SEVERAL DISCOURSES Tending to promote Peace & Holiness Among Christians.

To which are added, Three other distinct Sermons.

By D r. Manton.

LONDON; Printed for Ionathan Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. M.DC.LXXXV.

TO THE Right Honourable ARTHUR Earl of Anglesey.

May it please your Honour:

IN the Learned Ages of the World, it hath ever been some­what difficult to suit Books to the patronage of the Learned, Judi­cious, and Impartial; such as they know you are, who know you. And when such Pieces are prepared, and ready to be sent abroad, it is not easy to make choice of a Patron worthy of such a Treatise. This presented [Page] to your Lordship, worthy of a good, hath found out the best Patron; and like the incomparable History of Thua [...]s, happy in its Author and manner of writing, and in its Pa­tron to whom dedicated, fails only in the Pen that dedicates it. The things it treateth of, express much of your Honour's Sentiments, Wishes, Value, and Endeavours, to keep the Root of Christianity flou­rishing, that Christians may answer their ancient Character, Vivimus, non loquimu [...], magna. It savoureth of that moderation which adorns the Chri­stian; it does with candor represent things in which many now dissent, that 'twould be happy for the Church of Christ, if all would, on such terms, forbear each other, bear one ano­ther's Infirmities, and shew that they believe the Lord is at hand. Here I think is rightly stated what are the [Page] lesser, what are the weightier Things of the Law; and here are Directi­ons, which (if follow'd) would keep Peace and Love among Bre­thren, and perfect Holiness in the Fear of the Lord. The Author en­joys that sight, which Holiness and Peace here recommended, did lead him, and will lead others unto. He is [...], and reaps the Fruit of those and other his Labours, which were design'd to help others to Happiness also. Be pleased to give the Publisher leave to send this in­to the World, countenanced with your Honour's Name and Favour, which may induce some to read and consider what you approve, and the Author left (as Elijah did his Posthumous Letter) to make the Age wiser, i. e. holier and more peaceable. Assured of this Favour from your Honour, and hoping for [Page] this Effect of the Work, the Pub­lisher leaves it at your Lordship's feet; craving leave to subscribe him­self,

My Lord,
Your Honour's most humble and obedient Servant, H. T.

The Contents.

  • THe preference of Duties, Morals before Rituals; on Matth. 9. 13. Page 1
  • A Description of the true Circumcision; on Phil. 3. 3. 51
  • What kind of Perfection is attainable in this Life; on Phil. 3. 15. 149
  • A Persuasive to Vnity in things Indifferent; on Phil. 3. 15. 182
  • Not to be offended in Christ, the ready way to Blessedness; on Matth. 11. 6. 215
  • Wisdom is justified of her Children; on Matth. 11. 18, 19. 255
  • The faithful Followers of Christ must expect Troubles in this World; on Luke 9. 57, 58, &c 315
  • No excuse against a speedy obeying Christ's Call. 341
  • Looking back, ill becomes those that have set their face Heavenward. 368
  • The Nature and Excellency of Saving Faith: in two Sermons; from Heb. 10. 36. and 1 Pet. 1. 4. P. 1
  • A Wedding-Sermon; on Gen. 2. 22. 65


PAge 7, line 19. read de ordine modum. P. 71. l. 20. for Business, r. b [...]s [...]ness. P. 74. l. 28. f. tendency, r. Tendry. P. 83. l. 12. f. childish, r. childlike. P. 87. l. 24. f. sacred, r. sound. P. 109. l. 9. dele Q. and read 2 dly, &c. P. 114. l. 4. f. care, r. cure. P. 117. l. 1. f. oblation, r. oblectation. P. 118. l. 25. f. of, r. in. P. 124. l. 9. f. justified, r. institu­ted. P. 139. l. 26. f. Iustificiaries, r. Iusticiaries. P. 144. l. 25. f. Creation, r. Creature. P. 157. l. 19. f. many, r. any. P. 170. l. 11. r. Who being sensible, &c. P. 256. l. 4. f. cry, r. crying. P. 259. l. 6. f. Corath, r. Wrath. P. 283. l. 21. f. Corah, r. Wrath. P. 295. l. 25. f. Had, r. How. P. 358. l. 21. f. Please, r. plead.

MATTH. 9. 13.But go …
MATTH. 9. 13. ‘But go ye and learn what that mean­eth, I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice.’

THese words are part of Christ's Plea for his con­verse with Publicans and Sinners, at which the Pha­risees took offence.

Three Answers he maketh;

1. From their Necessity, represented in a proverbial Speech; The Whole need not a Physician, but they that are sick.

2. From the end of his Commission, I came not, as the Doctor of the Church, to call the Righteous, but Sinners to Repen­tance.

3. Here is a third suggested in the words read to you, by a saying of the [Page 2] Prophet Hosea, Chap. 6. 6. where a ge­neral Reason is intimated, that a Ceremo­ny of the Levitical Law must not hinder a necessary Duty of the Moral Law. There­fore his conversing with them for their Edification, was not unlawful nor un­comely; for all Rituals must give way to Morals. And so those Laws of not ac­companying with an Heathen, or an un­clean Person, were never intended to be a Bar to an Act of Mercy or Charity, espe­cially spiritual Mercy and Charity. And therefore though they held the Publicans prophane, and unworthy their Conversa­tion, (therein also stretching the Law) yet Christ, without any breach of deco­rum, might converse with them for their good. For if Acts of Mercy and Chari­ty be to be preferred before the Ceremo­nies of the Worship of God, this Act of rescuing and saving a Soul, is to be pre­ferred before all these ritual Restraints of Conversation, with those who were sup­posed to be unworthy, or legally unclean. And 'tis notable, these words are brought, not only to vindicate this Fact of Christ, but secretly to tax the Pharisaical Hypo­crisy of those, who place Religion in Ritu­als more than Morals. Elsewhere you find [Page 3] Christ at this Argument again on another Occasion, but to the same End and Pur­pos [...], Matth. 12. 7. When the Pharisees frowned; because the Disciples plucked Ears of Corn for their Necessity on the Sabbath-day; If you had known what this meaneth, I will have Mercy and not Sacri­fice, you would not have condemned the Guiltless. So that this one Sentence is notably useful to condemn Pharisaism; or, which is all one, close Hypocrisy, and withal to set us right in the true Reli­gion.

In the words observe:

1. Christ's Preface.

2. The Words of the Prophet quoted.

Christ's Preface is to be regarded; Go [...]ye, learn what that meaneth.

And in the other place, If you had known what this meaneth. This sheweth that 'tis a point which deserveth well to be studied by u's, This saying of the Lord by the Prophet, I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice.

Where Observe;

1. The form is Negative; but in the sense 'tis to be understood comparatively; I will have Mercy rather than Sacrifice. So when Paul saith, 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent [Page 4] me not to Baptize, but to Preach the Gospel: Not chiefly to baptize, but rather to preach the Gospel. So here 'tis not a simple Nega­tion, but a Comparative, that he approved of Moral Duties more than Sacrifice.

2. Observe; The two things compa­red, Mercy, and Sacrifice. In the Prophet Hosea there is another word, I desired Mercy and not Sacrifice, and the Know­ledg of God more than Burnt-Offerings. Mercy comprehendeth the Duties of the Second Table, as the Knowledg of God the Duties of the First Table. Now this Piety towards God, and Charity towards our Neighbour, was more acceptable Ser­vice towards God, than all the Rites of their External Worship.

Doct. There is much to be learned from God's expressing himself in his Word; that he liketh Mercy to them that stand in need of it, better than the Offering of the richest Sacrifice.

I frame the Point so, as it may comply with Christ's Scope and Purpose.

Three things especially we learn in it.

  • [Page 5]I. The respective Value and Prefe­rence of Duties.
  • II. The Guise of Hypocrites, as our Saviour pincheth and taxeth the Pharisees often by this Point.
  • III. The Excellency of Mercy.

I. I shall speak to the respective Value and Preference of Duties; and there I shall lay down these Propositions.

1. All that God commandeth, must be respected, and Obedience endeavoured: partly, because his Laws are all Holy, Just, and Good; Rom. 7. 12. The Law is Holy, and the Commandment Holy, Iust, and Good, viz. that Law by which he was convinced, and which had wrought such trouble in his Heart: Holy, as being the Copy & Draught of God's Holiness: Iust, as doing no Wrong, no Infringement of our just Freedom: Good, as profitable to direct and perfect our Ope­rations; nothing therein is in vain or useless. And partly, because they are all ratified by the same Authority, Exod, 20. 1. God spake all these words, not these words, but all these words: He that said, Thou shalt not commit Adultery, said also, Thou shalt not Steal; as the Apostle im­proveth the Observation, Iam. 2. 11. For [Page 6] he that said, Do not commit Adultery, said also, Do not kill. God hath expressed his Will in one thing as well as another. And partly, because in Conversion we have Grace given to obey all; Ephes. 4. 24. The new Man is created after God in Righ­teousness and true Holiness. 'Tis not only sitted for Righteousness, but Holiness; not only for Holiness, but Righteousness. As the Sun is placed in Heaven, that he may shed abroad his Influences eve­ry where, and nothing is hidden from his Heat and Light: So is Grace planted in the Heart, that it may diffuse it self in an uniform Obedience, and that we may be Holy; 1 Pet. 1. 15. As he that hath cal­led us is holy in all manner of Conversation. The Heart is framed to resist every Sin, and to observe all the Commands of God. The new Creature never cometh maimed out of the Birth, or wanting any part. Well then, Holiness and Righteousness must ever go together, and the Obedience to both Tables be inseparable. We must serve him in Holiness and Righteousness all our days, Luke 1. 75. Not in Holiness only, or in Righteousness only, but in both.

[Page 7]2. Though all are to be respected, yet all Duties are not equal, nor all Sins equal. A vain Thought is not so heinous a Crime as the killing of a Man. And to blas­pheme and curse God, is a greater Sin than an idle Word; and Idolatry, than stealing of a Shilling. Though all God's Laws stand by the same Authority, yet the Matter of all is not of a like moment and consequence. And therefore the Sins and Duties are greater and lesser, accord­ing to the importance of the Law. Mat. 5. 19. Whosoever shall break one of the least of these Commandments, and shall teach Men so to do, shall be least in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are Commandments which may be called the least, and there are others which may be called the greatest, In ordine motum, the Order sheweth the Weight. The Fundamental Article of the Covenant, is to have God for our God, and to prefer Natural Worship be­fore Instituted; the Means stated, before Manner and Time; God before Man; Parents before others.

3. Simple Duties of the first Table, are greater than Duties of the Second. Christ himself saith, Matth. 22. 38. That this is the first and great Commandment. [Page 8] They must needs be the greatest, because the Object of them is greatest; God is greater than Man, as 'tis said Iob 33. 12. To oppose a Prince in Person, is more than to oppose his mean Officer. He that sinneth against his Neighbour, sinneth against God, but not so immediately. 1 Cor. 8. 12. And, 2. because this is the great Bond on the Heart to enforce the Duty of the second, the Conscience of our Duty to God: because I love, or fear, or would honour God, therefore I perform my Du­ty to Man for the Lord's sake. And so we turn Second-Table Duties into First-Table Duties. And so Alms is a Sacrifice, Heb. 13. 16. And so Obedience to Ma­sters, is Obedience to God, Ephes. 6. 6. And as they inforce, so they regulate; for we are to obey them in the Lord, and so as will stand with an higher Duty we owe to God. Acts 4. 19. Whether it be right in the sight of God, to hearken unto you more than unto God, judg ye. So that these are the greatest Duties; but yet this must be understood so, as the Compari­son be rightly made; The chief of the First-Table with the chief of the Second, the middle with the middle, the least with the least; Externals with Externals; other­wise [Page 9] not: Disobedience to Parents, is more than an irreverent Speech of God; Adultery a greater Sin, than coldness in Worship; stealing, than not giving. The People made many Prayers, but their Hands were full of Blood, Isa. 1. 15. And therefore the Order must be rightly conceived; first, love to God, then love to Men; first, the Worship of God, and then Duty to Men in our several Re­lations; first, Acts of outward Worship, then Acts of outward Respects to Men: Duties of Piety, and also Justice and Charity. Thus the Circumstantial and Ceremonial Duties of the First-Table, must give place to the necessary and moral Duties of the Second. But when the Comparison is duly made in the same Rank, those Laws which do simply and directly respect God, are to be preferred before those Duties which concern Men. And Sins of the highest Degree against the first Table, are greater than Sins of the highest degree against the Second. And in Duties, the Love of our Neigh­bour must give place to the Love of God. As the Love of Father and Mother, Wife, Children, Friends, Brethren; Luke 14. 26. If any Man hate not Father and Mo­ther, [Page 10] &c. he cannot be my Disciple. God is chief, and most worthy of respect.

4. Moral and Substantial Duties should chiefly be made Conscience of, and ought to take place of Ceremonial Observances, though belonging to the First-Table; for so in the Text is Mercy preferred before Sacrifices. Which is to be regarded to a double end; partly, that we may not rest in them as the better part of our Duty. If Men submit never so much to external Institutions about Religion and Worship, and think to satisfy their Consciences therewith, yet they will not at all be ac­cepted and approved of God. No: he looketh more to moral Obedience, than positive Commands concerning the Ex­ternals of Religion. And therefore you have Morals of the First-Table, or the Second, often compared with, and pre­ferr'd above the Externals of Religion, as 1 Sam. 15. 22. Hath the Lord any delight in Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices? To obey, is better than Sacrifices; and to hearken, than the Fat of Rams. Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft, and Stubbornness as Idolatry. 'T was spoken upon the occasion of Saul's sparing Agag, and the Fat of the Cattel for Sacrifice, when he was to destroy Man [Page 11] and Beast. At other times 'tis compared with Duties of the Second-Table. The Moral Duties of the Second-Table, are better than the Ceremonial Duties of the first. If we be scanty in the one, and abound in the other, 'tis a Note of an Hypocrite; Rom. 14. 17, 18. The King­dom of God standeth not in Meats and Drinks, but in Righteousness, Peace, and Ioy in the Holy Ghost. If a Man do these things, he shall be accepted of the Lord, and approved of Men. There are two Expositions of that place both equally probable, the one more general. That Righteousness is taken for all new Obedi­ence, and Peace for Peace of Conscience, resulting from the Rectitude of our Acti­ons; and Joy in the Holy Ghost, for super­natural Comfort, which the Holy Ghost puts into our Hearts, by reflecting on our Priviledges by Christ, and the Hopes of the World to come. Now Christianity lieth not in outward Observances, but in solid Godliness. The other Exposition is in a more limited sense; That by Righteousness, is meant just dealing; by Peace, a peaceable, harmless inoffensive sort of living; by Joy in the Holy Ghost, a delight to do good to one another, not dividing from, or hating, cen­suring, excommunicating one another for [Page 12] meer Rituals, but pleasing one another to Edification. These Morals are more ac­ceptable to God, and approved of Men, than a furious Zeal for lesser things, which belong to the ritual Part, or external Or­der of Religion. It's an Argument of a better Spirit, to be more zealous for Mo­rals and Substantials, than Rituals; cer­tainly without them we shall be of no ac­count with God. And partly to that, when Moral Duties come in competi­tion with Ceremonial, the Moral Du­ties at that time must take place of the other, and all positive Commands con­cerning the Externals of Religion, give way to them. The Lord never appointed the Ceremonies of the First-Table, to hinder Works of Mercy prescribed in the Second, therefore the Mercy must be done, and the Sacrifice left undone: as the Sabbath is both broken and kept, when there is an evident necessity of preserving the Creature. When David fainted, 'twas a Moral Duty to relieve him, though there were no Bread at Hand, but the Shew-bread; 1 Sam. 21. 4. There is no common Bread under my Hands. And Christ urgeth that; Mat. 12. 3, 4. Have ye not read what David did when he was an [Page 13] hungred; how he entred into the House of God, and did eat the Shew-bread, which was not lawful for him to eat; nor for them which were with him, but only for the Priests? In an extraordinary case of Necessity, the Shew-bread is as common Bread. Now the Reason is plain, because Positives bind only in certain Cases, but we are everlastingly obliged to things Moral. Therefore Externals must give way both to Obedience and Mercy. Internal Acts of Worship are never dispensed with.

5. Sacrifices come under a double Con­sideration, as they relate to Christ the substance of them all, or as External Performances rested in by that People.

1. In the first Consideration, their Go­spel lay much in Sacrifices, and the main Duties of Godliness were exercised about them, as brokenness of Heart; Psal. 51. 17. The Sacrifices of God are a broken Spi­rit: a broken and a contrite Heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. And Faith in Christ, Heb. 9. 13, 14. For if the Blood of Bulls, and Goats, and the Ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the Vnclean, sanctifyeth to the pu­rifying of the Flesh: How much more shall the Blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God, [Page 14] purge your Consciences from dead Works, to serve the living God? And Covenanting with God, Psalm. 50. 5. Gather my Saints together unto me, those that have made a Co­venant with me by Sacrifice. And, Rom. 12. 1. I beseech you, Brethren, by the Mer­cies of God, that ye present your Bodies a living Sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable Service.

In the second Consideration; The out­ward bare Offering considered in it self, without Faith and Repentance, so God disclaimeth it; Isa. 1. 11. Bring no more vain Oblations. And, Isa. 66. 2, 3. He that killeth an Ox, is as if he slew a Man; He that sacrificeth a Lamb, as if he cut off a Dog's Neck; He that offereth an Oblation, as if he offered Swines Blood; He that burn­eth Incense, as if he blessed an Idol. Their great Confidence was in their Sacrifices. God therefore sheweth how loathsome these things were to him, without that disposition of Soul which should accom­pany them; being such Persons as those were, he would take no Offering at their hands. The Lord in all Ages is Uniform and like himself, in approving and injoin­ing Duty, and in disliking Sin. Morals are always prized by him before Exter­nals, [Page 15] and an impartial respect to necessary Duties, was more to him than the greatest pomp of outward Worship. 'Twas so then, and 'tis so now; Pride, and Ma­lice, and Envy, are greater Evils than Ceremonial Uncleanness; and to fear God, and work Righteousness, a greater Duty than the best Sacrifices. The per­formance of External Duties is not, and never was a sufficient Testimony of true Piety; nay, without the Love of God and Men, and an uniform Obedience to his Holy Will, is meer Hyprocrisy.

6. When the breach of a Ceremonial Precept bringeth with it the Transgressi­on of a Moral Precept, and is (without any absolute necessity) imposed, in neg [...]lect and contempt of the Law of God; then we are to run all Hazards, rather than to transgress in the smallest Externals: because tho the Matter enjoined be but small, yet the Contempt of God is a great Sin, and our Sincerity and Obedience to God is a great Matter. As for Instance; When Antiochus pressed the Jews to eat Swines-Flesh, which in case of great Ex­tremity no question they might do; yet when he pressed them out of Contempt of the Law, they chose rather to be tortured [Page 16] to Death, than to yield to it. And for this they are registred Martyrs, Heb. 11. 35. They were tortured, not accepting Deli­verance, that they might receive a better Re­surrection. There is a plain Allusion to the Story in the Book of the Maccabees, con­cerning Eleazar, and the Woman with her seven Sons, so cruelly tortured. But these Commands were contrary to the Laws of God: Should they have said, God will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice? No, in such a case God will have Sacrifice, and not Mercy. Tho often advised to yield, they would not abate a Jot of their Zeal. For tho the Case be but in Externals, yet there is a Renunciation of our Relation and O­bedience to God's Law. So Daniel ope­ning his Windows, and praying three times a day, as he was wont to do, Dan. 6. 10. That Circumstance might have been forborn, you will think, in a Case of such imminent Peril of Life: No, he would neither forbear praying, nor ope­ning his Windows; he had wont to do so before, and without dishonouring God, and renouncing his Profession, he could not forbear to do so now. The Promise of Audience, made to Solomon at the De­dication of the Temple, required this Cere­mony [Page 17] as an Effect of Faith; 1 Kings 8. 42, 43. When they shall pray towards this House, then hear thou in Heaven. And David saith, Psal. 5. 7. In thy Fear I will worship towards thy holy Temple. The Tem­ple did shadow forth the Body of our Lord Christ, the Mediator, in whom only our Prayers and Services are accepted with the Father, which Solomon respected in looking towards the Temple. But the chief Reason is, the Necessity of Professi­on, and open Profession too, against this impious Law, contrived by the Malice of his Enemies to make him afraid. Now to shew he was not frighted from his Duty, he openeth his Windows, and would not forgo any Circumstance of his Duty to God. I might instance in Circumcision, (as urged by the false Apostles) as neces­sary to our Justification; Gal. 5. 2, 3, 4. Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if you be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every Man that is cir­cumcised, that he is a Debtor to do the whole Law: Christ is become of none effect unto you. Whosoever of you are justified by the Law, you are fallen from Grace. Such is the difference when God calleth us to the pro­fession of a lesser Truth. Therefore the [Page 18] Case may be such, that Externals may bear great Weight.

7. If the Externals of God's Worship instituted by himself, must give place to Mercy, then Externals of Humane Insti­tution, ought much more to give place to Mercy. Sacrifices were of God's Institu­tion, and a way of expressing their Obe­dience and Thankfulness in his Worship; yet God saith, I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice. And twice is this applied by Christ, to Mercy towards the Souls of Men in the Text, and Mercy concerning the Bodies of Men, Mat. 12. to defend the Disciples rubbing the Ears of Corn, because they fainted for Hunger. Then by like Reason, where the urging of Exter­nals may cross Mercy to the Souls of Men, by depriving them of the Means of Edi­fication, and the Gifts of a lively Mini­stry; or crossing Mercy to the Bodies of Men, by depriving them and their Fami­lies of their necessary Support and Main­tenance: in such a case they should learn what that meaneth, I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice. And the Peace and Edifica­tion of the Church, is more valuable than that of a private Man. In all External positive Institutions, the Apostles often [Page 19] urge Charity to the Souls of Men, for which Christ died, that we neither wound them with Sorrow or Sin; as the sure Rule to guide us, either in practising, or for­bearing our Liberty: Rom. 14. 15. De­stroy not him with thy Meat for whom Christ died. So, 1 Cor. 8. 11. And through thy Knowledg shall the weak Brother perish, for whom Christ died. That is, the scanda­lous Abuse of this Knowledg. In short, if any great dammage to the Souls or Bo­dies, scandal or inconveniece should come upon urging these Externals, surely they should be forborn: for if it be the Will and Pleasure of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, that Matters commanded by his Affirmative Precepts, should be for­born for Charity's sake; Men should be perswaded to remit of the rigor of their Impositions in this kind, though the things imposed were indifferent, and the practice of them in some Cases a Duty; yet if it would destroy Charity, we are to leave our Prayers, publick and private, forsake a Sermon, to save the Life of our Neighbour; nay, to quench the Fire burn­ing his House; nay, to help his Cattle out of the Ditch. But I will prosecute this no further.

[Page 20]Let me now make some use of what hath been said.

1. Let us take heed that we be not of the number of them that are serious and zealous in some things, but not in all. Partial Zeal hath always been the Note of Hypocrites; as the Pharisees were earnest for Externals, but neglected Justice and Charity. Saul is an Instance of Partial Zeal in destroying the Gibeonites, and spa­ring the Amalekites; 2 Sam. 21. 2. Saul sought to s [...]ay them in his zeal to the Children of Israel and Iudah. He was expresly commanded to root out the Amalekites, but he spared Agag out of seeming pity; but useth barbarous Cruelty in seeking to root out the Gibeonites, who were to be preserved by Oath and Covenant; and this he is said to do in his Zeal. Not a true Zeal, surely, as aiming at God's Glo­ry: for it tended much to his dishonour to have them destroyed▪ who were new Proselytes, and professing Religion, and had put themselves under God's Protection; but a preposterous hypocritical Zeal, of aiming, as he pretended, at the welfare of the Common-Wealth of Israel, his main Intent was popular Applause, and to gra­tify [Page 21] them, who envied the Gentiles should be incorporated into God's People. An Hypocrite's Conscience is not uniform, but brought upon the Stage for a Turn. I shall give you another Instance in Ieh [...], mighty zealous in destroying the Idolatry of Baal, which was the Idolatry of the House of Ahab; but not only cold and in­different, but resolute against the destroy­ing the Calves of Dan and Bethel, which was the Idolatry of Ieroboam; 2 Kings 10. 28, 29. Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel. Howbeit, from the Sins of Jerobo­am, wherewith he made Israel to sin, Jehu departed not from them, to wit, the Golden Calves in Dan and Bethel. Reason of State perswaded the one, and disswaded the other. His Interest lay in ruining the House of Ahab, and in taking care that the Tribes might not revert to the House of David. Thus you see Men zealous in some things, may gri [...]vously sin in others. Therefore, my Beloved, be you careful to regard all God's Commands in their place; Piety in its place, Justice in its place, Mercy in its place. The Jews, af­ter they had smarted in Babylon, were zea­lous against Idols, but robbed God of his Dues, never took care to restore the [Page 22] Riches of the Temple. Therefore the Apostle taxeth this partiality of Zeal, Rom. 2. 22. Thou that abhorrest Idols, dost thou commit Sacrilege? The latter Pro­phets tax them much for that Crime. The Jewish Form still is hatred of Idolatry, in-so-much that they think that all the Plagues that come upon them, is for the Idolatry of their Fathers, especially in the si [...] of the Golden Calf in the Wilder­ness; and translate the Scene of their Repentance far enough from themselves, that they may not see their present Sins, both in breaking the moral Law, and de­spising Christ. And every Party is obser­v [...]d to have their Form; one special Commandment which they stuck unto, which they are zealous for, whilst they neglect the rest. The reproaches of our Enemies, saith the Pharisee, are only for the fourth Commandment, but neglect the rest; zealous for the Sabbath, but un­conscionable all the week after. Oh, let [...] be no occasion for this! Others s [...]em to make little reckoning of other Commandments, and insist only upon the fifth, obedience to Superiors. The Charge is sometimes carried between the third and sixth Commandment, they will not swear, [Page 23] but will lie, and sl [...]nder their Neighbours. I mention these things, to shew what need we have to be uniform in our Obedience unto God.

I will mention but one Motive. They that do not obey all, will not long obey any, but where their Interest or Inclina­tions [...] require it, will break all: As He­rod did many things, but one Command stuck with him, his Herodias, and that bringeth him to murder God's Prophet, Mark 6. 20. One Sin keepeth possession for Satan, and that one Lust and Corrup­tion may undoe all. A Bird tied by the Leg, may make some shew of escape; so do many think themselves at liberty, but the Fowler hath them fast enough.

2. Let us not rest in outward Duties of Worship, and place our Zeal there, for that is an ill Spirit that doth so, 'Tis the Badg of Pharisaism: they keep a fair correspondence with God in the outward Duties of his Worship, but in other things deny their subjection to him; the main reason is, because Externals of Worship are more easy than the denial of Lusts. The sensual Nature of Man is such, that 'tis loth to be crossed, which produceth prophaneness. Wherefore do Men in­gulph [Page 24] themselves in all manner of sensua­lity, but because they are loth to deny their Natural Appetites and Desires, and to row against the stream of Flesh and Blood, and so to walk in the way of his own H [...]art, and the sight of his Eyes? Eccles. 4. 8. If Nature must be crossed, it shall be crossed only for a little, and in some slight manner; they will give God some outward thing, which lieth remote from the subjection of the Heart to him, therefore be zealous for Externals; and this produceth Hypocrisy, gross Hypocri­sy, and Dissembling, whereby we deceive oth [...]rs, and get a good Name among o­thers, by a zeal and fervency for God's outward I [...]stitutions. And this close Hy­pocrisy or Partiality of Obedience, is that whereby we deceive our selves, exceed­ing in External Actions and Duties, while we neglect those Substantials wherein the Heart and Life of Religion most lieth: such are the Love of God, Contempt of the World, Mortification of the Flesh, the Heavenly Mind, and Holy Constitu­tion of the Soul, [...]irmly set to please God in all things.

Once more; That this Deceit may be more strong, Men are apt to exceed in [Page 25] outward Observances, or By-laws of their own: and this produceth Superstition, either Negative, in condemning some out­ward things which God never condemned, as those Ordinances of Men which the Apostle speaketh of, Col. 2. 19. Touch not, taste not, handle not: Or positive, in do­ing many things as Duties, and crying them up as special Acts and Helps of Re­ligion, which God never instituted to that end and purpose; Mark 7. 7, 8. Teach­ing for Doctrines the Commandments of Men. The Spirit and Genius of Super­stition lieth in this; neglecting many things▪ which God commandeth, but mul­tipl [...]ing Bonds and Chains of their own making. Sacrifices enow! God shall have any thing for the Sin of their Souls, Micah 6. 6, 7. Thus these three great Evils, Prophaneness, Hypocrisy, and Su­perstition, do all grow upon the same Stem and Root. First, Men must have an easy Religion, where the Flesh is not cros­sed, but no mortifying of Lusts, no ex­ercising our selves to Godliness. They can deny themselves in parting with a Sa­crifice, but the weighty things of Piety, Justice, and Mercy, are neglected; God shall have Prayers enow; Hearing enough, [Page 26] if the Humor and Temper of the Body will suit with it. They can fast and gash themselves like Baal's Priests; whip their Bodies, but spare their Sins; but the Heart is not subdued to God. They can part with any thing better than their Lusts, and disturb the present Ease of the Body, by attending on long and te­dious Duties, rather than any solid and serious Piety.

II. The next Lesson which we learn is, The Guise of Hypocrites; for our Lord intimateth, that these Pharisees had great need to learn the Importance of that Truth, as being extreamly faulty; I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice.

[1.] The first thing notable in Hypo­crites, is a partial Zeal; they have not an Uniform Conscience, are very exact in some things, but exceeding defective and faulty in others. The good Conscience is intire and universal: Heb. 13. 18. We trust that we have a good Conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. The sincere Purpose and Intention of his Heart, was to direct his Life according to the Will of God in all things. Tho' every one hath his failings, yet the Will and constant En­deavour [Page 28] of a sincere Heart, is to govern himself universally according to the Will of God in all points of Duty, whether they concern God or Man: as 'tis said of Zechary and Elizabeth, Luke 1. 6. That they walked in all the Ordinances and Com­mandments of the Lord blameless. The re­newed Conscience doth approve all; and the renewed Will, which is the Imperial Power in the Soul, the first Mover and Principle of all Moral Actions, is bent and inclined to obey all; and the New Life is spent in striving to comply with all. But 'tis not so with Hypocrites, they pick and chuse out the easiest part in Religion, and lay out all their Zeal there, but let other things go. In some Duties that are of easy digestion, and nourish their Disease, rather than cure their Soul; none so zea­lous as they, none so partial as they. Now a partial Zeal for small things, with a plain neglect of the rest, is direct Pharisaism; all for Sacrifice, nothing for Mercy. Therefore every one of us should take heed of halving and dividing with God: If we make Conscience of Piety, let us also make Conscience of Justice; if of Justice, let us also make Conscience of Mercy. 'Tis harder to renounce one Sin [Page 28] wherein we delight, than a greater which we do not equally affect. A Man is wedded to some special Lusts, and is loth to hear of a divorce from them. We have our tender and sore places in the Conscience, which we are loth should be touched. But if we be sincere with God, we will keep our selves from all, even from our own Iniquity, Psal. 18. 23. such as is most incident to us by temper, or custom of Life, or course of our Interests; to baulk or break with God, out of private Rea­sons of Pleasure, Honour, or Profit, or any corrupt Interest, is to prefer these things before God, and to set up another chief Good in our Hearts, and to pre­fer it before his Favour. Thus in Ge­neral.

[2.] They place all their Godliness and Righteousness in outward Obser­vances, or external Discipline, and so their Religion is more in the Flesh, and in the Letter, than in Heart and Spirit. As the Pharisees rested in outward Wor­ship only, or some external Rules, with­out the inward and real Duties, either of the First or Second Table. Mat. 23. 25. They cleanse the outside of the Cup and Plat­ter, but within they are full of Extortion [Page 29] and Excess. And, Vers. 28. Ye appear outwardly Righteous unto Men, but within ye are full of Hypocrisy and Iniquity. And every where they are represented as pain­ted Tombs without, but had much hidden Uncleanness and Corruption within. There was an outward formality and shew of Religion, when they denied the Power thereof. They should join Obedience to God, and Love to their Neighbour, with their outward Sacrifices; but these things were of little value and esteem with them. Now, what Sacrifices were to them, that External Ordinances are to us. And what their Rituals were, the same is the Mode and Garb of Profession among us. And therefore External Profession, or the per­formance of External Duties according to our way, is not a sufficient Testimony of true Godliness: For Christ saith, Mat. 5. 20. Except your Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Their Righteousness was an out-side Righteousness, without that in­ward Constitution of Soul which doth belong to a renewed Heart, and yet car­ried on in such a way, and applauded by Men, that the Jews had a saying, That if [Page 30] but two Men out of all the World went to Heaven, the one should be a Scribe, and the other a Pharisee. Oh Christians! 'tis one thing to approve our selves to God, who searcheth the Heart; and a­nother thing to approve our selves to Men, who look only to the out-side, and f [...]ir appearance without. A renewed Heart, that is unfeignedly set to please God in all things, is more than all the Pomp of External Duties. And there­fore we should study to give Evidence of this, by making Conscience of Obedi­ence, as well inwardly as outwardly, growing in Holiness all the days of our Lives. This will be comfortable to us, and this will be approved of God here­after, even such an Holiness as is manife­sted in all the parts of our Conversation, in outward Carriage and secret Practice, common Affairs, and religious Duties; In the Worship of God, and Charity, and Justice to Men: Phil. 3. 3. We are the Circumcision which worship God in the Spirit, and have no confidence in the Flesh. When there is a serious Bent, and the true spiri­tual Affections of a renewed Heart to­wards God and Man; and we do not rest in outward Duties, but are still growing [Page 31] in internal Grace, Faith, Hope, and Love, and are still purifying the Heart and Life, that we may constantly glorify God, and do good to Men. This is that which is over and above the Righteous­ness of the Scribes and Pharisees; our Duty is to serve God in the Spirit, and to bring the inward Man in subjection to him, without which Externals are of lit­tle worth.

[3.] They were more in love with Ceremonies, than with Substance: Sacri­fices, which belonged to the Ceremonies of the Law, were in high esteem with them; but Godliness, Justice, and Mer­cy, were of little regard. And as out­ward things were preferred before In­ward, so the lesser things before the weighty: As to their Duties, tithing Mint, and Annise, and Cummin; but they have omitted the weightier Matters of the Law, Justice, Mercy, Faith. These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the o­ther undone, Matth. 23. 23. Formality and Hypocrisy maketh Men wise about that which is least to purpose. They make a business about Ceremonies, but neglect the Substance of Religion. They enlar­ged their Phylacteries, which were Scroles [Page 32] of Parchment on which the Law was written, but took no care of having the Law of God written upon their Hearts. Hypocrisy is an odd trifling Zeal, which runneth out upon little things. So for avoiding Sin, Matth. 23. 24. They strain at a [...], and swallow a Camel: More scrupulous in a little Sin, than a great; in small Sins very scrupulous, in greater Matters very adventurous. And because this is one of the main things here intended, I shall give you Instances and Reasons.

1. Instances; to prove that Hypocrites have such an odd Conscience, that strain­eth greatly at a small Sin. We have them every where out of the Word of God. Herod's making Conscience of his Oath, but not of shedding Innocent Blood. The King was sorry: nevertheless for his Oath's sake, &c. Matth. 14. 9. he caused Iohn the Baptist to be beheaded. A Sin­ner is holden in Bonds which he might lawfully break; rather than Herod will break his rash Oath, Iohn shall lose his Head. Of such an odd Complection is the Conscience of Carnal Men. So the Jews, when Iudas laid down the hire of his Treason, and cast the Mony at their [Page 33] feet; Mat. 29. 6, 7. It is not lawful (said they) to put it into the Treasury, because it is the price of Blood. Pretending to be afraid to offend in the least things, when they had offended in the greater. They bogled not at betraying Innocent Blood, and yet they would not meddle with the Gain when it was thrown back to them. Another Instance of the like Conscience, is, Iohn 18. 28. Then led they Iesus front Caiaphas into the Iudgment-Hall, and it was early, and they themselves went not into the Iudgment-Hall, lest they should be defi­led, but that they might eat the Passover. They were careful to avoid legal Polluti­on, and yet they were at the same time seeking the Life of the Lord of Glory. Just such another fit of Conscience cometh upon them a little after; Iohn 19. 31. They went to Pilate, and desired that the Bodies might not hang upon the Cross on the Sabbath­day, lest their great Feast should be defiled. And thus you see, that through Formality and Custom, Men may be strictly bound in Conscience to perform the Duties of Ceremonial or External Worship, whose Consciences notwithstanding never scru­ple to violate the most weighty Precepts of the Law. Just of this Nature was [Page 34] that solemn Case of Conscience, Zech. 7. 1, 2. about the keeping of their Fasts, when the Prophet telleth them they had higher Matters to mind, the executing of Iudgment, and shewing Mercy, and break­ing off their Oppressions, vers. 10. The Lord would not answer their Cases about the Fasts: Some of which were needless and superfluous; but would have them break off their known Sins. Hitherto may be reduced the Harlot in the Pro­verbs, that inticed the young Man to A­dultery, and yet she had her Peace-Offer­ings: I have Peace-Offerings with me this day, Prov. 7. 14. with the 18 th. Made Conscience of her Sac [...]ifices, but not of her Honesty and Chastity. Yea, also we may reckon to this rank of Conscience, the Instance of Bathsheba. Even the Chil­dren of God have much Hypocrisy, and an odd kind of Conscience, when they give way to wilful and hainous Sin. The Passage is, 2 Sam. 11. 4. David took her, and committed Adultery with her, for she was purified from her Vncleanness. That Uncleanness was Ceremonial only; but in the mean time she was committing a Moral Uncleanness, from which she was not so careful to keep her self. Well then, [Page 35] the Consciences of Men being of such a make, well might God say, I will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice; Substance, and not Ceremony. And we have all need to take heed to our selves, that we do not boggle and startle at a Shadow, when in the mean time we are stupid and sensless, in Sins of another nature and deeper dye; and preserve a tenderness in lesser things, when we give way to Injustice and Oppression.

2. The Reasons why Hypocrites never find their Consciences awake so much as in Matters Ceremonial; I shall give these two.

(1.) Because these are of easiest dige­stion, and will sooner satisfy the Consci­ence. Slight Duties suit best with an Heart that is unwilling to come under the Power of Religion. Conscience is like the Sto­mach, which naturally desireth to fill its self; and when it cannot digest solid Food, it sucketh nothing but Wind. They that place their Confidence in their own Righ­teousness, presently fly to their External Shows. The right stating of the Duties of the Law, according to their due weight, would convince them of their Mistake: Therefore that the Ell may be no longer [Page 36] than the Cloth, they confine their Obedi­ence to External Observations, and so make their Religion as commodious for themselves as they can. Adultery is no­thing to eating Flesh in Lent, or breaking some External Rule. The Apostle saith, going about to establish their own Righteous­ness, they have not submitted to the Righ­teousness of God, Rom. 10. 3. Not to the way of Solid Righteousness, and bro­ken-hearted acceptance of Christ, but an external appearance of Duty is most for their Interest.

(2.) To put the better Pretence upon their vile Practices, therefore they must have some External Ceremonies to coun­tenance them. Thus the Pharisees, to countenance their Oppressions, for a pre­tence make long Prayers, Mat. 23. 14. That made them be trusted by the destitute Widows, whom they deceived. As Ie­zebel would have the formality of a Fast, for the better colour of her impiety in destroying Naboth. In days of Fasts, they were wont to enquire after heinous Offen­ders, to execute the Law upon them, as you may see, Numb. 15. 7, 8. and Psalm. 106. 30. so to stop God's Wrath. So some expound that, Ioel 1. 14. Sanctify a Fast, [Page 37] call a Solemn Assembly, gather the Elders: That is, Call a Court who may enquire into Off [...]ders [...] that they may be punished and reformed. So Iezebel calls a Fast, for the be [...]ter [...] of a Court, to take cognizance of Naboth's Sin.

[4.] They make Conscience, not only of Externals instituted by God, but most­ly of those that are devised by themselves. This very Abstinence from converse with Publicans, was a thing not forbidden by the Law, but an Institution of their own; because of their frequent converse with Heathens, they looked upon them as a polluted sort of Men, and unworthy of their converse. So that this helpeth us to another Character of Hypocrites, they are zealous for Humane Traditions, but Transgressors of Divine Commands, God's Precepts are little regarded; and so pre­fer their own Institutions before the Laws of God. So, Mat. 15. 3. By your Tradi­tions, ye transgress the Commands of God: Namely, by holding, that if a Man had devoted his Estate to God, he might chuse whether he would relieve his Parents. Men are mightily in love with their own Customs, and place much Religion in Man's Injunctions, and care not how they [Page 38] loosen or weaken the Obligation of God's Law by their Impositions. The Pharisees great Fault was, they would outdo the Law in Externals; and then when they had set their Post by God's Post, they were more zealous for Man's Inventions, than for God's Ordinances. And this Zeal is shewn, either by imposing upon them­selves, or others. Imposing upon their own Consciences, when they lie in Chains of their own making. On others, when they make their own Practice, the Rule of others. Mat. 9. 14. The Pharisees fast, John' s Disciples fast, thy Disciples fast not. To this Head we may reduce Saul's rash restraining the People by his Injunction and Oath, 1 Sam. 24. 32. with vers. 38. The People had gotten a great Victory, and Saul out of his Hypocritical Zeal, commandeth them to fast till Evening. Now what was the Issue? The People through Faintness could not pursue the Enemy; Ionathan that heard nothing of this Curse and Oath, was in danger of his Life; and the People being hunger­starv'd, for greediness, did eat the Flesh and the Blood together, contrary to God's Law, Gen. 9. 4. Levit. 17. 13, 14. Mark there, though Hunger could not force to [Page 39] transgress Saul's Commandment for fear of Death, yet it forced them to break God's express Commandment, in eating the Blood, which was so expresly forbid­den. And at Night, when God answered him not, Saul thought somewhat was in the Matter, he goeth to [...]ast Lots, and the Lot had found out Ionathan. Saul never thinketh of the breach of God's Law; first by himself, in imposing a rash and sin­ful Oath; or of the Peoples sin, in eating the Blood with the Flesh: and presume [...]h it must needs be the breach of that Oath which he had imposed, and so like an Hy­pocrite, preferreth his own groundless Command, before the Law of God, and of punishing this with rigour, when the other is never spoken of. I have brought this Story, to shew you how zealous Men are for their own Impositions on them­selves and others, and how easily they can dispense with God's Laws, to comply with their own. And how Drunkenness, Whoredom, and Fornication, do not seem such odious Crimes, as violating Man's Customs and Institutions, and pri­vate Rules of their own.

[5.] Hypocrites have a Conceit of their own Righteousness, and a Disdain of [Page 40] others. This was the very Case in the Text, they were angry because Christ en­tred into the House of Matthew, a Publi­can, and did eat Meat there, though he had converted him. And else-where 'tis made the Characteristick Note of the Pha­risees; Luke 18. 9. They trusted in them­selves that they were Righteous, and despised others. Men that fly to Externals, are soon puffed up; and nothing humbleth so much as a sound sense of Religion; and a solemn exercising our selves to Godliness, maketh us see and loath our selves, and pity o [...]hers. I find the Pharisees Enemies ever to the [...]reeness of God's Grace to Sinners, and the Work of Repentance. And that the bringing of poor Sinners to Salvation, was the great eye-sore. They call Christ a [...]ine-bibber, and a Friend of Publicans and Sinners, because of his social and free, but sanctified Converse with all sorts of Men, Mat. 11. 18. He would not take such a strict form as Iohn did, because he would not seem to justify their Pharisaical Rigors. So again, Luke 15. 2. This Man receiveth Sinners, and eateth with them: Because he went to them as a Physician to heal their Souls. Christ refused not fa­miliarity with the poorest and worst, as [Page 41] was needful for their Cure, and would not observe the humour of proud Pharisaical Separation, by the Parables of the lost Sheep, and the lost Groat, but confuteth it; sheweth that this is the Spirit of the Elder Brother, who envied the Prodigal's Return. And telleth them in another place, that Publicans and Harlots enter into the Kingdom of Heaven before them, Mat. 21. 30. pleadeth the Case of the Woman against Simon the Pharisee, Luke 7. 30. If this Man had been a Prophet, he would have known who and what manner of Woman this is that touched him. Luke 7. 47. Christ telleth him, She had much forgiven her, for she loved much. Well then, a penitent broken hearted sense of our own being indebted to Grace, and tender compassion towards others that yet go astray, disco­vereth the true Spirit of the Gospel. But to stand aloof from others by a foolish singularity; Isa. 65. 5. which say, Stand by thy self, come not near to me, for I am [...]lier than thou. Some, though impure and prophane, counted all others unholy and unclean but themselves. This inclo­sing Spirit is the Spirit of Pharisaism. An outside strictness without that Faith, Love, Charity, Meekness, Usefulness, and Hu­mility, [Page 42] which is the very Soul and Life of Christianity. Usually Gifts, and outward strictness, puff up Men with a vain conceit of their own Righteousness, and a censuring and despising others. This one Text sheweth us both the Spirit of Pharisaism, and the Spirit of Christianity. The Pharisees who abounded in External Observances, censured Christ for his free Converse, disdained these penitent People whom he invited to a better Life. But now true Religion maketh Men humble and lowly in their own Eyes, by ac­quainting them with the desert of Sin, and their own Misery; and maketh Men piti­ful and compassionate towards others, more ready to help than to censure them, and to use all ways and means to do them good. But when Men would shine alone in the repute of Holiness, they are envi­ous to those who penitently return to their Duty; as those Servants who had wrought all the day, envied those that came in at the last hour, Mat. 22. 12. or, as the elder Brother envied the Prodigal, or Simon the Pharisee repined at Mary Mag­dalen's observance of Christ. They e­steem much of their own Works, Merits, Sufferings, and Righteousness: O take heed of this Spirit!

[Page 43]The use of this B [...]anch, is to press us to regard Internals more than Externals, and the Substantials more than the Cere­monials of Worship, and a broken-hearted thankful sense of our Redeemer's Love, before a Legal Righteousness. Inward Worship is Love, Fear, and Trust; out­ward Worship is Prayer, Praise, Hearing, Reading. Outward Worship is not a Duty at all times, but inward Worship is a Duty at all times; for we should always love God, and delight in God, and trust in God. Outward Worship may be omit­ted for a Work of Mercy, and in case of invincible Necessities; but inward Wor­ship may never be omitted, never dispen­sed with. We always owe Love and re­newed Obedience to God, and must de­pend upon him, and delight in him. Out­ward Worship may be counterfeited, and External Worship, without Holiness, is highly displeasing to God, and never plea­sing, but when 'tis in conjunction with it. Hypocrites may abound in Externals, but Hypocrites will not delight themselves in the Lord, nor heartily devote themselves to him, so as to serve, please, and glori­fy him: the inward Graces cannot be [Page 44] counterfeited, but the outward Expression may.

2. Be more careful of the Substantials, than of the Ceremonials of Religion; and to mind the Power of Godliness more than the Form. The Substantials of Religion are the Love of God and our Neighbour. The Circumstantials are those ways of Worship which God hath appointed, whereby we are visibly to ex­press our love to him. Now our main care should be, in the first place, to be in­tirely devoted and subject to God. That was Iob's Character, One that feared God, and eschewed Evil, Job 1. 11. To do that we do out of love to him; obeying his Laws as our Rule, and depending upon his Rewards as our Happiness. And as to Men, let us be faithful, and walk holily in our Places, Callings, and Relations, being just and kind unto all, but having an exceeding dear love for our fellow-Saints and everlasting Companions. This is more pleasing to God than the costliest Sacrifices, than all our Flocks and Herds, or any outward thing that we do for him. I take notice of those words of God to Solomon, when he was building him a mag­nificent Temple, 1 Kings 6. 11, 12. And [Page 45] the Word of the Lord came to Solomon, say­ing, Concerning this House which thou art building, if thou wilt walk in my Statutes, and execute my Iudgments, and keep all my Commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my Word to thee, which I spake to David thy Father. God hath more re­spect to Solomon's faithful Obedience, than to that glorious Building. So far do Mo­rals exceed Ceremonials in Religion.

3. That you prefer a broken-hearted thankful sense of our Redeemer's Love, before legal and conceited Righteousness of our own. Christ's love to Sinners, is that which the Pharisees mainly stumbled at. An external shew and fair pretence of a good Life, which had no bottom of Regeneration, was the superficial Righ­teousness of the Pharisees. Nicodemus, who had been of that Sect, wondred when that was pressed upon him, Iohn 3. 4, 5. an outward Conformity, which was more in Shew than in Substance, in Form and Fashion than in Power, was their Reli­gion; abstaining from gross Sins, as Mur­der and Adultery, but not purifying the Heart from Lusts. Murder they made Conscience of, but not of Envy, Malice, and Hatred: Theft, but not Covetous­ness, [Page 46] and close Extortion; Adultery, but not Wantonness, or looking upon a Wo­man to lust after her, as you may see at large Matth. 5. Thus Christ presseth us to exceed the Pharisees, who turned all Obedience into an empty Formality; wherein they puffed up themselves as meer Men, and so had never been at the Market of Free Grace; all their Wares were their own, and their Righteousness of their own spinning, and therein stood upon their own Bottom, without seeking the reconciling and renewing Grace of the Redeemer. Luke 18. The proud Pharisee pleadeth his own Merits rather than God's Grace, but the Publican pleaded Mercy. 'Twas long e're Paul was brought to count all but Dung and Dross for the Excellency of the Knowledg of Christ, Phil. 3. 7, 8, 9. But on the other side, a Christian, though he maketh progress in Holiness, yet from first to last, cherisheth a broken-hearted sense of his own Wants, and a thankful remembrance of his Re­deemer's Love, who is all in all with him, both for Justification and Sanctification. Before Pardon, the Sinner is weakned and humbled with a sense of his lost Conditi­on, and then there is a constant watch­fulness, [Page 47] with Repentance and brokenness of Heart, which followeth Pardon; loving much, because much is forgiven, Luke 7. 47. And loathing himself in his own sight, because of his vileness and sinful­ness, after God is reconciled to him, Ezek. 16. 63. This is the frame of Heart which suiteth with the Gospel-state.

III. I come to the third Thing, the va­lue of Mercy. I shall not speak of it at large, but only with respect to this Scrip­ture.

1. 'Tis better than Sacrifice. To sacri­fice, is to serve God; but to shew Mercy, is to be like God. Luke 6. 36. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Heavenly Father is merciful. Now Conformity to God is more noble, than Subjection to God; it hath more of Perfection and Blessedness in it especially, than a particular external mode and way of subjection to God.

2. As 'tis preferred before Sacrifice, so 'tis preferred before the external Observa­tion of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the great Institution conducing to the enlive­ning of other Duties; Mercy, not only to the Souls of Men as here, or Bodies of Men, but Mercy to the Bodies of the [Page 48] to help a Beast out of a Pit, is a Sabbath­days work, Mat. 12. 11, 12.

3. 'Tis more than Gospel-Externals of Worship. The Apostle had spoken of being not hearers of the Word only, but do­ers also, Jam. 1. 25. Then saith, Vers. 27. Pure Religion, and undefiled before God, is this, To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Affliction, and keep himself unspotted from the World. Is this Religion, to come to Church to hear the strictest Preachers? Doth the Apostle reckon this another part of Religion? No, but to visit the Father­less and Widows. They who are truly Religious, have such a deep sense of God's Mercy to them, that they are changed in­to the Divine Nature, that they cannot but pity the miserable and afflicted. Now the Ordinances of the Gospel are rational, not so carnal and servile as the Ordinances under the Law.

4. 'Tis more excellent than all the Gifts of the Gospel. The Gifts of the Gospel were glorious Things, Gifts of Tongues, Gifts of Healing, Gifts of Knowledg and Utterance; 1 Cor. 12. 31. Covet earnest­ly the best Gifts; and yet I shew you a more excellent way. What is that? Love, Chari­ty, Mercy. Though Abilities are excel­lent [Page 49] Things, to be able to edify and in­struct others, yet no way to be compared with the Grace of Charity, and the per­forming all our Duties to our Brethren out of love to God.

5. I cannot say 'tis above the Graces of the Gospel, Faith, and Love to God; yet this I can say, that those Graces are not real, unless accompanied with Charity: 1 John 4. 20. If a Man say he loveth God, and hateth his Brother, he is a liar: for if a Man hateth his Brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? He speaketh there of Love to Christ, vers. 19. We love him, because he loved us first. There may be a great deal of Hypocrisy in professing and pretending Love to Christ; and so he doth certainly, who doth malign and persecute Christians, or not shew Mercy to them in their Distres­ses. We daily converse with Men, meet with Objects of Charity, whom we should pi­ty; but if we do not this, which is the more easy, we will not do that which is more difficult.

6. 'Tis the Qualification of finding Mercy; Mat. 5. 7. `Blessed are the Merci­ful, for they shall obtain Mercy. Compas­sion to other Mens Bodies and Souls, gives [Page 50] this hope and confidence of finding Mer­cy with the Lord, and that is all our Hope.

It will be inquired into at the Day of Judgment, Mat. 25. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me Meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me Drink: I was a Stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in Prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the Righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee Drink? When saw we thee a Stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in Prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer, and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye cursed, into ever­lasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels.

Oh then let us make Conscience of this Duty more than ever we have done.

A DESCRIPTION of the True Circumcision.

PHIL. 3. 3. ‘For we are the Circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit, and re­joice in Christ Iesus, and have no confidence in the Flesh.’

AMong those that entertain thoughts of Religion, there ever have been, and will be, many Con­tests, who are the True Church and People of God: The Lazy place their Plea and Claim in External Obser­vations. The Serious look to the Vitals and Heart of Religion, and cannot satis­fy themselves in an outward Form, with­out the Life and Power: This was the very difference between the True Chri­stians, and a certain sort of Persons who took upon them to be the Circumcision. The Jews are often called the Circumcision; Therefore Christ is said to be a Minister of the Circumcision, as being sent to the [Page 52] People that were to be Circumcised, Rom. 15. 8. And Peter is called the Apostle of the Circumcision, Gal. 2. 7, 8. as being ap­pointed to deal with that People. Now these Judaizing Christians, who had a zeal for the Ceremonies of the Law, did falsely boast themselves to be the only People of God, and the true Circumcisi­on. This was the difference between them; Who were to be accounted the true Circumcision, the Jewish Zealots, who placed their Justification in the Cere­monies of the Law; or those who adhe­red to Christ only, and looked for the Mercy of God through him? We are the Circumcision, say they, excluding the other and better sort of Christians: The one had the Form, and the other the Effect and Power; The one were circumcised out­wardly, the other spiritually. The Apo­stle judgeth for the latter; the former were [...], The Concision; who in­stead of circumcising themselves, did cut asunder the Church of God: But the sound Believers were [...], the Cir­cumcision indeed; as being circumcised by the Circumcision made without Hands, in putting off the Body of the Sins of the Fl [...]sh by Christ, C [...]ll. 2. 11. They were [Page 53] the true Children of Abraham, who did in­deed perform that for which Circumcision was intended: For we are the Circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Iesus, and have no confidence in the Flesh.

In the words we have a three-fold De­scription of the True Circumcision: How they stand affected, To God, Christ, Self.

  • I. They worship God in the Spirit.
  • II. They rejoice in Christ Jesus.
  • III. They have no confidence in the Flesh.

I. They worship God in the Spirit. This Clause may be interpreted,

(1.) In opposition to the Legal Ordi­nances: So 'tis taken, Iohn 4. 23, 24. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spi­rit, and in Truth: For the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit, and Truth. The Jewish Worship is in a sense called Carnal; the Christian, Spiritual: Heb. 7. 16. A Carnal Command­ment. [Page 54] Heb. 9. 10. Carnal Ordinances im­posed on them till the Time of Reformation. And Shadows, Heb. 10. 1. Now the Lord would have a Spiritual Worship, and the Truth of what was in these Shadows, these external Forms, he allowed (insti­tuted in the Infancy of the Church); so that they worship God in the Spirit, is, they have embraced the true Worship of the Gospel, and serve God, not by the Carnal Rites of the Law, but by the pure ratio­nal Worship of the Gospel. This is part of the sense.

(2.) It implieth worshipping God with the inward and spiritual Affections of a renewed Heart: Heb. 12. 28. Wherefore, we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, Let us have Grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with Reverence and Godly Fear. Worship flowing from Grace, engaging the Heart in God's Ser­vice, is that which God prizeth; There­fore a Christian should not rest in an Ex­ternal Form: God is my Witness, whom I serve with my Spirit, Rom. 1. 9.

(3.) It doth also imply the Assistance, and continual Influence of the Holy Spi­rit; Ephes. 6. 18. Praying always with all Prayer, and supplication in the Spirit; and [Page 55] watching thereunto with all perseverance, and supplication for all Saints. And Iude, v. 20. Praying in the Holy Ghost.

The Doctrine is this:

That a True Christian is known by his Worship; or is one that doth wor­ship God in the Spirit.

Here I shall shew you,

  • 1. What is Worship.
  • 2. What a true Christian (1.) doth worship; (2.) Why in the Spirit.

1. What is Worship. 'T is either Inter­nal, or External. The Internal consisteth in the Love and Reverence we owe to God. The External in those Offices and Duties by which our Honour and Respect to God is signified and expressed.

1. Internal. The Soul and Life of our Worship lieth in Faith, and Reverence, and delight in God above all other things. Psal. 2. 11. Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoice with Trembling. Such a delight as will become the greatness and goodness of God. Worship hath its Rise and Foun­dation in the Heart of the Worshipper; there it must begin: In our high thoughts [Page 56] and esteem of God, especially two things, Love and Trust.

(1.) Love; Deut. 6. 5. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, with all thy Soul, and with all thy Might. We worship God, when we give him such a Love as is Superlative and Transcenden­tal, far above the Love that we give to any other thing, that so our respect to other things may s [...]oop, and give way to our respect to God.

