Imprimatur; …


Guil. Iane R. P. D. Hen. Episc. Lond. à Sacris Dom.

COSMOGRAPHIA, OR A VIEW OF THE Terrestrial and Coelestial GLOBES, IN A Brief Explanation OF THE PRINCIPLES Of plain and solid GEOMETRY, Applied to Surveying and Gauging of CASK.

The Doctrine of the Primum Mobile.

With an Account of the Juilan & Gregorian Calendars, and the Computation of the Places of of the Sun, Moon, and Fixed Stars, from such De­cimal Tables of their Middle Motion, as supposeth the whole Circle to be divided into an hundred Degrees or Parts.

To which is added an Introduction unto GEOGRAPHY.

By John Newton, D. D.

London, Printed for Thomas Passinger, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge 1679.

TO THE Most Honourable HENRY SOMERSET, Lord Herbert, Baron of Chepstow, Raglan, and Gower, Earl and Marquess of Worcester, Lord President and Lord Lieutenant of Wales and the Marches, Lord Lieutenant of Gloucester, Here­ford and Monmouth, and of the City and County of Bristol, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and one of His Majestie's Most Honourable Privy Council.

HE that adventures upon any thing contrary to the General received practice, what ever his own courage and resolutions are, had need to be supported, not only by the most Wise and Honourable, but also [Page] the most Powerful Persons that are in a Nation or Kingdom; For let the Propo­sals be never so advantagious to the Pub­lick, they shall not only be decried and neglected, but it is well, if the Promoter be not both abused and ruined: Yet I, not­withstanding all these discouragements, have not been silent, but in order to Child­rens better Education, have long since pub­lished my thoughts, and have and do declare, that the multitude of Schools for the learning of the Latine and Greek Tongues, are destru­ctive both to our youth and the Commonwealth; and if the Opinion of Sir Francis Bacon in his Advice to King Iames concerning Sut­ton's Hospital, be not sufficient to warrant my Assertion, I could heartily wish that no such Evidence could have been produ­ced, as the late unhappy Wars, in the Bowels of this Kingdom hath afforded us; for what he saith there by way of Advice, we by woful Experience have found too true; that by reason of the multitude of Grammar Schools, more Scholars are dayly brought up, than all the Preferments in this Nation can provide for, and so they become uncapable of other Professions, and unprofitable in their own, and at last become, materia rerum novarum; whether this be an essential or an accidental Effect, [Page] I will not here dispute; the truth of it, I am sure, cannot be denied: but that is not all; by this means it comes to pass, that four of the seven Liberal Arts, are almost wholly neglected, as well in both Univer­sities, as in all Inferiour Schools; and set­ting aside the City of London, there are but few Places in this Nation, where a man can put his Son, to be well instructed in A­rithmetick, Geometry, Musick and Astronomy; and even that Famous City was without a Publick School for Mathematical Learn­ing, till His present Majesty was pleased to lay the Foundation; nay so averse are men in the general to these Arts (which are the support of all Trade) that without a high hand, it will be almost impossible, to make this People wise for their own good: I come therefore to your Honour, humbly to beg your Countenance and Assistance, that the Stream of Learning may be a lit­tle diverted, in those Schools that are al­ready erected, and to be instrumental for the erecting more, when they shall be wanting; that we may not be permitted still to begin at the wrong end; but that according to the practice of the Ancient Philosophers, Children may be instructed in Arithmetick, Geometry, Musick and A­stronomy; before the Latine and Greek [Page] Grammars are thought on, these Arts in themselves, are much more easie to be learned, tend more to a general good, and will in a great measure facilitate the Learn­ing of the Tongues, to as many as shall af­ter this Foundation laid, be continued at School, and provided for in either Univer­sities. Your Honour was instrumental to enlarge the Maintenance for God's Mini­ster in the Place where I live, and perhaps it may please God to make you so, not on­ly in making this Place in particular, but many other Places in this Land happy, by procuring Schools for these Sciences, and not only so, but by your Loyal and Prudent managing the several Trusts committed to you, you may do much for God's Glory, your Countries Good, and the continuance of your own Honour to all Future Genera­tions, which is, and shall be the Prayer of,

Your Honour's Obliged and Devoted Servant, JOHN NEWTON.


MY Design in publishing these In­troductions to Geometry and A­stronomy, is so well known by all the Epistles, to my other Treati­ses of Grammar, Arithmetick, Rhetorick, and Logick, that I think it needless to tell thee here, that it is my Opinion, that all the Arts should be taught our Children in the English Tongue, before they begin to learn the Greek or Latin Grammar, by which means many thousands of Children would be fitted for all Trades, enabled to earn their own Li­vings, and made useful in the Commonwealth; and that before they attain to twelve years of age; and by consequence the swarming of Bees would be prevented, who being compelled to leave their Hives, for want of room, do spread themselves abroad, and instead of ga­thering of Honey, do [...] sting all that come in their way. We should not have such innu­merable company of Gown-men to the loss and prejudice of themselves and the Common­wealth; and those we had would probably be more learned, and better regarded.

[Page] His Majesty being pleased to begin this Work, by His Bounty towards a Mathemati­cal School in Christ's Church London; I am not now without hopes, to see the same effected in many other Places in this Kingdom; and to this purpose I have to my Introductions to the other Arts, added these also to Geome­try and Astronomy; which I call by the name of Cosmographia; and this I have divided into four Parts; in the first I have briefly laid down the first Principles belonging to the three kinds of Magnitude or continued Quantity, Lines, Planes and Solids; which ought in some measure to be known, before we enter upon Astronomy, and this part I call an Introduction unto Geometry:

The second and third Parts treat of Astro­nomy; the first of which sheweth the Do­ctrine of the Primum Mobile, that is, the Declination, Right Ascension, and Oblique Ascensions of the Sun and Stars, and such other Problems, as do depend upon the Do­ctrine of Spherical Triangles.

The second Part of Astronomy, treateth of the motion of the Sun, Moon and Fixed Stars; in order whereunto, I have first giv­en thee a brief account of the Civil Year, with the cause of the difference between our Julian and Gregorian Calendar, and of both from the true; for it must be acknowledged [Page] that both are erroneous, though ours be the worse of the two; yet not so bad, but that our Dissenting Brethren have I hope some better Arguments to justifie their Non-conformity▪ than what I see published in a little Book without any name to it, concerning two Easters in one Year; by the General Table, saith this learned man, who owneth the Feast of Easter was to be observed Anno 1674. upon the 19 day of April, so the Almanacks for that Year, as well as the General Table set before the Book of Common Prayer; but by the Rule in the said Book of Common Prayer given, the Feast of Easter should have been upon the twelfth of April, for Easter-Day must al­ways be the first Sunday after the first Full Moon, which happeneth next after the one and twentieth day of March, and if the Full Moon happen upon a Sunday, Easter-Day is the Sunday after; Now in the Year 1674. the 19 of April being Friday was Full Moon, therefore by this Rule, Easter-Day should be the twelfth, and by the Table and the Common Almanacks April the tenth; but this learned man must know, that the mistake is in himself, and not in the Rule or Table set down in the Book of Common Prayer; for if he please to look into the Calendar, he will find that the Golden Number Three, (which was the Golden Number for that Year) is [Page] placed against the last day of March, and therefore according to the supposed motion of the Moon, that Day was New Moon; and then the Full Moon will fall upon the fourteenth day of April, and not upon the tenth, and so by consequence the Sunday following the first Full Moon after the 21 day of March was the nineteenth of April and not the twelfth. And thus the Rule and the Table in the Book of Common Prayer for finding the Feast of Easter are reconciled; and when Authori­ty shall think sit, the Calendar may be cor­rected and all the moveable Feasts be observed upon the days and times at first appointed; but till that be, a greater difference than one Week will be found in the Feast of Easter be­tween the Observation thereof according to the Moons true motion, and that upon which the Tables are grounded; for by the Fathers of the Nicene Council it was appointed, that the Feast of Easter should be observed upon the Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, which then indeed was the 21 of March; but now the tenth, and in the Year 1674. Wednesday the 11 of March was Full Moon, and therefore by this Rule, Easter-Day should have been upon March the fifteenth, whereas according to the Rules we go by, it was not till April the nineteenth.

[Page] The Tables of the Sun and Moons middle motions are neither made according to the u­sual Sexagenary Forms, nor according to the usual Degrees of a Circle and Decimal Parts, but according to a Circle divided into 100 Degrees and Parts, and this I thought good to do, to give the World a taste of the excel­lency of Decimal Numbers, which if a Canon of Sines and Tangents were fitted to it, would be found much better, as to the com­puting the Places of the Planets; but as to the Primum Mobile, by reason of the gene­ral dividing a Circle into 360 Degrees, I should think such a Canon with the Decimal Parts most convenient, and in some cases the common Sexagenary Canon may be very useful, and indeed should wish and shall en­deavour to have all printed together, one Table of Logarithms will serve them all, and two such Canons, one for the Study and an­other for the Pocket, would be sufficient for all Mathematical Books in that kind; and then men may use them all or either of them as they shall have occasion, or as every one is perswaded in his own mind.

What I have done in this particular, as it was for mine own satisfaction, so I am apt to believe, that it will be pleasing to many others; and although I shall leave every one to abound in his own sense, yet I cannot think [Page] that Custom should be such a Tyrant, as to force us always to use the Sexagenary form, if so, I wonder that men did not always use the natural Canon; if no alteration may be admit­ted, what reason can be given for the use of Lo­garithms; and if that be found more ready than the natural, in things of this kind, where none but particular Students are concerned, I should think it reasonable, to reduce all things hereafter, into that form, which shall be found most ready and exact; now the Part Proportional in the Artificial Sines and Tan­gents in the three first Degrees cannot be well taken by the common difference, and the way of finding them otherwise will not be so easie in the Sexagenary Canon, as in either of the other, and this me thinks, should render that Canon which divides each Degree into 100 Parts more acceptable; but thus to retain the use of Sines, Degrees, and Decimal Parts, doth not to me seem convenient, and to rec­kon up, a Planets middle motion, by whole Circles will sometimes cause a Division of Degrees by 60, which hath some trouble in it also, but if a Circle be divided into 100 De­grees, this inconvenience is avoided, and were there no other reason to be given, this me thinks should make such a Canon to be desi­rable; but till I can find an opportunity of publishing such an one, I shall forbear to [Page] shew any further uses of it, and for what is wanting here in this subject, I therefore re­fer thee to Mr. Street's Astronomia Caroli­na, and the several Books written in English by Mr. Wing.

The fourth Part of this Treatise is an In­troduction unto Geography, in which I have given general Directions, for the understand­ing how the habitable part of the World is divided in respect of Longitude and Latitude in respect of Climes and Parallels with such other Particulars as will be found useful unto such as shall be willing to understand History; in which three things are required; The time when, and this depends upon Astrono­my; the place where, and this depends upon Geography; and the Person by whom any memorable Act was done, and this must be had from the Historical narration thereof; and he that reads History without some know­ledge in Astronomy and Geography will find himself at a loss, and be able to give but a lame account of what he reads; but after the learning of these Arts of Grammar, (I mean so much thereof, as tends to the un­derstanding of every ones Native Language) Arithmetick, Geometry and Astronomy; a Child may proceed profitably to Rhetorick and Logick, the reading of History, and the learning of the Tongues; and sure there is [Page] no studious and ingenious man, but will stand in need of some Recreation, and therefore if Musick in the Worship and Service of God be not Argument enough to allow that a place among the Arts, let that poor end of De­light and Pleasure be her Advocate; and al­though that all men have not Voyces, yet I can hardly believe, that he expects any Melodious Harmony in Heaven, that will not allow In­strumental Musick a place on Earth; and as for those that have Voyces, surely the time of learning Vocal Musick, must be in Youth, and I am perswaded that the Arts and Sci­ences to some good degree may be learned by Children before they be full twelve years old, and would our Grammer Masters leave off their horrible severity, and apply themselves to such ways of teaching Youth, as the World is not now unacquainted with, I am perswaded that it is no difficult matter, in four years time more to fit Children in some good measure for the University.

The great Obstruction in this Work, is the general Ignorance of Teachers, who be­ing unacquainted with this Learning, cannot teach others what they know not themselves. I could propound a remedy for this, Sed Cynthius aurem vellit; Therefore I will forbear and leave what I have written, to be perused and censured as thou shall think fit.

John Newton.

Practical Geometry; OR, THE ART of SURVEYING.


Of the Definition and Division of Geometry.

GEometry is a Science explaining the kinds and properties of continued quantity or magnitude.

2. There are three Kinds or Spe­cies of Magnitude or continued Quantity, Lines, Superficies and Solids.

3. A Line is a Magnitude consisting only of length without either breadth or thickness.

4. In a Line two things are to be considered, the Terms or Limits, and the several Kinds.

5. The term or limit of a Line is a Point.

6. A Point is an indivisible Sign in Magni­tude which cannot be comprehended by sense, but must be conceived by the Mind.

7. The kinds of Lines are two, Right and Ob­lique.

[Page 2] 8. A Right Line is that which lieth between his Points, without any going up or going down on either side. As the Line AB lieth streight and equally between the Points A and B. Fig. 1.

9. An Oblique Line is that which doth not lie equally between its Points, but goeth up and down sometimes on the one side and sometimes on the other. And this is either simple or various.

10. A simple Oblique Line, is that which is ex­actly Oblique, as the Arch of a Circle; of Various Oblique Lines there is but little use in Geometry.

11. Thus are Lines to be considered in them­selves, they may be also considered as compared to one another, and that either in respect of their distances, or in respect of their meetings.

12. In respect of their distances, they may be either equally distant, or unequally.

13. Lines equally distant are two or more, which by an equal space are distant from one ano­ther, and these are called Parallels; and these though infinitely extended will never concur.

14. Lines unequally distant, are such as do more or less incline to one another, and these be­ing extended will at last concur.

15. Concurring Lines are either perpendicu­lar or not perpendicular.

16. A Perpendicular Line, is a Right Line falling directly upon another Right Line, not de­clining or inclining to one side more than ano­ther; as the Line AB in Fig. 1.

17. A Perpendicular Line is twofold, to wit, ei­ther falling exactly in the middle of another Line, or upon some other Point which is not the middle.

18. A line exactly Perpendicular, may be drawn in the same manner, as any Right Line [Page 3] may be divided into two equal Parts; the which may thus be done. If from the two Terms or Points of the Right Line given, there shall be described two Arches crossing one another above and below, a Line drawn through the Intersecti­ons of those Arches, shall be exactly Perpendicu­lar, and also divide the Right Line given into her equal Parts. Fig. 1.

For Example; Let CD be the Right Line given, and let it be required, to bisect this Line, and to erect a Perpendicular in the middle thereof. 1. Then set­ting one of your Compasses in the Points C, draw the Arches E and F. 2. Setting one Foot of your Com­passes in D, draw the Arches G and H, and from the Intersections of these Arches draw the Right Line KL, so shall the Right Line KL be Perpendicular to the Right-Line CD, and the Right Line CD also di­vided into two equal Parts, in the Point A.

19. A Line Perpendicular to any other Point than the middle is twofold: for it is either drawn from some Point given in the Line; or from some Point given without the Line.

20. From a Point given in the Line, at Per­pendicular may thus be drawn. In Fig. 2. Let the given Line be CD, and let it be required to draw a Perpendicular Line to the Point C, your Compasses being opened to any reasonable distance, set one Foot in the Point C, and the other in any place on either side the Line CD, suppose at A, then describe the Arch ECF, this done draw the Line EA, and where that Line being extended shall cut the Arch ECF, a Right Line drawn from C to that Intersection shall be Perpendi­cular to the Point C in the Line CD, as was required.

21. From a Point given without the Line, a Perpendicular may be drawn in this manner. [Page 4] In Fig. 2. Let the given Line be CD, and let it be re­quired to draw another Line Perpendicular thereunto, from the Point F without the Line. From the Point F draw a streight Line to some part of the Line CD at pleasure, as FE, which being bisected, the Point of Bi­section will be A, if therefore at the distance of AF, you draw the Arch ECF, the Right Line CF shall be Perpendicular to the Line CD, as was required.

22. Hitherto concerning a Perpendicular Line. A Right Line not Perpendicular, is a Right Line falling indirectly upon another Right Line, in­clining thereto on the one side more, and on the other less.

23. Lines unequally distant, and at last con­curring, do by their meeting make an Angle.

24. An Angle therefore is nothing else, then the place, where two Lines do meet or touch one another, and the two Lines which constitute the Angle, are in Geometry called the sides of the Angle.

25. Every Angle is either Heterogeneous, or Ho­mogeneous: that is called an Hetorogeneous Angle, which is made by the meeting of one Right Line, and another that is Oblique and Crooked; and that is called an Homogeneous Angle, which is made by the meeting of two Lines of the same kind, that is, of two Right Lines, or of two curved or Circular Lines.

26. An Homogeneous Angle made of two curved or Circular Lines, is to be considered in Geome­try as in Spherical Triangles, but the other which is made of Right Lines, is in all the Parts of Geometry of more frequent use.

27. Right lined Angles are either Right or Oblique.

[Page 5] 28. A Right Angle is that whose legs or sides are Perpendicular to one another, making the comprehended space on both sides equal. Thus in Fig. 1. the Line AK is Perpendicular to the Line CD, and the Angles KAC and KAD, are right and equal to one another.

29. An Oblique Angle is that, whose sides are not Perpendicular to one another.

30. An Oblique Angle is either acute or ob­tuse.

31. An Acute Angle is that which is less than a Right.

32. An Obtuse Angle, is that which is greater than a Right. Thus in Fig. 1. The Angle BAC is an Acute Angle because less than the Right Angle CAK. And the Angle BAD is an Obtuse Angle being greater than the Right Angle DAK.

The Geometrical Propositions concerning Lines and Angles are very many, but these follow­ing we think sufficient for our present purpose.

Proposition I.

To divide a Right Line given into any Number of equal Parts.

Let it be required to divide the Right Line AB into five equal Parts. From the extream Points of the given Line A and B, let there be drawn two Parallel Lines, then from the Point A at any di­stance of the Compasses, set off as many equal Parts wanting one, as the given Line is to be di­vided into, which in our Example is four, and are noted thus, 1. 2. 3. 4. and from the Point B set off the like Parts in the Line BC, and let them be [Page 6] noted likewise thus, 1. 2. 3. 4. then shall the Pa­rallel Lines, 14. 23. 32, and 41. divide the Right Line AB into 5 equal Parts, as was required.

Proposition II.

Two Right Lines being given, to find a Mean pro­pertional between them.

Let the two Right Lines given be DB and CB, which let be made into one Line as CD, which being besected the Point of bisection is A, from which as from a Centre describe the Arch CED, and from the Point B erect the Perpendi­cular BE, so shall BE, be the Mean proportional required; for, BC. BE∷BE. BD.

Proposition III.

Three Right Lines being given, to find a fourth proportional.

Let the three given Lines be AB. BC. and AD. Fig. 5. to which a fourth proportional is required: draw AE at any Acute Angle, to the Line AD in the Point A; and make DE paral­lel to BC, so shall AE be the fourth proportio­nal required; for, AB. BC∷AD. AE.

Proposition IV.

Vpon a Right Line given, to make a right-lined. Angle, equal to an Angle given.

Let it be required upon the Line CD in Fig. 6. [Page 7] to make an Angle, equal to the Angle DAE in Fig. 5. From the Point A as a Center, at any ex­tent of the Compasses describe the Arch BG, between the sides of the Angle given, and with the same extent describe the Arch HL from the Point D, and then make HL equal to BG, then draw the Line DL, so shall the Angle CDL be equal to the Angle DAE given, as was re­quired.


Of Figures in the general, more particularly of a Circle and the affections thereof.

HItherto we have spoken of the first kind of Magnitude, that is, of Lines, as they are considered of themselves, or amongst them­selves.

2. The second kind of Magnitude is that which is made of Lines, that is, a Figure con­sisting of breadth as well as length, and this is otherwise called a Superficies.

3. And in a Superficies there are three things to be considered. 1. The Term or Limit. 2. The middle of the Term. 3. The Thing or Figure made by the Term or Limit.

4. The Term or Limit is that which compre­hendeth and boundeth the Figure, it is common­ly called the Perimeter or Circumference.

5. The Term of a Figure is either Simple or various.

6. A Simple Term is that which doth consist of a Simple Line, and is properly called a Cir­cumference [Page 8] or Periphery: A Periphery therefore is the Term of a Circle or most Simple Figure.

7. A various Term is that which hath bending or crooked Lines, making Angles, and may there­fore be called Angular.

8. The middle of Term is that which is the Center of the Figure; for every Figure, whe­ther Triangular, Quadrangular, or Multangular, hath a Center as well as the Circular, differing in in this, that the Lines in a Circle drawn from the Center to the Circumference are all equal, but in other Figures they are not equal.

9. The Thing or Figure made by the Term or Limit, is all that Area or space which is inclu­ded by the Term or Terms. And here it is to be observed, that the Term of a Figure is one thing, and the Figure it self another; for Example, A Periphe­ry is the Term of a Circle, but the Circle it self is not properly the Periphery, but all that Area or space which is included by the Periphery, for a Periphery is nothing but a Line, but the Circle is that which is in­cluded by that Line.

10. As the Term of a Figure is either Simple or Various; so the Figure it self is either Simple and Round, or Various and Angular.

11. A Simple Figure is that which is contained by a Simple or Round Line, and is either a Circle or an Ellipsis.

12. A Circle therefore is such a Figure which is made by a Line so drawn into it self, as that it is every where equally distant from the middle or Center.

13. An Ellipsis is an oblong Circle.

14. In a Circle we are to consider the affecti­ons which are as it were the Parts or Sections [Page 9] thereof, as they are made by the various applica­tions of Right Lines.

15. And Right Lines may be applied unto a Circle, either by drawing them within, or with­out the Circle.

16. Right Lines inscribed within a Circle, are either such as do cut the Circle into two equal or unequal Parts, as the Diameter and lesser Chords, or such as do cut the Diameter and lesser Chords into two equal or unequal Parts, as the Right and versed Sines.

17. A Diameter is a Right Line drawn through the Center from one side of the Cir­cumference to the other, and divideth the Circle into two equal Parts, As in Fig. 7. The Right Line GD drawn through the Center B is the Diameter of the Circle GEDL dividing the same into the two e­qual Parts GED, and GLD: and this is also called the greatest Chord or Subtense.

18. A Chord or Subtense is a Right Line in­scribed in a Circle, dividing the same into two equal or unequal Parts; if it divide the Circle into two equal Parts, it is the same with the Diameter, but if it divide the Circle into two unequal Parts it is less than the Diameter, and is the Chord or Sub­tense of an Arch less than a Semi-circle, and also of an Arch greater than a Semi-circle. As in the former Figure, the Right Line CAK divideth the Circle into two unequal Parts, and is the Chord or Subtense of the Arch CDK, less than a Semi-circle, and of the Arch CGK greater than a Semi-circle: and these are the Lines which divide the Circle into two equal or unequal Parts. And as they divide the Circle into two equal Parts, so do they also divide one another; The lesser Chords when they are divided by [Page 10] the Diameter into two equal Parts, those Parts are called Right Sines, and the two Parts of the Diame­ter made by the intersection of the Chords are called versed Sines.

19. Sines are right or versed.

20. Right Sines are made by being besected, by the Diameter, and are twofold, Sinus totus, the whole Sine or Radius, and this is the one half of the Diameter, as the Lines BE or BD, and all Lines drawn from the Center to the Circumference.

21. Sinus simpliter, or the lesser Sines, are the one half of any Chord less than the Diameter, as in the former Figure CA or AK, which are the equal Parts of the Chord CAK, are the Sines of the Arch­es CD. and DK less than a Quadrant, and also the Sines of CEG and KLG greater than a Quadrant.

22. Versed Sines are the Segments of the Dia­meter, made by the Chords intersecting it, at Right Angles, as AD is the versed Sine of CD or DG and the other Segment AG is the versed Sine of the Arch CEG or KLG.

23. The Right Lines drawn without the Cir­cle are two, the one touching the Circle, and is called a Tangent, and the other cutting the Cir­cle, and is called a Secant.

24. A Tangent is a Right Line touching the Circle, and drawn perpendicular to the Diame­ter, and extended to the Secant.

25. A Secant is a Right Line drawn from the Center through the Circumference, and extended to the Tangent. As in the former Figure, the Right Line DF is the Tangent of the Arch CD, and the Right Line BF is the Secant of the same Arch CD.

Proposition I.

The Arch of a Circle being given to describe the whole Periphery.

Let ABC be an Arch given, and let the Cir­cumference of that Circle be required. Let there be three Points taken in the given Arch at plea­sure, as A, B, C; open your Compasses to more than half the distance of A, B, and setting one Foot in A describe the Arch of a Circle, and the Compasses remaining at the same distance, set­ting one Foot in B, describe another Arch so as it may cut the former in two Points, suppose G, and H, and draw the Line HG towards that Part on which you suppose the Center of the Center of the Circle will fall.

In like manner, opening your Compasses to more than half your distance of B, C, describe two other Arches from the Points E and C, cut­ting each other in E and F, then draw the Line EF till it intersect the former Line HG, so shall the Point of Intersection be the Center of the Circumference or Circle required, as in Fig. may be seen.

Proposition II.

The Conjugate Diameters of an Ellipsis being given, to draw the Ellipsis.

Let the given Diameter in Fig. 24. be LB and ED, the greatest Diameter. LB being bisected in the Point of Bisection, erect the Perpendicular [Page 12] AD. which let be half of the lesser Diameter ED, then open your Compasses to the extent of AB, and setting one Foot in D, with the other make a mark at M and N in the Diameter BL, then cutting a thred to the length of BL, fasten the thred with your Compasses in the Points NM, and with your Pen in the inside of the thred de­scribe the Arch BFKL, so shall you describe the one half of the Ellipsis required, and turning the Thred on the other side of the Compasses, you may with your Pen in the like manner describe the other half of the Ellipsis GBHL.


Of Triangles.

HItherto we have spoken of the most Simple Figure, a Circle. Come we now to those Figures that are Various or Angular.

2. And an Angular Figure is that which doth consist of three or more Angles.

3. An angular Figure consisting of three Angles, otherwise called a Triangle, is a Super­ficies or Figure comprehended by three Right Lines including three Angles.

4. A Triangle may be considered either in re­spect of its Sides, or of its Angles.

5. A Triangle in respect of its Sides, is either Isopleuron, Isosceles, or Scalenum.

6. An Isopleuron Triangle, is that which hath three equal sides. An Isoscecles hath two equal Sides. And a Scalenum hath all the three Sides unequal.

7. A Triangle in respect of its Angles is Right or Oblique.

[Page 13] 8. A Right angled Triangle is that which hath one Right Angle and two Acute.

9. An Oblique angled Triangle, is either Acute or Obtuse.

10. An Oblique acute angled Triangle, is that which hath all the three Angles Acute.

11. An Oblique obtuse angled Triangle, is that which hath one Angle Obtuse, and the other two Acute.

Proposition I.

Vpon a Right Line given to make an Isopleuron or an Equilateral Triangle.

In Fig. 8. let it be required to make an Equila­teral Triangle upon the Right Line AB. Open your Compasses to the extent of the Line given, and setting one Foot of your Compasses in A, make an Arch of a Circle above or beneath the Line given, then setting one Foot of your Com­passes in B, they being full opened to the same extent, with the other foot draw another Arch of a Circle crossing the former, and from the In­tersection of those Arches draw the Lines AC and AB, so shall the Triangle ACB be Equilate­ral as was desired.

Proposition II.

Vpon a Right Line given to make an Isosceles Tri­angle, or a Triangle having two Sides equal.

In Fig. 8. let AB be the Right Line given, from the Points A and B as from two Centers, but at a lesser extent of the Compasses than AB; [Page 14] if you would have AB the greatest Side, at a greater extent; if you would have it to be the least Side, describe two Arches cutting one ano­ther, as at F, and from the Intersection draw the Lines AF, and FB, so shall the Triangle AFB have two equal Sides, as was required.

Proposition 3.

To make a Scalenum Triangle, or a Triangle, whose three Sides are unequal.

In Fig. 9. let the three unequal Sides be EFG make AB equal to one of the given Lines, sup­pose G, and from A as a Center, at the extent of E describe the Arch of a Circle; in like manner from B at the extent of F describe another Arch intersecting the former, then shall the Right Lines AC. CB and BA comprehend a Triangle, whose three sides shall be unequal, as was required.


Of Quadrangular and Multangular Figures.

WE have spoken of Triangles or Figures con­sisting of three Angles, come we now to those that have more Angles than three, as the Quadrangle, Quinquangle, Sexangle, &c.

2. A Quadrangle is a Figure or Superficies, which is bounded with four Right Lines.

3. A Quadrangle is either a Parallelogram or a Trapezium.

4. A Parallelogram is a Quadrangle whose oppo­site [Page 15] Sides are parallel having equal distances from one another in all Places.

5. A Parallelogram is either Right angled or Oblique.

6. A Right angled Parallelogram, is a Quadran­gle whose four Angles are all Right, and is either Square or Oblong.

7. A Square Parallelogram doth consist of four equal Lines. The Parts of a Square are, the Sides of which the Square is made, and the Dia­gonal or Line drawn from one opposite Angle to another through the middle of the Square.

8. An Oblong is a Right angled Parallelogram, having two longer and two shorter Sides.

9. An Oblique angled Parallelogram, is that whose Angles are all Oblique, and is either a Rhombus or a Rhomboides.

10. A Rhombus is an Oblique angled and equi­lateral Parallelogram.

11. A Rhomboides is an Oblique angled and inequilateral Parallelogram.

12. A Trapezium is a Quadrangular Figure whose Sides are not all parallel; it is either Right angled or Oblique.

13. A Right angled Trapezium hath two op­posite Sides parallel, but unequal, and the Side between them perpendicular.

14. An Oblique angled Trapezium is a Qua­drangle, but not a Parallelogram, having at least two Angles Oblique, and none of the Sides pa­rallel.

15. Thus much concerning Quadrangles or four sided Figures. Figures consisting of more than four Angles are almost infinite, but are re­ducible unto two sorts, Ordinate and Regular, or Inordinate and Irregular.

[Page 16] 16. Ordinate and Regular Polygons are such, as are contained by equal Sides and Angles, as the Pentagon, Hexagon, and such like.

17. Inordinate or irregular Polygons, are such as are contained by unequal Sides and Angles. The construction of these Quadrangular and Multangular Figures is explained in the Proposi­tions following.

Proposition. I.

Vpon a Right Line given to describe a Right an­gled Parallelogram, whether Square or Oblong.

In Fig. 10. let the given Line be AB, upon the Point A erect the Perpendic [...]lar AD equal to AB if you intend to make a Square, but long­er or shorter, if you intend an oblong, and upon the Points D and B at the distance of AB and AD describe two Arches intersecting one ano­ther, and from the Intersection draw the Lines ED and EB, so shall the Right angled Figure AE be a Square, if AB and AD be equal, o­therwise an Oblong, as was desired.

Proposition II.

To describe a Rhombus or Rhomboides.

In Fig. 11. To the Right Line AB draw the Line AD at any Acute Angle at pleasure, equal to AB if you intend a Rhombus, longer or short­er if you intend a Rhomboides, then upon your Compasses to the extent of AD and upon B as a Center describe an Arch; in like manner, at the extent of AB upon D as a Center describe an­other [Page 17] Arch intersecting the former, then draw the Lines ED and EB, so shall AE be the Rhom­bus or Rhomboides, as was required.

Proposition III.

Vpon a Right Line given to make a Regular Pen­tagon, or five sided Figure.

In Fig. 12. Let the given Line be AB, upon A and B as two Centers describe the Circles EBGH and CAGK, then open your Compasses to the extent of BC, and making G the Cen­ter, describe the Arch HAFK, then draw the Lines KFE and HFC: so shall AE and BC be two sides of the Pentagon desired, and opening your Compasses to the extent of AB, upon E and C as two Centers describe two Arches inter­secting one another, and from the Point of Inter­section draw the Lines ED and DC, so shall the Figure AB and DE be the Pentagon required.

Proposition IV.

To make a Regular Pentagon and Decagon in a given Circle.

In Fig. 13. upon the Diameter CAB describe the Circle CDBL, from the Center AErect the Perpendicular AD, and let the Semidiameter AC be bisected, the Point of Bisection is E, set the distance ED from E to G, and draw the Line GD, which is the side of a Pentagon, and AG the side of a Decagon inscribed in the same Circle.

Proposition V.

In a Circle given to describe a Regular Hexagon.

The side of a Hexagon is equal to the Radius of a Circle, the Radius of a Circle therefore being six times applied to the Circumference, will give you six Points, to which Lines being drawn from Point to Point, will constitute a Regular Hexagon, as was desired.

Proposition VI.

In a Circle given to describe a Regular Hepta­gon or Figure consisting of seven equal sides.

The side of a Heptagon is equal to half the side of a Triangle inscribed in a Circle, having therefore drawn an Hexagon in a Circle, the Chord Line subtending two sides of the Hexagon lying together, is the side of a Triangle inscrib­ed in that Circle, and half that Chord applied seven times to the Circumference, will give se­ven Points, to which Lines being drawn from that Point, will constitute a Regular Heptagon, as in Fig. 14. is plainly shewed.


Of Solid Bodies.

HAving spoken of the two first kinds of Magnitude, Lines and Superficies, come we now to the third, a Body or Solid.

2. A Body or Solid is a Magnitude consisting of length, breadth and thickness.

3. A Solid is either regular or irregular.

4. That is called a regular Solid, whose Bases, Sides and Angles are equal and like.

5. And this either Simple or Compound.

6. A simple regular Solid, is that whith doth consist of one only kind of Superficies.

7. And this is either a Sphere or Globe, or a plain Body.

8. A Globe is a Solid included by one round and convex Superficies, in the middle whereof there is a Point, from whence all Lines drawn to the Circumference are equal.

9. A simple plain Solid, is that which doth consist of plain Superficies.

10. A plain Solid is either a Pyramid, a Prism, or a mixt Solid.

11. A Pyramid is a Solid, Figure or Body, contained by several Plains set upon one right lin'd Base, and meeting in one Point.

12. Of all the several sorts of Pyramids, there is but one that is Regular, to wit a Tetrahe­dron, or a Pyramid consisting of four regular or equilateral Triangles; the form whereof (as it may be cut in Pastboard) may be conceived by Figure 15.

[Page 20] 13. A Prism is a Solid contained by several Plains, of which those two which are opposite, are equal, like and parallel, and all others are Paralellogram.

14. A Prism is either a Pentahedron, a Hexahe­dron, or a Polyhedron.

15. A Pentahedron Prism, is a Solid compre­hended of five Sides, and the Base a Triangle, as Fig. 16.

16. An Hexahedron Prism, is a Solid com­prehended of six Sides, and the Base a Quadran­gle, as Fig. 17.

17. An Hexahedron Prism, is distinguished into a Parallelipipedon and a Trapezium.

18. An Hexahedron Prism called a Trapezium is a Solid, whose opposites Plains or Sides, are neither opposite nor equal.

19. A Parallelipipedon is either right angled or oblique.

20. A right angled Parallelipipedon is an Hexa­hedron Prism, comprehended of right angled Plains or Sides; and it is either a Cube or an Ob­long.

21. A Cube is a right angled Parallelipipedon comprehended of six equal Plains or Sides.

22. An Oblong Parallelipipedon, is an Hexahe­dron Prism, comprehended by unequal Plains or Sides.

23. An Oblique angled Parallelipipedon, is an Hexahedron Prism, comprehended of Oblique Sides.

24. A Polyhedron Prism, is a Solid compre­hended by more than six Sides, and hath a mul­tangled Base, as a Quincangle, Sexangle, &c.

25. A regular compound or mixt Solid, is such [Page 21] a Solid as hath its Vertex in the Center, and the several Sides exposed to view, and of this sort there are only three; the Octohedron, the Icosahe­dron, of both which the Base is a Triangle; and the Dodecahedron, whose Base is a Quincangle.

26. An Octohedron is a Solid Figure which is contained by eight equal and equilateral Trian­gles, as in Fig. 18.

27. An Icosahedron is a Solid, which is con­tained by twenty equal and equilateral Trian­gles, as Fig. 19.

28. A Dodecahedron is a Solid, which is con­tained by twelve equal Pentagons, equilateral and equiangled, as in Fig. 20.

29. A regular compound Solid, is such a So­lid as is Comprehended both by plain and circu­lar Superficies, and this is either a Cone or a Cylinder.

30. A Cone is a Pyramidical Body, whose Base is a Circle, or it may be called a round Py­ramis, as Fig. 21.

31. A Cylinder is a round Column every where comprehended by equal Circles, as Fig. 22.

32. Irregular Solids are such, which come not within these defined varieties, as Ovals, Fru­stums of Cones, Pyramids, and such like.

And thus much concerning the description of the several sorts of continued Quantity, Lines, Plains and Solids; we will in the next place consider the wayes and means by which the Di­mentions of them may be taken and determined, and first we will shew the measuring of Lines.


Of the Measuring of Lines both Right and Circular.

EVery Magnitude must be measured by some known kind of Measure; as Lines by Lines, Superficies by Superficies, and Solids by Solids, as if I were to measure the breadth of a River, or height of a Turret, this must be done by a Right Line, which being applied to the breadth or height desired to be measured, shall shew the Perches, Feet or Inches, or by some other known measure the breadth or height desired: but if the quantity of some Field or Meadow, or any other Plain be desired, the number of square Perches must be enquired; and lastly, in measuring of Solids, we must use the Cube of the measure used, that we discover the number of those Cubes that are contained in the Body or Solid to be measured. First, therefore we will speak of the several kinds of measure, and the making of such Instruments, by which the quantity of any Magni­tude may be known.

2. Now for the measuring of Lines and Su­perficies, the Measures in use with us, are Inches, Feet, Yards, Ells and Perches.

3. An Inch is three Barley Corns in length, and is either divided into halves and quarters, which is amongst Artificers most usual, or into ten equal Parts, which is in measuring the most useful way of Division.

4. A Foot containeth twelve Inches in length, and is commonly so divided; but as for such things as are to be measured by the Foot, it is far [Page 23] better for use, when divided into ten equal Parts, and each tenth into ten more.

5. A Yard containeth three Foot, and is com­monly divided into halves and quarters, the which for the measuring of such things as are usually sold in Shops doth well enough, but in the mea­suring of any Superficies, it were much better to be divided into 10 or 100 equal Parts.

6. An Ell containeth three Foot nine Inches, aud is usually divided into halves and quarters, and needs not be otherwise divided, because we have no use for this Measure, but in Shop Com­modities.

7. A Pole or Perch cotaineth five Yards and an half, and hath been commonly divided into Feet and half Feet. Forty Poles in length do make one Furlong, and eight Furlongs in length do make an English Mile, and for these kinds of of lengths, a Chain containing four Pole, divided by Links of a Foot long, or a Chain of fifty Foot, or what other length you please, is well enough, but in the measuring of Land, in which the number of square Perches is required; the Chain called Mr. Gunters, being four Pole in length divided into 100 Links, is not without just reason reputed the most useful.

8. The making of these several Measures is not difficult, a Foot may be made, by repeating an Inch upon a Ruler twelve times, a Yard is eight Foot, and so of the rest; the Subdivision of a Foot or Inch into halves and quarters, may be performed by the seventeenth of the first, and into ten or any other Parts by the first Proposition of the first Chapter, and all Scales of equal Parts, of what scantling you do desire. And this I [Page 24] think is as much as needs to be said concerning the dividing of such Instruments as are useful in the measuring Right Lines.

9. The next thing to be considered is the mea­suring of Circular Lines, or Perfect Circles.

10. And every Circle is supposed to be divi­ded into 360 Parts called Degrees, every Degree into 60 Minutes, every Minute into 60 Seconds, and so forward this division of the Circle into 360 Parts is generally retained, but the Sub­division of those Parts, some would have be thus and 100, but as to our present purpose either may be used, most Instruments not exceeding the fourth part of a Degree.

11. Now then a Circle may be divided into 360 Parts in this manner, Having drawn a Dia­meter through the Center of the Circle dividing the Circle into two equal Parts, cross that Dia­meter with another at Right Angles through the Center of the Circle also, so shall the Circle be divided into four equal Parts or Quadrants, each Quadrant containing 90 Degrees, as in Fig. 7. GE. ED. DL and LG, are each of them 90 Degrees; and the Radius of a Circle being equal to the Chord of the sixth Part thereof, that is to the Chord of 60 Degrees, as in Fig. 14. if you set the Radius GB from L towards G, and also from G towards L, the Quadrant GL will be sub­divided into three equal Parts, each Part con­taining 30 Degrees, GM. 30. MH 30 and HL 30, the like may be done in the other Quadrants also; so will the whole Circle be divided into twelve Parts, each Part containing 30 Degrees.

And because the side of a Pentagon inscribed in a Circle is equal to the Chord of 72 Degrees, or [Page 25] the first Part of 360, as in Fig. 13. therefore if you set the Chord of the first Part of the Circle given from G to L or L to G, in Fig. 7. you will have the Chord of 72 Degrees, and the difference between GP 72 and GH 60 is HP 12, which be­ing bisected, will give the Arch of 6 Degrees, and the half of six will give three, and so the Circle will be divided into 120 Parts, each Part con­taining three Degrees, to which the Chord Line being divided into three Parts, the Arch by those equal Divisions may be also divided, and so the whole Circle will be divided into 360, as was de­sired.

12. A Circle being thus divided into 360 Parts, the Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents and Secants, are so easily made (if what hath been said of them in the Second Chapter be but considered) that I think it needless to say any more concerning their Construction, but shall rather proceed unto their Use.

13. And the use of these Lines and other Lines of equal Parts we will now shew in circular and right lined Figures; and first in the measuring of a Circle and Circular Figures.


Of the Measuring of a Circle.

THe squaring of a Circle, or the finding of a Square exactly equal to a Circle given, is that which many have endeavoured, but none as yet have attained: Yet Archimedes that Famous Mathe­matician hath sufficiently proved, That the Area of a Circle is equal to a Rectangle made of the Ro­dius and half the Circumference: Or thus, The Area of a Circle is equal to a Rectangle made of the Diameter and the fourth part of the Circum­ference. For Example, let the Diameter of a Circle be 14 and the Circumference 44; if you multiply half the Circumference 22 by 7 half the Diameter, the Product is 154; or if you multiply 11 the fourth part of the Circumference, by 14 the whole Diameter, the Product will still be 154. And hence the Superficies of any Circle may be found though not exactly, yet near enough for any use.

2. But Ludolphus Van Culen finds the Circum­ference of a Circle whose Diameter is 1.00 to be 3.14159 the half whereof 1.57095 being mul­tiplied by half the Diameter 50, &c. the Product is 7.85395 which is the Area of that Circle, and from these given Numbers, the Area, Circumfe­rence and Diameter of any other Circle may be found by the Proportions in the Propositions fol­lowing.

Proposition I.

The Diameter of a Circle being given to find the Circumference.

As 1. to 3.14159: so is the Diameter to the Circumference. Example. In Fig. 13. Let the Diameter IB be 13. 25. I say as 1. to 3. 14159. so IB. 13.25 to 41.626 the Circumference of that Circle.

Proposition II.

The Diameter of a Circle being given to find the Superficial Content.

As 1. to 78539; so is the Square of the Dia­meter given, to the Superficial Content required. Example, Let the Diameter given be as before IB 13.25 the Square thereof is 175.5625 therefore.

As 1. to 78539: so 175.5625 to 137.88 the Superficial Content of that Circle.

Proposition III.

The Circumference of a Circle being given, to find the Diameter.

This is but the Converse of the first Propositi­on: Therefore as 3.14159 is to 1: so is the Circumference to the Diameter; and making the Circumference an Unite, it is. 3. 14159. 1∷ 1. 318308, and so an Unite may be brought into the first place. Example, Let the given Cir­cumference [Page 28] be 41. 626. I say,

As 1. to 318308: so 41.626 to 13. 25. the Diameter required.

Proposition IV.

The Circumference of a Circle being given to find the Superficial Content.

As the Square of the Circumference of a Cir­cle given is to the Superficial Content of that Circle: so is the Square of the Circumference of another Circle given to the Superficial Con­tent required. Example, As the Square of 3.14159 is to 7853938: so is 1. the Square of another Circle to 079578 the Superficial Content required, and so an Unite for the most easie work­ing may be brought into the first place: Thus the given Circumference being 41. 626. I say,

As 1. to 0.79578: so is the Square of 41.626 to 137.88 the Superficial Content required.

Proposition V.

The Superficial Content of a Circle being given, to find the Diameter.

This is the Converse of the second Propositi­on, therefore as 78539 is to 1. so is the Superfici­al Content given, to the Square of the Diameter required. And to bring an Unite in the first place: I say.

As 7853978. 1∷1. 1. 27324, and there­fore if the Superficial Content given be 137.88, to find the Diameter: I say,

[Page 29] As 1. to 1.27324: so 137.88 to 175.5625 whose Square Root is 13.25, the Diameter sought.

Proposition VI.

The Superficial Content of a Circle being given, to find the Circumference.

This is the Converse of the Fourth Propositi­on, and therefore as 079578 is to 1 : so is the Su­perficial Content given, to the Square of the Cir­cumference required, and to bring an Unite in the first place: I say,

As 079578. 1 :: 1. 12.5664, and therefore if the Superficial Content given be 137.88, to find that Circumference: I say,

As 1. to 12.5664: so is the 137.88 to 1732.7 whose Square Root is 626 the Circumference.

Proposition VII.

The Diameter of a Circle being given to find the Side of the Square, which may be inscribed within the same Circle.

The Chord or Subtense of the Fourth Part of a Circle, whose Diameter is an Unite, is 7071067, and therefore, as 1. to 7071067: so is the Dia­meter of another Circle, to the Side required. Example, let the Diameter given be 13.25 to find the side of a Square which may be inscribed in that Circle: I say,

As 1. to 7071067: so is 13.25 to 9.3691 the side required.

Proposition VIII.

The Circumference of a Circle being given, to find the Side of the Square which may be inscribed in the same Circle.

As the Circumference of a Circle whose Dia­meter is an Unite, is to the side inscribed in that Circle; so is the Circumference of any other Circle, to the side of the Square that may be in­scribed therein. Therefore an Unite being made the Circumference of a Circle.

As 3.14159 to 7071067: so 1. to 225078.

And therefore the Circumference of a Circle being as before 41.626, to find the side of the Square that may be inscribed: I say,

As 1. to 225078. so is 41.626 to 9.3691 the side inquired.

Proposition IX.

The Axis of a Sphere or Globe being given, to find the Superficial Content.

As the Square of the Diameter of a Circle, which is Unity, is to 3.14159 the Superficial Content, so is the Square of any other Axis given, to the Superficial Content required. Ex­ample, Let 13.25 be the Diameter given, to find the Content of such a Globe: I say,

As 1. to 3.14159: so is the Square of 13.25 to 551.54 the Superficial Content required.

Proposition X.

To find the Area of an Ellipsis.

As the Square of the Diameter of a Circle, is to the Superficial Content of that Circle; so is the Rectangle made of the Conjugate Diame­ters in an Ellipsis, to the Area of that Ellipsis; And the Diameter of a Circle being one, the Area is 7853975, therefore in Fig. 26. the Diameters AC8 and BD5 being given, the Area of the Ellipsis ABCD may thus be found.

As 1. to 7853975: so is the Rectangle AC in BD40 to 3.1415900, the Area of the Ellipsis required.


Of the Measuring of Plain Triangles.

HAving shewed the measuring of a Circle, and Ellipsis, we come now to Right lined Figures, as the Triangle, Quadrangle, and Mul­tangled Figures, and first of the measuring of the plain Triangles.

2. And the measuring of Plain Triangles is either in the measuring of the Sides and Angles, or of their Area and Superficial Content.

3. Plain Triangles in respect of their Sides and Angles are to be measured by two sorts of Lines, the one is a Line of equal Parts, and by that the Sides must be measured, the other is a Line of Chords, the Construction whereof hath [Page 32] been shewed in the sixth Chapter, and by that the Angles must be measured, the Angles may in­deed be measured by the Lines of Sines, Tan­gents or Secants, but the Line of Chords being not only sufficient, but most ready, it shall suffice to shew how any Angle may be protracted by a Line of Chords, or the Quantity of any Angle found, which is protracted.

4. And first to protract or lay down an Angle to the Quantity or Number of Degrees propo­sed, do thus, draw a Line at pleasure as AD in Figure 5, then open your Compasses to the Num­ber of 60 Degrees in the Line of Chords, and setting one Foot in A, with the other describe the Arch BG, and from the Point A let it be requi­red to make an Angle of 36 Degrees: open your Compasses to that extent in the Line of Chords, and setting one Foot in B, with the other make a mark at G, and draw the Line AG, so shall the Angle BAG contain 36 Degrees, as was re­quired.

5. If the Quantity of an Angle were re­quired, as suppose the Angle BAG, open your Compasses in the Line of Chords to the extent of 60 Degrees, and setting one Foot in A, with the other draw the Arch BG, then take in your Com­passes the distance of BG, and apply that extent to the Line of Chords, and it will shew the Num­ber of Degrees contained in that Angle, which in our Example is 36 Degrees.

6. In every Plain Triangle, the three Angles are equal to two right or 180 Degrees, there­fore one Angle being given, the sum of the other two is also given, and two Angles being given, the third is given also.

[Page 33] 7. Plain Triangles are either Right Angled or Oblique.

8. In a Right Angled Plain Triangle, one of the Acute Angles is the Complement of the other to a Quadrant or 90 Degrees.

9. In Right Angled Plain Triangles, the Side subtending the Right Angle we call the Hypotenuse, and the other two Sides the Legs, thus in Fig. 5▪ AE is the Hypotenuse, and AD and ED are the Legs; these things premised, the several cases in Right Angled and Oblique Angled Plain Tri­angles may be resolved, by the Propositions fol­lowing.

Proposition I.

In a Right Angled Plain Triangle, the Angles of one Leg being given, to find the Hypotenuse and the other Leg.

In the Right Angled Plain Triangle ADE in Fig. 5. Let the given Angles be DAE 36, and DEA 54, and let the given Leg be AD 476; to find the Hypotenuse AE, and the other Leg ED.

Draw a Line at pleasure, as AD, and by your Scale of equal Parts set from A to D 476 the Quantity of the Leg given, then erect a Perpen­dicular upon the Point D, and upon the Point A lay down your given Angle DAE 36 by the fourth hereof, and draw the Line AE till it cut the Perpendicular DE, then measure the Lines AE and DE upon your Scale of Equal Parts, so shall AE 588.3 be the Hypotenuse, and DE 345.8 the other Leg.

Proposition II.

The Hypotenuse and Oblique Angles given, to find the Legs.

Let the given Hypotenuse be 588, and one of the Angles 36 degrees, the other will then be 54 degrees, Draw a Line at pleasure, as AD, and upon the Point A by the fourth▪ hereof lay down one of the given Angles suppose the less, and draw the Line AC, and from your Scale of equal Parts, set off your Hypotenuse 588 from A to E, and from the Point E to the Line AD let fall the Perpendicular ED, then shall AD be­ing measured upon the Scale be 476 for one Leg, and ED 345.8 the other.

Proposition III.

The Hypotenuse and one Leg given to find the An­gles and the other Leg.

Let the given Hypotenuse be 588. and the given Leg 476. Draw a Line at pleasure as AD, upon which set the given Leg from A to D. 476, and upon the Point D, erect the Perpendicular DE, then open your Compasses in the Scale of Equal Parts to the Extent of your given Hypotenuse 588, and setting one Foot of that Extent in A, move the other till it touch the Perpendicular DE, then and there draw AE, so shall ED be 345.8 the Leg inquired, and the Angle DAE, will be found by the Line of Chords to be 36▪ whose Comple­ment is the Angle DEA. 54.

Proposition IV.

The Legs given to find the Hypotenuse, and the Oblique Angles.

Let one of the given Legs be 476, and the o­ther 345.8, Draw the Line AD to the extent of 476, and upon the Point D, erect the Perpendi­cular DE to the extent of 345.8, and draw the Line AE, so shall AE be the Hypotenuse 588, and the Angle DAE will by the Line of Chords be found to be 36 Degrees, and the Angle DEA 54, as before.

Hitherto we have spoken of Right angled plain Triangles: the Propositions following concern such as are Oblique.

Proposition V.

Two Angles in an Oblique angled plain Triangle, being given, with any one of the three Sides, to find the other two Sides.

In any Oblique angled plain Triangle, let one of the given Angles be 26.50 and the other 38. and let the given Side be 632, the Sum of the two given Angles being deducted from a Semi-circle, leaveth for the third Angle 115.50 De­grees, then draw the Line BC 632. and upon the Points B and C protract the given Angles, and draw the Lines BD and CD, which being mea­sured upon your Scale of equal Parts BD will be fou [...]d to be 312.43, and BD 431.09,

Proposition VI.

Two Sides in an Oblique Angled Triangle being given, with an Angle opposite to one of them, to find the other Angles and the third Side, if it be known whe­ther the Angle Opposite to the other Side given be Acute or Obtuse.

In an Oblique Angled Plain Triangle, let the given Angle be 38 Degrees, and let the Side ad­jacent to that Angle be 632, and the Side oppo­site 431. 1. upon the Line BC in Fig. 25. protract the given Angle 38 Degrees upon the Point C, and draw the Line DC, then open your Compasses to the Extent of the other Side given 431. 1. and setting one Foot in B, turn the other about till it touch the Line DC, which will be in two pla­ces, in the Points D and E; if therefore the Angle at B be Acute the third Side of the Triangle will he CE, according therefore to the Species of that Angle you must draw the Line BD or BE to compleat the Triangle, and then you may measure the other Angles, and the third Side as hath been shewed.

Proposition VII.

Two Sides of an Oblique Angled Plain Triangle be­ing given, with the Angle comprehended by them to find the other Angles and the third Side.

Let one of the given Sides be 632, and the o­ther 431.1, and let the Angle comprehended by them be Deg. 26.50, draw a Line at pleasure, [Page 37] as BC, and by help of your Scale of Equal Parts, set off one of your given Sides from B to C 632. then upon the Point B protract the given Angle 26. 50. and draw the Line BD, and from B to D, set off your other given Side 431. 1. and draw the Line DC, so have you constituted the Triangle BDC, in which you may measure the Angles and the third Side, as hath been shewed.

Proposition VIII.

The three Sides of an Oblique Angled Triangle being given, to find the Angles.

Let the length of one of the given Sides be 632, the length of another 431.1, and the length of the third 312.4, and Draw a Line at pleasure, as BC in Fig. 25, and by help of your Scale of E­qual Parts, set off the greatest Side given 632 from B to C. then open your Compasses in the same Scale to the extent of either of the other Sides, and setting one Foot of your Compasses in B, with the other describe an occult Arch, then extend your Compasses in the same Scale to the length of the third Side, and setting one Foot in C with the other describe another Arch cutting the former, and from the Point of Intersection draw the Lines BD and DC. to constitute the Triangle BDC, whose Angles may be measured, as hath heen shewed.

And thus may all the Cases of Plain Triangles be resolved by Scale and Compass, he that desires to resolve them Arithmetically, by my Trigome­tria Britannica, or my little Geometrical, Trigo­nometry; only one Case of Right Angled Plain [Page 38] Triangles which I shall have occasion to use, in the finding of the Area of the Segment of a Cir­cle I will here shew how, to resolve by Numbers.

Proposition IX.

In a Right Angled Plain Angle the Hypote­nuse and one Leg being given to find the other Leg.

Take the Sums and difference of the Hypotenuse and Leg given, then multiply the Sum by the Dif­ference, and of the Product extract the Square Root, which Square Root shall be the Leg inqui­red.

Example. In Fig. 5. Let the given Hypotenuse be AE 588.3, and the given Leg AD 476, and let DE be the Leg inquired. The Sum of AE and AD is 1064.3, and their Difference is 112.3, now then if you multiply 1064.3 by 112.3, the Product will be 119520.89, whose Square Root is the Leg DE. 345. 8.

Proposition X.

The Legs of a Right Angled Plain Triangle being gived, to find the Area or Superficial Content thereof.

Multiply one Leg by the other, half the Product shall be the Content. Example, In the Right angled plain Triangle ADE, let the given Legs be AD 476, and DE 345, and let the Area of that Triangle be required, if you multiply 476 by 345 the Product will be 164220, and the half thereof 82110 is the Area or Superficial Con­tent required.

Proposition XI.

The Sides of an Oblique angled plain Triangle be­ing given to find the Area or Superficial Content there­of.

Add the three Sides together, and from the half Sum subtract each Side, and note their Dif­ference; then multiply the half Sum by the said Differences continually, the Square Root of the last Product, shall be the Content required.

Example. In Fig. 9. Let the Sides of the Tri­angle ABC be AB 20. AC 13, and BC 11 the Sum of these three Sides is 44, the half Sum is 22, from whence subtracting AB 20, the Dif­ference is 2, from whence also if you substract AC 13, the Difference is 9, and lastly, if you subtract BC 11 from the half Sum 22, the Diffe­rence will be 11. And the half Sum 22 being multiplied by the first Difference 2, the Product is 44, and 44 being multiplied by the Second Dif­ference 9, the Product is 396, and 396 being mul­tiplied by the third Difference 11, the Product is 4356, whose Square Root 66, is the Content re­quired.

Or thus, from the Angle C let fall the Perpen­dicular DC, so is the Oblique angled Triangle ABC, turned into two right, now then if you measure DC upon your Scale of Equal Parts, the length thereof will be found to be 6.6, by which if you multiply the Base AB 20, the Product will be 132.0, whose half 66, is the Area of the Tri­angle, as before.

Proposition XII.

The Sides of any Oblique angled Quadrangle be­ing given, to find the Area or Superficial Content thereof.

Let the Sides of the Oblique angled Quadran­gle ABED in Fig. 11. be given, draw the Diago­nal AE, and also the Perpendiculars DC and BF, then measuring AE upon the same Scale by which the Quadrangular Figure was protracted, suppose you find the length to be 632, the length of DC 112, and the length of BF 136, if you multiply AE 632 by the Half of DC 56, the Product will be 35392 the Area of ACED. In like manner if you multiply AE 632, by the half of BF 68, the Product will be 42976 the Area of ACEB, and the Sum of these two Products is the Area of ABED as was required.

Or thus, take the Sum of DC 112, and BF 136; the which is 248, and multiply AE 632 by half that Sum, that is by 124, the Product will be 78368 the Area of the Quadrangular Figure ABED, as before.

Proposition XIII.

The Sides of a plain irregular multangled Figure being given, to find the Content.

In Fig. 26. Let the Sides of the multangled Fi­gure. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. be given, and let the Area thereof be required, by Diagonals drawn from the opposite Angles reduce the Figure given, [Page 41] into Oblique angled plain Triangles, and those Oblique angled Triangles, into right by letting fall of Perpendiculars, then measure the Diagonals and Perpendiculars by the same Scale, by which the Figure it self was protracted, the Content of those Triangles being computed, as hath been shewed, shall be AF the Content required: thus by the Diagonals AG. BE and EC the mul­tangled Figure propounded is converted into three Oblique angled quadrangular Figures, AFGH. AFEB and BEDC, and each of these are divided into four Right angled Triangles, whose several Contents may be thus computed. Let GA 94 be multiplied by half HL 27 more Half of KF 29, that is by 23, the Product will be 21, be the Area of AHGF. Secondly, OB is 11, and FN 13, their half Sum 12, by which if you multiply AE 132, the Product will be 1584 the Area of AFEB. Thirdly, let Bp be 18 m D 32, the half Sum is 25, by which if you multiply AEC 125 the Product will be 3125 the Area of BEDC, and the Sum of these Products is 6871 the Area of the whole irregu­lar Figure. ABCDEFGH, as was required.

Proposition XIV.

The Number of Degrees in the Sector of a Circle being given, to find the Area thereof.

In Fig. 27. ADEG is the Sector of a Circle, in which the Arch DEG, is Degrees. 23.50, and by 1. Prop. of Archimed. de Dimensione Circuli, the length of half the Arch is equal to the Area of the Sector of the double Arch, there the length [Page 42] of DE or EG is equal to the Area of the Sector ADEG: and the length or circumference of the whole Circle whose Diameter is 1 according to Van Culen, is 3.14159265358979, therefore the length of one Centesme of a Degree, is. 0. 01745329259. Now then to find the length of any Number of Degrees and Decimal Parts, you must multiply the aforesaid length of one Cen­tesme by the Degrees and Parts given, and the Product shall be the length of those Degrees and Parts required, and the Area of a Sector containing twice those Degrees and Parts. Example, the half of DEG 23.50 is DE or EG 11.75, by which if you multiply 0.01745329259, the Pro­duct will be 2050761879325, the length of the Arch DE, and the Area of the Sector ADEG.

Proposition XV.

The Number of Degrees in the Segment of a Circle being given, to find the Area of the Segment.

In Fig. 27. Let the Area of the Segment DEGK be required, in which let the Arch DEG be Degrees 23.50, then is the Area of the Sector ADEG 2050761879325 by the last a­foregoing, from which if you deduct the Area of the Triangle ADG, the remainer will be the Area of the Segment DEGK. And the Area of the Tri­angle ADG may thus be found. DK is the Sine of DE 11.75, which being sought in Gellibrand's De­cimal Canon is. 2036417511, and AK is the Sine of DH 78.25, or the Cosine of DE. 9790454724, which being multiplied by the Sine of DE, the Pro­duct will be 1993745344, or if you multiply AG [Page]


[Page] [Page 43] the Radius by half DF the Sine of the double Arch DEG, the Product will be 19937453445 as be­fore, and this Product being deducted from the Area of the Sector ADEG 2050761879325, the remainer will be 57016434875 the Area of the Segment DEGL, as was desired.

Proposition XVI.

The Diameter of a Circle being cut into any Num­ber of Equal Parts, to find the Area of any Segment made by the Chord Line drawn at Right Angles through any of those equal Parts of the Diameter.

In Fig. 28. The Radius AD is cut into five E­qual Parts, and the Segment EDFL is made by the Chord Line ELF at Right Angles to AD in the fourth Equal Part, or at eight tenths there­of: now then to find the Area of this Segment we have given AE Radius, and AL 8, and there­fore by the ninth hereof EL will be found to be 606000, the Sine of ED 36.87, by which if you multiply 0.0174532, the Product is the Area of the Sector AEDF 64350286, and the Area of the Triangle AEF is 48, which being deducted from the Area of the Sector, the Remainer 16350286 is the Area of the Sector EDFL, as was required. And in this manner was that Ta­ble of Segments made by the Chord Lines cutting the Radius into 100 Equal Parts.

Another way.

In Fig. 28. Let the Radius AD be cut into 10.100 or 1000 Equal Parts, and let the Area of [Page 44] the Segments made by the Chord Lines drawn at Right Angles through all those Parts be required: first find the Ordinates GK and M. PN. EL, the double of each Ordinate, will be the Chords of the several Arches, and the Sum of these Chords beginning with the least Ordinate, will orderly give you the Area of the several Segments made by those Chord Lines, but the Diameter must be be divided into 100000 Equal Parts, because of the unequal differences at the beginning of the Diameter: but taking the Area of the Circle to be 3. 1415926535, &c. as before, the Area of the Semicircle will be 1.57079632, from which if you deduct the Chord GH1999999, the Chord answering to 999 Parts of the Radius, the remainer is. 1.56879632 the Area of the Seg­ment GDH. And in this manner by a conti­nual deduction of the Chord Lines from the Area of the Segment of the Circle given, was made that Table shewing the Area of the Segments of a Circle to the thousandth part of the Radius.

And because a Table shewing the Area of the Segments of a Circle to the thousandth part of the Radius, whose whole Area is Unity, is yet more useful in Common Practice, therefore from this Table, was that Table also made by this Pro­portion.

As the Area of the Circle whose Diameter is. Unity, to wit 3.14149 is to the Area of any part of that Diameter, so is Unity the supposed Area of another Circle, to the like part of that Diameter. Example, the Area answering to 665 parts of the Radius of a Circlewhose Area is 3.14159 is 0.91354794 therefore,

As 3.14159265 is to 0.91354794: So is [...]. [Page]




[Page 45] to 290791, the Area required; and the Table being thus computed to the 1000 parts of the Radius, we have enlarged it by the difference to the 5000 parts of the Radius, and consequently to the ten thousandth part of the Diameter: The use of which Table shall be shewed when we come to the measuring of Solid Bodies.


Of the Measuring of Heights and Distances.

HAving shewed in the former Chapter, how all plain Triangles may be measured, not only in respect of their Sides and Angles, but in respect of their Area, and the finding of the A­rea of all other plain Figures also, that which is next to be considered, is the practical use of those Instructions, in the measuring of Board, Glass, Wainscot, Pavement, and such like, as also the measuring or surveying of Land; and first we will shew the measuring of Heights and Distances.

2. And in the measuring of Heights and Di­stances, besides a Chain of 50 or 100 Links, each Link being a Foot, it is necessary to have a Qua­drant of four or five Inches Radius, and the larger the Quadrant is, the more exactly may the Angles: be taken, though for ordinary Practice, four or five Inches Radius will be sufficient.

Let such a Quadrant therefore be divided in the Limb into 90 Equal Parts or Degrees, and numbred from the left hand to the right, at every tenth Degree, in this manner 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. and within the Limb of the Qua­drant [Page 46] draw another Arch, which being divided by help of the Limb into two Equal Parts, in the Point of Interfection set the Figure 1. represent­ing the Radius or Tangent of 45 Degrees, and from thence both ways the Tangents of 63.44 Deg. 71.57 Deg. 75.97 Deg.78.70 Deg. 80.54 Deg. that is, 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 being set also, your Quadrant will be fitted for the taking of Heights several ways, as shall be explained in the Propositions following.

Proposition I.

To find the Height of a Tower, Tree, or other Object at one Station.

At any convenient distance from the Foot of the Object to be measured, as suppose at C in Fig. 30. and there looking through the Sights of your Quadrant till you espie the top of the Object at A, observe what Degrees in the Limb are cut by the Thread, those Degrees from the left Side or Edge of the Quadrant to the Right, is the Quan­tity of the Angle ACB, which suppose 35 De­grees; then is the Angle BAC 55 Degrees, be­ing the Complement of the former to 90 Degrees. This done with your Chain or otherwise mea­sure the distance from B the Foot of the Object, to your Station at C, which suppose to be 125 Foot. Then as hath been shewed in the 1. Prop. Chap. 8. draw a Line at pleasure as BC, and by your Scale of Equal Parts, set off the distance measured from B to C 125 Foot, and upon the Point C lay down your Angle taken by observa­tion 35 Degrees, then erect a Perpendicular upon [Page 47] the Point B, and let it be extended till it cut the Hypothenusal Line AC, so shall AB measured on your Scale of Equal Parts, be 87.5 Foot for the Height of the Object above the Eye; to which the Height of the Eye from the Ground being added, their Sum is the Height required.

Another way.

Let AB represent a Tower whose Altitude you would take, go so far back from it, that looking through the Sights of your Quadrant, to the top of the Tower at A the Thread may cut just 45 Degrees in the Limb, then shall the distance from the Foot of the Tower, to your Station, be the Height of the Tower above the Eye.

Or if you remove your Station nearer and near­er to the Object, till your Thread hang over the Figures 2. 3. 4 or 5 in the Quadrant, the Height of the Tower at 2. will be twice as much as the distance from the Tower to the Station, at 3. it will be thrice as much, &c. As if removing my Station from C to D, the Thread should hang o­ver 2 in the Quadrant, and the distance BD 62 Foot, then will 124 Foot be the Height of the Tower, above the Eye.

In like manner if you remove your Station backward till your Thread fall upon one of those Figures in the Quadrant; between 45 and 90 De­grees, the distance between the Foot of the Tower, and your Station will at 2. be twice as much as the Height, at 3. thrice as much, at 4. four times so much, and so of the rest.

[Page 48] A Third way by a Station at Random.

Take any Station at pleasure suppose at C, and looking through the Sights of your Quadrant, observe what Parts of the Quadrant the Thread falls upon, and then measure the distance be­tween the Station, and the Foot of the Object, that distance being multiplied by the parts cut in the Quadrant, cutting off two Figures from the Product shall be the Height of the Object above the Eye?

Example, Suppose I standing at C, that the Thread hangs upon 36 Degrees, as also upon 72 in the Quadrant which is the Tangent of the said Arch, and let the measured distance be CB 125 Foot, which being multiplied by 72, the Product is 9000, from which cutting off his Figures be­cause the Radius is supposed to be 100, the Height inquired will be 90 Foot, he that desires to per­form this work with more exactness, must make use of the Table of Sines and Tangents Natural or Artificial, this we think sufficient for our pre­sent purpose.

Proposition II.

To find an inaccessible Height at two Stations.

Take any Station at pleasure as at D, and there looking through the Sights of your Quadrant to the top of the Object, observe what Degrees are cut by the Thread in the Limb, which admit to be 68 Degrees, then remove backward, till the An­gle taken by the Quadrant, be but half so much [Page 49] as the former, that is 34 Degrees, then is the di­stance between your two Stations equal to the Hypothenusal Line at your first Station, viz. AD. if the distance between your two Stations were 326 foot, then draw a Line at pleasure as BD, upon the Point D protract, the Angle ADB 68 Degrees, according to your first Observation, and from your Line of equal parts set off the Hy­pothenusal 326 Foot from D to A, and from the Point A let fall the Perpendicular AB which be­ing measured in your Scale of Equal Parts, shall be the Altitude of the Object inquired.

Or working by the Table of Sines and Tan­gents, the Proportion is.

As the Radius, is to the measured distance or Hypothenusal Line AD; so is the Sine of the Angle ADE, to the height AB inquired.

Another more General way, by any two Stations taken at pleasure.

Admit the first Station to be as before at D, and the Angle by observation to be 68 Degrees, and from thence at pleasure I remove to C, where observing aim I find the Angle at C to be 32 De­grees, and the distance between the Stations 150 Foot. Draw a Line at pleasure as BC, and upon Clay down your last observed Angle 32 Degrees, and by help of your Scale of Equal Parrs, set off your measured distance from C to D 150 Foot, then upon D lay down your Angle of 68 De­grees, according to your first Observation, and where the Lines AD and AC meet, let fall the Perpendicular AB, which being measured in your Scale of Equal Parts, shall be the height of the Object as before.

[Page 50] Or working by the Tables of Sines and Tan­gents, the Proportions.

1. As the Sine of DAC to the Distance DC. So the Sine of ACD, to the Side AD.

2. As the Radius, to the Side AD; so the Sine ADB, to the Perpendicular height AB inquired.

The taking of Distances is much after the same manner, but because there is required either some alteration in the sights of your Quadrant or some other kind of Instrument for the taking of Angles, we will particularly shew, how that may be also done several ways, in the next Chapter.


Of the taking of Distances.

FOr the taking of Distances some make use of a Semicircle, others of a whole Circle, with Ruler and Sights rather than a Quadrant, and al­though the matter is not much by which of these Instruments the Angles be taken, yet in all Cases the whole Circle is somewhat more ready, than either a Semicircle or Quadrant, the which with its Furniture is called the Theodolite.

2. A piece of Board or Brass then about twelve or fourteen Inches Diameter, being made Circular like a round Trencher, must be divided into four Quadrants, and each Quadrant divided into 90 Degrees, or the whole Circle into 360, and each Degree into as many other Equal Parts, as the largeness of the Degrees will well permit: let your Circle be numbred both ways to 360, that is from the right hand to the left, and from the left to the right.

[Page 51] 3. Upon the backside of the Circle there must be a Socket made fast, that it may be set upon a three legged Staff, to bear it up in the Field.

4. You must also have a Ruler with Sights fixed at each end, for making of Observation, either fixed upon the Center of your Circle, or loose, as you shall think best; your Instrument being thus made, any distance whether accessible or inacces­sible may thus be taken.

5. When you are in the Field, and see any Church, Tower, or other Object, whose Distance from you, you desire to know, choose out some other Station in the same Field, from whence you may also see the Object, and measure the distance between your Stations; then setting your Ruler upon the Diameter of your Circle, set your In­strument so, as that by the Sights on your Ruler, you may look to the other Station, this done turn your Ruler to that Object whose distance you de­sire to know, and observe how many Degrees of the Circle are cut by the Ruler, as suppose 36 De­grees, as the Angle ACD in Fig. 30. Then re­moving your Instrument to D, lay the Ruler on the Diameter thereof, and then turn the whole In­strument about till through your Sights you can espy the mark set up at your first Station at C, and there fix your Instrument, and then upon the Cen­tre of your Circle turn your Ruler till through the Sights you can espy the Object whose distance is inquired, suppose at A; and observe the De­grees in the Circle cut by the Ruler, which let be 112, which is the Angle ADC, and let the di­stance between your two Stations be DC 326 Foot; so have you two Angles and the side be­tween them, in a plain Triangle given, by which [Page 52] to find the other sides, the which by protraction may be done as hath been shewed, in the fifth Pro­position of Chapter 8. but by the Table of Sines and Tangents, the Proportion is.

As the Sine of DAC, is to DC; so is the Sine of ACD to the Side AD.

Or, as the Sine of DAC, is to the given Side DC.

So is the Sine of ADC to the Side AC.

6. There is another Instrument called the plain Table, which is nothing else, but a piece of Board, in the fashion and bigness of an ordinary sheet of paper, with a little frame, to fasten a sheet of pa­per upon it, which being also set upon a Staff, you may by help of your Ruler, take a distance there­with in this manner.

Having measured the distance between your two Stations at D and C, draw upon your paper a Line, on which having set off your distance place your Instrument at your first Station C, and laying your Ruler upon the Line so drawn there­on, turn your Instrument till through the Sights you can espy the Station at D, then laying your Ruler upon the Point C, turn the same about till through the Sights you can espy the Object at A, and there draw a Line by the side of your Ruler, and remove your Instrument to D, and laying your Ruler upon the Line DC, turn the Instru­ment about, till through the Sight you can espy the Mark at C, and then laying your Ruler upon the Point D, turn the same, till through the Sights you can espy the Object at A, and by the side of your Ruler draw a Line, which must be extended till it meet with the Line AC, so shall the Line AD being measured upon your Scale of Equal [Page 53] Parts, be the distance of the Object from D, and the Line AC shall be the distance thereof from C.

7. And in this manner may the distance of two, three or more Objects be taken, from any two Stations from whence the several Objects may be seen, and that either by the plain Table, or The­odolite.


How to take the Plot of a Field at one Station, from whence the several Angles may be seen.

ALthough there are several Instruments by which the Plat of a Field may be taken, yet do I think it sufficient to shew the use of these two, the plain Table and Theodolite.

2. In the use of either of which the same chain which is used in taking of heights and distances, is not so proper. I rather commend that which is known by the Name of Gunter's Chain, which is four Pole divided into 100 Links; being as I con­ceive much better for the casting up the Content of a Piece of Ground, than any other Chain that I have yet heard of, whose easie use shall be explain­ed in its proper place.

3. When you are therefore entered the Field with your Instrument, whether plain Table, or Theodolite, having chosen out your Station, let visible Marks be set up in all the Corners thereof, and then if you use the plain Table, make a mark upon your paper, representing your Stati­on, and laying your Ruler to this Point, direct [Page 54] your Sights to the several Corners of the Field, where you have caused Marks to be set up, and draw Lines by the side of the Ruler upon the paper to the point representing your station, then measure the distance of every of these Marks from your Instrument, and by your Scale set those distances upon the Lines drawn upon the paper, making small marks at the end of every such distance, Lines drawn from Point to Point, shall give you upon your paper, the Plot of the Field, by which Plot so taken the content of the Field may easily be computed.

Example. Let Fig. 31. represent a Field whose Plot is required; your Table being placed with a sheet of paper thereupon, make a Mark about the middle of your Table, as at A. apply your Ruler from this Mark to B and draw the Line AB, then with your Chain measure the distance there­of which suppose to be 11 Chains 36 Links, then take 11 Chains 36 Links from your Scale, and set that distance from A to B, and at B make a mark.

Then directing the Sights to C, draw a Line by the side of your Ruler as before, and measure the distance AC, which suppose to be 7 Chains and 44 Links, this distance must be taken from your Scale, and set from A to C upon your paper.

And in this manner you must direct your Sights from Mark to Mark, until you have drawn the Lines and set down the distances, between all the Angles in the Field and your station, which being done, you must draw the Lines from one Point to another, till you conclude where you first began, so will those Lines BC. CD. DE. FG. and GB, give you the exact Figure of the Field.

