THE Church-Catechism ENLARG'D and EXPLAIN'D, IN AN Easie and Familiar METHOD, WITH THE SCRIPTURE-PROOFS Annexed thereunto.

These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine Heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy Children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou lyest down, and when thou risest up. Deut. 6.7, 8.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower end of Cheapside, near Mercers Chappel. 1697.


THIS explication of the Catechism supposeth the Reader to be convinc'd of the necessity and excellency of the Duty of Catechizing; and the great danger of the neglect thereof, in Churches or Familys where there are any that need training up in the way that they should go.

I am not ignorant that there are many who have written ex­cellently on the Catechism; and no wonder, when so much of every Ministers time is or ought to be taken up in the use of it. But yet there are not many that have made use of this Method; The first Designer of it, being taken away, as is said in his life, before He had accomplish't what He intended, was followed by Doctor Wallis upon another Catechism: Doctor Comber, and (I think) He a­lone followed him upon this: yet He by designing so much brevity and altogether omitting the Scripture proofs hath left room for a further Essay.

The use of this Mothod is double. ( 1.) As to the meanest capacitys it hath a visible benefit, in that the Question is so fram'd as to lead the person instructed to his Answer, whereby his under­standing is both try'd and inform'd and yet the memory not bur­den'd with words; it being evident that many of the more care­less sort are frighted from the Catechism by a long Answer impos'd upon the memory: and others get words by vote which they under­stand not and presently singer. I only here desire of the Teacher, that when He propounds or as be any Question, He would not ex­press or recite the Text or Texts of Scripture annexed thereunto; partly because these proofs do indeed belong to the Answer, and not to the Question, though they could not conveniently be places [Page]otherwise than they are; and partly, because such a recital of the Texts, Chapter and Verse would make the Question so long as to hinder the attention of the Learner: great care being to be taken that He Answers understandingly, and not by ghess, Yes or No: and for that reason He may sometimes be required to repeat the mat­ter of the Question in his Answer; as Q. Are there more Gods than One? A. No, there are not more Gods than One. (2.) The other use is for them that have more understanding, who must be obliged to answer to the Question, by the Scripture annexed; in this manner. Q. Are there more Gods than One? A. No. Q. How prove you that? A. From Deut. 6.4. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is one Lord, and I think, it cannot be deny'd, that the best as well as easiest way of Learning Scripture-principles is in Scripture Phrase. Those lively Oracles make a deeper and more abiding impression than any other words: And the prudent Catechist may with his Pen mark in every Section such Texts for the Learner to recite at a time as He shall judge for plainness or number to be suited to his Capacity.

Nor will this hinder the Learning these Principles in distinct pro­positions as they are set down in other Catechisms; but will make it far more easie to Learn the words, when they are by this in­structed beforehand in the matter therein contain'd.

In this Composure I have endeavoured to make the Questions very Comprehensive, by crowding thereinto as much matter, as would consist with the plainness that I studiously design'd: so that there is enough in each Question, especially when the proof is given in Answer, for the Catechist to dilate and enlarge upon, in his more Familiar Instructing of those committed to his Charge.

May the whole be for the Glory of God through Christ, and for the Edification of his Flock, particularly the Lambs therein.

R. M.

A CATECHISM: That is to say, An Instruction to be learned of every Person before He be brought to be Confirmed by the Bishop.


WHat is your Name?


N. or M.


Who gave you this Name?


By Godfathers and Godmothers in my Baptism, wherein I was made a Member of Christ, the Child of God, and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

§. WAS not your Name given you at your Bap­tism, as they were wont to receive their Names at their Circumcision? Luke 2.21. Yes.
Is it not in the power of Parents (chiefly of Fathers) to give Names to their Children? Luke 1.60, 62. Yes.
Is it then unlawful for others, by the Parents Con­sent to do it, as Godfathers and Godmothers amongst us? Ruth 4.17. No.
§. ARE Infants incapable of receiving any Pri­viledges or Benefits by Baptism? Mark 10.14. No.
(1.) Are there not certain outward Priviledges con­fer'd by Baptism, as of old, by Circumcision? Rom. 3.1, 2. Yes.
* Were you not by Baptism made a Member of Christ, i. e. of his Body, the Church? 1 Cor. 6.15. & 12.13. Yes
But have all such Members of Christ a saving interest in him, or benefit by him? John 15.2. No.
* VVere you not thereby made the Child of God? Acts 3.25. Rom. 9.4. Yes
And are there not many visible Children of God, that prove rebels against him? Isa. 1.2. Ezek. 16.20. Yes.
* VVere you not further admitted an Heir, or inhe­ritour of the Kingdom of Heaven? Eph. 3.6. Yes.
And are there not many visible Heirs or Children of the Kingdom that shall be cast out? Mat. 8.12. Yes.
† Is there then any Reason why they that live in Sin, should boast of, or rest in, these outward Privi­ledges? Mat. 3.9. No.
(2.) Are there not also inward and spiritual privi­ledges offered in Baptism, and sealed on Gods part to Believers? Gal. 3.26, 27. Yes.
Are these bestowed on you without any Conditions required on your part? Mark 16.16. No.
Do the conditions and terms of the Gospel make the Grace therein not to be free? Eph. 2.8. No.
† Are you not then by Baptism under an engage­ment to perform the Gospel-conditions? 1 Pet. 3.21. Yes.


What did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for you?


They did promise and vow thrée things in my Name; First, That I should renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World, and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh. Secondly, That I should believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith. And Thirdly, That I should keep Gods holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the same all the days of my Life.

§. DID your Sureties say, when you were Bap­tized, that you did so repent and believe? No.
Did they promise in their own Name, or bind their own Souls with a Vow, that you should do so when you came to Age? No.
Did they not then in your Name promise, or declare the Vow that you should be bound to perform? Luke 5.18-20. Yes.
If you had been Baptized at Age, should you not in your own Name have made the Promise? Yes.
† VVhoever then made the Profession in your Name, [Page 7]do you not now acknowledge it was your Promise and your Vow? Psalm 119.106. Yes.
§. IS not the Baptismal Vow to Renounce and forsake all your Spiritual Enemies? Yes.
(1.) Must you not Renounce the Devil, under whose Power you were by Nature? Eph. 2.2. Yes.
Is it enough to Renounce the Worship of the Devil, which is practised by Idolaters, 1 Cor. 10.20, and by Wizards and Charmers? Deut. 18.10, 11, 12. No.
Must you not renounce and resist him as an Adver­sary and a tempter, with all his works? Jam. 4.7. Yes.
* Must you not renounce the Suggestions of Satan and his instruments, which are the works that He practiseth for your ruin? Eph. 2.2. Yes.
* Must you not renounce the works that Signally bear the Devils Image, 1 Joh. 3.8. Such as, Lying. Joh. 8.44. pride. 1 Tim. 3.6. Malice. Eph. 4.26, 27. Trea­chery. Joh. 6.70, 71. and the Seducing others. Acts 13.10? Yes.
(2.) Is not the world another Enemy that you are bound to renounce? Gal. 1.4. 1 Joh. 5.4. Yes.
Are you bound to leave the Society of men, and to dwell alone in woods and rocks; or to renounce your Callings and Estates, and vow Poverty? Acts 20.35. No.
* Must we not renounce the examples, flatterys and enticings of wicked men? Rom. 12 2. Prov. 1.10. Yes.
May we then like the Company, or have a voluntary Fellowship with notoriously ungodly men? Eph. 5.11. No.
* Must we not renounce the things of the world, so far as they are contrary to Christ, or would draw us from him? Luke 14.26. Yes.
Did not the first Christians renounce by the name of Pomps and Vanities, the Pompous shews in the Pagan Theatres and Processions? Yes.
* May we then be allowed to frequent prophane Stage-plays, or the revels in Wakes and drunken Festi­vals? Gal. 5.21. No.
* May we immoderately or unseasonably seek or affect the riches, honours, or pleasures of the world? 1 Joh. 2.15, 16. No.
(3.) Is not the flesh with the sinful lusts thereof the other enemy that we must renounce? Gal. 5.24. Yes.
Is not original Sin and corruption the fountain of all [Page 8]actual Sins call'd the works of the flesh? Jam. 1.14. Gal. 5.19-22. Yes.
Doth it no [...] lust against the Spirit and draw even the Members of the body to Sin? Gal. 5.17. Rom. 6.19. Yes.
* May we then follow the depraved dictates and rea­sonings of a fleshly mind? Rom. 8.7. Col. 2.18. No.
* Must we not especially abhor the gross sins, and fleshly lusts that War against the Soul? 1 Pet. 2.11. Yes.
§. ARE we not to observe in our Baptismal Vow, what we are to believe, as well as what we are to renounce? Yes.
1. Are not the Holy Scriptures, ( Acts 24.14.) and particularly the Articles of the Creed, the Doctrinal ob­ject of our Faith? Joh. 20.31. Yes.
Can we believe these without understanding their mean­ing, and some good esteem of their excellency? Luk. 1.4. No.
* Must we not assent to the truth of these Articles, and live and dye in contending for the Faith? Acts 8.37. Jud. 3. Yes.
Is it enough to profess these Doctrines with the mouth, without believing with the Heart? Rom. 10.9, 10. No.
Is it enough to believe them implicitly, because the Church believes them, without ever examining and trying them by the word? 1 Joh. 4.1. No.
* Must we not believe with application to our Hearts, particularly in what relates to Christ? Eph. 1.13. Yes
2. Is not Christ Himself then, the immediate and Personal Object of our Faith, as a Mediator, appointed by God, and dying for us? Rom. 3.25. Yes.
* Is not Faith to receive Christ as offer'd in the Gospel, Joh. 1.12. and to rely on his merits and righteousness? Yes.
Is it enough then to assent to the Articles as true, without a consent to the offers and terms of the Gospel? Jam. 2.19, 20. No.
* Is not saving Faith wrought powerfully by the Spirit. Eph. 1.19. and doth it not work by love and all good fruits? Gal. 5.6. Jam. 2.18. Yes.
Is Faith then a strong conceit or perswasion that Christ dy'd for you, though you live in sin and were never humbled for it? Mat. 7.22, 23. No.
§. ARE we not further engag'd by the Baptismal Vow to a continual obedience to the Holy will of God? Yes.
Did you promise a sinless Obedience, for the ends of the Covenant of Works? 1 Joh. 1.8, 9. No.
But is not sincere Obedience to the will of God de­clared in his word, indispensably required in the Cove­nant of Grace? Gal. 6.16. Jam. 1.25. Yes.
* Is not this new Obedience from the efficacy of the Spirit, and constraint of Divine Love? 2 Cor. 5.14, 15. Yes.
Yet are we forbidden to take Motives of our Obedi­ence from fear of punishment or hope of reward? Jer. 32.40. No.
* Are not the ends of it, that God may be glorify'd. Mat. 5.16. Our Neighbour edify'd. 1 Pet. 3.1, 2. and our Selves made meet for Heaven? Col. 1.12. Yes.
Will God then accept of that partial Obedience, that comes from meer custom and Education, and is done for self-applause or pretence of merit? Gal. 2.16. No.
* Must not our Obedience be free and willing, with­out being griev'd at any of his Commands? 1 Joh. 5.3. Yes.
* Must it not be universal, with all the Heart, and with a respect to all his Commandments, and that in all our actions? Psal. 119.128. Prov. 7.2. Yes.
* Must it not be constant, even all the days of our Lives? Luk. 1.74, 75. Yes.


Dost thou think that thou art bound to believe and to do, as they have promis'd for thee?


Yes verily; and by God's help so I will, and I heartily thank our Heavenly Father, that He hath cal­led me to this State of Salvation, through Iesus Christ our Saviour, and I pray unto God to give me his Grace, that I may continue in the same to my lives end.

§. HAVE you considered your Solemn Vow and Promise made in Baptism? Luk. 14.28, 31. Yes.
Do you now in the presence of God and this Congre­gation make a profession of your standing to your Baptis­mal Covenant? Josh. 24.22, 27. Yes.
* You say you will now; but will you make this pro­fession [Page 10]in the most difficult and costly circumstances, when the glory of God is concern'd? Rev. 2.3, 4. Yes.
* Do you make this profession only for hereafter, without setting about the performance presently? Psal. 119.60. No.
You say, you will, but can you do it, in your own strength? 2 Cor. 3.5. No.
* Do you then profess this, in and by the help, strength and assistance of God? Phil. 4.13. Yes.
And is God wanting to his Church as to sufficiency of means for your help therein? Isa. 5.4. No.
§. ARE all that live under the Gospel outwardly called to the State of Salvation and know­ledge of the means? Acts 13.26. Yes.
Are all under this common call, also called effectu­ally and chosen? Mat. 22.14. No.
But can this outward call be refus'd, without the woful hazard of the Soul? Prov. 1.24, 26. No.
§. IS not the Gospel-call a great priviledge; and must you not Solemnly thank God our Heavenly Father through Christ for it? Psal. 147.19, 20. Yes.
Is there not great danger of being drawn from the State to which you are called, by damnable doctrines or practices? Heb. 10.38. Yes.
Can you then continue therein and be kept from revolting from your profession without real grace? Heb. 13.9. Phil. 2.12, 13. No.
And if God gives you the first grace, is perseverance therein of your Selves? Luk. 22.32. No.
§. WILL you then pray unto God for his Grace to prevent, and assist you and consum­mate at last his work in you? Jam. 1.5. Phil. 1.6. Yes.
And must you not to prayer add the diligent use of all the means, that God has appointed? Mat. 25.29. Yes.
Are you willing for your further help, that I should teach you what you are to believe and to do according to your promise? Heb. 5.12. Yes.


