The First Part.

By MONTELION Knight of the Oracle, &c.

The second Edition Corrected.

LONDON: Printed by I. Brudenell for Henry Marsh at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane near Fleetstreet. 1661.




CHAP. 1. How Cromwel Soldan of Britain dyed, and what befel his Son the Meek Knight.

NOw had Cromwel the dread Soldan of Britain through the importunity of death, with much unwillingness left this World, and his Son Ricardus, sirnamed for his great valour the Meek Knight, reigned in his stead: When loe fortune having now a mind to eat sauce with his meat, resolves to gather this great Mushrome, and lay him in pickle. There were at that time in England many good Knights who had been greatly despised and evilly intreated by the Soldan in his life time, who sought all advantages to reck their most [...]implacable malice on his Son the Meek Knight who was placed on the Throne in the room of his Fa­ther: The chief of these was Sir Lambert, the Knight [Page] of the Golden Tulep; One of an eager and revengeful [...]pirit; and beside that very ambitious, so that he not onely sought to be revenged on the Meek Knight for the injuries he had received from his Father, but to make himself chief Soldon also; however he was very slye and close, and would by no means discover himself until that by his fair carriage he had won to his side made many of the chief Soldans Knights, who had him in great honour and esteem, for that they took him to be a right cunning and valorous Champion.

CHAP. II. Of the Birth of Sir Vane, Knight of the most mystical Allegories.

WHen nature by true consanguinity had created him in his Mothers Womb, she dreamed to be con­ceived of a Firebrand, that should set on fire her Mansion House, which dream she long concealed and kept secret until her painful burden was grown so heavy that she was scarce able to endure it: so finding at length an oportunity to reveal it to her husband, she revealed her dream in this manner, ‘My most honourable Lord, you know that I am your true and lawful Wife, yet never was in in hope of Child till now, or that by me your name should survive: Therefore I conjure you by the pleasures of your youth, and the dear and natural love you bear unto the Infant conceived in my Womb, that either by art, wisodome, or some other inspiration you calculate upon my trouble; some dreams, and tell me what they are; For night by night no sooner doth sweet sleep seize upon my sences, but I dream that I am conceived of a dreadful fire­brand, the which shall set on fire our Mansion House:’ To which her husband answered in this maner, ‘My most [Page] dear and beloved Lady, what art or learning can perform with all convenient speed shall he accomplished; for ne­ver shall rest take possession of my heart, nor sleep close up the closets of my eyes, till I understand the significa­tion of this troublesom matter.’

Thereupon he travelled through many Deserts and Wildernesses, hoping to meet with the Hermitage of some Inchantress, but he could find none: For then Yilil the Necromancer dwelt not in the Strand, neither were there any Sorcerers in Southwark; Whereupon seeing no other means to attain his desired end, he went and bought him a Fortune-Book and a Bale of Dice, and car­ried them home to his beloved Lady, who with great earnestness expected his return for two reasons, first out of curiosity, and then because that supper was like to be spoiled. Being return'd home, and having refresh'd his weary body with corporal Food; as he was sitting at the Table, after the cloath was taken away, he called for the said Fortune-Booke, and [...]aused his Wife to throw three Dice, under the Philosopher Pythagoras, who dire­cted them to this following saying of Haly the Conjurer, whi [...]h gave them full satisfaction of the nature of the In­fant. The Uerses were these.

This Son is thine with Heav'ns good leave,
His Tongue all people shall deceive;
Folks shall thee curse for thy nights work,
When thou him got'st, nor Christian, nor Turk.
Throw Dice no more on any Day,
For it is truth what ere I say.

CHAP. III. How the Knight of the mysterio [...]s Allegories grew up, and how he put strife between his Mother and her Maids, and caused his Father and Mother to go to­gether by the ears.

VVHile both the Father & the Mother were scanning what the meaning should be of this same Ora­cle; The Childe himse [...]fe gave still an exposition more and more cleare as he grew in yeares: 'Tis true that when he was a Childe he acted but the Childs part, and exercised his Talents on more mean subjects, though hee were not unmindful of his work in what ever Spheare he mov'd: He began with his Mothers Maides, between whom and his Mother hee made perpetual discords and dissentions, by accusing either the Maide to the Mistress, or the Mistress to the Maid; nor could he endure to see his Father and Mother in peace, using the same policies to set them also at variance, which he did with so much dexterity, that one might perceive how he made it his stu­dy: What ever he knew his Fa [...]her dislik'd in his Mo­ther, that he made her continually acting: and what his Mother approv'd not of in his Father, of that he render'd his Father alwayes most guilty.

CHAP. IV. How his Father sent him to School, and how he there set the Boyes against their Master, and bred diffe­rences between the Master and his Wife.

BUT when these tricks of the young stripling were reveal'd to his Father, he bethought himself of rid­ding [Page] this little vermin out of his house: Wherefore he caused great search to be made after a worthy Pedagogue: and at length one was found and brought unto him: ‘To whom the Father of the stripling thus said, Sir Pe­dagogue, I have here a Son whom I woul [...] have thee to instruct, and bring up with great care; the [...]efore if thou wilt take him, and keep him seven years, and give him such instruction as thou art able, I will after that greatly advance thee and thy generation.’ Sir Pedagogue made the Father of the youth a great bow, and a most ob­sequious leg, and said unto him, Sir Knight, I will per­form all thy commands. Thereupon he took the stripling home, and endoctrinated him with very exceeding paines. But long had not the young Lad bin there, but according to his usual course he sowed such seeds of dissention a­mong the Boyes, that instead of their former obedience and respect, they exercised now nothing but rebellion and disobedience: It was enough for the Master who before could frown every Schollar he had into a loosness, now to beseech them to lay down their Brick-brats. His Wife too, who had before so long been loving to him, now scolds at him like a Butter-whore, and he hates her that so late­ly was so dear to him. Fathers complaine▪ the Master fumes, the Mistress rants▪ the Husband vexes; in a word, all things are so much out of order, that Sir Pedagogue preferring his present peace before his future advancement resolves to carry back this primum mobile of mischiefe, for such he soon discovered him to be. to his own Parent, not being able him else longer to endure the trouble of his vexatious contrivances: When the ancient Seer beheld his Son so soon return'd unto him he said unto the Peda­gogue, What are the seven years expir'd already? Then said the Pedagogue, I well know Sir Knight, that the se­ven years are not yet expired; but so great do I find the capacity of your Son, that should I keep him as my poor gymnasyolum, I should both wrong you▪ and injure the [Page] Youth: Therefore have I restor'd him to you again, that you may provide for him according to his wonderful and most forward genius. The crasty Fox his Father too well knew the disposition of his young Cub, therefore said he unto the Pedagogue, O no! This is not the cause of my Sons so soon return, I fear something worse, and therefore I conjure thee to tell me the truth: Was hee not wont to set thee and thy Boys together by the eares? Did she not cause much strife and contention between thee and thy Wife, so that neither thou, nor they, nor she could rest in quiet for him: To which the Pedagogue made answer, that since he must confess the truth, 'twas even as he had said, and no otherwise. At which words of the Pedagogue, the old man shook his head as if he would have shaken his teeth out of his mouth▪ for he was very sorrowful to hear of the evil courses which his yong Son p [...]oceeded in.

CHAP. V. How Sir Vane sent his Son to the King's School, and of the tumults which he raised there by his Sorceries; how he plotted with the other Boys to breake the Preceptor's neck, and of his Allegory.

SIR Vane having had so ill success with his Son in one place. resolves to send him to another, where he might be more severely look'd after: He had not thought long, but he thought of the Kings Schoole: Now it so came to pass, that at that time there lived there a Gyant, who was a very cruel and imperious Dominator over the buttocks of youth, one that spared none, but very grievously and sorely lashed all alike: he was hight Sir O beston, whose School was liks Kalybs Rock, where you heard nothing all day long, but the screeks and ruful groans of [Page] children and boyes elaborately corrected. Hither the little Fox came, his Father intending that he should be in this place terrified out of all his designs: But what mortal is able to stop the course of the splendiferous Son, who can quell the raging Boreas, or change the wilde nature of the roaring Lion? Even so impossible was it to drive back the ill nature of this Youth, though it were with Pitch-forks; wherefore he went on in his old trade, put­ting in practise his wonted spells and magical words: the effects whereof did presently appear, for in a little while the Schollars were all in an uproar, some would only study on holy dayes, and play upon working dayes, others would begin at the end of their Books, and read toward the beginning, saying it was the best way, and that the Preceptor was a Dunce: Then because that one of the Preceptors knowing the dangerous consequence of these innovations, st [...]ove to oppose them, young Sir Vane con­trives with them how to break his neck, and so ordered the matter that they should follow the Preceptor to the top of the stairs, and throw him down headlong. But the plot being discovered, he was called to a very strict account. Sirrha quoth the Gyant of the Kings School, what fury hath possessed thy overwhelmed mind, proud princock thus to adventure thy feeble contrivances against the violence of my strong arm: The Youth though confounded with the threatning words of the Gyant, durst not deny what he knew was so well known; and therefore he sought to put it off with an Allegory, for he was full sore afraid of the Gyant, who had then in his hand a great Tree which he mannaged with as much dexterity, as if it had been a Ferula; Sir Gyant, quoth he, I do deny that ere I advi­sed any Person to break the Preceptors neck. How quoth the Gyant, can you deny what is already proved to your face? Then answer'd the youn Sorcerer I am not right­ly understood, for I perswaded them not to break the substantial neck of the Preceptor, but the invisible neck [Page] of his pride. Then quoth the Gyant, Oh Uarlet! hast thou such fine excuses so early for thy mischief? but the shall stand thee in little stead. Then the Gyant caused his breeches to be taken down, and his shixt to be taken up, and with his Tree so nimbly bestirred himself, and laid such vehement blows upon his flesh, that they seemed to shake the Earth. There quoth the Gyant, take the de­served reward of thy treasons, and be gone from hence thou wicked and destructive vermine, for I will no more endure thee, since I have now broken thy charms where­with thou didst intend to have enchanted my Castle.

CHAP. VI. How he was sent into Nova Anglia, and how he pre­vailed there also by his Sorceries, how he was thrust out again by the people of that place, and what the Seer Cotton said to him at his departure.

AFter that the Gyant of the Kings School had thus expelled him, he betook himself to the Court, but because he could be pleas'd with nothing, he also took very great distast at the government of the king who then reig­ned in Britain. Wherfore he began to give his inchant­ed Cup about, and many drank thereof and were poysoned so that there appeared great signs of future contentions and confusions among those of the Court who were the Kings subjects by reason of his coming thither, which when his father saw, he greatly feared the inconvenien­cies which might arise from the sorceries of his Son, wherefore he contrived how he might send him out of the Land. Therefore he devised with the King that he might be sent away unto Nova Anglia as Governour of that place; Now so it was that at that time the people of that Countrey, as most people that are but newly seized in [Page] their possessions lived in great peace and quiet, and served the God of their Country with exceeding unity, but no sooner was Sir Vane come thither, but he caused a won­derfull alteration of affaires among the people. He had delivered into his hands all the chief Castles of the Coun­trey, so that he commanded with a very great controuls; Then said Sir Vane unto the people of the Land, is it fit that yee should maintain a company of idle persons here only for talking unto you in your Temples once a week; are not yee your selves able to do as much? yea and more if you would set your selves thereunto, why should you then part with such a considerable share of the swe [...]t of your browes, and that upon so triviall a score; When the people examin [...]d these things, they seemed very plausible at first, whereupon some of them deny'd to pay the Priest his due, others drew away the people from their Priests, and instructed them in the Fields, and their private Hou­ses, having the Temples in great contempt and derision, which when the Priests perceived, they were greatly dis­pleased, and cursed the people, then the people cursed them, so that in a short while their private animosities brake forth into publick rage one against the other. When the Elders of the Land saw the confusion which was likely to happen, they resolved to remove the cause of their mischief; therfore they went to Sir Vane and sharply rebuking him, bid him prepare to be gone out of their Countrey, for that they had provided a ship, & a Coach to carry him to the sea. Sir Vane who was an errant Coward, durst not deny them, so they plac'd him in a Cart, causing him to sit down on an old Trunck on that part which is over the Horse; after this said the Elders unto the people, this is he that hath caused all this mischiefe among us; Then the people fol­low'd him, hooping and hollowing, not ceasing to throw dirt and stones at him till he was got into the Ship; The Seer Cotton seeing him departed said unto the people, let us now return with joy that this Uiper hath left us, for [Page] he is the bane of Nations, nor can any greater unhappiness befall a Land than for him to set his foot there. When with tears in his eyes he cryed out Oh England, England, better is it that that Ship should perish with the Master, and all the Marriners, then that that young Man whom thou didst breed should return unto thee again.

CHAP. VII. How Sir Vane was honoured by the Priest of the Temple of Blind Zeal, and how he was by the said Priest anoint­ed Knight of the Order of the most misterious Allegories.

AFter this it came to passe that when the Priest of the Temple of Blind Zeal heard of the great fame of Sir Vane, and of the opinions which he held, he thought the time long till he could come to interparley with him. For said he to himself our Religion is built upon the bases of anarchy and confusion, to the establishing of which all the imaginations of this Mans brains do tend; Wherefore the Priest sent unto him two fellows that were shabby, whose Shooes were tyed with packthread, and in whose eyes Cuffs were as the abominations of the Heathen, who calling for the Man of the House, presented him with this Epistle.

The Priest of the Order of Blind Zeal, to the most mischie­vous of men Sir Vane, high in his imaginations, low in his deserts, and most imperious in his Councel.

My Son,

HAving lately heard of thy great virtues so agreeable with the Heresies which I professe, according to the dictates of that powerful Goddesse whose chief Priest I am, I could not choose but send unto thee these two slovenly [Page] fellows partly to confirme thee, and partly to scrape ac­quaintance with thee. I do find that thou dost imitate Ma­homet very well and dost indeavour to root up one Religi­on by letting in another to overpower it. Stay ye [...] but a little while, and I will be with thee and help thee with my exhortations, in the mean time be kind unto those two whom I have sent unto thee, for the one is a Tinker, the other a Currier, but both great Deceivers. Farewell.

When Sir Vane had read this Epistle, he was then also covetous of the acquaintance of the High Priest, and immediately sent for him; when he was come, they dis­coursed together, and when they had so done, they were filled with joy at the sight of each other: For he talked unto the High Priest in most high and misterious Alle­gories, saying unto him that Magistracy was the Throne and Seat of the Beast. That the Rulers of the Earth must be brought at last to serve him and his faction; That his people are not to be subject to the Iudicials of Mo [...]es; That the new Creature is faith, which translates a Man out of the naturall into the spirituall body, and is called his new Creature state; That all Ministers that have the Father and the Son, need not run to the Majestrate for maintenance. That all Ministers that upheld Stée­ple Houses were the relicts of Popery; That the fal [...] of Adam was only a type of the instability of fortune. That the Devill is the universall worldly spirit, exercising dominion and rule under various formes and admini­strations of government. That learning and Universi­ties are of dangerous consequences in a well order'd go­vernment.

When the High Priest heard him speak these things he marvelled very much, and greatly praised him, for that quoth he, if these things were well taught, and well be­leiv'd, they would doubtlesse destroy the religion of the Christians, who are our most mortall enemies. Then did [Page] the High Priest bow unto Sir Vane saying to him, Thou art in power, and as thou endeavourest to doe our work so is it fit that thou shouldst receive honour from us. 'Tis true quoth he, thou art a Knight after the order of the Christians, but throw it off, for it will be very injurious unto thee; and take from me a title which shall be more beneficiall, and comfort thy self in this that then thou shalt be a better Knight then any in the World. Then did the High Priest aske him whether he could fight or no. To which Sir Vane reply'd that he never could nor never would fight. The High Priest was right glad of this, for that he could now performe the office himself by anoint­ing, whereas otherwise he must have been forc'd to have sent for a Warriour on purpose to have dub'd him. Thus the High Priest took leave for the time, telling him that in thrée days he would returne; desiring him in that space to prepare himselfe for the honour he was to receive. He was to eate nothing but emblematicall dyet, as round cab­bages which seeme to resemble the Earth, and its destru­ction by fire, in that they are to be boyl'd before they can be eaten. He was likewise to feed upon Swines flesh be­cause a Hog was the embleme of ingratitude: he might likewise feed upon Horse flesh, because the Bible spake much of them, and that eating them out of the way was the only means to keep Men from not putting their trust in them; He might drink botled Claret by reason of its emblematicall life and quickness, and he might likewise take Tobacco if his Pipe had this motto on it, Evanescit ut su nus; but he was forbid to drink Greek Wine be­cause that the Christians us'd it at their Communions.

In the mean while the High Priest, being loath to defile so great a solemnity with any oyle that had been un­hallow'd by the touch of the Christians, sent two of his Disciples to cut off a great peice of a certaine Whale which was kil'd a little before in the River of Thame [...]is, which accident they attributed to the kind provision of the [Page] Goddess blind Zeal, thereof to make a sacred oyle of their own, and which they pray'd the Goddess blind Zeal to allow of for their purpose; This done, after the end of thrée dayes the High Priest return'd to Sir Vane, whom he first question'd concerning the performance of what he had commanded, who whether he had done it or no, so well dissembled his past obedience that the High Priest oft times gave credit unto his saying; Then the High Priest proceeding, it is now Sir Vane quoth he, that I must cause thee to kneel, that others after this may be bound to kneel to thee; To which when Sir Vane had yielded, he poured the Trane Oyle upon his locks, bid­ding him then to rise up Sir Vane, Knight of the Order of the most mysterious Allegories. Then giving him some few instructions, as that he should be zealous in carrying on the great work of building up Babell, which the God of the Christians had for so long time hindred from being finish'd, and that he should seek nothing but the advance­ment of confusion and Atheisme, most solemnly he took his leave of Sir Vane, and retired into his Temple which was situate in that part of the Metropolis of Britain cal'd Colemanstreet,

CHAP. VIII. How Sir Lambert Knight of the Golden Tulep, and Sir Vane Knight of the most mysterious Allegories, made a League together.

THE honour done to Sir Vane being greatly noised abroad, and his dexterity in mischiefe being very well known, Sir Lambert thinking him a fit instrument for the effecting his design, came to him and exceedingly desired his assistance. Then said Sir Vane unto the Knight of the Golden Tulep, I am right glad to see so good a [Page] Knight at my Castle. Know then Sir Lambert that I have always bare you a very great lov [...], neither is there any Knight in Brittain whom I honour like unto your self, I know right well that thou dost far exceed in feats of Armes, and that I am right craftier in councell; wherefore then should we suffer the Meek Knight to be chief Soldan over us. who is not at all like unto thée for Chivalry? Why do we not revenge on him the inju­ries done us by his Father? When Sir Lambert heard this, he waxed greatly in wrath with the Meek Knight, and sware by his sturdy steed Snorter, that he would not cease till he had pulled the Souldan out of his Palace by the ears, so that he might have the advice of the Knight of the most mysterions Allegories. Then Sir Vane pro­mised to assist Sir Lambert all that he might, on condition that he should be the next in dignity to him when he was chief Soldan. Then Sir Lambert swore unto Sir Vane by all the soules of his Ancestors that so it should be; And moreover quoth Sir Lambert, in token of this friendship between us, I freely give the fair Maid of Wimbleton my Daughter unto thy eldest Son so well known by the name of the overgrown Child; and know right well Sir Vane that she is a right comely Dame, and one for whom many a sturdier Knight then he would be content to try the sharpnesse of their blood thirsty lances. She shall have for her Dowry my Palace of Wimbleton, once the Dowry of a Queen, and [...]f my sword fail me not I may chance to make her chief Soldaness of Brittain. When Sir Vane heard this he looked full jocandly [...]pon Sir Lambert; Then they clipped and hugged one another, and sware to be as true to one anothers interest, as the Cripples of the Forrest of Covent Garden are to one another in con­cealing the Rogueries which they commit.

