of the Earth. Now we who are Gentiles, are become Christi­ans, and we obtain Salvation, and by Faith in this Covenant we become Children of the Light, and by receiving it, we re­ceive Power to become the Sons of God: But they who hate this Light and love Darkness rather than the Light, and do not come to it because it condemns them, even this Light is their Condemnation.

XXXVI. Concerning Plots and Conspiracies.

Plots, Conspiracies, Insurrections, Tumultuous Meetings, we utterly abhorre, who live peaceably, and seek the peace and good of all People upon earth.

There were about thirty of the fifth Monarchy men who made an Insurrection in England, which Insurrection was wick­edly laid to the charge of the People of God called Quakers, from which Insurrection, the Monarchy men themselves de­clared when they were to dye, That we were Innocent; yet nevertheless, the Diurnals and News-Books have joyned us toge­ther with the Monarchy men, in that Plot and Insurrection, and have published us to the Nations as Plotters, though we are Innocent. And we say, The Lord forgive them for wronging of us.

[Page 51]The lying Priests and Professors say, That we deny the Scri­ptures, and that we deny the Resurrestion, and Christ and his Bo­dy, and that we foame at the mouth, and that we bewitch men, and bind Ribband about their Armos; which are altogether false and lies, and from their Father the Devil, the Author of them, who is out of the Truth, in which Truth we are however scandalized by them, who are of the Father of Lyes. And what evil soever they may bring against us, yet we are in the Truth, and can rejoyce; Praised be the Lord, who lives for ever.

XXXVII. Concerning Original Sin.

The Devil is the Original of Sin, which Christ destroyes; God is the Original of Righteousness, and Christ is Gods Righ­teousness, which endures for ever; but the Worlds Original is the many Languages (whose Original is Babel) which makes Divines (as they call them) with many Languages set a top of Christ: And the Whore sits upon the Waters, (as its spoken in the Revelation) And John saith, The Waters are Nations, Multitudes, People and Tongues: which Tongues they call their Original. To which Waters the Gospel must be preach­ed before they can be established.

And ye are to be redeemed from Tongues, and Tongues shall cease, (saith the Apostle) and so from this Worlds Original, the beginning of which is Babel, and which keeps in Babylon, the Saints are redeemed. And this hath been set up as an Ori­ginal among them who are alienated from the Spirit of God, in Babel, where the Original of Tongues was in the dayes of Nimrod, that Heretick, who began to build Babel.

So Tongues do not make any man a Divine, neither a Minister of Christ, for that which makes a man Divine (as they say) is the Word (which redeems out of Tongues) which was before Babel was, and in the beginning before the Fall, which knocks down all that which corrupts mans Nature, and renews again into the Divine Nature.

And whosoever are Ministers of the Word, and Preachers of the Gospel, they are in the Power and in the Word which was [Page 52] before Tongues were; This Word brings into the Church-Fe­lowship, which is in God, into which they are not brought by the Worlds Original, which they call the Tongues, which shall cease, and out of whom we are redeemed; neither do they bring into Fellowship with God, neither into his Worship, nor further than Babel, where the Tongues stop.

But who comes to the Word of God and the Gospel, they come to that which was before many Tongues were, and shall remain when they shall all pass away.


The Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Apostles, of the Mar­tyrs is risen again, which gives Testimony against Swearing and Oathes.

There were no Oaths at all imposed upon Man before the Fall, but only since the Fall, for under the Law after the Fall; and among the Jews; Oaths and Commandments were given. To which Christ (by whom the World was made, which was before the Fall, which is the Oath of God, which Oathes in the Fall were Types) who put an end to strife, and brings into quiet­ness and peace, and bindes to God without Oathes, which Christ put an end to.

And, Christ himself, the Oath of God, puts an end to all Oaths, and brings into the Land of quietness and rest, the Spiritaul Canaan, and puts and end to strife, and destroyes the Devil the Author of strife, he who is the Rest, the Way, Truth and the Life, who brings again to God, and is the Covenant of God in man, hath peace with God, which destroyes that which led from God and from Christ; and he himself said, Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, nor by the Earth, nor by any other Oath. He who restores man into that state in which he was in the be­ginning before the Fall, who restores into the Image of God. And so in the Restauration there are no Oathes to be used, nor Swearing, according to his own Doctrine; But Yea, yea, nay, nay, was to be used among men in all their Communica­tions, and what is more then this, is evil; So that Swearing now is evil. And this is the Doctrine of him who restores People [Page 53] into that state in which man was in in the beginning; who is the Substance, who put an end to Figures. And his Disciple Jeams in the 5th Chapter of his Epistle, who followed his Coun­sel (who is an Everlasting Counsellor) saith, Above all things, my brethren, Swear not, neither by Heaven, nor by Earth, nor by any other Oath, lest you fall into Condemnation: but let your yea, be yea, and your nay, be nay. And this was the manner among them who followed the Doctrine and Command of Christ in the Restauration, who were built upon the true Foundation, which was first laid in the Primitive times among the true Brethren; and was publickly held forth which Manner and Custome, Do­ctrine and Command of Christ Jesus and the Apostles in the Primitive times, many of the Martyrs followed, held forth, and practised among those who were Degenerated and Apostati­zed from the Life and Power of Christ and the Apostles, al­though they profess the Words. And now the Spirit of Christ is risen again, and of the Apostles, and Saints as in the Primitive times, and the Spirit of the Martyrs, who bear witness against all Oathes and all sort of Swearing whatsoevever, that were used among the Heathens, Jews, and Apostatized Christians, both privately and publickly, and bindes to yea, and nay, in all man­ner of Communication, as Christ and the Apostles taught, and and the Saints and Martyrs practised, knowing, that whatsoever is more than yea, and nay, is evil; and such who Swear, are con­demned according to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine.

So we say again, That the Spirit of Christ, the Apostles, and Martyrs is risen again, who hath been dead, and is dead, in and among the Apostates, who have the Form, but deny the Power, from whom we have turned away. But now its ri [...]en again, and lives amongst us: Glory and Honour be given to God through Je­sus Christ, who hath restored to the beginning, into the Image of God in which Man was in before he fell, before Oathes were.

For Example.

Read the Book of Genesis, and there you may see that there was no Command given to Adam and Eve before the Fall, concerning Swearing, neither from Christ, who Restores Man again, and who puts an END to OATHES, before the Law, and under the Law, and Prophets both, [Page 54] whom the Angels (which sware) worship, for Christ saith, Swear not at all, who is Lord and Master, so it is better to obey him than man, and in all your Communication let your yea, be yea, and your nay, be nay; for whatsoever is more than this com­eth of Evil, saith he who restores, even Christ.

And in the second Example, consider the Apostles, who did according to the Command and Doctrine of Christ, who said, Above all things, my Brethren, Swear not at all, lest ye fall into condemnation, Jam. 5. But let your yea, be yea, and your nay, nay, in all your Communication.

And although there was Swearing among the Jews, and other Nations and Heathens, before the Apostatized Christians used to Swear, nevertheless the Apostles and the Brethren obeyed, and they must obey the Doctrine and the Command of Christ, for if Christ command one thing, and Man another, It is better to obey the Lord Jesus Christ, the Life, who is the Restorer, Saviour, and Redeemer, than men.

This is the WORD of the LORD GOD to you all.

Concerning the WORD of GOD, and the Original, what it is.

BLessed are all those whose mindes are staid upon the Lord, for they shall be kept in perfect peace; so where the mind is staid upon the Lord, there is a perfect peace, for it is a whole peace which cannot be broken: So here is not only a perfect peace, but a blessing; a perfect peace which comes from the God of all peace, that bruiseth the Serpents head under your feet, (the troubler) and the blessings which comes from the blessed God. So all imperfect peace may be broken, that is when the mind is staid upon any Creature, or in any Creature (and not upon the Creator) or in any outward things. Goods, Houses, Lands or Inventions of the Vanities, in the foolish vain Fashions, which the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life go into, which will defile it and corrupt it, when any of these things [Page 55] fail, and are not according to your mind, it being in them, then your peace is broken, and you are cross, and brickle, and envy gets up; so this is not a perfect peace, but is a broken peace, and then you have the trouble and not the blessing; and the rea­son is, because your minds are in the Creatures, and the out­ward things, and are not staid upon the Creator, where the per­fect peace is, and the blessing, where nothing can get betwixt you and the Lord. And this is below Job to have the mind in the Creatures, and visible things, for when you are tried, and Crea­tures fail you, you are crost, and troubled, that shews an imper­fect state; for God said, that Job was a perfect man: and when that the Lord suffered him to be tried, and when that his Goods and Houses were thrown down, and driven a way, and servents killed, he said, Blessed be the name of the Lord, for the Lord gave and the Lord taketh; here his mind was stayed upon the Lord, and he retained his peace. And when that his Children were destroyed, and his wife said to him, what, dost thou continue in thy Integrity still? Curse God and dye; he rebukes her, and calls her, A foolish woman: and said unto her, Shall I receive good of the Lord and not evil? Naked came I out of my Mothers womb, and naked I must return again. Here Job kept his integrity still, and did not all this while offend with his Lips. Now many of you who think your selves high, and above Job, if that your Goods and Children should be after the same manner taken away (whose mind is in them) you would be found in a trou­bled brickle state, far below Job. And when that Jobs Friends came to reason with him, who kept his integrity, and would no way yeeld to them, they called him an Hypocrite, and said, he denyed Prayer, and filled his Belly with East-wind, and said, what shall mortal man be more pure than his Maker? Shall man that is born of a woman be Just? God chargeth his Angls with folly, and the Heavens are not clear in his sight. And these are the Scriptures the Priests use to bring against Friends (who keep there Integrity) as Jobs Friends did against him; but at the last the Lord commanded Job to offer a Sacrifice for his Friends, because they had sinned, and spoken not right, as Job had, who was perfect and kept his Integrity. And the Apostle said to the Saints, That he had learned in all conditions to be content. Mark, in all conditions, but this was when he was Paul, not when he [Page 56] was Saul, running up and down with his packet of Letters, halling the Saints before the Rulers like a Paritor; then he was not content, neither with his own condition, nor others: But when he came to learn of Christ, which destroys the Devil and his works, which teacheth to know all things, then in all things he learned to be content; so that you know that there is learning, learneth, and learned; as a Child when he is learning, learneth, and learned is three stats; so Paul he had learned in all conditions to be content; and who was his School-Master but Christ, by whom all things were made, not of man, nor by man (out of the Truth;) so while he learned of men, and by men, he was not content, neither are any others.

Therefore all are to learn of Christ the Light, the Life, and the Truth, that you may come to that condition, to have learned in all conditions to be content, and not to trust in uncertain Riches, for they have wings and will flee away; and so he is never coun­ted a wise man that will put any confidence in that which will flee away from him: for those are the Heirs of the Earth and the World that l [...]ad themselves with thick clay, that they may set their nests on high; but they that be Heirs of Christ, and of the Power of an Endless Life, trust in the Living God, and come to possess an Everlasting Inheritance of the Power of an Endless Life, and come to increse in the Riches of the Ever­lasting Inheritance, and there lay up Riches that are Everlasting, which will abide for ever. And so therefore mind every one Gods word in your Hearts, and in your Mouthes, and obey it and do it; and be not of them that are saying in their hearts, Who shall ascend or descend to fetch him from above? Keep down that sayer under reproof, and then your eares will be open to that which the righteousness of Faith saith, The Word is nigh thee, in thy heart, and in thy mouth, so thou needest not to say, who shall ascend or descend, and that was the Word which the Messen­gers of God preached, and do preach, and rebuke the Gainsayer.

And so all people seeing the Devil hath made the World like a Wilderness, and there is so many wayes in it, that they do not know which way to come out, nor which to follow: There­fore this is my Answer to you all, Take Davids Lanthorn and Candle; you may say, What is that, and where is it? I say it is within you, the Word of God: you may say, People do not [Page 57] use to carry Lanthorns and Candles in the day time, but in the night.

I say, you be in the Night of Darkness, and therefore the Word is called a Lanthorn and Candle to you, by which you may see the Way of the Lord which is perfect, from all mens wayes which are imperfect; by which ye may see the path of the just to be a shining Light, from all the unjust paths that be in the Darkness; for by this Word did David come to outstrip his Teachers, who was made wiser then them all, so it will you, if you obey it; for by this Word he saw Christ, and called him Lord: therefore he loved the Word and hid it in his heart; for by it he spake so many glorious expressions, which the World since hath turned into Meeter, and made Songs or Ballads of them; and this was the Word that came to Abraham, which made him forsake his National Religion and Worship, and Obey the Lord; and this was the Word that came to Jacob the Shepherd; by which he saw Christ, and Prophesied of him to his Sons on his Death-bed, when he said to Judah, The Law should not depart from betwixt his feet till Shilo came, (meaning Christ) and the gathering of all Nations should be to him, as it is at this day, the gathering is to Christ, and this was the Word that came to Moses the Shepherd, when he was keeping sheep, which he Obeyed, and went to Egypt, and brought the Chil­dren of Israel out of Egypt; by which Word he was made a Minister; and when the Children of Israel were come out of Egypt into the Wilderness, told them, They need not go for the Word beyond the Seas, &c. for it was nigh them, in their hearts and mouths, to obey it and do it. And this was, the Word that made Moses a Prophet, who prephesied of Christ, and said, Like unto him God would raise up a Prophet, him should they hear in all things: mark, (in all things) we are to be ordered both in­ward and outward, for hearing Christ, by whom all things were made; And every one that would not hear this Prophet (Christ) should be cut off; for how should they continue or reign?

And this was the Word that came to Samuel, and made him a Prophet, who spake to Ely the Priest, and reproved his Sons, and the Children of Israel: and this was the Word that made Saul to Prophesie, and Balaam, though they erred from it: And [Page 58] this was the Word that made all the Prophets to prophesie, and to reprove the kings of Israel, and their Priests, of their Super­stition and Idolatrous ways, in seting up Groves, and Images in High places; and reproved all their Monthly Prognosticati­ons, who spoke and acted from them, and not from the Lord.

And this was the Word that came to Isaiah, by which he Prophesied of Christ, and of his Preaching, and of his Suffer­ings, and by which Word he reproved the Shepherds, which were as greedy dumb Dogs, could never have enough, seeking their gain from their Quarter: and by this Word he saw, that all the Children of God should be taught of God, and established in Righ­teousness and Peace; and though many tongues should rise up in Judgment against them, yet those that were taught of God should condemn them all, this power should be given to his chil­dren. And many weapons formed against them should not pros­per, God would restrain them: And also he saw them that were cast out, that trembled at Gods Word, to whom God would appear to their Glory, and to the shame and to the confounding of them that cast them out for his Names sake, as it is at this day.

And this was the Word of God that made Jeremiah a Pro­phet, by which he saw the New Covenant, by which Word he was said to reprove the People and Princes, of the filthy and horrible thing commited in the Land, that the Priests Preached for Hire, and the Prophets prophesied falsly: and for reproving them for their Superstition and Idollatry, they struck him, and put him in the Stocks, and Prison, and persecuted him in the Dun­geon, till his Persecutors were carried into Captivity. And by the Word Jeremiah saw the number of Seventy yeares of his Persecutors being in Babylons Captivity.

Elijah by the Word was made a Prophet, and by the Word reproved Ahab and Jezebel for their Idolatry, and worshiping of Images. For which Words sake they persecuted him, and the rest of the Prophets; and was not he fed of the Ravens by the River; And did not they seek to take away his Life; and did not he think all the Lords Prophets had been killed, and he left alone? yet did not the Lord say to him, he had reserved so many Thousands that had not bowed the knee to Baal? And Elisha the Plowman by the Word was made a Prophet, and forsook his Plough; and by the Word reproved the Idollatry in his Age of Priests and People.

[Page 59]And by the Word was Ezekiel made a Prophet, by which Word he reproved the Shepherds of Israel, that made a prey upon the people, and taught them for the Fleece; and by the Word he saw that God would bring the people from them, that they should be made a pray upon no longer; and would gather them from their Mouths, and set one Shepherd over them, Christ, which is witnessed; and by the Word he reproved false Prophets, that taught for handfuls of Barly, and peices of Bread, and daubed with untempered Morter, and sewed Pil­lows under the Armholes; and by the Word he saw the Patern of the Temple, and the return of the Jews.