Rehearse the Articles of thy Belief.

[Page 11] Answer.

I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth: And in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucifyed, dead and buried, he descended into Hell, The third day he rose again from the dead, He ascended into Heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints, The forgiveness of Sins, The resurrection of the body, And the life everlasting. Amen.

§. IS this Creed found in so many words, any where, in Scripture? No.
Yet is not the whole of it proved by Scripture, as being according to the Doctrine of the Apostles, and therefore called the Aposiles Creed? Eph. 2.20. Yes.
Is it not agreeable to Scripture that there should be such a Form of sound Words? 2 Tim. 1.13. Yes.
* May we receive any thing as an Article of Faith that is not found in Scripture? Gal. 1.8, 9. No.
Are not all things revealed in the Scriptures, to be believed by us? Luk. 1.1. Yes.
But are all things therein alike necessary to be known? Joh. 17.3. No.
* Are not all things necessary and Fundamental plain­ly revealed? Psal. 119.105. Yes.
* Were not the Scriptures confirm'd by Miracles, own­ed by the Church in all Ages; and are they not known by their majesty, purity, and efficacy on the Hearts of Believers? Psal. 19.7, 8, 9. Yes.
† Will you not then search the Scriptures to prove the Articles of your Belief? Joh. 5.39. Yes.

Qu. What is the first Article?

Answ. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

§. DOTH not Believing in God denote a practical trusting in, and depending on Father Son and [Page 12]Holy Ghost, as our Father, Redeemer and Sanctifyer? Yes.
Can this be without understanding what God hath revealed concerning himself, as standing in these Rela­tions to us? Heb. 11.6. No.
§. DO you not believe that there is a God, a most pure and supream Spirit? Joh. 4.24. Yes.
Hath He a body or bodily parts, or can He be seen with mortal eyes? 1 Tim. 1.17. Deut. 4.15. No.
Is He not infinite in his being and blessedness? Exod. 3.13. Yes.
Is He confin'd to Time or place? Psal. 90.1. or doth He stand in need of any of his Creatures to make Him happy? Acts 17.25. No.
Is He subject to change or alteration? Jam. 1.17. No.
Can his attributes and glorious perfections be fully comprehended by us? Job 11.7, 8, 9. No.
Is He not most Holy, Powerful, Wise, Good, Just and true; and this Originally and independently so as no Creature can be? Mat. 19.17. Yes.
§. ARE there more Gods than One? Deut. 6.4. Is it agreeable to right reason that there should be more than one first Cause, on which all things depend? Acts 17.28. No.
§. ARE there not three Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? 1 Joh. 5.7. Yes.
Is either of these Divine Persons before or after, greater or less than the other? Joh. 10.30. No.
Have they not one and the same Divine nature, and are they not distinguished by their Personal properties? Yes.
Did not the Father from eternity beget the Son, Psal. 2.7. and is not the Son begotten of the Father before all worlds? Joh. 1.14. Yes.
Doth not the Holy Ghost proceed from the Father and the Son? Joh. 15.26. Yes.
§. DID not the Almighty power of God appear in the works of his Creation? Isa. 45.12, 13. Yes.
* Did He not make all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of 6 days? Heb. 11.3. Psal. 33.6. Gen. 1.1. Yes.
Did He make any thing amiss? Gen. 1.31. No.
† And doth He not by his providence uphold and go­vern all that He hath made? Heb. 1.3. Yes.
* Did He not in particular make man, his body Form'd of the dust, and his Soul immediately inspir'd? Gen. 2.7. Yes.
Did not God create him after his own Image, a know­ing, holy creature, able also to sulfil the whole Law? Gen. 1.26. Yes.
Did not God Covenant with man to confirm his life and happiness, upon condition of his perfect obedience? Rom. 10.5. Yes.
Was the particular command given to try his obe­dience ( viz. that He should not eat of the tree of Know­ledge of good and evil) a hard and impossible thing? No.
Did not God threaten death on his disobedience. Gen. 2.17. Yes.
Should man have dy'd, if he had not sinned. Rom. 5.12. No.
Did not man understand and agree to his Covenant? Gen. 3.3. Yes.

Qu. What is the Second Article?

Answ. And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord.

§. DO you not Believe in God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, equal with the Father and partaker of the same essence? Phil. 2.6. Yes.
Though Believers are called Sons by Grace and adop­tion? 1 Joh. 3.1. Yet is not our Lord His only Son by Nature and Eternal Generation? Rom. 8.3. Yes.
§. IS not the Son of God called Jesus because He saves his People from their Sins? Mat. 1.21. Yes.
* Was man confirm'd in the holy estate in which He was created, as the Elect Angels are now? No.
Did He not fall from that estate by Transgressing the Law and command which God gave him? Eccl. 7.29. Yes.
Did He not Sin by the temptation of the Devil, being left to the freedom of his own will? Gen. 3 4, 5, 6. Yes.
Can so high an affront to the majesty of the Law­giver, that contain'd so much Infidelity and such a total defection from God, be reckoned a small Sin? No.
* Was not Adam our common Father, a publick Per­son and our Representative in the Covenant of works? 1 Cor. 15.22. Rom. 5.12, 19. Yes.
Are there then any meer men that are not guilty of Adam's first sin, and lyable to wrath thereupon? Rom. 5.18. Eph. 2.3. No.
Is not our nature by the fall corrupted by Original Sin, from whence all actual Transgressions flow? Psal. 51.5. Yes.
And is there any sin that doth not deserve death and eternal Damnation? Rom. 6.23. No.
* Has God left all the posterity of Adam to perish in this State, into which they brought themselves? No.
Having chosen some before all time. Eph. 1.4. hath He not [...]red into a new Covenant with them, called the Covenant of Grace? Ezek. 16.8. Yes.
Is man left to save Himself by his own wisdom or power? Hos. 13.9. No.
Or, is there any other Redeemer from this State of sin and wrath, but our Lord Jesus Christ? Acts 4.12. No.
* Did not the Son of God that He might Redeem us, become man and take on him a true body and reasonable Soul? Heb. 2.14. Yes.
Is He not then one Person in two Natures? Yes.
If He had not been man could He have dyed, and if He had not been God could he have Merited by dying? Acts 20.28. No.
§. IS not this Jesus the Christ or Messias, so long promised and expected? Job. 8.24. Yes.
Is He not called Christ because anointed to His Offices by the Spirit, which He received without measure? Psal. 45.7. Joh. 3.34. Yes.
(1.) Were not Prophets anointed. 1 Kings 19.16. and had not He the Office of a Prophet? Acts 3.21. Yes.
Could we have known the will of God, if his only begotten Son had not revealed it? Joh. 1.18. No.
Did He not at first preach himself, and afterwards send Pastors and Teachers, to shew us the whole counsel of God touching our Salvation? Eph. 4.11. Yes.
But is the outward Preaching sufficient without the inward effectual Teachings of the Spirit? Joh. 6.45. No.
(2.) Were not the Legal Priests anointed. Exod. 40.13. and Hath not our Lord the Office of a Priest? Psal. 110.4. Yes.
* Was not his human nature, Soul and Body, of­fer'd up a Sacrifice to satisfie the Divine Justice? Isa. 53.10. Heb. 9.13, 14. Yes.
Was this Sacrifice offer'd more than once; or, is it offer'd dayly in the Mass? Heb. 9.28. No.
* Doth He not now appear in Heaven to make in­tercession for us? Heb. 7.24, 25. Yes.
(3.) Were not Kings also anointed. 1 Sam. 10.1. and hath not He the Office of a King? Psal. 2.6. Yes.
Can any defend the Church, Deliver it, and Conquer the Enemies thereof but He? Rev. 17.14. No.
Hath He not subdued Subjects to himself, erected Officers, and made Laws to govern his Church by? Psal. 110.3. Yes.
Is He not rightly Stiled Lord, as being rightful Sove­raign; and our Lord by right of Redemption, and our Resignation of our Selves to him? Rom. 14.9. Yes.

Qu. What is the Third Article?

Ausw. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary.

§. DID He take upon Him the nature of the Angels? Heb. 2.16. No.
Had He when He took our nature any earthly Father? Luk. 3.23. Heb. 7.3. No.
* Was He not Conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Womb of his Mother? Mat. 1.21. Yes.
Did not the Holy Ghost by that wonderful operation, sanctifie and purifie that Substance of the Virgin, of which He was made man? Luk. 1.35. Yes.
Hath He then by taking on him the same Flesh and Bloud that the Children have, the same Original Stain as they? Heb. 7.26. No.
And was not the Human Nature thus Form'd, in the moment of the Conception assum'd into the Person of the Son of God? Luk. 1.39. Yes.
Did He relinquish his Divine Nature, or was there a Conversion of the Godhead into Flesh? Rom. 9.5. No.
But did He not veil his Divinity, when in our Flesh He seem'd to many, to be no more than a man? Phil. 2.7. Yes.
And is not this wonderful Condescension, called his coming down from Heaven for us? Joh. 3.13. Yes.
† Are we capable of Comprehending fully the Myste­ry of his Incarnation? 1 Tim. 3.13. No.
* Was it not according to the first promise, that He should be the Seed of the Woman? Gen. 3.15. Yes.
Was He not born of a Virgin for further demonstrati­on of his power and purity? Isa. 7.14. Yes.
And was He not born of the Virgin Mary, as being of the Tribe of Judah and Family of David? Rom. 1.3. Yes.
Was there any thing in his Birth, as to time or place, which did not fully agree with the Prophecies that went before? Gal. 4.4, Luke 2.4. No.
Was His Birth in Princes Courts or the splendour of Earthly Grandeut? Luk. 2.7 No.
Yet did not the Heavenly Host, and miraculous Star declare his Dignity? Mat. 2.2. Luk. 2.13. Yes.
* Did He disdain to be made under the Law, or to submit to the Ceremonial part thereof, particularly in Circumcision? Gal. 4.4, 5. Luk. 2.21. No.
And was He not perfectly obedient to the whole moral Law? Mat. 3.15. and 5.17. Yes.

Qu. What is the Fourth Article?

Answ. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, Dead and buried, He descended into Hell.

§. DID not our Lord Suffer the penalty of the Law for Sinners, as well as Submit to the Com­mands of it? Isa. 53.5. Yes.
* Was He not all his life time a Man of sorrows, persecuted, tempted, affronted, and Subject to all our natural and sinless Infirmities? Isa. 53.3. Heb. 4.15. Yes.
Yet in the midst of the Sufferings of his life, did He forbear to Preach, work Miracles, and to go about doing good? Mat. 4.23. Acts 10.38. No.
* Was He not betray'd, forsaken, and deny'd: reviled, spit on, and buffetted: accused, arraigned, and condem­ned to death? Mat. 26 and 27. Yes.
Was it a small matter that He suffered under Pontius Pilate (a man noted for cruelty? Luk. 13.1.) and by a Death which the Romans would inflict on none but their Slaves? No.
Was not the Cross a painful, lingering, shameful and accursed death? Heb. 12.2. Gal. 3.13. Yes.
* But was not his Soul-agony the bitterest part of his [Page 17]Suffering both in the Garden and on the Cross? Mat. 26.38. and 27.46. Yes.
Did He not then, as the great propitiation, drink the Cup of Wrath, which we had deserv'd? Isa. 53.6, 10. Yes.
§. WAS He not really dead by a Separation of his Soul from his body? 1 Cor. 19.3. Luk. 23.46. Yes.
Could He be otherwise than dead, when upon the piercing his side there came out forthwith bloud and water? Joh. 19.37. No.
Did not the darkning of the Sun, the rending the Vail, the quaking of the Earth, and cleaving of the Rocks further confirm this tremendous mystery? Mat. 27.51. Yes.
§. AND could there be a greater evidence of his death, than his being buried, in such a manner as is recorded? Mat. 27.59.—66. No
Yea, did not the place and circumstances of his Burial contribute to the assurance of his following Re­surrection? Joh. 19.39, 40. Yes.
§. MAY we doubt of the truth of his descending into Hell because there are variety of opinions about the meaning of it? No.
If upon his Resurrection He was not left in Hell, Acts 2.30, 31. Is it not evident that He had first descended thither? Eph. 4.9. Yes.
* Is it any where certainly revealed, that He went into the Hell of the damned, amongst the Spirits there? No.
But did He not by his death vanquish the powers of Hell and darkness? Col. 2.14. Yes.
* Is not the unseen State, or condition of separation of Soul and Body, call'd the Grave and Hell? 1 Cor. 15.55. Yes.
And can it be deny'd that He so descended into Hell as to continue for a time under the dominion of Death in a separate State? Rom. 6.9. No.

Qu. What is the Fifth Article?

Answ. The third day He arose again from the Dead.

