L'ESTRANGE HIS VINDICATION, From the Calumnies of a Malitious Party IN KENT: (Relating to a Commotion there in May 1648.) which hee addresses to the Authours, and Promo­ters of them.

Magna est Veritas, & praevalebit.

Printed in the yeer 1649.

THis Discourse is a Sacrifice to Truth, and Honour; not Vanity or Distemper. The Vindication of my Misfortunes from your Calumnies; and the Story of Both: Plainly, and Faithfully delivered; without Art, or Passion: not studious of Revenge, or Glory; but Conscient of mine own Integrity, I am resolv'd to Iustifie it.

I have been 6 Moneths the Patient Subject of your Injurious Clamours; & 6 Eternities had been the same to me, would you but have Bounded your Intemperance within your Proper Circle: (for, in your Ale, you have a Praerogative to be Angry, or Poli­tique, at Pleasure) but to finde my Name brought upon a Forreign Stage; my Infamy Transplanted; Paquetts stuff'd with your Invec­tive Scandalls, and Letters dispatchd Expresse to that Ignoble Purpose; Vn-guarded, Vnsealed; with Designe to be yet more Publique: your Malice Immortall too; never leave—To these Indignities, let me be Pardon'd; if I render a Severe ac­compt.

Nor haue I much to Thank you for at Home; where you have not left one Atome of my Reputation without a Wound: nay, in that precise Instant, while I have been Paying my Vows to Alle­geance, and Friendship, you have Murthered me at the very Al­tar, as an Apostate to Both: as a Traytour to the most Sacred, the most Inviolable Bonds of Humane Nature. Oh the Inconsiderate, and Inverted Extremes of Popular Affections! your Love? There's Tyranny; there's Torture in it; Drowning and Strangling, in your very Enterteynments, and Embraces: but let me Prosper, as I finde no hing more Civill then your Displeasure. You would never else have pressed me to any thing so much to mine Advantage, and [Page] your Dishonour; to a Defence, so much your Condemnation. (for I know, you Hate me, as the Living Monument of your Ingrati­tude; as the Reproach of your Inconstancy.) Would I Boast any Act of Mine, it should be This, & Thus. No Spirit, but That which Ruin'd Kent, could have doubled so supinely. Yet, (in earnest) it were a sad Chapter, did not the Inconsistence, and Contradicti­ons in it, carry so rank a Tincture of Impossible, and Ridiculous. I shall now Approach to my Charge; and Proceed thence to my Answer: (Briefly as I can) but with Caution, and-Praemise; lest I seem to Act the Temerity I Condemne; and in stead of a Vindica­tion, to deliver a Slander.

To Kent, first, and in Generall; with This Protest.

I do beleeve, there never was so Numerous a Concurrence of such Honest, Resolute Soules, to so Brave a Purpose, within that narrow Compasse of Ground, and Time, in the World; ( All Cir­cumstances considered) In a Stragling, Disarmed County. within the Power, and Contribution of an Enemy. Not a single Wall, for a Retrait: not Three Persons to Repair to for Protection: within Two dayes March of an Experienced, Succesfull Army. Vnder the very Nose of the Country-Militia: whose Immediate Businesse and Commission, at that Instant, was with all their Force, and Cunning, to Crush, or Contermine them. I might Adde; that they had been formerly Baffled by Vnworthie Spirits in the Head of them. This notwithstanding, they made in 12 dayes 12000 Men Effective. Reduced the Royall Navy. Gave an Amuse, & Diver­sion to their Adversaries: An Example, Encouragement, and Oc­casion to their Friends. They gave themselves the glory of Begin­ning an Action wherein the whole Nation (stood at Gaze, and) durst not second them. They made war alone upon the Masters (in effect) of three Kingdomes. They Rose, Naked, and Solitary: they stood so; and so they Fell. Their Defeat was rather a Surprize, then a Conquest. They came short not 12 houres of their owne wishes; in which Criticall Opportunity, they were Engaged, and Lost; for want of Discipline, not Courage: in the very Twilight of [Page] Order, & Confusion. Nor could Obedience, or Execution be Rea­sonably expected from a Multitude, where no Authority, of above 6 houres standing, was acknowledged, that might Require it. In one word: They spake fair for Monarchy, and Liberty; let their Ashes finde Peace for it, and their Memories Honour; and let those that come after, mend it.

Descending now to Particulars; I must avowe, that our Age Produces not any where, Persons of more Gallantry, Loyalty, and Reason: of a more Primitive worthinesse, then in Kent.

But for a Corrective; there is a mixture too, of the Tamest Slaves, and the most Insolent Tyrants, that ever Sacrificed to Fear, or Cruelty. Wretches that wait upon dangers, and Hover over Armies like Vultures, to Prey upon the Unfortunate. Of which number, (Gentlemen) You are: ( Your Names I know not, but I am told, there are such Things in Nature) You, I mean, that write your selves spectatours of, and Actours in this Businesse; and upon that score Insinuate for Truth your most unhandsome reports. To you it is my Vindication directs it self; Wherein I un­dertake to prove the Contrary: and whereby, I oblige my self to make it good. (take me in what Latitude you please)

As for those Credulous, and Passionate Natures whom your In­fusions have corrupted, I wish them a seasonable return to their Better Counsells; and not to make Articles of Faith out of Canterbu­ry Tales: and to Inferre Consequences of Infallibility from Tradi­tions upon the Rode. Phy, Phy:—But no more. I have a Civility yet left for some of these, for whose mistaken sakes, I half repent my Innocence.

I should adde something now to those Spirits of Censure, and Contemplation, that endure no other Measure, or Test of Reason, then their Particular Iudgements. Those Pragmaticall pieces of Ill-manner'd Impertinence, that appear born to no other end, then unprofitably to Vex Affayres with their Importune and serious Follies. Those that cry The Prince upon my Knowledge, &c. the Counsell &c. the Designe &c. 40000 Scotts: 20000 Irish. True [Page] by him that made me. I had it by Expresse from the Commissioners &c. These; These are the Kil-Cowes. These walking Gazetts: these Fripperyes of Intelligence. What Person, or Action, (although never so Honourable, if Vnfortunate) stands secure from the Lash of their Pedantique Saucinesse? and their Praerogative is; they are Contemptible. But I hasten: And now let Heaven and Earth be Iudges. Here's my Charge: To a scruple.

Tis Vox Populi, (sayes my Authour) that l' Estrange began the businesse of Kent, wherein he Engaged his Noble friend Mr. Hales: whom he urged, not to take up, when he might have come off with his Honour; nor to Persist, when he might have made it good with his Sword: but upon the losse of Maidstone, flew to his house, (whither he had perswaded him before) and there surprised him, and his, with such affrights, as made him Quitte his Estimation, and his Country at once. All which, l' Estrange did ( some say) moved by his Interests, or (as Others) by his Fears: whereas, had but they Rallyed their own Troupes, (which (as themselves affirm) lay then not far off) and joyned with the undisturbed Forces of East-Kent; They might have bidden Fairfax his Army in the Head.