CHAP. IX. How the Knight of the Golden Tulep, and the Knight of the mysterious Allegories came to the Castle of Sir Fleet­wood the contemptible Knight, where they met with the grim Gyant Desborough, and how they went all three and pulled the Meek Knight who was then cheif Soldan out of his Palace by night.

SIR Lambert séeing now fortune begin again to cast her wonted smiles upon him, resolved to make use of her while she was in a good humour, wherefore he shew'd great willingnesse to Sir Vane to goe on in his intended designe. Then said Sir Vane, why should our delay be any hindrance unto us. Let us incontinently goe unto Sir Fleetwood the contemptible Knight, who hath great pow­er over the Soldans Forces, I know right well that I can with ease cause him to doe whatever I list, for that his understanding is excéeding shallow, and we will make him to beleive that he shall be chief Soldan, on condition that he will help us for to depose the Meek Knight Sir Lambert was right glad of this advice, so they rode on to­ward the Forrest of Saint Iames, néer unto which stood the Castle of the contemptible Knight. They were no sooner come to the Gate, but they were conducted by gentle Stamford, (who was chief Squire to Sir Fleetwood,) up unto his Masters lodging. Then said Sir Vane unto the Contemptible Knight, rouse up thy self thou Man of cou­rage, and let us not be in bondage unto the Meek Knight, who is young and hath not understanding and wisedome su [...]ficing for so great an employment. Hast thou not been [...]n all the Soldans Warres? Think then how treache­rously the Soldan has dealt with thée, in preferring the Meek Knight his Son before thee. 'Tis true then answered [Page] Sir Fleetwood, that it is the desire of my heart to make my self chief Soldan, but there are so many valo­rous Knights that will oppose me, that I feare much to undertake the enterprise. Then said sir Lambert I know right well sir Flee [...]wood, that without force we can little availe, but of that I make no question, knowing the great honour and reverence which the Host of the Soldan beareth to me. Moreover I have told many of them that which I intend, and they are resolved with me to live and dye. Then said sir Fleetwood right cunningly, since that you sir Lambert can prevail so much by your own power, let not me interpose my weak force to injure the fame of so worthy a Knight, But sir Lambert who was as cunning as he, reply'd that he would not adventure without him, that as he was chief in power he should be chief in the undertaking. Alas sir Fleetwood quoth the Knight of the Golden Tulep, think you that I am arrived here to rob so hardy a Knight as you are of your prize; No sir Fle [...]twood for I only come at the request of the good Knight sir Vane to proffer my assistance, which if you shall not think fit to receive, I am ready to retire, for that there be other For­rests and Castles to seek adventures in besides those which are in this Countrey. Sir Fleetwood was right glad of what Sir Lambert said, so that according to his custome he wept for joy, not thinking that the Knight of the Golden Tulep had spoken treacherously. As they were thus par­lying together in came the grim Gyant Desborough, who lived in the Forrest of Saint Iames that was close by. With your leave Sir Knights quoth he, I am come here to visit my Brother the Contemptible Knight, and I ho [...]e that does not offend yee If yée think your selves af­fronted, and that any of yee be so hardy as to dare fight in defence of the meek Knight, I doe here openly challenge him the combate, for that I doe abominably hate the Meek Knight and all his adherents; Then answered sir Lambert and sir Vane, that they were as mortall enemies to the [Page] Soldane as he was, and therefore they desired the Gyant not to think amisse of them. Say you so quoth the Gyant Desborough, then you say well, else had I crush'd ye to péeces in my fury, like rotten apples; then procéeding, quoth he, what shall we do with this proud Prin [...] who hath raised himself to be a Soldane over us? Is it fit that the Unkle should be govern'd by the Nephew? Sir Vane willing all he could to incense the Gyant to anger; told him that it was an allegory of the Worlds confusion, when Children rule their Parents. Upon that the Gyant Desborough stamped so hard upon the floore, that you might have heard it a mile off, and swore by all his Country Gods, that his Nephew the Meek Knight should no longer live, if he refus'd to resign his Soldanship; the words were no sooner out of his mouth, but he drawes out a whole Canon out of his pocket, charg'd wich a brace of Bullets, each weighing twenty pound, and cocking the same, com­manded the Contemptible Knight, with the Knight of the Golden Tulep, to follow him. It was now night, and pale Cinthia had withdrawn her light from the World, un­willing to behold the treacherous actions of mortals; when they began their journey toward the Palace of the Soldane, they rode hard, and being soon arrived there, they went di­rectly to the Soldans lodging, for that the Soldans jani­saries being before corrupted, gave them frée accesse. Then said the Gyant to the Soldane, proud Peacock thinkst thou to pearch over thy betters any longer? resign thy power, thy Scepter, and thy Royal Robes, and dissolve thy Coun­cell that thou kéepest to plot against us, or I will take thée such a blow on the pate▪ that I will make thy head ring noon, and send thée to the infernal shades, there so make vain complaints to Pluto of thy misfortunes, wi [...]h that the Gyant Desborough heaved up his weighty Instru­ment of death, on purpose to have given him such a blow as should have rent the foundations of his noddle; The Meek Knigh [...] was astonied at the sight, and stood for [Page] a while as one that were dumb, but seeing the danger that his brains were in, he fell on his knees before the Gyant Desborough, beseeching him in gentle courtesie to distres­sed Knights, that he would spare his life, and he would submit to whatever the Gyant should command; Here­upon they disrob'd him of his apparell, and attired him in simple and base array, his armes that were lately employ'd to weild the mighty Scepter, they now strongly fetter'd up in Iron bolts, and so conveyed him to a desolate Dun­geon, which belonged unto his own Palace, where he had nothing to do but to make these sad Lamentations,

O cruel destinies, why is this grievous punishment allotted to my penance; have I conspired against the Majesty of Heaven, that they have thrown this vengeance on my head, shall I never recover my former liberty, that I may be revenged one way or other upon the causers of my imprisonment; May the Plagues of Pharaoh light up­on their Counties, and the miseries of Oedipus on their Tenants, that they may be eye witnesses of their daugh­ters ravishment, and behold their Mansion houses flame­ing like the burning battlements of Troy. Thus lament­ed he the losse of his liberty, accursing his birth day, and the hour of his creation; his sighs exceeded the number of the Ocean sands, and his tears the Water-bubbles in a rainy day, in which condition we shall leave him, and go to talk of something else.

CHAP. X. How Sir Vane's Son Icleped (the overgrown Child) courted the fair Maid of Wimbleton, and of the gown which she be­spoke, and how 5000. Jewellers wrought day and night to finish it.

LEave we now to speak of the Meek Knight, and re­turn we to relate what happen'd between the Son [Page] of Sir Vane, Icleped the overgrown Childe, and the fair Maid of Wimbleton, whom partly in pursuance of his Fathers commands, partly out of an eager desire he had to be doing, he did very hotly pursue in the way of love, and so forth. Sir Van [...] was very glad of the match, hoping thereby that after the death of the Knight of the Golden Tulep, his Son might come to be chief [...] Soldane; And Sir Lambert lik'd it, knowing that well he could not come to be Soldane himself without his friendship and assistance; which he had no other way to make sure to himself but by so near an alliance betwéen their Families. Therefore when the overgrown Childe had dressed himself as fine as any fippence, he called straightway for his Fathers Cha­riot, and bid the Charioter drive unto the Palace of Sir Lambert: When he came unto the Gate, the Porter oft­soones opened the Gate, that he might have entrance; Then was he straightway beheld by one of the Pages to the Fair Maid, who with great reverence met him and con­ducted him to the chamber where his Lady did repose her self; When the overgrown Childe came into the room, he was excéedingly amazed to behold the beauty of his Mi­strisse, so that he remained dumb for a great space. While he stood in this posture, his backside being asham'd that his mouth should be so silent, open'd it self, and with one single monosyllable did so alarum the company, that it is thought that the fair Maid of Wimbleton would have béen very angry had he come only as an ordinary Suitor. Some say the overgrown Childe, did this unawares, but others more probably affirm, that he had a double end in it, either because he saw himself in such an amaze, to make his Mi­strisse amaz'd at him as well as he was at her, or else hope­ing that the good nature of his Lady might cause her to blush for his miscarriage, whereby he might have an op­portuni [...]y to sée the full blown roses of her chéekes; but as soon as he was recover'd of his extasie, he began to be­think himself of saying something that might be accep­table [Page] unto the fair Lady, whom he so admired; Most di­vine and péerlesse Paragon, quoth he, Thou only wonder of the World for beauty, and excellent parts of nature, know that thy two twinkling eyes that shine more bright then the stars of Heaven, being the true darts of love, have pierced my heart, and those thy crimson chéekes as lovely as Aurora's countenance have wounded me with love. Therefore except thou grant me kind comfort, I am like to spend the rest of my dayes in sorrow, care and discon­tent. To this the Fair Maid of Wimbleton reply'd, that she return'd him many thanks for the courteous proffer of his affection. Gentle Sir, quoth she, séeing that it is the will of my Father, that we two should lye together in one bed, let not his will be resisted, but let us enjoy one another as soon as we can, for often hath my Nurse spoken proverbi­ally unto me, saying, Happy is that woing, which is not long a doing. When it was known that the two parties had got one the others affection, the Bonefires blaze, the Bells rang, and Sir Lambert and Sir Vane were both drunk that night for joy. Then were there great preparations for the solemnization of these most Royal Nuptials, but that which surpassed all, was the Gown in which she was to appear when she was to goe unto the Temple; indéed so great was the rarity of it, that it requires a golden Pen to write it, and a tongue washt in the conservatives of the Muses honey, to declare it; for it was to be made of Dia­monds, set in Kings of Barbery Gold. The toyle was great, so that it required a multitude of Artificers to accom­plish the same; therefore they sought far and near for Men of Art, and in a short space they got together to the number of five thousand, who wrought day and night in their seve­ral employments to carry on the great work. These Dia­monds were all enchanted by Magick Art, and the vertues of them were so pretious, that it is almost incredible to re­port: For therein one might behold the secret mysteries of all the liberal Sciences, and by art discover what was [Page] practised in the Courts of other Princes; If any Hill within a thousand miles of the place were enriched wi [...]h a Mine of Gold, they would describe the place and Coun­try, and how deep it lay closed in the Earth. By t [...]em you might truly calculate upon the birth of Children, suc­cession of Princes, and the continuance of Commonwealths, with many other excellent vertues, which I omit for this time.

CHAP. XI. How Sir Lambert went to fight against the Christians in the Land of Cheshire, how he overthr [...]w them, and of the chal­lenge that was sent h [...]m by the Swinh [...]ard of Maxfield.

SIR Lambert and the Gyant Desborough having as we said before, divested the Soldane of his power, and cast him into Prison, they set up in his stead [...]urty Tyrants to govern in his room, untill Sir Lambert could come to be Soldane himself; For you must know that all the Pay­nims that were in armes, were under the command of Sir Lambert. Now these fourty Tyrants being in power, for they were Paynim [...] also, tyranniz'd over the Christian [...] in most grievous wise; So that when the Christians could no longer endure the sad and heavy oppressions of the Pay­nim [...], which were indeed more lamentable then tongue can expresse, they were resolved to be avenged of the Paynims, and to rise up in armes against them. For you are to un­derstand, that the Christians had a King of their own, a just and mild Prince, whose right it was to rule over them; but the Paynims having overthrown him in battell, forc'd him to quit his lawfull inheritance, and to dye out of his Kingdom. But when the Christians groaned under the heynous cruelties of the Paynims, then they bethought themselves again of recalling their King, and of freeing [Page] themselves from the power of the Paynims; Then did the Christians assemble together in many places of the Realm of Bri [...]ain, forming themselves into Bands and Troopes in most Souldier-like fashion, but no where did they rise in so great numbers as they did in the famous Country of Wa [...]e [...], and the Forrests of Chester; This so alarum'd the forty panim Tyrants, that they forthwith sent Sir Lambert with a very great Army against them. When Sir Lambert drew neer unto them, he encamped his whole Army ex­céeding strongly. But when the Christians saw how neer the Army of Sir Lambert was unto them, and how weak they were, by reason that they were disappointed of those succours that were promised them, they were sore afraid, for that their number was but small, and besides this, they were most of them young Men, that never had practiz'd feates of armes before. The Paladine of Chester saw right well in what an ill plight his Troopes were; wherefore he had no mind to have fought with Sir Lambert at that time: for that Sir Lambert's Forces were all men approved in War, right hardy and couragious, and excéeding many more in number. Sir Lambert well knowing the advan­tage he had in his numerous Pagans, marched towards the Christians, who were encamped beyond the Dangerous Bridge, with great fury, with an intention for to give them an immediate assault, and force them from the Dan­gerous Bridge: whereupon the Christians were in great doubt whether they should resist the Pagans, or return a­gain every one to his own home: when loe, upstood the Swinheard of Maxfield, otherwise call'd the namelesse Knight, and utter'd his mind in these words, My most dear­ly beloved Countrymen, quoth he, the badnesse of our pre­sent condition right well I understand and how basely we are betrayd through the vile enchan [...]ments of Scoto the Necro­mancer; However I question not but to break all his charms, whereby we may be free from the fury of those cursed Pa­gans that seek nothing but our ruine. When the Paladine [Page] heard this, he bad him take his course. Then the Swin­heard of Maxfield mounted himself on a Courser, and by his trusty Squire sent him this defyance, himself staying un­der a Tree to receive his answer.

The Swinheard of Maxfield to Sir Lambert Knight of the Golden Tulep.

Sir Lambert, I have heard ere now of thy valour, but know that I fear thee no more then the Lyon feareth the timorous Hare; I am resolved therefore to meet thee at the head of all thy Troopes, there to try the force of thy Sword, nor do thou disdain to accept the challenge of a Swinheard, who may chance to prove as good a Knight as thy self;

When Sir Lambert read the challenge, he said no more to the Squire, but only bad him to take notice of the colour of his Horse, and of his Burgonet. Then the Squire rode away, and Sir Lambert press'd forward toward the Dangerous Bridge, to encounter the Christians; Then ther [...] began a sharp conflict betwixt the Christians and the Panims, wherein for a while the Christians behaved them­selves with great confidence and prowess. For the Swin­heard beholding the Horse and Burgonet that his Squire had describ'd unto him, with great courage spurr'd on his faithfull stéed, (which was a most remarkable one, for that it was a Horse that had but lately belong'd to the Knight of th' inchanted Mill) and without giving him the least notice of what he intended, he struck him so terrible a blow upon the visor of his Helmet, that with the fury thereof, he made sparkles of fire to issue out in great abun­dance, and forc'd him to bow his head unto his breast; but Sir Lambert soon return'd unto him his salutation, and struck the Swinheard such a desperate blow on the top of the Helmet, that the great noise thereof made a sound in all the mountaines, and so began betwéen them a most marvellous and fearfull battel; for now Sir Lambert [Page] and the Swinheard, thought no other thing but how to over­throw each other, striking each at other such terrible blows, as many times it made either of them sencelesse, and both séeing the force of one another, were marveilously incensed with anger. At length the Sw [...]hear [...] gave Sir Lambert such a terrible blow, that if it had hit right upon him, it would have cloven his head in péeces but with great discre­tion Sir Lambert cleared himself thereof, so that it was strucken in vain, so that with great lightnesse he retired and struck the Swinheard so furiously, that he fell quite astonied to the Earth, without any féeling, then might you soon per­ceive by the abundance of blood that issued out of his mouth, and through the visor of his Helmet that the Swinheard was now ready to breath his last. Sir Lambert having thus overthrown the Swinheard, with great eagernesse pursu'd the Christians, who being over-powred by the numbers of the Pagans, thought it safer to commit themselves to the protection of by-paths, and wayes unknown to the enemy, rather then to yield to the cruelty of the mercilesse Pagans▪ When Sir Lambert had obtained this victory, he caus'd it to be spread far and near, making it ten times as great as indéed it was, and he wrote unto the [...]ourty Tyrants, to give them notice thereof, who thereupon honour'd him as a God, and sent him presents of gold, and pretious stones; but he cared not for the fourty Tyrants, nor for their presents nei­ther, but gave them unto his Souldiers, who admired him for his courtesie; for he thought that because he had over­come this small handfull of the Christians, that he was now able to overcome all the World; However as then he held fair correspondence with the [...]ourty Tyrants, because he was at a far distance for them, and for that he could not do any thing farther, till he had consulted with Sir Van [...], how far he might presume upon his new successe.

CHAP. XII. How Sir Lambert returned to the good City of London, and of the Feast which Sir Vane made him, and how they con­sulted to put down the forty Tyrants.

AFter this battell sir Lambert returned with great joy and triumph to the good City [...]f London, where he was expected with much earnestnesse by sir Vane the Gyant Desborough, and sir Fleetwood the Contemptible Knight. When sir Vane heard that [...]ir Lambert was re­turning, he was [...]ight glad, and resolved forthwith to goe and meet him, and conduct him to the City. Eftsoones therefore he called his dwarfe to bring him his palfrey, and being mounted, he took on his journey. He was clad [...]a slame coloured suit of Neapol [...] ▪ an silk, which was partly [...]mblematical, partly for instruction; emblemetical in regard it signified his zeal to what he undertook; and as to instruction, it show'd us, that though the silk came from Naples, an abominable and sinfull City, yet that a Man was never the worse for wearing it, so that he did [...]upon an enigmaticall score. His Hat was likewise of a strange fashion, for behind it hang down on his back with a long flappet to keep off the rain; but before it had no brim at all to shew that a M [...]n ought to put away all things that hinde [...] him [...]rom looking toward the heavens. O [...] his Shield was pictur'd fortune standing on a Rock with this inscription underneath, She is thus mine; In this mysterious garb he came into the Forrest of Barnet, where when he saw sir Lambert, he al [...]ghted from his Pal­frey, and sir Lambert did the like, and then they embraced one another most lo [...]ingly, quoth sir Vane, I am right glad Sir Lambert of this your safe and happy return▪ and for the great victory which you have won, whereby you [Page] are now esteem [...]d one of the most worthy Champions of Eu­rope, and right well I know that you have done your part, and that now it remains for me to doe mine, therefore let us proceed on our journey, and if I doe not play the Fox as well as you have playd the Lyon, let me be deprived of my Knighthood, which I hold the greatest honour which I have in the World. For you must know, that although sir Lambert were indeed as right cunning a Knave as Sir Vane, yet in councell sir Vane would never give him the superiority, though at knocks he alwayes let him goe be­fore him. Sir Lambert submitted with all gentlenesse un­to the spéech of sir Vane, and so they came together unto the good City of London; When they pass [...]d through the Town, the people of the City were all very sad, and in great perplexity, for they cared not at all for sir Lambert, nor for his successe, but wished with all their hearts that he had been slain by the Swinheard o [...] Maxfield. But they on the other side who had no reason to be in such heavy plight, made great rejoycings among themselves, feast­ing and banquetting one another in most ample manner; but the banquet which sir Vane made exceeded all the rest, not so much for the riches, as for the strangenesse thereof, for he made use not only of the meates and drinkes of the Christians, but of those also of the Heathen, as Pillaw, and Sherbet, intimating thereby, that as he made use of all sorts of dyet to sustain nature, so sir Lambert ought to make use of all sorts of interests to make himself great. When they had ended their feasting, sir Vane and sir Lam­bert retired into a private roome, there to take councell concerning their affaires. Sir Lambert disclosed then un­to sir Vane all that was hidden in his brest, of his desire to make himself Soldan, and his intention to put down the Forty Tyrants; but withall he discover'd his feare to attempt such an enterprize which would be so dangerous if not accomplish'd. But sir Vane, who out of his coward­ly nature lov'd to keep himself out of all perill, but cared [Page] not upon what dangers he put others▪ reply'd, That sir Lambert had no cause at all to be timorous, for that the forty Tyrants were ill beloved of the people, and he will beloved of all the old Soldans Host. That the Gyant Desborough, and sir Fleetwood the Contemp­tible Knight, were sure to him. To which sir Lambert answer'd, That 'twas true that he thought he could with much ease put down the forty Tyrants, but what must we do then? cryes he; To which sir Vane reply'd, Leave that to me, I have a Plot in my head; and the more to en­courage sir Lambert, he repeated to him a certain Pro­phesy, the which ran in these words.

