GLory to God Almighty who Ruleth in the Heavens, and in whose hands are all the Kingdoms of the earth, who raiseth up and casteth down at his Will, who hath wayes to con­found the exaltation of man, and to chastise his Children, and to make man to know himself to be as grass before him, whose Judgements are above the highest of men, and his pitty reacheth the deepest misery, and this Arm of his Mercy is underneath to lift up the Prisoner out of the Pit, and to save such as trust in him from the great distruction, which vain man through his folly brings on himself; who hath delivered my Soul out of darkness, and made way for my Free­dom out of the Prison-house, and Ransomed me from the great Cap­tivity, who devides the Seas before him, and removes the Mountains out of his Way, in the Day when he takes upon him to deliver the Op­pressed out of the hand of him that is too mighty for him in the earth, let his Name be exalted forever, and let all flesh fear before him, whose breath is life to his own, but a consuming fire to the Adver­sary.

And to the Lord Jesus Christ be Everlasting Dominion upon earth, and his Kingdom above all the powers of darkness, even that Christ of whom the Scriptures declares, which was and is, and is to come, the light of the world to all Generations, of whose coming I testifie with the rest of the Children of light begotten of the Immortal Seed, whose Truth and Vertue now shines in the world unto the Righteousness of Eternal life, and the Saviour of all that believe therein, who hath been the Rock of my Salvation, and his Spirit hath given Quietness and Patience to my Soul in deep affliction, even for his Names sake, praises for ever.

But Condemned for ever be all those false worships with which any have Idolized my Person in the night of my temptation, when the power of darkness was above, all their casting off their Clothes in the [...]ay, their bowings and singings, and all the rest of those wilde actions which did any way tend to dishonour the Lord or draw the minds of any from the measure of Christ Jesus in themselves, to look at flesh which is grass, or to ascribe that to the visible wch belongs to Christ Jesus, [...]l that I condemn by which the pure Name of the Lord hath any way [...]een Blasphemed through me in that time of temptation, or the spi­rits of any People grieved that truly loves the Lord Jesus throughout [Page 2]the whole world of what sort soever; this offence I confess which hath been sorrow of heart that the enemy of mans Peace in Christ should get this advantage in the night of my Tryal, to stir up wrath and of­fences in the Creation of God, a thing the simplicity of my heart did not intend, the Lord knows, who in his endless love hath given [...] Power over it to Condemn it; And also that Letter sent me to Exeter by John Stanger when I was in Prison, with these words, Thy name sh [...] [...]e no more James Naylor, but Jesus; this I Judge to be written from the Imaginations, and a fear struck me when I first saw it, and so I put it in my Pocket (close) not intending any should see it, which they finding on me spread it abroad, which the simplicity of my heart ne­ver owned; so this I deny also that the Name of Christ Jesus is recei­ved in stead of James Naylor or after the flesh, for the Name is to the Seed to all Generations, and he that hath the Son hath the Name which is Life and Power, the Salvation and the Unction, into which Name all the Children of light are Baptized; so the Name of Christ I confess before men, but not according to men, which Name to me hath been a strong Tower, in the night and in the day.

And this is the Name of Jesus Christ which I confess, The Son, and the Lamb, in the Seed, where he speaks in Male or Female, but who hath not this in himself hath not life, neither can have by Idolizing my Person, or the Person of any flesh, but in whom the Heir is born and hath spoken, or doth speak, there he must not be denied the mouth to speak by, who is head over all, and in all his own God bles­sed for ever.

