By E Maynwaringe, Dr. in Physick.

Cognitio Sequitur Curaetiones.

LONDON Printed by A. M. for T. Basset un­der St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-Street. 1668.

To the Diseased.

IN vain it is to Discourse, and have the Notion of Diseases; unless also efficaci­ous Medicines be found out to answer their Indications for Cure: Which to do, is the most difficult and laborious part of Physick. And this we may conclude from the often frustration and disappointment of Medicines in their effects, after Learned Consultations, and deliberate Determination of the Disease, Causes, Part affected, &c. rightly sta­ted.

Here is the great Check given to the Phy­sicians Learning; and, until this tryal of the Medicine, he receives no repulse, but goes on smoothly with Applause and boldly: but, finding his Medicine take little or no effect for the purpose intended, is then at a stand a while: But, being loth to receive a baffle from the Disease, does prescribe another, and perhaps another after that, a fourth and a fifth, and sometimes many more if the Dis­ease be contumacious and stubborn: and this some will call a Methodical course of [Page]Physick. But I shall not harp upon that string.

This Disappointment is too often observed in the practice of Physick, and this arising only from ineffectual, languid erroneous Me­dicines, and how does this come to pass? but that the care and burthen of this work rests upon those that are unable and unfit to ma­nage it: or by trusting too much the credit of Authors and their traditional Medicines, ei­ther Galenical or Chymical; relying upon their authority, and the truth of their Wri­tings, which have deluded and frustrated the expectation of many. And this I have ob­served in practical Authors and Pharmaco­paeas of both Sects, Medicines collected and borrowed from one another, and delivered thus from hand to hand, none knows who first in­vented them; or whether any of them ever made or tryed them, that highly extolls and gives large encomiums of their vertues.

That many of these are Delusions either in the process, or the efficacy of the Medicine, to my own cost and Labour, I have experi­mented, and must say with Helmont that great Philosopher, Vexatio parit intellectum and therefore do Caution others, lest they suffer upon this Rock: but he that will pur­chase to himself excelling Medicines (being accomplished with literature, with the ground­work [Page]and Canons of the Art,) let him not tye himself up, or credit too much this or that Author, but follow the dictates of his own reason, confirmed and guided by collate­ral experiments; and herein a Physician daily exercised, shall in time attain to great know­ledge and satisfaction in Medicine; and pur­chase to himself Medicaments of great worth and value: and this must be every Physiti­ans proper Labour and daily endeavours, that rationally intends, and rightly goes a­bout to improve and advance the efficacy and power of Medicines, that they may have their praise and fame in the World, and the Phy­sician much satisfaction and content in their wonderful Operation. It is not, Sitting in his Study alone, and poring upon Books, but his own manual Operation and Inspection over his Servants, that gives the great stroak to the business; the other does very litle with­out this, but both, must needs do well: and I must say, and that justly, he that practi­seth Physick, with a bare speculative, trae­ditional, and book-reading knowledg of Me­dicines, is very unskilful in the true funda­mental knowledg of Medicines; and is as unfit to prescribe or appoint Medicines in hazardous or difficult cases, as the that by only reading of Navigation, is unable to ma­nage and conduct a Ship to East-India.

And this is reason to averr: for he knows not what a Medicine is, nor can he give a good and certain account upon his own know­ledg of the Nature of any Ingredient, but has all upon trust: This or that man says it; the conclusion will not handsomly follow, Ergo, It is so. No wise man that can gain a certain knowledg of his own, will borrow at hazard of another; considering the un­truths and Erorrs that are scattered abroad in most Writings; that he which lives only by borrowing thus, shall run himself out of credit and Reputation in his Profession, if blind Fortune be not very much his friend.

'Tis most certain and true, that the Ingre­dients of any Medicine are not known by rea­ding of them, but by their single and com­pound preparation, and separation of their constituent parts: and thus by handling, and Chymically dissecting their bodies, each part lies bare, and presents it self to your under­standing.

And farther; An Ingredient whether of the Animal, Vegetable, or the Mineral Family, changeth its Nature and Effect, according to the variation of its Consorts, with whom it is joyned: that it is not the same compounded with this, as it is with that; but works a different effect; because many times they act upon each other, subdu­ing [Page]and moderating each others peculiar Na­ture, that a median nature does result: And therefore great care and knowledg in the Phy­sician is required, about the choice and con­junction of Ingredients; that he be able to look through their several Natures, to find out their similitude and repugnancy; their concord and discord: for hereby is known what properties will be advanced, and what depressed: and this an able Chymical Phy­sician can d [...]scern, as having a perspective thorow knowledg, the other is but Exterior and Partial: and as the composition of Ingre­dients may alter and change their Natures; so likewise their various manner of Prepa­ration singly, do change an Ingredient, that it is made this or that, as a perite Artist pleaseth, exalting, or prostrating and killing this or that quality, as his purpose requi­reth.

And here by the way, I must take notice of the traditional and unprofitable account of Vegetables that our Herbals give; of which the Chymical Physician takes little notice, and is a small assistance and guide to him in the Election of Plants for his several Intentions. Being satisfied long since that Medicament was the most weighty and con­siderable part of Physick, and that a defici­ency or error there, is a greater disadvan­tage [Page]and detriment to the Patient, then in the determination of the Desease; I did eagerly apply my self to Medicines (according to the ancient custom and general practice of the most learned and famous Physicians in all places; who were industrious Artists, dili­gent in preparing their own Medicines, un­til this later age) with as much curiosity as my knowledg could possibly direct. At first I was desirous to make Experiments, and be fully informed in Galenic Medicines, being grounded upon those Principles by my Acade­mic Education, and was tenacious enough of that Doctrine, un [...]il a clearer prospect of truth did appear, gained by Observations in practi­cal Philosophy, a serious ratiocination and strict examination of Principles and received Opinions: but being removed off that Basis, and confirmed by Chymical Tryals relating to Medicine; I deserted the Galenic Medi­cines as inferiour to that I discovered and was presented to my view; and ever since have labored in Chemical Pharmacy, as being the most excellent way of preparing Medicines.

Some Objections are made by the Learned, and by the Ignorant, against Chymical Me­dicines; but to v [...]ndicate them from common slanders, and clearly to determine the diffe­rence between these and other Medicines, will take up more room than can be afforded in this [Page]place, and therefore must of necessity wave it, expecting an Opportunity hereafter, to venti­late that Subject: Only, by the way I must no [...]e that Chymistry suffers much, and is eclipsed in its reputation by some illiterate pretenders and bold fellows, not qualified Philosophical­ly, but rudely intruding upon the Art, with­out a due preparation and legitimate inducti­on brings scandal upon the learned, deserving Professors, and defamation to the Art, by Ʋsurping the Title of Doctors and Chimical Phisicians, that many are deceived by them, which are not able to discern the difference between a Doctor of Physick, and a crafty Empyric. But the ingenious Phylosophical Artist, ought to be cherished and incouraged in his Operations and rational Tryals.

