SOME Collections of Scripture, WITH Private Meditations, As an help in PRAYER, WITH Some Hymns and Psalms of DAVID.

2 Chro: 6. 19. Have respect therefore to the Prayer of thy Servant, and to his Supplica­tion, &c.
Jer. 29. 12, 13. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and Pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, &c.
Collos. 3. 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, &c.

Cum Humilitatis Reverentia.

By G. M.

London, Printed for the Author, 1695.

A Form of Prayer in Scripture-Phrase.

O GOD! the God of the Spirits of all Flesh; who hath Created the Hea­vens, and stretched them out; and the Earth, with the Fruits thereof, and Breath and Spirit to them that walk herein; who art clothed with Honour and Majesty; who coverest thy self with Light, as with a Garment; Look down from Heaven, [...]hy holy Habitation, and have respect unto the Prayers of thy Servants, and let our Prayers [...]ome before thee as Incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the Morning Sacrifice: We [...]onfess, O Lord, thou didst Create our first Parents in thy own Image, and beathedst into [...]hem the Breath of Life, but they have eaten of the forbidden Fruit; all mankind from their Loyns have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God: And yet; O Lord, to fill up the Measure of our Condemnation, we have [...]dded actual Sins; for who can say, he hath made his Heart clean? We have sinned in thought; opur Souls, which should have been seasoned with the sweet Meditations of thy Goodness, Mercy and Grace, have been pro­strated, and assailed with black and hollish thoughts of Atheism, and Dispair, Blasphemy and all manner of Soul-vexing fears. O! [Page 2] what a world of Ignorance, Vanity of M [...] and disesteem of thy mercy, and unb [...] have seated themselves in our Hearts: confess, O Lord, we have sinned in our wo [...] o [...]r Tongues, that should have been as Tr [...] pets to sound thy praise, have been de [...] guilty of Blasphemy, Swearing, Lying, S [...] dering, Reviling, Rayling, Brawling, Scos [...] Boasting, Sowing Seeds of Discord amo [...] our Neighbours: The Tongue is a Fir [...] World of Iniquity, and hath defiled whole Bodies, and is set on Fire of Hell: confess, Lord, we have sinned indeed, wit [...] our worldliness, covetousness, pride, lust, [...] lice, lukewarmness, impatiency, vain glory self love. O the wrongs we have done, the Goods we have ill-gotten, and the time have mispent, and O the Sabbath we have p [...] phaned: Oh! the pollutions, the distemp [...] and estrangedness from God in our Sou [...] Oh, the Villanies and the Vanities of [...] whole Life: O Lord, we may as well num [...] the Stars, as our sins: But, dear Father, thou pleased to translate us from darkness light, and from the Power of Satan, into [...] Kingdom of thy dear Son: Let us no lon [...] abuse the good gifts of our God, and turn Grace into wantonntss: And let us not gri [...] the Holy Spirit of God, whereby we are sea [...] unto the day of Redemption. O help a keep us, that we do not wrong the bles [...] Name of God, his Word, Religiopn and P [...] fession of Godliness. We confess, Lord, [Page] have sinned against thy Law, and have [...] all thy Commandments: O Lord! we confess we have sinned against the Gospel, we are ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, tho it be the power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth. We have not thirsted after Christ, our Souls have not panted after him, as the Hart panteth after the water-brooks; We have not loved the Lord Jesus in Sincerity, nor considered him as the Life of our Souls: We have not counted all things loss and dung, for the knowledg of Christ Jesus our Lord: we take no pains to know him, and the power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his Sufferings: we hide, as it were, our Faces from him, and will not have him to Reign over us: we have not relied upon Christ for Justification, Sanctification and Salvation: O Christ, there is not one of us that stireth up himself to take hold on thee; And yet Lord, thou hast given us space to repent of all our Abominations which we have committed; yet we have not repented; but have made our fa­ces harder than a Rock, and have refused to return: But above all, Oh the insolencies and accesses and tyrannies of our bosom sins, our darling delights which we cannot part withal And for all these sins, thou, O God, hast Pu­nished us less than our Iniquities have deserv­ed: It is of the Lord's Mercy, we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not: If thou shouldst lay Judgment to the line, and righteousness to the plume [...], thou mightest [Page] make thy Jealousy to smoke against us, and the Curses that are written in thy book, th [...] mightest lay upon us, and blot out our Nam [...] from under Heaven: Thou mightest ma [...] thine Arrows Drunk with Blood, and t [...] Sword devour Flesh from the beginning of r [...] venges; and give us our Portion with t [...] wicked that are turned into Hell, and all t [...] Nations that forget God: But thou, O Lor [...] hast said, If we confess our Sins, thou art fait [...] ful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse u [...] from all our unrighteousness. Thou hast pro [...] mised, That he that covereth his sins, shall no [...] prosper; but he that confesseth his sins, an [...] forsaketh them shall have Mercy: Thou ha [...] proclaimed, Return thou back-sliding Israel saith the Lord, and I will not cause mine an [...] ger to fall upon thee, for I am Merciful, saith the Lord; only acknowledg thy Iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God: Thou hast threatened, I will return to [...] my place till they acknowledg their Offences in their Afflictions, they will seek me early: Thou hast sweetly encouraged us, if any man say, I have sinned, and p [...]rverted that which was right, and it profitted me not, thou wilt deliver his Soul from the Pit, and his Life shall see the Light: And, O Lord, in refer­ence to these thy sayings, promises and procla­mations, threats and encouragments, we do embolden our selves to come before thee, to acknowledg our Wickedness and our iniqui­ties: O Lord, we lie down in our shame, and [Page] [...]ur confusion covereth us: We cannot but say, we have sinned against the Lord our God, we [...]nd our Fathers from our youth have not o­ [...]eyed the voice of the Lord our God: And [...]oh that we could seek the Lord as the Children of Israel and Judah together, going and weep­ [...]ng, asking the way to Zion, with our Faces thither-ward. This is a time of Mourning, our sins have given us an occasion of sorrow; Oh, that we were on the Mountains, like the Doves of the Vallies, every one of us mourn­ing for our Iniquities: Why, Lord, it is thy own promise, A new Heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you, and I will take away thy stony Heart out of your Flesh, and I will give you an Heart of Flesh. Oh, let us take to us words, and say to the Lord, take away all iniquity from us, and receive us graciously. O Lord, we have Ido­lized the Creature, and abused the Creator: we have many a time crucified Christ, and trod underfoot the Blood of the Lamb: O, that Christ would look on us, as he did on Peter, then should we look on Christ, whom we have so often Pierced, and mourn for him, as one that mourneth for his only son, and be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first Born: And good Lord, help us to mourn for our sins, cast us down, and humble us to purpose and then be pleased to lift us up again; surely thou art nigh to them that are of a contrite heart, and who tremble at thy word, and wilt save the humble person; and [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] to this purpose thou hast promised, that th [...] that sow in Tears, shall reap in Joy: He t [...] goeth forth, and weeneth, bearing preci [...] seed, shall doubtless come again rejoyci [...] bringing his sheaves with him; And is it [...] thy own saying, I dwell in the high and h [...] place with him also that is of a contrite a [...] humble Spirit, to revive the Heart of the co [...] trite ones, and to revive the Spirit of t [...] humble: O! for one Dram of this revivi [...] for our poor drooping Souls.

O! that we might have our requests, a [...] that God would grant us the thing that w [...] long for, even that it would please him [...] cover our Iniquities, and cause our sins to b [...] blotted out from before him: Dear Farthe [...] we are sure nothing can hinder Mercy from [...] but our sins: O! pardon our sins for thy nam [...] sake, O! pardon our Iniquity, for it [...] great.

And to this end, Oh! look on Christ th [...] Lamb, that takes away the sins of the Worl [...] It is he that bears our Iniquities; it is he tha [...] by himself purged our sins; it is he bears ou [...] sins on the Tree in his own body; 'tis he tha [...] loved us, and washed us from our sins in hi [...] own Blood; 'tis he that is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world; it was he that was wounded for our Transgressions, that was bruised for our Iniquities, the chastisement of our Peace was upon him, and with his stripes are we healed: Oh! then for his sake, and in [Page 7] his Blood, wash us throughly from our iniqui­ties, and cleanse us from our sins: And to this end, dear Father, remember thy promises, wherein thou hast said, I will cleanse you from all your iniquities whereby you have sinned a­gainst me, and whereby ye have Transgressed against me: Thou hast said, I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy Transgressions, for my own names sake, and will not remember thy sins: Thou hast said, I have blotted out as a thick Cloud, thy Transgressions, and as a Cloud thy sins: Thou hast said, I will forgive their Iniquity, and will remember their sins no more: Thou hast said, Come now and let us reason together, tho your sins be as Scarlet, they shall be as white as Snow, tho they be red as Crimson, they shall be as Wooll. And thy Prophets have said, who is a God like un­to thee? That pardonest Iniquity, and passeth by the transgressions of thy Heritage, and re­taineth not thy Anger for ever, because thou delightest in mercy: We press thee, O Lord, with thy own precious Promises; we have no­thing of our own to bring thee but sin: But dear Father, thou hast a Son that thou look­est upon, whom thou hast set forth for our propitiation; would we have a pledg of thy undeserved favour? Why thou hast given thy only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not Perish, but have everlast­ing Life: Dear Father, thou hast made large Promises, and entered into Covenant with us, that shall never fail on thy part: Dear [Page] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8] Father, thou hast waited long for our retu [...] when we went astray, and wilt thou n [...] much more have mercy upon us now we pr [...] unto thee: When we excused our disobedien [...] and charged our faults on thee, yet then tho [...] settest thy Love upon us, but how much mo [...] now, Oh Lord, when we accuse our selv [...] and Pray for thy Mercy: Good Lord, Mise [...] is the object of Mercy, the greater our distre [...] is, the more glorious will be the Grace of Go [...] in our Deliverance. If thou wilt be mercifu [...] to our sins, then shall thy Glory appear, an [...] our Hearts shall be e [...]amed with thy love then shall we walk in thy fear, and ou [...] Tongues shall sing of thy goodness: Yea, ou [...] Tongues shall sing aloud of thy Righteou [...] ness; and for a [...]rance hereof to our poo [...] Souls, Oh! shew, us the Salvation of Go [...] seal up the assurance of Pardon in our Heart and Consciences, by the gracious Testimony o [...] thy Holy Spirit: Oh! let thy Spirit testify i [...] to us, and perswade us hereof, and confirm i [...] unto us by his Seal, and earnest; it is thy Spirit bears witness with our Spirits, that we ar [...] the Children of God: O! give us the Testimony of a renewed Conscience enlightened b [...] thy Spirit, and directed by thy word, whereb [...] we may come to know what God hat [...] wrought in us: O! give us the Spirit of A [...] doption, whereby we may with confidence an [...] comfort, cry, Abba Father: O! give us Jo [...] in the Holy Ghost, and the Answer of a goo [...] Conscience towards God: O! give us tha [...] [Page 9] [...]ift of God, a soul-saving and justifying [...]aith: O! that we could [...]oul our selves up­ [...]n the Lord Jesus, and stick fast unto his [...]ercy: We have found a rich treasure of pro­ [...]ises in thy word, for the pardon of our sins, [...]nly create in us that hand of Faith, that we [...]ay effectually receive what in mercy thou [...]eachest forth unto us: Oh! we are of little [...]aith, encrease it Lord, tho it be as a grain of [...]ustard-seed: Work in us not a dead Faith, [...]ut that which may be rich in good works, [...]ollowing after peace with all men and holy­ [...]ess, without which none shall see God: Oh! [...]leanse us from our impure Righteousness and [...]nenstruous Rags, and Cloath us with the [...]obes of Christ's Righteousness, that we may [...]e found in him, not having our own Righte­ [...]usness, which is of the Law, but that which [...] through the Faith of Christ, the Righteous­ [...]ess which is of God by Faith: Oh! give us true [...]epentance; 'tis thy own word, that unto us [...]ath God raised up his Son Jesus, and sent him [...]o bless us, in turning away every one of us [...]rom our Iniquities: O! that we could draw [...]ertue from Christ: O! that our heads were waters and our Eyes Fountains of Tears, that we might weep day and night for our sins: Oh! that all the night we could make our Beds to swim, that we could water our Couch­ [...]es with our Tears: Oh! that there were such Hearts in us, that we might Repent and Re­ [...]over our selves out of the s [...]are of the Devil: Oh! that we could lay our sins to our Hearts, [Page 10] that we could Repent us of all our wicke [...] ness, saying, What have we done? O! that [...] could bemoan our selves, as Ephraim, thou h [...] chastised us, and we were chastised, turn th [...] us, and we shall be turned, thou art the Lo [...] our God: O! that remembring our ways, ar [...] all our doings wherein we have been defile [...] we could loath our selves in our own sigh [...] for our iniquities and for our abominations.

