SERMONS Preached by Dr. Robert Leighton Late Archbishop of GLASGOW.

PUBLISHED, At the desire of his Friends, after his Death, from his Papers writ­ten with his own hand.

He was a burning and a shining Light, and ye were willing for a Season to rejoyce in his Light, St. Job. 5. 35.
He being dead, yet speaketh, Heb. 11. 4.

LONDON: Printed, for S. K. and are to be sold by Awn­sham and John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster Row, MDCXCII.


THE Discourses here published, are but a small taste of a great many more that were written by the same most Re­verend Author. A Judgment will be made from the recepti­on these meet with, concerning the Publishing other Discourses by the same Pen. His Compo­sures in Latin (which appear to have been written and deli­vered when he was Principal of [Page] the Colledge of Edinburgh) are also Transcribing for the Press, and may in a conveni­ent time see the light, for they need not fear it. He never appeared in Print upon any oc­casion in his whole Life, and th [...] few Men have been more sollidly Learned in the whole compass of Learning, then he was, to which he had added a per­fect Command of the purity of the Latin Tongue; and a more than ordinary knowledge of the Greek, Hebrew, and other Oriental Languages, yet he ne­ver once broke through that pro­found humility, which made [Page] him judge himself neither fit to write, nor speak, tho he did both to a great perfection.

Some words that dropt from him occasionally some time be­fore his Death against the Pub­lishing of his Papers, put those in whose hands they were, un­der no small difficulties what to do with them, till they mature­ly considered the difference there ought to be made between a settled resolute purpose, and an humble Answer to a Questi­on put to him, concerning them. Which was considered only as an Effect of that modesty, which was eminent in him to a very [Page] high degree; and which gave a peculiar Luster to all his o­ther Excellencies.

The Author was so averse to all Controversies, that he thought the best way to refine some low Notions, was to graft great and high thoughts on them; And therefore instead of attack­ing them, or disputing about them, he study'd to improve them to some pious Reflection. If he went along with some of the received Notions of that Age and Place he lived in, he made them much brighter, and less offencive by his way of handling them.

[Page]If the meanness of Stile which then prevailed threw him in­to a little more Art than agrees with that chastness of Stile which now takes place, it is, what all Men, who have rai­sed the strain of their Language have fallen into at first: But I will not pretend to excuse that, which (I confess) I admire, and by which I my self have been so sensibly Edifi'd, that I have been at some pains to cause to be coppied out for the Press what the Author writ in so neglected a manner with his own hand.

The Author was the delight and wonder of all that knew [Page] him, his Thoughts were Noble, and his Expressions Beautiful, his Gesture and pronounciation (peculiar to himself) had a Gravity, a Majesty, and yet a sweetness in them, that ma­ny severe Judges have often said, were beyond all that they had ever seen at home or abroad.

That which gave the great­est authority to all he said, was, that his Life was such a con­tinued course of Sublimest Ver­tue, and the most elevated Pie­ty, that has appeared in this Age. Those who have known him the most, and the longest, have often said, that in a course [Page] of many years acquaintance, they scarcely ever saw him once out of that deeply serious State in which they themselves wish'd to be found in their last minutes.

This may look somewhat high to those who knew him not: But those who did know him, and are yet alive, will, I am confident, justifie the truth of this short Character. A fuller Account of his Life is promised by a better Pen, and therefore I will say no more on a Subject, that I am very sen­sible is too high for me to manage.

To Conclude, I, who rec­kon, that the knowledge I had [Page] of him for some years, the few Sermons I heard him preach, and the many of his Compo­sing which I have read, will be no small Article of the Ac­compt I must render at the last and dreadful Day, have thought it one part of my Duty to be Instrumental to communicate these to others, who I hope will profit more by them, than I my self have been able yet to do. And in this hope and assurance I recommend those Discourses and the Readers of them, to the Blessing and Grace of Al­mighty God through his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.



MAny and great are the Evils that lodge within the heart of man, and they come forth abundantly both by the Tongue, and by the Hand, yet the heart is not emptied of them; yea, the more it vent them outwardly, the more they increase within: Well might he that knew the heart so well, call it an evil Treasure: We find the Pro­phet Ezekiel in his 8 Chap. Led by the Lord in vision to Jerusalem, to view the sins of the Jews that remained in time of the Captivity; when he had shewed him one abomination, he caused him to dig through the Wall, to enter and disco­ver more, and so directed him several times, from one place to another, and still said I will shew thee yet greater abominations: Thus is it with those, whom the Lord leads into an Examination of their own hearts (for men are usually strangers to themselves) by the light of his Word and Spirit going before them, he lets them see heaps of abominations in every Room, and the vil [...]st in the most retired and darkest corners; and truly should he leave them there they would despair of remedy; no, he makes this discovery on purpose that [Page 2] they should sue to him for help. Do so then as many as have taken any notice of the evils of your own hearts; tell the Lord they're is own works; he formed the heart of man with­in him, and they are his own choice too, My Son give me thy heart. Intreat him to redress all those abuses wherewith Satan and Sin have filled it, and then, to take possession of it him­self, for therein consists its happiness. This is, or should be, a main end of our resortings to his House, and Service: Wrong not your selves so far as to turn these serious exercises of Reli­gion, into an idle divertisement. What a hap­piness were it, if every time you come to his solemn worship, some of your strongest sins did receive a new wound, and some of your weakest graces a new strength.

James III. 17.

‘But the Wisdom that is from above, is first Pure, then Peaceable, Gentle, and easie to be intreated, full of Mercy and good Fruits, without Partiality, and without Hypocrisie.’

GOD doth know that in the day that ye shall eat Gen. 3. 5. thereof your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be [...]s Gods knowing good and evil, was the first hissing of that old Serpent, by which he poy­soned Mankind in the Root. Man not con­tented with the impression of God's Image in [Page 3] which he was Created, lost it by catching at a shadow; climbing higher than his station he fell far below it; seeking to be more than man, to become as God, he made himself less then Man, he lodged not at night in ho­nor, but became as the Beasts that perish; ever since Nature's best Wisdom is full of Impurity Turbulency, and Distemper: Nor can any thing rectifie it, but a Wisdom from above, that both cleanseth and composeth the Soul, It is first Pure, and then Peaceable.

This Epistle, as some that follow, is called, General, both by reason of the dispersion of the parties to whom it is addrest, and the universality of the Subject which it treats: Con­taining a great number (if not all) of the ne­cessary Directions and Comforts of a Christians life, both from the Active, and Passive part of it. It's evident that the Apostles main de­sign is, to arm the dispersed Jews against all kinds of temptations, both these of afflicti­on, in the 1 Chap. at the 2. verse, and sinful Temptations verse 13. And having discour­sed of two special means of strengthening them against both, speaking to God in Prayer, and hearing God speak in his Word, in the two last verses of that 1 Chap. he recommends, as chief duties of Religion, and sure eviden­ces of integrity in Religion, first Meekness, and Moderation chiefly in their Speeches, and then Charity, and Purity in their Actions; insisting largely upon the latter, in the 2. Chapter, and upon the former, the ruling of the Tongue in [Page 4] this 3. Chap. and here towards the end of it he shews the true opposite spring of miscarriage in Speech and Action, and of right ordering and regulating of both; evil Conversation, Strifes, and Envyings, are the fruits of a base Wisdom that is Earthly, Sensual, and Devilish, verse 15. But Purity, Meekness, and Mercy, are the proper effects, and certain signs of Heavenly Wisdom.

The Wisdom that is from above, is first Pure: its gentleness can agree with any thing except Impurity: then its Peaceable, it offends no body, except Purity offend them: It is not raging and boistrous; It is not only Pure, being void of that mire and dirt, which the wicked are said to cast out like the Sea, Isa. 57. 20. But peaceable likewise, not swelling, and restless like the Sea as is there said of the wicked; nor is it only peaceable negatively, not offending, but as the word bears [...] pacifique, disposed to make, and seek Peace, and as it readily offends none, so it is not easily offended; 'tis Gentle and Moderate, [...] and if offended [...] easily entreated to forgive; and as it easily passeth by mens offences, so it doth not pass by, but looks upon their distresses, and wants; as full of compassion, as it is free from unruly and distemper'd passions, nor rests it in an af­fecting sympathy, its Mercy is helpful, full of mercy, and good fruits, and it both forgives, and pities, and gives without partiality, and without Hypocrisie [ [...]] The word may as well bear another sense, no [Page 5] less suiting both with this Wisdom, and these its other qualities: That is, not taking upon it a censorious discerning, and judging of others: They that have most of this Wisdom, are least rigid to those that have less of it; I know no better evidence of strength in grace, then to bear much with those that are weak in it. And lastly, as it spares the infirmities of others, so it makes not false and vain shews of its own excellencies, 'tis without Hypocrisie. This denies two things, both Dissimulation and Ostentation; the art of Dissembling or Hypocrite craft, is no part of this Wisdom; and for the other Osten­tation, surely the air of applause is too light a purchase for solid Wisdom. The works of this Wisdom may be seen, yea they should be seen, and may possibly be now and then com­mended; but they should not be done for that low end, either to be seen or to be commend­ed; surely no, being of so noble extraction, this having descended from Heaven, will be little careful for the estimation of those that are of the Earth, and are but too often of the Earth, Earthly.

The due order of handling these particulars more fully cannot well be mist: Doubtless the Subject, Wisdom from above, requires our first consideration, next the excellent qualities that are attributed to it, and lastly their order is to be considered; the rather because so clear­ly exprest, first Pure then Peaceable, &c.

Wisdom from above] There be two things in that: There's the general term of Wisdom [Page 6] common to diverse sorts of Wisdom, though most eminently, and truly belonging to this best Wisdom. Then there is the Birth or Original of this Wisdom, serving as its dif­ference to specifie and distinguish it from all the rest, Wisdom from above. Wisdom in the ge­neral is a very plausible word among men; who is there that would not willingly pass for wise, yea often those that are least of all such, are most desirous to be accounted such, and where this fails them, they usually make up that want in their own conceit, and strong opinion: nor do men only thus love the repu­tation of Wisdom, but they naturally desire to be wise, as they do to be happy; yet through corrupt Natures blindness, they do as natu­rally mistake and fall short both of the one and the other, and being once wrong, the more progress they make, they are further out of the way. And pretending to Wisdom in a false way, they still befool themselves, as the Apostle speaks, Rom. 1. 22. [...], Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Our Apostle v. 15. speaking of that wick­ed Wisdom, that is fruitful of Wrongs, Striffes, and Debates, and that is only abusively to be called Wisdom, shews what kind of Wisdom it is, by three notable Characters, Earthly, Na­tural, and Devilish, which though they be here joyntly attributed to one and the same subject, yet we may make use of them to sig­nifie some differences of false Wisdom. There is an Infernal, or devilish Wisdom, proper for [Page 7] contriving cruelties, and oppressions, or subtil shifts, and deceits, that make A theism a main Basis and Pillar of State policy; Such are those that devise mischief upon their Beds, &c. Mich. 2. This is Serpentine Wisdom not joyned with, but most opposite to the Dove like simplicity. There is a Earthly Wisdom that draws not so deep in impiety, as that other, yet is suffici­ent to keep a man out of all acquaintance with God and Divine matters, and is drawing his eye perpetually downwards, employing him in the pursuit of such things as cannot fill the Soul, except it be with anguish and vexation, Ezek. 28. 4, 5. That dexte [...]ity of gathering Riches, where its not attended with the Chri­stian art of right using them, abases mens Souls and indisposes them wholly for this Wisdom that is from above. There is a natural Wisdom far more plausible then the other two, more harmless then that hellish Wisdom, and more refined than that earthly Wisdom, yet no more able to make man holy, and happy than they; Natural [...], tis the word the Apostle St. Paul useth 1 Cor. 2. [...], naming the natural man by his better part, his Soul; intimating that the Soul, even in the highest faculty of it, the Understanding, and that in the highest pitch of excellency to which Nature can raise it, is blind in spiritual objects; things that are above it, cannot be known but by a Wisdom from above. Nature neither affords this Wis­dom, nor can it of it self acquire it. This is to advertise us, that we mistake not Mo­rality [Page 8] and common Knowledge even of Divine things, for the Wisdom that is from above. This may raise a man high above the vulgar, as the Tops of the highest Mountains leave the Valleys below them; yet is it still as far short of true supernatural Wisdom, as the high­est Earth is of the highest Sphere. There is one main point of the method of this Wisdom that is of most hard digestion to a natural man, and the more natural wise he be, the worse he likes it, If any man would be Wise, let him be­come a Fool that he may become Wise, 1 Cor. 3. 18. There is nothing gives Nature a greater pre­judice against Religion than this initial point of self denial: when men of eminent Learning or the strong Politicians hear, that if they will come to Christ, they must renounce their own Wis­dom to be fit for his, many of them go away as sorrowful as the young Man, when he heard of selling all his Goods and giving them to the Poor.

Jesus Christ is that eternal and substantial Wisdom that came from above, to deliver men from perishing in their affected folly, as you find it at large, Prov. 8. St. Paul in the 1 Chap. of his first Epistle to the Cor. calls him the Wisdom of God, v. 24. That shews his excellen­cy in himself, and verse 30. He tells us that he is made of God our Wisdom. That shews his usefullness to us, and by him alone is this infu­sed Wisdom from above conveyed to us; In him are the hid Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge Col, 2. 3▪ And from his fulness (if at all) we [Page 9] all receive Grace for Grace; and of all graces, first some measures of this Wisdom, without which no man can know himself, much less can he know God. Now this supernatu­ral Wisdom hath in it both Speculation and Prudence. It is Contemplative, and Practical. These two must not be separated, I Wisdom dwell with Prudence, Prov. 8. 12. This Wisdom in its contemplative part reads Christ much and discovers in him a new World of hidden excellencies unknown to this old World, There are Treasures of Wisdom in him Col. 2. 3. But they are Hid, and no eye sees them, but that which is enlightened with this Wisdom: No, its Sophocl [...]'s. impossible, as he says, [...]. But when he renewed understanding of a Christian is once initiated into this Study, it both grows daily more and more appre­hensive, and Christ becomes more Communi­cative of himself, and makes the Soul acquain­ted with the amiable Countenance of his Fa­ther in him reconciled. No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son which is in the Bosom of the Father, he hath declared him, S. Joh. 1. 18. What wonder if the unlettered, and de­spised Christian know more of the mysteries of Heaven, than the Naturalist, though both Wise and Learned? Christ admits the Believer into his Bosom, and He is in the Bosom of the Father. But withal know, that all this knowledge though speculatively high, yet de­scends to Practice; as it learns what God is, so it thence teacheth Man, what he should [Page 10] be: This Wisdom flows from Heaven, and a Heavenly Conversation flows from it, as we find it there Charactered by these practical Graces of Purity, Peace, Meekness, &c.

This Wisdom represents to us, the Purity of God's Nature, 1 Joh. 3. 3. It gives the Soul an eye to see the Comeliness and Beauty of Purity, as the Philosopher said of Vertue, to the end it might be loved, he would wish no more but that it could be seen, and as it thus morally perswades, so by an insensible vertue it assimilates the Soul to Christ, by frequent contemplation: It also produces all the motives to Holiness, and Obedience; it begets these precious qualities in the Soul, it giveth a Christian a view of the matchless Vertues that are in Christ, and stirs him up to a diligent, though imperfect imitation of them; it sets before us Christ's spotless Purity, in whose mouth there was no guile, and so invites us to Purity; it represents the perpetual calmness of his Spi­rit, that no tempest could reach to disturb it; in his mouth there was contentious noise, his voice was not heard in the Streets, and this recommends, Peaceableness, and Gentleness, and so in the rest here mentioned.

Hence I conceive may be fitly learned for our Use, seeing there is a due Wisdom and Knowledge necessary for guidance, and di­recting in the ways of Purity and Peace.

'Tis evident, that gross ignorance cannot con­sist with the Truth of Religion, much less can it be a help, and advantage to it. I shall [Page 11] never deny that a false superstitious Religion stands in need of it; not too much Scripture Wisdom for the people: The pomp of that vain Religion, like Court Masks, shews best by candle light; fond Nature likes it well; the day of spiritual Wisdom would discover its im­posture too clearly. But to let their foul Devotion pass, (for such it must needs be, that is born of so black a Mother as ignorance) let this Wisdom at least be justified of these that pretend to be her Children. 'Tis lamentable that amongst us, where knowledge is not with­held, men should through Sloth and Love of darkness, deprive themselves of it. What abundance of almost brutish ignorance, is amongst the Commons? and thence unclean­ness, and all manner of wickedness; a dark­ness that both hides and increaseth impurity: What's the reason of so much impiety, and iniquity in all places; but the want of the knowledge of God? Hosea 2. 1, 2. and 2 Thes. 2. 9. Not knowing Jesus Christ, and not obey­ing his Gospel are joyned together. It will be found true, that where there is no obedi­ence, there is no right knowledge of Christ: But out of all question where there is not a com­petency of knowledge, there can be no obedi­ence; and as these two lodge together, so ob­serve what attends them both, ibid. He shall come in flaming fire to render vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[Page 12]And if there be any that think to shroud un­punished amongst the thickets of ignorance, especially amidst the means of knowledge, take notice of this, though it may hide the deformity of Sin from your own sight for a time, it cannot palliate it from the piercing eye, nor cover it from the revenging hand of Di­vine Justice. As you would escape then that wrath to come, come to Wisdom's School, and how simple soever ye be as to this World, if you would not perish with the World, learn to be wise unto Salvation.

And truly its mainly important for this ef­fect, That the Ministers of the Gospel, be active and dexterous in imparting this Wisdom to their people. If they would have their Con­versation to be Holy, and Peaceable, and Fruit­ful, &c. The most expedient way is once to principle them well in the fundamentals of Re­ligion, for therein is their great defect, how can they walk evenly and regularly so long as they are in the dark; one main thing is to be often pointing at the way to Christ, the Foun­tain of this Wisdom, you bid them be Cloathed and Cloath them not.

How needful then is it that Pastors them­selves be Seers indeed, as the Prophets were called of old, not only Faithful, but wise dis­pensers, as our Saviour speaks, St. Luk. 12. 42. That they be [...], able and apt to Teach. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Laudible is the prudence, that trys much the Churches Store houses, the Semina­ries of Learning, but withal, it is not to be for­got, [Page 13] that as a due Furniture of Learning is very requisite for this employment, so it is not suffi­cient. When one is duly enriched that way, there is yet one thing wanting that grows not in Schools: except this infused Wisdom from above season and sanctifie all other endow­ments, they remain [...], common and unholy, and therefore unfit for the Sanctuary; a­mongst other weak pretences to Christs favour in the last day, This is one, We have Preached in thy name, yet says Christ, I never knew you, surely then, they knew not him, and yet they Preacht him. Cold and Lifeless, (though never so fine and well contrived,) must those Discourses be, that are of an unknown Christ. Pastors are called Angels, and therefore though they use the secondary helps of knowledge they are mainly to bring their message from above from the Fountain, the head of this pure Wis­dom.

Pure] If it come from above it must needs be pure originally, yea it is formally pure too: being a main treat of God's renewed Image in the Soul. By this Wisdom the Understand­ing is both resigned, and strengthened to en­tertain right conceptions of God in his nature, and works. And this is primarily necessary, that the mind be not infected with false opini­ons in Religion; if the Spring-head be polluted, the Streams cannot be pure; its more important then men usually think, for a good life. But that which I suppose is here chiefly intended is, that its effectively and practically [Page 14] pure, it purifies the heart, Act. 15. 9. said of Faith (which in some sense and acceptation differs not much from this Wisdom) and consequently the Words, and Actions that flow from the heart.

This Purity some render Chastity. The Wis­dom from above is chaste [...]. The word is indeed often so taken and includes that here, but it is too narrow a sense to restrict it to that only. It is here an universal detestation of all impurity, both of Flesh and Spirit, as the Apo­stle speaks 2 Cor. 7. 1. Pride, Selflove, Pro­fanness of Spirit and Irreligion, though they do not so properly pollute the Body, as carnal uncleaneness; yet they do less defile the Soul, and make it abominable in the sight of God. Those Apostate Angels called unclean Spirits, are uncapable of bodily defilement (tho'indeed they tempt and inveigle Man to it) their own inherent pollutions must need be spiritual, for they are Spirits. Idolatry in Scripture goes often under the name of Fornication and Adultery, and indeed these Sins may mutually borrow and lend their names the one to the other; Idolatry may well be called Spiritual unchastity; and unchaste Love, carnal Idolatry; earthly mindedness likewise is an impurity of the Soul; in the Apostles phrase Covetousness is Idolatry, and so a spiritual pollution; yea it may well share with Idolatry in its borrowed name, and be called Adultery too, for it misbestows the Souls prime affection upon the Creature, which by right is God's peculiar.

[Page 15]This Purity that true Wisdom works, is con­trary to all pollution. We know then in some measure what it is, it rests to enquire where it is, and there is the difficulty; it is far easier to design it in it self, then to find it among men: Who can say I have made my heart clean? Prov. 20. 9. Look upon the greatest part of Mankind, and you may know at first sight, that Purity is not to be lookt for among them, they suffer it not to come near them, much less do dwell with them and within them; they hate the very semblance of it in others, and themselves delight in Intemperance and all manner of Licentiousness, like foolish Children striving who shall go furthest into the mire; these cannot say they have made clean their hearts, for all their Words and Actions will bely them. If you come to the meer Mora­list, the World's honest man, and ask him; it may be, he will tell you he hath cleansed his heart, but believe him not. It will appear he is not yet cleansed, because he says he has done it himself, for (you know) there must be some other besides man at this Work. Again he rising no higher than Nature, hath none of this Heavenly Wisdom in him, and therefore is without this Purity too. But if you chance to take notice of some well skilled Hypocrite, every thing you meet with makes you almost confident, that there is Purity; yet if he be strictly put to't, he may make some good ac­count of the pains he hath taken to refine his Tongue and his publick Actions, but he dare [Page 16] not say he hath made claan his heart, it troubles his peace to be askt the question: He never intended to banish Sin, but to retire it to his innermost and best room, that so it might ewell unseen within him, and where then should it lodge but in his heart? yet possibly because what's outward is so fair; and Man cannot look deeper to contradict him, he may embolden himself, to say he's inwardly suitable to his appearance. But there is a day at hand that shall to his endless shame at once discover both his secret impurity and his impudence in denying it.

After these, there follows a few despised and melancholly persons (at least as to outward appearance,) who are almost always hanging down their heads, and complaining of abundant sinfulness? And sure, Purity cannot be expected in these who are so far from it, by their own confession: Yet the Truth is, that such Purity, as is here below, will either be found to lodge among these, or no where. Be not deceived, think not that they who loath, and (as they can) fly from the unholiness of the World, are therefore taken with the conceit of their own holiness, but as their perfect Purity of justification is by Christ's Imputed righteousness, so likewise they will know, and do always acknowledge that their inherent holiness is from above too, from the same Fountain Jesus Christ; the Wisdom from above is Pure, this their engagement to Hea­ven, for it excludes vaunting and boasting. [Page 17] and besides that, it is imperfect, troubled and stained with Sin, which is enough to keep them humble. Their daily sad experi­ence will not suffer them to be so mistaken; their many faults of infirmity, cannot but keep them from this presumptuous fault. There is a Generation indeed that is Pure in their own [...], (Prov. 30. 12.) But they are such as are not washen from their filthiness, They that are washed, are still bewailing, that they a­gain contract so much defilement. The most purified Christians are they that are most sensible of their impurity. Therefore I cal­led not this, an universal freedom from pollu­tion, but an universal detestation of it, they that are thus Pure, are daily defiled with ma­ny Sins, but they cannot be in love with any Sin at all, nor do they willingly dispence with the smallest Sins, which a natural Man either sees not to be Sin (though his dim moon light discover grosser Evils) or if he do see them, yet he judges it too much niceness to choose a great Inconvenience rather then a little Sin. Again they differ in another par­ticular, a natural Man may be so far in love with vertue after his manner, as to dislike his own faults and resolve to amend them, but yet he would think it a great weakness to sit down and mourn for Sin, and to afflict his Soul, as the Scripture speaks; The Christians repen­tance goes not so lightly, there is a great deal more work in it, 2 Cor. 7. 11. There is not only Indignation against impurity, but it pro­ceeds [Page 18] to revenge. The Saints we read of in Scripture were ashamed of their impurity, but never of their tears for it: Let the World enjoy their own thoughts and account it folly, yet sure the Christian, that delights in purity, seeing he cannot be free from daily Sin, when he retires himself at night, is then best con­tented when his eyes serve him most plenti­fully to weep out the stains of the by-past day; yet he knows withal, that it is only his Redeemers blood that takes away the guilt of them: This is the condition of those that are truely, though not yet fully cleansed from the pollutions of the World by the Spirit of Wis­dom and Purity. What mean they then, that would argue themselves out of this Number, because they find yet much dross left, and that they are not so defecated and refined as they would wish to be? On the contrary, this ha­tred of pollution testifies strongly that the con­trary of it, Purity, is there; And though its be­ginnings be small, doubt not, it shall in the end be victorious; The smoaking of this flax shews indeed that there is gross matter there, but it witnesseth likewise that there is fire in it too; and though it be little, we have Christ's own word for it, that it shall not be quenched; and if he favour it, no other Power shall be able to quench it. You find not indeed ab­solute holiness in your persons, nor in your best performances, yet if you breath and follow after it, if the pulse of the heart beat thus▪ if the main current of your affection be towards [Page 19] Purity, if Sin be in you as your disease and greatest grief, and not as your delight, then take courage, you are as pure, as Travellers can be; and notwithstanding that impure Spirit, Satan; and the impurity of your own Spirits vex you daily with temptations, and often foil you, yet in despite of them all, you shall arrive safe at home where perfection dwells.

Wisdom from above is Pure] Be ashamed then of your extream folly, you that take pleasure in any kind of uncleanness, especi­ally seeing God hath reformed and purged his House amongst us; you that are, or should be his living Temples, remain not unreform­ed: If you do, Church-Reformation will be so far from profiting you, that as a clearer light it will but serve to make your impurity both more visible and more unexcusable: If you mean that the Holy Ghost should dwell with you, entertain him, avoiding both spi­ritual and fleshly pollutions. The word here used doth more particularly signifie Chastity, and certainly where ever this Wisdom from above is, this comely grace is one of her at­tendants, whatever any have been in times past let all be perswaded henceforth to mortifie all lustful and carnal affections; know that there is more true and lasting pleasure in the con­tempt of unlawful pleasures, then in the en­joyment of them. Grieve not then the good Spirit of God with Actions or Speeches, yea or with thoughts, that are impure. The un­holy [Page 20] Soul, like the mystical Babylon, Apoc. 13. makes it self a Cage of unclean Birds, and an habitation of filthy Spirits, and if it continues to be such it must, when it dislodges, take up its habitation with cursed Spirits for ever in utter darkness. But as for those that are sin­cerely and affectionately Pure, That is, Pure in heart, our Saviour hath pronounced their begun happiness, Blessed are they that are Pure in heart (and assured them of full happiness) for they shall see God. This Wisdom is sent from Heaven on purpose to guide the Elect thither by the way of Purity. And mark how well their Reward is suited to their Labour, their frequent contemplating and beholding of God's purity as they could, while they were on their Journey, and their labouring to be like him, shall bring them to sit down in Glory, and to be for ever the pure beholders of that purest object; They shall see God, what this is we cannot tell you, nor can you conceive it. But walk Heavenwards in purity, and long to be there, where you shall know what it means; for you shall see him as he is. Now [...]o that blessed Trinity be praise for ever.



I Will return to my place (saith the Lord by Hos. 5. 15. his Prophet) till they acknowledge their Of­fence and seek my Face. In their affliction they will seek me early. The Father of Mercies hides himself from his Children, not to lose them, but that they may seek him; and may learn, having found him, to keep closer by him than formerly: He threatens them to keep them from punishment; if his threat­ning work submission, its well, if not, he punishes them gently to save them from destruction. He seeks no more but that they acknowledge their offence, and seek his Face; wounderful Cle­mency! for who can forbear to confess mul­titudes of offences that know themselves? And who can chuse but seek thy Face that ever saw thy Face, and that know thee? In their affliction they will seek me early. He that Prays not till affliction comes and forces him to it, is very slothful: but he that Prays not in affli­ction is altogether senseless. Certainly they that at this time are not more than ordinary fervent in Prayer, or do not at least desire and strive to be so, cannot well think that there is any Spiritual life within them. Sure [Page 22] it is high time to stir up our selves to Prayers and Tears, all may bear arms in that kind of Service, weak Women may be strong in Prayer, and those Tears wherein they usual­ly abound upon other occasions cannot be so well spent as this way. Let them not run out in howlings and impatience, but bring them, by bewailing sins, private as well as publick, to quench this publick Fire; and ye Men, yea, ye Men of courage, account it no dis­paragement thus to weep; we read often of David's Tears which was no stain to his valour. That cloud that hangs over us, which the frequent vapors of our Sins have made, except it dissolve and fall down again in these sweet showers of Godly Tears, is certainly re­served to be the matter of a dreadful storm; be instant every one in secret for the averting of this wrath, and let us now again unite the crys of our hearts for this purpose to our com­passionate God, in the Name and Mediation of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Job XXXIV. 31, 32.

Surely it is meet to be said unto God, I have born Chastisement, I will not offend any more.

That which I see not, Teach thou me: If I have done iniquity, I will do no more.

THE great Sin, and the great Misery of Man is, the forgetting of God, and the great [Page 23] End and Use of his Works and of his Word is, to teach us the right Remembrance and Con­sideration of Him, in all Estates. These words do particularly instruct us in the application of our thoughts towards him in the time of Affliction. The shortness and the various sig­nification of the words used in the Original gives occasion to some other Readings, and another sence of them. But this we have in our Translation, being not only very profita­ble, but very congruous, both to the words of the primitive Text, and to the contexture of the Discourse, I shall keep to it, without di­viding your thoughts by the mentioning of any other. Neither will I lead you so far a­bout, as to speak of the great dispute of this Book, and the question about which it is held; He that speaks here, though the youngest of the Company, yet as a wise, and calm spirited Man, closes all with a discourse of excellent Temper, and full of grave useful Instructions, amongst which this is one.

Surely it is meet to be said, or spoke to God] This speaking to God, though it may be vo­cal, yet it is not necessarily nor chiefly so, but is always mainly, and may often be, on­ly mental, without this the words of the mouth, how well chosen, and well exprest so ever they be, are to God of no account or signification at all. But if the heart speak, even when there is not a word in the mouth, its that he hearkens to, and regards that speech, tho'made by a voice that none hears, but he, [Page 24] and is a Language that none understands but He.

But it is a rare unfrequented thing, this Communing of the heart with God, speak­ing its thoughts to him concerning it self, and concerning him, and his dealing with it, and the purposes and intentions it hath to­wards him, which is the speech here recom­mended, and is that Divine exercise of Me­ditation, and Soliloquy of the Soul with it self, and with God, hearkening what the Lord God speaks to us, within us, and our hearts ecchoing, and resounding his words, as Ps. 27. 8, 9. And opening to him our thoughts of them, and of our selves, though they stand open, and he sees them all, even when we tell him not of them, yet because he loves us, he loves to hear them of our own speaking Let me hear thy voice for it is sweet; as a Fa­ther delights in the little stammering lisping Language of his beloved Child. And if the reflex affection of Children be in us, we will love also to speak with our Father, and to tell him all our mind ( [...]) and to be often with him in the entertainments of our secret thoughts.

But the most of Men are little within, either they wear out their hours in vain discourse with others, or possibly vainer discourses with themselves, even those that are not of the worst sort, and possibly that have their times of secret Prayer, yet do not so delight to think of God and to speak with him, as they do to [Page 25] be conversant in other Affairs, and Compa­nies, and Discourses, in which there is a great deal of froth, and emptiness: Men think by talking of many things, to be refresht, and yet when they have done, find that it is no­thing; and that they had much better have been alone, or have said nothing. Our Thoughts and Speeches in most things run to waste, yea are defiled, as water spilt on the Ground, is both lost, cannot be gathered up again, and it is polluted, mingled with dust but no word spoke to God, from the serious Sense of a holy Heart is lost, he receives it, and returns it into our bosom with advantage, a Soul that delights to speak to him, will find that he also delights to speak to it. And this Communication certainly is the sweetest and happiest choice, to speak little with Men, and much with God. One short word, such as this here, spoke to God, in a darted thought, eases the heart more when it is afflicted, then the largest Discourses, and Complainings, to the greatest and powerfullest of Men; or the kindest and most friendly. It gives not on­ly ease but joy, to say to God I have sinned, yet I am thine, or as here, I have born Cha­stisement, I will no more offend. The time of affliction is peculiarly a time of speaking to God, and such speech as this, is peculiarly befit­ting such a time. And this is one great recom­mendation of affliction, that it is a time of wiser, and more sober thoughts; a time of the returning of the mind inwards and up­wards. [Page 26] A high place, Fullness, and Pleasure draws the mind more outwards; great light, and white Colours disgregate the sight of the eye, and the very thoughts of the mind too. And Men find that the night is a fitter Season for deep thoughts. Its better, says Solomon, to [...]. go to the House of Mourning, then to the House of Feasting; Those blacks, made the mind more serious. 'Tis a rare thing to find much Re­tirement unto God, much Humility, and Brokenness of Spirit, true Purity and Spiritual­ness of heart in the affluences and great pro­sperities of the World. 'Tis no easie thing to carry a very full Cup even, and to digest well the fatness of a great Estate, and great Place. They are not to be envyed that have them; even though they be of the better sort of Men, its a thousand to one, but that they shall be losers by the gains and advancements of this World, suffering proportionably great abatements of their best advantages, by their prosperity. The generality of Men, while they are at ease, do securely neglect God, and little mind either to speak to him, or to hear him speak to them. God complains thus of his own people, I spoke to them in their prosperi­ty and they would not hear. The noises of Coach-Wheels, of their Pleasures, and of their great Affairs so fill their ears, that the still voice, wherein God is, cannot be heard; I will bring her into the Wilderness, and there I wall speak to her heart, says God of his Church; There the heart is more at quiet to hear God, and to [Page 27] speak to him, and is disposed to speak in the Stile here prescribed, humbly and repenting­ly.

I have born Chastisement] The speaking thus unto God under Affliction signifies. 1. That our Affliction is from his hand, and to the ac­knowledgement of this Truth, the very na­tural Consciences of Men do incline them. Though trouble be the general Lot of Mankind, yet it doth not come on him by an improvi­dential fatality, Though Man is born to Trouble as the sparks flie upward, Job 5. Yet it comes not out of the dust. It is no less true, and in it self no less clear, that all the good we enjoy, and all the evil we suffer comes from the same hand; but we are naturally more sensible of evil, then of good, and therefore do more readily reflect upon the Original and Causes of it; our distresses lead us unto the notice of the righteous God inflicting them, and our own unrighteous ways procuring them, and provoking him so to do, and therefore it is meet to speak in this submissive hum­ble Language to him. It is by all means necessary to speak to him, he is the Party we have to deal withal, or to speak to, even in those afflictions, whereof Men are the intervenient visible causes; They are in­deed but instrumental causes, the Rod and Heb. 4. Staff in his hand that smites us; therefore our business is with him, in whose supream hand alone the mitigations and increases, the continuance, and the ending of our troubles [Page 28] lie; Who gave Jacob to the spoil and Israel to the Robbers? Did not the Lord against whom we have Sinned? So Lam. 1. 14. The yoke of my Transgressions is bound on by thy hand. Therefore it is altogether necessary in all afflictions to speak to him, and as its necessary to speak to him, it is meet to speak thus to him, I have born Chastisement, I will no more offend. These words have in them, the true composure of real Repentance, humble Submission, and holy Resolution, I have born Chastisement, that is, I have justly born it, and do heartily submit to it, I bear it justly, and take it well, Lord I acquit thee, and accuse my self; this Lan­guage becomes the innocentest person in the World in their suffering. Job knew it well, and did often acknowledge it in his precedeing Speeches; though sometimes in the heat of dispute, and opposure to the uncharitable, and unjust imputations of his Friends, he seems to overstrain the assertion of his own integrity, which Elihu here corrects, you know he cries out I have sinned against thee, what shall I do unto thee, O thou preserver of man! and Chap. 9. If I wash my self with Snow-water, and make my hands never so clean, yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own Cloaths shall abhor me.

Vain foolish persons fret, and foam at the miscarriage of a cause they apprehend to be righteous, but this is a great vanity and incon­siderate temerity in not observing, the great and apparent unrighteousness in the persons managing it. But though both the cause and [Page 29] the persons were just to the greatest hight imaginable amongst men, yet still were it meet to speak thus unto God in the lowest ac­knowledgements and confessions, that righte­ousness belongs unto him, and unto us shame and confusion of face, so says the Church Lam. 3. The Lord is righteous, for I have rebelled against his Commandments. Though affliction is not always designedly intended as the Chastise­ment of some particular Sin, yet where Sin is (and that is the case of all the Sons of Adam) affliction coming in, may safely be consider­ed in its natural cognation and alliance with Sin, and so press forth humble confessions of Sin, and resolutions against it. And thus in Lev. 26. 41. They shall except of the punishment of their iniquity, shall take it humbly and penitently and kiss the Rod.

Oh! That there were such a heart in us! That instead of empty words that scatter them­selves in the wind, our many vain discourses we hold one with another, concerning our past and present sufferings, and further fears, and disputing of many fruitless, and endless questions, we were more abundantly turning our Speech this way, in unto God, and Saying, We desire to give thee Glory, and take Shame to our selves, and to bear our Chastisement, and to offend no more, to return each from his evil way, and to gain this by the furnace, the purging away of our dross, our many and great ini­quities, our Oaths, and Cursings, and lying, our Deceit, and Oppressions, and Pride, and [Page 30] Covetousness, our base love of our selves, and hating one another; that we may be deliver­ed from the Tyranny of our own lusts, and passions, and in other things Let the Lord do with us as seems good in his eyes; speaking to God in Ephraims words, Jeremiah 31. 18, 19, 20. words not unlike these, would stir his bowels, as there. As it is said, that one string perfectly tuned to another, being toucht, the other stirs of it self, when a stubborn Child leaves strugling under the Rod, and turns to intreating, the Father then leaves striking; nothing overcomes him but that. When a man says unto God, Father I have provoked thee to this, but Pardon, and through thy Grace I will do so no more, Then the Rod is thrown aside, and the Father of Mercies, and his humbled Child fall to mutual tenderness and embraces.

What I see not teach thou me, &c.] The great Article of Conversion is the disengagement of the heart from the love of Sin. In that po­sture, as it actually forsakes whatsoever it per­ceives to be amiss, so it stands in an absolute readiness to return to every duty that yet lies hidden, upon the first discovery; that is here the genuine voice of a repentant Sinner, What I see not teach thou me, &c.

This is a very necessary suit, even for the most discerning, and clearest sighted Penitent, both in reference to the Commandment, and Rule for discovering the general nature, and several kinds of Sin; and withal for the appli­cation [Page 31] of this general light, to the examen of a Mans own heart, and ways, that so he may have a more exact and particular accompt of his own Sins.

The former is the knowledge of the Laws of God, and Rule by which a Man is to try, and to judge himself. The most knowing are not above the need of this request, yea, I am perswaded, the most knowing know best how much they need it, and are most humbled in themselves in the conscience of their ignorance and darkness in Divine things, and are most earnest, and pressing in this daily Supplica­tion, for increases of light, and Spiritual know­ledge from him who is the Fountain of it, What I see not teach thou me. On the other side, the least knowing, are often the most confident, that they know all; and swelled with a con­ceited sufficiency of their model, and deter­mination of all things, both Dogmatical, and Practical. And therefore are the most impe­rious and magisterial in their conclusions, and the most impatient of contradiction, or even of the most modest dissent.

The wisest, and holy'st persons, speak al­ways in the humblest, and most depressing stile of their own knowledge, and that not with an affectation of modesty; but in the real sense of the thing as it is, and the sincere ac­compt they give of it, and that commonly when they are declaring themselves most solemnly, as in the sight of God, or speaking in Suppli­cation to him with whom they dare least of [Page 32] all dissemble, whosoever he was that spake these words Prov. 30. Sure he was a man of eminent Wisdom, and Piety, and yet begins thus, Surely I am more brutish then any Man, and have not the understanding of a Man, I have nei­ther learned Wisdom, nor have I the knowledge of the Holy. And tho'he was so diligent a Student, and so great a Proficient in the Law of God, yet how importunate a Petitioner is he, for the understanding of it, as if he knew nothing at all? besides the like expressions in other Psalms; in that one Psalm that being of such length Psal. 119. hath nothing but the breathing forth of his affection to the Word, and Law of God, how often doth he in it reiterate that, Teach me thy Statutes: So often that a carnal mind is tempted to grow weary of it, as a nauseating Tauto­logy; but he made it still new, with the fresh­ness, and vehemency of his affection. Make me to understand the way of thy Precepts; Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy Law. And Open thou mine eyes, that I may see the wonders of thy Law; unseal mine eyes, as if still veiled and dark. These are the earnest and nobly ambitious desires that daily sollicite holy hearts, and stir them to sollicite the Teacher of hearts, to be admitted more into the secrets, and re­cesses of Divine knowledge, not to those abysses that God intends should be secret still, and from which he hath barr'd out our curiosity, as the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, these se­crets that belong to himself alone, and con­cern us not to enquire after, and certainly to [Page 33] be wading in these deeps, is the way to he drown'd in them. The Searcher of Majesty shall be opprest with Glory; yet, there is in Man a perverse preposterous desire to pore upon such things as are on purpose hidden, that we should not enquire after them; and to seek after use­less empty speculations of them, which is a luxury, and intemperance of the understand­ing, like unto that, and springing from that, which at first undid us in the Root. These are times full of those empty airy Questions, and Notions in which there is no clearness, nor certainty to be attained, and if it were, yet would serve to little or no purpose, not mak­ing the Man that thinks he hath found them out, one jot the better, or hollier Man then he was before: What avails it, says that devout Author, to dispute and discourse high concerning the Trinity, and want humility, and so displease that Trinity. The Light and Knowledge suted according to the intendment of this Copy, is of another nature, such as purifies the heart, and rectifies the Life. What I see not teach thou me. That is, of such things as may serve this end, That if I have done iniquity I may do it no more, this is sound and solid knowledge, such a light as enflames the heart with the love of God, and of the beauties of holiness; and still as it grows, makes those to grow likewise. Such are still, we see, David's multiplied Sup­plications in that Psalm; not to know reser­ [...]d and unuseful things, But hide not thy Com­mandments from me. Thy hands have made me [Page 34] and fashioned me. Now, what is that thy Creature and Workmanship begs of thee? what is that which will compleat my being, and make me do honour to my Maker? This is it, Give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments. You that would be success­ful Supplicants in this request, wean your hearts from this vanity of desire, such know­ledge is as the Cypress-Trees, fair and tall, but fruitless and sapless. Apply all you know to the purging out of Sin, and intend all the further knowledge you desire, to that same end. Seek to be acquainted with higher rules of Mortification, and Self-denial, and Charity, then yet you have either practised, or possi­bly so much as thought on; that by these, your Affections and Actions may be advanced to greater degrees of purity, and conformity with the holiness of God. And for this end, beg of him to teach you what you see not in the exactness of the Law, and Rule. And with­al, which is the other thing in this word, that what you see not in the application of it, and search of your self, he would likewise shew you that. For in that, we are commonly as un­discerning and dimsighted, as in the other; even where Men have some notion of the Rule and their Duty, yet they perceive not their own, even their gross recessions, and declin­ings from it: Love is a blinding thing, and above all Love, Self-love; and every Man is naturally his own Flatterer, he deals not faith­fully and sincerely with himself in the search [Page 35] of his own evils. Now this we are to intreat of God, to be led into our selves, and to be applyed to the work of self-searching, by his own hand, not only to have a right apprehen­sion of the Law given us, but a true sight of our selves. Oh! How many hidden undis­cerned, yea unsuspected impurities, and fol­ [...]ies are there in the hearts of those that are the most diligent in this inquiry, much more in the greater part, even of such as cannot ab­solutely be denied the name of good men, some honest intentions, and good desires there are in them; but they are slothful, and unwil­ling to go to this painful business of trying and judging themselves, and when they set to it, many secret corners, and in those ma­ny latent inordinacies do escape their search. Cleanse me from secret faults, says David, that is not only those hidden from Men, but even from my self, as is clearly his meaning, by the words precedeing, who knows the errors of his Life. Therefore is it necessary that we desire light of God, The Spirit of a Man is the Candle of the Lord, says Solomon, searching the inner­most parts of the Belly; But it is a Candle unlighted, when he does not illuminate it for that search. Oh! What a deal of Vanity and love of this World, Envy and secret Pride, lurks in many of our hearts, that we do not at all perceive, till God causeth us to see it, leading us in as he did the Prophet in the Vi­sion, to see the Idolatry of the Jews in his very Temple, by which they had provoked [Page 36] him to forsake it, and go far from his sanctu­ary; and having discovered one parcel, leads him in further, and makes him enter through the Wall, and adds often, Son of Man hast thou seen these, I will cause thee see yet more abo­minations, and yet more abominations. Thus is it within many of us that should be his Tem­ples, but we have multitude of Images of Jea­lousie, one lying hid behind another, till he thus discover them to us. Oh! What need have we to entreat him thus, What I see not shew thou me!

Now in both these, both in the knowledge of our Rule, and of our selves, though there may be some useful subserviency of the Mini­stry of Men; yet the great Teacher of the true knowledge of his Law, and of himself, and of our selves, is God. Men may speak to the Ear, but his Chair is in Heaven, that Teaches hearts, Cathedram habet in caelo. Match­less Teacher! that Teacheth more in one hour, than Men can do in a whole Age! That can cure the invincible unteachableness of the dullest heart, Gives understanding to the simple, and opens the eyes of the Blind. So then would we be made wise, wise for Eternity, learned in real living Divinity, Let us sit down at his feet and make this our continual request. What I see not teach thou me.

