[blazon or coat of arms]

THE King's most Excellent Majesty, and His late Religious and Gracious Queen, as also the Lords and Commons As­sembled in Parliament, having frequently express'd their great Sense of the deplorable Increase of Prophaneness, Vice and Debauchery in this Kingdom, and their earnest Zeal and Desires of Reformation, and Prevention thereof for the future: And His said Majesty having by His Royal Pro­clamation Commanded and Required all His Magistrates and Ministers of Justice, to put the Laws in full and due Execution against such Offenders. This Court, as well in Obedience thereunto, as out of their own hearty Desire to promote Reformation in the Premises, to the Honour of Almigh­ty God, of the King, and of this City, and the good Government thereof, having taken into their serious Consideration the great Prophaneness, Vice and Debauchery too frequently used and practised in Bartholomew-Fair; And to prevent the same for the future, Do hereby strictly Charge and Com­mand all Persons concerned in the said Fair, and in the Sheds and Booths to be erected and built therein or Places adjacent, that they do not Let, Set, Hire or Use any Booth, Shed, Stall or other Erection whatsoever, to be used or imployed for Interludes, Stage-plays, Comedies, Gaming-places, Lotteries, disorderly Musick-meetings, or other Occasions or Opportunities for In­ticing, Assembling or Congregating idle, loose, vicious and debauched People together, under Colour and Pretence of innocent Diversion and Recreation; But that all Booths, Sheds, Stalls, Shops, and other Erections during the said Fair, to be had and made, shall be used, exercised and imployed for Merchandizes, Trade and Commerce, according to the good Intents and Pur­poses designed in the Granting, Erecting and Establishing the said Fair. And all Persons are hereby Required to take notice hereof, and yield Obedience hereunto, as they will answer the contrary thereof at their Perils.


Printed by Samuel Roycroft, Printer to the Honourable City of London. 1700.

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