4. To do this by the Theodolite, in stead of [Page 55] drawing Lines upon your paper in the Field, you must have a little Book, in which the Pages must be divided into five Columns, in the first Column whereof you must set several Letters to signifie the several Angles in the Field, from which Lines are to be drawn to your place of standing, in the second and third Columns the degrees and parts taken by your Instrument, and the fourth and fifth, to set down your distances Chains and Links, this being in readiness, and have placed your Instrument direct your Sights to the first mark at B, and observe how many De­grees are comprehended between the Diameter of your Instrument, and the Ruler, and set them in the second and third Columns of your Book against the Letter B, which stands for your first Mark, then measure the distance AB as before, and set that down, in the fourth and fifth Co­lumns, and so proceed from Mark to Mark, until you have taken all the Angles and Distances in the Field, which suppose to be, as they are ex­pressed in the following Table.

  Degr. Part Chains Links
B 39 75 11 56
C 40 75 7 44
D 96 00 7 48
E 43 25 8 92
F 80 00 6 08
G 59 25 9 73

5. Having thus taken the Angles and Distances in the Field, to protract the same on Paper or [Page 56] Parchment, cannot be difficult; for if you draw a Line at pleasure as EB representing the Dia­meter of your Instrument about the middle there­of, as at A, mark a Mark, and opening your Com­passes to 60 Degrees in your Line of Chords, up­on A as a Center describe a Circle, then lay your Field book before you seeing that your first Ob­servattion cut no Degrees, there are no Degrees to be marked out in the Circle, but the Degrees at C are 40.75 which being taken from your Line of Chords, you must set them from H to I, and draw the Line AI. the Degrees at D are 96 which must in like manner be set from I to K, and so the rest in order.

This done observe by your Field-book the length of every Line, as the Line AB at your first Observation was 11 Chains and 36 Links, which being by your Scale set from A will give the Point B in the Paper, the second distance be­ing set upon AI will give the Point C, and so proceeding with the rest, you will have the Points BCDEF and G, by which draw the Lines BC. CD. DE; EF. FG and GB, and so at last you have the Figure of the Field upon your Paper, as was required.

And what is here done at one station, may be done at two or more, by measuring one or two distances from your first station, taking at every station, the Degrees and distances to as many An­gles, as are visible at each station.

And as for taking the the Plot of a-Field by In­tersection of Lines, he that doth but consider how the distances of several Objects may be taken at two stations, will be able to do the other also, and therefore I think it needless, to make any il­lustration by example.


How to take the Plot of a Wood, Park or other Cham­pion Plain, by going round the same, and making Observation at every Angle.

BY these Directions which have been already given, may the Plot of any Field or Fields be taken, when the Angles may be seen alone or more stations within the Field, which though it is the case of some Grounds, it is not the case of all; now where observation of the Angles cannot be observed within, they must be observed without, and although this may be done by the plain Ta­ble, yet as I judge it may be more conveniently done by the Theodolite, in these cases thereof I chiefly commend that Instrument, I know some use a Mariners Compass, but the working with a Needle is not only troublesom, but many times uncertain, yet if a Needle be joyned with the Theodolite the joynt Observations of the Angles may serve to confirm one another.

2. Suppose the Fig. 32. to be a large Wood whose Plot you desire to take; Having placed your Instrument at the Angle A, lay your Ruler on the Diameter thereof, turning the whole Instru­ment till through the Sights you espy the Angle at K, then fasten it there, and turn your Ruler up­on the Center, till through the Sights you espy your second Mark at B, the Degrees cut by the Ruler do give the quantity of that Angle BAK, suppose 125 Degrees, and the Line AB 6 Chains, 45 Links, which you must note in your Field-book, as was shewed before.

[Page 58] 3. Then remove your Instrument to B, and laying your Ruler upon the Diameter thereof, turn it about, till through the Sights you can espy your third mark at C, and there fasten your In­strument, then turn the Ruler backward till through the Sights you see the Angle at A, the Degrees cut by the Ruler being 106.25 the quan­tity of the Angle ABC, and the Line BC contain­ing 8 Chains and 30 Links, which note in your Field-book, as before.

4. Remove your Instrument unto C, and laying the Ruler on the Diameter thereof, turn the In­strument about till through the Sights you see the Angle at D, and fixing of it there, turn the Ruler upon the Center till you see your last station at B, and observe the Degrees cut thereby, which sup­pose to be 134 Degrees, and the Line CD 6 Chains 65 Links, which must be entered into your Field-book also, and because the Angle BCD is an in­ward Angle, note it with the Mark [...] for your better remembrance.

5. Remove your Instrument unto D, and Iaying the Ruler on the Diameter, turn the Instrument a­bout, till through the Sights, you see the Angle at E, and there fixing your Instrument, turn your Ruler backward till you espy the Mark at C, where the Degrees cut are, suppose 68.0 and the Line DE 8 Chains and 23 Links.

6. Remove your Instrument unto E, and laying the Ruler on the Diameter, turn the Instrument about, till through the Sights you see the Angle at F, and there fix it, then turn the Ruler back­ward till you see the Angle at D, where the De­grees cut by the Ruler suppose to be 125 and the Line EF 7 Chains and 45 Links.

[Page 59] 7. Remove your Instrument unto F, and laying your Ruler upon the Diameter, turn the Instru­ment about, till through the Sights, you see the Angle at G, where fix the same, and turn the Ruler backward till you see the Angle at E, where the Degrees cut by the Ruler are 70, and the Line FG 4 Chains 15 Links, which must be set down with this [...] or the like Mark at the Angle.

8. Remove your Instrument unto G, and lay­ing your Ruler upon the Diameter, turn the In­strument about, till through the Sights you see the Angle at H, where fix the same, and turn the Ru­ler backward till you see the Angle at F, where the Degrees cut by the Ruler are 65.25, and the Line GH 5 Chains 50 Links.

9. Remove your Instrument in like manner to H and K, and take thereby the Angles and Di­stances as before, and having thus made observa­tion at every Angle in the Field, set them down in your Field-book, as was before directed, the which in our present Example will be as follow­eth.

A 151.00 6.45
B 106.25 8.30
C [...] 134.00 6.65
D 68.00 8.23
E 125.00 7.45
F [...] 70.25 4.15
G 65.25 5.50
H 130.00 6.50
K 140.00 11.00

The taking of the inward Angles BCD and EFG was more for Conformity sake than any [Page 60] necessity, you might have removed your Instru­ment from B to D, from E to G, the Length of the Lines BC. CD. EF and G, would have given by protraction the Plot of the Field without taking these Angles by observation; many other com­pendious ways of working there are, which I shall leave to the discretion of the Ingenious Pra­ctitioner.

10. The Angles and Sides of the Field being thus taken, to lay down the same upon Paper, Parchment, another Instrument called a Protractor is convenient, the which is so well known to In­strument-makers, that I shall not need here to describe it, the chief use is to lay down Angles, and is much more ready for that purpose than a Line of Chords, though in effect it be the same.

11. Having then this Instrument in a readiness draw upon your Paper or Parchment upon which you mean to lay down the Plot of that Field, a Line at pleasure as AB. Then place the Center of your Protractor upon the Point A, and be­cause the Angle of your first observation at A was 115 Degrees 00 Parts, turn your Protractor a­bout till the Line AK lie directly under the 115 Degree; and then at the beginning of your Pro­tractor make a Mark, ând draw the Line AB, set­ting off 6 Chains 45 Links from A to B.

12. Then lay the Center of your Protractor upon the Point B, and here turn your Protractor about, till the line AB lie under 106 Degrees 25 Parts, and draw the Line BC, setting off the Distance 8 Chains, 30 Links from B to C.

13. Then lay the Center of your Protractor upon the Point C, and turn the same about till the Line BC lie under 134 Degrees, but remember [Page 61] to make it an inward Angle, as it is marked in your Field-Book, and there make a Mark, and draw the Line CD, setting off 6 Chains, 65 Links from C to D.

And thus must you do with the rest of the Sides and Angles, till you come to protract your last Angle at H, which being laid down accord­ing to the former Directions the Line HK will cut the Line AK making AK 11 Chains and HK 6 Chains, 50 Links. This work may be also per­formed by protracting your last observation first; for having drawn the Line AK, you may lay the Center of your Protractor upon the Point K, and the Diameter upon the Line AK; and because your Angle at K by observation was 140 Degrees, you must make a Mark by the Side of your Protractor at 140 Degrees; and draw the Line KH, setting off 6 Chains, 50 Links from K to H. And thus proceeding with the rest of the Lines and Angles, you shall find the Plot of your Field at last to close at A, as before it did at K.


The Plot of the Field being taken by any Instrument, how to compute the Content thereof in Acres, Roods, and Perches.

THe measuring of many sided plain Figures hath been already shewed in the 13 Propositi­on of the 8 Chapter, which being but well conside­red, to compute the Content of a Field cannot be difficult; It must be remembred indeed that 40 square Pearches do make an Acre.

[Page 62] 2. Now then if the Plot be taken by a four Pole Chain divided into 100 Links, as 16 square Poles are the tenth part of an Acre; so 10.000 square Links of such a Chain are equal to 16 square Pole, or Perches; and by consequence 100.000 square Links are equal to an Acre, or the square Pearches.

3. Having then converted your Plot into Tri­angles, you must cast up the Content of each Triangle as hath been shewed, and then add the several Contents into one Sum, and from the aggre­gate cut off five Figures towards the right hand; the remainer of the Figures towards the left hand are Acres, and the five Figures so cut off towards the right hand are parts of an Acre, which being multiplied by four, if you cut off five Figures from the Product, the Figures remaining towards the left hand are Roods, and the five Figures cut off are the parts of a Rood, which being multi­plied by forty, if you cut off five Figures from the Product, the Figures remaining towards the left hand are Perches, and the Figures cut off are the Parts of a Pearch.

Example. Let 258.94726 be the Sum of seve­ral Triangles, or the Content of a Field ready cast up, the three Figures towards the left hand 258 are the Acres, and the other Figures towards the right hand 94726 are the Decimal Parts of an Acre, which being multiplied by 4, the Pro­duct is 3.78904, that is three Roods and 78904 Decimal Parts of a Rood, which being multiplied by 40, the product is 31.56160, that is 31 Perch­es and 56160 Decimal Parts of a Perch; and therefore in such a Field there are Acres 258, Roods 3, Pearches 31, and 56160 Decimal Parts of a Perch.


How to take the Plot of Mountainous and uneven Grounds, and how to find the Content.

VVHen you are to take the Plot of any Mountainous or uneven piece of Ground, such as is that in Figure 33, you must first place your Instrument at A, and direct your Sights to B, measuring the Line AB, observing the Angle GAB, as was shewed before, and so proceed from B to C, and because there is an as­cent from C to D, you must measure the true length thereof with your Chain, and set that down in your Book, but your Plot must he drawn according to the length of the Horizontal Line, which must be taken by computing the Base of a right angled Plain Triangle, as hath been shewed before, and so proceed from Angle to Angle until you have gone round the Field, and having drawn the Figure thereof upon your Paper, reduce into Triangles and Trapezias, as ABC. CDE. ACEF and AFG. then from the Angles B. C. D. F and G; let fall the Perpendiculars, BK. CN. DL. FM. and GH. This done you must measure the Field again from Angle to Angle, setting down the Distance taken in a straight Line over Hill and Dale, and so likewise the several Perpendiculars, which will be much longer than the streight Lines measured on your Scale, and by these Lines thus measured with your Chain cast up the Content; which will be much more than the Horizontal Content of that Field according to the Plot, but if it should be otherwise plotted than by the Ho­rizontal [Page 64] Lines, the Figure thereof could not be contained within its proper limits, but being laid down among other Grounds, would force some of them out of their places, and therefore such Fields as these must be shadowed off with Hills, if it be but to shew that the Content thereof is computed according to the true length of the Lines from Corner to Corner, and not according to their Distance measured by Scale in the Plot.


How to reduce Statute Measure into Customary, and the contrary.

VVHereas an Acre of Ground by Statute Measure is to contain 160 square Perches, measured by the Pole or Perch of sixteen foot and a half: In many places of this Nation, the Pole or Perch doth by custom contain 18 foot, in some 20. 24. 28 Foot; it will be therefore re­quired to give the Content of a Field according to such several quantities of the Pole or Perch.

2. To do this you must consider how many square Feet there is in a Pole according to these several Quantities.

  • In 16.5 to the Pole, there are 272.25 sq. feet.
  • In 18 to the Pole there are 324 square feet.
  • In 20 to the Pole there are 400 square feet.
  • In 24 to the Pole there are 576 square feet.
  • In 28 to the Pole there are 784 square feet.

Now then if it were desired to reduce 7 Acres, 3 Roods, 27 Perches, according to Statute Measure, into Perches of 18 Foot to the Perch; first re­duce [Page 65] your given quantity, 7 Acres. 3 Rods, 27 Poles into Perches, and they make 1267 Perches.

Then say, as 324. to 272. 25. so is 1267 to 1065. 6. that is 1065 Perches, and 6 tenths of a Perch. But to reduce customary Measure into sta­tute measure, say as 272. 25. is to 324 so is 1267 Perches in customary measure, to 1507. 8 that is 1507 Perches and 8 tenths of a Perch in statute measure, the like may be done, with the custo­mary measures of 20.24 and 28 or any other mea­sure that shall be propounded.


Of the Measuring of solid Bodies.

HAving shewed how the content of all plains may be computed, we are now come to the measuring of solid Bodies, as Prisms, Pyramids and Spheres, the which shall be explained in the Propositions following.

Proposition. I.

The base of a Prism or Cylinder being given, to find the solid content.

The base of a Prism is either Triangular, as the Pentahedron; Quadrangular, as the Hexahedron, or Multangular, or the Polyhedron Prism, all which must be computed as hath been shewed, which done if you multiply the base given by the altitude, the product shall be the solid content required.

Example. In an Hexahedron Prism, whose base [Page 66] is quadrangular, one side of the Base being 65 foot and the other 43, the Superficies or Base will be 27. 95. Which being multiplyed by the Alti­tude, suppose 12. 5. the product. 359. 375. is the so­lid content required.

In like manner the Base of a Cylinder being 45. 6. and the altitude 15. 4. the content will be 702. 24.

And in this manner may Timber be measured whether round or squared, be the sides of the squa­red Timber equal or unequal.

Example. Let the Diameter of a round piece of Timber be 2. 75 foot. Then, As 1 it to 785397. so is the square of the Diameter 2. 75. to 5.9395 the Superficial content of that Circle.

Or if the circumference had been given 8. 64. then, As 1 is to 079578, so is the square of 8. 64. to 5.9404 the superficial content.

Now then if you multiply this Base 5. 94. by the length, suppose 21 foot, the content will be 124. 74.

If the side of a piece of Timber perfectly square be 1.15 this side being multiplyed by it self, the product will be 1.3225 the superficial content, or content of the Base, which being multiplyed by 21 the length, the content will be 27. 7745.

Or if a piece of Timber were in breadth 1. 15. in depth 1.5 the content of the Base would be 1.725 which being multiplied by 21 the length, the content will be. 36. 225.

Proposition. II.

The Base and Altitude of a Pyramid or Cone being given, to find the solid content.

[Page 67] Multiply the Altitude by a third part of the Base, or the whole Base by a third part of the Al­titude, the Product shall be the solid content re­quired.

Example. In a Pyramid having a Quadrangu­lar Base as in Fig. 22. The side CF 17. CD 9. 5. the Product is the Base CDEF. 161. 5, which being multiplyed by 10.5 the third of the Alti­tude AB 31.5 the Product is 1695.75 the con­tent. Or the third of the Base. viz. 53. & 3 being multiplied by the whole Altitude AB 31.5 the Product will be the content as before.

2. Example. In Fig. 21. Let there be given the Diameter of the Cone AB 3. 5. The Base will be 96. 25. whose Altitude let be CD 16.92 the third part thereof is 5.64 & 96.25 being multipli­ed by 5.64, the Product 542.85 is the solid con­tent required.

Proposition. III.

The Axis of a Sphere being given, to find the so­lid content.

If you multiply the Cube of the Axis given by 523598 the solid content of a Sphere whose Ax­is is an unite, the Product shall be the solid content required.

Example. Let the Axis given be [...], the Cube thereof is 27, by which if you multiply. 523598, the Product 14.137166 is the solid content re­quired.

Proposition. IV.

The Basis and Altitude of the Frustum of a Pyra­mid or Cone being given, to find the content.

If the aggregate of both the Bases of the Frust­an and the mean proportional betwe [...]n them, shall be multiplied by the third part of the Altitude, the Product shall be the solid content of the Frustum.

Example. In Fig. 22. Let CDEF represent the greater Base of a Pyramid, whose superfici­al content let be 1. 92, and let the lesser Base be HGLKO. 85 the mean proportional between them is. 1. 2775 and the aggregate of these three numbers is. 4. 0475. Let the given Altitude be 15. the third part thereof is. 5 by which if you mul­tiply 4.0475 the Product 20. 2375 is the content of the Frustum Pyramid.

And to find the content of the Frustum Cone. I say.

As. 1. ro 78539. so 20.23 to 15. 884397, the content of the Cone required.

But if the Bases of the Frustum Pyramid shall be square, you may find the content in this man­ner.

Multiply each Diameter by it self and by one another, and the aggregate of these Products, by the third part of the altitude, the last Product shall be the content of the Frustum Pyramid.

Example. Let the Diameter of the greater Base be 144, the Diameter of the lesser Base 108, and the altitude 60.

The Square of 144 is
The Square of 108 is
The Product of 1444108 is
The Sum of these 3 Products is

Which being multiplyed by 20 the third part of the Altitude, the Product 959040 is the con­tent of the Frustum Pyramid.

And this content being multiplied by .785 39 the content of the Frustum Cone will be .753 .228.

Another way.

Find the content of the whole Pyramid of the greater and lesser Diameter, the lesser content de­ducted from the greater, the remain shall be the content of the Frustum. To find the content of the whole Pyramid, you must first find their se­veral Altitudes in this manner.

As the difference between the Diameters,

Is to the lesser Diameter.

So is the Altitude given, to the Altitude cut off.

Example. The difference between the former Diameter. 144. and 108 is 36, the Altitude 60. now then As 36. 108∷60. 108. the altitude cut off.

Now then if you mnltiply the lesser Base 1 1664 by 60 the third part of 180 the Product 699840 is the content of that Pyramid.

And adding 60 to 180 the Altitude of the great­er Pyramid is 240, the third part whereof is 80, by which if you multiply the greater Base before found, 70736, the Product is the content of the [Page 70] greater Pyramid. 1658880, from which if you deduct the lesser 699840 the remainer 959040 is the content of the Frustum Pyramid as before.

And upon these grounds may the content of Taper Timber, whether round or square, and of Brewers Tuns, whether Circular or Elliptical, be computed, as by the following Propositions shall be explained.

Proposition. V.

The breadth and depth of a Taper piece of Squared Timber, both ends being given together with the length, to find the content.

Let the given Dimensions.
  • At the Bottom be A. 5.75 and B 2.34
  • At the Top. C. 2.16 and D. 1.83.
  • And let the given length be 24 Foot.

According to the last Proposition, find the A­rea or Superficial content of the Tree at both ends thus.

Multiply the breadth 3.75 0.574031
By the depth 2.34 0.369215
The Product 8.7750 0.943246
2. Multiply the breadth 2.16 0.334453
By the depth 1.82 0.262451
The Product is 3.9528 0.596904
[Page 71] 3. Multiply the 1. Content. 87750 0.943246
by the second content. 3.9528 0.596904
And find the square root 5.8986 1.540150

The Sum of these 18.6264 being multiplyed by 8 one third of the length, the content will be found to be 149. 0112. Thus by the Table of Logarithms the mean proportional between the two Bases is easily found, and without extracting the square Root, may by natural Arithmetick be found thus.

A 4 2/2 CX A half C multiplyed by B: And C more half A multiplyed by D being added toge­ther and multiplyed by 30, the length shall give the content. Example.

A. 3.75 C 2.16
1/2 C. 1.08 1/2 A 1.875
Sum 4.83 Sum. 4.035
B- 2.34 D. 1.83
1932 12105
1449 32280
966 4035
11.3022 7.38405
The sum of the Products 18.68625

Being multiplyed by 8 the third of the length, the content will be. 149. 49000. The like may be done for any other.

Proposition VI.

The Diameters of a piece of Timber being given at the Top and and Bottom, together with the length, to find the content.

The Proposition may be resolved either by the Squares of the Diameters, or by the Areas of the Circles answering to the Diameters given, for which purpose I have here annexed not only a Ta­ble of the Squares of all numbers under a thou­sand, but a Table sharing the third part of the Areas of Circles in full measure, to any Diame­ter given under 3 foot.

And therefore putting S = The Sum of the Tabular numbers answering to the Diameters at each end.

X = The difference between these Diameters.

L = the length of the Timber, C = The content.

Then 1 ½ S = ½ - XX. + L. = C.

If you work by the Table of the squares of Numbers. you must multiply the less side of the Equation, by 0.26179 the third part of 0.78539 the Product being multiplyed by the length, will give the content.

But if you work by the Table of the third parts of the Areas of Circles in full measure, the ta­bular Numbers being multiplyed by the length will give the content. Only instead of the square of the difference of the Diameter, you must take half the Tabular number answering to that Dif­ference, and you shall have the content as be­fore. Example.

[Page 73]

Let the greatest Diameter by 2.75, and the less 1. 93.
Their difference is 0.83
The square of 2.75 is
The square of 1.93 is
The Sum of the Squares
The half Sum
The Sum of them is
Half the square of 0.82 deduct.
The Difference is
Which being multiplyed by
The Product will be.

Or by the Table of Areas.
The Area of 2.75 is
The Area of 1.93 is
The Sum
The half Sum
The Sum of them
Half the Area of 0.82 deduct
The former Product
Which being multiplyed by
The content is

But because that in measuring of round Tim­ber the circumference is usually given and not the Diameter, I have added another Table by which the circumference being given, the Diame­ter may be found.

Example. Let the circumference of a piece of Timber be 8325220 looking this Number in the second column of that Table, I find the next less to be 8.168140 and thence proceeding in a streight Line, I find that in the seventh Column the Num­ber given, and the Diameter answering thereun­to to be 2. 65. and thus may any other Diameter be found not exceeding the three foot. The Proportion by which the Table was made, is thus. As 1. to 3.14159 so is the Diameter given, to the circumference required.

[Page] [Page]


[Page 75] Or the Circumference being given, to find the Diameter, say: As. 1. to 0.3183, so is the Circum­ference given to the Diameter required.

And although by these two Tables all round Timber may be easily measured, yet it being more usual to take the Circumference of a Tree, then the Diameter, I have here added a third Table, shewing the third part of the Areas of Circles answering to any circumference under 10 foot, and that in Natural and Artificial numbers, the use of which Table shall be explained in the Proposition following.

Proposition. VII.

The Circumference of a piece of round Timber at both ends, with the length being given, to find the con­tent.

The Circumference of a Circle being given, the Area thereof may be found as hath been shewed, in the 7 Chapter, Proposition 4. and by the first Pro­position of this; and to find the third part of the Area, which is more convenient for our purpose I took a third part of the number given by which to find the whole, that is a third part of 07957747 that is 0.02652582 and having by the multiplying this number by the square of the Circumference computed three or four of the first numbers, the rest were found by the first and second differences.

The Artificial numbers were computed by ad­ding the Logarithms of the Squares of the cir­cumference, to 8.42966891 the Logarithm of 0. 02652582.

And by these Natural and Artificial numbers [Page 76] the content of round Timber may be found two ways

By the Natural numbers in the same manner as the content was computed, the Diameters being given, and by the Natural and Artificial numbers both, by finding a mean proportional between the two Areas at the top and bottom of the Tree, as by Example shall be explained.

Let the given Diamensions, or Circumferences be At the Bottom 9.95 Their difference is 6.20 At the Top 3.75

The tabular Numbers.
  Natural Artificial.
Answering to 9.95 2.626162 0.418931
And to 3.75 0.373019 9.571731
The Sum of the Logarith.
The half Sum or Logarith. 989300
The Sum of the Number is
The Sum of the Natural Numbers is
2.9 [...]9181
The half Sum
The Sum of them
Half the number answer. to. 6. 20 is
The remainer is

Which being multiplyed by the length 24, the content will be 95. 73468.

Mr. Darling in his Carpenters Rule made easie, doth propound a shorter way, but not so exact, which is by the Circumference given in the middle of the piece to find the side of the Square, name­ly [Page 77] by multiplying the Circumference given by 28209, or 2821. which side of the Square being computed in Inches, and lookt in his Table of Timber measure, doth give the content of the Tree not exceeding 31 foot in length, the which way of measuring may be as easily performed by this Table. Example.

The circumference at the top and bottom of the Tree being given 9.95 and 3.75 the Sum is 13.70 The half thereof is the mean circumfer. 6.85 Which sought in the Table, the Numbers are.

The Natural number is 1.244657, which being multiplyed by 3 the Product is 3.733971, which multiplyed by the length 24, the content is 89. 615304.

The Artificial number is
The Logarithm of 24 is
The Absolute Number 29.871
Which multiplyed by 3, the Product is

Proposition. VIII.

The Diameters of a Brewers Tun at top and bottom being given with the height thereof, to find the con­tent.

In Fig. 29. Let the given Diameter.

At the top be AC 136 BD 128

At the bottom. KG 152 HF 144 Altit. 51 Inches.

The which by the 5 Proposition of this Chap. may thus be computed. AC 139 + ½ KG 76 = 212 × BD 128 the Product is 27136.

[Page 78] And KG 1524 ½ AC 68 = 220 × HF 144 the Product is 31680. the Sum of these 2 Products is 58816 which being multiplyed by onethird of 51, that is by 17, and that Product multiplyed by 26179 the third of 78539 will give the content.

The Logarithm of 58816. is
The Logarithm of 17 is
The Product
The Logarithm of. 26179
The content is. 261765

Thus the content of a Tun may be found in In­ches, which being divided 282 the number of In­ches in an Ale Gallon, the quotient will be the con­tent in Gallons.

Or thus; divide the former. 26179 by 282 the quotient will be 00092836. by which the content may be found in Ale Gallons in this manner.

The former Product
The Logarithm of 0.00092836
The content in Gallons 928.24

Proposition. IX.

The Diameters of a close Cask, at head and bung with the length given, to find the content.

In the resolving of this Proposition, we are to consider the several forms of Casks, as will as the kind of the Liquor, with which it is filled, for one and the same Rule will not find the con­tent in all Cask.

[Page 79] And a Coopers Cask is commonly taken, ei­ther for the middle Frustum of a Spheroid, the middle Frustum of a Parabolical Spindle, the mid­dle Frustum of two Parabolick Conoids, or for the middle Frustum of two Cones abutting upon one common Base.

And the content of these several Casks may be found either by equating the Diameters, or by e­quating the Circles. for the one, a Table of Squares is necessary, and a Table shewing the third part of the Areas of a Circle to all Diameters. The making of the Table of Squares, every one knows, to be nothing else but the Product of a Number multiplyed, by it self, thus the Square of 3 is 9. the Square of 8 is 64 and so of the rest.

And the Area of a Circle to any given Diame­ter may be found, as hath been shewed, in Chap. 7 Proposition 2. But here the Area of a Circle in In­ches, will not suffice, it will be more fit for use, if the third part of the Area be found in Ale and Wine Gallons both, the which may indeed be done by dividing the whole Area in Inches by 3 and the quotient by 282 to make the Table for Ale-measure, and by 231 to make the Table for Wine-measure; but yet these Tables (as I think) may be more readily made in this manner.

The Square of any Diameter in Inches, being divided by 3.81972 will give the Area of the Cir­cle in Inches: And this Division being multiply­ed by 282 will give you 1077.161 for a common Division, by which to find the Area in Ale-Gal­lons, or being multiplyed by 231 the Product, 882.355 will be a commou Division by which to find the Area in Wine-Gallons.

But because it is easier to multiply then divide: [Page 80] If you multiply the several Squares by 26178 the third part of 78539 the Product will give the Area in Inches, or if you divide. 26179 by 282 the quotient will be. 00092886 for a common Mul­tiplicator, by which to find the Area in Ale-Gal­lons, or being divided by 231 the quotient will be 0011333 a common Multiplicator, by which to find the content in Wine-Gallons. An Exam­ple or two will be sufficient for illustration. Let the Diameter given be 32 Inches, the Square thereof 1024 being divided by 3.81970 the quo­tient is 268.083, and the same Square 1024 be­ing multiplyed by 261799, the Product will be 268. 082.

Again if you divide 1024 by 1077.161 the quotient will be 9508, or being multiplied by 00092836, the Product will be 9508.

Lastly if you divide 1024 by 882.755, the quo­tient will be 1.1605, or being multiplied by 00113333 the Product is 1.1605,

And in this manner may the Tables be made for Wine and Beer-measure, but the second differen­ces in these Numbers being equal, three or four Numbers in each Table being thus computed, the rest may be found by Addition only.

Thus the Squares of 1. 2. 3. and 4 Inches are. 1. 4. 9 and 16 by which if you multiply 00113333, the several Products will be third part of the Area, of the Circles answering to those Diameters in Wine-Gallons. Or 00092836 being multiplied by those Squares, the several Products, will be the third part of the Areas of the Circles answering to those Diameters in Ale-Gallons; the which with their first and second differences are as fol­loweth.

[Page 81]

The Products or Areas in Wine-Gallons:
1. 00113333    
2. 00453332 33999 226666
3. 01019997 566665 226666
4. 01813328 796331  
The Products in Ale-Gallons.
1. 00092836    
2. 00371344 278508 185672
3. 00835524 464180 185672
4. 01485376 649852  

And by the continual addition of the second differences to the first, and the first differences to the products before found, the Table may be con­tinued as far as you please.

The construction of the Tables being thus shewed: We will now shew their use in finding the content of any Cask.

Let S = the Sum of the Tabular Numbers an­swering to the Diameters at the Head and Bung. D = their difference X = the difference of the Diameters themselves. L = the length of the Vessel, and C = the content thereof.

1. If a Cask be taken for the middle Frustum of a Spheroid, intercepted between two Planes parallel, cutting the Axis at right Angles: Then 1 ½ S + ½ D × L = C.

2. If a Cask be taken for the middle Frustum of a parabolical Spindle, intercepted between two planes parallel cutting the Axis at right Angles. Then 1 ½ S + ½ D × L = C.

[Page 82] 3. If a Cask be taken for the middle Frustum of two Parabolick Conoids, abutting upon one common Base, intercepted between two Planes parallel, cutting the Axis at right Angle: Then 1 ½ S: × L = C.

4. If a Cask be taken for the middle Frustum of two Cones, abutting upon one common bafe, intercepted between two Planes parallel cutting the Axis at Right Angles. Then 1 ½ S—⅓ XX. × L = C.

In all these four Equations, if you work by the Table of Squares of numbers, you must multi­ply the less side of the Equation by 262, if you would have the content in Cubical Inches; by 001133 if you would have the content in Wine-Gallons; and by 000928, if you would have the content in Ale-Gallons.

But if you work by the Tables of the third parts of the Areas Circle, the Tabular Numbers being multiplyed by the length only will give the content required, only in the fourth Equation instead of half the Square of the Difference of the Diameters, take half the Tabular Number answering to that difference, and you shall have the content required; as by the following Exam­ples will better appear, then by many words.

Examples in Wine-measure by the Table of the Squares of Numbers.

The Diameter of a Vessel

At the Bung being 32 Inches.

At the Head 22 Inches.

The difference of the Diameters 10 Inches.

And the length of the Vessel 44 Inches.

[Page 83]

Spheroid. Parabolick Spindle.
1024 1024
484 484
1508 1508
754 754
270 540
2532 23160
2532 23160
7596 69480
7596 69480
7596 69480
28695156 262472280
44 44
114780624 104988912
114780624 104988912
126.2586864 115.4878032

[Page 84]

Parabolick Conoid Cone.
1024 1024
484 484
1508 1508
754 754
2262 2212
2262 2212
6786 6636
6786 6636
6786 6636
25635246 25068596
44 44
102540984 200274384
102540984 100274384
112.79508241 110.30182224

[Page 85] This which hath been done by the Table of Squares may be more easily performed, by the Table of the third part of the Areas of Circles, ready reduced to Wine-Gallons.

Spheroid Parabolick Spindle.
1.16053 1.16053
0.54853 0.54853
1.70906 1.70906
85453 85453
30600 61200
2.86959 2.624790
44 44
1147836 1049916
1147836 10499160
126.26196 115.490760

[Page 86]

Parabolick Conoid Cone.
1.16053 1.16053
0.54853 0.54853
1.70906 1.70906
85453 85453
2.56359 2.506924
44 44
1025436 10027696
1025436 10027696
112.79796 110.304656

[Page 87] Examples in Ale-measure by the Table of the Squares of Numbers.

Spheroid. Parabolick Spindle.
1024 1024
484 484
1508 1508
754 754
270 540
2532 2316.0
00092836 00092836
22758 20844
5064 4632
20256 18528
7596 6948
15192 138960
235660752 2.150081760
44 44
948623008 860032704
940643008 860032704
103.22673088 94.60359744

[Page 88]

Parabolick Conoid Cone.
1024 1024
484 484
1508 1508
754 754
2262 2212
20358 19909
4524 4424
18096 17696
6786 6636
13527 13272
2.09995032 2.05423232
44 44
8.39980128 821692928
839980128 821692928
92.39781408 90.38622208

[Page 89]

By the Areas of Circles.
Spheroid. Parabolick Spindle.
0.95052 0.95052
0.44930 0.44930
1.39982 1.39982
.69991 69991
.25061 050122
2.35034 2.149852
34 44
940136 8599408
940136 8599408
103.41496 94.593488

[Page 90]

Parabolick Conoid. Cone.
0.95052 0.95052
0.44930 0.44930
1.39982 1.39982
69991 .69991
209973 2.053305
44 44
839892 8213220
839892 8213220
90.345420 90.345420

And here for the Singularity of the Example, I will set the Dimensions of a Cask lately made in Herefordshire, for that excellent Liquor of Red streak Cyder, the like whereof either for the largeness of the Cask, or incomparable goodness of that kind of Drink, is not to be found in all England, nay and perhaps not in the World.

The length of the Cask is 104 Inches.

The Diameter at the Bung 92 Inches.

And the Diameter at the Head 74 Inches.

[Page 91] The Numbers in the Table of Ale-Gallons an­swering to these Dimensions are.

Spheroid Parabolick Spindle.
Bung. 92 7.859639 7.859639
Head. 74 5.083699 5.083699
12.941338 12.941338
6.470669 6.470669
1.386770 .277394
20.798777 19.689401
104 104
83195108 78.757604
20798777 19689401
Con. 2163.072808 2047.697704

[Page 92]

Parabolick Conoid. Cone.
7.857639 7.857639
5.083699 5.083699
12.941338 12.941338
6.470669 6.470669
19.412007 19.261613
104 104
77648028 77046452
19412007 19261613
201. 8. 848728 2003.207752

And thus you have the content of this Cask by four several Ways of Gauging, but that which doth best agree with the true content, found by these that filled the same is the second way or that which takes a Cask to be the middle Frustum of a Parabolick Spindle, according to which the content is 2047 Gallons. That is allowing 64 Gallons to the Hogshead. 32 Hogsheads very near.

Proposition. X.

If a Cask be not full, to find the quantity of Li­quor contained in it, the Axis being posited parallel to the Horizon.

To resolve this Proposition, there must be gi­ven the whole content of the Cask, the Diame­ter at the Bung, and the wet Portion thereof, then by help of the Table of Segments, whose Area is unity, and the Diameter divided into 10.000 equal parts, the content may thus be found.

As the whole Diameter, is to its wet Por­tion.

So is the Diameter in the Table. 10.000 to its like Portion, which being sought in the Table of Segments, gives you a Segment, by which if you multiply the whole content of the Cask, the Product is the content of the Liquor remaining in the Cask.

But in the Table of Segments in this Book, you have the Area, to the equal parts of one half of the Diameter only, when the Cask therefore is more then half full, you must make use of the dry part of the Diameter instead of the wet, so shall you find what quantity of Liquor is wanting to fill up the Cask, which being deducted from the whole content of the Cask; the remainer is the quantity of Liquor yet remaining, an Exam­ple in each will be sufficient, to explane the use of this Table.

1. Example, In a Wine Cask not half full, let the great Diameter be as before 32 Inches, the [Page 94] content 126.25 Gallons, and let the wet part of the Diameter be 12 Inches, First I say.

As the whole Diameter 32. is to the wet part 12. so is 10.000 to 3750, which being sought in the Table, I find, the Area of that Segment to be. 342518 which being multiplyed by the whole content of the Cask 126.25, the Product is 43.24289750 and therefore there is remaining in the Cask 43 & 1/4 ferè.

2. Example. In the same Cask let the wet part of the Diameter be 18 Inches. I say.

As 32.18 :: 10000.5625 whose Complement to 10000 is 4375 which being sought in the Ta­ble, I find the Area answering thereto to be 420630; now then I say.

As the whole Area of the Circle 1000000 is to the whole content of the Cask 126. 25.

So is the Area of the Segment sought. 420630, to the content 53.1044375 which is in this case the content of the Liquor that is wanting, this therefore being deducted from the content of the whole Cask, 136. 25. the part remaining in the Vessel is. 73. 1455625.

Thus may Casks be gauged in whole or in part, in which a Table of Squares is sometimes necessary, as being the Foundation, from whom the other Tables are deduced; such a Table therefore is here exhibited, for all Numbers un­der 1000, by help whereof the Square of any Number under 10.000 may easily be found in this manner.

The Rectangle made of the Sum and Difference of any two Numbers, is equal to the Difference of the Squares of these Numbers.

Example, Let the given Numbers be 36 and 85 [Page 95] their Sum is 121, their difference 49, by which if you multiply 121, the Product will be 5929. The Square of 36 is 1296, and the Square of 85 is 7225, the difference between which Squares is 5929 as before.

And hence the Square of any Number under 10.000 may thus be found, the Squares of all Numbers under 1000 being given.

Example. Let the Square of 5715 be required. The Square of 571 by the Table is 326041, there­fore the Square of 5710 is 32604100: the Sum of 5710 and 5715 is 11425, and the difference 5, by which if you multiple 11425, the Product is 52125 which being added unto 32604100 the Sum 32656325 is the Square of 5715. The like may be done for any other.



LONDON, Printed for Thomas Passinger at the three Bibles on London-Bridge. 1679.

[Page 99]

A Table of Squares.
1 1 3
2 4  
3 09 5
4 16 7
5 25 9
6 36 11
7 49 13
8 64 15
9 81 17
10 100 19
11 121 21
12 144 23
13 160 25
14 196 27
15 225 29
16 256 31
17 287 33
18 324 35
19 361 37
20 400 39
21 441 41
22 484 43
23 529 45
24 576 47
25 625 49
26 676 51
27 729 53
28 784 55
29 841 57
30 900 59
31 961 61
32 1024 63
33 1089 65
34 1156 67
34 1156 69
35 1225 71
36 1206 73
37 1369 75
38 1444 77
39 1521 79
40 1600 81
41 1681 83
42 1764 85
43 1841 87
44 1936 89
45 2025 91
46 2116 93
47 2209 95
48 2304 97
49 2401 99
50 2500 101
51 2601 103
52 2704 105
53 2809 107
54 2916 109
55 3025 111
56 3136 113
57 3249 115
58 3364 117
59 3481 119
60 3600 121
61 3721 123
62 3844 125
63 3969 127
64 4096 129
65 4225 131
66 4356 133
67 4489 135
67 4489 135
68 4624 137
60 4761 139
70 4900 141
71 5041 143
72 5184 145
73 5329 147
74 5476 149
75 5625 151
76 5776 153
77 5929 155
78 6084 157
79 6241 159
80 6400 161
81 6561 163
82 6724 165
83 6889 167
84 7056 169
05 7225 171
06 7396 173
87 7559 175
88 7744 177
89 7921 179
90 8100 181
91 8281 183
92 8464 185
93 8649 187
94 8836 189
95 9025 191
96 9216 193
97 9409 195
98 9604 197
99 9801 199
100 10000 201
[Page 100] 101 10201 203
102 10404 205
103 10609 207
104 10816 209
105 11025 211
106 11236 213
107 11449 215
108 11664 217
109 11881 219
110 12100 221
111 12321 223
112 12544 225
113 12769 227
114 12996 229
115 13225 231
116 13456 233
117 13689 235
118 13924 237
119 14161 239
120 14400 241
121 14641 243
122 14884 245
123 15129 247
124 15376 249
125 15625 251
126 15876 253
127 16129 255
128 16384 257
129 16641 259
130 16900 261
131 17161 263
132 17424 265
133 17689 267
134 17956 269
134 17956 269
135 18225 271
136 18496 273
137 18769 275
138 19044 277
139 19321 279
140 19600 281
141 19881 283
142 20164 285
143 20449 287
144 20736 289
145 21025 291
146 21316 293
147 21609 295
148 21904 297
149 22201 299
150 22500 301
151 22801 303
152 23104 305
153 23409 307
154 23716 309
155 24025 311
156 24336 313
157 24649 315
158 24964 317
159 25281 319
160 25600 321
161 25921 323
162 26244 325
163 26569 327
164 26896 329
165 27225 331
166 27556 333
167 27889 335
[Page 101] 167 27889 335
168 28224 337
169 28561 339
170 28900 341
171 29241 343
172 29584 345
173 29929 347
174 30276 349
175 30625 351
176 30976 353
177 31329 355
178 31684 357
179 32041 359
180 32400 361
181 32761 363
182 33124 365
183 33489 367
184 33856 369
185 34225 371
186 34596 373
187 34969 375
188 35344 377
189 35721 379
190 36100 381
191 36481 383
192 36864 385
193 37249 387
194 37636 389
195 38025 391
196 38416 393
197 38809 395
198 39204 397
199 39601 399
200 40000 401
201 40401 403
202 40804 405
203 41209 407
204 41616 409
205 42025 411
206 42436 413
207 42849 415
208 43264 417
209 43681 419
210 44100 421
211 44521 423
212 44944 425
213 45369 427
214 45796 429
215 46255 431
216 46656 433
217 47089 435
218 47524 437
219 47961 439
220 48400 441
221 48841 443
222 49284 445
223 49729 447
224 50176 449
225 50625 451
226 51076 453
227 51529 455
228 51984 457
229 52441 459
230 52900 461
231 53361 463
232 53824 465
233 54289 467
234 54756 469
[Page 102] 234 54756 469
235 55225 471
236 55696 473
237 56169 475
238 56644 477
239 57121 479
240 57600 481
241 58081 483
242 58564 485
143 59049 487
244 59536 489
245 60025 491
246 60516 493
247 61009 495
248 61504 497
249 62001 499
250 62500 501
251 63001 503
252 63504 505
253 64009 507
254 64516 509
255 65025 511
256 65536 513
257 66049 515
258 66564 517
259 67071 519
260 67600 621
261 68121 523
262 68644 525
263 69169 527
264 69696 529
265 70225 531
266 70756 533
277 71289 535
267 71289 535
268 71824 537
269 72361 539
270 72900 541
271 73441 543
272 73984 545
273 74529 547
274 75076 549
275 75625 551
276 76176 553
277 76729 555
278 77284 557
279 77841 559
280 78400 561
281 78961 563
282 79524 565
283 80089 567
284 80616 569
285 81225 571
286 81796 573
287 82369 575
288 82944 577
289 83521 579
290 84100 581
291 84681 583
292 85264 585
293 85849 587
294 86436 589
295 87025 591
296 87616 593
297 88200 595
298 88804 597
299 89401 599
300 90000 601
[Page 103] 301 090601 603
302 091204 605
303 091809 607
304 092416 609
305 093025 611
306 093636 613
307 094249 615
308 094864 617
309 095481 619
310 096109 621
311 096721 623
312 97344 625
313 97969 627
314 98596 629
315 99325 631
316 99856 633
317 100487 645
318 101124 637
319 101761 639
320 102400 641
321 103041 643
322 103684 645
323 104329 647
324 104976 649
325 105625 651
326 106276 653
327 106929 655
328 107584 657
329 108241 659
330 108900 661
331 109561 663
332 110224 665
333 110889 667
334 111556 669
334 111556 669
335 112225 671
336 112896 673
337 113569 675
338 114244 677
339 114921 679
340 115600 681
341 116281 683
342 116964 685
343 117649 687
344 118336 689
345 119025 691
346 119716 693
347 120409 695
348 121104 697
349 121801 699
350 122500 701
351 123201 703
352 123904 705
353 124609 707
354 125316 709
355 126025 711
356 126736 713
357 127449 715
358 128164 717
359 128881 719
360 129600 721
361 138321 723
362 131044 725
363 131769 727
364 132496 729
365 133225 731
366 133956 733
367 134689 735
[Page 104] 367 134689 735
368 135424 737
369 136161 739
370 136900 741
371 137641 743
372 138384 745
373 139129 747
374 139876 749
375 140625 751
376 141376 753
377 142129 755
378 142884 757
379 143641 759
380 144400 761
381 145161 763
382 145924 765
383 146689 767
384 147456 769
385 148225 771
386 148996 773
387 149769 775
388 150544 777
389 151321 779
390 152100 781
391 152881 783
392 153664 785
393 154449 787
394 155236 789
395 156025 791
396 156816 793
397 157609 795
398 158404 797
399 159201 799
400 160000 801
401 160801 803
402 161604 805
403 162409 807
404 163216 809
405 164025 811
406 164836 813
407 165649 815
408 166464 817
409 167281 819
410 168100 821
411 168921 823
412 169744 825
413 170569 827
414 171396 829
415 172225 831
416 173056 833
417 173889 835
418 174724 837
419 175561 839
420 176400 841
421 177241 843
422 178084 845
423 178929 847
424 179776 849
425 180625 851
426 181476 853
427 182329 855
428 183184 857
429 184041 859
430 184900 861
431 185761 863
432 186624 865
433 187489 867
434 188356 869
[Page 105] 434 188356 869
435 189225 871
436 190096 873
437 190969 875
438 191844 877
439 192721 879
440 193600 881
441 194481 883
442 195364 885
443 196249 887
444 197136 889
445 198025 891
446 198916 893
447 199809 895
448 200704 897
449 201601 899
450 202500 901
451 203401 903
452 204304 905
453 205209 907
454 206116 909
455 207025 911
456 207936 913
457 208849 915
458 209764 917
459 210681 919
460 211600 921
461 212521 923
462 213444 925
463 214369 927
464 215296 929
465 216225 931
466 217156 933
467 218089 935
467 218089 935
468 219024 937
469 219961 939
470 220900 941
471 221841 943
472 222784 945
473 223729 947
474 224676 949
475 225625 951
476 226576 953
477 227529 955
478 228484 957
479 229441 959
480 230400 961
481 231361 963
482 232324 965
483 233289 967
484 234256 969
485 235225 971
486 236196 973
487 237169 975
488 238144 977
489 239121 979
490 240100 981
491 241081 983
492 242064 985
493 243049 987
494 244036 989
495 245025 991
496 246016 993
497 247009 995
498 248004 997
499 249001 999
500 250000 1001
[Page 106] 501 251001 1003
502 252004 1005
503 253009 1007
504 254016 1009
505 255025 1011
506 256036 1013
507 257049 1015
508 258064 1017
509 259081 1019
510 260100 1021
511 261121 1023
512 262144 1025
513 263169 1027
514 264196 1029
515 265225 1031
516 266256 1033
517 267289 1035
518 268324 1037
519 269361 1039
520 270400 1041
521 271441 1043
522 272484 1045
523 273529 1047
524 274576 1049
525 275625 1051
526 276676 1053
527 277729 1055
528 278784 1057
529 279841 1050
530 288900 1061
531 281961 1063
532 283024 1065
533 284089 1067
534 285156 1069
534 285156 1069
535 286225 1071
536 287296 1073
537 288369 1075
538 289444 1077
539 290521 1079
540 291600 1081
541 292681 1083
542 293764 1085
543 294849 1087
544 295936 1089
545 297025 1091
546 298116 1093
547 299209 1095
548 300324 1097
549 301401 1099
550 302500 1101
551 303601 1103
552 304704 1105
553 305809 1107
554 306916 1109
555 308025 1111
556 309136 1113
557 310249 1115
558 311364 1117
559 312481 1119
560 313600 1121
561 314721 1123
562 315844 1125
563 316969 1127
564 318096 1129
565 319225 1131
566 320356 1133
567 321489 1135
[Page 107] 567 321489 1135
568 322624 1137
569 323761 1139
570 324900 1141
571 326041 1143
572 327184 1145
573 328329 1147
574 329476 1149
575 330625 1151
576 331776 1153
577 332929 1155
578 334084 1157
579 335241 1159
580 336400 1161
581 337561 1163
582 338724 1165
583 339889 1167
584 341056 1169
585 342225 1171
586 343396 1173
587 344569 1175
588 345744 1177
589 346921 1179
590 348100 1181
591 349281 1183
592 350464 1185
593 351649 1187
594 352836 1189
595 354025 1191
596 355216 1193
597 356409 1195
598 357604 1197
599 358801 1199
600 369000 1201
601 361201 1203
602 362404 1205
603 963609 1207
604 364816 1209
605 366025 1211
606 367236 1213
607 368449 1215
608 369664 1217
609 370881 1219
610 372100 1221
611 373321 1223
612 374544 1225
613 375769 1227
614 376996 1229
615 378225 1231
616 379456 1233
617 380689 1235
618 381924 1237
619 383161 1239
620 384400 1241
621 385641 1243
622 386834 1245
623 388129 1247
624 389376 1249
625 390625 1251
626 391876 1253
627 393129 1255
628 394385 1257
629 395641 1259
630 396900 1261
631 398161 1263
632 399424 1265
633 400689 1267
634 401956 1269
[Page 108] 634 401956 1269
635 403225 1271
636 404496 1273
637 405769 1275
638 407044 1277
639 408321 1279
640 409600 1281
641 410881 1283
642 412164 1285
643 413449 1287
644 414736 1289
645 416025 1291
646 417316 1293
647 418609 1295
648 419904 1297
649 421201 1299
650 422500 1301
651 423801 1303
652 425104 1305
653 426409 1307
654 427716 1309
655 429025 1311
656 430336 1313
657 431649 1315
658 432964 1317
659 434281 1319
660 435600 1321
661 436921 1323
662 438244 1325
663 439569 1327
664 440896 1329
665 442225 1331
666 443556 1333
667 444889 1335
667 444889 1335
668 446224 1337
669 447561 1339
670 448900 1341
671 450241 1343
672 451584 1345
673 452929 1347
674 454276 1349
675 455625 1351
676 456976 1353
677 458329 1355
678 459684 1357
679 461041 1359
680 462400 1361
681 463761 1363
682 465124 1365
683 466489 1367
684 467856 1369
685 469225 1371
686 470596 1373
687 471969 1375
688 473344 1377
689 474721 1379
690 476100 1381
691 477481 1383
692 478864 1385
693 480249 1387
694 481636 1389
695 483025 1391
696 484416 1393
697 485809 1395
698 487204 1397
699 488601 1399
700 490000 1401
[Page 109] 701 491401 1403
702 492804 1405
703 494209 1407
704 495616 1409
705 497025 1411
706 498436 1413
707 499849 1415
708 501264 1417
709 502681 1419
710 504100 1421
711 505521 1423
712 506944 1425
713 508369 1427
714 509796 1429
715 511225 1431
716 512656 1433
717 514089 1435
718 515524 1437
719 516961 1439
720 518400 1441
721 519841 1443
722 521284 1445
723 522729 1447
724 524176 1449
725 525625 1451
726 527076 1453
727 528529 1455
728 529984 1457
729 531441 1459
730 532900 1461
731 534361 1463
732 535824 1465
733 537289 1467
734 538756 1469
734 538756 1469
735 540225 1471
736 541696 1473
737 543169 1475
738 544644 1477
739 546121 1479
740 547600 1481
741 549081 1483
742 550564 1485
743 552049 1487
744 553536 1489
745 555025 1491
746 556516 1493
747 558009 1495
748 559504 1497
749 561001 1499
750 562500 1501
751 564001 1503
752 565504 1505
753 567009 1507
754 568516 1509
755 570025 1511
756 571536 1513
757 573049 1515
758 574564 1517
759 576081 1519
760 577600 1521
761 579121 1523
762 580644 1525
763 582169 1527
764 583696 1529
765 585225 1531
766 586756 1533
767 588289 1535
[Page 110] 767 588289 1535
768 589824 1537
769 591361 1539
770 592900 1541
771 594441 1543
772 595984 1545
773 597529 1547
774 599076 1549
775 600625 1551
776 602176 1553
777 603726 1555
778 605284 1557
779 606841 1559
780 608400 1561
781 609961 1563
782 611524 1565
783 613089 1567
784 614656 1569
785 616225 1571
786 617796 1573
787 619369 1575
788 620944 1577
789 622521 1579
790 624100 1581
791 625681 1583
792 627264 1585
793 628849 1587
794 630436 1589
795 632025 1591
796 633616 1593
797 635209 1595
798 636804 1597
799 638401 1599
800 640000 1601
801 641601 1603
802 643204 1605
893 644809 1607
804 646416 1609
805 648025 1611
806 649636 1613
807 651249 1615
808 652864 1617
809 654481 1619
010 656100 1621
811 657721 1623
812 659344 2625
813 560969 1627
814 562596 1629
815 564225 1631
816 565856 1633
817 567489 1635
818 569124 1637
819 570761 1639
820 672400 1641
821 674041 1643
822 675684 1645
823 677329 1647
824 678976 1649
825 680625 1651
826 682276 1653
827 683929 1655
828 685584 1657
829 687241 1659
830 688900 1661
831 690561 1663
832 692224 1665
833 693889 1667
834 695556 1669
[Page 111] 834 695556 1669
835 697225 1671
836 668869 1673
837 700569 1675
838 702244 1677
839 703921 1679
840 705600 1681
841 707281 1683
842 708964 1685
853 710649 1687
844 712336 1689
845 714025 1691
846 715716 1693
847 717409 1695
848 719104 1697
849 729801 1699
850 722500 1701
851 724201 1703
852 725904 1705
853 727609 1707
854 729316 1709
855 731025 1711
856 732736 1713
857 734449 1715
858 736164 1717
859 737881 1719
860 739600 1721
861 741321 1723
862 743044 1725
863 744769 1727
864 746596 1729
865 748225 1731
866 749956 1733
867 751689 1735
867 751689 1735
868 753424 1737
869 755161 1739
870 756900 1741
871 658641 1743
872 760384 1745
873 762129 1747
874 763876 1749
875 765625 1751
876 767376 1753
877 769529 1755
878 770884 1757
879 772641 1759
880 774400 1761
881 776161 1763
882 777924 1765
883 779689 1767
884 781456 1769
885 783225 1771
886 754996 1773
887 786709 1775
888 786544 1777
889 790321 1779
890 792100 1781
891 793881 1783
892 795664 1785
893 797449 1787
894 799236 1789
895 801025 1791
896 802816 1793
897 894609 1795
808 806404 1797
899 808281 1799
900 810000 1801
[Page 112] 901 811801 1803
902 813604 1805
903 815409 1807
904 817216 1809
905 819025 1811
906 820836 1813
907 822649 1815
908 824464 1817
909 826281 1819
910 828100 1821
911 829921 1823
912 831744 1825
913 833569 1827
914 835396 1829
915 837225 1831
916 839056 1833
917 840889 1835
918 842724 1837
919 844561 1839
920 846400 1841
921 848241 1843
922 850084 1845
923 851929 1847
924 853776 1849
925 855625 1851
926 857476 1853
927 859329 1855
928 861184 1857
929 863041 1859
930 864900 1861
931 866761 1863
932 868624 1865
933 870489 1867
934 872356 1869
934 872356 1869
935 874225 1871
936 876096 1873
937 877969 1875
938 879844 1877
939 881721 1879
940 883600 1881
941 885481 1883
942 887364 1885
943 889249 1887
944 891136 1889
945 893025 1891
946 894916 1893
947 896809 1895
948 898704 1897
949 900601 1899
950 902500 1901
951 904401 1903
952 906304 1905
953 908209 1907
954 910116 1909
955 912025 1911
956 913936 1913
957 915849 1915
958 917764 1917
959 919681 1919
960 921600 1921
961 923521 1923
962 925444 1925
963 927369 1927
964 929296 1929
965 931225 1931
966 933156 1933
967 935089 1935
[Page 113] 967 935089 1935
968 937024 1937
969 938961 1939
970 940900 1941
971 942841 1943
972 944784 1945
973 946729 1947
974 948676 1949
975 950625 1951
976 952576 1953
977 954529 1955
978 956484 1957
979 958441 1959
980 960400 1961
981 962361 1963
982 964324 1965
983 966289 1967
984 968256 1969
985 970225 1971
986 972196 1973
987 974169 1975
988 976144 1977
989 978121 1979
990 980100 1981
991 982081 1983
992 984064 1985
993 986049 1987
994 988036 1989
995 990025 1991
996 992016 1993
997 994009 1995
998 996004 1997
999 998001 1999
1000 1000000 2001

[Page 114-115]

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 0.001133 001371 001631 001915 002221 002549 002901 003275 003671 004091
2 0.004533 004997 005485 005995 006527 007083 007661 008261 008885 009531
3 0.010199 010891 011605 012341 013101 013883 014687 015515 016365 017237
4 0.018133 019051 019991 020955 021941 022949 023981 025035 026111 027211
5 0.028333 029477 030645 031835 033047 034283 035541 036825 038125 039451
6 0.040799 042171 043565 044981 046421 047883 049367 050875 052405 053957
7 0.051533 057131 058751 060395 062061 063749 065461 067195 068951 070731
8 0.072533 074357 076205 078075 079967 681883 083821 085781 087765 089771
9 0.091799 093851 095925 098021 100141 102283 104447 106635 108845 111077
10 0.113333 115610 117911 120234 122580 124949 127340 129754 132191 134650
11 0.137132 139637 142164 144714 147287 149882 152500 155141 157804 160490
12 0.163199 165930 168684 171461 174266 177082 179927 182794 185684 188597
13 0.191532 194490 197471 200474 203500 206549 229620 212714 215831 218970
14 0.222132 225317 228524 231754 235007 238282 241589 244901 248244 251610
15 0.254999 258410 261844 265301 268780 272282 275807 279354 282924 286517
16 0.290132 293770 297431 301114 304820 308549 312300 316074 319871 323690
17 0.327532 331397 335284 339194 343126 374082 351060 355060 359084 363130
18 0.367198 371290 375404 379540 383700 387882 392086 396314 400564 404836
19 0.409132 413450 417790 422154 426540 430948 435380 439834 444310 448810
20 0.453332 457876 462443 467033 471646 476281 480939 485620 490323 495049
21 0.499798 504569 509363 514180 519019 523881 528766 533673 538603 543556
22 0.548531 553529 558550 563593 568659 573748 578859 583993 589150 594329
23 0.599531 604756 610003 615273 620566 625881 631219 696580 641963 647369
24 0.652798 658249 663723 669220 674739 680281 685845 691433 697043 702675
25 0.708331 714009 719709 725233 731179 736947 742739 748553 754389 760249
26 0.766131 772035 777963 783913 789885 795880 801898 807939 814002 820088
27 0.826197 832328 838482 844659 850858 857080 863325 869592 875882 882195
28 0.888530 894888 901269 907672 914098 920547 927018 933512 940029 946568
29 0.953130 959715 966322 972952 979605 986280 992978 999699 006442 013208
30 1.019997 026808 033642 040498 047378 054280 061204 068152 075122 082114
31 1.089130 096168 103228 110312 117418 124546 131698 138871 146068 153287
32 1.160529 167794 175081 182391 189724 197079 204457 211858 219281 226727
33 1.234196 241687 249201 256738 264297 271879 279484 287111 294761 302434
34 1.310129 317847 325588 333351 341137 348946 356777 364631 372507 380467
[Page 116-117] 34 1.310129 317847 325588 333351 341137 348946 356777 364631 372507 380467
35 1.388329 396273 404241 412231 420243 428279 436337 444417 452521 460647
36 1.468795 476966 485160 493377 501616 509878 518163 526470 534800 543153
37 1.551528 559926 568347 576790 585256 593745 602256 610790 619347 627926
38 1.636528 645153 653800 662470 671163 679878 688616 697577 706160 714966
39 1.723794 732646 741520 750416 759336 768278 777242 786230 795240 804272
40 1.813328 822405 831506 840629 849775 858944 868135 877349 886586 895845
41 1.905127 914432 923759 933109 942482 951877 961295 970736 980199 989685
42 1.999194 008725 018279 027856 037455 047077 056721 066389 076079 085791
43 2.095527 105285 115065 124869 134695 144543 154414 164308 174225 184164
44 2.194126 204111 214118 224148 234201 244276 254374 264495 274638 284804
45 2.294993 305204 315438 325695 335974 346276 356601 366948 377318 387710
46 2.398126 408564 419024 429508 440014 450542 461094 471668 482264 492884
47 2.503525 514190 524877 535587 546310 557075 567853 578654 589477 600323
48 2.611192 622083 632997 643934 654893 665875 676880 697907 698957 710030
49 2.721125 732243 743383 754547 765733 776941 788173 799427 810703 822003
50 2.833325 844669 856036 867426 878839 890274 901732 913213 924716 936242
51 2.947791 959362 970956 982573 994212 005874 017559 029266 040996 052749
52 3.064524 076322 088142 099986 111852 123740 135652 147586 159542 171522
53 3.183523 195548 207595 219665 231758 243872 256011 268172 280355 292561
54 3.304790 317041 329315 341612 353931 366273 378638 391025 403435 415867
55 3.428323 440801 453301 465825 478371 490939 503531 516544 528781 541440
56 3.554122 566827 579554 592304 605077 617872 630690 643531 856394 669280
57 3.682189 695120 708074 721051 734050 747072 760116 773184 786274 799386
58 3.812522 825980 838860 852064 865289 878530 891809 905103 918420 931759
59 3.945121 958506 971913 985343 998796 012271 025769 039290 252833 066399
60 4 [...]079988 093599 107233 120889 134569 148271 161195 175743 189513 203305
61 4.217120 230958 244819 258702 272608 286537 300488 314462 328459 342478
62 4.356520 370585 384672 398782 412915 427070 441248 455448 469672 483918
63 4.498186 512778 526792 541128 555487 569869 584274 598701 613151 627624
64 4.642119 656637 671178 685741 700327 714936 729567 744221 758898 773597
65 4.788319 80 [...]06 [...] 81 [...]831 832621 84773 [...] 862269 877126 892007 906910 921836
66 4.936785 951756 966750 981767 996806 011868 026953 042060 057190 072341
67 5.087518 102716 117936 133180 148446 163734 179046 194380 209736 225115
[Page 118-119] 67 5.087518 102716 117936 133180 148446 163734 179046 194380 209736 225115
68 5.240517 255942 271389 286859 302352 317567 333405 348966 364549 380155
69 5.395784 411435 427109 442805 458525 474267 490031 505819 521629 537461
70 5.553317 569194 585095 601018 616964 632933 648924 664938 680975 697034
71 5.713116 729221 745348 761498 777601 793868 810084 826324 842588 858874
72 5.875182 891514 907867 924244 940643 957065 973510 989977 006467 022980
73 6.039555 056073 072654 089257 105883 122531 139203 155897 172613 189353
74 6.206115 222899 239706 256536 273389 290264 307162 324083 341026 357992
75 6.374981 391992 409026 426083 443162 460264 477388 494536 511706 528898
76 6.546114 563352 580612 597895 615201 632530 649881 667255 684652 702071
77 6.719513 736978 754465 771975 789508 807063 824641 842241 859865 877511
78 6.895179 912871 930584 948321 966080 983862 001667 019494 037344 055117
79 7.073112 091030 108971 126934 144920 162928 180960 199012 217090 235190
80 7.253312 271456 289623 307813 326026 344261 362519 380800 399103 417429
81 7.455778 454149 472543 490959 509399 527861 546345 564853 583383 601935
82 7.620510 639108 657729 676372 695038 713727 732438 751172 769929 788708
83 7.807510 826334 845182 864052 882944 901860 920798 939758 958741 977747
84 7.996776 015827 034901 053998 073117 092259 111424 130611 149821 169053
85 8.188309 207587 226887 246211 265557 284925 304316 323730 343167 362626
86 8.382108 401613 421140 440690 460263 479858 499476 519116 538780 558466
87 8.578174 597906 617659 637436 657235 677057 696902 716769 736659 756572
88 8.776507 796465 816446 836449 856475 876523 896595 916689 936805 936944
89 8.977106 997291 017498 037728 057981 078256 098554 118875 139218 159584
90 9.179973 200384 220818 241274 261754 282256 302780 323327 343897 364490
91 9.385105 405743 426404 447087 467793 488522 509273 530047 550843 571663
92 9.592505 613369 634256 655166 676099 897054 718032 739033 760056 781102
93 9.802171 823262 844376 865512 886672 907854 929058 950286 971536 992808
94 10.014103 035421 056762 078125 099511 120920 142351 163805 185282 206781
95 10.228303 249847 271415 293005 314617 336252 337910 379591 401294 423020
96 10.444769 466540 488334 510151 531990 553852 575736 597644 619574 641526
97 10.663501 685499 707520 729563 751629 773718 795829 817963 840120 862299
98 10.884501 906725 928973 951243 973535 995850 018188 040549 062932 085338
99 11.107767 130218 152692 175189 197708 220250 242814 265402 288012 310644
100 11.333300                  

[Page 120-121] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 0.000928 001127 001336 001569 001819 002089 002376 002683 003008 003351
2 0.003713 004094 004493 004911 005347 005802 006275 006767 007278 007807
3 0.008355 008921 009506 010109 010731 011372 012031 012709 013405 014120
4 0.014855 015605 016376 017165 017973 018799 019644 020507 021389 022289
5 0.023209 024146 025102 026077 027070 028082 029113 030162 031230 032316
6 0.033420 034544 035686 036846 038025 039223 040439 041674 042927 044199
7 0.045489 046798 048126 049472 050836 052220 053322 055042 056481 057938
8 0.059415 060909 062422 063954 065505 067074 068661 070267 071892 073535
9 0.075197 076877 078576 080293 082029 083784 085557 087349 089159 090988
10 0.092836 094702 096586 098489 100411 102351 104310 106287 108283 110298
11 0.112331 114383 116453 118542 120649 122775 124920 127083 129264 131465
12 0.133683 135921 138177 140451 142744 145056 147386 149735 152102 154489
13 0.156892 159315 161757 164217 166696 169193 171709 174243 176796 179368
14 0.181958 184567 187194 189840 192504 195187 197889 200609 203347 206105
15 0.208881 211675 214488 217319 220169 223038 225925 228831 231755 234698
16 0.237660 240640 243638 246655 249691 252746 255818 258910 262020 265148
17 0.268296 271461 274646 277848 281070 284310 287568 290845 294141 297455
18 0.300788 304140 307509 310898 314305 317731 321175 324638 328119 331619
19 0.335137 338675 342230 345804 349397 353008 356638 360287 363954 367639
20 0.371344 375066 378808 382567 386346 390143 393958 397792 401645 405516
21 0.409406 413315 417242 421174 425151 429134 433135 437155 441193 445250
22 0.449326 463420 457532 461664 465813 469982 474169 478374 482598 486841
23 0.491102 495382 499680 503997 508338 512686 517059 521450 525860 530288
24 0.534735 539200 543684 548187 552708 557248 561806 566383 570978 575592
25 0.580225 584876 589545 594233 598940 603666 608410 613172 617953 622753
26 0.627570 632408 637263 642137 647029 651940 656870 661818 666785 671770
27 0.676774 681796 686837 691897 696975 702072 707187 712321 717473 722644
28 0.727834 733042 738269 743514 748778 754060 759361 764680 770018 775375
29 0.780750 786144 791556 796987 802437 807905 813391 818897 824420 829963
30 0.835524 841103 846701 852318 857953 863606 869279 874970 880679 886407
31 0.892133 897919 903702 909505 915325 921165 927023 932899 938794 944708
32 0.950640 956591 962560 968548 974555 980580 986623 992686 998766 004866
33 1.010984 017120 023275 029449 035641 041852 048081 054329 060595 066880
34 1.073184 079 [...]06 085846 092206 098584 104980 111395 117828 124281 130751
[Page 122-123] 34 1.073184 079506 085846 092206 098584 104980 111395 117828 124281 130751
35 1.137241 143748 150275 156820 163383 169965 176566 183185 189823 196479
36 1.203154 209848 216560 223290 230039 236807 243593 250398 257222 264064
37 1.270924 277803 284701 291617 298852 305506 312478 319468 326477 333505
38 1.340551 347616 354700 361802 368922 376061 383219 390395 397590 404803
39 1.412035 419286 426555 433842 441148 448473 455817 463178 470549 477958
40 1.485376 492812 500266 507740 515232 522742 530271 537819 545385 552969
41 1.560573 568194 575835 583494 591171 598868 606582 614315 622067 629838
42 1.637627 645434 653260 661105 668968 676850 684750 692669 700606 708563
43 1.716537 724530 732542 740572 748621 756689 764775 772879 781002 789144
44 1.797304 805483 813681 821897 830131 838384 846656 854946 863255 871583
45 1.879929 888293 896676 905078 913498 921937 930394 938870 947365 955878
46 1.964409 972959 981528 990116 998721 007346 015989 024651 033331 042029
47 2.050747 059483 068237 077010 085802 094612 103440 112288 121154 130038
48 2.138941 147862 156803 165761 174739 183734 192749 201782 210833 219903
49 2.228992 238099 247225 256369 265532 274714 283914 293132 302369 311625
50 2.32090 330192 339504 348834 358182 267550 376935 386340 395762 405204
51 2.414664 424142 433640 443155 452689 462242 471814 481404 491012 508639
52 2.510285 519949 529632 539333 549053 558792 568549 578324 588119 597931
53 2.607763 617613 627481 637368 647274 657198 667141 677102 687082 697080
54 2.707097 717133 727187 737260 747351 757461 767589 777736 787902 798086
55 2.808289 818510 828750 839008 849285 859580 869894 880227 890578 900948
56 2.911336 921743 932169 942613 953076 963557 974056 984575 995112 005667
57 3.016241 026834 037445 048075 058723 069390 080075 090779 101502 112243
58 3.123003 133781 144578 155393 166227 177080 187951 198840 209748 220675
59 3.231621 242585 253567 264568 275588 286626 297683 308758 319852 330964
60 3.342096 353245 364413 375600 386805 398029 409272 420533 431812 443110
61 3.454427 465762 477116 488489 499880 511289 522717 534164 545629 557113
62 3.568615 580136 591676 603234 614811 626406 638020 649652 661303 672972
63 3.684660 696367 708092 719836 731598 743379 755179 766997 778838 790688
64 3.802562 814454 826365 838295 850243 862209 874194 886198 898220 910261
65 3.922321 934398 946495 958610 970744 982896 995067 007256 919464 031691
66 4.043936 056199 068481 080782 093102 105440 117796 130171 142565 154977
67 4.167408 179857 192325 204811 217316 229840 242382 254943 267522 280120
[Page 124-125] 67 4.167408 179857 192325 204811 217316 229840 242382 254943 267522 280122
68 4.292736 305371 318025 330697 343387 356097 368825 381571 394336 407119
69 4.419921 432742 445581 458439 471315 484210 497124 510056 523007 535976
70 4.548964 561970 574995 588038 601100 614181 627280 670398 653534 666789
71 4.679862 693054 706265 819494 732724 746008 759293 772596 785918 799259
72 4.812618 825995 839392 852806 866240 879692 893162 906651 920159 933685
73 4.947230 960793 974375 987976 001595 015232 028888 042563 056257 069968
74 5.083699 097448 111215 125002 138806 152630 166471 180332 194211 208108
75 5.222025 235959 249912 263884 277875 291884 305911 319957 334022 348105
76 5.362207 376327 390466 404624 418800 432994 447208 461439 475690 489958
77 5.504246 518552 532877 547220 561581 575962 590361 604778 619214 633669
78 5.648142 662633 677144 691673 706220 720786 735370 479974 764595 779235
79 5.793894 808572 823268 837982 852715 867467 882237 897026 911833 926659
80 5.941504 956367 971248 986148 001067 016004 030960 045935 060928 075939
81 6.090969 106018 121085 136171 151276 166399 181540 196700 211879 227076
82 6.242292 257527 272779 288051 303341 318650 333977 349323 364687 380070
83 6.395472 410892 426330 441787 457263 472758 488270 503802 519352 534920
84 6.550508 566113 581738 597381 613042 628722 644421 660138 675873 691628
85 6.707401 723192 739002 754830 770678 786543 802427 818330 834252 850192
86 6.866150 882127 898123 914137 930170 946221 962291 978380 994487 010612
87 7.026756 042919 059100 075300 091519 107756 124011 140285 156578 172889
88 7.189219 205568 221935 239320 254724 271147 287588 304048 320527 337024
89 7.353539 370073 386626 403197 419787 436395 453022 469668 486332 503014
90 7.519716 536435 553174 569930 586706 603500 620313 637144 653993 670862
91 7.687749 704654 721578 738521 755482 772462 789460 806477 823512 840566
92 7.857639 874730 891839 908968 926114 943280 960464 977666 994887 012127
93 8.029385 046662 063957 081271 098604 115955 133324 150713 168119 185545
94 8.202988 220451 237932 255432 272950 290486 308042 325616 343208 360819
95 8.378449 396097 413763 431449 449152 466875 484616 502375 520153 537950
96 8.555765 573599 591451 609322 627212 645120 663047 680992 698956 716938
97 8.734939 752958 770996 789053 807128 825222 843334 861465 879614 897782
98 8.915969 934174 952398 970640 988901 007180 025478 043795 062130 080484
99 9.098856 117247 135656 154084 172531 190996 209479 227981 246502 265042
100 9.283600 302176 320771 339385 358017 376668 395337 414025 432731 451456
[Page 126-127] 100 9.283600 302176 302771 339385 358017 376668 395337 414025 432731 451456
101 9.470200 488962 507743 526524 545360 564196 583051 601925 620817 639728
102 9.658657 677605 696574 715556 734560 753582 772622 791682 810759 829856
103 9.848971 868104 887256 906427 925616 944824 964050 983295 [...]02559 021841
104 10.041141 060460 079798 099154 118529 137923 157335 176765 196215 215682
105 10.235169 254673 274197 293739 323299 332878 352476 372092 391727 411381
106 10.431052 450743 470452 490180 509926 529691 549474 569276 589096 608936
107 10.628793 648669 668564 688477 708409 728360 748329 768316 788323 808347
108 10.828391 848452 868533 888632 908749 928886 949040 969213 989405 009616
109 11.029845 050092 070358 090643 110946 131268 151608 171967 192345 212741
110 11.233156 253589 274040 294511 315000 335507 356033 376578 397141 417723
111 11.438323 458942 479579 500235 520910 541603 562315 583045 603794 624561
112 11.645347 666152 686975 707817 728677 749556 770453 791369 812304 833257
113 11.854228 875219 896227 917255 938301 959365 980448 001550 022670 043809
114 12.064966 086142 107336 128549 149781 171031 192300 213587 234893 256218
115 12.277561 298922 320302 341701 363118 384554 406008 427481 448973 470483
116 12.492012 513559 535125 556709 578312 509934 621574 643232 664909 686605
117 12.708320 730052 751804 773574 795363 817170 838995 860840 882703 904584
118 12.926484 948403 970340 992296 014270 036263 058274 080304 102353 124420
119 13.146505 168610 190733 212874 235034 257212 279409 301625 323859 346112
120 13.368384 390673 412982 435309 457655 480019 502402 524803 547223 569661
121 13.592118 614594 637088 659601 682132 704682 727250 749837 772443 795067
122 13.817710 840371 863051 885749 908466 931202 953956 976729 999520 022320
123 14.045158 068005 090870 113754 136657 159578 182518 205476 228453 251449
124 14.274463 297495 320547 343616 366705 389812 412937 436081 459244 482425
125 14.505625 528843 552080 575335 598609 621902 645213 668542 691891 715257
126 14.738643 762047 785469 808910 832370 855848 879345 902860 926394 949947
127 14.973518 997108 020716 044343 067988 091652 115334 139035 162755 186493
128 15.210250 234025 257819 281631 305462 329312 353180 377067 400972 424896
129 15.448838 472799 496779 520777 544794 568829 592883 616955 641046 665155
130 15.689284 713430 737595 761779 785981 810202 834442 858700 882977 907272
131 15.931585 955918 982269 004638 029026 053433 077858 102302 126764 151245
132 16.175744 200262 224799 249354 273927 298520 323131 347760 372408 497074
133 16.421760 446463 471185 495926 502686 545464 570260 595075 619909 644761
[Page 128-129] 134 16.669632 694521 719429 744355 769300 794264 819242 844247 869266 894304
135 16.919361 944436 969529 994641 019772 044921 070089 095275 120489 145704
136 17.170946 196207 221486 246784 272100 297435 322789 348161 373551 398961
137 17.424388 449835 475300 500783 526285 551806 577345 602903 628479 654074
138 17.679687 705319 730970 756639 782327 808033 833758 859501 885263 911044
139 17.936843 962661 988497 014352 040225 066117 092028 117957 143904 169871
140 18.195856 221859 247881 273921 299980 326058 325154 378269 404402 430554
141 18.456725 482914 509121 535347 561592 587856 614137 640438 666757 693094
142 18.719451 745825 772219 798630 825061 851510 877977 904463 930968 957491
143 18.984033 010059 037172 063770 090386 117021 143674 170346 197036 223745
144 19.250472 277219 303983 330766 357568 384388 411227 438085 464961 491855
145 19.518769 545700 527651 599619 626607 653613 680637 707680 734742 761822
146 19.788921 816039 843175 870329 897502 924694 951904 979133 006380 033646
147 20.060931 088234 115555 142896 170254 197632 225028 252442 279875 307327
148 20.334797 362286 389793 417319 444863 472426 500008 527608 555227 582864
149 20.610520 638194 665887 693599 721329 749078 776845 804631 832435 860258
150 20.888100 915960 943838 971735 999651 027586 055539 083510 111500 139509
151 21.167536 195582 223646 251729 279830 307950 336089 364246 392422 420616
152 21.448829 477060 505310 533579 561866 590172 618496 646839 675200 703580
153 21.731979 760396 788832 817286 845759 874250 902760 931288 959835 988401
154 22.016985 045588 074209 102849 131508 130185 188880 217595 246327 275079
155 22.303849 332637 361444 390270 419114 447976 476858 505758 534676 563613
156 22.592568 621543 650535 679547 708576 737625 766692 795777 824881 854004
157 22.883145 912305 941483 970680 999896 029130 058382 087654 116943 146252
158 23.175579 204924 234288 263671 293072 322492 351930 381387 410862 440356
159 23.469869 499400 528949 558515 588105 617710 647334 676976 706638 736317
160 23.766016 795732 825468 855222 884994 914785 944595 974423 004270 034135
161 24.064019 093922 123843 153782 183740 213717 243712 273726 303759 333810
162 24.363879 393967 424074 454199 484343 514506 544687 574886 605104 635341
163 24.665596 695870 726163 756474 786803 817151 847518 877903 908307 938729
164 24.969170 999630 030108 060604 091119 121653 152206 182776 213366 243974
165 25.274601 305246 335909 366592 397293 428012 458750 489507 520282 551075
166 25.581888 612718 643568 674436 705322 736228 767151 798093 829054 860034
167 25.89103 [...] 922048 95308 984137 915209 046300 077409 108537 139683 170849
[Page 130-131] 167 25.891032 922048 953083 984137 015209 046300 077409 108537 139683 170849
168 26.202032 233234 264455 295694 326952 358229 389524 420837 452169 483520
169 26.514689 546277 577684 609109 640552 672014 703495 734994 766512 798049
170 26.829604 861177 892769 924380 956009 987657 019323 051008 082712 114432
171 27.146174 177933 209711 241508 273322 305156 337008 368879 400768 432675
172 27.464602 496547 528510 560492 592493 624512 656549 688606 720681 752774
173 27.784886 817016 849166 881333 913520 945724 977948 010190 042450 074729
174 28.107027 139343 171678 204031 236403 268794 301213 333630 366076 398541
175 28.431025 463526 496047 528586 561142 593720 626314 658928 691559 724210
176 28.756879 789566 822273 854997 881740 920502 953283 986082 018899 051735
177 29.084590 117463 150355 183265 216194 249142 282108 315092 348096 381117
178 29.414158 447217 480294 513390 546505 579638 612790 645960 679149 712356
179 29.745582 778827 812090 845372 878672 919991 945328 978684 012059 045452
180 30.078864 112294 145743 179210 212696 246200 279723 313265 346825 380404
181 30.414001 447617 481252 514905 548577 582267 615975 649703 683449 717213
182 30.750996 784798 818618 852457 886314 920190 954084 987997 021929 055879
183 31.089848 123835 157841 192865 225908 252970 294050 328148 362265 396401
184 31.430556 464729 498920 533130 567359 601606 635872 670156 704459 738780
185 31.773121 807479 841856 876252 910666 945099 979551 014021 048509 083016
186 32.117542 152086 186649 221231 255831 290449 325508 359742 394416 429109
187 32.463820 498550 533299 568066 602892 637656 672479 707320 742180 777058
188 32.811955 846871 881805 916758 951729 986719 021728 056755 091800 126864
189 33.161947 197048 232168 267307 302464 337639 372833 408046 443277 478527
190 33.513796 549082 584388 619712 655055 690416 725796 761194 796611 832047
191 33.867501 902973 938464 973974 009503 045050 080615 116199 151802 187423
192 34.223063 258721 294398 330093 365807 401540 437291 473061 508849 544656
193 34.580481 616325 652188 688069 723968 759887 795824 831779 867753 903745
194 34.939756 975786 011834 047901 083986 120090 156213 192354 228514 264692
195 35.300889 337104 373338 409590 445861 482151 518459 554786 591131 627495
196 35.663877 700278 736698 773136 809593 846068 882562 919074 955605 992155
197 36.028723 065309 101915 138538 175181 211842 248521 285219 321936 358671
198 36.395425 432197 468988 505798 542626 579472 616337 653221 690124 727044
199 36.763984 800942 837918 874914 911927 948960 986010 023080 060168 097274
200 37.134400                  