O! give us saving knowledg, give us t [...] spirit of Truth, who will guide us into [...] truth; incline our Ears to wisdom, and o [...] Hearts to understanding, that we may cry a [...] ter knowledg, and lift up our Voice for u [...] derstanding, that we may understand the fe [...] of the Lord, and find the knowledg of o [...] God, that we may be able to cry unto thee, [...] our God we know thee, hast thou not prom [...] ed, saying, I will put my law into their Hear [...] and write it in their inward parts, and I w [...] be their God, and they shall be my Peop [...] O! that thou would'st give us this Knowled [...] that thou would'st fill our Hearts with t [...] knowledg, as the Waters cover the Sea: [...] give us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelati [...] in the Knowledg of Christ, that the Eyes [...] our Understandings being inlightned, we m [...] know what is the hope of his Calling, a [...] what is the riches of the Glory of his Inher [...] tance in the Saints. Dear FAther, is not th [...] secret with the Righteous? is not the secret the Lord Revealed to them that fear him? [...] give us a love of God, and of Christ, and [Page 11] all things that belong to him: Thou hast said, I will Circumcise their Hearts, and the Hearts of our seed to love the Lord our God with all our Hearts and with all our Souls, that we may live and not die: Oh, set us on fire, burn us, make us new, and Transform us, that nothing besides thee may live in us: O! wound very deeply our Hearts with the Dart of thy Love, and that because of our sins, which are many, are forgiven us, we may love thee not a little, but much: Oh! that we were sick of Love, that our understandings, will and affections were all overcome and amazed, and that our faint­ings were enflamed towards thee, and even [...]melted into thee: O, sweet Jesu, touch our Souls with thy Spirit, that Vertue may come out of thee, into us, draw us unto thy self; Oh, let the savors of thy Oyntments, whose very Breath is love, be ever in our Nostrils: O give us the Flagons of the New Wine of thy Kingdom, which may lift up our Souls above our selves in our Loves, that we may forget the low and base Loves of this World, and by an Heavenly access may be Transported into an Heavenly Love, and Embrace Jesus Christ, who is the Lord from Heaven, with a love like him­self: Oh! let us desire Union with thee, and help us to bring forth fruit unto thee: O, give us the fruit of the Spirit, that may resemble thee, and be pledges to us of thy Union with us: O burn and consume whatsoever would grow one with our Souls besides thee: O, let the fire of thy Spirit so turn our Souls into a Spiritual Fire, that the dross of the Flesh and the World [Page 12] being wholly consumed, we may be Spiritua [...] and so bring forth Fruits only to the Spirit: O sweet Saviour, look upon us in mercy; or [...] look of thine will awaken our loves, and mak [...] us to weep bitterly, that we loved thee so little whom to love sufficiently our best and might [...] est Loves are most insufficient: Prevent ou [...] seeking with thy seeking, be thou present wit [...] us in thy Providence and Power, when tho [...] seemest to be far off us in the tast of thy sweet­ness and fruition of thy Loves; and then whe [...] we have regained thy Love we will hold mor [...] hardly, and keep more Fastly, and love thee mor [...] vehemently, and provide a Stock of Loves in th [...] Summer against the Winter, if it return any more O help us to love one another as Christ hath lo­ved us, and make Our Love to abound more & more towards all men, especially to them that ar [...] of the houshold of Faith: And good Lord, cause us to love our Enemies, to bless them that curse us, and to pray for them that despightfully use us, and per­secute us. O give us a zeal after God and his Truth, good Causes and good men. O let us not rest con­cented with a lukewarm Profession, being neither cold nor hot, but make Our Souls to break for the Longings they have for thy Judgments at all times. O that we were Fervent in the Spirit, zea­lous always in every good thing. O that the zeal of thy house might even eat us up; And that Our zeal might provoke Others unto thee. O that thy Word were in Our Hearts like a burning fire; that we were weary with forbearing, and that we could not stay. O give us the Grace of Patience. Thou hast told us, in the world we shall have Tri­bulation; [Page 13] and thro' much tribulation we must enter into the Kingdom of God. O make us to run with pa­tience the Race that is ses before us, looking unto Je­sus, the author and finisher of our Faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the Cross, despi­sed the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God. O help us to consider him that endured such contradictions of sinners against him­self, lest we be wearied and Faint in Our Minds. Let us not think it strange concerning the fiery Trial, but rather rejoi [...]e, in as much as we are made par [...]akers of Christs Sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, we may be glad also with exceed­ing joy. O teach us to reckon with our selves, that the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared to that glory which shall be revealed in us. Hast thou not said, that if we be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy are we. O therefore that it may be given to us in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake. O help us to deny our selves, and to take up our Cross daily, and follow our Saviour. Give us perseverance, and to this end make us to build on thy promises. Thou hast said, that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; tho he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholdeth him with his right hand. Thou hast said to your Old Age, I am he, and even to hoary hairs, will I car­ry you, and I will deliver you; for this God is our God for ever, and he will be our Guide even unto death. O give us One Way, and One Heart, that we may Fear thee for ever; And make thou an evetlasting covenant with us, That th [...]n wilt not turn away from us to do us good. O put thy Fear in­to [Page 14] our hearts, that we may not depart from thee. And dear Lord help us to hold fast the profession of our Faith without wavering; confirm us unto the end, that we may be blameless unto the coming, and day of our Lord Jesus Christ. And dear Father, give us all other Graces, a lively hope that may save us; yea, in those times let us with Abraham, against hope, believe in hope, and give us joy in the Holy Ghost. Thou hast said, Joy is sown for the Righte­ous, and gladness for the upright in heart. O give us a filial Fear, because thou takest pleasure in those that fear thee: For in that day that thou makest up [...]y Jewels, they shall be thine, and thou wilt spare them as a man spareth his own Son that serveth him. O give tis humility, and lowliness of Spirit, casting down imaginations, and every thing, that exalteth it self against the Knowledg of God. O give us meek­ness of mind, that the Wolf may dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard may lie down with the Kid, the Calf and young Lion, and the Fatling together, whilst a lit­tle Child may lead them. O give us peace of consci­ence, and the peaco of God, that may guide, guard and garison our whole souls. And for our further assurance, o give an increase and growth to all these Graces, and do thou guide us continually, and sa­tisfie our souls in drought. O make Fat Our Bones, that we may be like a watered Garden, and like a Spring of water, whose waters fail not. O let the Sun of Righteousness arise, with heal­ing under his wings, that we may go forth, and grow up as the Calves of the Stall. O that thopu would'st be pleased to make our path as the path of the just, even as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. O that thou would­est [Page 15] be unto us as dew unto Israel, that we might grow as the Lilly, and cast forth our Root as Lebanon, that our branches might spread, and our beauty be as the Olive-tree, and our smell as Lebanon. O Lord, hast not thou said, I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground; and I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, and my blessing upon thy Off-spring? O put into our hearts their ways who go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appearing before God.

