Ovid Lib: 1. Amor: Militat omnis Amans; Et habet sua Castra Cupido.

Printed in the Yeare 1648.

  • Archidamus. King of Bithynia.
  • Barsene. His sister.
    • Lyncestes
    • Polydamas
    Two old Lords.
    • Theagines.
    • Meleager.
    Two young Lords, their sons.
  • Orythia. VVife to Theagenes.
  • Thalaestris. VVife to Meleager.
    • Menalippe
    • Ma [...]thesia
    Their women.
    • Callias.
    • Neander.
    • Artops.
    Three young Courtiers.
  • Eurymedon. King of Thrace.
  • Roxane. His sister.
    • Clytus.
    • Hippocles.
    Two of his Lords.
    • Macrinus.
    • Lacero.
    • Serpix.
    Three common soldiers.
  • Pistoclerus. A Newes spreader.
    • Two men
    • Two women
  • Two Priests.
  • A Drummer.
The Scoene, BITHYNIA.




Afier a Warlike sound of Dru [...]es and Trum­pets within; Enter
Calli [...]s, Neander, Artops.
HEre's a sweet change of Times; I, who had wont
To have my boy sing me asleep between
My Mistresse Armes, and charme mee every Night
In [...] a soft Ely [...]ium with his voyce.
Have beene this weeke kept waking with this [...]:
If this hold foure dayes more, I shall be fit,
Like Blackbirds, to be whistled to, and taught,
Out of meere [...]amenesse, to learne Tu [...]es. Neand: I doe
Observe a certaine kind of Copulation
Twixt sound and sound. This noyse hath sexes in it.
The Drummers, and the Trumpetters, and Fifes,
Make the Male noyse o [...]ch Streets; The Womens cries,
Loud shriekcs, & howlings, make the Female. Between them
A strange, ambiguous, confus'd roare's begot,
Much like the fall of Nilus, where the waters
Make All that dwell neare deafe.
My lodging stands
I'th' Middle Region, Gentlemen; I lye
Every Night in a Storme▪ and every Morning
Do rise in perfect Thunder; Then my sleep [...]
Are but my dayes feares; which do walke; and then
[Page 2] Present themselves in Visions. Two Armies usually
Joyne Battle in my Dreames; where I behold
Thine, His, My Braines knockt out. And when I wake,
Wonder to find my selfe with all my Limbs;
Feele for my other Legg [...]; suspect my eyes
When they in forme me I have both my Armes.
I've slept but twice e're since the newes came that
Eurym [...]don was landed; And then I had
The strangest Dreames too. My Man found mee scaling
My Curtaines for a Fort; Killing my Pillow;
And entring Duel with my Breeches. Last night
Me thought wee Three (pray Heaven avert the Omen)
Were shut up here ith' City, and besieg'd
By th' Hangings of my Chamber.
Me thought
The Tr [...]jan faces were all turn'd to Thracians.
And in this Siege, I dream't, that You, and Hee,
Forc'd by the Famine, were resolv'd to be
My Cannibals and eat mee.
I doe feele
One of my Surloynes going.
Well, what followed?
At last you cast Dice on my Body, which
Part should be eaten first; And after all
Concluded on my Head, and Purtenance.
These are the fruites of Theevery; Thus 'tis Gentle­men,
When Kings can't Love the common way, but must
Needs couple withou [...] Friends consent, and draw
A Hue and Crye of fourty thousand after 'em.
I doe maintaine, that Armies
Plundering of Townes, and ravishing of Virgins,
As naturally follow a good Face
Stolne, as this was, as Aches doe your Wenching.
Or as your Taylor, Artops, followes you
With an old Bill unclear'd▪
There surely is
An unknowne pleasure in all Matrimony
Which carries danger with it. Else, why should Men
So itch to steale their Wives? Our Neighbour Troy
Is, Gentlemen, a sad example. If
This prove a Smocke. Warre of some ten yeares long;
Or if Roxane be the Comet, and
[Page 3] The burning of Bithynia the bright blaze
Which shee drawes after her, wee cannot helpe it.
How stand you two affected to the Warre?
Troth, I should like the Campe well, if the Fields
Did bring forth Featherbeds▪ Or if the Streames,
Like those oth' Golden age, did run pure Wine.
Or if Court Meales would every twelve, and seven,
Observe due howres. But; Gentlemen, to lye
Halfe starv'd▪ with cold, ith' Aire on scarce fresh Greensword▪
Just so match earth to earth; And then to live
The Life of Nature; or, as some doe call it,
The life oth' Hardy; Quench my thirst at the
Next Spring, or Fountaine; Coffin up my selfe
Each night in Turfe; and thence come forth like one
Of Cadmus Souldiers, sowne of Serponts Teeth,
A [...]d start forth armed from a furrow, is
A course, I feare, I shall leave to the valiant.
And then the dangers.
Here comes a troope on,
And you in honour can't but loose an eye.
A [...] Engine there goes off, and you will show
Your selfe a Coward unlesse you loose an Arme.
Here y'are surrounded, and then 'twerc base to bring
More then one shoulder off. Gentlemen▪ Consider
What a Discredit 'tis to have a Nose
After a Battle; Or to walke the Streets
On your owne legs.
I [...]eele my selfe, already▪
Partly compos'd of Flesh, partly of Wood.
Methinkes I swing betweene two Crutches, like
One hang'd in Chaines, and tost by th' Winde; I looke
Within this weeke, to bee but halfe the Thing
You see me Now; The rest lopt off; And I
Slic'd into Reputation.
I doe perceive
Your disc eet Disaff [...]ction to the Warre.
'Tis but a wise care of our safety; Nature
Bids us preserve out selves.
But how, Neander,
How, without losse of fame, can we avoid
To accompany the King?
Why, breifly thus.
The King intends to send the Princesses
[Page 4] Over to the Island as the safer place.
And will assigne a thousand for their Guard.
Let's get our selves enroll'd ith' Number; so,
Besides security, wee shall enjoy
The Company o'th Ladies.
Right; And in
The absence of their Lords.
Peace, here they come.


To the [...] Archidamus, Roxane, B [...]rsene, Orithya, T [...]al [...]. stris, Polydamas, Lynce [...]tes, Theagines, Meleager.
You see your Nuptials, Bright Roxane, and
What choyce y'have made. I thought to have brought you to
A Cour [...] and Palace, where your entertainement
Would have beene only Songs of Virgins; Posts
Crown'd and adorn'd with Gy [...]lands; Sacrifices
Striving to make our Streets but one perfume;
And taking from our sight our Temples, with
The numerous Clouds of Incense which they scatter,
And send forth from their breathing Altars; And
No other sounds heard but my peoples shouts,
And acclamations for your wisht arrivall.
But you perceive y'are landed in a Campe;
And your first step upon the shore proves to you
A most unnaturall Seige. If for a Brother
Thus to pursue a Sister be unnaturall.
Had you had his Consent, Sir, and no storme
Follow'd your transportation of me from
His Court to yours, but [...]ad you, undisturbed,
Untroubled▪ in the progresse of your Love,
Proceeded to the Temple, There joyn'd hands,
And matcht the common way of Princes where
All that's requir'd to make the wedding Day
Solemne, are Tapers, Banquets, Revels, Musicke,
'T had beene a Dreame, no Marriage; our soft Ioyes
Would have lost both their edge and appetite.
That which you call unna [...]urall in my Brother,
[Page 5] I looke on as a favour; Thanke him for
The Argument he lends mee to expresse
How much more Deare your Dangers make you to mee.
Beleeve mee, Great Archydamus, the fire
You kindled in my heart, when in those still,
Quiet, silent nights you first did wooe mee, was
But a weake Sparke, compar'd to the large Flame
Which this Warre kindles in mee. I behold
Now a new amiablenesse in You; And
Looke on you through this Tempest, which is rays'd
For my sake, as one made more Lovely to mee.
And with the same content doe take delight
To mingle Sufferings, as Nuptials with you.
Nor should I thinke my selfe your Queene, unlesse
With the same equall Minde, I could goe halfe
In perils, as in Kingdomes with you
You doe speake like your selfe, Roxa [...]e, Still
Breath words, which sweeten Dangers, and provoke mee
To court them in their worst and dreadfull'st shape;
As things, without which, I should want fit Matter
To merit by, or some way make my selfe
Worthy of her for whom I undertake them.
Nor will I doubt of victory, where I
Have such a [...]rave Inspirer. Had I beene
Borne cold, or sent into the World a Coward,
Such a faire second, such a beauteous Cause,
Would strike a valiant Heat into me; And
Were my Sea cover'd with as many Shippes,
As anchor'd before Troy; or should an Army,
As vast, and numerous as his, who dranke
Up Rivers in his passage, and join [...]d Europe
To Asi [...] with his fleet invade mee, I
Assisted with your Vertues, should not doubt
But to return with Conquest. Who are these?
Enter Eurim. Clit. Hipp.
Th' Embassadours sent from the Prince of Thrace▪
To demand restitution of their Princesse.
Admit 'em to our presence.
The King expects you.


To them E [...]rymedon, disguis'd like [...]n E [...] ­bassadour▪ Clyt [...], Hyppocles.
We are now prepar'd to heare your Embassy▪
Your Prince's pleasure?
By us, Archidamus,
With all the freedome which an injur'd Prince
Can use towards Him that wrong'd Him, He lets you know,
That 'tis no thirst, or coveto [...]s Ambition,
T'enlarge his Territories, or to seeke conquest there,
Where 'tis as easie for him to o'rcome
Almost as say so, which hath provok't him
Thus to invade your Kingdome; But a just sense,
And apprehension of the blot, and staine,
Which Annals and posterity (Besides
The scorne oth' present Age) must sticke upon
His [...]luggish memory, it He coldly should
Sleepe o're his Infamy; or let you breake
The Lawes of Hospitality; and abuse
His Court, in carrying away a Prize
More deare to him then his Kingdome, unrevenged.
For though you may pretend Love for your boldnesse,
Or say the Princesse was an Actor in
Her Amorous stealth, (which yet Hee much suspects,
And she must blush t'acknwoledge) He saies, Herein
You doe but guild your Crime; For what you call
Affection Hee cals Rape; And saies, Hee hopes,
You'l pardon Him, if Hee doe looke upon You,
N [...]t as a Guest, but Robber; One that came not
To fetch a Queene, but to transport a prey.
Is this all?
He addes farther, that though Hee
Confesse Himselfe inferiour to the loud
Fame of your Sisters Beauty; To which nought
Can be a Match but her owne vertues; yet,
When He [...] lookes on the Story of his Ancestours,
From which Hee thinkes Hee hath not yet degenerated;
[Page 7] When hee considers (without boasting) that
He's borne to a Kingdome, to which yours hath beene
(Be't spoke without contempt) a Tributary;
But chiefly, when he searcheth his owne mind,
And findes nought Hostile there; but a pure fire,
Kindled from the report of the admir'd,
Inflaming, rayes, diffus'd from her bright eyes,
He thinkes you trespasse against love, Sir, to
Obey an angry, conque [...]'d, old mans Will▪
Made in the passion of his Overthrow,
Although your Father, and to refuse a suite
More noble, and open, then your owne; And whil' [...]
Y'are pious, shew your selfe revengefull too▪
Briefly Sir, therefore whither it were force,
Or Combination, (For which to call it
He saies he knowes not) unlesse you will restore
His Sister, or repaire him with your owne,
He saies, he is resolv'd, either to fall
A willing sacrifice [...]to his wrong'd Honour,
Or build his unglad satisfaction on
The Ruines of your Country. And to this
He doth require your Answer,
Were Roxan [...]
A Hellen, (as she's not in [...]ught I know
But her great Beauty) Or were I a Paris;
(Who finde my selfe none but ith' numerous fleet
Brought after me) Had I beene entertain'd
A Prince, by a Prince, Sir, at your Masters Court,
And, in his absence, had first loosely tempted
To my unlawf [...]ll bed, then stolne his Wife;
I do confesse 'twere just for him to cite
The breach of Hospitality, and t' invoke
The Gods of Weddings, and Marriages against me.
And I, till I restor'd th' unlawfull prey,
Should looke upon my selfe, not as a Guest,
But Ravisher. But if I came a Suitor,
And brought a flame as pure, as holy, as
That which burnes on his Altars; If the Princesse,
Her owne free Empresse did vouchsafe to meet
[Page 8] Mine with the like pure, amorous, equall fire:
If I have since preserv'd her honour; kept
Her white, and spotlesse as a Vest all; still
Approach't her presence with the same religion
As I would places consecrate, or Temples,
Whil'st [...]hus Hee doe's pursue my harmelesse Love,
With Words farre more injurious then his Armie [...],
With the like freedome You may tell Him, I'me
The injur'd Prince. And though I grant his Father
Once conquer'd mine, and wee paid Tribute, (which
Hee does not nobly to upbrayd) It may be
My turne to conquer next. Nor is the Bay
Planted so fi [...]mely on his head, but that
A good cause may remove it, and mak' [...] mine.
As for our close departure from his Court,
Which he brands with the stile of Rape and The [...],
You must assist me, Madam; was I your pyrate,
Or Servant? Did I lead you away Captive,
Or conspire with you?
Sir, 'twere one wrong more
Offer'd to your Vertues, And I should transgresse
Against my cleare Affections, not to say,
The Plot was halfe mine, you did reveal your thoughts,
With so much generous heate, so worthy of mee,
That I had noe way le [...]t t'expresse my selfe
As generous too, but to mixflame with flam;
And to requi [...]e you with this poore returne,
To make your Country mine; And there to thinke
My selfe a Princesse onely, where I might
Call you my Prince [...]
Then, for my Sister▪
I am no Tyrant like your Master, Sir,
To claime a sway o're her Affections; Nor
Doc count her Will ith' number of my Subjects:
She has free Liberty to make her choice;
And can best answer you. Onely shee will,
I hope remember, if there be a reverence
Due to the words of dying Parents; Or if
The last, short, breath were sacred, which be qu [...]ath'd her
To th' Prince of Thessaly, she can't consent
[Page 9] Unto your Masters Suite, and not disturbe
Her Fathers Shade, to call him from his Vr [...]e,
To be a greiv'd Spectatour of her Nuptials.
Besides Sir, as a stranger to a stranger,
Pray beare a Pri [...]cesse message to your Prince.
Tell Him He comes not nobly, thus t'invade
Her whom he loves; or strive to make Her Hi [...]
By a fore't Conquest. He's the first l've read of
Who Woo'd a Lady with an Army by;
Or put a po [...]yard to his Mistrisse breast,
And then desir'd t'appeare gratious.
Wee looke for softer Courtships; Humble pray [...]
Sighes which confesse the Breather is our Captiv [...].
I have no Beauty to entice him to
Lay downe his forces. But if he come unarm'd▪
In Person, (For I doe not like State Love,
Or to be woo'd by an Embassadour,)
If He bring with Him noble purposes,
Such as my Brothers were, tell him, perhap [...],
I shall as nobly heare him. Meane time, his Sister,
And I expect some pen [...]nce from him, for
Thus Troubling of our Peace.
Doe you enjoyne
The Chaine, or Fetters, 'twil be his glory Madam,
To weare them as your prisoner,
Exe [...]nt E [...]rym. Clit. Hyp.


Archidamus, Roxane, Barsene, Polydama [...], Lyncestes, Th [...]gines, Meleager, Orithya, Thalaestris.
—Have you prepar'd
The Ships, Lync [...]stes, to convey the Ladies
Over to th' Island?
Lyn [...]:
They are ready Sir,
And only doe expect their beauteous fraught.
The Ladies Sir, will looke like Goddesses
[Page 10] Borne of the Sea.
And have you made, Polydamas,
The Castle fit to entertaine them?
The Ladies lock't up in a Brasen Tower
Were not more sate? 'Tis now a place where pleasure
Dwels joyn'd with Strength. It onely wants their presence,
To be a Fort without, within a Pallace.
You are turn'd young againe, My Lords; you speake
So amorously I do begin to doubt
Whether you may be trusted wi [...]h a charge
So dangerously inflaming.
Sir, our sonne [...]
Can promise for us, we intend no sieges
Against their Beauties, in your absence; All
O [...]r Batteries to good faces were long since
Spent on their mothers.
Wee dare venture you.
Your sonnes, Theagines and Meleager,
Shall goe with us to th' Feild.
And will you then,
Deprive mee of the Glory Sir, of being
A sharer in y [...]ur dangers? I endur'd
The Sea with you; Why should you thinke I am
More timerous to endure the Land?
The Land's now more tempestuous then the Sea.
For that smiled on your passage; And the Wav [...]s,
As if they had teemed with a second Venus,
Or understood the sweetnesse of their burden▪
Grew calme, serene, and Hal [...]yon. But here
You will expose your selfe to Night Alarmes,
Day Battles; and runne hazards where the blinde
Sword can't distinguish 'twixt the faire and foule;
See men act Wolves parts, and behold a spectacle,
N [...]t fit for your soft Sex, Men falne, and dying,
Striving to kill their killers and depart
With mu [...]uall slaughter.
What difference is there
Betwixt the eye, and fancy, bu [...] onely this
Tha [...] dangers to the Absent still shew greater?
When I make these descriptions to my selfe,
And thinke you in the midst, though no Spectatour,
I shall as truely suffer. My owne Thoughts
Of you will passe for Battles; And my feares,
[Page 11] Where e're you place mee, will be fights and sieges.
You could not deale more cruelly, should you
Restore me to my Brother, then thus divorce
Me from your Company. Besides, It is
My Cause you fight for; I've an interest
Going in the Warre; And will you, Sir, deny mee
The poore content of binding up your Wounds
Received for mee?
Madam, you'l give me leave,
Here to strive with you; I've a Cause going too.
Let me Sir, joyne in the request, that you
Will take us with you. If there be noe other
Use of us, We'l help to put on your Armes,
And take them off.
If our two Wives do joyne
In the Petition, with their Chambermaids,
They'l make a Female Regiment.
I looke
My Wife wi [...]hin these three dayes shall be Knighted.
And I that mine be made a Collonel.
Alas you know not what you aske; pray tell me,
How would a Speare shew in your hand Roxane?
Or Sister▪ How d'you thinke it would become you
To weild a Pike? or weare a sword? Or how
Could I looke on my selfe but as a guilty
Betrayer of you, if the chance of Warre
Sh [...]uld snatch you from mee? Or you two be made
Part of the Conquerours Triumph? Come; I have
Provided gentle [...] entertainments for you.
Your wishes will su [...]ply your presence; and
Put Wings unto my Victory.
'Tis part
Of my love Sir, to be obedient.


