Mr. OGILBY's TABLES OF HIS Measur'd Roads.

So Digested, that any great Road or Branch may readily be found; with the General and Particular, Computed & Measur'd Distance, and the Distinction of Market and Post-Towns.

With other REMARKS.

To which is Added, A true Account of the Markets and Fairs, &c. Collected in his Survey.

By JOHN OGILBY, Esq; His Majesty's Cosmographer.

Licensed March 31th. 1676. H. Oldenburg.

LONDON, Printed by the Author, and Sold at His House in White Fryers. 1676.


MR. Ogilby to prevent the Injury de­sign'd Him and the Kingdom, by the Publishers of certain Tables stolen out of his Book (so ignorantly and carelesly Collected & Printed, that they are fill'd with false Com­putations and Directions; often sending the Traveller 10 or 20 Mile out of the Way) did Print his own Tables in 4 Broad-sides, with his Name to each Sheet, which he hath now Re-printed in Octavo, with the Addition of many more Roads, and a true Account of the Markets and Fairs, Collected from the Towns themselves in his Actual Survey, the Price 1 s. in Sheets, and a large Sheet-Map of England with all the Roads, fitted to Bind with the Book, the Price of the Map 1 s.

Sold by the Author at his House in White-Fryers, and by Mr. Cade Stationer, at the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil; Mr. Isted, at the Anchor against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street; Mr. Harding, at the Bible and Anchor, at the West-End of St. Paul's; Mr. Pask, at the Stationers Arms and Ink-bottle, under the North-side of the Royal-Exchange; Mr. Morden, at the At­las in Cornhil; Mr. Cadman, in the lower Walk of the New-Exchange in the Strand, Mr. Nott, at the King and Queens Arms in the Pall-Mall; and by several Book-Sel­lers and Stationers.

And Itinerarium Angliae: Or, The Book of Roads, containing a Hundred Whole-Sheet Maps; expressing, at one Mile in an Inch, all Things observable in the Travelling-Part of England and Wales, the Price 40 s.

The Maps of any the several Roads fit­ted to bind up in a Pocket-Book, are also Sold, the Price 6 d. a-sheet.

And several large Prints and Maps of Mr. Ogilby's, viz. Adam and Eve, Jeru­salem in two Sheets, Solomon's Temple, [Page] Edenborough in two Sheets, King's- lyn, Tan­gier: America, Carolina, Jamaica, Mary-Land, Barbado's, Midlesex, Kent, &c. At reasonable Rates.

This is also to give Notice, That the Sheet-Map of London, mention'd in the Printed Catalogue of Books last Term, said to be Publish'd by J. O. is not Mr. Ogilby's, for he resolves to Publish his Map with a Scale of Feet, that the Truth may be Exa­min'd, which, this Counterfeit wants: The true Map will be suddenly Finish'd, and be­cause there are several false Maps preparing, you are desir'd for the future, to Receive no­thing for Mr. Ogilby's, that hath not his Name, and Title of His Majesty's Cosmo­grapher to Warrant it.


EAch Page is Divided into two Collumes, where, having read the Title and prin­cipal Towns contain'd in that Road, you be­gin the Left-hand Collume and read to the Bottom, unless struck through with a Black-Line, which always directs to begin the next Collume. For Example,

No 3. Page 4. You must not read, York, Newcastle, Durham, Barwick, but, York, Durham; Newcastle, Barwick, as if they stood all under one another, as No 1. Page 2. where having read both Collumes, and End­ing at Aberistwith; you begin the 3d. Page with the Branch to Buckingham, the Four Towns at the Beginning you read as before, and then begin the First Collume, at, To Ʋx­bridg, &c. whence, proceeding to Little Missenden, you begin again at the Top, not [Page] at Ailsbury, but at Great Missenden. And so of the Rest.

I. The 15 great Roads from London to the Extent of England and Wales, as, Holy­head, Barwick, Dover, Rye, &c. are Plac'd Alphabetically, and Numbred 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. the Letter of the last Town taking place: As, No 1. is the Road to Oxford, Worcester, and Lempster, yet Aberistwith being the Extent, it is Plac'd in A. So the Road to York Durham, and Newcastle, continuing to Barwick, is Plac'd in B.

II. Immediately after each great Road, you have the Principal Branches: As, next after the Road to Oxford, and so to Aber­istwith, you have the Roads from London, 1st. to Buckingham, and next to Montgomry.

And to avoid Repeating, you are Refer'd to the fore-going great Road for the several Towns and their Distances, till you come where you are to leave that great Road, as in the Branch to Buckingham, after the Names of 4 of the chief Towns, viz. A­m [...]rsham, Wendover, Ailsbury, Buckingham, you begin the Left-hand Collume, and find To Ʋxbridg in No 1. where you may find the Towns and Distance from London to Ʋxbridg, as aforesaid. And so in the next Branch, which is the Road from London to Montgomery, you are Refer'd to No 1. for the Towns from London to Worcester; where you leave the Aberistwith Road and go to Hallow, which is from Worcester com­puted 2 Mile, but by Measure, 2 Miles six Furlongs, or 2 Mile 3 quarters.

Of these Branches you have 22. which end with London to Harwich, Page 20. where begin the Cross and Accidental Roads from one City or Town to another, the Town whence the Road issues taking place in the Alphabet, as, Arundel to Chichester, Bristol to Chester, Chester to Hollywel, and [Page] York to Chester, &c. At the begining of each Road you have 2, 3, or 4. of the prin­cipal Towns upon that Road, either from London or other great Towns, as in the Ho­lyhead Road, No 10. Page 11 and 12. you have the Road from London to Coventry; in Letter C. of the Cross Roads, you have the Road from Cambridg to Coventry; in P. 30 Glocester to Coventry; in Page 38. Oxford to Coventry; that by the Towns at the be­gining of each Road, you may readily find what you Desire.

You have the Computation by Miles, the Measure by Miles and Furlongs, directed by M. and M. F. over-head. Where there is no Figures, that Town is not a Mile from the next, or admit of some odd Parts, not easily supply'd in the Computation, and there fore you are to Reckon from the last Num­ber to the next Town with Figures: As, in No 1. Page 2. from London to Kensing­ton Gravelpits it is accounted 3. Mile, but from the Standard in Cornhil it is measur'd 5 Mile; thence to Acton, passing Shepherds Bush, it is Computed 3 Miles, but by mea­sure 3 Mile 3 Furlongs. And so of the Rest.

The Numbers with the Towns at the be­gining of each Road, is the general Distance from London, or the Principal Town; re­koning always from the Standard in Cornhil or near the Center of each other City or Town.

Cities are in Capitals, Market-Towns in Italique, and Post-Towns mark'd thus * as Page 4. * Waltham Cross is a Post and not a Market-Town, Hodsdon is a Market, but no Post-Town, * Ware is both Market and Post.

The Markets and Fairs are put Alphabe­tically, beginning with the Towns Name.

N o 1. The Rood from LONDON to OXFORD, WORCESTER, Lempster, and Aberistwith. Miles Computed, Measur'd Miles. Furl.

47 to OXFORD 55.6
85 to WORCESTER 112.2
103 to Lempster 127.7
145 to Aberistwith 199.2
FRom London to
  Kensington 5'0
3 Gravel-pits
3 Acton 3'3
4 Norcoat 4'3
3 Hayes 3'0
2 Ʋxbridg 2'6
7 Beaconsfield 8'5
5 High Wickham 5'5
2 West wickham 2'1
3 Stoken-Church 4'1
5 Tetsworth 5'6
4 Wheatly-bridg 4'5
6 * OXFORD 6'3
2 Forest-Hill 2'4
4 Islip 5'4
2 Blechington 3'0
5 Glimpton 6'0
3 Enston 3'5
3 Chapel on the Heath 4'0
3 Wheelbarow Castle 4'7
3 the 4 shirestone 2'2
2 Morton in marsh 2'1
1 Burton on the Hill 1'6
4 Broadway (br. 5'7
3 Wickenford 5'4
4 Pershore 6'2
3 Stouton 4'4
3 * WORSTER 5'1
4 Broadwaies 5'2
  Todnam Chapel  
2 Lulsey 2'4
4 Bromyard 4'4
2 Birdenbury 2'6
2 Hockley 3'5
1 Stein-Bridg 1'3
2 Eaton 2'3
1 Lempster 1'2
4 Easterton 6'5
4 Comb 6'0
4 Prestain 6'2
3 Cascob 4'5
  Comaron fluv.  
5 Ithon fluv. 8'2
  Clowdock fluv.  
  Dulas fluv.  
6 Riadergowy 9'0
5 Ecomistwithbr. 8'4
3 Mowen-glowth 4'1
1 Brunant 1'0
10 lanbedervaur 13'2
1 Aberistwith 1'6

M.   M. F.
24 Amersham 29.4
30 Wendover 39.1
34 Aylesbury 44.1
44 Buckingham 60.4
To Ʋxbridg in N o 1. thence to
5 S. P. Chafforn 5'6
  S. G. Chafforn  
4 Amersham 5'2
  Little Missenden  
3 Gr. Missenden 5'0
3 Wendover 4'5
4 * Aylesbury 5 0
6 East Claydon 9'7
4 * Buckingham 6'4

M.   M. F.
102 Tenbury 128.5
107 Ludlow 136.2
117 Bps-castle 150.2
122 mongomry 158.5
To * Worcester in No 1. thence to
2 Hallow 2.6
5 Hundred house 6.2
2 Stockton 2.7
3 Newnam bridg 4.0
3 * Tenbury 3-1
5 * Ludlow 7.5
3 Onibury 4.6
2 Newton 2.3
2 Barfords Gate 3.0
3 Bishops Castle 3.7
3 Redcourt 4.6
2 Montgomery 3.5

N o 2. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
11 Ewel 14.0
20 Darking 24.3
35 Billingherst 41.3
46 Arundel 55.4
FRom London to
1 Newington 1.6
4 Towting 5.2
3 Moredon 3.2
3 Ewel 3.6
5 Leatherhead 5.5
4 Darking 4.6
5 Stonestreet 5.5
4 Rohook 5.0
6 Billingherst 6.3
5 Wickenholt 6.2
3 Amberley 3.4
3 * Arundel 4.3

N o 3. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
150 YORK 192.0
200 Durham 262.4
212 Newcastle 276.4
260 Barwick 339.2
FRom London to Kingsland
5 Tottenham ✚ 5.0
2 Edmonton 2.0
3 Enfield Wash 3.0
2 * Waltham ✚ 2.0
1 Crossbrook str. 1.0
  Turners Hill  
1 Cheston-street 1.2
2 Brockton-street 2.5
1 Hodsdon 1.3
3 * Ware 3.2
4 Puckeridg 6.0
3 Buntingford 4.2
  New Chipping  
2 Buckland 2.2
4 * Royston 4.0
2 Kneesworth 2.5
3 Arrington 4.0
4 * Caxton 5.2
  Papworth Everard Godmanchester  
6 * Huntingdon 7.3
  Great Stukeley  
2 Little Stukely 3.3
7 * Stilton 8.3
5 Water Newton 5.6
2 Wentworth 2.4
5 * Stamford 5.5
2 Casterton 2.2
8 Coltsworth 11 0
  Great Panton  
6 * Grantham 8.2
4 Foston 5.4
4 Bodderton 6.2
2 * Newark 2.2
2 South-muskum 2.3
3 Charlton 4.5
2 Weston 2.7
3 * Tuxford 3.2
2 Little Dreaton 2.6
6 Barnby 7.4
3 Scruby 4.0
1 * Bautry 1.4
6 * Doncaster 8.2
4 Robin Hoods Well 6.4
3 Wentbridg 3.6
4 * Ferrybridg 4.6
3 Milford 4.6
2 Barston 2.6
3 * Tadcaster 4.6
3 Street-Houses 3.3
4 Ring-Houses 4.6
1 * YORK 1.3
7 green-hamerton 9.5
6 * Boroughbridg 7.7
3 Disford 4.1
3 Caton 4.7
2 Sand Henton 2.4
5 * Northallerton 8.4
3 Lousy Hill 3.5
2 Great Smeton 2.6
3 Nysom 4.3
2 * Darlington 3.2
3 Cotton mundil 4.2
3 Woodham 4.3
3 Ferryhil 3.7
5 * DƲRHAM 6.4
  Durham Moor  
3 Plausworth 3.6
2 Chester in the Street 2.2
7 * Newcastle 8.0
3 Gosforth 3.7
5 Stannington 6.2
4 * Morpeth 4.7
7 Felton 10.4
5 * Alnwick 8.0
5 Charlton 5.6
4 Wainford 4.1
3 * Belford 3.5
6 Hagerston 7.7
6 * Barwick 7.5

M.   M. F.
44 Cambridg 52.0
57 ELY 68.7
71 Downham 87.0
80 Kings-Lyn 98.4
To Puckeridg in N o 3. thence to Harestreet
7 Barkway 8.0
6 Foulmere 7.1
6 * Cambridg 9.3
3 Milton 4.1
7 Streetham 8.4
3 ELY 4.2
2 Woodhouse 2.7
2 Littleport 2.3
5 Southery 6.3
2 Helgay 2.7
3 * Downham 3.5
6 Seeching 7.2
1 West Winch 1.4
1 Hardwick 1.2
1 * Kings-Lyn 1.4