Thus, at Randome, when they had Vomited their Muti­nous, and Infamous follies; the Close was ever to the Tune of—A Plague of God confound them, they have undone us all. And this, I cannot much deny. I think we put you into a Capacity of beeing All undone: of your selves, possibly, some twenty, or thirty might have come to cast the dice for your lives, the rest look on, and there an end of the Businesse. ( Gentlemen: such things as these have been done in the Memory of Man.)

There are, that say, the temper of my Stile was Bolder then be­came the Growth of our Affaires; and Particularly, of those two letters: the First, to the Committee at Derby-house. The Other in Return to the Lord Fairfax; (of which, hereafter.) and that this liberty Exasperated the fury, and Revenge of the Army upon the County. (I crave your Pardons. I thought it had been as dangerous to Arm ten thousand men, as to give the Reason for it.) (was ever any man [Page] so be-smeared with Ale, and Custard?) But this is all (I hear) you have against me. And to this I shall vouchsafe a Refutation. I may live to give you a Personall accompt, if Heaven, and the Parliament Please: till then, accept of this, in black and white.

Truth it is, and Reason; or I am deceived: (Plain how ever) and meant for a Conviction, not a Charme: not coloured with either Phrase, or Argument, to Engage your Phansie, or abuse your Iudgement; nor yet LAMENTABLY COMPLAINING, to provoke your Charitie: but founded upon the Infallible testimony of De­monstration it self: and upon that Bottom, your worst is below my Scornes. In a word: if any soule remain yet unsatisfied, in poynt of opinion, as to this Matter; I desire him either to reserve it, or Rejoyne: and Owne it too, unlesse he weares a Name he is ashamed to Ac­knowledge. Nay; if Malice, or Detraction it self be not yet Pacified I offer further; and to all the world. Let them dissect, and Rifle the whole Series of my life, and when they have done, produce the worst; I shall no more Blush at that story, then at mine Humanity. At the present, I am Obliged to speak to this, wherein I shall not break the order of the Affaire in complement to your Praeposte­rous passions. In substance, I shall deliver what I did; what I Advised and would have done: (whereof you are pleased to say nothing) and what I did not, (which you pretend I did) in Relation to this distemper of Kent.

To begin with the Rise of the Whole: the foundation of this Ba­bell was laid in Canterbury: (for it proved but a Glorious confusi­on) A Petition was there formed by the Grand-jury in behalf of the County, insisting upon the Kings Rights, and the Peoples liber­ties according to the Lawes of the land, & the Declarations of the present Parliament, It was well taken, and better meant, but (as it happened) not so luckily contrived or worded. That which admini­ster'd Spirit, and Occasion to this Resolve, was part Emulation, part Revenge, cööperative with those Native Principles of Fidelity they caried still about them. To be plainer yet. Essex gave the Ex­ample; and Fortune, this Opportunity. The two Houses had sen [Page] down Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer to take Cognizance of a Riote in Canterbury the Christ-masse before. The Iury gave in Ig­noramus, and so converted that intended Tragaedy into a Scaene of Mirth. Hereupon, the people began to talk another language; to contemplate the mortality even of a perpetuall Parliament: and Flesh'd thus upon a Committee, they determined next to Fly at all, and Step in boldly to the Rescous of their Invaded liberties: in which He at they drew up this Petition That done, the newes is presently at London that Essex and Kent are associated. For my private Satis­faction I went down to see: where, I found little to that purpose. Much talk of a Petition, and the people prone to promote it, but as to the conduct of those Inclinations, (for ought I could disco­ver) much to seek. No Person of Quality to avow it. No Correspon­dences to Strengthen it. Nor (as yet) any Commissioners agreed upon for the Menage of it: and this disorder the Deputy Lievetenants understood more then enough; who fell in immediatly with their Troupes to suppresse it: and That, with bold and Publick Me [...]aces of Violence, and Severity against the Petitioners: nor were they far from seizing the most Eminent among them. Opposition they met with none, but in discourse: an universall aversation to be for ever Slaves: and a Resolve to redeem their liberties, if they might be had for Asking. But another Medium was now to be thought on, and who should strike the first blow, was the great Question, and mutuall expectation. This was the State of your Affaires, when you invited mee into an Engagement; and now followes the Sto­ry of my proceedings, so long, as I was any way interessed in the Action. (A Truth, so free from Ostentation, I would not have con­fessed it without a Torture.) First to give a Stand to the Activity of the Committee then raging in the County, I drew up and Printed this ensueing Letter, Thus Addressed.

A Letter Declaratorie, To the Disturbers of the Peace of the County OF KENT: Occasioned by a Petition tending to an Accom­modation. Subscribed by many thousands of the said County.

OBserving with what Diligence and Expedition, Parties are Drawn Together, Armed, and by Whom: we cannot but De­mand; to what End? The Country is Quiet, and desires so to continue: Our Interest is Peace, not Rapine and Bloodshed: yet are we also resolved, not to Fall Tame Sacrifices to the Spirit of Slumber and Delusion, and render up our Religions, Lawes, Lives and Fortunes, upon such Cold conditions.

We must crave leave to tell you, that a Petition, Concluded on, and Avowed by the Vniversality of this County, representing their Honest desires, in a Modest Way, to the two Houses of Parliament, according to the Practice, nay the Approbation of this present Parliament;—That this Petition is by the most Active in this new Commotion, Discoun­tenanced and Menaced, which makes us Reasonably Suspect, whither those Designes may Tend, whereof they have the sole conduct. Our Addresses are to the Parliament not You, and from them we shall await a seasonable Return; our Desires being of a moment above your Cognizance. That we labour for is Peace; and in a Peaceable Manner: Nor can we without Horrour think of a fresh Imbroylement.

[Page]The Petition we do all Owne, Affirming the scope thereof so innocent, that we dare deliver it up to Heaven with our Soules; and so Determine to do, if thereunto reduced by any Troublesome Interposition, till the Great Councell of the Kingdom (to whom onely and properly it referres) shall Advise upon it. Wherefore, to avoid the effect of Iealousies, (the Fountain of this Late Warre) we desire also the Causes may be Removed, lest Intro­ductive to Another.

When you have satisfied this Scruple you have Obliged your Friends.

COpies hereof I delivered you; to Disperse, and Post up in all your Mercate-Townes. My next application was to the Gentlemen of EAST-KENT, and ROCHES­TER; betwixt whom, I did (Personally) Accomplish, and Enterchange This paction, and assurance: that Both should be ready for the First Opportunity; and not fail to second, either the Other, whethersoever Acted, or suffered first. (whereof, I advertised MAIDSTONE, and other parts:)

By this; the Deputy-Lievetenants had posted up an Antipro­test: but to matter of Violence they durst not proceed, (as ap­peared by those Letters we intercepted) without the Entire Con­junction of what power the Parliament was Master of in the County: which, hereupon, they Incontinently laboured to draw together. Upon the Neck of this; I moved you to tender an EN­GAGEMENT, to all the Petitioners; which (accordingly) you did; and in these words.