Nor pray we only for Remission, but for cleansing; not only for Pardon, but for purify­ing and power against sin, and deliverance from sin. Holy God, thou hast promised, That he that is left in Zion, and he that is left in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the Daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, by the Spirit of Judg­ment, and by the Spirit of burning. Holy God, thou hast said, thou wilt put thy law in our hearts, and write it in our inward parts. Holy God, it is thy promise, the first promise, and the Foundati­on of all other promises, that the Seed of the wo­man should bruise the Serpents head; that Christ should break the Power and Dominion of Satan O that having those Promises, we could live by Faith; that we could rest upon God, and believe that God of his Free Grace in Christ will purge us from the filthy Remainders of sin, and renew us more and more after his Own Image in Righ­teousness and true holiness. Surely, Lord, tho [...] hast said it, and therefore no Presumption, bu [...] true Obedience, to assure our selves of whatsoever [Page 16] thou hast promised, and entred into bond and co­venant Freely to give us: He that believeth on thee, as the Scripture saith, Out of his belly shall flow Rivers of living waters. Christ is a Fountain of Grace, ever flowing and ever Full, and of his fulness we all receive grace for grace. There is no grace but from Christ, nor no communion with Christ but by Faith, O therefore that we could embtace him by Faith for our sanctification, that so we might be filled with the gifts of his grace in our measure. 'Tis Christ that is our Wisdom and Sanctification as well as Righteousness and Re­demption. O that our Jesus would justifie our Persons and sanctifie our Natures, and enable us to those duties of holiness that he requires; and that he would make us unto himself a Kingdom of Priests, an holy Nation. O Lord, we have many potent Enemies that daily war against us, the World, the Flesh and the Devil; and Our strength is too weak to vanquish the Allurements of this World, and to repress the Lusts of our rebellious hearts, or to defeat the Polices of Satan, much more to cleanse our own hearts. But, O Lord, thou hast promised, O help us to believe that God, who is rich in mercy, will aid and assist, and bless our Endeavours, yea and do the whole work for us and in us, according to his good pleasure. O grant we may not love the world, nor the things of the world, that our hearts be not over-charged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, to neglect [...]u [...] immortal souls. O do thou be pleased to rouze us and lift us up from the death of sin unto a life of righteousness. And, good Lord, grant that we may not suffer sin to reign in our [Page 17] mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lust [...]hereof; Neither suffer us to yeild our Members as [...]nstruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, that be­ing made free from sin, and become the Servants of God, we may have our fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. And, dear Father, grant that we may be sober and vigilant, because our Advetsary the Devil, as a roaring Lion, walketh about, seek­ing whom he may devour. O make us strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, that we may be able to stand against all the wilds of Sa­tan. Why, Lord, we wrestle not against flesh and blood only, but against principalities and powers, against thr Rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. O there­fore strengthen us, that we may stand, having the girdle of truth about our Loins, the Breastplate of Righteousness, and the shield of Faith, wherewith we may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. We confess and acknowledg, O Lord, to thy glory, that all our strength is in thee, and in the power of thy might. And dear Father, we humbly beg, that thou wilt be pleased to stand and stay by us, by thy blessed Spirit of Grace, the remaining part of our days, that we may live righteously and godly in this present world; so that we may be able to stand when the secrets of all hearts shall be laid open; and may hear that joyful call thy blessed Son shall then pronounce, Come ye blessed, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you. That then we may enter into those Joys that the Living God hath provided for such, as Fear and Love, and delight in him; and for ever en­joy [Page 18] that glory our blessed Saviour speaketh of, that he had with thee before the Foundation of the world. O help us to draw near unto thee in full assurance of Faith, having our consciences sprink­led with clean water, and our souls purged and rinsed in the blood of the Lamb, that we may be as Vessels fitted for the Masters use. O that we could but seriously think of that abundant Love where­with the Lord Jesus loved us, in that he took up­on himself our Nature, and to leave the bosom of his Father for the redeeming of our lost souls; and yet we cannot leave our bosom sins, our darling delights, which have put him to those grievous Pains and Sufferings. O when shall it Once be, that the Love of Christ might constrain us, and bring us into an holy Admiration of liking, and loving, and delighting in him. O that we had but hearts to remember those Passion-crys our dear Saviour uttered on the Cross, saying, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? that so we might forsake our daily sins that made him thus cry out. And dear Father, do thou enable us to clear up our Evidences for another world; for this is transitory and passing away. O let us think of­ten of that great Account we must One Day make before the Just Judg of all the Eaoth. O let it make us weep when our Hourglass is standing by us, to see how [...]ast one sand followeth each other. And who knoweth whether this day may not be the Sun-set of our Lives: But O and alas! who would defer to be upon his [...], that knows not how soon he may be called [...]o judgment? Why should we be such enemies to our own souls, as not to be prepared to welcome Death? The best Coun­sel, [Page 19] and the surest and safest care we can take, is to be still in a readiness, with our Lamps trim'd, that we may be Furnished with those Graces, and fitted and prepared to enter into those Joys with the Bridegroom at his coming; and serious­ly to think with our selves, that every day we rise to be the day of our death, and every night we go to our beds, that we are laid down in our Graves. Who can Forget his Grave, that lays him­self down in his Bed? And who would not so provide for himself as every night to think he went to his Grave. Our days are but Few; and the night will come e're long that we must die indeed, howsoever we peice and patch up this poor Cot­tage of the flesh, it will at the last fall into the Lords hand; and as time leaves us, so will Judg­ment and Eternity certainly find us. It was Da­vids saying, and oh that it might be our practice every night to wash our Beds, and to water our Couches with our Tears. O let us not slip over one night without repentance, nor go to our beds but beat upon our breasts, and say with the Pub­lican, from our very hearts, Lord, be merciful un­to me a sinner. How sweet a rest will that night bring forth whose sleep is prevented with the consideration of sin! O therefore do thou help us, and teach and instruct us to order our Con­versation aright, that so we may see the salvation of our God. O do thou keep up in our memories a serious remembrance of those storms that have already gone over our heads, as Wars, Sores, Sick­nesses, Plagues and Burnings, as we have seen with our Eyes, and many seasons unseasonable, because we could find no season to repent, and [Page 20] weep, and mourn for our sins, and for that pre­cious time we have so often mispent. Our Springs have rather been our Graves than our Cradles; our Summers have not shoot up but withered our Grass, our Autumns have took away our flocks of sheep, and for our late Harvests, the Heavens themselves have not ceased weeping for us that could never yet find time to weep for our selves. O the miserable miseries that have fallen upon us! were not our houses infected, and our City depopulated, and many Graves made a bed whe [...]ein to lodge a whole Family, O, and alas! what a hideous noise was heard about us! In e­very Church Bells tolling, in every Ward some dying, in every street men watching, in every place, even every where, wringing of hands, wai­ling and weeping, groaning and dying: These are the evils that have been; and how should we for­get them that have seen them with our eyes? And what better Rule have we to square our Lives by than the remembrance of those evils our Lives have suffered. Let us look back with good Old Jacoh, and see the great reason we have to redeem the time past, and that to come, because our days are evil. It is meer presumption to boast of the time to come: Can any man say he will live till to morrow: Look back, you that trust in the staff of Egypt; there is no man can assure you of one day; as near as 'tis to night some of us may be dead before the evening, and stiff with cold, more fit to lodg in our graves under Earth than in our beds above it. Nay let us assure our selves our Life is of no long continuance. What speak we of to morrow, or this day, when we are not [Page 21] sure of the least part of times division, a very hour; nay less. Watch therefore, saith our Saviour, for ye neither know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come. What is our Life but a Few hours! and in one of them death must on necessity come; For 'tis appointed for all men once to die, and after that the Judgment. O let us watch then, for the hour is at hand, and we do not know how soon it will seize upon us; this very hour the breath we draw may be our infection, this very hour the bread we eat may be our poyson, this very hour the cup we drink of may be that bitter cup that may never pass from us; this very night may our souls be required of us. But thou, O Lord, give us a gracious visitation, that we may highly prize this moment of time with most serious watch­fulness. O let those Considerations of Death and Judgment work effectually on our Hearts and Consciences, that they might make our very hearts to bleed within us, nay to break and fall asunder in our breasts, like drops of water. O with what enflamed attention should we hear and pray! with what insatiable graspings should we lay hold on the Lord Jesus Christ. O that streams of tears might run down our cheeks for this precious time we have lost; a day will come, we know not how soon, that we shall be past it, and can­not recover it, no not so much as one hour, if we could give a thousand, nay ten thousand worlds for it. But O the Losses of Losses! the Loss of our immortal souls, the Spouse of our well-beloved Christ: How many tears did he shed to save it! what groans, crys, prayers and his dearest Hearts Blood did he pour out before God to redeem our [Page 22] [...] [Page 23] [...] [Page 22] poor souls from the Jaws of Satan! O sweet Jesu [...] what a Loss is this! call to mind this, O my soul, and tremble; sleep not in sin, lest the sleep of death surprize thee; the hour is certain in no­thing but uncertainties; For sure thou must die, yet thou knowest not on what day, nor in what place, nor how thou shalt be disposed when death must be entertained. O Lord, how many thou­sand Bills of Mortality have passed over our heads, and we little or nothing regard them; who knows but some of us may fill up the next weeks account, and be forc'd to render up our accounts before the Just Judg of all the Earth, of all our deeds done in the flesh, whether they be good or evil. He that once thought to begin to take his ease, was fain that very night, whether he would or no, to make his end: would you have thought this? He but now flourished like a green bay tree, his thoughts full of mirth, his soul of ease; but I passed by, and lo he was goue. Gone! whither? his body to the grave, his soul to hell; whose turn may be next, God only knows, who knoweth all. But whosoever we be that go on in a course of sin, in the name of God let us seriously bethink our selves of Mortality; how many have we heard of that went well to bed over night, for ought any man could tell, and yet have been found dead the next mo [...]ning. O help us to repent of all our sins by crying, and sighing, and sorrowing for sin; It may be this night, and that is not long to come, but we may sleep our last in this world. O keep us that we go not to bed with a conscience laden with sin. O how should we take any rest or sleep with the brother of death, when we lie down in [Page 23] danger of eternal death. O there is no more but a breath, one breath and no more; no more but a step, one step and no more. Oh were not this la­mentable, that some One of us, who are standing or sitting here, should this night sleep his last, and to morrow have his body carried to his Grave; yea, and before to morrow morning, which the good Lord in mercy forbid, have his soul cast from a bed of Feathers into a bed of Fire. And yet alas! alas? if any of us should die this night in our sins, or in an unregenerated state, thus will it be with whomsoever we be. To morrow may our bodies be cold under earth, and our souls frying in the flames of hell. 'Tis good for us all to expect death every day; and by this means death foreseen cannot possibly be sudden; No, 'tis he dies suddenly that dies unpreparedly: Watch therefore, saith our Saviour; be ever in a readiness, and as we tender the everlasting wellfare of our poor souls, let us learn that Lesson of our blessed Saviour, not to lay up for our selves treasures on earth, where Moth and Rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves break through and steal; but lay up for our selves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves do not break thro' and steal; it is those treasures, those stocks of grace that will last us for ever, which is a circumspect walking, that Fervency of spirit, that Zeal of good works, that purity of conscience St. John speaketh of, which is the property of every true hearted profe [...]sor; It is the work, the life, the power of that prayer, that the rest of our life here­after may be pure and holy. O that we could lay up such heavenly provision against the day of ca­amity; [Page 24] if while it is called to day we could make our peace with our peace with our heavenly Father, by an humble exercise of repentance. If in this time of grace we could purchase Gods Favour, and those rarest Jew­els of Faith and a good conscience; if now before we come to appear at that dreadful Tribunal, that we could be so happy as to make God and Christ our Friends in the Court of Heaven, O how wellcom and how blessed then would our death be unto us, come it never so suddenly, still should death find us ready, and if ready, no mat­ter how suddenly, yea tho it were this night. Oh help us seriously to consider what Jesus Christ did and suffered for us and for our sins: O how was he sorrowful even unto death, with exceeding sorrow, which made him pray, that the cup might pass from him; yet with submission to his Fathers will; and all to save our poor lost and undone souls: O the riches and love, and the free grace of Jesus Christ to us: Oh the earnestness of his prayers, and the agony he was in; not drops of water only, but his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. O how was he buffeted, spit on, reviled, mocked and scourged sor our sins: Oh how was the chastise­ment of our sins laid upon him, and by his stripes are we healed. And dear Father, do thou be gra­ciously pleased to keep up in us an humble re­membrance of this abundant love wherewith the Lord Jesus Christ hath bound us: he was crown­ed with Thorns for our sins, that we through his merits might be crown'd with glory in the King­dom of Heaven. O unspeakable love! how were his tender hands and feet nailed to the Cross! his [Page 25] holy unspotted breast peirced with a spear, and his dearest hearts blood let forth, and all to save our poor souls from the pit of eternal destruction. O let us consider the great necessity we are in, in not looking unto this Jesus: we have need of Christ; we have need that he pray in us, and need that he pray for us unto our heavenly Father: we have need that he work in us, and need that he work for us of his plessed will and pleasure. We have need that he present us and ours blameless before his Fathers presence in life and death, and at the Judgment day. O Lord, there is not a mo­ment in our lives wherein we stand not in conti­nual need of Jesus Christ. O then let our necessities drive us to Christ, and mind us of Christ. And as it hath been our great misery in departing from God, dear Father, we beseech thee to cause us now to lay out all our strength by the blessed assistance of thy holy spirit of grace to the uttermost of our power, to gain a reconciliation with God, & to close with him on his own terms propounded to us in the Gospel. And dear Father, be pleased to raise up in us a love and a delight in the kee­ping holy thy Sabbaths here on earth, that so we may be fitted and prepared to keep an ever lasting Sabbath with thee in Heaven. Dear Lord, pardon, cleanse, purge, O purifie and make new our in­ward man by thine Almighty power; subdue our corruptions and renew our Natures, and bring us near unto thy self by the gracious workings of thy blessed spirit. O forget not thy loving kind­nesses of old, but reach, O reach our souls by the blessed spirit of thy grace; O let us feel the pow­er of thy spiritual and Gospel meltings upon our [Page 24] [...] [Page 25] [...] [Page 26] souls; O cause us to feel the warming and the re­viving blood of the everlasting covenant work­ing effectually upon our poor dead hearts and consciences. And dear Father, do thou be pleased to rescue us from our selves; deliver us, we humbly pray th [...], from a vain trisling spirit in the things of Eternity. O make us captives of thy love, and then shall we follow hard and close after thee, the Captain of our salvation. The Lord in much mer­cy waits on us continually to be gracious unto us; and shall not we wait on him to be made glorious for ever. Dear Father, we humbly pray thee to be pleased to soften our rebellious hard hearts by the gracious meltings of thy holy spi­rit, that so we may be fitted to receive thy truths, and bring forth the fruits of them in a most ho­ly and a most heavenly conversation. O for Christ Jesus sake, make bare thy own arm, and deliver our poor distressed souls from that bottomless pit of eternal destruction. O strengthen our Memo­ries, increase our faith, kindle our zeal, renew our Natures, and make us such as thou wouldst have us to be, best at heart, and best at last for Christ's sake. O rectifie our wills, enlighten our under­standings, and subdue every lust within us, and cause us to run the ways of thy commandments. Dear Father, we beseech thee, we humbly beseech thee to make us more serious, and more sincere [...]n the things of Eternity, that we may not trifle [...]n those things of so high a nature, wherein our [...]oor immortal souls are so nearly concerned. Good Lord, in much mercy be graciously pleased [...]o carry on thy own work in us and for us, to he honour and glory of thy name, and for the [Page 27] eternal welfare of our poor distressed souls. O for Christ Jesus sake, open blind eyes, soften our hard hearts, unstop our deaf ears, subdue our re­bellious wills, and renew our corrupt natures, and bring us into a conformity, and an humble sub­jection unto thy blessed self. O when shall it once be, that we may with our blessed Lord and Savi­our count it our Meat and our Drink to do thy will, O God. O for Christs sake cast an eye of pi­ty and compassion upon ns; shew us the favour of thy chosen, make us glad with thy inheritance and visit us with thy salvation. Good Lord, we beseech thee to enable us to lay fast and sure hold on him on whom thou hast been graciously plea­sed to lay help. And dear Father we humbly pray thee to be pleased to raise us up from the death of sin to a life of righteousness. And we humbly beseech thee to let us feel the power of Christ's Death killing sin in our mortal bodies, that we may no longer obey it in the lust thereof. Dear Father we beseech thee to be graciously pleased in mercy to blot out all our sins by the precious blood of thy dearly beloved Son, that so our names may not be blotted out of the book of life, and we for ever thrust out from thy presence, & out of the holy City of our God. And for Christ Jesus sake make us faithful to the death, and then give unto us a Crown of Life. And dear Father, do thou be pleased to rouze up our drowsie, dull consciences, and help us, we beseech thee, seriously to look into our inward man, knowing that it is high time to awake out of sleep: the time is far spent, the day is at hand, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the ar­mour [Page 28] of light; le [...] us walk honestly as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chamber­ing and wantonness, not in strife and envying; but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provi­sion for the flesh to fullfil the lust thereof. O Lord our God, thou hast promised to keep him in per­fect peace. whose mind is staid on thee. O help us, we beseech thee, help us to trust in thee, and sin­cerely to wait on thee, that so we may be brought into the possession of this peace that lasts for ever. O help us seriously to look up unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God, and there is none else, so shall we be saved with an everlasting salvat [...] ­on. And dear Father, we humbly intreat thee to make us to be zealously affected for the honour of thy great name: and then seal unto us thy e­verlasting covenant of life and peace. Then shall we greatly rejoice in the Lord, and our souls shall be joyful in our God; for he will cloath us with the garments of salvation, and will cover us with his robes of righteousness; then shall we be drawn with his loving kindness and mercy, and loved by our dear Lord with an everlasting love. And we humbly intreat thee to prepare us for that great day of our Lord Jesus Christ, when he shall come to shake terribly the Earth. O blessed and happy a [...]e they who put their whole ttust and confidence in him; and sincerely hope in his mercy. O Lord, we are upon the very brink of an endless eterni­ty, and it will not be long e're we shall be in an­other world, as certainly as we are now in this. O help us now, help us, dear Lord, that whatsoever our hands find to do, to do it with all our might; for there is no wisdom, nor knowledge, nor work [Page 29] nor device in the grave, whither we are all a go­ing. Dear Lord, we humbly beg thy pardon; we have none to fly unto but unto thee; thou hast the words of Eternal Life: O! for Christ Je­sus sake forgive all our Transgressions, and in Mercy heal all our Back-slidings; and dear Fa­ther, as ever thou intendest mercy unto our poor souls, work a thorough change upon our hearts & consciences, and save us by believing. O for ever blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which, according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that fa­deth not away, reserved in Heaven for us, who are kept by the power of God thro' faith unto salvation. O make us more heavenly and more holy, that we may be blessed in the first resurrection, that the second death may have no power over us, that we may live and reign with our God, and our dear Redeemer for ever and ever, Amen.