But to my purpose intended: in my Treatise of the Scurvy, having traced that Disease from its Infancy, and Generation, to its full groweth and strength, its chief places of Resi­dence, variety of appearance and monstrous deformity; it remains, I should now propose some effectual means to check and subdue the prevailing power of this spreading Disease, that daily growns, and encreaseth to the ruine and decay of Nature; being possessed and seated in the Vital Principles, Seducing and Constraining them to enormity and defection from the regularity in which they were plant­ed [Page]by Nature. And having strictly surveigh­ed the condition and nature of this Disease, with its variety of attendants and additional strength, being ready to joyn with any Mor­bific cause, and be transformed; I was unwil­ling to sit down here and rest with a contem­plative knowledg of this Disease, and leave the greatest part of the work undone; the sub­duing and vanquishing of it by powerful Me­dicines: nor being willing to commit the re­maining part to the industry and care of o­thers (for good reason) I have therefore la­boured to form Medicinal Instruments to op­pose this Contumacious Herculean Disease: and as fit means for this encounter, I prepared three Medicines of a different Classis and Operation, to meet with the variety of Symp­toms, and Scorbutic Complications.

In the Cure of the Scurvy, at least in most Scorbutic cases, there are three intentions of cure to be aimed at: the first is, Purgation or Cleansing, to carry off that Scorbutic Impuri­ty, or Degenerate Matter lodged in the Sto­mack and Bowels, de praving and alienating good food daily received: Secondly, robora­ting and strengthning the digestive Faculties which are debilitated and alienated from the integrity of their Offices; not only the Di­gestive Office of the Stomack, but the subse­quent Digestions also: Thirdly, Depuration [Page]of the Blood, and cleansing the habit of the Body: Nature dischargeth her self from with­in, and sending daily to the exterior parts, those also must be tainted more or less, as the Symptoms will manifest; and therefore do require to be freed from feculency, and the Blood purified.

To answer these three Purposes, I prepared three Principal Medicines, viz. Scorbutic-Pills, Catholick-Elixir, and a Sudorific-Extract; These Medicines I have been re­forming and improving alwost seven years, to advance their Efficacious, Dies diem docet. but most gentle and benigne Opera­tions. And, for the better effecting this en­deavour, and aim the constant and daily use of them in divers Scorbutic persons, attended with different Symptoms of the Disease, and complicated with divers other Diseases, gives great information and satisfaction to me, in the several accounts I receive of their Opera­tions, both at home, and abroad, by Letters from remote parts of this Kingdom: whereby I am taught, which way and wherein 'tis possible to improve them and to give them as great a Latitude of Universality and extent of Operation, Nihil est fimul & inventum ac perfec­tum. in their peculiar Classes, as long experience and daily use, can dictate to their several repeated processes and try­als [Page]of making, and this is my Study and daily experience in Chymical tryals to improve these and all other Medicines I use in my Practice, that they may attain to such per­fection and energy, as Cito, tuto jucunde, to relieve the Diseased, in the most contuma­cious Maladies, and deplorable Cases, remedi­able: hereby Medicines will gain greater esteem, and the Art its deserved repute and Fame, if Physicians by their own care and pains (as they ought) would manage this Work, and be as Industrious and skillful in this, as in the other parts of their Profession.

But occasions call me off from this Dis­course: I must hasten to finish the remainder, which is a more part cular account of the Operation of Medicines in the Cure of his Difease; with some remarkable Observations in difficult Ca [...]es and dubious Complications, I have met with lately in Practice, of neces­sary Consideration to others in like manner Diseased.

E. M. Med. D.

Of such Purgation and proper Purga­tives, as is requisite in Curing the Scurvy.

PUrgation or Clensing is praemitted as a regular and due course in the cure of most Diseases; and it is instituted, chiefly to cleanse the first region of the body, and to carry off what superfluous or degene­rate matter is to be voided by the gutts: And this operation is necessary in the cure of most Diseases, though seated in other parts; for, although the infir­mity lye not in the first region of the body, neither in the Stomack, Gall, Gutts, Mesentery, Liver, nor Splene; yet 'tis aggravated, if those parts be foul: and probably may be the original and foundation of those remote Infir­mities, by consent or transmission; nor shall medicine carry its vertue without impediment and abatement, or food clearly conveyed to nourish the body; if [Page 2]those parts be foul, clogged and ob­structed.

Now to make choice of a fit and good Medicine, that will cleanse the Stomack, Gutts, Mesentery, Liver, and Spleen, without offering injury to their peculiar Crasis or Ferments; that is, not to alienate them from their proper distinct natures, not to impress and stamp new qualities upon them; this is a Medicine you may freely use, and expect great relief from, in keeping the forenamed parts pure and clean; and such a Medicine is to be used in the cure of scorbutic persons: but if you use Purgers of a deleterious and virulent quality, that act per modum veneni; they will characterise their virulencies, and exotick adverse properties upon the parts, alienate and debilitate the fer­ments in their Functions and Offices; and the often use of them impairs Na­ture very much, though for the present sometimes alleviation does acrue from the evacuation procured, though by bad means; and of this nature, are most of the Purgers in use, as Senna, Coloquin­tida, Rhuhab, Hellebore, &c. ha­ving a laxative venom that stimulates Nature to expulsion.

Since Purgation is thus necessary, and purgatives so choisely to be elected and chosen, not every medicine that causeth stools, but such as is also endowed with balsamic and amicable properties, no way injurious to nature; I have there­fore been a diligent Searcher and Im­prover of such a Medicine, that may an­swer the intentions proposed: and by degrees of improvement in some years time, by various alterations and tryals, have perfected a purgative vegetable Extract, that sully satisfies and pleaseth me, in its manner of operation and effects: and this Medicine is my Scor­bute Pills, so called, because primely intended and contrived for the most effi­cacious purgative medicine in all Scorbu­tic Cases. Now the Scurvy (as ap­pears in the former part of that Book) is complicated and joins with all man­ner of diseases, Scorbutic Dropsies, Scorbutic Feavers, Asthmaes, Palsies, Gouts, Scorbutic Consumptions, &c. that a particular medicine for this or that humor, being too narrow, and not adaequate to the latitude of the disease, will take no effect in many Scorbutic persons: but such as are radical and graduated in universality, are the pow­erful [Page 4]and laudable medicines; I have therefore framed and improved this Me­dicine to answer the intents of Purgation, in all Scorbutick persons and cases, and is the best purgative medicine, both in the manner of operation, and the effects, that ever I used, or read of.

For farther satisfaction, and proof of this, I shall give you some brief Ac­count of these Pills from my own ex­perience and observation, in divers ca­ses upon several of my Patients.

They are effectually used against the defects and errors of digestion in the first, second and third office: in the first, namely in all diseases of the stomack re­quiring purgation and cleansing down­wards, and the bad symptoms arising from thence; as Oppression, Fulness, Nauseating, Wind, Pain or Griping, Worms, loss of Appetite; in all these cases this medicine is very proper to cleanse and discharge the stomack, make it clean and fit for the reception of wholesom food, & not till then can you expect good nourishment: if the stomack be soul, the nutriment conveyed from thence to support and maintain the body, must al­so be vitiated and impure. And here I must relate to you what hapned to a [Page 5]Gentlewoman that had been long in a Scorbutic Atrophy (a Consumption arising from the Scurvy) for some years, but not discovered; she was observed to droop and decline, and her Complexi­on change, and yet she complained not of pain in any part; she slept indiffe­rently, but had little or no appetite to meat. Several conjectures there were concerning the cause of her langu sh­ing by Physicians, and others her Friends; some said one thing, others a­nother; try'd this medicine, then that; but all this while received no help: at last, she applyed to me, and upon ex­amination of the whole matter, I found her to be Scorbutical: I gave my judg­ment of her present state and conditi­on, how and from what causes procu­red, and a Prognostick what whould follow if not prevented: whereupon she willingly resigned her self to my care, and to do what I thought fit, to re­store her.