[Page 132-133]

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
01 0.002617 003167 003769 004424 005131 005890 006702 007566 008482 009450
02 0.010471 011545 012671 013849 015079 016362 017697 019085 020525 022017
03 0.023561 025158 026808 028509 030264 032070 033929 035840 037803 039819
04 0.041887 044008 046181 048406 050684 053014 055396 057831 060318 062858
05 0.065449 068093 070790 073539 076340 079194 082100 085058 088069 091132
06 0.094247 097415 100635 103908 107232 110610 114039 117521 121055 124642
07 0.128281 131973 135716 139512 143361 147262 151215 155220 159278 163388
08 0.167551 171766 176033 180353 184725 189149 193626 198155 202737 207371
09 0.212057 216796 221586 226430 231325 236273 241274 246326 251432 256589
1.0 0.261799 267061 272376 277742 283162 288633 294157 299734 305362 311043
1.1 0.316777 322563 328401 334291 340234 346229 352277 358377 364529 370734
1.2 0.376991 383300 389662 396076 402542 409061 415632 422256 482932 435660
1.3 0.442440 449273 456159 463096 470086 477129 484224 491371 498570 505822
1.4 0.513126 520483 527892 535353 542867 550433 558051 565722 573445 581220
1.5 0.589048 596928 604861 612846 620883 628973 637114 645309 653555 661855
1.6 0.670206 678610 687066 695574 704135 712748 721414 730132 738902 747725
1.7 0.756600 765527 774507 783539 792623 801760 810949 820191 829485 838831
1.8 0.848230 857680 867184 876739 886348 896008 905721 915486 925303 935173
1.9 0.945097 955070 965097 975176 985308 995492 005728 016017 026358 036751
2.0 1.047197 057695 068246 078849 089504 100211 110971 121784 132648 143565
2.1 1.154535 165557 176631 187757 198936 210167 221451 232787 244175 255616
2.2 1.267109 278654 290252 301902 313604 325359 337166 349026 360937 372902
2.3 1.384918 396987 409109 421282 433508 445787 458117 470500 482936 495424
2.4 1.507964 520557 533201 545899 558648 571450 584305 597211 610170 623182
2.5 1.636246 649362 662530 675751 689024 702350 715728 729158 742641 756176
2.6 1.769763 783403 797095 810840 824637 838486 852387 866341 880347 894406
2.7 1.908517 922680 036896 951164 965485 979857 994283 008760 023290 037872
2.8 2.052507 067194 081933 096725 111569 126465 141414 156415 171468 186574
2.9 2.201732 216943 232206 247521 262889 278309 293781 309306 324883 340512
3.0 2.356194                  

[Page 134-135]

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 0.314159 345575 376991 408407 439822 471238 502654 534070 565486 596902
20 0.628318 659734 691150 722566 753982 785398 816814 848230 879645 911061
30 0.942477 974893 006309 037725 069148 100557 131973 162389 193805 225221
40 1.256637 288052 319468 350884 382300 413716 445132 476548 507964 539380
50 1.570796 602212 633628 665044 696460 727875 759291 790707 822123 853539
60 1.884955 916371 947787 979203 010619 042035 073451 104867 136283 167698
70 2.199114 230530 261946 293362 324778 356194 387610 419026 450442 481858
80 2.513274 544690 576105 607521 638937 670353 701769 733185 764601 796017
90 2.827433 858849 890265 921681 953097 984513 015928 047344 078760 110176
1.00 3.141592 173008 204424 235840 267256 298672 330088 361504 392920 424335
10 3.455751 487167 518583 549999 581415 613831 644247 675663 707079 738495
20 3.769911 801327 832743 864158 895574 926990 958406 989822 021238 052654
30 4.084070 115486 146902 178318 209734 241150 272566 303981 335397 366813
40 4.398229 429645 461061 492477 523893 555309 586725 618141 649557 680973
50 4.712388 743804 775220 806636 838052 869468 900884 932300 963716 995132
60 5.026548 057964 089380 120796 152211 183627 215043 246459 277875 309291
70 5.340707 372123 403539 434945 466371 497787 529203 560618 592034 623450
80 5.654866 686282 717698 749144 780530 811946 843362 874778 906194 937610
90 5.969026 000441 031857 063273 094689 126105 157521 188937 220353 251769
2.00 6.283105 314601 346017 377433 408849 440264 471689 503096 534512 565928
10 6.597344 628760 660176 691592 723008 754424 785840 817256 848671 880087
20 6.911503 942919 974336 005751 037167 068583 099999 131415 162831 194247
30 7.225663 257079 288494 319910 351326 382742 414158 445574 476990 508406
40 7.539822 571238 602654 634070 665486 696901 728317 759733 791149 822565
50 7.853981 885397 916813 948229 979645 011061 042477 073893 105309 136724
60 8.168140 199556 230972 262388 293804 325220 356636 388052 419468 450884
70 8.482300 513716 545132 576547 607963 639379 670795 702211 733627 765043
80 8.796458 827875 859291 890707 922123 953539 984954 016370 047786 079202
90 9.110618 142034 173450 204866 236282 267798 299114 330530 361946 393362
3.00 9.424777                  

[Page 136]

  Natural Artificial
0.01 0.000002 4.423668
.02 0.000010 5.025728
.03 0.000023 5.377911
.04 0.000042 5.627788
0.05 0.000066 5.821608
.06 0.000092 5.979971
.07 0.000129 6.113864
.08 0.000169 6.229848
.09 0.000214 6.332153
0.10 0.000265 6.423668
.11 0.000320 6.506454
.12 0.000382 6.582031
.13 0.000448 6.651555
.14 0.000519 6.715924
0.15 0.000596 6.775851
.16 0.000679 6.831908
.17 0.000766 6.884566
.18 0.000859 6.934213
.19 0.000957 6.981176
0.20 0.001061 7.025728
.21 0.001169 7.068107
.22 0.001283 7.108514
.23 0.001403 7.147124
.24 0.001527 7.184091
0.25 0.001657 7.219548
.26 0.001793 7.253615
.27 0.001933 7.286396
.28 0.002012 7.317984
.29 0.002230 7.348464
0.30 0.002353 7.377911
.31 0.002549 7.406392
.32 0.002716 7.433968
.3 [...] 0.002888 7.460695
.3 [...] 0.003066 7.486626
0.35 0.003249 7.511804
0.36 0.003437 7.536273
0.37 0.003631 7.560071
0.38 0.003830 7.583236
0.39 0.004034 7.605798
0.40 0.004244 7.627788
0.41 0.004458 7.649236
0.42 0.004679 7.670167
0.43 0.004904 7.690605
0.44 0.005135 7.710574
0.45 0.005371 7.730093
0.46 0.005612 7.749184
0.47 0.005892 7.767864
0.48 0.006111 7.786151
0.49 0.006368 7.804060
0.50 0.006631 7.821608
0.51 0.006899 7.838809
0.52 0.007172 7.855675
0.53 0.007451 7.872220
0.54 0.007734 7.888456
0.55 0.008024 7.905394
0.56 0.008318 7.720044
0.57 0.008618 7.935418
0.58 0.008923 7.950524
0.59 0.009233 7.965372
0.60 0.009549 7.979971
0.61 0.009870 7.994328
0.62 0.010196 8.008452
0.63 0.010528 8.022358
0.64 0.010864 8.036028
0.65 0.011207 8.049495
0.66 0.01155 [...] 8.062756
0.67 0.011907 8.075818
0.68 0.012265 8.088686
0.69 0.012628 8.101367
0.70 0.012997 8.113864
[Page 137] 0.71 0.013371 8.126175
0.72 0.013750 8.138333
0.73 0.014135 8.150314
0.74 0.014525 8.162132
0.75 0.014920 8.173791
0.76 0.015321 8.185296
0.77 0.015727 8.190991
0.78 0.016138 8.207858
0.79 0.016554 8.218927
0.80 0.016976 8.229848
0.81 0.017403 8.240638
0.81 0.017835 8.251296
0.83 0.018273 7.261825
0.84 0.018716 8.272227
0.85 0.019164 8.282506
0.86 0.019618 8.292665
0.87 0.020077 8.302707
0.88 0.020541 8.312634
0.89 0.021011 8.312448
0.90 0.021489 8.332153
0.91 0.021999 8.341751
0.92 0.022451 8.351244
0.93 0.022942 8.360634
0.94 0.023438 8.369924
0.95 0.023939 8.379116
0.96 0.024446 8.388211
0.97 0.02495 [...] 8.397212
0.98 0.025475 8.406121
0.99 0.025997 8.414939
1.00 0.026529 8.423668
1.01 0.027058 8.432311
1.02 0.027597 8.442369
1.03 0.028141 8.449343
1.04 0.028690 8.456735
1.05 0.029 [...]44 8.466047
1.06 0.029804 8.474280
1.07 0.030369 8.482437
1.08 0.030939 8.490516
1.09 0.031515 8.498521
1.10 0.032096 8.506454
1.11 0.032682 8.514314
1.12 0.033273 8.522104
1.13 0.033870 8.528825
1.14 0.034472 8.537478
1.15 0.035080 8.545064
1.16 0.035697 8.552584
1.17 0.036324 8.560040
1.18 0.036934 8.567432
1.19 0.037563 8.574762
1.20 0.038197 8.582031
1.21 0.038836 8.589239
1.22 0.039481 8.596388
1.23 0.040130 8.603471
1.24 0.040786 8.610512
1.25 0.041446 8.61 [...]488
1.26 0.042112 8.624410
1.27 0.042783 8.631276
1.28 0.043459 8.638088
1.29 0.044141 8.644848
1.30 0.044828 8.651555
1.31 0.045520 8.658211
1.31 0.046218 8.664816
1.33 0.046921 8.671372
1.34 0.047629 8.677878
1.35 0.048343 8.684336
1.36 0.049062 8.689746
1.37 0.049786 8.697110
1.38 0.050515 8.703427
1.39 0.051250 8.709698
1.40 0.051990 8.7 [...]5924
[Page 138] 1.41 0.052735 8.722107
1.42 0.053453 8.728245
1.43 0.054242 8.734340
1.44 0.054007 8.740393
1.45 0.055770 8.746404
1.46 0.056542 8.752374
1.47 0.057319 8.758303
1.48 0.058102 8.764192
1.49 0.058889 8.770071
1.50 0.059687 8.775851
1.51 0.060481 8.781622
1.52 0.061285 8.793356
1.53 0.062094 8.793051
1.54 0.062908 8.798710
1.55 0.063728 8.804332
1.56 0.064556 8.809918
1.57 0.065383 8.815468
1.58 0.066219 8.820983
1.59 0.067059 8.826463
1.60 0.067906 8.831908
1.61 0.068754 8.837320
1.62 0.069614 8.842698
1.63 0.070476 8.848044
1.64 0.071343 8.853356
1.65 0.072216 8.858636
1.66 0.073091 8.863885
1.67 0.073944 8.869101
1.68 2.074533 8.874595
1.69 0.075760 8.879442
1.70 0.076659 8.884566
1.71 0.077564 8.889661
1.72 0.078440 8.894725
1.73 0.079355 8.899761
1.74 0.080309 8.904767
1.75 0.081235 8.909745
1.76 0.082166 8.914694
1.77 0.083102 8.919615
1.78 0.084044 8.924508
1.79 0.084991 8.929374
1.80 0.085943 8.934213
1.81 0.086901 8.939026
1.82 0.087864 8.943811
1.83 0.088832 8.948571
1.84 0.089805 8.953291
1.85 0.090784 8.958012
1.86 0.091768 8.962694
1.87 0.092758 8.967352
1.88 0.093752 8.971984
1.89 0.094418 8.976592
1.90 0.095748 8.981176
1.91 0.096768 8.985735
1.92 0.097784 8.990271
1.93 0.098806 8.994783
1.94 0.099832 8.999272
1.95 0.100864 9.003738
1.96 0.101901 9.008181
1.97 0.102944 9.012601
1.98 0.103981 9.016999
1.99 0.105044 9.021375
2.00 0.106103 9.025728
2.01 0.107166 9.030061
2.02 0.108235 9.034371
2.03 0.109310 9.038660
2.04 0.110389 9.042929
2.05 0.111441 9.047176
2.06 0.112564 9.051403
2.07 0.113660 9.055609
2.08 0.114427 9.059795
2.09 0.115867 9.063961
2.10 0.116978 9.068107
[Page 139] 2.11 0.118095 9.072233
2.12 0.119210 9.076340
2.13 0.120345 9.080428
2.14 0.121477 9.084496
2.15 0.122614 9.088545
2.16 0.123758 9.092576
2.17 0.124907 9.096588
2.18 0.126061 9.100581
2.19 0.129220 9.104557
2.20 0.128384 9.108514
2.21 0.129554 9.112453
2.22 0.130729 9.116374
2.23 0.131910 9.120278
2.24 0.133095 9.124164
2.25 0.134286 9.128033
2.26 0.135483 9.131885
2.27 0.136684 9.135720
2.28 0.137891 9.139538
2.29 0.139104 9.143339
2.30 0.140321 9.147124
2.31 0.141544 9.150892
2.32 0.142772 9.154644
2.33 0.144006 9.158380
2.34 0.145244 9.162100
2.35 0.146488 9.165804
2.36 0.147738 9.169492
2.37 0.148992 9.173165
2.38 0.150252 9.176822
2.39 0.151518 9.180464
2.40 0.152788 9.184091
2.41 0.154064 9.187702
2.42 0.155345 9.191299
2.43 0.156632 9.194881
2.44 0.157924 9.198448
2.45 0.159221 9.202001
2.46 0.160523 9.205539
2.47 0.161831 9.209062
2.48 0.163144 9.212571
2.49 0.164462 9.216067
2.50 0.165786 9.219548
2.51 0.167115 9.222016
2.52 0.168449 9.226469
2.53 0.169789 9.229909
2.54 0.171133 9.233336
2.55 0.172484 9.236749
2.56 0.173839 9.240148
2.57 0.175200 9.243535
2.58 0.176566 9.246908
2.59 0.177937 9.250268
2.60 0.179314 9.253615
2.61 0.180685 9.256949
2.62 0.182083 9.260271
2.63 0.183476 9.263580
2.64 0.184874 9.266876
2.65 0.186277 9.270160
2.66 0.187686 9.273432
2.67 0.189099 9.276691
2.68 0.190519 9.279938
2.69 0.191943 9.283173
2.70 0.193373 9.286396
2.71 0.194808 9.289607
2.72 0.196248 9.292806
2.73 0.197694 9.295994
2.74 0.199145 9.299170
2.75 0.200601 9.302334
2.76 0.202630 9.305486
2.77 0.203529 9.308628
2.78 0.205002 9.311758
2.79 0.206479 9.314877
2.80 0.207962 9.317984
[Page 140] Natural Artificial
2.81 0.209450 9.321081
2.82 0.210943 9.324167
2.83 0.212442 9.327241
2.84 0.213946 9.330306
2.85 0.215455 9.333358
2.86 0.216970 9.336400
2.87 0.218490 9.339442
2.88 0.220015 9.342453
2.89 0.221546 9.344464
2.90 0.223082 9.348464
2.91 0.224623 9.351454
2.92 0.226169 9.354434
2.93 0.227721 9.357404
2.94 0.229278 9.360363
2.95 0.230840 9.363312
2.96 0.232408 9.366252
2.97 0.233981 9.369181
2.98 0.235559 9.372101
2.99 0.237143 9.375011
3.00 0.238732 9.377911
3.01 0.240326 9.380801
3.02 0.241926 9.383682
3.03 0.243530 9.386554
3.04 0.245141 9.389416
3.05 0.246756 6.392268
3.06 0.248377 9.395111
3.07 0.249003 9.397945
3.08 0.251634 9.400770
3.09 0.253271 9.403585
3.10 0.254713 9.406392
3.11 0.256627 9.409189
3.12 0.258212 9.411978
3.13 0.259870 9.414757
3.14 0.261534 9.417528
3.15 0.263202 9.420290
3.16 0.264876 9.423043
3.17 0.266555 9.425787
3.18 0.268239 9.428523
3.19 0.269926 9.431250
3.20 0.271624 9.433968
3.21 0.273324 9.436678
3.22 0.275030 9.439380
3.23 0.276741 9.442073
3.24 0.278457 9.444758
3.25 0.280179 9.447435
3.26 0.281905 9.450104
3.27 0.283604 9.452764
3.28 0.285375 9.455416
3.29 0.287114 9.458060
3.30 0.288866 9.460695
3.31 0.290619 9.463324
3.32 0.292378 9.465945
3.33 0.294142 9.468557
3.34 0.295911 9.471161
3.35 0.297686 9.473758
3.36 0.299465 9.476347
3.37 0.301251 9.478928
3.38 0.303041 9.481502
3.39 0.304504 9.484068
3.40 0.306638 9.486626
3.41 0.308444 9.489177
3.42 0.310256 9.491721
3.43 0.312073 9.494257
3.44 0.313895 9.496785
3.45 0.315726 9.499307
3.46 0.317556 9.501821
3.47 0.319394 9.504327
3.48 0.321238 9.506782
3.49 0.323087 9.509319
3.50 0.324941 9.511804
[Page 141] 3.51 0.326800 9.514283
3.52 0.328665 9.516754
3.53 0.330502 9.519218
3.54 0.332411 9.521675
3.55 0.334291 9.524125
3.56 0.336177 9.526568
3.57 0.338068 9.528005
3.58 0.339965 9.531434
3.59 0.341867 9.533857
3.60 0.343774 9.536273
3.61 0.345687 9.538683
3.62 0.347604 9.541086
3.63 0.349528 9.543482
3.64 0.351456 9.545871
3.65 0.353390 9.547254
3.66 0.355329 9.550631
3.67 0.357273 9.553001
3.68 0.359223 9.555364
3.69 0.361178 9.557721
3.70 0.363138 9.560071
3.71 0.365104 9.562416
3.72 0.367074 9.564754
3.73 0.369051 9.567086
3.74 0.371032 9.569412
3.75 0.373019 9.571731
3.76 0.375011 9.574044
3.77 0.377008 9.576351
3.78 0.379011 9.578652
3.79 0.381019 9.580947
3.80 0.383032 9.583236
3.81 0.38505 [...] 9.585518
3.82 0.387075 9.587795
3.83 0.389104 9.590066
3.8 [...] 0.391139 9.592331
3.85 0.393179 9.594590
3.86 0.395224 9.596743
3.87 0.397274 9.599090
3.88 0.399330 9.601332
3.89 0.401391 9.603568
3.90 0.403457 9.605798
3.91 0.405529 9.608022
3.92 0.407606 9.610241
3.93 0.409688 9.612454
3.94 0.411776 9.614661
3.95 0.413869 9.616863
3.96 0.415967 9.619059
3.97 0.418070 9.621249
3.98 0.420179 9.623435
3.99 0.422293 9.625614
4.00 0.424413 9.627788
4.01 0.426504 9.629957
4.02 0.428667 9.632121
4.03 0.430803 9.634279
4.04 0.432943 9.636431
4.05 0.435089 9.638578
4.06 0.437241 9.640720
4.07 0.439397 9.642857
4.08 0.431559 9.644989
4.09 0.443726 9.647115
4.10 0.445899 9.649236
4.11 0.448076 9.651352
4.12 0.450259 9.653463
4.13 0.452448 9.655569
4.14 0.454642 9.657669
4.15 0.456840 9.659765
4.16 0.459045 9.661855
4.17 0.461254 9.663941
4.18 0.463469 9.666021
4.19 0.465690 9.668096
4.20 0.467915 9.670167
[Page 142] 4.21 0.470146 9.672233
4.22 0.472382 9.674293
4.23 0.474623 9.676349
4.24 0.476870 9.678400
4.25 0.479122 9.680446
4.26 0.481380 9.682488
4.27 0.483642 9.684524
4.28 0.485910 9.686556
4.29 0.488183 9.688583
4.30 0.490462 9.690605
4.31 0.492746 9.692623
4.32 0.495032 9.694636
4.33 0.497330 9.696634
4.34 0.499629 9.698648
4.35 0.501934 9.700647
4.36 0.504245 9.702641
4.37 0.506560 9.704631
4.38 0.508882 9.706617
4.39 0.511208 9.708597
4.40 0.513539 9.710574
4.41 0.515876 9.712546
4.42 0.518219 9.714513
4.43 0.520566 9.716476
4.44 0.522919 9.718434
4.45 0.527277 9.720388
4.46 0.527641 9.722338
4.47 0.530009 9.724283
4.48 0.532383 9.726224
4.49 0.534429 9.728161
4.50 0.537147 9.730093
4.51 0.539537 9.732021
4.52 0.541933 9.733945
4.53 0.544333 9.735865
4.54 0.546739 9.737780
4.55 0.549150 9.739691
4.56 0.551567 9.741598
4.57 0.553989 9.743501
4.58 0.556416 9.745399
4.59 0.558848 9.747294
4.60 0.561286 9.749184
4.61 0.563729 9.751070
4.62 0.566177 9.752952
4.63 0.568631 9.754830
4.64 0.571090 9.756704
4.65 0.573554 9.758574
4.66 0.576024 9.760440
4.67 0.578499 9.762302
4.68 0.580979 9.764160
4.69 0.583464 9.766014
4.70 0.585955 9.767864
4.71 0.588451 9.769710
4.72 0.590952 9.771552
4.73 0.593459 9.773411
4.74 0.595971 9.775225
4.75 0.598488 9.777056
4.76 0.601011 9.778882
4.77 0.603539 9.780705
4.78 0.606072 9.782524
4.79 0.608611 9.784339
4.80 0.611154 9.786151
4.81 0.613704 9.787959
4.82 0.616258 9.789762
4.83 0.618818 9.791563
4.84 0.621383 9.793359
4.85 0.623953 9.795252
4.86 0.626529 9.796941
4.87 0.629110 9.798726
4.88 0.631696 9.800508
4.89 0.634288 9.802286
4.90 0.636885 9.804060
[Page 143] 4.92 0.639487 9.805831
4.92 0.642094 9.807599
4.93 0.644707 9.809362
4.94 0.647325 9.811122
4.95 0.649948 9.812879
4.96 0.652577 9.814632
4.97 0.655211 9.815638
4.98 0.657851 9.818127
4.99 0.660495 9.819869
5.00 0.663145 9.821608
5.01 0.665800 9.823344
5.02 0.668461 9.825076
5.03 0.671127 9.826804
5.04 0.673798 9.828529
5.05 0.676474 9.830451
5.06 0.679156 9.831979
5.07 0.681843 9.833684
5.08 0.684536 9.835396
5.09 0.687267 9.837104
5.10 0.689936 9.838809
5.11 0.692644 9.840516
5.12 0.695358 9.842208
5.13 0.698077 9.843903
5.14 0.700801 9.845595
5.15 0.703531 9.847283
5.16 0.706265 9.848968
5.17 0.709006 9.850649
5.18 0.711751 9.852328
5.19 0.71450 [...] 9.854003
5.20 0.717258 9.855675
5.21 0.720019 9.857344
5.22 0.722786 9:859009
5.23 0.725558 9.860672
5.24 [...].728335 9.862331
5:25 0.731118 9.863987
5.26 0.733905 9.865640
5.27 0.736699 9.867290
5.28 0.739497 9.868936
5.29 0.742301 9.870580
5.30 0.745110 9.872220
5.31 0.747924 9.873857
5.32 0.750744 9.875492
5.33 0.753569 9.877223
5.34 0.756399 9.878751
5.35 0.759235 9.880376
5.36 0.762076 9.881998
5.37 0.764922 9.883617
5.38 0.767774 9.885233
5.39 0.770630 9.886846
5.40 0.773493 9.888456
5.41 0.776360 9.890063
5.42 0.779233 9.891667
5.43 0.782111 9.892268
5.44 0.784994 9.894866
5.45 0.78788 [...] 9.896461
5.46 0.790777 9.898054
5.47 0.793676 9.899643
5.48 0.796581 9.900230
5.49 0.799490 9.902813
5.50 0.802406 9.905394
5.51 0.805326 9.905972
5.52 0.808252 9.907547
5.53 0.811283 9.909119
5.54 0.814129 9.910688
5.55 0.817061 9.912254
5.56 0.820008 9.913818
5.57 0.822994 9.915379
5.58 0.825918 9.916937
5.59 0.828881 9.918492
5.60 0.831849 9.920044
[Page 144] 5.61 0.834823 9.921594
5.62 0.837802 9.923141
5.63 0.840786 9.924685
5.64 0.843775 9.926227
5.65 0.846770 9.927765
5.66 0.849770 9.929301
5.67 0.852776 9.930835
5.68 0.855786 9.932365
5.69 0.858802 9.933893
5.70 0.861824 9.935418
5.71 0.864850 9.936941
5.72 0.867882 9.938460
5.73 0.870919 9.939978
5.74 0.873963 9.941492
5.75 0.877010 9.943004
5.76 0.880063 9.944513
5.77 0.883121 9.946020
5.78 0.886185 9.947524
5.79 0.889254 9.949026
5.80 0.892328 9.950524
5.81 0.895408 9.952021
5.82 0.898493 9.953514
5.83 0.901586 9.955006
5.84 0.904679 9.956494
5.85 0.907779 9.957980
5.86 0.910886 9.959464
5.87 0.913997 9.960945
5.88 0.917114 9.962423
5.89 0.920236 9.963908
5.90 0.923363 9.965372
5.91 0.926496 9.966843
5.92 0.929967 9.968312
5.93 0.932777 9.969778
5.94 0.935926 9.971241
5.95 0.939080 9.972702
5.96 0.942239 9.974161
5.97 0.945404 9.975617
5.98 0.948574 9.977071
5.99 0.951749 9.978522
6.00 0.954929 9.979971
6.01 0.958115 9.981417
6.02 0.961306 9.982861
6.03 0.964502 9.984303
6.04 0.967704 9.985742
6.05 0.970911 9.987179
6.06 0.974123 9.988614
6.07 0.977341 9.990046
6.08 0.980564 9.991476
6.09 0.983792 9.992903
6.10 0.987025 9.994328
6.11 0.990264 9.995751
6.12 0.993508 9.997171
6.13 0.996758 9.998589
6.14 1.000012 0.000005
6.15 1.003272 0.001419
6.16 1.006538 0.002830
6.17 1.009808 0.004239
6.18 1.013084 0.005645
6.19 1.016366 0.007050
6.20 1.019652 0.008452
6.21 1.022944 0.009852
6.22 1.026241 0.011249
6.23 1.029544 0.012645
6.24 1.032851 0.014038
6.25 1.036164 0.015428
6.26 1.039450 0.016817
6.27 1.042807 0.018203
6.28 1.046136 0.019588
6.29 1.049470 0.020970
6.30 1.052809 0.022350
[Page 145] 6.31 1.056154 0.023727
6.32 1.059505 0.025103
6.33 1.062860 0.026476
6.34 1.066331 0.027847
6.35 1.069587 0.029216
6.36 1.072958 0.030583
6.37 1.076335 0.031947
6.38 1.079717 0.033310
6.39 1.083105 0.034670
6.40 1.086497 0.036028
6.41 1.089899 0.037384
6.42 1.093298 0.038738
6.43 1.096707 0.040090
6.44 1.100121 0.041440
6.45 1.103540 0.042788
6.46 1.106965 0.044133
6.47 1.110394 0.045477
6.48 1.113829 0.046818
6.49 1.117270 0.048158
6.50 1.120716 0.049495
6.51 1.124167 0.050830
6.52 1.127623 0.052164
6.53 1.131084 0.053495
6.54 1.134551 0.054824
6.55 1.138024 0.056150
6.56 1.141501 0.057476
6.57 1.144984 0.058799
6.58 1.148472 0.060120
6.59 1.152966 0.061439
6.60 1.155464 0.062756
6.61 1.158968 0.064071
6.62 1.162478 0.065438
6.63 1.165992 0.066895
6.64 1.166951 0.068005
6.65 1.173038 0.069312
6.66 1.175688 0.070617
6.67 1.180104 0.071920
6.68 1.183645 0.073221
6.69 1.187192 0.074521
6.70 1.190744 0.075815
6.71 1.194301 0.077113
6.72 1.197863 0.078407
6.73 1.201431 0.079699
6.74 1.205004 0.080988
6.75 1.208582 0.082276
6.76 1.212166 0.083562
6.77 1.215755 0.084846
6.78 1.219349 0.086118
6.79 1.222949 0.087408
6.80 1.226554 0.088686
6.81 1.230164 0.089963
6.82 1.233779 0.091237
6.83 1.237073 0.092510
6.84 1.241026 0.093781
6.85 1.244657 0.095049
6.86 1.248294 0.096317
6.87 1.252936 0.097582
6.88 1.255587 0.098845
6.89 1.259236 0.100107
6.90 1.262894 0.101367
6.91 1.266557 0.102525
6.92 1.270226 0.103881
6.93 1.274900 0.105135
6.94 1.27757 0.106387
6.95 1.281263 0.107638
6.96 1.284953 0.108877
6.97 1.288648 0.110134
6.98 1.292348 0.111379
6.99 1.296054 0.112623
7.00 1.299765 0.113864
[Page 146] 7.01 1.303481 0.115104
7.02 1.307203 0.116343
7.03 1.310930 0.117579
7.04 1.314662 0.118814
7.05 1.318399 0.120047
7.06 1.322142 0.121278
7.07 1.325890 0.122507
7.08 1.329644 0.123735
7.09 1.333402 0.124961
7.10 1.337166 0.126175
7.11 1.340936 0.127408
7.12 1.344710 0.128628
7.13 1.348490 0.129747
7.14 1.352275 0.131065
7.15 1.356066 0.132280
7.16 1.359862 0.133494
7.17 1.363667 0.134707
7.18 1.367469 0.135917
7.19 1.371281 0.137126
7.20 1.375098 0.138333
7.21 1.378921 0.139539
7.22 1.382748 0.140743
7.23 1.386581 0.141946
7.24 1.390419 0.143146
7.25 1.394263 0.144344
7.26 1.398112 0.145542
7.27 1.401966 0.146737
7.28 1.405826 0.147931
7.29 1.409691 0.149123
7.30 1.413561 0.150314
7.31 1.417436 0.151503
7.32 1.421317 0.152691
7.33 1.425203 0.153876
7.34 1.429094 0.155060
7.35 1.432991 0.156243
7.36 1.436893 0.157424
7.37 1.440800 0.158603
7.38 1.444713 0.159781
7.39 1.448630 0.160957
7.40 1.452554 0.162132
7.41 1.456482 0.163305
7.42 1.460416 0.164476
7.43 1.464355 0.165646
7.44 1.468299 0.166814
7.45 1.472249 0.167981
7.46 1.476204 0.169146
7.47 1.480164 0.170310
7.48 1.484130 0.171472
7.49 1.488101 0.172632
7.50 1.492077 0.173791
7.51 1.496059 0.174948
7.52 1.500045 0.176104
7.53 1.504038 0.177218
7.54 1.508035 0.178411
7.55 1.512038 0.179552
7.56 1.516046 0.180712
7.57 1.520059 0.181860
7.58 1.524078 0.183007
7.59 1.528102 0.184152
7.60 1.532131 0.185296
7.6 [...] 1.536166 0.186438
7.62 1.540260 0.187578
7.63 1.544251 0.188717
7.64 1.548301 0.189855
7.65 1.552355 0.190991
7.66 1.556418 0.192126
7.67 1.560418 0.193259
7.68 1.564556 0.194391
7.69 1.568633 0.195521
7.70 1.572716 0.196650
[Page 147] 7.71 1.576803 0.197777
7.72 1.580896 0.198903
7.73 1.584994 0.200027
7.74 1.589098 0.201150
7.75 1.593207 0.202272
7.78 1.597321 0.203402
7.77 1.601440 0.204500
7.78 1.605565 0.205628
7.79 1.609695 0.206744
7.80 1.613831 0.207858
7.81 1.617971 0.208970
7.82 1.622117 0.210082
7.83 1.626269 0.211192
7.84 1.630425 0.212311
7.85 1.634587 0.213408
7.86 1.638754 0.214514
7.87 1.642927 0.215618
7.88 1.647105 0.216721
7.89 1.651288 0.217822
7.90 1.655476 0.218923
7.91 1.659670 0.220021
7.92 1.663869 0.221119
7.93 1.668073 0.222215
7.94 1.672283 0.223309
7.95 1.676498 0.224403
7.96 1.680718 0.225495
7.97 1.684944 0.226585
7.98 1.689175 0.227674
7.99 1.693411 0.228762
8.00 1.697652 0.229848
8.01 1.701899 0.230933
8.02 1.706151 0.232017
8.03 1.710408 0.233100
8.04 1.714671 0.23418 [...]
8.05 1.718939 0.235260
8.06 1.723212 0.236338
8.07 1.727491 0.237415
8.08 1.731775 0.238491
8.09 1.736064 0.239565
8.10 1.740359 0.240638
8.11 1.744659 0.241710
8.12 1.748964 0.242780
8.13 1.753274 0.243850
8.14 1.757590 0.244917
8.15 1.761911 0.245984
8.16 1.766237 0.247049
8.17 1.770569 0.248113
8.18 1.774906 0.249175
8.19 1.779248 0.250236
8.20 1.783596 0.251296
8.21 1.787949 0.252355
8.22 1.792307 0.253412
8.23 1.796670 0.254468
8.24 1.801039 0.255523
8.25 1.805413 0.256576
8.26 1.809793 0.257629
8.27 1.814177 0.258679
8.28 1.818568 0.259729
8.29 1.822963 0.260777
8.30 1.827363 0.261825
8.31 1.831769 0.262870
8.32 1.836181 0.263915
8.33 1.840597 0.264958
8.34 1.845019 0.266001
8.35 1.849480 0.267041
8.36 1.853879 0.268081
8.37 2.858316 0.269119
8.38 1.862760 0.270156
8.39 1.867208 0.271192
8.40 1.871662 0.272227
[Page 148] 8.41 1.876121 0.273250
8.42 1.880585 0.274293
8.43 1.885054 0.275324
8.44 1.889529 0.276353
8.45 1.894010 0.277382
8.46 1.898495 0.278409
8.47 1.902886 0.279435
8.48 1.907482 0.280450
8.49 1.911983 0.281484
8.50 1.916490 0.282506
8.51 1.921002 0.283528
8.52 1.925520 0.283748
8.53 1.930042 0.285566
8.54 1.934570 0.286584
8.55 1.939104 0.287601
8.56 1.943642 0.288616
8.57 1.948186 0.289630
8.58 1.952735 0.290643
8.59 1.957290 0.291655
8.60 1.961849 0.292665
8.61 1.966414 0.293675
8.62 1.970985 0.294683
8.63 1.975561 0.295690
8.64 1.980142 0.296696
8.65 1.984728 0.297701
8.66 1.989320 0.298704
8.67 1.993916 0.299707
8.68 1.998529 0.300708
8.69 2.003126 0.301708
8.70 2.007406 0.302707
8.71 2.012357 0.303705
8.72 2.016981 0.304701
8.73 2.021609 0.305697
8.74 2.026243 0.306691
8.75 2.030883 0.307685
8.76 2.035528 0.308677
8.77 2.040177 0.309668
8.78 2.044833 0.310657
8.79 2.049493 0.311646
8.80 2.054159 0.312634
8.81 2.058830 0.313620
8.82 2.063507 0.314606
8.83 2.068189 0.315590
8.84 2.072876 0.316573
8.85 2.077568 5.317555
8.86 2.082266 0.318536
8.87 2.086969 0.319516
8.88 2.091677 0.320494
8.89 2.096391 0.321472
8.90 2.101110 0.322448
8.91 2.105834 0.323424
8.92 2.110564 0.324498
8.93 2.115299 0.325371
8.94 2.120039 0.326343
8.95 2.124784 0.327314
8.96 2.129535 0.328284
8.97 2.134291 0.329253
8.98 2.139053 0.330221
8.99 2.143819 0.331178
9.00 2.148591 0.332153
9.01 2.153368 2.333118
9.02 2.158151 0.334081
9.03 2.162939 0.335044
9.04 2.167732 0.336005
9.05 2.172531 0.337966
9.06 2.177335 0.338925
9.07 2.182144 0.338883
9.08 2.186958 0.339840
9.09 2.191778 0.340796
9.10 2.196603 0.341751
[Page 149] 9.11 2.201433 0.342705
9.12 2.206269 0.343658
9.13 2.211110 0.344610
9.14 2.215956 0.345561
9.15 2.220808 0.346511
9.16 2.225665 0.347459
9.17 2.230527 9.348407
9.18 2.235394 0.349354
9.19 2.240267 0.350299
9.20 2.245145 0.351244
9.21 2.250029 0.352881
9.22 2.254917 0.353130
9.23 2.259811 0.354072
9.24 2.264711 0.355012
9.25 2.269615 0.355872
9.26 2.274525 0.356890
9.27 2.279440 0.357828
9.28 2.284361 0.358764
9.29 2.289287 0.359700
9.30 2.294218 0.360634
9.31 2.299154 0.361568
9.32 2.304096 0.362500
9.33 2.309043 0.363432
9.34 2.313996 0.364362
9.35 2.318953 0.365292
9.36 2.323916 0.366220
9.37 2.328885 0.367148
9.38 2.333858 0.368074
9.39 2.338847 0.369000
9.40 2.343821 0.369924
9.41 2.348144 0.370848
9.42 2.353806 0.371770
9.43 2.358806 0.372692
9.44 2.363478 0.373612
9.45 2.368489 0.374532
9.46 2.373838 0.375451
9.48 2.378893 0.376368
9.48 2.383886 0.377285
9.49 2.388918 0.378201
9.50 2.393955 0.37911 [...]
9.51 2.398998 0.380029
9.52 2.404045 0.380942
9.53 2.409099 0.381854
9.54 2.414157 0.382765
9.55 2.419221 0.383675
9.56 2.424290 0.384584
9.57 2.429364 0.385492
9.58 2.434444 0.386399
9.59 2.439529 0.387306
9.60 2.444629 0.388211
9.61 2.449715 0.389115
9.62 2.454816 0.390019
9.63 2.459922 0.390921
9.64 2.465034 0.391822
9.65 2.470150 0.392723
9.66 2.475273 0.393623
9.67 2.480400 0.394521
9.68 2.485533 0.395419
9.69 2.490671 0.396316
9.70 2.495814 0.397212
9.71 2.500963 0.39810 [...]
9.72 2.506117 0.399001
9.73 2.511243 0.399894
9.74 2.516441 0.400786
9.75 2.521611 0.4 [...]1678
9.76 2.526786 0.402568
9.77 2.531966 0.403458
9.78 2.537152 0.404346
9.79 2.542343 0.405234
9.80 2.547540 0.406121
[Page 150] 9.81 2.552745 0.407006
9.82 2.557948 0.407891
9.83 2.563164 0.408775
9.84 2.568378 0.409659
9.85 2.573601 0.410541
9.86 2.578829 0.411422
9.87 2.584063 0.412303
9.88 2.589302 0.413182
9.89 2.594546 0.414061
9.90 2.599795 0.414939
9.91 2.605050 0.415816
9.92 2.610310 0.416692
9.93 2.615573 0.417567
9.94 2.620846 0.418441
9.95 2.626122 0.419315
9.96 2.631404 0.420187
9.97 2.636690 0.421059
9.98 2.641982 0.421929
9.99 2.647279 0.422789
10.00 2.652582 0.423668

[Page 151] A Table for the speedy find­ing of the Length or Cir­cumference answering to a­ny Arch in Degrees and Decimal Parts.

[Page 152] A Table for the speedy find­ing of the Length or Circumfe­rence answering to any Arch, in Degrees and Decimal Parts.

1 0.0174 5329 2519
2 0.0349 0658 5038
3 0.0523 5987 7557
4 0.0698 1317 0076
5 0.0872 6646 2595
6 0.1047 1975 5114
7 0.1221 7304 7633
8 0.1396 2634 0152
9 0.1570 7963 2671
10 0.1745 3292 5190
11 0.1919 8621 7709
12 0.2094 3951 0228
13 0.2268 9280 2747
14 0.2443 4609 5266
15 0.2617 9938 7785
16 0.2792 5268 0304
17 0.2967 0597 2823
18 0.3141 5926 5342
19 0.3316 1255 7861
20 0.3490 6585 0380
21 0.3665 1914 2899
22 0.3839 7245 5418
23 0.4014 2572 7937
24 0.4188 7902 0456
25 0.4363 3231 2975
26 0.4537 8560 5495
27 0.4712 3889 8013
28 0.4886 8219 0532
29 0.5061 4548 3051
30 0.5235 4877 5570
31 0.5410 5206 8089
32 0.5585 0536 0608
33 0.5759 5865 3127
34 0.5934 1194 5646
35 0.6108 6523 8165
36 0.6283 1853 0684
37 0.6457 7128 3203
38 0.6632 2511 5722
39 0.6806 7840 8241
40 0.6981 3170 0760
41 0.7155 8499 3279
42 0.7330 3828 5798
43 0.7504 9157 8317
44 0.7679 4487 0836
45 0.7853 9816 3355
46 0.8028 3145 5874
47 0.8203 0474 8393
48 0.8377 5804 0912
49 0.8552 1133 3431
50 0.8726 6462 4950
[Page 153] 51 0.8901 1791 8469
52 0.9075 7121 0988
53 0.9250 2450 3507
54 0.9424 7779 6026
55 0.9599 3108 8545
56 0.9773 8438 1064
57 0.9948 3767 3583
58 1.0122 9096 6102
59 1.0297 4425 8621
60 1.0471 9755 1140
61 1.0646 5084 3659
62 1.0821 0413 6178
63 1.0995 5742 8697
64 1.1170 1072 1216
65 1.1344 6401 3735
66 1.1519 1730 6254
67 1.1693 7059 8773
68 1.1868 2389 1292
69 1.2042 7718 3811
70 1.2217 3047 6330
71 1.2391 8376 8849
72 1.2566 3706 1368
73 1.2740 9035 3887
74 1.2915 4364 6406
75 1.3089 9693 8925
76 1.3264 5023 1444
77 1.3439 0352 3963
78 1.3613 5681 6482
79 1.3788 1010 9001
80 1.3962 6340 1520
81 1.4137 1669 4039
82 1.4311 6998 6558
83 1.4486 2327 9057
84 1.4660 7657 1596
85 1.4835 2986 4115
86 1.5009 8315 6634
87 2.5184 3644 9153
88 1.5358 8974 1572
89 1.5533 4303 4191
90 1.5707 9632 6710
91 1.5882 4961 9229
92 1.6057 0291 1748
93 1.6231 5620 4267
94 1.6406 0949 6786
95 1.6580 6278 9305
96 1.6755 1608 1824
97 1.6929 6937 4343
98 1.7104 2266 6862
99 1.7278 7595 9381
100 1.7453 2925 1900

[Page 154] A Common Divisor for the speedy converting of the Table, shewing the Area of the Segments of a Circle whose Diameter is 2.0000 &c. into a Table shewing the Area of the Segment of any Circle whose Area is given.

1 0031 4159 2653
2 0062 8318 5306
3 0094 2477 7959
4 0125 6637 0612
5 0157 0796 3265
6 0188 4955 5918
7 0219 9114 8571
8 0251 3274 1224
9 0282 7433 3877
10 0314 1592 6530
11 0345 5751 9183
12 0376 9911 1836
13 0408 4070 4489
14 0439 8229 7142
15 0471 2388 9795
16 0502 6548 2448
17 0534 0707 5101
18 0565 4866 7754
19 0596 9026 0407
20 0628 3185 3060
21 0659 7344 5713
22 0691 1503 8366
23 0722 5663 1019
24 0753 9822 3672
25 0785 3981 6325
26 0816 8140 8978
27 0848 2300 1631
28 0889 6459 4284
29 0911 0618 6937
30 0942 4777 9590
21 0973 8937 2243
32 1005 3096 4896
33 1036 7255 7549
34 1068 1415 0202
35 1099 5574 2855
36 1130 9733 5508
37 1162 3892 8161
38 1193 8052 0814
39 1225 2211 3467
40 1256 6370 6120
41 1288 0529 8773
42 1319 4689 1426
43 1350 8848 4079
44 1382 3007 6732
45 1413 7166 9385
46 1445 1326 2038
47 1476 5485 4691
48 1507 9644 7344
49 1539 3803 9997
50 1570 7963 2650
[Page 155] 51 1602 2122 5303
52 1633 6281 7956
53 1665 0441 0609
54 1696 4600 3262
55 1727 8759 5915
56 1759 2918 6568
57 1790 7078 1221
58 1822 1237 3874
59 1853 5396 6527
60 1884 9555 9180
61 1916 3715 1833
62 1947 7874 4486
63 1979 2033 7139
64 2010 6192 9792
65 2042 0352 2445
66 2073 4511 5098
67 2104 8670 7751
68 2136 2830 0404
69 2167 6989 3057
70 2199 1148 5710
71 2230 5307 8363
72 2261 9467 1016
53 2293 3626 3669
74 2324 7785 6322
75 2356 1944 8975
76 2387 6104 1628
77 2419 0263 4281
78 2450 4422 6934
79 2481 8581 9587
80 2513 2741 2240
81 2544 6900 4893
82 2576 1059 7546
83 2607 5219 0199
84 2638 9378 2852
85 2670 3537 5505
86 2701 7696 8158
87 2733 1856 0811
88 2764 6015 3464
89 2796 0174 6117
90 2827 4333 8770
91 2858 8493 1423
92 2890 2652 4076
93 2921 6811 6729
94 2953 0970 9382
95 2984 5130 2035
96 3015 9289 4688
97 3047 3448 7341
98 3078 7607 9994
99 3110 1767 2647
100 3141 5926 5300

[Page 156] A Table shewing the Ordi­nates, Arches and Areas of the Segments of a Circle, whose Diameter is 2000, &c. to every Hundredth Part of the Radius.

[Page 157]

  Ordinates Deg. & Dec. p. Areas
100 10000000000 90.00000000 1.57079632
99 9999499971 89.42704196 1.55079682
98 9997999799 88.85400799 1.53079890
97 9995498987 88.28987110 1.51080538
96 99919967974 87.70756124 1.49081774
95 9987492177 87.13402020 1.47083808
94 9981983770 86.56018749 1.45086837
93 9975469913 85.98601581 1.43091081
92 9967948635 85.41143529 1.41096718
91 9959417653 84.83639513 1.39103966
90 9949874371 84.26083018 1.37113017
89 9939315871 83.68468641 1.35124084
88 9927738916 83.10789860 1.35137360
87 9915139938 82.53040793 1.31153053
86 9901515035 81.95215479 1.29171372
85 9886859966 81.37307468 1.27192518
84 9871170138 80.79310474 1.25216697
83 9854440623 80.21218180 1.23244118
82 9836666101 79.63024030 1.21274989
81 9817840903 79.04721672 1.19309522
80 9797958971 78.46304188 1.17347924
79 9777013859 77.87762112 1.15390361
78 9754998718 77.29096735 1.13437189
77 9731906288 76.70292903 1.11488481
76 9707728879 76.11243681 1.09544458
75 9682458365 75.52248845 1.07605462
74 9656086163 74.92996014 1.05671627
73 9628603221 74.33573392 1.03743102
72 9600000000 73.73979456 1.01820220
71 9570266454 73.14202474 0.99903143
70 9539392014 72.54239737 0.97992192
69 950 [...]365565 71.94076969 0.96087497
68 9474175425 71.33707564 0.94189323
67 9439809319 70.73122476 0.92297905
[Page 158] 67 9439809319 70.73122476 0.92297905
66 9404254356 70.12312662 0.90413479
65 9367496997 69.51268522 0.88536283
64 9329523031 68.89980401 0.86666560
63 9290317540 68.28438326 0.84804557
62 9249864864 67.66631784 0.82950517
61 9208148564 67.04550117 0.81104695
60 9165151389 66.42182324 0.79267345
59 9120855222 65.79516567 0.77438721
58 9075241043 65.16541298 0.75619089
57 9028288874 64.53244020 0.73808713
56 8979977728 63.89612058 0.72007866
55 8930285549 63.25631645 0.70216884
54 8879189152 62.61289754 0.68435845
53 8826664149 61.96570387 0.66665234
52 8772684879 61.31459838 0.64905275
51 8717224755 60.65941181 0.63156249
50 8660254037 60.00000000 0.61418485
49 8601744009 59.33617061 0.59692260
48 8541662601 58.66774875 0.57977892
47 8479976415 57.99454553 0.56275702
46 8416650165 57.31636147 0.54586011
45 8351646544 56.63307065 0.52909299
44 8284926070 55.94420256 0.51245467
43 8216446926 55.24977433 0.49595300
42 8146264741 54.54945742 0.47959008
41 8074032449 53.84299205 0.46336957
40 8000000000 53.13010237 0.44725221
39 7924014134 52.41049708 0.43137885
38 7846018098 51.68386597 0.41560051
37 7765951325 50.94987748 0.39998818
36 7683749084 50.20810657 0.38453683
35 7599342076 49.45831012 0.36925312
34 7512655988 48.70012721 0.35414227
[Page 159] 34 7512655988 48.70012721 0.35414227
33 7423610981 47.93293539 0.33920561
32 7332121111 47.15635717 0.32444946
31 7238093671 46.36989113 0.30987884
30 7141428428 45.57299618 0.29549884
29 7042016756 44.76508489 0.28131493
28 6939740629 48.94551977 0.26733268
27 6834471449 43.11360613 0.25355796
26 6726068688 42.26858452 0.23999689
25 6614378277 41.40962595 0.22665594
24 6499230723 40.53580228 0.21354168
23 6380438856 39.64611132 0.20066138
22 6257795138 38.73942400 0.18802248
21 6131068422 37.81448867 0.17563291
20 6000000000 36.86989765 0.16350111
19 5864298764 35.90406873 0.15163601
18 5723635208 34.91520640 0.14004722
17 5577633906 33.90125515 0.12874491
16 5425863986 32.85988059 0.11774053
15 5267826876 31.78833069 0.10704574
14 5102940328 30.68341722 0.09667379
13 4930517214 29.54136121 0.08663902
12 4749736834 28.35773666 0.07695728
11 4559605246 27.12675321 0.06764629
10 4358898943 25.84193282 0.05872590
09 4146082488 24.49464857 0.05021866
08 3919183588 23.07391815 0.04215095
07 3675595189 21.56518547 0.03455313
06 3411744421 19.94844363 0.02746204
05 3122498999 18.19487244 0.02092302
04 2800000000 16.260204 [...]1 0.01499411
03 2431049156 14.06986184 0.00975364
02 1989974874 11.47834097 0.00551730
01 1410673597 8.10961446 0.00188278
[Page 160] 010 1410673597 8.10961446 0.00188278
009 1338618691 7.69281247 0.00160779
008 1262378707 7.25224680 0.00134761
007 1181143513 6.78328892 0.00110317
006 1093800713 6.279 [...]8064 0.00087554
005 0998749217 5.73196797 0.00066616
004 0893532316 5.12640010 0.00047674
003 0774015503 4.43922228 0.00030969
002 0632139225 3.62430750 0.00016860
001 0447101778 2.56255874 0.00005961

[Page 161]

999 199999
998 199999
997 1.56479633
996 1.56279634
995 1.56079636
994 1.55879639
993 1.55679644
992 1.55479649
991 1.55299657
990 1.55079666
989 1.54879677
988 1.54679690
987 1.54479706
986 1.54279724
985 1.54079745
984 1.53879769
983 1.53679796
983 1.53679796
982 1.53479827
981 1.53279862
980 1.53079899
979 1.52879941
978 1.52679988
977 1.52480039
976 1.52280095
975 1.52080156
974 1.51880222
973 1.51680293
972 1.51480369
971 1.51280451
970 1.51080539
969 1.50880633
968 1.50680733
967 1.50480839
966 1.50280952
[Page 162] 966 1.50280952
965 1.50081072
964 1.49881199
963 1.49681333
962 1.49481474
961 1.49281623
960 1.49081774
959 1.48881938
958 1.48682110
957 1.48482291
956 1.48282480
955 1.48082678
954 1.47882885
953 1.47683102
952 1.47483328
951 1.47283563
950 1.47083808
949 1.46884063
949 1.46884063
948 1.46684328
947 1.46484604
946 1.46284890
945 1.46085187
944 1.45885496
943 1.45685815
942 1.45486146
941 1.45286489
940 1.45086837
939 1.44887204
938 1.44687583
937 1.44487975
936 1.44288379
935 1.44088794
934 1.43889224
933 1.43689667
932 1.43490124
[Page 163] 932 1.43490124
931 1.43290594
930 1.43091078
929 1.42891578
928 1.42692090
927 1.42492617
926 1.42293158
925 1.42093714
924 1.41894305
923 1.41694892
922 1.41495494
921 1.41296112
920 1.41096746
919 1.40897396
918 1.40698062
917 1.40498744
916 1.40299443
915 1.40100159
915 1.40100159
914 1.39900892
913 1.39701642
912 1.39502410
911 1.39303195
910 1.39103998
909 1.38904820
908 1.38705660
907 1.38506518
906 1.38307395
905 1.38108291
904 1.37909206
903 1.37710140
902 1.37511093
901 1.37312066
900 1.37113059
[Page 164] 900 1.37113017
899 1.36914030
898 1.36715063
897 1.36516117
896 1.36317192
895 1.36118288
894 1.35919405
893 1.35720544
892 1.35521705
891 1.35322887
890 1.35124090
889 1.34925315
888 1.34726563
887 1.34527834
886 1.34329127
885 1.34130443
884 1.33931782
88 [...] 1.33733144
883 1.33733144
882 1.33534525
881 1.33335935
880 1.33137360
879 1.32938819
878 1.32740302
877 1.32541803
876 1.32343323
875 1.32144874
874 1.31946456
873 1.31748063
872 1.31549696
871 1.31351355
870 1.31153053
869 1.30954764
868 1.30756502
867 1.30558267
[Page 165] 198209
866 1.30360058
865 1.30161876
864 1.29963722
863 1.29765595
862 1.29567495
861 1.29369423
860 1.29171379
859 1.28973357
858 1.28775371
857 1.2857741 [...]
856 1.28379484
855 1.28181584
854 1.27983713
853 1.27785872
852 1.27588061
851 1.27390280
850 1.27192529
850 1.27192518
849 1.26994797
848 1.26797106
847 1.26599446
846 1.26401817
845 1.26204219
844 1.26006658
843 1.25809124
842 1.25611635
841 1.25414178
840 1.25216751
839 1.25019356
838 1.24821982
837 1.24624641
836 1.24427333
835 1.24230058
834 1.24032817
[Page 166] 197272
833 1.23835605
832 1.23638432
831 1.23441293
830 1.23244118
829 1.23047046
828 1.22850010
827 1.22653009
826 1.22456043
825 1.22259113
824 1.22062218
823 1.21865357
822 1.21668532
821 1.21471745
820 1.21274989
819 1.21078275
818 1.20881598
817 1.20684958
817 1.20684954
  1966 [...]3
816 1.20488355
815 1.20291790
814 1.20 [...]95263
813 1.19898774
812 1.19702323
811 1.19505910
810 1.19309525
809 1.19113254
808 1.18916956
807 1.18720698
806 1.18524479
805 1.18328291
804 1.18132143
803 1.17936043
802 1.17739983
801 1.17543964
800 1.17347986
[Page 167] 800 1.17347924
799 1.17151986
798 1.16956089
797 1.16760234
796 1.16564420
795 1.16368647
794 1.16172916
793 1.15977227
792 1.15781581
791 1.15585978
790 1.15390417
789 1.15194899
788 1.14999427
787 1.14803998
786 1.14608610
785 1.14413266
784 1.14217966
784 1.14217966
783 1.14022 [...]10
782 1.13827499
781 1.13632333
780 1.13437211
779 1.13242135
778 1.13047102
777 1.12852117
776 1.12657178
775 1.12462285
774 1.12267438
773 1.12072637
772 1.11877882
771 1.11683174
770 1.11488487
769 1.11293867
768 1.11099301
[Page 168] 194518
767 1.10904783
766 1.10710312
765 1.10515889
764 1.10321515
763 1.10127190
762 1.09932914
761 1.09738687
760 1.09544514
759 1.09350385
758 1.09156306
757 1.08962277
756 1.08768297
755 1.08574367
754 1.08380489
753 1.08186662
752 1.07992885
751 1.07799159
751 1.07799159
750 1.07605485
749 1.07411863
748 1.07218293
747 1.07024775
746 1.06831309
745 1.06637895
744 1.06444534
743 1.06251226
742 1.06057971
741 1.05864770
740 1.05671623
739 1.05478530
738 1.05285491
737 1.05092506
736 1.04899575
735 1.04706699
[Page 169] 192821
734 1.04513878
733 1.04321112
732 1.04128402
731 1.03935747
730 1.03743147
729 1.03550604
728 1.03358118
727 1.03165688
726 1.02973115
725 1.02780999
724 1.02588740
723 1.02396527
722 1.02204372
721 1.02012286
720 1.01820221
719 1.01628251
718 1.01436340
718 1.01436340
717 1.01244487
716 1.01052693
715 1.00860959
714 1.00669285
713 1.00477670
712 1.00286114
711 1.00094609
710 0.99903165
709 0.99711791
708 0.99520478
707 0.99329226
706 0.99138035
705 0.98946906
704 0.98755839
703 0.98564834
702 0.98273891
701 0.98183010
[Page 170] 190818
700 0.97992192
699 0.97801437
698 0.97610745
697 0.97420116
696 0.97229550
695 0.97039048
694 0.96848610
693 0.96658234
692 0.96467930
691 0.96277686
690 0.96087497
689 0.95897384
688 0.95707336
687 0.95517353
686 0.95327436
685 0.95137585
684 0.94947801
683 0.94758084
682 0.94568433
681 0.94378848
680 0.94189324
679 0.93999876
678 0.93810495
677 0.93621182
676 0.93431938
675 0.93242762
674 0.93053655
673 0.92864617
672 0.92675648
671 0.92486749
670 0.92297905
669 0.92109136
668 0.91920440
667 0.91731821
[Page 171] 188549
666 0.91543272
665 0.91354794
664 0.91166387
663 0.90978051
662 0.90789787
661 0.90601595
660 0.90413479
659 0.90225431
658 0.90037458
657 0.89849558
656 0.89661729
655 0.89473972
654 0.89286287
653 0.89098677
652 0.88911142
651 0.88723681
650 0.88536295
650 0.88536284
649 0.88348973
648 0.88161736
647 0.87974573
646 0.87787486
645 0.87600476
644 0.87413542
643 0.87226684
642 0.87039902
641 0.86853197
640 0.86666560
639 0.86480009
638 0.86293536
637 0.86107141
636 0.85920824
635 0.85734585
634 0.85548424
633 0.85362341
[Page 172] 633 0.85362341
632 0.85176337
631 0.84990413
630 0.84804557
629 0.84618793
628 0.84433109
627 0.84247503
626 0.84061978
625 0.83876534
624 0.83691171
623 0.83505890
622 0.83320690
621 0.83135571
620 0.82950517
619 0.82765561
618 0.82580688
617 0.82395898
616 0.82211191
615 0.82026567
614 0.81842027
613 0.81657571
612 0.81473199
611 0.81288911
610 0.81104695
609 0.80920576
608 0.80736541
607 0.80552592
606 0.80368727
605 0.80184947
604 0.80001254
603 0.79817548
602 0.79634029
601 0.79450596
600 0.79267250
[Page 173] 600 0.79267345
599 0.79084087
598 0.78900917
597 0.78717835
596 0.78534841
595 0.78351935
594 0.78169117
593 0.77986388
592 0.77803748
591 0.77621197
590 0.77438736
589 0.77256365
588 0.77074084
587 0.76891893
586 0.76709793
585 0.76527784
584 0.76345866
583 0.76164040
582 0.75982306
581 0.75800667
580 0.75619124
579 0.75437670
578 0.75256305
577 0.75075934
576 0.74893856
575 0.74712771
574 0.74531780
573 0.74350883
572 0.74170081
571 0.73989374
570 0.73708713
569 0.73628197
568 0.73447775
567 0.73267449
[Page 174] 180230
566 0.73087219
565 0.72907085
564 0.72727048
563 0.72547108
562 0.72367265
561 0.72187520
560 0.72007866
559 0.71828318
558 0.71648868
557 0.71469515
556 0.71290261
555 0.71111106
554 0.70932050
553 0.70753094
552 0.70574238
551 0.70395483
550 0.70216829
550 0.70216834
549 0.70038281
548 0.69859829
547 0.69681477
546 0.69503227
545 0.69325078
544 0.69147030
543 0.68969087
542 0.68791246
541 0.68613508
540 0.68435845
539 0.68258317
538 0.68080894
537 0.67903576
536 0.67726358
535 0.67549244
534 0.67372235
[Page 175] 533 0.67195332
532 0.67018533
531 0.66841840
530 0.66665234
529 0.66488755
528 0.66312383
527 0.66136118
526 0.65959960
525 0.65783910
524 0.65607968
523 0.65432134
522 0.65256409
521 0.65080787
520 0.64905275
519 0.64729877
518 0.64554588
517 0.64379409
516 0.64204341
515 0.64029384
514 0.63854538
513 0.63679803
512 0.63505179
511 0.63330667
510 0.63156249
509 0.62981962
508 0.62807788
507 0.62633726
506 0.62459778
505 0.62285943
504 0.62112222
503 0.61938615
502 0.61765123
501 0.61591746
500 0.61418484
[Page 176] 500 0.61418485
499 0.61245338
498 0.61072307
497 0.60899393
496 0.60726595
495 0.60553914
494 0.60381350
493 0.60208903
492 0.60036574
491 0.59864363
490 0.59692260
489 0.59520285
488 0.59348429
487 0.59176693
486 0.59005076
485 0.58833578
484 0.58662201
483 0.58490948
482 0.58319809
481 0.58148794
480 0.57977892
479 0.57807121
478 0.57636472
477 0.57465945
476 0.57295539
475 0.57125258
474 0.56955100
473 0.56785066
472 0.56615156
471 0.56445370
470 0.56275702
469 0.56106166
468 0.55936755
467 0.55767470
[Page 177] 169159
466 0.55598311
465 0.55429278
464 0.55260377
463 0.55091598
462 0.54922946
461 0.54754422
460 0.54586011
459 0.54417743
458 0.54249604
457 0.54081594
456 0.53913713
455 0.53745962
454 0.53578341
453 0.53410850
452 0.53243490
451 0.53076261
450 0.52909163
450 0.52909299
449 0.527423 [...]3
448 0.52575499
447 0.52408797
446 0.52242227
445 0.52075790
444 0.51909488
443 0.51743320
442 0.51577285
441 0.51411385
440 0.51245467
439 0.51079833
438 0.50914339
437 0.50748981
436 0.50583759
  16508 [...]
435 0.50418673
434 0.50253724
[Page 178] 433 0.50088913
432 0.49924240
431 0.49759705
430 0.49595308
429 0.49431049
428 0.49266929
427 0.49102949
426 0.48939114
425 0.48775414
424 0.48611854
423 0.48448435
422 0.48285158
421 0.48122023
420 0.47959025
419 0.47796165
418 0.47633457
417 0.47470892
416 0.47308470
415 0.47146192
414 0.46984058
413 0.46822069
412 0.46660225
411 0.46498526
410 0.46336957
409 0.46175547
408 0.46014287
407 0.45853174
406 0.45692208
405 0.45531390
404 0.45370720
403 0.45210198
402 0.45049825
401 0.44889602
400 0.44729529
[Page 179] 400 0.44729522
399 0.44569599
398 0.44409826
397 0.44250203
396 0.44090731
395 0.43931411
394 0.43772243
393 0.43613227
392 0.43454364
391 0.43295654
390 0.43137086
389 0.42978683
388 0.42820435
387 0.42662342
386 0.42504404
385 0, 42346622
384 0.42188996
383 0.42031526
382 0.41874213
381 0.41717057
380 0.41560058
379 0.41403217
378 0.41246535
377 0.41090013
376 0.40933650
375 0.40777446
374 0.40621402
373 0.40465519
372 0.40309797
371 0.40154236
370 0.39998818
369 0.39843580
368 0.39688555
367 0.39533644
[Page 180] 154788
366 0.39378896
365 0.39224312
364 0.39069893
363 0.38915639
362 0.38761550
361 0.38607627
360 0.38453683
359 0.38300092
358 0.38146668
357 0.37993412
356 0.37840324
355 0.37687404
354 0.37534653
353 0.37382071
352 0.37229658
351 0.37077416
350 0.36925315
350 0.36925312
349 0.36773407
348 0.36621679
347 0.36470123
346 0.36318739
345 0.36167528
344 0.36016490
343 0.35865625
342 0.35714935
341 0.35564420
340 0.35414227
339 0.35264063
338 0.35114075
337 0.34964264
336 0.34814630
335 0.34665173
334 0.34515894
[Page 181] 333 0.34366794
332 0.34217873
331 0.34069131
330 0.33920561
329 0.33772180
328 0.33623980
327 0.33475956
326 0.33328114
325 0.33180451
324 0.33032971
323 0.32885683
322 0.32738579
321 0.32591660
320 2.32444946
319 0.32298396
318 0.32152034
317 0.32005859
316 0.31859869
315 0.31714066
314 0.31568452
313 0.31423027
312 0.31277791
311 0.31132744
310 0.30987884
309 2.30843219
308 0.30698745
307 0.30554463
306 0.30410373
303 0.30266476
304 0.30122773
303 0.29978265
302 0.29835950
301 0.29692830
300 0.29549904
[Page 182] 300 0.29549884
299 0.29407154
298 0.29264621
297 0.29122286
296 0.28980149
295 0.28838210
294 0.28696469
293 0.28555009
292 0.28413749
291 0.28272558
290 0.28131493
289 0.27990763
288 0.27850236
287 0.27709905
286 0.27569781
285 0.27429861
284 0.27290141
283 0.27150624
282 0.27011313
281 0.26872208
280 0.26733268
279 0.26594578
278 0.26456096
277 0.26317823
276 0.26179760
275 0.26041907
274 0.25904264
273 0.25766832
272 0.25629612
271 0.25492604
270 0.25355796
269 0.25219213
268 0.25082843
267 0.24946690
[Page 183] 135936
266 0.24810754
265 0.24675034
264 0.24539530
263 0.24404243
262 0.24269174
261 0.24134324
260 0.23999689
259 0.23865356
258 0.23731165
257 0.23597197
256 0.23463451
255 0.23329928
254 0.23196628
253 0.23063552
252 0.22930751
251 0.22798176
250 0.22665777
250 0.22665594
249 0.22533421
248 0.22401475
247 0.22269757
246 0.22138269
245 0.22007010
244 0.21875981
243 0.21745182
242 0.21614615
241 0 21484281
240 0.21354168
239 0.21224301
238 0.21094669
237 0.20965273
236 0.20836113
235 0.20707189
234 0.20578501
[Page 184] 233 0.20450052
232 0.20321844
231 0.20193876
230 0.20066138
229 0.19938650
228 0.19811405
227 0.19684403
226 0.19557645
225 0.19431131
224 0.19304862
223 0.19178839
222 0.19053063
221 0.18927535
220 0.18802248
219 0.18677221
218 0.18552444
217 0.18427915
216 0.18303637
215 0.18179612
214 0.18055841
213 0.17932324
212 0.17809062
211 0.17686056
210 0.17563291
209 0.17440801
208 0.17318569
207 0.17196595
206 0.17074882
205 0.16953431
204 0.16832242
203 0.16711316
202 0.16590653
201 0.16470254
200 0.16350121
[Page 185] 200 0.16350111
199 0.16230245
198 0.16110647
197 0.15991318
196 0.15872259
195 0.15753470
194 0.15634952
193 0.15516706
192 0.15398733
191 0.15281035
190 0.15163596
189 0.15046450
188 0.14929581
187 0.14812990
186 0.14696678
185 0.14580646
184 0.14464895
183 0.14349427
182 0.14234243
181 0.14119343
180 0.14004728
179 0.13890400
178 0.13776354
177 0.13612602
176 0.13549140
175 0.13435926
174 0.13323103
173 0.13210516
172 0.13098224
171 0.12986228
170 0.12874498
169 0.21763088
168 0.12651983
167 0.12541178
[Page 186] 110503
166 0.12430675
165 0.12320475
164 0.12210579
163 0.12100987
162 0.11991700
161 0.11882720
160 0.11774053
159 0.11665692
158 0.11557645
157 0.11449910
156 0.11342485
155 0.11235375
154 0.11128581
153 0.11022103
152 0.10915944
151 0.10810106
150 0.10704589
150 0.10704589
149 0.10599395
148 0.10494525
147 0.10389980
146 0.10285762
145 0.10181873
144 0.10078313
143 0.09975084
142 0.09872199
141 0.09769638
140 0.09667379
139 0.09565503
138 0.09463953
137 0.09362743
136 0.09261874
135 0.09161348
134 0.09061167
[Page 187] 133 0.08961333
132 0.08861872
131 0.08762760
130 0.08663902
129 0.08565469
128 0.08467391
127 0.08369669
126 0.08272305
125 0.08175301
124 0.08078658
123 0.07982378
122 0.07886463
121 0.07790915
120 0.07695736
119 0.07600925
118 0.07506487
117 0.07412426
116 0.07318741
115 0.07225434
114 0.07132533
113 0.07040009
112 0.06947848
111 0.06856074
110 0.06764629
109 0.06673685
108 0.06583134
107 0.06492926
106 0.06403115
105 0.06313703
104 0.06224692
103 0.06136084
102 0.06047882
101 0.05960089
100 0.05872707
[Page 188] 100 0.05872590
99 0.05785621
98 0.05699067
97 0.05612930
96 0.05527213
95 0.05441920
94 0.05357053
93 0.05272613
92 0.05188603
91 0.05104937
90 0.05121866
89 0.04939166
88 0.04856907
87 0.04775093
86 0.04693727
85 0.04612811
84 0.04532349
83 0.04452344
82 0.04372799
81 0.04293716
80 0.04215095
79 0.04136948
78 0.04058274
77 0.03982077
76 0.03905370
75 0.03829146
74 0.03753398
73 0.03678140
72 0.03603376
71 0.03529111
70 0.3455313
69 0.03382067
68 0.03309321
67 0.03237089
[Page 189] 71716
66 0.03165373
65 0.03094180
64 0.03023516
63 0.02953384
62 0.02883789
61 0.02814735
60 0.02746204
59 0.02928243
58 0.02610838
57 0.02543998
56 0.02477725
55 0.02412024
54 0.02346901
53 0.02282362
52 0.02218412
51 0.02155059
50 0.02092309
50 0.02092302
49 0.02030159
48 0.01968631
47 0.01907725
46 0.01847448
45 0.01787808
44 0.01728812
43 0.01670468
42 0.01612784
41 0.01555768
40 0.01499411
39 0.01443756
38 0.01388796
37 0.01334540
36 0.01281000
35 0.01228185
34 0.01176106
[Page 190] 33 0.01124776
32 0.01074204
31 0.01024403
30 0.00975364
29 0.00927147
28 0.00879742
27 0.00833164
26 0.00787430
25 0.00742556
24 0.00698559
23 0.00655457
22 0.00613272
21 0.00572028
20 0.00531730
19 0.00492439
18 0.00454142
17 0.00416894
16 0.00380718
15 0.00345647
14 0.00311718
13 0.00278972
12 0.00247455
11 0.00217219
10 0.00188278
9 0.00160836
8 0.00134877
7 0.00110443
6 0.00087694
5 0.00066769
4 0.00047847
3 0.00031172
2 0.00017111
1 0.00006319
0 0.00000000