And by the Word Daniel was made a Prophet, and saw Christ and his Kingdom, and how the Saints should take his Kingdom; and by the Word he saw such that should rise up against the People of God; and by the Word he numbred the yeares of Christ to his time 499 yeares, and of his, Death and how he should end the Sacrifices; and how that Christ should bring up Everlasting Righteousness, and put an end to Sin and end the Prophets, and Seal up their Visions.

And by the Word Micah was made a Prophet, by which he cryed against the Priests that preached for Hire, and the Prophets that prophesied for Money, and the Judges that judged for Re­wards, and such as preached Peace to the people, that put in their mouths, (like the Priests in these times) and when they did not, they prepared war against them, and chopt their flesh and, gnawed their Bones, (as the Priests in this day and time have done) but Micah saw by the Word that the Sun was gon down upon such Prophets and Priests, and they should have no Vision nor Answer from God; therefore such are against Reve­lations and Visions, on whom the Sun is set, and gon down upon, and then the Night comes upon them.

And by the Word was Amos the Herdsman made a Prophet, who was a gatherer of Fruits, and likewise all the rest of the Prophets, who spoke forth Divine things and reproved the Su­perstition and Idolatry in their time and day. And by the Word did all the Prophets speak forth Divine things, which Word brought them into the Divine Nature and Mind, which Word Hammered and Cut down that which corrupted their natures; [Page 60] and this was the Word that made so many Fisher-men Preach­ers of the Gospel, which is the Power of God.

And this was the Word which made Matthew the Toll-ga­therer, Luke the Physitian, and Paul the Tent-maker, Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel and Power of God. And this was the Word which made Peter to see Joels Prophesie, how that God would power out his Spirit upon all Flesh, and Sons and Daughters should Prophesie, and Young men should see Visions, and Old men Dream Dreams, and the powering forth of the Spirit upon Servants and Hand-maids, that every one should have somthing to speak to the Glory of God. And now the Priests and proud Prelates, and Bishops, and Popes, though you have made a trade of the Saints words, and the Apostles and Pro­phets words, and gotten a deal of money by them, (which were fishermen and shepherds words, from the Word) Yet nevertheless if a company of Shepherds, Herdsmen, Fishermen, Tent-makers, and Toll-gatherers should come amongst you to Preach, you would say, Away with these Mechanick Fellows, they have not served seaven yeares Apprentiship at the Col­ledges, which we have set up to make Ministers; therefore they are not to set up, because they have not served their Apprentiships.

What say the Shepherds, Tentmakers, Physitians and Tole­gatheres? Do you make a Trade of our Friends words, who were of our Occupation, that never served Apprentiships in Colledges, before they spake forth the words you make a Trade of? what, will you make a Trade of our Friends words, who were of our Occupation! Away with you to Work, and away with your Colledges: for our Brother Paul the Tent­maker said, If you will not work you must not eat. For, would you own Christ if he had come in your day? who was called, A Carpenters Son. You Popes with your Triple Crowns, and you Lord Bishops with your Coaches and fat Horses, and gorgeous Aparrel, with your Black Coats, and white Coats, and Girdles; Are you like to entertain him who is called, A Car­penters Son? or to cast him and his mother into the Manger in your Stables?

This was the Word by which John the Evangelist saw Christ, which did enlighten every man that came into the world, and saw [Page 61] how he became flesh, and came to his own, and his own did not re­ceive him: but to as many as received Christ the Light, to them he gave power to become the Sons of God; which all they that are Ministers of the Letter, made by the seven years Colledges, and not the Word, hate the Light.

And by this Word, the Minister of the Word preacheth Christs Word, Life, Death and Resurrection: And therefore as John saith in his Epistle, That which our Eyes have seen, our Hands have handled, and our Ears have heard of the Word of Life, do we preach unto you; that which was from the beginning, in the beginning was the Word, though since the beginning were the words and letters: for the Scriptures of Truth are the words of God, and the words of Christ; and he that adds to these words (saith John in the Revelations) God shall add unto him the plagues, that are written in this book.

So the Word was in the beginning, and Christs Name is call­ed, The Word of God, but Christ is neither called Scriptures nor Writings, for Scriptures signify Writings. So, In the beginning was the Word, since the beginning were Writings and Scrip­tures. In the beginning was the Word, since the beginning were all false Wayes, false Churches, false Teachers; and in the Word ye comprehend them all. The Priest saith, That Hebrew, Greek and Latine were the Original, the many Languages, and the many Languages began at Babel, which Nimrod the Hunter before the Lord, (began to build) after God had destroyed the Old World with water: then would he go build a Tower which should reach to Heaven; then God came down and con­founded them into many Languages: so he hunted before the Lord, but the Lord followed him, and confounded him in all his work, as he will do all the Builders that run before him; and so all the Priest that have gotten the many Languages, which began at Babel, they tell simple ignorant people, that they have the Original, and are the Orthodox men, and get in a different habit from them, and say the Quakers are a simple people, and despise the Learned Orthodox men who have the Original.

Give ear O people, if these Languages which came up at the confounding of Babel are the Priests Original that makes them Orthodox and Divine, then Pilate that crucified Christ was as good an Orthodox Divine as they: for when he crucified Christ [Page 62] he writ a Paper in Hebrew, Greek and Latine, and set a top of him, he was as ignorant of Scripture and of Orthodox and Divine matters as you, and you as he; and the Apostle saith, That Tongues must cease, then that which makes Orthodox men and Divine, as you say, must cease, according to the Apostles Do­ctrine; and so then Tongues neither are the Original, nor make Orthodox nor Divine: and John that gave forth the Revelations saith, That the Whore and the Beast are set upon Tongues, and the Everlasting Gospel must be preached again to all Kindreds and Tongues; which were before Babel was, who was the first be­ginner of Tongues.

Now it is clear that the Gospel must be preached to all Na­tions and Tongues, and that Tongues are not the Original, neither do they make Divines or Orthodox men; but it is clear that it is the Word which was in the beginning which makes Divines; yea, Tradesmen, which are base and contemptible in the eyes of the proud, and them that have gotten Babels Tongues, who are confounded by the ministers of the Word, which was in the beginning before Babel was; for all the Earth was of one Language and Speech before Babel. And you that call your selves Orthodox men made by Tongues, and say that is your Original, who are so blind and cannot see that there was an Original before Babel was; for did not Enoch the Pro­phet, the seventh from Adam, who prophesied in the Old World before it was destroyed, and long before Babel was, concerning the coming of Christ in Ten thousand of his Saints, as in Jude; and Lamech prophesied in the Old World concern­ing Noah, and Adam and others might be instanced, before your Tongues which you call your Original were: and so we say that the Word of God is the Original, which doth fulfil the Scriptures, and the Word is it which makes Divines, which is called a Hammer, but it is a living Hammer, and a Sword and Fire, but a living Sword and a Fire, to hammer, cut, and burn up that which separated and kept man from God, by which Word man is reconciled again to God, which is called The word of Reconciliation; by this word are men and women sanctified and made clean, and this is the Word that makes both men and woman Divines, and brings them into the Divine Nature, which hammers and cuts down that which corrupted their na­ture; [Page 63] and by this Word a [...]e they brought into a Divine Wis­dom, Understanding, Knowledg, Spirit and Power. And this is the Word that lives, and abides, and endures for ever, by which the Saints are born again of the Immortal Seed and Word of God, who feed upon the Milk of the Word, up into a Divine Life, Wisdom and Understanding, and Divine Nature; and by this Word they do see all Flesh to be as Grass, and as the Flower of the Field that fadeth; and the Word of God that lives, and abides, and endures for ever, which is Christ, whose Name is called, the Word of God.

And so to Keep the Word of Patience, which is over all the impatient Spirits, and then you will know the Word of Life, the Word of Patience and Word of Wisdom is Everlasting, and abides and endures for ever; which all they that be in the Let­ter, out of the Life and Word, have neither Patience to them­selves nor others; for the Word of patience, and the Word of Life, which is to be kept in all Tribulations was before Death and impatient Spirits were.

Concerning the Heathen Idolaters naming their Dayes and Moneths.

THE old Pagan- Saxons in their Idolatry, Were the first that brought in the names of the Days, which those called Christians, have retained to this day; for they adored Idols, and unto them offered Sacrifices, and Worshipped the Planets. See Vestigans Antiq. and Cambdens Brit.

As touching the Idols which these Saxons adored they were divers; and though they had many, yet seven among the rest, they especially appropriated unto the seven dayes of the week.

That day which is the first day of the week, they worship­ed the Idol of the Sun, which was placed in a Temple, and there Sacrificed unto, and to the special adoration of which Idol they gave the name of Sunday.

The second day of the week, they dedicated to the Idol of [Page 64] the Moon, and from whence, these called Christians retain the name of Monday instead of Moonday.

The next was the Idol of the Planets, was the Idol of Tuisco, who was the first and chiefest man of Name among the Germans, unto whom the name of Tuesday was especially dedicated.

The next was the Idol Woden, whom the Saxons honoured for their God of Battel; And after this Idol, these called Christians do yet call the fourth day of the week. Wednesday, instead of Woddensday,

The next was the Idol Thor, from whence the name Thurs­day, is retained, instead of the fifth day of the week.

The next Idol was the Goddess Friga, to which Idol they dedicated the sixth day of the week, and called it Fryday; which is retained to this day.

The last was the Idol Seater, from whence is called the seventh day, Satureay.

And as these called Christians, have followed the Heathens Examples in naming their Days, so they follow them in name­ing their Months; for the Heathen they called Mars the God of Battel, and from thence they called the first Month March. And Venus they called the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and from thence they called the second Month April. And Maja a Heathen Goddess called Flora and Cloris, were called the God­desses of Flowers, unto Maja the Heathen Idolaters used to sacifice; from thence was the third Month called May: And upon the first day of the same Month, they used to keep Floralia Feasts to the two Goddesses of Flowers (viz.) Flora and Cloris; and Flora was a Strumpet in Rome, that used on the first day of that Month, to set up a May-pole before her door to intice her Lovers; from whence came May-poles and May-Day to be since observed, by these called Christians.

And Juno whom the Heathen called the Gooddess of King­doms and Wealth, from this Juno, the forth Month was called June.

And Julius Cesar a Roman Emperor, in honour to him, was the fifth Month called July.

And in honour to Augustus Cesar, an Emperor, was the sixth Month called August.

[Page 65]And four of the other Months are called after the Latine Names, as September for the seventh Month, October for the eighth, November for the ninth, December for the tenth.

And one Janus a King of Italy, was for his wisdom pictured with two faces, whom they honoured as God; and from this name Janus, was the elventh Month called January.

And Saturnus, Pluto, Februs, were called the Gods of Hell, who the Heathen said, had the Rule of evil Spirits there; and from Pluto Februs, was the twelfth Month called February. And by all these Idolatrous Names, do these called Christians, call their Days and Months, to this day, which is contrary to the Scriptures, the Prophets and the Apostles.

The Saxons also had a Goddess, (whom they sacrificed to in the Month of April) called Eoster; hence they called April, Eoster Month, and hence in process of time came Easter. Page 135. Camb. Brit.

Concerning Singing of Psalmes.

PSalms began to be sung about three hundred eighty three years after Christ, brought in by Damasins Bishop, though not turned into Meeter.

Benedistus an Abbot of the Monastery of Peter and Paul at Wirr, brought with him from Rome one John the Arch-Chanter, who first taught in England how to sing in the Quire, after the manner of Rome. Act. & Mon. vol. 1. page 164. Anno, 724.

Laws made by the Saxon Kings in England, concerning singing Psalms.

In the year seven hundred forty seven, at the beginning of King Edgberts Reign, the Synod of Bishops disputed the profit of singing of Psalms in the Church, and made a Decree, that with a modest voice, they should sing in the Church so called.

[Page 66]In the year nine hundred twenty four, King Ethelston, alias, Atelston, made a Law that fifty Psalms should be daily sung in the Church, as he called it, for the King.

Beza being much diverted with Poetry, made his pastime to become a part of the vulgar devotion; hence they have been stiled by some Geneva-Jigs. These are the express words of the Injunction, given to the Clergy and Laity by Queen Eliza­beth.

Item, Because in divers Collegiate, and also some Parish-Churches heretofore, there hath been Livings appointed for the maintenance of men and children, to use singing in the Church, by means whereof, the Laudable Science of Musick hath been had in estimation, and preserved in knowledge; the Queen willeth & commandeth, that first no alteration be made of such assignments of Living, as heretofore hath been appoint­ed to the use of Singing or Musick in the Church, but that the same so remain, and that there be a modest and distinct Song so used in all parts of the Common prayer in the Church, that the same may be as plainly understood, as if it were read without singing: And yet nevertheless, for the comforting of such as delight in Musick, it may be permitted that in the begining or end of Common Prayers, either at Morning or Evening, there may be sung an Hymn, or such like Song, to the praise of Al­mighty God, in the best sort of Melody or Musick, that may be conveniently devised.

A Warning to all to keep out of the Fashions of the World, which lead them below the serious Life; and not to fashion themselves accord­ing to the World.

FRiends keep out of the Fashions of the World, let not your eyes, and minds, and spirits run after every fashion (in Ap­parel of the Nations) for that will lead you from the solid life, into a full stomack, with that Spirit that leads to follow the Fa­shions [Page 67] of the Nations, every Fashions of Apparel that gets up; but mind that which is sober and modest, and keep your Fa­shions; therein you may judge the World, whose minds and eyes are in that, what they shall put on, and what they shall eat; and Friends that see the World so often alter their Fashions, and follow them, and run into them, in that they cannot judge the World, but the World, will rather judge them: Therfore keep all in the modesty, and plainness, and fervency, and sinceri­ty, and be circumspect; for they that follow those things the Worlds spirit invents daily, cannot be solid; and many Fa­shions might be instanced, both of Hats and Clothes of men and women, that daily are invented, which they that run into them, are near unto the Worlds Spirit, and their eyes are gazing af­ter them, when they should be upon the Lord, from whom they should receive judgment: Therefore all keep down that Spirit of the World that runs into so many Fashions to please the lust of the Eye, the lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life: And Fa­shion not your selves according to your former Lust of Ignorance; and let the time past be sufficient, which you have lived according to the Lusts of men and the course of the World, that the rest of your time you may live to the will of God, taking no though what you shall eat, what you shall drink or what you shall put on; therein your lives may judge the Heathens and that you may be as the Lillies; for nothing you brought into the World, neither any thing shall you take out: and therefore, while the Eye is gazing after every new Fashion, and the mind and desire is thirsting to get it, when it has it, it lifts up its mind, and so brings himself under the judgment of them that be in the sober Life, and of the World also, and to be like one of them: Therefore take heed of the Worlds Fashions, lest ye be moulded up into their Spirit, and that will bring you to slight Truth, and lift up the wrong Eye, and wrong Mind, and wrong Spirit, and hurt and blind the pure Eye, and pure mind, and quench the Holy Spirit; and through such foolish Toyes, and Fashions, and fading things, you may lose your conditions: And therefore take heed of the World, and trust not in uncertain Riches, neither covet the Riches of this World, but Seek the Kingdom of God, and the Righteousness thereof and all outward things will follow; and let your minds be above the costly and vain Fashions of attire, [Page 68] but mind the hidden man of the heart, which is a meek and quiet Spirit, which is of great price with the Lord, and keep to Justice and Truth in all your dealings, and tradings; at a word, and the form of sound words, in the Power of the Lord, and Equity in Yea and Nay in all your dealings, that your Lives and Con­versations may be in Heaven, and above the Earth, that they may preach to all that you have to deal withal; so that you may be as a City set on a Hill that cannot be hid, and as Lights of the World, answering the equal Principle in all, that God in all things may be glorified; So that you may pass your time here with fear, as Pilgrims and Strangers, and Sojourners, as having an eye over all things that be uncertain, as Cities, Houses, Lands, Goods, so, as things below, they that possess, as if they did not; and they tha [...] marry▪ as if they did not; yet as having a City whose Maker and Builder is God, and a Possessi­on of an Inheritance that will never fade away, in which you have Riches that will abide with you Eternally.