Theagines, Meleager, Orithya, Thalaestris.
What? You expect we should be solemne now.
And take a ceremonious farewell of you?
We should not else thinke we have civill husbands;
[Page 12] To leave us bluntly; or as Souldiers court
Their Mistrisses; who scarce doe aske consent
But fall to th' businesse.
Well, looke you show your selves
Our true Wives in our abscence. If you should,
To easeretirement, and divert the Melanch [...]ly
Of Solitude, weave us a fine Court Lawrell
To Crowne our Victories at our returne—
You understand Thalaestris?
Sir, we hope
You are not jealous; you will place no Spies,
To register who visits vs.
No Lady;
But Stories speake of certaine strange things done,
By Ladies in th' absence of their Lords.
They speake Sir, of as strange things done by Lords
In th' absence of their Ladies.
If wee should
Slip from the Campe sometimes, and steale a night,
I hope you would not shut your Castle gates
Against us▪ wo [...]ld you?
'Tis as wee heare report
Whither y'are valiant. I disdaine a Coward
Though't be my Husband.
And I.
And in these
Stout, generous thoughts we leave you.
Looke I doe
Winne reputation by you.
Farewell Thalaestris.
Remember, Sir, You doe things worthy of mee.
Exe [...]nt Theag: Meleag:


To them Callias, Neander, Artops.
Ladies, we have a small suite to you, which
Concernes your selves.
'Twill the more easily
Be granted, Sir, what is't?
Ne [...]d:
'Tis, that you'l speake
To th' King, we may [...]tay, and be listed Guards
Unto your persons, in these times of Danger.
'Tis no plot Ladies, to decline the War;
But to doe service to you here at home;
And to defend you 'gainst Assaults.
That, Sir▪
The Fortwill doe, and the strong Wals oth' Castle.
[Page 13]
Troth, Madam, we begge this in pitty to you.
How will you spend your Dayes, Ladies▪ with Ladies,
And but two reverend old Males among you?
Either you must betake your selves to your needles.
And worke the Seige of Troy o're; or the Tragoedy
Of Hero and Leander, in sad Stitches;
Or else betake your selves to your spindle, like
Penelope, and sing the adventures of
Your absent Husbands to a distaffe, and
Beguile the Houres in flax.
Or else you mus [...]
Hire some old, frosty, cold Philosopher,
To read on flowers t'you, every time you walke
Into the Garden, and convert their Colours
Into Your Lectures. Show You why the Primr [...]s [...]
Is pale, and why the Marygold is red.
Then for your Nights—
True, Ladies, Doe but consider,
How you will spend your Nights?
Watch how your lone,
Forsaken, Taper wastes it selfe, and pines
Away, out oth' meere sense it hath to burne
So fruitlesly, till it consume it selfe
Into its owne Darknesse?
N [...]a [...]d▪
Or shall your Women keep you▪
Awake with amorous Tales? Troth, Ladies, Story
Is a dead Thing, if not reduc'd to practise.
Say, to delude the tediousnesse oth' Night,
You should share ith' same bed. Two oth' same Sex,
Make but one in th' affaires of Love,
We see
Y'have studied our case for us. Truth is, Gentlemen,
The lists are [...]ull already.
Besides, 'twou [...]d breed
Saspicions in our Husbands. So we leave you.
Exeunt [...].
We are defeated, Gentlemen;
what remedy?
By that time they've layne fallow but three Nights
They will send after, and petition us.
Come let's prepare to goe with th'King.
Lead on;
Necessity breed's resolution.



Enter severally two old Citizens frighted.
1 Cit.
Oh Neighbour—
2 Cit.
What's the newes. Sir?
1 Cit.
Heavy newes, Oh Sir—
2 Cit.
Out with it.
1 Cit.
Neighbour, I doe looke
Within this houre not to be worth a Spit,
Brasle pot, or a Childs whistle; or to be able,
To call this aged Sattin doublet mine,
In which I've borne five praetorships. The enemy
Hath taken the Island, burnt the Castle, and
The Ladies in't.
2 Cit.
1 Cit.
One of their Guard who scap'te,
Heard [...]ix of 'em cry out for water. And
They are sailing towards the City.
2 Cit.
I'le home presently,
And hide my money. It came from the Earth,
And shall a while thither returne againe.
1 Cit.
That will not serve the turne.
2 Cit.
1 Cit.
Noe; They say,
There is one ship laden with nought but Engines,
To totture those who doe refuse to tell
Where they have hid their Wealth. I feele my fingers
Already squeez [...]d ' [...]wixt pincers; Irons hissing
At the soles of my feet; My body caught
Up into th' Aire by the Strapado. Trickes
Showne on my Limbs; My bones tost out of joint,
And finely tost, and rackt in joint againe.
2 Cit.
To prevent this, and to defeat their tortures,
I'le choose my owne death, and e [...]ne hang my self [...],


To them enter two Women Citizens▪
1 Wom▪
What pitty 'tis that such fine Ladies should
Have such untimely ends.
1 Cit.
D'you heare? The newes
Is certaine▪ They are burnt.
2 Cit.
I doe perceive it.
[...]ray He [...]rk▪
2 W [...]m▪
They say Great people have their Desti­nies,
[Page 15] As well as Meaner. And they that are borne
Under a Watry Planet, to be drown'd,
Shall ne're dye in their beds.
2 Cit:
Are then, the Ladies
Drown'd, Gentlewoman?
2 Wom:
Not cast away by wrack, [...]ir.
It seemes the Enemy way layd the Shippes
That carryed 'em, and sunke 'em.
1 Cit:
But is this certaine?
1 Wom:
Most certaine Sir, my Husbands Journey man
Came just now from the Port, and saw ten of
Their bodies swim downe with the Tide.
2 Cit:
And what
D'you heare oth' E [...]emies comming?
1 Wom:
They have sent
A most strange Message to the City, Sir.
1 Cit:
What is't, I pray?
1 Wom:
Why, Sir, that all rich Burgesses
Must put themselves in Tribes; And in their Chaine [...],
And scarlet Gownes, some three houres hence, must, in
A solemne, grave, procession, two, and two,
Your Officers before you, with their Maces,
T'enrich the entertainment▪ meet them at
Their Landing; where together with your Chaines,
Y'are to resigne the Keyes to all your Chests,
2 Wom:
And, then, for us; They do demand that all
Who are not rich, but yet have handsome Wives,
Shall yeild them up. How do you thinke, Sir, will
The Souldiers deale with us, like Women?
1 Wom:
I do
So feare their boistero [...]nesse. Will they, thinke you,
Strip us and leave us naked? Or be content
To ravish us, and let us goe?
2 Wom:
Looke, here
Doe's come my servant Pistoclerus; he
Enter Pistoc:
Can tell us more. What newes deare servant?
Fly, fly,
The Prince is overthrowne; The Ladies are
All taken Prisoners; The Enemy is enter'd
Halfe way into the City; Your two Houses
By this are ransack't; I saw divers loads
Of Jewels, Plate, and Hangings, ca [...]ryed out.
1 Cit:
But good, but good Sir, is this true?
Is my
Name Pistoclerus?
1 Cit:
Yes, Sir.
Then 'tis true.
Make haste and save your Daughters, or they'l else
Be put to ransomes for their Maide [...]head [...].
1 Cit:
We thanke you Sir. Come Neighbour.
2 Cit:
Oh that ever
[Page 16] I did live to be rich, or see these Dayes.
Exeunt. Cit:
Your husbands too are seiz'd on, And are th [...]atned
To be put to the Racke, unlesse they will
Produce their Wiv [...].
1 Wom:
Wee'l make haste to releeve them
2 Wom:
I take my leave; And shall be glad to see you
Sometimes ith' Suburbs Sir,
I' le follow you.
Exeunt Women.
This is call'd Comoedy, raised from Tragoedy.
Never was City in such [...]umult, as
I have put this into. The women want
Nothing but speares▪ circled with Ivy, to hold
A perfect feast to Bacchu [...]. And to bea [...]e
Their Pans, and Kettles, up and downe the streets,
Instead of Drums, and Cymbals. The men have all
Armed themselves with what came next to hand.
I saw a Troope of Butchers marching downe
Their Shambles wi [...]h their Cleavers. After them
Follow'd a Regiment of Taylors with
Their Yeards, and Bodkins. In the reare, a Company
Of Shoomakers with Awles. Each Trade takes Armes
Wi [...]hin its owne profession. Now will I follow
My Suburbe Mistrisse; whose husband is content
To make one oth' fifteene of us; And doth
Connive by turnes. The [...]amest fellow, and
So little owner of his owne Wife, that
He verily beleeves hee Cuckolds us
When he lyes with her. Amongst us there is One
Maim'd Souldier▪ with one legge, who still payes doub [...]
And goes to bed to her with a stirrope? 'Tis
The common'st, [...]nd the prating'st Varlet, she
Cals me her Chaerilus, I her my Lycoris.
She makes me tell her newes whole dayes together:
Which I, her spunge, do sucke up in my travels
From Company to Company, and doe
Enlarge with my Additio [...]s, and Notes politicke;
And then as severally disperse; And so
Draw Custome to he [...] House; which she cal's pay.


Lyncestes, Polydamas▪
This must needes be conspiracy; There is
A Riddle in't my Lord, which you and I
Cannot unfold. It must be Time, the Mother
Of Truth, which must expound this Mystery,
How should they draw their Fleet up else? By what
Instinct, or marke, should they know so exactly
The Shippe the Ladies were in, As if they
Had hung their Petticoats for sailes up, or
Had turn'd their Gownes to streamers? Single it out
From all the rest, and take'em? As if one
Oth' Princesses had beene a signe oth' Vessell▪
And stood forth the Roxane, or Barsen [...]
Instead oth' Centa [...]re, Andro [...]eda, or Cast [...]r?
They did not bring a Thracian Prophet with them▪
Or call Tyre [...]ias from the Ely [...]ian Groves,
To be their Oracle, to tell them justly
The Criticall Point, and Min [...]e of our passage.
'Tis now just stealth for stealth; our King transported
One paire of blacke eyes, A [...]d they've seized a Carricke▪
And Ship [...]ull of them.
I will straight put to Sea,
In their pursuite. If they be not transform'd
Into Sea-Nimphs; Or hide their watry Deities
'Mongst Eeles, and Dolphins, I will rescue them.
'Twill concerne me to stay here, and compos [...]
Those Frights oth' City; which this newes hath put
Into a posture of Confusion.
At your returne we will to th' King; And let
Him know the Accident. Meane time, In hope
You'l bring them home true Ladies, as they went.
That's humane Ladies, purely made of Flesh;
Or else true Mermaides, that is, Ladies made
Halfe Fish, halfe Flesh, I'le stop all Messengers.
The newes will but disturbe his Victories.


Enter Cly [...]us and Hyp [...]ocles with Orithya, Thalaestris, Menalippe and Marthesa like Amazon Captives, shackled with Golden Fetters, and pinnion'd with silken cords, two & two as in a Wood.
Could you imagine you could carry your
Designe in Clouds, and change your shapes, like Spirits,
And take what formes you please, and we not know it?
Alas we had our plot going too; Our spies
Gave us intelligence, where, when to seize you.
'Tis not unknowne to us you called a Councell
Of Warre; In which, without your husbands knowledge,
You did resolve to put your selves in Armes,
And fight against us. We can tell you that
Roxan [...] was to be your Generall;
Barsene Cap [...]aine of the Engines; You,
Lady Vlisses, were to command the Horse,
This Lady Hector the foot; And these two, [...]ere,
Were to be Scouts by Night, by Day your Squires,
To beare your Targets after you.
Y'have had
A noble Conquest of it, to surprize
A Company of poore weake Women. Is this
The valour of your Nation, to proceed
By plot and stratagem 'gainst such as us?
These are Warre Arts.
Or is this noble usage,
To Fetter us, and cast us into Chaines?
You could but Manicle your slaves thus.
Do but observe the Law of Armes towards those
Whom we do take in Armes.
Does then the Law
Bid you keepe no distinction betweene Sexes?
Yes, where the Persons whom we conque [...] do.
But you have lost your priviledge; And put off
Your Sex for ours.
We looke not on you now▪
As vanquish't Ladies, but as vanquish't Captaines;
And so must use you.
Alas, what's your Intent?
[Page 19] Is't to enrich your selves with our poore spoyles?
If Plunder be your aime, pray take our Jewels;
Bestow them on your Mistresses, at your
Returne; And tell them how generously, how stoutly,
You purch [...]st them; Say you betraid the Wearers
First, and then rifled 'em.
Pray strip us; And
Let us redeeme our Liberty with the
Poore ransome of our Cloathes.
You are deceiv'd;
Our purposes are much more high, and noble,
Then to raise booty from you, Theeves conquer [...]o.
Our Custome is, when we take Prisoners, to
Lead them i [...] Triumph through our Thracian streets;
Your Beauties, thus adorned, will save the charge
Of guilded Pageants, to entertaine the People.
Must we be made a show, then, to delight
Your Wives and children?
How should they make us welcome
At our returne else?
Could we take your fields,
And Townes, and Cities, and Rivers Prisoners too,
And could transport them with us, these we should
Make part oth' Triumph; But because we cannot,
What Nature makes impossible, we do
Supply with Art, And lead them painted; And
The Pencill doth present in Colours, what
T [...]e Truth of Things denies.
Then for your persons,
Being ou [...] lawfull Captives; 'Tis our Custome
To give you to our Ladies, to be their slaves
In ordinary; To starch, and to belong
Unto their Laundries, And so we doe divide
Our Conquests with them. But because we will
Deale honourably with you▪ we intend
To use yo [...] as our other Wives; you shall
Be seconds in the pleasures of our Beds.
I do presume such Warlike Ladies, as
Your selves, must have read Homer; you shall be
My Briseis, I your Agamemnon.
My Chrysis, I your stout Achilles; These
Two white she Myrmidons will serve to raise
A Breed betweene them and our Pages.
[Page 20] Have you a sense of Noblenesse?
Yes Lady,
And you shall finde it.
Finish your Conquest, then,
And take a [...]ife I'me weary of. I am
Your Prisoner, Let me be your sl [...]ughter too.
Shew your selves equally as valiant in
Our Death, as our Surprize. Take a fraile breath▪
Which, to enjoy, with these conditions, will
Adde new weights to our Thraldome; And you will
A [...]flict us with our preservation.
By your owne Lady, Sir, if you have one,
Let me beseech you, kill mee; Twill be farre
More noble then to Love me.
Every houre
We live your Captives, thus, will seeme an Age
Of Infamy.
Madam, Let's stand upon
Our Naturall Defence; They are but two
Against us foure.
Let's Mutiny, and by
Our owne swords free our selves. They've onely
A Heart to take us treacherously like Theeves;
But dare not fight with us.
What would you do
Pretty Serjant Major Damsell were you loose,
Who are thus Valiant in your Shackles?
You'l know your Doomes. Here comes our Prince with his
Faire brace of Prisoners.