Wee doe Solemnly and Religiously Oblige our Selves ngage- with Our Lives, and Fortunes, to oppose Effectually what Person, or Persons - soever shall presume to Interrupt, and Molest us in the Iust and Legall Presentment, of our humble De­sires, to the two Houses of Parliament, and to the Utmost of our Endeavours to save Harmlesse and Protect Each the Other in a Priviledge so undoubtedly our Owne. And so not onely Ad­judged, but Practised and Encouraged, by This Present Parlia­ment. And Further; in case any Single Person, shall be for this En­gagement [Page] Prosecuted; All of us to Rise as One Man, to the Re­scue. This, so help us God, as we shall Respectively Perform, and Resolutely.

In this very Article of Time, comes the Kentish Committee with a Troup of Horse to SITTINGBORNE. I was then at TUNSTALL, two miles off: where, upon Consultation; 4 or 5 of us concluded to make a Party, and fall into their Quarters next night. In which Resolve; I was so far from Involving Master Hales, (as these Sonnes of Fortune pretend) that when his House was Pro­pounded for our first Rendez-vous, and his Person for the first Attempt, I was the onely Soule Dissenting. And for the County: They drew me in, not I, Them. Next morning, we heard that ROCHESTER bridge was drawn. after-noon, the Enemy quitted the Towne, and so put an end to that nights designe. Master BIXE onely (one of the Committee) they left; and Him the people seized upon; with about sixscore Armes, in the Church. Upon This; with a matter of 18 Horse, we marched to SITTINGBORNE: where, having armed as many as we could, we fixed our Quarters. In which condition, by a prone, and universall vote, you com­mitted your selves to my Conduct. Thus invested by your Election, (as Virtuated also by Commission) soon as the Watch was set, I treated with BIXE; and upon his Parole, gave Him a Condition all Liberty; as you the Reasons for it: which, although In­disputable, occasioned 6 or 7 of the Company to withdraw, swearing that L'ESTRANGE was a TRAYTOUR.

The morning following, I dispatch'd Invitations to FEVER­SHAM, and CANTERBURY to joyn with us. Their Answer was; They would look to Themselves. It should seem there were others of that Opinion too: for by the next day, we wanted a third part of our Men. In this Exigence, I proposed to draw up a REMON­STRANGE, to which, you all consented, and this was it.


A Remonstrance, shewing the Occasion of the present Arming the County of Kent.

BEeing reduced to this Choyce, whither to deliver up our Lives, and Liber­ties Remon­ce. Together, or to DYE FREE: we are Resolved to Act the last Scaene of this Tragedy with our swords in our hands. (which we shal sooner turn upon our own Hearts, then upon the Publique Peace) By what necessities we are Exasperated to this Resolve, let the World determine;—and understand: That a Petition, Consonant to Religion, and Honour, (if the Parliament may be Iudges) is by some Persons, (neither warranted by any Autho­rity from the Houses, nor praetending to it) upon their own Score, Audaciously Affronted: the Petioners Menaced, and prosecuted into this Extremity, by spirits so Implacably distempered; that Sir ANTHONY WELDEN vowed he would not crosse the street of Rochester to save one soule that Subscribed the Petition. And it was a Proposition of BEALES; to Hang up two of the Petitioners in every Parish. If this be not sufficient to Admonish Others, let it suffice, that it Awakens us into a just sence, and scorn of these Indignities.

Wee have Lost all, with Patience: and if it be Accompted a Crime to Begg, we shall preferre to Perish.

Hence-forward, every hour brought us (thither) some fresh signification of Good. To be Short: in 4 dayes, we Mustered 400 Horse and Foot, and found the whole County Ripe to be formed into a Posture: CANTERBURY, and ROCHESTER, more Particularly prepared, by the Prudence, and Example of the Gentry there Engaged.

Matters thus advanced; I understood that Master Hales was willing to wedd the Quarrell: upon which Notice, I presented him a Troup of Horse for his Guard to our Quarters; and there delivered up the whole Affair Entirely to his Menage: under whose Command we made this further Progresse.

From SITTINGBORNE, to MAIDSTONE; where we found a Prone, and most Effectuall Reception: both from the Towne, and Country. A partie was thence ordered to AYLES­FORD, (a Garison of the Enemies, some 3 miles off) which, soon after, we took in. It afforded us, 7 Brasse Gunnes; 4000 Armes: Powder, Ball, and Match proportionate. ( The Criticall Particula­rities of Persons, Times, and Places, I have lost with my Papers)

[Page]Dureing this Action; we received intelligence, that the Enemy was drawing into a Body, and design'd for MAIDSTONE. Their strength between 500, and 3000 (wide, at the Rate of Common AEstimation) upon the matter: about a thousand we supputed them, and upon that Praesumption, proceeded. Hinder their Conjunction we could not: and to Engage them United, had been Madnesse: upon their Owne ground too; and that with a Party inferiour, both in Number, and Order. Further: We expected Relief, they Despaired on't. Every Hour made us Stronger, and Weakened them. That Body of theirs was the Ex­tent (to a Man) of what their interests Personall, or Publique could Raise in the Country: Ours but the Infancy of a Brigade, made up of the Contributary Alleageance of a Few Villages, without any Reference of Mixture to CANTERBURY, RO­CHESTER; or those more populous places. From these Deli­berations we Concluded to make good our Quarters, but not by a Praecipitate forwardnesse to hazard the Blasting so fair an Ex­pectation in the Budd.

In this interim, Two Gentlemen of the Lower House (by Name, OXINDEN, and WESTROE) Signified that they had in Charge from the House, to the Gentry there convened; which, upon a Conference, they delivered, and to this Effect. That the Parliament had taken Notice of a Disorder in Kent, but not the Reasons: which they desired likewise to understand. In Generalls; they had heard of an Odd kinde of Petition; and some Peevish Differences betwixt the County, and the Committee: against whom, if there lay any Ex­ception, they should have Audience, and Reparation: An Ordinance of Indemnity for what was Passed; if they would Desist here: and a Seasonable Consideration of all their Regular Requests for the Future. (Many superadditionall Flashes of Complement, and State they had, for the better grace of the Businesse: But this was the summe of their Embassage, to which, they press'd a Positive, and Im­mediate Answer.)

The Return we gave them, was to This sence: We could not Fight, [Page] and Treat at Once. Let the Enemy Retire into a Distance, whence not to Incommode our Quarters. We should have Liberty, to Discourse: Other­wise, we had another Game to play. From any Violence during such a Treaty, they Offered to secure us, but further, they would not Undertake: nor could we Rest Satisfied with that.

The next news, is a Hott, and Insignificant Alarme. Whence, Where, How, by Whom, no man knowes: but there wanted not, that Sware the Towne was Entred. Upon the Whole: some Flying Parties they had Abroad, for Diversion, and Discovery: but their Body lay Entire, about two miles off. Thus Enformed, we drew out, With pretense to Fight them: and (once upon Mo­tion) the People were half madd to make it earnest. Yet, upon further Collection, ( which I willingly Omitt) they were perswaded to keep the Peace. The Enemy had drawn up two Troupes of Horse, in View, under the Protection of 800 Foot; which they had so disposed of, it was no easie matter to Retrive them, but to Distodge them, Impossible. Our Retrait was, in it self, fair, and undisturbed, but attended with Circumstances Mischievous, and Unhandsome: for which, we found no Remedy, but by Engage­ing, to Fixe, and Charme that Spirit of Inconstancy, and Con­fusion.