(2.) The other Affection whereby we express our esteem of God, is Trust, which is the other Foundation of Worship: Psal. 62. 8. Trust in the Lord at all Times, pour out your Hearts before him. Delight­ful adhesion to God, and an intire de­pendance upon him; if either fail, or be intermitted, our Worship faileth. If De­light; Job 27. 10. Will he delight himself in the Almighty? Will he always call upon God? Isa. 43. 22. But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel. They that love God, and delight in him, cannot be long out of his company. They take all Opportunities and Occasions of being with God. So Dependance and Trust; Heb. 3. 12. Take Brethren, lest there be in any of you an [Page 57] evil Heart of unbelief, in departing from the Living God. James 1. 6, 7. Let him ask in Faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth, is like a Wave of the Sea, driven with the Wind, and tossed. For let not that Man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. Dependance begets Observance; They that distrust God's Promises, will not long keep his Precepts: If we look for all from him, we will of­ten come to him, and take all out of his hands: Be careful that we do not offend him, and displease him.

2. External. In those Offices and Du­ties by which our Honour and Respect to God is signified and expressed: As by Invocation, Thanksgiving, Praises, Obe­dience, God will be owned both in Heart and Life. In all these prescribed Duties by which our Affections towards him are acted. If God did not call for outward Worship, why did he appoint the Ordi­nances of Preaching, Praying, singing Psalms, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper? God that made the whole Man, Body, and Soul, must be worshipped of the whole Man: Therefore, besides the In­ward Affections, there must be External Actions. In short, we are said to worship [Page 58] God, either with respect to the Duties which are more directly to be performed to God, or in our whole Conversati­on.

1. With respect to the Duties which imply our solemn Converse with God, and are more directly to be performed towards him; such as the Word, Prayer, Praise, Thanksgiving, and Sacraments: Surely these must be attended upon, because they are special Acts of Love to God, and Trust in him: And these Duties are the ways wherein God hath promised to meet with his People, and appointed us to expect his Grace: Exod. 20. 24. In all places where I record my Name, I will come unto thee, and bless thee. And, Mark 4. 24. 'Tis a Rule of Commerce between us and God; With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you; and unto you that hear, shall more be given.

2. In our whole Conversation: Luke 1. 74, 75. That we should serve him with­out Fear, in Holiness and Righteousness be­fore him all the days of our lives. A Chri­stian's Life is a constant Hymn to God, or a continued Act of Worship: ever be­having himself as in the sight of God, and directing all things as to his Glory: He [Page 59] turneth Second-Table Duties into First. James 1. 27. Pure Religion, and undefiled before God and the Father, is this, To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Afflicti­on, and to keep himself unspotted from the World. Heb. 13. 16. To do good, and to communicate, forget not; for with such Sa­crifices God is well pleased. Ephes. 5. 21, 22. Submitting your selves one to another in the fear of God. Now a true Christian maketh Conscience of all this, as of Inter­nal Worship, so External. As of Solemn and Sacred Acts, so of a constant Awful­ness of God.

Secondly; The Reasons.

1 st, Why a true Christian doth wor­ship God.

2 dly, Why in the Spirit.

1 st, For the Worship it self.

1. Because they have a deep sense of his Being and Excellency impressed upon their Hearts.

(1.) His Being: These two Notions live and die together: That God is, and that he ought to be worshipped and ser­ved, Heb. 11. 6. The one immediately floweth from the other: The first Com­mandment is, Thou shalt have no other Gods [Page 60] before me. The second, Thou shalt not worship a graven Image: If [...], Wor­ship is certainly [...] They that have no [...] they had no God. The Psalmist proveth At [...]ism by that Psal. 14. 1. The Fool hath said [...] Heart, There is no God. And, vers. 4. They call not upon God.

(2.) His Excellency: They have a cleare [...] sight of God than others have, and are more acquainted with him than other [...] are, and therefore are more prone to worship. When God had proclaimed his Name, and manifested himself to Moses, Exod. 34. 8. He made haste, and bowed him­self to the Earth, and worshipped: None so ready and forward. Psal. 9. 10. They that know thy Name, will put their trust in thee.

2. Because they have a Principle within them, which inclineth them to God▪ Their Hearts are carried to him, as light Bodies are carried upward. There is such a Grace as Godliness, 2 Pet. 1. 6. and distinct in the Notion from Righteousness and Holiness. 1 Tim. 6. 11. Follow after Righteousness, Godliness. 2 Pet. 3. 11. What manner of Persons ought we to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness? What [Page 61] is the Notion then of it? 'Tis Tendentia mentis in Deum. An Impression left up­on their Hearts, which causeth a bent and tendency towards God, as the Foun­tain of their Mercies, the Joy of their Souls, and the Center of their Rest. There is such an Inclination, in some stronger, in others more remiss; but in all that are made Partakers of a Divine Nature, in some good Degree, so as ordinarily to pre­vail over the Inclinations of the Flesh: As Holiness noteth purity of Life, so Godli­ness an Inclination to God.

3. Because of their Relations to God which they own: God pleadeth his Right, Mal. 1. 6. If I be a Father, Where is mine Honour? If I be a Master, Where is my Fear? A Father must have Honour, and a Master must have Fear▪ And God, who is the common [...], and [...] Ma­ster of all, must have both: A Worship and Honour in which, Reverence and Fear, is mixed with Love and Joy. Or as the owning of a King, implyeth submis­sion to his Government; so the owning of a God, Adoration, and Worship.

2 dly. Why in the Spirit?

1. Because Worship without the Spirit, is like a Body without the Soul; 'tis but [Page 62] the Carcase of a Duty: The Heart must be the principal and chief Agent in this Business; Mat. 15. 8. This People draweth nigh to me with their Mouths, and honoureth me with their Lips, but their Hearts are far from me. There is no Love to God, ra­ther an habitual aversion from him.

2. External Worship is but a Means to the Internal; as Prayer, Hearing, Read­ing, Receiving, tend to promote Love, Trust, Heavenly-mindedness, Self-denial, Mortification, purity of Life and Con­versation: Now as the Means are only valuable with respect to their End, so are these Duties of Hearing, Reading, Sing­ing. Diligence in the use of Means is good, but those Acts that are conversant about the End are better; such as the Love of God, and Delight and Trust in God; for, Finis est nobilior mediis: Nay, amongst the Internal Acts, as they are Means to one another, so the nearer re­spect they have to the last End, the more noble they are: As Faith is more noble than bare Knowledg, because Knowledg tend­eth to Faith; Psalm. 5. 10. Love, than Faith; because Faith tendeth to Love: Gal. 5. 6. 1 Cor. 13. 13. Faith causeth Love, and serveth as the Bellows to in-kindle [Page 63] this Holy Fire; and in Love, De­sire maketh way for Delight, as its noblest Act. And accordingly must all things be valued, as they suit the great End, which is the injoying of God.

3. A Man doth not partake of the Go­spel-Blessing, till he doth serve God in the Spirit; that is, till he be made parta­ker of the Regenerating Grace, and actu­al Influence of the Holy Spirit.

(1.) Of his Regenerating Grace, Rom. 7. 6. That we should serve in newness of the Spirit, and not in oldness of the Letter. New Life is the principal of Evangelical Obedience; and when we are renewed by the Holy Ghost, we walk in newness of Conversation. The Gospel is a Mini­stry of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3. 8. It not only requireth Duty, but giveth Power to per­form it. The Letter of the Law requir­eth, but giveth no Principle or Inclination to do it; that is, from Regenerating Grace, or the Law written upon our Hearts. John 3. 6. That which is born of Spirit, is Spirit; that is, suited, inclined, disposed, fitted for a Spiritual Life.

(2.) Actual Influence: He still work­eth in us what is pleasing in God's sight. Helpeth to mortify Corruption; Rom. 8. [Page 64] 13. If ye through the Spirit, do mortify the Deeds of the Body, ye shall live: To per­fect Holiness, Heb. 13. 21. that so we may serve God in all purity of Life. We can­not get, nor keep, nor act, nor increase Grace of our selves, if forsaken by the Spirit of Grace: The foulest Sins would become our Pleasure, and the most un­questionable Duties our Burden: If he withdraw his quickning Influences, you can do nothing.

Vse 1. It reproveth those that either do not worship God, or by halves, or not worship him in the Spirit.

1. It disproveth their Confidence that do not worship God: There are an irre­ligious sort of Men, that neither call up­on him in publick, or in private, in the Family, or in the Closet, but wholly for­get the God that made them, and at whose expence they are maintained and kept.

(1.) Let me reason with you as Men: Wherefore had you reasonable Souls, but to praise, and honour, and glorify your Creator and Preserver? If you believe there is a God, why do you not call upon him? The neglect of his Worship, argueth [Page 65] a doubting of his Being: If there be such a supream Lord, to whom you must one day give an account; how dare you live without him in the World? All the Crea­tures glorify him, Psal. 145. 10. they pas­sively; but you have a Heart, and a Tongue to glorify him actually: Man is the Mouth of the Creation, to return to God the praise of all that Wisdom, Glo­ry, and Power, which is seen in the things that are made. Now you should make one among the Worshippers of God.

(2.) Let me reason with you as Christi­ans: Are you a Christian, and have such Advantages to know more of God, and will you be dumb, and tongue-tied in his Praise? Have you the discovery of the Wonders of his Love, in your Redemp­tion by Christ, and do you see no cause to own and acknowledg him? Have you no Necessities to bring to the Throne of Grace? In Christianity, you know his particular Providence, and Redemption by Christ; and should you eat, and drink, and trade, and sleep, and never think of God? Have you no Pardon to sue out, no Grace that you stand in need of; that you should live like a brute Beat? go on in [Page 66] the circle of Trade, Business, Comforts, and never think of God! You profess you know him, but in your Works you deny him; and sin doubly, both against the Light of Reason and Christianity. All that are not avowed Ath [...]ists, must have some Worship.

2. It cutteth off their Con [...]idence, that worship him by halves: They are of ma­ny sorts.

(1.) Some worship him in publick, but never in private and secret; though Christ hath given us direction to enter into our Closets, Mat. 6. 6. And surely every Chri­stian should make Conscience of secret Duties. There are many Disputes about praying in Families; though those that take their daily Bread should seek God together: but there can be no dispute a­bout praying in Secret; for the Precept that requireth Prayer, first falleth upon single Persons, before it falleth upon Fa­milies and Churches, 1 Thess. 5. 17. Pray without [...]easing. This cannot concern Fa­milies and Churches, they are done at sta­ted times, when they can conveniently meet; but every Man in secret is to be often with God. Christ was often alone, Mark 1. 35. He went [...]ut into a solitary [Page 67] place, and there prayed. Surely Christ had not such need to pray as we have, nor such need of retirement, his Love to God being always [...]ervent, and so in no dan­ger of distraction: God poured out the Spirit, that we might go apart, and mourn over Soul-Distempers, Zech. 12. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Now God's precious Gifts are not given in vain. So, Acts 10. 2. Cornelius prayed to God alway. Therefore certainly secret Prayer is a necessary Duty of God's Worship to be observed by all that acknowledg God to be God, and the World to be ruled by his Providence, or themselves to have any need of his Grace and Pardon, or hope for any thing from him in the World to come: Therefore if you have any sense of Religion, or think you have any need of particular com­merce with God, you should make Con­science of secret Prayer.

(2.) Others that make Conscience of External Worship, Prayer, Hearing, Reading, Singing of Psalms; but not of Internal Worship, Faith, Love, and Hope: The External Forms were appointed for the acting or increasing of Internal Grace; and so they superficially are conversant about the Means, and never mind the End; [Page 68] External Worship is sensible, and easily done; but Internal Worship is difficult: External Worship may procure us esteem with Men; but Internal, Acceptance with God: External Worship satisfieth blind Conscience, but doth not better the Heart: External Worship may puff us up with a vain Confidence; but Internal Worship maketh us lament Spiritual De­fects: We have not that purity of Heart, that deep sense of the World to come; that absolute dependance upon God, which may quiet our Souls in all Exigen­cies. Surely they are better Christians that have the Effect of the Ordinances, than they that have only the Formality of them. The External Duty may procure us toil and wearisomness to the Flesh, but the Internal Worship bringeth us Com­fort and Peace: The more Faith in Christ, and Love to God, and lively Hope of Eternal Life, the more is the Soul comfor­ted: Therefore if you will always lick the Glass, and never taste the Hony; go on in a Tract of Duties, but you will have no comfort in them. In short; They that go on in External Duties, may be said in some sense to serve God, but they do not seek after him: In pretence they make [Page 69] God the Object of their Worship, for they do not worship an Idol; but they do not make him the End of their Worship: A Man maketh God the End of▪ his Worship, when he will not go away from God, without God; when he looketh to this, that his delight in God be quickned, his depen­dance upon God strengthned, his hatred of Sin encreased, and by every Address to God, is made more like God.

(3.) It reproveth, and disproveth those that put on a garb of Devotion, when ministring before the Lord, but are slight and vain in their ordinary Conversation: A Man should be in some measure such out of Duty, as he giveth out himself to be in Duty; For his whole Life should be, as it were, a continued Act of Wor­ship. Prov. 23. 17. Let not thy Heart envy Sinners, but be thou in the Fear of the Lord all the day long. We should still live in a dependance upon God, and in subjection to him: Psal. 16. 8. I have set the Lord always before me: He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. In Point of Reverence, and in point of Depen­dance, because we are in danger to mis­carry, both by the Delights of Sense, and [Page 70] the Terrors of Sense: If a reverence of, and a dependance on the great God, do still possess our Hearts, we shall carry our selves more soberly as to the Comforts of the World, and not be easily discouraged and daunted with the Fears of the World: This is our Preservative, and maketh us true and faithful to our great End.

3. Those that do not serve God in the Spirit. You should worship God so, as it may look like Worship and Service per­formed to God, and due to God. 'Tis Spiritual Worship God requireth, and is ever pleased with all: He seeketh such to worship him, as worship him in Spirit, and in Truth, Iohn 4. 23. And this is most agreeable to his Nature, Iohn 4. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit and in Truth. When Hearts wander, when Affections do not answer Expressions, Is this like Service and Worship done to an All-seeing, and All-knowing Spirit? Is there any stamp of God upon the Duty, of his Majesty, Goodness, and great Power?

Vse 2. For the Comfort of good Chri­stians: Here is their Carriage towards God briefly set down; They worship God [Page 71] in the Spirit. A Christian is described by his proper Act, Worship; and by the pr [...] ­per Object thereof, God; and by the pro­per part and seat thereof, In the Spirit. Do you worship him with Reverence, and with Delight and Affection; with a Trust, Hope, and Confidence?

1. With Reverence. Considering God's Majesty, and our own Vileness: The Ma­jesty of God; Mal. 1. 13. For I am a great King, saith the Lord of Hosts. Slight Worship, argueth lessening thoughts of God. Do you know to whom you speak! 'Tis a contempt of God, if you think any thing will serve the turn, you have mean thoughts of him, and do not consi­der him as you ought to do: So our vile­ness, Gen. 18. 27. Who am I, that am but Dust and Ashes, that I should speak unto God? Dust, as to the business of his O­riginal, and Ashes by the desert of Sin: In our nearer Approaches to God, thus should we think of our selves.

2. With Delight and Affection, as our reconciled Father in Christ. So, he is to us, as the Well-spring of all Grace and Goodness: The great Work of the Go­spel, is to bring us to God, as a Father, Gal. 4. 6. God as a Judg, by the Spirit [Page 72] of Bondage, driveth us to Christ: But Christ, by the Spirit of Adoption, bring­eth us back again to God as a Father. This is the Evangelical way of worship­ping, that in a Child-like manner we may come to God.

3. With Trust, Hope, and Confidence. He knoweth all our Wants, can relieve all our Necessities: Psal. 57. 2. I will cry unto God most high, who performeth all things for me. Worship would be a cold For­mality, if we had to do with one that knew us not, or had not Sufficiency and Power to help us: But God is Omnisci­ent, and All-sufficient, and hath promised to hear and help us in our straits: He knoweth our Necessities, when we know them not.

II. We come now to the second Cha­racter; And rejoice in Christ Iesus.

Thence observe;

Doct. That the great Work of a Chri­stian, is a rejoicing in Christ Ie­sus, or a thankful sense of our Re­deemer's Mercy.

[Page 73]In opening this Point, I shall use this method.

  • 1 st, Shew you, What is this rejoicing in Christ.
  • 2 dly, I shall prove, That Christ is mat­ter of true Rejoicing, in his Person, Offices, Benefits.
  • 3 dly, That Christians are not sound and sincere in their Profession, un­less they do keep up this Rejoicing in Christ.

1 st, What is this Rejoicing? [...]: The Original word im­plieth such a degree of Joy, as amounts to glorification or boasting; or such an exultation of Mind, as breaketh out into some sensible expression of it. There are in it three things.

(1.) An apprehension of the Good and Benefit which we have by Christ; For otherwise how can we rejoice and glory in Him? 1 Cor. 1. 30, 31. But of him, ye are in Christ Iesus, who of God is made to us, Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption; That according as it is written, He that glorieth, [Page 74] let him glory in the Lord; Christ is All. That our whole Rejoicing may be in him, who hath enlightned us with the Know­ledg of the Gospel, and shewed us the way of Salvation, and is the Author of our Justification and Sanctification, and of our deliverance from all Calamities, and from Death it self. These Benefits are the cause of our rejoicing; namely, the Pro­mises of the Gospel, sealed by his Death, and the Graces conveyed to us by his Spi­rit: We rejoice and glory in him, as the only and all-sufficient Saviour. They that gloried in Circumcision, gloried in their entrance into the Legal Covenant; They became Debtors to the Law, but Christ hath rati [...]ied it in the New Cove­nant by his Blood; therefore here is more abundant cause of rejoicing.

(2.) Due Affections of Contentment, Joy, Love, Exultation of Heart, that followeth thereupon. A blessing our selves in our Portion, that this great Hap­piness is fallen to our share, offered to us at least, if not possessed by us: The very Knowledg of Christianity, breedeth Joy, Acts 8. 8. And there was great joy in that City. That is, upon the tendency of the Gospel, much more when we believe in [Page 75] Christ, and embrace his Religion, and resolve to become his Disciples. They re­ceived his Word gladly, Acts 2. 41. His Doctrine must be welcomed with the Heart, with all Love and Thankfulness: 'Tis said of the Jaylor, Acts 16. 34. That he rejoiced, believing in God, and all his House. He was but newly recovered out of the Suburbs of Hell, ready to kill him­self but just before; so that a Man would think, 'twere easier to fetch Water out of a Flint, or a spark of Fire out of the bot­tom of the Sea, than to expect or find Joy in such an Heart; yea, though still in danger of Life, for treating those as Guests, whom he should have kept as Pri­soners; yet he rejoiced, when acquainted with Salvation by Christ: More especially should we rejoice, when the Comfort is sealed up to our Consciences: Rom. 5. 11. Not only so, but we also joy in God, through our Lord Iesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement. The Eunuch, when he was baptized, He went on his way rejoicing, Acts 8. 39.

(3.) An expression of it, by an open Profession of Christ's Name, both in Word and Deed, what-ever it costs us: They are said to rejoice in Christ Jesus, [Page 76] who in those Times could profess his Name, though with hazard and self-deni­al. As the Thessalonians, who received the Word with much Affliction, and much Assurance, and Joy in the Holy Ghost, 1 Thess. 1. 6. And 'tis expressed by the Parable of the Man that found the true Treasure, and for joy thereof, sold all that he had to buy the Field, Matth. 13. 44. They are willing to lose all other Contentments and Satisfactions for this, Christ is enough. They needed this Joy to encourage them against the Tryals which they then underwent for Christ's sake, and the Gospel's sake.

2 dly, That Christ is matter of true Rejoicing; for they are Fools that rejoice in Bawbles and Trifles. A Christian's Joy may be owned and justified. When Christ's Birth was celebrated by Angels, 'tis said, Luke 2. 10. Behold, I bring you glad tydings of great Ioy. Here is Joy, and great Joy in Salvation by Christ: And Mary, Luk 1. 46, 47. My Soul doth magnify the Lord, and my Spirit doth rejoice in God my Saviour. Surely, there is no cause of Joy wanting in God, and in God coming as a Saviour. In short, In [Page 77] Christianity, all is fitted to fill our Hearts with Delight and Joy.

1. The wonderful Mysteries of our Redemption by Christ. Thereby,

(1.) A way is found out for our Recon­ciliation with God, and how that dread­ful Controversy may be taken up, and Heaven and Earth may kiss each other, 2 Cor. 5. 19. Surely this is glad Tidings of great Joy, to self-condemned Sinners, who stood always in fear of the Wrath of God, and the Flames of Hell: What Joy is it to a condemned Man, that is rea­dy every day to be taken away to Execu­tion, to hear that his Peace is made, that Pardon may be had, if he will seek it, and sue it out?

(2.) A distinct Relation of a defeat of the great Enemies of our Salvation, Death, Hell, the Devil, and the World: He hath not only made our Peace with the Father, by the Blood of his Cross, but vanquished our Spiritual Enemies, and triumphed over them, Col. 2. 14, 15. Long enough might we have lain in Pri­son, before the utmost Farthing had been paid, or done any thing to procure our deliverance, if our compassionate Re­deemer had not taken the Work in hand: [Page 78] had he turned us to any Creature, we had been helpless. 'Twas he purchased Grace to overcome the Devil, the World, and the Flesh; that quickned you when you were dead in Sin; that put Satan out of Office, and delivered us from the present evil World, Gal. 1. 4. And is not this matter of rejoicing to us?

(3.) That hereby he hath not only abo­lished Death, but brought Life, and Re­surrection to Life, 2 Tim. 1. 10. By en­tring into that other World, after his Sufferings, He hath given us a visible Demonstration of the Reality of the World to come, and in his Gospel disco­vered a Blessedness to us, which satiateth the Heart of Man, and salveth the great Sore of the whole Creation: If God had made nothing richer than the World, the Heart of Man would have been as Levia­than in a little Pool.

2. In the Promises of Christ, there is matter of Joy. In the general, God is your God, and that's more than to have all the World to be yours; compare Gen. 17. 7. I will establish my Covenant be­tween me and thee, and thy Seed after thee in their Generations, for an everlasting Co­venant; to be a God unto thee, and thy [Page 79] Seed after thee. With Psal. 144. 15. Hap­py is that People whose God is the Lord. We have an Eternal and Allsufficient God to live upon, and from whom to derive our Joy and Comfort. A God infinite in Power, Wisdom, and Goodness, to be our Portion. And where is Matter of Joy and Comfort, if not in God? Be­hold the difference between Carnal Men and the Children of God; The World is their Portion, and God is ours; and who is better provided for? More especially we are told, 1 Tim. 4. 8. That Godliness hath the Promises of this Life, and that which is to come. Heaven and Earth are laid at the Feet of Godliness; what would you more [...] Surely we have full Consola­tion offered to us in the Promises of the Gospel; He can want nothing to his Com­fort who [...] hath an Interest in them. To instance in the lowest Blessings, those which concern this Life: God is our God, that can cure all Diseases, overcome all Enemies, supply all Wants, deliver in all Dangers, and will do it so far as is for our good; and desires of any thing beyond this, are not to be satisfied, but mortified, Psal. 84. 11. But then for the more Ex­cellent Promises of the New Covenant, [Page 80] which concern another World, such as the pardoning of our Sins, the healing our Natures, and the glorifying of our Per­sons; 2 Pet. 1. 4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the World through lust. The par­don of all our Sins, which are the great trouble and burden of the Creatures. Who will rejoice like the pardoned Sin­ner, who is discharged of his Debt, eased of his Burthen, and hath his Filth covered? Psal. 32. 1. Blessed is the Man whose Transgression is forgiven, whose Sin i [...] covered. O the blessedness of the Man [...] He is like one fetched back from Execu­tion. Then, the taking away of the sto­ny Heart, and the giving of an Holy and Heavenly Heart. Oh what Matter of Joy is this! to have all things necessary to Life and Godliness: What's the trouble of a gracious Heart, but the Relicts of Corruption? Rom. 7. 24. Paul groaneth sorely, but yet blesseth God for his Hopes by Christ; Vers. 25. Renewing Grace is dearly bought, and plentifully bestowed, Titus 3. 5, 6. and graciously offered to those that will seek after it. Prov. 1. 23. [Page 81] Turn you at my Reproof; Behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you. And this pro­mise to be fulfilled by a Divine Power; 2 Pet. 1. 3. Oh what a Comfort is the Redeemer's Grace, to a Soul that hath been long exercised in subduing Sin! 'Tis true, it groans while 'tis a doing, yet the very groans of the Sick, shew that Life and Health is sweet: Healing, re­newing Grace maketh other Things sweet: as your whole Duty to God; It maketh it become your Delight. But the great Promise is Eternal Life: 1 John 2. 25. And this is the Promise that he hath promised us, even Eternal Life. That's a Matter of Joy indeed: What! to live for ever with God! the fore-thought of it reviveth us; the fore-taste of it is a kind of Heaven upon Earth, 1 Pet. 1. 8. The certain hope of it will swallow up all Grief and Sor­row, Rom. 5. 2, 3. So that there is no question, but that in the Promises of Christ, there is Matter of great Joy.

3. The Enjoiments of Christianity are very pleasing: I add this to shew you, that it is not all in expectation, if we con­sider not only what we shall be, but what we are. For the present;

[Page 82](1.) We have peace of Conscience, Rom. 5. 1. Mat. 11. 29. Phil. 4. 7. Rest for our Souls is anxiously sought after in other things, but only found in Christ's Religion, and living according to the Precepts and Institutions thereof. As Noah's Dove found not a place whereon to rest the sole of her Foot; so we flut­ter up and down, but never have any firm peace of Heart and Conscience, till we submit to Christ, and take his coun­sel.

(2.) A sence of the Love of God; Rom. 5. 5. Because the Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Spirit given unto us. And, 1 Pet. 2. 3. If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

(3.) God's Presence with us, and our Communion with him. 1 Iohn 1. 3, 4. And truly our Fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Iesus Christ, that your Ioy may be full. And, Iohn 8. 29.

(4.) Access to God, with assurance of Welcome and Audience. John 16. 24. Whatsoever ye ask in my Name, ye shall re­ceive, that your Ioy may be full.

(5.) The Fore-tastes of the Life to come; Rom. 8. 23. and 2 Cor. 3. 5. So [Page 83] that all is to stir up this Delight and Joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. The Precepts of Christ shew, that we have Matter of Rejoicing in him. What are the great Duties required? To love God! Now what pain is it to delight in the Lord as our All-sufficient Portion? To be mindful of him, and meditate of his Excellencies and Benefits: Psal. 104. 34. My Meditation of him shall be sweet, I will be glad in the Lord. Is it any toilsome thing to come in a childish man­ner, and unbosome our selves to him, and beg the renewed Testimonies of his Love to us, especially when set awork by the Holy Ghost? Gal. 4. 6. To believe in Christ, 'tis difficult; but pleasant to con­sider the Lord Jesus as the suitable Re­medy for the lapsed Estate of Mankind, both as to his Work with God and us: Heb. 3. 1. He came to destroy Sin and Misery! When-ever we reflect upon Christ, what do we find but ample grounds of Joy? John 14. 1. Let not your Hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. That is, to get off our trouble, consider, we have an Alsufficient God, and an Alsufficient Mediator. Rom. 15. 13. Now the God of Hope fill you with all [Page 84] Ioy and Peace in believing, that ye may abound in Hope, through the Power of the Holy Ghost. Repentance requireth sor­row for Sin, only as it tendeth to Joy and Comfort, Matth. 5. 5. 'Tis a tor­menting, but a curing Sorrow. The Word of God taketh care, that a Peni­tent, who hath foully miscarried, should not be swallowed up of over-much grief, 2 Cor. 2. 7. In the general, Repentance and Mortification are our Physick to ex­pel the noxious Humours, that would bring us, not only to Death, but to Dam­nation; and to keep the Soul in due plight and health. And then for Self-Government; We are to bridle our Pas­sions and Appetites: Gal. 5. 24. They that are Christ's, have crucified the Flesh, with the Affections and Lusts. The bridling our Passions, 'tis but forbidding us to be mi­serable, and throw out every thing that would disquiet the Soul. Christ's great care was, that the reasonable Creature might live in Peace, and Holy Security; therefore hath discharged our Cares, and Sorrows, and Fears: Our Cares, that they might not distract our Minds: Phil. 4. 6. Be careful for nothing. And, 1 Pet. 5. 7. Cast all your care upon the Lord. These [Page 85] Prohibitions shew you the Goodness of Christ; He hath made it unlawful for you to be troubled, and to perplex your Minds with anxious and distrustful Thoughts. Oh! what pleasant Lives might we live, if we could intirely cast our selves into the Arms of God, and re­fer all things to the Wisdom and powerful Conduct of his Providence! The Scrip­ture is as plentiful also in forbidding Sor­row; 1 Thess. 4. 13. Sorrow not as those that are without Hope. Dejection and an­guish of Spirit is your Sin. So for Fear; Isa. 41. 10. Fear not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God. Heb. 13. 6. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, I will not fear what Man can do unto me. What should a Christian fear? Dangers by the way? God is his Helper: To be cast into Hell when he goeth out of the World? Christ hath shewed him how to flee from Wrath to come: He feareth it with a Fear of Caution, so as to shun it; but not with a Fear of Perplexity, so as to disquiet and perplex his Soul, for Jesus hath delivered him from Wrath to come, 1 Thess. 1. 10. Christianity is as contrary to Sadness and Misery, as Life to Death, and Light to [Page 86] Darkness: For the other, the crucifying and bridling of our Lusts, which carry us to the good things of this World; why, that is troublesome, to be debarred of the Delights which Nature affects! But here are no rigorous Exactions, but such as are agreeable to the reasonable Nature: Christ hath forbidden us no Pleasure, but what may be a Sin, or a Snare to us: He would not have Man to degenerate and turn Beast. All Christ's Restraints are but necessary Cautions for our safety: Is it burdensome to a Man to keep out of Danger's way, and to avoid such things as are destructive to his Soul? If a Friend will take out of our hands, the Knife with which we would not only cut our Fingers, but our Throats; Is he to be blamed? Or is he your Enemy, who for­biddeth you to drink Poison? Forbidden Fruit costs dear in the Issue.

5. For those Duties which concern our Neighbour. To love all Men; to do good to all Men, 'tis a Blessed and God­like thing, to be giving rather than re­ceiving, Acts 20. 35. The delight of do­ing good, is much more than the cost; 'tis to be as earthly Gods among our Neighbours. This Work rewardeth it [Page 87] self, because 'tis such a contentment and satisfaction to our Minds. For Justice: To do, as we would be done to; what more pleasant? We would have others bound by these Laws, why not our selves? 'Tis horrible to require one measure of dealing from them to us, and use a quite contrary our selves! Would Men hate, defraud, oppress others, and expect no­thing but kind and righteous dealing from them? this is a gross partiality: There­fore as our Interest calleth for Justice, so doth our Conscience; and it would be a trouble and an affront to Reason not to do it. So for Fidelity in our Relations: These things maintain order of Families, and conduce to our safety and private peace, as well as they belong to our Duty to God: So that on which side soever we look, we see what Matter of Joy there is in Christ.

I come now to shew you,

Thirdly, The Reasons why Christians are not sacred and sincere in their Profes­sion, unless they keep up this rejoicing in Christ.

1. We do not else give Christ his due Honour, if we do not esteem him who is so excellent in himself, and so beneficial to us, even to a degree of Rejoycing: The magnifying of Christ was intended by God, in the whole Business of our Re­demption and Deliverance, that we might esteem him, delight in him, count all things Dung and Dross, that we might gain him: Now we do not comply with this End, but have mean thoughts of his Grace, if we be not affected with Joy at it.

It argueth a double defect;

(1.) That we are not sensible of our great misery without him.

Nor, (2.) affected with the great Love he hath shewed in our Deliverance, and the Felicity accruing to us thereby.

(1.) We are not duly sensible of our great Misery without him. Alas, What could we have done, without his Passion and Intercession? If he had not died for Sinners, What had you to answer to the T [...]rrors of the Law, the Accusations of your Consciences, the Fears of Hell, and approaching Damnation? How could you look God in the Face, or think one com­fortable thought of him? Had we wept [Page 89] out our Eyes, and prayed out our Hearts, and never committed Sin again; this would not have made God satisfaction for Sin past: Paying new Debts, doth not quit old Scores: Long enough might we have lain in our Blood, e're we could have found out a Ransom which God would accept; besides him there is no Sa­viour. And then for his Intercession: If he did not hide your nakedness, and pro­cure you a daily Pardon, you would not be an hour longer out of Hell. If he did not bring you to God, you could have no comfortable access to him: Your Prayer would be cast back as Dung in your Faces, if the Merit of his Sacrifice did not make them accepted. And shall all this be told you, and owned by you for Truth; and will you not rejoice that God hath found a Ransom, and provided an Intercessor for you? Surely it cannot be imagined that you are sensible of your case, if you be not thankful for your Remedy.

(2.) You are not affected with the great Love which Christ hath shewed in your Deliverance; nor the Felicity ac­cruing to you thereby. 'Tis said, Ephes. 3. 19. That you may know the Love of God [Page 90] which passeth knowledg. Before he had pressed them to make it their study to comprehend the heighth, length, and breadth; and when they have all done, the Love of Christ passeth Knowledg: Christ would pose Men and Angels with an heap of Wonders, in delivering us from Misery and Sin. Now should not we rejoice and make our boast of this! Surely, we vilify and bring down the price of these Wonders of Love, if we entertain them with cold Thoughts, and without some considerable Acts of Joy and Thankfulness. Shall Angels wonder, and we the Parties interessed not rejoice! Certainly we are not affected with the great Felicity accruing to us. Felicity cannot be sought after without the highest Affections and Endeavours. Now if we can rejoice in Trifles, and not rejoice in the Love of God; How can we be said to mind these things?

2. A Man's Joy distinguisheth him. There is a seeking Joy, and a complacen­tial Joy. Psal. 119. 14. I have rejoiced in the Way of thy Testimonies, as much as in all Riches. 'Tis good to observe what it is that putteth Gladness into our Hearts: The Love of God, and his Goodness in [Page 91] Christ. Every Man is discovered by his complacency, or displiciency. Psalm. 4. 7. Thou hast put Gladness into my Heart, more than in the time that their Corn and their Wine increased. Rom. 8. 5. They that are after the Flesh, do mind the things of the Flesh: but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. To rejoice in the Creatures, as accommodating or pleasing the Flesh, is the Joy of the Carnal: To rejoice in outward Ordinances and Privi­leges, without other things, is the Joy of the Hypocrite and common Professors. Let us carry it a little farther; The De­vils, and Damned, are out of all hope and possibility of Joy: The Angels, and glorified Saints, rejoice in the full fruition of God: There is Gaudium Viae, and Gaudium Patriae; there is the Joy of the Way, and the Joy of our Home, at our Journey's End. The latter is set forth Psal. 16. 11. In thy presence is fulness of Ioy; at thy right Hand are Pleasures for evermore. The other is in Christ, and the use of his healing and recovering Me­thods, and the desires and hopes of the Glory to come. This is the Joy, or well-pleasedness of mind, which is proper to us in our Journey: 1 Pet. 1. 8. In whom be­lieving, [Page 92] ye rejoice with Ioy unspeakable, and full of Glory. The Comfort of Travel­lers differeth from that which a Man hath in Heaven: 'Tis a Joy that he hath, as he is going Home; and therefore how should the serious Christian be described, but by his rejoicing in Christ Jesus?

Vse 1. To reprove those that cannot keep up their Rejoycing in Christ Jesus, as soon as they are mated with any Cala­mity or Affliction in the World. Is not Grace better than any natural Comfort taken from us? Heb. 12. 11. No chastning for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; Nevertheless, afterwards it yield­eth the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness, unto them which are exercised thereby. Surely when we have such cause of rejoycing in Christ, to be dejected with every little Adversity, sheweth weak Faith. Have you Peace with God, and Communion with him at every turn? and shall a blast­ing of the Creature destroy all your Com­fort? Have you hope of Glory, and can­not you bear a Disappointment in the World? Are you assured of the Care of your Heavenly Father, and his particular Providence over you, and yet so full of [Page 93] grudging and repining Thoughts, when he retrencheth you a little, and blasteth your worldly Probabilities? Surely it argueth too much addictedness to present Comforts, and love of the ease of the Flesh! Have you a due sense of the World to come, and that better, and enduring Substance; and yet complain so bitterly of Worldly Losses? Have you a God in Covenant with you, who hath engaged all his Love, Wisdom, and Power, to help you, and to turn all things to your Good? Rom. 8. 28. What though the tryal of your Faith and Patience be very sore? Did you capitulate with God, and bargain with him how much you would suffer the Flesh to be cros [...]ed, and that in such sharp Afflictions you would be excu­sed, that your Gourd should not be alto­gether smitten and dried up? You can bear any other Cross but this; but was this excepted out of your Resignation?

2. It reproveth those that cherish a car­nal Rejoicing. A Believer should rejoice in Christ Jesus. Luke 10. 19, 20. Behold, I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents, and Scorpions, and over all the Power of the Enemy, &c. Notwithstanding, in this re­joice not, that the Spirits are subject unto [Page 94] you: but rather rejoice, because your Names are written in Heaven. Rejoice not in this, that you are in Dignity and Ho­nour; This is not your Felicity, nor the direct way to your Felicity; the higher you climb, your Station is the more dan­gerous: They are safer that stand on the Ground, than those that are on a Pinacle: Rejoice not, in that you have abundance of earthly Riches, but that you have a taste of higher and better things: Be not affected so deeply with lower Mercies, as to overlook the special Mercies that ac­company Salvation: Rejoice not in this, that you have convenient Habitations in this World; but in that you have a Build­ing of God, an House not made with Hands, Eternal in the Heavens: In that you have comely Bodies, but that you have hopes of a better Resurrection, when this mortal shall put on Immortality. Not in the Nobility of your Birth, but that you are born of the Spirit. John 1. 12, 13. To as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his Name: which were born, not of Blood, nor of the Will of the Flesh, nor of the Will of Man, but of God. Rejoice not in that you have [Page 95] great Friends to stand by you; but that in the New Covenant you are made a Friend of God, as Abraham was. Not in that you have costly Accommodations to please the Flesh: No, this may be the bane of your Souls: Rom. 8. 13. They that live after the Flesh, shall die. And, Luke 16. 25. Son, Remember that thou in thy Life­time receivedst thy good things. (Dives fa­red deliciously every day, and Lazarus was full of Sores, and desirous to be fed with the Crumbs which fell from the Rich Man's Table): Thou hast received thy good Things, and Lazarus evil Things: but now he is Comforted, and thou art Tormented.

Vse 2. Is to incourage you to Rejoice in Christ Jesus. Now because we are helpers of your Joy, 1 Cor. 1. 24. And God is best pleased with this frame of Spi­rit, 1 Thess. 5. 16. I shall resume the main Discourse; And,

1. Handle the Nature of it.

2. Shew you whether this Joy may be without Assurance.

3. Shew you the spiritual Profit of it.

4. The Helps or Means by which it is raised in us.

[Page 96]1. For the Nature of it. 'Tis an Act of Love, begotten in us by the sense of the Love of Christ, revealed in the Word, and shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost; whereby the Soul is more affected with delight in the Grace of the Redeemer, than with all other things whatsoever.

In which Description, Observe, 1. 'Tis an Act of Love. The Acts of Love are two: Desire, and Delight. They both agree in this, That they are conversant a­bout good, and are founded in esteem: We think it good. They differ, because Desire is the Motion and Exercise of Love, and Delight the Quiet and Repose of it. Desire is expressed in that Speech, Psalm. 63. 8. My Soul followeth hard after thee. A Believer cannot forbear to seek after God. Desire of Union, keepeth us up in the pursuit of him. Delight is expres­sed in that form of Speech, Psal. 16. 5, 6. The Lord is the Portion of my Inheritance, and my Cup. The Lines are fallen unto me in a pleasant place; yea, I have a goodly He­ritage. He hath all his Joy, and Pleasure, and Contentment in God. Desire, sup­poseth some want or absence of the va­lued Object: Delight, some kind of En­joyment: Either he is ours, or might be [Page 97] ours if we would our selves. For the Of­fer is cause of Joy, as well as the Injoy­ment. If our Desires have reached the lovely Object, 'tis cause of Joy; or if it be within our reach. As when Christ and his Benefits are offered to us, and left up­on our choice. And therefore 'tis said, Jonah 2. 8. They that observe lying Vanities, forsake their own Mercies. Their own, though not possessed by them, yet they are offered to them: They might have been their own, if they did not exclude themselves: The Object is in a sort pre­sent, and brought home to us in the Offers of the Gospel.

2. 'Tis an Act of Love begotten in us, by the sense of the Love of Christ: For Love only begetteth Love; 1 Iohn 4. 19. We love him, because he loved us first. The Object of Love, is Goodness: Now we love God in Christ, for the Goodness that is in him, the Goodness that floweth from him, and the Goodness we expect from him; all these attract our Love.

(1.) The Goodness that is in him; Mo­ral and Beneficial: Moral, which is his Holiness, Psal. 119. 140. Thy Word is very pure, therefore thy Servant loveth it. If we Love his Law, for the purity thereof, [Page 98] then certainly we must love God, how else can we study to imitate him? for we imitate only that which we love, and de­light in as good. Then for his Beneficial Goodness; Psal. 100. 5. For the Lord is Good, his Mercy is everlasting; and his Truth endureth to all Generations. And, Psal. 119. 68. Thou art Good, and dost good.

(2.) The Goodness that floweth from him: Not only in our Creation, but our Redemption by Christ, which is the stu­pendous Instance of his Goodness to Man. Titus 3. 4. After the kindness and love of God our Saviour towards Man ap­peared, &c. (In the Creation, there was [...], in Redemption, [...] That God found a Ransom for us, and so great as his only begotten Son; this was Love and Goodness indeed.

(3.) The Goodness we expect from him, both in this World, and the next: Here, Reconciliation, and Remission of Sins, which is a Blessing that doth much draw the Heart of Man to delight in Christ. For she loved much, to whom much was forgiven, Luke 7. 47. We keep off from a condemning God, but draw nigh to a pardoning God. Therefore the [Page 99] Apostle saith, Heb. 7. 19. The bringing in of this better Hope by the Gospel, doth cause us to draw nigh to God. Being at peace with God, and reconciled to him, we may have access with confidence, and boldness, to the Throne of Grace, are no more at distance with God, looking upon him as a consuming Fire. The Go­spel giveth us liberty to come to him, and expect the Mercy and Bounty of God, through Jesus Christ. So in the next World Eternal Life and Glory, which is our great Reward, merited by Christ; Mat. 5. 12. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your Reward in Heaven. This is a solid, lasting, satisfying, substanti­al Good. Worldly Joys are but seeming, they appear and vanish in a moment, every blast of Temptation scattereth them. Well then, offers of Pardon, and Life by Christ, are the Matters of this Joy, as they free us from the greatest Miseries, and bring us to the enjoyment of the truest Happiness. If you ask me then, Why is a Christian described rather by rejoicing in Christ, than by rejoycing in the par­don of Sins, and Eternal Blessedness? I Answer, Because Christ is the Author and Procurer of these things to us; And by [Page 100] our Joy, we express not only our esteem of these Benefits, but our gratitude and thankfulness for the Mercy and Bounty of God, and the great Love of our Re­deemer.

3. The Description sheweth, how the sence of this Goodness is begotten in us: The Love of Christ is revealed in the Word, and shed abroad in our Hearts, by the Holy Ghost; And I add, Believed by Faith, and improved by Medita­tion.

(1.) 'Tis revealed in the Gospel, or Word of Salvation which is sent to us. Therefore 'tis said, Acts 13. 48. When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the Word of God; and as many as were ordained to Eternal Life, believed. Surely the Mind of Man, which is natu­rally discomforted, and weakned, and strangely haunted with Doubts and Fears about the pardon of Sin, and Eternal Life, is mightily revived and encouraged with these glad Tydings of this Salvation, dispensed to us by a sure Covenant, Heb. 6. 18. And if the Gentiles that heard these things were glad, proportionably we should be glad, for the Gospel should ne­ver be as stale News to Sinners, or as a [Page 101] Jest often told: Our Necessities are as deep as theirs, and the Covenant standeth as firm to us, as it did to them: There­fore if we have the Heart of a guilty Man, it should be as welcome to us.

(2.) 'Tis shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost. So much is asserted by the Apostle. Rom. 5. 5. The Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Our dry Reason cannot give such a lively sense of these Comforts, as the Revelation of the Holy Ghost. And this is the difference be­tween a believing by Tradition, and be­lieving by Inspiration. Believing by Tra­dition, giveth us but cold thoughts of these Mysteries; but believing by Inspira­tion, warmeth the Heart, and reviveth it with an unspeakable Joy; and is called, tasting the good Word; which is the privi­lege of those who are enlightned by the Spirit, Heb. 6. 4. And a tasting that the Lord is gracious, 1 Pet. 2. 3. which much differeth from the common reflection up­on those things which Flesh and Blood may give us, or the bare reports of Men stir up in us. The Spirits light is lovely, and ravisheth, and tra [...]sporteth the Soul; And where it is permanent, and rooted, it [Page 102] effectually changeth the Soul. Some [...] are altogether careless, not affected at all with these things, as the habituated worldly Sinner, 1 Cor. 2. 14. They are folly to him. For Spiritual Things must be spiri­tually discerned: Some are to a degree affected by the common Work of the Spi­rit, Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. but 'tis not rooted, 'tis not predominate, so as to control other Af­fections and Delights; they have a re­joicing in the Offers of Pardon and Life, but 'tis a Joy that leaveth some darling Sin still predominant. But there is a third sort, that have such a taste of these things, that they are renewed and changed by it, Heb. 3. 6. Now then, if you would have this rejoicing in Christ Jesus, you must apply your selves to Christ, in the use of the appointed means, for the renewing of your Natures; for Love and Delight are never forced, nor will be drawn forth by bare Commands and Threatnings, yea, and not by the proposal of Promises, though the Injoiments be never so great and glorious. This may a little stir us, and this is the Matter of Joy, but not the Cause of Joy. But this Joy, proceedeth partly from the Inclination, when the Heart is suited, and partly from the at­tractive [Page 103] goodness of the Object: and both are powerfully done by the Holy Spirit, as the Heart is renewed, and the Object is most effectually represented by him, Ephes. 1. 17, 18. And this we must wait for.

(3.) 'Tis received, and believed by Faith. This is often told us in the Scrip­ture, 1 Pet. 1. 18. In whom believing, ye rejoice with Ioy unspeakable, and full of Glory. And, Rom. 15. 13. The God of Hope fill you with Ioy and Peace in be­lieving. We cannot be affected with the great Things Christ hath done and pur­chased for us, till we believe them. There is in Faith, three things, Assent, Consent, and Affiance.

(1.) Assent, or a firm and certain be­lief of the Truth of the Gospel concern­ing Christ, as the only sufficient Saviour, by whom alone God will give us the par­don of Sins, and Eternal Life. John 4. 42. We have heard him our selves, and know, that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the World. And, Iohn 6. 69. We believe and are sure, that thou art that Christ, th [...] Son of the Living God. When we are ve­rily perswaded of this, as we are of any thing that appeareth true to us; this stir­reth [Page 104] up Joy. Others have but an hear­say Knowledg, not a Believing Assent. Surely Christ is a delectable Object, what hindereth then, but that we rejoice in him! Nothing but want of Faith: For if this be true, we so Necessitous, and he so Al-sufficient a Remedy; why are we not so affected with these things, as the worth of them doth deserve! Nothing can be rationally said, but that we are not soundly perswaded of the truth of it.

(2.) A Consent. This Grace is dispen­sed by a Convenant which bindeth mutu­ally; assureth us of Happiness, and requi­reth Duty from us. Therefore, an un­feigned Consent, or a readiness to fulfil those terms expressed in the Promise, is required of us; or a resolution to repent and obey the Gospel. Christ hath Offices and Relations that imply our Comfort; and other Offices and Relations which imply our Duty: Or rather, the same do both; He is our Teacher, and King, as well as our Priest; and we must submit to be ruled and taught by him, as well as depend upon the Merit of his Sacrifice and Intercession. Heb. 5. 9. And being made perfect, he became the Author of Et [...] ­nal Salvation to all them that obey him. And [Page 105] they are so taught the Truth that is in Jesus, that they put off the Old Man, and put on the New, Ephes. 4. 20, 21. True Be­lievers, must be Scholars daily learning somewhat from Christ: yea, his Priest­hood implieth Duty, Dependance, hum­ble Addresses. A broken-hearted coming to God by him: As his Kingship and Pro­phetical Office implieth privilege also. His defending and teaching us by his Spirit.

(3.) There is Affiance: Which is a re­posing of our Hearts, or a relying upon God, promising remission of Sins, and Eternal Life for Christ's sake alone; that he will be as good as his word, while we diligently use the Means ordained to this end, Rom. 2. 7. And this Confidence hath an influence upon this Joy, Heb. 3. 6. or a delightful sense of our Redeemer's Grace.

4. 'Tis improved by Meditation: For the greatest things do not work, unless we think of them, and work them into our Hearts. The natural way of Opera­tion is, That Object [...]tir up Thoughts, and Thoughts stir up Affections; Psal. 104. 34. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord. The [Page 106] more frequent and serious Thoughts we have of the Love of God in Christ, and the more deep and ponderous they are, the more do they blow up this Holy Fire into a Flame. Now for this end was the Lord's Supper instituted, where the whole Gospel is applied and sealed to us, that this delight might be afresh acted and stir­red in us at the Lord's Table, while our minds are taken up in considering Christ the great Apostle and High Priest of our Confession, Heb. 3. 1. Surely it should not be an idle and fruitless Contemplati­on; it should stir up Love, and what stirreth up Love, stirreth up Delight. I come now to the last part of the De­scription.

5. The particular Affection caused by this sense is mentioned: We delight in the Grace of the Redeemer, more than in all other things whatsoever.

Where, 1. Take noice of the Affecti­on it self.

Then, 2. The Degree of it.

1. The Affection it self: Which is De­light, or a well-pleasedness of Mind, in the Grace that is brought to us by the Knowledg of Christ. This inlargeth the Heart, and filleth it with a Sweetness and Content­ment; [Page 107] and the Vent of it is Praise, for the Heart being inlarged, cannot hold and contain it self: Psal. 33. 14. I will shew forth all they Praise in the Gates of the Daughter of Sion: I will rejoice in thy Sal­vation. Joy cannot be kept within doors, it will break out in all suitable ways of Expression: The Heart doth first Re­joice, and then the Tongue doth over­flow: The Heart is filled with Joy, and then the Tongue with Thanksgiving. So Psal. 35. 9. My Soul shall be joyful in the Lord; it shall rejoice in his Salvation. No­thing disposeth the Heart to praise so much, as this Holy Joy. There is no true Thanksgiving, if this be not at the bot­tom of it.

2. For the Degree: The Heart doth delight in Christ above all other Things: As to the sensitive Expression, in the live­ly stirring of Joy, we may to appearance be more affected with outward Benefits; because fleshly Objects do more work upon our fleshly senses, as carrying a greater suitableness to them. Religion is a grave severe thing, not seen so much in actual Transports, as in the habitual com­placency, and well-pleasedness of the Mind: yet in sol [...]mn Duties, th [...]re may be as [Page 108] great Ravishment of Soul; Psalm. 6. 35. My Soul shall be ravished as with Marrow and Fatness; and my Mouth shall praise thee with joyful Lips. When they feel the Love of God shed abroad in their Hearts, they are in effect transported with it, more than with all the Delicates and Ban­quets of the World, and cannot hold from praising God: But generally it must be measured by our solid complacency, and judicious esteem: What we prize most, and would least want, and would not for­go for all other things; so the Saints re­joice in God and Christ, more than in any worldly Matter whatsoever. Psalm. 73. 25. Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and there is none upon Earth that I desire besides thee. Psal. 119. 14. I have rejoiced in the way of thy Testimonies, as much as in all Riches. Psal. 4. 6, 7. There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon us; That hast put Gladness in my Heart, more than in the time that their Corn and their Wine increased. Psalm. 63. 3. Because thy loving Kindness is better than Life, my Lips shall praise thee. This is that which they love most, and keep best, and are most loth to want. This is that which [Page 109] giveth a value to Life it self; and without which, that which is most precious and desirable, is little or nothing worth; and giveth them more comfort, then what is most comfortable in this World; and is the most chearful Employment for their Thoughts to think upon. This is delight in Christ.

Q. Whether this may be had without Assurance? And can those who are dark in their interest in Christ, and know not whe­ther they have any Grace or no, rejoice in him? To this I Answer; Yes certainly: For there are general Grounds of re­joicing; for the Gospel bringeth glad Tydings to Sinners, as it offereth to them a way how to escape out of their misery, and enter into the Peace of God.

But more distinctly;

1. The Scripture speaketh of a two-fold rejoicing in Christ; Before Faith, and After Faith. Before Faith is full grown, and is but in the making, as those, Acts 13. 48.— When they heard this, they were glad, &c. And he that had found the true Treasure, for Joy thereof sold all that he had, Matth. 13. 44. There was Joy before the thorow consent, though introductive of it, yet antecedent to it. [Page 101] And the reason is, because God hath shew­ed them the way, how to free themselves from Misery, and to enjoy true Felici­ty and Happiness. Now if there may be a Joy before Faith, certainly before Assu­rance. The very offer of a Remedy, is comfortable when in misery. And then there is a Joy after Faith; as Joy and Peace in Believing: when they take the course to get this Liberty and Deliverance by Christ; yet this is Faith, not Assu­rance. As a sick Man, when he heareth of an able Physician, who hath cured many of the same Disease wherewith he is oppressed, he rejoiceth, and conceiveth some hope that he may be cured also; When he hath lighted upon this Physici­an, and beginneth to make use of his Healing Medicines, he is more glad, and expecteth the Cure: But when he is per­fectly recovered, and feeleth it, then he is glad indeed. So when a broken-hear­ted Creature heareth the glad Tidings of the Gospel, that Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners; he rejoiceth that God hath found out such a Saviour to recover the lapsed Estate of Mankind: But when he submitteth to Christ's Heal­ing Methods, and trusts himself with his [Page 111] skill and fidelity, he is more comforted, and doth more intimately feel the benefit of this course in his own Soul; but as he groweth more assured of his Health and Salvation, his Comfort still increaseth, and his Joy is more unspeakable and glorious: So that this Joy may be without assurance, for the Causes of it at first, are Knowledg and Faith.

2. There is a Joy that accompanieth seeking, even before we attain what we seek after. Psal. 105. 3. Let the Heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. There is a great deal of Contentment in this course, though that complacential Joy, which is our full Reward, be yet reserved for us; yet there is a Joy in seeking: Better be a Seeker, than a Wanderer. This Blessed Saviour am I waiting upon! Though we have attained to little Communion with him, yet 'tis a comfort, that we are seek­ing farther measure: Delight and Joy keepeth up our endeavours.

3. When our Right is cleared, then we have more abundant Joy. 2 Pet. 1. 10, 11. Wherefore the rather, Brethren, give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure; for if ye do these things, you shall never fall: For so an Entrance shall be administred to [Page 112] you abundantly, into the Everlasting King­dom of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Some are afar off, others not far from the Kingdom of God: Others make an hard shift to go to Heaven, through many Doubts and Fears; some sail into the Ha­ven of Glory with full Sails, with much Joy and Peace of Soul.

3. I shall shew you the Spiritual Pro­fit of this Joy.

(1.) 'Tis such a Joy as doth enlarge our Heart in Duty, and strengthens us in the way of God: Nehem. 8. 10. The Ioy of the Lord is your strength. There is a na­tural deadness and dulness in Holy Duties, which we often find in our selves, which cometh to pass partly from the back-bias of Corruption, weakning our Delight in God; and partly from the remissness of our Will towards Spiritual and Heavenly Things: Now the most proper and kind­ly cure of it, is this Delight and Rejoi­cing in Christ; for a Man will readily do those things which he delighteth in, though [...]oilsom and difficult. Let the Heart be but affected with the Grace of Christ, and our Joy will soon vent it self in a thank­ful and delightful Obedience; 1 John 5. 3. For this is the Love of God, that we [Page 113] keep his Commandments, and his Com­mandments are not grievous. Psalm. 119. 14. I have rejoiced in the way of thy Testi­monies, as much as in all Riches. Psal. 40. 8. I delight to do thy Will, O my God; yea, thy Law is within my Heart. The hardest Services are pleasant to one that delight­eth in Christ; they are sweetned by his Love, and quickned, and inlivened by the sense and esteem that we have of the Benefits he procureth for us. Shall we refuse to do any thing for such a compas­sionate Saviour, who died for us, to recon­cile us to God, and bring us to the ever­lasting fruition of him? So that the Life of all Obedience dependeth on this Joy.

(2.) 'Tis our Cordial, to fortify us a­gainst all the Calamities and Infelicities of the present World, and maketh every bit­ter thing sweet to us; whether they be the common Afflictions incident to Man, or Persecutions for Righteousness-sake.

1. For the common Afflictions: A Christian is never in a right Frame, 'till he hath learned Contentment in all Estates. That he doth not over-joy in worldly Comforts, nor over-grieve for worldly Losses, 1 Cor. 7. 3. But carrieth himself as one that is above the Hopes and Fears [Page 114] of the World: Now there are many Means to be used, that we may get this humble and composed frame of Heart; but the most constant and effectual care of worldly Sorrow, is to keep our rejoycing in Jesus Christ, and to be satisfied with the Fruits of his Redemption: This, like the Wood that was cast in at Marah, to make the bitter Waters sweet, doth swee­ten our Troubles, and supply our Wants, and swallow up our Griefs and Infelicities; for we have that in Christ, which is bet­ter than the natural comfort taken from us: Hab. 3. 17, 18. Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall Fruit be in the Vines; the labour of the Olive shall fail, and the Fields shall yield no Meat; the Flock shall be cut off from the Fold, and there shall be no Herd in the Stalls. Yet will I rejoice in the Lord: I will joy in the God of my Salvation. He supposeth not only some want, but an utter destitution and desolation of all things, and yet his Heart was kept up by Joy in God. So elsewhere, Rom. 12. 12. Rejoicing in Hope, patient in Tribulation, continuing instant in Prayer. The Comfort of Reconciliation with God, and the Hopes of Heaven, do most breed Patience in Afflictions: And [Page 115] certainly Joy is the best cure of Sorrow. Contraria contrariis cura [...]tur. Now the Joy that must be opposed to worldly Sorrow, is not Worldly, but either Spi­ritual, or Heavenly Joy. Spiritual in the present Fruits of Christ's Death; Heb. 12. 11. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: never­theless, afterwards it yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Heavenly; surely Eter­nal Joys will best vanquish Temporal Sorrows; Heb. 12. 2. Looking unto Iesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; who for the Ioy that was set before him, endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God. This will enable us patiently and chearfully to bear all things.