And if I have done, &c.] That's any ini­quity that I yet know not of, any hidden Sin, let me but once see it, and, I hope, thou shalt see it no more within me; not willingly lodg­ed and entertained. This speaks an entire [Page 37] total giving up all Sin, and proclaming ut­ter defiance, and enmity against it, casting out what is already found out without delay, and resolving that still in further search, as it shall be more discovered, it shall be forthwith dislodged, without a thought of sparing or partial indulgence to any thing that is Sin, or like it, or may any way befriend it, or be an occasion and incentive of it. This is that abso­lute renouncing of Sin, and surrender of the whole Soul, and our whole selves to God: which whosoever do not heartily consent to and resolve on, their Religion is in vain, and (which is here the point) their Affliction is in vain; whatsoever they have suffered, they have gained nothing by all their sufferings, if their hearts remain still Selfwill'd, Stubborn, Untamed, and unpliable to God. And this makes their miseries out of measure miserable, and their sins out of measure sinful; whereas were it thus qualify'd, and had it any operation this way towards the subjecting of their hearts unto God, Affliction were not to be called misery, but would go under the Title of a blessedness: Blessed is the Man whom thou correctest and teachest him out of thy Law. That suiting with this here desired, I have born Chastisement: What I see not teach thou me, and if I have done iniquity, I will do it no more. Oh! Were it thus with us M. B. how might we rejoyce, and insert into our Praises all that is come upon us, if it had wrought or advanced any thing of this kind within us, this blessed compliance with the [Page 38] will of God, not entertaining any thing know­ingly that displeases him; finding a pleasure in the denial and destruction of our own most be­loved pleasures at his appointment, and for his sake, whatsoever is in us, and dearest to us, that would offend us, that would draw us to offend him, were it the right hand let it be cut off, or the right eye let it be pluckt out: Or to make shorter work, let the whole Man die at once Crucified with Jesus, That we may be henceforth dead to Sin, dead to the World, dead to our selves, and alive only to God.



THere is no Exercise so delightful to those that are truly godly, as the so­lemn Worship of God, if they find his powerful, and sensible presence in it; and in­deed, there is nothing on earth more like to Heaven than that is. But when he withdraws himself, and witholds the influence and breathings of his Spirit in his service, then good Souls find nothing more lifeless and un­comfortable; but there is this difference, even at such a time betwixt them, and those that have no Spiritual life in them at all, that they find, and are sensible of this difference, whereas the other know not what it means. And for the most part, the greatest number of those that meet together with a profession to Worship God, yet are such as do not un­derstand this difference. Custom and forma­lity draws many to the ordinary places of publick Worship, and fills too much of the Room. And somtimes Novelty and Cu­riosity to places not ordinary, has a large share. But how few are there that come on purpose to meet with God in his Worship, and to find his power in it strengthning their [Page 40] weak Faith, and weakning their strong Cor­ruptious; affording them provision of Spiri­tual strength, and comfort against times of trial: And, in a word, advancing them some steps forward in their Journey towards Hea­ven, where Happiness and Perfection dwells? Certainly these sweet effects are to be found in these Ordinances, if we would look after them; let it grieve us then, that we have so often lost our labour in the Worship of God, through our own neglect, and intreat the Lord, that at this time, he would not send us away empty, for how weak so ever the means be, if he put his strength, the work shall be done, in some measure, to his Glory, and our Edification. Now that he may be pleased to do so, to leave ablessing behind him, let us Pray, &c.

Isaiah XXVIII. 5, 6.

‘In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a Crown of Glory, and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his People: And for a spirit of judgment to him that sittest in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battel to the gate.’

ALL the Works of Divine Providence are full of Wisdom and Justice, even every one severally considered; yet we ob­serve them best to be such, when we take no­tice [Page 41] of their order, and mutual aspect one to another, whether in the succession of times, or such passages as are contemporary, and fall in together, at one and the same time. As when the Lord brings notable Judgments up­on the [...]roud Workers of Iniquity, and at the same time confers special Mercies on his own People, who is there that may not per­ceive Justice and Mercy illustrating, and beau­tifying one another? It is true, the full re­ward, and perfect rest of the Godly, is not here below, they would be sorry if it were; nor is this the place of Plenary punishment for the ungodly. Men may look for a Judg­ment too, yet the Lord is pleased at sometimes to give some resemblances, and pledges, as it were, of that great and last Judgment, in re­markable passages of Justice and Mercy, at one and the same time; and such a time it is, that the Prophet foretells in this his Ser­mon, which concerns the two Sister King­doms of Israel and Judah. Having denoun­ced a heavy Calamity to come upon Israel, under the name of Ephraim, he comforts those of Judah, under the name of the residue of his People. They not being so grosly corrup­ted as the other were, he stays them with this promise: In that day, saith be, when the other shall be overwhelmed, as with a Deluge, The Lord of hosts shall be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his people.

The promise is made up of three benefits, [Page 42] yet the three are but one; or rather, one is all the three to them. The Lord of hosts; it is he, that shall be their Honour, Wisdom and Strength. He shall be a crown, &c. But first, a word of the Circumstance of time, In that day.

That Sovereign Lord, who at first set up the Lights of Heaven to distinguish times and seasons, by their constant motion, and like­wise, by his Supream Providence, ruling the World, hath fixed the periods of States and Kingdoms, and decreed their Revolutions, their rising, ascending, and their height, with their decline and setting; hath by a special Providence determined those changes and vi­cissitudes that befall his Church. That which the Psalmist speaks, in his own particular, Psal. 31. 15. holds of each Believer, and of the Church, which they make up in all ages and places: I said thou art my God, my times are in thy hand; a sure and steady hand indeed, and therefore he builds his confidence upon it. ver. 13. They took counsel against me, but I trust­ed in thee. And upon this, he prays in faith That the face of God may shine upon him, and the Wicked may be ashamed.

Thus then, as many as are looking after a day of Mercy, to the Church of God, Pray and Believe upon this ground, That the time of it is neither in the frail hands of those that favour and seek it, nor in the hands of those that oppose it, how strong and subtile soever they be, but in that Almighty Hand, that [Page 43] doth in Heaven and Earth what pleaseth him. If he have said, now, and here, will I give a day of refreshment to my people that have long groaned for it, a day of the purity, and power of Religion. If, I say, this be his pur­pose, they must have somewhat more than Omnipotence that can hinder it, when his appointed time comes, to make a day of deli­verance dawn upon his Church, after their long Night, either of affliction, or of de­fection, or both; they that contrive against that day-spring, are as vain, as if they would sit down to Plot how to hinder the Sun from rising in the Morning: And they that let go their hopes of it, because of great apparent difficulties, that interpose betwixt their eye, and the accomplishment of that work, they are as weak as if they should imagine, when mists and thick vapours appear about the Ho­rizon in the morning, that these could hinder the rising of the Sun, which is so far out of their reach, and comes forth as a bridegroom, and rejoyces as a mighty man to run his race, says David. Those mists may, indeed, hinder his clear appearance, and keep it from the eye for a time; but Reason tells us, even then, that they cannot stop his course. And Faith assures us no less in the other, That no dif­ficulties can hold back God's day, and work of mercy, to his people. But you'll say, All the difficulty is to know whether the appoint­ed time be near or not: 'Tis true, we have no particular Prophecies to assure us, but cer­tainly [Page 44] when God awakes his Children, and makes them rise, this is a probable sign that it is near day: I mean, when he stirs them up to more than usual Hopes, and Prayers, and Endeavours, it is very likely that he intends them some special good; but yet more when he himself is arisen (as it pleaseth him to speak) that is, when he is begun to appear, in a more than ordinary manner, of working by singular and wonderful footsteps of Providence. This is, no doubt, a sign that he will go on to shew re­markable mercy to Sion, and that the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come, Ps. 102. 13.

Howsoever then, let the wonderful work­ings of the Lord move those of you, that have any power and opportunity, to be now (if ever) activ [...] for the greatest good, both of the present Age, and of Posterity; and you that can be no other way useful, yet you shall be no small helpers if you be much in Prayer; let both your hopes and your fears serve to sharpen your Prayers▪ Be not too much dejected with any discouragement, neither be ye carnally lift up with outward oppearances, for the heart of him that is lifted up, is not upright in him, Hab. 2. 3. But live, as the just do, by your faith, and if the deferring of your hopes should sicken your hearts (as Solomon speaks) yet stay and comfort them with the Cordial of the Promises. This you are sure of, you have God's own word engaged for it, that in those latter days Babylon shall be brought to the dust, [Page 45] and the true Church of Christ shall flourish and increase; and this Vision is for appointed time (as Habak. says of his) at the end it shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not tarry.

In that day] In the day of Ephraims or Isra­els Calamity, denounced in the former verses; which, as most do conceive, was when the Assyrian opprest them, and in the end, led them Captive, in the Reign of Hosea, as you have the History of it, 2 Kings, 17. At which time Hezekiah was King of Judah, as you find in the following Chapter; and in that notable Reformation wrought by him, with those blessings that followed upon it, is found the accomplishment of this promise to Judah, In that day, &c. The parallel of God's diffe­rent dealing with these two Kingdoms, at the time there specified ( in that day) does afford divers Lessons, which might be here not im­pertinently taken notice of. Only this,

Though Judah also had its own corruptions, when Hezekiah came to the Crown, yet it pleased the Lord to spare them, and work a peaceable Reformation, making Israels punish­ment their warning. Truly, that Nation with whom the Lord deals thus graciously, is vilely ingrate if they observe it not with much humility and thankfulness, and with profit too. If the Lord should answer your desires and hopes with a Reformation, in a peaceable way, and should yet lengthen out your long continued peace, and should make [Page 46] this little past shaking of it, cause it to take root the faster; if he should▪ I say, do this, where would ye find fit praises for such a wonder of Mercy, especially considering, that in the mean while, he hath made other Reformed-Churches Fields of Blood, and made, as it were, the sound of their stripes preach Repen­tance to us? But certainly, if the hearing the voice of the Rod prevail not, we shall feel the smart of it, as this people of Judah did afterwards, because they were not so wise as to become wiser and better by Israels Folly and Calamity. We are expecting great things at our Lord's hands, and our provocations and sins against him are great; yet there is none of them all puts us in so much danger of dis­appointment, as Impenitency, Were there more Repentance, and personal Reformation amongst us, we might take it as a hopeful fore-runner of that publick Reformation which so many seem now to desire.

The Lord of hosts] This stile of his, you know is frequent in the Prophets, in their Predicti­ons of Mercy and Judgment, intimating both his Greatness and Majesty, and his Supream Power, for accomplishing his Word. No created Power can resist him; yea, all must serve him. The most excellent Creatures can have no greater honour: The greatest are not exempted, nor the meanest excluded from ser­ving him. In the 12. of the Acts, 23. you find one of the noblest Creatures, and a num­ber of the Vilest, made use of at the same [Page 47] time, in the same service. Because Herod did accept of the Sacriledge of the People, and gave not back to this Lord of Hosts his own glory; The Angel of the Lord smote him, and the Vermine devoured him. And in Egypt, you know, the employing of the destroying Angel, and what variety of Hosts, this Lord of Hosts, did employ to plague them. What madness then is it, to oppose and encounter this great General; even in doubtful cases, to run on blindly, without examining, lest perad­venture a Man should be found a fighter against God? And on the other side, it's great weakness to admit any fear under his Banner. If a Man could say, when he was told of the multitude of the Ships the Enemy had, against [...]. how many do you reckon me, how much more justly may we reckon, this Lord of Hosts, against multitudes of Enemies, how great soever? They are to him as the drop of a bucket, and the smallest dust of the ballance; 'tis ignorance and mean thoughts, of this mighty Lord, that makes his enemies so confident; and it is the same evil, in some degree, or at the best, forgetfulness of his Power, that causeth dif­fidence in his followers, Isa. 51. 12, 13. Now the same Lord of Hosts, you know, is like­wise called the God of Peace; he is, indeed, & pace & bello insignis. The blessing of Peace, and the success of War, are both from him; and to him alone is due the praise of both.

Shall be a Crown, &c.] He shall dignifie and adorn them by his special presence; to wit, [Page 48] In the purity of his Ordinances, and Religion, amongst them; the profession, and flourish­ing of that, shall be their special glory and beauty. For as the other two benefits con­cern their civil good, Justice flourishing with­in, and Wealth, and Opulency from without, so doubtless, this first, this glory and beauty, is Religion▪ as the chiefest of the three, and the other two are its attendants. In the 26 Ps. ver. 8. The Sanctuary, the place of their solemn Worship, is called The place where God's honour dwelleth, or the Tabernacle of his honour. And Psalm 96. 9. The glo­rious Sanctuary, or the beauty of holiness. And the Ark of God, you know, was called the glory. The glory is departed from Israel, (said the Wife of Phineas) for the ark of God is ta­ken. Pure Religion, and a pure Worship, is the glory of God amongst his People, and consequently, their glory. Now referring this Prophesie to Hezekiah's time, the accomplish­ment of it is evident, in that work of Refor­mation, whereof you have the full History, 2 Chron. 29. 30, 31, &c.

If it be thus, that the purity of Religion, and Worship, is the Crown and Glory of a People; and therefore, on the other side, that their deepest stain of Dishonour and Vile­ness, is the vitiating of Religion with hu­mane Devices; then to contend for the Pre­servation, or the Reformation of it, is noble, and worthy of a Christian. 'Tis for the Crown of Jesus Christ, which is likewise a [Page 49] Crown of Glory, and Diadem of Beauty to them, he being their Head; it is indeed, the true glory both of Kings and their Kingdoms. La­bour then for constancy in this work; let no man take your Crown from you; you know how busie the Emissaries of the Church of Rome have been to take it from us, or, at least, to pick the Diamonds out of it, and put in false counterfeit ones in their places, I mean, they stole away the power of Religion, and fill'd up the room with shadows and foppe­ries of their own devising. 'Tis the Vanity of that Church, to think they adorn the Wor­ship of God when they dress it up with splen­dor in her service, which some magnifie so much, yet may most truly be called a glistering Slavery and Captivity. Then is she truly free, and wears her Crown, when the Ordinances of God are confor­mable to his own appointment. It is Va­nity in Man, I say, when they dress it up with multitude of gaudy Ceremonies, and make it the smallest part of it self, whereas, indeed, its true glory consists not in pomp, but in purity and simplici [...]y. Apoc. 12. We find the Church, under the name of a Wo­man, richly attired indeed, but her orna­ments be all heavenly, the Sun her cloathing, and her Crown of twelve Stars; needs she then borrow sublunary glory? No, she treads upon it, the Moon is under her feet. There is another Woman, indeed, in that same Book, arrayed in Purple and Scarlet, deckt [Page 50] with Gold and precious Stones, and having a Golden Cup in her Hand, but that Golden Cup is full of Abominations and Filthiness, and she her self the Mother of Abominations, Apoc. 17. 4. The Natural Man judges accord­ing to his reach, but to a Spiritual Eye there is a most genuine beauty in the Service of God, and Government of his House, and when they are nearest to the Rule, the Word of God, then is it, that the Lord himself is the Crown and Diadem of his Church.

A Crown, &c.] Again we consider this personally, as belonging in particular to every Believer. They are all made Kings and Priests unto God the Father, Revel 1. 6. They are a cho­sen generation, a royal priesthood, 1 Pet. 2. 9. how despicable soever to the World. This is their dignity: The Lord is their crown and diadem; he subdues their Lust, and makes them Kings over their own Affections, and more than [...]onquerors over all Troubles and Persecutions, whereas carnal Men are con­tinually hurried like Slaves, unto base employ­ments, still kept toyling in the ignoble service of their own Lusts. They think, indeed, it is their Liberty, but that's a baseness of Spi­rit, that complies so well with so Vile and Ser­vile a condition. And whereas they judge the godly to be the refuse and dross of the Earth, and the proper objects of Contempt, this is because this their Crown, though most glo­rious, is invisible to the Eye of Nature. The Lord is a Crown: If they knew what this is, [Page 51] they would see enough in it to countervail their outward meanness, and the reproaches the World casts on them, as the Apostle St. Peter hath it, 1 Ep. cap. 4. 14. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye, for the spirit of Glory and of God resteth on you: He is their Crown.

And observe, how this Crown is opposed to that blasted glory, and fading Crown of pride, spoken of in the former verses.

Who is there that sees not, in daily Expe­rience, the Vanity and Inconstancy of world­ly glory, and yet how few are there that wean themselves from it, and learn to disdain it? Still men dote upon that which is not, upon a shadow, a nothing. But would you have a Glory that fadeth not, a Garland that can­not wither, make the Lord your Crown and your Glory, and if he be so, glory in him and in nothing else; Let not the wise man glory, &c. but let, &c. Jer. 9. 23.

You that are Noble aspire to this Crown, as being so far above your perishing Honours and bounded Powers; and you that are out­wardly meaner and lower, see how little cause you have to complain of your condition, see­ing you are not debarred from this best and greatest honour. And that you may discern it aright what it is, know that it consists in the renovation of God's Image within you, which is in Holiness and Righteousness: So the Lord becomes your Crown in the King­dom of Grace, and by this you may discover [Page 52] whether or no you have attained it, if you can yet delight to wallow in the puddle and plea­sures of Sin, you are far from this royal con­dition; but if you find your Soul possessed with the love of Holiness, and that you are trampling upon prophane delights, this may perswade you that God hath enabled you, and crowned you with his Grace, and will crown you with Glory. Again, try it by this; if the Lord is become your Crown and your Glory, you will glory in him, and in nothing else. Though you be Wise, you will not glory in your Wisdom, nor in Strength, nor in Riches, nor Honours, though you had them all; but if you glory, you will glory; in the Lord. And withal, your highest joy will be to see the advancement of his Glory; and, if you can, to be any way serviceable to the advancing of it.

And a spirit of Judgment, &c.] Both to these that sit in Judgment, and to the Peo­ple, for Justice is the strongest Base and Esta­blishment of Authority; and withal, the in­fluence of it is most sweet and comfortable to these that are under Authority, and where it is wanting, that order and relation of Supe­riours and Inferiours, which God hath ap­pointed, in the Societies of Men, for their good, tends exceedingly to the damage of both. And therefore, where God intendeth to continue the Peace and Welfare of a People, he is liberal in pouring out much of this Spi­rit of Judgment, on these that sit in Judg­ment. [Page 53] On the contrary, it is for a heavy punishment when he withdraws his Spirit from Rulers, and leaves them wholly to the Cor­ruption and Vanity of their own Spirits.

That sit in Judgment] To all that are in place of Authority and Judicature, from the Supream to the lowest Magistrate; for this concerns them all, for they be all raised in their Subordination, and several places above the people, for the benefit and good of the peo­ple as the Stars, that be set so high, yet are placed there to be useful and beneficial to the Inferiour World.

Now this Spirit of Judgment comprehends in it, both due Wisdom and Prudence, for the trial and right judging of affairs, and for the discerning betwixt sound and perverse Counsel; and withal a judgment practically good, that cannot be byass'd from the straight line of Equity and Justice by any sinister respect.

Now seeing the Spirit of Judgment is from the Lord, yea, he is this Spirit; it ought to perswade those that sit in Judgment, to en­treat and pray for this, and to depend upon it, and beware of Self-confidence. Trust in the Lord, saith Solomon, and lean not to thine own understanding; if you do, it will prove but a broken Reed. And as they that sit in Judg­ment, should intreat his Spirit by Prayer, so generally, all must share with them in this duty, and make supplication for all that are in Authority over them, especially in extra­ordinary [Page 54] times. Truly, we have matter of thankfulness, that the Lord hath in some mea­sure inclined the Royal Heart of our Sovereign to the desires of his People, and ought still to pray, That the Lord would give the King his Judgments. And then, as the Psalmist adds, The Mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little Hills, by righteousness, Psal. 72. 3. And for this end, let all that wish the publick, yea, their own good, pray much for abun­dance of this Spirit of Judgment to be con­ferred on them; your eyes and expecta­tions are upon them. If you would enjoy the Lamp, you must pour in Oyl. This Spi­rit, indeed, you cannot pour upon them, but if you pour out many Prayers, you may draw it from above, he will give it, who here promises to be a Spirit of Judgment.

And strength] Observe, the way to be powerful and successful against Foreign Ene­mies, is, To have Religion and Justice flourishing at home; and truly, if it please our God, to answer the desires of his Peo­ple, at this time, it may so unite the af­fection and strength of the two King­doms, (the Lord of Hosts being their strength) as to make them a Terror to their Enemies, whereas they were become a scorn and derision to them. For your particular, Labour to make the Lord your Glory, to have Christ made unto you, as the Apostle speaks, both wisdom, and righte­ousness, and sanctification, which are the glo­ry [Page 55] and beauty of the Soul, and redemption from your Spiritual Enemies; draw strength from him, to fight and prevail against them, till after the short Combat of this life, you obtain the Crown, and dwell in his presence, where you shall fear no more assaults, neither of Sin nor Affliction, but shall be for ever happy in the blessed Vision of his Face. To him, be glory,




EXternal worship doth openly acknow­ledge a Deity, but want of inward sense in Worship secretly denieth it; The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God. 'Tis strange to hear so much noise of Religi­gon in the World, and to find so little Piety. To present the living God with a carcass of lifeless Worship, is to pay him with shells of Services, and so to mock him. And it is a more admirable long-suffering in him to defer the punishment of such Devotion, then all the other Sins in the World. The Egyptian Tem­ples were rich and stately Fabricks. A Stran­ger, who had lookt upon them without, would have imagined some great Deity within; But if they entered (as Lucian says laughing at them) nothing was to be seen, but only some Ape, or Cat, or py'd Bull, or some other fine God like those. To behold our fair sem­blance of Religion that frequent this house, it would appear that we were all the Temples of the Holy Ghost. But who so could look within us, would find in many of our hearts, Lust, Pride, Avarice, or some such like secret [Page 57] Vice adored as a God; and these are they that while our Bodies sit here, do alienate our Souls from the Service of the Eternal God: So that we are either altogether senseless and dead before him, or if any fit of Spiritual mo­tion rise within us, we find it here, and here we leave it, as if it were sacriledge to take it home with us; But did once that Spirit of grace breath savingly upon our Souls, we should straight renounce and abhor those base Idols, and then all the current of our affection would run more in this Channel; our Ser­vices would then be spiritual, and it would be our Heaven upon Earth to view God in his Sanctuary; and the obtaining of the change is and should be one main end of this our meet­ing, and that it may be the happy effect of it our recourse must be to the Throne of Grace by humble Prayer, In the Name of our Media­tor Jesus Christ the Righteous.

Isaiah. LX. 1.

‘Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’

ADmirable is the worth, and depth of Di­vine Providence; this either we know not, or at least seldom remember; while we forget the wonders of Providence, we direct our thoughts to baser objects, and think not on it; and while we forget the depth of Pro­vidence [Page 58] (if at any time we look towards it) we judge rashly and think amiss of it. If this be true of that general Providence where­by God rules the World, 'tis more true of his special Providence towards his Church. This is both the most excellent piece of it, and therefore best worth the reading, and also the hardest piece, and therefore it requires sobriety in judging; above all other things he that sud­denly judges in this, makes haste to err; To have a right view of it, it must be taken alto­gether, and not by parcels: Pieces of rarest Artifice, while they are a making, seem little worth, especially to an unskilful eye, which being compleated, command admiration. P. Martyr says well, De operibus Dei. Antequam a­ctum, non est judicandum. There is a time when the Daughters of Sion embrace the dung­hil, and sit desolate in the Streets, as Jeremiah hath it in the 4th. of his Lam. verse 5. And at that same time the voice of Babylon is, I sit as a Queen, and shall see no sorrow, Isa. 47. All is out of order here. But if we stay a while we shall see Sion and Babylon appointed to change seats, by the great Master of the World; Come down (says he) Daughter of Ba­bylon, and sit in the dust, Isa. 47. 2. And here to Zion; Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. It is an entire Catastrophe, both Parties find a notable alteration together, That same hand that ex­alts the one, ruins the other. When the Sun rises upon the Church, her Antipodes must [Page 59] needs be covered with darkness. As we find it in the next verse to the Text. Darkness shall cover the Earth, and gross Darkness the People, but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his Glory shall be seen upon thee.

The Prophet elevated by the Spirit of God to a view of after Ages, as clear as if present, seems here to find his people sitting under the dark mantle of a sad and tedious night, and having long expected the Suns return in vain, before its time, they give over expectation when its near them, and desperately sold themselves to lie perpetually in the dark. Now the Prophet, as it were standing awake upon some Mountain, perceives the day approaching, and the golden Chariots of the Morning of deliverance hasting forward, and seems to come speedily with these glad news, to a Captive People, and sounds this Trumpet in their Ears, Arise, shine, for thy light is come, &c. The very manner of expression is sudden, and rouzing without a copulative, Not arise and shine; But arise, shine, &c.

The words have in them, a clear stamp of re­lation to a low posture, and obscure condition; They suppose a people lying, or sitting with­out light; deep distress is that dark soil that best sets off the lustre of marvellous deliveran­ces; and among many other reasons of the Churches vicissitudes, why may not this be one: The Lord is more illustrious in the World by that deep Wisdom and great Power that shines when he raises and restores her from desperate Afflictions, then if he had still pre­served [Page 60] her in constant ease, he seems some­times careless of her condition, and regard­less of her groanes; but even then, is he wait­ing the most fit time to be gracious, as our Pro­phet speaks: And when it is time, out of the basest Estate he brings her forth more fresh, strong, and beautiful than before. Though you have lyen among the Pots, ye shall be as the Wings of a Dove covered with Silver, and her Feathers with yellow Gold, Psal. 68. 13. Do with the Church what you will, she shall come through, and that with advantage, Mer­g [...]s profundo pulchrior exilit, as one says of Rome, Keep the Church seventy years Captive, yet af­ter that, she shall arise and shine more glorious then ever.

But surely the strain of this Evangelick Pro­phesie rises higher than any temporal delive­rance. Therefore we must rise to some more spiritual sense of it, not excluding the former. And that which some call divers senses of the same Scripture, is indeed, but divers parts of one full sense. This prophecy is out of question, a most rich description of the King­dom of Christ under the Gospel. And in this sense, this invitation to Arise and Shine is main­ly addrest to mystical Jerusalem, yet not with­out some priviledge to literal Jerusalem beyond other people. They are first invited to Arise, and shine, because this Sun arose first in their Horizon. Christ came of the Jews, and came first to them. The Redeemer shall come to Zion, says our Prophet, in the former Chapter, but [Page 61] miserable Jerusalem knew not the day of her Visitation, nor the things that concerned her peace, and therefore are they now hid from her eyes: She delighted to deceive her self with fancies of (I know not what) imaginary grandeur, and outward glory, to which the promised Messiah should exalt her, and did, in that kind, particularly, abuse this very Pro­phesie; so doteing upon a sense grosly literal, she forfeited the enjoyment of those Spiritual Blessings that are here described. But un­doubtedly, that people of the Jews, shall once more be commanded to arise and shine, and their return shall be the riches of the Gentiles; and that shall be a more glorious time than ever the Church of God did yet behold. Nor is there any inconvenience, if we think that the high expressions of this Prophesie have some spiritual reference to that time, since the great Doctor of the Gentiles, applies some words of the former Chapter to that purpose, Rom. 11. 29. They forget a main point of the Churches glory, that pray not daily for the Jews Conversion.

But to pass that, and insist on the Spiritual sense of these words, as directed to the whole Church of Christ. They contain a powerful incitement to a twofold act, inforc'd (as I con­ceive) by one reason, under a twofold expres­sion, neither of them superfluous, but each giving light to other, and suiting very aptly with the two words of command: Arise, for the glory of the Lord is risen, and shine, for thy light is come.

[Page 62]I will not now subdivide these parts again, and cut them smaller, but will rather unite them again into this one Proposition: The coming and presence of Christ, ingages all to whom he comes, to arise and shine. In this proposition, may be considered the nature of the duties, the universality of the subject, and the force of the reason. First, the nature of the duties, what it is to arise and shine.

Arising hath either reference to a fall, or to some contrary posture of sitting, or lying; or to one of these two conditions, that are so like one another, Sleep, or Death; and to all these, Spiritually understood, may it here be referr'd. This is the voice of the Gospel to the Sons of Adam, Arise, for in him they all fell. The first sin of that first Man, was the great Fall of Mankind; it could not but undo us, it was from so high a Station. Our daily sins are our daily falls, and they are the fruits of that great one. Thou hast fallen by thine iniquity, says the Lord to his people, Hosea 14. 1. for these postures of sitting and lying, the Scrip­ture makes use of them both, to signifie the state of sin. Says not St. John, The world lies in wickedness, 1 Joh. 5. 19? Are not the peo­ple said to sit in darkness, mentioned Matth. 4. 16? which is directly opposite to Arise and Shine. In the darkness of Egypt, it is said, the people sate still, none arose from their places. In the gross mist of Corrupt Nature, Man can­not bestir himself to any Spiritual action, but when this light is come, then he may, and should arise.

[Page 63]Now for Sleep and Death. Sin is most fre­quently represented, in Holy Writ, under their black Vizors. To forbear places where they are severally so used, we shall find them jointly in one, Eph. 5. 14. Arise thou that sleepest, and stand up from the dead; which place seems to have special allusion to this very Text.

The impenitent Sinner is as one buried in sleep; his Soul is in darkness, fit for sleep, and loves to be so. That he may sleeep the sounder, he shuts all the passages of light, as enemies to his rest; and so, by close Windows and Cur­tains, makes an artificial Night to himself within; not a beam appears there, though without, the clear day of the Gospel shines round about him. The senses of his Soul, as we may call them, are all bound up, and are not exercised to discern good and evil, as the Apostle speaks, Heb. 5. 14. And his leading faculty, his understanding, is surcharged with sleepy Vapors, that arise incessantly from the inferiour part of his Soul, his perverse af­fections, nor hath his mind any other exercise, in this sleepy condition, but the vain business of dreaming; his most refined, and wisest thoughts, are but meer extravagancies from Man's due end, and his greatest contentments nothing but Golden Dreams, yet he is serious in them, and no wonder, for who can discern the folly of his own Dream till he is awake? He that Dreams he eateth, when he awakes finds his Soul empty, and not till then, Isa. 29. 8. [Page 64] Now while he thus sleeps, his great business lyes by, yet spends he his hand-breadth of time as fast, while he is fast asleep, as if he were in continual employment; judge then if it b [...] not needful to bid this Man Arise.

Lastly, This voice may import that Man is Spiritually Dead. God is the life of the Soul, as it is of the Body; while he dwells there, its both comely and active, but once destitute of his presence, becomes a Carcass, where, be­sides privation of life and motion, there is a positive filthiness, a putrefaction in the Soul, unspeakably worse than that of dead Bodies, Corruptio optimi pessima. And as dead Bodies are removed from the sight of Mon, dead Souls are cast out from the favourable sight of God, till Christ's saying Arise, revive them. The Ministers of the Word are appointed to cry, Arise, indifferently to all that hear them; and Christ hath reserved this priviledge and liberty, to joyn his effective voice, when, and to whom he pleases. A carnal Man may shew his Teeth at this, but who is he that can, by any solid reason, charge absurdity upon this way of dispensing outward and inward Vocation? I will not here mention their idle Cavils, the Scripture is undeniably clear in these, That Man is naturally dead in Sin. The Gospel bids him Arise, and it is Christ that is his life, and that raises him. Thus we see, in some measure, what it is for Men to Arise. Now being risen they must Shine, and that two ways, jointly and publickly, as they make [Page 65] up visible Churches; and likewise personally, in their particular Conversation. First then, What is the shining of the true Church? Doth not a Church then shine, when Church Service is raised from a decent and primitive Simplicity, and decored with Pompous Ce­remonies, with rich Furniture, and gaudy Vestments? Is not the Church then Beautiful? Yes, indeed, but all the question is whether this be the proper genuine beauty or no; whether this be not strange fire, as the fire that Aarons Sons used which became vain, and was taken as strange fire. Methinks it cannot be better decided, then to refer it to St. John in his Book of the Revelations. We find there the Descrip­tions of two several Women, the one riding in State, arrayed in Purple, deckt with Gold and precious Stones and Pearl, Rev. 17. 3. The other in rich attire too, but of another Chap. 12. kind, Cloathed with the Sun, and a Crown of twelve Stars on her head; the others de­corement was all Earthly, this Womans is all celestial; what need she borrow Light and Beauty, from precious Stones that's Cloathed with the Sun, and Crowned with Stars; she wears no sublunary Ornaments, but, which is more noble, she treads upon them, the Moon is under her Feet; now if you know (as you do all without doubt) which of these two is the Spouse of Christ, you can easily resolve the question. The truth is, those things seem to deck Religion, but they undo it. Observe where they are most used, and we shall find [Page 66] little or no substance of Devotion under them, as we see in that Apostate Church of Rome. This Painting is dishonourable for Christ's Spo [...]se, and besides, it spoils her natural Com­plexion. The superstitious use of Torches and Lights in the Church by day, is a kind of shining, but surely not commanded here. No it is an affront done both to the Sun in the Heaven, and to the Sun of Righteousness in the Church.

What is meant then when the Church is [...] Commanded to shine or be enlightened. These two readings give the entire sense of the word; first for having no light of her self, she must receive light, and then shew it, be enlighten­ed and then shine; she is enlightened by Christ the Sun of Righteousness, shining in the Sphere of the Gospel. This is that Light that comes to her, and the Glory of the Lord that arises upon her; hence she receives her Laws and Form of Government, and her shining is briefly the pure exercise of those, and conformity to them.

And the personal shining of the several Members of a Church, is a comely congrui­ty with pure worship and discipline, and it is that which now is most needful to be urged, every Christian Soul is personally engaged first to be enlightened and then to shine, and we must draw our Light for our selves, from that same source that furnishes the Church with her publick Light. There is a word in the Civil Law, Uxor fulget radiis mariti, the Wife [Page 67] shines by the rays of her Husbands Light. Now every faithful Soul is espoused to Christ and therefore may well shine, seeing the Sun himself is their Husband; he adorns them with a double Beauty of Justification and San­ctification: By that, they shine more especi­ally to God, by this to Men; And may not these two be signified by a double Character given to the Spouse in the Cant. 6. 20. She is fair as the Moon, and clear as the Sun; The lesser Light is that of Sanctification, Fair as the Moon; That of Justification the greater, by which, She is as clear as the Sun: The Sun is perfectly Luminous, but the Moon is but half enlightened; so the Believer is perfectly justified but sanctified only in part, his one half, his flesh, is dark, and as the partial illumination is the reason of so many changes in the Moon to which changes the Sun is not subject at all, so the imperfection of a Christians holiness, is the cause of so many waxings, and wane­ings, and great inequality in his performan­ces, whereas in the mean while his Justifica­tion remains constantly like it self. This is imputed, that inherent. The Light of Sancti­fication, must begin in the understanding and from thence, be transfused to the affection, the inferiour parts of the Soul, and from thence break forth and shine into Action. This is then the nature of the Duties, Arise and Shine.

The Universality of the subject which was the second head, is this. That every Man [Page 68] that knows Christ, is here engaged to shine too; neither grandeur exempts from the duty of shining, nor doth meanness exclude from the priviledge of shining; Men of low condition in this World need not despair of it, for it is a spiritual Act, great Men need not despise it for it is a noble Act to shine by Christ's Light. In the 3 verse of this Chap. it is said to the Church. Kings shall come to the brightness of thy rising. To what end, but to partake of her Light, and shine with her. And indeed the regal attire of Christ's Righteousness, and the white Robes of Holiness, will exceeding well become Kings and Princes. Give the King thy Judgements, O Lord, and thy Righteousness to the King's Son.

The Third, and Last thing propounded was, the force of the reason, that Christ's pre­sence engages to Arise and shine, wherein it is supposed that Christ declared in the Gospel, is the Light which is said here to come, and the Glory of the Lord which is said to be ri­sen; so that now, it should be more amply cleared, how Christ is Light, and the Glory of the Lord, and what his coming and rising is, but of these afterwards. I shall close now with a word of exhortation.

Arise then, for the Glory of the Lord is risen, The day of the Gospel is too precious, that any of it should be spent in sleep or idleness, or worthless business; worthless business de­tains many of us; Arise immortal Souls from moy­ling in the dust, and working in the Clay like [Page 69] Egyptian captives. Address your selves to more noble work; there is a Redeemer come, that will pay your ransome, and rescue you from such vile service, for more excellent employ­ment. It is strange, how the Souls of Christi­ans, can so much forget their first original from Heaven, and their new hopes of retur­ning thither, and the Rich price of their Re­demption, and forgetting all these, dwell so low, and dote so much upon triffles, how is it that they hear not their well beloved's voice crying, Arise my love, my fair one, and come away? Though the eyes of true Believers are so inlightened, that they shall not sleep unto death, yet their spirits are often seized with a kind of drowsiness, and slumber, and some­times even then, when they should be of most activity. The time of Christ's check to his three Disciples made it very sharp, tho'the words are mild, What? could you not watch with me one hour? Shake off, believing Souls, that hea­vy humour. Arise, and satiate the eye of faith with the contemplation of Christ's Beauty and follow after him, till you attain the place of full enjoyment. And you others that ne­ver yet saw him, Arise, and admire his match­less excellency. The things you esteem great, are but so through ignorance of his greatness; his brightness, if you saw it, would obscure to you the greatest splendor of the World, as all those Stars that go never down upon us, yet they are swallowed up in the surpassing light of the Sun when it arises; Stand up from the [Page 70] dead, and he shall give you light? Arise and work while it is Day, for the Night shall come wherein none can work, says our Saviour himself: Happy are they that arise early in the Morning of their youth, for the day of Life is very short, and the art of Christianity long and difficult, is it not a grievous thing, that Men never consi­der why they came into the World, till they be upon the point of going out again? Nor think how to live, till they be summoned to die. But most of all unhappy he, that ne­ver wakens out of that pleasing dream of false happiness, till he fall into Eternal misery, Arise then betimes, and prevent this sad awaken­ing.

And being risen, put on your beautiful Gar­ments Isaiah 52. 1. Draw towards you with the hand of Faith, the rich Mantle of Christ's Righteousness. 'Tis time to awake, says the Apostle, Rom. 13. 11. v. And presently af­ter, Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. And it is a wonder, how a Sinner can rest, while he is out of this Garment, for there is no other in Heaven, nor Earth can make him shine to God, and so shelter him from the stroke of Justice; put him on then, and so shine; being thus Cloathed, thou shalt shine in Justificati­cation, and likewise in Sanctity; What a privi­ledge is it to be like God; A sanctified con­science, what can be said against it? And first have an enlightned understanding, for that is the proper seat of Light, that ignorant zeal that Rome commends, exposes Religion to scorn [Page 71] and contempt; Heat without Light, is the Character of the fire of Hell, I know all are not tied to a like degree of knowledge, but certainly all are obliged to have a compe­tency, and diligence for increase; aspire then to be intelligent Christians, and to know well what you believe; Let your minds be filled with knowledge, as the Apostle speaks. But let it not stop there, it must have influence in­to the will, Lux est vehiculum caloris, true Light conveys heat. All the knowledge that the natural Man hath of Christ, not warming his affection to Christ, is but ignis fatuus, a vain Light, it shall never lead him to happiness. Saving Light produces love, and by that acts. Faith works by Love, says the Apostle. That breaks forth and shines in the Life, in Godli­ness, Righteousness, and Sobriety. Shine then in all these, first in Piety towards God, for this is the reflection of these rays of Light back toward their source. And this will com­mand the other two; No Man that shines in Godliness, will wallow in injustice, and intem­perance; Guile and Wrong cannot indure the Light; they that are unjust cannot shine; and let them never offer to shine among Christians that are not sober, but stained with Riot and Uncleanness. These foul enormities lay waste the Conscience, and put out the Light, how can any seed of Grace subsist undrowned, that are exposed to a daily deludge of Cups? How can that pure Spirit, that chose the like­ness of a chast Dove, dwell, and give Light [Page 72] in that Soul that is a Nest of impure and fil­thy lusts? No, There can be no fellowship betwixt this celestial Light, whereby we should shine, and those infernal works of darkness. Let prophane Men hold it a chief strain of wit to scoffe at purity, but you that pretend Heaven ward in good earnest, and mean to shine in glory, shine here in holiness; For without holiness no Man shall see God. And do it with those qualifications (1) Constant­ly in every estate, let not this Divine Light go out neither by day, in prosperity, nor by night in Adversity; in every place do not shine clear, and be dark in your Chamber. They that do thus, have their reward: that's a sad word if rightly understood, beware of Hypocrisie. Again shine progressively, gain­ing still more and more victory over darkness, till you attain unmixt and perfect Light. The way of the just, says Solomon, Is like the shining Light, that shineth more and more unto the per­fect Day, Prov. 4. 18. Lastly, Shine humbly to his glory, whose Light you borrow, not to shew forth your own excellencies, but his, Who hath called you from Darkness to his marvel­lous Light, 1. Pet. 2. 9. If we be Children of Light, our brightness must praise the Father of Lights: Let your Light so shine before Men, that they seeing your good works, not your selves if you can be hid; (as the Sun affords its Light and will scarce suffer us to look upon it self) may glorifie ( not you but) your Heavenly Father, Math. 5. 6. To conclude.

[Page 73]The pure Light of the Church is re­vived, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, and upon this glory there shall be a defence: If God be your glory in the midst of you, he will be likewise a wall of fire round about you. All the danger is, if we fall short in the duty of shining, but as you desire that this glory should abide and dwell amongst you, let all Estates of Men provoke one another to shine bright in holi­ness; you who either by Birth or Office, are in eminent station, know that you were set there to be eminent and exemplary in shining, as Stars of more notable magnitude; you who are Ministers of this Light, know that you are the Light of the World, and if the very Light become darkness, how great will that dark­ness be? you that are of a lower order know that you must shine too: For it is a common duty. There is a certain company of small Stars in the Firmament, which though they cannot be each one severally seen, yet being many, their united Light makes a conspicuous brightness in the Heaven, which is called the milky way; so though the shining of every private Christian is not so much severally re­markable, yet the concourse and meeting of their Light together, will make a bright path of holiness shine in the Church.

Now to the end we may each one shine in our measure, we must learn to turn our selves often towards him from whom our Light is derived; Conversing with him, will make us [Page 74] more and more like him. There is a secret unknown vertue for this purpose in secret Prayer and Meditation; were we more in the Mount with God, our faces would shine more with Men, let us then rescue from the World all the time we can, to resort frequently thi­ther till such time as the Soul, which is now often pulled down again by the Flesh, shall let that Mantle fall and come down no more: But shine there without spot, and be for ever satis­fied with her makers Image.



ART imitates Nature, and the nearer it comes to Nature in its effects, it is the more Excellent. Grace is the new Nature of a Christian, and Hypocrisie that Art that counterfeits it, and the more exquisite it is in Imitation, it is the more plausible to Men, but the more abominable to God; it may frame a Spiritual Man in Image so to the life, that not only others, but even the Hypocrite him­self may admire it, and favouring his own Ar­tifice, may be deceived so far, as to say, and to think, it lives, and fall in love with it, but he is no less abhorred, by the Searcher of hearts, than pleasing to himself. Surely this mischief of Hypocrisie can never be enough inveigh­ed against. When Religion is in request, its the chief malady of the Church, and numbers dye of it, though because its a subtile and in­ward Evil it be little perceived. Its to be fear­ed, there are many sick of it that look well and comely in God's outward Worship, and they may pass well in good Weather, in times of Peace, but days of Adversity are days of Trial. The prosperous Estate of the Church makes Hypocrites, and her Distress discovers them, but if they escape such trial, there is [Page 76] one inevitable day coming, wherein all secret things shall be made manifest. Men shall be turn'd inside out, and amongst all Sinners that shall then be brought before that Judgment Seat, the deformedst sight shall be an un­masked Hypocrite, and the heaviest sentence shall be his Portion.

Oh! That the consideration of this would scare us out of that false disguise in time, and set us all upon the study of Sincerity; precious is that Grace in God's esteem, a little of it will weigh down Mountains of formal Religion, in the Ballance of the Sanctuary. Which of us have not now brought Hypocrisie, more or less, into this House of God? Oh! that it were not with intention to nourish it, but with desire to be here cured of it, for, he alone, that hates it so much, can cure it; he alone can confer upon us that sincerity, wherein he mainly delights. If we have a mind, indeed, to be indued with it, it is no where else to be had, we must intreat it of God by humble Prayer, in the name of his Well beloved Son, by the assistance of his Holy Spirit.

Isaiah LX. 1. Second Sermon.

‘Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’

TRuly, light is sweet, and it is a pleasing thing to behold the Sun, says the Preacher, [Page 77] Eccles. 11. 7. But the interchange of Night with Day, adds to its beauty, and the longest Night makes Day the welcomest, as that Peo­ple well knows, whose scituation in the World gives them a five or six months Night all of one piece. It is reported of some of them, That when they conceive their Night draws towards an end, they put on their richest Apparel, and climb up to the highest Mountains, with emulation, who shall first discover the returning light, which, so soon as it appears, they Salute, with Acclamations of Joy, and welcom it with solemn Feasting, and all other Testimonies of exceeding glad­ness. But such is the Lethargy of sinful Man, that he stirs not to meet his Spiritual Light, and which is worse, when it comes upon him, it finds him in love with Darkness; instead of his shouts of Joy for this Light, many a cry must be sounded in his Ears, to awaken him, and it is well too, if at length, he hear and obey this Voice, Arise, shine, for thy light is come, &c. It is clear that the words contain a Command, and the Reason of it: The Command to a twofold act, The Reason un­der two Expressions, proportionately diffe­rent. Good reason the Church should arise, when the Lord's Glory is risen upon her; and it is very congruous, she should be enlightned and shine when her light is come. Of those two Acts or Duties, somewhat was formerly spoken, and the reason, likewise, was made use of so far, as relative to those Duties, and [Page 78] tending to their inforcement. But the mean­ing of the Phrases, in which the Reason is ex­prest, was rather, at that time, supposed, then either duly proved or [...]lustrated, so that it will be now expedient to consider, simply in themselves, these latter words: Thy light is come, &c.

