By the late Reverend JOHN OWEN, D. D.

LONDON, Printed by J. A. for William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street, 1691.


THE Design of this Preface is not to commend either the Author or the Matter contained in this little Book. Let every Reader do as he finds cause. Nor need any Assurance be given that Doctor Owen was the Author, to any who have conversed with his Writings, and will be at the Pains to read this over. It is indeed his Application of the former Discourses upon this Subject, printed in the Year 1684. But the Reason why it was not then added (the Omission whereof rendred that Book imperfect to judicious Readers) seems necessary to be given. Had it pleased God he had lived a little longer, it would have come out as perfect as his [...]ther Works. But there [...] no more [Page] transcribed in his Life-time than what was then printed, and that published soon after his Death; These Two Chapters wrote only with his own hand, were found too late to be then added. They are therefore now printed to compleat those Discourses. And it is presumed, that as no serious Chri­stian who reads this, will be satisfied with­out the other also: So all who prize the former, will be glad of the Opportunity to add this thereunto.

John XVII. 24. ‘Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am: that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me.’

THE High Priest under the Law when he was to enter into the Holy Place on the Solemn day of Atonement, was to take both his hands full of sweet Incense from the Golden Table of Incense, to carry along with him in his entrance. He had also a Censer filled with Fire, that was taken from the Altar of Burnt-offerings, where Atonement was made for Sin with Blood. Upon his actual entrance through the vail, he put the Incense on the Fire in the Censer, until the Cloud of it's smoak covered the Ark, and the Mercy Seat. See Levit. 16. 12, 13. And the end hereof was to present unto God, in the behalf of the People, a sweet smelling Savour from the Sacrifice of Propitiation. See the Declaration of these things in our Exposition of Heb. 9th.

IN Answer unto this Mystical Type, the great High-priest of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ, being to en­ter into the Holy Place not made with hands, did by the glorious Prayer Recorded in this Chapter, influenced from the Blood of his Sacrifice, fill the Heavens above, the glorious Place of God's Residence, with a clou [...] of [Page 2] Incense, or the sweet perfume of his Blessed Intercession, typed by the incense offered by the High-priest of old. By the same Eternal Fi [...]e wherewith he offered himself a bloody Sacrifice to make Atonement for Sin, he kindled in his most Holy Soul those desires for the Application of all its Benefits unto his Church, which are here expres­sed, and wherein his Intercession doth consist.

IT is only one passage in the Verse above named, that at present I design an enquiry into. And this is the subject matter of what the Lord Christ here desires in the behalf of those given him by the Father; namely, That they may behold his glory.

IT is evident, That in this Prayer the Lord Christ hath respect unto his own Glory, and the manifestation of it, which he had in the entrance asked of the Father, ver. 4, 5. But in this place he hath not so much respect unto it as his own, as unto the Advantage, Benefit, Satisfaction and Blessedness of his Disciples, in the beholding of it. For these things were the end of all that Mediatory Glory which was given unto him. So Joseph charged his Bre­thren, when he had revealed himself unto them, that they should tell his Father of all his Glory in Egypt, Gen. 45. 13. This he did, not for an Ostentation of his own Glory, but for the Satisfaction which he knew his Father would take in the Knowledge of it. And such a mani­festation of his Glory unto his Disciples doth the Lord Christ here desire, as might fill them with Blessed Satis­faction for evermore.

THIS alone which is here prayed for, will give them such satisfaction, and nothing else. The Hearts of Be­livers are like the Needle touched by the Load-stone, which cannot rest until it comes to the Point whereunto by the secret Vertue of it, it is directed. For being once touch­ed by the Love of Christ, receiving therein an impressi­on of secret ineffable Vertue, they will ever be in moti­on, [Page 3] and restless, until they come unto him, and behold his Glory. That Soul which can be satisfied without it, that cannot be eternally satisfied with it, is not partaker of the efficacy of his Intercession.

I shall lay the Foundation of the ensuing Meditations in this one Assertion, namely, That one of the greatest Pri­viledges and Advancements of Believers, both in this World, and unto Eternity, consists in their BEHOLDING THE GLORY OF CHRIST. This therefore he desires for them in this Solemn Intercession, as the complement of all his other requests in their behalf; That they may behold my Glory. [...]; that they may see, view, behold or contemplate on my Glory. The Reasons why I assign not this glorious Priviledge only unto the Heavenly state, which is principally respected in this place, but apply it unto the state of Believers in this World also, with their Duties and Priviledges therein, shall be immediately declared.

ALL Unbelievers do in their Heart call Christ Ioha­bod; Where is the Glory? They see neither form nor come­liness in him, that he should be desired. They look on him as Michael Saul's Daughter did on David dancing before the Ark, when she despised him in her Heart. They do not indeed (many of them) call Jesus Anathema, but cry, Hail Master, and then Crucifie him.

HENCE have we so many Cursed Opinions ad­vanced in derogation unto his Glory, some of them real­ly destructive of all that is truly so; yea denying the only Lord that bought us, and substituting a false Christ in his room. And others there are who express their slight thoughts of him and his glory, by bold irreverent en­quiries, of what use his person is in our Religion; as though there were any thing in our Religion, that hath either Reality, Substance, or Truth, but by vertue of its Rela­tion there unto. And by their Answers, they bring their own [...] yet nearer unto the borders of Blasphemy.

[Page 4] NEVER was there an Age since the name of Chri­stians was known upon the Earth, wherein there was such a direct Opposition made unto the Person and Glory of Christ, as there is in that wherein we live. There were indeed in the first Times of the Church, swarms of proud, doting, brainsick persons, who vented many foolish imaginations about him, which issued at length in Arianism, in whose Ruines they were buried. The Gates of Hell in them, prevailed not against the Rock on which the Church is built. But as it was said of Caesar, Solus accessie sobrius, ad perdendam Rempublicam; He alone went soberly about the Destruction of the Commonwealth; So we now have great Numbers who oppose the Person and Glory of Christ, under a pretence of Sobriety of Reason, as they vainly plead. Yea, the disbelief of the Mysteries of the Trinity, and the Incarnation of the Son of God, the sole Foun­dation of Christian Religion, is so diffused in the World, as that it hath almost devoured the power and vitals of it. And not a few, who dare not yet express their minds, do give broad intimations of their intentions and good will towards him, in making them the Object of their scorn and reproach, who desire to know nothing but him, and him Crucified.

GOD in his appointed time will effectually Vindicate his Honour and Glory, from the vain attempts of Men of corrupt minds against them.

IN the mean time, it is the Duty of all those who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, to give Testimony in a peculiar manner unto this Divine Person and Glory, ac­cording unto their several Capacities, because of the Op­position that is made against them.

I HAVE thought my self on many accounts oblig­ed to cast my Mite into this Treasury. And I have cho­sen so to do, not in a way of controversie (which formerly I have engaged in) but so▪ a [...] together with the vindica­ [...]ion [Page 5] of the Truth, to promote the strengthning of the Faith of true Believers, their Edification in the Know­ [...]edge of it; and to express the Experience which they have, or may have of the Power and Reality of th [...]se [...]hings.

THAT which at present I design to Demonstrate is, That the Beholding of the Glory of Christ, is one of the great­ [...]st Priviledges and Advancements that Believers are capable [...]f in this World, or that which is to come. It is that where­by they are first gradually conformed unto it, and then fixed in the Eternal enjoyment of it. For here in this life, beholding his Glory, they are changed or transformed into the likeness of it, 2 Cor. 3. 18. and hereafter, they shall be for ever like unto him, because they shall see him as he is, I Joh. 3. 1, 2. Hereon do our present Comforts, and future Blessedness depend. This is the Life and Reward of our Souls. He that hath seen him hath seen the Father also; Joh. 14. 9. For we discern the Light of the Knowledge of God, only in the Face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4. 6.

THERE are therefore, two ways or degrees of behold­ing the Glory of Christ, which are constantly distinguished in the Scripture. The one is by Faith in this World, which is the Evidence of things not seen. The other is by Sight, or immediate vision in Eternity, 2 Cor. 5. 7. We walk by faith and not by sight. We do so whilst we are in this World, whilst we are present in the Body, and absent from the Lord, ver. 8. But we shall live and walk by Sight hereafter. And it is the Lord Christ and his Glory, which are immediate objects both of this Faith and Sight. For we here behold him darkly in a Glass (that is by Faith) but we shall see him face to face; (by immediate vision) [...] we know him in part: but then we shall know him as we are known, 1 Cor. 13. 12. What is the difference between these two ways of beholding the Glory of Christ; shall be afterwards declared.

[Page 6] IT is the first way, namely by Vision in the Light of Glory, that is principally included in that prayer of our Blessed Saviour, that his Disciples may be where he is, to behold his Glory. But, I shall not confine my enquiry thereunto; nor doth our Lord Jesus exclude from his desire, that Sight of his Glory which we have by faith in this World; but prays for the Perfection of it in Heaven. It is therefore the first way, that in the first place I shall insist upon, and that for the Reasons ensuing.

1. NO Man shall ever behold the Glory of Christ by Sight hereafter, who doth not in some measure behold it by Faith here in this World. Grace is a necessary pre­paration for Glory, and Faith for Sight. Where the Sub­ject, the Soul, is not previously seasoned with Grace and Faith, it is not capable of Glory, or Vision. Nay, persons not disposed hereby unto it, cannot desire it, whatever they pretend; they only deceive their own Souls, in sup­posing that so they do. Most Men will say with con­fidence, living and dying, that they desire to be with Christ, and to behold his Glory; But they can give no Reason, why they should desire any such thing; only they think it somewhat that is better than to be in that evil conditi­on which otherwise they must be cast into for ever, when they can be here no more. If a Man pretend himself to be enamoured on, or greatly to desire what he never saw, nor was ever represented unto him, he doth but dote on his own Imaginations. And the pretended desires of many, to behold the Glory of Christ in Heaven, who have no view of it by Faith whilst they are here in this World, are nothing but self-deceiving imaginations.

SO do the Papists delude themselves. Their Carnal Affections are excited by their outward Senses, to de­light in Images of Christ, in his Sufferings, his Resurrecti­on, and Glory above. Hereon they satisfie themselves, that they behold the Glory of Christ himself, and that with [Page 7] Love and great Delight. But whereas there is not the least true Representation made of the Lord Christ, or his Glory, in these things, that being confined absolutely un­to the Gospel alone, and this way of attempting it being laid under a severe interdict, they do but sport themselves with their own deceivings.

THE Apostle tells us concerning himself, and other Believers, when the Lord Christ was present, and con­versed with them in the Days of his Flesh, that they saw his Glory, the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth. Joh. 1. 14. And we may enquire, what was this Glory of Christ, which they so saw, and by what means they obtained a prospect of it? For (1.) It was not the Glory of his outward condition, as we be­hold the Glory and Grandeur of the Kings and Poten­tates of the Earth; For he made himself of no Reputation, but being in the Form of a Servant, he walked in the Condition of a Man of low Degree. The Secular Gran­deur of his pretendedVicar, makes no Representation of that Glory of his, which his Disciples saw. He kept no Court, nor House of Entertainment, nor (though he made all things) had of his own where to lay his Head. Nor 2. Was it with respect to the outward Form of the Flesh which he was made, wherein he took our Na­ture on him, as we see the Glory of a comely or beauti­ful Person; For he had therein neither form nor comelines [...], that he should be desired, his visage was so marred more than any Man, and his form more than the sons of men, Isa. 52. 14. Chap. 53. 2, 3. All things appeared in him as became a Man of Sorrows. Nor 3. Was it absolutely the Eternal Essential Glory of his Divine Nature, that is intend­ed. For this no Man can see in this World. What we shall attain in a view thereof hereafter, we know not. But 4. It was his Glory, as he was full of Grace and Truth. They saw the Glory of his Person and his [Page 8] Office in the Administration of Grace and Truth And how, or by what means did they see this Glory of Christ? It was by Faith, and no otherwise. For this Priviledge was granted unto them only who received him, and believed on his name, ver. 12. This was that Glory which the Baptist saw, when upon his coming unto him he said unto all that were present, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sin of the World, Joh. 1. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33.

WHEREFORE let no Man deceive himself: He that hath no Sight of the Glory of Christ here, shall never have any of it hereafter unto his Advantage. It is not there­fore unto Edification, to discourse of Beholding the Glory of Christ in Heaven by vision, until we go through a tryal, whether we see any thing of it in this World by Faith or no.

2ly. THE behol [...]ing of Christ in Glory, is that which in it self is too High, Illustrious, and Marvellous for us in our present condition. It hath a splendor and glory too great for our present Spiritual visible faculty; as the direct, immediate sight of the Sun darkens our sight, and doth not relieve or strengthen it at all. Wherefore we have no way to take into our minds any true Spiritual Apprehensions of the Nature of Immediate Vision, or what it is to see the Glory of Christ in Heaven, but by that View which we have by Faith in this life of the same Glory. Whatever otherwise falls into our Minds, is but conjecture and imagination; Such as are the Contempla­tions of most about Heavenly things.

I have seen and read somewhat of the Writings of of Learned Men, concerning the state of future glory; some of them are filled with excellent Nations of Truth, and Elegancy of Speech, whereby they cannot but much affect the minds of them who duely consider what they say. But I know not well whence it comes to pass, many com­plain, that in reading of such discourses they are like a [Page 9] Man who behold his natural face in a Glass, and immediately forgets what manner of Man he was; as one of old complain­ed to the same purpose upon his perusal of Plato's con­templations about the Immortality of the Soul. The things spoken do not abide, nor Incorporate with our minds. They please and refresh for a little while, like a showre of Rain in a dry Season, that soaketh not unto the Roots of things; the power of them doth not enter into us. Is it not all from hence, that their notions of fu­ture things are not enduced out of the Experience which we have of the Beginnings of them in this World; with­out which, they can make no permanent aboad in our minds, nor continue any Influence upon our Affections? yea, the Soul is disturbed, not edified, in all Contemplations of future Glory, when things are proposed unto it, where­of in this life it hath neither foretaste, sense, experience, nor evidence. No man ought to look for any thing in Heaven, but what one way or other he hath some ex­perience of in this Life. If Men were fully perswaded hereof, they would be, it may be, more in the exercise of Faith and Love about Heavenly things, than for the most part they are. At present they know not what they enjoy, and they look for they know not what.

HENCE is it, that Men utterly strangers unto all Ex­perience of the Beginning of Glory in themselves as an effect of Faith, have filled their Divine Worship with Images, Pictures, and Musick, to represent unto themselves somewhat of that Glory which they fancy to be above. For into that which is truly so, they have no prospect, nor can have; because they have no experience of its power in themselves; nor do they taste of its Goodness by any of its First-fruits in their own minds. Where­fore by that view alone, and not otherwise, which we have of the Glory of Christ by Faith here in this World, we may attain such blessed conceptions of our beholding his [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 10] glory above by immediate vision, as shall draw out our Hearts unto the Admiration of it, and desires of its full enjoyment.

3. HEREIN then our present edification is princi­pally concerned. For in this present beholding of the Glory of Christ, the Life and Power of Faith are most eminent­ly acted. And from this Exercise of Faith, doth Love unto Christ principally, if not solely arise and spring. If therefore we desire to have Faith in its vigor, or Love in its Power, giving Rest, Complacency, and Satisfacti­on unto our own Souls, we are to seek for them in the diligent discharge of this Duty; elsewhere they will not be found. Herein would I live; Herein would I Dye; Hereon would I dwell in my Thoughts and Affections, to the withering and consumption of all the painted Beauties of this World, unto the Crucifying all things here below, until they become unto me a dead and de­formed thing, no way meet for affectionate Embraces.

FOR these, and the like Reasons, I shall first en­quire into our Beholding of the Glory of Christ in this world by Faish; And therein endeavour to lead the Souls of them that Believe, into the more retired walks of Faith, Love, and Holy Meditation, whereby the King is held in his Galleries. Caut. 7. 5.

BUT because there is no Benefit in, nor advantage by the Contemplation of this Sacred Truth, but what con­sists in an improvement of the practice of the duty declared in it, namely, the constant beholding of the Glory of Christ by Faith: I shall for the promotion of it, premise some few Advantages which we may have thereby.

1. WE shall hereby be made fit and meet for Heaven. Every man is not so, who desires it, and hopes for it. For some are not only unworthy of it, and excluded from it by reason of Sin; but they are unmeet for it, and inca­pable of any advantage by it. All men indeed think [Page 11] themselves fit enough for Glory (what should hinder them?) if they could attain it. But it is because they know not what it is. Men shall not be clothed with Glory, as it were, whether they will or no [...] ▪ It is to be received in that Exercise of the Faculties of their Souls, which such Persons have no Ability for. Musick hath no Pleasure in it, unto them that cannot hear; nor the most beautiful Colours unto them that cannot see. It would be no Bene­fit unto a Fish to take him from the bottom of the Ocean, filled with Cold and Darkness, and to place him under the Beams of the Sun. For he is no way meet to receive any Refreshment thereby. Heaven it self would not be more advantagious unto Persons not renewed by the Spi­rit of Grace in this Life.

HENCE the Apostle gives thanks unto the Father, who hath made us meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, Col. 1. 12. Indeed the Beginning here, and the Fulness of Glory hereafter, are communicated un­to Believers by an Almighty Act of the Will and Grace of God. But yet he hath ordained Ways and Means whereby they may be made meet receptive Subjects of the Glory so to be communicated unto them. That this Way and Means is by the beholding of the Glory of Christ by Faith, shall be fully declared in our Progress. This therefore should excite us unto this Duty; for all our present Glo­ry consists in our Preparation for future Glory.

2. NO Man can by Faith take a real View of this Glory, but Vertue will proceed from it in a transforming Power, to change him into the same Image. 2 Cor. 3. 18. How this is done, and how we become like unto Christ, by beholding his Glory, shall be fully declared in our Progress.

3. THE constant Contemplation of the Glory of Christ, will give Rest, Satisfaction, and Complacency unto the Souls of them who are exercised therein. Our [Page 12] Minds are apt to be filled with a Multitude of perplex­ed Thoughts, Fears, Cares, Dangers, Distresses, Passi­ons, and Lusts, do make various Impressions on the Minds of Men, filling them with Disorder, Darkness, and Confusion. But where the Soul is fixed in its Thoughts and Contemplations on this glorious Object, it will be brought into, and kept in an Holy, Serene, Spi­ritual Frame. For to be Spiritually minded, is Life and Peace. And this it doth, by taking off our Hearts, from all undue Regard unto all things below, in comparison of the great Worth, Beauty, and Glory of what we are conversant withal. See Phil. 3. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. A De­fect herein makes many of us Strangers unto an Heavenly Life; and to live beneath the Spiritual Refreshments and Satisfactions that the Gospel doth tender unto us.

4. THE Sight of the Glory of Christ, is the Spring and Cause of our Everlasting Blessedness. We shall be ever with the Lord, 1 Thes. 4. 17. Or, be with Christ, which is best of all. Phil. 1. 23. For there shall we behold his Glory, Joh. 17. 24. and by seeing him as he is, we shall be made like him, 1 Joh. 3. 2. which is our Everlasting Blessedness.

THE Enjoyment of God by Sight, is commonly call­ed the Beatifical Vision; and it is the sole Fountain of all the Actings of our Souls in the State of Blessedness, which the old Philosophers knew nothing of; neither do we know distinctly what they are, or what is this Sight of God. Howbeit, this we know, that God in his Immense Essence is invisible unto our Corporeal Eyes, and will be so to Eternity; as also incomprehensible unto our Minds. For nothing can perfectly comprehend that which is Infi­nite, but what is it self Infinite. Wherefore the Blessed and Blessing Sight which we shall have of God, will be always in the Face of Jesus Christ. Therein will that Ma­nifestation of the Glory of God in his Infinite Perfecti­ons, [Page 15] and all their blessed Operations, so shine into our Souls, as shall immediately fill us with Peace, Rest, and Glory.

THESE things we here admire, but cannot compre­hend. We know not well what we say, when we speak of them: yet is there in True Belivers a Fore-sight, and Fore-taste of this Glorious Condition. There enters some­times by the Word and Spirit into their hearts such a sense of the uncreated Glory of God, shining forth in Christ, as Affects and Satiates their Souls with ineffable Joy. Hence ariseth that Peace of God which is above all vnder­standing, keeping our Hearts and Minds through Jesus Christ. Phil. 4. 7. Christ in Believers the Hope of Glory, gives them to taste of the First-fruits of it; yea, some­times to bath their Souls in the Fountain of Life, and to drink of the Rivers of Pleasure that are at his Right hand. Where any are utterly unacquainted with these things, they are Carnal, yea, Blind, and seeing nothing afar off. These Enjoyments indeed are rare, and for the most part of short Continuance. Rara hora, brevis mora. But it is from our own Sloth and Darkness that we do not enjoy more Visits of this Grace; and that the Dawnings of Glory do not more shine on our Souls. Such things as these may excite us to Diligence in the Duty proposed unto us.

AND I shall enquire. 1. What is that Glory of Christ, which we do, or may behold by Faith? 2. How do we behold it? 3. Wherein our doing so differs from immedi­ate Vision in Heaven. And in the whole we shall endea­vour an Answer unto the Enquiry made unto the Spouse, by the Daughters of Jerusalem. Cant. 5. 9. What is thy Beloved more than another Beloved, thou fairest among Women? What is thy Beloved more than another Beloved, that thou dost so charge us?

The Glory of the Person of Christ, as the only Representative of God unto the Church.

THE Glory of Christ, is the Glory of the Person of Christ. So he calls it [...], Joh. 17. 28. That Glory which is mine, belongeth to me, unto my Person.

THE Person of Christ may be considered two ways. 1. Absolutely in it self. 2. In the Susception and Discharge of his Office, with what ensued thereon. His Glory on these distinct Accounts, is distinct and different; but all equally his own. How in both respects we may behold it by Faith, is that which we enquire into.

THE first thing wherein we may behold the Glory of the Person of Christ, God and Man, which was given him of his Father, consists in the Representation of the Nature of God, and of the Divine Person of the Father, unto the Church in him; For we behold the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4. 6. Otherwise we know it not, we see it not, we see nothing of it: that is the way of seeing and know­ing God, declared in the Scripture, as our Duty and Bless­edness. The Glory of God comprehends both the Holy Properties of his Nature, and the Counsels of his Will; and the Light of the Knowledge of these things, we have only in the Face or Person of Jesus Christ. Whatever obscure imperfect Notions we may have of them otherways, we cannot have [...] the Light of the Illuminating, iradiating Knowledge of the [Page 15] Glory of God, which may enlighten our Minds, and sacti­fie our Hearts, but only [...] in the Face or Person of Jesus Christ; for he is the Image of God, 2 Cor. 4. 4. The Brightness of the Fathers Glory, and the express Image of his Person, Heb. 1. 2. The Image of the invisible God, Col. 1. 1 [...]. I do here only mention these things, because I have handled them at large in my Discourse of the Mistery of [...], or the Person of Christ; whereunto I refer the Readers for their full Declaration and Vindication. Herein is he glorious, in that he is the great Representative of the Nature of God, and his Will unto us, which without him would have been eternally hid from us, or been invi­sible unto us; we should never have seen God at any time, here nor hereafter, Joh. 1. 18.

IN his Divine Person absolutely considered, he is the Essential Image of God, even the Father: He is in the Father, and the Father in him, in the Unity of the same Divine Essence, Joh. 14. 10. Now he is with the Father, John 1. 1. In the Distinction of his Person, so is he his Essential Image, Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. [...]. In his In­carnation he becomes the Representative Image of God unto the Church, 2 Cor. 4. 6. without whom our Un­derstandings can make no such Approach unto the Di­vine Excellencies, but that God continues to be unto us, what he is in himself, the Invisible God. In the Face of Jesus Christ, we see his Glory.

THIS is the Original Glory of Christ given him by his Father, and which by Faith we may behold: He, and he alone declares, represents and makes known unto An­gels and Men, the Essential Glory of the Invisible God, his Attributes and his Will, without which, a perpetual comparative Darkness would have been on the whole Creation, especially that part of it here below.

THIS is the Foundation of our Religion, the Rock whereon the Church is built, the Ground of all our Hopes of [Page 16] Salvation, of Life and Immortality: All is resolved into this; namely, the Representation that is made of the Na­ture and Will of God, in the Person and Office of Christ: If this fail us, we are lost for ever; if this Rock stand firm, the Church is safe here, and shall be triumphant here­after.

HEREIN then is the Lord Christ exceedingly glori­ous. Those who cannot beheld this Glory. of his by Faith, namely, as he is the great Divine Ordinance to represent God unto us, they know him not. In their Worship of him, they worship but an Image of their own de­vising.

YEA, in the Ignorance and Neglect hereof consists the formal Nature of Vnbelief, even that which is inevita­bly ruinous unto the Souls of Men. He that discerns not the Representation of the Glory of God in the Person of Christ unto the Souls of Men, is an Unbeliever. Such was the State of the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles of old; They did not, they would not, they could not behold the Glory of God in him, nor how he did represent him. That this was both the Cause, and the Formal Nature of their Un­belief, the Apostle declares at large, 1 Cor. 1. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Not to see the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God, and consequently all the other holy Properties of his Nature in Christ, is to be an Unbeliever.

THE Essence of Faith consists in a due Ascription of Glory to God, Rom. 4. 20. This we cannot attain un­to without the Manifestation of those Divine Excellencies unto us, wherein he is Glorious. This is done in Christ alone, so as that we may glorifie God in a saving and ac­ceptable Manner. He who discerns not the Glory of Di­vine Wisdom, Power, Goodness, Love and Grace, in the Person and Office of Christ, with the way of the Salvati­on of Sinners by him, is an Unbeliever.

[Page 17] HENCE the great Design of the Devil in the begin­ning of the Preaching of the Gospel, was to blind the Eyes of Men, and fill their Minds with Prejudices, that they might not behold this Glory of his; So the Apostle gives an Account of his Success in this Design, 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4. If our Gospel be hid, it is hid unto them that are lost, in whom the God of this World hath blinded the Minds of them that believe not, lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should shine unto them. By vari­ous Ways and Methods of Deceit, to secure the Reputa­tion he had got, of being God of this World, by Pretences and Appearances of supernatural Power and Wisdom, he laboured to blind the Eyes of Men with Prejudices against that glorious Light of the Gospel, which proposed the Lord Christ as the only Image of God. This Blindness, this Darkness is cured in them that believe, by the mighty Power of God; For God who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness, hath irradiated our Hearts with the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ, v. 6. wherein true, saving Faith doth consist. Under this Darkness pe­rished the unbelieving World of Jews and Gentiles; and such is the present Condition of all by whom the Divine Person of Christ is denied; for no mere Creature can e­ver make a perfect Representation of God unto us. But we must a little further enquire into this Mystery.

SINCE Men fell from God by sin, it is no small part of their Misery and Punishment, that they are co­vered with thick Darkness and Ignorance of the Nature of God. They know him not, they have not seen him at any time: Hence is that Promise to the Church in Christ, Isa. 60. 1, 2. For behold the Darkness shall cover the Earth, and gross Darkness the People: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his Glory shall be seen upon thee.

THE Antient Philosophers made great Enquiries into, and obtained many Notions of the Divine Being, its Ex­istence [Page 18] and Excellencies. And these Notions they adorn­ed with great Elegancy of Speech, to allure others unto the Admiration of them. Hereon they boasted themselves to be the only Wise Men in the World, Rom. 1. 22. [...] they boasted that they were the Wise: But we must abide in the Judgment of the Apostles, con­cerning them in their Enquiries: He assures us, that the World in its Wisdom, that is, these wise Men in it by their Wisdom knew not God, 1 Cor. 1. 21. And he calls the Authors of their best Notions Atheists, or Men without God in the Word, Ephes. 2. 12. For,

1. THEY had no certain Guide, Rule, nor Light, which being attended unto, might lead them infallibly in­to the Knowledge of the Divine Nature: All they had of this Kind, was their own [...] their Reasonings or Ima­ginations, whereby they commenced [...] the great Disputers of the World; but in them they maxed vain, and their foolish Heart was darkned, Rom. 1. 21. They did at best but endeavour [...], to feel after God, as Men do in the Dark, after what they cannot clear­ly discern, Acts 17. 27. Among others, Cicero's Book De Natura Deorum, gives us an exact Account of the In­tention of the Apostle in that Expression. And it is at this Day not Want of Wit, but Hatred of the Mysteries of our Religion, which makes so many prone to forgo all Supernatural Revelation, and to betake themselves unto a Re­ligion declared, as they suppose, by Reason, and the Light of Nature; like Bats and Owls, who being not a­ble to bear the Light of the Sun, betake themselves un­to the Twi-light, to the Dawnings of Light and Dark­ness.

2. WHATEVER they did attain, as unto rational Notions about things invisible and incomprehensible, yet could they never deliver themselves from such Principles and Practises in Idolatry and all manner of flagitious Sins, [Page 19] as that they could be of any Benefit unto them. This is so effectually demonstrated by the Apostle in the First Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, as that we need not to insist upon it.

MEN may talk what they please of a Light within them, or of the Power of Reason, to conduct them unto that Knowledge of God, whereby they may live unto him: But if they had nothing else, if they did not boast them­selves of that Light, which hath its Foundation and Ori­ginal in Divine Revelation alone, they would not excel them, who in the best Management of their own Rea­sonings, knew not God, but waxed vain in their Imagina­tions.

WITH respect unto this Vniversal Darkness, that is, Ignorance of God, with horrid Confusion accompanying it in the Minds of Men, Christ is called, and is, the Light of Men, the Light of the World, because in and by him a­lone this Darkness is dispelled, as he is the Son of Righte­ousness.

2. THIS Darkness in the Minds of Men, this Igno­rance of God, his Nature and his Will, was the Original of all Evil unto the World, and yet continues so to be. For,

1. HEREON did Satan erect his Kingdom and Throne, obtaining in his Design until he bare himself as the God of this World, and was so esteemed by the most. He exalted himself by Vertue of this Darkness (as he is the Prince of Darkness,) into the Place and Room of God, as the Object of the Religious Worship of Men. For the things which the Gentiles sacrificed, they sacrificed unto De­vils, and not to God, 1 Cor. 10. 21. Levit. 17. 7. Chap. 32. 17. Psal. 108. 27. Gal. 3. 8. This is the Territory of Satan; yea, the Power and Scepter of his Kingdom in the Minds of the Children of Disobedience. Hereby he maintains his Dominion unto this Day in many and [Page 20] great Nations, and with individual persons innume­rable.

2. THIS is the spring of all wickedness and confusion among men themselves. Hence arose that flood of Abo­minations in the Old World, which God took away with a Flood of Desolation: Hence were the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, which he revenged with fire from Heaven. In brief: All the Rage, Blood, Confusion, Desolations, Cruelties, Oppressions, Villanies, which the World hath been, and is filled withal, whereby the souls of men have been, and are flouded into eternal destruction, have all arisen from this corrupt Fountain of the Ignorance of God.

3. OF such as those described, we are the Posterity and Off-spring. Our Fore-fathers in this Nation, were given up unto as brutish a service of the Devil, as any Na­tion under the Sun. It is therefore an effect of infinite mercy, that the day hath dawned on us, poor Gentiles, and that the day-spring from on high hath visited us. See the glory of this Grace expressed, Ephes. 3. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. God might have left us to perish in the blindness and ignorance of our Fore-fathers; but of his own ac­cord, and by his own powerful Grace alone, he hath translated us out of darkness into his marvellous light. But alas! the horrible ingratitude of men, for the glorious light of the Gospel▪ and the abuse of it, will issue in a fore revenge.

GOD was known under the Old Testament, by the Revelation of his Word, and the Institution of his Worship. This was the glory and priviledge of Israel, as the Psalmist declares, Psal. 147. 19, 20. He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel; He hath not deal [...] so with any Nation, The Church then knew him; yet so as that they had an apprehension that he dwelt in thick darkness, where they could not have any clear views [Page 21] of him, Exod. 20. 21. Deut. 5. 22. 1 Kings 8. 12. 2 Chron. 6. 1. And the Reason why God so represented himself in darkness unto them, was to instruct them in their imperfect state, wherein they could not comprehend that glory which should afterwards be revealed. For as he is now made known in Christ, we see that he is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.

4. HITHERTO [...] darkness in general covered the Earth, and gross darkness the people, as unto the know­ledge of God; only there was a twilight in the Church. The day did not yet dawn, the shadows did not flee away, nor the day-star shine in the hearts of men. But when the Son of Righteousness did arise in his strength and beauty, when the Son of God appeared in the flesh, and in the discharge of his Office; God himself, as unto his Being, and manner of Existence in three distinct persons, with all the glorious properties of the Divine Nature, were illustri­ously manifested unto them that did believe, and the light of the knowledge of them dispelled all the shadows that were in the Church, and shone into the darkness which was in the world, so as that none continued ignorant of God, but those who would not see; See Job 1. 5, 14, 17, 18. 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4.

HEREIN is the Lord Christ glorious. And this is that which I shall now speak unto; namely, How we may be­hold the glory of Christ in the Representation and Revelation that is made of God and his glory, in his Person and Of­fice, unto all that do believe. For it is not so much the declaration of the nature of the things themselves, wherein the glory of Christ doth consist, as our way and duty, in the beholding of them, which at present is designed.

HE calls unto us, saying, Behold me, look unto me, and be saved, Isa. 45. 2. What is it that we see in Christ? What do we behold in him? He asketh that Question concerning his Church, What will ye see in the [Page 22] Shulamite? Whereto he answers, as it were the com­pany of two armies, Cant. 6. 13. or the Two Churches of the Old and New Testament, in order and beauty. We may enquire, What shall we, what do we see in him? Do we see him as the Image of the invisible God, representing him, his Nature, Properties, and Will unto us? Do we see him as the Character, the express Image of the Person of the Father, so as that we have no need of Philip's Request, Lord, shew us the Father, because having seen him, we have seen the Father also, John 14. 9.

THIS is our first saving view of Christ, the first instance of our beholding his glory by faith. So to see him, as to see God in him, is to behold his glory; for herein is he eter­nally glorious. And this is that Glory whose view we ought to long for, and labour after. And if we see it not, we are yet in darkness; yea, tho' we say we see, we are blind like others. So David longed and prayed for it, when yet he could behold it only in Types and Shadows, Psal. 63. 1, 2. O God, thou art my God, early will I seek thee; my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee, to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen them in the sanctuary. For there was in the Sancturay an obscure representation of the Glory of God in Christ. How much more should we prize that view of it, which we may have with open face, tho' yet as in a glass? 2 Cor. 3. 18.

MOSES when he had seen the Works of God, which were great and marvellous, yet found not himself satisfied therewith: Wherefore after all, he prays that God would shew him his Glory, Exod. 33. 18. He knew that the Ul­timate Rest, Blessedness and Satisfaction of the Soul, is not in seeing the works of God, but the Glory of God him­self. Therefore did he desire some immediate dawnings of it upon him in this World. I beseech thee shew me thy Glory. And if we have right apprehensions of the Future State of Blessedness, we cannot but have the same desire [Page 23] of seeing more of his Glory in this life. But the Question is, How me may attain it? If we are left unto our selves in this Enquiry, if we have no other way for it, but the immediate fixing of our thoughts on the Immensity of the Divine Nature, we must come every one to the Con­clusion that Agur makes on the like consideration; Surely I am more brutish than any Man, and have not the Vnder­standing of a Man; I neither learned Wisdom, nor have the Knowledge of the Holy. Who hath ascended up into Heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fist? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his sons name, if thou canst tell, Prov. 30, 2, 3, 4.

IT is in Christ alone, that we may have a clear distinct view of the Glory of God and his Excellencies: See Joh. 1. 18. Chap. 14. 7, 8, 9, 10. 2 Cor. 4. 6. Col. 1. 16. Ephes. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Heb. 1. 2. For him, and him alone hath he appointed the representative of himself unto us: And we shall take an Account hereof in one or two especial Instances.

1. INFINITE Wisdom is one of the most glorious Properties of the Divine Nature: It is that which is di­rective of all the external Works of God, wherein the Glory of all the other Excellencies of God is manifested; wherefore the manifestation of the whole Glory of God proceeds originally from Infinite Wisdom. But as Job speaks, Where shall this Wisdom be found, and what is the place of un­derstanding? Chap. 28. 12. Can we by searching, find out God? Can we find out the Almighty to perfection? Chap. 11. 7. As it is in it self an Essential, Eternal Property of the Di­vine Nature, we can have no comprehension of it: We can but adore it in that infinite distance wherein we stand from God; but in its Operations and Effects it may be discerned; for they are designed of God for its manife­station. Among these the most excellent is the contri­vance [Page 24] of the great Work of the Salvation of the Church; so it is celebrated by the Apostle, Eph. 3. 9, 10, 11. To make all Men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the World, hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent, that now unto the principalities and powers in Heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold Wisdom of God.

If we have any Interest in God, if we have any hopes of Blessedness in beholding of his Glory unto Eternity, we cannot but desire a view (such as is attainable) of this In­finite manifold Wisdom of God in this life. But it is in Christ alone that we can discern any thing of it; for him hath the Father chosen and sealed to represent it unto us. All the Treasures of this Wisdom are hid, laid up, and laid out in him: Herein lies the essence and form of Faith. Believers by it do see the Wisdom of God in Christ, in his Person and Office: Christ the Wisdom of God; Un­believers see it not, as the Apostle argues, 1 Cor. 1. 22, 23, 24.

IN beholding the Glory of this Infinite Wisdom of God in Christ, we behold his own Glory also; the Glory given him of his Father; for this is his Glory, that in and by him, and him alone the Wisdom of God is mani­fested and represented unto us. When God appointed him as the great and only means of this end, he gave him honour and glory above the whole Creation: for it is but little of Divine Wisdom which the works of it declare, in comparison of what is manifested in Christ Jesus. We no way deny or extenuate the manifestation that is made of the Wisdom of God in the works of Creation and Pro­vidence. It is sufficient to detect the folly of Atheism and and Idolatry, and was designed of God unto that end. But it's comparative insufficiency, with respect unto the re­representation of it in Christ, as unto the ends of know­ing God aright, and living unto him, the Scripture doth [Page 25] abundantly attest. And the abuse of it was Catholic, as the Apostle declares, Rom. 1. 20. &c. To see this Wis­dom clearly, is our Wisdom; and a due apprehension of it, fills the Souls of Believers with joy unspeakable, and full of Glory.

2. WE may also instance in the Love of God. The Apostle tells us, that God is Love, 1 Joh. 4. 8. Divine Love is not to be considered only in its effects, but in its Na­ture and Essence; and so it is God himself; For God is Love. And a blessed Revelation this is of the Divine Nature: It casts out Envy, Hatred, Malice, Revenge, with all their Fruits, in Rage, Fierceness, Implacability, Persecution, Murther, into the Territories of Satan. They belong not unto God in his Nature or Actings; for God is Love. So the same Apostle tells us, that he who slew his Brother, was of the wicked one, 1 Joh. 3. 12. He was of the Devil his Father, and his works did he do.

BUT the Enquiry is as before; How shall we have a view of this Love, of God as Love? By what way or means shall we behold the Glory of it? It is hidden from all living, in God himself. The Wise Philosophers, who discoursed so much of the Love of God, knew nothing of this, that God is Love. The Most of the Natural Notions of men about it are corrupt, and the best of them weak and imperfect. Generally the Thoughts of men about it, are, that he is of a facile and easie Nature, one that they may make bold withal in all their occasions, as the Psalmist declares, Psal. 50. 21. And whereas it must be learned in its Effects, Operations and Divine Ways of its mani­festation, those who know not Christ, know nothing of them; and many things in Providence do interpose to hinder our view of this Love; for although that indeed God is Love, yet his wrath is revealed from Heaven against the ungodliness of Men: As all things at this day are filled with Evidences of his anger and displeasure: How then shall [Page 26] we know, wherein shall we behold the Glory of God in this, that he is Love? The Apostle declares it in the next words, ver. 9. Herein was manifest the love of God towards us, because God sent his only begotten Son into the World, that we might live through him. This is the only Evidence given us that God is Love. Hereby alone is the Divine Nature as such made known unto us; namely in the Mission, Per­son, and Office of the Son of God; Without this all is in Darkness as unto the true Nature and supream Operation of this Divine Love.

HEREIN do we behold the Glory of Christ himself, even in this life. This Glory was given him of the Fa­ther: Namely, That he now should declare and evi­dence that God is Love; and he did so, that in all things he might have the Preheminence. Herein we may see how Excellent, how Beautiful, how Glorious and Desirable he is, seeing in him alone we have a due Representation of God as he is Love, which is the most joyful Sight of God that any Creature can obtain. He who beholds not the Glory of Christ herein, is utterly ignorant of those Hea­venly Mysteries; he knoweth neither God nor Christ; he hath neither the Father nor the Son. He knows not God, because he knows not the holy Properties of his Nature in the Principal way designed by infinite Wisdom for their Manifestation; he knows not Christ, because he sees not the Glory of God in him. Wherefore whatever Notions Men may have from the Light of Nature, or from the Works of Providence, that there is Love in God, however they may adorn them in elegant affecting Ex­pressions: Yet from them no Man can know that God is Love, In the Revelation hereof Christ hath the Preemi­nence; nor ca [...] any Man comprehend any thing of it a­right but in him. It is that which the whole Light of the Creation cannot discover; for it is the Spring and Center of the Mystery of Godliness.

[Page 27] THESE things are of the deep things of God, such as belong unto that Wisdom of God in a Mystery, which they that are Carnal cannot receive, as the Apostle testifies, 1 Cor. 2. 14. But the meanest Believer who lives in the Exercise of Faith, may have an Understanding of them so far as is needful unto his Love and Obedience. The Sum of the whole is this; if you would behold the Glo­ry of Christ, as the great Means of your Sanctification and Consolation, as the only Preparation for the behold­ing of his Glory in Eternal Blessedness: Consider what of God is made known and represented unto you in him, wherein God purposed and designed to glorifie himself in him: Now this is all that may be known of God in a saving manner; especially his Wisdom, his Love, his Goodness, Grace and Mercy, whereon the Life of our Souls doth depend; And the Lord Christ being appoint­ed the only Way and Means hereof, how exceeding glo­rious must he be in the Eyes of them that do believe!

THESE things being promised, I shall close this first Consideration of that Glory of Christ which we behold by Faith in this World, with some such Observations, as may excite us unto the Practise of this great Duty, and Im­provement of this great Priviledge; the greatest which on this side Heaven we can be made Partakers of.

THERE are some who regard not these things at all, but rather despise them. They never entertain any seri­ous thoughts of obtaining a View of the Glory of God in Christ, which is to be Unbelievers. They look on him as a Teacher that came forth from God to reveal his Will, and to teach us his Worship: and so indeed he was. But this they say was the sole use of his Person in Religion, which is Mahumetism. The Manifestation of all the holy Pro­perties of the Divine Nature, with the Representation of them unto Angels above, and the Church in this World▪ as he is the Image of the incisible God, in the Constitution [Page 28] of his Person, and the Discharge of his Office, are things they regard not; yea, they despise and scorn what is professed concerning them; for Pride and Contempt of others were always the safest Covert of Ignorance; other­wise it would seem strange, that Men should openly boast of their own Blindness. But these Conceptions of Mens Minds are influenced by that Unbelief of his Divine Person, which maketh havock of Christianity at this Day in the World.

I speak of them, whose minds are better disposed to­wards heavenly things; and unto them I say, Wherefore do you love Jesus Christ? for so you profess to do. Where­fore do you trust in him? Wherefore do you honour him? Wherefore do you desire to be in Heaven with him? Can you give a reason of this hope that is in you? An account why you do all or any of these things? If you cannot, all that you pretend towards him, is but fancy and imagination; you fight uncertainly as men beating the air; or is one of your reasons hereof, That in him you do by Faith behold that glory of God, with the Holy Properties of his Nature, and their Principal Operations, in order unto your own Salvation and Blessedness, which otherwise would have been eternally hid from you? Hereon is he precious unto them that do believe.

LET us therefore, as many as are spiritual, be thus minded. Let us make use of this Priviledge with rejoycing, and be found in the discharge of this Duty with diligence: For thus to behold the glory of Christ is both our priviledge and our duty. The duties of the Law were a burthen and a yoke; but those of the Gospel are Priviledges and Advantages.

IT is a Promise concerning the days of the New Testa­ment, that our eyes shall see the King in his beauty, Isa. 33 17. We shall behold the Glory of Christ in its Lustre and Excellency: What is this Beauty of the King of [Page 29] Saints? Is it not, that God is in him, and he is the great representative of his Glory unto us? Wherefore in the contemplation of this Glory consists the principal exercise of Faith: And who can declare the Glory of this Privi­ledge, That we who are born in Darkness, and deserved to be cast out into utter Darkness, should be translated in­to this marvellous Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ.

WHAT are all the stained Glories, the fading Beauties of this World? Of all that the Devil shewed our Saviour from the Mount? What are they in comparison of one View of the Glory of God represented in Christ, and of the Glory of Christ as his great Representative?

THE most pernicious effect of Unbelief under the preaching of the Gospel is, that together with an influence of Power from Satan, it blinds the eyes of mens minds, that they should not see this Glory of Christ, whereon they perish eternally, 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4.

BUT the most of those who at this day are called Chri­stians are strangers unto this duty: Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Pharisees, that notwithstanding all their boasting of the knowledge of God, they had not heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape; that is as Moses did. They had no real acquaintance with him, they had no spiritual view of his Glory; and so it is amongst our selves. Not­withstanding the general profession that is of the Know­ledge of Christ, they are but few who thus behold his Glory; and therefore few who are transformed into his Image and Likeness.

SOME Men speak much of the Imitation of Christ, and following of his Example; and it were well if we could see more of it really in effect. But no Man shall ever be­come like unto him, by bare Imitation of his Actions, with­out that view or i [...]ition of his Glory which alone is ac­companied [Page 30] with a transforming power to change them into the same image.

THE Truth is, the best of us all are wofully defective in this Duty, and many are discouraged from it, because a Pretence of it in some hath degenerated into Superstiti­on: But we are loth at any time seriously to engage in it, and come with an unwilling kind of Willingness, unto the Exercise of our Minds in it.

THOUGHTS of this Glory of Christ are too high for us, or too hard for us, such as we cannot long delight in; we turn away from them with a kind of Weariness; yet are they of the same Nature in general with our behold­ing of the Glory of Christ in Heaven, wherein there shall be no weariness or Satiety unto Eternity. Is not the Cause of it, that we are unspiritual or carnal, having our Thoughts and Affections wonted to give Entertain­ment unto other things? For this is the principal Cause of our Unreadiness and Incapacity to exercise our Minds in and about the great Mysteries of the Gospel. 1 Cor. 3. 1, 2, 3. And it is so with us moreover, because we do not stir up our selves with Watchfulness and Diligence in continual Actings of Faith on this Blessed Object. This is that which keeps many of us at so low an Ebb, as unto the Powers of an Heavenly Life, and spiritual Joys.

DID we abound in this Duty, in this Exercise of Faith, our Life in walking before God would be more sweet and pleasant unto us; our spiritual Light and St [...]ngth would have a daily Encrease; we should more represent the Glory of Christ in our Ways and Walking, than usually we do; and Death it self would be most welcome unto us.

THE Angels themselves desire to look into the things of the Glory of Christ, 1 Pet. 1. 10, 12. There is in them Matter of Enquiry and Instruction for the most high and [Page 31] holy Spirits in Heaven. The manifold Wisdom of God in them is made known unto Principalities and Powers in heavenly Places by the Church, Ephes. 3. 10. And shall we neglect that which is the Object of Angelical Diligence to enquire into; especially considering that we are more than they concerned in it?

IS Christ then thus glorious in our Eyes? Do we see the Father in him, or by seeing of him? Do we sedulously, daily contemplate on the Wisdom, Love, Grace, Good­ness, Holiness, and Righteousness of God, as revealing and manifesting themselves in him? Do we sufficiently consider, that the immediate Vision of this Glory in Hea­ven will be our everlasting Blessedness? Doth the imper­fect View which we have of it here, encrease our Desires after the perfect Soght of it above? With respect unto these Enquiries, I shall briefly speak unto sundry sorts of Men.

SOME will say they understand not these things, nor any Concernment of their own in them. If they are true, yet are they Notions which they may safely be with­out the Knowledge of; for so far as they can discern, they have no Influence on Christian Practice, or Duties of Morality. And the preaching of them doth but take off the Minds of Men from more necessary Duties. But if the Gospel be hid it is hid unto them that perish. And unto the Objection I say:

1. NOTHING is more fully and clearly revealed in the Gospel, than that unto us Jesus Christ is the Image of the invisible God that he is the Character of the Person of the Father, so as that in seeing him, we see the Father also; that we have the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in his Face alone, as hath been proved. This is the Prin­cipal Fundamental Mystery and Truth of the Gospel; and which if it be not received, believed, owned, all o­ther Truths are useless unto our Souls. To refer all the [Page 32] Testimonies that are given hereunto, to the Doctrine which he taught, in Contradistinction unto his Person, as acting in the Discharge of his Office, is Antievangilical, An­tichristian, turning the whole Gospel into a Fable.

2. IT is so, that the Light of Faith is given unto us principally to enable us to behold the Glory of God in Christ; to contemplate on it, as unto all the Ends of its Mani­festation. So is it expresly affirmed, 2 Cor. 4. 6. If we have not this Light, as it is communicated by the Power of God unto them that do believe, Ephes. 1. 17, 18, 19. we must be Strangers unto the whole Mystery of the Go­spel, 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4.

3. THAT in the beholding of the Glory of God in Christ, we behold his Glory also. For herein is he infinitely glori­ous above the whole Creation, in that in and by him a­lone the Glory of the Invisible God is represented unto us. Herein do our Souls live. This is that whereby the Image of God is renewed in us, and we are made like unto the First born.

4. THIS is so far from being unnecessary unto Chri­stian Practice, and the sanctified Duties of Morality, that he knows not Christ, he knows not the Gospel, he knows not the Faith of the Catholick Church, who imagins that they can be performed acceptably without it. Yea, this is the Root whence all other Christian Duties do spring, and whereon they grow, whereby they are distinguished from the Works of Heathens. He is no Christian who believes not that Faith in the Person of Christ is the Spring of all Evangelical Obedience; or who knows not that this Faith respects the Revelation of the Glory of God in him.

IF these things are so, as they are the most important Truths of the Gospel, and whose Denial overthrows the Foundation of Faith, and is ruinous to Christian Reli­gion: Certainly it is our Duty to live in the constant Exer­cise [Page 33] of Faith with respect unto this Glory of Christ. And we have sufficient Experience of what kind of Morality the Ignorance of it hath produced.

OTHERS there are who may be some way Strangers, but are no way Enemies unto this Mystery, and to the practical Exercise of Faith therein: Unto such I shall tender the ensuing Directions.

1. RECKON in your Minds, that this beholding of the Glory of Christ by beholding the Glory of God, and all his Holy Properties in him, is the greatest Priviledge whereof in this Life we can be made Partakers. The Dawning of Heaven is in it, and the First Fruits of Glory; for this is Life Eternal to know the Father, and whom he hath sent Christ Jesus, John 17. 3. Unless you value it, unless you esteem it as such a Priviledge, you will not en­joy it; and that which is not valued according unto its Worth, is despised. It is not enough to think it a Privi­ledge, an Advantage; but it is to be valued above other things according unto its Greatness and Excellency. De­struction and Death say we have heard the Fame of it with our Ears. Job 28. 22. And if we do no more, we shall die Strangers unto it: We are to cry after this Knowledge, and lift up our Voice for this Vnderstanding, if we design to at­tain it.

2. AS it is a great Priviledge which requires a due Valuation; so it is a great Mystery which requires much Spiritual Wisdom to the right understanding of it, and to direct in its Practise, 1 Cor. 2. 4, 5. Flesh and Blood will not reveal it unto us, but we must be taught of God, to apprehend it, John 1. 12, 13. Mat. 16. 16, 17. Mere unsanctified Reason will never enable us unto, nor guide us in the Discovery of this Duty. Men are not so vain as to hope for Skill and Understanding in the Mystery of a secular Art or Trade, without the diligent Use of those Means whereby it may be attained; and shall we suppose [Page 34] that we may be furnished with spiritual Skill and Wisdom in this sacred Mystery, without Diligence in the Use of the Means appointed of God for the attaining of it? The Principal of them is Fervent Prayer. Pray then with Moses, that God would s [...]ew you this his Glory; pray with the Apostle, that the Eyes of your Vnderstandings may be enlightened to behold it; Pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of him. Fill your Minds with spiritual Thoughts and Contrivances a­bout them. Slothful and lazy Souls never obtain one View of this Glory; the Lion in the way deters them from attempting it. Being carnal, they abhor all Dili­gence in the Use of spiritual Means, such as Prayer and Meditation on things unto them uneasie, unpleasing and difficult. Unto others the Way partakes of the Nature of the End; the Means of obtaining a View of the Glory of Christ are of the same Kind, of the same Pleasantness, with that View it self in their Propor­tion.

