THE ADDRESS OF THE Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London in Common-Council Assembled.

Published by Authority.
To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty,

WE Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Lord Mayor, Alder­men, and Commons of the City of London, in Common-Council Assem­bled, out of a deep Sense of the Infinite Goodness of GOD to this Nation, in the Signal Deliverance of His Sacred Majesty from those Dangers to which he hath so lately, for our sakes, exposed His Royal Person, even to the Admiration of His Enemies, do Heartily and Ʋnfeignedly, in the first place, return to Almighty GOD our most Humble Thanks; and, in the next, in all Humility, Congratulate Your Majesty upon so Sensible a Providence, as the Preservation of that Prince, in whose Life, not only our Laws and Religion, but even the Liberty of all Europe, is so intirely wrapp'd up.

And Your Majesty having been Graciously Pleased by the Lord Keeper to signifie the deep Sense Your Majesty hath of the Great Losses at Sea that have befallen the Traders of this City and Kingdom, and the Directions Your Majesty hath given to a Committee of Your Majesties most Honourable Privy-Council, as well to Examine into the Causes of such Misfortunes, as to take Effectual Care to prevent the like for the future, by Encouraging Your Majesties Subjects to make their Application to the said Committee.

We do with all Chearfulness render our Hearty Thanks to Your most Gracious Majesty for so Great a Condescention, no wise doubting but Your Majesty will continue to give such Good and Seasonable Directions, that the Trade of this Your Kingdom, in which the Prosperity of it doth so much consist, may be better Supported for the future.

And as we have hitherto, from a Sense of our Duty, demonstrated to the whole World our Great Zeal for Your Majesties Service; We having now a fresh Opportunity of shewing the same, by a Chearful and Ʋnanimous Advancing of Money for the Present Emergencies of Your Majesties Affairs, Humbly beg Leave to assure Your Majesty of our Firm Resolution to continue our Hearty Endeavours upon all Occasions, to Support Your Majesties Royal Authority and Government, against all Persons, to the uttermost of our Power.

Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy. 1693.

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