A TABLE SHEWING THE AREA OF THE SEGMENTS OF A CIRCLE WHOSE Whole Area is Unity, to the ten Thousandth part of the Diameter.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
0 000000 000004 000007 000011 000014 000018 000025 000032 000039 000046  
1 000053 000062 000071 000080 000089 000098 000108 000119 000130 000140  
2 000151 000163 000175 000187 000200 000212 000225 000238 000251 000265  
3 000278 000292 000307 000322 000336 000351 000366 000382 000397 000413  
4 000428 000444 000461 000478 000494 000511 000529 000546 000564 000581  
5 000599 000617 000636 000654 000673 000691 000710 000729 000748 000768 19
6 000787 000807 000827 000847 000867 000887 000908 000928 000949 000970 20
7 000991 001012 001034 001056 001077 001099 001121 001144 001166 001188 21
8 001211 001234 001257 001280 001304 001327 001350 001374 001398 001421 23
9 001445 001469 001494 001518 001542 001567 001592 001617 001642 001667 25
10 001692 001717 001743 001769 001794 001820 001846 001873 001899 001925 26
11 001952 001979 002005 002032 002059 002086 002113 002141 002168 002195 27
12 002223 002251 002279 002307 002335 002363 002392 002420 002449 002477 28
13 002506 002535 002564 002593 002623 002652 002681 002711 002741 002770 29
14 002700 002830 002860 002890 002921 002951 002982 003013 003043 003074 30
15 003105 003136 003167 003198 003229 003260 003291 003323 003355 003387 31
16 003419 003451 003483 003515 003548 003580 003612 003645 003678 003710 32
17 003743 003776 003809 003842 0038 [...]6 003909 003942 003976 004009 004043 33
18 004077 004111 004145 004179 004213 004247 004281 004316 004351 004385 34
19 004420 004455 004490 004525 004560 004595 004630 004665 004700 004735 35
20 004770 004806 004843 004879 004915 004952 004988 005024 005061 005097 36
21 005133 005170 005206 005243 005280 005317 005354 005391 005428 005465 37
22 005502 005539 005 [...]77 005615 005652 005690 005728 005766 005804 005842 38
23 005880 005918 005957 005995 006023 006072 006111 006150 006188 006227 39
24 006266 0063 [...]5 006344 006383 006423 006462 006501 006541 006581 006620 39
25 006660 006700 006739 006779 006819 006859 006899 006940 006980 007021 40
26 007061 007102 007142 007183 007223 007264 007305 007346 007387 007429 41
27 007470 007511 007553 007594 007635 007677 007719 007761 007802 007844 42
28 007886 007928 007970 008012 008055 008097 008140 008182 008225 008267 42
29 008310 008353 008396 008439 008482 008525 008568 008611 008654 008698 43
30 008471 008785 008828 008872 008916 008959 009203 009047 009091 009135 44
31 009179 009223 009267 009312 009356 009400 009445 009490 009535 009579 45
32 009624 009669 009714 009759 009804 009849 009894 009939 009985 010030 45
33 010075 010121 010167 010212 010258 010303 010349 010395 010441 010487 46
[Page 194-195] 33 010075 010121 010167 010212 010258 010303 010349 010395 010441 010487 46
34 010533 010580 010626 010672 010719 010765 010812 010858 010905 010952 47
35 010999 011045 011093 011139 011186 011233 011281 011328 011375 011422 47
36 011469 011517 011565 011612 011660 011707 011755 011803 011851 011899 47
37 011947 011995 012043 012092 012140 012188 012237 012285 012334 012382 48
38 012431 012479 012528 012577 012626 012675 012724 012773 012823 012872 49
39 012921 012970 0130 [...]0 013069 013118 013168 013218 013267 013317 013367 50
40 013417 013467 013517 013567 013617 013667 013717 013767 013818 013868 50
41 013919 013969 014020 014071 014121 014172 014223 014274 014325 014375 51
42 014426 014478 014529 014580 014632 014683 014734 014786 014837 014889 51
43 014941 014992 015044 015096 015148 015199 015252 015304 015356 015408 52
44 015460 015512 015565 015617 015669 015721 015774 015827 015879 015932 52
45 015985 016038 016091 016144 016197 016249 016303 016356 0164 [...]9 016462 53
46 016515 016569 016622 016676 016729 016783 016837 016891 016944 016998 54
47 017052 017906 017160 017214 017268 017322 017376 017431 017485 017539 54
48 017593 017648 017703 017757 017812 017866 017921 017976 018031 018086 55
49 018141 018196 018251 018306 018361 018416 018471 018527 018582 018638 55
50 018693 018749 018804 018860 018916 018971 019027 019083 019139 019195 56
51 019251 019307 019363 019419 019475 019531 019588 019644 019701 019757 56
52 019813 019870 019927 019984 020040 020097 020154 020211 020268 020325 57
53 020381 020439 020496 020553 020610 020667 020725 020782 020840 020897 57
54 020954 021012 021070 021128 021185 021243 021301 021359 021416 021474 57
55 021532 021590 021649 021707 021765 021823 021882 021940 021999 022057 58
56 022115 022174 022233 022292 022350 022409 022468 022527 022586 022645 59
57 022703 022763 022822 022881 022949 022999 023058 023118 023177 023237 59
58 023296 023356 023415 023475 023534 023594 023654 023714 023774 023834 60
59 023894 023954 024014 024074 024134 024194 024254 024315 024375 024436 60
60 024496 024557 024617 024678 024738 024799 024860 024921 024981 025042 60
61 025103 025164 025225 025286 025347 025408 025470 025531 025692 025654 61
62 025715 025776 025838 025899 025961 026022 026084 026146 026208 026270 62
63 026331 026393 026455 026517 026579 026641 026703 026766 026828 026890 62
64 026952 027015 027077 027140 027202 027264 027327 027390 027453 027515 63
65 027578 027641 027704 027767 027830 027892 027956 028019 028082 028145 63
66 028208 028271 028335 028398 028461 028524 028588 028652 028715 028779 63
[Page 196-197] 67 028842 028906 028970 029034 029097 029161 029225 029289 02935 [...] 029417 64
68 029481 029545 029610 029674 029738 029802 029867 029931 029996 030060 65
69 030184 030189 030253 030318 030383 030447 030512 030577 030642 030707 65
70 030772 030837 030902 030967 031032 031097 031163 031228 031293 031359 65
71 031424 031489 031555 031620 031686 031751 031817 031883 031949 032014 66
72 032080 032146 032212 032278 032344 032409 032476 032542 032608 032674 66
73 032741 032807 032873 032939 033006 033072 033139 033205 033272 033338 66
74 033405 033472 033538 033605 033672 033738 033875 033879 033939 034006 67
75 034073 034140 034208 034275 034342 034409 034477 034544 034612 034679 67
76 034746 034814 034881 034949 035016 035084 035152 035219 035287 035355 68
77 035423 035491 035559 035627 035695 035763 035831 035899 035968 036036 68
78 036104 036172 036249 036309 036378 036446 036515 036583 036651 036720 69
79 036789 036858 036927 036995 037064 037133 037202 037271 037339 037408 69
80 037477 037546 037615 037684 037752 037822 037891 037961 038030 038099 69
81 038169 038239 038308 038378 038447 038517 038587 038657 038727 038797 70
82 038867 038937 039007 039077 039147 039217 039287 039357 039428 039498 70
83 039568 039638 039709 039779 039849 039919 039990 040061 040131 040202 71
84 040272 040343 040414 040485 040555 040636 040707 040778 040849 040920 71
85 040981 041052 041123 041194 041265 041336 041407 041479 041550 041621 71
86 041692 041764 041835 041907 041978 042050 042122 042193 042265 042336 72
87 042408 042480 042552 042624 042696 042768 042840 042912 042984 043056 72
88 043128 043200 043272 043345 043417 043489 043562 043634 043706 043779 73
89 043852 043924 043697 044069 044142 044214 044287 044360 044433 044505 73
90 044578 044651 044724 044797 044870 044943 045016 045089 045163 045236 73
91 045309 045382 045456 045529 045603 045676 045749 045823 045896 045969 74
92 046043 046117 046190 046264 046338 046411 046485 046559 046633 046707 74
93 046781 046855 046929 047003 047077 047151 047 [...]25 047299 047374 047448 74
94 047522 047596 047671 047745 047819 047894 047969 048043 048118 048192 75
95 048267 048342 048417 048491 048566 048641 048716 048791 048866 048941 75
96 049015 049091 049166 049241 049316 049391 049466 049542 049617 049692 75
97 049767 049843 049918 049994 050069 050144 050226 050296 050371 050447 75
98 050522 050598 050674 050750 050826 050901 050977 051053 051129 051205 76
99 051281 051358 051434 051510 051586 051662 051738 051815 051891 051968 76
100 052044 052120 052197 052273 052350 052426 052503 052579 052656 052733 76
[Page 198-199] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D
100 052044 052120 052197 052273 052350 052426 052503 052579 052656 052733 076
101 052810 052886 052963 053040 053117 053193 053271 053348 053425 053502 077
102 053579 053656 053733 053810 053887 053964 054041 054119 054196 054273 077
103 054351 054428 054506 054583 054661 054738 054816 054893 054973 055049 078
104 055127 055204 055282 055360 055438 055516 055594 055672 055750 055828 078
105 055906 055984 056062 056140 056218 056296 056374 056453 006531 056610 078
106 056688 056766 056845 056923 057002 057080 057159 057237 057316 057395 079
107 057474 057552 057631 057710 057789 057868 057946 058025 058104 058183 079
108 058262 058341 058420 058499 058578 058658 058737 058816 058895 058975 079
109 059054 059133 059213 059292 059372 059451 059531 059610 059690 059769 079
110 059849 059929 060009 060088 060168 060248 060328 060408 060488 060560 080
111 060648 060728 060808 060888 060968 061048 061128 061208 061289 061369 080
112 061449 061529 061610 061690 061771 061851 061932 062012 062093 062173 080
113 062254 062334 062415 062496 062576 062657 062738 062819 062900 062981 081
114 063062 063143 063224 063305 063386 063467 063548 063629 063710 063791 081
115 063873 063954 064035 064116 064198 064279 064360 064442 064523 064605 081
116 064686 064768 064849 064931 065013 065095 065176 065258 065340 065421 082
117 065503 065585 065667 065749 065831 065913 065995 066077 066159 066241 082
118 066323 066405 066488 066570 066652 066735 066817 066899 066981 067064 082
119 067146 067229 067311 067393 067476 067559 067642 067724 067807 067889 083
120 067972 068055 068138 068221 068304 068387 068469 068552 068635 068718 083
121 068801 068884 068967 069051 069134 069217 069300 069384 069467 069550 083
122 069633 069717 069800 069884 069967 070051 070134 070218 070301 070385 083
123 070468 070552 070635 070719 070803 070887 070970 071054 071138 071222 084
124 071306 071390 071474 071558 071642 071726 071810 071895 071979 072063 084
125 072148 072232 072316 072400 072484 072569 072653 072733 072822 072906 084
126 072991 073075 073160 073244 073329 073414 073498 073583 073668 073752 084
127 073837 073922 074007 074092 074177 074262 074347 074432 074517 074602 085
128 074687 074772 074857 074942 075027 075112 075197 075283 075368 075453 085
129 075539 075624 075709 075795 075880 075966 076051 076137 076222 076908 085
130 076394 076479 076565 076651 076736 076822 076908 076994 077079 077165 086
131 077251 077337 077423 077509 077595 077681 077767 077853 077939 078025 086
132 078112 078198 078184 078370 078457 078543 078629 078716 078802 078889 086
133 078975 079062 079148 079235 079321 079408 079494 079581 079668 079754 086
[Page 200-201] 133 078975 079062 079148 079235 079321 079408 079494 079581 079668 079754 086
134 079841 079928 080015 080101 080188 080275 080362 080449 080536 080623 087
135 080710 080797 080885 08g972 081059 081147 081234 081321 081408 081495 087
136 081582 081669 081756 081841 081931 032018 082106 082193 082281 082368 087
137 082456 082543 082631 082718 082806 082894 082981 083069 083157 083245 087
138 083333 083420 083508 083596 083684 083772 083860 083948 084036 084124 088
139 084212 084300 084388 084477 084565 084653 084741 084830 084918 085006 088
140 085095 085183 085271 085359 085448 085536 085625 085714 085802 085891 088
141 085979 086068 086157 086246 086334 086423 086512 086601 086689 086778 089
142 086867 086956 087045 087134 087223 087312 087401 087490 087579 087668 089
143 087757 087846 087935 088025 088114 088203 088292 088383 088471 088561 089
144 088650 088740 088829 088920 089009 089099 089188 089278 089366 089456 090
145 089545 089635 089725 089814 089904 089994 090084 090174 090264 090354 090
146 090444 090533 090623 090713 090803 090893 090983 091073 091163 091253 90
147 091344 091434 091524 091614 091704 091795 091885 091975 092066 092156 90
148 092247 092337 092427 092518 092608 092699 092790 092880 092971 093061 90
149 093152 093243 093333 093424 0 [...]3515 093606 093696 093787 093878 093969 91
150 094060 094151 094242 094333 094424 094515 094606 094697 094788 094879 91
151 094971 095062 095153 095244 095335 095427 095518 095609 095701 095792 91
152 095884 095975 096067 096158 096249 096341 096433 096524 096616 096707 92
153 096799 096891 096982 097074 097166 097258 097349 097441 097533 097625 92
154 097717 097809 097901 097993 098085 098177 098269 098361 098453 098545 92
155 098637 098729 098822 098914 099006 099098 099191 099283 099375 099468 92
156 099569 099653 099745 099838 099830 100023 100115 100208 100300 100393 93
157 100486 100578 100671 100763 100856 100949 101042 101135 101227 101320 93
158 101413 101506 101599 101692 101785 101878 101971 102064 102157 101250 93
159 102343 102436 102529 102622 102715 102809 102902 102995 103088 103182 93
160 103275 103368 103462 103555 103649 103742 103836 103929 104023 104116 93
161 104210 104304 104397 104491 104584 104678 104772 104866 104959 105053 94
162 105147 105241 105335 105429 105523 105617 105711 105805 105899 105991 94
193 106087 106181 106275 106369 106463 106557 106651 106745 106840 106934 94
164 107028 107122 107217 107311 107406 107500 107594 107689 107783 107878 94
165 107972 108067 108161 108256 108350 108445 108540 108634 108727 108824 95
166 108919 109013 109108 109203 109298 109393 109488 109583 109678 109773 95
[Page 202-203] 166 108919 109013 109108 109203 109298 109392 109487 109683 109677 109773 95
167 109867 109963 110058 110153 110248 110343 110438 110533 110628 110723 95
168 110818 110913 111009 111104 111295 111390 111485 111485 111581 111676 95
169 111772 111867 111963 112058 112154 112249 112344 112440 112535 112631 96
170 112726 112822 112918 113013 113109 113205 113301 113397 113492 113588 96
171 113684 113780 113876 113972 114068 114164 114260 114356 114452 114548 96
172 114644 114740 114836 114932 115028 115125 115221 115318 115414 115511 96
173 115607 115703 115799 115896 115992 116088 116184 116281 116377 116473 97
174 116570 116666 116763 116860 116956 117053 117150 117246 117343 117439 97
175 117536 117633 117730 117827 117924 118021 118118 118215 118312 118409 97
176 118506 118603 118700 118797 118894 118991 119088 119185 119282 119379 97
177 119476 119574 119671 119768 119866 119963 120060 120158 120255 120352 97
178 120449 120547 120644 120742 120839 120936 121034 121132 121229 121327 98
179 121424 121562 121620 121717 121815 121913 122010 122108 122206 122304 98
180 122402 122500 122597 122696 122794 122892 122990 123088 123186 123284 98
181 123382 123480 123578 123676 123774 123872 123970 124068 124167 124265 98
182 124363 124461 124560 124658 124756 124855 124953 125051 125150 125248 98
183 125347 125445 125544 125642 125741 125840 125938 126037 126136 126234 98
184 126333 126432 126530 126629 126728 126827 126925 127024 127123 127221 99
185 127320 127419 127518 127617 127716 127815 127914 128013 128112 128211 99
186 128310 128409 128508 128607 128706 128805 128905 129004 129103 129202 99
187 129302 129401 129500 129600 129699 129799 129897 139997 130096 130196 99
188 130296 130395 130495 130594 130694 130794 130893 130993 131093 131192 100
189 131292 131392 131491 131591 131691 131791 131890 131990 132090 132190 100
190 132290 132390 132490 132590 132690 132790 132890 132990 133090 133190 100
191 133290 133390 133490 133590 133690 133790 133890 133990 134090 134191 100
192 134292 134392 134492 134593 134693 134794 134894 134994 135095 135195 100
193 135296 135396 135497 135597 135697 135798 135899 135999 136100 136201 101
194 136302 136402 136503 136604 136704 136805 136906 137007 137108 137209 101
195 137310 137410 137511 137612 137713 137814 137915 138016 138117 138218 101
196 138320 138421 138522 138623 138724 138825 138926 139027 139129 139230 101
197 139331 139432 139534 139635 139737 139838 139939 140041 140142 140244 101
198 140345 140447 140548 140650 140751 140853 140954 141055 141157 141259 101
199 141361 141462 141564 141665 141767 141869 141970 142072 142174 142276 102
[Page 204-205] 200 142378 142480 142582 142684 142786 142888 142990 143092 143194 143296 102
201 143398 142500 143602 143704 143806 143909 144011 144113 144215 144317 10 [...]
202 144419 144521 144624 144726 144828 144931 145033 145135 145238 145340 102
203 145443 145545 145648 145750 145853 145955 146058 146160 146263 146365 102
204 146468 146571 146673 146776 146878 146981 147084 147187 147289 147392 102
205 147495 147598 147701 147803 147906 148009 148112 148215 148318 141421 103
206 148524 148627 148730 148833 148936 149039 149142 149245 149348 149451 103
207 149555 149658 149761 149864 149967 150071 150174 150277 150387 150484 103
208 150588 150691 150794 150898 151001 151105 151208 151312 151415 151519 103
709 151623 151726 151829 151933 151037 152141 152244 152348 152452 152555 103
210 152659 152762 152866 152970 153074 153178 153281 153385 153489 153592 103
211 153696 153800 153903 154009 154111 154215 154319 154423 154523 154632 103
212 154736 154840 154944 155048 155152 155257 155361 155465 155569 155674 104
213 155778 155882 155987 156092 156195 156300 156404 156508 156613 156717 104
214 156822 156926 157030 157135 157239 157344 157448 157553 157657 157762 104
215 157867 157971 158076 158180 158285 158390 158494 158599 158704 158809 105
216 158914 159018 159123 159228 159333 159438 159453 159648 159753 159858 105
217 159963 160068 160173 160278 160383 160488 160593 160698 160803 160908 105
218 161013 161118 161223 161329 161434 161539 161644 161749 161855 161959 105
219 162065 162170 162276 162387 162487 162592 162697 162803 162908 162014 105
220 163119 163225 163330 163436 163542 163648 163753 163859 163964 164070 106
221 164176 164281 164387 164493 164598 164704 164810 164916 165021 165127 106
222 165233 165339 165445 165550 165656 165762 165868 165974 166080 166186 106
223 166292 166398 166504 166610 166716 166822 166928 167034 167141 167247 106
224 167353 167459 167565 167672 167778 167884 167990 168096 168203 168309 106
225 168415 168521 168521 168734 168841 168947 169053 169160 169266 169373 107
226 169479 169586 169692 169799 169905 170012 170119 170225 120332 170438 107
227 170545 170652 170758 170865 170972 171079 171185 171292 171399 171506 107
228 171613 171719 171826 171933 172040 172147 172254 172361 172468 172575 107
229 172682 172789 172896 173003 173110 173217 173324 173431 173538 173645 107
230 173753 173860 173967 174074 174181 174289 174396 174503 174610 174718 107
231 174825 174932 175040 175147 175255 175362 175469 175577 175684 175792 107
232 175899 176007 176114 176222 176329 176437 176554 176652 176759 176867 108
233 176975 177082 177190 177298 177405 177513 177621 177729 177836 177944 108
[Page 206-207] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
233 176975 177082 177190 177298 177405 177513 177621 177729 177836 177944 108
234 178052 178160 178268 178375 178483 178591 178699 178807 178915 179027 108
235 179131 179239 179347 179455 179563 179672 179780 179888 179996 180104 108
236 180212 180320 180428 180536 180644 180752 180860 180969 181077 181085 108
237 181294 181402 181510 181618 181727 181835 181943 182052 182160 182269 108
238 182377 182486 182594 182703 182811 182920 183028 183137 183245 183354 108
239 183462 183571 183680 183788 183897 184006 184114 184223 184332 184440 109
240 184549 184658 184767 184875 184984 185093 185202 185311 185419 185528 109
241 185637 185746 185855 185964 186073 186182 186291 186400 186509 186618 109
242 186728 186837 186946 187055 187164 187273 187382 187491 187600 187709 109
243 187819 187928 188037 188146 188256 188365 188474 188584 188693 188802 109
244 188911 189021 189130 189240 189349 189458 189568 189677 189787 189896 109
245 199006 190116 190225 190335 190444 190554 190664 190773 190883 190992 110
246 191102 191212 191322 191431 191541 191651 191761 191871 191980 192090 110
247 192200 192310 192420 192529 192639 192749 192859 192969 193079 193189 110
248 193298 193408 193518 193628 193738 193848 193958 194068 194178 194288 110
249 194399 194509 194619 194729 194839 194949 195059 195169 195279 195389 110
250 195500 195611 195721 195831 195942 196052 196163 196273 196384 196494 110
251 196605 196715 196826 196936 197047 197157 197268 197378 197489 197599 110
252 197710 197821 197931 198041 198152 198262 198373 198484 198594 198705 110
253 198815 198926 199037 199148 199258 199369 199480 199591 199701 199812 111
254 199923 200034 200145 200256 200367 200478 200 [...]88 200699 200811 200921 111
255 201032 201144 201255 201366 201477 201587 201699 201810 201921 202032 111
256 202143 202254 202365 202477 202588 202699 202810 202921 203033 203144 111
257 203255 203366 203478 203589 203700 203811 203922 204033 204145 204256 111
258 204368 204480 204591 204703 204814 204926 205037 205149 205261 205372 111
259 205483 205595 205707 205818 205930 206041 206153 206264 206376 206488 112
260 206599 206711 206823 206935 207047 207158 207270 207382 207494 207606 112
261 207717 207829 207941 208053 208165 208277 208389 208501 208613 208725 112
262 208836 208948 209060 209172 209284 209396 209508 209620 209733 209845 112
263 209957 210069 210181 210293 210405 210517 210630 210742 210854 210966 112
264 211078 211191 211303 211415 211528 211640 211752 211865 211977 212089 112
265 212202 212314 212427 212539 212651 212763 212876 212989 213101 213214 112
266 213326 213439 213552 213665 213778 222891 214003 214115 214227 214340 113
[Page 208-209] 266 213326 213439 213552 213665 2 [...]778 213891 214003 214115 214227 214340 112
267 214452 214565 214677 214780 214893 214015 215128 215241 215354 215467 113
268 215579 215692 215805 215918 216031 216143 216256 216369 216482 216595 113
269 216708 216821 216934 217047 217160 217272 217386 217499 217612 217725 113
270 217838 217951 218064 218177 218290 218403 218517 218630 218743 218856 113
271 218969 219082 219195 219309 219422 219535 219648 219762 219875 219988 113
272 220101 220215 220328 220442 220555 220668 220782 220895 221009 221122 113
273 221235 221349 221462 221576 221689 221803 221916 222030 222143 222257 113
274 222371 222484 222598 222711 222825 222538 223052 223166 223280 223393 114
275 223507 223621 223734 223848 223962 224075 224189 224303 224417 224531 114
276 224644 224754 224871 224986 225100 225214 225328 225442 225555 225670 114
277 225784 225897 226011 226125 226239 226353 226467 226581 226695 226809 114
278 226923 227038 227152 227266 227380 227494 227608 227723 227837 227951 114
279 228065 228179 228294 228408 228522 228636 228751 228865 228979 229094 114
280 229208 229322 229437 229551 229666 229780 229894 230009 230123 230238 114
281 230352 230467 230581 230695 230810 230924 231039 231153 231268 231382 114
282 231497 231612 231726 231841 231955 232070 232185 232299 232414 232529 115
283 232644 232758 232873 232989 233103 233218 233332 233447 233562 233677 115
284 233792 233906 234021 234136 234251 234366 234480 234595 234710 234825 115
285 234946 235055 235170 235285 235400 235515 235630 235745 235860 235975 115
286 236091 236206 236321 236436 236551 236666 236781 236896 237012 237127 115
287 237242 237357 237472 237588 237703 237818 237933 238049 238164 238279 115
288 238395 238510 238625 238740 238856 238971 239086 339202 239317 239433 115
289 239548 239664 239779 239895 230010 240126 240241 240357 240472 240588 115
290 240703 240819 240934 241050 241165 241281 241397 241522 241628 251753 116
291 241859 241975 242090 242206 242322 242438 242553 242669 242785 242908 116
292 243016 243132 243248 243364 243480 243595 243711 243827 243943 243059 116
293 244175 244290 244496 244522 244638 244754 244870 244986 245102 245218 116
294 245334 245450 245566 245682 245748 245915 246031 246147 246263 246379 116
295 246495 246611 246727 246843 246959 247075 247192 247308 247424 247541 116
296 247657 247773 247889 248006 248122 248238 248354 248471 248587 248704 116
297 248820 248936 249053 249169 249285 249402 249518 249634 249751 249867 116
298 249984 250101 250217 250334 250450 250567 250683 250799 250916 251033 117
299 251149 251266 251382 251499 251615 251732 251849 251965 252082 252198 117
[Page 210-211] 300 252315 252432 252549 252665 252782 252899 253016 253132 253249 253366 117
301 253483 253599 253716 253833 253950 254067 254184 254301 254418 254535 117
302 254652 254769 254886 255003 255119 255237 255353 255471 255588 255701 117
303 255822 255939 256056 256173 256 [...]89 256407 256524 256641 256758 256875 117
304 256992 257109 257226 257344 257461 257573 257695 257812 257930 258047 117
305 258164 258281 258398 258516 258633 258750 258867 258985 259102 259220 117
306 259337 259454 259752 159689 259807 259924 259041 260159 260276 260394 117
307 260511 260269 250746 260864 260981 261099 261216 261334 261451 261569 117
308 261686 261803 251921 262039 262156 262274 262392 262509 262627 262744 117
309 262862 262980 253097 263215 263332 263540 263568 263686 263804 263922 118
310 264040 264157 264275 264393 264511 264269 264746 264864 264982 265100 118
311 265218 265336 265454 265572 265690 265808 265925 266043 266161 266279 118
312 266397 266515 266633 166751 266869 266987 267105 267223 267341 267459 118
313 267578 267696 267814 267932 268050 268168 268286 268404 268522 268640 118
314 268759 268877 268995 269113 269231 269349 269468 269586 269704 269823 118
315 269941 270059 270177 270295 270413 270532 270650 270769 270887 271006  
316 271124 271242 271361 271479 271598 271716 271835 271953 272072 272190  
317 272 [...]09 272427 272546 272664 272783 272901 273020 273138 273257 273375  
318 273494 273612 273731 273849 [...]73968 274087 274205 274324 274443 274561  
319 274680 274799 274917 275036 275155 275274 275392 275511 275630 275749  
320 275868 275986 276105 276224 276343 276462 276580 276699 276818 276937  
321 277856 277175 277294 277413 277532 277651 277769 277888 278007 278126  
322 278245 278364 278483 278602 278721 278840 278959 279078 279197 279316  
323 279436 279555 279674 279793 27991 [...] 280031 280150 280269 280389 280508  
324 280627 280746 280865 280985 281104 281223 281342 281461 281581 281700  
325 281819 281938 282058 282177 282296 282416 282535 282654 282773 282893  
326 283012 283131 283251 283370 283490 283609 283729 283848 283968 284087  
327 284207 284326 284446 288565 284685 284804 284924 285043 285163 285282  
328 285402 285521 285641 285760 28 [...]880 286000 286119 286239 286358 286478  
329 286598 286717 286837 286956 287076 287196 287315 287435 287555 287675  
330 287795 287915 288034 288154 288273 288393 288513 288633 288752 288872  
331 288992 289112 289232 289352 28947 [...] 289592 289711 289831 289951 290071  
332 280191 290311 290431 290551 290671 290791 290911 291031 291751 291271  
333 291 [...]91 291511 291631 291751 291871 291991 292111 292231 292351 292471  
[Page 212-213] 333 291391 291511 296331 291751 291871 291991 292111 292231 292351 292481  
334 292592 292712 292983 292952 293072 293192 293312 293432 293552 293672  
335 293793 293913 294033 294153 294273 294394 294514 294634 294754 294875  
336 294995 295115 295236 295356 295476 295197 295717 295837 295957 296078  
337 296198 296318 296779 296559 296680 296 [...]00 296021 297041 297162 297282  
338 297403 297523 297643 297764 297884 298005 298125 298246 298366 298487  
339 298608 298728 298849 298969 299 [...]90 299210 299331 299401 299572 299692  
340 299813 299934 300054 300175 300296 300417 300537 300658 300779 300899  
341 301020 301141 301281 301382 301503 301624 301744 301865 301986 302107  
342 302228 302348 302469 302590 302711 302832 302952 303073 303194 303315  
343 303436 303557 303678 303799 303920 304041 304161 304282 304043 304524  
344 304645 304766 304887 305008 305129 305250 305371 305492 305613 305734  
345 305856 305977 306098 306219 306340 306461 306582 306703 306824 306945  
346 307066 307187 307308 307430 307551 307672 307192 307914 308036 308157  
347 308278 308399 308520 308642 308763 308884 309005 309127 309248 309369  
348 309491 309612 309733 309854 309976 310097 310219 310340 310461 310583  
349 310704 310825 310947 311068 311 [...]90 311311 311432 311554 311675 311797  
350 311918 312040 312167 312283 312404 312526 312647 312769 312890 313012  
351 313133 313255 313376 313498 313619 313741 313863 313984 314106 314227  
352 314349 314471 314592 314714 314835 314957 315079 315200 315322 315444  
353 315566 315687 315890 315931 316052 316174 316296 316418 316539 316661  
354 316783 316905 312027 317148 317270 317392 317514 317636 317757 317879  
355 318001 318123 318245 318367 318489 318611 318732 318054 318976 319098  
356 319220 319342 319464 319586 319708 319830 319952 320074 320196 320318  
357 320440 320562 320684 320806 320928 321050 321172 321294 321416 321538  
358 321660 321782 321904 322026 322148 322271 322393 322515 322637 322759  
359 322881 323003 323125 323248 323370 323492 323614 323736 323859 323981  
360 324103 324225 324348 324470 324592 324715 324837 324959 325081 325204  
361 325326 325448 325571 325693 325815 325938 326060 326182 326305 326427  
362 326550 326672 326795 326917 327040 327162 327284 327406 327529 327651  
363 327773 327896 328018 328141 328263 328386 328509 328631 328754 328876  
364 328999 329125 329244 329366 329489 329611 329734 329856 329979 330101  
365 330224 330346 330469 330592 330714 330837 330960 331082 331205 331327  
366 331450 331572 331695 331818 331941 332064 332186 332309 332432 332555  
[Page 214-215] 366 331450 331572 331695 331818 331941 332064 332186 332309 332432 332555  
367 332678 332800 332923 333046 333169 333292 333414 333537 333660 333782  
368 333905 334028 334151 334273 334396 334519 334642 334765 334888 335011  
369 335134 335256 335379 335502 335625 335748 335871 335994 336117 336240  
370 336313 336486 336609 336732 336855 336978 337101 337224 337347 337470  
371 337593 337716 337839 337962 338085 338208 338331 338451 338577 338700  
372 338823 338946 339069 339192 339315 339438 339561 339684 339807 339930  
373 340054 340177 340300 340423 340546 340670 340793 340196 341039 341162  
374 341286 341409 341532 341655 341779 341902 342025 342148 342271 342394  
375 342518 342641 342764 342888 343011 343135 343258 343381 343505 343628  
376 343752 343875 343998 344121 344245 344368 344491 344615 344738 344862  
377 344985 345108 345233 345355 345479 345602 345726 345849 345973 346096  
378 346220 346343 346467 346590 346714 346837 347961 347082 347208 347331  
379 347455 347578 347702 347825 347949 348073 348916 348320 348443 348567  
380 348691 348814 348938 349061 349185 349309 349432 349556 349679 349803  
381 3499 [...]7 350050 350174 350298 350421 350545 350669 350792 350916 351040  
382 351164 351287 351411 851535 351659 351783 351806 352030 352154 352277  
383 352401 352525 352649 352772 352896 353020 353144 353268 353392 353516  
384 353640 353763 353887 354011 354135 354259 354382 354506 354030 354754  
385 354878 355002 355126 355250 355374 355498 355622 355746 355870 355994  
386 356118 356242 356366 356490 356614 356738 356862 356986 357110 357234  
387 357358 357482 357606 357730 357854 357978 358102 358226 358350 358474  
388 358598 358722 358846 358970 359094 359219 359343 359467 359591 359715  
389 359840 359964 360088 360212 360336 360460 360584 360708 360832 360956  
390 361081 361208 [...]61329 361453 361578 361702 361826 361951 362075 362 [...]99  
391 362324 362448 362572 362698 362821 362945 363069 363194 363318 363442  
392 363567 363191 363815 363939 364064 364188 364312 364437 364561 364686  
393 364810 364934 365059 365183 36530 [...] 365432 365556 315681 365805 365930  
394 366054 366178 366303 396427 366552 366676 366808 366925 36704 [...] 367173  
395 367298 367422 367547 367672 367796 367921 368046 368170 368295 368419  
396 368 [...]44 368668 368793 369917 369042 369166 369290 369415 369539 369663  
397 369788 369912 370037 370162 370287 370412 370537 370661 370786 370911  
398 371036 371160 371285 371409 371534 371659 371783 376908 372033 372157  
399 372282 372407 37253 [...] 372656 372181 372906 373030 373155 373280 373405  
[Page 216-217] 400 373530 373654 373779 373904 37 [...]029 374154 374278 374403 374528 374655  
401 334778 374902 375027 375152 375277 375402 375526 375651 375776 375901  
402 376026 376150 376275 376400 376525 376650 376775 376900 377025 377150  
403 377275 377399 377524 377649 377774 377899 378024 378149 378274 378399  
404 378524 378649 378774 378899 379024 379149 379274 379399 379524 379649  
405 379774 379899 380024 380149 380274 380399 380524 380649 380774 380899  
406 381024 381149 381274 381399 381524 381649 381774 381899 382024 382149  
407 382275 382400 382525 38265 [...] 382775 382901 383026 383151 383276 383401  
408 383526 385651 383776 383902 384027 384152 384277 384402 384528 384653  
409 384778 384903 385028 385154 385279 385404 385529 385654 385779 385904  
410 386029 386155 386280 386406 386531 386657 386782 386907 387032 387157  
411 387283 387408 387533 387658 387784 387909 388034 388160 388285 388421  
412 388536 388661 388787 388912 389037 389163 389288 389413 389539 389664  
413 389790 389915 390040 390166 390291 390417 390542 390667 390793 390918  
414 391044 391169 391294 391420 391545 391671 391796 391922 391047 392173  
415 392298 392424 392549 392675 392800 392926 393051 393177 393302 393428  
416 393553 393679 393804 393930 394055 394181 394306 394432 394557 394683  
417 394809 394934 395060 395185 395311 395437 397562 395688 395813 395939  
418 396065 396190 396316 396441 396567 396693 396818 396944 397069 397195  
419 3973 [...]1 397446 397572 397607 397823 397949 398074 398200 398326 398451  
420 398577 3987 [...]3 398828 398954 349080 399206 399331 399457 399583 399708  
421 399834 399960 400085 400211 400337 400463 400588 400714 400840 400966  
422 401092 401217 401343 401469 401595 401721 401846 401972 402098 40 [...]223  
423 402349 402475 402601 402727 402853 402979 403104 403230 403356 403482  
424 403608 403733 403859 403985 404111 404237 404362 404488 404614 404740  
425 404866 404992 405118 405244 405370 405496 405621 405747 405873 405999  
426 406125 406251 406377 406503 406629 406755 406881 407007 407133 407259  
427 407385 407511 407637 407763 407889 408015 408141 408267 408393 408519  
428 408645 408771 408897 409023 409149 409275 409401 409527 409653 409779  
429 409405 410031 410157 410283 401409 410535 410661 410787 410913 411039  
430 411165 411291 411417 411543 411669 411795 411921 412047 412173 412299  
431 412426 412552 412678 412804 412930 413056 413182 413308 413434 413560  
432 413687 413813 413939 414065 414191 414318 414444 414570 414696 414822  
433 414948 415074 415207 415327 415453 415579 415705 415831 415958 410084  
[Page 218-219] 433 414948 415074 415200 415327 415453 415579 415705 415831 415958 416084  
434 416210 416336 416462 416589 416715 416841 416967 417094 417220 417346  
435 417473 417599 417725 417851 417977 418104 418230 418356 418482 418609  
436 418735 418861 418988 419114 419240 419367 419493 419619 419745 419872  
437 419998 420124 420251 420377 420503 420630 420756 420882 421008 421135  
438 421261 421387 421514 421640 421767 421895 422019 422146 422272 422399  
439 422525 422651 422778 422904 423030 423157 423283 423409 4235 [...]6 423662  
440 423789 423915 424041 424168 424294 424421 424547 424674 424800 424927  
441 425053 425179 425306 425432 425559 425685 425812 425938 425065 426191  
442 426318 426444 426570 426697 426823 426950 427076 427203 427329 427456  
443 427582 427709 427853 427962 428088 428215 428341 428468 428594 428721  
444 428247 428974 429100 429227 429353 429480 429607 429733 429860 429986  
445 430113 430239 430366 430492 430619 430746 430872 430999 431125 431252  
446 431378 431505 431631 431758 431884 432011 432138 432264 432391 432517  
447 432644 432771 432897 433024 433050 433277 433404 433530 433657 433784  
448 433911 434037 434164 434290 434411 43 [...]544 434670 434797 434924 435050  
449 435177 435304 435430 435557 435683 435810 435937 436063 436190 436317  
450 436444 436570 436697 436824 436950 437077 437204 437330 437457 437584  
451 437717 437837 437964 438091 438217 438344 438471 438598 438724 438851  
452 438978 439105 439231 439358 439485 439612 439738 439865 439990 440119  
453 440246 440372 440499 440626 440752 440879 441006 441133 441259 441386  
454 441513 441640 441767 441893 442020 442147 442274 442400 442527 442654  
455 442781 442907 443034 443161 443288 443415 443541 443667 443793 443929  
456 444045 444172 444300 444428 444556 444684 444810 444937 445064 445191  
457 445318 445444 445571 445698 445825 445952 446079 446206 446332 446459  
458 446586 446713 446840 446967 447094 447221 447347 447474 447601 447728  
459 447854 447982 448089 448216 448343 448490 448616 448743 448870 448997  
460 449124 449251 449378 449505 449632 449759 449886 450013 450140 450267  
461 450394 450520 450647 450774 450801 451028 451155 451282 451409 451536  
462 451663 451790 451917 452044 452171 452298 452425 452552 452679 452806  
463 452933 453060 453187 453314 453441 453568 453695 453822 453949 454076  
464 454203 454330 454457 454584 454711 454838 454965 455092 455219 455346  
465 455473 455600 455727 455854 455981 456108 456235 456362 456489 456616  
466 456743 456870 456997 457124 457251 457 [...]78 457505 457632 457759 457886  
[Page 220-221] 466 456743 456870 456997 456124 457251 457378 457505 457632 457759 457386  
467 458013 458140 458267 458394 459521 458648 458775 458902 459029 459156  
468 459284 459411 459538 459665 459792 459919 460046 460173 460300 460427  
469 460554 460681 460808 460935 461062 461190 461317 461444 461571 461698  
470 461825 461952 462079 462206 462333 462461 462588 462715 462842 462969  
471 463096 463223 463350 463477 463604 463732 463859 463986 464113 464240  
472 464367 464494 464621 464749 464876 465003 465130 465257 465384 465511  
473 465639 465766 465893 466020 466147 466274 466401 466528 466656 466783  
474 466910 467037 467164 467291 467418 467546 467673 467800 467927 468054  
475 468182 468309 468437 468563 468690 468818 468945 469072 469199 469326  
476 469454 469581 469708 469835 469962 470089 470216 470343 470471 470598  
477 470725 470852 470979 471107 471234 471361 471488 471615 471743 471870  
478 471997 472124 472251 472379 472506 472633 472760 472887 473015 473142  
479 473269 473396 473523 473651 473778 473905 474032 474160 474287 474414  
480 474542 474669 474796 474923 475050 475178 475305 475432 475559 475686  
481 475614 475941 476068 476195 476322 476450 476577 476704 476831 476959  
482 477086 477213 477340 477468 477595 477722 477849 477977 478104 478231  
483 478359 478486 478613 478740 478867 478995 479122 479249 479376 479504  
484 479631 479758 479885 480013 480140 480267 480394 480522 480649 480776  
485 480940 481031 481158 481285 481413 481540 481667 481794 481922 482049  
486 482176 482303 482431 482558 482685 482813 482940 483067 483194 483322  
487 483449 483576 483704 483831 483958 484086 484213 484340 484467 484595  
488 484725 484849 484976 485104 485231 485359 485486 485613 485740 485867  
489 485992 486122 486249 486376 486504 486631 486758 486886 487013 487140  
490 487268 487395 487522 487649 487777 487904 488031 488159 488286 488413  
491 488541 488669 488795 488922 489050 489177 489304 489432 489559 489687  
492 489814 489931 490049 490166 490283 490401 490538 490675 490812 490950  
493 491087 491214 491342 491469 491596 491724 491815 491978 492105 492233  
494 492360 492487 492615 492742 492869 492997 493124 493251 493378 493505  
495 493633 493760 493888 494015 494143 494270 494397 494525 494652 494779  
496 494007 495034 495161 495288 495416 495543 495670 495798 495925 496052  
497 496180 496307 496434 496561 496689 496816 496943 497071 497198 497327  
498 497453 497580 497708 497835 497962 498090 498217 498344 498471 498599  
499 499726 498853 498981 499108 499235 499363 499490 499616 499773 499871  


The First Part.

Of the Primum Mobile.


Of the General Subject of Astronomy.

AStronomy, is a Science concerning the Measure and Motion of the Spheres and Stars.

2. Astronomy hath two parts, the first is Absolute, and the other Comparative.

3. The Absolute part of Astronomy is that which treateth of the Measure and Motion of the Orbs and Stars absolutely without respect to any distinction of Time.

[Page 226] 4. The Comparative part of Astronomy is that, which treateth [...] the Motion of the Stars, in reference to some certain distinction of Time.

5. The Absolute part of Astronomy treateth of the Primum Mobile, or Diurnal Motion of all the Celestial Orbs or Spheres.

6. The Primum Mobile, or Diurnal Motion of the Heavens, is that Motion, by which the se­veral Spheres are moved round the World in a Day [...] from East towards West, and [...]o forward [...] from West towards East, and so continually returning to the same point from whence they began their Mo­tion.

7. This first and common Motion of the Hea­vens, will be best understood, by help of an In­strument called a Globe, which is an Artificial re­presentation of the Heavens, or the Earth and Wa­ters under that Form and Figure of Roundness which they are supposed to have.

8. This Representation or Description of the Visible World is by Circles, great and small, some of which are expressed upon, and others are fra­med without the Globe.

9. The Circles without the Globe are chiefly two; the Meridian and the Horizon, the one of Brass, and the other of Wood▪ And these two Circles are variable or mutable; for although there is but one Horizon and one Meridian in re­spect of the whole World, or in respect of the whole Heaven and Earth, yet in respect of the particular parts of Heaven, or rather in respect of the diverse Provinces, Countries and Cities on the Earth, there are diverse both Horizons and Meridians.

[Page 227] 10. The Meridian then is a great Circle with­out the Globe, dividing the Globe, and conse­quently the Day and Night into two equal parts, from the North and South ends whereof a strong Wyre of Brass or Iron is drawn or supposed to be drawn through the Center of the Globe repre­senting the Axis of the Earth, by means whereof the whole Globe turneth round within the said Circle, so that any part may be brought directly under this Brass Meridian at pleasure.

11. This Brass Meridian is divided into 4 e­qual parts or Quadrants, and each of them are subdivided into 90 Degrees, that is 360 for the whole Circle. The reason why this Circle is not divided in 360 Degrees throughout, but still stop­ing at 90, beginneth again with 10. 20. 30 &c. is, for that the use of this Meridian, in reference to its Division in Degrees, requireth no more than that Number.

12. The Horizon is a great Circle without the Globe, which divides the upper part of Heaven from the lower, so that the one half is always above that Circle, and the other under it.

13. The Poles of this Circle are two, the one directly over our Heads, and is called the Zenith; the other is under feet, and is called the Na­dir.

14. The Horizon is either Rational or Sensi­ble.

15. The Rational Horizon is that, which divi­deth the Heavens and the Earth into two equal parts, which though it cannot be perceived and distinguished by the eye, yet may be conceived i [...] our minds, in which respect all the Stars may be conceived to rise and set as in our view.

[Page 228] 16. The Visible Horizon is that Circle which the eye doth make at its farthest extent of sight, when the body in any particular place doth turn it self round. Of these two Circles there need­eth no more to be said at present, only we may ob­serve, that it was ingeniously devised by those, who first thought upon it, to set one Meridian and one Horizon without the Globe, to avoid the confusion, if not the impossibility, of drawing a several Meridian and a several Horizon for eve­ry place, which must have been done if this or the like device had not been thought upon.

17. Besides these two great Circles without the Globe, there are 4 other great Circles drawn up­on the Globe it self besides the Meridian. 1. The AEquator or Equinoctial Circle. 2. The Zodiack. 3. The AEquinoctial Colure. 4. Sol­stitial Colure. And these four Circles are imm [...] ­table, that is, in whatsoever part of the World you are, these Circles have no variation, as the o­ther two have.

18. The AEquator is a great Circle drawn upon the Globe, in the middle between the two Poles▪ and plainly dividing the Globe into two equal parts.

19. The AEquator is the measure of the Moti­on of the Primum Mobile, for 15 Degrees of this Circle do always arise in an hours time; the which doth clearly shew, that the whole Heavens are turned round by equal intervals in the space of one day or 24 hours.

20. In this Circle the Declinations of the Stars are computed from the mid-Heaven towards the North or South.

[Page 229] 21. This Circle gives denomination to the AEquinox, for the Sun doth twice in a Year and no more cross this Circle, to wit, when he enters the first points of Aries, and Libra, and then he maketh the Days and the Nights equal: His en­trance into Aries is in March, and is called the Vernal Equinox; and his entrance into Libra, is in September, and is called the Autumnal Equi­nox.

22. And from one certain point in this Circle, the Longitude of Places upon the Earth are reckoned; and the Latitude of Places are reckoned from this Circle towards the North, or the South Poles.

23. The Zodiack is a great Circle drawn up­on the Globe, cutting the AEquinoctial Points at Oblique Angles: for although it divides the whole World into two equal parts, in reference to its own Poles; yet in reference to the Poles of the World, it hath an Oblique Motion.

24. The Poles of this Circle are as far distant from the Poles of the World, as the greatest Obliquity thereof is from the Equinoctial, that is 23 Degrees, and 31 Minutes or therea­bouts.

25. This Circle doth differ from all other Cir­cles upon the Globe in this: other Circles (to speak properly) have Longitude assigned them, but no Latitude; but this hath both. Whereas other Cir­cles are in reference to their Longitude or Rotun­dity only divided into 360 Degrees, this Circle in respect of its Latitude is supposed to be divided into 16 Degrees in Latitude.

26. The Zodiack then in respect of Longi­tude is commonly divided into 360 Degrees as o­ther [Page 230] Circles are: but more peculiarly in respect of its self it is divided into 12 Parts called Signs, and each Sign into 30 Degrees, and 12 times 30 do make 360.

27. The 12 Signs into which the Zodiack is divided, have these Names and Characters. Aries ♈. Taurus ♉. Gemini ♊. Cancer ♋. Leo ♌. Virgo ♍. Libra ♎. Scorpio ♏. Sagittarius ♐. Capricor­nus ♑. Aquarius ♒. and Pisces ♓.

28. These two Circles of the Equator and Zo­diack are crossed by two other great Circles, which are called Colures: They are drawn through the Poles of the World, and cut one another as well as the Equator at Right Angles. One of them passeth through the Intersections of the Equi­noctial points, and is called the Equinoctial Co­lure. The other passeth through the points of the greatest distance of the Zodiack, from the Equator, and is called the Solstitial Co­lure.

29. The other great Circles described upon the Globe are the Meridians: Where we must not think much to hear of the Meridians again. That of Brass without the Globe is to serve all turns, and the Globe is framed to apply it self thereto. The Meridians upon the Globe, will easily be perceived to be of a new and another use.

30. The Meridians upon the Globe are either the great or the less: Not that the great are any greater than the less, for they have all one and the same center, and equally pass through the Poles of the Earth; But those which are called less, are of less use than that, which is called the great.

[Page 231] 31. The great is otherwise called the fixt and first Meridian, to which the less are second, and respectively moveable. The great Meridian is as it were the Landmark of the whole Sphere, from whence the Longitude of the Earth, or any part thereof is accounted. And it is the only Circle which passing through the Poles is graduated or divided into Degrees, not the whole Circle but the half, because the Longitude is to be reckoned round about the Earth.

32. The lesser Meridians are those black lines; which you see to pass through the Poles and suc­ceeding the great at 10 and 10 Degrees, as in most Globes; or at 15 and 15 Degrees difference, as in some. Every place never so little more East or West than another, hath properly a several Me­ridian, yet because of the huge distance of the Earth from the Heavens, there is no sensible dif­ference between the Meridians of places that are less than one Degree of Longitude asunder, and therefore the Geographers as well as the Astrono­mers allow a new Meridian to every Degree of the Equator; which would be 180 in all: but ex­cept the Globes were made of an extream and an unusual Diameter, so many would stand too thick for the Description. Therefore most common­ly they put down but 18, that is, at 10 Degrees di­stance from one another; the special use of the les­ser Meridians being to make a quicker dispatch, in the account of the Longitudes. Others set down but 12, at 15 Degrees difference; aiming at this, That the Meridians might be distant from one another a full part of time, or an hour: for see­ing that the Sun is carried 15 Degrees of the E­quinoctial every hour, the Meridians set at that [Page 232] distance must make an hours difference in the ri­sing or setting of the Sun in those places which differ 15 Degrees in Longitude.

And to this purpose also upon the North end of the Globe, without the Brass Meridian, there is a small Circle of Brass set, and divided into two equal parts, and each of them into twelve, that is, twenty four all; to shew the hour of the Day and Night, in any place where the Day and Night exceed not 24 hours; for which purpose it hath a little Brass Pin turning about upon the Pole, and pointing to the several hours, which is therefore the Index Horarius, or Hour Index.

33. Having described the great Circles fra­med without and drawn upon the Globe, we will now describe the lesser Circles also; And these lesser Circles are called Parallels, that is, such as are in all places equally distant from the Equator; and these Circles how little soever, are supposed to be divided into 360 Degrees: but these De­grees are not so large as in the great Circles, but do proportionably decrease according to the Ra­dius by which they are drawn.

34. These lesser Circles are either the Tro­picks or the Polar Circles.

35. The Tropicks are two small Circles drawn upon the Globe, one beyond the Equator towards the North Pole, and the other towards the South, Shewing the way which the Sun makes in his Di­urnal Motion, when he is at his greatest distance from the Equator either North or South. These Circles are called Tropicks [...], that is, from the Suns returning: for the Sun coming to these Circles, he is at his greatest distance from the Equator, and in the same Moment of time [Page 233] sloping as it were his course, he returns nearer and nearer to the Equator again.

36. These Tropical Circles do shew the point of Heaven in which the Sun doth make either the longest Day, or the Shortest Day in the Year, ac­cording as he is in the Northern or the Southern Tropick: And are drawn at 23 Degrees and a half distant from the Equator.

37. The Polar Circles are two lesser Circles drawn upon the Globe at the Radius of 23 De­grees and a half distant from the Poles of the World, shewing thereby the Poles of the Zodi­ack, which is so many Degrees distant from the Equator on both sides thereof.

38. These Polar Circles are 66 Degrees and a half distant from the Equator, and 43 Degrees distant from his nearest Tropick. They are called the Arctick and Antarctick Circles.

39. The Arctick Circle is that which is descri­bed about the Arctick Pole, and passeth almost through the middle of the Head of the greater Bear. It is called the Arctick Circle [...] from the two conspicuous Stars towards the North; called the greater and the lesser Bear.

40. The Antarctick Circle is that which is de­scribed about the Antarctick or South Pole. It is so called [...] that is, from being oppo­site to the greater and lesser Bear.

Having thus described the Globe or Astronomi­cal Instrument by which the Frame of the World is represented to our view, I will proceed to shew the use for which it is intended.


Of the Distinctions and Affections of Sphe­rical Lines or Arches.

THE uses of the Globe as to practice, are ei­ther such as concern the Heavens or the Earth, in either of which, if we should descend unto particulars, the uses would be more in num­ber, than a short Treatise will contain: Seeing therefore that all Problems which concern the Globe, may be best and most accurately resol­ved by the Doctrine of Spherical Triangles, we will contract these uses of the Globe (which other­wise might prove infinite) to such Problems as come within the compass of the 28 Cases of Right and Oblique angled Spherical Triangles.

2. And that the nature of Spherical Trian­gles may be the better understood, and by which of the 28 Cases the particular Problems may be best resolved, I will set down some General De­finitions and Affections, which do belong to such Lines or Arches of which the Triangle must be framed, with the Parts and Affections of those Triangles, and how the things given and requi­red in them, may be represented and resolved upon and by the Globe, as also how they may be represented and resolved by the Projection of the Sphere, and by the Canon of Triangles.

3. A Spherical Triangle then is a Figure con­sisting of three Arches of the greatest Circles upon the Superficies of a Sphere or Globe, eve­ry one being less than a semicircle.

[Page 235] 4. A great Circle is that which divideth the Sphere or Globe into two equal parts, and thus the Horizon, Equator, Zodiack and Meridians before described are all of them great Circles: And of these Circles or any other, there must be three Arches to make a Triangle, and every one of these Arches severally must be less than a se­micircle: To make this plain.

In Fig. 1. The streight Line HAR doth repre­sent the Horizon, PR the height of the Pole a­bove the Horizon, PMS a Meridian, and these three Arches by their intersecting one another do visibly constitute four Spherical Triangles. 1. PMR. 2. PMH. 3. SHM. 4. SMR. And every Arch is less than a semicircle, as in the Triangle PMR, the Arch PR is less than the Se­micircle PRS, the Arch MR is less than the Se­micircle AMR, and the Arch PM is less than the Semicircle PMS, the like may be shewed in the other Triangles.

5. Spherical or circular Lines are Parallel or Angular.

6. Parallel Arches or Circles, are such as are drawn upon the same Center within, without, or equal to another Arch or Circle. Thus in Fig. 1. The Arches ♋ M ♋ and ♑ O ♑ are though lesser Circles, parallel to the Equinoctial AE A Q and do in that Scheme represent the Tropicks of Cancer and Capricorn. The manner of describing them or any other Parallel Circle is thus, set off their distance from the great Circle, to which you are to draw a parallel with your Compasses, by help of your Line of Chords, which in this Example is 23 Degrees and a half from AE to ♋, then draw the Line A ♋, and upon the point ♋ erect a Per­pendicular, [Page 236] where that Perpendicular shall cut the Axis PAS extended, is the Center of that Pa­rallel.

7. A Spherical Angle, is that which is con­teined by two Arches of the greatest Circles up­on the Superficies of the Globe intersecting one another: Angles made by the Intersection of two little Circles, or of a little Circle with a great, we take no notice of in the Doctrine of Spheri­cal Triangles.

8. A Spherical Angle is either Right or Ob­lique.

9. A Spherical Right Angle is that which is conteined, by two Arches of the greatest Circles in the Superficies of the Sphere cutting one ano­ther at Right Angles, that is, the one being right or perpendicular to the other: thus the Brass Meridian cutteth the Horizon at right An­gles; and thus the Meridians drawn upon the Globe, as well as the Brass Meridian, do all of them cut the Equator at Right Angles.

10. An Oblique Spherical Angle, is that which is conteined by two Arches of the greatest Circles in the Superficies of the Sphere, not be­ing right or perpendicular to one another.

11. An Oblique Spherical Angle is Obtuse, or Acute.

12. An Obtuse Spherical Angle, is that which is greater than a Right Angle. An Acute is that which is less than a Right Angle.

13. If two of the greatest Circles of the Sphere shall pass through one anothers Poles, those two great Circles shall cut one another at Right An­gles: Thus the Brazen Meridian doth intersect the Equinoctial and Horizon.

[Page 237] 14. If two of the greatest Circles of the Sphere shall intersect one another, and pass through each others Poles, they shall intersect one another at unequal or Oblique Angles, the Angle upon the one side of the intersection being Obtuse, or more than a Right, and the Angle upon the other side of the intersection being Acute or less than a Right. Thus in Fig. 1. The Arch PM doth intersect the Meridian and Horizon, but not in the Poles of either, therefore the Angle HPM upon one side of the intersection of that Arch with the Meridian, is more than a Right Angle; And the Angle MPR upon the other side of the Inter­section is less. And so likewise the Angle PMH upon the one side of the intersection of the Arch PM with the Horizon HR, is greater than a right Angle; and the Angle RMP upon the o­ther side of the Intersection is less than a Right.

15. A Spherical Angle is measured by the Arch of a great Circle described from the Angular point between the sides of the Angle, those sides being continued unto Quadrants. Thus the Arch of the Equator TQ in Fig. 1. is the measure of the Angle MPR, or TPQ, the sides PT and PQ being Quadrants.

And the measure thereof in the Projection may thus be found: lay a Ruler from P to T, and it will cut the Primitive Circle in V; and the Arch VQ being taken in your Compasses and applyed to your Line of Chords, will give the Quantity of the Angle propounded.

16. The Complement of a Spherical Arch or Angle, is so much as it wanteth of a Quadrant, if the Arch or Angle given be less than a Qua­drant; or so much as it wanteth of a Semicir­cle, [Page 238] if it be more than a Quadrant.

17. An Arch of a great Circle cutting the Arch of another great Circle, shall intersect one another at Right Angles, or make two Angles; which being taken together, shall be equal unto two Right. Thus in Fig. 1. The Axis PAS or Equinoctial Colure doth cut the Equator AE A Q at Right Angles; but the Meridian PMS doth cut the Horizon HMR at Oblique Angles, ma­king the Angle PMR less than a Right, and the Angle SMR more than a Right, and both to­gether equal to a Semicircle.

18. From these general Definitions proper to Spherical Lines or Arches, the general Affecti­ons of these Arches may easily be discerned; I mean the various Positions of the Globe of the Earth, in respect of all and singular the Inhabi­tants thereof.

19. And the whole Body of the Sphere or Globe, in respect of the Horizon, is looked upon by the Earths Inhabitants, either in a Parallel, a Right, or an Oblique Sphere.

20. A Parallel Sphere is, when one of the Poles of the World is elevated above the Horizon to the Zenith, the other depressed as low as the Na­dir, and the Equinoctial Line joyned with the Ho­rizon. They which there inhabite (if any such be) see not the Sun or other Star rising or setting, or higher or lower in their diurnal revolution. And seeing that the Sun traverseth the whole Zo­diack in a Year, and that half the Zodiack, is a­bove the Horizon and half under it, it cometh to pass, that the Sun setteth not with them, for the space of six Months, nor giveth them any Light for the space of other six Months, and so [Page 239] maketh but one Day and Night of the whole Year.

21. A Right Sphear is, when both the Poles of the World do lie in the Horizon, and the E­quinoctial Circle is at his greatest distance from it, passing through the Zenith of the place. And in this position of the Sphere, all the Coelestiall Bodies, Sun, Moon, and other Planets, and fix­ed Stars, by the daily turning about of the Hea­ven, do directly ascend above, and also directly descend below the Horizon, because the Moti­ons which they make in their Daily motion do cut the Horizon Perpendicularly, and as it were at Right Angles. In this Position of the Sphere, all the Stars may be observed to rise and set in an e­qual space of time, and to continue as long above the Horizon, as they do under it, the Day and Night to those Inhabitants, being always of an equal length.

22. An Oblique Sphere is, when the Axis of the World (being neither Direct nor Parallel to the Horizon) is inclined obliquely towards both sides of the Horizon, as in Fig. 1. Whence it co­meth to pass; that so much as one of the Poles is elevated above the Horizon, upon the one side; so much is the other depressed under the Hori­zon, upon the other side.

And in this Position of Sphere, the Days are some­times longer than the Nights, sometimes shorter, and sometimes of equal length. When the Sun is in either of the Equinoctial Points, the Days and Nights are equal; but when he declineth from the Equator towards the elevated Pole, the Days are observed to encrease; and when he declineth from the Equator towards the opposite Pole, or the Pole [Page 240] depressed, the Days do decrease▪ as is manifest in Fig. 1. For when the Sun riseth at M, the Line M ♋ above the Horizon is the Semidiurnal Arch of the longest day. When he riseth at C, the Arch C ♑ above the Horizon, is the Semidiurnal Arch of the shortest Day: And when he riseth at A, the Days and Nights are of equal Length, the Semi­diurnal Arch AAE, being equal to the Semino­cturnal Arch AQ.


Of the kind and parts of Spherical Trian­gles; and how to project the same upon the Plane of the Meridian.

HAving shewed what a Spherical Triangle is, and of what Circles it is composed, with the general Affections of such Lines: I will now shew how many several sorts of Triangles there are, of what Circular parts they do consist, and such Affections proper to them as will render the so [...]ition of them more clear and certain.

2. Spherical Triangles are either Right or Ob­lique.

3. A Right Angled Spherical Triangle, is that which hath one or more Right Angles.

4. A Spherical Triangle which hath three Right Angles, hath always his three sides Qua­drants. As in Fig. 1. The Spherical Triangle AZR, the Angles ZRA, RAZ and AZR are right Angles, and the three sides AZ, ZR and AR are Quadrants also.

[Page 241] 5. A Triangle that hath two right Angles, hath the sides opposite to those Angles Quadrants, and the third side is the measure of the third Angle. As in Fig. 1. The sides of the Spherical Trian­gle TPQ, namely TP and PQ are Quadrants, and the Angles opposite to these sides, to wit, PTQ and TQP are Quadrants also, and the third Angle TQ is the measure of the third Angle TPQ. But the Right Angled Triangle which hath one Right and two Acute Angles, is that which cometh most commonly to be resol­ved.

6. The Legs of a right Angled Spherical Triangle are of the same Affection with their op­posite Angles; as in the Triangle ZAR Fig. 1. The side ZA is a Quadrant, and the Angle at A is right, because Z is the Pole of the Arch AR and ZA is perpendicular thereunto. And in the Tri­angle RAAE the side RZAE being more then a Quadrant the Angle RAAE is more then a Quadrant also, being more then the Right An­gle RAZ. And in the right Angled Spherical Triangle APR the side PR being less then a Quadrant, the Angle PAR is less then a Quadrant also, being less then the right Angle RAZ.

7. An Oblique angled Spherical Triangle is either acute or obtuse.

8. An Acute angled Spherical Triangle hath all his Angles Acute, and each Side less then a Quadrant; As in the Triangles, ZFP. Fig. 2. The Angles at Z and P are acute, as appeareth by inspection; and the Angle at F is acute also be­cause the Measure thereof CD = EM is less then a Quadrant.

[Page 242] 9. An Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle hath all his Angles either acute or obtuse: viz. Acute and mixt.

10. The Sides of a Spherical Triangle may be turned into Angles, and the Angles into Sides; The Complement of the greatest Side or greatest Angle to a Semicircle being taken in each conver­sion. For Example. If it were required to turn the Angles of the Oblique Angled Spheri­cal Triangle ZFP into sides in Fig. 3. EAE is the measure of the Angle at P, and AD in the Triangle ADC equal thereunto, AC is the Complement of FZP to a Semicircle, and KM the the Measure of the Angle at F is equal to DC, and so the Sides of the Spherical Triangle ADC are equal to the Angles of the Spherical Triangle FZP, making the side AC equal to the Comple­ment of the Angle Z to a Semicircle.

11. In Right Angled Spherical Triangles the Sides intending the Right Angle we call the Legs; The Side subtending it the Hypotenuse.

12. In every Spherical Triangle besides the Area or space contained, there are six parts. viz. Three Sides and three Angles and of these six there must be always three given to find the rest, but in right Angled Spherical Triangles there are but five of the six parts parts which come into questi­on, because one of the Angles being right is allways known, and so any two of the other five being gi­ven, the three remaining parts whether Sides or Angles, may be found. But before I come to the solution of these Triangles whether right or ob­lique, I will first shew how they may be represented upon the Globe, and projected upon the plane of of the Meridian.

[Page 243] 13. A right Angled Spherical Triangle may be represented upon the Globe in this manner: Elevate one of the Poles of the Globe above the Horizon, to the quantity of one of the given Legs, so shall the distance between the AEquinox and the Zenith be equal thereunto, and at the Zenith fast­en the Quadrant of altitude, so shall there be de­lineated upon the Globe the right Angled Spheri­cal Triangle AEZB as may be seen in Fig. 1. In which the outward Circle HZR doth represent the Brass Meridian, AEAQ the Equator, and ZC the Quadrant of altitude.

14. An Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle may be represented upon the Globe in this man­ner. Number one of the given sides from one of the Poles to the Zenith; and there fasten the Quadrant of Altitude, upon which number ano­ther side, the third upon the great Meridian, from the Pole towards the Equinoctial, then turn the Globe till the Side numbred upon the Quadrant of Altitude, and the Side numbred upon the great Meridian shall intersect one another; so shall there be delineated upon the Globe the Oblique An­gled Spherical Triangle ZFP in Fig. 3. In which ZP is numbred upon the Brass Meridian from S the Pole of the World to Z the Zenith, ZF the Azimuth Circle represents the Quadrant of Alti­tude, and PF the great Meridian upon the Globe intersecting the Quadrant of Altitude at F.

15. A Right or Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle being thus delineated upon the Globe, there needs no further instructions, as to the mea­sure of the sides, all that is wanting, is the laying down the Angles comprehended by those sides, and the finding out the measure of these Angles [Page 244] being so laid down. And that this may be the better understood, I will first shew; how the se­veral Circles upon the Globe before described, may be projected upon the Plane of the Meridian, and the several useful Triangles that are described by such Projection with such Astronomical Propo­sitions as are conteined and resolvable by these Triangles.

16. The Circles in the first Figure are the Me­ridian, AEquator, Horizon, AEquinoctial Colure, and the Tropicks. The Brass Meridian without the Globe, is a perfect Circle described by taking 60 Degrees from your Line of Chords, as the Cir­cle HZRN in Fig. 1. Within which all the other are projected. The Horizon, AEquator, AEqui­noctial Colure, East and West Azimuths are all streight Lines. Thus the Diameter HAR re­presents the Horizon, AEAQ the Equator, PAS the Equinoctial Colure and ZAN the East and West Azimuths, in the drawing of these there is no difficulty, PMS is a Meridian, and ZCN an Azimuth Circle, for the drawing of which there are three points given and the Centers of the Meridians do always fall in the Equinoctial ex­tended if need be, the Centers of the Azimuth Circles do fall in the Horizon extended if need be, and for the drawing of these Circles there needs no further direction, supposing the middle point given to be in the AEquator or Horizon, but yet the Centers of these Circles may be readily found, by the Lines of Tangents or Secants, for the Tangent of the Complement of AT set from A to D, or the Secant of the Complement set from A to D will give the Center of the Meridi­an PTS. The other two Circles in the 1. Fig. [Page 245] are the Tropicks whose Centers are thus found; each Tropick is Deg. 23 ½ from the Equinoctial, which distance being set upon the Meridian from AE to ♋ and AE to ♑, if you draw a Line from A to ♋ and another perpendicular thereunto from ♋ it will cut the Axis SAP extended in the Cen­ter of that Tropick, by which extent of the com­passes the other Tropick may be drawn also. Or thus the Co-tangent of AE ♋ set from ♋ to the Axis extended will give the Center as before, and thus may all other Parallels be described.

17. In the second and third figures, the two extream points given in the Meridians are not e­qnidistant from the third, for the drawing of which Circles, if the common way of bringing three points into a Circle be not liked; you may do thus, from the given point at F and the Cen­ter A draw the Diameter TAS, and cross the same at Right Angles with the Diameter BAG, a Ruler laid from G to F will cut the primitive Cir­cle in L, make EL = BL a Ruler laid from G to E will cut the Diameter SAT in V the Center of the Circle BDG. Which Circle doth cut the Diameter HAR in the Pole of ZF, and the Di­ameter AEAQ in D in the Pole of PFX, and a Ruler laid from Z to C will cut the Primitive Circle in Y, and making Y O equal to Y a Ruler laid from Z to O will cut the Diameter HAR, extended in the Center of the Circle ZF.

18. Having drawn the Circle ZFI, in Fig. 13. The Circle PEX, or any other passing through the point F, may easily be described. Draw AEQ at right Angles to PX, a Ruler laid from G unto (e) will cut the Primitive Circle in (m) make mn = Bn, a Ruler laid from G to n [Page 246] shall cut the Diameter TFS in p make Fq = Fp so shall FQ be the Radius, and the Center of the Circle PFX as was desired.

19. The preceeding directions are sufficient for the projecting of several Circles of the Globe before described upon the Plane of the Meridian, and the parts of those Circles so described may thus be measured. In Fig. 1. HZ = CZ = AZ 90 Degrees. Whence it followeth, that the Quadrant CZ is divided into Degrees from its Pole M, by the Degrees of the Quadrant HZ, that is a Ruler laid from M to any part of the Quadrant HZ will cut as many Degrees in CZ as it doth in the Quadrant HZ, and thus the Arch CF = HK the Arch CB = HL, and the Arch BF = LK.

20. That which is next to be considered is the projecting or laying down the Angles of a Trian­gle, and the measuring of them being projected, and the Angles of a Triangle are either such as are conteined between two right Lines as the An­gle A in the Triangle PAR; or such as are con­teined by a streight and a Circular Line, as the Angle PMR. Fig. 1. Or such as are conteined by two circular Lines, as the Angles FZP or ZFP in Fig. 3. The projecting or measuring the first sort of these Angles, needs no direction.

21. To project an Angle conteined by a streight and a circular line as the Angle AEBZ in Fig. 1. Do thus, lay a Ruler from N to C, and it will cut the Primitive Circle in K make ZX = HK, a Ru­ler laid from N to X will cut the Diameter HAR in the point M the Pole of the Circle ZCN, a Ruler laid from M to B the Angular point pro­pounded, will cut the primitive Circle in I, make [Page 247] NY = HL a Ruler laid from N to Y will cut the Circle ZCN in W, a Ruler laid from B to W will cut the Primitive Circle in A, make AQ equal to the Angle propounded, and draw the Diame­ter BAQ, then is the Angle AEBZ or NBQ = NQ as was required.

22. If the Angle had been projected and the measure required, a Ruler laid from M to B would give L and making NY = HL a Ruler laid from M to Y would give W, from B to W would give A, and AQ would be the measure of the Angle propounded.

23. To project an Angle conteined by two circular lines, one of them being an Arch of the Primitive Circle, as the Angle AEZB, Fig. 1. Do thus, set off the quantity of the Angle given from H to G, a Ruler laid from Z to G will cut the Diameter HAR in the point C, so may you draw the Circle ZCN and the Angle HZC will be e­qual to the Arch HG = HC as was required.

24. If the Angle had been projected and the measure required, a Ruler laid from Z to C would cut the Primitive Circle in G and HG would be the measure of the Angle propounded.

25. To project an Angle conteined by two ob­lique Arches of a Circle, as the Angle ZFP in Fig. 3. You must first find the Pole of one of the two Circles conteining the Angle propounded, suppose ZBI, a Ruler laid from C the Pole there­of to F, the Angular point propounded, will cut the Primitive Circle in a make ab equal to the Angle propounded, a Ruler laid from F to b will cut the Diameter AEAQ in D the Pole of the Circle PEX, a Ruler laid from G to e will cut the Primitive Circle in m, make mn = Bm [Page 248] ler laid from G to n will cut the Diameter TAS in p, make Aq = Ap so shall Fp be the Radi­us and the Center of the Circle PFX and the An­gle ZFP = ab, as was propounded.

26. If the Angle had been projected and the measure required; through the point F draw the Diameter TFS and the Diameter BAG at right Angles thereunto, a Ruler laid from G to F will cut the Primitive Circle in K, and making KE = BK a Line drawn from G to E will cut the Dia­meter TAS in the Center of the Circle GDB cutting the Diameter HAR in C the Pole of the Circle ZBI, and the Diameter AEAQ in D, the Pole of the Circle PEX and a Ruler laid from F to C and D will cut the Primitive Circle in a and b the measure of the Angle required.

Or a Ruler laid from F to K and M will cut the Primitive Circle in Deg. the measure of the Angle propounded as before.

Or thus a Ruler laid from C and D to F will cut the Primitive Circle in ae and h set 90 Degrees from e and h to f and l a Ruler laid from C to f will cut ZBI in M and a Ruler laid from D to l will cut PEX in K. This done a Ruler laid from F to K and M will cut the Primitive Circle in g and d the measure of the Angle as before.

And in Fig. 2. The quantity of the Angle ZEP may thus be found. A Ruler laid from C the Pole of the Circle ZFI to F the angular point will cut the Primitive Circle in a, set off a Quadrant from a to b, a Ruler laid from C to b will cut the Circle ZFI in the point M. In like manner a Ruler laid from D the Pole of the Circle PEX, will cut the Primitive Circle in D, set off a Qua­drant from A to h, a Ruler laid from D to P will [Page 249] cut the Circle PFX in K: Lastly a Ruler laid from F to K, and M will cut the Primitive Circle in NS the measure of the Angle KFM or ZFP, as was propounded.

27. Having shewed how a right or oblique An­gled Spherical Triangle may be projected up­on the Plane of the Meridian, as well as delinea­ted upon the Globe, we will now consider the se­veral Triangles usually represented upon the Globe, with the several Astronomical and Geo­graphical Problems conteined in them, and re­solved by them.

28. The Spherical Triangles usually represent­ed upon the Globe are eight, whereof there are five Right angled Triangles, have their De­nomination from their Hypotenusas.

The first is called the Ecliptical Triangle, whose Hypotenusa is an Arch of the Ecliptick, the Legs thereof are Arches of the AEquator and Meridi­an, this is represented upon the Globe, by the Triangle ADF, in Fig. 1. In which the five Cir­cular parts, besides the Right Angle are;

1. The Hypotenuse or Arch of the Ecliptick AF.

2. The Leg or Arch of the AEquator, AD.

3. The Leg or Arch of the Meridian DF.

4. The Oblique Angle of the Equator with the Ecliptick and the Suns greatest Declination DAF.

5. The Oblique Angle of the Ecliptick and Meridian, or the Angle of the Suns position AFD.

The two next I call Meridional, because the Hypotenusas in them both, are Arches of a Meri­dian. One of these is noted with the Letters [Page 250] MPR in Fig. 1. In which the five Circular parts are;

1. The Hypotenusa or Arch of a Meridian PM.

2. The Leg or Arch of the Horizon MR, the Suns Azimuth North.

3. The Leg or Arch of the Brass Meridian, representing the height of the Pole PR.

4. The Oblique Angle of the Meridian upon the Globe; with the Brass Meridian, or Angle of the Hour from Midnight. P.

5. The Oblique Angle of the Suns Meridian with the Horizon, or the Complement of the Suns Angle of Position PMR.

The other Right Angled Meridional Triangle is noted with the Letters AEG in Fig. 1. In which the 5 Circular parts are.