To them Eurymedon, Roxane, B [...]rsen [...], like Amazons, as in a Wood.
—Y'are the first Lady, Madam,
That e're yet bore such Armes against her Lover.
I thought to finde your Quiver in your Lookes,
Not hanging at your backe; And to encounter
No Shafts or Arrowes, but those bright ones shot
From your faire eyes. Thus doubly arm'd you have
Taken a Course to make me twice your Captive.
You show, Sir, how you love me thus to stile
Your selfe the prisoner, of your prisoner.
[Page 21] Y'are the first Prince I've read of, (If I may
Call you a Prince, who by this act have showne
Your selfe s'unlike one) who first did surprize
His Mistrisse▪ and then Wooed her▪ Or bound her first,
Then told her that he loved her. Wilde Salvag [...]s,
And lustfull Satyres court thus; who do know
No difference betwixt their Loves, and Rapes;
But call a rude force Kindnesse; Thinke th'are amorous
[...]th' midst of violence; And call' [...] Loves fire,
And flame, which is a foule intemperate heate,
Kindled from every thing that's faire; on which
They looke not as 'tis faire, or amiable,
But as it may be sullyed and contribute
Unto their beastly fatisfaction.
E [...]rym:
I hope you thinke not, Madam, I'le make use
Of this advantage so barbarously, as
T'attempt your person?—
That were a crime, which would
Provoke the Gods, which doe inhabit these
Quiet, hallowed shades, to take revenge upon you.
And you would trespasse 'gainst the place, as well
As 'gainst your honour.
I do confesse you are,
To an irregular eye, wholly compos'd
Of sweet enticements. A thousand Beauties fly
From you, at every looke in soft Temptations.
And from a minde which knowes no holyer use
Of such a heavenly forme, but first to covet,
And then t'enjoy, there might be danger; And
The Assailer might excuse hi [...] fault from that
Which left him not himselfe, but snatcht him to
Forbidden pleasures. But I doe looke upon you
With other eyes. As y'are to me a Venus,
And strike a warme flame in me, so you are
Diana too, and do infuse a chaste,
Religious coldnesse. You do not onely stand
Before me safe as in a Circle, made
By your owne charmes; But do inci [...]cle me
With the same Vertuou [...] sp [...]ls.
I yet scarce thinke
[Page 22] My selfe secure, when I thinke you my Pyrate.
You'l finde the enterprize deserves a name
More gentle, when you know my Sister went
Halfe Pyrate with me. I had no other way
To gaine a free, and Innocent Accesse.
To enter your Castle had beene impossible;
Unlesse, like Iove, I had transform'd my selfe
Into a Showre, and rained my selfe downe from
The Skies into your presence.
Had you a hand
In my betraying, then?
If for one Lady
To con [...]rive Se [...]vice for another; Or if
T'assist a Brother in his Vertuous Love
Be to betray, I do confesse Barsene,
I'me a Conspiratour. Or if he breake
Conditions, and make this ignoble use
Of such a favour, having had his Audience,
Not to restore us to our Liberty,
I am betrayed too. They were first my Letters
Which drew him from his Country with a Flee [...]e,
In show for my pursuite, but in reality,
T'enjoy this Interveiw, and make his eyes
The Judges of the picture I made of you;
Or whether I e [...]'d not in my discriptions, or
Presented you by a false partiall light,
When I decipher'd you just such another
As he doth now behold you.
Is this true, Sir?
Witnesse ye Gods, if among all your Worshippers,
There be one who contemplates your Divine,
Invisible, Shapelesse, substances with a
More awfull reverence, or paies Devotion
I [...]o Powers he sees not with a stronger fervour,
Then I did to you▪ Madam: whom I did
Adore before I saw; And you had then
A perfect Shrine, and Temple in me; where
I did fr [...]me such Idaeas of you, so pure,
S [...] free from these grosse figures, which do stirre
The vulgar admiration, that▪ if I said,
A Minde was worshipt by a Mi [...]de, And that
[Page 23] My thoughts supply'd the place of Sacrifices,
Which flew betweene us; And, like winged prayers,
Maintain'd a sacred Entercourse, & traffique,
With the Originall of what I fancy'd,
I doe but rudely▪ but halfe expresse my selfe.
You make me blush.
But when in the disguise
Of my Embassadour, I saw before me
The Queene of Love, veil'd in your beauteous shape;
With all he [...] Graces, & winged Cupids about her.
When I beheld all those celestiall Images,
Which I fram'd of your Absence, and ador'd
Abstracted from you, cloth'd in your faire face,
If I projected for this houre, or us'd
The Invention of one strucke, to purchase this
Short Audience from you, you are t'impu [...]e th'offence,
Or boldnesse, not to me, but unto Nature,
Who did not make me blind, But sent me in
To th'world with eyes.
If you proceed, I must
Accuse her, that she gave me eares to heare
Such praises so misplac'd.
Mad [...]m, then breifly▪
I claime an interest in you, Love for Love;
Which that you may grant as a Princesse, and I
Receive it as a Prince, here I doe banish
All showes and signes of Hostile force, and doe
Release you, and your faire Traine. You Hippocles,
And Clytus, First aske pardon for your cruelty,
Although but acted, and then unbinde the Ladies.
Madam, I hope you can forgive; If not,
Please you to take me prisoner, so you will
Promise my thraldome shall be onely such
As yours should have beene, had we in earnest kept you
They un­bind'em.
Outright our Captives, I will be content
To exchange shackles with you.
Pray hold your leg [...]
A little fairelier, Madam. Methinkes we two
Make the Embleme of the Jealous husband, and
The Handsome wife.
How's that Sir?
Why there was
One, who by day still lockt his wife in chaines,
And gave her ease by night.
You two would faine
[Page 24] Have your two legges at large too.
Now your Armes
Are set at liberty, looke you imploy not
Your naturall weapons against us.
What are those Sir?
Your Nailes.
We scorne to scratch.
Next, after this
Rude Interruption of it, For when you
Have pardon'd it, I still must looke upon
It as an amorous Crime) I will my selfe
Continue your safe passage to your Island;
And see you receiv'd in your Castle.
Will onely alter our Captivity,
Not tak't away. We must still thinke our selves
Your prisoners there, if you beare Armes against us.
Here, then, To let you see, my purpose is not
To be an Enemy to your Brother, and
A Supplicant to you; But that I came
To carry a Queene, not conquest home with me,
I doe resigne my Forces, and lay downe
My selfe, and Armies at your Feet, Bright princesse;
Say, what peace would you have? I will refuse
No Articles, so you be one of them.
You have exprest your selfe so Nobly, showne
Such generous Signes of your Intentions, and
Gayn'd such a Conquest or'e me by your free,
And Princely Carriage, That as an earnest of
Greater returnes, Wee'l make you partner in
A harmelesse plot we have, which shall conclude
With all that all we wish.
Wee've a Designe
To try how our surprize takes with our Campe▪
O [...]r Habits and the Art we will put to 'em,
Will keepe us from being knowne.
I will deferre
Your farther satisfaction, or confesse
How much I am engag'd, Sir, to requite
Your pure Affections with my owne, 'till our
Next Conference. And left you should bel [...]ive,
(How [...] y'have chang'd a Tempest to a calme,
And m [...]k [...] me now in Love with my owne fright)
You not deserve to undergoe some penance
For making us afraid, your punishment,
[Page 25] Shall be to fetch m [...] Answer at my Tent,
And I sh [...]l [...] think't an Age 'till I receive it.


Callias, Neander, Artops.
Did we three ere looke to be Captaines?
I thought my Marches onely would have beene
To lead [...] Company of Ladies in
Court Ra [...]ke▪ and [...], unto a Maske, and Play,
A [...]d backe againe.
And as for skirmishes,
I thought all mine wou [...]d have proov'd Chamber ones,
Ton [...]ue-Fights Or if they had proceeded farther
To th' Drawing of Bloud, at most, Naile-Combates.
The strangest Company of Voluntiers;
All Gentlemen of Hedg [...]s▪ & Highwayes.
I doe command an Hospitall. Of Fifty
But two have Shi [...]s among 'em; And those worne
Not as sh [...]t, or Things at first ordain'd to be
Made cleane, and washt; but as perpetuall Garments;
Not to be put of 'till They doe forsake
Their Wearers, Voluntarily, and creepe from them.
That which was linnen once, Time turnes to Troopes.
I'le unde [...]take could all Quicke Things which are
Bithynian in our Regiment beare Armes,
We need not feare the Persian. Every Souldier
Would be a moving Legion. Neand. My Company,
Is much like yours. Last Muster, when I recko [...]'d
By th'poll▪ They were Threescore, But when by doublets,
Scarce Thirty; And these fit for summer Warres.
A fine, warme, entercourse doth passe betweene
Their Skin, and Sun. Farre off They show dir [...]ctly
Like souldiers of the first Ages, bef [...]re such Things
As Clothes, or Garments were invented; N [...]are hand
You'd thi [...]ke They had held civill co [...]flict, and
Torne one another thus ragged▪ If we fight
[Page 26] With th' Enemy; their first great Enterprize
Will be for Breeches; The next for Conquest.
Mine are not altogether so compleatly
Ragged and torne, as yours are. But for Courages
And Lookes, I doe perceive a kinde of quiet,
Yet understood Conspiracy among them,
How not to fight; And can observe a speaking,
Sly Combination passe 'twixt face and face,
How to escape. Their Marches are divided
Betweene a certaine provident care to fly,
And feare of hanging.
And yet these thin-sould Rascals
Dare mutiny for pay. This Morning I
Consum'd in hearing greivances. One told me
He was this Weeke preserv'd by Miracle;
Liv'd on one bunch of Radishes, which sure
He thinkes did multiply from one to many,
He had beene famisht else. Another told me,
A Cheese had like t'have rais'd Commotion
'Twixt him and foure Camerades; which had suffic'd them
Foure Dayes. A Third doth verily beleive
He shall in time reduce his Body to
A perfect Habit of eating nothing; For
He doth protest He hath not tasted food
These eight and forty houres.
Here comes the King▪


To them Archidamus, Theagines, Meleager.
How doe your Workes goe on Theagines?
Are they of Height and Strength enough to keepe
Us from th' Assaults oth' Enemy, untill
Our other Forces come?
Unlesse we should
Like th' Ancient Gyan [...]s, who invaded Heaven,
Pile Hils on Hils, or compass [...] in our selves
With Mountaines heap't on Mountaines, Sir, we cannot
Immure our selves with more Defences, or
Raise Guards more strong, or more Impregnable.
[Page 27] That which was er'st a Champion Feild is now
A perfect Fort. If they have winged Horses,
Or feather'd Breed of Pegasus, and can
Be a flying Army in the Aire▪ or give
Us battle from the Clouds, there is some feare
They may surprize us; But by th' common way
Of Battery by Rammes, or Engines, They
As well may beseige Rockes, or strive to make
Their Souldiers scale Towers.
And have you Meleager
Made true Discovery of their Campe?
It seemes
They meane to make the plaine beyond next Hill,
The Scene oth' Fight. I have observ'd from thence
Their severall Quarters; Tents cast into Streets,
Painted Pavillions in the midst, and Heart
Oth' Leag [...]er. which show like moveable pallaces;
And vye a kinde of bravery with the Sunne,
Which shall cast, or reflect the brightest Glory.
About these in a decent order stand
A Numerous Towne of Tabernacles, of
Lesse Glitterings, which doe end in a large Suburbs
Of common souldiers Cabbins. Had they brought
Their Wives, and Temples with them, it would be
A perfect warlike City.
You describe
The preparations of a Wedding; This
Trim show can't be intended for a fight.
Have they secur'd all this with Trenches too?
Have they Wals to their painted City?
It seemes
They meane their number shall supply those, Sir,
Unlesse it were the P [...]rsian Army, which
Was overcome by Alexander, where
The Grcekes once fought, and beheld a Masque,
Perform'd by Ladies in gilt Chariots; And where
The Souldiers tooke Directions how to fight
From Harpes and Lutes, which play'd betweene the battles,
As betweene Acts and Entrances, I ne're read
Of any expedition which consisted
Of so much Spectacle and Number too.
Surely Euimedon hath rais'd these forces
[Page 28] To make an Entertainment for my sister,
And make his Conquest of the Ladies show
More sweet, and Courtly. H [...]ke; what meanes this shout?
A shout within.
Go one of you, and see.
T [...]oth, Sir, if I
Exit Neand.
May take the humble leave to speake, methi [...]ke [...]
You might compose this Warre by Treaty. A Preist,
In my poore judgement, Sir, might save much bloud,
And joine hands, which divided will joine battells.
You [...]aine would give up your Commission, Callias,
And beat Co [...]t againe.
Troth, Sir, I had
Much [...]a [...]her tire my selfe wi [...]h dancing at
Y [...]ur, and your Sisters Nuptials, the [...] here venture
Ma [...]ts on my transitory Life. Which if
It have a lease of three w [...]ek [...]s longer, or
If providence doe spi [...] it [...]ut a Mo [...]th,
'Tis more then I expect. Your Father, Sir,
Mu [...]t tha [...]ke you in the Elisyan Shades hereafter,
For being so pious to preferre his will
[...]fore you [...] Subjects safety. If Eury [...]ed [...]n
Enter Neand.
E [...]d [...]w your Sister with your Kingdome, say
Y [...]ur Court once bred a Prophet.
Call'd a Coward.
N [...]and:
The Queene oth' Amazons, Sir, hearing of
Your Warres▪ is newly landed, and hath brought
An Army of She Archers in your Succ [...]ur.
She hath before her sent tw [...] Cap [...]aines of
Her Guard▪ who call Themselves Embassado [...]rs; But looke
Like Nymphs sent of an Errand from the Goddesse
Of Woods and Huntings, who would have your leave,
To make Warre on your Stags, Wild Boares▪ and Panthers▪
Looke here they come, Sir▪


To them Menalippe, Marthesia, like Amazons.
—Pray which is the King?
He, Lady, in the purple scarfe.
Our Queene,
The famed Hippolyta, having atchiev'd
Her conquest on the Scythians, and returning
Home, with Antiope, her sister, to offer
Their Lawrels up to those Assisting Gods
Which cast them on their Victorie [...], as she sayl'd
Along your Coasts, hearing you are ingag'd
In a Warre something like the Trojan, where
She lost an Ancestour, offers her selfe,
And whole Fleete to your service. Her reward,
She sayes will be th' Acceptance, nor expects
More thankes, then to be Knowne to your brave Selfe,
And the faire Cause you fight for.
She addes farther,
That she desires (Because she will not, Sir,
Unshippe her Forces, without your consent,
Which might raise terrour in your people, And
Appeare no Visit, but Invasion)
You'l send a Conduct to meet her on the way
Now to wards your Camp; So, to secure the passage
Of these few Ladies she brings with her.
Pray tell your Queene, she hath by your brave Message,
Purchast one Lawrell more; And added Mee,
And my whole Kingdome to her other Conquests.
The honour she vouchsafes mee is so great,
That I'le my selfe be of her conduct.
She's proud to be your soldier.
You have no Message from the other Ladies,
To us Three, have you?
How d'you mean [...]?
Your Queene come here to propogate; or if
You, and your sister Warriours bring a purpose
To carry home Bithynian Issue, pray tell em
We are their Servants.
We shall Sir,
And so
[Page 30] [...]Diana speed you, Ladies.
You two prepare
Ex: Men: Marth:
Campe Entertainment for her. You three put
Your Troupes in order to attend us.
We shall Sir:
'Twill be the strangest sight to see naked men
Arch. Ex. Theag, Mel.
March before Arn [...]ed Women.
What think you of this Embassy?
Why that
The Revolutions come, In which we shall,
Be conquer'd of our Maidenheads.
I see my selfe already a Father to
A fine, smart Amazon; I looke she should
Come into th' World with Bow and Arrowes, And
Be borne with a short sword.
If our fights prove
Night Skirmishes, I'le sacrifice to Love.



Callias, Neander, Artops.
Two weekes of this, conceive me, Gentlemen,
We cannot scape a famine, but shall frolicke
Our selves into a Dearth, Then live by th' Ounce▪
And dine and suppe in weight and measure, to
Permit things to increase againe. We have
At once exhausted three Elements, the Earth,
Water, and Sky, for Rarities; If the fourth
Bred ought but Salamanders, or afforded
Ought strange, or edible, I doe beleive
We should have ransackt that too.
I have read
Of feasting▪ and heard Philosophers dispute
It for a vice, but ne're saw it practic'd but
In this large entertainment. Sure the Lords
Who had the ordering on't first read the workes
Of some old studied Epicure, who placed
Felicity ith' palate, and then brought
His rules and precepts into chee [...]e. There wanted
Onely Pearles to be mel [...]ed, Gems dissolved,
[Page 31] And Jewels drunke to the Queenes health, to make it
A perfect Sacrifice to Luxury.
If this hold, Gentlemen, I doe forefee
We shall within this Month forget our selves
To be Bithinyans, that is, Souldiers, who
Can live on Campe fare, and turne Persians,
Where our whole businesse, will be onely these
Two fine, soft, exercises, to eate, and wench.
How do you like the Queene?
Me thinkes her cheekes,
Speake through their Amorous browne, as if she came
For something else then fighting. There's a story
Of a Greeke Prince, and of a Queene, her Country woman,
Who joyn'd Sex thirteene dayes together, to
Raise Progeny betweene them. If this should
Claime Copulation by the Law of Nations,
And challenge a short use, for a month, or so,
Of the Kings body, for procreation sake,
I cannot see how, in humanity,
Having so good a Title as the Want
Of Men, and Males, in her owne Country; shee
Can be denied.
Or if her Sister should
Claime the short use of one of us, and plead
Her naturall Right unto our Bodies, 'twere
A Nationall Wrong, not to endeavour to
Dismisse her with posterity.
You speake
As if you had hopes, Artops.
I professe
To me shee's Lightning, Gentlemen; she melts
My sword ith' scabberd; I stand before her like
Stubble before a burning Glasse, Her eyes
At every glance do turne me into flame.
Will not one of the other Ladies please
Your high taste, Artops? Me thinkes those faces are
Most faire, which are most easie of fruition.
I am resolved to sound the true depth of
Their errand.
And I.
I thinke I shall submit,
And make a Third▪
Peace, here they come; Me thinks
Yon'd two by Sympathy already do
Send Tickets to invite us to their Tents.


