Mr. Lilly's NEW PROPHECY: OR, Certain notable PASSAGES in his Writings observed.

To which is added, An ASTROLOGICAL ACCOUNT of the future Plenty or Scarcity, Dearth or Cheapness of most sorts of Fruits of the Earth, Merchandize, and Commodities.

AS ALSO, Of the great Floods, extraordinary Snows, and other remarkable Alterations of Weather, and the Diseases like to be predominant in peoples bodies this Winter and the Spring following.

With Allowance.

LONDON: Printed for L. C. 1678.

Mr. LILLIES New Prophecy, or, certain notable passages in his Writings observed.

INferiours are govern'd by Superiours; there is an appoint­ed season for every thing under the sun. Heaven is a large expanded Volume, in which may be read many grand Mutations, (as effects in the bosome of their causes, or events pre-notified by certain signs) long before they are brought into act here on Earth. But those mystick draughts, signifie little to vulgar Eyes, who know not how to put together those abstruser Characters, so as to spell Truth, or discover any certainty: yet there are not wanting some sagacious spirits, whom Ʋrania makes her Favorites, and admits into the innermost re­cesses of her Sacred Temple. Amongst these, our English Artists are not a little beholding to our Modern Merlin, the Judicious Mr. W. L. whose Writings, to an intelligent Reader, have often given very clear hints of future Occurrences. I shall omit his several years Prognosticks of the difficulty of obtaining that Peace beyond the Seas, which has preserved Flanders from that immi­nent danger wherewith it was threatned; and will only repeat some expressions in his Anglicus, leaving every Man to make his own Comment or Application.

In Augusts Observation, he has these words; Heaven bless our Nation from Tumults, Insurrections, Plots, raging Diseases, &c. And we may very well remember what a lamentable sickly time that was throughout England, and what other matters have been since discovered, which questionless were then, or long before in Embryo.

In September, he tells us Of various Lies and Disturbances of the Magistrate, false and dangerous, Intellige [...] [...] to sow the seeds of division. But (says he) the pro [...]ters of such [...]is­chiefs are discovered, and many persons who before were well esteemed, and in great splendor, now wholly out of favor, or dis­carded from their Places and Power. And this in some Coun­tries not far remote.

— Quid potuit è Tripode dici
Verius? —

How apposite a Description is here! and yet in October he pro­ceeds with this expression, Let the Authors of dissention now [...]pect to receive their reward.

To these I might add the Remarks of another eminent Astro­loger, the Ingenious Mr. John Gadbury, who in his Almanack very notably harps on the same string, and in some respect, speaks out more plain and particularly; as for example, in his Obser­vation on the said Month of September, speaking of the Square of Mars and Mercury, he tells us, That several wicked things are commonly acted under such a Position; and positively asserts, That Projectors of malignant devices should be then brought to light. And in October, he is yet more express, in these words, Cadit in Roma­nos invidia & odium; in English thus: The Romanists about this time are much envyed, and justly hated; and a few lines after: God preserve a great Prince of Europe, from some sudden violence; be ought to be suspicious of his very friends at this time.

But these things I only recite in Transitu, and hasten to make some Astrological Conjectures of the state of the next year, es­pecially as it relates to Scarcity or Plenty, &c. In order to which, we have reasons in Art to judge, that the approaching Winter will in general be kind and seasonable; only about the end of November, extraordinary Rains are like to happen, and mighty Floods in several places. In the Revolutional figure of the next year, Gemini ascends, and the two Fortunes are in Conjunction [Page 5] with the Sun, in the House of Hopes; but Saturn within a degree of the Horoscope, sets the common people a muttering & repining; and this the rather, because Mercury is in his detriment, which perhaps may bashe the Tradesmans hopes, and encrease the number of Bankrupts. As to the Fruits of the Earth, they seem like to be but sparingly produced, and a scarcity, rather than plenty of Corn, Hay, Orchard, or Garden-Fruits, &c. The An­tients tell us, That Planets which are Oriental, have signification of dearness in Commodities; and Occidental Planets of their cheapness: but that we may ground our conjectures on better circumstances, we shall run over the Goods signified by each Planet, and the state of that Planet, as he is strong or weak throughout the year; when he is strong, the Merchandise re­presented by him goes off quick, and bears a good price; when weak, expect the contrary.

First then, to Saturn are ascribed, the grosser Commodities dug out of the Earth, as Marble, or other stone; Lead, Coals, Wood, Black-cloth, and all kind of ill-smelling Drugs. Now Saturn from this present October, is Occidental and Retrograde, (the greatest weakness that can befal a Planet) till the seventh of Fe­bruary next; but after that, becomes direct, and so continues the rest of the year; arguing, that from that time, the Wares signified by him, may in all probability rise; and the Usurer (for he is under Saturn too) perhaps meet not with so many Cheats and insolvent persons as before.