1. The Hypotenusa or present Declination of the Sun, AE.

2. The Leg or Suns Amplitude at the hour of six, AG.

3. The other Leg or Suns height at the same time EG.

4. The Angle of the Meridian with the Ho­rizon, or Angle of the Poles elevation, EAG.

5. The Angle of the Meridian with the Azi­muth, or the Angle of the Suns position, AEG.

The fourth Right Angled Spherical Triangle, I call an Azimuth Triangle, because the Hypote­nusa doth cut the Horizon in the East and West Azimuths, as is represented by the Triangle ADV. in Fig. 1. In which the 5 Circular parts are,

[Page 251] 1. The Hypotenusa, or Arch of the Sun or Stars Altitude AV.

2. The Leg or Declination of the Sun or Star, DV.

3. The other Leg, or Right Ascension of the Sun or Star, AD.

4. The Oblique Angle or Angle of the Poles elevation, DAV.

5. The other Oblique Angle or Angle of the Sun or Stars Position, DVA.

The fifth and last Right Angled Spherical Tri­angle, that I shall mention, I call an Horizontal Triangle, because the Hypotenusa thereof is an Arch of the Horizon, and is represented by the Triangle AMT in Fig. 1. In which the 5 Circular parts are;

1. The Hypotenusa and Arch of the Horizon, or Amplitude of the Sun at his rising or setting, AM.

2. The Leg conteining the Sun or Stars Decli­nation TM.

3. The other Leg or Ascensional difference AT, that is, the difference between DT the Right Ascension and DA the Oblique Angle.

4. The Oblique Angle of the Horizon and E­quator, or height of the Equator TAM.

5. The other Oblique Angle, or Angle of the Horizon and Meridian AMT.

The Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles u­sually represented upon the Globe are three. The first I call the Complemental Triangle, be­cause the sides thereof are all Complements, and this is represented by the Triangle FZP in Fig. 1. Whose Circular parts are;

1. The Complement of the Poles elevation ZP.

[Page 252] 2. The Complement of the Suns Declination, FP.

3. The Complement of the Suns Altitude or Almicantar FZ.

4. The Suns Azimuth or Distance from the North FZP.

5. The hour of the day or distance of the Sun from Noon ZPF.

6. The Angle of the Suns Position ZFP.

The second Oblique Angled Spherical Trian­gle, I call a Geographical or Nautical Triangle, because it serveth to resolve those Problems, which concern Geographie and Navigation, and this is also represented by the Triangle FZP in Fig. 1. Whose parts are.

1. The Complement of Latitude as before ZP.

2. The distance between the two places at Z and F or side FZ.

3. The Complement of the Latitude of the place at F or side FP.

4. The difference of Longitude between the two places at Z and F or the Angle FBZ.

5. The point of the compass leading from Z to F or Angle FZP.

6. The point of the Compass leading from F to Z, or Angle ZFP.

The third Oblique Angled Spherical Trian­gle is called a Polar Triangle, because one side thereof is the distance between the Poles of the World, and the Poles of the Zodiack. This Triangle is represented upon the Coelestial Globe, by the Triangle FSP in Fig. 4. In which the Cir­cular parts are;

1. The distance between the Pole of the [Page 253] World, and the Pole of the Ecliptick, or the Arch SP.

2. The Complement of the Stars Declination, FP.

3. The Complement of the Stars North La­titude, from the Ecliptick or the Arch FS.

4. The Angle of the Stars Right Ascension FPS.

5. The Complement of the Stars Longitude FSP.

6. The Angle of the Stars Position SFP.

29. And thus at length I have performed, what was proposed in the 15 of this Chapter, that is, I have shewed how the several Circles of the Globe, may be projected upon the Plane of the Meridian, the several useful Triangles that are described by such projection, with such Astrono­mical Propositions as are contained and resolvea­ble by those Triangles; And although the most accurate way of resolution is by the Doctrine of Trigonometry and the Canon of Lines and Tangents, yet it is not impertinent to do the same upon the Globe it self, which as to the sides is easie, but to measure or lay down the Angles is sometimes a little labourious.

In the Right Angled Spherical Triangle AEBZ in Fig. 1. The measure of the Angle AEZB is reckoned in the Horizon from H to C but to lay down or measure the Angle AEBZ the readiest way is to describe the Triangle again, making AEZ = AEB and AEB = AEZ, so will the Angle AEBZ stand where the Angle AEZB is, and may be measured in the Horizon as the other was.

[Page 254] And so in the Oblique Angled Spherical Trian­gle FZP in Fig. 1. The Angles at Z and P are easily measured or laid down upon the Globe, but to perform the same with the Angle ZFP, you may represent it at the Pole or Zenith and find the measure in the Equator or Horizon.

30. And now having, as I hope, sufficiently pre­pared the young Student for the first part of A­stronomy, the Doctrine of the Primum Mobile, by shewing how the Heavens and the Earth are repre­sented upon the Globe, or may be projected in Plane, I will now proceed to such Astronomi­cal Propositions as are generally useful, and may be sufficient for an Introduction to this noble Sci­ence: to go through the several Triangles before propounded, will be very tedious, I will there­fore shew the several Problems in one Right An­gled and one Oblique Angled Spherical Triangle and the Canons by which they are to be resolved, and leave the rest for the Practice of my Reader. To this purpose I will next acquaint you with my Lord Nepiers Catholick Proposition for the solu­tion of all Right and Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles.


Of the solution of Spherical Triangles.

IN Spherical Triangles there are 28 Varieties or Cases, 16 in Rectangular, and 12 in Oblique, whereof all the Rectangular and ten of the Obli­que may be resolved by the two Axioms follow­ing.

1. Axiom. In all Right Angled Spherical Tri­angles having the same Acute Angle at the Base, the Sines of the Hypotenusas are proportional to the Sines of their Perpendicular.

2. Axiom. In all right Angled Spherical Tri­angles, the Sines of the Bases and the Tangents of the Perpendicular are proportional.

That all the Cases of a Right Angled Spherical Triangle may be resolved by these two Axioms, the several parts of the Spherical Triangle propo­sed, that so the Angles may be turned into sides, the Hypotenusa, into Bases and Perpendiculars and the contrary. By which means the proportions as to the parts of the Triangle given, are sometimes changed into Co-sines instead of Sines, and into Co­tangents instead of Tangents. Which the Lord Nepier observing; those parts of the Right An­gled Spherical Triangle, which in conversion do change their proportion, he noteth by their Com­plements. viz. The Hypotenuse and the two A­cute Angles: But the sides or Legs are not so no­ted, [Page 256] as in the Right Angled Spherical Triangle MPR in Fig. 1. And these five he calleth the Cir­cular parts of the Triangle, amongst which the Right Angle is not reckoned.

2. Now if you reckon five Circulat parts in a Triangle, one of them must needs be in the mid­dle, and of the other four, two are adjacent to that middle part, the other two are disjunct, and which soever of the five you call the middle part, for every one of them may by supposition be made so; those two Circular parts which are on each side of the middle are called extreams adjunct, and the other two remaining parts, are called ex­tream disjunct, as in the Triangle MPR if you make the Leg PR the middle part, then the o­ther Leg MR and the Angle Comp. P. Are the extreams conjunct, the Hyp. Comp. MP and Comp. M, are the extreams disjunct, and so of the rest, as in the following Table.

[Page 257]

Mid. Part Exctr. conj. Extr. disj [...]
  Leg. MR Comp. M
Leg PR    
  Comp. P Comp. MP
  Leg. PR Comp. MP
Leg MR    
  Comp. M Comp. P
  Leg. MR Comp. P
Comp. M    
  Comp. MP Leg. PR
  Comp. M Leg. PR
Comp. MP    
  Comp. P. Leg. MR
  Comp. MP Leg. MR
Comp. P    
  Leg. PR Comp. M

3. These things premised, the Ld. Nepier as a consectory from the two preceeding Axioms hath composed this Catholick and Universal Pro­position.

The Rectangle made of the Sine of the middle part and Radius is equal to the Rectangle made of the Tan­gents of the Extremes conjunct or the cosines of the Extremes disjunct.

Therefore if the middle part be sought, the Radius must be in the first place; if either of the extremes, the other extreme must be in the first place.

Only note that if the middle part, or either of the extremes propounded be noted with its [Page 258] Comp. in the circular parts of the Triangle, in­stead of the Sine or Tangent you must use the Cosine or Cotangent of such circular part or parts.

That these directions may be the better con­ceived, we have in the Table following set down the circular parts of a Triangle under their respective Titles, whether they be taken for the middle part, or for the extremes, conjunct or disjunct, and unto these parts, we have pre­fixed the Sine or Cosine, the Tangent or Co­tangent, as it ought to be by the former Rule.

Mid. Par. Extr. Conj. Ext. Disj.
  Tang. MR Sine M
Sine PR    
  Tang. P. Sine MP
  Tang. PR Sine MP
Sine MR    
  Cotang. M. Sine P
  Tang. MR Sine P
Cosine M    
  Cot. MP Cos. PR
  Cotang. M. Cos. PR
Cos. MP    
  Cotang. P Cos. MR
  Cot. MP Cos. MR
Cosine P    
  Tang. PR Sine M
Now then according to this Table and the former Rules.
  • [Page 259]1. Sine PR x Rad.= t MR x ct P.
  • 2. Sine PR x Rad.= s M x s MP.
  • 3. Sine MR x Rad.= t PR x ct M.
  • 4. Sine MR x Rad.= s MP x s P.
  • 5. Cos. M x Rad.= t MR x ct MP.
  • 6. Cos. M x Rad.= s P x cs PR.
  • 7 Cos. MP x Rad.= ct M x ct P.
  • 8. Cos. MP x Rad.= cos. PR x cs MR.
  • 9. Cos. P x Rad.= ct MP x t PR.
  • 10. Cos. P x Rad.= cos. MR x s M.

By these 10 Rectangles may the 16 Cases of a Right angled Spherical Triangle be resolved, and some of them twice over; for although there are but 16 varieties in all Right angled Spherical Triangles, yet 30 Astronomical Problems may be resolved by one Triangle, as by the following Examples shall more clearly appear.

Of Right angled Spherical Triangles.


The Legs given, to find the Angles.

IN the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR. The given Legs are MR and RP. The Angles at M and P are required.

By the first of the 10 equal Rectangles s PR x Rad.=t MR x ct P. in which P is fought, therefore putting MR in the first place. The proportion is. t MR. x Rad.∷s PR. ct P.

And by the third equal Rectangle. t PR. Rad.∷s MR. ct M.


The Legs given, to find the Hypotenuse.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR. The given Legs are MR and PR. The Hypo­tenuse MP is required.

By the eighth of the 10 Rectangles cos. MP x Rad.=cos. PR x cos. MR in which MP the middle part is sought, therefore Radius must be put in the first place, and then the proportion is.

Rad: cos. PR∷ cos. M. R. cos. MP.


A Leg with an Angle opposite thereunto being given, to find the other Leg.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given. The Leg MR. The Angle P. The Leg PR inquired.

By the first of the 10 Rectangles. Rad. tMR ∷cot. P. Sine PR. or The Leg PR and the Angle M given, to [...]ind MR.

By the 3 of the 10 Rectangles. Rad. tPR∷ct M. Sine MR.


A Leg with an Angle conterminate therewith being given, to find the other Leg.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle, MPR, The given Leg is MR, with the Angle M. The Leg PR is required.

By the 3 Rectangle. cot. M. Rad∷Sine MR. tPR.

The given Leg RP, and Angle P. The Leg MR is required.

By the 1. Rectangle. ctP. Rad∷sine RP. tang. MR.


A Leg and an Angle conterminate therewith being given, to find the Hypotenuse.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Leg
    • MR and the Angle M
    • PR and the Angle P
  • to find MP.

By the 5. Rectangle, t MR. Rad∷cos. M. ct MP.

By the 9. Rectangle. t PR. Rad.∷cos. P. ct MP.


The Hypotenuse and a Leg given, to find the con­tained Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Hypote­nuse MP,
  • and Leg
  • MR. PR.
  • To find
  • M.

By the 5. Rectangle, Rad. ct MP∷t MR. cos. M.

By the 9. Rectangle, Rad. ct MR∷t PR. cos. P.


The Hypotenuse and one Angle given, to find the other Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • [Page 263]The Hypote­nuse MP
  • & Angle
  • M P.
  • To find the Angle
  • P. M.

By the 7. Rectangle, cot. M. Rad∷cos. MP. cot. P.

By the 7. Rectangle cot. P. Rad∷cos. MP. cot. M.


The Oblique A [...]gles given, to find the Hypotenuse.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given The Angles at P and M, To find the Hypotenuse PM.

By the 7. Rectangle. Rad. ct P∷cot. M. cos. MP.


The Hypotenuse and an Angle given, to find the Leg conterminate with the given Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Hypote­nuse PM
  • Angle
  • P. M.
  • To find
  • PR. MR.

By the 9. Rectangle, ct PM. Rad∷cos. P. t PR.

By the 5. Rectangle, ct PM. Rad∷cos. M. tMR.

CASE 10.

The Hypotenuse and an Angle given, to find the Leg opposite to the given Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Hypote­nuse PM
  • and the Angle
  • M. P.
  • To find
  • PR. MR.

By the 2. Rectangle, Rad. s MP∷s M. Sine PR.

By the 4. Rectangle, Rad. s MP∷s P. Sine MR▪

CASE 11.

A Leg and an Angle opposite thereunto being given, to find the Hypotenuse.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Leg
  • PR. MR.
  • and the Angle
  • M P
  • to find the Hy­potenuse PM.

By the 2. Rectangle, s M. Rad∷s PR. s MP.

By the 4. Rectangle, s P. Rad∷s MR. s PM.

CASE 12.

The Hypotenuse and a Leg given, to find the Angle opposite to the given Leg.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle PMR, [Page 265] the Hypotenuse MP and the Leg MR are given, the Angle at P is required.

By the fourth Rectangle Sine MP to, Rad∷s MR. s P.

The Hypotenuse MP and Leg PR given, the Angle M is required.

By the second Rectangle. sMP. Rad∷s PR. s M.

CASE 13.

The Angle and Leg conterminate with it being given, to find the other Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle PMR, let there be given,

  • The An­gle
  • M P
  • and the Leg
  • MR PR
  • to find the Angle
  • P. M.

By the tenth Rectangle, Rad. cs MR∷s M. cs P.

By the sixth Rectangle, Rad. s P∷cs PR. cs M.

CASE 14.

An Angle and a Leg opposite thereunto being given, to find the other Angle.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The An­gle
  • P M
  • and the Leg
  • MR PR
  • to find the Angle
  • M. P.

By the 10. Rectangle, cs MR. Rad∷cs P. csM.

By the 6. Rectangle, cs PR. Rad∷cs M. sP.

CASE 15.

The Oblique Angles given, to find a Leg.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given, the Angles at M and P, to find the Legs MR and PR.

By the 10. Rectangle, sM. Rad∷cs P. cs MR.

By the 6. Rectangle, s P. Rad∷cs M. cs PR.

CASE 16.

The Hypotenuse and one Leg given, to find the other Leg.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle MPR, let there be given,

  • The Hypotenuse MP and the Leg
  • PR MR
  • to find the Leg
  • MR. PR.
  • By the 8. Re­ctangle,
  • csPR. Rad∷csMP. csMR.
  • csMR. Rad∷csMP. csPR.

Thus I have given you the Proportions by which the 16 Cases of a Right angled Spherical Triangle may be resolved, In which there are contained 30 Astronomical Problems. Two in every Case except the Second and the Eighth. In both which Cases there are but two Problems. And thus I have done with Right angled Spheri­cal Triangles.

4. In Oblique angled Spherical Triangles [Page]


[Page] [Page]


[Page] [Page 267] there are twelve Cases, ten whereof may be re­solved by the Catholick Proposition; If the Spherical Triangle propounded be first convert­ed into two right, by letting fall of a Perpendi­cular, sometimes within, sometimes without the Triangle.

5. If the Angles at the Base be both acute or both obtuse, the Perpendicular shall fall with­in the Triangle; but if one of the Angles of the Base be acute and the other obtuse, the Perpendicular shall fall without the Triangle.

6. However the Perpendicular falleth, it must be always opposite to a known Angle, for your better direction, take this General Rule. From the end of a Side given, being adjacent to an Angle given, let fall the Perpendicular.

As in the Triangle FPS in Fig. 4. If there were given the Side F S and the Angle at S, the Perpendicular by this Rule must fall from P upon the Side S P extended, if need require.

But if there were given the Side P S and the Angle at S, the Perpendicular must fall from F upon the Side F S.

7. To divide an Oblique angled Spherical Triangle into two Right, by letting fall a Per­pendicular upon the Globe it self, is not necessa­ry, because all the Cases may be resolved with­out it, but in projection it is convenient to in­form the fancy: and seeing the reason by which it is done in projection doth depend upon the na­ture of the Globe, I will here shew it both ways, first upon the Globe, and then by pro­jection.

[Page 268] An Oblique angled Spherical Triangle may be divided into two Right, by letting fall a Per­pendicular upon the Globe it self, in this manner. In the Oblique angled Spherical Tri­angle FPS in Fig. 4. let it be required to let fall a Perpendicular from P upon the Side FS. Sup­pose the Point P to stand in the Zenith, where the Arch FS shall cut the Zodiack, which in this Figure is at K, make a mark, and from this Point of Intersection of the Circle upon which the Perpendicular is to fall with the Zodiack, reckon 90 Degrees, which suppose to be at P; a thin Plate of Brass with a Nut at one end thereof, whereby to fasten it to the Meridian, as you do the Quadrant of Altitude, being graduated as that is, but of a larger extent (for that a Qua­drant in this case will not suffice) being fastned at P and turned about till it cut the Point L in the Zodiack, will describe upon the Globe the Arch of a great Circle PEL, intersecting the Side F S at Right Angles in the Point E, because the Point L in the Zodiack is the Pole of the Circle SFK, now all great Circles which passing through the Point L, shall intersect the Circle SKG, shall intersect it at Right Angles; by the 13. of the 2. Chapter.

9. And hence to divide an Oblique angled Spherical Triangle into two Right by projecti­on is easie, as in the Triangle FPS, the Pole of the Circle SFK is L, therefore the Circle BLP shall cut the Arch FS at Right Angles in the Point E. And because the Point M is the Pole of the Circle BFP, therefore the Circle GMS shall cut the Circle BFP at Right An­gles in the Point D, the Side F P being extend­ed. [Page 269] Come we now to the several Cases which af­ter this preparation may be resolved, by the Ca­tholick Proposition.


Two Sides with an Angle opposite to one of them be­ing given, to find the Angle opposite to the other.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle F P S, in Fig. 4. the Sides and Angles given and required will admit of six Varieties; all which may be resolved by the Catholick Proposition, at two operations, but those two may be re­duced to one, as by the following Analogies to every Variety will plainly appear.

Given Required  
FP   Rad. s PS∷s PSF. s PE
1. PS PFS s. PF. Rad∷s PE. s PFS
PSF   s PF. s PS∷s PSF. s PFS
FP   Rad. s FP∷s F. s PE
2. PS PSF s PS. Rad∷s PE. s PSF
PFS   s. PS. s FP∷s PFS. s PSF
PS   Rad. s SF∷s F. sDS
3. FS FPS s PS. Rad∷s DS. s SPD
PFS   s. PS. s SF∷s PFS. s PSF
PS   Rad. s PS∷s SPD. s DS
4. FS PFS s FS. Rad∷s DS. s SF
FPS   s FS. s PS∷s SPF. s SF
FS   Rad. s FS∷s S. s FC
5. FP FPS s. FP. Rad∷s FC. s FPC
FSP   s. FP. s FS∷s PSF. s FPS
[Page 270] FS   Rad. s FP∷s FPC. s FC
6. FP FSP s FS. Rad∷s FC. s S
FPS   s. FS. s FP∷FPS. s PSF.

Two Sides with an Angle appo [...]ite to one of them being given, to find the contained Angle.

In this Case there are six Varieties, all which may be resolved by the Catholick Proposition, according to the Table following.

Given Required  
FP   1: cot PSF. Rad∷cs PS. ct EPS
1. PS FPS 2. ct PS. Rad∷cs EPS. t EP
PSF   3. Rad. t EP∷ct FP. cs FPE
EPS+EPF=FPS   ct PS. cs EPS∷ct FP. ct FPE
FP   1. cot PFS. Rad∷cs PF .ct EPF
2. PS FPS 2. ct PF. Rad∷cs EPF. t EP
PFS   3. Rad. t EP∷cot PS. cs EPS
EPS+EPF=FPS   cot PF. cs EPF∷ct PS ct EPS
PS   1. cot PFS. Rad∷cs FS. ct FSD
3. FS PSF 2. ct FS. cs FSD∷ Rad. t DS
PFS   3. Rad. t DS∷ ct PS. cs PSD
FSD-PSD=PSF   ct FS. cs FSD∷ct PS. cs PSD
PS   1. cot FPS. Rad∷cs PS. ct PSD
4. FS PSF 2. ct PS. cs PSD∷ Rad. t DS
FPS   3. Rad. t DS∷ct FS. cs FSD
FSD-PSD=PSF   ct PS. cs PSD∷ct FS. cs FSD
FS   1. cot FSP. Rad∷cs FS. ct SFC
5. FP PFS 2. ct FS. cs SFC∷Rad. t FC
FSP   3. Rad. t FC∷ct FP. cs PFC
SFC-PFC=PFS   ct FS. cs SFC∷ct FP. cs PFC
[Page 271] FS   1. cot FPS. Rad∷cs PF. ct PFC
6. FF PFS 2. cot FP. cs PFC∷Rad. t FC
FPS   3. Rad. t FC∷ct FS. cs SFC
SFC-PFC=PFS   ct FP. cs PFC∷ct FS. cs SFC.

Two Sides and an Angle opposite to one of them being given, to find the third side.

The Varieties in this Case, with their resolu­tion by the Catholick Proposition, are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
FP   1. ct PS∷cs PSF. t ES
1. PS FS 2. cs ES. cs PS∷ Rad. cs EP
PSF   3. Rad. cs EP∷cs FP. cs FE
ES+FE=FS   cs ES. cs PS∷cs FP. cs FE
FP   1. cot FP. Rad∷cos PFS. t FE
2. PS FS 2. cos FE. cos FP∷ Rad. cos EP
PFS   3. Rad. cos EP∷cos PS. cos SE
SE+FE=FS   cos FE. cos FP∷cos PS. cos SE
PS   1. cot FS. Rad∷cos PFS. t FD
3. FS FP 2. cos FD. cos FS∷ Rad. cs SD
PFS   3. Rad. cos SD∷cos PS. cs PD
FD-PD=FP   cos FD. cos FS∷cs PS. cs PD
PS   1. cot PS. Rad∷cos FPS. t PD
4. FS FP 2. cos PD. cos PS∷Rad. cos SD
FPS   3. Rad. cos SD∷cos FS. cs FD
FD-PD=FP   cos PD. cos PS∷cos FS. cs FD
[Page 272] FS   1. cot FS. Rad∷cos FSP. t SC
5. FP PS 2. cos SC. cos FS∷ Rad. cos FC
FSP   3. Rad. cos FC∷ cos FP. cos PC
SP-PC=PS   cos SC. cos FS. cos FP. cos PC
FS   1. cot FP. Rod∷cos FPS. t PC
6. FP PS 2. cos PC. cos FP∷ Rad. cos FC
FPS   3. Rad. cos FC∷cos FS. cos SC
SC-PC=PS   cos PC. cos FP∷cos FS. cos SC

Two Angles with a Side opposite to one of them being given, to find the Side opposite unto the other.

The Varieties in this Case, with their Resolu­tion by the Catholick Proposition, are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
PFS   Rad. s. PS∷s DPS. s SD
1. FPS FS S. FP. Rad∷s SD. s FS
    s. PFS. s PS∷s FPS. s FS
PFS   Rad. s FS∷s PFS. s. SD
2. FPS PS s. FPS. Rad∷s SD. s PS
    s. FPS. s FS∷s PFS. s PS
FPS   Rad. s FP∷s FPS. s FC
3. PSF FS s. PSF. Rad∷s FC. s FS
    s. PSF. s FP∷s FPS. s FS
[Page 273] FPS   Rad. s FS∷s PSF. s FC
4. PSF FP s. FPS. Rad∷s FC. s FP
FS   s. FPS s FS∷s PSF. s FP
PSF   Rad. s PS∷s PSF. s PE
5. SFP FP s. SFP. Rad∷s PE. s FP
PS   s. SFP. s PS∷s PSF. s FP
PSF   Rad. s FP∷s PFS. s PE
6. SFP PS s. PSF. Rad∷s PE. s PS
FP   s. PSF. s FP∷s PFS. s PS

Two Angles and a side opposite to one of them being given, to find the Side between them.

The Varieties and Proportions, are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
PFS   1. ct PS. Rad∷cs DPS. PD
1. FPS FP 2. ct DPS. s PD∷ Rad. t DS
PS   3. Rad. t DS∷ct PFS. s FD
FD-PD=FP   ct DPS. s PD∷ct PFS. s FD
PFS   1. ct DFS. Rad∷cs PFS. t FD
2. FPS FP 2. cot PFS. s FD∷Rad. t DS
FS   3. Rad. t DS∷ct FPS. s PD
FPS   1. cot FP. Rad∷cs FPC. t PC
3. PSF PS 2. cot FPC. s PC∷ Rad. t FC
FP   3. Rad. t FC∷ct PSF. s SC
SC-PC=PS   cot FPC. s PC∷ct PSF. CS
[Page 274] FPS   1. cot FS. Rad∷cs PSF. t SC
4. PSF PS 2. cot PSF. s SC∷ Rad. t FC
FS   3. Rad. t FC∷cot FPS. s PC
SC-PC=PS   cot PSF. s SC∷cot FPS. s PC
PSF   1. cot PS. Rad∷cs PSF. t SE
5. SFP FS 2. cot PSF. s SE∷ Rad. t PE
PS   3. Rad. t PE∷cot SFP. s FE
FE+SE=FS   cot PSF. s SE∷cot SFP. s FE
PSF   1. cot FP. Rad∷cs SFP. t FE
6. SFP FS 2. cot SFP. s FE∷ Rad. t PE
FP   3. Rad. t PE∷cos PSF. s SE
FE+SE=FS   cot. SFP. s FE∷cs PSF. s SE

Two Angles and a Side opposite to one of them being given, to find the third Angle.

The Varieties and Proportions are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
PFS   1. ct DPS. Rad∷cs PS. ct PSD
1. FPS PSF 2. s PSD. cs DPS∷ Rad. cs DS
PS   3. cs DS. Rad∷cs DFS. s FSD
PFS   1. ct PFS. Rad∷cs FS. ct FSD
2. FPS PSF 2. s FSD. cs PFS∷ Rad. cs DS
FS   3. cs PDS. Rad∷cs DPS. cs PSD
FSD-PSD=PSF   cs PFS. s FSD∷cs DPS. cs PSD
[Page 275] FPS   1. ct FPC. Rad∷cs FP. ct PFC
3. PSF PFS 2. s PFC. cs FPG∷ Rad. cs FC
FP   3. cs FC. Rad∷cs PSF. s FC
FPS   1. cot PSF. Rad∷cos FS. ct SFC
4. PSF PFS 2. s SFC. cs PSF∷ Rad. cs FC
FS   3. cs FC. Rad∷cs CPF. s PFC
PSF   1. cot PSF. Rad∷cs PS. ct SPE
5. SFP FPS 2. s SPE. cs PSF∷ Rad. cs PE
PS   3. cs PE. Rad∷cs SFP. s FPE
PSF   1. cot SFP. Rad∷cs FP. ct FPE
6. SFP FPS 2. s FPE. cs SFP∷ Rad. cs PE
FP   3. cos PE Rad∷cs PSF. s SPE

Two Sides and their contained Angle being given, to find either of the other Angles.

The Varieties and Proportions are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
FS   1. ct FP. Rad∷cs PFS. t FE
1. FP FSP 2. ct PFS. s FE∷ Rad. t PE
PFS   3. t PE. Rad.∷s ES. ct PSF
FS-FE=ES   s EF. ct PFS∷s ES. ct PSF
[Page 276] FS   1. cot FS. Rad::cs PFS. t DF
2. FP FPS 2. cot PFS. s DF:: Rad. t DS
PFS   3. t DS. Rad:: s PD. ct SPD
FD - FP=PD   s DF. ct PFS::s PD. ct SPD
FP   1. cot FP. Rad::cos FPC. t PC
3. PS PSF 2. cot FPC. s PC:: Rad. t FC
FPS   3. t FC. Rad:: s CS. cot FSP
PS+PC=CS s PC. ct FPC::s CS. ct FSP
FP   1. cot PS. Rad::cos SPD. t PD
4. PS SFP 2. cot SPD. s PD:: Rad. t DS
FPS   3. t DS Rad:: s FD. cot SFP
FP+PD=FD   s PD. ct SPD::s FD. cot SFP
PS   1. cot PS. Rad:: cs PSF. t SE
5. FS SFP 2. cot PSF. s SE:: Rad. t PE
PSF   3. t PE. Rad:: s FE. cot SFP
FS-SE=FE   s SE. ct PSF::s FE. ct SFP
PS   1. cot FS. Rad::cs PSF. t SC
6. FS FPS 2. cot PSF. s SC:: Rad. t FC
PSF   3. t FC. Rad:: s PC. cot FPC
SC-PS=PC   s SC. cot PSF::s PC. ct FPC

Two Sides and their contained Angle being given, to find the third Side.

The Varieties and Proportions are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
FS   1. ct FP. Rad::cs PFS. t FE
1. FP PS 2. cs FE. cs FP:: Rad. cos PE
PFS   3. Rad. cs PE :: cs ES. cs PS
FS-FE=ES   cs FE. cs FP::cs ES. cs PS
FP   1. ct PS. Rad::cs SPD. t PD
2. SP FS 2. cs PD. cs PS:: Rad. cos DS
FPS   3. Rad. cos DS:: cs FD. cs FS
FP+PD=FD   cs PD. cs PS::cs FD. cs FS
PS   1. ct PS. Rad::cs PSF. t. ES
3. FS FP 2. cs ES. cs PS:: Rad. cos PE
PSF   3. Rad. cos PE:: cos FE. cos FP
FS-ES=FE   cs ES. cs PS::cos FE. cs FP

Two Angles and their contained Side being given, to find one of the other Sides.

Given Required  
PFS   1. ct PFS. Rad::cs FP ct FPE
1. FPS PS 2. ct FP. cs FPE:: Rad. t PE
FP   3. t PE. Rad:: cs EPS. ct PS
FPS-FPE=EPS   cs FPE. ct FP::cs EPS. ct PS
PFS   1. cot FPC. Rad::cs FP. t PFC
2. FPS FS 2. cot FP. cs PFC:: Rad. t FC
FP   3. t FC. Rad:: cs SFC. ct SF
SFP+PFC=SFC   ct FP. cs PFC::cs SFC. ct SF
[Page 278] FPS   1. ct SPD. Rad::cs PS. ct PSD
3. PSF SF 2. ct PS. cos PSD:: Rad. t DS
PS   3. t DS. Rad:: cs FSD. ct SF
PSF+PSD=FSD   cs PSD. ct PS::cs FSD. ct SF
FPS   1. ct PSF. Rad::cs PS. ct SPE
4. PSF FP 2. ct PS. cs SPE:: Rad. t PE
PS   3. t PE. Rad:: cs PPE. ct FP
FPS-EPS=FPE   cs SPE. ct PS::cs FPE. ct FP
PSF   1. ct PSF. Rad::cs SF. ct SFC
5. SFP FP 2. ct SF. cs SFC:: Rad. t FC
SF   3. t FC. Rad:: cs CFP. ct FP
SFC-SFP=CFP   cs SFC. ct SF::cs CFP. ct FP
PSF   1. ct SFP. Rad::cs FS. ct FSD
6. SFP PS 2. ct FS. cs FSD::Rad. t SD
SF   3. t SD. Rad::cos PSD. ct PS
FSD-FSP=PSD   cs FSD. ct FS::cs PSD. ct PS
CASE 10.

Two Angles and the Side between them being given, to find the third Angle.

The Varieties and Proportions are as follow­eth.

Given Required  
SFP   1. ct SFP. Rad::cs FP. ct FPE
1. FPS PSF 2. s FPE. cs F:: Rad. cs PE
FP   3. Rad. cs PE:: s EPS. cs PST
FPS-FPE=EPS   s FPE. cs PFS::s SPE. cs PSF
[Page 279] FPS   1. ct SPD. Rad::cs PS. ct PSD
2. PSF SFP 2. s PSD. cs SPD:: Rad. cs DS
PS   3. Rad. cs DS:: s FSD. cs SFP
PSF+PSD=FSD   s PSD. cs SPD::s FSD. cs SFP
PSF   1. ct PSF. Rad::cs SF. ct SFC
3. SFP FPS 2. s SFC. cs PSF:: Rad. cs FC
SF   3. Rad. cs FC:: s PFC. cs FPS
SFC-SFP=PFC   s SFC. cs PSF::s PFC. cs FPS
CASE 11.

The three Sides being given, to find an Angle.

This Case may be resolved by the Catholick Proposition also, according to the direction of the Lord Nepier, as I have shewed at large in the Second Book of my Trigonometria Britannica, Chap. 2. but may as I conceive be more conveniently solved, by this Proposition following.

As the Rectangle of the Square of the Sides containing the Angle inquired;

Is to the Square of Radius: So is the Rectan­gle of the Square of the difference of each con­taining Side, and the half sum of the three Sides given.

To the Square of the Sine of half the Angle inquired.

In this Case there are three Varieties, as in the Triangle FZP. Fig. 3.

[Page 280]

Given Required  
ZP   s ZP x s PF. Rad. q.
1. PF ZPF s ½ Z-ZP x s ½ Z-PF. Q
FZ   s ½ ZPF
ZP   s PF x s PZ. Rad. q.
2. PF PFZ s ½ Z-PF x s ½ Z-FZ. Q
FZ   s ½ PFZ
ZP   s ZP x s FZ Rad. q.
3. PF FZP s. ½ Z-ZP x ½ Z-ZF. Q
FZ   s ½ FZP
CASE 12.

The three Angles given, to find a Side.

This is the Converse of the last, and to be re­solved after the same manner, if so be we convert the Angles into Sides, by the tenth of the third Chapter: for so the Sides of the Triangle ACD will be equal to the Angles of the Triangle FZP n Fig. 3.

That is
  • AD=AEE the measure of the An­gle ZPF.
  • DC=KM the measure of the An­gle ZFP.
  • AC=HB the Complement of FZP to a Semicircle.
The Angle
  • [Page 281]DAC = QR = ZP.
  • ACD = rM = Hf = Zoe = ZF.
  • ADM = sK = AEl = Ph = PF.

And thus the Sides of the Triangle ZPF are equal to the Angles of the Triangle ACD. The Complement of the greatest Side PF to a Semicircle being taken for the greatest Angle ADC.

And in this Case therefore, as in the preceding, there are three Varieties which make up sixty Pro­blems in every Oblique angled Spherical Trian­gle; which actually to resolve in so many Tri­angles, as have been mentioned, would be both tedious, and to little purpose; I will therefore select some few, that are of most general use in the Doctrine of the Sphere, and leave the rest to thine own practice.


Of such Spherical Problems as are of most General Use in the Doctrine of the Pri­mum Mobile or Diurnal Motion of the Sun and Stars.


The greatest Declination of the Sun being given, to find the Declination of any Point of the Ecliptick.

THe Declination of the Sun or other Star, is his or their distance from the Equator, and as they decline from thence either Northward or Southward; so is their Declination reckoned North or South.

2. The Sun's greatest Declination, which in this and many other Problems is supposed to be given, with the Distance of the Tropicks, Ele­vation of the Equator, and Latitude of the Place, may thus be found.

Take with a Quadrant, the Sun's greatest and least Meridian Altitudes, on the longest and shortest days of the year, which suppose at London to be as followeth. [Page 283]

  • [Page 283]The Sun's
    greatest Meridian H♋. 61.9916
    least Altitude H♑. 14.9416
  • Their difference is the distance of the Tropicks ♋. ♑. 47. 050
  • Half that Difference, is the Sun's greatest Declination AE ♋. 23. 525
  • Which deduct from the Sun's greatest Altitude, the remainer is the height of the Equator HAE. 38. 467
  • The Complement is the height of the Pole AEZ or PR. 51. 533

Now then in the Right angled Spherical Tri­angle ADF in Fig. 1. there being given.

1. The Angle of the Sun's greatest Declina­tion DAF. 23. 525.

2. The Sun's supposed distance from ♈ to ♎ AF. 60 deg.

The Sun's present Declination DF may be found, by the 10 Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Radius

Is to the Sine of DAF. 23. 525.
So is the Sine of AF 60.
To the Sine of DF. 20. 22.


The Sun's groatest Declination, with his Distance from the next AEquinoctial Point being given, to find his Right Ascension.

In the Right angled Spherical Triangle ADF in Fig. 1. Having the Angle of the Sun's great­est Declination DAF. 23. 525. And his sup­posed distance from ♈ or ♎, the Hypotenusa AF. 60. The Right Ascension of the Sun, or Arch of the AEquator, AD may be found, by the ninth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles,

As the Cotang. of the Hypot. AF. 60.
Is to the Radius
So is the Cosine of DAF. 23. 525.
To the Tang. of AD. 57. 80.


To find the Declination of a Planet or Fixed Star with Latitude.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle FPS in Fig. 4. we have given, 1. PS = AE ♋ the greatest Declination of the Ecliptick, 2. The Side FS the Complement of the Stars Latitude from the Ecliptick at K. 3. The Angle PSF the Complement of the Stars Longitude. To find PF the Complement of Declination. By the eighth Case of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles, the Proportions are.

As the Cot. of PS. 23. 525.
Is to the Radius.
So is the Cos. of PSF. 20 deg.
To the Tang. of SE. 22. 25.
FS. 86 deg. - ES. 22. 25. = FE.
63. 75.
As the Cos. of ES. 22. 25. Comp. Arith.
To the Cosine of PS. 23. 525.
So the Cos. FE. 63. 75.
To the Cos. PF. 64. 01.

Whose Complement, is FT. 25. 99. the De­clination sought.


To find the Right Ascension of a Planet, or other Star with Latitude.

The Declination being found by the last Pro­blem, we have in the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle PFS in Fig. 4. All the Sides with the Angle FSP 20 deg. or the Complement of the Stars Longitude. Hence to find FPS by the first Case of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles, I say

As the Sine of PF. 64. 01. Comp. Arith.
Is to the Sine of FSP. 20.
So is the Sine of FS. 86.
To the Sine of FPS. 22. 28.

Whose Complement 67. 72. is the Right Asc. of a Star II. 10. North Lat. 4.


The Poles Elevation, Sun's greatest Declination and Meridian Altitude being given, to find his true place in the Zodiack.

If the Meridian Altitude of the Sun be less than the height of the AEquator, deduct the Me­ridian Altitude from the height of the AEqua­tor, the Remainer is the Sun's Declination to­wards the South Pole: but if the Meridian Al­titude of the Sun be more than the height of the AEquator, deduct the height of the AEquator from the Meridian Altitude, what remaineth, is the Sun's Declination towards the North Pole, in these Northern Parts of the World: the con­trary is to be observed in the Southern Parts.

Then in the Right angled Spherical Triangle ADF in Fig. 1. we have given the Angle FAD the Sun's greatest Declination.

The Leg DF the Sun's present Declination, To find AF the Sun's distance from the next E­quinoctial Point.

Therefore by the Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Sine of FAD. 23. 525. Comp. Ar.
Is to the Sine of DF. 23. 5.
So is the Radius.
To the Sine of AF. 80. 04.


The Poles Elevation and Sun's Declination being given, to find his Amplitude.

The Amplitude of the Sun's rising or setting is an Arch of the Horizon intercepted betwixt the AEquator and the place of the Sun's rising or setting; and it is either Northward or South­ward, the Northward Amplitude is when he riseth or setteth on this Side of the AEquator to­wards the North Pole; and the Southern when he riseth or setteth on that Side of the AEquator which is towards the South Pole: That we may then find the Sun's Amplitude or Distance from the East or West Point, at the time of his rising or setting. In the Right angled Spherical Tri­angle ATM, in Fig. 2. let there be given the Angle TAM. 38. 47. the Complement of the Poles Elevation; and TM. 23. 15. the Sun's present Declination: To find AM the Sun's Amplitude.

By the eleventh Case of Right angled Spheri­cal Triangles.

As the Sine of MAT. 38. 47. Comp. Ar.
Is to the Radim.
So is the Sine of MT. 23. 15.
To the Sine of AM. 39. 19.


To find the Ascensional Difference.

The Ascensional Difference is nothing else, but the Difference between the Ascension of any Point of the Ecliptick in a Right Sphere, and the Ascension of the same Point in an Oblique Sphere; As in Fig. 1. AT is the Ascensional dif­ference between DA the Sun's Ascension in a Right Sphere, and DT the Sun's Ascension in an Oblique Sphere. Now then in the Right angled Spherical Triangle AMT, we have given. The Angle MAT. 38. 47. the Complement of the Poles Elevation. And MT. 23. 15. To find AT the Ascensional difference.

As Rad.
To the Cot. of MAT. 38. 47. Com. Ar.
So is Tang. MT. 23. 55.
To the Sine of AT. 32. 56.


Having the Right Ascension and Ascensional Diffe­rence, to find the Oblique Ascension and Descension.

In Fig. 1. DT represents the Right Ascension, AT the Ascensional Difference. DA the Oblique Ascension which is found by deducting the Ascen­sional Difference AT. from the Right Ascension DT. according to the Direction following.

  • [Page 289]If the Declination be
    • N.
    • North
      • Subt.
      • Add
        • The Ascentional Difference from the Right, and it giveth the Oblique A­scension.
        • The Ascensional Difference to the Right, and it giveth the Oblique Descension.
    • South
      • Add
      • Subt.
        • The Ascensional Difference to the Right, and it giveth the Oblique Ascension.
        • The Ascensional Difference from the Right, and it giveth the Oblique De­scension.
Right Ascension of ♊. 0 deg.
Ascensional Difference
Oblique Ascension ♊. 0 deg.
Oblique Descension ♊. 0 deg.


To find the time of the Sun's rising and setting, with the length of the Day and Night.

The Ascensional Difference of the Sun being added to the Semidiurnal Arch in a Right Sphere, that is, to 90 Degrees in the Northern Signs, or substracted from it in the Southern, their Sum or Difference will be the Semidiurnal Arch, which [Page 290] doubled is the Right Arch, which bisected is the time of the Sun rising, and the Day Arch bisected is the time of his setting.

As when the Sun is in 0 deg. ♊. his Ascensio­nal Difference is 27. 62. which being added to 90 degrees, because the Declination is North, the Sum will be 117.62 the Semidiurnal Arch.

The double whereof is 235.22 the Diurnal Arch, which being converted into time makes 15 hours 41 minutes: for the length of the Day, whose Complement to 24; is 8 hours 19 minutes the length of the Night; the half whereof is 4 hours 9 minutes 30 Seconds the time of the Sun's rising.


The Poles Elevation and the Sun's Declination being given, to find his Altitude at any time assigned.

In this Problem there are three Varieties. 1. When the Sun is in the AEquator., that is, in the beginning of ♈ and ♎ in which case suppo­sing the Sun to be at B, 60 degrees or four hours distant from the Meridian, then in the Right angled Spherical Triangle BZ AE, in Fig. 1. we have given, AE Z, 51. 53. the Poles Elevation, and B AE 60 degrees, to find BZ.

Therefore by the 2 Case of Right angled Sphe­rical Triangles.

As the Radius
To the Cosine of AE Z. 51. 53.
So is the Cosine of B. AE. 60.
To the Cosine of B Z. 71. 88.

Whose Complement BC. 18. 12. is the ☉ Al­titude required.

The second Variety is when the Sun is in the Northern Signs, that is, in ♈. ♉. ♊. ♋. ♌. ♍. in which Case supposing the Sun to be at F in Fig. II Then in the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle FZP, we have given. 1. PZ 38. 47 the Com­plement of the Poles Elevation. 2. FP. 67. 97 the Complement of Declination. 3. ZPF. 45 the Distance of the ☉ from the Meridian, To find FZ.

Therefore by the eighth Case of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Cotang. of ZP. 38. 47.
Is to the Radius.
So is the Cosine of ZPF. 45.
To the Tang. of SP. 29. 33.
Then from FP.
Deduct SP.
There rests FS.
As the Cosine of SP. 29. 33. Comp. Ar.
To the Cosine of PZ. 38. 47.
So is the Cosine of FS. 38. 64.
To the Cosine of FZ. 45. 45.

Whose Complement FC. 44. 55 is the ☉ Alti­tude required.

The third Variety is when the Sun is in the Southern Signs as in ♎. ♏. ♐. ♑. ♒. ♓. And in this Case supposing the ☉ to be ♐ 10 degrees, and his Declination South Db 22. 03. and his Di­stance from the Meridian 45 as before, then in the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle Z bP in Fig. 1. we have given Z P. 38. 47. The Side bP 112. 03. and the Angle ZPb 45. To find Zb.

Therefore by the 8 Case of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Cotang. of ZP. 38. 47.
Is to the Radius.
So is the Cosine of ZPb. 45.
To the Tang. of SP. 29. 33.
Then from bP.
Deduct SP.
There rests bS.
As the Cosine of P S. 29. 33. Comp. Ar.
To the Cosine of ZP. 38. 47.
So the Cosine of bS. 82. 70
To the Cosine of Zb. 83. 45.

Whose Complement 6.55 is the ☉ Altitude required.


Having the Altitude of the Sun, his Distance from the Meridian, and Declination, to find his Azimuth.

The Azimuth of the Sun is an Arch of the Horizon intercepted between the Meridian and the Vertical Line passing by the Sun, being un­derstood by the Angle HZC in Fig. 1. or Arch HC. And in all the Varieties of the last Pro­blem, may be found, by the first Case of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles.

Thus in the Triangle ZBP.

As the Sine of BZ. 71. 88. Comp. Ar.
0.022090 [...]
Is to the Sine of BPZ. 60.
So is the Sine of BP. 90.
To the Sine of BZP. 65. 67.

In the Triangle ZFP. I say.

s. ZF. s. ZPF▪ :: s. FP. s. FZP.

In the Triangle ZbP. I say.

Sine Zb. Sine ZPb :: Sine bP. Sine bZP.


The Poles Elevation, with the Sun's Altitude and Declination given, to find his Azimuth.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle FZP in Fig. 1. let there be given.

1. FP. 67. 97 the Complement of the ☉ De­clination.

2. ZP. 38. 47 the Complement of the Poles Elevation.

3. FZ. 45. 46 the Complement of the ☉ Al­titude.

And let the Angle FZP the ☉ Azimuth be required.

By the 11 Case of Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Sine ZP x Sine FZ, Is to the Square of Radius.

So is the Sine 1/2 Z of the Sides ZP x 1/2 Z cr—ZF.

To the Square of the Sine of half the Angle FZP.

The Sum of the three Sides is 151.89

The half Sum is 75.945 from which deduct PZ 38. 47. The difference is 37.475 And the Difference between 75.945 and FZ is 30. 495.

Sine of PZ. 38. 47. Comp. Ar.
Sine of FZ. 45. 45. Comp. Ar.
s. 1/2 Z cr—PZ. 37. 475.
s. 1/2 Z cr—FZ. 30. 495.
Square of the Sine of 1/2 FZP.
Sine of 57. 94.

The double whereof is 115.88 the ☉ Azimuth from the North. And the Complement 64.12, is the ☉ Azimuth from the South.


To find the Point of the Ecliptick Culminating, and its Altitude.

Before we can know what Sign and Degree of the Ecliptick is in the Medium Coeli; we must find the Right Ascension thereof, to do which, we must add the Sun's Right Ascension to the time afternoon, being reduced into Degrees and Minutes of the AEquator, the Sum is the Right Ascension of the Medium Coeli.

Example. Let the time given, be March the 20. 1674. at one of the Clock in the After­noon.

At which time the Sun's place is in ♈. 10 deg. 23 Centesms.

To find the Right Ascension thereof, in the Right angled Spherical T [...]iangle ADF in Fig. 1. we have given; The Angle of the Sun's great­est Declination DAF 23. 525 and the Sun's di­stance from the next Equinoctial Point AF 10. 23.

Therefore by the ninth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As the ct. AF. 10. 23.
Is to Radius.
So is cs DAF 22. 525.
To t AD 9. 39.

To which adding the Equinoctial Degrees an­swering to one hour, viz. 15. the Sum is 24.39 the Right Ascension of the Mid Heaven. Hence to find the Point culminating; in the Right angled Spherical Triangle ADF in Fig. 1. we have given AD 24. 39 and DAF 23. 525 to find AF.

Therefore by the fifth Case of Right Angled Spherical Triangles.

As t AD 24. 39.
Is to Radius.
So is cs DAF 23. 525.
To ct. AF 26. 31.

Therefore the Point culminating is ♈ 26. 31.

To find the Altitude thereof above the Hori­zon we have given in the same Triangle DAF 23. 525. and AF 26. 31. to find DF.

Therefore by the tenth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As Radius.
Is to s AF—26, 31.
So is s DAF 23. 525.
To the s DF 10. 19.

[Page 297] Which is the North Declination of the Point of the Ecliptick culminating, and being added to the height of the AEquator at London 38. 47 the Sum is 48.66 the Altitude of the Mid Heaven as was required.


Having the greatest obliquity of the Ecliptick together with the Distance of the Point given from the Equinoctial, to find the Meridian Angle, or Intersection of the Meridian with the Ecliptick.

Having drawn the Primitive Circle HZRN in Fig. 5. representing the Meridian, and the two Diameters HAR, and ZAN, set off the height of the Pole from R to P. 51. 53, and from N to S, and draw the Diameters PAS for the Axis of the World, and AE AQ for the AEquator; this done, the Right Ascension of the Mid Heaven being given, as in the last Problem 24.39 with the Point culminating. ♈. 26.31, and the Declination thereof 10.19, if you set 10 deg. 19 Centesmes from AE to F and e to X, you may draw the Dia­meters FAX and cAd at Right Angles thereun­to, and because the Imum Coeli is directly opposite to the Point culminating, that is, in ♎ 26.31, if you set 26.31 from X to b, a Ruler laid from c to b will cut the Diameter FX in G, and then making Xh Z Xb you have the three Points b G h, by which to draw that Circle, which will cut the AE­quator AE AQ in ♎, and so you have the three Points XF by which to describe the Arch of the Ecliptick ♈ F ♎ X.

[Page 298] And in the Right angled Spherical Triangle ♈ AEF we have given. The Angle AEF. 23.525 the Sun's greatest Declination, and ♈ F. 26. 31. the Point culminating, to find the Angle ♈ F AE.

Therefore by the seventh Case of Right ang­led Spherical Triangles.

As the ct AE ♈ F. 23. 525.
Is to the Radius.
So is the csF. 26. 31.
To the cot.FAE. 68. 60.

Which is the Angle of the Ecliptick with the Meridian.


To find the Angle Orient, or Altitude of the Nona­gesime Degree of the Ecliptick.

In Fig. 5. the Pole of the Ecliptick ♈ FX is at m, and so you have the three Points Z m N to draw the Vertical Circle Z k N cutting the Ecliptick at Right Angles in the Point a: And then in the Right angled Spherical Triangle F a Z, we have given; FZ 41. 34 the Comple­ment of FH the Altitude of the Mid Heaven; And the Angle a FZ 68. 68 the Angle of the Ecliptick with the Meridian. To find Z a.

Therefore by the tenth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

[Page 299] As the Radius.

To the Sine of FZ. 41. 34.
9.819889 [...]
So is the Sine of Z F a. 68. 68.
To the Sine of Z a. 37. 97.

Whose Complement is ak the Measure of the Angle agk 52. 03 the Angle of the Ecliptick with the Horizon, or Altitude of the Nonagesime Degree.


To find the place of Nonagosime Degree of the Ecliptick.

In Fig. 5. F represents the Point of the Eclip­tick in the Mid Heaven, which according to Pro­blem 14 is ♈. 26.31 which being known, in the Triangle FZa, we have also given, FZ 41. 34 and the Angle ZFa. 68. 68. To find Fa.

Therefore by the ninth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As the cot. of FZ. 41. 34.
Is to the Radius.
So is the cos. of ZFa. 6. 8. 6. 8.
To the tang. of Fa. 17. 73.

Which being added to ♈ F 26. 31 the sum is ♈ a. 44. 04 the place of the Nonagesime Degree of the Ecliptick at a.


The Mid Heaven being given, to find the Points of the Ecliptick Ascending and Descending.

Having found by the last Problem, the place of Nonagesime Degree of the Ecliptick at a to be in ♉. 14.04, if you add 90 Degrees or three Signs thereto, the Ascendant at g will be in ♌ 14. 04, and the Point descending by adding of six Signs will be in ♒ 14. 02. But these with the Cusps of the other Houses of Heaven may be otherwise found in this manner.

To the Right Ascension of the Medium Coeli or the tenth House, add 30, it giveth the Ascen­sion of the eleventh House, to which adding 90 Degrees more, it giveth the Ascension of the twelfth House, &c. According to which dire­ction, the Ascensions of the six Houses towards the Orient, are here set down in the following Table.

10. 24.39
11. 54.39
12. 84.39
1. 114.39
2. 144.39
3. 174.39

Now because the Circles of Position must according to these Directions cut the AEquator at 30 and 30 Degrees above the Horizon, if in Fig. 5. you set 30 Degrees from AE to n, and n to r. A Ruler laid from P to n and r, shall cut the AEquator at B and K, and then you may describe the Circles of Position HBR and HKR, make AT = AK and AV= AB, and so you may describe the Circles HTR and HVR, and where these Circles do cut the [Page 301] Arch of the Ecliptick ♈ F ♎ there are the Cusps of the Coelestial Houses.

Thus a Ruler laid from m. the Pole of the E­cliptick to the Intersections ct s. t. g. [...]. will cut the Primitive Circle in [...]. and the Ar­ches [...] = Fs. [...] = Ft. [...] = Fg. [...] = [...]. and [...] = [...] being added to [...] B will give you the Cusps of the 11. 12. 1. 2 and 3 Houses, the o­ther six are the same Degrees and Parts in the Opposite Signs.

Thus a Figure in Heaven may be erected by Projection, the Arithmetical Computation now followeth; In which the height of the Pole above each Circle of Position is required, the which in the Projection is easily found; as the Pole of the Circle of Position HBR is at the Point D. and so you have the three Points S, D, P, to describe that Circle by, which will cut the Circle HBR at Right Angles in the Point C. and the Arch PC is the height of the Pole above that Circle of Po­sition, and may be measured by the Directions given in the nineteenth of the third Chapter.

In like manner the height of the Pole above the Circle of Position HKR, will be the Arch PE.

To compute the same Arithmetically in the Right angled Spherical Triangle HAEB in Fig. 5. we have given AEH. 38. 47 the height of the Equator. AEB 30. the difference of Ascension be­tween the 10 and 11 Houses, to find HBAE the Angle of that Equator with the Circle of Posi­tion.

Therefore by the first Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

As the Tang. of H AE, 38. 47.
Is to the Radius.
So is the Sine of AE B. 30
To the Cotang. of AE B H. 57. 81626.

Whose Measure in the Scheme is EC, and the Complement thereof is CP. 32. 18374 the height of the Pole required.

Therefore the height of the Pole above the Circle of Position HKR. In the Triangle HAEK, we have given, H AE as before, and AE K. 60 to find HKAE. Therefore.

As the Tang. of H AE 38. 47.
Is to the Radius.
So is the Sine of AE K 60.
To the Cotang. of HK AE 42. 53308.

Whose Measure in the Scheme is GL, and the Complement thereof is PL 47. 46692. the height of the Pole required.

The height of the Pole above HDR is the same with HBR, and the height of the Pole a­bove HTR is the same with HKR.

Having found the Ascensions of the several Houses together with the Elevation of the Pole above their Circles of Position, in the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle ♈ BS, we have given.

1. The Angle ♈ BS the Complement of HBAE.

2. The Angle B ♈ S. 23. The Sun's greatest Declination.

3. Their included Side ♈ B. 54. 39 the As­cension of the eleventh House. To find ♈ S the [Page 303] Point of the Ecliptick, which is resolvable by the ninth Case of Right angled Spherical Triangles.

But in my Trigonometria Britannica, Problem. 5. for the resolving of Oblique angled Spherical Triangles, I have shewed how this Case as to our present purpose may be resolved, by these Pro­portions following.

  • 1. s 1/2 Z Ang. s 1/2 X Ang :: t 1/2 ♈ B. t 1/2 X Cru.
  • 2. cs 1/2 Z Ang. cs 1/2 X Ang :: t 1/2 ♈ B. t 1/2 Z Cru.
  • 1/2 Z Cru + 1/2 X Cru=♈ S the Arch of the E­cliptick desired.
For the Cusp of the Eleventh House.
  • T B Arch ♈ B. 4439 the half whereof is 27. 195.
  • ♈ B S. 122. 18374.
  • B ♈ S. 23. 525.
  • Z 145.70874—1/2 Z 72. 85437.
  • X. 198.65874—1/2 X. 49. 32937.
s 1/2 Z. 72. 85437. Comp. Arith.
s 1/2 X. 49. 32937.
t 1/2 ♈ B. 27. 195.
t 1/2 X Cru. 22. 192.
2. Operation.
cs. 1/2 Z. 72. 85437. Comp. Arith.
ss 1/2 X. 49. 32937.
t 1/2 ♈ B. 27. 195.
t 1/2 Z Cru. 48. 611.

1. Arch. 22. 192. Their Sum is 70.803 the Point of the Ecliptick.

cs. ½ Z. 82. 51916. Comp. Arish.
cs ½ X. 59. 00416.
t. ½ ♈ A. 57. 195.
t▪ ½ Z Cru: 78. 397.

1. Arch—53. 296. Their Sum 121.693 is the Point of the Ecliptick for the Ascendant.

For the Cusp of the Second House.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle ♈ T [...]. we have given,

1. ♈ T. 144. 39.
The half whereof is 72. 195.
2. ♈ T [...]. 122. 18374
To find [...]. The An­gles are the same with those of the Twelfth House. Therefore.
3. T [...] y. 23. 525
s. ½ Z. 80. 49596. Comp. Arith.
s ½ X. 56. 97096.
Their Sum
t ½ ♈ T. 72. 195.
t ½ X Cru. 69. 306.
2. Operation.
cs ½ Z 80. 49596. Comp. Arith.
cs ½ X 56. 97096.
Their Sum
t ½ ♈ T. 72. 195.
t ½ Z Cru. 84. 34.

1. Arch. 69. 306. Their Sum is 53.740 is the Point of the Ecliptick for the Second House.

For the Cusp of the Third House.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle ♈ [...], we have,

1. ♈ [...]. 174. 39. The half whereof is 87. 195. The Angls ♈ [...] and [...] [...] are the same with those of the Eleventh House.

s ½ Z. 72. 85437. Comp. Arith.
s ½ [...] 49. 32937.
Their Sum
t ½ [...]. 87. 195.

For the Eleventh House.

For the Cusp of the Twelfth House.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle ♈ KF, we have given.

1. [...] K. 84. 39.
The half whereof is. 42. 195.
2. ♈ Kt. 137.46692
3. K ♈ t. 23.525
To find ♈ t.
Z. 160.99192
½ Z. 80.49596
X. 113.94192
½ X. 56.97096
s ½ Z. 80. 49596. Comp. Arith.
s ½ X. 56. 97096.
t ½ ♈ K. 42. 195.
t ½ X Cru. 37. 625.
2. Operation.
cs. ½ Z. 80. 49596. Comp. Arith.
cs ½ X. 56. 97096.
t ½ ♈ K. 42. 195.
t ½ Z Cru. 71. 496.

1. Arch. 37. 625. Their Sum 113.6691 is the Point of the Ecliptick for the Twelfth House.

For the Cusp of the Ascendant.

In the Oblique angled Spherical Triangle ♈ AG we have,

1. ♈ A. 114. 39.
The half whereof is 57. 195.
2. ♈ AZ. 141. 5333.
The Complement of HAAE 38. 46667.
3. A [...] y. 23. 525.
Z. 165.05833
½ Z. 82.51916
X. 118.00833
½ X. 59.00416
s. ½ Z. 82. 51916. Comp. Arith.
0.0037162 [...]
s. ½ X. 59. 00416.
t ½ ♈ A. 57. 195.
t ½ X. 53. 296.
2. Operation.
t ½ X Cru. 86. 468.
2. Operation.
cs ½ Z. 72. 85437. Comp. Arith.
cs ½ X. 49. 32937.
Their Sum
t ½ ♈ [...]. 87. 195.
t ½ X Cru. 88. 729.

1. Arch. 86. 468. Their Sum 175.197 is the Point of the Ecliptick for the Third House.

And thus we have not only erected a Figure for the Time given, but composed a Table for the general erecting of a Figure in that Eatitude; for by adding together the first and second Num­bers in each Proportion for the first, second and third Houses there is composed two Numbers for each House, to each of which the Artificial Tan­gent of half the Ascension of each House being added, their Aggregates are the Tangents of two Arches, which being added together, do give the distance of the Cusp of the House, from the first Point of Aries, as in the preceding Ope­rations hath been shewed.

Only note, That if the Ascension of any House be more than a Semicircle, you must take the Tangent of half the Complement to a whole Circle. And to find the Cusp of the House, you must also take the Complement of the Sum of the Arches added together.

The Numbers according to the former Ope­rations which do constitute a Table of Houses for the Latitude of London. 51. 53 are as follow­eth.

[Page 308]

  11 and 3 Houses Ascendant 12 and 2 Houses
1. Oper. 9.89978389 9.93685106 9.92953314
2. Oper. 10.34408137 10.59682651 10.51798788

The Six Oriental Houses, by the preceding Operations.

The opposite Hou­ses are in the op­posite Signs and Degrees.
  • 10 House ♈ 26.311
  • 11 House ♊ 10.803
  • 12 House ♋ 23.691
  • Ascendant ♌ 11.693
  • 2 House ♏ 3.740
  • 3 House ♏ 25.197
  • 4 House ♎ 26.311
  • 5 House ♐ 10.803
  • 9 House ♑ 23.691
  • 7 House ♒ 11.693
  • 8 House ♓ 3.740
  • 9 House ♓ 25.197

A Figure of the Twelve Coelestial Houses.



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ASTRONOMY. THE Second Part: OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE Civil Year, With the Reason of the Difference Between the JULIAN & GREGORIAN Calendars, And the manner of Compu­ting the Places of the SVN and MOON.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Passinger, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge. 1679.

The Second Book.


Of the Year Civil and Astronomical.

HAving shewed the Motion of the Pri­mum Mobile, or Doctrine of the Sphere, which I call the Absolute Part of Astronomy; I come now un­to the Comparative, that is, to shew the Motion of the Stars in reference to some cer­tain Distinction of Time.

2. And the Distinction of Time is to be con­sidered either according to Nature, or according to Institution.

[Page 312] 3. The Distinction of Time according to Na­ture, is that space of Time, in which the Planets do finish their Periodical Revolutions from one certain Point in the Zodiack, to the same again, and this in reference to the Sun is called a Year, in reference to the Moon a Month.

4. The Sun doth pass through the Zodiack in 365 Days, 5 Hours, and 49 Minutes. And the Moon doth finish her course in the Zodiack, and return into Conjunction with the Sun, in 29 Days, 12 hours, 44 Minutes, and 4 Seconds. And from the Motion of these two Planets, the Civil Year in every Nation doth receive its Institu­tion.

5. Twelve Moons or Moneths is the measure of the Common Year, in Turkey in every Moneth they have 29 or 30 Days, in the whole Year 354 Days, and in every third Year 355 Days.

6. The Persians and Egyptians do also account 12 Moneths to their Year; but their moneths are proportioned to the Time of the Suns con­tinuance in every of the Twelve Signs; in their Year therefore which is Solar, there are always 365 Days, that is eleven Days more than the Lu­nar Year.

7. And the Iulian Year which is the Account of all Christendom, doth differ from the other in this; that by reason of the Sun's Excess in Moti­on above 365 Days, which is 5 Hours, 49 Minutes, it hath a Day intercalated once in 4 Years, and by this intercalation, it is more agreeable to the Motion of the Sun, than the former, and yet there is a considerable difference between them, which hath occasioned the Church of Rome to make some further amendment of the Solar [Page 313] Year, but hath not brought it to that exactness, which might be wished.

8. This intercalation of one Day once in 4 Years, doth occasion the Sunday Letter still to al­ter till 28 Years be gone about; The Days of the Week which use to be signed by the seven first Letters in the Alphabet, do not fall alike in eve­ry Common Year, but because the Year consisteth of 52 Weeks and one Day, Sunday this Year will fall out upon the next Year's Monday, and so for­ward for seven years, but every fourth year con­sisting of 52 weeks and two days, doth occasion the Sunday Letter to alter, till four times seven years, that is till 28 years be gone about. This Revolution is called the Cycle of the Sun, taking its name from the Sunday Letter, of which it sheweth all the Changes that it can have by rea­son of the Bissextile or Leap-year. To find which of the 28 the present is, add nine to the year of our Lord, (because this Circle was so far gone about, at the time of Christs Birth) and di­vide the whole by 28, what remaineth is the present year, if nothing remain the Cycle is out, and that you must call the last year of the Cycle, or 28.

9. This Intercalation of one day in four years, doth occasion the Letter F to be twice repeated in February, in which Moneth the day is added, that is, the Letter F is set to the 24 and 25 days of that Moneth, and in such a year S. Matthias day is to be observed upon the 25 day, and the next Sunday doth change or alter his Letter, from which leaping or changing, such a year is called Leap-year, aud the number of days in each Moneth is well expressed by these old Verses.

[Page 314] Thirty days hath September, April, June and No­vember.

February hath 28 alone, All the rest have thirty and one.

But when of Leap-year cometh the Time,
Then days hath February twenty and nine.

That this year is somewhat too long, is ac­knowledged by the most skilful Astronomers, as for the number of days in a year the Emperours Mathematicians were in the right, for it is cer­tain, that no year can consist of more than 365 days, but for the odd hours it is as certain that they cannot be fewer than five, nor yet so many as six; so then the doubt is upon the minutes, 60 whereof do make an hour, a small matter one would think, but how great in the consequence we shall see. The Emperours year being more than 10 minutes greater than the Suns, will in 134 years rise to one whole day, and by this means the Vernal or Spring Equinox, which in Iulius Caesar's time was upon the 24 of March, is now in our time upon the 10 of March, 13 days backward, and somewhat more, and so if it be let alone will go back to the first of March, and first of February, and by degrees more and more backward still.

10. To reform this difference, some of the late Roman Bishops have earnestly endeavoured. And the thing was brought to that perfection it now standeth, by Gregory the Thirteenth, in the year 1582. His Mathematicians, whereof Lili­us was the Chief, advised him thus: That con­sidering there had been an Agitation in the [Page 315] Council of Nice somewhat concerned in this matter upon the motion of that Question, about the Celebration of Easter. And that the Fa­thers of the Assembly, after due deliberation with the Astronomers of that time, had fixed the Vernal Equinox at the 21 of March, and con­sidering also that since that time a difference of ten whole days had past over in the Calendar, that is, that the Vernal Equinox, which began upon the 21 of March, had prevented so much, as to begin in Gregorie's days at the 10 of the same, they advised, that 10 days should be cut off from the Calendar, which was done, and the 10 days taken out of October in the year 1582. as being the moneth of that year in which that Pope was born; so that when they came to the fifth of the moneth they reckoned the 15, and so the Equinox was come up to its place a­gain, and happened upon the 21 of March, as at the Council of Nice.

But that Lilius should bring back the begin­ning of the year to the time of the Nicene Council and no further, is to be marvelled at, he should have brought it back to the Emperours own time, where the mistake was first entered, and instead of 10, cut off 13 days; however this is the reason why these two Calendars differ the space of 10 days from one another. And thus I have given you an account of the year as it now stands with us in England, and with the rest of the Christian World in respect of the Sun, some o­ther particulars there are between us and them which do depend upon the motion of the Moon, as well as of the Sun, and for the better under­derstanding of them, I will also give you a brief [Page 316] account of her revolution. But first I will shew you, how the day of the moneth in any year pro­pounded in one Couutry, may be reduced to its correspondent time in another.

11. Taking therefore the length of the year, to be in several Nations as hath been before de­clared, if we would find what day of the moneth in one Conntry is correspondent to the day of that moneth given in another, there must be some beginning to every one of these Accounts, and that beginning must be referred to some one, as to the common measure of the rest.

12. The most natural beginning of All Ac­counts, is the time of the Worlds Creation, but they who could not attain to the Worlds Begin­ning, have reckoned from their own, as the Ro­mans from the building of Rome, the Greeks from their Olympicks, the Assyrians from Nabonassar, and all Christians from the Birth of Christ: the beginning of which and all other the most nota­ble Epochaes, we have ascertained to their corre­spondent times in the Julian Period, which Sca­liger contrived by the continual Multiplication of those Circles, all in former time of good use, and two of them do yet remain; the Circles yet in use are those of the Sun and Moon, the one, to wit, the Sun, is a Circle of 28 years, and the Cir­cle of the Moon is 19, as shall be shewed here­after. The third Circle which now serves for no other use than the constituting of the Julian Period, is the Roman Indiction, or a Circle of 15 years; if you multiply 28 the Circle of the Sun, by 19 the Circle of the Moon, the Product is 532, which being multiplied by 15, the Circle of the Roman Indiction, the Product is 7980, the [Page 317] Number of years in the Julian Period: whose admirable condition is to distinguish every year within the whole Circle by a several certain Cha­racter, the year of the Sun, Moon, and Indiction being never the same again until the revolution of 7980 years be gone about, the beginning of this Period was 764 Julian years before the most reputed time of the Worlds Creation; which being premised, we will now by Example shew you how to reduce the years of Forreigners to our Julian years, and the contrary.

1. Example.

I desire to know at what time in the Turkish Account, the fifth of Iune in the year of our Lord 1640. doth fall.

The Julian years complete are 1648, and are thus turned into days, by the Table of days in Julian years.

1000 Julian years give days
600 Julian years give days▪
40 Julian years give days
8 Years give days
May complete
The Sum is

Now because the Turkish Account began Iuly 16. Anno Christi. 622. you must convert these years into days also.

600 Julian years give days
20 Years give days
1 Year giveth days
Iune complete
The Sum is
Which being substracted from
There resteth days
900 Turkish years give days
There resteth
150 Turkish years give days
There resteth
8 Turkish years give days
There resteth
Giumadi. 4.
There resteth

Therefore the fifth of Iune 1649. in our En­glish Account doth fall in the year 1058. of Ma­homet, or the Turkish Hegira, the fourth day of the moneth Giumadi. 11

2. Example.

I desire to know upon what day of our Julian year the 17 day of the moneth in the 1069 year complete of the Persian Account from Ieshagile doth fall.

The beginning of this Epocha is from the Epo­cha of Christ in complete days
1000 Persian years give
60 Years give
9 Years give
Chortal complete
Days complete
The Sum
1000 Julian years Substracted
There rests
700 Julian years
There rests

Therefore it falls out in the Julian year from Christ 1700. the fifth day of Ianuary.

He that understands this may by the like me­thod convert the years of other Epochas, into our Julian years and the contrary.

The Anticipation of the Gregorian Calendar is more easily obtained, for if you enter the Ta­ble with the years of Christ complete, you have the days to be added to the time in the Julian Account, to make it answer to the Gregorian, which will be but ten days difference till the year 1700. and then the difference will be a day more, until the year 1800. and so forward three days difference more in every 400 years to come, un­less our year shall be reformed as well as theirs.


Of the Cycle of the Moon, what it is, how placed in the Calendar, and to what pur­pose.

THat the Civil Year in use with us and all Christians, doth consist of 365 days, and every fourth year of 366, hath been already shew­ed, with the return of the Sunday Letter in 28 years. In which time the Moon doth finish her course in the Zodiack no less than twelve times, which twelve Moons, or 354 days, do fall short of the Sun's year, eleven days in every common year, and twelve in the Bissextile or Leap-year.

And by Observation of Meton an Athenian, it was found out about 432 years before Christ, that the Moon in nineteen years did return to be in Conjunction with the Sun on the self same day, and this Circle of nineteen years is called the Cy­cle of the Moon, which being written in the Ca­lendar against the day in every Moneth, in which the Moon did change, in Letters of Gold, was also called the Golden Number, or from the excellent use thereof, which was at first, only to find the New Moons in every Moneth for ever, but a­mongst Christians it serveth for another purpose also, even the finding of the time when the Feast of Easter is to be observed. The New Moons by this Number are thus found. In the first year of the Circle, or when the Golden Number is 1, where the Number 1 was set in the Ca­lendar in any Moneth, that day is New Moon, in [Page 319] the second Year where you find the golden Num­ber 2, in the third Year where you find the gol­den Number 3, and so forward till the whole Circle be expired; then you must begin with one again, and run through the whole Circle as be­fore.

2. And the reason why the Calendar begins with the golden Number 3, not 1, is this. The Christians in Alexandria had used this Circle of the Moon two Years before the Nicene Council. And in the first of these Years the new Moon next to the Vernal Equinox was upon the 27th Day of the Egyptian month Phamenoth answering to the 23d of our March, against that Day therefore they placed the golden Number 1. And because there are 29 Days and a half from one new Moon to another, they made the distance be­tween the new Moons to be interchangeably 29 and 30 Days, and so they placed the same gol­den Number against the 26 Day of Phurmuthi the Month following, and against the 26 Day of the Month Pachon and so forward, and upon this ground by the like progression was the golden Number set in the Roman Calendar; and so the golden Number 1 by their example was set a­gainst March 23. April 21. Iune 19. Iuly 19. August 17. September 16. October 15. Novem­ber 14. December. 13. But then because in the following Year the golden Number was 2. reckon­ing 30 Days from the 13th of December, the golden Number 2 was set to Innuary 12. Febru­ary 10. March 12. April 10. May 10. Iune 8. Iuly 8. August 6. September 5. October 4. November 3. December. 2. From whence reckon­ing 13 Days as before, the golden Number 3 [Page 320] comes in course for the third Year to be set against the first of Ianuary.

But that you may know how the golden Num­ber comes to be distributed in the Calendar ac­cording to the form in which it now is, you must consider that in 19 Solar Years there are not only 228 Lunar Months or 12 times 19 Lunar Months but 235 for the 11 Days which the com­mon Solar Year doth exceed the Lunar, do in 19 Years arise to 209 Days, out of which there may be appointed 7 Months, 6 whereof will con­tain 30 Days apiece, and one Month 29 days; and these 7 Months are called Embolismical Months, because by a kind of injection or interposition they are reckoned in some of the 19 Years. And those Years in which they are reckoned are called Embolismical Years, to distinguish them from the common Years which always contain 354 Days, whereas 6 of these Embolismical Years do each of them contain 384 Days, and the seventh Embo­lismical Year in which the Month of 29 Days is reckoned, doth contain 383 Days.

3. The Embolismical Years in the Cycle of the Moon are properly these Seven. 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19. because in the third Year 11 Days being thrice reckoned do amount to 33 Days, that is one Month of 30 Days and 3 Days over. A­gain in the sixth Year the 11 Days which the So­lar exceed the Lunar, being thrice numbred, do amount to 33 Days. which with the 3 Days for­merly reserved do make 36 Days, that is one Month of 30 Days and 6 Days over. Again in the Ninth Year there are also 33 Days, to which the 6 Days reserved being added, there will a­rise one Month more and 9 Days over. But in [Page 321] the Eleventh Year twice 11 Days being added to the 9 Days reserved, do make 31 Days, that is, one Month of 30 days and one day over, which be­ing added to the supernumerary days in the four­teenth Year do make another Month of 30 Days and 4 Days over, and these being added to the supernumerary Days in the sevententh Year do make another Month of 30 and 7 Days over, and these 7 Days being added to the 22 supernu­merary Days in the Ninteenth Year of the Moons Cycle do make another Month of 29 Days.

4. But because there are 6939 Days and 18 Hours in 19 Solar Years, that is, 4 Days 18 Hours more then in the common and Embolismical Lu­nar Years, in which the excess between the Lu­nar and the Solar Year is supposed to be no more then 11 Days in each Year, whereas in every fourth Year the excess is one Day more, that is, 12 Days, that is, in 16 Years 4 Days, and in the remaining 3 Years three fourths of a day more. And that the new Moons after 19 Lunar Years or 235 Lunations do not return to the same days again, but want almost 5 days, it is evident that the civil Lunations do not agree with the Astro­nomical and that there must be yet some kind of intercalation used.