To them Archidamus, Theagines, Meleager, Roxane, Barsene, Orithya, Thalaestris, Menalippe, Mar­thesia, like Amazons: Their faces disco­lour'd to a comely Browne.
You truly show, Gracious Hippolyta,
How much you are a Souldier, who can be
Content with such rude Entertainment; where
The most I could expresse, was, that you were
Receiv'd into a Seige. Where my Di [...]tresses,
And poverty, are fame to call Themselves
Magnificent from what I lacke, but would
Faine furnish out with Words, and say My Intent
Was large, though my expression was but small.
If ought hereafter make this place or Army
Deserving of your stay, it must be your
Owne selfe sufficient Goodnesse, which can put
Splendid Names on Defects, And the faire Traine
Y'have brought along with you. Whose Company,
Transformes a Wilde Campe into your owne Court;
And makes you at home in my poore Country.
We hope you doe not thinke we came to feast,
Or revell with You; For that you have exprest
Even to a trespasse 'gainst our Discipline;
Whilest taking us for Women, you forget
W'are Souldiers too; And turne your Campe into
A soft Receipt of Ladies. 'Tis against
Our Countrey Custome to spend our Dayes in Bancuets,
Or Nights in Maskes; Our Times are more virile,
And different from the rest of our soft Sex,
Who doe divide Themselves betweene their Beddes,
Glasse, Tyres, Dressings, and Discourse of Servants.
We count our Houres oth' Night by severall Watches,
And Releifes of our Sentinells; And reckon
Our Houres oth' Day, not by our Feasts, but Marches.
[Page 33] We know no Glasse but our owne Armour; Nor
E're see our selves but ith' cleare Brightnesse of
Our Sheilds, and Helmets; And then our D [...]essings are,
Such as you See, a Sword, Bow, Shafts, and Quiver.
We came to helpe you fight, Sir, And to carry
Deeds worthy of our Name home with us. 'Twill
Be our reproach in History, if't be knowne
We did nought in Bithynia, after all
Our other great Atcheivements, but see playes;
Passe the loose Hou [...]es in feasting; Know no fights
But such as are Dramaticke, and proceed
From the Invention of your Poets; who
Kill onely on the Stage, and then revive
Their slaughter'd persons in the Tiring-House.
If with my Queenes leave, I may speake, Sir, I [...]
We vanquish not the Thracians, who are now
Your Enemies, or give them battle: We
Shall seeme a fleet of Gossips, who tooke shore,
Onely to see, and to be seene; And so
Returne Inglorious.
Besides, Our Citizens
Will count us Cowards; And weary to be governed
By such faint, sluggish Princesses; will mutiny,
Shake off the yoke of Subjects, and endanger
To turne our Monarchy into a Many.
He [...]ded Democracy; And then you know
What must needs follow where the State consists
All of Plebeians; where that Beast the Rude
Multitude rules, and none obey.
You show
Valours so much beyond your Sex, and stirre
S [...] just a shame, and blushing in us of
Our owne unequall Courages, that I
Must needs looke on you, not as you are Ladies,
But warlike Goddesses stept downe from heaven;
Each of you an Armed Pallas, to assist
The just Cause of th'a [...]flicted. Or if this
Expresse you not; In each of you, Methinkes,
I once more see Achilles like a Girle.
And 'twill be Honour to me, when hereafter
[Page 34] Posterity in Chronicle shall ranke me
A sharer in your Actions; And my Conquests
Shall run in story bound with yours. Not to
Offend you therefore with ought effoeminate,
Or what befits not you to see, or this
Place to present, as one addition more
To your entertainment l've provided
A warlike Dance performed by Warlike Moores;
Just in such postures as they adore their Gods,
Before they goe to battle. Bid 'em enter.
Here six Moores dance after the ancient Aethiopian manner. Erect Arrowes stucke round their heads, in their curled haire, instead of Quivers. Their Bowes in their hands, Their upper parts naked; Their neather from the w [...]st, to their knee [...] cov [...]r'd with basos of blew Sattin, edged with a deepe silver fringe. Their legs also naked, i [...]circled with rings of gold; the like their Armes. Great pendants of Pearle at their eares. At every close, expressing a cheere [...]full Adoration of their Gods.
My next care, Madam, shalbe to make these follies
Passe into better spectacles. I will
Send for the Ladies from their Castle. Your presence
Will mak't a new delight t' enjoy the sounds,
And roughnesse of the Campe.


To them Lyncestes, Polydamas [...]
—My Lord Lyncestes,
How doe the Ladies brooke
Their Solitude? Have they not yet created
One of themselves Preist to the Company,
To say prayers twice a day for their releasement?
Sure Sir, They were not Ladies, but a Crew
Of Spirits; who appear'd like women, and
A while wore humane faces made of lips,
And eyes, and cheekes, & dimples, to delude
[Page 35] The easy sight of the beholders, and
Then vanisht backe into themselves againe.
They are not growne invisible. I hope;
They've no enchanted Rings among 'em?
I have sailed round your Coast, as farre as Water
Would give me leaze; Have ransackt every Creeke,
Examined every hole which would but lodge
A Conger, or a Poore-Iohn; And can finde
No more print of them then Ships leave ith' Sea.
Uulesse I should have hir'd your Negro's, Sir,
Which I met here at doore to dive for 'em,
As Indians do for pearle, in hope to finde 'em,
Some forty Fathome deepe in Oyste [...] shels,
I know not where to seeke 'em.
Are they lost then?
Eurymedon in person with his Fleete
Concealed, Sir, seized them in their passage over
Into the Island; And whether he have sent 'em
Home to Bizanti [...]m, or keepe them here
His pri [...]oners, is uncertaine.
The Report
Had like t'have put Chalcedon, Sir, into
A Civill Warre. The People of both Sexes,
'Till I allay'd them, were up in a Commotion.
O my propheticke soule! which whisper'd me
I [...]hould not trust 'em to an Element
So false and treacherous.
Are our two Ladi [...]s
Vapour'd a way ith' mist too, Sir, and seiz'd on?
Yes, and their women; They have not left a beauty
Ith' City; or ought which you can call handsome
To breed upon, or to continue a
Succession of good faces.
I expect
I [...] time to see my wife returne then, with
A race of little Thracians all noble by
The bearers side.
And I that my Wife save me
The future labout of begetting, and
Without my helpe returne me a fine Troope
And Squadron, which will call her Mother, and
Me Captaine.
Had he seiz'd my Crowne; or taken
Me prisoner, and with me my Kingdome, It
[Page 36] Had beene a losse I could have borne; And thought it
One of the Chances which prove Princes subject
To Mens Misfortunes. But to deprive me of
Her, who to mee was Empire, Kingdome, Crowne,
And all Things else, which make men happy; She
Whose two eyes were the Sunnes that rul'd my Day,
And to whom onely her Absence did make Night;
She who smil'd virtue, and whose beauteous Lookes
Were a soft, visible, Musicke, which entranc'd
The lo [...]kers on, and strucke harmonious raptures
Into every chast soule, and instill'd pure fires
Int' every unchaste; She who had the pow [...]r
To charme feirce Tygers, and make Panthers tame,
And civilize the wildest Salvage, but
He who surpriz'd Her, and made his Sister, and
My destined Queene part of his pyracy;—
Thus to deprive me of my Joyes ith' porch,
And entrance to them, is a wrong like that,
Where the faire Bride is ravish [...] from the Bridegroome,
Upon the Nuptiall Day; or where their Hands
Are rudely sunder'd whilest the Preist is tying
The hol [...] Knot. But why doe I turne Woman,
And adde to th' losse by my Complaints. You two
Streight backe to th' City; Raise new Forces; Adde
Wings to your expedition, I shall thinke
Time moves not with its owne hast, 'till we give
The Robbers Battle, and redeeme the prey.
Ex: Lync: Polyd.
Come, Sir, you shall divert the Thought of your
Recoverable loosse at our Tent; where
We will divide greifes with you, or finde wayes
To make them wholly ours.
Your Company
Re [...]eives me, Madam; And I shall not thinke
My selfe unfortunate in such a presence.


Callias, Neander, Artops, Orithya, Thalaestris, Menalippe, Marthesia.
You don't train this afternoon,
Or muster, doe you?
Your reason Sir?
If no Affaire of Discipline call on you
To leave us, wee'd faine change some Campe Aire with you,
W'are at full leisure, Sir.
Pray, Ladies, let us
Be bold to aske you then, what places hold you
In your Queenes Army? Doe you command the Foot,
And Infantery? Or are you Cavaliers
And Regents of the Horse?
Why doe you aske?
Not out of curiosity, t' informe
Our selves in your Arts Military; But onely
Out of a free desire we have Commanders
To be admitted servants to Commanders.
How doe you meane?
Troth, Ladies, to divert
The Melancholly and Sadnesse which this Acciden [...]
Will raise among us; we would gladly joine
Souldiers with Souldiers, and make both Armies one.
That's done already Sir.
Our meaning is,
We would faine doe you civill Right, and pay you
The debts of nature which you come for. Officers
Mingling with Officers will raise a Race
Of stout young Alexanders betweene them, who'l
Once more subdue the world.
Now you speake
Without Clouds, we conceive you. Doe you thinke then,
We come to seeke men to get children on us?
We hope y'are like your Mothers. We know, Ladies
Without our Helpe you are but barren Things;
And cannot propagate betweene your selves.
Well, say this be our Errand, since you speake
Soe understandingly; what would you doe
To helpe us in Necessity?
Doe? Why,
What should we doe? Doe service to your Country;
[Page 38] And strive to keepe you still a People, by
A new succession of Amazons.
But say
They should prove males, Sir.
Then breed them up to save you
The trouble of such journies; and employ 'em,
As you do us their Fathers, to th' publicke good.
B [...]t 'tis against our Lawes to Foster, Sir,
Male births.
What do you with 'em? drown 'em then?
Restore 'em to their getters. Would you receive 'em,
If we should send 'em home?
So they be borne
Perfect; not halfe male, and halfe female; I'le
Nurse no Hermaphrodites.
Besides, you have
Beene us'd to th' Ladies of your owne Court; you'l
Ne're like our Company. We are not faire
And beautifull enough to stirre your Loves
To serve us in our needes.
By this hand, Ladies,
I'me more inflam'd to see a certaine true,
And Genuine smile creepe [...]'re your N [...]tbrowne faces,
And make a kinde of Day-breake there, then all
The Artificiall whites and reds, laid on
By our Court painters, who call't Beauty [...]o
Create their owne lookes.
Are there such Arts, then?
You saw the two Lords here?
Yes Sir,
Have two young Ladies, whom I do question, whether
They may call Wives, or Pictures.
Their wedding day
Saw them, perhaps, in their owne blushes; And
They lay the first night in their unbought Roses;
But ever since have varied shapes; scarce worne
The same face twice. Who'd lye with such she Proteusses?
Who change forme in the embrac; And do lye downe
One Mistresse, and ith' morning rise another?
Our lookes are course, but native, Sir.
Y'are like
The Times which Love delights in; we behold
A faire night in your faces stucke with Stars.
Me thinks ye exceed the Queene of Love; she had
But one blacke Mole, you are all but one faire Spot.
Beleeve it Ladies, were he not a boy,
I'de say y'had brought each of you in those lovely,
Darke, shady cheekes, a Cupid, who from thence,
[Page 39] As from an amiable twilight, shootes
His golden arrowes.
You do expresse your selves
So affectionate, so like lovers—
So comply
With our owne wishes, which are to requi [...]e
Your love with love—
And do so nobly know
The wants of Ladies, and can as nobly pardon
All their defects, that henceforth we'l expect
Some enter course of visit from you.
Shall long to see you at our poore Tents, choose
Your owne times; We lock not our curtaines.
Exeu [...]t Ladies.


To them Theagines and Meleager.
What, laying siege to th' Ladies, Gentlemen?
Trying, my Lord, what Forts They weare; or where
They are most easie to be Scal'd; We have yet
But made an Attempt upon their Outworkes, and
Held parley with them.
And how, and how, in Troth,
D'you find em? Tractable? Will They surrender
On easie Compositian, without a long
And tedious Battery?
We find em made,
As other Ladies are, of flesh and blood:
I do perceive no difference, My Lords,
Twixt Ayres, and Clymates; But where men meet women,
Nature will have'ts Effects, for the preservation
Oth' Vniverse: unlesse there should be some
To aske, others to grant; some to beget,
Others to bring forth, the World would have an end
In the short Circle of one Age.
[...] hope
It is not come to that already; you have
Had a quick victory, to see and conquer.
Th'are very Waxen, sure, who take Impression
At the first chafing.
W [...]xen? Why I'le tell you,
I never yet saw Things so yeelding▪ So
Obedient to the Touc [...]. I do beleeve,
[Page 40] Should we dissemble coynesse, or stand out,
They would put Questions to us; And upon
Refusall, take Armes, and invade [...]ur Lodgings.
And what would be the fruits of such a Warre,
Back't with so good a Cause, your Lordships judge.
Alas you must consider, Good my Lords,
Necessity's a Tyrant. Had they Men
In their owne Countrey to supply their Wants,
Or were their State compos'd so, that without
Danger to th' Commonwealth, there might be some
Kept at the p [...]blique charge to lye with them,
At th' Age of procreation, and so be
The Fathers of their Country, whil'st they mingled
Natives with Natives, It perhaps would seeme
Immodest to seeke forraigne Helpe. But where
Males are against the Law; And where to Marry
Is worse then to commit; And where a Husband
[...] a Crime worse then Fornication; what
In this Case w [...]uld you have them doe?
Nature had made them double, and enabled 'em
To be both Sexes to themselves; Or else,
Unlesse they could beare children, as we see,
Ou [...] feilds beare flowers; Where one and the same Soyl [...],
Water'd by a [...] shower, or breath'd upon
By a Warme Aire, is Father, Mother, All,
To its owne [...], How d'you thinke they should
Produce posterity? Troth, My Lords, I feele
A certaine generous pitty in me to
Their [...]easonable Longings.
Well, Gentlemen,
Y [...]u have convinc'd us. But doe you thinke the Two
Princesses came for the same purpose?
As sure
As we have leave, Sir, to make visits, or
Choose our owne Nights with these departed Ladies.
And have you?
Aske them, Neand Troth my Lords,
Work enough with your own two Ladies, when (you'l have
You next recover'em; and therefore will not,
We hope, disturbe us, who are single, in
Our amorous courses. We are promis'd all▪
[Page 41] The pleasures which their Tents can yeild: And told
There shall be no lockes 'twixt us and our Joyes.


To them Macrinus, Lacero, Serpix; Three totter'd common Souldiers, with a Drummer before them; And Cock-feathers in their Hats.
How now? What have we here? The Signe oth'Battle
'Twixt Time and Ragged Breeches? And whither now
Tends your most totter'd March? What make your foure
Halfe Doublets from your Colours?
Sir, we are
Imployed as publique persons, by our Companies,
To tell the King our Greivances. Beat on
To th' Kings Pavilion.
Publique: 'Tis true, you are;
Your Elbowes witnesse for you; There's not one
Bare part about you that's not publique. But
Pray stay, pray stay a little, Gentlemen;
What Greivances have your most lousy valours
To present now?
Such, Sir, as we have often
Complain'd to you of, and you'l not redresse us.
The King is Just, Sir, and allowes us pay,
Which you melt up by th' way. You may make sport,
And laugh at our poore Ruines; But 'tis our Ragges,
And barenesse, which doth make you glitter.
We had our Right, your large Scarfes, every one
Of which display'd, would make the Colours to
A Compa [...]y, should be our Shirts.
How, Sir?
Sir, it is true; And your large Feathers, each
Of which, wav'd by the Winde, does make you walke
In perfect flourish; And present you like
Three winged Dedalus's, prepar'd to fly,
Should be our Coates, and plume us.
And that shine
And blaze of plate about you, which puts out
Our eyes, when we march' gainst the Sunne, and armes you
Compleatly with your owne [...]ld Lace, which is
Laid on so thicke, that your owne Trimmings doe
[Page 42] Render you Engine proofe, without more Armes,
Should goe to buy us bread.
This is most rare
With reference to the Feathers in your Hats,
Most pilfring Gentlemen, which show you have
Skirmished with Neighbouring poultry, larely, and having
Eaten part of your Conquest, weare the rest
As Emblems of your wandring from the Campe,
And Inrodes on Backsides. If I may aske you,
Where have you learnt this Eloquence? I do not
Read that Demosthenes declaym'd with Toes
Looking through leather Casements. Or that He was
Sent in an Embassie with halfe a Stockin,
Or such decay'd Caparisons, as I
Observe in your retinue.
Sir, wee need
No Teacher but our wants to find us words.
Had you Three reckon'd th'Age oth'Warre by fasting
As we have done; who by our hunger know
'T [...] now a month since it began; or did you
Know onely these two poore Relee [...]es, Warme daies
For Clothes, Warme Ayre for food.
S [...]rp.
Or had you
Beene Three Camerades like us, Three daies to one.
Dryed Bisket, and [...]orne Stock [...]fish, both which might
Be shot for Battery, And for hardnesse be
Reckon'd into th' Arti [...]ery, we doe
Beleeve you would not starve in silence; Or
Depart this life without some Testimony
That you were famisht hence.
Why harke you, you
Rascalls, who thinke the life of man consists
In eating; And that you were sent into the world
To dev [...]ure Flocks and Heards▪ what are you made for?
Resolve mee, if you can; What is the End
O [...] your Creation, but to fight, Goe naked,
And starve in Sun shine?
True; other use
Can there be of you in a State, but either
To be hang'd if you steale, if you do not
To suffer hunger, and be lowsie in
Your Countries Cause? And if you scape the Sword,
And do survive, to be a Burthen to
[Page 43] The Common wealth, to be dispatcht by famine [...]
for the publique ease?
Besi [...]es, why do you trouble
Us with your meager visages? what are
Your torne necessities to us?
Does not
Our pay passe through your hands? Are not you our Captains?
And are there no wayes, Sir, to live, besides
Your foure and eight pence weekely?
Wee'd be glad
To learne them, Sir▪
Pray let me aske you, then,
And answer with discretion. What is
The naturall use of Capons, Hens, and Geese?
For what serve Turkies?
To be eaten.
You and I jumpe. And what's the use of Sheep?
I do not meane with fleeces; (That falls under
Another question:) But as they are Mutton?
Why to be eaten too.
Still right. And lastly,
What is the use of Wooll made into Cloth?
Is't not to cover?
Serp [...]
'Tis so, Sir,
And what's
The use of Plate and Money? Is't not to
Supply Mens Wants, and buy the things they need?
Most true Sir,
And are these times which do make
The stealth of all these lawfull, And reach out
All these unto yo [...] for the venturing: And
Are you so cowardly, or rather so
In love with your owne Lice, that you must aske
Us for relei [...]e? Or thinke of such a base,
Poore, contemp [...]ible thing as Pay?
Is this
The answer you will give us?
This is all.
Plundering's a large Revenue; [...] is your owne
Fault if Townes cloth you not; Ori [...] the Fields
Afford you [...]ot provision.
We must then
Here let you know, wee'l Mutiny. Beat backe.
You Mutiny, you ill fac'd Rascals; Have you
A minde to cheat the Hangman with your Wardro [...]es?
Or an itch to disgrace the Gibbet with
Your Goblin Carkaffes before your times?
Wee' [...] raise the Campe again [...]t you [...]
Co [...]e, l [...]'s r [...]se
Let's raise the Campe.
Away you heaps of ver [...].
Earth your selves in your Trenches: And there live
[Page 44] The quiet life of Moles; Feed on the Rootes
Ex: Mac [...]
Of wholsome hearbs which grow about you Goe.
My L [...]rds, we must take leave.
You see the peace
Oth' Army lyes on't.
We kisse your Lordships hands.