With this Resolve, upon our March, we were Encontred by a Trumpet from the Enemy with this Errand. That the Deputy Lievetenants, (upon the Mediation of Two Members of the House, Commissioners of Interposition to that Praeventionall purpose) desired a Parly. The Motion was Entertained; and they appointed Me their Agent. ( An Office, of how Coy a Nature with a Slippery Multitude, I was not now to Learn.) To Contract the story: we Treated.

Their first demands were high. I signified, that my Delegation was to make a Peace, not a Bargaine: and to that end, (if they so Pleased) I would propound; at a word. I did so: and left them to Advise, while I stepped over to mine owne Partie. (For I was studious to decline all Possibility of Exception.) To them, I made Suppositions, Thus, or so: much below what we Agreed upon) with [Page] which, they were so far satisfied, they would have been Glad of Lesse: Nay, they wished but to Hold their Owne, That night, and they Declared as much. Upon this Accompt, I hastened back, and gave this Issue to the dispute. (In which Intervall, the Enemy had taken Prisoners, near 200, that were comming up to us: and we, Aylesford.)

Articles agreed upon between the Gentlemen at Penenden Heath, and some of the Committee of Kent. May the twentie fourth. 1648.

First, a Restauration of the Prisoners, and whatsoever was ta­ken from them, as Armes, Clothes, Horses, &c. (as much as pos­sible) and that they be permitted Immediatly to march to our Quarters at MAIDSTONE.

Secondly, that the Party of the Committee may repair to any Garison, where we are not now Enquartered, except Alesford; and from thence not to exercise any Act of Hostility, during the Cessation.

Thirdly, that SITTINGBORN remain our Garison; provided, it appear, that any Party of ours, to the number of twenty, was there quartered at the hour of Concluding these Ar­ticles; otherwise not to be Garison'd at all.

Fourthly, that Musters be made of Both Parties, by two Gen­tlemen, of each Partie, One; Obliged, not to discover the strength of either: and that the Cessation Expired, they may Reviewe, that there passe no Intervening Recruits.

Fifthly, that no forces be either Imported, Dispatch'd, Levyed, or Ordered, from London, or elsewhere, into this County: or if granted already, that they be Remanded to the Place where they were at the Commencement of this Treaty, there to Continue to the end thereof.

Sixtly, that the Cessation beginning at 5 of the Clock this pre­sent [Page] Wednesday, determine upon Satterday at 5 Afternoon, be­ing the twentieth seventh of May. 1648.

Signed in the Name, and by the warrant of the Deputy-Lievetenants now Present at Penenden Heathe.
Signed by the Deputation of the Kentish Gentlemen; and in their Name. MICHAELL LIVESYE. ROGER L'ESTRANGE.

Immediatly upon the Signing of these Articles, we discovered Horse and Foot upon their march toward MAIDSTONE. They came from ROCHESTER; to our Relief: and by us Im­portuned: but, as Then, unexpected. At their Approach, Our Men gave a Shout, and Advanced. Whereupon; I Rode up: told them, We had Agreed: upon what Terms: and that they were bound in Honour to make every Syllabe Good. They cryed; No: No Agreement: Plague ô you, and your Agreements. March Boyes. We will not be Be­tray'd; by God &c.—Briefly: when I had Long, and in Vayn, besought them; Not to play a Faīr Game Fowle: Not to Ble­mish a Good Cause, and Iustifie a Bad One, by Perfidiousnesse: Not to take a Rise to their Hopes, from their Crimes. &c.—I found another Course more Effectuall to the Composure of this Tumult: which, in some measure Appeased; I gave them the Summe of our Transaction, and the Reasons: but all too Little: Right, or Wrong; L'ESTRANGE must be a Traytour. Yet at Last; upon the Muster, (which Article I inserted to prevent all Con­jecturall, and Emergent disputes) when it appeared that the Ene­my was yet an Hundred more, notwithstanding that Additionall Party: (before whose comming up, the Quarrell had been (Questionlesse) decided; without this Intermise) They began to Hear, and Speak Reason; and acknowledged the Accord. Whereof, this was the Sequele: Of the Enemies Infantry, within two dayes, there were not 6 Persons left together.

The County, thus Cleered; Rose, and succeeded Incredibly▪ 1500 at a Clap, about DEBTFORD: more at ROCHESTER: [Page] but in EAST-KENT most of all. The Rendry of the Shipps in the Downs, and 3 Castles; over, and above.

It rested now, onely to Amasse and Form these divided Forces; which we had seasonably done, had not that Superstitious Nicety of Keeping the Day, and Place, Retarded us.

Nor was it more our Concerne, then Care: however frustrated by Impertinence, and Confusion. Of this Truth, I could Produce many Honourable, and Feeling witnesses: as Sr. Iohn Mayne: Colonell Thornhill, Colonell Colepepper, Colonell Hanin [...]on &c.—How often did we presse you to Line your Country-Gentlemen with Souldiours: and to Entreat Those Nobly that Offered themselves? To chase an Head, without which, you Were a Tumult, not An Army: To Reduce your Counsells to a number Capable of Secrecy, and Dispatch: Not by 40 or 50 at a Time, and as many Opinions, as Faces, to Expose and Embroyle your Debates, Consuming Entire Dayes sometime, Without any Result?

But Perdere quos vult Iupiter, hos dementat. All we could doe, amounted to nothing, beyond the Conscience of having dischar­ged our duties.

The Plain truth is; you cherished Traytours in your very Bo­somes: Not upon designe, but facility: and whose Infusions were eminently significant, in all your Consults: still some trick or other, to spill more time, even then, when every remayning Mo­ment was worth a Kingdom. Their names I will not stoope to Remember; I need not: they wear their Crimes now on their foreheads: Suffice it; that you once had notice of them.

Again: Your souldjery was so Zealous, & your Gentry (many of them) so Cautious, it was no hard matter for a cunning iustru­ment to corrupt such Dispositions into either Extreme of Rash­nesse, or Reservation: and from Hence proceeded those frequent, and Praetenslesse Heats, and Colds, of Mutiny, and Desertion.

But I Resume my propose: and come now to the Manifestation of what I said, as well as what I did. (For there is scarce a Syllable, or Action of Mine, which hath not stood the Torture: which hath [Page] not been either Violenced, to Confesse what it never Meant, or Prae­sumed to have Intended more then it Confessed.)

To this; let me mind you; that of above 200 Missives, upon your Errand, I never sealed up any One but with the View, and Approbation of the Company: And touching dispatches of a more Publique Nature; (an Employment which I neither Courted, nor Refused) not a Title passed, without a severe Examen: and Once Voted; it became the Counsells Act; ceased to be Mine. Yet suppose it Mine, Still: and make your best on't. Two Letters onely are wanting, which I cannot Recovēr; (viz: One, to the City: the Other, in Answer to the Lord Fairfax his Demands) of the rest, I shall present you the true Copies, and Occasions.