The Prophesy.

When the dead shall awake to joyn themselves with the living, then shall valour be at her height and beauty in the supremest point of her glory.

This prophesy, know right well sir Lambert, so said sir Vane, can concern no Person living but thy self, as I shall show thee by the easy exposition thereof, which flows without any force from the words.

When the dead shall come to joyn themselves with the living, that is, when we who in the time of the Soldan were dead as to the affairs of this World, shall come to joyn our selves with the living, that is, with the Gyant Desborough, and sir Fleetwood, who were in great au­thority while the Soldan was in being, then shall valour be at her height, that is then shall your self who are right valourous be Soldan, and beauty be in the supreamest point of her glory; as much as to say, your passing beau­tious Lady shall be Sol [...]anesse.

When sir Lambert heard this, he took up a new resolution, and resolved to venter what ere come of it. Then said sir Lambert to the Knight of the Mysterious Allegories, Sir Vane thy wisdom is to be extolled, and thy words to be prized above fine Gold. [Page] Wherefore let us as [...]as we gave smoaked out our pipes go and talk with sir Fleetwood, and my couzen the Gyant Desborough concerning it; for it they [...] but joyn with us, Ile go presently about my work.

CHAP. XIII. How do [...] Hizlerigo the Knight with the hot head, being one of the forty Tyrants, suspected the intention of sir Lam­bert, and how he would have had Scoto the egromancer have enchan [...]ed him, and put him into his Castle at Lam­bethe, and how he cuft his Dwarf for playing at Span-Fa [...]thing.

SIR Lambert being now full of hopes, and greatly swelled with the prophesy which Sir Vane had told him of, h [...] began now to be very active in the prosecution of his design; But when he saw that the two Gyants Icleped, Creed aud Berry were come to joyn with him, and that sir Lilburn the degraded Viceroy was also come in unto his party, he eftsoones resolved by the advice of sir Vane to make known some of his desires to the Forty Ty­rants. When the forty Tyrants read them, they liked them not at all, but were highly provoked, especially Don Hazlerigo, the Knight [...]ith the hot head, who being the most passionate Person in the World, fell into such a rage, that many of the forty Tyrants themselves, though they knew his kindnesse to them, did greatly tremble thereat Quoth he, how dares thie Princock thus presume; am not I the wisest, and the most valarous Knight that ever Oceana brought forth, how happeneth it then that the gods permit this contest between us? Hare they no Thunderbolts to lend me that I may nail this bo [...]d au­datious Traytor to the Earth, Then turning to the forty Tyrants, am not I above yée all, quoth he, why doe [Page] yée then not do what I command? Let there be a great Caldron fetch'd and let this presumptious Traytor be boyled th [...]rein, and wher he is boy [...]d, he is boyl'd, and there will be an end of him Hereupon one of the forty Tyrants said that Don Hazlerigo had spoken like a right worthy Cavali [...]r; and if all m [...]n were of his mind there want [...]d nothing but a Caldron. [...]on H [...]zlerigo rep [...]y'd, that he had one at whom wherein his [...]amsels did boyl foule cloathes, and [...]Livers for his meaner Servants, and thereupon he called his Dwarfe to fetc [...] it; but the Dwarfe not answering to the call, Don Hazlerigo in great fury went forth to seek him. Oh the sad disastrous fate of the unfortunate Dwarfe? For Don Hazlerigo no sooner sought for him, but he beheld him playing at Span-farth­ing in the Yard belonging to the Palace of Westmonaste­rium, Dare you there, quoth Don Hazlerigo in great de­spite, I'le be with you eftsoones. He was no sooner neere him, but he reach'd the Dwarfe such a cuffe on the ear that you might have heard the blow crosse the River of Thamesis unto the Temple of Saint Maryovers, crying out in great rage, fetch me the huge Caldron, sirrha: the Dwarfe who neither knew the meaning of his words nor of his blowes, was in a great amaze, but at length recol­lecting himself quoth he, am not I as good a Squire as he that belonged unto the Baron of Stamfordia, yet he be at the famous Don Hazlerigo, why may not I? with that he laid his truncheon on the brest of Don Hazlerigo, with such a force that he was scarce able to keep himself from failing backward. Don Hazlerigo having thus miss'd of the Caldron. returnes again with as much haste as he could (for the Dwarfe hard pursu'd him) unto the forty Tyrants. with whom he saw it was much safer to contend then with his Dwarfe. He sum'd, and they star'd he [...]oamed, and they were astonish'd he could not speak for anger, neither durst they speak to him seeing him so angry, Yet they could not choose but ask him where the Caldron [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] was, to which after much stamping and staring, he reply'd that he had found out another sort of punishment which he esteem'd far better. Then turning himself to Scoto the Negromancer, he thus revil'd him. ‘Where are all thy charmes nocturnall Scoto, have all thy spirits for sake [...] thée, hast thou now no power over the great Belzebub, who is also Icleped Lucifer, to what end hast thou thy enchanted Castle at Lambetho, if thou makest no use ther­of; awake great Scoto from thy dreaming trance, and raise a troop of infernall feinds to shelter thee from the ruine that will else befall thée;’ When Scoto heard Don Hazlerigo say thus, quoth he, ‘Right valiant Knight, if thou w [...]t bring sir Lambert unto me, that my charmes may lay hold of him, I will put him in my Castle of Lam­betho, from whence it shall be in the power of no Knight to free him, but at present I cannot prevail, for that the spirits which belong to Sir Vane the Sorcerer, are as strong to defend him, as mine are to doe him annoyance, Yet is there one way left, and that is for thee to take with thée some thrée or four other Knights like thy self, then must you be sure to lay hold on him at such a time when he hath nothing on him but his shirt, for then he shall not be able to resist the charmes which are laid upon him, so that we shall have our wills of him to doe what we please with him.’ When Don Hazlerigo heard this, he vanish'd immediately from the forty Tyrants, telling them what strange exploits he would doe ere he came back.

CHAP. IX. How sir Lambert put down the Forty Tyrants, and how he and the Baron of Sussex jested together.

VVhen sir Lambert heard of the intention of Don Hazlerigo, and the rest of the forty Tyrants, and [Page] of their cruel plot which was to have him sodden to death, he waxed sore in wrath, and caused the muster rolls to be numbred of those that were resolved to stand by him, and when he saw himselfe strong enough to deale with the fo [...]y Ty [...]ants, he went into the Chamber of Councell, where he found Sir Vane, the Gyant Desborough, Sir Berry the Knight of the Colepit, the Gyant Creed, the Contemptible Knight, and the Gyant Husonius called also Polyphem, to whom he spake in these words,

Right worthy Champions▪

YEE know right well that I am not apt to seek that by force which I could obtaine by fair means. How I am injured by the forty Tyrants you understand, neither am I ignorant how yee are all affronted for my sake, should I therefore now forsake you, I should be a greater Traytor to you my friends then to my selfe; but since it is so, I vow never to sleep in bed of down, nor to unbuckle my Shield from my weary armes till I have q [...]lled your foes, and given you full power over your enemies.

These heroicall speeches were no sooner finished, but the Champions arming themselves with approved Corselets, and taking unto them their trusty swords, told him how ready they were to follow him in any undertaking.

Now had Aurora chas'd away the all to be spangled darkness, when lo sir Lambert, intending to do by the for­ty Tyrants as Aurora had done before by the black brow'd Night, assembles his forces together, and pitches his tent close by the palace of the forty Tirants. But they having no [...]ice of his comming, musterd their powers also toge­ther, and sent them against Sir Lambert under the com­mand of a right valiant Knight cal'd the Baron of Sussex, and now they stood opposite each to other within the reach of the dismall Gun; It was thought that these engines would have by and by breathed out their fury in flames of [Page] fire, and have sent their leaden Messengers to seare up the vains of mortals, and dam up the passages of life, but Sir Lambert, who was as valiant as he was cunning, and as cunning as he was valiant, and so either both vali­ant and cunning, or else neither cunning nor valiant was loath to fight, for he fear'd the party which was for the lawful King of Brittaine, least they while he was combat­ing against the forty Tyrants, should come and take the power from them both: wherefore he would not engage but sought all other means to suppresse the forty Tyrants that he could. Now as he was riding about, he met the chief of the forty Tyrants, who was the Knight of the gilt Mace, whom they had made Generall of the Forces of Sir Lambert, coming to the assistance of the forty Tyrants, and all the way he came he cry'd to the Souldiers of sir Lam­bert, that they should desert Sir Lambert, and yield obedi­ence to him who was their chieftain. But Sir Lambert, unwilling that the Souldiers should hear with that [...]are, lights off his Horse, takes up a great brickbat, and fling [...] it full at the head of the Knight of the Gilt Mace, and but for the mercy of a kind fate, had dash'd out Sir Lenthal's brains, and then taking the Horses by their bridles, he thrust them, the chariot, and all that were in it quite out of the City of Westmonasterium, as you would thrus [...] a rolling stone before yée through a Bowling gréen Nor were the Souldiers idle all this while, for what vol­lies they could not discharge out of their Guns they dis­charg'd out of their mouthes, calling one another Doggs, Rogues, and Sons of Whores▪ and that their hands might be [...]likewise, they throw at one another▪ Hand granados, the which according to a new invention among Souldiers, were made of the tops of Turneps bound together with a withe; While the two [...]e [...]ce Ar­mies, stood looking so grimly each on the other. Scoto the Negromancer was gotten privately into a high Tower built on the top of the west end of the Temple of Westmo­nasterium, [Page] that when the combat did begin he might assist the forces of the Baron of Sussex by his magick spels.

Now quoth he is the battell surely begun, for me thinks I heare the Baron of Sussex cry for help, now is the time that my charming spels must work Sir Lambert's over­throw; which being said, thrice he kiss'd the flower of the said Tower, and thrice besprinkled the Circle with his own blood, which with a silver razer he let out from his left arme and after that he began to speak in this manner. Stand still yée wandring Lamps of heaven, move not swéet stars till Scoto's charmes be brought to full effect. O thou great Demon, Prince of the damned Ghosts, thou chiefe Commander of those ghastly shapes that right­ly glide by misbeleeving Travellers, even thou that hold­est a s [...]aky Scepter in thy hand sitting upon a Throne of burning stéel, even thou whose eyes are like Sawcers, and who tossest burning fire brands abroad like Tennis balls, I charge thée to open thy brazen gates, and send forth thy Legions of infernall fiends, for that of them I now doe stand in great néed. Belzebub being so severely charg'd took the paines not only to ascend to the Earth, but to goe up also to the top of the Tower, to receive the commands of Scoto the Negromancer, who long'd for the encounter that he might set him on work; But the Devill having staid till night, and séeing nothing for him to doe, was so sorely enraged against Scoto, that he took him by the Legs, intending to have thrown him from the top of the Tower, but afterwards be thinking with himselfe that he should loose a good Servant, and that he should spoyle the story, for that it was never heard in any Romance that any Negromancer was over punish'd till some Knight had ended his enchantments, he [...]et Scoto on his legs, and in great [...]ury flung down to hell againe. For to tell yée the truth there was no combat of note all that day, excepting betwéen the Baron of Sussex and sir Lambert; for sir Lam­bert knowing that he was well belov'd by the Souldiers [Page] belonging to the Baron of Sussex, was resolved to goe and speak to them, thinking by faire spéeches to win them to his side; when the Baron saw him, he was likewise resolv'd to hinder him, whereupon they prepared to the career, but they only brake their Launces in the first encounter; whereupon the Baron drew his sword, but sir Lambert en­treated him to just once more; most willingly reply'd the Baron, then meeting together, Sir Lambert's Horse was almost down, for the Horse that he rode on all that day was none of the best, and the Baron likewise lost his stir­rops▪ being glad to catch hold by the maine of his Horse; Sir Lambert having more mind to be chiefe Soldan, then to be bast inadoed, séeing the Baron maintaine the fight so equally against him took his leave, telling the Baron he should take another time to be quit with him. But the forty Tyrants seeing no hope of reliefe, and that they were unequall in power to sir Lambert, were content to submit unto him which they did accordingly, giving him possessi­on of the Palace and of all that was therein, causing the Baron of Sussex to draw off his forces; which done, Sir Lambert went home with much glée and content, supp't quietly and lay with his saltanesse in most pleasant-wise.

CHAP. XV. How Sir Lambert and Sir Vane being Pagans, went about to set up the worship of their Heathen Idols; and how they intended to have altered the Lawes and Govern­ment of Brittain.

WHen sir Lambert had thus by his power put down the forty Tyrants, sir Vane & he doubted not now to carry all before them; therefore they fell into consider­ation how they might secure to themselves the cheife pow­er which they had got into their own hands as well as [Page] they could: Sir Vane was of an opinion, that seeing it was their intent to erect a new Empire, they ought to change the Religion of the Country, and to make a new one as neer the humour as they could of these people whom they saw adhering to them upon the hopes of such an alteration, and already inclin'd to such a change as might well agrée with their interest. First and formost there fore, knowing that they must take assunder what was already established, before they could put their own together, they resolv'd to abolish wholly the Religion of the Christians, for that it was so opposite to what they in­tended, that it was impossible for them to let the least title thereof remain: And because it is no hard matter to beware by other mens harmes, séeing that the too much pretending to knowledge among the vulgar Christians) It being dangerous for any person to have more knowledge then he is able to mannage) had been the cause of their con­fusion; they resolv'd to reforme that error, and to take from the people all meanes of diving into hidden things, to which end they had order'd that all Schooles of learn­ing should be taken away; and so far they were from have­ing any teachers among the people, that they order'd it should be death for any one to teach his children the primer, Yet because they knew that the aw of a deity was very necessary, though never so airy and nationall, Sir Lambert being now chiefe Soldan caus'd Proclamation to be made whereby the God of the Christians was depos'd and eight other deities erected in his roome; Four of these deities were of the feminine gender and four of the newter; Of the female deities two were Latine Destinia, and Ig [...]ora [...] ­tia. One Italian, La Potta del Papa Giovanna; and the fourth French, foutre du diable; Of the male deities one was Latine, Summum Imperium. One Spanish, Puerco del Paradiso; The third Italian, Cazzo nel culo; and the last of Scotch extraction call'd the Piper of [...]ilbarchen; and he further proclaim'd that his subjects should attribute [Page] divine worship unto these, and that these onely should be ador'd as the onely and most supreame Gods powers over the Earth, as to future expectations Sir Vane took it all from Mahomet, changing little or nothing; Having thus setled religion, they procéed to alter the civill govern­ment. Sir Lambert said that he did not like the lawes, and therefore would have new ones; but sir Vane sade it was altogether unnecessary as yet to have any at all, for that necessity would compell their party to be yet a while unanimous and loving one to another, and if the Christi­ans had any lawes to fly to, it would hinder their party for dstroying those their enemies, which was to be done no other way but by giving their party leave to practice all manner of tyrannies and violencies over them.

Yet one law sir Vane liked well that it should be made, which was a law against the importing of Barrel-Figgs, least thereby the Christians should learne Unity, séeing things of the same nature stick so close together. Then in imitation of Joshua who drave out the Canaanites shéere out of the Land to give his people a full possession thereof, they intended to have destroy'd all the old inhabitants of Brittaine, both Nobles, Gentry and Yeomen, by making their own party Lords over them, who were all of a new race, as being the Sons of the Earth, and such therefore whom no tyes of consanguinity had interest to make them in the least wise mercifull; When these things were di­vulg'd among the Christians, there was a famous divine among them that went to Sir Vane to reason the case with him, Quoth he unto him, it is a very dangerous thing to alter the religion, and take away the Laws of a Nation; Sir Vane replyes, that as to the alteration of religion, it was a thing which they thought convenient, and therefore since they had the power in their hands, they were resolv'd to doe it; and as for taking away the Laws, he thought 'twas very well done also; for that was the difference be­tween théeves and honest men, Théeves indéed were ne­cessitated [Page] to make Laws among themselves, and to ob­serve them; but honest Men, said he▪ such as we and our party, have no néed thereof; for that we are no théeves, but robbers; and if we doe possesse other Mens goods, it is because we have right thereunto, being born to inherit the Earth; Alas quoth Sir Vane, Laws are the guides of the soule, and therefore those who would be counted most frée, ought to live without um; for if it be a mark of sla­very to have the legs or hands bound, certes it is a signe of far greater subjection to suffer the mind to be in fetters. When the ancient Seer heard these arguments he was convinc'd, not by the strength of Sir Vane's reason, but be­cause he saw it was in vaine to contend with an unrea­sonable strength; & therefore with great sorrow for the af­fliction which he saw was like to fall upon the Christians, he took his leave of the Knight of the mysterious Allego­ries, and departed.

CHAP. XVI. How the Christians rebell'd against Sir Lambert, and how he march'd against them into the North, and what hap­pen'd thereupon.

THe Christians were now in a sad condition, for that the Heathens having vow'd their destruction went about to put in practise all these designes which they could think on for the effecting of their purpose. But they had one Champion yet alive, who was height sir George, who was the most worthy Champion that ever the Brit­taines had Who séeing the destruction that was like to fall upon the Christians, resolved to oppose himselfe in their defence; whereupon sir Lambert sent defyance unto the Loyall Knight, telling him that he would shortly meet him in the Plaines of Northimbira. But before he went, [Page] he consulted with the Knight of the Mysterious Allegories, how he might secure unto him the Metropolis of Brittaine, wh [...]ch he was now going to leave behind him, and what persons he might entrust for to mannage his great affairs in his absence, Whereupon they agreed to constitute se­verall Seer's of the Square Table, which being assemb­led together, should have the name of a Councell of Safety. Now that they might not crosse the proverb as they were to have new Laws, so they resolved to make new Lords. And indéed sir Vane, who was altogether for Allegories, told sir Lambert, that there were no Men fitter then those from whose trade or occupation; he might dravv some allusion that he might teach him still what to do; There­ [...]ore he advised him to choose one Grocer, that it might mind him of braying his Enemies in the Morter of af­fliction▪ & grinding them as small as Pepper. He bid him take one Drawer of Cloath, such was the Seer Brandri­tho ▪ to shew that there ought not to be any differences among factions of the same Stamp: He bid him take one that was employed in the Cole-Pits such was Sir Berry the Knight of the Cole-Pit, to shew that a Politician ought alwayes to be undermining. One Scotchman, such was the Seer Wareston, to shew the Treachery and Falshood that Politicians ought to use. One Ploughman, such wa [...] the Byant Desborough, to shew the care that a Po­litician ought to have, and how he ought to observe times and seasons. And one Cobler intimating thereby that a Politician ought to look after no mans ends but his own When Sir Lambert had made choice of his Councel he spake unto them in these Words.

Right Worthy Patriots.