So far as this Prophesie hath respect to the reduction of the Jews, from the Babylonish Captivity; that Temporal Deliverance, and ensuing Peace and Prosperity, was their Light, and that Divine Power by which it was effected, was this Glory of the Lord. And indeed, both these expressions are fre­quently used, in such a sense in Holy Writ: When I waited for light there came darkness, says Job, in his 30 Chapter, 26 ver. So Isaiah 58. 20, and many other places. And the Glory of the Lord, for a singular effect of his Power, Joh. 11. 40. Isa. 60. 18. and else­where. But this literal sense is but a step to elevate the Prophet to a sight of Christ's Spiri­tual Kingdom, which is usual with him, as our Saviour himself testifies, of another of his Prophesies. These things, said Esaias, when he saw his Glory, and spoke of him, Joh. 12. 41. It was a sight of that same Glo­ry, that makes him say, Thy light was true, &c.

In these words, there are three things, con­cerning Christ, represented to the Churches view. First, His Beauty and Excellency, in that he is called light, and the glory of the Lord. Secondly, The Churches Propriety [Page 79] and Interest in him, Thy light, and risen upon thee, which hath a restrictive Emphasis, as the very next verse doth clearly manifest; as he is originally the Glory of the Lord, and the Light of the Lord, Lumen de lumine, so he is Communicatively the Churches light [...]nd her Glory too, as it is exprest in the 19th. verse of this same Chapter, Thy God, thy Glory. Thus hath she both his worth, and her own right, in him, to consider. Thirdly, His Presence, or her actual Possession, He is come, and is ri­sen; and in these the Church, and each faith­ful Soul, may find a double Spring of Af­fection, the one of Love, the other of Joy: The transcendent Beauty of Christ makes him the choicest object of Love, and her Proper­ty in him, or Title to him, together with Possession, is the proper Cause of solid Joy:

First then, this Excellency is exprest by these two Characters, light, and the glory of the Lord. Concerning which, it will be fit both to demonstrate that they are the proper Titles of Christ, and here to be taken for him; as also, to shew what they signifie in him.

Indeed, the Apostle in his second Epistle to the Corinthians, 3 Chapter, insists much in extolling both the light and the glory of the Gospel. And in the 4th. verse of the next Chapter, speaks of the light of the Glorious Gospel, but he immediately imitates whence it hath this Light and Glory; the glorious Gospel of Christ, says he, who is the Image of God: So that it is most unnecessary to enquire [Page 80] whether the Messiah, or the Word that re­veals him, be rather here couched under these terms of Light and the Glory of the Lord. These two agree so well altogether, and these words agree so well to them both, that it were an injury to attempt to sever them: All the difference will be this, Christ is that incomplex and substantial Light, The Gospel that complex Light, wherein he appears; but (not to be guilty of dark terms, especially in a discourse of Light) I take it in this resemblance, Christ is the Sun, and the Gospel his proper Sphere, or Heaven, wherein he gives light to his Church; he is primarily the Glory of the Lord, and the Gospel by participation, be­cause it declares him, so that much of that which shall be spoken here of Christ, will be secondarily to be understood of the Gospel of Christ.

That Christ is Light, the Scripture speaks abundantly; his own voice, concerning him­self, (notwithstanding the cavil of the Pha­risees) is above all exception, for he is Truth it self. I am the light of the World, sayeth he, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, John 8. 12. The Father that sent him gives him the same title, I will give thee for a light of the Gentiles, Isaiah 42. 6. & 49. 6. And not to multiply citations of the Prophets and Evangelists, who with one consent all mag­nifie this Light, take the true testimony of a false Prophet, (and indeed, the favourable witness of an Adversary is strongest.) It is [Page 81] that of Balaam, who saw that Christ was Light, though (because he saw him afar off (as he says himself) and had not his eye fortified, like the true Prophets) he discerned him but as a Star. There shall come a Star out of Jacob &c. Numb. 24. 17. But what need we go so far, to be certified what this Light and Glory of the Lord is, the Lord of Glory himself, seeing the very next verse to the Text as­sures us of it? Upon thee shall the Lord arise. And in the 19th. verse, The Lord shall be thy everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

By this time, I hope it is clear That the Eternal Son of God, co-essential with his Father, was he that gave accomplishment to this Prophesie, by appearing to the World wrapt up in the darkness of Humane Nature. He is that day-spring from on high that hath visi­ted us, as old Zacharias speaks, Luk. 1. 78.

Among all created Excellencies, none can be borrowed more fitly representing Christ, tha [...] that of Light. And is it not Christ that decks his Church with supernatural Beauty, and makes it indeed [...], a comely World called out of the World? But the manifold agreement of Light with Christ, doth re­quire more particular consideration.

Light is (as they call it) Primum Visible, The first object of Sight. And Jesus Christ, whom the Apostle stiles God over all blessed for ever, is, Primum Intelligibile, The prime object of the Understanding: What's then become of that Divine Sparkle, that understanding Soul, [Page 82] that the Father of Spirits breaths into these Bodies, that all our Thoughts creep here be­low, and leave their chief and noblest object inconsidered? Which of us may not com­plain (though few of us do) that our Souls have either no Wings to elevate themselves to the contemplation of him, from whom they issued, or if they make offers at it, our af­fections, engaged to the World, make us, like a Bird tied by the foot, fall presently down again into the mire? It is high time to leave Hunting shadows, and to turn our Internal Eye to the beholding of this Un­created Light.

In this Elementary World, Light being (as we hear) the first Visible, all things are seen by it, and it by it self. Thus is Christ, among Spiritual things, in the Elect World of his Church; all things are made manifest by the Light, says the Apostle, Eph. 5. 13: speaking of Christ, as the following verse doth evidently testifie. It is in his Word, that he shines and makes it a directing and convin­cing Light, to discover all things that con­cern his Church and himself, to be known by its own brightness; how impertinent then is that question so much tossed by the Romish Church? How know you the Scriptures (say they) to be the Word of God, without the Testimony of the Church? I would ask one of them again, How they can know that it is day light, except some light a Candle to let them see it? They are little vers'd in Holy [Page 83] Scripture, that know not that it's frequently called Light; and they are senseless that know not that Light is seen and known by it self. If our Gospel be hid, says the Apostle, it is hid to them that perish; the God of this World having blinded their minds against the Light of the glorious Gospel, &c. No wonder if such stand in need of a Testimony, a blind Man knows not that it's light at noon day, but by report, but to those that have eyes, Light is seen by it self.

Again, it makes all other things that are in themselves to become actually visible (as they speak;) so by the word of this substantial word Jesus Christ, all things in Religion are tryed and discovered. The very Authority of the Church which they obtrude so confidently, must be stopt and examined by these Scrip­tures, which they would make stand to its courtesie. Doctrines, and Worship, must be tryed by this Light; and what will not endure this Trial, must not be endured in the House of God. To the Law and to the Testimonies (says the Pro­phet) if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them, Isa. 8. 20. The rays of Christ's Light are display'd thro'both his Testaments, and in them we see him.

But oh! How sublime is the knowledge of him; None is ignorant that there is Light, yet what Light is, few know; the best wits are troubled to define it: So all that bear the Name [Page 84] of Christians, acknowledge that Christ is, but to know what he is, is of marvellous difficul­ty; In a speculative way, unsoundable is the depth of his Nature and Properties, and his Generation who can declare? says our Pro­phet, I define not whether his eternal Gene­ration, or his Incarnation in time. These are mysteries that shall hold the very Angels busie in admiration for ever, and for experi­mental knowledge by Faith, how small is the number of those that are truly acquainted with it?

Again, Light fitly resembles Christ in puri­ty, it visits many impure places, and Lights upon the basest parts of the Earth, and yet remains most pure, and undefiled; Christ sees and takes notice of all the Enormities, and sinful pollutions in the World (as David says of the Sun, Psal. 19.) there is nothing hid from his Beams; ye many of those foul evils he cures, and purgeth away these pollutions, and yet is never stained by them in the least de­gree; he is a Physician not capable of infecti­on, and therefore while he dwelt among Men, he shunned not Publicans and Sinners, but sought them rather; for with such was his business and employment. Indeed for a frail Man to be too bold in frequenting profane and obstinate persons, though with intention to reclaim them, is not always so safe. Me­tus est neattrahant; They may pull him in, that would help them forth, and pollute him that would cleanse them. But our Saviour, [Page 85] the Light of the World, runs no such hazard he is stronger than the perversest sinner, yea than the Prince of darkness himself, over whom his banners are always victorious, and pu­rer than to be in danger of pollution; his pre­cious blood is a Fountain opened for sin and uncleanness, sinners are purified by it, and it is not defiled by them; Thousands have washt in it, yet it shall abide, and always shall be most perfectly pure: And such a high Priest was needful for us, [...] undefiled, and though conversant with sinners, to communicate to them his goodness, yet separate from sinners in immunity from their evil. Heb. 7. 26.

To this agrees well that Title, the Prophet Malachi gives him, when he calls him the Son of Righteousness, full of Purity, and Righte­ousness, as the Sun is of Light, all luminous, without spot, subject to no Eclipse in him­self, his Light being his own; Though our sins interposed, may hide him sometimes from us, as those real Eclipses in the Sun, are ra­ther ours, for we are deprived of Light, but not the Sun. Christ is many ways most fitly called the Sun for since all created Light falls infinitely short of his worth, the Prince and Cheif of them, the Sun, cannot but suit best, so far as may be, to set forth his excellency.

The Light of the Sun is neither parted nor diminished, by being imparted to many seve­ral People, and Nations that behold it at one time; nor is the Righteousness of this Sun of Righteousness either lessened to himself, or to [Page 86] several Believers, by many partaking of it at once; it is wholly conferred upon each one of them, and remains whole in himself. Hence it is that not only Christ invites so liberally sinners to come to him, but even justified per­sons would so gladly draw all others to lay hold on this Righteousness of their Redeemer, knowing well, that if all the world were in­riched by it, they themselves would be no whit the poorer.

Again the Sun hath a vivifying Power, not only of Plants and Vegetables; but if Philo­sophers be right, Sol & homo generant hominem; it hath a special influence in the Generation of Man, but is both more certainly and more eminently true of this Sun we speak of, in Mans Regeneration; that he is the proper and principal Efficient of it. The Evange­list calls him at once, The Light and the Life of Men, John 1. 4. To say nothing of him as Treasure. He is the source of our spiritual Life and Motion.

When the Sun takes its course towards us in the season of the year, it drives away the sharp Frosts, and the heavy Fogs of Winter, it clears the Heavens, decks the Earth with variety of Plants and Flowers, and awakes the Birds to the pleasant strains of their natural Musick. When Christ after a kind of Win­ter absence, returns to visit a declining Church, admirable is the change that be produces; all begins to flourish by his sweet influence, his House, his Worship, his people are all Cloath­ed [Page 87] with a new beauty, but it's spiritual, and therefore, none but spiritual eyes can discern it. When he will thus return, all the power and policy of Man can no more hinder him, than it could stay the course of the Sun in its circle. In like manner, a deserted forsaken Soul, that can do nothing but languish and droop, while Christ withdraws himself, what inexpressible vigour and alacrity finds it at his returning? Then those Graces, that while they lurkt seem'd to have been lost, and quite ex­tinguished bud forth anew, with pleasant colour and fragrant smell. 'Tis the Light of his Countenance that banisheth their false fears, that strengthens their Faith, and cures their spiritual infirmities. This Sun is indeed the sovereign Physician: Unto you that fear my name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing under his wings. Mal. 4. 2.

Finally, All darkness flees away before him; 'Twas his arising in the World, that made the day break, and the shadows flee away. The Types and Shadows of the Law, were then abolished. It was his Light that dispel­led the mists of Ignorance and Idolatry, and he alone delivers the Soul from the night of sin and misery procured by it; All the Stars, and the Moon with them, cannot make it day in the World, this is the Suns peculiar, nor can Natures highest Light, the most re­fined Science and Morality, make it day in the Soul; for this is Christs.

The common Light of Reason, every Man [Page 88] that comes into the World, hath from him as his Creator, but the special Light of Grace they alone that are born again, have from him as their Saviour. Gross is the darkness of every natural mind, till Christ enlighten it. [...]. It can neither discern, nor receive the things of God. Ye were darkness (says the Apostle) but now are you light in the Lord, it's nothing else but a mass of darkness, and the compa­nion of darkness is confusion, as it was in the mass of the World before Light was Creat­ed, and what is there under Heaven more confused than a carnal mind? The affecti­ons quite out of order, and though all naught, yet sometimes fighting one with another, and continually hurrying the Judgment whither they please; Now to dissipate this darkness, and remedy this confusion, Christ shines ex­ternally in his Word, but too much daily ex­perience testifies, that this is not sufficient. Therefore to those whom he will make Chil­dren of the Light, to meet with this outward Light of his Word, he gives another internal, by the Spirit. The Sun can make dark things clear, but it cannot make a blind Man see them, but herein is the excellency of this Sun, that he illuminates not only the object, but the faculty, doth not only reveal the myste­ries of his Kingdom, but opens blind eyes to behold them; and the first lineament of the renewed Image of God in Man, is that Light in the understanding, removing not only that simple Ignorance of Divine things, [Page 89] but these misconceits likewise, and false prin­ciples, and that wicked pertinacy, whereof Mans mind is naturally full; he that at first commanded Light to shine out of Darkness, infuseth saving Knowledge and Light, into the dark Soul of Man. And this Light (as was said) kindles Love. It is Vehiculum calo­ris, hath a powerful influence, begetting heat in the affections. Nor can this Divine Light be ever again fully extinguished, but conducts the Soul that hath received it, till it be re­ceived to the Land of Light and perfect hap­piness. Thus in our Redeemer is the Fountain of Life, as the Psalmist speaks, And in his Light do we see Light, Psal. 36. 9.

He is likewise here stiled, The Glory of the Lord. In the 2d. of Sam. 4 Chap. The Ark of God is called the glory, but it enjoyeth that name as a Type of Christ, in whom that now which the Ark contained was fulfilled. The Tabernacle is called the dwelling of God's glory, Psal. 26. 8. Likewise typifying him in the Ta­bernacle, in whose humane nature that glory dwells far more excellently. Joh. 1. 14. [...], he dwelt in a Tabernacle among us, and we saw his glory as the glory of the only begotten Son of God, full of Grace and Truth. The Au­thor of the Epistle to the Hebrews calls him [...], the brightness of his Fathers glory, and the Character of his Person. And under these expressions lies that remarkable mystery of the Sons Eternal relation to the Father (which is rather humbly to be adored [Page 90] than boldly to be explained) either by God's perfect understanding of his own Essence, or by any other notion. It is true, he is called the Wisdom of the Father, but this Wisdom is too wonderful for us; He is called the Word, but what this Word means, I think we shall not well know, till we see him Face to Face, and contemplate him in the Light of Glory, mean while we may see him, to be the Glory of the Lord in a safer way, and sufficient measure to guide us on to that clear vision reserved above for us. We saw his glory, says that sublime Evangelist, but how could this excellent glory be seen by sinful Men, and not astonish and strike dead the beholders, He, was made Flesh and dwelt among us (says he) and so we saw his glory. That Majesty that we could never have lookt upon, he veiled with humane flesh, that we might not die, yea live, by seeing him. There he stood behind the wall, and shewed himself through the Trellis; In him dwelt the fulness of the God­head, Col. 2. 9. But it was [...], bo­dily, for who could have endured the splen­dor of the Godheads fulness, if that Cloud of his Body had not been drawn betwixt? And through it did shine that Grace and Truth, that Wisdom and Power in the work of our Redemption, whereby he was clearly mani­fested to be the glory of the Lord.

Surely we need not now ask the Church, or a believing Soul what is her beloved more than another, or if we do, well may she an­swer, [Page 91] He is the chiefest among Ten Thousand, and altogether lovely, for he is the Light of the World, and the glory of the Lord. Let not the numerous Titles of Earthly Potentates be once admitted into comparison with these. If we believe David, in his 62 Psal. 9. verse, the stateliest things and persons in the World being Ballanced with vanity it self, are found lighter than it, and shall we offer to weigh them with Christ. If we knew him righly, we would not sell the least glance or beam of this Light of his Countenance, for the highest favour of mortal Men, though it were constant and unchangeable (which it is not;) it is ignorance of Christ that maintains the credit of those vanities we admire: The Christian that is truly acquainted with him, enamoured with the brightness of his beauty can generously trample upon the smilings of the World with the one foot, and her frown­ings with the other; if he be rich or honour­able, or both, yet he glories not in that, but Christ who is the glory of the Lord, is even then his chiefest glory. And the Light of Christ obscures that Worldly splendor in his estimation; and as the enjoyment of Christ overtops all his other joys, so it overcomes his griefs, as that great Light drowns the Light of prosperity, it shines bright in the darkness of Affliction; no dungeon so close that can keep out the rays of Christ's love from his beloved Prisoners. The World can no more take away this Light, than it can [Page 92] give it, Unto the just ariseth Light in Darkness, sayeth the Psalmist, and, When I sit in dark­ness the Lord shall be a Light unto me, says the Church in the 7th. of Micah, 8 verse. And as this Light is a Comfort, so it is likewise a Defence, that suffers no more of distress to come near the godly, than is profitable for them; Therefore we find very frequently in Scripture, where this Light and Glory is men­tioned, Protection and Safety joyntly spoken of: The Lord is my Light, and withal my Sal­vation, whom shall I fear, says David, Psal 27. 1. The Lord is a Sun, and he is a Shield too, Psal. 84. 21. And truly I think him Shot-proof, that hath the Sun for his Buckler. And for glory; Upon all the Glory shall be a Defence, says our Prophet in his 4. Chapter, 5. verse. And the Prophet Zach. where he calls the Lord the Churches Glory in the midst of her, he calls him likewise a Wall of fire round about her, Zach. 2. 4. The only way then to he safe, is to keep this Light, and this Glory intire; to part with any part of this glory, is to make a breach in that Wall of fire, and if that be a means of safety let all Men judge; No, keep it whole, and then they must come through the fire that will assault you. Nor is this Light only defensive of the Church that embraceth it, but likewise destructive of all adverse powers; see a clear Testimony for this, in the 10. of Isaiah, 17, 18. verses. And the Light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his holy one for a flame ( speaking there of the Assyrians) and it shall burn [Page 93] and devour his Thorns and his Briers in one day, and shall consume the glory of his Forrest, and of his Fruitful Field, (both Soul and Body) and they shall be as when a Standard bearer fainteth, &c.

Let ever then the Church of God entirely observe this Light and Glory of the Lord; and she shall undoubtedly be preserved by it. But to close in a word, first to those that know this Light, and then to those that are yet strangers to it.

You who know Christ, glory in him per­petually; well may he be your glory, when he is the Glory of the Lord: There are some that pretend love to Christ, and yet a taun­ting word of some profane miscreant, will al­most make them ashamed of him; how would they die for Christ that are so tender as not to endure a Scoff for him? Where is that Spi­rit of Moses, that accounted the very reproaches of Christ greater riches than the Treasures of Egypt? O learn to glory in Christ, think highly of him, and speak so too. Methinks it is the Discourse in the World becomes Chri­stians best, to be speaking one to another hono­rably of Jesus Christ, and of all Men, the Preachers of his Gospel should be most fre­quent in this Subject. This should be their great Theam, to extol and commend the Lord Jesus, that they may enflame many hearts with his love; and best can they do this, who are most strongly taken with this love them­selves; Such will most gladly abase themselves, [Page 94] that Christ may be magnified, and whatso­ever be their excellencies, they still account Christ their glory, and they are richly repay­ed, for he accounts them his glory; this would seem a strange word, if it were not the Apostles. They are the Messengers of the Churches, and the Glory of Christ, 2 Cor. 8. 23. Delight who will either in sloth and igno­rance on the one hand, or in vain speculations and strains of frothy wit on the other: Surely those Preachers shall only be approved in the great day, who have constantly endea­voured in their measure, to speak the best and fittest they could for their Masters advan­tage, and happy these Christians of what estate soever, that in all estates make Christ their glory, and in all Actions have their eye fixed upon his glory, who is their Light and the Glory of the Lord.

Now to those that are strangers to him (would to God none that are to be spoken to, were such) To them I say, notice would be given both of the excellency and necessity of Christ. Though it were possibly to grop the way to happiness in the dark; yea, none will deny but to be conducted thither by a constant Light, is both more safe and more delightful. But were there any possibility to attain that end without this Light, the neg­lect of it were not altogether so strange. The wonder of all is this, That Christ alone being both that Life, and the way to it, and the Truth or Light that guides in that way, yet [Page 95] Christians (so called) should esteem and look after him as little, as if he were wholly need­less: What meanest thou, O besotted sinner? is it so light a thing to die in thy sins, and eternally for them, that thou wilt not so much as open and admit the Light of Salvation, what shalt thou pretend in that terrible day? Though all other kind of people should offer some excuse, thou who hast heard the Gospel, shall be speechless: For not only shall the ri­gour of justice condemn thee, but Mercy it self shalt plead against thee, for thou hast des­pised it. That Light did come and was not embraced, shall be the main condemnation. How many thousands that make no doubt of Heaven, yet shall then fall short of it? It is not a superficial profession that will then pass current. It is not some publick sighs and groans from an unsanctified heart, which either come from custom or some present touch of the Word, nor yet is it some sudden risings of in­ward affection towards Christ upon the report of his worth, that shall then serve the turn. The intellective knowledge of Christ, the distinct understanding, yea the Orthodox Preaching of his Gospel, the maintaining of his publick cause, and suffering for it, shall not then be found sufficient, only that peculiar apprehen­sion of Christ, those constant flames of spiri­tual love, that even course of holy walking in his Light shall be these Characters, where­by Christ shall own his Children, and admit them into the inheritance of perfect Light. [Page 96] One of the speakers in the Book of Job, dis­coursing of the prosperity of the ungodly calls it, but his Candle, and tells how long it can last. His Candle (says he) shall be put out with him, and that's the longest term of it, if it last his life time, it shall convey him no further, he goes into eternity in the dark; and therefore, as St. John says, he knows not whither he goeth. Quo nunc abibis? said that Emperor to his Soul; is it not a sad thing, when the Soul that knows no other but worldly Light, must take leave of it, and enter into eternal darkness, there to be uncessantly tor­mented with present anguish, and the fright­ful expectation of the last Judgment, where it must take again that Body which was the complice of its wickedness to be partaker of its punishment? where it shall have a double misery to behold Crowns of Immortality di­stributed to the godly, after the short com­bates of this Life, and it self thrust out a­mong the Devils? then shall all Men be some way sensible, what is the worth of this now contemned light, the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest number too late, for they shall be banisht from it for ever; but the Righteous shall then most perfectly know, and for ever enjoy this Light, and Glory of the Lord, To whom with the Father of Lights and Spirit of Grace, be eternity of Praise and Honour.



WHat shall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul, said our Saviour, who was to lay down a ransom for it, and knew well that it would cost infinitely more than the World was worth, yet the most of Men va­lue their own Souls, at a far lower rate than the whole World, losing them for broken morsels of it; yea many times for vain hopes that are never accomplished; And as these Men make a miserable bargain, so by the contrary, they that lose the World, or any thing Worldly, yea though it were the whole, to save their Souls, make a profitable loss of it. Nature teaches Men to hazard and lose all for the life of the Body, rather than lose it. (Although it prove many times very uncomfortable by the lose of these outward things,) and yet the most part of Men pass their whole life-time without one serious thought of the exellency and importance of their Souls, whose life and Happiness is of a higher na­ture, and neither consists in, nor depends upon any thing here below. Hence it is, that while [Page 98] they use the helps of this present life, and the defences of it when it is in danger, and use them with so much diligence and attention; The means of that better life▪ of their better part, their Souls, they either use not at all or so slightly and coldly, that they never find Sal­vation in them. You may find it some way in your selves, the threatnings and prepara­tions of Men against you have awakened and rowsed you more to think upon means of your temporal safety; but how few are sensible, and afraid of the wrath of God, who, as our Saviour tells us, can kill both Body and Soul, and cast them into Hell; you want not free­quent advertisement from the Word of God, so plentifully Preacht, that many are perish­ing; one part in gross Ignorance of God, a­nother in Profane, and Licentious living, and the greatest part in a formal and lifeless pro­fession of Religion, without the power of it, and yet where are they that lay it to heart, and bestir themselves to rescue their Souls from destruction? Certainly whatsoever Men pro­fess, it is unbelief that is the cause of Impeni­tence; Men are not convinced of the purity of Gods nature, nor sensible of the impurity of their own, therefore they apply not themselves in good earnest to the work of Repentance, and Reformation, the liveliest part of it. La­bour then for a more active and practical knowledge of God and Divine truths, such as may humble and renew your Souls, not only that you may be delivered from outward [Page 99] troubles that threaten you; but much more, that you may escape the wrath to come. And because neither the Word Preached, nor Judgments, nor Mercies, that are set before you, are sufficient to quicken a dead Soul, or soften a hard Heart, without the effectual concourse of the Spirit of God, let us have recourse to the Throne of Grace, by humble and earnest Prayer, in the Name and Media­tion of Jesus Christ.

Psal. XLII. 8.

‘Yet the Lord will command his loving kind­ness in the day time, and in the night his Song shall be with me, and my prayer un­to the God of my life.’

MAN is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards, saith Eliphaz, Job 5. 7. And as it is the corruption and sinfulness of his Birth and Nature that has exposed him to trouble, so Nature usually sets him at work, to look out for such things as may preserve, and deliver him from trouble, or at least, mi­tigate and temper the bitterness of it. And because there is not any one worldly thing that hath either certainty or sufficiency e­nough to serve at all times, therefore world­ly and natural men are forced to make use of variety, and are but badly served with them all. [Page 100] The believing Soul hath but one comfort whereon he relies, but it's a great one, which alone weighs down all the rest. Bread strengthens, and Wine makes glad the heart of Man, Psal. 104. 15. But God is the strength of my heart (says the Psalmist) Psal. 73. 20. and the gladness of it too. Thou hast put glad­ness in my heart more than they have, when their corn and wine increaseth; and therefore, while the rest are seeking after some scattered crumbs of goodness in the Creatures, Who will shew us any good? He fixes his choice upon this one thing, The light of God's countenance; and it is the constant assurance of this, that up­holds him; waves beat upon him, yea, and go over him, yet the Lord will command his loving kindness to shine upon him.

In this Psalm, we may perceive the Psalmist full of perplexed thoughts, and that betwixt strong desires and griefs, and yet, in the midst of them, now and then, some advan­tage, and intermixing strains of Hope, with his sad complaints; for, immediately before, we heard nothing but the impetuous noise of many waters, deep calling unto deep. In the former verse, we have there, as it were, a touch of the sweet sound of David's Harp, Yet the Lord will command his loving kindness in the day time.

In the words we have David's confidence, and David's purpose, the one suiting very well with the other. His Confidence in God's loving kindness; Yet the Lord will command his loving [Page 101] kindness. And his purpose; And in the night his song shall be with me.

It is true, those words ( in the night his song shall be with me) may be taken as a part of the expression of his confidence, taking his Song, for the matter or subject of the Song, the good­ness of God; as if he should say, both in the day, and in the night, I shall find the sweet fruits of God's favour and loving kindness. But not excluding that, I rather take it intend­ed, as his resolution, that it should be his custom, in the quiet Season of the Night, to look back upon God's goodness manifested to him in the actions and occurrences of the Day; and thus encertaining his Soul with that secret discourse, he would stir it up to the praises of his God, and withal, would joyn Prayer for the continuance, and further manifestation of it. David (as is hinted before) intermix­ing strains of Hope, not that faint and com­mon hope of possibility, or probability, that after stormy days it may be better with him, but a certain hope that shall never make asha­med; such a hope as springs from faith, yea, in effect, is one with it. Faith rests upon the goodness and truth of Him that hath promi­sed, and Hope raising it self upon Faith so established, stands up and looks out to the future accomplishment of the promise. There­fore the Apostle, Heb. 11. 1. calls Faith The substance of things hoped for, [...], And the evidence of things not seen; of all other wa­vering hope, here's, they say, true, Spes est [Page 102] nomen boni incerti. But this can say, The Lord will command his loving kindness, &c.

The Lord will command] What a sudden change is here! Would you think this were the same man that was even now almost over­whelmed? Thus Faith always conquers, though seldom or never, without hard con­flict, not only assaulted by troubles without, but, which is worse, by Incredulity within; nor assaulted only, but many times brought under, yet does it not succumb and give over, knowing, that even after many foils, yet in the end it shall overcome.

His confidence you may consider, first, op­positely, and then positively, or simply in it self. Oppositely both to his present trouble, and to his complaints, wherein this trouble is ex­prest, and that is fitly implyed, though it be not in the Original.

Though the multitude and weight of Jobs Afflictions, did force out of him some bitter words, and made him look back upon the day of his Birth, and curse it, yet Faith recovers him from his distemper, and makes him look forward with joy, even as far as to the blessed day of his Resurrection, Job 19. 25. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand, at the latter day, upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.

The former words of impatience he spake indeed, but he adheres to these, and wishes that they were written with an Iron Pen, and [Page 103] Engraven to abide for ever. Therefore we hear of him again in Scripture, as a righteous and patient man, but of these words of his im­patience not a word. In the 77 Psalm, what sad Expostulations are these the Psalmist uses, Will he be favourable no more? Is his mercy clean gone for ever? Doth his promise fail for evermore? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? But see how he corrects them, ver. 10. Then I said, this is my Infirmity, but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. Thus Jonah, 2 Chap. ver. 3, 4. much like this, but there, literally true. And here deep calls unto deep, yet in the midst of those deeps, Faith is not drowned, you see it lifts up its head above water; Yet the Lord will command, &c. Yea, though it takes particular notice of God's hand in the affliction, yet it goes not to ano­ther hand for comfort. Thy Waves and thy Billows; yet that same God, whose Waves are like to destroy me, will ere long command his loving kindness to shine upon me. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. A wonderful expression of Faith. He says not, though he afflict me sore, but though he slay me; not though evil men or Satan should do it, but, though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. What troubled mind can imagine any thing harder against it self than this?

1. Learn then to check these excessive doubts and fears, by some such resolute word as this: Turn the promise, first upon thy self, and then [Page 104] upon God: Consider that he hath promised Life Eternal to Believing, and then say, Tho▪ I saw his hand, as it were, lift up to destroy me, yet from that very hand will I expect Salvation; for I have his word engaged for it, that if I believe I shall be saved. I do not say, that a Soul under temptation can assure it self, that God is already reconciled to it (and herein possibly lies oftentimes the mistake) for this reflex act of assurance, though it be our duty to seek after it, it self is rather a gift and reward than a duty; but the direct and proper act of Faith is of perpetual use and necessity, and then most, when there is least sense of assurance, and it is no other but a recumbency or reliance, rolling over of the Soul upon free mercy: That which breeds us much perplexity, is, That we would invert God's order. If I knew (say some) that the Promise belonged to me, and Christ were a Saviour to me, I could believe; that is to say, would first see, and then believe. But the true method is just contrary, I had fainted says David, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord. He believed it first, and saw it afterwards. And in this same Psalm, labouring to still his disquieted Soul, by elevating it above his troubles, to look upon his God; he says to it, Hope in him now, and ere it be long, thou shalt praise him for the help of his coun [...]enance, even while his countenance is with-held. And thus Faith ought to triumph over Spiritual fears and difficulties.

[Page 105]2. How incongruous is it, that outward dangers or trials should over-match it; will you trust God, upon his Word, for Salvation and Eternal Happiness, and be diffident for the safety and needful Blessings of this Tem­poral Life, which life, in comparison, is but a moment, and the best things of it but dross? Consider that you dishonour Faith exceeding­ly, and degenerate from the believing Saints of former Ages. Indeed, the Promises of this Life, and that which concerns it, (though Godliness with them) yet they are not so abso­lute, nor are they so absolutely needful for you; but considering the Wisdom and Love of your Heavenly Father, learn to compose your minds by it.

I will not be afraid, though ten thousands of the people set themselves against me round about, says David, Psal. 3. 6. And lest you think him singular, in the 46 Psalm, it is the joint-voice of the whole Church of God, We will not fear, though the earth be removed, and the mountains be cast into the midst of the Sea: Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled; though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof make glad the City of God: The holy place of the tabernacle of the most high God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. That is the way to be immoveable, in the midst of troubles as a Rock amidst the Waves. When God is in the midst of a King­dom or City, he makes it firm as Mount Sion, [Page 106] that cannot be removed. When he is in the midst of the Soul, though Calamities throng about it on all hands, and roar like the Bil­lows of the Sea, yet there is a constant Calm within, such a Peace as the World can nei­ther give nor take away. On the other side, what is it but want of lodging God in the Soul, and that in his stead, the World is in the midst of mens Hearts, that makes them shake like the leaves of Trees at every blast of danger? What a shame is it, seeing natu­ral men, by the strength of Nature, and help of Moral Precepts, have attained such un­daunted resolution and courage against out­ward changes; yet they that would pass for Christians, are so soft and fainting, and so sensible of the smallest alterations. The ad­vantage that we have in this regard is infinite; what's the best ground-work of a Philosophers constancy, but as moving sands in compari­son of the Rock that we may build upon? But the truth is, That either we make no pro­vision of Faith for times of Trial, or if any we have, we neither know the worth, nor the use of it, but lay it by, as a dead unpro­fitable thing, when we should most use and exercise it. Notwithstanding all our frequen­ting of God's House, and our plausible profes­sion; Is it not too true, that the most of us either do not at all furnish our selves with these spiritual arms, that are so needful in the militant Life of a Christian, or we learn not how to handle them? and are not in readiness [Page 107] for Service, as was the case of that improvi­dent Souldier, whom his Commander found mending some piece of his Armour, when they were to give Battle. It were not amiss before Afflictions overtake us, to try and train the mind somewhat by supposing the very worst and hardest of them. To say, What if the Waves and Billows of adversity, were swelled and flowing in upon me; Could I then believe? God hath said, I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, with a heap of negati­ons, in no wise, I will not, he hath said, when thou passest through the fire and through the wa­ter I will be with thee. These I know, and can discourse of them. But could I repose and rest upon them in the day of Trial? put your Souls to it, is there any thing or person that you esteem and love exceedingly; say, What if I should lose this? Is there some e­vil that is naturally more contrary and ter­rible to you than many others? Spare not to present that to the imagination too, and la­bour to make Faith Master of it before hand in case it should befal you, and if the first thought of it scare you, look upon it the often­er, till the Visage of it become familiar to you, that you start and scare no more at it, nor is there any danger in these thoughts: Troubles cannot be the nearer by thus think­ing on them: But you may be both safer and stronger, by breathing and exercising of your Faith in supposed cases. But if you be so ten­der spirited, that you cannot look upon Cala­mities [Page 108] so much as in thought or fancy, how would you be able for a real encounter? No, sure. But the Soul that hath made God his stay, can do both; see it in that notable re­solution of the Prophet, Habakkuk. 3. 17. Al­though the Fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my Salvation. The Lord God is my strength. And in David, Psal. 23. 4. Yea, (says he) though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy Rod and thy Staff, they comfort me. You see how Faith is as Cork to his Soul, keeping it from sinking in the deeps of Afflictions: Yea that big word which one says of his morally just Man is true of the believer, Si fractus illabatur orbis. Though the very Fabrick of the World were falling about him, yet would he stand upright, and undaunted in the midst of its ruins.

In this confidence considered in it self, we may observe the Object of it; The loving kind­ness of the Lord. 2. The manner or way by which he expects to enjoy it; The Lord will Command it. 3. The time; in the day.

His loving kindness.] He says not, return to the House of God for deliverance from the heavy oppression and sharp reproaches of the Enemy, which would have answered more particularly and expressly to his pre­sent [Page 109] griefs, but his loving kindness. And the reason of thus expressing himself, I conceive to be two fold. 1. In the assurance of this is necessarily comprised the certainty of all other good things. This special favour and benignity of the Lord, doth engage his Pow­er and Wisdom (both which you know are infinite) to the procurement of every thing truly good for those whom he so favours; Therefore it is that David chuses rather to name the streams of particular mercies in this their living Source and Fountain, than to specifie them severally. Nor is it only thus more compendious, but fuller too, which are the two great advantages of Speech, and this I take to be the other reason. 2. A Man may enjoy great deliverances, and many po­sitive benefits from the hand of God, and yet have no share in his loving kindness. How frequently doth God heap Riches, and Ho­nour, and Health on these he hates, and the common gifts of the Mind too, Wisdom, and Learning, yea the common gifts of his own Spi­rit, and gives a fair and long day of external pro­sperity, to those on whom he never vouchsafed the least glance of his favourable Countenance yea, on the contrary, gives all those specious gifts to them with a secret curse as here; as he gave a King in wrath to his people, so he of­ten gives Kingdoms in his wrath to Kings. Therefore David looks higher than the very Kingdom which God promised him, and gave him, when he speaks of his loving kindness. In [Page 110] a word, he resolves to solace himself with the assurance of this, though he was stript of all other comforts, and to quiet his Soul herein, till deliverance come, and when it shall come, and whatsoever mercies with it, to receive them as fruits and effects of this loving kindness. Not prizing them so much for them­selves, as for the impressions of that love which is upon them, and it is that Image and Superscription that both engages and moves him most to pay his tribute of praise. And truly this is every where David's temper; his frequent distresses and wants never excite him so much to desire any particular comfort in the Creature, as to intreat the presence and favour of God himself: His saddest times are, when to his sense, this favour is eclipsed. In my prosperity I said I shall not be moved. And what was his adversity that made him of ano­ther mind? Thou hiddest thy face and I was trou­bled. This veri [...]ies his position in that same Psalm. In thy favour is Life. Thus in the 63. Psalm at the beginning, My Soul thirsteth for thee in a dry Land where there is no water, not for water where there is none, but for thee where there is no water. Therefore he adds in the 3. verse, Thy loving kindness is better than Life, and all that be truly wise, and of this mind, will subscribe to his choice. Let them enjoy this loving kindness and prize it, that what ere befalls them, their happiness and joy is above the reach of all calamities, let them be derided and reproached abroad, yet [Page 111] still this inward perswasion makes them glad and contented, as a rich Man said, though the people hated and taunted him, yet when he came home and lookt upon his Chests, Egomet mihi plaudo domi? With how much bet­ter reason do Believers bear out external injuries, what inward contentment, when they consider themselves truly enricht with the fa­vour of God? And as this makes them con­temn the contempts that the World puts upon them, so likewise it breeds in them a neglect, and disdain of those poor trifles that the World admires. The Sum of their desires is (as that Cynicks, was of the Sun-shine) that the rays of the love of God may shine constantly upon them. The favourable aspect and large prof­fers of Kings, and Princes, would be unwel­come to them, if they should stand betwixt them and the sight of that Sun. And truly they have reason. What are the highest things the World affords? What are great Honors and great Estates, but great Cares and Griefs well drest, and coloured over with a shew of pleasure, that promise contentment, and per­form nothing but vexation? That they are not sa [...]isfying is evident, for the obtaining of much of them doth but stretch the appetite, and teach Men to desire more? they are not solid neither, will not the pains of a Gout, of Strangury, or some such malady (to say noth­ing of the worst, the pains of a guilty con­science) blast all these delig [...]t [...]? What relish finds a Man in large Revenues, and [...]a [...]ely [Page 112] Buildings, in high Preferments, and honour able Titles, when either his Body or Mind is in anguish. And besides the emptiness of all these things, you know, they want one main point, Continuance. But the loving kindness of God hath all requisites to make the Soul happy. O satisfie us early with Goodness or Mercy, (says Moses) That we may rejoyce and be glad all our days, Ps. 90. 14. There is fulness in that for the vastest desires of the Soul, satisfie us, there is solid contentment that begets true joy and gladness, and there is permanency, all our days. It is the only comfort of this Life, and assurance of a better. This were a large Subject to insist on, but certainly the naming of his loving kindness should beget in each heart, an high esteem of it, an ardent desire after it. And if it do so with you, then know that it is only to be found in the way of ho­liness. He is a holy God, and can love no­thing that's altogether unlike himself; There must always be some similitude and confor­mity of nature to ground kindness and friend­ship, and to maintain it; that saying is true, idem velle & idem nolle firma amicitia. What gross self flattery is it, to think that God's lov­ing kindness can be towards you, while you are in love with Sin, which he so perfectly hates? How can the profane Swearer or vo­luptuous Person, or the Oppressor, and Co­vetous, or the close Hypocrite (worse than any of them) rest upon the loving kindness of the Lord in the day of troubles? No sure. [Page 113] But the terror of his wrath shall be added to all their other calamities; and they shall find it heavier than all the rest. God will not pour this precious Oyl of gladness, this per­swasion of his love, into filthy Vessels, even his own Children, when they grieve and sad­den his holy Spirit by unholiness, shall be sad­ly punished by the withdrawing of these com­forting and sensible expressions of his Love.

Labour then you that as yet never tasted of this Love, to know what it means; forsake and hate that which hitherto hath made you strangers to it; for if you obtain this, it shall comfort you when these things cannot, but would rather prove your greatest torment. And you that have received any Testimonies of it, entertain it carefully, for it is your best comfort both in your best days, and in your worst days too.

You would all gladly be delivered from these many evils that threaten you, for many they be indeed, and Peace is a great blessing. But suppose you were se­cured from all these fears, and he should command a sudden calm (which t [...]uly he can do) would you then think your se [...]ves happy. That life of yours which you so fear to lose by Fire or Sword, though you had Peace, would ere long fall into the hands of some A­gue, or Fever, or Consumption, and perish by them, or at the longest a few years will end it, it is a lighted Candle, that though no Body blow out, will quickly burn out of it self. [Page 114] But this loving kindness is not so short-lived, it shall last as long as your Souls; and so long as it lasts, they shall be happy. Those goods that you fear shall be pillaged, and spoiled in War, how many hazards are they subject to even in Peace? Solomon tells you, That Riches oftentimes (though no body take them away) make themselves wings, and fly away. And truly many times the undue sparing of them, is but the letting of their wings grow; which makes them readier to fly away, and the contribu­ting a part of them to do good, only clips their wings a little, and makes them stay the longer with their owner, (but that by the way) Howsoever in the day of death, and in the day of wrath, as Solomon says, they profit nothing at all. So then though you may desire that God would command deliverance for you; yet, if you would be truly happy, your greater and more earnest suit would be, That he command his loving kindness to appear to your Souls; and having once obtained this, you may possibly be persecuted, and endure hard Trials: But one thing is made sure, you cannot be miserable, nor shall you want tem­poral Mercies and Preservation too, so far as they are good for you. The inward assurance of this Love, shall carry you strangely and sweetly through all outward vicissitudes, and when the day shall come, that all other com­forts shall look pale upon you, then shall you find the worth and happiness of this, more than ever before.

[Page 115] Command] Make it appear to me. Some­times God is said to shut up, and hide his Love from his Children, and that is a mourn­full time with them. But we Read not that he shuts out Love, and ceaseth altogether to have affection to those whom once he loved. And therefore when he shews himself again in the gracious manifestations of his mercy, he is not said to begin anew to Love them, but only to Command his Love, which ere while he had countermanded, to appear.

In the day] If you have a mind to take the day and night figuratively, for prosperous and adverse times, it would lead you in that sense to observe David's constancy in Gods praises that not only in the day of deliverance, but even in the night of distress, he resolved a Song for God. And truly many times God gives his Childen in an afflicted condition, more sweetness of Spirit, and Aptitude, not only to pray, but to praise; and more spi­ritual delight in himself, than in times of out­ward Peace and Prosperity: He giveth Songs in the night, saith Job, and you know the sound of Musick is most delightful in the night. But to take it properly, he is confident that in the several Actions and Occurrences of the day he should find the goodness and favourable assistance of the Lord, and then he resolves, which leads to the other part of the Text.

In the night time to Meditate on that goodness, and frame a Song of Praise to the Author of it.

And indeed what is the whole Threed of [Page 116] our Life, but a checkered twist, Black and White, of delights and dangers interwoven? And the happiest passing of it, is constantly to enjoy, and to observe the experiences of God's goodness, and to praise him for them. David was a wise King, and withal a valiant Souldier. And yet we see he thought not this experience inconsonant with either of these two conditions. This pecious Book of Psalms (a great part thereof being his) testifies clear­ly, that Prayer and Praises were his great employment. A religious disposition of mind may not only consist with fortitude and mag­nanimity, but is indeed the best principal and cause of both, contrary to the wicked and foolish opinion of profane persons; whether of the two, do you think, might welcome a day of Battle with most courage and resolution, he that had past the precedeing night in re­velling and carouzing, or he that had spent it in Prayer, and obtained some assurance of a better Life? Truly if they went on with e­qual forwardness, there is no Man except he were an Atheist, but would judge the one to be Bruitish Fury, and Precipitation, and the other true valour.

His Song] In the worst Estate, there is ever some mater of praise to be mixed with request and truly we may justly suspect that our neg­lect of praises makes our prayers unaccepta­ble.

And my Prayer] In the best Estate here be­low, Praise must be accompanied with Pray­er, [Page 117] our wants and necessities, and straits re­turn daily upon us, and require new supplies of Mercy, and Prayer if we know how to use it right, is the way to obtain them all.

