Together with the Uniting of all Different Persuasions of Religion, in Principles of Love and Mutual Condiscention.

To which is added a Strange and Wonderful PROPHESIE lately Discovered in HOLLAND, Relating to the Grand Affairs of our Present Age.

Faithfully translated & Comunicated from the Original by a person of quality.

[woodcut of royal imagery]

Printed for M.B. in the Year, 1674.

Mr. LILLIES NEW PROPHESIE Concerning a General Peace.

HOw dismally embroil'd the Affairs of Europe have been in these very days wherein we Live, cannot be wholly unknown to any intelligent man: and that those Commotions were Judgments and ca­lamities inflicted by the just hand of Heaven, on Rebellious Mortals for their repeated Sins, and multiplied Transgressions will readily be assented unto by all that have any sence of Re­ligion, or awe of a Deity upon their Spirits.

But the natural Grounds, or Dispositions of the Celestial Bodies, which like Mediate Links in the grand chain of secon­dary Causes, have produced, or at least Co-operated in the production of these Martial Disturbances, or the extraordi­nary Phanomina which merciful Providence makes use of to presignifie its pleasure therein, and like Beacons to admonish the World of such impending Chastisements, cannot but cer­tainly deserve our more curious Observation and Enquiries, of this sort the most Judicious Scrutators with much Reason Assign.

[Page 4]1. That wonderful new Star, which to the great amaze­ment of the World manifested it self in the Constellation of Cassiopeia, in the Year, 1572.

2. The several Comets, whose significations are not yet totally accomplished, as that in the Year, 1652. Three more in the Year 1665. and one since, not much above a Year and a half last past.

3. The Conjunction of the two Superiours, Saturn and Jupiter, Anno. 1663. in Sagitary, and five opinions between them lately.

Lastly, The Revolutions and other Cardinal Ingresses of the present and ensuing Year; together with the Eclipses, and most forcible Aspects therein happening.

Concerning the Famous New-Star first mentioned, divers excellent persons in that Age obliged the World both with their Observations and Sentiments of its Effects or Sig­nifications, but none so happily as the incomparable Ty [...]o Bra [...], who taking it for granted that the same was purposely Created for the manifestation of future Events and Presaging of some strange Catastrophes to happen, concludes, that a [...] the said Star was visible almost to all the World, so few Nations or Countries between the Artick and Antartick Poles should escape without being sensible more or lesse of the Calamities and Disorders thereby threatned; and because it continued fixed during all the time of its appearance: That therefore the Portents thereof would be long before they manifested themselves, or were brought into Action; whence it was thought reasonable to assign about one Century or hundred Years before their Commencement; which term is now expi­red: Viz. In the Year, 1672. And what grand Actions have since appeared, both by Land and Sea on the European Stage, is sufficiently notorious; though the full determina­tion of those mutations, it was to be the Prodromus of can­not be expected for some Years yet to come: for since, we Read not in any Authour of such an admirable Star, or of such continuance since the beginning of the world besides it, [Page 5] so must certainly its significations be equally miraculous, and such as Mankind hath yet been scarce acquainted with: The particular Nature of which the same worthy Authour tells us. Praecipium quandam & maximam Administrationum, Politica­rum, Innevationem, Innovations in the establisht or accu­stomed policies of several Nations, and turning Empires and Kingdoms topsy-turvy.

As to the effects of that Commet in 1652. Those in 1665, and this of 167 [...]. As Europe in General, and our own Nation in particular, have been sufficiently sensible thereof; so can­not we positively assert the same to be determined, but at present on the anvil of Fate, and in succeeding years like to be more visible, even till most part of the habitable Globe, shall in one kind or other, have partaken of much affliction, and such Calamities as no age hath seen the like, amongst which the last of those Commets in April 1665. having a long and large red fiery Tail pointed directly East-ward, threatning more especially those Countries of the United provinces▪ Spanish-Netherlands, part of Germany, and places adjacent.

Of the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1663. An ac­curate Treatise has been already emitted into the World by Mr. Richard Ealin, nor should we have wanted another by the same judicious pen, on the late oppositions of these Su­periors, did not the sordid self-interests of some narrow-soul'd people strangle for want of Midwifry, what the Author has long since happily conceived. However in his Praenunciu [...] S [...]ere▪ speaking of the Year 1674. from a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, he predicts much damage, disgrace, or de­triment differences, and at last that the Moon to a trine of the Sun by direction denotes a discovery of some important af­fairs, that long have l [...]in maskt in obscurity, Kings and their Subjects shall better agree, and Spirits heretofore factious, [...]bulent and unsetled, shall become conformable and more obedient to their Superiors.

