Mr. Duckets CASE. Wherein he humbly, by Petition, Appeals to the Right Honourable, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in the High Court of Parliament Assembled; For Relief against a Decree pronounced against him by this present Lord Chancellor.

WIlliam Mildmay, Esq having Right to, but out of possession, of an Estate Real and Personal, viz. to part in Fee Simple, and to the rest for Life, Remainder to the Issue of his Body with Remainders over, and his Brother and other Friends having forsaken him in the last Great Plague, and not having Money to subsist, he resorts to the Petiti­oner, who was his full Couzen Germain, who very kindly entertained him and his Servants at the Petitioners house in Cambridgeshire.

That the Petitioner, at the earnest sollicitation of Mr. Mildmay, undertakes a Suit in his name against one Clutterbuck and others, for recovering the said Estate, and laid out therein above 1000 l. and in 1669 obtained a Decree for the same.

That Mr. Mildmay being sensible of the Petitioners kindness, and of the unkindness of his other Relations, and having had a Wife, but never any Child, and being then a Widdower and (as himself expressed) uncapable of ever having a Child, and having often declared he would settle his Estate upon the Petitioner and his Children, did, about the year 1670, and since, by several Deeds settle his Estate accordingly, reserving to himself, for his Life a Maintenance of 200 l. per Annum and upwards.

That after the said Settlement Mr. Mildmay declared to several persons he had setled his Estate on the Petitioner his Kinsman and best Friend, and the Tenants had notice thereof, and Attorned and paid their Rents to the Petitioner, and called and owned him Landlord unto the year 1676.

That Mr. Mildmay in July 1676. coming up to London on some business, was drawn into Company, who betrayed him into a Marriage which was one Day proposed, and the next Day had, with one Mrs. Brewster; but so soon as he was Married and came to consider what he had done, he went away and left his Wife without Bedding her.

That since this Marriage, viz. in October 1676. Mr. Mildmay is prevailed on to settle the Estate (formerly setled on the Petitioner without any Trust or Power of Revocation) upon his said Wife, or on Friends in Trust for her and Mr. Mild­may; and Mr. Mildmay and his Wife and Wives Trustees in November 1676 exhibit a Bill in Chancery to overthrow the Settlements made on the Petitioner, and for Equity alledge the same were obtained by Fraud, or were only in Trust for Mr. Mildmay; and tho the Petitioner hath by his Answers fully denied both a Fraud and Trust, and proved the Deeds to be absolute, and to be read to and understood by Mr. Mildmay before he executed them, yet the Court of Chancery has decla­red the Settlements on the Petitioner to be a Trust, and Decreed the same to be set aside.

Therefore Prayes the said Decree may be reversed.

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