3. LEARN the Use hereof from the Actings of con­trary vitious Habits. When the Minds of Men are vehe­mently fixed on the pursuit of their Lusts, they will be continually ruminating on the Objects of them, and have a thousand Contrivances about them, until their Eyes be­come full of an Adulteress and they cannot cease from sinning, as the Apostle speaks. The Objects of their Lusts have framed and raised an Image of themselves in their Minds, and transformed them into their own Likeness, is this the way of them who go down to the Chambers of Death? Do they thus frame their Souls, and make them meet for De­struction, until their Words, Gestures, Actions, proclaim the Frame of their Minds unto all that look upon them? And shalt we be slothful and negligent in the Contempla­tion of that Glory which transforms our Minds into its [Page 35] own Likeness, so as that the Eyes of our Understandings shall be continually filled with it, until we see him and behold him continually, so as never to cease from the ho­ [...]y Acts of Delight in him, and Love unto him?

4. WOULD we then behold the Glory of God, as he manifesteth it in and by the holy Properties of his Na­ture, with their blessed Operations and Effects, without which we have nothing of the Power of Religion in us, whatever we pretend; this alone is the Way of it. Go to the whole Creation, and all things contained in it; they can say no more, but we have heard the Fam [...] and Report of these things, and what we have heard we declare; but it is but a little Portion of them that we are acquainted withal. The Heavens indeed declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth his handy Work. The invisible things of God are understood by the things that are made, even his E­ternal Power and Godhead. But comparatively, it is but little that we can hence learn of these things, as unto what we may behold of them in Christ Jesus. How blind herein was the best Philosopher in comparison of the mean­est of the Apostles, yea, of him who is least in the King­dom of Heaven?

BUT herein it is required, that we rest not in the Notion of this Truth, and a bare Assent unto the Doctrine of it. The affecting Power of it upon our Hearts, is that which we should aim at. Wherein doth the Bles­sedness of the Saints above consist? Is it not herein, that they behold and see the Glory of God in Christ? And what is the Effect of it upon those blessed Souls? Doth it not change them into the same Image, or make them like unto Christ? Doth it not fill and satiate them with Joy, Rest Delight, Complacency and ineffable Satis­faction? Do we expect, do we desire the same State of Blessedness? It is our present View of the Glory of Christ which is our Initiation thereinto, if we are exercised in it, [Page 36] until we have an Experience of its Transforming Power in our Souls.

THESE things are, it may be, of little use unto some. Such as are Babes in spiritual Knowledge and Understand­ing, either because they are Carnal, 1 Cor. 3. 1, 2. or slothful in hearing, Heb. 5. 12, 13, 14. are not capable of these Divine Mysteries. And therefore the Apo­stle did in an especial manner declare this Wisdom of God in a Mystery unto them that were perfect, 1 Cor. 2. 6, 7. That is, who were more grown in spiritual Knowledge, and had their Senses exercised to discern Good and Evil. It is unto them who are exercised in the Contemplation of in­visible things, who delight to walk in the more retired Paths of Faith and Love, to whom they are pre­cious.

SOME few Inferences from the Whole of what hath been declared, shall put a Close to this part of our Dis­course.

1. THE Holy Properties of the Divine Nature are not only represented unto our Faith in Christ as unto their own essential Glory, but as they are in the Exercise of their Powers for the Salvation of the Church. In him do we behold the Wisdom, Goodness, Love, Grace, Mercy and Power of God acting themselves in the Contrivance, Constitution, and efficacious Accomplishment of the great Work of our Redemption and Salvation. This gives, as unto us, an unutterable Lustre unto the Native Amia­bleness of the Divine Excellencies. The Wisdom and Love of God are in themselves infinitely Glorious, infi­nitely Amiable; nothing can be added unto them, there can be no encrease of their essential Glory. Howbeit as they are eternally resident in the Divine Nature, and abso­lutely the same with it, we cannot so comprehend them, as to have an endearing satiating View of their Glory: But as they are exerted in the Work of the Redemption [Page 37] and Salvation of the Church, as they are expressed, com­municating their blessed Effects unto the Souls of them that do believe, which is done only in Christ; so the Beams of their Glory shine unto us with unspeakable Re­freshment and Joy, 2 Cor. 4. 6. Hence the Apostle on the Consideration of the Actings of the Holy Properties of God in this blessed Work, falls into that Contemplati­on: O the Depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Know­ledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments, and his Ways past finding out! For who hath not known the Mind of the Lord, or who hath been his Counsellor, or who hath first given unto him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him are all things; to whom be Glory for ever, Amen, Rom: 11. 33, 34, 35, 36.

2. IN and through Christ we do believe in God, 1 Pet. 1. 24. This is the Life of our Souls. God himself in the infinite Perfections of his Divine Nature, is the ulti­mate Object of our Faith, but he is not here the immedi­ate Object of it, but the Divine Way and Means of the Manifestation of himself and them unto us, are so. Through Christ we believe in God. By our Belief in him, we come to place our Faith ultimately in God him­self; and this we can no otherwise do, but by beholding the Glory of God in him, as hath been declared.

3. THIS is the only way whereby we may attain the saving, sanctifying Knowledge of God; Without this, every Beam of Divine Light that shines on us, or gleans from without (as the Light shineth into Darkness when the Darkness comprehendeth it not, Joh. 1. 5.) Every Spark that ariseth from the Remainders of the Light of Nature within, do rather amaze the Minds of Men, than lead them into the saving Knowledge of God. So a Glance of Light in a dark Night giving a transient View of va­rious Objects, and passing away, doth rather amaze, than [Page 38] direct a Traveller, and leave him more exposed unto wandring than before. Such were all those Notions of the Divine Being and its Excellencies, which those who boasted themselves to be wise among the Heathen embraced and improved. They did but fluctuate in their Minds, they did not transform them into the Image and Likeness of God, as the saving Knowledge of him doth, Col. 3. 10.

SO the Apostle expresseth this Truth; Where is the Wise? Where is the Scribe? Where is the Disputer of this World? Hath not God made foolish the Wisdom of this World? For after that in the Wisdom of God, the World by Wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Gentiles seek after Wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a Stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks Foolishness; but unto them that are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God, 1 Cor, 1. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

AFTER it was evident unto all, that the World, the Wise, the Studious, the Contemplative Part of it, in the Wisdom of God, disposing them into that Condition, where­in they were left unto themselves, in their own Wisdom, their Natural Light and Reason did not, could not come to the saving Knowledge of God, but were pus [...]ed up into a Contempt of the only way of the Revelation of himself, as Weakness and Folly; it pleased God then to manifest all their Wisdom to be Folly; and to establish the only Means of the Knowledge of himself in Christ Jesus.

The Glory of Christ in the Mysterious Consti­tution of his Person.

THE Second Thing wherein we may behold the Glory of Christ given him of his Father, is in the Mysteri­ous Constitution of his Person, as he is God and Man in one and the same Person. There are in him, in his one single, individual Person, two distinct Natures; The one Eternal, Infinite, Immense, Almighty, the Form and Essence of God; The other having a beginning in Time, Finite, Limited, Confined unto a certain Place, which is our Nature, which he took on him when he was made Flesh, and dwelt among us. The Declaration of the Na­ture of this Glory, is a Part of my Discourse of the Person of Christ, whereunto I refer the Reader: My present De­sign is of another Nature.

THIS is that Glory whose Beams are so illustrious, as that the blind World cannot bear the Light and Beauty of them. Multitudes begin openly to deny this Incarnati­on of the Son of God, this Personal Union of God and Man in their distinct Natures. They deny that there is either Glory or Truth in it; and it will ere long appear, it be­gins already to evidence it self what greater Multitudes there are, who yet do not, who yet dare not openly reject the Doctrine of it, who in Truth believe it not, nor see any Glory in it. Howbeit this Glory, is the Glory of our Religion, the Glory of the Church, the sole Rock where­on it is built, the only Spring of present Grace, and fu­ture Glory.

[Page 40] THIS is that Glory which the Angels themselves de­sire to behold, the Mystery whereof they bow down to look into, 1 Pet. 1. 12. So was their Desire represented by the Cherubims in the most holy Place of the Taberna­cle; for they were a Shadow of the Ministry of Angels in the Church. The Ark and Mercy Seat were a Type of Christ in the Discharge of his Office; and these Cheru­bims were made standing over them, as being in Hea­ven above; but earnestly looking down upon them in a Posture of Reverence and Adoration. So they did of Old, and in their present Contemplation of it consists no small part of their Eternal Blessedness.

HEREON depends the Ruine of Satan and his King­dom. His Sin, so far as we can conceive, consisted of two Parts (1.) His Pride against the Person of the Son of God, by whom he was created. For by him were all things created that are (or were when first created) in Heaven, whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities or Pow­ers, Col. 1. 16. Against him he lifted up himself, which was the Beginning of his Transgression. (2.) Envy a­gainst Mankind made in the Image of God, of the Son of God the First-born. This compleated his Sin; no­thing was now left whereon to act his Pride and Malice. Unto his Eternal Confusion and Ruine God in infinite Wisdom unites both the Natures he had sinned against, in the one Person of the Son, who was the first Object of his Pride and Malice. Hereby his Destruction is attend­ed with Ever [...]sting Shame in the Discovery of his Folly, wherein he would have contended with infinite Wisdom, as well as Misery, by the Powers of the two Natures u­nited in one Person.

HERE lies the Foundation of the Church. The Foun­dation of the whole Old Creation was laid in an Act of absolute Soveraign Power. Hereby God hanged the Earth upon nothing. But the Foundation of the Church is on [Page 41] this Mysterious immoveable Rock; Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God; on the most intimate Conjunction of the two Natures, the Divine and Humane, in them­selves infinitely distant, in the same Person.

WE may name one place wherein it is gloriously represented unto us, Isa. 9. 6. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the Government shall be on his Shoulders; and his Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Here must the whole Church fall down and worship the Author of this wonderful Contrivance, and captivating their Understandings unto the Obedience of Faith, hum­bly adore what they cannot comprehend.

THIS was obscurly represented unto the Church of old, Exo. 3. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And the Angel of the Lord ap­peared unto him in a Flame of Fire out of the midst of a Bush, and he looked, and behold the Bush burned with Fire, and the Bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn a­side, and see this great Sight, why the Bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the Bush, and said, Moses, Moses; and he said, here am I. And he said, draw not nigh hither, [...]ut of thy Shooes from off thy Feet, for the Place whereon thou standest is holy Ground. Moreover he said, I am the God of [...]hy Fathers, the God of Abraham, &c.

THIS Fire was a Type or Declaration of the Presence of God in the Person of the Son. For with respect unto the Father he is called an Angel, the Angel of the Cove­nant; but absolutely in himself, he was Jehovah, the God of Abraham, &c. And of his Presence the Fire was a proper Representation. For in his Nature, he is as a Con­suming Fire; and his present Work was the Delivery of [...]he Church out of a Fiery Tryal. This F [...]e placed it self in a Bush, where it burned, but the Bush was not consum­ed: And although the Continuance of the Fire in the [Page 42] Bush, was but for a short season, a present Appearance; yet thence was God said to dwell in the Bush; The good will of him that dwelt in the Bush; Deut. 33. 16. And this is so spoken, because the being of the Fire in the Bush for a season, was a Type of him in whom the fulness of the God­head dwelt bodily, and that for ever, Col. 2. 9. Of him who was made flesh and dwelt among us, Joh. 1. 14. The Eternal Fire of the Divine Nature dwells in the Bush of our frail Nature, yet is not consumed thereby. God thus dwells in this Bush, with all his Good will towards Sin­ners.

MOSES looked on this sight as a marvellous and won­drous thing. And if it were so in the Type, what is it in the Truth, Substance and Reality of it?

AND by Direction given unto him, to put off his shooes, we are taught to cast away all fleshly Imaginations and carnal Affections, that by pure Acts of Faith, we may behold this Glory, the Glory of the only begotten of the Father.

I DESIGN not here to insist on the Explication, or Confirmation of this glorious Truth concerning the con­stitution of the Person of Christ in and by his Incarnati­on. What I can comprehend, what I do believe con­cerning it, I have fully declared in a large peculiar Trea­tise. Here I take the Truth it self as known, or as it may be thence learned. My present Business is only to stir up the Minds of Believers unto a due Contemplation of the Glory of Christ in the sacred Mysterious Constitution of his Person, as God and Man in one. So much as we abide herein, so much do we live by the Faith of the Son of God; and God can by a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelati­on open the Eyes of our Understandings, that we may behold this Glory unto our ineffable Consolation and Joy. And unto the diligent Discharge of our Duty herein, I shall offer the ensuing Directions.

[Page 43] 1. LET us get it fixed on our Souls, and in our Minds, that this Glory of Christ in the Divine Constitution of his Person, is the best, the most noble, useful, beneficial Ob­ject, that we can be conversant about in our Thoughts, or or cleave unto in our Affections.

What are all other things in comparison of the Know­ledge of Christ? In the Judgment of the great Apostle, they are but Loss and Dung, Phil. 3. 8, 9, 10. So they were to him, and if they are not so to us, we are carnal.

WHAT is the World, and what are the things there­of which most men spend their Thoughts about, and fix their Affections on? The Psalmist gives his Judgment a­bout them, in comparison of a View of this Glory of Christ, Psal. 4. 6. Many say, who will shew us any good? Who will give and help us to attain so much in and of this World, as will give Rest and Satisfaction unto our Minds? That is the good enquired after. But, saith he, Lord lift up the Light of thy Countenance upon us. The Light of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus, is that satisfactory Good alone, which I desire and seek after.

THE Scripture reproacheth the Vanity and Folly of the Minds of Men, in that they spend their Money for that which is not Bread, and their Labour for that which profiteth not. They ingage the Vigor of their Spirits about pe­rishing things, when they have durable Substance and Riches proposed unto them.

HOW do Men for the most part exercise their Minds? What are they conversant about in their Thoughts?

SOME by them make provision for the flesh, to fulfil it in the Lusts thereof, as Rom. 13. 14. They search about continually in their Thoughts for Objects suited unto their Lusts and carnal Affections, coyning, framing and stamping of them in their Imaginations. They fix their [Page 44] Eyes with delight on Toads and Serpents, with all noi­some filthy Objects; refusing in the mean time, to be­hold the Beauty and Glory of the Light of the Sun. So is it with all that spend their Thoughts about the Objects of their sinful Pleasures, refusing to look up after one view of this Glory of Christ.

SOME keep their Thoughts in continual Exercise a­bout the Things of this World, as unto the Advantages and Emoluments which they expect from them. Here­by are they transformed into the Image of the World, becoming earthly, carnal and vain. Is it because there is no God in Israel that these Applications are made unto the I­dol of Ekron? That there is no Glory, no desirableness in Christ for Men to enquire after, and fix their Minds up­on? Oh the blindness, the darkness, the folly of poor sinners? Whom do they despise, and for what?

SOME of more refined parts and notional Minds, do arise unto a sedulous Meditation on the Works of Creati­on and Providence. Hence many excellent Discourses on that Subject, adorned with Eloquence, are published a­mong us. And a Work this is worthy of our Nature, and suited unto our rational Capacities; yea, the first end of our natural Endowment with them. But in all these things there is no Glory in comparison of what is proposed unto us in the mysterious Constitution of the Person of Christ. The Sun hath no Glory, the Moon and Stars no Beauty, the Order and Influence of the Heavenly Bodies, have no Excellency in comparison of it.

This is that which the Psalmist designs to declare, Psal. 8. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the earth! Who hast set thy Glory above the heavens. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy Fingers, the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained; what is Man that thou art mindful of him, and the Son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels, and hast [Page 45] crowned him with glory and honor; thou hast made him to have Dominion over the work of thy hands, thou hast put all things under his feet.

HE is engaged in a Contemplation of the Glory of God in his Works; and he concludes that the Fabrick of Heaven, with the Moon and Stars therein (for it was his Meditation by Night, when he beheld them) was ex­ceeding glorious, and greatly to be admired. This casts his Thoughts on the poor, weak, infirm Nature of Man, which seems as nothing in comparison of those Glories above: But immediately hereon falls into an Admiration of the Wisdom, Goodness, and Love of God, exalting that Nature incomparably above all the Works of Creati­on in the Person of Jesus Christ, as the Apostle expounds this place, Heb. 2, 5, 6.

THIS therefore is the highest, the best, the most useful Object of our Thoughts and Affections. He who hath had a real View of this Glory, though he know himself to be a poor, sinful, dying Worm of the Earth, yet would he not be an Angel in Heaven, if thereby he should loose the sight of it; for this is the Center where­in all the Lines of the Manifestation of the Divine Glo­ry do meet and rest.

LOOK unto the things of this World, Wives, Chil­dren, Possessions, Estates, Power, Friends, and Honor; how amiable are they! How desirable unto the Thoughts of the most of Men! But he who hath obtained a View of the Glory of Christ, will in the midst of them all say, Whom have I in Heaven but thee? There is none on Earth that I desire besides thee, Psal. 73. 25. For who in the Heavens can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the Sons of the mighty, can be compared unto the Lord? Psal. 89. 6.

HE himself out of his infinite Love and ineffable Condescention, upon the Sight and View of his Church, [Page 46] and his own Graces in her, wherewith she is adorned, doth say; Thou hast ravished my Heart, my Sister, my Spouse, thou hast ravished my Heart with one of thine Eyes, with one Chain of thy Neck, Cant. 4. 8. How much more ought a believing Soul, upon a View of the Glory of Christ, in whom it pleased the Father, that all Fulness should dwell, to say, Thou hast ravished my Heart, taken it away from me, O thou whom my Soul loveth; One Glance of thy glorious Beauty upon me, hath quite overcome me, hath left no heart in me, unto things here below? If it be not thus with us frequently, if we value not this Object of our Minds and Affections, if we are not diligent in looking up unto him, to behold his Glory, it is because we are carnal, and not in any good measure partakers of the promise, that our Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty.

2. OUR second Direction unto the same End is; That we diligently study the Scripture, and the Revelations that are made of this Glory of Christ therein. To behold it, is not a Work of Fancy or Imagination. It is not con­versing with an Image framed by the Art of Men without, or that of our own Fancy within; but of Faith exercised on Divine Revelations. This Direction he gives us him­self. Joh. 5. 39. Search the Scriptures, for they are they that testifie of me. The way whereby this is done, is fully set before us in the Example of the holy Prophets under the old Testament, 1 Pet. 1. 11, 12, 13.

THIS Principle is always to be retained in our Minds in reading of the Scripture, namely, that the Revelation and Doctrine of the Person of Christ and his Office, is the Foundation whereon all other Instructions of the Prophets and Apostles for the edification of the Church are built, and wherein to they are resolved, as is declared, Ephes. 2. 20, 21, 22. So our Lord Jesus Christ himself at large makes it manifest, Luk. 24. 26, 27, 45, 46. Lay aside the Consideration hereof, and the Scriptures are [Page 47] no such thing as they pretend unto; namely, a Revelati­on of the Glory of God in the Salvation of the Church; nor are those of the Old Testament so at this Day unto the Jews, who own not this Principle, 2 Cor. 3. 13, 14, 15, 16. There are therefore such Revelations of the Per­son and Glory of Christ treasured up in the Scripture, from the beginning unto the end of it, as may exercise the Faith and Contemplation of Believers in this World; and shall never, during this Life, be fully discovered or understood; and in Divine Meditations of these Revela­tions, doth much of the Life of Faith consist.

THERE are three ways whereby the Glory of Christ is represented unto us in the Scripture. First, by direct Descriptions of his glorious Person and Incarnation. See among other places, Gen. 3. 15. Psal. 2. 7, 8, 9. Psal. 45. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Psal. 68. 17, 18. Psal. 110. Isa. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4. Chap. 9. 6. Zech. 2. 8. Joh. 1. 1, 2, 3. Phil. 2. 6, 7, 8. Heb. 1. 1, 2, 3. Chap. 2. 14, 15, 16. Rev. 1. 17, 18. Secondly, by Prophecies, Promises and ex­press Instructions concerning him, all leading unto the Contemplation of his Glory, which are innumerable. Thirdly, By the sacred Institutions of Divine Worship under the Old Testament: For the end of them all was to represent unto the Church the Glory of Christ in the Discharge of his Office, as we shall see afterwards.

WE may take notice of an Instance in one kind un­der the Old Testament, and of one and another under the New.

HIS Personal Appearances under the Old Testament, carried in them a Demonstration of his Glory: Such was that in the Vision which Isaiah had, when he saw his Glory, and spake of him, Chap. 6. 1, 2. I saw the Lord sitting upon a Throne, high and lifted up, and his Train filled the Temple. About it stood the Seraphims, &c. It was a Representati­on of the Glory of the Divine Presence of Christ fil­ling [Page 48] his Humane Nature, the Temple of his Body, with a Train of all glorious Graces. And if this Typical Repre­sentation of it was so glorious, as that the Seraphims were not able stedfastly to behold it, but covered their Faces up­on its Appearance, v. 2. how exceeding glorious is it in it self, as it is openly revealed in the Gospel!

OF the same Nature are the immediate Testimonies given unto him from Heaven in the New Testament: So the Apostle tells us, he received from God the Father, ho­nor, and glory, when there came such a Voice unto him from the excellent Glory, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, 2 Pet. 1. 17. The Apostle intends the Time of his Transfiguration in the Mount, for so he adds, Ver. 18. And this Voice which came from Heaven, we heard who were with him in the holy Mount. Howbeit, at sundry other times he had the same Testimony, or to the same purpose, from God, even the Father in Heaven. Here­in God gave him Honor and Glory, which all those that believe in him should behold and admire; not only those who heard this Testimony with their bodily Ears, but all unto whom it is testified in the Scripture, are obliged to look after, and contemplate on the Glory of Christ, as thus revealed and proposed. From the Throne of his Excellency by audible Voices, by visible Signs, by the opening of the Heavens above, by the descent of the ho­ly Spirit upon him, God testified unto him as his eternal Son, and gave him therein Honor and Glory. The Thoughts of this Divine Testimony, and the Glory of Christ therein, hath often filled the Hearts of some with Joy and Delight.

THIS therefore in reading and studying the holy Scripture, we ought with all diligence to search and at­tend unto, as did the Prophets of old, 1 Pet. 11. 12. if we intend by them to be made wise unto Salvation.

[Page 49] WE should herein be as the Merchant man that seeks for Pearls; he seeks for all sorts of them, but when he hath found one of Great Price, he parts with all to make it his own, Mat. 13. 45, 46. The Scripture is the Field, the Place, the Mine where we search and dig for Pearls; see Prov. 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Every sacred Truth that is made effectual unto the good of our Souls, is a Pearl whereby we are enriched; but when we meet with, when we fall upon this Pearl of price, the Glory of Christ; this is that which the Soul of a Believer cleaves unto with joy.

THEN do we find Food for our Souls in the Word of Truth, then do we taste how gracious the Lord is therein, then is the Scripture full of Refreshment unto us, as a Spring of Living Water, when we are [...]aken into blessed Views of the Glory of Christ therein. And we are in the best Frame of Duty, when the principal Motive in our Minds to contend earnestly for retaining the possessi­on of the Scripture, against all that would deprive us of it, or discourage us from a daily diligent search into it, is this, that they would take from us the only Glass wherein we may behold the Glory of Christ. This is the Glory of the Scripture, that it is the great, yea, the only out­ward Means of representing unto us the Glory of Christ; and he is the Sun in the Firmament of it, which only hath Light in it self, and communicates it unto all other things besides.

3. ANOTHER Direction unto this same End, is, That having attained the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of Christ from the Scripture, or by the Dispensa­tion of the Truth in the preaching of the Gospel, we would esteem it our Duty frequently to meditate thereon.

WANT hereof is that fundamental Mistake which keeps many among us so low in their Grace, so regardless of their Priviledges. They hear of these things, they as­sent [Page 50] unto their Truth, at least they do not gain say them: but they never solemnly meditate upon them. This they esteem a Work that is above them, or are ignorant totally of it, or esteem themselves not much concerned in it, or dislike it as Fanatacism. For it is that which no Conside­rations can ingage a carnal Mind to delight in. The Mind must be spiritual and holy, freed from earthly Af­fections and Encumbrances, raised above things here be­low, that can in a due manner meditate on the Glory of Christ. Therefore are the most Strangers unto this Duty, because they will not be at the Trouble and Charge of that Mortification of earthly Affections, that Extirpation of sensual Inclinations, that Retirement from the Occasions of Life, which are required there unto. See the Treatise of Spiritual-mindedness.

IT is to be feared that there are some who profess Religion with an Appearance of Strictness, who never se­parate themselves from all other Occasions to meditate on Christ and his Glory. And yet with a strange Inconsisten­cy of Apprehensions, they will profess that they desire no­thing more, than to behold his Glory in Heaven for ever. But it is evident even in the Light of Reason, that these things are irreconcilable. It is impossible that he who never me­ditates with delight on the Glory of Christ here in this World, who labors not to behold it by Faith as it is reveal­ed in the Scripture, should ever have any real gracious Desire to behold it in Heaven. They may love and de­sire the Fruition of their own Imaginations, they cannot do so of the Glory of Christ whereof they are ignorant, and wherewith they are unacquainted. It is therefore to be lamented that Men can find time for, and have incli­nations to think and meditate on other things, it may be earthly and vain; but have neither Heart nor In­clinations, nor Leasure to meditate on this glorious Ob­ject. What is the Faith and Love which such Men [Page 51] profess? how will they find themselves deceived in the Issue?

4. LET your occasional Thoughts of Christ be many, and multiplied every Day, he is not far from us; we may make a speedy Address unto him at any time: so the A­postle informs us, Rom. 10. 6, 7, 8. Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into Heaven (that is to bring Christ down from above) or who shall descend into the deep; that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead; for the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart. The things that Christ did, were done at a Distance from us, and they are long since past. But saith the Apostle, the Word of the Gospel wherein these things are revealed, and whereby an Application is made of them unto our Souls, i [...] nigh unto us, even in our hearts; that is, if we are true Believers, and have mixed the Word with Faith: and so it exhibiteth Christ and all the Benefits of his Mediation unto us. If therefore this Word is in our Hearts, Christ is nigh unto us. If we turn at any time into our selves to converse with the Word that abideth in us, there we shall find him ready to receive us into Communion with himself, that is, in the Light of the Knowledge of Christ which we have by the Word, we may have sudden occasional Thoughts of him continually; and where our Minds and Affections are so filled with other things, that we are not ready for con­verse with him who is thus nigh unto us by the Word, we are spiritually indisposed.

SO to manifest how nigh he is unto us, it is said that he stands at the door and knocks, Rev. 3. 20. in the continu­al tender that he makes of himself and his Grace unto our Souls. For he is always accompanied with the glorious Train of his Graces, and if they are not received, he himself is not so. It is to no purpose to boast of Christ, if we have not an Evidence of his Graces in our Hearts and Lives. But unto whom he is the Hope [Page 52] of Future Glory, unto them he is the Life of present grace.

SOMETIMES it may be, that he is withdrawn from us, so as that we cannot hear his Voice, nor behold his Counte­nance, nor obtain any sence of his Love, though we seek him with diligence. In this state all our thoughts and Meditations concerning him will be barren and fruit­less, bringing in no spiritual Refreshment into our Souls. And if we learn to be content with such life­less, in affecting thoughts of him, as bring in no expe­rience of his Love, nor give us a real View of the Glo­ry of his Person, we shall wither away as unto all the power of Religion.

WHAT is our Duty in this Case, is so fully expressed by the Spouse in the Canticles, as represents it plainly unto the Minds of Believers, who have any Experience of these things, Chap. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. By night on my Bed I sought him whom my Soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. I will rise now, and go about the City in the Streets, and in the broad ways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. The Watch-men that go a­bout the City found me, to whom I said, saw ye him whom my soul loveth? It was but a little I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go. The like account she gives of her self, and of her Behaviour on the like Occasion, Chap. 5. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

THIS is the substance of what by this Example we are instructed unto. The Lord Christ is pleased some­times to withdraw himself from the spiritual Experience of Believers; as unto any refreshing sense of his Love, or the fresh communications of consolatory Graces. Those who never had Experience of any such thing, who never had any refreshing communion with him, cannot be sen­sible of his Absence, they never were so of his Presence. But those whom he hath visited, to whom he hath given of his Loves, with whom he hath made his Abode, whom [Page 53] he hath refreshed, relieved and comforted, in whom he hath lived in the Power of his Grace, they know what it is to be forsaken by him, though but for a moment. And their Trouble is increased, when they seek him with dili­gence in the wonted ways of obtaining his presence, and cannot find him. Our Duty in this case is, to presevere in our Enquiries after him in Prayer, Meditation, Mourn­ing, Reading, and Hearing of the Word, in all Ordi­nances of Divine Worship, private and publick, in dili­gent Obedience, until we find him, or he return unto us, as in former Days.

IT were well if all Churches and Possessors now would manifest the same Diligence herein, as did the Church of old in this Example. Many of them, if they are not hardened by the Deceitfulness of Sin, cannot but be sensi­ble that the Lord Christ is variously withdrawn from them, if ever they had experience of the Power of his Presence: Yet are the generality of them far from the frame of heart here described in the Spouse; for they are sloth­ful, careless, negligent, and stir not up themselves to enquire after him, or his return unto their Souls. So was it with Laodicea of old, so was it with Sardis, and so it is to be feared that it is with many at present. But to return.

GENERALLY Christ is nigh unto Believers, and of a ready Access; and the principal Actings of the Life of Faith, consists in the frequency of our Thoughts concerning him; for hereby Christ liveth in us, as he is said to do, Gal. 2. 20. This we cannot do, unless we have frequent thoughts of him, and converse with him. It is often said among Men, that one lives in another; this cannot be but where the Affections of one are so ingaged unto another, that night and day he thinks of him, and is thereby as it were present with him. So ought it to be between Christ and Believers. He dwells in them by Faith; but the Act­ings of this Life in them (as where-ever Life is, it will be in [Page 54] act and exercise) are proportionable unto their Thoughts of him, and Delight in him.

IF therefore we would behold the Glory of Christ, the present direction is, That on all occasions, and frequent­ly when there are no occasions for it by the performance of other Duties, we would abound in thoughts of Him and his Glory. I intend not at present fixed and stated Meditations, which were spoken unto before; but such Thoughts as are more transient, according as our opportu­nities are. And a great Rebuke it ought to be unto us, when Christ hath at any time in a day been long out of our Minds. The Spouse affirms, That ere she was aware, her soul made her as the Chariots of Amminadab, Cant. 7. 12. It so fell out, that when she had no thoughts, no design or purpose for attendance or communion with Christ, that she was surprised into a readiness and willing­ness unto it. So will it be with them that love him in sincerity. Their own Souls, without previous designs or outward occasions, will frequently engage them in holy thoughts of him, which is the most eminent character of a truly spiritual Christian.

4. THE next Direction is, That all our Thoughts concerning Christ and his Glory, should be accompanied with Admiration, Adoration, and Thanksgiving. For this is such an Object of our Thoughts and Affections, as in this Life we can never fully comprehend; an Ocean whose Depths we cannot look into. If we are spiritually renewed, all the Faculties of our Souls are enabled by Grace to exert their respective powers towards this glo­rious Object. This must be done in various Duties, by the Exercise of various Graces, as they are to be acted by the distinct powers of the Faculties of our Minds. This is that which is intended, where we are command­ed to love the Lord with all our souls, with all our minds, with all our strength. All the distinct powers of our Souls, [Page 55] are to be acted by distinct Graces and Duties, in cleaving unto God by Love. In Heaven, when we are come to our Center, that State of Rest and Blessedness which our Nature is ultimately capable of, nothing but one infinite invariable Object of our Minds and Affections received by Vision, can render that State uninterrupted and un­changeable. But whilst we are here, we know, or see but in part, and we must also act our Faith and Love, on parts of that Glory, which is not at once entirely pro­posed unto us, and which as yet we cannot comprehend. Wherefore we must act various Graces in great Variety about it; some at one time, some at another, according unto the powers of all our renewed Faculties. Of this fort are those mentioned of Adoration, Admiration, and Thanksgiving; which are those Acts of our Minds where­in all others do issue, when the Object is incomprehensi­ble. For unto them we are enabled by Grace.

ONE end of his illustrious coming unto the Judgment of the last Day is, that he may be admired in all them that believe, 2 Thes. 1. 11. Even Believers themselves shall be filled with an overwhelming Admiration upon his glori­ous Appearance. Or if the meaning be, not that he shall be admired by them, but admired in them, because of the mighty Works of his Grace and Power in their Re­demption, Sanctification, Resurrection, and Glory, it is to the same purpose, he comes to be admired. And ac­cording to the prospect which we have of that Glory, ought our Admiration to be.

AND this Admiration will issue in Adoration and Thanksgiving; whereof we have an eminent Instance and Example in the whole Church of the Redeemed, Rev. 5. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. They sang a new Song, saying, Worthy art thou to receive the Book, and to open the Seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast bought us unto God by thy Blood, out of every Tribe, and Tongue, and People, and Na­tion, [Page 56] and hast made us Kings and Priests unto God, and we shall reign upon the Earth. And I saw and heard the Voice of many Angels round about the Throne, and of the living Creatures, and of the Elders, and the Number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud Voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive Pow­er, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing; and every Creature that is in Heaven, and in the Earth, and under the Earth, and that are in the Sea, and all things in them heard I saying, Blessing, and Honour, and Power, and Glory, be unto him that sits on the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

THE Design of this Discourse is no more, but that when by Faith we have attained a View of the Glory of Christ, in our Contemplations on his Person, we should not pass it over as a Notion of Truth which we assent unto, namely, that he is thus glorious in himself; but endeavor to affect our Hearts with it, as that wherein our own principal Interest doth lie; wherein it will be ef­fectual unto the Transformation of our Souls into his I­mage.

BUT some it may be will say, at least I fear some may truly say, That these things do not belong unto them, they do not find that ever they had any Benefit by them: They hope to be saved as well as others by the Mediation of Christ; but as unto this beholding of his Glory by constant Meditation and Actings of Faith there­in, they know nothing of it, nor are concerned in it. The Doctrine which they are taught out of the Scrip­ture concerning the Person of Christ, they give their As­sent unto; but his Glory they hope they shall see in ano­ther World, here they never yet enquired after it.

SO it will be. It is well if these things be not only neglected, because the Minds of Men are carnal, and can­not discern spiritual things; but also despised, because they [Page 57] have an Enmity unto them. It is not for all to walk in these retired Paths. Not for them who are negligent and slothful, whose Minds are earthly and carnal. Nor can they herein sit at the Feet of Christ with Mary, when she chose the better part, who like Martha, are cumbred about many things here in this World. Those whose principal Design is to add unto their present Enjoyments (in the midst of the prosecution whereof, they are commonly ta­ken from them, so as that their Thoughts do perish, be­cause not accomplished) will never understand these things. Much less will they do so, whose Work it is to make pro­vision for the Flesh to fulfil it in the Lusts thereof.

THEY must make it their Design to be heavenly minded, who will find a Relish in these things. Those who are Strangers unto holy Meditation in general, will be Strangers unto this Mystery in a peculiar manner.

SOME Men can think of the World, of their Relati­ons, and the manifold Occasions of Life; but as unto the things that are above and within the Vail, they are not concerned in them.

WITH some it is otherwise. They profess their De­sire to behold the Glory of Christ by Faith; but they find it, as they complain, too high and difficult for them. They are at a Loss in their Minds, and even overwhelmed, when they begin to view his Glory. They are like the Disciples, who saw him in his Transfiguration; they were filled with Amazement, and knew not what to say, or said they knew not what. And I do acknowledge, that the Weak­ness of our Minds in the comprehension of this Eternal Glory of Christ, and their Instability in Meditations there­on, whence we cannot stedfastly look on it, or behold it, gives us an afflicting abasing Consideration of our present State and Condition. And I shall say no more unto this Case but this alone: When Faith can no longer hold open the Eyes of our Understandings unto the beholding [Page 58] of the Son of Righteousness shining in his Beauty, nor exercise orderly Thoughts about this incomprehensible Object, it will betake it self unto that holy Admiration which we have spoken unto; and therein it will put it self forth in pure Acts of Love and Compla­cency.

The Glory of Christ in his Susception of the Office of a Mediator.

First in his Condescention.

THE Things whereof we have thus far discoursed, relating immediately unto the Person of Christ in it self, may seem to have somewhat of Difficulty in them, unto such whose Mind are not duly exercised in the Con­templation of Heavenly Things. Unto others they are evident in their own Experience, and instructive unto them that are willing to learn. That which remains will be yet more plain unto the Understanding and Capacity of the meanest Believer. And this is the Glory of Christ in his Office of Mediator, and the Discharge thereof.

IN our beholding of the Glory of Christ herein, doth the Exercise of Faith in this Life principally consist; so the Apostle declares it, Phil. 3. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Yea doubt­less, and I count all things loss for the Excellency of the Know­ledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.—To know him, and the Power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his Suffer­ings, and to be made conformable unto his Death. This [Page 59] therefore we must treat of somewhat more at large.

THERE is one God, saith the Apostle, and one Me­diator between God and Man, the Man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2. 5. In that great difference between God and Man occasioned by our Sin and Apostacy from him, which of it self could issue in nothing but the utter Ruine of the whole Race of Mankind, there was none in Heaven or Earth in their Original Nature and Operations, who was meet or able to make up a Righteous Peace between them. Yet must this be done by a Mediator, or cease for ever.

THIS Mediator could not be God himself absolutely considered; for a Mediator is not of one, but God is one; Gal. 3. 20. Whatever God might do herein in a way of Sovereign Grace, yet he could not do it in the way of Mediation, which yet was necessary unto his own Glory, as we have at large discoursed elsewhere.

AND as for Creatures, there was none in Heaven or Earth that was meet to undertake this Office. For if one Man sin against another, the Judge shall judge herein; but if a Man sin against the Lord, who shall entreat for him? 1 Sam. 2. 25. There is not any days-man betwixt us to lay his hand upon us both, Job 9. 33.

IN this State of Things the Lord Christ as the Son of God said, Lo I come to do thy Will, O God; sacrifice and burnt offerings thou wouldst not, but a body hast thou prepared me, and Lo I come to do thy Will, Heb. 10. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. By the Assumption of our Nature into Union with himself, in his one Divine Person he became every way meet for the Discharge of this Office, and undertakes it accord­ingly.

THAT which we enquire after at present, is the Glory of Christ herein, and how we may behold that [Page 60] Glory. And there are three things wherein we may take a prospect of it.

1. IN his Susception of this Office.

2. In his Discharge of it.

3. In the Event and Consequence thereof or what en­sued thereon.

IN the Susception of this Office we may behold the Glory of Christ. (1.) In his Condescention. (2.) In his Love.

1. WE may behold his Glory in his Infinite Condescen­tion to take this Office on him, and our Nature to be his own unto that end. It did not befall him by Lot or Chance; it was not imposed on him against his Will; it belonged not unto him by any Necessity of Nature or Con­dition, he stood not in need of it; it was no addition unto him; but of his own Mind and Accord he graciously con­descended unto the Susception and Discharge of it.

So the Apostle expresseth it, Phil. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took on himself the form of a Servant, and was made in the likeness of Men; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obe­dient [...] death, even the death of the Cross.

IT was the Mind that was in Jesus Christ, which is proposed unto our Consideration and Imitation. What he was enclined and disposed unto from himself and his own mind alor [...]. And that in general which is ascribed unto him is [...] [...] or Self emptiness; he emp­tied himself. This the Ancient Church called his [...], as we do his Condescention, an Act of which [...] God is called [...] humbling of himself, Psal. 113. 6.

WHEREFORE the Susception of our Nature for the Discharge of the Office of Mediation therein, was an In­finite [Page 61] Condescention in the Son of God, wherein he is ex­ceedingly Glorious in the Eyes of Believers.

AND I shall do these three Things. (1.) Shew in general the Greatness of this Condescention. (2.) Declare the Especial Nature of it. And (3.) Take what view we are able of the Glory of Christ therein,

1. SUCH is the transcendent Excellency of the Divine Nature, that it is said of God, that he dwelleth on high, and humbleth himself to behold the things that are in Heaven, and in the Earth, Psal. 113. 5, 6. He condescends from the Prerogative of his Excellency, to behold, to look upon, to take notice of the most glorious Things in Heaven a­bove, and the greatest Things in the Earth below. All his Respect unto the Creatures, the most glorious of them, is an Act of Infinite Condescention. And it is so on Two Accounts.

1. BECAUSE of the Infinite Distance that is between his Essence, Nature, or Being, and that of the Creatures. Hence all Nations before him, are as the Drop of a Bucket, and are counted as the small Dust of the Ballance; yea, that they are as nothing, that they are accounted unto him less than nothing, and vanity. All Being is essentially in him, and in comparison thereunto, all other things are as nothing. And there are no Measures, there is no Proportion between infinite being and nothing; Nothing that should induce a Regard from the one unto the o­ther. Wherefore the Infinite, Essential Greatness of the Nature of God, with its Infinite Distance, from the Na­ture of all Creatures thereby, causeth all his Dealings with them to be in the way of Condescention or humbling himself. So it is expressed, Isa. 57. 15. Thus saith the high and lofty one who inhabiteth Eternity, I dwell in the high and holy Place, with him also who is of a contrite and humble Spirit, to revive the Spirit of the humble, and to revive the [Page 62] heart of the contrite ones. He is so the high and losty one, and so inhabiteth Eternity, or existeth in his own Eter­nal Being, that it is an Act of mere Grace in him, to take notice of things below; and therefore he doth it in an especial manner of those whom the World doth most despise.

2. IT ariseth from his Infinite Self-Sufficiency unto all the Acts and Ends of his own Eternal Blessedness. What we have a Regard unto, what we respect and desire, it is that it may add unto our Satisfaction. So it is, so it must be with every Creature; no Creature is self-uffi­cient unto its own Blessedness. The humane Nature of Christ himself in Heaven is not so; it lives in God, and God in it, in a full dependance on God, and in receiving blessed and glorious Communications from him. No ra­tional Creature, Angel or Man, can do, think, act any thing, but it is all to add to their Perfection and Satis­faction, they are not Self-ufficient. God alone wants nothing, stands in need of nothing, nothing can be added unto him, seeing he giveth unto all Life and Breath, and all things, Act. 17. 25. The whole Creation in all its Excellency cannot contribute one Mite unto the Satis­faction or Blessedness of God. He hath it all in Infinite Perfection from himself and his own Nature; our Good­ness extends not unto him; A Man cannot profit God, as he may profit his Neighbour. If thou sinnest, what dost thou a­gainst him? and if thy Transgressions are multiplied, what dost thou unto him? (God loseth nothing of his own Self- [...]uffi­ciency and Blessedness therein, by all this) and if thou be righteous, what givest thou unto him, or what receiveth he at thy hand? Job 35. 6, 7, 8. And from hence also it fol­lows that all Gods concernment in the Creation, is by an Act of Condescention.

HOW glorious then is the Condescention of the Son of God in his Susception of the Office of Mediation? For if such [Page 63] be the Perfection of the Divine Nature, and its distance so absolutely Infinite from the whole Creation, and if such be his Self sufficiency unto his own Eternal Blessedness, as that nothing can be taken from him, nothing added unto him, so that every Regard in him unto any of the Creatures, is an Act of Self-umiliation and Condescention from the Prerogative of his Being and State; what Heart can conceive, what Tongue can express the Glory of that Condescention in the Son of God, whereby he took our Nature upon him, took it to be his own, in order unto a discharge of the Office of Mediation on our Be­half?

BUT that we may the better behold the Glory of Christ herein, we may briefly consider the Especial Nature of this Condescention, and wherein it doth con­sist.

BUT whereas not only the Denial, but Misapprehen­sions hereof have pestered the Church of God in all Ages, we must in the first place reject them, and then declare the Truth.

1. THIS Condescention of the Son of God did not con­sist in a laying aside, or parting with, or separation from the Divine Nature, so as that he should cease to be God, by being Man. The Foundation of it lay in this, that he was in the form of God, and counted it not robbery to be equal with God, Phil. 2. v. 6. That is, being really and essen­tially God in his Divine Nature, he professed himself therein to be equal with God or the Person of the Father. He was in the Form of God, that is, he was God, partici­pant of the Divine Nature, for God hath no Form but that of his Essence and Being; and hence he was equal with God, in Authority, Dignity and Power. Because he was in the Form of God, he must be equal with God, for there is Order in the Divine Persons, but no Inequality in the Divine Being. So the Jews understood him, that when [Page 64] he said, God was his Father, he made himself equal with God. For in his so saying, he ascribed unto himself equal Pow­er with the Father, as unto all Divine Operations, My Father, saith he, worketh hitherto, and I work, Joh. 5. 17, 18. And they by whom his Divine Nature is denied, do cast this Condescention of Christ quite out of our Religi­on, as that which hath no Reality or Substance in it. But we shall speak of them afterwards.

BEING in this state, it is said that he took on him the form of a servant, and was found in fashion as a Man, ver. 7. This is his Condescention. It is not said, that he ceased to be in the Form of God; but continuing so to be, he took on him the form of a Servant in our Nature: He be­came what he was not, but he ceased not to be what he was: so he testifieth of himself, Joh. 3. 13. No man hath ascended up into heaven, but he that came down from heaven, the Son of man which is in heaven. Although he was then on Earth as the Son of Man; yet he ceased not to be God thereby; in his Divine Nature he was then also in Heaven.

HE who is God, can no more be not God, than he who is not God can be God: And our difference with the Soci­nians herein is, we believe that Christ being God, was made Man for our Sakes; they say, that being only a Man, he was made a God for his own sake.

THIS then is the foundation of the Glory of Christ in this Condescention, the Life and Soul of all heavenly Truth and Mysteries; namely, that the Son of God be­coming in time to be what he was not, the Son of Man; ceased not thereby to be what he was, even the Eternal Son of God. Wherefore,

2. MUCH less did this Condescention consist in the Conversion of the Divine Natura into the Humane, which was the Imagination of some of the Arians of old, and we have yet (to my own knowledg) some that follow them in the same Dotage. They say that the Word which was in [Page 65] the Beginning, by which all things were made, being in it self an Effect of the Divine Will and Power, was in the fulness of time turned into Flesh; that is, the Substance of it was so, as the Water in the Miracle wrought by our Saviour, was turned into Wine; for by an Act of the Divine Power of Christ it ceased to be Water substantially, and was Wine only; not Water mixed with Wine: So these Men suppose a Substantial Change of the one Nature into the other, of the divine Nature into the humane; like what the Papists imagine in their Trasubstantiation: So they say God was made Man, his Effence being turned into that of a Man.

BUT this no way belongs unto the Condescention of Christ. We may call it Ichabod, it hath no Glory in it. It destroys both his Natures, and leaves him a Person in whom we are not concerned. For according unto this Imagination, that Divine Nature wherein he was in the Form of God, did in its own Form cease to be, yea, was utterly destroyed, as being substantially changed into the Nature of Man; as the Water did cease to be, when it was turned into Wine; and that humane Nature which was made thereof, hath no Alliance or Kindred unto us, or our Nature, seeing it was not made of a Woman, but of the Substance of the Word.

3. THERE was not in this Condescention, the least Change or Alteration in the Divine Nature. Eutiches and those that followed him of old, conceived that the two Natures of Christ, the Divine and Humane were mixed and compounded as it were into one: And this could not be without an Alteration in the divine Nature, for it would be made to be essentially what it was not; for one Na­ture hath but one and the same Essence.

BUT as we said before; altho the Lord Christ him­self in his Person was made to be what he was not before, in that our Nature hereby was made to be his, yet his Di­vine [Page 66] Nature was not so: There is in it neither variable­ness nor shadow of turning. It abode the same in him in all its Essential Properties, Actings and Blessedness, as it was from Eternity. It neither did, acted, nor suffered any thing, but what is proper unto the Divine Being: The Lord Christ did and suffered many things in Life and Death, in his own Person, by his Human Nature, where­in the Divine neither did, nor suffered any thing at all; although in the doing of them, his Person be denomina­ted from the Nature; so God purchased his Church with his own Blood, Act. 20. 28.

4. IT may then be said, what did the Lord Christ in this Condescention, with respect unto his Divine Nature? The Apostle tells us, that he humbled himself, and made himself of no reputation, Phil. 2. 7, 8. He vailed the Glo­ry of his Divine Nature in ours, and what he did there­in, so as that there was no outward Appearance or Ma­nifestation of it. The World hereon was so far from looking on him as the true God, that it believed him not to be a good Man. Hence they could never bear the least intimation of his Divine Nature, supposing themselves secured from any such thing, because they looked on him with their Eyes to be a Man, as he was indeed, no less truly and really than any one of themselves. Where­fore on that Testimony given of himself, Before Abraham was, I am, which asserts a Pre-existence from Eternity in another Nature than what they saw, they were filled with Rage, and took up stones to cast at him, John 8. 58. And they give a Reason of their Madness, Joh. 10. 33. Namely, that he being a Man, should make himself to be God. This was such a thing, they thought, as could never en­ter into the Heart of a wise and sober Man, namely, that being so, owning himself to be such, he should yet say of himself, that he was God: This is that which no Rea­son can comprehend, which nothing in Nature can parallel [Page 67] or illustrate, that one and the same Person should be both God and Man: and this is the Principal Plea of the Soci­nians at this Day, who through the Mahumetans succeed unto the Jews in an Opposition unto the Divine Nature of Christ.

BUT all this difficulty is solved by the Glory of Christ in this Condescention; for although in himself, or his own Divine Person, he was over all God blessed for over, yet he humbled himself for the Salvation of the Church unto the Eternal Glory of God, to take our Nature upon him, and to be made Man: and those who cannot see a Divine Glory in his so doing, do neither know him, nor love him, nor believe in him, nor do any way belong unto him.

SO is it with the Men of these Abominations. Be­cause they cannot behold the Glory hereof, they deny the Foundation of our Religion, namely, the Divine Person of Christ. Seeing he would be made Man, he shall be esteemed by them no more than a Man. So do they reject that Glory of God, his Infinite Wisdom, Goodness and Grace, wherein he is more concerned than in the whole Creation. And they dig up the Root of all Evangelical Truths, which are nothing but Branches from it.

IT is true, and must be confessed, that herein it is that our Lord Jesus Christ is a stumbing Stone, and a Rock of Offence unto the World. It we should confess him only as a Prophet, a Man sent by God, there would not be much Contest about him, nor Opposition unto him. The Mahumetans do all acknowledge it, and the Jews would not long deny it; for their Hatred against him was, and is solely because he professed himself to be God, and as such was believed o [...] in the World. And at this day partly through the Insinuation of the Socinians, and partly from the Efficacy of their own Blindness and Unbelief, Multitudes are willing to grant him to be a Prophet sent [Page 68] of God, who do not, who will not, who cannot believe the Mystery of this Condescention in the Susception of our Nature, nor see the Glory of it. But take this away, and all our Religion is taken away with it. Farewel Christianity as unto the Mystery, the Glory, the Truth, the Efficacy of it; let a refined Heathenism be established in its Room. But this is the Rock on which the Church is built, against which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail.

4. THIS Condescention of Christ was not by a Phan­tasm or an Appearance only. One of the first Heresies that pestered the Church immediately after the Days of the Apostles, was this, that all that was done or suffered by Christ as a Man, were not the Acts, Doings or Suf­ferings of one that was truly and really a Man, but an outward Representation of things, like the Appearance of Angels in the Shape of Men, eating and drinking under the Old Testament; and suitably hereunto some in our Days have spoken; namely, that there was only an Appearance of Christ in the Man Jesus at Jerusalem, in whom he suf­fered no more than in other Believers. But the ancient Christians told those Men the Truth; namely, that as they had feigned unto themselves an imaginary Christ, so they should have an imaginary Salvation only.

BUT the true Nature of this Divine Condescention doth consist in these three Things.

1. THAT the Eternal Person of the Son of God, or the Divine Nature in the Person of the Son of God, did by an inef­fable Act of his Divine Power and Love, assume our Nature into an individual Subsistence, in or with himself; that is, to be his own, even as the Divine Nature is his. This is the infallible Foundation of Faith even to them who can com­prehend very little of these Divine Mysteries. They can and do believe that the Son of God did take our Nature to be his own, so as that whatever was done therein, was [Page 69] done by him, as it is with every other Man. Every Man hath human Nature appropriated unto himself by an Indi­vidual Subsistence; whereby he becomes to be that man which he is, and not another; or that Nature which is common unto all, becomes in him to be peculiarly his own, as if there were none Partaker of it but himself. Adam in his first Creation, when all human Nature was in him a­lone, was no more that individual Man which he was, than every Man is now the Man that he is, by his Indivi­dual Subsistence. So the Lord Christ taking that Nature which is common unto all, into a peculiar Subsistence in his own Person, it becometh his, and He the man Christ Jesus. This was the Mind that was in him.