That most Industrous and able Mathematician, Mr. Henry Coley, which equal modesty and reason gives this breif, yet discreet Judgement, on this vernal figure, in his Nuncius Cae­listis, or Almanack for the said Year, 1674. The year (says he there) by the position to be no way considerably dangerous for any contagious distemper that may Tyrannize amongst the People, but rather a serene Air and Salubrity in general: nor do I discover any considerable injury or danger from our most potent enemies accord­ing to the stream of natural causes: For which he subjoyns his reasons in Art, Sol being in the ascendant, &c.

We further say, and probably conjecture according to the acute Judgment of Tyche, and other Learned men, upon this new Star before mentioned in Cassiopeia, that when its effects begin to operate (as for these some years past they have done, after many sharp wars had and determined or ended, that then the World shall find and enjoy quietness such as yet hath not been in any age, Pacificum quodam & concors saeculum aliquam diu futurum. A most peaceable or quiet age or world shall be in all parts of the earth. In quo politicarum administrationum, &c. Wherein the Tumultuary Confusions in Politick and Religious administrations shall be changed or quite altered, and be fit­ed to a more conform Analogy of the divine Will or Truth: To which give us leave to add that memorable prediction de­livered more than one hundred years since by that famous Astrologer Hieromymus Cardanus, that about the year 1680. Incipiet mutatio Lignum, cui nunquam fuit si [...]iles, & consurget nova L [...]x & cum his alia multa; There shall in some parts begin an alteration of Laws, the like whereof was never before, and a new Law shall arise or be establisht, and with it many other thing [...]

To these Predictions of the Judicious Mr. Lilly, faithfully taken out of his published Labours: we have thought conve­nient to add a strange and wonderful Prophesie remarkably found of late in the Low-countries, a transcript thereof being Communicated by a Person of Quality there, to his Cor­respondent, the rather for that the same seems conformable to the Sentiments before repeated of our said worthy English Merlin.

The best account we yet have, how the ensuing Prophesie was first found out is thus.

That upon the dismantling a small Fort in the Province of Ʋtrech when the same was some time since quited by the French Troops, there was found in the ruines of an old wall a kind of stone Chest or Trough, which being broken opon in expecta­tion of some great treasure, they found not [...]ing within the same, but a curious piece of Black Marble, on which was en­graved about thirty lines in large old-fashioned Roman Cha­racters, which being presented to some Antiquaries, after much pains they were able to read it, and found the Langu­age to be ancient Language; whereupon they took Copies, one of which is said to have been sent over last Post, and runs, be­ing translated into English as follows.

In the Extremities of Time, or towards the last Ages of the World, when the wickedness of mortals shall have over­spread the face of the Globe, as with Leprosie, and all things in the Universe be drooping into the Chaos of desolate Con­fusions, violent Storms shall happen in the intellectual World, between good and bad Angels, Storms in the Celestial world, where Superiours shall in short space have five pitcht Battels, Storms in the Elementary World, opening the bottles of Hea­ven to deluge the Earth with excessive Floods and Inundati­ons, Storms in the Macrocosme, Nations rushing against Nati­on, and sparks of Ambition blown by Cacodoemons into flames, laying the fruitful Regions wast, Storms in the Microcosm, every man at War within himself, Passions against Passions, and Reason against them all: the heart and the brain are faln out, and there wants a good Liver to make them friends. In brief, the Planets start from their Orbs: every Kingdom be­comes Antipodes to it self, and Primum Mobile runs Retro­grade. About that time a long exploded Faction begins to lift up its head, creeping forth like a Panther, but is blasted with Lightning, and some Stars of the first Magnitude suffer [Page 8] an Eclipse by the Pleiades; many fears and terrors surprize mens Souls, but Jove pittying Humane Calamities, puts a period to those disorders; yet after Ae [...]lus has sounded a retreat to the winds, the Waves still run high, and some ship­wracks happen; till Nations in general wearied with War, shall greedily desire Peace, and Court the Queen of the Isles to bestow a blessing on Christendom: Then shall Astrea re­turn to Earth, and the minds of men be composed in bands of Duty, and Love towards each other, even till the Sun shall be ashamed of Light, and the World confess its ashes; when the Ancient of Days shall call to the universal Account; where only those in the white Robe shall be happy.


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