I Have here made choise of ye▪ that ye may assist me in the carrying on my great work, I must leave ye for a time, for that I am going to meet the Loyal Knight in the Plains of Northimbria, who hath bid me defyance, [Page] wot ye well that ye have to deal with a proud and inso­lent City; if therefore they will not be rul'd, smoak um to death in their own Hives, as they do Bees. He was famous that burnt the Temple of Diana, and Nero was famous that burnt Rome; then be ye famous also, and burn London. I shall say no more, because I repose a confidence in ye, not doubting but that ye will stick close unto me if not for my sake, yet for your own ends, which by no means but mine ye can ever be able to attain.

When he had uttered these sayings, they all stood up and cry'd long live the Soldan of Britain.

CHAP. XVII. How the Seer Wareston lay with a Lady of pleasure that came to him with a Petition upon the Councel Table, and what happened thereupon.

LEave we now Sir Lambert a while, and let us re­hearse what happen'd at the Councel of Safety, of which the Seer Wareston was Chief President, who was a right notable Knave and exceeding salacious, as you shall understand by that which follows. There was a Lady at that time, who had certain sad occasions co visit the Councel of Safety for the redress of certain grie­vances, but could never find a fit opportunity to deliver her supplication; but at length finding that the Seer Wareston was all alone in the Councel Chamber▪ she pre­vail'd with mony of the Dore keeper to let her in. When she came in, she appeared right comely unto the Seer, and related her Story unto him with such a grace, that he was streight-way enamoured of her; Quoth he, well do you deserve fair Lady to have your Petition granted, but should I grant you your Petition, would you grant me mine? Alas! said the Lady, it is not for you to petition, who [Page] have so much power in your hands. Ah! reply'd the Seer, you have wounded me; and I hope you will cure the wound which you have made, and saying these words, he pulled her by the Gown upon his knee as he sate in his great Chair, and would have kissed her. The Lady not ignorant, how much coyns inflamed, made great resi­stance; but the more she resisted, the more was he on fire; so that there was exceeding great contention, and strung­ling between them; at length the lustful Seer being the stronger, had thrown her upon the Councel Table, and there laid her flat on her back, where at length she gave him leav to quench his desires with the spoils of her seem­ing Chastity, on condition that he would grant her Re­quest. He had not sooner finished, but in came Sir Fleet­wood the contemptible Knight, and some others, who seeming the Seer in a strange posture, with his Band rumpled, his Cap off, the Sleeve of his Gown torn, and his Face more redder then ordinary, desired to know of him what had happen'd unto him. The Seer not at all abashed told them the whole Story: Who entred there­upon into great consultations among themselves. Some were of an opinion, that since the Seer Wareston Genea­logy was likely to encrease, that the Sold'an should allow him a larger stipen'd, One stood up and said that it was requisite, that the Contemptible Knight, and the Knight of the Allegories should be sent to the Temple of the Gods, La potta del Papa Giovanna, to enquire of the Oracle, whither it were a Boy or a Girle, that provision for the birth and education might be made accordingly. Others were of opinion that 'twas convenient to know what his Name should be; This debate took up above a weeks time, with continual pro's and con's, and at length they concluded that it were a Boy he should be called by the Name of young FINBRANDUS, and that he should be sent to the enchanted Castle NEW­GATE, to be bred up in all the secrets of that place [Page] by the severall Gyants yhat frequented the Castle. But if it were a Girle that she should be delivered to witch Creswellia to be taught all kind of sorceries and enchant­ments; and so the Councell was dismist for that time.

CHAP. XVIII. How Sir Lambert marched against the Loyal Knight as far as the Forrest of Northimbria; and how the Coun­cel of Safety sent the Gyant Husonius to kill the Chri­stians for playing at Foot-ball.

SIR Lambert was now gone towards the Fo [...]r [...]w of Northimbria to encounter the Loyal Knight, leaving behind him Sir Vane the Contemptable Knight. Now you must know that before Sir Lambert departed out of the good City of London there came unto him the Seer Feko High Priest in the Temple of the Idoll, icleped Foutre le Diable, and the Seer Rogero High Priest of the Idoll Cuzzo nel Culo and Declared unto him, how they had that night seen a Uision, and having told what they had seen each unto the other, that they had both Dreamed the same Dream; Me thought quoth the Seer Feko, that I was in a great field, where I saw sir Lam­bert's Horse feeding among a multitude of other Horses, when on a sudden sir Lambert's horse elevating his rump set an exceeding great Fart, so that ths Noise thereof caused the Ualleys to sound and the Hills to eccho, and with the strength thereof blew away all the laid Horses, so that when I looked about again, I could not sée one Horse left. Now while I was musing upon the strang­nesse of the accident, there came a young man to me cloa­thed in Blew, who bid me declare what I had seen unto Sir Lambert, for that as his Horse had Farted away all [Page] the other horses, so should he scatter all his enemies. When sir Lambert heard this, he caused his Butler to be sent for, and commauded him to carry the two high Priests into the Buttery, and set the Bread and Chéese before them and to give them as much Ale as they would drink; which assoon as he had faid he gollop'd away as fast as he could to encounter the Loyal Knight. Now after that he had béen gone a good while, it hapn'd one morni [...]g that the weather being cold, the young men of the City of London went to play at Football in the stréets; Which being re­lated in to the Councel of Safety, they were sore afraid, fearing lest the Christians having such a pretence to as­semble together might rise against them; wherefore they sent command immediately to the Gyant Husonius to go into the City, for fear of the worst. Now such was the hast he was in, that because he could not readily find his own Arins he was forced to put on his head, a great iron porridge pot which was next at hand; instead of his shield he took the p [...]t [...]lid, and in lieu of his Mace, he pul'd up one of the great Elms in the Forest of St. James; and thus accoutred, away he goes, taking a great Band of soul­diers along with him. The Christians hearing of his coming, shut the Gates of the City, thinking to kéep him out; but the Gyant pusht them open, with as much ease, as if they had béen made of Past-board; and finding his own Shield defective, he made use of one of the Gates for his Buckler all that day. Yet notwithstanding his co­ming, the Christians continued playing at Football, not dreaming that their sport had béen offensive. But so it fell out, that one of the Christians striking the Ball right strenuous, by which his foot kick'd the Ball full in the Gyants Face, so that his Eye was in greatdanger. The Gyant who had but one Eye, and being jealous that the Christians intended to put out that too, was sorely en­raged; wherefore in great fury he laid about him with his huge Elm among the multitude, killing six of the Chri­stians [Page] at one blow; which the Christians beholding they incontinently fled away: That, when the Gyant Huso­nius saw, he thought it good time to satisfie his hunger, as well as his revenge. Thereupon he streightway went and took up one of the dead Christians, and so sitting down upon the ridge of a house in a moment, devoured him raw without either bread or salt; and having finish'd his blou­dy Meal, Now, quoth he, have I din'd as well as ever I did in my life had I but half a Child to close my stomack. The Young men séeing this, would have all together fal­len upon the Gyant, so little they car'd either for his arms, or the vastness of his proportion; but the chief Go­vernour fearing the danger of popular Tumults, chose rather to put up in silence the injuries of the Gyant, then hazard the safety of the City, when there séemed other probable means of securing it: wherefore the Gyant see­ing at length none to oppose him, returned with great tri­umph to the place from whence he came, and was receiv [...]d with much gladnesse by the Councel of Safety, only they rebuked him that he did not bring the rest of those Chri­stians along with him which he had kill'd, that he might have had them for his supper.

CHAP. XIX. How the Forty Tyrants were set up again, and how Don Hazlerigo caused several Children to be whipped to death for calling him RUMPER.

SIr Lambert being now at a great distance from the Ci­ty of Londinum. The forty Tyrants conspired tog [...] ­ther, and in a short time they so managed their businesse, that they vanquish'd the Councel of Safety, and all that adhered unto sir Lambert; For Don Hazlerigo having [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] got some few armed Troops together, came to Londinum with so much hast and Fury, that both the Gyants, Des­borow and Husonius, were much appel'd; and besides that he had joyned himself with the Knight of hhe Green Ocean. When the forty Tyrants heard that Don Hazle­rigo was coming to town, they went forth to meet him, every one clad with a Gown of Tyrean Purple, embroi­dered with Gold; for they never car'd what they spent so it were of the publick mony & before each person went 20 squires bare, with Cognizances on their sleeves, every one carrying in his hand the Arms and Pedigrée of his Lord. Don Hazlerigo was on a Hill; when he saw um coming towards him with their Hats on about a mile off; where­fore immediately he sent away one of bis Squires, to know of them how they durst be so bold as to keep their hats on before him while he was in sight; whether they knew who he was? and whether that were their grateful acknowledgment of the Favours which they were then about to receive from him? whereupon with many hum­ble expressions of sorrow for their offence they presently unv [...]ild; when they approach'd neer, he gave them the farthest end of the Lash of his whip to Kisse, having re­buked them first for their sawcinesse. As he return'd he rode hindm [...]st in a silver Coach, gilded with gold, besides which ran 200 Pages and Footmen attired in blew U [...]l­vet, The Trumpets that went before him sounding his pr [...]ises were like the sands on the sea for number making such a dreadful noise, that many report that they saw the Graves in many Church-yards to open, and men start up in their shirts to ask what the matter was. Coming into the Chamber of Councell, they p [...]ac'd him under a Canopy of State; when on a suddain rising up with a Look as Furious as Tamerlaines. ‘What rage quoth he, did possesse that vaine Fool Sir Lam [...]ert, to lift himselfe up against me, who am in worth as much above him as the Heaven is above the Earth: [Page] proud vaunting pie [...]e of insolence, shortly shall he too late repent, when he shall receive the same punishment from my hands, as the Haughty Almidor King of Mo­rocco did from the hand of St. George. Behold ye are now once more estoblished by my power; therefore let us to Work, and handle this insolent Nation without Mittens; Above all things beware of consideration, knowing that delays are dangerous. If we must burn, let us burn; if kill, kill, 'tis no matter whom what or when: we loose our Authority while vve enter into such consultations: consulting shevvs fear, and fear vvas ne­ver the mark of ebsolute Dominion: The Divel, their Fire and his Dam go vvith all Consultalions, and De­liberations, and sage Thoughts; but be ruled by me and I vvarrant you all things vvill go vvell:’ When he had spoken these words▪ he departed home to his spouse: now not long after, it happened that he was going in great state to the House, certain little children playing together cried one to another, There goes one of the Rump, which was a term of Ignominy that the people of Britain had thrown upon the Forty Tyrants; which when it came to the ear of Don Hazlerigo, he caused the said children to be sent for; when they came before him, with a stern coun­tenance, he commanded that they should be forthwith ta­ken away and whipped to Death with whips of Knotted whipcord: And when one said unto him that it was too c [...]el a Sentence, he replyed that it was too mercifull? for that they might thank him that he did not cause them to be offered up to the Idol Molock in the Ualleys of the Chimeron; and with that he slu [...]g away in a great rage in order to his other Affairs.

CHAP. XX. How Sir Lambert submitted, and how the Gyants, Desbo­row, Cobbet, Creed, and Hewson, seeing themselves dis­appointed of their Designes, went to fight against Hea­ven.

WHen Sir Lambert saw that he could not get unto the Loyal Knight, who séeing himself far unequal to sir Lambert in number, kept himself in his strong Holds; he thought upon a way how to kéep the Loyall Knight from coming to him: he saw his souldiers wanted work, and therefore to kéep them from mutining, and being idle, which two inconveniences commonly go together, like a Citizen and his wife, He gave them a command that they should build up a Wall in the Land of Northumbria, the which in bredth should reach from sea to sea, and in height up unto the clouds, and which should be so thick that fifty Coaches might go a brest; and to secure it from the thun­der-thumping-bullets of the dismall-noise-making Canon, he sent for the Seer Feko to enchant it. Now where Travellers were to passe to and fro, he ordered that there should be a great Gate made of Massie Brasse, which should be bolted with Bolts as big about as an ordinary Stéeple, the Shooter of the Lock was to be as broad as an Acre of Ground; Then said the Artificer unto Sir Lambert, Who shall turn the Key? and Sir Lambert re­plyed▪ Let there be a Mill to turn it. Now as Sir Lam­bert was contriving about this wall▪ Sir Vane hearing of his design, sent him a Letter; the substance whereof was, that he had heard of the Wall which he was going to build; and therefore he advised him, because Love would break through stone walls to make it of Brick: in [Page] answer to which Sir Lambert sent him another, wherein he assured him that the Wall should be of Brick accor­dingly, and that if he would not believe him, he might come down and sée. Sir Lambert had a double Design in making this wall; First, because that being he was not ignorant that his souldiers must dig very deep to lay the foundations of such a wall, he knew nothing to the contrary but that they might find some Mine or other whereby to enrich both themselves and him, but his main drift was to kéep the Loyal Knight from coming into Britain: moreover this wall was to be guarded by never-sléeping Dragons, which were to be sent for from Lydia, as also by Mastiff Dogs, which were to be kept hungry for that purpose. You'l say now he was in a fair way: but woe unto a man when ill luck follows him. Now said the Knight of the golden Tulip unto himself, shall I have such a wall, as there will not be in the world such another, nor was there ever such a one before? Travellers shall come to see this wall of mine, from all parts of the Earth, and shall bring mony in their pockets and shall enrich my Land; then will I plant Apricocks and Peaches against this wall, and when they are ripe I will say unto my wife, lo, the fruits of my Wall. While he was thus solacing himself under his wall, came unto him the sad news how that the Forty Tyrants were got into power again, and that Don Hazlerigo with an Army had forced all his one and twenty S [...]ers to run away, swearing that he would not only boyl Sir Lambert now, but make Porridge also of his Flesh▪ he fell streightway into a swoon, continuing so for eight and forty hours; when his friends saw that, they sent for Physicians, who were in a great amaze; but at length they agréed that he should be laid under a Pump, the well being first cleans'd and fill'd with Aniséed-water; which was done accor­dingly, and so they laid him under the spout and pump'd strong-water into his mouth for ten days together: at the [Page] end whereof, through the heat of the water he began ot revive, and elevating his drowzy head, Oh! quoth the Knight of the golden Tulip, groaning like a soul in Purgatory, Accursed be the Loyall Knight; for my Cakes dow, and all by his means. But the Gyant Desborow cursed the Knight of the Mysterious Allego­ries, being very frée of his Malediction, because that by his means they had put down the Forty Tyrants, saying that he was the arrantest Knave that ever pissed with a Prick. Sir Lambert now considering the sadnesse of his condition, was in a bushel of troubles, so that he knew not what in the world to doe. Should I go to the Town of London, quoth he, what should I doe there? walk about the stréets with my hands in my pocket like a Dutch Saylor? That befits not him that once rode about the stréets of Westmonasterium, like a Country Hagler, causing his enemies to créep into Crevises. That becomes not him who once vanquish'd the Baron of Cheshire, and laid the Swineheard of Maxfield spraw­ling on the ground. But 'tis a folly to talk, I must either go or stay; well Ile go: ‘But God knows my heart 'tis even as a Bear goes to the stake▪ and I know I shall be baited like a Bear too: and what then? why a Bear's a Bear, and a Knight's a Knight: Nay, and a Knight's a Bear too; for by the same Consequence that I a Knight am made an Ass, shall I a Knight be likewise made a Bear; But let um take heed of their Bears, that is let um look to them­selves; for if ever I get um in my paws again, Ile gripe um a little faster then I did before.’ When sir Lambert had spoken these words, he threw his clo [...]ke over his shoulders, and in very melancholy-wise spur'd his Stéed forward. The Forty Tyrants hearing that he was come unto the good Town of London, they sent for him to haue him in Examination; But when he came before them, Don Hazlerigo look'd upon him with a [Page] very grim aspect, Si [...]rah, quoth he, Sir Knight what made thy overventurous, fool-hardy, memirrot presumption dare to advance it self against oxcombly ehur of Knight­hood? Didst thou not know that I was cholerick; how then daredst thou to provoke me? Sir Lambert, then pleaded for himself, saying, That he had not done what he did but that he thought 'twas for the good of the Na­tion. Thou lyest like a Rogue, replies Don Hazlerigo; and having said those words commanded him to be taken away forthwith, and to be thrown into the Caldron of boyling Lead, which was prepared in a place not far off: and they say he had certainly béen boyled to death had not the Knight of the Mysterious Allegories interceded for him; though indéed he did not prevail so much upon him, but rather prevail'd upon the intentions of some of the forty Tyrants, who liking not the procéedings of the loyal Knight, resolved to make use of him again, in case any such quarrel should happen as they suspected.

When the Gyant Cobbetto, the Gyant Credo, the Gyant Hackero, the Gyant Husonio, and the Gyant Ro­desbo heard of the ill successe of sir Lambert, they grew very mutinous against the Gods of their Religion; they wonder'd that their Gods would use them so discourte­ously, that it was neither a friendly part nor the part of Gentlemen to deal with their Ido [...]aters in that fashion: they tax'd them with the want of morality, and common civility; and at length one thing aggravating another they resolved to make them know themselves and if they would not doe that, to pull them out of Heaven by the head and ears. But how shall we come at them? quoth one; well enough cries a [...]other; are there not moun­tains enough in the world? let us never leave setting one upon another till we reach them.

Hereupon Credo and Cobeto, were sent to bring away Arthur's Seat, and the rest of the Mountains in Scotland, Husonio was sent to fetch Atlas out of Africa, and Hackero [Page] was sent to fetch the Mountains of Caucasus. Then did the Gyants Husonio and Hackero, prepare them wonder­ful Stilts wherewith to wade through the deep Ocean: Now because that the len [...]th of them was such and so vast, they took the largest steps that ever were known one Stilt being alwaies ten Mile before the other, which may seem incredible, but that we do not find it set down in the Apochrypha.

The Gyant Credo séeing them preparing them such Stilts he presently made himself such too; for, qu [...]th he, surely they must be excellent for disp [...]tch, which he found to be true; for by the help of these Stilts he went to the furthest parts of old Scotia, and back again in lesse then a quarter of an hour bringing a huge and mighty Hill upon his head with more ease then a Turk carries his Turbant: now because the Hill covered him all over, so that he could not be perceiv'd, some say that the Hill walk'd and it was taken for a great Miracle throughout all Albion. When he came to the place appointed, he took the said mountain off his head, as one would take off his Cap and with one hand set it upon the top of Plimlemmon; he had no sooner done it, but the Caverns of his belly roar'd, and immedi­ately sent forth such a mighty tempest as blow the said M [...]untain quite away some 15 Miles into the Ocean, as you would blow away a Feather with a Smiths pair of Bellows, and so was all that labour loft. Scarcely had this misfortune befallen them, when the Gyants Husonio and Hackero return'd the ore from Tenariff, the other from Africa, They related strange things; how that as they were taking up the Mountains on their backs, the Knights of those Countries came upon them so that they were forc'd to fight with all Comers and Goers for six days and nights together: Husonio said that he had slain thrée Millions of Knights, and Hackero reported how he had kill'd five Millions & ten Knights, besides two dwarfs; but at length hearing that Atlas was coming to defend his [Page] own mountain being very weary, they retired forthwith; for they were loth to venture rubbers with a Gyant of such Fame as he was. However they brought with them four of five smaller Hills which were not above two or thrée Miles high a piece, which they had put in their poc­kets for fear of being discovered. But as they were go­ing to place these one upon another according to their first resolutions, lo▪ another accident that spoiled all; For early in the morning, beho [...]d there came five Milk-maids forth to milk the Kin [...] that were grazing in the adjoyn­ing pasturel; when the Gyants saw them al, in white with Milk-pails on their heads they admir'd at the strang­nesse of their Head-gear; For were they Mortals, quoth they, they would not approach as they doe, but séeing us would certainly be affrighted at our shapes: Hereupon the Gyant Credo went down to méet them, and when he came néer, he said unto them, with a stern countenance, Are ye spirits of the North, or o' the South, or are ye spi­rits of the lower Regions, or spirits of the Sphears? If ye be such, Think you that we who are now going to re­venge our selves upon the Gods, will let you escape who are but their Ministers? with that he gave one of the Milk-maids such a blow on her Pail as made her Pail and her Head come almost to the ground together; which when the rest espy'd, they threw down their Milk-pails with great indignation, and fell upon the Gyant with such a fury, that he not being able to resist their strong Vio­lence, was forced to yield, while they drag'd him to the ground by the h [...]ir of the head: being in this plight he be­gan to call & cry; but 'twas well if the rest of the Gyants had enough of courage to sée him; for they durst not stir one inch to his assistance. Uillain that thou art, Quoth one of the Amazon Uirgins, I'le teach thee to hurt Iane, & with that she gave him a claw that plow'd up his Face from ear to ear. Nay, quoth another, for the honour of Saint George let's crosse him; and so she made a furrow [Page] from his Chin to his Forehead; One would have cut off his Gingumbobs, but that feare made him swell so strong, that they were forc'd to quit him. Which blessed time being come, with a countenance full of the effects of a sad conquest, he went to his fellow-Gyants, who partly affrighted at the direfull mortifications of his Uisage, partly séeing the Milk-wenches advance, and considering that they should never be able to conquer the Gods, who were beaten only by two or thrée sprights, as to them the Milk-wenches séemed to be, they took up their Héels, and with no small diligence, ran away, leaving their intended Design to any body else that durst undertake it.