At first I appointed her to lay aside her Dyet-drinks, Restaurative Electua­ries and Potions (with which she had been loaded again and again) and to rest Ten dayes before I would give her any thing of Physick; in the interim to [Page 6]cat such meat as her stomack did like and best agree with, which pleased her well, she having been strictly tyed up to a Dy­et: at Ten dayes end I gave her a Dose of these Scorbute Pills, one over night, and two next morning, which workt six times very-gently with her that day; the night following she slept well, and the next morning I appointed her to take a Dose of my Catholic Elixir sixteen drops in a spoonful of Sack, and likewise three mornings following, but increasing two drops every morning: her stomack now was something better, and she more lively: The fifth day I ordered her a Dose of the same Pills, which operated much as the former: and brought away two worms; fourdays following she took the Elixir, and the fifth, a dose of the Scorbute Pills; & thus intermittingly she used these two medicines for the space of six weeks. At a fortnights end, her sto­mack was much better both for appetite and digestion; at the months end she was stronger and well able to go, very chearful, and eat her meat with delight; her Complexion altered much for the better, and about the sixth week she improved in flesh, and began to be something plump and full; then I bad [Page 7]her desist from her Pills, but continue the Elixir, which so strengthened the digestive faculties, that she daily im­proved, grew strong, and in a short time obtained perfect health.

To reflect upon this Story: Here was a latent Scorbutic Impurity that deaded the appetite, and what was forced down the stomack, did not digest, but degene­rate; so that the body could not thrive, nor had the benefit of that little food re­ceived; but this vitious matter being car­ried off by a proper medicine, and the loaded tyred parts refreshed and relieved by a generous spirituous Medicine; na­ture then revives and returns to her wonted duties, with that strength and re­gularity as formerly. I might instance in many cases parallel to this that I have met with in Scorbutic Patients; but I must be brief and proceed.

Not only in Diseases of the stomack, but also in the subsequent Digestions; I have found these Pills most effectually Abstersive and Aperitive, opening Ob­structions of the Liver and Spleen, Me­sentery and Gutts; exonerating and dis­charging those parts of crude, coagu­lated, depraved fermenting matter, from whence arise pains and flatulent hu­mors [Page 8]of those parts, Cachexies, or ill habits of body, Fluxes, Colicks, Hypo­chondriac Melancholy, &c. and here I must relate the case of a Patient, perti­nent to this place, worth your observa­tion, which was thus. A Gentleman, a­ged between Thirty and Forty, some­thing studious and melancholy, com­plaining of pain sometimes in his left side under the short Ribs, sometimes in the other side opposite to it; sometimes he was Costive, a stool once in two or three dayes; sometimes Laxative, two or three stools in a day with some gripes and wind, his Belly often puffed up and distended, at which times he complained of a shortness of breath, streightness o­ver his Breast, and difficulty of breath­ing like one that is Asthmatick: in the night often afflicted with frightful dreams and Palpitations of the heart; af­ter this manner (with other Circum­stances which I omitt) he continued for the space of four years or there abouts; all which time he was not negligent in procuring help, nor sparing of his Purse (having wherewith to do it) but apply­ed himself here and there for advice; some was of one opinion, another of a different judgment; and having tryed [Page 9]variety of medicines with little success, was tyred, and resolved to sit down contented with his infirmities, and gave over Physick nere six months: But meeting with one, formerly a Patient of mine that I had cured, (though a diffe­rent case) encouraged him to come to me, or acquaint me by Letter first with his condition: whereupon he wrote to me (living at a great distance) and gave me a full Relation of his case, defiring my advice and assistance the ein, submitting to what course I should ap­point him: I considering the whole sto­ry, I was sufficiently satisfied of the Disease, that he was deeply seised with the Scurvy, as the Syndrome and Con­currence of symptoms did certainly dis­cover. Whereupon I sent him my Trea­tise of the Scurvy, to contemplate his Difease at large, and to be useful to him as a Guide, with a Box of Scorbute Pills and an Elixir; and bad him proceed in the use of them according to Directi­ons; which he did for Three weeks, then gave me an account, that the vio­lence of his Disease was much abated, the Symptoms more mild and easie, and not so frequent: those nights he took a Pill, he slept more quietly then at other times; [Page 10]in his stools came away little lumps of a slimy jelly of a dark colour, or blackish, after which he was much at ease; his Belly and Hypochonders were more flat and soft; that since his Physick, some dark spots appeared in several parts of his body, with a moisture upon his skin as enclining to sweat some nights, but chiefly towards morning: This I liked well; and farther, appointed him the Sudorisick Medicine hereafter mention­ed, to help forward and procure breath­ing Sweats twice in the week, which I judged to be of great advantage to him: this he diligently performed seven or eight times, until the spots vanished; and then his spirits were more brisk and chearful, and more fit for business, ha­ving thrown off that impure matter, and dispersed the Cloud of Scorbutic vapours that clogged and darkned his spirits; his sleep now was quiet, and (to be short) the symptoms that for­merly molested him did not appear, but was reduced beyond expectation. I gave him some cautions and advice, lest he might relapse, which he punctually ob­served, and stood firm for seven or eight months after: Since, I hear nothing of him, but suppose him to be well, [Page 11]for which he was not ungrateful.

I might Comment largely upon this case, and illustrate the Scurvy in the several Symptoms, though disguised by various names usually given, not re­specting the causes: but I pass on.

I have yet a farther Account of these Pills, how, and in what principal Cases I have used them successfully; for dis­eases and infirmities of the Head, so ac­counted though arising from inferior parts most often; as Apoplexy, Epilepsies, Convulsion, Palsies, Vertigoes, Sopo­riferous and drowsy Infirmities, Rheums, Head-aches, &c. This Medicine is pro­fitably used, by Eradicating their causes, that require Abstersion and Evacuation in the lower Regions of the Body. Dis­eases ascribed to the Head, though ap­pearing there, yet for the most part do arise from inferiour parts, occasioned by their Impurities, Obstructions, and Dis­order; for one that is Idiopathically Afflicted, ten are Sympathically affect­ed by consent of parts, and transmission of some Morbifick matter thither: the Disease appears in one part, but the foundation and cause is Radicated in a­nother, and to that part must the cure be directed.

And therefore, if well observed, we frequently meet with Scorbutic Palsies, Scorbutick Convulsions Apoplexies, Slee­py Diseases, pains of the head Giddiness, trembling of the Nervs, Deafness, dull Sight and Blindness; and all these aris­ing from the Scurvy or Scorbutick im­purity of the body oftentimes, and these are not cured but by Anti-scorbutic Me­dicines; and those that endeavour other­wise with their Specificks and appropri­ate Medicines, to the parts where such Symptoms and Diseases do appear, la­bour in vain, and are frustrated in their intended Cures.

I might instance in many more cases wherein this Medicine hath done me good service, but that would be too te­dious to relate: therefore in general I must say, for Sorbutic persons, and the various Symptoms that attend that Dis­ease, whether in this part, or that part; these Pills are the best Abstersive and Purgative Medicine I ever made use of, being so amicable and friendly to nature, in their Operation, performing with so much ease and gentleness, that I have gi­ven them to the weakest bodies with good success, proportioning the dose according to the ability of the body.

