M R. SPEAKERS SPEECH On Thursday, the thirteenth of May, 1641. as it was delivered to the Kings Majesty, before the Lords in Parliament.

At the presenting of these three BILLS, viz.

An Act
  • For the shortning of Michaelmas Term.
  • For the pressing of Marriners for the Kings Ships.
  • For the remainder of the six entire Subsidies.

LONDON, [...] Anno 1641.

Mr. SPEAKERS SPEECH On Thursday, the thirteenth of May, 1641. as it was delivered to the Kings Majestie, be­fore the Lords in Parliament.

May it please your most excellent Majestie,

THe great security of the King­dome, rests in the happy con­currence of the King and people, in the unity of their hearts.

These joyned, safety and plenty attends the Scepter; but divided, di­straction and confusion, as Bryers and [Page 2] Thornes over-spreads, and makes the la [...]d barren.

No peace to the King,
No prosperity to the people.

The duties and affections of your sub­jects are most transparant, most cleere in the cheerfull, and most liberall contribu­tions, given to knit fast this union with the bond of peace.

The Treasures of the privie purse, are but the supplies of Fancies, warranted by a common Interest; But the publick Tribute given by common assent, supports Royall Dignitie, is sheltered under the wings of Prerogative, and by that power covered from the eyes, from the touch of de­ceivers.

In these wee render Caesar, what is due to Caesar, and Tribute to whom Tribute be­longeth.

The proper inscription of the Crown, is borne here, and censures those malignant [Page 3] spirits that dare whisper, (nay) into the eares of sacred Majestie, that our selves only, not your sacred person, not your Royall posterity, are the supreame ob­jects of the givers.

The preservation of the publick union, the supply of your Armies, the distresses, mi­serable distresses of the Northern parts, the common Calamities of the times, begat the consideration of this Bill, (the remainder of the six entire Subsidies, happily presen­ted to your sacred Majestie, by this unwor­thy hand) the first vote advanced a credit to us, to issue them for the use of your sacred Majestie.

The full perfection addes growth to that credit, and enables us to return to your sacred Majestie, as to the Ocean, the Tribute due to Iustice and Sove­raignty.

These are the vast earnests of our de­sires, which take their rise from the due regard, from the safety of your Throne, of your posterity.

[Page 4] Your Royall assent stamps your Image heere, and makes this yours, and yours only, which I by the commands of the Com­mons humbly beseech of your sacred Majestie.


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