N o 4. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
54 Newmarket 60.5
70 Thetford 79.5
80 Atleborough 93.5
90 Norwich 108.7
TO Puckeridg in No 3. thence to
7 Barkway 8.0
10 Witlesford Bridg 10.4
2 Burn Bridg 2.5
10 * Newmarket 12.0
7 Berton Mills 8.3
9 * Thetford 10.5
6 * Larlingford 8.0
4 * Attleborough 6.0
5 * Windham 6.1
2 Cringleford 3.6
3 * NORWICH 5.3

LONDON to S. Edmonds-Bury, Computed 64 Miles Measur'd 75 Miles.
To Newmark [...] in N o 4. thence to
3 Kenford 4.5
3 Barrowbridg 4.2
4 St. Edmonds-Bury 5.4

M.   M. F.
77 Swaffham 94.0
88 Fakenham 110.5
92 Walsingham 116.3
95 Wells 121.1
To Berton Mills in N o 4. thence to
3 Hobs Cross 3.6
5 Brandon Ferry 5.5
3 Munford 4.7
2 Longford Lodg 2.5
1 Hilborough 1.6
4 Swaffham 6.3
3 Newton 4.5
4 Tittleshal 5.7
4 Fakenham 6.1
  East Basham  
4 Walsingham 5.6
3 Wells 4.6

M.   M. F.
62 Peterburgh 76.2
102 Lincoln 128.4
135 Hull 169.6
167 Flambr [...]w 212.6
To * Stilton in N o 3. thence to
2 Yaxley 2.5
3 * Peterborough 4.4
3 Wellington 3.7
2 Peakirk 2.6
3 Marketdeeping 4.1
3 Thurlby 3.7
2 Born 2.5
2 Morton 2.3
5 Simpring 7.1
6 Sleaford 7.4
5 Branfwel 6.0
9 * LINCOLN 12.0
10 Spittle 12.5
5 Redborn 6.3
5 Glamford bridg 5.5
8 Barton 10.1
5 * Hull 6.4
6 Beverley 9.2
2 Beckinfield 3.2
4 Wotton 5.2
4 Great Drifield 5.2
4 Kilham 5.2
6 * Burlington 7.4
  Burlington Key  
3 Suerby 3.4
1 Flamborough 1.4
2 Flamborough Head 2.2

M.   M. F.
71 Crowland 88.0
78 Spalding 98.0
85 Setherton 108.2
90 Boston 114.2
To * Stilton in No 3 thence to
2 Yaxley 2.5
3 * Peterborough 4.4
3 Wellington 3.7
2 Peakirk 2.6
4 Crowland 5.0
5 Cowbet 6.5
2 Spalding 3.3
3 Surfleet 4.2
4 Setherton 6.0
2 Kirton 2.3
3 * Boston 3.6

N o 5. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
32 Reading 40.2
62 Marlbrough 75.3
77 Chippenham 93.6
94 BRISTOL 115.2
FRom London to Knightsbridg
3 Kensington 4.6
  Turnham Green  
  Old Brentsord  
5 New Brentford 5.3
2 * Hounslow 2.2
5 Colebrook 6.4
3 Slow 3.3
4 * Maidenhead 5.4
6 Twiford 7.4
4 * Reading 5.0
4 Theal 4.3
9 Thatcham 9.0
2 * Newbury 3.1
4 Halfway house 4.1
5 Chilton 5.4
2 Ramsbury 2.7
3 Middenhal 4.4
1 * Marlborough 1.5
  Little Kennet  
5 Beckinton 6.3
5 Caln 6.2
5 * Chipenham 5.6
7 Marshfield 9.2
7 Barton 8.5
3 * BRISTOL 3.5

N o 6. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
29 Henley 35.7
46 Abington 55.3
81 Glocester 102.2
101 Hereford 130.6
TO * Maidenhead in N o 5. thence
7 to Henley 8.1
4 * Nettlebed 4.4
7 Shillingford 7.4
2 Burcoat 3.1
4 * Abington 4.3
4 Kingston baptist 5.3
6 * Faringdon 7.7
4 * Lechlade 6.0
2 Fairford 3.4
7 Perrots Bridg 9.2
10 Brockworth 11.4
2 * GLOSTER 3.3
4 Huntley 7.0
  Durley Cross  
  Lea Line  
3 Lea 4.2
3 Ross 4.0
2 Pitchers comon 2.2
2 Harwood End 2.4
2 Mich-Birch 2.7
4 * HEREFORD 5.5

LONDON to BATH, Computed 87 M. Measur'd 108 M. 1 F.
To * Chipenham in N o 5. thence to
3 Pickwick 4.4
4 Bathford 5.6
1 Batheston 1.2
2 * BATH 2.5

M.   M. F.
72 Devizes 89.0
80 Troubridg 98.6
84 Ph. Norton 104.0
96 WELLS 120.2
To * Marlborough in N o 5. thence to
4 Little Kennet 5.2
  Wansor Ditch  
6 * Devizes 8.4
3 Sein 3.3
5 * Troubridg 6.3
1 Winfield 1.4
3 Phillips Norton 3.6
4 Kilmersden 5.2
3 Chilcompton 3.2
5 * WELLS 7.6

N o 7. LONDON to
M.   M.F.
99 Monmouth 127.0
126 Cardiff 163.0
156 Swanzey 202.4
207 S. Davids 269.5
TO GLOSTER in N o 6. thence to Over
4 Huntley 7.0
3 Michel Dean 4.5
6 Coverd 8.0
4 * Monmouth 5.1
4 Trelagh 5.5
3 Devordan 3.6
2 Newchurch 2.7
  Strogle Castle  
5 Cats Ash 7.3
3 Newport 4.5
2 Bassalego 2.5
  St. Melens  
6 Rompney 6.4
2 * Cardiff 2.5
5 St. Nicholas 6.1
5 Cowbridg 6.0
4 Corn-Town 5.4
5 The Pile 7.1
5 Aberavon 6.1
2 Burton-Ferry 3.3
4 * Swanzey 5.2
  Pont Thlue  
  Pont Brenin  
5 Lloghor 6.3
  Lloghor Castle  
4 Llanelthy 5.2
6 Kidwelly 8.3
6 Llacharn 8.3
8 Llanguido 10.2
4 Conaston 5.5
2 Midcounty hou 2.5
4 Haverfordwest 5.0
  Pelkham Bridg  
  Reason Bridg  
6 Creek-howel 7.5
  Nine Wells  
6 St. Davids 7.5

M.   M.F.
111 Aberga'ny 142.3
123 Brecknock 161.1
137 Landiffry 180.0
157 Carmarth. 206.2
To * Monmouth in No 7. thence to
2 Rockfield 2.3
5 Landilocruseny 5.7
5 Abergaveny 7.1
4 Crecowel 5.7
3 Bwlch 4.5
1 Llansanfraid 1.5
4 * Brecknock 6.5
6 Redbrue 8.0
2 Trecastle 2.3
6 * Llanimdiffry 8.4
5 Abermarlos 6.2
4 Vare-Lloyd 5.3
2 Rue-Raddor 2.5
7 the White-mill 8.7
2 * Carmarthen 3.1

N o 8. LONDON to
M.   M.F.
23 Rochester 29.6
31 Sittingborn 41.0
43 Canterbury 56.2
55 Dover 71.4
FRom London to New-Cross
4 Deptford 5'0
8 * Dartford 10'6
4 Northfleet 5'2
7 * Rochester 8'6
4 Raynham 5'3
4 * Sittingborn 5'7
8 Bockton-street 9'4
4 * Canterbury 5'6
  Bishops Court Bridg  
9 Liddon 10'6
3 * Dover 4'4

M.   M.F.
53 Sandwich 69'7.
57 Deal 74'7
To * Canterbury in N o 8. thence to
3 Gamlinstreet 4'6
2 Wingham 2'7
5 * Sandwich 6'0
4 * Deal 5'0

N o 9. LONDON to
M.   M.F.
19 Wrotham 25'3
27 Maidstone 36'2
41 Ashford 57'2
49 Hith 69'4
FRom London to New Cross
4 Lusam 5'7
2 Eltham 2'6
  Foots Cray  
8 Farmingham 10'1
5 Wrotham 6'5
2 Offam 2'6
6 * Maidstone 8'1
6 Haresham [...]1
6 Hothfieldhaugh 9'1
2 Ashford 3'6
4 Selling 6'6
4 Hith 5'4

N o 10. LONDON to
M.   M.F.
74 Coventry 92'1
94 Lichfield 118'5
140 Chester 182'1
208 Holyhead 269'2
FRom London to Islington
3 Lowerholloway 4'1
  Upper Holloway  
1 Highgate 1'3
4 Whetstone 4'3
2 * Barnet 2'0
4 Mims 3'6
3 Cony 3'1
3 * St. Albans 2'7
3 Redborn 4'2
7 * Dunstable 8'3
3 Ho [...]y-hole 4'3
4 *Littl [...] [...]rickhil 5'2
7 Stony-stretford 9'2
2 Potters-Perry 2'5
3 Havencote 3'5
1 * Toceter 1'2
2 Fostersbooth 2'6
8 * Daventry 9'4
6 Dunchurch 8'0
6 Wymal 8'6
2 * COVENTRY 2'4
4 Meriden 6'2
4 * Coleshil 5'2
10 Swinfield 12'2
2 * Lichfield 2'6
  Crosso'th' Hand  
3 Longdon 4'3
2 Rugeley 3'2
  Little Heywood  
3 Great heywood 4'4
4 Sand-Cross 5'4
4 * Stone 4'5
1 Darleston 1'4
4 Stableford bridg 5'1
4 Pipe-Yate 5'2
2 Bridgmore 3'1
2 Wiburnbury 2'6
3 * Namptwich 3'7
  Burford Green  
2 Hurlstone 2'4
3 Highway side 4'2
2 Torperley 3'3
3 Hocknel 4'0
  Brown Heath  
4 * CHESTER 5'4
3 Breton 4'5
2 Harding 2'4
  Pantry Bridg  
3 * Northop 5'2
6 Smell-mills 7'1
6 * Denbigh 7'5
4 Llanwith 6'1
3 Bettus 4'5
5 Croseworth 7'2
2 * Aberconway 2'3
10 * Beaumaris 12'0
  Kincough brook  
4 Tincohet 5'1
9 Massalan 9'6
4 Boddedar 4'2
7 * Holyhead 8'4

M.   M. F.
17 Hatfield 20'3
29 Baldock 38'0
41 St. Neots 56'0
67 Oakham 96'2
To * Barnet in N o 10. thence to
3 Potters Bar 3'6
  Bell Bar  
4 Hatfield 4'6
4 Wellin 5'3
  Wolmer Green  
4 Stevenage 6'1
4 Baldock 6'1
5 Biggleswade 7'7
  Nether Cacut  
  Beching Cross  
4 Tamesford 6'2
3 St. Neots' 3'7
3 great stoughton 4'5
4 great Catworth 6'3
3 Clapton 4'7
5 Benyfield 7'1
  Dean Thorp  
5 Harringworth 8'4
6 Oakham 8'6

M.   M.F.
28 Luton 29'5
40 Bedford 47'4
52 Wellinbrough 65'5
74 Oakham 94'0
To * St. Albans in N o 10. thence to Harding
8 Luton 8'0
5 Barton Clay 8'0
7 * Bedford 9'7
3 Ockley 4'0
3 Chellington 5'0
6 * Willingburgh 9'1
  Great Harridon  
3 Hisham 4'0
2 Kettering 3'1
8 Rockingham 10'2
1 Caldecot 1'1
2 Luddington 2'2
1 Ʋppingham 1'3
5 Oakham 6'2

M.   M.F.
54 Northampton 66'7
78 Leicester 98'6
86 Louborough 107'3
98 Derby 122'4
To Stony-stretford in N o 10. thence to Yadeley-Guben
4 Kings Grafton 4'7
6 * Northampton 8'7
5 Bricksworth 7'0
3 Meadwel 4'2
4 * Haverborough 6'4
5 Kibworth 6'1
2 Great Glenn 2'3
2 Oadby 2'4
3 * Leicester 3'1
5 Montsorrel 5'4
3 * Louborough 3'1
1 Dichley 1'3
1 Hathern 1'3
2 Kegworth 2'4
4 Shadloe 4'3
2 Alverston 2'7
2 * Derby 2'6

M.   M.F.
88 Bermingham 109'5
96 Dudley 119'6
108 bridgnorth 135'6
124 shrewsbury 157'0
To Meriden in N o 10. thence to Little Bicknal
10 * bermingham 11'1
3 Smethwick 3'7
2 Oldbury Chap. 2'5
  Twedale Houses  
3 Dudley 3'5
3 Himley 4'0
9 Bridgnorth 12'0
2 Morvil 2'4
4 Wenlock 5'4
3 Cressedg 4'0
3 Cross-Houses 4'2
4 * Shrewsbury 5'0