Psalm 4

HEar me when I do call,
O God my Righteousness:
Thou hast enlarged me when I
Was bound in sore distress.
Have mercy upon me,
And now my Prayer hear:
O Sons of men, how long will ye
My Name refuse to fear?
My Glory into shame
You turn; and Vanity
You love to see: How long will ye?
My Truth you plain deny.
But know, the Lord will set
The godly man apart,
Even for himself: for he will hear
When he calls with his heart.
Be still, and stand in awe,
O sin not on your bed;
In heart commune with God; You shall
With his delights be fed.
Offer the sacrifice
Of Righteousness alway,
And cast our care upon the Lord,
To be our only stay.
Many there be that say,
Who will shew us a Glance?
But thou, O Lord, lift up the Light
Of thy Kind Countenance.
Thou hast put in my heart
More gladness in my time,
Than they had from their great incro [...]se
Of all their Corn and Wine.
I will now lay me down
In peace to take my sleep;
For thou, O Lord, assuredly,
Wilt me in safety keep.

Psalm 18.

I Will love thee, O Lord, my strength:
He is my Rock in all distress,
My God, my stay, on whom I trust:
He's my Buckler, and my Fortress.
The Lord he is my high Tower,
And the Horn of my salvation:
On him I'le trust all times for aid;
For he is a sure Foundation.
Upon the Lord God I will call:
His Name is worthy of all praise;
He saves us from our Enemies,
And preserves us in all his ways
Sorrows of death beset me round
With Armies of Ungodly Men;
A fear of death encompass'd me,
With snares of death, prevented then.
In my distress I call'd on God,
My Cry came even into his Ear.
O Lord, be pleased to hear my voice,
For the sake of my Saviour dear:
On him alone still I will trust
For succour at all times in need;
For he alone is my Relief,
And he will plentifully feed
All those that truly on him wait,
In Faithfulness to do his will.
He will preserve them to the Last,
And bring them to his holy hill:
Where we with joy for ever shall
Behold the glory of his Face
To all Eternity, and sit
With him within his heavenly place.

Psal. 23.

THe living Lord my Shepherd is,
For me he doth take care;
To Pastures green he leadeth me
Where his still Waters are.
'Tis he restoreth my poor Soul,
His Right-hand doth me take
Into the Paths of Righteousness
Even for his own name sake.
When through the Vale of Death's cold Shade
I walk and nothing fear,
Thy Rod and Staff do comfort me,
For thou art with me there.
Thou hast prepar'd my Table Lord,
In presence of my Foes;
My head with oyl thou dost anoint,
My cup still overflows.
Surely the goodness of the Lord
Shall crown my future days,
And I will dwell within thy house
Ever to sing thy praise.

Psalm 27.

first part.

THE Lord he is my salvation,
My light, my strength and aid:
Whom shall I fear? the Lords my Life;
I will not be afraid.
The wicked men like Troops encamp,
And up against me rise,
Coming on me to eat my flesh,
As Foes and Enemies.
In this I will be confident,
My Enemies shall fall
Before the presence of thy Face
They fell, and stumbled all.
One thing have I desir'd of God,
And after that will seek,
To dwell within thy house, O Lord,
And in thy presence keep.
For to behold thy beauty, Lord,
All the days of my Life,
And in his Temple to enquire,
Where to be Free from strife.
For in the time of trouble, thou
Shalt be my hiding place.
O set me up upon that Rock,
Where I may see thy Face.
Then shall my head be lifted up
Above mine Enemies;
Therefore will I offer to thee
A Joyful Sacrifice.
O Lord, to thee I will sing praise,
Yea to thee I will sing;
For in thy mercy thou wilt keep
My soul from perishing.

The second part.

HEar me, O Lord, when I
Cry with my voice to thee;
Some succour send to my poor soul;
In mercy answer me.
When thou saist, seek my Face,
My heart shall [...]hen reply,
Thy Face, O Lord, still I will seek,
And on thy Grace rely.
Hide not thy Face from me,
O God, forsake me not;
For thou hast been my help alway,
When Parents me forgot.
Teach m [...] thy way, O Lord,
In a plain path lead me;
In anger cast me not away,
But take me up to thee.
Deliver me, O Lord,
From all mine Enemies,
And such as breathe out Cruelty,
Which falsly they devise.
I had fainted, unless
I had believed on thee;
Lord, in the land of the living
Thy goodness let me see.
O wait upon the Lord,
Wait on the Lord, I say;
With Courage strong he will support
Thy drooping soul alway.

Psalm 42.

AS the pursued Hart doth pant
After the water-brook,
So pants my soul for thee, O God,
For a most gracious look.
My soul still thirsteth for my God;
O when shall I appear
Before the living God, who is
My loving Father dear.
My Tears have been my meat by day,
And sighings in the night,
While they continually do say,
Where is thy God of might?
I had gone with the multitude,
But I remembred thee,
And went unto thy house, O God,
In true sincerity.
I poured out my soul with them
That kept holy thy day,
Rejoicing with that multitude
Which do praise thee alway.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul?
O do not thus repine:
Trust still on God, his countenance
On me shall ever shine.
Within me, Lord, my soul is low,
Therefore remember me,
From the Hill of the Hermonites,
And Jordan let me see,
Deep calleth unto deep, O Lord,
Thy water spouts aloud,
Thy Waves, and all thy Billows have
Wrapt me in as a Shrowd.
G Lord, by day and night I call
With prayers unto thee;
Command thy loving kindness, Lord,
And then my song shall be
Unto my God; who is my Rock;
Thou hast forgotten me;
And I go mourning all the day,
Oppress'd with misery.
As with a sword within my bone [...]
Mine Enemies prevail;
While they say daily unto me,
VVhat doth thy God avail?
Chear up my countenance, O God;
Support my drooping mind;
Hoping in God for him to praise,
Who gracious is and kind.