Some QUERIES given forth to the Priests or People to Answer if they can.

1. HAve any of you the same Spirit and Power as the Pro­phets and Apostles had?

2. Or have you the same Revelation and Inspiration, and Spi­rit of Prophesie, and pouring forth of the Holy Ghost; or do you own the pouring forth of the Spirit upon Sons and Daugh­ters, and is not this the last time in which it should be poured out, and the Sons and Daughters should Prophesie, and Old men dream Dreams, and Young men see Visions?

3. Or have you heard Gods voice, and Christs voice imme­diately fro [...] Heaven, or are you some of them the Lord never sent, nor spake unto? Answer me these Queries.

4. Do you own that Christ that died at Jerusalem to be the Light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world; and are not all enlightened by him either to their Salvation or Condemnation?

[Page 69]5. What and where is that which must give the knowledge of God, is it within People or without them? Answer me ac­cording to plain Scripture.

6. Do you teach or preach, that whilst a man is upon the Earth, he may be freed from sin, and the body of death, and imperfection, and shall be perfect whilst he be upon Earth; or do you keep People in the state of your Father Adam and Mo­ther Eve in the Fall, or do you bring them to the state before they fell, and so to Christ that shall never fall, which of these states do you bring them to, and keep your flock in, in Adam and Eve in the fall, or Adam and Eve before they fell, or in Christ that shall never fall; you must keep your flock in one of these three states, and which of them is it? Have you brought any of your flock whom you have driven to that condition and state, they need no man to teach them, that is to the anointing in them, the Law in their hearts, whereby they need not say one to another, know the Lord, that is to the Light of Christ that shines in their hearts to give them the Light of the know­ledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, and how many have you brought hither?

7. What is the Mother of Harlots, and what is the Beast she rides upon, and what are the People, Nations, and Multitudes, and Tongues the Whore sits upon, and what is Mystery Baby­lon, and what is the Woman that went into the Wilderness, what was her time she was to be there, and what is the Beast and Dragons Worship, and what is a Will-worship, and what is it to worship Angels, and what is that which leads Nature into its Course, and so to the glory of the first Body, and what is the glory of the second Body, and what is that which leads Nature out of its Course, and so sets the whole Course of Na­ture on Fire?

8. What is the ground of that which keeps in good manners, and what is that which corrupts them, and what is the Righte­ousness the World is reproved off, and what are the Judgments, and what is that which leads the Saints into all Truth, and hath every one the Spirit of God; and whether bowing, bending, dossing hats, scraping, cringing, saying you to one, be the honour that comes from above, or what is it, and whence comes it, and whether this before mentioned do not stand in that Nature, [Page 70] part and principle, which is on fire, if it hath not these things, and therefore whether or no these things do proceed from that which leads Nature into its Course, or out of its Course, and what is it that defaces the glory of the first body?

9. Whether or no you own Trembling and Quaking at the Word of God?

10. Seeing you look upon your selves to differ from many, and to be above them, let us see wherein, and in what it is manifest?

11. What is self-Righteousness, and what is Man's Righteousness, and the Righteousness that is as filthy Rags, distinguish these one from another, or whether they be all one, for our Righteousness is that which was before Adam was, whom ye in scorn calls Quakers?

12. Whether ever any came to see so far as Balaams Ass, who saw the Angel of the Lord?

13. What are the Graves, and the Tombes, and the Sepul­chres, and the Fowls of the Air, and the Nests they sit in, which Christ spake of? Answer.

14. Whether or no to pay Tythes or receive Tythes, is not to deny Christ Jesus to be come in the flesh, and to deny Christ to be offered up, the offering once for all; and was not theirs of the Tythes a heave-offering, and was not that Offering to be ended by Christ offering up himself, and had not the Priests a Commandment to take Tythes of the People, of their Brethren, and do not you transgress the Law of God which take them of those you do not call brethren; and was not the Widows, Fa­therless, and Strangers to have a part of the Tythes, and was every Priest and Levite, and them that was to have a part of them, to have a particular Tythe-Barn, and was Tythes to be sold, and was there any Impropriators, and whether they do not hold up the Priests of the Jews, and their Law and Com­mandments, that take Tythes and give Tythes, and so denyes Christ the Priest, in holding up the Jews Priests.

15. And whether or no MELCHISEDECK did ta [...]e Tythes of all other Nations that were under him, or any other Spoil, but once of ABRAHAM, and whether he had a Command for doing it, or whether it was an Example?

[Page 71]16. And whether the Jews did take Tythes of the Ca­naanites, or any of those Nations that lived among them, or of any People where ever they came, that they had the power over, that was not of them?

17. You that speak so much of Christs Reigning, whether or no Your Swords are beat into Plowshares, and your Spears into Pruning-hooks, that you do not learn War any more; that Nation shall not lift up a Sword against Nation; And whether or no this Ministration should be amongst Christians, seeing that it was Christs Doctrine, That they should love one another, and love Enemies; And he bad Peter put up his Sword: And the Apostle said, Their Weapons were Spiritual.

Secondly, Doth not Peter say, That the Heavens must re­ceive Christ Jesus until the time of Restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his Prophets since the World be­gan, Act. 3. Now do you look at restoring of things, then by what doth Christ restore, whether by his Light and Power within People or without them, seeing the sin is within them, and whether or no Christ doth not remain in the Heavens untill all things be restored; and whether or no Christ doth not now Reign; and whether or no he is not restoring; and then by what (as I said before) doth he restore seeing he is in the Heavens, and must remain in the Heavens until all things be restored, and whether or no some was not restored, when they sate in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, Ephes. 2. And whether or no he that re­maines in the Heavens, be not also manifest in man, that is restored and lives, and walks, and reigns in him?

Answer this you that talk of a Personal Reign.

18. What is that Voice of Christ which his Sheep hears and knows from all false Voices, and all that hear cannot endure any more to hear the Voice of a Stranger, Hireling or Thief?

19. What or where is the Word that People shall hear be­hind them, saying, This is the Way, Walk in it, when they turn to the right hand or the left; or what the Word of Faith that none needs to say, Who shall ascend to Heaven, or into the depth to seek [Page 72] Christ f [...]om above or below, but was nigh in their hearts; and Is not the same now?

Answer in Writing the thing Queried.

G. F.


WE Witness the Life thereof, and by the same do we witness the Scriptures to be Truth, and serviceable in its place, and was written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the World is come, 1 Cor. 10.11. And to us it is given to know, but to the World in Parables, Luke 8.10. And he that would go about to unfold the Parables to the dark mindes, by the Ser­pentine Wit and Imagination, he must be kept out of the Scri­pture, and he who takes the Scriptures and makes a Trade of them, professing to interpret them, and so gets a living by them, which was spoken forth freely, he is a deceiver and must be shut out of the Scripture; and who reads or takes the Scripture to talk or d [...]sco [...]rse of, and is ignorant of the Life, must be kept out of the Scripture; for all those runs in with their Scripture Wit and Imaginations, wresting them for their own ends, ad­ding and diminishing to their own destruction, and so he must be shut out of the Scripture; for hence arises all these Sects and Opinions in the World, running into the Scripture, with their Wit, Imaginations, and dark mindes, one imagining one way, and another, another way, and one of this opinion, and another [Page 73] of that opinion, but opinion, are no assurance, but are fallible, and every one out of the way, because they want the Life which is the Mystery; and this is the difference between all Sects and Opinions, and the infallible Truth; and so they come not in by the door but are climbing up another way, and so are shut out of the Kingdom; but the same which gave them forth, the same can open them, and to it they are no Mystery nor Parable; nor needs any meaning; Note: John 10.1. for they are of no private interpretation, nor came they in the old time by the will of Man, but holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, neither can the will of man open them, Note: 2 Pet. 1.20, 21. but the same which spake them forth, the same can open them, and speak them forth freely, so let him that hath a dream tell a dream, and he that hath my Word, let him speak my Word faithfully.

What is the Chaffe to the Wheat saith the Lord? So he that hath the Letter, let him speak the Letter, and he that hath the Life, let him speak the Life: What is the Husk to the Kernel? Note: Jer. 23.28. John 1.1. And what should Swine do with Pearls, whose Life is in Husks, and there they feed? He that can receive, let him; the same which gave it forth, the same can open it: And he who saith the Letter is the Word, is a deceiver, and erres, not know­ing the Scripture; for the Scripture saith, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, John 1.1. And the Word of the Lord came to the Prophets, and they spake from the Word of the Lord, Jer. 2.1. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among the Apostles, and they saw the glory thereof, as the glory of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth: And the Word is quick and power­full, sharper than a two-edged Sword; Note: Jer. 2.4, 8. Ezek. 1.3. John 1.14. Rev. 19.13. Heb. 4.12, 13 and the Word is immortal, and this, the Apostles, in whom the Word dwelt, bore witness of, and hath left it upon record and we witness the same the Word is the same which was, is, and is to be for ever, and who putteth the Letter for the Word is blind, and putteth the Shadow for the Substance, and must be shut out of the Scripture. And he who saith the Letter [Page 74] is the Light, is in darkness, and erres, not knowing the Scripture, which declareth of the Light, which John came to bear witness off, who was not the Light, but testified of the Light, Which was the true Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World. He was in the World, and the World was made by him, and the World knew him not, nor knows him not; and he came unto his own, and his own received him not, but as many as re­ceived him, to them he gives power to become the Sons of God, John 1.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. And this we witness, and by the same Light do we discern and testifie against him to be in darkness and blindness, and is a deceiver, who putteth the Let­ter for the Light, and so draws Peoples minds off from the Light within them, to the Letter without them, seeking the living among the dead, thinking to find Life in the Letter with­out them, as the Pharisees did, and will not come unto Christ that they might have Life, John 5.39, 40. and so they must be shut out of the Scripture as the Pharisees were; and he also that saith the Letter is the Rule and Guide of the People of God, Note: Luke 1.73, & 19.15. John 16.13. Rom. 18.14. is without, feeding upon the husk, and is ignorant of the true Light which was before the Letter was, which all the Children of God were and are guided by, and spoke and speakes the Letter from, which was before the Letter was, and with this the Letter witnesseth; and who is guided by this cannot walk contrary to the Let­ter, nor deny it, but they know how to use it in its place, and see in what condition it was spoken, and it witnesseth with them both in words and actions, and they that have this, have and need the mystery within, though they cannot read the Let­ter without, nor ever learned, as it was with Christ, which confounded the Scribes and Pharisees; and they who are never so learned without, Note: Mat. 11.15. Mat. 13.11. and can read and understand all Tongues and Languages without, and doth not read the Scripture with­in, only feed upon the Husk, and are ignorant of the Life which is the Mystery, which is hid from the wise and pru­dent, and revealed unto the ignorant, as it was from the Scribes and Pharisees, and high Priests, and was revealed to those whom they counted ignorant, and cursed, and knew not the Law, John 7.48, 49▪

[Page 75]And they who take the Letter to be their Rule, cannot walk according to it, because they are ignorant of the Light, which opens and leads into the Life which they who spake them forth lived in, but drunkards, and swearers, and proud, and wan­tonesse, and covetoues lustfull enveons ones, and all manner of unrighteous persons will take the Letter to talk of and say it is their Rule and Guide, but are out of the Life thereof, and so by it are condemned; and those are the Swine that are feeding up­on the husk without, Luke 15.15, 16. and have gotten the form but are out of the Life and Power, and put the shadow for the substance, and so lives in darknesse, and knowes not whether he goeth, but they that read with the single-eye may understand, for the Scripture is within, and was read within before it was read without. Now, silence all the Study and Wisdom of Man.

Concerning BAPTISM.

The Baptism we own, which is the Baptism of Christ, with the Holy Ghost and with fire, but we deny all other, for there is but one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, and they who would have one Baptism outward, and ano­ther inward, would have two Baptisms, when the Scripture saith the Baptism is but one, Note: Mat. 3.11. Ephes. 4.5, 6. and whosoever hath the Baptism outward, are the same they were before; but the Baptism of Christ makes a new Creature, and this I witness, for I received water upon my face, as my Parents told me, which they called Baptism, Note: Rom. 6.3. but I grew up an Heathen, as all other Children do, and no New Creature, though my Parents were counted Believers among the World and their Priests; but now I wit­tess the Baptism of Christ, by one Spirit, Note: 1 Cor. 12.13. 2 Cor. 5, 17. into on [...] Body; and now I witness a New Creature, Old things are past away, and all things become New. And now I see the other to be formal imitation, and the Invention of Man, and so a meer delusion, and all are Hea­thens and no Christians who cannot witness this Baptism; [Page 76] Mat. 15.4. who can witness this denies all other; for the Scripture saith, the Baptism is but one, and who can witnesse this are Believers, but who cannot witnesse this are no Believers and so it is that water or no water availeth nothing but a New Creature; for all by nature are the children of wrath, and ex­cept they be born again they cannot enter; and as for the Bap­tism of water which the Apostles used it being a figure for its time, the power went along with it, and the Disciples received the Holy Ghost when they were Baptized, but none can witness this, who sets themselves of acting or imitating the Apostles, and so takes it up by imitation, and their ground is the Letter, and are not guided to it by the same Spirit which guided the Apostles, and so they are the same after water as before, and so now wa [...]er or no water availeth any thing, but a New Cerea­ture; for Water was but for its time, though many in darkness have now got the Form, and are groping in it for Life, but wants the Life and Power, and so from such turn away.

Concerning the LORDS SUPPER.

The Supper of the Lord we own, which is the Body and Blood of Christ, Note: John 6.54, 55, 56, 57. Acts 4.32. 1 Cor. 10.16. which the Saints fed upon, and this is Eternal Food and Life, and here they all feed upon one and are of one heart and one mind; and here is pure and Eternal Union and Communion, and this is not Carnal but Spi­ritual for Saints are Spiritual, and their Communion is Spiritu­al and Eternall; and this we witnesse, who are of one heart and one mind, who are in the new Covenant, and herein we discern the Lords Body, and here all drunkards are shut out, and all lyars, adulterers, proud, covetous, lustfull, and envious ones, and all back-biters, revilers, extortioners, and all deceit­full and unrighteous persons are shut out of the New Covenant, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. and are with-out feeding upon the husk and shadow, which is carnall, for the br [...]ad which the world breaks is carnall and naturall, and only feeds the outward carnall body, and goeth into the belly, and so passeth out into the dunghill; and so likewise the Cup which they drink, and so the Commu­nion [Page 77] and Fellowship of the World passeth away; but this is no nourishment to the Soul, but still the Soul lies in death, and here is no Communion, but natural, outward and carnal, of se­veral minds and hearts, full of filthiness, and uncleanness, which is the Table of Devils, eating and drinking their own damna­tion, not discerning the Lords Body, which is Spiritual, which the natural man discerns not. And here stands the Worlds Communion and Fellowship, Note: 1 Cor. 10 21. 1 Cor. 11.29. 1 Cor. 2.14. which is carnal; and cross but their carnal wills, and it is turned into envy, and for earth­ly triflles they will go to Law, and cozen and cheat, and defraud one another for earthly trifles, and like Peo­ple like Priest; but if they lye in wait for revenge of one ano­ther, then they will not take their Sacrament, as they call it: Note: 1 John 3.17. And here the Devil hath a great hold, for he that envies is a murderer; and here is the difference betwixt the Worlds Communion, and the Saints Communion; Life and Death. For to be Carnally minded is Death, Note: Rom. 8.6. but to be Spiritually minded is Life.

And here they are without, feeding upon the Husk and Sha­dow without, and would destroy the Life and Substance, where it appears, both Priest, People and Rulers, and so have a Form of Godliness, and denies the Life and Power, From such turn away; For it is meer delusion, Note: 2 Tim. 3.5. to take the Shadow for the Substance.

Concerning PRAYER.