2. BY reason of this Assumption of our Nature, with his doing and suffering therein, whereby he was found in fashion as a Man, the Glory of his Divine Person was vail­ed, and he made himself of no reputation. This also be­longs unto his Condescention, as the first general Effect and Fruit of it. But we have spoken of it before.

3. IT is also to be observed, That in the Assumption of our Nature to be his own, He did not change it into a thing Divine and Spiritual; but preserved it entire in all its Essential Properties and Actings. Hence it really did and suffered, was tried, tempted and forsaken as the same Nature in any other Man might do and be. That Nature as it was peculiarly his, and therefore he or his Person therein, was exposed unto all the temporary E­vils which the same Nature is subject unto in any other Person.

THIS is a short general View of this incomprehensible Condescention of the Son of God, as it is described by the Apostle, Pil. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8. And this is that wherein in an especial manner we are to behold the Glory of Christ by Faith whilst we are in this World.

[Page 70] BUT had we the Tongue of Men and Angles, we were not able in just measure to express the Glory of this Condescention. For it is the most ineffable Effect of the Divine Wisdom of the Father and of the Love of the Son, the highest Evidence of the Care of God towards Mankind. What can be equal unto it? What can be like it? It is the Glory of Christian Religion, and the animating Soul of all Evangelical Truth. This carryeth the Mystery of the Wisdom of God, above the Reason or Understanding of Men and Angels to be the Object of Faith and Admiration only. A Mystery it is that becomes the Greatness of God with his Infinite Distance form the whole Creation; which ren­ders it unbecoming him that all his Ways and Works should be comprehensible by any of his Creatures, Job 11. 4, 5, 9. Rom. 11. 34, 35, 36.

HE who was eternally in the Form of God, that is, was essentially so, God by Nature, equally participant of the same Divine Nature with God the Father: God over all blessed for ever; who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in Heaven and Earth: he takes on him the Nature of Man, takes it to be his own; whereby he was no less truly a Man in time, than he was truly God from Eternity: And to encrease the Wonder of this Mystery, because it was necessary unto the end the designed, he so humbled himself in this Assumption of our Nature, as to make himself of no Reputation in this World; yea, unto that Degree, that he said of himself, that he was a Worm and no Man, in comparison of them who were of any E­steem.

WE speak of these things in a poor, low, broken manner. We teach them as they are revealed in the Scripture. We labour by Faith to adhere unto them as revealed. But when we come into a steady, direct View and Consideration of the thing it self, our Minds fail, our [Page 71] Hearts tremble, and we can find no rest, but in an Ho­ly Admiration of what we cannot comprehend. Here we are at a loss, and know that we shall be so whilst we are in this World: But all the ineffable Fruits and Be­nefits of this Truth are communicated unto them that do believe.

IT is with reference hereunto, that that great Pro­mise concerning him is given unto the Church, Isa. 8. 14. He shall be for a Sanctuary (namely, unto all that be­lieve, as it is expounded, 1 Pet. 2. 8.) but for a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them that stumble at the Word, being disobedient, whereunto also they were appointed.

HE is herein a Sanctuary, an assured Refuge unto all that betake themselves unto him. What is it that any Man in distress, who flies thereunto may look for in a Sanctuary? A Supply of all his Wants, a Deliverance from all his Fears, a Defence against all his Dangers, is pro­posed unto him therein. Such is the Lord Christ herein unto sin-distressed Souls; he is a Refuge unto us in all spiritual Distresses and Disconsolations, Heb. 6. 18. See the Exposition of the Place. Are we or any of us bur­dened with a Sense of Sin? Are we perplexed with Temp­tations? Are we bowed down under the Oppression of a­ny Spiritual Adversary? Do we on any of these accounts walk in Darkness and have no Light? One View of the Glory of Christ herein is able to support us and relieve us.

UNTO whom we betake our selves for Relief in any case, we have regard to nothing but their Will and their Power. If they have both, we are sure of Relief. And what shall we fear in the Will of Christ as unto this end? What will he not do for us? He who thus emptied and humbled himself, who so infinitely condescended from the Prerogative of his Glory in his Being and Self-sufficiency, in the Susception of our Nature for the Discharge of the Office of a Mediator on our Behalf; will he not relieve [Page 72] us in all our Distresses? Will he not do all for us we stand in need of, that we may be eternally saved? Will he not be a Sanctuary unto us?

NOR have we hereon any Ground to fear his Power: For by this infinite Condescention to be a suffering Man, he lost nothing of his Power as God Omnipotent; nothing of his Infinite Wisdom or glorious Grace. He could still do, all that he could do as God from Eternity. If there be any thing therefore in a Coalescency of Infinite Power, with Infinite Condescention, to constitute a Sanctuary for dis­tressed Sinners, it is all in Christ Jesus. And if we see him not glorious herein, it is because there is no Light of Faith in us.

THIS then is the Rest wherewith we may cause the weary to rest, and this is the Refreshment. Herein is he an hiding place from the Wind, and a Covert from the Tempest, as Ri­vers of Water in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great Rock in a weary Land. Hereon he says, I have satiated the weary soul, and have refreshed every sorrowful soul. Under this Con­sideration it is, that in all Evangelical Promises and In­vitations for coming to him, he is proposed unto distres­sed Sinners as their only Sanctuary.

HEREIN he is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of of­fence unto the unbelieving and disobedient, who stumble at the Word. They cannot, they will not see the Glory of this Condescention, they neither desire nor labour so to do; yea, they hate it and despise it. Christ in it is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence unto them. Wherefore they chuse rather utterly to deny his Divine Person, than allow that he did thus abase himself for our Sakes. Ra­ther than they will own this Glory, they will allow him no Glory. A Man they say he was, and no more, and this was his Glory. This is that Principle of Darkness and Unbelief, which works effectually at this day in the Minds of many. They think it an absurd thing, as the [Page 73] Jews did of old, that he being a man should be God also; or on the other hand that the Son of God should thus condescend to take our Nature on him. This they can see no Glory in, no Relief, no Refuge, no Refreshment unto their souls in any of their Distresses: Therefore do they deny his Divine Person: Here Faith triumphs a­gainst them, it [...]inds that to be a Glorious Sanctuary, which they cannot at all discern.

BUT it is not so much the Declaration or Vindication of this Glory of Christ which I am at present engaged in as an Exhortation unto the practical Contemplation of it in a way of believing. And I know that among many this is too much neglected; yea, of all the evils which I have seen in the Days of my Pilgrimage now drawing to their close, there is none so grievous as the Public con­tempt of the Principal Mysteries of the Gospel among them that are called Christians. Religion in the Profes­sion of some Men is withered in its vital Principles, weak­ned in its Nerves and Sinews, but thought to be put off with outward Gaiety and Bravery.

BUT my Exhortation is unto diligence in the Con­templation of this Glory of Christ, and the exercise of our Thoughts about it. Unless we are diligent herein it is impossible we should be steady in the principal Acts of Faith, or ready unto the principal duties of Obedience. The Prin­cipal Act of Faith respects the Divine Person of Christ, as all Christians must acknowledge. This we can never secure (as hath been declared) if we see not his Glory in this Condescention: And whoever reduceth his Notions un­to experience, will find that herein his Faith stands or falls. And the Principal Duty of our Obedience, is self-denial, with readiness for the Cross. Hereunto the Consi­deration of this Condescention of Christ is the Principal Evangelical Motive, and that wherein to our Obedience in it is to be resolved, as the Apostle declares, Phil. 2. [Page 74] 5, 6, 7. And no Man doth deny himself in a due man­ner, who doth it not on the Consideration of the self-de­nial of the Son of God. But a prevalent Motive this is thereunto. For what are the things wherein we are to deny our selves, or forgo what we pretend to have a Right unto? It is in our Goods, our Liberties, our Relations, our Lives. And what are they, any, or all of them, in themselves, or unto us, considering our Condition, and the end for which we were made? Perish­ing things, which whether we will or no, within a few days death will give us an everlasting separation from. Things under the Power of a Feaver or an Asthma, &c. As unto our Interest in them. But how incomparable with respect hereunto is that Condescention of Christ, where­of we have given an Account? If therefore we find an unwillingness in us, a Tergiversation in our minds about these things when called unto them in a way of Duty, one view by Faith of the Glory of Christ in this Conde­scention, and what he parted from therein, when he made himself of no Reputation, will be an Effectual cure of that sinful Distemper.

HEREIN then, I say, we may by Faith behold the Glory of Christ, as we shall do it by Sight hereafter. If we see no Glory in it, if we discern not that which is mat­ter of Eternal Admiration, we walk in darkness. It is the most ineffable Effect of Divine Wisdom and Grace. Where are our Hearts and Minds, if we can see no Glory in it? I know in the Contemplation of it, it will quick­ly overwhelm our Reason, and bring our Understanding into a loss: But unto this loss do I desire to be brought every day: For when Faith can no more act it self in Comprehension, when it finds the Object it is fixed on, too great and glorious to be brought into our Minds and Capacities, it will issue (as we said before) in holy Admiration, humble Adoration, and joyful Thanksgiving. [Page 75] In and by its actings in them, doth it fill the soul with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory.

The Glory of Christ in his Love.

IN the Susception and Discharge of the Mediatory Office by the Son of God, the Scripture doth most eminently represent his Love, as the sole impelling and leading cause thereof, Gal. 2. 20. 1 Joh. 3. 16. Rev. 1. 5.

HEREIN is he glorious, in a way and manner incom­prehensible: For in the Glory of Divine Love, the chief Brightness of Glory doth consist. There is nothing of Dread or Terror accompanying it, nothing but what is amiable and infinitely refreshing. Now that we may take a view of the Glory of Christ herein by Faith, the Nature of it must be enquired into.

1. THE Eternal Disposing Cause of the whole work wherein the Lord Christ was engaged by the Susception of this Office, for the Redemption and Salvation of the Church, is the Love of the Father. Hereunto it is con­stantly ascribed in the Scripture. And this Love of the Father acted it self in his Eternal Decrees, before the foun­dation of the world, Eph. 1. 4. and afterwards in the sending of his Son to render it effectual, Joh. 3. 16. Ori­ginally, it is his Eternal Election of a Portion of mankind to be brought unto the enjoyment of himself, through the Mystery of the Blood of Christ, and the Sanctification of the Spirit, 2 Thes. 2. 13, 16. 1 Ephes. 1. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 1 Pet. 1. 2.

[Page 76] THIS Eternal Act of the Will of God the Father, doth not contain in it an actual approbation of, and complacency in the state and condition of those that are elected; but only designeth that for them on the Account whereof, they shall be accepted and approved. And it is called his Love on sundry Accounts.

1. BECAUSE it is an act suited unto that glorious Excellency of his Nature, wherein he is Love; for God is Love, 1 John 4. 8, 9. And the first Egress of the Divine Properties must therefore be in an act of com­municative Love. And whereas this Election being an Eternal Act of the Will of God, can have no moving cause but what is in himself, if we could look into all the Treasures of the Divine Excellencies, we should find none whereunto it could be so properly ascribed, as unto Love. Wherefore,

2. IT is stiled Love, because it was free and undeser­ved, as unto any thing on our part. For whatever good is done unto any altogether undeserved, if it be with a design of their Profit and Advantage, it is in an Act of Love, and can have no other cause. So is it with us in respect of Eternal Election. There was nothing in us, nothing foreseen, as that which from our selves would be in us, that should any way move the Will of God unto this Election: For whatever is good in the best of men is an effect of it, Ephes. 1. 4. Whereas therefore it tends unto our eternal Good, the spring of it must be Love. And,

3. THE Fruits or Effects of it are inconceivable Acts of Love. It is by multiplied Acts of Love, that it is made effectual, John 3. 16. Jerem. 31. 5. Eph. 1. 3, 4, 5, 6. 1 John 4. 8, 9, 16.

THIS is the Eternal Spring which is derived unto the Church, through the Mediation of Christ. Wherefore that which put all the Design of this Eternal Love of the [Page 77] Father into Execution, and wrought out the Accomplish­ment of it, was the Love of the Son, which we enquire after; and Light may be given unto it in the ensuing Observations.

1. THE whole Number or Society of the Elect, were Creatures made in the Image of God, and thereby in a State of Love with him. All that they were, had, or hoped for, were effects of Divine Goodness and Love. And the Life of their Souls was Love unto God. And a blessed State it was, preparatory for the Eternal Life of Love in Heaven.

2. FROM this State they fell by sin, into a state of Enmity with God; which is comprehensive of all Miseries, Temporal and Eternal.

3. NOTWITHSTANDING this woful Catastrophe of our first state, yet our Nature on many Accounts was recoverable unto the Enjoyment of God, as I have at large elsewhere declared.

4. IN this Condition, the first Act of Love in Christ towards us, was in Pity and Compassion. A Creature made in the Image of God, and fallen into Misery, yet capable of Recovery, is the proper Object of Divine Compassion. That which is so celebrated in the Scripture, as the Bowels, the Pity, the Compassion of God, is the acting of Divine Love towards us, on the consideration of our Distress and Misery. But all Compassion ceaseth towards them whose condition is irrecoverable. Wherefore the Lord Christ pitied not the Angels that fell, because their Nature was not to be relieved. Of this Compassion in Christ, see Heb. 2. 14, 15, 16. Isa. 63. 9.

5. AS then we lay under the Eye of Christ in our Misery, we were the Objects of his Pity and Compassion: But as he looketh on us as recoverahle out of that state, his Love worketh in and by Delight. It was an inconceiva­ble Delight unto him to take a prospect of the deliverance [Page 78] of mankind unto the Glory of God, which is also an act of Love, see this divinely expressed, Prov. 8. 30, 31; as that place hath been elsewhere explained.

6. IF it be enquired, whence this compassion and de­light in him should arise, what should be the cause of them; that he who was eternally blessed in his own self-sufficiency should so deeply concern himself in our lost for­lorn Condition? I say it did so, merely from the Infinite Love and Goodness of his own Nature, without the least procuring inducement from us, or any thing in us, 1 Pet. 3. 16.

7. IN this his Readiness, Willingness and Delight, springing from Love and Compassion, the council of God concerning the way of our Recovery, is, as it were pro­posed unto him. Now this was a way of great difficul­ties and perplexities unto himself; that is, unto his Per­son as it was to be constituted. Unto the Divine Nature nothing is grievous, nothing is difficult: But he was to have another Nature, wherein he was to undergo the dif­ficulties of this way and work. It was required of him, that he should pity us until he had none left to pity himself when he stood in need of it; that he should pursue his delight to save us, until his own soul was heavy and sorrow­ful unto death; that he should relieve us in our sufferings by suffering the same things that we should have done. But he was not in the least hereby deterred from under­taking this work of Love and Mercy for us: Yea his love rose on this Proposal, like the Waters of a mighty Stream against opposition. For hereon he says, Lo, I come to [...]o thy will, O God, it is my delight to do it, Heb. 10. 5, 6, 7. Isa. 50. 4, 5, 6, 7.

8. BEING thus enclined, disposed, and ready in the Eternal Love of his Divine Person, to undertake the Of­fice of Mediation, and the work of our Redemption; A body was prepared for him. In this Body or Human Na­ture [Page 79] made his own, he was to make this Love effectual in all its Inclinations and Actings. It was provided for him unto this end, and filled with all Grace in a way unmea­surable, especially with Fervent Love unto Mankind. And hereby it became a meet Instrument to actuate his Eternal Love in all the fruits of it.

9. IT is hence evident, that this Glorious Love of Christ, doth not consist alone in the Eternal Actings of his divine Person, or the Divine Nature in his Person, such in­deed is the Love of the Father namely, his Eternal Purpose for the communication of Grace and Glory, with his Acquiescency therein; but there is more in the Love of Christ. For when he exercised this Love, he was man al­so, and not God only. And in none of those Eternal Acts of Love could the Human Nature of Christ have any interest or concern; yet is the Love of the Man Christ Jesus, celebrated in the Scripture.

10. WHEREFORE this Love of Christ which we enquire after, is the Love of his Person; that is, which he in his own Person acts in and by his Distinct Natures according unto their Distinct Essential Properties. And the acts of love in these distinct Natures, are infinitely di­stinct and different; yet are they all acts of one and the same Person. So then, whether that Act of Love in Christ which we would at any time consider, be an Eternal Act of the Divine Nature in the Person of the Son of God; or whether it be an act of the Human performed in time by the Gracious Faculties and Powers of that Nature, it is still the Love of one and the self same Person, Christ Jesus.

It was an Act of inexpressible Love in him that he as­sumed our Nature, Heb. 2. 14, 17. But it was an act in and of his Divine Nature only: For it was antecedent unto the existence of his Human Nature, which could not therefore concur therein. His laying down his life for [Page 80] us, was an act of inconceivable Love, 1 John 8. 16. Yet was it only an act of the Human Nature wherein he of­fered himself and died. But both the one and the other were Acts of his Divine Person; whence it is said that God laid down his life for us, and purchased the Church with his own Blood.

THIS is that Love of Christ wherein he is glorious, and wherein we are by Faith to behold his Glory. A great part of the Blessedness of the Saints in Heaven, and their Triumph therein, consists in their beholding of this Glory of Christ, in their thankful contemplation of the Fruits of it, see Rev. 5. 9, 10. &c.

THE illustrious Brightness wherewith this Glory shines in Heaven, the All satisfying Sweetness which the view of it gives unto the Souls of the Saints there Possessed of Glory, are not by us conceivable nor to be expressed. Here this love passeth knowledge, there we shall comprehend the Dimensions of it. Yet even here, if we are not slothful and carnal, we may have a refreshing prospect of it; and where Comprehension fail [...], let Admiration take place.

MY present Business is to exhort others unto the Con­templation of it, though it be but a little, a very little, a small portion of it, that I can conceive; and less than that very little, that I can express. Yet may it be my duty to excite not only my self, but others also unto due Enquiries after it, unto which End I offer the things en­suing.

1. LABOVR that your minds may continually be fitted and prepared for s [...]ch Heavenly Contemplations. If they are carnal and sensual, or filled with earthly things, a due sense of this Love of Christ and its Glory, will not abide in them. Ver­tue and Vice in their highest Degrees are not more dia­metrically opposite and inconsistent in the same mind, than [Page 81] are an habitual Course of sensual worldly Thoughts, and a due Contemplation of the Glory of the Love of Christ: Yea, an earnestness of Spirit, pregnant with a multitude of Thoughts about the lawful Occasions of Life, is ob­structive of all due Communion with the Lord Jesus Christ herein.

FEW there are whose Minds are prepared in a due Manner for this Duty. The Actions and Communicati­ons of the most, evidence what is the inward Frame of their Souls. They rove up and down in their Thoughts, which are continually lead by their Affections into the Corners of the Earth. It is in vain to call such Persons unto Contemplations of the Glory of Christ in his Love. An holy Composure of Mind by virtue of spiritual prin­ciples, an Inclination to seek after Refreshment in Hea­venly Things, and to bath the Soul in the Fountain of them, with constant Apprehensions of the Excellency of this Divine Glory, are required hereunto.

2. BE not satisfied with General Notions concerning the Love of Christ, which represent no Glory unto the Mind, wherewith many deceive themselves. All who believe his divine Person, profess a Valuation of his Love, and think them not Christians who are otherwise minded: But they have only General Notions, and not any distinct Conceptions of it, and really know not what it is. To deliver us from this Snare, peculiar Meditations on its principal Concerns, are required of us. As,

1. WHOSE Love it is; namely, of the divine Person of the Son of God. He is expresly called God, with re­spect unto the Exercise of this Love; that we may always consider whose it is, 1 Joh. 3. 16. Hereby we perceive the Love of God, because he laid down his Life for us.

2. BY what Ways and Means this wonderful Love of the Son of God, doth act it self; namely, in the divine Nature, by Eternal Acts of Wisdom, Goodness and Grace [Page 82] proper thereunto; and in the humane by Temporary Acts of Pity or Compassion, with all the Fruits of them in doing and suffering for us, see Ephes. 3. 19. Heb. 2. 14, 15. Rev. 1. 5.

3. WHAT is the Freedom of it as unto any desert on our Part, 1 Joh. 4. 10. It was Hatred not Love that we in our selves deserved, which is a Consideration suited to fill the Soul with self-abasement, the best of Frames in the contemplation of the Glory of Christ.

4. WHAT is the Efficacy of it in its Fruits and Ef­fects, with sundry other Considerations of the like Na­ture. By a distinct Prospect and Admiration of these Things, the Soul may walk in this Paradise of God, and gather here and there an Heavenly Flower, conveying unto it a sweet Savour of this Love of Christ. See Cant. 11. 2, 3, 4.

MOREOVER, Be not contented to have right Notions of the Love of Christ in your Minds, unless you can attain a gracious Taste of it in your Hearts; no more than you would be to see a Feast or Banquet richly prepared, and partake of nothing of it unto your Refreshment. It is of that Nature that we may have a spiritual Censation of it in our Minds; whence it is compared by the Spouse to Ap­ples and Flagons of Wine. We may taste that the Lord is gracious. And if we find not a Relish of it in our Hearts, we shall not long retain the Notion of it in our Minds. Christ is the Meat, the Bread, the Food of our Souls. Nothing is in him of an higher spiritual Nourishment than his Love, which we should always desire.

IN this Love is he Glorious; for it is such as no Crea­tures, Angels, or Men could have the least Conceptions of, before its Manifestation by its Effects: And after its Manifestation, it is in this World absolutely incomprehen­sible.

The Glory of Christ in the Discharge of his Mediatory Office.

AS the Lord Christ was Glorious in the Susception of his Office: So was he also in its Discharge. An un­seen Glory accompanied him in all that he did, in all that he suffered. Vnseen it was unto the Eyes of the World, but not in his who alone can judge of it. Had Men seen it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. Yet to some of them it was made manifest. Hence they testifi­ed that in the Discharge of his Office, they beheld his glo­ry, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, Joh. 1. 14. And that when others could see neither Form nor Comliness in him that he should be desired, Psal. 53. 2. and so it is at this day. I shall only make some few Observations; first, on what he did in a way of Obedience, and then on what he suffered in the Discharge of his Office so undertaken by him.

1. WHAT he did, what Obedience he yielded unto the Law of God, in the Discharge of his Office (with re­spect whereunto he said, Lo, I come to do thy Will, O God, [...]ea, thy Law is in my Heart) it was all on his own free choice or Election, and was resolved thereinto alone. It is our Duty to endeavor after Freedom, Willingness, and Chearfulness in all our Obedience. Obedience hath its formal Nature from our Wills. So much as there is of our Wills, in what we do towards God, so much there is of Obedience, and no more. Howbeit, we are antecedently unto all Acts of our own Wills obliged unto all that is called Obedience. From the very Constitution of our Natures, we are ne­cessarily [Page 84] subject unto the Law of God. All that is left unto us, is a voluntary Compliance with unavoidable Com­mands; with him it was not so. An Act of his own Will and Choice preceded all Obligation as unto Obedi­ence. He obeyed because he would, before because he ought. He said, Lo, I come to do thy Will, O God, before he was obliged to do that Will. By his own Choice, and that in an Act of Infinite Condescention and Love, as we have shewed, he was made of a woman, and thereby made un­der the Law. In his Divine Person he was Lord of the Law, above it, no more obnoxious unto its Commands, than its Curse. Neither was he afterwards in himself on his own Account unobnoxious unto its Curse, merely be­cause he was Innocent, but also because he was every way above the Law it self, and all its force.

This was the Original Glory of his Obedience. The Wisdom, the Grace, the Love, the Condescention that was in this Choice, animated every Act, every Duty of his Obedience rendring it amiable in the sight of God, and useful unto us. So when he went unto John to be baptized, he who knew he had no need of it on his own Account, would have declined the Duty of administring that Ordinance unto him; but he replied, Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness, Mat. 3. 15. This I have undertaken willingly of my own ac­cord without any need of it for my self, and therefore will discharge it. For him who was Lord of all universally, thus to submit himself to Universal Obedience, carrieth a­long with it an Evidence of Glorious Grace.

2. THIS Obedience as unto the use and end of it, was not for himself, but for us. We were obliged unto it, and could not perform it; he was not obliged unto it any otherwise but by a free Act of his own Will, and did perform it. God gave him this Honour, that he should obey for the whole Church, that by his obedience we should [Page 85] be made righteous, Rom. 5. 19. Herein I say did God give him Honour and Glory, that his Obedience should stand in the stead of the perfect Obedience of the Church as unto Justification.

3. HIS Obedience being absolutely universal, and ab­solutely perfect, was the great Representative of the Holi­ness of God in the Law. It was repre [...]nted glorious when the Ten Words were written by the Finger of God in Tables of Stone: It appears yet more eminently in the Spiritual Transcription of it in the Hearts of Believers: But absolutely and perfectly it is exemplified only in the Holiness and Obedience of Christ, which answered it un­to the utmost. And this is no small Part of his Glory in Obedience, that the Holiness of God in the Law was therein, and therein alone in that one Instance, as unto human Nature, fully represented.

4. HE wrought out this Obedience against all Difficul­ties and Oppressions. For although he was absolutely free from that Disorder which in us hath invaded our whole Natures, which internally renders all Obedience difficult unto us, and perfect Obedience impossible; yet as unto Opposition from without in Temptations, Sufferings, Re­proaches, Contradictions, he met with more than we all. Hence is that glorious Word, Although he were a Son, yet he learned Obedience by the things which be suffered, Heb. 5. 8. See our Exposition of that place. But,

5. THE Glory of this Obedience ariseth principally from the Consideration of the Person, who thus yielded it unto God. This was no other but the Son of God made Man; God and Man in one Person. He who was in Heaven, above all, Lord of all, at the same time lived in the World in a Condition of no Reputati­on, and a Course of the strictest Obedience unto the whole Law of God. He unto whom Prayer was made, prayed himself Night and Day. He whom all the Angels of [Page 86] Heaven, and all Creatures worshiped, was continually conversant in all the Duties of the Worship of God. He who was over the House, diligently observed the meanest Office of the House. He that made all Men, in whose Hand they are all as Clay in the Hand of the Potter, ob­served amongst them the strictest Rules of Justice, in giv­ing unto every one his Due, and of Charity, in giving good things that were not so due. This is that which renders the Obedience of Christ in the Discharge of his Office, both mysterious and glorious.

2. AGAIN, The Glory of Christ is proposed unto us in what he suffered in the Discharg of the Office which he had undertaken. There belonged indeed unto his Of­fice, Victory, Success, and Triumph with great Glory, Isa. 63. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. but there were Sufferings also re­quired of him antecedently thereunto. Ought not Christ to suffer, and to enter into his Glory?

BUT such were these Sufferings of Christ, as that in our Thoughts about them, our Minds quickly recoil in a Sense of their Insufficiency to conceive a Right of them: Never any one launched into this Ocean with his Meditations, but he quickly found himself unable to fa­thom the Depths of it: Nor shall I here undertake an Enquiry into them. I shall only point at this Spring of Glory, and leave it under a Vail.

WE might here look on him as under the Weight of the Wrath of God, and the Curse of the Law; taking on himself, and on his whole Soul, the utmost of Evil that God had ever threatned to Sin or Sinners; we might look on him in his Agony and bloody Sweat, in his strong Cries and Supplications, when he was sorrowful unto the Death, and began to be amazed, in apprehensions of the things that were coming on him; of that dreadful Tryal which he was entring into: we might look upon him, con­flicting with all the Powers of Darkness, the Rage and Mad­ness [Page 87] of Men; suffering in his Soul, his Body, his Name, his Reputation, his Goods, his Life; some of these Suf­ferings being immediate from God above, oth [...]rs from Devils and wicked Men, acting according to the Deter­minate Counsel of God: we might look on him praying, weeping, crying out, bleeding, dying, in all things mak­ing his Soul an Offering for sin: So was he taken from Prison, and Judgment, and who shall declare his Gene­ration? for he was cut off from the Land of the Living, For the Transgression (saith God) of my People was he smitten, Isa. 53. 8. But these things I shall not insist on in parti­cular, but leave them under such a Vail as may give us a Prospect into them, so far as to fill our Souls with holy Admiration.

LORD! What is Man that thou art thus mindful of him, and the Son of Man that thou visitest him? Who hath known thy Mind, or who hath been thy Councellor? O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Know­ledg of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments, and his Ways past finding out? What shall we say unto these things? that God spared not his only Son, but gave him up unto Death, and all the Evils included therein, for such poor lost Sinners as we were; that for our Sakes the Eternal Son of God should submit himself unto all the E­vils that our Natures are obnoxious unto, and that our Sins had deserved, that we might be delivered!

HOW Glorious is the Lord Christ on this Account in the Eyes of Believers! When Adam had sinned, and thereby eternally, according unto the Sanction of the Law, ruined himself and all his Posterity, he stood ashamed, a­fraid, trembling, as one ready to perish for ever under the Displeasure of God. Death was that which he had de­served, and immediate Death was that which he looked for. In this State the Lord Christ in the Promise comes unto him, and says, Poor Creature! How woful is thy Condi­tion! [Page 88] How deformed is thy Appearance! What is become of the Beauty, of the Glory of that Image of God where­in thou wast created? How hast thou taken on thee the monstrous Shape and Image of Satan! And yet thy pre­sent Misery, thy Entrance into Dust and Darkness, is no way to be compared with what is to ensue. Eternal Di­stress lies at the Door. But yet look up once more, and behold me, that thou mayest have some Glymps of what is in the Designs of Infinite Wisdom, Love and Grace. Come forth from thy vain Shelter, thy hiding Place: I will put my self into thy Condition. I will undergo and bear that Burthen of Guilt and Punishment, which would sink thee eternally into the bottom of Hell. I will pay that which I never took; and be made temporally a Curse for thee, that thou mayest attain unto Eternal Blessedness. To the same purpose he speaks unto convinced Sinners in the Invitation he gives them to come unto him.

THUS is the Lord Christ set forth in the Gospel evi­dently crucified before our Eyes, Gal. 3. 1. Namely, in the Representation that is made of his Glory, in the Suffering he underwent for the Discharge of the Office he had un­dertaken. Let us then behold him as poor, despised, persecuted, reproached, reviled, hanged on a Tree; in all labouring under a Sense of the Wrath of God due unto our Sins. Unto this End are they recorded in the Gospel, read, preached, and represented unto us. But what can we see herein? What Glory is in these things? Are not these the things which all th [...] World of Jews and Gentiles stumbled and took Offence at? Those wherein he was appointed to be a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence? Was it not esteemed a foolish thing to look for Help and Deliverance by the Miseries of another? To look for Life by his Death? The Apostle declares at large that such it was esteemed, 1 Cor. 1. So was it in the Wisdom of the World. But even on the Account of these things [Page 89] is he Honorable, Glorious and Precious in the sight of them that do believe, 1 Pet. 2. 6, 7. For even herein he was the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24. And the Apostle declares at large the Grounds and Reasons of the different Thoughts and Apprehensions of Men concerning the Cross and Sufferings of Christ, 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4, 5, 6.

The Glory of Christ in his Exaltation, after the Accomplishment of the Work of Media­tion in this World.

WE may in the next Place behold the Glory of Christ with respect unto his Office in the Act­ings of God towards him, which ensued on his Discharge of it in this World, in his own Exal­tation.

THESE are the two Heads, whereunto all the Pro­phesies and Predictions concerning Jesus Christ under the Old Testament are referred, namely, his Sufferings, and the Glory that ensued thereon, 1 Pet. 1. 11. All the Pro­phets testified beforehand of the Sufferings of Christ, and the Glory that should follow. So when he himself opened the Scriptures unto his Disciples, he gave them this as the Sum of the Doctrine contained in them; Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter unto his Glory, Luk. 24. 26. The same is frequently expressed elsewhere, Rom. 14. 9. Phil. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8.

[Page 90] SO much as we know of Christ, his Sufferings and his Glo­ry; so much do we understand of the Scripture, and no more.

THESE are the Two Heads of the Mediation of Christ and his Kingdom; and this is their Order which they communicate unto the Church; first Sufferings, and then Glory: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him, 2 Tim. 2. 12. They do but deceive themselves, who design any other Method▪ of these things. Some would reign here in this World; and we may say with the A­postle, would you did reign, that we might reign with you. But the Members of the mystical Body must be conformed unto the Head. In him, Sufferings went before Glory; and so they must in them. The Order in the Kingdom of Satan and the Word, is contrary hereunto. First, the Good Things of this Life, and then Eternal Misery, is the Method of that Kingdom, Luk. 16. 25.

THESE are the two Springs of the Salvation of the Church; the two anointed ones that stand before the Lord of the whole Earth; from which all the golden Oyl where­by the Church is dedicated unto God and sanctified doth flow. This Glory of Christ in his Exaltation which fol­lowed on his Sufferings, is that which we now enquire in­to. And we shall state our Apprehensions of it in the ensuing Observations.

1. THIS is peculiarly that Glory which the Lord Christ prays that his Disciples may be where he is, to be­hold it. It is not solely so, as it is considered absolutely: but it is that, wherein all the other Parts of his Glory are made manifest. It is the Evidence, the Pledge, the Means of the Manifestation of them all. As unto all the Instances of his Glory before insisted on, there was a Vail drawn over them whilst he was in this World. Hence the most saw nothing of it, and the best saw it but obscurely. But in this Glory that Vail is taken off, where­by the whole Glory of his Person in it self, and in the Work of Mediation is most illustriously manifested. [Page 91] When we shall immediately behold this Glory, we shall see him as he is. This is that Glory whereof the Father made grant unto him before the Foundation of the World, and wherewith he was actually invested upon his Ascen­tion.

2. BY this Glory of Christ, I do not understand the Essential Glory of his Divine Nature; or his being abso­lutely in his own Person over all God blessed for ever: But the manifestation of this Glory in particular, after it had been vailed in this World under the Form of a Servant, be­longs hereunto. The Divine Glory of Christ in his Per­son belongs not unto his Exaltation; but the Manifesta­tion of it doth so. It was not given him by free Donati­on; but the Declaration of it unto the Church of Angels and Men after his Humiliation was so. He left it not whilst he was in this World; but the direct Evidence and Declaration of it he laid aside, until he was declared to be the Son of God with Power, by the Resurrection from the Dead.

WHEN the Sun is under a total Eclipse, he loseth no­thing of his Native, Beauty, Light, and Glory. He is still the same that he was from the beginning; a great Light to rule the Day. To us he appears as a dark useless Meteor: but when he comes by his course to free himself from the Lunar Interposition unto his proper Aspect towards us, he manifests again his Native Light and Glory. So was it with the Divine Nature of Christ as we have before declared. He vailed the Glory of it by the Interposition of the Flesh, or the Assumption of our Nature to be his own, with this Addition, that therein he took on him the Form of a Servant, of a Person of mean and low Degree. But this temporary Eclipse being past and over, it now shines forth in its Infinite Lustre and Beauty, which be­longs unto the present Exaltation of his Person. And when those who behel [...] him here as a poor, sorrowful, persecuted Man, dying on the Cross▪ c [...]me to [...] [Page 92] in all the infinite increated Glories of the Divine Nature, manifesting themselves in his Person, it could not but fill their Souls with Transcendent Joy and Admiration. And this is one reason of his Prayer for them whilst he was on the Earth, that they might be where he is to behold his Glo­ry. For he knew what ineffable Satisfaction it would be unto them for evermore.

3. I do not understand absolutely the Glorification of the Human Nature of Christ; That very Soul and Body wherein he lived and died, suffered and rose again, tho that also be included herein. This also were a Subject meet for our Contemplation, especially as it is the Exem­plar of that Glory which he will bring all those unto, who believe in him. But because at present we look somewhat further, I shall observe only one or two things concerning it.

1. THAT very Nature it self which he took on him in this World, is exalted into Glory. Some under a Pretence of great Subtilty and Acuracy do deny that he hath either Flesh or Blood in Heaven, that is, as to the Substance of them; however you may suppose that they are chang­ed, purified, glorified. The great Foundation of the Church, and all Gospel Faith is, that he was made Flesh, that he did partake of Flesh and Blood, even as did the Children. That he hath forsaken that Flesh and Blood which he was made in the Womb of the Blessed Virgin; wherein he lived and died, which he offered unto God in Sacrifice, and wherein he rose from the Dead, is a Socini­an Fiction. What is the true Nature of the Glorificati­on of the Humanity of Christ, neither those who thus surmise, nor we can perfectly comprehend. It doth not yet appear what we our selves shall be, much less is it e­vident unto us what he is, whom we shall be like. But that he is still in the same Human Nature, wherein he was on the earth, that he hath the same rational Soul, and the [Page 93] same Body, is a fundamental Article of the Christian Faith.

2. THIS Nature of the Man Christ Jesus, is filled with all the Divine Graces and Perfections whereof a limited created Nature is capable. It is not Deified, it is not made a God; it doth not in Heaven coalesce into one Nature with the Divine by a Composition of them; It hath not any Essential Property of the Deity communica­ted unto it, so as subjectively to reside in it; It is not made Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent: But it is ex­alted in a Fulness of all Divine Perfection ineffably above the Glory of Angels and Men. It is incomprehensibly nearer God than they all; hath Communications from God, in glorious Light, Love, and Power, ineffably a­bove them all. But it is still a Creature.

FOR the Substance of this Glory of the Human Na­ture of Christ, Believers shall be made Partakers of it; for when we see him as he is, we shall be like him: but as unto the Degrees and Measures of it, his Glory is above all that we can be made Partakers of: There is one Glory of the Sun, another of the Moon and Stars, and one Star dif­fereth from another in Glory, As the Apostle speaks, 1 Cor. 15. 45. And if there be a difference in Glory among the Stars themselves as to some degrees of the same Glo­ry: How much more is there between the Glory of the Sun, and that of any Star whatever? Such is the diffe­rence that is and will be unto Eternity between the Hu­man Nature of Christ, and what glorified Believers do at­tain unto. But yet this is not that properly wherein the Glory of Christ in his Exaltation after his humiliation and Death, doth consist. The Things that belong unto it may be reduced unto the ensuing Heads.

1. IT consisteth in the Exaltation of the Human Na­ture, as subsisting in the Divine Person above the whole Creation of God in Power, Dignity, Authority and Rule, [Page 94] with all things that the Wisdom of God hath appointed to render the Glory of it illustrious. I have so largely in­sisted on the Explication and Confirmation of this Part of the present Glory of Christ, in the Exposition of Heb. 1. ver. 2, 3. that I have nothing more to add there­unto.

2. IT doth so in the Evidence given of the Infinite Love of God the Father unto him, and his delight in him, with the Eternal Approbation of his Discharge of the Office committed unto him. Hence he is said to sit at the right hand of God, or at the right hand of the Majesty on high. That the Glory and Dignity of Christ in his Exaltation is singular, the highest that can be given to a Creature incomprehensible; that he is with respect unto the Dis­charge of his Office, under the eternal Approbation of God; that as so gloriously exalted, he is proclaimed unto the whole Creation, are all contained in this Expres­sion.

3. HEREUNTO is added the full Manifestation of his own Divine Wisdom, Love and Grace in the Work of Mediation and Redemption of the Church. This Glory is absolutely singular and peculiar unto him. Neither Angels or Men have the least Interest in it. Here we see it darkly as in a Glass; above, it shines forth in its bright­ness to the eternal Joy of them who behold him.

THIS is that Glory which our Lord Jesus Christ in an especial manner prayed that his Disciples might behold. This is that whereof we ought to endeavor a Prospect by Faith. By Faith, I say, and not by Imagination. Vain and foolish Men having general Notions of this Glory of Christ, knowing nothing of the real Nature of it, have endeavored to represent it in Pictures and Images with all that Lustre and Beauty with the Art of Painting, with the Ornaments of Gold and Jewels, can give them. This is that Representation of the present Glory of Christ, which [Page 95] being made and proposed unto the Imagination and car­nal Affections of superstitious Persons carrieth such a shew of Devotion and Veneration in the Papal Church. But they err not knowing the Scripture, nor the eternal Glory of the Son of God.

THIS is the sole Foundation of all our Meditations herein. The Glory that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the real actual Possession of in Heaven, can be no otherwise seen or apprehended in this World, but in the Light of Faith, fixing it self on Divine Revelation. To behold this Glory of Christ is not an Act of Fancy or Imaginati­on. It doth not consist in framing unto our selves the Shape of a glorious Person in Heaven. But the steady Exercise of Faith on the Revelation and Description made of his Glory of Christ in the Scripture, is the Ground, Rule and Measure▪ of all Divine Meditations there­on.

HEREON our Duty it is, to call our selves to an Ac­count, as unto our Endeavor after a gracious View of this Glory of Christ: When did we stedfastly behold it? When had we such a View of it as wherein our Souls have been satisfied and refreshed? It is declared and re­presented unto us as one of the chief Props of our Faith, as an Help of our Joy, as an Object of our Hope, as a Ground of our Consolation, as our greatest Encourage­ment unto Obedience and Suffering. Are our Minds e­very day conversant with Thoughts hereof? Or do we think our selves not much concerned herein? Do we look upon it, as that which is without us and above us, as that which we shall have time enough to consider when we come to Heaven? So is it with many. They care nei­ther where Christ is, nor what he is, so that one way or other they may be saved by him. They hope, as they pretend, that they shall see him and his Glory in Heaven, and that they suppose to be time enough: But in vain do [Page 96] they pretend a Desire thereof; in vain are their Expecta­tions of any such thing. They who endeavor not to be­hold the Glory of Christ in this World, as hath been of­ten said, shall never behold him in glory hereafter unto their Satisfaction; nor do they desire so to do. Only they suppose it a part of that Relief which they would have when they are gone out of this World. For what should beget such a Desire in them? Nothing can do it, but some View of it here by Faith, which they despise, or totally neglect. Every Pretence of a Desire of Heaven, and of the Presence of Christ therein, that doth not a­rise from, that is not resolved into that Prospect which we have of the Glory of Christ in this World by Faith, is mere Fancy and Imagination.

OUR constant Exercise in Meditation on this Glory of Christ will fill us with Joy on his Account, which is an effectual Motive unto the Duty it self. We are for the most part Selfish, and look no farther than our own Con­cernments. So we may be pardoned and saved by him, we care not much how it is with himself, but only pre­sume it is well enough. We find not any Concernment of our own therein. But this Frame is directly opposite unto the Genius of Divine Faith and Love. For their principal Actings consist in preferring Christ above our selves; and our Concerns in him, above all our own. Let this then stir us up unto the Contemplation of this Glory. Who is it that is thus exalted over all? Who is thus encompassed with Glory, Majesty, and Power? Who is it that sits down at the Right Hand of the Majesty on high, all his Enemies being made his Foot-stool? Is it not he, who in this World was poor, despised, persecuted and slain, all for our Sakes? Is it not the same Jesus who loved us, and gave himself for us, and washed us in his own Blood? So the Apostle told the Jews, that the same Jesus whom they slew and hanged on a Tree, God had exalted [Page 97] with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repen­tance unto Israel, and the forgiveness of sins, Act. 5. 30, 31. If we have any valuation of his Love, if we have any concernment in what he hath done and suffered for the Church, we cannot but rejoyce in his present State and Glory.

LET the World rage whilest it pleaseth; let it set it self with all its Power and Craft against every thing of Christ that is in it; which whatever is by some otherwise pretended, proceeds from an hatred unto his Person: Let Men make themselves drunk with the blood of his Saints, we have this to oppose unto all their attempts, unto our supportment, Namely, what he says of himself; Fear not, I am the first and the last, he that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, and have the Keys of Hell and Death, Rev. 1. 16, 18.

BLESSED Jesus! We can add nothing to thee no­thing to thy Glory; but it is a Joy of heart unto us that thou art what thou art; that thou art so gloriously exalted at the right hand of God; and do long more fully and clearly to behold that Glory according to thy Prayer and Promise.

Representations of the Glory of the Christ under the Old Testament.

IT is s [...]id of our Lord Jesus Christ, that beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, he declared unto his Disciples in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself, Luk. 24. 27. It is therefore manifest that Moses and the Prophets [Page 98] and all the Scriptures, do give Testimony unto him, and his Glory. This is the line of Life and Light, which runs through the whole Old Testament; without the conduct whereof we can understand nothing aright▪ there­in: And the neglect hereof, is that which makes many as blind in reading the Books of it, as are the Jews, the same vail being upon their minds. It is Faith alone, dis­covering the Glory of Christ, that can remove that vail of darkness which covers the minds of men in reading the Old Testament, as the Apostle declares, 2 Cor. 3. 14, 15, 16. I shall therefore consider briefly some of those ways and means whereby the glory of Christ was repre­sented unto Believers under the Old Testament.

1. IT was so in the Institution of the Beautiful Worship of the Law, with all the means of it. Herein have they the Advantage above all the splendid Ceremonies that men can invent, in the outward worship of God; they were designed and framed in Divine Wisdom to represent the Glory of Christ in his Person and his Office. This no­thing of Human Invention can do, or once pretend unto. Men cannot create Mysteries, nor give unto any thing na­tural in it self, a Mystical signification. But so it was in the Old Divine Institutions. What were the Taber­nacle and Temple? What was the Holy Place with the Utensils of it? What was the Oracle, the Ark, the Che­rubims, the Mercy-Seat placed therein? What was the High-Priest in all his Vestments and Administrations? What were the Sacrifices, and annual sprinkling of Blood in the most Holy Place? What was the most whole Sy­steme of their Religious Worship? Were there any thing but Representations of Christ in the Glory of his Person and his Office? They were a Shadow, and the Body re­presented by that shadow, was Christ. If any would see how the Lord Christ was in particular foresignified and represented in them, he may peruse our Exposition on [Page 99] the ninth Chapter of the Epistle unto the Hebrews, where it is handled so at large as that I shall not here again insist upon it. The Sum is, Moses was faithful in all the House of God, for a Testimony of those things which mere to be spoken afterwards, Heb. 3. 5. All that Moses did in the erection of the Tabernacle, and the institution of all its services, was but to give an antecedent Testimony by way of Repre­sentation, unto the Things of Christ that were aftewards to be revealed. And that also was the substance of the Ministry of the Prophets, 1 Pet. 1. 11, 12. The dark apprehensions of the Glory of Christ which by these means they obtained, were the life of the Church of Old.

2. IT was represented in the Mystical Account which is given us of his Communion with his Church in Love and Grace. As this is intimated in many places of Scrip­ture; so there is one entire Book designed unto its Declara­tion. This is the Divine Song of Solomon who was a Type of Christ, and a Penman of the Holy Ghost therein. A Gracious Record it is of the Divine Communications of Christ in Love and Grace unto his Church, with their returns of love unto him, and delight in him. And then may a man judge himself to have somewhat profited in the experience of the Mystery of a blessed entercourse and communion with Christ, when the expressions of them in that holy Dialogue, do give Light and Life unto his mind, and efficaciously communicate unto him an ex­perience of their power. But because these things are little understood by many, the book it self is much neg­lected if not despised. Yea to such impudence have some arrived, in foaming out their own shame, as that they have ridiculed the expressions of it; but we are foretold of such mockers in the last days, that should walk after their own ungodly lusts; they are not of our present considera­tion.

[Page 100] THE former Instance of the Representations of the Glory of Christ in their Institutions of outward Worship with this Record of the inward communion they had with Christ in Grace, Faith, and Love, gives us the Substance of that view which they had of his Glory. What holy strains of Delight and Admiration, what Raptures of Joy, what solemn and divine Complacency, what ardency of Affecti­on, and Diligence in Attendance unto the means of en­joying communion with him, this discovery of the Glory of Christ wrought in the souls of them that did believe, is Emphatically expressed in that discourse. A few days, a few hours spent in the frame characterised in it, is a Blessedness excelling all the treasures of the Earth; and if we, whose Revelations of the same Glory do far exceed theirs, should be found to come short of them in Ardency of Affection unto Christ, and continual holy Ad­miration of his excellencies, we shall one day be judged unworthy to have received them.

3. IT was so represented and made known under the Old Testament in his personal Appearances on various occa­casions unto several Eminent Persons, Leaders of the Church in their Generations. This he did as a Praelu­dium to his Incarnation. He was as yet God only; but appeared in the assumed shape of a man, to signifie what he would be. He did not create an Human Nature, and unite it unto himself for such a Season; only by his Di­vine Power he acted the Shape of a Man composed of what Aetherial Substance he pleased, immediately to be dissolved. So he appeared to Abraham, to Jacob, to Moses, to Joshua, and others, as I have at large elsewhere proved and confirmed. And hereon also, because he was the Di­vine Person who dwelt in, and dealt with the Church, under the Old Testament from first to last, in so doing he constantly assumes unto himself Human Affections, to intimate that a season would come when he would im­mediately [Page 101] act in that Nature. And indeed after the fall there is nothing spoken of God in the Old Testament, nothing of his Institutions, nothing of the way and man­ner of dealing with the Church, but what hath respect unto the future Incarnation of Christ. And it had been absurd to bring in God under perpetual Anthropopathis, as grieving, repenting, being angry, well-pleased, and the like, were it not but that the Divine Person intended, was to take on him the Nature wherein such Affections do dwell.

4. IT was represented in Prophetical Visions. So the Apostle affirms that the Vision which Isaiah had of him, was when he saw his Glory, John, 12. 41. And it was a blessed Representation thereof. For his Divine Person being exalted on a Throne of Glory, his Train filled the Temple. The whole Train of his Glorious Grace filled the Temple of his body. This is the true Tabernacle which God pitched, and not man. The Temple which was de­stroy'd and which he raised again in three days, wherein dwelt the fulness of the Godhead. Col. 1. 9. This Glory was now presented unto the view of Isaiah, Chap. 6. 1, 2, 3. which filled him with Dread and Astonishment. But from thence he was relieved, by an act of the Mini­stry of that Glorious one, taking away his Iniquity by a coal from the Altar, which typified the purifying efficacy of his Sacrifice. This was food for the Souls of Believers, in these and on the like occasions, did the whole Church lift up their voice in that Holy Cry, Make hast our Be­loved, and be thou like to a Roe, or to a young Hart on the Mountain of Spices.

OF the same Nature was his Glorious Appearance on Mount Sinai at the giving of the Law, Exod. 19. For the description thereof by the Psalmist, Psal. 68. 17, 18. is applyed by the Apostle unto the Ascension of Christ after his Resurrection, Ephes. 4. 8, 9, 10, 11. Only as it [Page 102] was then full of outward Terror, because of the giving of the fiery Law, it was referred unto by the Psalmist, as full of Mercy, with respect unto his Accomplishment of the same Law. His giving of it was as Death unto them con­cerned, because of its Holiness, and the severity of the the Curse wherewith it was attended; his fulfilling of it was Life, by the Pardon and Righteousness which issued from thence.

5. THE Doctrine of his Incarnation whereby he be­came the Subject of all that Glory which we enquire after, was revealed, although not so clearly as by the Gospel, after the actual accomplishment of the thing it self. In how many places this is done in the Old Testament, I have elsewhere declared; at least I have explained and vindicated many of them (for no man can presume to know them all) Vindic. Evangel. One instance therefore shall here suffice, and this is that of the same Prophet Isaiah chap. 9. v. 6, 7. Vnto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be on his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, of the encrease of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and Justice from henceforth and for ever, the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. This one Testimony is sufficient to confound all Jews, Socinians, and other Ene­mies of the Glory of Christ. I do acknowledge, that not­notwithstanding this Declaration of the Glory of Christ in his future Incarnation and Rule there remained much darkness in the minds of them unto whom it was then made. For although they might and did acquiesce in the truth of the Revelation, yet they could frame to themselves no notions of the way or manner of its accom­plishment. But now when every word of it is explained, declared, and its Mystical Sence visibly laid open unto us [Page 103] in the Gospel, and by the accomplishment exactly answer­ing every expression in it, it is Judicial Blindness not to receive it. Nothing but the Satanical Pride of the hearts of men which will admit of no effects of Infinite Wisdom, but what they suppose they can comprehend, can shut their eyes against the Light of this Truth.

6. PROMISES, Prophesies, Praedictions, concerning his Person, his coming, his Office, his Kingdom and his Glory in them all, with the Wisdom, Grace and Love of God to the Church in him, are the Line of Life, as was said, which runs through all the Writings of the Old Testa­ment, and take up a great portion of them. Those were the things which he expounded unto his Disciples out of Moses and all the Prophets. Concerning these things he appealed to the Scriptures against all his adversaries; Search the Scriptures, for they are they that testifie of me. And if we find them not, if we discern them not therein, it is because a vail of Blindness is over our minds. Nor can we read, study, or meditate on the Writings of the Old Testament unto any Advantage, unless we design to find out and behold the Glory of Christ declared and repre­sented in them. For want hereof they are a sealed book to many unto this day.