[Page 18]

§. DID He always continue in that State of the dead, or so long as to see corruption? Psal. 16.10. No.
* Considering who He was, and what was Prophecy­ed of Him, was it possible for the bands of death to hold him? Acts 2.24. No.
Did He not rise again, by his own power? Joh. 10.17, 18. to dye no more? Rev. 1.18. Yes.
Did He not rise, as an evidence of our discharge Rom. 4.25. and a pledge of our Resurrection? 1 Cor. 15.20. Yes.
* Did He shew himself to all the people, when risen, or to his enemies that had so long dispised his miracles before? Acts 10.41. No.
Yet were they left altogether without convincing evi­dence of his Resurrection? Mat. 28.2, 3, &c. No.
* Was He not seen by a sufficient number of witnesses, (even 500 at once) and that at divers places and times, after He was risen from the Dead? 1 Cor. 15.6. Yes.
* Could they be deceiv'd by a Phantasm or Appariti­on, when they did both handle and see, yea eat and drink with Him after his Resurrection? Luk. 24.38, 39. No.
* Could so Miraculous a work as raising the Dead, for a design so contrary to Satan's Kingdom, be done by Magick or power of the Devil? Eph. 1.19, 20. Mat. 12.25. No.
* Could the Disciples roll away the Stone from the Sepulchre, Steal away his Body, Strip it of the Grave­cloths, and not awake the Watch or Guard of Souldiers? No.
* Is it likely that men noted for sincerity, 1 Thes. 2.10. would impose on the world in a matter of such consequence, for which they expos'd themselves to all manner of persecutions and death it self? Acts 5.41. No.
* If there had been any deceit could it have been conceal'd from so many envious and watchful enemies, in so publick a concern? Acts 26.26. No.
* Did not the witnesses of his Resurrection confirm their report by undoubted Miracles? Heb. 2.4. Yes.
† Was not this Resurrection on the third day from his death, and the first day of the Week, which is our Christi­an Sabbath? 1 Cor. 15.4. Joh. 20.1. Yes.

[Page 19]Qu. What is the Sixth Article?

Answ. He ascended into Heaven, And sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty.

§. WHEN our Lord was risen, Did He continue always on Earth in his bodily presence? Joh. 16.16. No.
Did He not according to Prophecy Psal. 64.18. Forty days after his Resurrection, Acts 1.3. Ascend up into Heaven in the sight of his Disciples? Acts 1.9— 11. Yes.
Was He not pleased to shew himself to some of his Disciples after his ascention? Acts 7.55. 1 Cor. 15.8 Yes▪
† Did He not Ascend to prepare mansions for his people, Joh. 14.2. and to send his Spirit to prepare them for the enjoyment thereof? Joh. 16.7. Yes.
Are we to expect his bodily presence any more on Earth, before the day of judgment? Acts 3.21. No.
§. BEING ascended doth He not sit at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty? Mark 16.19. Yes.
Doth the Right Hand denote any bodily parts in God; or His sitting any one particular gesture there? Acts 7.55. No.
Doth not sitting down denote Rest, and the Right Hand dignity and authority? Psal. 44.3. 1 Kings 1.30. Yes.
* And did not Christ after all his sorrows on Earth, rest in the unspeakable joy of his Father? Heb. 4.10. Yes.
* Hath He not the highest dignity and authority, Heb. 1.4. and 8.1. and shall He not have compleat victory over all his Enemies? Psal, 110.1. Yes.

Qu. What is the Seventh Article?

Answ. From thence He shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead?

§. BEING thus exalted, Hath He for ever aban­don'd this Earth and his people therein? Joh. 14.3. No.
Besides his Spiritual presence always with his Church, will He not come again in the clouds, as He was seen to go up? Acts 1.11. Yes.
Is not this Second coming, to judge the world in [Page 20]righteousness, and is not the day set and appointed for it? Acts 17.31. Yes.
Do we know the day and hour when this appointed judgment will be? Mat. 24.36. No.
§. WILL He Judge them already Dead, and those that are found Quick or alive at his coming? Acts 10.42. Yes.
When all are gather'd before Him, will He not Sepa­rate between the Godly and the wicked and give to every Man according to his Works? Mat. 25.32. 2 Cor. 5.10. Yes.
† Will it not be a day of refreshing to the people of God, Acts. 3.19. and exceeding terrible to the wicked? 2 Thes. 1.7, 8, 9. Yes.
Shall any by power or policy be able to escape, or hide themselves from the Judge? Rev. 6.15, 16. No.
And must not all abide in that Condition to which they are adjudg'd for ever and ever? Heb. 6.2. Yes.

Qu. What is the Eighth Article?

Answ. I Believe in the Holy Ghost?

§. IS not the Holy Ghost God, Acts 5.3, 4. Eternal, before the World, Gen. 1.2. Omnipresent, Psal. 139.7. and knowing all things? 1 Cor. 2.10. Yes.
Is not He a person, Acts 13.2. distinct from the Fa­ther and Son? Joh. 14.26. Yes.
Is not He the Spirit of the Father, Luk. 14.19. and of the Son, Gal. 4.6. as proceeding from them both? Yes.
Is He inferiour to the Father or Son in essence or na­ture, or with respect to the worship and glory which is due to God alone? Mat. 28.19. 1 Cor. 6.19. No.
§. IS He not Holy in himself, and also as the Authour of Holiness and Sanctification in us? Rom. 1.4. Yes.
† Must we not then believe in Him as a sanctifier by whom we may have an interest in what Christ has done and suffer'd? Yes.
Are any partakers of saving Benefits by Christ, to whom they are not effectually apply'd or communicated? Joh. 1.11, 12. No.
Can Parents or Ministers apply them to your Heart, or any but the Holy Spirit? Tit. 3.5, 6. No.
Doth not the Spirit do this by working Faith in the Heart by the Ministry of the word? Joh. 6.44, 45. Yes.
Doth He not by the Law convince the Sinner, Joh. 16.8. and by the Gospel subdue the will and perswade it to yeild to our Lord Jesus Christ? Ezek. 36.26, 27. Yes.
Can we then be sav'd by Christ without effectual cal­ling and Regeneration by the Holy Ghost? Joh. 3.5. No.

Qu. What is the Ninth Article?

Answ. (I believe) the Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints.

§. HATH not God a Church called out of the world to be his peculiar people? 1 Pet. 2.9. Yes.
Are not believers a distinct Body or Society joyn'd to Christ by Faith, Eph. 5.23. and to each other by love? Col. 2.2. Yes.
Can this Church be built on any other Head or founda­tion, than our Lord Jesus Christ? 1 Cor. 3.11. No.
Is not part of this Church Triumphant in Heaven, Heb. 12.23. and part Militant on Earth? Col. 1 24. Yes.
Is the Church known by external Splendour, Pomp, or Secular Grandeur? Acts 2.42. No.
§. IS not this Church Holy, 1 Cor. 3.17. the Saints above perfectly, and the effectually called really so? Yes.
Are not all the visible Members thereof called to Holi­ness, and Holy by profession and obligation? 1 Thes. 4.7. Yes.
§ IS not the Church Catholick or Universal consisting of all Believers, Jews and Gentiles, Bond and Free? Gal. 3.28. Yes.
Is the Church confin'd to any one place or Nation? Acts 1.8. No.
Shall the Gates of Hell ever prevail against it? Mat. 16.18. No.
† May any of the particular Societys (of which it doth consist, Rev. 1.20.) claim the name, Authority and priviledges of the Catholick Church? Rom. 11.22. No.
§. AMONGST the many priviledges of the Church, Psal. 87.3. is not this one, that there is the Communion of Saints? Yes.
* Have not Bel [...]vers Union and Communion with Christ their Head, from whence they are called Saints? 1 Joh. 1.3. Yes.
Do they not Communicate by Faith their wants to him, 1 Pet. 5.7. and He by his Spirit Communicate his Merits and Grace to them? Isa. 53.4. 1 Joh. 5.12. Yes.
And will he refuse to such, Communion with himself in Glory hereafter? Joh. 17.24. No.
* Have not the Saints also Communion one with ano­ther? 1 Joh. 1.7. 1 Cor. 12.26. Yes.
Can they Communicate Merits to each other? Mat. 25.8, 9. No.
* Have not the Saints above Communion with each other in the same Vision, Employment and Glory? Mat. 8.11. Yes.
* Have not the Saints below Communion, in the same Gifts and Graces, Eph. 4.5. Heb. 3.13. in the same Sufferings, Heb. 13.3. and if need be, in their Worldly goods? Heb. 13.16. Yes.

Qu. What is the Tenth Article?

Answ. The forgiveness of Sins.

§. ARE there any Sins, Original or Actual, of Omission or Commission, of Thought, Word or Deed, that do not deserve eternal Death? Rom. 6.23. No.
Yet are there any that are not Pardonable (the Sin against the Holy Ghost only excepted?) Mat. 12.31. No.
* Doth not forgiveness of Sins consist in releasing the Sinner from Guilt and Condemnation? Psal. 32.1, 2. Yes.
Can any but God (who is the party offended) forgive Sins to Men? Psal 51.4. Mark 2.7. No.
Yet must not all forgive injuries done to themselves, Mat. 18.21. and Ministers Pronounce forgivenese in Christ's name to the Penitent? Mat. 18.18. 2 Cor. 2.7, 10. Yes.
* Is there any forgiveness but only through Christ, and on the account of his Satisfaction? Col. 1.14. No.
* Doth the Satisfaction of Christ make forgiveness of Sins to be less Free and Gracious? Eph. 1.7. No
* Have any the actual forgiveness of their Sins be­fore they Repent and Believe? Joh. 3.18. No.
† Must you not then have a deep sense of your Sins, Acts 2.38. Confess them to God, Psal. 32.5. with a sincere Resolution of forsaking them? Pro. 28.13. Yes.
Must you not earnestly make Supplication for Pardon, with a Fiducial trust in the mercy of God, through the Merits and Righteousness of Christ alone? Acts 10.43. Yes.

Qu. What is the Eleventh Article?

Answ. The Resurrection of the Body.

§. DID not death come in by Sin, as the Sentence of the Law for the Transgression of it? Rom. 5.12. Yes.
* Can any of our Members, when turn'd to dust and scatter'd, be hid from God's all-seeing Eye? Psal. 137.15, 16. No.
Is it above the Almighty power that made the Body at first of dust, to raise it out of it again? Mark 12.24. No.
* And as He is able to raise the Dead, so are we to believe that He will do it? Joh. 5.28, 29. Yes.
Though all shall be rais'd, the just and the unjust, Acts 24.15. yet is not the Resurrection the special Priviledge of Believers? Luk. 14.14. Yes.
* Shall the Wicked rise by vertue of an Union with Christ by his Spirit, as the Godly shall? Rom. 8.11. No.
* And will there not be a vast difference between them in the ends for which they arise? Dan. 12.2. Yes.
Is it not agreeable to Divine Justice, that the same Bodies for substance, which we had here, should be rais­ed then? 1 Cor. 15.38. 2 Cor. 5.10. Yes.
But will they be raised to the same dying and mortal State they were in before? 1 Cor. 15.53. No.
Will not the Bodies of the Saints be exceeding Glo­rious, of which the Resurrection of Christ is both an assurance and a Pattern? 1 Cor. 15.20, 43, 44. Yes.
† And shall not they who are found alive at the coming of Christ be also chang'd? 1 Cor. 15.51, 52. Yes.

Qu. What is the Twelfth Article?

Answ. The life Everlasting.

§. SHALL not Believers have a Life of Glory and happiness in the World to come? Psal. 16.11. Yes.
* Do their Souls then sleep with their Bodies in the [Page 24]Grave, or go to Purgatory? Rev. 14.13. No.
Are we able to express the Glory of that State, which God has prepared, 1 Cor. 2.9. and they enter into immediately after Death? Phil. 1.23. No.
Shall they not enjoy a Beatifical vision and enjoyment of God, with Saints and Angels, in the highest em­ployment of Praise, without Sin or Suffering? Psal. 17.15. Yes.
* and shall not their Bodies also partake of this Life of Glory at last? 1 Cor. 15.43. Yes.
§. IS it not an everlasting Life in opposition to this fading Life on Earth? 1 Thes. 4.17. Yes.
Will the Life above be Subject to decays, and changes, and interruptions in the happiness of it? 1 Pet. 1.4. No.
Will they be in danger of forfeiting this happiness, or any Enemy be admitted to dispossess them of it? Rev. 3.12. No.
† Is there not an everlasting Death contrary to this everlasting Life? Rom. 6.23. Yes.
Is this for the Wicked to have their beings taken a­way, and to remain no more? Rev. 21.8. No.
Is it not to be banished from the presence of God and to undergo the Torments of Hell for ever? 2 Thes. 1.9. Mat. 25.46. Yes.
† Do we not say Amen to testifie our firm Belief of these Articles? Rev. 22.20, 21. Yes.


What dost thou chiefly learn in these Articles of thy Belief.


First, I learn to believe in God the Father who hath made me, and all the World.

Secondly, in God the Son, who hath redeemed me, and all mankind.

Thirdly, in God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me, and all the Elect people of God.

§. IS there not manifested a Divine order in the Works of the Blessed Trinity towards Men? Yes.
When Creation is ascribed to the Father, doth it mean that it was not the Work of the Son and Holy Ghost? Joh. 1.3. Gen. 1.2. No.
Is it not that the Father did Create all things by the [Page 25]Son, Heb. 1.2. and by the power of his Holy Spirit? Job 26.13. Yes.
And should not we and all the World Worship and a­dore the Lord our maker? Rev. 4.11. Yes.
§. IS not the Work of Redemption peculiarly ascribed to God the Son? 1 Tim. 2.5, 6. Yes.
Were we not by Sin bound over to the Wrath of God, and in slavery to Sin and Satan? Gal. 3.10. 2 Tim. 2.26. Yes.
* Could any meaner Price than his bloud satisfy Gods justice for our Redemption? 1 Pet 1.18. No.
* Could any less power than of his Spirit rescue our Souls from the bondage of the Devil? Luk. 11.22. No.
§. DO you mean by his redeeming all mankind that all Men have equal benefit in the Price that He laid down? Mat. 20.28. No.
* Yet is not the Price sufficient for all as being the bloud of Him, that was truly God? Acts 20.28. Yes.
* Have not all Men indifferently a reprieve granted them and many Temporal favours by means of Christ's Death? 1 Tim. 4.10. Yes.
* Is it a small matter that hereby there are offers of Pardon and Salvation to every Creature whereever the Gospel comes? Mark 16.15. No.
* Is He not indeed a ransom for all, being for Jews and Gentiles, into which two parts all mankind are di­vided? Heb. 2.9. 1 Joh. 2.2. Yes.
* And may not all mankind mean a great many out of every Nation and Language? Joh. 12.32. Rev. 7.9. Yes.
† Should they then live as others do, who are in espe­cial manner the redeemed of the Lord? 1 Cor. 6.20. No.
§. IS not the work of Sanctification peculiarly ascribed to the Holy Ghost. 1 Pet. 1.2. Yes.
* Are not all that are Baptized Sanctify'd, or set a­part for a Holy use? 1 Cor. 7.14. Yes.
And is not our Office and Ministry, by which you were so dedicated, from the Holy Spirit? 1 Cor. 12.11, 13. Yes.
† Dare you then forget your Baptismal Sanctificati­on, 2 Pet. 1.9. or tread under Foot the bloud of the Covenant by which you were Sanctify'd? Heb. 10.29. No.
* Is this dedication enough without an inward Sancti­fication [Page 26]by the gracious operation of the Holy Ghost, in the renewing and converting the Soul? 1 Cor. 6.11. No.
§. IS there not a certain number known to the Lord, 2 Tim. 2.19. whom the Father hath chosen to Sanctification and Holyness? 2 Thes. 2.13. Yes.
Is there any way for us to know our Election, but by Sanctification and effectual calling? 1 Thes. 1.4, 5. No.


