Memorare Novissima.

DIES irae, dies illa
Solvet Sêclum in Favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus Tremor est futurus
Quando Judex est venturus
Cuncta strictè discussurus.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per Sepulchra Regionum
Coget omnes ante Thronum.
Mors Stupebit & Natura,
Cum resurget Creatura
Judicanti responsura.
Liber scriptus proferetur
In quo totum continetur
Unde Mundus judicetur.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
Quicquid latet apparebit,
Nil inultum remanebit.
Quid sum Miser tune dicturus,
Quem Patronum rogaturus,
Cum vix Justus sit securus.
Rex tremendae Majestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, Fons Pietatis.
Recordare, Jesu pie,
Quod sum Causa tuae viae:
Ne me perdas illâ die.
Ju [...]e Judex Vitionis,
Donum fac Remissionis,
Ante diem Rationis.
Ingemisco tanquam reus,
Gulpâ rubet Vultus meus;
Supplicanti parce Deus.
Qui Mariam absolvisti,
Et Latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Preces meae non sunt dignae,
Sed tu bonus, fac benignè
Ne perenni cremer igne.
Inter oves locum praesta,
Et ab hoedis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextrâ.
Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis,
Voca me cum benedictis.
Oro supplex & acclivis,
Cor contritum quasi cinis,
Gere curam mei Finis.
Lachrymosa dies illa,
Quâ resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus;
Huic ergo parce Deus.
DAY of Doom that dreadful day
Shall the World in Synders lay,
David and Sibylla say.
What a fear will all surprise
When the Judge aloft in Skies
Comes to hold the great Assize.
The last Trump with direful groan
Through the graves and Regions blo [...]
Summons all before the Throne.
Death and Nature both will quake
When Mankind from sleep awake
Riseth his Account to make.
Dooms-day Book shall be ordain'd
In which all things are contain'd
Whereof man must be arraign'd.
When the Judge is seated so,
All that's secret all shall know,
Nothing unreveng'd shall go.
Wretch how shall I then endure
To answer, or whose aide procure,
When the just is scarce secure.
King of dreadful glory (mine)
Who sav'st freely those are thine,
Save me Fount of Love divine.
Jesu sweet remember, I
Am the cause thou cam'st to dye;
Damn me not eternally.
Thou Just Judge of vengeance [...]ne,
Pardon of my sins renew,
Ere the Counting day ensue.
Guilty like I wail my case,
Shame of sin doth stain my face;
Spare me God, who beg for grace.
Thou who Mary didst forgive,
And the dying Thief reprieve,
Hope to me dost also give.
Though my prayer deserves no hire,
Yet good Lord grant my desire,
I may escape eternal fire.
With thy sheep let me abide,
From the goats me far divide.
Place me on thy own right side.
When the wicked are supprest,
And to direful flames addrest,
Call me to thee with the blest.
Lowly prostrate I do pray,
With a heart contrite as clay,
Guard me in my dying day.
This is, loe, that day of Doom,
Wherein man from ashie Tomb,
Ʋnto Judgment shall arise,
Spare him (God) who mercy cryes.

Editio Tertia, Oxford, Printed by LEONARD LICHFIELD, for WILLIAM SMART, An. Dom. 1671.

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