The Prayers of the wicked we deny, and God denies, for it is abominable, Prov. 15.8, for Cain the wicked one, who was out of the comands of God, Gen 4.3, 4, 5. who was the first-birth, he offered up a Sacrifice of the earth, but God had no respect to it; Note: 1 Pet. 3.12. Jam. 5.5, 6. Pro. 15.8, 29. but Abel the second-birth, who was the Righteous, his Sacrifice God had respect to; so the Prayers of the Faith­ful and Righteous God doth accept, and they [Page 79] avail; and what comes from his own, which is the second-birth, his own is pure, and what comes from it is pure, Note: Ex. 40.12, 13. Luke 1.3. Hab. 1.13. Mat. 12.34 Job 14.4. Gen. 3.15. 2 Sam. 2.22. and God who is pure, doth receive that which is pure, but he receives nothing which is polluted or unclean, for he is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. For his Sacrifice must be without spot and blemish, and that which comes from an unclean heart is spotted and de­filed and unclean, for nothing that is pure can come forth of an unclean Vessel; but who can witness the second-birth, and that the Seed of the Woman hath bruised the Serpents head, which is the first Promise, and faith which purifieth the heart, then that which comes out is pure, proceeding from a pure single heart, and this prayer God re­ceives, and he hath respect to it, and this we owne and witnesse and this comes from the second birth, which is pure, for the first birth is unclean, and out of the Command of God in the fall, in the wrath, in the peevishnesse, and perversenesse, Cain-like, and the seed of the Serpent is first in every one, and rules the head, but the Promise is, The seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpents head, so you who are not come to this are still in the fall, and are not come to the first Promise; so all your self-acting and imitating, thinking to merit with your prayers and praises, singings, and duties, and worships, and traditions, which are all in vain and you are sacrificing to an unknown God, a Sacrifice of the earth from the first nature, which God hath no respect to, and the flaming Sword is set against that to keep from the Tree of Life, for both drunkards, and swear­ers, lyars, proud, covetous, and all manner of unrighteous persons are offering up sacrifices, Note: 1 Sam. 5.22. Isa. 1.13, 14, 15, 16, 17. and are in their formal Worships and Duties, thinking that is sufficient to pascifie for their sins, and yet doth not repent, but saith the Lord, Bring no more vain Oblations, away with your New Moons and Sabbaths, th [...]y are an abomination, and my soul loathes them. When you spread forth your hands I will hide mine eyes from you, yea when you make many Prayers, I will not hearken; your hands are full of blood: Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, cease to do evil learn to do [Page 79] well. So it is the heart the Lord requireth, Prov. 23.16. Jer. 29.12, 13. And, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also, Mat. 6.21. And saith the Apostle, We know not how to pray as we ought, but as the Spirit maketh intercession with sighes and groans, Rom. 8.26. And this is more acceptable to God from an honest single heart, than the long Prayer of the Pharisees.

Concerning the MINISTRY.

The true Ministry of Christ we own and witness, and the Mi­nisters and Messengers of Christ we own and witness, but those who have gotten the Letter and Form to Trade with, which was spoken forth freely, and denyes the Life and Power, those we deny, their Ministry, and all those who go to get humane Learning, and are certain years as it were serving a Prentiship, pretending to study Divinity, and when their time is expired, they go among ignorant blind People, and gets a certain place, and certain wages, and so sells that which they studied and got into the brain, and those which receive it, gets it into the brain, and [...]o they live upon dust which is the Serpents meat, feeding upon the Tree of Knowledge both Priest and People, Mic. 3.10. death feeding death, and with the notion begets into the notion, and feeding the carnal mind with the carnal letter; and this is the cause why drunkards, swearers, lyars, proud, cove­tous, envious, wrathful and contentious ones, and all unrigh­teous persons, hath gotten the Letter to talk of, or discourse of, though in the Ale-house, or Tipling-house; but this Mi­nistry works no Reformation, only hath the Form, and leads into the Form, and denies the Life and Power, which is neither to be bought nor sould for money; so from such we turn away, who come by the will of Man, are approved by the will of Man, and are upheld by the will of Man, and not by the will of God: And their Call and Ministry we deny, which is me­diate, and formal imitation, and the invention of Man, and so meer delusion, and this is the cause why the Land so over­flowes with iniquity, and all manner of ungodliness, and no better Reformation wrought amongst them, their Ministry is so dark, and dead, and cold, and yet the Land full of Teachers, [Page 80] and yet the People lost for want of Teaching, Jer. 23.29, 30, 31, 32. and so they spend their money for that which is not bread, and their labour for that which profiteth not, Isa. 35.2.

But who can witness an immediate Call by God, from their outward Callings and Countries, Lands, Livings and Possessi­ons, into several Countries, to preach the free Gospel as they had received it, Note: Mark 16.25. Amos 3 7, 8. Am 7.14, 15. Gal. 1.11, 12. 1 Cor. 1.17, 18, 19, &c. Chap. 2. 2 Pet. 1.21. Act. 2.4. &c. by the immedi­ate inspiration of the Spirit, and speakes it forth as they are moved by the holy Ghost, and as the Spirit gives them utterance freely, as they have received it freely, by which Mini­stry many are convinced, and as they abide in it are converted, as many in the Nation can wit­ness to the honour and glory of God, who are now New Creatures; and this Call we own and witness, and this Ministry we own and wit­ness, which is immediate, and stands in the Will of God, and such covets no mans silver nor gold, neither could be hired to a certain place, but travels from place to place, and hath no certain dwelling place; and such are the true Ministers of Jesus Christ, who make the Gospel free and without charge; and this we own and witness, and for the testi­mony of this true Ministry, Note: Acts 20.33. 1 Thes. 9.6. as in Act. some of us are im­prisoned, some stoned, some stocked, whipped and shamefully entreated, as Vagabonds, and Deluders, and Wanderers, and raisers of Sedi­tion, and pestilent Fellows, and esteemed not worthy to live in the Nation, both by Priest, and People, and Rulers, who are out of the Commands of God, and are Vagabonds and Fugitives from God, who go in the way of Cain, to envy and murder the Innocent; and because we declare against all who come not in by the door, but see [...]s to climb up another way, Note: Act. 24 5.6. Act. 22.22. Witness the Town of Cambridge, the Wel-head. by their study, inventions, and Serpentine Wisdom and Knowledge, and so are Thieves and Robbers; and those are they which are now so set up and extoll'd in England, with great Augmentations and Benefices, by the arm and will of flesh, now heads of England, and such Ministers and their Ministry we deny, for the [Page 61] hand of the Lord is against such, John 10.1. But this which we own is no new Call, nor new Ministry, but the same which was with the Prophets and Apostles: And all who God sent witnessed, and here is the difference of the Ministers of the World and the Ministers of Christ, the one comes by the will of Man, the other by the will of God; and the one is upheld by the will of Man, the other by the will of God, contrary to the will of Man; and the one of the Letter, the other of the Spirit; the one hath the Form and Shadow, and the other the Life and Substance; and the effects and fruits of their Ministry makes them manifest; but from such turn away, 2 Tim. 3.5. who have the Form, but not the Life and Power, for they are meer deceivers, and witches, bewitch people from the Truth, hold­ing forth the Shadow instead of the Substance; and what is the Shadow to the Substance? or what is the Chaffe to the Wheat? He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear and understand.


Magistracy and Government we own in its Place, for while there is Transgression there must be a Law, 1 John 3.4. and while the Devil hath power over man, there will be Transgressi­on, so the Law was added, because of Transgression, Gal. 3.29. and the Devil was the cause of it; so there must be a Law without, to keep those who are without the Fear of God in sub­jection, else they would destroy one another, and Cain would destroy Abel, for this is the Devils work; and so for this end was the Law given forth, to curb evil doers, and to preserve and encourage them that do well, 1 Pet. 2.14. And it was ac­cording to that in the Conscience, just, holy, and good, accord­ing to the Will of God, and serviceable in its place. And true Government, Note: Rom. 7.14. Rom. 4.15. Rom. 8.1. Gal. 5.23. Rom. 8.8. 2 Sam. 23.3. Pro. 28.15, 16. Pro. 25.28. Pro. 29.10. Isa. 14.15. James 2.9. according to the Law of God, is serviceable in its place: And all Magistrates who fear God, and hate covetous­ness, and are guided by the Light of God in the Conscience, and executes the Law in its place, [Page 82] place, without partiallity or respect of persons, and such are serviceable in their place, and this we own, and honour, and are subject to for Conscience sake; but the righteous are from under the outward Law, for they are a Law un­to themselves, neither is there need of any Law amongst them who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit; for against such there is no Law: but he that walkes after the flesh cannot please God, neither know how to Rule nor Govern, who cannot witness his own Will, subjected by the Law of God in the heart, but is guided by his own will, and stands in his own will, and such wink at deceit, and rule with partiality and respect of persons, and so trans­gresseth the Law of God, which respects no mans person, and also gives forth Lawes in his own will, which takes hold of the righteous, persecutes the righteous, and coun­tenances and encourages the Heathen, Note: Hos. 4.18. who know not God, so Cain slayes Abel within them, and they suffer Cain to slay Abel without them; and the wicked and ungodly have more Liberty in the Nation than the righteous, and so the Land abounds with iniquity, oppressi­on and treachery, because such corrupt Magistrates wink at de­ceits for carnal ends, and upholds iniquity and oppression, and tread Truth under foot; and this is the cause why the Land so abounds with all manner of ungodliness, and deceit, falshood, tyranny, oppression and persecution, and yet full of Magi­strates and Officers; and corrupt Magistrates put corrupt Ma­gistrates in Office, and so they bear with, and wink at one ano­ther, and feeds and nourishes up deceit amongst them, unless they cross one anothers will, and then they are as much in deceit on the other side, seeking and perverting the Law for revenge, and such as these upholds these corrupt Ministers, and false Pro­phets which the Nation swarmes of; and they can have a Law to maintain their deceit, and uphold them in oppression, and so the Beast upholds the false Prophet, and they combine together against the simple; Note: Hester 3. Dan. 1.3. Isa. 23. Isa. 5.27, 28. Psal. 82.1, 3. and so the Law is made a stalking-horse to deceive the simple, and they will pervert and wrest the Law out of its place, and act contrary to their own [Page 83] Law against the righteous; and such Magi­strates and such Government we honour not, but deny, and testifie against it as the prophet of God alwayes did, for by such Magistrates and Government did the Righteous ever suffer, and for the same testimony of a pure Conscience, I have and do suffer by such corrupt Magistrates, and hundreds more in the Nation, who are redeemed out of Trans­gression, who walk not after the flesh, Note: Zeph. 3.3. Hos. 4.18. but after the Spirit: And Haman who stood in the cor­rupt will, would have destroyed Mordecay, be­cause he crossed his will, and could not bow to him; and also Pharaoh and Nebuchadonozer, and Herod who headed John who stood in their own wills, but the hands of the Lord they did not escape. Note: Mar. 6.17, &c Hest. 3.8. And so corrupt Magistrates say we deny all Magistracy and Government, as Haman did, but Christ comes to fulfill and end all outward Lawes and Government of Man, and he himself will Reign; for as Truth and Righteousness growes, the Law is fulfilled, and passeth away, and the Lyon and the Lamb lye down together, and this is the cause why cor­rupt Magistrates beat down the Truth as much as they can, and so to uphold themselves; but God will deliver his own, and Pharaoh will he plague and confound; but such Magistrates as are guided by the Light of God in the Conscience, and Rules and Governs by it without partiality, or respect of persons, in singleness of heart, discharging their Consciences before the Lord, and executing the Law in its place, and such Magistrates, and such Government, Note: Rom. 13.3, 4. we own and honour in our hearts, for such are a terror to evil-doers, and for the praise and encouragement of those that do well: and such bear not the Sword in vain, but stand in the Will of God, which is cross to their own wills, and they Rule for God and not for themselves; and this Government is of God and not of Man, nor after the will of Man, neither takes hold of any tender Conscience, nor oppresses it, but stands in the place where it is set; and some such Magistrates there hath been in the Northern parts of this Nation, who witness the Law of God set up in their hearts, and feared God and hated covetousness, and testified against those who did not; and so [Page 84] corrupt Magistrates sought to put them out, so let all who are single-hearted judge who are destructive to true Magistracy and Government.

Concerning SUPERIORITY, and HO­NOUR, BREEDING and MAN­NERS, also of the Word THOU to any single Person.

In the beginning when God made, Man, he made him to be Lord over all creatures, Gen. 1.26, 27, 28. but not man to be Lord over man: Yet he was to be servant of God, and when he had disobeyed the command of God, God, spoke to Adam, and Adam spoke to him, and God thoued Adam and Adam thoued him, and here was the plain language betwixt God and Adam. And when God appeared to Moses in the Bush, God thoued Moses, and Moses thoued him; and this was the plain language which ever passed betwixt God and his people in all Ages: and thou that disdains to be thoued, would exalt thy self above God, Note: Exod. 4.10, 11, 12, 13. Acts 9.5, 6. who thous God in thy for­mall prayers, and scornes to take it thy self; therefore thou must come down as Lucifer did: but it is Lucifer in thee that is exalted, who must not be honoured, but must be cast down into the pit, and it is he who is head in man, who would be honoured, and would be su­perior, Note: 2 Thes. 2.4. and would be above God, and calls this Manners and Breeding to bow to him and hon­our him, and he hath vented wayes whereby he is honoured and exalted a [...]d worshipped, and he calls this Man­ners and Breeding, and who can honour him the most, and ex­alt him the highest, those he saith is the best bred, and of the best breeding, and those he calls Noblemen and Gentilmen, and the other he calls Yeomen and common People, and Inferio [...]rs, though they all honour him, but they observe it not so much as the other; but their mindes is more set upon the Earth and Ear [...]hly things, to get wealth and riches, and those he calls pro­viden [...] carefull people; but he that seeks preferment in the world, and would be exalted and set up, seek to get his breed­ing [Page 85] in as excellent manner as he can that so he may get in favour with Lucifer that sits in the Courts and high Places; and so long as he pleases Lucifer he will set him up, but both he and Lucifer must be cast down into the pit together Obad. 3, 4. and here is the ground of the worlds Superiority, Nobility, Gen­tility, Honour, Breeding and Manners; and here they Lord over one another by their corrupt wills; and here is the ground of all Tyranny and Oppression, Rackings and Tax­ings, and Wars, and Imprisonments, and Envy, Note: Jam. 4.1, 2, 3. and Murder, and the Persecutions of the righ­teous; all arises from proud Lucifer, the Lust in man, who would be honoured; and all this is in the Fall and under the Curse; but Mordechai could not bow to him in Haman, and therefore he sought to destroy him, and informed the King a­gainst him, and all the Jewes in the Nation, and said they were a scattered people, and [...]heir Lawes were diverse from all people, neither did they observe the Law of the King; then he set up a paire of Gallows for Mordechai, Esth. 6.1, 2. but Haman was hanged on his own Gallows, and is cast down to nothing, and Mordechai is exalted in his stead: so there is a time that Mor­dechai is despised and Haman exalted; and there is a time that Haman is cast down and Mordehcai exalted: and there is a time that Esau reignes over Jacob; and there is a time that the Elder serves the Younger: Gen 25.3. and there is a time that Pha­roah rules and oppresses the Israelites; but there is a time of Is­raels deliverance, and Pharoah drowned in the Sea, Exod. 11.9. So there is a time that Antichrist sits in the Temple of God as God and saith he is God, 2 Thes. 2.4. and Christ lyeth low in the Manger: but there is a time that he must be cast into the Pit, Rev. 19. and Christ alone exalted. He that can receive it let him. But in all Ages the children of God could not bow to Lucifer nor his Image; and this was the cause why Shadrach, Mesech, and Abednego, was cast into the fiery Furnace; Dan. 6. and this was the cause why Daniel was cast into the Lyons den, but by the hand of his God, whom he alone worshipped and hon­oured, he was delivered and exalted, and his Adversaries cast down in his place: and this was the cause why the Prophets were alwayes persecuted and imprisoned, and the Apostles, Acts 7. vers. 6. who came to turn the World upside down; [Page 86] And this is the cause now why the Ministers and Messengers of Jesus Christ are imprisoned, stoned, stocked, whipped, Note: 2 Cor. 5.16, 17. and shamefully entreated, whom the Lord is pleased immediately to call from their outward Callings, and Countries, and sends them abroad into seve [...]al Countries to preach his Name, no more after the flesh, but after the Spirit; and who knows him, must know him no more after the flesh, but after the Spirit: And those come to turn the World upside down, Note: Gal. 6.14. being crucified to the World, and the World to them; and these cannot honor Luci­fer, nor bow to Lucifer, nor worship his Image, though there was a time when they did, but that was done in Egypt, when they knew not God, but now Lucifer and his Image is cast down, and Christ alone exalted, and the pure and perfect Law is witnessed, which respects no mans person, but God alone honoured and exalted, and this we witness: For amongst us there are no Superiours after the flesh, but Christ is the Head, Note: Col. 1.18. Mat. 20.25, 26, 27. and all the rest fellow-ser­vants: And he that would be the greatest should be the least, and he that respects persons commits sin: And the Angel would not suffer John to bow to him, but said, he was his fellow-servant; and this we witness, who are redeemed out of the Kingdom of the Devil, from amongst the Children of this World into the Kingdom of the Son, who are crucified to the world, and the world to us, Note: 1 Cor. 12.12, 13. Acts 4.32. Rom. 6.4, 5. by the Spiritual Cross of Christ in which we joy and glory, amongst whom there is no partiallity, nor respect of persons, but all in union in one, though ten thousand; and here God alone is King, and he alone is honoured, exalted, and worshipped, no more after the flesh, but after the Spirit; for we have no other God in whom our hearts delight; and here proud Lucifer, and his Image is cast out, and here all his honour is thrown down, and his breed­ing, and manners, and fashions, and customs, and words, and wayes, and worships, which are after the flesh, and not after the Spirit, whereby he sets up himself, and causeth his Image to be worshipped; and this is the cause he rages in his King­dom, [Page 87] wheresoever we come, and saith we are destructive to all Superiority, and Magistracy, and Ministry, and Honour, and Breeding, and Manners, and turn the world upside down; Note: Rev. 19 for he knowes where Christ comes, he comes to take his Kingdom from him, and cast him down into the pit, and there he must be tor­mented quick, and all who bears his Image or his Mark; and these are some of his marks, which he calls Nobility, Gentility Honour, Breeding, Manners, and Civility.