You said that your Bodfathers and Godmothers did promise for you, that you should keep God's Com­mandments. Tell me how many they be?




Which be they?


The same which God spake in the Twentieth Chap­ter of Exodus, saying, I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage.

I. Thou shalt have none other Gods, but me.

II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in Hea­ven above, or in the Earth beneath, or in the mater un­der the Earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor Worship them. For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, and visit the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me, and shew mercy unto Thousands in them that love me and keep my Commandments.

III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

IV. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath day. Sir days shalt thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do: out the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no manner of work, Thou, and thy Son, and thy Daughter, thy Man-servant, and thy Maid-servant, thy Cattle, and the Stranger that is within thy states. For in Six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and all that in them is, and rested the Seventh day; wherefore the Lord [Page 27]blessed the ( Heb. Sabbath.) Seventh day, and hallowed it.

V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long in the Land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

VI. Thou shalt do no Murther.

VII. Thou shalt not commit Adultery.

VIII. Thou shalt not Steal.

IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour.

X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House, thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife, nor his Servant, nor his Maid, nor his Oxe, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is his.

§. IS not the Moral Law (as distinct from the Judicial and Ceremonial Law) sum'd up in these Ten Com­mandments? Deut. 10.4. Yes.
Were they not spoken by the voice of God with much Terrour and Majesty on Mount Sinai, and written on two Tables of Stone? Deut. 5.4, 22. Yes.
§. ARE not Unbelievers under the Curse of the Law? Gal. 3.10. Yes.
And when Believers are delivered from the Curse, is the Law made void and of none effect to them? Rom. 3.31. No.
* Have they not by the Law, the knowledge of Sin, Rom. 7.7. and are they not driven thereby to Christ? Gal. 3.24. Yes.
* Do they not delight in the Law and take it as a blessed Rule for them to walk by? Rom. 7.22. Yes.
Gan He be a true Believer that doth not acknowledge all the Commandments to be Holy, just and good? Rom. 7.12. No.
Are not the Commandments Spiritual, reaching the Heart, Rom. 7.14. and forbidding all degrees of Sin with the occasions of them? Psal. 119.96. Yes.
† Do you think it enough then, that you have learnt these words, without being taught the meaning of them? No.

Qu. What is the Preface to these Commandments?

Answ. I am the Lord thy God, &c.

[Page 28]

§. IS it not sufficient Reason to keep his Command­ments, that He is the Soveraign Lord, Author of our beings, and disposer of our Lives? Acts 17.24, 28. Levit. 22.31. Yes.
§. IS not his special relation to his people, as their God in Covenant, a further Reason of Obedience? Levit. 20.26. Yes.
Are believing Gentiles excluded from the Covenant Interest in Him, that the Jews had of old? Rom. 3.29. No.
§. DID not God wonderfully by the hand of Moses redeem the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage? Exod. 12.41. Yes.
* And is it a less Mercy to be delivered from the bondage of Antichrist (mistically called Egypt? Rev. 11.8). No.
* Is not God's redeeming us from the Spiritual bondage of Sin and Satan, a further Obligation upon us to obey him? Luk. 1.74, 75. Yes.

Qu. Which is the First Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt have no other Godsbut me. ‖ Heb. be­fore me.

§. DOTH not this forbid the denying of the be­ing of God, or any of his Divine attributes? Psal. 14.1. and 10.11. Yes.
* Doth it not forbid having many Gods, or any other save the Lord? Gal. 4.8. 1 Cor. 10 5, 6. Yes.
May we use Divination, or consult with those that do? Deut. 18.10, 11. No.
* May we worship any Creature together with the true God? Zeph. 1.5. Rom. 1.25. N.
Is the invocation of Saints and Angels then to be al­lowed in the Church? Rom. 10.14. No.
* Doth it not forbid all false opinions of God, par­ticularly in denying the Trinity or persons of the Son and Spirit? Rom. 1.21, 22. Yes.
* May we trust in, love or fear any Creature more than God? Jer. 17.5. 2 Tim. 3.4. No.
Do not men thus make riches, pleasures and relations their God; yea, by Pride and vain Glory make Gods of themselves? Phil. 3.19. Acts 12.23. Yes.
* Doth it not condemn all neglect of God and his worship when men live as without God in the world? Eph. 2.12. Yes.
Is not all that men do against this Commandment done before him: and doth He mark and detest the Sin of Idolatry? Psal. 44.20, 21. Yes.
§. IS it enough to have no other Gods if we also do not know and own the true God? 1 Chron. 28.9. No.
* Must we not avouch the Lord to be our God, Deut. 26.17, 18. and Worship Him with a Spiritual Worship, Suited his nature? Joh. 4.24. Yes.
* Can we Worship him aright without fear and re­verence, humility and self-abasement? Heb. 12.28. Job 42.5, 6. No.
Can it be done, without Faith in God through Christ, thankfulness, love and delight? Psal. 29.2. No.
† Will God accept of outward acts of Worship, without a Spiritual Principle and Spiritual ends and de­signs? Hos. 8.13. No.

Qu. What is the Second Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not make unto thy Self any Graven Image, &c.

§. BESIDES the Spiritual Worship, is there not also outward Worship in kneeling and bowing down the Body? 1 Cor. 6.20. Yes.
May we pay this outward worship to Images of what­soever kind? Levit. 26.1. No.
* Is it not impossible as well as unlawful, to make an Image of God, of the Trinity, or of any of the Di­vine persons? Deut. 4.15, 16. Isa. 40.18. Yes.
Is it unlawful to make an Image of Creatures for Civil and Historical uses? Mat. 22.20, 21. No.
* But is it not the highest affront to the Divine Ma­jesty to compare Him to Creatures? Rom. 1.21 —26. Yes.
* May we bring any such Image into the Church, as an Object or means of Worship? Psal. 115.4, 5. No.
* May we worship God by Images, as supposing some Divine vertue to be lodg'd in them? Exod. 32.4, 5. No.
* May we pretend to worship God in our Hearts, and bow down to an Image with our Bodyes? Dan. 3.18. No.
* Can we be present at Image worship, without danger of Sin, and scandal? 1 Cor. 8.10. No.
Is not the Church of Rome guilty of Idolatry in wor­shipping Images, and of Sacriledge in leaving out the Second Commandment? Yes.
* May we worship God in a way of our own or other Mens devising? Mat. 15.2, 8, 9. No.
Yet hath not God allowed the Governours of his Church to order the external Circumstances of his Worship, so that nothing be contrary to his own word? 1 Cor. 11.4, 5. Yes.
And may not such Circumstances (though not particu­larly Commanded by God) come under the general Com­mands of decency, edification, concord, and obedience to Magistrates? Rom. 14.19. 1 Cor. 14.40. Yes.
But may any Men under whatever pretence add to, alter, or take away from the Substance of Gods wor­ship? Deut. 12.32. Col. 2.23. No.
* May we have Carnal thoughts of God or gross con­ceits of him in our minds? Ezek. 14.3, 4. No.
§. IF we must not worship him by Images; must not we do it in his own way, according to his word? Mat. 28.20. Yes.
* Hath He not appointed his Gospel Ordinances of Prayer, reading, hearing, Singing, and the use of his Sa­craments? Yes.
* Is it enough to observe the matter of Ordinances without the Instituted manner or Order? 1 Chron. 15.13. No.
May we then cast off any of his Ordinances or account them unprofitable and vain? Mala. 3.14. No.
§. IS not his being the Lord our God the Lawgiver of his Church the reason of obedience to his Institu­tions? Jam. 4.12. Yes.
* Is not his Zeal for his Glory, a further reason a­gainst all false Worship, or neglect of the true? Exod. 34.14. Yes.
Doth He not mark how we worship, and severely punish them that break this Commandment? Ezek. 16.38. Yes.
And though they pretend love, doth not God account of Idolaters as of Haters of him, because they hate his People and ways? 2 Chron. 19.2. Yes.
§. IF the Children of such wicked Men prove Godly, shall they dye for their Fathers Sins? Ezek. 18.14, 17. No.
But is it unjust with God, when the Children follow their Fathers Steps, to persue them with Judgments for their Sins through divers Generations? Ezekiel 18.25. No.
§. DOTH not his Mercy far exceed his severity when extended to those that Worship him aright? Deut. 5.29. Yes.

Qu. What is the Third Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, &c.

§. IS not the name of God, that by which He is made known, as his Titles, attributes, ordinances and word? Yes.
* Doth not this forbid the blaspheming Gods name, and all cursing our Selves or others? Levit. 24.11, 14. Yes.
* May we use any of the Titles of God or Christ carelesly or in our Common Discourse? Phil. 2.10. Psal. 139.20. No.
* Is not all false Swearing or Perjury a tremendous prophanation of Gods name? Levit. 19.12. Yes.
* May we violate our Lawful Oaths; though made to our dammage, Psal. 15.4. or break our Faith, though sworn to Infidels and Heriticks? Josh. 9.18, 19. No.
* Is not rash, passionate, and vain Swearing the ge­neral abuse of Gods name at this day? Jer. 5.12. Yes.
May we use Pharisaical Oaths, by Creatures, Mat. 5.34-36. or Popish Oaths, by Mary, the Mass, &c. Jer. 5.7. No.
May we use unnecessary asseverations or ridiculous Oaths, in new Coyn'd words? Mat. 5.37. No.
* Are we not forbidden to abuse his Grace and Pa­tience, Rom. 2.4. or by any unworthy carriage to expose his name to reproach? Jer. 7.9, 10. Rom. 2.24. Yes.
* May we use any Scripture, Matter or Phrase for jesting and Sport? 2 Pet. 3.4. No.
* May we use vain repetitions, Mat. 6.7. or call on his name for an Hypocritical pretence? Luk. 20.47. No.
* Is not all careless Lip-worship without the Heart a Prophaning the name of God? Ezek. 33.31. Yes.
§. DO not the prophaners of Gods name sometimes escape the Judgment of men? 1 Sam. 3.13. Yes.
* But if God hold them guilty, and take the matter into his hand, can they then escape? 1 Sam. 2.25. No.
* Are they not sometimes plagu'd in this World by the Curse of God, Zech. 5.4. Deut. 28.58, 59. and is not a more dreadful Judgment reserved for them in the other? Mala [...] 3.5. Yes.
§. IS all Swearing, or taking an Oath, forbidden by this Commandment? Deut. 6.13. Heb. 6.16. No.
* Is not right Swearing a part of Gospel Worship, Isa. 45.23. and must we not do it (when called) in Truth, Judgment and Righteousness? Jer. 4.2. Yes.
* Must we not Reverence his name in his Worship, Psal. 111.9. call upon his name and bless it? Job 1.21. Yes.
* Must we not Honour his name in our Actions, and take heed that we deny it not before men? Rev. 2.13. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Fourth Commandment?

Answ. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath day, &c.