Psal. 56.

BE merciful to me, O Lord,
For Man would me Devour,
He fighting daily, pressing on
To swallow me each Hour.
But, O! thou high and mighty God,
In thee I trust for aid,
And on thy word will I depend,
What time I am afraid.
I will not fear what flesh can do,
In thee I put my trust,
Tho every day they wrest my words,
And turn them to the worst.
They gather themselves together;
They mark my steps, and hide
Themselves, to catch my soul, O God;
But thou art on my side.
O God, in thy anger east down
All those that in wait lie:
Let not that people so escape
By their iniquity.

Psalm 59.

DEliver me, O God,
From all my Enemies;
Defend me from the hands of them,
That up against me rise.
Deliver me from them
That work deceitfully;
O save my soul from bloody m [...]n,
For lo in wait they lie.
Not for my sins, O God,
Can the mighty combine
Against me, for my Transgressions,
No Error can they find.
Yet they run and prepare
Themselves without my Fault.
A wake to help me, and behold
How they against me talk.
O God of my mercies,
Scatter them by thy power,
And bring them down, O Lord, our shield,
That seek for to devour,
I will sing of thy power;
Yea, I aloud will sing;
For thou my Refuge and Defence
From time to time hast been.
Unto thee, O my strength,
And God of my mercy,
Defend me by thy power, Lord;
For on thee I rely.

Psalm 63.

O God, thou art my God only,
Will I seek after thee;
My soul doth thirst, my flesh doth long
Thy salvation to see.
Where in a dry and thirsty Land
No waters can be had;
O shew to me thy glory, Lord;
With power make me glad.
Thus will I bless thee while I live;
My Lips shall still praise thee,
Because thy Loving Kindness is
Better than Life to me.
And in thy Name I will lift up
My Hands, and give thee praise;
As with Marrow and Fatness I
Am satisfi'd always.
When on my bed I remember
To meditate on thee,
My Tongue shall sing with joyful Lips
Of thy Kindness to me.
In the Night-watches, Lord, will I
To thee lift up my Voice;
Under the shadow of thy wings
I ever shall rejoice.

Psalm 70.

O Lord do thou make haste
For to deliver me;
Make haste to help me, O my God,
I humbly pray to thee.
Let them confounded be,
that after my Soul seek,
Let them be turned back with shame,
And in confusion weep:
Let them be turned back
With a reward of shame
That desire my hurt, and say,
Aha, reproach his Name.
Let all that seek thee
Gladly in thee rejoice,
Let such as love thy Salvation,
Sing with a chereful voice.
Let God be magnified,
Continually, and say,
Thou art my Help in all distress,
On thee I'll trust alway.
Make haste to me, O God,
I am needy and poor;
Thou art my help and deliverer,
Lord make no stay therefore.

Psalm 71.

O Lord in thee I put my trust,
O let me not confusion see,
Incline thine Ear and save my Soul,
In Righteousness deliver me.
Be thou my Habitation strong,
Where I'll continually resort,
In subjection to thy commands,
O save me, for thou art my fort.
From the hands of unrighteous men,
In mercy Lord, deliver me
Out of the reach of wicked men,
Who cruel are, Lord keep me free.
For thou, O Lord God, art my hope,
Even from my Youth thou art my stay,
By thee have I been holden up,
Even from the Womb unto this day.
Out of my Mothers Bowels thou
Hast taken thence, and set me free,
Therefore will I continually
My Praises offer up to thee.
To many I a wonder am,
But thou art still my refuge strong;
O let my Mouth be fill'd with praise
Of thy Honour all the day long.

The Second Part.

O Cast me not off in old Age,
Forsake me not when strength doth fail,
Mine Enemies watch and observe
How over me they may prevail.
God hath forsaken him they say,
And there is none that can him save,
Take him and Persecute his Soul,
And bring him down into the Grave.
But thou, O Lord, make haste to help,
Be not far from me in distress;
In mercy save me, O my God,
Then I'll rejoyce with thankfulness.
Confounded and consumed be
Those Enemies of my poor Soul;
Let them be clothed with reproach,
That seek my Heart without controul.
But I continually will hope,
And yet will praise thee more and more
My mouth shall shew thy Righteousness,
And thy Salvation the World o're.
I will go in thy strength, O God,
And even of thine only, will I
Make mention of thy Righteousness,
And wondrous Works declare on high.
O God, do thou instruct me still,
As in my youth didst undertake,
Now when my Head is Old and Grey,
O do not my poor Soul forsake.

Psalm 86.

First Part.

BOW down thy Ear, O Lord,
And hear, for I am poor;
Preserve my needy soul, O God,
I humbly thee implore.
O save thy servant, Lord,
I daily cry to thee;
Be merciful to me, O God,
On thee my trust shall be.
O make thy servant, Lord,
In soul for to rejoice;
For unto thee do I, O God,
In heart lift up my Voice.
For thou, O Lord, art God,
And ready to forgive;
Plenteous in mercy to all them
Which on thee do believe.
Unto my prayer, Lord,
Give Ear, and me attend,
Unto my supplications,
Which up to thee I send.
In my trouble I call
Both day and night to thee:
O let my Cry acceptance find;
In mercy answer me.
O Lord, amongst the Gods,
There is none like to thee;
Neither is any of their Works
Like thine perform'd to me.
O Lord, all Nations shall,
Which thou didst make and frame,
They shall bow down, and worship thee,
And glorifie thy Name.
For thou art God alone:
Thy Wonders far excel
The Greatness of the Sons of Men,
Which on the Earth do dwell.

The second part.

TEach me, O Lord, I humbly pray.
To walk thy ways aright,
Unite my heart to love and fear
Thy Name with true delight.
Then I will praise thee, O my God,
With all my heart, and say,
I'le glorifie thy Name, O Lord,
By Night, and eke by day.
For thy great mercy shew'd to me,
Thy promises I will tell.
Deliver thou, my Soul, O Lord,
Even from the lowest Hell.
O bring me near to thee, O God,
By thy mercy so sweet,
Let thy Compassion and Grace
Most plentifully meet
In my poor soul, which In distress,
For want of Grace doth faint;
O turn unto me, give me strength,
Now I do make complaint.
O shew to me a Token Good,
That I may plainly see,
No Cause of Shame; for thou, O Lord,
Dost always comfort me.

Psalm 95.

O Come, let's sing unto the Lord;
Let's make a joyful Noise:
To the Rock of our salvation
Ever will we sing praise.
With Psalms of Thanksgiving let us
Before his Presence sing,
And make a joyful Noise unto
The Living God, our King.
For the Lord, he is a great God,
Above all other Gods:
In his hands are the deep places
On Earth, and in the Roads.
The strength of all the Hills are his;
They were made by his hand:
The Sea is his, he did create.
And formed the dry Land.
O come let's worship, and bow down;
And kneel before the Lord:
For he's our God, and we are his,
Made by his own accord.
We are the sheep of his Pasture,
The Flock of his Right Hand:
To day, if ye will hear his Voice,
And in Obedience stand;
Then harden not your hearts, as they
In the provocation,
And as they in the Wilderness,
And day of Temptation.
Forty Years long was I grieved,
Your Fathers tempted me,
A Generation stiff a [...]d proud,
My Works they would not see.
A people that in heart do err;
They have not known my ways:
Into my Rest they never shall
Enter, to sing my praise.

Psalm 100.

O Come before the Lord ye Lands,
And make a joyful noise;
O serve the Lord with gladness, and
Before him come with praise.
O know ye that the Lord is God,
And we his Pasture Sheep;
He hath us made, not we our selves,
Therefore he will us keep.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
And in his Courts with praise,
Be thankful to him and rejoyce,
And bless his name always.
For thou, O Lord, art great and good,
Thy mercies ever sure,
Thy truth to Generations doth
Eternally endure.

Psalm 116.

I Will love thee O Lord my God,
Incline thy Ear to me;
Therefore as long as I do live,
I will call upon thee.
O Let my Voice and my Request, Lord,
Always accepted be,
From pains of Hell and sorrow,
For ever keep me free:
O Lord, I will call on thy Name,
Lord I beseech thee hear,
Thou gracious art and merciful,
And righteous every where:
O Lord preserve my drooping Soul,
O help, for I am low,
O bring my Soul unto thy rest,
That I thy love may know.
Deal bountifully with my Soul,
Deliver me from fears;
O keep my Feet from sliding Lord,
My mouruing Eyes from Tears:
Then I shall walk before the Lord,
Within the living Land;
I did believe, theref [...]re I spake
By thy afflicting hand.
I said in my passion, and haste,
That all men Liars be.
What shall I render to the Lord
For all his Love to me?
The Joyful Cup of Salvation
I thankfully will take,
And call upon the Name of God,
For his great mercy sake.
And pay my Vows unto the Lord.
Right precious in his sight
Is the Death of his people all,
As are the Saints in Light.
Truly I am thy Servant, Lord,
Thy Servant still will be:
O let those hands that thou hast loosed,
Tie me faster to thee.

Psalm 119. v. 105.

THY Word's a Lamp unto my Feet,
And a Light to my way:
Thy Righteous Judgments I will keep,
By Night and eke by Day.
I am afflicted very much,
In mercy quicken me:
O Lord, according to thy word,
Accept, I beseech thee,
The Free will Offerings of my Lips;
And thy Judgments teach for me.
My Soul is ever in my Hand,
Yet I forget uot thee.
The wicked have laid Snares for me,
Yet I erred not from thee.
Thy Testimonies and Precepts
My Heritage shall be.
For they are the Joy of my heart;
I am inclined alway
For to perform thy Statutes, Lord,
Unto the end, I say.

Psalm 147.

O Praise the Lord, for it is good
Unto our God to sing;
His Praise his comly in his Saints;
For 'tis a pleasant thing.
The Lord doth build Jerusalem,
And gathers the Out-cast
Of Israel together, that
None of them shall lie waste.
He healeth the broken in heart,
And binds up Wounds and Scars:
The Hosts of Heaven he calls by Name,
And numbereth the Stars,
Great is our God, and of great Power,
His Understanding deep:
He casts the wicked to the ground,
But raiseth up the meek.
Sing to the Lord with Thanksgiving,
Sing praise to God on high;
He maketh Grass on Mountains grow
By showers when they are dry.
He giveth to the Beast his Food,
And the Young Ravens, which cry:
In them that fear him, he delights,
Who hope in his mercy.
O praise the Lord, Jerusalem,
O Zion, thy God praise.
He doth make strong thy Bars and Gates,
And in thee Children Raise.
He maketh peace in thy Borders,
And Keeps all safe and sure:
He Feeds thee with the finest VVheat,
And Oil that is most pure.
To Persons Three in Trinity,
Adoration and Praise;
As hath been done since Time begun;
And so shall be always.