But true Nobility we own, the Seed of God is noble where­soever it is born up, and who can witness to the head of the Serpent bruised, and the Seed of God born up to reign and rule, there is true Nobility, there is true Gentillity, no more after the flesh, but after the Spirit: and this is to be honoured, for honour is due to this both in Magistrate or Minister, Fish­erman or Plow-man, Heards-man or Shep­herd, Note: Rom. 13.7. wheresoever it rules without respect of persons, and hear fear to whom fear, and honour to whom honour; and this is no more after the flesh but after the Spirit: And here all the true Prophets of God were No­blemen, and Gentlemen, sprung of the Noble Seed, Note: 1 Kings 19.9. Am. 7.24, 25 Deut. 32.3. Deut. 37.5. though of the Nobles and Great ones of the Earth, they were disdaind and reproach­ed, because according to the world, they were of lower degree, some of them Plow-men, some Heards-men, some Shepherds, and therefore they persecuted them, and destroyed them, yet they were gen­tile and bore all. Christ was Noble, sprang of the Noble Seed, though of the Great ones and Nobles of the Earth he was dis­dained, reproached, and scorned to be the King of the Jewes, be­cause, according to the World, he was of low degree, and sup­posed to be a Carpenters Son, so they spit up­on him and disdained him, and crucified him, Note: Mat. 13.55, 56, 57. yet he was gentile and bore all. The Apostles were Noble, sprung of the Noble Seed, though of the Nobles and Great ones of the Earth they were despised, and disdain­ed, and reproached, because, according to the World, they were of low degree, some of them Fisher-men, and the like, and came to turn the World upside down, so they were despi­sed [Page 88] p [...]asecuted, and killed, yet they were gentile and bore all: But those were all noble, sprung of the noble seed, and so is all now who are of the same seed: and those were all gentile, sprung of the gentile seed, and those have the nature but not the name, and to those belong the true honour, not after the flesh but after the Spirit: Acts 7 for they denyed the honour of the World; and therefore Christ said, I receive not honour from men; and said to his Apostles, Be yee not called Masters, neither call any Master upon the earth; and though the Princes of this world exercise dominion one over another, yet it shall not be so amongst you, but he that would be the greatest amongst you, let him be your servant; Mat. 23.8, 9, 10, 11. and said he, How can ye believe which receive honour one of another and seek not the honour that cometh from God onely? John 5.44. and here the true honour is no more after the flesh but after the Spirit: and here you who are giving and receiving outside earthly honour, you are in the unbelief, out of the doctrine of Christ, cringing, and bowing, and honouring, and exalting the Devil, and worshipping the Beast and his Image, which all the world wonders after and worships, Rev. 13.

And as for Manners and Breeding, Courtesie and Civility, Learn to do us you would have all to do to you, and speak every one truth to his neighbour: And let no corrupt communicati­on proceed out of your mouth, but such us is good for the use of edi­fying: for evil communication corrupts good manners, but let your yea be yea, and nay be nay, for whatsoever is more is evil: Mat. 7.12. Ezek. 8.16. and breed your Children so, and here is good Manners and Breeding, Curtesie and Civility: and who are of the right noble Seed, hath this Manners and this Breeding, but the Nobles and Great ones of the Earth want this Manners and this Breeding, and both Priest and Peo­ple of all sorts according to the World: And here is the ground of all true Nobility Gentility, Majesty, Honour, Breed­ing, Manners, Courtesie, and Civility, no more after the flesh but after the Spirit; for the natural man mindes natural things, and the spiritual man, spiritual things; but the natural man re­ceives not the things of God: and this we own and witness, and the time is coming, and now is, that before this Seed every knee shall bow, Note: Rom. 8.5. Phil. 2.9, 10, 11. Psal. 149.8. and every tongue [Page 89] confess, and the Kings and Nobles of the Earth shall be bound in chaines, and fetters of Iron: and here is also the ground of the Nobility, Gen­tility, Superiority, Honour, Breeding and Man­ners of the world, which is after the flesh but not after the Spi­rit, sprung from proud Lucifer, the lust that reigns in man, and are not yea and nay, but calls it manners to say nay and take it, or do it: and so they have the name, but not the nature, and so are Bastards and no Sons, who are not sprung from the noble gentile seed; and to those Honour is not due, neither can we bow unto them, for if we should, we should set the Devil in the room of God, and give unto him that which is due to God, which when we were in blindnesse through ignorance we did, and so worship the Beast and his Image, which all the world worships and wonders after; Note: Rev. 13. Rev. 14, 5. for they that are proud and lofty, which is the Image of the Devil, for the Devil is the Father of Pride, and in gay attire, those the world worships and won­ders after, and extols and exalts into high places: but since the Lord hath opened our eyes, this we cannot do, Note: Rev. 18.6. but testifies against it wheresoever we come both in words and actions, and so we are destructive to the worlds Superiority, Nobility, Gentility, Honour, Bree­ding and Manners, which is after the flesh, and not after the Spirit, therefore the Devil hates us in the Nobles and great ones of the world, but we give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar and unto God that which is Gods; Mat. 22.21. but we can­not give unto Caesar that which is Gods, but fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour is due: He that hath an eare to hear, let him hear and understand: For, saith the Lord, if I be a Ma­ster, where is my fear? If I be a Father, where is my honor? Mal. 1.6

Concerning the Word THOU or THEE.

First, concerning the word thou or thee, which all those which are their Priests and Teachers knows, that thou is the pro­per word to one particular person, and is so all along the Scrip­ture throughout to any one, without respect of persons; yea to [Page 90] God himself: and the word you is the proper word to more then one, but not to one; and it so is all along the Scriptures throughout. As for example, at all times when the Apostles spake to Christ they used the word thou or thee unto him, and when he spoke to more then one of them, he used the word you or ye; but if he spoke but to one, he used the word thou or thee, as in Mat. 16.14, 15, 16, 17. verses: And also Paul thoued King Agrippa, and King Agrippa thoued him, as in Acts 26.27, 28. verses, and so all along the Scripture: And so it is plain, that now it is an invention of proud Lucifer in man to exalt himself, as it will plainly appear; for amongst the great and rich ones of the Earth, they will either thou or you one another if they be eqall in degree, as they call it; but if a man of low degree in the Earth come to speak to any of them, then he must you the rich man, but the rich man will thou him; Nay you shall find it so betwixt Priest and People, If a poor labouring man come before one that you call a Minister, though he be one of his hearers, and one who helps to maintaine him according to his ability, yet he must you the Priest, and the Priest thou him; And here the Heathen Lord over one another by their corrupt wills: but this is contrary to the A­postles and Ministers of Christ, Note: Mat. 20.25. Prov. 22.7. 1 Cor. 9.19. who made them­selves servants to all, and yet those will call themselves the Ministers of Christ; And the word Minister signifies a servant, and they are Masters, and so they have gotten the Name but not the Nature, and so are bastards and no heires, who are not sprung from the gentle seed and yet they are hired as servants of men, and yet bears rule by their means as Masters over those that main­taines them, so that he that hath an eye to see let him see the de­ceits of the professed Ministers of England, Jer. 5.30, 31.

Concerning putting off the HAT.

This is another invention of proud Lucifer, whereby he is honoured and worshipped, and exalted in man; but the Scrip­ture doth not speak of any such fashon used in any age, but man hath found out many inventions since the Scripture was record­ed: [Page 91] and now it is so, that it is a fashon throughout the Land, whereby one man is exalted above another; for if a poor man come before a rich man, it may be the rich man will move his hat, that is called courtesie and humility; but the poor man must stand with his hat off before him, and that is called honour and manners and due respect unto him; but if the rich man doe bid him put it on, it is counted a great courtesie, and he gets honour to himself, Note: Prov. 1.23. Prov. 16.4. there to be coun­ted a courteous man. But this difference or re­spect of persons was never ordained by God but by the Devil, whereby he exalts himself in man; but James the Apostle of Jesus Christ witnessed against it; as in James. 2.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and so on, and said, He that respects persons com­mitts sin, for there is no respest of persons with God: Acts. 10.3, 4, and therefore saith James, Howl ye rich men: and here your professed Ministers abide not in the doctrine of Christ, and so hath not God but the Devil, and his Ministers they are whom they exalt, 2 John 5. And now you shall see the parti­ality of the names in this your breeding and manners.

First, from a poor man to a rich man it is called honour, and due respect, and manners; from a rich man to a poor man it is called courtesie and humility; but amongst the rich and nobles of the Earth it is called Court-like breeding, but of those of the lower degree it is called Country breeding, and amongst the lower sort of the world it is called neighbourhood and civil respect one to another: and so the Devil hath covers for all his deceit, and so he is honoured and exalted both in Court and Country, but the highest in the Court, and therefore they have the highest title: But wo unto them that hides their sin, and co­vers with a covering, and not of the spirit of the Lord: Isa. 30.1, But this is the riches of the world, and the Devil that makes so many degrees, as between Dives and Laza­rus, and Haman and Mordecai, Note: Luke. 16 10 20. Acts. 17.25. for the Lord hath made all the Nations of the Earth of one mold and one blood, but we who are redeemed out of his Kingdome, he calls us clowns and fools, and saith our Religon is built upon such small and frivi­lous things, and stumble at strawes, and leaps over blockes, this saith his wisdome, but it is even death to him to b [...]ar these [Page 92] strawes, especially where he is the highest exalted; for it puls down all his honour, and therefore do rich men and great ones of the Earth, and Rulers, and Priests, and Pharisees, persecute and oppresse us, and draw us before Judgement Seats, and would root us out of the Nation, as Haman would have done by Mordecai and the rest of the scattered Jews, Note: James. 2.6. Esth. 3. because they cannot bear those strawes: but I say, whatsoever it is that comes to be forbidd [...]n in the conscience, it becomes a weight and a burden, though it be never so small a thing in the eye of a Pharisee, so let none despise the day of small things, Ezek. 4.10. but some will call it stubbornness, obstinacy, pride, and presump­tion, but the same nature would have called it so in Mordechai, who could not bow to Haman as the rest did that sate by; and so let every one take heed of speaking evill of that you know not, least you call good evill and evill good; for the woe is pronounced against such, but they that were after the Flesh, alwayes, in all Ages persecuted them that were after the Spirit; Note: 2 Pet. 2.12. Jude. 10. And so it is, not many mighty, nor many noble, nor many wise after the flesh are called, but God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak to confound those that are mighty, that no flesh should glory in his presence, 1 Cor. 1.26, 27, 29.

Concerning Perfection.

Man was perfect without sin before the Fall, or else he could not have been the Image of God; for God is pure and perfect, and he made man after his own Image pure and perfect without sin, Note: Gen. 1.27. Gen. 5.24. but when he sinned he defaced his Image, and lost his pure estate, and was drove out of Paradice, and be­came the Image of the Devil, for sin is the Image of the Devil, and here all sin is in the Fall, and who are in the Fall are in the Devils kingdome, which is impure and impefect, and unclean; but God promised the seed of the woman shall bruise the Ser­pents head, Gen. 3.15. and Christ the seed said, he was come to [Page 93] preach deliverance to the captive, and to heal the broken hearted, Note: Lvke. 4.18. Mat. 10.11. and to seek that which was lost, and to bring again that which was driven away, and this was his work▪ to redeem to man that which man had lost. Now consider what man hath lost, and I shall leave this as Querie with all both Priests and People, who deny perfection from sin here, whether Christ is but a part of Redeemer, or a perfect and full Redeemer, and which is the place betwixt Heaven and Earth, where man shall be made free or cleansed from sin, if not upon the Earth, seeing that no unholy, nor unclean thing can enter the Kingdom of God? But who can witness this, hath passed through death, and that hath none who plead for sin, neither can they wit­nesse Christ come; Note: Rev. 21.27. 1 Cor. 15.5. but for some simple ones sake I shall speak more clearly of this for it is a great delusion of the Devil, to keep people in sin to tell them, they shall never be made free from sin so long as they are upon the Earth, and brings this Scripture to maintaine it, He that saith he hath no sin deceiveth himselfe, and is a lyar; but he tells them Christ dyed for all, and if they can but lay hold on him by Faith, he will not impute their sins unto them, though they sin dayly; for the righteous man sins seven times a day, and all the holy men of God sinned; and so he takes Scripture to maintain his kingdome, and this he delivers by the mouth of his Ministers, which he sends abroad to deceive the Nations, leading people in blindnesse, full of sin and corruption, ever learning, and never comes to the knowledge of the Truth, nor never shall doe for them, and here he carries them on an easie delight some way to the flesh, but the end is death, and so heals them up in their sin with a feigned formed faith which pe­risheth; and here they settle upon the Lees, and set up a rest in the Devils kingdom, which is sin; and here many are meerly blinded and hardened and all tend­ernesse of conscience is done away: Note: John. 8.13. But you shall finde that he that sooths you up in this Faith is the grea­test enemy of your souls and whosoever witnesseth Christ their Redeemer, shall witnesse that he is come to destroy the works of the Devil, which is sin, and to redeem out of the fall, out of sin, and out of the Devils kingdome, which is sin, and all sins [Page 94] in the Devils Kingdome, which is in the fall; but for this end Christ is manifested, to destroy the works of the Devil, and to redeem out of the fall, out of the Devils Kingdome into his own Kingdome, and no unclean thing can enter therein, Rev. 21.27. but none can witness this Redemption but through the death, and through the Cross which Paul rejoyced in, by which he was crucified to the World and the World to him, Rom. 6.6. and had put off the body of sin, and was mad [...] free from the Law of sin, which once warred against his mind, which once he complained of, which Scripture the unlearned, which are strangers from his conditions, who reads them with the carnal eye, now wrest them to their own destruction.

J. Parnel.

Concerning Womens Speaking in the Church.

WHat Woman is it that is not permitted to Speak in in the Church? Is it she that is come to have Christ Head in her? or is it she that is not come that length, but is learning, and so is to learn in silence? Or, may not Christ speak through the Woman, when he is Head over all? if not, then why did Paul (that said, I suffer not a Woman to speak in the Church) allow of Women as his Fellow-Labourers and Helpers in the Gospel? it appears that she was on her travel and he com­mended her to the Church. What did they travel about, or help him in? what was that labour and help? Rom. 16.1, 2.3.

