Some Questions and Answers concerning Religion, AND THE WORSHIP OF GOD.

THE only Living and Eternal God that made Heaven and Earth, and all Mankind, it is he that requireth Religion, Worship and Service, from all People, having given them a Gift and Understanding whereby to know and discern Good from Evil, and Right from Wrong: And seeing there are so many Religions, Professions and Worships in the World, it is very necessary to know which is that True Religion and Worship the Lord hath a Regard unto, and doth Accept of.

Quest. 1. From whence comes, and what is, the true and sound Religion and Worship?

Answ. The true and right Root, from whence sound Religion springs and arises, is from that precious Incorruptible Seed, sowen by Christ the good Seeds-Man in the Hearts of the Children of Men, whereby they are Renewed and Born again unto a firm Faith, and sure stedfast Belief in God the Father, and in his Eternal Son Jesus Christ for Life and for Salvation; and in this living and true Faith, we sincerly serve, honour and obey God, in a holy Living with him in his Fear, and a daily waiting upon him, and a humble Walking before him, and reverend Worshiping and Serving him in the Spirit and in the Truth, Jam. 1.27. Joh. 4.24. Pet. 1.23.

Quest. 2. What is the difference between the true Religion and the false?

Answ. The true and sound Religion having for its Ground and Foundation a pure Principle of Truth, which leads into all Truth in the Hearts and Consciences of the Children of God, whereby they are acted, led and guided in the things of God, and in all there religious Services to God: Then the fruits and effects therefrom, is Meekness, Patience, Temperance, Love, Peace and Good-will unto all: And such as are led and guided by this good Spirit, they are firm, and sure, and stedfast in their Religion and Worship, and cannot forsake the Assembling themselves together in the time of Persecution and Suffering, as the manner of some hath been.—And the Ground and Foundation of false Religion, is Darkness, Ignorance and Unbelief, Pride, Blind-zeal and Self-conceitedness, begotten by the Spirit of Enmity in the Hearts of the Children of Darkness and Disobedience to the Light and Grace of God; and from this ground ariseth all that confusion in Religion and Worship, and those many Inven­tions and Traditions in pretence of the service of God: And from this vain Religion, and unbridled Tongue, ariseth much Dis­cord, Strife and Contention, from such as conceit they know that which they rightly know not, and so are wise in their own Imaginations, and puft up with their own Conceivings, to contend and dispute in the Spirit of Enmity, and not of Love; and when this doth not prevail, then sometimes they go on to Persecution, Imposition and other Cruelties, about Religion and Worship; and such are not conscientious for any Religion at all, but can easily comply and conform to any Religion and Worship whatso­ever, being from the meek and peaceable Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Quest. 3. Among all sorts of People, who may be said to be likest the Ancient and Primitive Christians?

Answ. Those may be said to be likest the Ancient and Primitive Christians, who do believe in, and receive the Light and Spirit of Grace in their own Hearts, and are thereby taught in Doctrin and Practice, in Humility, Charity and Self-denial, being made willing patiently to suffer Reproach and Persecution for God and Christ's sake, and walk according to Christ's Example, who went about doing good, and when he was reviled, reviled not again, 1 Pet. 2.21, 22, 23, Act. 10.38.

Quest. 4. Who are the best Ministers?

Answ. Those may be said to be the best Ministers that convert and turn most Souls unto God, according to that in James 5.20. He that converteth a Sinner shall save a Soul: Then let us see who these are; they are not the Proud and Lofty, they are not the Light and Airy, nor the Wild and Wanton, they are not the Hirelings, who seek their Gain from their Quarter, they are not the envious Persecutors, nor the vain and unprofitable Talkers.

Quest. 5. Who are they then?

Answ. They are such as have freely received the Gifts of God's Grace, and according to the Ability thereof, do freely Mini­ster unto others, what they have heard seen and handled of the Word of Life in themselves and live accordingly, whereby they are made Instrumental to turn many from Darkness to Light, and from Satan's Power to God: These are the best Ministers.

Quest. 6. And who is the best Teacher?

Answ. The best Teacher is Christ Jesus, who by his Light and Grace teacheth to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts. And who are they that are taught and guided by him? Not the Prophane, Drunkards, Lyers, Swearers, Whore-mongers and Adul­terers, nay these God will judge: It's those that live Soberly, Righteously, and Godly in this present World, Tit. 2.11, 12.

Quest. 7. And which may be said to be the best Meetings in relation to the Worship of God?

Answ. Those may be said to be the best Meetings, wherein the Lord most appears by his Heavenly Power and Divine Presence to humble the Hearts, and mollifie and tender the Spirits of his Children, and enlarge them to run the way of his Command­ments with great Delight: These are certainly his People, and these are the best Assemblies and Meetings.

Let Truth and true Experience speak to these few Things.

Written by a Friend to Truth, and a Well-wisher to all People, Thomas Laythes.

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