Collegii REGINAE apud Oxonienses olim Socii, & Bartonianae post Ecclesiae (ubi & Christo primùm nomen Dederat) in agro Westmorlandiae per Annos 48 Pastoris, Car­leolensis Praebendarii, [...], qui Anno partae per Christum Salutis 1654, Aetatis Suae 77, Mense Martio, praesenti seculo malo (spe multo melioris) valedixit.

ΩΣ [...]!
T. T.
SIstito, quisquis fueris, profanum
Sistito gressum; miserere mundi,
Dum simul maerens fibi, Literis (que),
Ipse parentet.
Ecce! (si ferrent oculi videre)
Hic jacet per quem Toga stabat; illud
Quod vides non est Tumulus, Patrum sed
Fiet hic quis non Niobe, sibi (que)
Flebit unam Dawesio (que) Tumbam?
Conditum quando sciat hoc pusillo
Aggere Olympum.
Fata sic Cygnus sua deprecatur
Ultimo cantu; moriente Phaebo
Propria expirans celebrat Poesis
Naenia luctu.
Quin sat immenso dedimus dolori;
Vivit, & lusit modò sic sepulchrum
Major Hic letho, penetrans supremi
Atria coeli.
HEre lies—Reader be out of breath & dye,
Thou'lt read his name best in Eternity.
Slow, slow, fond Cypres. Tis no youthfull greene
Speakes an Enamell for this Mournfull Scene:
First sentence Natures Law, pronounce its doome
I' th' Contradiction of an Aged bloome;
Embrace thy gilded Fate, and nee'r take hold
On Sylver-age, but wither into Gold.
Is this th'encouragement the Learned have,
That rev'rend Arts can crawle into a grave?
Sad newes attend the Learned Regions all,
When aged Starres thus Bearded Comets fall.
Spins Age such fine white threds, only t'intreate
Death to weave all in one sad Winding-sheet?
Come from the lowring black of shades and night,
Startled'st not at the Lustre of his White?
Distracted groanes rank'd in an Alphabet
Of dying sighs about his Coffin set
Should thunder out our Sorrowes: but we must
Tread softly, least we wake his sleeping dust.
I'l only tell thee that hee's dead: But how?
The Delphick flame within did melt his Snow.
How well Deaths watchfull Sythe its Season keeps!
No sooner comes white Harvest, but it Reaps.
C. ELLYS A. B. C. R.

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