Why did Paul suffer Phillips Daughters to Prophesie? were not they Prophetesses? and had not they the Spirit of Prophe­sie? And wherefore is the Spirit of Prophesie given but to ede­fie the Church? It is commended by Paul above many other gifts, see 1 Cor. 14.1. Follow after Charity, and desire after Spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may Prophesie. And see the 3d. verse, But he that Prophesieth, speaketh unto men to Edification, to Exhortation and Comfort. Now seeing he that Prophesieth hath the Spirit of Prophesie, and seeing it is through the Spirit of Pro­phesie that he speaketh to Man to Edification, Exhortation and Comfort; Why may not the same Spirit of Prophesie, being [Page 95] head in the Woman, as in Philips Daughters, seeing Women are made Prophetesses thereby; I say, why may not the same Spirit of Prophesie put forth the Female to speak to Men to Edification, Exhortation and Comfort? Or else were not the gift received in vain, if it were not to be used? and if it be to be used, Then must it not be for the service of the Church, for Edification, Exhortation and Comfort?

Is not the Widdow without an Husband? was not Israel that went from her Spiritual Husband, called an Harlot, or a Whorish Woman? And were not there many Males and Fe­males to make up this Woman that had forsaken her Husband? Is not Christ the Husband? Is not his Church the Spouse of Christ? Is not he as well the Husband of the Males as of the Females, and of the Females as of the Males? And are not the Priests and Bishops of that Whorish Woman, that is gon [...] from the Husband Christ, who are to be silent? And also the Wo­man that is in the Church, which may be said to be in the Church, and yet but in learning, and is not learned; she is not fit to teach, but is to be silent, and learn in silence until she be learned; and then Christ the Husband, in the Male and Female, the Head in the Male and Female, is one; and it is he the One in all, both in the Male and Female, that speakes; and the Male as well as the Female, is that Woman that is not to speak, who hath not learned Christ, and is not made subject to him; but such who have learned him, whether Male or Female, he may speak in them; and then it is not the Woman, but CHRIST the Man that speaketh in the Male and in the Female. And whoso denies this, disprove it if he can.

And what will ye do with that in Joel 2.28? If you will not suffer Christ to speak in the Females, then you will contradict Joel's Prophesie, and so will judge him a lying Prophet, who spake in the Name of the Lord, saying, I will pour out my Spi­rit upon all flesh? yea, it is said that Daughters shall Prophesie as well as Sons, no distinction made: Ʋpon the Hand-maids in those dayes will I pour out my Spirit. and when was this fulfill­ed, if it was not among the Apostles? If Paul had stopt Women and Maids that had learned Christ, would not that have been against Joel's Prophesie? but Paul did not so; for he cites the Law and saith, as also saith the Law. But the Priests are blind, [Page 96] and cannot see what the Woman is that was not permitted un­der the Law, nor under the Gospel to speak. For, the Law did not forbid Miriam, and those Women that Prophesied and were Prophetesses, Judg. 4.3, 4, 5, 6. Luke 2.36.

And was it not a Woman that was sent by Christ that first did preach his Resurrection to his Disciples? they that would stop Christ from sending Women now, who are witnesses of his Resurrection, they be of another spirit; and also they are of another spirit then Moses was of, who said, he would that all the Lord's People were Prophets; and were all the Lords People Men and no Women amongst them? it appears that Moses would not stop any, either Male or Female, among the Lords People: but the Priests and many more are of another mind: but that mind is not the mind of Christ, and therefore we mat­ter it not what it either leads to say or affirm, seeing they will be wilfull. And seeing it is written in the first Language of Greek (out of which the English was translated) [...], which word signifies both Man and Woman; and in Latine, hic & haec homo, which doth signifie both man and Woman: and in John 1.1, 9. where it is said, The Word which was with God, was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world; which word Man signifieth both Man and Woman and as it maketh no difference in the enlightening, neither doth it in their speaking. But that the simple may not be deceived by them, many things have been and are written for their sakes, more then for the sakes of such opposers, who go after their own deceived heart, and will not be warned, and so the Lord lets many of them alone, to whose righteous Judgments I leave them, who will plead with them for what they have done against him, who by their Sophistry and subtil Insinuati­ons have turned aside the simple out of the way of Truth.

W. D.

CONCERNING The SUM or SUBSTANCE OF OUR RELIGION, Who are called QUAKERS, And the Exercise & Travels of our Spirits therein.

THIS is the Sum or Substance of our Religion, to wit, to feel and discern the two Seeds: the Seed of Enmity, the Seed of Love; the Seed of the Flesh, the Seed of the Spirit: the Seed of Hagar, the Seed of Sarah; the Seed of the Egyptian womb, the holy Seed of Israel: and to feel the Judgments of God administred to the one of these, till it be brought into bondage and death; and the other raised up in the Love and mercy of the Lord to live in us, and our Souls gathered into it, to live to God in it.

Now when the Light of Gods holy Spirit breaketh in upon man, and his quickning vertue is felt; then life enters into that which was slain, and there is a desire begotten in the heart to travel out of the Egyptian state, into the good Land; that the Soul which came from God, might return back again to him (out of the sinfull, wandring, miserable, lost estate) and might live and walk with him, in the purity, vertue and power of his own Life and Spirit.

But then the other birth strives for its life, and Pharoaoh (the King of Egypt) takes part with his Egyptians against Israel; and there is no help to the poor soul, but as God pours out his [Page 98] Judgments upon that hard nature and spirit in man, which is of the Birth of the Flesh, and receives the influences and strength of its father, which harden it against the true Seed. And now what a condition is this poor Soul in! the Light of Gods Spirit giveth it the sence of its state, and the quicknings of Life make it sensible of its bondage, there are also some desires and longings after deliverance: but this doth but provoke the Enemy, and the Soul being yet in his Territories, and under his power, he dealeth the more hardly with it, increasing its bur­dens and oppressions daly. And O the out-cries of the Soul in this state! how is its spirit pained, anguished and vexed within it, so that it could almost many times chuse rather to lie still in Egypt then undergo the heavy burdens, oppressions, fears and dangers, that it daily meets with in this state.

Yet there is a Secret hope, springing up in the heart from the true Seed, which often encourageth it to trust him, and wait upon him who hath visited, in his pure ministration of Judgment. For this is felt many times (as the Soul is made truly sensible by the Lord) that the Judgment is not to the Seed, not to Is­rael; but to Pharaoh and his Egyptians: and by every stroke of Gods wrath upon them, the Seed is eased, and its deliverance working out.

And so at last when the Judment is finished in the Land of Egypt, the strength of Pharaoh and his Egyptians broken, their first-born slain, out comes Israel, out of the Dark Land, out of the House of Bondage, to travel towards its resting place. Then the Paschal Lamb is known and fed on; yea it is because of the Blood of the Lamb, sprinkled upon the Door-posts, that Israel is passed over and saved, in the day of Egypts visitation. O who can read this truly, that hath not felt and been a living witness thereof!

But now, when the seed is come out of Egypt, there is not the end, but rather the beginning of its Travels. Pharaoh and his Egyptians (with their Horses a [...]d Chariots) may pursue again and even overtake; and there may seem no way of escape or help to the Soul but only to stand still, hope in the [...]ord, and wait to see his Salvation. Then shall the Sea be divided, which stopped Israels course, and Pharaoh with his Egyptians, the Ene­mies of the soul in this appearance of dreadful opprssieng power [Page 99] be destroyed and seen no more. Yet in the willdernes in the passage through the entangelements to the holy Land, there are many straits, trials and sore Enemies to be met with, who will strive by open force and also with enchantements to betray Israel: ye [...] there is a part yet unbrought down, yet unwrought out, at which they will be striving to enter the mind. And as Israel forgets his God, walking out of his Counsel, hearkning to that which his ear should be shut against, and so joyning to the contrary Seed; the Plagues, the Judgments, the Indignati­on and wo will be felt by him, and many Carkases may fall there.

So that there may be a great outcry in the heart, Who can stand before this holy Lord God? shall we be consuming with dying? yes there is somewhat must be consumed with dying. Yea, if a man came so far, as to witness dominion and victory over his Souls Enemies, the evil Seed brought into death in him, and a possession and inheritance in the pure rest of Life: yet if that part be not kept in the death, if there be not a praying and watching to the Preserver of Israel (in the pure fear and hu­mility) the Enemy will be sowing to the Flesh again; he will be getting some of his corrupt Seed into the heart again (if the Soul do but sleep and become negligent) and so corruption will take root again, and the contrary Birth grow up again, and the Foxes break into the Vineyard and spoil the tender grapes.

So that this is our Religion, to witness the two Seeds, with the Power of the Lord bringing down the one, and bringing up the other: and then to witness and experience daily the same Power, keeping the one in Death and the other in Life, by the holy ministration of Gods pure living Covenant. And so, to know God in this Covenant (in this Covenant which lives, gives Life and Keeps in Life) and to walk with God and wor­ship and serve him therein, even in his Son, in the Light of his Son, in the Life of his Son, in the vertue and ability which flows from his Son into our Spirits, this is our Religion, which the Lord our God in his tender mercy hath bestowed upon us: And indeed we find this to be a pure, living and undefiled Re­ligion before God, daily witnessing his acceptance of it in and through his Son, whose Name is here known and confessed, [Page 99] worshipped and honoured, according to the very heart of the Father.

This may be further illustrated, and perhaps made more manifest to some, by a Scripture or two.

The Flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Flesh, and these are contrary one to the other, saith the Apostle, Gal. 5.17.

Here are the two Seeds (the Seed of the Serpent, the Seed of the woman) whose striving and fight is in man, when God awakens the Soul, the one whereof hath a nature, a desire or lust contrary to the other. Now as the one of these prevails in any heart; so the other goes down. As the one gains Life and Power: so the other is brought into Death and Captivity: so that this is it every one is to wait for, after they once come to the sensible knowledge and experience of these two, to feel the Flesh brought down, the lusts of it denied, the Judgments of the Lord administred to it; that so the other may come up to live, thrive and prevail in the Soul, and so the Soul witness Salvation and Redemption under its shadow. Thus Sion is Re­deemed with Judgment, and her Converts with Righteousness. Isa. 1.27. What is Sion? Is it not the holy Hill of God, where­on his Son is set King to reign, whereon the holy City is to be built, and God to be worshipped in Spirit. What condition is Sion in, when God visits her to redeem her? Is she not laid wast, desolate, lying in the dust: (as Psal. 102.13, 14.) Well: how will God redeem her? Zion shall be redeemed with Judgement and her Converts with Righteousness. By bringing Judgements upon that which keeps her under, upon her Enemies the contra­ry Seed, God redeems her: and by bringing forth Righteous­ness, (the righteous Life and Spirit of his own Son) in those whose minds are turned to her, whose faces are set Sion-ward, thus God redeems her Converts. Yes, yes, it is truly felt and witnessed. The living Righteousness of Christ revealed in the heart, and having power there, sets free from all unrighteous­ness which was there before. And then, when the unrighteous one is cast out, and the righteous one is revealed, and the Soul united to him, and receives virtue and power from him; then he becomes a Servant of Righteousness, and doth not commit sin, but doth righteousness; And he that doth righteousness is [Page 101] righteous, even as he is righteous, 1 John. 3.7. For how can it be otherwise, when the righteous Life is revealed and brought up into dominion in him? How can the same righteous Spirit and Life (revealed in the members, as was in the head) but live and act after the same manner in the members, as it did in the head? (O that men were turned to that, which would give them the certain knowledge and sensible experience of this!) Now this is exceeding comfortable and precious to them that are in the true travel towards it: much more to them that enjoy it.

This is the sum of all, even to know and experience what is to be brought down into death, and kept in death, what to be brought up out of the grave, to live to God and reign in his dominion, and what to be kept in subjection and obedience to him who is to reign. Now to experience it thus done in the heart; the Flesh brought down, the Seed of Life raised, and the Soul subject to the pure heavenly Power, whose right it is to reign in the heart in and by the Seed, this is a blessed state in­deed, for here the work is done: here the Throne of God is exalted, and his King reigns in righteousness and peace, and all his Enemies are under his feet; and this Soul, this true Israelite this redeemed one may wear the white Robe, and serve God in righteousness and holiness without fear of his Enemies (keep­ing in and to the Covenant, which ministers Life and Power abundantly) all the dayes of his life. For that was to be the outward state of the outward Israel, keeping to God in the outward Covenant and it is to be the inward state of the inward Israel, keeping to God in the inward Covenant, which is a pure Covenant of life and Peace, of all inward and spiritual blessings and mercies in Christ, wherewith the Souls are blessed that are obedient to God, and walk humbly with him in this Covenant. And I beseech you to consider (O tender people, who are grieved because of sin and corruption in your hearts, and would fain witness victory and dominion over it, in the Name and Strength of the Lord Jesus Christ) whom did that prophesie of Zachary (Luke 1.71, 72, 74, 75.) concern? what was that holy Covenant? who were to be so redeemed? who were the Israel that was to inherit this promise?

[Page 102]All the Promises are yea and amen in Christ to the Israel of God. Why should not the Israel of God hope to enjoy this? even so to be acquainted with Gods holy Spirit, and to wait upon him, that they may witness it granted to them, that they being delivered out of the hands of their Enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him (whose eyes are piercing, and behold no iniquity) all the dayes of their lives? Surely they who witness that promise (menti­oned Isa. 35.8.) fulfilled to them, cannot fall short of this. And truly, the Children of the New Covenant can never come throughly to live to God, till they witness the inward Cir­cumcision of the Heart, so as to love the Lord with all the Heart and Soul, Deut. 30.6. Now, where it is so, the De­vil or Lust can find no place of entrance: and how then should they be able to sow their Seed and bring forth sin? Out of the evil heart proceeds all evil: but out of that heart which is throughly Circumcised, to love the Lord God wholly, evil can­not proceed.

If Lust be not conceived, it cannot bring forth Sin: and where the Womb, which conceived it, is kept dry and barren, it cannot conceive again.

And is not this the Promise of the Gospel, That the Womb which was once barren, shall be very fruitful and bear abundant­ly; but the other grow feeble, and be able to bear no more? Oh that People had experience of Gods Power, and did be­lieve therein! what should stand in the way of it?

It was Israels sin of old, when they looked at their Enemies, and saw their footing and strength in the Land, which God had promised to Abrahams Seed for an Inheritance, they could not believe that they should be overcome.

O take heed of the same unbelief now.

Concerning CHRIST, Coming to the FA­THER by him, Receiving him, walking in him (not in the oldness of the Letter, but in the newness of the Spirit) and con­cerning reading the Scriptures aright.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me, saith Christ,

John 14.6.

MAN in the corrupt degenerate estate is fallen from God, hath lost his Image (the holy, heavenly Image of the Father of Spirits) is driven out from his presence, dwels in the Land of darkness and confusion, under the Government of the Prince of the Power of the Air, who rules in, and hath power over, all the Children of Disobedience.

Now this should be mans work, even to return to the Fa­ther: to come back out of the prodigal lost state, to the Fa­thers house, where there is sufficiency and fulness of true Bread and Water of Life, to satisfie every hungry and thirsty Soul.

The Way whereby a man must come, the Truth wherein he must be renewed, and the Life wherewith a man must be quickned, is Christ, the Son of the Living God: and he must know him as the Son of the Living God, and feel him revealed in him, and received by him, and so walk in him the Way, in him the Truth, in him the Life, if ever he come to the Father. He must not rest in the description of things; but feel and know, receive and walk in the Thing, which by the Spirit of the Lord hath been often formerly, and is still described, in what words, and by what means the Spi­rit pleaseth But to receive all the descriptions of him that were formerly given forth, or all the descriptions that are now given forth, that will not do; but the Soul that will live by [Page 104] him, must receive him and feel the ingrafting into him, the holy Root, the living Word of Gods eternal Power, and must feel this Word ingrafted into his heart, so that there be a real be­coming one in nature and Spirit with him. And then he is truly in the Vine, in the Olive-tree, and partakes of the vertue and sap thereof, he abiding therein and walking in the Spirit, Life and power thereof.

