By a Lover of Truth and Virtue.

Idcirco Virtus medio jacet obruta coeno:
Nequitiae classes candida vela ferunt.
Sint nunquam mihi tales
Mores Iupiter Pater: sed viis
Simplicibus vitae insistam—
Laudans Laudanda, Vituperiumque
Inspergens Improbis.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1680.


VAst Bodies of Philosophy
I oft have seen, and read,
But all are Bodies dead,
Or Bodies by Art fashioned:
I never yet the Living Soul could see
But in thy Books, and thee.
'Tis only God can know
Whether the fair Idea thou dost show,
Agree entirely with his own, or no.
This I dare boldly tell,
'Tis so like Truth 'twill serve our turn as well▪
Iust as in *Nature thy Proportions be.
As full of Concord their Varietie;
As firm the parts upon their Center rest,
And all so Solid are, that they at least
As much as Nature, Emptiness detest.
What Bodies of Philosophie
You oft have seen, and read,
I wish you had but mentioned,
Wee'd judge if they're alive, or dead:
We cannot judge before we Trye.
The Morals of the Stagarite
Are Stars which to th' Dark World gave Light,
But Hobbes by his would turn our Day to Night.
Great Zenophon, and Plato, who relate,
How Socrates embrac'd his Fate,
And all the Brave Socratick Race,
Whose Monuments Time can't deface,
Shall live, when Hobbes shall have his Doom,
So Lie as dead, as doth TOM THUMB:
Good Men his Knavery spie:
His Books contain some Truths, and many a Lie,
Some Truths well known, but strange Impiety.
* Stay! stay! where now fond Lad!
Thy Wit thus strain'd, Thou'rt ten times worse than Mad.
What's Nature but the Ordinary way
Wherein our Good Creator doth display
His Power, and Wisdom in the things he made
For his own Goodness sake? Man's not a Shade,
But utter Darkness; whilst he acts alone,
Whilst his works are not natures; but his own
What! Hobbes, and Nature thus to parallel!
What's this but to confront Bright Heaven with Hell!
So doth the Poets wit suit with his Theme:
He that will Hobbes Applaud must first Blaspheme.
Loug did the mighty Stagirite retain
The universal Intellectual Reign,
Saw his own Countrys short-liv'd Leopard slain;
The stronger Roman Eagle did out-fly,
Oftner renew'd his Age, and saw that Dye.
Mecha it self in spight of Mahomet possest,
And chas'd by a wild Deluge from the East,
His Monarchy new planted in the West.
But as in time each great Imperial Race
Degenerates, and gives some new one place:
So did this Noble Empire wast,
Sunk by degrees from Glories past,
And in the School-mens hands perisht quite at last.
Then nought, but words it grew,
And those all Barbarous too▪
It perisht, and it vanisht, there,
The Life and Soul breath'd out, became but empty Air.
The Empire of the Stagarites sublime and piercing wit,
(Thoth'Empire both of Greece, and Rome
Time did long since or'ecome)
Shall ne're decay, but men shall still to its vast Power submit;
For All well-order'd thoughts must go
Within the Compass of those Rules, which his great Art did shew.
Our HARVEY, whose bright Fame
So Dazel'd Envies Eye, that she [Page 6] could never see
The least Pretence to lessen his Great Name,
Even He commends the Stagirite
To all Posterity,
As one that had a Clear Insight
Into the Secret ways of Natures Majesty.
'Tis true he fail'd in that he did not see
That things Successive could not be
From all Eternitie:
But yet he saw
That this is Natures Law,
That all things must depend on him alone,
Who gives to all things Motion, though himself has none,
Who Is, and Was, and Ever shall Be ONE
In all Simplicitie,
From Composition, and from Alteration free:
To whom may all true Praise be given
In Earth, as 'tis in Heaven.
The Fields which answered well the Antients Plow,
Spent and out-worn return no Harvest now,
In Barren Age wild, and unglorious lie
And boast of past Fertilitie,
The poor relief of present Poverty.
Food, and Fruit we now must want,
Unless New Lands we plant.
We break up Tombs with Sacrilegious hands;
Old Rubbish we remove,
To walk in Ruines like vain Ghosts we love,
And with fond Divining Wands
We search among the Dead,
[Page 7]For Treasures Buried,
Whilst still the liberal Earth does hold
So many Virgin Mines of undiscovered Gold
That in this Age Men don't their Thoughts confine
Within the Line
Of what Judicious Aristotle said;
Nor are his Works so commented,
As they were in those Days;
They don't hereby detract from his Great Praise.
Sith they walk in those ways,
To which his mighty Genius led.
His Commendation was not this, that he
Did shew the Truth of this, or that Particularitie;
But that he shew'd the way to clear our Thought,
That every Man might find that Truth, which should by him be sought.
The Baltic, Euxin, and the Caspian,