§. SEEING nature teacheth us there must be a time fixt for Gods worship, is it fit that it should be left to men to determine it? No.
Hath not God fix't a Seventh part of time, and made the observing it part of his Moral Law that shall not pass away? Mat. 5.18. Yes.
Was not the Sabbath ordain'd in Paradice, Gen. 2.2, 3. observ'd before the Ceremonial Law, Exod. 16.25. and ordered to continue in Gospel times? Isa. 56.1, 2. Yes.
* But is it necessary to observe the same day of the Week, which the Jews observed before the Resurrecti­on of Christ? Mark. 2.28. Ezek. 43.27. No.
Is not the first day of the week on which He arose called the Lords day, Rev. 1.10. and mention'd as the known time for Worship in the Churches? 1 Cor. 16.1, 2. Yes.
And have we not the constant Practice of the Church for this change, from the Apostles time to this day? Acts 2.1. and 20.6, 7. Yes.
§. ARE we less oblig'd to Gospel Ordinances on the Lords day than the Jews were to their le­gal observances on their Sabbath? Levit. 23.3. No.
* Should we not remember the Holy Sabbath to pre­pare for it before it comes? Luk. 23.54. Isa. 66.23. Yes.
* Are we not to observe on the Sabbath a Rest from all manner of common work and business? Neh. 13.15. Yes.
But must we neglect works of Piety (though done with bodily labour,) Mat. 12.5. or works of ne­cessity and mercy? Luk. 14.5. No.
May we think and talk of the worldly business that we abstain from doing, Ezek. 33.31, 32, or run to Recreations and Secular Pleasures? Isa. 58.13. No.
* Must it not be a Holy Rest, taken up in observing all duties of Divine Worship? Acts 20.7. Yes.
Must we not rise Early, Psal. 92.2. and persist in the duties of the day without weariness or grudging? Amos. 8.5. Yes.
* Can we keep a Sabbath aright if we wilfully neg­lect or forsake the Publick Assemblies? Heb. 10.2 [...]. No.
Yet when they are over, is not the rest of the day to be spent in repetition of what we have heard, Holy conference, and meditation? Luk. 24.14, 17. Yes.
§. MAY Masters of Families (into whose hands this Commandment is put, Exod. 20.10.) suf­fer any under their charge to Prophane the Sabbath? No.
And must not Magistrates enjoyn the observation of the Sabbath, and punish the neglect? Neh. 13.17, 22. Yes.
Yet if they neglect it, will God suffer Sabbath break­ers to go unpunisht? Jer. 17.27. No.
† And are days of Fasting and Thanksgiving, Law­fully appointed, to be Religiously observ'd? Esth. 4.16. and 9.21. Yes.
§. DARE you rob God of what He claims an In­terest in, when He hath allowed you Six days for your own Work? No.
Hath not God given his own Example by resting Himself on the Seventh day, and blessing and hallowing the Sabbath? Gen. 2.3. Yes.
† Doth not the keeping the Sabbath tend highly to the Honour or God, Isa. 58.13. and the preserving [Page 34]his Worship in the World? Ezek. 20.12. Yes.
Can we expect a blessing on our Week-days Labour, if we prophane the Sabbath? Isa. 56.2. No.
Yet is it enough to Worship God on the Lords day, if we neglect his Worship on other days? Psal. 145.2. No.

Qu. Which is the Fifth Commandment?

Answ. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, &c.

§. DOTH not this Commandment enjoyn the mu­tual duties of Superiours and Inferiours to each other in every Relation? Yes.
(1.) Must not Children honour their natural Parents, the Authors of their being under God? Eph. 6.2. Yes.
* If Parents are Aged, Poor or Weak, may Children despise them, in Heart or Carriage? Pro. 23.22. No.
* Must they not fear to offend them, Levit. 19.3. and Submit to their reproofs and corrections? Heb. 12.9. Yes.
* Must they not obey their Commands in all Lawful things, though they seem harsh and severe? Col. 3.20. Yes.
* May they murmur at their Provision or reject their advice in Marriage or matters of moment? Gen. 21.21. and 26.24. No.
* Must they not follow their Godly Instructions and examples, Pro. 4.1, 3. and endeavour to be a Comfort to them in their old Age? Prov. 10.1. and 25.20. Yes.
* May they divulge their infirmities, wast their estates, Prov. 19.26. or reflect dishonour upon them by their wicked Lives? Prov. 29.15. No.
* Must they not endeavour to requite their Parent [...] in praying for them, and maintaining them if they be in want? 1 Tim. 5.4. Yes.
And must not Children by Adoption and affinity ho­nour their Parents? Esth. 2.7, 20. Ruth. 3.1, 5. Yes.
§. DO not Parents owe to their Children tender, sincere and constant Love? Col. 3.21. Yes.
May they under pretence of loving them, lose their just Authority over them?. Gen. 18.19. No.
* Having seriously devoted them to God, must they not diligently teach and instruct them? Deut. 6.6-8. Yes.
* May they suffer them to live in idleness, without a Lawful Calling and honest labour? Mat. 21.28. No.
* Must they not mark their Inclinations and Com­pany, [Page 35]reprove them for their faults, and (in case of sin and stubbornness) correct them? Prov. 29.15, 17. and 23.13, 14. Yes.
But may they by reproachful Language and wicked Commands, provoke them to wrath and discourage them? Eph. 6.4. No.
* Must they not set them a good example, and dayly pray for a blessing upon them? Job 1.5. Yes.
(2.) Must not Servants honour their Masters, 1 Tim. 6.1. and obey their just Commands? 1 Pet. 2.18. Yes.
* May they by stubborn silence, private mutterings, or cross answers, provoke their Masters? Tit. 2.9. No.
May they wast their Masters Goods, Tit. 2.9. or neglect his business, when his Eye is off? Col. 3.22, 23. No.
* Must they not bless God for Godly Masters, pray for them, Gen. 24.12. and submit to Instructions and Re­proofs? Yes.
§. SHOULD Masters, that would mind their Du­ty be indifferent or careless about what Servants they take into their Houses? Psal. 101.6, 7. No.
* May they rule over them with rigour, as if they were Slaves or Beasts, Levit. 25.46. without regard to the health of their Bodies, Mat 8.5, 6. or good of their Souls? Gen. 18.19. No.
* Must they not give them what is just and equal, as to Instruction, Provision, Work and Wages? Prov. 31.15. Jam. 5.4. Yes.
(3.) Is not the duty of Wives Sum'd up in a reve­rend and quiet Subjection, and the duty of Husbands in an entire and intense love? Eph. 5.24, 25. Yes.
(4.) Are not Magistrates our civil Parents, Isa. 49.23. and must we not Honour and Reverence them? 1 Pet. 2.17. Yes.
* May we revile our Rulers, or use any indecent words concerning them? Eccl. 10.20. Acts 23.5. No.
* Must we not by all just means defend their persons, Rom. 13.1, 2. pay them Taxes, Mat. 22.21. and be Subject to their lawful Commands? Tit. 3.1. Yes.
§. MAY Magistrates forget by whom they Reign, or cast off the fear of God in their Covern­ment? 2 Sam. 23.3. No.
(5.) Are not Ministers our Ecclesiastical Parents, 2 Kings 2.12. whom we must know, Honour and esteem? 1 Thes. 5.12, 13. Yes.
* May we defraud them of their maintenance, 1 Tim. 5.17. 1 Cor. 9.11. or despise their Godly Disciplines? Heb. 13.17. No.
* Must we not receive their Holy Doctrines as the word of God, 1 Thes. 2.13. and consult with them in difficult Cases? Mala. 2.7. Yes.
§. MUST Not Ministers be Holy in their Carriage, apt to teach, able to convince gain-sayers and to Comfort the afflicted? Tit. 1.9. Yes.
(6.) May we neglect a suitable respect and Honour to any others that are above us, in Age, Gifts, or quality? Levit. 19.32. No.
§. IS not this the first Commandment with Promise, Eph. 6.2, 3. because Obedience thereunto tends to prosperity and the lengthening out of our days? Deut. 5.16. Yes.
† Doth not this shew us that Honouring our Parents is well-pleasing to God, Col. 3.20. and that Godliness hath the promises of this Life as well as that to come? 1 Tim. 4.8. Yes.
But if Children are Hypocritically Obedient, hath He Promised not to cut them off for their other sins? No.
Yea if Children be Godly and Dutiful for Christ's sake, is this Promise absolute without any Condition? 1 Kings 14.13. No.
May He not take them away from the evils of this Life, and give them the blessing of eternal Life? Isa. 57.1, 2. Yes.
† Can they that persist in disobedience to their Pa­rents escape the dreadful Curse pronounc'd on the breakers of this Commandment? Deut. 27.16. Pro. 30.17. No.

Qu. Which is the Sixth Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not Kill. Or, Thou shalt do no Murder.

§. DOTH not this forbid the taking away unjust­ly the life of Man, who was made after the Image of God? Gen. 9.3, 6. Yes.
Is it Murder or unlawful for the Magistrate to take a­way the lives of Criminals by Publick Justice? Num. 35.31. No.
Is it Murder to shed Bloud in a Lawful War, Jer. 48.10. or to kill a Man in our necessary self-defence? Exod. 22.2, 3. No.
* Is it not Murder to kill a Man in a Passion, Exod. 21.23. and yet greater if done with malice and fixed hatred? Gen. 4.8. Yes.
* Is not the sin yet greater if done by force and vio­lence in an open assault, Num. 35.16. or by Witchcraft and help of the Devil? Exod. 22.18. Yes.
Doth blind Zeal excuse the Murderer, if He should think He ought to do it? Joh. 16.2. No.
Are Duels Lawful, or can any pretence of Gallantry, or injuries receiv'd, excuse them? Rom. 12.19. No.
* Doth it not forbid all hurting and wounding our Neighbours Bodies, Exod. 21.24, 25. and all occasions of Bloud-shed? Deut. 22.8. Yes.
* May we by Contrivance, hiring, or false Accusati­on consent or be accessary to Murder? Prov. 1.10-12. No.
* Is not Self-murder a most unnatural Sin and with­out possibility of Repentance? Mat. 27.5. Yes.
Doth not all Murder make Men odious to God, and like the Devil, who was a Murderer from the be­ginning? Joh. 8.44. Yes.
* Are not all rayling and reviling Words, and all malice and unjust anger in the Heart, as murder in Gods account? 1 Joh. 3.15. Mat. 5.21, 22. Yes.
§. IS it sufficient that we do not strike or wound our Neighbour, if we use no due care to preserve his Life? Luk. 10.33.—36. No.
* Must we not succour the distressed, protect the in­nocent and deliver them from wrongs? Job 29.13. Yes.
* May we needlesly hazard our own lives, Mat. 10.23. or neglect the moderate use of Food, Physick, La­bour, or what may tend to the Health of our Bodies? 1 Tim. 5.23. No.

Qu. What is the Seventh Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not Commit Adultery.

[Page 38]

§. MAY any forbid Marriage which God has ordain'd for mutual Society, the avoiding Fornication, and the increase of the Church? Heb. 13.4. 1 Tim. 4.3. No.
* Is it Lawful for any to have more Wives than one, Mala. 2.15. or to put away his Wife, saving for the cause of Fornication? Mat. 19.9. No.
* Is it Lawful to contract Marriage with those that are near of Kin within the degrees mentioned in the Law? Levit. 18. 1 Cor. 5.1. No.
Is it not a shame to mention the secret Lusts of un­cleanness whereby sinners defile their own and others bodies, in a single or married State? Eph. 5.12. Yes.
* Is not Adultery or the breach of the marriage Cove­nant, Mala. 2.14. the direct sin against this Command­ment? Yes.
* Y [...]t doth it excuse the uncleanness, called Forni­cation, that it is committed by single persons, 1 Cor. 6.9, 18. or with a purpose and promise of marriage after­wards? Gen. 34.31. No.
Do not these sins bring destruction on Nations and Families, and ruin on the Estate and reputation of the sinner? Prov. 6.26, 33. Yes.
Do they not destroy the health and lives, Prov. 5.8, 11, and more especially the Souls of the guilty? 1 Pet. 2.11. Yes.
Are they usually committed by any but who are first given up by God and abhorred by him? Prov. 22.14. Rom. 1.24. No.
Are there many Instances of those that have return'd and repented after the commiting of such sins? Prov. 2.18, 19. No.
Do they not expose men to Excommunication from the Church and to Damnation in Hell? 1 Cor. 5.11. and 6.9, 10. Yes.
* Doth not this Law extend to the forbidding the Lustings of the Heart, Mat. 5.28. the uncleanness of the Tongue, Eph. 4.29. and the adultery of the Eye? 2 Pet. 2.14. Prov. 6.25. Yes.
May we read wanton Books, wear immodest Attire, Prov 7.10. live in idleness, 2 Sam. 11.2. or have fa­miliar converse with unchast persons? Prov. 5.8. No.
Are not Gluttony and Drunkenness the great incentives to the Lusts of uncleanness? Jer. 5.7. Prov. 23.31-33. Yes.
§. MUST we not take great care to preserve our own and others Chastity, in heart, speech, and behaviour? 1 Thes. 4.4. 1 Tim. 2.9. Yes.
Can this be done without watching over our Senses, Job 31.1. and watching against Temptations, 1 Pet. 5.8. especially in a time of Youth? 2 Tim. 2.22. No.

Qu. Which is the Eighth Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not Steal.

§. HATH God left all things in Common for every one that is strongest or most crafty to seize on what He can get? Habak. 2.8. No.
* Is it not theft to take away anothers Goods unjust­ly, Joh. 12.6. though never so secretly? Josh. 7.21. Yes.
* May we be Confederates with Thieves, Prov. 1.10.—14, pertake of, or receive what they have Stollen, or conceal their Persons or Goods? Prov. 29.24. No.
* Is it not aggravated by the violence that is used in Robbery and Piracy, Judg. 9.25. or by Stealing things Dedicated to God, called Sacriledge? Rom. 2.22. Yes.
* May men wast Riotously their own Estates, and thereby Rob themselves and their Families? Prov. 21.17. No.
Is not Theft contrary to the Light of Nature as well as the Law of Christ, and doth it not expose the Guilty to a severe Condemnation? 1 Cor. 6.10. Yes.
* May we use any unlawful calling, 2 Pet. 2.15. or any Guile or defrauding, though in a lawful calling? Mark. 10.19. 1 Thes. 4.6. No.
* May we put off bad or false Wares and Mony for good, or use False Weights and Measures? Amos. 8.5, 6. Prov. 11.1. No.
* May we set unconscionable Prices on our Goods, Levit. 25.14, 16. or Work upon the ignorance or ne­cessities of them we deal with? Prov. 22.22, 23. No.
* May we buy of those that we vehemently suspect have no right to Sell, or immoderately praise our own, or dispraise anothers Goods? Prov. 20.14. No.
* Is it not grievous Theft to be false in Places or mat­ters of Trust, especially in the Wills of the Dead? Gal. 3.15. Yes.
* May we refuse to pay just Debts, if we are able, Rom. 13.8. or borrow without being likely to pay, [Page 40]unless we lay open our Case? Psal. 37.21. No.
* May we trespass upon the Lands of others, Prov. 22.28. or with-hold corn to advance the Price in a time of scarcity? Prov. 11.26. No.
* May we keep Lost Goods which we have found, without a su [...]table diligence to enquire out the Owner? Deut. 22.2, 3. No.
§. MUST we then in a Lawful use of some good C [...]lling cast our care upon the Lord and eat our own bread? Eph. 4.28. 2 Thes. 3.11, 12. Yes.
* Must we not do to others as we would be done by, Mat. 7.12. Give to all their due, Rom. 13.7. and Linder what we can any damage from befalling our Neighbours Estate? Deut. 22.1. Yes.
Can there be true Repentance for sins of injustice, with­out restoring what we have defrauded, to the utmost of our power? Mic. 6.10, 11. Luk. 19.8. No.
* Must we not give largely of our well-gotten Goods to the Poor, according to their necessity, especially to the Godly and them that suffer for Christs sake? 2 Cor. 8.2. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Ninth Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not bear false Witness, &c.