5. Now therefore in distributing the golden Number throughout the Calendar. If the new Moons should interchangeably consist of 30 and 29 days, and so but 228 Lunations in 19 Years; we might proceed in the same order in which we have begun, and by which as hath been shewed the third Year of the Golden Number falls upon the Calends of Ianuary. But for as much as there are first six Lunations of 30 days apiece and [Page 322] one of 29 days to be interposed, therefore there must be 6 times 2 Lunations together consisting of 30 days and once three Lunations of 29 days. And that respect may be also had to the Bissextile days, although they are not exprest in the Calen­dar, that Lunation which doth contain the Bis­sertile day, if it should have been 29 days, it must be 30, if it should have consisted of 30 days it must consist of 31.

6. And because it was thought convenient, as hath been shewed, to begin with the third Year of the Cycle of the Moon, because the Golden Num­ber 3 is set to the Calends of Ianuary, therefore in this Cycle the Embolismical Years are, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19. But yet that it may ap­pear, that these Years are in effect the same, as if we had begun with the first Year of the Gol­den Number, save only that the eighth Year in­stead of the ninth is to be accounted Embolismi­cal, I have added the Table follwing, in which it is apparent that the former Embolismical years do agree with these last mentioned.

7. But as I said before, it was thought more convenient to begin the account from the num­ber 3 set to the Calends of Ianuary, because by so reckoning 30 and 29 days to each Lunation interchangeably, the same Number 3 falls upon Ianuary 31. March 1, and 31. April 29. May 29. Iune 27. Iuly 27. August 25. September 14. October 23. November 22. December 21. As if the Lunar years were compleated upon the 20 of December there remain just 11 Days, which the Solar years doth exceed the Lunar.

8. And by ranking on and accounting 4 for the Golden Number of the next year, you will [Page 323] find it set on Ianuary 20, February 18, March 20, April 18, May 18, Iune 16, Iuly 16, August 14, September 13, Octob. 12, No­vemb. 11, Decemb. 10.

Cycle of the Moon. Cycle of the Moon. Embolismical Years. Number of Days.
1 3   354
2 4   354
3 5 Embol. 384
4 6   354
5 7   354
6 8 Embol. 384
7 9   354
8 10   354
9 11 Embol. 384
10 12   354
11 13 Embol. 384
12 14   354
13 15   354
14 16 Embol. 384
15 17   354
16 18   354
17 19 Embol. 384
18 1   354
19 2 Embol. 384

9. But in going on, and taking 5 for the Golden Number in the third year, we must remember that that is an Embolis­mical Year, and therefore that some­where there must be 2 Months together of 30 days. And for this reason the Gol­den Number 5, is set to Ianuary 9, Febru­ary 7, March 9, April 7, May 7, Iune 5, Iuly 5, August 3, Se­ptember 2, as also up­on the second day of October, and not up­on the first, that so there may be 2 Luna­tions together of 30, and the same Num­ber 5 is also set to the thirty first of October, to make the Lunation to consist of 29 days, and to the thirtieth of November in­stead of the twenty ninth, that so a Lunation of [Page 324] 30 may again succeed as it ought.

10. In like manner in the sixth Year, having gone through the fourth and fifth as common years, you may see the Golden Number 8 set to the fifth of April, which should have been upon the fourth, and in the ninth Year the Golden Number 11 is set to the second of February which should have been upon the first.

And there is a particular reason, for which these numbers are otherwise placed from the eighth of March to the fifth of April, namely, that all the paschal Lunations may consist of 29 days: For thus from the eighth of March to the sixth of April, to both which days the Golden Number is 16, there are but 29 days. And from the ninth of March to the seventh of April, to both which days the Golden Number is 5, there are also 29 days, and so of the rest till you come to the fifth of April, which is the last Paschal Lunation, as the eighth of March is the first, but at any other time of the Year, the length of the Month in the Embolismical Year, may be fixed as you please.

12. And in this manner in the 17 years, in which the lunations of the whole Circle are fi­nished, and in which the Golden Number is 19, the Month of Iuly is taken at pleasure, to the thir­tieth day whereof is set the Golden Number 19, which should have been upon the thirty first, and the same Number being notwithstanding placed upon the twenty eighth of August, that by the two Lunations of 29 days together, it might be understood, that the seventh Embolismical Month consisting of 29 days is there inserted, instead of a Month of 30 days. In which place the Em­bolismical or leaping Year of the Moon may [Page 325] plainly be observed for that year is one day less than the rest, which the Moon doth as it were pass over. The which one day is again added to the 29 days of the last Month, that we may by that means come, as in other Years, to the Gol­den Number, which sheweth the New Moon in Ianuary following. And for this reason the E­pact then doth not consist of 11 but of 12 days. And thus you see the reason, for which the Gol­den Numbers are thus set in the Calendar as here you see. In which we may also observe, that every following Number is made by adding 8 to the Number preceding, and every preceding Num­ber is also made by adding 11 to the Number next following, and casting away 19 when the addition shall exceed it.

For Example, if you add 8 to the Golden Number 3 set against the first of Ianuary, it ma­keth 11, to which add 8 more and it maketh 19, to which adding 8 it maketh 27, from which substracting 19 the remainer is 8, to which again adding 8, the sum is 19, to which adding 8 the sum is 24, from which deducting 19 the remainer is 5, and so of the rest. In like manner receding backward, to the 5 add 11 they make 16, to the 16 add 11 they make 27, from which deducting 19 the remainer is 8, to which 11 being added the same is 19, to which 11 being added the sum is 30, from which deducting 19 the remainer is 11, to which 11 being added the sum is 22, from which deducting 19 the remainer is 3. And by this we may see that every following number will be in use 8 years after the preceding, and every prece­ding Number will be in use 11 years after the fol­lowing, that is, the same will return to be in use after [Page 326] 8 Years and 11, and the other after 11 Years and 8, or once in 19 years.


Of the Vse of the Golden Number in finding the Feast of Easter.

THe Cycle of the Moon or Golden Number is a circle of 19 years, as hath been said al­ready, which being distributed in the Calendar as hath been shewn in the last Chapter, doth shew the day of the New Moon for ever; though not exactly: But the use for which it was chiefly in­tended, was to find the Paschal New Moons, that is, those new Moons on which the Feast of Easter and other moveable Feasts depend. To this purpose we must remember,

1. That the vernal Equinox is supposed to be fixed to the twenty first day of March.

2. That the fourteenth day of the Moon on which the Feast of Easter doth depend, can ne­ver happen before the Equinox; though it may fall upon it or upon the day following.

3. That the Feast of Easter is never observed upon the fourteenth day of the Moon, but upon the Sunday following; so that if the fourteenth day of the Moon be Sunday, the Sunday follow­ing is Easter day.

4. That the Feast of Easter may fall upon the fifteenth day of the Moon, or upon any other day unto the twenty first, inclusively.

5. That the Paschal Sunday is discovered by [Page 327] the proper and Dominical Letter for every Year The which may be found as hath been already de­clared, or by the proper Table for that purpose. Hence it followeth,

1. That the New Moon immediately prece­ding the Feast of Easter, cannot be before the eighth day of March, for if you suppose it to be upon March 6, the Moon will be 14 days old March 19, which is before the Equinox, contra­ry to the second Rule before given, and upon the seventh day of March there is no Golden Number fixed; and therefore the Golden Number 16, which standeth against March 8, is the first by which the Paschal New Moon may be disco­vered.

2. It followeth hence, That the last Paschal New Moon cannot happen beyond the fifth day of April, because all the 19 Golden Numbers are expressed from the eighth of March to that day. And if a New Moon should happen upon the sixth of April, there would be two Paschal New Moons that year, one upon the eighth of March and a­nother upon the sixth of April, the same Golden Number 16 being proper to them both, but this is absurd because Easter cannot be observed twice in one year.

3. It followeth hence, That the Feast of Easter can never happen before the twenty second day of March, nor after the twenty fifth day of April: For if the first New Moon be upon the eighth of March, and that the Feast of Easter must be upon the Sunday following the fourteenth day of the Moon; it is plain that the fourteenth day of the Moon must be March 21 at the soonest: So that supposing the next day to be Sunday, Easter can­not [Page 228] not be before March the twenty second. And because the fourteenth day of the last Moon fal­leth upon the eighteenth day of April, if that day be Saturday, and the Dominical Letter D, Easter shall be upon the nineteenth day, but if it be Sun­day, Easter cannot be till the twenty fifth.

4. It followeth hence, That although there are but 19 days, on which the fourteenth day of the Moon can happen, as there are but 19 Golden Numbers, yet there are 35 days from the twenty second of March to the twenty fifth of April, on which the Feast of Easter may happen, because there is no day within those Limits, but may be the Sunday following the fourteenth day of the Moon. And although the Feast of Easter can ne­ver happen upon March 22, but when the four­teenth day of the Moon is upon the twenty first, and the Sunday Letter D, nor upon the twenty fifth of April, but when the fourteenth day of the Moon is upon April 18, and the Dominical Letter C. Yet Easter may fall upon March 23, not only when the fourteenth day of the Moon is upon the twenty second day which is Saturday, but also if it fall upon the twenty first which is Friday. In like manner Easter may fall upon April 24, not only when the fourteenth day of the Moon is upon the eighteenth day which is Monday, but also if it happen upon the seventeenth being Sunday. And for the same reason it may fall oftner upon other days that are further distant from the said twenty second of March and twenty fifth of April.

5. It followeth hence, That the Feast of Easter may be easily found in any Year propounded: For the Golden Number in any Year being given, if [Page 329] you look the same between the eighth of March and fifth of April both inclusively, and reckon 14 days from that day, which answereth to the Golden Number given, where your account doth end is the fourteenth day of the Moon: Then consider which is the Dominical Letter for that Year, and that which followeth next after the four­teenth day of the Moon is Easter day. Example, In the year 1674 the Golden Number is 3, and the Sunday Letter D, which being sought in the Calendar between the aforesaid limits, the four­teenth day of the Moon is upon April the thir­teenth, and the D next following is April 19. And therefore Easter day that Year is April 19. Otherwise thus.

In March after the first C,
Look the Prime wherever it be,
The third Sunday after Easter day shall be.
And if the Prime on Sunday be,
Reckon that for one of the Three.

6. Thus the Feast of Easter may be found in the Calendar, and from thence a brief Table shew­ing the same, may be extracted in this manner. Write in one Column the several Golden Num­bers in the Calendar from the eighth of March to the fifth of April, in the same order observing the same distance. In the second Column set the Dominical Letters in number 35 so disposed, as that no Dominical Letter may stand against the Golden Number 16, but setting the Letter D against the Golden Number 5, write the rest in [Page 330] this order. E, F, G, A, B, &c. and when you come to the Golden Number 8, set the Letter C, and there continue the Letters till you come to C again, because when the Golden Number is 16, which in the Calendar is set to the eighth day of March, is new Moon, and the fourteenth day of that Moon doth fall upon the twenty first, to which the Dominical Letter is C, upon which the Feast of Easter cannot happen; and therefore in the third Column containing the day in which the Feast of Easter is to be observed, is also void. But in the next place immediately following, to wit, against the letter D is set March 22, because if the fourteenth day of the Moon shall fall upon the twenty first of March being Saturday, the next day being Sunday, shall be the Feast of Easter.

To the Letters following, E, F, G, A, B, &c. are set 23, 24, 25, and so orderly to the last of March, and so forward till you come to the twen­ty fifth of April, by which Table thus made, the Feast of Easter may be found until the Calendar shall be reformed.

For having found the Golden Number in the first Column, the Dominical Letter for the Year next after it, doth shew the Feast of Easter, as in the former Example, the Golden Number is 3 and the Dominicall Letter D, therefore Easter day is upon April 19. The other moveable Feasts are thus found.

Advent Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to St. Andrews, whether before or after.

[Page 331] Septuagesima Sunday is Nine Weeks before Easter.

Sexagesima Sunday is Eight Weeks before Easter.

Qainquagesima Sunday is Seven Weeks be­fore Easter.

Quadragesima Sunday is Six Weeks before Easter.

Rogation Sunday is five Weeks after Easter.

Ascension day is Forty Days after Easter.

Whitsunday is Seven Weeks after Easter.

Trinity Sunday is Eight Weeks after Easter.

G. N. D. L. Easter.
V D 22 March
  E 23
II G 25
  A 26
X B 27
  C 28
VII E 30
  F 31
XV G 1 April
IV A 2
  B 3
I D 5
  E 6
IX F 7
  G 8
VI B 10
  C 11
XIV D 12
III E 13
  F 14
XI G 15
  A 16
XIX B 17
  D 19
  E 20
  F 21
  G 22
  A 23
  B 24
  C 25


Of the Reformation of the Calendar by Pope Gregory the Thirteenth; and substituting a Cycle of Epacts in the room of the Golden Number.

HItherto we have spoken of the Calendar which is in use with us, we will now shew you for what reasons it is alter'd in the Church of Rome, and how the Feast of Easter is by them observed.

The Year by the appointment of Iulius Caesar consisting of 365 days 6 hours, whereas the Sun doth finish his course in the Zodiack, in 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes or thereabouts, it cometh to pass that in 134 Years or less, there is a whole day in the Calendar more than there ought; in 268 years 2 days more; in 4002 years 3 days: and so since Iulius Caesar's time the vernal Equinox hath gone backward 13 or 14 days, namely from the 24 of March to the tenth. Now because the Equi­nox was at the time of the Nicene Council upon the twenty first of March, when the time for the ob­serving of Easter was first universally established, they thought it sufficient to bring the Equinox back to that time, by cutting off 10 days in the Calendar as hath been declared, and to prevent any anticipation for the time to come, have ap­pointed, that the Leap-year shall be thrice omit­ted in every 400 Years to come, and for memory sake, appointed the first omission to be account­ed from the Year 1600, not from 1582, in which the reformation was made, because it was not only near the time, in which the emendation was begun, but also because the Equinox has not fully made an anticipation of 10 days from the [Page 333] place thereof, at the time of the Nicene Council, which was March 21.

The Years then 1700, 1800, 1900, which should have been Bissextile Years, are to he ac­counted common years, but the Year 2000 must be a Bissextile: In like manner the Years 2100, 2200, 2300, shall be common years, and the Year 2400 Bissextile, and so forward.

2. Again, because it was supposed that the Cycle of the Moon, or Golden Number was so fixed, that the new and full Moons would in eve­ry 19 years return to the same days again; where­as their not returning the same hours, but making an anticipation of one hour 27 minutes or there­abouts, it must needs be that in 17 Cycles or lit­tle more than 300 Years, there would be an anti­cipation of a whole day. And hence it is evi­dent that in 1300 Years since the Nicene Council, the New and Full Moons do happen more than 4 days sooner than the Cycle of the Moon or Gol­den Number doth demonstrate: Whence also it comes to pass, that the fourteenth day of the Moon by the Cycle is in truth the eighteenth day, and so the Feast of Easter should be observed not from the fifteenth day of the Moon to the twenty first, but from the nineteenth to the twenty fifth.

3. That the Moon therefore being once brought into order, might not make any antici­pation for the time to come, it is appointed that a Cycle of 30 Epacts should be placed in the Ca­lendar instead of the Golden Number, answering to every day in the Year; to shew the New Moons in these days, not only for 300 Years or there­abouts, but that there might be new Epacts with­out [Page 334] altering the Calendar, to perform the same thing upon other days as need shall require.

4. For the better understanding whereof, to the Calendar in use with us, we have annexed the Gregorian Calendar also: In the first Column whereof you have 30 numbers from 1 to 30, save only that in the place of 30 you have this Asterisk *, But they begin with the Calends of Ianuary, and we continued and repeated af­ter a Retrograde order in this manner, *29, 28, 27, &c. and that for this cause especially, that the number being given which sheweth the New Moons in every Month for one Year, you might by numbring 11 upwards exclusively find the number which will shew the New Moons the Year following, to wit, the Number which fal­leth in the eleventh place.

5. And these Numbers are called Epacts, be­cause they do in order shew those 11 days, which are yearly to be added to the Lunar Year consist­ing of 354 days, that it may be in conformity with the Solar Year consisting of 365 days. To this purpose, as hath been said concerning the Golden Number, these Epacts being repeated 12 times, and ending upon the twentieth day of De­cember, the same Numbers must be added to the 11 remaining days, which were added to the first 11 days in the Month of Ianuary.

6. And because 12 times 30 do make 360, whereas from the first of Ianuary to the twentieth of December inclusively, there are but 354 days, you must know that to gain the other six days, the numbers 25 and 24 are in every other Month both placed against one day, namely, to February 5, April 5, Iune 3, August 1, September 29, and [Page 335] November 27. But why these two Numbers are chosen rather then any other, and why in these 6 Months the number 25 is sometimes writ to XVI, sometimes to XXV in a common character, and why the number 19 is set to the last day of De­cember in a common Character, shall be declared hereafter.

7. Here only note that this Asterisk * is set in­stead of the Epact 30, because the Epact shew­ing the Number of days which do remain after the Lunation in the Month of December, it may some­times fall out that 2 Lunations may so end, that the one may require 30 for the Epact, and the other 0, which would, if both were written, cause some inconveniences, and therefore this * Aste­risk is there set, that it might indifferently serve to both. And the Epact 29 is therefore set to the second day of Ianuary, because after the com­pleat Lunation in the second of December there are 29 days, and for the like reason the Epact 28 is set against the third of Ianuary, because after the compleat Lunation in the third of December there are then 28 days over, and so the rest in order till you come to the thirtieth of Ianuary, where you find the Epact 1. because after the compleat Lunation on the thirtieth day there is only one day over.

8. And besides the shewing of the New Moons in every Month, which is and may be done by the Golden Number, the Epacts have this advan­tage, that they may be perpetual and keep the same place in the Calendar in all future ages, which can hardly be effected with the Golden Number, for in little more then 700 years, the New Moons do make an anticipation of one day, and then it [Page 336] will be necessary to set the Golden Number one degree backward, and so the Golden Number which at the time of the Nicene Council was set to the first of Ianuary, should in 300 years be set to the last of December, and so of the rest, but the Epacts being once fixed shall not need any such retraction or commutation. For as often as the New Moons do change their day either by Anticipation or by Suppression of the Bissextile year, you shall not need to do any more than to take another rank of 19 Epacts, insteed of those which were before in use. For instance, the Epacts which are and have been in use in the Church of Rome since the year of reformation 1582, and will continue till the year 1700, are these 10 fol­lowing 1. 12. 23. 4. 15. 26. 7. 18. 29. 10. 21. 2. 13. 24. 5. 16. 27. 8. 19. And from the year 1700 the Epacts which will be in use are these. * 11. 22. 3. 14. 25. 6. 17. 28. 9. 20. 1. 12. 23. 4. 15. 26. 7. 18. and shall con­tinue not only to the year 1800, but from thence until the year 1900 also; and although in the year 1800 the Bissextile is to be suppressed, yet is there a compensation for that Suppression, by the Moons Anticipation. To make this a little more plain, the motion of the Moon, which doth occasion the change of the Epact, must be more fully considered.


Of the Moons mean Motion, and how the Antici­pation of the New Moons may be discovered by the Epacts.

THe Moon according to her middle motion doth finish her course in the Zodiack in 29 days, 12 hours 44 minutes, three seconds or there­about, and therefore a common Lunar year doth consist of 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 38 seconds and some few thirds, but an Embolismi­cal year doth consist of 383 days, 21 hours, 32 minutes, 41 seconds and somewhat more; and therefore in 19 years it doth exceed the motion of the Sun 1 hour, 27 minutes, 33 seconds feré.

2. Hence it cometh to pass, that although the New Moons do after 19 years return to the same days; yet is there an Anticipation of 1 hour, 27 minutes, 33 seconds. And in twice 19 years, that is, in 38 years, there is an Anticipation of 2 hours, 55 minutes, 6 seconds, and after 312 years and a half, there is an Anticipation of one whole day and some few Minutes. And therefore after 312 years no new Moon can happen upon the same day it did 19 years before, but a day sooner. Hence it comes to pass that in the Julian Calen­dar, in which no regard is had to this Anticipa­tion, the New Moons found out by the Golden Number must needs be erroneous, and from the time of the Nicene Council 4 days after the New Moons by a regular Computation.

3. And hence it follows also, that if the Gol­den Number, after 312 were upon due conside­ration [Page 338] removed a day forwarder or nearer the be­ginning of the Months, they would shew the New Moons for 312 years to come. And being again removed after those years, a day more would by the like reason do the same again. But it was thought more convenient so to dispose 30 Epacts, that they keeping their constant places, 19 of them should perform the work of the Gol­den Number, until by this means there should be an Anticipation of one day. And when such an Anticipation should happen, those 19 Epacts be­ing let alone, other 19 should be used, which do belong to the preceding day, without making any alteration in the Calendar.

4. And if this Anticipation would do the whole work, nothing were more plain, then to make that commutation of the 19 Epact once in 312 years: but because the detraction of the Bissex­tile days doth variously interpose and cause the 19 Epacts sometimes to be changed into these that do precede, sometimes into these that follow, sometimes into neither, but to continue still the same; therefore some Tables are to be made, by which we may know, when the commutation was to be made and into what Epacts.

4. First therefore there was made a Table cal­led Tabula Epactarum Expansa, in this manner.

First on the top were placed the 19 Golden Numbers in order, beginning with the Number 3, which in the old Calendar is placed against the Calends of Ianuary, and under every one of these Golden Numbers there are placed 30 Epacts all constituted from the lowest number in the first rank in which the Epact is 1, and in that first rank the Golden Number is 3, the rest from [Page 339] thence towards the right Hand are made by the constant addition of it, and the casting away of 30, as often as they shall exceed that number, only when you come to the 27, the Epact under the Golden Number 19, there must be added 12 instead of 11, that so the Epact following may be 9 not 8, for the Reasons already given in this Discourse concerning the Golden Number and Embolismical years. And this rank being thus made, the other Epacts are disposed in their na­tural order ascending upwards, and the number once again resumed after the Epact 30 or rather this Asterisk * set in the place thereof: only ob­serve that under the Golden Number 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. in the place of XX there is yet 25 in the common Character. And to the Epacts under the Golden Number 19, 12 must still be added to make that Epact under the Golden Number 1. As was said before concern­ing the lowest Rank.

5. And on the left hand of these Epacts before those under the Golden Number 3. are set 30 Letters of the Alphabet, 19 in a small Character, and 11 in a great, in which some are passed by, for no other reason save only this, that their simili­tude with some of the small Letters, should not occasion any mistake in their use, which shall be shewed in its place.

6. Besides this Table there was another Table made which is called Tabula AEquationis Epacta­rum, in which there is a series of years, in which the Moon, by reason of her mentioned anticipa­tion doth need AEquation, and in which the num­ber of Epacts signed with the letters of the Al­phabet, are to be changed; being otherwise AE­quated [Page 340] where it needeth, by the suppression of the Bissextile days.

7. But it supposeth, that it was convenient to suppress the Bissextiles once only in 100 years; and the Moon to be aequated, or as far as concerns her self, the rank of Epacts to be changed, once only in 300 years, and the 12 years and a half more, to be referred till after the years 2400, they do amount unto 100 years, and then an ae­quation to be made: but then it must be made by reason of the interposing this hundred not in the three hundredth but the hundredth year. Moreover this aequation is to be made as in refe­rece to the Moon only, because as the suppression of the Bissextiles intervene, the order of chang­ing the ranks of Epacts is varied, as shall be shewed hereafter.

8. Again this Table supposeth, that seeing the New Moon at the time of the Nicene Council was upon the Calends of Ianuary, the golden Number 3 being there placed, that it would have been the same if the Epact * had been set to the same Calends, that is if the Epacts had been then in use. And therefore at that time the highest or last rank of Epacts was to be used, whose Index is P, and then after 300 years, the lowest or first rank should succeed, whose Index is a, (for the letters return in a Circle) and af­ter 300 years more, the following rank whose Index is b and so forward; but that it is concei­ved, that the New Moon in the Calends of Ia­nuary, is more agreeable to the year of Christ 500, than the time of the Nicene Councel; and therefore as if the rank of Epacts under the let­ter l were sutable to the year 500, it seemed [Page 341] good to make use of that rank under the letter a in the year of Christ 800, and those under the let­ter b, in the year 1100, and those under the let­ter e in the year 1400.

9. Which being granted, because in the year 1582, ten days were cut off from the Calendar, we must run backward, or in an inverted order count 10 series, designed, suppose, by the letters b. a. P. N. M. H. G. F. E. D. so that from the year 1582 the series of Epacts whose literal Index is D, is to be used, and this is that rank of Epacts which is now used in the Church of Rome.

10. And therefore as if this Table had its be­ginning from that year; the first number in the second column is 1582, and then in order un­der it. 1600. 1700. 1800. 1900. 2000. &c. And in the third Column every fourth hundred year is marked for a Bissextile, that is, 1600. 2400. 2800, &c. and in the fourth Column to eve­ry three hundreth▪ Year is set this Character C, to shew in what year the Moon by her Anticipati­on of one day, doth need aequation; but in the year 1800 the double character is set CC, to sig­nify that then another hundred years are got­ten by the 12 years and a half reserved, besides and above the other 300 years; and this charact­er is also set to the years 4300. 6800, and for the same reason.

But in the first Column, or on the left hand of these years are placed the Letters or Indices of those ranks of Epacts in the former Table, which are to be used in those years and when the Let­ters are charged. Thus against the year 1600 the Letter D is continued, to shew that from that [Page 342] year, to the year 1700 the rank of Epacts is still to be used, which do belong to that Letter. And for as much as the Letter C is set to the year 1700, it sheweth that that rank of Epacts is then to be used, which do belong thereto, and so of the rest.

11. The reason why these Letters in the first Column are sometimes changed in 100 years, sometimes in 200, sometimes not in less then 300 Years, and that they are some­times taken forward, sometimes backward, according to the order of the Alphabet, is because the suppression of the Bissextiles do intervene with the lunar aequation: for if the Bissextile were only to be suppressed, in these 300 or sometimes 400 years, in which the Moon needeth aequation, the rank of Epacts in that case would need no commutation, but would continue the same for ever; and the gol­den Number would have been sufficient, if the suppression of the Bissextile, and anticipation of the Moon, did by a perpetual compensati­on cause the new Moons still to return to the same days: but because the Bissextile is ofttimes suppressed, when the Moon hath no aequation, the Moon hath sometimes an aequation when the Bis­sextile is not suppressed, sometimes also both are to be done and sometimes neither; all which varieties may yet be reduced to these three Rules.

1. As often as the Bissextile is suppressed without any aequation of the Moon, then the let­ter which served to that time shall be changed to the next below it contrary to the order of the Alphabet. And the new Moons shall be removed [Page 343] one day towards the end of the Year.

2. As often as the Moon needeth aequation, without suppression of the Bissextile, then the Letter which was in use to that time shall be chan­ged to the next above it according to the order of the Alphabet, that the New Moons may a­gain return one day towards the beginning of the year.

3. As often as there is a Suppression and an aequation both, or when there is neither, the Letter is not changed at all but that which ser­ved for the former Centenary, shall also conti­nue in the succeeding; because the compensation so made, the New Moons do neither go for­ward nor backward, but happen in the compass of the same days.

1. And this is enough to shew for what rea­son the letters are so placed in the Table, as there you see them: for in the year 1600 the Bissextile being neither suppressed, nor the Moon aequated, the letter D used in the former Cen­tenary or in the latter part thereof from the year 1582, is still the same.

In the year 1700, because there is a suppressi­on, but no aequation, the commutation is made to the Letter C descending.

In the Year 1800, because there is both a sup­pression and an aequation, the same letter C doth still continue.

In the Year 2400, because there is an aequation and no suppression, there is an ascension to the Letter A.

And thus you see not only the construction of this Table, but how it may be continued to any other Year, as long as the World shall last.

[Page 344] 12. And by these two Tables we may easily know which rank of the 30 Epacts doth belong to, or is proper for any particular age: for as in our age, that is, from the Year 1600 to the Year 1700 exclusively, that series is proper whose Index is D. Namely, 23, 4, 15, 26, &c. so in the two Ages following, that is, from the Year 1700 to the Year 1900 exclusively, that series is proper whose In­dex is C, namely these, 22, 3, 14, 25. and in the three ages following thence, that is from the Year 1900 to the Year 2100 exclusively, that series is proper whose Index is B, namely these, 21, 2, 13, 24, &c. And so for any other.

Hence also it may be known, which of the 19 doth belong to any particular Year, for which no more is necessary, than only to know the Gol­den Number for the year given, which being sought in the head of the Table, and the Index of that Age in the side, the common Angle, or meeting of these two, will shew you the Epact desired: As in the year 1674 the Golden Number is 3 and the Index D; therefore in the common Angle I find 23 for the Epact that year, and shew­eth the New Moons in every Month thereof.

And here it will not be unseasonable to give the reason, for which the Epact 25 not XXV is writ­ten under the Golden Numbers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. namely, because the ranks of E­pacts, which under these greater Numbers hath this Epact 25, hath also XXIV, it would follow that in these Ages in which any of these Ranks were in use, the New Moon in 19 years will hap­pen twice upon the same days; in those six Months in which the Epacts XXV and XXIV are set to the same day: Whereas the New Moons do not hap­pen [Page 245] on the same day till 19 years be gone about. To avoid this inconvenience, the Epact 25 not XXV is set under these great numbers, and the Epact 25 is in the Calendar, in these Months set with the Epact XXVI, but in the other Months with the Epact XXV.

14. Hence it cometh to pass, 1. That in these Years the Epacts 25 and XXIV do never meet on the same day. 2. That there is no danger that the Epacts 25 and XXVI should in these 6 Months cause the same inconvenience, seeing that the E­pacts 25 and XXVI are never both found in the same Rank. 3. That the Epact 25 may in other Months without inconvenience be set to the same day with the Epact XXVI, because in these there is no danger of their meeting with the Epact XXIV on the same days. 4. That there is no fear that the Epacts XXV and XXIV being set on the same days, should in future Ages cause the same inconvenience, because the Epacts XXV and XXIV are not found together in any of the other Ranks. But that either one or both of them are wanting. Besides, when one of these Epacts is in use, the o­ther is not, and that only which is in use is pro­per to the day. As in this our Age until the Year 1700 the Epacts in use are those in the rank whose Index is D. In which these two XXIV and XXV are not both found. And in the two following Ages, because the rank of Epacts in use is that whose Index is C, in which there is the Epact XXV, not XXIV, the New Moons are shewed by the Epact XXV not by XXIV. But because in three following Ages, the rank of Epacts in use is that whose Index is B, in which 25 and XXIV are both found, the New [Page 346] Moons are shewed by the Epact XXIV when the golden Number is 6. And by the Epact 25 when the golden Number is 17, and not by the Epact XXV.

15. And if it be asked why the Epact 19 in the common Character is set with the Epact XX against the last day of December; know that for the reasons before declared, the last Embo­lismical Month within the space of 19 years, ought to be but 29 days and not 30, as the rest are; and therefore when the Epact 19 doth concur with the golden Number 19, the last Month or last Lunation beginning the second of December, shall end upon the 30 and not up­on the 31 of that Month, and the New Moon should be supposed to happen upon the 31 un­der the same Epact 19, that 12 being added to 19 and not 11, you may have one for the Epact of the year following, which may be found up­on the 30 of Ianuary, as if the Lunation of 30 days had been accomplished the Day be­fore.


How to find the Dominical Letter and Feast of Easter according to the Gregorian account.

HAving shewed for what reason, and in what manner the Epacts are substituted in the place of the golden Number, and how the New Moons may be by them found in the Calendar for ever; I shall now shew you how to find the Feast of Easter and the other moveable [Page 347] Feasts according to the Gregorian or new ac­count; and to this purpose I must first shew you how to find the Dominical Letter, for that the Cycle of 28 years will not serve the turn, be­cause of the suppression of the Bissextile once in a hundred years, but doth require 7 Cycles of 28 years apeice. The first whereof begins with CB, and endeth in D. The second begins with DC, and endeth in E. The third begins with ED, and endeth in F &c. The first of these Cycles began to be in use 1582, in which year the dominical Letter according to the Julian ac­count was G, but upon the fifteenth day of October, that Year was changed to C: for the fifth of October being Friday and then called the fifteenth, the Letter A became Friday, B Satur­day, and C Sunday, the remaining part of the year, in which the Cycle of the Sun was 23, and the second after the Bissextile or leap Year, and so making C, which answereth to the fifteenth year of that Circle, to be 23, the Circle will end at D; and consequently CB, which in the old account doth belong to the 21 year of the Circle, hath ever since been called the first, and so shall continue until the year 1700, in which the Bissextile being suppressed, the next Cycle will begin with DC as hath been said already. Under the first rank or order of Dominical Letters are written the years 1582 and 1600, under the se­cond 1700, under the third 1800, under the fourth 1900 and 2000, under the fifth 2100, un­der the sixth 2200 and under the seventh 2300 and 2400. And again under the first Order, 2500, under the second 2600, under the third 2700 and 2800, and so forward as far as you [Page 348] please, always observing the same order, that the 100 Bissextile years may still be joyned with the not Bissextile immediately preceding.

1. And hence it appears, that the seven or­ders of Dominical Letters, are so many Tables, successively serving all future Generations. For as the first Order serveth from the year 1582 and 1600 to the year 1700 exclusively, and the second Order from thence to the year 1800 ex­clusively, so shall all the rest in like manner which here are set down, and to be set down at plea­sure. And hence the Dominical Letter or Let­ters may be found for any year propounded, as if it were required to find the dominical Letter for the year 1674, because the year given is contained in the centenary 1600. I find the Cycle of the Sun by the Rule already given to be 3. In the first order against the number 3, I find G for the Sunday Letter of that year, in like manner because the year 1750 is contained under the Centenary 1700, the Cycle of the Sun being 27, I find in the second rank the Let­ter D answering to that Number, and that is the Dominical Letter for that year, and so of the rest.

3. Again for as much as the fifth Order is the same with that Table, which serves for the old account, therefore that order will serve the turn for ever where that Calendar is in use, and so this last will be of perpetual use to both the Calendars.

4. Now then to find the time in which the Feast of Easter is to be observed, there is but little to be added to that which hath been already said concerning the Julian Calendar. For the Pas­chal [Page 349] Limits are the same in both, the difference is only in the Epacts, which here are used in­stead of the golden Number.

5. For the terms of the Paschal New Moons are always the eighth of March and the fifth of April: but whereas there are 11 days within these Limits to which no golden Number is affixed, there is now one day to which an Epact is not appointed, because there is no day within those Limits, on which in process of time a New Moon may not happen. And the reason for which the two Epacts XXV and XXIV are both set to the fifth of April, is first general, which was shew­ed before, namly that by doing the same in 5 other Months, the 12 time 30 Epacts might be contracted to the Limits of the lunar Year which consists of 354 days: but there is a particular rea­son also for it, that the Antients having appointed that all the Paschal lunations should consist of 29 days, it was necessary that some two of the E­pacts should be set to one of these days in which the Paschal lunation might happen, the Epacts being 30 in number. And it was thought con­venient to choose the last day, to which the E­pact XXV belonging, the Epact XXIV should also be set; and hence by imitation it comes to pass, that these and not other Epacts are set to that day in other Months, in which two Epacts are to be set to the same days.

6. The use of these Epacts in finding the Feast of Easter, is the same with that which hath been shewed concerning the golden Numbers. For the Epact and the Sunday Letter for that year propounded being given, the Feast of Easter may be found in the Calendar after the same [Page 350] manner. Thus in the year 1674, the Epact is 23 and the Sunday Letter G, and therefore reck­oning fourteen days from the eighth of March to which the Epact is set, the Sunday following is March 25, which is the day on which the Feast of Easter is observed.

7. And hence as hath been shewed in the third Chapter concerning the Julian Calendar, a brief table may be made to shew the feast of Easter and the other moveable Feasts for ever, in which there is no other difference, save only that the Epacts as they are in this new Calendar, are to be used as the golden Numbers are, which stand in the old Calendar. And a Table having the golden Numbers of the old Calendar set in one Column, and the Epacts as they are in the new Calendar set in another, will indifferently shew the movable Feasts in both accounts, as in the Year 1674, the golden Number is 3 and the Sunday Letter according to the Julian ac­count is D, according to the Gregorian G, and the Epact 23, and therefore according to this Table our Easter is April 19, and the other, to wit, the Gregorian, is March 25. The like may be done for any other year past or to come.


How to reduce Sexagenary numbers into Decimal, and the Contrary.

EVery Circle hath antiently, and is yet ge­nerally supposed to be divided into 300 de­grees, each degree into 60 Minutes, each Mi­nute into 60 Seconds, and so forward as far as need shall require. But this partition is some­what troublesom in Addition and Subtraction, much more in Multiplication and Division; and the Tables hitherto contrived to ease that man­ner of computation, do scarce sufficiently per­form the work, for which they are intended. And although the Canon published by the lear­ned H. Gellibrand, in which the Division of the Circle into 360 degrees is retained, but every degree is divided into 100 parts, is much bet­ter than the old Sexagenary Canon, yet some are of opinion, that if the Antients had divided the whole circle into 100 or 1000 parts, it would have proved much better then either; only they think Custome such a Tyrant, that the alteration of it now will not be perhaps so advantagious; leaving them therefore to injoy their own opinions, they will not I hope be of­fended if others be of another mind: for their sakes therefore, that do rather like the Deci­mal way of calculation▪ Having made a Canon of artificial Signs and Tangents for the degrees and parts of a Circle divided into 100 parts, I shall here also shew you, how to reduce sexa­genary Numbers into Decimal, and the contra­ry, [Page 352] as well in time as motion.

2. The parts of a Circle consisting of 360 degrees, may be reduced into the parts of a cir­cle divided into 100 degrees or parts, by the rule of Three in this manner.

As 360 is to 100, so is any other Number of degrees, in the one, to the correspondent de­grees and parts in the other.

But if the sexagenary degrees have Minutes and Seconds joyned with them, you must reduce the whole Circle as well as the parts propoun­ded into the least Denomination, and so proceed according to the rule given.

Example. Let it be required to convert 125 degrees of the Sexagenary Circle, into their correspondent parts in the Decimal. I say, as 360 is to 100, so is 125 to 34, 722222, &c. that is, 34 degrees and 722222 Parts.

2. Example. Let the Decimal of 238 de­grees 47 Minutes be required. In a whole Cir­cle there are 21600 Minutes, and in 238 de­grees, there are 14280 Minutes, to which 47 being added the sum is 14327. Now then I say if 21600 give 100, what shall 14327. The Answ. is 66, 3287 &c. In like manner if it were required to convert the Hours and Minutes of a Day into decimal Parts, say thus, if 24 Hours give 100, what shall any other number of Hours give. Thus if the Decimal of 18 hours were required, the answer would be 75, and the De­cimal answering to 16 Hours 30 Minutes is 68, 75.

But if it be required to convert the Decimal Parts of a Circle into its correspondent Parts in Sexagenary. The proportion is; as 100 is [Page 353] to the Decimal given, so is 360 to the Sexage­nary degrees and parts required.

Example. Let the Decimal given be 349 722222, if you multiply this Number given by 360, the Product will be 1249999992, that is cutting off 7 Figures, 124 degrees and 9999992 parts of a degree. If Minutes be required, mul­tiply the Decimal parts by 60, and from the product cut off as many Figures, as were in the Decimal parts given, the rest shall be the Mi­nutes desired.

But to avoid this trouble, I have here exhi­bited two Tables, the one for converting sex­agenary degrees and Minutes into Decimals, and the contrary. The other for converting Hours and Minutes into Decimals, and the con­trary. The use of which Tables I will explain by example.

Let it be required to convert 258 degrees 34′. 47″, into the parts of a Circle decimally divi­ded.

The Table for this purpose doth consist of two Leaves, the first Leaf is divided into 21 Columns, of which the 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19 doth contain the degrees in a sexagenary Circle, the 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18 and 20 doth contain the degrees of a Circle Decimally divided, answering to the for­mer, and the last Column doth contain the De­cimal parts, to be annexed to the Decimal de­grees. Thus the Decimal degrees answering to 26 Sexagenary are 7, and the parts in the last Column are 22222222 and therefore the de­grees and parts answering to 26 Sexagenary de­grees are 7. 22222222.

[Page 354] In like manner the Decimal of 62 degrees, 17. 22222222. And the Decimal of 258 de­grees, 34′. 47″, is thus found.

The Decimal of 258 degrees is
The Decimal of 34 Minutes is
The Decimal of 47 seconds is
Their Sum

is the Decimal of 258 degrees, 34′. 47″ as was required.

In like mauner the Decimal of any Hours and Minutes may be found by the Table for that purpose.

Example. Let the Decimal of 7 Hours 28′ be required.

The Decimal answering to 7h. is
The Decimal of 28 Minutes is
The Sum

is the Decimal Sought.

To find the degrees and Minutes in a sexage­nary Circle, answering to the degrees and parts of a Circle Decimally divided, is but the contra­ry work.

As if it were required to find the Degrees and minutes answering to this decimal 71. 02776359, the Degrees or Integers being sought in the 2. 4. 6 or 8 Columns &c. of the first Leaf of that Table, right against 71. I find 256 and in the last Column these parts 11111111, which being less than the Decimal given, I proceed [Page 355] till I come to 6666667, which being the nea­rest to my number given, I find against these parts under 71. Degrees 258, so then 258 are the de­grees answering to the Decimal given and,

To find the Minutes and Seconds from
I Substract the num­ber in the Table
The remainer is
which being Sought in the next Leaf under the title Minutes, the next leaf is
And the Minutes 34, and this number being Subtracted the remainer is

Which is the Decimal of 47 seconds, and so the degrees and Minutes answering to the De­cimal given are 258 degrees 34′ and 47″, the like may be done for any other.


Of the difference of Meridiens.

HAving in the first part shewed how the pla­ces of the Planets in the Zodiack may be found by observation, and how to reduce the time of an observation made in one Country, to the correspondent time in another, as to the day of the Month, by considering the several [Page 356] measures of the year in several Nations, there is yet onething wanting, which is, by an obser­vation made of a Planets place in one Country to find when the Planet is in that place in refe­rence to another; as suppose the ☉ by observa­tion was found at Vraniburg to be in ♈. 3 d. 13′. 14″. March the fourteenth 1583 at what time was the Sun in the same place at London? To re­solve this and the like questions, the Longitude of places from some certain Meridian must be known; to which purpose I have here exhibi­ted a Table shewing the difference of Meridians in Hours and Minutes, of most of the eminent places in England from the City of London, and of some places beyond the Seas also. The use whereof is either to reduce the time given under the Meridian of London to some other Meridi­an, or the time given in some other Meridian to the Meridian of London.

1. If it be required to reduce the time given under the Meridian of London to some other Meridian, seek the place desired in the Catalogue, and the difference of time there found, either add to or subtract from the times given at Lon­don, according as the Titles of Addition or Sub­traction shew, so will the time be reduced to the Meridian of the other place as was required. Example. The same place at London was in the first Point of ♉, 6 Hours P. M. and it is required to reduce the same to the Meridian of Vraniburg I therefore seek in Vraniburg in the Catalogue of places, against which I find 50′ with the Letter A annexed, therefore I conclude, that the Sun was that day at Vraniburg in the first point of ♉, 6 Hours 50′. P. M.

[Page 357] 2. If the time given be under some other Me­ridian, and it be required to reduce the same to the Meridian of London, you must seek the place given in the Catalogue, and the difference of time there found, contrary to the Title is to be added or subtracted from the time there gi­ven.

Example. Suppose the place of the Sun had been at Vraniburg, at 6 Hours 50′. P. M. and I would reduce the same to the Meridian of Lon­don; against Vraniburg as before I find 50′ A. therefore contrary to the Title I Subtract 50′ and the remainder 6 Hours is the time of the Suns place in the Meridian of London.


Of the Theory of the Sun's or Earth's Motion.

IN the first part of this Treatise we have spok­en of the primary Motion of the Planets and Stars, as they are wheeled about in their di­urnal motion from East to West, but here we are to shew their own proper motions in their several Orbs from West to East, which we call their second motions.

1. And these Orbs are supposed to be Ellip­tical, as the ingenious Repler, by the help of Tycho's accurate observations, hath demonstra­ted in the Motions of Mars and Mercury, and may therefore be conceived to be the Figure in which the rest do move.

2. Here then we are to consider what an El­lipsis is, how it may be drawn, and by what Me­thod [Page 358] the motions of the Planets according to that Figure may be computed.

3. What an Ellipsis is Apollonius Pergaeus in Conicis, Claudius Mydorgius and others have well defined and explained, but here I think it suffici­ent to tell the Reader, that it is a long Circle, or a circular Line drawn within or without a long Square; or a circular Line drawn between two Circles of different Diameters.

4. The usual and Mechanical way of drawing this Ellipsis is thus; first draw a line to that length which you would have the greatest Diameter to be, as the Line AP in Figure 8, and from the middle of this Line at X, set off with your com­passes the Equal distance XM and XH.

5. Then take a piece of thred of the same length with the Diameter AP and fasten one end thereof in the point M and the other in the point H, and with your Pen extend the thred thus fastened to the point A, and from thence towards P keeping the thread stiff upon your Pen, draw a line from A by B to P, the line so drawn shall be half an Ellipsis, and in like manner you may draw the other half from P by D to A. In which because the whole thred is equal to the Diameter AP. therefore the two Lines made by thred in drawing of the Ellipsis, must in every point of the said Ellipsis be also e­qual to the same Diameter AP. They that de­sire a demonstration thereof geometrically, may consult Apollonius Pergaeus, Claudius Mydorgius or others, in their treatises of Conical Sections, this is sufficient for our present purpose, and from the equality of these two Lines with the Diameter, a brief Method of calculation of the [Page 359] Planets place in an Ellipsis, is thus Demonstra­ted by Dr. Ward now Bishop of Salisbury.

6. In this Ellipsis H denotes the place of the Suns Center, to which the true motion of the Planet is referred, M the other Focus whereun­to the equal or middle motion is numbred, A the Aphelion where the Planet is farthest distant from the Sun and slowest in motion, P the Pe­rihelion where the Planet is nearest the Sun and slowest in motion. In the points A and P the Line of the mean and true motion do convene, and therefore in either of these places the Pla­net is from P in aequality, but in all other points the mean and true motion differ, and in D and C is the greatest elliptick AEquation.

8. Now suppose the Planet in B, the line of the middle motion according to this Figure is MB, the line of the true motion HB. The mean Anomaly AMB. The Eliptick aequati­on or Prosthaphaeresis MBH, which in this Exam­ple subtracted from AMB, the remainer AHB is the true Anomaly. And here note that in the right lined Triangle MBH, the side MH is al­ways the same, being the distance of the Foci, the other two sides MB and HB are together equal to AP. Now then if you continue the side MB till BE be equal to BH and draw the line HE, in the right lined Triangle MEH, we have given ME=AD and MH with the Angle EMH, to find the Angles MEH and MHE which in this case are equal, because EB=BH by Contraction, and therefore the double of BEH or BHE=MBH, which is the Angle required.

And that which yet remaineth to be done, is [Page 360] the finding the place of the Aphelion, the true Excentricity or distance of the umbilique points, and the stating of the Planets middle motion.


Of the finding of the Suns Apogeon, quantity of Excentricity aend middle motion.

THe place of the Suns Apogaeon and quantity of Excentricity may from the observati­ons of our countrey man Mr. Edward Wright be obtained in this manner, in the years 1596, and 1497, the Suns entrance into ♈ and ♎ and into the midst of ♉. ♌. ♍. and ♒ were as in the Table following expressed.

  1596 1597  
  D. H. M. D. H. M.  
Ianuary. 25. 00.07 24. 05.54 ♒. 15
March. 9. 18.43 10. 00.37 ♈. 0
April. 24. 21.47 25. 03.54 ♉. 15
Iuly. 28. 01.43 28. 09.56 ♌. 15
September. 12. 13.48 12. 19.15 ♎. 0
October. 27. 15.23 27. 21.50 ♍. 15

And hence the Suns continuance in the Nor­thern Semicircle from ♈ to ♎ in the year 1596 being Leap year, was thus found.

d. h.
From the 1. of Ianuary to ☉ Entrance ♎.
256. 13. 48.
From the 1. of Iun to ☉ Entrance ♈
69. 18.43
Their difference.
186. 19.05

In the year 1597 from the 1 of Ianuary to the time of the ☉ Entrance into ♎.
255. 19.15
To the ☉ entrance into ♈.
69. 09.37
Their difference is
186. 18.38

And the difference of the Suns continuance in these Arks in the year 1596 and 1597 is 27′. and therefore the mean time of his continuance in those Arks is days 186. hours 18. minutes 51. se­conds 30. And by consequence his continuance in the Southern Semicircle that is from ♎ to ♈ is 178 days. 11 hours, 8 minutes and 30 se­conds.

In like manner in the year 1596 between his entrance into ♉ 15. and ♍ 15, there are days
185. 17.36
And in the year 1597 there are days
185. 17.56

And to find the middle motion answering to days 186. hours 18. Minutes 51. seconds 30 I say.

As 365 days, 6 hours, the length of the Julian, year is to 360, the degrees in a Circle.

So is 186 days, 18 hours, 51′. 30″ to 184 degrees. 03′. 56″.

In like manner the mean motion answering [Page 362] to 185 days, 17 h. 46′ is 183 degrees, 02′.09.

Apparent motion from ♈ to ♎
180. 00.00
Middle motion
184. 03.56
Their Sum
364. 03.56
Half Sum is the Arch. SME
182. 01.58

In 1596 from 15 ♒ to 15 ♌ there are days 185, hours 01, minutes 36. In 1597. days 135. hours 4. 02′.

And the mean motion answering thereunto is. 182 d. 30′. 36″.

Apparent motion from
15 ♉ to 15 ♍. 180.
Middle motion
185. 17. 56. 181. 04.53
Half Sum is
183. 32. 26

From 15 ♒ to 15 ♌ Days. 185. 04 h. 02′

Apparent motion
Middle motion
182. 30. 36
Half Sum
181. 15. 18

Now then in Fig. from PGC. 181. 32. 26 deduct NKD 180, the Remainer is DC+NP. 1. 32. 26. Therefore DC or NP. 46. 13, whose Sine is HA.

And from XPG. 181. 15. 18 deduct TNK 180, the Remainer is KG+TX 1. 15. 18. Therefore KG or TX 37. 39, whose Sine is HR.

[Page 363]

Now then to find the Apogaeon.
As HA 46′.13″
To Rad. So HR 37′.39″
To Tang. HAR. 39 d.10′.04″
95. 49. 56.

Hence to find the excentricity AR.
As the Sine HAR. 39. 10.04
To Rad. So HR. 37.39
To RA. 1733.99
Or thus,

In the Triangle [...] we have given [...]. and [...].

As [...]. 37.39
To Rad. So [...]. 46. 13.
To Tang. R [...]. 50. 49.56

Apogaeon 95 deg. 49′. 56″. as before.

Then for the Excentricity RA.
As the Sine of R [...]. 50. 49. 56
Is to [...]. 46′.13″
So is Radius. To RA.1734.01

And this agreeth with the excentricity, used [Page 364] by Mr. Street in his Astron. Carolina, Pag. 23. But Mr. Wing as well by observation in former ages, as our own, in his Astron. Instaur. Pag. 39. doth find it to be 1788 or 1791. The work by both observations as followeth.

2. And first in the time of Ptolemy, Anno Christi 139 by comparing many observations to­gether, he sets down for the measure nearest truth, the interval between the vernal Equinox and the Tropick of Cancer to be days 93. hours 23. and minutes 03. And from the Vernal to the Autumnal Equinox, days 186. hours 13. and minutes 5.

The apparent motion from ♈ to ♎
90. 36.00
Middle motion for 93 d. 23 h. 3′. is
92. 36.42
The half Sum is GP
91. 18.21

Apparent motion from ♈ to ♎
180. 00.00
Middle motion for 186 d. 13 h. 5′. is
183. 52.03
The half Sum is GEK
181. 56.02

The half of GEK is GE.
90. 58.01
And GP less GE is
00. 20.20
Whose Sum is AC 59146.

Again from GEK 181. 56. 02. deduct the Semicircle FED 180. the remainer is the summ DK and FG. 1. 56. 2. and therefore DK=FG. 58′. 01″. whose sign is BC. 168755. L is the place of the Aphelion, and AB the Excentricity.

Now then in the Triangle ABC. in the Fig. 6 we have given the two sides AC and BC. To find the Angle BAC and the Hypotenuse AB. [Page 365] For which the proportions are.

As the side AC. 59146
Is to the Radius.
So is the side BC▪ 168755
To Tang. BAC. 70. 41. 10.

Secondly for AB.
As the Sine of BAC. 70. 41. 10.
Is to the side AB. 168755.
So is the Radius.
To the Hypot. AB. 1788. 10.

Therefore the Aphelion at that time was in II 10. 41. 10. And the excentricity. 1788.

3. Again Anno Christi 1652 the Suns place by observation was found to be as followeth.

April. 24. hours. 10. ♉. 15
October. 27. hours. 7. 10′ ♍. 15
Ianuary. 24. hours. 11.20′ ♒. 15
Iuly. 27. hours. 16.30, ♌. 15

Hence it appeareth that the Sun is running through one Semicircle of the Ecliptick, that is from ♉ 15 to ♍ 15. 185 days 21 hours and 10′. And through the other Semicircle from ♒ 15 to ♌ 15, days 184. hours 5. therefore the Suns mean motion, according to the practice in the last example, from ♉ 15 to ♍ 15 is 181. 30. 26. and from ♒ 15 to ♌ 15. 181. 16. 30.

Now then in Fig. 7. if we subtract the semi­circle of the Orb KMH. 180. from WPV 181. 36. 26. the remainer is the sum of KW and HV [Page 366] 1. 36. 26. the Sine of half thereof 48′. 13″ is e­qual to AC. 140252.

Again the mean motion of the Sun in his Orb from ♒ 15 to ♉ 15 is the Arch SKP. 181. 16. 30. whose excess above the Semicircle being bi­sected is 38. 15. whose Sine CB. 111345. now then in the Triangle ABC to find the Angle BAC, the proportion is.

As the side AC. 140252
Is to the Radius.
So is the Side CB 111345
To Tang. BAC. 38. 36. 21,

Which being deducted out of the Angle. 69 A ♌. 45 it leaveth the Angle 69 AL 6. 33. 39. the place of the ☉ Aphelion sought, and this is the quantity which we retain.

And for the excentricity BC.
As the Sum of BAC. 38. 26. 21
Is to the Radius.
So is the side BC 111345
To the Hypot. AB. 179103

So then Anno Christi. 1652. Aphel.
96. 33.39
Anno Christi. 139. the Aphelion
70. 41.10
Their difference is
25. 52.29

And the difference of time is 1513 Julian years.

Hence to find the motion of the Aphelion for 2. years, say I, if 1513 years give 25. 52.29, what shall one year give, and the answer is 00 d. 01′ [Page 367] 01″. 33‴. 56 iv. 44 v. that is in Decimal num­bers. 0. 00475. 04447. 0555.

And the motion for. 1651 years. 7. 84298. 4208862, which being deducted from the place of the Aphelion Anno Christi. 1652—26. 82245. 3703703. The remainer, viz. 18. 97946. 9494841 is the place thereof in the beginning of the Christian AEra, which being reduced is, 68 deg. 19. min. 33. sec. 56. thirds.

4. The Earths middle motion, Aphelion and Excentricity being thus found, we will now shew how the same may be stated to any particular time desired, and this must be done by help of the Sun or Earths place taken by observation. In the 178 year then from the death of Alexan­der, Mechir the 27 at 11 hours P. M. Hippar­cus found in the Meridian of Alexand. that the Sun entered ♈ 0. the which Vernal Equinox happened in the Meridian of London according to Mr. Wings computation at 9 hours 14′, and the Suns Aphelion then may thus be found.

The motion of the Aphelion for one year, was before found to be. 0. 00475. 04447. 0555. there­fore the motion thereof for one day is 0. 00001. 501491722. The Christian AEra began in the 4713 year compleat of the Julian Period, in which there are days 1721423. The AEra A­lexandri began November the twelfth, in the year 4390 of the Julian Period, in which there are 1603397 days. And from the death of A­lexander to the 27 of Mechir 178, there are days 64781, therefore from the beginning of the Julian Period, to the 178 year of the AEra A­lexandri, there are days 1668178 which being deducted from the days in the Christian AEra, [Page 368] 1721423, the remainer is 53245, the number of days between the 178 year after the death of Alexander, Mechir 27, and the beginning of the Christian AEra.

Or thus. From the AEra Alexandri to the AEra Christi there are 323 Julian years, and 51 days, that is 118026 days. And from the AEra Alexandri to the time of the observation, there are 64781 days, which being deducted from the former, the remainer is 53245 as before. Now then if you multiply the motion of the A­phelion for one day, viz. 0. 00001. 3014917 by 53245, the product is 0. 69297. 9255665, which being deducted from the place of the Aphelion in the beginning of the Christian AEra, before found. 18. 97946. 9494841. the remainer 18. 28649. 0239176 is the place of the Aphelion at the time of the observation, that is in Sexage­nary numbers. deg. 65. 49′. 53″.

5. The place of the Aphelion at the time of the observation being thus found to be deg. 65. 49′. 53″. The Suns mean Longitude at that time, may be thus computed.

In Fig. 8. In the Triangle EMH we have gi­ven the side ME 200000, the side MH 3576, the double excentricity before found, and the An­gle EMH 114. 10′. 07″. the complement of the Aphelion to a Semicircle, to find the Angle MEH, for which the proportion is,

As the Summ of the sides, is to the difference of the sides, so is the Tangent of the half Summ of the opposite Angles, to the Tangent of half their difference.

The side ME. 200000.
The side MH 3576.
Z. Of the sides. 203576. Co. ar.
X. Of the sides. 196424.
Tang. ½ Z Angles. 32′. 54′. 56.
Tang. ½ X Angles. 31. 59. 21.
Angle MEH. 0. 55. 35.

The double whereof is the Angle MBH 1. 51. 10. which being Subtracted from 360 the re­mainer 358. 08. 50. is the estimate middle mo­tion of the Sun, from which subtracting the A­phelion before found, 65. 49. 53. the remain­er 292. 18. 57. is the mean Anomaly by which the absolute AEquation may be found according to the former operation.

Z. ME+MH. 203576. Co. ar.
X. ME-MH. 196424
Tang. ½ Anom. 56. 09. 28.
Tang. ½ X. 55. 12. 18.
Differ. 00. 57. 10.

Doubled 1. 54. 20, which added to the mid­dle motion before found gives the ☉ true place ♈. 00. 3′. 10″, which exceeds the observation 3′. 10″. therefore I deduct the same from the middle motion before found, and the remainer 358. 05. 50. is the middle motion at the time of the observation of Hipparchus, to which if you add the middle motion of the Sun for 53245 days, or for 323 AEgyptian years 131 days, 280. 46. 08′ the Summ, rejecting the whole Circles, is 278. 51. 48 the Suns mean Longitude in the beginning of the Christian AEra.

6. But one observation is not sufficient, where­by [Page 370] to state the middle motion for any desired Epocha, we will therefore examine the same by another observation made by Albategnius at A­racta in the year of Christ 882, March: 15. hours 22. 21. but in the Meridian of London at 18 hours. 58′.

The motion of the Aphelion for 881 years, 74 days is 3. 806068653737, which being ad­ded to the place thereof in the beginning of the Christian AEra, the place at the time of the obser­vation will be found to be 22. 785538148578, that is reduced, Deg. 82. 01′. 40″. And hence the AEquation according to the former operati­ons is Deg. 2. 01′. 16″ which being deducted from a whole Circle, the remainer 357 d. 58′. 44″ is the estimate middle motion at that time, from which deducting the Aphelion deg. 82. 01. 40. the remainer 275. 57. 04 is the mean ano­maly, and the AEquation answering thereto is deg. 2. 02′. 18″ which being added to the middle motion before found, gives the ☉ place ♈. 00. 01′. 02″ which exceeds the observation 01′. 02″. therefore deduct the same from the middle motion before found, the remainer 357. 57′. 22″ is the middle motion of the ☉ at the time of the observation, from which deducting the middle motion for 881 years, 74 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes, viz. 80 d. 06′. 10″. the re­mainer 277 deg. 51′. 12″. is the ☉ mean Lon­gitude in the beginning of the Christian AEra.

By the first observation it is deg.
278. 51′. 48″
By the second
277. 51. 12
Their difference is
1. 00. 36

[Page 371] He that desires the same to this or any other Epocha, to more exactness, must take the pains to compare the Collection thereof from sun­dry Observations, with one another, this is sufficient to shew how it is to be found. Here therefore I will only add the measures set down by some of our own Nation, and leave it to the Readers choice to make use of that which pleaseth him best.

The ☉ mean Longitude in the beginning of the Christian AEra according to.
Vincent Wing is
9. 8 d. 00′. 31″
Tho. Street is
9. 7. 55. 56
Iohn Flamsted is
9. 7. 54. 39
By our first Computation
9. 8. 51. 48
By our second
9. 7. 51. 12

In the Ensuing Tables of the ☉ mean Lon­gitude, we have made use of that measure gi­ven by Mr. Flamsted, a little pains will fit the Tables to any other measure.


Of the quantity of the Tropical and Sydereal Year.

THe year Natural or Tropical (so called from the Greek word [...], (which sig­nifies to turn) because the year doth still turn or return into it self) is that part of time in which the ☉ doth finish his course in the Zodiack [Page 372] by coming to the same point from whence it began.

2. That we may determine the true quanti­ty thereof, we must first find the time of the ☉ Ingress into the AEquinoctial Points, about which there is no small difference amongst Astrono­mers, and therefore an absolute exactness is not to be expected, it is well that we are arrived so near the Truth as we are. Leaving it therefore to the scrutiny of after Ages, to make and com­pare sundry Observations of the ☉ entrance in­to the AEquinoctial Points, it shall suffice to shew here how the quantity of the Tropical year may be determined, from these following obser­vations.

3. Albategnius, Anno Christi 882 observed the ☉ entrance into the Autumnal AEquinox at Aracta in Syria to be Sept. 19. 1 hour 15′ in the Morning. But according to Mr. Wings cor­rection in his Astron. Instaur. Page 44, it was at 1 hour 43′ in the Morning, and therefore ac­cording to the ☉ middle motion, the mean time of this Autumnal AEquinox was Sept. 16. 12 h. 14′. 25″. that is at London at 8 h. 54′. 25″.

4. Again by sundry observations made in the year 1650. the second from Bissextile as that of Albategnius was, the true time of the ☉ in­gress into ♎ was found to be Sept. 12. 14 h. 40′. and therefore his ingress according to his mid­dle motion was Sept. 10. 13 h. 02.

5. Now the interval of these two observa­tions is the time of 768 years, in which space by subtracting the lesser from the greater, I find an anticipation of 5 days, 9 hours, 52′. 25″. which divided by 768 giveth in the quotient [Page 373] 10′. 55″. 39 which being subtracted for 365 days, 6 hours, the quantity of the Julian year, the true quantity of the Tropical year will be 365 days, 5 hours, 49′. 04″. 21‴. Others from other observations have found it some­what less, our worthy countryman Mr. Edward Wright takes it to be 365 d. 5 hours. 48′.

Mr. Iohn Flamsted, 5 h. 29′. Mr. Tho. Street 5 h. 49′. 01″. taking therefore the Tropical year to consist of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 Minutes, the Suns mean motion for one day is 0 deg. 59′. 8″. 19‴. 43 iv. 47 v. 21 vi. 29 vii. 23 viii. or in de­cimal Numbers, the whole Circle being divi­ded into 100 degrees, the ☉ daily motion is 0. 27379. 08048. 11873.

6. The Sydereal or Starry year is found from the Solar by adding the Annual Motion of the eighth Orb or praecession of the AEquinoctial Points thereunto, that praecession being first converted into time.

7. Now the motion of the fixed Stars is found to be about 50″. in a years time, as Mr. Wing hath collected from the several observations of Timocharis, Hipparchus, Tycho and others; and to shew the manner of this Collection, I will mention onely two, one in the time of Timo­charis, and another in the time of Tycho.

8. Timocharis then as Ptolemy hath it in his Almagist, sets down the Virgins Spike more northwardly than the AEquinoctial, 1 deg. 24′. the time of this observation is supposed to be about 291 years before Christ, the Latitude 1 deg. 59′ South, and therefore the place of the Star was in ♍. 21 d. 59′. And by the ob­servation of Tycho 1601 current, it was in ♎ [Page 374] 18. 16′. and therefore the motion in one year 50″, which being divided by 365 days, 6 hours, the quotient is the motion thereof in a days time. 00′. 8‴. 12 iv. 48 v. 47 vi. 18 vii. 30 viii. 13 ix. and in decimal Numbers, the motion for a year is 00385. 80246. 91358. The motion for a day. 00001. 05626. 95938.

9. Now the time in which the Sun moveth 50″, is 20′. 17″. 28‴, therefore the length of the sydereal year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9′. 17″. 28‴. And the Suns mean motion for a day 59′. 8″. 19‴. 43 iv. 47 v. 21 vi. 29 vii. 23 viii. converted into time is 00. 03′. 56″. 33‴. 18 iv. 55 v. 9 vi. 23 vii. 57 viii. which being added to the AEquinocti­al day, 24 hours, giveth the mean solar day, 24 hours. 3.′ 56″. 33‴. 18 iv. 55. 9. 23. 57.

10. And the daily motion of the fixed Stars, being converted into time is 32 iv. 51 v. 15 vi. 9 vii. 14 viii. 24 ix. and therefore the AEquinoctial day being 24 hours, the sydereal day is 24 hours, 00′. 00″. 00‴. 32 iv. 51. 15. 9. 14 24.

11. Hence to find the praecession of the AEqui­noctial Points, or Longitude of any fixed Star, you must add or subtract the motion thereof, from the time of the observation, to the time given, to or from the place given by observation, and you have your desire.

Example. The place of the first Star in A­ries found by Tycho in the year 1601 current, was in ♈. 27 d. 37′. 00. and I would know the place thereof in the beginning of the Christian AEra.

[Page 375]

The motion of the fixed Stars for 1600 years,
22 d. 13′. 20″
Which being deducted from the place found by observ.
27. 37. 00
The remainer.
5. 231. 40

is the place thereof in the beginning of the Christian AEra.

12. Having thus found the ☉ middle moti­on, the motion of the Aphelion and fixed Stars, with their places, in the beginning of the Chri­stian AEra; we will now set down the num­bers here exhibited AEra Christi. Mr. Wing from the like observations, takes the ☉ motion to be as followeth.

The ☉ mean Longitude
9. 8. 00. 31
Place of Aphelion
2. 8. 20. 03
The Anomaly
06. 29. 40. 28

The which in decimal Numbers are
The ☉ mean Longitude
77. 22460. 86419
Place of the Aphelion
18. 98171. 29629
The Anomaly
58. 24289. 56790

The mean motions for one year.
The ☉ mean Longitude
99. 93364. 37563. 34
The Aphelion
00. 00475. 04447. 05
The ☉ mean Anomaly
99. 92889. 33116. 29

The ☉ mean motions for one day.
The ☉ mean Longitude
00. 27379. 08048. 11
The Aphelion
00. 00001. 30149. 17
The mean Anomaly
00. 27377. 77898. 94

And according to these measures are the Ta­bles made shewing the ☉ mean Longitude and Anomaly, for Years, Months, Days and Hours.


The Suns mean motions otherwise stated.

SOme there are in our present age, that will not allow the Aphelion to have any motion, or alteration, but what proceeds from the mo­tion of the fixed Stars, the which as hath been shewed, do move 50 seconds in a year, and hence the place of the first Star in Aries, in the begin­ning of the Christian AEra was found to be ♈. 5. 23 d. 40.

Now then, if from the place of the Aphelion Anno Christi. 1652 as was shewed in the tenth Chapter, deg. 96. 33′. 39. we deduct the mo­tion of the fixed Stars for that time. 28. 19. 12. the remainer 68. 14. 27 is the constant place of the Aphelion; but Mr. Street in his Astrono­mia Carolina Page 23, makes the constant place of the Aphelion to be 68 d. 20. 00, and the ☉ ex­centricity 1732.

And from the observation of Tycho 1590 March the eleventh. in the Meridian of V­raniburg, but reduced to the Meridian of London. March the tenth, hour 23. 2′. He [Page 376]


[Page] [Page]


[Page] [Page 377] determines the Earths mean Anomaly thus.

The place of the Sun observed
♈. 0. 33. 19
The praecession of AEquinox
0. 27. 27. 22
The Earths Sydereal Longitude
5. 03. 05. 57
The place of the Aphelion Subtract
8. 08. 20. 00
The Earths true Anomaly
8. 24. 45. 57
AEquation Subtract
1. 58. 47
The remainer is the Estimate M. Anom.
8. 22. 47. 10
AEquation answering thereto add.
1. 58. 27
The Earths true Anomaly
8. 24. 45. 37
The place of the Aphelion
8. 08. 20. 00
Praecession of the AEquinox
0. 27. 27. 22
Place of the Sun
♈. 00. 32. 59
But the place by observation
♈. 00. 33. 19
The difference is
001. 001. 20
Which being added to the mean Anom.
8. 22. 47. 10
The mean Anomaly is
8. 22. 47. 30
The absolute AEquation
1. 58. 27
The true Anomaly
8. 24. 45. 57
Agreeing with observation.

And so the mean Anomaly AEra Christi is 6. 23. 19. 56. But Mr. Flamsted according to whose measure the ensuing Tables are compo­sed, takes the mean Anomaly AEra Christi. to be 6. 24. 07. 091. The place of the Aphelion to be 8, 08. 23. 50. And so the Praecession of the AEquinox and Aphelion in the beginning of [Page 378] the Christian AEra. 8, 13. 47. 30. in decimal Numbers.

AEra Christi.
The Suns mean Anomaly
56. 69976. 85185
The Suns Apogaeon and Praec. AEq.
20. 49768. 51851
The ☉ mean motions for one Year.
The ☉ mean Longitude
99. 93364. 37563. 34
The Praecession of AEquin.
00385. 80246. 91
The ☉ mean Anomal.
99. 92978. 57316. 43
The ☉ mean Motions for one Day.
The ☉ mean Longitude
00. 27379. 08048. 11
The Praecession of AEqui.
00. 00001. 05699. 30
The ☉ mean Anom.
00. 27378. 02348. 81


How to Calculate the Suns true place by either of the Tables of middle motion.

VVRite out the Epocha next before the given time, and severally under that set the motions belonging to the years, months and days compleat, to the hours, scruples, cur­rent every one under his like (only remember that in the Bissextile years after the end of Fre­bruary the days must be increased by an unite) then adding all together, the sum shall be the ☉ mean motion for the time given.

[Page 379] Example.

Let the given time be Anno Christi 1672. Fe­bruary 23. hours 11. 34′. 54″. by the Tables of the ☉ mean Longitude and Anomaly, the num­bers are as followeth.

    M. Longitud. M. Anomal.
The Epocha 1660 80. 67440. 53.79815
Years 11 99. 81766. 99.76526
Ianuary   08. 48751. 08.48711
Day. 23 06. 29718. 06.29688
Hours 11 00. 12548. 00.12548
  34 00. 00646. 00.00646
  54 00. 00017. 00.00017
    95. 40886. 68.47951

By the Tables of the Suns mean Anomaly and praecession of the AEquinox, the numbers are these.

    Anomaly. Praece. AEqui.
The Epocha 1660 53. 76721. 26.90200
Years 11 99. 77520. 00.04243
Ianuary   8. 48718. 00032
Days 23 6. 29694. 00024
Hours 11 0. 12548. 26.94499
  34′ .00646. 68.45882
  54″ .00035. 95.40381
☉ mean Anomaly   68.45882  

[Page 380] There is no great difference between the ☉ mean Longitude and Anomaly found by the Ta­bles of mean Longitude and Anomaly, and that found by the Tables of mean Anomaly and Pre­cession of the AEquinox. The method of finding the Elliptical AEquation is the same in both, we will instance in the latter only, in which the ☉ mean Anomaly is Degrees 68. 45882. And the precession of AEquin. deg. 26. 94499.

But because there is no Canon of Sines and Tan­gents as yet published, suitable to this division of the Circle into an 100 deg. or parts: We must first convert the ☉ mean Anomaly, and prec. of of the AEquin, given, into the degrees and parts of the common Circle: And this may be done either into degrees and decimal parts of a degree, or into deg. and minutes: if it were required to be done into degrees and minutes, the Table here exhibited for that purpose will serve the turn, but if it be required to be done into degrees and de­cimal parts, I judge the following method to be more convenient.

Multiply the degrees and parts given by 36, the Product, if you cut off one figure more towards the right hand than there are parts in the num­ber given, shall be the degrees and parts of the common Circle.

Anomaly. 68. 45882 Praec. AEquinox. 26. 94499
36   36
41075292   16166994
20537646   8983497
Anom. 246. 451752   Prae. AEq. 97. 001964

[Page 38] And if you multiply the parts of these Pro­ducts, you will convert them into minutes.

Otherwise thus. Multiply the degrees and parts given by 6 continually, the second Product, if you cut off one figure more towards the right hand than are parts in the number given, shall be the degrees and parts of the common Circle. The third Product of the parts only shall give minutes, the fourth seconds, and so forward as far as you please. Example.

☉ Mean Anom. 68. 45882
Praec. AEq. 26. 94499

And thus the mean Anom. is deg. 246. 451742 or 27′. 06. The Prec. AEq. 97. 001964. or 00′. 07″.

Hence to find the Elliptical AEquation in degrees and decimal parts: In Fig. 8. we have given in the right lined plain Triangle EMH, the sides ME, and MH, and the Angle EMH, 66. 451742. the excess of the mean Anomaly above a Semicircle, to find the Angle MEH.

The side ME
The side MH
Zcru. 203468 Co. ar. 4.69150389
Xcru. 196532   5.29343327
t frac12 Zangle. 56.774129   10.18374097
t frac12 Xangle. 55.857087   10.16867813

MEH. 0. 917042 the double whereof is the Angle MBH. 1. 834084 or Elliptick AEqua­tion sought, which being added to the mean A­nomaly and praecession of the AEquinox, because the Anomaly is more than a Semicircle, the same is the Suns true place.

The ☉ mean Anomaly
The Praecession of the AEquinox
Elliptick AEquation
The Suns true place.

But because the Elliptick AEquation thus found doth not so exactly agree to observation as is de­sired, Bullialdus in Chap. 3. of his Book entituled Astronomiae Philolaicae fundamenta clarius explicata, Printed at Paris, 1657. shews how to correct the same by an Angle applied to the Focus of middle motion, subtended by the part of the ordinate line, intercepted between the Ellipsis and the Cir­cle circumscribing it. This Mr. Street maketh use of in his Astronomia Carolina, and this I thought not amiss to add here.

In Fig. 9. let ABCPDF be supposed an El­lipsis, and the Circle AGPK described upon the extremes of the transverse Diameter, and the Or­dinates KN and OB extended to G and M in [Page]


[Page] [Page 383] the Periphery of the Circle: then by the 21 of the first of Apollonius.

XN. GX∷OB tang. OEB. OM tang. OEM.

And the Angle OEM-OEB=BEM=ETY, the variation to be deducted from the Elliptick AEquation ETH, the Remainer is the absolute AEquation YTS in the first Quadrant.

In the second and third Quadrants, the variati­on or difference between the mean and corrected Anomaly, must be added to the Elliptick AEqua­tion, to find the true and absolute AEquation.

For XN. XG. QV. tang. QEV. the comp. m. Anom. QR. t. QER. and the Angle VER=ECO is the va­riation, and ECO+ECH=OCH is the absolute AEquation sought in the second Quadrant.

Again, XN. SG∷a D, tang. a ED. a b, tang. aEB. And aEB—aED=DEf the variation= EFO and EfO+EfH=OfH the absolute AEquation sought in the third Quadrant.

Lastly, in the fourth Quadrant of mean Ano­maly it is.

XN. XG∷ch. tang. eEH. eg. tang. eFg. and hEg is the variation: And EFH— [...]= [...] the absolute AEquation sought in the fourth Quadrant.