Now hear a man walks not, nor cannot walk in the oldness of the Letter; but in the newness of the Spirit only, Paul, not­withstanding all his knowledge of the Scriptures, walked but in the oldness of the Letter, before Christ was revealed in him. And those in the Apostles dayes, who had got the form of god­liness, but turned from and denied the power, they walked but in the oldness of the Letter. Yea, the Church of Sardis (for the most part) and the Church of Laodicea, who had received the right order and ordinances, and the true descriptions of things, and though they were full and rich and wanted nothing, they walked but according to the oldness of the Letter, and not in the newness and power of the Spirit of Life, But alas, how far are many (who pretend to Christ in this day) from this state! who never came so far as to walk in the oldness of the Letter, from a true understanding thereof; but have only learned and continued to walk in the oldness of their own apprehensions and conceivings upon the Letter.

Can these, in this state, possibly understand Truth, or know the inward spiritual, precious appearances thereof, either in their own hearts or others? Surely no. Why so? Why this is the reason; because the measure the appearances of Truth (either in themselves or others) by their own old apprehension and conceivings upon Scriptures concerning Truth, which is not the proper measure of it. Now all such are yet in darkness, let them pretend what they will, and grow never so high in know­lerg, exercises and experiences after this manner: and so the best, zealousest and most knowing of them in this state, are but blind leaders of the blind, and (thus going on) shall most certainly fall into the Ditch of perdition. O that men could feel that which makes rightly sensible, and might lay it to heart! For no man can confess Christ (how then can he receive him and walk in him?) but by the holy Spirit.

[Page 105]And he that knoweth not the Spirit rightly, knoweth not Christ rightly: and he that doth not know him rightly, doth not confess him rightly: and none can know him rightly, but by the revelation of the Father inwardly. The mistery must be opened within, or there is no true knowing. The mistery of deceit is discovered within; and the mistery of Life is discovered within also. And though the heart of man (in the unregenerate estate) is deceitfull above all things, and despeartely wicked, and no man of himself can search or know it: yet that is not the state of the true Jsraelites whom God hath cleansed, and taught to deny themselves daily; but they have boldness before that God who hath searched them, and removed from them the iniquities which he found therein. Yea, whoever witnesseth Christ revealed within, shall find him revealed within for this very end, to destroy the works of the Devil there: and he is a powerfull Saviour of the Soul from sin, and a powerfull De­stroyer of the works of the Devil within.

Now concerning reading the Scriptures, mind this. It is said of the Jews, that when they read Moses (or in reading the Old Testament) the vail was upon their heart, which vail is done away in Christ, 2 Cor. 3.14, 15. O consider seriously, is the vail done away from thee? Dost thou read the Scriptures with the unvailed eye? dost thou read in the Anointing, in Christs Spirit, in the pure heavenly Wisdom of the divine Birth? It was promised of old, that God would take away the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail spread over all Nations. Dost thou witness this Promise fulfilled to thee? dost thou know the difference between reading the Scriptures with the vail on thee, and with the vail off? Are the Scriptures opened and unlocked to thee by the key of David, so that thou readest and understandest them in the Light and Demon­stration of Gods holy Spirit; or is thy own understanding and will at work of it self, in searching into the Scriptures? If the wrong birth, the wrong wisdom, the wrong understanding be at work; it can gather but that which will feed and strengthen it self: and if thou beest not in Christ, and dost not read in Christ, the vail is not taken away from thee: (for the vail is only done away in him:) but thou readest and walkest in the oldness of thy apprehensions upon the Letter, and not in [Page 106] the newness of the Spirit; and so knowest neither the Scrip­tures nor the Power of God, what ever thou professest to men, or dreamest concernning thy self. For it is no other indeed: Thy knowledge, thy apprehensions, thy faith, thy hope, thy peace, thy joy (being out of the compass of the pure living Truth, in which the Substance, the vertue, the kernel of all is comprised and comprehended for ever) are but as so many dreams.

O that men that are any whit tender, and have any sincere desires in them towards the Lord, could read that one Scripture ( Psal. 43.3, 4.) sensible and experimentally. O send out thy Light and thy Truth; let them lead me, let them bring me unto thy holy Hill, and to thy Tabernacles. (what, did not David know how to go to the Hi [...]l and Tabernacles of God, without a particular sending forth of Light and Truth from God to lead him thither?) Then may men go unto the Altar of God unto God their exceeding joy, and witness his Hill and House their dwelling-place, when God by his Light and Truth, sent forth from him into them, leads them thither.

The Scriptures are words, whose chief end drift, and service is, to bring men to the Word from which the Scriptures came. And when men are there; then they are in the Life of the Scriptures, and witness the fulfilling of the Scriptures, even the executing of the righteous judgments of God upon that spirit, mind and nature in them, which is contrary to his image; and the fulfilling of the Promises and sure Mercies, which be­long to Christ the Seed, and to them who are gathered into, and abide in Christ the Seed. Here's the Covenant, the new Covenant, That which is said, or those things which are said concerning the Covenant in the Scriptures, are but descriptions of the new Covenant: but Christ within, the Hope of glory, the Spirit within, the Fear within, the Power of Life within, breaking down and reigning over the power of sin and death (so that the Lord is served in the dominion and power of his own Life, in righteousness and holiness before him, out of the fear of sin and death, all the dayes of our lives; so that capti­vity can lead captive nor break the Souls peace no more, nay not so much as make afraid those, that keep their Habitation on Gods holy Mountain) here is the Covenant indeed: the [Page 107] strength and vertue whereof is witnessed in the Soul, as the Soul feels the power of Life revealed in it, and is made subject by the power to Christ who reigns in righteousness, love, mercy and Peace, in the hearts of those whom he redeems out of the earthly nature and spirit, up to the Mind and Spirit of his Father. And here the Psalms, Hymns and spiritual Songs, the pure Songs, (the Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb) are sung to the Father of Spirits, to the Redeemer of Israel, which never were sung, nor can be sung in any part of Babylon: but all those Songs are but Dreames of the night, which will be turned into howling and bitter lamentation, when the whore (that which hath whored from God, and is not in the wisdom of his Spirit, what ever she may pretend) is stripped, and the nakedness of her Profession and Religion (with all her Duties and Ordinances, as she calls them) made manifest.


IF the Gospel be not a Ministration of Words or Letters: but of the Spirit, Life and Power; and if it was the intent of God, that men should not stick in Word, or Testimonies con­cerning the things, but come to the thing it self, and live in the Sons Life and Power, and feel the Son living in them: Then they are greatly mistaken, who think to gather a Rule to them­selves out of the Testimonies and Declarations of things in the Scriptures, and do not wait upon the Lord to receive the Spirit it self to become their Rule, Guide and Way. For these are all one; The Truth is the Way, The Truth, which lives and abides in the heart (where it is received and entertained) is the Way: the Rule is the Guide. For God is one. There are many names, but the thing is one. The Life, the Power, the Wisdom in the Father, Son and Spirit, is all one: yea they themselves are one, Perfectly one, not at all devided or separated but where the Father is, the Son is; and where the Son is, the Spirit is; and where the Spirit is, there is both the Father and [Page 108] the Son, who tabernacle in man in the day of the Gospel. And where these are, there that is which is to be preferred before all words, which was afore them, and is in Nature, Spirit and Glory above them. He that hath the Son, hath Life, even the Life Eternal, which the words testifie of. He that hath the Son, hath him which is true: and he that is in the Son, is in him that is true; and abiding there, cannot be deceived: but he that is not there, is deceived, let him apprehend and gather out of the Scriptures what he can. O how is God glorified, and how is Redemption and real Salvation of the Soul witnessed in this dispised Dispensation of Truth, which God hath held forth in these latter dayes! Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who hath hid this pure dispensation of Life from the eye of the prudent, worldly wise part in every man, revealing it only to the babish simplicity which is of his Son, and which lives in him and by him.

Concerning Christs being manifested without, and His being also manifested within, and how both are owned by them that know the Truth.

IT is objected against us, who are called Quakers, That we deny Christ (and look not to be saved by him) as he was manifested without us, but look only to be saved by Christ in us. To which this is in my heart to answer to such as singly desire satisfaction therein.

We do indeed expect to be saved (yea and not only so, but do already in our several measures witness Salvation) by the revelation and operation of the Life of Christ, within us; yet not without relation to what he did without us. For all that he did in that Body of Flesh, was of the Father, and had its place [Page 109] and service in the Will and according to the Counsel of the Father. But the knowledg and beliefe of that, since the dayes of the Apostles, hath been very much held in the unrighteousness, and in the separation from the inward work of the Power and Life of Christ in the heart: which, as so held, cannot save any. But whoever feels the Light and Life of Christ revealed in him, and comes into union with God there-through; he feels the work of Regeneration, of Sanctification, of Justification, of Life and Redemption; and so comes to reap benefit inwardly, and to partake of the blessed fruits of all that Christ did out­wardly. Yea, he that is thus one with Christ in the Spirit, can­not exclude himself, nor is excluded by God from the advantage of any thing, nor every thing Christ did in that body of Flesh.

This indeed is the main thing, to witness Salvation wrought out in the heart: to witness the eternal Power and Arm of the Lord, laying hold on the Soul to save it; and not only laying hold on it to save it, but to witness the working out and the effecting of the Salvation, as really in the Substance, as Israel of old did in the shadow. For as they witnessed Moses and Joshua outwardly: so the true Israelite (the inward Israelite, the spiritual Israelite) is to witness that which is the Substance of these, even the Son of God revealed inwardly. Now they were not saved outwardly by a ba [...]e outward believing, that Moses and Joshua were sent of God to save them: but by fol­lowing them, in faith and obedience to what from God they required. So to the inward Israel Christ is given for a Leader and Commander, who appears to the distressed, embondaged Soul in Egypt, brings out of Egypt, and so leads on towards the good Land and into it. Now, as the Soul followes; as the Soul believes in his Appearances, and obeys his voice in the holy pure Covenant of Life; so he works out the Redemption thereof. But as unbelief and disobedience gets up, and the heart is heardened at any time against his Voice and Counsel, and the ear open to the temtaptions of the Enemy; the Redemp­tion thereby goes backward, and the distress and captivity re­turns again. This is witnessed, known and experienced by ever, true Traveller towards Sion. Therefore the main thing requisite is to abide in the sence of the Redeemers Power, as also in [Page 110] waiting for his motions and apperances, and in the Faith and Obedince thereof. For sin gathers strength and is brought forth by letting in and giving way to the motions thereof: and so also Holiness and Righteousness is brought forth and getteth ground in the mind, by harkening and giving up to the stirrings and movings of Gods holy Spirit. Therefore it is of great ne­cessity to every true Traveller, to come to a right understanding and distinguishing of these: and then that the heart be kept with all diligence, because out of it are the issues both of life and and death. And most happy is he, who knows the issues of death stopped and the issues of Life opened, and whose spirit is naked and open before the Lord, for Life to spring up in him and issue forth through him at its pleasure. O it is a precious state to witness Captivity led Captive by Life, and the power of Life reigning over it. And truly, there is as real deliverance witnessed inwardly, by those that wait upon the Lord and are faithfull to the leadings of his holy Spirit, as ever there was by the Jews outwardly, in their faithfull following Moses and Joshua: and Christ is as truly an Healer of his People, in this ministration of Life to them by his holy Spirit, as ever he was an Healer of Persons out wardly in the dayes of his Fesh. That (with the other Miracles which he wrought then) was but a shadow of what he would work and perform inwardly in the day of his Spirit and holy Power: and shall he or can he (to those that faithfully wait upon him) fall short in the one, of what he shadowed out in the other? Nay surely, it was the in­tent of his heart, and he will not fail to perform it, to save to the very utmost all that come to God by him and abide in his holy, pure, righteous, living Covenant. Here is the skill of Christianity, to abide in him: and here the living Virtue and pure Power is felt, which overcometh all, but nothing can overcome it; but Victory, Dominion, Glory, Majesty and Power is sung unto him, who is King of Saints, who reigns in righteousness, and who establisheth Peace and Truth within his Borders.

A few words concerning the the Principle of Truth, What it is, How it may be discerned, and how it may be purchased and possessed.

QUest. 1. What is the Principle of Truth?

Answ. It is the Light which reproves and makes sin manifest. Whatsoever doth make manifest is Light: Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, arise from the dead, &c. Eph. 5.13.14. There is no other way of awaking out of sleep and arising from the the dead, but by the Light which makes sin manifest. And, O how pretious is that Light!

Quest. 2. How may the Principle of Truth be discerned?

Answ. By its piercing, quickning nature, which discovereth it self in its appearances and operations. For it appears and works, not like mans reason, or like motions of his mind which he takes into his understanding part: but it appears and works livingly, powerfully and effectually in the heart.

Mans reason is corrupt, dark, impure since the fall; and in the hand and under the power of the wicked one. Its nature is to hide and cover sin, not to discover it. Now the Light of the Law which discovers sin, ariseth not hence. Who can bring the clean pure light of the Law, out of the unclean, impure Rea­son of man? The Light indeed may shine in the Darkness; but it is no part of it, but of another nature and descent. It is from Gods Spirit, and given to man in his love unto him, to lead him out of his dark wayes and spirit, into the pure Spi­rit and way of Holiness. For the Light which discovers sin, is all holy and pure, like the Fountain from whence it comes. Now a man that is acquainted both with Reason and with this Light, he can distenguish the Nature and opera­tions of both. For there is a great difference between TRUTH held in the Reasoning part, and TRUTH held in its own Principle. It is very powerful in the one: it effecteth little in the other. In the pure quickenings of [Page 112] Life this distinction is perceived and also held. Therefore our advice is to all men, to retire from all mortality, that they may come to feel the Spring of Life in themselves (and some­thing springing therefrom into them to quicken them) and to wait to have their understandings opened and kept open by that; that so they may receive, retain, and not again lose the capacity of understanding the things of Gods Kingdom.

Quest. 3 How may this Principle (Seed or Pearl) be purchas­ed and possessed?

Answ. By dying to a mans own wisdom and will. There is not another way. For the Light is wholly contrary to man, as he stands, in the alienation from God. It crosseth his spirit, his thoughts, his desires, his knowledge, his reason, his understand­ing; even all that is of himself. He must therefore con [...]ult with none of these, but prefer the little, pure Demonstration of the Light of Christs Spirit above all these, and stand in the parting with and loss of them all for ever. O this is an hard saying, who can bear it? Surely none but those that are taught and learn of the Father, can thus come to give up to and follow the Light of the Son.

The Law of the Lord is perfest, converting (or restoring) the Soul (Psal. 19.7.) What Law was this, or what Law is this? Was it the Law of workes in the hand of Moses? or is it the Law of Faith in the hand of Christ? Doth not Christ en­lighten every man that cometh into the World? Would not God have all men to be saved? and doth he not give to all, a proportion of the true Light whereby they may be saved? And it is not the property of this Light to convert to God? Can any man receive this and be united to this, and it not change his na­ture: so that he must needs have a new nature, and from that new nature do that naturally, which the Jews by all their endea­vours with-out this, could never do?

Can any thing convert fallen man to God, but Christ? hath any thing power to convert to God, but his pure Law of Life? Can Christ and his Light be seprated? Can any man receive his Light and be united thereto, and not receive him? O that mens hearts and understandings were opened by the Spirit and Power of the Lord! For this is a direct riddle to all men, who have not Gods Heifer to Plow with, to understand it by. [Page 113] And so for want of a true understanding, it is despised and re­jected among the Builders: but with us it is elect and precious, chosen of God, and precious in the eye of our Souls.

Now this doth not exclude or make void any thing, that Christ did in his Body of Flesh here on Earth, or that he doth in Heaven for his: but this brings unto a Right, and into a Possession and Enjoyment of his Purchase. For all that are in the Darkness, and walk in the Darkness, have nothing to do with Christ in truth and reallity, what ever they may profess, and what hopes soever they may feed themselves with: but all that are in any measure of his Light, and walk therein, they are so far of him, and have a right to and share in all that he did in and from the same Light and Spirit.