7. IT is usual in the Old Testament to set out the Glory of Christ under Metaphorical Expressions; yea it aboundeth therein. For such Allusions are exceedingly suited to let in a sense into our minds of those things which we can­not distinctly comprehend. And there is an Infinite Con­descention of Divine Wisdom in their way of Instructi­on, Representing unto us the Power of Things Spiritual, in what we naturally discern. Instances of this kind in calling the Lord Christ by the Names of those Creatures which unto our senses represent that Excellency which is spiritually in him, are innumerable. So he is called the Rose for the sweet savour of his Love, Grace and Obe­dience; [Page 104] the Lilly for his gracious Beauty and Amiable­ness; the Pearl of Price for his worth, for to them that believe he is precious; the Vine for his fruitfulness; the Lion for his Power, The Lamb for his Meekness and Fit­ness for Sacrifice, with other things of the like kind al­most innumerable.

THESE Things have I mentioned, not with any de­sign to search into the depth of this Treasury of those Divine Truths concerning the Glory of Christ; but only to give a little Light unto the words of the Evangelist, that he opened unto his disciples out of Moses and all the Pro­phets the things which concerned himself; and to stir up our own souls unto a contemplation of them as contained therein.

The Glory of Christ in his intimate Con­junction with the Church.

VVHAT concerns the Glory of Christ in the Mis­sion of the Holy Ghost unto the Church, with all the Divine truths that are branched from it, I have at large declared in my Discourse con­cerning the whole dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Here therefore it must have no place amongst those ma­ny other things which offer themselves unto our contem­plation, as part of this Glory, or intimately belonging thereunto. I shall insist briefly on Three only, which can­not be reduced directly unto the former heads.

[Page 105] AND the first of these is, That intimate Conjunction that is between Christ and the Church; whence it is just and e­qual in the sight of God, according unto the Rules of his Eternal Righteousness, that what he did and suffered in the Discharge of his Office, should be esteemed, reckoned, and imputed unto us, as unto all the fruits and benefits of it, as if we had done and suffered the same things our selves. For this conjunction of his with us, was an act of his own Mind and Will, wherein he is ineffably glorious.

THE Enemies of the glory of Christ and of his Cross, do take this for granted, That there ought to be such a conjunction between the guilty person and him that suffers for him, as that in him the guilty person may be said in some sense to undergo the punishment himself. But then they affirm on the other hand, That there was no such conjunction between Christ and sinners, none at all; but that he was a man, as they were men; and otherwise, that he was at the greatest distance from them all, as it is possible for one man to be from another, Socin. de Servat. lib. 3. cap. 3. The falseness of this latter Assertion, and the gross ignorance of the Scripture under a pretence of subtilty, in them that make it, will evidently appear in our ensuing Discourse.

THE Apostle tells us 1 Pet. 2. 24. That in his own self he bare our sins in his own body on the tree; and chap. 3. 18. That he suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God. But this seems somewhat strange unto Reason; where is the Justice, where is the Equity, that the just should suffer for the unjust? Where is Di­vine Righteousness herein? For it was an act of God, The Lord hath laid on him the iniquites of us all, Isa. 53. 6. The Equity hereof, with the grounds of it, must be here a little enquired into.

[Page 106] FIRST of all, it is certain that all the Elect, the whole Church of God, fell in Adam, under the curse due to the transgression of the Law. It is so also, that in this curse, Death both Temporal and Eternal was contained. This curse none could undergo and be saved. Nor was it consistent with the Righteousness, or Holiness, or Truth of God, that sin should go unpunished. Wherefore there was a necessity upon a supposition of Gods Decree to save his Church, of a Translation of punishment; name­ly, from them who had deserved it, and could not bear it, unto one who had not deserved it, but could bear it.

A SUPPOSITION of this Translation of punishment by Divine dispensation, is the foundation of Christian Re­ligion, yea of all supernatural Revelation contained in the Scripture. This was first intimated in the first promise; and afterwards explained and confirmed in all the institu­tions of the Old Testament. For although in the Sacri­fices of the Law there was a revival of the greatest and most fundamental principal of the Law of Nature, name­ly, That God is to be worshipped with our best; yet the principal end and use of them, was to represent this tran­slation of punishment from the offender unto another, who was to be a Sacrifice in his stead.

THE reasons of the equity hereof, and the unspeak­able glory of Christ herein, is what we now enquire into. And I shall reduce what ought to be spoken hereunto, to the ensuing Heads.

1. IT is not contrary unto the nature of Divine Justice; it doth not interfere with the principles of natural light in man, that in sundry cases some persons should suffer punishment for the fine and offences of others.

I SHALL at present give this Assertion no other con­firmation, but only that God hath often done so, who will, who can do no iniquity.

[Page 107] SO he affirms that he will do, Exod. 20. 5. Visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children under the third and fourth generation. It is no exception of weight, that they also are sinners, continuing in their Fathers sins: for the worst of sinners must not be dealt unjustly withal; but they must be so if they are punished for their fathers sins, and it be absolutely unlawful that any one should be punished for the sin of another.

SO the Church affirms; Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have born their iniquities, Lam. 5. 11. And so it was: For in the Babylonish captivity God pu­nished the sins of their fore-fathers, especially those com­mitted in the days of Manasses, 2 King. 23. 26, 27. As afterwards in the final destruction of that Church and Nation, God punished in them the guilt of all bloody per­secutions from the beginning of the world, Luke 11. 50, 51.

SO Canaan was cursed for the sin of his Father, Gen. 9. 25. Saul's seven Sons were put to death for their Fathers bloody Cruelty, 2 Sam. 21. 8. 14. For the Sin of David, seventy thousand of the People were destroyed by an Angel, concerning whom he said, It is I that have sinned and done evil, these sheep what have they done? 2 Sam. 24. 15, 17. See also 1 King. 21. 29. So was it with all the Children or Infants that perished in the Flood, or in the Conflagration of Sodom and Gomorrah. And other instances of the like nature may be assigned.

IT is therefore evident, That there is no inconsistency with the nature of Divine Justice, nor the Rules of Reason among Men, that in sundry Cases the Sins of some may be punished on others.

2. IT is to be observed that this Administration of Justice is not promiscuous, that any whatever, may be punished for the sins of any others. There is always a [Page 108] special Cause and Reason of it; and this is a peculiar con­junction between them who sin, and those who are punish­ed for their sins. And two Things belong unto this Con­junction. (1.) Especial Relation. (2.) Especial mutual Interest.

1. THERE is an especial Relation required unto this Translation of Punishment. Such as that between Parents and Children, as in most of the Instances before given; or between a King and Subjects, as in the Case of David. Hereby the Persons sinning, and those suffering, are con­stituted one Body, wherein if one Member offend, ano­nother may justly suffer: The back may answer for what the hands takes away.

2. IT consists in mutual Interest. Those whose sins are punished in others, have such an Interest in them, as that their being so, is a punishment unto themselves. Therefore are such sinners threatned with the punishment and evils that shall befall their Posterity or Children for their sakes which is highly poepal unto themselves, Numb. 14. 33. Your Children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms. The Punishment due to their sins is in part transferred unto their Children, and therein did the sting of their own Punishment also consist.

3. THERE is a greater, a more Intimate Conjunction, a nearer Relation, an higher mutual Interest between Christ and the Church, than ever was or can be between any other Persons or Relations in the world, whereon it became just and equal in the sight of God, that he should suffer for us, and that what he did and suffered should be im­puted unto us, which is farther to be cleared.

THERE neither is nor can be any more than a Three­fold Conjunction between diverse, distinct Persons. The first is Natural, the second is Moral, whereunto I refer that which is Spiritual or Mystical; and the Third Foederal, by vertue of mutual compact. In all these ways is Christ [Page 109] in Conjunction with his Church, and in every in one of them, in a way Singular and Peculiar.

1. THE first Conjunction of distinct Persons is Na­tural. God hath made all Mankind of one blood, Act. 17. 26. Whereby there is a Cognation and Alliance between them all. Hence every Man, is every Mans Brother or Neighbour, unto whom loving kindness is to be shewed, Luk. 10. 36. And this Conjunction was between Christ and the Church; as the Apostle declares, Heb. 2. 14. Forasmuch as the Children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage. Hence both he that sancti­fieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one, v. 11. His In­finite Condescention in coming into this Communion and Conjunction of Nature with us, was before declared: But it is not common like that between all other Men partakers of the same Nature. There are Two Things wherein it was peculiar and eminent.

1. THIS Conjunction between him and the Church, did not arise from a necessity of Nature, but from a volun­tary act of his Will. The Conjunction that is between all others is necessary. Every Man is every Mans Bro­ther whether he will or no, by being a Man. Natural Generation communicating to every one his subsistence in the same Nature, prevents all acts of their own Will and Choice. With the Lord Christ it was otherwise as the Text affirms: For such Reasons as are there expressed, he did by an act of his own Will partake of Flesh and Blood, or came into this Conjunction with us. He did it of his own choice, because the Children did partake of the same. He would be what the Children where. Wherefore the Conjunction of Christ in humane Nature with the Church, is ineffably distinct from that common Conjunction which [Page 110] is amongst all others in the same Nature. And therefore altho it should not be meet amongst meer Men, that one should act and suffer in the stead of others, because they are all thus related to one another as it were whether they will or no; yet this could not reach the Lord Christ, who in a strange and wonderful manner came into this Con­junction by a meer act of his own.

2. HE came into it on this design, and for this only end, n [...]mely, that in our Nature taken to be his own, he might do and suffer what was to be done and suffered for the Church: So it is added in the Text; That by death he might destroy him who had the power of death; and deliver them who for fear of death were subject to Bondage. This was the only end of his Conjunction in Nature with the Church: And this puts the case between him and it, at a vast distance from what is or may be between other Men.

IT is a foolish thing to argue, that because a mere participation of the same Nature among Men, is not suffi­cient to warrant the Righteousness of punishing one for another; that therefore the conjunction in the same Na­ture betwixt Christ and the Church, is not a sufficient and just foundation of his suffering for us, and in our Stead! For by an act of his own will and choice, he did partake of of our Nature, and that for this very end, that therein he might suffer for us, as the Holy Ghost expresly de­clares. Amongst others there neither is nor can be any thing of this Nature, and so no objection from what is equal or inequal amongst them, can arise against what is equal between Christ and the Church. And herein is he glorious and precious unto them that believe, as we shall see immediately.

2. THERE is a Mystical Conjunction between Christ and the Church, which answers all the most strict real or moral Vnions [...] Conjunctions between other persons or things. Such is the Conjunction between the head of a [Page 111] body and its members, or the tree of the vine and its branches which are real; or between an Husband and Wife, which is moral and real also. That there is such a Conjunction between Christ and his Church, the Scrip­ture plentifully declares, as also that it is the Foundation of the Equity of his suffering in its stead. So speaks the Apostle, Eph. 5. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Hus­bands love your Wives, even as Christ also loved the Church (that is his Wife, the Bride the Lambs Wife) and gave himself for it. &c. Being the Head and Husband of the Church, which was to be sanctified and saved, and could be so no otherwise but by his Blood and Sufferings, he was both meet so to suffer, and it was righteous also that what he did and suffered should be imputed unto them for whom he both did it, and suffered. Let the adver­saries of the Glory of Christ assign any one Instance of such a Conjunction, Union and Relation between any a­mongst mankind, as is between Christ and the Church, and they may give some countenance unto their Cavils against his Obedience and Sufferings in our stead, with the imputation of what he did and suffered unto us. But the Glory of Christ is singular herein, and as such it ap­pears unto them by whom the Mystery of it is in any measure spiritually apprehended.

BUT yet it will be said, that this Mystical Conjunction of Christ with his Church is consequential unto what he did and suffered for it: for it ensues on the conversion of Men unto him. For it is by Faith that we are implanted into him. Until that be actually wrought in us, we have no Mystical Conjunction with him. He is not an Head, or an Huusband unto unregenerate, unsanctified unbelievers whilst they continue so to be: And such was the state of the whole Church when Christ suffered for us, Rom. 5. 8. Eph. 2. 5. There was therefore no such Mystical Conjuncti­on between him and the Church, as to render it meet and [Page 112] equal that he should suffer in its stead. Wherefore the Church is the Effect of the Work of the Redemption, that wh [...]ch rose out of it, which was made and constituted by it; and cannot be so the Object of it, as that which was to be redeemed by vertue of an antecedent Conjunction with it. I answer,

1. ALTHOUGH this Mystical Conjunction is not actu­ally consummate without an actual Participation of the Spirit of Christ, yet the Church of the Elect was de­signed antecedently unto all his sufferings, to be his Spouse and Wife, so as that he might love her and suffer for her; so it is said, Hos. 12. 13. Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep. Howbeit, she was not his married wife, until after he had served for her, and thereby pur­chased her to be his Wife; yet as he served for her, she is called his Wife, because of his Love unto her, and be­cause the was so designed to be upon his Service. So was the Church designed to be the Spouse of Christ in the Counsel of God, whereon he loved her, and gave him­self for her.

HENCE in the work of Redemption the Church was the Object of it as designed to be the Spouse of Christ, and the Effect of it, inasmuch as that thereby it was made meet for the full consummation of that Alliance; as the Apostle expresly declares, Eph. 5. 25, 26, 27.

2. ANTECEDENTLY unto all that the Lord Christ did and suffered for the Church, there was a supreme act of the Will of God the Father, giving all the Elect unto him, entrusting them with him, to be redeemed, sanctified and saved; as himself declares, Joh. 17. 6, 9. Chap. 10. 14, 15, 16. And on these Grounds this My­stical Conjunction between Christ and the Church hath its vertue and efficacy before it be actually consummate.

3. THERE is a foederal Conjunction between distinct Persons: And as this is various according unto the varie­ty [Page 113] of the Interests and Ends of them that enter into it; so that is most eminent, where one by the common con­sent of all that are concerned, undertakes to be a Sponsor or Surety for others, to do and answer what on their part is required of them for attaining the ends of the Covenant. So did the Lord Christ undertake to be Surety of the new Covenant in behalf of the Church, Heb. 7. 22. and thereon tendred himself unto God to do and suffer for them, in their stead, and on their behalf, whatever was required, that they might be sanctified and saved. These things I have treated of at large elsewhere, as containing a great part of the Mystery of the Wisdom of God in the Salvation of the Church. Here therefore I do only observe that this is that whereby the Mystical Conjunction that was between Christ and the Church, whereon it was meet just and equal in the sight of God, that what he did and suffered should be imputed unto us, is compleated.

THESE are some of the Foundations of that Mystery of transmitting the sins of the Church as unto the guilt and punishment of them from the sinners themselves unto a­nother every way innocent pure and righteous in himself, which is the Life, Soul and Center of all Scripture Re­velations. And herein is he exceedingly Glorious, and precious unto them that believe. No heart can conceive, no Tongue can express the Glory of Christ herein. Now because his Infinite Condescension and Love herein have been spoken to before▪ I shall here only instance its Greatness in some of its Effects.

1. IT shines forth in the Exaltation of the Righteous­ness of God in the forgiveness of sins. There is no more a­dequate conception of the Divine Nature, than that of Justice in Rule and Government. Hereunto it belongs to punish sin according unto its desert: And herein con­sisted the first actings of God as the Governour of the Rational Creation; They did so in the Eternal punish­ment [Page 114] of the Angels that sinned, and the casting of Adam. out of Paradise, an Emblem also of everlasting Ruin. Now all the Church, all the Elect of God are sinners: They were so in Adam; they have been and are so in themselves. What doth become the Justice of God to do thereon? Shall it dismiss them all unpunished? Where then is that Justice which spared not the Angels who sinned nor Adam at the first? Would this procedure have any consonancy thereunto, be reconcilable unto it? Where­fore the Establishment of the Righteousness of God on the one hand, and the forgiveness of sin on the other, seem so contradictory, as that many stumble and fall at it eter­nally, see Ram. 10. 3, 4.

BUT in this interposition of Christ, in this Translation of punishment from the Church unto him, by vertue of his Conjunction therewith, there is a blessed harmony be­tween the Righteousness of the God, and the forgiveness of sins; the exemplification whereof, is his Eternal Glory. O Blessed Change! O Sweet permutation; as Justine Martyr speaks.

BY Vertue of his Union with the Church, which of his own accord he entred into, and his undertaking there­in to answer for it in the sight of God, it was a righteous thing with God, to lay the punishment of all our sins upon him, so as that he might freely and graciously pardon them all, to the Honour and Exaltation of his Justice, as well as of his Grace and Mercy, Rom. 3. 24, 25, 26.

HEREIN is he Glorious in the sight of God, Angels and Men. In him there is at the same time, in the same Divine Actings, a Glorious Resplendency of Justice and Mercy; of the one in punishing; of the other in pardon­ing. The appearing inconsistency between the Righteous­ness of God and the Salvation of sinners, wherewith the Consciences of convinced Persons are exercised and terri­fied, and which is the Rock at which most of them split [Page 115] themselves into Eternal Ruin, is herein removed and ta­ken away. In his Cross were Divine Holiness and Vin­dictive Justice exercised and manifested; and through his Triumph Grace and Mercy are exerted to the utmost. This is that Glory which ravisheth the Hearts, and satiates the Souls of them that believe. For what can they desire more, what is farther needful unto the Rest and Compo­sure of their Souls, than at one view to behold God eternally well pleased in the declaration of his Righteousness, and the exercise of his Mercy, in order unto their Salvation? In due apprehensions hereof, let my Soul live; in the faith hereof let me dye, and let present Admiration of this Glory make way for the eternal enjoyment of it in its beauty and fulness.

HE is Glorious in that the Law of God in its Preceptive part, or as unto the Obedience which it required, was perfectly fulfilled and accomplished. That it should be so, was absolutely necessary from the Wisdom, Holi­ness and Righteousness of him, by whom it was given: For what could be more remote from those Divine Per­fections, than to give a Law, which never was to be fulfilled in them unto whom it was given, and who were to have the advantages of it? This could not be done by us; But through the Obedience of Christ by vertue of this his Mystical Conjunction with the Church, the Law was so fulfilled in us by being fulfilled for us, as that the Glory of God in the giving of it, and annexing e­ternal Rewards unto it, is exceedingly exalted, see Rom. 8. 3, 4.

THIS is that Glory of Christ whereof one view by faith, will scatter all the fears, answer all the objections, and give relief against all the Despondencies of poor tempted, doubting souls; and an Anchor it will be unto all believers, which they may cast within the Vail, to hold them firm and stedfast in all Tryals, Storms and Temptations in Life and Death.

The Glory of Christ in the Communication of himself unto Believers.

ANOTHER instance of the Glory of Christ which we are to behold here by Faith, and hope that we shall do so by sight hereafter, consists in the Mysteri­ous Communication of himself and all the Benefits of his Me­diation, unto the souls of them that do believe, to their present happiness and future eternal Blessedness.

HEREBY he becomes theirs as they are his; which is the Life, the Glory and Consolation of the Church, Cant. 6. 3. Chap. 2. 16. Chap. 3. 10. He and all that he is be­ing appropriated unto them by vertue of their Mystical Union; There is, there must be some Ground, formal Reason and Cause of this Relation between Christ and the Church, whereby he is theirs, and they are his; he is in them, and they in him; so as it is not between him and other Men in the World.

THE Apostle speaking of this Communication of Christ unto the Church, and the Union between them, which doth ensue thereon, affirms that is a Great Mystery; for I speak, saith he, concerning Christ and the Church, Ephes. 5. 32.

I SHALL very briefly enquire into the Causes, Ways and Means of this Mysterious Communication whereby he is made to be ours, to be in us, to dwell with us, and all the benefits of his Mediation to belong unto us: For, as was said, it is evident that he doth not thus communicate himself unto all by a natural Necessity, as the Sun gives light equally unto the whole World; nor is he present [Page 117] withall by an Vbiquity of his humane Nature; nor as some dream, by a Diffusion of his rational Soul into all; nor doth he become ours by a carnal eating of him in the Sa­crament; but this Mystery proceeds from, and depends on other Reasons and Causes, as we shall briefly declare.

BUT yet before I proceed to declare the way and manner whereby Christ communicateth himself unto the Church, I must premise something of Divine Communica­tions in General, and their Glory. And I shall do this by touching a little on the harmony and Correspondency that is between the Old Creation and the New.

1. ALL Being, Power, Goodness, and Wisdom were originally, essentially, infinitely in God: And in them with the other Perfections of his Nature, consisted his Essential Glory.

2. THE Old Creation was a Communication of Be­ing and Goodness by Almighty Power, directed by In­finite Wisdom, unto all things that were created for the manifestation of that Glory. This was the first Commu­nication of God unto any thing without himself, and it was exceeding glorious, see Psal. 19. 1. Rom. 1. 21. And it was a curious Machine, framed in the subordination and dependency of one thing on another, without which they could not subsist, nor have a continuance of their Beings. All Creatures below live on the Earth, and the products of it; the Earth for its whole production depends on the Sun and other Heavenly Bodies, as God declares, Hos. 2. 21, 22. I will hear, saith the Lord, I will hear the Heavens and they shall hear the Earth, and the Earth shall hear the Corn, and the Wine, and the Oil, and they shall bear Jez­reel. God hath given a subordination of things in a Concatenation of Causes whereon their Subsistence doth depend. Yet,

[Page 118] 4. IN this mutual Dependency on, and Supplies un­to one another, they all depend on, and are influenced from God himself, the Eternal Fountain of Being, Power, and Goodness. He hears the Heavens; and in the Conti­nuation of this Order by constant Divine Communication of Being, Goodness and Power, unto all Things, God is no less glorified than in the first Creation of them, Act. 14. 15, 16, 17. Chap. 17. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

5. THIS Glory of God is visible in the Matter of it, and is obvious unto the Reason of Mankind; for from his Works of Creation and Providence they may learn his Eternal Power and Godhead, wherein he is essentially glorious.

6. BUT by this divine Communication God did not intend only to glorifie himself in the essential Properties of his Nature, but his Existence also in Three Persons, of Fa­ther, Son and Spirit. For although the whole Creation in its first framing, and in its Perfection, was and is by an Emanation of Power and Goodness from the Divine Na­ture in the Person of the Father, as he is the Fountain of the Trinity, whence he is said peculiarly to be the Crea­tor of all things; yet the immediate Operation in the Creation was from the Son, the Power and Wisdom of the Father, Joh. 1. 1, 2, 3. Col. 1. 16. Heb. 1. 3. And as upon the first Production of the Mass of the Creation, it was under the especial care of the Spirit of God to pre­serve and cherish it, unto the production of all distinct sorts of Creatures, Gen. 1. 2. So in the Continuance of the whole there is an especial Operation of the same Spirit in all things. Nothing can subsist one Moment by vertue of the Dependance which all things have on one another, without a continual Emanation of Power from him, see Psal. 104. 29, 30.

BY these divine Communications in the production and preservation of the Creature, doth God manifest his Glo­ry, [Page 119] and by them alone in the way of Nature he doth so; and without them, although he would have been for ever essentially glorious, yet was it impossible that his Glory should be known unto any but himself. Wherefore on these divine Communications doth depend the whole Mani­nifestation of the Glory of God. But this is far more eminent, though not in the outward Effects of it so visi­ble in the new Creation, as we shall see.

1. ALL Goodness, Grace, Life, Light, Mercy and Pow­er, which are the Springs and Causes of the New Creati­on, are all originally in God, in the divine Nature, and that infinitely and essentially. In them is God eternally or essentially glorious, and the whole Design of the New Creation was to manifest his Glory in them by external Communications of them and from them.

2. THE first Communication of, and from these things, is made unto Christ as the Head of the Church. For in the first place, it pleased God that in him should all the fulness of these things dwell, so as that the whole New Creation might consist in him, Col. 1. 17, 18, 19. And this was the first Egress of divine Wisdom for the Manifestation of the Glory of God in these holy Properties of his Na­ture. For,

3. THIS Communication was made unto him as a Repository and Treasury of all that Goodness, Grace, Life, Light, Power and Mercy which were necessary for the Constitution and Preservation of the New Creation. They were to be laid up in him, to be hid in him, to dwell in him; and from him to be communicated unto the whole Mystical Body designed unto him, that is the Church. And this is the first Emanation of divine Power and Wis­dom for the Manifestation of his Glory in the New Cre­ation. This Constitution of Christ as the Head of it, and the Treasuring up in him, all that was necessary for its Production and Preservation, wherein the Church is cho­sen [Page 120] and preordained in him unto Grace and Glory, is the Spring and Fountain of divine Glory in the Communi­cations that ensue thereon.

4. THIS Communication unto Christ is (1.) Unto his Person; and then (2.) With respect unto this Office. It is in the Person of Christ that all Fulness doth originally dwell. On the Assumption of human Nature into perso­nal Union with the Son of God, all Fulness dwells in him bodily, Col. 2. 9. And thereon receiving the Spirit in all Fulness, and not by Measure, all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge were hid in him, Col. 2. 3. and he was filled with the unsearchable Riches of Divine Grace, Ephes. 3. 8, 9, 10, 11. And the Office of Christ is nothing but the way appointed in the Wisdom of God, for the Communication of the Treasures of Grece, which were communicated unto his Person. This is the end of the whole Office of Christ in all the parts of it, as he is a Priest, a Prophet and a King. They are, I say, nothing but the Ways appointed by in­finite Wisdom for the Communication of the Grace laid up in his Person unto the Church. The transcendent Glo­ry hereof, we have in some weak measure enquired into.

5. THE Decree of Election prepared, if I may so say, the Mass of the New Creation. In the old [...] Creation, God first prepared and created the Mass or Matter of the whole, which afterwards by the Power of the holy Spirit, was formed into all the distinct Beings whereof the whole Cre­ation was to consist; and animated according to their distinct Kinds.

AND in order unto the Production and Perfecting of the Work of the new Creation, God did from Eternity in the holy purpose of his Will prepare, and in design set apart unto himself, that Portion of Mankind whereof it was to consist. Hereby they were only the peculiar Mat­ter that was to be wrought upon by the Holy Ghost, and [Page 121] the glorious Fabrick of the Church erected out of it. What was said, it may be, of the Natural Body, by the Psalmist, is true of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is principally intended, Psal. 139. 15, 16. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curi­ously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth: Thine eyes did see my substance yet being imperfect, and in thy Book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. The substance of the Church whereof it was to be formed, was under the Eye of God, as proposed in the Decree of Election; yet was it as such imperfect. It was not formed or shaped into Members of the Mystical Body. But they were all written in the Book of Life. And in pursuance of the Purpose of God, there they are by the holy Spirit in the whole course and continuance of time in their several Generations fashioned into the Shape designed for them.

6. THIS therefore is herein, the glorious Order of divine Communications. From the infinite eternal Spring of Widsom, Grace, Goodness, and Love in the Father, all the Effects whereof unto his end were treasured up in the Person and Mediation of the Son; the holy Spirit unto whom the actual Application of them is committed, communicates Life, Light, Power, Grace and Mercy unto all that are designed parts of the New Creation. Hereon doth God glorifie both the essential Properties of his Na­ture, his infinite Wisdom, Power, Goodness and Grace, as the only eternal Spring of all these things; and also his ineffable glorious Existence in three Persons, by the Or­der of the Communication of these things unto the Church, which are originally from his Nature. And herein is the glorious Truth of the Blessed Trinity, which by some is opposed, by some neglected, by most looked on as that which is so much above them, as that it doth not belong unto them, made precious unto them that believe, and [Page 122] becomes the Foundation of their Faith and Hope. In a View of the glorious Order of those divine Communica­tions, we are in a steady Contemplation of the ineffable Glory of the Existence of the Nature of God in the Three distinct Persons of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

7. ACCORDING unto this Divine Order the Elect in all Ages are by the holy Spirit moving and acting on that Mass of the New Creation, formed and animated with spi­ritual Life, Light, Grace and Power unto the Glory of God. They are not called accidentally according unto the external Occasions and Causes of their Conversion unto God; but in every Age, at his own Time and Sea­son, the holy Spirit communicates these things unto them, in the Order declared unto the Glory of God.

8. AND in the same manner is the whole New Crea­tion preserved every Day: every moment there is vital Power and Strength, Mercy and Grace communicated in this Divine Order to all Believers in the World. There is a continual Influence from the Fountain, from the Head, into all the Members, whereby they all consist in him, are acted by him, who worketh in us both to will and to do of his own good pleasure: and the Apostle declares that the whole Constitution of Church-order is suited as an external Instrument to promote these Divine Communications, unto all the Members of the Church, it self Eph. 4. 13, 14, 15, 16.

THIS in general is the Order of Divine Communications, which is for the Substance of it continued in Heaven, and shall be so unto Eternity; For God is, and ever will be all and in all. But at present, it is invisible unto Eyes of Flesh, yea, the Reason of Men. Hence it is by the most despised, they see no Glory in it: But let us consider the Prayer of the Apostle, that it may be otherwise with us, Ephes. 1. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. For the Revelation made of the Glory of God in the old Creati­on, [Page 123] is exceeding inferior to that which he makes of him­self in the New.

HAVING premised these things in general concerning the Glory of Divine Communications, I shall proceed to de­clare in particular, the Grounds and Way whereby the Lord Christ communicates himself, and therewithal all the Benefits of his Mediation, unto them that do believe, as it was before proposed.

WE on our part are said herein to receive him, and that by Faith, John 1. 11, 12. Now where he is re­ceived by us, he must be tendred, given, granted, or communicated unto us. And this he is by some divine Acts of the Father, and some of his own.

THE Foundation of the whole is laid in a Soveraign Act of the Will, the Pleasure, the Grace of the Father. And this is the Order and Method of all divine Operati­ons in the Way and Work of Grace. They originally proceed all from him; and having effected their Ends, do return, rest, and center in him again, see Ephes. 1. 4, 5, 6. Wherefore that Christ is made ours, that he is com­municated unto us, is originally from the free Act, Grant and Donation of the Father, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Rom. 5. 15, 16, 17. And hereunto sundry things do concur. As (1.) His Eternal Purpose which he purposed in himself to glorifie his Grace in all his Elect, by this Communication of Christ, and the Benefits of his Mediation unto them, which the Apostle declares at large, Ephes. 1. (2.) His granting all the Elect unto Christ to be his own: so to do and suffer for them what was antecedaneously necessary unto the actual Communication of himself unto them. Thine they were, and thou gavest them to me, Joh. 17. (3.) The giving of the Promise, or the Constitution of the Rule and Law of the Gospel, whereby a participation of Christ, an Interest in him and all that he is, is made over and as­sured unto Believers, Joh. 1. 12. 1 Joh. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4. [Page 124] (4.) An Act of Almighty Power, working and creating Faith in the Souls of the Elect, enabling them to receive Christ so exhibited and communicated unto them by the Gospel, Ephes. 1. 19, 20. Chap. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8.

THESE things which I have but named, have an In­fluence into the Glory of Christ herein: For this Commu­nication of him unto the Church, is an effect of the eter­nal Counsel, Wisdom, Grace and Power of the Fa­ther.

BUT they are the Acts of Christ himself herein, which principally we enquire into, as those which manifest the Glory of his Wisdom, Love and Condescention.

AND 1. He gives and communicates unto them his holy Spirit; the holy Spirit as peculiarly his, as granted unto him of the Father, as inhabiting in him in all fulness. This Spirit abiding originally as to his Person, and immea­surably as unto his Effects and Operations in himself, he gives unto all Believers to inhabit and abide in them also, Joh. 14. 14. 20. 1 Cor. 6. 16, 17. Rom. 8. 8. Hence follows an ineffable Vnion between him and them. For as in his Incarnation he took our Nature into personal Union with his own; so herein he takes our Persons into a Mysti­cal Vnion with himself. Hereby he becomes ours, and we are his.

AND herein is he unspeakably glorious: For this Myste­ry of the Inhabitation of the same Spirit in him as the Head, and the Church as his Body, animating the whole, is a transcendent Effect of Divine Wisdom. There is nothing of this Nature in the whole Creation besides; no such Union, no such mutual Communication. The strictest Unions and Relations in Nature are but Shadows of it. Ephes. 5. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Here­in also is the Lord Christ precious unto them that do be­lieve, but a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence un­to the Disobedient. This glorious ineffable Effect of his [Page 125] Wisdom and Grace, this rare, peculiar, singular Way of the Communication of himself unto the Church, is by many despised. They know, it may be, some of them, what it is to be joyned unto an Harlot so as to become one Flesh, but what it is to be joyned unto the Lord so as to become one Spirit, they know not. But this Principle and Spring of the spiritual Life of the Church, and of all vital spiritual Motions towards God, and Things hea­venly, wherein, and whereby our Life is hid with Christ in God, is the Glory, the Exaltation, the Honor, the Se­curity of the Church unto the Praise of the Grace of God. The Understanding of it in its Causes, Effects, Operations and Priviledges wherewith it is accompanied, is to be preferred above all the Wisdom in, and of the World.

2. HE thus communicates himself unto us, by the Formation of a new Nature, his own Nature in us; so as that the very same spiritual Nature is in him, and in the Church. Only it is so with this difference, that in him it is in the absolute perfection of all those glorious Graces wherein it doth consist; in the Church it is in various Measures and Degrees, according as he is pleased to commu­nicate it. But the same Divine Nature it is, that is in him and us; for through the precious Promises of the Gospel, we are made Partakers of his Divine Nature. It is not e­nough for us, that he hath taken our Nature to be his, unless he gives us also his Nature to be ours; that is im­plants in our Souls all those gracious Qualifications, as unto the Essence and Substance of them, wherewith he himself in his human Nature is endued. This is that new Man, that new Creature, that Divine Nature, that Spirit which is born of the Spirit, that Transformation into the Image of Christ, that putting of him on, that Workman­ship of God, whereunto in him we are created, that the Scripture so fully testifieth unto, Joh. 3. 6. Rom. 6. 3, 4, [Page 126] 5, 6, 7, 8. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Chap. 5. 17. Ephes. 4. 20. 24. 2 Pet. 1. 4.

AND that new Heavenly Nature which is thus formed in Believers, as the first vital Act of that Union which is be­tween Christ and them by the Inhabitation of the same Spirit, is peculiarly his Nature. For both is it so as it is in him the Idaea and the Exemplar of it in us, inasmuch as we are predestinated to be conformed unto his I­mage; and as it is wrought or produced in our Souls by an Emanation of Power, Vertue, and Efficiency from him.

THIS is a most heavenly Way of the Communication of himself unto us, wherein of God he is made unto us Wisdom and Sanctification. Hereon he says of his Church, This now is Bone of my Bone, and Flesh of my Flesh; I see my self, my own Nature in them, whence they are comely and desirable. Hereby he makes way to present it to himself a glorious Church, not having Spot or Wrin­kle, or any such thing, but holy and wi [...]hout Blemish. On this Communication of Christ unto us by the forming of his own Nature in us, depends all the Purity, the Beau­ty, the Holiness, the inward Clory of the Church. Here­by is it really, substantially internally separated from the World, and distinguished from all others, who in the outward forms of things, in the Profession and Duties of Religion seem to be the same with them. Hereby it be­comes the First Fruits of the Creation unto God, bearing forth the Renovation of his Image in the World: Herein the Lord Christ is, and will be glorious unto all Eternity. I only mention these things, which deserve to be far more largely insisted on.

3. HE doth the same by that actual Insitition or Implan­tation into himself, which he gives us by Faith; which is of his own Operation. For hereon two Things do en­sue; one by the Grace or Power, the other by the Law [Page 127] or Constitution of the Gospel, which have a great Influ­ence into this Mystical Communication of Christ unto the Church.

AND the first of these is, that thereby there is com­municated unto us, and we do derive Supplies of spiritual Life, Sustentation, Motion, Strength in Grace, and Per­severance from him continually. This is that which him­self so divinely teacheth in the Parable of the Vine and its Branches, Joh. 15. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hereby is there a continual Communication from his All fulness of Grace Vn­to the whole Church, and all the Members of it, unto all the Ends and Duties of spiritual Life. They live, neverthe­less not they, but Christ liveth in them; and the Life which they lead in the Flesh, is by the Faith of the Son of God. And the other, by vertue of the Law and Constitution of the Gospel, is, that hereon his Righteousness, and all the Fruits of his Mediation, are imputed unto us; the Glory of which Mystery the Apostle unfolds, Rom. 3. 4, 5.

I MIGHT add hereunto the mutual Inbeing that is between him and Believers by Love; for the way of the Communication of his Love unto them, being by the shedding of it abroad in their Hearts by the Holy Ghost, and their returns of Love unto them being wrought in them by an Almighty Efficiency of the same Spirit, there is that which is deeply mysterious and glorious in it. I might mention also the Continuation of his Discharge of all his Offi­ces towards us, whereon all our Receptions from him, or all the Benefits of his Mediation, whereof we are made Partakers, do depend. But the few Instances that have been given of the Glory of Christ in this Mysterious Com­munication of himself unto his Church, may suffice to give us such a View of it, as to fill our Hearts with holy Admira­tion and Thanksgiving.

The Glory of Christ in the Recapitulation of all things in him.

IN the last Place the Lord Christ is peculiarly and e­minently glorious in the Re-capitulation of all things in him, after they had been scattered and disordered by sin. This the Apostle proposeth as the most signal Ef­fect of Divine Wisdom, and the soveraign Pleasure of God.

HE hath abounded towards us in all Wisdom and Pru­dence; having made known unto us the Mystery of his Will ac­cording unto his good Pleasure, which he hath purposed in him­self. That in the Dispensation of the fulness of time, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in the Heavens, and which are on Earth, even in him, Ephes. 1. 8, 9, 10.

FOR the Discovery of the Mind of the Holy Ghost in these Words, so far as I am at present concerned, namely, as unto the Representation of the Glory▪ of Christ in them, sundry brief Observations must be premised; and in them it will be necessary that we briefly declare the O­riginal of all these things in Heaven and Earth, their Primitive Order, the Confusion that ensued thereon, with their Restitution in Christ, and his Glory thereby.

GOD alone hath all being in him. Hence he gives himself that Name, I AM, Exod. 3. 14. He was eternally All; when all things else that ever were, or now are, or shall be, were nothing. And when they are, they are no otherwise, but as they are of him, and from him, and to him, Rom. 11. 36. Moreover his Being and Goodness are the [Page 129] same. The Goodness of Good is the Meetness of the Divine Being to be communicative of it self in its Effects. Hence this is the first Notion of the Divine Nature, Infi­nite Being and Goodness in a Nature intelligent and self-subsistent. So the Apostle declares it, He that cometh unto God must be­lieve that he is, and that he is a Rewarder, Heb. 11. 6.

2. IN this State of Infinite, Eternal Being and Good­ness antecedent unto any Act of Wisdom or Power without himself, to give Existence unto other Things, God was, and is eternally in himself all that he will be, all that he can be, unto Eternity. For where there is Infinite Being and Infinite Goodness, there is Infinite Blessedness and Happiness, whereunto nothing can be added. God is always the same. That is his Name [...] Psal. 102. 27. Thou art he, always the same. All things that are, make no addition unto God, no change in his State. His Blessedness, Happiness, Self-satisfaction, as well as all o­ther his Infinite Perfections, were absolutely the same be­fore the Creation of any thing, whilst there was nothing but himself, as they are since he hath made all things: For the Blessedness of God consists in the ineffable mutual Inbeing of the Three holy Persons in the same Nature, with the immanent reciprocal Actings of the Father and the Son in the eternal Love and Complacency of the Spi­rit. Hereunto nothing can be added, herein no Change can be made by any external Work or Effect of Power. Herein doth God act in the perfect Knowledge, and per­fect Love of his own Perfections unto an infinite Acquies­cency therein, which is the Divine Blessedness. This gives us the true Notion of the Divine Nature antecedent unto the Manifestation of it made by any outward Ef­fects. Infinite Being and Goodness eternally blessed in the Knowledge and Enjoyment of it self by incon­ceivable, ineffable, internal Actings answering the manner of its Subsistence, which is in three distinct Persons.

[Page 130] 3. THIS Being and Goodness of God by his own Will and Pleasure, acting themselves in Infinite Wisdom and Power, produced the Creation of all things. Herein he communicated a finite, limited, dependent Being and Goodness unto other things without himself. For all Be­ing and Goodness being, as was said, in him alone, it was necessary that the first outward Work and Effect of the Divine Nature must be the Communication of Being and Goodness into other things. Wherefore as when he had given unto every thing its Being out of nothing by the Word of his Power, saying, Let them be, and they were; so it is said, that he looked on all that he had made, and behold, they were exceeding good, Gen. 1. last. Being and Goodness must be the first outward Effects of the Divine Nature, which being wrought by Infinite Pow­er and Wisdom, do represent unto us the Glory of God in the Creation of all things. Infinite Being in Self-sub­sistence, which is necessary in the first Cause and Spring of all things; Infinite Goodness to communicate the Ef­fect of this Being unto that which was not, and Infinite Wisdom and Power in that Communication, are glori­ously manifested therein.

4. IN this State, all things that were made, depend­ed immediately on God himself, without the Interposition of any other Head of Influence or Rule. They had the Continuance of their Being and its Preservation, from the immediate Actings of these Properties of the Divine Na­ture whereby they were made; and their Dependance on God was by Vertue of that Law, which was implanted on the Principles and Powers of their several Natures by God himself.

5. THUS in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. He provided himself of two distinct Rational Families, that should depend on him according to a Law of Moral Obedience, and thereby give Glory to him; [Page 131] with two distinct Habitations for them cognate unto their Nature and Use; Heaven above, and the Earth beneath. The Earth he appointed for the Habitation of Man, which was every way suited unto the Constitution of his Nature, the Preservation of his Being, and the End of his Creati­on in giving Glory to God. Heaven he prepared for the Habitation of the Angels, which was suited unto the Constitution of their Nature, the Preservation of their Being, and the End of their Creation in giving Glory to God. Wherefore as Man had Power and Dominion o­ver all things here below, and was to use them all unto the Glory of God, by which means God received Glory from them also, though in themselves bruit and inani­mate; so the Angels had the like Dominion over the Coe­lestial and Aetherial Bodies, wherewith God had fitted the Place of their Habitation, that through the Contem­plation and Use of them, God might have a Revenue of Glory and Praise from them also. To suppose any o­ther Race of Intellectual Creatures, besides Angels in Hea­ven, and Men on Earth, is not only without all Counte­nance from any Divine Testimony, but it disturbs and disorders the whole Representation of the Glory of God made unto us in the Scripture, and the whole Design of his Wisdom and Grace as declared therein. Intellectual Creatures not comprehended in that Government of God, and Mystery of his Wisdom in Christ, which the Scri­pture Reveals, are a Chimera framed in the Imaginations of some Men, scarce duly sensible of what it is to be wise unto Sobriety.

6. THIS Order of things was beautiful and comely. Hence were they all said to be exceeding good. For each of these Families had their own immediate, distinct Depen­dance on God. He was the immediate Head of them. There was no other common Head interposed between God and them. They were not an Head unto one ano­ther. [Page 132] There were no Communications unto them, but what were immediate from God himself. And their U­nion among themselves was in this alone, that all their O­bedience did meet and center in God. So God made the Heavens and the Earth, and two distinct Families in them for himself.

7. THIS beautiful Order in it self, this Union between the two Families of God, was disturbed, broken, dissolv­ed by the Entrance of Sin: For hereby part of the Family above, and the whole Family below, fell off from their Dependance on God, and ceasing to center in him as their Head, they fell into Variance and Enmity among them­selves. For the Center of this Union and Order being re­moved and lost, nothing but Enmity and Confusion re­mained among them. Hereon to shew that its Goodness was lost, God cursed the Earth and all that was in it; for it was put in Subjection unto Man, who was now fallen from him: Howbeit he cursed not the Heavens which were in Subjection unto the Angels, because some of them only left their Habitation; and the Habitation of the Re­sidue was not to be cursed for their Sakes. But Mankind was wholly gone off from God.

8. THE Angels that sinned, God utterly rejected for ever as an Example of his Severity; the whole Race of Mankind he would not utterly cast off, but determined to recover and save a Remnant according to the Election of Grace; which how he did it in a way of Condecency unto all his Divine Perfections, I have elsewhere de­clared.

9. HOWBEIT he would not restore them into their former State, so as to have again two distinct Families, each in an immediate Dependance on himself, though he left them in different and distinct Habitations, Eph. 3. 15. But he would gather them both into one, and that un­der a new Head, in whom the one Part should be pre­served [Page 133] from sinning, and the other delivered from sin com­mitted.

10. THIS then is that which the Apostle declares in these Words, To gather together in one all things which are in Heaven, and which are in Earth; even in him. And so he again expresseth it, Col. 1. 20. To reconcile all things unto himself in him, whether they are things in Heaven, or things in Earth, all things were fallen into disorder and con­fusion by sin; they were fallen off from God into vari­ance among themselves. God would not restore them in­to their first Order in an immediate Dependance on his Divine Perfections. He would no longer keep them in two distinct Families; but he would in his infinite Wis­dom and Goodness gather them up into one common Head, on whom they should have their immediate Dependance, and be reconciled again among themselves.

11. THIS New Head, wherein God hath gathered up all things in Heaven and Earth into one; one Body, one Family, on whom is all their dependance, in whom they all now consist, is Jesus Christ the Son of God incarnate, see 1 Cor. 11. 3. Eph. 1. 21, 22, 23. This Glory was re­served for him; none other could be meet for it, or wor­thy of it, see Col. 1. 17, 18, 19, 20

12. TO answer all the Ends of this New Head of Gods recollected Family, all Power in Heaven and Earth, all Ful­ness of Grace and Glory, is committed unto him. There is no Communication from God, no Act of Rule towards this Family, no Supply of Vertue, Power, Grace or Goodness unto Angels or Men, but what is immediately from this New Head, whereinto they are gathered. In him they all consist, on him do they depend, unto him are they subject; in their Relation unto him doth their Peace, Union and Agreement among themselves consist. This is the Recapitulation of all things intended by the A­postle.

[Page 134] 13. IT is true, that he acts distinctly and variously towards the two parts of the Recollected Family of Angels and Men, according as their different States and Condi­tions do require. For (1.) We had need of a Reparation by Redemption and Grace, which the Angels had not. (2.) Angels were capable of immediate Confirmation in Glory, which we are not, until we come to Heaven. Therefore (1.) He assumed our Nature that it might be repaired; which he did not the Nature of the Angels. (2.) He gives us Union unto himself, by his Spirit, which exalts us into a Dignity and Honour, meet for Fellowship with them in the same Family.

THIS is a brief Account of the mysterious Work of Divine Wisdom in the Recapitulation of all things in Jesus Christ; and herein is he transcendently glorious; or his Glory herein is far above our Comprehension: Yet some few things may be observed to direct us in the View and Contemplation of it. As,

1. HE alone was a meet and capable Subject of it. He only could bear the weight of this Glory. No meet Creature in Heaven or Earth was meet to be thus made the Head of the whole new Creation of God. In none of them could all things consist. None of them was meet to be thus in the Place of God, to have all things depend upon him, and be put in subjection unto him, so as that there should be no Communication between God and the Creation, but by and through him alone. Wherefore when the holy Ghost assigns this Glory unto him, he so describes him, as that we may discern his singular meet­ness for it; as that he is the Brightness of the Fathers Glo­ry, and the express Image of his Person, upholding all things by the Word of his Power, Heb. 1. 3. That he is the Image of the invisible God, the first born of every Creature, by whom all things were created, that are in Heaven, and that are in the Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones, or [Page 135] Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers, all things were crea­ted by him, and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things consist, Col. 1. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Such an one alone and no other was meet to bear and uphold this Glory, And the Glory of his Person is such as that it is the Blessedness of all Creatures to center in this Glory of his Office.

2. THIS is that Glory which God designed unto his only Son incarnate; and it gives us a little View into the Glory of that Mystery, the wonderful eternal Design of God to glorifie himself in the Incarnation of Christ. God would have his eternal, his only begotten Son to be incarnate, to take our Nature on him, to be made Man. What is his Design in this incomprehensible Work of his Wisdom, Love and Power? Indeed in the first place, it was for the Redemption of the Church, by the Sacrifice of himself and o­ther Acts of his Mediation. But there is that which is more general and comprehensive, and wherein all the con­cerns of the Glory of God do center. And this was that he might gather all things into one in him, that the whole Creation, especially that which was to be eternally blessed, should have a new Head given unto it for its Sustentati­on, Preservation, Order, Honor and Safety. All Springs are in him, and all Streams are unto him, and in and by him unto God. Who can express the Divine Beauty, Or­der and Harmony of all things that are in this their Reca­pitulation in Christ? The Union and Communion between Angels and Men, the Order of the whole Family in Hea­ven and Earth, the Communication of Life, Grace, Pow­er, Mercy and Consolation to the Church, the Rule and Disposal of all things unto the Glory of God, do all de­pend hereon. This Glory God designed unto his Son incarnate, and it was the greatest, the highest that could be communicated unto him. For as the Apostle observes, All things are put in subjection unto him, he only excepted [Page 136] who doth [...]o make them subject, that is God the Father, 1 Cor. 15.

THERE is no Contemplation of the Glory of Christ that ought more to affect the Hearts of them that do be­lieve, with Delight and Joy, than this of the Recapitu­lation of all things in him. One View by Faith of him in the place of God as the supream Head of the whole Creation, moving, acting, guiding and disposing of it, will bring in spiritual Refreshment unto a believing Soul.

AND it will do so the more, in that it gives a glori­ous Representation of his Divine Nature also. For that any meer Creature should thus be an Head of Life, Mo­tion and Power, as also of soveraign Rule, and disposal of the wh [...]le new Creation, with all things reduced into order thereby, is not only an impious, but a foolish Ima­gination.

DID we live more in the Contemplation of this Glory of Christ, and of the Wisdom of God in this Recapitula­tion of all things in him, there is not any thing of our Duty which it would not mind us of, nor any thing of Priviledge which it would not give us a Sence of, as might easily be demonstrated.

3. IN particular, the Lord Christ is glorious herein, in that the whole Breach made on the Glory of God in the Creation by the Entrance of Sin, is hereby repaired and made up. The Beauty and Order of the whole Creation consisted in i [...]s dependance on God by the Obe­dience of the rational Part of it, Angels and Men. Thereby were the being, the goodness, the wisdom and power of God made manifest. But the Beauty of this Order was defaced, and the Manifestation of the Divine Perfections unto the glory of God eclipsed by the En­trance of Sin. But all is restored, repaired and made up in this Recapitulation of all things in one new Head Christ [Page 137] Jesus; yea, the whole curious Frame of the Divine Cre­ation is rendred more beautiful than it was before. Hence the whole of it groaneth for the Interest of each Part in this Restauration of all things. Whatever there is of Or­der, of Beauty, of Glory in Heaven above, or in Earth beneath, it all ariseth from this new Relation of the Crea­tion unto the Son of God. Whatever is not gathered into one, even in him, in its place and according to its measure, is under Darkness, Disorder and the Curse. Hence the Jews have a saying, that in the days of the Messiah all things shall be healed but the Serpent, that is the Devil, and wicked Men which are as his Seed.

4. HE is glorious herein, in that he is appointed as the only means of exerting, and expressing all the Trea­sures of the Infinite Wisdom of God towards his Crea­tures. The Wisdom of God is absolutely, always and in all things Infinite. God doth not, God cannot act with more Wisdom in one thing than in another; as in the Creation of man than in that of any inanimate Crea­tures. In the first Creation Infinite Wisdom was the in­separable companion of Infinite Power. How marvellous are thy works, O Lord! in Wisdom hast thou made them all. But when the effects of this Divine Wisdom in their prin­cipal beauty and glory were defaced, greater Treasures of Wisdom were required unto their Reparation. And in this Recollection of all things in Christ did God lay them forth unto the utmost of whatever he will do in dea­ling with his Creatures; so the Apostle expresseth it, Ephes. 3. 10. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God. By the Recapitulation of all things into this one head, the manifold various unsearchable Wisdom of God was made known unto the Angels them­selves. They knew not before of the Design and Work of God after the Entrance of Sin. These could not com­prehend [Page 138] the Wisdom that might repair that Loss. They knew not that Divine Wisdom had another way to take herein, at least they knew not what way that should be. But hereby the manifold Wisdom of God, his infinite Wisdom in the Treasures of it, able by various ways to attain the ends of his Glory, was made known unto them. Herein, namely, in the Recollection of all things in Christ, Divine Wisdom hath made known and represented it self in all its Stores and Treasures unto Angels and Men. In him are hid, and by him are displayed, all the treasures of Wisdom, Col. 2. 3. Herein is he glorious, and will be so to Eternity.