M.   M.F.
136 Warington 182'0
187 Lancaster 232'7
203 Kendal 256'5
235 Carlisle 301'2
To Darleston in N o 10. thence to Tittensor
5 Newcastle 6'0
3 Talk 4'6
2 Odrode 3'6
3 *Bruertongreen 5'0
3 Stublage 4'7
  Lach Green  
3 Grulam 4'1
2 Whitley 3'2
  Franley Stocks  
4 * Warrington 6'7
5 Newton 5'2
  Goose Green  
7 Wiggan 8'2
  Coppen Moor  
5 Whittle 6'2
  Charnock moor  
  Charnock Richard  
5 Harden Green 5'7
4 * Preston 4'1
5 Baxton 5'5
5 Garstang 5'4
10 * Lancaster 10'0
3 Boulton 4'1
5 Burton 7'4
6 Sigeswick 8'4
2 * Kendal 3'5
6 Horsehouse 8'5
5 Shop 7'0
2 Thrumby 3'3
5 * Penrith 7'0
3 Saucold Yat [...] 4'3
4 Hesket 5'0
  War Hesket  
5 Carlton 6'4
2 * Carlisle 2'6

N o 11. LONDON to
M.   M.F.
70 Salisbury 83.6
138 Exeter 172.4
173 Plymouth 215.6
238 Senan 300.3
FRom London to Knightsbridg
3 Kensington 4.6
  Turnham Green  
  Old Brentford  
5 New Brentford 5.3
2 * Hounslow 2.2
3 Bedfont 3.4
2 * Stanes 3.1
1 Egham 1.4
  New England Inn
7 Bagshot 8.4
  Black water  
8 * Hartley Row 9.0
  Merrard Green  
  Holsum Bridg  
3 Hook 4.0
5 * Basingstoke 6.1
2 Worting 2.3
5 Setherton 6.0
3 Whitchurch 3.1
6 * Andover 6.5
6 Middle wallop 6.6
7 Hurcoat-Bridg 8.3
2 * Salisbury 2.3
3 The Stand 3.4
  White-sheet Hill
15 * Shaftsbury 15.6
  Stour Eastover  
4 Stour Westover 5.3
6 Milborn Port 7.3
2 * Sherborn 2'6
4 Evil 5.2
2 West Caudor 3.1
4 * Crookhorn 6.3
4 Street 6.3
3 Ford 4.2
2 * Axminster 2.5
4 Offwel 5.1
3 * Honiton 4.3
7 Rockbere 10.0
  Honiton Cliss  
5 * EXETER 6.4
8 Chidleigh 9.4
7 * Ashburton 9.0
4 Dean Prior 4.2
2 Brent 2.5
7 Woodland 8.0
3 Ridgway 4.6
4 * Plymouth 5.1
4 Milbrook 5.0
3 Crosthole 4.0
2 Recliff 3.0
3 * Lowe 4.2
7 * Foy 8.4
3 Trewardreth 3.4
2 Trenawry 2.2
4 Tregorrick 5.3
4 Tregony 5.1
5 Philly 5.7
5 Blow the cold Wind 6.5
11 St. Hillary 15 1
2 * Market-Jew 2.5
2 Pensance 3..0
5 St. Burrion 6'1
3 Senan 4.2

N o 12. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
39 Alton 50.1
47 Alresford 59.7
54 Winchester 67.3
88 Pool 110.5
TO Bagshot in No 11. thence
3 to Frimley 3.7
6 Farnham 7.7
3 Bentley Green 4.2
4 * Alton 5.1
  Bighton pars  
8 Alresford 9.6
6 Magdalenhouse 6'2
1 * Winchester 1'2
2 Pit 2'4
2 Hursley 2'5
2 Enfield 2'5
3 Rumsey 3'5
5 Ragged-Row 6'1
1 Castlemalwood 1'4
7 Bonner 8'7
1 Ringwood 1'3
3 Palmers Bridg 3'7
  Long Ham  
3 Knaston 4'1
5 * Pool 6'0

LONDON to Southampton. Computed 62 M. Measur'd 78 M. 3 F.
To Alresford in No 12. thence to Morsted
7 Twiford 8'6
5 Swaland 6'2
3 * Southampton 3'4

M.   M. F.
55 Stockbridg 69'3
85 Blandford 107'2
97 Dorchester 123'6
104 Weymouth 132'1
To * Basingstoke in No 11 thence to
6 the 3 Burrows 8'3
3 Cramborn 4'2
1 Sutton 1'2
6 Stockbridg 7'3
3 Broughton 3'6
  West Titherley  
3 East Dean 4'4
6 Dunkton 6'6
6 Tipput 7'3
3 Cranborn 3'7
  Alhallows winborn
3 Middle Gusset 4'3
  Tarrant Monkton
6 * Blandford 7'2
6 Milford 8'1
3 Walterstow 4'1
3 * Dorchester 4'2
  Melcomb Regis  
7 * Weymouth 8'3

M.   M. F.
65 Amesbury 80'5
80 Warmister 99'4
116 Bridgwat. 143'3
136 Minhead 167'2
To * Andover in No 11. thence  
  [...] Monkton 3'4
4 [...]hallerton 5'7
4 Amesbury 5'0
5 Shrauton 6'0
9 Boreham 11'5
1 Warmister 1.2
5 Maiden Bradly 6'7
2 Kilmington 2'7
6 Bruton 6'3
3 Ainsford 3'3
2 Alford 2'3
2 Lidford 2'1
2 Weston Regis 2'7
6 Ascot 7'4
8 * Bridgwater 9'4
3 Cunnington 3'5
4 Nether Stowey 4'5
2 Hoverd 2'6
4 Dinnever 4'4
1 Watchet 1'1
4 Marsh House 5'0
2 Minhead 2'2

M.   M. F.
10 Croydon 10'5
25 Greenstead 29'6
40 Lewes 50'0
45 Newhaven 56'6
From LONDON to Newington
  Bristol Causey  
6 Stretham 6'2
4 Croydon 4'3
7 Godstone 9'3
4 New Chapel Green 4'6
4 Greenstead 5'0
6 Shefield green 8'0
4 Chaley pars 5'7
5 Lewes 6'3
5 Newhaven 6'6

N o 13. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
10 Kingston 12'4
25 Guilford 30'0
45 Petersfield 55'2
60 Portsmouth 73'4
FRom London to Newington Wansworth
10 * Kingston 12'4
  Thames Ditton  
7 Cobham 7'5
3 * Guilford 9'7
3 * Godalmin 4'4
8 Milford 1'3
9 Lippock 10
3 Rake  
4 * Petersfield 5▪ [...]
6 Harndon 7'2
5 Cosham 5.7
  Portsey Bridg  
1 Hilsey 1.2
1 Kingston 1.2
2 * Portsmouth 2.5

M.   M. F.
43 Midhurst 52.0
50 Chichester 63.2
To * Godalmin in No 13. thence to
3 Hambleton 4.2
2 Chidingfold 2.3
2 Cripple Crouch 2.6
4 Lechford Bridg 4.7
2 Midhurst 3.0
9 * Chichester 11.2

N o 14. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
6 Bromley 9.6
16 Sevenoke 23.0
20 Tunbridg 29.5
46 Rye 64.0
FRom London to
3 New cross 4.0
1 Lusam 1.7
2 Bromley 3.7
3 Farnborough 4.0
5 River Head 7.4
1 Sevenoke 1.6
1 Knoll Place 1.3
4 Tunbridg 5.2
4 Woodgate 4.5
  Copember Green
3 Lindridg 3.7
1 Lamberherst 1.5
2 * Stone-crouch 3.1
3 High-street 4.4
2 Field Green 2.5
  Cobeech Green  
3 Newenden 3.6
2 Nordiam 2.2
6 * Rye 8.0

N o 15. LONDON to
M.   M. F.
25 Chelmsford 28.3
43 Colchester 50.0
55 Ipswich 68.0
92 Yarmouth 122.5
FRom London to Mile-end
4 Stratford 4.1
2 Great Ilford 2.7
4 * Rumford 4.6
5 * Burntwood 6.0
5 * Ingerstone 5.1
5 * Chelmsford 5.4
5 Hatfield pev'rel 6.1
2 * Witham 2.1
3 * Keldon 3.5
5 Stanway 6.3
3 * Colchester 3.3
  Ardley Oak  
5 Stretford-street 7.0
5 Copdock 7.0
2 * Ipswich 4.0
6 Mertlesham 6.1
1 Woodbridg 1.2
3 Wickham 4.3
  Parham Ash  
2 Glenham 3.1
3 * Saxmundham 4.0
3 Yoxford 4.3
  Brussel Green  
3 Blyborough 5.7
7 * Beckles 10.4
3 Hadsko 5.2
  St. Olaves  
2 Fritton 3.4
  Little Yarmouth  
4 * Gr. Yarmouth 6.2

LONDON to Harwich. Computed 61 M. Measur'd 71 M.
To * Colchester in No 15. thence to
4 Ardley 4.6
4 * Maningtre 4.3
7 Street 8.1
3 * Harwich 3.6

Arundel to Chichester. Computed 8 M. Measur'd 10 M. 4 F.
From * Arundel to
3 Mackrels bridg 4.1
  Half-way Tree  
2 Crockerhil 2.4
3 * Chichester 3.7

Aust-Ferry to
20 Micheldean 24.1
25 Newent 31.0
31 Lidbury 39.3
43 Worcester 55.6
From Aust-Ferry to
3 Beachley 3.1
2 Sudbury 2.1
2 Strode 2'6
2 Avington 2'4
1 Alberton 1.3
1 Lidney 1'1
1 Selloe 1'5
5 Little Michel 6'0
3 Michel-Dean 3'4
4 Chilcot 5.4
1 Newent 1'3
2 Catsford 2'7
4 Lidbury 5.4
  Little Malvern  
6 Great Malvern 9'0
4 Powick 5'5
  St. John's  
2 * Worcester 2'6

Buckingham to
M.   M. F.
13 Banbury 17'1
28 Stratford 37'2
51 Kedermister 67'4
61 Bridgnorth 81'4
From Buckingham to
2 Tinewick 2'4
1 Fenmore 1'2
4 Shroughton 5'4
2 Ayno 2'2
4 * Banbury 5'5
9 Pillerton 12'1
6 * Stratford 8'0
6 Coughton 9'0
3 Crabs-Cross 3'7
2 Fox-Liddet 2'6
4 * Bromsgrove 4.7
4 Cheddersley 5'1
2 Stone 2'3
2 * Kedermister 2.2
7 Quat 9'3
3 Bridgnorth 4.5

Banbury to Campden. Computed 15 M. Measur'd 21 M.
From Banbury to
2 North Newton 2.4
2 Shutford 2.4
4 Brailes 5'4
2 Shipton 3'4
5 Campden 7.0

Barstable to
M.   M. F.
8 Torrington 11'2
15 Hatherley 21'4
From * Barstable to
2 Roundshil 3'1
  St. Johns Chapel
2 Newton Tracy 2.7
4 Torrington 5.1
  Little Torrington  
4 Marton 5.3
3 Hatherley 5.0

Boston to Lincoln. Computed 29 M. Measur'd 37 M. 4. F.
From * Boston to
6 Swinshead 7.0
3 Garrick 4.3
6 Sleaford 8.1
1 Hadingham 1.6
13 * Lincoln 16.2

Bridgwater to
M.   M. F.
20 Dulverton 27.2
38 Barstable 51.4
From * Bridgwater
1 to Durlay 1.1
1 Faulty 1.1
1 Enmore 1.1
3 Waterpits 3.2
2 West Bagboro 2.6
2 Willet 3.5
3 Rawlins Cross 4.0
3 Wilcot 4.5
3 Heal Bridg 4.1
1 Dulverton 1.4
5 Durlyford 6.4
4 Bush-Bridg 5.5
1 Southmoulton 1.3
2 Philley 3.2
6 * Barstable 7.4

10 Chip. Sodbury 12.0
26 Cysseter 35.4
38 Burford 51.7
55 Banbury 74.7
From * BRISTOL to
2 Stapleton 2.6
6 Mays Hill 6.3
2 Sodbury 2.7
5 Didmerton 7.3
4 Tetbury 5.7
7 * Cysseter 10.2
5 Bybury 6.6
4 the 3 shirestone 5.5
3 * Burford 4.0
3 Shipton underw 4.2
9 South newton 12.6
2 Bloxham 2.2
3 * Banbury 3.6

M.   M. F.
25 Monmouth 31.7
37 Hereford 50.5
74 Shrewsbury 105.1
102 Chester 145.5
2 to Westbury 3.2
7 Aylberton 7.2
1 Aust-Ferry 1.4
5 Chepstow 6.0
  Trelagh Grange  
6 Trelagh 7.6
4 * Monmouth 6.1
4 Garran Bridg 6.0
3 Wormly stump 5.0
5 * Hereford 7.6
  Morton Lugg  
4 Wellington 5.3
4 Wharton 5.2
2 Lempster 3.6
2 Lyston 2.4
6 * Ludlow 8.2
3 Onibury 4.7
2 Newton 2.6
  Little Stretton  
5 Church-stretton 7.7
2 Leborwood 3.5
2 Dodington 3.1
5 * Shrewsbury 7.1
6 Lee Bridg 10.0
4 Prees 5.0
4 * Whitchurch 5.0
4 Hampton-Post 6.2
5 Gorid Bridg 7.4
5 * CHESTER 6.6