Theagines, Mele [...]ger, To them Menalippe, Marthesia.
Why here be three new Captaines now, who make
The Right use of the Warre. Spend their Assaults
On such soft, harmelesse, yeilding Things, as Ladies,
And keepe Themselves in Spangles, with the pay
Of their poore Souldiers.
It appear [...]s to me
Strange what Designe should cast these Amazons
Upon our shore. I hope they have no Aime
To take Advantage of our fight▪ or keepe
Themselves Spectatours 'till both Armies have
Weaken'd Themselves, and then ore'come the Victours.
I would be loath to have it said in story,
We were subdu'd by Women with one Breast.
And it would trouble me to see my selfe
Led Captive; And transported to a Land
Where I must propagate at the mercy of
Those who did take me prisoner; And get Children
By th'night, and taske, upon my Conquerours.
Beleiv't their project is le [...]e politicke.
You heare the Errand they come for is to
Lye with us in our Land.
Still 'tis strange
They should so quickly open, And reveale
Themse [...]ves so easy, so prepared, as these
Three make 'em.
Pray Heaven, my Lord, our Ladies
Show n [...]t [...]emselves as easy, and as pliant,
[...]th' ot [...]er Camp [...]. 'Tis true indeed, their case
Is [...] had no Dea [...]th of Husbands,
Which sh [...]u'd invite [...] to require Releife
Fr [...] [...] Enemy. But if they should conclude
[Page 45] A peace for us; And it one of the Articles
B [...], to give something they can spare, and we
N [...] m [...]ss [...], we cannot helpe it if they show
Themselves good pat [...]iots; And preferre their Countr [...]
Before our private Interests; or their
More private Honesties.
True; 'Tis but loosing
A little Honour for the publique Good;
And Honours but a Word; We shall not be
Impoverisht by the losse. All parts in Women
Are like their lippes; And lippes you know are Springs.
If a whole Army quench their Thirst there, still
As much is left as taken; The first stocke
Remaines entire.
My Lord, Behold; what say
Marth [...]
You to a Message now?
l'me now confirm'd.
Are you my Lord Theagines?
Yes Lady.
And you my Lord Meleager?
'Tis my name [...]
Y'are oth' Bedchamber to th' King?
We are so [...]
They have had good Intelligence.
Our Ladies
Hearing y'are noble, and delighting much
In persons valiant, and of great Action, (as
They are informed you are) will take it for
An honour, if you will vouchsafe to be
Oth' Bedchamber to them too, for the space
Of a short visit.
They say they doe long,
Long, very much t'impart a businesse to you.
You doe not know what 'tis?
Sir, it requires
The secrecy of thei [...] Tents to know it.
Pray, is the time they'd be at leisure, Ladies,
For us to waite upon'em?
At all times, Sir,
They say you cannot erre. Onely they will
Tak't as the greater favour, If to beguile
The tedious houres with discourse of the Ancients,
And the Comp [...]riso [...] of Womens deeds,
With those of Men, you will divide your Nights,
Sometimes wi [...] [...]hem.
But cheifly, they desire
You would now come along with us.
My Lord,
What woul [...] come on't if we Two should suppose
Our selves unma [...]ried? Our Wives when we next meet,
[Page 46] If before hand they not requite us) will
Finde us whole H [...]sbands.
I am resolv'd to make
Use of the Opportunity. The worst
That can befall us, if our Ladies know it,
Is to seale m [...]tuall pardons.
Come, Ladies, you
Shall be ou [...] Clue to guide us.
We will lead you
Into a pleasing Labarynth.
'I will be
Our wish to be lost in such Company.



Archidamus, Roxane, Barsene, O [...]ithya, Thelastris.
Come, Sir, wee are resolved, if't b [...]ith' power
Of Ladies to effect it, to cure you of
Your sadnesse, you no longer shall aff [...]ict
Us and your selfe with melancholly. It does not
Show princely in you, thus to enthrall your selfe
To th' [...] of a Woman. We thought to finde you
A [...]; One in whose stout brest [...]o poore
So effoemina [...]e a thing as Love, or the
Losse of a Mistresse, would have past among
Those ordi [...]y Cares, which are at once
Consider'd and forgotten▪
'Tis for subjects
To affect Constancy, or melt and pine,
And breath themselves away ith' Contemplation
Of those they Love; Or to affect Lone walkes,
There raise an Idoll to themselves, And then
Fall downe and worship it. Y'have turn'd your Campe
Into a Cloyster, Sir. And are re [...]ir'd
[...]th' mid'st of Legion [...]. Nor can we imagine
We have your Company, when present with us,
Your thoughts are so away.
Had you e're seene
The wondrous object that attracts them, or
Di [...]n'd the secret influences, which
Passe from her soule to mine, and mingled there,
In one strict union, at this distance make us
So much each others as to have no power
[Page 47] T'untwist ourselves, or have the leisure to
Looke towards ought which weares not her faire shape
To me, or mine to her, you might as well
Condition with the passive Iron not
To turne to th' Loadstone; Or chide the Needle for
Moving towards the bright pole, as accuse me
For thinking on Roxane. I confesse,
Bright Princesses, 'Tis Love that makes me rude;
And but I hope you have brought pardons with you,
And can forgive one robb'd of his free selfe,
Nor left to his owne Carriage; I should count
Those Houres which I have stollen from you, to pay
Devotion unto Her, a Sac [...]iledge
Committed 'gainst your Beauties; Or a Theft,
Which doth take Worship from [...] Goddesse to
Consume it on Another.
Wee'l allow
Roxane, Sir, (For so I doe perceive
You call your Princesse) To be all that a Prince
In Love can fancy faire, or amiable;
(Yet I must tell you too, Love's a false glasse,
Which still showes things much fairer then they are.)
Wee'l grant all your Descriptions true, that to
Her Fairenesse she hath Virtues, which doe adde
A Beauty to her Beauty, and render her
One, pure, through, rich Gemme▪ which entirely is
Nothing but Worth and Luster; yet if this Gemme
Be dropt into the Sea, or lost ith' vast
Chaos of Waves, will you make warre with Nature,
O [...] force the Ocean to restore your Iewell
Made Irrecoverable?
Doe you then looke
Upon my losse no otherwise?
Not, when
I weigh her Brothers power; Th'uncertaine Chances
Of Warres like this; The many Subjects lives,
Which must be sacrific'd to her recovery.
The most you can expect if you prevaile,
Is that your Nuptialls should be mixt with slaughters;
And that your Marriage Tapers should be kindl'd
From funerall piles; And so Roxanes Wedding,
[Page 48] Thus ravish't to and fro, like Proserpines,
Ith' under World, be kept 'mongst Ghosts and shades▪
Besides, how are you sure your constancy
Is answer'd, Sir, with constancy? Our hearts
Are changeable [...] nor do I see why Princes
Should be lesse fraile then others, who confine
Affection to the sight, since Love's a fire
Which doth not onely languish, and goe out,
Where fuell is substracted, But is kept burning
Onely ith' presence of another fire.
Ile rather thinke nat [...]re can change her Courts
Rivers run backwards from the Ocean,
Things heavy can fly up, and light fall downe;
Or that the Heav [...]nly Orbes can vary, and
By shuffling of themselves, the higher with lower,
Loose their first Order, and in this confusion
Wheele round in Discord, as before in Musicke,
Then she can cease to Love me. Roxane is
To me a Vestall, and I one to her;
There's but one holy flame betweene us, which
Cannot expire but with our selves.
R [...]x:
But you'l
Allow there m [...]y, Sir, be degrees in Love;
And that a lesser fire ought to give way
In justice to a greater; And though not quench [...],
Yeild it selfe swallowed by it.
Madam, pray
Explaine your selfe.
Say, then, Archidamus,
(For now I will be free) there should be those,
Who though they bring no bright Starres in their eyes,
Or such charm [...]s in their faces, as Roxane,
(Which to affect, were to take fire from lookes,
And love by th'sense, and outside, not by th' minde.)
Yet being of equall birth, of as great vertues,
Of greater Dowries, (For those I speake of
Do with a Kingdome bring their Conquests too)
But above all (for they dare strive here, and
Account themselves superiour) say they should bring
Greater Affection, And to shew they do,
No longer able to conceale their Flames,
[Page 49] Should lay aside their Sex, and Act your part,
And tell you that they love you; Would such deserve
A repu [...]e from you? Or could you, Sir, to gaine
The name and [...]tile of Constant unto one,
Be unjust to two? And not repay their flame
With such another?
There can be no such, Madam.
Without more Cloudes, say, Sir, we be those two?
You, Ladies? You are fit to conquer Princes;
And t'have the Gods steale downe in varied shapes,
To beget Hero's on you and halfe Gods;
Not to betray such weake aff [...]ctions as
To sue to those who do adore you. Besides,
You two admit no choice, where both are equall,
Both Twinnes in their perfections, as in birth,
Unlesse I could divide my selfe, and [...]e
Two to you Two. (for here is no election
O [...] one without wrong to the other) And
Could multiply my selfe into a number,
How can I answer both?
By choosing one.
We are agreed betweene our selves; she that's
Refus'd, shall home, and weare the Crowne, the other
Stay here and be your Queene.
O Love [...] why as
Thon dost weave knots, doest thou not teach a way
How to unty them too? I do confesse
My selfe lost in a sweet perplexity.
I' [...]e now the Prince' fore whom three Goddesses
St [...]ove for the Golden Ball, or which should be
Preferr'd for Beauty. When I do consider
Your severall shapes, I am snatch't severall wayes;
And am at once three Lovers. If I therefore,
Amidst such equall merits, can't make choice
Of one before the other, 'Tis because
I [...] not blinde. Where Objects are alike
Fai [...]e, and distracting, He must want his eyes
W [...] doth preferre.
Wee'l give you this nights respite
To thinke upon election. Meane time, Sir,
T [...]e [...]e's a sho [...]t Banquet waites you at our Tent.
You'l be the Musicke to it.
[Page 50] Now your Play's done, ours will begin; we doe
Onely w [...]t stage room.
Look y [...]u play your parts well.
As well as our Hypocrisie & false faces
Will give us leave.
Orithya, what d'you thinke
Oth Prince's Constancy? should he be tempted
To leave Roxane for Roxane, and make
Choyce of the Disguised for the true, 'twould prove
A fine Ginne laid to prove men fraile, and subject
To our Infirmities.
I know not how
This tedious Scoene of Love hath wrought on him;
But it to me was Opium, and raised slumber.
A Gentle murmure did glide by my eares
Like the soft fall of Streames. A little more
Of such slight, aëry stuffe, had bound my senses
Up in a perfect sleepe.
I did observe
The Onse [...]s, & Replyes too; Methought they ran
In Artops & Neanders candid stile,
When they doe court our Women in Milke-verse,
Or tell them Newes or Stories in Sonnet prose.
I should ne're be thus cruell to him I love,
To show him shades in stead of substance; 'Tis,
Methinkes, embracing Clouds.


To them Menalippe, Marthesia. Lights, and a Ba [...]quet follow.
—Madam, your great Designe
Goes rarely on, Your Lords are come, and are
Disposing of their Ambush.
And have you, Menalippe,
Bespoke the false Alarme at the just houre?
Clockes strike not dulier after Quarters, Madam,
Then our she Drumme [...] will observe her Cue,
And make things dreadfull.
Marthesia, stand you Sent [...] ­nell
Against they come.
Troth, Madam, 'tis to me
A Comoedy before hand to imagine
[Page 51] How they will beare th'affright.
Methinkes I see 'em
Rolling themselves up in their owne gold Lace,
Like Urchines in their prickles▪ Or wishing to
Exchange place with their swords, and case themselves
In their owne scabberds.
Stand, who comes there?
There they are; Goe Menalippe bid the Lords
With their stout Squadron, observe their Entrances.
Exit Menal.


To them at doore first, afterwards enter'd Call: Neand: Art:
You'l not exact the Word of us, I hope,
My pretty Perdue Virgin; if you doe,
Pray call your Corporall.
We doe not come
As Spyes; If you suspect, commit us to
Your Ladies.
Or else keepe us prisoners in
Your Corpes of Guard, till they release us.
I know y'are freinds, you may passe. I was set
Here to attend your coming; To p [...]event
Your danger of mistaking the right Tent.
We should have found that by Instinct. Neand. Bright Ladies,
We have made bold to use the Liberty
You gave us; And try what campe houres you keepe.
I hope w'are not unseasonable; we
Came, Ladies, to keepe watch wi [...]h you.
The time
Oth' night addes to our visit; Had you come
By day, y'had brought but halfe your selves, and onely
Made visit to our eyes; where all that could
Have past, had beene to see, and to be seene.
True, Ladies, whereas now you have us all;
And other Senses may be pleased too; And
Goe sharers with the sight.
Besides, The Day
Turnes all Things into Chrystall, Sir; Our Tents
Had beene transparent, like their Silkes; And we
Had not beene private in ou [...] Closets.
Whereas the Night turnes all Things into Shade;
[Page 52] And drawes Iet curtaines 'bout our pleasures; And
Makes a faire Lady invisible in ones Armes.
Will you vouchsa [...]e to sit and taste of this
Slight Banquet, Ge [...]t [...]emen.
Ca [...]:
You make it Three.
You do not reckon us'mon [...]st Marmalade,
Quinses, and Apricots [...] o [...] take us for
Ladies preserved?
No Ladies; yet I hope
'Tis no [...]ff [...]nce to say y'are each of you
A various Banquet, where a breathing sweetnesse
Feasts the Spectatours; And diverts all thought
Of eating to behol [...]ing; And from beholding
All these do take value,
Not from the Art, which joyn'd to nature, made 'em,
But from you who bestow'em. These Cherries do
Take Colour from your Lippes; This Amber casts
A perfume from your Breath; what ere's delightfull
In them refiects from you.
And least there should
Be Musi [...]ke wanti [...]g to this Ba [...]quet, when
You speake, the Syrens si [...]g
Or [...]th▪
Y'have brought, we see,
The art to fl [...]ter and [...]is [...]mble with you.
I now begin to fe [...]re you. It can't be
Y [...]u sh [...]uld thus faine and love us.
Not love you, La­dies?
Why what signes would [...]ou have? What is required
To Love which we would not performe?
Would you
Fight foru [...], if need w [...]re?
O [...]enter duell
In Defence of our Honours?
Would we? By
This hand, should you command, we would, our selves
Alone, now venture on the Thracian Campe.
O [...] presentl [...] send [...] to Nine
O [...]the [...] be [...] Captaines, [...] fight Three to O [...]e.
We will do more then figh [...]; with your faire leaves,
We [...]ill get Fighters on you
Is that your erran [...]?
That a [...]d to [...]elpe away the Soli [...]ude
And [...] oth' night.
Well, since we do
[...] you [...], and worthy of our favours,
How wil [...] you [...] things? Three to two Women
Is one to much:
One must stand out; unlesse
You' [...] take the Centinell in for a Third.
[Page 53] To men of your indifferent purposes
It should be all one; she's of the right Sex.
We'l draw cuts who shall have her. What say you
My pretty Diomed oth' Cawdles. will you
For one night lay aside your contemplations
They draw Lots.
How to take Towne in Marchpane; or expresse
The Siege of Thebes, or Travels of Vlisses
In sweet meats, And make one of us?
I'le take
My fortune Sir,
Artops, She's yours; I did
Praesage thy melting Hymnes, and S [...]raines, would end
In a Corne-Cutter.
She is not fifty Sir,
Nor I the fifteenth in succession, to
A Flavia, who brings manchet to the Campe;
This is no Sutlers wife.
Go wench prepare
The Beds.
But should you, now, reveale, or rumour
Your Entertainment.
Do you thinke us ill-bred Rascals?
Fellowes that can't conceale?
Or should you tell
How kind, how free you found us how we used you—
An A­larme within.
We'l rather cut our tongues our & live speechles.
Hark, what meanes this?
The Camp is up in Armes


