Commune Concilium tent. vicesimo septimo die Iulii, 1648.

FOrasmuch as this Court did apprehend the great danger the Parliament and City is in, in regard of the many Commotions in this Kingdom, and the distractions thereof; And that a convenient number of Horse to joyn with the other Forces of this City, would be very usefull and serviceable for the safety and preservation both of Parliament and City: Therefore this Court doth now Declare, That it shall be taken as an acceptable service in any that will voluntarily List any Horses, or contribute any Money thereunto, and declare themselves therein unto the Committee of the Militia of London; And to be under such Commanders, and observe such directions (tending to the welfare and safety of the Parliament and City) as the said Committee of the Militia shall appoint. And the said Committee are to appoint Treasurers to receive such Moneys, Horse, and Armes as shall bee voluntarily advanced towards that work, and to take Subscriptions to that purpose, and to be by them employed accordingly: And they are from time to time to acquaint this Court of their progresse and proceedings therein; and to receive their further directions concerning the same, as occasion shall require.


IN pursuance of which Act of Common-councell, there are severall members of the Committee of the Militia appointed to sit daily in Guildhall in the Irish-Court, to take the said Subscriptions above-mentioned; and are to sit from Nine till Twelve of the clock in the forenoon, and from Three till Six of the clock in the afternoon.

Mr. Glyd. and Mr. Blackwall are desired and appointed to be Treasurers.

You are desired by the Committee of the Militia of London to use your utmost endevour in your Precinct for the furthering of this Work, so much conducing to the publick peace of the City, and suppressing of Tumults therein; and for the better inabling of the said Militia to discharge their Trust for the preservation of the Parliament and City.

And you are likewise desired forthwith to make return of your doings herein to the Committee: aforesaid.

To Mr. Common-councell-man in the Ward of [...]
Signed in the Name and by the warrant of the Committee of the Militia London,

Printed by Richard Cotes Printer to the honorable City of London, 1648.

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