§. DOTH not this in the Letter forbid the affirm­ing any thing falsely against another in Courts of Judicature? Acts 6.11, 13. and 24.9. Yes.
* May we therefore for fear, favour, or malice, con­ceal the truth, Acts 24.19, 20. or knowingly change or wrest the words of another? Mar. 26.60, 61. No.
* May we suborn false Witnesses, 1 Kings 21.9, 10. o [...] may Judges and Juries Wittingly admit of them, to Justify the Wicked or condemn the Righteous? Deut. 1. [...]7. No.
* And though it be in common converse, may we raise false Reports, Neh. 6.6, 8. or lightly take them up and spread them? Psal. 15.3. No.
* May we put the worst Constructions on our Neigh­bours words and actions, 1 Sam. 22.9, 10. or carry a­bout Tales openly or secretly to disgrace him? Levit. 19.16. No.
Is not all false Witnessing and Slandering injurious to Men and hateful to God? Prov. 6.19, 20. and 19.5. Yes.
* Doth not this Condemn all Lying, as highly provok­ing to God, contrary to all Society amongst men, and making men like the Devil the Father of it? Prov. 6.16, 17. Joh. 8.44. Yes.
Is it Lawful to Lye, under pretence of Gods Glory, the preservation of Religion, Joh. 13.7. Rom. 3.7, 8. or for any Worldly gain whatsoever? Prov. 21.6. No.
And if we may not Lye for our own or others Profit, may we for their Sport or Pleasure? Prov. 26.18, 19. No.
May we use Artificial modes of Lying, by Equivocati­ons and Mental Reservations? Acts 5.8. No.
Yet the more pernicious and hurtful any Lye is to our Neighbour, is it not so much the more abominable? Psal. 52.4. Yes.
§. MUST not all behave themselves in Courts of Judicature, as under the awe of the peculi­ar presence and Oath of God? Psal. 82.1, 2. Yes.
* Must we not in our whole Conversation Love the Truth, and (when we are called to speak) utter it? Eph. 4.25. Yes.
May we Promise any thing that we intend not to per­form, or neglect the performance, if it be Lawful? No.
* Must we not rejoyce in the good Name of our Neigh­bour, and be grieved when they deserve or receive dis­grace? 1 Cor. 12.26. Yes.
Must we not Charitably think the best, 1 Cor. 13.5. and cover th [...]ir Faults, 1 Pet. 4.8. and in what we can speak well of them? 1 Sam. 19.4, 5. Yes.
Yet must we neglect to reprove them for their Faults, Levit. 19.17. till they prove scorners or desperate? Mat. 7.6. No.
* Can we rightly take care of our Neighbours good Name if we do not by a Holy walking, endeavour to preserve our own? 1 Sam. 2.30. Eccl. 7.1. No.

Qu. Which is the Tenth Commandment?

Answ. Thou shalt not Covet thy Neighbours House, &c.

§. ARE we forbidden not only the acts and setled thoughts of sin, but even the first motions and stirrings thereof in our Souls? Rom. 7.7. Yes.
* May we comply with the Devils moti [...]ns. [...] 5.3. or suffer our selves to be drawn aside by o [...] [...] [Page 42]to affect any thing forbidden by God's Law? Jam. 1.14. No.
* May we desire what is anothers to his hurt, Acts 20.33. or envy our Neighbours happiness, and delight in his loss? Prov. 23.17, 18. No.
* Though we Covet not anothers Goods, may we set our affections on our own, or distract our mind and wast our strength in persuit of the World? Luk. 12.15, 17. Yes.
Doth not Covetousness bring a Curse on the Goods, Bodies, Families, and Souls of Worldlings? Habak. 2.9, 10. Yes.
§. DOTH not this require all inward purity of the Soul, and the regulating our affections by the Word? Prov. 4.23. Yes.
Must we not rejoyce in our Neighbours prosperity Rom. 12.12. and be contented with what Condition the providence of God allots us? 1 Tim. 6.6, 8. Heb. 13.5. Yes.


What dost thou chiefly learn by these Command­ments?


I learn two things: my duty towards God and my duty towards my Neighbour.

§. WAS not the Law Written on two Tables, the one containing our Duty to God, the o­ther our duty to men, and both Comprehended in Love? Exod. 34.1-5. Rom. 13.10. Yes.
Can those two be separated in our Practice and Obe­dience, or is our Holiness true without righteousness? Luk. 1.75. No.
Yet are not the duties of the first Table more noble than the duties of the Second, as the Object of them, which is God, is greater than Man? Job 33.12. Yes.


What is thy duty towards God?


My duty towards God is to believe in him, to fear him, and to love him, with all my Heart, with all my [Page 43]mind, with all my Soul, and with all my Strength: To Worship him to give him thanks, to put my whole trust in him, to call upon him, to Honour his Holy Name and his word, and to serve him truly all the days of my Life.

§. DOTH not the Four first Commandments make up the first Table, and is not Love to God the Sum of them all? Mat. 22.37, 38. Yes.
Can we Love God aright, if we Love him not for him­self, and this with a Superlative Love? Luk. 14.26. No.
Can Faith be true that works not by Love, Gal. 5.6. or that Love real that shows not it Self in keeping his Commandments? Joh. 15.10, 14. No.
And doth not Love to God make our obedience more willing, chearful, active and abiding? 1 Joh. 5.3. Yes.
Seeing we cannot Love God without measure (as He is good without measure) ought we to Love him less, then with all our Heart, mind, might and Strength? Deut. 6.5. No.


What is thy duty towards thy Neighbour?


My duty towards my Neighbour is to love him as my Self, and to do to all men, as I mould they should do unto me; To love, honour, and succour my Father and Mother. To honour, and obey the King, and all that are put in Authority under Him. To submit my Self to all my Governours, Teachers, Spirital Pas­ters and Masters. To order my Self lowly, and reve­rendly to all my Betters. To hurt no body by Word or Deed. To be true and just in all my Dealing. To bear no malice nor hatred in my Heart. To keep my Hands from picking and stealing, and my Tongue from evil speaking, lying and standering. To keep my Body in temperance, soberness and charity, not to co­vet, nor desire other Mens Goods, but to learn and la­bour truly to get mine own living, and to do my duty, in that State of Life unto which it shall please God to call me.

§. DOTH not the Second Table contain the Six Last Commandments, and is not Love to our Neighbour the Sum of them all? Mat. 22.39. Yes.
Are not all those meant by our Neighbours, with whom [Page 44]we have any Dealings or converse? Luk. 10.29-36. Yes.
Must we not love our Neighbours, with a pure, hearty, and unfeigned love, as we love our selves? 1 Joh. 3.18. Yes.
Yet must we love all equally, with the same measure [...] kind of love? No.
[...] is not natural affection due to Relations, 2 Tim. 3. [...]. [...] love of Reverence to Superiours, and of complacen­ [...] [...] delight, to the Godly? Psal. 16.2. Yes.
* But must we deny a love of Compassion to all in mise­ry, and a love of Benevolence to our very Enemies? Luk. 6.32, 33. No.
† And can we do our duty required in these Com­m [...]dments without this Grace of love and Charity? 1 Cor. 13.1-7. No.
§. NOW you have heard these Commandments explained, do you think that you are able per­fectly to fulfil the Law of God? Eccl. 7.20. Jam. 3.2. No.
Must you not lament your sinfulness and weakness, and depend on Christ for Righteousness and Strength? Isa. 45.2 [...]. Yes.
And do you not stand to your promise, that in desire and constant endeavour you will Practice sincere obedi­ence to God's Commandments? Psal. 119.6, 48. Yes.


My good Child, know this that thou art not able to do these things of thy Self, nor to walk in the Com­mandments of God, and to serve him, without his spe­cial Grace, which thou must learn at all times to call for by diligent Prayer

§. IS not Prayer a necessary part of Worship in or­der to the obtaining Grace, Rom 10 13. and a­vailing much, when perform'd aright▪ Jam. 5 16. Yes.
* Is there any other object of R [...]gi [...] Prayer, but God, who alone searcheth the Hear [...] ▪ 2 Chron 6.30. No.
* Is Prayer a bare speaking the words with our Mouths, without the p [...]ng out the d [...]i [...]es of our Hearts? Psal. 25.1. and 42.4. No.
* May we omit any [...] the kinds of Prayer, Publick in the Church, Acts 2.42 private in the Family, Jer. 10.25. and secret in the Closet? Mat. 6.6. No.
Must we not often lift up our Hearts in Holy Ejacula­tions, Psal. 119.164. and sometimes use extraordinary Prayer with Fasting? 1 Cor. 7.5. Yes.
* Must we not know the matter of our Prayers by our wants, but chiefly by the Precepts and Promises of God? Heb. 4.16. 1 Joh. 5.14. Yes.
* Have we any other Mediatour, whose name we can come in, save our Lord Jesus Christ? Joh. 14.13, 14. No.
* Can we perform this duty aright without the Holy Spirit, to help our infirmities, Rom. 8.26. and to stir up Holy affections and Graces in the Soul? Zech. 12.10. No.
† Must we joyn with our desires the Graces of Faith, Humility and Self-denyal; and are you desirous so to Pray? Yes.

Let me hear therefore if thou canst say the Lords Prayer.


Our Father which art in Heaven; Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our day­ly bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we for­given them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

§. IS not this call'd the Lords Prayer, because the Lord himself Composed it, and taught it his Dis­ciples? Yes.
* May we refuse to use these words as a Form, so excellent for the Author, matter and method, and as being part of Christ's own word and Prescription? Luk. 11.1, 2. No.
Yet seeing it is so general and Comprehensive, Is it unlawful to use other words in Prayer? No.
* Is not this then a perfect Pattern of Prayer to di­rect us in the matter and manner of our Supplications? Mat. 6.9. Yes.

Qu. What is the Preface of the Lords Prayer?

Answ. Our Father which art in Heaven.

[Page 46]

§. CAN there be a greater encouragement to come to God in Prayer, than this, that He is the Father of Believers by adoption? Luk. 11.13. Psal. 103.13. No.
Is it not a fearful thing to come before God, with­out a Special Interest in him? Heb. 12.29. Yes.
Can we have access to him any way but by Christ, Eph. 3.14. or have an evidence of our Interest, but by the Spirit of adoption? Gal. 4.6. No.
Doth not this Relation require dutiful affections, such as filial fear, love and confidence when we draw near Him? Mala. 1.6. Yes.
§. MUST not they who say Our Father, live as the Children of one Father, Mat. 23.8. and Pray for and with one another? Jam. 5.16. Acts 20.36. Yes.
§. IS not the God to whom we Pray (though pre­sent every where, Psal. 139.7, 8.) most gloriously present in the highest Heavens? Isa. 63.15. and 66.1. Yes.
* Is there any thing which a God in Heaven cannot give, if it be good for us? Psal. 115.3. No.
* Should not poor crawling worms come with a great awe and reverence before the God of Heaven? Eccl. 5.1, 2. Yes.
* Is it fit to have Earthly Hearts, when we Worship a Heavenly Father? Psal. 123.1. Lam. 3.41. No.
* Is not the God of Heaven equally near to all his Petitioners in whatsoever parts of the Earth? Acts 17.27. Yes.

Qu. Which is the First Petition?

Answ. Hallowed be thy Name.

§. IS not the Hallowing Gods Name, to Honour and Glorify Him in all things by which He makes himself known? Yes.
Can the Name of God be ever impure in it Self, or otherwise than Holy and glorious? Psal. 8.1, 9. No.
Yet is not his Name dishonoured by sin, Rom. 3.23. and reproach'd and blasphem'd by Sinners? Psal. 74.10. Yes.
* Must we not beg Grace, to Hallow his Name in our Hearts; by acknowledging and honouring it, as Infi­nitely Holy? Isa. 5.16. Yes.
Can we thus Sanctify his Name, unless he first Sancti­fy our Hearts and make them Holy? 1 Thes. 5.23. No.
* Must we not desire Grace, to Honour him with our mouths, Josh. 7 19. Psal. 69.30. and in our lives, by worshipping and obeying Him? Jer. 13.16. Mat. 5.16. Yes.
* Can we honour his name aright, without desiring that others also might Glorifie and hallow his name? Psal. 145.21. No.
* Must we not beg that He would glorifie his own name in the World, Psal. 67.1, 2, 3. and pull down what is Contrary to his Glory therein? Psal. 83.16. &c. Psal. 57.5. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Second Petition?

Answ. Thy Kingdom come.