To them Menalippe, and Marthesia, in show frighted, Af­terwards Theagines, and Meleager, as one Doore; Macrinus, Lacero, Serpix at another; all disguis'd.
Fly, Madams fly, we are betrayed.
The enemy
Hath seiz'd upon the Works; taken the King;
Burnt our Queenes Tent; flaine all the Captaines; and is
Now marching hither.
Now show your valo [...]rs, And
Helpe to defend those whom you Love.
Alas, Ladies;
You can fight for your selves. This is the first
Time we e're saw the Field.
Alas what can
Three doe against an Army?
Will you not
Then draw your weapons, But stand like wor [...]ted Captaines
In Arras?
Will you let us and your selves
Be taken and make no resistance? or will you
[Page 54] Be killed like people in their sleepe?
'Lasse, Ladies,
What would you have us doe? we have beene borne
And bred in peace, and were ne're [...] to fighting.
O more then Women Cowards! And will you dye
Clashing of Swords within.
Like men oth'peace to?
Hark, swords, swords; they come.
Why doe you quake? why doe you looke about yo [...]?
Would you faine hide your selves?
Hark swords again.
If you will, There's an old Drum yonder, with
One head, wee' [...] whelm it over you.
Thank you, Ladies.
Or packe you up in one oth' Waggons, with
A bare Hide over you, where you may passe
For Cheese, or Ammunition.
'Twill doe well.
O [...] Madam, what if we pull'd downe our Tents,
And wrapt them up ith' Curtaines?
Twill do better.
Theag. within. You Three take that way, we'l take this; slay all
Enter The: Mel: Mac: Lac: Serp:
That will not yeild.
Oh [...]here they come The what? flying?
Taking wing? Seize these Captaines; And di [...]a [...]me 'em.
Ladies, we doe intend no warre against you.
Our Quarrels are with men.
Doe they refuse?
They disarme' [...]m.
Show them Campe Law.
We doe not, Sir, there F [...]eind,
There is my Sword.
And there is mine; pray use
Me [...]ike a Gentleman.
Come, Sir, you part
As slowly with your sword, as that with th' Scabberd.
Y'have no Artillery in your pocket, have you,
That will o'retake men at a Distance, and
Arrest'em at Fivescore?
Sure Freind there's all.
Next b [...]nd their eies with their own scarfs.
[...] Ge [...]tlemen.
H [...]ld your heads faire, & shut your eyes, that we
They blind 'em.
M [...]y close ' [...]m double.
Stir not as you desire
To kee [...]e' [...]m in your Head, and not put out.
We doe not, Sir.
So; There's one Darknesse more
Then that we caught you in.
Now lead'em bound
To th' other Ca [...]tives, And attend the Councell
O [...] Warre with'em ith' morning.
Come Gentlemen.


Theagines, Meleager, Orithya, Thal [...]ftris, Menalippe, Marthesia.
Ladies, you see we've kept our Words; The Houres
Did fly with leaden Wings 'till we did earne
The sweet Rewards y'have promised.
Next unto
The thought of this nights Raptures, which you will
Inspire into our soules, we doe take pleasure
To be thought worthy to be Actours in
Your just revenge.
My Lords, we looke on you
As those we dare trust; such as understand
What Ladies favours are, How merited;
And withall, how to be concealed. Love hath
His Mysteries, as well as shrines, & Temples;
To which a Secrecy is due; And th'are
Profaned when publisht.
Besides, you are our Equals;
And though we cannot call you Husbands, yet
To reape the fruit of Husbands from you, will be
No staine, or blemish to us. But could you thinke us,
So vulgar, so indifferent, so hard driven,
In making our Elections, to defile
The Honours of our Beds with those who next
Would finde us Bodies?
Especially, with those
Who'd make our Nights the Discourse of Their Dayes.
And so they might gaine credit by our favours,
Would prostitute our Fames; And when They did not
E [...]joy our persons, would call't new pleasures to
Lye with our Reputations.
What would These Three
Parcell-guilt silken-Gentlemen have said
Had They possest us, who so freely boasted
The leave we gave them to make visits to us?
As if to show good breeding were a Crime;
Or to be Civill in a strange place.
Th [...]ag:
True Ladies;
They said you were the most strange easy Things;
So inclining to Mankinde, as if you had
[Page 56] A purpose to disperse Bills through the Campe,
T' invite Men to your Lodgings; And would propose
Rewards to them who best performed.
They said
You had two Ladies too, which did use painting;
And ne're wore their owne faces; But did vary
Shapes every Morning; And goe forth of their Closets
Things of their owne Creation.
They left it
Doubtfull too, and to be suspected, as if
Your Ladies loved Plurality; And that they
At Court did goe halfe Husbands with you.
Halfe our Revenge is past; The other Halfe
We will contrive betweene your Melting Armes.
You two sing us asleepe; And when y'have done,
Goe walke the Round, and see the Watch releived.

The first Song, sung by Two Amazons.

Time is a feather'd Thing;
And whilest I praise
The sparklings of thy Lookes, and call them Rayes,
Takes Wing;
Leaving behind him as He flyes,
An unperceived Dimnesse in thine eyes,
His Minutes whilst th'are told,
Doe make us old;
And every Sand of his fleet Glasse,
Increasing Age as it doth passe,
Insensibly sowes wrinkles there,
Where Flowers and Roses doe appeare,
Whilest we doe s [...]eake our fire
Doth into Ice expire.
Flames turne to Frost;
And e've we can
Know how our Crow turnes Swan,
Or how a Silver Snow
[Page 57] Springs there where Iet did grow,
Our fading Spring is in dull Winter lost.
Since, then, the Night hath hurl'd
Darknesse, Loves shade,
Over its Enemy the Day, and made
The World,
Iust such a blind and shapelesse Thing,
As 'twas before Light did from Darknesse spring;
Let us impl [...]y its treasure,
And make shade pleasure;
Let's number out the Houres by Blisses,
And count the Minutes by our Kisses [...]
Let the Heavens new Motions feele;
And by our Imbraces wheele.
And whil'st we try the Way.
By which Love doth convey
Soule into Soule;
And mingling so,
Makes them such Raptures know,
As makes them entranced lye
In mutuall Extasy:
Let the Harmonious Spheares in Musicke rowle.
Ex: Men: & [...] Marth:


Having changed Clothes to their Double [...]s, Enter Callias, Neander, Artops.
Their eyes blinded with blacke patches; led by Macrinus, Lacero, Serpix.
Come Gentlemen, Without Resistance now
Disrobe your upper parts. What's wanting in
Good Clothes, your patience must supply.
Good Troth
Your Doublets [...]uite not with your Breeches; Rents
[Page 58] To Rents, And Ragges to Ragges is fashionable.
But as y'are now you looke like Men of Gold
Creeping forth of your
And are the Emblems
Of that State which does know no middle Subjects,
But is compos'd wholly of Lords and Beggers.
Well, Sir, Necessity which made you feed
The Numerous Thraeians, which now feed on me
They chang [...] Doublets.
In these your Breeches, And draw bloud, which is
Against Campe Law, does here perswade me to
Resigne my Doublet; pray shake yours, Sir.
My Freind, who e're you are, There is whole plunder.
Pray, if you can, spare me a Doublet which
Hath Linings in't, and no Glasse-Windowes. For, if
My feeling doe not faile me with my [...]ight,
Your Nether Garment is halfe Net, halfe Breeches;
And Statutably will catch Greater Fish,
And let small passe, as well as cloth.
Troth, Sir,
You shall e'en have 'em as I wore'em, fellowes;
They were New once; It was not in my power
To keepe them at a stand, by Miracle.
Time which devour'd his Children, will eate Holes, Sir.
Stay, stay, stay, stay Freind: Sure you must release
My eyes, to see to put your Ve [...]ture on right.
I warrant you, Sir.
So; There is one Arm [...]
Past through a Labyrinth [...] I doe expect
The Other should be lost by th'way. This Ierkin
Is wholly made of Doores; And had need have
A Thread belong to it.
Now 'tis on, Sir.
Thank you.
Y'are sure y'have not mistaken?
How d'you meane?
I meane your Breeches for your Doublet; As being
Indifferent in their use; which should be worne
Above, and which below?
All's right, Beleive it, Sir.
Next, Gentlemen, you must once more submit
Your Armes to these Hempe prisons. No striving; You
Know where you are▪
Sir, we are tame; y'have made us
So by the Imprisonment of our Legges already.
But if our [...]loowes doe breake prison, pray
They p [...]ion them.
Impute it to the loosenesse of your buildings.
[Page 59]
So; Now y'are All Compleate; you look't before
Like Him who first invented Coaches, to hide
His double Making; Who was downwards Serpent,
Upwards a well shap't Man.
Good troth, Me thought,
Your Nether parts lookt as They would petition
Your Vpper for an Almes; Or else, as if
You had [...]bove Girdle beene the Founders, and
Below, the Hospitall.
Well, Freinds, you may
Laugh at our Miseries, and raise sport from
Your torne Exchanges. But is this noble usage
Of Souldiers unto Souldiers, thus to strippe us?
When we take sheepe with golden Flecees, 'Tis
Our Custome to returne Wool for their Plate.
We doe not strippe you, but change Cases: Clothes
For Cloth [...]s was still held honourable.
And now,
In troth, most Worthy Captaines, (For we have
Created you) what's your Intent? what will you
Doe with us thus reduced to Totters?
Is as the Councell shall determine. Perhaps,
Imploy you in our Workes to digge: And there
Worke out your Ransomes, 'till the Warre be ended,
As pioners.
Must we rowle Wheele-barrowes?
Or manage Spades, and Mattockes then? And earne
Our bread and water with the Picke-Axe?
We shall obtaine you outright for our Slaves.
Then having mark't you, to be knowne our Bond-men,
We will transport you home to Thrace, and there
Make sale of you in some publique Market: you'l
Be vendible Commodities. Perhaps,
Some who have store of Wives will buy you to
Make Eunushes of, and geld you.
Or perhaps
Some Ancient Widdowes, long past bearing, will
Buy you for their owne private use.
Or else,
Perhaps, to make short worke, The Counceil will
Condemne you to the Gallies, There to row
Your Dayes out [...]gainst the Pers [...]an; or fetch Corne
Monthly from Aegypt: Sugar from Cr [...]et: or Spunges
From Samos.
And our Wages be to feele
[Page 60] The scourge about our shoulders if the Winde
Sit opposite, & we can't row.
There must
Be such corrections, to quicken Diligence.
Pray as y'are noble, and know how to pity
Humane Misfortunes, let us aske one Question.
As many as you please.
If by Starre-light
You can discerne so farre, How farre are we
From a Tall Oake, which may be clymb'd by such
Ivyes as we? Or a straight Elme, which may
Support th'Imbraces of such Vines?
Why aske you?
Because if any such kinde naturall plant
Be neare, we would intreat you not t'omit
The Opportunity; But to prevent
Our Greater by lesse sufferings, would imploy
Those Cords which binde our Armes, about our Necks,
And hang us up by Mooneshine.
Alas, such favours
Are not in our powers. If it be your fate
So to be sentenc'd, we will doe you all
The freindly Offices we can.
We thanke you.
Meane time, perhaps to you 'tis Midnight, Gentlemen;
No Sunne appeares to you: But to us Day breakes.
We will conduct you to the place where you
Shall know your Doomes. Pray follow leisurely.
And doe not stumble.
If't be our Destiny
To dye by th' string, the comfort is w'are Three.



Enter Theagines and Meleager buttoning themselves. After a while followed by Ori [...]hya and Thalaestris.
In my opinion, my Lord, these are
The strangest Amazons that ever left
Their female Countrey for the use of Men.
How did you finde yours? Mine had Breasts.
Troth mine,
I thinke hatl. sea [...]'t the rasour too; I had
No le [...]sure to examine parts. I found
No defects in her; But methought she was
[Page 61] To me a whole and perfect Woman; I'me sure
She found me an entire and perfect Man.
There's a strange sweetnesse in them; how they melt
Betweene one Armes, and call one Husband?
Thought mine would have fullfill'd the Fable, where
The Nymph dissolv'd into a Fountaine.
How will our Ladies brooke this if they know it?
How? Thanke us for being Civill unto Ladies.
Would they be willing these should report us Clownes?
O [...] Men void of Humanity, at their
Returne home to their Countrey.
'Tis true; had we
Dismist them as they came, both to our shame,
And shame of our posterity, they might
Record us Impotent in Chronicle;
Or say they were receiv'd Women by Women.
Here they come. Ladies, you appeare to us [...]
Enter O­rish. Thal [...]
Like Two Sunne risings breaking from your Curtaines.
The Day 'till now was not begun; you make
The Morning, which enables us to see
Those Beauties by their owne light, which did turne
The Darkenesse of the Night into such pleasure,
As happy Lovers doe enjoy below,
In their Elysian Feilds.
Fye, fye, my Lords,
Is this your recompence to mocke us for
Having bad faces?
Cause Nature play'd the Stepdame,
And made us not of the same Orient matter
Of which she fram'd your Ladies; Must you adde
Your flouts to her hard Workmanship?
'Fore Heaven
I could for ever gaze on your faire eyes.
'Tis Heaven, where e're I may behold your faces;
Y'are wholly made of charme.
You are two Circes,
Two amiable Conjurers; Once gotten
Into your Circle, there's no getting out:
A Thousand Graces play upon your lips,
And every Kisse is a new Syren, which
Invites us to take more, and there to fix,
Till they grow Infinite.
Then for your beds,
They are two Phoenix Nests which breath perfumes;
[Page 62] You rose from us, to Day, as Spice from Altars,
Two perfect Sacrifices
Well, since you will
Needs put great value on slight favours, we
Shall know how you esteeme us by your visits
In this kinde often.
Next, That you may perceive
What Confidence we dare put in you; And
How ill it would become us to admit
You to our Beds, and shut you from our Counsels:
Kn [...]w that this Day, if you doe not prevent it,
Your Campe will be betray'd to th'E [...]emy.
How Ladies? 'Tis not possible; pray who
Should be the Traitors?
Our Princesse, and her Sister.
You stand amazed now.
Troth it stirres my wonder,
Treason should lodge in such fair Lookes.
These Lookes
Are, Sir, the Cause, and Ground of what we tell you.
Your King ignobly did refuse them, when
They fell below Themselves, and wooed Him.
Being knowne to th' Prince of Thrace, he joining Love
To their Revenge, hath frequently stolne hither
In a Disguise, and courted, & prevailed.
This Morning is appointed as the last
Time of their Interveiwes, before the Nuptialls.
'Tis too concluded, Sir, He shall restore
Your Princesse, (For He sayes, To force Affection,
Were to wedde [...]alfe a Queene, and match her Body
Without her Soule; Nor can the Marriage be
Perfect where Mindes joine not as well as hands,
And have their Knot too) And in her stead shall
M [...]ke choice of one of ours.
Then for
R [...]xa [...]e, Hee'l transport her backe, as scorning
To match there where Himselfe hath beene refused.
And for the Carriage of all this, 'Tis Order'd
That when the Battles joine, we, on the Word,
And Signe given, shall revolt, and turne to that side.
You have m [...]de great Discoveries.
Who is this?
Eurymedon p [...]sseth by.
Now trust your owne eyes; That's Eurymedon,
G [...]ing to our Queenes Tent. Make what wise use
[Page 63] Of this you please. And say you have not lost
By th'Company of Ladies.
We looke upon you
As the preservers of our Countrey.
Will erect Sacred Statues to you, as
Ent. Menalippe & Marthesia.
To th' Tutel [...] Deities that saved us.
Here is the second part oth' Comoedy.
The So [...]ldiers are come with their prisoners:
The strangest spectacle—
Why, what's the Matter?
Unlesse it were the Farse, where the Decayes
Of Time are acted, I never saw three men
So made of Ragges. The Souldiers have changed Clothes,
And plunder'd 'em.
Go bid 'em enter.
Come Ladies
Wee'l make two in your Councell, And then to th'King.