The Earle of Thanet, (that Ambidextrous Lord) Qualified to all Honourable, and fair Intents; (no doubt) with a Declaration in one hand, and Conditions in the Other, (from Derby House) gave us (at Length) to understand his Embassy, and Commis­sion: in termes, much to this sense.

Stultorum Bethlem; Nebulonum, Regia Bridevvell:
Vtrum harum mavis, Ingrediare, licet.

That is; in English, the Parliament had left it to our choyce whither we would be Fooles, or Knaves. We thanked his Lord­ship; and upon second thoughts gave this Accompt to the Committee.


To the Right Honourable, the Commissioners at DERBY-HOUSE.


A Declaration for the Suppressing of Tumults we have all taken Notice of; But your Instructions to the Earle of Thanet, and Proposalls to the Gentlemen here Embodyed, Representing us vnder a Notion so Ig­noble, we stand all Amazed at: Nor can we possibly owne any thing so Much below that Honour which we must rather Dye then Relinquish. Tumults indeed there have been: But not on our part. Horrid, unheard of violences Complotted, Menaced, Nay, in some measure, Executed by Troopes of furious Precipitate persons upon us, and āll this; For but intending to desire not to be for ever Miserable. At last; the Country makes Head, and as informed with one Soule; Rises unanimously to the Redemption of their Expiring Liberties; which (with much adoe) they have Imperfectlie Recovered: for our Adversaries (at present) dis-appear; Being weakned into an Incapacity of further persuing (publiquelie) the Ruine of the Common wealth, But what they could not then act effectually upon our persons, they Attempt now upon our Estimations, Transferring the Crime from themselves to us, and the Quarrell to you: Labouring to Engage the Authority of the two Houses, to Countenance their wilde Exorbitances; By terming the just vindication of our Eternall Liberties, from the Insolence of a private faction, [...] Confederacie against the Parliament. The vanity whereof Needs no other Con­futation, then to produce our Practices in order there unto. We having made it Ca­pitall throughout our Quarters to disturb the Interest of any man for his affection to the Parliament.

MY LORDS; let this suffice, to the Rise, and Progresse of this Action. Some­thing we shall modestly return to your Lordships Propositions, and we have done our duties.

As to the Petition, It shall not be presented by above 20 persons; but to deliver up our Strengths, and Disband our Forces, In this Iuncture of affaires, we humbly Conceive neither secure nor Honourable; and to Conditions either Vnsafe, or Vnhandsome, we stand utterly dis-inclin'd. Vnsafe Questionlesse, to Expose our selves to their Mercy, who publish their designes to be our destructions, and whose Interest it is to sup­presse Petitions, as the story of those Miscariages whereof they know themselves the Authors viz: the violent part of the Committee and their Adherents: Persons which we can prove as opposite to the proceedings of the Houses as they Pretend us, and against whom only we avow this Engagement, and then Dishonourable Certainly; Standing Necessitated thereupon to confesse our selves either Teme­rarious, or Faithlesse. Indeliberate in the Resolve; or Treacherous, and Cowardly in the Execution. And to Accomplish that which renders them justlie Odious; they Endeavour to make you (My Lords) our Enemies, to whom we would ever protest our selves servants.

[Page]In the next place, (to preserve a faire Intelligence with the City) wee dispatch'd This praeparatory: Addressed.

To the Right Honourable the Lord MAJOR, ALDER­MEN, and COMMUNE COUNSELL of the City of LONDON.

My Lord and Gentlemen?

IT is not to Brave the Authority of the Houses, (wee Bowe to it) or the Magnificence of a Glorious City; that wee appeare in this Posture. Provi­dence hath made us Neighbours, & Policy, Friends: nor is it more our In­terest, then Inclination so to bee. (yet our Interest so much, that we must Stand, or Fall Together.) With what unwillingnesse wee Arme, let our long Patience testify: with what Resolves, observe but our Unanimity: upon what Grounds, and with what Designes, Consult but Commune Reason, and Necessity.

After the Tedious, Sad, & Fruitlesse Expectation of Better dayes, & this [...]ely Comfort, that we feared not worse; having divided the best part of our Houres, and Portunes, betwixt Obedience, and Despayres: wee Concluded, to Breathe out our Auxions Spirits in a Modest Petition to the two Houses of Parliament: Propounding to our selves, therein, no other Scope, then what They have De­clared Honourable, and Religious. Little thought wee to have encontred any Contradiction to so fair a Purpose: yet some there were, ( and Those, of the Committe too) who opposed us; with such Fury, and Insolence, that wee had no other Sanctuary left us for the Protection of our Invaded Liberties, but That of Violence. ( Wee esteemed our selves very unhappy, that they, who had reduced us to Raggs, should Deny us the Liberty to Begg; yet so they did) Hereupon, wee betooke our selves to our Armes; not to make good the Petition, but the Right of Petitioning; in persuance whereof, the whole Country stands entirely Engaged.

In this state, wee Greete you Peaceably; and Assure you, that our Approches toward you, meane nothing of Mischiefe to you: The Temper of our Expedi­ences requires it.

Of the Parliament's candid Construction, wee are Confident: nor lesse Assu­red of yours. Wee subsist not by Abusing the City, or Cheating the Country. Wee have Meditations of Living, and Dying, with Honour, and Freedome, & shall much rather Fall, a Noble Sacrifice to Peace, and Liberty, then stand the Despised Supporters of Oppression, and Tyranny.

[Page] TO this flourish, we superadded other Advertisements: but all in Vain. There was too much of Loyallty in the Designe. The Reprobated spirit of that Apostate City gusts nothing but Murther, and Rebellion: had it been to Enslave their Prince, as't was to Redeem him: what Heards we should have had! Oh, how often might they have been Secure, if they would have been Honest! In their Persons: but rather then preserue us, (too) they destroyed Themselves. In their Liberties: But they forfeited their Own, to ruine Ours. Nay their very Treasure was not so dear to them as their Damnation: their Avarice was subdued with such a Praedôminance of Malevolous Disobedience: they chose, rather to Lose their Estates, then save their Soules.

From persons thus Elemented, much of good was not to bee looked for: nor did they deceive those that expected least. ( Let me be understood; of the Politique Furrs: the Formalities of the City; not at a Venture: for that Infamous Pile holds many thousands of Soules, which never bowed to Baall.

By this time; the Army had gained footing in the Country: upon whose Advance, I was moved to frame a Letter to the Generall; and Instructions praecisely given me. My Vote was Negative; but more beeing for it: In Conformity, not Consent, I drew up this.


THE Affections wee beare to Honour, and Peace, encline us rather to Addresse to your selfe; and Thus.

Wee the Gentlemen &c.—of Kent, have (in consideration of that sad Election left us: either of a Certayne Slavery, or a Doubt­full Destruction) determined (at worst) not to survive our Liberties; and present our selves the living Monuments of our owne Dishonour. In persu­ance whereof wee stand upon our Guard: Conscious of no Designe beyond our proper Security: and (as to That Particular) soberly resolved to Hazzard the utmost Extremities of the worst of Fortunes.