M.   M. F.
14 Axbridg 18.2
22 Huntspil 29.2
1 to Bedmister 1.4
7 Perry Bridg 9.1
1 Langford 1.3
5 Axbridg 6.2
  Lower Were  
4 Castle Brent 5.6
4 Huntspil 5.2

BRISTOL to WELLS. Computed 15 M. Measur'd 19 M.
1 to Bedmister 1.4
5 Bishops Chue 5.5
7 the Lead mines 8.3
2 * WELLS 3.4

M.   M. F.
18 Dursley 22.2
30 Glocester 36.4
38 Tewksbury 46.6
50 Worcester 62.0
  From * BRISTOL
2 to Stapleton 2'6
2 Hamburrow 2.3
4 Acton 4.4
3 Crumhal 4.3
5 Tortworth 6.0
  Stinchcomb Bottom  
2 Dursley 2.2
1 Cam 1.1
2 Cambridg 3.1
3 Whitmister 3.1
1 Putley 1.2
2 Quodgley Green
3 * GLOSTER 3.1
1 Longford 14
1 Twigworth 1.1
6 Tewksbury 7.5
3 Ripple 3.7
3 Severnstoak 4.0
3 Kemsey 3.3
3 * Worcester 4.0

Boroughbridg to
M.   M. F.
27 Rippon 36.2
37 Lemyng 49.6
47 Richmond 62.2
57 Barnardcast. 75.2
From Boroughbridg
1 to Kirby 1.3
4 Rippon 4.6
3 Wath 4.6
7 Lemyng 8.6
6 Catterick bridg 7.0
4 * Richmond 5.4
3 Kirby 4.3
  * Greatabridg  
5 Rougby 6.0
2 Barnard Castle 2.5

Cambridg to
M.   M. F.
12 St. Neots 17.1
32 Northampton 49.5
46 Rugby 69.1
54 Coventry 80.6
  From * Cambridg
8 to Elsley 11.5
4 St. Neots 5.4
3 Gr. Stoughton 5.3
2 Portenhil 3.4
5 Higham Ferries 8.4
6 Ecken 9.4
4 * Northampton 5.5
3 Halstone 4.1
5 Watford 7.4
1 Watford Gap 1.3
1 Rilsby 1.4
2 Hilmorton 2.5
2 Rugby 2.3
4 Bredford 5.1
4 * COVENTRY 6.4

Cardigan to Llanbeder. Computed 20 M. Measur'd 27 M. 7 F.
From * Cardigan
7 to Ponterodin 8.6
1 Tredrair 1.2
6 Red-Owen 8.1
6 Llanbeder 9.6

M.   M. F.
16 Castleton 24.4
32 Jedborough 46.4
39 Kelso 57.2
55 Barwick 80.4
2 to Blakeford 2.5
4 Brakenhil 6.7
5 Lethel 7.0
5 Castle ton 8.0
10 Woolley 13.7
6 Jedborough 8.1
2 Craline 3.6
5 Kelso 7.0
5 Carram 6.1
2 Cornil 3.4
2 Wessel 3.3
5 Orde 7.5
2 * Barwick 2.5

Carmarthen to Cardigan. Computed 18 M. Measur'd 26 M.
From * Carmarthen
10 to Kilvah Kilreden 14.0
2 Velindra 2.3
4 Bridel 6.5
2 * Cardigan 3.0

Chelmsford to
M.   M. F.
9 Braintre 11.0
21 Sudbury 24.2
26 Lavenham 30.6
35 Bury 42.3
  From Chelmsford
6 to St. Anns 7.1
3 * Braintre 3.7
5 Halsted 6.0
7 * Sudbury 8.2
  Chilton Park  
5 * Lavenham 6.4
5 Bradfield 6.1
4 * St. Edmonds-Bury 5.4

Chelmsford to Gravesend. Computed 20. M. Measur'd 22.4
From Chelmsford to Moulsham
5 Stock 5.6
2 Billericay 3.0
  Nokes Bridg  
7 Horndon 7.3
  West Tilbury  
6 * Gravesend 6.3

Chelmsford to Malden. Computed 8 M. Measur'd 9 M. 5 F.
From Chelmsford to
1 Great Baddow 1.4
3 Danbury 3.2
1 Ronsel 1.1
3 * Malden 3.6

Chelmsford to Raleigh. Computed 10 M. Measur'd 13 M.
From Chelmsford to
1 Great Baddow 1.4
6 Battle Bridg 7.7
3 Raleigh 3.5

Chelmsford to Saffron-Walden. Computed 22 M. Measur'd 27 M. 3 F.
From Chelnsford to
7 Black-Chapel 9.3
3 * Dunmow 3.3
  Great Easton  
6 * Thaxted 7.0
6 * Walden 7.5

M.   M. F.
9 Wrexham 11.4
45 Newtown 61.4
80 Brecknock 107.6
110 Cardiff 145.4
4 to Pulford 5.1
2 Merford 2.5
3 * Wrexham 3.6
4 Ruabon 5.2
2 New Bridg 2.4
  Pont Vaine  
4 Selettin 6.0
  Offa's Ditch  
4 Llansylen 5.4
6 Llan velling 8.4
3 Myvoth 4.6
  Pont Matharual  
5 Llantair 6.2
4 Tregunnon 5.7
4 Newtown 5.3
7 Llanbeder­vunneth 9.4
2 Llanbister 3.0
3 Llandewy 3.4
3 Llanbeder vaur 3.4
5 Ithon fluv. 6.2
3 Bealth 4.4
  Lanthewy coomb
3 Chapel cunoke 3.7
5 Llanihangle Vechan 6.6
2 Llandivilog 2.4
2 * Brecknock 2.7
5 Tavie fluv. 6.5
5 Pont-Stucketh 5.5
14 Carfilly cast. 18.0
6 * Cardiff 7.4

CHESTER to Hollywel. Computed 12 M. Measur'd 17 M. 4 F.
8 to Flint 12.4
4 Hollywel 5.0

Dartmouth to
M.   M. F.
12 Newton bush. 16.0
22 EXETER 31.3
34 Tiverton 46.0
52 Minhead 71.2
From Dartmouth to Crupland
8 Come 10.7
4 Newton Bushel 5.1
8 Kenford 10.7
2 * EXETER 4.4
3 Stoke 4.0
1 Rew 1.1
2 Silverton 2.4
6 * Tiverton 7.0
5 Bampton 7.2
3 Berry 4.0
  The Lime Kilns
8 Embercum 10.4
2 Minhead 3.4

St. Davids to
M.   M. F.
24 Cardigan 33.4
64 Mahunleth 89.2
86 Balla 120.6
112 Hollywel 156.4
From St. Davids  
1 to Gored Bridg 1.6
7 Merth 9.2
4 Fiscard 5.1
5 Newport 6.7
2 Velindra 2.7
  St. Dogmels  
5 * Cardigan 8.0
4 Blaynport 5.4
6 the 4 Burrows 7.2
4 Llanarch 5.3
3 Aberavonbridg 4.0
1 Llandowy 1.4
2 Mollinamore 2.7
2 Llanrusted 3.0
6 Lanbeder vawr 8.4
5 Tallabont 6.7
3 Llanih angle 4.6
4 Mahunleth 6.0
3 Llanvoring 4.4
3 Abertwido 4.7
1 Aberangel 1.4
2 Dinas mouthy 3.2
3 Lan ummouthy 4.3
6 Pont-raven-Vaughan 7.2
2 Llanaver 3.3
2 Balla 3.0
6 Pont-marthre 8.1
1 Bettus 1.5
7 Ruthyn 10.4
5 Llangwen 6.2
7 Hollywel 9.2

Dolgethe to
M.   M. F.
14 Harlech 18.0.
22 Carnarvan 46.1
  From Dolgethe  
1 to Llaniltid 1.5
6 Flowerlech hill 7.0
2 Llan dura 3.1
3 Llanbeder 3.4
2 Harlech 2.6
8 Penmorven 9.5
2 Dalbenmer 2.7
3 Bodichen 3.5
7 Pont Newged 9.1
2 Carnarvan 2.7

Egrimond to
M.   M. F.
10 Cockermouth 14.1.
29 Carlisle 39.4
  From Egrimond  
1 to Cleater 1.6
4 Winnick 4.5
5 Cockermouth 7.6
5 Bodel 6.7
1 courtland guard 1.2
3 Croshil 4.6
5 Thuresby 6.4
5 * CARLISLE 6.0

M.   M.F.
22 Lime 28.0.
40 Dorchester 51.6
From EXETER to
3 Bishops-Clyst 3.6
6 Newton Popler 7.2
2 Sidford 2.5
6 Culliford 7.5
5 * Lime 6.6
2 Shaderson 2.3
3 Chidiok 4.2
2 Bridport 2.4
8 Stepleton 9.7
3 * Dorchester 4.6

M.   M. F.
7 Kerton 8.0
18 Chimleigh 21.5
32 Barstable 38.5
40 Ilfarcomb 49.1
  From * EXETER
4 to Syar-newton 4.3
  Dunsom House  
3 Kerton 3.5
2 New Buiding 3.0
6 Huntsford 7.0
3 Chimleigh 3.4
  Chington House  
5 Chidingford 5.5
7 Bathing 8.3
1 Ronsom 1.3
1 * Barnstable 1.5
2 Prickworthy 2.6
3 Stoford 4'2
3 Ilfarcomb 3.5

M.   M.F.
22 Tavistok 33.2
32 Liscard 48.7
41 Listithiel 57.6
57 Truro 79.4
From * EXETER to St. Thomas
1 Pocon 1.7
2 Crew 3.1
2 Dunsford 2.5
5 Chegford 7.3
3 Heath-stone 4.0
1 turn-a-bout br. 1.4
1 Post-Bridg 1.3
1 Cherry Brook 1.5
  Dart fluv.  
4 Merivil 6.0
2 Tavistok 3.6
3 Denson 4.3
7 Combrow 8.6
2 Liscard 2.4
3 East Tophouses 4.1
  Mid Tophouses  
  West Tophouses  
4 Listithiel 4.6
3 St. Blais 3.6
3 Tregorrick 4.3
1 Pole-Booth 1.2
3 Grampond 4.5
2 Probus 2.2
4 * Truro 5.4

Ferrybridg to
M.   M.F.
13 Wetherby 17.6.
22 buroughbridg 30.1
From * Ferribridg to Brotherton
2 Fareborn 2.6
4 Micklefield 5.2
2 Aberford 2.3
3 Bramum 3.7
2 Wether by 3.4
2 Welsford 3 6
7 * Boroughbridg 8.5

Ferrybridg to Wakefield. Computed 8 M. Measur'd 11 M. 5 F.
From * Ferribridg
1 to Pontefract 2.1
5 Horse-race End 7.0
2 * Wakefield 2.4

Glastonbury to
M.   M. F.
6 Somerton 8.0
16 Crookhorn 22.2
28 Frampton 37.6
38 Weymouth 49.6
From Glastonbury to Northover
2 * Streat 2.2
2 Comptondundo 2.4
1 Littleton 1.5
1 * Somerton 1.5
2 Long Sutton 2.6
1 Long Lode 1.4
2 Martock 2.6
3 West Chinock 4.0
2 * Crookhorn 3.3
2 South-Parret 2.4
3 Horston 3.6
5 Maiden Newton 6.4
1 Crokeway 1.3
1 Frampton 1.2
4 Stepleton 4.4
  Melcomb Regis  
6 * Weymouth 7.4

M.   M.F.
12 Winchcomb 16.4
27 Stratford 39.3
33 Warwick 47.6
41 Coventry 58.2
From * Glocester
6 to Bedlam 7.7
1 Cheltenham 1.5
1 Prestbury 1.6
4 Winchcomb 5.2
2 Didbrook 3.0
2 Snowshil 3.3
3 Campden 5'1
2 Michelton 3.0
6 * Stratford 8'3
5 Longbridg 6'5
1 * Warwick 1.6
7 Stichel 8'6
1 * COVENTRY 1'6

Hatherley to
M.   M. F.
27 Cambleford 35'5.
39 Padstow 50'7
From Hatherley to
1 Northlew moor 1.6
2 Stovert moor 2'6
6 Ivy 7'7
4 Newbridg 6'0
2 Newport 2'3
2 Egleskerry 2'5
  Kettes moor  
6 Hall Drunkard 6'6
4 Cambleford 5'4
3 St. Teath 3'5
2 Tregear 2'4
2 St. Endellion 2'4
2 St. Minvers 2'5
1 Tredessick 1'2
1 Predilly 1'2
1 * Padstow 1'4

M.   M.F.
20 Worcester 24'4
30 Bromsgrove 36'1
50 Coventry 62'6
67 Leicester 86'6
From * Hereford
4 to Shecknal 5'2
2 Lower Ingleton 2'4
4 Fromshil 4'1
7 Braunsford 8.7
3 * Worcester 3'6
3 Fennal Green 3'3
2 * Droitwich 2'6
2 Upton 2'3
3 * Bromsgrove 3'1
1 Burcoat 1'6
2 Alchurch 3'1
7 Solihul 9'0
3 Hampton 3'6
2 Meriden 2'6
3 Ausley 3'5
2 * COVENTRY 2.5
2 Forkshil 2'5
3 Sheldon 3'5
2 Woolvey 2'7
3 Sharnford 4'4
7 * Leicester 10'3