Isaiah 35. 10.

COme to Zion with Songs:
In heart with one accord,
Return with Everlasting Joy,
[...]e Ransomed of the Lord.
True Gladness to obtain,
With Faces Full of Joy.
Sorrow and Trouble then shall cease,
And signing fly away:
All Tears then from our Eyes,
VVhich down our Cheeks distil,
For offending our Saviour dear,
His Mercy and Good VVill;
Shall then be wiped away
From all our Faces sad;
For his inheritance shall we
For evermore be glad.

Hymn 1.

BEhold, now, saith the Lord of Hosts,
You Proud, that wickedly do boast,
The day is coming that shall burn
You up as stubble in an Oven,
As Ashes under Foot are trod,
The wicked shall fall by thy Rod;
And meet with no deliverance,
But be destroy'd both Root and Branch.
But upon you that fear my Name,
The Sun of Righteousness shall rise
VVith healing underneath his VVings,
And with great Joy our souls surprise.
O make us Captives of thy Love,
In true obedience to stand,
Humbly submitting unto thee,
In Faithfulness to thy Command.
Then Joyfully in thy presence,
Our Ransomed souls shall ever sing
Triumphant Hymns of Thankfulness,
To our Jehovah, Lord and King.

Hymn 2.

LOrd pardon my Feigned Requests,
O make me more sincere,
In love for to admire him,
VVho is my Saviour dear:
And with a full purpose of heart,
Now to cleave unto thee,
Taking delight to do thy will
In true sincerity.
O Lord help me now to draw near,
In truth of heart to thee,
In full assurance of thy Love
And Kindness unto me.
For in thy Righteousness thou hast
Proclaimed thy self to be.
O God that hears the prayers which
In Faith are made to thee,
Raise my Affections to thy house,
O God, where I may find
Supporting grace for to revive
My dead and darkned mind.
Rouze up my drowsie Soul, O Lord,
And make me stand upright;
My God shall be my Glory then,
And everlasting Light.
I will greatly rejoice in God,
My Soul shall joyful be:
VVith the Garments of Salvation,
O Lord, do thou cloathe me.
Then in thy Robes of Righteousness
Shall I with Joy appear
Before the Judgment Seat of him
Who is my Saviour dear.

Hymn 3.

DEar Lord, without thy special Grace,
Our souls cannot appear,
Nor stand before thy Judgment seat,
Who art just and severe.
But in thy mercy give us, Lord,
An heart for to express
Thy Loving Kindness to us shown,
With humble Thankfulness.
O help us to rely on thee,
Intercession to make;
And plead our Cause as Advocate,
Even for thy own Name sake.
For herein lies our happiness,
When we were at a loss,
Full satisfaction he hath made
In dying on the Cross.
O let this precious blood of thine,
Which was shed on that Tree,
Procure for us a lasting Peace,
And by it make us free.
O let it mollifie our hearts,
Which are grown hard by sin;
O make them soft, so we shall be
Pure and clean within.
O melt and make us new, O Lord,
By thy Spirit of Grace:
Transform us by thy mighty power,
That we may see thy Face:
And joyfully in thy Presence
For ever sit and sing
Hallelujahs unto our God,
Which doth salvation bring.
Hymn 4.
O Hear, and help me, Lord,
For on thee I depend:
Enable me to do thy will,
And seriously to spend
My days; for they are short,
My Glass is almost run:
Without thy special grace, O God,
I am utterly undone.
Make haste, and be my aid;
Give strength, for I am poor:
Let not thy mercy come too late,
I humbly thee implore.
At thy Throne of Grace
A Begger I will lie:
My Poverty is great, O God.
O do not me deny.
'Tis for my Saviour's sake
That I thus boldly crave
Supporting Grace for to uphold
My fainting Soul to save.
Then humbly I'le rejoice,
And of thy Goodness sing:
For thou my Refuge and Defence
From time to time hast been.
Hymn 5.
O Let thy Glory, Lord,
From day to day increase
Within our Land, and give to us
A firm and lasting peace.
And still maintain to us
Thy Gospel pure and bright:
O let not Antichrist prevail,
For to obscure our light.
Bring down their Pride, O Lord,
That are so high and strong,
And make them know that unto thee
Issues of War belong.
In their own Snares, O Lord,
Let them be taken fast,
Who labour to subvert thy Truth,
And work to lay it waste.
In deep designs they plot
Against thy sacred Name,
To bring on them that honour thee
Utter Rep [...]oach and Shame.
Arise, O Lord, and help,
By thine Almighty Power;
Defend and keep us by thy strength
from such as would devour.
Lord save our gracious King,
And grant him long to Reign;
Make him an Instrument on Earth,
True Justice to maintain.
Hymn 6.
O Lord, thou lovest Righteousness;
O help us to endeavour
For the Effects of Quietness,
And assurance for ever.
Still trusting on thy Word; for thou
Wilt be our sure defence:
Therefore will we humbly depend
On thee with confidence:
For thou, O Lord, hast always been
To us in all our need,
Ready when we upon thee call,
To answer us with speed.
Lord, let that Promise be made good
To us before we call,
That thou wilt answer us in peace,
And give us Grace withal,
Resolvedly on thee to trust,
So long as we have hreath:
For thou hast said I'le be your God,
And Guide, even unto Death.
O Lord, now let our Joy in thee
For evermore increase;
And in the end do thou Crown us
With everlasting Peace.
In holy Triumphs then shall we
Thy Hallelujahs sing,
Who by thy gracious Favour hast
Kept us from perishing.
Hymn 7.
O Seek the Lord, and seek his strength,
Seek him continually.
Let's joyn our selves in covenant,
With him perpetually.
Thy Face, O Lord, still I will seek,
And praise thee with my Voice.
Let all those that seek thee in heart
For evermore rejoice.
Thou lovest them that do love thee,
And are sincere in mind,
Who early after thee do seek;
They shall thy Favour find,
And joyfully in thee Repose
Our fainting Souls alway:
For on thy Providence are we
Resolvedly to stay.
O come, and let us seek the Lord;
In humbleness and fear;
While he is to be found, let us
Call on him while he's near.
For it is time to seek the Lord:
Arise therefore and seek
The living God to be our Guide,
And us in safety Keep.
Let all that love the Lord rejoice,
And Hallelujahs sing
Unto the God of our Mercies,
Which doth salvation bring.
Hymn 8.
BE pleas'd, oh Lord, to look upon our Sion,
And send thy Lamb to chase away the Lyon
Oh how unblest is that declining Nation,
Where Faith's quite lost, Religion out of fashion,
When Faction thrives, Religion starves at nurse,
Who sins with Egypt, must have Egypts curse.
But let's consider e're our time be spent,
How soon we sin, and yet how late repent.
He that delays Repentance makes great haste,
To his own ruin, and commits a waste
Upon his Soul, for every hour we spend,
And not repent, we wilfully befriend
Our Adversary Hell, whose Gins are set,
He lies and watches when to draw his Net:
The Net being drawn, well may we run about
And make our selves more fast attempting out,
Then our betrayed Souls may sadly say,
Had we repented, when 'twas said to day,
This Net had not ensnared us, but we must cry
We that did ever sin, must ever dye.
Hymn 9.
GRace is a vertue, by which we may attain
The lasting joy that doth above remain,
Where Souls above for ever live to sing
The Halleluia's of their Glorious King
Who in great triumph did ascend on high,
Freeing poor Souls from their captivity,
And bringing us into his perfect Bliss,
For by his purchase surely we are his;
For by his Blood our Souls have free access,
Into the place of perfect happiness,
There to enjoy the true Felicity,
That is prepar'd to all Eternity,
For those that Love, and in him do delight,
Shall never cease to see his Glory bright.
Lord fit us for our latter end,
Then Death will be to us a friend,
To let us free from all distress,
Aud bring os into Happiness,
For to enjoy thy dearest Love
Which is prepared for us above,
Where we for ever shall delight,
There to behold thy Glory bright.

Hymn 10.

LOrd save me for thy Mercies sake,
And hear when I do Pray,
For thou alone art my defence,
My Rock, my Hope, my stay.
O hearken Lord to my desire,
And then be pleas'd to hear,
Prepare my Heart humbly to Pray,
And then incline thy Ear,
To the requests which I do make,
My wants thou well dost see:
O give an Ear when I do Pray,
With longing after thee:
O give relief to my poor Soul,
Which languishing doth lye,
Support me by thy mighty Power,
Until I come to die;
So that at last I may attain
To that Felicity
VVhich is prepared in Heaven above
To all Eternity:
For such as in thy Law delight,
And therein spend their time,
They shall enjoy that lasting Light,
That in the Heavens doth shine.

On Isaiah 12.

O Lord I will praise thee, and say,
In the same day thou angry w [...]it,
Yet still thou comforts me alway,
For now thy Anger's gone and Past.
Behold God is my Salvation
On him I'le trust all times for aid:
The Lord Jehovah is my strength,
Then why should I once be afraid.
He is become my Song my Joy.
For my Salvation in him lies,
Therefore shall we draw from those wells,
Those riches we so highly prise.
And in that day then shall we say,
Praise ye the Lord, call on his Name,
Declare his doings all abroad,
And still exalt his mighty fame.
Sing to the Lord, for he hath done
Things excellent; 'tis known full well:
Rejoyce and shout all you that shall
Within his Holy City dwell.

Hymn 11.

DIrect me Lord in this thy day
Which I have lived to see,
O guide me by the Saving Grace,
Never to swerve from thee:
So that the Thoughts and eke the words
Which from my Mouth proceed,
May be according to thy word
Upright in truth and deed.
O help me faithfully to spend
The time thou dost afford,
In seeking still to do thy will
According to thy word.
O let thy word be my delight
My chiefest time to spend,
To know thy ttuths declar'd therein,
And understand the end
Of thy great kindness shew'd to us
By thy mercy so sweet.
When we were lost, thou didst provide
For us a Saviour meet.
Who for our sins laid down his Life,
And shed his blood so dear,
For to Redeem our wretched Souls,
And free us from that fear,
Which we upon our selves had brought
By departing from thee;
O cleanse us by that blood of his
And therewith set us free
From Satan's Bonds wherein we lie
In thraldom bound in Chains;
Release our captive Souls, for thou
Only can ease our pains;
That so our Hearts and Souls in thee
May ever more rejoice,
In singing praises to thy name,
With a delightful Voice:

Hymn 12.

WHen as the Lord his People doth
Bring back from Thraldom sad,
Then Jacob shall rejoyce and sing,
And Israel shall be glad.
The Lord is merciful and kind,
And gracious also,
In mercy plentious and free,
But in his anger slow.
Thy anger Lord's but a moment,
And for a nights weeping;
In thy favour is Life and Peace,
And Joy in the morning.
O shew to me the Path of Life,
Thy Treasure and thy Store,
At thy right hand fulness of Joy,
And pleasure ever more.
Surely the goodness of the Lord
Shall crown my future days,
For I shall dwell within thy House,
And ever give thee praise.