And all those ranting wilde spirits which then gathered about me in that time of darkness, and all their wilde actions and wicked words against the honour of God and his pure Spirit and People, I deny the spirit, the power and the works thereof, and as far as I gave advantage through want of Judgement for that evil spirit in any to arise I take shame to my self, justly, having formerly had Power over that spirit in Judgement and discerning where ever it was, which darkness came over me through want of watchfulness and obedience to the pure Eye of God, and diligent minding the reproof of life, which condemns the Adulterous spirit; so the Adversary got advantage, who ceases not to seek to devour, and being taken Captive from the true light, wal­ked in the night where none can work, as a wandring bird sit for the prey, and if the Lord of all my mercies had not rescued me, I had perished, for I was as one appointed to death and distruction, and there was none could deliver me; And this I confess, that God may be justified in his Judgement, and magnified in his mercies without end, [Page 3]who did not forsake his Captive in the night, even when his Spirit was daily provoked and grieved, but hath brought me forth to give Glory to his Name for ever; And it is in my heart to confess to God, and be­fore men, my folly and offence in that day, yet was there many things formed against me at that day to take away my life, and cast upon the Truth of which I am not guilty at all; as that accusation as if I had committed Adultery with some of those Women who came with us from Exeter Prison; and also those who were with me at Bristow the night before I suffered there; Of both which accusations I am clear before God, who kept me at that day both in thought and deed, as to all Women, as a little Child, God is my Record, and this I mention in Particular (hearing of some who still cease not to reproach therewith Gods Truth and People) that the mouth of enmity may be shut from evil-speaking, though this touch not my Con­science.

Also that report as though I had raised Dorcas Erbury from death, carnally, this I deny also, and condemn that Testimony to be out of the Truth, though that Power that quickens the dead, I deny not, which is the word of Eternal Life.

And this I give forth that it may go as far as the offence against the Spirit of Truth hath gone abroad, that all burthens may be taken off with the Truth, and the Truth cleared thereby, and the true light, and all that walk therein, and the deeds of darkness be condemned, and that all that are in darkness may not act in the night, but stay upon God who walkes in the light, who with the workers of inquity hath not fel­lowship, which had I done when first darkness came upon me, and not been led by others, I had not run against that Rock to be broken which so long had born me, and of whom I had so largely drunken, and of which I now drink in measure, to whom be the Glory of all, and to him must every tongue confesse, as Judge and Saviour, God over all, blessed for ever.

And this further is given me to say to every particular person to whom this writing shall come, what ever is thy condition, wait in the light which lets thee see it, there is thy Counsel and thy strength to be received, to stay thee and to recover thee, Art thou tempted to sin? abide in that which lets the see it, that there thou may come to feed on the right body, and not on the temptation, for if thou mind the temptation it will overcome thee, but in the light is Salvation; or having sinned art thou tempted to dispaire or to destroy thy self? mind not the temptation, for its death that sin hath brought forth, feed not on it nor mind it, least thou eat condemnation, for thats the wrong body.

The body of Christ is felt in the light, in which is life from death Grace and Truth to feed on, which will overcome for thee being fol­lowed, but if thou follow the tempration, fear and condemnation w [...] swallow thee up; if there appear to thee voices, visions, and Revelati­ons, feed not thereon, but abide in the light and feel the body of Christ, and there wilt thou receive faith and power to Judge of every appearance and spirits, the good to hold fast and obey, and the false to resist; art thou in darkness? mind it not, for if thou do, it will fill thee more, but stand still and act not, and wait in patience till light arise out of darkness to lead thee; Art thou wounded in Conscience? feed not there, but abide in the light, which leads to the Grace and Truth which Teaches to deny and put off the weight, & removes the cause, and brings saving health to light; yea this I say to thee in the Name of Jesus Christ, that though thou have made thy Grave as deep as the ne­thermost Hell, or were thy afflictions as great as Jobs, and thy dark­ness as the depth of the Sea, yet if thou wilt not run to vain helps as I have done, but stay upon the Lord till he give thee light by his Word, (who commands light to shine out of darkness) from thence will he bring thee forth, and his eye shall guide thee, and thou shalt praise his Name, as I do this day, glory for evermore; And this Word is nigh thee which must give thee light, though darkness comprehends it not.

And hadst thou gifts, Revelations, knowledge, wisdom or what ever thou maist read on in the Scriptures of Truth, and do not abide in the light, and feed on the body of Christ whence the gifts springs, but feed on the gift, thou mayest be up for a while in thy own sight, but certainly thou wilt wither and die to God, and darkness will come upon thee, and thy food will turn to thy condemnation in the sight of God.

And this I have learned in the deeps, and in secret when I was alone, and now declare openly in the day of my mercy, Glory to the Highest for evermore who hath thus far set me free to praise his Righteousness and his mercy, and to the Eternal invisible pure God, over all, be fear, obedience and glory evermore, Amen.


London, Printed for Thomas Simmons.

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