I shall here set down the Dose and Circumstances that belong to the taking of these Pills.

The ordinary Dose for man, or wo­man, is three Pills; some Bodies (though very seldom) require four: and some­times two Pills is sufficient, for weak bo­dies, and such as work freely with a small matter.

So much difference there is in bodies for purging, that two of these Pills are sufficient for some; but most common­ly three Pills are required, seldom four: therefore try your body first, with a lesser Dose then, if it require more, you may add to the next; and in so doing you will not err: For example, If you have a stubborn body, difficult and hard to purge, and the first Dose works but little, Tutius est peccare in defectu, quā in excessu. the next Dose you may take one Pill more: but if you have a lax gentle body freer in Operation than you expected, then abate a Pill, if the first work too nimbly with you. The diffe­rence of bodies is such in Operation, (especially purging) that they require a different Dose, or quantity for their proportion, which cannot so exactly be determined and appointed by the prae­science [Page 14]of the most skilful Physician, but by a rational Conjecture; untill the first experiment and tryal of their bodies, (which uncertainty, is not in the Medi­cine, but in the diversity of bodies); and after the first Dose taken, your own rea­son then, considering the condition of your body with the former, will prompt you in the next, whether to keep to the same, to augment, or abate. Solutiva enim fortia cum succis texuperan­ibus mag­nam spiri­tuum faci­unt soluti­onem. And remem­ber this as a necessary cauti­on, that you covet not strong Purges and large Evacuations, to have many stools in a day (a common error) which offers vio­lence to Nature, and force­ably sweeping down both good and bad together; Eradica­tiva eva­cuatio op­timè per­plures per sicitur eva cuationes minorati­vas. but rather choose to draw away the offending matter gently by degrees, giving Nature time for separation, the pure from the impure and noxious: four or five Stools in a day is sufficient, but not to ex­ceed six; and that number I intend you to aim at and no more; and thus doing, you will find Physick much more beneficial, nature [Page 15]more kindly assisting, and not at all weakned.

Some there are, who, unless their Phy­sick work half a score or a dozen times, think they have kept House for nothing, and their Money cast away, accounting the goodness of their Physick by the number of Stools; but they deceive themselves very much in desiring strong Purgations, which weaken and impair Nature, and thereby you protract your Cure and not hasten it.

Concerning preparation before Purg­ing, much talked of; take this Advice: that soluble bodies, readily yeilding obedience to gentle Purging Medicines, need no other preparation than what na­ture hath provided in the disposition of their own bodies; but for those bodies that are more hot, dry, costive and very stubborn in Operation, it will be advan­tagious to facilitate their Purgation, by eating stewed prunes, water grewel, or barley broth with raisins and currants, or by drinking whey, or sider, two or three daies before, which will prepare, moisten, cool, and open your body, and make it more soluble and easy in purging.

The times for taking these Pills ge­nerally [Page 16]is thus, (except good reason, in some bodies, perswade the contrary:) Take one Pill over night going to bed, having eaten but a light Supper at six of the clock before; the next morning early in bed, take the remaining part of the Dose; and you may sleep an hour after if you be disposed, but not longer; nor like long in bed after, lest you check the Operation of the Medicine, and thereby cause you to be sickish at Stomack in your rising: when you are up, drink a little warm posset-drink, made of small bear, or small Ale, or thin broth for this purpose, and forbear eating until noon: but although these Pills are appointed to be taken, one over night, the other in the morning; yet if you find any incon­venience thereby, you may take the whole Dose in the morning very early, and lie two hours after: But if you have not a just cause for alteration observe the Prescription.

These Pills take thus every fourth or fifth day, and you will find it best to give such intermission: Chronick or old Diseases must have time to be Eradicated, and you must reduce nature from an ill [Page 17]habit by degrees, Semper expedit paulatim ducere quàm su­bitò. better than hastily; As diseases come on, gradually prevailing upon and seducing nature from her Integrity; so nature by de­grees, must be brought off and restored again to her power and regula­rity. Cum natura malè sustinet repen­tinas mutationes.

For going abroad after your Pills that day, if you desire it, or occasions require, take this advice; if your body be indifferent strong, not apt upon small occasions to take cold, the season tem­perate and fair weather, having moderat­ed the Dose of your Pills, so as to work but three, or four times at most; you may then go abroad without prejudice: but if it fall out to be otherwise, then it is better to keep in, that day.

If any ask, At what times of the year these Pills are to be taken; I answer, you may safely and with benefit, at any time of the year, provided you order your self suitable to the season; that is, in Winter-weather, a warm Chamber and good fire; in Summer-hot weather, a cool Room free from the Sun; be mo­derate in Cloathing, and gentle in Mo­tion not to heat your self.

For the Mornings in the midst of Sum­mer, they are temperate and fit for Phy­sick, and the Operation will be done be­fore the heat of the day; so that in this temperate Climate, you may take Phy­sick (with discretion) at any season of the year, the Dog-daies not excepted, although it is an opinion among the vul­gar, that that time is dangerous; but that is a vulgar error, easy to be refuted.

Of Restoring and Rectifying the Digesti­ons, necessary in Curing the SCURVY.

IN the preceding Discourse of that Treatise where the Scurvy is mani­fested and laid open in the causes and manner of Generation; you find it plant­ed and Radicated in the Digestions, or Digestive Offices; by whose Aberrations from Integrity, and frustrations of per­forming their Duties as they ought, this Disease is begotten: in the Cure there­fore, we must have an eye to their De­ficiency in Vigour, and Deviation from the Rectitude and manner of their per­formance being Alienated and Deprav­ed.

The former Medicine viz. the Scorbute-Pills was designed, to cleanse and carry off the Producted Scorbutick matter; another Medicine also must necessarily be invented to Roborate and strengthen the Faculties, to restore and confirm them in the performance of their Functi­ons; or else the like Scorbutick matter will be generated again, and nature will soon relapse into the Former state; In vain it is to pump, except you stop the Leak; Purging, carries off the Degene­rate matter, and does a necessary work; but that does not Vigorate, re-inforce and give new strength to the Digestive Faculties, that were tyred and alienated in their Principles: that must be done by another Medicine, whose property is to excite, unite and joyn with the Prin­cipal agent in each faculty.

To make this more plain and easie to be apprehended by indifferent Capaci­ties; first I shall shew you how nature does perform her daily work; Then I shall shew, how she declines and falls off; and Thirdly, I shall manifest how she is to be assisted and restored.