5. He is glorious herein, in that hereby firmness and security is communicated unto the whole new Creation. The first Creation in its Order was a curious and glorious Fa­brick. But every thing depending immediately on God by vertue of the Principles of its own Nature, and the Law of its Obedience, all was brought unto a Loss by the sin of Angels and Men. But now every thing that belongs unto this new Creation, even every Believer in the World as well as the Angels in Heaven being gather­ed together in this one Head, the whole and all, and every part and member of it, even every particular Believer are secured from Ruine, such as befel all things before. In this New Head they have an indissoluble Consistency.

BUT manum de Tabula. I shall insist on no more In­stances of this Nature which plentifully offer themselves in the Scripture unto us. For who can declare this glory of Christ? Who can speak of these things as he ought? I am so far from designing to set forth the whole of it, that I am deeply sensible how little a Portion I can compre­hend of the least part of it. Nor can I attain unto any Satisfaction in these Meditations, but what Issue in an humble Admiration.

Differences between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith in this World, and by sight in Heaven. The first of them ex­plained.

WE walk here by faith, and not by sight, 2 Cor. 5. 7. That is, in the Life of God, in our walk­ing before him, in the whole of our Obedi­ence therein, we are under the Conduct and Influence of Faith and not of Sight. Those are the two spiritual Powers of our Souls; by the one whereof, we are made Partakers of Grace, Holiness and Obedience in this Life; and by the other of eternal Blessedness and Glory.

BOTH these, namely, Faith and Sight, the one in this Life, the other in that which is to come, have the same immediate Object. For they are the Abilities of the Soul to go forth unto, and to embrace their Object. Now this Object of them both, is the Glory of Christ, as hath been declared, as also what that glory is, and wherein it doth consist; wherefore my present Design is to enquire into the difference that is between our beholding of the Glory of Christ in this World by Faith, and the Vision which we shall have of the same Glory hereafter.

THE latter of these is peculiarly intended in that Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ for his Disciples, Joh. 17. 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me, may be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me. But I shall not distinctly insist upon it, [Page 140] my design being another way, respecting principally the Work of God in this Life, and the Priviledges which we enjoy thereby: Yet I shall now take a short Prospect of that also; not absolutely, but in the Differences that are between Faith and Sight, or the View which we have of the glory of Christ in this World by Faith, and that which they enjoy by Vision who are above; the Object of them both being adequately the same.

BUT herein also, I shall have respect only unto some of those things which concern our Practise, or the present immediate Exercise of Faith. For I have elsewhere handled at large the State of the Church above, or that of present glory; giving an account of the Administration of the Office of Christ in Heaven, his Presence among the glorified Souls, and the Adoration of God under his Conduct: I have also declared the Advantage which they have by being with him, and the Prospect they have of his glory. Therefore these things must here be only touched on:

THESE Differences may be referred unto two heads. (1.) Those which arise from the different Natures and Actings of those Means and Instruments whereby we ap­prehend this glory of Christ, namely, Faith and Visi­on. And (2.) Those that arise from the different Ef­fects produced by them. Instances in each kind shall be given.

1. THE View which we have of the glory of Christ by Faith in this World, is obscure, dark, inevident, reflexive. So the Apostle declares, 1 Cor. 13. 12. Now we see through a Glass darkly [...]. Through or by a Glass in a Riddle, a Parable, a dark Saying. There is a double figurative Limitation put upon our View of the glory of Christ, taken from the two ways of our Percep­tion of what we apprehend, namely, the Sight of things, and the hearing of Words.

[Page 141] THE first is, that we have this View not directly, but reflexively, and by way of a Representation, as in a Glass. For I take the Glass here, not to be Optical, or a Pro­spective which helps the Sight, but a Speculum, or a Glass which reflects an Image of what we do behold. It is a Sight like that which we have of a Man in a Glass, when we see not his Person or Substance, but an Image or Representation of them only, which is imper­fect.

The Shadow or Image of this glory of Christ is drawn in the Gospel, and therein we behold it as the Likeness of a Man represented unto us in a Glass; and although it be obscure and imperfect in comparison of his own real, sub­stantial glory, which is the Object of Vision in Heaven; yet is it the only Image and Representation of himself, which he hath left, and given unto us in this World. That woful cursed Invention of framing Images of him out of Stocks and Stones however adorned, or Representations of him by the Art of painting, are so far from presenting un­to the Minds of Men any thing of his real glory, that nothing can be more effectual to divert their Thoughts and Apprehensions from it. But by this figurative Ex­pression of seeing in a Glass, the Apostle declares the com­parative Imperfection of our present View of the glory of Christ.

BUT the Allusion may be taken from an Optick Glass or Tube also, whereby the sight of the Eye is helped in be­holding things at a great distance. By the aid of such Glasses Men will discover Stars or heavenly Lights, which by reason of their distance from us, the Eye of it self is no way able to discern. And those which we do fee, are more fully represented, though remote enough from being so, perfectly. Such a Glass is the Gospel, without which we can make no discovery of Christ at all, but in the use [Page 142] of it, we are far enough from beholding him in the just dimensions of his glory.

AND he adds another intimation of this Imperfection, in an Allusion unto the way whereby things are proposed and conveyed unto the Minds and Apprehensions of Men: Now this is by Words. And these are either plain, pro­per and direct, or dark, figurative and parabolical: And this latter way makes the Conception of things to be diffi­cult and imperfect; and by reason of the imperfection of our View of the glory of Christ by Faith in this World, the Apostle saith, it is in [...] in a Riddle. These [...] the Psalmist calls [...] darksaying, Psal. 78. 2.

BUT here it must be observed, that the description and Representation of the Lord Christ and his glory in the Gospel, is not absolutely, or in it self either dark or ob­scure. Yea, it is perspicuous, plain and direct. Christ is therein evidently set forth crucified, exalted, glo­rified. But the Apostle doth not here discourse concern­ing the Way or Means of the Revelation of it unto us, but of the Means or Instrument whereby we comprehend that Revelation. This is our Faith, which as it is in us, being weak and imperfect, we comprehend the Representation that is made unto us of the Glory of Christ, as Men do the sence of a dark Saying, a Riddle, a Parable, that is, im­perfectly, and with difficulty.

ON the account hereof we may say at present, How lit­tle a portion is it that we know of him? as Job speaks of God, Chap. 26. 14. How imperfect are our Concepti­ons of him? How weak are our Minds in their Ma­nagement? There is no part of his glory that we can ful­ly comprehend. And what we do comprehend (as there is a Comprehension in Faith, Eph. 3. 18.) we cannot abide in the steady contemplation of. For ever blessed be that Sove­raign Grace, whence it is that he who commanded the light [Page 143] to shine out of darkness, hath shined into our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of his own Glory in the face of Jesus Christ, and therein of the glory of Christ himself; that he hath so revealed him unto us, as that we may love him, admire him and obey him; but constantly, steadily, and clearly to behold his glory in this life we are not able, for we walk by Faith and not by Sight.

HENCE our sight of him here, is as it were by Glances liable to be clouded by many interpositions. Behold he standeth behind the wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing ( [...] flourishing) himself at the lattess, Cant. 2. 9. Th [...]re is a great Interposition between him and us, as a Wall; and the means of the discovery of himself unto us, as through a Window and Lattess, include a great insta­bility and imperfection in our view and Apprehension of him. There is a Wall between him and us, which yet he standeth behind. Our present mortal state is this Wall, which must be demolished before we can see him as he is. In the mean time he looketh through the Windows of the ordinances of the Gospel. He gives us sometimes, when he is pleased to stand in those Windows, a view of him­self; but it is imperfect, as is our sight of a man through a Window. The appearances of him at these Windows are full of refreshment unto the souls of them that do be­lieve. But our view of them is imperfect, transient, and doth not abide: We are for the most part quickly left to bemoan what we have lost. And then our best is but to cry; As the hart panteth after the water-brook, so panteth my soul after thee, O God; my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before thee? When wilt thou again give me to see thee, tho but as through the Windows? Alas what distress do we oftentimes sit down in, after these views of Christ and his Glory! But he pro­ceeds further yet; and flourishes himself through the lattesses. This displaying of the glory of Christ called the flourishing [...] [Page 144] himself, is by the promises of the Gospel as they are explained in the ministry of the word. In them are represented unto us the desirable beauties and glories of Christ; how precious, how amiable is he as represented in them? How are the Souls of Believers ravished with the views of them? Yet is this discovery of him also but as through a Lattess. We see him but by parts, unsteadily and unevenly.

SUCH I say is the sight of the glory of Christ which we have in this world by Faith. It is dark, it is but in part. It is but weak, transient, imperfect, partial. It is but little that we can at any time discover of it; it is but a lit­tle while, that we can abide in the contemplation of [...]hat we do discover, rara hora, brevis mora. Sometimes it is unto us as the Sun when it is under a Cloud, we cannot perceive it. When he hideth his face, who then can behold him? As Job speaks, so may we, Behold I go for­ward, but he is not there: and backward, but I canno [...] perceive him; on the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot be­hold him; he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him, chap. 23 8, 9. Which way soever we turn our selves, and what duties soever we apply our selves un­to, we can obtain no distinct view of his glory. Yet on the other hand, it is sometimes as the Sun when it shines in its brightness, and we cannot bear the rays of it. In in­finite condescention he says unto his Church, Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me, Cant. 6. 5. As if he could not bear that overcoming affectionate love, which looks through the eyes of the Church in its acting of Faith on him. Ah! How much more do we find our souls overcome with his love, when at any he is pleased to make any clear discoveries of his glory un­to us!

LET us now on the other hand, take a little Consi­deration of that Vision▪ which we shall have of the same Glory in Heaven, that we may compare them toge­ther.

[Page 145] VISION or the sight which we shall have of the glory of Christ in Heaven, is immediate, direct, intuitive, and therefore steady, even and constant: And it is so on a double Account. (1.) Of the Object which shall be proposed unto us. (2.) Of the Visivé Power or faculty wherewith we shall be endued; from the imperfection of both which in this World, ariseth the imperfection of our view of the glory of Christ by faith, as hath been declared.

1. THE Object of it will be real and substantial. Christ himself in his own person with all his glory, shall be continually with us, before us, proposed unto us. We shall no longer have an Image, a Representation of him, such as is the delineation of his Glory in the Gospel. We shall see him, saith the Apostle, face to face; 1 Cor. 13. 12. which he opposeth unto our seeing him darkly as in a glass, which is the utmost that faith can attain to. We shall see him as he is, 1 Joh. 3. 2, not as now in an imperfect description of him. As a man sees his neighbour when they stand and converse together face to face; So shall we see the Lord Christ in his glory, and not as Moses who had only a transient sight of some parts of the Glory of God, when he caused it to pass by him.

THERE will be use herein, of our bodily eyes, as shall be declared. For as Job says, in our Flesh shall we see our Redeemer, and our eyes shall behold him, Chap. 19. 25, 26, 27. That corporeal sence shall not be restored unto us, and that glorified above what we can conceive, but for this great use of the eternal beholding of Christ and his Glory. Unto whom it is not a matter of rejoycing, that with the same eyes wherewith they see the tokens and signs of him in the Sacrament of the Supper, they shall behold himself immediately, in his own person. But principally, as we shall see immediately, this vision is in­tellectual. It is not therefore the meer Human Nature of Christ, that is the object of it, but his Divine Person as [Page 146] that nature subsisteth therein. What is that perfection which we shall have (for that which is perfect must come and do away that which is in part) in the comprehension of the hypostatical Vnion, I understand not; but this I know, that in the immediate beholding of the Person of Christ, we shall see a glory in it a thousand times above what here we can conceive. The excellencies of Infinite Wis­dom, Love and Power therein, will be continually be­fore us. And all the glories of the Person of Christ, which we have before weakly and faintly enquired into, will be in our sight for evermore.

HENCE the ground and cause of our Blessedness is, that we shall be ever with the Lord, 1 Thes. 4. 17. As him­self prays, that we may be with him where he is, to behold his glory: Here we have some dark views of it, we cannot perfectly behold it, until we are with him where he is. Thereon our sight of him will be direct, intuitive, and constant.

THERE is a glory, there will be so subjectively in us in the beholding of this glory of Christ, which is at pre­sent incomprehensible. For it doth not yet appear what we our selves shall be, 1 John, 3. 2. Who can declare what a glory it will be in us to behold this Glory of Christ? And how excellent then is that glory of Christ it self?

THIS immediate sight of Christ, is that which all the Saints of God in this life do breath and pant after. Hence are they willing to be dissolved, or desire to depart, that they may be with Christ, which is best for them, Phil. 1. 23. They chuse to be absent from the body and present with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5. 8. Or that they may enjoy the inexpres­sibly longed for sight of Christ in his glory. Those who do not so long for it, whose souls and minds are not fre­quently visited with earnest desires after it, unto whom the thoughts of it are not their relief in Trouble, and their chiefest Joy, are carnal, blind, and cannot see afar off. [Page 147] He that is truly spiritual, entertains and refresheth him­self with thoughts hereof continually.

2. IT will be so from that Visive Power or faculty of beholding the Glory of Christ, which we shall then receive. Without this we cannot see him as he is. When he was transfigured in the Mount, and had on his Human Nature some reflections of his Divine Glory, his Disciples that were with him, were rather amazed, than refreshed by it. Mat. 17. 4. They saw his glory, but spake thereon they knew not what, Luk. 9. 30, 33. And the reason here­of was because no man in this life can have a Visive Power, either spiritual, or corporeal, directly and immediately to behold the real Glory of Christ.

SHOULD the Lord Jesus appear now to any of us in his Majesty and Glory, it would not be unto our edifi­cation nor consolation. For we are not meet nor able, by the Power of any Light or Grace that we have received, or can receive, to bear the immediate appearance and re­presentation of them. His beloved Apostle John had leaned on his bosom probably many a time in this life, in the intimate familiarities of love: But when he after­wards appeared unto him in his Glory, he fell at his feet as dead, Rev. 1. 17. And when he appeared unto Paul, all the account he could give thereof, was, that he saw a light from Heaven above the brightness of the Sun, whereon he and all that were with him, fell to the ground, Act. 26. 13, 14.

AND this was one Reason why in the days of his Mi­nistry here on earth, his Glory was vailed with the infir­mities of the flesh, and all sorts of sufferings, as we have be­fore related. The Church in this life is no way meet, by the Grace which it can be made partaker of, to converse with him in the immediate manifestations of his Glory.

[Page 148] AND therefore those who dream of his Personal Reign on the earth before the day of Judgment, unless they sup­pose that all the Saints shall be perfectly glorified also (which is only to bring down Heaven to the Earth for a while, to no purpose) provide not at all for the edification or con­solation of the Church. For no present grace advanced un­to the highest degree whereof in this World it is capable, can make us meet for an immediate converse with Christ in his unvailed Glory.

How much more abominable is the folly of men, who would represent the Lord Christ in his present Glory by Pictures and Images of him? When they have done their utmost with their burnished Glass and Guildings, an eye of flesh cannot only behold it, but if it be guided by rea­son, see it contemptible and foolish. But the true Glory of Christ neither inward nor outward sight can bear the rays of in this life.

THE dispensation which we are meet for is only that of his presence with us by his Spirit. We know him now no more after the flesh, 2 Cor. 5. 16. We are advanced above that way and means of the knowledge of him by the fleshly carnal Ordinances of the Old Testament. And we know him not according unto that bodily presence of his, which his Disciples enjoyed in the days of his flesh. We have attained somewhat above that also. For such was the nature of his Ministry here on earth, that there could not be the promised dispensation of the spirit until that was fini­shed. Therefore he tells his Disciples that it was expedi­ent for them that he should go away and send the spirit to them, John. 16. 7. Hereon they had a clearer view of the Glory of Christ, than they could have by beholding him in the flesh. This is our spiritual posture and condition. We are past the knowledge of him according to the flesh; we cannot attain nor receive the sight of him in Glory; but the life which we now lead, is by the Faith of the Son of God.

[Page 149] I SHALL not here enquire into the nature of this vi­sion, or the power and ability which we shall have in Heaven to behold the Glory of Christ. Some few things may be mentioned, as it relates unto our Minds and our Bodies also after the Resurrection.

1. FOR the Mind, it shall be perfectly freed from all that Darkness, Unsteadiness, and other Incapacities, which here it is accompanied with; and whereby it is weakened, hindred and obstructed in the Exercise of Faith. And they are of two sorts. First, such as are the remainders of that depravation of our Natures, which came upon us by sin. Hereby our Minds became wholly vain, dark, and corrupt, as the Scripture testifieth, utterly unable to discern spiritual things in a due manner. This is so far cured and removed in this Life by Grace, as that those who were darkness, do become light in the Lord, or are ena­bled to live unto God under the Conduct of a new spiri­tual Light communicated unto them. But it is so cured and removed in part only, it is not perfectly abolished. Hence are all our remaining Weaknesses and Incapacities in discerning things spiritual and eternal, which we yet groan under, and long for deliverance from. No Foot­steps, no Scars or Marks that ever it had place in our Minds shall abide in glory, Ephes. 5. 27. Nothing shall weaken, disturb, or incapacitate our Souls, in acting all their Powers unimpeded by Vanity, Diversions, Weak­ness, Inability, upon their proper Objects. The Excel­lency hereof in universal Liberty and Power, we cannot here comprehend: Nor can we yet conceive the Glory and Beauty of those immixed spiritual actings of our Minds, which shall have no Clog upon them, no Encum­brance in them, no Alloy of Dross accompanying of them. One pure Act of spiritual Sight in discerning the Glory of Christ, one pure Act of Love in cleaving unto God, [Page 150] will bring in more Blessedness and Satisfaction into our Minds, than in this World we are capable of.

2. THERE is an Incapacity in our Minds, as unto their Actings on things spiritual and eternal, that is meer­ly natural from the Posture wherein they are, and the Figure which they are to make in this Life. For they are here cloathed with Flesh, and that debased and corrupted. Now in this State, though the Mind act its Concepti­ons by the Body as its Organ and Instrument: Yet is it variously streightned, encumbred and impeded in the ex­ercise of its native Powers, especially towards things hea­venly, by this Prison of the Flesh, wherein it is immu­red. There is an Angelical Excellency in the pure Actings of the Soul, when delivered from all material Instruments of them; or when they are all glorified and made suita­ble helps in its utmost spiritual Activity. How and by what degrees our Minds shall be freed from these Ob­structions in their beholding the glory of Christ, shall be afterwards declared.

2. AGAIN, a new light, the light of Glory shall be im­planted in them. There is a Light in Nature, which is the Power of a Man to discern the things of Man. An Ability to know, perceive and judge of things natural. It is that Spirit of a Man which is the Candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly, Prov. 20. 27.

BUT by the light hereof no man can discern spiritual things in a due manner, as the Apostle declares, 1 Cor. 2. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Wherefore God gives a supe­rior, a supernatural Light, the Light of Faith and Grace, unto them whom he effectually calls unto the know­ledge of himself by Jesus Christ. He shines into their hearts to give them the knowledge of his Glory in the face of his dear Son. Howbeit this new Light doth not abolish, blot out, or render useless the other Light of Nature, as the Sun when it riseth extinguisheth the Light of the [Page 151] Stars: But it directs it, and rectifies it, as unto its prin­ciple, object and end. Yet is it in its self, a Light quite of another Nature. But he who hath only the former Light, can understand nothing of it, because he hath no Taste or Experience of its Power and Operations. He may talk of it, and make Enquiries about it, but he knows it not.

NOW we have received this Light of Faith and Grace, whereby we discern spiritual things, and behold the glory of Christ in the Imperfect manner before de­scribed. But in Heaven there shall be a superadded light of Glory, which shall make the Mind it self shine as the Firmament, Dan. 12. 3. I shall only say three things of it. (1.) That as the Light of Grace doth not destroy or abolish the Light of Nature, but rectifie and improve it; so the Light of Glory shall not abolish or destroy the Light of Faith and Grace, but by incorporating with it, render it absolutely perfect. (2.) That as by the Light of Na­ture, we cannot clearly comprehend the true Nature and Efficacy of the Light of Grace, because it is of another Kind, and is seen only in its own Light; so by the Light of Grace we cannot absolutely comprehend this Light of Glory, being of a peculiar Kind and Nature, seen per­fectly only by its own Light. It doth not appear what we shall be. (3.) That this is the best Notion we can have of this Light of Glory, that in the first Instance of its Ope­ration, it perfectly transforms the Soul into the Image and Like­ness of Christ.

THIS is the progress of our nature unto its Rest and Blessedness. The principles remaining in it concerning Good and Evil, with its practical convictions, are not de­stroyed, but improved by grace; as its blindness, dark­ness and enmity to God, are in part taken away. Being renewed by Grace, what it receives here of spiritual Life and Light, shall never be destroyed but be perfected in Glory. Grace renews Nature; Glory perfects Grace; [Page 152] and so the whole Soul is brought unto its rest in God. We have an Image of it in the blind Man whom our Sa­viour cured, Mark 8. 22, 23, 24. He was absolutely blind, born so, no doubt. Upon the first touch his Eyes were opened, and he saw but very obscurely; he saw men walking like Trees. But on the second he saw all things clearly. Our minds in themselves are absolutely blind. The first visitation of them by Grace, gives them a sight of things spiritual, heavenly and eternal, but it is obscure and unsteady. The sight of Glory makes all things clear and evident.

2ly; THE body as glorified, with its senses, shall have its use and place herein. After we are cloathed a­gain with our flesh, we shall see our Redeemer with our Eyes.

We know not here what power and spirituality there will be in the acts of our glorified Bodies. Such they will be, as shall bear a part in eternal Blessedness. Holy Stephen, the first Martyr, took up somewhat of Glory by Antici­pation before he died. For when he was brought to his Tryal before the Council, all that sate therein looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as the face of an Angel, Act. 6. 15. He had his Transfiguration, according unto his measure, an­swerable unto that of our Blessed Saviour in the Mount. And by this initial Beam of Glory, he received such a piercing vivacity and edge on his bodily eyes, that through all those inconceivable distances between the earth and the residence of the Blessed, he looked stedfastly into Heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, Act. 7. 55, 56. Who then can declare what will be the power and acting of this sense of sight when perfectly glorified; or what sweetness and refresh­ment may be admitted into our Souls thereby?

IT was a priviledge (who would not have longed to partake of it?) to have seen him with our bodily eyes in the days of his flesh, as did the Apostles and other his Disciples. Howbeit he was not then glorified himself in [Page 153] the manifestation of his Glory; nor they who saw him, in the change or transformation of their nature. How great this privilenge was, himself declares unto those that so saw him, Mat. 13. 17. Verily I say unto you, that many Prophets and righteous Men have desired to see those things which ye see; whereunto we shall speak immediately. And if this were so excellent a priviledge, as that we cannot but congratulate them by whom it was enjoyed, how excel­lent, how glorious will it be, when with these eyes of ours, gloriously purified and strengthned beyond those of Stephen, we shall behold Christ himself immediately in the fulness of his Glory! He alone perfectly understands the greatness and excellency hereof, who prayed his Fa­ther that those who believe in him, may be where he is, so to behold his Glory.

THESE are some of the grounds of this first difference between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith here, and by immediate Vision hereafter. Hence the one is weak, imperfect, obscure, reflexive; the other direct, immediate, eaven and constant; and we may stay a little in the contemplation of these things.

THIS view of the Glory of Christ which we have now spoken unto, is that which we are breathing and panting after; that which the Lord Christ prays that we may ar­rive unto; that which the Apostle testifies to be our best; the best thing, or state, which our nature is capable of, that which brings eternal rest and satisfaction unto our Souls.

HERE our Souls are burthened with innumerable In­firmities, and our Faith is clogged in its Operations by Ignorance and Darkness. This makes our best estate and highest attainments to be accompanied with groans for deliverance. We which have received the first fruits of the spirit, even we our selves groan withing our selves, waiting for the Adoption, even the redemption of the body, Rom. 8. 23. Yea, whilst we are in this Tabernacle, we groan earnestly [Page 154] as being burthened, because we are not absent from the body, and present with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5. 2, 4, 8. The more we grow in Faith, and Spiritual Light, the more sensible are we of our present burthens, and the more vehemently do we groan for deliverance into the perfect liberty of the Sons of God. This is the posture of their minds who have received the first fruits of the Spirit, in the most eminent degree. The nearer any one is to Heaven, the more earnestly he desires to be there, be­cause Christ is there. For the more frequent and steady are our views of him by faith, the more do we long and groan for the removal of all obstructions and interpositi­ons in our so doing. Now groaning is a vehement de­sire mixed with sorrow, for the present want of what is desired. The desire hath sorrow, and that sorrow hath joy and refreshment in it; like a shower that falls on a Man in a Garden in the Spring; it wets him, but with­all refresheth him with the Savor it causeth in the Flow­ers and Herbs of the Garden, where he is. And this groaning, which when it is constant and habitual, is one of the choicest effects of Faith in this life, respects what we would be delivered from, and what we would attain un­to. The first is expressed, Rom. 7. 24. The other in the places now mentioned. And this frame with an inter­mixture of some sighs from weariness by the troubles, sor­rows, pains, sicknesses of this life, is the best we can here attain unto.

ALAS! we cannot here think of Christ, but we are quickly ashamed of, and troubled at our own thoughts: So confused are they, so unsteady, so imperfect. Com­monly they issue in a groan or a sigh; Oh when shall we come unto him? when shall we be ever with him? when shall we see him as he is? And if at any time he begins to give more than ordinary evidences and intimations of his Glory and Love unto our Souls, we are not able to bear [Page 155] them, so as to give them any abiding residence in our Minds. But ordinarily, this trouble and groaning is a­mongst our best attainments in this World, a trouble which, I pray God, I may never be delivered from, un­til deliverance do come at once from this state of morta­lity. Yea the good Lord encrease this trouble more and more in all that believe.

THE heart of a believer affected with the Glory of Christ, is like the Needle touched with the Loadstone. It can no longer be quiet, no longer be satisfied in a distance from him. It is put into a continual motion towards him. The motion indeed is weak and tremulous. Pantings, breathings, sighings, groanings, in prayer, in meditati­ons, in the secret recesses of our Minds, are the life of it. However it is continually pressing towards him. But it obtains not its point, it comes not to its center and rest in this World.

BUT now above, all things are clear and serene; all plain and evident in our beholding the Glory of Christ; we shall be ever with him, and see him as he is. This is Heaven, this is Blessedness, this is Eternal Rest.

THE Person of Christ in all his Glory shall be con­tinually before us; and the eyes of our understandings shall be so gloriously illuminated, as that we shall be able steadily to behold and comprehend that Glory.

BUT alas! here at present our Minds recoil, our Me­ditations fail, our Hearts are overcome, our Thoughts confused, and our Eyes turn aside from the Lustre of this Glory; nor can we abide in the Contemplation of it. But there, an immediate, constant view of it, will bring in everlasting refreshment and joy unto our whole Souls.

THIS beholding of the Glory of Christ given him by his Father, is indeed subordinate unto the ultimate vision of the essence of God. What that is we cannot well con­ceive; only we know that the pure in heart shall see God. [Page 156] But it hath such an immediate connexion with it, and subordination unto it, as that without it we can never be­hold the face of God, as the objective blessedness of our Souls. For he is and shall be to eternity, the only means of Communication between God and the Church.

AND we may take some Direction in our looking in­to and longing after this perfect view of the Glory of Christ, from the example of the Saints under the Old Testament. The sight which they had of the Glory of Christ, for they also saw his Glory through the obscurity of its Reve­lation, and its being vailed with types and shadows, was weak and imperfect in the most illuminated believers, much inferior unto what we now have by faith, through the Gospel. Yet such it was, as encouraged them to en­quire and search diligently into what was revealed, 1 Pet. 1. 10, 11. Howbeit their discoveries were but dark and confused, such as Men have of things at a great distance, or in a Land that is very far off, as the Prophet speaks, Isa. 33. 16. And the continuance of this Vail on the Reve­lation of the Glory of Christ, whilst a Vail of Ignorance and Blindness was upon their Hearts and Minds, proved the ruin of that Church in its Apostacy, as the Apostle declares, 2 Cor. 3. 7, 13, 14. This double vail (the covering covered, the vail vailed) God promised to take away, Isa. 25. 7. And then shall they turn to the Lord, when they shall be able clearly to behold the Glory of Christ, 2 Cor. 3. 16.

BUT this caused them who were real Believers among them, to desire, long, and pray for the removal of these Vails, the Departure of those shadows, which made it as Night unto them in comparison of what they knew would appear, when the Sun of Righteousness should arise with heal­ing in his Wings. They thought it long ere the day did break, and the shadows flee away, Cant. 2. 17. Chap. 4. 6. There was an [...] as the Apostle speaks, Rom. [Page 157] 8. 19. A thrusting forth of the head with desire and ex­pectation of the exhibition of the Son of God in the flesh, and the accomplishment of all divine promises therein. Hence he was called the Lord whom they sought and delighted in, Mal. 3. 1.

AND great was the spiritual Wisdom of believers in those days. They rejoyced and gloried in the Ordi­nances of Divine Worship which they did enjoy. They looked on them as their chiefest priviledge, and attended unto them with diligence, as an effect of Divine Wisdom and Love, as also because they had a shadow of good things to come. But yet at the same time they longed and desired that the time of Reformation were come, wherein they should all be removed; that so they might behold and enjoy the good things signified by them. And those who did not so, but rested in, and trusted unto their present Institutions, were not accepted with God. Those who were really il­luminated did not so, but lived in constant desires after the revelation of the whole Mystery of the Wisdom of God in Christ, as did the Angels themselves, 1 Pet. 1. 3. Ephes. 3. 9, 10.

IN this frame of heart and suitable actings of their Souls, there was more of the power of true faith and love than is found among the most at this day. They saw the promises afar o [...], and were perswaded of them, and imbraced them, Heb. 11. 13. They reached out the arms of their most intent Affections, to embrace the Things that were promised. We have an instance of this frame in Old Simeon, who so soon as he had taken the Child Jesus in his Arms, cryed out, Now Lord, let me depart, now let me dye, this is that which my Soul hath longed for, Luk. 2. 28, 29.

OUR present darkness and weakness in beholding the Glory of Christ, is not like theirs. It is not occasioned by a vail of Types and Shadows cast on it by the Represen [...]a­tive [Page 158] Institutions of it; It doth not arise from the want of a clear Doctrinal Revelation of the Person and Office of Christ; But as was before declared, it proceedeth from two other Causes. First from the nature of Faith it self in comparison of Vision. It is not able to look directly into this excellent Glory, nor fully to comprehend it. Se­condly, from the way of its proposal, which is not substan­ti [...] of the thing it self, but only of an Image of it, as in a Glass. But the light, the view of the Glory of Christ, which we shall have in Heaven, is much more above that which we now enjoy by the Gospel, than what we do, or may so enjoy, is above what they have attained under their Types and Shadows. There is a far greater distance be­tween the Vision of Heaven, and the sight which we have now by faith, than is between the sight which we now have, and what they had under the Old Testament. Heaven doth more excell the Gospel-State, than that State doth the Law. Wherefore, if they did so pray, so long for, so desire the removal of their Shadows and Vails, that they might see what we now see, that they might so behold the Glory of Christ, as we may behold it in the Light of the Gospel; how much more should we, if we have the same Faith with them, the same Love (which neither will nor can be satisfied without perfect fruition) long and pray for the removal of all Weakness, of all Darkness and In [...]erposition, that we may come unto that immediate beholding of his Glory, which he so earnestly prayed, that we might be brought unto.

To sum up briefly what hath been spoken. There are three things to be considered concerning the Glory of Christ, three degrees in its manifestation; The Shadow, the perfect Image, and the Substance it self. Those under the Law had only the shadow of it, and of the things that be­long unto it, they had not the perfect Image of them, Heb. 10. 1. Under the Gospel we have the perfect Image, [Page 159] which they had not; or a clear compleat revelation and declaration of it presenting it unto us as in a glass: But the enjoyment of these things in their Substance is refer­red for Heaven; we must be where he is, that we may behold his Glory. Now there is a greater difference and distance between the real substance of any thing, and the most perfect image of it, than there is between the most perfect image, and the lowest shadow of the same thing. If then they longed to be freed from their state of Types and Shadows, to enjoy the Representation of the Glory of Christ in that Image of it, which is given us in the Gospel; much more ought we to breath and pant after our deliverance from beholding it in the Image of it, that we may enjoy the Substance it self. For what­ever can be manifest of Christ on this side Heaven, it is granted unto us for this end, that we may the more fer­vently desire to be present with him.

AND as it was their Wisdom and their Grace to rejoyce in the Light they had, and in those typical Administrations of Divine Worship which shadowed out the Glory of Christ unto them, yet did always pant after that more excellent Light and full Discovery of it, which was to be made by the Gospel; So it will be ours also, thankfully to use and improve the Revelations which we enjoy of it, and those Institutions of Worship, wherein our Faith is as­sisted in the view thereof; yet so as continually to breath after that perfect, that glorifying sight of it, which is reserved for Heaven above.

AND may we not a little examine our selves by these things? Do we esteem this pressing towards the perfect view of the Glory of Christ to be our Duty, and do we abide in the performance of it? If it be otherwise with any of us, it is a signal evidence that our Profession is Hypocritical. If Christ be in us, he is the hope of Glory in us; and where that hope is, it will be active in desires of the [Page 160] things hoped for. Many love the World to well, and have their minds too much filled with the things of it, to entertain desires of speeding through it unto a state where­in they may behold the Glory of Christ. They are at home, and are unwilling to be absent from the body, tho to be present with the Lord. They hope it may be that such a season will come at one time or another, and then it will be the best they can look for when they can be here no more. But they have but a little sight of the Glory of Christ in this World by Faith, if any at all, who so little, so faintly desire to have the immediate sight of it above. I cannot understand how any Man can walk with God as he ought, or hath that Love for Jesus Christ which true Faith will produce, or doth place his Refreshments and Joy in spiritual things, in things a­bove, that doth not on all just occasions, so meditate on the Glory of Christ in Heaven as to long for an admit­tance into the immediate sight of it.

OUR Lord Jesus Christ alone perfectly understood wherein the Eternal Blessedness of them that believe in him, doth consist. And this is the sum of what he prays for with respect unto that end; namely, that we may be where he is to behold his Glory. And is it not our Duty to live in a continual desire of that which he prayed so ear­nestly that we might attain? If in our selves, we as yet apprehend but little of the Glory, the Excellency, the Blessedness of it, yet ought we to repose that confidence in the Wisdom and Love of Christ, that it is our best, infinitely better than any thing we can enjoy here below.

UNTO those who are inured unto those Contemplations, they are the salt of their Lives, whereby every thing is condited and made savory unto them, as we shall shew afterwards. And the want of spiritual diligence herein, is that which hath brought forth a negligent, care­less, wordy profession of Religion, which countenancing [Page 161] it self with some outward Duties, hath lost out of it, the power of Faith and Love in their principal Operations. Hereby many deceive their own Souls, Goods, Lands, Possessions, Relations, Trades, with secular Interests in them, are the things whose Image is drawn on their Minds, and whose Characters are written on their Fore­heads, as the Titles whereby they may be known. As believers beholding the Glory of Christ in the blessed Glass of the Gospel, are changed into the same Image and Likeness by the Spirit of the Lord; so these Persons be­holding the Beauty of the World, and the Things that are in it, in the cursed Glass of Self-love, they are in their minds changed into the same Image. Hence perplexing Fears, vain Hopes, empty Embraces of perishing things, fruitless desires, earthly, carnal designs, cursed, self-pleasing Imaginations, feeding on and being fed by the Love of the World and self, do abide and prevail in them. But we have not so learned Christ Jesus.

The second Difference between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith in this World, and by Sight in Heaven.

FAITH is the Light wherein we behold the Glory of Christ in this World. And this in its own Nature, as unto this great End, is weak and imperfect, like weak Eyes, that cannot behold the Sun in its Beauty. Hence our sight of it differs greatly from what we shall enjoy in [Page 162] Glory, as hath been declared. But this is not all; it is frequently hindred and interrupted in its Operations, or it loseth the view of its object by one means or other. As he who sees any thing at a great distance, sees it im­perfectly; and the least interposition or motion takes it quite out of his sight. So is it with our Faith in this mat­ter; whence sometimes we can have little, sometimes no sight at all of the Glory of Christ by it. And this gives us, as we shall see, another Difference between Faith and Sight.

NOW although the consideration hereof may seem a kind of Diversion from our present Argument, yet I choose to insist upon it, that I may evidence the Reasons whence it is that many have so little experience of the things whereof we have treated, that they find so little of Reallity or Power in the exercise of this Grace, or the performance of this Duty. For it will appear in the issue, that the whole defect is in themselves; the truth it self insisted on, is great and efficacious.

1. WHILST we are in this life, the Lord Christ is pleased in his Sovereign Wisdom sometimes to withdraw, and as it were, to hide himself from us. Then do our Minds fall into Clouds and Darkness; Faith is at a loss, we cannot behold his Glory; yea, we may seek him, but cannot find him. So Job complains as we observed before. Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and back­ward, but I cannot perceive him: on the left hand where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him. Chap. 23. 8, 9. Which way soever I turn my self, whatever are my endeavours, in what way or work of his own, I seek him, I cannot find him, I cannot see him, I cannot behold his Glory. So the Church also complains; Verily thou art a God that hidest thy self, O God of Israel the Saviour, Isa. 45. 15. And the Psalmist, How long Lord wilt thou hide thy self for [Page 163] ever? Psal. 89. 46. This hiding of the face of God, is the hiding of the shining of his Glory in the face of Christ Jesus, and therefore of the Glory of Christ him­self, for it is the Glory of Christ to be the Representative of the Glory of God. The Spouse in the Canticles is often at a loss and herein, bemoans her self that her Beloved was withdrawn, that she could neither find him, nor see him, Chap. 3. 1, 2. Chap. 5. 6.

MEN may retain their Notions concerning Christ, his Person, and his Glory. These cannot be blotted out of their Minds, but by Heresie or obdurate Stupidity. They may have the same Doctrinal Knowledge of him with o­thers; but the sight of his Glory doth not consist there­in; They may abide in the outward performance of Duties towards him, as formerly; but yet all this while as unto the especial gracious Communications of himself unto their Souls, and as unto a chearful refreshing view of his Glory, He may withdraw and hide himself from them.

AS under the same outward dispensations of the word, he doth manifest himself unto some, and not unto others; ( How is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us, and not unto the world? Joh. 14. 22.) Whereon they to whom he doth so mani [...]est himself, do see him to be beautiful, glorious, and lovely (for unto them that believe, he is precious) whilst the others see nothing hereof, but wonder at them, by whom he is admired, Cant. 5. 9. So in the same dispensation of the word, he sometimes hides his face, turns away the Light of his countenance, clouds the beams of his Glory unto some, whilst others are cherished and warmed with them.

TWO Things we must here speak unto.

1. WHY doth the Lord Christ at any time thus hide himself in his Glory from the Faith of Believers that they cannot be­hold him.

[Page 164] 2. HOW we may perceive and know that he doth so with­draw himself from us, so that however we may please our selves, we do not indeed behold his Glory.

AS unto the first of these, tho what he doth is sup­posed an act of Sovereign unaccountable Wisdom, yet there are many holy ends of it, and consequently reasons for it. I shall mention one only. He doth it to stir us up in an eminent manner unto a diligent search and enquiry after him. Woful sloth and negligence are apt to prevail in us, in our Meditations on heavenly things. Tho our hearts wake (as the Spouse speaks, Cant. 5. 2.) in a valuation of Christ, his Love, and his Grace, yet we sleep, as unto the due ex­ercise of Faith and Love towards him. Who is it that can justifie himself herein? That can say, My heart is pure, I am clean from this sin? Yea it is so far otherwise with many of us, that he is for ever to be admired in his pa­tience, that on the account of our unkindness and woful negligence herein, he hath not only withdrawn himself at seasons, but that he hath not utterly departed from us. Now he knows that those with whom he hath been gra­ciously present, who have had views of his Glory, al­tho they have not valued the mercy and priviledge of it, as they ought, yet can they not bear a sense of his ab­sence, and his hiding himself from them. By this there­fore will he awake them unto a diligent enquiry after him. Upon the discovery of his absence and such a distance of his Glory from them as their Faith cannot reach unto it, they become like the Doves of the Valleys all of them mourn­ing every one for his iniquity, and do stir up themselves to seek him early and with diligence, see Hos. 5. 5. So wherever the Spouse intimates this withdrawing of Christ from her, she immediately gives an account of her restless diligence and endeavours in her enquiries after him, un­til she have found him, Chap. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chap. 5. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And in these enquiries there is such [Page 165] an exercise of Faith and Love, tho it may be acting themselves mostly in sighs and groans, as is acceptable and well pleasing to him.

WE are like him in the Parable of the Prophet that spake unto Ahab, who having one committed unto him to keep, affirms that whilst he was busie here and there, he was gone. Christ commits himself unto us, and we ought carefully to keep his presence; I held him, saith the Church, and would not let him go, Cant. 3. 4. But whilst we are busy here and there, while our Minds are over filled with o­ther things, he withdraws himself, we cannot find him. But even this rebuke is a sanctified ordinance for our re­covery, and his Return unto us.

2. Our second enquiry is, How we may know when Christ doth so withdraw himself from us, that we do not, that we cannot behold his Glory.

I SPEAK herein unto them alone who make the ob­servation of the lively actings of Faith and Love in and towards Jesus Christ their chiefest concern in all their Re­tirements, yea in their whole walk before God, Concern­ing these, our enquiry is, how they may know when Christ doth in any degree or measure withdraw from them so as that they cannot in a due manner behold his Glory?

AND the first discovery hereof is by the consequents of such withdrawings. And what are the consequents of it, we can know no otherwise but by the effects of his pre­sence with us, and the manifestation of himself unto us, which as unto some degrees must necessarily cease there­on.

NOW the first of these is the Life, Vigor and effectual Acting of all Grace in us. This is an inseparable conse­quent and effect of a view of his Glory. Whilst we enjoy it, we live; nevertheless not we, but Christ liveth in us, exciting and acting all his Graces in us.

[Page 166] THIS is that which the Apostle instructeth us in: while we behold his Glory, as in a Glass, we are transformed into the same Image from Glory to Glory, 2 Cor. 3. 18. That is, whilst by faith we contemplate on the Glory of Christ as revealed in the Gospel, all Grace will thrive and flourish in us towards a perfect Conformity unto him. For whilst we abide in this View and Contemplation, our Souls will be preserved in holy Frames, and in a continual ex­ercise of Love and Delight, with all other spiritual Af­fections towards him. It is impossible whilst Christ is in the eye of our Faith as proposed in the Gospel, but that we shall labour to be like him and greatly love him. Nei­ther is there any way for us to attain unto either of these which are the great concernments of our Souls, namely to be like unto Christ and to love him, but by a constant view of him and his Glory by faith which powerfully and effectually works them in us. All the Doctrinal Knowledge which we have of him is useless; all the view we have of his Glory is but Fancy, Imagination or Superstition, which are not accompanied with this transforming Power. And that which is wrought by it, is the encrease and vigor of all Grace; for therein alone our Conformity unto him doth consist. Growth in Grace, Holiness and Obedience, is a growing like unto Christ, and nothing else is so.

I cannot refrain here from a necessary short Digression. This transforming efficacy from a spiritual View of Christ as proposed in the Gospel, being lost as unto an expe­perience of it in the Minds of Men carnal and ignorant of the mystery of believing (as it is at present by many derided, tho it be the life of Religion) Fancy and Supersti­tion provided various supplies in the room of it. For they found out Crucifixes and Images with Faintings to re­present him in his Sufferings and Glory. By these things, their carnal Affections being excited by their outward Senses, they suppose themselves to be affected with him, [Page 167] and to be like unto him. Yea, some have proceeded so far, as either by Arts Diabolical, or by other means, to make an appearance of wounds on their hands, and feet, and sides, therein pretending to be like him; yea, to be wholly transformed into his Image. But that which is pro­duced by an Image, is but an Image, an imaginary Christ will effect nothing in the Minds of Men, but imagi­nary Grace.

THUS Religion was lost and died. When Men could not obtain any experience in their Minds of the spiritual Mysteries of the Gospel, nor be sensible of any spiritual Change or Advantage by them, they substituted some outward Duties and Observances in their stead; as I shall shew (God willing) elsewhere more at large. These produced some kind of effects on their Minds and Af­fections, but quite of another nature than those which are the real effects of true Evangelical Grace. This is o­penly evident in this substitution of Images instead of the representation of Christ and his Glory made in the Gospel.

HOWEVER there is a general Supposition granted on all hands; namely, that there must be a View of Christ, and his Glory, to cause us to love him, and thereby to make us conformable or like unto him. But here lies the difference; those of the Church of Rome say that this must be done by the beholding of Crucifixes with other Images and Pictures of him; and that with our bodily eyes: We say it is, by our beholding his Glory by Faith, as revealed in the Gospel, and no otherwise. And to confess the Truth, we have some, who as they reject the use of Images, so they despise that spiritual View of the Glory of Christ which we enquire after. Such Persons on the first occasion will fall on the other side; For any thing is better than nothing.

[Page 168] BUT as we have a sure word of Prophesie to secure us from these abominations by an express prohibition of such Images unto all ends whatever; so unto our stability in the profession of the Truth, and experience of the effi­cacy of this Spiritual View of Christ transforming our Souls into his own likeness, is absolutely necessary. For if an Idolater should plead, as they do all, that in the beholding of the Image of Christ, or of a Crucifix, espe­cially if they are sedulous and constant therein, they find their Affections unto him greatly excited, increased, and inflamed (as they will be, Isa. 57. 5.) and that hereon he endeavours to be like unto him, what shall we have to op­pose thereunto? For it is certain that such Images are apt to make impressions on the Minds of Men; partly from the readiness of the senses and imagination to give them ad­mittance into their thoughts; and partly from their na­tural inclinations unto superstition, their aversation from things spiritual and invisible, with an inclination unto things present and visible. Hence among them who are satisfied that they ought not to be adored with any Reli­gious Veneration, yet some are apt upon the sight of them to entertain a thoughtful Reverence, as they would do if they were to enter into a Pagan Temple full of Idols; and others are continually making approaches towards their use and veneration in Paintings and Altars and such out­ward postures of Worship as are used in the Religious Service of them. But that they do sensibly affect the Minds of Men carnal and superstitious, cannot be deny­ed, and as they suppose, it is a love unto Christ himself. However, certain it is in general, and confessed on all hands, that the beholding of Christ is the most blessed means of exciting all our Graces, spiritualizing all our Affections, and transforming our Minds into his likeness. And if we have not another, and that a more excellent way of beholding him, than they have who behold him, [Page 169] as they suppose, in Images and Crucifixes, they would seem to have the advantage of us. For their Minds will really be affected with somewhat, ours with nothing at all. And by the pretence thereof, they inveagle the carnal affections of Men ignorant of the Power of the Gospel, to become their Proselytes. For having lived, it may be, a long time without any the least experience of a sensible impression on their Minds, or a transforming power from the Representation of Christ in the Gospel, upon their very first Religious, Devout, Application unto these Images, they find their Thoughts exercised, their Minds affected, and some present change made upon them.

BUT there was a difference between the Person of Da­vid, and an Image with a bolster of Goats Hair, though the one were laid in the room and place of the other. And there is so between Christ and an Image, though the one be put into the place of the other. Neither do these things serve unto any other end, but to divert the Minds of Men from Faith and Love to Christ; giving them some such satisfactions in the room of them, as that their carnal Affections do cleave unto their Idols. And indeed it doth belong unto the Wisdom of Faith, or we stand in need of spiritual Light, to discern and judge between the work­ing of natural Affections towards spiritual Objects, on undue motives, by undue means, with indirect ends, wherein all Papal Devotion consists, and the spiritual Ex­ercise of Grace in those Affections duely fixed on spi­ritual Objects.

BUT as was said, it is a real experience of the Efficacy, that there is in the spiritual beholding of the Glory of Christ by Faith as proposed in the Gospel, to strengthen, en­crease and excite all Grace unto its proper exercise, so changing and transforming the Soul gradually into his likeness, which must secure us against all those Pretences; and so I return from this Digression.

[Page 170] HEREBY we may understand whether the Lord Christ doth so withdraw himself, as that we do not, as that we cannot behold his glory by Faith in a due manner, which is the thing enquired after. For if we grow weak in our Graces, unspiritual in our Frames, cold in our Af­fections, or negligent in the exercise of them by holy Me­ditation, it is evident that he is at a great distance from us, so as that we do not behold his Glory as we ought. If the weather grow cold, Herbs and Plants do whither, and the Frost begins to bind up the earth, all men grant that the Sim is withdrawn, and makes not its wonted approach unto us. And if it be so with our Hearts, that they grow cold, frozen, withering, lifeless in and unto spiritual Duties, it is certain that the Lord Christ is in some sence with­drawn, and that we do not behold his Glory. We retain Notions of Truth concerning his Person, Office and Grace; but faith is not in constant exercise, as to real views of him and his Glory. For there is nothing more certain in Christian Experience than this is, that while we do really by Faith behold the Glory of Christ, as proposed in the Gospel, the Glory of his Person and Office as before de­scribed, and so abide in Holy Thoughts and Meditations thereof, especially in our private Duties and Retirements, all Grace will live and thrive in us in some measure, espe­cially love unto his Person, and therein unto all that be­longs unto him. Let us but put it to the trial, and we shall infallibly find the promised event.

DO any of us find decays in Grace prevailing in us; deadness, coldness, lukewarmness, a kind of Spiritual Stupidity and senseless coming upon us? Do we find an unreadiness unto the exercise of Grace in its proper sea­son, and the vigorous actings of it in Duties of Commu­nion with God? And would we have our souls recovered from these dangerous diseases? Let us assure our selves there is no better way for our healing and deliverance, yea [Page 171] no other way but this alone, namely the obtaining a fresh view of the Glory of Christ by faith, and a steady abiding therein. Constant contemplation of Christ and his Glory putting forth its transforming power unto the revival of all Grace, is the only relief in this case, as shall further be shewed afterwards.

SOME will say, that this must be effected by fresh sup­plies and renewed communications of the Holy Spirit. Unless he fall as dew and showers on our dry and barren hearts, unless he causeth our Graces to spring, thrive and bring forth fruit, unless he revive and increase faith, love and holiness in our souls, our backs [...]idings will not be healed, nor our spiritual state be recovered. Unto this end is he prayed for, and promised in the Scripture, see Cant 4. 1. 6. Isa. 44. 3, 4. Ezek. 11. 19. chap. 36. 26. Hos. 14. 5, 6. And so it is. The immediate efficiency of the revival of our souls, is from and by the Holy Spirit. But the en­quiry is, in what way, or by what means, we may obtain the supplies and communications of him unto this end? This the Apostle declares in the place insisted on; We beholding the Glory of Christ in a Glass, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even by the spirit of the Lord. It is in the exercise of Faith on Christ in the way before described, that the Holy Spirit puts forth his renewing, transforming Power in and upon our souls. This there­fore is that alone which will retrive Christians from their present decays and deadness.

SOME complain greatly of their State and Condition; none so dead, so dull and stupid as they. They know not whether they have any spark of heavenly life left in them; some make weak and faint endeavours for a reco­very, which are like the attempts of a man in a dream wherein he seems to use great endeavours without any success. Some put themselves unto multiplied duties. Howbeit the Generallity of Prifessors seem to be in a pining [Page 172] thriftless condition. And the reason of it is, because they will not sincerely and constantly make use of the only remedy and relief; like a man that will rather chuse to pine away in his sickness, with some useless, transient refreshments, than apply himself unto a known and ap­proved remedy, because it may be the use of it is un­suited unto some of his present occasions. Now this is to live in the exercise of Faith in Christ Jesus: This himself assures us of, Joh. 15. 4, 5. Abide in me, and I in you; As the branch cannot bear fruit of it self except it abide in the vine, no more can ye except you abide in me, I am the vine, ye are the branches; he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.

THERE is a twofold coming unto Christ by believing. The first is that we may have life; that is, a spring and principle of spiritual life communicated unto us from him, for he is our life, Col. 3. 3. and because he liveth, we live also, Joh. 14. 19. Yea, it is not so much we that live, as he liveth in us, Gal. 2. 19, 20. And unbelief is a not coming unto him, that we may have life, Joh. 5. 40. But secondly, there is also a coming unto him by believers in the actual exercise of Faith, that they may have this life more abundantly, Joh. 10. 10. That is, such supplies of Grace as may keep their souls in a healthy, vigorous acting of all the powers of spiritual life. And as he reproach­eth some that they would not come unto him that they might have life, so he may justly reprove us all, that we do not so come unto him in the actual exercise of Faith as that we might have this life more abundantly.

