

THe Names of the Just shall be had in everlastin re­membrance;


Their Works and their Praise shall follow them.


To do good and distribute they have not forgotten;


With such Sacrifice God is well pleas'd.


Their Memorial shall be celebrated among us;


Such honour have all those Saints.


All land and glory be to the Lord;


Who hath given such ability and such hearts unto men.

For the Founder.

O Almighty and most Mer­ciful Father, who by thy great Power and Wisdom hast created all things, and by thine inestimable Love, and most bountiful Goodness dost sustain and provide for the same; espe­cially for Man, whom thou hast made after thine own Simili­tude; and for his good hast not only made all other Creatures, but also hast ordained and com­manded that one man should be helpful to another: according to which thy Providence thou hast stirr'd up the mind of HENRY CHICHLEY sometime Arch­bishop of Canterbury, for the re­leife of the distressed and en­crease of learning and Godli­ness, to Found this our College endow'd with liberal Mainte­nance for thy Servants; We yeild Thee all humble and hear­ty thanks, for this thine inesti­mable Bounty and Fatherly goodness most humbly beseech­ing Thee, that the remembrance of these thy benefits may never slip out of our minds; but that we may dayly grow more and more in thankfulness towards Thee, and rightly use these blessings which Thou hast be­stow'd upon us, by the hand of thy Servant, both to thy honour and glory, and the profit of the Church and Common-wealth wherein Thou hast placed us. [...]rant this, O dear Father, for the love of thine only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom with Thee, and the Ho­ly [...]host, be all honour and praise, now and for evermore. Amen.

For Be [...]ctours.

MOst bountiful Lord God, who of thine especia [...] goodness hast ordained Ma [...] not only to receive, but dispen [...] thy Benefits; We further give [...]hee praise and thanks, for all [...]her thy worthy Inst [...]uments, [...]y whose hands thou [...]ast been [...]leas'd to be good unto us, Such as were Reginald Poo [...] Arch­bishop [Page]of Canterbury; Sir Wil­liam Peeter; Robert Honywood, Doctor of Laws; Richard Bart­let, Doctor of Physick; Thomas Gwynne, Doctor of Laws; Mr. E [...]ward Napper, together with all other our bounteous Bene­fa [...]ors, whose Names and Me­m [...]rys we shall ever honour and record, in Testimony of our Thankfulness, for these and e­very other of thy dayly Bles­sings, by thy Providence thus continued and multiplied unto us. And now hereunto grant, O gracious Father, that neither our abuse of these thy Favours cause thee to blast what we have receiv'd, nor our unthankful­ness provoke thee, to shut up the hearts of future Successions from us. But let this Place, which Thou hast founded and en­dow'd for thine own [...]lory, be still the fruitful Mother of more happy Children; who both by their Knowledge may confirm the Peoples Faith, and by their Lives enflame their Charity. Be it so, for his sake, whose unspeakable Bounty gave us himself, even Jesus Christ, thy Son our Saviour; to whom with Thee, and the Ho­ly Spirit, be ascrib'd all Ho­nour and [...]lory, throughout all, [...]enerations for evermore. Amen.

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