So soon as food is received into the body, nature presently falls about her busi­ness, to digest, to dissolve, & separate the [Page 20]parts of it, to volatise, to distribute and transmit from one digestive office to a­nother, to sequester and throw aside the unprofitable and excrementitious part, to attract and suck in the alimentary, to refine and alter it by several elaborati­ons, to extract and draw out the pure spirituous part for supply of spirits, the rest assimilated into the humoral and so­lid parts; from hence the body is pre­served, and maintained in strength and vigour: and this is Natural Chymistry, performed every day in mans body in the regular course of nature; but when nature declines and fails in the ordinary and daily work of her own preservati­on, whether by intemperance, improper food, irregular and injurious customes or accidents, or Spontaneosly from an Imbecile Radication of principles, and bad Crasis of parts; the body then de­cayes apace, when the principle functi­ons are weakly and depravedly exerci­sed; necessarily then an Auxiliary means and Assistant must be applyed to restore nature to her strength and regular course again; something that must accu­ate and vigorate nature, that must excite and cooperate in Conjunction with the movent principle; that as a new Spring, [Page 21]will give power and force to the facul­ties. Considering this so necessary and useful in the cure of most Infirmities, as also to establish and confirm a Cure wrought from Recidivation and Re­lapse; I thought it a principal work to find out and form such a medicine as may answer the intentions proposed, and therefore have by several tryals and improvements effected and wrought such a medicine to that degree and com­petent power, as is very efficacious in the deficienties and enervation of the dige­stive faculties, to Restore and Roborate them in their functions; which medicine is called, and known by the name of Ca­thelic Elixir (now altered and impro­ved)

And this was the custom and manner of the ancient and most famous Physici­ans, to acquire by their proper labour and sedulous industry, some great Ar­cana's, secret and choise medicines of excelling vertue, which they esteemed as a treasure, and gave them peculiar names to be distinguished and known by: and that such medicines might be known to the world, for the good and benefit of the Diseased; they did publish their ver­tues, as Angelus Sala in the Preface to his [Page 22]Precious Antidote, does apologize for himself in doing the like: Etiam magni­nominis medicis solenne olim fuit, medica­menti alicujus particularis virtutes, quas quis (que) accurata observatione annotaverat peculiari quodum tractatu literis consig­nare. Oper: Med: Chym. pag. 420. sayes he, It has been the ancient custom of Physicians, & those men of great fame, to write a Treatise of the vertues of some particular medicine, which they had no­ted by strict observation; then he extols the efficacy and worth of his medicine, and excuses the concealment of the pre­paration.

Helmont also, that great Philosopher and Physician, had his private medicines which he highly valued; so also in the Writings of the most Eminent Physici­ans, we find they had their Arcana's, secret medicines which they would not discover, save only their vertues and manner of use; therefore I may say as Angelus Sala, Quod si illis hoc vitio non fu­it datum, neque mihi, qui eorum ad exem­plum.

But since the late fashion of Prescri­bing came up in use, some ignorant buzzards which I could name, that have objected this against me, (per­haps [Page 23]of our own Faculty) think this an empirical way; but therein they disco­ver their ignorance, not knowing the ancient and most legitimate way of Pra­ctice, and what is the whole duty of a Physician: See what Famous Quercetan sayes upon the Question, An medicum de­ceat [...]? Quer: Rediviv: pag. 218. Whether a Physician ought to make medicines; He will tell you, you are Pseudomedicus, a Counterfeit Physician, if you do not make medicines. Pray look there, and then you will say, 'tis a shame for a Physician not to be expert in ma­king medicines.

As a duty, and following the Ex­ample of the most Eminent Physicians. I have been and am a constant labou­rer in Pharmacy, thereby to acquire and purchase the choisest Medicines that Art and pains can procure; and by continu­al making, and altering upon tryals, I have purchased as noble Medicines I think, as any man can procure; not but that other Physicians that have been thus diligent in Preparation of Medicines, as I have been, may have as good; but without this Labour and Industry, no man can be master of such. In particular, the forenamed Elixir, as it is now im­proved [Page 24]and advanced, I have a great esteem for, and is a great assistant to the Stomack in the office of Digestion, for it mainly fortifies and roborates that Facul­ty, so that the bad effects of a weak or depraved Digestion, are notably Cor­rected and amended; as crudity and indigestion, flatulency or winde, Nau­siousness or Vomiting, Fulness or Opression, Loss of Appetite, Eructati­on or Belching; and this it performs by asisting the Stomack's Digestive Fer­ment, being deficient and decayed by Age, Intemperance, Incongruous Dyet, Disorder, or Natural Infirmities.

One Case amongst the rest, relating hither, I well remember, which I think good to relate: A woman that had been troubled with the Scurvy for some years though scarce taken notice of, but sup­posed to be from other causes, what symptoms did appear; amongst the rest, for some time she was molested, especi­ally in a morning with a driness in her mouth, and an ill taste; afterwards her stomack would nauseate sometimes, and soon after did begin to vomit: where­upon she took several medicines to stay vomiting, and to strengthen the stomack, but all in vain, and rather aggravated [Page 25]her Griefs, straining to Vomit with more violence, and little or nothing came a­way: when I was made acquainted with it, and understanding the Symptoms to arise from the Scurvy; upon examination of the whole matter, I sent her this Elixir with directions; and at the third or fourth Dose, her Vomiting and nauseating was gone, and much at ease: then I appoint­ed her the Scorbute-Pills, to be used inter­mittingly with this Elixir for some time; and soon after, the other Scorbune Symp­toms which molested her, vanished, and she regained her former health: Whereby you may observe that the Scurvy will not be tamed but by Anti-scorbutic Medicines: and although some Symptoms of the Scur­vy be common and like with those from other diseases, whereby many are deceived in their causes; yet, if they arise from a Scorbutic Root, they will not be cure but by Anti-scorbutic Medicines; and there­fore whar Symptoms of Sickness do appear in any person, ought strictly and nicely to be examined by a discerning judgment, to know the right spring and foundation of their Rise.

But to proceed, Not only the Stomack and first Digestion is benefited and assist­ed by this Elixir, but the subsequent Di­gestions [Page 26]are promoted, and their defects corrected hereby; and this Medicine I use successfully against many Infirmities seat­ed in the Mesentery, Guts, Liver, or Spleen; as when they are languid and weak, de­generating and falling off from their du­ties, are obstructed with crude depraved Matter; wanting Spirit and Vigour, and acuteness of Ferment fit for their proper works; from whence Hypocondriack Me­lancholy, Stitches, Pains, Tumors, and flatu­lent Distensions of the Hypoconders and Belly: In such cases, this Medicine pene­trates atteneates opens, and discusseth, ro­borates and gives great relief; and like­wise for Melancholy drooping Spirits, and Palpitations of the Heart, Angustness and Compression about that Region, arising from a Scorbutic Feculency and Impurity; an ill-affected Spleen, or Matrix, from whence Vapours do assurge to afflict the heart and vital Spirit; this Elixir is a pro­per help, and also effectual in Scorbutic Asthmaes, difficult and short Breathing, Coughs and Scorbutic Consumptions. But of these you may read at large, in my Treatise of Consumptions, and I have there appropriated two excellent and highly graduated Medicines for Consumptive persons; a Restaurative Essence, and Bal­samic [Page 27]Extract, with which I have recovered some, beyond expectation.