In this Posture; wee are Importuned with Perpetuall Intelligences of an Ap­proching Army: under what Conduct, wee heare nothing. If (My Lord) any Misrepresentation hath render'd us to you suspected, give us Leave to Solve [Page] that Scruple, and wee stand cleere to God, and Men.

My Lord, wee have been Long, and much Oppressed by some Arbitrary Spirits in our Committee; which wee have Endured with a Patience Equall to their oppressions: but now of Late, they have even Exceeded Themselves; Ac­ting such Violences (and that meerly in Contradiction to the Right of Petitio­ning) by Menaces, Imprisonments, &c.—that Incapable of the Burthens they Lay'd both upon our Estates, and Consciences, wee Concluded to Endea­vour to Redeeme our selves.

This was the Ground of our taking Armes: and (wee doe most Religiously as­sure you) without any Mixture Relative to your Authority.

This Protest is Truth: and Wee

Your Excellencie's, &c.

WEE received in Answer; that Fairfax was in a better con­dition to Fight, then Treat: ( as (indeed) hee is better at it) Neverthelesse, we should hear further speedily. We did so; and it was a Summons: Exclusive to strangers, and of Indemnification to Kent: upon conditions, which we thought not fit to Entertain, and so returned a Negative. To make which good; it was urged that an Immediate course might be taken, to Em-body, and Modell our distracted Forces. But, still, the Impression of Black-Heathe, and the last of May, (the day, and place, Originally Agreed upon for their first Rendezvous) would not out of their Heads: It looked like Honour to stand to their Words: and that Phansie gave a fowle Interruption to our Greater concernes. To deale Liberally: The dispute fell little short of a Down-right Mutiny. In this disorder, comes an Expresse from the Body, advising, that Lestrange was a Traytour, and to be Excluded the Counsell. (No Remedy but Patience.)

Thus perplexed betwixt Impreparation, and Irresolution; It was Debated, and Resolved upon the Question; Forthwith to chuse a Generall. Upon the Vote; The Earle of Norwich was Hee: (a Per­son of Honour, Fidelity, and Courage: and, by his Highnesse the [Page] Prince of Wales, Commissioned to that End.) The Charge was by Him Received, and his Authority, by us Acknowledged, with mutuall, and aequall satisfaction. The first Ceremony of Re­cognition over; His Excellency gave Orders for a Rendezvous at Burham Heathe: intending Thence to make his Entry upon that Great Work of Forming a Multitude. His reception was by the Souldiour also, Prone, and Cheerfull: and doubtlesse, hee wanted not 48 Houres of giving the King his Crown again. Wee Mustered near 10000 Horse, and Foot; within view of the Ene­mies Body; the River of Medway dividing us. Upon his distri­bution of Offices, (in Order to the Introduction of a discipline) it pleased his Excellency to Oblige me, by the Tender, (with much Earnestnesse) of a very considerable Command. Next my acknowledgement, I desired Pardon, if I not onely quitted what I already had, but Declined any Other: (For I perceived, the People had gotten a Tradition by the end; that I mixed, onely to betray them: and my Resolve was, not to Hazard the maine Issue, and my particular AEstimation, upon the Performances of men so Praejudicate, and Dis-inclined) but if my Person might be thought of any Vse to the Action, I should be ready upon all Commands, and Occasions to serve my Prince. At the same time, Master Hales also delivered up his Command: and presented the Generall with his Own Immediat Regiments.

I demand now; where those Troupes of Ours were, which wee are Condemned for not Rallying, after the Losse of Maidstone?

It was in the Field Hinted to me by diverse, to write something of Invitation, and Proposition to the Enemies Army, Which ac­cordingly I did: and in these Words.


COuld Prosperity make us Insolent, this overture should have been the story of our present fortunes, how Numerous; how Unanimous; how Associated; how Befriended; (or in a word) how Heaven and Earth make hast to our Deliverance: and that no Adversitie can ever render us Spiritlesse; will appeare, if you Consider with what Assurance wee. have managed our very Despaires, and advanced our selves to This, out of no­thing; Consider withall, that we Mo [...]e still by those Resolves, as wee are Fa­voured, and Encouraged, by the same Providence which Raised us. In this Po­sture (Gentlemen, and fellow Subjects) Wee salute you; in a temper of Love and Christianity: disengaged (wee assure you) from any Interest, or Mixture of Revenge, or Feare: Peace is the End wee aime at, and by Peace (if it bee possible) to accomplish that End: To which Purpose, upon a Sad and Com­passionate thought, how many Innocent Soules are seduced by the Imposture of a pretended Liberty, and how many more corrupted by their owne importune Necessities, into an Erroneous and Vnfortunate Engagement; all which must in evitably Perish, unlesse by some seasonable application to their releife: we have found out this, and this onely expedient.

What Officer, or Souldiour soever, now in Armes against us shall within—dayes make his repair to the Head-Quarters of our Army, and there enter an Engage­ment not to act any thing for the future against us, shall have his Arriers Audited and Payd.

And wee doe further Oblige our Selves to interpose to his Majestie for their In­demnity, as to whatsoever is Passed: the successe whereof from our Lord the King, wee doubt not; and to the Performance on our parts, Wee tye our Ho­nours and the Faith of the County: Avowing withall, That wee desire nothing either in Church, or State, but what the Present Parliament hath Declared to bee the Duty of good Christians, and Subjects.

IT was now about One o'th'clock: and by this time, Officers beeing Authorised, and Orders delivered; we drew off the Heathe. Above the rest; a most particular charge was given, by Breaking, and Guarding of Passes, to secure the River: and Par­ties Commanded to watch the Enemy (who, as yet, lay Hovering Indifferently betwixt ROCHESTER and MAIDSTONE)

Towards evening, we received Intelligence at ROCHES­TER; first, that MAIDSTONE was Alarmed: then, that the Enemy was drawn up before it: By and By, that they had As­saulted it.

[Page]Thus advertised; his Excellency resolved for MAIDSTONE: upon him, waited Sir Bernard Gascoigne; another Gentleman, my Self: &c.—in all; 7 or 8 Persons. By the way, wee En­contred more Fugitives, then Messengers; All upon the Spurre, and the Word was: For Relief. At last; (within some two miles of the Towne) we found, that the Enemy had passed the River, (which we little expected) and possessed all the Avenues. Here­upon, my Lord determined for ROCHESTER again, and to send Immediat succour. There Arrived; it was consulted; what to doe? Colonell Colepepper Propounded, to draw out Horse and Foot, to a Man, Incontinently, and Fight them. Some Cryed; ' twas too Late: Others; that their men were weary, and could not march: Some had not their Regiments within Call: (Others, not their Resoluti­ons) In a word: they rejected wholesome counsell. It was then Demanded, What they would doe, if they would not do This? Some were of Opinion, ' twas best for them to do as well as they could. About midnight, we received that the Town was Forced; with this brief accompt: that the Foot stood very Gallantly; and Repelled them thrice: but the Horse play'd not their parts so well. (The Persons most Eminent in this action for Conduct: were Sir William Compton; Sir Iohn Mayne, and Sir Gamaliell Dudlye: whom to Commend, were Detraction)