M.   M. F.
10 Pembridg 12'7
15 Prestain 19'4
18 Knighton 23'7
30 Montgomery 42'5
From * Hereford
7 to Knaps Green 8'4
  Stretsfords Bridg  
3 Pembridg 4'3
5 Prestain 6'5
3 Knighton 4'3
4 Clunn 5'7
2 Blynn 3'5
4 Redcourt 5'5
2 Montgomery 3'5

Huntingdon to
M.   M. F.
18 ELY 23'3
36 Bury 46'6
47 Needham 62'6
54 Ipswich 71'6
From * Huntingdon to Godmanchester
4 Hemingsford Grey 4'2
1 St. Ives 1'4
2 Needenworth 2'4
3 Erith 4'0
3 Sutton 4'4
2 Wentworth 2'4
3 ELY 4'1
4 Soham 5'3
3 Fordham bridg 3'4
7 Barrow Bridg 9'7
4 * S. Edmonds-Bury 4'5
3 Beighton-Bulls 5'2
2 Wulpit 2'6
2 Haley New-street 2'5
2 Stow-market 2'3
2 Needham 3'0
2 Codnam 2'4
2 Cleydon 2'4
3 * Ipswich 4'0

Ilfarcomb to
M.   M. F.
12 Bediford 16'7.
17 Torrington 23'7
From Ilfarcomb to
3 Stracum 5'0
1 Ham 1'7
3 S. Anns Chapel 4'5
3 Northam 3'5
1 * Bediford 1'6
5 Torrington 7'0

Ipswich to
M.   M. F.
16 Osmondston 23'6
30 Norwich 43'6
39 Alesham 56'0
46 Cromer 66'4
From * Ipswich
3 to Claydon 4'2
8 Thwait-street 12'0
2 Yaxley-street 3'2
3 Osmondston 4'2
6 Long-stretton 9'0
3 Newton 3'7
5 * NORWICH 7'1
3 St. Faiths 4'0
1 St. Faiths Newton 1'2
3 Masham 4'5
2 * Alesham 2'3
4 Routon 6'4
3 Cromer 4'0

Kendal to
M.   M. F.
22 Keswick 29'5.
32 Cockermouth 46'7
From * Kendal
4 to Stanlay 5'3
3 Winandermere 4'1
3 Ambleside 3'7
1 Rydale 1'4
  Dunmail-Raise Stones  
5 Wyburn-chapel 6'1
2 Thurlspot 2'6
  Smathods Bridg  
3 Cust 4'4
1 Keswick 1'3
2 Crosthwait 3'4
4 Lawbercus 5'3
4 Cockermouth 5'3

Kings-Lyn to
M.   M. F.
12 Swaffham 15'0
25 Thetford 31'5
40 Ipswich 52'1
59 Harwich 76'1
From * Kings-Lyn
1 to Hardwick 1'5
2 Midleton 2'5
2 Bilney 3'1
3 Nerford 3'3
4 Swaffham 4'2
7 Stanford 9'1
5 Croxton 5'6
1 Thetford 1'6
2 Barnham 2'6
4 Ixworth Thorp 4'7
1 Icksworth 1'7
5 Wetherden 7'3
3 Stow-Market 3'5
2 Needham 3'0
2 Codnam 2'4
2 Cleydon 2'4
3 * Ipswich 4'0
1 Bone-Bridg 1'5
8 Shotley-Gate 8'6
1 * Harwich 1'5

Kings-Lyn to
M.   M. F.
30 NORWICH 42'1.
48 Yarmouth 69'4
From * Kings-Lyn
1 to Gaywood 1'6
4 Gayton 5'5
7 Lycham 10'2
2 Mileham 2'4
4 Billingford 6'2
4 Leonard-Bridg 5'0
1 Attlebridg 1'6
3 Drayton 4'2
4 * NORWICH 4'6
2 Trouse 2'3
4 Thurston 6'6
4 Thurlston 6'2
2 Hadsko 2'2
  St. Olaves  
2 Fritton 3'4
  Little Yarmouth  
4 * Gr. Yarmouth 6'2

Llanbeder to Aberistwith. Computed 15 M. Measur'd 23 M. 4 F.
From Llanbeder
4 to Llanleir 6'0
1 Velindra 1'2
5 Llanrusted 8'5
5 Aberistwith 7'5

Llanimdiffry to Llanbeder. Computed 10 M. Measur'd 15 M. 4 F.
From Llanimdiffry
4 to Kayo 6'1
1 Pinsant 1'5
5 Llanbeder 7'6

Manchester to
M.   M. F.
5 Stockport 6'2.
40 Derby 55'4
  From * Manchester to Hardwick-green Grimlow
4 Heaton 5'0
1 Stockport 1'2
3 Hessel-grave 4'1
2 Disley-deyn 2'4
3 Shawcross 4'6
5 Buckston 5'4
5 Lathkel fluv. 6'6
7 Brassinton 9'5
2 Hognaston 2'6
4 Weston 6'6
2 Kedleston 2'6
2 * Derby 3'6

Midhurst to
M.   M. F.
8 Petersfield 10'6.
20 Winchester 29'0
  From Midhurst to Woolbeding Bridg
3 Trotton Bridg 3'4
1 Turwick 1'3
1 Rogate 1'1
1 Maiden Oak 1'5
1 Sheet-Bridg 1'4
1 * Petersfield 1'5
2 Langridg. 2'4
4 Bramdean 6'6
2 Cheriton 2'5
4 * Winchester 6'3

Newhaven to
M.   M. F.
7 Brighthelmeston 9'1.
12 Newshoram 16'0
  From Newhaven to Moors Teage Saltden
4 Ratenden 5'1
3 Brighthelmeston 4'0
1 Hove 1'4
3 Buckingham H. 4'1
1 Newshoram 1'2

New-Malton to Scarborough. Computed 17 M. Measur'd 23 M. 6 F.
From New-Malton to Norton
4 Rollington 5'2
  East Haselton  
5 Sherborn 6'6
3 Staxton 4'3
2 Semere 3'0
3 * Scarborough 4'3

Nottingham to
M.   M. F.
12 Newark 17'1
24 LINCOLN 31'7
36 Marketrising 48'5
50 Grimsby 67'2
From * Nottingham
2 to Charlton 2'4
2 Burton 2'5
2 Gunthorp 2'4
4 Stoke 6'3
2 * Newark 3'1
12 * Lincoln 14'6
5 Walton 6'7
7 Market-Rising 9'7
2 Tevelby 3'0
2 Stanton 2'5
6 Brigeslay 7'4
1 Waltham 1'4
3 * Grimsby 4'0

Oakham to
M.   M. F.
22 Nottingham 28'4
80 Hallifax 105'2
96 Skipton 127'6
126 Richmond 168'2
From Oakham to Berley-Thorp
2 Langham 2'4
5 Burton-Lazers 6'2
1 Miltonmowbray 1'6
2 Abkettleby 2'7
  Nether Broughton
3 Uper Broughton 3'3
5 Plumtree 6'4
4 * Nottingham 5'2
6 Paplewick 7'5
  Robin Hoods stone
4 Mansfield 6'1
3 Plesley 3'5
1 Houghton 1'2
5 Clown 6'4
8 Aughton 9'3
3 Rotheram 4'4
1 Gransborow 1'6
1 Netherhaw 1'4
2 Brafield 2'6
2 Wombwel 2'6
2 Adesley 2'5
2 Barnsley 2'2
4 Huland 5'4
5 Kirk-Burton 6'2
2 Almondbury 3'1
2 Poreton 2'6
5 Hallifax 6'4
1 Overdon 1'4
1 Ellinworth 1'2
5 Cullinworth 6.2
2 Keighley 3 6
3 Kildwick 4'4
4 * Skipton 5'2
3 Rilston 4'5
6 Cuniston 7'4
2 Kettlewel 2'7
4 Woodal 5'5
3 Carlton 4'5
4 Midlam 5'0
1 Hornby 1'4
7 * Richmond 8'6

M.   M. F.
12 Farringdon 17'6
16 Hiworth 23'6
30 Malmsbury 42' [...]
48 BRISTOL 68'0
6 to Fifield 8'6
  Kingston Baptist  
6 * Faringdon 9'0
4 Hiworth 6'0
6 Purton 8'0
  Guersden Green  
6 Guersden 7'6
  Milborn Green  
2 Malmsbury 2'4
2 Foxley 2'7
3 Luckington 4'3
2 Tormarton 2'4
6 Pucklechurch 8'2
5 * BRISTOL 8'0

M.   M. F.
10 Burcester 13'0
19 Buckingham 24'6
34 Bedford 52'0
52 Cambridg 80'0
4 to Gosford br. 5'0
4 Wendlebury 5'1
2 Burcester 2'7
2 Stretton-audly 3'0
7 * Buckingham 8'6
6 Stanton bridg 10'2
2 Newport-painel 3'5
3 Astwood 6'2
4 * Bedford 7'1
4 Morehanger 6'0
  Gatford Bridg  
5 Gamlinghay 7.0
3 Stow 4'4
3 Comberton 5'4
3 * Cambridg 5'0

M.   M. F.
5 Abington 6'4
20 Newbury 26'4
32 Basingstoke 42'6
60 Chichester 80'0
From * OXFORD to Folly Bridg
5 * Abington 6'4
2 Miston 3'0
6 East Ilsley 7'5
2 Biddon 2'4
5 * Newbury 6'7
5 Kingsclear 7'1
  Woodgate Wells
7 * Basingstoke 9'1
1 Harwood Hall 1'5
7 * Alton 9'0
1 Chawton 1'2
1 Faringdon str. 1.5
1 East Tysted 1'6
7 * Petersfield 8'0
1 Stain Bridg 1'4
6 Cowshal house 9'1
3 * Chichester 4'3

M.   M.F.
18 Banbury 23'0
39 Coventry 50'5
49 Atherston 62'6
68 Derby 87'0
  From * OXFORD
4 to Kidlington Green 5'0
9 Dedington Adderbury 11'4
5 * Banbury 6'4
9 Lydbrook 12'4
1 Southam 1'5
2 Long Itchington 2'5
2 Mersom 2'4
1 Prince Thorp 1'2
  Winford Bridg  
4 Wymald 4'5
2 * COVENTRY 2'4
2 Longford 2'2
2 Bedworth 2'4
3 Nuneaton 3'1
3 Atherston 4'2
3 Twicross 4'0
[...] Snareston 2'5
4 Ashbydelazouch 5'0
6 Swarkston 7'7
4 * Derby 4'6

M.   M.F.
21 Hungerford 29'0
41 Salisbury 57'6
50 Cranborn 70'3
61 Pool 87'3
From * OXFORD to Folly Bridg
5 * Abington 7'2
3 Steventon 3'6
9 Great Shelford 13'0
4 * Hungerford 5'0
5 Marton 6'5
5 Northtudworth 7'5
1 Southtudworth 1'3
1 Shipton 1'2
6 Ford 9'2
2 * Salisbury 2'5
2 Humington 3'1
4 Tippot 5'4
3 Cranborn 4'0
5 Stanbridg chap. 7'7
2 Winborn 2'6
4 Pool 6'3

Padstow to
M.   M.F.
6 St. Columb 8.1.
16 Truro 22.3
From * Padstow to Treviblin
6 St. Columb 8.1
5 St. Michael 7.0
2 St. Ern 3.1
3 * Truro 4.1

Plymouth to
M.   M.F.
10 Modbury 14.2.
22 Dartmouth 30.0
From * Plymouth
2 to Buckland 3.0
4 Efford 5.0
1 Yalmton Bridg 1.4
3 Modbury 4'6
  Luck Bridg  
4 Garey Bridg 5.0
3 Holwel 3'5
5 * Dartmouth 7.1

Pool to
M.   M.F.
9 Christchurch 10.4.
18 Lemington 22.0
  From * Pool  
8 to Ifford 8.6
1 Christchurch 1'6
4 Milton 4.7
4 Evilton 4.7
1 Lemington 1.6

Prestain to
M.   M.F.
12 Bealth 15.6.
26 Lanimdiffry 34.6
  From Prestain  
3 to Kinerton 3.6
1 New Radnor 1.6
6 Matts 7.2
2 Bealth 3.0
1 Cavenabeth 1'6
2 Llanavar 2.2
6 Ludlowvaugh 8.0
5 Llanimdiffry 7.0

M.   M.F.
20 Marlborough 27.2
32 Hiworth 43.5
42 Burford 57.5
56 Campden 76.0
From * Salisbury
12 to Everley 15.6
4 Burbich 5.6
4 * Marlborough 5.6
  Ogborn Massey  
3 Ogb S. George 4.5
7 Marsham 8.4
2 Hiworth 3.2
2 Inglesham 2.6
2 * Lechlade 2.7
2 Filkin 3.0
4 * Burford 5.3
7 Stow 10.0
7 Campden 8.3

Chipping-Norton to
M.   M.F.
10 Campden 12'5.
16 Evesholm 20'4
From Chipingnorton
1 to Chauford 1'4
4 the 4 shirestone 5.0
1 Darnton 1.4
  Broad Campden
4 Campden 4.5
2 Willersley 2.7
4 * Evesholm 5.0