That you may be the more cautious in examining the Symptoms of Diseases, what foundation they have, and whence they do proceed, that you may not labour in vain for a cure; I have noted a remark­able Case in a Patient of mine, worth your Observation, which was thus: A young man about thirty years of Age, a Student and tenderly bred, was subject to short and difficult breathing, but without a Cough, or very little; he was advised to many Pectoral Medicines to open and strengthen the Lungs, which he used, but with little effect: his Disease by time increased upon him, and he was troubled with palpitati­on of the Heart, and stoppage of Breath, in his Sleep, that he was affraid of Suffo­cation; he then unhappily fell into the hands of an Emperick, who purged him with violent Medicines so, that he began to be Hydropical, did puff up, and limbs Swell, nor did the other Symptoms abate. After this and other passages (too long to relate) I was sent for, and examined the Patient; found his complaint was chiefly under the Diaphgrama toward the Orifice of the Stomack, that his Lungs were good, and the Cause of his short and difficult [Page 28]breathing was not in the Breast, but by Compression of the Diaphragma, from a turgid aestuation of Scorbutic matter, which threatned Suffocation sometimes: (And upon this very cause, I knew a very Learn­ed Doctor of Physick, that died suddainly in his bed): I perused and made inspection into the Urine, and examined his Pulse, as now and formerly; both which consented to, and confirmed the Scurvy: Then I ex­amined, what Medicines had been given him; and those were most Pectoral, except some churlish Purges, after which he was much worse, and began to swell; and now he was about to take a Dyet-drink for the Dropsy, which was like to prove as the rest: but the Patient committing himself into my hands, I bad him desist from all Medicines but what I appointed; and first I gave him this Elixir (he being very weak) which as a Cordial did revive him, and after a few daies was much altered for the better, and slept more quietly, with a greater freedom in breathing: he continued this alone, for ten dayes; in which time he gained strength and had a stomack to his meat: then I di­rected him the use of the Scorbute-Pills, which abated the swelling of his Limbs at twice taking, and proceeded in the use of these two Medicines. Lastly, I appointed [Page 29]him the Sudorific Medicine hereafter men­tioned; and in a short time, he was reduced by this course to good health and free from his former Complaints. By the whole Story you may observe, First, that the Scurvy is disguised, and appears in the shape of other Diseases. Secondly, that those Diseases so counterfeited, are not cured but by Ra­dical Medicines which are Anti-scorbutic: and therefore it much concerns the Sick, that their Diseases be rightly stated and de­termined by one that can make a true in­ternal Discovery; and not according to external Appearance, and common Symp­toms, which is very Fallacious.

But I proceed to let you know farther, How and wherein this Elixir is useful to me in Practice; and that in suddain emergent cases of fainting: as also in Languishing Diseases, and Cases of Extremity when the Patient is spent and brought so low that no Physick can be Administred; this, as a re­lief and support to the Languishing decay­ed Faculties, may daily be exhibited; and this I have frequently proved: particular­ly, a Person of Honour, given over by his Physicians, being spent and decayed and highly swoln in a Scorbutic Asthma and Dropsy, was gasping for breath, when I came to him; but exhibiting this Elixir, [Page 30]he did wonderfully revive, and his difficult & short breathing was much enlarged and eased for a few daies, for which he did Ex­tol the Medicine: but, being past the possi­bility of Recovery, and incapable of other Medicines, requisite or Cure, he dyed.

But some may object: This possibly may be a good Medicine in desperate Cases, and approaches of Death; but how can it be proper and fit for a man that can eat his meat well, and walk abroad, only inclining to the Scurvy, and some small Impediments from thence? I answer: That Medicine which is endowed with so much Vertue, to bring relief to a decayed or dying man; must needs be of great power and efficacy, to give Vigour and strength to all the Fa­culties: Now Scorbutic Infirmities, or impedimens of what sort soever, do arise from the Imbecillity, Aberration, or Declin­ing of some Faculty in the Body, injured or decayed which requires a generous and noble Medicine to Rectifie and Vigorate, (at least, it will better be performed by such) not a languid dull Medicine; and therefore this Objection is vain; for the greater power a Medicine hath, the more likely and better to do the business be it little or much: and therefore if your Case require help, do it by an acute Vigorous [Page 31]Medicine, and you may expect your Infir­mities to be removed, Citiùs tu [...]iùs jucun­diùs, in a shorter time, with more safety and certainty, with less disgust in taking or trouble in Operation.

Now the main Scope and Intention of this Medicine, is, to relieve the Spirits Op­pressed or Exhausted, to Discuss Flatulent Vapours, to open Obstructions, and to Rectifie and Roborate the Digestive Fa­culties, from whence Scorbutic Symptoms do arise; and such a Medicine is necessari­ly required in the cure of the Scurvy, and its Complicated effects.

I have briefly shewed you the power and properties belonging to an Anti-scor­butic Medicine, requisite to be used in cur­ing the Scurvy: such a Medicine I say is required; tis not Purging alone will do it, but other Operations must joyn to effect the purpose. For advice and rules to those that use this Catholick Elixir (living farr distant from me) that they may not Erre in the taking of it, let them observe as fol­loweth.

That in the use of this Elixir with the Scorbute-Pills, it is best to begin with the Pills; except the person be very weak, or spent, and first require some strengthning [Page 32]and reviving Medicine, then you may first begin with the Elixir.

Also that this Elixir is not to be taken those daies you Purge, but every Intermit­ting day between Purging.

That this Elixir is not to be taken or tasted alone but mixt with some good Liquor, and that ought to be the best Canary; for bad Wine alters and abates the Virtue of the Medecine. It may be taken in French­wine, if the Patient cannot agreee with Sack.

The Dose for man or woman, is thirty drops: for ten years old, twenty drops; for five years, ten drops.

And observe this; that at the first taking you begin but with half the Dose that is ap­pointed for your age; as thus: thirty drops is appointed for a man, let him begin with fifteen or sixteen drops, and then augment two or three drops every day after, until he ascend to thirty, and then there conti­nue that Dose afterwards.

Take it (in Bed if you be weak) in a spoonful of Sack, every morning, fasting an hour and half after; and at five of the Clock After-noon; but you are not so strictly to observe the after-noons, but, if that your occasions do not well permit (as when you must be abroad or the like,) you may omit.

In keeping this Elixir, let it be well stopt; for dropping of it exactly, a Cruet is best. Some may ask, What time of the year this Medicine may, or may not be used; I answer, No time of the year for­bids the use of it; but it is profitably taken at any season of the year: nor may wo­men forbear the use of it at such times of the month, when all other Physick is for­bidden; but is helpful to Nature at such a time, in procuring them with more ease and freedom.

Of Curing the Scurvy by Transpiration, and the necessary use of a good Sudorific Medicine.

THe Scurvy is not a particular Disease limited to this or that part of the Bo­dy, but extends it self throughout the whole as appears by the variety of Symptoms, in several parts of the Body; and being of this extent, Medicine also must have the same Latitude of Operation to prosecute and reach into its utmost and farthest quar­ters: Purgation that cleanseth the Cen­tral and more inward parts, as the Stomack, Guts, Mesentery, Liver and Spleen: Trans­piration that respects chiefly the habit of [Page 34]the Body and external parts, purifying the Mass of Blood, and vital streams.

These two Operations are necessary for Cure in most Scorbutic cases, as the follow­ing discourses and observations in Practice recited, does manifest.

Some there are that deceive themselves, and lay the whole stress of the Cure upon Purging, and that they prosecute very often (and it were well if the purgatives be pro­per) but the effects may inform and tell them, that there is something else requi­site; and they find it so. The Scurvy is not so easily dislodged and thrown out by a single Operation of Medicine; but requires rectifying and strengthning of the Di­gestive Faculties also, and depuration of the Blood.

