THE ARRAIGNMENT OF THOMAS HOWARD Duke of NORFOLK, BEFORE THE Earl of SHREWSBURY Lord High-STEWARD of ENGLAND. ALSO, A Brief Derivation of the most Honourable Family of the HOWARDS.

With an Account of what Families they are Related to by Marriages. Transcribed out of Antient Manuscripts, never before Pub­lish'd.

Printed by Nathaniel Thompson at the Entrance into Old Spring-Garden near Charing-Cross, MDCLXXXV.

To the High and Mighty PRINCE HENRY Duke of NORFOLK. Earl Marshal of ENGLAND, Earl of Arundell, Surrey, Norfolk and Norwich Baron Howard, Mowbrey, Seagrave, Brewes of Cower, Fitz-Allen, Warren, Chun, Oswalde­stry, Maltrevers, of Cales, Graystock, Farni­val, of Sheffield, and Howard of Castle-Rising. Constable and Governour of His Majesties Royal Castle of Windsor. Lord Warden of Windsor Forest. Lord Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, Surry, and Berks, and of the City of Norwich, and County of the said City. And Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, &c.

My Lord,

AS Your Grace is the Chief of Your Illu­strious Family, it would appear as rudely, Improper to Dedicate this Discourse to any other, as perhaps it doth an unbecoming pre­sumption to present it to the Honour of Your hands, [Page]and since there is no avoiding a Crime; the least must be admitted, for which I hope to obtain a Par­don with less Difficulty, from that excessive Cood­ness which is your Character, than I have had to Collect these scatter'd Papers (slubber'd with Anti­quity) which were long preservd in Your Family, and hastily thrown into this posture by

My Lord
Your Graces Most Humble and Most Faithful Servant J. Lacy.

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