To them Callias, Neander, Artops: (Led by Macrinus, Lacer [...], Serpix.
Come Gentlemen, now stand in Ranke, and keepe
Due Distance from the Lords; Lest there passe from you
A creeping Entercourse, which may disturbe
The sitting of the Court.
Are these the Captaines
You tooke last Night?
These are the Three Commanders
An [...]t please your Lordships; who have since chang'd shapes
With us their Conquerours.
Indeed They looke
As if They lately had beene in a Fight;
Their Garments doe want Surge [...]ns. What's your name?
Callias Me. What's yours?
Neander. Me. What's yours?
I do remember you; you were imploy'd
(Art: Artops.
In our late Civill Warres, by the factious Members
Of our Synedrium, when they arm'd their slaves,
And made their Bondmen Curiasseirs against
Th' Equestrall Order; And did enact it lawfull
Ith' Kings Name to take Armes against Him; And
Out of Obedience to Him to rebell.
And 'mongst their other Wilde and surious Votes,
Dec [...]eed it lawfull, for the Good oth' Subject,
[Page 64] To rifle their Estates; slaughter their persons;
Ravish their Wives, and to defloure their Daughters.
Are these the Three, who helpt to make war 'gainst
Our Gods? And to reforme their Temples, did
Deface their Altars? And called it sacrifice
To robbe Them of their Incense, And pull downe
Their Images? And did erect strange Preists,
Taken from Awles and Anvills, to deliver
False Oracles unto the people?
Sir, are the Three.
Apply the Racke to them,
To force true Answers from them to our Questions.
Pray hold, pray hold, Freinds. Alas, My Lords, we are not
The men you meane. We ne're saw Warres before,
Civill, or Forraigne; Nor ever were beyond
Our owne Coasts yet.
N [...]r do we understand
What your Synedrium is, unlesse it be
Your Mayor and Senate of Bizantium.
Who, as we heare, once in an age runne madde;
And then talke Idly, of nought but Liberty;
Changing of Government; The fatall periods
Of States and Kingdomes; How They may coine new Gods,
And new Religi [...]ns.
They may vote twice two Thirty:
Or their owne Scarlet's gray; Or Thracians, Scythians;
Or that They not rebell against your King,
When in a popular fury They cast off
The yoke of Subjects, For any aide They e're
Received from us.
Well, since y'have cleared your selves
Of that great Doubt; Resolve us then, what makes
The Queene of Amazons among you?
What made
Her Grandmother in Alexanders Army?
She comes to show Her [...]el [...]e her N [...]ece, To fight,
And to have Amazons begot upon her.
Had these not interrupted us, we should
By this have knowne whither her Ladies came
For the same businesse.
That Sir is presum'd;
Subjects are bound to imitate their Princes.
Next, what are your Designes? we heare you mean
This Day to give us Battle. Call. For our Designes,
[Page 65] Some say you have tame pidgeons, taught to fly
With Newes and Letters, betwixt Campe and Campe;
Whereby our Counsels are no sooner hatcht,
But They take Wing to you.
Others affirme,
You have your Multiplying Instruments,
Which take our Truthes at one end, and, like Glasses,
Show Them in various shapes to th' people; And
Returne your Monsters to us at the Other,
In shapes more various and prodigious,
To fright us, as the Barbarous did of old,
With Elephants, and Castles in the Aire;
And such like Expeditions; which once knowne,
Looke bigge, and are despised.
Then for the battle,
This is the Day for our New Legions
To be brought in; which when They come; Our King
Intends to stake his Kingdome' gainst your Princesse:
The Conquerour take both.
This is a playnesse,
Which does show generous in you. Lastly, therefore
As you'l avoide the Tortures of the Wheele,
Or Racke, in Questions of this moment; Tell us,
What Officers have you that may be bought,
To let us have good penny-worths, if we
Should have occasion to joine Art to Armes,
And chaffer for a Castle, Fort, or Towne,
Or a Defeate, or so? How's your Prince guarded?
As a Prince should be, by Gentlemen; whose Lives
Are cheaper to them then their Honours; And
More cheaply to be purchast from Them. Men
Who'd looke on Tempters, as New Enemies;
And think't New Justice added to their Cause,
To fight 'gainst those who would corrupt 'em, Breifly,
T [...] are Men who doe propose onely these two
Brave Ends unto Themselves, to dye, and to
Be Loyall to their Prince; About whose person
Their Valours make one Guard, their Loves another.
Some under Officers perhaps there may be,
Whose Trade & Occupation 'tis to Kill,
And to grow rich by Slaughters; Vile Market Spirits,
[Page 66] Who doe not fight for Fame, or Cause. but thinke
That side is most ith' Right which gives most pay,
And these Warres justest where there is most plunder:
Whom you may buy o're to your side, and we
Upon a New Sale, may buy backe againe.
You I beleive have some in your Campe too,
Who are like Victory; Hover a while
With doubtfull Wings betweene both Armies, and
At last forsake the weakest.
Since y'have made
A free Confession, wee'l now proceed unto
As free a Censure of you. My Lords, pronounce
Each in your order.
My sentence is, that since
They were caught in a Ladies Tent, at Houres
When all good Souldiers should be on their Watches;
And since They were surprized, and no swords drawne:
(Which renders them uncapable of a
More Manly punishment) They be attir'd
In Womens Clothes, and so led through the Campe
In triumph, then left to their Ransomes.
Concurre with you; But doe adde farther, that
In stead of Ransome, in that Dresse They be
Returned to be Another show of scorne
To their owne Army.
What say you two?
Doe both agree in one breife Vote; which is,
That since we heare they boast of Ladies favours,
To which a gratefull speechlessenesse is due,
That first They have their Tongues cut out, and so
Made Mutes; Next, that they be gelt, and made Eu [...]uches;
And thus disabled from all what concernes
The Company of Women, but to keepe 'em;
That they be fold to th' Persian; who'l imploy 'em
With these Capacities in their Seraglio's.
You see we told you true.
Pray, pray my Lords,
Reverse this cruell sentence. Rather let us
Be drest like Women, then be made not Men.
Rather cut off our Heads, then Tongues; and make us
Mutes that way.
To which of us doe you speake?
To the Lords with the treble voyces.
[Page 67] Though we might shew our rights of Conquest on you,
And yet proceed to harder Doomes; since victours
Cannot be cruell, where the worst is lawfull;
Yet if you'l sweare never hereafter to
Beare Armes against us, with your eyes we will
Restore you to your Liberty.
Let's sweare;
'T wil be a fine excuse to keepe's from fighting.
We sweare.
By our Gods or your own?
By all
Our Country Gods we'l neare beare ar [...]es against you.
You take the same oath?
If you'l have me
I'le sweare by all your Gods too, you shall never
Take me in armes against you.
Perhaps you will
Outrun your followers. Now unbinde 'em; next
They unbind 'em, They unblinde 'em.
Give'em their sight.
Ha, ha, ha, Looke how meekely,
And peaceably they looke?
what a Tranquillity,
And harmelesse Calme is in their Countenances?
How undisturb'd they beate this? How serenely?
As if they were at Truce with all the world.
Mar [...]
who would not be a Coward, to be endu'd
with such a guift of Patience?
Having so amply testified your valors
To us, and these faire Ladies, We'l report
Your Chievalry to th'King. Meane time we leave you
To you stout Resolutions, and Chronicle,
To be set forth in Epicke Meeter on you.
Farewell brave Champions; Take heed your examples
Do not infect your Companions.
Pray, when
You have spare houres, and are returnd unto
Your Courages, let us once more partake
Of your defences at our Tent.
And as
You finde us free, and yeilding, pray for our
Sakes, and your own, conceale your Entertainment.
Pray keep your selves whole men.
And safe from danger [...]
Captaines we have our pay a month before hand.
We'l take leave too, and returne to our postures.
Pray stay pray stay; Is not your name Macrinus?
Yes Sir.
Yours Lacer [...] I take it?
True Sir.
[Page 68]
And you are Lants [...]esado Serpix?
I should deny my selfe else.
And ' [...]S thought
These are your Breeches?
We confesse it; And
These yours, and Doublets.
Troth we know you scorne
To weare 'em after us; or to put on
Clothes which you once cast off.
Adiew sweet Captains;
We will report your B [...]unty to the Campe.
And show how you have guilded us, and made us
Three Compleate Gentlemen of your Companies.


Callias, Neander, Artops.
Was this a Dream, & did
All these appeare to us in our sleepe? or wast
A reall vision?
Why doe you aske?
Because, if it were reall, I expect
That passages so fit for History,
Shall not scape Mercuries or Scout. Gazetes;
But shortly be recorded with the Deedes
Of Democraticke Iohn, or the Red-nos'd Burgesse,
Who enacts Ordinances in Sacke; Or with
The Life and Death of preaching Nol and Rowland.
If we scape rascall poetry I care not.
All my feare is, lest He who carved the Embleme
Of the Oxe with foure Hornes, spitting fire, like one
O [...]h' Bulls which Iason conquer'd, should cut us
With Wings, in most vile libell figure, flying,
Like Owles by Twilight, and moultring these our feathers,
Before two she Kites, following us with Quivers.
True; And then Pistoolerus, who lives by
His yearely Gi [...]ts in scraping verse, and pictures,
T'expound this to the Multitude in Ballad,
Sung to the direfull Tune of Orpheus torne
By Oyster Wives.
Artops, Suppose this should
Arrive to th'Knowledge of your browne Lycoris
[Page 69] Ith' Suburbs?
Pray don't trouble me, I [...]me in
A serious Contemplation.
What is't?
If you'l needs know, 'Tis whither it be not fit
(To prove our selves no Cowards, and to show
How much we can slight Death in any shape)
That we should call our Regiments together;
Erect a handsome T [...]averse; Then desire
The Company They'd joine with us in one
Of Homers Odes, and after a short Confession,
Turne our selves off in Packthread.
Come, we must
Doe something to redeeme our Credits: The Boyes
Will else tye Squibbes behinde us, as we passe,
And make us walke the Streetes in Fireworkes.


Eurymedon, Roxane, Barsene.
Madam, you put too great names on my Visits,
To stile them meritorious Dangers. 'Tis
So little I have done, thus to adventure
To your faire presence, secur'd onely by
The weake vaile and cloud which I weare about me,
That this but rankes me yet 'mongst vulgar Lovers;
Who would doe much more for one fading Kisse,
Which dies in the fruition, and perishes
Whilest 'tis received, from her they love.
But Sir,
So often to descend from your great Selfe,
Where once had beene enough to gaine a Princesse;
And to submit your selfe to this darke shade,
Which might betray you, and at best conceales you
But as Eclipses doe conceale the Sun;
Which when They hide, doe robbe him too, and take
His bright rayes from him; And all this to enjoy
The fraile Sight of a Woman, who returnes
You nought but Taske for Visit, and whose presence
Might it securely be possest, and you
[Page 70] Not venture a Captivity as often
As you passe to and fro▪ at most can make
But this poore, short requitall, To be seene
Such as She is, one onely rich in promises,
Where She wants Trea [...]ures more Sub [...]tantiall;
And those performed so much below the Receiver,
So apt to breed Repentance, as to deserve
Onely to passe 'mongst the Injuries of Love,
Is such a Noblenesse, which first esteemes
And values Meane Things, whose Worth is Opinion,
And then findes Arguments to prize them, and
T'account them amiable▪ y'have added This
To my Releasement when I was your prisoner,
Still to proceed in the same generous errour;
Still to beleive me worthy to be loved,
As then to be surprized, and to be told so.
E [...]rym.
You are the first, Most Gracious Barsene▪
Who robbed Her selfe to make Another rich;
Or stript her selfe of her owne praises to
Adorne Anothers Wants, and then looke on him
As a Thing Worthy to be valued, The Gods
When They returne a large and plenteous vintage
For a few Drops of Wine pour'd on their Altars:
Or doe repay a Graine or Two consumed
In Sacrifice, with a whole feild of Incense;
Or when They doe requite a pilgrimage
M [...]de to their Shrines, with Answers which doe promise
More then the Supplicant or askes, or hopes for,
Are not more Bounteous, more free and liberall,
Then you; who thus doe glorifie what You
In Justice might despise; And call your owne
Perfections, which attract me to your presence,
Des [...]rt in me; Or thinke I merit, when
You make me happy. Nor can I count my visits
Among my Dangers, which are so much [...]wee [...]ned
By your Allowance of Them. If they be Dangers,
'T [...]s a felicity I cove [...] to
Be [...] wayes neare my Thraldome. To be taken
[Page 71] Coming or Going, and held Captive, Will
Be such a suffering as will endeare it selfe;
And be one of my pleasures, when I thinke
For whose sake I'me a Bondman.
But, Great Sir,
What can you see in me, besides a Minde
Willing to understand it selfe beloved▪
And to returne Affection for Affection,
Which should expose you to these perils; And
Make't an Adventure every time you see me;
And your returne backe an Escape?
I see
A forme more beautifull, more attracting, then
All those for which the King of Gods left Heaven.
And which t'enjoy, he rather chose to be
Transformed into a Flame, or spangled showre,
Then to remaine the Thunderer; And thought it
A happier shape to be a Swan [...]e, then to
Be clothed with his owne Lightning. Should you set me
The taskes of Hercules, or bid me turne
Fable into story, and make his Labours mine;
Or should enjoyne me fights where th'enemy
Growes numerous from my Conquests. And multiplies
From every wound I give him; And having finisht
One Labour, should you straight prescribe another;
And make me so divide my life betweene
My Love and Conflicts; Such a reward as you,
Would be a greater recompence, then to
Be placed among the Starres, and there to shine
A Co [...]stellation, wreath'd about with my
Owne Victories; and glittering with the spoiles
I tooke from Lyons.
Well, Sir, Barsen [...] hath
Receiv'd so true, so full a Testimony
Both of your Love, and forti [...]ude, that now
Nothing is wanting to put both you and us
In full possession of our wishes, but
The opportunity to reveale our selves
After the noblest manner.
Your Taske is onely
To set your Army in Array, to joine
Battle with ours, that, from this shew of Warre,
[Page 72] We may at our Re [...]urne unto our selves,
The better raise a peace: And make an Olive
Spring from our Mirtles. Meane time I am your Conquest.
And I, who came a Prince, returne your Captive.


Archidamus, Lyncestes, Polydamas, Theagines, Meleager.
My Lords, Lyncestes and Polydamas,
You Two stoppe all the passages by which
The Prince of Thrace is to returne; That done,
Put the new forces you have brought in posture,
And fit Array, if need be, to supp [...]esse
All Campe Commotions. We are not safe 'mongst Women.
It shall be done.
And let th'old Forces be
In Readi [...]esse, if th'Adverse Army doe
Invite us to joyne Battle, to entertaine it,
And meet them in the Feild.
It shall be Order'd.
But is it credible Eurymedon
Sh [...]uld have the Confidence to trust Himselfe
To a thinne weake Dis [...]ise, and in a Cloud
So open and transparent, should passe through
My Campe, on such a treacherous Enterprize?
He's now Sir at the Queenes Tent, where they hold
A secret Consult [...]ion▪
We saw him enter
J [...]st at t [...]e [...] when two of her Ladies,
The O [...]e [...] Generall of the Army,
The Other Lady Marshall of the Feild,
Were telling us plot.
That 'tis concluded,
Roxane shall be carried backe to Th [...]ace,
Barsene [...]e restored (perhaps de [...]our'd)
And He to choose Hyppolyta, or her Sister,
Instead of Mine to be [...]is Queene?
Yes, Sir,
They are indifferent, and are resolved,
Since you refused 'em, to wedde by Lottery,
[Page 73] Of which refusall they are so sensible,
That when both armies joine, 'tis too contriv'd,
(Which I do wonder they should, yet, discover)
The Amazons, upon the signe given, shall
Turne to the other side; And sacrifice
Your overthrow to their Revenge; Or what's
More to be feared, your Kingdome to their Nuptialls.
Antiope, the sister, wants a portion;
And if she bring your Crowne, and Scepter with her;
Or, if t'enlarge her Husbands Territories,
She adde yours to 'em, the Match will be more Princely,
And she appeare so much the more her selfe, Sir,
If she can raise a Dowry from your Conquest.
Oh the deceitfullnesse of Women! whose
Affection's like the Rainbow, can shew painted,
And Court us with a thousand Beauteous Colours,
Yet all this onely serve to guild a Storme;
And make a Tempest looke more flattering.
We must use Plot 'gainst P [...]ot. To seize upon
The Ladies were dishonourable; And
To take these Captive who are now our Guests,
(Though they deserve it, having forfeited
The S [...]ile of Friends they brought, for Enemies)
Would be our blot in History. You two, therefore,
Seize on the Prince at his returne, His Ransome
Shall be the Resti [...]ution of our Ladies.
A Battle beaten within▪ Enter Macrinus.
Hark, what means this?
Ma [...]r.
Arme, arme your selves, [...]oth Campes
Are joined; And th' Amazons have put themselves
In Armes against us, 'Tis rumor'd through the Field,
To charge us in the R [...]are, The Thracians
In Front: and so t'encircle us i [...] a
Parenthesis of Enemies, compos'd
Of Men before us, and Women, Sir, Behinde.
We'l to the field stra [...]ght [...] O false Sex! The Winde
May be made constant, but not Womankinde.
Ex [...]unt.