CHAP. XXI. How the Loyal Knight enter'd Londinum, and what hap­ned thereupon.

NOt long agoe we left the Loyal Knight in the Coun­try of Scotia, devising with his Company concerning the welfare of the Country of Britain. He at length séeing the Forces of Sir Lambert dissipated by the power of the forty Tyrants rode toward the City of Londinum, méeting many Knights by the way that followed the King, whom he still directed in their course, who made to him report of the dealings of the forty Tyrants at Lon­dinum: When he enter'd into the City of Londinum, he caused Don Lamberto to be cast into prison; but long had he not béen there but he made his escape, thinking to have gathered his Forces together again, and to have en­countred the Loyall Knight; but being hardly pursued he was again retaken, and again committed to the care of the Knight of the Lyons. Which the forty Tyrants saw [Page] that they could make no disturbance against the Loyall Knight, neither of themselves nor by any other means, they came to the Loyall Knight, saying unto him, We thought till now, my Lord that ye were one of the best advised Knights of the whole world but that we now by proof perceive the contrary. You think that what ye doe is for safety of your Honour, but you will find it to be the losse of you and your men. But the Loyall Knight replying, Full well, quoth he, do you manifest your horrible Treason; for besides your Treachery in compacting the Death of your Lord, you would have me also a Traytor to his Posterity, as ye have proved. Then said the forty Tyrants, to hinder us from ruling in Lon­don? To which the Loyall Knight making answer, Ne­ver, quoth he, shall Traytor reign in London while the most Honourable King of the World liveth. When this debate was ended, He summon'd the Kings Friends to­gether, and gave them the chief power over Britain, which was no sooner restored u [...]to them, but they sent for the true and lawfvl King of Britain, who not long after was received into his chief City of Londinum with great Ioy and Triumph: And so concludeth the First Part of this History.


EPistles like Prologues of playes are many times skipt o­ver, seldome read: and to say the truth I know not that they are of any great use: and therefore that I may not sin against your patience, and my own opinion I shal say no more for what is here writ, but only thus much, that the Ladys may read here what they never read in their lives: for whereas all other Knights fought for their sakes, our Knights fought for Nobody's sakes but their own▪ as you shall finde by the se­quel, And so farewell.

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The Gyant Husonio.

DON JUAN LAMBERTO: Or, a Comical HISTORY Of the Late Times.

The second and last Part.

By Montelion Knight of the ORACLE. &c.

LONDON, Printed by T. Leach, for Hen. Marsh, at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane near Fleetstreet, 1661.

Don Juan Lamberto: OR, A COMICAL HISTORY OF The Late TIMES.

CHAP. I. How the Seer Lisle hearing of the return of the lawful King of Britain, devised for to flye out of the Land; how he made him a Periwig of Camels hair, and how he fled into Aegypt in a winged Chariot.

NOw as they were resting themselves in the Forrest under the forsaken Tree, Sir Lambert unbuckled his Ar­mour, and was laying himself down in a posture to sleep, when loe there came a Snayl creeping towards him, O [...] that I could now pray quoth he as well as the old Soldan could, for certanly this is an evil Spirit, but [Page] when he gathered up his resolution and struck it, the poor Snayl pull'd in its horns, and then he had compas­sion thereon, for said he, this poor Snayl is in my con­dition, and pulls in its horns even as I am forced to pull in mine because of the tapp which the forty Tyrants have given me. But the forty Tyrants though they had vanquished Sir Lambert, did not yet enjoy their in­tended ease and quiet, for they were sorely press'd upon by the Loyal Knight, and the rest of the Christans that were with him, who were indeed too Cunning for them; For the Loyal Knight seeing that his Forces were not powerful enough for them, at first feigned himself to be a Pagan likewise, at which they were right glad, and commanded him to pull down the Gates of the City of Londinum, which when he had done, they said one to another▪ now the Town's ours, for they thought that they had made the Loyal Knight Cock sure to them, but when he saw how they had abused him, he called for one of the City Gyants, who was seven yards high, and fifteen foot about the waste, and bid him go and pull those proud and furious Dominatours from th [...]ir imperious Thrones who presently took his March, and being come to the place where they were met, he put his hand in at the window, and took them out one by one, as men take out young Squabs out of Pigeon holes. Then did the forty Tyrants howl, and bawl, and yawl, and fume, and swear, and tear, as the Poet most elegantly hath it,

—rending their Throats for Anger.

But little good did it do them, even no more than Scur [...]y grasse▪ Ale doth a man good that drinks it to cure his Cornes; for the Gyant had no more compassi­on on them, than the Lyon hath upon his Prey. They [Page] begg'd 'tis true, but he frown'd, then they begg'd a­gain, and he frown'd again, then they begg'd again, but then he frown'd terribly, so that his brows came down to his Chin, and then they trembled like Aspin leaves. 'Tis well quoth the Gyant that I give you time to consider of the evil which ye have done, and that I do not presently gobble you up, as for example with that; It is reported for certain, that he took up the Séer Cor­nellolanelus, and having first rubb'd him betwéen his fore-finger and his thumb, as they do damsons, to make him tender, he toss'd him into his mouth, and swallow­ed him whole, the which I take to be more probable, be­cause he hath since been much sought after and could ne­ver be found, nor so much as heard of. When the Séer Lisle saw that, he was full sore afraid, for quoth he, There is no man that deserveth lesse from the Christians than I have done; For ye must know my dearly beloved friends, that this Samen Seer was one of the chief of the forty Tyrants, who upon all occasions did sentence the innocent Christians to death, sitting upon a Throne made for that purpose, clad in Scarlet and fine Linnen. Wherefore espying his opportunity, he ran hastily away from the face of the Gyant, and fled unto a certain Ca­stle which appertained to the Witch who was called the Sable-brow'd-Enchantresse, which stood near the Ham­let of Bloomesbury, where he remained hidden certain days under the Coats of one of the Harlots of that place, till the heat of the search [...]eas over. Now that our His [...]ory may be the clearer, seeing that we are [...]allen to speak of this right notorious Seer, we thought it ne­cessary, to discover something of his genealogy. His Father was a Cow keeper, who deriv'd his Pedigree from the fierce Fireanton, who was the first Switzer that ever was in the world, and his Mother was the fair Elisabetha, who nois'd hot Chaldron Pyes about the Sreets of Londinum, and was descended from [Page] the beautiful Scourandirona, who was chief Cha [...] ­woman to Nimcodds Clerk of the Kitchin. It is reported that the Babe being born did fart right often, whence some out of the depth of their foresight did strangly conjecture, that the time should come when he shou [...]d stink for fear in his latter days; When he grew up he was much given to thrust himself into joynt-stools with the bottomes upward, Hereupon some said he would come to be the Pontisex Maximus; but others that were of a deeper fores [...]ght did right sa­piently conjecture, that though he might arrive to high degree, yet in one part of his life or other he should come to be in a very streight condition. Now trust me, and how is it in the power of man to help it? For as the proverb saith right well, Fortune is fickle; so that there is nothing more inconstant than wayward For­tune. This made that potent Magnifico Don Slaol­folko Guasta Campo cry out when he was vanquish [...]d by the most potent and most furious Knight Don Fernando Ferenomano; Oh quoth he, ‘The stripes of cruel For­tune what are they like? like the dashing of the proud Billows against the sturdy Rocks? no: like the roar­ing of the untamed Lyon? no: like a noise of Fid­lers? no, neither What then? there is nothing to be compared unto them. The lashes from a Hangman at the Carts tail, are but ticklings of the Skin in comparison of them; for they make Ladyes weep, Knights to howl, and Gyants to roar;’ But let us return to out story, leaving Don Slaolfolko to bewail his misfortunes himself. Now you must know, or else you know nothing at all, that the Seer L [...]sle was that cursed man that had the cursed mishap to fall into the gripes of this accursed and cruel Fortune. But mark ye right well what I shall say, he may thank himself for it; For when he came to those years. which are ycleped years of discretion, he began to feel in his little [Page] pocket, The De­vil in the shape of a Sea horse. but found therein no money; Then quoth he, O my accursed Stars, why suffer ye this evil for to be­fall me; Then there arose a thing out of the Earth like


a great Sea-horse, with long hair as black as Char­coal, at the sight whereof he fell fla [...] on his back to the ground, and as he lay along, the spirit walked and walked over him, and at length piss'd in his face: after which it spoke, unto him in this phrase,

The Tears of the Lady,
He was a Poet.
and Blood of her Lord,
Shall unto thee great Riches afford.

The Séer ponderd this saying in his mind. and laid it up in his brest as charily as a Country Gentlewoman kéeps her Iewells; long look'd he for this time. ‘O when will it be, quoth he, that I shall increase this my small pittance, which with so covetous and spa­ring a hand Fortune hath measur'd me out? when shall I dine with a dozen dishes of meat, and look pleasantly to see my Consort carve up the second and third course? when shall Honour attend me, and the [Page] respect of the people wait upon the train of my gown [...] These are the things I gape for, and to obtain, what would I not do? I think there is nothing that I would not do; stay, let me examine my self. Could I renounce the Religion of my Country? A Peca­dillo, a poor pittiful Pecadillo; Could I perjure my self? Yes I think I could, nay I am sure I could. Could I dispence with the murdring of one or two, or two or thrée, or forty or fifty, or so? not by way of Duel, for I am none of your hardy Knights, but as a Iudge I could, which is both safe and honour­able.’

These his resolves were not long undiscovered [...]the subtil searchers into the dispositions of men, of which the chief Soldan of Britain, and the forty Tyrants had then good store. Now mark ye, there is nothing more luckie in the world than for a man to be booted▪ and spar [...]'d, and to have nothing to do but to get up and ride upon an occasion when it offers it self▪ Even so it fell out with our Seer. For the Soldan, whose intention it was to extirpate all the Nobles of Britain, that were friends to the lawful King of Britain, had framed sun­dry▪ and several grievous accusations of hainous crimes and offences against them, that so he might bereave them of their estates and of their lives at once. Now left the people of Britain should think that he did any thing contrary to the Laws which were used in that Realm, he devised with himself to erect a Tribunal in imitation of a Court of true Iustice; which when he had brought to p [...]sse, yet still he wanted one who would undertake to sit as chief Iudge, and to pronounce the dire sentence of untimely death upon such innocent Knights whose hard mishap it was to be sacrific'd to his wrath and fiery indignation. Then the Soldan of Britain cast­ing about, and revolving in himself where he might and a at instrument to perform that office, he was at length in­formed [Page] of the Seer Lisle; wherefore he immediately caused him to be sent for, to appear before him: who incontinently made his addresse unto him, and that with so much readinesse, that for hast he put on both his stockings the wrong side outward, which mark of obe­dience and willingnesse the Soldan was right glad to see. ‘Gentle Lisle, quoth he, thou canst not be ig­norant, how that I have many a right worthy Knight who are professed enemies to my greatnesse now within my power, which I must cause to be put to death, that so I may be secur'd in my great Do­minions; Now so it is that I have chosen thee to be their Condemnator. Then the Seer Lisle made him three great bowes, and sev [...]n congies and a half, pro­mising him faithfully to do effectually whatever he commanded: For quoth he, ‘Great Soldan thy be­hests are just, therefore have I forsaken the God of the Christians, to serve the God whom thou servest, and to submit to thee in all things; for who is like unto thee among all the Princes in the world.’ There­upon he was without delay cloathed in Skarlet, and a Throne was provided for him where he might sit in majesty to exercise cruelty as he pleased upon the dis­tressed Christians; and indeed so dextrous was he and Lordly in his office, that few or none of the Christians escaped his bloody sentences. Wherefore the Soldan was right glad, and it pleased him to see that the Seer was so faithful unto him; Therefore he gave unto him the Lands and Palaces of the Christian Princes, so that the Seer lived right illustriously, his heart being at eafe and wallowing in plenty. But as after Winter cometh Summer, and after Summer cometh Winter again as after fair weather cometh fowl, and after fowl fair, so after the long tranquility which our Seer enjoy'd, ensued the boystrous storms of heart killing sorrow: for loe he that before look'd big and haughty, [Page] and sate upon high places, where all men might view him, yet feared not the paw of the Bayliff, nor the fu­ry of the Soldans Ianisary's, is now not to be seen by any, sculking sometimes in Ovens, sometimes under the coats of Harlots, sometimes in old Trunks, some­times like Diogenes living in Tubs, yet no where in se­curity, but still asf [...]righted with continual fears; which kind of life, through the excess of trouble and discon­tent that was in it growing irksome unto the Seer Lisle, he bethought himself how he might escape out of the Land of Britain into some other Country. ‘But quoth he into what Country shall I go? shall I go in­to Swedland? no: why? first and formost because that in that place the Winters are long and the Sum­mers are short. Secondly, because the Summers are short and the Winters are long. Thirdly and lastly, because it is an unfortunate Country, and they can never keep what they get, which is too much my own condition. As for France and Spain they be Kingdomes, which are no places for me: for even as the Stork delighteth in Common-wealths, even so do I. No I will go into Aegypt, for that is a pleasant Country, and because the people of that Country be of my own Religion, and there lived the Iewes, of whose number was Achan, from whom I am lineally descended by the Fathers side: and though there be no Kings, yet there be Tyrants, who are men after my own heart; And I will go into Aegypt because of the Red-sea, for ye must know that I have been bred up near Red seas most part of my life, and was a ma­ker of Red seas my self; Therefore as it is the na­ture of Ducks, Teal, and Mallard to frequent the shores of great Rivers, as also of the Ocean, and as it is the nature of the Soland Gec [...]e to build about the impregnable I stand of the Bass, so doth it agree with my desire to inhabit near the Red [...]sea.’

CHAP. II. Yet of the Seer Lisle, and of other things.

WHen he had thus forti [...]ied his mind with the Bar­ricado's of Constancy, and Rampires of Re­solution, so that it was impossible to force it with the Ma [...]terpeices of Perswasion; he then be thought him­self which might be the best way to conceal himself in his flight. Hereupon he entred into a very great Consultation, and debate concerning what was to be done with the Sable-browd-Inchantresse, and other of his Friends; some were of opi­nion that he should wrap himself in a Lyons skin, and so walk to the sea-shore upon all four; But this enter­prize was left off, because that after they had tryed the Sage three or four times, they found him very insuffi­cient to roar, of which there was an exceeding great necessity, if the Country people should come too near to view or handle him as he went along. But there was nothing that pleas'd him so well as the way which last of all he devised with himself which was to put on a Pe­rewig and a Beard of Camels hair, for quoth he a Ca­mel is a Beast that beareth great burthens, and I bear a great burthen of woe and misery, and therefore since I must carry this great burthen, it is fit that I should be as like a Camel as I may. Then did the Sable-browd-Inchantress send away incontinently three spirits Rim­bombo, Nachor, and Rantantamboro into Arabia to fetch away the tails of 4 Camels, who went and came in less than a quarter of an hour, for they went as if the Divel had drove um, which is 10000. mile in a minute. When the Sable-browd-Enchantress had the Camels tails in her possession, then did she with wonderful Art [Page] frame thereof a certain large Perewig, the locks where­of reached down to his middle, and it was very grace­ful and comely to behold. Now when the Sage had put it on, he and the Enchantress communed together in this wise. Quoth he, most renowned Mariana, for so was the Sable browd-Enchantress nam'd, who do I now look like? for certes it cannot be that I should be taken for who I am indeed, No quoth she, my most worthy Séet; It is for thy sake that I have run my self into very great hazzads, nor would I by any means that after all the pain which I have taken, that thy face should be no whit alter'd; But be thou assured that the Gods have prosper'd my undertakings, for thou lookest not like thy self, but thou lookest even like Hector of Troy; Most assuredly I could like Circe have chang'd thée into a Swine, but I thought it better that thou shouldst look rather like Hector than a Hog. Most cour­teous Enchantress replied the Seer, I can never end celebrating your most high and more than humane Art, especially in the curling of my Perewig, which is done with so much art that I never saw the like in all my life. Gentle-Seer, replied the Enchantress, know right well, that so great is the respect which I bear unto thee, both in respect of the kindnesse which I have received from thee, and which thou hast afforded unto my Damsells, that I would not thou shouldst want any assistance that I can afford thee. Therefore now I call it to mind, there is one Gyges, who is in great esteem with the fa­mous sir Pluto Knight of the Infernal shades, who hath a Ring, the vertue whereof is such, that he who ever wears the same shall walk invisible; That quoth the Seer would be of great advantage unto me, and I would when I had made use of it return it unto sir Gyges with all possible speed, and the choicest of my courteous thanks, Hereupon Rimbombo, Nachor, and Rantantamboro were again dispatch'd unto sir Gyges, [...]o [Page] desire him in the name of the Sable-browd-Enchantress ▪ that he would in courtesse lend her his Ring, the which had such excellent vertue, that she might pleasure a dis­tressed Knight who was one of her Friends, who had great occasion thereof, Sir Gyges replied that he was alwayes courteous unto distressed Knights, and had no less respect to the Sable-browd-Enchantress, so that he was right sorry that he could not do as she desired, for that he had lost the Ring that she sent for most unfortunately; for having left it off one morning when he went to wash his hands, the Damsel of the Castle swept it away. and threw it among the rubbish out of the Castle gates. When the Sage Lisle and the Inchantresse heard this, they were right sorry, and were ready to weep for the anguish that fell upon their Spirits. But quoth the Sable-browd-Inchantresse, since I cannot have that, I will try my Spels for another. So she prepared all things in a readinesse, and first she drew a large long Circle, which was the strangest that ever was séen, In the midst of this Circle they placed a Bed, the which had never béen lain in before, into which the Sage Lisle was commanded to enter, and put himself naked be­tween the Shéets. Then the Inchantresse sitting down upon the Bed side, uttered several Charms in the Sla­vonian language, at the end whereof there arose from the four corners of the wind, four black Horses, with Spirits on their backs, in the shape of Monkeys, who demanded of the Enchantresse what was her pleasure, who presently commanded them to fetch unto her one of the Nimphs of the Hesperian Orchard, who presently hurr [...]'d away with such a Tempest as made the Earth to shake like an Aspin leaf, at the noise whereof the Moun­tains hop'd and danced up and down, making a noise like the chopping of Pot-herbs; but they appeared again in the twinkling of an eye together with the Damsel, who [Page] seemed unto the eye as plump as a Patridge, and as rud­dy as a Queen Apple. Being come, the Inchantresse caused her to be laid in the Bed, by the side of the Sage Lisle, then drawing the Curtains and telling the Seer, that if he us'd the fair Uirgin well, that he should have his hearts desire. She departed out of the Room. Now when the Seer and the Uirgin were alone in Bed toge­ther, they enjoyed one the other all that night in a most pleasant wise, so that the fair Philothera for so was the Uirgin ycleped, having received great content from the Seer Li [...]le; quoth she, I am the happiest person in the world, for I thought when I dyed, that I should have lost all the pleasures of this earth, but thou hast given me new satisfaction, when I thought I should never have enjoyed the sweet solace of a man more. For to tell thee truth, right worthy Seer, I am the Soul of a Poulterers Wife, who when my Husband broke, was preserved by the Charity of such Knights as frequented this Castle, to which I was daily invited by the Inchan­tresse, how I came hither again, I know not, however I have reason to give thee thanks [...]or the marvelous courtesies which thou hast afforded to me this night, so pulling off a Ring which she wore upon her thumb, she gave it him, desiring him to accept it as a token of her love, and having so said, she immediately vanisht out of his sight. When he had thus obta [...]n'd the Ring, he found there was one thing more which would be a great hindrance unto him, which was the tediousnesse of the Iourney, by reason of certain great Cornes which he had upon his feet; wherefore calling unto him again Dame Mariana, the Black-browd-Inchantresse, they thereupon entered into new debates, and at length she resolved to make him a flying Charriot. It was made o [...] the Cawie of a Sea Mare four months gone, which she caus'd to be kill'd in the night, three minutes past the sixt hour the Sun entering into the Oriental Nadir, for [Page] being taken from the Sea Mare at that nick of time though it were as light as a feather, it became as hard as steel. The frame thereof was like a Sedan, the Poles thereof were smaller than the smallest Needles. Now the Inchantresse having prepared all things ready, took the Seer and put him into the Charriot, together with a Bottle of Aniseed-water, and four Tabern Bis­kets; then she embraced and kissed the Seer, and hug'd him, giving unto him a Bird-Call, telling him that he should soon find the vertue thereof, and bidding him with­all be sure that he never left whistling till he came into Aegypt. And indeed so-cunningly had she charmed this Bird-Call, that as soon as the Seer began to whistle, there came four Ostriches, which placing themselves under the four Poles of the Charriot, spread their wings, and being mounted high into the Air, steered their course di­rectly to the Land of King Pharaoh. The Inchantress with heavy sorrow look'd after him, till the noise of other Knights knocking at her Castle Gate called her to look after her other affairs.