And to find XN the conjugate Semi-diameter, in the right angled Triangle ENX, we have gi­ven, EN=AX and EX the semi-distance of the umbilick points. And Mr. Briggs in Chap. 19. of his Arithm. Logar. hath shewed, that the half Sum of the Logarith. of the sum and difference of the Hypotenuse, and the given leg. shall be the Loga­rith. of the other leg.

[Page 384] Now then EN=AX. 100000    
The Leg EX. 1734  
Their Sum 101734 5.00745001
Their difference 98266 4.99240328
  The Z of the Logarithms, 9.99985329
  frac12; Z. Logarith. XN. 99983 4.99992664

Now then in the former Example the mean Anomaly is 246 deg. 451741. and the excess a­bove a semicircle is the ang. aED. 66. 451742. Therefore.

As XN. 99983
Is to XG. 100000
So is the tang. aED 66.451742
To the tang. aEB 66.455296

aEB—aED=DEf .003544 the variation, which being added to the Elliptick AEquation be­fore found, the absolute AEquation is 1. 837628. and therefore the ☉ true place 345. 291334. that is X. 15. 17. 28.


To find the place of the fixed Stars.

THe annual motion of the fixed Stars is, as hath been shewed, 50 Seconds, hence to find their places at any time assigned, we have exhibited a Table of the Longitude and Latitude of some of the most fixed Stars, from the Cata­logue [Page]


[Page] [Page 385] of noble Tycho for the year of our Lord 1600 compleat. Now then the motion of the fixed Stars according to our Tables being com­puted, for the difference of time between 1600 and the time propounded, and subtracted from the place in the Table, when the time given is before 1600, or added to it, when the time gi­ven is after; the Summ or difference shall be the place desired. The Latitude and Magnitude are still the same.

Example. Let the given time be 1500, the difference of time is 100 years, and the moti­on of the fixed Stars for 100 years is 0. 38580.

The place of the 1 * in ♈, 1600
Motion for 100 years subtract
Place required in the year 1500

2. Example.

Let the time given be
The place of the first Star in ♈ 1600 was
Motion for 60 years is
Motion for 14 years is
Place required in the year 1674 compl.


Of the Theory of the Moon, and the finding the place of her Apogaeon, quantity of excentricity and middle motion.

THe Moon is a secondary Planet, moving a­bout the Earth, as the Earth and other [Page 386] Planets do about the Sun, and so not only the Earth but the whole System of the Moon, is also carried about the Sun in a year. And hence, ac­cording to Hipparchus, there arises a twofold, but according to Tycho a three-fold Inequality in the Moons Motion. The first is Periodical and is to be obtained after the same manner, as was the excentrick AEquation of the Sun or Earth: in order whereunto, we will first shew how the place of her Apogaeon and excentricity may be found.

At Bononia in Italy, whose Longitude is 13 degrees Eastward from the Meridian of London, Ricciolus and others observed the apparent times of the middle of three lunar Eclipses to be as fol­loweth.

  • The first 1642. April the 4. at 14 hours and 4 Minutes.
  • The second 1642, September 27 at 16 hours and 46 minutes.
  • The third 1643. September 17 at 7 hours and 31 Minutes.

The equal times reduced to the Meridian of London, with the places of the Sun in these three observations, according to Mr. Street in the 25 Page of his Astronomia Carolina, are thus.

Anno Mens. D. h.
1642. April 4. 13. 37.
♈. 25. 6. 54
1642. Septemb. 27. 15. 57
♎. 14. 50. 09
1643. Sehtemb. 17. 6. 46
♎ 4. 20. 20

Hence the place of the Moon in the first obser­vation [Page 387] is in ♎ 25. 6′. 54. in the second ♈ 14. 50. 9. in the third ♓ 4. 20. 20. Now then in Fig. 10. let the Circle BHDGFE denote the Moons AEquant T the Center of the Earth, the Semidiameters TD, TE and TF the apparent places of the Moon, in the first, second and third observations, C the Center of the Excentrick, CD, CE and CF the Lines of middle motion.

From the first observation to the second there are
176 d. 2 h. 20′
The true motion of the Moon is deg.
169. 43. 15″
The motion of the Apogaeon subtract
19. 37. 07
The motion of the true Anomaly is the arch DE
150. 06. 08
The motion of the mean Anomaly DCE
140. 42. 28
From the first observation to the third, there are
530 d. 17 h. 9.
The true motion of the Moon is degrees
159. 13. 26
The motion of the Apogaeon subtract
159. 07. 32
The motion of the true Ano­maly is the Arch DF
100. 05. 54
The motion of the mean Anomaly DCF
93. 46. 45
And deducting the Arch DGF from the Arch DFE, the re­mainer is the Arch FE
50. 00. 14
And deducting the Angle DCF from the Angle DCE, the re­mainer is the Angle FCE
46. 55. 43

Suppose 10.00000000 the Logarithm of DC, continue FC to H, and with the other right Lines compleat the Diagram.

1. In the Triangle DCH we have given the Angle DCH 86. 13. 15. the complement of DCF 93. 46. 45 to a Semicircle. The Angle DHC 50. 02. 57. The half of the Arch DF and the side CD 1000000. To find CH.

As the Sine of DHC 50. 02. 57
To the Side DC, so the Sine of HDC 43. 43. 48.
To the Side CA

2 In the Triangle HCE we have given CH as before, the Angle CHE 25. 00. 07. The half of the Arch FE, the Angle HCE 133. 04. 17 the complement of FCE, and by consequence the Angle CEH 21. 55. 36 To find the Side CE.

As the Sine of CEH 21. 55. 36
To the Side CH
So is the Sine of CHE 25. 00. 07
To the Sine CE
  • 19.58105543
  • 10.00885836

3. In the Triangle DCE, we have given DC. CE and the Angle DCE 140. 42. 28. whose complement 39. 17. 32 is the Summ of the An­gles, to find the Angle CED and DE,

As the greater Side CE
Is to the lesser Side DC
So is the Radius
To the tang. of 44. 24. 54
Which subtracted from 45. 2
the remainer is the half.
Difference of the acute angles 35. 16.
As the Radius.
To the tang. of the com. 35. 16
Is to the tang. of the frac12; Z. 19. 38. 46
To the tang. of frac12; X. 00. 12. 35
Their Sum 19. 51. 21. is the angle— CDE.
Their difference 19. 26. 11. is the angle CED.
As the Sine of CED. 19. 26. 11.
Is to the Sine of DCE. 140. 42. 28.
So is the Side EC.
To the Side DE.

4. In the Isosceles Triangle DTE we have gi­ven the Side DE, the angle DTE 150. 06. 08 whose complement 29. 53. 52 is the Summ of the other two angles, the half whereof is the angle TDE 14. 56. 56 which being subtracted from the angle CDE. 19. 51. 21 the remainer is the angle CDT. 4. 54. 25.

As the Sine of DTE 150. 06. 08 Co. ar.
Is to the Sine of DET. 14. 56. 56
So is the Side DE
To the Side DT

5. In the Triangle CDT we have given DC. DT and the angle CDT, to find CTD and CT.

As the Side DT
Is to the Side DC
So is the Rad.
To the tang. of 26. 18
  • Deduct 45.
  • As the Radius.
Is to the Sine of the remainer 0. 26. 18.
So is the tang. of the frac12; Z angle 87. 32. 57
To the tang. frac12; X angle 10. 08. 04
Their Summ 97. 41. 01
is the angle CTD
As the Sine of CTD. 97. 41. 01. Co. ar.
Is to the Side DC
So is the Sine of CDT 4. 54. 25
To the Side CT
s. d.
The place of the Moon in the first Observation
6. 25. 06. 54
The true Anomaly CTD sub.
3. 07. 41. 01
The place of the Apogaeon
3. 17. 25. 53
☽ place in the first Observation
6. 25. 06. 54
The AEquation CDT Add.
04. 54. 25
The ☽ mean Longitude
7. 00. 01. 19
From which subtract the place of the Apogeon
3. 27. 25. 53
There rests the mean Anomaly BCD
3. 12. 35. 26

And for the excentricity in such parts, as the Radius of the AEquant is 100000 the Proporti­on is.


And this is the Method for finding the place of the Moons Apogaeon and excentricity. And from these and many other Eclipses as well Solar as Lunar, Mr. Street limits the place of the ☽ Apogaeon to be at the time of the first observation 21′. 04″ more, and the mean Anomaly 20. 41″ less, and the excentricity 8765 such parts as the Radius of the AEquant is 100000.

And by comparing sundry observations both antient and modern, he collects the middle mo­tion of the Moon, from her Apogaeon, to be in the space of four Julian years or 146 days, 53 revolutions, 0 Signes, 7 degrees, 56 minutes, 45 Seconds. And the Apogaeon from the AEqui­nox 5 Signes, 12 degrees, 46 minutes. And hence the daily motion of her mean Anomaly will be found to be 13 d. 03′. 53″. 57‴. 09 iv. 58 v. 46 vi. Of her Apogaeon 0. 06. 41. 04. 03. 25. 33.

And according to these Measures, if you de­duct the motion of the ☽ mean Anomaly for 1641 years April

4. hours 13. 37′, viz.
8. 22. 02. 00.
3. 121. 35. 26
The remainer is
6. 201. 33. 26
from which abating 20′. 41″ the ☽ mean Anom. AEra Chr. 6. 20. 12. 45.


In like manner the motion of her Apogaeon for the same time is
6. 05. 311. 57
which being deducted from
3. 17. 25. 57
The remainer is
9. 11. 55. 56
To which if you add
The Sum
91. 121. 15200
is the place of the ☽ Apogaeon in the beginning of the Christian AEra.


Of the finding of the place and motion of the Moons Nodes.

ANno Christi 1652, March 28, hour. 22. 16′, the Sun and Moon being in conjunction, Mr. Street in Page 33, computes the ☽ true place in the Meridian of London to be in ♈. 19. 14. 18 with latitude North 46′. 15″.

And Anno Christi 1654 August 1. hour. 21. 19′. 30″ was the middle of a Solar Eclipse at London. at which time the Moons true place was found to be in ♌ 18. 58′. 12″ with North La­titude 32′. 01″.

  • 1654 August 1. 21. 19′. 30″ ☽ place ♌ 18. 58. 12
  • 1652 March 28. 22. 16. 00 ☽ place ♈ 19. 14. 18

From the first observation to the second there are 27 years, 4 months, 5 days, 23 hours 03′. 30″.

Mean motion of the Nodes in that time, deg.
45. 19. 41
The true motion of the ☽
119. 43. 54
Their Summ is in Fig. 11. The angle DPB
165. 03. 35

Therefore in the oblique angled Spherical Triangle DPB we have given BP. 89. 13. 45 the complement of the Moons Latitude in the first Observation 2. PD 89. 27. 50 the comple­ment of the Moons Latitude in the second obser­vation, and the angle DPB 165. 03. 35, whose complement to a Semicircle is DPF 14. 56. 25. The angle PBD is required.

1. Proportion.

As the Cotangent of PD 89. 27. 50
Is to the Radius
So is the Cosine of DPF 14. 56. 25
To the tang. of PF 89. 26. 42
BP 89. 13. 45

Their Z is FPB 178. 40. 27. whose complement Is the Arch FG 1. 19. 33.

2. Proportion.

As the Sine of FP 89. 26. 42. Co. ar.
Is to the Cotang. of DPF 14. 56. 25
So is the Sine of FG 1. 19. 33
To the Cotang. of FGD 85. 02. 56
FGD=PBD inquired.

[Page 395] And in the right angled Spherical Triangle BA☊ right angled at A we have given AB 046′. 15″ the Latitude in the first observation, and the Angle AB☊=PBD 85. 02. 56. to find A☊ the Longitude of the Moon from the ascending Node.

As the Cot. of AB☊ 85. 02. 56
Is to the Radius
So is the Sine of AB 0.46′. 15″
To the tang. of A☊ 8. 49. 17

2. To find the Angle A☊B.

As the tang. of AB 0. 46. 15
Is to the Radius
So is the Sine of A☊ 8. 49. 17
To the Cotang. of A☊B 5. 0. 41
The angle of the ☽ orbite with the Ecliptick
The first observed place of the ☽
♈. 19. 14. 18
A☊ Subtract
8. 49. 17
There rests the true place of the ☊
♈. 10. 25. 01

The retrograde motion whereof in 4 Julian years or 2461 days, is by other observations found to be Sign 2. deg. 17. 22′. 06″. and there­fore the daily motion deg. 0. 03′. 10″. 38‴. 11 iv. 35 v.

And the motion thereof for 1651 years, March 28. h. 22. 16′, viz. Sign 8. deg. 18. 26′. 58″ being added to the place of the Node before found Sig. 0. 10. 25: 01. Their Sum is the place thereof in the beginning of the Christian AEra Sign 8. deg. 28. 51′. 59″.

[Page 396] But the Rudolphin Tables as they are corrected by Mr. Horron and reduced to the Meridian of London, do differ a little from these measures, for according to these Tables, the Moons mean mo­tions are.

AEra Christi.
The Moons mean Lon­gitude is
Sign. 04. deg. 02. 25. 55
The Moons Apogaeon
Sign. 09. deg. 13. 46. 59
The Moons mean Anomaly
Sign. 06. deg. 18. 38. 56
The Moons Node Re­trograde
Sign. 08. deg. 28. 33. 16

And according to these measures, the Moons mean motions in decimal Numbers are.

AEra Christi.
The Moons mean Longi­tude, deg.
34. 00887.345677
The Moons Apogaeon, deg.
78. 82862.654320
The Moons mean Anomaly, deg.
55. 18024.691357
The Moons Node Retro­grade, deg.
74. 69845.679010


The ☽ mean motion for one year.
The Moons mean Longi­tude, deg.
35. 94001. 44893. 1
The Moons Apogeaon, deg.
11. 29551. 126365
The Moons mean Anoma­ly, deg.
24. 64450. 322566
The Moons Node Retro­grade, deg.
05. 36900. 781604
The ☽ mean motion for one day.
The Moons mean Longi­tude, deg
03. 66010. 962873
The Moons Apogaeon, deg.
00. 03094. 660620
The Moons mean Anoma­ly, deg.
03. 62916. 302253
The Moons Node Retro­grade, deg.
00. 01470. 961045

And according to these measures are the Ta­bles made shewing the Moons mean Longitude, Apogaeon, Anomaly, and Node retrograde for Years, Months, Days and Hours.

And hence to compute the Moons true place in her Orbit, I shall make use of the Method, which Mr. Horron in his Posthumas works lastly pub­lished by Mr. Flamsted, in which from the Ru­dolphin Tables he sets down these Dimensi­ons.

The Moons mean Semidiameter deg.
00. 15′. 30″
Her mean distance in Semid. of the Earth Deg.
11. 47. 22
The half whereof deg. 5. 53. 41. he adds 45 the whole is
deg. 50. 53. 41
Whose Artificial cotangent is
And the double thereof makes this standing Numb.
  Greatest 6685. 44  
The Moons Mean 5523. 69 Excentricity
  Least 4361. 94  
And her greatest variation 00. 36′. 27″.

These things premised his directions for com­puting the Moons place, are as followeth.


How to Calculate the Moons true place in her Orbit.

TO the given time find the true place of the Sun, or his Longitude from the Vernal AEquinox, as hath been already shewed.

2. From the Tables of the Moons mean moti­ons, write out the Epocha next before the gi­ven time, and severally under that set the moti­ons, belonging to the years, months and days compleat, and to the hours and scruples cur­rent, every one under his like (only remember that in the Bissextile years, after the end of Fe­bruary, the days must be increased by one Unite) then adding them all together, the Summ shall be [Page 399] the Moons mean motions for the time given: But in her Node Retragrade you must leave out the Radix or first number, and the Summ of the remainer being deducted from the Radix, shall be the mean place of her Node required.

3. Deduct the Moons Apogaeon from the ☉ true place, the rest is the annual Augment, the tan­gent of whose Complement 180 or 360, being ad­ded to the artificial Number given 9. 82000044. the Summ shall be the tangent of an Arch, which being deducted from the said Complement, gi­veth the Apogaeon AEquation to be added to the mean Apogaeon, in the first and third quadrants of the annual Augment, and Subtracted in the second and fourth, their Summ or difference is the true Apogaeon.

4. The true Apogaeon being Deducted from the ☽ mean Longitude gives the Moons mean Anomaly.

5. Double the annual Augment, and to the Cosine thereof add the Logarithm of 1161. 75. the difference between the Moons mean and ex­tream Excentricity, viz. 3. 06511268, the Summ shall be the Logarithm of a number which being added to the mean Excentricity, if the double annual Augment be in the first or fourth quadrants; or Subtracted from it, if in the second or third quadrants; the Summ or difference shall be the Moons true Excentricity.

6. The Moons true Excentricity being taken for a natural Sine, the Arch answering thereto shall be the ☽ greatest Physical AEquation.

7. To the half of the Moons greatest Physical AEquation add 45 deg. the cotagent of the Summ is the artificial Logarithm of the Excentrick. [Page 400] To the double whereof if you add the tang. of half the mean Anomaly, the Summ shall be the tangent of an Arch, which being added to half the mean Anomaly, shall give the Excentrick A­nomaly.

8. To the Logarithm of the Excentrick, add the tangent of half the Excentrick Anomaly, the Summ shall be the tangent of an Arch, whose double shall be the Coequated Anomaly, and the difference between this and the mean Anomaly is the terrestrial Equation, which being added to the Moons mean Longitude, if the mean Anoma­ly be in the first Semicircle, or Subtracted from it, if in the latter, the Summ or difference shall be the place of the Moon first Equated.

9. From the place of the Moon first Equated, Deduct the true place of the Sun, and double the remainer, and to the Sine of the double add the Sine of the greatest variation 0. 36. 27, viz. 8. 02541571, the Summ shall be the Sine of the true variation, at that time, which being added to the Moons place first Equated, when her single distance from the Sun is in the first or third qua­drants, or Subtracted when in the second or fourth, the Summ or difference shall be the Moons true place in her Orbit.


Let the given time be Anno Christi 1672. Feb. 23. h. 11. 34′. 54″ at which time the Suns true place is in ♓ 15. 29133 and the Moons middle motions are as followeth.

[Page 401]

  ☽ Longitude ☽ Apogaeon ☊ Retrograde  
1660 13. 36650. 41. 78372. 55.85177  
11. 02. 66032. 24. 31246. 59.08943  
Ianuary. 13. 46339. 00.95934 .45599  
D. 23 84. 18252. .71177 .33832  
H. 11 1. 67755. .01418 .00674  
34′ .08641. .00072 .00054  
54 .00228. .00012 .00001  
Longitude 15. 43897. 67.78229 59.89082  
These Numbers reduced to the Degrees and Parts of the common Circle are for the ☽ mean Longitude.
The ☽ Apogaeon.
The ☉ true place is
The ☽ Apogaeon subtract.
The Annual Augment.
The Complement whereof is
The Tang. of deg. 78. 72462
The standing Number.
The Tang. of deg. 73. 20288
Their difference. 5. 52174 the Apogaeon Equation
Mean Apogaeon 244. 01595
Their difference 238. 49421 is the true Apogaeon.

[Page 402] Secondly.

The ☽ mean Longitude.
The true Apogaeon subtract.
Rests the ☽ mean Anom. correct.

Or thus.

The ☽ mean Anomaly in the Tables for the time propounded, will be found to be 67. 78221, which converted into the deg. and parts of the common Circle is
To which the Apogaeon Equation being added
Their Sum is the mean Anom. correct.

And hence it appears that working by the mean Anomaly instead of the mean Longitude, the true Apogaeon Equation must be added to the mean Anomaly, in the second and fourth Qua­drants of the ☽ Annual Augment, and sub­tracted from it in the first and third.


The Annual Augment. 101. 27538 being dou­bled is deg. 202. 55076, the Cosine of whose excess above 180, that is the Cosine of 22. 54076 is
The Logarithm of 1161. 75
The Logarithm of 1072. 92
The ☽ mean Excentr. 5523. 69
Their difference 4450. 77 is the ☽ true Ex­centricity. [Page 403] Which taken as a natural Sine, the Arch answering thereunto Deg. 2. 55094 is the ☽ greatest Physical Equation.


To the half of the Physical Equation. deg. 01. 27547 add 45 degrees, the Sum is deg. 46. 27547, the Cotangent whereof; viz. 9. 98080957 is the Logarithm of the Excen­trick, the double of which Logarithm is
Tangent frac12 Anomaly corrected 88. 54304
Tang. of deg. 88. 40849
Their Sum deg. 176. 95153 is the excentrick A­nomaly.


The Logarithm of the Excen­trick is
Tang. frac12 excent. Anom. 88. 475765
Tangent of deg. 88. 407268
The double whereof 176. 814536
is the coequa­ted Anomaly.
M. Anomaly correct.
Their difference 0. 271544
is the Equati­on sought to
be subst. from ☽ mean Long.
The Remainer 55. 308748
is the ☽ place first Equated.

[Page 404] Sixthly,

From the place of the ☽ first E­quated.
Deduct the true place of the Sun
The Remainer is the Distance of the ☽ à
The double whereof is 140. 034836. The Sine of whose Complement to a Semi-circle, 39. 965164 is
The Sine of the greatest variation
The Sine of the true var. 0. 390206
The ☽ place first Equa. 55. 308748
The ☽ place in Orbit 55. 698954 that is in Sex­agenary Numbers. 8. 25. 41. 54.


To compute the true Latitude of the Moon, and to reduce her place, from her Orbit to the Ecliptick.

THe greatest Obliquity of the Moon's Orb with the Ecliptick or Angle A ☊ B Fig. 11. is by many Observations confirmed to be 5 De­grees just, at the time of the Conjunction or Op­position of the Sun and Moon, but in her Quar­ters deg. 5. 18′. Now then then find her Latitude at all times, the said Mr. Horrox refers us to pag. 87. in the Rudolphin Tables, to find from thence the Equation of the Nodes, and Inclination limi­tis menstrui, in this manner.

1. From the mean place of the Node, deduct [Page 405] the ☉ true place, the Remainer is the distance of the ☉ from the ☊. with which entring the said Table, he finds the Equation of the Node and Inclination limitis menstrui, which being added to or subtracted from the Nodes mean place ac­cording to the title, the Sum or difference is the true place of the Node, which being deducted from the place of the Moon in her Orb, the Re­mainer shall be the Augment of Latitude or Di­stance of the Moon from the Node, or Leg A ☊.

2. With the Augment of Latitude, enter the Table of the Moon's Latitude, and take thence her Simple and Latitude and Increase answering to it. Then say, as the whole excess of Latitude 18′, or in Decimals 30. is to the Inclination of the Monethly limit: So is the increase of Latitude to the Part Proportional; which being added to the sim­ple Latitude, will give you the true Latitude of the Moon.

3. With the same Augment of Latitude, en­ter the Table of Reduction, and take thence the Reduction and Inclination answering thereto: Then say again, as 18′. 00″. or 0. 30. is to the In­clination of the Monethly limit: So is the increase of Reduction, to the Part Proportional; which being added to the simple Reduction, shall give the true, to be added to, or subtracted from the place of the Moon in the Ecliptick.

Example. By the former Chapter, we found the mean motion of the Node to be 95. 96094, which reduced to the Degrees and Parts of the common Circle is
And the Suns true place to be
Their difference is the distance ☉ à
. 168050

[Page 406] with which entring the Table, Entituled Ta­bula AEquationis Nodorum Lunae. I find the Node to need no Equation, and the Inclinati­on limitis menstrui to be deg. 00. 30.

The place of the ☽ in her Orbit
The Nodes true place, subtract.
The Augment of Latitude
2. With this Augment of Latitude I enter the Table shewing the Moons simple Latitude, and thereby find her simple Latitude to be De­grees. 04. 70476. North; And the in­crease
And therefore the Moons true Lati­tude is deg.
3. With the same Augment of Latitude, I en­ter the Table of Reduction, and thereby find the Reduction to be
And the increase of Reduction to be deg.
And therefore the whole Reduction to be sub.
From the ☽ place in her Orbit
The ☽ true place in the Ecliptick
That is in Sexagenary Numbers.
8. 25. 37′. 15″.


To find the Mean Conjunction and Opposition of the Sun and Moon.

TO this purpose we have here exhibited a Ta­ble shewing the Moons mean motion from the Sun, the construction whereof is this: By the Tables of the Moons mean motions, her mean

Longitude AEra Christi is
The ☉ mean Anomaly.
Praecession of the AEquinox.
Their Sum is the ☉ mean lon­git. AEra a Christi.
Which being deducted from the ☽ mean longitude, the remainer is the Moons mean
distance from the Sun, in the beginning of the Christian AEra.

In like manner the Moons mean distance from the Sun in a year or a day is thus found.

☉ Anomaly for a year.
Praecession of the AEquinox.
Their Sum subtract.
From the ☽ mean Longitude.
Moons distance from the ☉.

[Page 408] Moons distance from the Sun in a days time.

☉ mean Anomaly.
Praecession of the AEquinox.
Their Sum subtract.
From the ☽ mean Longitude.
03. 66010.96287
☽ Daily motion from the ☉.
03. 38631.88240

And according to these measures are the Ta­bles made, shewing the Moons mean motion from the Sun, by which the mean conjunction of the ☽ and Moon may be thus computed.

To the given year and Month gather the mid­dle motions of the Moon from the Sun, and take the complement thereof to a whole Circle, from which subtracting continually the nearest lesser middle motions, the day, hour, and minute en­fuing thereto is the mean time of the Conjun­ction.

Example, Anno Christi 1676. I would know the time of the mean Conjunction or New Moon in October.

Epocha 1660
Years Compl. 15.
Septemb. Compl.
1. day for Leap-year.
Their Sum is the Moons motion from the ☉.
Complement to a whole Circle.
Days 26 Subtract.
Hours 8. substract.
  • 1.152609
  • 1.128772
[Page 409] Minutes 10 Subtract.
  • 0.023837
  • 0.023516
The Remainer giveth 8″.

Therefore the mean Conjunction in October, 1676. was the 26 day, 10 min. 8 seconds after 8 at night.

And to find the mean opposition. To the com­plement of the middle motion, add a semicircle, and then subtract the nearest lesser middle moti­ons as before, the day, hour, and minute ensuing thereto, shall be the mean opposition required.

Example, Anno Christi, 1676. I desire to know the mean opposition in November.

Epocha 1660
Years Compl. 15
October Compl.
1 day for Leap-year.
The ☽ mean motion from the ☉
Complement to a whole Circle.
To which add a Semicircle.
The Sum is
Day 10 subtract.
Hours 2.
  • .357826
  • .282193
Minutes 32.
  • .075633
  • .075251
The Remainer giveth 9 seconds.

[Page 410] Therefore the Full Moon or mean Opposition of the Sun and Moon was November the 10th, Hours 2, 32′ 09″. The like may be done for a­ny other.

And here I should proceed to shew the manner of finding the true Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun and Moon, but there being no decimal Canon yet extant, suitable to the Tables of mid­dle motions here exhibited, I chuse rather to re­fer my Reader to Mr. Street's Astronomia Carolina, for instructions in that particular, and what else shall be found wanting in this Subject.



Of the Nature and Division of Geography.

GEOGRAPHY is a Science concern­ing the measure and distinction of the Earthly Globe, as it is a Spheri­cal Body composed of Earth and Wa­ter, for that both these do together make but one Globe.

[Page 412] 2. And hence the parts of Geography are two, the one concerns the Earthy part, and the other the Water.

3. The Earthy part of this Globe is common­ly divided into Continents and Islands.

4. A Continent is a great quantity of Land not separated by any Sea from the rest of the World, as the whole Continent of Europe, Asia, and Africa, or the Continents of France, Spain, and Germany.

5. An Island is a part of Earth environed round about with some Sea or other; as the Isle of Bri­tain with the Ocean, the Isle of Sicily with the Me­diterranean, and therefore in Latine it is called Insula, because it is scituate in Salo, in the Sea.

6. Both these are subdivided into Peninsula, Isthmus, Promontorium.

7. Peninsula, quasi pene insula, is a tract of land which being almost encompassed round by water, is joyned to the main land by some little part of Earth.

8. Isthmus is that narrow neck of Land which joyneth the Peninsula to the Continent.

9. Promontorium is a high mountain which shooteth it self into the Sea, the outmost end whereof is called a Cape or Foreland, as the Cape of Good Hope in Africk.

10. The Watry part of this Globe may be also distinguished by diverse Names, as Seas, Rivers, Ponds, Lakes, and such like.

11. And this Terrestrial Globe may be measu­red either in whole, or in any particular part.

12. The measure of this Earthly Globe in whole, is either in respect of its circumference, [...]o its bulk and thickness.

[Page 413] 13. For the measuring of the Earths circumfe­rence, it is supposed to be compassed with a great Circle, and this Circle in imitation of Astrono­mers, is divided into 360 degrees or parts, and each degree is supposed to be equal to 15 com­mon German miles, or 60 miles with us in England, and hence the circumference of the Earth is found, by multiplying 360 by 15, to be 5400 German miles, or multiplying 360 by 60, the circumfe­rence is 21600 English miles.

14. The circumference of the Earth being thus obtained, the Diameter may be found by the common proportion between the Circumference and the Diameter of a Circle, the which accord­ing to Archimedes is as 22 to 7, or according to Van Culen as 1 to 3. 14159. and to bring an U­nite in the first place.

As the circumference 3. 14159. is to 1 the Di­ameter, so is 1 the circumference to 318308 the Diameter, which being multiplied by 5400, the Earths Diameter will be found to be 1718 Ger­man miles and 8632 parts, but being multiplied by 21600, the Diameter will be 6875 English miles, and parts 4528.

15. The measure of the Earth being thus found in respect of its whole circumference and Diame­ter, that which is next to be considered, is the distinction of it into convenient spaces.

16. And this is either Primary or Secon­dary.

17. The Primary distinction of the Earthly Globe into convenient spaces, is by Circles con­sidered absolutely in themselves, dividing the Globe into several parts without any reference to one another.

[Page 416] Dutch Geographer inclines much to the bring­ing back the great Meridian to the Fortunate Islands, more particularly to the Peak a Moun­tain so called from the sharpness in the top, in the Isle Teneriff, which is believed to be the high­est Mountain in the World; therefore the same Iohnson in his greatest Globe of the year 1616, hath drawn the great Meridian in that place, and it were to be wished, that this might be made the common and unchangeable practice.

25. The Horizon is a great Circle, designing so great a Part of the Earth, as a quick sight can discern in an open field; it is twofold Rational and Sensible.

26. The Rational Horizon is that which is supposed to pass through the Center of the Earth, and is represented by the wooden Circle in the Frame, as well of the Celestial, as the Ter­restrial Globe, this Rational Horizon belongeth more to Astronomy than Geography.

27. The Sensible Horizon is that before de­fined, the use of it is to discern the divers risings and settings of the Stars, in divers places of the Earth, and why the days are sometimes longer, and sometimes shorter.

28. The great but less principal Circle upon the Terrestrial Globe is the Zodiack, in which the Sun doth always move. This Circle is de­scribed upon Globes and Maps for ornament sake, and to discover under what part of the Zo­diack the several Nations lie.

29. The lesser Circles are those which do not divide the Terrestial Globe into two equal, but into two unequal Parts, and these by a general name are called Parallels, or Circles aequidistant [Page 417] from the Equinoctial; of which as many may be drawn, as there can Meridians, namely 180 if but to each degree, but they are usually drawn to every ten Degrees in each Quadrant from the AEquator to the Poles.

30. These Parallels are not of the same Magni­tude, but are less and less as they are nearer and nearer to each Pole: and their use is to distin­guish the Zones, Climates and Latitudes of all Countries, with the length of the Day and Night▪ in any Part of the World.

31. Again, a Parallel is either named or un­named.

32. An unnamed Parallel is that which is drawn with small black Circular Lines.

33. A named Parallel is that which is drawn upon the Globe with a more full ruddy and circu­lar Line: such as are the Tropicks of Cancer and Capricorn, with the Arctick and Antarctick Cir­cles, of which having spoken before in the general description of the Globe, there is no need of adding more concerning them now.


Of the Distinction or Dimension of the Earthly Globe by Zones and Climates.

HAving shewed the primary distinction of the Globe into convenient spaces by Cir­cles considered absolutely in themselves, we come now to consider the secondary Dimension or di­stinction of convenient spaces in the Globe, by the same Circles compared with one another, [Page 418] and by the spaces contained between those Cir­cles.

2. This secundary Dimension or Distinction of the terrestial Globe into Parts, is either a Zone or a Clime.

3. A Zone is a space of the Terrestial Globe included either between two of the lesser nomi­nated Circles, or between one and either Pole. They are in Number five, one over hot, two over cold, and two temperate.

4. The over hot or Torrid Zone, is between the two Tropicks, continually scorched with the presence of the Sun.

5. The two over cold or Frigid Zones, are scituated between the two polar Circles and the very Poles, continually wanting the neighbour hood of the Sun.

6. The two temperate Zones, are one of them between the Tropick of Cancer and the Ar­ctick Circles and the other between the Tropick of Capricorn and the Antarctick Circle, enjoy­ning an indifferency between Heat and Cold; so that the parts next the Torrid Zone are the hotter, and the parts next the Frigid Zone are the Colder.

7. The Inhabitants of these Zones, in respect of the diversity of their noon Shadows are divi­ded into three kinds, Amphiscii, Heteroscii and Periscii. Those that inhabit between the two Tropicks are called Amphiscii, because that their noon Shadows are diversly cast, sometimes towards the South as when the Sun is more North­ward than their vertical point, and sometimes towards the North, as when the Sun declines Southward from the Zenith.

[Page 419] Those that live between the Tropick of Can­cer and the Arctick Circle or between the Tro­pick of Capricorn and the Antarctick Circle are [...]alled Heteroscii, because the Shadows at noon are cast one only way, and that either North or South. They that inhabit Northward of the Tropick of Cancer have their Shadows always towards the North, and they that inhabit South­ward of the Tropick of Capricorn, have their noon Shadows always towards the South.

Those that inhabit between the Poles and the Arctick or Antarctick Circles are called Periscii, because that their Gnomons do cast their Sha­dows circulary, and the reason hereof is, for that the Sun is carried round about above their Hori­zon in his whole diurnal revolution.

8. The next secundary Dimension or distincti­on of the earthy Globe into convenient parts or spaces, is by Climes.

9. And a Clime or Climate is a space of Earth conteined between three Paralells, the middle­mo [...] whereof divideth it into two equal parts, serving for the setting out the length and short­ness of the days in every Country.

10. These Climates and the Parallels by which they are conteined are none of them of equal quantity, for the first Clime as also the Pa­rallel beginning at the AEquator is larger than the second, and the second is likewise greater than the third.

11. The Antients reckoned but seven Cli­mates at the first, to which Number there were afterward added two more, so that in the first of these Numbers were comprehended fourteen parallels, but in the latter eighteen.

[Page 420] 12. Ptolemy accounted the Paralells 38 each way from the Equator, that is 38 towards the North, and as many towards the South, 24 of which he reckoned by the difference of one quar­ter of an hour, 4 by the difference of half an hour, 4 by an whole hours difference, and 6 by a Months difference, but now the parallels being reckoned by the difference of a quarter of an hour, the Climates are 24 in Number till you come to the Latitude of 66 degrees 31 Minutes, to which are afterwards added 6 Climates more unto the Pole it self, where the Artificial day is 6 Months in length.

13. The distances of all both Climates and Parallels, together with their Latitudes from the AEquator, and difference of the quantity of the longest days, are here fully exprest in the Table following.

[Page 421]

A Table of the Climates belonging to the three sorts of Inhabitants.
Inhabitants be­longing to the several Climes Climes Paralells Length of the Day Poles Ele­vation Bea of the Clime
    0 12.0 0.0  
  0       4.18
    1 12.15 4.18  
    2 12.30 8.34  
  1       8.25
Amphiscii   3 12.45 12.43  
    4 13.0 16.43  
  2       7.50
    5 13.15 20.33  
    6 13.30 23.10  
  3       7.3
    7 13.45 27.36  
    8 14.0 30.47  
  4       6.9
    9 14.15 33.45  
    10 14.30 36.30  
  5       5.17
    11 14.45 39.02  
    12 15.0 41.22  
  6       4.30
    13 15.15 43.32  
    14 15.30 45.29  
  7       3.48
    15 15.45 47.20  
    16 16.0 49.21  
  8       3.13
    17 16.15 50.13  
    18 16.30 51.58  
  9       2.44
    19 15.45 53.17  

  Climes Paralells Length of the Days Poles Ele­vation Breadth of the Clime
    20 17.00 54.29  
  10       2.17
Heteroscii   21 17.15 55.34  
    22 17.30 56.37  
  11       2.0
    23 17.45 57.34  
    24 18.00 58.26  
  12       1.40
    25 18.15 59.14  
    26 18.30 59.59  
  13       1.26
    27 18.45 60.40  
    28 19.00 61.18  
  14       1.13
    29 19.15 61.53  
    30 19.30 62.25  
  15       1.0
    31 19.45 62.54  
    32 20.00 63.22  
  16       0.52
    33 20.15 63.46  
    34 20.30 64.06  
  17       0.44
    35 20.45 64.30  
    36 21.00 64.49  
  18       0.36
    37 21.15 65.06  
    38 21.30 65.21  
  19       0.29
    39 21.45 65.35  
    40 22.00 65.47  
  20       0.22
    41 22.15 65.57  
    42 22.30 66.00  
  21       0.17
    43 22.45 66.14  

[Page 423] Clime Paralells Length of the Day Poles Ele­vation Breadth of the Clime
    44 23.00 66.20  
  22       0.11
    45 23.15 66.25  
    46 23.30 66.28  
  23       0.5
    47 23.45 66.30  
  24 48 24.00 66.31 0.0

Periscii Here the Cli­mates begin to be accounted by Months, from 66. 31 where the day is 24 hours long; unto the Pole it self, where it is 6 Months in length. 1 67.15
2 69.30
3 73.20
4 78.20
5 84.0
6 90.0

[Page 424] 14. Hitherto we have considered the inhabi­tants of the Earth in respect of the several Zones and Climes into which the whole Globe is divi­ded; there is yet another distinction behind in­to which the inhabitants of the Earth are divi­ded in respect of their site and position in refe­rence to one another, and thus the inhabitants of the Earth are divided into the Perioeci, Antoec [...] and Antipodes.

15. The Perioeci are such as dwell in the same Parallel on the same side of the AEquator, how far distant soever they be East and West, the sea­son of the year and the length of the days being to both alike, only the midnight of the one is the moon to the other.

16. The Antoeci are such as dwell under the same Meridian and in the same Latitude, or Pa­rallel distance from the AEquator, the one North­ward and the other Southward, the days in both places being of the same length, but differ in the Seasons of the year, for when it is Summer in the one it is Winter in the other.

17. The Antipodes are such as dwell Feet to Feet, so as a right Line drawn from the one unto the other, passeth from North to South through the Center of the World. These are distant 180 degrees or half the compass of the Earth, they differ in all things, as Seasons of the year, length of days, rising and setting of the Sun and such like. A matter reckoned so ridi­culous and impossible in former times, that Bo­niface Arch-Bishop of Mentz seeing a Treatise concerning these Antipodes written by Virgilius Bishop of Salisburg, and not knowing what dam­nable Doctrine might be couched under that [Page 425] strange Name, made complaint first to the Duke of Bohemia, and after to Pope Zachary Anno 745 by whom the poor Bishop (unfortunate only in being learned in such a time of Ignorance) was condemned of Heresie, but God hath blest this latter age of the World with more understand­ing, whereby we clearly see those things, which either were unknown, or but blindly guessed at by the Antients.

18. The second part of the Terrestial Globe is the Water which is commonly divided into these parts, or distinguished by these Names, Oceanus, Mare, Fretum, Sinus, Lacus and Flu­men.

19. And first Oceanus or the Ocean is that general Collection of all Waters, which encom­passeth the Earth on every side.

20. Mare the Sea, is a part of the main Ocean, to which we cannot come but through some Fre­tum or Strait, as Mare Mediterraneum. And it takes it name first either from the adjacent Shore, as Mare Adriaticum, from the City of Adria; or secondly from the first discoverer, as Mare Magellanicum, from Magellanus who first found it, or thirdly from some remarkable acci­dent, as Mare Icarium from the drowning of Icarus the Son of Daedalus.

21. Fretum, a Strait is a part of the Ocean penned within some narrow Bounds, and ope­ning a way into some Sea, or out of some Sea in­to the Ocean, as the Strait of Hellespont, Gi­bralter, &c.

22. Lacus, a Lake is a great body or collecti­on of Water, which hath no visible Intercourse with the Sea, or influx into it; as the Lake of [Page 426] Thrasymene in Italy, and Lacus Asphaltites, or the dead Sea in the Land of C [...]naan.

23. Flumen or Fluvius is a water-course con­tinually running, (whereby it differs frum Stag­num a standing Pool) issuing from some Spring or Lake, and emptying it self into some part of the Sea, or some other great River, the mouth or outlet of which is called Ostium.

And thus we have gon over those particulars both of Earth and Water, which appertain to this Science of Geography in the general; We will now proceed to a more particular Conside­ration of the several parts into which the Ter­restial Globe is commonly divided.


Of Europe.

THe Terrestial Globe is divided into two parts, known or unknown.

2. The unknown or the parts of the World not fully discovered, are distinguished into North and South, the unknown parts of the World towards the North, are those which lie between the North part of Europe or America and the North Pole; and the unknown parts of the World toward the South, are those which ly between the South part of America and the South Pole.

3. The known parts of the World were antiently these three, Europe, Asia and Africk, to which in latter ages a fourth hath been ad­ded which is called America.

[Page 427] 4. Europe is bounded on the North with the Northern Ocean, and on the South with the Me­diterranean Sea, on the East with the River Ta­nais, and on the West with the Western Ocean, and is contained between the Tropick of Cancer, and the Pole Arctick, or 44 degrees as most do say, taking its beginning Southward from Sicily where the Pole is elevated 36 degrees, and is thence continued to 80 degrees of North Lati­tude, and so the whole Latitude of Europe is in English miles 2640, but some allow to Europe 45 degrees of Latitude, that is in English miles 2700.

5. The Longitude of Europe is reckoned from the furthest part of Spain and the Atlantick Oce­an, to the River Tanais, which some reckon to be 60 Degrees, to one of which Degrees passing through the middle of Europe, they allow fifteen German miles almost, or sixty English, and so the Longitude in German miles is 900, in English 3600.

6. Europe though the least of all the four Quarters of the World, is yet of most renown amongst us: First, because of the temperature of the Air, and fertility of the Soil: Secondly, from the study of Arts, both ingenuous and me­chanical: Thirdly, of the Roman and Greek Monarchies: Fourthly, from the purity and sin­cerity of the Christian Faith: Fifthly, because we dwell in it, and so give it the first place.

7. Europe may be considered as it stands di­vided into the Continent and the Islands: the Continent lying all together, containeth these Countries. 1. Spain. 2. France. 3. Germa­ny. 4. Italy, and the Alpes. 5. Belgium. 6. Den­mark▪ [Page 428] 7. Swethland. 8. Russia. 9. Poland. 10. Hungary. 11. Sclavonia, 12. Dacia, and 13. Greece. Of each of which I will give some short account; as also of the chief Islands as they are dispersed, in the Greek, AEgaean, Cretan and Io [...]ian Seas, with those in the Adriatick, Me­diterranean, and in the British and Northern O­cean.

8. Amongst these I give Spain the first place, as being the most Western Part of all the Conti­nent of Europe environed on all sides with the Sea, except towards France; from which it is separated by the Pyrenaean Hills: but more parti­cularly, it is bounded upon the North with the Cantabrian, on the West with the Atlantick Oce­an, on the South with the Straits of Gibralter, on the East with the Mediterranean, and on the North East with the said Pyren [...]ean Hills. The Figure of it is compared by Strabo to an Oxes hide spread upon the Ground; the Neck whereof being that Isthmus which unites it to France.

9. The greatest length hereof, it reckoned at 800 miles, the breadth where it is broadest at 500, the whole Circumforence 2480 Italian miles: but Mariana measuring the compass of it by the bendings of the Pyrenaean Hills, and the creeks and windings of the Sea, makes the full circuit of it to be 2816 miles of Italian mea­sure.

10. It is situate in the more Southerly Part of the Northern temperate Zone, and almost in the midst of the fourth and sixth Climates; the longest day being 15 hours and a quarter in length in the most Northern Parts hereof: but in the extream South near to Gibralter not above [Page 429] fourteen, which Situation of this Country, ren­dreth the Air here very clear and calm, seldom obscured with mists and vapours, and not so much subject to Diseases as the more Northern Regi­ons are.

11. This Continent is subdivided into the Kingdoms of Navarr. 2. Biscay. 3. Guipusco [...]. 4. Lean and Oviodo. 5. Gallicia. 6. Corduba. 7. Granada. 8. Murcia. 9. Toledo. 10. Castile. 11. Portugal. 12. Valentia. 13. Catalonia. 14. Majorca. And 15. Aragon; but all of them are now united in the Monarchy of Spain.

12. France according to the present dimensi­ons of it, is bounded on the East with a Branch of the Alpes which divide Dauphine and Piemont, as also with the Countries of Savoy, Switzerland, and some Parts of Germany and the Netherlands. On the West with the Aquitanick Ocean, and a Branch of the Pyrenaean Mountains which divide it from Spain. On the North with the English Ocean, and some Parts of Belgium, and on the South with the rest of the Pyrenaean Mountains, and the Mideterranean.

13. The Figure of it is almost square, each side of the Quadrature being reckoned 600 miles in length, but they that go more exactly to work upon it, make the length thereof to be 660 Ita­lian miles, the breadth 570, the whole Circum­ference 2040. It is seated in the Northern tem­perate Zone, between the middle Parallel of the first Clime, where the longest day is 15 hours, and the middle Parallel of the eighth Clime, where the longest day is 16 hours and a half.

14. The Principal Provinces in this flourish­ing [Page 430] Country, are. 1. France specially so called. 2. Champagne. 3. Picardy. 4. Normandy. 5. Bretagne. 6. The Estates of Angiou. 7. La Be­ausio. 8. Nivernois. 9. The Dukedom of Bour­bon. 10. Berry. 11. Poictou. 12. Limosin. 13. Piregort. 14. Quercu. 15. Aquitain. 16. Lan­guedoc. 17. Provence. 18. Daulphine. 19. La Bresse. 20. Lionnois. 21. The Dutchy. 22. The County of Burgundy. 23. The Islands in the Aquitanick and Gallick Ocean: Those of most note are these six. 1. Oleron. 2. Re [...]. 3. Iarsey. 4. Gernsey. 5. Sarke. 6. Aldernay on the shores of Normandy, of which the four last are under the Kings of England.

15. Italy once the Empress of the greatest part of the then known World, is compassed with the Adriatick, Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas, except it be towards France and Germany, from which it is parted by the Alpes; so that it is in a manner, a Peninsula, or a Demi-Island. But more particularly it hath on the East the lower part of the Adriatick, and the Ionian Sea, by which it is divided from Greece; on the West the River Varus, and some part of the Alpes, by which it is parted from France, on the North in some part the Alpes which divide it from Germany; and on the other, part of the Adria­tick, which divides it from Dalmaria; and on the South the Tyrrhenian and Tuscan Seas, by which it is separated from the main Land of Africa.

16. It containeth in length from Augusta Prae­toria, now called Aost, at the foot of the Alpes, unto Otranto in the most Eastern Point of the Kingdom of Naples 1020 miles; in breadth from [Page 431] the River Varo, which parts it from Provence, to the mouth of the River Arsia in Friuli, where it is broadest, 410 miles; about Otranto, where it is narrowest not above 25 miles; and in the middle parts from the mouth of Peseara in the Adriatick or upper Sea to the mouth of Tiber in the Tuscan or lower Sea, 126 miles. The whole compass by Sea reckoning in the windings and turnings of the shore, comes to 3038 miles; which added to the 410 which it hath by Land, make up in all 3448 miles: but if the Coasts on each side be reckoned by a straight Line, then as Castaldo computes it, it comes to no more than 2550 miles.

17. The whole Country lieth under the first and sixth Climates of the Northern temperate Zone, which it wholly taketh up: so that the longest day in the most Northern Parts is 15 hours and three first parts of an hour; the long­est in the Southern Parts, falling short a full hour of that length.

18. Italy as it stands now is divided into the Kingdoms of Naples, Sicily and Sardinia. 2. The Land or Patrimony of the Church. 3. The great Dukedom of Tuscany. 4. The Common­wealths of Venice, Genoa and Luca. 5. The E­states of Lombardy, that is the Dukedoms of 1. M [...]llain. 2. Mantua. 3. Modena. 4. Parma. 5. Montferrat, and the Principality of Piedmont.

19. To the Peninsula of Italy belong the Alpes, aridge of Hills, wherewith as with a strong and defensible Rampart Italy is assured against France and Germany. They are said to be five days Journey high, covered continually with Snow, [Page 432] from the whiteness whereof they took this name, it doth contain the Dukedom of Savoy; the Seigniory of Geneva; the Country of Wallisland, Switzerland and the Grisons.

20. Belgium, or the Netherlands, is bounded on the East with Westphalin, Gulick, Cleve, and the Land of Triers, Provinces of the higher Ger­many; on the West with the main Ocean, which divides it from Britain; on the North with the River Ems, which parts it from East-Friezeland; on the South with Picardie and Campagne two French Provinces; upon the South-East with the Dukedom of Lorrain.

21. It is in compass 1000 Italian or 280 Ger­man miles, and is situated in the Northern tem­perate Zone, under the seventh, eighth and ninth Climates: the longest day in the midst of the seventh Climate where it doth begin, being 16 hours, iu the beginning of the ninth Climate in­creased to 16 hours 3 quarters, or near 17 hours.

22. It containeth those Provinces which in these later Ages were possessed by the House of Burgundy, that is the Lordship of West-Friezeland, given to the Earls of Holland by Charles the Bald; the Earldom of Zutphen united unto that of Gel­der by Earl Otho of Nassau, and finally the Estate of Groening, Over-Yssel, and some part of Vtrecht, by Charles the Fifth. As it stands now divided between the Spaniards and the States it containeth the Provinces of 1. Flanders. 2. Artois. 3. Hai­nault. 4. The Bishoprick of Cambray. 5. Na­mur. 6. Luxemburg. 7. Limbourg. 8. Luyck­land, or the Bishoprick of Leige. 9. Brabant. 10. Marquisate. 11. Meohlin. The rest of the Ne­therlands [Page 433] which have now for sometime with­drawn their obedience from the Kings of Spain, are 1. Holland. 2. Zeland. 3. West-Friezeland. 4. Vtrecht. 5. Over-Yssel. 6. Gelderland. 7. Zutphen. 8. Groening.

23. Germany is bounded on the East with Prus­sia, Poland, and Hungary; on the West with France, Switzerland and Belgium; on the North with the Baltick Seas, the Ocean, and some part of Denmark; on the South with the Alps which part it from Italy.

24. The length from East to West, that is from the Vistula or Weissel to the Rhine, is estima­ted at 840 Italian miles, the breadth from North to South, that is from the Ocean to the Town of Brixen in Tyrol, 740 of the same miles. So that the Figure of it being near a Square, it may take up 3160 miles in compass, or thereabouts. Si­tuate in the Northern temperate Zone, between the middle Parallels of the sixth and tenth Cli­mates; the longest day in the most Southern Parts being 15 hours and an half, and in the most Northern 17 hours and a quarter.

25. The Principal Parts of this great Conti­nent, are 1. Cleveland. 2. The Estates of the three spiritual Electors, Colen, [...]ntz, and Triers. 3. The Palatinate of the Rhine. 4. Alsatia. 5. Lorrain. 6. Suevia or Schwaben. 7. Bavaria. 8. Austria and its Appendices. 9. The Confedera­tion of Waderaw. 10. Franconia. 11. Wirten­berg. 12. Baden. 13. The Palatinate of North­goia, or the Upper Palatinate. 14. Bohemia and the Incorporate Provinces. 15. Pomerania. 16. Mecklenburg. 17. The Marquisate of Branden­burg. [Page 434] 18. Saxony, and the Members of it. 19. The Dukedom of Brunswick and Lunenburg. 20. The Lantgravedom of Hassia. 21. Westphalen. 22. East-Friezeland.

26. Denmark or Danemark, reckoning in the Additions of the Dukedom of Holstein, and the great Continent of Norway, with the Isles there­of, now all united and incorporated into one E­state is bounded on the East with the Baltick Sea and some part of Sweden; on the West with the main Western Ocean; on the North-East with a part of Sweden; full North with the main fro­zen Seas; and on the South with Germany, from which it is divided on the South-West by the River Albis, and on the South-East by the Trave; a little Isthmus or neck of Land uniting it to the Continent.

27. It lieth partly in the Northern temperate Zone, and partly within the Arctick Circle; ex­tending from the middle Parallel of the tenth Clime, or 55 degree of Latitude where it joyn­eth with Germany, as far as the 71 degree where it hath no other bound but the frozen O­cean; by which account the longest day in the most Southern Parts is 17 hours and a quarter, but in the Parts extreamly North, they have no Night for two whole Moneths, three Weeks, one Day, and about seven hours; as on the other side no day for the like quantity of time, when the Sun is most remote from them, in the other Tro­pick.

28. The whole Body of the Estate consisteth chiefly of three Members. viz. 1. The Duke­dom [Page 435] of Holstein; containing Waggerland, Dil­marsh, Starmaria, and Holstein, especially so call­ed. 2. The Kingdom of Denmark; compre­hending both Iuitlands, part of Scandia, and the Hemodes, or Baltick Islands. 3. The Kingdom of Norway consisting of Norway it self, and the Islands of the Northern Ocean.

29. Swethland is bounded on the East with Muscovy, on the West with the Doferine Hills, which divide it from Norway; on the North with the great frozen Ocean spoken of before; on the South with Denmark, Liefland, and the Baltick Sea.

30. It is situate under the same Parallels and Degrees with Norway, that is, from the first Parallel of the 12 Clime, where the Pole is ele­vated 58 degrees 26 minutes, as far as to the 71 degree of Latitude, by which account the long­est day in the Southern Point is but 18 hours, whereas on the farthest North of all the Coun­trey, they have no Night for almost three whole Moneths together.

31. The whole Kingdom is divided into two Parts, the one lying on the East, the other on the West of the Bay or Gulf of Bodener, being a large and spacious branch of the Baltick Sea, extending from the most Southerly Point of Gothland, as far as to Lapland on the North. According to which Division we have the Provinces of 1. Goth­land. 2. Sweden lying on the West side of the Gulph. 3. Lapland shutting it up upon the North. 4. Bodia or Bodden. 5. Finland on the East side thereof. 6. The Sweedish Islands, where it mingleth with the rest of the Baltick Seas.

32. Russia is bounded on the East by Tartary, [Page 436] on the West with Livonia and Finland, from which it is divided by great mountains and the River Poln, on the North by the frozen Ocean, and some part of Lapland, and on the South by Li­tuania a Province of the Kingdom of Poland, and the Crim Tartar inhabiting on the Banks of Palus Maeotis, and the Euxine Sea. It standeth partly in Europe and partly in Asia, the River Tanais or Don running through it, the common boundary of those great and noted parts of the world.

33. It is scituate North within the Artick Cir­cle so far, that the longest day in Summer will be full six months, whereas the longest day in the southern parts is but 16 hours and an half.

34. It is divided into the Provinces of 1. Mos­covy specially so called. 2. Snol [...]usio, 3. Masaisky, 4. Plesco, 5. Novagrod the great, 6. Corelia, 7. Blarmia, 8. Petzora, 9. Condora, 10 Obdora, 11. Iugria, 12. Severia, 13. Permia, 14. Rozan, 15. Wiathka, 16. Casau, 17. Astracan, 18. Novo­gordia inferiour, 10. The Morduits or Mordua, 20. Worotime, 21. Tuba, 22. Wolodomir, 23. Duina, 24. the Russian Islands.

35. Poland is bounded on the East with Russia, and the Crim-Tartar, from whom it is parted by the River Borysthenes; on the West with Germa­ny, on the North with the Baltick Sea and some part of Russia, on the South with the Carpathian Mountains, which divide it from Hungary, Tran­silvania, and Moldavia. It is of figure round in compass 2600 miles, scituate under the 8 and 12 Climates, so that the longest day in the southern parts is but 16 hours, and about 18 [Page 437] hours in the parts most North.

36. The several Provinces of which this King­dom doth consist, are 1. Livonia, 2. Samogitia, 3. Lituania, 4. Volkinia, 5. Podolia, 6. Russia nigra, 7. Massovia, 8. Podlassia, 9. Prussia, 10. Pomerel­lia, 11. Poland specially so called.

37. Hungary is bounded on the East with Tran­silvania and Walachia, on the West with Sterria, Austria and Moravia, on the North with the Car­pathian mountains which divide it from Poland, and on the South with Sclavonia, and some part of Dacia: it extendeth in length from Presburg a­long the Danow to the borders of Transilvania, for the space of 300 English miles, and 190 of the same miles in breadth.

38. It lieth in the Northern temperate Zone, betwixt the middle parallels of the 7 and 9 Cli­mates, so that the longest Summers day in the Southern parts is but 15 hours and an half, and not above 16 hours in the parts most North.

40. This Country is commonly divided into the upper Hungary and the lower, the upper ly­ing on the North of the River Danow, the lower lying on the South of that River, comprehend­ing all Pannonia inferior and part of Superior, and is now possessed by the King of Hungary and the Great Turk, who is Lord of the most part by Arms and Conquest.

04. Sclavonia is bounded on the East with Servia, Macedonia and Epirus, from which it is parted by the River Drinus, and a line drawn from thence unto the Adriatick, on the West with Carniola in Germany, and Istria in the Seig­niory [Page 438] of Venice, from which last it is divided by the River Arsia; on the North with Hungary, on the South with the Adriatick Sea.

41. It is scituate in the Northern temperate Zone, between the middle Parallels of the sixth and seventh Climates, so that the longest day in Summer is about 15 hours and an half.

42. This Country as it came at last to be di­vided, between the Kings of Hungary and the State of Venice; is distinguished into 1. Windisch­land, 2. Croatia, 3. Bosnia, 4. Dalmatia, 5. Libur­nia or Cantado di Zara, and 6. The Sclavonian I­slands.

43. Dacia is bounded on the East with the Euxine Sea and some part of Thrace; on the West with Hungary and Sclavonia; on the North with Podolia, and some other members of the Realm of Poland, on the South with the rest of Thrace and Macedonia.

44. It lieth on both sides of the Danow front­ing all along the upper and the lower Hungary, and some part of Sclavonia; extended from the 7 Climate to the 10; so that the longest Summers day in the most northern parts thereof, is near 17 hours, and in the most southern 15 hours 3 quarters.

45. The several Provinces comprehended un­der the name of Dacia, are 1. Transilvania, 2. Mol­davia, 3. Walachia, 7. Rascia, 5. Servia, 6. Bulga­ria, the first four in old Dacia, on the North side of the Danow; the two last in new Dacia, on the South thereof.

45. Greece in the present Latitude and ex­tent thereof, is bounded on the East with the [Page 439] Propontick, Hellespont, and AEgean Seas, on the West with the Adriatick; on the North with Mount Haemus which parteth it from Bulgaria, Servia and some part of Illyricum; and on the South with the Sea- Ionian; so that it is in a man­ner a Peninsula or Demi-Island, environed on three sides by the Sea, on the fourth only united to the rest of Europe.

46. It is scituate in the northern temperate Zone, under the fifth and sixth Climates, the longest day being 15 hours.

47. In this Country formerly so famous for learning and government, the several Provin­ces are 1. Peloponnesus, 2. Achaia, 3. Epirus, 4. Al­bania, 5. Macedon, 6. Thrace, 7. The Islands of the Propontick; 8. AEgean, and 9. The Ionian Seas, and 10. finally the Isle of Crete.

And thus I have given you a brief description of those Countries which are comprehended in the Continent of Europe; the Islands in this part of the world are many; I will mention only some few. These two in the British and Northern O­cean, known by the names of Great Britain and Ireland are the most famous, to which may be ad­ded Greenland. In the Mediterranaen Sea you have the Islands of Sicilia, Sardinia, Corsica and Crete, which is now called Candia the greater and the less: As for the other Islands belonging to this part of the world, the Reader may expect a more particular description from them who have or shall write more largely of this subject: This we deem sufficient for our present purpose. Let this then suffice for the description of the first part of the World called Europe.


Of Asia.

ASia is bound on the West with the Medite­ranean and AEgaean Seas, the Hellespont, Propontis, Thracian Bosphorus and the Euxine Sea, the Palus Maeotis, the Rivers Tanais and Du­ina, a Line being drawn from the first of the two said Rivers unto the other, by all which it is parted from Europe; on the North it hath the main Scythick Ocean; but on the East the Indi­an Ocean, and Mare del Eur by which it is sepa­rated from America; on the South the Mediter­ranean, or that part of it, which is called the Carpathian Sea, washing the shoars of Anatolia, and the main Southern Ocean, passing along the Indian, Persian and Arabian Coasts: and finally on the south-west, the red Sea or Bay of Ara­bia, by which it is parted from Affrick. Envi­roned on all sides with the Sea, or some Sea like Rivers, except a narrow Isthmus in the south-west, which joyns it to Africk, and the space of ground (whatsoever it be) between Duina and Tanais, on the North-west which unites it to Europe.

2. It is situated East and West, from the 52 to the 169 degree of Longitude; and North and South from the 82 degree of Latitude to the very AEquator; some of the Islands only ly­ing on the South of that Circle: so that the longest summers day in the southern parts, is but twelve hours, but in the most northern parts hereof almost four whole Months together.

[Page 441] 3. This Country hath heretofore been had in special honour; 1. For the creation of Man, who had his first making in this part of the World. 2. Because in this part of it stood the Garden of Eden, which he had for the first place of his habitation. 3. Because here flou­rished the four first great Monarchies of the As­syrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians. 4. Because it was the Scene of almost all the memo­rable Actions which are recorded by the pen­men of the Scriptures. 5. Because our Saviour Christ was borne here, and here wrought his most divine Miracles, and accomplished the great work of our Redemption. 6. And final­ly, because from hence all Nations of the World had their first beginning, on the dispersion which was made by the Sons of Noah after their vain attempt at Babel.

4. This part of the World for the better un­derstanding of the Greek and the Roman Stories and the estate of the Assyrian, Babylonian and the Persian Monarchies, to which the holy Scrip­tures do so much relate, we shall consider as di­vided into the Regions of 1. Anatolia or Asia minor. 2. Cyprus. 3. Syria. 4. Arabia. 5. Chal­dea. 6. Assyria. 7. Mesopotamia. 8. Turcoma­nia. 9. Media. 10. Persia. 11. Tartaria. 12. China. 13. India. and 14. the Oriental Islands.

Anatolia or Asia minor.

Anatolia or Asia minor, is bounded on the East with the River Euphrates, by which it is par­ted from the greater Asia; on the West with the Thracian Bosphorus, Propontis, Hellespont, and [Page 442] the AEgean Sea, by which it is parted from Eu­rope; on the North with Pontus Euxinus, called also the black Sea, and Mare Maggiore, and on the South by the Rhodian, Lydian and Pam­philian Seas, several parts of the Mediterranean. So that it is a Demi-Island or Peninsula environed on all sides with water, excepting a small Isthmus or Neck of Land extending from the head of Euphrates to the Euxine Sea, by which it is joy­ned to the rest of Asia.

It reacheth from the 51 to the 72 degree of Longitude, and from the 36 to the 45 degree of Latitude, and lyeth almost in the same posi­tion with Italy, extending from the middle Pa­rallel of the fourth Clime, to the middle Parallel of the sixth, so that the longest summers day in the Southern Parts, is about 14 hours and a half; and one hour longer in those parts which lie most towards the North.

The Provinces into which it was divided be­fore the Roman Conquest were 1. Bithynia. 2. Pontus. 3. Paphlagonia. 4. Galatia. 5. Cappadocia. 6. Armenia Major & Minor. 7. Phrygia minor. 8. Phrygia major. 9. Mysia the greater and the less. 10. Asia specially so called, comprehending AEolis and Ionia. 11. Lydia. 12. Caria. 13. Ly­cia. 14. Lycaonia. 15. Pisidia. 16. Pamphylia. 17. Isauria. 18. Cilicia. 19. The Province of the Asian Isles, whereof the most principal are 1. Tenedos. 2. Chios. 3. Samos. 4. Choos. 5. Ica­ria. 6. Lesbos. 7. Patmos. 8. Claros. 9 Carpa­thos. 10. Rhodes.


Cyprus is situated in the Syrian and Cilician Seas, extended in length from East to West 200 miles, in breadth 60 the whole compass reck­oned 550, distant about 60 miles from the rocky Shores of Cilicia in Asia minor, and about one hundred from the main Land of Syria.

It is situated under the fourth Climate, so that the longest day in Summer is no more than 14 hours and a half.

Divided by Ptolemy into the 4 provinces of 1. Paphia. 2. Amathasia. 3. Lepathia. 4. Sala­mine.


Syria is bounded on the East with the River Euphrates by which it is parted from Mesopota­mia; on the West with the Mediterranean Sea; on the North with Cilicia and Armenia minor, parted from the last by mount Taurus; and on the South with Palestine, and some parts of A­rabia. The length hereof from Mount Taurus to the Edge of Arabia, is said to be 525 Miles; the breadth from the Mediterranean to the Ri­ver Euphrates 470 Miles, drawing somewhat near unto a Square.

The whole Country was antiently divided in­to these six parts. 1. Phoenicia. 2. Palestine. 3. Sy­ria specially so called. 4. Comagena. 5. Palmyrene. and Caelosyria, or Syria Cava.


Arabia hath on the East Chaldaea and the Bay or Gulf of Persia; on the West Palestine, some part of Egypt, and the whole course of the red Sea, on the North the River Euphrates with some parts of Syria and Palestine, and on the South the main southern Ocean. It is in circuit about 4000 Miles, but of so unequal and hete­regeneous Composition, that no general Cha­racter can be given of it, and therefore we must look upon it as it stands divided into Arabia De­serta, 2. Arabia Petraea. 3. Arabia Felix and 4. The Arabick Islands.


Chaldea is bounded on the East with Susiana a Province of Persia; on the West with Arabia deserta; on the North with Mesopotamia; and on the South with the Persian Bay and the rest of Deserta.


Assyria is bounded on the East with Media, from which it is parted by the Mountain called Coathras; on the West with Mesopotamia, from which it is divided by the River Tygris; on the South with Susiana; and on the North with some part of Turcomania; it was antiently divided into six parts. 1. Arraphachitis. 2. Adiabene. 3. Calacine. 4. Aobelites. 5. Apolloniates.


Mesopotamia is bounded on the East with the River Tygris by which it is parted from Assyria; on the West with Euphrates which divides it from Comagena a Province of Syria; on the North with Mount Taurus; by which it is separated from Armenia major; and on the South with Chal­dea and Arabia deserta from which last it is par­ted by the bendings of Euphrates also. It was antiently divided into, 1. Anthemasia. 2. Chal­citis. 3. Caulanitis. 4. Acchabene. 5. Anco­rabitis and 6. Ingine.


Turcomania is bounded on the East with Media and the Caspian Sea; on the West with the Eux­ine Sea, Cappadocia and Armenia minor; on the North with Tartary, and on the South with Me­sopotamia and Assyria. A Countrey which con­sisteth of four Provinces. 1. Armenia major or Turcomania properly and specially so called. 2. Colchis. 3. Iberia. 4. Albania.


Media is bounded on the East with Parthia, and some part of Otyrcania, Provinces of the Persian Empire; on the West with Armenia ma­jor, and some part of Assyria; on the North with the Caspian Sea and those parts of Armenia major, which now pass in the account of Iberia, Georgia; and on the South with Persia. It is now [Page 446] divided into two Provinces. 1. Atropatia. 2. Me­dia major.


Persia is bounded on the East with India; on the West with Media, Assyria, and Chaldea; on the North with Tartary, on the South with the main Ocean.

It is divided into the particular Provinces of 1. Susiana. 2. Persis. 3. Ormur. 4. Carma­nia. 5. Gedrosia. 6. Drangiana. 7. Aracho­sia. 8. Paropamisus. 9. Aria. 10. Parthia. 11. Hyrcania. 12. Margiana and 13. Bactria.


Tartaria is bounded on the East with China, the Oriental Ocean, and the Straits of Ani­an, by which it is parted from America, on the West with Russia and Podolia, a Province of the Realm of Poland; on the North with the main Scythick or frozen Ocean; and on the South with part of China, from which it is separated by a mighty Wall, some part of India, the Ri­ver Oxus parting it from Bactria and Margiana, two Persian Provinces; the Caspian Sea which separates it from Media and Hyrcania; the Cau­casian Mountains interposing between it and Turcomania; and the Euxine Sea which divideth it from Anatolia and Thrace.

It reacheth from the 50 degree of Longitude to the 195 which is 145 degrees from West to East; and from the 40 degree of Northern La­titude, unto the 80, which is within 10 de­grees [Page 447] of the Pole it self, By which accompt it lieth from the beginning of the sixth Clime, where the longest day in Summer is 15 hours, till they cease measuring the Climates, the longest day in the most Northen parts hereof being full six Months, and in the winter half of the Year, the night as long.

It is now divided into these five parts. 1. Tar­taria Precopensis. 2. Asiatica. 3. Antiqua. 4. Zagathay. 5. Cathay.


China is bounded on the North with Altay and the Eastern Tartars, from which it is separated by a continued Chain of Hills, part of those of Ararat, and where that chain is broken off or interrupted, with a great wall extended 400 Leagues in length; on the South partly with Cauchin China a Province of India, partly with the Ocean; on the East with the oriental Ocean, and on the West with part of India and Cathay.

It reacheth from the 130 to the 160 degree of Longitude, and from the Tropick of Cancer to the 53 degree of Latitude; so that it lieth under all the Climes from the third to the ninth inclusively. The longest summers day in the southern parts being 13 hours and 40 Minutes increased in the most northern parts to 16 hours and 3 quarters.

It containeth no fewer than 15 Provinces. 1. Canton. 2. Foquien. 3. Olam. 4. Sisnam 5. Tolenchia. 6. Causay. 7. Minchian. 8. Ochi­an. 9. Honan. 10. Pagnia. 11. Taitan. 12. Quinchen. 13. Chagnian 14. Susnan. 15. Cu­nisay. [Page 448] Besides the provinces of Suehuen, the Island of Chorea and the Island of Cheaxan.


India is bounded on the East with the Orien­tal Ocean and some part of China; on the West with the Persian Empire; on the North with some Branches of Mount Taurus, which divide it from Tartary; on the South with the In­dian Ocean.

Extended from 106 to 159 degrees of Lon­gitude, and from the AEquator to the 44th de­gree of Northern Latitude, by which account it lieth from the beginning of the first to the end of the sixth Clime, the longest Summers day in the southern Parts being 12 hours onely, and in the parts most North 15 hours and a half.

The whole Country is divided into two main parts, India intra Gangem, and India extra Gan­gem.

The Oriental Islands.

The Oriental Islands are 1. Iapan. 2. The Philippine and Isles adjoyning. 3. The Islands of Bantam. 4. The Moluccoes. 5. Those cal­led Sinda or the Celebes. 6. Iava. 7. Borneo. 8. Sumatra. 9. Ceilan. and 10. others of less note.


Of Africk.

AFrick is bounded on the East by the Red Sea, and Bay of Arabia, by which it is parted from Asia; on the West by the main At­lantick Oceans interposing between it and Ame­rica; on the North by the Mediterranean Sea, which divides it from Europe and Anatolia; and on the South with the AEthiopick Ocean, se­parating it from Terra Australis incognita or the southern continent, parted from all the rest of the World except Asia only, to which it is joy­ned by a narrow Isthmus not above 60 miles in length.

It is situate for the most part under the Tor­rid Zones, the AEquator crossing it almost in the midst. It is now commonly divided into these seven parts. 1. AEgypt. 2. Barbary or the Roman Africk. 3. Numidia. 4. Lybia. 5. Ter­ra Nigritarum. 6. AEthiopia superior. and 7. AE­thiopia rinferior.


AEgypt is bounded on the East with Idumea, and the Bay of Arabia; on the West with Bar­bary, Numidia, and part of Lybia; on the North with the Mediterranean Sea; on the South with AEthiopia superior, or the Abyssyn Emperor; it is situate under the second and fifth Climates, so that the longest day in Summer is but thirteen hours and a half.


Barbary is bounded on the East with Cyrenai­ca; on the West with the Atlantick Ocean; on the North with the Mediterranean Sea, the Straits of Gibralter and some part of the Atlan­tick also; on the South with Mount Atlas, by which it is separated from Lybia inferior or the Desarts of Lybia.

It is situated under the third and fourth Cli­mates: so that the longest Summers day in the parts most South, amounteth to 13 hours and 3 quarters, and in the most northern parts it is 14 hours and a quarter. This country is now re­duced to the Kingdoms of 1. Tunis. 2. Tremesch or Algiers. 3. Fesse and 4. Morocco.


Numidia is bounded on the East with Egypt, on the West with the Atlantick Ocean; on the North with Mount Atlas, which parteth it from Barbary and Cyrene; on the South with Lybia Deserta.


Lybia is either Interior or Deserta, Libia inte­rior is bounded on the North with Mount Atlas by which it is parted from Barbary and Cyrenai­ca; on the East with Lybia Marmarica interpo­sed between it and Egypt, and part of AEthiopia superior, or the Habassine Empire; on the South with AEthiopia inferior, and the Land of the Ne­groes; [Page 451] and on the West with the main Atlan­tick Ocean.

Lybia deserta is bounded on the North with Numidia or Biledulgerid; on the South with the Land of the Negroes; and on the West with Gu­lata another Province of the Negroes interposed between it and the Atlantick.

Terra Nigritarum.

Terra Nigritarum or the Land of the Negroes is bounded on the East with AEthiopia Superior; on the West with the Atlantick Ocean; on the North with Lybia deserta and on the South with the Ethiopick Ocean, and part of AEthiopia Inferior.

AEthiopia Superior.

AEthiopia Superior is bounded on the East with the Red Sea and the Sinus Barbaricus; on the West with Lybia Interior, the Realm of Nubia in the Land of the Negroes and part of the Kingdoms of Congo in the other AEthiopia; on the North with Egypt and Lybia Marmarica, and on the South with the Mountains of the Moon, by which it is parted from the main Body of AEthiopia Inferior.

It is situate on both sides of the AEquinoctial, extending from the South Parallel of seven de­grees, where it meeteth with some part of the other AEthiopia to the Northern end of the Isle of Meroz situated under the fifth Parallel on the North of that Circle.

AEthiopia Inferior.

AEthiopia inferior is bounded on the East with the Red Sea; on the West with the Ethiopick Ocean; on the North with Terra Nigritarum, and the higher AEthiopia; and on the South where it endeth, is a point of a Conus, with the main Ocean parting it from the Southern undis­covered Continent. This in Ptolemyes time went under the name of Terra incognita.


Of America.

AMerica the fourth and last part of the World is bounded on the East with the Atlantick Ocean and the Vergivian Seas, by which it is par­ted from Europe and Africa; on the West with the Pacifick Ocean, which divides it from Asia; on the South with some part of Terra Australis incognita, from which it is separated by a long, but narrow Strait, called the Straits of Ma­gellan; the North bounds of it hither to not so well discovered, as that we can certainly af­firm it to be Island or Continent.

It is called by some and that most aptly, The new World; New for the late discovery, and World for the vast greatness of it. The whole is naturally divided into two great Peninsules, whereof that towards the North is called Mexi­cana. That towards the South hath the name of Peruana: the Isthmus which joyneth these two [Page 453] together is very long, but narrow in some pla­ces not above 120 miles from Sea to Sea, in many not above seventeen.

The Northern Peninsula called Mexicana, may be most properly divided into the Continent and Islands: The Continent again into the several Provinces of 1. Estotiland, 2. Nova Francia, 3. Virginia, 4. Florida, 5. California, 6. Nova Gallicia, 7. Nova Hispania, 8. Guntimala. The Southern Peninsula called Peruana, taking in some part of the Isthmus, hath on the Continent the Provinces of 1. Castella Aurea, 2. Nova Granada, 3. Peru, 4. Chile, 5. Paraguay, 6. Brasil, 7. Guiana, and 8. Paria. The Islands which belong to both, are dispersed either in the South­ern Ocean called Mare del Zur, where there is not any one of Note but those called Los Ladro­nes and the Islands of Solomon. Or in the North­ern Ocean called Mare del Noords, reduced unto the Caribes, Porto-Rico, Hispaniola, Cuba and Iamaica. And thus much concerning the real and known parts of the Terrestrial Globe.