To the God of my Life] Or the God that is my Life. This word is added, as the reason of all that went before. If you ask David why he reposeth so much upon the loving kindness of God? what he means to spend so much pains in Praises and Prayer to God? He Answers; Because he is my Life. He is the Author and preserver of my temporal Life; and all the passages and accidents of it are in his hand alone, he hath also given me, and he maintains in me a spiri­tual Life, yea he is the Life of my Soul; it lives by union with him, as my Body does by union with it, and he hath laid up Life eter­nal for me. Would Christians think thus in­deed; The Light of this consideration would dispel their distrustful fears; Certainly there is Atheism at the bottom of them; if not a denial nor a misconceit of God, at least a for­getfulness of God. See Isaiah 51. verse 12, 13. I, even I am he that comforteth you: who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a Man that shall die, and of the Son of Man, which shall be made as Grass, and forgettest the Lord thy Ma­ker that hath stretched forth the Heavens, and laid the Foundations of the Earth, &c. Con­sider then that Men have no power of our present Life, but by the appointment of God, and beside that we have another Life, which [Page 118] is infinitely more precious than this, a Life spiritual, and which is the begining of eternal Life; and this is altogether out of their dan­ger, Col. 3. 3. Our Life is hid with Christ in God; It is hid. And wicked Men cannot so much as see it, how then should they take it from us, seeing it is hid, and that not meanly, it is hid with Christ in God? What then shall become of it? read the next verse, and read it to your comfort, for there is abundance in it, if you look right upon it: When Christ who is our Life shall appear, we likewise shall appear with him in Glory. They that are in God, being united to him through Christ, can never by any power be separated from him; it is an in­dissoluble union, death it self, that is the great dissolver of all other unions civil and natural, is so far from untying this, that it consum­mates it, it conveys the Soul into the nearest and fullest enjoyment of God who is its Life, where it shall not need to desire that God would command or send his loving kindness, as it were at a distance, it shall be then at the Spring-head, and shall be satisfied with his Love for ever, &c.



WHerefore do you spend money for that which is not Bread, and your labour for that which satisfies not? says the Prophet Isaiah, 55. 2. All Men agree in this that they would willingly meet with some satisfying good, and yet if you look right up­on the projects and labours of the greatest part, shall find them flying from it, and taking much pains to be miserable. And truly con­sidering the darkness that's upon the Soul of Man, 'tis no great wonder to see these miss their way, and continue wandring that hear not the voice of the Gospel to recal them, and and see not its Light to direct them. But this is somewhat strange, that where true happi­ness, and the true way to it is propounded and set before Men, so few should follow it in good earnest. If the excellency of that good did not allure them, yet one would think that their many disappointments in all other things should drive them home to it. How often do we run our selves out of breath after sha­dows, and when we think we have overtaken them, and would lay hold on them, we find nothing, and yet still we love to befool our selves, even against our own experience, [Page 120] which we say, uses to make Fools wiser, still we chuse rather to shift from one vanity to a­nother, than to return to that Sovereign good, that alone can fill the vastest desires of our Souls; rather to run from one broken Cistern to another, as the Prophet calls them, yea and to take pains to hew them out, than have recourse to that Fountain of living waters. One main thing that makes Men thus rove and wan­der, is, that they do not reflect upon their own course nor themselves, what's the main end they aim at, and then see whether their way be suitable to that end. If they would be happy, (as who would not) then sure things that are empty, and uncertain, and certainly perishing, will not serve the turn. And truly as this thought would be seasonable at any time, so especially to us in these times where­in besides the common uncertainty of out­ward things, there is an apparent visible ha­zard that Men's Lives and Fortunes are likely to be put to. Will you make advantage and gain of your trouble? Thus the looser you find other things tied to you, and as it were upon a running knot, secure that one thing, and your portion in it, which is worth all the rest, yea far above them all, and that alone which can be secured, and made cer­tain; wanting this, what though you had Peace and Health, and all imaginable pro­sperity, you would still be miserable, being liable to the wrath of God, and eternal de­struction. But if once united to Christ, and in [Page 121] him reconciled to God, and intitled to Hea­ven, what can fall amiss to you? You shall have Joy in the midst of Sorrow and Afflicti­on, and Peace in the midst of War, yea and Life in Death. But think not to attain this assurance, while you continue profane and godless, not seeking it in the way of Holiness, for there alone it is to be found, and withal beg it of God by humble prayer.

Psal. CXIX. 136.

‘Rivers of Waters run down mine eyes: be­cause they keep not thy Law.’

LOve is the leading passion of the Soul, all the rest follow the measure and motion of it, as the lower Heavens are said to be wheel'd about with the first.

We have here a clear instance of it in the Psalmist, testifying his love to God, by his esteem and love of the Law or Word of God, what is each of the several verses of this Psalm but a several breathing, and vent of this love, either in it self, or in the causes, or in the effects of it? where he sets forth the ex­cellencies and utilities of God's Law, there you have the causes of his love; his observing and studying it, his desire to know it more, and observe it better, these are the effects of his affection to it. The Love it self he often expresseth verses 47, 48, 113. and verse 140. [Page 112] Thy Word is pure, therefore thy Servant loveth it. And verse 127. I love thy Commandments above Gold, yea above fine Gold: But as scarce accounting that love which can be uttered how much it is, verse 97. He expresseth it most, by intimating that he cannot express it; O how I love thy Law! Hence are his desires (which are love in pursuit) so earnest after it; Amongst many, that is pathetical, verse 20. My Soul breaketh for the longing that it hath un­to thy Judgements at all times. Hence likewise his Joy and Delight (which are love in posses­sion) verse 14. I have rejoyced in the way of thy Testimonies as in all riches; And verse 16. I will delight my self in thy Statutes; I will not forget thy Word. We have his hatred of things opposite, which is loves antipathy, verse 113. I hate vain thoughts: but thy Law do I love. And 163 verse, I hate and abhor lying: but thy Law do I love. And in the 139 verse, you shall find his zeal (which is no other but the fire of Love stirred up or blown into a flame) My zeal hath consumed me: because mine Ene­mies have forgotten thy Words. And (to omit the rest) in the 158 verse, [...]is love to the Law shews its sympathy in sorrow, for the violation of the Law, I beheld the Transgres­sors, and was grieved: because they kept not thy Word. And here you find this grief swelling to such a heighth, that it runs over into abun­dant Tears. Rivers of water run down mine eyes; because they keep not thy Law.

The words have briefly, These Rivers in [Page 123] their channel and course, ( They run down mine eyes) in their Spring and Cause, to wit his sym­pathy with God's Law broken by Men in the latter clause of the verse. Because they keep not thy Law. But both together clearly Teach us, That Godly Men are affected with deep sorrow, for the Sins of the ungodly.

More particularly consider (1) The ob­ject of this Affection. (2) The nature of it. (3) The degree or measure of it: (4) its, Subject.

The Object is the Transgression of the Law, or to take it (as in the Text) in Concreto, Men Transgressors of the Law. They keep not thy Law. It is true, the whole Creation groan­eth under the burden of Sin in effects of it, as the Apostle speaks; but Sin it self, is Mans Enemy, he being that reasonable Crea­ture to whom the Law was given. Now in the general, it is matter of grief to a godly mind, to consider the universal depravedness of Mans nature. That he is a Transgressor from the Womb. That the carnal mind is enmi­ty against God, not subject to his Law, neither while it remains such, can it be. Rom. 8. 6. And this grief will go the deeper, by re­membring from whence he is fallen. When he was new come forth of the hands of his Maker, that Image of God that he stampt upon him, shined bright in his Soul; the whole frame of it was regular and comely▪ the inferiour faculties obeying the higher, an [...] all of them subject unto God. But how soon [Page 124] was he seduced, and then what a great change ensued? Quantum mutatus ab illo? There is ever since such a tumult, and confusion in the Soul, that it cannot hear the voice of God's Law, much less obey and keep it. Hence is that complaint of the Psalmist▪ oftener than once. They are all gone out of the way, and be­come abominable, there is none that doth good, no not one. Mundus immundus [...] lies buried in it, as the word is used in the in­scription of Tombs [...]. Look a­broad in the World. And what shall ye see, but a Sea of wickedness over the Face of the whole, which draws from a godly discerning eye that beholds it, these Rivers of Tears? The greatest part not knowing the true God, nor the true Religion, and the true way of his worship; And for those that do, yet how unlike are they to it in their Lives; The re­formed Churches this way, how unreformed in a great part!

But more particularly to branch this out a little in several sorts of Men; This godly grief is a very large Sphere, it will extend to remote people, remote every way, not only in place but in Manners and Religion, even to Hea­thens, and gross Idolaters; Yea, the very sins of Enemies, and of such as are profest Ene­mies to God, yet moves the tender-hearted Christian to sorrow and compassion. Of whom I now tell you weeping, that they are Enemies to the Cross of Christ, Philip. 3. 18. Enemies, and yet he speaks of them Weeping, what he [Page 125] writes concerning them he would have writ­ten in Tears, if that had been legible. Thus you see the extension of this grief. But yet out of all question it will be more intensive in particulars of nearer concernment; it is the burden of the pious Mans heart, that his Law who made the World, and gives being to all things, should be so little regarded, and so much broken through all the World, but yet more especially that in his own Church a­mongst his own people, Transgression should abound. Sins within the Church are most properly scandals, God manifests himself (so to speak) most sensible of those, and there­fore the godly Man is so too. Whether they be the continual enormities of licentious and profane persons, which are by external pro­fession in the face of the visible Church, though indeed they be in it, but, as Spots and Blemishes as the Apostle speaks; or whether it be the Apostasie of Hypocrites, or (which sometimes falls out) the gross falls of true Converts. All these are the great grief of the Godly. The relations of Men either Natural or Civil will add something too; this sorrow will be great­er than ordinary in a Christian, he will melt in a particular tenderness for the Sins of his Kindred, Parents or Children, Husband or Wife; and most of all Ministers for their peo­ple. How pathetically does this appear in St. Paul 2 Cor. 12. 21. And lest when I come again my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have Sinned alrea­dy, [Page 126] and have not repented of the uncleanness and forni [...]ation, and lasciviousness, which they have committed. A Man cannot but be more par­ticularly touched with the sins of that Nation, and of that City, and Congregation, and Family, whereof he is a Member, 2 Pet. 2. 8. (for that righteous Man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righte­ous soul, from day to day, with their unlawful▪ deeds.) The sins of more eminent Persons, either in Church or Commonwealth, will most affect a prudent Christian, because their inclinations and actions import the publick much; therefore the Apostle, when he had exhorted to Supplications and Prayers for all men, he particularly mentions Kings, and such as are in Authority. And truly, when they are abused by Misadvice and corrupt Counsel, some of these tears were very well spent, if poured forth before God in their be­half, for in his hand (as that wise King con­fesseth) are their hearts compared to Rivers of Waters; let their motion be never so impe­tuous, yet he turns them whither he pleaseth, and who knows but these Rivers of Waters, these Tears, may prevail with the Lord to reduce the violent current of that River (a King's heart) from the wrong channel?

But to proceed: The second thing to be 2. The Nature of it. considered in this affection, is the Nature of it, (1) It is not a Stoical apathy, and affected carelessness, much less a delightful partaking with sinful practices. (2) Not a proud setting [Page 127] off their own goodness, with marking the sin of others, as the Pharisee did in the Gospel. (3.) Not the derision, and mocking of the folly of men, with that laughing Philosopher, it comes nearer to the temper of the other that wept always for it. It is not a bitter, bilious anger, breaking forth into Railings and Re­proaches, nor an upbraiding Insultation; nor is it a vindictive desire of punishment, vent­ing it self in Curses and Imprecations, which is the rash temper of many, but especially of the vulgar sort. The Disciples motion to Christ was far different from that way, and yet he says to them, You know not of what Spirit ye are. They thought they had been of Elias his Spirit, but he told them they were mistaken, and did not know of what a Spirit they were in that motion. Thus heady Zeal often mistakes and flatters it self; we find not here a desire of fire to come down from Heaven, upon the breakers of the Law, but such a grief as would rather bring Water to quench it, if it were falling on them▪ Rivers of Waters, &c.

The degree of this sorrow it's vehement, not a light transient dislike, but a deep resentment, such as causeth not some few sighs, or some drops of tears, but Rivers Palge Maijim Pelagus a­quarum..

It is true, The measure and degree of sorrow 3. The Measure. for Sin, whether their own or others, are dif­ferent in divers Persons, that are yet true mourners, and they are also different in the same Person, at divers times, not only upon [Page 128] the difference of the cause, but even where the cause is equal, upon the different influence and working of the Spirit of God. Some­times it pleaseth him to warm and melt the heart more abundantly, and so he raises these Rivers, in these Eyes, to a higher Tide than ordinary. Sometimes they remove again, but yet this Godly sorrow is always serious and sincere; and that's the other Quality here remarkable in it. It is not a Histrionical weeping, only in publick, for the speech is here directed to God, as a more frequent witness of these tears than any other, who is always the witness of the sincerity of them, even when they cannot be hid from the Eyes, of Men, for I deny not but they may, and should have vent in publick, especially at such times as are set a part for solemn Mourning and Humiliation; yet, even then, usually these streams run deepest, where they're stillest and most quietly conveyed, but how­soever, sure they would not be fewer, and less frequent alone, than in company, for that's a little subject to suspition, Jer. 9. 1. Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night, for the slain of the daughter of my people. And 13. 17. But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride, and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive.

The Subject of this affection is, not the 4 The Subject. Ungodly themselves that are profest transgres­sors [Page 129] of this Law, they rather make a sport of sin, as Solomon speaks; they play and make themselves merry with it, as the Phi­listines did with Sampson, till it b [...]ing the House down about their ears: But the Godly are they that are affected with this sorrow, such as are careful observers of the Law them­selves, and mourn first for their own breach­es, for these are the only fit mourners for the transgression of others.

Now to enquire a little into the cause of this, Why the breaking of God's Law should cause such sorrow in the Godly, as here breaketh forth into abundant of Tears; we shall find it very reasonable if we consider, 1. The Nature of Sin, which is the trans­gression or breach of the Law, as the Apostle defines it. 2. The Nature of this Sorrow and these Tears. 3. The Nature of the Godly.

1. Sin is the greatest Evil in the World, yea, truly, (in comparison) it alone is worth the Name of Evil, and therefore may justly challenge Sorrow, and the greatest Sorrow; the greatest of Evils it is, both formally, in that it alone is the defilement and deformity of the Soul, and casually, being the root from whence all other Evils spring; the fruitful Womb that conceives and brings forth all those miseries that either Man feels, or hath cause to fear. Whence are all those personal Evils incident to Men in their Estates, or in their Bodies, or Minds, out­ward Turmoils and Diseases, and inward [Page 130] Discontents, and Death it self, in all the kinds of it? Are they not all the fruits of that bitter root? Whence arise these publick miseries of Nations and Kingdoms, but from the Epidemick National Sins of the People, as the deserving and procuring cause at God's Hand? And withal, oftentimes from the ambitious and wicked practices of some par­ticular Men, as the working and effecting Causes, so that every way, if we follow these evils home to their original, we shall find it to be Sin, or the breaking of God's Law. Ungodly men, though they meddle not with publick affairs at all, yea, though they be faithful and honest in meddling with them, yet by reason of their Impious Lives, are Traytors to their Nation; they are truly the Incendiaries of States and Kingdoms: And these Mourners, though they can do no more, are the Loyallest and serviceable Sub­jects, bringing tears to quench the fire of Wrath, Rivers of Waters. And therefore, sorrow and tears are not only most due to sin, as the greatest of evils, but they're best bestowed upon it, if they can do any thing to its redress, because that is both the surest and most compendious way to remedy all the rest, sin being the source and spring of them all.

This is the reason why Jeremiah 9. ver. 1. when he would weep for the slain of his peo­ple, is straightway led from that to b [...]wail the sin of his people, ver. 2, 3, &c. And in [Page 131] his Book of Tears and Lamentations, he of­ten reduces all these sad evils to Sin as causing them, particularly, chap. 5. 16. The Crown is fallen from our Head, Woe unto us that we have sinned. He turns the complaint more to the Sin than to the Affliction.

Secondly, Consider the Nature of these Tears; Tears spent for worldly C [...]osses are all lost: They run all to waste; they are Lachry­ [...]nae inanes, empty fruitless things, but tears shed for the breach of God's Law, are the means to quench God's Wrath. The Pravers and Tears of some few, may avert the punishment of many, yea, of a whole Land, and if not so, yet are they not lost, the Mourners them­selves have always benefit by them, as you have it in that known place, Ezek. 9. They that mourned for the common Abominations were marked, and the common Desolation took not hold on them. This mourning for other Mens wickedness, both testifies and preserves the Godly man's Innocence; I say it preserves it, as well as testifies it; it keeps them from the Contagion of that bad Air they live in, for without this, Sin would soon grow familiar. It is good for men to keep up, and maintain in their Souls, a dislike of Sin, for when once it ceaseth, to be displeasing to a Man, it will, ere long, begin to be pleasing to him.

If we consider the Nature of the Godly we shall see this mourning suit with it exceed­ingly, both in regard of his relation to God [Page 132] and to man; God is his Father, and therefore it cannot but grieve him much to see him of­fended and dishonored. Love to God, and consequently to his Law, and love to Men, and desire of their good, is the spring of these Rivers. A Godly man is tender of Gods Glory and of his Law, every stroke that it receives, striketh his heart, and he hath bow­els of compassion, and would be glad if they were converted and saved.

And he considers every Man as his Brother, and therefore is sorrowful to see him run the hazard of perishing in sin. The former sym­pathy, whereby the Godly man tenders the Glory of God, is from his Piety: This latter, whereby he pities the misery of Man, is from his Charity; and from these flow the Rivers, that run down his eyes.

To be too sensible of worldly crosses, and prodigal of tears, upon such slight occasions is little better than Childish or Womanish, but these tears that flow from love to God, and grief for Sin, have neither uncom­liness nor excess in them; abundance of them, will beseem any Man that is a Christian. Let profane men judge it a weakness to weep for Sin, yet we see David do it. Men of Arms and Valour need not fear disparage­ment by weeping thus, it is the truest Magna­nimity to be sensible of the point of Gods ho­nour, which is injured by Sin.

Again, The consideration of this truth, will discover the World guilty of very much [Page 133] Ingratitude to Godly men; it hath always been the custom of profane Persons, to seek to brand Religion and Godliness with disloy­alty and turbulency, and to make it pass for an enemy to the peace and prosperity of States and Kingdoms. You see clearly with what affection Religion furnishes men, towards the publick, causing them to mourn for com­mon sins, and so to prevent (as far as in them lies) common Calamities. And this is o [...] no little consequence, for truly it is not Foreign Power, so much as Sin at home, that ruines Kingdoms: all the Winds that blow with­out the Earth, be they never so violent, stir it not, only that which is within its own bow­els makes an Earthquake. It was a grave an­swer of Epaminondas, being asked what he was doing, solitary and pensive, in the time of solemn mirth and feasting, While my Country men (says he) are so peaceably Feasting, I am thinking on the best means to preserve that peace to them, that it may continue; which, a little altered, is applicable to the Godly. They are oftentimes mourning for the sins, and praying for the peace of the places where they live, when, in the mean time, the great­est part are multiplying sin, and so forfeiting their peace.

Rivers of Waters] This is a mournful me­lancholy life that these Precisians lead, says the Worldling; yes, truly, if there were no more in it than what he can perceive and judge of. But besides the full joy laid up for [Page 134] them, and the beginnings of it here, there is even in this mourning an unknown sweet­ness and delight. The Philosopher says, even of common tears, that there is some kind of pleasure in them, as some things please the taste by their very tartness. But of these tears, they that know them, know it to be eminently true, That [...]hey are plea­sant. But be this exercise, as sad as the pro­fane call it, yet why observe they not, that they themselves are much the cause of it, as they may read here, Because they keep not Gods Law.

But to pass by divers Inferences that the words afford, let us take notice of the duty he [...]e practised, and how much we are all ob­liged to the present practice of it. Who will deny that we have too much matter and oc­casions of it? Besides the sorrow of Sion, and particularly, the blood-shedding, and distress of our Brethren, and our own danger, what corner of the Land, what rank or condition of people is there, that abounds not in gross and heinous violation of Gods Law? They keep not thy Law. Magistrates and Judges turning Judgment into Gall and Wormwood, Ministers remiss in that great care, the care of Souls; people wallowing in Ungodliness and Uncleanness, Swearing, &c. The grea­ter oppressing the less, and the less, defrauding and wronging the greater. No sensible and notable work of conversion, almost to be seen or heard of amongst us, the Lord ab­senting [Page 135] himself from his Ordinances. O that he would dwell in his House, and fill it with a Cloud of his Glory! What vile uncleanness and wantonness! What shameful drunken­ness and excess! And some so far from mourning for others guiltiness of this sin, that they glory in making others guilty of it, and count it a pastime to make others Drunk; and this is a far greater sin than drunkenness it self, for these men, while they make Beasts of their Companions, they make Devils of themselves, becoming tempters and provokers to Sin▪ If any such be here, ei­ther tremble at the Woe that the Prophet Habakkuk, chap. 2. denounceth, or confess that you believe not the Scriptures. Woe to him that gives his neighbour drink, and puts the bottle to him to make him drunken. The cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned to thee; it is full of heavy vengeance: There is a Cup if you like it, to pay you home the Cups you give to others.

Again: How is the Land filled with Oaths and Cursings? How are your Streets, and almost all Companies, where a man can come, defiled, partly with tearing the Precious Name of God; partly with calling on the Devil. There would be no end of reckoning up all particulars; Sabbath breaking, Fraud and Covetousness▪ Pride and Malice, and Envyings one of another; and the rest. But the summ is this▪ An Universal want of the fear of God and his Law.

[Page 136]And the cause of this, is, in a great part, Ignorance of God, and of his Law; and truly, it is wonderful, under so much Light, and such plentiful Preaching, to find so much darkness, not only in the skirts, and remote pla­ces▪ but even in the prime parts of this Land. Multitudes that are strangers to the very principles and fundamentals of that Religion which they profess, and they that have knowledge, abusing it▪ and sinning against it, continuing in profaneness; and without this true Religion, it is as impossible to have renewed hearts and lives, as to have a House without a Foundation, or, as we say, a Castle in the Air. And this Atheism and Ignorance amongst people, is in a great part to be im­puted to the corruption and sloth of Mini­sters, and would to God there were not ma­ny Congregations, not only altogether de­stitute, but such as are freezing under a cold and lifeless Ministry.

You see then, we want not causes of mourn­ing and humiliation, on all hands, but our want is inward, of that due disposition for it, Softness of heart, and that love to God, which should melt and mollifie the heart: Let us then stir up our selves, and one ano­ther, to this godly sorrow, for the sins of the Land; there is need of Rivers of Tears for these heaps of Sin, as they tell of his letting in a River to that monstruous Stable of Augias, that could not otherwise have been cleansed in the time allotted him.

[Page 137]And truly, as the duty lies upon all the faithful, the Ministers of the Word ought to be most eminent in it, the chief mourners, the Precentors, to take up the Tune of these Thenes, Joel 2. 17. And all that wish the good of Church and Kingdom, ought to bear a part in them, according to their measure. Have we not much need to intreat reconcile­ment with God, that he prove not our ene­my? Yes, surely, and were we reconciled with him, we would have little need to fear the power of Man.

Now they that would be profitable mourn­ers for others sins, by all means, must have these two conditions I mention'd; to be care­ful observers of the Law themselves, and to mourn for their own failing, and breaking of it. Now to the observing of the Law, it is absolutely needful to know and understand it, and that not only in the Letter and Super­fice, but according to the Spiritual sense and meaning of it, for without this knowledge, a man may light upon some Duty by guess, as it were in the dark; but observe, the Law he cannot. They are not only reproveable that glory in their own sins, and make sport of the sins of others, but they mistake it much, that think it enough to consider their own with grief, and judge the sins of others an imper­tinency for them to think on; they mourn not right for others that begin not at them­selves, so they mourn never aright for them­selves that end in themselves. He that here [Page 138] thus weeps for others, made his Bed to swim with these Rivers, for his own sin, Psal. 6. (2) As a man must know this Law, so he must be inwardly convinced and perswaded of the Divinity of it, that it's God's Law. (3) He must have a deep apprehension of the Majesty and Authority of the Law­giver, to work Reverence, and of his good­ness to beget Love; and the due mixture of these two, will both strongly command, and sweeten obedience to his Command­ments. And this obedience, though it be not an absolute and perfect fulfilling of any one of the Commandments, yet it is a re­spect to them all, as this Psalm hath it, which is (so to speak) an imperfect kind of perfecti­on. And from this respect to the Law, which is the observing of it, will [...]low that other condition, of grieving when we break it.

And besides all other things that should make a Christians own sin grievous to him, there is one thing cannot but move him much, The consideration of the sorrow and suffer­ings of Christ. To view the bleedings of the Lord Jesus, cannot chuse but pierce a Be­lieving Soul, and make it say, Did my Re­deemer shed his Blood for my sins, and shall not I my self shed tears for them? I know the na­tural Constitution of some denies them tears, but if it do so to any, make up that want with sence of inward grief, and it is well enough, the Eye of God can discern that as [Page 139] well as the other? but truly, where men have tears for lighter causes (for all other cau­ses are lighter) and none for this, they feel not yet the weight of sin, except that want be through the deepness of sorrow, which some­times will stop the current of tears, though it used to run, at other times; as they say, Curae leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent. But this is a rare and happy impediment.

And to answer another doubt: If you find sometimes worldly griefs, stir you more vio­lently, yet let this Godly sorrow affect you more constantly, that it may have the advan­tage in continuance, if it fall short in the degree.

But as this grief must begin at home, as they say of Charity, it must not be so selfish as to rest there; and truly, where it comes in that order, it may be some way a stronger Evi­dence of sincerity, to mourn for others sins, than for our own, for there seems to be more of God in it, because there is less in it of our selves, and own particular interest.

Now you will possibly think it but an un­pleasant Duty that you have heard urged all this while; but look forward, and consider the issue of it. That which Christ speaks in particular to his Disciples, is generally true in all Christians, Jo. 16. 20. Ye shall weep and lament (says he) but the World shall rejoyce; ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned or made into Joy. The Water of those tears shall be turned into Wine of Conso­lation. [Page 140] The Traffick of these Rivers is gain­ful, they export Grief and import Joy. When these tears are called Seed, the Harvest crop is called Joy. They that sow in tears shall reap in Joy. They are here called Rivers, and they are answered with a River, Psal. 86. 8. for which they shall in end be perfectly exchanged. Thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. And Revel. 7. 17. The Lamb shall feed them, and lead them unto living fountains of waters. Here they run down the eyes, and water the cheeks; and there you read that God shall wipe them away from their eyes. Who would not be content to weep, to have God wipe away their tears with his own hand? Be ambitious then to be found amongst the mourners in Sion, and when ye remove from this Valley of tears, God shall at once fully wipe away all the stain of Sin from your Souls, and all Tears for it from your Eyes. And as he shall wipe away the Tears with the one hand, he will set the Crown upon your Heads with the other.



BBessed are they that dwell in thy House, saith the Psalmist, and he adds this reason, They will be still praising thee. There is indeed, always in God's House both fit opportunity and plentiful matter of his praises. But the greatest number of those that frequent his House, do not dwell in it, their delight and affection is not there; Therefore they cannot praise him, they come in as stran­gers, and have no skill of the Songs of praise, yea and the very Children of the Family, that Worship in Spirit and in Truth, find their instruments (their hearts) very often, quite out of tune for praises, and sometimes most of all, when praises are requisite. They find still such abundant cause of complaint in themselves, weighing down their Spirits, that they can hardly at all wind them up, to magnifie that God of our mercy, which is far more abundant. If we would take a reflex view and look back upon our carriage this day in the presence of our God, who is among us, that would not find much work for sad thoughts? Would not one find that he had a hard and stony heart? another a light uncon­stant [Page 142] wandring heart to complain of? A third and unbelieving heart; and some all of these? And they (if such there be) that have both deeply sorrowed, and been largely comforted will possibly for all that, upon former sad experience, be full of Fears and Jealousies, that this sweet temper will not be of long con­tinuance, that ere long the World, or some Lust, will find, or make a way to creep in, and banish those Heavenly thoughts, and trouble that Peace and Joy which accompanies them. Yet notwithstanding all these causes of grief or fear, our causes of praise are both more and greater, and it is no reason that the sense of our own evil, should prejudge that acknowledgment of God's goodness, yea ra­ther it should stir us up to extol it so much the more. Cease not to bemoan the evils of your own hearts; but withal forget not to magni­fie the riches of his grace, who hath given himself for you, and to you. These two will not hinder one another, but the due in­termixture of them will make a very good harmony. And the fruit of them will be this, you shall have still more cause to praise and less to complain. When the Lord shall find you humble acknowledgers of his grace, he will delight to bestow more grace upon you, and will subdue those iniquities for you, which you cannot; and though he is pleased to do it but gradually by little and little, yet in the end, the conquest shall be full; and then he who is the Author and Finisher of your Faith, tho [Page 143] [...]t is his own work, yet because it is done in you, he shall account the Victory yours, as obtained by you, and give you as Conquer­ors the Crown of Glory, To him that over­cometh (saith he) will I give to sit with me in my Throne, &c.

There is nothing here but from free grace, the courage and strength to fight in this Spiri­tual warfare, the victory by fighting, and the Crown by Victory, flow all from that Fountain. In all these things we are more than Conquerors (saith the Apostle) but how? Through him that loved us. Therefore if we desire to be such, let us humble our selves be­fore the Throne of grace intreating both for grace and glory in the Name of Christ our Mediator.

Cant. I. 3.

‘Because of the Savour of thy good Ointments, Thy Name is as Ointment poured forth, Therefore do the Virgins love thee.’

THE natural workings and desires of things are agreeable to their being. The Beasts according to their sensitive Life seek those things that tend to the good and preservation of that Life, and affect nothing higher than those, and they are satisfied. Man, (except such as are in the lowest Stage and border up­on the Beasts) finds Nature, even corrupt Na­ture, [Page 144] raising him to higher desires and designs. And yet of the best of them, the Apostles maxim holds true, They that are after the Flesh mind the things of the Flesh, and yet he sub­joins, the excellency of some Men beyond the best naturalist, They that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit, Rom. 8. 5. They must be confined to things natural, but are strongly moved towards Spiritual blessings; and Christ the Sum of them. And having once tasted of his sweetness can say, Because of the savour of thy good Ointments, &c. They that are elevated to a supernatural Being, can admit nothing into competition with his love, and this it is that lies under these words, Because of the savour of thy good Oint­ments, &c.

Numbers have promiscously been his guests at this time, and the greatest number think they came to good purpose; but know that you are so far from partaking of Christ in the Sacrament, that you have not so much as smelt his Perfumes; if you be not strongly taken with his love. Great are the Praises, and many the Duties you owe him for so rich fa­vours; and therefore shew your good will, and endeavour some payment. But know that none of them are current except they be stampt with Love, if you love not, you do nothing, all your Labours and Services with­out it, are as so many Cyphers, they amount to just nothing. And with it, the meanest of them will find acceptance.

[Page 145]You have briefly in the words, Christ's love­liness, and the Christians love; the former the cause of the latter, both couched under bor­rowed Terms, according to the whole strain of this allegorical Song, to which the true Ex­perimental knowledge of this Divine love is the best Commentary.

In all Love, Three things are necessary: (1) Some goodness in the object, either true and real, or apparent and seeming to be so; for the Soul be it never so evil, can affect no­thing but what it takes some way to be good. (2) There must be a knowledge of that good­ness; for the most excellent things, if altoge­ther unknown, affect not. (3) There must be a suitableness or agreement of that good thing with the nature of those which should affect it; otherwise indeed how good soever it is, it is not good to them.

Now all these we have clearly in this Love. (1) The goodness, the excellency of Christ exprest by precious Ointments. (2) The ma­nifestation and making of it known, signified by the pouring forth of his Name. (3) His fit­ness, and congruity with them here mention­ed, under this denomination Virgins; such as have the senses of their Souls, not stopt with the pollutions of the World, but Pure and Active, and (therefore as the Apostle speaks, Heb. 5. 14.) exercised to discern good and evil, These three requisites thus happily met, must needs produce Love. Therefore the Vir­gins love thee.

[Page 146] Because of the savour of thy good Ointments.] How true is the Apostles word, when he calls Christ the Believers All things, and that radi­cal grace of Faith, because it apprehends Christ hath a kind of universality; and it is reason­able too, it alone being to the Soul, what all the five senses are to the Body. It is the eye and the Mouth, a wonderful Eye; It sees him that is invisible, Heb. 4. 27. The Mouth, it tastes that the Lord is gracious, 1 Pet. 2. 3. Yea, take these two both together in one place, Psal. 34. 8. O taste and see that the Lord is good. 'Tis the Souls Ear, for what else is meant, when it is said, He that hath an Ear to hear let him hear; And was it not that touch which Christ took special notice of, and with good reason distinguished it from the common touch of the multitude that was crowding a­bout him; That touch alone draws vertue from him, Some hath touched me, for there is a vertue gone out of me. And lastly, as it is all those other senses, and Christ its object in Re­ference to them all; so here in its Smelling, it finds the savour of his fragrant graces and by that works love, Because of the savour, &c.

What strange odds is there betwixt the o­pinion of Christ's Spouse, and the World, that knows him not? They wonder what she sees in him desirable; she wonders that they are not all ravisht with his excellencies. They prefer the basest vanities in the World before him; she finds the choicest and richest things [Page 147] in the World too mean to resemble the smal­lest part of his worth. See in this Song how busily and skilfully she goes to all the Crea­tures, and Crops the rarest peices in Nature and Art to set forth her well Beloved, and seems to find them all too poor for her purpose; one while she extols him above all things beauti­ful, and pleasant to the Eye▪ Another while above things delectable to the taste, as in the former verse, Thy Loves are better than Wine, and here prefers the Perfume of his Graces to the most precious Ointments.

When a natural eye looks upon the Sacra­ment, to wit of the Lord's Supper, it finds it a bare and mean kind of Ceremony. Take heed there be not many, that come to it, and partake of it with others, that prize it little, have but low conceits of it, and do indeed find as little in it as they look for. But oh! What precious Consolation and Grace doth a Believer meet with at this Banquet; how richly is the Table furnisht to his eye; what plentiful varieties employ his Hand and Taste? what abundance of rare dainties? yet there is nothing but one here, but, that one is all things to the Believing Soul, it finds his love is sweeter than the richest Wine to the Taste, or best Odours to the smell; and that delight­ful Word of his, Thy Sins are forgiven thee, is the only Musick to a distressed Conscience.

Thy good Ointments.] The holy Ointment of the Sanctuary under the Law was compos­ed according to God's own prescription, Exod. [Page 148] 30. 25. And they were straitly forbid to imi­tate it, or make any like it, to signifie the singular holiness, the matchless worth of the anointing Oyl of gladness, wherewith our high Priest, the Lord Jesus, was anointed above his fellows. And in this he is incomparable, that his Ointment he hath not from without. It was his own Divine Nature that perfumed his Manhood with these precious Ointments. God and the Spirit of the Lord, is said to have anointed him. Psal. 45. 7, Thou lovest righte­ousness and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with the Oyl of gladness above thy fellows; and Isaiah 61. 1. The Spi­rit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the Meek, &c. But know that that Spirit, and the Father are one in Essence with the eternal Son. In that mystical Song much like to this, in the 45 Psalm at the 8th. verse, It is said that his Garments smell of Myrrh, and Aloes, and Cassia as he comes forth of his Ivory Palaces: When he came down from his glorious Court above to dwell among Men, he apparell'd himself like them; he was Clothed with humane Flesh. But yet that vesture was so transcendently enriched with all graces as with costly per­fumes, that Men might easily know there was more under them then a meer Man, yea even in that low Estate did such beams of his Glory shine through, that all whose eyes were open, did clearly behold them, and knew him to be no less than the only begotten Son [Page 149] of God, by this, that he was so full of Grace and Truth, Jo. 1. 14. And these are in a word, these precious Ointments, whose de­lightful smell is here commended.

Now to enumerate and describe these Gra­ces, what Tongue of Men, yea or of Angels were sufficient? What other is the main sub­ject of the whole Scriptures? what mean all the Figures, and Ceremonies of the Law; the costly Furniture and Ornaments of the Temple; the rich vestments of the high Priest; that fine Linnen, that Silk and Gold, these Gems and precious Stones? was any of them, were they all any other but Shadows and dim Resemblances of the matchless perfecti­ons of Jesus Christ? 'Tis strange, that Chri­stians have so low conceits of their high Re­deemer! what is the Gospel, but a more clear and plentiful pouring forth of those Ointments? What was the great Labour and Business of the holy Apostles, but the diffu­sing of Christ's Graces through the World? I determined to know nothing among you save Christ and him Crucified, says St. Paul to his Corinthians. What was that other Sacrament and this, but Coverts under which Christ conveys himself and his Graces to the Believ­ing Soul, while the prophane and slight hear­ted Receivers are sent away with empty Ele­ments? Thus you see how ample a Subject these graces are in the general. And truly the Consideration of any one particular of them might be the employment of many hours. [Page 150] Would you hear the wisdom of Christ; look what the Apostle says of it, Col. 2. 3, In him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and know­ledge. Not some drops of wisdom, no, nor Streams, but a Fountain: A Treasure, not one Treasure, but Treasures; many, yea, all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge, yet not obvious to every eye, but, as Trea­sures, are hid. The Children of wisdom, which are the Worlds Fools, have some know­ledge of this his Wisdom, and draw from it for their own use; but to sound the depth of it, who can be able?

No less admirable is his Holiness, he is both the Immaculate Lamb, and the Undefiled Sacrifice, such a High Priest became us: Be­came us! Yes, Holy, Harmless and Undefiled, Heb. 7 26. The more we were defiled with sin, the more stood we in need of an unde­filed and spotless High Priest; it was as ex­pedient, that he should be unlike us in that, as that he should be like us in all other things. Therefore, as for the Legal Priesthood, there was a Holy Consecrating Oyl, This Immor­tal High Priest was Anointed with most en­tire and compleat Holiness; and this perfect Holiness of his, is set forth as Myrrh, the best Ointments and Spices, Myrrh (which is of a vertue preservative from Corruption.) He was not only of excellent smell, while he lived among men, but this Myrrh did likewise preserve and exempt him from con­tracting any corruption or pollution, by the [Page 151] bad air of sinful Company; so that he con­versed with Sinners, that he might Convert them without any danger of infection. And as he was thus extraordinarily Anointed with the Spirit of Wisdom and Holiness, so likewise with the Spirit of Meekness, there­fore called The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the World: His voice was not heard in the streets. And take in that other Grace, which he himself mentions, together with his Meekness, as being near in Nature to it, Humility; Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, Matth. 11. 29. Indeed, Hu­mility is an odoriferous Grace, it is a gracing decoring Grace, and it adds a kind of sweet­ness and lustre to all other Graces; yea, it serves singularly as a Character for the trial of the truth of all other Graces. As Balsam, which is the chief of precious Ointments, To Baal Shemin. used to be tried, That is the truest and best, that put into any Liquor, goes to the bottom, that but slight which swims above; so these Graces are most upright, that are accompa­nied with most humility. And that this may be out of doubt, you know that Jesus Christ (of whom we now speak) as he had most Grace, so was he most exemplary in humi­lity; and certainly, the sweet smell of this good Ointment, did fill the whole House, when he washt his Disciples, feet, Jo. 13. as it is said of the Ointment that Mary poured upon his feet, in the foregoing Chapter, Job. 12.

[Page 52]Amongst many other of his gracious Qua­lities that might be mentioned, there is one we cannot but take particular notice of His Love, the rather, because the fragrant smell of his Graces is here said to beget Love. Now you know that one of the strongest attractives of Love, is Love, Magnes amoris amor, [...]. What made him empty himself of his Glory, as the Apostle speaks, but because he was full of love? What made him take on the form of a Servant, suffer Heat and Cold, and Hunger, and Poverty, but Love? What other was it made him di­gest the Persecutions Revilings, and the con­tradiction of Sinners, but Love? But the great wonder of his Love is this, He died to become our Life; who hath loved me, and gi­ven himself for me, says the great Apostle St. Paul. And hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, says the beloved Apostle St. John. Was it the Nails that held him fast to the Cross, when they tauntingly bid him come down? No, it was his Love, that was stronger than Death. But all this was nothing to the an­gry countenance of his Father, nor would he ever have ventured upon that, if infinite Love had not perswaded him; no wonder if the Apostle call it a Love that passeth know­ledge. That you may know, saith he, the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, Eph. 3. 19. Know it we may, and should, but we must know withal, that we cannot know it fully. [Page 153] And this is our comfort, that it is greater than we can comprehend, for if it were not so, it would be less than we stand in need of. So much of his Love we may understand, as may abundantly inflame our hearts with love to him; for this purpose hath he revealed it, and made his Name like an Ointment poured out. And that's the second thing.

His Name] That's the report and mani­festation of his Excellencies; and if you will take it properly of his Name Jesus, and Christ, or the Messiah, it is true of them, for they are significative of these Excellencies. Ask an afflicted Conscience, if Jesus, that is, a Saviour, be not a precious Word, that hath a Sovereign value, both a refreshing smell, and a healing vertue. The Hammer of the Law may break a stony heart in pieces, but it is only the blood of Jesus that can soften it; and where it is effectually poured, either up­on a wounded Soul, it heals it, or upon a hard heart, it mollifies it. For that other Name, Christ, well may it be called an Oint­ment poured out, for it signifies his Anoint­ing, and that the sweet savour of this Name may effect, read but that one passage, Isai. 61. 1. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, be­cause the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings, &c. What inestimable riches of Consolation is there in each of these ef­fects, to which Christ was Anointed, and yet we find not a word among them all for a proud stiff-necked Sinner. Here are good [Page 154] tidings, but it is to the meek; comfortable binding up, but it is for the broken hearted; Liberty, but it is for Captives and Prisoners, groaning under their Chains, and desirous to be delivered. Not for such as delight in their bondage, there is Oil of joy and garments of praise, but they are provided for mourning dejected Spirits that need them; not to the Impediment. On the contrary, there is a terrible word interjected in the midst of these Promises, The day of vengeance of our God; and that is the portion of Christ's Enemies, and such are all incorrigible sinners.

Thus it is, at the same Banquet from which you come, one may be filled with Spiritual Joy, and the very Person that sits next, be filled with a secret Curse, and return more miserable than he came. But let the discon­solate lamenting Sinner lift up his head, and behold Christ, the Son of God, anointed a Prophet to preach Salvation, and liberty to such; a Priest to purchase it, and a King to give it.

Now the pouring out of this Name is di­vers. Before the coming of the Messiah his Name was poured out in Prophesies and Pro­mises, in Types and legal Ceremonies, but more fully when the Word was made flesh, then Angels and holy Men, yea, and Wo­men, spake clearly of him. What was his Fathers voice at his Baptism? The Holy Ghosts descending? What was his own Preach­ing, and Miracles, and Conversation, but all [Page 155] the pouring forth of his precious Name? And in his Sufferings and Death, what think you? Was not his Name then poured forth, yea, his Blood with it? Yes, truly, being ex­tended on the Cross, and his Body pierced in divers place; his precious Ointments were shed abroad towards all the Quarters of the World; their smell both reached Heaven and the visible Earth. God the Father (as he was said to do in Noahs, Sacrifice) did much more smell in his Sacrifice, a savour of rest, appeasing his wrath, and all Believers a sa­vour of peace, a quieting of their Consciences. And as A [...]omatick Spices, when they are pounded out and beaten, send forth their sweet smells most liberally, so in these his Suffer­ings, did the obedience, patience and love, and all the Graces, and the Name of our Sa­viour, most clearly manifest themselves to the World. After he was Dead they Embalmed his Body, but they knew not that his own Vertue would do more than all the Ointments and Spices in the World could do, not only by preserving his Body from Corruption, but by raising it the third day. And truly, after his Resurrection, his own Disciples knew his Name better than ever before, and yet more fully after his As­cention, when the Holy Ghost came down upon them, which was poured from Heaven on them, for this very end, That they might pour forth Christ's Name to the ends of the Earth, Act. 2. 8. And they did so, carrying [Page 156] this precious Treasure in Earthen Vessels, as that Elect Vessel St. Paul speaks. And ever since, God hath continued the pouring forth of this Name, by the Ministry and Preaching of the Gospel. 'Tis true, there are too ma­ny of those, that are employed in this work, that seek themselves, and their own ends, rather than his Glory whom they Preach. And they that are more upright, the very best of them are sinful Men, but how mean and un­worthy soever they be, despise not the Gospel; let the sweet Name, which they pour forth, prevail for it self, that so you may reverence and love it, if you would have Salvation by it; and there is no other Name under Hea­ven, by which that can be obtained.

As this Name is poured forth in the Gospel Preached, so in the Sacraments annexed to it; and particularly in this, when the Bread is broken, and the Wine poured out. And was not this the earnest desire of the Recei­vers of it this day, it should have been, to have our share in it, for the refreshment and curing of our Souls? Nor shall any that came thus, be disappointed; and if not presently, yet most certainly, and that in due time they shall find the sweet fruits of it.

You have heard many ways how the Name of Christ is poured out, yet there is one more, without which all the rest are inef­fectual: It is this, The secret and powerful working of the Spirit of God in the Soul. The Ordinances and means of Salvation, do [Page 157] indeed, pour forth the Name of Christ round about a Man, but till the Spirit concur with them, not one drop falls within the Soul; and is he not so much the more miserable, that hears much of Christ, and partakes no­thing of him? Yes, surely, a Man may have much common knowledge of Christ, and may understand well, yea, may Preach well, concerning his Worth and Graces, and yet not love him. But there is a particular know­ledg of him by the Infusion of the Spirit, and where the smallest measure of this is, it presently wins the affection. There is a shedding abroad of the love of God in onr hearts, that the Apostle speaks of, Rom. 5. 5. and this draws us after him, for our love to God is nothing else but the reflexion of his love to us. So then, though many hear of Christ, yet because there are but few that have this special knowledge of him, therefore it is, that so few do truly esteem of him, and love him, and they are such as are here called Virgins: And that's the third thing.

The Virgins] Similitude and Conformity of Natures begets Friendship; pure Affections delight in a pure Object, and makes them such, for the truth is, Christ doth not find men naturally suitable to himself, but as he took on our Nature, so he washeth away the sinfulness of our Nature, which he took not on, and makes us that way conformable to his Nature; and they that are so changed, though they were formerly lovers of Sin, [Page 158] yet by Conversion, which is called Regene­ration, they are born again, and so become not only Chaste, but even Virgins, spiritu­ally; for by Virgins, here are not meant such as Romish Votaries fancy them to be: No, this Virginity may well consist with any law­ful State of Life.

