Michaelmas Term: The Cittizens Kind Welcome to Country-men, that from all parts of the Land come hither about their needless occasions (needful I mean) with a description of the seasons and manners of the people therein imployed.

To the tune of, The Rambling Clerk.
COme hither my Muse if that thou be'st cold,
And warm thy self well with Promethian fire,
VVhich when thou hast done let me he bold,
In matter of moment thy aid to require.
My mind is resolved to write on a Theam,
The which my expression I hope shall confirm,
Those men that do come from all parts of the Realm
I bid them all welcome to Michaelmas Term.
The Tradsman of London with long Expectation,
Have lookt for the coming of this happy time,
They are sick at the heart of the let tous vexation,
But now on a sudden they'l be in their prime.
They think themselves happy; especially some,
If Michaelmas rent and their dyet they earn,
But now they are glad for their harvest is conse,
The Country brings mony to Michaelmas Term.
The Inholders, Vintners, Victualers, and Cooks
through want of imployment make grievous complaint
In all this long season they were off o'th hooks,
But now their red Lettise they do new paint,
Some set up new signes or new florish the old,
And mend their old houses if they be infirm,
To venture their many they dare well be he bold,
In hope to regain it in Michaelmas Term.
The Lapsters Ostlers, and Chamberlains all,
Chiefly about Holborn, Fleet-street and the Strand,
Since Trinity Term had takings but small,
VVhich caus'd many of them to run behind hand.
But now they are jovial and take heart a grace,
And both nimble gestures and spéeches they learn,
Their gains now come tumbling in a great pace,
Long time they have wished for Michaelmas Term.
Some Atturnies and some that solicite Law cases,
That all the Vacation in the Country plods,
They like to king Janus can use double faces,
And strive to set Neighbour with Neighbour at ods,
Now hither they come with their bags full of Law,
But see profits they all to themselves do confirm
Although it be but for a Truss of Rye straw,
The case must be try'dat Michaelmas Term.
The rambling Clerks that for lodging and dyet
Have run on the Ticket with Vitlers and Cooks,
Besides now and then for some overplus royot,
Some of them have pawn'd their gowns & their books
O now they are frostick and sing care alway,
For Country Clients about them do swarm,
Now all their old scores they'l be able to pay,
Their hands are so nimble in Michaelmas Term.
The thire-penny Ordinaries are so full throng'd,
That there you can scarce get one bit of meat,
Your country men proudly do scorn to be wrong'd,
And yet their own besties they basly will cheat.
The Lawyers hands are still itching for fées,
VVhich makes the plain husbandman let out his farm
To come up to London is eat bread and chease,
While Lawyers eat Rost-meat in Michaelmas Term.

The second Part,

To the same Tune.
THe dainty fine Girls that keep shop in y e Change
Against this quick season have been exercis'd,
To furnish their costers with fashions all strange,
The finest and rarest that can be devis'd,
They keep their old Ditty, Sir what is't you lack,
VVhich Country people are gréedy to learn,
The husband must carry the wife some new knack
Or else he's not welcome from Michaelmas Term.
The javial VVatermen trim up their Botes,
And to be more pliant in plying their sares,
VVith strong béer & Ale they do licker their throats
For which they will wander to y e Alehouse by pairs
And if the frost do not their labour prevent,
Abundance of mony they daily will earn,
VVhich in the vacation will freely be spent,
And then they will think upon Michaelmas Term.
The feather-héeld wenches that live by their own,
VVho long have béen néedy for want of good trading,
For when all the gallants are gone out o'th town,
Oh then these fine Pinaces lack their due lading:
Therefore the vocation they rue like the rest,
Because neither dyet nor cloathes they can earne,
But now the [...]'r in hope well to feather their nest,
They looke for good doings in Michaelmas Term.
Pick-pockets & Cheaters with Knights of y e Post,
Doe long for the Term-time like honester men,
VVhere concourse of people is, they doe get most,
VVith rooking exploits which they use now & then:
And yet if they chance to be got in the nick,
y e hang-man next sessions will teach them a charm
VVill cure their disease be they never so sick,
Oh then will they think on Michaelmas Term.
The Court and the City, the Country withall
If you will behold a part of all three,
Then come at this time to Westminster-hall,
VVhere people from all parts assembled be:
And thus Ile conclude as at first I begun,
Experience all this for truth will confirm,
I hope I have given distaste to no man
For I bid them all welcome to Michaelmas Term.

Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright.

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