THE Committee of the Militia of the City of London, and parts adjacent, within the Lines of Communication, and Parishes within the weekly Bils of Mortality, having taken knowledge that many persons within the Limits aforesaid (out of a pious zeale and good affection to the Publique Cause) have of late freely and voluntarily subscri­bed divers summes of money, towards the maintaining of Forces to bee sent forth by the said Committee, in pursuite of the late successe Almighty God hath given us against our Enemies) have thought fit for the better promoting of so good a work, to direct the further recommendation thereof to the Minister, and Church-wardens of the severall Parishes within the Limits aforesaid, effectually to move and incite all persons interessed in this Cause, cheerefully and freely to subscribe in some good measure, towards the maintenance of the said Forces, which in pursuite of the Enemy, may (by Gods blessing) put a happy end unto this unnaturall Warre, now raging within this Kingdome.

And the said Committee doe earnestly desire and require you respectively forthwith to examine diligently what Subscriptions of money have already beene made by any person or persons within your said Parish, for the purpose aforesaid; and effectually to move all others (that have not as yet done any thing in this behalfe) freely to subscribe in some considerable manner towards this most necessary Service; and to let such well-affected persons know, as shall forthwith advance and pay unto the Treasurers for Money and Plate at the Guild-Hall any summes of money for the purpose aforesaid; that for their encourage­ment they shall have the security expressed in an Ordinance of Parliament, made the third of Aprill last; by which it is ordained that all such moneys so advanced and lent as aforesaid, and paid to the said Treasurers; shall bee imployed onely to maintaine the said forces, and not otherwise; and shall bee repaid with interest after the rate of eight pounds per. centum, out of the Receipts of the Excise and New-Impost, granted by a late Ordinance of Parliament: That is to say, the first halfe yeeres In­terest at six moneths after the Loane of the said moneys, and the last halfe yeeres Interest, together with the principall, at the end of the next six moneths following. And also to let such Parishes know, as shall desire rather to lend their Money for this Cause; to bee repaid upon the Publicke Faith; and to chuse Collectors and Treasurers among themselves to receive and issue out the same to any of the said Forces, according to the direction of the said Committee of the Militia, that the said Committee upon knowledge thereof, will forthwith indeavonr to procure an Ordinance of Parliament for the same pur­pose.

And the said Committee do further desire you to certifie them in writing under your hands, upon Wednesday next, the names and sirnames of all such within your Parish, as have subscribed to this most necessary work, together with the summes of Money, underwritten by them, As also the names and sirnames of all such persons of ability within the said Parish, that shall refuse to subscribe for the use and purpose aforesaid.

I [...]d Committee.

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