


VVHereas by an Order of his MAJESTY in Council, made the 22. of July last, intimating that divers Scandalous and Seditious Pamphlets, tending very much to the Disturbance of the Peace and Quiet of this Kingdom, are daily sold and dispersed about the Cities of London and Westminster and Parts adjacent by a sort of Loose and Idle people called Hawkers, under pretence of carrying about and bending News-books and Gazetts, It is required and commanded, for preventing the great Mischiefs and Inconveniencies that may ensue by per­mitting the same, that the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of London, and Iustices of Peace within the Liberties of West­minster and Middlesex, shall not permit or suffer any of those people called Hawkers, whether Men or VVomen, to carry about, cry, sell or disperse any Gazetts, News-books, Libells, or other Pamphlets whatsoever, within their respective Liberties or Iurisdictions; but that they cause all such to be forthwith apprehended and sent to the House of Correction, to be there kept at hard Labour: This Court therefore, for the more effectual Execution of his MAJESTY's said Pleasure and Command, and in Addition to what hath been already done by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor in obedience thereunto, doth think fit and Order, That the Provost-Marshalls and all Constables and other Officers whom it may concern, in their severall Precincts and elsewhere (as they shall have opportunity) within this City and Liberties, shall diligent­ly apply themselves to discover the said Hawkers, Sellers or Dispersers of Gazetts, News-books, Li­bells, or other Pamphlets, and them to apprehend, and bring before his Lordship, or some other of his MAJESTIE's Iustices of the Peace, to be sent and set to Labour at Bridewell, or (as the Case may require) to be otherwise disposed and prosecuted to more condign Punishment ordained by Law. And if any the said Marshalls, Constables or others, shall be found remisse or negligent of their Duties herein, such Offender, upon notice or information thereof, shall be strictly proceeded against, and receive the most severe Penalties of the Law for his Of­fence.


Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON.

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