These Virgins are such as be truly Holy, and pure in Heart, and Life, who though they are not perfectly free from all sin, yet have they affection to no sin; these are sin­gularly delighted with the smell of Christ's Name and Graces, while the Voluptuous Per­son, and the Prophane Worldling, dislikes and despises it. The Virgins, they bestow Balsamus sic suibus sic male nardus olent. their affection whole and entire upon Christ.

How grosly do you delude your selves, that make your hearts Dens of Pride, fil­thy Lust, Malice, and Envy, and thousands of Vanities, and yet think to find a corner in them to lodge Christ too? Truly, you would both straiten him in room, and give him very bad Neighbours. No, they that think not a whole heart too little for him, shall never enjoy him.

The Virgins love thee] Grace destroys not the natural passions of the Soul, but corrects them only by destroying their Corruption, and so they become not only not contrary to Grace, but are made the subject and seat of Grace. This of Love, which is the chief of them, we see it abolisheth not, but recti­fies it, recalling it to its due object, and [Page 159] turning it into the right channel, by which it may empty it self into the Ocean of Good­ness.

And this love may well consist with the purity of Virgins, yea, it is this love that purifies and makes them such. The Virgins love, but whom? Thee; and it is as reason­nable a love as it is pure. Therefore they love thee, because thou hast made them, in some measure, apprehensive of thy worth, which commands the love of all that know it; not a cold and indifferent affection, but a superlative ardent love, far over-topping all their other desires: And good reason, since Christ doth infinitely, and beyond all com­parison surpass all other things desirable. Ask your own hearts if you love Christ thus, for if not thus, you love him not at all. The Apostle St. Paul's love, was of this size, Phil. 3. 7, 8. But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ; yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lerd, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung that I may win Christ. Thus love will not only undergo difficulties and sufferings for Christ, without either re­pining or fainting, but it will even be glad to meet with them, as opportunity is, to exer­cise and testifie it self; hard things will seem most easie for his sake, and bitter things ex­ceeding sweet. In a word, To him that loves, [...]ca [...] is impo [...] ▪ Love [Page 160] is the leading passion of the Soul, all the rest conform themselves to it, Desire and Hope, and Fear, Joy and Sorrow. If then, you love Christ, the desires and breathings of your Soul after him, are strong and earn­est, if he withdraw himself, or appear an­gry; if either you see him not, or see him look discontented, your grief will be so deep that it cannot be allayed by any worldly im­ployments: yet upon some former tokens of his love, which is known to be unchangeable, Hope will uphold the Soul, till the beams of his Grace scatter the Cloud, and break through. Though our Joseph seem strange, and speak roughly for a while, he cannot long re­frain discovering his affection. Again, love you him, unspeakable will be your joy when he smiles upon you; as great will be your de­light in possession, as your desire is in pur­suit: And while you have his presence, it will be too hard a task for any affliction to dismay you. Have you, indeed, heard Christ speak comfortably to you this day at his Holy Table? How will this enable the Soul, and arm it against dangers, and distracting distrustful fears? Perfect love cast­eth out fear, saith St. John, that is, all base and servile fear; but there is one fear that's in no heart but where love begets it, fear to offend. You know how wary and loth men are naturally to displease those they love, therefore it is, that love to Christ, and a careful observing of his Commandments, [Page 161] are inseparable Companions; yea, Love it self is the fulfilling of the Law, for it gives up the heart to God, and consequently the whole man. Then there is no return of duty which your receiving of Christ calls for, (and what doth it not call for) there is none (I say) but is comprised under this one of Love. Do you owe him praises? Yes, sure­ly; then love him, that will stir you up to praise him. You never knew, but where much love was in the heart, it made the tongue ready and active upon all occasions to praise the party loved. Love will enter­tain small courtesies with great thanks, much more where the benefit so far exceeds all possi­ble thankfulness. Ought you to serve and obey him? Doubtless he hath for that pur­pose redeemed you with his precious Blood. And truly there is no obedience nor service, so full and so cheerful, as that which flows from love. Should you study conformity to Christ, and labour to be like him? Yes, for this is to walk worthy of Christ; then there is nothing assimulates so much as Love. Men delight in their society whom they love, and by their society they do insensibly con­tract their customs, and become like them. These Virgins that love Christ for his Graces, they love to converse with him, and by conversing with him, they receive of his Graces, and have a smell of his Per­sumes. Not only do they by the smell of his Garments, or such imposed Rights, [Page 162] obtain the blessing; but likewise smell like him by the participation of sanctifying Grace, of his Wisdom and Holiness, in a pure and godly Conversation, abstaining from the impure Lusts and Pollutions of the World, of his Meekness and Humility: Never think that one and the same Soul can have much Pride and much of Christ; ever the more Grace a man hath, the more sense hath he likewise of his own unworthiness, and Gods free mercy, and consequently, the more humility. If you love Christ, you can­not chuse but be like him in love to your Brethren. This is expresly compared, by the Psalmist, to the precious Ointment poured upon Aaron's head, that ran down to the ve­ry skirts of his Garments. Our Head, and High Priest, the Lord Jesus, hath incompa­rably testified his love to Believers, whom he is pleased to call his Brethren; they are far from equalling him, either in love to him, or one to another, but they do imitate him in both: This is his great Commandment, That we love one another, even as he loved us, which is exprest both as a strange motive, and a high example. 'Tis not possible that a Spirit of Malice, and implacable Hatred, can consist with the love of Christ. Final­ly, should you be ready to suffer for Christ? Yes: Then love is that which will enable you; and if you were inflamed with this fire, then, though burned for him, that fire would only consume your dross, and be soon extin­guished, [Page 163] but this would endure for ever.

By these and the like Evidences, try whe­ther you indeed love the Lord Jesus Christ, and by these fruits. You that profess to love him, testifie the sincerity of your love; and be assured, that if you be now found amongst these Virgins that love him, you shall one day be of the number of those Virgins that are spo­ken of Rev. 14. 3, 4. that sing a new Song be­fore the Throne of God.

If you hate the defilements of the World, and be not polluted with inordinate affection to the Creature, it shall never repent you to have made choice of Christ; he shall fill your hearts with peace, and joy in believing. When you come to his House and Table, he shall lend you home with Joy and sweet Consola­tion, such as you would not exchange with Crowns and Scepters; and after some few of these running Banquets here below, you shall enter into the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where Faith shall end in sight, and Hope in possession, and Love continue in perpetual and full Enjoyment, where you shall be never weary, but for ever happy, in beholding the face of the Blessed Trinity. To whom be Glory.




HOW true is that word of our Sa­viour, who is truth it self, Without me ye can do nothing, severed from me, as that branch that is not in me: They that are altogether out of Christ in Spiritual Exercises do nothing at all. 'Tis true, they may Pray, and hear the Word, yea, and Preach it too, and yet in so doing they do no­thing, nothing in effect. They have the mat­ter of good actions, but it is the eternal Form gives being to things; they are but a number of empty words, and a dead service to a li­ving God, for all our outward performances and worship of the Body is nothing but the body of worship, and therefore nothing but a Carkass, except the Lord Jesus, by his Spi­rit, breath upon it the breath of life. Yea, the Worshipper himself is Spiritually Dead, till he receive Life from Jesus, and be quick­ned by his Spirit. If this be true, then it will follow necessarily, That where numbers are met together, (as here) pretending to serve and worship God, yet he hath very [Page 165] few that do so indeed, the greatest part be­ing out of Christ; and such, being with­out him, they can do nothing in his ser­vice.

Rom. VIII. 7.

‘Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be.’

THE ordinary workings and actions of Creatures, are suitable to their Naure, as the ascending of light things, and the moving of heavy things downwards; so the vital and sensitive actions of things that have life and sense. The reasonable Creature, 'tis true, hath more liberty in its actions, freely chusing one thing and rejecting another, yet it cannot be denied, that in acting of that liberty, their choice and refusal follow the sway of their nature and condition, as the Angels and glorified Souls, their nature be­ing perfectly holy, and unalterably such. They cannot sin, they can delight in nothing but in obeying and praising that God, in the enjoyment of whom their happiness con­sisteth; still ravish'd in beholding his face. The Saints again, that have not yet reach'd that home, and are but on their Journey, they are not fully defecated, and refined from [Page 166] the dross of Sin; there are in them two parties, Natural Corruption, and Supernatural Grace, and these keep a strugling within them; but the younger shall supplant the elder. Grace shall in the end overcome, and in the mean while, though it be not free from mix­ture, yet it is predominant. The main bent of a renewed Man, is Obedience and Holiness, and any action of that kind he rejoyces in, but the Sin, that escapes him, he cannot look upon but with regret and dis­content. But alas! they that be so minded, are very thin sown in the World, even in Gods peculiar Fields, where the Labourage of the Gospel is, and the outward profession of true Religion unanimously received. Yet the number of true Converts, Spiritual­minded Persons, is very small, the greatest part acting Sin with delight, and taking plea­sure in Unrighteousness, living in disobedi­ence to God, as in their proper Element; and the reason is, The contrariety of their Nature to our Holy Lord. The carnal mind is enmity against God.

The mind [...]] Some render it the Pru­dence or Wisdom of the Flesh. Here you have it, The Carnal Mind, but the word signifies, indeed, an act of the mind, rather than either the faculty it self, or the habit of Prudence in it, so as it discovers what is the frame of both those. The minding, as it is used, in [...]ver. 27. conform to that of Moses, Gen. 6. Every imagination of the thoughts of mans heart, [Page 167] is only evil continually. The word indeed signifies the wise thoughts, so then take the full latitude of it thus: The carnal mind, in its best and wisest thoughts, is direct enmity against God.

Carnal, [...]] What meant by the flesh here? It is the whole corrupt Nature of man, and that we may know by its opposition to the Spirit, not to the Spirit or Soul of a man, for so it hath no thoughts nor minding, these being proper to the Soul, but opposed to the Spirit of God.

Now the Corruption of Nature is called the Flesh, not without very good reason, not only to signifie the baseness of it, the Flesh be­ing the more ignoble and meaner part of a Man, but because the greatest part of the sins of mens lives are about sensitive objects, and things that concern the Flesh or the Body; it lets in temptation of sin to the Soul by the doors of the Senses, and it gives the last perfection, or accomplishment, to sin, by external acting of it. The very first sin, that brought in Death and Misery with it upon Mankind, the pleasure of the eye and of the taste, were sharers in the guiltiness of it.

The carnal mind] Man in regard of his com­posure, is, as it were, the tie and band of Heaven and Earth; they meet and are mar­ried in him. A Body he has taken out of the Dust, but a Soul breathed from Heaven, the Father of Spirits; a House of Clay, but a Guest of most noble Extraction. But the [Page 168] pity is, it hath forgot its Original, and is so drowned in flesh, that it deserves no other but to go under the Name of Flesh. It is become the Slave and Drudge of the Body, and, as the Israelites in Egypt, made perpetually to moyl in Clay. What is all your Merchan­dise, your Trades and Manufactures, your Tillage and Husbandry, but all for the Body, in its behalf, for Food and Raiment? In all these, the Mind must be careful and thought­ful, and yet properly they reach it not, for it self hath no interest in them. It is true, the necessity of the Body requires much of these things, and superfluous custom far more, but it is lamentable that men force their Souls to forget it self, and its proper business, to attend these things only, and be busie in them. They spend all their time, and their choicest pains upon perishing things, and which is worse, engage their affections to them. They mind earthly things, whose end is destruction, Philip. 3. 19. The same word that's here, [...], &c.

Will you consider seriously, that your Souls run the hazard of perishing, because you consider not their Spiritual Nature? When that earthly Tabernacle of yours shall fall to the ground (and e're long it must) your Souls must then enter Eternity, and though you had as large a share of earthly things as your earthly hearts now would wish, they all lose their use in that moment; they are not a proper good for the Soul at any time, and [Page 169] least at that time. If you keep it all your life long, busie about the interest and benefit of the flesh, the Body, how poor will be when thy part, having provided nothing at all for it self, but the guiltiness of a sinful life, which will sink it into that bottomless Pit? Be fore­warned then, for to be carnally minded is death, verse 6. precedeing the Text.

The carnal mind] Now as Sin hath abased and degenerated the Soul of Man, making it Carnal, so the Son of God, by taking on our Nature, hath sublimated it again, and made it Spiritual. The Souls that received him are Spiritualized, yea, as Sin made the Soul Carnal, Grace makes the very Body to become Spiritual, making it partaker and co­worker in spiritual things, together with the Soul, in doing and suffering, and participant of the hopes too of an everlasting reward. This is the main Christian Character our Apostle gives here, that they are spiritually minded, and that their actions suit their minds, They walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit; whereas before, with the rest of the World, they were eager in the pursuit of Honours and Profits, and Worldly Pleasures. Now the stream of their desires run in ano­ther channel, they seek after Honour, and are very ambitious of it, but it is such Ho­nour as the Apostle speaks of in this Epistle, Rom. 2. 7. By patient continuance in well doing they seek for glory, and honour, and immorta­lity. Their mind is upon profit and gain, but [Page 170] it is with the same Apostle, Philip. 3. that they may win Christ, and they account all other things loss in comparison. And their desires are after pleasure too, but not Carnal Pleasures, those are both base, and of short continuance, but the pleasures they aim at, are those that are at Gods right hand, and for evermore, Psal. 16. 11. And that path of life he there speaks of, that way of holiness that leads thither, is their delight: Spiritual Ex­cercises they go to, not as their task only, but more as their joy and refreshment. And this change the Spirit of God works in the Soul, making it (yea, and the body wherein it dwells) of Carnal, to become Spiritual, as the fire, to which the Holy Ghost is compared, refines Sand and Ashes, and makes of them the pu­rest Glass, which is so neat and transparent.

Enmity against God] Sin hath not only made us unlike God, by defacing his beauti­ful Image in us; not only strangers by making us wander far off from him, but enemies; nor enemies only, but Enmity in the abstract, for that is emphatical, The carnal mind is Enmi­ty; nothing else but Enmity.

Now this Enmity is described in the latter clause of the Text, by an Antipathy, so to call it, or Not-compliance with the Law of God; it is not subject to the Law of God, nei­ther can it be, to wit, while it remains such▪ There is an absolute impossibility in it, to suit with the Law of God, and consequently, with God himself; the reason lies in their op­posits [Page 171] qualities. God is spiritual and holy, and so is the law, as our Apostle hath it in the preceeding Chapter; and the opposition he there makes, betwixt his Unregenerate part and the Law, is wholly true of the Unrege­nerate man. The law is holy, says he, ver. 12. And ver. 14. It is spiritual; to which too he opposes, but I am carnal, sold under sin.

Where are now those that so vilifie Grace, and magnifie Nature? Or, shall I rather say, Nullifie Grace, and Deifie Na­ture? Here is the best Elogy the Apostle will bestow upon the best of Natures, Enmity against God. Nay, all the sparkles of Virtue and Moral Goodness in Civil Men, and An­cient Heathens, is no better; besides many other things, to be said to the Vertues of those Philosophers, as ignorance of Christ, by whom alone this enmity is removed.

I should easily confess, nor (I think) can any deny it, but that there is in the very ruines of our Nature, some Character left of a ten­dency to God, as our chief and only satisfy­ing good, which we may call a kind of love, and when we hear him spoken of, find it flut­ter and stir; and hence men so abhor the imputation of hating God, and being ene­mies. Yet this is so smothered under sensuali­ty and flesh, that until we be made spiritual, nothing appears, but practical, and, as they call it, Interpretative Enmity.

There is one thing stains them enough, they were all, as that Father speaks, Anima­lia [Page 172] Gloriae, They aimed not in their study of Vertue at God's glory, but at their own; and is not that quarrel enough, and matter of enmity? Says not he, My glory I will not give unto another, &c.

But that is most useful for you, to convince you of that too good conceit men have of their natural condition; you would take it hardly, the most prophane of you all, if any should come to you, in particular, and tell you, you are an enemy to God. But I an­swer, there is none of you, if you believe the Scriptures, but will confess, that all men are naturally such; and therefore, except we find in our selves a notable alteration, from the condition of Nature, we must take with it, that we are Enemies, yea, Enmity to God. Of strangers to become acquainted with him; yea, which is more, of enemies to become friends, is a greater and more remarkable change, than to be incident to a man without any evidence and sign of it. I know there is very great variety in the way and manner of Conversion; and to some, especially if it be in their tender years, Grace may be instilled, and dropt in, as it were, insensibly. But this I may confidently say, that whatsoever be the way of working it, there will be a wide and apparent difference betwixt friendship with God, and the condition of Nature, which is Enmity against him. Do not flatter your selves, so long as your minds remain Carnal, ardent in love to the World, and [Page 173] cold in love to God: Lovers of pleasures more then of God (as the Apostle speaks.) You are his Enemies, for with him there is no neutra­lity. That which they say, taxing it as a weakness in the Sex, Aut amat aut odit nihil est tertium, is in this case necessarily true of all. And this is Gods peculiar, that he can judge Infallibly of the inside; those shadows of friendship, men use one with another, will not pass with him, deceived he cannot be, but men may easily, and alas! too many do deceive themselves in this matter to their own ruin.

We may learn hence, how deep Sin goes in our Nature, and consequently, that the cure and remedy of it must go as deep. That all the parts of our Bodies, and powers of our Souls, are polluted originally; our very mind and conscience, as the Apostle speaks, for it is immersed in flesh, and inslaved to flesh naturally, and therefore goes under its name, We are become all flesh. That is the spring of our mischiefs; we have lost our likeness with our Father, the Father of Spirits, the purest and most Spiritual Spi­rit, till renewed by participation of his Spi­rit on our Flesh.

And it is the Errour, not only of Natural Men, but somewhat of the Godly too, that in Self-reformation, they set themselves against actual sin, but they lay not the Ax to the root of the Tree; this root of bitterness, this our inbred and natural enmity against [Page 174] God. And till this be done, the lopping off of some branches will do no good, while the root is in vigour those will grow again, and possibly, faster than before. Bewail every known act of sin, as much as you can, for the least of them deserves it; but withal, let the consideration of them lead you into thoughts of this seed of Rebellion, the wickedness of our Nature, that takes life with us in the Womb, and springs and grows up with us, and this will humble us exceeding­ly, and raise our Godly sorrow to a higher tide. We find David taketh this course, Psal. 51. 5. where he is lamenting his parti­cular sin of Adultery and Murder, it leads him to the sinfulness of his Nature, I was shapen in Iniquity, and in sin did my Mother conceive me, or, warm me; which he men­tions not to extenuate and diminish his sin, no, he is there very far from that strain, but adds it as a main aggravation. Indeed, the power of Original Sin, in the Regenerate, is laid very low, yet not altogether extinct, which they find often to their grief, and makes them cry out with our Apostle, in the former Chapter, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death. The Con­verted are already delivered (as he adds) from the Dominion of it, but not from the Molestation and Trouble of it; though it is not a quiet and uncontroulled Master, as it was before, yet it is in the House still as an un­ruly Servant or Slave, ever vexing and an­noying [Page 175] them: And this Body of Death, they shall have still cause to bewail, till Death release them. This Leprosie hath ta­ken so deep in the Walls of this House, that it cannot perfectly be cleansed till it be taken down; and it is this, more than any other sorrows or afflictions of life, that makes the Godly man not only content to die, but de­sirous, longing with our Apostle, To be dis­solved, and be with Christ, which is far better.

As this teaches us the misery of Mans Nature, so it sets off, and commends ex­ceedingly, the riches of Gods Grace. Are men naturally his Enemies? Why then, admire his patience and bounty a little, and then we will speak of his Saving-Grace. Could not he very easily ease himself of his Adversaries (as he says by the Prophet?) Wants he power in his right hand, to find out, and cut off all his Enemies? Surely no, not only he hath power to destroy them all in a moment, but the very withdrawing of his hand, that upholds their being (though they consider it not) would make them fall to nothing; yet is he pleased not only to spare Transgressours, but to give them many outward blessings, rain and fruitful seasons, as the Apostle speaks, Act. 14. And the Earth that is so full of mans Rebellion, is yet more full of his Goodness: The earth is full of thy goodness. It is remarkable, that that same reason which is given, Gen. 6. 5. of the Justice of God in drowning the World, is [Page 176] Chapter 8. 21. rendred as the reason of Gods resolved patience ever since.

His Grace, in finding a way of Reconcile­ment, and not sparing his own Son, his only begotten Son, to accomplish it; nor did he spare himself. O matchless Love! to lay down his life, not for Friends but for Stran­gers! Not only so, but Enemies, for Un­righteous and Ungodly Persons, such as be at enmity against him, Rom. 5. 7, 8, &c. And having done this, he sends his Word, the Message of Reconciliation, to Rebels, and sends his Spirit into the hearts of these whom he hath appointed to Salvation, to change their Spirits, that they perish not in Disobe­dience; he brings them near that were far off, having slain this enmity by the Death of his Son.

As many of you then, as have hitherto heard this Message of Reconcilement in vain, be perswaded at last to give ear to it: This is all that Gods Ambassadours require, ac­cording to their Instructions from himself, That men would lay down that enmity against him, and not be so foolish as wilfully to perish in it, 2 Cor. 5. 20.

Consider that this enmity is (1) Unjust. (2) Unhappy. Unjust it is, being against him who is the chief object of Love, who is altogether Goodness, both in himself, and to­wards his Creatures; it is too much not to love him with most ardent and superlative affection, but to entertain enmity against him [Page 177] is madness, as he said to one who asked why are the beautiful loved, it is a blind man's question. Certainly we are blind if we see not cause enough, not only to desist from en­mity, but to be inflamed with his love; one glance of his amiable countenance is suffici­ent to cause the most rebellious heart to yield, and lay down arms, and for ever de­vote themselves to his service. No, we know him not, and therefore it is we hold out against him; is he not the living spring of all our comforts? Have we not from him life and breath, and all things? And is he not ready to forgive Iniquity, Transgression and Sin? Let mercy melt our hearts to him, those sweet rays of love. Let his loving kindness overcome these stubborn Hearts or Spirits of ours; among Enemies, the weaker usually seeks first for Peace, but here the Mighty; Almighty God comes to intreat agreement with sinful Clay.

But if this prevail not, then think how un­happy this enmity is, you that are so afraid of men, and these weak men, of men like your selves, whose breath is in their Nostrils; will ye not tremble at his power, and be afraid to continue in terms of Hostility, against him who is the Lord of Hosts, who hath power of the Soul and Body both, to kill both, and cast them into Hell? What is the stoutest of men, but as Stubble, to the flame of his Wrath? Our God is a consuming fire; the sinners in Zion are afraid (says the [Page 178] Prophet, who shall dwell, say they, with devouring fire and everlasting burnings. Then if you would not perish, when his wrath is kindled, take that word of Eliphaz, Job 22. 21. Acquaint now thy self with him, and be at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee.

And to you, so many as he hath taken into friendship with himself, look back­ward to the gulf you have escaped, and forward to the happiness you are ap­pointed too, and let the joynt-consideration of both, awaken your Hearts and Tongues to Praises. How can your Hearts contain such a wonder of Love, as he hath mani­fested to you, and not run over in Songs and Praise?

And as you owe him praises, so study, being made his friends, to become more like him; that same idem velle & idem nolle, to love and hate the same things with him, will be a sure testimony of friendship. And be­cause carnality, or fleshly and earthly mind­edness, is here made the Character of En­mity, mortifie these affections, nail them to that Cross of Christ, whereby the enmity was taken away. And further, being once ad­mitted into friendship, labour for a further degree of Intimacy with him, and forbear every thing that may hinder that; use fre­quent converse with him, for that both en­tertains and increases friendship. If any thing fall out on your part (as it too often [Page 179] does) that may occasion any strangeness be­twixt you and your God, rest not till it be re­moved: and if you walk in this way, it shall undoubtedly, at length, bring you where you shall abide in his presence for ever, and shall no more fear any breach or interruption of enjoy­ing him. To him be praise.



Rom. XIII. 5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for Wrath, but also for Conscience sake.’

THE Wisdom and Goodness of God, that shines in the natural order and depen­dence of things in the frame of the great World, appears likewise, and commends it self to us, in the civil order he hath instituted in the Societies of Men, the lesser World. As out of the same Mass he made the Hea­ven, and the Earth, and the other Elements betwixt them, one higher than another, and gave them different Stations, and Qualities, yet so different as to be linkt and concatenated together, Concordia Discordia, and all for the concern and benefit of the whole.

Thus for the good of Men, hath the Lord assigned these different Stations of Rule and Subjection, though all of one Race Acts 17. Raising from among Men some above the rest, and Cloathed them with such Authority, as hath some representment of himself, and ac­cordingly communicating to them his own Name, I have said you are Gods. And the very power that is in Magistracy to curb and [Page 181] punish these that despise it, the Apostle useth as a strong and hard Cord to bind on the duty of Obedience, a Cord of Necessity, but he adds another of a higher Necessity, that binds more strongly and yet more sweetly, that of Conscience, wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for Conscience sake.

Observe. 1. This is the main consideration that closes the discourse, the great Cord, that binds on and fastens all the rest, all the argu­ments foregoing, therefore, are mainly here to be prest. Have a reverent and conscienti­ous respect to the Ordinance of God in the Institution of Government, and to the Provi­dence of God in his choice of those particular persons whom he calls to it. Contain thy self in thy own Station, and submit to those set higher by the Lord, in obedience to him. This indeed is the only true Spring of all obedience, both to God and to Men for him, and according to his Ordinance, to regulate the outward carriage, without the living prin­ciple of an enlightned and sanctified conscience within, is to build without a Foundation. This is the thing God eyes most, he looks through the surface of Mens Actions to the bottom, follows them into their source, ex­amines from what perswasives and reasons they flow; he sees not only the handle of the Dial, but all the Wheels and Weights of the Clock that are the cause of its motion, and accordingly judges both Men and their Acti­ons [Page 182] to be good or evil as the inward frame and secret motions of the heart are in his own Wor­ship; the outside of it may have the same vi­sage and plausable appearance in a multitude conven'd to it, and concurring in it, and no humane eye can trace a difference, and yet, oh, what vast difference doth Gods eye disco­ver amongst them, he sees the multitude of these that are driven to his House, by the pow­er of Civil and Church Laws, or carried to it only with the stream of Company and Custom, and those I fancy take up the most room in our Churches. But he sees here and there, where such are in any corner that Wor­ship him in singleness of heart, out of consci­ence to his holy Command, and of their ma­ny obligations that dare not let pass any op­portunity they can reach of doing service to their Lord, and that dare not slight his Word. And thus coming for conscience sake, they do present their Souls to receive his Word, give their hearts up to receive the impression of it, put themselves under it, to be stampt by it according to that Rom. 6. 17. But ye have obeyed from the heart that form of Doctrine which was delivered you. So likewise he sees those that bear his Name to his people, the Mini­sters of his Word; If they Preach constantly and live blamelessly, and are diligent and ir­reprovable in all the external parts of their walking: This last satisfies Mens questions in their inspection and visitings, but Gods enquiry and visiting searches deeper, [Page 183] he asks from what heart all this comes, if from a holy conscience of the weight and high im­portance of their holy calling, and a faithful respect to the interest of their Masters Glory and his Peoples Souls. And thus, he, as Su­pream Judge, sits and considers the proceed­ings of Judges and Magistrates, not only whether they do that which is Just, for often they cannot, easily or safely, do otherwise, but whether they do it with regard to him or not; that is, whether they Judge righte­ously, for conscience sake, or not; whether they do consider him, as sitting above them, when they sit down upon the Bench or Seat of Justice, and do indeed, truly speak righte­ousness, Psal. 58. Or if in heart they work wickedness, if they have any corrupt end, or hearts that are not straight, he sits on their heart and Judges it: Or if this be done ei­ther for base gain, or vain-glory, or by com­pulsion, or outward necessity, or danger of censure; or if it be this latter, and inward necessity of Conscience, which makes a true willingness.

Thus people, if they obey for Wrath, which is, for fear of the Magistrates Sword, more than for Conscience of the Lords com­mand, God accounts not this Obedience, but in his Judgement it goes for no better than Rebellion. It is to be feared, too ma­ny Magistrates, and others, have in this Na­tien embrac'd the Reformation, not at all for Conscience sake, but only for Wrath, [Page 184] fear of Laws and Authority. But although we are not able to follow forth this search to the full, that being the Lords own Prero­gative, yet, truly, where it is evident to us, that there is nothing of Conscience, though in civil things, it may pass, yet in things that are peculiarly matters of Conscience in Religion, men ought to be somewhat wary, according to the utmost of due discerning, and are possibly somewhat to blame in pro­miscuous admitting of such, whose Carriage, yea, whose Profession and Religion, speaks aloud, that their compliance was wholly constrained Obedience, only for Wrath, and not for Conscience.

If Civil Authority is to be obeyed most for Conscience, than Church Authority, that is more Symbolical with Conscience, and hath nearer reference to it, ought to aim most at that. Conviction and Conversion is our Work, and not Constraint, to bring people both by the Word, and by a way of Discipline, suit­ing and backing it, to a sense of Sin, and Spiritual thoughts of God, and his Holy Law, that they may be subject more for Conscience than for Wrath.

And ye People, labour more to find the actings of that holy fear of God, and con­science of his Will, in all your ways; study to have an inward Light, a practical sancti­fying Light, directing you, and be not meer­ly held in as Beasts, by the Authority and Laws of men, but learn to know, and be [Page 185] sensible of the Soveraign Authority of the most high God and his Law, and to have respect unto all his Commandments. If this were once done, how regular a motion would it keep amongst all Superiours and Inferiours of all sorts, in Families and States, the one commanding, the other obeying in God? It would be as sweet Musick in the Celestial Quire of their Lives and Affairs; right informing, and right moving Consci­ences, would be as continual Teachers with­in, directing all in Obedience, and would make it both more constant, sweet and plea­sant, as natural motion; whereas it it griev­ous and violent, that is from wrath or outward power, and therefore lasts not, as the Israelites worshipt God aright while their good Judges lived, and run after Idols when they were removed.

Again: This same obedience for conscience, ennobles and sublimates mens action, even in Civil things, makes them have somewhat Divine, turns all into Sacrifice to God; when all is done for God, even Servants and Children obeying Masters and Parents, Subjects, Magistrates, for his commands sake: And still thinking, in the whole course of their regular due Carriage, in their very Callings, This I do for God, my ordinary Labour and Works, and my just Obedience to Men, I offer up to him. This is the Phi­losophers Stone, that turns actions of lower Metal into Gold, I set the Lord always before me, Ps. 16.

[Page 186] Obs. 2. Kings, and other Powers of the World, who are the Enemies, and sometimes the enraged Persecutors of our Holy Reli­gion, mistake their quarrel, and are very wrongfully misprejudiced against it, and up­on that false supposition, do hate and oppose it, suspecting it as an Enemy to their Dig­nity and Authority, whereas there is nothing that doth so much assert their Just power as Religion doth. Civil Laws may tie the hands and tongue to their obedience, but Religion binds all due subjection to them upon the very Consciences of their people, therefore they are both ingrate and unwise, in using their power against Religion, which it so much strengthens: Their power should strength­en it, both by way of due return, to corre­spond with it in that, and even for its own Interest, receiving a new Establishment to it self by Establishing Religion. Even that Master of Irreligious Policy, confesses that Matchia­vel. the profession of Religion is a friend to Authority, but if the shadow of it do any thing that way, we see, contrary to his pro­phane supicion, the substance and truth of it doth it much more.

Obs. 3. If for Conscience sake, subjection; then sure in nothing against the true Rule of Conscience, and prime Object of Consci­ence, the Authority and Law of God. That is the first and highest, and the perpetual unalterable engagement to him, binding Kings and Subjects high and low, and if they leave [Page 187] their Station, we ought to keep ours still in a streight subjection to God; for the extent of Friendship, and all other Relations, and of all Subjection and Obedience, is to be ruled and bounded, usque ad aras. Give to Caesar the things that are Caesars, but nothing of Gods; neither ours to give, nor his to receive.

For, for this Cause you pay tribute also. This the Apostle gives as a sign of that confest right that Magistrates have to the subjection and obedience of people, that in all Nations this Homage, and Acknowledgment is due to them, Tribute payed; which it may be, he the rather mentions because some question might be, what might Christians do concerning this; however this according to the Constitution of several places, he takes as granted, to be not only lawful, but due to be rendred. Here we are not to insist on the seanning of this, but certainly as the power of a Magistrate is not in this, nor in any other thing, absolute and un­bounded, so the legal and just paying of Tri­bute and other Revenues by the people, ar­gues their engagement to these set over them, and is not as Wages to a Mercenary servant, but an Honorary due to their place and calling, who are the Ministers of God in civil Govern­ment; so also convenient, yet liberal mainte­nance to the Ministers of Gods own house is their right, yet (not to inrich them) nor yet ought it to be given grudgingly, as undue; or superciliously as to servants; but with the [Page 188] chearfulness and respect agreeable to the Lords servants, watching for their Souls.

All Tribute and Obedience still relates to this, and is grounded on it, the Lords Insti­tution of Power and Government for the good of Men; though it sometimes prove otherwise in the exercise of it, yet the Ordinance is pure, and most wisely suited to its end, from which the Sin and Corruption of Men turns it, but too often; so that one Man Rules over another to his hurt, to the hurt of both the Ruler himself, and of the Ruled, Eccl. 8. 9. There is a time wherein one▪ Man ruleth over another to his own hurt, each proving a scourge to the other, in the Just Judgment of God upon both for their Iniquities, making a fire from Abimelech to devour the Men of Shechem, and the Men of Shechem deal treacherously Judg. 9. 20. with Abimelech.

Yet still the thing it self remains good, many skilful Physicians may kill instead of curing, yet it is but a caprice to decry all Remedies, and the use of things Medicinal, that the God of Nature hath furnisht for that use: Men may, and alas! most do, preju­dice their own health, by either intemperate, or some way irregular Diet, yet this makes nothing against the continual necessity and use of Food, nor can disswade any from using it. Thus the abuses of Authority in­fringe not this, That Magistrates are a pub­lick good, yea, the Unjust better than none, Tyranny better than Anarchy; there is some [Page 189] Justice done in the most Unjust Govern­ment.

But thus they that are exalted to Rule, ought to consider, who raised them, and for what they are raised, and so faithfully to do Justice. They are raised high, as the Stars are set in their Orbs, for influence and the good of the Inferiour World, and as the Mountains which rise above the Vallies, not to be places of Prey and Ruin, but by the streams they send out to refresh them. So from Magistrates, Judgment ought to run down as Water, and Justice as a mighty Stream; they ought to consider themselves as Ministers (though called Magistrates with relation to the people) yet Ministers in rela­tion to God, [...] and the people's in him, as the word [...] imports, being constant Labourers for their good: Even the Sun, a Minister, Gods Minister of Heat and Light to the Earth. Would they look up thus to God, it would make them look down on their Inferiours, not with the ill aspect of Pride and Cruelty, but the benign looks of Good Will, Fidelity and Vigilancy, for their Welfare, knowing that they are appointed for this very use in the World, not referring to that which is nearest here, and nearest themselves, The receiving of Tribute, but the remotest good, which is the chief for which their Tribute and themselves are appointed, The punishing of the Wicked, and encou­ragement of the Good.

[Page 190] Render therefore to all their dues, Tribute to whom Tribute, &c. The Apostle enlarges his Exhortation to the general Rule of Equity; the humble upright mind will willingly suit with this, and pay respect to men, in obedi­ence to God, and therefore primarily to him which the most neglect. Honour and fear are due to him as to our Father and Master, and yet where is it to be found? If I be a Father where is mine honour? And if I be a Master where is my fear? &c. . Mal. 1. The Tribute of Praise and Glory in all these is due, and ought not to be purloyned, nor any part detained, but how few are faithful in this? Much Uncustom'd Goods pass among our hands in the course of our Lives, many things wherein we are not mindful to give Glory, entire Glory to God; but he cannot be de­ceived, if we go on he will take us in our quietest conveyance, and all will be forfeited. We shall certainly lose all, if all Glory re­turn not to him; all that we have, and are, should we daily and heartily offer up to him, from whom we have life and breath, and all things.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another, &c. That which the Apostle set before him­self, as his own study and exercise, Act. 24. he doth in the latter part of this Epistle set forth at large, as the Duty of every Christian, to keep a Conscience void of offence towards God and Men. And having in the former part of it, treated amply and excellently of the Doctrine [Page 191] of Christians Faith and Salvation, and as­cended to its highest cause, he descends from thence to give the Rules of a Christian Life; and he reduces them to those two, To give the Lord his due, which is, our selves entire; Our Bodies ought to be a living Sacrifice, Chap. 12. ver. 1. And that they are not without the Soul; and it is Love in the Soul that offers up this whole burnt offering to God, the fire that makes it ascend. Towards men like­wise, Love is all, of which in many several acts of it, he spake likewise in the former Chapter, verse 9. &c. And having inserted an exhortation to Subjection to Humane Au­thority, as a Divine Institution, he now re­turns to that main Comprehensive and Uni­versal Duty of Love, and passes fitly from the mention of other particular Dues to Su­periours, to this, as the general Due, or stand­ing Debt, all men owe one to another. So, I conceive, this is not intended for the fur­ther pressing of that particular Duty of Sub­jection, by reducing it (seeming hard in it self) to the sweet and pleasant Rule, or Law of Love, but that he passes wholly from that particular to this common Duty, so as that is not excluded but comprehended here with the rest, though not specially aimed at; but a little Rivulet running a while in its own Channel, in the foregoing Discourse, falls here in again, to the main Current of the Doctrine of Love, begun in the former Chap­ter. And here he chooses, adapting it to the [Page 192] strain of the Discourses immediately foregoing it, to express this under the Notion of a Debt, Owe nothing but Love.

1. Other Debt removed: Owe nothing That is, be not willing to continue Debters of any thing to any, by undue retaining of such things, which being paid are not owing. (2) This is a constant Debt, that you must still pay, and yet still owe, Love; and the reason added is most enforcing, that we be willing, and continue both Payers, and yet Debters of it; the dueness of it appears in this, That the Law requires it; and the compleatness of it, That it is all the Law re­quires. Love is the fulfilling of the Law, which is amplified in the two subsequent verses.

This is most fully true, take Love fully as it looks on its full Object, God and Man; and so it is the fulfilling of the whole Law that relates to those two in its Two Tables. Take it particularly as acting towards men (as here it its) and so it fulfills that part of the Law, that whole Table that respects Man; the most of those Commandments are expressly here set down, and the omission of one is fully supplied by that additament, if there be any other. Then again, it is clear­ed by the common aim and result of them all, to keep our Neighbour undamaged, and that, Love doth most surely and fully, therefore fulfills all. That negative work no ill, answers the strain of all the Command­ments, which is to defend our Neighbours [Page 193] from our ill, being most of them such, and all of them such that are here specifi'd, yet both they, and this sum of them, invol­ving the contrary, working of all possible good to our Neighbour, in which still Love suits it, nothing being both more averse from wrong, and more active in good, than Love, as the same Apostle hath it, 1 Cor. 13. Be­sides that, it cannot do, no, not so much as think evil, it is naturally carried to bounty and kindness, and cannot cease from doing good; a Plant that is fruitfull all the Year long.

The Apostle hath very good Authority for this abridgment of the Law; our Saviour himself, Matth. 22. 40. and he takes it out of the Books of the Law themselves, and certi­fies us, that it is the substance and sum both of Law and Prophets. Were this Love ab­solutely perfect, the fulfilling of the Law would be so too; and where it is sincere, as the Apostle requires it, there is a Sincere and Evangelical Obedience, or fulfilling of the Law.

In the Text consider, (1) The largeness of its Object. (2) The largeness of its Acting. (3) The height of its true Origi­nal.

First: So far as thou canst acquit thy self, owe nothing else to any but Love, owe that to all; not alike familiar Conv [...]rse necessarily to all, nor alike measure of bene­fi [...]ence, nor alike degree of love, but yet [Page 194] love alike sincere and real to all; not either a false, or an empty fair Carriage, but holy Christian Love, Love rooted in thy heart, and springing up in thy actions, even towards all men, as thy opportunity and ability serves thee, and their condition requires of thee, not hating no [...] despising any for their poverty in Estate, or deformity of Body, or defects of Mind, nor for that which works most on men, Injuries done to thy self; all they can do cannot give thee an acquittance, or free thee of this Debt of Love, for thou art bound to another. This is the Rule of Jesus Christ, and the Badg of Christians, to love their very Enemies; but this, oh! how rare? How few attain it? Yea, how few endea­vour it? On the contrary, it is by many gi­ven over as a desperate impossible business, they judging of it not according to that Spi­rit of Christ that is his, but according to the Corrupt rancour and bitterness of their own natural perverse Spirits, yea, and too many disdain it as a poorness and sheepishness of Spirit to suffer and forgive; be it so, yet such a Sheepishness as makes a man like Jesus Christ, who as a Sheep before the Shearers is Dumb, so he opened not his mouth, when his heart within was compassionate towards them, as appeared, when he opened it concerning them, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. This is true greatness of Spirit to partake of His, that is the highest and best of Spirits, and is the Spirit of Meekness [Page 195] and Love. How much is this above the com­mon Spirit of the World? Truly, base and poor, is that which is discomposed and put out of frame with every touch, whereas this is mighty, and triumphs indeed over all pro­vocations and injuries.

2. Let us consider the largeness of its act­ing; it goes through the Law, fulfils it all. That command that is first in the second Ta­ble, that is not here exprest, is it not Love that makes all concerned in it, to fulfil it? That produceth Mildness and Moderation in Superiours, and Faithfulness and willing Obe­dience in Inferiours; makes both Authority and Subjection sweet and easie, where Love commands and Love obeys. And for the next, Thou shalt not kill. Doth not Love, as the Sun beams, put out the fire by its Divine heat, eat out the Earthy, yea, the Infernal fire of fixed Malice or rash Anger, that burns naturally in the hearts of men? (Such anger is called Brutish, Ezek. 21. 31. Burning or Brutish: And on the contrary, Prov. 17. 27. The ambiguity is happy, of an excellent or of a cool Spirit, for the cool Spirit is so; cool from base passion, but burning truly with this Love,) and then is by very small, and many times meerly imaginary causes, so easily blown up, and that flames forth into gross Murders, or at least such Injuries and Violences, or Contentions and Revilings, as go in Gods account, and are writ down in his Book for Murders. And he doth not mis­judge, [Page 196] nor misname things, but they are real­ly what he accounts them. Love can gene­rously pass over these things, about which Folly and Pride make such a noise. Oh! can I bear this and that? and thou wouldest, by so saying, speak thy stout heartedness. Fool, is this stoutness and strength? Is it not rather the greatest weakness to be able to bear nothing? Have not the weakest persons much of that kind of stoutness and strength, who are the soonest moved and disquieted, Women and Children, and Sick or Aged Persons? But Love, Christian Love to thy Brother, makes the mind truly strong and composed, not easily stir'd against him for every trifle; nay, nor for greater matters: Love can endure much, yea, all things, says the Apostle, 1 Cor. 13. hath strength to stand under them, and stand firm, where­as base minds, void of Love, break all to pieces under a very small weight, bears all as the supporters of a strong and firm Building, or rather, as a House, covers all, for so it signifies; doth not blaze abroad the failing [...] of men, yea, it hides much, covers a multitude of sins, not only from the eyes of others, but even from a mans own eyes, makes him not behold and look on those things that might provoke him; yea, it is Ingenious and Inven­tive of the fairest Constructions of things, to take them by the best side, in the favoura­blest sense, and so long as there is any agree­able [Page 197] way to Interpret any thing favourably, will not have a hard thought of it. Thinks no ill, as there it is: not only hath not active evil thoughts of Revenge, or returning Evil, but willingly doth not judge ill of what is done by others, and that might be so lookt on as to provoke, [...], doth not reck­on wrongs so high as want of Charity moves the most to do, sets them low, and as a healthful Constitution is sweet it self, and re­lishes all things right, there is more true plea­sure, and content of mind, in forgiving, than ever any man found in revenge; that is but a Feverish delight that Malice and Anger hath wrought, working perhaps greedily, but is indeed a Distemper. This Love is the very root of Peace and Concord, a humble Grace, that is not lifted up and Insolent, as the word there is, and so doth not breed Jars about Pun­ctili [...]e;; esteems so well of others, and so meanly of it self, that it cannot well be crost by any, in that matter of under valuing. But vain Spirits are puft up with a little appro­bation, and as easily kindled up with any affront, or apprehended disgrace. Love is not lightly put out of temper, as sickly Con­stitutions, a Fit of a Fever or Ague, with any blast or wrong touch of Diet, it is of a stronger digestion, and firmer health.

Then for that Not commit Adultery. All things of that kind, though they spring from a kind of Love, yet not from this Love from above, but (as the Apostle James distinguishes [Page 198] wisdom) from the Love that is sensual and de­vilish; Love is not the true name of it, but base and brutish Lust, and generally all pro­phane Societies, and sortings of men one with another, are most contrary to this pure Love. The Drunkards that are Cup-friends, as they are full of Jars, and have no constan­cy, but are unstable as that wherein their Friendship lies, their Liquor, are a vile despicable Society, not worthy of Men, much less of Christians. This sin hath affini­nity with Uncleanness, and is usually ranked there. Right Love to a Tipler, is not to sit down and guzzle with him, but to reprove and labour to reclaim him, and where that cannot be done, to avoid him. To wicked persons we owe not a complacency or delight, which is most contrary to this Love, but ha­ting their Sin we owe them Love, and the de­siring and (as far as Love can) the procu­ring their Conversion and Salvation. Wicked Converse cannot consist with this Love, which is the fulfilling of the Law, and a Combina­tion for the breaking of it, and the joining their strength together for that end. Love rejoiceth not in Iniquity, but in the Truth, makes not men rejoice together in Sin. So foul unclean Affections, and a Society, in or­der to the grati [...]ying them, is most contrary to it; true Love is most tender of the Chasti­ty of others, and cannot abide an impute thought in it self.

So in not Stealing. Love would be loth to [Page 199] enrich, or advantage it self, upon the damage of others in any kind, it doth most faithfully [...]nd singly seek the profit, and prosperity of our Neighbour, even as our own. And i [...] this took place, of how much use were it in the World? But oh! it is rare. This meum and tuum is the grand Cause of the ill understand­ing and discords that are amongst men, when it is not managed by this Love but by Self-love.