And this I dare positively hold forth as a standing Truth, which hath been sealed unto me by constant experience: that no man can fall in with, and obey the Light wherewith he is en­lightened, but he must deny himself, and take up a Cross to his own wisdom and will, which Cross is the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God to the Salvation of the Soul. And he that takes it up daily and waits upon the Lord therein, shall witness the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to the redemption of his Soul: ye then he shall be able in true understanding to say, This is Light indeed, Life indeed, Power indeed. That powerfull Arm which hath saved me from Sin, and breaks the Snares, Devices and Strength of the Enemy before me (delivering me daily when none else can, and when my own strength and wisdom is as nothing) I cannot but call Christ, the living Power and Wisdom of God revealed in me, who will not give his glory to another. For he is the Lord God of pure Power and Life for evermore; and beside him there is no such Saviour. Yea, blessed be the Name of the Lord for ever, the dayes of mourning after Salvation are over with many, and the dayes of reaping and enjoying Salvation are come, which shall endure with the Israel of God for evermore, Amen.

Isaac Penington.

An Incitation to Professors seriously to consider, Whether they or we fail, in the true acknowledg­ment and owning of the Christ which died at Jerusalem.

WE, who are commonly called Quakers, being a People whom the Lord hath gathered (out of the wandrings, out of the many Professions, out of the several scattered estates and conditions, wherein his Eye pittied us, and his love found us out) into a measure of the eternal rest; where we have found that Life, that Power, that Manifestation of the Eternal Spirits and that redeeming Virtue, which we never were before distinctly acquainted with; I say, having tasted of this, have­ing known this, having felt this, and come to a real enjoyment of it, in some degree, in our several measures; we could not possibly conceal this Treasure, but in bowels of love (and in the movings of the Life and Power of the Spirit) have been drawn to testifie of it to them who were left behind, groveling under the burthen of corruption, and crying out because of the sin and bondage from the powers of darkness, who hath in a mist withheld their eyes from beholding that living Virtue, which is able to save (and doth save, blessed be his Name) therefrom.

Now this we have often found That this our Testimony hath not been received in the same Spirit and Love, wherein it hath gone forth; but the Enemy (by his subtilty) hath raised up jealosies concerning us, and prejudices against us, as if we deny­ed the Scriptures and Ordinances of God, and that Christ that died at Jerusalem, professing him only in words (to win upon others by) but denying him in reallity and substance.

To cleare this latter, (for my heart is only at this present drawn out concerning that) we have solemnly professed in the sight of the Lord God (who hath given us the knowledge of his [...]on in Life and Power) these two things.

First, That we do really in our hearts own that Christ, who [Page 115] came in the fulness of time, in that prepared Body to do the Fathers Will (his coming into the World, Doctrine, Miracles, Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, &c.) in plainness and sim­plicity of heart, according as it is expressed in the Letter of the Scriptures.

Secondly, That we own no other Christ then that, nor hold forth no other-thing for Christ, but him who then appeared and was made manifest in flesh.

Now it would be nakedly inquired into by Professors, What is the reason that their jealousies still remain concerning us, and why they are still so ready to cast this upon us? Certainly if they did know and own the same thing with us, (in the Spirit, and in the Power, in the Life, and in the Love which is of the Truth) this prejudice, and these hard thoughts could not re­main. But if they themselves do not know Christ in the Spirit (but only according to a relation of the Letter) no marvel though they miss both of the Spirit, and of the true intent and meaning of the Letter, and Likewise be liable to clash against the Truth, as it is made manifest in others.

And indeed the Lord hath shewen me in Spirit several times, that they themselves are guilty of that very charge (and that he will so implead them at his Judgment Seat) which they cast upon us, even of denying that Christ which died at Jerusalem, to be the Christ. For he that owneth the words of Scripture, as he apprehends or conceives them in the reasonings of his mind, and doth not wait to have them revealed in the Spirit, keeping out of his own reasonings and conceivings, and waiting patiently till the Lord open the thing in the Spirit; he setteth up his own conceivings, or an Image in his mind of the mind of the Spirit, but misseth of the thing it self, which alone is known in the Spirit, by them who wait upon the Spirit there to receive it, and are not hasty to set up their own reasonings and imaginations concerning the thing in the mean time.

No man can in Truth call Jesus the Lord, but by the Spirit. But any man, that is any thing serious, and weighs the Scrip­tures in the natural part, may so learn to acknowledge his com­ing into the World, and that he is Lord and King, &c. and may thus call him Lord, yea, and kindle a great heat in his [Page 116] affections towards him; but all this (out of the Life, out of the Spirit) is but mans Image, which he forms in his mind, in his reading the Scriptures, and observing things therefrom. But the true calling Jesus Lord, is from the feeling of his eternal Virtue in the Spirit, and finding the Scriptures opened to him by the Spirit, in a Principle which is above the Reason, comprehends the Reason, and confounds and brings it to nothing.

Again, There is no true Knowledge of Christ, no living Knowledge, no saving Knowledge which hath the eternal Virtue in it; but that which is received and retained in a mea­sure of Light given by God to the Creature, in the Faith which is the Gift, in the Grace which is supernatural and spiritual, whereas the resoning part is but Natural. And such as have received the Spiritual understanding, know it to be distinct from the Natural; and we experimentally find a very clear distin­cttion, between Scriptures searched out by the reasonings of the mind, (and so practises drawn therefrom) and Scriptures opened by the Spirit, and felt in the Life.

Now that Professors generally have not received their knowledge of Christ from the Spirit, or from Scriptures open­ed it the Spirit (and so know not the thing, but only such a re­lation of the thing, as mans reasoning part may drink in from the Letter of the Scriptures) is manifest by this, In that they are not able in Spirit and Understandind to distinguish the thing it self, from the Garment wherewith it was cloathed, though the Scriptures be very express therein. Speak of Christ accord­ing to a Relation of the Letter, there they can say somewhat: but come to the Substance, come to the Spirit of the thing, come to the thing it self; there they stutter and stammer, and shew plainly that they know not what it is.

Now the Scriptures do expresly distinguish between Christ and the Garment which he wore; between him that came, and the Body in which he came; between the Substance which was vailed, and the Vail which vailed it. Lo I come; a body hast thou prepared me. There is plainly He, and the Body in which he came. There was the outward Vessel, and the inward Life. This we certainly know, and can never call the bodily Garment Christ, but that which appeared and dwelt in the Body. [Page 117] Now if ye indeed know the Christ of God, tell us plainly what that is which appeared in the Body? whether that was not the Christ before it took up the Body, after it took up the Body, and for ever?

And then their confining of Christ to that Body, plainly manifesteth that they want the knowledge of him in Spirit. For Christ is the Son of the Father, he is the infinite eternal Being, one with the Father, and with the Spirit, and cannot be divided from either; cannot be any where, where they are not; nor can be excluded from any place where they are. He may take up a Body and appear in it, but cannot be confined to be no where else but there, no not at the very time while he is there. Christ, while he was here on Earth, yet was not excluded from being in Heaven with the Father at the very same time, as he himself said concerning himself, The Son of Man which is in Heaven, John 3.13. Nor was the Father excluded from being with him in the Body, but the Father was in him, and he in the Father, whereupon he said to Philip, He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. What, did every one that saw that Body, see the Father also? Nay not so, but he that saw Christ the Son of the living God, whom flesh and blood revealed not, but the Father only ( Mat, 16.16, 17.) he saw the Father also.

O Frinds, look to your knowledge of Christ, and to your Faith and Knowledge of the Scriptures, and to your Prayers also; for it is easie missing of the living substance in all these, and meeting with a shaddow, which may please and make a great shew in the earthly part, in the natural understanding and affections, but satisfieth not the Soul, or that which is born after the Spirit, but still the cry there goes out (where the Soul is awakned) after Truth, Substance, Life, Virtue, from Gods Spirit in the Spirit, which it alone can feed upon.

These four things following, I am certain of, which he that cometh into the true Light, shall infallibly experience them there.

First. That nothing can save but the knowledge of Christ, even of that very Christ and no other, who took upon him the prepared Body, and offered it up at Jerusalem.

Secondly, That no Knowledge of Christ can save, but the [Page 118] living Knowledge, Not a knowledge of him after, the Letter, (which the carnal part may get much of, and value it self much by) but a knowledge of him in the Spirit; which is only given to that which is begotten and born of the Spirit, and only re­tained by that which abides and remains in the Spirit, and runs not out into the fleshly reasonings, imaginings and concevings, about the things mentioned in the Scriptures.

Thirdly, That that man who knoweth not Christ in Spirit, nor keepeth close to him in Spirit; but (through darkness and misguidance of the spirit of deceit) called the shinings of his Light (his reproofs, his checks for that which is evil, and his secret motions to that which is good) natural; This man, though he seem to own Christ never so much according to the Letter, yet in Truth denies him.

Fourthly, He that denies Christ, (in his knockings and visita­tions of him in his own heart, and before men in the Truths which he holds forth by his Servants and Ministers of his Spirit him will he deny before his Father in Heaven.

O, I beseech you, do not trifle about these things (for they are exceeding weighty) lest ye perish from the way; for missing of the Saviour, ye must needs also miss of the Salvation. O that ye knew your state, as God knows it to be, and as it is certain­ly known and felt in the measure of his Life and holy Spirit, by those whom God hath gathered together, and whose eyes he hath opened, and preserveth open there, Glory be to his Name therefore: Yea, Glory, Glory, Glory, and everlasting Praises be sung to him throughout all the holy Land, ye in the very heights of Sion, by the Souls of the Redeemed, from henceforth, and for evermore, Amen: whose Mercy, Love, Grace, Wisdom, Power and rich Goodness remaineth and endureth for ever; by and in which the Redeemed live to his Praise, who have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, whose Blood they know what it is; and none else knoweth it, but they who feel the sprinkling and virtue of it. Lo this is our God, we have waited for him; and how can we but be glad, and rejoyce in his Salvation! O let all that live by the breath of thy Power, and drink of thy Streams, sing praise unto Thee, and exalt thy great and wonderful Name for ever and ever.

A brief Testimony for Truth,

I Shall add somewhat of the Testimony which is written in my heart, by the finger of Gods Spirit, concerning the Peo­ple called Quakers.

Indeed they have met with many reproaches, and sore oppo­sitions many wayes, since they were a People: but notwith­standing all, their Bow abides in strength, and the hands of their arms have been made strong against the wicked one, with all his devices in his several kinds of instruments: and their Light is still the same and their God the same, who blesseth them from day to day, even in the midst of all the revilings, slanders, persecutions and curses, which they have met with from men without, and in the midst of all the temptations, inward trials and afflictions also, which are often met with inwardly. Yea we know him to be our God and cannot but trust him, having found him to be faithfull to us hitherto, and knowing his nature to be such, that he cannot but continue his loving-kind­ness and faithfulness, to all who are gathered by him in to his holy, inward, spiritual Covenant of Life and Peace, and who dwells with him therein. And truly we are fully satisfied and at rest in him, and cannot desire another, then he who hath re­deemed our Souls from death, given us Life, brought us out of the Pit wherein was no water, into a large place, set our feet upon a rock (a rock indeed) and establisheth our goings in the path of holyness, working all our works in us and for us, by his Spirit and Power. Yea, we have the Witness in our hearts, even the Witness which never erred nor can deceive, which testifieth to and with our spirits, our Sonship: so that we do not imagine our selves sons from apprehensions upon Scriptures, but we feel our selves sons in the true sensibleness, and know who David is, and reap and inherit the sure mercies of David daily, O blessed be our Father, O blessed for ever be the Father of Life, who feeds, who nourishes, who waters, Who refreshes (with the Bread of Life and with the pure living water) his Lambs, [Page 120] his Babes, his plants, his tender ones, of whom he is daily tender, and who are daily tender of his Name and Honour. And if any man preach another God, then he who creates anew in the true Light, and therein puts forth his arm of Salvation; Death, and Destruction and the Curse, are his portion from the hand of the Lord.

THE Conclusion.

GLorious was the Estate of the Church, before the Apo­stacy, for Purity of Doctrine, for holy Order and Dis­cipline, for Love to God, one to another, and to all men (even of Enemies) for Faith in God, for the Presence and Power of his Spirit among them (insomuch as the unbeliever coming among them, might find his heart and state reached to, and be forced to confess and report that God was in them of a truth) for singleness and uprightnesse of Heart, meek­ness and innocency of Spirit and Conversation, for zeal for God and his Truth, suffering the spoiling of their Goods, Imprison­ments, Stripes, and many other wayes, both from the Heathen, and also from the professing Jews, who had been the Church once. O what shall I say concerning the beauty and loveliness of that State! Ye that would know it, O wait to feel it in that, which giveth the true sence of it.

But over this glorious State, came a dark, thick, corrupt night, wherein the Kernel was lost, and the Shell defaced; wherein the House, which had been swept and garnished, be­came again recovered and possessed by the wicked spirit. And how great hath this darkness been! O what a kind of Church hath appeared in the World, wherein the spirit of Enmity hath dwelt and acted in men, under the Name of Christianity! [Page 121] So that instead of loving and seeking the good of Enemies, they are ready to rend and tear one another for every little diffe­rence, and will be Lords over mens Faith, requiring men to Practice things in Religeon, before the Spirit of the Lord teach­eth them so to do, which the Apostles did not. For though they had from God the express knowledge of what was Truth, and could certainly instruct and build men up therein; yet they were not Lords over mens Faith; but if men were otherwise minded then according to what they knew and taught, they could wait and bear with them, bidding them walk so far as they had attained, and God in his due time would reveal the rest also. O that men were come to this Spirit again! Then they would be Christians indeed, and then they might be known to be Christs Disciples, by their loving the Brethren and fellow-Disciples. But without this love, mens Religion is but as a tinkling Cimbal, making a noise and sound of somewhat, but not having the true Nature or Virtue of Religion in it.

Now will it not be a glorious Day, when the Spirit of the Lord cleanseth away this thick darkness, and causeth the Light of his pure Truth to arise and appear again? Why there is such a Day to be, wherein the true Church (which was reproached and driven into the Wilderness) is to come out of the Wilderness again, and her Witnesses stand on their feet again, and her Seed to spring up in the Power of Life, following the Lamb, who marcheth on fighting with the Sword of the Spirit (the words of his mouth) conquering and to conqeur thereby the corrupted Antichristian World, even as he did at first the corrupt Heathen­ish World. The Lord will purifie his Temple, and cleanse the World, by the Plagues of his Angels which he hath prepared, making way for the beauty of his Truth, and the Church of his gathering; wherein he will bring forth his Righteousness, wherein his Power shall appear, wherein his Pre­sence shall be made manifest, wherein that which shined before in the Primitive Church, shall shine again in this new-reared Build­ing of his, insomuch as men shall be forced to say, This is the Church of Christ indeed, God is here of a truth; This is the Gosple-Jerusalem indeed, which is built upon the holy Hill of Sion, in which Innocency, Righteousnesse, Truth, Love, Sweetnesse, Peaceablenesse, and the gentle Nature and Spirit [Page 122] of the Lamb lives and reigns; and the Lord bless thee, O Habitation of Justice, and Mountain of Holiness.

Now of a truth this Work is begun. The times of refresh­ment are come from the Presence of the Lord. The Lord hath heard from Heaven, pitiying the cries of his Seed, and hath visited their Souls, causing the Light of Life (even the pure Light of the everlasting Covenant) to shine upon their Tabernacles. But whoever would know these things, and partake of them, must come in at the Door, by the Guidance of the Spirit, through the Light which is with him. And he that would enjoy the full Light (even the shinings forth of the Sun at noon day) must begin with its glimmerings, even that in the heart, which discovereth and draweth out of the corrupt state of the World, towards the Father. O hear and live. Do not dispute about it, but wait to feel it; upon the feeling of it, despising the shame, and taking up, and enduring the Cross, and so bearing the reproach and sufferings of Christ in thy Age and Generation. And as thou obeyest, thou shalt know of its Doctrine; but out of the pure Faith and Obedience, there is no true, sound, deep-rooted know­ledge; but all of that kind must be parted with, for the knowledge which is of the Faith, and which is made manifest and increased in the Obedience; which knowledge is of a far more excellent Kind and Nature. Then that which thou art to part with for it. The Lord guide thy Mind, and stretch forth his Hand to help thee, who from the least touch of a true Nature and Spirit, desirest after the pure Truth and Way of eternal Life. Amen.

This Testimony (here held forth) is faithful and true, and (I know) the Witness of God in many hearts will answer to it; and happy is he that maketh a right use of it. For, so doing, his Soul will not fall short of the pure living Truth, nor set up any thing else for Truth which is not.

Isaack Penington.

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