§. HATH not God a general Kingdom over all, and must we not desire that His Soveraign Autho­rity may be every where acknowledged? Psal. 103.19. Dan. 4.32. Yes.
Is it enough to be under his Providential Dominion (as are all creatures) unless we be made the Subjects of his Kingdom of Grace? 1 Thes. 2.12. Mark. 1.15. No.
* Do you not beg then to be delivered from the Kingdom of Satan, under which you were by Nature, that Christ may Reign in you by his Grace and Spirit? Col. 1.13. Rom. 14.17. Yes.
And that He would make you fit for, and give you an abundant entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven? 2 Tim. 4.18. Yes.
* Are you to neglect others in your Prayers, so as not to desire the spreading of the word of his Kingdom? 2 Thes. 3.1. No.
* Is it not highly desirable that the Kingdoms of the world should be all the Kingdoms of Christ; and Jews and Gentiles given him for his possession? Rev. 11.15. Yes.
Can we pray for this, without desiring the pulling down of Antichrist and all the implacable enemies of the Church? Psal. 68.1. No.
* Must we not desire the hastning of his Kingdom of [Page 48]Glory in which all the Saints shall have with him their perfect Consummation and bliss? Rev. 22.20. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Third Petition?

Answ. Thy will be done in Earth, &c.

§. IS it fit for us curiously to enquire into the secret will of God, Acts 1.7. or can we know it, but by the event and course of his Providence? Isa. 40.28. No.
* Must we not desire that we may submit to his Pro­vidential Will when discovered (according to our Lords Pattern, Mat. 26.42.) without murmuring or repining? Acts 21.13, 14. Yes.
* But must we not desire to know his revealed will, Acts 9.6. and renounce our own Wills so far as they stand in Competition with his? Joh. 5.30. Yes.
* Is it sufficient to know his Will, without desiring that He would enable us to perform it? Psal. 143.10. No.
§. CAN we do the Will of God here on Earth with that perfection that Saints and Angels do above? Rev. 4.8, 9. No.
But must we not aim at perfection, Phil. 3.13, 14. and desire to do His Will as they do, speedily, Isa. 6.2. faithfully, Psal. 103.20, 21. and constantly? Mat. 18.10. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Fourth Petition?

Answ. Give us this day our dayly Bread.

§. DO we deserve the least crumb of Bread, Gen. 32.10. or can we procure it by our Industry and Labour without the gift of God? Psal. 127.1, 2. No.
If all be of free gift, may we murmur that others have more than we, or that God takes away any out­ward blessing from us? Job 1.21. No.
* Yet must we not pray, for such a Competency of Health and Peace, 3 Joh. v. 2. Sleep and Safety, Psal. 4.8. Food and Raiment as He sees fit? Gen. 28.20. Yes.
Must we not desire that He would give fruitful Sea­sons and a Blessing on the Fruits of the Earth? 1 Kings 8.35, 36. Yes.
† Must we ask these things chiefly or in the first place, before the Spiritual Bread for our Souls? Mat. 6.33. No.
* May we when we have daily bread, long for Riches, delicacies and abundance? Luk. 12.15. Prov. 30.8. No.
* Can we live by this bread alone, without desiring his word of blessing upon it? Deut. 8.3. No.
* Is it our dayly Bread, or can we pray for a blessing on it, if it be the Bread of Idleness, violence or Injustice? 2 Thes. 3.12. Psal. 128.2. No.
* Must we not come day by day like Beggers for what we need, and depend on God for fresh supplies? Psal. 104.27-29. Yes.
* And when we ask for Bread this day may we be anxiously careful about to morrow? Mat. 6.34. No.
† And when He bestowes upon us our dayly Bread, must we not receive it with Thanksgiving? 1 Tim. 4.4, 5. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Fifth Petition?

Answ. Forgive us our Trespasses, &c. Gr. Debts.

§. IF we have our daily Bread and never so much of the world, can we be happy without the Pardon of sin? Job 21.7-15. No.
Are not our sins called Trespasses and Debts as making us obnoxious to the punishment threatned? Mat. 18.32, 35. Yes.
* Must we not pray that God, for his mercy sake through Christ, would not exact the penalty of us, but deliver us from the guilt of all our sins? Psal. 130.2, 3. Yes.
* Must we not therefore beg repentance unto Life and Faith in Jesus Christ, who bore the penalty? Acts 5.31. Yes.
* May they, who have been pardon'd already, neglect to pray for the continuances of that Grace and the Par­don of their dayly Infirmities? Psal. 25.11. and 51.1. No.
* Must they not pray for the manifestation of forgive­ness to their Souls, Psa. 51.8. and to be openly absolv'd at the great day? Acts 3.19. Yes.
§. MAY any think or hope that God hath for­given him, that doth not find in his Heart a [Page 50]readiness to forgive others? Mat. 6.15. and 18.32, 34. No.
Though we may seek help peaceably of the Ma­gistrate, when we are injured, Acts 23.11. yet may we bear a grudge for injuries done, or privately revenge them? Rom. 12.19. No.
* Must we not profess our readiness to forgive o­thers, when we desire God to forgive us? Mark. 11.25. Yes.
And must we not do it heartily, fully, and freely, Mat. 18.21, 22, 35. as God for Christ's sake forgives us? Col. 3.13. Eph. 4.32. Yes.
* Is it not an encouragement to our Faith, that God upon our repentance will forgive us, when such as we are enabled by his Grace to forgive others? Luk. 11.4. Yes.

Qu. Which is the Sixth Petition?

Answ. And lead us not into Temptation, &c.

§. IS it enough to beg pardon for what is past, if we are not careful to be kept from sin for the time to come? Joh. 5.14. No.
Is temptation an excuse for sin, or doth God tempt any one by enticing them to iniquity? Jam. 1.13. No.
Are not men tempted by their own Lusts, Jam. 1.14. and by the Devils stirring up the corruptions of their hearts? Acts 5.3. Yes.
* Must we not beg that (if God please) we may not fall into such Circumstances, where we shall meet with occasions and provocations to sin? Prov. 30.7-9. Yes.
* Must we not pray, that if we are tempted, He would not leave us to our Selves, or withdraw his Grace? 2 Chro. 32.31. Yes.
Can we have wisdom to know the Devils wiles, or strength to withstand them, without asking it of God? 2 Cor. 12.7-9. No.
* Must we not beg that if we fall by temptation we may rise again, Psal. 51.12. and that God wo [...]d at last free us from all temptation? Rom. 16.20. Yes.
§. MUST we not desire to be delivered from this present evil world, Gal. 1.4 and all the real evil of afflictions? Joh. 17.19. Yes.
* Must we not pray to be delivered from evil men, [Page 51]2 Thes. 3.2, 3. and that the Church may be freed from its oppressours? Luk. 18.7, 8. Yes.
* But is there any greater evil than that of sin, or any greater mercy to be beg'd, than to be delivered from the guilt and power of it? Psal. 19.13. Rom. 7.24. No.
* Must we not desire to be delivered from the evil one, 2 Pet. 2.9. and from the wrath of God in the world to come? 1 Thes. 1.10. Yes.

Qu. What is the Conclusion of the Lords Prayer?

Answ. For thine is the Kingdom, &c.

§. MAY we take arguments in Prayer from our own merits, or from any thing but God, his Name and Grace? Psal. 115.1. Dan. 9.18. No.
* Is not He that hath the Kingdom ready to save his Subjects; and He that hath the power able to do it, espe­cially when His Glory is also concern'd? 2 Chro. 20.6. Yes.
* Is not this a Form of Thanksgiving, 1 Chron. 29.11. and must not Honour and Glory and Power be as­cribed to Him, now and for ever? 1 Tim. 1.17. Rev. 5.13. Yes.
§. CAN we say Amen to Prayers which we do not understand or attend to? 1 Cor. 14.15, 16. No.
Do we not by saying Amen testify our earnest desire of what we pray for, and trust, through Christ that we shall obtain it? Neh. 8.6. Yes.


What desirest thou of God in this Prayer?


I desire my Lord God our Heavenly Father, who is the giver of all goodness, to send his Grace unto me, and to all People, that we may Worship him, serve him, and obey him as we ought to do. And I pray un­to God, that He will send us all things that be needful both for our Souls and Bodies and that He will be merciful unto us and forgive us our Sins: and that it will please him to save and defend us in all dangers ghostly and Bodily; and that He will keep us from all Sin and wickedness, and from our Ghostly Enemy, and from everlasting death. And this I trust He will do of his mercy and goodness, through our Lord Iesus Christ, and therefore I say, Amen. So be it.

[Page 52]

§. CAN we aright Petition God for mercy, with­out Confession of our vileness and unworthiness, and Thanksgiving for what we have received? Dan. 9.4. Col. 4.2. No.
* Can we in Confession reckon up all the sins that ever we committed, Psal. 19.12. and 40.12. or if we could, is it to inform God of what He knew not before? 2 Kings 19.27. No.
Is it not to unburden our loaded Consciences before the Lord, Psal. 32.4, 5. to acknowledge his justice and to lay hold on his mercy? 1 Joh. 1.9. Yes.
Must it not be sincere and full, Prov. 28.13. with grief and confusion of Face? Luk. 18.13. Yes.
* Is there any Condition that a Believer can be in, in which Thanksgiving may not be joyn'd with his Prayer? Eph. 5.20. No.
Must we not value his mercys for their number, great­ness and freeness, declare them to others, and live suit­able thereunto? Psal. 103.1, 2. Psal. 116.12.—14. Yes.


How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church.


Two only, as generally necessary to Salvation, that is to say, Baptism and the Supper of the Lord.

§ IF we hope to obtain the mercy we pray for, may we neglect the other means of Grace; attending on his word, and use of his Sacraments? Acts 2.41, 42. No.
Are the two Sacraments of the old Testament, Cir cumcision and the Passover, to be used in the Church now? Heb. 7.12. No
Hath not Christ appointed two other Sacraments in their room; answering to our necessity, of a new birth and of Spiritual growth? 1 Cor. 12.13. Yes.
§. ARE Baptism and the Lords Supper, civil appoint­ments used without the Church (as Marriage amongst Heathens) or meer Ceremonies of indifferent and Arbitrary use? Mark. 16.16. No.
* Are they only specially necessary to some one sort of [Page 53]Believers (as Ordination is to Ministers) to which others are not oblig'd? No.
* Are they so particularly necessary, to every person under all Circumstances, that no one can be saved that doth not pertake of them? Mat. 9.13. No.
Are they not then generally necessary, where they may be had, by vertue of Gods Command, that no one upon peril of his Soul, may wilfully contemn them? Num. 9.13. Yes


What meanest thou by this word Sacrament?


I mean an outward and visible sign of an inward Spi­ritual Grace, given unto us ordain'd, by Christ himself, as a means whereby we receive the same, and a pledge to assure us thereof.

§. DOTH not the word Sacrament fignify our engagement to Christ, as the Roman Souldiers were to their Emperours by their military Oath? Yes.
(1) Can it be a Sacrament, where there is not some outward sign sensible and visible? Rom. 4.11. No.
Are not such signs of great use, to inform our under­standings, quicken our memories, and stir up our affecti­ons? Gal. 3.1. Yes.
(2.) Must there not be some inward and spiritual Grace that may answer to the outward sign? Yes.
(3.) Yet can it be a Sacrament unless this Grace be given to us, viz. by offer and Promise made to us therein? Acts 2.38, 39. No.
Are the Benefits of Christ's death (though conditio­nally) offer'd and promised in these rites? Yes.
(4.) Must not a Sacrament be Ordained by Christ him­self, 1 Cor. 11.23. and hath not He, besides his appoint­ing, Sanctify'd these by his own pertaking of them? Yes.
Can any meer man ordain a Sacrament or annex Grace or any promise thereof to their own inventions? No.
(5.) Must not a Sacrament be a means to receive the Grace promised, Tit. 3.5. and doth not God indeed conveigh Grace to the worthy receivers? 1 Cor. 10.16. Yes.
Doth the efficacy of the Sacraments depend upon the intention or▪ worthiness of the Person that administers them? 1 Cor. 3.6, 7. No.
Do the Sacraments work of themselves, by any Natu­ral vertue in the outward rites? 1 Pet. 3.21. No.
Are they not means of Grace made effectual by the working of the Spirit to them that by Faith do pertake of them? 1 Cor. 12.13. Yes.
(6.) Can there be any Sacrament, where there is not a Seat or pledge to assure this to us? Rom. 4.11. No.
Do not Believers in the Sacraments Seal their Cove­nant with God, Psal. 50.5. and receive the Benefits of the new Covenant Seal'd to them? Rom. 15.8. Yes.


How many parts are there in a Sacrament?


Two. The outward visible sign and the inward Spiritual Grace.

§. ARE these the only parts of it; or doth a bare sign of Grace, without a Promise and Institution make a Sacrament? 1 Cor. 16.20. No.
Do you not mention these two parts, for the better Explication of each particular Sacrament following? Yes.


What is the outward visible sign or Form in Bap­tism.


Water, wherein the Person is Baptised in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

§. IS not water the Element in which Baptism is ad­ministred, and was not Christ and his Disciples Baptized therein? Mat. 3.17. Acts 8.36. and 10.44. Yes.
May any for the meaness of its outside, or under pre­tence of a higher Baptism, contemn this? 2 Kings 5.12. No.
Can any thing be more apt, to signify the blood and Spirit of Christ, than water; for the necessity, freeness, ple [...]ty, and the Cleansing. Vertue thereof? Isa. 55.1. Joh. 1.16. No.
§. DOTH not Baptizing signify, the application of water to a person or thing in greater or [Page 55] [...]esser quantities? Mark. 7.4. 1 Cor. 10.2. Yes.
Is it probable that when Thousands were Baptized in a day; and some Baptized in private houses, and by night that they were all plung'd under water? No.
Doth not the Sprinkling with or pouring on of water aptly express the bloud of sprinkling, Heb. 10.22. and 12.24. and pouring out of the Spirit? Acts 2.17. Yes.
§. CAN any administer Baptism but they who are sent and Commissioned, Joh. 1.33. or may they do it in their own names, or the name of any Creature? 1 Cor. 1.13, 15 No.
Must it not be in the name of the Trinity, to shew by whose authority it is done, and who alone can make it effectual? Mat. 28 19. Yes.
† And is not the person so Baptized engag'd to the Profession and worship of Father, Son and Holy Ghost? Gal. 3.27. Yes.