And the tendering and preserving of the good name of our Brethren, is a proper and very remarkable fruit of this Love, which is so far from forging false defaming Stories, that it will rather excuse if it may be done, or if not, will pity the real failings of men that tend to their reproach; and on the contra­ry, will teach men to rejoice in the good carriage and good esteem of their Brethren as of their own.

In the end, Love works such a Complacen­cy in the good of others, and such a Conten­tation with our own Estate, that it most pow­erfully banishes that unruly humour of Co­veting, which looks on the condition of others with envy, and on our own with grudging and discontent.

This Law of Love written within, doth not only rectifie and order the Hands and Tongue, but the Jealousies, the very stir­rings of the Heart; it corrects the usual dis­order of its motion, and bars those uncharita­ble inordinate thoughts that do so abound and swarm in Carnal minds.

[Page 200]3. The Original of this Love is that other Love which corresponds to the other part, the first and chief point of the Law; our Duty towards God. Love to him is the sum and source of all Obedience, when the whole Soul and Mind is possest with that, then all is acceptable and sweet that he commands; first, what he commands, as immediately referrable to himself, and then what is the Rule of our Carriage to men, as being pre­scrib'd and commanded by him. For so, and no otherwise, is this Love the fulfilling of the Law, when it flows from that first Love, Love to God, whose Law it is, that commands this other Love to Men. Some may have somewhat like it, by a mildness and ingenuity of Nature, being inoffensive and well-willing towards all; but then only doth it fulfil the Law, when out of regard to the Law of God it obeys, and obeys out of love to him whose Law it is. So then, the Love of God in the heart is the Spring of right and holy Love to our Neighbour, both (1) because in obedience to him, whom we love soveraignly, we will love even sincerely, because he will have it so. That is reason enough to the Soul possest, and taken up with his Love. It loves nothing, how lovely soever, but in him and for him, in order and subordination to his Love, and in respect to his Will; and it loves any thing, how unlovely soever, taking it in that Con­templation. It loves not the dearest Friend [Page 201] but in God, and can love the hatefullest Ene­my for him. Amicum in Deo & inimicum propter Deum, Aug. His love can beautifie the most unamiable▪ Object and make it love­ly. He saith of a worthless undeserving Man, or thy most undeserving Enemy, Love him for my sake, because it pleases me; that's reason enough to one that loves him. (2) There is that dilateing sweetning Vertue in love to God, that it can act no other way to men but as becomes Love. Base self­love contracts the heart, and is the very root of all Sin, the chief wickedness in our cor­rupt Nature; but the Love of God assimilates the Soul to him, makes it Divine, and there­fore Bountiful; full of Love to all. (So these two contradict not, Love the Lord with all thy heart, and thy Neighbour as thy self. If all our love must go to God, what remains for our Neighbour? Indeed all go upwards, and be all placed on him, and from thence it is refounded and regula­ted downwards to men, according to his Will.)

But Self-love brings forth Pride, and Cruel­ty, and Covetousness, and Uncleanness, and disdain of others, and all such kind of Mon­sters; so it is the main breaking of the Law.

All that can be said, will not perswade men to this, till the Lord by his Love teach it and impress it on the heart. Know that this is the Badge of Christs [Page 202] Followers, and his great Rule and Law given to them; and if you will follow him, that you may come to be where he is, then study this, That as our Lord Christ loved us, so also we ought to love one another.



GReat and various are the Evils that lodg within the Heart of Man: Hence proceed Evil thoughts, Adul­teries, Murders, and many other mischiefs, as our Saviour specifies there; they come forth apace, and yet the heart is not emptied of them. But was this heart thus at first, when it came newly forth of the hands of its Ma­ker? Surely, no: Man was made upright, but he found out many Inventions. Soon did the heart find the way to corrupt it self, but to renew it self, is as impossible as to have been the Author of its own Creation; easily could it deface the precious Characters of Gods Image, but it passes the Art of Men and Angels to restore them: Only the Son of God, who for that purpose took on him our Nature, can make us, according to the Apostles Phrase, partakers of the Divine Na­ture. It is he alone that can banish these Un­clean Spirits, and keep possession that they return no more. Have not they made a hap­py change of Guests, that have those Infer­nal Troops turn'd out of Doors, and the King of Glory fixing his abode within them? [Page 204] This is the voice of the Gospel, Lift up your Psal. 24. 7. heads, ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, that the King of glory may enter in. But small is the number of those that open where this voice is daily sounded; yea, some there are that grow worse under the frequent Preach­ing of the Word, as if Sin were emulous, and as is said of Vertue, would grow by opposition. The truth is, too many of us turn these serious Exercises of Religion into an idle Divertisement. Take heed that For­mality, and Custom, and Novelty, do not often help to fill up many Rooms in our Church. It were indeed a breach of Cha­rity, to entertain the fullness of your Assem­blies with ill Construction. No, it is to be commended, But would to God we were more careful to shew our Religion in our Lives, to study to know better the Deceits and Impostures of our own hearts, and to gain daily more Victory over our secret and best beloved Sins. Let our intentions then be to meet with Christ here, and to admit him gladly to dwell and rule within us; if he conquer our inward Enemies, those without shall not be able to hurt us: if he deliver us from our sinful Lusts, he will still our own distrust­ful fears. And that such may be the fruits of our meeting, let us turn our selves towards the Throne of Grace, with humble Prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Righteous.

Psalm LXXVI. 10.

‘Surely the wrath of a man shall praise thee: The remainder of wrath shalt thou re­strain.’

WHat Man is this (said the Passengers in the Ship) that even the Winds and the Sea obey him? Christ suddenly turns a great tempest into a greater Calm, Matth. 8. 27. Surely those are no ordinary words of Command, that swelling Waves and boiste­rous Winds, in the midst of their rage, are forc'd to hear, and taught to understand and obey them. Therefore the holding of the Seas in the hollow of his Hand, the bridling of the Wind, and riding upon the Wings of it, we find peculiarly attributed to the Almighty. But no less, if not more wonderful is another of his Prerogatives, to wit, His Soveraignty over all Mankind, the divers and strange motions of the Heart of Man; admirable is it to govern those, both in respect of their Multitude and Irregularity. Consider we what Millions of men dwell at once upon the face of the Earth; and again, what Troops of several Imaginations will pass through the fancy of any one man, within the compass of one day; 'Tis much to keep eye upon them, and to behold them all at once, but far more to Command [Page 206] and Controul them all; yet if they were all Loyal and willingly Obedient, were they Tractable and easily Curbed, it were more easie for us to conceive how they might be Governed, but to bound and over-rule the unruly hearts of men, the most of them con­tinually are either plotting or acting Rebellion against their Lord, to make them all concur and meet at last in one end, cannot be done but by a Power and a Wisdom that are both Infinite. That God (whose Name we often mention, but seldom think on his Excellen­cy) is alone the Absolute Monarch of mens Hearts, and the Ruler of all their Motions; he hath them Limited while they seem most free, and works his own Glory out of their attempts, while they strive most to dishonour him. Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee, &c.

The Psalm is made up of these two diffe­rent sorts of Thoughts, the one arising out of Particular Experience, and the other out of a General Doctrine. These drawn from Experience, are set down in the verses pre­cedeing the Text, and in it, with those that follow, is the Doctrine, with a Duty annexed to it; which two are Faiths main Supporters: by past particulars verifie the Doctrine, and the generality of the Doctrine serves to explain the particular Experiences to all wise obser­vers. There is not a Treasure of the Merits of Saints in the Church (as some Dream) but there is a Treasure of the precious Ex­periences [Page 207] of the Saints, which every Believer hath right to make use of; and these we should be verst in, that we may have them in readiness at hand, in time of need, and know how to use them, both to draw comfort from them to our selves, and arguments to use with God.

The words contain clearly Two Propositi­ons, both of them concerning the wrath of Man; the former hath the event of it, Surely the wrath of Man shall praise thee. The latter, the limitation of it, The remainder of wrath thou wilt restrain.

That the Vertues and Graces of men do praise the Lord, all men easily understand, for they flow from him, his Image and Superscription is upon them, and therefore no wonder, if of them, he has from them a Tribute of Glory: Who knows not that Faith praises him? Abraham believed and gave glory to God; good Works, the fruits of Faith, praise him too, Herein is your heavenly Father glorified (says our Saviour) that you bring forth much fruit. But that the Inordinate wrath of man should praise him, may seem somewhat strange; were it Gods own wrath (as wrath is attributed to him in Scripture) that might praise him, for it is always most Just. Or were it a due and moderate anger of Man, upon Just cause, that were fit for praising him too, in despite of the Stoicks; but that wicked and disordered wrath (which is undoubt­edly here meant) that the wrath of men, [Page 208] that is both uncomely and dishonourable for themselves (though they think otherwise) that even such a wrath should honour God, and praise him, argues well that he hath good right to Praises, when every thing, even things that seem contrary to his Nature, as well as to his Law, do pay them to him. And that he hath great power and wisdom who obtains what is due to him, even from those persons and things, that of themselves are most unwilling and unfit to pay it. This is the excellent skill of his wisdom, to draw that which shall go into the making up of the precious Composition of his Praise out of this Poison, for so the word here used for wrathful heat, doth sometimes signifie; and this wrath often proves so, a deadly Poison both to those it is incens'd against, and to the very Breast that breeds it, and wherein it is kindled.

But for the clearer understanding of this, I conceive it will be requisite to consider more distinctly: (1) What this wrath of man is: (2) How it can praise God. And lastly, the Infallibility of this event: Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee.

In the 148 Psalm, where David Summons the Creatures to meet in that Song of Praise, to keep that full Consort, he calls not only the Heavens, and the Inhabitants of it, An­gels and Lights, but these of the lower World to bear their part in it; and not only Men, Beasts, Cattel, creeping things▪ [Page 209] and the flying of Fowl, but these Creatures that do most resemble this wrath here spoken of, Fire, Stormy 'Tempest, and Dragons, &c. The tenor of the Psalm doth shew, that by the wrath of man is to be understood the undue rage of Evil and Ungodly men against those whom God owns for his People. The word here used, signifies a hot or inflaming wrath; and indeed, such is the feverish distempered Anger of the Churches Enemies. And as too much heat is an Enemy to solid Reason, this hot wrath of theirs makes them incapable of wise deliberation in themselves, and in­flexible to the good advice of others. 'Tis true, they take Counsel how to execute their wrath, as we shall hear anon, but they take no Counsel that may cool it. Anger descri­bed by its Material Cause, is called a boiling of Blood the about the Heart; but this ariseth from the apprehension of something offen­sive, kindling a desire of revenge. Now it is a wonder what the Powers of the World find in Christ, and his harmless Flock, that can incense them; St. James says of the Tongue, that it is set on fire of Hell. The same is the Original of this wrath, Why doth the Heathen rage, saith the Psalmist? That is only, to what purpose? Intimating that it is a fruitless rage, and void of success, in regard of Gods power. But why? That's upon what occa­sion? Checking the rage as groundless, and without cause, in regard of Christ and his Churches Innocency. The cause is only [Page 210] within themselves, to wit. That unhappy Antipathy of the Serpents Seed against the Seed of the Woman. Thus this wrath of man is the causeless malicious Enmity of the Wicked against the Church of God, and un­der the name of this Passion, I take to be here comprised likewise all the Attendants of it, all their crafty Complo [...]ments and De­vices for the acting of their wrath. As there is mention of the Nations rage against Christ, in the second Psalm, so likewise of the Con­sultations of those that are of Quality fit for it, The Rulers take counsel together. Further, this wrath is not barely their inward fire, but the vent of it flames into cruel and out­ragious Practices, including likewise all the Instruments they make use of. And of all these its true, that God shall gain Glory by them, Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee.

The wrath of man (says the Apostle) ac­complisheth not the righteousness of God, how then can it accomplish his praises? And this is the Second thing propounded.

Are Grapes gathered of Thorns, or Figs of Thistles? Surely no; therefore I called this praise not the fruit or proper effect of mans wrath, but the event or consequent of it, by the efficacy of Divine Providence. The wrath of man shall praise thee.

The use which thou wilt make of it shall tend to thy praise. Thou wilt produce such affects from it, both in the Church and upon [Page 211] thine Enemies, when thou sufferest thy wrath to break forth, as shall furnish more matter of thy praises than if thou hadst altogether re­strained it. To instance this in some few par­ticulars.

'Tis the fury of the Churches Enemies, that has made known to the World the Invin­cible Courage and Patience of the Saints: Those Ages that have been most monstruous in Persecution, have most of all grac'd Christi­anity. Had there been no Persecuting Empe­rours, who should have heard of those Pri­mitive Martyrs, that triumph'd over the Cru­elty of their Torments? Were there no Perse­cution, nor Peril, nor Sword, against Believ­ers, we should not have heard the Apostle say immediately after the mention of those, In all these we are more than Conquerours; they could not have been so much as Conquerours, had there been no Conflict.

Again, as the wrath of man praises God in the Invincible Patience of the Saints, so likewise in the unmoveable stability of the Church. Is it not wonderful how so small and weak a Company as the Church hath often been reduced to, yea, hath always been, in respect of the World, could escape the mouths of so many Lions, so many en [...]a­ged Enemies that were ready to devour it? And that we may see that this tends solely to the praise of her great Protecto [...], look the Churches Song penned by the Royal Prophet, it is the 124 Psalm: If it had not been the [Page 212] Lord that was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they had swallowed us up quick. The great Monarchies and Kingdoms of the World, that have risen with so much splen­dour, have had their periods, and been buried in the Dust. That Golden▪headed and Sil­ver-bodied Image, degenerated into worse Metal as it went lower, and the brittle feet was the cause of the fall and breaking of all the rest; but the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, though despicable in the World, and exposed to the wrath of the World in all Ages, stands firm and cannot be removed. There is a common Emblem of the Winds blowing from all Quarters, and upon the Globe of the Earth, being in the middle of them, is writ­ten Immobilis. This fitly resembles the Church. Why? It seems to be the sport of all the Winds, but is indeed so Established, that all of them, yea, the very Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it. Now the more the Churches Enemies labour and moil themselves to undo her, the more doth their weakness, and the power of her Lord appear; so that thus the wrath of man doth praise him.

When was the Church free from the Worlds wrath? (To say nothing of the Church of the Jews) Did not those Wicked Emperours of Rome think to have made the Christian Church short lived, to have drowned her, newly Born, in Floods of her own Blood? And in latter Ages, who knows not the Cru­elties that have been practised by the Turk [Page 213] in the East, And the Proud Prelate of Rome in the West? By which she hath sometimes been brought to so obscure and low a point, that if you can follow her in History, 'tis by the tract of her Blood; and if you would see her, 'tis by the light of those fires in which her Martyrs have been burnt. Yet hath she still come through, and survived all that wrath, and still shall, till she be made perfectly Tri­umphant.

Further: Mans wrath tends to Gods praise in this, That God, giving way to it, does so manage it by his sublime Providence, that it often directly crosses their own ends, that conduces manifestly to his. Pharaoh thought that his dealing more cruelly with the Jews in their tasks and burdens was wisdom: Let us work wisely (says he.) But whereas their ordinary servility was become familiar to them, and they were tamed to it, that same accessi­on of new Tyranny did prepare and dispose the Israelites for a desire of departure, and their departure made way for Pharaoh's de­struction. Undigestable Insolency and Rage, hastening to be great, makes Kingdoms cast them off, which would have been far longer troubled with their wicked­ness, had it been more moderate; surely then the wrath of man commends the wisdom of God, when he makes him by that contrive and afford the means of his own downfal. Job 18. 7. The steps of his strength shall be straightened, and his own counsel should cast him [Page 214] down, says Bildad. And that is a sad fall; as that Eagle that was shot with an Arrow trim­med with her own Feathers.

But to close this point. It is out of all question, that the deserved punishment of mans unjust wrath, doth always glorifie the Justice of God, and the more he gives way to their wrath, the more notable shall be both their Punishment and the Justice of it; and though God seems neglective of his people and of his praise, while mans wrath prevails, yet the truth is, he never comes too late to vindicate his care of both: And when he de­fers longest, the Enemy pays dear Interest for the time of forbearance. In his Eternal De­cree, he resolved to permit the course of mans wrath for his own Glory, and when the peri­od which he hath fixed is come, he stops mans wrath, and gives course unto the Justice of his own. Nor is there then any possibility of escaping; he will right himself, and be known by executing Judgment. Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee. And that is the Third thing propounded, The Infallibility of the Event.

The Author of Nature governs all his Crea­tures, each in a suitable way to the Nature he hath given them: He maintains in some things a natural Necessity of working, Con­tingency in others; and in others, Liberty. But all of them are subject to this Necessity of effecting inevitably his Eternal purposes; and this Necessity is no way repugnant to the due [Page 215] Liberty of mans Will. Some entertain and maintain the Truth; some Plot; others act and execute against it; some please them­selves in a wise Neutrality, and will appear so indifferent, that it would seem they might be accepted of all sides for Judges of Con­troversies: And all these find no less Liberty to wind and turn themselves whither they please, than if no higher hand had the wind­ing of them. Shall not only the Zeal of the Godly, but even the Wrath of the Enemy, and the cold Discretion of the Neutral, all tend to his praise whose Supream Will hath a secret, but a sure and infallible sway in all their Actions; whilst some Passengers sit, some walk one way, some another; some have their faces towards their Journeys end, some theirs back turned upon it; this wise Pi­lot does most skilfully guide the Ship to arrive with them all, at his own Glory. Happy they that propound and intend his Glory as he himself does, for in them shall the riches of his mercy be glorified; they that oppose him lose this happ [...]ness, but he is sure not to lose his Glory for all that, to wit, the Glory of his Justice. His right hand shall find out all his Enemies; surely the wrath of man shall praise thee.

The consideration of this truth, thus in some measure unfolded, may serve to justifie the truly wise Dispensation of God against our Imaginary Wisdom; were the matter referr'd to our modelling, we would assign the [Page 216] Church constant Peace and Prosperity for her Portion, and not consent that the least air of trouble should come near her; we would have no Enemies to molest her, nor stir against her, or if they did stir, we would have them to be presently represt, and these in our Judg­ment, would be the fairest and most glorious tokens of his love and power, whose Spouse she is▪ But this carnal wisdom is enmity against God, and to the Glory of God, which rises so often out of the wrath of his Ene­mies. Had God caused Pharaoh to yield at the very first, to the release of his people, where had been the fame of those Miraculous Judgments in Egypt, and Mercies on the Is­raelites, the one setting out and illustrating the other? Where had been that Name and Ho­nour that God says he would gain to himself, and that he did gain out of Pharaoh's final Destructi­on, making that Stony-hearted King, and his Troops, sink like a stone in the waters, as Moses Sings? Observe his proud boastings immedi­ately foregoing his Ruin, I will pursue, says he, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my lust shall be satisfied on them; I will draw my sword, and my hand shall destroy them: Soon after, the Sea quenches all this heat. Commonly big threatnings are unhappy presa­ges of very ill success. That Historian says well of God Deus ne­minem ali­um, quam seipsum sinit de se mag­nifice Sen­tire. Herodot.; and indeed, as he abhors these boastings, so he delights in the abasing of the lofty heart whence they flow, and it is his Prerogative to gain praise to himself out [Page 217] of their wrath, Hast thou an arm like God (says the Lord to Job) then look upon the proud and bring them low, Job 40. 9. When Sen­nacherib came up against Jerusalem, his blas­phemies and boastings were no less vast and monstrous than the number of his Men and Chariots; good Hezekiah turned over the matter unto God, spreading the Letter of Blasphemies before him; God undertook the War, and assured Hezekiah that the Assyrian should not so much as shoot an Arrow against the City, but return the same way he came, 2 Kings 19. And the Deliverance there pro­mised and effected, is conceived to have been the occasion of penning this very Psalm, Surely when an Angel did in one night slay 185000 in their Camps, that wrath and those threats, tended exceedingly to the praise of the God of Israel. The hook that he put in Sen­nacheribs Nostrils, (as the History speaks) to pull him back again, was more remarkable than the fetters would have been if he had tied him at home, or hindred his march with his Army.

Who is he then that will be impatient be­cause of Gods patience, and Judge him slack in Judgment, while the rage of the Wicked prevails a while? Know that he is more care­ful of his own Glory than we can be, and the greater heighth mans wrath arises to, the more Honour shall arise to him out of it. Did not his Omnipotency shine brighter in the flames of that Eurnace into which the [Page 218] Children were cast, than if the Kings wrath had been at first cooled? Certainly, the more both it and the Furnace had their heat augmented, the more was God glorified. Who is that God (said he blasphemo [...]sly and proudly,) that can deliver you out of my hands? A question indeed highly dishonouring the Almighty, but stay till the real answer come, and not only shall that wrath praise him, but that very same Tongue, though inured to Blasphemy, shall be taught to bear a main part in the confession of these praises. Let that Apostate Emperour go taun [...]ing the Head Julian. and Tormenting the Members of that mysti­cal Body, his closing with [...], Thou hast overcome, O Galilean, (meaning Christ) shall help to verifie that: whether its course be shorter or longer, Mans wrath ends always in Gods praise. In like manner, the closing of the Lions mouth spake louder to his praise that stopt them, than if he had stopt Daniels enemies in the beginning of their wicked de­sign; so hot was their rage, that the Kings favourable inclination to Daniel (of which in other cases Courtiers [...]se to be so devout obser­vers) yea his contesting and pleading for him, did profit him nothing, but they hurried their King to be execution of their unjust Malice, though themselves were convinced, that no­thing could be found against him, but only concerning the Law of his God. Dan. 6. verse 14. It is said, he set his heart upon him to deliver him, and laboured to do it till the going [Page 219] down of the Sun, and then those Counsellers, and Counsels of darkness overcame him, but upon this black night of their prevailing wrath, followed immediately a bright morning of praises to Daniel's God. When the Lions that were so quiet company all night to Daniel, made so quick a Breakfast of those accursed Courtiers that had maliciously accused him. Even so let thine Enemies perish, O Lord, and let those that love thee, be as the Sun when he goes forth in his might.

The other Proposition concerns the limiting of this wrath. The remainder of wrath thou wilt restrain.

To take no notice for the present, of di­vers other readings of these words, the sense of them, as they are here very well rendred, may be briefly this, that whereas the wrath of Man to which God gives way, shall praise him, the rest shall be curb'd, and bound up, as the word is, no more of it shall break forth than shall contribute to his glory. Here should be considered divers ways and means, by which God useth to stop the heady course of Mans wrath, and hinder its proceeding any further. But only,

Let us take out of it this lesson, That the most compendious way to be safe from the violence of Men, is to be in terms of friendship with God. Is it not an incomparable priviledge to be in the favour, and under the protection of one whose power is so transcendent, that no ene­my can so much as stir without his leave? Be [Page 220] perswaded then, Christians, in these dangers that are now so near us, every one to draw near to him; remove what may provoke him; let no reigning sin be found either in your Cities, or in your Villages, for he is a holy God. Is it a time to multiply provoca­tions now, or is it not rather high time to be humbled for the former? What shameless Impiety is it, to be now Licentious or Intem­perate? To be Proud, to Oppress or Extort? To prophane Gods Day, and Blaspheme his Name? All these sins, and many others, abound amongst us, and that avowedly: Without abun­dant of Repentance for these we shall smart, and the wrath of our Enemies, though unjust in them, shall praise God in our Just punishment; though doubtless, he will own his Church, and be praised likewise in the final punish­ment of their wrath, that rise against it. There is a remarkable expression in the 99 Psalm, of Gods dealing with his people, he was fa­vourable to them though he took vengeance on their Inventions. A good Cause and a Covenant with God, will not shelter an Impenitent people from sharper Correction. 'Tis a sad Word God speaks by his Prophet to his own people, I my self (says he) will fight against you. A dreadful Enemy; and none indeed truly dreadful but he. O prevent his anger and you are safe enough. If perverse Sinners will not hear, yet let those that are indeed Christians mourn in secret, not only for their own Sins, but let them bestow some tears like­wise [Page 221] upon the sins of others. Labour to appease the wrath of God, and he will either appease mans wrath, or howsoever, will turn it joint­ly to our Benefit and his own Glory. Let the fear of the most high God, who hath no less power over the strongest of his Ene­mies than over the meanest of his Servants; let his fear (I say) possess all our hearts, and it will certainly expel that ignoble and base fear of the wrath of man. See how the Prophet opposes them in that 8th. of Isaiah, Fear not their fear (says he) nor be afraid, but sanctifie the Lord, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread; fear not but fear. This holy fear begets the best courage; the breast that is most fill'd with it, abounds most in true Magnanimity. Fear thus, that you may be confident, not in your selves, though your policy and strength were great: Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm; but confident in that God, who is too wise and vigilant to be surprized, too mighty to be foiled, and too rich to be out-spent in provision; who can suffer his Enemy to come to the highest point of apparent advantage, without any inconveni­ence, yea, with more renown in his Con­quest. And so a Christian who is made once sure of this (as easily he may) is lit­tle careful about the rest, his Love to God prevailing over all his affections, makes him very indifferent what becomes of himself or his dearest friends, so God may be glorified. [Page 222] What though many fall in the quarrel (which God avert) yet it is sufficient that Truth in the end shall be Victorious. Have not the Saints in all Ages been content to convey pure Religion to Posterity, in streams of their own Blood not of others? Well, hold fast by this conclusion, that God can limit and bind up the most violent wrath of man, that though it swell it will not break forth. The stiffest Heart, as the current of the most im­petuous Rivers, is in his hand, to appoint its Channels, and turn it as he pleaseth; yea, it is he that hath shut up the very Sea with Bars and Doors, and said, Hitherto shalt thou come and no further, here shall thy proud waves be stayed, Job 38. 10, 11, verses. To see the Surges of a rough Sea come in towards the Shoar, a man would think that they were ha­stening to swallow up the Land, but they know their limits, and are beaten back into foam. Though the Waves thereof toss themselves as angry at their restraint, yet the small Sand is a check to the great Sea, yet can they not prevail, though they roar, yet can they not pass over it, says Jer 5. verse 22.

The sum is this: What God permits his Churches Enemies to do, is for his own fur­ther Glory; and reserving this, there is not any wrath of man so great, but he will either sweetly calm it, or strongly restrain it. To him be praise, &c.


Psal. CXII. 7. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.’

ALL the special designs of men agree in this, They seek satisfaction and quietness of mind, that is, happiness. This then is the great question, Who is the happy man? 'Tis here resolved, verse 1. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth in his Com­mandments.

This Blessedness unfolded as a rich Land­skip, that we may view the well mixed Colours, the Story and Tissure of it. The whole Al­phabet in Capital Letters; and take all and set them together, 'tis a most full compleat Bles­sedness, not a Letter wanting to it. Amongst the rest, that we have in these words, is of a greater magnitude and brightness than many of the rest, He shall not be afraid of evil tidings.

Well may it begin with a Hall [...]l [...]jah a Note of praise to him in whom this Blessed­ness lies. O what a wretched Creature were [Page 224] man, if not provided to such a Portion, with­out which is nothing but disappointment; and thence the racking torment and vexation of a disqueited mind, still pursuing somewhat that he never overtakes.

The first words as the Inscription; The Blessednesses of that man, &c. So the par­ticulars follow: Where outward Blessings are so set, as that they look and lead higher, pointing at their end, the infinite goodness whence they flow, and whither they return and carry along with them this happy man.

And these promises of outward things often evidently accomplish'd to the Righteous, and their Seed after them, and that commonly after they have been brought very low. But when 'tis otherways with them they lose nothing, 'tis good for many, yea, 'tis good for all the Godly, that have less of these lower things to raise their eye to look after higher; the eye of all, both of these that are held somewhat short, and for those that have abundance in the World.

These Temporal promises more abounding, and more frequently fullfilled, in their very kind, in the times of the Law, yet still the right is constant, and all Ages do give clear exam­ples of the truth of this word; where it is thus, 'tis a blessing created by its aspect to this pro­mise, and so differs from the prosperity of Ungodly men, and where 'tis otherways with the Righteous and their Seed, 'tis no shift but a most solid comfort to turn their eyes to a higher Compensation.

[Page 225]But howsoever it go this still holds: He shall not be afraid of evil tidings, notwithstand­ing the hardest news that can come to his cars, of any thing that concerns himself or his Children, or the rest of Gods Children in his charge in the World. His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.

First, let us take a little of the Character of this Blessed man. Who is it that is thus undaunted? The man that feareth God.

All the passions are but several ebbings and slowings of the Soul, and their motions are the signs of its temper; which way it is car­ried, that is mainly to be remark'd by the beating of its pulse. If our desires, and hopes, and fears be in the things of this World, and the interest of Flesh, this is their distem­per and disorder, the Soul is in a continual Fever; but if they move Godwards, then is it compos'd and calm in a good temper and healthful point, fearing and loving him, de­siring him, and nothing but him, waiting for him, and trusting in him. And when any one affection is right, and in a due aspect to God, all the rest are so too, for they are radically one, and he is the life of that Soul that is united to him; and so in him it moves in a peculiar Spiritual manner, as all do natu­rally in the dependance of their Natural Life, on him that is the Fountain of Life.

Thus we have here this fear of God; as often elsewhere set out as the very substance of Holiness and evidence of Happiness. And [Page 226] that we may know there is nothing either base or grievous in this fear, we have joined with it delight and trust, Delighteth greatly in his Commandments, which is that Badge of Love to him to observe them, and that with de­light, and with great exceeding delight; so then, the fear is not that which Love casts out, but that which Love brings in. This fear follows and flows from Love, a fear to offend, whereof nothing so tender as Love; and that, in respect of the greatness of God, hath in it withal a humble reverence. There is in all Love a kind of reverence, a cautious and respective wariness towards the party lo­ved; but especially in this, where not only we stand in a lower relation, as Children to our Father, but the goodness that draws our love doth infinitely transcend our measures and reach, therefore there is a rejoycing with trembling, and an awful love, the fearing the Lord and his goodness, Hos. 3. ult. This both fear and trust, the Heart toucht by the Spirit of God, as the Needle toucht with the Load­stone, looks straight and speedily to God, yet still with trembling, being filled with this holy fear.

That delighteth] Oh! this is not only to do them, but to do them with delight; some­what within is Connatural and Symbolical: Yea, this very Law it self writ within, not standing as a hard Task-master over our head, but imprest within as a sweet principle in our hearts, and working from thence naturally. [Page 227] This makes a Soul find pleasure in purging out of sensual pleasures, and ease in doing violence to corrupt self, even undoing it for God, having no will but his; the remainders sin and self in our Flesh, will be often ri­of sing up, but this predominant Love dispels them. So this fear works with delight.

And further, that we may know how se­rene and sweet a thing it is, it is here likewise joyned with confidence, Trusting, a quick­ning confidence always accompanying it; and so, undoubtedly, it is a blessed thing. Blessed is he that feareth. Fear sounds ra­ther quite contrary, hath an air of misery; but add, Whom? He that feareth the Lord, that touch turns it into Gold. He that so fears fears not, he shall not be afraid; all petty fears are swallowed up in this great fear, as a Spirit inur'd with great things is not stir'd nor affected at all with small matters. And this great fear is as sweet and pleasing as these little fears are anxious and vexing; secure of other things. If my God be pleased, no matter who is displeased; no matter who de­spise me, if he account me his; though all forsake me, my dearest friends grows estranged, and look another way, if he reject me not, that is my only fear; and for that I am not perplexed I know he will not: As they an­swered Alexander when he sent to enquire what they most feared, thinking possibly they would have said Lest he should invade them. Their answer was, We fear nothing but [Page 228] lest Heaven should fall upon us; which they did not fear neither. A Believer hath no fear but of the displeasure of Heaven, the anger of God to fall upon him, he fears that; that is, accounts that only terrible; but yet he doth not fear, doth not apprehend it will fall on him, is better perswaded of the goodness of his God, so this fear is still joined with trust, as here, so often elsewhere, Psal 33. 18▪ and 40▪ 3. and 147. 11.

There is no turbulency in this fear, 'tis calm and sweet; even that most terrible▪ Evil, that which this fear properly apprehends and flies, Sin, yet the fear of that goes not to a distraction. Though there is little strength, and many and great Enemies, mighty Ana­kims of tentations from without, and corrup­tion within, and so good reason for a holy humble fear and self distrust, yet this should not beat us off; yea, is most fit to put us on to trust in him who is our Strength. Cou­rage! the day shall be ours, though we may be often foyled and down, and sometimes al­most at a hopeless point, yet our head is on high, he hath conquered for us, and shall conquer in us; therefore, upon this confidence, so fear as not to fear. Why should I fear in the days of evil, when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about? Psal. 49. 5. Which I take is some grievous affliction, and that with a Visage of punishment of sin; guiltiness to be read in it, yet not fear. If I trusted in Wealth, and boast my self in the multitude [Page 229] of Riches, then that being in hazard I must fear; leaning on that, it failing, I might fall. But this is my confidence, ver. 15. God will redeem my Soul from the power of the Grave, for he shall receive me; wealth cannot, but he can. It buys not a man out from his hand, but he buys from the hand of the Grave. So the word is.

For the visible Heavens, even their fall and the dissolution of Nature, would not affright a Believer, Psalm. 41. 1. Si fractus illabatur orbis, &c.

Alas! most persons have dull or dim ap­prehensions, and shallow impressions of God, therefore they have little either of this fear or this trust. God is not in all their thoughts, but how to compass this or that design, and if they miss one then to another; they are cast from one wave upon another, and if at any time they attain their purpose find it but Wind, a▪ handful of nothing; far from what they fancied it.

Oh M. B. my desire is that the faces of your Souls were but once turn'd about, that they were towards him, looking to him, continu­ally fearing him, delighting, trusting in him, making him your All. Can any thing so elevate and ennoble the Spirit of a Man, as to contemplate and converse with the pure ever blessed Spring, and Father of Spirits? Beg that you may know him, that he would reveal himself to you, for otherwise no teach­ing can make him known, 'tis to light Candles [Page 230] to seek the Sun, to think to attain to this knowledge without his own revealing it. If he hide his face, who then may behold him? Pray for this quickening knowledge, such a knowledge as will affectually work this happy fear and trust.

You that have attained any thing of it, de­sire and follow on to know the Lord; parti­cularly, so as your hearts may repose on him; so fear as you may not fear. He would have our Spirits calm and quiet, for when they are in a hurry and confussion, they are then fit for nothing, all within makes a jarring unplea­sant noise, as of an Instrument quite out of Tune.

This fear of God is not, you see, a perplex­ing, doubting, and distrust of his love; on the contrary, 'tis a fixed resting and trust on his love. Many that have some truth of Grace, are through weakness filled with disquieting fears; so possibly, though they perceive it not, it may be in some a point of wilfulness, a little latent undiscern'd affectation of scru­pling and doubting, placing much of Religion in it. True, where the Soul is really solici­tous about its inter [...]st in God, that argues some Grace, but being vexingly anxious about it, it argues that Grace is low and weak; a sparkle there is even discovered by that smoak, [...] it, the great smoak still continuing, and noth [...] seen but it, argues there is little Fire, little Faith, little Love.

And this▪ as it is unpleasant to thy self, so [Page 231] to God, as smoak to the eyes. What if one should be always questioning with his friend whether he loved him or no, and upon every little occasion were ready to think he doth not, how would this disrelish their Society to­gether, though truly loving each other? The far more excellent way, and more pleasing both to our selves and to God, were to re­solve on humble trust, reverence and confi­dence, most afraid to offend, delighting to walk in his ways, loving him and his will in all, and then resting perswaded of his love though he chastise us; and even, though we offend him, and see our offences in our chastise­ments, yet he is good, plenteous in redemp­tion, ready to forgive. Therefore let Israel trust and hope, let my Soul roll it self on him, and adventure there all its weight; he bears greater matters, upholding the frame of Hea­ven and Earth, and is not troubled nor bur­den'd with it.

The heart of a man is not sufficient for Self-support, therefore naturally it seeks out some other thing to lean and rest it self on. The un­happiness is, for the most part, that it seeks to things below it self; these being both so mean and so uncertain, cannot be a firm and cer­tain stay to it. These things are not fixed themselves, how can they then fix the heart? Can a man have firm footing on a Quagmire, or moving Sands? Therefore men are forc'd in these things still to shift their seat, and seek about from one to another, still rolling [Page 232] and unsettled. The Believer only hath this advantage, he hath a rest high enough and sure enough, out of the reach of all hazards. His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, Psal. 81. 2.

The Basis of this happiness is, He trusteth on the Lord. So the heart is fixed; and so fixed, it fears no ill tidings.

This trust is grounded on the Word of God, revealing the Power and All sufficiency of God, a [...] withal, his Goodness, his offer of himself to be the stay of Souls, commanding us to rest on him. People wait on I know not what perswasions and assurances, but I know no other [...]o build Faith on, but the Word of Promise, the truth and faithfulness of God opened up, his wisdom, and power, and goodness, as [...]he stay of all these, that renouncing all other props will venture on it, and lay all upon him. He that believes, sets to his Seal that God is true; and so he is sealed for God, his Portion and Interest secured. Isa. 7. 9. If you will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.

This is the way to have peace and assurance, which many look for first, Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stay'd on thee, because he trusteth in thee, Isa. 26. 3. So here, the heart is fixed by trusting.

Seek then clearer apprehensions of the faith­fulness and goodness of God, hearts more en­larged in the notion of free Grace, and the absolute trust due to it; thus shall they be [Page 233] more establish'd and fix'd in all the rollings and changes of the World.

Heart fixed] Or prepared, ready, prest, and in Arms for all Services; resolved not to give back, able to meet all adventures, and stand its ground. God is unchangeable, and therefore Faith is invincible that sets the heart on him, fastens it there on the Rock of Eternity: Then let Winds blow, and Storms arise, it cares not

This firm and close cleaving unto God, hath in it of the affection, which is inseparable from this trust, Love with Faith; and so a hatred of all ways and thoughts that alienate▪ and estrange from God, that remove and un­settle the heart. The holiest wariest heart is surely the most believing and fixed heart; if a Believer will adventure on any one way of sin, he shall find that will unfix him, and shake his confidence, more than ten thousand hazards and assaults from without. These are so far from moving, that they settle and fix the heart commonly more, cause it to cleave the closer and nearer unto God, but sinful Liberty breeds inquiet, and disturbs all. Where Sin is, there will be a Storm; the Wind within the Bowels of the Earth makes the Earthquake.

Would you be quiet, and have peace with­in in troublous times, keep near unto God, beware of any thing that may int [...]pose be­twixt you and your confidence. It is good for me (say the Psalmist) to be near God; not [Page 234] only to draw near, but to keep near, to cleave to him, and dwell in him. So the Word. Oh the sweet Calm of such a Soul amidst all Storms; thus once trusting and fix­ed, then no more fear. Not afraid of evil [...]idings, not any ill hearing. Whatsoever sound is terrible in the Ears of men, the noise of War, news of Death, even the found of the Trumpet in the last Judgment; he hears all this undisquieted.

Nothing is unexpected being once fixed on God; then the heart may put cases to it self, and suppose all things imaginable, the most terrible, and look for them. Not troubled before trouble with dark and dismal appre­hensions, but satisfied in a quiet unmoved ex­pectation of the hardest things. Whatso­ever it is, though particularly not thought on before, yet the heart is not afraid of the news of it, because fixed trusting on the Lord; nothing can shake that foundation, nor dis­solve that union, therefore no fear. Yea, this assurance stays the heart in all things, how strange and unforeseen soever to it, all foreseen to my God, on whom I trust, yea, fore-contrived and ordered by him. This the impregnable Fort of a Soul, all is at the dispose and command of my God, My father rules all, what need I fear?

Every one trusts to somewhat; as for ho­nour, and esteem, and popularity, they are airy vain things, but riches seem a more solid work and fence, yet they are but a Tower [Page 235] in conceit, not really. Prov. 18. 11. The rich mans wealth is his strong City, and as an high Wall in his own conceit, but the name of the Lord is a strong Tower indeed, ver. 10. This the thing, all seek some fence and fixing; here it is, we call you not to vexation and turmoil, but from it. And as St. Paul said, Act. 17. Whom ye ignorantly worship, him de­clare I unto you; ye blindly, and fruitlessly seek after the shew. The true aiming at this fixedness of mind will make that, though they fall short, yet by the way they will light on very pretty things that have some vertue in them, as they that seek the Philoso­phers Stone! But the Believer hath the thing, the secret it self, of Tranquillity and Joy, and this turns all into God, their Iron Chains into a Crown of Gold, 2 Cor. 4. 17, 18.

This is the blest and safe estate of Believers. Who can think they have a sad heavy life? Oh! it is the only lightsome sweet chearful condition in the World, the rest of men are poor, rolling, unstayed things, every report shaking them, as the leaves of Trees are sha­ken with the Wind, Isa. 7. Yea, lighter than so, as the Chaff that the Wind drives to and [...]ro at its pleasure, Psal. 1. Would men but reflect and look in upon their own hearts, 'tis a wonder what vain childish things the most would find there, glad and sorry at things as light as the toys of Children, at which they laugh and cry in a breath; how easily pu [...]t up with a thing or word that plea­seth [Page 236] us, Bladder like, swell'd with a little air, and it shrinks in again in discouragements and fear upon the touch of a Needles point, which gives that air some vent.

What is the life of the greatest part but a continual tossing, betwixt vain hopes and fears, all their days spent in these? Oh! how vain a thing is a man even in his best estate, while he is nothing but himself, his heart not united and fixed on God, disquieted in vain, how small a thing will do it: He need no other but his own heart, it may prove dis­quietment enough to it self, his thoughts are his Tormentors.

I know some men are, by a stronger Un­derstanding and Moral Principles, somewhat raised above the vulgar, and speak big of a constancy of mind, but these are but flou­rishes, an acted bravery; somewhat there, may be that will hold out in some trials, but far short of this fixedness of Faith, troubles may so multiply, as to drive them at length from their posture, and come on so thick with such violent blows, as will smite them out of their Artificial Guard, disorder all their Seneca and Epictetus, and all their own calm thoughts and high resolves. The ap­proach of Death, though they make a good M [...]en, and set the best Face on't; Or if not yet some kind of terrour may seize on their Spirits, which they are not able to shift off. But the Soul trusting on God is prepared for all, not only for the Calamities of War, Pesti­lence, [Page 237] Famine, Poverty, or Death, but in the sadest apprehensions of Soul, above hope, believes under hope, even in the darkest Night, casts Anchor in God, reposes on him when he sees no light. Isa. 50. 10. Yea, though he slay me, says, Job, yet will I trust on him; not only though I die, but though he slay me; when I see his hand lift up to de­stroy me, yet from that same hand will I look for Salvation.

M. B. My desire is to stir in your hearts an ambition after this blest Estate of the Godly that fear the Lord, and trust on him, and so fear no other thing, the common Revoluti­ons and Changes of the World, and those that in these late times we our selves have seen, and the likelihood of more and greater coming on, seem dreadful to weak minds, but let these perswade us the more to prize and seek this fixed unaffrighted Station; no fixing but here where we make a Vertue of a Necessity.

Oh! that you would be perswaded to break off from the vile ways of Sin, that embase the Soul and fill it full of Terrours, and disingage them from the Vanities of this World to take up in God, to live in him wholly, to cleave to, and depend on him; to esteem nothing beside him. Excellent was the answer of that Holy man to the Empe­rour, first essaying him with large proffers of Honour and Riches, to draw him from Christ. Offer these things (says he) to Chil­dren, [Page 238] I regard them not. Then after he try'd to terrifie him with threatning. Threaten (said he) your effeminate Courtiers, I fear none of these things.

Seek to have your hearts established on him by the Faith of Eternal Life▪ and then it will be asham'd to distrust him in any other thing. Yea, truly, you will not much re­gard, nor be careful for other things how they be, 'twill be all one, the better and worse of this moment, the things of it, even the greatest, being both in themselves so little and worthless, and of so short continuance.

Well chuse you; but all reckon'd and ex­amin'd, I had rather be the poorest Believer, than the greatest King on Earth. How small a Commotion, small in its beginning, may prove the overturning of the greatest King­dom, but the Believer is Heir to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken; the mightiest and most victorious Prince, that hath not only lost nothing, but hath been gaining new Con­quests all his days, is stopt by a small Di­stemper in the middle of his course. He returns to his Dust, then his vast designs fall to nothing, in that very day his thoughts perish▪ But the Believer, in that very day, is sent to the possession of his Crown, that is his Coronation day; all his thoughts are accom­plisht.

How can you affright him? Bring him word his Estate is ruined, yet my Inheri­tance is safe, says he. Your Wife, or Child, [Page 239] or dear Friend, is dead, yet my Father lives. You yourself must die; well then, I go home to my Father, and to my Inheritance:

For the publick troubles of the Church, doubtless it is both a most pious and gene­rous temper, to be more deeply affected for these then for all our private ones, and to re­sent common Calamities of any people; but especially of Gods own people, hath been the Character of men near unto him. Ob­serve the pathetical strains of the Prophets bewailing, when they foretel the desolation even of Foreign Kingdoms, much more for the Lords chosen people, still mindful of Sion, and mournful for her distresses, Jer. 9. 1. and the whole Book of Lamentations. Psal. 137. If I forget thee, O Jerusalem. Pious Spirits always publick, as even brave Heathens for the Commonwealth: So he, in that of Ho­race Invenit insomni vol­ventem pub­lica cura fata virum, casusque ur­bis, cunctis­que timen­tem, secu­rumque sui..

Little regarding himself, but much solici­tous for the publick. Yet even in this, with much Compassion, there is a Calm in a Be­lievers mind. How these agree none can tell but they that feel it, finds amidst all hard news, yet still a fixed heart trusting. Satis­fied in this, Deliverance shall come in due time, Psal. 102. 13. And that in those Judg­ments that are inflicted, man shall be humbled and God exalted, Isa. 2. 11. and. 5. 15, 16. And that in all tumults and changes, and subversion of States, still his Throne is fixed, and with that the Believers heart likewise, [Page 240] Psal. 93. So Psal. 29. 10. The Lord sitteth upon the floud: Yea, the Lord sitteth King for ever. Or sate in the Floud, possibly refer­ring to the general Deluge, yet, that then God sate quiet, and still sitteth King for ever. He steer'd the Ark, and still guides his Church through all. So Psal. 46. throughout that whole Psalm. In all Commotions, the Kingdom of Christ shall be spreading and growing, and the close of all shall be full Victory on his side, and that's sufficient.