SECONDLY; When the Lord Christ is near us, and we do behold his Glory, he will frequently commu­nica [...]e spiritual refreshment in peace, consolation, and joy unto our souls. We shall not only hereby have our graces excited with respect unto him as their object, but [Page 173] be made sensible of his actings towards us in the commu­nications of himself and his love unto us. When the Sun of Righteousness ariseth on any soul, or makes any near approach thereunto, it shall find healing under his Wings; his beams of Grace shall convey by his spirit, holy spiri­tual refreshment thereunto. For he is present with us by his spirit, and these are his fruits and effects as he is the Comforter, suited unto his Office as he is promised unto us.

MANY love to walk in a very careless unwise pro­fession. So long as they can hold out in the performance of outward duties, they are very regardless of the greatest Evangelical Priviledges; of those things which are the marrow of divine Promises, all real endeavours of a vital communion with Christ. Such are spiritual peace, refresh­ing consolations, ineffable joys, and the blessed compo­sure of assurance. Without some taste and experience of these things, profession is heartless, lifeless, useless; and Religion it self a dead carcass without an animating soul. The peace which some enjoy, is a meer stupidity. They judge not these things to be real, which are the substance of Christs present reward; and a renunciation whereof would deprive the Church of its principal supportments and encouragements in all its sufferings. It is a great evi­dence of the power of unbelief, when we can satisfie our selves without an experience in our own hearts of the great things in this kind of Joy, Peace, Consolation, Assurance, that are promised in the Gospel. For how can it be supposed that we do indeed believe the promises of things future, namely, of Heaven, Immortality and Glory, the faith whereof is the foundation of all Religion, when we do not believe the promises of the present reward, in these spi­ritual Priviledges, And how shall we be thought to be­lieve them, when we do not endeavour after an ex­perience [Page 174] of the things themselves in our own souls, but are even contented without them? But herein men deceive themselves. They would very desirously have e­vangelical Joy, Peace and Assurance to countenance them in their evil frames, and careless walking. And some have attempted to reconcile these things unto the ruin of their souls, But it will not be. Without the diligent exercise of the Grace of Obedience, we shall never enjoy the Grace of Consolation. But we must speak somewhat of these things afterwards.

IT is peculiarly, in the view of the Glory of Christ, in in his approaches unto us, and abiding with us, that we are made Partakers of Evangelical Peace, Consolation, Joy and Assurance. These are a part of the Royal Train of his Graces, of the Reward wherewith he is accom­panied; His reward is with him. Wherever he is graci­ously present with any, these things are never wanting in a due measure and degree, unless it be by their own fault, or for their trial. In these things doth he give the Church of his loves, Cant. 7. 12. For if any man (saith he) loveth me, I will love him, and manifest my self unto him, Joh, 14. 21. Yea, I and the Father will come unto him and make our abode with him, v. 23. and that so as to sup with him, Rev. 3. 20. which on his part, can be only by the Com­munication of those spiritual refreshments. The only enquiry is by what way and means we do receive them? Now I say this is in and by our beholding of the Glory of Christ by Faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9, 10. Let that Glory be rightly stated as before laid down; the Glory of his Person, his Office, his Condescention, Exaltation, Love and Grace; let Faith be fixed in a view and contemplation of it, mix it self with it as represented in the Glass of the Gospel, meditate upon it, embrace it, and virtue will proceed from Christ, communicating spiritual, supernatural re­freshment [Page 175] and joy unto our souls. Yea, in ordinary cases it is impossible that believers should have a real pros­pect of this Glory at any time, but that it will in some mea­sure affect their hearts with a sense of his love, which is the spring of all consolation in them. In the exercise of Faith on the discoveries of the Glory of Christ made un­to us in the Gospel, no man shall ever totally want such intimations of his Love, yea, such effusions of it in his heart, as shall be a living spring of those spiritual refresh­ments, Joh. 4. 14. Rom. 5. 5. When therefore we lose these things as unto a sense of them in our souls, it is evi­dent that the Lord Christ is withdrawn, and that we do not behold his Glory.

BUT I cannot here avoid another short digression. There are those by whom all these things are derided as di­stempered fancies and imaginations. Yea, such things have been spoken and written of them, as contain a vir­tual renunciation of the Gospel, the powers of the World to come and the whole work of the Holy Ghost as the com­forter of the Church. And hereby all real entercourse be­tween the Person of Christ, and the souls of them that do believe, is utterly overthrown; reducing all Religion to an outward shew and a pageantry, [...]itter for a stage, than that Temple of God which is in the minds of men. Ac­cording unto the sentiments of these prophane scoffers, there is no such thing as the shedding abroad of the love of God in our hearts by the Holy Ghost; nor as the witnessing of the spirit of God with our spirits, that we are the Children of God; from which these spiritual joys and refreshments are in­separable, as their necessary effects. No such thing, as the lifting up of the Light of Gods countenance upon us, which will put gladness into our hearts; that gladness which com­prizeth all the things mentioned; No such thing as re­joycing upon Believing with joy unspeakable and full of Glory; no such thing as Christs shewing and manifesting himself unto [Page 176] us, supping with us, and giving us of his loves; that the di­vine promises of a f [...]ast of fat things, and Wine well refined in Gospel-Mercies, are empty and insignificant words; that all those ravishing joys and exultations of spirit that mul­titudes of faithful Martyrs of old, and in later ages have enjoyed by a view of the Glory of God in Christ and a sense of his love, whereunto they gave testimony unto their last moments in the midst of their torments, were but fancies and Imaginations. But it is the height of im­pudence in these profane scoffers, that they proclaim their own Ignorance of those things which are the real powers of our Religion.

OTHERS there are, who will not deny the truth of these things. They dare not rise up in contradiction un­to those express Testimonies of the Scripture, wherewith they are confirmed. And they do suppose that some are partakers of them, at least they were so formerly; but as for their parts, they have no experience of them, nor do judge it their duty to endeavour after it. They can make a shift to live on hopes of Heaven and future Glory: As unto what is present they desire no more, but to be found in the performance of some duties in answer un­to their convictions, which gives them that sorry peace which they do enjoy. So do many countenance them­selves in their spiritual sloth and unbelief, keeping them­selves at liberty to seek for refreshment and satisfaction in other things, whilst those of the Gospel are despised. And these things are inconsistent. While men look for their chief refreshment and satisfaction in temporal things, it is impossible they should seek after those that are spiritual in a due manner. And it must be confessed, that when we have a due regard unto spiritual, evangelical Conso­lations and Joys, it will abate and take off our affections unto, and satisfaction in present enjoyments, Phil. 3 8, 9.

[Page 177] BUT there is no more sacred truth than this; That where Christ is present with Believers, where he is not withdrawn for a season from them, where they live in the view of his Glory by faith as it is proposed unto them in the Gospel, he will give unto them at his own sea­sons such intimations of his love, such supplies of his spirit, such holy joys and rejoycings, such repose of soul in assurance, as shall refresh their souls, fill them with joy, satisfie them with spiritual delight, and quicken them unto all acts of holy Communion with himself.

LET no such dishonour be reflected on the Gospel, that whereas the faith of it, and obedience unto it, are usually accompanied with outward Troubles, Afflictions, Persecuti­on and Reproaches, as we are foretold they should be; that it doth not by its inward consolations and divine re­freshments, outballance all those evils which we may un­dergo upon the account of it. So to suppose, is expresly contrary to the promise of Christ himself who hath as­sured that even [...] even now in this life, in this world, distinct from eternal life; in the world to come, we shall receive an hundred-fold recompence for all that, we can lose or suf [...]er for his his sake, Mat. 10. 30. as al­so unto the experience of them who in all ages have ta­ken joyfully the spoiling of their goods, as knowing in themselves (by the experience which they have of its first fruits) that they have in heaven a better and more abiding substance, Heb. 10. 29, 30. If we come short in a participation of these things, if we are strangers unto them, the blame is to be laid on our selves alone, as it shall be immediately de­clared.

NOW the design of the Lord Christ in thus withdraw­ing himself from us, and hiding his glory from our view, be­ing the exercise of our Graces, and to stir us up unto diligence in our enquiries after him, here lieth our gui­dance and direction in this case. Do we find our selves [Page 178] lifeless in the spiritual duties of Religion? Are we stran­gers unto the heavenly visits of consolation and joys, those visitations of God whereby he preserves our souls? Do we seldom enjoy a sense of the shedding abroad of his love in our hearts by the holy Ghost? We have no way of Reco­very but this alone. To this strong Tower must we turn our selves as Prisoners of hope; unto Christ must we look that we may be saved. It is a steady view or contempla­tion of his Glory by faith alone, that will bring in all these things in a lively experience in our hearts and souls.

AGAIN; In the second place, it is from our selves princi­pally, if we lose the views of the Glory of Christ, and the exercise of faith be obstructed therein. All our spiri­tual disadvantages do arise from our selves. It is the remainder of lusts and corruptions in us, either indulged by sloth and negligence, or excited and inflamed by Sa­tans Temptations, that do obstruct us in this duty. Whilst they are in any disorder or disturbance, it is in vain for us to expect any clear view of this Glory.

THAT view of the Glory of Christ, whereof we treat, consists in two things; namely, its especial Nature, and its necessary Adjunct or effect. The first is, a spiri­tual perception or understanding of it as revealed in the Scrip­tures. For the revelation of the Glory of his Person, Of­fice and Grace, is the Principal Subject of them, and the principal Object of our Faith. And the other consists in multiplied thoughts about him, with actings of Faith in Love, Trust, Delight, and longing after the the full en­joyment of him, 1 Pet. 1. 8. If we satisfie our selves in meer notions and speculations about the Glory of Christ as doctrinally revealed unto us, we shall find no trans­forming power or efficacy communicated unto us there­by. But when under the conduct of that spiritual Light our affections do cleave unto him with full purpose of heart, [Page 179] our minds are filled with thoughts of him, and delight in him, and faith is kept up unto its constant exercise in Trust and Affiance on him, virtue will proceed from him to purifie our hearts, increase our holiness, strengthen our Graces, and to fill us sometimes with joy unspeakable and full of Glory. This is the just temperature of a state of spiri­tual health; namely, when our Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in Christ, doth answer the means of it which we enjoy; and when our Affections unto Christ do hold proportion unto that light; and this ac­cording unto the various degrees of it; for some have more, and some have less. Where Light leaves the Af­fections behind, it ends in Formality or Atheism: And where Affections outrun Light they sink in the Bog of Superstition, doting on Images and Pictures or the [...]. But where things go not into these excesses, it is better that our affections exceed our light on the defect of our understandings, than that our light exceed our affections from the corruption of our wills. In both these is the exercise of faith frequently interrupted and obstructed by the remainder of corruption in us, especially if not kept constantly under the discipline of Mortification, but some way indulged unto. For,

1. THE steam of their disorder will cloud and darken the understanding, that it shall not be able clearly to discern any spiritual object, least of all the greatest of them. There is nothing more acknowledged even in things natural and moral than that the disorder of the passions and affections will blind, darken, and deceive the mind in its Operations. And it is much more so in things spiritual, wherein that Disorder is an immediate Rebellion against its proper conducting Light; that is, against the Light and Rule of Grace.

[Page 180] THERE are three sorts of them unto whom the Gos­pel is preached, in whom there are various Obstructions of this view.

1. THERE is in obstinate unbelievers a darkness that is an effect of the power of Satan on their minds, in blinding of them, which makes it impossible for them to behold any thing of the Glory of Christ. So the A­postle declares it, If our Gospel be hid, it is hid unto them that are lost, in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should shine unto them, 2 Cor. 4. 3, 4. Of these we do not speak.

2. THERE is in all men, a corrupt, natural darkness; or such a depravation of their minds by nature, as that they cannot discern this Glory of Christ in a due manner. Hence the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not, John. 1. 5. For the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. 2. 14. Hence it is that although Christ be preached a­mong us continually, yet there are very few who discern any Glory or Beauty in him, for which he should be de­sired, as the Prophet complains, Isa. 53. 1, 2. But I speak not of this natural darkness in general. But even these persons have their minds filled with prejudices against the Gospel and darkned as unto the Glory of Christ ac­cording as corrupt lusts and affections are prevalent in [...]hem, see Joh. 1. 44. chap. 12. 43. Hence is the dif­ference that is among the common hearers of the word. For although no man can do any thing of himself for the receiving of Christ, and the beholding of his Glory, without the especial aid of the Grace of God, Mat. 11. 24. John. 6. 44, 45; Yet some may make more oppo­sition unto believing, and lay more hindrances in their own way, than others; which is done by their lusts and [...].

[Page 181] 3. THERE are those in whom both these evils are cured by faith, wherein the eyes of our understandings are enlightened to perceive and discern spiritual things, Ephes. 1. 16, 17, 18. But this cure is wrought in this life but in part, 1 Cor. 13. 12. And in this cure by a supply of a principle of saving light unto our minds, there are ma­ny degrees. For some have a clearer light than others, and thereby a more clear discerning of the Mystery of the Wisdom of God, and of the Glory of Christ there­in. But whatever be our attainments herein, that which obstructs this light, that hinders it from shining in a due manner, that obstructs and hinders faith in its view of the Glory of Christ. And this is done by the remainders of corrupted nature in us, when they act in any prevalent de­gree. For they darken the mind and weaken it in its spiritual Operations. That is, where any corrupt and inordinate affections, as love of the world, cares about it, inclinations unto sensuality, or the like spiritual disorders do prevail, faith is weakened in its spiritual acts, especially in discerning and beholding the Glory of Christ. For the mind is rendered unsteady in its enquiries after it, being continually distracted and diverted with vain thoughts and Imaginations.

PERSONS under the Power of such Distempers may have the same doctrinal knowledge of the Person of Christ his Office and his grace with other men, and the same evi­dence of its Truth fixed on their minds; but when they endeavour a real intuition into the things themselves, all things are dark and confused unto them from the uncer­tainty and instability of their own minds.

THIS is the sum of what I do design. We have by Faith a View of the Glory of Christ. This View is weak and unsteady from the Nature of Faith it self, and the way of its proposal unto us as in a Glass, in compari­son of what by Sight we shall attain unto. But more­over, [Page 182] where corrupt Lusts or inordinate Affections are in­dulged unto, where they are not continually mortified, where any one sin hath a perplexing prevalency in the Mind, Faith will be so far weakened thereby, as that it can neither see nor meditate upon this Glory of Christ in a due manner. This is the Reason why the most are so weak and unstable in the performance of this Duty, yea are almost utterly unacquainted with it. The Light of Faith in the Minds of Men being impaired, cloud­ed, darkned by the prevalency of unmortified Lusts; it cannot make such discoveries of this Glory, as otherwise it would do. And this makes the preaching of Christ unto many so unprofitable as it is.

SECONDLY; In the View of the Glory of Christ which we have by Faith, it will fill the Mind with Thoughts and Meditations about him, whereon the affections will cleave unto him with delight. This, as was said, is inseparable from a spiritual View of his Glory in its due exercise. Every one that hath it, must and will have many Thoughts, concerning, and great affections to him. See the description of these things, Phil. 3. 8, 10. It is not possible, I say, that we should behold the Glory of his Person, Office and Grace, with a due conviction of our concernment and interest therein, but that our Minds will be greatly affected with it, and be filled with con­templations about it. Where it is not so with any, it is to be feared that they have not heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape, whatever they profess. A spiritual sight of Christ will assuredly produce love unto him, and if any Man love him not, he never saw him, he knows him not at all. And that is no love, which doth not be­get in us many thoughts of the object beloved. He there­fore who is partaker of this Grace, will think much of what Christ is in himself, of what he hath done for us, of his love and condescention, of the manifestation [Page 183] of all the glorious excellencies of the Divine Nature in him, exerted in a way of infinite Wisdom and Goodness for the Salvation of the Church. Thoughts and Medita­tions of these things will abound in us, if we are not wanting unto the due exercise of Faith: and intense in­flamed Affections unto him, will ensue thereon, at least they will be active unto our own refreshing experience. And where these things are not in reality (though in some they may be only in a mean and low degree) Men do but deceive their own Souls in hopes of any benefit by Christ or the Gospel.

THIS therefore is the present case. Where there are prevailing sinful Distempers or inordinate Affections in the Mind, such as those before mentioned, as Self love, love of the World, cares and fears about it, with an ex­cessive valuation of relations and enjoyments; they will so far cumber and perplex it with a multitude of thoughts about their own Objects, as shall leave no place for se­date Meditations on Christ and his Glory. And where the thoughts are engaged, the Affections which partly excite them, and partly are led by them, will be fixed also, Col. 3. 1, 2.

THIS is that which in the most, greatly promoteth that imperfection, which is in our View of the Glory of Christ, by Faith in this Life. According to the propor­tion and degree of the prevalency of Affections, corrupt, earthly, selfish or sensual, filling the Heads and Hearts of Men with a multitude of thoughts about what they are fixed on, or inclined unto; so is Faith obstructed and weakened in this Work and Duty.

WHEREFORE, whereas there is a remainder of these Lusts, as to the Seeds of them in us all, tho more mor­tified in some than in others; yet having the same effects in the minds of all, according to the Degree of their re­mainder; thence it is as from an Efficacious cause of it, [Page 184] that our View of the Glory of Christ by Faith, is in ma­ny so weak, imperfect and unsteady.

THIRDLY, We have interruption given unto the work of Faith herein, by the Temptations of Satan. His original great design, wherever the Gospel is preached, is to blind the Eyes of Men, that the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should not shine into them, or irradiate their Minds, 2 Cor. 4. 4. And herein he pre­vails unto astonishment. Let the Light of the Gospel in the preaching of the Word be never so glorious; yet by various means and artifices, he blinds the Minds of the most, that they shall not behold any thing of the Glory of Christ therein. By this means he continues his rule in the Children of Disobedience. With respect unto the Elect, God overpowers him herein. He shines into their Hearts to give them the Knowledge of his Glory in the face of Christ Jesus, vers. 6. Yet will not Satan so give over. He will endeavour by all ways and means to trouble, dis­compose, and darken the mind even of them that believe, so as that they shall not be able to retain clear and distinct Views of this Glory. And this he doth two ways.

1. WITH some he imploys all his Engines, useth all his Methods of Serpentine Subtilty, and casts in his fiery Darts, so to d [...]squiet, discompose and deject them, as that they can retain no comfortable Views of Christ or his Glory. Hence arise fears, doubts, disputes, uncer­tainties, with various Disconsolations. Hereon they cannot apprehend the Love of Christ, nor be sensible of any In­terest they have therein, or any refreshing perswasions that they are accepted with him. If such things some­times shine and beam into their Minds, yet they quickly vanish and disappear. Fears that they are rejected and cast off by him, that he will not receive them here nor hereafter, do come in their place; hence are they filled with Anxieties and Despondencies, under which it is im­possible [Page 185] they should have any clear View of his Glory.

I KNOW that Ignorance, Atheism and Obstinate Securi­ty in sensual Sins, do combine to despise all these things. But it is no new thing in the World, that Men outward­ly professing Christian Religion, when they find gain in that God [...]iness, should speak evil of the things which they know not, and corrupt themselves in what they know naturally, as bruit Beasts.

2. WITH others he deals after another manner. By various means he seduceth them into a careless Security wherein they promise Peace unto themselves without any diligent search into these things. Hereon they live in a general presumption that they shall be saved by Christ, although they know not how. This makes the Apostle so earnest in pressing the Dury of self-examination on all Christians, 2 Cor. 13. 5. Examine your selves whether you be in the Faith: Prove your own selves: know you not your own selves that Christ is in you, except you be reprobates? The Rule of Self-judging prescribed by him, is whether Christ be in us or no; and in us he cannot be, unless he be re­ceived by that Faith wherewith we behold his Glory. For by Faith we receive him, and by Faith he dwelleth in our hearts. Joh. 1. 12. Eph. 3. 17.

THIS is the principal way of his prevailing in the World. Multitudes by his Seduction live in great security under the utmost neglect of these things. Security is granted to be an Evil destructive of the Souls of Men; but then it is supposed to consist only in Impenitency for great and open Sins; but to be neglective of endeavour­ing an experience of the Power and Grace of the Gospel in our own Souls, under a Profession of Religion, is no less destructive and pernicious, than impeni [...]ency in any course of sin.

THESE and the like Obstructions unto Faith in its Operations being added unto its own imperfections, are another cause whence our View of the Glory of Christ in [Page 186] this World is weak and unsteady; so that for the most part it doth but transiently affect our Minds, and not so fully transform them into his likeness, as otherwise it would.

IT is now time to consider, that sight which we shall have of the Glory of Christ in Heaven, in comparison of that which we have herebelow. Now this is equal, stable, always the same without interruption or diversion. And this is evident, both in the causes or means of it, as also in our perfect Deliverance from every thing that might be an hindrance in it, or an obstrunction unto it.

1. WE may consider the state of our minds in Glory. The faculties of our Souls shall then be made perfect, Heb. 12. The Spirits of just Men made perfect. (1.) Freed from all the clogs of the flesh, and all its influence upon them, and restraint of their Powers in their Operations. (2.) Perfectly purified from all Principles of instability and variety; of all Inclinations unto things Sensual and Car­nal, and all Contrivances of Self-preservation or Ad­vancement, being wholly transformed into the Image of God, in spirituality and holiness. And to take in the state of our Bodies after the Resurrection; even they also in all their Powers and Senses, shall be made entirely subservient unto the most spiritual actings of our Minds in their highest Elevation by the Light of Glory. Here­by shall we be enabled and sitted eternally to abide in the Contemplation of the Glory of Christ, with joy and sa­tisfaction. The understanding shall be always perfected with the Vision of God, and the Affections cleave infe­parably to him; which is Blessedness.

THE very essential faculties of our Souls in that way and manner of working, which by their Union with our Bodies they are confined unto, are not able to com­prehend and abide constantly in the Contemplation of this Glory. So that, though our sight of it here be dim and imperfect, and the proposal of it obscure; yet from the weakness of our minds, we are forced sometimes to turn [Page 187] aside from what we do discern, as we do our bodily eyes from the beams of the Sun, when it shines in its brightness. But in this perfect State they are able to behold and delight in this Glory constantly, with eternal satisfaction.

BVT as for me (saith David) I will behold thy face in Righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake, with thy likeness, Psal. 17. 15. It is Christ alone, who is the Like­ness and Image of God. When we awake in the other World, with our Minds purified and rectified, the beholding of him shall be always satisfying unto us. There will be the [...] no Satiety, no Weariness, no Indispositions; but the Mind being made perfect in all its faculties, powers and operations, with respect unto its utmost end, which is the enjoyment of God, is satisfied in the beholding of him for evermore. And where there is perfect satisfacti­on without Satiety, there is blessedness for ever. So the Holy Spirit affirms of the four living Creatures in the Re­velation; They rest not day nor night, saying, holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Chap. 4. 8. They are continually ex­ercised in the Admiration and Praises of God in Christ, without weariness or interruption. Herein shall we be made like unto Angels.

2. AS our Minds in their essential powers and Fa­culties shall be enabled to comprehend and acquiesce in this Glory of Christ, so the means or instrument of the beholding of it, is much more excellent than Faith, and in its kind absolutely perfect, as hath in part been before declared. This is vision or sight. Here we walk by Faith, there by Sight. And this Sight is not an external aid, like a Glass helping the weakness of the visive faculty to see things afar off; but it is an internal power, or an act of the internal power of our Minds, wherewith they are en­dowed in a glorified state. Hereby we shall be able to see him face to face, to see him as he is, in a direct compre­hension of his Glory; for this sight or visive power shall be given us for this [...] [Page 188] do. Hereunto the whole Glory of Christ is clear, per­spicuous and evident, which will give us eternal Acquies­cency therein. Hence shall our sight of the Glory of Christ be invariable, and always the same.

2. THE Lord Christ will never in any one instance, on any occasion, so much as one moment withdraw himself from us, or Eclipse the proposal and manifestation of himself unto our sight. This he doth sometimes in this life, and it is needful for us that so he should do. We shall be ever with the Lord, 1 Thes. 4. 17. without end, without interruption. This is the Center of good and evil, as to the future different states of Men. They shall be for [...]ver. Eternity makes them absolutely good on the one hand, and absolutely evil on the other. To be in Hell under the wrath of God, is in it self the greatest penal Evil: But to be there for ever, without the Inter­mission of Misery, or Determination of Time, is that which renders it the greatest evil unto them who shall be in that condition. So is Eternity the Life of future Bles­sedness. We shall be ever with the Lord, without Limi­tation of Time, without Interruption of Enjoyment.

THERE are no vicissitudes in the heavenly state, The New Hierusalem hath no Temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb are the Temple thereof, Revel. 21. 24. There is no need of instituted means of Worship, nor of Ordinances of Divine Service. For we shall need neither encrease of Grace, nor Excitations unto its exer­cise. The constant, immediate, uninterrupted enjoyment of God and the Lamb, supplieth all. And it hath no need of the Sun, nor of the Moon to shine in it; for the Glory of God doth enlighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof. The Light of the Sun is excellent; howbeit, it hath its Sea­sons, after it hath shone in its brightest Lustre, it gives place to the night and darkness. So is the Light of the Moon of great use in the Night; but it hath its Seasons also. Such is the Light we have of the Glory of God [Page 189] and the Lamb in this World. Sometimes it is as the Light of the Sun, which under the Gospel is seven fold, as the Light of Seven Days in one, in comparison of the Law, Isa. 30. 26. Sometimes as the Light of the Moon, which giveth relief in the Night of Temptations and Trials. But it is not constant; we are under a vicissitude of Light and Darkness, Views of Christ, and a loss of him. But in Heaven the perpetual presence of Christ with his Saints, makes it always one Noon of Light and Glory.

3. THIS Vision is not in the least liable unto any weaknings from internal defects, nor any assaults from Temptations, as is the sight of Faith in this Life. No Doubts or Féars, no disturbing Darts or Injections shall there have any place. There shall no Habit, no Quality, no Inclination or Disposition remain in our Souls, but what shall eternally lead us unto the Contemplation of the Glory of Christ, with delight and complacencey. Nor will there be any defect in the gracious Powers of our Souls, as unto a perpetual exercise of them; and as unto all other op­posing Enemies, we shall be in a perpetual triumph over them, 1 Cor. 15. 55, 56, 57. The mouth of iniquity shall be stopped for ever, and the voice of the self avenger shall be heard no more.

WHEREFORE the Vision which we shall have in Heaven of the Glory of Christ, is Serene; always the same, always new and indeficient, wherein nothing can disturb the Mind in the most perfect Operations of a bles­sed Life. And when all the faculties of the Soul can with­out any internal weakness or external hindrances exercise their most perfect operations on the most perfect Object; therein lies all the blessedness which our nature is capable of.

WHEREFORE, whenever in this life we attain any comfortable refreshing View of the Glory of Christ, by the exercise of Faith on the Revelation of it, with a sense of our interest therein, we cannot but long after, and [Page 190] desire to come unto this more perfect abiding, invariable Aspect of it.

Other Differences between our Beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith in this World, and by Sight in Heaven.

AMONG the many other Differences which might be insisted on (altho the greatest of them are un­to us at present absolutely incomprehensible, and so not to be enquired into) I shall name two only, and so put a close to this Discourse.

1. IN the View which we have here of the Glory of Christ by Faith, we gather things as it were one by one, in several parts and parcels out of the Scripture, and com­paring them together in our Minds, they become the Ob­ject of our present Sight, which is our spiritual compre­hension of the things themselves. We have no propo­sal of the Glory of Christ unto us by Vision or illustrious appearance of his Person, as Isaiah had of old, Chap. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4. or as John had in the Revelation, Chap. 1. vers. 13, 14, 15, 16. We need it not, it would be of no ad­vantage unto us. For as unto the assurance of our Faith, we have a word of prophesie more useful unto us, than a Voice from Heaven, 2 Pet. 1. 17, 18, 19. And of those who received such Visions, tho of eminent use unto the Church; yet as unto themselves, one of them cryed out, Wo is me, I am undone; and the other fell as dead at his feet. We are not able in this life to bear such glorious Repre­sentations of him, unto our Edification.

[Page 191] AND as we have no such external proposals of his Glory unto us in Visions, so neither have we any New Re­velations of him, by immediate inspiration. We can see no­thing of it, know nothing of it, but what is proposed un­to us in the Scripture, and that as it is proposed. Nor doth the Scripture it self in any one place, make an entire proposal of the Glory of Christ, with all that belongs un­to it; nor is it capable of so doing; nor can there be any such Representation of it, unto our capacity on this side Heaven. If all the Light of the Heavenly Luminaries had been contracted into one, it would have been de­structive, not useful to our sight; But being by Divine Wisdom distributed into Sun, Moon and Stars, each giving out his own Proportion, it is suited to declare the Glory of God, and to enlighten the World: So if the whole Re­velation of the Glory of Christ, and all that belongs unto it, had been committed into one series and contexture of Words, it would have overwhelmed our Minds, rather than enlightned us. Wherefore God hath distributed the Light of it through the whole Firmament of the Books of the Old and New Testament, whence it communicates it self, by various parts and degrees unto the proper use of the Church. In one place we have a description of his Person, and the Glory of it; sometimes in words plain and pro­per, and sometimes in great variety of Allegories, con­veying an heavenly Sense of things unto the Minds of them that do believe; In others of his Love and Condescenti­on in his Office, and his Glory therein. His Humiliation, Exaltation and Power, are in like manner in sundry places represented unto us. And as one Star differeth from another in Glory; so it was one way, whereby God represented the Glory of Christ, in Types and Shadows under the Old Testament, and another wherein it is declared in the New. Illustrious Testimonies upon all these things are planted up and down in the Scripture, which we may collect as choice flowers in the Paradise of God, for the

[Page 192] SO the Spouse in the Canticles considered every part of the Person and Grace of Christ distinctly by it self, and from them all, concludes that he is altogether lovely, Chap. 5. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. So ought we to do in our study of the Scripture, to find out the Revelation of the Glory of Christ, which is made therein, as did the Prophets of old, as unto what they themselves received by immediate Inspiration. They searched diligently what the spirit of Christ which was in them did signifie, when it testified before hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory which should ensue, 1 Pet. 1. 11, 12. But this seeing of Christ by parts in the Revelation of him, is one cause why we see him here but in part.

SOME suppose that by Chopping and Painting, and Gilding, they can make an Image of Christ that shall perfectly represent him to their Sences and carnal Affecti­ons from head to foot, But they feed on ashes, and have a lie in their right hand, Jesus Christ is evidently crucified be­fore our eyes in the Scripture, Gal. 3. 1. So also is he evidently exalted, and glorified therein. And it is the Wisdom of Faith to gather into one, these parcelled Descriptions that are given of him, that they may be the Object of its View and Contemplation.

IN the Vision which we shall have above, the whole Glory of Christ will be at once and always represented un­to us; and we shall be enabled in one act of the Light of Glory to comprehend it. Here indeed we are at a loss; our minds and understandings fail us in their Contempla­tions. It will not yet enter into our hearts to conceive what is the beauty, what is the Glory of this compleat Representation of Christ unto us. To have at once all the Glory of what he is, what he was in his outward State and Condition, what he did and suffered, what he is Ex­alted unto, his Love and Condescention, his Mystical Union with the Church, and the Communication of him­self unto it, with the Recapitulation of all things in Him [Page 193] and the Glory of God, even the Father, in his Wisdom, Righteousness, Grace, Love, Goodness, Power, Shining forth eternally in him, in what he is, hath done, and doth, all presented unto us in one view, all comprehended by us at once, is that which at present we cannot conceive. We can long for it, pant after it, and have some fore­tasts of it; namely of that State and Season, wherein our whole Souls in all their powers and faculties, shall con­stantly, inseparably, eternally cleave by Love unto whole Christ in the fight of the Glory of his Person and Grace, until they are watered, dissolved and inebriated in the Waters of Life, and the Rivers of Pleasure that are above for evermore. So must we speak of the things which we admire, which we adore, which we love, which we long for, which we have some foretasts of in sweetness inessa­ble, which yet we cannot comprehend.

THESE are some few of those things whence ariseth the difference between that view which we have here of the Glory of Christ, and that which is reserved for Hea­ven; namely, such as are taken from the difference be­tween the means or instruments of the one and the other, Faith and Sight.

IN the last place, the great difference between them, consists in, and is manifested by their effects. Hereof I shall give some few instances, and close this discourse.

1. THE Vision which we shall have of the Glory of Christ in Heaven, and of the Glory of the immense God in him, is perfectly and absolutely transforming. It doth change us wholly into the Image of Christ. When we shall see him, we shall be as he is, we shall be like him, be­cause we shall see him, 1 Joh. 3. 2. But although the clo­sing, perfecting act of this Transformation be an act of sight, or the sight of Glory; yet there are many things towards it, or degrees in it, which we may here take notice of in our way.

[Page 194] 1. THE Soul upon its Departure from the Body, is im­mediately freed from all the Weakness, Disability, Dark­ness, Uncertainties and Fears, which were impressed on it from the Flesh; wherewith it was in the strictest Union. The Image of the first Adam as fallen, is then abolished. Yea, it is not only freed from all irregular sinful Distem­pers cleaving to our Nature as corrupted, but from all those sinless Grievances and Infirmities which belong unto the Original Constitution of it. This necessarily ensues on the Dissolution of the Person in order unto a blessed State. The first entrance by Mortality into Immortallity, is a step towards Glory. The ease which a blessed Soul finds in a deliverance from this Encumbrance, is a Door of en­trance into eternal Rest. Such a change is made in that, which in it self is the Center of all Evil, namely Death, that it is made a means of freeing us from all the Re­mainders of what is evil.

FOR this doth not follow absolutely on the Nature of the thing it self. A meer Dissolution of our Natures can bring no Advantage with it, especially as it is a part of the Curse. But it is from the Sanctification of it by the Death of Christ. Hereby that which was Gods Ordi­nance for the Infliction of Judgment, becomes an effectu­al Means for the Communication of Mercy, 1 Cor. 5. 22. Chap. 15. 54. It is by vertue of the Death of Christ alone, that the Souls of Believers are freed by Death from all impressions of Sin, Infirmity and Evils, which they have had from the Flesh, which were their Burden, under which they groaned all their Days. No Man knows in any measure the Excellency of this Priviledge, and the Dawnings of Glory which are in it, who hath not been wearied, and even worn out, through long conflicting with the Body of Death. The Soul hereon being freed from all Annoyances, all Impressions from the Flesh, is expedite and enlarged unto the Exercise of all its gracious Faculties, as we shall see immediately.

[Page 195] WITH wicked Men it is not so. Death unto them is a Curse; and the Curse is the Means of the Convey­ance of all Evil, and not Deliverance from any. Where­in they have been warmed and refreshed by the Influen­ces or the Flesh, they shall be deprived of it. But their Souls in their separate State, are perpetually harrased with the disquieting Passions which have been impressed on their Minds by their corrupt fleshly Lusts. In vain do such Persons look for Relief by Death. If there be any thing remaining of present good and usefulness to them, they shall be deprived of it. And their Freedom for a Season from bodily pains, will no way lie in the Ballance against that Confluence of Evils which Death will let in upon them.

2. THE Spirits of just Men being freed by Death from the Clog of the Flesh, not yet refined; all the Faculties of their Souls, and all the Graces in them, as Faith, Love and Delight, are immediately set at Liberty, enabled con­stantly to exercise themselves on God in Christ. The end for which they were created, for which our Nature was endowed with them, was, that we might adhere unto God by them, and come unto the Enjoyment of him. Be­ing now freed wholly from all that Impotency, pervers­ness, and Disability unto this End, with all the Effects of them, which came upon them by the Fall; they are carried with a full Stream towards God, cleaving unto him with the most intense Embraces. And all their Act­ings towards God, shall be natural, with Facility, Joy, Delight and Complacency. We know not yet the Excel­lency of the Operations of our Souls in divine things, when disburdened of their present Weight of their Flesh. And this is a second step towards the Consummation of Glory. For,

IN the Resurrection of the Body, upon its full Redempti­on, it shall be so purified, sanctified, glorified, as to give no Obstrnction unto the Soul in its Operations, but be a [Page 196] blessed Organ for its highest and most spiritual Actings. The Body shall never more be a Trouble, a Burthen un­to the Soul, but an Assistant in its Operations, and parti­cipant of its Blessedness. Our Eyes were made to see our Redeemer, and our other Sences to receive impressions from him, according unto their Capacity. As the Bodies of wicked Men shall be restored unto them to encrease and compleat their Misery in their Sufferings; so shall the Bo­dies of the Just be restored unto them, to heighten and consummate their Blessedness.

3. THESE things are preparatory unto Glory. The compleat Communication of it, is by the Infusion of a new heavenly Light into the Mind, enabling us to see the Lord Christ as he is. The Soul shall not be brought into the immediate Presence of Christ without a new Power to be­hold him, and the immediate Representation of his Glo­ry. Faith now doth cease as unto the manner of its O­peration in this Life, whilst we are absent from Christ. This Light of Glory succeeds into its Room, fitted for that State and all the ends of it, as Faith is for that which is present. And,

4. IN the first Operation of this Light of Glory, Be­lievers shall so behold the glory of Christ, and the glory of God in him, as that therewith, and thereby they shall be immediately and universally changed into his Likeness. They shall be as he is, when they shall see him as he is. There is no growth in glory, as unto Parts, there may be as unto Degrees. Additions may be outwardly made unto what is at first received, as by the Resurrection of the Body; but the internal Light of Glory, and its trans­forming Efficacy is capable of no degrees, though new Revelations may be made unto it, unto Eternity. For the infinite Fountain of Life, and Light, and Goodness, can never be fathomed, much less exhausted. And what God spake on the Entrance of sin, by the way of con­tempt and aproach. Behold the Man is become like one of [Page 197] us, upbraiding him with what he had foolishly designed; on the Accomplishment of the Work of his Gace, he says in Love and infinite Goodness, Man is become like one of us, in the perfect Restoration of our Image in him. This is the first Effect of the Light of Glory.

FAITH also in beholding the glory of Christ in this Life, is accompanied with a transforming Efficacy, as the Apostle expresly declares, 2 Cor. 3. 18. It is the Princi­ple from whence, and the Instrumental Cause whereby all spiritual change is wrought in us in this Life; but the Work of it is imperfect; first because it is gradual, and then because it is partial.

1. AS unto the manner of its Operation, it is gradual, and doth not at once transform us into the Image of Christ. Yea, the degrees of its Progress therein, are un­to us for the most part imperceptible. It requires much spiritual Wisdom and Observation to obtain an Experi­ence of them in our own Souls. The inward man is re­newed day by day, whilst we behold these invisible things, 2 Cor. 4. 16, 17, 18. but how? even as the outward Man decays by Age, which is by insensible Degrees and Alte­rations. Such is the Transformation which we have by Faith in its present View of the glory of Christ. And ac­cording to our Experience of its Efficacy herein, is our Evidence of its Truth and Realty in the beholding of him. No Man can have the least ground of assurance that he hath seen Christ and his glory by Faith, without some Effects of it in changing him into his Likeness. For as on the Touch of his Garment by the Woman in the Gospel, Vertue went out from him to heal her Infirmi­ty: So upon this View of Faith, an influence of trans­forming Power will proceed from Christ unto the Soul.

2. AS unto the Event it is but partial. It doth not bring this Work unto perfection. The change wrought by it, is indeed great and glorious; or as the Apostle speaks, it is from Glory to Glory, in a Progress of glorious [Page 198] Grace: But absolute perfection is reserved for Vision. As unto Divine Worship, Perfection was not by the Law. It did many things preparatory unto the Revelation of the Will of God concerning it; but it made nothing perfect: So absolute Perfection in Holiness, and the Restoration of the Image of God, is not by the Gospel, is not by Faith; however it gives us many preparatory degrees unto it, as the Apostle fully declares, Phil. 3. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

SECONDLY, Vision is Beatifical, as it is commonly called, and that not amiss. It gives perfect Rest and Blessedness unto them in whom it is. This may be a little opened in the ensuing Observations.

1. THERE are continual Operations of God in Christ, in the Souls of them that are glorified, and Communica­tions from him unto them. For all Creatures must eter­nally live even in Heaven, in dependance on him who is the eternal Fountain of Being, Life, Goodness and Bles­sedness unto all. As we cannot subsist one moment in our Beings, Lives, Souls, Bodies, the inward or outward Man, without the continual Actings of divine Power in us, and towards us; so in the glorified State our All shall depend eternally on Divine Power and Goodness, com­municating themselves unto us, for all the ends of our blessed Subsistance in Heaven.

2. WHAT is the way and manner of these Communi­cations, we cannot comprehend. We cannot indeed ful­ly understand the Nature and way of his Spiritual Commu­nications unto us in this Life. We know these things by their Signs, their outward Means, and principally by the Effects they produce in the real change of our Natures. But in themselves we see but little of them. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and we hear the Sound thereof, but we know not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is e­very one that is born of the Spirit. Joh. 3. 8. All Gods re­al Operations in Heaven and Earth are incomprehensible, as being Acts of infinite Power and we cannot search [...]

[Page 199] 3. ALL Communications from the Divine Being and infinite Fulness in Heaven unto glorified Saints, are in, and through Christ Jesus, who shall for ever be the Me­dium of Communication between God and the Church, even in glory. All things being gathered into one head in him, even things in Heaven, and things in Earth; that Head being in immediate dependence on God, this Order shall never be dissolved, Ephes. 1. 10, 11. 1 Cor. 3. 23. And on these Communications from God through Christ depends entirely our Continuance in a State of Blessedness and Glory. We shall no more be self-subsistent in glory, than we are in Nature or Grace.

4. THE way on our part whereby we shall receive these Communications from God by Christ, which are the eternal Springs of Life, Peace, Joy and Blessedness, is this Vision, the Sight whereof we speak. For as it is ex­presly assigned thereunto in the Scripture; so whereas it contains the perfect Operation of our Minds and Souls in a perfect State, on the most perfect Object, it is the only means of our Blessedness. And this is the true Cause whence there neither is, nor can be any Satiety or weari­ness in Heaven, in the eternal Contemplation of the same glory. For not only the Object of our sight is absolutely infinite, which can never be searched into the bottom; yea, is perpetually new unto a finite understanding; so our subjective Blessedness consisting in continual fresh Commu­nications from the infinite Fulness of the Divine Nature, derived unto us through Vision, is always new, and al­ways will be so to Eternity. Herein shall all the Saints of God drink of the Rivers of Pleasure that are at his Right Hand, be satisfied with his Likeness, and refresh them­selves in the eternal Springs of Life, Light and Joy for e­vermore.

THIS effect that View which we have by Faith of the glory of Christ in this World, doth not produce. It is Sanctifying, not Glorifying. The best of Saints are far [Page 200] from a perfect or glorified State in this Life. And that not only on the account of the outward Evils, which in their Persons they are exposed unto; but also of the Weakness and Imperfection of their inward State in Grace. Yet we may observe some things unto the Honour of Faith in them who have received it. As,

1. IN its due Exercise on Christ, it will give unto the Souls of Believers some previous Participation of future glory, working in them Dispositions unto, and Preparation for the Enjoyment of it.

2. THERE is no Glory, no Peace, no Joy, no Satisfacti­on in this World to be compared with what we receive by that weak and imperfect View which we have of the Glory of Christ by Faith. Yea, all the Joys of the World are a thing of nought in Comparison of what we so receive.

3. IT is sufficient to give us such a Perception, such a Foretaste of future Blessedness in the Enjoyment of Christ, as may continually stir us up to breath and pant after it. But it is not Beatifical.

OTHER Differences of an alike Nature between our Beholding of the Glory of Christ in this Life by Faith, and that Vision of it, which is reserved for Heaven, might be insisted on; but I shall proceed no further. There is nothing farther for us to do herein but that now and al­ways we shut up all our Meditations concerning it, with the deepest Self-abasement out of a Sense of our Unworthi­ness and Insufficiency to comprehend those things, Ad­miration of that excellent Glory which we cannot com­prehend, and vehement Longings for that Season when he shall see him as he is, be ever with him, and know him, even as we are known.


Application of the foregoing Meditations con­cerning the Glory of Christ. First in an Exhortation unto such as are not yet Par­takers of Him.

THAT which remains, is to make some Ap­plication of the Glorious Truth insisted on unto the Souls of them that are con­cerned: And what I have to offer unto that end, I shall distribute under two Heads. The First shall be with respect unto them who are yet Strangers from this Holy and Glorious One, who are not yet made partakers of him, nor have any especial Interest in him. And the Second shall be directed unto Believers, as a Guide and Assistance unto their Recovery from Spiritual Decays, and the Revival of a Spring of vigorous Grace, Holiness and Obedience in them.

FOR the first of these, although it seems not directly to lye in our way, yet is it suited unto the method of the Gospel, that wherever there is a Declaration of the Excellencies of Christ, in his Person, Grace or Office, it should be accompani­ed with an Invitation and Exhortation unto Sin­ners to come unto him. This method he himself first made use of, Mat. 11. 27, 28, 29, 30. Joh. 7▪ 37, 38. and consecrated it unto our use also. Be­sides, it is necessary from the nature of the things [Page 2] themselves, for who can dwell on the consideration of the Glory of Christ, being called therewith to the Declaration of it, but his own mind will en­gage him to invite lost Sinners unto a participati­on of him. But I shall at present proceed no fur­ther in this Exhortation, but only unto the Propo­sal of some of those Considerations which may pre­pare, encline, and dispose their Minds unto a closure with him as he is tendred in the Gospel. As,

1. LET them consider well what is their present State with respect unto God and Eternity. This Moses wisheth for the Israelites, Deut. 32. 29. Oh that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end: It is the greatest Folly in the World to leave the Issues of these things unto an uncertain hazzard: And that Man who cannot prevail with himself strictly to examine what is his State and Condition with respect unto Eternity, doth never do any good, nor abstain from any evil in a due manner; remember there­fore, that many are called, but few are chosen. To be called, is to enjoy all the outward Priviledges of the Gospel, which is all you unto whom I speak can pretend unto, yet this you may do and not be chosen: Even among those unto whom the Word is preached, they are but few that shall be saved. In the Distribution made by our Lord Jesus Christ of the Hearers of the Word into four sorts of ground, it was but one of them that received real Benefit thereby; and if our Congregations are no better than were his Hearers, there is not above a fourth part of them that will be saved, it may be a far less number: And is it not strange that every one of them is not jealous over him­self and his own Condition? Many herein deceive [Page 3] themselves, until they fall under woful surprizals. And this is represented in the Account of the final Judgment; for the generality of those who have pro­fessed the Gospel are introduced as complaining of their Disappointments, Mat. 25. 41, 42, 43. For what is there spoken, is only a Declaration of what befell them here in the close of their Lives, and their Personal Judgment thereon.

2. TAKE heed of being deluded by common Presumptions. Most men have some thoughts in general about what their State is, and what it will be in the issue: But they make no diligent search into this matter, because a number of com­mon presumptions do immediately insinuate them­selves into their minds for their relief, and they are such, as all whose force and efficacy unto this end lies in this, that they differ from others, and are better than they; as that they are Christians, that they are in the right way of Religion, that they are partakers of the outward priviledg­es of the Gospel, hearing the Word, and parti­cipation of the Sacraments; that they have light and convictions, so as that they abstain from Sin, and perform Duties so as others do not, and the like. All those with whom it is not so, who are behind them in these things, they judge to be in an ill State and Condition, whence they entertain good hopes concerning themselves: and this is all that most trust unto. It is not my present busi­ness to discourse the vanity of Presumptions, it hath been done by many; I give only this warn­ing in general unto those who have the least de­sign or purpose to come to Christ, and to be made partakers of him, that they put no trust in them, that they rely not on them; for if they do so, they [Page 4] will eternally deceive their Souls. This was a great part of the preparatory Ministry of John the Baptist, Mat. 3. 9. Think not to say within your selves, we have Abraham to our Father. This was their great comprehensive priviledge, containing all the outward Church and Covenant Advantages. These they rested in, and trusted to unto their Ruine: Herein he designed to undeceive them.

3. CONSIDER aright what it is to live and die without an Interest in Christ, without a parti­cipation of him. Where this is not stated in the mind, where thoughts of it are not continually prevalent, there can be no one step taken in the way towards him. Unless we are throughly con­vinced that without him we are in a state of Apostacy from God, under the Curse, obnoxious unto Eternal Wrath, as some of the worst of God's Enemies, we shall never flee unto him for Refuge in a due manner: The whole have no need of a Phy­sician, but the sick; Christ came not to call the Righ­tous, but Sinners to Repentance: And the Convicti­on intended, is the principal end of the Ministry of the Law. The Miseries of this State have been the subject of innumerable Sermons and Discour­ses; but there is a general misery in the whole, that few take themselves to be concerned there­in, or apply these things unto themselves. Let us tell men of it a thousand times, yet they either take no notice of it, or believe it not, nor look on it as that which belongs unto the way and course of preaching, wherein they are not concern­ed. These things it seems Preachers must say, and they may believe them who have a mind there­unto. It is a rare thing that any one shall as much as say unto himself, Is it so with me? And if we [Page 5] now, together with this Caution, tell the same Men again, that whilst they are uninterested in Christ, not ingrafted into him by Faith, that they run in vain, that all their labour in Religi­on is lost, that their Duties are all rejected, that they are under the Displeasure and Curse of God, that their End is eternal Destruction, which are all unquestionably certain, yet will they let all these things pass by without any fur­ther consideration.

BUT here I must fix with them unto whom I speak at present, unless there be a full Convicti­on in them of the woful deplorable condition of every Soul of whatever Quality, Profession, Reli­gion, outward State it be, who is not yet made partaker of Christ, all that I have further to add will be of no signification. Remember then that the due consideration hereof is unto you in your State, your chiefest concernment in this World: and be not afraid to take in a full and deep sense of it, for if you are really delivered from it, and have good Evidence thereof, it is nothing unto you but matter of eternal Praise and Thanksgiv­ing. And if you are not so, it is highly necessary that your Minds should be possessed with due Ap­prehension of it. The work of this Conviction is the first effect of true Religion, and the great Abuse of Religion in the World is, that a pretence of it deludes the Minds of men to apprehend that it is not necessary; for to be of this or that Religion, of this or that way in Religion, is supposed sufficient to se­cure the Eternal State of men, though they are ne­ver convinced of their lost estate by Nature.

4. HEREON consider the Infinite Conde­scention and Love of Christ, in his Invitations and [Page 6] Calls of you to come unto him for Life, Delive­rance, Mercy, Grace, Peace, and Eternal Salvati­on. Multitudes of these Invitations and Calls are recorded in the Scripture, and they are all of them filled up with those blessed Encouragements, which Divine wisdom knows to be suited unto lost con­vinced Sinners in their present state and condition. It were a blessed Contemplation to dwell on the Consideration of the Infinite Condescention, Grace and Love of Christ, in his Invitations of Sinners to come unto him, that they may be saved; of that mixture of Wisdom and perswasive Grace that is in them; of the force and efficacy of the pleading and Argument that they are accompani­ed withal, as they are recorded in the Scripture; but that belongs not to my present Design: This I shall only say, that in the Declaration and Preaching of them, Jesus Christ yet stands before Sinners, calling, inviting, encouraging of them to come unto him.

THIS is somewhat of the Word which he now speaks unto you. Why will ye dye? why will ye perish? why will you not have compassion on your own Souls? Can your Hearts endure, or can your hands be strong in the day of Wrath that is approaching? It is but a little while before all your Hopes, your Reliefs and Presumptions will forsake you, and leave you eternally miserable: Look unto me, and be saved; come unto me, and I will ease you of all Sins, Sorrows, Fears, Bur­thens, and give rest unto your Souls. Come I en­treat you, lay aside all Procrastinations, all delays, put me off no more, Eternity lyes at the door; cast out all cursed self-deceiving Reserves, do not [Page 7] so hate me, as that you will rather perish than ac­cept of Deliverance by me.

THESE and the like things doth the Lord Christ continually declare, proclaim, plead and urge on the Souls of Sinners; as it is fully decla­clared, Prov. 1. ver. 20. to the 34. He doth it in the preaching of the word, as if he were present with you, stood amongst you, and spake personally to every one of you: And because this would not suit his present state of Glory, he hath appointed the Ministers of the Gospel to appear before you, and to deal with you in his stead, avowing, as his own, the Invitations that are given you in his Name, 2 Cor. 5. 19, 20.