CHAP. III. How the Gyant Husonio went to seek a Den and a Moun­tain, and what happened thereupon.

NAy by my saith quoth the Gyant Husonio, for I m [...]not tarry any longer in the Land of Brittain, séeing that the Inchanted Castles are all pull'd down, and the Sun defying Forrests are all rooted up by [...]he forty Tyrants. Oh this Brittain has been an old swin­ger of Gyants; for there [...]ere Gyants that inhabited therein of yore, but there came a people out of the Cast, who did so lam-baste their great sides, that they were enforced to leave their Habitations: Certes even so is [Page] it now with me. When he had uttered these speeches he called for an Astrologer and a Book of Mapps.


Then quoth he unto the Astrologer, where is the great­est Mountain in the World, and where may I be most likely to find a Den? The Astrologer estsoones reply'd, that men of his Profession did not look after Mountains in this World: but if he would go into the World of the M [...]on, he could shew him Mountains enough, with Dens ready furnished with Turky Chairs and Couch­ches of right curious Workmanship. When the Gyant Husonio heard that he waxed exceeding wroth, and took the Astrologer upon the palm of his hand, and thrust him into his mouth, as you would put a brown Loaf into an [Page] Oven, with a Peel. Quoth he to the Seer or Astrolo­ger, either find me out a better Mountain and a Den, or tarry there, for till that time thou shalt have no other Study but this; and therefore sit thee down upon one of the stumps of my teeth, and consider of it. Now you must know that the Astrologer being so near his ears could not choose but put many things therein: Among the rest he put thereinto a certain great and puissant Flea: Hoh quoth the Gyant, what's that? It is reply­ed the Astrologer, the Spirit Pipantabor, who is to conduct thee in the Roads and in thy Iourneys. When he heard that, he was well pleas'd, for he was right well contented therewith, although many times it tickled him full sore. But it now was high time for the Gyant to take up his Pack, for that he was informed of the hot pursuit which the Loyal Knight made after him, whom he dreaded more than the Dove doth the Eagle. Where­fore the Gyant incontinently took his Club, and thrust it into a Ring which was as big about as a Charriot Wheel, whereunto was fastened a Cloak-bag, which was near a quarter of a mile about, and a quarter of a mile in length; for it was as thick as it was long, and as long as it was thick; when he had so done, he laid his Club upon his shoulder, and his Pack hung behind like a Hare upon a Hunters Staffe; Then putting one legge before another, he began his Iourney, praying for a good successe all the way as he went unto the Spirit Pipantabor, in this manner.

O thou mighty Pipantabor, who dwellest in the car of a great Gyant, yet fearest not the quagmires of wax which are therein, hearken unto my words, and listen to my sayings, as a Chambermaid listens to hear the private discourse of her Master and Mistriss. If thou say'st thou doest not hear me thou liest, neither art thou the mighty Pipantabor; And if thou say'st I cannot hear thee, thou liest yet more, for art not thou locally [Page]
in my ear, and close by the Timpamuci thereof, which by reverberation, communicateth sounds unto the brain? Therefore thou must and shalt hear me: But what would I have thee do? Why I would have thee to shew me a Mountain and a Den; yea I say unto thee, show me a Mountain and a Den, where the loy­al Knight may not find me out, and I shall sacrifice un­to thee for thy pain, an Hecatomb of black listed Lice, well fatted with humane Blood. If thou doest not, [Page] thou art neither civil nor courteous, for what Guest will not be kind to his Hoast who hath entertained him and given him harbour, as I have done unto thee.

Having uttered these words he came unto the Sea, the which he waded through, though in many places thereof it was a full Inch above his Chin: Neith [...]r was it altogether without Impediment, as ye shall hear eft­soones. For ye must know that he could not wade o­ver so suddenly, but that there befel him a certain acci­dent, the which it was this. Neptune and his Wife Thetis, having béen at supper with King Eolus, were coming home late, attended by many Tritons and Mer­maids of Honour: wh [...]n by the multitude of the Torches that attended them, they discovered the Gyant, which was to them an unusual sight; séeing such a monstrous Gyant, with such a monstrous Cloakbag at his back. Certainly quoth Neptune unto Thetis our House is rob [...]d; Then Thetis also espying him, cry'd out, O quoth she my best Bason and Ewer, what shall I do for it. Neptune seeing his Wife so much concern'd, thought it no time to dally; therefore out of the Char­riot he comes; Which when the Gyant Husonio beheld, and saw also by the looks of him that he was plaguie mad, he resolved to take what advantage he could▪ and therefore squeezing his Hypochondrions he let such a Fart as blew out all the Torches, then taking his Cloakbag in his right hand, and his Club in his lest he put himself into a posture of defence. The Fart as it was great so it was strong, and the sent thereof so much offended the Nose of Thetis, that she was not a­ble to endure it; O come away Neptune quoth she, and do not poyson thy self and me too; Let my Bason and Ewer go to the Divel, so as I may but get out of this stink, I care not, Neptune, unto whom Thetis was always dear, would not displease her but retired; yet in his retreat resolving to have one blow, struck at ran­dome; [Page] Now you must know that Neptunes Mace light­ed upon the Head-piece of Husonio, which was of Stéel▪


with so much violence▪ that through the force thereof, sparcles of fire issued forth of his said Helmet; The which lighting upon some of the Torches that were next set them on a flame; When the Torches were lighted, Neptune could not hold, he being also inflam'd like his Torches, with a desire his Thetis should see him fight, wherefore he dings again to the Gyant with mighty fierceness, and boldy in the words of Sir Lancelot thus bespeaks him,

Lay down thy Load Sr. Gyant though.

But to this Husonio made answer,

My Load's mine own, my Answer's no.

And saying those words, for he feared the multitude that was about him, he sank into the Sea, and letting another most formidable Fart, he blew the Sea up in such a manner, that there was a leagues distance from the bottom of th [...] Sea, and bottom of the waters; whereby it came to passe, that the Gyant walked under the Sea as dry as if it had been in his own Dining-room, and so escaped Neptunes fury, until he came unto the Strond of Normania. Right happy was it that this strange adventure fell out; for the people that dwelt near the Sea shore, during this separation which con­tinued twenty four hours, so violent was the force, that was the occasion thereof; greatly enriched themselves with the spoiles of wracked ships, which had been heap­ed up by Neptune and his Tritons for their own use ma­ny ages before.

I néed not tell you how the Gyant Husonio made him a fire when he came on shore, for what need he make him a fire to dry himself, who walked so dry as he did through the Sea; yet others say he did make a fire, but it was not to dry himself, but to parboyl his supper; which as soon as he came on shore, without much medi­tation he went to provide. Quoth he, I can do no more mi [...]chief in my own Country, therefore I will do it in another; And upon those words he went and cut down a whole Forrest, without considering in the least who was the Landlord, or whether the Landlord held it on­ly for Life or in Fee. Nor was it not long ere oppor­tunity put meat into his mouth, as I shall prepare to [Page] tell you. There was a certain great Town some leagues distant from the place where the Gyant Huso­nio had made his great fire, thither two men and a Boy were driving a numerous he [...]d of large Oxen; The Gyant seeing them coming laugh'd for ioy; and when th [...]y approached near he took the said Oxen one by one, and swallow'd them down whole, and when he had swallow'd them all, he took the two men and the Boy, and swallow'd them also; for quoth he these Knabes may chance to go and raise the Country. When he had swallow'd all the said Oxen, he found his stomack indifferent full, which caused in him a desire to rest his bones, which desire caused him to lay himself all along before the said fire; He had not laid there long but he fell into a deep sleep, which being preceived by one of the men that he had swallow'd, by the terrible snoaring that he made, the man not unwilling to miss so nota­ble an oppertunity crept out at his mouth, and seeing him so fast asleep, he went in again, and told his fellows thereof, urging the benefit of the occa­sion, with such a pithy and well ordered speech, he so wrought upon his Companions, that they grose, and with great secresie drove the Cattel toward his mouth, but coming to his teeth, they found them so close shut, that it was not was not possible to open them without waking the Gyant, wherefore they were fore afflicted: But what will not the invention of man do, when it is in a streight? for seeing themselves stopp'd here, they bethought themselves that the Gyant had another hole through which they hop'd to passe more se­curely because it was not so near his ears; whereupon they drove the Oxen back again, and searching they found the back passage without any barricado's at all, so that with great content they at length got clear of their p [...]son; when they were got loose they were as merry as Crickets, but the Gyant awaking, quoth he, [Page] what a huge stooll have I had, but it was well I had it, for certes at the middle of the night the Oxen began to rise plaguily in my stomack.

CHAP. IV. How Sr. Vane and Sr. Lambert disputed together, and how Sr. Vane made Sr. Lambert believe that the Moon was made of green Cheese.

NOw you must understand that after the Knight of the Golden Tulip was retaken through the great Courage of the Knight of the Bath, he was secured in the Castle of the Lyons, and eke the Knight of the Mysterious Allegories was there secured also, so that they had often opportunities to discourse together. Now when they saw each they congratulated one ano­ther right lovingly; Quoth Sr. Vane I am right glad to see you Sr. Lambert, though not so glad to see you here, however it is better to be here than in the open Fields, where there is no shelter against the Rain, nor any other kind of storm that should happen, for here we have Houses over our heads, so that if it should rain Dogs and Cats we could have no harm. And by the Masse quoth Sr. Lambert you speak right cunningly Sr. Vane; And besides this we do not fear to have our Corns trod upon by the Horses of the enraged Char­rioters, nor are we in danger to be bruised by those sturdy Gyants ycleped Carrmen, nor néed we fear to have our Mantles snatch'd from us going late in the dire [...]ul plain of Lincolns-Inna; However Liberty is worth its weight in pure Gold. If that be all replied Sr. V [...]ne, comfort thy self Sr. Lambert; for this restraint which is put upon us ought to make us e­stéem [Page] the better of our selves: For experience tells us that have lived long in the World, how that men lock up their choicest Iewels in the most secure places of their Houses; And you see that though at first the Nightingal be moody, yet eftsoones will she sing in her Cage as pleasantly as in the open Air; And I pray what is the Body but the prison of the Soul? and yet our Souls fear nothing more than to be set at liberty. Then said Sr. Lambert to Sr. Vane, since that we are here met so fortunately together, I entreat you to ac­cept of a small entertainment from me this night, for that I have many things concerning which to confer with you; Most willingly replied Sr. Vane, for that your company is right pleasing unto me. When Sup­per was brought in, they commanded their Servants to depart, for that they intended to be very private. Then quoth Sr▪ Lambert, most renowned Knight of the Myst­eriou [...] Allegories, methinks that we being Knights should not be here without our Ladies: though as for mine, I might have the same Opinion of her as Helion had of the fair Constantia, because of the reported fami­liarity which was betwéen her and the Soldan of Brit­tain. As for that replied Sr. Vane, I will shew thee many examples of Ladies whose fame hath béen blast­ed, which yet before the end of the sting have made a shift to rectifie the mistakes betwéen their Knights and them. But quoth Sr. Lambert, suppose that may not be, but that the error be committed, can that be said to concern me any way which was never any pain to me in the World, and of which never any part of my body was sensible. Then replied the Knight of the Mysteri­ous Allegories, Cuckoldry is a very great mystery, and every man understands it not, for true it is, that though you be at Gran Cairo, and your Wife be in any part of the Land of Brittain, yet at that very moment of time that she admitteth a stranger to copulate with her, [Page] shall the invisible Horn find shelter under the thicket of your Foretop. That quoth Sr. Lambert full hardly can I believe, for that you may as well make me be­lieve the Moon is made of green Cheese. Certes re­plied Sr. Vane, you are very ignorant, for the thing by which you seek to prove the impossibility of what I averre, is the greatest Argument of the truth thereof. Why quoth Sr. Lambert is the Moon then made of green Cheese? then will I be hang'd. Mark yee, quoth Sr. Vane how you confound your self, and how I shall use your own Arguments against you, for if it be not then will I be hang'd. But have you no other Ar­gument replied Sr. Lambert. Most surely replied Sr. Vane; First because I have said it, whose wisdome by which you have so long beed govern'd would receive no small affront, and your self not a little disparage your self, should you not believe me in this thing as well as in other; Then proceeded Sr. Vane saying, Know yee then right well Sr. Lambert, that in Metaphysicks the Notional difference makes a clear distinction, as falling into an incapacitated sence of the objected Medium. As for example, I say the Moon is made of green Cheese; For green metaphysically distinguished is white, by reason of the objected Medium which is the blew Air; For if you look upon green through a blew Glasse, then it will appear — Hereupon Sr, Lambert interrupt­ing him said unto him, what! thou wilt by and by make me believe the Moon is made of blew Cheese. No re­plied Sr. Vane, for I am no Changling though the Moon be one; I say the Moon is made of green Cheese; For mark ye what I shall say; Behold your Uirgnis af­flicted with the green Sicknesse, they are said to look green, when they are in verity white; We call Geese green, yet who is such a Goose as doth not perceive them to be many times grey; Mo [...]t is said to be green rosted, when it is all over red with blood; And all the [Page] World that hnows what green Fish is, knows it to be white. And thus the Moon being either red, grey, or white, may properly be said to be green; Now that it is a Cheese, the Allegorical Configuration of the Super­natural Ideas doth make manifest; For you see how that a Cheese in its Spherical Rotundity waines and waines till it come to be all eaten, and then presently appears a new Cheese; Even [...]o you see it is with the Moon, which when it is at its smallest decrease, that is all eaten up by the Gods, then comes a new Moon. Moreover do you not see holes in a Cheese? and did not the Necromancer Galileo discry Holes and Concavities in the Moon. When Sr. Lambert heard this, he twisted his Mustachio's with his fore finger and thumb, listning unto the words of Sr. Vane like unto a Sow in the Beans: But quoth he, Sr. Vane, for all this you tell a strange story, certes I know not how to believe it. When Sr. Vane heard that, he waxed wroth, and sware by his Gods, that unlesse he would believe that the Moon was made of green Cheese he would not give his Daughter unto his Son. Sr. Lambert was much appall'd thereat, and incontinently alter'd his Opinion, saying that if he would swear it he would believe it. Then Sr. Vane putting the top of his little Finger upon the top of his No [...]e sware in this following manner.

I Henry Vane, Knight of the Order of Mysterious Allego­ries, do swear by the Smock of Dejanica, that the Moon is made of green Cheese, and if it be a lye the Devil confound me.

Then Sir Lambert putting his fore-finger in his Tayl, sware as followeth.

I Sir Lambert, the valiant Knight of the Golden Tulip, swear by the Beard of Hercules, that both directly and indirectly, I do believe that the Moon is made of green Cheese, and that it is agreeable to the litteral [...]ence of Allegorical conclusions.

[Page]When they had both sworn in this manner, they sho [...]k hands in most friendly manner; & Sir Vane being mighti­ly pu [...]t in his mind for so great a Conquest, went to Bed.

CHAP V. How Sir. Baxtero, Knight of the Lions, went in quest af­ter Sir Ludlow, Knight of the powdring-Tub, and how he encountered the Gyant Thomabedlamus, and how he prevented the lust of the said Gyant, and afterwards departed toward Assyria.