The Body of man is perspirable, and in his due state of health continually more or less doth transpire and breath out humid vapours and a superfluous moisture by the Pores of the Body; hereby the Mass of Blood and habit of the Body is cleansed and discharged of that which is superfluous or impure and unfit to be retained; and this insensible Evacuation is so requisite, that without transpiration the Mass of Blood cannot be depurated, but remains muddy and defiled, which forceth Nature to a dis­tempered [Page 35]fermentation and morbific Erup­tion: Proper and amicable Purgation doth well, acts a good part, and ought to be prae­mitted in most cases, which alone do check a Disease and lessen it, by carrying off a I morbific matter in the lower Region of the Body; but if the Mass of Blood, and ha­bit of the Body be tainted and corrupted, the vital stream and those parts irrigated and fed from thence, are not purified as they ought, but by Exsudation and Tran­spiration; and the Spirits that are clogg'd and infested by impure matter, which dar­kens their light, causing Melancholy and indisposed heaviness, are hereby relieved and unfettered, become brisk, aery, and live­ly as before.

And in promoting this Operation we imitate and assist Nature which continually does Emittere & Transpirare per Poros, at least ought so to breathe forth superfluous vapours and humidity, and when this is co­hibited and restrained, by occlusion and shutting up the pores by cold or otherwise; or Nature unable thus to relieve and dis­charge her self by reason of debility and insufficiency in separating and protruding; it is not long but some Disease, or many, ariseth from the course of Nature thus im­pedited: either a sudden febril aestuation; [Page 36]or erratic pains in this or that part; or a slow eruption of grosser matter sticking in the skin discolouring and spotting of it; or bringing forth Scurf, Pustules, or other Extretions.

By this you may understand the bene­fit that doth arise by the regular course of Nature in her daily Operations and Excre­tions, and the profitable assistance of Art in promoting them when impeded, as also the prejudice and damage by the contra­ry.

And here I shall relate to you the Case of a Scorbutick Patient, pertinent to the proceeding Discourse.

A Gentlewoman, aged between Forty and Fifty, formerly fatt and fleshy, but re­duced to a lean state; being troubled for some years with a lassitude or weariness in her Limbs, and Indisposition to Action, and with pains at some times: afterwards in Autumn, a weakness and numbness possessed her Limbs, that disabled her in going: All this while she was not negli­gent to seek for help, had such Advice as the Country did afford, and used many Medicines; but her Disease prevailed still, each Spring and Autumn being worse than the former: it hapned that a Relation of her case was sent to me, (she living a great [Page 37]distance from London) what was want­ing in the first Relation, I interrogated in my Answer, and the next Account I recei­ved, did fully satisfie me: I found the Scurvy disguised to act in several Scenes, after a different manner: the Medicines she had used were proper for the Symp­toms that did appear, barely considered; but not as they had a Relation and were grounded upon the Scurvy, which being undiscerned did frustrate all the Endea­vours for Cure: Letting of her blood was injurious, and she grew worse upon it; soon after, a Stupor or Paralytic numbness seised her: To be short, she was com­mitted to my care and management; I sent her three Anti-scorbutick Medicines, namely, my Scorbute-Pills, Elixir, and Sudorific Extract to be used in that order and method as the Medicines and her Condition required: at the months end she gained the use of her Limbs, but were something weak; yet no pains as formerly: and upon the use of the Sudorific Extract, some spots were driven forth, and the La­tent Scurvy did appear and satisfied them more fully, what I had determined of her disease: The Winter being very sharp, did sometimes interrupt her Course, and retarded the compleating of a Cure, which [Page 38]else might have been finished in a shorter time. At the beginning of March I set her into the same Course again, which was diligently observed; and in April follow­ing she was perfectly restored: In the Course of these Medicines (according to the Account received) I observed her pains to lessen and cease upon the use of the Sudorific Extract, and not before; which Medicine chiefly restored her the use of her Limbs; and it was reason to expect, the greatest benefit, as to that particular in the Case, should acrue from a Diaphore­tic Medicine; that searching and penetra­ting the habite of the Body, by transpi­ration and breathing Sweats should dissodg and discusse the Scorbutic Matter which infested the Nerves and Muscles, impe­ding and disabling the parts in their Moti­on and Action.

By such Examples as this, and other different Cases as to the Symptoms, yet parallel with it as to the parts affected and Morbisic Cause; I was fully satisfi [...]d that a Sudorific Medicine was of necessary use in many Scorbutic Cases, and without which, a Cure could not be performed; I therefore prepared a Medicine that might effectually answer the scope of that inten­tion, which might operate by Transpirati­on [Page 39]and gentle sweating, and, by a kindly assisting of Nature in that operation, might depurate the whole Masse of blood, and free the habite of the body from any Scor­butic Impurity and Degenerate Matter, which at certain seasons of the year, and by accidental promoting Causes, fer­ments, and produceth various internal Di­stempers and Diseases, Scorbutic Feavers, continual and intermitting Quotidian, Tertian and Quartan, Head-aches, and Pains in several parts, Pleurisies, Asthma's, &c. or external and Cutany-Difedations; as Spots, Scurff, Scabs, Pustul's, Tettars, Ringworms, Tumors, &c. And because our blood, especially in these Northern Climates, doth abound with a serosa Colluvies, a Serosity or Superfluous wa­tery humor; a good Sudorisic Medicine is of great use; for when this serous matter abounds and increase the ther by the insuffi­cient Attraction & Separation of the Reins, that should expend and drain it; or the Pores shut up, and Trauspiration de­nied, that should insensibly exhaust it, doth then by Preternatural Retention de­generate and change its Nature and Pro­perties; that which was mild turns acid, sharp and molesting; and variously dege­nerating doth cause several Diseases and [Page 40]Pains in divers parts of the Body as it Circulates in the Vessels; or extravasa­ted and wandring about being expulsed from part to part as hostile and injurious) by the strength and fortitude of the Ar­cheus or innate spirit that inhabits as the Life-guard in each part of the body.