Thus far assured, and missing Mr. Hales: upon enquiry, I heard that he was gone to his House for mony. ( Whither, I was so free from perswading him, I knew not of his Going.) For Publique Mony, Gentlemen, & let me tell you, his Bounty was the best string you had to your Bow) Hereupon, I Rode over to him: told him, MAIDSTONE was lost, almost 3 houres since, from whence, (upon the lest notice) it was but an houres work to take him in his House. Upon due consideration, he concluded, for SANDWICH, with his Lady, and Family: and from thence, to play the After Game as he should see Occasion. Sir Anthony Aucher (then with him) Perswaded him to go before. I waited onely for a stir­rop, and within 6 minutes followed: but could not overtake him. [Page] At length, I understood he was abord the ANTILOPE, (as I Remember) and Bound for HOLLAND: Necessitated so to do, or Hazard the Revolt of the Fleet: (In whom, the Phantasti­que Notion of some disaster, had already wrought a deep im­pression) This I have heard Averred, since: by persons of Qua­lity, there present, and in Command. From Himself; then and more particularly: Thus. That he would be instantly with us Again: but in Case of any Intervening danger he desired his Lady to go for France, and send him Word. Thus perplexed; I provided an House in SANDWICH for his Family, (which was appointed thither to come:) Waited upon his Lady, and her company, to a Neigh­bouring friends; and thence, Returned my self toward the Ar­my. At CANTERBURY, I desired a passe from the Commis­sioners. They told me, the Enemy was Interposed: and upon their march, in two divisions, for CANTERBURY, and DOVER. something there passed of Bandye, and Retort betwixt us: (how much I had abused them, and they, me) but in fine, they gave me: a discharge; for my self, servants, and horses, to Passe free, either into Essex; over the seas, or whither I pleased. (By this time, a man might read the Fate of Kent without an Oracle) I repaired Hence, again to SANDWICH: Hired a Catch: laid in Provision Embarqued the Horses, and fignified to M ris. Hales, from Sr. Anthony Aucher, that his Lady, and some other Gentlewomen desired her company, much: and that they would be all ready by such an hour precise, and at such a place. We came sooner then the hour, but (it seems) the Town was too Hot for Them before: (for they were all gone, and no notice whither) we were now in a new Streight: and there succeeded yet a worse. It was a low wa­ter: the Vessell could not stir, that night. The Sea before us: the Enemy behinde us: and the People in a Mutiny round about us: nay more; at that very instant conspiring to Apprehend us: and in such a fashion too; It was aequally dangerous, to flatter, or Reprove their Disorders. Overhearing these discourses, I privily agreed with a Shallop: Appointed the Master of the Catch to [Page] weigh, next floud: and Steere such a Course; where we would that night expect him. Soon as the Bote was ready, we Aborded: One servant, with my self. Scarce had we quitted the Peer, But a matter of 20 Rogues with Cock'd matches, were upon the Back of us: damning themselves, if they did not fire, unlesse wee came a Shore. The Master (an Independent) would have landed us: but I stood rather inclin'd to Venture a Bullet, then to be sure of a Halter, Clap'd my sword to his Brest, and advised him to keep the Channell. Some shot they made: followed us about a mile: but (as it pleased God) without any Mischief. In this rotten Barque, with one Man, and a Boy, we Fetch'd Calais: But the Catch was Arrested.

Hitherto, what I did or said: Now to my Intentions: what I would have done. (For my very Thoughts escape you not: I wonder how you miss'd Originallsinne)

  • First, I desired you to Offer a Negative Engagement; and to Disarme all that Re­fused to take it. Your Answer was: No: it would Disoblige the Country. (It was a huge Complement; rather then disgust your Enemies, to Ruine your Friends: nay your selves: for those very men I Hinted at, Ioyned afterwards with Gibbons against you)
  • Secondly, I Pressed you (Hourly almost) to Dispatch Commissioners to Negotiate an Association betwixt SVRRY, KENT, and ESSEX: and that Two, Respectively, of Each, might, in Each County, Sit, Consent, and Act. in Order to the Commune In­terest of you all. You told me, That was done alreàdy, You were sure of ESSEX, and SVRRY.
  • Thirdly, I wish'd you to Attempt TILBVRY Fort; to open a fairer way of Correspond betwixt ESSEX, and KENT: and to Protect the County of ESSEX, till they should Embody. (There were too that proffered to undertake it) That (you said) was designed a surer way: and the Time resolved upon.
  • Fourthly, I drew up an Order at MAIDSTONE, requireing every man upon a severe Penalty to deliver up all his armes within so many houres into the Publique Magazine. (This was Voted, but not Executed: and upon the Storm, you felt the mischief of that Neglect)
  • Fifthly, To make sure of all the Passes, [Near MAIDSTONE, Principally; and to fortifie Turnbridge also] I did urge to you, 500 times, Among other Objecti­ons, One was: It would charge the Country. [I am of Opinion, that their Composi­tions, [Page] who were of this minde, would have Reedified the Bridges.]
  • Sixthly, I moved that it might bee Published at the head of every Troup and Company, upon our Rendezvous at BURRHAM-HEATH. That wee were no longer Petitioners, but Souldiours. The Quarrell, the Kings; which we determin­ed [as Obliged] to prosecute through all Extremities: & if any Person apprehended greator Businesse at his Home; hee had fair Liberty [Leaving his Armes] to repair to his Inter­ests. [This perhaps might have been seasonable, for we hād many Souldiours that wanted Armes, and many Country People that were weary of them]

Gentlemen, If this signifies Treason, I'le dye a Round-head.

A word now of Deduction from what I have said, and to my whole Charge at Once.

It is OBJECTED: That I Engaged the County: Mr. Hales: Urged him not to come off; and Hindred him from Persisting: Per­swaded him, first, from Rochester to his House; and thence, Out of the Kingdom: moved to this, by Interests; or Feares: Whereas, had but Wee Rallyed our Troupes &c.—And again: My Letters were too Sharp.

I ANSWER, The Grand Iury Engaged the County: Master Hales Acted upon his Own Sense. (Not a Pinn matter, whether Thus, or so) As for comming off: It never came to the Question. Nor did I Hinder him from persisting; (Nor could I, if I would have done it) I told him that Maidstone was gone; and withall, that I was yet confident of the Businesse) I knew nothing of his going from Rochester, Home: (the Commissioners did: and his Errand vvas, Mony for the Souldiours) Neither did I advise, or know of his Quitting the Kingdom. (Sir Anthony Aucher can testifie the Resolve was for SANDWICH, and that I neither did nor could counsell any other, After: for I savv him not) Moved by my Interests, I Confesse I was. (That is: by Considerations of Honour, and Friendship ( those are a Gentlemans Interests) not by your Dirty, and Mechanique Principles of profit, and Un­thankfulnesse.) As for my Feares: I would have That Thing (whose Robe neither Hides his Eares, nor Protects his Shoulders) [Page] Know; that I Came not off upon Canterbury Articles. To the matter of Rallying Our Troupes: We commanded none, And For my Letters: Questionlesse the Wretch was huge good Natur'd that thought them so Severe.