2. Persecutions: We need to be forti­fied against this, that we may boldly pro­fess our Faith in Christ, without any fear of Sufferings, and may not faint under them, but bear them with courage and constancy. Now this is the Fruit of this rejoicing in Christ; witness these Scrip­tures, Acts 5. 41. They went away rejoice­ing, that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his Name. Heb. 10. 34. Ye took [Page 116] joyfully the spoiling of your Goods, knowing in your selves, that ye have in Heaven, a better and an enduring Substance. So, Mat. 5. 12. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your Reward in Heaven; for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you. And in many other places; and, 1 Pet. 4. 13. Rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's Sufferings; that when his Glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with an exceeding Ioy. And, Iames 1. 4. Count it all Ioy, when ye fall into divers Trials. Surely, Christ and Heaven are worth something, and such Trials do in part shew, how much we esteem him, and value him, above any Interest of ours.

3. It doth draw off the Heart from the Delights of the Flesh: Not only Contra­ria contrariis curantur, but similia simili­bus. Carnal Pleasures put the Soul out of relish with better things, and draw off the Heart from God. A fleshly Mind is easily blinded, and inchanted with world­ly Vanities. Therefore it concerneth us to check our Inclination to sense-pleasing and flesh-pleasing, which is so natural to us. How shall it be cured, but by seek­ing our Delight elsewhere? Every Man [Page 117] must have some Oblation, for Love can­not lie idle in the Soul; either his Love is taken up with the Joys of Sense, or the Joys of Faith; with vain Pleasures, or with chast and spiritual Delights: The one spoileth the taste of the other. A Spiritual Mind, that is feasted with higher Delights, cannot relish the Garlick, and Onions, and Flesh-pots of Egypt. Cant. 1. 4. We will remember thy Loves more than Wine. And a brutish Heart, that is whol­ly lost and sunk in these dreggy Content­ments which gratify Sense, valueth not the Favour of God, thinketh it Canting to talk of Communion with him, and the Joys of Hope to be fantastical Expressi­ons: They love Pleasures more than God, 2 Tim. 3. 4. Now if we would restrain and check this Inclination, we should re­joice in Christ, delight our Minds and Hearts in the remembrance of his Love and Benefits. What-ever Pleasure a Man doth find, or imagine to find in sensual fleshly courses, that and much more is to be had in Christ; where we rejoice at a surer and more sincere rate; Ephes. 5. 4. Not Iesting, but rather giving of Thanks. Carnal Mirth doth not so chear World­lings, as the remembrance of the Favours [Page 118] and Blessings we have by Christ. Keep the Heart thankful and sensible of God's Goodness, and Christ's Love, and you will not need vain Delights. So, Ephes. 5. 18. Be not drunk with Wine wherein is Excess, but be filled with the Spirit. These are Motives and Marks also, for by these three things you may know whether you have this Joy, yea or no.

4. The Helps or Means by which this Joy is raised in us.

(1.) A sense of Sin and Misery: This maketh you more sensible of the Mercy of the Deliverance, and to be more affected with it: As the grievousness of a Disease, maketh the recovery more delightful. The Law condemned you, his Ransom must absolve you: Sin made you dead, his Gra [...]e quickneth, and puts Life into you. Always as our sense of Misery is, so is the sense of the Recovery: if one be bitter, the other is sweet. None prize and esteem Christ so much, as the broken-hearted and burdened.

(2.) An intire Con [...]idence of Christ: For so it followeth, Have no Confidence in the Flesh. If we have no Confidence in the Flesh, and look for all from the Mercy and Bounty of God, through [Page 119] Christ, we shall prize him. 1 Pet. 2. 7. Vnto you therefore which believe, he is preci­ous. Phil. 3. 8. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the Excellency of the Knowledg of Christ Iesus my Lord.

(3.) A con [...]ant use of the Means whereby this Joy may be fed and increa­sed in us; as the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer. The Word; Psal. 119. 102. I have not departed from thy Iudgments, for thou hast taught me. Then Prayer; suing out of our Right. John 11. 24. Ask, and ye shall receive, that your Ioy may be full. So for the Sacraments; Baptism: Acts 8. 39. When they were come up out of the Water, the Spirit caught away Philip; so that the Eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. The Lord's Supper; it is our Spiritual Refection.

(4.) Sincerity of Obedience: 1 Cor. 5. 8. Therefore let us keep the Feast, not with old Leaven, neither with the Leaven of Malice and Wickedness; but with the unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth. Practical Delight is the chiefest above that of Contemplation, a more intimate sense.

[Page 120]We come now to the last part of a Christian's Character:— And have no Confidence in the Flesh. To understand it, consider there are two things called Flesh in Scripture.

1. External Privileges belonging to the worldly Life; such as Wealth, Greatness, and worldly Honour: Now to glory in these, is to glory in the Flesh; and to trust in these, is to trust in the Flesh; which should be far from Christians: Jer. 9. 23, 24. Let not the wise Man glory in his Wisdom, nor the mighty Man glory in his Might. Let not the rich Man glory in his Riches; But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he knoweth me, that I am the Lord, &c. Where the Prophet laboureth to beat them off from their vain Confi­dences, that they might not rely upon their Power, Policy, and Wealth; but a saving Knowledg of, and Interest in God, whose Goodness and Faithfulness could only secure them against all Evils, and procure them all manner of Bles­sings.

2. The outward Duties and Perfor­mances of Religion, especially the Cere­monies of Moses: Those consisting in [Page 121] External Observances, are called Flesh; And to have confidence in the Flesh, is to place our Confidence in External Privi­leges and Duties. For the Apostle ex­plaineth himself, Vers. 4. Though I might also have Confidence in the Flesh: if any other Man thinketh he may have confidence in the Flesh, I more. He was not any whit infe­rior to any of the Judaizing Brethren in outward Privileges and Duties; yea, had greater cause of glorying in the Flesh, than any of the Pretenders among them. And then instances in his Jewish Privile­ges, Circumcision, his Family, his Sect, a Pharisee; his Partial Obedience, or Ex­ternal Righteousness, as to the Law blame­less. To rest on these things then, for our Acceptance with God is, to have Con­fidence in the Flesh. And elsewhere he saith, Gal. 3. 3. Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect in the Flesh. When they reverted to the Ceremonies of the Law. This is called Flesh, because they consist in outward things: Corrupt Na­ture is pleased with such things, and doth plead and stand for them.

Doct. That a good Christian doth not place his Hope and Confidence of [Page 122] acceptance with God in External Pri­vileges and Performances.

In the first Character, a Christian is de­scribed by his Worship; in the second, by his Joy; in the third, by his Confi­dence.

In handling this Point, I shall shew you:

  • 1 st, What are these Externals which are apt to tempt Men to a vain Con­fidence.
  • 2 dly, That naturally Men are for a meer external way of serving God, and place their whole Confidence therein.
  • 3 dly, Why a good Christian should have no Confidence in this External Conformity to God's Law.

1 st, What are these Externals in Reli­gion, which are apt to tempt Men to a vain Confidence. They may be referred to two heads, They are either com­manded by God, or invented by Man▪ God's Externals, or Man's Externals.

[Page 123]1. God's Externals: Such as he hath instituted and appointed, either in the Law of Moses, or in the Law of Christ. In the Law of Moses; such as Circumci­sion, with all the appendant Rites; these are called, Heb. 9. 10. Carnal Ordinances, imposed on them, till the time of Refor­mation. These were to be observed, while the Institution of them was in force, and stood unrepealed, which was done at the coming of Christ: Iohn 4. 23, 24. The hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit, and in Truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spi­rit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit, and in Truth. These made great trouble in the Infancy of the Church, for the Jews, and Judaizing Christians were loth to depart from the Rituals un­der which they were bred and brought up. Though Christ fully evidenced his Commission from Heaven, to repeal those Laws, and his Apostles strongly pleaded the Ancient Prophecies which foretold it. But these are no more of concernment to us, except to direct us how to behave our selves in like cases.

[Page 124]2. There are Externals in the Law of Christ; such as the Sacraments, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper; Hearing of the Word, External Prayer, and the like. Now the Rule is, that they must be used, but the outward Act not rested in, as a sufficient ground of our Acceptance with God; used they must be in Faith and O­bedience, because God hath justified them under great Penalties: As Circumcision, while the Command was in force; Gen. 17. 14. The Man-child, whose Flesh is not circumcised, shall be cut off from his People; He hath broken my Covenant. So Baptism; Mark 16. 16. He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned. Not want, but neglect or contempt. Therefore all these Duties must be used as Means of Salvation, and as Expressions of the in­ward Truth of our Faith in God, and Obedience to him; (we must not cast off Ordinances) but yet they must not be re­sted in, as sufficient Grounds of our Ac­ceptance with God. While Circumcision was in force, they relied on it, as it di­stinguished them from other Nations, as the genuine Seed of Abraham, and so reckoned to be within the Covenant. [Page 125] But the Servants of God did always dis­prove this vain Confidence; Rom. 2. 28, 29. He is not a Iew, which is one outward­ly, neither is that Circumcision, which is out­ward in the Flesh: but he is a Iew, which is one inwardly; and Circumcision is that of the Heart, in the Spirit, and not in the Let­ter, whose praise is not of Men, but of God. They rejoiced in a shadow, when they wanted the thing signified; if there were no mortification of Sin, or putting off the Body of the Sins of the Flesh. But not only the Apostle, but the Prophet long before disproveth their vain Confi­dence. Jer. 9. 25, 26. Behold, the days come, when I will punish them which are circumcised with the uncircumcised, Egypt and Edom, with the Children of Ammon and Moab, are uncircumcised in Flesh, and all the House of Israel is uncircumcised in Heart. God would proceed against wicked Persons and People, circumcised as well as uncircumcised. Were those things spo­ken to them only, and not to us also? Surely all may learn from hence, that by a bare submission to outward Rites, we are not approved of God, without mind­ing the true Reformation of Heart and Life, and expecting the Pardon of our [Page 126] Sins by Jesus Christ. You are baptized; but are you washed from your Sins? You hear the Word; but is it the Power of God to your Salvation? You frequent Sa­craments; but is the Conscience of the Bond of the Holy Oath, into which you are entred, upon your Hearts? There is more required in Christianity, than out­ward Profession, whether in Word or Deed; Namely, the Conscience of your Dedication to God; or else the Work doth not go deep enough: 1 Cor. 13. 3. Though I bestow all my Goods to feed the Poor, and though I give my Body to be burned, and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing. You content your selves with your Tale, and number of Duties, praying Morning and Evening, and read­ing so many Chapters: But where is the Spirit, and the Fruit of all that you do? They that are given to Fasting, think themselves very devout, if they fast of­ten, be their Hearts never so full of ran­cour. Many huddle over many Prayers, but they do not go from their Heavenly Father, with an Heavenly Mind: They give Alms, but live loosly: As Michal laid a Statue in David's Bed, and covering it with David's Apparel, made Saul's Mes­sengers [Page 127] believe it was David himself sick in Bed: So many Persons cover them­selves with certain External Actions be­longing to Religion, and the World be­lieveth them truly sanctified and spiritual, whenas indeed they are but Statues and Apparitions of Devotion to God. But this is but a vain shew, a placing the Means, instead of the End; the Subordi­nate instead of the Ultimate End.

2. Man's Externals: Invented by them­selves, by Laws of their own, and out­ward Observances of their own devising: Men's whole Religion running out into Externals, they are not contented with the Forms of Worship instituted by God, but add somewhat of their own, and love to bind themselves in Chains of their own making: As the Jews not being perfect as appertaining to the Conscience, by the use of the Instituted Ceremonies of Moses, invented other things to make them more perfect.

Now as to this, I shall only observe,

(1.) That as the out-side of Worship is most minded by a Carnal Christian, so the in-side by a renewed Christian: Mat. 15. 8. This People draweth nigh to me with their Mouth, and honoureth me with their [Page 128] Lips, but their Heart is far from me. Their Hearts are averse from God: The Carnal Christian is all for uncovering the Head, and bowing the Knee, but taketh no care of the Heart; Isa. 58. 5. Is it such a Fast that I have chosen? A day for a Man to afflict his Soul? Is it to bow down his Head as a Bulrush, and to spread Sack-cloth and Ashes under him? wilt thou call this a Fast, and an acceptable day unto the Lord? The Pharisees were zealous for washing before Meat, as if it were an holy religious Act, because it was one of their own Traditi­ons, Mat. 15. 2. But took no notice of inward Defilement.

(2.) They are more zealous for Hu­mane Inventions, than Moral, and com­manded Duties, Mat. 15. 3, 4. For the Rudiments of the World, as the Apostle calleth them, Col. 2. 10. than the unque­stionable Ordinances of Christ. For a worldly Religion must be supported by worldly Means.

(3.) I observe, That the more exter­nal Pomp there is of Man's devising, the less spiritual Truth; for it gratifieth the natural Corruption, which is all for the out-side: Some few Externals, God in­tended for an Help, but when Men will [Page 129] be adding, they become a Burden and an Impediment. God did not abrogate his own Ceremonies, for Men to appoint theirs.

2 dly. That naturally Men are meerly for an external way of serving God, and place their Confidence therein.

Here I shall shew you;

  • 1. That their Hearts are set upon Ex­ternal Worship.
  • 2. That therein they place all their Confidence.

1. That naturally Mens Hearts are chiefly set upon External Services.

And that (1.) out of laziness; Ex­ternals being more easy than worshipping God in the Spirit. Matth. 23. 23. They tithe Mint, and Annise, and Cummin, but omit the weightier things of the Law, [...], Iudgment, Mercy, Faith. Conscience is like the Stomach, which naturally desireth to fill it self; and when it cannot digest solid Food, fil­leth it self only with Wind. So here, outward things are more easy; but morti­fying Sin, and solid Godliness, is more difficult; this the natural Man cannot di­gest, and therefore culleth out the easier [Page 130] and cheaper sort of Religion, which puts him to no great trouble or self-denial.

(2.) Out of their Indulgence to the Flesh: A Man can spare any thing better than his Lusts: His Estate, the present [...]ase of the Body, their Children, any thing for the Sin of their Souls, Micah 6. 6, 7, 8. The Question is not how to sa­tisfy Justice, but how to appease Consci­ence, while they retain their Sins. They would buy out their Peace with vast Sums of Mony, mangle their Flesh, like the Priests of Baal, to spare the Sin of their Souls; do any thing, endure any thing, but the subd [...]ing the Heart to God: The sensual Nature of Man is such, that he is loth to be crossed; if he must be crossed, only a little, and but for a while; and therefore affects an easy Religion, where the Flesh is not crossed, or but a little crossed. Now, [...]light Duties performed now and then, do not much trouble the Flesh; where there is no mortifying of Lus [...]s, no [...] Godliness.

(3.) Out of Pride: Man is a proud Creature, and would fain establish his own Righteousness, and have somewhat wherein to glory in himself, Rom. 10. 3. A R [...]et Coat of our own, is better than [Page 131] a silken Garment that is borrowed of ano­ther: Luke 18. 9. Christ spake this Para­ble against those, who trusted in [...] that they were Righteous. There is such a disposition in Men, that if by any means they can hold up a pretence of Righte­ousness of their own, will not pray, and wait, and consecrate, and devote them­selves to God, that they may attain his Righteousness; if they have any thing to plead, if they have a partial Righteous­ness, if they be not to be numbred among the worst of men. Luke 18. 11. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I thank thee, that I am not as other Men are, Extortioners, Vnjust, Adulterers, or even as this Publican. If they have an Ex­ternal Righteousness, they will plead that; I fast twice in the Week, I give tithe of all that I possess, &c. A legal Spirit is natu­ral to us: Though Men dare not pretend to an universal Conformity to the Law in a strict sense; yet if they can make a shift to get any external Conformity to the Law, they are confident of Divine Acceptance: Yea, so sot [...]ish is their Con­science, that they will catch hold of any thing. Judg. 17. 13. Now I know God will bless me, because I have a Levite to my Priest, [Page 132] giving him Meat and Drink, and about fifty Shillings per Annum. So willing are we to justify our selves, by something in our selves, or done by our selves: There­fore that the Ell may be no broader than the Cloth, they devise a short Exposition of the Law, that they may entertain a large Opinion of their own Righteous­ness.

(4.) There is another Reason; Inte­rest. External Forms of Religion, draw an Interest after them: Therefore the A­postle saith, Rom. 2. 29. Whose praise is not of Men, but of God. And, Gal. 1. 10. If I yet please Men, I were not the Servant of Christ. And Rudiments of the World, Col. 2. 10. It maketh a Man to be applauded and countenanced by the World. Let a Man betake himself to such a Religion, there are these which will back him, and stand by him; and their disfavour and displeasure he shall incur i [...] he forsake it: And where the false Wor­shippers are the prevailing Party, he runneth great hazard, by contradicting such Form and Opinions. Therefore the Heart of that Man that is set on Exter­nals, takes up with the Religion of his Country, whether true or false.

[Page 133]2. They place their Confidence there­in. Every Man that hath a Conscience, must have something to trust unto: Now what feedeth his Confidence, but the Re­ligion which he hath chosen? There are two things which detain Men from God and Christ: Some false Imaginary Happi­ness, and some Counterfeit Righteous­ness, and wherein they please themselves. The False Happiness is as their God, and the Counterfeit Righteousness is as their Christ and Mediator; and so they are secure and sensless; and 'till God open their Eyes, they neither seek after another Righteous­ness, nor trouble themselves about the way whereby they may attain it. That Men set a false Happiness, is evident; for ever since Man fell from God, he ran to the Creature; Ier. 2. 13. Left the Foun­tain for the Cistern: And if we can make a shift to patch up a sorry Happiness apart from God, we never care for him, nor will not come at him, Ier. 2. 31. Our Pleasure, our Profit, our Honour, that is our God: And if we can enjoy these things without any rubs, and checks, we look no farther, and will not seek our Happiness in an invisible God, nor wait to injoy it in an invisible World. But the [Page 134] second Error is, That there is something instead of Christ to us, to keep the Con­science quiet. Our Happiness is to satis­fy our D [...]sires, our Righteousness to al­lay our Fears. Now here we run to a [...] Religion, or something Exter­nal, which is diversified according to [...]: Pagans to the [...], [...] 2. 15. Jews, to the Observances of the Law: Christians, to Baptism, outward [...], or some strict Form without the Power, under which we shelter our [...], and by which we bolster up our Confidence, till God convince us of our [...]: And so Christ, and his renew­ing and reconciling Grace is neglected [...]; certainly not cordially accepted, as our Rede [...]mer and Saviour.

I come now to shew,

3 dly, Why a good Christian should have no Confidence in the Flesh.

1 Because till we are dead to the Law, we cannot live to God: Now to be dead to the Law, is nothing else but to have our Confidence in the Flesh, or External [...], mortified. You hear often of [...] dead to Sin, and dead to the World, you must be also dead to the Law, [Page 135] or otherwise you cannot [...] in Christ, and bring forth Fruit unto God: Gal. 2. 19. For I through the Law, am dead to the Law, that I may live unto God. And, Rom. 7. 4. By the Body of Christ ye are become dead to the Law, that ye may be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead. We grow dead to the Law, when thereby we understand our sinful misera­ble Estate without Christ, and how una­ble we are to help our selves: By the con­vincing Power of the Law, we know our Sins; by the condemning Power of the Law, we know the misery and curse we are subject unto; by the irritating Power of the Law, we find that the Righteous­ness which the Law requireth is not in us, nor can it be found in us. Now in one of those places, we are said by the Law, to be dead to the Law; and in the other, by the Body of Christ. By the Law it self, we are said to be dead to the Law, as it maketh us to despair of Righteous­ness by that Covenant: By the Body of Christ, (that is, by the crucified Body, or Death of Christ); so we are dead to the Law, as we are invited to a better Hope, or Covenant, which Christ hath established by bearing our Sins on his Bo­dy [Page 136] on the Tree, or enduring the Curse of the Law for us: Be it by the one, or the other, or both; none will value the Grace of Christ till they be dead to the Law. Men will shift, as long as they can patch up a sorry Righteousness of their own, mingle Covenants, turn one into another, make one of both, chop, change, mangle, and cut short the Law of God; do any thing, rather than come upon their Knees, and beg Terms of Grace in a serious and broken-hearted manner. None can par­take of Christ, but those that have their legal Confidence mortified; who are first driven, then drawn to him. None but they who are convinced of Sin, [...]ly to Christ for Righteousness; none but they who are left obnoxious to Wrath, and the Curse, prize his delivering us from Wrath to come; none but those who are made sensible of their impotency, will seek after his Renewing Grace: But will still keep to their base shifts, mingling and blending Covenants; resting in a little Superficial Righteousness, or half-Cove­nant of Works, or mingling a little Grace with it; are not brought in an humble, penitent, and broken-hearted manner, to sue out their Pardon in the Name of [Page 137] Christ; and so regularly to pass from Co­venant to Covenant.

2. The Superficial Righteousness doth not only keep Men from Christ, but set them against Christ, his Way, his Ser­vants, and true Interest in the World: These were Dogs, evil Workers, to whom the Apostle opposeth the true Christians; usually they that are for the Form, oppose the Power. Gal. 4. 29. He that was born after the Flesh, persecuted him that was born after the Spirit. They that have but the Form and Shadow of Godliness, no more than the Power of Nature carrieth them unto, will persecute those that have the Reality and Truth, that is, the renewing and reconciling Grace of Jesus Christ: partly, because the true Spiritual Wor­shippers, by their serious Godliness, dis­grace and condemn those that lazily rest in an empty Form; and therefore they cannot endure them. At the bottom of their Hearts, they have an enmity and ha­tred against God, and vent it on his Peo­ple. 1 John 3. 12. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked One, and slew his Brother: And wherefore slew he him? Because his own Works were Evil, and his Brother's Righte­ous. Partly, Because there is in them a [Page 138] Spirit of Envy and Emulation: Both are Rivals for the Favour of God: The Spi­ritual Worshippers take the right way, and the Formalists the wrong way to ob­tain it: The first are received, the latter rejected: And they being at such great pains and costs in their wrong way, can­not endure that any should be preferred before them; witness Cain and Abel. Where carnal Confidence is, there is bitterness of Spirit against sincerity.

3. Because they have so much to do with God: They that look to Men, may rest in an outward appearance; but one whose Business lieth mainly with God, must look to the frame of his Heart, that it be right set towards Holiness. Now this is the course of a thorow Christian: 'Tis God's Wrath that he feareth, God's Fa­vour, that is his Life and Happiness; God's Presence, into which he often cometh; God's Mercy, from whom he expecteth his Reward, and with God he hopeth to live for ever. Now bare Ex­ternals ar [...] of no account or worth with God. John 4. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit, and in Truth. 1 Sam. 16. 7. But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on [Page 139] his Counten [...]nce, or on the heighth of his Stature, because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as Man seeth, for Man look­eth on the outward Appearance, but the Lord looketh on the Heart. Prov. 16. 2. All the ways of a Man are clean in his own Eyes, but the Lord weigheth the Spirit. Men judg after the outward Appearance, but God weigheth the Spirits.

4. Because of the Nature of Gospel-Worship; which is simple, spiritual, and substantial; therefore called Spirit often in opposition to the Ceremonies of the Law; and the ministration of the Spirit unto Life, 2 Cor. 3. 8. The Law is cal­led Letter, and the Gospel Spirit. Now for a Christian to turn the Ordinances of Christ into Flesh, which were appointed to be the Ministration of the Spirit, this is to alter the nature of Things, and turn the Gospel, by which is all our Claim and Hope, into a dead Letter.

5. This Confidence should not be che­rished by a Christian, because it can bring no solid Peace to the Conscience, for the present External Justificiaries are uncer­tain; the Man that kept all these things from his youth, saith, What lack I yet? Mat. 19. 20. He asketh as a Man unsa­tisfied; [Page 140] for our Bondage doth not wear off with External Duties, but is increased rather till we are justified in the Name of Christ, and sanctified by his Spirit. But suppose it satisfieth blind Conscience for the present, yet afterwards, Men whose Hearts are not sound in God's Statutes, fall into sad Complaints, and are involved in a Maze and Labyrinth of Doubts and Troubles, whence they know not how to extricate themselves: They have so much sense of Religion, as▪ to understand their Duty, and yet are so little brought under the Power of it, as not to be able to make out their claim. But if this be not the case of all; when the hour of death cometh, we shall find all is but froth, 1 Cor. 5. 56. If we have not minded the Redeemer's Grace, his whole Grace, the Imputation of his Righteousness, and the Regeneration of his Spirit, and lived in obedience to his sanctifying Motions; Then we shall be filled with horror and amazement.

The, 1. Use is Caution: Take heed of having Confidence in the Flesh, of placing Religion, and valuing your Interest in God by External Observances; but look [Page 141] to this, That your Hearts be upright with God in the New Covenant. To this end,

(1.) Take heed of a false Happiness; The Wisdom of the Flesh, which is na­tural to us, doth incline us to it, Iames 3. 15. doth only prompt us to Pleasure, Pro­fit, and Honour: We set our Hearts on vain Delights, and are wholly carried to them, value our Happiness by them: Whilst we indulge this sensual Inclination, the Soul careth not for God, other things are set up instead of God. The Belly is God, Phil. 3. 10. Whose God is their Belly. Mam­mon is their God, Mat. 6. 24. And Ho­nour, and worldly Greatness, is another Idol which Men set up, while they value the praise of Men, more than the praise of God, Iohn 12. 42. Carnal Self-love maketh Idols, and sets up other Gods in­stead of the True God: Now therefore make it your first Work to return to God as your Rightful Lord, and Chief Happi­ness, as your Soveraign Lord. If you make it your business and purpose to wor­ship God in the Spirit, you will rejoice in Christ, and have no Confidence in the Flesh. Spiritual Worship convinceth us of Defects, and you will see a need of [Page 142] Christ's renewing and reconciling Grace▪ Our Treasure and Happiness is our God. Now therefore do you value your Hap­piness by the Favour of God, and not by wo [...]ldly Things.

(2.) In the next place, Take heed of a Super [...]icial Righteousness: For this is plain Confidence in the Flesh. This maketh you sensless and ignorant of your Dan­ger, and careless of the means of your recovery, and so your Conviction and Conversion is more difficult. And there­fore Christ saith, That Publicans and Har­lo [...]s enter into the Kingdom of God, be­fore Pharisees and Self-Justiciaries, Mat. 21. 31. No Condition is more dan­gerous, than to be poor, and proud; cor­rupt, and yet conceited and confident. The most vicious are sooner wrought up­on, than those that please themselves in External Observances, without real inter­nal Holiness, or change of Heart.

This is Two-fold.

  • 1. Outward Ordinances.
  • 2. Partial Morality.

1. Outward Ordinances. To rest in your attendance upon, and use of these. Consider how displeased God was with those that submitted to Sacraments with­out [Page 143] Reformation; 1 Cor. 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. With many of them God was not well-pleased, but they were overthrown in the Wilderness; Spiritual Meat, and Spiritual Drink, could not keep them from Destruction; when they murmured, when they fell from Christ to Idolatry, when they lusted after Quails, when they tempted Christ; And will he be more favourable to you? Oh! rest not then in the outward use of the Ordinances of Christ; God may vouch­safe you this Favour, and yet not be well-pleased with you. Many that have eaten and drunk in his Presence, yet are finally rejected for their sins, Luke 13. 26. Many prize the Seal, yet tear the Bond; that is, break the Covenant, yet seem to value the Seal of the Covenant, that they may have Confidence in the Flesh, in the bare ex­ternal Performance.

2. Partial Morality: Those that live fairly, and plausibly, but want the true Principle, the Spirit of Christ; the true Rule, the Word of God; the true End, the Glory of God: that are in with one Duty, and out with another; fail in their Duties to God or Men: Are much in Worship, but defective in common Righ­teousness: [Page 144] Love Friends, but cannot for­give Enemies: It may be they'l forgive Wrongs, but make no Conscience of pay­ing Debts. Now there are two Argu­ments against these; these neither under­stand the Law, nor the Gospel: Not the Law, its Strictness, Purity, and Spiritual Exactness: Nor the Gospel, which of­fereth a Remedy only to the Penitent; those who are deeply affected with the pollution of their Natures, the Sins of their Lives, and the Consequent Misery. But those that are puft up with a vain conceit of the goodness of their Estate, without any brokenness of Heart,

1. They are injurious to the Law: As they curtail it, and reduce it to the Ex­ternal Work. Gal. 4. 20. Ye that desire to be under the Law, hear what the Law saith; if you will stand to that Covenant, Do you know what it is? The Duty is impossible. Rom. 8. 3. The Penalty is into­lerable: For the Law worketh Wrath; and 'tis a Law of Sin and Death to the [...]aln Creation: Rom. 8. 2. The Curse is very dreadful and terrible. Nothing more op­posite to the Law, than this partial Righ­teousness. The Law well understood, would humble them.

[Page 145]2. This resting in a partial external Righteousness, is also opposite to the Gospel, which inviteth us in a broken-hearted manner to accept Christ. He came to call Sinners, not those who are Righteous in their own eyes, Mat. 9. 13. 'Tis a Remedy for lost Sinners, not for them that need no Repentance. Luke 15. 7. I say unto you, That likewise Ioy shall be in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just Persons that need no repentance. Nothing is more opposite to the Gospel, than this Confi­dence in the Flesh. The Woman that was a Sinner, was preferred before Simon a Pharisee, Luke 7. 44. And the Self-condemning Publican, before the Self-justifying Pharisee, Luke 18. 13. The Penitent Adulteress, before her Accusers, Iohn 8. 7. The most despised Sinners, repenting, and believing in Christ, find more Grace and Place with him, than those that satisfy themselves with some External Conformities.

A second Vse is by way of Examinati­on: Are you of this Temper, that you have no Confidence in the Flesh?

[Page 146]If you are,

1. You are still kept humble, and thankful: Humble, with a sense of Sin, and deserved Wrath; confessing and for­saking your Sins, and glorying in Christ only, you are kept vile in your own Eyes, and in an humble admiration of Grace; Luke 7. 47. Wherefore I say unto you, Her Sins which are many are forgiven her, for she loved much, &c. She loved much, because much was forgiven. When God is pacified, yet you loath your selves. Ezek. 16. 63. That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy Mouth any more, because of thy shame, when I am pacified towards thee, for all that thou hast done, saith the Lord God. And you ascribe all to the Mercy of God, and the Merit of Christ; Bles­sing God for him, and imploring Pardon for your best Duties; our Righteousness being but as filthy Rags.

2. A partial outside Obedience will not satisfy you. An Heart that findeth rest in empty formal Services, certainly places Con [...]idence in the Flesh. They neither look after the change of their Natures, nor their Reconciliation with God by [Page 147] Christ. They challenge God; Isa. 58. 3. Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? Wherefore have we afflicted our Soul, and thou takest no knowledg? And, Luke 18. 12. I fast twice in the week, and I give tithe of all that I possess.

3. Thankfulness, or Gratitude, sets you awork for God, rather than a Legal Conscience. Duties are performed as a Thank-Offering, rather than a Sin-Of­fering, out of Love to God, rather than Fear.

What kind of PERFECTION Is attainable in this LIFE.

PHIL. 3. 15. ‘Let therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.’

THese words are inferred out of the foregoing Context, as the illative Particle [therefore] sheweth.

In the words are two things:

1. His Exhortation to the strong and grown Christian, Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded.

[Page 150]2. His Condescension to the Weak; And if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

In the former Branch we have,

1. The Term by which the strong Christian is expressed, As many as be per­fect: He had said before of himself, that he was not yet perfect, vers. 12. Yet now, he supposeth it both of himself and others, Let us therefore, as many as be per­fect. Therefore Perfection must be taken in a limited sense, to avoid the seeming Contradiction.

2. The Advice or Counsel given, be thus minded; What is that? [...], think the same thing with me: What that is, must be known by the foregoing Con­text, and may be gathered from the third Verse, he had spoken of some false Teachers and judaizing Brethren, who gave out themselves to be Patrons, and Defenders of the Circumcision, and other Ceremonies of the Law, as if these thing [...] did commend them to God: Now the Apo­stle reproveth them, and saith they were not [...], the Circumcision, but [...], the Concision, Destroyers and Renders of the Church, not the true [Page 151] People of God, who were sometimes no­ted by the Term Circumcision: they are the Concision, the Cutters and Dividers of the Church; but we are [...], the true Circumcision, who serve God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Iesus, and have no confidence in the Flesh: That is, who have no confidence in any superficial Righteousness, but seek our Justification before God, and the renovation of our Natures from Christ alone; and serve God, by exercising this Grace, in Faith, Love, and Hope; or who seek to Christ alone, for his renewing and reconciling Grace, that we may serve God in a spiri­tual Manner, and so at length attain the promised Glory. Now this he proveth by his own Instance, who had as much cause to glory in the Flesh, as any of them, but suffered the loss of all things, and counted all things wherein they glo­ried, and he might have gloried, but loss and dung, that he might obtain this Grace from Christ Jesus; and at length, after a diligent self-denying course of Service and Obedience, be brought home to God. Now, saith he, As many as be perfect, [...], mind this, take care of this, and do you, with the loss of all things, press to this.

[Page 152]3. His Condescension to the Weak, who were not satisfied with the abrogation of the Ceremonies of the Law, though they had imbraced other Parts and Points of Christianity; And if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this to you. Here,

1. Something is supposed, that they should not be cut off from the rest of Christians, either by the harsh Censures, or rigorous dealing of the Strong, or the pertinacious obstinacy of the Weak. The Perfect, that have the Truth of their side, must not condemn others; nor the Weak must not condemn and censure them.

2. Something expressed: Or the Rea­son of this mutual Condescension and For­bearance; if they be sincere, and hum­ble, God will at length shew them the Truth.

I begin with his Counsel to the Strong and Grown Christian; and there I shall speak, first of the Term by which they are expressed; Let as many of us as be perfect.

Doct. That there is a kind of Perfe­ction attainable in this Life.

[Page 153] I shall, first, explain the Point by seve­ral Distinctions.

Secondly, Prove that all Christians should endeavour to be perfect.

For the first: There is a double Perfe­ction; Perfectio termini & praemii: & perfectio viae seu cognitionis, & sanctitatis. A Perfection of the Reward, and a Per­fection of Grace.

1. Of the Reward which the Saints shall have in Heaven, where they are freed from all sinful Weakness: 1 Cor. 13. 10. When that which is perfect shall come, then that which is in part shall be done away. In Heaven there is perfect Felicity, and exact Holiness; then the Saints are glorious Saints indeed, when they have neither spot, nor wrinkle, nor blemish, nor any such thing, Ephes. 5. 27. When presented faultless before the presence of his Glory, Jude 24. Now this we have not in the World; but because this we expect in the other World, we are to la­bour after the highest perfection in Holi­ness here, because allowed Imperfection is a disesteem of Blessedness. Do we count Immaculate Purity and Perfection in Holi­ness, [Page 154] to be our Blessedness hereafter? and shall we shun it, and fly from it, or at least neglect it, as if it were our Bur­den now? No surely! he that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, as Christ is pure, 1 John 3. 3. That looketh not for a Turkish Paradise, but a Sinless Estate, will endeavour it now, get as much as he can of it now. When you cease to grow in Holiness, you cease to go on any farther to Salvation; you seem to be out of love with Heaven and Blessedness, when your Desires and Endeavours are slaked.

2. The Perfection of Grace and Holi­ness is such, as the Saints may attain unto in this Life. Col. 4. 12. That ye may stand perfect and compleat in all the Will of God. So we are perfect, when we want none of those things which are necessary to Salvation, when we study to avoid all known Sin, and address our selves to the practice of all known Duty, serving God universally and intirely.

Secondly, There is Perfection Legal, and Evangelical: Legal, is unsinning Obedience; Evangelical, is sincere Obedience; the one is, where there is no Sin; the other no Guile, no allowed Guile. The one standeth in an exact conformity to God's [Page 155] Law; the other, in a sincere endeavour to fulfil it; the one will endure the Ballance, the other can only endure the Touch­stone.

1. The legal Perfection is described, Gal. 3. 10. Cursed is every one that continu­eth not in all the words of this Law to do them. A personal, perpetual perfect O­bedience! It supposeth a Man innocent, it requireth that he should continue so; for the least Offence, according to that Co­venant, layeth us open to a Curse: As the Angels for one Sin once committed, were turned out of Heaven, and Adam out of Paradise. The omitting of ought we are to perform, the committing ought we are forbidden, yea the least warping, as well as swerving, by an obliquity of Heart and Spirit, maketh us guilty before God. Now this is become impossible, through the weakness of our Flesh. Rom. 8. 3. Man is fallen already, and hath mixed Prin­ciples in him, and cannot be thus exact with God.

2. Evangelical: When the Heart is faith­ful with God, fixedly bent and set to please him in all things. 2 Kings 20. 3. Remember Lord, I have walked before thee in Truth, and with a perfect Heart. This may be plead­ed [Page 156] in subordination to Christ's Righteous­ness; this Perfection is consistent with Weakness. 2 Chron. 15. 17. Neverthe­less, the Heart of Asa was perfect all his days. And yet he is taxed with several Infirmities: This Perfection all must have; 1 Chron. 28. 9. And thou, Solomon my Son, know thou the God of thy Father, and serve him with a perfect Heart, and a wil­ling Mind. What is done for God, as it must be done willingly, readily, not by constraint, but the native Inclination of the Soul; so perfectly, that is, with all exactness possible. As some may do ma­ny things which are good, but their Hearts are not perfect with God: 2 Chron. 25. 2. He did that which is right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect Heart. Not a sincere bent of Soul towards God alone, when the Heart is divided between God and other things, Hosea 10. 2. Their Heart is divided. Jam. 1. 8. A double-minded Man is unstable in all his ways. An Heart against an Heart; In point of Faith, between God and other Confidences; in point of Love, between God and the Vanities of the World, and God's Inte­rest, is not chief, nor do we love him a­bove all things: In point of Obedience, [Page 157] between pleasing God, and pleasing Men, and pleasing God and our own vain Fancies and Appetites, honouring God, and promoting our Worldly Ends, you set up a Rival and Partner with God. Now this Perfection we must have, or else not in a state of Salvation.

3. There is a Perfection Absolute and Comparative.

1. That is absolutely perfect, to which nothing is wanting: This is in our Lord Christ, who had the Spirit without mea­sure; this is in our Rule, but not in them that follow the Rule; Psal. 18. 30. As for God, his way is perfect. But that ab­solute Perfection is not in any of the Saints here upon Earth, I prove by these Arguments.

(1.) Where there are many Relicks of Flesh, or carnal Nature left, there a Man cannot be absolutely perfect; but so 'tis with all the Godly, there is a double war­ring-working Principle in them; Gal. 5. 17. For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. And 'tis actually confirmed in Paul, witness his Groans, Rom. 7. 24. Oh wretched Man [Page 158] that I am, who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death! Mark there, the A­postle speaketh of himself, not of ano­ther; of himself, in his present renewed Estate, not of his past and unconverted Estate, when a Pharisee. His past Estate he had spoken of, vers. 9. Sin revived, and I died; but, vers. 14. I am Carnal: and vers. 15. That which I do, I allow not▪ and vers. 18. How to perform that which is good, I find not. Many things there said, cannot agree to a Carnal Man: As for in­stance, not allowing Sin, vers. 15. Hating Sin in the same Verse. What I hate, that do I, so delight in the Law of God, vers. 22. Again, there is a double Man distin­guished, vers. 17. It is no more I, but sin that dwelleth in me. Again, he distin­guisheth between Him and his Flesh, vers. 18. So between an outward and inward Man, vers. 22, 23. Lastly, He giveth thanks for deliverance by Christ, all which are competent only to the Regenera [...]e. Now these things being so, surely God's best Servants are not absolutely per­fect.

(2.) There are none but sometimes sin. 1 Kings 8. 46. For there is no Man that sinneth not. And, Eccles. 7. 20. There is [Page 159] not a just Man upon Earth, that doth good, and sinneth not. And, Iames 3. 2. In ma­ny things we offend all. 1 John 1. 8. If we say we have no Sin, we deceive our selves, and the Truth is not in us. Therefore no Man so perfect, as to be without all Sin.

(3.) There is none but need the Mer­cy of God, and ought to pray for this Mercy for the Pardon of their daily Sins, Mat. 6. 13. as we pray for daily Bread: This Petition our Lord directeth us to put up, not for the Sins of others, but our own. Now these Arguments prove that no Man hath a Righteousness that is per­fect without Defects: The best of God's Children have innumerable Frailties which may humble them, and which should be seriously laid to Heart, and watched over, every step of our way to Heaven.

2. There is a comparative Perfection: And that is Two-fold.

1. When those who live under the Law of Christianity, are compared with other Institutions.

2. When the Professors of Christiani­ty are compared among themselves.

1. When the Professors of Christianity are compared with those that live under [Page 160] other Institutions. They that submit to Christ's Terms, are said to be perfect, be­cause Christianity it self is a Perfection. For Instance, take that one place, (and the rather, that I may wrest it out of the Hands of the Papists, who distinguish be­tween Evangelical Precepts of necessary Duty, and Counsels of Perfection to esta­blish Monkery and voluntary Poverty, as a more perfect state of Life than that which the common sort of Christians live.) Their most colourable place is, Mat. 19. 21. Iesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go sell all that thou hast, and give [...] the poor, and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven, and come and follow me. Is not this a Counsel of Perfection? doth not Christ call it so? Or, is every one bound to give all his Goods to the Poor, and turn Monks or Anchorites? No, the meaning of the word, If thou wilt be per­fect, is no more but this; if thou wilt as­cend to that higher pitch and rule of living, to which I come to raise Men, if thou wilt be a Christian. The Perfection here spoken of, is Christianity it self, not an Heroick eminent degree of it: And the Condition here required, is Matter of Command, not Counsel, only such as if [Page 161] we will not submit to, we are not Christi­ans; for a Man that would have the Pri­vileges of the Gospel, he must submit to the Duties of the Gospel, or the Condi­tions required by Christ, that is, to be a perfect thorow Christian. You will say, Must we sell all, and give to the Poor, in contemplation of the Heavenly Reward?

Answ. 1. Every Man is bound to be­stow Goods, Land, and Life, as God shall direct, and part with all the Wealth in the World whensoever it is required of him. Now it may be required of us di­rectly, or by consequence: directly, by an express Command, such as this young Man had from Christ. And actually, to sell our Estates, and give to the Poor, ob­ligeth none, unless we have such alike Command from Christ himself, as this young rich Man had: By Consequence, when we cannot obey any particular Pre­cept of Christ, without danger of being undone by it. And so it obligeth all Christ's Disciples to part with all, rather than to break with Christ: for no Man is a Chri­stian, unless he selleth all for the Pearl of Price, Mat. 13. 46. And our Lord tel­leth us, that he that loveth any thing more than him, is not worthy of him, [Page 162] Mat. 10. 37. that is, is no Christian; so that if it be impossible to preserve our Fidelity and Obedience, without parting with our Wealth, we must impartially perform it, though it be with loss of Estate and Life it self; and if we do not resolve and undertake to do so, we are no Christians, and cannot be saved. In Baptism, we vow to forsake the World, and follow Christ, when the World cometh in competition with him; if in a time of trial we do not perform it, we forfeit the Privileges of Christianity, and all title to Blessedness. Therefore this Perfection is necessary for all Christi­ans: you esteem, prefer, chuse Christ a­bove all, resolving, what-ever it cost you to be faithful to him; 'tis not an high and arbitrary Point in Christianity, but a ne­cessary Duty. You will say, What can the strongest Christian do more, than [...] all, than part with all? Answer, They can do it with far greater love, readiness and joy, than the weak Christian can [...] The difference between Christians is no [...] in the thing done, but the manner of do­ing: Well then, this is to be perfect, thus must you all be perfect, for this Perfection is ne­cessarily constitutive of sincerity, you [...] not true Christians without it.

[Page 163]2. When compared with others of the same Profession. Believers are distin­guished into Perfect and Imperfect. Tho' none can attain to absolute Perfection of Holiness, yet there are several degrees of Grace, and diversities of growth among Christians, and the strong are said to be perfect in comparison of those weak Ones who are raw in Knowledg, or feeble and impotent in the resistance of Sin. Thus the Perfect are opposed to the Babes in Christ; as when he had spoken of our growing into a perfect Man in Christ Je­sus, he presently addeth, That henceforth we be no more Children, Ephes. 4. 13, 14. And elsewhere, when he had spoken of the Perfect, 1 Cor. 2. 6. who are skilful in spiritual Things, he presently opposeth to them, the Babes in Christ, Chap. 3. 1. The same you may observe in Heb. 5. 13, 14. He that useth Milk, is unskilful in the Word of Righteousness, for he is a Babe. But strong Meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [...], perfect, as in the Margin. See also 1 Cor. 14. 20. Brethren, be not Children in understanding: howbeit, in Malice be ye Chil­dren, but in Vnderstanding be Men, per­fect, or of ripe Age. These, and many other places, shew the Notion of perfect; [Page 164] 'tis not absolutely taken, but comparative­ly: Those who well and throughly un­derstand Christian Doctrine, and are ha­bituated to a course of Godliness, and have a confirmed Faith and Love to God, and this in Opposition to Novices, and unexperienced Christians newly entred into Christ's School: Now thus we must be perfect, not always Children. 'Tis a monstrous Thing, after many Years growth to be a Babe still, and an Infant still. This sense is of chief regard here.

3. There is a Perfection of Parts, and a Perfection of Degrees; that's Growth.

(1.) Perfection of Parts is, when we have all things that belong to a sincere Christi­an, or to a state of Salvation: As living Creatures are perfect as soon as they are brought forth, for they have all things be­longing to that Creature, 'tis not maimed or defective in any part; thus an Infant is perfect the first day of his Birth, as well as a Man of riper Age. Thus a Christian must have the perfection of Integrity, all the parts which belong to a New Crea­ture: Grace to enlighten the Mind, bend and incline the Heart to God, govern the Affections, rule the Appetite; one Grace added to another, that the Christian may [Page 165] be intire and perfect, and in no point lacking, Iam. 1. 4. What is defective in parts, cannot be supplied by any after­growth. A Christian cannot be perfect in Degrees, unless he be perfect in parts; leave out one necessary Grace, and the new Creature is maimed; some leave out Temperance, others Patience, others Love, 1 Pet. 2. 5, 6, 7.

(2.) There is a Perfection of Degrees, that is, when a thing is absolute and compleat, and to which nothing is want­ing, and hath attained its [...] and high­est pitch; so we are only perfect in Hea­ven, Heb. 12. 23. The Spirits of just Men made perfect. Those Spirits who are un­cloathed and divested of the Body, in their mortal Life only they were upright, but in their Heavenly Life perfect: Here they walked with God, and endeavoured an Universal Obedience to him, and so made capable, but now live with God, and are admitted into a nearer Communi­on with him than we Mortals are; they are freed from all Sin and Temptation, they are beyond growth: Corn doth not grow in the Garner, but in the Field Well then, though we be not perfect in Degrees, yet we must all be perfect as to [Page 166] parts, we must intirely resign our selves to God's use, without allowing any part or corner of our Hearts to be possessed by any other.

4. Perfection is to be considered with respect, 1. to our Growth, or, 2. our Con­summation: Here 'tis only in sieri, there in facto esse. Things are said to be done, when they are begun to be done, 2 Cor. 5. 17. And so they are said to be perfect, who are in the way of Perfection; he that is, in his growing Estate, increasing more unto Grace and Righteousness, 2 Cor. 3. 18. Beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same Image. 2 Cor. 4. 16. Though the outward Man pe­rish, yet the inward Man is renewed day by day. They do seriously set upon the Work. Thus Perfection is taken;

(1.) As to Means: The Ministry was appointed for the perfecting of the Saints, Ephes. 4. 12. That they may be more en­lightned, and more sanctified, more brought to the Knowledg of God, and Obedience of his Will. There are Mean [...] appointed by God for the perfecting [...] Grace, as well as the first working of [...] in us; 1 Thess. 3. 10. That I may perfect what is lacking to your Faith.

[Page 167](2.) As to the improvement of Means: 2 Cor. 7. 1. Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God, making progress in the Way of Grace towards Perfection, when the Ha­bit is more increased: 2 Pet. 1. 8. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the Knowledg of Christ. And Christian practice is more uniform. 1 Thess. 4. 1. That as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk, and please God, so that ye would abound more and more. 'Tis not e­nough to have Grace, but we must grow in Grace: Progress is always necessary, though exact Perfection be not attained: So that then the Heart is perfect with God, when you make it not a sleight pur­pose only, but your constant endeavour to come up to your Pattern and Rule, con­tinually striving against Sin, and aiming at an higher degree of Holiness.

2. Consummate: When after all the hazards of the present Life, when at length we shall be presented to Christ, and by Christ to God: Presented to Christ; Col. 1. 28. That we may present every Man per­fect in Christ Iesus: That is, fully com­pleat, according to that Holiness required and exemplified by Christ: And by Christ [Page 168] to God; Col. 1. 22. To present you holy, and unblameable, and irreproveable in his sight.

I now come to the Reasons.

Secondly; The Reasons why we must be perfect, that is, not only sincere, having all parts of a Christian, but endeavour after the highest Perfection; and for the present, want nothing conducible nor ne­cessary to Salvation.

1. We have a perfect God; Matth. 5. 48. Be ye perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. God's Perfection is our Copy, and that is [...], and we are required to imitate him; and therefore we must not set Bounds to our Holiness, and say, Hi­th [...]rto shalt thou come, and no farther; when we are come never so far, yet this is not like God. The force of this Rule is not taken off, because 'tis limited to one Perfection in the Divine Nature in the Evangelist Luke; for he readeth, instead of being perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect, Be ye merciful, as your Heavenly Father is merciful, Luke 6. 36. that is a special way of Christian Perfection; but God's Children must aim at the Perfection [Page 169] of all Vertues. Not only love to Ene­mies; as Mercy is one of the Divine Per­fections which we ought to imitate, so is Holiness, Veracity, and Wisdom, 1 Pet. 1. 15, 16. Surely this direction was given in the Gospel to some purpose, or not: if not, then Christ spoke words in vain; if to some purpose, we are obliged to Perfection: though we cannot fully ob­tain it in this life, we must still aim at more, and come more near to it. And having God for our Patern, we should always set him before our Eyes, as he is represented to us in his Word, and his Son Jesus Christ, the express Image of his Person, to be imitated by us.

2. We have a perfect Rule; Psalm. 19. 7. The Law of God is perfect. And, 2 Tim. 3. 17. The Word of God is able to make the Man of God perfect, throughly furnished to every good Work. The strictness of the Law as a Rule, is adopted into the Co­venant of Grace, into the very frame and constitution of it, and so far bindeth, as to allow no Weaknesses and Imperfecti­ons, but that we must still bewail Fail­ings, and strive after the utmost confor­mity to it in all things. As we have a per­fect Pattern, so we have a Law still, that [Page 170] is the perfect Rule of all Righteousness, and therefore we should endeavour to conform to it more and more.

3. We have a perfect Redeemer: Col. 2. 10. Ye are compleat in him. We have all things from him, and in him, ne­cessary to Salvation. In our selves we are empty, destitute of every thing which might commend us to God, but there is a fulness in Christ to be communicated to all, who sensible of their own emptiness, do seriously apply themselves to him; a per­fect Wisdom, a perfect Righteousness, perfect Sanctification, and supplies for ou [...] perfect Glory and Blessedness. He begin­neth by his Spirit to renew our Natures; and this Grace is still of the growing Hand, till all be crowned in Glory; there is a compleat Fulness in our Media­tor.

4. There is a perfect Reward, or a perfect state of Glory, in which there is nothing wanting, either to Holiness or Happiness. The Scripture describeth it by our growing up into a perfect Man in Christ Jesus, Ephes. 4. 13. We have our Infancy at our first Conversion, when lia­ble to childish Ignorance, and many In­firmities: we have our youth and growing [Page 171] Age, when making Progress in the way of Grace towards Perfection.

And lastly, We have our perfect manly Age, when we are come to our full pitch, when Grace is fully perfected in Glory. In Scripture, there is nothing said of the fa­ding and declining time of old Age. Oh! blessed will that time be, when we shall be holy and undefiled, above the reach of Temptations; when Believers receive all immediatly from the Fountain of Ho­liness, and are filled with the fulness of all Perfections; And shall we that have such Hopes, be lazy and negligent? No, we must press towards the Mark, if we expect it as our Felicity, we must prize it, and seek after it, and get more of it eve­ry day.

Vse 1. Is to press and exhort you, to labour after Christian Perfection.

1. Motives. What you lost in Adam, must be recovered in Christ, or else you dishonour your Redeemer. Now we lost in Adam Innocency and perfect Holiness, therefore you must seek to recover it by Christ; for certainly Christ is more able to save, than Adam to destroy, Rom. 5. 17. The abundance of Grace, and the [Page 172] Gift of Righteousness, came by Jesus Christ. 'Tis true, Christ doth his Work by Degrees; but if we mind it not, and lazily expect that he should make us perfect, how will it ever be? for God will not save us without us; and as far as we hope for any thing, we must endea­vour after it, for Christian Hope is not a devout Sloth, but an incouragement to Diligence.

2. We pray for Perfection, and there­fore we must endeavour after it, otherwise our Prayers are a Mockery. We pray, Mat. 6. 8. and 1 Thess. 5. 23. The God of Peace sanctify you throughout, even your whole Body, Soul, and Spirit. We pray for compleat Sanctification, in hope to obtain it: Prayer is not for God's sake, but ours; a solemn binding our selves to use the means, that we may obtain the Blessings that we ask.

3. In our making Covenant, we pur­pose to do the whole Will of God: now where there is a Purpose, there must be an Endeavour, and a Progress, for other­wise 'tis not made with a true heart, Heb. 10. 22. A Man may purpose Duty in a Pang, which afterward he retracts in his Conversation and Practice; he may wish [Page 173] for Perfection, like it in the general, not considering it as exclusive of his beloved Lusts, but there he will be excused. Yea, he may sincerely purpose it, yet be faint and slack in his Endeavours. Therefore we need to be exhorted continually to be more earnest and diligent in Holiness, to avoid all appearance of Evil, 1 Thess. 5. 22. Not to allow our selves in the omissi­on of any known Duty, Iames 4. 13. or the commission of any known Sin, though never so near and dear to us. Psal. 18. 23. I was upright before thee; and kept my self from mine Iniquity. There­fore unless we comply with these Exhor­tations, and set our selves sincerely to do the whole Will of God, the Challenge will be brought against us, which was brought against the Church of Sardis; I have not found thy Works perfect before God, Rev. 3. 2. Your Vows were good, but your Practice is not answerable.

4. Consider the Comfort and Peace of that Man who doth more and more press towards Perfection: Psalm. 37. 37. Mark the perfect Man, behold the Vpright; for the End of that Man is Peace. They have a sweet Life, and an happy Close, a tole­rable passage through the World, and a [Page 174] comfortable passage out of the World.

For Means;

1. See that the Work be begun, for there must be converting Grace, before there can be confirming Grace, Life before there be Strength and Growth, as there must be Fire before it can be blown up; for what good will it do to blow a dead Coal, to seek Strength before we have Life? 'tis as if we should give Food or Physick to a dead Man. The Secure and Impenitent are not to be confirmed and strengthned, but humbled and chan­ged. We must first chuse God for our Portion, before we can be exhorted to cleave to God, Acts 11. 23. First, the Per­fection of Sincerity, before the Perfecti­on of Growth and Progress, the Mea­sures and Degrees following the real be­ing of Grace in the Soul.

2. If you would be perfect, the radical Graces must be strengthned, which are Faith, Hope, and Love; strong Faith, fervent Love, lively Hope. Such a Faith as realizeth the unseen Glory, and giveth such a deep sense of the World to come, as that you are willing to venture all upon the Hopes of it; such an Hope as sets the Heart upon Glory to come, as present [Page 175] things do not greatly move us; such a Love as levelleth all our Actions to God's Glo­ry, and our eternal enjoyment of him, Iude 20, 21.

3. Use the Means with all Seriousness and good Conscience, these conduce to perfect what is lacking to your Faith, to root you, ground you in Love, confirm you in Hope, that the Thoughts of Hea­ven may be more affecting and engaging. Now the principal Means are, the Word, and Sacraments, and Prayer.

(1.) In the Word you have Principles of Faith, Obligations to Love, and Ar­guments of Hope; therefore 'tis said, God buildeth us up by the Word of his Grace, Acts 20. 32.

(2.) The Sacraments strengthen Faith, Hope, and Love; as Signs and Seals of the Love of God, through Jesus Christ in the new Covenant, that so our Consolation may be more strong, they strengthen our Faith and Hope; as a Bond or a Vow: So they excite and engage our Love and Obedience, we bind our selves to God a­new, to pursue our everlasting Hopes, whatever they cost us. Our great Dis­eases are proneness to Evil, and backward­ness [Page 176] to Good; we check the one, and che­rish the other.

(3.) Prayer; for 'tis God that perfects us, 2 Pet. 5. 10. he must be sought to, his Blessing maketh the means effectual.

4. Think much and often of your per­fect Blessedness, which you expect ac­cording to promise; which will quicken and excite you to more diligence. There is a time coming, when the Mind shall be filled with as much Light, and the Heart with as much Love and Joy as the capa­city of it is able to contain. There will be,

1. A compleat Vision of God and Christ, 1 Cor. 13. 12. No desire of the Mind shall be unfilled or unsatisfied with the Knowledg of God in Christ.