Shrewsbury to
M.   M.F.
14 Welshpool 19.0.
42 Dolgethe 55.1
From * Shrewsbury
10 to Trivenant 12.6
2 Buttington 3.2
2 * Welshpool 3.0
3 Dolarthin 4.3
3 Llanvair 3.7
6 Canns Office 7.7
  Howel house  
6 Digodgh 7.3
2 Dinas-mouthy 3.1
  Urronseth Hill  
8 Dolgethe 9.4

Shrewsbury to
M.   M.F.
21 Wrexham 28.4.
39 Hollywel 52.4
From * Shrewsbury
9 to Cookshot 12.0
3 Elsmear 4.0
3 Ortney 4.3
2 Dee Bridg 2.4
2 Pontfroud 3.0
2 * Wrexham 2.7
4 Queen-hope 5.7
6 Mould 7.1
8 Holliwel 11.0

Southampton to WINCHESTER. Computed 10 M. Measur'd 12 M. 2 F.
From * Southampton
8 to Otterborn 9.5
1 St. Crosses 1.3
1 * Winchester 1.2

Tinmouth to
M.   M.F.
23 Hexham 31'5.
50 CARLISLE 69'5
From Tinmouth
2 to Chillington 2'2
4 Useborn 5'5
1 * Newcastle 1'3
3 Pigshal 4'2
4 Wylam 5'4
2 Ovington 3'4
4 Gorbridg 5'1
3 Hexham 4'0
4 Hadon 5'7
3 Mellis 4'0
1 Stow-House 1'2
2 Haltwesel 3'6
1 Redbath 1'6
5 Chapelborn 6'4
3 Milton 4'4
4 Corbey 5'2
2 Whilbarowhall 2'3
2 * CARLISLE 2'6

Wells to
M.   M.F.
4 Glastonbury 5'6
22 Taunton 28'5
37 Columpton 48'0
45 EXETER 59'4
From * WELLS
2 to Polsham 2'7
2 Glastonbury 2'7
2 * Street 2'1
1 Walton 1'4
2 Greinton 2'7
3 Midlesey 3'7
4 Ling 4'4
2 Durston 2'4
1 Monkton 1'4
3 * Taunton 4'0
2 Ramwel 2'6
2 Cheston 2'7
1 Wellington 1'4
2 Whitbal 2'7
6 Welland 7'1
  Five Bridges  
2 Collumpton 2'2
2 Bradinch 2'6
2 Kelleton 3'1
4 * EXETER 5'5

Whitby to
M.   M.F.
17 Gisbrough 21'7
42 DƲRHAM 56'6
52 Sunderland 69'6
59 Tinmouth 79'2
From * Whitby
3 to Lyth 4'5
6 Scallingdam 7'2
3 Friburgh Hill 3'4
5 Gisborough 6'4
4 Mauborn 5'0
1 Marton 1'7
4 Stockton 6'0
2 Norton 2'4
4 Layton 5'5
2 Sedgfield 2'4
7 Shinkley 9'1
1 * DƲRHAM 2'2
4 East Raynton 5'2
3 East Harrington 3'4
3 Sunderland 4'2
1 Fulwel 1'6
3 Harton 4'0
2 South Shealds 2'2
  North Shealds  
1 Tinmouth 1'4

M.   M.F.
20 Leeds 25'0
48 Manchester 67'6
62 Warrington 86'2
74 Chester 106'4
  From * YORK to Ring-houses
5 Street-houses 6'2
3 * Tadcaster 3'4
6 Thorner 8.1
3 Secroft 3'3
3 * Leeds 3'6
2 Cheruhil 2'7
1 Burncliff 1'6
3 Heaton Green 4'0
2 Clifton 2'7
2 Ealand 3'6
3 Riponden 4'1
5 Littleborough 7'1
2 Rochdale 3'4
2 Smithyford 2'6
2 Middleton 2'5
2 Hen [...]on 3'2
2 * Manchester 4'1
  Old Field-houses  
  Pendleton Green  
2 Pendleton 2'6
4 Erlow 5▪ 6
1 Erlow Green 1.1
1 Caddished 1.1
1 Hollin Green 1.1
2 Fishton Green 2.3
3 * Warrington 4.2
  Lower Walton  
  Higher Walton  
3 Daresbury 4.3
3 Frodsham 5.1
3 Traford 5'6
3 * CHESTER 5'0

M.   M. F.
14 Knasborough 18.0
35 Skipton 45.0
46 Settle 60.2
68 Lancaster 88.7
  From * YORK  
7 to Skip Bridg 8.5
3 Allerton 4.4
4 Knasborough 4.7
4 Ripley 5.0
2 Hamsworth 2.3
8 Somerscales 11.1
2 Boulton 2.3
3 Skypden 3.6
2 * Skipton 2.3
1 Sturton 1.5
4 Coniston 5.3
  Hellifield Pele  
4 Long Preston 5.5
2 Settle 2.5
6 Clapham 7.3
1 Greenby 1.3
6 Tatham 7.2
2 Hornby 2.6
1 Farlton 1.3
2 Caton 3.3
2 Book 2.6
2 * Lancaster 2.4

M.   M. F.
14 New Malton 19.3.
35 Whitby 50 2
  From * YORK
3 to Stockton 4.7
7 Whitwel 8.6
4 New-Malton 5.6
  Old Malton  
2 Stonehouse 3.1
4 Pickering 5.6
6 Sothergate 9.2
7 Sneton 9.4
2 * Whitby 3.2

A True Account of the Markets and Fairs, &c.


  • ABerconway in Anglesey, Market on Friday; Fairs, St. Bartholomew, St. Michael, and October the 28th.
  • Aberford in Yorkshire, Market on Wens­day; Fairs, St. George's Eve's Eve, and St. Mathew's Eve's Eve.
  • Abergavenny in Monmouthshire, Mar­kets Tuesday and Friday; Fairs, May the 3d. Trinity Tuesday, and September the 14th.
  • Aberistwith in Cardiganshire, Market on Monday; Fairs, Monday before Easter, and December the 18th.
  • Abington in Berkshire, Markets Monday and Friday; Fairs, the first Monday in Lent, Lady Day, Whitson-week, September the 8th. November the 16th. and St. An­drew.
  • St. Albans in Hertfordshire, Market on Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, June the 22th. August the 10th. and Michaelmas.
  • Ailsbury in Buckinghamshire, Market on Saturdays; Fairs, Palmsunday Eve, June the 13th. and September the 4th.
  • Alresford in Hampshire, market on Thurs­day; Fairs, Holy Thursday, and Midsomer.
  • Amsbury in Wiltshire, market on Friday; Fair, May the 6th.
  • Amersham in Buckinghamshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, Whitson-monday, and September the 8th.
  • Andover in Hampshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, May Day, and November the 6th.
  • Arundel in Sussex, markets, Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, April the 23th. Whit­son-monday, S. James, Michaelmas and Nine Days after.
  • [Page 45] Ashby-de-la-zouch in Leicestershire, market on Saturday; Fairs Easter Tues­day, Whitson Tuesday, St. Bartholomew, and St. Simon and Jude.
  • Ashford in Kent, market on Saturday, and every other Tuesday; Fairs, May the 6th. and August the 29th.
  • Atherstone in Warwickshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, March the 27th. July the 7th. September the 8th. and December the Third.
  • Attleborough in Norfolk, market on Thursday; Fair, S. Mark.
  • St. Austle in Cornwal, market on Fri­day; Fairs, Thursday in Whitson Week, and S. Andrew.


  • BAlla in Merionethshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, May the 3d. May the 11th. and June the 29th.
  • Baldock in Hertfordshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, February the 24th. July the 23th. and St. Andrew.
  • Bampton in Devonshire, market on Mon­day; Fairs, Whitson Tuesday, and S. Luke.
  • Banbury in Oxfordshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, Lamas, the Thursday Sevenight after Whitsunday Thursday after Twelfth Day, and first Thursday in Lent.
  • Bath in Somersetshire, Markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, May 7th. Lammas, and Candlemas.
  • Barkway in Hertfordshire, Market on Friday; Fair, July the [...]0 [...]h.
  • Barnard-Castle, in the Bishoprick of Dur­ham, Market Wensday; Fair, July the 2 [...]th.
  • Barnet in Hertfordshire, Market Mon­day; Fairs, June the 24th. and October 18.
  • Barnesley in Yorkshire, Market on Wens­day; Fair, September the 14th.
  • Barstable in D conshire, Markets Tues­day, [Page 46] Thursday, Friday and Saturday; fair, September the 8th.
  • Barwick upon Tweed, market Saturday.
  • Basingstoke in Hampshire, market on Wensday; Fair Michaelmas.
  • Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, Candlemas and Holy-Thursday.
  • Beaumaris in Anglesey, markets Wens­day and Saturday; Fairs September the 8th December the 8th and Holy Thursday.
  • Bedford in Bedfordshire, markets Tuesday and Saturday; Fairs, March the 4th. mid­somer, Lammas, September the 21th. No­vember the 6th. and St. Andrew.
  • Bermingham in Warwickshire, Market on Thursday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, and Thurs­day Sevenight after Whitsunday.
  • Beverley in Yorkshire, Markets Thursday and Saturday; Fairs, May the 7th. and Oc­tober the 25th.
  • Bigleswade in Bedfordshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, Whitson-monday, Low-monday, October the 23d. and All-Saints.
  • Billericay in Essex, market on Tuesday, Fair, July the 22d.
  • Bishops-Castle in Shropshire, market on Friday; Fairs, Good-Friday, Midsomer, and November the 2d.
  • Boston in Lincolnshire, markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, St. James, and St. Andrew.
  • Bourn in Lincolnshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs, February the 24th. and April the 25th.
  • Brackley in Northamptonshire, market on Wensday; Fair, St. Andrew.
  • Braintre in Essex, Market on Wens­day; Fair, September the 21th.
  • Bramyard in Herefordshire, market on Monday; Fairs, Lady Day, Whitsun-mon­day, Thursday before St. James's, September [Page 47] the 14th. and Thursday before St. Luke.
  • Brandon in Suffolk, market disus'd; Fairs, February the 14th. June the 11th. and November the 11th.
  • Brecknock in Brecknockshire, markets on Wensday, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer, August the 29th. and November the 5th.
  • Brentford in Midlesex, market on Tues­day; Fairs, May the 6th. and September the 1st.
  • Bridgnorth in Shropshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Thursday before Shrove Sun­day, June the 21th. July the 22th. and Oct­ober the 18th.
  • Bridgwater in Somersetshire, Markets on Thursday and Saturday; Fairs, the Second Thursday in Lent, Midsomer and St. Ma­thew.
  • Bristol in Somersetshire, Market Wens­day and Saturday, Fairs, St. Paul, and St. James.
  • Bromley in Kent, market on Thursday; Fair, St. James.
  • Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, Midsomer, and August the 29th.
  • Bruton in Somersetshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, St. George, May the 29th. and September the 8th.
  • Buckingham in Buckinghamshire, Market on Saturday; Fairs, St. Mathias, St. Mark, Thursday in Whitson Week, St. Peters, St. Bartholomew, and St. Simon and Jude.
  • Buntingford in Hertfordshire, market on Monday; Fairs, June the 29th. and St James.
  • Burcester in Oxfordshire, Market on Fri­day; Fair on St. James Day.
  • Burford in Oxfordshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Midsomer, and 14 Days af­ter Michaelmas.
  • [Page 48] Burton in Westmorland, market on Wens­day; Fair, St. George.
  • Burntwood in Essex, market on Thurs­day; Fair, July the 7th.
  • Bury in Suffolk, market on Wensday; Fairs, September the 21th. and November the 13th. and 29th.