In Summe the whole Story is Canterbury Newes; not One Syl­lable, True. But Right, or Wrong; so the Truth be lost, No matter How. In such Cases, Every man spends his judgement; and hee that hath Least; spends most.

To Recollect a Little.

And now (in the Name of Wonder) why Mr. HALES, of all the rest? what was Hee Guilty of? (beyond the Crime of Labouring to preserve such thanklesse Peasants) His Example, Honesty, and Fortune contributed more of Advantage to this Action, then All you Together, that ever Clamoured against him.

For my part: I was praepar'd for't. I foresaw it; and said as much▪ in case the Businesse succeeded not. (Thanks to my dear Experi­ence) How often have I been Lick'd whole by the same Tongue that Wounded me! I shall again. If not: there's neither Peyne nor Danger in it. Nay; it were a Pleasure to me, did not the Charity, and Pitty I bear to Knaves, and Fools, Correct it. (That is: to the Malitious Authors, and Credulous Promoters of such Groundlesse Calumnies) Nothing in Nature tickles me, like the Phansie of Machiavell in a blew Apron: Maximes of State, and the Interests of Princes: betwixt IMPRIMIS and the TO­TALL SUMME. Or what think you of POLYPHEMUS the Grasier; with a Basket-Hilt, and a Cup of NORTHDOWNE Ale, Cursing ULISSES? These are not Themes (My Masters) for Melancholy, or Indignation. Vanity it self is not so Comicall. But lest I take too much on't, I divert; and into a Relation (Perhaps) not Impertinent.

In Persuance of a Commission from his Majesty, to Attempt the Reduceing of LINN, I was Betrayed, and delivered up, by One of mine Owne Party. (Never were Fame, and Malice more Active to Publish, and Asperse any mans Misfortune, then Mine: No Imaginable Ill was left unsayd: and with such Confidence, it gave [Page] a Suspension to the best Resolved Friendships I Enjoyed.

The Commission was Decried for Counterfeit, the designe, Rash, and Foolish: the In­strument, as much: the Manage, worse. There Were too, that Affirmed, I Betray'd all; with the Formalities: How, and upon what Conditions. Thus Engaged, both in Reputation, and Liberty, I was Guarded to London. First, to the Earle of MANCHESTER. Next, to DERBY-HOUSE. Then, to the Lower-House: and Thence, (by Order) Transmitted to the CITY-COURT-MARTIALL for my Tryall. ( Of the Counsell, Two Leading Charts, were a Saleman, and an Ostler) Brought to the Barre; my Charge was Read, and my Answer Demanded; not permitting me one moment for Collection.

First, as a Spye: To this, I returned, their power Extended not; for they Acted by a Commission Limited to Articles, whereof that was not One. Next, as a Tray­tour. To That, with much Circumstance; as that I had ever served the King; and that an Enemy and a Traytour were Inconsistent. &c.—In conclusion; the Major Part acquitted me, which notwithstanding: my Definitive sentence was pro­tracted 2 dayes longer: under pretence of giving me Leisure for Consideration. In this Interim, they had packed a Committee; which Condemned me as a Traytour, to bee Hanged, without hearing a Syllable. I urged the Barbarisme of such a Treat­ment &c. but in vain. My sentence Passed: I Threw a Breviate of my defence among them: adding, that since they would not hear it, they might read it, That was it. Wiltshire BAYNTON (a young Red-Headed fellow) burnt it. I was next Hurryed to Newgate, Thrown into a chamber with 2 Beds in it: among persons Notoriously Criminall, and here was my Praeparatory for Eternity. I dispatch'd then, an Expresse to the King: An Appeale to the Lords: and Letters to the Princi­pall of both Houses, Significant upon what score I stood condemned, and Monito­ry, lest such a Praesident might afterward concern themselves. In summe, The Lords Ordered my Reprieve, and commanded MILLS (the judge Advocate) to bring in my Charge. He appeared, but without it: with an Excuse, that he had not time to prepare it. Upon Fryday, he proffered to have it ready. (This being Wednesday, and the next day I was to Suffer) It was then Suggested, and Praesumed, that they meant not to Execute me in the Interim. He said, Yes. The Commons had passed an Order, that no Reprive should stand Good, without the Consent of both Houses. Hereupon, they desired a Conference, but the Commons had Voted also, that no Private Businesse should bee moved within 10 dayes.

To wind up this Discourse, betwixt Shame, and Fear, I was Reprieved, and Lay almost 4 Yeares a Member of that Honourable Society. Upon which Test, and Expi­ation, they forgave mee for beeing unhappie, and Innocent.

(and upon second Thoughts, I doubt not, (Gentlemen) so will you)

Thus far; Mine Owne Vindication to Kent. In a word now; The Vindication of Kent to the World: and from These Objections.

First, They Rose too soon. 7, 9 Other Counties would have joyned, if they had Stay'd but a Fortnight Longer.

[Page] I Answer. There was no Complication to that End. Nay; ESSEX, and SURRY had already Reproched KENT for sitting still so long. Again. KENT had been up a Fortnight, when Yet they Appeared not. Further, what Impediment was this Forwardnesse to their Designes. 16000 Men in Armes for their Rise; (in the County, there were not Fewer) and no Enemy left free, to Interrupt them. They that durst not Then Rise, will (I Fear) Lye still For ever.

But, to bee Short. They could not waite Longer: The last of May was the day Resolved upon at Canterbury for their Rendez­vous For Praevention whereof, there were Troupes Ready to Seize upon the Leading men of the County: & had done it, had they not, in that Instant Risen.

Secondly, They Rose upon their Owne Score (say some.) To This. 'Tis true, but They Fought upon the Kings. The Petition was not the Cause, but the Occasion: and had they Quarrelled upon any other Accompt, They had been Crush'd in three dayes. Had they first, Cryed up the King and, under that no­tion grown Powerfull, deserted him; this had (indeed) been Parliamentary and Iewish. But to Arme for Liberty, and Fight for Monarchy, (as they did) was an Action Noble, and Wor­thy of themselves. In the Pride of their Fortunes, they Chose the Prince his Generall, and avowed his Fathers Quarrell.

To this Objection; I shall Conclude with a Maxime:

The First Thing in Intention, is ever the Last in Execution.

Thirdly, They would not Enterteyne Officers.

I Answer. There was a Delay, but no Refusall.

But to speak to every Capriccious Humour, were End­lesse. For a Close; Discipline they wanted; because Time▪ No­thing else: to understand them Better, Look upon COLCHES­TER: (which was (in Effect,) but KENT Transported.) An Action never to bee aequalled, or Forgotten: The Bed, Fate, and Monument of Honour, and Allegeance. (Let me Adde this) and the VINDIGATION of KENT.



Obliged to a Defen [...]e, and Perplexed with a Coincidence of Sto­ry: I Resolved Both: but not receiving all my Expected Papers, This Discourse proves Imperfectly Either; which Disorder, I wish may bee Imputed to my Fortune, not Designe.

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