NOw it felt out that Sir Baxtero having heard how that Sir Ludlow was departed out of Brittain, he made great lamentation and moaning; there be that say how he wept even like a young Damosel, who being sent to the Alehouse, looses her mony by the way. O quoth he, is Sir Ludlow departed? then what do I make here? Surely it is to no more purpose for me to stay here, than for an Astrologer to live in an Oven; Alas if he do flye the encounter of those Knights that are in pursuit of him, who is as valiant as Hector, how is it possible for me to encounter them, who am so much inferiour to him? Now by all the Gods, I am like a man in a Wood, like a man in a Mist, yea in a thick Mist, like a man in a For­rest, yea like a man in a thick Forrest. Farewel great mirrour of Chivalry; now do not I know whither to go after him, neither is there any one that can tell me: for should he be gone to the South, and I should go to the Cast, what were I the nearer? Therefore great For­tune be thou my guide, and direct my stick to fall the right way, for I do intend to go that way my stick falls. Then greatly perplexed in his soul, he set up his [...]affe, and it fell toward the South-East; Then did he incontinently buckle on his Helmet, and bestriding his sturdy Courser, [Page] who was ycleped Stanfurder, he pricked forward toward the Sea-coast. Now was glittering Phoebus riding with a swift carear through the midst of Heaven, causing the hand of the Dyal to point to that hour of the day when men in Towns and Cities prepare to satisfy their hun­ger, when the Knight of the Lyons, weary with long tra­vel, laid him down under the shadow of a spreading Oak, nor was it long ere the cares of his mind hung plummets upon his eye-lids, which were clos'd thereby so close to­gether, that you could not thrust the point of a needle be­twéen them, by which you may guesse that he was fast a­sléep. But Fortune that intended nothing lesse than to let him sleep, was resolved to awaken him, for loe, the Gyant Thomabedlamus full of high soaring thoughts, set his bugle to the corner of his mouth, and blew such a blast, as if all the Bulls of Basan had been roaring toge­ther; all the Trees in the Forrest shook for fear, and bow'd their lofty heads as they are wont to do when blustering Boreas comes in the Devils name among them to gather Acornes. Now you must know this, or else you know nothing, that the fair Damosel, ycleped Tatterdemalliona, was fled from the rage of the cruel wight her Father, who had as she said, and the story doth also averre, sent her to pick Daisies, for that she had yielded up her Maiden head too inconsiderately to K [...]lmaddox the Knight of the Bloody Cleaver: Long had she wandered, so that her feet look'd like claryfi'd Whey, and she panted [...]ike a broken-winded-horse, clam­bring up the King Ludd's Mountain: Sometimes as she sate, she pick'd the gravel out of her feet, for the Author of the H [...]story saith, that she was very sore by reason of the same; sometim [...]s she was in chase of certain evil creatures, ycleped F [...]eas, that did delacerate her snowy bosom, which caused those Ivory Mountains to be dis­played unto the view of burning Phoebus, so that whoe­ver was near her might discern the beauty of her naked­nesse, [Page] and the nakednesse of her beauty, without the Prospective Glass of Tychobrahe. Now you must know that the Gyant Thomabedlamus as he was leaning over a high Oak into the green plast, whereas the distressed Damosel sate, espy'd her in this condition and posture: now wot ye well when he saw her, that he was in a great Agonie, for his goggle eyes roll'd up and down, and the drivil ran down his Beard for joy, for that the Lady was passing beautious; but he did not study to wooe her with Love-verses, neither did he sigh for sorrow, neither did he beat his breast, or make complaints of her disdain, for said he to himself, is not this Forrest mine, and all that is therein? Then who shall give me any distur­bance? Seeing that there is no Knight so hardy who dares approach these enchanted Shades, I will enjoy this Damosel as many times as there be leaves in this Forrest, for that she pleaseth me wondrous well; Then the Gyant rushed in unto her, and said, Hail fair Damo­sel, if thou wilt yield unto me I will do thee no harm; whenas she heheld so great a Gyant, she squéeked right effeminately, and made such a loud Yell, as she had béen a young Grayhound ty'd up in her Kennel. Then the Gyant bespake her, saying, squeek not fair Damosel so loud, for thou squeekest in vain. Alas quoth she, Sir Gyant, it is time for me to squeek, when thou seekest to croppe my Uirgin-flower; Then quoth the Gyant, tell me not of thy Uirgin flower, What signifieth thy flow­er, or thy Uirgin-flower to me? we Gyants never consi­der them at all. When the Damosel heard him speak so terribly, the blood forsook her pale chéeks, and though her feet were so sore, as we told you before, yet she as­say'd to run away, but the Gyant catching her about the waste, laid his great paw upon her corral lipps, and stopp'd her mouth, beginning to deal with her as men deal with Curtezans at Venice. The Damosel finding her mouth stopp'd, made a noise like a Pig that is grasp'd [Page] about the Snout. Now you m [...]st know that the Knight of the Lyons, being as we said, awakened out of his sléep, heard the noise which came out of the Damosels Nose, her mouth being stopt, at which he greatly marvelled, for he wondered what it should be; Peeping therefore through the bushes, he saw the Gyant and the Damosel together, and how the Gyant tumbled the Damosel, as


Children tumble great Snow-balls in the streets. Ah quoth the Knight of the Lyons, certes this fair Damosel must needs be in a peck of troubles, but how to relieve her I cannot tell, for if I should assay to strappe his Iacket, and he should c [...]rry my Coat, than were the Damosel and I both in a worse condition than before. However great pity it is that she should suffer, and great shame for me to let her. And having said these words, he rushed in upon the Gyant, and ere that he could be a­ware of him, and as the story saith, while he was at rem [...]in [...]re, he gave him such a remembrance upon the small of the b [...]ck, that had he not been a Gyant, most certainly he had broken his chine. The Gyant was here­upon [Page] in great wroth; Could you blame him? but find­ing himself so weak by reason of the stroak, that he could not go, he spatt at the Knight of the Lyons, and spatt so violently in his face, that he had almost beaten the Knight of the Lyons backward; But the Knight of the Lyons recovering himself, saw how that his Tassel gentle lay like a bridge between his belly and the fair Damosel, wherefore without delay, with a courage Monsieur, he smote thereon so hardily, that he cut it in twain, as it had been a silken thread, and the sword glancing along, took away also one half of his Testicles, as you would slit a Walnut in twain, the pain thereof made the Gy­ant Thomabedlamus to roar like any Lyon. Ay me, quoth he, hard hearted Girl, now by all the Gods I do curse thee from the bottom of my heart to the bottomless pit of the infernal shades. When the Knight of the Ly­ons had performed this adventure, he departed toward the Land of Assyria, but because he was hard pursu'd by the Loyal Knight, he changed his upper garments to Palmers grey, the best means to passe without molesta­tion.

CHAP. VI. How Sir Ludlojus Knight of the green Powdring Tub, was hid under a Tree, and so escaped his enemies because of a Bird.

ANd it fell on a day, how that Sir Ludlojus Knight of the green Powdring Tub, was riding all alone toward the Land of Assyria, which being heard at the Court of the King of Brittain ▪ several Knights were sent to pursue him, and take him; and certes they pursued him right [...]orely, for he was much hated by them; but when the Knight of the green Powdring Tub saw them [Page] coming, his heart was almost drowned in fear, and his lungs had e'ne forgot to what purpose they were made. Alas quoth he unfortunate Knight, what wilt thou do▪ If thou runnest for it, thou wilt certainly be overtaken, and wilt only give thy enemies the mirth of a pleasant Chase. And why should'st thou hazard thy life by stay­ing, which kind Fortune may save? Then seeing no o­ther remedy, he cast himself from his Horse, and peeping about, he espy'd a Bush, and crept thereinto, for the Wood was very thick there. Now when his enemies came to seek him there, they could not find him, but they saw a Bird sit on a Tree, the which Bird men call an Owl, and then said they that there was no man, for the Bird sate there; and so they went away. So when sable night had curtain'd the world in darknesse, he pro­ceeded on his journey, and from that time unto this day, it is said that Sir Ludlojus hath that Bird in great reve­rence, and worships it above all other Birds in the world.

CHAP. VII. How the Gyant Okey wandered up and down the world in great terrour, and how he was afterwards found in a Wood by the Soldan of Britain's Daughter, in whose presence he slew himself, with other accidents that after happened.

YOu do well remember that when the Christian Champions had discomfited the H [...]st of the meek Knight, as also of the forty Tyrants, that the disloyal Gyant Okey secretly fled, partly out of anger for the loss, partly for the preservation of his life. So in great grief and terrour of Conscience he wandered like a fugitive up and [...]own the world, sometimes remembring of his past [Page] prosperity, and sometimes thinking upon the Rapes that he had committed and how he had sorely afflicted several Knights who were thrown into his power by the Necro­mancer Hugo Petros. Sometime his guilty mind ima­gined, that the bleeding Ghost of the good King of Britain, whom he had mudered, followed him up and down, haun­ting him with fearful exclamations, and filling each cor­ner of the earth with clamors of revengement. Such fear and terrour raged in his soul, that he thought all pla­ces where he travelled, were filled with multitudes of Knights, and that the strength of Countries pursued him, to heap vengeance upon his guilty head for those wrongs that he had wrought, whereby he cursed the hour of his birth, and blamed the cause of his creation, wishing the Fates to consume his body with a flash of fire. In this manner he travelled up and down, filling all places with ecchoes of his grief, which brought him into such, that many times he would have slain himself.

But it happened that one morning very early, by the first light of Titans burning Torch, he entered into a nar­row and streight passage, which conducted him into a ve­ry thick and solitary Forrest, wherein he travelled, till such time as glistering Phoebus had pass'd the half part of his journey. And being weary with the long way, and the great weight of his Armour, he sate him down, and began anew to have in remembrance his former com­mitted cruelty; and complaining of Fortune, he thus published his grief, for seeing himself without remedy he resolved like the Swan, to sing a while before his death and so thinking to give ease to his tormented heart, he warbled forth these verses following.

MOurnful Melpomene approach with speed,
And shew thy sacred face with tears bespent,
Let all thy Sisters hearts with sorrow bleed,
To hear my plaints, and rueful discontent;
[Page]And with your moans, sweet Muses all assist
My mournful Song, that doth on woe consist,
Time wears out life, it is reported so,
And so it may, I will it not deny,
Yet have I try'd, and by experience know,
Time gives no end to this my misery;
But rather Fortune, Time, and Fates agree,
To plague my heart with woe eternally.
Ye Silvian Nymphs that in these Woods do shrowd,
To you my mournful sorrows I declare;
You Savage Satyrs let your ears be bow'd
To hear my woe your nimble selves prepare,
Trees, Herbs, and Flowers, in Rural Fields that grow▪
Are never troubled with such lasting woe.
You furious beasts that feed on Mountains high,
And restlesse run with rage your prey to find,
Draw near to him whose brutish cruelty
Hath cropt the budde of Virgins chaste and kind.
I know no means to yield my heart relief,
'Tis only death which can dissolve my grief.
When as I think upon my pleasures past,
Now turn'd to pain, it makes me rue my state;
And since my joy with woe is overcast,
O Death give end to my unhappy state;
For only death will lasting ease provide,
Where living thus, I sundry deaths abide▪
Wherefore all you that hear my mournful Song.
And [...]asted have the grief that I sustain;
All lustful Murderers that have done wrong,
With tear-fill'd eyes assist me to complain;
All that have being, do my being hate,
Crying, haste, haste, this Wretchet dying state.

[Page]This sorrowful Song being ended, he laid himself all along upon the green grasse, closing up the Closets of his Eyes, in hope to repose himself in a quiet sleep, in which silent Contemplation we will leave him a while, and return to Mistris Francisca, the Soldan of Brittains Daughter; For she was beloved by two right famous Knights, Sr. Reynoldo, the vailant Knight of the Castle Dunkirkum, and the young Knight of the Flaming Fan, ycleped Don Ricco, who both did greatly contend for her; But it so fell out, that Sr. Reynoldo was drowned in the green Ocean; for he went about to fly over the Sea, but he could not; for either his Wings were too short or too long, or else something else was the matter, for it so happen'd that he failed in his enterprize; Now when Sr. Reynoldo was dead, Don Ricco did incontinently enjoy his Love; but he was likewise betwitched by the cruel Pockyhora, who was the most notable Inchantresse of her time, and so he dyed like wise. Whereupon the beautiful Mistris Francisca made great moans and lamentations, but it was all to no purpose; therefore she departed se­cretly from her Fathers Court, for that she was made believe by the Inchantresse Pockyhora, how that Don Ricco was not dead, but was gone to pursue an Ad­venture in the Court of the King of Morocco, against two Knights of the Pewter Syringe who had right sore­ly abused him; Now in her Travels she wander'd over Hills and Dales, over Mountaines and Ualleys, and one Night among all the rest she lay in a Gravel-pit all night, and as she lay asleep, a right vehement shower fell from Heaven and moistned her garments to her Oriental skin, then she arose and rung her l [...]lly white smock, and so she went on her way; And at length she came to the Forrest, where the disloyal Gyant Okey lay under a Chestnut Tree: Now when they beheld each other, they greeted one another in a most wonder­ful [Page] manner, and the Gyant would have lain with her, but she refused, saying that she was not in a condition to do any such thing. Then said the Gyant unto her in the name of all the Gods what make you here? to which she replied, I pray Sr, Gyant what make you here? Oh quoth the Gyant, I am stuft up with sorrow; And I quoth the Lady, am almost stifled with woe. Oh quoth the Gyant than surely our Cases are both alike; Certes quoth the Lady, they are so, even just so like as Four-pence is to a Groat. Then the Gyant would have per­swaded her to have slain him; but she refused, bidding him to do it himself, for she said, that the Soldan of Brittain had never bred her up to be any bodies servant. The Gyant hearing her words was right sorrowful, and lay still a good space as he had been in a Trance, but a­non rising up again, and staring about him, some three or four times, there he is quoth he, and then he ran with great fury towards the Body of a great Oak that stood hard by, for he took it to be the Knight of the Black Armour; Accursed Wight quoth he, now shalt thou pay for all thy Uillanies, and so saying he struck so vi­olently against the Tree with his Iron Mace, that he brake it all in shivers: How quoth the Gyant, art thou able to bear so great a blow, and yet stand? Certes I will cast thee down to the ground eftsoones, and tread out thy guts: And having said those words he ran his head so violently against the Tree, thinking to have born down the Knight of the Black Armour with the weight of his Body, that with the force of the shock he dash't out his own brains; Ah quoth the Gyant, Sr. Knight right valiantly thou hast overcome me; yet I could have wish' [...] thou might'st have fallen likewise, And anon he groan'd like an expiring Whale, and then he gaped so wide, that his Chaps were almost a quarter of a Mile asunder, and then his Soul went forth in the shape of a Sea-horse, but whither I wot not.

CHAP. VIII. How the Arch-Priest Hugo Petros, made love unto the fair Dolcomona, who was married to Kilmaddox Knight of the Bloody Cleaver, and of the Letter which he wrote unto her, and what happned thereupon.

NOw you must understand that in Londinum there lived an Arch-Priest who was ycleped Hugo Pe­tros; to him had the Soldan of Brittain given large pos­sessions, and did oft times discover unto him his bosome thoughts; This made him rich, and his riches made him insolent, he was also greatly lustful, so that he ne­ver looked upon any Danisel that was fair but he lusted after her. Now it hapned on a day, that he went to buy Offerings for his Paynim God, the which it was ycle­ped Greedy-Colon, which he worshipt more than any other God; and as he was buying his said Offering, he chanced to espie the fair Dolcomona Wife to Sr. Kil­madd [...]x Knight of the Bloody Cleaver; she was sitting under a Bower, with a Fan in her hand made of an old Beaver wherewith she kept off the Flies from the Sacrifices; Her Face it was full fairly fat, and her Arms were plump and round like two Collars of Brawn, her Cheeks were as red as scarlet, and her Eyes were like the eyes of a Ram, her Fingers were thick and small, and at her side hung a large Pouch, and the Keys of Sr. Kilmaddox's Castle. Now when the Arch-Priest beheld her, he was marvellously ena­mont'd on her, and greatly desired for to enjoy her; Many opportunities he sought, and many he failed of; Wherefore with a heart full of despair, and much wast­ed, for that the Fat thereof was almost dript away, through the heat of those flames that continually tossed [Page] it, he went to the Knight of the Sack-but, who dwelt in a Castle close by, and before the Gate of his Castle there was a Ship which hung in the Air by Magick Art, and when men saw that ship, then they said one to ano­ther, this is the Castle of the Knight of the Sack-but. To him the Arch-Priest disclosed all the secrets of his heart desiring his asistance withall. The Knight of the Sack-but replied right courteously, that he was ready to serve him to the uttermost of his power; Nor do I imagine quoth he, that the fair Dolcomona hath a Heart so stony which will not be broken by the Hammer of thy Eloquence. When the Arch-Priest heard him say so, he was much comforted, and determin'd to give her notice of his love in the most passionate lines, the [...]enor whereof were as follows.

Most incomparable Dolcomona,

I Am both your Servant and your Chaplain, I beseech you not to stop your ears, for that I am burnt up in affection toward your fair person, but rather to set them wide open to hear my rude lines; For you must know most redoubted Lady, that the beauty of your admirable person, and the supernatural form wherein you are fram'd and composed, hath even ravish'd my spirits, broken my heart, split my whole sences insunder, and quite bereft me of all rest both day and night, and only with doting on your peerlesse beauty; Again fair Lady my meat, drink, manners, yea and my very countenance, they all plead at the Bar of thy fair Face, and resplendant Countenance; If you refuse me, denying these my unrestful thoughts, I can look for nothing but present death, nay I ra­ther [Page] covet therein to be locked fast as in a prison, than receive denial from your fair lips. O most fair, most courteous, most amiable, gentle, and al­so right youthful Lady, be not thou the cause that I should determine my life by losing your love, but rather grant what I desire, and thereby make me for ever yours in hearty affection. If you urge how I dare offend the Gods by this unlawful act? To that fair Lady I answer, that I am one of the Vicars of the Gods upon Earth, and therefore it wholly rests in my power to absolve you from your sins, and enjoyn you penance, which trust me Lady shall be very easie, so you will grant me your love.

Then the Arch-Priest sealed up this Letter, and gave it the Knight of the Sack-but, and he gave it to his doughty Squire, who was ycleped Anonanonsir, charge­ing him that he should deliver it into the hands of the fair Lady Dolcomona, with as much privacy as could be im­agined. But sometimes the Fates will not perm [...]t those things to come to passe, which men do in their own thoughts contrive. For Sr. Kilmaddox séeing the Squire whisper in the fair Dolcomona's ear, with an an­gry Countenance demanded the cause of the Squires coming; she ask'd him what that was to him? Then Sr. Kilmaddox struck her so hard upon the Cheek that he had almost stunn'd her, whereupon she cried out murder with a loud voice; after that she ran with a great fury out of the doors, with one of her téeth in her hand, which Sr. Kilmaddox had struck out of her head, vowing in great wrath to be revenged on him. So the went to the Castle of the Knight of the Sack-but, and incontinently the Squire waited on her up to the Arch-Priest. [Page] When the Arch Priest be held her, he ran unto her and embraced her, and kissed her so hard, that


she cried out through the anguish of the pain▪ what ailes the ioy of my life quoth the Arch-Priest? Alas replied the fair Dolcomona, the cruel Sr. Kilmaddox wou [...]d have s [...]i [...] me, raging with jealousie. Now by the Gods quoth th [...] Arch-Priest, if I were a Knight I would slay him my self, but I will hire one that shall do it▪ and that shall be all one; Thereupon the Arch-Priest went and hired the Knight of the Coal-wharse, who was a right grim Knight, and he went and fought with Sr. Kilmaddox, and killed him straightway. Then was the Arch-Priest right glad, and he said to the fair [Page] Dolcomona, let us now enjoy those pleasures which with so much hazard we have purchased; which when she had readily consented to, because they would be private, he carried her forth in a Charriot toward the Forrest of Maribona; Now was scorching Phoebus raging in the midst of Heaven, when these two loving Couple laid themselves down under the shade of a spreading Chest­nut Tree; nor was it long ere the Arch-Priest raging with Concupisence, began the combat of love; when a Country Swain searching for some Cattel that he had lost, espied them at their sport: Then the Swain ran presently and called others that were hard by, and when they came, they were right joyful to see what they saw, for the Arch-Priest was ill b [...]lov'd of all the people of Brittain. When the Arch [...]Priest saw that he was so surpri'sd, he withdrew his File from the Iron, and rising on his feet, quoth he, My good friends, first read ye the lives of the holy Fathers, and then condemn me if you think fit to the Gallows, it was Pluto in my shape, and with my voice that hath done this mischief, and not I, for the Arch-Priest of Brittain could do no such evil. However it was related abroad, and believed for a truth, so that the Arch [...]Priest suffered great Insamy there­upon.

CHAP. IX. How the Necromancer Scoto seeing the devices of the Forty Tyrants to fail, would have raised up the Devil to his Assistance.