CONSIDER therefore his Infinite Con­descention, Grace, and Love herein: Why all this towards you? doth he stand in need of you? Have you deserved it at his hands? Did you love him first? Cannot he be happy and blessed without you? Hath he any Design upon you, that he is so earnest in calling you unto him? Alas, it is nothing but the overflowing of Mercy, Compas­sion, and Grace that moves and acts him herein. Here lyes the entrance of innumerable Souls into a Death and Condemnation far more severe than those contained in the Curse of the Law, 2 Cor. 2. 15, 16. In the contempt of this Infinite Condescen­tion of Christ, in his Holy Invitation of Sinners to himself, lies the sting and poyson of Unbelief, which unavoidably gives over the Souls of Men unto Eternal Ruine: And who shall once pity them to Eternity who are guilty of it? Yea but,

5. PERHAPS if you should on his Invitation begin to look to him, and resolve to come to him, you are greatly afraid that when it comes to the [Page 8] Tryal he will not receive you; for no Heart can conceive, no Tongue can express what wretched, vile, and provoking Sinners you have been. That the Lord Christ will receive unto him such as we are, we have no hopes, or that ever we shall find Acceptance with him: I say, it is not amiss when Persons come so far, as to be sensible of what Dis­couragements they have to conflict withall, what difficulties lye in their way, and what objections do arise against them, for the most do perish in a senceless stupidity; they will not consider how it is with them, what is required of them, nor how it will be in the latter end; they doubt not but that either they do believe already, or can do so when they please; but when any come so far as to charge the failure of their Acceptance with Christ on their own unworthiness, and so are discoura­ged from coming unto him, there are Arguments for their Conviction and Perswasion, which no­thing but the Devil and Unbelief can defeat: Wherefore, that which is now proposed unto con­sideration in answer hereunto, is the Readiness of Christ to receive every Sinner, be he who or what he will, that shall come unto him: And hereof we have the highest Evidences that Divine Wis­dom and Grace can give unto us. This is the Language of the Gospel, of all that the Lord Christ did or suffered, which is recorded therein. This is the Divine Testimony of the Three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and of the Three that bear witness in Earth, the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood, all give their joynt Testimony, that the Lord Christ is ready to receive all Sinners that come to him; they who receive not this Testimo­ny, [Page 9] make God a Lyar, both Father, Son, and Spirit. Whatever the Lord Christ is in the Con­stitution of his Person, in the Representation of the Father, in his Office, in what he did on the Earth, in what he doth in Heaven, proclaims the same Truth. Nothing but cursed Obstinacy in Sin and Unbelief can suggest a thought unto our minds, that he is not willing to receive us when we come unto him. Herein we are to bear Te­stimony against the Unbelief of all unto whom the Gospel is preached, that come not unto him. Unbelief acting it self herein, includes a contempt of the Wisdom of God, a Denial of his Truth or Faithfulness, an Impeachment of the sin­cerity of Christ in his Invitations, making him a Deceiver, and will issue in an express hatred of his Person and Office, and of the Wisdom of God in him. Here then you are shut up, you cannot from hence take any Countenance unto your Un­belief.

6. CONSIDER that he is as able to Save us, as he is ready and willing to Receive us. The Testimonies which he hath given us unto his Good­ness and Love are uncontrollable, and none dare directly to call in Question, or deny his Power. Generally this is taken for granted by all, that Christ is able to save us if he will; yea, who shall question his Ability to save us, though we live in Sin and Unbelief, and many expect that he will do so, because they believe he can if he will: But indeed Christ hath no such Power, no such Ability; he cannot save unbelieving impenitent Sinners, for this cannot be done without denying himself, acting contrary to his Word, and de­stroying his own Glory. Let none please them­selves [Page 10] with such vain Imaginations, Christ is able to save all them, and only them who come to God by him. Whilst you live in Sin and Unbelief Christ himself cannot save you; but when it comes to the Tryal in particular, some are apt to think, that although they will not conclude that Christ cannot save them, yet they do on va­rious accounts, that they cannot be saved by him. This therefore we also give Testimony unto, in our Exhortation to come unto him; namely, that his power to save those that shall comply with his Call is Soveraign, Incontrollable, Almighty, that nothing can stand in the way of. All things in Heaven and Earth are committed unto him, all power is his, and he will use it unto this end, namely, the assured Salvation of all that come unto him.

7. CONSIDER greatly what hath been spo­ken of the Representation of God, and all the Holy Properties of his Nature in Him. Nothing can possibly give us more encouragement to come unto him; for we have manifested, that God who is infinitely Wise and Glorious, hath design­ed to exert all the Holy Properties of his Na­ture, his Mercy, Love, Grace Goodness, Righte­ousness, Wisdom and Power in him, in and unto the Salvation of them that do believe. Whoe­ver therefore comes unto Christ by Faith on this Re­presentation of the Glory of God in him, he ascribes and gives unto God all that Glory and Honour which he aimeth at from his Creatures, and we can do nothing wherewith he is pleased equal un­to it. Every poor Soul that comes by Faith un­to Christ, gives unto God all that Glory which it is his Design to manifest and be exalted in [Page 11] and what can we do more? There is more Glo­ry given unto God by coming unto Christ in be­lieving, than in keeping the whole Law, inas­much as he hath more eminently manifested the holy Properties of his Nature in the way of Sal­vation by Christ, than in giving of the Law: There is therefore no Man who under Gospel In­vitations refuseth to come unto, and close with Christ by believing, but [...], through the Power of Darkness, Blindness, and Unbelief, he hates God, dislikes all his ways, would not have his Glory exalted, nor manifested, choosing rather to dye in Enmity against him, than to give Glory to him. Do not deceive your selves, it is not an indifferent thing, whether you will come in unto Christ upon his Invitations or no; a thing that you may put off from one season unto another: Your present Refusal of it is as high an Act of Enmity against God, as your Nature is capa­ble of.

8. CONSIDER that by coming unto Christ, you shall have an interest in all that Glory which we have proposed unto you: for Christ will be­come yours more intimately than your Wives and Children are yours, and so all his Glory is yours also. All are apt to be affected with the good things of their Relation, their Grace, their Rich­es, their Beauty, their Power; for they judge themselves to have an Interest in them, by rea­son of their Relation unto them. Christ is near­er to Believers than any Natural Relations are to us whatever; they have therefore an Interest in all his Glory. And is this a small thing in your Eyes, that Christ shall be yours, and all his Glory shall be yours, and you shall have the [Page 12] advantage of it unto your Eternal Blessedness? Is it nothing unto you to continue Strangers from and uninterested in all this Glory? To be left to take your portion in this World in Lusts and Sins, and Pleasures, and a few perishing Trifles with Eternal Ruine in the close, whilst such durable Substance, such Riches of Glory are tendred un­to you?

LASTLY, Consider the horrible ingratitude there is in a neglect or refusal to come in to Christ upon his Invitation, with the doleful Eternal Ru­ine that will ensue thereon: How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation? Impenitent Unbeliev­ers under the preaching of the Gospel, are the vi­lest and most ungrateful of all Gods Creation. The Devils themselves, as wicked as they are, are not guilty of this Sin, for Christ is never ten­dred unto them, they never had an offer of Salva­tion on Faith and Repentance; this is their pe­culiar Sin, and will be the peculiar Aggravation of their misery unto Eternity. Hear ye Despi­sers, wonder and perish. The sin of the Devil is in malice and opposition unto knowledge, above what the Nature of Man is capable of in this World. Men therefore must sin in some instance above the Devil, or God would not give them their Eternal Portion with the Devil and his Angels: this is Unbelief.

SOME it may be will say, What then shall we do? What shall we apply our selves unto? What is it that is required of us?

1. TAKE the Advice of the Apostle, Heb. 3. 7, 8, 13.— To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation in the day of Temptation in the Wilderness: But exhort one ano­ther [Page 13] daily, while it is called to day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. This day, even this is unto you in the tender of Grace the acceptable time, this is the day of Salvation. Others have had this day as well as you, and have missed their Opportunity; take heed lest it should be so with you also. How if any one should write it down, or peculiarly commit it to remembrance, this day there was a tender of Christ and Salvati­on in him made unto my Soul; from this time I will resolve to give up my self unto him. And if you find your Resolutions, charge your Con­sciences with what you have engaged, and make your selves to know, that if you go back from it, it is a token that you are going to Ruine.

2. CONSIDER that it is high time for you to make somewhat of Religion. Do not hang al­ways in suspense; let it not be a question with your selves, whether you have a mind to be saved or no. This is as good a time and season for a Resolution as ever you are like to have whilst in this World. Some things, nay, many things may fall in between this and the next opportunity, that shall put you backward, and make your entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven far more difficult than ever it was; and the living in that uncer­tainty at best, which you do, of what will become of you unto Eternity, is the most miserable kind of Life in the World. Those who put far from them the evil day, and live in the pursuit of lusts and pleasures, have somewhat that gives them present satisfaction, and they say not, There is no hope, because they find the Life of the hand: But you have nothing that gives you any preva­lent [Page 14] Refreshment, neither will your latter end be better than theirs, if you dye without an Interest in Christ Jesus. Come therefore at length unto a determinate Resolution what you will do in this matter. Christ hath waited long for you, and who knows how soon he may withdraw, never to look after you any more.

UPON occasion of the preceding Discourse concerning the Glory of Christ, I thought it ne­cessary to add unto it this brief Exhortation unto Faith in him, aiming to suit it unto the Capacity of the meanest Sinner that is capable of any self-con­sideration as unto his Eternal Welfare. But yet a little further, to give efficacy unto this Exhor­tation, it will be necessary to remove some of those common and obvious Tergiversations that convinced Sinners do usually betake themselves un­to, to put off a present compliance with the calls of Christ to come unto him; for although it is Unbelief alone acting in the darkness of mens minds and the obstinacy of their Wills, that effectually keeps off Sinners from coming unto Christ upon his Call, yet it shrouds it self under various pre­tences, that it may not appear in it's own ugly Form; for no Sin, whereof Men can be guilty of in this World, is of so horrible a Nature, and so dreadful an Aspect as is this Unbelief, where a clear view of it is obtained in Evangelical Light: wherefore by the aid of Satan, it suggests other pleas and pretences unto the Minds of Sinners, un­der which they may countenance themselves in a Refusal to come to Christ; see 2 Cor. 4. 4. Any thing else it shall be, but not Unbelief, that they all disavow. I shall therefore speak unto a few of those Tergiversations in this case which are ob­vious, [Page 15] and which are exemplified in the Gospel it self.

I. SOME do say on such Exhortations: What is it that you would have us to do? We hear the Word preached, we believe it as well as we can, we do many things willingly, and abstain from many evils diligently, what is more required of us? This is the Language of the Hearts of the most with whom in this Case we have to do: And I say,

1. IT is usual with them who do something in the ways of God, but not all they should, and so nothing in a due manner, to expostulate about re­quiring of them more than they do. So the Peo­ple dispute with God himself, Mal. 1. 6. Chap. 3. 8, 13. So they in the Gospel who esteemed them­selves to have done their Duty, being pressed un­to Faith by Christ Jesus, ask him with some Indig­nation, What shall we do, that we might work the work of God? John 6. 28. If what we do be not enough, what is it that you require more of us? So was it with the Young Man, Mat. 19. 20. What do I lack yet? Be advised therefore not to be too con­fident of your State, left you should yet lack that one thing, the want whereof might prove your Eternal Ruine.

2. THE things mentioned, with all of the like nature, which may be multiplied, may be where there is no one spark of saving Faith. Simon Ma­gus heard the Word, and believed as well as he could; Herod heard it, and did many things glad­ly; and all sorts of Hypocrites do upon their Con­victions perform many duties, and abstain from many sins, so as that notwithstanding this plea you may perish for ever.

[Page 16] 3. WHERE these things are sincere, they belong unto the exercise of Faith; they may be after a sort without Faith, but Faith cannot be without them: But there is a fundamental Act of Faith, whereby we close with Christ, whereby we receive him; that is, in order of Nature, antece­dent unto it's actings in all other Duties and Occasi­ons; it is laying the foundation, other things be­long to the building. This is that you are called on to secure, and you may know it by these two Properties:

1. It is Singular: So our Saviour tells the Jews, Joh. 6. 29. This is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he hath sent. The Act, Work or Du­ty of Faith in the receiving of Christ, is a peculiar singular Work, wherein the Soul yields especial obedience unto God: It is not to be reckoned un­to such common Duties as those mentioned, but the Soul must find out wherein it hath in a singu­lar manner closed with Christ upon the Command of God.

2. IT is accompanied with an universal Spiri­tual Change in the whole Soul, 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new: Where­fore if you would not chuse rather to deceive and ruine your own Souls, come to the tryal whether indeed you have received Christ in such a singular transforming act of Faith, do not on such preten­ces want a compliance with the word of Exhorta­tion proposed unto you. But

II. SOME will say, they know not how to pro­ceed in this Work. They can make nothing of it; they have tryed to come to this believing, but do still fail in what they design; they go on [Page 17] and off, but can make no progress, can come to no satisfaction; therefore they think it best to let things go in general as they are, without put­ting themselves to farther trouble as unto any e­special Act of Faith in the receiving of Christ. This is the language of Mens Hearts, though not of their mouths, another shelter of Unbelief, and they act accordingly; they have a secret Despon­dency, which keeps them safe from attempting a real closure with Christ on the tender of the Go­spel: Something may be offered unto this distem­pered frame of Mind.

1. REMEMBER the Disciples that were fishing, and had toiled all night, but caught no­thing, Luk. 5. 3, 4; upon the coming of Christ unto them, he requires that they should cast out their Nets once more; Peter makes some excuse from the labour which they had taken in vain all Night; however he would venture once more on the Command of Christ, and had an astonishing draught of Fishes, ver. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Have you bin wearied with disappointments in your attempts and Resolutions, yet cast in your Net this once more up­on the Command of Christ, venture this once more to come unto him on his Call and Invitation, you know not what success he may give unto you.

2. CONSIDER that it is not failing in this or that Attempt of coming to Christ, but a giving over your Endeavours that will be your Ruine. The Woman of Canaan in her great outcry to Christ for Mercy, Mat. 15. 22. had many a Re­pulse: First it is said, he answered her not a word, then his Disciples desired that he would send her away, that she might not trouble him any more; whereon he gives a Reason why he would not re­gard [Page 18] her, or why he could justly pass her by; she was not an Israelitess, unto whom he was sent, yet she gives not over, but pressing into his presence, cries out for Mercy, ver. 25. being come to that issue, to try and draw out her Faith to the ut­most, which was his design from the beginning, he reckons her among Dogs, that were not to have Childrens bread given unto them. Had she now at last given over upon this severe Rebuke, she had never obtained Mercy; but persisting in her Request she at last prevailed, ver. 27. 28. It may be you have prayed, and cryed, and resolved, and vowed, but all without success as you suppose, Sin hath broken thorough all: however, if you give not over, you shall prevail at last; you know not at what time God will come in with his Grace, and Christ will manifest his love unto you as unto the poor Woman, after many a rebuke. It may be after all he will do it this day, and if not, he may do it another, do not despond. Take that word of Christ himself for your Encouragement, Prov. 8. 34. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my Gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. If you hear him, and wait, though you have not yet admission, but are kept at the gates and posts of the doors, yet in the issue you shall be blessed.

3. THE Rule in this case is, Hos. 6 3. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know. Are you in the way of knowing Christ in the use of Means, hearing the Word, and sincere Endeavours in ho­ly Duties; though you cannot yet attain unto any Evidence that you have received him, have closed with him, nothing can ruine you but giving o­ver the way wherein you are; for then shall you know, if you follow on to know the Lord. Many [Page 19] can give you their Experiences, that if they had been discouraged by present overwhelming Diffi­culties, arising from their Disappointments, break­ing of Vows, relapses into Folly, they had been utterly ruined, whereas now they are at rest and peace in the Bosom of Christ. On a great surprizal Christ lost at once many Disciples, and they lost their Souls, John 6. 66. They went back, and walked no more with him; take heed of the like Discou­ragements.

III. SOME may say, yea, practically they do say, That these things indeed are necessary; they must come to Christ by believing, or they are undone, but this is not the season of it, there will be time enough to apply themselves unto it when other occasions are past. At present they have not leisure to enter upon, and go through with this Duty: wherefore they will abide in their present State for a while, hearing and doing many things, and when time serves, will apply them­selves unto this Duty also.

1. THIS is an uncontrollable evidence of that Sottishness and Folly which is come upon our Na­ture by Sin. A Depravation that the Apostle pla­ces in the head of the Evils of corrupted Nature, Tu. 3. 3. Can any thing be more foolish, sottish and stupid, than for men to put off the considera­tion of the Eternal Concernment of their Souls for one hour, being altogether uncertain whether they shall live another or no? to preferr present Trifles before the Blessedness or Misery of an Im­mortal State? For those who never heard of these things, who never had any Conviction of Sin and Judgment, to put the evil day far from them, is not much to be admired: But for you who have [Page 20] Christ preached unto you, who own a necessity of coming unto him, to put it off from day to day upon such slight pretences, it is an astonishable Folly. May you not be spoken unto in the lan­guage of the Wisdom of God, Prov. 6. 9, 10, 11. You come to hear the Word, and when you go away, the language of your Hearts is; Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: We will abide a little while in our present State, and afterwards we will rouze up our selves. Under this Deceit do multitudes perish every day. This is a dark Shade, wherein cursed Unbelief lyes hid.

2. CONSIDER that this is the greatest En­gine that Satan makes use of in the World among them that hear the Word preached unto them, for the ruine of their Souls. He hath other Arts and Ways, and Methods of dealing with other Men, as by sensual and worldly Lusts: But as un­to them who through their Convictions do attend unto the preaching of the Word, this is his great and almost only Engine for their Ruine. There needs no haste in this matter, another time will be more seasonable, you may be sure not to fail of it before you dye: However, this present day and time is most unfit for it, you have other things to do, you cannot part with your present frame, you may come again to hear the Word the next opportunity. Know assuredly, if your Minds are influenced unto delays of coming to Christ by such insinuations, you are under the Power of Satan, and he is like enough to hold you fast unto De­struction.

3. THIS is as evil and dangerous a Posture, or frame of Mind, as you can well fall under. If [Page 21] you have learned to put off God, and Christ, and the Word for the present Season, and yet relieve your selves in this, that you do not intend like others alwayes to reject them, but will have a time to hearken to their calls; you are secured and fortified against all Convictions and Perswa­sions, all fears; one answer will serve for all, with­in a little while you will do all that can be requi­red of you. This is that which ruines the Souls of multitudes every day. It is better dealing with Men openly profligate, than with such a trifling promiser. See Isa. 5. 7, 10.

4. REMEMBER that the Scripture confines you unto the present day, without the least inti­mation that you shall have either another day, or another tender of Grace and Mercy in any day, 2 Cor. 6. 2. Heb. 3. 7. 13. Chap. 12. 15. Take care lest you come short of the Grace of God, miss of it by missing your opportunity. Redeem the time, or you are lost for ever.

5. AS unto the pretence of your Occasions and Business, there is a ready way to disappoint the craft of Satan in that pretence, namely, to mix Thoughts of Christ, and the Renovation of your Resolutions, either to come or to cleave unto him with all your Occasions. Let nothing put it ut­terly out of your minds; make it familiar unto you, and you will beat Satan out of that strong hold, Prov. 7. 4. However, shake your selves out of this dust, or destruction lyes at the door.

IV. IT is the Language of the Hearts of some, that if they give up themselves unto a compli­ance with this Exhortation, and go seriously about this Duty, they must relinquish and renounce all their Lusts and pleasures, yea much of their Con­verse [Page 22] and Society, wherein they find so much pre­sent satisfaction, as that they know not how to part with them. If they might retain their old ways, at least some of them, it were another mat­ter, but this total Relinquishment of all is very severe.

Answ. I. THE Jesuites preaching and painting of Christ among some of the Indians, concealed from them his Cross and Sufferings, telling them only of his present Glory and Power; so as they pretended to win them over to Faith in him, hiding from them that whereby they might be discouraged; and so preached a false Christ unto them, one of their own framing. We dare do no such thing for all the World; we can here use no condescention, no compliance, no composition with respect unto any Sin or Lust, we have no Commission to grant that request of Lot, Is it not a little one? let it be spa­red; nor to come to Naamans terms, God be mer­ciful to me in this thing, in all others I will be obedi­ent. Wherefore,

2. WE must here be peremptory with you, whatever be the event, if you are discouraged by it, we cannot help it; Cursed be the Man that shall encourage you to come to Christ, with hopes of Indulgence unto any one Sin whatever. I speak not this, as though you could at once absolute­ly and perfectly leave all Sin in the root and branches of it; but only you are to do it in Heart and Resolution, engaging into an Universal Mor­tification of all Sin, as by Grace from above you shall be enabled: But your Choice must be ab­solute, without Reserves, as to Love, Interest and Design; God or the World, Christ or Belial, Ho­liness [Page 23] or Sin, there is no Medium, no terms of composition, 2 Cor. 6. 15, 16, 17, 18.

3. AS unto what you pretend of your Pleasures, the Truth is, you never yet had any real Pleasure, nor do know what it is: How easie were it to de­clare the folly, vanity, bitterness, poyson of those things which you have esteemed your pleasures. Here alone, namely, in Christ, and a participation of him, are true Pleasures, and durable Riches to be obtained; Pleasure of the same Nature with, and such as like pleasant Streams flow down into the Ocean of Eternal Pleasures above. A few mo­ments in these Joys are to be preferred above the longest continuance in the cursed pleasures of this World. See Prov. 3. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

V. IT will be said by some, that they do not see those who profess themselves to be Believers, to be so much better than they are, as that you need to press us so earnestly to so great a change; we know not why we should not be accounted Believers already as well as they. I shall in a few words, as well as I am able, lay this stumbling-block out of the way, though I confess at this day it is weighty and cumbersome. And I say.

1. AMONG them that profess themselves to be Believers, there are many false, corrupt Hy­pocrites; and it is no wonder that on various oc­casions they lay the stumbling-block of their Ini­quities before the faces of others: But they shall bear their own burthen and Judgment.

2. IT is acknowledged, it must be bewailed, that some whom we have reason to judge to be true Believers, yet through their unmortified Pride, or Covetousness, or Carelesness in their Conver­sation, or vain Attire, and conformity to the [Page 24] World, or Frowardness, do give just occasion of offence. We confess that God is displeased here­with, Christ and the Gospel dishonour'd, and ma­ny that are weak are wounded, and others discou­raged. But as for you, this is not your Rule; this is not proposed unto you, but that Word on­ly is so that will never fail you.

3. THE World doth not know, nor is able to make a right Judgment of Believers; nor do you so, for it is the Spiritual Man alone that dis­cerneth the things of God. Their Infirmities are visible to all, their Graces invisible; the King's Daughter is glorious within. And when you are able to make a right Judgment of them, you will desire no greater Advancement than to be of their Society, Psal. 16. 3.

THESE few Instances of the pretences where­with Unbelief covers it's Deformity, and hides that destruction wherewith it is accompanied, may suffice unto our present purpose; they are multi­plied in the minds of Men, impregnated by the suggestions of Satan on their Darkness and Folly. A little Spiritual Wisdom will rend the vail of them all, and expose Unbelief acting in Enmity against Christ under them. But what hath been spoken may suffice to answer the necessity of the preceding Exhortaion on this Occasion.

The Way and Means of the Recovery of Spiritual Decayes, and of obtaining fresh Springs of Grace.

THE Application of the same Truth in the Second place belongs unto Believers, especial­ly such as have made any long profession of walk­ing in the ways of God and the Gospel. And that which I design herein, is to manifest, That a stea­dy Spiritual view of the Glory of Christ by Faith, will give them a gracious Revival from inward Decayes, and fresh Springs of Grace, even in their latter days. A Truth this is, as we shall see confirmed by Scripture, with the joyful Experi­ence of multitudes of Believers, and is of great im­portance unto all that are so.

THERE are two things, which those who af­ter a long profession of the Gospel are entring in­to the Confines of Eternity, do long for and de­sire. The one is, that all their Breaches may be repaired, their Decays recovered, their Backsli­dings healed: For unto these things they have been less or more obnoxious in the course of their walking before God. The other is, that they may have fresh Springs of Spiritual Life, and vi­gorous actings of all Divine Graces, in Spiritual [Page 27] Mindedness, Holiness, and Fruitfulness, unto the praise of God, the honour of the Gospel, and the en­crease of their own Peace and Joy. These things they value more than all the World, and all that is in it; about these things are their Thoughts and Contrivances exercised night and day. Those with whom it is otherwise, whatever they pre­tend, are in the dark unto themselves, and their own Condition: For it is in the Nature of this Grace to grow and encrease unto the end. As Rivers, the nearer they come unto the Oce­an whither they tend, the more they increase their waters, and speed their streams: So will Grace flow more freely and fully in it's near ap­proaches to the Ocean of Glory. That is not saving which doth not so.

AN experience hereof, I mean of the thriving of Grace towards the end of our Course, is that alone which can support us under the Troubles and Temptations of Life, which we have to con­flict withal. So the Apostle tells us, that this is our great Relief in all our Distresses and Afflictions, whereon me faint not, that as our outer man doth perish, so the inner man is renewed day by day, 2 Cor. 4. 16. If it be so, that in the daily Decays of the outward man, in all the Approach­es of it's Dissolution, we have inward Spiritual Revivals and Renovation, we shall not faint in what we undergo. And without such continual Renovations, we shall faint in our Distresses, whatever other things we may have, or whatever we pretend unto the contrary.

AND ordinarily it is so in the Holy, Wise Providence of God, that Afflictions and Troubles [Page 26] increase with Age. It is so in an especial man­ner with Ministers of the Gospel; they have many of them a share in the lot of Peter, which our Lord Jesus Christ declared unto him, John 21. 18. When thou wast young, thou girdedst thy self, and walkedst whither thou wouldst; but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldst not. Besides those natural Distempers and Infirmities which accompany the decays of Life, Troubles of Life, and in their Affairs do usually grow upon them, when they look for nothing less, but were ready to say with Job, We shall dye in our nest, Job 29. 18. So was it with Jacob, after all his hard Labour and Travel to provide for his Family, such things fell out in it in his Old Age, as had almost broken his Heart: And oft times both Persecutions and Publick Dangers do befall them at the same season. Whilst the outward man is thus perishing, we need great sup­portment that we faint not. And this is only to be had in an Experience of daily Spiritual Reno­vations in the inner man.

THE Excellency of this Mercy the Psalmist ex­presseth in an Heavenly manner, Psal. 92. 12, 13, 14, 15. The Righteous shall flourish like the Palm-tree, be shall grow like the Cedar in Lebanon: Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the Courts of our God; they shall bring forth fruit in old Age, they shall be fat and flourishing. To shem that the Lord is upright; be is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

THE Promise in the 12th. verse, respects the [Page 28] times of the Messiah, or of the New Testament, for so it is prophesied of him; In his days the Righteous shall flourish, Psal. 72. 7. namely, through the abun­dance of Grace that should be administred from his fulness, as Joh. 1. 16. Col. 1. 19. And herein con­sists the Glory of the Gospel, and not in outward Prosperity, or External Ornaments of Divine Worship. The flourishing of the Righteous, I say, in Grace and Holiness, is the Glory of the Office of Christ, and of the Gospel. Where this is not, there is no Glory in the profession of our Religion. The Glory of Kings is in the Wealth and Peace of their Subjects; and the Glory of Christ is in the Grace and Holiness of his Subjects.

THIS flourishing is compared to the Palm-tree, and the Growth of the Cedar. The Palm-tree is of the greatest Verdure, Beauty, and Fruitfulness, and the Cedar of the greatest and longest growth of any Trees. So are the Righteous compared to the Palm-tree, for the Beauty of Profession, and Fruitfulness in Obedience; and unto the Cedar for a continual constant growth and encrease in Grace. Thus it is with all that are righteous, unless it be from their own sinful neglect, as it is with many in this day. They are hereon rather like the Shrubs and Heaths in the Wilderness, which see not when Good cometh, than like the Palm-tree, or the Cedars of Le­banon. And hereby do Men what lies in them, obscure the Glory of Christ and his Kingdom, as well as disquiet their own Souls.

THE words that follow, ver. 13. They that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the Courts of our God, are not distinctive of some from [Page 29] other, as though some only of the flourishing Righteous were so planted; but they are descrip­tive of them all, with an addition of the way and means whereby they are caused so to grow and flourish. And this is their Implantation in the House of the Lord; that is, in the Church, which is the seat of all the means of Spiritual Life, both as unto growth and flourishing, which God is pleased to grant unto Believers. To be planted in the House of the Lord, is to be fixed and root­ed in the Grace communicated by the Ordinan­ces of Divine Worship. Unless we are planted in the house of the Lord, we cannot flourish in his Courts: see Psal. 1. 3. Unless we are partakers of the Grace administred in the Ordinances, we can­not flourish in a fruitful Profession. The out­ward participation of them is common unto Hy­pocrites, that bear some leaves, but neither grow like the Cedar, nor bear fruit like the Palm-tree. So the Apostle prays for Believers, that Christ may dwell in their Hearts by Faith, that they may be rooted and grounded in love, Ephes. 3. 17. Rooted, built up, and established, Col. 2. 7. The want here­of is the cause that we have so many fruitless Professors; they have entred the Courts of God by Profession, but were never planted in his House by Faith and Love. Let us not deceive our selves herein; we may be entred into the Church, and made partakers of the outward Priviledges of it, and not be so planted in it as to flourish in Grace and Fruitfulness.

THAT which on this Occasion I principally intend, is the Grace and Priviledge expressed ver. [Page 30] 14th. They shall still bring forth fruit in old Age, they shall be fat and flourishing. There be three things which constitute a Spiritual State, or belong to the Life of God. (1.) That Believers be fat, that is, by the Heavenly Juice, Sap, or Fatness of the true Olive, of Christ himself; as Rom. 11. 17. This is the principle of Spiritual Life and Grace de­rived from him. When this abounds in them so as to give them strength and vigour in the Exer­cise of Grace, to keep them from decays and withering, they are said to be fat, which in the Scripture Phrase is strong and healthy. (2.) That they flourish in the Greenness (as the word is) and Verdure of Profession; for vigorous Grace will produce a flourishing Profession. (3.) That they still bring forth Fruit in all Duties of Holy Obe­dience: All these are promised unto them even in Old Age.

EVEN Trees when they grow old (the Palm and the Cedar) are apt to lose of their Juice and Verdure: and men in Old Age are subject unto all sorts of Decays both outward and inward. It is a rare thing to see a Man in Old Age naturally vigorous, healthy and strong; and would it were not more rare to see any Spiritually so at the same Season: But this is here promised unto Believers as an especial Grace and Priviledge, beyond what can be represented in the growth or fruit-bearing of Plants and Trees.

THE Grace intended, is, That when Belie­vers are under all sorts of bodily and Natural Decays, and it may be have been overtaken with Spiritual Decays also, there is provision made in [Page 31] the Covenant, to render them fat, flourishing and fruitful, vigorous in the power of Internal Grace, and flourishing in the expression of it in all Duties of Obedience, which is that which we now enquire after.

BLESSED be God for this good Word of his Grace, that he hath given us such encourage­ment against all the Decays and Temptations of Old Age which we have to conflict withall.

AND the Psalmist in the next words declares the greatness of this Priviledge: To shem that the Lord is upright; he is my Rock, there is no unrigh­teousness in him. Consider the oppositions that lye against the flourishing of Believers in Old Age, the Difficulties of it, the Temptations that must be conquered, the Actings of the Mind above it's natural Abilities which are decayed, the weari­ness that is apt to befall us in a long Spiritual conflict, the cries of the Flesh to be spared, and we shall see it to be an Evidence of the Faith­fulness, Power and Righteousness of God in Co­venant; nothing else could produce this mighty effect. So the Prophet treating of the same Pro­mise, Hos. 14. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. closeth his Discourse with that blessed Remark, Ver. 9. Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them. Spiritual Wisdom will make us to see that the Faithfulness and Power of God are exerted in this work of pre­serving Believers flourishing and fruitful unto the End.

[Page 32] HAVING laid the Foundation of this illu­strious Testimony, I shall farther declare and con­firm my Intention, so to make way for the Ap­plication of the Truth under Consideration unto this Case, manifesting, that the way whereby we may be made partakers of this Grace, is by a stea­dy view of the Glory of Christ, as proposed un­to us in the Gospel.

TRERE is a latter Spring in the Year, a Spring in Autumn: it is indeed for the most part but faint and weak, yet is it such as the Hus­bandman cannot spare. And it is an evident sign of Barren ground, when it doth not put forth afresh towards the end of the Year. God the good Husbandman looks for the same from us, espe­cially if we had a Summers drought in Spiritual Decays; as the Psalmist complains, Psal. 32. 4. Had we not had a latter Spring the last Year, the Land had greatly suffered under the drought of the Summer. And if we have had such a drought in the Course of our Profession by Spiri­tual Decays, as God the good Husbandman looks for a latter Spring in us, even in old Age, in the vigorous acting of Grace and fruitful Obedience: So without it we can neither have Peace nor Joy in our own Souls. If a Man therefore hath made a great Appearance of Religion in his former or younger days, and when he is growing into Age becomes dead, cold, worldly, selfish; if he have no fresh Springs of Spiritual Life in him, it is an Evidence that he hath a barren Heart, that was never really fruitful to God. I know that many stand in need of being excited by such warning, [Page 33] unto a diligent consideration of their State and Condition.

IT is true, that the latter Spring doth not bring forth the same Fruit with the former. There is no more required in it, but that the Ground evi­dence it self to be in good heart, and to put forth that which is proper unto the Season. It may be such Graces as were active and vigorous in Men at their first Conversion unto God, as were carried in a stream of warm natural Affecti­ons, may not so eminently abound in the latter Spring of old Age: But those which are proper for the Season, as namely, Spirituality, Heaven­ly Mindedness, weanedness from the World, rea­diness for the Cross, and Death, are necessary, even in old Age, to evidence that we have a liv­ing Principle of Grace, and to shew thereby that God is upright, he is our Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

WHAT is further to be insisted on, shall be reduced unto these four Heads.

1. THAT the constitution of Spiritual Life, is such as is meet to thrive, grow and encrease unto the end, and will do so, unless it be from the default of them in whom it is.

2. THAT notwithstanding this Nature and Constitution of Spiritual Life, yet Believers are subject unto many Decays, partly gradual, and partly by Surprizals in Temptation, whereby the growth of it is obstructed unto the dishonour of the Gospel, and the loss of their own Peace with Joy.

[Page 34] 3. I shall shew that such at present is the con­dition of many Professors, namely, that they are visibly fallen under Spiritual Decays, and do not evidence any Interest in the blessed Promise insist­ed on.

4. ON the Confirmation of these things, our Enquiry will be, how such Persons may be deli­vered from such Decays, and by what means they may obtain the Grace here promised, of Spiri­tual flourishing in old Age, both in the strength­ning of the inward Principle of Life, and a­bounding in Fruits of Obedience, which are to the praise of God by Jesus Christ: And then we shall make Application unto this case, of that Truth which is the Subject of the preceding Discourse.

1. THE Constitution of Spiritual Life is such, as is meet to grow and increase unto the end. Hereby it doth distinguish it self from that Faith which is Temporary; for there is a Temporary Faith which will both flourish for a Season, and bring forth some Fruit, but it is not in its Na­ture and Constitution to abide, to grow and in­crease, but rather to decay and wither. It is described by our Lord Jesus Christ, Mat. 13. 20, 21. either some great Temptation extinguisueth it, or it decays insensibly, until the mind where­in it was do manifest it self to be utterly barren. And therefore whoever is sensible of any Spiri­tual Decays, he is called unto a sevcre Trial and Examination of himself, as unto the Nature of [Page 35] the Principle of his Profession and Obedience; for such Decays do rather argue a principle of Temporary Faith only, unto which they are pro­per and natural, than that whose Nature it is to thrive and grow to the end, whereon those that have it, shall as it is in the Promise, still bring forth fruit, and without their own great Guilt be always freed from such Decays.

THAT this Spiritual Life is in it's Nature and Constitution such as will abide, thrive and grow to the end, is three ways testified unto in the Scripture.

1. IN that it is compared unto things of the most infallible increase and Progress: For besides that, it's growth is frequently likened unto that of Plants and Trees well watered, and in a fruit­ful Soil, which fail not to spring, unless it be from some external violence; it is likewise com­pared unto such things as whose progress is abso­lutely infallible, Prov. 4. 18. The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more to the perfect day. The path of the Just is his Co­venant-walk before God, as it is frequently cal­led in the Scripture, Psal. 119. 35. 105. Isa. 26. 7. Psal. 23. 3. Mat. 3. 3. Heb. 12. 13. and it comprizeth the Principle, Profession, and Fruits of it. This, faith the Wise Man, is as the shining Light; that is, the Morning Light: And where­in is it so? Why, as that goeth on by Degrees, and shineth more and more unto the high Noon; (though it may be interrupted sometimes by Clouds and Storms:) So is this Path of the Just, it goes on and increaseth unto the high Noon, [Page 36] the perfect Day of Glory. It is in it's Nature so to do, though it may sometimes meet with ob­structions, as we shall see afterwards; and so doth the Morning light also.

THERE is no visible difference as unto Light, between the Light of the Morning, and the Light of the Evening; yea, this latter sometimes from gleams of the Setting Sun, seems to be more Glorious than the other. But herein they differ; the first goes on gradually unto more Light, un­til it comes to perfection; the other gradually gives place unto Darkness, until it comes to be Mid-night. So is it as unto the Light of the Just and of the Hypocrite, and so is it as unto their Paths. At first setting out they may seem alike and equal; yea, Convictions and Spiritual Gifts acted with corrupt ends in some Hypocrites, may for a time give a greater lustre of Profession than the Grace of others sincerely Converted unto God may attain unto. But herein they discover their different Natures; the one increaseth and goeth on constantly, though it may be sometimes but faintly; the other decays, grows dim, gives place to darkness and crooked walking.

THIS then is the Nature of the path of the Just: And where it is otherwise with us in our Walk before God, we can have no Evidence that we are in that Path, or that we have a living, growing Principle of Spiritual Life in us. And it is fit that Professors of all sorts should be mind­ed of these things; for we may see not a few of them under visible Decays, without any sincere [Page 37] endeavours after a Recovery, who yet please themselves that the root of the matter is in them. It is so, if Love of the World, Conformity un­to it, negligence in Holy Duties, and coldness in Spiritual Love be an Evidence of such Decays. But let none deceive their own Souls, wherever there is a saving Principle of Grace, it will be thriving and growing unto the end. And if it fall under Obstructions, and thereby into Decays for a Season, it will give no rest or qui­etness unto the Soul wherein it is, but will la­bour continually for a Recovery. Peace in a Spi­ritually decaying condition, is a Soul-ruining Se­curity; better be under terror on the account of surprizal into some Sin, than be in peace under evident Decays of Spiritual Life.

AND by the way, this comparing of the Path of the Just unto the Morning Light, minds me of what I have seen more than once. That Light hath sometimes chearfully appeared unto the World, when after a little season by reason of Clouds, Tempests and Storms; it hath given place again to Darkness, like that of the Night; but it hath not so been lost and buried like the Even­ing Light; after a while it hath recovered it self unto a greater lustre than before, manifesting that it increased in it self whilst it was eclipsed as to us. So hath it been with not a few at their first Conversion unto God, great Darkness and Trouble have by the Efficacy of Temptation, and Injections of Satan possessed their minds: But the Grace which they have received being as the Morning Light, hath after a while disentangled [Page 38] it self, and given Evidence, that it was so far from being extinguished, as that it grew and thrived under all those Clouds and Darkness; For the Light of the Just doth in the issue al­ways increase by Temptations, as that of the Hy­pocrite is constantly impaired by them.

AGAIN, As it is as the Morning Light, than which nothing hath a more assured Progress; so it is called by our Saviour Living water, Joh. 4. 10. yea, a Well of water, springing up unto Ever­lasting Life, ver. 14. It is an indeficient Spring, not a Pool or Pond, though never so large, which may be dryed up. Many such Pools of Light, Gifts, and Profession, have we seen utter­ly dryed up, when they have come into Age, or been ensnared by the Temptations of the World. And we may see others every day under dange­rous decays; their Countenances are changed, and they have lost that Oyl which makes the face of a Believer to shine, namely, the Oyl of Love, Meekness, Self-denial, and Spirituality of Converse; and instead thereof there is spread up­on them the falsome Oyntment of Pride, Self-love, Earthly-mindedness, which increaseth on them more and more. But where this Principle of Spiritual Life is, it is as the Morning Light, as an indeficient Spring that never fails, nor can do so, untill it issue in Eternal Life: and sundry other ways there are whereby the same Truth is asserted in the Scripture.

2. THERE are sundry Divine Promises given unto Believers, that so it shall be, or to secure [Page 39] them of such supplies of Grace as shall cause their Spiritual Life to grow, increase, and flou­rish unto the end, such as that in the Psalm which we have considered: For these Promises are the Means whereby this Spiritual Life is ori­ginally communicated unto us, and whereby it is preserved in us; by them are we made partakers of this Divine Nature, 2 Pet. 1. 4. and through them is it continued in us. Now Promises of this Nature, namely, that by the Dispensation of the Spirit of Christ, and supplies of his Grace, our Spiritual Life shall flourish, and be made fruitful to the end, I shall briefly call over one of them on­ly at present, which is recorded Isa. 44. 3, 4. I will pour water on him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine Off-spring; and they shall spring up as among the Grass, as willows by the water courses.

ALTHOUGH this Promise may have respect unto the Gracious dealing of God with the Peo­ple of the Jews after their Return from the Cap­tivity, yet hath it so only as it was Typical of the Redemption of the Church by Jesus Christ: But it belongs properly to the Times of the Go­spel, when the Righteous were to flourish, and it is a Promise of the New Covenant, as is manifest, in that it is not only given unto Believers, but is also extended unto their Seed and Off-spring, which is an assured Signature of New Covenant Promises. And here is, (1.) A supposition of what we are in our selves, both before and after our Conversi­on unto God, namely, as thirsty, dry, and bar­ren Ground. We have nothing in our selves, no [Page 40] radical moisture to make us flourishing and fruit­ful. And as it is before, so it is after Conversi­on; We are not sufficient of our selves, our sufficien­cy is of God, 2 Cor. 3. 5. Being left to our selves, we should utterly wither and perish. But, (2.) Here is the blessed Relief which God in this Case hath provided; he will pour the sanctifying Wa­ter of his Spirit, and the Blessing of his Grace upon us. And this he will so do, as to cause us to spring up as among the Grass, as Willows by the water courses. There is nothing of a more eminent and almost visible growth, than Willows by the water courses. Such shall be the Spiritu­al growth of Believers under the Influences of these Promises; that is, they shall be fat and flou­rishing, and still bring forth fruit. And other Promises of the same Nature there are many; but we must observe two things concerning them, that we may be satisfied in their Accomplish­ment. As,

1. THE Promises of the New Covenant, as unto the first Communication of Grace unto the Elect, are absolute and inconditional; they are the executive conveyances of Gods immutable Pur­poses and Decrees: And what should be the con­dition of the Communication of the first Grace unto us? Nothing that is not Grace can be so. If it be said, that this also is of God in us, which is the Condition of the Communication of the first Saving Grace unto us, then I would know whe­ther that be bestowed on us without any Con­dition; if it be, then that is the first Grace, as being absolutely free; if it be not, then what is the Condition whereon it is bestowed, concern­ing [Page 41] which the same Enquiry must be made, and so for ever? But this is the Glory of Convenant Promises, that as unto the Communication of the Grace of Conversion and Sanctification unto the Elect, they are absolutely free and incondition­nate: But,

2. THE Promises which respect the Growth, Degrees and Measures of this Grace in Believers are not so. There are many Duties required of us, that these Promises may be accomplished towards us, and in us; yea, watchful Diligence in Universal Gospel Obedience is expected from us unto this end: See 2 Pet. 1. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. This is the ordinary Method of the Communica­tion of all supplies of Grace to make us spiritu­ally flourish, and be fruitful, namely, that we be found in the diligent exercise of what we have received. God doth sometimes deal otherwise in a way of Soveraignty, and surprizeth men with healing Grace in the midst of their Decays and Backslidings, as Isaiah 57. 17, 18. So hath many a poor Soul been delivered from going down in­to the Pit. The good Shepherd will go out of his way to save a wandring sheep; but this is the ordinary method.

3. NOTWITHSTANDING these blessed Promises of Growth, Flourishing, and Fruitful­ness, if we are negligent in the due Improvment of the Grace which we have received, and the discharge of the Duties required of us, we may fall into Decays, and be kept in a low, un­thrifty state all our days. And this is the principal [Page 42] ground of the Discrepancy between the Glory and Beauty of the Church, as represented in the Promises of the Gospel, and as exemplified in the Lives and walking of Professors, they do not live up unto the Condition of their accomplishment in them; howbeit, in Gods way and time they shall be all fulfilled. We have therefore innumerable blessed Promises concerning the thriving, grow­ing, and flourishing of the Principle of Spiritu­al Life in us even in old Age, and until Death: But the Grace promised unto this end, will not befall us whilst we are asleep in Spiritual Sloth and Security. Fervent Prayer, the exercise of all Grace received, with Watchfulness unto all holy Duties, are required hereunto.

3. GOD hath secured the Growth of this Spi­ritual Life, by the provision of Food for it, whereby it may be strengthened and increased, for Life must be preserved by Food. And this in our Case is the Word of God, with all other Ordinances of Divine Worship which depend thereon, 1 Pet. 2. 2, 3. Whatever the state of this Life be, whether in it's Beginning, it's Pro­gress, its Decays, there is suitable nourishment provided for it in the good Word of Gods Grace. If Men will neglect their daily Food that is provided for them, it is no wonder if they be weak and thriftless. And if Believers are not earnest in their desires after this Food, if they are not diligent in providing of it, attending un­to it, much more if through Corruptions and Temptations they count it in the preaching of it light and common Food, which they do not va­lue, [Page 43] it is no wonder if they fall into Spiritual De­cays; but God hath herein provided for our growth even unto old Age.

AND this is the first thing which was propo­sed unto Confirmation, namely, that the Constitu­tion and Nature of Spiritual Life is such, as to be indeficient, so as to thrive and grow even in old Age, and unto the end.

THE Second thing proposed, is, That notwith­all this provision for the Growth of Spiritual Life in us, Believers especially, in a long course of Profession are subject to Decays, such as may cast them into great Perplexities, and endanger their Eternal Ruine.

AND these Spiritual Decays are of two sorts: (1.) Such as are gradual and universal, in the loss of the vigour and Life of Grace, both in it's Principle, and in it's Exercise. (2.) Such as are occasioned by Surprizal into Sin through the Pow­er of Temptation; I mean, such Sins as do waste the Spiritual Powers of the Soul, and deprive it of all solid peace.

AS for Temporary Believers, give them but time enough in this World, especially if it be accompanied with outward Prosperity, or Per­secution; and for the most part their Decays of one sort or another will make a discovery of their Hypocrisie. Though they retain a Form of God­liness, they deny the Power of it, Prov. 1. 31. And if they do not openly relinquish all Duties [Page 44] of Religion, yet they will grow so Lifeless and favourless in them, as shall evidence their Condi­tion; for so it is with them who are lukewarm, who are neither hot nor cold, who have a Name to live, but are dead.

AND herein lyeth a signal difference in this matter, between sincere Believers, and those who believe only for a time; for those of the latter sort do either not perceive their Sickness and Decays, their Minds being taken up and possessed with other things; or if they do find that it is not with them as it hath been formerly, they are not much concerned, and on any occasional new Con­viction they cry, Yet a little more slumber, a lit­tle more sleep, a little more folding of the hands to sleep: But when the other do find any thing of this Nature, it makes them restless for a Re­covery. And although through the many Snares, Temptations, and Deceits of Sin, or through their Ignorance of the right way for their Heal­ing, they do not many of them obtain a speedy Recovery, yet none of them do approve them­selves in such a Condition, or turn unto any undue Reliefs.

NOW that Believers are subject to Decays in both the ways mentioned, we have full Testi­mony in Scripture: For as unto that general gra­dual Decay in the loss of our first Faith, Love, and Works, in the weakening of the internal Principle of Spiritual Life, with the loss thereon of Delight, Joy and Consolation, and the Abate­ment of the Fruits of Obedience, our Lord Jesus [Page 45] Christ doth expresly charge it on five of the se­ven Churches of Asia, Rev. 2 d. 3 d. And in some of them, as Sardis and Laodicea, those Decays had proceeded unto such a degree, as that they were in danger of utter Rejection: And hereunto an­swers the experience of all Churches, and all Be­lievers in the World. Those who are otherwise minded, are dead in Sin, and have got pretences to countenance themselves in their miserable Condition. So is it with the Church of Rome; and I wish others did not in some measure follow them therein.

AND as unto those of the Second sort, where­into Men are cast by Surprizals and Temptati­ons, producing great Spiritual Distress and An­guish of Soul, under a sense of God's displea­sure, we have an instance in David, as he gives us an account of himself, Psal. 38. verse 2. to the 10th. O Lord, thine Arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no soundness in my Flesh, because of thine Anger; neither is there any rest in my Bones, because of my Sin: For mine Iniquities are gone over my head, as an heavy bur­then, they are too heavy for me. My Wounds stink and are corrupt, because of my foolishness, &c.

IT is certain, that here is a description of a very woful State and Condition: And the Psal­mist knowing that he was called of God to be a Teacher and Instructer of the Church in all Ages, records his own Experience unto that end. Hence the Title of it is, A Psalm to bring to Re­membrance: Some judge that David had respect [Page 46] unto some great and sore Disease that he was then visited withall. But if it were so, it was on­ly an occasion of his Complaint; the cause of it was Sin alone. And four things he doth repre­sent: (1.) That he had departed from God, and fallen into provoking Sins, which had pro­duced great Distresses in his mind, verse 3, 4. (2.) That he had foolishly continued in that State, not making timely Application to Grace and Mercy for healing, whereby it was grown deplo­rable, ver. 5. And this Folly is that alone which makes such a Condition dangerous; namely, when Men on their Surprizals in Sin, do not speedily apply themselves unto healing Remedies. (3.) That he had herein a continual sense of the Displea­sure of God by reason of Sin, verse. 2. 3, 4. (4.) That he was altogether restless in this State, mourning, groaning, labouring continually for Deliverance.

THIS is a clearer Delineation of the Condi­tion of Believers, when either by the greatness of any Sin, or by a long continuance in an evil and a careless frame, they are cast under a sense of Divine displeasure. This opens their Minds and their Hearts, declaring how all things are within, which they cannot deny. It is not so with many in the same Measures and Degrees as it was with David, whose falls were very great, but the substance of it is found in them all. And herein the Heart knoweth it's own Bitter­ness; a Stranger intermedleth not with it: None knows the groaning and labouring of a Soul con­vinced of such Spiritual Decays, but he alone in [Page 47] whom they are. Hereon is it cast down to the Earth, going mourning all the day long, though others know nothing of it's Sorrows: But it is of a far more sad Consideration, to see men manifesting their inward Decays by their out­ward Fruits, and yet are little or not at all con­cerned therein. The former are in ways of Re­covery, these in the Paths that go down to the Chambers of Death.

I suppose, therefore, I may take it for grant­ed, that there are few Professors of Religion, who have had any long continuance in the ways of it, having withal been exposed unto the temp­tations of Life, and much exercised with the oc­casions of it; but that they have been asleep in their days, as the Spouse complains of her self, Cant. 5. 2. that is, they have been overtaken with decays of one sort or another, either with re­spect unto Spiritual or Moral Duties, in their Relation unto Churches or Families; in their Judgments, or their Affections; in their inward Frames or outward Actions, they have been over­taken with the effects of Sloth, Negligence, or the want of a continual Watch in the Life of Faith: I with it were otherwise.

I principally herein intend those gradual De­clensions in the Life and Power of Grace, which Men in a long course of Profession are subject un­to. And these for the most part proceed from Formality in Holy Duties, under the constant outward performance of them; vehement En­gagements in the Affairs of Life, an overvaluati­on [Page 48] of sinful Enjoyments, growth in Carnal Wis­dom, neglect of daily Mortification of such Sins as Men are naturally disposed unto, with a secret influence from the prevalent Temptation of the days wherein we live, which things are not now to be spoken unto.