2. A compleat Possession and Fruition of God: Here, we are in a waiting, ex­pecting, longing Posture; but there is a plenary Fruition; we are filled up with all the Fulness of God, Ephes. 4. 19. and 1 Cor. 1. 20. God is all in all.

3. A compleat Similitude and Trans­formation in the Image of Christ, 1 Iohn 3. 2. Psal. 17. 15. Here Grace is mingled with Corruption; we are like God by the [Page 177] first Fruits of the Spirit, but unlike him by the Remainders of Corruption; But in Heaven we shall be wholly like him. Here we resemble Christ, but we also re­semble Adam, yea, and often shew forth more of Adam than Jesus: But there we only shew forth the Holiness and Purity of Christ; His Image shineth in us without Spot and Blemish.

4. A compleat Delectation arising from all the rest. The Vision, Fruition, and Likeness of God, Psal. 16. 11. Those De­lights are full and perpetual: Our great Business will be to love what we see, and our great happiness to have what we love: This is our never-failing Delight; we en­ter into our Master's Joy, Mat. 25. and 1 Pet. 4. 13. That when his Glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad with an exceeding Ioy. The Lord hath reserved the fulness of his People's Joy, until that time when Sorrow will be no more.

Vse 2. Are we perfect, that is, grown Christians in the way to Perfection?

The Notes of it are;

1. When there is such a base esteem of worldly Things, that our Affections are weakned to them every day: One half of [Page 178] Religion, is dying to the World, as the other half is living to God, the mortify­ing of Self-love, and the strengthning and increasing our Love to God: Self-love is gratified by the Pleasures, Honours, and Profits of the World; so love to God aimeth at the enjoyment of God, when we get above the Hopes and Fears of the World, and the Delights of Sense; I am crucified to the World, Gal. 6. 12. when every thing is loss and dung for Christ's sake.

2. When more unsatisfied with present Degrees of Holiness, with a constant en­deavour to grow better: Our maimed and defective Service, is a real trouble to us: we bewail our Wants and Imperfecti­ons; I cannot do what I would; O [...] wretched Man that I am! Who shall deliv [...] me from the Body of this Death? 'Tis the grief and shame of your Hearts, that yo [...] serve God no better; you are still groan­ing, longing, striving after greater Per­fection; but when you allow your selve [...] in your Imperfections, and digest Failing without remorse, you are Weaklings i [...] Christianity. A true Christian desireth the highest degree of Holiness, and to b [...] freed from every thing that is Sin, canno [...] [Page 179] sit down contented with any low degree of Grace; 'tis a trouble to him that he knoweth and loveth God no more, and serveth him no better; his smallest Sins are a greater burden to him, than the greatest bodily Wants and Sufferings, Rom. 7. 23, 24.

3. Such are more swayed by Love than Fear: Weak Christians are most obedi­ent, when most in fear of Hell; but the more we love the Lord our God with all our Hearts, the more we advance towards our final Estate. At first our Pride and Sensuality beareth sway and rule in us, and have no resistance, but now and then some frightnings and uneffectual checks from the fears of Hell, such they are not converted yet. And if the sense of Re­ligion do more prevail upon us, yet our Condition is more troublous than com­fortable, and all our business is, to escape the everlasting Misery which we fear, and so we may forsake the practice of those gros­ser Sins which breed our Fears, or perform some Duties that may best fortify us a­gainst them; but this Religion is anima­ted by Fear alone, without the Love of God, and Holiness, that's only prepara­tive to Religion, near the Kingdom of [Page 180] God: But when really converted, we have the Spirit of his Son inclining us to God as a Father, Gal. 4. 6. But as yet the Spi­rit of Adoption produceth but weak Ef­fects, we differ little from a Servant; 'Tis perfect Love casteth out Fear, 1 John 4. 18. When the Soul loveth God, mind­eth God, and is inclined to the Ways of God, delighteth in them as they lead to God; then we are in a better progress, and more prepared for our final Estate: His great Motive is Love, his great End is perfect Love. For the present, he would serve him better, because he delighteth in his ways. O how I love thy Law! Psalm. 119. 97. and vers. 140. Thy Word is very pure; therefore thy Servant loveth it. They are willing and ready for God, these are throughly setled in a Christian Course.

4. The grown Christian is more hum­ble; he seeth more of his Defects than others do: Weak Christians are more lia­ble to be puffed up, than the wiser and stronger; for the more Men increase in Grace, whether Knowledg or Holiness, the more they know their Emptiness, Un­mortifiedness, and manifold Sins and Failings: The more they know of the Jealousy of God's Holiness, of the Evil [Page 181] of Sin, of the Strictness of the Cove­nant, have a deeper sense of their Obli­gations to God, and have more experi­ence of their own slippery Hearts: Sin is more a burden to them than ever they see; they have more difficulties to grap­ple with, and all this keepeth them hum­ble and low in their own Eyes. All this is spoken to press you to look to this growth and progress, which is our Per­fection. By the way, He that thinketh he hath Grace enough to be saved, and careth for no more, dealeth more niggard­ly with God than he would do in the World; if a Man hath Bread enough to keep him from starving, would he be con­tent? There is no Truth, where no care of growth; if our Condition be safe, 'tis not sure to us.

A Perswasive to Unity in Things Indifferent.

PHIL. 3. 15. ‘—As many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.’

I Now come to the other part of the Text;

1. As many as be perfect, be thus minded; [...], think the same thing with me, that is, forsaking all other Confidences, cleave to Christ alone what­ever it cost you. Mind this, take care of this, be thus affected; let us actually per­form that to which Circumcision was de­signed; let us worship God in a spiritual manner, trusting Christ as the substance of all these Ceremonial Shadows, depend­ing [Page 183] upon him for his renewing and recon­ciling Grace, and adhering to pure Chri­stianity, without mingling with it the Ru­diments of Moses.

2. If in any thing ye be otherwise mind­ed, know not the abolition of the Cere­monies through weakness of Faith, or an affected Ignorance; yet having knowledg of so many saving Truths, we hope in time God will reclaim you from your Er­ror. Well then,

1. Here's a Difference or Dissent sup­posed, Thus minded, and otherwise mind­ed.

2. Lenity expressed towards the Dis­senters; If in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even [...]his to you.

Doct. That when God's People are di­vided in Opinion, all Lenity and mu­tual Forbearance should be used, to pre­vent things from coming to an open Rupture.

So sweet and mild was the Discipline in the Apostles days, that he would not compel Men to do what-ever he or others did conceive to be Good, or to forbear [Page 184] what they did conceive to be Evil, but without force, leave them to God's Dire­ction and Illumination.

Here let me shew you,

I. What Lenity and Forbearance should be used.

II. The Reasons why Lenity and For­bearance should be used.

I. What Lenity and Forbearance should be used. Let us state it in these Conside­rations.

1. There may be, and often are, Dif­ferences of Opinion about lesser Things in the Church: Partly, Because of the dif­ferent degrees of Light. All Barks that sail to Heaven, draw not alike depth of Water. And partly, because of the re­mainders of Corruption in all. Inordinate Self-love is not in all alike broken and mortified, and so their particular Interests have an influence upon their Opinions. And partly, because of the accidental Pre­judices of Education and Converse, &c.

2. When these Differences arise, we should take care they come not to a Rup­ture and open Breach. This is the course the Apostle taketh here, he doth not by and by despair of the Dissenters, and re­ject [Page 185] them as Hereticks, but beareth with them, hoping in charity God will at length reveal their Error to them by the ministry of his Servants, through the powerful Operation of his Spirit, and not suffer them to run on in dividing Courses from the rest of his People: So should we do in like cases; partly, because when these Differences of Opinion breed Divi­sions and Separations, the Church is de­stroyed: Gal. 5. 15. For if ye bite and devour one another, take heed ye be not con­sumed one of another. Backbitings, Re­vilings, and Reproaches, make way for a total Vastation of the whole Church, a ruin to both Parties: Partly, because the whole is scandalized; John 17. 21. That they may all be one, that the World may be­lieve that thou hast sent me. Divisions in the Church, breed Atheism in the World; Partly, because there are Enemies which watch for our halting, and by our Divisi­ons we are laid open to them. Our Lord and Master hath told us with his own Mouth, That a Kingdom divided against it self, cannot stand, Mat. 12. 35. Ne­ver was it so well with the People of God, but besides their Divisions among them­selves, they had common Enemies: and [Page 186] Nazianzen calls them, Common Reconci­lers, because they should ingage God's People to an unanimous opposition to the Kingdom of Satan in the World. And partly, because then mutual Means of Edification are hindred. As long as Cha­rity and mutual Forbearance remaineth, there is hope of doing good to one ano­ther; but when Men break out into op­posite Parties, they are prejudiced against all that Light that they should receive one from another, suspecting every Point as counsel from an Enemy: Gal. 4. 16. Am I therefore become your Enemy, because I tell you the Truth? When Men are once ingaged in a way of Error, whosoever is an Enemy to their Error, is counted an Enemy to themselves. Y [...]a, they can hardly bear that sound Doctrine which doth directly cross their Opinions, but are apt to cavil at all that's said by a Dissen­ter. And partly, because when Men give themselves up to separating and narrow Principles, the Power of Godliness is lost, and all their Zeal is laid out upon their petty and private Opinions, and so Religion is turned into a disputacity. That's the Reason why the Apostle doth so often tell them, Gal. 6. 15. For in Christ Iesus [Page 187] neither Circumcision availeth any thing, nor Vncircumcision, but a new Creature. And, Gal. 5. 6. For in Iesus Christ neither Cir­cumcision availeth any thing, nor Vncircum­cision, but Faith that worketh by Love. And, 1 Cor. 7. 19. Circumcision is nothing, and Vncircumcision is nothing, but the keep­ing the Commandments of God. Observe it where you will, and you shall find, that Separation and Distance from the rest of Believers, doth not befriend Godliness, but undermine it. A Regiment fighting apart from the rest of the Army of Christ, is always lost through their own peevish­ness; at least, they lose great Advantages of promoting the Kingdom of Christ.

3. To prevent this open Rupture, there must be all Lenity used, and mutual For­bearance; we must not rigorously ob­trude our Conceits upon others, either by Church-Power, or private Censure; it may be done either way: Sometimes by Church-Power, especially when 'tis pos­sessed or invaded by the more self-seeking sort of Christians: as we read in the Re­velations, of the Beast that pushed with the Horns of a Lamb; that is, used Church-Power, and under a pretence of Church-Constitution, destroyed them that [Page 188] were truly the Church of Christ. And our Lord telleth us, Iohn 16. 2. They shall put you out of the Synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you, shall think that he doth God good service. Putting them out of the Synagogues, was an abuse of Ecclesiastical Power; it may be so, the Builders may refuse the Corner-Stone. On the other side; private Cen­sures may as much break the Law of For­bearance, as publick Censures. When Inferiors promote their Differences with Turbulency, Heat, and Animosity, and rend and tear all things, yea themselves, from the Body of Christ, and sober Chri­stians, censuring all that dissent from them, as no Christians. There is such a Sin under the Gospel, as the gain-saying of Corah, Jude 11. The Sin of Corah is and may be committed in the New Testa­ment. The Sin of Corah was invading an Office, that no way belonged to him; and censured his Superiors, as if they took too much upon them, because all the Lord's People were Holy, and erected another Ministry in their stead: He being a Levite, would do the Office of a Priest as well as Aaron; and when summoned to appear before Moses, said, We will not [Page 189] come, Numb. 16. 11, 12. Now the Apo­stle saith, in the perishing of Korah, their own Doom was foretold. Again, vers. 19. These are they that separate them­selves, sensual, not having the Spirit. Whence 'tis clear, that private Men, in their Sphere, may rend the Church. And the Factions at Corinth proved it, 1 Cor. 1. 12. I am of Paul, and I am of Apollo, and I am of Cephas, and I am of Christ: As impailing and impropriating the com­mon Salvation to themselves. Much mil­der was the Apostle, 1 Cor. 1. 2. Iesus Christ, theirs and ours. Now what Re­medy is there, but Lenity and mutual Forbearance? This I shall state,

1. As to the matter of the strife. It must be considered, that we must dispense this Forbearance as the Matter will bear. There are great Disputes about Tolera­tion, only let me tell you now, that we speak not of the Toleration of the Magi­strate, but of the Church, what things are within the latitude of allowable Diffe­rences within the Church. The Magi­strates Concessions may be larger; for in supernatural Things, such as Matters of Religion are, he may bear with that which the Church ought not to bear with in [Page 190] them that have submitted to an higher In­stitution, or in its own Members, or ra­ther private Christians one with another. But in this limited Forbearance, there are Extreams, and for want of right stating of things, Men fight with their Friends in the dark; some think all things should be suffered; some nothing wherein to bear with our Brethren. The one sort of Christians is for imposing on their Bre­thren all things that have gotten the vogue and the favour of Authority, and that not only on their Practice, but their Judgments too: And this in Matters not fundamental or destructive to Faith or Worship, but in things controversal or doubtful among godly and peaceable Men. But if it should not go so high, contending about every Difference of Opinion, and urging our Brethren with every thing we conceive to be right, is a Breach of Christian Love, and destroyeth the use of those differing Gifts which Christ hath given to the Church, and cros­seth his Mind in the frame of the Scrip­tures, which are clear in Soul-saving Mat­ters, in other things, especially Matters of Discipline and Order, more dark and ob­scure. 'Tis also contrary to the mild and [Page 191] gentle Government of the Apostles, who press in lesser Matters a Forbearance; as Paul, Rom. 14. 1. The weak in Faith re­ceive, but not to doubtful Disputations; re­ceive him, own him, but do not cast him out of the Church, nor trouble him for doubtful Things, but let him come to himself, for Men will sooner be led than drawn.

The other Extream is, of them that will have all things to be tolerated, even Blasphemy and Fundamental Errors, as if the Scriptures were uncertain in all things. No, in Things absolutely necessary to Sal­vation, 'tis clear, open, and plain, The Law is a Lamp, and a Light, Prov. 6. 23. and Psal. 119. 105. And in such a case we are not to bid him God-speed, 2 Epist. Iohn 10. In such cases of damnable He­resy, the Law of Christian Lenity holdeth not; but if we agree in the principal Ar­ticles of Faith, let us embrace one ano­ther with mutual Love, though we differ from one another in variety of Rites and Ceremonies, and Discipline Ecclesiastical; if we agree in the Substantials of Wor­ship, let us go by the same Rule, do the same Thing: Though in Circumstantials there be a difference, these are Matters of [Page 192] lesser moment than Separation, or the other division of the Church.

2. As to the Persons contending, there is a difference: The Apostle, when he perswadeth this Lenity and mutual For­bearance, excepts those that raise Troubles in the Church, and distinguisheth between Erring Christians, and their Factious Guides; Vers. 2. Beware of Dogs, beware of Evil Workers, beware of the Concision; the poor seduced Christians he would have to be pittied; but the Renders and Cutters of the Church, he would have them beware of such.

3. The Forbearance it self; 'tis not a Forbearance out of Necessity, because we dare do no otherwise, but voluntary choice out of Christian Pitty and Compassion, knowing that we need as much Forbear­ance from God and others, for we all have our Mistakes and Failings; not a Forbearance out of Policy, till we get opportunity to suppress others: The Sons of Zerviah are too hard for us; God of­ten layeth that restraint upon us by his Providence; and 'tis well he doth: but it should be the restraint of Grace, not a re­spect to our own ease, lest we create trou­ble to our selves, but upon Christian [Page 193] Reasons. No, the Apostle sheweth you whence this Forbearance should come; Ephes. 4. 2, 3. With all lowliness and meek­ness, and long-suffering, forbearing one ano­ther in Love; endeavouring to keep the Vni­ty of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace.

There are four Graces enforce it.

(1.) Lowliness, which is a Grace and Vertue, whereby a Man, from the sense of his own Infirmities, doth esteem but meanly and soberly of himself, and all that is his.

(2.) Meekness, whereby we are ren­dred tractable, gentle, affable, and easy to be intreated and conversed withal, Iam. 3. 17.

(3.) Long-suffering, which is nothing but Meekness extended or continued, and not interrupted by length of Time, or multiplication of Offences.

(4.) Love to our Christian Brother or Neighbour, whereby our Hearts are in­clined, or well-disposed towards them for their good. Love covereth a multitude of Sins, 1 Pet. 4. 8. Maketh us bear with many things in the Person loved: 1 Cor. 13. 4. Charity suffereth long, and is kind. And, Vers. 7. Beareth all things, hopeth all things. This is the Forbearance we press, a For­bearance [Page 194] out of Meekness, and Humility, and Love for Christ's sake.

4. In this Forbearance, both strong and weak have their part, and are much con­cerned, as having either of them much to do herein. Which that we may clear to you, let us consider,

1 st. What they are not to do.

1. Not to leave the Truth, or to do any thing against it: No, the Apostle saith, Let as many as be perfect, be thus minded; not change Truth for Error. Strings in Tune must not be brought down to strings out of Tune, but they brought up to them.

2. Not to connive at their Sin or Er­ror, for that is not Love but Hatred; Levit. 19. 17. Thou shalt not hate thy Bro­ther in thine Heart; thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy Neighbour, and not suffer Sin upon him. To let him go unconvinced, is to harden him; 2 Thess. 3. 15. Yet count him not as an Enemy, but admonish him as [...] Brother. The Sins of others must not be le [...] alone, under the pretence of Forbearance; and there must be no neglect of Means to reclaim them from their Sin, but meekly we are to hold our Light to them, and use [Page 195] all Holy Means of convincing and satisfy­ing their Judgments.

2 dly. What they are to do.

1. The Strong are not to deal rigorou­sly with the Weak, nor insult over them, nor pursue them with Censures, but wait till God declare the Truth un [...]o them, and must promote their Conviction with all gentleness and condescension. We are to feed Christ's Lambs as well as his Sheep, and for both we need Love, Iohn 21. 15, 16. Among the Flock of Christ, there are variety of Tempers and Degrees of Strength, both Lambs and Sheep, we must imitate our Lord: Isa. 40. 11. He shall feed his Flock like a Shepherd; he shall gather the Lambs with his Arms, and carry them in his Bosom; and shall gently lead those that are with young. We should con­descend to the weak and feeble Ones, as well as consider what the strong and con­firmed can bear: though we cannot love their Weakness, yet we must love the Weak, and bear with the Infirmities of the Weak, not break the bruised Reed. Infants must not be turned out of the Fa­mily, because they cry, and are unquiet and troublesome; though they be peevish [Page 196] and froward, yet we must bear it with gentleness and patience, as we do the frowardness of the Sick; if they revile, we must not revile again, but must seek gently to reduce them, notwithstanding all their Censures; to entertain them with contempt, is to prejudice them quite a­gainst all Instruction. Iob would not de­spise the Cause of his Man-servant, or Maid-servant, when they contended with him, Iob 31. 13.

2. The Weak. But who will own this Title and Appellation? Because in Con­troversies of Religion, all seem to stand upon the same Level, and another differ­eth from me, as much as I do from him; their Opinion is as far from mine, as mine from theirs; who then shall be accounted weak?

I Answer;

1. Our Rule is plain; and as it di­stinguisheth Error from Truth, so Weak­ness and partial Christianity from that which is more perfect and thorough. Be­sides, 'tis clear, some have not the Gifts of Knowledg and Experience that others have, nor such advantages of Education and Study, and helps of knowing the Truth; and though they are not to cap­tivate [Page 197] their Understandings to the Di­ctates of others, yet they should search, and search again and again, and have dou­ble Light, when they are by the seeming Evidence of Truth forced to differ.

2. Christianity teacheth us to think meanly of our selves, and not to be wise in our own Conceits; Phil. 2. 3. In low­liness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves; at least, we should have such a sense of our Imperfections, as to make us tractable and teachable.

3. If you will not own your selves Weak, do the part of the Strong meekly, hold forth your Light, produce your Rea­sons to convince others; but if you have nothing to produce but your Obstinacy and Ignorance, surely you are not only a weak, but a perverse Brother. But what are the Weak to do? not to rend and cut off themselves from the rest of Christians, or be strange to them upon every lesser dissent, nor to raise Troubles by your Censures, but to be humble, teachable, diligent in the use of Means, to lay aside obstinate Prejudices, to examine how it cometh to pass that the rest of the Godly and you differ; to leave room still for the discovery of God's Mind, where your [Page 198] Grounds are not clear and certain, and to count it no shame to retract that former practice which a future Conviction dis­proveth.

II. The Reasons.

1. From the Necessity, Excellency, and Utility of Union: What more clear in the Scriptures, than that Christians should endeavour to be united. Christ prayed for it, Ioh. 17. 21, 22, 23. That they all may be One; that they may be One as we are One; that they may be perfect in One. And the Apostle enforceth it, by the most vehe­ment Intreaties that can be used. Phil. 2. 1, 2. If therefore there be any Consolation in Christ, if any Comfort of Love, if any Fel­lowship of the Spirit, if any Bowels of Mer­cy, fulfil ye my Ioy, that ye be like-minded, having the same Love, being of one Accord, and of one Mind. Who can withstand such an adjuration and powerful beseech­ings as these? that if ever they found any comfort by his Ministry, and ever had any Hope by Christ, ever any Influence of the Spirit, ever any Pity and Compassion over Souls, that they would look after Unity in Judgment, Love, and Affection, and lay aside their Differences, and Carnal [Page 199] Emulations? Again, they caution us a­gainst those that cause Divisions; Rom. 16. 17, 18. Now I beseech you, Brethren, mark them which cause Divisions and Offen­ces, contrary to the Doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them; for they that are such, serve not our Lord Iesus Christ, but their own Belly; and by good Words, and fair Speeches, deceive the Hearts of the Sim­ple. They press Unity upon us by very cogent Arguments, that carry the highest Reason with them; Ephes. 4. 4, 5, 6. There is one Body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one Hope of your Calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Fa­ther of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Seven uniting Considerations are there heaped up together.

1. There is one Body of Christ, where­of all are Members. The whole Church maketh but one Body knit by Faith to Christ their Head, and by the Bond of Love among themselves; and the meanest Christian is a Member in this Body. Now 'tis unnatural, if the Members of the same Body should tear and destroy one ano­ther, and that the Body of Christ should [Page 200] be rent and torn; and wo be to them by whom it is so.

2. This Body is animated by one Spirit, that if any be a Member of this Body, it's necessary that he have the Spirit of God abiding in him, to renew and quicken him. Now this one and the self-same Spi­rit, as the Apostle calleth him, 1 Cor. 12. 13. worketh in all the Saints; if his Gifts be various, they proceed from the same Author, and they are variously dispensed to preserve Society and Communion, that one may not say to another, I have no need of thee. However, there is but one new Nature in all the Sancti [...]ied.

3. One Hope of Glory. We are all joint Heirs of the same Kingdom, we all expect one End and Happiness, where we shall meet and live together for ever. Now those that shall meet and live together in Glory hereafter, should live together in Peace and Concord here.

4. There is one Lord, one Mediator and Blessed Saviour. Now shall the Ser­vants of one Master fall at odds with themselves, neglect their Master's Work committed to them, beat their fellow-Ser­vants, and eat and drink with the Drun­ken?

[Page 201]5. One Faith; Fides quae creditur, he meaneth the Doctrine of Faith in the Go­spel. We agree in the same Fundamen­tal Truths of the Gospel, as the only Ob­ject of saving-Faith, and shall we strive about Things of less Importance and Mo­ment? there is but one Gospel, which is the Seed of our New Birth, the Rule of our Faith and Lives, the Foundation of our Hope, the Food of our Souls.

6. One Baptism, that is the same New Covenant, sealed and confirmed by Bap­tism; and when our Father's Testament is clear, do we quarrel about petty and mean Things?

7. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. We have one common God and Fa­ther, whose Eminency is above all Crea­tures, whose presence and powerful Pro­vidence runneth through all Creatures; but his special Presence, by the gracious Operations of his Holy Spirit, is in the Regenerate. Surely this is a strong Bond of Union, to be one in God, he is the common Father of all Believers, through Jesus Christ. Some are Weak, some Strong, some Rich, some Poor, but they have all an equal Interest in God. Now for [Page 202] us, who are so many ways one, to be rent in pieces; How sad is that! All these pla­ces, and many more, shew how every Christian should, as far as 'tis possible, be an esteemer and promoter of Unity a­mong Brethren, and not only make Con­science of Purity, but of Unity also, which next to Purity, is the great Badg of Christianity.

2 dly. From the consideration of our mutual Frailties, who have all in part a corrupt Will, guided by a blind Mind. Now as the Apostle saith of the High Priest, who is taken from Men, Heb. 5. 2. That he is one that can have compassion of the Ignorant, and them that are out of the way, for that he is compassed about with In­firmities. This should be verified in eve­ry one of us; one Sinner ought to have compassion of another; the word is [...], can reasonably bear with the ignorance of Brethren, be­cause of the common Relation. Gal. 6. 1. Ye which are Spiritual, restore him with meekness; so him that is weak, receive, Rom, 14. 1. The Apostles being imme­diately inspired, were more infallible than we are.

[Page 203]Oh, do but consider what we were, and what we are; For we our selves were sometimes foolish and disobedient, Titus 3. 3. Did not we all sit in Darkness, and in the shadow of Death? Were we not all ignorant of the Ways of God, and the Things which belong to our Peace? Hath God meerly by his Grace brought us to the knowledg of his Truth, and shall we contemn and disdain our weak Brother? or insult over him, and determine and judg rashly of him? Who maketh thee to differ? 1 Cor. 4. 7.

2. What we are: weak Creatures, not infallible; now after we are light in the Lord, we have our Errors in Knowledg and Practice, some more, some less, ac­cording to the degree of our growth; Psal. 19. 12. God revealeth to his Saints all necessary Truth, but not every par­ticular Truth, out of wise Dispensa­tion.

3 dly. From the consideration of the probability of Divine Illumination.

1. This Illumination cometh from God only. 'Tis he that powerfully revealeth it, and setleth the Heart in the belief of it, Acts 16. 4. And, 1 Cor. 3. 6, 7. I [Page 204] have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. The best Means may be disappointed, till God cooperate with them; let us then with patience use the Means, and refer the Issue to God; 2 Tim. 2. 25. In meekness instructing those that op­pose themselves, if peradventure God will give them Repentance unto Life. If we seek to force Men to our Opinion, before Men are convinced, that is a tyranny which will do little good; it may make Hypo­crites, but it will never make real Con­verts.

2. This Illumination is given by God by degrees: The Apostle prayeth for the converted Ephesians, That God would give them the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, Ephes. 1. 17. They had it before, but he meaneth a greater measure. Therefore weak Christians are not to be discouraged, though they see not as far as others; some see more, some less, according to the state and condition wherein God will imploy them. Some need more Light than others, as Ministers more than People, Gover­nors more than Inferiors; but all have sufficient: some at first see Men walking like Trees, Mark 8. 24, 25. but after­wards the Light groweth more clear [Page 205] and more distinct. In short, he doth not reveal his Mind to his Children all alike, nor all at once, but here a little, and there a little, as narrow-mouth'd Vessels can take it in.

3. Those who are not for the present, may be afterwards instructed in the Truth. The Apostle proceedeth in the hopes of that;

1. Upon the Supposition, That they were already converted to the Christian Faith, and were sincere in the Belief and Profession of it. Those that belong to God, will one time or other be enlightned in the knowledg of all necessary Truths; For God that hath begun a good Work, will perfect it, Phil. 1. 6. If the Saints at first Conversion, when they were called from Darkness to Light, did not hinder Illu­mination then, and the knowledg of those many Soul-saving Truths which God re­vealed to them then, so as to recover them from a partial Error, we may pre­sume that God will give them a farther understanding of the Way of Salvation, though now under some Error; as Aquila and Priscilla expounded to Apollos the Way of God more perfectly, Acts 18. 26.

[Page 206]2. Upon the Supposition that they were humble and tractable; Psal. 25. 9. The Meek he will guide in Iudgment, the Meek he will teach his Way. They lie open to Information; but if Men be puffed up with Self-conceits, there is more hopes of a Carnal Fool than of them, that is, a sensual and brutish Man.

3. That they will not neglect any means of Study and Prayer: Study; For we must dig for Knowledg as for Silver, Prov. 2. 4. not only cry for it, but dig for it in the Mines of Knowledg; com­mon and obvious Apprehensions lead us into Error. And then Prayer, Psal. 119. 18. Lord open mine Eyes, that I may see wondrous Things out of thy Law. God must take away the Vail. Now then up­on prayer to God, and applying them­selves to the use of Holy Means, God will shew them they are deceived. If you Study and not Pray; 'tis just with God to leave you to your Prejudices; if you pray, and neglect Means, you must not think that God will extraordinarily in­spire you, for he revealeth Truth by his Blessing on ordinary Means.

4. Upon suspicion that they continue in the Communion of the Church, Ephes. [Page 207] 4. 15. Speaking the Truth in love. While we keep Unity, and keep Love, others have greater hopes to convince, they to be convinced; and so both, while they divide not, by this mutual Condescension, may the better wait for this Illumination; but in their Separation, their Errors are confirmed while they hear but one side, nothing to undeceive them, but all to root them in their Errors.

5. He supposeth that they walked or­derly according to their Light. Now if God hath begun to enlighten them in other things, he will discover more Truths to them, Iohn 7. 17. Upon the whole, deal tenderly with them, and tolerate them, till they be taught of God.

6. As to the Nature of his Confidence, God shall reveal. There is a two-fold Confidence, a Confidence of Faith groun­ded on a Promise, and a Confidence of Charity grounded on Appearance and Probability, 1 Cor. 13. 7. We hope the best, though the Event doth not always follow, the former is on the fore-mention­ed Grounds, the latter on Appearance. The Appearance of them; so, Gal. 5. 10. I have confidence in you, through the Lord, that ye will be no otherwise minded; for he [Page 208] that troubleth you, shall bear his Iudgment whoever be be. This Confidence was grounded on Charity, that through the Lord's Grace they should be reclaimed from their Error, and brought to imbrace the Truth. We are not to despair of the recovery of any, but in charity to hope the best of all Men, as long as they are cureable. Thus for the third Rea­son.

4 th Reason, from the temper of those that are perfect. A grounded Christian beareth with the Infirmities he seeth in others, and pitieth and helpeth them, and prayeth for them more than the Weak, who are usually most censorious, and ad­dicted to the Interest of their Party and Faction in the World, and make a bustle about Opinions, rather than solid Godli­ness: but the grown Christian is most un­der the Power of Love, and an heavenly Mind, and so loveth God and his Neigh­bour, is most sensible of his own Frailty, hath a greater Zeal for the welfare of his Church and Interest in the World, and seeth further than others do.

[Page 209] Vse is, to press us to this Lenity and Forbearance to one another.

To this end take these Considera­tions.

1. Consider in how many Things we agree, and in how few we differ. There is a three-fold Unity, in Mind, and Heart, and Scope.

In Mind: Rom. 15. 5, 6. Now the God of Patience and Consolation, grant that you be like minded one towards another; that ye [...]ay with one Mind, and one Mouth, glorify God.

In Heart: Acts 4. 32. And the multi­tude of them that believed, were of one Heart, and of one Soul.

As to the Scope: Rom. 15. 5, 6, 7. Now as to the Way, 'Tis either the gene­ral way of Faith and Holiness; for all that shall be saved, are of one mind, as to the Substantials of Faith and Worship; Ier. 32. 30. I will give them one Heart, and one Way, that they may fear me for ever. But there may be a different practice as to some lesser things; Should we for these break with one another?

[Page 210]2. Take more notice of their Graces, than of their Infirmities; Is there no good [...]hing found in them; Rev. 2. 6. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the Deeds of the Nicolaitans. See also vers. 2. and 5. he beginneth and endeth with their Com­mendation, though in the middle of the Epistle he reproveth them for their Decay. He taketh more notice of what is right, than what is wrong: We reflect upon the Evil of every Party, but do not con­sider the Good.

3. Remember how open the Enforce­ments to Love and Unity are, and how much the Grounds of Separation lie in the dark, and are in a doubtful Case, but Union is the safest part.

4. Think of God's Love and Forbear­ance towards us, before we received the Light of his Truth, and were brought to the Obedience of his Will; as God dealt with the Israelites, so with every one of us; Acts 13. 18. He suffered their Man­ners in the Wilderness; If we had been dealt with rigorously, we had been cut off from the number of God's People, had such Stumbling-blocks and Prejudices laid in our way, that we should never have been converted to God.

[Page 211]5. This Forbearance cannot in Reason be expected from others to our selves, if we be not ready to repay it to others. There is no Man which hath not Infirmities of his own, which call for Forbearance, Iam 3. 2. In the general, Every Man is obliged to do as he would be done unto, Mat. 7. 12. So in particular, He is re­proved when he had his own Debt forgi­ven him, yet took his Fellow-Servant by the Throat, and shewed him no Mercy, Mat. 18. 28. We have all our Failings and Mistakes; usually God punisheth Censures with Censures, Mat. 7. 1. Inju­ries with Injuries. Paul that stoned Ste­phen, was himself stoned at Lystra. So he punisheth Separations with Separations: they are endless; as Circles in the Water beget one another.

6. Consider how dangerous it is to re­ject any whom Christ will own for his: Will Christ admit him to Heaven, and will you think him unfit for your Com­munion here upon Earth? Despise not the weak Brother, for God hath received him, Rom. 14. 3. The Gentile Believer must not despise the s [...]rupulous Jewish Believer, and cast out of his Communion the Gentile Christian: if God hath ad­mitted [Page 212] him into his Family, shall we ex­clude him? So, Matth. 18. 6. Whosoever shall offend one of these little Ones which be­lieve in me, it were better that a Milstone were hanged about his Neck, and that he were cast into the Sea. Now what greater Offence, than to cast them off from the Privileges of the Christian Church, either by publick or private Censures, which are causless or unwarrantable, at least no way grounded on necessary Things?

7. As we must not on our part give Offence, or occasion the Divisions, so we must not take Offence when 'tis given by others; for Charity, as it provoketh not, so it is not easily provoked, 2 Cor. 13. 5. So likewise if a Rent be made by others, we must do what we can to heal it; if an angry Brother call us Bastard, yet let us own him as a Brother, and a Child of the Family; for, Blessed are the Peace-makers, Matth. 5. 9. The World censureth us for Complyers, and Dawbers; but God counteth us his genuine and true Chil­dren.

8. Our endeavours after Unity among the Professors of Christians, ought to be earnest and constant, Ephes. 4. 3. Endea­vouring to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in [Page 213] the Bond of Peace. I add this, partly, be­cause many make fair Pretences of Peace and Union, which their Practice contra­dicteth; all cry out of the Divisions, but every one keepeth them up: And partly, because when 'tis endeavoured, we shall find Difficulties and Disappointments; but we must not rest in some careless Endea­vours, nor grow weary, tho we meet not with present success: And partly, because the Instruments of so great a Good, are usually sacrificed to th [...] Wrath of both Parties. We must be content to digest Affronts, Reproaches, Censures, and In­juries, and love them that hate us, 2 Cor. 12. 15. Though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am beloved of you.

Not to be offended in Christ, the ready way to Blessedness.

MAT. 11. 6. ‘And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me.’

THese words are the conclusion of Christ's Answer to Iohn's Disci­ples, who were sent from him in Prison, to inquire if Christ were the True Messiah, or they must look for another. This Message was not sent for his own Satisfaction, but theirs; not his own, for he had before openly owned Christ as such, Iohn 1. 29. But theirs, they are offended in Christ, out of respect to their Master. For Answer, Christ re­ferreth them to his Works, whether they were not such as the Prophets foretold were to be performed by the Messiah.

[Page 216]Two things he urgeth.

  • First, His Miracles.
  • Secondly, His Preaching the Gospel.

First, His Miracles. The Blind receive their sight, the Lame walk, the Lepers are cleansed, and the Deaf hear, and the Dead are raised, and the Poor have the Gospel preached to them; This was foretold, Isa. 35. 5, 6. Then the Eyes of the Blind shall be open, and the Ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped: Then shall the Lame leap as an Hart, and the Tongue of the Dumb shall sing. And then for his setting afoot the Gospel, compare Isa. 61. 1. with Luke 4. 18. Isa. 61. 1. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good Tydings unto the Meek: He hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the opening the Prison to them that are bound. Luk. 4. 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the Poor; He hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the Captives, and rec [...]vering of sight to the [Page 217] Blind; to set at liberty them that are brui­sed; to preach the acceptable Year of the Lord. And, Luke 4. 21. This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your Ears. This is here expressed, The Poor have the Gospel preached to them: [...] The Poor are Evangelized; have not only the Promises of the Gospel offered to them, but the impression and power of it is left upon their Hearts: By the Poor, may be meant the humble-minded, or Persons of the meanest and lowest Condition: The humble-minded, or such as were affected with their Sin and Misery. The Proud resist, and stand out against the Gospel; but the broken-hearted, thankfully accep­ted glad Tidings of this Salvation. The Messiah was to preach to the Poor, Luke 4. 18. But in Isa. 61. 1. 'tis the Meek. The Gospel doth affect the poor needy Soul, so as to put a stamp of Grace upon it. They that are sensible of their Sin and Misery, are the proper Objects of this Dispensation: or else it may be meant of Persons of the meanest and lowest condition. The Christian Church was made up of such at first; James 2. 5. Hearken my be­loved Brethren, Hath not God chosen the po [...]r of this World rich in Faith, and Heirs of [Page 218] the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? And, 1 Cor. 1. 26. For ye see your Calling, Brethren, how that not many wise Men after the Flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. Christ did not then call the Eminent and Great, but the obscure and despised of the World, lest Religion should seem to owe its growth and progress, rather to the Power of the World, than to the Evi­dence of the Truth. Now these are said to be Evangelized, that is, to have a good share in the blessed Message, they above others being wrought upon and affected with it. To be Evangelized, implyeth Grace on God's part, and on theirs, a willing reception of the Impression of it, so as to be changed by it. The Poor are all to be gospelled; those whose Poverty is sanctified, to make way for brokenness of Heart; which is not said to exclude the Rich from all Benefit, some were cal­led then, though not many. Grace where it prevails in the Heart, puts Rich and Poor on the same level. It humbleth the Rich, and exalteth the Poor, Iam. 1. 9, 10. It teacheth the one to abound, the other to be abased, Phil. 4. 12. Poverty and Riches do as they are used. Now, [Page 219] saith Christ, tell Iohn the things that ye hear and see; let him expound the Cha­racters of the Messiah as they lie in the Old Testament; and if they be verified in me, see what Application and Inference you ought to make: Therefore he dismis­seth them with this Conclusion; And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

In which words observe,

1. The Privilege; And blessed is he: 'tis meant of our Supream Blessedness.

2. The Qualification; Whosoever is not offended in me. Where observe, 1. 'Tis Negatively expressed; Not offended. 2. There is an universal Negative; Who­soever is not. But are all those who are not offended at Christ, saved? I answer, No, you must look upon this Conclusion, as annexed to the last clause of the for­mer Verse,— The Poor have the Gospel preached unto them: And blessed is he who­soever shall not be offended in me. To be offended, is to be scandalized, or kept from owning Christ as the True Messiah: All are happy and blessed, so far as they are Evangelized; and miserable, so far as Scandalized. When the Kingdom of Hea­ven is brought to us, nothing can bar us [Page 220] from entring into it, but our being offend­ed in Christ. But if we be not scandali­zed, so as to hinder our being Evangeli­zed, Then we are in a happy and blessed Condition; that is, blessed so far, as the impediment of our Blessedness is remo­ved; and indeed, that is all the blessed­ness we can attain unto in this Life. Thus Blessedness is ascribed to pardon of Sins, Psal. 32. 1. because that taketh away the legal Impediment. Blessedness is ascribed to Sanctification, Psal. 119. 1. Blessed are the undefiled in the Way; because that re­moveth the moral Incapacity, and so is a forerunner of Eternal Happiness: And here 'tis ascribed, to not being offended in Christ, when he is sufficiently revealed to us, as it removeth the Impediment of our Faith, which is always some offence and dislike that we take at Christ, and the Ways of God.

The Point that I shall insist on, is this;

That whosoever being invited to embrace the Gospel, is not offended in Christ, is in the ready way to true Blessed­ness.

[Page 221]In the prosecution of this Point, I shall use this method:

  • First, To shew you what it is to be offended in Christ.
  • Secondly, Upon what Occasions Men were then offended.
  • Thirdly, Whether this Sin were proper to that Age only, or we may now be guilty.
  • Fourthly, I shall shew you the Kinds of this Sin.
  • Fifthly, How it is true, that those which escape this Sin, are in the ready way to Salvation.

First, What it is to be offended in Christ.

I Answer, To be offended in Christ, is to be offended because of Christ. Some­thing in him which we dislike, which is an hindrance to our receiving and own­ing him in that quality wherein he ap­peared in the World, and offereth him­self to us: namely, as our Lord and Sa­viour, [...], in the natural sense of it, signifieth either any obstacle or hin­drance laid in a Man's way, by which the [Page 222] Passenger is detained or stopped: Pecu­liarly it is put for those sharp Stakes which they were wont to stick in the Ground in the ancient way of warring, to wound the Feet and Legs of their Enemies in their pursuit of them; against which they used greaves of Brass; most usually, [...], signifieth a Stone or Block in the way, at which a Man is apt to stumble and fall. So, 1 Pet. 2. 8. Vnto them which believe, Christ is precious; but a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offence, to them that stum­ble thereat. A Rock with respect to those that travel by Sea; a Stone of stumbling, with respect to those that travel by Land: so 'tis used here, Who are not scandalized at Christ. In this Expression, there is something expressed, and something sup­posed.

1. It supposeth some Offer and Reve­lation made to us; that Grace is brought [...]ome to us, and Salvation offered to us: Jews, and professing Christians, are more properly said to be offended in Christ, than Heathens who never heard, nor sought after him; 1 Cor. 1. 23. We preach Christ crucified, to the Iews a stumbling-block, to the Greeks, foolishness. They stumble, who being invited to come to [Page 223] him, dislike and are displeased with some­thing in him; or being on their way, are upon some occasion and temptations, laid aside and prejudiced; and either stumble or fall in the way undertaken by them, or have no heart to go forward, but either directly retire or saint.

2. It expresseth or implieth such an Of­fence, that either they are kept off from Christ, or else drawn away from him.

1. Some are kept off by their Carnal Prejudices, or offence they take at some­what of Christ, and so continue in their unbelief; thus Christ is said to be a Rock of Offence to the Disobedient, 1 Pet. 2. 8. that is, the impenitent and unbelieving World, who out of indulgence to their Lusts, slight an offered Saviour.

2. Others are drawn from him: as those that had carnal Expectation when they were disappointed; Joh. 6. 6. From that time many of his Disciples went back, and walked no more with him. This is the Offence, when we are either discouraged from, or in the ways of Godliness.

I now come to shew you,

Secondly, Upon what Occasions were Men then offended in Christ: They were [Page 224] displeased with his Person, Sufferings, Do­ctrine.

1. His Person: They were somewhat alarm'd with his Miracles, and the Wis­dom of his gracious Speeches; but how to reconcile this with the meanness of his Person, they were at a loss; sometimes his birth and breeding were a distaste to them; Matth. 13. 55, 56. Is not this the Carpenter's Son? is not his Mother called Mary? and his Brethren, James, Joses, Simon, Judas? And his Sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this Man all these things? And they were of­fended in him. So, Mark 6. 3. Is not this the Carpenter, brought up in the same Trade with Ioseph? Thus upon the con­sideration of his mean and known begin­ning, they forsook him. Sometimes they quarrelled at his Country, not where he was born, but bred: He was born in Bethlehem, but bred in Nazareth, which was in Galilee: And Galilee, as they con­ceived, was looked upon by God, as a mean and despicable place; John 7. 52. Art thou of Galilee, (speaking to Nico­demus) search and look, for out of Galilee ariseth no Prophet: This was the common conceit, for Iona was of that Country. [Page 225] So, Iohn 7. 41. When some said, This is the Christ; others said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee? that Country was under [...] reproach: Nay, a good Man was pos­sessed with this prejudice, Iohn 1. 46. Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? And Philip saith, Come and see. Trial would make him of another Mind. But many good People are led away with common prejudice, and so over-look Things and Persons of the chiefest re­gard, &c. Sometimes they were offend­ed at the meanness of his Followers; Iohn 7. 48. Have any of the Rulers and Phari­sees believed in him? But this People that knoweth not the Law, are cursed; that is, the Rabble are ready to follow any false Teacher; and such ones follow him.

2. They were offended at his Doctrine, the Mysteriousness of it; as when he had spoken of eating his Flesh, and drinking his Blood, they could not tell what to make of it. If it signified any thing, it signified his Death, and that was a Point not to be touched upon in the hearing of them, that expected a glorious pompous Messiah, that should subjugate other Na­tions to them. Therefore Christ saith, Doth this offend you? John 6. 61. Yea, [Page 226] the Offence was so great, that many of his Disciples went backward, and walked no more with him, verse 66. Sometimes they were offended at the Holiness of it; as when he pressed the Pharisees, who were altogether for external Observances, to look af [...]er an i [...]ward Cleansing. Mat. 15. 12. Knowest thou not that the Pharisees were offended af­ter they heard this saying? This was a great distaste to them, to hear that a Man is de­filed by Sin, and not at all by Meats, and that the washing of the Heart is the chief thing.

3. The great stumbling-block of all, was his Sufferings: This offended Good and Bad; The Good, Mat. 26. 31. All of you shall be offended because of me this night: For it is written, I will smi [...]e the Shepherd, and the Sheep of the Flock shall be scattered abroad. And Peter saith, Though all Men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended, vers. 33. The Bad: This was the great Stumbling-block to the Jews, 1 Cor. 1. 23. We preach Christ crucified, unto the Iews a stumbling-block. By this they f [...]d their obstinacy and prejudice; they could not believe that he that was crucified as a Malefactor, [Page 227] was the Son of God, and the Saviour of the World.

Thirdly, Was it not proper to that Age only? I Answer: No, We also may be prejudiced and guilty of this Sin, of be­ing offended in Christ. You will say, What danger is there of that now, since Christ is publickly owned, and Christia­nity in fashion, and the World run into the Church?

I shall shew you;

  • 1. That there is danger still.
  • 2. What is likely to offend since Christ's Exaltation.

1. There is danger still.

(1.) Because though the Name of Christ be had in honour, yet the stricter profession and practice of Godliness, is under reproach; and the nominal, hateth the serious Christian; tho both own the same Bible, believe the same Creed, and are baptized with one and the same Bap­tism, into the same Profession: Those that are false to their Religion, will m [...] ­lign and scorn those that are true to it, and live up to the Power of it: As there is no commerce between the Living and the Dead, so no true friendship between [Page 228] the Carnal and the Heavenly. Among the out-side Christians, it will be matter of Reproach to be serious and diligent; and they that are so, will be accounted more precise and nice, than wise. No wonder if they slight you, who first slight God, and Christ, and their own Salvation.

(2.) It may happen, that the stricter sort of Christians, are the poorer sort; and such as carry no great port and ap­pearance in the World: And so, though they be precious in the Eyes of God, yet they may be despised by Men. Strictness of Religion is many times looked upon by some, as too mean a thing for Persons of their Rank and Quality; and so whilst the Poor receive the Gospel, they, to keep up their greatness, go the broad way to Hell; these are offended in Christ. In Salvian's Time; Quantus in Christiano po­pulo honor Christi est, ubi religio ignobilem facit: Coguntur esse mali neviles habeantur. Religion makes them base, and Men are compelled to be evil, that they may not be scorned and disgraced. Now we should resolve to be more vile for God, 1 Sam. 6. 22.

(3.) Though Men be not distasted a­gainst Christianity in whole, yet in part: [Page 229] though they be not offended in Christ al­together, yet they take offence at some of his ways, wherein his Glory and In­terest is concerned. In the Age that we live in, many of those things that f [...]ll within the Conscience, and compass of our Duty, may be under a cloud and dis­esteem: Now they that have received light about these things, should not be offended, though the generality of the World decry and oppose them. Christ gets up by degrees; and where the Main of Religion is received, yet all the parts and branches of it are not received, which must be required in their place; and though we are not always bound to the positive profession of lesser things, yet we are bound negatively; we must do nothing against the Truth, 2 Cor. 13. 8. We must not renounce a Truth, because it is run down by vulgar Prejudice, but in all meekness of Wisdom own the bet­ter way: Such constancy of mind is ex­pected from a good Man, who consults with Conscience, rather than Interest.

(4.) The World may not be able to bear the owning of these Truths; and therefore those who set them afoot, may be disgraced, afflicted, and reproachfully [Page 230] used; but the knowledg of an hated Truth, is a greater Argument of God's Favour, than the prosperity of the World. Prov. 3. 32. Envy thou not the Oppressor, and chuse none of his ways; for the Fro­ward is an abomination unto the Lord, but his Secret is with the Righteo [...]s.

(5.) There is no Man in the World, but if he run up his refusal of Christ, or his impenitency and unbelief to its pro­per Principle, he will find it to be some offence or dislike; either because of the inward constitution of his Mind, or the external state of Religion in the World: Either he cannot bring his Heart to suit with the strictness, purity, and self-denial of Christ's Religion, or Christ's Religion to suit with his Heart: As the young Man, Mark 10. 22. He was sad at that saying, and went away grieved, for he had great Possessions. Or else if both suit, the World liketh not the Match; so that it cometh to this Point, That he must be an Enemy to God, or the World: James 4. 4. Ye Adulterers, and Adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the World is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World, is the Enemy of God.

[Page 231]2. What is likely to offend, since Christ's exaltation of his Person in Heaven, and his Religion in the Word?

(1.) The many Calamities which at­tend the Profession of it: Iohn, who was his forerunner, was now in Prison when Christ spake these words; and Christ fore­telleth grievous Troubles and Afflictions; Mat. 24. 10.— And then many shall be of­fended. And he foretelleth us, that we may not be offended: John 16. 1. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended, that is, scandalized by the Hazards which attend Christ's Service, or take occasion to alienate themselves from him, yet all will not do; Mat. 13. 21. When Persecution ariseth for the Word, by and by he is offended. A Man is offended, when he findeth that which he did not look for. Many promise themselves ease and peace in Christianity; and when it falleth out otherwise, they dislike what they formerly seemed to prize.

(2.) They may take offence at Christ's Doctrine; at the Purity, the Self-denial, the Simplicity; the Mysteriousness of it.

1. The Purity of it: To Holy Men, this is an Argument of Love; Psal. 119. 140. Thy Word is very pure, therefore thy [Page 232] Servant loveth it. But to the Carnal, of dislike and offence; John 3. 20. Every one that doth evil, hateth the Light; neither cometh he to the Light, lest his Deeds should be reproved. They have somewhat to con­ceal, somewhat which they are loth to part with. And so, lest they should be found faulty, and engaged to reform themselves; they cannot endure the Light of the Gospel, and are offended at Christ's strict Doctrine, as sore Eyes are at the brightness of the Sun: This Light is not only shining, but scorching.

2. The Mortification, and Self-denial of it. Mortification respects our Lusts, and Self-denial our Interest: Our Worldly Interests are the Baits of our Carnal Desires or Lusts: Now to cruci­fy the Flesh, or deny the World, are both distastful to Flesh and Blood. And there­fore they are apt to say, This is an hard saying. And what strange Doctrine is this? 1 Pet. 4. 4. They think it strange, that you run not with them to the same excess of riot. 'Tis matter of great admiration, that others should abandon their course of Life. The sweetness of Christ's Service, is wholly hidden from them; therefore they hate that Religion which they do [Page 233] profess, and all that are serious in it: They think strange God should plant desires in them, which he would not have to be sa­tisfied: But they do not distinguish be­tween what Nature craveth, and Corrup­tion lusteth after: That the inordinacy is from themselves; and therefore have a secret dislike of Christ in their Souls, be­cause they would do what they list, not what they ought. They would not be fet­tered by any of his Laws, or look upon that Fruit as forbidden, which corrupt Na­ture hath a longing unto, as if all necessa­ry restraint were a kind of Prison to them.

3. The simplicity and plainness of the Gospel, void of humane Wisdom, and excellency of words. It is a plain thing, teaching the way how Sinners may return to God and Blessedness. This Doctrine is clad in the simple attire of a vulgar stile; and this was the offence of the Gen­tiles, who would be gratified with Elo­quence and profound Knowledg: 1 Cor. 1. 22. The Iews require a Sign, and the Greeks seek after Wisdom; that is, the Jews who were trained up in extraordina­ry Dispensations, they would have Mira­cles and Prodigies from Heaven: The Gentiles look for profound Philosophy in [Page 234] the Gospel, and scorn it, because they find it not there: Their offence was, be­cause they found not matter of Dispute, but Practice; for they were altogether bred up in the uncertain Debates of their Philosophers: But little did these mind that there was a sublimity of Wisdom in this plain Doctrine, (1 Cor. 2. 6. We speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the Wisdom of this World, &c.) as discovering the true way of easing the Conscience, and the nature of true Hap­piness; which were the two things about which the wisest and profoundest of them spent all their Thoughts and Speculations: Nor did they mind this, That Laws would lose their Authority, if not delivered in a plain stile; nor would our Duty so clearly be stated by Man's Reason, as by God's Authority. When it is to be found out by Man's Reason, it is left more to the uncertainty of Dispute. Bare Nature is an hard Book to study in, nor are the Lessons of it so easily found out. While the wise Men of the World were debat­ing about Felicity and Happiness; Practi­cal Godliness died upon their Hands, and Men strove rather to be witty than good, and so delivered things more coldly, and [Page 235] not with that Life, and Power, and Au­thority, for the reclaiming and reducing Man to his Duty to God. Like the curi­ous Wits of our Age, who delight to speak finely, rather than successfully in the Matters of Religion.

4. The Mysteriousness of it, above all natural Reason. The Devil playeth on all hands; sometimes the Doctrine of the Gospel is too plain, sometimes too mysti­cal. It cannot enter into their Hearts to conceive how God should be distinguish­ed into three Persons; how God should become Man, and the like: and therefore scoffing Atheists, such as are rife in the latter days, question all: And having lost the Light of their Reason, yet retain the pride of their Reason, and are objecting all the Difficulties they can think of, a­gainst the Truth of the Word of God; and are apt to say as Nichodemus, John 3. 9. How can these things be? Till they see a Reason for every thing, they will not own it. Indeed, we must see á Reason why we believe every thing, and that is, Divine Revelation contained in the Word of God; but we cannot always see a rea­son of every thing which we do believe, for many things are Mysteries, and we re­ceive [Page 236] them as we do Pills, not chew, but swallow them; we take them upon the Credit of the Revealer: to chew, pro­duceth a loathsome ejection, to swallow an wholsome Remedy. Believing in the common Notion of it, is a receiving a Truth upon the trust of another: So it differeth from knowing, for then we rea­son of our selves; and Divine Faith is a receiving such things as God hath reveal­ed, because he hath revealed them: Then our first enquiry is, Whether these things be so or so? not how they can be so? Therefore we begin at the wrong end, if we enquire first, How can this be? In many cases, constat de re, the thing is evi­dent in Scripture; but, non constat de mo­do, how it can be, is beyond our reach. Now when we should believe, we dispute, and cavil rather than enquire. If any thing be not plainly revealed by God, you may reject it without sin; but if it be, you must not contradict all that you can­not comprehend; The Trinity of the Per­sons, in the Unity of the Divine Essence; or how a Virgin should conceive; o [...] how a God can become Man: 'Tis suffi­cient that all this is revealed in Scripture, which carrieth its own Evidence in its [Page 237] Forehead, and shineth by its own Light, and hath the Seal and Stamp of God up­on it. In short, to believe, is not to re­ceive a thing in its own Evidence, but up­on the credit of the Testifier: If you will not credit it, unless the thing be evi­dent in it self, you do not believe Christ, but your own Reason; and instead of be­ing thankful for the Revelation, you quarrel with his Truth, because 'tis some­what above your Capacity: you should captivate your Understandings to the O­bedience of Christ, 2 Cor. 10. 5.

I now come to shew you;

Fourthly, The Kinds of this Sin, of being offended in Christ. Three Distincti­ons I shall give you.

1. There is an Offence with Contempt, and an Offence with Discouragement.

1. The Offence with Contempt, is, when we are prejudiced against, or turn from the Faith; either never embrace it, or quite forsake it. Contempt produceth Unbelief and Disobedience: They are so given over to their sinful Courses, that they cannot be perswaded to relinquish them; John 3. 19. This is the condemna­tion, that Light is come into the World, and [Page 238] that Men love Darkness rather than Light, because their Deeds are Evil. Nothing will gain them to submit to Christ's heal­ing Methods, they think he seeketh their Loss and Hurt, rather than their Benefit, because he would reclaim them from their Lusts. These reject all Admonitions, and re­main obstinate & impenitent in their Sins.

2. The Offence with Discouragement: When Men are staggered in their Hope and Obedience: Troubles are distastful to the Flesh, which seeketh its own ease: Some are discouraged in a greater, some in a lesser degree; Heb. 12. 3.— Lest [...]e wax weary, and faint in your minds. Weari­ness is a lesser degree of deficiency, Faint­ness a greater. These Terms are transla­ted from the Body to the Mind.

2. There is an Offence of Ignorance, and an Offence of Malice and Opposi­tion.

1. The Offence of Ignorance and Weakness: When Men are carried with a blind Zeal.— I verily thought that I ought to do many things against Iesus of Nazareth, saith Paul, Acts 26. 9. Men of a super­stitious Conscience, are like a blind Horse full of Mettle, but ever and anon stum­bling. But this is more pardonable, 1 Tim. [Page 239] 1. 13. Who was before a Blasphemer, and a Persecutor, and Injurious; but I obtained, Mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbe­lief.