And slender limb'd Mediterranean
Seem Narrow Creeks to Thee, and only fit
For the poor wretched Fisher-Boats of Wit
Thy Nobler Vessel the vast Ocean tries,
And nothing sees but Seas and Skies,
Till unknown Regions it descries.
Thou great Columbus of the Golden Lands of New Philoso­phies,
Thy Task was harder much than his;
For thy learn'd America is
[Page 8]Not only found out first by thee,
And rudely left to future Industry;
But thy Eloquence, and thy Wit
Has planted, peopled, built, and civilized it.
'Tis true, thy New Philosopher has left the Caspian,
The Baltic, Euxin, Mediterranean;
The Narrow ways to all that V [...]ritie
Which Mortals can descrie;
He Sails i'th' Ocean of the most Profound Impiety;
And from the Coasts of Hell
He brings those Wares, which he shall never sell
To any, but those dark'ned Souls, which lie, where Adam fell.
The Power of Earthly Princes he doth foolishly pretend
By his fictitious Loyalty t' extend
To larger measures; gives to Kings what's due to God alone:
Thus what he seems to make more great, he really makes none:
For sure on Earth there is No Monarchy,
If it consist in ABSOLUTE Sovereignty.
The King of Kings commands us to obey our King,
By chearful Doing, or by quiet Suffering:
He that the Power of Kings would have much higher to arise,
His King Dishonours, and his GOD he doth Despise:
Such Folk dwell in those Colonies,
Which Hobbes has planted in his Lands of New Philosophies.
[Page 3]I little thought before,
(Nor being my own self so poor,
Could comprehend so vast a store)
That all the Wardrobe of rich Eloquence,
Could have afforded half enuff
Of bright, of new, and lasting Stuff,
To cloath the mighty limbs of thy Gigantick Sens [...],
Thy solid Reason like the Shield from Heaven,
To the Trojan Heroe given,
Too strong to take a mark from any mortal Dart,
Yet shines with Gold, and Gems in every part,
And wonders on it grav'd by the learned hand of Art;
A Shield that gives delight
Even to the Enemies sight,
Then when they're sure to lose the Combat by't.
His Monstrous Thoughts may well be call'd Gigantick Sense,
To Heaven they fain would offer violence,
Like those Giants of old
Of which the Poets told.
Even like Goliath they Defie
The Armies of the Living God, and like him too they Die.
The Man with his Gigantick Sense, his mighty Spear and Shield
Comes forth into the Field;
And for some time he Boasted there
As if he had no Cause to Fear.
His Captive-Darkned Soul cann't see,
What 'tis to have our Souls set free
From the Black Chains of dire NECESSITIE;
This and a Thousand Errors more
He strives to Land upon our Shoar▪
[Page 4]But then the Mighty BRAMHAL comes, and takes his Arms away,
Shews that this Painted Shield's not fit for Fight, but Play,
Strikes down the Monster, doth to All his Ugly Shape display.
Then in another Field he's met by th' Mighty WARD;
And here 'twas plainly seen, that he could neither guard
Himself from being Wounded, or give Wounds;
Down strait he falls, his Armour on him sounds,
What e're his Followers say, he never Rose again:
His Ghost is heard to Rave sometimes, but then Bold TOM was slain.
Nor can the Snow, which now cold Age does shed
Upon thy reverend Head,
Quench or allay the noble Fires within,
But all which thou hast bin,
And all that Youth can be, thou'rt yet,
So fully still dost Thou
Enjoy the Manhood, and the Bloom of Wit,
And all the Natural Heat, but not the Feaver too.
So Contraries on Aetna's Top conspire
Her hoary Frosts, and by them breaks out Fire.
A secure peace the faithful Neighbours keep,
Th [...] emboldned Snow next to the Flame does sleep.
And if we weigh like Thee,
Nature, and Causes we shall see,
That thus it needs must be▪
To things Immortal, Time can do no wrong,
And that which never is to Dye, for ever must be Young,
[Page 5]TOM's grown Another Man, and now himself betakes
To Poetry, and Sonnets makes
Of Gods, and Goddesses, and such like things:
He's now the Eccho of what HOMER Sings.
If Versifying be a Sign of Youth,
The Man of Politicks is youthful still:
He does not here Pretend to shew the Truth,
On which Pretence how much Ink did he spill!
O that he had spent all the Time
In hard Translations, and in Rhyme,
Which he spent in Opposing Truths, by which to Heaven we climb.
No wonder, that Old Age, & Youth, Aetnean Cold, & Heat
Should Meet in Him, in whom long since such Contradictions Met.
I wish he may not Die too soon after so long a Life,
That he no longer would maintain his cursed Strife
,Gainst That, which would make him repent of all's Im­pieties:
Least his Long Life bring him i'th' End to th' WORM that Never Dies.

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