THe night was as dark as black pitch▪ and a thick M [...]st covered the face of the Skie, so that a man could in no wise have seen the Stars, though he had the eyes of the quick sighted Lynceus, when a dark cloud of me­lancholy [Page] thoughts enveloped the brow of Scoto the Ne­c [...]omancer. I was, quoth he, in former time, so long as Fortune smiled upon me, one of the chief Command­ers of the Land of Britain, but now pale be the bright­nesse of the clear Sun, and cover the earth with everlast­ing darknesse; Skies turn to pitch, Elements to flaming fire; roar Hell, quake Earth, swell Seas, blast Earth, Rocks rend in twain, for now will I try the utmost of my Magick Spells, for men do fall me, therefore De­vils must help me. So he got him a great Hoop, made of black Ebony, and ty'd it round about with long thread Laces. In the midst thereof he stood, y [...]lad in a vest­ment of Seagréen perpetuana, on his head he had a Past­board Hat, covered with a green Case, oyld, his loins were girt about with a Girdle made of Bulls pizzles, en­chanted by Magick Art, at the first peeping of the new Moon; before his b [...]c [...] he wore a plate of Tinne, where­on


was pictur'd a Gorgon head. Then he muttered a hundred and ten hard words, as fast as he could tumble [Page] them out of his mouth, and read a whole Sermon, made by the Seer Strong, the which he had written in Chara­cters of Short hand. When the Devil heard that, he was greatly amazed, not knowing what it meant, for that it was one of the latest inventions among Mortals. Then he came unto the Seer Scoto, and said unto him, what wouldst thou have thou vain fool? get thee about thy businesse, and come to me when I call for thee, which will be very suddenly: with that he departed, but whither I wot not.

CHAP. X. How a certain Vandall, y [...]leped Vennero, came to Lon­dinum, and defied all the Christians; and how his fu­ry was abated.

NOW you must know that in those dayes, there lived a Uandal in a wood, who was hight Vennero, for when he was born, his Mother left him in this wood, being pursued by two blood-thirsty Satyrs, who would have done something to her, that it séems she would not have them do. Now being so left there, this [...]amen young Uandal, was suckled by a wild Mare, and he grew up▪ and fed upon the Barkes of trees; now it came to passe, that in processe of time there came a Chri­stian wandering to the wood, and he rushed forth, and flew him, and drank up his blood, and liked it wondrous well, so that he desired to have a whole Ocean full, some to keep in Hogsheads▪ for the winter, and some to draw out in Bo [...]ies for the summer; Then they told him if he would go into the City of Londin [...]m and kill Christi­ans, he might have as much as he would drink; with that he pulled up a hollow Oak by the roots, and cut therein holes for his Armes, and it was unto him as a [Page] Coat of Male; Then he came unto the City of Londinum in great wrath; for he sware that he valued the Christ­ians no more than Butchers Dogs valued Rubies. So as I told you before, he press'd into the City of Londi­num by Night, and then the Folk were all charmed up with the Charmes of Morpheu [...]; But when they rose in the Morning to go about their businesse▪ they had bet­ter have kept themselves in their warm Beds, for why? Why because this cruel Uandal met them, as they came out of their Doors, and destroyed them; And when he had so destroyed them, he eat them without either Capers or Sampire. What a disturbance this bred in the City of Londinum you may well conjecture. When these tidings came to the Eares of the Christian Knights, they resolved to purchase Fame with the


Blood of this Uandal; Many other rewards were also promis'd to him that should vanquish, beside that of Fame, by the fair Dames of Londinum, as Bevers, new Suits, Purses of Gold, Nights lodgings, and the like, for they would have given any thing at that [Page] time to have been rid of this Uandal. There came Don Contumeliano the Knight of Fortune, but the Uandal eftsoones laid him upon the cold Earth, and then saw'd off his Eares with the rough end of a Bone o [...] a Sirloyn of Béef. Then there was the Knight of the Blew Apron, and then there was the mighty Vulcan, with twenty grim Cyclops's besides, and they laid up­on his Head, as they us'd to bang their Anviles, when they made the Armour of Achilles; B [...]t the Uandal was mad to hear such a noise about his Eares, which caused him so to lay ahout him, that his Enemies fel [...] be [...]ore him like mow'd Barley. Then fear came upon the people of Londinum, and they knew not what to do; At length some wiser than some, caused great Trapps to be made like Mouse-Trapps, which they set in the Stréet, having first bai [...]ed them with Bread and Chéese, but the cunning Uandal took away the Bread and the Chéese, and yet the Trapp fell not down, for he made no more of the Trapp, than St. George made of an Inchanted Castle. Which when Don Crisp [...]ano the Knight of the Golden Last perceived, he gave the Uandal so fierce an Encounter, that the Uandal lost his Stirrups, and had fallen, but that he held by his Hors's Neck; for he now had got him a Horse, but how I am not able to inform you. But for Don Crispiano, he measured his length on the Ground, and his Shield was taken from him; Then the Ua [...]dal demanded his name, but he answered, he had no other name than the Knight of the Golden Last. The ne [...] that s [...]t upon him, was the Knight of the Eagle; so [...]a [...]led, for that the Castle where he [...]ived, was known by that s [...]n. The Uandal and he right va­liantly cou [...]ned their Sphears, and the first course pro­ved so valiant, that their Sphears s [...]ivered all in splin­ter [...] ▪ Each Combatant perceiving Ualour to brandish on the top of his Helmet, they thought fit to make a [Page] pause. Right valiant Mortal, quoth the Uandal, I am glad that I have met with thee, for thou seemest to be right strong, but for all this, I care not a Button for thee; th' other bout I'm resolved to have with thee; But what said the Thatcher to his man? First let's drink. So he called for a whole gallon of Aqua Vitae, and mix­ed it with the blood of the Knight of the Golden Last ▪ who was last slain, and drank it up at one draught. After that they made a second course wherein the Knight of the Eagle got the better; for he press'd so hard upon him, that [...]he [...]ran [...]his Launce into his neck, the anguish of which wound, caused the Uandal to fall to the ground: when he was fallen to the ground, the Christians came in sholes, and took him, and bound him with iron hoopes, and threw him into a Dungeon, and after that they hang'd him, and so there was an end of this Vandal.

CHAP. XI. How Pacolet the Dwarf, cousened the Necromance [...] Scoto, when he had him upon his Horse, and instead of carrying him into the Territories of the King of Hispania, brought him to Londinum, where he was hanged.

NOW Scoto the Necromancer seeing that he could not avoid the fury of the Christians; and for that his Charms did also fail him, he fled away, for he prayed right fervently unto blustring Boreas; wherefore blustring Boreas hearing his prayers, took him, and carried him away in a Cloakbag into the Land of Flandria. Now as soon as Pacolet the Dwarf espyed him; Quoth he unto the Séer; Right worthy Seer, In the Name of the Ruler of the Air, what make [Page] you here? Quoth he, if I make any thing, I make Buttons, for I am in deadly fear of the Christians. Then said the Dwarf, Right worthy Seer know this, that I am lately come out of the Land of His­pania, where I know to secure thee as safe as a Thief in a Mill, therefore come along with me, and slay no long­er to expostulate, for upon my Horse we will su [...]denly arrive in Hispania, where thou shalt be kept as secure as Medlers in Hay. So the Séer Scoto caused the Dwarf to be highly feasted, setting before him Ma [...]ar [...]es and Hippocrisse; So on the morrow they went towards their journey, but mark what sokewa [...], [...]aving thus or [...]ered his affairs, he came in the dead than of the Night unto the Tent where Scoto say, crying out so loud to him that he awoke him; Sir quoth he, little ap­peareth in you the love of your safety, seeing that for it you are unwilling to break your sleep. Whereunto the Seer replied, Thou hast done well to awaken me, for I was even now in a most fearful Dream; Me thought a Crow did bear me swiftly through the Air, and as she was flying away with me, another great [...]ird met me, and strook so hard at me, that the blood issued out in great abundance; now this Dream maketh me to fear that the Christians have some Intelligence of my Designes. Away quoth the Dwarf with this Childish fear, will you for this neglect the love of your own life? By Mahomet quoth the Séer, thou sayest the truth. Then the Dwarf took the Séer behind him upon his Woodden Horse, and turning the Pin, the Horse rose up into the Air so swiftly, that in a little space they were come to the City of Londinum. The Séer perceiving the Horse to fray, said thus unto him, Friend are we at our journeys end. Yea said the Dwarf, and fear nothing. By Mahomet quoth the Séer, the Devil hath born us hither very quick­ly. So he brought him into a great Hal [...], which be­longed unto the Palace of the King of Brittain, and bid [Page] him enter thereinto, and so he entered therein. Now when the Christians heard that Scoto the Necroman­cer was in the great Hall, they came into the Hall where Scoto sate. Then Scoto perceiving himself be­trai'd, would have crept into an Augur hole, but they would not let him, and then he cried out with a loud voice, Thou false Traytor quoth he to my person, I vow to be revenged of thee for this Fact; and know this right well, that I never Dyed yet in any mans Debt to whom I ought a mischief; therefore assure thy self, that if ever I come again to be one of the Forty Tyrants, I will remember thy Box at Christmas, nay though I stay till Easter I care not much. Then the Dwarf told the Christian Knights, that if this right Diabolical Necro­mancer did escape them this time, a world of miseries might ensue thereon. Whereupon they incontinently took him, and hang'd him up with a new Rope, upon the highest Pinacle of the Pallace, in the sight of many Sarazins that came to view and behold his fatal end.

CHAP. XI. How the Gyant Husonio went and built him a Castle in the Air, intending to live a private life; and how Sir Boreas quarrell'd with him; and how he thought to have affrighted Sir Boreas, and what happened there­upon.

THE Gyant Husonio having met with many mis­fortunes, as I told you before, or whether I did or no 'tis no great matter; he resolved upon a very strange adventure, as you shall hear anon. Most mi­raculous it is quoth he, that I can live no where in quiet for these same Christians; However if I cannot live [Page] quiet upon the Earth, by Mohomet I will live quiet in the Air, and there I will build me a Castle. How, in the Air, quo his Dwarf, that is impossible. Slave, quoth the Gyant, thou liest; For dost thou not see how our God Mahomet lives in the Air? even so will I live there also; For why may not I live in the Air that am a Gyant, as well as a little Sparrow that I can crush to pieces between my thumb and my fore finger. The Dwarf then s [...]eing him begin for to wax wroth; nay Sir quoth h [...], i [...] you are resolved to live in the Air, you shall live in the Air. B [...]ing thus recon [...]'d, the Gy­ant went on with his Proj [...]ct; Quoth the Gyant then to himself, what is there that will abide in the Air? Feathers most certainly! Why then suppose I should compose this Castle of Feathers▪ certes it would be right easy, but very light, the better for that, and the wind should blow me up and down like the down of a This [...]ie. With that the Gyant so fled to himself, as Iupiter smiled, when he Cuckolded Amphi [...]ryo, for he was right well pleased to think how he should dayce in the Air. Nay b [...]t quo his Dwarf, though Feathers be light, yet thou art right ponderous, and it is against the Rules of Philosophy, for heavy things to maunt up; With that the Gyant rafl'd against Philosophy, like a Tankard-bearer, for three hours together, and would presently have arm'd himself, upon an adventure which was to knock all the Philosophers in the world o'th head; But his Dwarf, lesse in bulk but larger in wit, told him that the building of his Castle would be of far greater concernment, than the killing Philosophers: Then quoth the Gyant, as concerning this Castle, for I would fain have this Castle built, and built in the Air. And when that he had vented his mind in such [...]ise▪ he went into the North, & cut a Rock o [...] Adamart all into shivers; they say that if [...] is Dwarf had not pull'd him by the elbow, he would have cut the said Rock as small [Page] as hearbs to the Pot, for that when he was hewing, he never considered what he did; Then he bethought him­self▪ how that the nature of the Loadstone was to cleave to the North-Pole, as close as he was wont to s [...]ick un­to his fair Leman; So then quoth he, if I can but make a Castle of this Loadstone, and fix it thereon, the Dev [...]l himself can never remove it. So he made him a Castle of the pieces of Loadstone which he had hew'd out of the Rock, and when he had done, he fast­ned several Rings of Iron unto the sides thereof; Then he toss' [...] it up with a vengeance, and wish'd it good luck, [...]or quoth he, the Devil is in it, if the top of the Pole do not catch hold of some one or other of the Rings which I have made on the sides, as in sooth it happened. Now when it was fast, he bid his Dwarf to a fast about his middle, and then he gave a Iump, and leap'd in at one of the windows. Now when this Castle was thus hang by Geometrie, it séemed unto the Samoedes, and People of Groynlands, as a Uinegar-Bottle upon the Top of Sali [...]bury S [...]ire. And when it was dark, that the Gyant lighted Cu [...]dles they took it for they [...]not w t at themselves, for they never dream'd that it was a Castle in the Air. Now when Sr. Boreas saw this strange thing he was astonished, and h [...] whist [...] so [...]ou [...] that he awoke the Gyant: so he looked out at the window, with his night Cap on, and asked Sr. Boreas why he whistled so loud; I will whistle yet louder quoth Sr. Boreas and with that he whistled so furiously, that the Gyant Husonio was tor [...]ed to pull in his Eares▪ Then the Gyant was tight grievously [...]a­g [...]d and went and strook fire, and lighted a T [...]rch, and caused his Dwarf to [...]rick it in his Tayl, and so he went [...]ac [...]war [...]s, with [...]is Head betwéen his Legs, to méet Sr. Boreas, as the Fellow went to fright t [...]e Tanners D [...]st. But Sr. Bo [...]eas was a right hardy Knight, and teared him no more than if he had béen an ordinary [Page] man; for he presently blew out the Gyants Torch, and then gave him such a blow on the bare flesh, that he strook him back again into his Castle over the, [...]all. Now the Gyant though himself s [...]e; But Sr. Bo [...]eas swore his Castle should not hang there; so he cut the Ring by which it was held, and rubbed the North Pole with Garlick, which caused it to lose its Magnetick force; And so the Castle, with the Gyant, and his Dwarf, fell into the bottomlesse Pit.

CHAP. XII. How the Knight of the Lyons cast himself headlong from the top of a Tower, and broke his neck; And of the several misfortunes that befel the Forty Tyrants; And of several other delectable passages, and so good buy to yee,

NOW you must know that the Knight of the Ly­ons, before he executed the fatal Tragedy which he intend [...]d, made a spéech but t [...]at spéech is lost, for f [...] the Records thereof are not to be found. But [...], that th [...]t very Evening he abandoned the sight of all Company, and repaired to the top of an hi [...]h [...]o [...]er the which it was built all of Marble, wherein he [...]a [...]e [...] himself so [...]ast wit [...] Iron bolts, that none could [...] h [...]a [...]i [...]g of his lamentations. Then ra [...]d he up and down like fra [...]ick Oedipus, tearing his [...]es from their natural C [...]s▪ accusing the Heavens of Injustice con [...]i [...] the Earth of Iniquity, & cursing man, because he could not h [...] Knight o [...] th [...] Lyons s [...]ill: Another while [...]e wis [...]ed that some unlucky Planet would desead from the Firmament, & fall upon his miserable Head. B [...]ing [...]t [...]t is extreame despair, because he was put away from the Castle of [Page] the Lyons, he never hoped to return thither again; And so about midnight, being a time when desperate men practice their own destructions, he cast himself headlong from the top of the Tower, and broke his Neck, and all besprinkled the flinty pavements with his Blood and Braines.

Then was Sr. Haringtonius, Knight of the Rota, also in déep distresse, for he fled from the fury of the Christians, as Dust flyes before a Whirlwind; And he cried out, Oh yee fatal Torches of the Elements, why are you not clad in mou [...]nful Habiliments, to cloak my wandering steps in eternal darknesse? More he would have said, but that a certain salt Rheume sell upon his Lungs, which caused him to have a very great Burre in his Throat, so that thereupon he was in won­derful despair; Now as he was in despair so was he in Arabia likewise, and being in both together, a most desperate whimsey came into his head; Wherefore he got to himself Odours and Spices of sundry kinds, as also the odoriferous branches of Lignum Rhodium, and several other swéet woods; And when he had piled them in a heap together, he put thereunto fire, and then threw himself into the flames; for that it is said, he had long before resolved, if misfortunes came thick upon him, to dye like a Phe [...]ix: For that the Knight of the Lyons was alwayes accounted a Phenix; Now if he were a Phenix, then men said true, but if he were not a Phenix, then men did not say true.

But as for Sr. Ludlojus, the Knight of the Green powdering Tub, though he did not dye, yet there be [...]el him an Accident, quite contrary to that of the Knight of the Lyons. For when he came to the Inchanted Castle of Parismus, he demanded entrance right bold­ly. But the Gyant Parismus had made his House o [...] Office, just before his Castle gate, so that if Knight [...] were not very wary, they fell thereinto up to the Hea [...] [Page] and Eares, as it happened to Sr. Ludlojus, so that he came to be in the strangest pickle that ever Knight was in. Now you must know, that by the Knights falling into the Privy, the Inchantments of Parismus were dissolved, as it hath many times happened in story; So that the fair Maid of Wimbleton, being now fréed from the bondage she was in, came forth, and scraped Sr. Ludlojus so clean, that he smelt as swéet as a Ra­zor. Then she and the Knight departed together, but whither, or what became of them after, I here of no Body that kenneth.

The Seer Feko hearing of these things, was sorely grieved; so he told the Emperour, who was ycleped Prester-John, that if he would protect him in his Domi­nions, he would Convert all his People to the true Faith; What is that quoth the Emperour? The Seer replyed, that there was required a multitude of words to declare what the true Faith was; So he be­gan a long speech; But when the Emperour heard him talk in his proper phrases, telling him of Rolling upon the Promises, Quickning of the Spirit, Subduing the Outward Man, and the like; it is said that the Emper­ours hair stood an end, for that he thought he had been Conjuring; And he called for his Guard, and caused them to put him out of his Court; Now being thus put out, he departed into the Land of Mesopotamia, which borders upon the Red Sea. But if you would know what is become of the Seer Rogero, who was the inti­mate Companion of the Seer Feko, I must tell you, that he is now practising the noble Science of Corn cut­ing, in the Kingdom of Kathaia.

I must also inform you, that many of the Forty Ty­ran [...]s, falling into the hands of the Christians, were hanged, which was the chiefest occasion that we can here of that they lived no longer. So that it is not fit­ting that we should take notice of the Dead, because [Page] that after their deaths, they never did any thing Con­siderable Only it is said that Sr. Harrymartino, the Knight of the Turpentine Pill, begged and intreated hard [...]r his lif [...], offering both his Testicles for the Re­demption of his Neck; But Dame Waradina would by no means let him a [...]ter his property, willing he he should be hanged, rather than disable himself for her ser [...]ice; and so being hanged amongst the rest, he took his leave of this World; but whether he cha [...]ged this Li [...] for a better, He himself b [...]t [...].

[...]quoth Sr. Wallopius, and ha [...] t [...]e L [...]al Knight dissolved the Charm [...]s of [...]cer: Most certainly replied Sr. [...] ycleped the Slovenly Knight. [...] of us▪ quoth Sr. Wallopius. So [...]h [...]y w [...]t [...]to a cert [...]in Necromancer, and he made [...] Lamb, which was inchanted by Magick Art. No [...] this Se­pulcher was encompass'd about with a Wall of Iron▪ [...]o when this Monument was framed by Art, Sr. Wallopius, and Sr. Munsonius, caused themselves to be enclosed therein; where we shall leave them Con­versing with Furies, walking Spirits, and black pots of [...]; according to the Tenor of a certain Prophesy, [...]o [...]told some Ages agon.


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