2. There is the Offence of Malice and Opposition, when Men err, not only in their Minds, but in their Hearts; do not know, and do not desire to know; they would not know what they know, and are willingly ignorant; Nolentes audire, quod auditum damnare non possunt, &c. Tertul. in Apol. They have not a mind to know, that which they have not a mind to do. They would not know the Truth, because they have a mind to hate it; this is spoken of, Acts 13. 45. They were filled with Envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming: This is malice; Men first hate, then persecute and oppose the Truth. Conviction choak'd with Preju­dices, breaketh out into rage against that way they were convinced of, or the Light of which they cannot rationally with­stand: Herod taketh offence against Iohn Baptist, whom he formerly liked, and then beheadeth him. Light resisted, or not kindly used, maketh a Man turn De­vil, that he may the more deface all feel­ings [Page 240] of Conscience: This is the malignity of Revolters, Hosea 5. 5. they will hear nothing to the contrary.

3. There is a Total, and there is a Partial Offence: The Total Offence is, when Men will give Christ no place in their Hearts, but remain in their Infideli­ty; John 8. 24. Because ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. When they will take no warning, they shall pe­rish for despising the Remedy. The Par­tial Offence is, when they do not receive all of Christ, though they may be sound in the Main: these are those that the Apo­postle speaks of, That they are saved as by Fire, 2 Cor. 3. 18. Some Doctrine or Practice wherein they allow themselves, may prove false and unchristian; yet the Man may be mercifully dealt with by Christ, and freed from having his Portion with Unbelievers; yet it goeth hard with him: as one involved in a common Fire hardly escapeth out of it, their Salvation is more difficult. In short, every one is more happy, as he is less apt to be offend­ed in Christ; but they are most unhappy, that are most offended in him.

[Page 241]I now come to shew you,

Fifthly, How it is true, that those that escape this Sin, are in the ready way to Salvation.

To this I answer:

1. The Negative includeth the Posi­tive, and must be thus explained: He that is not offended, but evangelized, hath the Power and Vertue of the Gospel stamped upon his Heart. Blessed is he! Among them that are offended, some for­sake and fall off from Christ, others ne­ver come at him: But these believe, so as to be changed and converted. Nothing hindereth them, when Christ hath gained their liking and esteem; for this esteem that we speak of now, is not a simple spe­culative Approbation; (for that may be, and no change follow; Rom. 2. 18. Thou approvest the things that are excellent); but a practical comparative approbation, all things considered, Christ is best for their turns: always a change followeth this e­steem; Phil. 3. 8. I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledg of Christ Iesus my Lord. And till we have this esteem, there is some secret Offence [Page 242] that we take at Christ, either at his Per­son, Doctrine, Precepts, or the bad en­tertainment they have in the World; and for the contrarie [...]y of our Affections, Christ and we do not close with full com­placency and delight.

2. This esteem produceth an uniform Obedience: For they that thus esteem Christ, will study to please him: Delight in our Master, breedeth delight in our Work: Col. 1. 10. That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good Work, and increasing in the Knowledg of God. And, 1 Thess. 2. 12. That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his Kingdom and Glory. The only way to know whether we be more or less offended in Christ, is to compare our Conversation and Practice with his Precepts: His Benefits commend themselves to our Affections, his Precepts to our Consciences; the one sweeten the other. We have such a good Master, we can never do enough for him. If we like Christ, nothing will be grievous that he giveth us in charge; 1 John 5. 3.— His Commandments are not grievous.

3. When we are not offended in Christ, we are the better fortified against [Page 243] Temptations to Apostacy: They are of three sorts; Errors, Scandals, Persecuti­ons.

1. Errors: Many are drawn away with vain Pretences, But we have an unction from the Holy One, and know all things, John 2. 20. But they are an offence, not only of Seduction, but Contristation Rom. 16. 17. Mark them which cause Errors and Offenses, contrary to the Do­ctrine which ye have learned, and avid them; these are Wens of Christ's Mysti­cal Body, not Parts. Errors in the Church, breed Atheism in the World. Many que­stion the Ways of God, and give over all Religion; because there are so many Diffe­rences and Sects, therefore they think no­thing certain. Certainly God saw this Discipline to be fittest for his People; he hath told us, there must be Errors; he would not have us to take up Religion upon trust, without the pains of Study and Prayer. Lazy Men would fain give Laws to Heaven, and teach God how to govern the Affairs of the World, they would have all things clear and plain, that there should be no doubt about it. But the Lord in his wise Providence seeth it fit to permit these things, That they which [Page 244] are approved, may be made manifest. To excuse the trouble of a Search, Study, and Prayer, Men would have all things agreed, else they take offence at Religion, and that is one means to draw them off, even after profession. The Canonists say, Non fuisset discretus Dominus Deus, nisi unum consti [...]uerit Vniversalem Iudicem. This was their Blasphemy, that God were not discreet and wise, unless he had ap­pointed one Universal and Infallible In­terpreter. This is Mens natural thoughts; the Jews say, That Christ was not the True Messiah: Why? Because if he had been, he would not have come in such a way as to leave any of his Country-men in doubt; but would so plainly have dis­covered himself, that all might know him: So many think Religion is but a Fancy, and so fall off to Atheism and Sceptieism at last, and irresolution in Re­ligion, because there are so many Sects and Divisions, and all upholding it with plausible pretences. And to excuse Lazi­ness or Prejudice, Men pretend want of certainty: But God's Word is plain to all that will do his Will, Iohn 7. 17.

2. The scandalous a [...]d [...]vil Practices of Professors: These do not only infect but [Page 245] offend many, and cause them to stumble at Religion, or fall into a dislike of the Way of Salvation. Scandal is far more dangerous than Persecution: In Persecu­tion, though many be discouraged, yet others are gained to a liking of Religion: There are many that have been gained by the patience, courage, and constancy of the Martyrs, but never any were gained by the scandalous falls of Professors: Per­secutions do only work upon our Heart, which may be allayed by proposal of the Crown of Life: But by scandalous Acti­ons, how many settle into a resolved hard­ness of Heart? In Crosses and Persecuti­ons, many Men may have a secret liking of the Truth, and a purpose to own it in better times: But by this kind of scandal, Men grow into an open and professed dislike thereof. In Persecutions, there is not a dislike of Religion it self, but of the hard terms upon which it must be re­ceived: But by Scandals, Men dislike Re­ligion it self, and nourish a base and vile Opinion thereof in their Hearts, and so they grow loose and fall off. And this mischief doth not only prevail with the lighter sort of Christians, but many times those which have had some taste, it makes [Page 246] them fly off exceedingly; Matth. 18. 7. There will be Offences, but wo unto them by whom they come. Christ hath told us, all will not walk up to the Religion they own: But a Man that is not offended in Christ, will not be offended at the Disor­ders of those that profess his Way: 1 Ioh. 2. 10. He that loveth his Brother, abideth in the Light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in [...]im. All things that offend, will not be taken away till the Reapers come: Matth. 13. 41. The Son of Man shall send forth his Angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity. In the mean time, he that loveth Christ, and loveth his Brother, dareth not reason from some to all, from Persons to the Re­ligion: for Religion is not to be judged by the Persons that profess it, but the Per­sons by the Religion. These things must ever be distinguished, the Rule and the Practice, the Form and the Power: The Form, Manner, or Model of Truth, may be compleat, though the virtue of this Religion doth not prevail over all those that come under the profession of it. 'Tis against all Reason, that the excellency of Christ should stand to the courtesy of [Page 247] Man's Obedience: The Art is not to be judged by the bungling of the Artist. And then for the other, The Love of the Brethren will not permit them, that they should judg of all the rest by a few, and those the worser part: This is, as if a Man should judg of a Street by the Sink or Kennel, or throw away the whole clus­ter or bunch of Grapes, for one or two rotten ones. Shall the Apostles be judged of by Iudas? or the good Angels by the Bad? or Abraham's Family by Ishmael? If some make shipwrack of a good Con­science, others keep up the Honour and Majesty of Religion, as well as they dis­grace it.

3. The troublesome Poverty, and mean outside of those that profess the Gospel, and their many Troubles and Calamities: As in Christ's time, the Grandees and learned Rabbies, did not own Christ. Have any of the Pharisees or Rulers believed in him? That is, Persons of eminency and place. Celsus the Heathen maketh the Objection, Should a few Mariners, (mean­ing Fisher-men) prescribe to the World? But God never intended that Truth should be known by Pomp, nor condem­ned, or disallowed for Troubles that ac­company [Page 248] it: The drift of Christianity, is to take us off from the hopes and fears of the present World; therefore he that liketh Christ and his Promises, is not likely to be separated from him by Persecution, Rom. 8. [...]7. He is held to him, not only by the Head, but by the Heart.

Now the use that we should make of this, is Caution: Take heed of being of­fended in Christ.

I shall, 1. shew you who are in danger of it.

2. I shall shew you the hainousness of it.

3. What we should do to avoid it.

1. Who are in danger of it? I An­swer;

(1.) All such as are hardned in malice and opposition, against those that profess Godliness; and have a male Talent against Strictness, and are glad when it meeteth with any trouble or disgrace: The clear­est Evidence will not convince these Men. Such were the froward obstinate Jews, who were hardned, and believed not, but spake evil of that way, Acts 19. 9. Again, There are some that are more moderate, [Page 249] but are discouraged in their first attempts of a godly Life, and so give over through despondency. The Bullock is most un­ruly at the first yoaking: The Fire at first kindling casts forth most smoke; this they cannot bear, therefore give it over as hopeless. And then partly, the insin­cere, whose League with their Lusts was never dissolved. And again, weak Chri­stians, who are not fortified and rooted in the Love of God, and the Faith and Hope of the Gospel.

2. I shall shew you the hainousness of it.

(1.) 'Tis unreasonable; whatsoever hindreth any Man from coming to Christ, or embracing the Gospel, 'tis an Offence not given, but taken. There is nothing in Christ to make us stumble, and be of­fended at him; Jer. 2. 5. What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after Vanity, and are become vain? But every thing that may draw our desire or delight towards him; yet by Mens blind­ness and ignorance, 'tis very frequent; Luke 19. 42. They do not know the things which belong to their peace, in this their day.

[Page 250](2.) 'Tis very natural; we are apt to set stumbling-blocks in our own way, and matter of offence before our own feet. And take up every obvious pretence to excuse our selves to our selves, from heark­ning to the Offers of the Gospel: Flesh and Blood will stumble in God's plainest ways; Hosea 14. 9. The ways of the Lord are right; the Iust shall walk therein, but the Transgressors shall fall in them. They will count every Mole-hill a Mountain, and offended at every thing which con­cerneth God, and their Duty and Obedi­ence to him.

3. A prejudicate Opinion and Malice is always apt to pick quarrels at Truth and Goodness; Acts 17. 5, 6. The Iews which believed not, moved with Envy, took unto them certain lude Fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a Company, and set all the Ci­ty on an uproar, and assaulted the House of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the People: and when they found them not, they drew Jason, and certain Brethren, unto the Rulers of the City, crying, These which have turned the World upside down, are come hi­ther also. So, Chap. 18. 6. They opposed themselves, and blasphemed.

[Page 251]4. 'Tis a dangerous Sin: If we conti­nue to be offended in Christ, Christ will be offended at us at the last day. We get nothing by dashing against the Corner-Stone, we hurt not Christ, but our selves. Mat. 21. 44. Whosoever shall fall on this Stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to pouder.

3. What shall we do to avoid it?

1. Get a clear Understanding, or a Zeal according to Knowledg; Rom. 10. 2. and Iohn 9. 39. For judgment I am come into the World, that they which see not, might see, and they which see, might be made blind. This will be the effect of my coming, that the Ignorant will be enlightned, and learned Men will not see the things before their eyes; they were hardned and left to their own prejudices.

2. Get a good measure to mete things withal. The Jews were offended in Christ, because they were leavened with a notion of a pompous Messiah; and so judged of all things concerning Christ, as they suited with that conceit: So Iohn 7. 24. Iudg not according to appearance, but judg righteous Iudgment. We judg ac­cording to appearance, but judg not [Page 252] righteous Judgment: This is no good measure, but an Idol of our Hearts. Ma­ny are in an evil way, but yet want not their pretences: As the Tradition of the Elders, Matth. 19. 2. And Succession, Iohn 8. 33. The Novelty of Christ's Do­ctrine; Mark 1. 27. What new Doctrine is this? The vile abject condition of Christ and his Disciples: They never enter into the merits of the Cause, but determine it by prejudicate Opinions: A good mea­sure therefore is necessary; there is men­sura mensurans, and mensura mensurata, a measure measuring, and the measure that is measured; the measure that is measured, is an upright unbiassed Mind.

3. Labour to get a mortified Heart: They are most apt to be scandalized, that have a carnal biass upon their Hearts, a contrariety of affections to the Gospel, Luke 16. 14. Iohn 5. 44. and Iohn 12. 42, 43. who are leavened with covetousness, jealousy of reputation, fear of disgrace, and the like.

4. Get a fervent Love: Psal. 119. 165. Great peace have they which love thy Law, and nothing shall offend them. 'Tis want of a true and hearty love that maketh us so easy and apt to take offence.

[Page 253]A secoud use that we make of it is this, Be sure to take heed of Prejudices against practical Godliness.

1. Some take prejudice against the neces­sity of Regeneration: But surely there is a necessity of fitting us anew to the use and end for which we were made: For the Vse, see Ephes. 2. 10. and for the End, Iohn 3. from the third to the fifth verse.

2. Another prejudice is, the difficulty of a godly life, Mat. 19. 25. With Men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible; use will make it easy; at first it is most hard and tedious.

3. Another Prejudice, is the Persecu­tions which attend it: God will have his Servants and Graces tried. They that go to Sea, must look for Wind and Waves; but in the Haven we shall have rest: In Heaven we shall injoy full and eternal rest.

Wisdom is justified Of her CHILDREN.

MAT. 11. 18, 19.

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a Devil.

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a Man gluttonous, a Friend of Publicans and Sinners: but Wis­dom is justified of her Children.

IN this Context, Christ had likened the People of the Generation in which he lived, to Boys playing in the Streets, and personating (as Children are given to imitate what they have seen in Elder Persons) sometimes Festivities, [Page 256] acting the part of a Musician, but their Fellows danced not; Sometimes Funerals, acting the part of the Mourning Women who were to weep for the dead, cry, Ah, my Brother! but they upbraided their Fellows, that they would do nothing as they should, neither follow them in their Mirth, nor sadness. So the people of that Generation, whatsoever Messages God sent unto them, they accepted them not and obeyed them not. Some great Exceptions they had still to the Messengers employed: one kind of Exception they have to Iohn, and the quite contrary to Iesus; and so they are not pleased, neither full nor fasting, as we say. Their censure of Iohn was, That he was an Hypocondriack, or a frantick Fellow; the Devil was in him, that he was so austere. But Christ, that was gentle and affable, they censure him as a loose Person, or favorer of such. For Iohn came neither eating and drinking, and they say, He hath a Devil: The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, a Man gluttonous, and a Friend of Publicans and Sinners: But Wisdom is justified of her Children.

[Page 257]In the words, three Things are ob­servable.

  • 1. The different Form and Course of Life wherein Iohn and Christ ap­peared.
  • 2. Their Censures both of Iohn and Iesus.
  • 3. The receiving of the Gospel by the unprejudiced.

1. The different Course of Life where­in Iohn and Christ appeared: Iohn came neither eating, nor drinking: that is, lived in a strict austere Course of Life, not after the ordinary Diet of Men; for we read he had his Raiment of Camels Hair, and a leathern Girdle about his Loins, and his Meat was Locusts and wild Hony: But the Son of Man came eating and drinking, that is, using the ordinary Diet of Men, and eating promiscuously with all company, in a more free use of the Creatures, taking the fare as he found it, and conversing with all sorts of Men in a familar Course of Life: Sometimes with Publicans, as Zacheus: sometimes with Pharisees, as Simon, Luke 7. He ob­served [Page 258] no such abstinency, but ate Meats indifferently: sometimes he had nothing but barely Bread and Water; sometimes he was at Feasts, and using Wine, and conversed with Men indifferently.

2. Their Censures both of Iohn, and Iesus: John hath a Devil; that is, he is a Person possessed, out of his wits: For the Jews ascribed all Distempers to the Devil. And of Christ, their censure was, That he was a Glutton, and a Friend of Publicans and Sinners.

3. The reciving of the Gospel by the unprejudiced; But Wisdom is justified of her Children. This last clause, needeth opening; that we may know what is Wisdom, who are her Children, and how they justify it.

1. By Wisdom is meant, the Doctrine of the Gospel, called elsewhere, The Counsel of God; as appeareth by the parallel place, Luke 7. 29, 30. And all the People that heard him, and the Publicans, justified God, being baptized with the Bap­tism of John: But the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Counsel of God against themselves. The Gospel is called Wisdom, because 'tis the result of God's eternal Wisdom. The Doctrine of Christ Cruci­fied, [Page 259] is called, The Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1. 22. And again, 1 Cor. 2. 7. The Wisdom of God in a Mystery.

2. The Children of Wisdom, are the Professors of it: 'Tis an Hebraism; As Children of Corath; Children of Light; Children of this World, &c. the Pro­fessors, and Followers of the Gospel. Wisdom hath her Children; all are not alike indisposed, some are begotten to God by the Doctrine of Grace.

3. Justified. As this is opposed to Cri­mination; so to justify, is the work of an Advocate. As it is opposed to Condem­nation, so 'tis the work of a Judg. Wis­dom's Children will bear witness to their Faith, or the Doctrine of God by their Profession, and Godly Life, and ready Obedience: And exalt it as much as others decry it, and every way manifest that they hold it for good and right.

Many Points might be observed hence: As,

1. That God sendeth forth his Servants with divers dispositions: Some more austere in Life, others more social in their Carriage: some sad and mournful, others chearful [Page 260] and pleasant: some more thundring in Doctrine, others more gently inducing people to Repentance. Since God maketh use of variety of Gifts and Tempers; Let us observe this Wisdom, not bring all to the Law of some admired Instance and Example: As there is a difference of Stomachs, some for Meats baked, or roasted, others for boiled; so God fits his Servants severally to do good, as the Persons they are to treat with need.

2. That Men are qualified according to the dispensation wherein God useth them: Iohn, as a Preacher of Repentance, was austere: Christ, as a giver of Pardon, mild and affable: Iohn was to come in the Spirit and Power of Elias; and there­fore to imitate him in his Course of Life: He was sent forth to raise and awaken a sleepy World, besotted in security: But Christ who was to come with the glad Tydings of Salvation, and to call Sinners to Grace and Pardon, chose to appear in a meek, sweet, and social way of con­verse, that his Benignity in drawing the most grievous Sinners to himself, might thereby be manifested.

3. That Men are apt to complain, quarrel, and except against what is done by God, and [Page 261] whatsoever Methods are used to reduce them to a sence of their Duty. Both Iohn and Jesus were sent by God, but Men have ever somewhat to say: Iohn is too rough and austere; and Christ too sociable, and familiar with Sinners: They dislike the Severity of the one, and the free Con­verse of the other. So in other Cases, old Men, they say, dote; young Men are too rash: some they find fault with, because they are so facil and easy; with others, because they are obscure and deep: People are always unsatisfied.

4. That neither the Severity of the Law, nor the glad Tydings of Salvation, will of themselves work upon Men, unless God set in by his Spirit: For both the Dispen­sation of Iohn and Jesus was without its effect.

5. Though some obstinately refuse the Gospel, yet others accept of it, and live ac­cordingly: Wisdom hath her Children, who justify and defend her ways as much as others impugn and oppose them, Acts 17. 34. God seldom lighteth a Candle, but he hath some lost Groat to seek.

All these Points might be profitably insisted on: But I shall make use of this Text, to give you this Observation.

[Page 262]That Iesus Christ, when he came to set up the Gospel, did not tie himself to a Wilderness-life of austerity in total ab­stinence from common Meat and Wine, as John the Baptist did, and as they thought that he that professed ex­traordinary Sanctity should have done.

In the prosecution of this Point, I shall use this Method.

  • 1. I shall shew you, That the Censures of the two Things disliked in Christ, were not just.
  • 2. Give you the Reasons why he lived, and chose this form and sort of Life.
  • 3. The profitable Observations that we may build thereon.

1. That the Censures of the two things disliked in Christ, were not just. The two things disliked in Christ were;

  • (1.) His Diet.
  • (2.) His Company.

(1.) His Diet: He came eating and drinking: He did eat and drink as other Men, but with great piety, and with [Page 263] great temperance and soberity. His Piety was remarkable, Iohn 6. 11. And Iesus took the Loaves, and when he had given Thanks, he distributed them among the Dis­ciples. And, vers. 23.— Nigh unto the place were they had eaten Bread, after the Lord gave Thanks. All our Refreshments should be sanctified; They are great Mercies, though ordinary: They come down from Heaven, and direct us to seek the Blessing thence, from whence we have the Comforts themselves: Though we have but slender provisions, we should be thankful: Christ gave Thanks for five Barley Loaves and two Fishes. Mark, here he doth not mention the Miracle, but the Thanksgiving. Christ had expressed himself in such a way, as made deep Impression on the standers­by, and would fully convince us, that the blessing of all Injoyments is in God's Hand.

(2.) His Temperance and Sobriety is observable; Five Barley Loaves, and two Fishes were carried about, as the standing Provision for Himself and Family, Luke 9. 13. Christ's Provision is such as may teach sobriety and contentment with a mean condition unto all: At another time he beggeth a draught of Water [Page 264] to quench his Thirst, Iohn 4. 7. And therefore the Exceptions against his Diet were not just.

2. Against his Company: They accused him of eating with Publicans and Sinners, in the Text. So Luke 15. 2. This Man receiveth Sinners, and eateth with them: Because he went to them as a Physician to heal their Souls, Luke 5. 30. He conver­sed with the meanest, and refused not familiarity with the poorest and worst, as was needful for their Cure. The Phari­sees thought it to be against all Decorum, that he would spake and converse with all sorts of People, Publicans and Harlots not excepted: But Christ coming to save all sorts of People, it was necessary that he should Converse with all sorts of Peo­ple.

2. The Reasons why he lived, and chose this sort of Life.

1. Because he would not place Religi­on in outward Austerities and Observan­ces: Men superstitiously appoint to them­selves unnecessary Tasks, and, forbid them­selves many lawful Things, and this they call by the name of Holiness. When Satan who is usually a Libertine, pretend­eth [Page 265] to be a Saint; He will be stricter than Christ Himself: As the Pharisees were in the choice of their Company and outward Observances. Christ foresaw this Spirit would be working in the World: Touch not, taste not, handle not, after the Commandments and Doctrines of Men, Col. 2. 21, 22. That Men were apt to place Religion in a simple absti­nence from the common Comforts of Life, under a pretence of more than or­dinary mortification: neither eat, nor taste, nor touch: over-doing in Externals, is usually an undoing in Religion: The Quaker's Spirit, and the Monkish Spirit, is an Apochryphal and bastard sort of Holiness, a Spirit that suiteth not with the Temper of the Gospel, and the example of Christ.

2. Christ would live a strict, but soci­able and charitable Life, and did not observe the Laws of proud Pharisaical se­paration, but spent his time in doing good, and healing all manner of bodily Diseases, and instructing the Souls of Men upon all occasions: There is a disposition in Men by a foolish singularity, to stand aloof from others: The Prophet toucheth it, Isa. 65. 5. They said, Stand by thy self, [Page 266] come not near me, for I am holier than thou. Some then, though impure and prophane, would seem holier than others, and coun­ted all unclean and polluted besides them­selves: This Spirit rested in the Pharisees in Christ's time, Luke 5. 30. The Scribes and Pharisees murmured against his Dis­ciples, saying, Why do you eat and drink with Publicans and Sinners? So, Luke 7. 39. If this Man had been a Prophet, he would have known who, and what manner of Woman this is that toucheth him; for she is a Sinner. And afterwards the whole Peo­ple of the Jews were possessed with this Spirit, and would not endure that any should converse with the Gentiles, as fearing to be defiled by them. Now Jesus Christ would not countenance this inclo­sing Spirit; coming to do good to all, he would converse with all.

3. Jesus Christ coming into the World as to redeem us to God, so to set us an example, would take up that course of Life which was most imitable by all sorts of Persons, and calculated as for the Honour of God, so for the Benefit of Humane Society. He intended his Reli­gion, not only for Recluses and Votaries, but for Men of all Conditions, Professi­ons, [Page 267] and Employments: and therefore would not fright us from Religion by affected Austerities, but invite us to it by a sancti­fied converse with all kind of Companies: And no Man now can excuse himself, saying, That he cannot imitate the form of Christ's Living, since it is competent to all kind of Persons, even those who are not shut up, but whose Callings ingage them to be abroad in the World: For 'tis Religion that puts us upon the dis­charge of all Duties to God and Man: The sum of it is comprised in the Love of God above all, and our Neighbour as our selves. We love all, even Enemies, with that common Love which is due to Humanity; and all that fear God with a special Love. Now this may be exerci­sed in the Shop, better than in the Cloy­ster and solitudes; and where-ever we go, we may go about doing good: And this may be done by all sorts of Persons, Princes, and Peasants, Noble-men or Tradesmen, as well as Ministers and Peo­ple of a more retired Life.

4. Coming into the World, to set up the Kingdom of God, it was sit his Form of Life should suit with the Nature of that Kingdom. Iohn Baptist telleth them, [Page 268] The Kingdom of God is at hand; and Christ himself, That the Kingdom of God was come, and was among them. Now what is the nature of this Kingdom of God? The Apostle telleth you, that, Rom. 14. 17. The Kingdom of God stand­eth not in Meat and Drink, but in Righte­ousness and Peace, and Ioy in the Holy Ghost. There are two expositions of that place, and both equally probable; the one more general, the other more limited and restrained to the Context: More ge­neral, That Righteousness is taken for all new Obedience, and Peace for peace of Conscience, resulting from the rectitude of our Actions; and joy in the Holy Ghost, for that supernatural comfort which the Holy Ghost puts into our Hearts, by reflecting upon our Privileges in Christ, and the Hopes of the World to come. Now Christianity consists not in eating, or not eating such or such Meats, or such kind of Observances, but in solid Godli­ness, or in the practice of Christian Gra­ces and Vertues. The more limited sense is, That by Righteousness is meant just dealings; by Peace, a peaceable, harm­less, inoffensive sort of living; by Joy in the Holy Ghost, a delight to do good to [Page 269] one another; to advance and build up one another in Godliness, not dividing, hating, excommunicating, censuring one another for lesser Things and meer Ritu­als, but pleasing our Neighbour to edifi­cation, Rom. 15. 2. and 1 Cor. 10. 31, 32, 33. Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God: give no offence, neither to Iews nor Gentiles, nor to the Church of God: even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. This meek, holy, charitable converse to the Glory of God, without offence and scandal, is that which promoteth God's Kingdom: And this would Christ teach us in his own form and course of Life, con­versing in a sanctified manner with all sorts of Persons to their profit and bene­fit.

5. Because Christ would not gratify Humane Wisdom: As he would not grati­fy Sense, by chusing a pompous Life; so he would not gratify Humane Wisdom, by chusing an austere Life. There are two sorts of Men in the World who are not of God; the Men of the World, and the Saints of this World. The Men of the World are brutish Sensualists, who are all [Page 270] for Pomp and Glory, Christ would not gratify these, but came meek and poor, to teach us Humility, Self-denial, and Con­tentation; Mat. 11. 29. Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. He did not bustle in the World for Respect and Ho­nour: His Complaints of his Enemies, and his Answers to them, were full of Meek­ness, and stood not to abase himself for the Father's Glory and Mens Good: so he did not gratify the Men of the World. The Saints of this World are such as are strict in outward Observances, in eating or not eating, in marrying or not marrying, in forbearing such Company, in such a number and tale of Devotions; in ab­staining from such lawful things: These things the Apostle saith have a shew of Wis­dom, Col. 2. 23. The World is mightily taken with bodily Exercise, and outward Strictness: As the Men of the World love to pamper the Body, so the Saints of this World needlesly afflict and dishonour the Body: This hath a shew, and nothing but a shew; but Christ would not gratify these neither; he used a free, but an holy Life, and so was censured and traduced as a Wine-bibber and a Glutton, to teach his Followers to be contented to be judged [Page 271] according to Men in the Flesh, and live to God in the Spirit, 1 Pet. 4. 6. He came to preach, and to give inward Re­generation and Renovation. To shew the proper way of Mortification, which is not by a severity of Life, but by dead­ning the mind to the esteem of the World. That kind of Life which consists in out­ward Rigors, hath some honour and repu­tation in the World, and maketh a fair shew in the Flesh; but he would teach us the Life which consists in Faith, Holiness, Sobriety, Humility of Mind, Charity, Obedience to God, Joy in the Spirit, and comfort of the Promises, which the World liketh not so well; outward and rigorous Observances are more plausible, but the Power of Godliness, and a true sense of the World to come, the World hateth.

6. To shew us the true nature of Mor­tification, which consists not in a bare ab­stinence, and shameful retreat from Temp­tations, but in a Spirit fortified against them: not in a monkish discontent with the World, but an holy contempt of it when we most freely use it. And in brid­ling and governing the Appetite and De­sire, rather than in scrupulous refraining from the Object it self. In an using of the [Page 272] World, but not abusing of it, 1 Cor. 7. 31. Not so much scrupling the Comforts of the present Life, as a valuing and esteeming the Comforts of a better Life; prising more the Christian Vow, than any by-Laws of our own. The Apostle telleth us, 1 Tim. 4. 8. That bodily Exercise pro­fiteth little, but Godliness is profitable to all things. Abstinence from daily Meats, Wines, Marriage, is an act of Self-denial, but a very small one; for all the good it doth, is to tame the Members of the Body, and its external Motions and Actions, without sanctifying the Heart and inward part, as a lively Faith, Fear and Love of God doth. The profit of bodily Exer­cise, is little in comparison of inward Pie­ty, which is necessary to a comfortable Life here, and a blessed hereafter.

Thirdly, The Observations which we may build thereon.

1. We may observe the Humanity, Goodness, and Kindness of that Religion which we do profess, both with respect to our selves and others.

(1.) Our Selves. Man consists of a Bo­dy and a Soul, and hath respects for either, else he were unnatural: The Body indeed [Page 273] we are apt to overprize, and therefore we need not [...]pur but a Bridle for our Af­fections to the bodily life. And therefore Religion, in the Precepts of it, inter­poseth by way of restraint, rather than exhortation; Titus 2. 12. That we should live soberly, &c. And, Rom. 13. 14. Make no provision for the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof. Do not cherish carnal Desires. The Apostle telleth you, No Man ever yet hated his own Flesh, Ephes. 5. 29. but nou­risheth and cherisheth it. Our usual fault is, an excessive pampering of the Flesh: Some have hated their own Souls, at least by consequence and interpretation; there­fore we dare not let loose the Reins, and give either incouragement or allowance to Men to indulge their carnal Desires; yet to avoid prejudice, we must grant what may be granted: for Men are apt to think that Religion is a sower thing, and a­bridges them of all the Comforts of their lives. No, besides the rich Comforts it provideth for the Soul, it alloweth and forbiddeth not so much sensitive pleasure, as tendeth to the holiness of the Soul, and furthereth us in God's Service: It rebuk­ [...]th and forbiddeth nothing but what re­ally may be a Snare to us: It considereth [Page 274] all things, Meats, Drinks, Marriage, Wealth, Honours, and Dig [...]ties of the present World, as they have respect to God and a better World, and as they help and hinder us in the pleasing God, and seeking Immortality.

(2.) With respect to others. The Spi­rit of our Religion may be known by the Example of our dearest Lord: 'Tis not a proud disdainful Spirit that refuseth the company of the meanest and worst, so we may do them good: He came to save Sinners, and conversed with Sinners: He came to redress the miseries of Mankind, and went up and down doing good; tho his familiarities were with the most godly, yet he disdained not the company of o­thers: And surely his Religion, where it prevaileth in the Hearts of any, it causes them not only to deal justly with all, but to love all, all Mankind, with a love of Benevolence; it maketh us to long for the good of their Souls, and desirous also to do good to the Bodies of those that are in need. 'Tis said indeed, Prov. 29. 27. An unjust Man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way, is an abo­mination to the wicked. But we must di­stinguish of the hatred of Abomination, [Page 275] and the hatred of Enmity: We hate our sinful Neighbour, as we must our selves much more, in opposition to the love of Complacency, but not in opposition to the love of Benevolence; so we must neither hate our selves, nor our Neigh­bour, no nor our Enemy. The business of your lives must be, to do good to all, especially to the Houshold of Faith: God's Natural Image is on all Men, his Spiritual Image on his Saints: and we must love God in all his Creatures, especially in his Children. This is true Religion, conse­crated by our Lord's Example.

Secondly, We may observe, That an Ex­ternal Holiness, which consisteth in an outside strictness, without that Faith, Love, Charity, Hope, usefulness and activity which is the very soul and life of Chri­stianity, usually puffeth up Men with a vain conceit of their own Righteousness, and a censuring and a despising of others. This Text sheweth us both the Spirit of Pharisaism, and the Spirit of Christianity. The Pharisees who abounded in outward Observances, censured Christ for his free Converses, and disdained those Sinners whom he invited to a better life, Luke 18. [Page 276] 9, 10, 11, 12. And they were ignorant of true Wisdom, which is justified, em­braced, and received by all her Children. Learn then, that an unruly, fierce, cen­sorious Spirit, which is only born up by external advantages, is not the right Spi­rit of the Gospel. True Religion maketh men humble and low in their own eyes, acquainteth them with their Desert, Sin, and Misery, and maketh them pitiful and compassionate to others, and more ready to help them, than to censure them, and to use all ways and means to do them good.

Thirdly, The main Observation is this, That a free Life, guided by an holy Wisdom, is the most sanctified Life, and bringeth most honour to God, and is most useful to others.

Here I shall shew you,

1. Wherein lieth this free life guided by holy Wisdom.

2. How it is the most sanctified life.

1. Wherein lieth this free life guided by holy Wisdom. 'Tis said of Enoch, Gen. 5. 22. That he walked with God, and begat Sons and Daughters: that is, dedica­ted himself to God's Service, and lived in [Page 277] most strict Holiness. And there you see the use of a conjugal life in its purity, may stand with the strictest Rules of Holiness. So for worldly Affairs, when the course of our calling ingageth us in them, 'tis not using of the World, but over-using is the fault, 1 Cor. 7. 31. So for the Com­forts of this life: Psal. 62. 10. If Riches encrease, set not your heart upon them. The business is not to withdraw them away, but to withdraw the Affection. So for the lawful Delights; there are two ex­treams, clogging and retrenching our li­berty with outward burdensome Obser­vances, or abusing our liberty to wanton­ness; Gal. 5. 13. Ye are called to liberty, only use not your liberty as an occasion to the Flesh. Corrupt Nature venteth it self both ways, either by superstitious rigors, or by breaking all Bonds, and inlarging it self, according to the licentiousness of the Flesh. Meat, Drink, Apparel, are in their own nature indifferent, neither must Superstition work upom them, nor Profaneness, and in the mean between both lieth Godliness.

2. How it is the most sanctified life.

1. Partly because it suiteth with the Ex­ample of Christ: He came as to expiate [Page 278] our Offences, so to give us an Exsample; 1 Pet. 2. 21. Leaving us an Example, that we should follow his steps: and, 1 Iohn 2. 6. walk as he walked. 'Tis high presump­tion to aim at an imitation of Christ in those acts of his, which he did for satisfy­ing the Father's Justice, or proving his D [...]ity; yea, 'tis impossible to imitate him in those: yet in Actions moral, we are bound to imitate him, and in Actions in­different, not to suffer our Liberty to be str [...]ightned, but to govern Circumstances according to that holy Wisdom. Christ retired not from the society of Men, but used the greatest freedom in an holy way.

2. Because there is more true Grace in being dead to the Temptation, than to retreat from the Temptation. A Christi­an is not to go out of the World, neither by a voluntary Death, Iohn 17. 15. nor by an unnecessary sequestration of our selves from Business, and the Affairs which God calleth us to: 1 Cor. 7. 20. Let every Man abide in the same Calling where­in he was called. But to be crucified to the World, Gal. 6. 14. that's Grace to withdraw our Hearts from the World, while we converse in it, and with it. [Page 279] Many real Christians, when they hear us press Mortification, and deadness to the World, think they must leave their Cal­lings, or abate of their necessary activity in their Callings. Alas, in the Shop a Man may [...]keep himself unspotted from the World, as well as in the Closet; in a Court as well in a Cell. We read of Saints in Nero's Houshold, Phil. 4. 22. he was a great Persecutor, yet some Saints could live there within his Gates: There were some Professors of the Gospel. So Rev. 2. 13. I know thy Works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is; and thou holdest fast my Name, and hast not de­nied my Faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful Martyr, who was slain among you where Satan dwelleth. In the sorest and thickest of temptations, a Christian may maintain his Integrity. In short, our way to Heaven lieth through the World; and tho if I be left to my choice, I should chuse that course of life in which there are least Temptations; yet when God, by the posture of our tem­poral Interests, or the course of our E­ducation, or the nature of my Employ­ment, and usefulness, hath determined me to a life more incident to a throng of [Page 280] Temptations, I may the better venture upon them, and must not leave my Service for supposed Snares. Affectation of priva­cy, may be a slothful retreat from publick Business▪ and 'tis more glorious to beat an Enemy, than to fly from him; and Grace is seen in overcoming, rather than in shun­ning Difficulties.

Well then, learn from the whole, That true Mortification consists in a change of the frame of Heart, in a resolution a­gainst the baits of sense, rather than re­moving our presence from them: in being not of the World, tho we are in the World: not in casting away our injoy­ments, but in an equal mind in all Condi­tions, Iames 1. 9, 10. That to be poor in Abundance, humble in high Places, temperate and godly in the freest course of life, is to imitate the life of Christ. That then we are properly mortified, when our esteem, value, and affection, is mor­tified. That Grace sheweth it self more in choice, than in necessity. In an absti­nence from the delights of the Flesh, when we have them, rather than when we want them: that we may follow our business, and yet be godly; that the overcharging [Page 281] of the Heart is the great Evil that we should beware of; that we may use Com­pany, but not to partake of their Sins; yea to make them better, and to purify them by our example.

I now proceed to the last Clause;

—But Wisdom is justified of her Chil­dren.

We have observed,

  • 1. The different form and course of life wherein Iohn and Jesus ap­peared.
  • 2. Their Censures of both.
  • 3. The receiving of the Gospel by the Unprejudiced.

In this last observe;

1. The exceptive Particle [But]; tho undeserved Censures are cast upon the Ways of God, yet at length there is a Wisdom found in them. Ignorant Men mistake them, carnal Men slight them, the Prophane snuff at them; few or none en­tertain them with that respect they ought to do, yet this Wisdom will not want Ad­vocates.

[Page 282]2. The thing spoken of, Wisdom. By Wisdom is meant the Doctrine of the Go­spel, called elsewhere the Counsel of God, as appeareth by the parallel place, Luke 7. 29, 30. And all the People that heard him, justified God, being baptized with the Bap­tism of John. But the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Counsel of God against themselves. The Gospel method of Salva­tion, is there called the Counsel of God, because 'tis the Counsel he giveth Men for their good; as here Wisdom, because 'tis the result of God's eternal Wisdom and Decrees. And elsewhere the Doctrine of Christ crucified, is called the Wisdom of God. And again, 1 Cor. 2. 7. The Wis­dom of God in a Mystery.

3. What is said of it, or how it is used; 'tis justified. Justification is a R [...]lative word; as 'tis opposed to Crimination, so to justify is the work of an Advocate; as to Condemnation, so 'tis the work of a Judg. The Children of Wisdom discharge both parts, chiefly the first; they bear witness to [...]heir Faith, or the Doctrine of God concerning Salvation by Christ; by their Profession, and godly Life, and ready Obedience; and exalt it so much as others decry it, and every way manifest [Page 283] they hold it for good and right; only this pleading is real, not by Word but Deed; Sapientia non quaerit vocis testimonium sed operam, saith Hierom. Divine Wisdom is justified more by Works, than by a ver­bal Plea. Wisdom's Children hear her In­structions, follow her Directions and In­stitutes; and with diligence observe the way of Salvation prescribed by God, tho others slight it, and so justify it against the Exceptions and Reproaches of the carnal World.

4. Of whom; Of her Children. The Children of Wisdom are the Professors of it; those who are begotten by God, by the Word of Truth, Iames 1. 18. and are willing to attain the end, by the ways and means wherein God affordeth it: These are Wisdom's Children, begotten, bred up, and instructed by her; 'tis an Hebra­ism, as Children of Corah, Children of Light, Children of this World, and the like; the Professors and Followers of the Gospel.

The Point that I shall insist on is this;

That the Wisdom of God, leading Men to Salvation, in the ways and means poin­ted [Page 284] out in the Gospel, is and should be justified of all the sincere Professors of it.

In managing this Point, I shall shew you,

  • First, What is the Wisdom of God in the way of Salvation prescribed by the Gospel.
  • Secondly, That this Wisdom is despised, slighted, and contradicted by the carnal World; and why?
  • Thirdly, How, and why it must be ju­stified by the sincere Professors of the Gospel.

First, What is the Wisdom of God in the way of Salvation prescribed by the Gospel. The sum of the Gospel is this, That all th [...]se who by true Repentance and Faith, do forsake the Flesh, the World, and the Devil, and give up them­selves to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as their Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, shall find God as a Father, taking them for his reconciled Children, and for Christ's sake pardoning their Sins, and by his Spirit giving them his Grace; [Page 285] and if they persevere in this course, will finally glorify them, and bestow upon them everlasting Happiness; but will con­demn the Unbelievers, Impenitent, and Ungodly, to everlasting punishment. That this is the sum of the Gospel, appeareth by Mark 16. 15, 16. Go, preach the Gospel to every Creature. He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that belie­veth not, shall be damned. Where you have all the Christian Religion laid before you in one short view and prospect. It concerneth either the End, or the Means.

1. The End. The Apostle telleth you, That God hath brought Life and Immor­tality to light in the Gospel, 2 Tim. 1. 10. or clearly discovered an Happiness, and a misery in the World to come.

2. The Means. He hath pointed out a sure way for obtaining the one, and a­voiding the other. As to the Means, Chri­stian Religion is considerable, either as to the entrance, or the progress of it. Our Lord telleth us, Mat. 7. 14. Streight is the Gate, and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life. He speaketh of a Gate, and a Way: The Gate, noteth the Entrance, the Way, the Progress therein. In other Scriptures we read of making Covenant [Page 286] with God, and keeping Covenant with God: The Covenant must not only be made, but kept. So again we read of Dedication and Use: of devotedness to God, and faithfulness to him; of our Pur­pose and Progress, Choice and Course; all which expressions tend to the same effect.

1. As to the way of entring into Co­venant with God; there is required,

(1.) True Repentance and Faith. Re­pentance towards God, and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20. 21. Repen­tance respects God as our End, and Faith respects Christ as Mediator, as the only way of returning to God, from whom we have strayed by our own folly and sin.

(2. In the exercise of this Repentance and Faith, there must be a forsaking the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, and a giving up our selves to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as our Creator, Re­deemer, and Sanctifier. For the former, there are three great Enemies to God and us, the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, reckoned up Ephes. 2. 2, 3. In time past y [...] walked according to the course of this World, after the Prince of the Power of the Air, [Page 287] the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, in the lusts of the Flesh, fulfilling the desires of the Flesh, and of the Mind. There all your Enemies appear abreast; the Devil as the grand Deceiver, and principle of all wickedness. The World with its Pleasures, Honours, and Profits, as the Bait by which the Devil would deceive us, and steal away our Hearts from God, and di­vert us from looking after the one thing necessary. The Flesh, as the corrupt in­clination in us, which entertaineth and closeth with these Temptations, to the ne­glect of God, and wrong of our own Souls; this is importunate to be pleased, and is the proper internal cause of all our mischief; for every Man is enticed and drawn away by his own Lusts. Now these must be renounced, before we can return to God by Jesus Christ: for, as Io­shua told the Israelites, so must we say to all of you, Iosh. 24. 23. Put away the strange Gods which are among you, and in­cline your Heart to the Lord God of Israel.

1. There must be a renouncing of our Idols, before our Hearts can incline unto the true God: We must be turned from [Page 288] Satan to God, Acts 20. 18. And the World must be renounced, Titus 2. 12. Denying all ungodliness and worldly Lusts. And we must not look upon our selves as Debtors to the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof, Rom. 8. 10. God will have no Copartners and Competitors in our Hearts.

And then the second part in exercising of our Faith and Repentance, is giving up our selves to God the Father, Son, and Spirit, as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier: And therefore in Baptism, which is our first entrance and initiation into the Christian Religion, we are bap­tized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Mat. 28. 19. which im­plieth a dedication, and giving up our selves to them, according to their perso­nal Relations. To the Father, as our Creator, to love him, obey him, and de­pend upon him, and be happy in his love as dear Children. To Christ as our Re­deemer, to free us from the guilt of Sin, and the wrath of God. To the Holy Ghost, to guide and sanctify us, and com­fort us, with the sense of our present in­terest in God's Love, and the hopes of fu­ture Glory.

[Page 289] Secondly, As to our Progress and Perse­verance, which is our walking in the nar­row way: Three things are required. And that,

1. As to the Enemies of God and our Souls. As there is a renouncing required at first, so at length there is requisite an overcoming, the Devil, the World, and the Flesh; Rev. 2. 7. To him that overcom­eth, will I give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. We overcome the Devil, when we keep up our Resistance, and stand out against his Batteries and Assaults; 1 Pet. 5. 8, 9. Be sober, be vigilant, because your Adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist stedfast in the Faith. We overcome the World, when the terrors and allurements of it have less force and influence upon us; 1 John 5. 4, 5. Whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the World: And this is the Victory that overcometh the World, even our Faith. Who is he that overcometh the World, but he that believeth that Iesus is the Son of God? and, Gal. 6. 14. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Iesus Christ, by whom the World [Page 290] is crucified unto me, and I unto the World. We overcome and subdue the Flesh, when we have crucified the Flesh, with the Affe­ctions and Lusts, Gal. 5. 24. When we get the mastery over the passions and af­fections thereof: and tho we be sometimes foiled, yet the drift and bent of our lives is for God, and our Salvation.

2. As to God, to whom we have devo­ted our selves. We must love him above all, and not put him off with what the Flesh can spare, or the World will allow, or the Devil will suffer us to go on con­tentedly with; but we must serve him sin­cerely, in Holiness and Righteousness all our days, Luke 1. 75. The love and pa­tient service of our Creator, is our great and daily work.

3. As to our End. We must live in the hope of the coming of Christ, and our everlasting Glory, Titus 2. 13. Look­ing for that blessed hope, and the glorious ap­pearing of the great God, and our Saviour Iesus Christ. And Iude, vers. 21. Keep your selves in the love of God, looking for the Mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ unto eternal Life. Well then, as we did at first thankfully accept of our recovery by Christ, and did at first renounce the De­vil, [Page 291] the World, and the Flesh, and con­sented to follow his direction, and use his means in order to our final Happiness, so we must still persevere in this mind and resolution, till our Glory come in hand. This is God's Wisdom.

Secondly, Let us now see how this Coun­sel of God is entertained by the carnal World; 'tis there despised, slighted, and contradicted. The World is a distracted World; some neglect God's Counsel, and never lay it to heart; Heb. 2. 3. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation? and Mat. 22. 5. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his Farm, ano­ther to his Merchandize. Some laugh at these things, and make an holy and hea­venly life the matter of their scorn and derision. Luke 16. 14. The Pharisees al­so, who were covetous, heard all these things, and they derided him. And, Acts 17. 32. — Some mocked; and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter—Howbeit, certain Men clave unto him, and believed. There are others who fasten odious re­proaches on the godly. And tho the Chri­stian Religion be so holy and innocent in its design, so agreeable to the nature of [Page 292] God and Man, so well contrived to reme­dy our Miseries, and to secure our true and proper Happiness; yet the strictness of it is distasted by the World: By the prophane, who have nothing to excuse their wickedness, 'tis counted hypocrisy; As deceivers, yet true, 2 Cor. 6. 8. because they cannot condemn the Life, they judg the Heart: By them who affect the Vani­ties of the World, and have a passionate love for the Pleasures and Honours there­of; because the generality of the World are of that mind, they brand it with the imputation of foolish singularity. And the Carnal Politicians, because it was ne­ver yet so well with the World, but some things which God requireth are discoun­tenanced, they tax it of disobedience, and they counted Paul as a mover of Se­dition, Acts 25. 5. And because the Operations of Grace are above the Line of Nature, others tax it of Fanaticism and Enthusiasm: Atheists who are all for demonstrations of sense, sight, and present things, because Christianity main­ly inviteth to things Spiritual and Hea­venly, and to live upon the hopes of an unseen World that is yet to come, they judg it to be a foppery, or meer imposture, [Page 293] or needless superstition. Though both the Hopes and Precepts of Religion carry a marvellous complyance with right-rea­son, yet none of these things move them. Lastly, There are others that malign, op­pose and oppugn Holiness. There is an ever­lasting enmity between the two Seeds; as between the Wolf and the Lamb, the Ra­ven and the Dove; the World will love its own, and hate those that go a contrary course, Iohn 15. 19. And as he that was born after the Flesh, persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now, Gal. 4. 29. and so it will be to the end of the World. When the Powers of the World give any rest, yet the carnal Seed will be mocking and scoffing, and bringing God's holy Ways into contempt, branding them with Cen­sures and Calumnies. The Reasons of this, are partly because Men are drunk with the delusions of the Flesh, and so cannot judg of Spiritual Things; partly to excuse themselves. Men will be quar­reling at Religion, when they have no mind to practise it; and dispute away Du­ties, when they are unwilling to perform them: Partly, they take occasion from the failings of God's People, tho there is no reason why they should do so. An Art [Page 294] should not be condemned for the work­man's want of skill; but they do so. If Christians be serious to any degree of sad­ness, then Religion is counted an uncom­fortable thi [...]g, it mopeth them. If there be any differences among God's People, because of their several degrees of light, oh then there are so many Sects, and Fa­ctions, and Controversies about Religion, they suspect all, and are true to none. If any creep into the Holy Profession, and pallute it with their Scandals, then all strictness in Religion is but a pretence and imposture. If Men be strict, and would avoid every ordinary failing incident to Mankind, then they are more nice than wise, and this is preciseness and indiscre­tion. 'Twere endless to rake in this Pud­dle, and to reckon up all the Cavils and Exceptions which naughty Men commense against the Ways of God.

Thirdly, How, and Why it must be ju­stified by the sincere Professors of the Go­spel.

1. How.

I answer; three ways.

(1.) It must be approved and received by themselves. 'Tis Wisdom's Children [Page 295] that can only justify Wisdom; they that have entertained it, felt the power and force of it in their own hearts: yea, their very receiving is a justifying; they shew the clamourings of the World do not move them: Therefore it must be ap­proved by us, before it can be recom­mended to others; and approved, not speculatively only, but practically, so as to resolve to follow after Salvation in this way. Speculatively, they may approve it that have but [...], Rom. 2. 18, and 20 verses; a form of Knowledg, and dishonour it in their practices, as vers. 23, 24. Men may justify Religion in word, by a bare naked approbation, and soundly vindicate it from the Cavils and Exceptions of Men. But godly Men have eyes to see the beauty and excellency of it, and have sincerely accepted it; Acts 2. 41. They received the Word gladly. 'T is good news to a poor guilty Conscience, to hear of a pardoning God, and a mer­ciful and faithful Redeemer; the promise of eternal Life, and a sure way had to come to it. They are said to justify God, that accepted his Counsel, Luke 7. 29, 30. The Hearts of God's Children are tho­rowly possessed with the reality, excel­lency, [Page 296] and blessedness of this Religion; they know and believe the infinite conse­quence of these things: Their Faith is a kind of justifying, Iohn 3. 33. He that hath received his Testimony, hath set to his Seal that God is true.

2. It must be professed and owned, when it is vilified, and in contempt and disgrace in the World. We must stand to Christ and his ways, tho we stand a­lone; as Elijah, 1 Kings 19. 10. and not be ashamed of Holiness, notwithstanding trouble and contradiction. Christ will be confessed before Men, and will be ashamed before God and Angels, of them who are ashamed of him in the World, and refuse to own Him, and his Ways, and Truths, only because they are despised, and con­tradicted, and discountenanced in the World. Pleading for Religion is one of the professing Acts, 2 Cor. 4. 13. We having the same Spirit of Faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken: We also believe, and therefore speak. As David when sore afflicted, did confess and avow his confidence in God; so we heartily believing and approving the Gospel, must make a bold profession of it. The Sacraments were ordained for [Page 297] this purpose, for badges of Profession. Baptism is a visible entring into Covenant with God; Mark 16. 16. He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; and he that believeth not, shall be damned. Where not only Belief is required, but open Profes­sion. Baptism is a Badg and a Bond; a Badg to distinguish the worshippers of Christ from others, and a Bond to bind us to open profession of the Name of Christ. The Lord's Supper, it is a profession of Communion; 1 Cor. 10. 16. The Cup of Blessing which we bless, is it not the Commu­nion of the Blood of Christ? The Bread which we break, is it not the communion of the Body of Christ? and, vers. 18. Are not they which eat of the Sacrifices, partakers of the Altar? They that did any part of the Sacrifices, did eat and drink with God at the Altar. And, ver. 20, 21.— I would not that ye should have fellowship with De­vils. Ye cannot drink the Cup of the Lord, and the Cup of Devils: ye cannot be parta­kers of the Lord's Table, and the Table of Devils. Professing communicating with Christ, is not consistent with professing communicating with Devils. So Prayer and Praise is a part of Confessing; Rom. 10. 10. With the Heart Man beliveth unto [Page 298] Righteousness, and with the Mouth Confes­sion is made unto Salvation. The first is proved vers. 11. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him, shall not be ashamed. The second, vers. 13. For who­soever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved. Calling upon the Name of the Lord in Prayer and Praise; 'Tis an open professing Act, by which we own God in Christ for our God. So the assem­bling our selves together for publick Wor­ship, is a part of this Profession, and must not be omitted for fear. Heb. 10. 23, with 25. Let us hold fast the profession of our Faith without wavering. How? vers. 25. Not forsaking the assembling of our selves together, as the manner of some is. These Assemblies were instituted for publick converse with God, testifying their Union and Agreement in the same Faith and Worship: Indeed, in lesser Truths, that fall within the latitude of allowable diffe­rences in the Church, Profession is not al­ways a Duty, for in some cases we may have Faith to our selves: But a denying of God, or being ashamed of him, is always a sin. When called to give an account, we are with boldness to own our Professi­on; Acts 4. 10. Be it known unto you all, [Page 299] and to all the People of Israel, that by the Name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this Man stand here before you whole. And, Dan. 3. 17, 18. If it be so, our God whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the burning fiery Furnace, and he will deliver us out of thy hand, O King. But if not, be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy Gods, nor worship the golden Image, which thou hast set up.

3. This Profession must be honoured, and recommended to others, by an holy Conversation. But now what kind of conversation honoureth Religion.

1. Such as is carried on with diligence and seriousness: As Noah, Heb. 11. 7. By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark to the saving of his House; by the which he condemned the World, and became Heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith. They behaved themselves, as those that in earnest believed a Flood, when they made such thorow preparation, which was a just reproof to the security and incredulity of the carnal World. Wh [...]n we do, as we say in good earnest, make preparation for [Page 300] another World, otherwise Religion is but suspected as a vain pretense, and empty talk. Then we look after Heaven in­deed, then we believe it, when we do the things that belief bindeth us unto. A carnal Man that is all talk and no pra­ctice, he doth not Religion so much ho­nour in his words, as he doth dishonour it in his works. He liveth down his Pro­fession, while he seemeth to cry it up, Ti­tus 1. 16. They profess that they know God, but in works they deny him, being abomina­ble, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Contrary motions are an implicite denial of the Faith, 1 Tim. 5. 8. But laziness and negligence do also foment and breed Atheism; and we carry on the life of Godliness coldly and faintly, and so our Conversations, which should be a confirmation of the Gospel, prove a con­futation rather. Those that are Disciples in Name only, the Word of God cometh to them in Word only. The careless Pra­cticer is as bad as he that is haunted with actual doubts about the Truth of Christi­anity. The troubled Doubter mindeth his business, but these never regard it, and do in effect say, That Christ and his Sal­vation is not worth the looking after. As [Page 301] 'tis said of the Israelites, Psal. 106. 24. They despised the good Land, they believed not his Word. Those that resolved to give over the pursuit of Canaan, are said to doubt of his Promise. So they that neg­lect Salvation, do not believe the truth of it, Heb. 2. 3, 4. and tho they talk high, they secretly propagate their infidelity. The strength of our Faith should appear by the diligence of our Lives, the seri­ousness of our Endeavours, and the fer­vor of our Duties. Practices do more express the Image of our Minds than Words. The Faith that issueth out into Works, doth most commend it self to others; 2 Thess. 1. 11, 12. That you may fulfil the Work of Faith with Power; that Christ Iesus may be glorified in you, and you in him. Then is Christ glorified, when you live answerably to your Profession, and do by the Power of God carry on an Holy Life upon the incouragements of the Promises of the Gospel.

2. Such as is governed by the respects of the other World. When we are pa­tient and joyful under the Cross, and full of hope and comfort in great straits, and delight in our Work, which the World hateth and discountenanceth, and hope [Page 302] against Hope, and live in the Promises; Psal. 119. 111. Thy Testimonies have I taken as an Heritage for ever: for they are the re­joicing of my heart. Then we justify Wis­dom, and commend our Faith to others. God was angry with Moses and Aaron; Numb. 20. 12. Because ye believed not, to sanctify me in the Eyes of the Children of Is­rael. We are not only firmly to believe our selves, but to sanctify him in the eyes of others; and that is done by the labour of our Faith, the patience of our Hope, our joyfulness and delight in God, when we have but little in hand, and the readi­ness of our Obedience, even under deep Sufferings. When the Thessalonians had received the Word in much Assurance and [...], and much joy in the Holy Ghost; The Apostle telleth, 1 Thess. 1. 5, 6, 7. They were [...]samples to all that be­lieved in Achaia and Mac [...]donia, and from them sounded out the Word of God to other places. Thus we propagate our Faith, and commend the Truth of God to others. The Life of Faith is a glorious Thing, but the Life of Sense or Reason hath no glory in it, or a Life carried on meerly upon ex­ternal Probabilities. When we can con­temn this World, both the good and evil [Page 303] things of it, in hopes of a better, and part with all that is dear to [...]s in this World, upon the Conscience of our Duty, then we justify Wisdom.