Of the Description of the Terrestrial Globe by Maps Vniversal and Particular.

HItherto we have spoken of the true and real Terrestrial Globe, and of the measure thereof by Circles, Zones, and Climates, as it is usually represented by a Sphere or Globe; which must be confessed to be the nearest and the most▪ commensurable to nature: Yet it may also be [Page 454] described upon a plain, in whole or in part many several ways: But those which are most useful and artificial are these two, by Parallelogram and by Planisphere.

2. The description thereof by Parallelogram is thus, the Parallelogram is divided in the midst by a line drawn from North to South, passing by the Azores or Canaries for the great Meridian. Cross to this and at eight Angles, another line is drawn from East to West for the AEquator; then two parallels to each to comprehend the figure, in the squares whereof there are set down four parts of the world rather than the whole: And this way of description though not exact or near to the natural, hath yet been followed by such as ought still to be accounted excellent, and is the form of our plain Charts, and in places near the AEquinoctial may be used without com­mitting any great error; because the Meridians about the AEquinoctial are equi-distant, but as they draw up towards the Pole, they do upon the Globe come nearer and nearer together, to shew that their distance is proportionably dimi­nished till it come to a concurrence, and answe­rably the Parallels as they are deeper in latitude, so they grow less and less with the Sphere; so that at 60 degrees, the Equinoctial is double to the parallel of Latitude, and so proportionably of the rest.

3. Hence it followeth, that if the picture of the earth be drawn upon a Parallelogram, so that the Meridians be equally distant throughout, and the Parallels equally extended, the Parellel of 60 degrees shall be as great as the line of the AEqua­tor it self is, and he that coasteth about the world [Page 455] in the latitude of 60 degrees, shall have as far to go by this Map, as he that doth it in the AEqua­tor, though the way be but half as long. For the longitude of the Earth in the AEquator it self, is 21600; but in the Parallel of 60 but 10800 miles. So two Cities under the same parallel of 60, shall be of equal Longitude to other two un­der the Line, and yet the first two shall be but 50, the other two an hundred miles distant. So two Ships departing from the AEquator at 60 miles distance, and coming up to the Parallel of 60, shall be thirty miles nearer, and yet each of them keep the same Meridians and sail by this Card upon the very points of the Compass at which they set forth. This was complained of by Martin Cortez and others, and the learned Mercator considering well of it, caused the de­grees of the Parallel to increase by a proportion towards the Pole. The Mathematical Genera­tion whereof, Mr. Wright in the second Chapter of his Correction of Errors in Navigation, hath sought by the inscription of a Planisphere into a Concave Cylinder. And this description of the Earth upon a Parallelogram, may indeed be so ordered by Art, as to give a true account of the scituation and distance of the parts, but can­not be fitted to represent the figure of the whole.

4. The description therefore of the whole by Planisphere is much better, because it represents the face of the Earth upon a plain, in its own proper Spherical Figure as upon the Globe it self. This description cannot well be contrived upon so few as one Circle or more than two.

Suppose then the Globe to be divided into [Page 456] two equal parts or Hemispheres, which cannot be done but by a great Circle: And therefore it must be done by the AEquator or Meridian (for the Colure is all one with the Meridian) the Ho­rizon cannot fix, and the Zodiack hath nothing to do here.

5. Suppose then the Globe to be flatted upon the plain of the AEquator, and you have the first way of projection dividing the Globe into the North and South Hemispheres.

In this projection the Pole is the Centre, the AEquator is the Circumference divided into 360 degrees of Longitude, the Paralles are whole Circles, the Meridians are streight lines, the Parallels are Parallels indeed, and the Meridians equi-distantly concur, and therefore all the de­grees are equal. After this way of projection, Ptolemy describes that part of the habitable world which was discovered to his time.

6. Suppose the Globe to be flatted upon the plain of the Meridian, and you have the other way of projection; the AEquator here is a streight line, the great Meridian a whole Circle, in this Section the Meridians do not equi-distantly con­cur, the Parallels are not Parallels indeed, and therefore the degrees are all un­equal.

However, this latter way is that which is now most and indeed altogether in use.

7. Particular Maps are but limbs of the Globe, and therefore though they are drawn asunder, yet are they still to be done with that proportion, as a remembring eye may suddenly acknowledge, and joyn them to the whole Body.

[Page 457] The Projection is most commonly upon a Paral­lelogram, in which the Latitude is to be expres­sed by Paralles from North to South, and the Longtitude by Meridians from West to East at 10 or 15 degrees distance, as you please, and may be drawn either by circle or right Lines; but if they be right Lines, the Meridians are not to be drawn parallel, but inclining and concur­ring, to shew the nature of the whole, whereof they are such parts. For the Graduation; the degrees of Longitude are most commonly divi­ded upon the North and South sides of the Pa­rallelogram; the degrees of Latitude upon the East and West sides, or otherwise upon the most Eastern or Western Meridian of the Map, within the square. But it hath seemed good to some in these particular descriptions to make no graduation or projection at all; but to put the matter off to a scale of Miles, and leave the rest to be believed.

The difference of Miles in several Countries is great, but it will be enough to know that the Italian and English, are reckoned for all one, and four of these do make a German Mile; two a French League. The Swedish or Danish Mile consisteth of 5 Miles English and somewhat more. Sixty common English and Italian Miles answer to a degree of a great Circle.

Now as the Miles of several Countries do ve­ry much differ, so those of the same do not ve­ry much agree: and therefore the scales are com­monly written upon with Magna, Mediocria and Parva, to shew the difference. In some Maps you shall find the Miles thus hiddenly set down, and the meaning is, that you should measure the [Page 458] Milliaria magna upon the lowermost Line, the Parva upon the uppermost, and the Mediocria upon the middlemost.

Scala Milliarium.


The use of the Scale is for the measuring the distances of places in the Map, by setting one foot of your Compasses in the little circle repre­senting one place, and the other foot in the like little circle representing another, the Compasses kept at that distance being applied to the Scale, will shew the number of great or middle Miles according as the inhabitants of those places are known to reckon.

Soli Deo Gloria.

[Page 459]

A View of the more Notable Epochae
Epochae. Years of the Julian Period. Months
The Julian Period 1 Ian. 1
Creation of the World 765 Ian. 1
AEra of the Olympiades 3938 Iuly 8
The building of Rome 4961 Ap. 21
Epochae of Nabonasser 3667 Feb. 26
The beginning of Metons Cyrcle. 4281 Iune 26
The beginning of the periods of Calippus 4384 Iune 28
The Death of Alexander the great 4390 No. 12
AEra of the Caldees 4403 Oct. 15
The AEra of Dionysrus 4429 Mar. 25

The beginning of the Christian AEra falls in the 4713 year of the Julian Period. Years of Christ Month
The Dioclesian AEra 284 Aug. 29
The Turkish AEra or Hegyra 622 Iuly 16
The Persian AEra from Iesdagird 632 Iune 16
The AEra from the Persian Sultan 1079 Mar. 14

Days in the Year of
Julian Accompt AEgypt and Persian Accompt
1 0 0 0   365 2 5 0   1 0 0 0   365 0 0 0
2 0 0 0   730 5 0 0   2 0 0 0   730 0 0 0
3 0 0 0   1095 7 5 0   3 0 0 0   1095 0 0 0
4 0 0 0   1461 0 0 0   4 0 0 0   1460 0 0 0
5 0 0 0   1826 2 5 0   5 0 0 0   1825 0 0 0
6 0 0 0   2191 5 0 0   6 0 0 0   2190 0 0 0
7 0 0 0   2556 7 5 0   7 0 0 0   2555 0 0 0
8 0 0 0   2922 0 0 0   8 0 0 0   2920 0 0 0
9 0 0 0   3287 2 5 0   9 0 0 0   3285 0 0 0
10 0 0 0   3652 5 0 0   10 0 0 0   3650 0 0 0

Days in Julian Months Days in AEgyptian Months Days in Persian Months
Comon Bissex Thoth 30 Pharvadin 30
Ianuary 31 30 Paophi 60 Aripehast 60
February 59 60 Athyr 90 Chortat 90
March 90 91 Chaeae 120 Tirma 120
April 120 121 Tybi 150 Mertat 150
May 151 152 Michir 180 Sachriur 180
Iune 181 182 Phamenoth 210 Macherma 210
Iuly 212 213 Pharmuthi; 240 Apenina Wahak 245
August 243 244 Pachon 270
September 273 274 Payny 300 Aderma 275
October 304 305 Ephephi 330 Dima 305
November 334 335 Mesori 330 Pechmam 335
December 365 366 Epagomena 365 Aphander 365

Days in Turkish or Arabical Years Days in Turkish Months
1 354   Muharran 30
2 709   Sapher 59
3 .1063   Rabie 1. 89
4 .1417   Rabie 2. 118
5 .1772   Giumadi 1. 148
6 .2126   Giumadi 2. 177
7 .2480   Regeb 207
8 .2835   Sahahen 236
9 .3189   Ramaddan 266
10 .3543   Scheval 295
11 .3898   Dulkadati 325
12 .4252   Dulhajati Dsilhitts­che true 354
13 .4607  
14 .4961  
15 .5315   In anno A­bundanti 355
16 .5670  
17 .6024    
18 .6378    
19 .6733    
20 .7087    
21   7442      
22   7796      
23   8150      
24   8505      
25   8859      
26   9213      
27   9568      
28   9922      
29   10276      
30 0 10631 0    
60 0 21262 0    
90 0 31893 0    
120 0 42524 0    
150 0 53155 0    
180 0 63786 0    
210 0 74417 0    
240 0 05048 0    
270 0 95679 0    
300 0 106310 0    

  Ianuary February March
1 3 A Circumcis.   D Purificat 3 D  
2   B   11 E     E  
3 11 C   19 F   11 F  
4   D   8 G     G  
5 19 E     A   19 A  
6 8 F Epiphany 16 B   8 B  
7   G   5 C     C  
8 16 A     D   16 D  
9 5 B   13 E   5 E  
10   C   2 F     F  
11 13 D     G   13 G  
12 2 E   10 A   2 A  
13   F     B     B  
14 10 G   18 C   10 C  
15   A   7 D     D  
16 18 B     E   18 E  
17 7 C   15 F   7 F  
18   D   4 G     G  
19 15 E     A   15 A  
20 4 F   12 B   4 B  
21   G   1 C     C  
22 12 A     D   12 D  
23 1 B   9 E   1 E  
24   C     F     F  
25 9 D Conv. S. Paul 17 G S. Matthias 9 G Anunc.
26   E   6 A     A  
27 17 F     B   17 B  
28 6 G   14 C   6 C  
29   A           D  
30 14 B         14 E  
31 3 C         3 F  

  April May Iune
1   G   11 B Phil. & Jac.   E  
2 11 A     C   19 F  
3   B   19 D   8 G  
4 19 C   8 E   16 A  
5 8 D     F   5 B  
6 16 E   16 G     C  
7 5 F   5 A   13 D  
8   G     B   2 E  
9 13 A   14 C     F  
10 2 B   2 D   10 G  
11   C     E     A S. Barnaby
12 10 D   10 F   18 B  
13   E     G   7 C  
14 18 F   18 A     D  
15 7 G   7 B   15 E  
16   A     C   4 F  
17 15 B   15 D     G  
18 4 C   4 E   12 A  
19   D     F   1 B  
20 12 E   12 G     C  
21 1 F   1 A   9 D  
22   G     B     E  
23 9 A   9 C   17 F  
24   B     D   6 G S. John B.
25 17 C Mark Evang. 17 E     A  
26 6 D   6 F   14 B  
27   E     G   3 C  
28 14 F   14 A     D  
29 5 G   3 B   11 E Pet. Ap.
30   A     C     F  
31       11 D        

  Iuly August September
1 19 G   8 C   16 F  
2 8 A   16 D   5 G  
3   B   5 E     A  
4 16 C     F   13 B  
5 5 D   13 G   2 C  
6   E   2 A     D  
7 13 F     B   10 E  
8 2 G   10 C     F  
9   A     D   18 G  
10 10 B   18 E   7 A  
11   C   7 F     B  
12 18 D     G   15 C  
13 7 E   15 A   4 D  
14   F   4 B     E  
15 15 G     C   12 F  
16 4 A   12 D   1 G  
17   B   1 E     A  
18 12 C     F   9 B  
19 1 D   9 G     C  
20   E Margaret   A   17 D  
21 9 F   17 B   6 E S. Matth
22   G   6 C     F  
23 17 A     D   14 G  
24 6 B   14 E Barthol. 3 A  
25   C   3 F     B  
26 14 D   11 G   11 C  
27 3 E   19 A   19 D  
28   F     B   8 E  
29 11 G   8 C     F S. Mich.
30 9 A     D     G  
31   B     E        

  October November December
1 16 A     D All Saints 13 F  
2 5 B   13 E All Souls 2 G  
3 13 C   2 F     A  
4 2 D     G   10 B  
5   E   10 A P. Conspir.   C  
6 10 F     B   18 D  
7   G   18 C   7 E  
8 18 A   7 D     F  
9 7 B     E   15 G  
10   C   15 F   4 A  
11 15 D   4 G     B  
12 4 E     A   12 C  
13   F   12 B   1 D  
14 12 G   1 C     E  
15 13 A     D   9 F  
16   B   9 E     G  
17 9 C     F   17 A  
18   D Luke Evang. 17 G   6 B  
19 17 E   6 A     C  
20 6 F     B   14 D  
21   G   14 C   3 E S. Thomas
22 14 A   3 D     F  
23 3 B     E   11 G  
24   C   11 F   19 A  
25 11 D   19 G     B Chri. Nat.
26 19 E     A   8 C S. Steph.
27   F   8 B     D S. John
28 8 G Sim. & Jude   C   16 E Innocents
29   A   16 D   5 F  
30 16 B   5 E S. Andrew   G  
31 5 C         13 A Sylvester

[Page 465]

  Ianuary February March
1 * A XXIX D * D
6 25. XXV F XXIII B 25. XXV B
26 V E III A V A
29 II A     II D
30 I B     I E
31 * C     * F

  April May Iune
4 25. XXVI C 25. XXV E XXIII A
24 V B V D III G
27 II E II G * C
29 * G * B XXVIII E
31     XXVIII D    

  Iuly August September
23 IV A II D I G
24 III B I E * A
25 II C * F XXIX B
31 25. XXVI B XXIV E    

  October   November   December  
12 XI E X A IX C
17 VI C V F IV A
21 II G I C * E
22 I A * D XXIX F
26 XXVII E 25. XXVI A 25. XXV C
31 XXII C     XX A

A Table shewing the Dominical Letter, Gol­den Number and Epact, according to the Ju­lian account for ever, and in the Gregorian, till the Year 1700.
1672 1 GF CB
1673 2 E A
1674 3 D G
1675 4 C F
1676 5 BA ED
1677 6 G C
1678 7 F B
1679 8 E A
1680 9 DC GF
1681 10 B E
1682 11 A D
1683 12 G C
1684 13 FE BA
1685 14 D G
1686 15 C F
1687 16 B E
1688 17 AG DC
1689 18 F B
1690 19 E A
1691 20 D G
1692 21 CB FE
1693 22 A D
1694 23 G C
1695 24 F B
1696 25 ED AG
1697 26 C F
1698 27 B E
1699 28 A D

Year G Julian Gregor.
  N Epact Epact
1672 1 11 1
1673 2 22 12
1674 3 3 23
1675 4 14 4
1676 5 25 15
1677 6 6 26
1678 7 17 7
1679 8 28 18
1680 9 9 29
1681 10 20 10
1682 11 1 21
1683 12 12 2
1684 13 23 13
1685 14 4 24
1686 15 15 5
1687 16 26 16
1688 17 7 17
1689 18 18 8
1690 19 29 19
The anticipation of the Gregorian Calender.
  • From 5 October 1582 D. 10
  • From 24 Feb. 1700 D. 11
  • From 24 Feb. 1800 D. 12
  • From 24 Feb. 1900 D. 13
  • From 24 Feb. 2100 D. 14
  • From 24 Feb. 2200 D. 15
  • From 24 Feb. 2320 D. 16

[Page 470]




Anni Christi.
N I    
P 320    
P 580 Biss.  
a 800 Biss. C
b 1100 Biss. C
c 1400 Biss. C

Detract is decem di­ebus.
D 1484    
D 1600 Biss.  
C 1700    
C 1800   CC
B 1900    
B 2000 Biss.  
B 2100   C
A 2200    
u 2300    
A 2409 Biss. C
u 2500    
t 2600    
t 2700   C
t 2800 Biss.  
s 2900    
s 3000   C
r 3100    
r 3200 Biss.  
r 3300   C
q 3400    
p 3500    

Anni Christi.
q 3600 Biss. C
p 3700    
n 3800    
n 3900    
n 4000 Biss. C
m 4100    
l 4200    
l 4300   CC
l 4400 Biss.  
k 4500    
k 4600   C
i 4700    
i 4800 Biss.  
i 4900   C
h 5000    
g 5100    
h 5200 Biss. C
g 5300    
f 5400    
f 5500   C
f 5600 Biss.  
e 5700    
e 5800   C
d 5900    
d 6000 Biss.  
d 6100   C
c 6200    
b 6300    
c 6400 Biss. C
b 6500    

A Table shewing the Dominical Letter both in the Julian and the Gregorian account for ever.
Cy. ☉ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 C B D C E D F E G F A G B A
2 A B C D E F G
3 G A B C D E F
4 F G A B C D E
5 E D F E G F A G B A C B D C
6 C D E F G A B
7 B C D E F G A
8 A B C D E F G
9 G F A G B A C B D C E D F E
10 E F G A B C D
11 D E F G A B C
12 C D E F G A B
13 B A C B D C E D F E G F A G
14 G A B C D E F
15 F G A B C D E
16 E F G A B C D
17 D C E D F E G F A G B A C B
18 B C D E F G A
19 A B C D E F G
20 G A B C D E F
21 F E G F A G B A C B D C E D
22 D E F G A B C
23 C D E F G A B
24 B C D E F G A
25 A G B A C B D C E D F E G F
26 F G A B C D E
27 E F G A B C D
28 D E F G A B C
Anni 1582     1900     2300
  1600 1700 1800 2000 2100 2200 2400
      2700     3100  
Chr. 2500 2600   2900 3000    
      2800     3200 3300

      LXX Ash. East. Asci. Pent. Corp. Chri­sti. Adv.
16 XXIII   Ian. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. May. Nov.
5 XXII d 18 4 22 30 10 21 29
  XXI e 19 5 23 Ma. 1 11 22 30
13 XX f 20 6 24 2 12 23 De. 1
2 XIX g 21 7 25 3 13 24 2
  XVIII a 22 8 26 4 14 25 3
10 XVII b 23 9 27 5 15 26 No. 27
  XVI c 24 10 28 6 16 27 28
18 XV d 25 11 29 7 17 28 29
7 XIV e 26 12 30 8 18 29 30
  XIII f 27 13 31 9 19 30 Dec. 1
15 XII g 28 14 Ap. 1 10 20 31 2
4 XI a 29 15 2 11 21 Iun. 1 3
  X b 30 16 3 12 22 2 No. 27
12 IX c 31 17 4 13 23 3 28
1 VIII d Feb. 1 18 5 14 24 4 29
  VII e 2 19 6 15 25 5 30
  VI f 3 20 7 16 26 6 Dec. 1
9 V g 4 21 8 17 27 7 2
17 IV a 5 22 9 18 28 8 3
6 III b 6 23 10 19 29 9 No. 27
  II c 7 24 11 20 30 10 28
14 I d 8 25 12 21 31 11 29
3 * e 9 26 13 22 Iun. 1 12 30
  XXIX f 10 27 14 23 2 13 Dec. 1
11 XXVIII g 11 28 15 24 3 14 2
  XXVII a 12 Ma. 1 16 25 4 15 3
19 25. XXVI b 13 2 17 26 5 16 No. 27
8 XXV. XXIV c 14 3 18 27 6 17 28
    d 15 4 19 28 7 18 29
    e 16 5 20 29 8 19 30
    f 17 6 21 30 9 20 Dec. 1
    g 18 7 22 31 10 21 2
    a 19 8 23 Iun. 1 11 22 3
    b 20 9 24 2 12 23 No. 27
    c 21 10 25 3 13 24 28

A Table to convert Sexagenary Degrees and Minutes into Decimals and the contrary.
1 00 37 10 73 20 109 30 145 40 181 50
2   38   74   110   146   182  
3   39   75   111   147   183  
4 01 40 11 76 21 112 31 148 41 184 51
5   41   77   113   149   185  
6   42   78   114   150   186  
7   43   79   115   151   187  
8 02 44 12 80 22 116 32 152 42 188 52
9   45   81   117   153   189  
10   46   82   118   154   190  
11 03 47 13 83 23 119 33 155 43 191 53
12   48   84   120   156   192  
13   49   85   121   157   193  
14   50   86   122   158   194  
15 04 51 14 87 24 123 35 159 44 195 54
16   52   88   124   160   196  
17   53   89   125   161   197  
18 05 54 15 90 25 126 35 162 45 198 55
19   55   91   127   163   199  
20   56   92   128   164   200  
21   57   93   129   165   201  
22 06 58 16 94 26 130 36 166 46 202 56
23   59   95   131   167   203  
24   60   96   132   168   204  
25   61   97   133   169   205  
26 07 62 17 98 27 134 37 170 47 206 57
27   63   99   135   171   207  
28   64   100   136   172   208  
29 08 65 18 101 28 137 38 173 48 209 58
30   66   102   138   174   210  
31   67   103   139   175   211  
32   68   104   140   176   212  
33 09 69 19 105 29 141 39 177 49 213 59
34   70   106   142   178   214  
35   71   107   143   179   215  
36 10 72 20 108 30 144 40 180 50 216 60
[Page 477] 217 60 253 70 289 80 325 90 277777778
218   254   290   326   555555555
219   255   291   327   833333333
220 61 256 71 292 81 328 91 111111111
221   257   293   329   388888889
222   258   294   330   666666667
223   259   295   331   944444444
224 62 260 72 296 82 332 92 222222222
225   261   297   333   500000000
226   262   298   334   777777778
227 63 263 73 299 83 335 93 055555555
228   264   300   336   333333333
229   265   301   337   511111111
230   266   302   338   888888889
231 64 267 74 303 84 339 94 166666667
232   268   304   340   444444444
233   269   305   341   722222222
234 65 270 75 306 85 342 95 000000000
235   271   307   343   277777778
236   272   308   344   555555555
237   273   309   345   833333333
238 66 274 76 310 86 346 96 111111111
239   275   311   347   388888889
240   276   312   348   666666667
241   277   313   349   944444444
242 67 278 77 314 87 350 97 222222222
243   279   315   351   500000000
244   280   316   352   777777778
245 68 281 78 317 88 353 98 055555555
246   282   318   354   333333333
247   283   319   355   611111111
248   284   320   356   888888889
249 69 285 79 321 89 357 99 166666667
250   286   322   358   444444444
251   287   323   359   722222222
252 70 288 80 324 90 360 100 000000000

A Table to Convert Sexagenary Minutes into Decimals and the contrary.
  Minutes Seconds Thirds
1 00462962 00007716 00000128
2 00925925 15432 257
3 01388889 23148 385
4 01851851 30864 515
5 02314814 00038580 00000643
6 02777778 46296 771
7 03240740 54012 900
8 03703703 61728 1028
9 04166667 69444 1157
10 04629629 00077160 00001286
11 05092592 084876 1414
12 05555555 092592 1543
13 06018518 100308 1671
14 06481480 108024 1800
15 06944444 00115740 1929
16 07409407 123450 2057
17 07870370 131172 2186
18 08333333 138889 2314
19 08796296 146604 2443
20 09259259 00154320 2572
21 00722222 162036 2700
22 10185185 169752 2829
23 10648148 177468 2957
24 11111111 185184 3086
25 11574074 00192900 3215
26 12037037 200616 3343
27 12500000 208332 3472
28 12962962 216048 3600
29 13425926 223764 3729
30 13888889 00231481 00003858
[Page 479] 31 14351852 00239670 00003986
32 14814814 246913 4115
33 15277777 254629 4243
34 15747040 262345 4372
35 16203703 270061 4581
36 16666666 00277777 00004629
37 17129629 285493 4758
38 17592592 293209 4886
39 18055555 300925 5015
40 18518518 308640 5144
41 18981481 00316356 00005272
42 19444444 324072 5401
43 19907407 331788 5529
44 20370370 339504 5658
45 20833333 347220 5787
46 21296296 00354936 00005915
47 21759259 362652 6044
48 22222222 370 [...]70 6172
49 22685185 378084 6301
50 23148148 385802 6430
51 23611111 00393518 00006558
52 24074074 401234 6687
53 24537037 408950 6815
54 25000000 416666 6944
55 25462963 424382 7073
56 25925926 00432098 00007201
57 26388888 439814 7330
58 26851852 447530 7458
59 27314814 455256 7587
60 27777777 00462962 00007716

A Table Converting Hours and Minutes into De­grees and Minutes of the AEquator, and into
1 04.16666667
2 08.33333333
3 12.5
4 16.16666667
5 20.83333333
6 25.0
7 29.16666667
8 33.33333333
9 37.5
10 41.66666667
11 45.83333333
12 50.
13 54.16666667
14 58.33333333
15 62.5
16 66.66606667
17 70.83333333
18 75.00
19 79.16660667
20 83.33333333
21 87.5
22 91.66666667
23 95.83333333
24 100.00000000

1 0.06944444
2 0.13888888
3 0.20833333
4 0.27777777
5 0.34722222
6 0.41666666
7 0.48611111
8 0.55555555
9 0.625
10 0.69444444
11 0.76388888
12 0.83333333
13 0.90277777
14 0.97222222
15 1.04166666
16 1.11111111
17 1.18055555
18 1.25
19 1.31944444
20 1.38888888
21 1.45833333
22 1.52777777
23 1.59722222
24 1.66666666
25 1.73611111
26 1.80555555
27 1.875
28 1.94444444
29 2.01388888
30 2.08333333

The Decimal parts of a Day and the contrary.
Seconds   Minutes Seconds
.00115740 31 2.15277777 .03587963
.00231481 32 2.22222222 .03703704
.00347222 33 2.29166666 .03819444
.00462962 34 2.36111111 .03935185
.00578703 35 2.43055555 .04050926
.00694444 36 2.5 .04166666
.00810184 37 2.56944444 .04282407
.00925925 38 2.63888888 .04398148
.01041660 39 2.70833333 .04513888
.01157405 40 2.77777777 .04629629
.01273148 41 2.84722222 .04745370
.01388888 42 2.91666666 .04861111
.01504630 43 2.98611111 .0497685 [...]
.01620371 44 3.05555555 .05092592
.01736111 45 3.125 .05208333
.01851853 46 3.19444444 .05324074
.01967593 47 3.26388888 .05439814
.02083333 48 3.33333333 .05555555
.02199074 49 3.40277777 .05671296
.02314810 50 3.47222222 .05787037
.02430555 51 3.54166666 .05902777
.02546295 52 3.61111111 .06018518
.02662037 53 3.68055555 .06134 [...]59
.02777777 54 3.75 .0625
.02893518 55 3.81944444 .06365741
.03009259 56 3.88888888 .06481481
.03125000 57 3.95833333 .06597222
.03240741 58 4.02777777 .06712963
.03356482 59 4.09722222 .06828704
.03472222 60 4.16666666 .06944444

A Catalogue of some of the most eminent Cit­tes and Towns in England and Ireland where­in is shewed the difference of their Meridian from London, with the hight of the Pole.
Names of Citties Differ. Merid. Hight Pole
St. Albons 0 1 s 55.55
Barwick 0 6 s 55.49
Bedford 0 2 s 52.18
Bristol 0 11 s 51.32
Boston 0 0 53.2
Cambridge 0 1 a 52.17
Canterbury 0 5 a 51.27
Carlile 0 10 s 54.57
Chester 0 11 s 53.20
Coventry 0 4 s 52.30
Carmarthen 0 17 s 52.2
Chichester 0 3 s 50.56
Colchester 0 5 a 52.4
Darby 0 5 s 53.6
Dublin in Ireland 0 26 s 53.11
Duresm [...] 0 5 s 54.45
Dartmouth 0 15 s 50.32
Eely 0 1 a 52.20
Grantha [...] 0 2 s 52.58
Glocester 0 9 s 52.00
Halefax 0 6 s 52.49
Hartford 0 1 s 52.50
Hereford 0 11 s 52.14
Huntington 0 1 s 52.19
Hull 0 1 s 53.58
Lancaster 0 11 s 54.08
Leicester 0 4 s 52.40
[Page 483] Lincoln 0 1 s 53.12
Middle of the Isle of Man 0 17 s 54.22
Nottingham 0 4 s 53.03
Newark 0 3 s 53.02
Newcastle 0 6 s 54.58
N. Luffingham 0 3 s 52.41
Norwich 0 4 a 52.44
Northampton 0 4 s 52.18
Oxford 0 5 s 51.54
Okenham 0 3 s 52.44
Peterborough 0 2 s 52.35
Richmond 0 6 s 54.26
Rochester 0 3 a 51.28
Ross 0 10 s 52.07
St. Michaels Mount in Cornwal 0 23 s 50.38
Stafford 0 8 s 52.55
Stamford 0 2 s 52.41
Shrewsbury 0 11 s 52.48
Tredah in Ireland 0 27 s 53.28
uppingham in Rutland 0 3 s 52.40
Warwick 0 6 s 52.25
Winchester 0 5 s 50.10
Waterford in Ireland 0 27 s 52.22
Worcester 0 9 s 52.20
Yarmouth in Suffolk 0 6 a 52.45
York 0 4 s 54.00
London 0 00 51.32

The Suns mean Longitude and mean Anomaly in AEgyptian Years.
  ☉ Mean Longitude ☉ Mean Anomaly
1 99.9336437563 99.9288933116
2 99.8672875126 99.8577866232
3 99.8009312690 99.7866799348
4 99.7345750253 99.7155732465
5 99.6682187816 99.6444665581
6 99.6018625380 99.5733598697
7 99.5355062943 99.5022531814
8 99.4691500506 99.4211464930
9 99.4027938070 99.3600398046
10 99.3364375633 99.2889331162
100 93.3643756334 92.8893311628
1000 33.6437563341 28.8933116289

The Suns Mean Anomaly and Praecession of the AEquinox 8 in. 1 AEgyptian Years.
Year. ☉ Mean Anomaly Praecession AEquinox.
1 99.9297857316 00.0038580246
2 99.8595714632 00.0077160493
3 99.7893571949 00.0115740740
4 99.7191429265 00.0154320987
5 99.6489286582 00.0192901234
6 99.5787143898 00.0231481481
7 66.5085001114 00.0270061728
8 99.2978573164 00.0308641975
9 99.3680715847 00.0347222221
10 99.2978573164 00.0385802469
100 92.9785731642 00.3858024691
1000 99.7857316427 03.8580246913

The Suns mean Longitude and mean Anomaly in Julian Years.
  ☉ Mean Longitude ☉ Mean Anomaly
1 99.9336437563 99.9288933116
2 99.8672875126 99.8577866232
3 99.8009312689 99.7866799348
B 4 00.008365830 99.9892901234
5 99.9420095864 99.9181834350
6 99.875633427 99.8470767466
7 99.8092970990 99.7759700583
B 8 00.0167316602 99.9785802468
9 99.9503754165 99.9074735584
10 99.8840191728 99.8363668700
11 99.8176629291 99.7652591816
B 12 00.0250974903 99.9678703702
13 99.9587412466 99.8967636818
14 99.8923850029 99.8256569934
15 99.8260287592 99.7545503050
B 16 00.0334633205 99.9571604936
17 99.9671070768 99.8860548052
18 99.9007508331 99.8149481168
19 99.8343945894 99.7438414284
B 20 00.0418291506 99.9164506171
40 00.0836583012 99.8929012342
60 00.1254874518 99.8393518513
80 00.1673166024 99.7858024684
100 00.2091457530 99. 73225308 [...]5
200 00.4182015060 99.4645061710
300 00.6274372590 99.1967592565
400 00.8365830120 98.9290123420
500 01.0457287650 98.6612654275
600 01.2548745180 98.3935185130
700 01. 4640 [...]02710 98.1257715985

The ☉ mean Longitude and Anomaly
AEra ☉ mean Longitude ☉ mean Anomaly
Chr. 77. 22400.86419 58. 24289.56790
1600 80. 54891.97529 53. 95880.62961
1620 80. 59074.89035 53. 90525.69132
1640 80. 63257.80541 53. 85170.75303
1660 80. 67440.72047 53. 79815.81474
1680 80. 71623.63553 53. 74460.87645
1700 80. 75806.55059 53. 69105.93816
1720 80. 79989.46665 53. 63750.99987
1740 80. 84172.38171 53. 58396.06158
1760 80. 88265.29677 53. 53041.12329
  ☉ mean Lon. in Mon. ☉ mean Ano. in Mo.
Ianu. 08. 48751.49488 08. 48711.14867
Febr. 16. 15365.74832 16. 15288.96037
Mar. 24. 64117.24320 24. 64000.10904
April 32. 85489.65760 32. 85333.47872
May 41. 34241.15248 41. 34044.62739
Iune 49. 55613.56688 49. 55377.99708
Iuly 58. 04365.06176 58. 04089.14575
Aug. 66. 53116.55664 66. 52800.29442
Sept. 74. 74488.97104 74. 74133.66410
Octo. 83. 23240.46592 85. 22844.81277
Nov. 91. 44612.88032 91. 44178.18245
Dec. 99. 93364.37563 99. 92889.33116

In Anno [...]issentili; post Februarium adde unum diem & unius dies motum.

[Page 487]

The Suns mean Longitude and mean Anomaly in Days.
  ☉ mean Longitude ☉ mean Anomaly
1 0.2737908048 0.2737777898
2 0.5475816096 0.5475555796
3 0.8213724144 0.8213333694
4 1.0951632192 1.0951111592
5 1.3 [...]89540240 1.3688889490
6 1.6427448288 1.6426667388
7 1.9165356336 1.9164445286
8 2.1903264384 2.1902223184
9 2.4641172432 2.4640001082
10 2.7379080480 2.7377778980
11 3.0116988528 3.0115556878
12 3.2854896576 3.2853334776
13 3.5592804624 3.5591112674
14 3.8330712672 3.8328890572
15 4.1068620720 4.1066668470
16 4.3806428768 4.3804446368
17 4.6544436816 4.6542224266
18 4.9282344864 4.9280002164
19 5.2020252912 5.2077780062
20 5.4758160960 5.4755557960
21 5.7496069008 5.7493335858
22 6.0233977056 6.0231113756
23 6.2971885104 6.2968891654
24 6.5709793152 6.5706669552
25 6.8447701200 6.8444447450
26 7.1185609248 7.1182225348
27 7.3923517296 7.3920003246
28 7.6661425344 7.6957781144
29 7.9399333392 7.9395559042
30 8.2137241440 8.2133336940
31 8.4875149488 8.4871114838

[Page 488]

The Suns mean Longitude and mean Anomaly in Days
  ☉ Mean Longitude ☉ Mean Anomaly.
1 0.0114079502 0.0114074079
2 0.0228159004 0.0228148158
3 0.0342238506 0.0342222237
4 0.0456318008 0.0456296316
5 0.0570397510 0.0570370395
6 0.0684477012 0.0684444474
7 0.0798556514 0.0798518553
8 0.0912636016 0.0912592632
9 0.1026715518 0.1026666711
10 0.1140795020 0.1140740790
11 0.1254874522 0.1254814869
12 0.1368954024 0.1368888948
13 0.1483033526 0.1482963027
14 0.1597113028 0.1597037106
15 0.1711192530 0.1711111185
16 0.1825272032 0.1825185264
17 0.1939351534 0.1939259343
18 0.2053431036 0.2053333422
19 0.2167510538 0.2167407501
20 0.2281590040 0.2281481580
21 0.2395669542 0.2395555659
22 0.2509749044 0.2509629738
23 0.2623828546 0.2623703817
24 0.2737777048 0.2737777896

[Page 489]

The Suns mean Anomaly and Praecession of the AEquinox.
AEra ☉ Anomaly. Praecess. AEquinox
Chr. 56. 69976.85185 20. 49768.51851
1600 53. 87323.10751 26. 67052.46907
1620 53. 83789.15687 26. 74768.51845
1640 53. 80255.20623 26. 82484.56783
1660 53. 76721.25559 26. 90200.61721
1680 53. 73187.30495 26. 97916.66659
1700 53.69653▪35431 27. 05632.71597
1720 53. 66119.40367 27. 13348.76535
1740 53. 65585.45303 27. 21064.81473
1760 53. 59051.50230 27. 28780.86411
  ☉ Anomaly in Months Praecess. AEqui­nox in Months
Ianu 08. 48718.72813 0. 00032.76678
Febr. 16. 15303.38579 0. 00062.36258
Mar. 24. 64022.11392 0. 00095.12937
April 32. 85362.81857 0. 00126.83916
May 41. 34081.54670 0. 00159.60594
Iune 49. 55422.25134 0. 00191.31573
Iuly 58. 04140.97947 0. 00224.08251
Aug. 66. 52859.70760 0. 00256.84929
Sept. 74. 74200.41225 0. 00288.55908
Octo. 83. 22919.14038 0. 00321.32587
Nov. 91. 44259.84502 0. 00353.03566
Dec. 99. 92978.57315 0. 00385.80244

[Page 470]

The ☉ mean Anomaly, and Praecession of the AEquinox in Julian Years.
  ☉ mean Anomaly Praecess. AEquinox
1 99.9297857316 00.0038580246
2 99.8595714612 00.0077160493
3 99.7893571949 00.0115740740
B 4 99.9929231686 00.0154320987
5 99.9227089002 00.0192901233
6 99.8524946318 00.0231481479
7 99.7822803634 00.0270061725
B 8 99.9858463372 00.0308641974
9 99.9156320688 00.0347222220
10 99.8454178004 00.0385802466
11 99.7752035321 00.0424382714
B 12 99.9787695058 00.0462962961
13 99.9085552374 00.0501543207
14 99.8383409690 00.0540123453
15 99.7681266066 00.0578703699
B 16 99.9716926744 00.0617283948
17 99.9014784060 00.0655864194
18 99.8312647376 00.0694444440
19 99.7610498692 00.0733024686
B 20 99.9646158434 00.0771604938
40 99.9292306868 00.1543209876
60 99.8938465302 00.2314814814
80 99.8584623736 00.3086419752
100 99.8270782170 00.3858024690
200 99.6461564340 00.7716049380
300 99.4692346510 01.1574074070
400 99.2923128680 01.5432098760
500 99.1153910850 01.9290123450
600 98.9384693020 02.3148148140
700 98.7615475190 02.7006172830

[Page 491]

The Suns mean Anomaly and Praec. of the AEqui. in Days.
D ☉ Anomaly Praecess. AEquinox
1 0.2737802348 0.0000105699
2 0.5475604697 0.0000211398
3 0.8213407046 0.0000317097
4 1.0951209395 0.0000422797
5 1.3689011744 0.0000528496
6 1.6426814092 0.0000634195
7 1.9164616441 0.0000739894
8 2.1902418790 0.0000845593
9 2.4640221139 0.0000951292
10 2.7378023488 0.0001056993
11 3.0115825836 0.0001162692
12 3.2853628184 0.0001268391
13 3.5591430532 0.0001374090
14 3.8329232880 0.0001479789
15 4.1067035228 0.0001585488
16 4.3804837576 0.0001691187
17 4.6542639924 0.0001796886
18 4.9280442272 0.0001902585
19 4.2018244620 0.0002008284
20 5.4756046976 0.0002113986
21 5.7493849324 0.0002219685
22 6.0231651672 0.0002325384
23 6.2969454020 0.0002431083
24 6.5707256368 0.0002536782
25 6.8445058716 0.0002642481
26 7.1182861064 0.0002748180
27 7.3920663412 0.0002853879
28 7.6658455766 0.0002959580
29 7.9396258115 0.0003065279
30 8.2134070464 0.0003170979
31 8.4871872813 0.0003276678

[Page 492]

The Suns mean Anomaly and Praec. of the AEqui. in Hours
D ☉ mean Anomaly Praecess. AEquinox
1 0.0114075097 0.0000004404
2 0.0228150195 08808
3 0.0342225293 13212
4 0.0456300391 17616
5 0.0570375489 22020
6 0.0684450587 0.0000026424
7 0.0798525684 30828
8 0.0912600782 35232
9 0.1026675881 39636
10 0.1140750978 44041
11 0.1254826075 0.0000048445
12 0.1368901174 0.0000052849
13 0.1482976271 57253
14 0.1597051368 61657
15 0.1711126465 66061
16 0.1825201562 70465
17 0.1939276659 74869
18 0.2053351761 0.0000079272
19 0.2167426858 83677
20 0.2281501955 88081
21 0.2395577052 92485
22 0.2509652149 96889
23 0.2623727246 101293
24 0.2737802348 0.0000105698


[Page 494]

The Moons mean Longitude and Apogeon
AEra ☽ Mean Longitude ☽ Apogaeon
Chr. 34.0088734567 78.8286265432
1600 02.0644290122 63.5892746911
1620 39.1651134566 89.6540895059
1640 76.2658079010 15.7189033207
1660 13.3665023454 41.7837191355
1680 50.4671967898 67.6485339503
1700 87.5675912342 93.9133487651
1620 29.6685801230 19.9781635799
1740 61.7692801230 46.0429783947
1760 98.8699745674 72.1077932095
  ☽ Mean Long. in Mon. ☽ Apogaeon in Mont.
Ianu. 13.4633984897 00.9593447922
Febr. 15.9464670933 01.8258497658
Mar. 29.4098665830 02.7851945580
April 39.2131554440 03.7135927440
May. 52.6765539337 04.6729375362
Iune 62.4798427947 05.6013357222
Iuly 75.9432412844 06.5606805144
Aug. 89.4066397741 07.5200253066
Sept. 99.2099286451 08.4484234926
Octo. 12.6733271348 09.4077682848
Nov. 22.4766159958 10.3361664708
Dec. 35.9400144893 11.2955112636

[Page 495]

The Moons mean Anomaly and Node Retrograde
AEra ☽ Mean Anomaly ☽ Node Retrograde
Chr. 55.1802469135 74.6984567901
1600 38.4751543211 78.2198302468
1620 49.5110239507 70.7638117283
1640 60.5469035803 63.3077932098
1660 71.5827832099 55.8517746913
1680 82.6186628395 48.3957561728
1700 93.6545424691 40.9397376543
1720 04.6904220987 33.4837191358
1740 15.7263017283 26.0277006173
1760 26.7621813579 18.5716820988
  ☽ Mean Ano. in Mon. Node Ret. in Mont.
Ianu. 12.5040536975 00.4559979224
Febr. 14.7206183275 00.8678670136
Mar. 27.2246720250 01.3238649360
April 35.4995627000 01.7651532480
May. 48.0036163975 02.2211511704
Iune 56.8785070725 02.6624394824
Iuly 69.3825607700 03.1184374048
Aug. 81.8866144675 03.5744353272
Sept. 90.7615051425 04.0157236392
Octo. 03.2655588400 04.4717215616
Nov. 12.1404495150 04.9130098736
Dec. 24.6445032256 05.3690078260

The Moons mean Motions in Julian Years.
  ☽ Mean Longitude ☽ Apogaeon
1 35.9400144893 11.2955112636
2 71.8800289786 22.5910225272
3 07.8200434679 33.8865337908
B 4 47.4201388888 45.2129629629
5 83.3601533781 56.5084742265
6 19.3001678674 67.8039854901
7 55.2401823567 79.0994967537
B 8 94.8402777777 90.4259259258
9 30.7802922670 01 [...]7214371894
10 66.7203067563 13.0169484530
11 02.6603212456 24.3124597166
B 12 42.2604166666 35.6388888888
13 78. [...]004311559 46.9344001524
14 14.1404456652 58.2299114 [...]60
15 50.0804601545 69. [...]2 [...]4226706
B 16 89.6805555555 80.8518518518
17 25.6205700448 91.1473631154
18 61.5605845341 02.4428743790
19 97.5005990234 13.7383856426
B 20 37.1006944404 26.0648 [...]48148
40 74.2013888888 52.1296296296
60 11.3020833333 78.1944444444
80 48.4027777777 04.2592592592
100 85.5034722222 30.3240740740
200 71.0069444444 60.648 [...]81 [...]81
300 56.5104166666 90.9722222222
400 42.0138888888 21.2962962962
500 27.517361111 [...] 51.6003703700
600 13.0208333333 91.9444444442
700 98.5243055555 12.2685185182

[Page 497]

The Moons mean Motions in Julian Years
  ☽ Mean Anomaly ☽ Nodes Retrograde
1 24.6445032256 05.3690078260
2 49.2890064512 10.7380156520
3 73.9335096768 16.1070234780
B 4 02.2071759259 21.4912037037
5 26.8516791515 26.7602115297
6 5 [...].4951823771 32.1292193557
7 76.1396856027 37.4982271817
B 8 04.4143518518 42.9824074074
9 29.0588550774 48.3514152334
10 53.7033583030 53.7204230594
11 78.3478615286 59.0894308854
B 12 06.6215277777 64.4736111111
13 37.2660310033 69.8426189371
14 55.9105342289 74.2116267631
15 80.5550374545 79.5806345891
B 16 08.8287037037 85.9648148148
17 33.4732069293 91.3338226408
18 58.1177101549 96.7028304668
19 82. [...]622133805 02.0718382928
B 20 11.0 [...]58796 [...]97 07.4560185185
40 22.0717592594 14.9120370370
60 33.1076388891 22.3680555555
80 44.1435185188 29.8040740740
100 55.1793981487 37.2800925925
200 10.3587062074 74.5601851850
300 65.5381944461 11.8402777775
400 20.7175925948 49.1203703700
500 75.8969907435 86.4004629629
600 31.0763888922 23.6805555555
700 86.2557870409 60.9606481480

[Page 498]

The Moons mean Motions in Days.
Days ☽ Mean Longitude ☽ Apogaeon
1 03.6601096287 00.0309466062
2 07.3202192574 00.0618932124
3 10.9803288861 00.0928398186
4 14.6404385148 00.1237864248
5 18.3005481435 00.1547330310
6 21.9606577722 00.1856796372
7 25.6207674009 00.2166262434
8 29.2808770296 00.2475728496
9 32.9409866583 00.2785194558
10 36.6010962870 00.3094660620
11 40.2612059157 00.3404126682
12 43.9213155444 00.3713592744
13 47.5814251731 00.4023058806
14 51.2415348018 00.4332524868
15 54.9016444305 00.4641990930
16 58.5617540592 00.4951456992
17 62.2218636879 00.5260923054
18 65.8819733166 00.5570389116
19 69.5420829453 00.5879855178
20 73.2021925740 00.6189321240
21 76.8623022037 00.6498787302
22 80.5224118314 00.6808233364
23 84.1825214601 00.7117719426
24 87.8426310898 00.7427185488
25 91.5027407175 00.7736651550
26 95.1628503462 00.8046117612
27 98.8229599749 00.8355583674
28 02.4830696036 00.8665049736
29 06.1431792323 00.8974515798
30 09.8032888610 00.9283981860
31 13.4633984897 00.9593447922

[Page 499]

The Moons mean Motions in Days.
Days ☽ Mean Anomaly ☽ Node Retrograde
1 03.6291630225 00.0147096104
2 07.2583260450 00.0294192208
3 10.8874890675 00.0441288312
4 14.5166520900 00.0588384416
5 18.1458151125 00.0735480520
6 21.7749781350 00.0882576624
7 25.4041411575 00.1029672728
8 29.0333041800 00.1176768832
9 32.6624672025 00.1323864936
10 36.2916302250 00.1470961040
11 39.9207932475 00.1618057144
12 43.5499562700 00.1765153248
13 47.1791192925 00.1912249352
14 50.8082823150 00.20 [...]9345456
15 54.4374453375 00.2206441560
16 58.0666083600 00.2353537664
17 61.6957713825 00.2500633768
18 65.3249344050 00.2647729872
19 68.9540974275 00.2794825976
20 72.5832604500 00.2941922080
21 76.2124234725 00.3089018184
22 79.8415864950 00.3236114288
23 83.4707495175 00.3383210392
24 87.0999125400 00.3530306496
25 90.7290755625 00.3677402600
26 94.3582385850 00.3824498704
27 97.9874016075 00.3971594808
28 01.6165646300 00.4118690912
29 05.2457276525 00.4265787016
30 08.8748906750 00.4412883120
31 12.5040536975 00.4559979224

[Page 500]

The Moons mean Motions in Hours.
Hours ☽ Mean Longitude ☽ Apogaeon
1 00.1525045678 00.0012894419
2 00.3050091357 00.0025788838
3 00.4575137035 00.0038683257
4 00.6100182713 00.0041577676
5 00. [...]625228391 00.0064172095
6 00.9150274071 00.0077366515
7 01.0675319749 00.0090260934
8 01.2200365427 00.0103155353
9 01.3725411105 00.0116049772
10 01.5250456786 00.0128044192
11 01.6775502464 00.0141838611
12 01.8300548143 00.0154733031
13 01.9825593821 00.0167627450
14 02.1350639499 00.0180521869
15 02.2875685177 00.0193416288
16 02.4400730855 00.0206310707
17 02.5925776533 00.0219205126
18 02.7450822211 00.0232099545
19 02.8975867891 00.0244993964
20 03.0500 [...]13560 00.0257888384
21 03.2025959250 00.0270782803
22 03.3551004928 00.0283677222
23 03.5076050607 00.0296571642
24 03.6601096285 00.0309466061

[Page 501]

The Moons mean Motions in Hours.
Hours ☽ Mean Anomaly ☽ Node Retrograde
1 00.1512151259 00.0006129004
2 00.3024302518 00.0012258008
3 00.4536453778 00.0018387013
4 00.6048605037 00.0024516017
5 00.7560756296 00.0030645021
6 00.9072907556 00.0036774026
7 01.0585058815 00.0042903030
8 01.2097210074 00.0049032034
9 01.3609361333 00.0055161038
10 01.5121512593 00.0061290043
11 01.6633663852 00.0067419047
12 01.8145815112 00.0073548052
13 01.9657066371 00.0079677056
14 01.1170117630 00.0085806060
15 02.2682068889 00.0091935064
16 02.4194420148 00.009 [...]064068
17 02.5706571407 00.0 [...]04193072
18 02.7218722666 00.0110722076
19 02.8730873926 00.0116451081
20 03.9243025 [...]85 00.0122580085
21 03.1755176445 00.0128709090
22 03.3267327704 00.0134838004
23 03.4779478964 00.0140967099
24 03.6291630223 00.0147096103

[Page 502]

The Moons mean Motions in Minutes of an Hour
M. ☽ M. Long. ☽ Apog. ☽ M. Au. [...] Retrog.
1 .0025414 .0000214 .0025202 .0000102
2 .0050828 .0000429 .0050405 .0000204
3 .0076242 .0000643 .0075607 .0000306
4 .0101656 .0000859 .0100810 .0000408
5 .0127070 .0001074 .0126012 .0000510
6 .0152484 .0001288 .0151214 .0000612
7 .0177898 .0001502 .0176416 .0000714
8 .0203312 .0001716 .0201618 .0000816
9 .0228726 .0001930 .0226820 .0000918
10 .0254141 .0002149 .0252025 .0001021
11 .0279555 .0002363 .0277227 .0001123
12 .0304969 .0002577 .0302429 .0001225
13 .0330383 .0002791 .0327631 .0001327
14 .0355797 .0003004 .0352833 .0001429
15 .0381211 .0003218 .0378035 .0001531
16 .0406624 .0003432 .0403237 .0001633
17 .0432038 .0003646 .0428439 .0001735
18 .0457452 .0003860 .0453641 .0001837
19 .0482867 .0004079 .0478843 .0001939
20 .0508284 .0004298 .0504045 .0002041
21 .0533696 .0004512 .0529247 .0002143
22 .0559110 .0004726 .0554449 .0002245
23 .0584524 .0004940 .0579651 .0002347
24 .0609938 .0005154 .0604853 .0002442
25 .0635352 .0005368 .0630055 .0002544
26 .0660766 .0005582 .0655257 .0002642
27 .0686180 .0005795 .0680459 .0002744
28 .0711594 .0006008 .0705661 .0002846
29 .0737008 .0006222 .0730863 .0092948
30 .0762422 .0006437 .0756075 .0003064

[Page 503]

The Moons mean Motions in Seconds.
  ☽ M. Long. ☽ Apog. ☽ M. Au. ☊ Retrog.
1 0000423 0000003 0000420 0000002
2 0000847 0000007 0000840 0000003
3 0001270 0000010 0001260 0000005
4 0001693 0000013 0001680 0000006
5 0002116 0000016 0002100 0000009
6 0002539 0000019 0002520 0000010
7 0002969 0000022 0002940 0000012
8 0003392 0000025 0003360 0000013
9 0003815 0000028 0003780 0000015
10 0004275 0000035 0004200 0000017
11 0004658 0000038 0004620 0000019
12 0005078 0000041 0005040 0000020
13 0005504 0000044 0005460 0000022
14 0005930 0000047 0005880 0000023
15 0006357 0000050 0006300 0000025
16 0006784 0000053 0006720 0000027
17 0007207 0000056 0007140 0000028
18 0007630 0000059 0007560 0000029
19 0008050 0000062 0007980 0000031
20 0008470 0000065 0008400 0000033
21 0008893 0000068 0008820 0000035
22 0009316 0000071 0009240 0000036
23 0009736 0000074 0009660 0000038
24 0010156 0000077 0010080 0000039
25 0010582 0000080 0010500 0000041
26 0011008 0000083 0010920 0000043
27 0011434 0000086 0011340 0000044
28 0011860 0000089 0011760 0000047
29 0012287 0000092 0012180 0000049
30 0012714 0000095 0012600 0000051

[Page 504]

Sig. o. &. 6 1 & 7 2 & 8
a AEqu. ☊ Inclin. AEqu. ☊ Inclin. AEqu. ☊ Inclin. a
Addi limetis Addi limitis Addi limitis
0 0.00000 30000 1.06500 20000 1.08500 15000 30
1 0.00000 30000 1.12888 25722 1.01888 14527 29
2 0.00055 30000 1.19277 25472 0.95305 14055 28
3 0.00194 29972 1.25222 25166 0.88666 13583 27
4 0.0041 [...] 29944 1.30833 24888 0.82055 13138 26
5 0.00888 29888 1.36166 24583 0.55333 12666 25
6 0.01472 29833 1.41055 24277 0.68694 12194 24
7 0.02305 29777 1.45666 23972 0.62416 11 [...]22 23
8 0.02416 29722 1.49916 23638 0.56444 11250 22
9 0.04805 29638 1.53666 23305 0.50555 10750 21
10 0.06500 29555 1.58000 22972 0.44666 10250 20
11 0.08555 29444 1.60027 22638 0.38888 09750 19
12 0.10944 29361 1.62527 22277 0.34000 09250 18
13 0.13666 29250 1.64472 219 [...]6 0.28972 08750 17
14 0.16833 29111 1.65771 21 [...]55 0.25083 08250 16
15 0.20250 28972 1.66277 21222 0.20972 07750 15
16 0.2411 [...] 28833 1.65805 20833 0.17388 07250 14
17 0.27472 28667 1.64527 20444 0.14138 06750 13
18 0. [...]2944 28567 1.62638 20055 0.11305 06250 12
19 0.37916 28361 1.60194 19666 0.08805 05722 11
20 0.43277 28194 1.58222 19279 0.06722 05222 10
21 0.48888 18027 1.53972 18861 0.04916 04694 9
22 0.54833 27833 1.50333 18444 0.03416 04166 8
23 0.60694 27611 1.46222 18027 0.02333 03638 7
24 0.66833 27416 1.41799 17614 0.01500 03138 6
25 0.73555 27104 1.37027 17194 0.00888 02611 5
26 0.79805 26972 1.3186 [...] 14750 0.00416 02083 4
27 0.8641 [...] 26722 1.26527 16333 0.001 [...]4 01555 3
28 0.93083 26500 1.20833 15888 0.00055 01027 2
29 0.99611 26250 1.14750 15444 0.00000 [...]0527 1
30 1.06500 26600 1.08500 14000 0.00000 00000 0
  Sntract   Subtract.   Subtract.    
  Sig. 5. & 11 4 & 10 3 & 9  

[Page 505]

Aug. Sig. o. N. Incr. 1. North Incr. 2. North I ncr.  
  Sig. 6. S.   7. South   8. South    
Lat.   or Exc.   or Exc.   or Exc.  
  Latit.   Latit.   Latit.    
0 0.00000 00000 2.49750 15000 4.32888 26000 30
1 0.08722 00527 2.57277 15444 4.37166 26250 29
2 0.17444 01027 2.64722 15888 4.41361 26500 28
3 0.26166 01555 2.72083 16333 4.45388 26722 27
4 0.34861 02083 2.79361 16416 4.49277 26972 26
5 0.43555 02611 2.86555 17194 4.53055 27194 25
6 0.52222 03138 2.93638 17611 4.56666 27416 24
7 0.60888 03638 3.00666 18027 4.60166 27611 23
8 0.69527 04166 3. [...]7583 18444 4.63500 27833 22
9 0.78138 04694 3.14416 18861 4.66722 28027 21
10 0.86722 05222 3.21166 19277 4.69777 28194 20
11 0.95277 05722 3.27805 19666 4.72694 28361 19
12 1.03833 06250 3.34333 20055 4.75472 28527 18
13 1.12333 06750 3.41055 20444 4.78111 28666 17
14 1.10805 07250 3.47111 20833 4.80583 28833 16
15 1.29250 07750 3.53333 21222 4.82916 28972 15
16 1.37666 08250 3.59444 21555 4.85111 29111 14
17 1.46027 08750 3.65472 21916 4.87166 29250 13
18 1.54333 09250 3.71361 22277 4.89055 29361 12
19 1.62611 09750 3.77138 22638 4.90777 29444 11
20 1.70805 10250 3.82833 22972 4.92388 29555 10
21 1.78972 10750 3.88388 23305 4.93833 29638 9
22 1.87111 11250 3.93805 23638 4.95111 29722 8
23 1.95166 11722 3.99138 23972 4.96250 29777 7
24 2.03166 12194 4.04333 24277 4.97250 29833 6
25 2.11083 12666 4.29416 24583 4.98083 29888 5
26 2.18972 13138 4.14361 24888 4.98777 29944 4
27 2.26777 13583 4.19166 25166 4.99301 29972 3
28 2.34500 14055 4.23861 25472 4.99694 29972 2
29 2.42166 14527 4.28444 25722 4.99916 18000 1
30 2.49750 15000 4.32888 26000 5.00000 18000 0
  Sig. 11. S.   Sig. 19. S.   9. South    
  Sig. 5. N.   4 N.   3. North    

A Table of the Moons Red. to the El. Subt
As Lat. Sig.0.6   S.1.7   S.2.8   As. Lat.
    Incr.   Incr.   Incr.  
  Red.   Red.   Red.    
0 .00000 00000 09444 01166 09472 01166 30
1 .00388 00055 09638 01194 09277 01138 29
2 .00750 00111 09805 01222 09055 01111 28
3 .01138 00166 09972 01250 08833 01083 27
4 .01527 00222 10111 01277 08611 01055 26
5 .01888 00250 10250 01277 08388 01027 25
6 .02277 00305 10388 01277 08138 01000 24
7 .02638 00333 10500 01305 07861 00972 23
8 .03000 00361 10583 01305 07611 00944 22
9 .03361 00416 10666 01305 07305 00916 21
10 .03722 00472 10750 01333 07027 00861 20
11 .04083 00527 10805 01333 06722 00833 19
12 .04444 00555 10861 01333 06416 00805 18
13 .04777 00611 10888 01333 06111 00777 17
14 .05111 00638 10916 01361 05805 00722 16
15 .05444 00666 10916 01361 05472 00666 15
16 .05777 00722 10916 01361 05138 00638 14
17 .06111 00777 10862 01361 04805 00611 13
18 .06416 00805 10861 01361 04444 00555 12
19 .06722 00833 10805 0133 [...] 04111 00527 11
20 .07000 00861 10750 01333 03750 00472 10
21 .07305 00916 10694 01305 03388 00416 9
22 .07583 00944 10611 01305 03027 00361 8
23 .07888 00972 10500 01305 02092 00333 7
24 .08111 01000 10388 01277 02611 00305 6
25 .08361 01027 10277 01277 02222 00250 5
26 .08583 01055 10138 01277 01527 00222 4
27 .08823 01083 10000 01250 01138 00166 [...]3
28 .09055 01111 09833 01222 00750 00111 2
29 .09250 01138 09638 01194 00388 00055 1
30 .09444 01166 09472 01166 00000 00006 0
  11.5   10.4   9.3    

[Page 507]

A Table shewing the mean Motion of the Moon from the Sun in Years and Months.
AEra ☽ à ☉ in Years   ☽ à ☉ in Years
Chr. 56.8114797531 1 36.0063707331
1600 21.5206732464 2 72.012741466 [...]
1620 58.5795367034 3 08.0191121993
1640 95.6384101604 4 47.4117836215
1660 32.6972836174 5 83.4181543546
1680 69.7561560744 6 19.4245250877
1700 06.8150305314 7 55.4308958208
1720 43.8739039884 8 94.8235672430
1740 80.9027774454 9 40.8298379761
1760 17.9916509024 10 76.8362087092
    11 02.8426794423
  Motion of the 12 42.2353508645
  Moon from the 13 78.2417215976
  Sun in Months. 14 14.2480923307
    15 50.2544630638
    16 89.6471344860
Ian. 04.9758835440 17 25.6535052191
Feb. 99.7928106160 18 61.6598759522
Mar. 04.7686941600 19 97.6662466853
April 06.3582588800 20 37.0589181075
    40 74.1178362150
May 11.3341424240 60 11.1767543225
Iune 12.9237071440 80 48.2356724300
Iuly 17.8995906880 100 85.2945905375
Aug. 22.8754742320 200 70.5891810750
    300 55.8837716125
Sept. 24.4650389520 400 41.1783621500
Octo. 29.4409224960 500 26.4729526875
Nov. 31.0304872160 600 11.7675432250
Dec. 36.0063707331 700 97.0621337625

[Page 508]

A Table shewing the mean Motion of the Moon from the Sun in Days and Hours.
  ☽ à ☉ in Days.   ☽ à ☉ in Hours.
1 03.3863188240 1 00.1410966176
2 06.7726376480 2 00.2821932352
3 10.1589564720 3 00.4232898530
4 13.5452752960 4 00.5643864706
5 16.9315941200 5 00.7054830882
6 20.3179129440 6 00.8465797060
7 23.7042317680 7 00. [...]876763236
8 27.0905505920 8 01.1287729412
9 30.4768694160 9 01.2698695588
10 33.8631882400 10 01.4109661766
11 37.2495070640 11 01.5520627942
12 47.6358258880 12 01.6931594120
13 44.0221447720 13 01.8342560296
14 47.4084635360 14 01.9753526472
15 50. [...]947823600 15 0 [...].1164492648
16 54.1811011840 16 02.2575458824
17 57.5674200080 17 02.3986425000
18 60.9537388320 18 02.5397391176
19 64.3400576560 19 02.6808357354
20 67.7263764800 20 02.8219323520
21 71.1126953040 21 02.9630289708
22 74.4990141280 22 03.1041255884
23 77.8853329520 23 03.2452222062
24 81.2716517760 24 03.3863188240
25 84.6579706000    
26 88.0442804240    
27 91 4306082480    
28 94.8169270720    
29 98.2032458960    
30 01.5895647200    
31 04.9758835440    

[Page 509]

A Table shewing the mean Motion of the Moon from the Sun in Minutes.
  ☽ à ☉ in Minutes.
1 00.0023516102
2 00.0047032205
3 00.0070548308
4 00.00 [...]4064411
5 00.0117580513
6 00.0141096617
7 00.0164612719
8 00.0188128822
9 00.0211644924
10 00.0235161029
11 00.0258677131
12 00.0262193233
13 00.0305709335
14 00.0329225437
15 00.0352741539
16 00.0376257644
17 00.0399773746
18 00.0423289848
19 00.044680 [...]950
20 00.0170322052
21 00.0493838154
22 00.0517354256
23 00.0540870 [...]58
24 00.0564386460
25 00.0587902562
26 00.0611418664
27 00.0634934766
28 00.0658450868
29 00.0681966970
30 00.0705483080
  ☽ à ☉ in Minutes.
31 00.0728999183
32 00.0752515088
33 00.0776031390
34 00.0799547492
35 00.0823063594
36 00.0846579696
37 00.0870095798
38 00.0893611900
39 00.0917128002
40 00.0940644104
41 00.0964160206
42 00.0997676308
43 00.1011192410
44 00.1034708512
45 00.1058224614
46 00.1081740716
47 00.1105256818
48 00.1128772920
49 00.1152289022
50 00.1175805124
51 00.1199321226
52 00.1222837328
53 00.1246353430
54 00.1269869532
55 00.1293385634
56 00.1316901736
57 00.1340417838
58 00.1363933940
59 00.1387450050
60 00.1410966152

[Page 510]

A Table shewing the mean Motion of the Moon from the Sun in Seconds.
  ☽ à ☉ in Seconds
1 00.0000391935
2 00.0000783870
3 00.0001175805
4 00.0001567740
5 00.0001959675
6 00.0002351610
7 00.0002743545
8 00.0003135480
9 00.0003527415
10 60.0003919350
11 00.0004811285
12 00.0004703220
13 00.0005995155
14 00.0005487090
15 00.0005879025
16 00.00 [...]6270960
17 00.0006662895
18 00.0007954830
19 00.0007446765
20 00.0007838700
21 00.0008230635
22 00.0008622570
23 00.0009014505
24 00.0009406440
25 00.0009798 [...]75
26 00.0010190310
27 00.0010582245
28 00.0010974180
29 00.0011366115
30 00.0011758050
  ☽ à ☉ in Seconds
31 00.0012149985
32 00.0012541920
33 00.0012933855
34 00.0013325790
35 00.0013717725
36 00.0014109660
37 00.0014501595
38 00.0014893530
39 00.0015285465
40 00.0015677400
41 00.0016069335
42 00.0016461270
43 00.0016853205
44 00.0017245140
45 00.0917637075
46 00.0018029010
47 00.0018420945
48 00.0018812880
49 00.0019204815
50 00.0019596750
51 00 0019988685
52 00.0020380620
53 00.0020772555
54 00.0021164490
55 00.0021556425
56 00.0021948360
57 00.0022340295
58 00.0022732230
59 00.0023124165
60 00.0023516100


A Catalogue of some of the most notable fixed Stars according to the observations of Tycho Brahe, and by him rectified to the beginning of the Year of Mans Re­demption, 1601.
The Names of the Stars Longit. Latit.
The first Star of Aries. 07.671 ♈ 7. 8. N 4
The bright Star in the top of the head of Aries. 00.583 ♉ 9. 57. N 3
The South Eye of Taurus. 01.169 [...] 5. 31. S 1
The North Eye of Taurus. 00.801 [...] 5. 31. S 1
The bright Star of the Pleiades. 06.620 ♉ 2. 6. S 3
The higher head of Gemini. 04.078 [...] 4. 11. N 5
The lower head of Gemini. 04.921 ♋ 10. 2. N 2
The bright foot of Gemini. 01.069 ♋ 6. 38. N 2
In the South Arm of Cancer. 02.238 ♌ 6. 48. S 2
The bright Star in the neck of Leo. 06.662 ♌ 5. 8. S 3
The heart of Leo. 06.745 ♌ [...].47. N 2
In the extream of the tail of Leo. 04.458 ♍ 0. 26. N 1
In Virgo's Wing; Vindemiatrix. 01.217 ♎ 12. 18. N 1
Virgins Spike. 05.074 ♎ 16. 15. N 3
South Ballance. 02.643 ♏ 1. 59. S 1
North Ballance. 03.833 ♏ 0. 26. N 2
The highest in the Forehead of Scorpio. 07.388 ♏ 8. 35. N 2
The Scorpions heart. 01.171 [...] 1. 05. N 3
Former of the 3 in the head of Sagittarius. 02.203 [...] 4. 27. S 1
Northern in the former horn of Capricorn. 07.861 [...] 1. 24. N 4
The left Shoulder of Aquarius. 04.949 ♒ 7. 22. N 3
In the mouth of the South Fish. 03.620 ♓ 8. 42. N 3
The Polar Star or last Star in the [...]ail of the lesser Bear.   9. 4. N 5
  06.400 [...] 66. 02. N 2
[Page] The last Star in the tail of the great Bear, 05.888 ♍ 54. 25. N 2
The Tongu [...] of the Dragon. 05.259 ♍ 76. 17. N 4
Arcturus in the skirt of his Garment. 05.181 ♎ 31. 2. N 1
The bright Star of the North Crown. 01.845 ♏ 44. 23. N 2
The Head of Hercules▪ 02.921 [...] 37. 23. N [...]
The bright S [...]r of the H [...]rp. 0 [...].699 [...] 61. 47. N [...]
The Head of Medusa. 05.727 ♉ 22. 22. N 3
The bright Star in the Goa [...]s left Shoulder. 04.518 ♊ 22. 50. N 1
The middle of the Serp [...]nts Neck. 04.583 ♍ 25. 35. N 2
The bright Star in the [...]agles Shoulder. 07.264 ♑ 29. 21. N 2
The bright Star in the [...] Tail. 02.370 ♒ 29. 8. N 3
The mouth of Pegas [...]s. 07.3 [...]4 ♒ 22. 7. N 3
The head of And [...]omeda. 0 [...].4 [...]0 ♈ [...]5. 42. N 2
In the top of the Triangle. 00.366 ♉ 16. 49. N 4
In the Snout of the Whale. 02.643 ♉ 7. 50. S
The bright Star in the Whales Tail. 07.481 ♓ 20. 47. S 2
Bright Shoulder of Orion. 06.444 ♊ 16.06 S 2
Middlemost in the belt of Orion. 04.972 ♊ 24. 33. S 2
The last in the tail of the Har [...]. 0 [...].324 ♊ 38. 26. S 4
The great Dogs mouth Sirius. 02.386 [...] 38. 30. S 1
The lesser Dog Procyon. 05.641 [...] 1 [...].57. S 2
In the top of the Ships Stern. 01.636 ♌ 43. 18. S 3
Brightest in Hydra's Heart. 06.044 ♌ 22. 24. S 1

THE CONTENTS OF THE First Part, CONTAINING The Practical Geometry or the Art of Surveying.

  • CHapter 1. Of the Definition and Division of Geometry.
  • Chap. 2. Of Figures in the General, more particularly of a Circle and the Affections thereof.
  • Chap. 3. Of Triangles.
  • Chap. 4. Of Quadrangular and Multangular Figures.
  • Chap. 5. Solid Bodies.
  • [Page] Chap. 6. Of the measuring of Lines both Right and Circular
  • Chap. 7. Of the measuring of a Cir­cle.
  • Chap. 8. Of the measuring of plain Triangles.
  • Chap. 9. Of the measuring of Heights and Distances.
  • Chap. 10. Of the taking of Distan­ces.
  • Chap. 11. How to take the Plot of a Field at one Station, &c.
  • Chap. 12. How to take the Plot of a Wood, Park, or other Champian Plane, &c.
  • Chap. 13. The Plot of a Field being taken by an Instrument, how to compute the Content thereof in A­cres, Roods, and Perches.
  • Chap. 14. How to take the Plot of mountainous and uneven Ground, &c.
  • Chap. 15. To reduce Statute measure [Page] into Customary, and the contrary.
  • Chap. 16▪ Of the measuring of solid Bodies.
  • A Table of Squares. Page. 99
  • A Table for the Gauging of Wine Ves­sels. 114
  • A Table for the Gauging of Beer and Ale Vessels. 120
  • A Table shewing the third part of the Areas of Circles, in Foot measure and Deoimal parts of a Foot. 132
  • A Table shewing the third part of the Area of any Circle in Foot measure, not exceeding 10 f. circumf. 136
  • A Table for the speedy finding of the length or Circumference answering to any Arch in Degrees and Deci­mal parts. 151
  • A Common Divisor for the speedy [Page] converting of the Table, shewing the Areas of the Segments of a Cir­cle whose Diameter is 2 &c. 154
  • A Table shewing the Ordinates, Arch­es, and A rea [...] of the Segments of a Circle, whose Diameter is [...] &c. 156

The Contents of the Second Part of this Treatise, of the Doctrine of the PRIMUM MOBILE.

  • CHap. 1. Of the General Subject of Astronomy.
  • Chap. 2. Of the Distinctions and Af­fections of Spherical Lines and Arches.
  • Chap. 3. Of the kind and parts of Spherical Triangles, and how to project the same upon the Plane of the Meridian.
  • Chap. 4. Of the solution of Spherical Triangles.
  • Chap. 5. Of such Spherical Problems as are of most general Vse in the Doctrine of the Primum Mobile, &c.

The Contents of the Third Part of this Treatise being an Account of the Civil Year with the reason of the diffe­rence between the Julian and Gregorian Calendars, and the manner of Computing the Places of the Sun and Moon.

  • CHap. 1. Of the Year Civil and Astronomical.
  • Chap. 2. Of the Cycle of the Moon, what it is, how placed in the Ca­lendar, and to what purpose.
  • Chap. 3. Of the use of the Golden Number in finding the Feast of Easter.
  • Chap. 4. Of the Reformation of the [Page] Calendar by Pope Gregory the Thirteenth, &c.
  • Chap. 5. Of the Moons mean Motion and how the Anticipation of the New Moons may be discovered by the Ep [...]ts.
  • Chap. 6. To find the Dominical Let­ter and Feast of Easter according to the Gregorian Account.
  • Chap. 7. How to reduce Sexagenary Numbers into Decimals, and the contrary.
  • Chap. 8. Of the difference of Meri­dians.
  • Chap. 9. Of the Theory of the Suns or Earths motion.
  • Chap▪ 10. Of the finding of the Suns Apogaeon, quantity of Excentricity and middle Motion.
  • Chap. 11. Of the quantity of the tro­pical and sydereal Year.
  • Chap. 12. Of the Suns mean Motion otherwise stated.
  • [Page] Chap. 13. How to calculate the Suns true place by either of the Tables of [...] middle Motion. I [...]
  • Chap. 14. To find the place of the fixed Stars.
  • Chap. 15. Of the Theory of the Moon and the finding the place of her A­pogaeon, quantity of Excentricity, and middle motion.
  • Chap. 16. Of the finding of the place and motion of the Moons Nodes.
  • Chap. 17. How to calculate the Moons true place in her Orbs.
  • Chap. 18. To compute the true Lati­tude of the Moon, and to reduce her place from her Orbit to the Ecli­ptick.
  • Chap. 19. To find the mean Conjun­ctions and Opposition of the Sun and Moon▪

The Fourth Part, or an Intro­duction to Geography.

  • CHap. 1. Of the Nature and Di­vision of Geography.
  • Chap. 2. Of the Distinction or Di­mension of the Earthly Globe by Zones and Climates.
  • Chap. 3. Of Europe.
  • Chap. 4. Of Asia.
  • Chap. 5. Of Africk.
  • Chap. 6. Of America.
  • Chap. 7. Of the description of the Terrestrial Globe, by Maps Vni­versal and Particular.

A Table of the view of the most no­table Epochas.

  • The Iulian Calendar. Page. 461
  • The Gregorian Calendar. 466
  • [Page] A Table to convert Sexagenary De­grees and Minutes into Decimals and the contrary. 476
  • A Table converting hours and mi­nutes into degrees and minutes of the AEquator. 480
  • A Table of the Longitudes and Lati­tudes of some of the most eminent Cities and Towns in England and Ireland. 482
  • A Table of the Suns mean Longitude and Anomaly in both AEgyptian and Iulian Years, Months, Days, Hours and Minutes. 484
  • Tables of the Moons mean motion. 493
  • A Catalogue of some of the most nota­ble fixed Stars, according to the observation of Tycho Brahe, re­ctified to the year 1601. 511

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At Cherry Garden Stairs on Rotherhith Wall, are taught these Mathematical Sciences, viz. Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Dyalling, Astronomy, Gauging, Gunnery and Fortification: The use of the Globes, and other Mathematical Instruments, the projection of the Sphere on any circle, &c. He maketh and selleth all sorts of Mathematical Instruments in Wood and Brass, for Sea and Land, with Books to shew the use of them: Where you may have all sorts of Maps, Plats, Sea-Charts, in Plain and Mercator, on reasonable Terms.

By Iames Atkinson.

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