This Sudorisic Medicine prepared for the purposes aforesaid. I appoint in all Scor­butic Cases, requiring Transpiration or Sweating; and I find great success in the use of it (especially being now much alter­ed and improved) Many Diseases are ex­pulsed by Sudorificks, that purgatives can­not prevail against; the reason is this; First, because some Diseases do arise, and depend upon a flatulent Spirit or Meteor that is generated in the body; and these Diseases are more accute and dangerous, than others, because their matter is more active, subtile, and of suddain motions, be­ing of the Nature of a Spirit, is more pe­netrative and irresistible in its motion; as Apoplexy, Epilepsy, histerical Passions, Pestilential Seminaries, suddain Swoon­ing, &c. Which do not yield Obedience to Purgatives, being of a more subtile spi­rituous nature, is not ejected by Vomit, or Stool as grosser Morbific Humours are; but requires a Medicine equivalent and [Page 41]proportionate to their Nature; that is, pene­trative, subtile and acute in Operation, proper to discuss, evaporate, and transpire. Secondly, many Diseases though arising from grosser and humoral causes, that would obey the Power and Virtue of Purgatives; yet by reason they are lodged in the habit of the body and more exterior parts, are out of distance and beyond the reach and sphere of their activity: but a good Sudorific penetrates and searcheth all parts, raiseth the Seminaries, and enters the secret Dormitories of lurking Diseases, and gives them expulsion by its subtil Operation and acute Power: and here I remember the condition of a Patient which I will relate to you, pertinent to the present discourse. A young gentlewoman of a fair Complexion and very clear skin, by Melancholy (and other causes) was much altered and become brown, muddy, and discoloured in particular places; af­terwards a Scurf did arise and some Pim­ples here and there, which was troublesome by itching: this Gentlewoman was let blood and purged often, but still her trouble re­mained: then she was advised to a Wash to clear the skin, and to take away the heat and pimples; which did take effect in a few daies, but upon retiring of this hu­mour [Page 42]inwards, she fell desperately sick, with violent pains in her head, and ready to faint away often. Hereupon I was sent for, and examined the whole matter; and finding the acuteness of her sickness to arise from an imprudent repelling of a hu­mour, and forcing it back upon Nature, which she had brought forth to the skin; I immediately appointed her a Dose of my sudorific Extract to be given her, which put her into a breathing Sweat; and when the Medicine had done its Operation, her pains and sickness were almost gone: the next day I appointed another Dose to be given her, to sweat gently for two or three hours, and before the Operation of the Medicine was spent, her pain and sickness quite left her; and then appeared some of the former Symptoms again upon the skin, but without itching. The present dan­ger of her sickness being over, I caused her to rest two or three daies, and gave her an Elixir to take every day, to che­rish Nature and recover her strength: then she fell to the Sudorific Extract a­gain, to cleanse the Blood, and to breathe out that impurity which was lodged un­der the skin; with convenient intermssion she repeated this Sudorific Medicine three or four times more, and then the former [Page 43]Symptoms quite left her, and she regained her former beauty and clearness of skin. By this you may understand, that a Sudo­rific Medicin some times is effectual, when Purgatives cannot prevail; yet 'tis injuri­ous to Nature, to draw back again what she hath protruded and brought forth to the Circumference of the Body: and ther­fore they that rely and insist too much upon Purging, thinking to cleanse the whole Body by that Operation only, are much deceived: Purging is good but not alwaies; other Medicines must come in and take their place, according as the case requires: Purging cleanseth the Center, but Sudorificks purifie the exterior parts.

That you may know when a Sudorific Medicine is required as necessary, and ad­vantagious to the Cure, I'le tell you in what cases I appoint this Sudorific Medi­cine to be taken: In curing the Scurvy, I find good success thereby, to cleanse and purifie the Blood that is degenerate and vitiated with a Scorbutic taint and impuri­ty: or when the Pores are occluded and imperspirable, the Body tumified and puft up for want of transpiration and ventila­tion; when pricking pains or itching in the flesh molest and trouble, by a saline or a­crid Serosity extravasated, and erratick; [Page 44]when spots, tumors, pustul's, scurfe, pim­ples, or such like appear upon any part of the Body: This Sudorific Medicine dis­cusseth and discipates the confluence of Humours tesorting to any part, opens the Pores, transpires and drives out the extre­mentions matter, congested and lodged under the skin: also when a Lassitude or weariness possess the Limbs; when the spirits are torpid, dull heavy (as it is the case of many Scorbutic persons) being alienated from their purity and wonted vigour, by a degenerate and depraved ali­mentary succus, cloging and settering them, that should support and maintain them with an addisional supply of a congenerous extraction; in this case a good Sudorific is the best relief, to depurate the Vital stream, and alimen­tary liquors of the Body, from whence the Spirits receive strength and vigour again.

The Dose, and Circumstances that at­tend the taking of this Sudoific Extract is thus: to a man or woman of a weak ten­der body; at first I give a dram and half, the next time two drams, but stronger bo­dies give two drams at the first dose, then two drams and half, almayes begin­ning with a lesser dose; and encrease the [Page 45]quantity, as from the quantity of a Nut­meg to a Chestunt, according to the con­dition and strength of the body after try­al: First, because there is great difference in bodyes, some require more; as hard, dry bodyes and thicker skinns, being more difficult to transpire; and some less, as tender, moist bodyes, of a rare Texture, and open Pores, more apt to breath out. Secondly, Nature is better pleased to re­ceive some Medicines gradually, then im­posing a full dose at first; if Nature takes a disgust to a Medicine, she seldom agrees with it after, à leviori­bus inci­pere, & procede­re ad for­tiora, est ordo Sa­pientum. though it be ne­ver so good: therefore at the first begin with a little dose (for tryal) though the Medi­cine be very amicable, and the next time you may encrease, and take a little more.

The manner of taking is thus, Roll it in a little Sugar, and swallow it down.

Take it at Night (having eaten but a little Spoon-meat for your Supper) in Bed covered warm; and a quar­ter of an hour after, drink a draught of Rosemary-Posset, or Mace-Ale, then you may sleep as you find your self disposed. Or you may take this Me­dicine [Page 31]in a Morning very early, after the same manner, and lye in Bed half that day, sleep if you will, that does not check the Medicine, you will have the benefit of Transpiration in your sleep: Somnus Cohibet omnem evacuationem preter Sudorem aph. nor are you to expect great Sweats, but only moist Breathings, not at all troublesome.

Some perhaps being too hasty and de­sirous to effect their Cure, may think one or two great Sweats may do as much good as half a dozen gentle breathings, Saepius mediocri­ter Sudo­movere, melius est quam Se­mel mo­dum ex­cedando virespros­ternere. and so shor­ten the time of their Cure; but I cannot approve that Course, to impair Nature by violent and large Exhaustions; you thereby frustrate the benefit of the Medicine, which rightly used, will prove very succes­full for the purposes appointed. This Su­dorific Extract may be taken twice in a week, on the intermitting dayes when you do not purge, having first taken three doses of the Scorbute Pills to cleanse the stomack and bowels, before you begin to Sweat, that the grosser matter and impu­rity of those parts be not driven into the habit of the body. For going abroad, ob­serve [Page 47]this, if you take the Sudorific in the Morning, you must not go out that day, the Pores being open: but if you take it over night, the weather not cold and searching, but temperate or hot; you may go forth next day, if your disease, strength, and condition of body admit.

Those persons that use the three Anti­scorbutic Medicines before mentioned, do observe this order, except in some speci­al Cases, and complicated Diseases, by particular advice: First, they begin with the Scorbute-Pills to cleanse the Center of the Body, as the Stomack, Guts, Mesente­ry, Liver, and Spleen: The next day and all the intermitting days between Purg­ing, they use the Elixir, to strengthen the declining Faculties and rectifie the Digestions: and after three doses of Pur­ging Pills taken, they begin with the Su­dorifick Medicine, to purifie the Blood, and cleanse the habit of the Body; and these are to be used twice in a week, pro­ceeding also with the other Medicines in their turns as before. But now you are come to use the Sudorifick Extract, you may take the Scorbutic Pills but once in the week, whereas before you took them once in four or five days; this is my course and practice in curing the Scurvy and [Page 31] [...] [Page 47] [...] [Page] [...] it is a [...] accord­ing to the Canons of Art, is also verified by much experience to be most effectual.

The chief reason why I am so large here, in the general use of these Medicines is to avoid the daily trouble of directions in writing to each particular Patient, except there be good cause.

I have now finished what I proposed in my self to make Publick: The Nature, of this spreading Disease the Scurvy; its va­riety of Symptoms and appearance, that it may be known though in a various dress and disguise; the usual complicated affects that associate and attend it; its internal es­sential Causes, manner of Generation, and seat of Radication in the Body, the exter­nal procuring and promoting Causes; the chief indications so Cure; three Anti-scor­butic Medicines laid down as exemplars, answering the scope of those curative in­tentions; and some remarkable Observa­tions in Practice; And this is the summ of the whole Work.


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