3. By an exact purity and holiness, or a full conformity to all God's Precepts and Institutes, and by a faithful discharging all Duties to God and Men. Every true Christian should be a transcript of his Re­ligion; 2 Cor. 3. 3. Ye are manifestly de­clared to be the Epistle of Christ, written not with Ink, but with the Spirit. An Epistle is that wherein a Man hath written his Mind; our Conversations should be Reli­gion exemplified, a real Sermon, Phil. 2. 16. Holding forth the Word of Life. The Wax hath an impression and stamp left upon it, according to what is engraven upon the Seal. Then we honour Religi­on, when the impression and print of it is left upon our Hearts and Lives, and we are cast into this Mould. More particu­larly, Duties of Relations, which are visi­ble, and easily observed, justify and ho­nour Religion; Titus 2. 10. and 1 Pet. 2. 15. So is the Will of God, that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish Men. These conduce to the good of humane Societies, are most regarded, [Page 304] and make the ways of God amiable. Thus how Wisdom is to be justified.

I now come to shew you,

2. Why.

1. Because of the charge that is put up­on us to testify for God, and justify his Ways; Isa. 43. 10. Ye are my Witnesses, saith the Lord. They that are most ac­quainted with God, can most witness for him. So Wisdom's Children can most ju­stify Her. They are acquainted with her Promises and Precepts, and have experi­ence of the virtue and power of them, in comforting and changing the Heart. A report of a report, is a cold thing; they that have felt somewhat in their Hearts, that which they have seen and felt, they can speak of. The World needeth some Witnesses for God, some Testimony and preparative inducement to invite them to embrace the ways of God. Miracles ser­ved for that use heretofore; Acts 5. 32. And we are his witnesses of those things, and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him. And in the place of Miracles, there succeeded good conver­sation, or the wonderful effects of his Spi­rit. Grace in the Heart and Lives of his Children; this is apt to beget wonder, as [Page 305] Miracles did, 1 Pet. 4. 4. When they can renounce the Lusts which most are ma­stered by, and grow dead to worldly In­terests, live in the World above the World, in the Flesh contrary to the Flesh. A Miracle strikes a little wonderment at first, but this sinketh and soaketh to the Heart. When Men are so strictly Holy, so ravishingly Heavenly, and bear up up­on the hopes and incouragements of the other World, and are so conscientious in all Duties to God and Man, you shew that Religion is not a Notion, or an Imagina­tion.

2. Wisdom deserveth to be justified by us. What is there in all the Christian Re­ligion, but what is justifiable, or that we should be ashamed of? Is it the hopes of it? The hopes of it are such as are fit to be propounded to Man, sought after by all the World, but no where discovered with such certainty and distinctness as in the Gospel. Nothing doth resine and en­ [...]ble the Heart so much as these hopes; the heavenly Spirit, that can support it self with the hopes of an unseen Glory, is the only true sublime Spirit: an earthly Spi­rit, is a base Spirit, so a sensual, the dregs of Mankind. Amongst Men, the ambi­tious, [Page 306] who aspire to Crowns and King­doms, and aim at perpetual Fame by their Heroick Virtues and Exploits, are judged Persons of far greater Gallantry, than co­vetous Muckworms or brutish Epicures; yet they are poor base spirited People in their highest Thoughts and Designs, to that noble and divine Spirit which work­eth in the breast of those who sincerely and heartily seek Heavenly Things. For what is the honour of the World to ap­probation with God? temporal Trifles to an everlasting Kingdom? Is it the way and means, the first, the terms of setling our Souls in the way of Faith and Repen­tance? What more Rational? Should we return to our Creator's Service without acknowledging our Offence in straying or humbling our selves for our Errors, and purposing for the future to live in his Love and Obedience? Or can we expect Mercy without returning? Reason will say, our case is not compassionable: Or should God quit▪ his Law without satisfaction? Or should we not own our Benefactor, the [...] satisfying? certainly there is [...] reasonable? So also for new [...]. Therefore Wisdom deserveth [...] by us.

[Page 307]3. Those that condemn Wisdom, yet do in some measure at the same time justify it. They condemn it with their Tongues, but justify it with their Consciences: They hate and fear strictness; Mark 6. 20. He­rod feared John, because he was a just Man, and an holy, and observed him. They sco [...]f at it with their Tongues, but have a fear of it in their Consciences: They revile at it while they live, but what mind are they of when they come to die? Then all will speak well of an holy Life, and the strictest obedience to the Laws of God; Numb. 23. 10. Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like his. And, Mat. 25. 8. Give us of your Oil, for our Lamps are gone out. Oh that they had a little of that holiness and strictness which they sco [...]fed at, whilst they were pursuing their Lusts! How will they desire to die? As carnal and careless Sinners, or as morti [...]ied Saints? They approve it in The­s [...], and condemn it in Hypothesi. All the opposers and scoffers at Godliness, within the Pale of the visible Church, have the same Bible, Baptism, Creed, and pretend to believe in the same God and Christ, which they own with those whom they oppose: All the difference is, the one are [Page 308] real Christians, the other are nominal; some profess at large, others practise what they profess; the one have a Religion to talk of, the other to live by; they ap­prove it in the Form, but hate it in the Power. A Picture of Christ that is drawn by a Painter they like, and the forbidden Image of God made by a Car­ver, they will reverence and honour, and be zealous for; but the Image of God framed by the Spirit in the Hearts of the Faithful, and described in the lives of the heavenly and the sanctified, this they scorn and scoff at.

4. If we do not justify Religion, we justify the World. It must needs be so, for these two are opposites, the carnal World, and Wisdom: the carnal World must be condemned, and Religion justifi­ed; or Religion will be condemned, and the World justified. Some condemn the World, Heb. 11. 7. By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark to the saving of his House; by the which he con­demned the World, and became Heir of the Righteousness which is by Faith. Some ju­stifie the World, as Israel justified Sodom, Ezek. 16. 51. But thou hast multiplied thy [Page 309] Abominations more than they, and hast ju­stified thy Sisters in all thine Abominations which thou hast done. Their Sin seemeth more excusable; you either upbraid their security and carelesness, or countenance it by your own practice; your seriousness is a real rebuke to the carnal World: your working out your Salvation in fear and trembling, upbraideth their security and carelesness; your rejoicing in God, con­demneth their carnal delight. When you are troubled about a vain Thought, and are watchful against a light Word, you condemn them for their loosness, and wal­lowing in all silthiness: but if not, you justify the World, and harden the Wicked in their Prejudices, and cause them to hold up their course with the greater pretence. When you are wrathful, proud, sensual, turbulent, self-seeking, you are an occa­sion of stumbling unto them. Cyprian in his Book de duplici Martyro, bringeth in the Heathens thus speaking, Ecce qui jac [...]ant se Redemptos à Tyra [...]idae Sathanae, qui pr [...]dicant se mortuos mundo, nihilo mi­nus vincuntur à cupi [...]itatibus suis, quam nos quos dicunt, teneri sub Regno Sathan [...]e, quid prodest illis Baptismus, quid prodest Spiritus Sanctus, cujus arbitrio dicunt se Tempe­rari? [Page 310] &c. ‘Behold those that boast them­selves to be redeemed from the tyranny of the Devil, to be dead to the World, to have crucified the Flesh: They are overcome by their base and bru [...]ish Lusts, even as we are, whom they ac­count to be still under the Kingdom of the Devil. What doth their Baptism profit them? what the Holy Ghost, whose direction they profess to live by? Why should we trouble our selves about changing our course, which is as good as theirs.’ So in Salvian's time, the Hea­thens were wont to upbraid the Christi­ans thus; Vbi est [...]atholica Lex quam cre­dunt? Vbi sunt pietatis, & castitatis ex­empla quae discunt? Evangelia legunt & impudi [...]u [...]t Apostolos audiant, & ine [...]ri­antur, Cristum s [...]quuntur, & capiunt? &c. ‘They talk of an Holy Christ, and yet are unjust, unclean, wrath­ful, cove [...]ous; of a meek patient Christ, and yet are rapacious and violent; of Holy Apostles, and yet are impure in their conversations.’ Our Author goeth on thus, Sancta à Christianis fierent; si Sancta Christus docuisset, aestimari à [...] potest is [...]e qui colitur, quomodo bonus Magister, [...]ujus tum malos esse videmus Dis­cipulos? [Page 311] ‘If their Christ were an holy meek Christ, they would be better, &c. And as carnal Men now speak. ‘For all their Godliness and Religion that they talk of, our life, and course, and deal­ings, are as good, and honest, and justi­fiable as theirs.’ Thus the wicked are ju­stified in their way.

5. Christ will one day justify all his sin­cere Followers before Men, and Angels, and Devils. Luke 12. 8. Whosoever shall confess me, him shall the Son of Man con­fess before the Angels of God. Let us ju­stify his ways, and he will justify us, and our Faith at length shall be found to Praise, and Glory, and Honour. Christ will then wipe off all the Aspertions which be cast upon the Children of Wisdom for Godliness-sake, as Faction, Pride, Singu­larity, Hypocrisy; and that which was branded with such ignominious Titles, will then be found to be the very Wisdom of God.

6. Because of the necessity of justify­ing Wisdom, in the times we live in; 'tis said, 2 Pet. 3. 3. In the last Time there shall come Scoffers, and Mockers, walking after their own Lusts. The last days shall be full of these prophane Scoffers. While [Page 312] Truths were new, and the exercises of the Christian Religion lovely, there was great concord and seriousness amongst the Professors of the Gospel, and then pro­phane Scoffers were rare and unfrequent. Before Mens senses were benummed with the customary use of Religious Duties, the Notions of God were fresh and lively upon their Hearts; but afterwards when the Profession of Christianity grew into a form and national Interest, and Men were rather made Christians by the chance of their Birth, than choice and rational Convictions; then the Church was much pestered with this kind of Cattel; espe­cially now are they rise among us, who live in the dregs of Christianity, when Men are grown weary of the Name of Christ, and the ancient severity and strict­ness is much lost, and the memory of those Miracles, and wonder [...]ul Effects by which our Religion was confirmed, is al­most worn out, or else questioned by Men of subtile Wits, and a prostituted Conscience. Therefore now Mockers, and Men of atheistical Spirits swarm every where, and it concerneth Wisdom's Chil­dren to justify it, and to maintain its for­mer Vigor and Power.

[Page 313]The Vse that we may make is double;

1. To the Enemies of Wisdom. Judg not of an Holy Life, and those that pro­fess it at a distance and by hear-say, but try. We are not afraid to come to the Bar with our Enemies; John 7. 24. Iudg not according to appearance, but judg Righteous Iudgment. If Men would not be blinded with visible Appearance, and the Mask of Passiou, Prejudice, and Interest, and condemn the People of God as they are represented in a false Mirror; judg and spare not, and where you [...]ind the true Spirit of Christianity, take all leave, we desire no other Trial; but speak not a­gainst things you know not. Try, and judg as you find, where is the deepest sense of the other World, where the most careful preparation to get thither; the joy of Faith, the love of Holiness. If Christianity will allow that worldly Pomp, that vanity and liberty which others take, then judg the Servants of the Lord as guilty of a foolish niceness, preciseness, and singularity; but if we be baptized into these things, and unquestionably and indispensibly bound to them, either re­nounce your Baptism, or forbear your Censures, or rather chuse this clear and [Page 314] pure way to everlasting Glory. If you will not stand to God's Word, stand to your own sober Moods. We will make you your selves Judges, when you are se­rious and best able to judg of things, not in you Passion, when Lusts are stirring. When you are entring the Confines of Eternity, when Conscience is likely to speak truth to you, you will wish then you were one of those poor godly Men, whom now you count proud, humorous, and factious.

2. To the Children of VVisdom. Do not scandalize the Holy VVays of God, but justify them; be neither ashamed of them, nor a shame to them: Till the an­cient strictness be revived, VVisdom will never be justified.

The faithful Followers of Chirst must expect Trou­bles in this World.

LUKE 9. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62.

And it came to pass, that as they went in the way, a certain Man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.

And Iesus said unto him, Foxes have Holes, and Birds of the Air have Nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay [...]s Head.

And he said unto another, Follow [...], but he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my Father.

Iesus said unto them, Let the Dead [...] their Dead; but go thou and prea [...] the Kingdom of God.

And another also said, Lord, I will foll [...] [Page 316] thee: but let me first go bid them fare­wel which are at home at my House.

And Iesus said unto him, No Man having put his Hand to the Plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.

HERE are three Stories put to­gether by the Evangelist, to teach us in what manner we should address our selves to fol­low Christ.

The first is of a Scribe, that came un­called, but his Heart was not right with God, having a temporal biass upon it.

The second is of one called, vers. 59. Christ saith, Follow me. But he would first cherish, then bury his dying Father. But Christ would have no delays, but pre­sently sets him about his Ministry and Ser­vice in the Gospel. This upon the Au­thority of Clemens Alexandrinus, who re­ceived it upon Ancient Tradition, is sup­posed to be Philip.

A third offereth himself to follow Christ; but first he would take his farewel at home, and compose Matters in his Fami­ly. But when we set our Faces Godward, there is no looking back. There must be [Page 317] no more consulting with Flesh and Blood; The Divine Instinct must be obeyed spee­dily, and wholly, and Christ followed without Reserves and Conditions.

Of these in their order.

I begin with the First. And it came to pass, as they went on the way, a certain Man said unto him, Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest, &c.

In which words observe;

1. The Time. It came to pass, as they went on the way, a certain Man said to him.

2. A Resolution professed. Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.

3. Christ's Reply. And Iesus said unto him, Foxes have Holes, and the Birds of the Air have Nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head.

1. The Time. In Matth. 8. 19. 'Tis when Christ had a mind to retire, and had declared his purpose to go into the Desert. In Luke, when he stedfastly set his Face to go to Ierusalem: Both may agree; the one more immediatly, the other more remotely; first to the Desert, [Page 318] then to Ierusalem. About that time, a certain Man seeing Christ about to re­move from the place where he then was, offereth himself to be one of his Disci­ples. This certain Man is by St. Matthew said to be a Scribe. Men of that Rank and Order, had usually a Male Talent a­gainst the Gospel, and are frequently coupled with the Pharisees, Men cove­tous, and of a bitter Spirit. This Man seeing Christ did great Miracles, and hoping that he would set up a Temporal Kingdom, he puts in for a place betimes, that he might share in the Honours of it.

2. Here is a Resolution professed; Lord, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. Where take notice,

(1.) Of the ready forwardness of the Scribe: He was not called by Christ, but offered himself of his own accord.

(2.) Observe the largeness of the Of­fer, and unboundedness of it, Whither­soever; as indeed it is our Duty to fol­low Christ through thick and thin. In the Revelations, Christ's unde [...]iled Com­pany are described to be such as follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, Rev. 14. 4. That is, obeyed him, though to [Page 319] their great peril and loss. Well then, here is readiness, here is largeness; it is well if all be sincere. Therefore let us see,

3. Christ's Answer and Reply: And Iesus said unto him, Foxes have Holes, and the Birds of the Air have Nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his Head. By the tenour of Christ's Answer, you may know what ails him, and on what Foot he limped; For this is spoken ei­ther by way of preparation, to enable him to keep his Resolution, or rather by way of probation, to try the truth and strength of it, whether it were sincere and sound, yea or no: As the young Man was tried; Mark 10. 21. One thing thou lackest, go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven; and come, and take up thy Cross and follow me: But he went away sad at that saying. So here, we hear no more of this Scribe; our Lord knew how to discover Hypocrites. Two things were defective in this Reso­lution.

1. 'Twas suddain and rash, not weigh­ing the Difficulties. They that rashly leap into a Profession, usually fall back at [Page 320] first trial. Therefore we must sit down and count the Charges, Luke 14. 28.

2. There was a carnal Aim in it. He minded his own Profit and Honour: Therefore Christ in effect telleth him, you had best consider what you do, for fol­lowing of me, will be far from advancing any temporal Interest of yours. The Scribe was leavened with a Conceit of a worldly Kingdom, and had an Eye to some Temporal Advantage: Therefore Christ telleth him plainly, There was no worldly Ease and Riches to be expected from him: And so, Non repulit valentem; sed fingentem prodidit; ‘He did not dis­courage a willing Follower, but discover a worldly Hypocrite,’ saith Chrysologus.

The Doctrine we learn from hence is this;

They that will sincerely follow Christ, must not look for any great Matters in the World, but rather prepare themselves to run all hazards with him.

This is evident;

1. From Christ's own Example. And the same Mind should be in all his Fol­lowers; [Page 321] John 17. 16. They are not of the World, even as I am not of the World. Our estranging of our Hearts from the World, is an evidence of our conformity to Christ. Christ passed through the World to sancti­fy it as a Place of Service; but his con­stant Residence was not here, to [...]ix it as a Place of Rest: And all that are Christ's, are alike affected. We pass through as Strangers, but are not at home as Inhabi­tants or Dwellers; and if we have little of the World's Favour, 'tis enough if any degree of Service for God.

2. From the Nature of his Kingdom. His Kingdom is not of this World, Iohn 18. 3, 6. 'Tis not a Kingdom of Pomp, but a Kingdom of Patience. Here we suf­fer with Christ, hereafter we reign with him. The Comforts are not earthly, or the good Things of this World; but hea­venly, the good Things of the World to come. This was the Scribes Mistake.

3. From the Spirit of Christ. His Spi­rit is given us, to draw us off from this World to that which is to come. 1 Cor. 2. 12. Now we have not received the Spirit of the World, but the Spirit which is of God, that we may know the Things which are given us of God. The Spirit of the World, is [Page 322] that which possesseth and governeth world­ly Men, and inclineth them to a world­ly Happiness; this is in all Men naturally: Corrupt Nature doth sufficiently prompt and incline Men to look after the Honours, and Pleasures, and Profits of this World. Iames 3. 15. the Apostle, when he would describe the Wisdom which is not from a­bove, he saith, that it is earthly, sensual, devillish; this Wisdom cometh not from above. Present Things are known by Sense, and known easily, and known by all. But there is a Divine Spirit put into Christians, which inclineth them to Things to come, and worketh Graces suitable: Some of which give us a sight of the Truth of those Things, as Faith; some, a Taste or an Esteem of them, as Love; some an earnest Desire, as Hope: This Spirit cometh from God and Christ, Ephes. 1. 17, 18. And without these Graces we can have no sight nor desire of heavenly Things. 1 Cor. 2. 14. The natural Man receiveth not the Things of the Spirit of God, for they are Foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually dis­cerned. They think 'tis folly to hazard present Conveniencies for future Rewards; and the truest Wisdom to live in Ease, [Page 323] Plenty, and Honour. On the contrary, the Divine Spirit convinceth us, that there is no such Business of Importance, as look­ing after eternal Life: That all the gay Things of Sense are but so many Maygames to Heavens Happiness; the terrible Things of the World, are but as a Flea-biting to Hell-Torments; and the Pudder and Bu­siness of the World, but as a little childish Sport, in comparison of working out our Salvation with fear and trembling. This Spirit helpeth us to overcome the World, and grow dead to the World, that we may be alive to God; to look for no great things here, but in the World to come. This Spirit is that which we should all labour after.

4. From the Covenant of Christ. 'Tis one thing implied in the Gospel-Cove­nant, when our Lord Jesus sets down the Terms, Mat. 16. 24. he saith, If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross, and follow me: That is, we must so believe in Christ, and be per­suaded of the Truth of his heavenly Do­ctrine, that we are willing to deny our Wit and Will, natural Interests and Af­fections, and to lose all, rather than lose our Souls, or miss of the Happiness he [Page 324] offereth us. Nay, taking up the Cross is so considerable a part of our Resignation to Christ, and Trust in him, that in Luke 'tis said, chap. 9. 23. Let him take up his Cross daily: How daily? There are fair Days as well as foul, and the face of Hea­ven doth not always look sad and lowring. What is the meaning then of that, Let him take up his Cross daily? I answer; First, it must be meant of daily Expectation. The first day that we begin to think of be­ing serious Christians, we must reckon of the Cross, we know not how soon it may come. If God seeth fit to spare you, yet you must be prepared for it; Stand ready, as Porters in the Streets, to take up the Burden which you must carry. Daily inure your thoughts to the Cross, that the grievousness and bitterness of it may be somewhat allay'd. St. Paul saith, Acts 21. 13. I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the Name of the Lord Iesus. And, Ephes. 6. 15. one great Piece of the spiritual Armor is, the Prepa­ration of the Gospel of Peace. And, 1 Pet. 3. 15. Be ready always to give an Answer to every Man that asketh a Reason of the Hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. Be ready in point of Courage. Now this [Page 325] is necessary, because we are so apt to pro­mise great things to our selves, and indulge the Security of the Flesh, by putting off the Thoughts of the Cross. But Evils fa­miliarized are the less burdensom, and by renewing our Resolution daily, we are the more fortified. Secondly, to shew the Continuance of our Conflicts, as if every day there were some new Exercise for our Faith and Patience. We are not to pre­scribe to God, how long he shall afflict us, nor with how much Affliction he shall ex­ercise us; No, tho it were all the days of our Lives, we must be content: 'Tis but a Moment to Eternity. We must take up our Cross, till God remove it. Some pro­mise fair, to be contented with a naked Christ, tho they run all Hazards, because they hope God will not take them at their Words; but as soon as the Cross cometh, wriggle, shift, and distinguish themselves out of their Duty; or else if it be long, and frequently return, quite tire and are faint. So that Take it up daily, is as much as, Let Patience have its perfect Work. Iames 1. 4. If day after day we must be troubled, we must be content to be trou­bled. If God send it daily, we must take it up daily. Well then, in the New Co­venant [Page 326] we undertook this: the New Cove­nant doth comprize this as a clear branch and part of it. Christ telleth us the worst at first; the Devil sheweth us the Bait, but hideth the Hook. The World useth to invite its Followers with promises of Honour and Riches; but Christ telleth us of the Cross, and that partly to discou­rage H [...]pocrites, who cheapen and taste, but will not buy; and also to prepare sound Believers for the Nature and Tem­per of his Kingdom, which lieth in ano­ther World. But here by the way we are to und [...]rgo several Trials, and therefore we should be arm [...]d with a mind to [...]n­dure them, whether they come or no▪ God never intended [...] should be [...]

[...] Many think they [...] be good Christians, y [...]t live a Life of [...] and [...]ase, and pleasure, free from [Page 327] all trouble and molestation. This is all one as if a Souldier going to the Wars, should promise himself a continual Peace or Truce with the Enemy: Or as if a Mariner, undertaking a long Voyage, should only think of fair Weather, and a calm Sea, without Waves and Storms; so irrational is it for a Christian to look for nothing but Rest and Peace here upon Earth. No, a Christia [...] had need think of this to a double end, that he may be a mortified and a resolute Man: If he be not mortified and dead to the World, he can never undergo the variety of Condi­tions which his Religion will expose him unto; and say with the Apostle, Phil. 4. 12, 13. I can do all things through Christ which strengthneth me. Notwithstanding, ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction. And there is usually in us a propensity and inclination, either to Honours, Riches, or Pleasures. And the Devil will work upon that weakness; Heb. 12. 13. That which is lame, is soon turned out of the way. If we have any weak part in our Souls, there the Assault will be most strong and [...]ierce. A Garri­son that looketh to be besieged, will take care to fortify the weak places, where there [Page 328] is any suspicion of an Attaque: So should a Christian mortify every corrupt inclina­tion, lest it betray him, be it love of Ho­nour, Pleasure, or Profit. He had need be also a well-resolved Man, well shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, or else in hard way he will soon founder and halt. If you be Christians indeed, you will soon see the necessity of it. Pure Nature it self is against bearing the Cross: Christ shewed the innocent Aff [...]ctions of humane Nature in his own Person: it recoiled a little at the thought of the dreadful Cup; Heb. 5. 7. Who in the days of h [...]s Flesh, when he had offered up Prayers and Supplication, with strong crying and tears, unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared. And to us 'tis much more grievous to suffer. Heb. 12. 11. Now no chastning for the prese [...] s [...]emeth to be joyous, but grie­vous: nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness, unto them which are ex [...]rcised thereby. But corrupt Nature will certainly draw back, unless we be armed with great resolution; for after we have launched out into the deep with Christ, we shall be ready to run [...] again upon every Storm, unless we [Page 329] be resolved: therefore you need to think of the Cross to breed this resolution. If Christians be not mortified, they trip up their own Heels: if they be not resolved and prepared for all Weathers, they take up Religion, rather as a Walk for Recrea­tion, than as a Journey or serious Passage to Heaven. Therefore we must all of us prepare for Sufferings in this World, look­ing for no great matters here. We must expect Persecutions, Crosses, Losses, Wants, Defamation, Injuries: and we must get that Furniture of heart and mind, which may support and comfort us in such a day of tryal.

2. It informeth us what Fools they are, that take up Religion upon a carnal de­sign of Ease and Plenty, and will follow Christ to grow rich in the World: As this Scribe thought to make a Market of the Gospel, as Simon Magus did, Acts 8. 19, 20. He thought to make a gain by the Power of Miracles. There are Conveni­ences which Religion affordeth in peace­able Times; but the very Profession, at other Times, will ingage us in great Troubles: And therefore Men do but make way for the shame of a Change, and [Page 330] other Mischiefs, that hope for Temporal Commodities by the Profession of the Gospel. There are few that are willing to follow a naked Christ, upon unseen incouragements; but this must be, for they that aim to seek the World in and by their Religion, are disclaimed by our Lord as unfit to be his Servants: and in­deed sorry Servants they are, who cannot live without Honour, Ease, and Plenty; therefore turn and wind to shift the Cross, put many a fallacy upon their own Souls. Gal. 6. 12. As many as desire to make a fair shew in the Flesh, compel you to be cir­cumcised only, lest they should suffer perse­cution for the Cross of Christ. If that be their only Motive, they are apt to desert or pervert Christ's Cause. Again, the A­postle telleth us of some, who are Enemies to the Cross of Christ, whose God is their Belly, who mind earthly Things, Phil. 3. 18, 19. Men that have no love to God, but only serve their fleshly Appetites, and look no higher than Honours, Riches, Pleasures, and applause with Men, will never be faithful to Christ: They are such as study to save themselves, not from Sin, but from Danger, and accordingly accom­modate themselves to every Interest: As [Page 331] the Men of Keilah dealt with David, entertained him for a while; But when Saul pursued him, were resolved to betray him: They would come into no danger for David's sake. So they deal with Christ, and Religion. They profess Christ's Name, but will suffer nothing for him: If they may injoy Him, and his Ways with peace and quietness, and conveniency, and commodity to them­selves, well and good; But if Troubles arise for the Gospel's sake, immediatly they fall off; not only these Summer-Friends of the Gospel, but the most, yea the best, have a secret lothness and un­willingness to condescend to a condition of Trouble or Distress. This is a Point of hard digestion, and most Stomachs will not bear it.

3. It informs us what an unlikely de­sign they have in hand, who would bring the World and Christ fairly to agree, or reconcile their worldly Advantages, and the Profession of the Gospel: And when they cannot frame the World, and their Conveniences to the Gospel, do fashion the Gospel to the World, and the carnal courses of it. 'Tis pity these Men had not [Page 332] been of the Lord's Council, when he first contrived and preached the Gospel, that they might have helped him to some dis­creet and middle courses, that might have served turn for Heaven and Earth too. But do they what they will, or can, the Way is narrow that leadeth to Life; and they must take Christ's Yoke upon them, if they would find rest for their Souls. They will find that pure and strict Religi­on will be unpleasing to the Ungodly and the Carnal; that the Enmity between the two Seeds will remain, and the Flesh and the World must not always be pleased: that there is more danger of the World smiling, than frowning. As to the Church in general, (in Constantine's Time) Ec­clesia facta est opibus major, virtutibus mi­nor: so to Believers in particular, that the Heart is corrupted by the Love of the World; and Men never grow so dull and careless of their Souls, as when they have most of the World at will. And that we are more awakened, and have a more lively sense of Eternal Life, when under the Cross, than when we live in the greatest ease and pomp. That Christ permitteth Troubles, not for want of love to his People, or want of Power to se­cure [Page 333] their peace, but for holy and wise ends to promote their good.

Vse 2. Is Instruction. When you come to enter into Covenant with Christ, con­sider,

1. Christ knoweth what Motives do induce you; John 2. 25. He needeth not that any should testifie of Man, for he knoweth what is in Man. Some believed, but Jesus committed not himself unto them: He knoweth whether there be a real bent, or carnal biass upon the Heart.

2. If the Heart be false in making the Covenant, it will never hold good: An error in the first Concoction, will never be mended in the second; Deut. 5. 29. O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep my Com­mandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their Children for ever. So, Mat. 13. 21. The stony Ground received the Word with joy; Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth but for a while; for when Tribulation or Persecution ariseth be­cause of the Word, by and by he is offended. Some temporal thing sitteth too near, and close to the Heart: you are never upright [Page 334] with God, till a Relation to God, and a Right to Heaven, do incomparably weigh down all temporal Troubles; and you can rejoice more in the Testimonies of God, fatherly Love, and right to eternal Life, than in outward things; Psalm. 4. 6, 7. There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord lift thou up the Light of thy Countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their Corn and their Wine increased. David speaks in his own Name, and in the Name of all those that were alike minded with himself. And, Luke 10. 20. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the Spirits are subject unto you, but rather re­joice because your Names are written in Hea­ven.

3. That Christ cannot but take it ill, that we are so delicate and tender of our Interests, and so impatient under the Cross; when he endured so willingly such great things for our sakes: we cannot lose for him, so much as he hath done for us; and if he had been unwilling to suffer for us, what had been our state and condition to all Eternity? we should have suffered eternal Misery. If you would not have Christ of another mind, why [Page 335] will you be of another mind? 1 Pet. 4. 1. Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the Flesh, arm your selves likewise with the same mind; for he that hath suffered in the Flesh, hath ceased from Sin.

4. If you be not dead to the things of the World, you are not acquainted with the Virtue and Power of Christ's Cross, and have not a true sense of Christianity, cannot glory in it as the most excellent Profession in the World; Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Iesus Christ, by whom the World is crucified unto me, and I unto the World. You are in a dangerous tempta­tion to Atheism.

5. We are gainers by Christ, if we part with all the World for his sake, Mark 10. 29, 30. Therefore no loss should seem too great in obeying his Will. Certainly a Man cannot be a loser by God.

6. All worldly things were confiscated by the fall, and we can have no spiritual right to them, 'till we receive a new grant by Je­sus Christ, who is the Heir of all things. Dominium Politicum, fundatur in providen­ [...]ia Evangelicum in gratia. 1 Cor. 3. 23. All things are yours, because you are Christ's, and Christ is God's. And, 1 Tim. 4. 3. [Page 336] God hath made them to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe, and know the Truth. So that what we enjoy, is by the meer favour of the Redeemer, and should be parted with again when he calleth for it.

Thus much for the first Point.

A second Doctrine or Point here offer­ed is,

The great Poverty of our Lord Iesus Christ.

Beasts and Fowls have places to shelter themselves in, but Christ had no certain place of residence, or dwelling wherein to rest. He doth not say, Kings have Palaces, but I have none; rich Men have Houses and Lands, but I have none: But he saith, Foxes have Holes, and the Birds of the Air have Nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head.

The Reasons of this, are these follow­ing.

[Page 337]1. To increase the value and merit of his Satisfaction. Our Sins did deserve this, his whole Humiliation, and every degree of it; and Christ was content to suffer it for the ransom of our Souls. 'Tis clear this, that all his condescention conduced to make up the Remedy more full: and 'tis evident by the Apostle, that it giveth us a right to a larger allowance of Grace; 2 Cor. 8. 9. For ye know the Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might become rich.

2. Christ came to offer the Kingdom of Heaven, and the good things of the other World, and to draw Mens minds and hearts thither. And therefore that he might appear a fit Teacher of the World, by his own Example, he taught us con­tempt of outward things. If he had preached up heavenly-mindedness, and lived himself in pomp and fulness, the People would not have regarded his words. Alexander, when his Army grew sluggish, because laden with the spoils of their Enemies; to free them from this encumbrance, commanded all his own [Page 338] Carriages to be set on fire; that when they saw the King himself devote his rich Treasures to the flame, they might not murmur if their Mite and Pittance were consumed also.’ So if Christ had taught us contempt of the World, and had not given us an instance of it in his Person, his Doctrine had been less power­ful and effectual.

3. To season and sanctify a mean estate and degree of Life, when we are called to it by God's Providence. Christ's own poverty teacheth us to bear a mean condi­tion well; Mat. 18. 25. It is enough for a Disciple that he be as his Master, and a Servant as his Lord. Vriah would not give way to any softness, while Ioab his General was in the Field; 2 Sam. 11. 11. The Ark, and Israel, are in Tents, and my Lord Joab, and the Servants of my Lord are in the open fields; Shall I go into my House, and eat, and drink? &c. We must be contented to fare as Christ did, we cannot be poorer than Christ as poor as we are; for the poorest have some place of shelter, but he had none whereon to lay his head.

[Page 339]1. Let this then enforce the former Les­son, and teach us contempt of the World, and the Riches and Greatness thereof. 'Tis some Argument that the vilest are capable thereof, as well as the most generous and best deserving, and oftner it hapneth to be so. But this is the Argument of Ar­guments, That the Lord Jesus, when he came to instruct the World by his Exam­ple, he was not one of the Rich and Vo­luptuous, but chose a mean estate, as most conducible to his ends.

2. If you be rich, yet be poor in Spi­rit; Mat. 5. 3. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us possess all things as if we possessed them not, 1 Cor. 7. 31. And so, Iames 1. 9, 10. Let the Brother of low degree re­joice in that he is exalted: but the rich, in that he is made low, because as the flower of the Grass he shall pass away. We should be as having nothing, sitting loose from earthly things, considering that shortly we shall be as poor as the poorest, for we can carry nothing away with us.

3. Let us prepare our selves to enter­tain Poverty; and if it be already come upon us, and God hath reduced us to a mean inferior Life; let us have our hearts [Page 340] reconciled and suited to a low estate, so it may be an help to Heaven, so we may have the true Riches, and may learn to live by Faith, though God feedeth us from Hand to Mouth; so we may imitate Christ, and follow him into Glory, it is enough for us.

No excuse against a speedy obeying Christ's Call.

WE have done with the first instance of a Scribe that came uncalled, we come now to another: this Man offereth not himself, but is called by Christ. And he said unto another, Follow me, &c. He was already a Disciple at large; for in Matthew 'tis said, Chap. 8. 21. Another of his Disciples said unto him, Suffer me first to go any bury my Father. He was now called to a nearer and constant attendance on Christ. Clemens Alexan­drinus, from an ancient Tradition, telleth us, this was Philip. But before he com­plied with this Call, he desireth a little delay and respit, 'till his aged Father were dead and buried; whether his Father were already dead, and he would do this last [Page 342] Office to see him decently interred; or whe­ther his Father were yet living, but not like­ly long to continue, and he would attend him till his Death and Funeral, and then follow Christ as Theophilact thinketh, it is not much material. Clear it is, he put­teth off the matter with an excuse; even the Elect do not at first so readily obey the Heavenly Calling; some of them may put off Christ, but when he intendeth to have them, he will not be put off so, the importunity of his Grace overcoming their unwillingness.

But what was Christ's Answer? L [...] the Dead bury their Dead▪ but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God; that is, leave that Office to others, who are not designed for this Divine and Holy Employment. It seemeth ha [...]d to many, that Christ should [...]eny him to do this little Office of Love to his Father; and they know not the meaning of that expression, Let the Dead bury their Dead. Therefore,

  • 1. Let us open the Expression.
  • 2. Shew you what Christ teacheth us by this Refusal.

1. For the Expression. It may be used either Proverbially, or Allusively. Pro­verbially; Let one dead Man bury ano­ther; [Page 343] that is, let them lie unburied, rather than my Service be neglected; or, there will not want others that will remove the dead out of their sight: and 'tis our Wis­dom to let go things unnecessary, and mind the main. Or else it is used Allu­sively, to the Law of the Nazarites, and the Priests of the Old Testament. The Law of the Nazarites is in Numb. 6. 6, 7, 8. All the days that he separateth himself un­to the Lord, he shall come at no dead Body. He shall not make himself unclean, for his Father, or his Mother, for his Brother, or his Sister, when they die: because the conse­cration of his God is upon his Head. All the days of his separation he is holy unto the Lord; that is, he must rather follow his Vow, in honouring the Lord, than to fol­low natural Duty, in honouring his dead Parents. Now those whom Christ called especially to follow him, were consecra­ted to that service, as the Nazarite unto the Lord, during the days of his separa­tion. And as they might not meddle even with the interment of their Parents, so this excuse was frivolous. Or else the Al­lusion might be to the High Priests, of whom we read, Deut. 33. 9. Who said to his Father, and his Mother,. I have not seen [Page 344] him; neither did he acknowledg his [...]Bre­thren, nor know his own Children. Some think this hath reference to the Levites Fact, who being commanded by Moses, killed every Man his Brother, Neighbour, Friend, and Son, that had sinned in ma­king or worshipping the Golden Calf, Exod. 32. 26,—29. Rather 'tis meant of the Priests continual Duty, who by the Law, if his Father, Mother, Brother, or Child did die, he might not mourn for them, but carry himself as if he did not respect or know them; for God would have them more regard their Function or Duty in his Service, than any natural Af­fection whatsoever: The Law is, Levit. 21. 11, 12. He shall not go in to any dead Body, nor de [...]ile himself for his Father, or his Mother; neither shall he go out of the Sanctuary, nor prophane the Sanctuary of his God, for the Crown of the anointing Oil of his God is upon him. Now Christ alludeth to the Law, to shew the urgency of this present service and imploiment to which he was consecrated: and the burial of the Dead might be left to Persons less sacred, or more at leisure.

2. The Reasons of Christ's refulsal. Christ would shew hereby, 1. That all [Page 345] Humane Offices and Duties, must give place to the Duty we owe to God. Duty to Parents must be observed, but Duty to God must be preferred before that, or any thing whatsoever. A Truth justified by Christ's own Example. He began betimes, at twelve years old, when he was dispu­ting with the Doctors, and his Parents sought for him; Luke 2. 49. He said un­to them, How is it that you sought me? Wist you not that I must be about my Fa­ther's business? So, Mat. 12. 47, 48. When his Mother and Kindred waited for him, desiring to speak with him, He answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my Mother, and who are my Brethren? Obedi­ence to God, and declaring his Father's Will, was dearer to him than all Relati­ons. Natural and secular respects swayed not with him, in comparison of gaining Pro [...]elites to Heaven; his Mother's Con­ference with him, was nothing to his Fa­ther's Service, and teaching the People a more acceptable Work, than paying a ci­vility to his natural Relations: So, Iohn 2. 4. Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His Office to which he was sent by God, was a matter in which she, though his earthly Parent, [Page 346] was not to interpose, God's Work must be done in God's own Way, Time, and Method: God hath greater authority over you, than all the Men in the World. 2. He would teach us hereby that the Mi­nistry requires the whole Man, even some­times the omission of necessary Works, much more superfluous; Give thy self wholly to these things, 1 Tim. 4. 15.

The words are now explained; The practical Notes are these two;

  • First, That nothing in the World is a matter of such great weight, as to be a sufficient excuse for not following of Christ.
  • Secondly, That those who are called to fol­low Christ, should follow him speedily, without interposing any delays.

For the first Point; That nothing in the World is a matter of such great weight, as to be a sufficient excuse for not following of Christ.

I will illustrate it by these Conside­rations.

[Page 347]1. There are two sorts of Men; Some understand not their Lord's Will, others have no mind to do it, Luke 12. 47, 48. Some understand not the Terms of the Gospel; they think to have Christ, and the Plea­sures of the Flesh, and the World too. But there are others who understand Christ's Terms, but are loth to become Christ's Disciples; they know their Ma­ster's Will, but they do not prepare them­selves to do it; that is, they do not pre­sently set upon the Work, but make so many delays, that it plainly appeareth that they are loth to yield to Christ's Terms; that is, to turn their backs upon the Vanities of the World, and renounce their most pleasing Sins, and to take the Word for their Rule, the Spirit for their Guide, and eternal Life for their Felicity and Happiness; to such we now speak.

2. They that have no mind to follow Christ, put off the Matter with dilatory shifts and excuses. To refuse altogether is more hainous, and therefore they shift it off for a time; Non vacat is the pretence, I am not at leisure; Non placet, I like it not, is the real interpretation, dispositi­on, and inclination of their Hearts; for Excuses are always a sign of an unwilling [Page 348] and backward Heart. When they should serve God, there is still something in the way, some danger, or some difficulty which they are loth to encounter with: As, Prov. 26. 13. The slothful Man saith, There is a Lion in the way, there is a Lion in the streets. Palestine was a Land infested with Lions, because of the many Desarts and Thickets that were in it; but being well peopled, they did rare­ly appear. Now the Sluggard taketh this pretence from thence; if his Business lay in the Fields, there was a Lion in the way; if his Business lay in the Towns and Cities, there is a Lion in the streets: as sometimes, though but rarely, they came into places inhabited, and of great resort. Now if he should go about his Business too early, he might meet with a Lion in his range and walk, before they were retired into their Dens. Thus do Men alarm them­selves with their own foolish fears, to ex­cuse their idleness and negligence. So a­gain, Prov. 15. 19. The way of the sloth­ful, is as an hedg of thorns, but the way of the Righteous is made plain. They imagine difficulties, and intollerable hardships in a course of Godliness; but 'tis their cowar­dise, and pusilanimous negligence, which [Page 349] maketh the Ways of God seem hard: they are all comfortable, plain, and easy, to the pure and upright Heart, and wil­ling Mind. Come we to the New Testa­ment; Luke 14. 18, 19, 20. They all with one consent began to make excuse: The first said, I have bought me a piece of Ground, and I must go to see it; I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have bought five yoke of Oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have married a Wife, and cannot come. The meaning is, Many were invited to everlasting Happiness, but they preferred their designs of worldly advantages. Mark, they do not absolute­ly deny, but make excuse. Excuses are the fruit of the quarrel between Convi­ction and Corruption. They are convin­ced of better things, but being preposses­sed and biassed with worldly Inclinations, they dare not fully yield, nor flatly deny; therefore they chose a middle course, to make excuses. Doing is safe, or prepa­ring our selves to do; but excusing is but a patch upon a filthy sore, or a poor co­vering of Fig-leagues, for a naughty Heart.

3. The usual excuses which Sinners may, and usually do allege, are these four. The [Page 350] Difficulty of Religion. The danger that attendeth it. Want of Time. And that they have no power or strength to do good.

1. For the first; 'Tis troublesome and tedious to Flesh and Blood to be held to so much Duty, and to wean our Hearts from things we so dearly love; and the World thinketh that we are too nice and precise to urge Men to such a strict and holy and heavenly Life, and less ado will serve the turn.

To this I answer▪

[...] deligent, that ye may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless. And therefore if you can­not deny the ease and sloth of the Flesh, you are wholly unfit for the Work of Godliness.

(2.) This Diligence is no more than needeth, whatever the carnal World thinketh, who leave the Boat to the Stream, and hope to be accepted with God, for a few cold and drowsy Devoti­ons, or some superficial Righteousness. A Painter-stainer, will think a Painter-lim­ner too curious, because his own work is [Page 351] but a little daubing. The broad way pleaseth the World best, but the narrow way leadeth to Life.

(3.) This Diligence may be well af­forded, considering that eternal Life and Death is in the case. Life: Will you stop a Journey for your Lives, because 'tis a lit­tle tedious? or there is Dirt in the way, or the Wind bloweth on you, and the like? Since 'tis for God and Heaven, we should not grudg at a little labour; 1 Cor. 15. 58. Therefore be ye stedfast, unmove­able, always abounding in the Work of the Lord; forasmuch as ye know that your la­bour is not in vain in the Lord. There is also Death in the case. Now which is bet­ter, To take a little profitable pains in Godliness, or to endure everlasting Tor­ments? to save a little labour or diligence in the holy Life, and run the hazard of being miserable for ever? Which is worst, the trouble of Physick, or the danger of a mortal Disease?

2. Another Excuse is, the Danger which attendeth it. It may expose you to great Troubles to own God and Religion hear­tily: And if there be Peace abroad, and Magistrates countenan [...] Religion, yet many times at home a Man's greatest Foes [Page 352] may be those of his own Houshold, Mat. 10. 36. But for the pleasing or displea­sing of your Relations, you must not ne­glect your Duty to God; as Ierom to Helidorus; Per calcatum perge Patrem; If thy Father lie in the way, tread upon his Bowels rather than not come unto Christ. Our Lord hath expresly told us, Mat. 10. 37. He that loveth Father or Mother more than me, is not worthy of me. Neither fa­vour nor disfavour of our Friends, is a just lett or impediment to our Duty: The Advantages we can, or are likely to re­ceive from Parents, are not worthy to be compared with those we expect from God; nor is their Authority over us so great as God's is; Luke 14. 26. If any Man come to me, and hate not his Father or Mother, and Wife, and Children, and Bre­thren and Sisters, yea and his own Life also, he cannot be my Disciple. Though Chri­stianity doth not discharge us from obe­dience to Parents, yet the higher Duty must be preferred, namely obedience to Christ, and loving less is hating.

3. Another excuse is, I have no time to mind Soul-affairs. My distractions in the World are so great, and my course of life is such, that I have no leisure. I answer, [Page 353] Will you neglect God and Salvation, be­cause you have worldly things to mind? Whatever your business be, you have a time to eat, and drink, and sleep; and have you no time to be saved? Better in­croach upon other things, than that Reli­gion should be cast to the Walls, or justled out of your thoughts. David was a King, and he had more distracting cares than most of us have, or can have; yet he saith, Psal. 119. 147, 148. I prevented the dawning of the Morning; and cried, I hoped in thy Word. Mine Eyes prevent the Night-watches, that I may meditate in thy Word. And, v. 164. S [...]ven times a day do I praise thee, because of thy Righteous Iudg­ments. Do you spend no time in idleness▪ vain talking, and carnal sports? and might not this be better employed about heaven­ly things? Ephes. 5. 15, 16. See then that [...]e walk circumspectly, not as Fools, but as Wise, redeeming the time, because the days ar [...] evil. Vitam non accipimus brevem, sed fe­cimus, nec inopes temporis, sed prodigi su­mus. God hath not s [...]t you about Work that he alloweth you no time for; but we waste our time, and then God is straitned. Many poorer than you [Page 354] have time, because they have an heart and will to improve it.

4. I have no power or strength to do good; And what will you have us do? This is the excuse of the idle and naugh­ty Servant; Mat. 25. 24. I knew that thou wert an hard Man, reaping where thou hast not sowen, and gathering where thou hast not strawed. God sets you about work, but giveth you no strength, is your [...]x­cuse: but certainly you can do more than you do, but you will not make trial. God may be more ready with the assistances of his Grace thau you can imagine. The ti­red Man may complain of the length of the way, but not the lazy, who will not stir a foot. If you did make trial, you would not complain of God, but your selves, and beg Grace more f [...]lingly. In short, you are not able, because you are not willing. And your impotency is in­creased by evil habits contracted, and long custom in Sin.

I now proceed to the fourth Consi­deration.

4. None of these Excuses are sufficient for not following of Christ. And that,

[Page 355]1. Because of his Authority. Who re­quireth this Duty from us, or imposeth it on us? 'Tis the Lord Jesus Christ, to whose Sentence we must stand or fall. When he biddeth us follow him, and fol­low him speedily; to excuse our selves, is to countermand and contradict his Au­thority: 'Tis flat disobedience, though we do not deny the Duty, but only shift off and excuse our present complyance. For he is as peremptory for the Time and Season, as for the Duty. Now while 'tis called to day, harden not your hearts, Heb. 3. 7, 8. God standeth upon his Authori­ty, and will have a present Answer. If he say, To day, 'tis flat disobedience for us to say, To morrow; or suffer me [...]irst to do this and that business.

2. It appeareth from his Charge to his Messengers. Nothing can take off a Mi­nister of the Gospel from seeking the Con­version and Salvation of Souls. We can­not plead any thing to exempt us from this Work: to plead that the Peoples hearts are hard, and that the Work is difficult and full of danger, will not serve the turn; no, Their Blood will I require at thy hands. Therefore all excuses set aside, we must address our selves to our work. [Page 356] Acts 20. 23, 24. Paul went bound in the Spirit; and the Holy Ghost had told him, that in every City Bonds and Afflictions did abide and wait for him: But, saith he, None of these things move me, neither count I my Life dear to my self, so as I may finish my course with joy, and the Ministry which I have received of my Lord Iesus, to testify the Gospel of the Grace of God. He was willing and ready to endure what should befal him at Ierusalem, and reckoned no­thing of it, nor of loss of Life, if he might successfully preach the Gospel, and serve Christ faithfully in the Office of the Ministry. If nothing be an excuse to us, can any thing be an excuse to you? Should your Souls be nearer and dearer to us than to your selves?

3. It appeareth from the matter of the Duty imposed on you: If you consider, the Excellency, and the Nececessity of it.

To begin first, the Excellency. All Ex­ [...]uses against Obedience to God's Call, are [...] from the World, and the things [...] in the World. Now there is no [...] between the things of the [...] following Christ's Counsel, [...] [...]verlastingly happ [...]. The [Page 357] Question will soon be reduced to this, Which is most to be regarded, God or the Creature, the Body or the Soul, Eternity or Time? The Excuses are for the Body, for Time, for the Creature; but the In­junctions of Duty are for God, for the Soul, and for Eternity. Sense saith, Fa­vour the Flesh; Faith saith, Save thy Soul: The one is of everlasting Conse­quence, and conduceth to an happiness that hath no end; the other only for a time. 2 Cor. 4. 18. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen, are temporal; but the things which are not seen, are eternal. One turn of the Hand of God, separateth the neglected Soul from the pampered Body: And then whose are all these things?

2. The Necessity; that we may please God, and enjoy him for ever. We can never plead for a necessity of sinning, for a Man is never driven to those streights, whether he shall sin more or less; but sometimes Duties come in competition, Duty to a Father, and a special injuncti­on of Christ's to follow him: One must be subordinated to the other, and the most ne­cessary must take place; the less give [Page 358] place to the greater. Now this is much more true of those things which are usu­ally pleaded by way of hesistancy, or as a bar to our Duty; as our worldly and car­nal satisfactions. But you will say, We must avoid poverty and shame. But it is more necessary to avoid damnation. Not to preserve our temporal Interests, but to seek after eternal Life; Luke 10. 42. One thing is necessary.

4. It appeareth from the nature of the Work. To follow Christ, is not to give to him as much as the Flesh can spare, but wholly to devote your selves to his Ser­vice, to sell all for the Pearl of great price, Mat. 13. 46. And you are ob­liged to walk so, that all may give way to the Glory of God, and the Service of your Redeemer. If he will imploy us thus and thus, we must not contradict it, or please any thing by way of excuse.

Vse. Do not neglect your Duty for vain Excus [...]s. The excusing humour is very rife, and very prejudicial to us, for the Sluggard hath an high conceit of his own Allegations: Prov. 26. 16. The Sluggard is wiser in his own conceit, than seven Men that can r [...]nder a reason. In the Eastern [Page 359] Countries their Counsel usually consisted of seven; as we read of the seven Prin­ces of Media and Persia, Esther 1. 14. Therefore let us a little disprove this vain conceit. The Sluggard thinketh himself so wise, that all others are but giddy and [...]raisy-brain'd People, that are too nice and scrupulous, and make more ado with Religion than needeth: But can a Man do too much for God and Heaven? 1 Thess. 2. 12. The Sluggard thinketh 'tis a venture, and he may venture on one side as well as the other; but 'tis a thousand to one a­gainst him in the eye of Reason, put aside Faith: in doubtful Cases, the surest way is to be taken. But to draw it to a more certain determination.

1. Nothing is a reasonable excuse which God's Word disproveth: for the Scriptures were penned to discover the vain Sophisms which are in the Hearts of Men. Heb. 4. 12. For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Ioints and Marrow, and is a discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart. To discover the Affections of a sensual Heart, however palliated with the pretences of a crafty [Page 360] Understanding. Certainly our private Conceits must not be lifted up against the Wisdom of God, nor can a Creature be justified in going against his Maker's Will. Nothing can be Reason, which the God of Wisdom contradicts and calleth Folly; Jer. 8. 9. Lo, they have rejected the Word of the Lord, and what Wisdom is in them?

2. Nothing can be pleaded as a reasona­ble Excuse, which your Consciences are not satisfied is Reason. Men consult with their Affections, rather than with their Consciences. Conscience would draw other Conclusions, therefore our Excuses are usually our Aggravations: Luk. 19. 22. Out of thy own mouth will I judg thee, thou wicked Servant. The Master expected in­crease, therefore he should have done what he could; Job 15. 6. Thine own Mouth condemneth thee;—yea, thine own Lips testify against thee. That's the strongest Conviction which ariseth from a Man's own Bosom; that's the reason why there are so many Appeals to Conscience in Scripture; 1 Cor. 10. 15. I speak as to wise Men, judg ye what I say. Your own Hearts tell you, ye ought to be better; to mind God more, and the World less; [Page 361] to be more serious in preparing for your eternal estate.

3. Nothing can be a reasonable Excuse which reflects upon God, as if he had made an hard Law which none can keep; especially if urged against the Law of Grace: This is to say, the Ways of God are not equal; therefore there can be no excuse for the total omission of necessary Duties.

4. No Excuse can be reasonable, but what you dare plead at the Bar of Christ: for that is Reason, which will go for Reason at last. Then the weight of all Pleas will be considered, and all negligent Persons that have not improved the Light of Nature, or have not obeyed the Go­spel, will be left without excuse. What doth it avail Prisoners to set up a Mock-Sessions among themselves to acquit one, and condemn another? He is in a good condition that shall be excused in the last Judgment, and in a bad condition that shall be condemned then.

I now proceed to the second Point.

Secondly, That those who are called to follow Christ, should follow him speedily, without interposing any delays.

[Page 362]Consider;

1. Ready Obedience, is a good evi­dence of a sound Impression of Grace left upon our Hearts. There is slighter Con­viction, which breedeth a sense of our Duty, but doth not so strongly urge us to the performance of it. And there is a more sound Conviction, which is accom­panied with a prevailing efficacy, and then all Excuses and Delays are laid aside, and Men kindly comply with God's Call. Cant. 1. 4. Draw me, I will run after thee, Run; It noteth an earnest and speedy motion; the Fruit of the powerful attraction of the Spirit; Mat. 4. 20. They straightway left their N [...]ts, and followed him. The scoffing atheistical World, thinketh it ea­siness and fond credulity: but it argu [...]th a sound Impression. The impulsions of the Holy Spirit work in an instant, for they carry their own evidence with them: Gal. 1. 11. Immediatly I consulted not with Flesh and Blood. In Divinis, non est deliberan­dum. When our Call is clear, there needeth no debate or demurring upon the Matter.

2. The Work goeth on the more kind­ly, when we speedily obey the sanctifying motions of the Spirit, and the present in­fluence [Page 363] and impulsion of his Grace. You have not such an advantage of a warm conviction afterward: When the Waters are stirred, then we must put in for a cure, Iohn 5. 4. To adjourn and put it off as Foelix did, Acts 24. 15. doth damp and cool the Work, you quench this holy Fire; or to stand hucking with God, as Pharaoh did, the Work dieth on your hand.

3. There is hazard in delaying and put­ting off such a business of concernment, as Conversion to God. Certainly this is a business of the greatest concernment, and the greatest Work should be first thought of: [Mat. 6. 33. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and the Righteousness thereof.] and most thought of, Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the House of the Lord. Now if we delay, it is left upon great hazards. Life is un­certain, for you know not what a day may bring forth; Prov. 27. 1. Boast not thy s [...]lf of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. If God had given leave, (as Princes sometimes in a Proclamation, for all to come in within a certain day); so if God had said, Whoso­ever doth not repent till thirty of forty [Page 364] Years be out, there were no great hazard till the time were expired; we might en­tertain Sin a little while longer: But we know not the day of our death, there­fore we should get God to bless us er'e we die. A new Call is uncertain, 2 Cor. 6. 1, 2. It may be he will treat with us no more in such a warm and affectionate manner. If he call, yet not vouchsafe such assistances of his Grace, if peradven­ture God will give them repentance unto Life, 2 Tim. 2. 25. 'Tis an hazard or un­certain, if the Spirit of God will put a­nother thought of turning into your hearts, when former Grace is despised. Isa. 55. 6. Call upon the Lord while he is near, and seek him while he may be found.

4. Consider the mischiefs of delaying; every day we contract a greater indisposi­tion of embracing God's Call. We com­plain now 'tis hard: if it be hard to day, it will be harder to morrow, when God is more provoked, and Sin more strength­ned, Ier. 13. 23. Yea, it may be, our natural Faculties are decayed, the vigor of our Youth exhausted. When the tack­ling is spoiled, and the Ship rotten, it is an ill time to put to Sea. Eccles. 12. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of [Page 365] thy Youth. And besides, consider the su­spicion that is upon a late Repentance. The most prophane would have God for their portion at last.

5. The Reasons for delay are inconsi­derable. Suppose it be our satisfaction in our present estate. The Pleasures of Sin are sweet, and we are loth to forgo them; but those Pleasures must one day be re­nounced, or you are for ever miserable; Why not now? Sin will be as sweet to the carnal Appetite hereafter as now it is; and Salvation is dispensed upon the same terms; you cannot be saved hereafter with less ado, or bring down Christ and Hea­ven to a lower rate. If this be a Reason now, it will for ever lie as a Reason a­gainst Christ, and against Conversion. The Laws of Christianity are unaltera­ble, always the same, and your Hearts not like to be better. Or is it, That you are willing now, but you have no leasure; when such encumbrances are over, you shall get your Hearts into a better po­sture! Oh no, 'tis hypocrisy to think you are willing, when you delay. Nothing now hindreth, but a want of Will; and when God treateth with thee about thine eternal Peace, it is the best time; but God [Page 366] always cometh to the Sinner unseasonably in his own account. But consider, it was the Devil that said, Mat. 8. 29. Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

The Vse is, 1. To reprove that dally­ing with God in the Work of Conversi­on, which is so common and so natural to us.