Of this, a singular example is in Job, who was not daunted with so many ill hearings, but stood as an unmov'd Rock amidst the Winds and Waves. Ille velnt rupes un­mota mane­bat..

In this condition there is so much sweet­ness, that if known, a man might suspect himself rather selfishly taken with it, than purely loving God; such joy in believing, or at least, such peace, such a serene calmness, is in no other thing in this World, nothing without or within a man to be named to this of trusting on his goodness, he is God, and on his faithfulness, giving his promise for thy Warrant. He commands thee to roll thy self on him. The holy Soul still trusts in the darkest apprehensions; if it is sug­gested thou art a Reprobate, yet will the Soul say, I will see the utmost, and hang by the hold I have, till I feel my self really cast off, and will not willingly fall off. If I must be separated from him he shall do it himself, he shall shake me off while I [Page 241] would cleave to him. Yea, to the utmost I will look for mercy, and will hope better: though I found him shaking me off, yet will I think he will not do it. It is good to seek after all possible assurance, but not to fret at the want of it, for even without these assurances, which some Christians hang too much upon, there is in simple trust, and reliance on God, and in a desire to walk in his ways, such a Fort of Peace, as all the assaults in the World are not able to make a breach in. And to this add, that unspeaka­ble delight in walking in his fear joined with this trust. The noble ambition of pleasing him, makes one careless of pleasing or dis­pleasing all the World. Besides, the delight in his Commandments, so pure, so just a Law, Holiness, victory over Lusts, and Temperance, hath a sweetness in it that pre­sently pays it self, because his Will.

'Tis the Godly Man alone, who by this fixed consideration in God, looks the grim Visage of Death in the Face with an un­appal'd mind. It damps all the joys, and defeats all the hopes of the most prospe­rous, proudest, and wisest Worldings. As he said, when shot, Avocasti ab optima de­monstratione. It spoils all their Figures and Archi­mede [...]. fine Devices. But to the Righteous, there is hope in his Death: He goes through it without fear, without Caligula's Quo va­dis. Though Riches, Honours, and all the Glories of this World, are with a man, yet [Page 242] he fears, yea, he fears the more for these, be­cause here they must end. But the good man looks Death out of Countenance, in the words of David, Though I walk through the Valley and Shadow of Death, yet will I fear no Evil, for thou art with me.


Matth. XIII. 3. And he spake many things unto them in Parables, saying, Behold a Sower went forth to sow, &c.’

THE rich bounty of God hath furnisht our Natural Life, not barely for strict necessity, but with great abundance, many kinds of Beasts, and Fowls, and Fishes, and Herbs, and Fruits, has he provided for the use of man. Thus our Spiritual Life likewise is supported with a variety; the Word, the food of it, hath not only all necessary Truths once simply set down, but a great variety of Doctrine, for our more abundant Instruction and Consolation. Amongst the rest, this way of Similitudes hath a notable commixture of profit and delight.

Parables not unfolded and understood, are a Veil as here to the multitude, and in that are a great Judgment, as Isa. 6. 9. cited here, but when cleared and made transparent, then they are a Glass to behold Divine things in, more commodiously and suitably to our way; all things are big with such resemblan­ces, [Page 244] but they require the dexterous hand of an active Spirit to bring them forth. This way, besides other advantages, is much grac'd and commended by our Saviours frequent use of it.

That here fitted to the occasion; multitudes coming to hear him, and many not a whit the better: He instructs us in this point, the great difference between the different hearts of men; so that the same Word hath very different success in them.

In this Parable we shall consider these three things: (1) The Nature of the Word in it self. (2) The sameness and commonness of the dispen­sation. (3) The difference of the operation and production.

The word Seed, hath in it a productive Vertue to bring forth Fruit according to its kind; that the Fruit a new life; not only a new habitude and fashion of life without, but a new nature, a new kind of life within, new thoughts, a new estimate of things, new de­lights and actions. When the Word reveals God, his greatness and holiness, then it be­gets pious fear and reverence, and study of conformity to him; when it reveals his good­ness and mercy, it works love and confidence; when it holds up in our view Christ Cruci­fied, it Crucifies the Soul to the World, and the World to it; when it represents these rich things laid up for us, that blest Inheritance of the Saints, then it makes all the lustre of this World vanish, shews how poor it is, [Page 245] weans and calls off the heart from them, rai­sing it to these higher hopes, and sets it on the project of a Crown; and so is a Seed of noble thoughts, and of a suitable behaviour in a Christian, as in the Exposition of this Para­ble, 'tis called the Word of the Kingdom.

Seed, an Immortal Seed, as St. Peter calls it, springing up to no less than an Eternal Life.

This teaches us, 1st. highly to esteem the great goodness of God to these places and times, that were most blest with it. Psal. 147. 19, 20. He sheweth his Word unto Jacob, his Statutes and his Judgment unto Israel; he hath not dealt so with any Nation, and as for his Judgments they have not known them.

2. That the same dispensation is to be Preach'd indifferently to all where it comes, as far as the sound can reach. And thus it was very much extended in the first promulgating of the Gospel; their sound went out through all the earth, as the Apostle allusively applies that of the Psalmist.

3. This teaches also Ministers, liberally to sow this Seed at all times, according to that, Eccl. 11. 6. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand, &c. Praying earnestly to him, that is, the Lord, not only of the Harvest, but of the Seed time, and of this Seed to make it fruitful; this is his peculiar work. So the Apostle acknowledges, 1 Cor. 3. 6. I have planted, Apollo's watered, but God gave the increase.

4. Hence we also learn, the success to be [Page 246] very different. This is most evident in men; one cast into the mould and fashion of the Word, and so moulded and fashioned by it; another no whit changed; one heart melting before it, another still hardned under it.

So then, this is not all, to have the Word and hear it, as if that would serve turn, and save us (as we commonly fancy) The Tem­ple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord: Multitudes under the continual sound of the Word, yet remain lifeless and fruitless, and die in their sins, therefore we must enquire, and examine strictly, what becomes of it, how it works, what it brings forth? and for this very end, this Parable declares so many a [...]e fruitless. We need not press them, they are three to one here; yea, that were too narrow, the odds is far greater, for these are but the kinds of unfruitful grounds, and un­der each of these huge multitudes of indivi­duals, so that there may be a hundred to one, and it is to be feared, in many Congregations, it is more than so.

Whence is then the difference? Not from the Seed, that is the same to all; not from the Sower neither, for though these be divers, and of different abilites, yet it hangs little or no­thing on that. Indeed, he is the fittest to Preach that is himself most like his Message, and comes forth not only with a handful of this Seed in his hand, but with store of it in his heart, the Word dwelling richly in him; yet how­soever, the Seed he sows, being this Word of [Page 247] Life, depends not on his qualifications in any kind, either of common Gifts, or special Grace. People mistake this much, and it is a carnal conceit to hang on the advantages of the Minister, or to eye that much, the sure way is to look up to God, and to look into thine own heart; an unchang'd unsoft­ned heart, as an evil Soil, disappoints the Fruit. What though sowen by a weak hand, yea, possibly a foul one, yet if received in a clean and honest heart, it will fructifie much. There is in the World a needless and prejudi­cial differencing of men, out of which peo­ple will not come for all we can say.

The first bad ground is a High-way. Now we have a Commentary here, whence we may not, nor will not depart, it is authen­tick and full. Ver. 19. They that understand not, gross brutish Spirits, that perceive not what is said, are as if they were not there, sit like Blocks, one Log of Wood upon another, as he said. This is our Brutish multitude, what pity is Lapi [...] super Lapidem in Theatro. it to see so many, such as have not so much as a natural apprehension of Spiritual Truths? The common Road of all Passengers, of all kind of foolish brutish thoughts, seeking no­thing but how to live, and yet know not to what end, have no design, trivial, High-way hearts, all tentations pass at their pleasure, prophane as Esau, which some Criticks draw from a word signifying the threshold, the outer step that every foul foot treads on.

These retain nothing, there is no hazard [Page 248] of that, and yet the Enemy of Souls, to make all sure, lest peradventure some word might take root unawares, some Grain of this Seed, he is busie to pick it away; to take them off from all reflexion, all serious thoughts, or the remembrance of any thing spoken to them. And if any common word is remem­bred, yet it doth no good, for that is trodden down as the rest, though the most is pickt up, because it lies on the Road. So exprest by St. Mark 4. 4.

The second is Stony ground. Hard hearts, not softned and made penetrable, to receive in deeply this ingrafted word with meekness, with humble yieldance and submission to it, the Rocks, yet in these there is often some re­ceiving of it, and a little slender moisture above them, which the warm air, may make spring up a little; they receive with Joy, have a little present delight in it, are moved and taken with the Sermon, possibly to the shed­ding of some tears, but the misery is, there is a want of depth of Earth; it sinks not.

No wonder if there is some present delight in these, therefore the Word of the Kingdom, especially if skilfully and sensibly delivered, by some more able Speaker. Let it be but a fancy, yet it is a fine pleasant one, such love as the Son of God to die for Sinners, such a rich purchase made as a Kingdom, the Word of the Kingdom, such Glory and Sweetness, therefore the description of the new Jerusa­lem, Apoc. 21. Suppose it be but a Dream, [Page 249] or one of the Visions of the Night, yet 'tis passing fine; it must needs please a mind that heeds what is said of it. There is a natural delight in Spiritual things, and thus the word of the Prophet, as the Lord tells him, was as a Minstrels voice, a fine Song so long as it lasts, but dies out in the air; it may be, the relish and air of it will remain a while in the Imagination, but not long, even that wears out, and is forgot. So here it is heard with Joy, and some is springing up presently, they commend it, and it may be, repeat some passages, yea, possibly desire to be like it, to have such and such Graces as are re­commended, and upon that think they have them, are presently good Christians in their own conceit, and to appearance some change is wrought, and it appears to be all that it is, but it is not deep enough, they talk possi­bly too much, more than those whose hearts receive it more deeply; there it lies hid lon­ger, and little is heard of it. Others may think it is lost, and possibly themselves do not perceive that it is there, they are exercised and humbled at it, and find no good in their own hearts; yet there it is hid, as David says, Thy Word have I hid in my heart. And as Seed in a manner dies in a silent smothering way, yet it is in order to the fructifying, and to the reviving of it, it will spring up in time, and be fruitful in its season; with patience, as St. Luke hath it, of the good ground; not so suddenly, but much more surely and solidly.

[Page 250]But the most are presentany Mushrome Chri­stians, soon ripe, soon rotten, the Seed goes never deep, it springs up indeed, but any thing blasts and withers it; little root in some, if Trials arise, either the heat of Persecution without, or a Tentation within; this sudden Spring seed can stand before neither.

Oh Rocky hearts! How shallow, shallow, are the Impressions of Divine things upon you? Religion goes never farther than the upper surface of your hearts, few deep thoughts of God, and of Jesus Christ, and the things of the World to come, all are but slight and transient glances.

The third is Thorny-ground. This relates to the Cares and Pleasures, and all the Interests of this Life. See St. Mark 4. 1. and St. Luke 8. 5. All these together are the Thorns, and these grow in hearts that do more deeply receive the Seed, and send it forth, and spring up more hopefully than either of the other two, and yet choak it. Oh! the pity.

Many are thus almost at Heaven, so much desire of Renovation, and some endeavours after it, and yet the Thorns prevail. Misera­ble Thorns! The base things of a perishing life drawing away the strength of affections, sucking the sap of the Soul. Our other Seed and Harvest, our Corn and Hay, our Shops and Ships, our Tradings and Bargains, our Suits and Pretensions for Places and Employ­ments of Gain or Credit, Husband, and Wife, and Children, and House, and Train, [Page 251] our Feastings and Entertainments, and other Pleasures of Sense, our Civilities and Com­plements; and a world of those in all the World are these Thorns, and they overspread all. The lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.

And for how long is all the advantage and and delight of these? Alas! that so poor things should prejudice us of the rich and blessed increase of this Divine Seed.

The last is good Ground. A good and honest heart; not much fineness here, not many questions and disputes, but honest simplicity, sweet sincerity, that is all, a humble single desire to eye, and to do the will of God, and this from love to himself. This makes the Soul abound in the fruits of Holiness, receiving the Word as the ground of it; different de­grees are indeed, some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred fold, yet the lowest aiming at the highest, not resting satisfy'd; yet grow­ing more fruitful, if thirty last year, desiring to bring forth sixty this.

This is the great point, we ought to exa­mine it, for much is sowen and little brought forth; our God hath done much for us, what more could be done? Yet when Grapes were expected, wild Grapes produced, what be­comes of all? Who grow to be more spiri­tual, more humble and meek, more like Christ, more self-denying, fuller of love to God, and one to another? Some, but alas! few. All the Land is sowen, and that plen­tifully, [Page 252] with the good Seed: But what comes for the most pa [...]t? Cockle and no Grain. In felix lolium.

We would do all other things to purpose, and not willingly lose our end; not Trade and gain nothing; buy and sell, and live by the loss; not plow and sow, and reap nothing. How sensible do we feel one ill year, and shall this alone be lost Labour, that well im­prov'd were worth all the rest? Oh! how much more worth than all? Shall we only do the greatest business to the least purpose? Bethink your selves, what do we here? why come we here? if we still remain as proud and passionate, and as self-will'd as before, what will all great Bargains, and good Years, and full Barns, avail within a while? That word, Thou Fool, this night shall they fetch away thy Soul, how terrible will it be?

We think we are wise in not losing our labour in other things? why, 'tis all lost, even where most gained. What amounts it to: Cast up: Vanity and vexation of Spirit is the total sum; and in all our projecting and bussling, what do we but sow the Wind, and reap the Whirl-wind? Sow Vanity, and reap Vexation?

This Seed alone being fruitful, makes rich and happy, springs up to eternal life▪ Oh that we were wise, and that we would at length learn to hear every Sermon as on the utmost edge of time, at the very brink of Eternity, for any thing we know for our [Page 253] selves, or any of us may be really so; however, it is wise and safe to do as if it were so. Will you be perswaded of this? It were a happy Sermon if it could prevail, for the more fruitful hearing of all the rest henceforward: we have lost too much of our little time; and thus, with the Apostle, I beseech you, I beseech you, receive not the grace of God in vain.

Now that you may be fruitful, examine well your own hearts, pluck up, weed out, for there are still Thorns, some will grow, but he is the happiest man that hath the sharpest eye, and the busiest hand, spying them out, and plucking them up. Take heed how you hear, think it not so easie a matter. Plow up, and sow not among Thorns, Jeremiah 4.

And above all Pray, Pray before, after, and in hearing, dart up desires to God, he is the Lord of the Harvest, whose influence doth all; the difference of the Soil makes indeed the difference of success, but the Lord hath the priviledge of bettering the Soil. He that framed the heart, changes it when and how he will. There is a curse on all grounds natu­rally, that fell on the Earth for mans sake, but fell more on the ground of mans own heart within him: Thorns and Briars shalt thou bring forth. Now 'tis he that denounc'd that Curse, that alone hath power to remove it, he is both the Soveraign owner of the Seed, and changer of the Soil, turns a Wilderness into Carmel by his Spirit; and no ground, no heart, can be good till he change it.

[Page 254]And being changed, much care must be had still of manuring, for still that is in it, that will bring forth many Weeds; is a Mother to them, and but a Step-mother to this Seed. Therefore

Consider it, if you think this concerns you; [...]e that hath an ear to hear, as our Saviour closes, let him hear. The Lord apply your hearts to this work, and though discourage­ments arise without, or within, and little present Fruit appear; but Corruption is ra­ther stronger and greater, yet watch and pray, wait on, it shall be better, this Fruit is to be brought forth with patience, as St: Luke hath it. And this Seed, this Word, the Lord calls by that very name, the very Word of his patience; keep it, hide it in thy heart, and in due time it shall spring up. And this patience shall be put to it but for a little while, the day of Harvest is at hand, when all in any measure fruitful in Grace, shall be gathered into Glory.


2 Cor. VII. 1. Having therefore these promises (dearly be­loved) Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.’

IT is a thing both of unspeakable sweetness and usefulness for a Christian, often to consider the excellency of that estate to which he is called. It cannot fail to put him upon very high resolutions, and carry him on in the divine ambition of being daily more sui­table to his high calling, and hopes; Therefore, these are often set before Christians in the Scripture, and are prest here by the Apostle upon a particular occasion of the avoidance of near Combinements with Unbelievers. He mentions some choice promises that God makes to his own people, and of their near Relati­tion to, and communion with himself. And upon these he enlarges and raises the exhorta­tion to the universal indeavour of all holi­ness, and that as [...] hi [...]

[Page 256]In the words are. 1. The Thing to which he would perswade. 2. The Motive. The Thing, Holiness in its full extension and in­tension, Purging our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

The purging out of filthiness and perfecting of holiness exp [...]est, (as usually they are di­stinguisht) those two parts of renewing grace, Mortification and Vivification. But I conceive they are not so truely different parts as a diffe­rent notion of the same thing, the decrease of sin, and increase of grace being truely one thing, as the dispelling of darkness, and aug­menting of Light: So here the one rendred, as the necessary result, yea, as the equivalent of the other; the same thing indeed, purging from filthiness, and in so doing perfecting ho­liness; perfecting holiness, and in so doing purging from filthiness. That Perfection, by which is meant a growing progressive advance towards perfection.

The words without straining gives us as it were the several dimensions of Holiness. The breadth purging all filthiness; the length pa­rallel to Mans composure, running all along through his Soul and Body, purging filthi­ness of the flesh and spirit; the highth per­fecting holiness; the depth, that which is the bottom whence it rises up, a deep impress of the fear of God. Perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Cleanse our selves] It is the Lord that is [Page 257] the sanctifier of his people, he purges away their dross and tin, he pours clean water, according to his promises, yet doth he call to us to cleanse our selves, even having such promises, Let us cleanse our selves. He puts a new life into us, and causes us to act, and excites us to excite it, and call it up to act in the progress of sanctification. Men are strangely inclined to a perverse construction of things, tell them that we are to act, and work, and give diligence, then they would fancy a doing in their own strength, and be their own Saviours: Again, tell them that God works all our works in us, and for us, then they would take the ease of doing no­thing; if they cannot have the praise of do­ing all, they will sit still with folded hands and use no diligence at all. But this is the corrupt logick of the flesh, its base sophistry. The Apostle reasons just contrary, Phil. 2. 12. It is God that worketh in us, both to will and to do; Therefore would a carnal heart say, we need not work, or at least, may work very carelesly. But he infers, Therefore let us work out our Salvation with fear and trembling, in the more humble obedience to God, and dependance on him, not obstruct­ing the influences of his Grace, and by sloth, and negligence provoking him to withdraw or abate it. Certainly many in whom there is truth of grace, are kept low in the growth of it, by their own slothfulness, sitting still▪ and not bestirring themselves, and exercising [Page 258] the proper actions of that spiritual Life, by which it is entertained and advanced.

From all filthiness.] All kind of sinful pol­lutions; not as Men commonly do reform some things, and take to themselves dispensa­tions in others, at least in some one peculiar sin, their Mistress and their Herodias, their Dali­lah. No parting with that, yea, they rather forego many other things, as a kind of com­position for the retaining of that.

Of flesh and spirit.] The whole Man must be purified and consecrated to God, not on­ly refined from the gross outward acts of sin, but from the inward affection to it, and mo­tions of it, that so the heart go not after it, Psal. 131. Which under restraints of out­ward committing sin, it may do, and very of­ten does, as the Israelites lusted after the flesh pots, their hearts remained in Egypt still, though their bodies were brought out. This is then to be done, affection to sin to be purged out, that is to cleanse the ground, not only to lop off the branches, but to dig about, and loosen and pluck up the root, though still fibers of it will stick, yet we ought still to be finding them out, and plucking them up.

Further, These not only of the inner part of all sins, but of some sins that are most or wholly inward, that hang not much on the body, nor are acted by it, those filthinesses of the Spirit that are less discerned then those of the Flesh, and as more hardly discerned, so when discerned, more hardly purged out▪ [Page 259] Pride. Selflove, Unbeleif, Curiosity, &c. Which though more retired and refined sins, yet are pollutions and defilements, yea of the worst sort, as being more spiritual, are filthinesses of the Spirit. Fleshly pollutions are things of which the Devil's not capable in themselves, though they excite Men to them, and so they are cal­led unclean Spirits, but the highest rank of sins, are those that are properly Spiritual wickednesses. These in Men are the chief strengths of Satan, the inner works of these forts and strongholds, 2 Cor. 10. 4.

Many that are not much tempted to the com­mon gross sensualities, have possibly (though an inclination to them) yet a kind of disdain; and, (through education, and morality, and strength of reason, with somewhat of natu­ral conscience) are carried above them; who yet have many of these heights, those lofty imaginations that rise against God, and the obedience of Christ, all which must be de­molisht.

Perfecting holiness.] Not content with low measures so much as keeps from Hell. But aspiring towards perfection, aiming high at self victory, self denial, and the love of God, purer and hotter, as a fire growing and flam­ing up, and consuming the Earth. Though Men fall short of their aim, yet it is good to aim high, they shall shoot so much the higher, though not full so high as they aim, thus we ought to be setting the state of per­fection in our eye, resolving not to rest con­tent [Page 260] below that, and to come as near it as we can, even before we come at it, Phil. 3. 11. 12. This, to act as one that hath such a Hope, such a State in view, and is still ad­vancing towards it.

In the fear of God] No working but on firm ground, no solid endeavours in holiness where it is not founded in a deep heart, a reverence of God, a desire to please him and to be like him, which springs from Love.

This most Men are either strangers to wholly, or are but slight and shallow in it, and therefore make so little true progress in holiness.

Then there is the motive, having these Promi­ses.] Being called to so fair an estate, so ex­cellent a condition to be the people, yea, the Sons and Daughters of God, therefore they are called to the coming forth from Babel, and the separating themselves from sin, and purging it out, holiness is his Image in his Children, the more of it the more suitable to that blessed Relation, and Digni­ty, and the firmer are the hopes of the in­heritance of Glory.

Consider Sin as a filthiness, hate it. Oh, how ugly, and vile is lust, how deform­ed is swelling Pride, and all sin is an aver­sion from God, a casting the noble Soul in­to the mire, the defacing all its beauty. Turning to present things it pollutes it self with them, that he who was clad in scarlet [Page 261] embraces the dunghil, as Jeremy in another sense laments.

Purity of things is an unmixture and sim­plicity corresponding with their own being, and so is the Soul when elevated above the Earth, and Sense, and united unto God, con­templating him, and delighting in him, all inordinate bent to the Creatures, or to it self, (which is the first and main disorder) doth defile and debase it. And the more it is sublim'd and freed from it self the pu­rer, and more heavenly it grows, and par­takes the more of God, and resembles him the more.

This then to be our main study, first to search out our iniquities, the particular de­filements of our Nature, not only gross fil­thinesses, Drunkenness, Lasciviousness, &c. But our love of this Earth, or of Air, or Vanity of mind, our Self will and Self-seek­ing. Most, even of Christians, are short sigh­ted in their own secret evils, the filthinesses of Spirit especially; and use little dili­gence in this enquiry, they do not seek Light from God, to go in before him, and to lead them into themselves, as the Prophet had in the discovery of Idolatries at Jeru­salem. Oh, that we could once see what heaps of abominations lie hid in us, one be­hind another.

Then having searcht out, we must follow on, to purge out, not to pass over, nor spare any, but to delight most in casting [Page 262] out the best beloved sin, the choicest Idol, that hath had most of our service and sacrifices, to make room for Jesus Christ.

And never cease in this work, for still there is [...]eed of more purging, one dayes work in this, disposes for, and engages to a further, to the next; for as sin is purged out Light comes in, and more clear discoveries are made of remaining pollutions. So then still, there must be progress, less of the World, and more of God in the heart every day. Oh, this is a sweet course of Life, what gain, what preferment, to be compared to it?

And in this 'tis good to have our ambiti­on growing, the higher we rise, to aspire still the higher, looking farther than before, even toward the perfection of holiness; it is not much we can here attain to, but sure, 'tis commonly far less than we might, we improve not our condition, and advantages as we might do, the world is busie driving forewards their designs, Men of spirit are animated, both by better, and worse success; if any thing miscarry, it sets them on the more eagerly to make it up in the right ma­nagement of some other design, and when they prosper in one thing, that enables and incourages them to attempt further, shall all things seem worth our pains? are only Grace and Glory so cheap in our account, that the least diligence of all goes that way? Oh! strange delusion!

[Page 263]Now our cleansing is, to be managed by all holy means: Word and Sacrament more wisely and spiritually used than commonly with us; and private Prayer, that purifies and elevates the Soul, takes it up into the Mount, and makes it shine; and particularly supplicating for the Spirit of holiness, and victory over sin, is not in vain, it obtains its desires of God, the Soul becoming that which it is fixedly set upon, Holy resoluti­on; Christians much wanting in this, faint and loose in their purposes: The considera­tion of Divine Truths, the mysteries of the Kingdom, the hope of Christians, yea rich and great Promises, that is particularly here the motive, these are all the means, holy means; they are as their end is the perfection of holiness.

Having these Promises.] Now consider whe­ther it is better to be the Slaves of Satan, or the Sons of God, measure delight in God, with the low base pleasures of sense. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God; these gradually go on together, and are perfected together.

Why then is there such an invincible love of sin in the hearts of Men, at least why so little love of holiness, and endeavour af­ter it, so mean thoughts of it, as a thing either indecent or unpleasant, when 'tis the only noble, and the only delightful thing in the World, the Soul by other things is drawn below it self, but by holiness it [Page 264] is raised above it self, and made Divine. Plea­sures of sin for a season, the pleasure of a moment exchanged for those of Eternity: But even in the mean time, in this season, the Soul is fed with Communion with God, one hour of which is more worth than the longest Life of the highest of the Worlds delights.


Psal. CXIX. 32. I will run the way of thy Commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.’

TO desire ease and happiness, under a general representation of it, is a thing of more easie and general perswasion. There is somewhat in Nature to help the argument, but to find beauty in, and be taken with the very way of holiness that leads to it, is more rare, and depends on a higher principle. Self­love inclines a man to desire the rest of Love, but to love and desire the labour of Love, is love of a higher and purer strain. To delight, and be chearful in obedience, argues much love as the spring of it; that is the thing the holy Psalmist doth so plentifully express in this Psalm, and he is still desiring more of that sweet and lively affection that might make him yet more abundant in action. Thus here, I will run, &c. He presents his desire and purpose together, the more of this Grace thou be­stowest on me, the more service shall I be able to do thee.

This is the top of his ambition, while [Page 266] others are seeking to enlarge their Barns, their Lands, or Estates, or Titles, Kings to enlarge their Territories or Authority, to in­croach on Neighbouring Kingdoms, or be more absolute in their own; instead of all such Enlargements, this is David's great de­sire, An enlarged heart to run the way of Gods Commandments.

And these other (how big soever they sound) are poor narrow desires; this one is larger, and higher than them all, and gives evidence of a heart already large; but as it is miserably in those, 'tis happy in this, much would still have more.

Let others seek more Money, or more Honour. Oh the blessed choice of that Soul that is still seeking more Love to God, more affection, and more ability to do him service, that counts all days and hours for lost, that are not employed to this improve­ment, that hears the Word in publick, and reads it in private for this purpose, to kindle this love, or to blow the sparkable, if any there be already in the heart, to raise it to a clear flame, and from a little flame to make it burn yet hotter, and purer, and rise higher. But, above all means, is often pre­senting this in Prayer to him, on whose in­fluence all depends, in whose hand our hearts are, much▪ more than in our own; it follows him with this desire, and works on him by his own interest, though there can be really no accession of gain to him by our services; [Page 267] yet he is pleased so to account with us as if there were, therefore we may urge this: Lord give more, and receive more, I will run the way of thy Commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart:

We have here in the words a required dispo­sition, and a suitable resolution. The disposition relates to the resolution, as the means of fulfill­ing it, and the resolution relates to the disposition, both as the end of desiring it, and as the motive of obtaining it. The resolution occurs first in the words.

I will run, &c.] The way resolved on, is that of Gods Commandments, not the road of the polluted World, not the crooked ways of his own heart, but the High▪way, the Royal way, the straight way of the Kingdom, and that in the Notion of Sub­jection and Obedience, the way of thy Com­mandments. This man naturally struggles against and repines at, to be limited and bounded by a Law is a restraint, and a vain man could possibly find in his heart to do many of the same things that are command­ed, but he would not be ty'd, would have his liberty, and do't of his own choice. This is the enmity of the carnal mind against God, as the Apostle expresses it, it is not sub­ject to the Law of God, neither can it be; it breaks these Bonds, and casts away the Cords of his Authority. This is Sin, the transgression of a Law, and this made the first Sin so great, though in a matter one [Page 268] would think smal, the eating of the Fruit of a Tree; 'twas rebellion against the Ma­jesty of God, casting off his Law and Au­thority, and aspiring to an imagin'd Self-Deity. And this is still the treasonable Pride, or Independency, and Wickedness of our Nature, rising up against God that formed us of nothing.

And this is the power and substance of Re­ligion, the new Impress of God upon the heart, and Obedience and Resignment to him, to be given up to him as entirely his, to be moulded and ordered as he will, to be sub­ject to hi [...] Laws and Appointments in all things, to have every Action, and every Word, under a Rule and Law, and the pe­nalty to be so high, Eternal Death. All this to a carnal or haughty mind is hard; not only every Action and Word, but even every Thought too must be subject; not so much 2 Cor. 10. 5. as thought free, every thought brought into Cap­tivity, as the Apostle speaks. And so the Licentious mind accounts it, not only the Affections and Desires, but the very Reason­ings and Imaginations are brought under [...]. this Law.

Now to yield this as reasonable, and due to God, to own his Soveraignty, and to ac­knowledge the Law to be Holy, Just and Good, to approve, yea, to love it, even there where it most contradicts, and con­trouls our own corrupt Will, and the Law of Sin in our Flesh; this is true Spiritual Obe­dience, [Page 269] to study and enquire after the Will of God in all our ways, what will please him, and having found it, to follow that which is here called the way of his Com­mandments; to make this our way, and our business in the World, and all others things but Accessaries, and By-works; even those lawful things that may be taken in, and used as helps in our way. As the Disciples passing through the Corn pluckt the Ears, and did eat in passing, as a By-work, but their business was to follow their Master. And whatsoever would hinder us in this way, must be watched and guarded against; to reject that we must either remove and thrust it aside; or if we cannot do that, yet we must go over it, and trample it under foot, were it the thing, or the person that is dearest to us in the World; till the heart be brought to this state and purpose, it is either wholly void of, or very low and weak in the Truth of Religion.

We place Religion much in our accustom'd performances, to coming to Church, hear­ing and repeating of Sermons, and praying at home, keeping a road of such and such Duties. The way of Gods Commandments is more in doing than in discourse. In many, Religion evaporates it self too much out by the Tongue, while it appears too little in their ways. Oh! but this is the main, one Act of Charity, Meekness, or Humility, speaks more than a days discourse. All the [Page 270] means we use in Religion are intended for a further end, which if they attain not they are nothing. This end is to mortifie and pu­r [...]fie the heart, to mould it to the way of Gods Commandments in the whole tract of our lives, in our private converse one with another, and our retired secret converse with our selves, to have God still before us, and his Law our Rule in all we do, that he may be our meditation▪ Day and Night, and that his Law may be our Counsellour, as this Psalm hath it, to regulate all our Designs, and the Works of our Callings by it. To walk soberly, and godly, and righteously in this present World, to curb and cross our own Wills where they cross Gods, to deny our selves our own Hu­mour and Pride, our Passions and Pleasures, to have all those subdued, and brought under, by the Power of the Law of Love within us. This, and nothing below this, is the end of Religion. Alas! amongst multi­tudes that are called Christians, some there may be that speak and appear like it, yet how few are there that make this their business, and aspire to this, The way of Gods Commandments▪

His intended course in this way, he ex­presses by running; 'tis good to be in this way even in the [...]lowest motions, Love will creep where it cannot go. But if thou art so indeed, then thou wilt long for a swifter motion; if thou do but creep, be doing, creep on, yet desire to be enabled to go; [Page 271] if thou goest, but yet halting, and lamely, de­sire to be strengthned to walk straight, and if thou walkest, let not that satisfie thee, desire to run. So here David did walk in this way; but he earnestly wishes to mend his pace, he would willingly run, and for that end he de­sires an enlarged heart.

Some dispute and descant too much whe­ther they go or no, and Childishly tell their steps, and would know at every pace whether they advance or no, and how much they advance, and thus amuse themselves, and spend the time of doing, and going, in questioning and doubting. Thus it is with many Christians, but it were a more wise and comfortable way, to be endeavouring onwards, and if thou make little progress, at least to be desiring to make more; to be praying and walking. And praying that thou mayest walk faster, and that in the end thou mayest run, not satisfied with any thing attained, but yet by that unsatisfiedness not to be so dejected as to sit down, or stand still, but rather excited to go on. So it was with St. Paul, Philip. 3. 13. Forgetting these things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press forward. If any one thinks that he hath done well and [...]. run far, and will take a pause, the great Apostle is of another mind, Not as if I had attained. Oh no! far from that, he still sets forward, as if nothing were done, as a Run­ner, not still looking back how much he [Page 272] hath run, but forward to what he is to run, stretching forth to that, inflamed with fre­quent looks at the mark and end; some are retarded by looking on what is past, as not satisfy'd, they have done nothing as they think, and so stand still discontented; but even in that way, it is not good to look too much to things behind, we must forget them rather and press onwards.

Some, if they have gone on well, and possibly run a while, yet if they fall, then they are ready, in a desperate Malecontent, to lie still, and think all is lost; and in this peevish fretting at their falls, some men please themselves, and take it for Repen­tance, whereas indeed it is not that, but rather Pride and Humour; Repentance is a more submissive humble thing. But this is that which troubles some men, at their new falls, especially if after a long time of even walking or running (as they think) their project is now spoiled, their thoughts are broken off, they would have had some­what to have rejoiced in, if they had still gone on to the end, but being disappointed of that, they think they had as good let alone, and give over. Oh! but the hum­ble Christian is better taught, his falls teach him indeed to abhor himself, they discover his own weakness to him, and empty him of Self-trust, but they do not dismay him to get up and go on, not boldly and carelessly forgetting his fall, but in the humble sense [Page 273] of it walking the more warily, but not the less swiftly; yea, the more swiftly too, making the more haste to regain the time lost by the fall. So then if you would run in this way, depend on the strength of God, and on his Spirit, leading thee, that so thou mayest not fall, and yet if thou dost fall, arise; and if thou art plunged in the mire, go to the Fountain opened for Sin and Uncleanness, and wash there, bemoan thy self before thy Lord; and if hurt, and bleeding by thy fall, yet look to him, desire Jesus to pity thee, and bind up, and cure thy Wound, washing off thy Blood, and pouring in of his own.

However it is with thee, give not over, faint not, run on; and that thou mayest run the more easily and expeditely, make thy self as light as may be, lay aside every weight, Heb. 12. 1, 2. Clog not thy self with un­necessary burdens of Earth, and especially lay aside that, that of all other things weighs the heaviest, and cleaves the closest; the Sin that so easily besets us, and is so hardly put off us, that folds so connaturally to us, and we therefore think will not hinder us much. And not only the Sins that are more out­ward, but the inner close-cleaving Sins, the sin that most of all sits easily to us, not only our Cloak, but our inner Coat, away with that too, as our Saviour says in another case, and run the race set before us, our appointed Stage, and that with patience, under all op­positions, and discouragements from the World [Page 274] without, and Sin within. And to encourage thee in this, look to such a Cloud of Wit­nesses that compasseth us about to further us; as Troubles, Tentations, and Sin, do to hin­der us, they encountered the like sufferings, and were encounter'd with the like sins, and yet they run on and got home. Alexander would have run in the Olympick Games if he had had Kings to run with; now in this race, Kings, and Prophets, and Righteous Per­sons run; yea, all are indeed a Kingly Gene­ration, each one Heir to a Crown as the prize of this Race.

And if these encourage thee but little, then look beyond them, above that Cloud of Witnesses, to the Son, the Son of Righteous­ness; looking off from all things here, that would either entangle thee▪ or discourage thee, taking thine eye off from them, and look­ing to him that will powerfully draw thee, and animate thee. Look to Jesus not only as thy Fore-runner in this Race, but also as thy Undertaker in it, the Author and Finisher of our Faith; his attaining the end of the Race is the pledg of thy attaining, if thou follow him chearfully on the same encourage­ments that he lookt to, who for the Joy that was set before him, endured the Cross, and de­spised the Shame, and is now set down at the Right Hand of God.

When thou shalt enlarge my heart.] In all be­ings, Nature is the principle of motion, and according as it is more or less perfect [Page 275] in its kind, those motions that flow from it, are more or less vigorous. Therefore hath the Psalmist good reason, to the end his Spi­ritual Course may be the stedfaster, and the faster, to desire that the principle of it, the heart, may be more enabled and disposed, which here he expresses by its being en­larged.

What this enlargement of the heart is, a mans own inward sense should easily explain to him; sure it would, did men reflect on it, and were they acquainted with their own hearts, but the most are not; they would find the Carnal natural heart, a narrow contracted hampered thing, bound with Cords and Chains of its own twisting and forging, and so incapable of walking, much less of running in this way of Gods Commandments, till it be freed and enlarged.

The Heart is taken generally in Scripture, for the whole Soul, the Understanding, and Will, in its several affections, and motions; and the speech being here of an enlarged heart, it seems very congruous to take it in the most enlarged sense.

It is said of Solomon, that he had a large heart (the same word that's here) as the sand of the Sea shoar; that is, a vast comprehensive Spirit, that could fathom so much of Nature, greater and lesser things. He spoke of Trees, from the Cedar in Lebanon, to the Hysop in the Wall, and of great Beasts, and small creeping things.

[Page 276]Thus I conceive, the enlargement of the heart compriseth the inlightning of the Understand­ing; there arises a clearer light there, to discern Spiritual things in a more Spiritual manner, to see the vast difference betwixt the vain things the World goes after, and the true solid delight that is in the way of Gods Commandments; to know the false blush of the pleasures of Sin, and what deformity is under that painted Mask, and not be allured by it; to have enlarged apprehensions of God, his excellency, and greatness, and goodness; how worthy he is to be obeyed and served. This is the great dignity and happiness of the Soul, all other pretensions are low and poor, in respect of this. Here then is enlargement to see the purity and beauty of his Law, how just and reasonable, yea, how pleasant and amiable it is, that his Commandments are not grievous, that they are Beds of Spi­ces, the more we walk in them, still the more of their fragrant smell and sweetness we find.

And then consequently, upon the larger and clearer knowledge of these things, the heart dilates it self in affection, the more it knows of God, still the more it loves him, and the less it loves this present World; Love is the great enlarger of the heart to all obedi­ence. Then nothing is hard, yea, the harder things become the more delightful.

All love of other things doth pinch and contract the heart, for they are all narrower [Page 277] than it self, it is framed to that wideness in its first Creation, capable of enjoying God, though not of a full comprehending him; therefore all other things gather it in, and straighten it from its natural size, only the Love of God stretches and dilates it, he is large enough for it, yea, it, in its fullest en­largement, is infinitely too narrow for him. Do not all find it, if they will ask themselves, that in all other loves and pursuits in this World, there is still somewhat that pinches? The Soul is not at its full size, but as a Foot in a straight Shoe, is somewhere bound and pained, and cannot go freely, much less run, though another that looks on cannot tell where, yet each one feels it. But when the Soul is set free from these narrow things, and is raised to the love of God, then is it at ease, and at large, and hath room enough; 'tis both elevated and dilated. And this word sig­nifies both a high raised Soul, and is sometimes taken for proud and lofty, but there is a great­ness and height of Spirit in the Love of God, and Union with him, that doth not vainly swell and lift it up, but with the deepest hu­mility, joins the highest and truest Magnani­mity; it sets the Soul above the Snares that lie here below, in which most men creep and are intangled, in that way of life that is on high to the Just, as Solomon speaks.

Good reason hath David to join these to­gether, and to desire the one as the spring and cause of the other. An enlarged heart, that [Page 278] he might run the way of Gods Command­ments.

Sensible Joys and Consolations in God, do encourage and enlarge the heart, but these are not so general to all, nor so constant to any. Love is the abounding fixed spring of ready Obedience, and will make the heart chearful in serving God, even without those felt comforts, when he is pleased to deny, or withdraw them.

In that course or race, is understood con­stancy, activity, and alacrity, and all these flow from the enlargement of the heart:

  • 1. Constancy: A narrow enthralled heart, fetter'd with the love of lower things, and cleaving to some particular sins, or but some one, and that secret, may keep foot a while in the way of Gods Commandments, in some steps of them, but it must give up quickly, is not able to run on to the end of the Goal, but a heart that hath laid aside every weight, and the most close-cleaving and besetting sin, as it is in that place to the Hebrews, hath stript it self of all that may faulter or intangle it, it runs, and runs on, without fainting or wea­rying, 'tis at large, hath nothing that pains it in the race.
  • 2. Activity: Not only holding on, but running, which is a swift nimble race; it stands not bargaining and disputing, but once knowing Gods mind, there is no more questi­on or demur. I made haste and delayed not, as in this Psalm, the word is, Did not stay up­on, [Page 279] why, and wherefore, he stood not to reason the matter but run on. And this love, en­larging the heart, makes it abundant in the work of the Lord, quick and active, dis­patching much in a little time.
  • 3. Alacrity: All done with chearfulnes, so no other constraint is needful, where this over­powering sweet constraint of love is; I will run, not be hail'd, and drawn as by force, but skip and leap, as the Evangelick promise is, that the Lame shall leap as an Hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desart, Isaiah 35. 6. The Spouse desires her Beloved to hasten as a Roe and Hind on the mountains of Spices, and she doth so, and each faithful Soul runs towards him, to meet him in his way.

It is a sad heavy thing to do any thing as in obedience to God, while the heart is straightned, not enlarged towards him by his Divine Love, but that once taking pos­session, and enlarging the heart, that inward principle of obedience, makes the outward obedience sweet, 'tis then a natural motion; indeed, the Soul runs in the ways of God as the Sun in his course, which finds no difficul­ty, being naturally fitted and carried to that motion, he goes forth as a Bridegroom, and re­joiceth as a strong man to run a race.

This is the great point that our Souls should be studious of, to attain more even­ness, and nimbleness, and chearfulness, in the [Page 280] ways of God, and for this end we ought to seek above all things, this enlarged heart; 'tis want of this makes us bog, and drive heavily, and run long upon little ground. Oh! my Beloved, how shallow and narrow are our thoughts of God? Most (even of those that are truly Godly) yet are led on by a kind of instinct, and carried they scarce know how, to give some attendance on Gods Worship, and to the avoidance of gross Sin, and go on in a blameless course; 'tis better thus, than to run to excess of Riot, and open Wicked­ness, with the Ungodly World. But, alas! this is but a dull, heavy, and Languid mo­tion, where the heart is not enlarged by the daily growing Love of God; few, few are acquainted with that delightful Contempla­tion of God, that ventilates and raises this flame of Love, petty things bind and con­tract our Spirits, so that they feel little joy in God, little ardent active desire to do him Service, to Crucifie Sin, to break and undo Self-love within us, to root up our own Wills to make room for his, that his alone may be ours, that we may have no Will of our own, that our daily work may be to grow more like him in the Beauty of Holiness. You think it a hard saying to part with your Car­nal Lusts, and Delights, and the common ways of the World, and to be ty'd to a strict exact Conversation all your days. But oh! the reason of this is, because the heart is yet straightned, and enthralled by the base Love [Page 281] of these mean things, and that is from the ignorance of things higher and better. One glance of God, a touch of his love will free and enlarge the heart, so that it can deny all, and part with all, and make an entire renoun­cing of all, to follow Him; it sees enough in Him, and in Him alone, and therefore can neither quietly rest on, nor earnestly desire any thing beside Him.

Oh! that you would apply your hearts to consider the excellency of this way of Gods Commandments; our wretched hearts are prejudiced, they think it melancholy and sad. Oh! there is no way truly joyous but this. They shall sing in the ways of the Lord, says the Prophet. Do not Men when their eyes are opened see a beauty in Meekness, and Tem­perance, and Humility, a present delightful­ness and quietness in them, whereas in Pride, and Passion, and Intemperance, there is no­thing but vexation, and disquiet. And then consider the end of this way, and this race in it, rest and peace for ever, 'tis the way of peace both in its own nature, and in respect of its end. Did you believe that Joy and Glo­ry that is set before you in this way, you would not any of you defer a day longer, but forthwith you'd break from all that holds you back, and enter into this way, and run on chearfully in it, the perswasion of these great things above would enlarge and greaten the heart, and make the greatest things here very little in your eyes.

[Page 282]But would you attain to this enlarged heart for this race; as you ought to apply your thoughts to these Divine things, and stretch them on the promises made in the Word, above all, take Davids course, seek this en­largement of heart from Gods own hand, for it is here propounded and said before God by way of request, see what is my de­sire, I would gladly serve thee better, and advance more in the way of thy Commandments. Now this I cannot do till my heart be more en­larged, and that cannot be but by thy hand, When thou shalt enlarge my heart. Present this suit often, 'tis in his power to do it for thee he can stretch and expand thy straitened heart, can spread and hoyse the Sails within thee, and then carry thee on swiftly; filling them not with the vain air of Mans applaufe, which readily run a Soul upon Rocks and splits it, but with the sweet breathings and soft gales of his own Spirit, that carry it straight to the desired Haven.

