The Persons to whom the MILITIA of the Citie of LONDON is Committed, for the safetie of the said Citie, have thought fit, and hereby Declare.

THat no Souldier or any other person shall discharge any Peece, great or small, betwixt the houres of nine of the clock in the night, and six in the morning, except in case of necessitie.

That if any Alarum be in the night time; that then, all the Inhabitants of the said Citie and Liberties, shall forthwith hang out lights, at the doores of their seve­rall Houses.

That none of the Officers belonging to the Trained Bands, doe lodge out of the Citie; dureing these times of imminent Danger.

That upon any generall Alarum by night or day, the Collonels, other Field Officers and Captains, with the severall companies of the Trained Bands of the said Citie, (compleatly Armed and well furnished with Ammunition) are forthwith to repaire to their severall Alarum places, herein after mentioned, and there to attend, untill they shall receive further order.

Companies. Allarum-Places.
  • Collonell Atkins. at The Pump within Algate.
  • Lievtenant Collonell Rawden. at Billings-gate.
  • Serjant Major Manwaring. at London-stone.
  • Captain William Tucker. at Tower Dock.
  • Captain William Tomson. at The Barrs without Algate.
  • Captain Edmund Hooker. at Crutched Fryers.
  • Captain Heriot Washborne. at Bridge end by Magnis Church.
  • Collonell Pennington. at Bevis Marks.
  • Lievtenant Collonell Lingham. at Bishops-gate within.
  • Serjant Major Davis. at Grace-Chu. by Lumberstreet end.
  • Captain Thomas Chamberlin. at The north end of Broad street.
  • Captain Thomas Player. at The Cundit in Leadenhall street.
  • Captain Edmund Harvie. at The Royall Exchange.
  • Captain Christopher Whichcot. at The Spittle within the Barres.
  • Collonell Wollaston. at The West end of Cheapside.
  • Lievtenant Collonell Ʋenn. at Newgate within.
  • Serjant Major Geere. at Ludgate within.
  • Captain Richard Turner. at Puddle-Wharse.
  • Captain Ralph Harrison. at Aldersgate-str. by Long-lane end
  • Captain Richard Cutbert. at Austins gate in Pauls Chuyard.
  • Captain Robert Tichburn. at Aldersgate within.
  • Collonell Adams. at The Poultry.
  • Lievtenant Col. Edmund Foster. at Great Alhallows Church.
  • Serjant Major Carleton. at Watlinstreet by Bow Lane end.
  • Captain Francis West. at The Southend of Bred-street.
  • Captain Iohn Bla kwell. at Queen Hith.
  • Captain Richard Hacket. at Whittington-colledge hill.
  • Captain William Ʋnderwood. at The lower end of Wal-brook.
  • Collonell Warner. at Alderman-bury.
  • Lievtenant Col. Matth. Forster. at Old-Iury end by Coleman-street.
  • Serjant Major Owen Rowe. at Mooregate within.
  • Captain Matthew Sheppard. at Criplegate within.
  • Captain Francis Rowe. at The north end of great Woodstr.
  • Captain Robert Manwaring. at The Cundit without Criplegate.
  • Collonel Towse. at Fleet Cundit.
  • Lievtenant Collonell Wilson. at The north end of the Old-Baily.
  • Serjant Major Buxton. at Smithsi ld.
  • Captain Richard Browne. at Temple-Barre,
  • Captain Nathaniel Camfield, at Holburne Cundit.
  • Captain Thomas Goaer. at The Barres in Holborne.

And it is desired, that the Captaines of Middlesex and Surry, who have Companies lying in the Suburbs, will upon all such Alarums, draw their Companies to the Severall passages leading thereunto.

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