The Causes of it are,

1. Unbelief, or want of a due sense and sight of things to come. If Men were perswaded of eternal Life, and eter­nal Death; they would not stand ho­vering between Heaven and Hell, but presently engage their Hearts to draw nigh to God: But we cannot see afar off; 2 Pet. 1. 9. He that lacketh these things, is blind, and cannot see afar off.

2. Another cause is Security. They do not take these things into their serious thoughts. Faith sheweth 'tis sure, and Consideration bringeth it near; Amos 6. 3. Ye put far away the evil day. Things at a distance do not move us. We should pray, and preach, and practise, as if Death were at our backs. And remember, that [Page 367] all our Security dependeth upon the slen­der Thread of a frail Life.

3. Another cause is, Aversness of Heart, they have no mind to these things; Rom. 8. 7. The carnal Mind is enmity against God. The Heart is inclined to worldly Vanities, set against God and Godliness. Now let us consider the hainousness of this Sin. 'Tis ingratitude and unthank­fulness for God's eternal Love; Psal. 103. 17. The Mercy of the Lord is from ever­lasting to everlasting upon them that fear him. 'Tis also disingenuity; we would be heard presently; Psal. 102. 2. Lord, hear me speedily. To day is the season of Mercy, to morrow of Duty. We are always in haste, would have the Lord to tarry for our sinful leisure, when we will not tarry his holy leisure. 'Tis also base Self-love, we can be content to dishonour God longer, provided at length we may be saved. Lastly, It is great injustice to keep God out of his Right, he hath been long enough kept out of his Right alrea­dy; 1 Pet. 4. 3. The time past of our Life may suffice to have wrought the Will of the Gen­tiles. Therefore let us no longer delay, but speedily address our selves to entertain the Motions of the Holy Spirit.

Looking back, ill becomes those that have set their face Heavenward.

WE are now come to the third In­stance, wherein we are instructed how to avoid Miscarriages in following Christ.

The first Instance teaches us to beware of hasty and hypocritical Profession, which is the Fruit of Resolution without Deliberation, or sitting down and count­ing the Charges; this was the fault of the Scribe.

The second Instance cautioneth us a­gainst dilatory Shifts and Excuses. The most necessary Business must not be put off upon any pretence whatsoever.

The third Instance forbiddeth all thoughts of compounding, or hopes to have Christ and the World too. As this Man hoped first to secure his worldly In­terest, and then to follow Christ at leisure. Whether this Man were called, or uncal­led, it appeareth not. 'Tis only said in the Text [Another also said]; the middle [Page 369] Person was only called by Christ; the other two offered themselves. The first was forward upon a mistaken Ground, to share the Honours of the Kingdom of the Messiah, which he supposed to be Tem­poral. This last offereth himself, but his Heart was not sufficiently loosned from the World. From both we see, That it is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth, but God that sheweth Mercy, Rom. 7. 16. For neither of those that offered themselves are accepted.

In the words you may observe;

  • 1. His Request.
  • 2. Christ's Answer.

1. His Request. This third offereth him­self to be a Disciple of Christ; but with an Exception, That he might take his fare­wel at home, and dispose of his Estate there, and so secure his wordly Interests. — I will follow thee, but let me bid those farewel which are at home in my House. You will say, what harm is in this Request? Elijah granted it to [...]lisha, 1 Kings 19. 21. When he had laid his Mantle on him, thereby investing him in the Office of a [Page 370] Prophet. Elisha said, Let me, I pray thee, go and kiss my Father, and my Mother, and then I will follow thee. Which the Pro­phet grant [...]th, and gave way to Elisha to go home and salute his Friends.

I Answer;

1. The Evangelical Ministry exceedeth the Prophetical, both as to Excellency and Necessity, and must be gone about speedily without any delay. The Harvest was great, and such an extraordinary Work was not to be delayed nor inter­rupted.

2. If two Men do the same thing, it followeth not, that they do it with the same mind. Things may be the same, as to the substance or matter of the Action, yet Circumstances may be different. Christ knew this Man's Heart, and could inter­pret the meaning of his desire to go home first. He might make it a pretence to de­part clean away from Christ. We can­not distinguish between the look of Abra­ham, and the look of Lot. One is al­lowed, the other forbidden. Abraham is allowed to look towards Sodom, Gen. 19. 28. And Abraham got up early in the morning, and looked towards Sodom, and beh [...]ld the smoke of the Country went up as the [Page 371] smoke of a [...]urnace. Yet Lot and his Fa­mily are forbidden to look that way; Gen. 19. 17. Look not [...]ehind thee. We cannot distinguish between the laughter of Abraham, and the laughter of Sarah; Gen. 17. 17. And Abraham [...]ell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a Child be born to him that is an hun­dred years old? And shall Sarah that is ninety years old, [...]ear? Now compare Gen. 18. 12. 'tis said, And Sarah laughed within her self, saying, After I am waxed old, shall I have pleasure, my Lord also being old? Yet she is reproved, For the Lord said, Wherefore did Sarah l [...]ugh? The one was Joy and Reverence, the other Unbelief and Con­tempt. We cannot distinguish between the Virgin Mary's Question, Luk. 1. 34. How can this be? and the Question of Zacha­ry, Iohn's Father, Luke 1. 18. How shall I know this, [...]or I am an old Man? Mary was not reproved, but he was struck dumb for that Spe [...]ch: But though we cannot distinguish, God, that knoweth the secrets of all hearts, can distinguish.

3. Those that followed Christ on these extraordinary Calls, were to leave all things they had, without any farther care about them; Matth. 10. 21. S [...]ll all that [Page 372] t [...]ou hast, and follow me, and thou sha [...]t have Treasure in Heaven. So, Mat. 4. 19, 20. He s [...]ith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men; and they strait­way left their Nets and followed him. So, Matth. 9. 9. As Iesus passed forth from thence, he saw a Man named Matthew, sit­ting at the receipt of custom; and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose and fol­lowed him. Therefore it was preposterous for this Man to desire to go home, to or­der and dispose of his Estate and Family, before he complied with his Call.

4. In Resolution, Estimation, and Vow. The same is required of all Christians, when Christ's Work calleth for it. Luke 14. 33. So likewise whosoever he be of you, that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my Disciple.

2. Christ's Answer. Which consists of a Similitude, and its Interpretation joined together.

1. The Metaphor or Similitude: Taken from Ploughmen, who cannot make streight Furrows if they look back: So to look back, after we have undertaken Christ's Yoke and Service, rendreth us unfit for the Kingdom of God. Putting [Page 373] our hands to the Plough, is to undertake Christ's Work, or to resolve to be his Dis­ciples. Looking back, noteth an hank­ring of Mind a [...]ter the World; and also a return to the worldly Life. For, first, we look back, and then we go back: First, we have an over-valuing of the World, and then we return to the world­ly Life.

Doct. That looking back will not be­come those who have set their fa­ces Heavenward.

We have an Instance in the Text of a Man which pretended to follow Christ, which is to set our Faces Heavenward, (for we follow Christ, first in Labour and Patience, and then into Glory): But he would look back, and had many thoughts of what he had left at home: And he is pronounced un [...]it for the Kingdom of God, that is, to be a Disciple of Christ. And we have another Instance recom­mended to our Observation by our Lord himself. Luke 17. 32. Remember Lot' [...] Wi [...]e; that is, remember her Sin, and re­member her Punishment: Both are taken notice of, Gen. 19. 17. But his Wi [...]e look­ed [Page 374] back from be [...]ind him, and she became a [...]. There was a hankring of mind after what she had le [...]t in Sodom: She looked back, because she had l [...]ft her [...]

In [...] shew you,

  • 1. Upon what [...] we may be said to look [...].
  • 2. [...] those that [...]ve put their [...] to the Plough.

1. Upon what Occasio [...]s we may be [...] to look back. A double pair I shall mention.

The first sort of those,

1. That pretend to follow Christ, and yet their Hearts ha [...]ker after the World; [Page 375] the Cares, Pleasures, and vain Pomp thereof. Certainly all that would follow Christ, must renounce their worldly Affe­ctions and Inclinations, or else they can make no work of Christianity. I prove it from the Nature of Conversion, which is a turning from the Creature to God, from self to Christ, and from Sin to Ho­liness. The first is proper to our [...]ase: As our degeneration was a falling from God to the Creature, Ier. 2. 13. so our Regeneration is a turning from the Crea­ture to God. If we leave the World un­willingly, our dedication will soon come to nothing, for then our Hearts are false with God in the very making of the Co­venant. If we engaged our s [...]lves to God, before the [...]leshly Mind and Interest were never well conquered; as we w [...]r [...] not well loosned from the World, so not [...]irmly ingaged to God; and therefore when our Interest requires it, we shall soon fors [...]ke God.

2. When Men are discouraged in his Service by Troubles and Difficulties; and so after a forward Profession, all cometh to nothing. Heb. 10. 38. If any M [...]n draw back, my Soul shall have no pleasure in [...]. The former is looking back, and [Page 376] this is drawing back. The one ariseth out of the other; all their former Zeal and Courage is lost, they are affrighted and driven out of th [...]ir Profession, and re­lapse into the Errors they have escaped: This is the first [...]air. Once more; The other pair i [...] this;

There is a looking back with respect to [...]; And a looking back with r [...]sp [...]ct to Vivification.

1. Wi [...]h respect to Mortification, which is the first part of Conversion. So we must not look back, or mind any thing behind us, which may turn us back and stop us in our course. The World and the Flesh are the things behind us; we turned our back upon them in Conversi­on when we turn [...]d to God. Grace [...] deny Ungodlin [...]ss and [...], T [...]tus 2. 12. It is the [...] doth call back our Thoughts, [...] our Affections. The World that is an Enemy to God, and our Reli­gion, Iames 4. 4. Therefore the World must be renounced, and we must grow dead to the World, that we may be alive to God: There is no halting between both.

[Page 377]2. With respect to Vivification, or progress in the Duties of the Holy and Heavenly Life. So the Apostle telleth us, Phil. 3. 13. But this one thing I do, for­getting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, &c. Farther progress in Holiness, is the one thing that we should mind, and that above all other things. This is the unum necessarium, Luke 10. 42. The Primum, or Principium; the one thing, that is the main thing. Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after. But how should we mind it? Not looking to the things which are behind, but look­ing to the things which are before. The things behind, are our imperfect begin­nings, or so much of the race as we have overcome and got through. 'Tis the Sluggard's trick, to consider how much of the Journey is past, or how far the rest of the Racers are behind him. But he that sets heartily to his Business, considers how much is before, that he may get through the remainder of his Race, and so ob­tain the Prize. The Things which are before us, are God, and Heaven, and the remaining Duties of the Holy Life. These we should mind, and not look back, as satis­fying [Page 378] our selves with what we have at­tained to already.

2. How ill it becometh those that have put their hands to the Spiritual Plough.

1. In respect of the Covenant into which they enter, or the manner of en­trance into it; which is by a fixed, un­bounded resignation of themselves unto God. Till this be done, we are but half Christians: As suppose we desire Privi­leges, would have God to be our God, but neglect Duties, and are loth to be­come his People; or, suppose we see a necessity of that, and so are in some mea­sure willing to give up our selves to him: yet if our resolution be not [...]ixed, or be not unbounded without reserves, and against all reserves, the Covenant is not condescended unto; we do nothing, un­less we do that which is farther required of us.

(1.) If it be not fixed, but wavering, we do but treat, we do not conclude and come to a full agre [...]ment with God. Acts 11. 23. He exhorted them all, that with full purpose of Heart they would cleave unto the Lord: It implieth such a resolution as carrieth the force of a Principle. Agrippa was almost [Page 379] a Christian, had some in [...]mouring and un­certain Inclinations; Acts 26. 28. Almost thou perswadest me to be a Christian. Christ is resolved to stick to his Servants, and therefore he expects that they should be resolved to stick to him.

(2.) If it be not unbounded, reserving nothing, but leaving all to Christ, to be disposed of at his Will. Except but one thing, and the Covenant is not fully con­cluded, it sticketh at that Article: 'tis but hucking with God, not agreeing with God: Resolving with reserves is no reso­lution at all. [...]Tis but dealing like Ana­nias and Sapp [...]ir [...], giving something, and keeping back the rest, Acts 5. Christ will have no Disciples which will not part with all. Nothing must be reserved, nei­ther Credit, nor Life, nor Estate, Luke 14. 28. Now none of this can be as long as you look back, or allow that, that will tempt you to look back; that is, till you be throughly loosned from the World; for whilst the Heart cleaveth to any earth­ly thing, your resolution is unfixed: They that only take Christ upon liking, will soon be tempted to mislike him and his ways; And your resolution is not un­bounded, whilst you set upon the Profes­sion [Page 380] of Religion, and yet keep the World, or something of the World, your Heart will ever and anon be seeking occasions to withdraw; for you were false at heart at your first setting out, and treacherous in the very making of your Covenant.

2. With respect to the Duties of Chri­stianity; or that part of the Kingdom of God which concerneth your Obedience to him. You are never [...]it for these, while the Heart cleaveth to earthly things; and you are still hankring after the World.

A threefold Defect there will be in our Duties.

  • 1. They will be unpleasant.
  • 2. They will be inconstant.
  • 3. Imperfect in such a degree, as to want sincerity.

1. Your Duty will be unpleasant to you, so far as you are wordly and car­nal; so that you can never yield ch [...]arful and ready obedience to God. Certain it is, that we must serve God, and serve him with delight; his Commandments should be kept, and they should not be grievous to us, 1 Ioh. 5. 3. Now what is the great Impediment? Worldly Lusts are not throughly purged out of the heart; for presently he addeth this reason, For what­soever [Page 381] is born of God, overcometh the World. 'Tis an hard Heart maketh our work hard; and the Heart is hard and unperswadable, when our Affections are ingaged else­where. The readiness of our Obedience dependeth on the fervency of our Love; the fervency of our Love, on our victory over the World; our victory over the World, on the strength of our Faith; the strength of our Faith, on the certain­ty we have of the principal Object of our Faith; the principal Object of our Faith is, That Jesus is the Son of God, whose Counsel we must take, if we will be hap­py. And the evidence of that Principle, is the double Testimony or Attestation given to him from Heaven, or in the Heart of a Believer. Once settle in that, that you can intirely trust your selves, and all your Interests, in the hands of Christ, and all Duties will be easy.

2. You will be inconstant in it, and apt to be ens [...]ared again, when you meet with Occasions and Temptations that suit with your Heart's Lusts. As the Israelites were drawn out of Egypt against their Wills. The Flesh [...]pots of Egypt were still in their minds, and therefore were ready to make themselves a Captain, and return again, [Page 382] Numb. 14. 4. and Iames 1. 8. A double-minded Man is unstable in all his ways. No­thing will hold an unwilling Heart; De­mas had not quitted this hankring mind after the World, and therefore it preven­ted him doing his Duty. 2 Tim. 4. 10. De­mas hath forsaken me, having loved this pre­sent World. He left the Work of the Go­spel, to mind his own privat Affairs. The love of Riches, Pleasure, Ease, and Safe­ty, if they be not thorowly renounced, will tempt us to a like revolt and neglect of God. Therefore to prevent it, when we first put our hands to the Plough, we must resolve to renounce the World. Psal. 45. 10.— Forget also thine own People, and thy Father's House. Look back no more; as long as we are intangled in our Lusts and Inticements of the World, we are unmeet to serve God. Paul counted those things that were gain to him, to be loss for Christ, Philip. 3. 7, 8. Yea doubt­less and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the Knowledg of Christ Ie­sus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but Dung, that I may win Christ. Paul repented not of his Choice, but sheweth his perseve­rance in the contempt of the World; I [Page 383] have counted, and do count. He seeth no cause to recede from his Choice. Many affect Novelties, are transported at their first Change, but repent at leisure.

3. We are imperfect in it; I mean, to such a degree, as to want sincerity, for they bring nothing to perfection, Luke 8. 14. Their Fruit never groweth ripe, or sound; for Religion is an underling. Some good Inclinations they have to heavenly things, but their worldly Affections are greater, and overtop them so, that though they do not plainly revolt from their Pro­fession, yet their Duties want that Life and Power which is necessary; so that they bring little honour to Christ by be­ing Christians.

3. In respect of the hurt that cometh from their looking back; both to them­selves, and to Religion.

1. To themselves. 2 Pet. 2. 20, 21. For if after they have escaped the Pollutions of the World, through the knowledg of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, they are again in­tangled therein, their latter end is worse with them than their beginning; for it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than after they have known it, [Page 384] to turn from the Holy Commandment deli­vered to them. Many have so much of the knowledg of Christ, as to cleanse their external Conversation. But Sin and the World were never so effectually cast out, but they are in secret League with them still; and therefore they are first intan­gled, and then overcome; first enticed by some Pleasure or Profit, and then carried away with the Temptation. But what cometh of this? Their lattar end is worse than their beginning. Their Sin is gre [...]ter, since they sin against Light and Taste; their Judgment is greater, both Spiritual and Eternal. As God giveth them over to brutish Lusts, and to the Power of Satan. And this will be a cutting thought to them to all Eternity, to remember how they lost their acquaintance with, and benefit by Christ, by looking back to the World, and deserting that good way wherein they found so much sweetness in Christ.

2. The Mischief which is done to Reli­gion. They wonderfully dishonour God, and bring contempt upon the Ways of Godliness, when after they have made trial of it, they prefer Sin before it; as if God had wearied them, Mich. 6. 3. Therefore 'tis just with God to vindicate [Page 385] his Honour. And Satan, after he seem­eth to be for a while rejected, taketh a more durable possession of them, Luke 11. 26. O think of this often! to look back after we seemed to escape, doth in­volve us in the greater Sin and Misery: Better never to have yielded to God so far, than to retract at last; partly, because their Sins are Sins against Knowledg. Luk. 12. 47. That Servant which knew his Lord's Will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his Will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Partly, because they are un­thankful for so much deliverance by the knowledg of Christ as they received; and that's an hainous aggravation of their Of­fence. Partly, because their Sin is Trea­chery, and breach of Vows; for they turned the back upon the World, and all the Allurements thereof, when they con­sented to the Covenant, and resolved to follow Christ in all Conditions, till he should bring them into a place of Rest and Safety. Partly, because they sin a­gainst Experience, after they have had some relish and taste of better things, Heb. 6. 4. Partly, because their Conversion again is the more difficult, the Devil having a greater hold of them, Mat. 12. 44.

[Page 386]4. With respect to the disproportion that is between the things that tempt us to look back, and those things that are set before us.

1. The things that tempt us to look back, are the Pleasures of Sin, and the Profits of the World; both are but a tem­pory injoyment; Heb. 11. 25. The Plea­sures of Sin, which are but for a Season. The pleasures of Sin are base and brutish, which captivate and bring a slavery on the Soul, Titus 3. 3. The enjoiments of the World cannot last long; your gust and relish of them, within a little while will be gone, 1 Iohn 2. 17. yet these are the things that tempt you to forget and draw you off from God: And will you marry your Souls again to those Sins from which they were once divorced, and for such pal­try Vanities repent of your Obedience to God, even after you have made trial of him? Are these things grown better, or God grown worse, that you should turn your Hearts from him to them?

2. The things that are before you, are God, and Heaven; Reconciliation with God, and the everlasting Fruition of him in Glory.

[Page 387]1. Reconciliation with God, with the consequent Benefits; Communion with God now, Peace of Conscience, the Gift of the Spirit, and the Hopes of Glory. If there were no more than these, Shall we look back? Can we find better things in the World? Alas! there is nothing here, but Fears and Snares, a vexatious Uncertainty, and polluting Injoyments, such as may easily make us worse, but cannot make us better. What is this, but to forsake the cold flowing Waters for a dirty Puddle? Ier. 18. 14. Our own Mercies for lying Vanities, Ionah 2. 8.

2. The everlasting Fruition of him in Glory. Shall we look back that are stri­ving for a Crown of endless Glory, as if we were weary of the pursuit, and give it over as an hopeless or fruitless Business? If Christ will lead us to this Glory, let us follow him, and go on in what is well be­gun without looking back. Never let us leave a Crown of Glory, for a Crown of Thorns.

Vse 1. Is for Instruction, to teach us what to do if we would set about the strict practice of Religion.

[Page 388]1. See that your worldly Love be well mortified: For till you be dead to the World, God cannot recover his Interest in your Souls, nor the Divine Nature be set up there with any Life and Power, 2 Pet. 1. 4. see also 1 Iohn 2. 15. and 1 Iohn 5. 4. Till this be done, God and Glory cannot be your ultimate End, nor the main design of your Life; for the World will turn your Hearts another way, and will have the principal ruling and disposing of your Lives: The World will have that Love, Trust, Care, and Service, that belongeth to God, and be a great hindrance to you in the way to Heaven, and you will never have peace. The World doth first delude you, and then disquiet you. And if you cleave to it as your Portion, you must look for no more. Well then, mortified it must be; For how can you renounce the World as an Enemy, if your Hearts be not weaned from it so far, that it is a more indifferent thing to you to have it, or want it, and that you be not so eager for it, or so careful about it?

2. Let not the World steal into your Hearts again, nor se [...]m so sweet to you, [...]or th [...]n you are under a temptation; 'tis [Page 389] our remaining-Folly, and backsliding-Na­ture, that is ever looking to the World which we have forsaken. Now when you find this, whenever the World hath insi­nuated into your Affections, and chilled and cooled them to God and Heaven, see that the Distemper be presently expelled; pray, as David, Psal. 119. 36. Incline my Heart unto thy Testimonies, and not unto Covetousness. Be sure to be more fruitful in good Works; Luke 11. 41. Give Alms of such things as you have, and behold all things are clean unto you. We renounced the World in our Baptismal Vow, we overcame the World in our whole after-course. 'Tis not so got out of any, but that we still need an holy jealousy and watchfulness over our selves. Now that we may do both of these, I shall give you some Directions.

1. Fix your End and Scope, which is to be everlastingly happy in the injoyment of God: The more you do so, the less in danger you will be of looking back. We are often pressed to lay up Treasures in Heaven, Mat. 6. 20. And, as those that are risen with Christ, to seek the things which are above, Col. 3. 1. Our Lord himself saith to the young Man, Mark 10. [Page 390] 21. Go, sell all that thou hast, and give to the Poor, and thou shalt have Treasures in Hea­ven. If our Life and Business be for Hea­ven, and your mind be kept intent on the greater Matters of Everlasting Life, no­thing will divert you therefrom; you will almost be ready to forget Earth, because you have higher and better things to mind. 'Tis not barely thinking of the Troubles of the World, or confessing its Vanities, will cure your Distempers, but the true sight of a better Happiness. A little in hand is better, you will think, than un­certain Hopes; but a sound Belief, which is the substance of things hoped for, the evi­dence of things not seen, that openeth Heaven to you, and will soon make you of another mind.

2. Intirely trust your self, and all your Concernmen [...]s in the Hand of God. Christ expected from all those whom he called in an extraordinary manner, that they should leave all without any thought or solicitude about it, trusting in him not only for their [...]ternal Reward, but for their Pro­vision and Protection by the way during their service. And the same in effect is required of all Christians, not to leave our Estates, or neglect our Calling; but [Page 391] renouncing the World, and resolving to take such a lot in good part, as he shall carve out to them. All that enter into Covenant with God, must believe him to be God All-sufficient, Gen. 17. 1. The Apostle when he diswadeth from Worldli­ness, he produceth a promise of God's not forsaking us, and leaving us utterly destitute; Heb. 13. 5. Let your Conversa­tion be without Covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. On the other side, certainly 'tis Un­belief that is the cause of Apostacy, or falling back from God; Heb. 3. 12. Take heed, Brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil Heart of Vnbelief, in departing from the living God. Certainly when we have re­signed up our selves to Christ to do his Work, we may trust him boldly, and serve him chearfully, we need not look back to shift for our selves. If you are willing to be his People, he will be your God, and your Saviour, and then you may conclude, that God, even our God shall bless us, Psalm. 67. 6. He will not be wanting to those that unreservedly yield up themselves to his Obedience.

[Page 392]3. Consider that they are deluded Hy­pocrites, that will meddle no farther with Religion, than they can reconcile it with their worldly Happiness: What-ever glo­rious Notions they have of God, or pre­tences of admiring free Grace; 'tis Self-de­nial that Christ calleth for; and taking up our Cross, is the first Lesson in his School. And true Conversion is a turning from the Creature to God, and beginneth in Mor­tification; and Baptism implieth a renun­ciation of the Devil, the World, and the Flesh. Therefore those that will save their wordly State, and launch out no farther in the Cause of Religion, than they may easily get ashore again when a storm com­eth; and love and serve God no farther than will stand with the contentment of the Flesh; and divide their Hearts be­tween God and the World, give God but half, and the worst half; surely these were never sincere with God. 'Tis an impossible Design they drive on, to serve two Masters, Mat. 6. 24. You must let go Christ, and Glory, if you be so ear­nest after the World, and so indulgent to the Flesh.

4. Consider how much 'tis your busi­ness to observe what maketh you fit, or [Page 393] unfit for the Kingdom of God. The apti­tude or inaptitude of means is to be judg­ed with respect to the end; as they help or hinder the attainment of your great End: For, Finis, est mensura mediorum: Mat. 6. 22. The Light of the Body is the Eye; If therefore thine Eye be single, thy whole Body shall be full of Light. Now our great end, is to enjoy God for ever. And what fitteth you for this, looking back, or keeping the Heart in Heaven? Experience will shew. The observant and watchful Christian will soon find where his great hindrance lieth. How much he findeth his Heart down by mind­ing the World, and how he needeth to wind it up again, by Faith and Love: Psal. 25. 1. Vnto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my Soul. The World is the great Im­pediment that keepeth him from God, and indisposeth him for his Service; dampeth his Love, and quencheth his Zeal, and a­bateth his Diligence; he will soon find how much more he might do for God, if he could draw off his Heart more from those inferior Objects: This is the weight that presseth us down, and maketh us so cold and cursory in God's Service.

[Page 394]5. Consider, in the Text, here is the Kingdom of God; which is double; The Kingdom of Grace, and the Kingdom of Glory. The one is called, The Kingdom and Patience of Iesus Christ, Rev. 1. 9. The other is called, His Kingdom and Glory, 1 Thess. 2. 12. By the first, we are prepared for the second; and the se­cond is the great Incouragement. Now they that look back, are unfit for either; the Duties of Christians, or the Reward of Christians; he slincheth from his Du­ty here, and shall be shut out of Heaven at last: 2 Thess. 1. 5.— That ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer. They are only coun­ted worthy, who constantly and patiently look for it, and venture something on it.

6. Consider the great loss you will in­cur by looking back after you have put your hand to the Plough. You will lose all that you have wrought, and all that you have suffered.

1. What you have wrought; 2 Ep. Iohn 8. Look to your selves, that ye lose not the things which ye have wrought, but that ye receive a full Reward. You forfeit the Reward of your good Beginnings. A [Page 395] partial Reward they may have in this Life, while they continue their well-do­ing, (for no Man is a loser by God); but not a Compleat and full Reward till the Life to come. Some overflowings of God's Temporal Bounty they may have, but not the Crown of Life and Glory. So, Ezek. 18. 24. All his Righteousness that he hath done, shall not be mentioned. All is obliterated, and forgotten, and made void, as to any Interest in the great Reward. This was represented in the Type of the Nazarite, Numb. 6. 12. The days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled. He was to begin all anew.

2. All that you have suffered; as a Man may make some petty losses for Jesus Christ. Gal. 3. 4. Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain. This maketh all the cost and expence that you have been at, to be to no purpose.

THE Nature and Excel …

THE Nature and Excellency OF Saving Faith. IN TWO SERMONS. FROM Heb. 10. 39. & 1 Pet. 1. 4. To which is added, A Wedding Sermon, On Gen. 2. 22.


HEB. 10. 39. ‘But we are not of them who draw back unto Perdition; but of them that be­lieve, to the saving of the Soul.’

IN the Verse immediatly preceding, there is a dreadful Doom pronounced on Apostates, that God will take no pleasure in them. Now lest they should be much afrighted with the terror of it, and suppose that he had too hard an Opinion of them, he sheweth, That tho he did warn them, he did not suspect them, presuming other things of them ac­cording to their Profession. But we are [Page 2] not of them that draw back unto Perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul.

In the words two things are observa­ble.

  • 1. The denial of the suspicion of their Apostacy.
  • 2. An Assertion of the Truth and Constancy of their Faith.

That Clause I shall insist upon, [...]. Where, first take notice of their Faith; [...]. Second­ly, Their Perseverance; [...]. The word signifieth their purcha­sing, acquiring, obtaining, finding the Soul; meaning thereby, that though they lost other things, they did not lose their Souls.

Doct. That a true and sound Faith, will cause us to save the Soul, though with the loss of other things.

1 Pet. 1. 5. Ye are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation. 'Tis the Power of God indeed that keepeth: [Page 3] He that reserveth Heaven for us, reserveth and keepeth us for Heaven. But by what Instrument or Means? By Faith; to de­pend upon an Invisible God, for an Hap­piness that lieth in an invisible World; when in the mean time he permitteth us to be harrased with Difficulties and Troubles, requireth Faith: And by Faith alone can the Heart be upheld, till we obtain this Salvation. So, vers. 9. Receiving the End of your Faith, the Salvation of your Souls. 'Tis Faith maketh us row against the stream of Flesh and Blood, and deny its Cravings, that we may obtain eternal Sal­vation at length. The Flesh is for sparing and favouring the Body; but Faith is for saving the Soul: That's the End and Aim of Faith.

To make this evident to you;

  • 1. I shall prove, That all other things must be hazarded for the saving of the Soul.
  • 2. That nothing will make us hazard all things for the purchasing or ac­quiring the Salvation of the Soul but only Faith.

[Page 4]1. That all other things must be ha­zarded for the saving of the Soul. Mat. 10. 39. He that findeth his Life, shall lose it: and he that loseth his Life for my sake, shall find it. So 'tis repeated again upon the occasion of the Doctrine of Self-deni­al, Mat. [...]6. 25, 26. The saving of the Soul, is more than the getting, and keep­ing, or having of all the World. For the World concerneth only the Body, and bo­dily Life; but the saving of Soul con­cerneth Eternal Life. If Life be lost Tem­porally, 'tis secured to Eternity, when we shall have a Life which no Man can take from us. And the Case standeth thus, That either we must bring Eternal Perdi­tion upon our selves, or else obtain Eter­nal Salvation. They that are thrifty of Life bodily, and the Comforts and Inte­rests of it, are certainly prodigal of their Salvation. But on the other side; If we are willing to venture Life Temporal, and all the Interests thereof, for the saving of the Soul, we make a good Bargain; That which is left for a while, is preserved to us for for ever. In short, so much as God is to be preferred before the Creature, Heaven before the World, the Soul before the Body, Eternity before Time, so much [Page 5] doth it concern us to have the better part safe. And as Men in a great Fire, and ge­neral Conflagration, will hazard their Lumber to preserve their Treasure, their Mony, or their Jewels: So should we take care, that if we must lose one or other, that the better part be out of hazard: And what-ever we lose by the way, we may be sure to come well to the end of our Journey.

2. That nothing will make us hazard all things, for the purchasing, or acqui­ring the Salvation of the Soul, but only Faith. The Flesh is importunate to be pleased: Sense saith to us, Favour thy self, that is, spare the Flesh; But Faith saith, Save thy Soul. Faith, which ap­prehendeth things future and invisible, will teach us to value all things according to their worth, and to lose some present satisfaction, for that future and eternal Gain which the Promises of God do offer to us. Now Faith doth this two ways; By convincing us of the Worth, and of the Truth of things promised by God through Christ. The Apostle when he bloweth his Trumpet, and summoneth our reverence, and attentive regard to the Gospel; in that Preface, 1 Tim. 1. 15. he [Page 6] saith, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Iesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners. Salvation by Christ is worthy to be regarded above all things: And if it be true, all things should give place unto it. Now Faith convin­ceth us of the Worth and Truth, and maketh us to take the thing promised for all our Treasure and Happiness; and the Promise it self, or the Word of God, for our whole security.

1. It maketh us to take the thing pro­mised, for all our Treasure and Happi­ness; Mat. 6. 19, 20, 21. Lay not up for your selves Treasures upon Earth, where Moth and Rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves break through and steal. But lay up for your selves Treasure in Heaven, where neither Moth nor Rust doth corrupt, nor Thieves break through and steal. For where your Treasure is, there your Heart will be also. It highly concerneth us to consider what we make our Treasure. Worldly things are subject to many Acci­dents, and dese [...]ve not our love nor e­steem; only heavenly things deserve to be our Treasure. If our Hearts be set upon these things, 'tis a sign we value what Christ hath offered. So, 2 Cor. 4. [Page 7] 18. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen, are Tem­poral; but the things which are not seen, are Eternal. We make these things our End, aud Scope, and Happiness. 'Tis easy to prove the worth of these things in the general, as 'tis easy to prove that Eternity is better than Time; that things incorrup­tible, are better than those which are sub­ject to corruption: That things exempted from Casualty, are better than those things which are liable to Casualty, and are not out of the reach of Robbery and Vio­lence. But to Creatures wedded to sense and present enjoyment, 'tis difficult and hard to cause them to set their Hearts in another World, and to lay up their Hopes in Heaven, and to part with all things which they see and love, and find com­fortable to their Senses, for that God and Glory which they never saw. This is the Business of Faith, or the Work of the Spirit of Illumination changing their Hearts and Minds. This general Truth all will determine, as that things Eternal, are better than things Temporal. But we undervalue these gracious Promises, whose accomplishment must with patience [Page 8] be expected, whilst their future Goodness cometh in actual competition with these bodily Delights which we must forgo, and those grievous bodily Afflictions which we must endure out of sincere respect to Christ and his Ways. Therefore before there can be any true self-denial, Faith must incline us to this offered Benefit, as our true Treasure and Happiness, what­ever we forgo, or undergo to attain it.

2. For the truth of it, the Word of God must be our whole security, as being enough to support our Hearts in waiting for it, however God cover himself with Frowns, and an appearance of Anger, in those Afflictions which befal us in the way thither. The Word of God is all in all to his People: Thy Testimonies have I taken as my Heritage for ever: they are the re­joicing of my Soul, Psal. 119. 111. If a Man hath little ready Mony, yet if he have an Heritage to live upon, or sure Bonds, he is well [...]paid: So is a Believer rich in Promises; which being the Pro­mises of the Almighty and Immutable God, and built upon the everlasting Me­rit of Christ, are as good to him as Per­formances, and therefore cause joy in some Proportion as if the things were in [Page 9] hand; Heb. 11. 13. These all died in Faith, not having received the Promises, but having seen then afar off, and were perswaded of them, and embraced them. And, Psalm. 56. 4. In God will I praise his Word, in God have I put my trust, I will not fear what Man can do unto me. Faith resteth upon God's Word, who is able to save to the uttermost all that come to him by Christ.

1. Vse is Information concerning a weighty Truth; namely, what the Faith is by which the Just do live. 'Tis such a trust or confidence in God's Promises of eter­nal Life through Iesus Christ, as that we for­sake all other hopes and happiness whatsoever, that we may obtain it.

To make good this Description to you, let me observe,

1. That Faith looketh mainly to Hea­ven, or the saving of the Soul, as the prime Benefit offered to us by Jesus Christ. For all attend to this; 1 Tim. 1. 16. For a Pattern to them who should hereafter be­lieve on him to life everlasting. This was that they chiefly aimed at, and therefore called the End of our Faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9. For this end were the Scriptures written; John 20. 31. These things are written that [Page 10] ye might believe, that Iesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye might have Life through his Name. The Scrip­tures are writ [...]en, to direct us to know Christ aright, who is the Kernel and Mar­row of all the Scriptures, who is the great Subject of the Gospel; and that the chief Benefit we have by him, is eternal Life, by which all our Pains and losses for Christ are recompenced, and from whence we fetch our Comfort all along during the course of our Pilgrimage, and upon the hopes of which the Life of Grace is car­ried on, and the Temptations of Sense are defeated; so that this is the main Bles­sing which Faith aimeth at.

2. That the sure grounds which Faith goeth upon, is God's Promise through Je­sus Christ; and so it implieth.

(1.) That there is a God, who is a Re­warder of them that diligently seek him: for the Apostle pursuing this Discourse, telleth us, Heb. 11. 6. That a Man must believe God's Being and Bounty, before he can do any thing to the purpose for him.

(2.) That this God hath revealed him­self in Jesus Christ, as willing to accept poor Creatures who refuse not his New [Page 11] Covenant and remedying-Grace, to Par­don, and Life. For the guilty Creature would stand at a distance, and not receive his Offers with any comfort and Satisfacti­on, had not God been in Christ reconci­ling the World to himself, 2 Cor. 5. 19. But now they may be invited to come to him with hope, vers. 20. And his graci­ous Promises standing upon such a bot­tom and foundation, are the sooner be­lieved; 2 Cor. 1. 20. For the Promises of God are in him Yea, and in him Amen, to the Glory of God by us; that is, the Pro­mises of God propounded in Christ's Name, are undoubtedly true; they are not Yea and Nay, but Yea, and Amen: They do not say Yea to Day, and Nay to Morrow; but always Yea so it is, and Amen, so it shall be; because they stand upon an immutable Foundation, the ever­lasting Merit and Redemption of Christ.

(3.) It implieth, That the Scriptures which contain these Offers and Promises, are the Word of God: For though God's Veracity be unquestionable, how shall we know that we have his Word; 'tis laid at Pledg with us in the Scriptures, which are the Declaration of the Mind of the Eternal God. The Promises are a part of [Page 12] those Sacred Scriptures which were writ­ten by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and sealed with a multitude of Miracles, and bare the very Image and Superscrip­tion of God, (as every thing which hath past his Hand, hath his Signature upon it, even to a Gnat or Pile of Grass) and have been received and preserved by the Church, as the certain Oracles of God, and blessed by him throughout all Genera­tions, and Successions of Ages, to the convincing, converting, sanctifying, and comforting of many Souls: And carry their own Light, Evidence, and Recom­mendation to the Consciences of all those who are not strangely perverted by their brutish Lusts, and blinded by their world­ly Affections: For the Apostle saith, By the manifestation of the Truth, commending our selves to every Man's Conscience. For if our Gospel be hid, 'tis hid to those who are lost: The God of this World having blinded their Eyes, lest the Light of the glo­rious Gospel should shine unto them, 2 Cor. 4. 2, 3, 4. Upon these grounds doth Faith proceed, which I have mentioned the more distinctly, that you might know how to excite Faith; for besides praying [Page 13] for the Spirit of Wisdom and Illumination to open our Eyes, we must use the means, both as rational Creatures, and new Crea­tures. And what Means are more effectu­al than those mentioned?

1. Is there not a God? If there be not a God, How did we come to be? Thou wer't not made by chance; And when thou wer't not, thou couldst not make thy self. Look upon thy Body, so curi­ously framed, Whose workmanship could this be, but of a Wise God? Upon thy Soul, Whose Image and Superscription doth it bear? Give unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's. Nay, look upward, downward, within thee, without thee, what dost thou see, hear, and feel, but the Products and Effects of an eternal Power, Wisdom, and Goodness? Thou canst not open thine Eyes, but the Hea­vens are ready to say to thy Conscience, Man, there is a God, an in [...]inite eternal Being, who made us, and all things else.

Now for the second: Hath not this God revealed himself gracious in Christ? Nature declareth there is a God; and Scripture, that there is a Christ. As there [Page 14] is one God, the first Cause of all, infinitely powerful, wise, and good; therefore 'tis but reasonable that he should be served, and according to his own Will. But we have faulted in our Duty to our Creator, and therefore are in dread of his Justice. Certainly reasonable Creatures have im­mortal Souls, and so die not as the Beasts; therefore there is no true Happiness in these things wherein Men ordinarily seek it. Is it not then a blessed discovery, that God hath brought Light and Immortality to light by Jesus Christ; that he sent him into the World to be a Propitiation, and to satisfy his Justice, and to redeem us from our guilty Fears? And shall we neg­lect this great Salvation brought to us by Jesus Christ? or coldly seek after it? Sure­ly God is willing to be reconciled to Man, or [...] he would presently have plunged [...] into our [...]ternal Estate, as he did the Angels upon their first sinning: But he wai [...]eth, and beareth with many [...]; he beseecheth us, and prayeth [...] to be reconciled. And how shall we [...], if we neglect so great Salvation, whi [...]h w [...]s first spoken by the Lord, and then conf [...]m [...]d unto us by them that heard [...]im; God also bearing them witness, both [Page 15] with Signs and Wonders, and divers Mira­cles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own Will? Heb. 2. 3, 4. Would Holy Men cheat the World with an Im­posture? or would God be accessory in lending his Power to do such marvellous things? It cannot be.

And then for the third: Is not this a part of the Word of God, which Holy Men have written to consign it to the use of the Church in all Ages? 1 Iohn 2. 45. This is the Promise which he hath promised us, Eternal Life. Is not this God's Pro­mise? And will not God be mindful and regardful of his Word? He was wont to be tender of it. Psal. 138. 2. Thou hast magnified thy Word above all thy Name: above all that is named, or famed, or spoken and believed of God. His Truth and Trustiness is most conspicuous. In the New Covenant he hath given his solemn Oath, as well as his Word, that the Heirs of Promise might have strong Consolation, Heb. 6. 18. What is the matter that my belief of these things is so cold and ineffectual? If this be God's Promise, and he hath put in no exception against me, to exclude me from the benefit of this Promise, What is the reason why I can no more incou­rage [Page 16] my self in the Lord to seek after this Salvation; but am disturbed so often by distracting Fears and Cares, and so easily misled by vain Delights. Thus should we excite our Faith.

But I digress too long.

3. The Nature of this Faith, I express by a Trust and Confidence. There is in Faith an Assent, which is sufficient when the Object requireth no more. As there are some speculative Principles which are meerly to be believed, as they lead on to other things, Heb. 11. 3. there an intel­lectual Assent sufficeth. But there are o­ther things which are propounded, not only as true, but good: There, not only an intellectual Assent is required, but a practical Assent, or such as is joyned with Consent and Affiance. As suppose when Christ promiseth Eternal Life to the seri­ous Christian, or mortified Believer: There must be not only an assent, or a believing that this proposal and offer is Christ's, and that it is true; But there must be a con­sent, to chuse it for my Portion and Happi­ness, and then a confidence and depen­dance upon Christ for it, though it lie [Page 17] out of sight, and in the mean time I be exercised with sundry Difficulties and Temptations. Trust is not a bare Opini­on of Christ's Fidelity, but a dependance upon his Word. I do believe there is a God, and that there is a Christ, I do well; I do believe that this God in Christ, hath brought Life and Immortality to light, I do well still, but I must do more; I be­lieve that he hath assured his Disciples and Followers, That if they continue faithful with him, they shall have eternal Life: John 5. 29. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my Word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation. I know that Christ hath fidelity and sufficiency enough to make good his Word. This is well, but I must go farther, that is to say, I must chuse this eternal Life that is of­fered to me, for my felicity and portion, this is Consent; and I must continue with patience in well-doing, depending upon his faithful Word whilst I am in the pur­suit of it, this is Trust or Confidence. As this World is Vanity, and hath nothing in it worthy to be compared with the Hopes which Christ hath given me of a better Life, so I chuse it for my Happiness. But [Page 18] as I judg him faithful that hath promised, and depend upon him that he will make good his Word, though this Happiness be future, and lieth in another, an unseen, an unknown World, to which there is no coming but by Faith, this is the Trust, and by that Name it is often expres­sed in Scripture. 'Tis nothing else but a sure and comfortable dependance upon God through Jesus Christ, in the way of well-doing for the Gift of eternal Life. Psalm. 112. 7. His Heart is fixed, trust­ing in the Lord. So, Isa. 26. 3. Thou keepest him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. The New Testament also useth this term, 2 Cor. 3. 4. Such trust have we through Christ to Godward. And, 1 Tim. 4. 10. For therefore we both labour, and suffer re­proach, because we trust in the living God. Well then, this Trust is more than an As­sent, or bare Perswasion of the mind that the Promises are true; yea, 'tis more than a motion of the Will towards them as good and satisfying; for it noteth a quiet repose of the Heart, on the fidelity and mercy of God in Christ, that he will give this Blessedness, if we do in the first place seek after it. The more we cherish [Page 19] this Confidence, the more sure we are of our Interest, both in Christ and the Pro­mise; Heb. 3. 6. Whose House we are, if we hold fast our Confidence, and rejoicing of Hope firm unto the end. And, vers. 14. We are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our Confidence stedfast unto the end. And, Heb. 10. 35. a little be­fore the Text, Cast not away your Confi­dence, which hath great recompence of re­ward. In all which places, Confidence noteth our resolute ingaging in the hea­venly Life, because we depend upon Christ's Rewards in another World. In our passage to Heaven, we meet with ma­nifold Temptations, we are assaulted both on the right hand, and on the left, with the terrors of sense, which are a discou­ragement to us; and the delights of sense, which are a snare to us. Confidence or Trust, fortifieth us against both these Temptations, the Difficulties, Dangers, and Sufferings, which we meet with in our passage to Heaven, yea tho it should be death it self: for Faith seeth the end glorious, and that the Salvation of our Souls is sure and near, if we continue faithful with Christ. On the other side, Affiance or Trust draweth the Heart to [Page 20] better things, and we can easily want or miss the Contentments of the Flesh, the pomp, and ease, and pleasure of the pre­sent Life, because our Hearts are in Hea­ven, and we have more excellent things in view and pursuit. This breedeth a weanedness from the Baits of the Flesh, and a rejection and contempt of what would take us off from the pursuit of eternal Life: 1 Cor. 9. 26, 27. I run not as one that is uncertain. As if he had said, I am confident, therefore I am morti­fied to the World.

4. The immediate Fruit and Effect of it, is a forsaking all other Hopes and Hap­piness for Christ's sake, and for the Bles­sedness which he offereth. That forsaking all belongeth to this Affiance and Trust, is plain, because I can neither trust God, nor be true to him, till I can venture all my Happiness upon this security. And if God calleth me to it, actually forsake all upon these Hopes. This will appear to you by these Arguments.

1. By the Doctrinal Descriptions of the Gospel-Faith. Our Lord hath told us, that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a Merchant-man, Matth. 13. 45, 46. The [Page 21] Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Mer­chant-man, seeking goodly Pearls; who when he had found one Pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. And certainly he knew the Nature of that Faith better than we do. Many cheapen the Pearl of Price, but they do not go through with the Bargain, because they do not fell all to purchase it. No, you must have such a sense of the Excellency and truth of Salvation by Christ, that you must chuse it, and let go all that is incon­sistent with this Choice and Trust. You must be resolved to let go all your sinful Pleasures, Profit, and Reputation, and your Life it self, rather than forfeit these Hopes. So, Luke 14. 26. If any Man come unto me, and hate not Father and Mo­ther, and Wife, and Children, and Bre­thren, and Sisters, yea, and his own Life, he cannot be my Disciple. So, Vers. 33. Whosoever he be, that forsaketh not all that he hath, cannot be my Disciple. After such express declararions of the Will of Christ, why should we think of going to Hea­ven at a cheaper rate, and that the Cove­nant will be modelled, and brought down to our Humours? Christ's Service will bring Trouble with it. All that is preci­ous [Page 22] in the World, must be renounced, or else we shall not be able to hold out. The same is inferred out of the Doctrine of Self-denial, Matth. 16. 24. 'Tis the im­mediate Fruit, yea, the principal Act of our Trust; for if God be trusted, as our F [...]licity, he must be loved above all, and all things must give way to God. The same is inferred out of the Baptismal Co­venant, which is a renouncing the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, and a giving up our selves to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as our God. This Renouncing, implieth a venturing of all, that we may obtain this Blessedness, or eternal Life.

2. By all the extraordinary Calls, and Trials, that are propounded as a Pattern to us. Faith was ever a venturing all, and a forsaking all, upon the belief of God's Veracity. Let us see Noah's Faith; Heb. 11. 7. By Faith Noah being warned of God, concerning things not seen as yet, prepared an Ark for the saving of his House. That warning that God gave him of the Flood, was extraordinary, but they were of things not seen as yet; whilst these things were in the mind of God, no Man or An­gel could know them; and after God re­vealed them, there was nothing but his [Page 23] bare word for it. But Noah believed; And what then? At God's prescription, with vast expence, he prepareth an Ark, and that was selling all. He was of a vast Estate, or else he could not have prepa­red such a Fabrick, so many Years in building, and so furnished; but this was the prescribed means to save his Houshold. In the next place, let us consider Abra­ham's Trial, who was the Father of the Faithful. His first trial was, Heb. 11. 8. By Faith Abraham when we was called to go out to a place, which he should afterwards receive for an Inheritance, obeyed, not know­ing whither he went. Here was trusting, and venturing all upon God's Call. He forsook his Kindred, and Father's House, and All, to seek an Abode he knew not where. Therefore we must forsake the World, and all things therein, yea, Life it self, having our Thoughts and Affections fixed on Heaven. There must be a total resignation of Heart and Will to God. We owe God blind Obedience. To for­s [...]ke our Country, Kindred, Friends, In­heritance, is a sore Trial; yet this was done by him, and must be done by all that will be saved; We must deny our selves, take up our Cross, and forsake [Page 24] Father and Mother, Wife and Children, all Relations. All this he did, for a Land which he neither knew where it was, nor the way to it. Our God hath told us, He will bring us into the Heavenly Canaan. His second trial you have recorded, Vers. 17. By Faith Abraham when he was tried, offered up Isaac; and he that received the Promises, offered up his only Son. God would try Abraham, that he might be an Example of Faith to all future Generati­ons, whether Abraham loved God, or his Son Isaac more. But he did not shrink upon Trial; he offered him up, that is, in his Heart he had parted with him, and gi­ven him wholly unto God, and made all ready for the Offering, being assured of God's fidelity; even Isaac, upon whom the Promises were setled, must be offered; Children, dear Children, every thing must be given up to God. In the next place, Consider we the Israelites in the Red Sea; Heb. 11. 29. By Faith they passed through the Red Sea, as by dry Land. God com­mands Moses, when in straits, to strike the Sea with his Rod, and Israel to pass for­ward, and expect the Salvation of God, promising to deliver them. They did so, and the Sea was divided, and the Waters [Page 25] stood like Walls and Mountains, as if they had been congealed and turned to Ice; and the bottom, which never saw Sun before, is made like firm Ground, without Mud and Quick-sands. Thus in­tirely will God be trusted by his People, and they must put their All into his hands. If God will have it so, Faith must find a way through the great Deep. No Dan­gers so great that we must decline. Come we now to the New Testament; Christ's trial of the young Man: Iesus said unto him, Go thy way, sell all that thou hast, and give to the Poor, and thou shalt have Trea­sure in Heaven, Mark 10. 21. But he could not venture on Christ's Command, and went away sad. The Promise of Eternal Life, and Treasure in Heaven, could not part the young Man and his great Estate, and therefore he continued uncapable of eternal Bliss. This young Man is set forth in the Gospel as a warning to others. So in Peter's Trial, Mat. 1 [...]. 29, 30. If Christ bid Peter come to him upon the Waters, Peter must come though the storm continueth, and he be ready to sink at every step.

3. By all the Instances of Faith, in the ordinary and common case of Salvation. [Page 26] Moses had Faith, therefore he forsook all Honours, Pleasures, and Treasures, for he trusted God, and waited for the recom­pence of Reward, Heb. 11. 24, 25, 26. 'Tis endless in instancing in all: Take these, Heb. 10. 34. Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods, knowing in your selves, that ye have a better and more en­during substance. They were not [...]iscou­raged, but took this Rapine joyfully, which argued a lively Faith in Christ, and a sincere love to h [...]. It goeth [...] to the Hearts of Worldling [...] to part with these things, but they valued Christ as in­finitely m [...]e [...] than all the Wealth of the Wor [...]d. If they lost their Goods, yet if they lost not Christ, they were hap­py enough; for then they still kept the Title to the enduring Substance. Thus you see what is Faith; Such a trusting in God for eternal Life, as maketh us willing to forsake all, rather than be unfaithful to Christ. Others may delude you, inchant your Souls asleep with fine strains of ill­understood and abused Grace. But if you would not be deceived, take the Faith and Christianity of Christ's Recommen­dation, which is the Faith now described. Are we in the place of God, that we can [Page 27] make Heaven narrower or broader for you? Surely 'tis Grace, rich Grace that God will pardon us, and call us to eternal Life by Jesus Christ. Now if you will have it, you must believe to the Salvation of the Soul, so believe, as to quit all other things to obtain it.

Vse 2. Is for Examination. Let us ex­amine our Spiritual Condition, whether it be good or bad; whether our Faith be sincere, our Profession real; whether we tend to Perdition, or to Salvation; whe­ther we believe to the saving of the Soul; that is, if we care not what we lose, so we may obtain the heavenly Inheritance. Have you such a trust, as that you can venture the loss of something which is dear to you for this Trust; yea, not only something, but all things? Certainly we have not a true belief of the promise of eternal Life, if we can venture no­thing upon it, hazard nothing for it. Now we venture things upon the account of God's Promise, four ways.

  • 1. In a way of Mortification.
  • 2. In a way of Self-denial.
  • 3. In a way of Charity.
  • 4. In a way of submission to Provi­dence.

[Page 28]1. In a way of Mortification. Deny­ing our selves the sinful Pleasures of the Senses. Our Sins were never worth the keeping; these must always be parted with, other things but at times; therefore I can venture but little upon the security of eternal Life, if I cannot deny my fleshly and worldly Lusts, and a little vain Plea­sure, for that fulness of Joy which is at God's right hand for evermore. I have God's Word for it, that if I mortify the Deeds of the Body, I shall live, Rom. 8. 13. 'Tis yet hard to abjure accustomed Delights; and to Hearts pleasantly set, the strictness of an holy Life seemeth grim and severe; but a Believer that hath a pro­spect into Eternity, knoweth that 'tis bet­ter to deny the Flesh, than to displease God; To take a little pains in rectifying our disordered Hearts, and distempered Souls, than to endure pains for evermore. And that a little momentany Delight is bought too dear, if it be bought with the loss of eternal Joys. No, let me lose my Lusts, rather than lose my Soul, saith he. Every Man's Heart cleaveth to those things which he judgeth best; and the more it cleaveth to better things, the more 'tis withdrawn from other things. Therefore [Page 29] Faith shewing us the truth and worth of heavenly Things, and taking God's Word for its security; it mastereth our Desires and carnal Affections. 'Tis the Stranger and Pilgrim (whose Mind is perswaded of things to come, and whose Heart is set upon them) that abstaineth from fleshly Lusts, 1 Pet. 2. 11. Upon the assurance of God's Word, he is taking his journey into another World: Tho the Flesh will rebel, yet he counterballanceth the Good and Evil which the Flesh proposeth; with the Good and Evil of the other World, which the Word of God proposeth; and so learneth more and more to contemn the pleasures of Sin, and curb his unruly Pas­sions. Mortify your Members upon Earth, for your Life is hid with Christ in God, Col. 3. 3, [...]5. And they that look for a Life of Glory hereafter, will chuse a Life of Purity here upon Earth. 'Tis the Unbe­liever findeth such an impotency in resisting present Temptations; he hath not any sense, or not a deep sense of the World to come.

2. In a way of Self-denial. What can you venture and forgo that way upon the security of God's Promise? Mortification concerneth our Lusts, and Self-denial our Interests. What Interest can you venture [Page 30] upon the warrant of the Promise? Christ saith, He that denieth me before Men, I will deny him before my Father in Heaven, Luke 12. 9. And again, Whosoever shall save his Life, shall lose it, &c. Luke 9. 24. And once more, vers. 26. Whosoever shall be a­shamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when he cometh in his Glory. Now urge the Soul with the Promises; Am I willing to hazard my temporal Conveniencies for the enduring Substance? to incur shame and blame with Men, that I may be faithful with God, and own his Interest in the World? and do I so when it actually cometh to a trial? The Heart is deceitful, and a Temp­tation in Conceit and Imagination, is no­thing to a Temptation in Act and Deed: Therefore when your Resolutions are as­saulted by Temptations of any considera­ble strength, Do you acquit your self with good fidelity? Can you trust God, when he trieth your Trust in some neces­sary Point of Confession, which may ex­pose you to some loss, shame, and hazard in the World?

3. In a way of Charity, and doing good with your Estates. That Religion is worth nothing that costs nothing; and [Page 31] when all is laid out upon Pomp and Plea­sure, and worldly Ends, as the advancing of your Families and Relations; and lit­tle or nothing for God, upon the security of his Promise, or only so much as the Flesh can spare, to hide your self-pleasing and self-seeking in other things. Can you practise upon that Promise, and try your Faith; Luke 12. 33. Sell that you have, and give Alms; provide your selves Bags that wax not old, a Treasure in the Hea­vens that faileth not. What have you ventured in this kind? Do you believe, that he that giveth to the Poor, lendeth to the Lord? and that he will be your Pay­master? Do you look upon no Estate so sure, as that which is trusted in Christ's Hands? and are you content to be at some considerable cost for Eternal Life? Most Men love a cheap Gospel, and the Flesh ingrosseth all. Faith gets little from them to be laid out for God. Do not these Men run a fearful hazard? And while they are so over-careful to preserve their Estates to themselves and Families, Do they believe to the saving of their Souls? Or if they do not preserve their Estates, but waste them, and are at great costs for their Lusts, they do nothing considerably, [Page 32] or proportionably for God; this is saving to the Flesh, and they shall of the Flesh reap Corruption.