3. BUT I come to that which was proposed in the Third Place, namely, To shew that this at present is the State of many Professors of Re­ligion, that they are fallen under those Spiritu­al Decays, and do not enjoy the effects of the Promises concerning Flourishing and Fruitfulness, which we have insisted on. To fasten a Convi­ction on them, or some of them at least, that it is indeed so with them, is my present Design: and this ought to be done with some diligence. The Glory of Christ, the Honour of the Gospel, and the danger of the Souls of Men do call for it. This is the secret root of all our Evil, which will not be removed unless it be digged up; who sees not, who complains not of the loss of, or Decays in the Power of Religion, in the days wherein we live? But few there are, who either know or apply themselves, or direct others unto the proper Remedy of this Evil. Besides, it is almost as difficult to convince Men of their Spi­ritual Decays, as it is to recover them from them; but without this, healing is impossible. If Men know not their Sickness, they will not seek for a Cure. Some when they see their Sickness, and their Wound, will apply themselves unto wrong useless Remedies, like them in the Prophet Hosea 5. 13. But none will make use of any Cure who [Page 49] see no Disease at all. Wherefore, to fasten a Conviction hereof on the Minds of some, we may make use of the ensuing Enquiries and Observa­tions.

1. HAVE you in the way of your Profession had any Experience of these Spiritual Decays? I doubt not but that there are some who have been preserved green and flourishing, from their first Conversion unto God, who never fell under the power of Sloth, Neglect, or Temptation, at least not for any remarkable Season; but they are but few. It was not so scarce with any of those Be­lievers under the Old Testament, whose Lives and Walkings are recorded for our Instruction; and they must be such as lived in an exact and diligent course of Mortification. And some there are who have obtained Relief and Deliverance from under their Decays, whose Backslidings have been healed, and their Diseases cured. So it was with David, as he Divinely expresseth it, Psal. 103. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, bless his Holy Name: Who forgiveth all thine Iniquities, and herewith all thy Dis­cases: Who redeemeth thy Life from Destruction, and crowneth thee with Loving kindness, and tender Mer­cy: Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that thy Youth is renewed like the Eagles. So doth he celebrate his Deliverance from that State, whereof he complains, Psalm 38. which we men­tioned before. And there is no Grace or Mercy that doth more affect the Hearts of Believers, that gives them a greater Transport of Joy and Thankfulness, than this of Deliverance from [Page 50] Backslidings. It is a bringing of the Soul out of Prison, which enlargeth it unto Praise, Psal. 142. 7. Of this sort I doubt not but that there are many; for God hath given great warnings of the danger of a Spiritually decaying State; and he hath made great Promises of Recovery from it, and multitudes in the Church are daily exercised herein: but I speak in general unto all. Have you any Experience of such Spiritual Decays, ei­ther in the frame of your Spirits, or in the man­ner of your walking before God, or at least that you are prone unto them, if not mightily preser­ved by the Power of Grace in your own utmost Diligence? If you have not so, then I fear it is from one of these two Causes.

1. THAT indeed you have never had any flourishing Spiritual State in your Souls. He that hath been always weak and sickly, doth not know what it is to want a state of Health and Strength, because he never had experience of it; much less doth he that is dead, know what it is to want Life. But he that from an exquisite Temper of Health, falls into languishing Distem­pers, knows distinctly, both how it was, and how it is with him. And the frame of the Minds of many Professors of Religion, with the manner of their walking, is such, as that if they are not sensi­ble of Spiritual Decays, it is evident that they never had any good Spiritual Health; and it is to no pur­pose to treat with such Persons about a Recovery. There are amongst those who make an outward Pro­fession of true Religion, many that live in all sorts of Sins. If you should deal with them about Back-slidings, [Page 51] Decays, and a Recovery, you will seem unto them as Lot did to his Sons-in-law, when he told them of the Destruction of Sodom, as one that mocked, or made sport with them, Gen. 19. 14. or you will be mocked by them for your pains; they have been always such as they are, it was never otherwise with them, and it is a ri­diculous thing to speak to them of a Recovery. We must be able in this case to say to Men, Re­member whence you are fallen, and repent, and do your first works, Revel. 2. 5. They must have had an experience of a better State, or they will not endeavour a Recovery from that wherein they are. Such therefore as see neither Evil nor Dan­ger in their present Condition, but suppose all is well enough with them, because it is as good as ever it was, will not easily be brought under this Conviction; but they have that which is of no less importance for them to enquire into, name­ly, whether they have had any thing of the Truth of Grace or no. Or,

2. IF you have not this Experience, it is to be feared that you are asleep in Security, which is hardly distinguishable from Death in Sin. The Church of Laodicea was sensibly decayed, and gone off from it's Primitive Faith and Obedience, yet she was so secure in her Condition, knew so little of it, that she judged her self on the con­trary to be in a thriving flourishing State. She thought her self encreased in all Church Riches and Goods, that is, Gifts and Grace, while she was wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked, Revel. 3. 17. in such a State as where­in [Page 52] it is questionable, whether she had any thing of the Life and Power of Grace to be found in her or no. And so is it with many Churches at this day, especially that which boasts it self to be without Error, or Blame: And it is strange that a Church should suppose that it flourisheth in Grace and Gifts, when it hath nothing but a noise of words in their stead.

SO God testified concerning Ephraim, that gray hairs were sprinkled on him, yet he knew it not, Hos. 7. 9. He was in a declining, dying condition, but did not understand it. Hence it is added, They do not return to the Lord their God, nor seck him for all this, ver. 10. If Men will not learn, and own their Spiritual Decays, there is no hopes of prevailing with them to return unto the Lord; the whole have no need of a Physician, but the sick; Christ came not to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance: such Persons are under the Power of a stupid Security, from whence it will be very hard to rouze them up. Hence it is that we have so little success for the most part, in calling Per­sons to look after a Revival and Recovery of their Decays; they acknowledge no such thing in them­selves, such Calls may belong unto others; yea, if nay word seem to come near them unto their Disquietment, they are apt to think it was spo­ken out of spight and ill will towards them; they approve of themselves in their present Conditi­on. Hence is the Complaint of Christ in the Mi­nistry of the Word: I have called, and ye have refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no Man regarded. We have set at nought all my Counsel, and [Page 53] you would none of my Reproof, Prov. 1. 24, 25. Hence let this Truth be pressed a thousand times, it is not one of a thousand who will think himself so concerned, as to apply himself unto a Relief. A Spirit of slumber seems to be poured on many.

2. TO improve this Conviction, I would ask of some, whether they have been able to main­tain Spiritual Peace and Joy in their Souls. I take it for granted, that ordinarily they are in­separable Adjuncts of the Life of Faith, in an humble fruitful Walk before God. The Scrip­ture testifieth that they are so, and no Experi­ence lyes against it in ordinary Cases. And I suppose that those unto whom I speak, do in some measure know what they are, and do not delude themselves with Fancies and Imaginations; they have substance in them however by some deri­ded, and to some unknown. Have this Peace and Joy been maintained and born sway in your Minds? Have they under all Tryals and Surpri­zals been quickly composed by them? Or are you not rather on all Occasions uneasie and perplex­ed? This is certain, that a decaying Spiritual State, and solid Spiritual Peace, are inconsistent: And if ever you had such Peace, you may by the loss of it, know into what state you are come.

3. NOT to enquire further into things inter­nal and hidden, wherein Men may justifie them­selves if they please, there are too many open visible Evidences of these Decays among Profes­sors of Religion; they have not kept them from [Page 54] he Eyes of the Church, nor yet from the World. Do not Pride, Selfishness, Worldliness, Levity of Attire, and Vanity of Life, with corrupt un­savoury Communication, abound among many? The World was never in a worse posture for Conformity, than it is at this day, wherein all Flesh hath corrupted it's ways; and yet as unto things of outward appearance, how little dinstin­ction is left between it, and those who would be steemed more strict Professors of Religion! was this the way and manner of the Saints of old, of those that went before us in the same Profes­sion? Was it so with our selves in the time of our first Espousals, when we went after God in the Wilderness, in a Land that was not sown; as Jerem. 2. 2? Some understand what I say: If we have not some of us had better days, we ne­ver had good days in our Lives; if we have had them, why do we not stir up our selves to look after a Recovery?

4. MAY not God say of many of us, what he said of his People of old; Thou hast been weary of me, O Israel? Isa. 43. 22. Have we not been wea­ry of God, untill we have abundant cause to be weary of our selves? The most, I presume will be ready with them in Malachi, to say, How, or wherein have we been weary of God? Do we not abide, yea, abound in the Duties of his Service? What can be more required of us? wherein are we to blame? This were something indeed, but that it is often so, that Men are weary of Cod, when they even weary God with their Duties and Services, Isa. 1. 13, 14. God says in his Word, [Page 55] He is weary, They say in their Hearts they are weary, Mal. 1. 13. But I answer,

MANY cannot with any modesty make use of this pretence. Their Sloth, Indifferency, and Negligence in the Observance of the Duties of Divine Worship, both in private and publick, is notorious. In particular, is not the Duty of Fa­mily Prayer neglected by many, at least as to it's constancy and fervency? And although it be groun­ded in the Light of Nature, confirmed by the ge­neral Rules of the Scripture, requisite unto the Dedication of a Family unto God, strengthened by the constant Example of all the Saints of old, and necessary in the Experience of all that walk with God; yet do not many begin to seek out pleas and arguings to justifie their Omission here­of? Are not all things filled with the fruits of the negligence of such Professors in the Instructi­on of their Children and Servants? And hath not God given severe Rebukes unto many of us in their fearful miscarriages? And as unto the pub­lick Worship of God, I wish that Sloth and In­differency did not appear upon too many, under various pretences. But,

2. THIS is not that which I do intend. Men may be weary of God, whilst they abide in the observance of a multitude of outward Duties.

1. THEY may be so, with respect unto that Spirituality and Intention of mind unto the Exer­cise of all Grace, which are required unto such Duties. These are the Life, the Soul, the ani­mating [Page 56] Principle of them, without which their outward performance is but a dead Carkass. Men may draw nigh to God with their Lips, when their Hearts are far from him. This is that which becomes God in his Worship, and is use­ful to our own Souls; for God is a Spirit, and he will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth; which he is not, but in the Exercise of the Graces of his Spirit in the Worshippers; For bodily exercise pro­fiteth little, but Godliness is profitable unto all things, 1 Tim. 4. 8.

TO keep up the Mind unto this frame, to stir up all Grace unto a constant vigorous Exercise in all Holy Duties, is a matter whereunto great Spiritual Diligence and Watchfulness is requi­red: Watch unto Prayer. A thousand pretences rise against it; all the Arts of Sloth, Formality, weariness of the Flesh, and the business of Life, do contend to frustrate the design of it. And the suitableness of resting in the work done unto the Principles of a Natural Conscience, gives ef­ficacy to them all: And when Men come to sa­tisfie themselves herein, it may be it were better that for a time such Duties were wholly omitted; for in that case Conscience it self will urgently call on Men not hardened in Sin, to a consideration of their Condition: wherefore much Spiritual La­bour and Diligence is required in this matter. The outward performance of Religious Duties, be they never so many, or however strictly en­joyned, as the daily and nightly Canonical hours amongst the Popish Devotionists, is an easie task, much inferiour unto the constant labour which [Page 57] some Men use in their Trades and Callings. And in them, in the performance of them either publick, or in their Families, men may be weary of God: And according as they are remiss in the constant keeping up of Spirituality, and the Exercise of Grace in sacred Duties, so is the Degree of their Weariness. And there is almost nothing whereby Men may take a safer Measure of their Decays, or Growth, than by the usual frame of their Minds in these Duties. If they do constantly in them stir up themselves to take hold of God, as Isa. 64. 7. it is an evidence of a good Temper of Spiritual Health in the Soul. But this will not be done without the utmost Watchfulness and Care against Impressions from the Flesh and other Temptations. But Sloth and Formality, herein, is a sign of a thriftless State in the inner man: And all Inventions of such Formality are disser­viceable unto the Interest Grace.

2. SO is it with them also who attending un­to the outward Duties of Religion, do yet in­dulge themselves in any known Sin; for there is nothing of God in those Duties, which tend not unto the mortification of all Sin: and Men may keep up a Form of Godliness, to countenance themselves in the neglect of it's Power. And in particular, where any known Sin is indulged un­to, where the mortification of it is not duly en­deavoured, where our Religious Duties are not used, applied and directed unto that end, there is a weariness of whatever is of God in them, nor hath the Soul any real entercourse or Com­munion with God by them.

[Page 58] 5. IF we should make a particular Enquiry into the State of our Souls, with respect unto those Graces which are most useful, and tend most to the Glory of God, it is to be feared, that the Decays of many would be made very evident; such are Zeal, Humility, Contriteness of Heart, Spiritual mindedness, vigour of Soul, and Delight in the ways of God, Love, Chari­ty, Self-denial, and like. Are we fat and flou­rishing in these things even in old Age? Are they in us, and do abound, as the Apostle speaks? 2 Pet. 1. 8. Do we bring forth the fruit of them so as to show the Faithfulness of God in his sup­ply of Grace? I shall not make a particular En­quiry into them, but only give two General Rules whereby we may try our selves with re­spect unto them all.

1. THE loss of a Spiritual Appetite unto the Food of our Souls, is an Evidence of a Decay in all these Graces. Spiritual Appetite consists in Earnest Desires, and a Savoury Relish: So it is described by the Apostle, 1 Pet. 2. 2, 3. As new­born Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby; if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. There is required unto this Spiritual Appetite an earnest desire of the Word, grounded on an Experience of the Grace of God in it unto this end, that we may grow and thrive Spiritually thereby. And this Appetite will give us as just a measure of the State of Grace in us, as a Natural Appetite unto wholsome Food, with due digestion thereon, doth give of a good state of Health in the Body.

[Page 59] THIS therefore we are to enquire into: Doth it abide in us as formerly? We hear the Word preached as much as ever; but do we do it with the same desire and Spiritual Relish as before? Some hear to satisfie their Convictions, some to please their Fancies, and some to judge of the Persons by whom it is dispensed. It is but in few that the necessary preparation for the due receiving of it are found.

WHEN Men grow in Age, they lose much of their Natural Appetite unto Food; they must eat still for the maintenance of Life, but they do it not with that desire after it, and that gust in it as in the days of Youth and Health. Hence they are apt to think, that the meat which they had formerly was more savoury than what is now provided for them; though what they now en­joy is much to be preferred before what they then had: the change is in themselves. So we may find not a few Professors, who are ready to think and say, that the preaching which they had in former days, and the Religious Exercises which they were ingaged in, were far to be pre­ferred above what they now enjoy. But the Change is in themselves, they have lost their Spi­ritual Appetite, or their hunger and thirst after the Food of their Souls.

THE full Soul loatheth the Honey-comb; but to the hungry Soul every bitter thing is sweet, Prov. 27. 7. Men being grown full of themselves, and of a good conceit of their own Abilities, have [Page 60] lost their Spiritual Appetite unto the Word of God; and this makes the Word lose it's Power and Efficacy towards them. That Word which the Psalmist says is sweeter than the honey, or honey-comb, Psal. 19. 10. hath little or no taste or relish in it unto them. If they were hungry, they would find a sweetness in the bitterest of it's Reproofs, beyond what they can now find in the sweetest of it's Promises. They come to hear the Word with sick Desires, and low Ex­pectations, as if they were invited to eat after a Feast, being self-full before. But this loss of a Spiritual Appetite, is an Evidence of the Decay of all other Graces whatever.

2. A neglect of making Religion our Princi­pal business, is another Evidence of the Decay of all sorts of Grace in us: For where Grace is in it's proper Exercise, it will subordinate all things unto Religion, and the Ends of it, as David twen­ty times declares in the 119th. Psalm. All things, all Occasions of Life shall be postponed thereun­to: The Love and valuation of it will bear sway in our Minds, our Thoughts and Affections, and the practice of it shall give Rule unto all other Concernments: But is it so with many amongst us? It is well if Religion be one thing, it is far enough from being the One thing; every other thing is preferred before it, and it can hardly crowd in to possess any place in their Minds. To see Men continually plodding in the Affairs of the World, regulating all their actings by their concernment in them, diverting only at some sea­sons, as it were out of their way unto Duties of [Page 61] Religion, it is vain to say, that they make Religion their Business: But there is scarce a more certain Evidence of a frame of Mind spi­ritually Decaying in all sorts of Graces, if ever any of them were in it in Sincerity and Power, than this one, that Men do not make Religi­on their chiefest Business: And a little Self-Examination will help Men to judge what it is that they make so to be.

LASTLY, I might also instance in the uselesness of Men in their Profession; in want of Love unto all Saints, Barrenness in Good Works, unreadiness and unwillingness to com­ply in any extraordinary manner with the Calls of God unto Repentance and Reformation; in Love of the World, and Pride of Life, with Passions suited unto such Principles, predomi­nant in them; for they are all undeniable Evi­dences, that those with whom they are found, had never any true Grace at all, or that they are fallen under woful Decays. But what hath been spoken may be sufficient unto our present purpose.

THIS is the third thing that was propo­sed, namely, an endeavour to leave Convicti­ons on the Minds of some concerning their Spi­ritual Decays, and the necessity of seeking af­ter a Revival by the Means that shall be in­sisted on. And I intend it principally for those of us who under a long Profession, are now come unto Age, aud shall not have much time for Du­ty [Page 62] continued unto us. And the Truth is, I meet with none, who are Christians of any considerable Experience, and are Spiritually minded, but they are sensible of the Danger of such Decays in this hour of Temptation, and how difficult it is in the use of all means to keep up a vigorous active frame of Mind in Faith, Love, Holiness and Fruitfulness. And for those who are not concerned herein, I con­fess I know not what to make of them, or their Religion.

4. I proceed unto that which was proposed in the fourth, or last place; namely, the Way and Means whereby Believers may be deliver­ed from these Decays, and come to thrive and flourish in the inward Principle, and outward Fruits of Spiritual Life, which will bring us back unto the Consideration of that Truth which we may seem to have diverted from. And to this end, the things ensuing are propo­sed unto Consideration.

1. THE State of Spiritual Decays is reco­verable. No Man that is fallen under it hath any Reason to say There is no hope, provided he take the right way for his Recovery. If every step that is lost in the way to Heaven should be irrecoverable, Woe would be unto us; we should all assuredly perish. If there were no Reparation of our Breaches, no heal­ing of our Decays, no Salvation but for them who are always progressive in Grace; if God [Page 63] should mark all that is done amiss, as the Psal­mist speaks, O Lord, who should stand? Nay, if we had not Recoveries every day, we should go off with a perpetual Backsliding. But then, as was said, it it required that the right means of [...] it be used, and not that which is de­structive of what is designed, whereof I shall give an Instance. When Trees grow old, or are decaying, it is useful to dig about them, and manure them, which may cause them to flourish again, and abound in Fruit: But instead hereof, if you remove them out of their Soil, to plant them in another, which may promise much advantage, they will assuredly wither and dye. So it is with Professors, and hath been with many; finding themselves under ma­nifold Decays, and little or nothing of the Life and Power of Religion left in them, they have grown weary of their Station, and have chan­ged their Soyl, or turning from one way in Religion unto another, as some have turned Papists, some Quakers, and the like, appre­hending that fault to be in the Religion which they professed, which was indeed only in them­selves. You cannot give an instance of any one who did not visibly wither and dye therein; but had they used the proper means for their Healing and Recovery, they might have lived and brought forth Fruit.

2. A strict Attendance unto the Severities of Mortification, with all the Duties that lead thereunto, is required unto this end: So also is [Page 64] the utmost Diligence in all Duties of Obedience. These things naturally offer themselves, as the first Relief in this case, and they ought not to be omitted. But if I should insist upon them, they would branch themselves into such a mul­titude of particular Directions, as it is incon­sistent with my Design here to handle. Be­sides, the way which I intend to propose is of another Nature, though consistent with all the Duties included in this Proposal; yea, such as without which not one of them can be per­formed in a due manner. Wherefore, as unto these things, I shall only assert their Necessity, with a double Limitation.

1. THAT no Duties of Mortification be prescribed unto this end, as a Means of Reco­very from Spiritual Decays, but what for Mat­ter and Manner are of Divine Institution and Command. All others are laid under a severe Interdict, under what pretence soever they may be used, Who hath required these things at your hands? Want hereof, is that whereby a pre­tended Design to advance Religion in the Pa­pacy, hath ruined it. They have under the name and pretence of the means of Mortifica­tion, or the Duties of it, invented and enjoyn­ed, like the Pharisees, a number of Works, Ways, Duties, so called, which God never ap­pointed, nor approved, nor will accept, nor shall they ever do good unto the Souls of Men. Such are their Confessions, Disciplines, Pilgri­mages, Fastings, Abstinence, framed Prayers to [Page 65] be repeated in stated Canonical hours, in such a length and number. In the bodily Labour of these things, they exercise themselves to no Spiritual Advantage.

BUT it is Natural to all Men to divert to such Reliefs in this case. Those who are throughly convinced of Spiritual Decays, are therewithall pressed with a sense of the Guilt of Sin; for it is Sin which hath brought them into that Condition. Hereon in the first place they set their Contrivance at work, how they may atone Divine Displeasure, and obtain Ac­ceptance with God: And if they are not un­der the actual Conduct of Evangelical Light, two things immediately offer themselves unto them. First, Some extraordinary course in Du­ties, which God hath not commanded. This is the way which they betake themselves unto in the Papacy, and which Guilt in the Dark­ness of corrupted Nature vehemently calls for. Secondly, An extraordinary multiplication of such Duties, as for the substance of them are required of us. An instance in both kinds we have Micah 6. 6, 7. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow my self before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, with Calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or with ten thousands of Rivers of Oyl? Shall I give my First-born for my Transgressions, the Fruit of my Body for the Sin of my Soul? And by this means they hope for a Restitution into their former Condition. And [Page 66] whereas Spiritual Decays are of two sorts: First, from the Power and Effect of Convicti­ons only, which are multiplied among Tempo­rary Believers: And Secondly, from Degrees in the Power and Effects of Saving Grace. Those whose Decays are of the first sort, are never to be diverted from, attempting their Relief by such means: And when they find them fail, for the most part they cease contending, and abandon themselves to the power of their Lusts; for they have no Evangelical Light to guide them in another course.

UNTO them who are of the second Sort, is this Direction given, in an endeavour for a Recovery from Backsliding, and thriving in Grace, by a redoubled Attendance unto the Duties of Mortification, and New Obedience. Let care be taken, that as unto the matter of them they be of Divine Appointment, and as to the manner of their performance, that it be regulated by the Rules of the Scripture. Such are constant Reading and Hearing of the Word, Prayer with fervency therein, a diligent watch against all Temptations and occasions of Sin; especially an Endeavour by an Holy Earnest­ness, and vehement Rebukes, of the entrance of any other Frame, to keep the Mind Spiritu­al and Heavenly in it's Thoughts and Affecti­ons.

2. LET them take heed, that they attempt not these things in their own strength. When [Page 67] Men have strong Convictions, that such and such things are their own Duty, they are apt to act as if they were to be done in their own strength. They must do them, they will do them, that is as unto the outward work, and therefore they think they can do them, that is in a due manner. The Holy Ghost hath for ever rejected this confidence, none shall prosper in it, 2 Cor. 3. 5. Chap. 9. 8. But hereby many deceive themselves, labouring in the Fire, while all they do doth immediately perish; they have been negligent and careless, whereby things are come to an ill posture with them, and that peace which they had is impaired: But now they will pray, and read, and fast, and be li­beral to the poor, and now an Abstinence from Sin. All these things they suppose they can do of themselves, because they can and ought to perform the outward works, wherein the Du­ties intended do consist. Hereby Christ is left out of the whole Design, who when all is done, is the Lord that healeth us, Exod. 1 5. 26. And there is another evil herein; for whatever Men do in their own Natural Abilities, there is a secret Reserve of some kind of Merit in it. Those who plead for these things, do averr there can be no merit in any thing, but what proceeds from our own Free-will; and what is so done, hath some kind of merit inseparably accompanying of it; And this is enough to ren­der all Endeavours of this kind not only use­les and fruitless, but utterly rejected. Faith [...] the Assistance of Christ and his [Page 68] in and unto these Duties; or however they may be multiplied, they will not he effectual unto our Healing and Recovery. These things are to be used, according as we receive sup­plies of Grace from above, in Subordination unto that Work of Faith that shall be decla­red. Wherefore,

3. THE Work of recovering Backsliders or Believers from under their Spiritual Decays, is an Act of Soveraign Grace, wrought in us by vertue of Divine Promises; out of this Eat­er cometh meat. Because Belivers are liable to such Declensions, Backslidings, and Decays, God hath provided and given unto us great and precions Promises of a Recovery, if we duly ap­ply our selves unto the Means of it. One of the places only wherein they are recorded, I shall here call over, and explain, Hosea 14. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. O Israel, return unto the Lord they God, for thou hast fallen by thine Iniquit [...]: Take with you words, and turn with the Lord, say unto him, Take away all Iniquity, and receive [...] gra­ciously: so will we render the calves of our lips, &c. I will heal their Backslidings, I will love them freely, for mine Anger is turned away from him: I will be as the dew unto Israel; be shall grow as the Lilly, and cast out his Roots as Lebanon. His Branches shall spread, and his Beauty shall be as the Olive Tree, and his smell as Lebanon. They that dwell under his shadow shall return, they shall revive as the Corn, and grow as the Vine, the scent there­of shall be as the Wine of Lebanon: [...]. Wall [Page 69] say, What have I to do any more with Idols? I have heard him, and observed him, I am like a green Fir-tree; from me is thy fruit found.

THE whole matter treated of in general, both as unto the Disease and Remedy, is ful­ly stated in this passage of Scripture; and that in the Experience of the Church, and God's dealing with them: we may therefore receive many plain Directions from it, and a safe Guidance in our Progress, which we shall en­deavour to take in the ensuing Observati­ons.

1. THIS Application of God unto Israel, (O Israel return,) was made when the gene­rality of the People were wicked and devo­ted unto utter Destruction. So it is declared in the last words of the foregoing Chapter, and their Desolation fell out not long after ac­cordingly. Wherefore, no Season nor Cir­cumstances of things shall obstruct Soveraign Grace, when God will exercise it towards his Church: It shall work in the midst of desola­ting Judgments.

2. IN such a time the true Israel of God, the Elect themselves, are apt to be overtaken with the Sins of the whole, and so to Back­slide from God, and so to fall into Spiritual Decays. So Israel had now done, though she had not absolutely broken Covenant with God; He was yet unto her The Lord thy God, yet she [Page 70] had fallen by her Iniquity. Times of publick Apostacy are often accompanied with partial defects in the best; Because Iniquity aboundeth, the love of many shall wax cold, Mat. 24. 12.

3. WHEN God designs to heal the Back­sliding of his People by Soveraign Grace, he gives them effectual Calls unto Repentance, and the use of means for their Healing: So he doth here by his Prophet, O Israel return, take with you words. And if I could see that God did stir up his Faithful Ministers to apply themselves in a peculiar manner, unto this Work of pres­sing vehemently all their Congregations with their Duty herein; and let them know, that there is no other way to prevent their Ruine, but by returning unto the Lord, according to the ways of it here prescribed; I should not doubt but that the time of Healing were at hand.

4. THE means prescribed unto this end, that our Backslidings may be healed, in a way suited unto the Glory of God, is renewed Re­pentance: And this acts it self,

1. IN servent Prayer; Take with you words, and say. Consider the Greatness and Impor­tance of the Work before you, and weigh well what you do in your dealing with God. The matter of this Prayer is twofold: (1.) The par­don of all Iniquity; that is, the taking of it away: And no Sin is omitted, all being now [Page 71] become equally burthensome; take away all Ini­quity. When the Souls of Sinners are in good earnest in their Return unto God, they will leave out the Consideration of no one Sin what­ever. Nor are we meet for Healing, nor shall we apply our selves unto it in a due manner, without some previous sense of the Love of God in the pardon of our Sin. (2.) Gracious Acceptation, Receive us graciously. The words in the Original are only, [...], and receive good: but both the words being used vari­ously, the Sense eminently included in them, is well expressed by receive us graciously. Af­ter we have cast our selves under tokens of thy Displeasure, now let us know that we are free­ly accepted with thee. And this also lyes in the Desires of them who design to obtain an Healing of their Backslidings; for under them they are sensible that they are obnoxious unto Gods Displeasure.

2. AFFECTIONATE Confessions of the Sin, wherein their Beckslidings did consist, or which were the Occasions of them. Ashur shall not save us, &c. we will say no more to the work of our hands, Ye are our Gods. Fleshly Confi­dence, and False Worship, were the two great Sins that had now ruined the Body of the Peo­ple: These Believers themselves had an Acces­sion unto them more or less, as now they have unto the prevailing Sins of the Days wherein we live, by Conformity unto the World. Of these Sins God expecteth a full and free Confes­sion in order unto our Healing.

[Page 72] 3. A renewed Covenant Engagement to re­nounce all other Hopes and Expectation, and to betake themselves with their whole Trust and Confidence unto him; whereof they ex­press, First, The Cause, which was his meer Grace and Mercy: For in thee the Fatherless find­eth Mercy; And Secondly, The Effect of it, which is Praise and Thanksgiving: So will we render the Calves of our Lips. And some things we may hence farther observe as unto the Case under Consideration. As,

1. ALTHOUGH God will repair our Spiritual Decays, and heal our Backslidings free­ly, yet he will do it so, or in such a way, as wherein he may communicate Grace unto us, to the praise of his own Glory. Therefore are these Duties prescribed unto us in order thereunto; for although they are not the pro­curing Cause of the Love and Grace from whence alone we are healed, yet are they re­quired in the method of the Dispensation of Grace, to precede the Effect of them. Nor have we any where a more illustrious Instance and Testimony of the Consistency and Harmo­ny which is between Soveraign Grace, and the diligent discharge of our Duty, than we have in this place: For as God promiseth, that he would heal their Backslidings out of his free Love, verse 4. and would do it by the Commu­nication of Effectual Grace; ver. 5. so he injoyns them all these Duties in order thereunto.

[Page 73] 2. THAT Tunless we find these things wrought in us in a way of preparation, for the receiving of the Mercy desired, we have no firm ground of Ex­pectation, that we shall be made partakers of it: For this is the method of Gods dealing with the Church. Then, and then only we may expect a gracious Reviving from all our Decays, when se­rious Repentance working in the ways declared, is found in us. This Grace will not surprize us in our Sloth, Negligence, and Security, but will make way for it self, by stirring us up un­to sincere endeavours after it, in the perse­verance of these Duties. And untill we see better Evidences of this Repentance among us, than as yet appears, we can have but small Hopes of a general Recovery from our present Decays.

5. THE Work it self is declared, (1.) By it's Nature. (2.) In it's Causes. (3.) From it's Effects.

1. IN the Nature of it, it is the healing of Backslidings; I will heal their Backslidings; the Sin whereby they are fallen off from God, un­to whom they are now exhorted to Return. These bring the Souls of Men into a diseased Estate, and danger of Death: The Cure here­of, is the Work of God alone. Hence he gives himself that Title, I am the Lord that healeth thee, Exod. 15. 26. And because of the poy­sonous Nature of Sin, and the danger it brings [Page 74] of Eternal Death unto the Souls of Men, the Re­moval of it, or a Recovery from it, is often called by the name of Healing, Psal. 6. 2. Isai. 57. 18, 19. Hos. 6. 1. Here it includeth two things; First, the pardon of Sin past, and then a supply of Grace to make us fruitful in Obe­dience. I will be as the Dew to Israel, as we shall see. This is God's Healing of Backsli­dings.

2. IN the Causes of it, which are, (1.) The Principal moving Cause, and that is free unde­served Love; I will love them freely. From hence alone is our Recovery to be expected. (2.) The Efficient Cause, which as unto Sins past is par­doning Mercy; Mins Anger is turned away from him: And as unto renewed Obedience, in which two our Recovery consists, it is in a plenti­ful Supply of Effectual Grace; I will be as the Dew unto Israel. Fresh supplies of the Spirit of Grace from above are so expressed: This is necessary unto our Healing and Reco­very.

3. IT is described by it's Effect, which is a much more abundant Fruitfulness in Holiness and Obedience, in Peace and Love, than ever they had before attained. This the Prophet sets out in multiplied Similitudes and Meta­phors, to denote the Greatness and Efficacy of the Grace so communicated.

I have a little insisted on the opening of this Context, for sundry Reasons.

[Page 75] 1. THE Case which I would consider, is in all the parts of it stated distinctly, and repre­sented clearly unto us. There is nothing re­mains, but only the especial Way, whereby in the Exercise of Faith this Grace may be obtain­ed, which is that which I shall speak unto in the last place, as that which is principally in­tended in this Discourse.

2. THAT I might shew how great a thing it is to have our Spiritual Decays made up, our Backslidings healed, and so to attain the vigorous acting of Grace and Spiritual Life, with a flourishing Profession, and fruitful Obe­dience in Old Age: It is so set forth here by the Holy Ghost, as that every one must needs have a sense of the Beauty and Glory of the Work: It is that which Divine Love, Mercy and Grace are eminently effectual in unto the Glory of God, that which so many Duties are required to prepare us for. Let no Man think that it is a light or common work, every thing in it is pe­culiar: It is unto them who are made partakers of it, a Life from the Dead.

3. THAT none may utterly despond under their Decays. When Persons are awakened by new Convictions, and begin to feel the weight of them, and how [...] they are intan­gled with them, they [...] ready to faint, and even to despair of Deliverance. But we see that here is a Promise of Deliverance from them [Page 76] by pardoning Mercy, and also of such fresh Springs of Grace as shall cause us to abound in Holiness and Fruitfulness. Who is it that is entangled with Corruptions and Temptations, that groans under a sense of a cold lifeless bar­ren frame of Heart? he may take in Spiritual Refreshment, if by Faith he can make Applica­tion of this Promise unto himself.

4. THAT which remains, is to declare the particular Way whereby in the Exercise of Faith, we may obtain the Fruit of this and all other Promises of the like Nature, unto the End so often proposed; namely, of being flourishing and fruitful even in Old Age. Now supposing a due Attendance unto the Duties mentioned, I shall give some Directions, with respect unto that which gives Life, Power and Efficacy unto them all, and which will infallibly bring us unto the full Enjoyment of this Signal Mercy: And they are these that [...]ollow.

1. ALL our Supplies of Grace are from Je­sus Christ. Grace is declared in the Promises of the Old Testament, but the way of it's Com­munication, and our receiving of it, is revealed unto us in the New. This belongs to the My­stery of it, that all Grace is from Christ, and shall be in vain expected any other way. He hath assured us, that without him we can do no­thing; we can no more bring forth Fruit, than a Branch can that is separated from the Vine, John 15. 3, 4, 5. He is our Head, and all our [Page] Spiritual Influences, that is, Divine Communi­cation of Grace; are from him alone. He is our Life efficiently, and liveth in us effective­ly, so as that our Ability for vital Acts is from him, Gal. 2. 20. Col. 3. 1, 2. Are we then any of us under Convictions of Spiritual Decays? or do we long for such Renovations of Spiri­ritual strength, as may make us flourish in Faith, Love and Holiness, we must know as­suredly, that nothing of all this can be attained, but it must come from Jesus Christ alone. We see what Promises are made, what Duties are prescribed unto us; but however, we should endeavour to apply our selves unto the one on the other, they would yield us no Relief, un­less we know how to receive it from Christ himself.

2. THE only way of receiving Supplies of Spiritual Strength and Grace, from Jesus Christ, on our part, is by Faith. Hereby we come un­to him, are implanted in him, abide with him, so as to bring forth Fruit. He dwells in our Hearts by Faith, and he acts in us by Faith, and we live by Faith in or on the Son of God. This I suppose will be granted, that if we re­ceive any thing from Christ, it must be by Faith, it must be in the Exercise of it, or in a way of Believing; nor is there any one word in the Scripture that gives the least Encourage­ment to expect either Grace or Mercy from him in any other way, or by any other means.

[Page 62] 3. THIS Faith respects the Person of Christ, his Grace, his whole Mediation, with all the Effects of it, and his Glory in them all. This is that which hath been so much insisted on in the foregoing Discourses, as that it ought not to be again insisted on: This therefore is the issue of the whole. A steady view of the Glory of Christ, in his Person, Grace, and Office, thrô Faith, or a constant lively Exercise of Faith on him, according as he is revealed unto us in the Scripture, is the only effectual way to ob­tain a Revival from under our Spiritual De­cays, and such Supplies of Grace as shall make us Flourishing and Fruitful even in Old Age. He that thus lives by Faith in him, shall by his Spiritual thriving and growth, shew, That the Lord is upright, that he is our Rock, and that there is no unrighteousness in him.

WE may consider briefly: First, How this is is testified unto in the Scripture, and then what are the ways whereby this Grace, or Du­ty will produce this effect, and so put a close unto this part of the Application of the Sacred Truth before declared.

1. THIS Direction is given us, Psal. 34. 5. They looked unto him and were lightened, and their Faces were not ashamed. That it is Christ, or the Glory of God in him, that is thus looked unto, I need not prove, it will not be denied. And it is their Faith which is expressed by their [Page] looking unto him; which is nothing but that beholding of his Glory which we have descri­bed: For it is an Act of Trust arising from an Apprehension of who and what he is. The is­sue or effect hereof is, that they were lighten­ed; that is, received fresh Communication of Spiritual, Saving, Refreshing Light from him, and consequently of all other Graces, whence their Faces were not ashamed; nor shall we fail in our Expectation of new Spiritual Com­munication in the Exercise of the same Faith.

THIS is that which we are called unto, Isa. 45. 22. Look unto me, and be saved, all ye ends of the Earth. On this look to Christ, on this view of his Glory depends our whole Sal­vation; and therefore all things that are need­ful thereunto, do so also: This is the way whereby we receive Grace and Glory. This is the Direction given us by the Holy Ghost for the attaining of them.

SO is the same Duty described, Micah 7. 7. Therefore I will look unto the Lord, I will wait for the God of my Salvation; my God will hear me. The Church knew not any other way of Relief, whatever her Distresses were.

A Look unto Christ as Crucified, (and how Glorious he was therein, hath been declared,) is made the Cause and Fountain of that Godly Sorrow, which is a Spring unto all other Gra­ces, especially in those who have fallen under [Page] Decays; Zech. 12. 10. and it is so also of desi­ring strength from him, to enable us to endure all our Tryals, Troubles and Afflictions, with patience unto the end, Heb. 12. 2.

THE only Enquiry remaining, is, How a constant view of the Glory of Christ, will pro­duce this Blessed Effect in us: And it will do so several ways.

1. IT will be effected by that transforming Power and Efficacy, which this Exercise of Faith is always accompanied withal. This is that which changeth us every day more and more into the likeness of Christ, as hath been at large before declared. Herein all Revivals and all Flourishings are contained. To have a good measure of Conformity unto Christ, is all where­of in this Life we are capable: The perfection of it is Eternal Blessedness. According as are our Attainments therein, so is the thriving and flourishing of the Life of Grace in us, which is that which is aimed at; other ways and means it may be have failed us, let us put this to the Tryal. Let us live in the constant Contem­plation of the Glory of Christ, and vertue will proceed from him to repair all our Decays, to renew a right. Spirit within us, and to cause us to abound in all Duties of Obedience. This way of producing these effects, Flesh and Blood will not reveal; it looks like washing in Jordan to cure a Leprosie: But the Life of Faith is a Mystery known only unto them in whom it is.

[Page] 2. IT will fix the Soul unto that Object which is suited to give it Delight, Complacen­cy, and Satisfaction. This in perfection is Bles­sedness, for it is caused by the Eternal Vision of the Glory of God in Christ: And the nearer Approaches we make unto this State, the better, the more Spiritual, the more Heavenly is the State of our Souls. And this is to be obtained only by a constant Contemplation of the Glo­ry of Christ, as hath been declared. And it is several ways effectual unto the end now propo­sed. For,

1. THE most of our Spiritual Decays and Bar­renness arise from an inordinate admission of other things into our Minds; for these are they that weaken Grace in all it's Operations. But when the Mind is filled with thoughts of Christ and his Glory, when the Soul thereon cleaves unto him with intense Affections, they will cast out, or not give admittance unto those causes of Spiritual Weakness and Indisposition: See Col. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ephes. 5. 8.

2. WHERE we are ingaged in this Duty, it will stir up every Grace unto it's due Exer­cise, which is that wherein the Spiritual Revi­val enquired after, doth consist. This is all we desire, all we long for, this will make us fat and flourishing, namely, that every Grace of the Spirit have it's due Exercise in us. See Rom. 5. 3, 4, 5. 2 Pet. 1. 5, 6, 7, 8. Whereas there­fore, [Page] Christ himself is the first proper adequate Object of all Grace, and all it's Exercise, (for it first respects him, and then other things for him) when the Mind is fixed on him, and his Glory, every Grace will be in a Readiness for it's due Exercise. And without this we shall ne­ver attain it by any Resolutions or Endeavours of our own, let us make the Tryal when we please.

3. THIS will assuredly put us on a vigilant watch, and constant conflict against all the de­ceitful workings of Sin, against all the Entran­ces of Temptation, against all the ways and means of Surprizals into foolish frames, by vain Imaginations, which are the causes of our De­cays. Our Recovery or Revival will not be ef­fected, nor a fresh Spring of Grace be obtained, in a careless, slothful Course of Profession. Con­stant watching, fighting, contending against Sin, with our utmost endeavour for an absolute Con­quest over it, are required hereunto. And no­thing will so much excite and encourage our Souls hereunto, as a constant view of Christ and his Glory; every thing in him hath a constraining Power hereunto, as is known to all who have any Acquaintance with these things.


Books Sold by William Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-street.

Books written by the late Dr. John Owen. In Folio.

1. His Exposition on the whole Epistle to the Hebrews, with Exercitations concerning the Messiah: Wherein the Promises concerning him to be a Spiritual Redeemer of Mankind, are explained and vindicated. His Coming, and Accomplishment of his Work according to the Promises, is proved and Confirmed. The Person, or who he is, declared. The whole Oeconomy of the Mosaical Law, Rites, Wor­ship, and Sacrifices, is explained. And in all, the Doctrine of the Person, Office and Work of the Messiah, is opened: The Nature and demerit of the first Sin is unfolded: The Opinions and Traditions of the Ancient and Modern Jews are examined: Their Objectious against the Lord Christ and the Gospel are Answered: The time of the Coming of the Messiah is stated: And the great fundamental Truths of the Gospel vin­dicated. In four Volumes, Folio.

2. A Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit: Wherein an Account is given of his Name, Nature, Personality, Dispensation, Operations, and Effects. His whole Work in the Old and [Page] New Creation is Explained: The Doctrine con­cerning it vindicated from Oppositions and Re­proaches. The Nature also and Necessity of Gospel Holiness; the Difference between Grace and Morality, or a Spiritual Life unto God in Evangelical Obedience, and a Course of Moral Vertues, are stated and declared. Fol.

3. The Doctrine of the Saints Perseverance, explained and confirmed. Or, the certain Per­manency of their (1.) Acceptation with God, and (2.) Sanctification from God; manifested and proved: from, 1. The Eternal Princi­ples, 2. The Effectual Causes: And, 3. The External Means thereof, &c. Fol.

Books in Quarto, written by the same Author.

1. THe True Nature of a Gospel Church and its Government: Wherein these following particulars are distinctly handled. I. The Sub­ject Matter of the Church. II. The formal Cause of a particular Church. III. Of the Poli­ty, Rule or Discipline of the Church in gene­ral. IV. The Officers of the Church. V. The Duty of Pastors of Churches. VI. The Office of Teachers in the Church. VII. Of the Rule of the Church, or of Ruling Elders. VIII. The nature of Church Polity or Rule, with the Duty of Elders. IX. Of Deacons. X. Of Excommu­cation. XI. Of the Communion of Churches. Price Bound 3. s.

2. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, through the Imputation of the Righteousness of [Page] Christ, explained, confirmed and vindicated.

3. An Enquiry into the Original, Nature, In­stitution, Power, Order, and Communion of Evangelical Churches. With an Answer to the Dscourse of the Vnreasonableness of Separation, written by Dr. Edward Stillingfleet; And in the Defence of the Vindication of Nonconformists from the Guilt of Schism.

4. The Grace and Duty of being Spiritually Minded, declared and practically Improved.

5. A Discourse of Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, each Person di­stinctly: In Love, Grace and Consolation: Or the Saints fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, unfolded.

6. Vindiciae Evangelicae: Or, The Mystery of the Gospel vindicated, and Socinianism examin­ed, in the Consideration, and Confutation of a Catechism, called, A Scripture Catechism, writ­ten by J. Biddle, M. A. And the Catechism of Valentinus Smalcius, commonly called the Racovi­an Catechism.

7. A Display of Arminianism: Being a Dis­covery of the Old Pelagian Idol Free-will, with the New Goddess Contingency, advancing them­selves into the Throne of the God of Heaven, to the prejudice of his Grace, Providence, and Supreme Dominion over the Children of Men. Wherein the main Errors of the Arminians are laid open, by which they are fallen off from the received Doctrine of all the Reformed Church­es, with their Opposition in divers particulars to the Doctrine established in the Church of [Page] England. Discovered out of their own Wri­tings and Confessions, and confuted by the Word of God.

8. The Death of Death in the Death of of Christ. A Treatise of the Redemption and Reconciliation that is in the Blood of Christ, with the Merit thereof, and the Satisfaction wrought thereby. Wherein the proper End of the Death of Christ is asserted; the immediate Effects and Fruits thereof assigned, with their Extent in respect of it's Object; and the whole Controversie about Vniversal Redemption fully dis­cussed. In four Parts.

9. A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ, God and Man. With the Infinite Wisdom, Love and Power of God in the Contrivance and Constitution thereof. As also the Grounds and Reasons of his Incar­nation, the Nature of his Ministry in Heaven, the Present State of the Church above thereon, and the Use of his Person in Religion. With an Account and Vindication of the Honour, Worship, Faith, Love and Obedience due unto him, in and from the Church.

Books in Octavo, written by the same Author.

1. THe Nature of Apostasie from the Profession of the Gospel, and the Punishment of Apo­states declared, in an Exposition of Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. With an Enquiry into the Causes and Reasons of the Decay of the Power of Religion in the World; or the present general Defecti­on, [Page] from the Truth, Holiness and Worship of the Gospel. Also, of the Proneness of Churches and Persons of all sorts unto Apostasie. With Remedies and Means of Prevention.

2. Exercitations concerning the Name, Ori­ginal, Nature, Use and Continuance of a Day of Sacred Rest. Wherein the Original of the Sabbath, from the Foundation of the World, the Morality of the Fourth Commandment, with the Change of the Seventh Day, are enqui­red into. Together with an Assertion of the Divine Institution of the Lord's Day, and Pra­ctical Directions for it's due Observation.

3. The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Preva­lency of the remainders of Indwelling-Sin in Be­lievers. Together with the ways of it's work­ing, and Means of Prevention. Opened, evin­ced and applyed, with a Resolution of sundry Cases of Conscience thereunto appertaining.

4. An Answer to a Book, entituled, Fiat Lux.

5. A Vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat Lux. Wherein the Principles of the Ro­man Church, as to Moderation, Unity and Truth are examined: And sundry Important Contro­versies concerning the Rule of Faith, Papal Su­premacy, the Mass, Images, &c. discussed.

6. A Vindication of some Passages in a Dis­course concerning Communion with God, from the Exceptions of William Sherlock, Rector of St. George Botolph-lane.

7. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church-Peace and Vnity. With the Occasions [Page] and Reasons of present Differences and Divisions about things Sacred and Religious. Written in the Vindication of the Principles and Practice of some Ministers and others.

8. A brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity: As also of the Person and Satisfaction of Christ. Accommodated to the Capacity and Use of such as may be in dan­ger to be seduced: and the establishment of the Truth.

9. A Discourse of the Mortification of Sin in Believers: 1. The Necessity, 2. The Nature, and 3. The Means of it. With a Resolution of sundry Cases of Conscience, thereunto be­longing.

10. A Treatise of the Dominion of Sin and Grace; wherein Sins Reign is discovered, in whom it is, and in whom it is not: How the Law supports it; how Grace delivers from it by sealing up it's Dominion in the Heart: From Rom. 6. 14. Bound 1 s.

11. A brief and Impartial Account of the Nature of the Protestant Religion, it's State and Fate in the World, it's strength and weakness, with the Ways and Indications of the Ruine or Continuance of it's publick National Profession. Price stitch'd 6 d.

12. A brief Instruction in the Worship of GOD, and Discipline of the Churches of the New Testament: By way of Question and An­swer: With an Explication and Confirmation of those Answers. Price bound 1 s.

[Page] 13. A Discourse of the Work of the Spir [...] in Prayer, with a brief Inquiry into the Na­ture and Use of Mental Prayer and Forms.

14. The Causes, ways and means of Under­standing the Mind of God in the Scripture.

15. An Answer to Doctor Parker.

16. An humble Testimony unto the Goodness and Severity of God, in his dealing with sinful Churches and Nations: Or, the only way to deliver a sinful Nation from utter Ruine by Im­pendent Judgments. Price bound 1 s.

17. A Discourse of Temptation, the Nature and Power of it; the Danger of entring into it, and the Means of Preventing that Danger: With a Resolution of sundry Cases there to be­longing. Price bound 1 s.

18. The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ unfolded: Wherein those Principles of Religi­on are explained, the Knowledge whereof is required before any Person be admitted to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper: For the use of Christian Congregations. Price bound 6 d.

19. The Original of the Scriptures.

20. Diatriba de Justitiâ Divinâ.

21. The Defence of Mr. Cotton against Mr. Cawdrey.

22. Eshcol, or Rules for those in Church Fel­lowship.

23. Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ, in his Person, Office and Grace; with the difference between Faith and Sight: Apply­ed unto the use of them that Believe. It was formerly Printed, and is now Reprinted, and [Page] may be bound up with the Second Part, being the Application both to Unconverted Sinners, and Saints under Spiritual Decays. Both bound together 2 s. 6 d.

All these by the late Reverend Dr. John Owen.

Books written by other Authors.

CAryl's Exposition on the Book of Job. Two Volumes.

Pool's Synopsis in Latin. Five Volumes. With the Index's.

Pool's Synopsis on the New Testament. In Two Volumes, in Latin, with the Index, is sold very Cheap, for 20. s. in Quires, and 30 s. Bound.

Index's on the Old and New Testament, to be sold alone. Price 5. s.

Clarks Martyrology.

Christ alone Exalted: Being the compleat Works of Tobias Crisp, D. D. containing XLII. Sermons on several Select Texts of Scriptures: Which were formerly Printed in three small Vo­lumes, by that late Eminent and Faithful Dis­penser of Gods Word: Who was sometime Mi­nister at Brinkworth in Wiltshire; and afterward many of the Sermons were preached in and about London. To which is now added, ten Sermons, whereof eight were never before Printed, Faith­fully transcribed from his own Notes: Which is all that ever will be Printed of the said Dr's.

An Exposition of the whole Book of the Re­velation. Wherein the Visions and Prophecies of Christ are opened and expounded: Shewing [Page] the great Conquests of our Lord Jesus Christ for his Church over all his and her Adversaries, Pagan, Arian, and Papal; and the glorious State of the Church of God in the New Heavens and New Earth, in these latter days. By Hanserd Knowles, Preacher of the Morning Lecture at Pinners-Hall.

The Character of a Good Commander, to­gether with a short Commendation of the fa­mous Artillery (more properly Military) Com­pany of London; also a brief Encomium on the Great Duke, and worthy Prince, Elector of Brandenburg. Lastly, Plain Dealing with Trea­cherous Dealing. Whereunto is annexed the ge­neral Exercise of the Prince of Oranges Army: By Captain Tho. Plunket.

The General Exercise ordered by his then Highness the Prince of Orange, to be punctually observed of all the Infantry in service of the States General of the Vnited Provinces. Contain­ing the General Exercise of Pike and Musket; with their Facings, Doublings and [...]heelings of a Battalion; ordered by his present [...], to be observed of all the Infantry in his service, being short, easie and graceful. The Second Edition, corrected.

The Heavenly Trade, or the best Merch [...]ndi­zing: The only way to live well in impove [...]sh­ing Times. A Discourse occasioned from the decay of Earthly Trades, and visible wastes of Practical Piety in the day we live in, offering Arguments and Counsels to all, towards a speedy revival of dying Godliness, and timely preven­tion [Page] of the dangerous Issues thereof impending on us. Necessary for all Families. The second Edition corrected. By Bartholomew Ashwood, Minister of the Gospel, Author of the Best Trea­sure.

Christ a Christians Life: Or a Practical Dis­course of a Believers Life, derived from Christ, and Resolved into Christ. Being the substance of seve­ral Sermons Preach'd by the Author upon his Re­covery from a Fit of Sickness, and now extort­ed from him by the Importunity of Friends. By John Gammon, Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of [...] Congregation in White-Chappel.

Cook's Mellifigium Chirurgia, or the Marrow of Chir [...]rgery, with Anatomy. The Fourth Edition enlarge [...], with many Additions.

Cha [...]eton 's Anatomy Lectures.


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