THE ASCENT TO THE Mount of Uision; Where many Things were shewn, CONCERNING I. The First Resurrection; II. The State of Separated Souls; III. The Patriarchal Life; IV. The Kingdom of CHRIST: With an Account of the Approaching Blessed State of This Nation.

Prov. 29. 18. Where there is no Vision the People perish.

London, Printed in the Year, 1699.

To the Holy Inspired Saints, who are made partakers of the Heavenly Gift and Re­velation of the Divine Mysteries.

TO you who under Wisdom's Discipline have been taught and ex­ercised (more principally) is this little Tract Commended; as know­ing you are in a deeper Capacity to receive, and take in, these weighty Treasures of the Kingdom; which you will find have been broken up, in order to be a sure Foundation in this latter Age. Wherein the Children of the Divine Mysteries shall have their first admittance into this Holy Mount, where their Lot shall be to Inherit, and Possess, those pre­cious things contained therein. Which indeed are so Great, so Rich, so Immense, as nothing less than God himself shall your All-filling Substance be; still abounding in unmeasurable Degrees, as in passive Meekness you do attend and wait in the inward Court: where new and fresh. Springs of Revelation shall open, and make known the Wonders that are now approach­ing. In order whereunto as a forerunner the Spirit of Prophecy has now gone forth, to signifi there is a Call to the four Quarters of the Earth, the Gates of the Everlasting Mount being set open, that whosoever can under­stand and discorn this time, and day of God's great Love-Visitation, may now draw near and hear what great Secrets are Publish'd from this Mount of Vision, which will not fail to have their fulfilling in, and upon, such who is the Spirit of Faith essenced are; But unto others who are unbelie­ving, it's not to be marvelled at that they excluded are from all these Roy­al Perogatives, and great Immunities relating to Divine openings and Renemed Manifestations of what has hitherto reserved been in the Wis­dom [Page] and Counsel of God. Wherefore according to the experience of this Author, Unmeasurable are the renewed Gifts and Powers hereof. And I can not therefore but excite and perswade all into whose hands this may come, to keep close to that Anointing which will be an Intelligencer, and Opener of the mind of Eternal Wisdom. In which (as in a clear Glass) may be known, and seen, what is expedient for some in every Age to be acquain­ted with; God not being limited to those foregoing Ages of time, (in which his mind in the Truth of the Spirit was made known:) but the line of his Spirit doth still continue, and extend it self to an unconfined length, till it have fathomed the deepest Deep, even GOD himself.

Now I am not Ignorant of the many Censures that may be passed by the Unlearned, who are altogether Strangers to the Spirits Ministration and di­vine Revelation: from such I expect no better Treatment than to be Iudg­ed as one gone from the Traditions generally received; especially in the part which treats of the various Regions of Souls Departed, it seeming a new Discovery. But as to this I shall give no other Satisfaction, than that it was discovered from the Central Light, and Original Copy, wherein the mind of God was made known unto me, in these things; which are now no longer to be concealed, or shut up, but are to have their use and service throughout the whole Creation: that so none may be disappointed or frustra­ted of what they expect in a Future State, but may strive whilst in the Body to work out their Salvation with fear and trembling.

As to the third Mystery unfolded in this Treatise, to wit, the Arrive­ment to the Patriarchal Age, which was before the Flood, and is again to be renewed in Righteousness: (as contrarily that was in Wickedness and Vanity of Mind) Christ being to Revive in the Souls of such as shall be counted worthy to Personate his Reign upon the Earth, in his own purity. For the attainment of which perfect State i [...] is necessary there should be length of Days. For as it is with a Plant or Tree, if cut down before it come to its full growth, it cannot being forth Fruit to ripeness; even so it is in the New Birth, if it reach not to full Maturity or to the stature of a Man in Christ Iesus, there will then be a suffering of loss, as to what may possibly be brought in time of this Life. Wherefore its a great Privilege and Bles­sing to live to this Good Old Age: and such a time as this is now approach­ing, which will figure out the true Bride and Spouse of Christ, which shall reach unto a full growth, for a Celebration of the Nuptial Day with her [Page] Bridegroom. Who cannot appear upon the Earth in his Glorified Person, till she have thus put on her beautiful Ornaments, and made her self ready for his Entertainment, that so she may ascend up with him into his own King­dom, and Father's Glory: Who will there present her without Spot or Wrinckle.

These are the Great and Wonderful things the Spirit of Prophesy has re­newed as the ground of Faith and Hope, to the growing Plants of the New Paradisical Earth, who shall grow and flourish, being circled with a Wall of Fire: So that no prickling Bryars, nor rending Thorns, which in the wild Forest of degenerated Nature do put forth, shall have any power here to in­vade or break in.

These are the divine weighty Treasures for a Motive and drawing of such who shall be the first Fruits that are to be Redeemed from out of this vile and worldly Principle, to stand with the Lamb in his Glorified State.

Now what have I more to present unto you, who in the same Lineage of Light, and Love with me do stand, but to make known those great approaching Blessings and Glories which are assigned to be your Portion and Dowry, from that great Elohim. Who shall all these for you Command, as in the Patient Waiting you with me stand, till Christ shall set on foot this his all powerful Reign: for which let your Prayers with mine Iointly ascend, uncessantly in one band of Loves Eternal Unity, in which I shall only desire to be known to you by a Newer Name, than that of

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  • Sect. 1. A Prospect of the Holy Mountain of PERAZIM, and of the Great Earthquake.
  • 2. of the Succeeding Transfiguration.
  • 3. A Description of the North side of the Mountain, and of its Gates.
  • 4. The City of SALVATION in the North.
  • 5, 6, 7, 8. A Description of the South-side, and of its Gates.
  • 9, 10, 11. A Description of the East-side, and of its Courts.
  • 12 to 20. A Description of the West-side, and of the Mysteries of Se­perated Souls.
  • 20, 21. Of Prophets and Pastors in the Regions of the Dead.
  • 22, 23, 24. The manner of CHRIST's Deputation to his Nazarites, and the Enterance of the Kingdom of the LILY.
  • 25, 26, 27, 28. The Restauration of the Patriarchal Longevity: and the First Resurrection.
  • 29 to 38. A Resolution concerning the Communion, Laws and Customs of the Inhabitants of this Mountain: and of certain Miraculous Gifts and Powers.
  • 38, 39, 40, 41. The Present Preparations for this Kingdoms Appear­ance.
  • 42, 43, and 44. The Great Angelical Medicine.
  • 45. to the end. An Alarm to the Children of the Kingdom, and the Covenant of Faith made with them, in order to a Great and Glorious Revolution Approaching.


Page 3. line 16. for soundess read soundness. p 5 l 10 f impartial r Imperial. p 7 l 10 after be add, l 18 f desires r desire. l 20 after Tradition add Colon. l 24 f these r those. p 8 l 14 f last r lost. l 17 f Revolution r Renovation. p 10 l 29 f layd r lag'd. l 30 f that is, r that [it] is. p 11 l 4 f the r there. p 12 l 4 f the r this. p 18 l 4 f Nature-Spring, r Nature spring. p 22 l 14 f one r ones. p 25 l 1 f them r [in] them ibid f that r that [are].

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