After a Battle beaten within, enter at one doore, in fight­ing postures, Archidamus, 'Theagines, Meleager. At the other Eurymedon, Clytus, Hippocles.
I'me glad I have met you out of Cloudes, in your
Owne shape, and like your selfe. Y'have hitherto
Obscur'd your selfe, in Mistes, of your owne raising
To play the Theese in, since you landed false Prince!
Was't not enough you did pursue my Queene
With yo [...]r unnecessary expedition;
And when our Nuptiall Torch was placed, and kindled
Upon the Altar. must then quench [...], And
Like those who do robbe Temples (For to take her
Thus from me was plaine Sacriledge) must snatch her
Then backe againe, just when the sacred Cake
Was breaking 'twixt the Flamens hands, And all
The Gods of Weddings in their Saffron Robes,
But as part of your pyracy, and stealth,
(If yet the treacherous surprize of a
Weake Company of Ladies do deserve
A name not yet more Infamous) must joine
My sister, and the beauteous part of my
Whole Court, and Kingdome in the Rape? As if
You meant [...]'erect a new Seraglio, or
T'enlarge your old▪ And take them prisoners first,
Then use them 'mongst your other prostitutes?
Is this all?
There is one thing more. To shew
Y [...]ur power upon that Sex, (which you, I [...]ee,
Have striv'd by all wayes to make yours, And, where
By force you could not, have conquer'd by Petition)
Was't not enough you did begin the Warre
In the suprize of Ladies, but that since
You must co [...]tinue it by Stratagem,
More treacherous then the first? And in your false
And bo [...]owed shapes, (In which you nightly have
[Page 75] Appeared to the Queene of Amazons) must tempt
Her, and her Ladies from their pure Affections,
Which made them first resolve, wonne by the Justice,
And Goodnesse of my Cause, to fight for me,
Untill [...]educ'd they grew Conspiratours,
And did resolve to fight for you? Had you
First taken, and then match't Barsene, yet,
To be your Queene, thus, had not beene a Wedding,
But a Captivity; And to be forc'd
Unto your bed with shackles on, is not
To be your Princesse, but your slave. But first
To take her prisoner, And, (For ought I know)
To use your power of Conquest on her, And
To make her first unworthy of your Nuptials,
And then despise her, for one more entire,
More free, and more unto [...]cht, (For your new Loves
Made to Hippolyta, and her sister Prince,
Have not beene so disguis', like you the Lover,
As to escape my knowledge) is such a wrong,
(Besides my other Interest of having
My Queene kept from me) as I stand here to punish;
Or else to adde my fall unto my sufferings.
Have you, Sir, finisht your Oration?
Onely remaines. To save th'expence of blood,
Which may be shed on both [...]ides, since the Quarrell
Is purely ours, Let's not engage our Armies
But here conclude the warre, The injur'd with
The Injurer, in one faire, single Combate.
Sir, we've a Cause going too; And have two Ladies.
Who well might thinke us two Indiffereut Cowards,
And very cold in their Revenge, should we
Stand peaceable Spectatours, whilest you fight.
We do beseech you, Sir, Let us joine our
Poore Interest with yours; And since the number,
And quality of the Combatants is equall,
T'expresse the like sense of our wrongs, let it
Be Three to Three.
We do accept the c [...]allenge;
And will maintaine, your Ladies are our Prisoners,
[Page 76] More Nobly then they were at [...] Wi [...]es;
And that we tooke them fa [...]re [...]
Then you first married'em. [...] Pray stay a little.
To shew Archidamus, ( [...],
Although I j [...]stly might, call you [...] Prince,
B [...]ing gui [...]ty [...] those [...]cc [...]sations, which
You sticke on me) that we being [...] causes,
As well as equal Val [...]urs, to d [...]f [...]nd th [...]m,
Since you observ' [...] a Method in your Wrongs,
And those suspicions [...], and imagin [...]ry,
I'le use one in my Answe [...]s? 'Tis con [...]est
I did use Art to gaine by [...]ot what was
By plot taken from me, Roxane, my best sister.
And if in her surprize I di [...] recover
But what you first [...]ole, and redeem'd my Losse
With some inforcement, this deserves the name
Of a Retrive not of a Pyracy.
Next that I tooke your Sister with my owne,
'Twas part of my Affection to her; Love
Prompted me to the Action; which doth not
Cease to be Love. because it once put on
The shape of Force▪ And that force but made use of,
To let her know that he who tooke her was
The greater prisoner, and was first surpriz'd.
How I have us'd her since, the Gods, and she,
Her ow [...]e Historian, when you see her next
Will wi [...]nesse for me. Lastly, if refus'd
By you, (I will [...] say by her, for her
Consen [...] takes flame from yours) [...]'ve beene a Suitor,
Where I've beene freely heard, and entertained,
Ask't an [...] preva [...]' [...], For you to claime a Soveraignty,
Over th'Affections of Hippolyta.
Or her [...]i [...]e Sist [...]r, or call me Theefe, or treacherous,
[...] nights to my disguises,
[...] to them might be more
[...], is s [...]ch a Wrong
To me and [...]; T [...]at in their Absence. I
Scand her [...] to make good with my sword, my stealths,
[Page 77] Have beene more noble then your open Visits.
And that I am more Constant to Barsene
In the new purchase of their Loves, Then you
Are to Roxane in refusing them.
Now, Sir, I am prepar'd to meet your stroakes.
Your Challenge holds too?
Th [...]ag:
Yes; you shall per­ceive,
You fight not now with Women.
We see y'are Men,
And you shall finde us such.
'Tis nobly promis'd.


As they prepare to fight [...]nter to them, Their faces undis­colour'd, and to be knowne, Roxane, who takes hold of Archidamus, Barsene of Eurymedon.
Hold as y'are Princes; And respect the Cries,
Of your owne Ladies, who in your wounds bleed.
And, if you fall must here expire with you;
Since neither of you can fall singly, and
We not be slaine too.
Great Archidamus,—
My royall Lord Eurymedon,—(For now
I dare professe you) what meane you to contract,
And thus remove the Warre into a Duell?
O sheath you▪ swords; See your Barsene begs.
Once more heare your Roxane, Sir; And here
Cast do wne your weapon. Or if we be the cause
Of this your strife, be reconcil'd by turning
Your swords on us. See here two Sacrifices
Ready to buy your peace with their owne slaughters.
How's this? Roxane and Barsene? Sure
My eyes are not themselves; Or else my Joyes
Make [...] Visions for Realities.
B [...]leeve us, Sir, These are no empty shades
Which will appeare and vanish.
There have bodies,
Compos'd of Flesh and Bloud.
Now, Sir, you see,
If you'l proceed ith'Combate, I want not
A [...]oble cause to fight for. If you'l now
Call my surprize of these a pyracy,
[Page 78] Or my stolne visits since made to their Tents
A Treason, in which these went Conspiratours,
I hope you' [...] think't a Treason, in which I
Had onely this one honourable aime,
To render my selfe worthy to be owned
by this faire Princesse; and to be [...]ray you to
A league and freindship with me by th'Excharge
O [...] Queenes and Sisters.
Is this true?
Our plot
Was in thse borrowed shapes onely to try
How you would beare our Losse; Or whither we
Might tempt you from y [...]ur Constancy. Which, Sir,
Hath beene so firme, so settled, four shaken,
So much beyond her Merits who made tryall,
That [...]'me now twice yours; And the second time
Takes her in his Ar [...]es.
Here ca [...]t my self into your armes.
Y'are here,
Once more my bright starre fixt in your owne sphaere,
Then, for you, Great Eurymedon, To leave
Your Kingdome for the sight, and spectacle
Of one, whose Beauty can at most aspire
But to be seene, and pardon'd; After that,
To turne that which at first shew'd boisterous force,
Into a generous Courtship; And to change
That which I first tooke for a rude surprize,
Into the noblest way of Love; And there
To be a Suplicant▪ and to spend sighes,
Prayers, and Petitions, where you might command
Affection as your Conquest, Addes so pure,
So cleare, so bright a Luster to your flame,
And calls forth such a just, and vertu [...]us heate
From me, to meet with yours, that from the time
You did release, I became your Captive;
And you gain'd this by set [...]ing of me free,
O [...]ely to change one Thraldome for another;
And from that time to make me weare your Fetters,
And to be wholly yours.
If these be Fetters,
I sh [...]ll for ever wish to be your prison;
Takes her in his Armes.
And thus to hold you chain [...]d. I hope. Sir, you
Will not unlinke us now.
Such a Seperation
[Page 79] Were such a si [...]ne, as would be punisht with
The Anger of the Gods; And would deserve
To have another added to it; And I
Be once more in the number of the Divorc'd.
To make the knot more firme, here, Sir, In signe
Y'have had two conquests of me, I lay downe
My selfe, and Weapon at your feet.
And I
First Conquer'd by your Sister, next, your selfe,
Make this confession of it.
My Lords
They lay dow [...] their Sword [...]
You see the Warres are ended; If't please you
Let us put up our swords.
We'l shew the way, Sir.
Next since there's nothing wanting to Combine us,
In one strickt Vnion, but the Priest, and Temple,
Please you, we will to th' Altar, and there first.
Conclude a lasting peace, And then our Nuptials.
Exe [...]nt.
Lead on; I follow you.
I mar'le, my Lord.
Our Amazons appeare not, with their Brace
Of Posset-makers.
They are but shifting faces;
Enter O­rith. Thal.
That they may laugh at us in their owne shapes.
See where they come.
How's this [...] How's this? [...]'le pawn
My life another Comoedy; Let's stand,
And over-heare'em.
Looke how they shew in Helmets.


Enter Callias, Neander, Artops. Leading Orithya, Thala­stris, Menalippe and Marthesia; with Helmets on, plumed as taken prisoners by them.
Come, come along. Nay you shall know most stout▪
Most sterne Bellona's, what 'tis to be Traitours
Against a State, Was this your errand? This
Your [...]aire pretence of having Children by us,
To betray those that should beget em? Now
We know how you or'ecome the Scythian [...];
You did invite them to your Tents, And there
Conquer'd the Men by night, by day their Country.
What could you see in us to thinke us of
[Page 80] A feebler Fabricke, or not so well built,
Nor of such tough Chines as the Thracians, that
You should so itch to sell us to 'em, for
Nights Lodgings, And the transitory pleasure
Of keeping of you waking?
To the wrong
You offer to our Innocence, and Hon [...]rs,
Y'are scurrilous and that is one wrong more
Offer'd to our chaste eares. Your mouthes need washing;
Or rather gelding. We project to betray you?
Why, I beseech you, Lady Telam [...]n,
If I should aske you, And this Lady Ajax,
Together with your two Sarpedons here,
Was't not contriv'd you in our absence should
Se [...]ze on our Magazine? Then crested thus
In your bright Helmets, (To which nothing lackes
But a sheild with a Gorgons Head, to turne
Vs into a stone, and Conquer us with ill lookes▪)
That you should sally forth upon us; And
Then joine, almost had said couple, with
The E [...]emy? You will deny this?
And having had experience of your Valours,
Dare here maintaine the contrary with our swords,
Two Women 'gainst three Me [...], without our second [...]
We seize [...]pon your Magazine?
so you'l
Deny you did receive us at your Tabernacle,
Your amorous pavilion; A [...]d that these two
Sweet [...]ymball-beaters, otherwise call'd Drummers,
Did strike a false Alarme?
Nea [...]d:
Or that you hir'd
Three Meager-halfe-pin'd-Rascals, having first
Dep [...]iv'd us of our eyes, To lead us thrice
Round 'bout the Workes, to lengthen out our progresse
Towards the Enemies Campe; And there to be
Arraign'd before a Councell, which consisted
Of two she C [...]ll [...]nels, two she Clerks of
Your Comfits, and Suckets; two yo [...]ng Lords; who no doubt
Enjoyed all that we came for.
'Tis confest, Sir.
Had you enjoyed us, [...]ur Children onely had
Beene va [...]iant by the Mothers side.
We'l have
[Page 81] Our Coun [...]ell too; where we expect you shall
Confesse your Treason too, Against the King.
March on before there.
Pray stay Gentlemen;
Where do you lead these Ladies, thus three deepe
In File, without a Drumm [...]? You are not going
To teach 'em postures, are you? Or make a Mu [...]ter
Of foure commanded by three?
If you meane
To lead 'em 'gainst the Enemy, to show
Your Fortitudes before 'em, once more; surely
The Warres are ended.
Sir, we are leading 'em
To th'King; we have discover'd a foule Treason.
Yes, Sir, such a Treason, and these the plotters
As does shew Women make but th'other Twinne
With Mischeife; And that Falsehood, when it would
Betray men, still assumes their shape.
These Sir,
Who can lodge Serpents 'mongst their Roses, and
Smile o're their Treacheries, But that we did
Timely prevent 'em, would have put the Campe
Into a Muteny. We did take these
Two Lady-Rhetoricks mounting heapes of Turfe,
Provided to make speeches to the Souldiers;
T'inflame them to Rebellion.
'Tis not possible.
Yes, Sir, And these two Yeomen of the Gally pots▪
Were imploy'd, as we heare, to offer the
Free use both of Themselves, and Ladies, to
All those who with them would forsake our side,
And turne to th' Thracians.
Wee will endure't no longer.
These iron Veyles cast off, thus we confute you.
They take off their helmets
How's this? Orithya and Thalaestris? with
Their Women Menalippe and Marthesia?
Amazon-fighters turn'd to our owne Court peace-wormes.
And my two Troilus's transfor'd to Knitsters?
They are our Wives. Was ever such a plot
Laid by two Women to keepe their Husbands honest?
They've turn'd what I thought Fornication
Into the acts of Wedlocke. How I love
Such projects, where men are betray'd unto
Their lawfull pleasure, and tempted to commit
[Page 82] Adultery with Innocence, and no sinne follow?
Pray view us well; And now our paintings off,
(As you once pleasantly did stile us) pray,
Officious Gentlemen; what other plot
Can you discerne in us, but to laugh at you?
This comes of policy; Our wisdomes have
Made us three sage, discreet, d [...]epe, most rare Coxcombes.
Ha, ha, ha; Sure they did expect the King
Should Knight 'em for their rare Discovery.
Preferre 'em to the Councell Board, and make 'em
Spies Generall of the State.
Troth, Gentlemen,
If you intend to seape Playes, and at your
Returne home to Chalcedon, not to see
Your Deeds brought on the Stage, take our advice;
Travell 'till this be over.
And be sure,
You keepe your selves from Duels; Least your Country
Do suff [...]r in your Valours.
You see there is
No medling with these Women; I'le undertake,
They can change shapes, as often as shift Linen.
The Booke of Transformations, which reports
Of Women turn'd to Baytrees, and of Men
Turn'd into Women, hath not more various formes,
Then these can practice.
Alas 'tis not your case
To be deceived. They did deceive us too.
We have two constant Lords of you. So't had been
Had we been Amazons in earnest.
you are
The Two f [...]st Ladies that ere made their Husbands
Cuckold themselves with their owne Wives.
By this
Good light 'twould be but justice now to put
A Cour [...]tricke on you.
Alas Thalaestris; I
Discern'd you by your brests.
Be sure you say
Enter Arch▪ Eurym. &c
With your own Wife.
Look, Gentlemen,
D'you know these Shape [...]? Here comes the second part
Oth' Metamorphofis.


Enter two Priests carrying two hallowed Torch▪ Followed by Archidam [...] leading Roxane, and Eurymedon leading Barsene wait­ed on by Clyt [...]s and Hippocles.
—Thus having made
Our Realmes one people, by the League and Knot
We've tyed before the Gods, you two proceed
In the last [...]ites of this our Vnion,
And sing the Nuptiall Song.

The second Song, sung by two Priest [...] ▪ holding two marriage Tapers.

Behold these hallowed Tapers; And here see,
What Wells, and Springs of fire they be.
How their two Lusters twining
Make [...]tuall shining.
Whilst one from th'other kindled, doth requite
I's borrowed, with as great a Light for Light,
And kindles backe againe.
And thus combining Rayes with Rayes,
And joining fla [...]es, like Marriage Daye [...],
A holy Nuptiall 'twixt them do maintaine.
Yet these but the darke signes, and embl [...]ms be
Of those conceal'd fires, which none see
But Gods, and such whose eyes
Love Glorifies,
Betweene these brests a sacred flame doth spring,
Which intermingling Rites, whilst we do sing,
Is to it selfe the Priest.
Whilst Heart with Heart, thus intermoved,
[Page 84] And paires made one, The Lov'd with Loved,
Themselves between thems [...]lves in Hymens twist.
The Song is second [...]d with a sho [...]t within.
—Harke, harke, what is
The meaning of this shout and Ac [...]lamation?
Enter Lync: Polyd▪
Sir, the two Armies hearing that their Princes
Have strucke a Peace, have first exchanged their Armes,
And next, in Imitation of your Nuptiall [...],
Which with this shout they celebrate, have cast
Themselves into new postures of Imbraces.
Did you behold 'em, you'd beleeve there past
A mutuall wedding betweene Troop [...] and Troope,
And Regiment and Regiment. They want
Onely one of your Priests here to performe
The holy Ceremony betweene 'em, To
Make it a perfect Day of Hyme [...]aeals.
And so't shall be. Nought now remaines, but that
We do adde Tri [...]ph [...] to our I [...]yes▪ and mingle,
Our Feasts, and Daunees with our Sacrifices,
In thankfulnesse to th' Gods. Then Princes doe
Match truely, when their Kingdomes marry too.

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