Hymn 13.

O Lord how long wilt thou
Thy presence from me hide
Let not thy wrath for ever b [...]rn,
And I therein betide.
Remember Lord how short
My days are to remain,
O keep me close unto thy self,
And not be made in vain.
What man is he that lives,
But once he must see Death,
My Soul deliver from the Grave,
When I give up my Breath.

Hymn 14.

O Sing unto the Lord, ye Saints,
Give praise unto his Name,
Remembring of his Holiness,
And thank him for the same.
O That the Lord would be to us,
As dew unto Zion,
Then shall we grow like to those Flocks,
That feed on Mount Hermon.
Rejoycing still in God our strength,
And trusting in his aid,
In his goud time he will provide,
We need not be afraid.
For in his everlasting Arms,
We shall be safe and sure
The Covenant which he hath made
For ever doth endure.
In faithfulness to them that do
On him truly depend,
He will preserve us to the last,
In happiness to end.
Our days, which through a vale of Tears
Are spent, as we may say,
At last shall reap most plentiful
An Harvest Crown'd with Joy.
Hymn 15.
UPon thy precious promises,
Lord, help us to rely,
Depending on thy Word; for thou
Wilt us nothing deny.
When we sincerely on thee wait,
According to thy will,
O then make good thy Word to us,
And our desires fulfil.
For the sake of our Saviour dear,
Bring us more close to thee,
That so we may enjoy thy love,
And thy salvation see.
Within thy New Jerusalem
Art sat in splendor bright,
Triumphing on thy Glorious Throne,
In Majesty and Might:
Where thy Redeemed ones shall sing
Hallelujahs to thee,
Who are the purchase of thy Blood,
And with the same made free
Of the great City, where our God
For evermore doth Reign,
Rejoicing with his Saints that were
In Tribulation slain.
Where we, before the Throne of God,
Shall serve him Day and Night,
Where we with Joy shall ever dwell
Within his Temple bright.
Hymn 16.
O Lord, make us to understand
The shortness of our Days,
And walk according to thy Word
Upright in all thy ways.
For who doth know how soon he may
Unto Account be brought,
For all the Deeds done in the flesh,
Which we our selves have wrought.
For every day before our eyes
Such Objects Fresh appear,
Which shew to us most certainly
We shall not long stay here.
O help us now for to prepare
For that approaching hour,
Trusting in Christ, that he alone
Will Raise us by his Power:
With him to live and Reign in Joy,
Hallelujahs to sing,
Triumphing in his Victories,
Which doth salvation bring
Unto all those that sincerely
For his Redemption pray,
And patiently lay down our Lives,
Because he led the way,
Through Death to happiness and bliss,
The true Felicity,
Which is prepar'd in Heaven above,
To all Eternity.
Hymn 17.
GReat Joy have they who on the Lord
Do trust for their Defence,
Always depending on his Love
With humble confidence.
He faithful is, and will preserve
All those that truly seek
For to behold his Face with Joy,
Unfeignedly and meek.
He will make glad their souls, when they
Sincerely on him stay,
And Keep them close unto himself,
That they' [...]go not astray.
Hymn 18.
O God for thy Name sake,
Let me thy mercy find;
Into thy Favour take my soul,
For I am poor and blind.
My Soul, is wounded sore,
My heart is weak and faint;
O Lord support me by thy Grace
Now I do make complaint.
Help me, O Lord, my God,
O save me, I desire;
That I may Know it is thy Hand,
And evermore admire.
Thy loving Kindness, Lord,
Help me for to express,
And never to forget thy Love,
Thy Mercy, and Goodness,
Which thou to me hast shown,
From time to time so free.
Continue still thy mercies, Lord,
And bring me close to thee.
O help me to depend
In faith upon thy grace,
That when this mortal Life shall end
I may enjoy thy Face,
In Glory, which thou hast
Prepar'd for me above,
Which is the purchase of the Blood
Of my dear Saviour's love.
Which on the Cross was shed
By my dear Saviour Kind,
To purge away my sins, that I
May sure Redemption find.
Hymn 19.
O Thou Eternal God of Life,
Prepare us for our End.
O help us on our Saviour dear
Sincerely to depend.
O let our Meditations, Lord,
Be fixed on that Day,
Trusting on Christ, that he alone
Will be our strength and stay.
So that approaching Death may not
Our drooping Souls annoy,
When our Redemption draweth nigh,
Lift up our Heads with Joy,
For to behold our dearest Lord.
In Glory to appear,
To take unto himself his Saints,
Who are his purchase dear.
So that with zealous Paul we may
In holy Triumph sing,
O Grave, where is thy Victory?
O Death, where is thy sting?
But thanks be to our God, who hath
Given us this Victory,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord; and saves
Our Souls from misery.
Therefore, beloved Brethren,
In stedfastness remain,
Kno [...]ing your labour in the Lord,
Shall never be in vain.
Hymn 20.
LOrd, Keep me in thy ways
That thou wouldst have me walk,
That so I may rejoice therein,
And of thy Goodness talk.
Direct me in thy Truth,
O God, be thou my Guide;
O Keep my Heart upright to thee,
So that I never slide:
Then I shall sing thy praise
Most chearfully and say,
That thou, O God, art my delight,
My only hope and stay.
On thee I'll ever Trust,
As on a Rock, most sure:
Thy Faithfulness remaineth still,
And ever shall endure.
O happy sure are they,
Who on his Grace relie,
For he will save us to the last,
And Crown us when we die
With Everlastiug Joy,
Within his heavenly place,
Where we fot ever shall behold
The Glory of his Face.
Hymn 22.
O Lord, for thy pardon I beg;
Unto thee I appeal:
Forgive my Transgressions, O God,
And my backslidings heal.
Through thy abundant Grace, O Lord,
Let me find fresh supply,
For to support my fainting soul,
Which languishing doth lie.
O God, let thy Almighty Power
My wicked thoughts subdue?
O let thy holy spirit, Lord,
My inward man renew.
O teach me to obey thy Voice,
And guide me in thy ways,
For by thy strength my life's upheld,
And the length of my Daies.
By thee is the fountain of life
Contin [...]ed unto me;
O le [...]t [...]y lo [...]ing Kindness, Lord,
Appear, that I may see.
That fullness which is hid in thee:
O lead me to the brink
Of the Rivers of thy Pleasures,
Where I may freely drink.
And with delight be satisfied
With fat and pleasant things,
Resting securely under
The shadow of thy VVings.
Now will I end as I began,
Begging pardon from thee;
O let the Blood of my dear Lord
For ever set me free.
Hymn 22.
O Lord, in mercy speak the word,
And my poor soul shall live;
For in thy loving Kindness thou
VVilt Grace and Glory give.
O Lord of Hosts, thou art my strength,
Do thou my prayer hear;
O God of Jacob, be my shield,
And in mercy give Ear.
O God of my Salvation,
Turn thy fierce wrath from me,
And cause thy Anger for to cease,
And draw me close to thee;
That in thy blood my Soul may find
A strong support from [...]ee [...]
O l [...]t the life of Grace increase
From day to day in me.
H [...]lp me with humble confidence
Still to rely on thee;
Fulfil thy p [...]omises, O Lord,
VVhich thou hast made to me.
O Lamb of God help me to live,
And daily on thee feed,
Being made free by thy dear Blood,
I shall be free indeed.
Now unto him that loved us,
And wash'd us from our Sin,
In his own Blood Shed on the Cross,
To make us clean within.
O Let us ever sing his Praise,
VVho is our sure defence,
And sincerely depend on him,
VVith humble Confidence.
Hymn 23.
O Lord incline our Hearts to seek.
After that rest above,
O wean our Hearts from things below,
And fix them on thy Love;
For thou in Mercy hast prepar'd
For us a resting-Place,
Help us sincerely to prepare
For to enjoy thy Face.
O Let thy Gracious Presence Lord
Convey us to thy rest,
We finding favour in thy Sight,
May happy be and blest.
Stand in the way, and see the Paths,
Ask for the good old way,
And walk therein, so shall we find
Rest for our Souls I say.
O Let us not through unbelief
From thy Presence be cast;
But in thy Mercy bring us Lord
Unto thy rest at last
Then Hallelujahs we shall sing,
And ever give thee Praise,
Great are thy Works, O King of Saints,
Just and true are thy Ways.
Hymn 24.
O Lord I am undone,
Without thy special Grace,
I humbly beg thy Favour Lord,
That I may see thy Face,
And joyfully in thee,
For evermore rejoice,
And sing thy Praises sincerely
VVith a melodious Voice;
For thou hast always been
To me a sure defence,
Therefore will I humbly depend
On thee with Confidence.
And on thy VVord rely,
As on an Anchor sure
Thy VVord in Faithfulness and Truth
For ever doth endure,
Therefore in Heart will I
Thy Hallelujahs sing.
VVho by thy sufferings on Earth,
Did [...] [...]y S [...]vation bring.
Blest be th [...] Day that thou
Didst for me undertake
To Plead my Cu [...]se as advocate
And [...] [...]ke
T [...] [...] might come
In [...] [...] [...]bove,
V [...] Ete [...]
Shall [...] po [...]sess thy Love,
My shaking Hand, and trembling Heart
To me do plainly tell,
That in this Tabernacle here,
I have not long to dwell.
O Lord do thou look down on me
Even for thy Mercy sake,
And draw me close unto thy self,
And into Favour take.
O God help me with serious Thoughts
And longings after thee,
Prepare to meet my Saviour dear,
His Salvation to see.
To thee O Lord I make my moan,
To thee I humbly pray,
O let thy Mercy me support
And be my Strength alway.
O give to me a taste of thine
Eternity so sweet,
Then humbly I will lay my self
At my dear Saviour's Feet.
O when shall I come and appear
Before my Lord and King,
With Joy to all Eternity,
And Hallelujahs sing.
Hymn 26.
O Lord watch over me for good,
This Night while I do sleep,
O Let thy Holy Spirit Lord,
My Soul in Safety keep.
Then in the Morning when I wake,
I will rejoice in thee.
And sing thy Praises all the Day
For thy Kindness to me.
For thou O Lord art my defence,
The Strength whereby I stand,
O still support me by thy Grace,
And guide me with thy Hand,
Into those ways which lead to life,
O Lord do thou Direct
My Feet into those Paths where thou
Wilt safely me protect.
Then Chearfully in thee, O Lord
VVill I lift up my Voice,
For by thy loving Kindness thou
Hast made me to rejoice.
In humble Thankfullness will I
My Praises offer thee,
VVhen Face to Face my ravish'd Eye,
Thy Salvation shall see.
Hymn 27.
O Lord if I in Faith dare let
My Anchor on thee fall,
I have no need of earthly Trash,
For thou art all in all.
Mount up my Soul, and in thy Thoughts
Shake off those VVorldly Toys,
And fix thy Eye on the Mansions
Of Heavens Eternal Joys.
Lord raise, and rouze my sluggish heart
Sincerely for to mind.
The swift approaching Shadows shew,
Death is not far behind.
Lord let thy Gracious Bounty fill
My empty Soul with Praise,
And then in humble Thankfullness
Let Peace conclude my days.
Then shall my Soul greatly rejoice
In possessing thy Treasure,
To all Eternity, and swim
In never fading Pleasure.
Triumphantly there shall I sing
Hallelujahs to thee;
For by thy Blood shed on the Cross
My Captive Soul's made Free.
Hymn 28.
O Lord how shall my Guilty Soul
Before thy strict Tribunal stand,
For I have broken all thy Laws,
And disobeyed thy just Command.
But thou Oh Lord art Merciful,
And of thy Goodness gives me Breath,
And swearest by thy self that thou
Delights not in the Sinner's Death.
Upon thy Invitation Lord
To thee I come in my Distress,
Some Pity take on my poor Soul,
And Seal to me a free Release:
O cleanse me Lord from all my Sins,
By thy dear Blood, which on the Cross,
Was poured out for to redeem
My Captive Soul when at a loss.
O let it not be shed in vain,
And I to have no share therein,
O let some drops upon me fall,
To purge me from the stains of Sin.
O purify my Heart and Mind;
And thy Free Pardon let me see,
Then Hallelujahs I shall sing
To all Eternity with thee.
Hymn 29.
O VVhither shall I [...]fly, O Lord,
Or what path shall I seek,
For to escape thy flaming wrath,
And punishment so deep?
VVhere shall I hide my self until
Thy angry Thunder's past?
What silent Desart can me Keep,
When I by thee am cast?
O Lord, in mercy cast an Eye
Of Pity upon me;
For on thy Grace will I r [...]lie,
And still depend on thee.
Lord, I am vile, and in my self
Before thee trembling stand;
O Give Relief to my poor soul,
The work of thine own hand.
Nothing but mercy, Lord, I beg;
For that I only crave,
Redemption by thy precious Blood
My guilty soul to save.
Therefore will I humbly admire
Thy boundless love to me,
In redeeming my life with thine,
My Captive soul to free.
Now Lord, in humble Thankfulness
Will I give praise to thee,
And [...]ll of all thy wondrous works
Which thou hast done for me.
Hymn 30.
O Lord, I am upon the brink
Of an E [...]dless Eternity;
Fn [...] it, cannot be lon [...] [...]efore
I must lay down my head, and die.
O Lord, fit me for that great change
That hasteth on, wherein I must
Resign my murmuring breath, and be
Turned into Rottenness and Dust.
But in the Lord I put my trust,
And in all humble subjection
Depending on thy mighty power
For a joyful Resurrection
At that great Day when thou wilt sit
In triumph on thy holy Hill,
Where we in Everlasting Joy
With thine Elect shall drink our fill
Of that New Wine in thy Kingdom;
VVhere we in Peace and Joy shall sing
Eternal Hymns of Thanks and Praise
To our Redeemer, Lord and King.
Hymn 31.
CHear up, my soul, in this dark night,
VVhich seems to me so long.
My God will cause his Ear to hear,
If I can find a Tongue,
Sincerely upon him to call
VVhen I am in distress.
O then make bare thy Arm, to save,
And give a free Release
To my poor Soul, which bound doth lie
A Prisoner fast in Chains.
Dear Lord, set free my captive Soul,
And ease me of my pains.
By thy dear Blood give my poor soul
Refreshing hopes in thee,
Then chear fully shall I rejoice
Thy Redemption to see.
[...] [...]
O Lord help me to strive till death;
Support my feeble strife,
That at the last I may obtain
From thee a Crown of Life
Within thy New Jernsalem,
Where I shall gladly sing
Eternal Praises to my God,
Which doth salvation bring.
Hymn 32.
O Lord, unfeignedly I beg
Supporting Grace from thee:
O let me not be overcome
By wicked Thoughts in me.
Into subjection bring my will,
Humbly for to admire
That boundless Love of thine to me,
I nothing more desire.
O that I could sincerely prize
Thot bleeding Breast of thine,
Which pierced was for to redeem
This sinful soul of mine.
Well may my empty Soul bewail
The greatness of my loss,
When I cannot in Faith behold
My Saviour on the Cross,
Bleeding out his hearts Blood for me
Upon that cursed Tree,
With Arms stretcht out, and Feet fast nail'd
Poor captive Souls to free.
O that I could by Faith embrace,
And fast about him cling,
Then chearfully shall I rejoice,
And Hallelujahs sing.
Hymn 33.
DEar Lord in mercy help
This wretched Soul of mine:
Make bare thy Arm, and send Relief
By thy Spirit Divine.
Consider my Distress,
How poor and low am I;
Refresh me with thy saving grace,
For on thee I relie.
'Tis pardon, Lord, I beg,
For that I only crave,
With free Redemption by thy Blood
My guilty Soul to save.
O cleanse me from my sins,
Then I will spend my days,
In setting forth thy boundless Love,
And celebrate thy Praise.
With thankful Lips will I
My Praises offer thee,
Still thirsting for the living God,
His salvation to see.
Bring me to that Fountoin,
And Spring of Life so clear,
Where streams of mercy over-flow
From my sweet Saviour dear.
There shall my fainting Soul
For evermore be blest,
Sweetly Reposing in thy Arms,
In everlasting Rest.
Psalm 51.
O God have mercy upon me,
According to thy Love;
O blot out my Transgressions,
And let thy Kindness move.
Through tender mercies to my Soul,
O cleanse me from my sin.
O wash me thoroughly, O Lord,
From all my stains within.
My Transgressions, which are so great,
I acknowledg to thee;
O Lord be pleas'd, in mercy kind,
To set thy Servant free.
Against thee only have I sinned,
In presence of thy sight,
I am condemned, thou justified,
Because thou Judgest Right.
Behold, I shapen was in sin,
And in iniquity
Was I conceived, and so brought forth
To death and misery,
But thou desirest Truth, O Lord,
Within the inward part.
Help me to keep true Wisdom there,
Tho in a broken Heart.
Purge me with Hysop, then O Lord,
I shall be clean I know,
Wash my poor soul, and I shall be,
More whiter than the Snow.
Lord, make me to hear with Joy,
And Gladness, that my Bones,
Which thou hast broken may rejoice,
With Penitential Groans.
O hide thy Face from all my Sins,
Iniquities blot out,
Create in me a heart O God,
That may be clean throughout.
Cast me not from thy Sence,
But let thy Spirit free,
Restore to me thy Salvation
That I may joyful be.
Let thy holy Spirit Lord
From day to day renew,
My inward Man, that I may know,
Thy Precepts which are true.
Then I will teach Sinners thy ways,
And bring Converts to thee,
Transgressors shall walk in thy Paths
In perfect Liberty.
O Lord God of my Salvation,
From bloody Guiltiness
Deliver me, my Tongue shall sing,
Aloud thy Righteousness.
O Lord do thou open my Lips,
And I will fing thy Praise,
My Mouth shall never cease to tell
Of thy Goodness alwavs.
No Sacrifice dost thou desire,
Else would I give it thee,
Burnt-offerings thou delight'st not in,
But true Sincerity.
O God thy Sacrifices are
A contrife Heart for Sin,
Which thou wilt not despise, O Lord,
But takest delight therein.
O Lord in thy good Pleasure do,
Unto thy Sion good,
Build thou the Walls again O God,
Where thy Jerusalem stood.
With righteous Sacrifices Lord,
Thou wilt be pleased alway,
When we our offerings sincerely,
Unto thy Altar pay.
December 25. 1694.
This is a joyful day indeed,
Which God himself hath wrought,
Our Admiration let it raise
What he to pass hath brought.
O let us give Glory to God,
Who gave to us his Son,
For to redeem our Captive Souls
When utterly undone.
A Gift so high beyond compare,
None but a God could give,
In offering up his only Son,
That our poor Souls might live.
O let us with the Heavenly Host,
To God our Prayers sing,
For sending us a Saviour dear,
Which doth Salvation bring.
For unto us a Child is born,
A Counsellour most Wise,
A Prince of Peace who will defend
Us from our Enemies.
So that ovr Souls shall never want,
Who trust on his Mercy,
For he will guide us to those Springs
Which run continually.
O bring us that Fountain pure,
And bathe our Souls therein,
Take off our Leprosie oh Lord,
And cleanse us from from our Sin.
That so unspottedly we may
Before thy Presence stand,
And hear that joyful Sentence given
To them on thy right Hand.

