In behalf of the Purchasers of Forfeited Lands in IRELAND.

It is most humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable the Commons of England, How far the Remedy prescribed, by the Bill now before Them, will be Effectual, where the Grantees, who should repay the Purchase-Money, are beyond Seas; or where (if they have not spent the Money they received) they can alien their Estates, and will have Personal Privilege, &c.

And in regard the said Honourable House hath shewn Compassion to the Irish Papists, who are Restored and Pardoned by His Majesty's Favour, 260863 l. where their Estates are Valued at near Two hundred and seventy thousand Pounds;

It is humbly hoped, That they will also extend their Humanity and Goodness to the English Protestant Purchasers of Legal Titles for very Valuable Considerations, who have lost their Friends and ventured their Lives in the Service of England against such Irish; And that the said Honourable House may think it Reasonable to let their Principal Purchase-Money (which doth not exceed 63000 l. 63000 l. in the whole) be considered as Incumbrances on the Lands so Pur­chased, in the nature of Mortgages, and the Purchasers to be ac­countable as Mortgagees, from the time their respective Purchases were made, until redeemed by the Publick:

Whereby the Publick will get, besides the Over-plus of Legal In­terest, where any such hath been received,

I. All their Improvements on the Lands, and in Building and Repairing Houses, &c. which are very considerable.

II. The Benefit of the Bargains, where the Purchasers have bought off Incumbrances and Prior Titles.

III. The Benefit of what the Purchasers expended in many Cases, in evicting illegal Titles and unjust Pretences: Not to mention

What they and their Friends have suffered in Enniskillen, London­derry, and elsewhere, in the late Troubles of that Country.

Note: Many of the Purchasers were induced to Purchase from some former Proceedings of the Honourable Commons of England.

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