4. In a way of submission to Provi­dence. Whether you will or no, you are at God's disposal, and cannot shift your selves out of his Hands, either here, or hereafter: But yet 'tis a part of your Du­ty voluntarily to surrender your selves, to be disposed of, and ordered by God ac­cording to his pleasure, to be content to be, what he will have you to be, and to do what he will have you to do and suf­fer, is included in selling all. You must submit to be at God's finding, which is that poverty of Spirit spoken of, Mat. 5. 3. Blessed are the poor in Spirit. Such whose Minds and Spirits are subdued, and brought under Obedience to God; you must be content to injoy what God will have you to injoy, and to want what he will have you want, and to lose what he will have you lose. 2 Sam. 15. 26, 27. and Iob 1. 21. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Many seem to resign all, Goods, Life, and All, to the Will of God. But 'tis because they secretly think in their Hearts, that God will never put them to [Page 33] the trial, or take from them what they resign to him; but they are not prepared for a submission to all Events. Like those that make large Promises to others, when they think they will not take them at their words. So their Hearts secretly ex­cept, and reserve much of that they resign to God. But this is false-dealing, and is shewn in part, in murmuring when God taketh any thing from us.

1 PET. 1. 9. ‘Receiving the End of your Faith, even the Salvation of your Souls.’

THE Apostle here giveth a reason why Believers rejoice in the midst of Afflictions; they are qualified thereby to receive Salvation; yea, in part have it already; Receiving the End of your Faith, the Salvation of your Souls.

In which words observe;

  • 1. The Benefit. The Salvation of our Souls.
  • 2. The Grace which quali [...]ieth us for that Benefit. Faith.
  • 3. The respect between the Benefit and the Grace, 'tis [...], the End, or Reward.

[Page 35]1. The Benefit. Which may be consi­dered as consummated, or as begun. And accordingly the word [...] must be interpreted: If you consider it as to Con­summation, and actual Possession, so we receive it at Death, when our Self-denying Obedience is ended: And for the present we are said to receive it, because we are sure to receive it at the close of our days. We believe now that we shall at length have it, and therefore rejoice with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory. 2. If you consider it with respect to Inchoation, or begun Possession. We have an undoubted Right now, and some beginnings of it in the Consolations of the Spirit. Now we receive it in the Promises, we receive it in the first Fruits, which are some forerun­ning Beams of the day-light of eternal Glory.

2. The Grace which qualifieth, and giveth us a Title to this Benefit, is Faith. The word Faith is taken in Scripture sometimes for fides quae creditur, sometimes for fides quâ creditur, for the Doctrine, or Grace of Faith. The first Acceptation will make a good sense here, namely, that the whole Tenor of Christian Doctrine, leadeth us to the expectation of, and dili­gent [Page 36] pursute after eternal Salvation: 'Tis the whole drift of the Christian Religion. But I take it rather for the Grace. This is the prime Benefit which Faith aimeth at, as I shall shew you by and by.

3. The Respect between Faith and Sal­vation. 'Tis [...] the End; or the word signifieth the Fruit, and the Re­ward. As [...] is taken for an End and Scope, the Scripture favoureth that Noti­on: [...], I press towards the Mark or Scope, Phil. 3. 14. And, 2 Cor. 4. 18. [...], the Salvation of our Souls is the prime Benefit which Faith is not only allowed, but required to aim at. A Believer levelleth and directeth all his Actions to this end, that at length he may obtain eternal Life. Sometimes 'tis put for the Fruit or Reward; Rom. 6. 22. Being made free from Sin, and become Ser­vants to God, ye have your Fruit unto Holi­ness, and the end everlasting Life. The issue of all, the final result was your Sal­vation.

The Point that I shall in [...]ist on is this;

Doct. That the End and Reward of Faith, is the Salvation of our Souls.

[Page 37]I shall open the Point, by explicating three Questions.

  • 1. What is this Salvation of our Souls?
  • 2. What Right the Believer hath to it?
  • 3. What is that saving-Faith which giveth us a Title to it? The last is most important.

1. What is the Salvation of the Soul? 'Tis not meant of temporal Deliverance, or an escape from Danger, as some would affix that sense upon it, but of eternal Life, or our happy Estate in Heaven: This belongeth to our whole Man, the Body as well as the Soul; but the Soul is the chief part of Man, and that which is first glorified. When Men come first into the World, first the Body is framed, and then the Soul cometh after: As we see in the Creation of Adam, first his Body was organized, and then God breathed into him the Spirit of Life. And we see it in common Generation, when the Body is first framed in the Womb, then 'tis quick­ned by a living Soul. This lower Regi­on of the World is properly the place of Bodies, therefore Reason requires that the [Page 38] Body, which is a Citizen of the World, should first be framed, that it may be a re­ceptacle for the Soul, which is a stranger, and cometh from the Region of Spirits that is above. But when we must remove into these heavenly Habitations, then 'tis quite otherwise; for then the Soul as a Native of that place, is presently admit­ted, but the Body as a stranger, is forced to recide in the Grave till the Day of Judgment; and then for the sake of the Soul, our Bodies also are admitted into Heaven: This is the ordinary Law for all private Persons. Christ indeed, who is the Head of the Church, and the Prince of this World, and that which is to come, his Body, as well as his humane Spirit, was made a Denizon of Heaven as soon as he ascended: He entred into Heaven, not as a private Citizen, but as King and Lord of the Heavenly Jerusalem; and there­fore carried both Body and Soul along with him. But as to us, first the Soul go­eth there, as into his ancient Seat, and pro­per Habitation, and afterwards the Body followeth.

Well then, 1. at Death our Souls go to Christ, and enter into a state of Happi­ness; Phil. 1. 23. I desire to be dissolved, [Page 39] and to be with Christ. The Soul is not an­nihilated after Death, nor doth it sleep till the Resurrection, nor is it detained by the way from immediate passing into Glory: but if it be the Soul of a Belie­ver, as soon as it is loosed from the Body, it is with Christ; Luke 23. 43. Verily I say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise. He asked to be remembred when Christ came into his Kingdom; and Christ assureth him of a reception there that day as soon as he should expire.

2. In due time the Body is raised and united to the Soul; and then Christ will be glorified in his Saints, and admired in all them that believe, 2 Thess. 1. 10. Such glory and honour will be put upon those who are but newly crept out of Dust and Rottenness; the Saints themselves, and all the Spectators, shall wonder at it.

3. There is another Period in this Hap­piness; Our everlasting habitation in Hea­ven, near unto the Throne of God, and in the presence of his Glory; John 14. 2. In my Father's House are many Man­sions. There we shall also have the com­pany of Angels, and blessed Spirits, and make up one Society with them; Heb. 12. 23. To the general Assembly and Church of [Page 40] the first Born, which are written in Heaven, and to God the Iudg of all, and to the Spi­rits of just Men made perfect. This is the sum of the Salvation which we expect, or our everlasting Happiness with God in Heaven.

2. What is the Right of Believers, or the Interest of Faith in this great Bene­fit?

I Anser;

1. It doth not merit this Reward; for it is not a Reward of due Debt, by vir­tue of any intrinsick Righteousness in us, or any thing that we can do and suffer; but of mere Grace and Favour; Ephes. 2. 8. For by Grace ye are saved through Faith, and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God. The Apostle is very tender of the Honour of Grace, and the Interest of Grace in our Salvation. From the first step to the last period, all is of Grace, and this Glory of his free Grace, God must not be robbed of, neither in whole nor in part. We have all from his Elective Love, we have all from the Merit and Righteousness of Christ, and all from the almighty Operation of the sanctifying Spi­rit. Faith it self is a Gift and Fruit of [Page 41] God's Grace in us. To you 'tis given to believe, Phil. 1. 29. Therefore surely 'tis God's free Grace, Favour, and Good-will, which doth freely bestow that Salvation on the Elect, which Christ by his Merit hath purchased; and that very Faith by which we apply and make out our actual Claim and Title, is wrought in us by the Spirit; so that there is nothing in the Persons to whom all this is given, to in­duce God to confer so great Benefit on us.

2. Tho it be an undeserved Favour, upon which our Works have no merito­rious Influence, yet Believers have an un­doubted Right by the Grant and Promise of God, wherein they may comfort them­selves, and which they may plead before God. John 3. 16. God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who­soever believeth in him, should not perish, but have Life Everlastingly. And, Iohn 5. 24. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my words, and believeth in him that sent me, hath everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from Death to Life. And in many places, where the Believer is qualified as the Heir of Glory. He that entertaineth Christ's Do­ctrine, [Page 42] and receiveth and owneth him as the True Messiah and Saviour of the World, and dependeth upon him, and obeyeth him, this Man hath a full right and new Covenant-Title to eternal Life.

3. He hath not only a new Covenant-Right, but a begun Possession. We have some small Beginnings, Earnests, and Fore­tastes of it in this; partly in the Graces, partly in the Comforts of the Spirit.

(1.) In the Graces of the Holy Spirit. For Salvation is begun in our new Birth, Titus 3. 5. And therefore Sanctifying Grace is called Immortal, or incorruptible Seed, 1 Pet. 1. 23. There is an eternal Princi­ple put into them, which carrieth them to eternal Ends. The Life is begun in all that shall be saved, and it is still working towards its final Perfection. The Apostle telleth us, That he that hateth his Brother, hath not eternal Life abiding in him, 1 Joh. 3. 15. Whereby he implieth, That he that loveth his Brother, or hath any saving Grace, he hath eternal Life begun in him.

(2.) As to Comforts, so they have some foretastes of that sweetness which is in Heaven, by the Life and Exercise of [Page 43] Faith, which is followed with Peace and Joy, Rom. 15. 13. Or in their approa­ches to God in the Word and Prayer, where Cod most familiarly manifests him­self unto his People, 1 Pet. 1. 3. or upon some apprehensions of his favour, or the exercise of Hope and Love, 2 Pet. 1. 8. By these or the like ways, the Spirit of God giveth us the foretaste. Surely such an Author, such an Object, must needs put ravishing and heavenly Joy into the Heart of a Believer.

4. They are also made meet to partake of the heavenly Inheritance, Col. 1. 12. There is Ius Haereditarium, and Ius Ap­titudinale. The difference is, as between an Heir grown, and in his nonage, when a Child in the Cradle. As their Natures are more renewed and purified, and their Souls weaned from the delights of sense, they are changed into the Divine Na­ture.

3. What is that saving-Faith which giveth us a title to it? This deserveth to be cleared, that we may not deceive our selves with a false claim.

[Page 44]Saving-Faith is such a believing in Christ, for reconciliation with God, and the everlasting Fruition of him in Glory; as maketh us to forsake all things in this World, and give up our selves to the conduct of the Word and Spirit for the obtaining of it.

1. The general Nature of it I express by believing. There is in it, Assent, Con­sent, and A [...]iance.

1. Assent. That leadeth on the rest, when we believe the Truth of God's Word, Acts 24. 14, 15. especially those practical Truths which do most nearly concern our recovery to God; as con­cerning Man's Sin and Misery, that we have broken his Laws, and are obnoxious to his Justice, and have deserved punish­ment for our Sins, Rom. 3. 23. And con­cerning Christ, his Person and Office, that he is the Son of God, and that he came from God, to bring home Sinners to God, and what he hath done to reconcile us to him; 1 Pet. 3. 18. For Christ also hath once suffered for our Sins, the Iust for the Vnjust; (that he might bring us to God) being put to death in the Flesh, but quickned [Page 45] by the Spirit. And also concerning your Duty and Happiness, the End and the Way: There is no other End and Happi­ness but God, no other Way but the Me­diator, and the Means appointed by him, Iohn 14. 6. Now these and such-like Truths must be believed, that is, in the sense we are now upon, assented unto as faithful Sayings, and worthy of all accep­tation and regard.

2. There is a Consent in Faith, whe­ther you apply it to the Word, or Christ. If Christ be propounded as the Object of it, 'tis called a receiving, Iohn 1. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of God: So the word, Acts 2. 41. They gladly received his Word; that is, embraced the Go­spel-Covenant, being really affected with what he had spoken, concerning their Sin, and their Duty. Without this, the As­sent is but Intellectual and Speculative, not Practical. An Opinion, not an Act, or Motion of the new Nature: I am to receive the Christ offered, to embrace the Covenant propounded. To accept of the Blessings offered for my Happiness, and to resolve upon the Duties required as my Work. This is Consent, or an [Page 46] hearty accepting of Christ, or the Cove­nant of Grace offered to us in his Name.

3. There is Affiance, Trust, Depen­dance, or Confidence; which is a quiet repose of Heart in the Mercy of God, or Fidelity of Christ, that he will give me Pardon and Life, if I seek after it in the way that he hath appointed. This com­eth in upon the former; for when I con­sent to seek my happiness in God, through Christ, I depend upon the security of his Word, that so doing I shall obtain it. This intitleth us to the Reward; Heb. 3. 6. Whose House we are if we hold fast the Con­fidence, and rejoicing of Hope firm unto the End. And, Vers. 14. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our Confidence stedfast unto the End. And, Heb. 10. 35. Cast not away your Confidence, which hath great recompence of Reward. The Happiness which Christ promiseth us, is spiritual; and for the most part future, an lieth in an unseen and unknown World; but whilst we are in­gaged in the pursuit of it, we must de­pend upon his [...]aithful Word: That must be security enough to us, to engage us to continue with patience in the midst of ma­nifold Temptations, till we obtain what [Page 47] he offereth to us. These three must be often renewed; Assent, Consent, and Af­fiance.

2. 'Tis a believing in Christ. I make Christ the special Object of this Belief, not as exclusive of the Father, or the Spi­rit, but because of the peculiar reference which this Grace hath to the Mediator in this New and Gospel-Dispensation, which was appointed for the Remedy of the col­lapsed estate of Mankind. So, Acts 20. 21. Repentance towards God, and Faith in our Lord Iesus Christ. He speaks of Re­pentance as respecting God, and Faith as respecting Christ. These are the two re­covering Graces; Repentance is necessary, because of the Duty we owe to our Crea­tor and supream Lord; and Faith respects our Redeemer, who principally under­took our recovery to God. Christ is be­lieved in, in order to the Salvation of our Souls.

1. Because he purchased and procured this Salvation for us, as Mediator of the New Testament. Heb. 9. 5. He is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of Death for the Redemption of the Transgressions that were under the first Co­venant, [Page 48] they which are called, might receive the Promise of the eternal Inheritance. By the intervention of his Death, Sins are ex­piated, that penitent Believers might have everlasting Life.

2. Because 'tis by him promised, or in his Name. 1 John 2. 25. This is the Pro­mise which he hath promised us, even eternal Life. Christ's great Business, as a Pro­phet, is to discover with certainty and clearness, such a blessed Estate, that it may be commodious for our acceptance, laid at our doors if we will take it, well and good: He is Amen, the faithful Wit­ness, Rev. 3. 14. who came with a Com­mission from Heaven, to assure the World of it: and to confirm his Message, he wrought Miracles, died, and rose again, and entred into that Happiness which he spake of, that our Faith and Hope might be in God, 1 Pet. 1. 21. Guilty Man is fallen under the Power and Fear of Death, and strangely haunted with Doubts about the other World. Now he that came to save us and heal us, did himself in our Nature rise from the Dead, and as­cend into Heaven, that he might give a visible demonstration, both of the Resur­rection and Life to come, which he hath [Page 49] promised to us. And when he sent abroad Messengers in his Name, to assure the World of it, their Testimony was ac­companied with divers Signs, and Won­ders, and Gifts of the Holy Ghost, Heb. 2. 3, 4. that the stupid World might be alarum'd to regard the offer, and by this Evidence be assured of the Truth of it; therefore still 'tis a believing in Christ.

3. Because as King he doth administer and dispense the Blessings of the New Covenant; and among them, as the Chief and Principal, this Salvation unto all those who are qualified: And therefore 'tis said, Heb. 5. 9. Being made perfect through Sufferings, he is become the Author of eternal Salvation to all that obey him. Every Effect must have some Cause; and this noble and glorious Effect of eternal Salvation, could have no other Cause but Christ: and he as perfected and conse­crated, is the Author and efficient Cause of it: for as King, he sendeth down the Holy Ghost to reveal the Gospel, and work Faith in the Hearts of Men, to qua­lify them for Pardon and Salvation; and all those that sue for Pardon and Salvati­on in his Name, by the Plea of his Blood before the Throne of God, and promise [Page 50] obedience to his Laws and Institutes, he actually bestoweth Pardon, and eternal Salvation upon them. There be many other ministerial, and adjutant Causes, which conduce to this effect; But he is the Principal; and the word [...], which signifieth a Cause in general, is fitly by our Translation termed, the Author of eter­nal Salvation: So that still you see a new Reason why saving-Faith should be de­scribed to be a believing in Christ.

3. The prime Benefits which Faith re­specteth, I make to be two. Reconcilia­tion with God, and the everlasting Frui­tion of him in Glory.

1. Reconciliation is necessarily eyed and regarded by the guilty Soul.

(1.) Because there hath been a breach, by which we have lost God's Favour and Happiness. We have to do with a God whose Nature ingageth him to hate Sin, and whose Justice ingageth him to Punish it: And before we can be induced to treat with him, such a Reconciliation is neces­sary for all Mankind, as that he should be willing to deal with them upon the term of a New Covenant, wherein Pardon and Life might be offered to penitent Be­lievers. [Page 51] This Reconciliation is spoken of, 2 Cor. 5. 19. God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself, not imputing their Trespasses; and hath committed unto us the Word of Reconciliation; that is, upon the sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice, Ransom, and Satisfaction; there was so much done towards an actual Reconciliation with God, that he offered a conditional Cove­nant to as many as were willing to enter into his Peace. He provided a sufficient Remedy for the Pardon of Sin, if Men would as heartily accept of it, as it was freely given them. And the Office of Am­bassadors was appointed, to beseech Men so to do. And unless this had been done, a guilty Soul could never be brought to love an holy, sin-hating God, ingaged by Justice to damn the Sinner: But it must be a loving reconciled God that is willing to forgive, that can be propounded as an Object of Faith and Love, or as an amia­ble God to us. Psalm. 130. 4. There is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.

2. Reconciliation is necessarily eyed by the penitent Believer, because this Recon­ciliation and Recovery by Christ, consists [Page 52] both in the Pardon of Sin, and the Gift of the Sanctifying Spirit.

1. One branch of the actual restitution of God's Favour to us, is the Pardon of Sins; without which we are not capable of Life and Happiness, Ephes. 7. The possible conditional-Reconciliation, con­sists in the offer of Pardon, and the actu­al Reconciliation, in the actual pardon and forgiveness of our Transgressions; and then the Man beginneth to be in a blessed Estate, Psal. 32. 1, 2.

2. The other Branch is the Gift of the Sanctifying Spirit, which is the great Te­stimony and Pledg of his Love; then is our Pardon executed, or actually applied to us: And we receive the Attonement, Rom. 5. 11. And, 2 Cor 5. 8. All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to him­self by Iesus C [...]rist; that is, all thi [...]gs which belong to the New Creature, vers. 17. And that's the Reason why God is said to sanctify as a God of Peace; that is, as reconciled to us in Christ; see 1 Thess. 5. 23. And the very God of Peace sanctify you wholly: and Heb. 13. 20, 21. Now the God of Peace, that brought again from the Dead our Lord Iesus, that great [Page 53] Shepherd of the Sheep, through the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, make you per­fect in every good Work, to do his Will, &c. And in all God's internal Government with the Saints, he sheweth his pleasure or displeasure with the Saints, by giving, or withholding and withdrawing the Spi­rit, as it were easy to prove to you. Well then, you see the Reasons why in believing in Christ, we reflect the Eye of our Faith on Reconciliation, as the prime initial Benefit.

2. The next great consummating Bene­fit is, the everlasting Fruition of God in Glory: For Christ's Office is to recover us to God, and bring us to God, which is never fully and compleatly done till we come to Heaven. Therefore the saving of the Soul is the prime Benefit offered to us by Jesus Christ, to which all other tend. As Justification, and Sanctification, and by which all our Pains and Losses for Christ are recompenced, and from which we fetch our comfort all along the course of our Pilgrimage, and upon the Hopes of which the Life of Grace is carried on, and the Temptations of sense are defeated. So that this is the main Bl [...]ssing which Faith [Page 54] aimeth at; see the Scriptures, 1 Tim. 1. 16. For a Pattern to them who should here­after believe on him to everlasting Life. Wherefore do Men believe in Christ, but for this end, that they may obtain ever­lasting Life? Wherefore were the Scrip­tures written? John 20. 31. These things are written, that ye might believe that Iesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that be­lieving, ye might have Life through his Name. The Scriptures are written, th [...] we might know Christ aright, who is the [...]ernel and Marrow of them; and the chief Benefit we have by him, is Life, or the Salvation of our Souls; and therefore well may it be called in the Text, The End of our Faith.

4. In the next place, I add the imme­diate Acts and Effects of it:

  • 1. Such as maketh us to forsake all things in this World.
  • And, 2. give up our selves to the Con­duct of the Word and Spirit, for the obtaining this Happiness.

1. To forsake all things in this World. As soon as we address our selves seriously [Page 55] to believe, we turn our backs upon them, namely, upon the Pleasures, and Ho­nours, and Profits of this World. We forsake them in Vow and Resolution, when we are converted and begin to be­lieve; for Conversion is a turning from the Creature to God. As soon as we [...] believe, and hope for the Fruition of God in Glory, as purchased and promised by Christ, our hearts are weaned and withdrawn from the false Happiness, not perfectly, but yet sincerely; and we actu­ally renounce and forsake them at the call of God's Providence, when they are in­consistent with our fidelity to Christ, and the hopes of that Happiness which his Promises offer to us. Now that our Faith must be expressed by forsaking all, yea, that it is essential to Faith; and nothing else is saving-Faith but this, as appeareth,

1. By the Doctrinal Descriptions of it in the Gospel, (which I shall describe to you according to my usual method); our Lord hath told us, That the Kingd [...]m of Heaven is like a Merchant man, Mat. 13. 45, 46. seeking goodly Pearls. Who when he had found one Pearl of great Price, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. And surely he knew the Nature of Faith [Page 56] better than we do. Many cheapen the Pearl of Pri [...]e, but they do not go through with the [...]gain, because they do not sell all to purchase i [...]. Faith implieth such a sense of the Excellency and Truth of Sal­va [...]ion by Christ, that you must chuse it, and let go all which is inconsistent with this Choice and Trust. All your sinful Pleasures Profit, Reputation, and Life it self, rather than forfeit these Hopes: Luke 14. 26. [...] any Man come to me, and hate not Father and Mother, and Brother and [...] Disciple, and his own Life, he can­not [...]. And, vers. 33. Whoso­eve [...] [...] that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my Disciple. After such ex­press Declarations of the Will of Christ, why should we think of going to Heaven at a ch [...]per rate? Christ must be prefer­red above all that is nearest or dearest, or else he will not be for our turn, nor we for his. The same is inferred out of the Doctrine of Self-denial; Mat. 16. 24. If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross and follow me. For Self-denial hath a greater Relation to Faith, and is nearer of kin to Faith than the World imagineth, 'tis the immediate Fruit of our Trust. If God be trusted [Page 57] as our supream Felicity, he must be loved above all things, and all things must give way to God. If Christ be trusted as the way to the Father, all things must be counted dung and loss, that we may gain Christ, Phil. 3. 8. The same is inferred out of the Baptismal Covenant, which is a renouncing the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, and a chusing Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for our God; if there be a chusing, there must be a renouncing. The Devil by the World, tempts our Flesh from the Christian Hope; therefore Idols must be renounced, before we can have the True God for our God: Iosh. 24. 23. Put away the strange Gods which are among you, and incline your Heart to the Lord God of Israel. Naturally our God is our Belly, while Carnal, Phil. 3. 19. Mammon is our God, Mat. 6. 24. The Devil is our God, Col. 1. 13. And, Ephes. 2. 2, 3. Wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this World, according to the Prince of the Power of the Air, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Disobe­dience. Among whom also we all had our Conversation in times past, in the Lusts of our Flesh, fulfilling the Desires of the Flesh, and of the Mind; and were by Nature the [Page 58] Children of Wrath, even as others. Besides, the Nature of the thing, Baptism impli­eth this Renunciation, 1 Pet. 3. 21. And this Renunciation is nothing else but a forsaking all, that we may have eternal Life by Christ.

2. It appeareth; by Reasons.

For (1.) Faith cannot be without this forsaking;

Nor, (2.) this forsaking without Faith.

(1.) Faith cannot be without this for­saking. For Faith implieth a sight of the Truth and Worth of those blessed Things which are to come, and so to take the Thing promised for our Happiness, and the promise for our Security. 1. There is no true sound Faith, till we take the ever­lasting Fruition of God in Glory for our whole Felicity, till our Hearts be set upon it, and we do desire it, intend it, wait for it, as the chief Good and Blessedness. The upright Heart is known by its Trea­sure; Mat. 6. 20, 21. Lay up Treasure in Heaven; for where your Treasure is, there your Heart will be also. Now if this be so, other things will be lessened, all other Hopes and Happiness is nothing worth; and will appear so, if compared with this better part, with what we account our [Page 59] Treasure; you will see all this World is Vanity, and hath nothing in it worthy to be compared with the Salvation of our Souls. 2. There is no true Faith, where the Word and Promise of God is not ta­ken for our Security, so as our Trust in his Word, may quiet and embolden us a­gainst Temptations, and give us stronger Consolation than all the visible things on Earth, Psalm. 119. 111. and Heb. 6. 18. We should do more, and go farther upon such a Promise, than for all that Man can give unto us. Earthly Pleasures and Pos­sessions should be small things in regard of the Promise of God. This should make us row against the stream of the Flesh, and cross its desires and appetites, and de­ny the Conveniencies of the World, and all because we have God's Promise of bet­ter things.

(2.) This forsaking cannot be without Faith; because the Flesh is importunate to be pleased with present Satisfactions, and loth to part with things which we see and love, for that God and Glory which we never saw; to quit what is present, for what is future, and with patience to be expected. The Flesh is for pleasing the Body, but Faith is for saving the [Page 60] Soul, Heb. 10. 39. [...]: Purchasing the Soul with the loss of other things. So that this is Faith, no­thing but Faith, and other Faith is not true and sound.

2. It maketh us to give up our selves to the conduct of the Word and Spirit for obtaining this Happiness. I add this, because the Word is our Rule, Gal. 6. [...]6. and the Spirit our Guide, Rom. 8. 14. And Faith is not only an apprehension of Privileges, but [...] of Subjection: And the sound Believer devoteth himself to the Love, Fear, Service, and Ob [...]di­ence of God. 2 Cor. 8. 8. They first gave up themselves to the Lord, and to [...] by the Will of God; that is, to the Apostles as Christ's Messengers, to be directed in the Way to Heaven: Psal. 119. 38. Sta­blish thy Word unto thy Servant, who is de­voted to thy fear. This now is saving-Faith.

The Vse is, to exhort you to believe to the saving of the Soul.

To this end;

1. Because Faith is the Gift of God, beg the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, that [Page 61] your Eyes may be opened, that you may see what is the Hope of his Calling, and what the Riches of the Glory of his Inheritance in the Saints, &c. Ephes. 1. 17, 18. That you may be convinced of the truth and worth of the Blessedness promised, and know and see it, not by a traditional Report, but in the lively Light of the Spirit, such as may affect and engage your Hearts. Naturally we are purblind, 2 Pet. 1. 9. have no accute discerning, but in Back and Belly Concernments. We know what is noxious or comfortable to the present Life, pleasing or displeasing to the Flesh; but are little affected with the danger of perishing for ever, the need of Christ, or the worth of Salvation: and till God make a change, how slight and sensual are we!

2. Think often and seriously how much the saving of the Soul, is better than the saving, or getting, or keeping all the World. Matth. 16. 26. What will it profit a Man, if he should gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? So much as God is to be preferred before the Crea­ture, Heaven before the World, Eternity before Time, the Soul before the Body; so much must this Business of saving the [Page 62] Soul have the preheminence, and be pre­ferred before the Interests of the Body, and the bodily Life. But alas! what poor things divert us from this Happiness; the satisfying of the Flesh, the pleasures of Sin for a season; a little Ease, or Profit, or vain-Glory; this is all for which we slight Heaven, and our own Salvation.

3. Put your selves into the way of Sal­vation, by s [...]eking Reconciliation with God by Christ. You are invited in the universal conditional Offer, Iohn 3. 16. 'Tis offered to all that will repent and be­lieve, and there is no exception put in against you to exclude you; Why then will you exclude your self? Therefore come forward in the way of Faith, and God will help you.

4. Mind often the genuine Effect of the True Faith. It makes you forsake all, that you may be obedient to Christ, and resolved upon it.

Therefore consider, 1. the Necessity of it: You can neither trust God, nor be true to him, till your Heart be loosened from the Pleasures, and Profits, and Ho­nours in the World; and you can ven­ture all upon the security of his Promise, other Hopes and Happiness will divert us [Page 63] from the true Happiness; and the good feed will be choaked by the cares of this World, and voluptuous Living, that you can bring nothing to perfection. Either you will turn aside by open Defection or Apostacy, or else be a Dwarf and Cripple in Religion all your days; either in Mortification, in denying the sinful Pleasures of the Senses, you will slight the fulness of Joy at God's right Hand, for a little vain Pleasure; which when 'tis gone, 'tis as a thing of nought. 'Tis the Pilg [...]im abstaineth from fleshly Lusts: He that run [...]eth not as uncertain, that keep­eth down his Body, 1 Cor. 9. 26, 27. or in a way of Self-denial, run few hazards for Christ: It may be they may make some petty losses, but do not sell all for the Pearl of great Price: Or, in a way of Charity; How else can you lend to the Lord upon his Bond, or the security of his Promise; Prov. 19. 17. He that hath pity on the Poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given, will he pay him again.

2. Consider the Profit. Whatever a Believer los [...]th by the Way, he is sure to have it at the end of his Journey; Mat. [Page 64] 19. 28. Iesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the Throne of his Glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones, judging the twelve Tribes of Israel. You will be no losers by God at the last.

A Wedding SERMON.

GEN. 2. 22. ‘—And brought her unto the Man.’

THE words belong to the Story of the first Marriage that ever was celebrated in the World, between the first Man, and the first Wo­man; a Marriage made by God himself in Paradise; who, when he built the Rib taken from Adam into a Woman, from a Builder, becometh her Bringer, He brought her unto the Man, saith the Text.

God's bringing Eve to Adam, implieth five things.

1. His Permission, Allowance, and Grant; for that Adam might thankfully acknowledg the Benefit, as coming from God. God himself brought her, whe­ther [Page 66] in a visi [...]le shape, as prefiguring Christ's Incarnation, and with what Cere­mony he brought her, since the Holy Ghost hath not expressed it, I shall not now enquire; it is enough that God brought her to give her to him as his inseparable Companion and meet-Helper. This bringing was the full bestowing her upon him, that they should live together as Man and Wife.

2. His Institution and Appointment of Marriage, as the means of propagating Manki [...]d. God's adduxit is by our Savi­our's Interpretation, conjunxit; Mark 19. 6. Those whom God hath joined toge­ther, &c. Otherwise what need this bringing, for she was created just by him in Paradise, when Adam was fallen into a deep sleep; not in another place, which sheweth that Marriage is an honourable Estate. God was the first Author of it, his Act hath the force of an Institution.

3. For the greater solemnity, and come­ly order of Marriage. Adam did not take her of his own head, but God brought her to him; when we dispose of our selves at our own Wills and Plea­sures, being led thereunto by our own choice, without consulting with God; [Page 67] or upon carnal Reasons, without the con­duct of God's Providence, we transgress the Order which God hath set in the first Precedent of Marriage; and cannot ex­pect that our coming together should be comfortable. Much more doth it con­demn the unnatural filthiness of Whore­dom, whereby Men and Women join and mingle themselves together without God, the Devil and their inordinate Lusts leading them. God would not put Adam and Eve together without some regard, as he did the brutish and unreasonable Crea­tures; but doth solemnly, as it were, bring the Manness by the hand to the Man, and deliver her into his hands, having a more honourable regard and care of them: God cannot abide that brutish coming together as the Horses do, neighing, in the rage of unbridled Lusts, upon their Mates, Ier. 5. 8. No, Adam stayeth till she is brought to him. This Honour and special Favour God vouch­safeth Mankind above all other Creatures; he himself, in his own Person, maketh the Match, and bringeth them together.

4. To dispense his Blessing to them. The Woman was created on the sixth day, as appeareth Gen. 1. and it is said, [Page 68] that when he had created them Male and Female, he blessed them, vers. 28. He doth inlarge things here, and explaineth what there he had touched briefly; when he had made the Woman, he brought her to the Man, and blessed them both toge­ther; shewing thereby, that when any enter into this Estate, they should take God's Blessing along with them; upon whose Favour, the comfort of this Re­lation doth wholly depend. Those whom God bringeth into it, are likely to fare best; and they that resign themselves up into his hands, to be disposed of by him, surely take the readiest way to obtain the Happiness they expect.

5. For a Pattern of Providence in all after-Times. It is worth the observing, that Christ reasoning against Poligamy, from vers. 24. compared with Mat. 19. God having abundance of the Spirit, as the Prophet speaks, Mal. 2. 15. brought the Woman to one Man, tho there was more cause of giving Adam many Wives, for the speedier peopling of the World, than there could be to any of his Posteri­ty. As Christ observeth the number, so we may observe the thing it self, it is God's Work still to give every one his [Page 69] Marriage-Companion; he bringeth the Woman to the Husband, and every Hus­band to his Wife, that meet as they ought to do. His Providence doth mightily and evidently govern all Circumstances that concern this Affair, as we shall shew you by and by.

The Point which I shall insist on, is this.

Doct. That Marriages are then holily entred into, when the Parties take one another out of God's hands.

  • I. I will shew you in what sense they are said to take one another out of God's hands.
  • II. Why this is so necessary to be ob­ [...]observed.

I. For the first; They take one another out of God's hands, Two ways.

  • 1. When his Directions are ob­served.
  • 2. When his Providence is owned and acknowledged.

[Page 70]1. When his Directions in his Word are observed. And so,

(1.) As to the choice of Parties. When a Man seeketh out a Help-meet for him­self, he should in the first place seek out a Help-meet for himself in the best things; for in all our deliberate and serious Consul­tations, Religion must have the first place. Mat. 6. 37. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and the Righteousness thereof, &c. A Man's chief End should be discovered in all his Actions, as it must guide me in my Meat, and Drink, and Recreations, and the ordinary Refreshments of the natural Life, or else I do not act as a Christian: So much more in my most important and serious Affairs, such as Marriage is, and upon which my Content and Welfare so much dependeth. Certainly he that would take God's Blessing along with him, should make choice in God's Family of one, with whom he may converse as an Heir with him of the Grace of Life. A Chri­stian, saith the Apostle, is at liberty to marry, [...], but only in the Lord, 1 Cor. 7. 39. he is at liberty to rejoice, but in the Lord; to eat, and drink, and trade, but in the Lord; so to marry, but in the Lord. Religion must [Page 71] appear uppermost in all his Actions, and guide him throughout. The Mischiefs that have come by a carnal Choice, should be sufficient warning to Christians. Gen. 6. 2. The Sons of God went in unto the Daughters of Men, and took them VVives, because they were fair: they were swayed by carnal Motives, (or because Rich, or nobly descended, it is all one): And what was the issue of it? there came of them a mungrel Race of Giants, that rose up against God and his Interest in the World. Many times by a carnal choice, all the good that is gotten into a Family is eaten out, and within a little while Reli­gion is cast out of doors. Psal. 105. 35. They were mingled among the Heathen, and learned their Works. Nehem. 13. 25, 26. I contended with them, and made them swear by God, Ye shall not give your Daughters to their Sons, nor take their Daughters to your Sons. 2 Kings 8. 18. He walked in the Ways of the Kings of Israel; for the Daughter of Ahab was his Wife. Valens the Emperor married with an Arrian Lady, and so was ensnared so far, as to become a Persecutor of the Orthodox. The Wife of the Bosom hath great advantages, either to the perverting, or the converting a [Page 72] Man's Heart to God: or else if they should not prevail so far, What dissonan­cy and jarrings are there in a Family, when People are unequally yoked, the Wife and Husband drawing several ways?

(2.) As to consent of Parents. God here in the Text, as the common Parent, taketh himself to have the greatest hand in the bestowing of his own Children; He brought her unto the Man; and ordina­ry Parents are his Deputies, which must bring and give us in Marriage, especially when young, and under their Power. The Scripture is express for this, Exod. 22. 17. If her Father wholly refuse to give her unto him, &c. 1 Cor. 17. 28. He that giveth her in Marriage, &c.

(3.) As to the manner of procuring it; that they labour to gain one another by warrantable, yea, r [...]ligious Ways, that we may l [...]y the Foundation of this Re­lation in the Fear of God; not by stealth, or carnal Allurements, or violent Impor­tunities, or deceitful Proposals, but by such ways and means as will become the gravity of Religion, that weanedness and sobriety that should be in the Hearts of Believers; that deliberation which a busi­ness of such weight calls for, and that Re­verence [Page 73] of God, and Justice that we owe to all; that seriousness of Spirit, and that respect to the Glory of God, with which all such Actions should be underken. Col. 3. 17. Whatsoever we do, in Word or in Deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Iesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. When this is observed, we are said to take one another out of God's Hands.

(4.) Especially clearing up our Right and Title by Christ. Meats, Drinks, Mar­riage, they are all sanctified by the Word and Prayer, and appointed to be received by thanksgiving of them that believe and receive the Truth; 1 Tim. 4. 3, 4, 5. There is a two-fold Right, Dominium Po­liticum & Evangelicum. Dominium Poli­ticum fundatur in Providentiâ. Evange­licum in Gratiâ. Political Right is found­ed in God's Providence, Evangelical Right in Grace. We have a Civil Right to all that cometh to us by honest Labour, law­ful Purchace or Inheritance, and fair and comely Means used; which giveth us a Right, not only before Men, but before God; not by virtue of their Laws, but his Grant. By a Providential-Right, all wicked Men possess all outward things, [Page 74] which they enjoy as the Fruits and Gifts of his common Bounty, it is their Porti­on; Psalm. 17. 14. Whatever falleth to their share in the course of God's Provi­dence, they are not Usurpers meerly for possessing what they have, but for abu­sing what they have. They have not only a civil Right to prevent the Incroachments of others, by the Laws of Men, but a pro­vidential Right before God, and are not simply responsible for the Possession, but the Use. But then there is an Evangelical or New-Covenant Right. So Believers have a Right to their Creature-Comforts by God's special Conveyance, that sweet­neth every Mercy, that it comes wrapt in the Bowels of Christ. The little which the Righteous hath, is better than the Treasures of many wicked; as the mean fair of a poor Subject, is better than the Dainties of a condemned Traitor. And this we have by Christ, as the Heir of all things, and we by him, 1 Cor. 3. latter end. So all those things do belong to them that believe, as Gifts of his fatherly Love and Goodness to us in Christ; as we take our Bread out of Christ's hands, so we must be married to Christ, before mar­ried to one another; the Marriage-Cove­nant [Page 75] should be begun and concluded be­tween Christ and you.

(5.) For the End; the general and last End of this, as of every Action, must be God's Glory, 1 Cor. 10. 31. and Col. 3. 17. A Christian's Second-Table Duties, and First-Table Duties, should have on them holiness to the Lord. All the Ves­sels of Ierusalem must have God's Impress. More particularly our increase in Godli­ness, and the propagation of the Holy Seed, must be aimed at. Where one Per­son is a Believer, much more where both, they beget Sons and Daughters to God; But now are they holy, 1 Cor. 7. 14. But those out of the Church, beget Sons and Daughters to Men, merely to people the World. Seth's Children are called Sons of God, Gen. 6. 1, 2. In the careful Edu­cation of Children, the Church is up­held.

2. When his Providence is owned and acknowledged. It is the Duty of them that fear God, to own him upon all Oc­casions, especially in such a Business. Hea­thens would not begin such a Business without a Sacrifice. There is a special Providence about Marriages. God claim­eth [Page 76] the Power of Match-making to him­self, more than he doth of ordering any other Affairs of Men: Prov. 19. 14. Riches and Honours are an Inheritance from our Fathers; but a good Wife is from the Lord. Inheritances pass by the Laws of Men, though not without the intervention of God's Providence, who determineth to every Man the time of his Service, and the bounds of his Habitation, where eve­ry Man shall live, and what he shall enjoy. The Land of Canaan was divided by Lot; but Marriage is by the special Destinati­on of his Providence, either for a Pu­nishment to Men, or for a Comfort and a Blessing. Here Providence is more im­mediate, by its influence upon the Hearts of Men; here Providence is more strange and remarkable, in casting all Circumstan­ces and Passages that did concern it. Estates fall to us by more easy and obvious Means; and therefore though nothing be exempted from the Dominion of Provi­dence; yet a good Wife is especially said to be of the Lord. So also, Prov. 18. 22. Whoso findeth a Wife, findeth a good Thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. A Wife, that is a Wife indeed, one that deserveth that Name: he that findeth her, [Page 77] it is a chance to him, but an ordered thing by God; he hath not only experi­ence of God's Care, but his Goodness and Free-grace to him in that particular. Well then, God must be owned, sought, glori­fied in this particular. The Husband in the Catalogue and Inventory of his Mer­cies, must not forget to bless God for this, and the Wife for the Husband; the Lord was gracious in providing for me a good Companion; I obtained favour from the Lord. God is concerned in this whole Affair, he brought the Woman to the Man; he giveth the Portion, which is not so much the Dowry given by the Parents, which is little worth, unless his Blessing be added with it, as all the Graces and Abilities by which all married Persons are made helpful one to another. He giveth the Children, Psalm. 127. 3. Lo, Children are an Heritage from the Lord; Their Conception and Formation in the Womb is from God. Parents know not whether it be Male or Female, beautiful or defor­med: They know not the number of the Bones, and Veins and Arteries. He giveth them Life; a Sentence of Death way­layeth them as soon as they come into the World. He giveth them Comfort; there [Page 78] is a great deal of Pride, and Arrogancy, and Self-willedness in all the Sons and Daughters of Adam, which makes them uncomfortable in their Relations. A Wife would soon prove a Iezabel, and not an Abigail; and a Husband a Nabal, and not a David, by Satan's Malice, and our own Corruption; an Help would soon become a Snare. They that would per­form the Duties of this Relation, need strongly to be supported with the Assi­stance of God's Spirit. Finally, my Bre­thren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might, Ephes. 6. 10. So that since God giveth all, surely his Pro­vidence must be owned and acknow­ledged; and you ought to say, This is the Wife God hath chosen for me, and this is the Husband God hath chosen for me.

II. Why is this so nec [...]ss [...]ry a Duty. It doth in a great measure appear, from what is said already. But farther;

1. It will be a great engagement up­on us, to give God all the Glory of the Comfort we have in such a Relation, when you do more sensibly and explicitly take one another out of God's Hands. [Page 79] We are apt to look to second Causes; he that sendeth the Present is the giver, not he that bringeth it to us. The Romans were wont once a Year to cast Garlands into their Fountains, by that superstition own­ing the benefit they had by them. How­ever it hath a good Moral to us in the Bo­som of it, that we should own the Foun­tain of our Blessings, and not ascribe them to our own Wisdom and Foresight, but the Grace and Favour of God; who in the meer Lottery and Chance of humane Affairs, was pleased to chuse so well for us. Iacob owned his Fountain, when he was become two Bands, Gen. 32. 10. So should we; of him, through him, to him, do mutually infer one another. What we have from God, must be used for God. God is very jealous that we will not look to the Original and first cause of our Mer­cies. Hos. 2. 8. She did not know that I gave her Corn, and Wine, and Oil; and multiplied her Silver and Gold, and there­fore will I return, and take away my Corn, and Wine, and Oil, and Flax, &c. It is the way to lose our Comforts, when we do not own and acknowledg God's Hand in them. We are drowned in sense, in­ured and accustomed to second Causes; so [Page 80] that God's Hand is invisible and little re­garded, we know it not, or heed it not. Now that we may look up and own the first Cause, and give him his due Honour, it is good to have explicit and actual thoughts in the receiving of our Mercies, so as to take them out of God's Hand; to draw aside the Vail and Covering of the Creature, that you may remember the Giver.

2. That we may carry our selves more holily in our Relations, it is good to see God's Hand in them. Every Relation is a new Talent wherewith God intrusteth us to trade for his Glory; and to that end we must make Conscience to use it. In Mat. 25. the Master delivered to every one his Goods apart, and they that had the Benefit, received the Charge. We are often pressed to do things, as in and to the Lord upon religious and gracious Reasons. It hath been the credit of Re­ligion, Dent tales Mercatores, tales Mari­tos, tales Exactores fisci, &c. Let History shew such Husbands, such Wives, &c. The Christian Religion maketh a Man consci­entiously careful and tender of his Duty to Man; not from a natural Principle, or from our own Ease, Peace, and Credit, [Page 81] but from the Conscience of our Duty to God. Now it must not lose this Credit by you. God puts us into Relations, to see how we will glorify him in them; there is something more required of you then as single Christians. God that puts a Man into the Ministry, requireth that he should honour him, not only as a Christi­an, but as a Minister. And God that calleth a Man into Magistracy, requireth that he should honour him as a Magi­strate. So to be a Master of a Family, and a Wife or Husband, there is another Ta­lent to be accounted for. An Ambassador that is sent into a Foreign Country about special Business, must give an account, not only as a Traveller, but as an Am­bassor, of the Business he was intrusted with. God will have honour by you as a Wife, or as a Husband; you have a new opportunity to make Religion amia­ble, that the unbelieving World may see how profitable the heavenly Life is to humane Society.

3. That we may more patiently bear the Crosses incident to this state of Life, if God call us to them. They that launch forth into the World, sail in a troublesome and tempestuous Sea, and cannot expect [Page 82] but to meet with a Storm before they come to the end of their Voyage. The married Life hath its Comforts, and also its Encumbrances and Sorrows. Now it will sweeten all our Crosses incident to this Condition, when we remember we did not rashly enter into it by our own choice, but were led by the fair directure and fair invitation of God's Providence, we need not much be troubled at what overtaketh us in the way of our Duty, and the Relations to which we are called; that Hand that sent the Trouble, will sanctify it; or he will over-rule things so, that they shall work for our good. If God call us into this Estate, [...]he will sup­port us in it. It is a great satisfaction to you, that you are acting that part in the World, which God would have you act; that you can say, I am there where God hath set me, and therefore will bear the Troubles that attend that state and condi­tion of Life. If a Man run on his own Head, and Inconveniences arise, they are more uncomfortably born. It is true, that God doth fetch off his People from the Afflictions they have brought upon themselves by their Sin and Folly, such is the indulgence of his Grace; yet [Page 83] those Sufferings are the more uncomforta­ble that take us out of the way of our Duty; and God hath undertaken only to keep us in all our Ways, but not out of our Duty, Psalm. 91. 11. The Pro­mises are not to foster Men in their run­ning after Folly, but to encourage them in their several Callings, and state of Life wherein God hath set them; there we may abide with comfort, and expectation either of God's Blessing, or his Support. We tempt God, when we venture upon a state of Life which he hath not called us to, and have not his Warrant; but when it is not good for us to be alone, and the Lord sends an help-meet for us, he will not forsake us.

4. We may with the more confidence apply our s [...]lves to God, and depend on him for a Blessing upon a Wife of God's chusing, or an Husband of God's chusing. We have access to the Throne of Grace with more hope, because we have given up our selves to his Direction. Prov. 3. 6. In all thy ways acknowledg him, and he shall direct thy Paths. God will order things for the best, when we do not lead, but follow him, we still co [...]s [...]lt with God, [Page 84] and dare not undertake any thing, but what is agreeable to his Will. And will God mislead us, and direct us amiss; or turn us into a by-way, or crooked-path? It is said, Psal. 37. 23, 24. The Steps of a good Man are ordered by the Lord, and he (that is, the Lord) delighteth in his way; though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. It is a blessed thing to be under God's Con­duct, to be led on, or led off by so wise, and powerful, and alsufficient a Guide; for such, he delights to do them good, and taketh pleasure in his Resolutions, to prosper them. Sometimes they shall have a taste of the Evils of the World, but they shall not be ruined by them: They may fall, but they shall not be dashed in pieces; it is an Allusion to a Vessel that gets a knock, but is not broken by the fall.

5. It is an help to make us more ready to part with one another when God wil­leth it. All temporal things, we receive them from God, upon this condition, to yield them up to God again, when he calls for them. The Law concerning all crea­ted Injoyments, is, The Lord giveth, the [Page 85] Lord taketh, Job 1. 21. We make a Snare for our selves, and receive them not in a right Notion, if we do not receive them as mortal and perishing Comforts, which God may demand at pleasure, and so keep the Soul loose, and in a posture of submission, if God should cross us, and disappoint us in them. Thus must we use all outward Comforts with that weaned­ness and moderation, as to Children, E­states, and all temporal Blessings, &c. that will become a sense of the frailty that is in them, and the wheelings and turnings of an uncertain World. It is the Apostle's Direction, 1 Cor. 7. 31. The time is short, it remains that those that have Wives, be as though they had none; not as to be defective in our Love to them, and care over them; no, there is rather to be an excess, than a defect here; Prov. 5. 19. Be thou ravish'd always with her Love. But as to a preparation of Heart, to keep or lose, if God should see fit, to be contented to part with a dear Yoke-fellow, or at least with an humble Sub­mission and acquiescence, when God's Will is declared; and somewhat of this must be mingled with all our rejoicings, [Page 86] some thoughts of the Vanity of the Crea­ture. Leavened Bread was to be eaten with the Thank-offerings in the Feast of Tabernacles, when the Barns were full. Man at his best estate is Vanity, Psal. 39. 5. Now to help us to do this, it is good to consider, he that hath the right to give, hath also the right of taking away; and as you must not be overjoyed with the receiving, so not be over-sad with part­ing.


Vse 1. Let us seek to God by earnest Prayer, when any such matter is in hand. Marriages, we say, are made in Heaven b [...]fore they are made on Earth. `Pagans, before the awe of Religion was extin­guished, would begin with their Gods in any weighty Enterprize. A Iove princi­pium, was an honest Principle among the Heathens. Laban consults with his Tera­phim; Balak sendeth for Balaam to give him Counsel. Heathens had their Sybills and Oracles at Delphos. So far as any Nation was touched with a sense of a Divine Power, they would never venture [Page 87] upon any weighty thing, without asking the Leave or the Blessing of what they supposed to be God. So for God's Children it was their constant practice, they du [...]st not resolve upon any course, till they had asked counsel of God. David always ran to the Oracle of the Ephod; Shall I go up to Hebron? Iacob in his journey, would neither go to Laban, nor come from him, without a Warrant. Iehosha­phat, when the business of Ramoth Gilead was afoot, doth not lead forth the Cap­tains of the Army, but he sends for the Prophets of the Lord; 1 Kings 22. 45. Enquire, I pray thee, of the World of the Lord this day. So, Iudg. 1 [...]1. Who shall go up and fight against the Canaanites? It is a contempt of God, and a kind of lay­ing him aside, when we dare undertake any thing without his Leave, Counsel, and Blessing; and these are the things we are to seek in Prayer.

1. His Leave. God is the absolute Lord of all things, both in Heaven and Earth: and whatsoever is possessed by any Creature, is by his Indulgence. What­ever store and plenty we have by us, our Saviour teach [...]h us to b [...]g our allo [...]nce, [Page 88] or leave to use so much as is necessary for us, or the portion of every day; Give us, [...], this day our daily Bread. It is a piece of Religious Manners [...] to ac­knowledg God's Right and Soveraignty. 'Tis robbery to make use of a Man's goods, and to waste them and consume them without his leave. All that we have or use is God's, who reserveth the Proprie­ty of all to himself. In distributing to the Creatures, he never intended to divest himself of his Right. As an Husband­man, by sowing his Corn in the Field, is not dispossessed of a Right to it. God hath Domini [...]m, we have Dispensationem of Life, and all the Comforts that belong to it. Life is his; Man is a [...]ustos, a Guar­dian of it for God. Gold and Silver is his; Man is a Steward to improve it for God. Adam had no interest in Eve, till God brought her to him, and bestowed her on him. Every one of us must get a grant of God of all that he hath; the Lord he poss [...]sseth the House that we dwell in, the Cloaths we wear, the Food we eat: And so in the use of all other Comforts, we must have a License from [Page 89] God, and take his Leave. God is said to have given David the Wives that he had into his Bosom.

2. His Counsel and Direction, when the case is doubtful, and our thoughts are uncertain. Prov. 3. 5. Lean not to thy own Vnderstanding. We scarce know Duties, certainly we cannot foresee Events; there­fore a Man that maketh his Bosom his Ora­cle, his Wit his Counsellor, will chuse a Mischief to himself, instead of a Comfort and a Blessing. Therefore we ought chiefly, and first of all, to consult with God, and seek his Direction, for he seeth the Heart, and foreseeth Events. We can only look upon what is present, and there upon the outward appearance: Therefore God can best direct us in our choice, he knoweth the fittest Matches and Consorts for every one; who hath a prospect of all things in one moment of time, and by one act of the Under­standing; and so can best dispose of Hu­mane Affairs, for the profit and comfort of the Creature. Jer. 10. 23. O Lord, I know that the way of Man is not in him­self; nor is it in the Sons of Men to direct their steps; that is, to order their Affairs [Page 90] so as they may have felicity and comfort in them. So, Prov. 20. 24. Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a Man then un­derstand his own way? We cannot fore­see the Event of things, what is expedi­ent, what not. Man would fain work out his Happiness like a Spider, climb up by a Thread of his own spinning. But alas! all our Devices and fine Contrivan­ces are gone with the turn of a B [...]som. He that will be his own Carver, seldom carveth out a good Portion to himself: They intrench upon God's Prerogative, and take the Work out of his hands; and therefore no wonder if their Wis­dom be turned into Folly.

3. We ask his Blessing. God doth not only foresee the Event, but order it; by his Wisdom he foreseeth it, and by his powerful Providence he bringeth it to pass. Therefore God that hath the dis­posal of all Events, when our D [...]rection is over, is to be sought unto for a Blessing; for every Comfort cometh the sooner, when it is [...]ought in Prayer; and what­ever God's Purposes be, that is our Duty. Jer. 29. 11, 12. I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts [Page 91] of Peace, and not of Evil, to give you an expected End. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. Ezek. 36. 37. I will for this be enquired of by the House of Israel, to do it for them. So in this Case, we read, Iohn 2. 2. When there was a Marriage in Canaan of Galilee, both Jesus was called and his Disciples to the Mar­riage. Married Persons do need, and therefore should seek Christ's Presence to their Marriage, that he would vouchsafe his Presence and Countenance: Be sure to invite him, and take him along with you, that he may strengthen you by his Grace, and dispose all Providences about you for your Comfort. He puts the greatest honour upon the Marriage, when he doth enable you to carry your selves graciously in that Relation, and to God's Glory; and he hath the power of all Providences put into his hand, as well as all Grace.

Vse 2. Is Advice to Persons that are entring into this Relation.

  • 1. Negatively. See that God be no loser by the Marriage.
  • [Page 92]2. Positively. Be sure that God be a gainer.

These are the two Proffers I have to make to you.

1. Negatively. Let not God be a loser; He never intended to give you Gifts to his own wrong.

Now that will be;

(1.) If he be not the only One, and the lovely one of your Souls. God must not have an Image of Jealousy set up; He must still be owned as the chiefest Good. A Wife is the Delight of the Eyes, but not the Idol of the Heart: Still you must be sure that his Place be not invaded; that you may say, Psal. 73. 25. Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and whom do I desire on Earth in comparison of thee? Carnal Complacency must not weaken your Delight in God; it is apt to do so. The excuse of one of those that was invited to the Marriage-feast, was, I have married a Wife, and I cannot come, Ma [...]th. 22. Sur [...]ly Christ would teach us thereby, that this Relation may become a Snare, and encroach upon the Preroga­tives [Page 95] of God; he may be justled out of the Heart, by the intrusion of some earthly Comfort.

(2.) If you be diverted from the ear­nest pursuit of heavenly Things, either by carnal Complacency, or distracting Cares, and worldly Encumbrances. There will be a time, when we shall neither Marry, nor be given in Marriage, Luke 20. 35. And that is our happiest time; present Contentments must not weaken the lively expectation of it, and steal away the Heart into a mindlesness of it. Would God bring you to one another? think you, to turn off your Thoughts and Hopes for this blessed Time, when he shall be All in All? No, your Comforts by the way in your Pilgrimage, must not hinder your delight in your Comforts at Home, and in your Country: this would be like a great Heir in Travel, that should gussle in an Ale-house, and never think of returning to his Inheritance.

(3.) God would be a loser, if you be less resolute in owning God's Truth, than you were before. Oh take heed of daub­ing in Religion! we must hate all for Christ, Luke 14. 26. We must be as true [Page 94] still to make good our Ingagement to him. Wife and Children must be under­valued for the Gospel; we may be put to the trial, whether we will cleave to them or Christ, who is our choice Hus­band. The Bond of Religion is above all Bonds; all Bonds between Husband and Wife, Father and Children, end in Death; but the Bond of Christ is Eter­nal; your Children will not lose by your faithfulness to God.

2. Positively. Let God be a gainer.

(1.) By your daily praises and blessing God for his Providence, that hath brought you into this Relation. I obtained favour from the Lord.

(2.) By living to God in this Relation, performing the Duties thereof, so as your converse may be some lively resemblance of the Communion between Christ and his Church; Ephes. 5. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Husbands, love your Wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave him­self for it: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of Water, by the Word; That he might present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrin­kle, [Page 95] or any such thing: but that it should be holy, and without blemish. So ought Men to love their Wives, as their own Bodies: he that loveth his Wife, loveth himself. For no Man ever yet hated his own Flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church. For we are Members of his Body, of his Flesh, and of his Bones.

(3.) By being mutual helps to one ano­ther in the best things, by the advance­ment of Piety and Godliness. The love of Christ doth not only enforce the Hus­band's Duty as an Argument, but points forth the right manner of it as a Pattern: Christ's Love, is sanctifying Love; so should theirs be, such a Love as sheweth it self by sincere and real endeavours, to bring about one anothers spiritual and eternal Good. Love one another, as Heirs together of the Grace of Life, 1 Pet. 3. 7.


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