  • CAln in Wiltshire, market on Tuesday, Fairs, April the 25th. and July the 21th.
  • Cambridg in Cambridgshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer, August the 15th. and September the 8th.
  • Cambleford in Cornwal, market on Fri­day; Fairs, May the 15th. July the 7th. and August the 29th.
  • Campden in Glocestershire, market on Wensday; Fairs Ash-wensday, and S. James
  • Canterbury in Kent, markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, Midsum­mer, Michaelmas, and Christmas.
  • Cardiff in Glamorganshire, Markets on Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, June the 19th, and September the 8th.
  • Cardigan in Cardiganshire, market on Saturday; Fairs February the 2d. March the 25th. August the 15th. September the 8th. and December the 8th.
  • Carlisle in Cumberland, market on Sa­turday, Fairs, August the 15th. and Sep­tember the 8th.
  • Carmarthen in Carmarthenshire, mar­kets on Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, La­mas, August the 23th. Michaelmas Eve, and All-Saints.
  • Carnarvon in Carnarvonshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, May the 5th. July the 23th. and November the 21th.
  • Caxton in Cambridgshire, market on Tues­day; Fairs, May the 5th. and October the First.
  • [Page 49] Chelmsford in Essex, Market on Friday; Fairs, May Day, and October the 1st.
  • Cheltenham in Glocestershire, market on Thursday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, & S. James.
  • Chepstow in Monmouthshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Friday in Whitson Week, Lamas, and Friday before St. Luke.
  • Chester in Cheshire, Markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer and Michaelmas.
  • Chichester in Sussex, markets Wensday, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, St. George, Whitson Munday, St. James, Michaelmas, and October the 8th.
  • Chidley in Devonshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs August the 10th. and Monday in Whitson Week.
  • Chipenham in Wiltshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fair May the 3d.
  • Chipping-Norton in Oxfordshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, July the 7th. St. Mark, St. Mathias, St. Bartholomew, and St. Si­mon and Jude.
  • Church-Stretton in Shropshire, market on Thursday; Fairs May the 2d. and Sep­tember the 14th.
  • Cisseter in Glocest [...]rshire, markets Mon­day and Friday; Fairs, Easter Tuesday, a Week after Midsomer, & S. Simon and Jude Cockermouth in Cumberl. market on Mon­day; Fairs, Whitson Monday & Michaelmas.
  • Colchester in Essex, market on Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer, July the 22th. and Octo­ber the 13th.
  • Colebrook in Buckinghamshire, market on Wensday; Fair S. Mark.
  • St. Columb in Cornwal, market on Thurs­day; Fair, the Thursday after All-Saints.
  • Coventry in Warwickshire, Markets Wens­day, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, April the 21th. the Friday Sevenight after Whitson­day, August the 16th. and October the 21th.
  • Coverd in Glocestershire, market on Friday [Page 50]Fairs, June the 9th. and Novemb. the 24th.
  • Cranborn in Dorsetshire, market Wensday; Fairs, March the 19th. and September the 1st.
  • Crecowel in Breckno [...]kshire, market on Monday; Fairs, May Day, S. Thomas, and S. Laur [...]nce.
  • Creeklade in Wiltshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs, the 3d. Wensday in April, the 3d. Wensday in July, S. Mathew, and St. Andrew.
  • Croydon in Surrey, market on Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer Day, and September 21th.


  • DArtford in Kent, Market on Saturday; Fairs, Whitsun Monday, & July 22th.
  • Darkin in Surrey, market on Thursday; Fair, Holy Thursday Eve.
  • Darlington in the Bishoprick of Durham, market on Monday; Fair, Whitson Monday.
  • Dain [...]re in Northamptonshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, August the 28th. Sep­tember the 21th. Easter Tuesday, and Whit­son Tuesday.
  • Dedington in Oxfordshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, August the 10th. and No­vember the 11th.
  • Denbigh in Denbishire, market on Wens­day; Fairs, May the 2d. July the 7th Septem­ber the 14th. & Monday before Lady-day.
  • Derby in Derbyshire, Markets, Wensday, Friday, and Saturday; Fairs, Friday after Twelfth Day, Friday in Easter Week Friday after May Day, Friday in Whitson Week, Friday after Midsomer Day, S. James Day, and the Friday before Michaelmas.
  • Devizes in Wiltshire, market on Thurs­day; Fairs, Candlemas, Holy Thursday, the Thursday sevenight after Whitsonday, Mid­somer, August the 29th. S. Mathew, and October the 9th.
  • Dolgethe in Merionethshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, September the 28th. and December the 6th.
  • [Page 51] Doncaster in Yorkshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs, S. James, and the 10th. of August.
  • Dover in Kent, markets Wensday and Sa­turday; Fair, November the 11th.
  • Droitwich in Worcestershire, market on Friday; Fairs, S. Thomas, Good Friday, and S. Simon and Jude.
  • Dulverton in Somersetshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Simon & Jude, and S. Peter.
  • Dunkton in Wiltshire, market on Friday; Fairs, April the 12th. and S. Mathew.
  • Dunmow in Essex, market on Saturday, Fairs, April the 25th. and August the 25th.
  • Dunstable in Bedfordshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, May the 11th August the 1st. Ash-wensday, and All-Saints.
  • Durham in the Bishoprick of Durham, market on Saturdary; Fairs, March the 20th. Whitson Tuesday, and September 4th.
  • Dursley in Glocestershire, market on Thursday; Fairs, S. Mark & Novemb. 23th.


  • ELY in Cambridgshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fair, October the 18th.
  • Enfield in Midlesex, Fairs, May Day, and September the 12th.
  • Evesholm in Worcestershire, market on Monday; Fairs, Monday sevenight after Easter, Whitson Monday, & Septemb. 10th.
  • Exeter in Devonshire, markets Wensday, Friday, and Saturday; Fairs, Ash-Wens­day, Share Thursday, Whitson Monday, Ju­ly the 22th. Lammas, December the 6th. and St. Thomas.


  • FAirford in Glocestershire, market on Thursday; Fairs, May the 3d. July the 28th. and All-Saints.
  • Faringdon in Berkshire, Market on Tues­day; Fairs, Candlemas, Whitson Tuesday, St. Bartholomew, and St. Luke.
  • Farnham in Surrey, market on Thurs­day; [Page 52] Fairs, Midsomer and All-Saints.
  • Frodsham in Cheshire, Market on Thurs­day; Fairs, May the 4th. August the 10th.


  • GIsborough in Yorkshire, market on Monday; Fairs, August the 15th. and September the 8th.
  • Glastonbury in Somersetshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, September the 8th. and Mi­chaelmas.
  • Glocester in Glocestershire, markets on Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, St. Peter, Midsomer, September the 17th. and November the 17th.
  • Grampond in Cornwal, market on Tues­day; Fairs, January the 10th. and June 11th.
  • Gravesend in Kent, markets Monday and Thursday; Fairs, St. Paul, and Octo­ber the 12th.
  • Grantham in Lincolnshire, Market on Saturday; Fairs, the fifth Monday in Lent, and D [...]cember the 6th.
  • East Greenstead in Sussex, market on Thursday; Fairs, April the 16th. July the 15th. September the 25th. and St. Andrew.
  • Grinisby in Lincolnshire, markets Wens­day and Saturday; Fair, St. Bartholomew.
  • Guilford in Surrey, market on Saturday, Fairs, April the 21th. Good-Friday, and November the 12th.


  • HAllifax in Yorkshire, market on Thurs­day; Fair, Midsomer Day.
  • Hatfield in Hertfordshire, market on Thursday; Fair, June the 24th.
  • Harlech in Merionethshire, markets on Thursday and Saturday; Fairs, August the 20th. and St. Andrew.
  • Haverborough in Leicestershire, Market on Tuesday; Fair, October the 8th.
  • Haverford-west in Pembrookshire, Market Tuesday and Saturday; Fair, July the 7th.
  • [Page 53] Henley in Oxfordshire, market on Thurs­day; Fair, February the 24th.
  • Hereford in Her [...]fordshire, Markets Wens­day, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Midso­mer Eve, Nine Days after St. Michael, and May the 19th.
  • Hexham in Northumberland, market on Tuesday; Fairs, the 5th. Monday in Lent, and December the 8th.
  • Higham-Ferries in Northamptonshire, markets Thursday and Saturday; Fairs, St. Mathias, Tuesday before May Day, June the 17th. Tuesday before St. James, Mi­chaelmas, and St. Katherine.
  • Hith in Kent, market on Saturday; Fairs, St. Peters Day, and November the 20th.
  • Hiworth in Wiltshire, Market on Wens­day; Fairs, Lamas and Michaelmas.
  • Hodsdon in Hertfordshire, Market on Thursday; Fair on St. Peters Day.
  • Horaby in Lancashire, Market on Mon­day; Fair, December the 21th.
  • Horndon in Essex, market on Saturday, Fair, June the 29th.
  • H [...]ll in Yorkshire, Market on Saturday; Fair, Michaelmas.
  • Hungerford in Berkshire, market on Wensday; Fair, St. Laurence.
  • Huntingdon in Huntingdonshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, July the 2d. August the 15th. and September the 8th.


  • IPswich in Suffolk, markets on Monday, Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; Fairs, April the 23th. St. James, and Good-Friday.
  • St. Ives in Huntingdonshire, market on Monday; Fairs, Whitson Monday, Micha­elmas, and October the 8th.


  • KEderminster in Worcestershire, Market on Thursday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, [Page 54] Nine Days after Whitsonday, and St. Bar­tholomew.
  • Kendal in Westmoreland, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, April the 25th. October the 28th. Monday before Lady Day, Palm-Monday, and Trinity-Monday.
  • Keswick in Cumberland, market on Sa­turday; Fair, July the 22th.
  • Kettering in Northamptonshire; Fairs, Thursday before Easter, Thursday before Michaelmas, Thursday before St. Thomas.
  • Kidwelly in Carmarthenshire, Markets Wensday & Saturday; Fair October the 18th.
  • Kilham in Yorkshire, market on Thurs­day; Fair, November the 1st.
  • Kingston in Surrey, market on Saturday; Fair, July the 22th.
  • Knighton in Radnorshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, May the 6th. and Septem­ber the 23th.


  • LAncaster in Lancash. Market on Satur­day; Fairs, Midsomer and Michaelmas.
  • Lavenham in Suffolk, market on Thurs­day; Fair, Whitson Monday.
  • Launceston in Cornwal, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Whitson Monday, Midsum­mer Day, and St. Leonard.
  • Lechlade in Glocestersh. market on Tues­day; Fairs, St. Laurence, and August 29th.
  • Leicester in Leicestershire, Markets Wens­day, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Palm-Sunday Eve, May Day, Midsomer Day, Michaelmas Day, and December the 10th.
  • Lewes in Sussex, market on Saturday; Fair, Whitson Tuesday.
  • Leominster in Herefordshire, market on Friday; Fairs, St. Simon and Jude, St. Pe­ter, St. Bartholomew, and Tuesday after Mid-Lent Sunday.
  • Lichfield in Staffordshire, Markets Tues­day and Friday; Fairs, Friday after [Page 55] Twelfth Day, May Day, Ash-Wensday, and Friday before St. Simon and Jude.
  • Lidbury in Herefordshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, Monday before Easter, May Day, St. Barnaby, St. Mathew, and St. Thomas.
  • Lincoln, in Lincolnshire, market on Fri­day; Fairs, Midsomer, and November 17th.
  • Liscard in Cornwall, market on Saturday, Fairs, First Tuesday in Lent, Tuesday Se­venight before Easter, Holy Thursday, St. Mathew, and September the 8th.
  • Llanbeder in Cardiganshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, Whitson Wensday, St. Pe­ter, and October the 8th.
  • Llanelthy in Carmarthenshire, market on Thursday; Fair, September the 20th.
  • Llanimdiffry in Brecknockshire, markets, Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, St. George, Whitson Tuesday, and December the 17th.
  • Louborough in Leicestershire, market on Thursday; Fairs, Lamas and All-Souls.
  • Ludlow in Shropshire, markets Wensday, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Wensday in Whitson Week, August the 10th. September the 17th. and November the 25th.
  • Luton in Bedfordshire, market on Mon­day; Fair, August the 15th.
  • Lyn in Norfolk, markets Tuesday and Saturday; Fair, February the 2d.


  • MAhunleth in Montgomeryshire, Mar­ket on Tuesday; Fairs, May the 5th. June the 28th. Michaelmas, and No­vember the 15th.
  • Maidenhead in Berkshire, market on Wensday; Fair, St. Andrew.
  • Maidstone in Kent, Market on Thursday; Fairs, May Day, May the 9th. June the 10th. September the 2d. and October the 6th.
  • Malden in Essex, Market on Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, September the 8th. 21th. and 26th.
  • [Page 56] Malmsbury in Wiltshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, March the 17th. April the 17th. May the 25th. St. James, and Octo­ber the 17th.
  • Manchester in Lancashire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Whitson Monday, and No­vember the 6th.
  • Mansfield in Nottinghamshire, Market on Thursday; Fair, June the 29th.
  • Marlborough in Wiltshire, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, St. Peter, August the 15th and November the 11th.
  • Marshfield in Glocestershire, market on Tuesday; Fair, October the 13th.
  • Michel in Cornwall; Fairs, April the 2d. and 5 Days after Michaelmas.
  • Michel-De [...]n in Glocestershire, Market on Monday; Fairs, Easter-monday, July the 9th. and Michaelmas.
  • Midhurst in Sussex, market on Thursday; Fairs, Whitson Tuesday. and St. Luke.
  • Milton-mowbray in Leicestershire, mar­ket on Tuesday; Fairs, Tuesday after Twelfth Day, and August the 9th.
  • Monmouth in Monmouthshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Whitson Tuesday, St. Bartholomew, and November the 11th.
  • Montgomery in montgomeryshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, March the 15th. May the 27th. St. Bartholomew and All-Saints.
  • Mon [...]sorrel in Leicestershire, market on Monday; Fair on St. Peters Day.
  • Morton-in-the-marsh in Worcestershire, Market disus'd, Fairs, Lady Day and All-Saints.
  • South-moulton in Devonshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Saturday before St. Bar­naby, and Saturday before S. Bartholomew.