Grace before Meat.

GRacious Lord God, Thou art the Foun­tain of Grace and Goodness, that's ever flowing, and ever full; thou pro­videst for us in this Life, and for a better: Thou hast spread our Table be­fore us at this Time: We humbly Pray thee let it not become a Snare unto us, but let us eat and drink as in thy Pre­sence, and let those Mercies we are now about to receive from thee, engage our Hearts to love thee more, and serve thee better: And this we beg for Christ Jesus Sake. Amen.

After Meat.

GRacious Lord God, it is of thy great Mercy we are not consumed, because thy Compassions fail not: Thou hast fed our Bodies with thy Good Creatures at this time; we humbly pray Thee do thou take Care for the feeding of our poor [Page 78] Souls, and let us take heed now we have Eaten, and are full, lest we forget thee our God; continue thy Favours to us, make us glad with thy Inheritance, and visit us with thy Salvation, and all for the Sake of dear our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen.

WAit and expect, but fear not Death,
And always have a due regard
Unto that promised recompence.
That brings with it a sure reward.
When as my face grows pale and wan;
And feeble knees together smite,
When loins are pain'd and heart doth melt,
And eyes begin to loose their sight.
O my dear God, I humbly beg,
From thee alone supporting Grace;
Whereby I may enabled be,
To look grim death into the Face,
When fainting sweat bedews my Face,
And whispering thoughts come in my Head,
When breath grows short and speech doth fail,
And friends stand weeping round my bed.
Then my dear Lord I humbly pray,
From thee alone assisting Grace;
Whereby I may with courage strong,
Look Ghastly Death into the Face,
Assuredly believing that
My Saviour dear will set me free;
Then Chearfully shall I rejoyce,
In singing praises unto thee.
Upon the Languishing Decay,
Of my dear friend Nicholas Day,
With serions thoughts I made this hymn,
September twenty one, G. M.


PAge 1. line 24. for prostrate. r. prestered. p. 13. l. 33. for then. r. thou. p. 24. l. 30. for bound. r. Loved. p. 37. l. 9. for only r. early. p. 38. l. 13. r. those. p. 40. l. 25. for God. r. Good. p. 41. l. 26. for promises. r. praises. p. 43. l. 3. r. they did. p. 44. l. 3. r. Lord. p. 47. l. 11. r. in his. p. 73. l. 23. for over. r. ever. p. 74. l. 3. r. Lord. ditto. l. 28. r. O Lord. p. 75. l. 5 r. O cast. ditto. l. 9. r. O let. p. 75. l. 5. r. presence. p. 77. for the r. that. p. 78. for dear r. our dear.

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