Jupiter claims the Governance of Wheat, Rye, and Barley; and the best of Drapery, as Scarlet-cloth, &c. Likewise Saffron and Hopps are signified by him, who continues very strong all November and December in his own House. Nor is he much weaker afterwards in Aries, being his Triplicity, till the 20th of August 1679. at which time he becomes Retrograde in Taurus; whence we may judge, that H [...]pps the next year will be a very ticklish Commodity, promising a great price, but suddenly falling, even contrary to all expectation, and many frauds apt to happen between persons Trading therein. Let those concerned remem­ber our words, and beware— Nulli cavisse nocebit.

To Mars belong Bricks, Iron, Charcoal, Tobacco and Coffee; and that the last does so, we have a late instance, when upon the Square of Mars and Mercu­ry, that Commodity on a sudden started up to a pro­digious rate (above double the usual price) in a few hours, to the considerable prejudice of the Retailers. This Planet Mars becomes Retrograde in Leo, on the 12th of December, and so continues till the second of March following. On the 7th of January he oppo­ses Mercury; the 20th and 21th of the same Month, the Sun and Venus; on those days, or for two or three days before and after, it will be prudence to forbear Trading in any Goods signified by Mars.

The Sun signifies Gold, Precious Stones, and the like; and as he is never Retrograde, so they are never out of esteem; and therefore I shall not need to speak any farther of them.

Venus represents all sorts of Wines, but especially Canaries, Malaga's &c. Also Spices, Oil, Sugar, Silks, and all things of ornament for the Body. At the Re­volution she is in her Detriment; which signifies in general, That those things should bear but an indiffe­rent price this year, but in the latter end of March, and beginning of April, they may rise a little. But have a care of Trading in Venus's Commodities of any kind, near the 21th of January, the 19th of Februa­ry, the last of March, the 9th of May, the 3 or 15th of August, or any of them; the Gallant may get a Clap, or the Tradesman a Cracke that will then be tampering.

Under Mercury are Books, Paper, Druggets, and [Page 7] Silks or Stuffs of several Colours. In the figure of the World, he alone is Oriental, and just on the Cusp of the 11th; which denotes, that Commodities signified by him, may keep up a good price most part of the year; that many Books will be Printed, and peoples fingers much troubled with the itch of scribling.

Under the Moon are all sorts of Fish and bulbous Plants: she finishing her Revolution every Month, and consequently in that time meeting with all the Raies of the other Planets, no general rule can be given, but in all Bargains you ought to look to her condition, that she be free from Affliction, and apply well to one of the Fortunes. If you would but observe this with­out superstition for one year in your dealings, 'tis forty to one but you will find cause to acknowledge, there is a great deal of truth in Astrology, and find a key, which turn'd by a discreet hand, so as neither to over­shoot Piety, nor hamper the Wards of Industry, might unlock to you divers advantagious truths.

'Tis probable, (such is the prowd vanity of wretched Man) you might have been better pleased, had we entertained you with a discourse of the Fate of King­domes, Fortunes of Monarchs and States, the Ca­tastrophes of Nations by Peace or Wars, and other lofty affairs, that you are never like to be concern'd with. But our Pen is more modest, than to rush into Princes Cabinets: We are, blessed be God, hitherto in Peace, and we trust by his infinite mercies shall so con­tinue, notwithstanding all the Machinations of wicked Men. Besides, Europe in general, seems tending to Tranquillity— O utinam! sed nonne videtur tantum? [Page 8] The Celestial Bodies are not idle, nor the crying sins of Men slack to draw down renewed iudgments. When shall Janus his Temple be wholly shut? it will be, but not yet. Great works require great preparati­ons, and who shall live when God doth this?

—Superba prius Babilon spolianda Tropheis.

There must be many struglings, bitter throws, and sharp pangs; Wars and rumours of War [...]; Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom, &c. be­fore the glorious Birth appear. Yet a Wilderness, and yet a Red-sea to be passed, before a full prospect of Canaan. Just before break of day, 'tis darker than all the night before: but the Gates of Hell shall not pre­vail. The active Cock by frequent Crowings alarms us of the approach of the Sun. Heaven draws the Cur­tains of the East, and the Birds of the everlasting Morning, the first-born of Paradise, begin to sing. The day breaks, and the shadows flee away. Oh then, make hast my Beloved, and come like a Roe, or like the Hinds of the field over the Mountains of Spices. Quousque, Domine! quousque?


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