What is the inward and Spiritual Grace?


A death unto Sin, and a new birth unto righteous­ness; for being by nature born in Sin, and the Chil­dren of wrath, we are hereby made the Children of Grace.

§. IS not the new Birth or Regeneration (which is a Change of State and Heart) signify'd and Sealed in our Baptism? Tit. 3.5. Yes.
(1.) Are there any, that (before the relative change by Regeneration) are not by nature Children of Wrath? Eph. 2.3. No.
Is not Justification signify'd by Baptism, whereby our Souls are sprinkled with Christs blood, as our bodies are with water? Acts 2.28. and 22.16. Yes.
And are not they who are thus justified, accepted as the Children of Grace by adoption. Yes.
(2.) Can any have this Relative change, without a real change of Heart and life accompanying it? No.
Are there any, that are not by nature born in Sin, and become defiled and unclean thereby? Psal. 51.5. No.
Is not Sanctification Seal'd in Baptism, whereby our Souls are cleansed by his Spirit, as by the pouring on of Water? Joh. 3.5. Ezek. 36.25. Yes.
* Is not mortification or a death unto Sin one part of Sanctification? Rom. 6.2, 3. Yes.
Can any improve their Baptism aright that do not dye unto sin and dayly mortify their Corruptions? Rom. 6.11. and 8.13. No.
And is not this aptly signifyed by pouring Water on the Person Baptized, as we cast dust on a body that is buried? Rom. 6.4. Yes.
* Is not vivification or a rising again unto righteous­ness, the other part of Sanctification, and signify'd by coming from under the water of Baptism? Rom. 6.4 Yes.
† But though this be the inward Grace signify'd and Sealed by Baptism, yet is this Change wrought meerly by the outward washing? 1 Pet. 3.21. No.


What is required of Persons to be Baptized?


Repentance, whereby they forsake Sin, and Faith, whereby they stedfastly believe the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament.

§. IS Baptism to be administred to any Creatures save the Children of Men, or to any of them that are out of the visible Church? No.
Is it not to be administred to all within the Church, without distinction of Nation, Sex, or Condition? Gal. 3.28. Yes.
May any Adult Person be admitted to Baptism with­out Profession of Faith and Repentance, Mark 1.15. or can they receive any saving benefit without those Graces? Acts 2.38, 41. No.
(1.) Is there not in repentance a deep sense of Sin, Confession of it to God, with shame, hatred, and sor­row for it? Luk. 18.13. Yes.
Yet is all this sufficient without forsaking or re­nouncing Sin, in Heart and Life, and turning from it to the Lord? Isa. 55.7. No.
And is not such a repentance one thing that is re­quired of Persons that are to be Baptized? Mat. 3.6. Yes.
(2.) Are we not to believe the promises of justifying and Sanctifying Grace, made in the new Covenant, and signifyed and Sealed in Baptism? Ezek. 36.25, 26. Heb. 11.13. Yes.
Are there any such promises without respect to Christ, or can we stedfastly believe them without Faith in Jesus Christ, in and through whom they are esta­blished? 2 Cor. 1.20. No.
And is not such a faith the other thing that is requi­red of Persons that are to be Baptized? Acts 8.37. Yes.


Why then are Infants Baptized, when by reason of their tender Age they cannot perform them?


Because they promise, them both by their sureties; which promise when they come to Age, themselves are bound to perform.

§. WERE you capable of performing these when you were Baptized in Infancy, as you might have been, if you had been Baptized at Age? No.
Is then the Baptism of Infants to be retained in the Church, and was our Baptism, in that tender Age, Lawful? Yes.
* If God extends his Covenant to the seed of Be­lievers, Acts 2.38, 39. may any deny them a Right to the Seal of that Covenant? Gen. 17.7-10. No.
Is not the blessing of Abraham come upon the Gentiles, Gal. 3.14. and are not we graffed into the same Church that the Jews were broken off from? Rom. 11.17. Yes.
Hath God then repealed his Grant made to Infants, or hath the Church fewer Priviledges, since Christ came, than it had before? Heb. 8.6. No.
Are not the Infants of Believers faederally Holy, Rom. 11.16. 1 Cor. 7.14. own'd as Covenant-servants, Levit. 25.41, 42. and received as Disciples? Mat. 10.42. Mark. 10.14. Yes.
* Was it not the Will of Christ, who is King of Kings, that whole Nations should be discipled and Baptized? Mat. 28.19. Yes.
Are Infants deny'd to be a part of Nations, or are they deny'd Birth-priviledges amongst Men? Acts 22.28. No.
* Doth not the Practice of the Universal Church in all Ages, agree to this and Confirm it? Acts 16.15, 33. Yes.
§. IF Infants they do not actually repent and believe, yet are they [...]capable of coming under a promise [Page 58]or engagement so to do? Deut. 29.10-12. No.
Though your engagement and promise was then declar­ed by others, yet can you lay claim to the Benefits of the Covenant without standing to that engagement your selves? No.
And now you are come to Age, do you not renew your Baptismal engagement, and are you not desirous to be Confirmed therein by laying on of hands and Prayer? Heb. 6.2. Yes.


Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper or­ [...]ain'd?


For the continual remembrance of the Sacrifice of the Death of Christ, and of the benefits which we re­ceive thereby.

§. IS not the Lords Supper the other Sacrament and was it not Ordained by Christ, as well as Baptism? 1 Cor. 11.23. Yes.
Was it Ordained, to be an unbloody Sacrifice or pro­pitiation for the Quick and the Dead? Heb. 9.22, 25. No.
Yet is it not an Eucharist, or Spiritual Sacrifice of Thanksgiving and Gospel Service? Mala. 1.11. Yes.
* Was not the death of Christ such a Propitiatory Sa­crifice Typifyed by all the bloody Sacrifices of Old? Heb. 9.13, 14. Yes.
Did He not bear the punishment of our iniquities, Isa. 53.6. and by shedding his blood make Atonement for them? Rom. 3.23. Yes.
Are not reconciliation, Rom. 5.1. Sanctification, Heb. 10.10. and Salvation, Rom. 5.9. the Benefits which Be­lievers receive by his death? Yes.
* Is it a small Mercy to have a memorial or remem­brance of Christs death, when we are so apt to forget it? Luk. 22.19. No.
Must we not remember his death, as a History to im­prove our knowledge; as a Gospel to increase our Faith; and as an Example to promote our Patience? Gal. 3.1. Yes.
Is a bare Remembrance sufficient, that is not affecti­onate, fiducial and operative? 1 Cor. 10.16, 17. No.
* Is it sufficient that we Remember him in this Ordi­nance, once in our Lives or once in the Year? No.
Must it not be a continual Remembrance, as often as we have opportunity, as we go often to our food? 1 Cor. 11.25, 26. Yes.
Is this Ordinance Temporary to give place to others, as the Jewish Sacraments were? Heb. 9.10. No.
Will it be continual and remain in the Church till Christ comes to Judgment? 1 Cor. 11.26. Yes.


What is the outward part, or Sign in the Lords supper?


Bread and Wine, which the Lord hath Commanded to be received.

§. CAN Bread be more necessary to the Body, Levit. 26.26. than Christ is to the Life of the Soul? Joh. 6.33.57. No.
Can Wine be more suited to the thirst, than Christ is to the desires of a Believer? Joh. 4.14. No.
* Are not Bread and Wine most perfect in their Kind, Psal. 104.15. and apt to signifie a perfect Saviour? Yes.
* Was not our Lord set forth for our Redemption, as the Elements are set apart for a Holy use? Rom. 3.25. Yes.
* Doth not the breaking the bread and pouring out the Wine aptly Represent the torturing his body and shedding his bloud? 1 Cor. 11.24. Yes.
* Can we have Life by Christ without Believing any more than our Natural Life can be maintained without Eating and Drinking? Habak. 2.4. No.
§. HATH Christ who Commanded us to receive the Elements, bid us to lay them up, carry them a­bout in procession, or to adore them? No.
Is it sufficient to receive one of these Elements with­out the other, when Christ has Commanded both to be re­ceived? Mat. 26.27. No.


What is the imward part or thing signify'd?


The Body and blood of Christ, which are verily and [Page 60]indeed taken and received by the Faithful in the Lords supper.

§. WHEN we are pertakers of Christs bloody death and the Benefits thereby are we not said to receive his Body and Blood, or to eat his Flesh and drink his Blood? Joh. 6.56. Yes.
* Is this done after a Corporal or Carnal manner, as the Jews of Old and Papists now understand it? Joh. 6.52. No.
Are we to believe that the Substance of the Bread and Wine is changed into the Substance of Christs Bo­dy and Blood? No.
Can we deny our Senses, without destroying the Foundation of our Faith in Christ's Resurrection and miracles? Luk. 24.39. No.
Is it Rational to Believe, that our Lord eat his Natu­ral Body with his own mouth, or that a true body can be whole in ten Thousand places at once? Joh. 6.61, 62. No.
Is Not that which we eat and drink in the Sacrament called Bread and Wine after Consecration? 1 Cor. 11.26. Yes.
* Is then the receiving Christs body and blood a Phan­tastical thing, done only in Imagination and Pretence? No.
Do we verily and indeed pertake thereof in a Spiritual manner and by Faith? Joh. 6.63. Yes.
* Is this done by wicked and ungodly men, or by any but the Faithful or true Believers? Joh. 6.54 —56. No.


What are the Benefits, whereof we are made per­takers thereby?


The strengthening and refreshing of our souls by the Body and Blood of Christ, as our Bodies are by the Bread and Wine.

§. IS not the Lords Supper compar'd to a Feast, 1 Cor. 5.7, 8. wherein the Benefits of Christs Death are the dainties, set forth by their excellency and variety? Isa. 25.6. Yes.
* Can the bodies of men be more Strengthned at a Feast, than the Souls of Believers are Strengthned at the Lords Table? Psal. 138.3. No.
Can there be a better means to Strengthen the habit of Grace in General to enable us to mortify Corruptions, overcome Temptations, bear our Burdens, and improve our Talents? No.
And doth not every particular Grace therein acted receive Strength by exercise? Isa. 40.31. Yes.
* Can any Bodys be more refresh't with Wine at a Feast, than the Souls of Believers are Comforted in the Lords Supper? Cant. 1.2. and 2.3, 4. No.
Can any thing be more reviving to a Soul, than to have Christ manifesting his Love and Loveliness, in all the joys of his Salvation? Joh. 14.21, 22. No.


What is required of them who come to the Lords Supper?


To examine themselves whether they repent them truly of their former Sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new Life, have a lively Faith in Gods mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death; and be in Charity with all men.

§. MAY any be admitted to the Lords Supper, who have not a Competency of Knowledge, to be ready for Confirmation, or are Scandalous and no­torious evil Livers? (Rubr. after Confirmation and before Confirmation.) No.
Is it sufficient to have been approved and admitted by the Church, if we do not examine our Selves? 1 Cor. 11.28. No.
Are not all Naturally unfit to discern the Lords Bo­dy or to delight in Communion with God? 1 Cor. 2.14. Eph. 2.12. Yes.
Can any rush unprepared on this Ordinance, without dishonour to God, and Judgment on themselves? 1 Cor. 11.27, 29. No.
Are there not certain Graces which accompany Salva­tion, Heb. 6.9. which upon Examination may be known, 1 Joh. 3.10. especially by the witness of the Spirit? Rom. 8.16. Yes.
* Can we be worthy Communicants without Sincere Repentance for our Sins past? 1 Cor. 11.31. No.
Must we not examine, whether our sorrow be in­ward, [Page 62]and extended to Original Sin, and the Sins of our Hearts, and accompanied with the hatred and loathing of them? Isa. 66.2. Yes.
* Can our repentance be true or our approach to the Sacrament right without full purpose of amendment? 2 Cor. 7.10. No.
Must we not examine whether our purposes are delibe­rate, and without reserve, and prevailing to an actual turning from all known sin? Acts 11.23. Yes.
* Dare you approach to the Lords Table without a lively Faith in Gods mercy through Christ? Joh. 6.35. No.
Is not Faith known upon Examination, by a great prizing of Christ and hungering after him, 1 Pet. 2.7. and the victory and purity that follows upon it? Acts 15.9. 1 Joh. 5.4. Yes.
* Can we pertake of these Benefits at his Table, with­out Thankfulness to God for them? Psal. 43.4. and 63.6. No.
Must we not examine this by our affections of Love and delight, Cant. 2.5, 6. and the yielding of our Selves to him for his benefits, in the paying our Vows? Psal. 116.18. Yes.
* Can we Communicate aright at a Feast of Love, without Charity and Love to all men? Eph. 5.2. 1 Cor. 11.18-21. No.
Must we not examine this by our giving and for­giving, doing good to all, with a peculiar delight in the Saints? Mat. 5.23, 24. 1 Cor. 10.17. Yes.
† Is all our preparation sufficient without a due care of our behaviour at, and after the receiving this Holy Sacrament? Cant. 1.12. No.

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