  • NAmptwich in Cheshire, market on Saturday; Fair, August the 24th. St. Neots in Huntingdonshire, market on [Page 57] Thursday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, Thurs­day Sevenight after Whitsonday, Lamas and December the 6th.
  • Nether Stowey in Somersetshire, market on Tuesday; Fair, September the 7th.
  • Newark in Nottinghamshire, market, Wensday; Fairs, Tuesday Sevenight before Palm-Sunday, Wensday in Whitson Week, July the 22th. and St. Luke.
  • Newbury in Barkshire, Markets Tuesday and Saturday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, Mid­somer, St. Bartholomew, St. Simon and Jude
  • Newcastle under Line in Staffordshire, Market on Monday; Fairs, Shrove Mon­day, Monday after Easter Week, Monday after Whitson Week, and the Monday after All-Saints.
  • Newcastle upon Tine in Northumberland, Markets, Tuesday and Saturday; Fairs, Lamas St. Luke, and All-Saints.
  • Newent in Glocestershire, Market on Fri­day; Fairs, Lamas, Wensday before Easter, Wensday before Whitsonday, and the first Friday after the 8th. of September.
  • New-Malton in Yorkshire, Markets on Tuesday and Saturday; Fairs, Monday Sevenight after Easter, and September 24th.
  • New-market in Suffolk, Market on Tues­day; Fair, St. Simon and Jude.
  • Newport in Cornwal, Fairs, May Day, and St. Margaret's.
  • Newport in Monmouthshire, Market on Saturday; Fairs, the Thursday Sevenight after Whitsonday, August the 11th. and October the 15th.
  • Newport-Paignel in Bedfordshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, St. Barnaby, and De­cember the 13th.
  • New Radnor in Radnorshire; Market dis­us'd; Fairs, Trinity Tuesday, St. Luke, and August the 3d.
  • Newton in Lancashire, Fairs, Lam [...]s, [Page 58] May the 6th. and December the 5th.
  • Newton-Bushel in Devonshire, Market on Wensday; Fairs, Midsomer, and the first Wensday in September.
  • Newtown in Montgomeryshire, Market on Tuesday; Fairs, June the 13th. and Septem­ber the 23th.
  • Northallerton in Yorkshire, Market on Wensday; Fair, St. Bartholomew.
  • Northampton in Northamptonshire, mar­kets, Wensday, Friday and Saturday; fairs, Lady Day, S. George, S. James, August the 15th. September the 8th. November the 17th. and December the 8th.
  • Norwich in Norfolk Markets, Wensday, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Whitson Eve, Trinity Eve, and Good Friday.
  • Nottingham in Nottinghamshire, markets, Wensday, Friday & Saturday, Fair S. Mathew.
  • Nuneaton, in Warwickshire, Market on Saturday, Fair, May the 3d.


  • OAkham in Rutland, Market on Satur­day, Fairs, March the 4th. S. Mark, and August the 29th.
  • Oxford in Oxfordshire, Markets, Wens­day and Saturday, Fair, All-Saints.


  • PEmbridg in Herefordshire, market on Tuesday; Fair, November the 6th.
  • Penrith in Cumberland, market on Tues­day; Fair, Whitson Tuesday.
  • Peterborough in Northamptonshire, mar­ket on Saturday; Fairs, St. Peter, August the 6th. and St. Mathew.
  • Petersfield in Hampshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, St. Peter and St. Andrew.
  • Pershore in Worcestershire, markets Tues­day and Saturday; Fair, June the 15th.
  • Phillips-Norton in Somersetshire, market on Friday; Fairs, May Day, April the 27th and August the 29th.
  • [Page 59] Plimouth in Devonshire, Markets Mon­days, Thursdays, and Saturdays; Fairs, St. Paul, and St. Mathew.
  • Pontfract in Yorkshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs, Palm Sunday Eve & Trinity Eve.
  • Pool in Dorsetshire, Markets Monday and Thursday; Fair, All-Saints.
  • Portsmouth in Hampshire, Markets Thurs­day and Saturday; Fairs, June the 15th. and July the 22th
  • Prest [...] in in Radnorshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Midsomer and St. Andrew
  • Preston in Lancashire, markets, Wens­day, Friday, and Saturday; Fairs, Midso­mer, August the 25th. October the 23th. and 28th. and St. Andrew.


  • RAleigh in Essex, market on Saturday, Fair, Trinity Monday.
  • Reading in Berkshire, Markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, Candlemas Day, May Day, St. James, and St. Mathew.
  • Riadergowy in Radnorshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, S. James, August the 10th September the 15th and November the 21th.
  • Richmond in Yorkshire, Market on Satur­day; Fairs, the 7th. and 27th. of July, and September the 14th.
  • Rochdale in Lancashire, market on Tues­day; Fairs, Whitson Monday, May the 3d. and October the 23th.
  • Rochester in Kent, Markets, Wensday & Friday; Fairs, May the 19th. and Novem­ber the 29th.
  • Ross in Herefordshire, market on Thurs­day; Fairs, Holy Thursday, the Thursday Sevenight after Whitsontide, July the 20th and St. Andrew.
  • Rotheram in Yorkshire, market on Mon­day; Fair, on Good Friday.
  • Royston in Hertfordshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, Ash Wensday, Whitson Wensday, [Page 60] June the 28th. July the 7th. October the 12. and December the 29th.
  • Rugby in Warwickshire, Market on Satur­day; Fairs, Lamas and November the 11th.
  • Rumford in Essex, Markets Tuesday and Wensday; Fair, Midsomer Day.
  • Rumsey in Hampshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Easter Monday, August the 15th. & St. Simon and Jude.
  • Ruthya in Denbighshire, Market on Mon­day; Fairs, Friday after Holy Thursday, Sep­tember the 20th. and October the 31th.


  • SAffron-Walden in Essex, market on Sa­turday; Fairs, Fourth Monday in Lent, St. James, and October the 21th.
  • Salisbury in Wiltshire, Markets, Tuesday, Wensday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Tuesday after Twelfth Day, Shrove-Monday, Monday before Lady Day, Lady Day; Monday in Whitson Week, Tuesday after Michaelmas, and a fortnight before Christmas.
  • Sandwich in Kent, markets Wensday and Saturday; Fair, November the 23th.
  • Sevenock in Kent, market on Saturday; Fairs, St. Peter and December the 6th.
  • Shaftsbury in Dorsetshire, Market on Saturday; Fairs, Midsomer & Novemb. 11th.
  • Sherborn in Dorsetshire, markets on Thurs­day and Saturday; Fair, August the 10th.
  • Shrewsbury in Shropshire, markets Wens­day, Thursday and Saturday; Fairs, Wens­day after Holy Thursday, June the 22th. Lamas and September the 21th.
  • Sittingborn in Kent, Fairs, Whitson Mon­day, and Michaelmas.
  • Skipton in Craven, in Yorkshire, market on Saturday; Fairs, Palm-sunday Eve, Whitson Eve, Trinity Eve, St. James, and November the 11th.
  • Sleaford in Lincolnshire, market on Mon­day; Fair, Whitson Monday.
  • [Page 61] Smithick in Cornwal, market on Thurs­day; Fairs, July the 27th. and October 30th
  • Southam in Warwickshire, market on Monday; Fair, St. Peters Day.
  • Southampton in Hampshire, markets on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; Fairs, St. Mark and Trinity Monday.
  • Spalding in Lincolnshire, market on Tues­day; Fair, September the 1st. and Decem­ber the 6th.
  • Stamford in Lincolnshire, markets Mon­day and Friday; Fairs, first Monday in Lent, 4th Monday in Lent, Monday fortnight af­ter Whitson Monday, St. James, October 28.
  • Stanes in Middlesex, Market on Friday; Fair, the 8th. of September.
  • Stevenage in Hertfordshire, market on Friday; Fair, July the 17th.
  • Stone in Staffordshire, Market on Tues­day; Fair, St. James.
  • Stony-Sratford in Buckinghamshire, mar­ket on Friday; Fairs, April the 9th. Wensday before Whitsonday, July the 22th. Friday before Michaelmas, and All-Saints.
  • Stopford in Cheshire, market on Friday; Fair, Thursday Sevenight after Whit-sunday
  • Stow in Glocestershire, market on Thurs­day; Fairs, May Day, and 14 Days after Michaelmas.
  • Stow-Market in Suffolk, Market on Thursday: Fair, St. Peter.
  • Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire, Market on Thursday: Fairs, the Thursday after Lady Day, May the 3d. the Thursday in Whitson Week September the 14th. and Thursday before Michaelmas.
  • Sudbury in Suffolk, Market on Saturday; Fairs, March the 12th. the 5th. Monday in Lent, and St. Bartholomew.
  • Swanzey in Glamorganshire, markets on Wensday, and Saturday; Fairs, July the 2d. August the 15th. and October the 2d.


  • TAvistock in Devonshire, Market on Friday; Fairs, Twelfth Day, St. Mark, Midsomer, Michaelmas, and St. Andrew.
  • Tenbury in Worcestershire, market on Tues­day; Fairs, April the 15th. July the 7th. and September the 15th.
  • Tetbury in Glocestershire, Market on Wensday; Fairs, August the 15th. and December the 1st.
  • Teverton in Dovonshire, market on Tues­day; Fairs, Tuesday Sevenight after Whit­sonday, and Michaelmas Day.
  • Teuksbury in Glocestershire, markets on Wensday, and Saturday; Fairs, St. Mathias, May the 3d. St. Barnaby, St. Bartholomew, and Michaelmas.
  • Thaxted in Essex, Market on Friday; Fairs, Monday after Holy Thursday, and Lammas Day.
  • Thetford in Norfolk, market on Satur­day; Fair, May the 3d.
  • Thorn in Yorkshire, market on Wensday; Fairs, 1st. Monday in June, and 1st. Mon­day in October.
  • Torrington in Devonshire, Market on Sa­turday; Fairs, St. George, Midsomer and Michaelmas.
  • Tosceter in Northamptonshire, market on Tuesday; Fairs, May Day, & October 18th.
  • Tregoney in Cornwall, market on Satur­day; Fair, November the 6th.
  • Troubridg in Wiltshire, market on Satur­day; Fair, St. James.
  • Truro in Cornwall, markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, Wensday in Whitson Week, November the 19th. and S. Thomas Day.
  • Tunbridg in Kent, market on Friday, and the first Tuesday in every Month; Fairs, Ash Wensday, Trinity Monday, July the 24th. and October the 13th.
  • Tuxford in Nottinghamshire, market on [Page 63] Monday; Fairs, May Day, and Septemb. 12


  • UPingham in Rutland, market on Wens­day; Fairs, February the 24th, and July the 7th.
  • Ʋxbridg in Midlesex, Market on Thurs­day; Fairs, July the 20th and S. Michael.


  • WAk [...]field in Yorkshire, Markets on Thursday and Friday; Fairs, Mid­somer, August the 15th, September the 8th. October the 31th. and St. Andrew.
  • Ware in Hertfordshire, market on Tues­day; Fair, September the 7th.
  • Warrington in Lancashire, market on Wensday; Fairs, July the 5th. and St. Andrew
  • Warmister in Wiltshire, market on Satur­day; Fairs, Midsomer, St. Simon and Jude and St. Laurence.
  • Warwick in Warwickshire, markets Tues­day, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, the first Munday in Lent, May Day, Midsomer, St. Bartholomew, and S. Simon and Jude.
  • Watchet in Somersetshire, market on Sa­turday; Fair, S. Bartholomew.
  • Wellingborough in Northamptonshire, mar­ket on Wensday; Fairs, Easter Tuesday, and October the 18th.
  • Wellington in Somersetshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, November the 6th and 15.
  • Wells in Somersetshire, markets Wensday and Saturday; Fairs, May the 3d. Midso­mer, and S. Andrew.
  • Welshpool in Montgomeryshire, market on Monday; Fairs, May the 15th. and August the 28th.
  • Wendover in Buckinghamshire, market on Thursday; Fairs, May Day, and a Week before Michaelmas.
  • Wenlock in Shropshire, market on Mon­ [...]ay; Fair on Midsomer Day.
  • Wetherby in Yorkshire, market on Thurs­day; Fair, S. James.
  • [Page 64] Whitchurch in Cheshire, market on Fri­day; Fairs, Whitson Monday, and October the 23th.
  • High-wickham in Buckinghamshire, Mar­ket on Friday; Fairs, Holy Rood and Mid­somer.
  • Wiggan in Lancashire, markets Monday and Friday; Fairs, Holy Thursday, June the 16th. and October the 18th.
  • Wimborn in Dorsetshire, market on Fri­day; Fairs, the 2d. Thursday in February, the 2d. Thursday in May, and the 2d. Thurs­day in August.
  • Winchester in Hampshire, markets, Wens­day and Saturday; Fair, the first Monday in Lent.
  • Winchcomb in Glocestershire, market on Saturday; Fairs, April the 25th. and July the 17th.
  • Woodstock in Oxfordshire, Market on Tuesday; Fairs, Lady Day, July the 22th. St. Mathew, and December the 6th.
  • Worcester in Worcestershire, markets, Wens­day, Friday and Saturday; Fairs, Lady Day, Friday before Palm-sunday, and September the 8th.
  • Wrexham in Denbighshire, markets on Monday, and Thursday, Fair, March 17.
  • Wrotham in Kent, market on Tuesday, Fair, April the 23th.


  • YArmouth in Norfolk, Markets on Wensday and Saturday, Fairs, Good Friday and Michaelmas.
  • York in Yorkshire, Markets, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Fairs, Thurs­day before Candlemas, and every Thursday Fortnight, Thursday before Palm-sunday. Whitson Monday, St. Peter, July the 31th. St. Luke, All-Souls, and November the 11th.

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