Findest thou Sin cleaving to thee, and clog­ging thee, cry to him, help Lord, set me free, from my narrow heart, I strive but in vain without thee, still it continues so, I know little of thee, my affections are dead and cold towards thee, Lord I desire to love thee, here is my heart, and least it fly out, lay hold on it, and take thine own way with it, though it should be in a painful way, yet draw it forth, yea draw it that it may run after thee. All is his own working, and all his motive is [Page 283] his own free Grace. Let who will fancy them­selves Masters of their own hearts, and think to enlarge them by the strength of their own stretches of speculation; they alone, they a­lone are in the sure and happy way of attaining it, that humbly suit and wait for this enlarge­ment of heart from his hand that made it.


Rom. VIII. 33, 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect? It is God that justifieth, &c.’

OTher Men may fancy and boast as they please, but there are none in the World but the Godly alone, that are furnisht with sufficiency, strong supports and comforts a­gainst all possible hazards, and of these doth the Apostle treat most freely, sweetly, and plentifully, in this Chapter. He secures Be­lievers in their Christ, touching these two great evils. After Condemnation, and present Affliction, that the one cannot befal them, and the other cannot hurt them.

For their immunity from the former, they have the clear Word of the Gospel, and the Seal of the Spirit; and that former Privi­ledg made sure, as the far greater, doth se­cure the other as the lesser.

They are freed from Condemnation, and not only so, but entitled and insured to a Kingdom, and what hurt then can affliction do, yea it doth good, yea not only, it can­not [Page 285] rob them of their Crown, but it carries them on towards it, is their High way to it, if we suffer with him, we shall also be glori­fied together. Yea, all things to the Children of God do prove advantage; severally ta­ken, in their present sense, they may seem evil, but taken jointly in their after issue, their working together are all for good. In their simple Nature possibly they are Poison, yet contempered and prepared, they shall prove Medicinal▪ All these things are against me, said old Jocoh, and yet he lived to see even all these were for him. The Children of God are indeed so happy, that the harshest things in their way change their nature, and become sweet and profitable. This much by their Prayers, that have a Divine Incanta­tion in them, they breath forth the expres­sions of that their Love to God, by which they are Character'd, them that Love God. And that is put on their hearts, the impres­sion of his Love to them, to which they are here led, by the Apostle, as to the Spring­head of all; all their Comforts and Privi­ledges flow thence, yea, all their Love, and their Faith, appropriating those Comforts and Priviledges. Yea, the very Treasury of all together, Jesus Christ himself is the free Gift of this free Love; he as the greatest as­certains all things besides an unspeakably less, verse 32.

These two are such mighty Arguments, that no difficulty nor grief can stand before [Page 286] them. The Love of God. He is with us, who then against us? All the World it may be, but that all is nothing, once it was no­thing, it was that God, that is our God that loves us, and is for us, that made it some­thing, and if he will, it may again be no­thing; and as it is at its best, it is nothing be­ing compared with an other gift that he hath bestowed on us, and having bestowed that, sure if there be any thing in this World can do us any good we shall not want it. He that spared not his own Son, but gave him to the Death for us, will he not with him give us all things?

And to close all, he makes these two great Immunities good to us in Christ; he fixes there, we are freed from all fear of Condem­nation, or of being hurt by Affliction. No Ac­cusation nor Guiltiness can Annul the Righte­ousness of Christ, and that is made ours; no Distress nor Suffering can cut us off from the Love of God; and if it cannot do that, we need not fear it, all other hazards are no ha­zard, that being sure.

And in confidence of this, the Apostle gives the Defiance, casts a Challenge to An­gels, to Men, to all the World, upon these two points. Who shall Accuse? Who shall Separate? Accuse to God, or Separate from him. Whatsoever times may come, the hard­est that any can apprehend, or foretel, i [...] these two be not sufficient furniture against them, I know not what is.

[Page 287]Men are commonly busied about other events concerning them and theirs, what shall become of this or the other, and what if this or that fall out, but the Conscience once rai­sed to this enquiry, the Soul being awake to discern the hazard of Eternal Death, all other fears and questions are drowned and lost in this great Question. Am I Condemned or not? Is my Sin Pardon'd or no?

And then a satisfying Answer received con­cerning this, all is quiet, the Soul reposes sweetly on God, and puts all its other con­cernments into his hands. Let him make me poor and despised, let him smite and chastise me, he hath forgiven my Sin, all is well. That burden taken off, the Soul can go light, yea, can leap and dance under all other bur­dens▪ Oh! how it feels it self nimble, as a man eased of a load that he was even faint­ing under. Oh! Blessed the man whose Sin is taken off, lifted from his shoulders, that's the word, Psal. 32. 1. laid over upon Christ, who could bear the whole load, and take it away, take it out of sight, which we could never have done, they'd have sunk us for ever. That one word [...], Jo. 1. signifies both, and answers to the two, Isai. 53. He hath born our grief, and carried our sorrows; lifted them away. Oh! how sweet a bur­den, instead of this, is that ingagement of Obedience and Love to him, as our Redeem­er, and that is all he lays on us; if we follow him, and bear his Cross, he is our strength, [Page 288] and bears both it and us. So then this is the great point, the hearts ease to be De­livered from the Condemning weight of Sin.

And certainly, while men do not think thus, their hearts have very slight impressi­ons of the truth of these things. I fear the most of us scarce believe this condemnation to come, at least very shallowly, and so they cannot much consider the deliverance from it provided to us in Jesus Christ. I cannot see how 'tis possible for a heart perswaded of these, to be very careful about any thing beside; you that eat and drink, and labour, and trade, and bestow all your time, ei­ther in the pains, or the pleasures of this Earth, what think you of Eternity? Is it a light thing for you to perish for ever? After a few days vainly spent, to fall under the Wrath of God for ever? Oh! that you would be perswaded to think on these things.

And you that have an interest in this free and blessed estate, why are your Spi­rits so cold? So infrequent in the thoughts of it? Why are you not rejoicing in the Lord? Glading your selves in secret when you remember this? Go the World as it will, my Sin is forgiven me; mistake me, accuse me who so will, my God hath acquitted me in his Christ, and he loves me, and lives to inter­cede for me.

Methinks I hear some say, Ay, they that [Page 289] could say that might be merry indeed; but, alas! I have no such assurance. Who can lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect? That's true, but here is the great point of so hard a reso­lution, am I one of these?

That the Apostle doth thus specifie the owners of this Consolation, by this high and hidden Character of their Election, is not to render it doubtful and dark, for his main aim on the contrary is, both to extend it, as far as it can go, and to make it as clear as may be, to all that have interest in it, but he designs them by the Primitive Act of Love fixing on them, so as it is now mani­fested to them in the subsequent effects, that flow from the Elect called and sanctified, and conformed to Jesus Christ, both by his Spirit within them, and the Sufferings that without arise against them in the World; such, as being the Sons of God, are led by the Spirit of God, and walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

And these things indeed considered as their Characters, the stamp of God on them, the impressions of their Election to life, do check the vain confidence of all Carnal Ungodly Professors of the Name of Christ, and tell them that their pretended Title to him is a meer Delusion; certainly, whosoever lies in the love of Sin, and takes the Flesh for his guide, that accursed blind guide is leading him into the Pit. What gross folly and im­pudence is it for any man, walking in the [Page 290] Lusts of his own heart, to fancy and aver himself to be a Partner of that Redemption, whereof so great a p [...]t is to deliver us from the power of our Iniquities, to renew our hearts, and re-unite them to God, and possess them with his love.

The great Evidence of thy Election is Love. Thy love to him gives certain testi­mony of his precedeing Eternal Love to thee, so are they here designed, they that love God; thy chusing him is the effect and evi­dence of his chusing thee. Now this is not la­borious, that needs to be disputed amidst all thy frailties; feel the pulse of thine affection, which way beats it, and ask thy heart whether thou love him or not, in this thou hast the Character of thy Election.

Know you not that the redeemed of Christ and he are one, they live one life, Christ lives in them, and if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his, as the Apostle declares in this Chapter. So then, this we are plainly to tell you, and consider it; you that will not let go your Sins to lay hold on Christ, have as yet no share in him.

But on the other side: The truth is, that when Souls are once set upon this search, they commonly wind the Notion too high, and subtilize too much in the Dispute, and so entangle and perplex themselves, and drive themselves further off from that com­fort that they are seeking after; such mea­sures [Page 291] and marks of Grace, they set to them­selves for their Rule and Standard, and unless they find those without all Controversie in themselves, they will not believe that they have an interest in Christ, and this blessed and safe estate in him.

To such I would only say, Are you in a willing league with any known sin? Yea, would you willingly, if you might be sa­ved in that way, give up your self to Vo­luptuousness and Ungodliness, and not at all desire to follow Jesus Christ in the way of Holiness? Then truly, I have not any thing as yet to say for your Comfort, only there is a Salvation provided, and the door is yet open, and your heart may be chang­ed. But on the other side, are the desires of thy Soul after Christ, whole Christ, to be Righteousness, and withal Sanctification to thee? Wouldst thou willingly give up thy self to be ruled by him, and have him thy King? Handst thou rather chuse to suf­fer the greatest Affliction for his sake, to Honour him, than commit the least Sin to displ [...]ase him? Doth thy Heart go out af­ter him, when thou hea [...]est him spoke of? Dost thou account him thy T [...]easure, so that all the World sounds but as an empty Shell to thee, when he is named? Says thy Soul within thee, Oh! that he were mine? And, oh! that I were his, that I could please him, and live to him? Then do not toss thy Spirit, and jangle and spin [Page 292] out thy thoughts in fruitless, endless doubt­ings, but close with this as thy Portion, and be of good Comfort, thy sins are, or will be forgiven thee.

I add yet further, if thou sayest yet, that thou findest none of all this, yet I say there is warrant for thee, to believe and lay hold on this Righteousness here held forth, to the end that thou mayest then find those things in thee, and find comfort in them. Thou art convinc'd of Ungodliness, than believe on him that justifies the Ungodly, thou art Condem­ned, yet Christ is dead and risen, fly to him as such, as the Lamb slain, he that was dead and is alive, and then say, who is he that Condemneth? It is Christ that died, or ra­ther that is risen. Who shall Accuse? 'Tis true they may clamour and make a noise, both Satan and thy Conscience, but how can they fasten any Accusation on thee? If they dare Accuse, yet they cannot Condemn, when the Judg hath acquitted thee, and declared thee free, who is greater than all, and hath the absolute power of the Sentence; all Charges, and Libels come too late after he hath once pronounc'd a Soul Righteous. And who shall Condemn, it is Christ that died, if the Sentence of the Law be brought forth? Yet here's the answer, It ought not to be twice sa­tisfied; now once it is in Christ, he hath died, and that stands for the Believer. Whosoever flies to him, and lays hold on him for life, he cannot die again; nor canst thou die, for [Page 293] whom he died once, or rather is risen; that raises the assurance higher, and sets it firmer, for this evidences that in his death all was pay­ed, when he being the Surety, and seized on for the Debt, and once Deaths Prisoner, yet was set free. This clears the matter that there is no more to be said, and yet further, in sign that all is done, he is raised to the height of Honour above all Principalities and Powers, is set at the right hand of the Father, and there he sits and lives to make Intercession, to sue out the fulfilling of all for Believers, the bringing of them home, lives to see all made good that he Died and Covenanted for; so now his righteousness is thine that believest, any challenge must meet with Christ first, and if it seize not on him, it cannot light on thee, for thou art in him, married to him. And the same triumph that he speaks, Isaiah 50. 8. whence these words are borrowed that is made thine, and thou mayest now speak it in him. I know not what can cast him down that hath this word to rest upon, and to com­fort himself in.


Rom. VIII. 35, &c. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecu­tion or [...]amine, or nak [...]dness, or peril, or sword? &c.’

IS this he that so lately cry'd out, O wretch­ed Man that I am! Who shall deliver me? That now triumphs, O happy Man! Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

Yes, tis the same. Pained then with the thoughts of that miserable conjunction, with a Body of Death, and so crying out, who will deliver? Who will separate me from that now? Now he hath found a Deliverer to do that for him, to whom he is for ever united, and he glories now in his inseparable Union, and unalterable Love, that none can divide him from; yea, it is through him, that pre­sently after that word of complaint he praises God, and now in him he triumphs. So vast a difference is there betwixt a Christian ta­ken in himself, and in Christ, when he views himself in himself, then nothing but wretched, [Page 295] and wretched, a polluted perishing Wretch; but then he looks again, and sees himself in Christ, and there he's rich, and safe, and happy, he triumphs, and he glories in it above all the painted Prosperities, and against all the hor [...]id Adversities of the World, he lives in his Christ content and happy, and laughs at all Enemies.

And he extends his triumph, he makes a common good of it to all Believers, speaks it in their name, who shall separate us, and would have them partake of the same confi­dence, and speak in the same stile with him. It is vain that men fancy these to be expressi­ons of Revelations, or some singularly privi­ledg'd Assurances, then they would not suit their end, which is clearly and undoubtedly the encouragement of all the Children of God, upon grounds that are peculiar to them from all the rest of the World, but common to them all, in all Ages, and all varieties of condition.

It is true, all of them have not a like clear and firm apprehension of their happy and sure estate, and scarce any of them are alike at all times, yet they have all and always the same right to this estate, and to the com­fort of it, and when they stand in a right light to view it, they do see it so, and rejoice in it.

There be indeed some kind of assurances that are more rare and extraordinary, some immediate glances, or co [...]uscations of the love [Page 296] of God upon the Soul of a Believer; a smile of his Countenance, and this doth exceeding­ly refresh, yea, ravish the Soul, and enables it mightily for Duties and Sufferings. These he dispenses arbitrarily and freely where and when he will; some weaker Christians sometimes have them, while stronger are strangers to them, the Lord training them to live more contented­ly by Faith till the day of Vision come.

And that is the other, the less ex [...]atical, but the more constant and fixed kind of assu­rance, the proper assurance of Faith, the Soul by believing cleaves unto God in Christ as he offers himself in the Gospel, and thence is possest with a sweet and calm perswasion of his love, that being the proper work to appropriate him, to make Christ, and in him Eternal Life, ours; so 'tis the proper result and fruit of that its acting, especially when it acts any thing strongly to quiet the Soul in him. Then being Justified by Faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and from that Peace, Joy; yea▪ even glorying in Tribulation, as there follows. And these springing not from an extraordinary sense or view, but from the very innate Vertue of Faith working kindly, and according to its own Nature.

Therefore many Christians do prejudice their own Comfort, and darken their Spirits, by not giving freedom to Faith, to act ac­cording to its Nature and proper Principles; they will not believe till they find some evi­dence, [Page 297] or assurance, which is quite to invert the order of the thing, and to look for Fruit without settling a Root for it to grow from.

Would you take Christ upon the absolute word of promise tendring him to you, and rest on him, so this would ingraft you into life it self, for that he is, and so those Fruits of the Holy Ghost would bud and flourish in your hearts; from that very believing on him, would arise this perswasion, yea, even to a gloriation, and an humble boasting in his love, who shall accuse, who shall condemn, who shall separate.

The undivided Companion, and undoubted Helper and Preserver of this confidence of Faith, is an active love to Christ, a constant study of Holiness, and strife against Sin, which is the grand enemy of Faith, that ob­structs the very Vital Spirits of Faith, that makes it sickly and heavy in its actings, and causes the Palsie in the hand of Faith, that it cannot lay so fast hold. Therefore this you would be careful of, yea, know that of ne­cessity it attends Faith, and as Faith grows, Holiness will grow, and Holiness growing will mutually strengthen and establish Faith; the Comforts of the Holy Ghost are holy puri­fying Comforts, and the more the Soul is puri­fy'd, and made holy, the more is it cleared and enlarged, to receive much of these Comforts. Blessed are the pure heart, they shall see God; Unholiness is as damps and filthy mists in the Soul, it darkens all.

[Page 298]Hence it is evident in what way Christians may and ought to aspire to this Assurance, it is their Portion, and in this way they are to aspire to it, and shall find it, if not presently, yet let them wait and go on in this way, they shall not miscarry.

Again it appears, that this assurance is no enemy to Holy Diligence, nor friend of Car­nal Security; on the contrary, it is the only thing that doth eminently ennoble and em­bolden the Soul for all adventures and services. Base fears and doubtings, wherein some place much of Religion, and many weak Christians seem to be in that mistake, to think it a kind of holy spiritual temper to be questioning and doubting. I say, these base fears can never produce any thing truly generous, no height of obedience, they do nothing but en­tangle and disable the Soul for every good work, perfect love casts out this fear, and works a sweet unperplexing fear, a holy wariness not to offend, which fears nothing else. And this confidence of Love is the great secret of Comfort, and of Ability to do God service. Nothing makes so strong and healthful a Con­stitution of Soul as pure Love, it dares submit to God, and resign it self to him, it dare ven­ture it self in his hand, and trust his word, and seeks no more but how to please him. A heart thus composed, goes readily and chearfully unto all services, to do, to suffer, to live, to die, at his pleasure, and firmly stands to this, that nothing can separate it [Page 299] from that which is sufficient to it, which is all its happiness, the love of God in Christ Jesus.

That is indeed his love to us, but so as it includes inseparably the inseparableness of our love to him; for observe the things specify'd as most likely, if any thing, to separate us; Shall tribulation, distress, &c. Now these espe­cially, being endured for his sake, cannot im­mediately have any likely Visage of altering his love to us, but rather confirm us in it; but these shall not separate us neither, by al­tering our love to him, by driving us from him, and carrying us into any way of defecti­on, or denial of his Name, and so cut us off from our union with him, and interest in his love; and that is the way wherein the weak Christian will most apprehend the hazard of Separation. Now the Apostle speaks his own sense, and would raise in his Brethren the same confidence as to that danger.

No fear; not one of these things shall be able to carry us away; these mighty Waves shall not unsettle our Faith, nor quench the flame of our Love, we shall be Victors and more, in all, but how? Through him that hath loved us.

This his love makes sure ours, he hath such hold of our hearts as he will not let go, nor suffer us to let go our hold; all is fast by his strength. He will not lose us, nor shall any be able to pluck us out of his hand.

Jesus Christ is the Medium of this love, the [Page 300] middle link that keeps all safe together be­twixt God and Man, so close united in his personal Nature, and the persons of men in and by him, to the Father. So here it is first called the love of Christ, and then in the close, the love of God in Christ, the Soul first carry'd to him as nearest, but so carry'd by him into that Primitive Love of God that flows in Christ, and that gave even Christ to us as before. And this is the bottom truth, the firm ground of the Saints perseverance, which men not taking aright, must needs question the matter, yea, may put it out of question up­on their suppositions; for if our own purposes and strength were all we had to relie on, alas! how soon were we shaken.

So the love of God in Christ is not only here mentioned as the point of happiness from which we cannot be removed, but as the principle of firmness that makes it self sure of us, and us of it, and will not part with us.

Now it is no pride in a Christian, but the truest humility to triumph and glory in this. This is it that makes all sure; this is the great comfort, and the victory of the Saints.

He that loved us, and bought us so dear, will not lightly slip from us, yea, upon no terms will he let us go, unless some stronger than he is, meet with him, and by force bereave him of us; which we know is impossible. He and his Father, who are one in themselves, and in their strength, and one in this love, [Page 301] are greater and stronger than all; and he that once overcame for us, always overcomes in us.

Thus he lets tentations and tribulations as­saule us, and this neither unargues his love, nor endangers his right to us; yea, it doth but give proof and evidence of the Invincible firmness of both. He suffers others to lie soft, and sit warm, and pamper their flesh at lei­sure, but he hath nobler business for his Cham­pions, his Worthies, and most of all for the stoutest of them, he calls them forth to ho­nourable Services, to the hardest Encounters he sets them on, one to fight with Sickness, another with Poverty, another with Re­proaches, and Persecutions, with Prisons, and Irons, and with Death it self; and all this while, loves he the less, or they him? Oh! No, he looks on and rejoices to see them do Valiantly, 'tis the Joy of his heart, no sight on Earth so sweet to him; and 'tis all the while by his subduing, and in his strength, that they hold out in the Conflict, and obtain the Conquest.

And thus they are the more endeared to him by these Services, and these Adventures of love for him, and he still likewise is the more endeared to them; certainly the more any one suffers for Christ, the more he loves Christ, as love doth grow and engage it self by all it does and suffers, and burns hotter by what it encounters and overcomes, as by few­el added to it, as to Jesus Christ by what he [Page 302] suffered for us we are the dearer to him, so he is to us by all we suffer for his sake.

Love grows most by opposition from others whosoever, when it is sure of acceptance, and the correspondence of mutual love in the party loved. Above all this heavenly Divine Love is strong as Death, a vel [...]ement flame, a flame of God indeed, as the word is, and many waters cannot quench it, not all these that here follow one another, Tribulation, Distress, Persecution, Famine, Nakedness, Peril, Sword, yea, in the midst of these, I say, it grows; the Soul cleaves closer to Christ, the more at­tempts are made to remove it from him, though killed all the day long. (This passage from the Psalm, is most sit both to testifie, that Persecution is not unusually the lot of the Saints, and to give instance of their firm ad­herence to God in all troubles, as the Church there professeth, and if the Saints in that dis­pensation could reckon in such a manner, much more ought Christians, upon a clearer discovery of the Covenant of Grace, and their union with God in Christ.) The Saints are as in a common Butchery in the World, yet not only as Sheep for the Slaughter, but sometimes as Sheep for the Altar, men think­ing it as Sacrifice. They that kill you (says our Saviour) shall think they do God service; yet even this pulls not from him, they part with life; Ay, why not, this life is but a death, and he is our life for whom we lose it.

[Page 303]All these do but increase the victories and triumphs of Love, and make it more glori­ous; as they tell of her multiplying labours to that Champion they are not only Conquerors, but more than Conquerors, by multiply'd Victories, and they gain in them all both more honour, and more strength; they are the fitter for new adventures, and so more than simple Conquerors. We overcome, and are sure not to lose former Conquests, but to add more, and Conquer on to the end, which other Conquerors are not sure of; oftentimes they out-live their own Successes and Renown, and lose on a sudden what they have been gaining a whole life time; not so here. We are secured in the Author of our Victories, 'tis through him that hath loved us, and he cannot grow less, yea, shall still grow greater, till all his Enemies be made his Footstool.

Having given the Challenge, and finding none to answer, and that all, the most appa­rent, are in a most Rhetorical Accumulation silenced; Tribulation, Distress, Persecution, Fa­mine, Nakedness, Peril, Sword, &c. He goes on confidently in the triumph, and avers his assurance of full and final Victory against all imaginable power of all the Creatures, neither Death nor Life, nor the fear of the most ter­rible Death; nor the hope, or love of the most desirable life: And in the height of this Courage and Confidence, he supposes impossi­ble Enemies, Angels, Principalities, &c. un­less [Page 304] you take it of the Angels of Darkness only, but if it could be possible that the other should offer at such a thing, they would be too weak for it. No sense of any present things, or apprehensions of things to come, not any thing within the vast circle of the World above or below, nor any Creature can do it. Here Sin is not specify'd, because he is speaking of outward oppositions and difficul­ties expressly, and because that is removed by the former challenge, Who shall accuse? That asserting a free and final acquittance of all sin; a pardon of the curse, which yet will ne­ver encourage any of these to sin, that live in the assurance of this love. Oh! no, and these general words do include it too, Nothing present nor to come, &c. So it is carried clear, and is the satisfying comfort of all that Jesus Christ hath drawn after him, and united in his love.

'Tis enough, whatsoever they may be sepa­rated from, the things or persons dearest in this World, 'tis no matter, the Jewel is safe, none can take my Christ from me; and I safe in him, as his purchase, none can take me from him. And being still in his love, and through him in the Fathers love, that is suffici­ent. What can I fear? What can I want? All other hazards signifie nothing; how little value are they of? And for how little a while am I in danger of them? Methinks all should look on a Believer with an emulous eye, and wish his estate more than a Kings.

[Page] [Page] [Page 305]Alas! poor Creatures, rich men, great men, Princes and Kings; what vain things are they that you embrace and cleave to, whatsoever they be, soon must you part; can you say of any of them, who shall separate us? Storms may arise, and scatter Ships that Sail fairly together in fair weather; thou mayest be removed, by publick Commotions and Calamities, from thy sweet Dwellings, and Linquenda tellus & domus & placeus ux­or, &c. Societies, and Estates, &c. You may even live to see, and seek your parting. At last you must part, for you must die; then farewel Parks and Palaces, Gardens and Honours, and even Crowns themselves: then dearest Friends, Children, and Wife, must be parted with▪ And what hast thou left, poor Soul, that hast not Christ, but that which thou wouldst glad­ly part with and canst not. The condemning guilt of all thy Sins?

But the Soul that is in Christ, when other things are pull'd away, he feels little or no­thing, he cleaves to Christ, and these sepa­rations pain him not. Yea, when that great Separatist, Death, comes, that breaks all other unions, even that of the Soul and Body, yet so far is it from separating the Believers Soul from its Beloved Lord Jesus, that on the contrary, it carries it into the nearest union with him, and fullest enjoyment of him for [...]ver.


Isaiah LIX. 1, 2.

Behold, the Lords hand is not shortned that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear,

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God▪ and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

OUR vain minds are naturally fruitful in nothing more than in mistakes of God; for the most part we think not on him, and when we do it, we fancy him according to our own affections, which are wholly perverse and crooked.

Men commonly judg it a vain thing to spend much pains and time in Worshipping him, and if they are convinc'd in this, and tied to it by the profession of his Name, then they think all Religion is a Shell of external diligences and observances, and count it strange if this be not accepted. In the former Chap­ter we find this, in the Prophets contest with the people, about their Fasting, and their opinion of it; he cuts up their Sacrifices, and lets them see what was within, the skin was [Page 307] sound and look'd well, but being opened, the entrails were found rotten. And here he enters into another contest, against the Latent Atheism of their hearts; who after their man­ner of seeking God, not finding him, and not being delivered, are ready to think that he either cannot, or will not help, and rather rest on that gross mistake, than enquire into themselves for the true cause of their continu­ing Calamities; they incline rather to think 'tis some Indisposition in God to help, than what it truly is, a want of Reformation in themselves that hinder it. It is not likely that they would say thus, not speak it out in plain terms, no, nor possibly not speak it formally and distinctly within, not so much as in their thoughts, and yet they might have a confus'd dark conceit of this. And much of the Atheism of mans heart is of this fashion, not formed into resolv'd Propositions, but Latent Ezek. 8. Behind the Wall., in confus'd Notions of it, scarce discernable by himself, at least, not search'd out and dis­cerned in his own Breast; there they are, and he sees them not. Not written assertions, but flying fumes, filling the Soul, and hindering it to read the Characters of God that are writ upon the Conscience.

Impenitency of men, in any condition, and particularly under distress, is from the want of clear apprehensions, and deep perswasions of God, of his Just Anger provok'd by their Sin, and of his sweetness and readiness to for­give, and embrace a returning Sinner, his [Page 308] Soveraign power, able to rid them out of the greatest trouble, his Ear quick enough to hear the cries, yea, the least whispering of a hum­bled heart in the lowest deep of his sorrow, and his Arm long enough to reach them▪ and strong enough to draw them forth. He that comes unto God must believe that he is, says the Apostle. So certainly, he that believes that, must come; it will sweetly constrain him, he cannot but come that is so perswaded. Were mens hearts much imprest with that belief in all their troubles, they would eye men less, and God more, and without delay they would fasten upon the Churches resolution, Hosea 6. 1. Come and let us return unto the Lord, for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up, &c. And this is the very thing that the Prophet would here per­swade to by this present Doctrin; and having impleaded them guilty, he sets them a Copy of humble Confession, ver. 12. &c. Hence the frequent complaints in the Psalm, Why hidest thou thy self? So Psal. 22. 2. I cry, but no hearing.

In the words of these two Verses, these two things appear: A sad condition, and the true cause of it.

The condition, I think, I have reason to call sad; 'tis God hiding his face that he will not hear. This may be the personal estate of his Children, or the publick estate of his Church. From a Soul he hides his face, not so much in the withdrawing of sensible Com­forts, [Page 309] and sweet tastes of Joy, which to many are scarce known, and to such as do know them, commonly do not continue very long, but it is a suspension of that lively influence of his Divine power, for raising the mind to the Con­templation of him, and Communion with him in Prayer and Meditation, which yet may be, were those relishes and senses of Joy are not, and the returns of it appear in beating down the power of Sin, or abating and subduing it, making the heart more pure and heavenly, more to live by Faith in Christ, to be often at the Throne of Grace, and to receive gra­cious answers, supplies of wants, and assistan­ces against tentations. Now when there is a cessation and obstruction of these, and such like workings, the face of God is hid, the Soul is at a loss, seeks still and cannot find him whom it loveth. And in this condition, it cannot take comfort in other things, they are too low, 'tis a higher and nobler desire than to be satisfy'd, or diverted, with the Childish things, that even men delight in, that know not God, 'tis a Love sickness which nothing can cure, but the presence and love of the party loved; yea, nothing can so much as allay the pain, and give an interval of ease, or recover a fainting Fit, but some good word or look, or at least some kind message from him. Set thee in a Palace, and all delights about thee, and a Crown on thy Head, yet if his love has ceas'd on thy heart, these are all nothing without him. It was after David [Page 310] was advanc'd to his Kingdom, Psal. 30. And is in the Psalm of the Dedication of his Royal House, that he said, Thou hidst thy face, and I was troubled. All is dark, all the shining Mar­ble, and the Gold, and Azure, lose their lustre, when thou a [...]t not here dwelling with me.

And thus for the Church, God is the pro­per light, the beauty, the life of it, deck it with all this Worlds splendour, with all the dresses of pompous Worship, these are not its genuine beauty, and they provoke him, who is its ornament, (as is Jer. 2. 32.) to depart; but give it the native purity and beauty of holy Ministers, and Ordinan [...]es well regu­lated, yet even that is but a dead comeliness, proportion, and feature, without life, when God is absent.

And for matter of deliverances and work­ing for her, which is here the thing in hand, none can do any thing in that, not the wisest, nor the best of men, with all their combined Wit and Strength, when he retires and comes not forth, doth not shew himself on the be­half of his people, and work their works for them.

These have, it may be, some kind of Prayer possibly, they offer at extraordinaries, and yet obtain nothing, are not heard, the sadest note in all the Song of Lament. 3. 43, 44. Thou hast covered with anger, and persecuted us; thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied. Thou hast [...]overed thy self with a Cloud, that our Prayer [Page 311] should not pass through. Still, while that Door stands open, there is hope and remedy for other evils, but that being shut, what can a People, or a Soul expect, but growing trou­bles, one sorrow upon the back of another; yea, that is the great trouble, the hiding of his face, and refusing to hear. Observe Job 34. 29. When he giveth peace, who then can make trou­ble? Now the other in the same terms would have been, when he makes trouble who can give peace? But instead, 'tis, when he hides his face who then can behold him? No peace but in be­holding him; and nothing but trouble, that is the grand trouble, when he hides his face, and it is express'd, in both cases, whether it be Personal or National, whether against a Na­tion or a man only.

This is the thing wherein the strength of other troubles lie, that gives them weight, when they impart and signifie thus much, that the face of God is hid from a Soul or a People. We ought to enquire if this be not our con­dition at this time, hath he not hid his face from us? Are we not left in the dark, that we know not which way to turn us? Either we must sit still and do nothing, for if we stir we do but rush one upon another, as in dark­ness, contesting each to have the way, and yet when we have it given us, we know not well which way to go. And we think to be cleared, but it fails us, as in this Chapter, ver. 9. We wait for light but behold obscurity, for brightness, but we walk in darkness, we [Page 312] grope for the Wall as blind, and stumble at Noon day as in the Night, our Counsels strange­ly darkened, and no right understanding one of another. By all debates little or no clear­ing of things attained, but our passions are more enflamed, and parties are further off, the light of sound Judgment gone, and with it the heat of Love, instead of which that mi­serable Infernal heat, heat without light, mu­tual hatreds and revilings, both sides (verbally at least) agreeing in the general terms both of their desires and designs, and yet falling out about modes and fashions of them. And to say no more of Parties, the Enemies of Religion on both hands, right and left, in action and in power, and only those that love that, we conceive is the way of truth, stand­ing as a naked prey to whether of the two shall prevail. Desires and Prayers we have presented, and see as yet no appearance of an issue, but further confusions, even fasting to strife and debate. And where are there any that look like persons to stand in the gap, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or doubt­ing? Hearts are still as unhumbled, and lives as unreformed as ever, new intestine troubles are most likely to arise, few or none laying it to heart, and with calm lowly Spirits mourn­ing before God for it, Ephraim against Ma­nasseth, and Manasseth against Ephraim, and they both against Judah, and for all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

[Page 313]But generally men ought to be less in de­scanting one on another, and more in search­ing and enquiring each into himself, even where it may seem Zeal, yet Nature and Passi­on may more easily let in the other, but this Self-search and Self-censure, is an uneasie task, the most unpleasant of all things to our Carnal Self-loving hearts; but the heavy hand of God shall never turn from us, nor his gracious face turn towards us, till there is more of this amongst us. Most say their Prayers, and as they are little worth, they look little after them, enquire not what becomes of them. But M. B. would we continue to call, and find favourable answers, we must be more within, the heart made a Temple to God, wherein Sacrifices do ascend, but that they may be ac­cepted, it must be purged of Idols, nothing left in any corner, though never so secret, to stir the Jealousie of our God, who sees through all. O happy that heart, that is as Jacob's House purg'd, in which no more Idols are to be found, but the holy God dwelling there a­lone as in his holy Temple.

Behold, the Lords hand is not shortned, &c.] Much of all knowledg lies in the knowledg of causes, and in practical things much of the right ordering them depends on it; the true cause of a disease found out is half the cure. Here we have the miseries of an afflicted people reduced to their real cause; that which is not the cause is first removed. Behold the Lords hand is not shortned, &c.

[Page 314]We are not only to be untaught this errour that we think not so, but to be taught to be­lieve and think on that truth, that God is still the same in Power and Goodness, to keep up the notion of it in our hearts, so we may call in past experiences, and relations of Gods former workings for his people, and that with much use and comfort. He that brought forth his people out of Egypt with an out­stretched arm, as still they are reminded of that Deliverance by the Prophets, and called to look on it, as the great instance and pledge of their restorement by the same hand, can again deliver his people when at the lowest, Isai. 50. 2. where the like words to these.

And in this belief we shall not faint in the time of deep distress, our own, or the Churches; knowing the unalterable, invincible, infinite power of our God, that all the strength of all enemies is nothing, and less than nothing to his, their devices knots of straw. What is it that is to be done for his Church, if her and his glory be interested in it? There remains no question in point of difficulty, that hath no place with him. The more difficult, yea impossible for us, or any humane strength, the more fit work for him; because it is hard for you, shall it also he hard for me? saith the Lord in the Prophet. And where Jeremy uses that argument in Prayer, he hath his an­swer returned in the same words, as the Eccho to the Prayer, resounding from Heaven, Jer. 32. 17, 27. and that in relation to the great [Page 315] reduction of the Jews from Babylon, as is ex­pressly promis'd, ver. 36, 37, &c. And there the Prophet gives that first great example of Divine power, the forming of the World, ver. 17. Behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power.

Men think 'tis an easie common belief, and that none doubt of the Omnipotency of God. But oh! the undaunted confidence it would give to the heart, being indeed firmly be­liev'd, and wisely used and applied to parti­cular exigencies. Men either doubt, or which upon the matter, for the use of it is all one, they forget who the Lord is, when their hearts misgive them, because of the Churches weakness, and the Enemies power. What is that upon the matter? Remember whose is the Church, Gods, and what his power is, and then see if thou canst find any cause of fear, Isai. 41. 14, Fear not, thou Worm Jacob, and ye men few, or weak men of Israel. So the word is, I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the holy one of Israel. So Isai. 51. 12. I, even I am he, that comforteth you, (there is the strength of it) who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the Son of man, which shall be made as grass? And forgettest, ver. 13. the Lord thy Maker that stretched forth the Hea­vens, and laid the foundations of the Earth, &c. Do but think aright on him, and then see if it be possible for thee to fear. All thy little doubts and despondencies of mind will fly and [Page 316] vanish away before one clear thought of thy God. Though the World were turning up­side down, it shall go well with them that fear him.

And as this apprehension of God strengthens Faith, so it quickens Prayer, it stirs thee up to seek to him for help, when thou knowest and remembrest that there it is; there is help in him, power enough, and no want of readi­ness and good will neither, if we apply our selves to seek him aright, his hand is as strong to save, and his ear as quick to hear as ever, and in this that his ear is not heavy, is both signify'd his speedy and certain knowledg of all Requests sent up to him, and his gracious Inclination to receive them. Now these per­swasions do undoubtedly draw up the heart to­wards him.

Again, as they strengthen Faith and quicken Prayer, they teach us Repentance, direct us inward to Self-examination, to the searching, and finding out, and purging out of sin. When Deliverance is delayed, for we are sure it stops not upon either of these on Gods part, ei­ther shortness of his hand, or dulness of his ear. Whence is it then? Certainly it must be somewhat on our side that works against us, and prejudices our desires. So here, thus you see the clear aim of it, Behold the Lords hand is not shortned that it cannot save, nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear: What is it then that hinders? Oh! it is this, out of all doubt, Your Iniquities separate.

[Page 317]Old sins unrepented of, and new sins still added, as all unrepentant Sinners do; now this separates between you and God, for he is a Holy God, a Just God, hates In­ity, and between you and your God, that pleads no connivance at your sins, but rather nearer inspection, and sharper punishment, he will be sanctified in these that are near him, in them especially; their sin is greatned much by that relation, your God, to sin against him so grossly, so continuedly, with so high a hand, and so impenitent hearts, not reclaim'd by all his mercies, by the remembrance of his Covenant made with you, and mercies bestowed on you, nor by the fear of his Judg­ments threatned, nor by the feeling of them inflicted, no returning nor relenting, not of his own people to their God. Sure, you must be yet more punisht. You only have I known of all the families of the earth, there­fore will I punish you for all your Iniquities. I let others escape with many things that I cannot pass in you; you fast and pray it may be, you howl and keep a noise, but you amend nothing, forsake not one sin, for all your sufferings, and for all your moanings and cries; you would be delivered, but do not part with one of your Lusts, or wicked Customs, even for a Deliverance, and so the quarrel remains still.

'Tis that that separates, is as a huge Wall betwixt us, betwixt me and your Prayers, and betwixt you and my helping hand, and [Page 318] though I do hear and could help, yet I will not till this Wall be down; you shall not see me, nor find by any gracious sign that I hear you. This hides his face that he will not hear.

This way God hath establish'd in his ordi­nary methods with his people, though some­times he uses his own priviledg, yet usually he links Sin and Calamity together, and Repentance and Deliverance together.

Sin separates and hides his face, not only from a People that professes his Name, but even from a Soul that really bears his Name stampt upon it: Though it cannot fully, and for ever cut off such a Soul, yet in part, and for a time it may, yea to be sure, it will sepa­rate, and hide the face of God from them. Their daily inevitable frailties do not this, but either a course of careless walking, and many little unlawful liberties taken to them­selves, that will rise and gather as a Cloud, and hide the face of God. Or some one gross sin, especially if often reiterated, will prove as a firm Stone Wall, or rather as a Brazen Wall, built up by their own hands betwixt them and Heaven, and will not be so easily dissolved or broke down; and yet till that be, the light of his Countenance, who is the life of the Soul, will be eclipsed, and withheld from it.

And this consider'd, (besides that Law of Love that will forbid so foul Ingratitude, yet I say, this consider'd, even our own interest) [Page 319] will make us wary to sin, though we were sure not to be yet altogether separated from the love of God by it; yet if thou that hast any perswasion of that love, darest thou venture upon any known sin? Thou art not hazardless and free from all damage by it, if thou hast need of that argument to restrain thee, then before thou run upon't, sit down and reckon the expence, see what it will cost thee if thou do commit it, thou knowest that once it cost the heart blood of thy Redeemer to exp [...]ate it, and is it a light matter to thee; and though that paid all that score, nothing thou canst suffer being able to do any thing that way, yet as an unavoidable present fruit of it, it will draw on this damage. Thou shalt be sure for a time, it may be for a long time, possibly most of thy time, near all thy days it may darken much that love of God to thee, which if thou doest but esteem of, think on it, it changes not in him, but a sad change will Sin bring on thee, as to thy sight and apprehension of it; many a sweet hour of blest communion with thy God shalt thou miss, and either be dead, and stupid in that want, and mourn after him, and yet find thy self, and sighs, and tears hold out, the Door shut, yea, a dead Wall rais'd betwixt thee and him, and at best much straightning and pains to take it down again; contrary to other Walls and Buildings, that are far more easily pull'd down than built up, but this a great deal easier built up than pull'd down. [Page 320] True, thy God could cast it down with a Word, and 'tis his free Grace that must do't otherwise, thou couldst never remove it, yet will he have thee feel thy own handy work, and know thy folly. Thou must be at pains to dig at it, and may be cost thee broken Bones in taking it down, pieces of it falling hea­vy and sad upon thy Conscience, and crushing thee, as David cry'd out at that work, Psal. 51. for a healing Word from a God, Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce; it will force thee to say, O fool that I was, what meant I? Oh! it is good keeping near God, and raising no divisions. What are Sins? False delights, but make ado, and have ado, a man to provide his own vexation. Now this distance from God, and all this turmoil­ing, and breaking, and crying e're he ap­pear again, consider if any pleasure of sin can countervail this damage, sure when thou art not out of thy Wits, thou wilt never make such a bargain for all the pleasure thou must make out of any sin, to breed thy self all this pains, and all this grief, at once, to displease thy God, and displease thy self, and make a partition between him and thee. Oh! sweet and safe ways of Holiness, walking with God in his company and favour; he that orders his Conversation aright, he sees the loving kindness of the Lord, 'tis shewn to him, he lives in the sight of it.

But if any such separation is made, yet is [Page] [Page] [Page 321] it thy great desire to have it removed; why? there is hope. See to it, labour to break down, and pray to him to help thee, and he will put to his hand, and then it must fall, and in all thy sense of separation, look to him that brake down the middle wall, Eph. 2. There it is spoken of, as betwixt men, Jews and Gentiles, but so as it was also between the Gentiles, and God separated from his peo­ple, and from himself, ver. 16. to reconcile both to God in one Body. And ver. 18. Through him we have access by one Spirit to the Father. And then he adds, that they were no more strangers and foreigners, dwelling on the other side of the Wall, [...] as the Word is, but fellow Citizens, &c.

Oh! that we knew more what it were to live in this sweet Society, in undivided Fel­lowship with God. Alas! how little is un­derstood this living in him, separated from Sin, and this World, which otherwise do se­parate from him; solacing our hearts in his love, and despising the base muddy delights that the World admires, hoping for that new Jerusalem, where none of these Walls of Sin, nor any one Stone of them are, and for that bright day wherein there is no Cloud nor Mist, to hid our Sun from us.

Now for the condition of the Church Know this to be the great obstructer of its peace, making him to withdraw his hand, and hide his face, and to turn away his ear from our Prayers, and loath our Fasts, Isai. 1. [Page 322] 15. Jer. 14. 12. The quarrel stands, sin not repented and removed, the Wall is still stand­ing, Oaths, and Sabbath breaking, and Pride, and Oppression, and Heart burnings still re­maining. Oh! what a noise of Religion and Reformation, all sides are for the Name of it, and how little of the thing? The Gospel it self is despised, grown stale as trivial Doctrine. Oh! my Beloved, if I could speak many hours, without intermission, all my cry would be, Repent and pray. Let us search and try our ways, and turn unto the Lord our God. Oh! what Walls of every ones Sin are set to't! Dig diligently to bring down thine own, and for these huge Walls of publick National guil­tinesses; if thou canst do nothing to them more, compass them about as Jericho, and look up to Heaven for their downfal. Cry, Lord, these we our selves have reared, but without thee who can bring them down? Lord, throw them down for us, a touch of thy hand, a Word of thy mouth, will make them fall. Were we less busied in imperti­nencies, and more in this most needful work, it might do some good; who knows but the Lord might make his own way clear, and return and visit us, and make his face to shine that we might be saved.


A Catalogue of some Books, Prin­ted for Samuel Keble, and are to be Sold at the Great Turks-Head in Fleet-Street, over against Fetter-Lane end.

A Weeks Preparation Towards a Worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper.

Preparation to a Holy Life, or Devotion for Families and private Persons, by the Au­thor of the Weeks Preparations to the Sacrament.

A Collection of private Forms of Prayer out of the Common Prayer-Book, for Morn­ing, Noon, and Night, and other special occasions; being in a different Method from any former, by the Author of the Weeks Pre­paration to the Sacrament. Together with the Holy Feasts and Fasts, as they are observed in the Church of England Explained, and the Reasons why they are yearly Celebrated.

A Table to all the Epistles and Gospels in the Book of Common-Prayer, so that you may find any Text of Scripture, being con­tained in them. This Table may be put into your Common Prayer-Book without new binding.

Rules for our more Devout Behaviour in the time of Divine Service in the Church of England.

An Explanation of the Terms, Order, and Usefulness, of the Liturgy of the Church of England, by way of Question, and Answer, [Page] recommended to be learned after the Church Catechism.

God's Revenge against Murther, in thirty Tragical Histories, by John Reynolds.

Heresiography, or a Description of all He­resies and Sectaries of the latter times, by E. Pagit much enlarged.

The Innocent Lady.

The Interpretations of Dreams, by Arti­medorus.

Degrees of Marriage, that which is Or­dered to be had in all Churches.

The Book of Bertram the Priest, in English.

A Persuasive to the stricter Observation of the Lord's Day, in pursuance of His Majesty's Order and Direction to Preach, by Matthew Bryan, LLD.

The Education of young Ladies, and Gen­tlewomen, &c.

The new Youths Behaviour, containing First, His Duty towards God in Meditation and Prayers for Morning and Evening, with some short Rules for a good Life. Secondly Decency in Conversation amongst Men, &c.

Ogleby's Aesop. in Two Vol.

The Worth of a Penny, or a Caution to keep Money, &c.

Epictetus Enchiridion, made English in a Poetical Paraphrase, by E. W.


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